406Yada Yahowah





Qets | End of Time


The End is Near…

We have been regaled with essential insights into our past and have been introduced to what will be a troublesome time. We have expanded our horizons, being among the first to explore the parallel prophetic proclamations in Dany’el 8 and Yasha’yah 14, providing us with unparalleled understanding regarding the identity and methodology of the final Beast. His Babylonian origins and Roman Catholic associations have been explained such that we have met the enemy, and he is the god the religious are worshiping.

This serves to explain the greatest of all anomalies – why Yahowah is appreciated by as few as one in a million, while false gods are venerated by billions. Anticipating more favorable results, our mission is to press on, deeper into the prophecy, celebrating the realization that with additional understanding will come greater recognition and acceptance of Yahowah.

No doubt frustrated, and yet undaunted, God is ready to expand upon what He has previously shared. But first, He will properly position the players, presenting the men who will serve Him throughout this perilous time.

In this regard, I was initially perplexed by Dany’el’s propensity to describe the setting and witnesses in considerable detail prior to conveying the various segments of these somewhat repetitive visions. Additionally, I did 407not see the point of him continually expressing a desire to understand, especially when he was repeatedly told that this revelation would remain well beyond his grasp.

And yet, now that we are deeper into the process, I’ve come to realize that the individuals who have been called to explain what he was shown are essential to the story because they play important roles during the culmination of these events. Also, while the settings are mostly irrelevant, their names speak volumes.

By design, Dany’el would not be able to comprehend any of this. However, the methodology Yahowah wanted us to deploy to unravel the revelation is found within the expressed terminology. In other words, we are told how we should go about processing the clues which have been provided to explain what is going to occur.

However, having been misled regarding the nature of these witnesses, and believing that they were “angels,” theologians have overlooked Myka’el and Gabry’el in pursuit of identifying the Ram, Goat, Horns, and other Beasts. The world has remained unaware that these are actually titles describing men – one as great as they come and this other, his herald. Gabry’el and Myka’el were used to accurately describe these individuals without prematurely disclosing their identities.

As we explore the next four statements, these conclusions will become evident – with the last being particularly telling. Moreover, we will discover that bynah | discernment describes our methodology in unraveling these mysteries, which is to make the connections necessary to deduce relevant insights and understand.

And as I have shared, and Dany’el has painstakingly portrayed, those speaking to him are men who are especially relevant at this time, with one being exceptional. Myka’el | One Who is Truthful and Right About God is the final witness. He will be portrayed as a gerber | assertive 408and assured, bold and confrontational man while proclaiming Gabry’el’s arrival. And what we are about to discover is that Gabry’el | God’s Most Confident, Capable, Courageous, and Combative Individual is the greatest among us.

Should you be wondering, there is a reason that Dowd’s name was withheld and replaced by this title. It was not for Dany’el, or anyone until today, to know. Naming him, rather than describing him, would have given too much away.

The implications of what I’ve just shared are profound. They undermine, even obliterate, the foundational claims of Christianity and Islam – with Jesus’ miraculous birth allegedly heralded by Gabriel who is also credited with revealing the entirety of the Qur’an. More importantly, when we recognize God’s cast of characters, we know who to trust and who to avoid. So without further ado, this is Yahowah’s ongoing story as reported by Dany’el | Daniel…

“While I, Dany’el, was seeing and considering (wa hayah ba ra’ah ‘any Dany’el – then it came to be while I was being shown that My God is Judgmental, vindicating and condemning, and as I observed) the revelation (‘eth ha chazown – the prophetic communication), I desired and sought (wa baqas – I wanted to be responsible, to enquire about, investigate, and seek out (piel imperfect paragogic)) insights and understanding (bynah – discernment derived from making perceptive connections between the things which have been observed while exercising good judgment regarding what has been revealed leading to comprehension, thereby enabling systematic analysis and proper responses to life situations).

Then, behold (wa hineh – look closely, paying especially close attention), present and standing before me (‘amad la neged ‘any – taking a stand as a counterpart 409for me to approach, nearby to accuse some and sustain others) was someone who appeared like (ka mara’ah – someone whose appearance was consistent with; from mah – to ponder the implications of ra’ah – seeing, inspecting, perceiving, and observing) a confident and courageous man (geber – an especially capable and confrontational individual of character who confirms the message, a human being who is strengthened, enabled, and empowered to prevail, and who is an authorized and aggressive defender of God’s people; from gabar – overwhelmingly confident and assured, exceptionally capable, constantly confirming, and always prevailing, strengthened and empowered). (Dany’el 8:15)

I heard the voice (wa shama’ qowl – I listened to the sound of verbal communication) of this man (‘adam – of the descendant of ‘Adam and, thus, human being) providing understanding by making connections associated with (bayn – bringing it all together to reveal rational insights which lead to discernment and good judgment) ‘Uwlay | My Enriching Adventure (‘Uwlay – my empowering choice; from ‘uwl – to be prominent by being empowered and enriched, ‘ow – the preferred choice, ‘any – I am, and ‘uwlay – an initial adventure).

He called out to and invited (wa qara’ – he summoned and welcomed) Gabry’el | I Am God’s Most Confident and Capable, Courageous and Combative Man (wa Gabry’el – the Almighty’s exceptionally proficient and powerful defender, an exemplar of character who confirms the truth; a compound of ‘any – I am a geber – particularly strong and resolute human being, a capable and authorized individual, an aggressive and confrontational person, a fighter, defender, and protector who prevails with ‘el – Almighty God; from gabar – exceptionally proficient, absolutely assured, resolutely corroborative, tremendously powerful and great).

Then he said (wa ‘amar – and he (the geber | 410confident man) requested), ‘Explain the relationships which lead to understanding this revelation (byn la halaz ‘eth ha mar’eh – provide the insights and connections to comprehend this vision).’ (Dany’el 8:16)

So he arrived (wa bow’ – he (Gabry’el) came), positioning himself right beside me (‘omed ‘etsel ‘any).

But when he approached (wa ba bow’ huw’ – so when he arrived), I was overwhelmed (ba’ath – I was startled and surprised, anxious and trembling). And so I chose to fall on my face (wa naphal ‘al panah ‘any – I wanted to drop down, diminishing my presence (qal imperfect cohortative)).

Then he said to me (wa ‘amar ‘el ‘any – he (Gabry’el) spoke regarding me), ‘Descendant of ‘Adam (ben ‘adam – child of man), you should choose to use your ability to make the necessary connections to understand, learning how to closely examine and carefully consider the evidence while being discerning (byn – of your own volition, be especially observant and discriminating, deriving wisdom and insights through intelligent associations, then choose to study and teach in this manner) because, indeed (ky – surely and as a matter of emphasis, it is truthful, correct, and certain), the prophetic revelation (ha chazown – the communication from God) is for the end of time (la ‘eth qets – is for things which will occur near the completion of this period).’ (Dany’el 8:17)

So when he was speaking with me (wa ba dabar huw’ ‘im ‘any – while he was sharing his words with me (piel infinitive)), I fell into a deep sleep (radam – I lost awareness of my surroundings and situation (nifal perfect – Dany’el was responsible for falling asleep and was affected by his unconscious state at this time)) while my face was on the ground (‘al paneh ‘any ‘erets).

And yet, he continued to reach out through me (wa naga’ ba ‘any – he made contact with me, striking and 411slapping me (qal imperfect)) such that he propped me up and caused me to be upright (wa ‘amad ‘any – he encouraged and assisted me so that I could be present and accounted for in the future (hifil imperfect – he enabled Dany’el to be more like him, functioning as an understudy, participating in the ongoing process of taking a stand)), upon my assigned post (‘al ‘omed ‘any – with me in the proper position). (Dany’el 8:18)

He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Pay close attention to me (hineh ‘any – behold, be alert and observant because of who I am).

Yada will make this known so that you will be understood (yada’ ‘atah – Yada will be made aware of your prognostication, then be shown what needs to be revealed regarding you, engaging to become familiar with and acknowledge your discovery, comprehending then explaining what you have observed, realizing what you have revealed and then making it more broadly known (hifil participle masculine singular – Yada’ will engage on behalf of Dany’el’s revelation in a demonstrable and active pursuit of knowledge)).

As the final witness to the eternal testimony regarding the restoring appointments of the Mow’ed (ky la Mow’ed qets – indeed, as a witness to the last Mow’ed | Appointed Meeting in the end, explaining the concluding designated meeting of the scheduled assemblies to gather together and celebrate the agreement; from mow – this pertains to ‘ed – the eternal and restoring witness, everlasting testimony, and enduring evidence), he will literally and without hesitation or interruption convey (hayah – he will constantly and literally make available (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) the way to receive the benefits of the relationship (‘eth ‘asher – revealing the proper and narrow path to walk to get the greatest enjoyment out of life) in the distant future, during the last days, on behalf of the indignant remnant 412(ba ‘acharyth ha za’am – at the end of time, when most everyone is enraged, and on behalf of the final, displeasing, denounced, and defiant descendants).’” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Condemns, and Vindicates / Daniel 8:19)

Celebrating Taruw’ah in 2022, 21 years after Yahowah asked me to work with Him during this Mow’ed in 2001, and 7 years prior to the Taruw’ah Harvest of Covenant souls in 2029, I found myself having an out-of-body experience while contemplating the implications. I am being shown doing as Yasha’yah foretold, serving as the voice telling the world to prepare for Dowd’s return. But more than this, I am speaking to Dany’el 7 years from now even though the conversation was recorded nearly 2,600 years ago. And we are discussing what I’m doing at this very moment. Time is like putty in Yahowah’s hands.

While that is a lot to wrap one’s head around, it pales in comparison to the realization that Dowd, the Son of God and Messiah, the Prophet and King, is Gabry’el | God’s Most Confident and Capable, Courageous and Confrontational Man. On the occasion of his return, he is addressing what the remnant of Yisra’el must know to survive. Well actually, Dowd is doing what effective leaders must do when there are bigger battles to be fought. He is delegating, telling his sar | representative to inform Dany’el and his future audience what is going to occur so that they are prepared.

Since this is surprising, let’s be as clear as the title allows. Gabry’el was introduced by a geber because Dowd is God’s ultimate geber | a confident and capable man. Therefore, since a geber, by definition, cannot be a mal’ak | ‘angel,’ it is incumbent upon us to properly identify the individual being described as God’s most competent, courageous, capable, combative, and confrontational person – someone who knows what is happening and whose arrival is slated for this moment.

413Anyone who has read these books and studied the prophets recognizes the man being called Gabry’el. It is so obvious that it is hard to fathom how everyone has missed the point of this story.

In the end, and working with God, there will be two witnesses serving as heralds for the greatest of kings. On the opposing side, there will be countless millions of delusional religious fanatics, disingenuous political aspirants, and crazed conspiratorialists – all serving the Beast. It’s hardly a fair fight – but nonetheless they try. And while Team Satan will make a mess of things, after killing one another to the point of extinction, Yahowah has scheduled His version of the Great Reset.

As you have no doubt noticed, I was so caught up in this positioning of characters, and the explanations of their purpose, that I was unwilling to interrupt the flow to provide commentary. The fact is, the preceding five statements are related and inseparable.

Leading off with bynah | insights and understanding derived by making perceptive connections, the prophecy provides the process we must deploy to transition from knowing what was revealed to actually understanding it. With this as the object of our quest, we are introduced to a geber, a man who was ‘amad la neged | present at this time and place and who was resolved to discern the meaning of the revelation.

As a geber, this gentleman is depicted as courageous and capable. While human, he has been strengthened by God to prevail. He is confrontational and combative – characteristics which clearly appeal to Yahowah.

This geber is a qowl | vocal ‘adam | man to whom it would be wise to shama’ | listen. His stated purpose is to bayn | provide understanding. He will do so by making appropriate connections and by being discriminating and discerning, favoring judgment over unfounded opinions.

414Based upon the location, we know that ‘uwlay | the adventure he has undertaken has been mentally stimulating and enriching. The choices he is advocating are empowering and enlightening. He is speaking, of course, of the journey he has pursued by exploring Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets.

The geber is shown doing something no one considered prior to the Yada Yahowah series and these translations. He qara’ | is the lone voice calling out to welcome someone exceptional – Gabry’el | God’s Most Acclaimed Leader.

As a compound of geber and ‘el, Gabry’el | Gabriel denotes the arrival of our Messiah and King. He will, as the prophecy explains, return at this time to protect his people from a world at war. He is Yahowah’s most formidable fighter, combative, capable, and aggressive, authorized and resolute. In fact, in the next chapter, when Gabry’el is reintroduced, we are told that he is in the midst of draining the swamp of alligators – or more literally, he has been ridding the world of its militaries.

If you are wondering, since this is Dowd, why his name was not used, that question has been asked and answered. No one was supposed to know until now.

Logically, the voice calling out and announcing Dowd’s return recognizes that the most qualified prophet to explain who is going to do what to whom, why and when, is the one who has been assigned the responsibility of saving Yisra’el. So he asks Dowd to byn la halaz ‘eth ha mar’eh | to provide the insights and connections needed to understand this revelation. After all, the answers are found throughout his Mizmowr | Psalms – many of which pertain to his return during the last days.

In the Mizmowr, we discover that the Second Coming of Dowd will be “as God,” as “brilliant as the sun.” Therefore, as the glorious King of Yisra’el approached, 415Dany’el did a faceplant. In his own words, ba’ath | he was overwhelmed. And so to preclude this from happening to you, when time permits, prepare for his arrival by reading Coming Home.

Speaking to us, the Messiah said, “Children of ‘Adam (ben ‘adam), you should choose to use your ability to make the necessary connections to understand, learning how to closely examine and carefully consider the evidence while being discerning (byn).” Nothing is more enriching or enlightening.

Our Shepherd reminds us that this prophetic revelation is for the end of time – our time! It was not for Dany’el’s time, which may be why he fell asleep in the middle of Dowd’s declaration. It was not for him to know, but for us.

Dowd would, however, prop Dany’el up so that he would remain at his post, properly positioned in Babylon to document our future and Yahowah’s return for his people. Then…“He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Pay close attention to me and behold who I am (hineh ‘any).

Yada’, as the final witness to the eternal testimony regarding the restoring appointments of the final Mow’ed (ky la Mow’ed qets), will make this known so that you will be understood (yada’ ‘atah). He will literally and consistently convey (hayah) the way to receive the benefits of the relationship (‘eth ‘asher), doing so in the distant future, during the last days, on behalf of the indignant remnant (ba ‘acharyth ha za’am).”

The more we are attuned to Gabry’el | God’s Most Confident and Capable, Courageous and Confrontational Leader, the more we will be like him. And by following in Dowd’s footsteps, we will live productive lives, please our God, and endure forever at His side. When we listen to Dowd, we will bask in his brilliance and earn his respect – a noble idea since he will be our king.

416Should you be curious, other than in Dany’el 8 and 9, there is no mention of Gabry’el anywhere else in the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms. The only other Hebrew book to speak of him is Enoch, where he plays a starring role alongside Michael. Unfortunately for the myth, Enoch is about as credible as Harry Potter and Bilbo Baggins.

Since the erroneous projections of the titles Christ and Christian were derived from a misappropriation of Dany’el 9, we should not be surprised that an angel named Gabriel is said to have conveyed blessings upon “Mary.” This fanciful notion is responsible for the fables of the virgin birth, of a baby god being born, of Christmas, of visiting wise men from Babylon, and devotion to the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. And so, now that we know that Gabry’el is a man, “Jesus” is suddenly a more ordinary fellow dressed in myths to appear divine.

And speaking of myths, Luke took the bait and ran with it, having Gabriel meet with Zechariah, “John the Baptist’s” father, in addition to the “Virgin Mary.” It was another desperate attempt to turn “Jesus” into the Christian god. The entire episode as recorded in the 1st chapter of Luke has less credibility than the Odyssey.

And while that is really bad for Christianity, the problem is considerably worse for Islam. In order to elicit some credibility for what is clearly the worst book ever written, Muhammad would claim that it was dictated in its entirety by Gabriel. Oops.

Mormons, the laughingstocks of Christendom, claim that Gabriel and Noah were one and the same, and that he was a prophet in addition to a seafaring captain. Worse, Michael, whom Joseph Smith often confused with ‘Adam, also met with him, teaching ‘Adam and Eve about Jesus Christ during their days in the Garden – even baptizing them.

Though they should have known better, the rabbis 417have a Gabriel problem too. He has a prominent role as an archangel throughout Kabbalah literature.

The association of Gabry’el with Dowd was obvious. And since geber is one of a handful of Hebrew words for man, Gabry’el cannot be an “angel.” Further, since geber is directly related to and defined similarly as gibowr, all one has to do to verify the connection with Dowd is read an accurate translation of Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9.




As we move further into this prophecy, we will learn more about the identity of the Ram and the Goat as well as their respective Horns. And while that is important, in that it reveals the evolution of evil, so long as we capitalize upon what we have just observed, the wiles of man will be kept at bay.

Although much of what has been revealed occurred long ago, the horrible history of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome will be reprised, tormenting the world once again during the last days. And that makes everything we have learned about these Beasts relevant, with history poised to repeat itself.

With an eye to the past to envision our future, we read…

“The Ram (ha ayl – the leader of his flock, the dominant ruler; from ‘ayil – male lamb, upright pillar, doorpost, and leader who is ‘uwl – contemptuous, prominent, and wealthy) which you saw (‘asher ra’ah – that you observed) acting like a Lord while possessing (ba’al – the controlling owner of) the two horns (ha qerenym – the flashy hardheaded blowhards trumpeting their call to war) are the kings (melek – the rulers) of Maday | Media (Maday – Middle Land, a relatively small 418kingdom northwest of Persia, southwest of the Caspian Sea, and east of Assyria and Armenia) and (wa) Paras | Persia (wa Paras – Pure, located in today’s southwest Iran).” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Condemns, and Vindicates / Daniel 8:20)

Before we reflect upon Median and Persian history, keep in mind that this prophecy was witnessed by Dany’el in 553 BCE in Babylon. The Assyrians had been conquered by his captors 57 years earlier – which is why that former superpower wasn’t included in this prophecy.

As for the Medes, their kingdom was born out of the Assyrian defeat. And at this time, they were still a formidable influence within the region. However, within five years, Persia would conquer Media and within sixteen years, they would control Babylonia.

After the fall of the Assyrian Empire, between 616 and 609 BCE, the first Median State was formed. Along with Babylonia and Lydia, Media briefly became a power broker within Mesopotamia. It grew by annexing considerable territory, much of it coming as a result of its role in the capture of Nineveh.

As is often the case, Media couldn’t handle prosperity. The kingdom was conquered in 550 BCE by Cyrus the Great, thereby establishing the Persian Achaemenid Empire. Interestingly, however, during their brief flirtation with fame and fortune, the Medes, like the Roman Legions nearly a millennium later, marched to Mithras – the Unconquerable Sun.

Under Cyrus, who reigned from 559 to 530 BCE, the Persians defeated Lydia in 547 and Babylonia in 539. After moving his capital to Babylon, Cyrus expanded his empire to rule over significant portions of the ancient world.

By 500 BCE, and following the conquest of Egypt in 525 BCE, Persia stretched from the Indus Valley (running 419through today’s India, Pakistan, and China) to Thrace (comprised of portions of today’s Bulgaria, northwestern Turkey, and northeastern Greece), and from Macedonia in the west (which at the time stretched from the Adriatic to the Aegean and across the Balkans) to Libya, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and all of Turkey along the Mediterranean Sea. Cyrus controlled all of present-day Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, the northern rim of Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, as well as much of the Caucasus region around the Caspian Sea. The Persians ruled over two million square miles and forty million people – nearly half of the world’s population at the time.

Persia would be most noted for its antagonism toward the Greek city-states, its emancipation of Jewish slaves from Babylon, and its insistence on an official language, in their case, Aramaic. As we have learned, Persia was ultimately defeated by Alexander the Great following the Macedonian’s invasion in 334 BCE. The kingdom, which was then under the dominion of Darius III, was divided into the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the Seleucid Empire following Alexander’s death.

As was the case with Rome incorporating Greek philosophy, architecture, and religion after conquering them, Babylonia would leave its imprint on Persia. The Persians absorbed a host of Babylonian customs, similar to the way the Persians later inspired the Greeks. As surely as Babylon was born anew in Persia, and Persian culture spread throughout Greece, Greece affected Rome as surely as Rome evolved into Christianity.

Remembering that this prophecy was revealed two hundred years before these events transpired, we find Yahowah identifying the Goat as Greece. And to tell its story, we must begin with the rise of Alexander the Great, circa 356 to 323 BCE.

420“And the young and independent crowned Goat (wa ha tsaphyr – a chattering and chirping offshoot who leaves early seeking glory as a bearded and agile male goat wearing a crown to depict his royal lineage), the shaggy-haired, tempestuous, and devilish male (ha sa’yr – this demon-possessed satyr who stormed in and stormed away), is the king (melek – is the ruler of the government and kingdom) of Yowan | Ionian Greece (Yowan – Imbibe Wine, transliterated Ionian and, thus, Greece).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Judge / Daniel 8:21)

The Assyrians referred to Greece as Yowanu, from which we get Ionians. Similarly, the Egyptians called Greece, Yawana. Greece was known to the Greeks as “Ιωυαν – Ioean” and “Ἑλλάς – Ellas,” further affirming the identity of this nation and leader.

Yowan | Javan is the grandson of Noach | Noah through Yapheth | Japeth, and as such, he is initially listed in Bare’syth / Genesis 10:2. He is presented along with some rather tawdry characters, including Gomer, Magog, Madai, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras.

Yowan is associated with Greece in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 66:19. At the conclusion of the final chapter of the great prophet, Yahowah says that it is among the defiant nations which have remained unaware of His name and renown – and so history will end poorly for the Christians in Greece.

In Yachezq’el / Ezekiel, Yowan is again associated with bad company, particularly Tubal and Meshech. Here, these gentiles are shown as reprehensible human traffickers.

Then in Zakaryah / Zechariah 9, Yahowah is shown in direct opposition to Yowan | Greece. In context, the arrogant bastard children parading around as if they were “Palestinians” to rob Jews of their inheritance will be uprooted. This bloody abomination will be removed so that Yahowah can camp out with His son, Dowd, in their home. 421Yes, descendants of Tsyown and Yaruwshalaim rejoice because your oppressors are gone and your rightful king is returning as your savior! And at this time, Yahuwdah and ‘Ephraym will rise up against the descendants of Yowan | Greece, and they will be the sword of the gibowr | mightiest of men – Dowd.

The ultimate demise of Greece is important to Yahowah because of the role the Greeks within Roman Byzantium played in the transition from the most tyrannical and destructive empire to the most anti-Semitic and damning religion. Call it recompense for Replacement Theology.

Now addressing how the death of Alexander led not to succession but, instead, to infighting among the generals who had served under him, we find yet another reference to this controversial man’s death...

“The great horn (wa ha qeren ha gadowl – and the most important leader), which is positioned between (‘asher byn) its eyes (‘ayn huw’), was the initial and foremost (huw’ ha ri’shown) king (ha melek) (Dany’el 8:21) who suffered and died by the rupturing of internal membranes (wa ha shabar – who was afflicted, broken, and shattered, suffering physically while ceasing to exist; the same three letters can be vocalized sheber – crippling injury which destroys human tissues, creating fissures by fracturing, disfiguring, and breaking apart).

And then four arose and appointed themselves (wa ‘amad ‘arba’ – four stood up, establishing themselves in charge) in his place (tachath huw’ – instead of him after being under him (note: the pronoun is actually feminine because it is addressing the qeren – horn / leader)).

Four (‘arba’) empires (malkuwth – kingdoms, realms, and monarchical or dictatorial governments) will be appointed (‘amad – will be assigned) from this gowy (min gowy – out of this Gentile, his culture, religion, and 422nation) but not with (wa lo’ ba) his authorization or power (koach huw’ – his authority, ability, qualifications, might, status, or influence).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation / Daniel 8:22)

And this is exactly how it happened, right down to the subtle details which describe the cause of death. The empire was divided without his authorization into four kingdoms. Each was comprised of people from many different races and places, but all were dictatorially ruled by men who had served under the Goat.

The young man who was educated by Aristotle at twelve, who first led troops into battle at sixteen, who ascended to the throne at twenty after his father’s assassination, died in Babylon at thirty-two following a drunken stupor. In the process of conquering Persia, he had forged an empire from the eastern Mediterranean to India – the largest in the world. While he never lost a battle, he lost control of himself and his army. They mutinied because they were repulsed that he had adopted Persian customs and was pretending to be a god. And perhaps lost in the mythos of his own claims to divinity, he thought he could cheat death and failed to designate a successor. So within a year of his demise, his empire was shattered into four pieces.

The events leading to Alexander’s death are shrouded in mystery, but nonetheless, there are some clues available for consideration. We know that, in February 324 BCE, Alexander faced a mutiny at the Ganges River. He responded by ordering his men to march through the desert toward Babylon. After crossing the Tigris River, the Macedonian was met by Babylonian priests who advised him not to enter the city directly because their deity, Bel (meaning “Lord”), had warned them that to do so would be fatal. The Babylonian clerics also advised him against continuing to march westward, because by doing so, he 423would have to look into the setting sun, an indication of a god’s decline. As a result, the Lord’s priests manipulated the Goat into circumnavigating the city and entering Babylon via the Royal Gate in the western wall, where he would be facing east.

Following this clerical advice likely killed Alexander. The religious route required navigating swampy terrain, where it is probable that Alexander contracted malaria, and if not that, then typhoid fever, both of which were common in the swamps surrounding Babylon. The evidence suggests that, several weeks prior to his death, Alexander contracted a deadly pathogen sailing through the stagnant and unsanitary waters which were rife with human waste and were breeding grounds for disease.

According to a University of Maryland School of Medicine report published in 1998, Alexander likely died of typhoid fever, which, along with malaria, was the leading cause of death in ancient Babylon. In the week before his demise, historical accounts mention chills, sweats, exhaustion, and high fever, typical symptoms of both infectious diseases. The Medical Center’s report states that Alexander suffered “severe abdominal pain, causing him to cry out in agony.”

The reason this is interesting is because both diseases effect the specific symptoms depicted by “shabar – injury caused by membranes rupturing and breaking apart.” And since “breaking and rupturing” is a strange way to depict a man’s death, and especially one who had never lost a battle and who was at the height of his power, an investigation into why shabar was chosen to describe his passing is intriguing– especially since he would have contracted this deadly pathogen by following the counsel of clerics promoting the Babylonian religion.

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease, and thus common to wet environments where there is stagnant 424water. Sporozoites in the saliva of female mosquitoes enter the circulatory system and travel to the victim’s liver to reproduce. After a brief dormant period, cells begin to burst. Ruptured host cells literally break out of the liver to invade the victim’s red blood cells.

While a person’s spleen is designed to destroy such infections, in the case of malaria, the parasite circumvents the immune system through adhesive proteins. The body is ravaged, with the bitten individual suffering excruciating physical pain, especially in the joints, and fever so high it tricks the body into thinking it’s cold, prompting shivering convulsions, which all too often lead to coma and death.

I contracted this disease attempting to study the Falasha, African Jews, in Gondar, Ethiopia. The joint pain and freezing fever were so debilitating my body contorted into a fetal position. I was unable to move, even to speak, and in agony, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to live or die.

Typhoid, on the other hand, is transmitted by the ingestion of water or food contaminated with Salmonella typhi bacteria. Untreated, the fever follows four stages to death. In the first week, body temperature rises slowly. The victim is drained of energy, suffers excruciating headaches, and can develop an annoying cough. White blood cells diminish, further exhausting the individual. In the second week, the fever rises, often peaking around 104oF, followed by an agitated delirium that could easily be mistaken for a drunken stupor. Especially nauseous smelling, pea-soup green diarrhea follows, emaciating the victim. In the third phase, the intestines burst, causing internal hemorrhaging. This internal breaking apart of the digestive system leads to dehydration and death in the fourth stage.

With these depictions in mind, God’s use of “shabar – injury caused by membranes rupturing and breaking apart” to describe the death of Alexander seems remarkably 425appropriate. And it is telling because, just as Christianity is rife with Babylonian influences, it was the priestly advice which led to the Goat’s demise. He died prematurely because those serving the Lord in the Babylonian religion gave him deadly counsel. Rather than walking away from Babylon, as Yahowah requires of His children so that they might live, this arrogant man walked into Babylon and died. In this way, the Greek Alexander, like the Roman Paul, serves as a prototype for the Beastly Horn who will rise to lead mankind away from the Towrah.

This axis of evil is advanced in this next statement. But as we consider what follows, it is important to note that ba ‘acharyth is most accurately translated as “in the end,” although it can also be rendered as “afterward.” The primary connotation would take us to our future with the Church falling under the dominion of the Towrahless One. The secondary definition would take us to 197 BCE when the Legions of the Roman Republic, under General Flamininus, defeated Philip V of Macedon.

Also intriguing, rather than stating that the four kingdoms claimed by Alexander’s generals would end, malkuwth hem | their empire is singular while hem is plural. Further, ha pasha’ | the Rebellious and Defiant Ones is plural while the verb, ‘amad | he will present himself, was written in the third-person masculine singular. The resulting melek | leader is also singular.

Considering these factors, and what follows, we would be wise to recognize that the transition among Beasts from Imperial Rome to Roman Catholicism occurred in Constantinople. Further, the Church’s authority will be usurped in the end by the Final Horn. And representing Satan and himself, he will manifest the duality we find in his/their title…

“Then in the end (wa ba ‘acharyth – during the last days), as their empire (malkuwth hem – as the realms over 426which they reigned) is concluded (ka tamam – is finished and ended), the Rebellious and Defiant Ones (ha pasha’ – the ones leading the revolt, those in opposition who hold a grudge against the ultimate authority, the transgressors (qal participle form following the definite article indicates that the verb is being used as a descriptive title)) will arise and present himself (‘amad – he will take a stand, take charge, and make accusations (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) as the authorized embodiment of political, religious, and military power (melek – the royal ruler, the head of the government, the ultimate and unchallenged authority) with a fortified and empowered (‘az – with a fierce and forceful) presence (paneh – appearance), in addition to one who understands (wa byn – along with one who distinguishes between right and wrong, truth and fiction, by making the proper connections to thoughtfully resolve (hifil participle masculine singular)) riddles and enigmas, asking the hard questions needed to solve the most challenging mysteries and intriguing analogies (chydah – wisely resolving the most perplexing ambiguities while taunting the sources of ignorance and intrigue (participle substantive – verbal noun describing a person)).” (Dany’el / My God is Judgmental / Daniel 8:23)

By jumping from Alexander’s death, and the division of his empire, to its conclusion as it is caught up in the rise of the Defiant Ones, we are witnessing something not heretofore disclosed. Satan, as the final Beast, will claim the Church as his own. This should not be surprising since it is the world’s largest organization, and he has been its god since the beginning.

The empowerment of the fortified duality provides another affirmation that we were right to consider the parallel account of the Satanic Beast in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14. As was the case with Paul and Muhammad, the extent of the demon possession will fundamentally change the 427world.

Also becoming prominent at this time and taking a stand is someone who finally solves this riddle. He will byn | distinguish the truth by finding the common denominators and by making reasoned associations. Further, he will chydah | resolve these riddles by asking the right questions. He will challenge conventional thinking to peel back the layers, ultimately exposing the picture as it was meant to be seen. And it sure sounds like he is going to channel his inner ‘ElYah while doing it, mocking and taunting those who have obscured reality and led God’s people astray.

As we approach this next installment of relevant information regarding the human incarnation of Satan, we find him either ‘atsam or ‘etsem depending upon how the three Hebrew letters are vocalized. ‘Atsam speaks of becoming “increasingly powerful and of gaining influence over vast numbers of places and people.” It depicts the “deployment of an enormously oppressive, crushing, and destructive force.” But it also conveys the idea of “closing people’s eyes so tightly that they are blinded and can no longer see light.” ‘Atsam can even be used to convey “breaking bones.”

This is because ‘etsem, which is a noun rather than a verb, actually means “bones.” It is deployed to describe the “human skeleton and backbone.” ‘Etsem is found addressing the “essential essence of something which is vital to life.”

Beyond the rich palette of possibilities painted by the verb, ‘atsam / ‘etsem, koach also conveys a wide array of meanings. That which is koach has the “potential to exert an imposing force, to exercise vast authority, and to deploy massive resources and wealth.” The koach “shout loudly” and have the “capacity to perform miracles.”

The secondary connotations are tangentially related, and they are germane in the context of describing an 428adversarial Beast. A koach is an “unclean and cold-blooded animal” and, in particular, a “serpentine reptile.” It can depict anything from a “powerful crocodile with its forceful bite” to a “venomous snake with debilitating poison.” It can be used to describe a “monitor lizard” which kills by wounding and infecting its victim or a “chameleon” which changes its color to blend into its environment. Also relevant, koach is the root of kachad, which tells us that Satan wants to “conceal” his true identity and agenda, “keeping us from knowing” that he is the power behind the Beast – at least up to the point when the guises will be lifted. In this way, he can “destroy” the means to know God and “trash” the Towrah’s credibility, while “annihilating” as many souls as possible.

Each nuance of koach appears chosen to vividly describe one of the most anxiously expected and infamous figures in human history – albeit future history. With koach deployed twice in the next pronouncement, we are being encouraged to consider the full palette of potential meanings which is why it is better to convey too many of these possibilities rather than too few. And in this regard, with this prophetic portrait of the Towrahless One, it is rather obvious that we were correct regarding our assessments concerning the timing of the previous statements.

“And this controlling authoritarian will become exceedingly powerful (wa ‘atsam koach huw’ – he, as a creepy snake and chameleon, will exert considerable influence to crush his opposition and impose his authority over a vast area and countless people, with multitudes so blinded he is able to rob them of their essential nature and backbone, all while enriching and empowering himself and concealing his serpentine and reptilian, deadly and destructive nature, altering his appearance to conceal his identity for a while (qal perfect – he will actually possess this capacity but it will be short-lived)) but not through 429his own ability or authority, his accomplishments or power (wa lo’ ba koach huw’ – but not of his own accord or qualifications, or by his resourcefulness and ingenuity, as he will conceal his relationship with the serpent, keeping the source of his might hidden).

He will be astonishingly corrupt and awesomely destructive while appearing miraculous, well beyond his own power (wa pala’ shachath – he will be extraordinarily perverted while marveling and astounding the unsuspecting, surpassing the norms of what seems humanly possible, even miraculous, albeit always ruinous and injurious to the point of annihilation and extermination (nifal participle hifil imperfect – he will be consistently destructive while continually corrupting as a result of the apparent power which is received and projected)).

He will succeed for a while, claiming to be victorious at this time by granting prosperity and pushing his agenda forward (wa tsalach – he will accomplish his goals and achieve the position and influence he sought, appearing effective, progressing and prospering (hifil perfect third-person masculine singular)).

But his actions (wa ‘asah – however what he engages in and does, what he affects, produces, and brings about (qal perfect third-person masculine singular)) will corrupt and destroy, even annihilate and exterminate (wa shachath – will pervert and astound, digging a deadly hole to cast off and bury (hifil perfect)) great multitudes, including the strongest, most accomplished, and powerful (‘atsuwm – great throngs of people, countless individuals) in addition to (wa) the set-apart people (‘am qadowsh – the most unique, special, and separated individuals and family members).” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Condemns, and Vindicates / Daniel 8:24)

We are in the last days, between 5996 and 6000 Yah, which is after Pesach in 2029 and prior to Kipurym in 2033. 430The ha Pasha’ | Rebellious One is ruling the world as the human incarnation of Satan – an individual so overwhelmingly demon-possessed that man and spirit will be inseparable and indistinguishable. He will be more authoritarian and powerful than the collective menace of Paul, Hadrian, and Muhammad, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao.

This Beast will briefly accomplish what has heretofore never been achievable – world domination. He will do so through subterfuge, with the epitome of evil pretending to be a force for good.

He will prevail through the pretense of prosperity – using copious amounts of worthless currency to build an economic house of cards as part of the Great Reset. He will capitalize upon people’s ignorance, selfishness, and greed, such that they become beholden to and dependent upon the Devil. And yet, with each handout, the recipients will be robbed of their independence, sense of personal responsibility, and integrity, becoming as worthless as the currency being used to bribe them into submission.

We should expect the Towrahless One to propose a new, international currency which is exclusively electronic, whereby every transaction can be monitored and controlled. And to lure the masses into accepting it and then embracing his economic alternative, he will forgive all debts, personal, corporate, and national. It will cost him nothing, in that they don’t owe him the money. It will, however, destroy the banking industry, giving him absolute financial control. It will also entice governments to align with him, because most are hopelessly in debt. In addition, I suspect that he will confiscate the savings of the rich, using their deposits as the backing for his currency. In the process, the Beast will eliminate all potential rivals while gaining absolute control over the populous.

Also insightful, for a while, during his rise to power, the Defiant One will be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 431However, when he is ready to stop hiding behind Jesus Christ and Allah, he will declare himself the Lord God of all. And for most, it will be too late to protest. He will own most everyone by then.

While we are not told how powerful mal’ak can be, I have some personal experience to share which may be helpful. As a result of the 91stMizmowr | Psalm, Yahowah has assigned His spiritual representatives to protect me, my home, and my family so that I can complete this mission. And that is no easy task because, after writing Tea with Terrorists and Prophet of Doom and sharing my findings on many thousands of talk radio programs, I received countless death threats. And yet, I never cowered, hid, or ducked. Moreover, for the past five years, I’ve lived in hurricane alley in the central Caribbean. I have watched as storms were sheared, miraculously dissipated, or dramatically altered course and strengthened only after passing. And this follows what occurred with Hurricane Dorian, a Category 5 storm which, when I was living in Fort Lauderdale, made a 90-degree right turn right rather than rip my home apart. Beyond this, according to Yasha’yah | Isaiah, I have been afforded the counsel and encouragement of the seven most vital effects of Yahowah’s Spirit, enabling an otherwise ordinary individual to understand prophecies such as this, translate His words, and share the resulting insights.

Therefore, while Yahowah’s mal’ak are protective, ha Satan’s are destructive. While the Spirit enlightens, enriches, and empowers, the demonic blinds, impoverishes, and subjugates. This means that they are capable of accomplishing what this prophecy projects.

God does not show off – He does not need to do so. Satan will. There will be signs and wonders to astound the unsuspecting. But, it will all end in the virtual annihilation of the human race. What extermination camps, natural disasters, and nuclear wars fail to achieve in depopulating 432the Earth, the preponderance of those who remain will be so corrupt God will put them out of their misery. When all of the killing is over, there will be thousands where there were once billions.

As we discovered in Yasha’yah | Isaiah 14, Satan has successfully positioned himself as the god of the world’s major religions, specifically those which have come to haunt the Chosen People – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As a unifier seeking acceptance, Satan will initially capitalize on the popularity of religion to confuse the masses, commingling Christianity with Islam.

Having promoted their founders, inspired their Scriptures, and even being worshiped as the spirit behind the resulting gods, this will then be insufficient for Satan. He will not share his glory with another god, even though he conceived many of them. He will rid the world of all competition and that includes false gods.

There are three ways Satan can play his hand. He will either claim to be Yahowah, continue on as the Lord, or he will superimpose his given name, Hylel ben Shachar, over all others. Whichever way, what is certain is that he will continue to be averse to the derogatory and devaluing implications of ha Satan | the Adversary.

The inclusion of ‘am qadowsh at the end of this declaration reveals that God’s people will not be immune from attack. Should they be Yisra’elites apart from the Covenant, it is sad but inevitable. It is consistent with other proclamations, whereby God tells us that two out of every three Yisra’elites will die during the Time of Troubles.

And if these are members of God’s family, those born into the Covenant following the Taruw’ah Harvest, then their anguish will be short-lived and quickly rectified. Also, while Satan can demean members of Yahowah’s set-apart family, he cannot “corrupt or pervert” the children of the Covenant nor has he the capacity to rob them of eternal 433life. And so the only reason for assaulting them would be to silence their voices and testimony. This would then put the extended family, country, and people at greater risk.

Since every word Yahowah inspired to forewarn us is a lesson in and of itself, let’s review them before we move on. Class begins with God telling us that ha Satan will impose his will over the world: ‘atsam koach huw’ – this controlling authoritarian will become exceedingly powerful. He will exert considerable influence to crush his opposition and impose his authority over a vast area and countless people, with multitudes so blinded he is able to rob them of their essential nature and backbone. And he will enrich and empower himself while concealing his serpentine nature, altering his appearance until his toxicity has incapacitated his victims. And in the qal perfect, he will actually possess this capacity, but it will be short-lived.

The Rebellious Beast will be an amalgamation of spirit and man, the human incarnation of Satan, because: lo’ ba koach huw’ – it will not be through his own ability or authority, neither by his accomplishments nor his power that he will prevail. They are called the Defiant Ones because it will not be of this man’s own accord or qualifications, nor of his resourcefulness and ingenuity, that he will succeed. And initially, he will conceal his relationship with the serpent, keeping the source of his might hidden.

Smoke and mirrors will be the order of the day as we peer behind the curtain to witness the wizard manipulating the levers of promoting his illusions: pala’ shachath – he will be astonishingly corrupt and awesomely destructive while appearing miraculous, performing well beyond the limits of his own power. He will be exceptionally perverted while marveling and astounding the unsuspecting. And yet, a comatose world will see him surpassing the norms of what seems humanly possible. Unfortunately, even his miracles will be ruinous and injurious to the point of 434complete annihilation and extermination.

As we have learned, Satan is successful in advancing his agenda: tsalach – he will succeed for a while, claiming to be victorious at this time and advancing his purpose by granting a transient illusion of prosperity while exacerbating the underlying problem. He will accomplish his goals and achieve the position and influence he sought – which is to rule the world and be seen as God. There will even be an apparition of prosperity – at least for the moment.

However, it will turn out poorly for those who trust and rely upon him because ‘asah shachath – everything he acts upon and engages in will be corrupting and destructive. What he affects and produces will be death on a massive scale. Those he does not exterminate, he will annihilate, digging holes to bury those he has astounded.

He will bring down: ‘atsuwm – great multitudes, including the strongest, most accomplished, and powerful. He will also harass and threaten the ‘am qadowsh – set-apart people.

Staying on theme, Yahowah leaves us all without excuse. We have been forewarned.

“And by way of his cunning interpretations and explanations (wa ‘al sekel huw’ – so through his intelligence, crafty discretion, and clever principles), he will become a powerful and influential force for deceit and deception, deliberately and successfully misleading and betraying (wa tsalach mirmah – he will rush to prosper, even thrive by being treacherous and dishonest, providing a false impression along with a beguiling perspective, using subtilty to delude and disillusion).

With his actions (ba yad huw’ – through his hand, power, influence, and deeds) and in his heart (wa ba lebab huw’ – according to his perceptions of himself, his 435motivations, inclinations, and judgment), he will be exalted, considered important and praiseworthy (gadal – he will claim an extraordinarily high status, he will triumph and be glorified, while promoting himself as great).

Dissatisfied and careless, without thought or compassion (shalwah – without any concern or emotion), he will manipulate, corrupt, and destroy countless individuals (shachath rabym – he will ravage and pervert the masses, destroying multitudes in a humiliating fashion, ensnaring, entrapping, and burying vast numbers of people (hifil imperfect)).

He will present himself as superior to and take a stand against (wa ‘al ‘amad – he will position and appoint himself above by making accusations against (qal imperfect)) the Leader of Leaders and the King’s representatives (sar sarym – the representative to the King of Kings).

But in the end (wa ba ‘epesh – however, since this cannot continue it will finally be brought to naught because), his hand will be broken and his influence will cease (yad shabar – his actions will be curtailed).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Judge / Daniel 8:25)

Satan is a paradox. While his title means Adversary, he is worshiped as if he were God. While he is intelligent, the religious and conspiratorial have him squandering his time manipulating the meaningless lives of those who are particularly stupid. He is light, albeit surrounded by darkness. He is immortal, and yet, no one is deadlier. Knowing the truth, he prefers to deal in deception.

Here, Yahowah reminds us that the Adversary is a brilliant strategist. He is crafty and cunning, served by his own clever interpretations and explanations. The average schmo, having been dumbed down by political jargon, religious rhetoric, tantalizing tweets, and conspiratorial 436theories, will have no chance against him. At a time with disinformation, errant reporting, Progressive nonsense, and academic, political, and religious indoctrination, he will outwit the world before his first cup of morning Joe. It is so bad that everyone who accuses their foes of serving Satan are actually worshiping him.

Hylel ben Shachar, embodied within a bellicose statesman and shrewd strategist, will rise in power and influence by being deceitful. He will deliberately and successfully mislead the masses, taking them further away from God by pretending to be God. Promising to save them, he will damn them. He will embroider evil in velvet threads. He will couch treachery as deliverance.

His every word and deed will be crafted to create a false impression designed to beguile and betray. His ambitions are known, unambiguously outlined by Yahowah through Yasha’yah and Dany’el – and yet, the world will lap up his lies as if they were lemonade – up to the point that his toxins debilitate and kill them.

The great destroyer will claim to be the world’s savior. The Adversary will present himself as God. He will lie and be believed. Promising freedom, he will oppress. While speaking of life, he will exterminate and annihilate friend and foe in an orgy of death.

But for Satan, even during his most glorious and goriest moment atop the world, it will not be sufficient or satisfying. Without empathy, concern, or compassion, he will destroy countless lives. It will be as if, by corrupting and curtailing human existence, Satan will prevail against God, taking away from Him that which He cherishes most.

Unfortunately for Satan, fortunately for Yahowah, God will have no affinity for most of those the Adversary perverts and destroys. So, it will not be until the Devil presents himself as superior to the Leader of Leaders and the King’s representatives that it will all come crashing 437down upon him. Yahowah is protective of His beloved son and of those with the courage to represent the returning King.

In the end, it will be a referendum on Replacement Theology. Which God is real? Which people matter? Who is the Messiah and King? Whose universe is it anyway?

The answer for a depopulated world in rubble is that the Defiant One’s hand will be broken, and his influence will cease. The sar sarym | Representative of the Greatest King he sought to rise above is returning to cast him down. In fact, since this is Dowd speaking to us, we have his word on it…

“And the vision (wa mare’ah – the sight, the ability to see, the clear patterns presented in a comprehensible manner) of the ensuing period of darkness in the evening (ha ‘ereb – of the night of noxious foreigners, including Arabians and the gloom resulting from weaving many threads together) and of the dawn of a new day, a time of enlightenment to reflect and be contemplative (wa ha boqer – the morning of increasing light, a new tomorrow to consider what can be observed at the end of darkness) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher – to reveal the proper, narrow, restrictive, and correct path to walk to get the most out of life), he has declared and promised (‘amar – he has spoken about and proclaimed) is reliable and true about him and you and it will be fulfilled (‘emeth huw’ wa ‘atah – is trustworthy and dependable, honest, certain and enduring regarding him and you).

Seal by disguising (satham – choose to shut and conceal, making unrecognizable and indiscernible by camouflaging (qal imperative)) the revelation (ha chazown – the prophetic communication from God) for a long time (ky la yowmym rabym – for a great many days).” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Vindicates, and Condemns / 438Daniel 8:26)

The ensuing darkness would ooze out of Babylon, the land of integrated and institutionalized religion and governance. Its toxicity would be consumed by the Persians who swallowed them. And then it would be spread far and wide through war as the Macedon king imposed his will by brute force.

Then, interestingly enough, this rendition of the sweeping prophecy bypasses the lightless soul of Imperial Rome and her Church and transitions directly to the dark heart of the final Beast. By doing so, it reveals that the Defiant and Revolting Ones who terrorize the world in the Time of Trouble will emerge from Byzantium and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

This does not change the fact that Rome and its Church were monstrous, nor the realization that the previous prophecies painted them as hideously destructive, repressive, and deadly, only that the Towrahless One will be Greek and, specifically, a member of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – an autocephalous derivative of the Eastern Orthodox Church. It also means that the ongoing darkness that consumed Europe and devoured Jews was every bit as much the fault of the Eastern Orthodox Church as it was of the Roman Catholic Church.

While there will be a long night of noxious foreign usurpers acting badly, a new day will dawn. The Light will return for the benefit of the relationship. And in the presence of light, there is no darkness. That is how and why the Revolting One will meet his demise.

History has unfolded just as the great prophet, Dowd, has foretold. And going forward, we are assured that he will be right about him and you. As a result of what we have learned, we will be safe from harm’s way, unaffected by the events which will unfold, and be prepared to warn those willing to listen.

439While Jews would have benefited from these insights as they dealt with the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and their Churches, they were so lost by this time that they would have been best served to have turned back to the Towrah and shelved the prophets until they were back on course. And so, it would not be until this day, on the cusp of Dowd’s return with Yahowah that any of this would serve to direct or spare them.

Therefore, Dowd instructed Dany’el to disguise what he had seen such that the resulting imagery would be unrecognizable and indiscernible for a very long time. It would not be until the king’s representative was equipped to solve the mystery that it would be known and understood.

Should you wonder why it is after 20 years and 25 books that I have finally sought to fulfill this mandate, the answer is that there were far more important things to cover. I was not ready and would have failed. Knowing and understanding, indeed, accepting Yahowah’s Shem, His Towrah, Beryth, Miqra’ey, ‘Am, and Ben all take precedence. Before one is prepared to translate and explain such enigmas, he or she must first become familiar with mankind’s history, how empires and institutions have conspired to harass Jews, the consequence of religion, and the ambitions of Satan. We must approach Dany’el from the perspective of the Towrah and previous prophets. This revelation is not how the story begins, but how it ends – explaining how humanity managed to make such a mess of the place.

End times prophecy is alluring, indeed, tantalizing, such that it will entice an audience. But why draw someone in before you have something meaningful to offer? And the only thing worth offering is an accurate introduction to Yahowah along with the things which matter: His Guidance, Covenant, Invitations, People, and Son.

440As a general rule, I’ve found that there is less teaching associated with future predictions than past assessments. God reveals His purpose, nature, and plan throughout the prophetic landscape, but less so with those associated with the last days. The reason, I suspect, is that the only hope for those attempting to outlive the Beast is to return to the basics, becoming fluent in the Towrah, Covenant, and Invitations. Yahowah’s core message is substantially more vital than the benefit of recognizing the Adversary.

There is, however, an inference here worth considering. Most of what Dany’el saw dealt with the rise and fall of empires and institutions which are relatively easy for us to study and assess – particularly the Greeks, Romans, and their Church. By contemplating the commonality among them and associating these affinities with the ambition of the Adversary, we discover why Yahowah has asked us to disassociate from religion and politics before engaging in the Covenant. By recognizing that which God says is bad for us and avoiding those things, we live longer and more fulfilling lives.

Today, as we approach the impending demise of the world as we know it, and near the Period of Trouble, there is very little time left to awaken a sufficient number of Yahuwdym to properly greet Yahowah and Dowd upon their return. I do not want Yisra’el to disappoint God, and the best way to ensure that this does not happen is to encourage God’s people to listen before it is too late. Unraveling Dany’el after nearly 2,600 years may be sufficient to garner their undivided attention.

With all of the lies swirling about Armageddon, the Antichrist, and the Apocalypse among Christians and Conspiratorialists, such nonsense will drown out the truth to the degree that those who need it most won’t listen. And now in retrospect, this assessment of Dany’el | Daniel would have been premature if I had not completed ‘Azab | Separation and its prophecies regarding Yahowah’s long 441intermission away from His people. All good things in their time.

Between now and Yah’s return, while the darkness will continue to be depressing, God’s light remains available to those who seek Him. What we have witnessed and will experience is appalling, and yet, we are fast approaching the time of enlightenment.

Man apart from God is a miserable being, and the more men gather together, the worse they become. This is the story of civilization.

But there is a remedy – Yahowah. So no matter how bleak the circumstance, we are called to stand up and make a difference by sharing His revelation.

“Then (wa), I (‘any), Dany’el (Dany’el – My God Judges, Condemns, and Vindicates), had experienced too much and grew faint (hayah wa chalah – I endured so much that I became grieved and afflicted) for days (yowmym).

Then, when (wa) I arose and stood up (quwm – as I was restored and reestablished), I engaged in and contributed to (wa ‘asah ‘eth – and I acted upon) the spiritual endeavors of the heavenly messenger (mala’kah – the service of the mal’ak; feminine of mal’ak – spiritual messenger and heavenly representative) of the Head of the Kingdom (ha melek – of the King and the Ultimate Authority).

But I was appalled (wa shamem – I was dismayed, discouraged, and horrified) by the vision (‘al ha mare’ah – as a result of the patterns and appearances in the revelation), even though I did not understand (wa ‘ayn byn – although I was unable to figure it out and comprehend how the various things I had seen all fit together).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation / Daniel 8:27)

442Dany’el had seen more than he could endure, much less process and understand. And he was sickened by it all – as we should be as well. Alexander had been disgusting, a mass-murdering egomaniac and ruthless psychopath. And the Eastern Orthodox Church which would rise out of his legacy, like its Roman sister, had invented all manner of ways to torment God’s people. After a never-ending stream of abominable behavior, of blasphemous deceptions, the worst was yet to come. Satan would embody a man, rule the world, bankrupt nations, kill billions, and claim to be God.

Dany’el didn’t stay down and arose to resume the business at hand. And while there is the possibility that he simply got out of bed and did Belsha’tsar’s bidding, that isn’t the most accurate rendering of these words – particularly in this setting. Mala’kah addresses the work of the Spirit, something Dany’el would attend to in the next chapter – again with Dowd’s assistance. And speaking of Dowd, there is every reason to suspect that he is the Melek the Mal’akah is serving.

Dany’el is unique among those privileged to see vision in that he did not understand what he was witnessing. This is largely due to the fact that he was not supposed to comprehend or explain these symbols. But let’s also be fair to those who recognized what they were seeing and commented upon it – the likes of Moseh, Dowd, Yasha’yah, and others. Dany’el was in the worst possible place and the light was about to be shut off for a long time to come. It would be enough for him to witness and record what he would see next.




Let’s review where we have been throughout this 443voyage in time and consider the implications for our world.

“In the first year of (ba chad shanah la) Belsha’tsar | the Lord Supports his Dictator (Belsha’tsar), the ruler of (melek) Babel | to Commingle and Confuse on behalf of the Lord (Babel), Dany’el | My God Judges, Vindicates, and Condemns (Dany’el) saw (chazah) a revealing vision (chelem) along with (wa) distinguishing insights (chazuw) in his mind (re’sh huw’) while upon his bed (‘al mishkab huw’).

Thereupon, during (ba ‘edayn) the prophetic revelation (chalam), he was prompted to write a complete copy of (kathab) the things (milah) being communicated (‘amar). (Dany’el 7:1)

Dany’el | God is My Means to Decide Between Vindication and Condemnation (Dany’el) responded (‘anah) and said (wa ‘amar), ‘I am able to see (hawah chazah) the vision with my sensory perceptions (ba chazuw ‘anah) during the night (‘im lyly).’

And (wa), behold, right there (‘aruw), four (‘arba’) spirits (ruwachy) of the heavens (shamayn) were churning up (guwah) that which corresponds to the Great Sea (la yam rab). (Dany’el 7:2)

Then four (wa ‘arba’) monstrous beasts, powerful and mighty creatures, lordly and militant (chyuwah rab) came up from and emerged to project the thinking and influence of (salaq min) the Sea (yam), evolving, changing, and transforming to frustrate while being progressively more defiant (shanah), one to another, each growing in opposition (da’ min da’). (Dany’el 7:3)

The first in the series (qadmay) can be associated with (ka) a fierce and powerful lion (‘aryeh), but with (wa) the wings (gaph) of (dy) an eagle (nashar) upon it (la hy’).

I kept watching (hawah chazah) while (‘ad) her 444wings were plucked off (marat gaph hy’). So then (wa) she was lifted up and resurrected (natsal) from the earth (min ‘ara’).

Upon (wa ‘al) two feet (ragalyn), like a man (ka ‘enash), it arose and was established, becoming influential and powerful (quwm). Additionally (wa), the heart and mind, the desires and inclinations (labab), of a mortal man (‘enash) were given to it (yahab la hy’). (Dany’el 7:4)

So then, behold (wa ‘aruw), another (‘achoran) beast (chyuwah), a second one (tinyan), resembled (damah) a bear (la dob). On one side (wa la satar chad), it was fully developed (quwm). And (wa) there were three (telath) ribs (‘ala’) in its mouth (ba pum hy’), between her teeth (ben shen hy’). And (wa) therefore (ken), it was said of her (‘amar la hy’), ‘You have chosen to rise up (quwm) and devour (‘akal) an abundance (sagyi’) of human witnesses and potential heralds (basar).’ (Dany’el 7:5)

At another point in time in this same sequence (ba danah ‘atar), by remaining observant, I was able to witness (hawah chazah) the revelation (wa ‘aruw) of another (‘achoran), this one resembling (ka) a leopard (namar). And with it (wa la hy’) were four wings (‘arba’ gaph), such as (dy) a bird (owp). They were on her back side (‘al gab hy’). The beast (la cheywah) had four heads (wa ‘arba’ re’sh), and to it (la hy’) was afforded (yahab) governmental dominion and the power to rule (wa shalatan). (Dany’el 7:6)

Following this sequence of events (ba danah ‘atar), I remained observant (chazah hawah) regarding this revelation during a time of enfolding darkness (ba chazuw lyly). And behold (wa ‘aruw), the fourth (raby’ay) monstrous beast (chywah) was the most fearsome and formidable, dreadful and frightening, 445respected only for being overtly oppressive, terrifying, and threatening (dachal), genuinely horrifying and appalling, terribly gruesome (wa ‘eymatan), with (wa) an exceptionally powerful and preeminent military (yatyr taqyph).

It had (wa la hy’) teeth comprised of iron (shen dy parzel la). Great multitudes, including the highly populated and powerful (rab), it devoured and devastated (‘akal), crushing the remainder (wa daqaq wa sha’ar) with its feet (ba ragal hy’) by trampling them down violently, celebrating while destroying them (raphats) under foot (ba ragal).

And so (wa), this one was different in its transformation and evolution (hy’ shanah) from all of the other (min kol) beasts (chywah) which preceded it (dy qodam hy’). Ten (wa ‘asar) horns (qeren) were extended from her (la hy’). (Dany’el 7:7)

I was thinking about, trying to understand (hawah sakal), what was with the horns (ba qeren), then behold (wa ‘aluw), another and final (‘achoran) horn (qeren), a smaller one of lower status initially (za’eyr), came up between them and among them (selaq ben ‘inuwn).

And three (wa talat) among (min) the initial group of horns (qadmay qeren) were dehorned (‘aqar) from before her (min qodam hy’).

Then I noticed (wa ‘aluw) the eyes (‘ayn) were like the eyes of a human (ka ‘ayn ‘enash) in this unique horn (ba qeren da’), along with (wa) a mouth (pum) speaking powerfully and abundantly as if an esteemed authority (malal rab). (Dany’el 7:8)

Then as I looked (chazah hawah) for the Source of the enduring witness and restoring testimony (‘ad dy), there were positions of power and seats of honor (karse’) placed all around (ramah), and the Ancient of 446Days (‘athyq yowmym) sat down (yatib).

His clothing (lebuwsh huw’ – His garments) appeared like (ka) brilliant white snow (talag chuwr). And the hair on His head (wa sa’ar re’sh huw’) was similar to (ka) pure and perfect lamb’s wool (naqe’ ‘amar).

His throne (karse’ huw’) was ablaze with fire (shabyb dy nuwr). Its rotating structure (galgal huw’) was gloriously glowing with radiant energy (nuwr dalaq). (Dany’el 7:9) A stream (nahar) comprised of radiant energy and light (dy nuwr) flows forth (nagad). And (wa) it appears to come out (napaq) from His presence (min qodam huw’).

Three thousand (‘alap ‘alapym) as brilliant as the sun are attentive around Him (shamash huw’). Thirty thousand (wa ribow ribowym) living judgmentally (dyn yathab) stood up and were established (quwm) before Him (qodam huw’). And so (wa) the books of the Teacher (saphar) were opened (phatach). (Dany’el 7:10)

I continued to be observant (hawah chazah) in that afterward (ba ‘adayn min) the voice (qal) of the Horn (dy qeren) was speaking of a great many things, issuing important decrees while exalting these edicts and affairs (milah rab malal).

I kept watching until I came to realize (hawah chazah ‘ad) that the monstrous Beast (chywah) was slain (dy qatal). So then, the body (wa gashem), having been executed, perished and was destroyed (‘abad). It was imparted (wa hy’ yahab) to (la) the fire to be burned (yaqedah ‘esha’). (Dany’el 7:11)

With the remainder (wa sha’ar) of the beasts (chywah), their governmental control and ability to rule (shaletan himow) were taken away and repealed (‘adah). But then (wa) an extension of life (‘arkah ba chay) was 447extended to them (yahab la hown) for (‘ad) a period of a little more than one season (zaman wa ‘idan). (Dany’el 7:12)

I continued to closely examine and carefully consider (hawah chazah) the things associated with the supernatural revelation (ba chazuw) during the night and time of darkness (lyly ‘a). Then behold (wa ‘aruw): accompanied by (‘im) clouds (‘anan) from the heavens (shamayn), the likes (ka) of the Son of Man (bar ‘enash) arrived in this place (‘athah hawah).

And meanwhile (wa ‘ad), he came to reach out to (mata’) the Ancient of Days (‘athyq yowmym). He drew near and was present before Him (wa qodam huw’ qareb huw’). (Dany’el 7:13)

And to him (wa la huw’) was given (yahab) dominion (shalatan), honor (wa yaqar), and sovereignty (wa malkuw).

The entire family, including every ethnicity (wa kol ‘am ‘umah) and language (wa lishan), will serve alongside him (la huw’ palach). His dominion, and sovereignty (shalatan huw’) is an everlasting (‘owlam) authorization and authority (shalatan) which shall not be taken away (dy la’ ‘adah). His kingdom and kingship (malkuw huw’) will never wane (dy la’ chabal). (Dany’el 7:14)

The Spirit associated with me (ruwach ‘anah), She was troubled and pained (karah). As for me, Dany’el (‘anah Dany’el), inside of me (ba gaw nidnah), the revelations (chazuw) in my mind (re’sh ‘anah) were disturbing to me (bahal ‘anah). (Dany’el 7:15)

I approached (qareb ‘al) a particular individual from (chad min) those standing by (quwm), requesting (ba’ah) a true and accurate assessment (wa yatsyb) from him (min huw’) regarding all of this (‘al kol danah). And 448he explained it to me (wa ‘amar la ‘anah), providing an interpretation (wa pashar) of these things (milah), making them known to me so that I would understand (yada’ ‘anah). (Dany’el 7:16)

‘These powerful beasts (‘ilyn chywah rab), which are four in number, represent four (dy ‘inuwn ‘arba’ ‘arba’) governments and their leaders (melekyn), which will arise (quwm) from the Earth (min ‘ara’). (Dany’el 7:17)

However (wa), the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh) of the Most High (‘elyown) will receive the honor and distinction, even the gift (qabal) of the kingdom and of sovereign power (malkuw). And they will inherit and possess (wa chasan) the kingdom and reign as kings and queens (malkuw) throughout eternity, advancing as a result of the restoring witness forevermore (‘ad ‘alam wa ‘ad ‘alam ‘alam).’ (Dany’el 7:18)

Then, therefore (‘adayn), I wanted (tsabah) to be certain (la yatsab) regarding (‘al) the fourth (raby’ay) monstrous beast (chywah) which was different in the way it changed (dy hawah shanah) from all of the others (min kol kol). It was awesomely formidable and exceedingly terrifying (yatyr dachal).

Its teeth (shen hy’) were akin to iron (dy parzel) and its claws (wa taphar hy’) were of bronze (dy nachash) as it devoured (‘akal) and crushed (daqaq) the rest (sha’ar) by violently trampling (raphas) with its feet (ba ragal). (Dany’el 7:19)

And also (wa) concerning (‘al) were the ten horns (‘ashar qeren) which were on its head (dy ba re’sh hy’). And then there was another in the end (wa ‘achoran) which grew such that it was lifted up (dy salaq).

Three (talath) would be reverent, submit, and then fall (naphal) before it (min qadam hy’), to this horn that 449had eyes and a mouth (wa qeren diken wa’ayn la hy’ wa pum). He spoke profusely (malal rab).

And (wa) by appearances (chazuw), it was greater (hy’ rab) than those in league with it and the others of its kind (min chabrah hy’). (Dany’el 7:20)

I continued looking (hawah chazah), and this particular horn (wa qeren diken) was engaged in war (‘abad qarab) against (‘im) the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh). And it prevailed over them (wa yakil la himow) (Dany’el 7:21) until the restoring witness (‘ad) the Ancient of Days (dy ‘athyq yowmym) arrived (‘athah).

Then judgment and justice (wa dyn) He offered and delivered by entrusting (yahab) to the Set-Apart Ones (la qadysh) of the Most High (‘elyown).

And at the specific appointed time (wa zaman), He approached and reached out (matsa’) so that (wa) the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh) could inherit (chasan) sovereignty and kingship (malkuw). (Dany’el 7:22)

Therefore (ken), he said (‘amar), ‘the fourth (raby’ay) beast (chywah) represents the fourth empire (raby’ay malkuw hawah) to arise (hawah) in the world (ba ‘ara’).

It will be different, especially in its evolution and transformation as it changes from (dy shanah min) all the other sovereign powers (kol malkuw). It will devour, devastating (wa ‘akal) the entire world (kol ‘ara’), trampling it down and destroying it (wa duwsh hy’) while crushing it (daqaq hy’). (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:23)

Regarding the ten horns (wa qeren ‘asar), out of this empire (min hy’ malkuw), the leaders of ten governments (‘asar melek) will arise (quwm). And then much later, another (wa ‘achoran) will rise up and take its stand (quwm) at the end after them (‘achary hown). And he (wa 450huw’) will be different (shanah) from the previous ones (min qadmay).

So then (wa), three leaders and their nations (tahath melek) will be humbled, losing status by being subdued (shaphal). (Dany’el 7:24)

And he will speak, issuing decisions, decrees, and commands (wa milah) in conflict with and in opposition to (la tsad) the Most High (‘ilay).

His way of speaking and proclamations (malal) will wear down and torment, even oppress and persecute (balah) the Set Apart (wa la qadysh) of the Almighty (‘elyown). Then he will aspire to change, attempting to alter (wa sabar la shanah) the set times for the meetings (zaman) along with the written and codified prescriptions (wa dath).

They will be influenced by him, as they are claimed under his authority (wa yahab ba yad huw’) for up to 3½ years (‘ad ‘idan wa ‘idanyn wa palag ‘idan). (Dany’el 7:25)

However (wa), he will sit in judgment (dyn yatib). His authorization and ability to rule (wa shalatan huw’) will be taken away, repealed and annulled (‘adah), eradicated (la shamad) and perishing (wa la ‘abad) to the end of time (‘ad sowpha’). (Dany’el 7:26)

Then sovereignty (wa malkuw) and empowerment along with a plethora of rights (wa shalatan), including the highest status and an increase in magnitude (wa rabuw) will be for those who will reign (dy malkuw) under the entirety (tachath kol) of the heavens (shamayn). This will be given (yahab) to a family (‘am) Set Apart (qadysh) of the Most High (‘elyown).

His kingdom and sovereign power (malkuw) will be an everlasting and eternal right to lead (malkuw ‘alam). And all (wa kol) of those who are empowered and 451authorized (shalatan) will approach and serve with him (la huw’ palach) while listening (wa shama’).’ (Dany’el 7:27)

Here, at this time, along with the eternal and restoring witness (‘ad kah), was the conclusion (sowph) of this communication (dy milah).

As for me (‘anah), Dany’el | God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation (Dany’el), when I thought about everything, contemplating and reasoning to the greatest extent possible (sagyi’ rayown ‘anah), it alarmed and dismayed me (bahal ‘anah). My countenance changed (wa zyw ‘anah shanah) while I judged these things for myself and preserved them in my mind and heart because I was in a quandary, unsure how I should proceed beyond remaining observant and judgmental (‘al ‘anah wa milah ba leb ‘anah natar). (Dany’el 7:28)

In the third year (ba shanah shalowsh) of the reign of the ruler (la malkuwth ha melek) Bel’sha’tsar | the Lord Protects the King (Bel’sha’tsar), a communication (dabar) appeared (ra’ah) to me (‘el ‘any). I (‘any), Dany’el | My God is Judgmental (Dany’el), had it shown to me (ha ra’ah ‘el ‘any) after (‘achar) the previous one (ba ha tachilah). (Dany’el 8:1)

While I was viewing the prophetic revelation (wa ra’ah ba ha chazown), it came to exist (wa ba hayah) as I was looking (ba ra’ah), that I was in (wa ‘any ba) the fortified capitol (ha byrah) of Shuwshan (ba Shuwshan), which is in (‘asher ba) the Province (ha madynah) of ‘Eylam (‘Eylam). And I noticed (wa ra’ah) that I was (wa ‘any hayah) in the prophetic revelation (ba ha chazown) at the waterway (‘al ‘uwbal) of ‘Uwlay | of those led astray by foolishness rather than accept responsibility (‘Uwlay). (Dany’el 8:2)

As I lifted up (wa nasa’) my eyes (‘ayn ‘any) and was 452observant (ra’ah), behold there was (wa hineh) a large Ram (‘ayl rahab), one (‘echad) standing in front of the waterway (‘amad la paneh ha ‘uwbal). And upon him were (wa la huw’) two horns (tsemed qerenym). These horns (wa ha qerenym) were high, haughty, and conceited (gaboah). But the one (wa ha ‘echad) was more self-exalting and power craving (gaboah) than the others (min ha seny).

The more arrogant and domineering one (wa ha qaboah) ascended and rose above (‘alah) the former in the end (ba ha ‘acharown). (Dany’el 8:3)

I saw (ra’ah) the Ram (ha ‘ayl) attacking by goring (nagah) westward (yam), northward (wa tsaphown), also to the south (wa negeb). There was not any beast who could withstand (wa kol chayah lo’ ‘amad) his presence (la paneh huw’). None were spared (wa ‘ayn natsal) from his influence (min yad huw’). So he acted (wa ‘asah) as he pleased (ka ratsown huw’). And he was exalted and became great (wa gadal). (Dany’el 8:4)

So as I began to consider and process this (wa ‘any hayah byn). Then behold (wa hineh), a young and independent crowned Goat (tsaphyr) who was headstrong and imposing (ha ‘ez) was coming (bow’) from the west (min ha ma’arab). Yet even upon (‘al) the presence (paneh) of the entire region (kol ha ‘erets), he did not make contact with or strike (wa ‘ayn naga’) the Land (ba ha ‘erets).

This young crowned Goat seeking adventure and glory (wa ha tsaphyr) had a prominent and conspicuous horn (qeren chazuwth) between his eyes (byn ‘ayn). (Dany’el 8:5) He came (bow’) up to (‘ad) the Ram (ha ‘ayl) possessing (ba’al) the two horns (ha qerenym) which (‘asher) I had seen (ra’ah) standing (‘amad) before the presence of (la paneh) the waterway (ha ‘uwbal). And he chased (wa ruwts) after him (‘al huw’) 453with a vengeance (ba chemah) while demonstrating resourcefulness and cunning (koah). (Dany’el 8:6)

I witnessed him (wa ra’ah huw’) approaching and making contact with (naga’ ‘etsel) the Ram (ha ‘ayl). He was embittered and obsessed with him (wa marar ‘el huw’). Therefore, he lashed out at the Ram (wa nakah ‘eth ha ‘ayl), breaking (wa shabar ‘eth) both of his horns (shanaym qeren huw’).

Pursuant to the Ram (wa ba ha ‘ayl), there was insufficient capability, power, or resources (lo’ hayah koach) to withstand his presence (la ‘amad la paneh huw’). So (wa) he was overthrown and humbled as he brought him down (wa shalak huw’) to earth (‘erets). He trampled and tread upon him as the aggressor (wa ramas huw’) so there was no way to spare or rescue (wa lo’ hayah natsal) the Ram (la ha ‘ayil ha ‘ayl) from his influence or ability (min yad huw’). (Dany’el 8:7)

The great young and stubborn crowned Goat seeking adventure, supremacy, and glory (wa tsaphyr ha ‘ez) was empowered, exalted, and enriched as he glorified himself and became exceptionally boastful (gadal) beyond the greatest extent thought possible (‘ad me’od).

But when he was the strongest and at the time when his empire was the vastest (wa ka ‘atsam huw’), the great Horn (ha gadowl ha qeren) was broken, and the membranes of his body ruptured (shabar).

Then four (wa ‘arba’) conspicuously appeared (chasuwth), rising up (‘alah – ascending) in its place (tachath hy’), extending toward (la) the four winds (‘arba’ ruwach) of the sky (shamaym). (Dany’el 8:8)

Then out of one of them (wa min ha ‘echad min hem), he came forth (yatsa’) as one Horn / a solitary individual ruler (qeren ‘echad) from the least significant, the 454youngest and smallest (min tsa’yr).

And it grew great, magnifying itself (wa gadal) with arrogant and braggadocious speeches to those who remain (yeter) toward the south (‘el ha negeb), to the east (wa ‘el ha mizrach), and toward the most desirable and beautiful (wa ‘el ha tsaby). (Dany’el 8:9)

And it boasted as it grew insolent (wa gadal), well beyond (‘ad) the host of spiritual envoys coming forth from (tsaba’) the heavenly realm (ha shamaym).

Then it brought down (wa naphal) to the Earth (‘erets) some of the host of the spiritual realm (min ha tsaba’) in addition to some of the brightest and most powerful (wa min ha kowkab). It was the aggressor among them (wa ramas hem). (Dany’el 8:10)

And up until the eternal and restoring witness of (wa ‘ad) the empowered leader who will govern and reign (sar), he will be exalted and glorified, honored and considered great, growing ever more arrogant as he seeks status and acclaim over (gadal) the spiritual implements (ha tsaba’).

Then because of him (wa min huw’), the unceasing continuity and uninterrupted succession (ha tamyd) will be irrevocably and demonstrably lifted up and exalted (ruwm). (Dany’el 8:11)

However, a host of spiritual implements (wa tsaba’) will be given away (nathan) over (‘al) having revolted against (ba pesha’) that which is perpetual and continuous, everlasting and unceasing (ha tamyd).

Therefore, this will direct Her to come forth with (wa shalak) that which is trustworthy and reliable (‘emeth) to the Land (‘erets). And She will act, engage (wa ‘asah), and succeed, accomplishing what She strives to achieve (wa tsalach). (Dany’el 8:12)

Then I chose to listen to (wa shama’) someone who 455was Set Apart (‘echad qadowsh) speaking (dabar). The Set-Apart one (‘echad qadowsh) said (‘amar) to the Palmowny | Distinguished One who is illustrious and who will intercede (la ha Palmowny) by demonstrably bringing this about through his words (ha dabar), ‘How long (matay) is the restoring witness (‘ad) of the prophetic revelation (chazown) regarding that which is perpetual and continuous (ha tamyd) and, also (wa), the revolting defiance of authority (ha pesha’) which is devastating and desolating (shamem) to that which has been given to (nathan) the set apart (wa qodesh) which the cadre of spiritual implements (wa tsaba’) has trampled (mirmas)?’ (Dany’el 8:13)

And he said to me (wa ‘amar ‘el ‘any), ‘For the duration of (‘ad) 2,300 (eleph wa shalosh me’ah) ensuing periods of darkness in the evening (‘ereb) with the dawn of a new day, the time of enlightenment to reflect and be contemplative in the morning (boqer). Then the Set Apart (wa qodesh) will be vindicated as right (tsadaq).’ (Dany’el 8:14)

While I, Dany’el, was seeing and considering (wa hayah ba ra’ah ‘any Dany’el) the revelation (‘eth ha chazown), I desired and sought (wa baqas) insights and understanding (bynah).

Then, behold (wa hineh), present and standing before me (‘amad la neged ‘any) was someone who appeared like (ka mara’ah) a confident and courageous man (geber). (Dany’el 8:15)

I heard the voice (wa shama’ qowl) of this man (‘adam) providing understanding by making connections associated with (bayn) ‘Uwlay | My Enriching Adventure (‘Uwlay).

He called out to and invited (wa qara’) Gabry’el | I Am God’s Most Confident and Capable, Courageous and Combative Man (wa Gabry’el).

456Then he said (wa ‘amar), ‘Explain the relationships which lead to understanding this revelation (byn la halaz ‘eth ha mar’eh).’ (Dany’el 8:16)

So he arrived (wa bow’), positioning himself right beside me (‘omed ‘etsel ‘any). But when he approached (wa ba bow’ huw’), I was overwhelmed (ba’ath). And so I chose to fall on my face (wa naphal ‘al panah ‘any).

Then he said to me (wa ‘amar ‘el ‘any), ‘Descendant of ‘Adam (ben ‘adam), you should choose to use your ability to make the necessary connections to understand, learning how to closely examine and carefully consider the evidence while being discerning (byn) because, indeed (ky), the prophetic revelation (ha chazown) is for the end of time (la ‘eth qets).’ (Dany’el 8:17)

So when he was speaking with me (wa ba dabar huw’ ‘im ‘any), I fell into a deep sleep (radam) while my face was on the ground (‘al paneh ‘any ‘erets). And yet, he continued to reach out through me (wa naga’ ba ‘any) such that he propped me up and caused me to be upright (wa ‘amad ‘any), upon my assigned post (‘al ‘omed ‘any). (Dany’el 8:18)

He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Pay close attention to me (hineh ‘any). Yada’, as the final witness to the eternal testimony regarding the restoring appointments of the final Mow’ed (ky la Mow’ed qets), will make this known so that you will be understood (yada’ ‘atah). He will literally and consistently convey (hayah) the way to receive the benefits of the relationship (‘eth ‘asher), doing so in the distant future, during the last days, on behalf of the indignant remnant (ba ‘acharyth ha za’am). (Dany’el 8:19)

The Ram (ha ayl) which you saw (‘asher ra’ah) acting like a Lord while possessing (ba’al) the two horns (ha qerenym) are the kings (melek) of Maday | Media 457(Maday) and (wa) Paras | Persia (wa Paras). (Dany’el 8:20) And the young and independent crowned Goat (wa ha tsaphyr), the shaggy-haired, tempestuous, and devilish male (ha sa’yr), is the king (melek) of Yowan | Ionian Greece (Yowan). (Dany’el 8:21)

The great horn (wa ha qeren ha gadowl), which is positioned between (‘asher byn) its eyes (‘ayn huw’), was the initial and foremost (huw’ ha ri’shown) king (ha melek) (Dany’el 8:21) who suffered and died by the rupturing of internal membranes (wa ha shabar).

And then four arose and appointed themselves (wa ‘amad ‘arba’) in his place (tachath huw’).

Four (‘arba’) empires (malkuwth) will be appointed (‘amad) from this gowy (min gowy) but not with (wa lo’ ba) his authorization or power (koach huw’). (Dany’el 8:22)

Then in the end (wa ba ‘acharyth), as their empire (malkuwth hem) is concluded (ka tamam), the Rebellious and Defiant Ones (ha pasha’) will arise and present themselves (‘amad) as the authorized embodiment of political, religious, and military power (melek) with a fortified and empowered (‘az) presence (paneh), in addition to one who understands by making the proper connections to thoughtfully resolve (wa byn) riddles and enigmas, asking the hard questions needed to solve the most challenging mysteries and intriguing analogies (chydah). (Dany’el 8:23)

And this controlling authoritarian will become exceedingly powerful (wa ‘atsam koach huw’) but not through his own ability or authority, his accomplishments or power (wa lo’ ba koach huw’).

He will be astonishingly corrupt and awesomely destructive while appearing miraculous, well beyond his own power (wa pala’ shachath).

458He will succeed for a while, claiming to be victorious at this time by granting prosperity and pushing his agenda forward (wa tsalach). But his actions (wa ‘asah) will corrupt and destroy, even annihilate and exterminate (wa shachath) great multitudes, including the strongest, most accomplished, and powerful (‘atsuwm) in addition to (wa) the set-apart people (‘am qadowsh). (Dany’el 8:24)

And by way of his cunning interpretations and explanations (wa ‘al sekel huw’), he will become a powerful and influential force for deceit and deception, deliberately and successfully misleading and betraying (wa tsalach mirmah).

With his actions (ba yad huw’) and in his judgment (wa ba lebab huw’), he will be exalted, considered important and praiseworthy (gadal).

And yet, dissatisfied and careless, without thought or compassion (shalwah), he will manipulate, corrupt, and destroy countless individuals (shachath rabym).

He will present himself as superior to and take a stand against (wa ‘al ‘amad) the Leader of Leaders and the King’s representatives (sar sarym). But in the end (wa ba ‘epesh) his hand will be broken and his influence will cease (yad shabar). (Dany’el 8:25)

And the vision (wa mare’ah) of the ensuing period of darkness in the evening of noxious foreigners (ha ‘ereb) and of the dawn of a new day, a time of enlightenment to reflect and be contemplative (wa ha boqer) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), he has declared and promised (‘amar) is reliable and true about him and you and it will be fulfilled (‘emeth huw’ wa ‘atah).

Seal by disguising (satham) the revelation (ha chazown) for a long time (ky la yowmym rabym).’ 459(Dany’el 8:26)

Then (wa), I (‘any), Dany’el (Dany’el), had experienced too much and grew faint (hayah wa chalah) for days (yowmym). But when (wa) I arose and stood up (quwm), I engaged in and contributed to (wa ‘asah ‘eth) the spiritual endeavors of the heavenly messenger (mala’kah) of the Head of the Kingdom (ha melek).

However, I was appalled (wa shamem) by the vision (‘al ha mare’ah), even though I did not understand (wa ‘ayn byn).” (Dany’el 8:27)

Dany’el would, indeed, return to his post and receive additional explanations of how the history of the world would proceed. And as has been the case in the past, the recording of this message allows us to stand with him so that we are properly prepared for what is to come.

While our assessment of Dany’el chapters 9, 10, and 11 will be forthcoming, since we have already translated Dany’el 12, here it is again for your consideration…

“And so at that time (wa ba ha ‘eth ha hy’), Myka’el | the one who validates this association with God, verifying these connections to the Almighty (Myka’el), who is the representative of the anointed king while serving the leader’s family (sar), will have an important role in nourishing the growth while promoting through amplification to empower (ha gadowl) your family’s children (‘al ben ‘am ‘atah), taking a stand, present and accountable, appointed and supported (‘amad).

Then there will be (wa hayah) a Time (‘eth) of Trouble (tsarah), beyond which has ever existed (‘asher lo’ hayah) from a gentile nation (min hayah gowy) prior to this time (‘ad ha ‘eth ha hy’).

And (wa) during this period (ba ha ‘eth ha hy’), your people (‘am ‘atah) will be saved, everyone rescued from harm’s way and delivered (malat kol) who is found (ha 460matsa’) written (kathab) in the book (ba ha sepher). (Dany’el 12:1)

And many important and infamous individuals (wa rab) of those who are asleep in an altered state of consciousness (min yashen) in the dust of the earth (‘adamah ‘aphar) will be awakened (qyts), some of these (‘eleh) to the restoration of life everlasting, growing forevermore (la chay ‘owlam) and others (wa ‘eleh) to eternal (‘owlam) scorn and shame, insults and reproach, accusations and censure (cherpah) for having been abhorrent and appalling in goading others in a repulsive and loathsome manner (dera’own). (Dany’el 12:2)

Therefore, the circumspect with insight, those who are intelligent and properly instructed, discerning and discriminating, demonstrating the capacity to understand (wa ha sakal) will become prominent, obtaining a high status, being respected among heavenly beings, shining brightly while enlightening and admonishing (zahar), similar to the light (ka zohar) of the expansive universe (ha raqya’), such that they will be greatly valued for the numerous worthy individuals who will be vindicated for being right (wa tsadaq ha rab), becoming like stars (ka ha kowkab) as eternal and restoring witnesses forevermore (la ‘owlam wa ‘ad). (Dany’el 12:3)

As for you, Dany’el (wa ‘atah Dany’el), seal up this testimony, making the message secure while precluding access to the meaning hidden within the words (satam ha dabarym). And place a stamp and signature on the book (wa chatam ha sepher) until just before the time of the restoring witnesses runs out (‘ad ‘eth qets).

Many, and notably rabbis and others who are infamous and exalted (rab), will wander about aimlessly, rowing up a waterfall, accomplishing nothing 461and getting nowhere (shuwth), even with access to this information which leads to understanding (wa ha da’ath) becoming more prevalent (rabah). (Dany’el 12:4)

Then I, Dany’el | knowing that my God is judgmental (wa ‘any Dany’el), looked (ra’ah), and behold (wa hineh), the two others at the end (shanaym ‘acher) were present, appointed and accounted for, supported while taking a stand (‘amad). One individual (‘echad) was now present here (henah) as the means to convey the message (la saphah ha ya’or). And the other person (wa ‘echad) was simultaneously present close by (henah) with verbally expressive lips flowing with language (la saphah ha ya’or). (Dany’el 12:5)

Then (wa) he said (‘amar) to the individual (la ha ‘iysh) in linen garments (ha bad) who, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), was from the dimension above and beyond (min ma’al) the source of the waters of the stream (la maym ha ya’or), ‘How long will this restoring witness be until (‘ad matay) the end (qets) of these marvelous explanations of things that would otherwise be difficult to understand (ha pele’)? (Dany’el 12:6)

Then I listened to (wa shama’) the individual (‘eth ha ‘iysh) clothed in linen (lebuwsh ha bad) who, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), was from the dimension above and beyond (min ma’al) the source of the waters being channeled (la maym ha ya’or).

He raised (wa ruwm) his right hand (yamyn huw’) and then his left (samo’l huw’) toward the heavens (‘el ha shamaym). And he made a solemn promise, swearing an oath based upon seven (wa shaba’) in conjunction with the One who lives forever and restores life forevermore (ba chay ha ‘owlam) that there will be (ky’ la) Mow’ed Mow’edym | Three Years of Restoring Witnesses to the Appointments (Mow’ed Mow’edym) 462and, in the midst of another (wa chatsy), then (wa ka), the separating (naphats) of the hand and outreach (yad) of the set-apart people (‘am qodesh) will be over (kalah). All of these things (kol ‘eleh) will come to fruition (kalah). (Dany’el 12:7)

And I listened (wa ‘any shama’), but I did not understand (wa lo’ byn). So I said (wa ‘amar), ‘Dear sir (‘adown ‘any), what is the end result of these things (mah ‘acharyth ‘eleh)?’ (Dany’el 12:8)

He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Go, choosing to continue to conduct your life (halak), Dany’el | because My God is Judgmental (Dany’el). These words (ha dabarym) are sealed up (satam), enclosed, signed, and stamped (wa chatham) until the time of the final witness (‘ad ‘eth) at the very end during the last days (qets).’ (Dany’el 12:9)

Many (rab) will be purged of prevailing influences and cleansed as a result of choosing to examine religious and political constraints (barar), independently purified as a result of avoiding societal pressures (wa laban) and, thus, they will be refined, benefiting from having been tested and proven right (wa tsaraph).

However (wa), of those who will be condemned for acting inappropriately, perpetrating religious and political crimes (rasa’ rasa’), none of them will understand, remaining clueless, unable to make the connections needed to comprehend much of anything (wa lo’ byn kol).

And yet (wa), the ones with insight who are discerning, demonstrating the capacity to be observant and circumspect (ha sakal) will understand (byn). (Dany’el 12:10)

And from the time (wa min ‘eth) the continuity, the unceasing continuance (ha tamyd) is abolished by overwhelming ferocity and force (suwr) and the 463devastating and appalling, even damning (wa la shamem) abomination (shiquwts) is appointed (nathan), there will be 1,290 days (yowmym ‘eleph me’ahym wa thesha’). (Dany’el 12:11)

Blessed and delighted (‘ashry) are those who continue in this state and who remain confident and certain (ha chakah), continuing in close contact through the arrival (wa naga’) of 1,335 days (la yowmym ‘eleph shalosh me’owah shalosh wa chamesh). (Dany’el 12:12)

Of your own freewill, choose to journey through life, traveling (wa ‘atah halak) to the final destination, to the finish line, right to the very end, pushing the boundaries and the limits (la ha qets).

Then you will find spiritual rest, settling down and relaxing during your retirement (wa nuwach), allowed to be present and always remain (wa ‘amad) in your allotted place with your inheritance (la gowral ‘atah) at the End of Days (la qets ha yowmym).” (Dany’el / My God is Judgmental / Daniel 12:13)

There is an old adage implied by this prophecy. If you want to predict the future, study the past. And like unto it, the best indicator of future behavior is previous conduct.

Through this review of the prophet’s future and depiction of our past, we now know what will transpire and why it will occur. The more closely we examined these beastly empires – from Babylon to Greece and from Rome to its Church – the more clearly our own future history emerged.

While the brightest and most glorious light in the universe awaits us, the Time of Trouble is going to be exceedingly dark. The Earth will soon witness the worst man has to offer.

