lxxxiYada Yahowah



Audience Appeal and Appraisal


Keeping it Real…

I have long wondered why so few have studied the Towrah and Prophets with the intent of coming to know its Author. I find it surprising, not only because it is the most credible and well-preserved ancient text, but also because the inspiration behind it is so interesting.

It is also perplexing how few have closely examined the underlying scriptures of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Canaanite, Greek, or Roman religions to see how they were integrated into Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, and Socialist Secular Humanism – especially considering the multitudes that have been beguiled by them. The fact that these belief systems are rife with regurgitated paganism and that they are all flawed to the point of being irrational, is lost on the vast preponderance of people. And I suspect that the principal reason they avoid scrutiny is because they have managed to usurp the credibility of the Towrah and Prophets – a remarkable feat considering the fact that its inspiration is vehemently opposed to those religions.

As a result, I find it inexplicable that something as credible as the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr of Yahowah would be consistently misconstrued and misappropriated to validate all manner of misconceptions but never used to affirm the truth. Likewise, it is amazing that with man’s contradictory and self-promoting fingerprints all over them that there are so few books devoted to discrediting man’s most popular religions. And this is not an idle curiosity because the biggest obstacle to overcome when approaching Yahowah’s testimony is the removal of lxxxiireligious rubbish that these religions have piled on top of it, impugning it by association.

It will soon become evident that Yahowah proved that His testimony and revelations are valid. His Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms were inspired and remain trustworthy and true, which means that all conflicting paths are invalid. The God who inspired the actual prophets is too merciful to be tolerant of deception – no matter how enticing man’s words may seem, nor how clever the counterfeits may appear to the unwary.

At this point it may still be difficult for many to process why I would be so openly critical of all religions, especially the religions of Judeo-Christianity, seeing that this is an introduction to a multi-volume tome dedicated to the revelations of the God most believe was responsible for establishing these doctrines. Why am I insistent on ascribing a name to God? Why do I include Socialist Secular Humanism in the list of human belief systems? Why focus on prophetic verses as this enterprise does? Good questions all—and all questions God Himself will answer early and often.

By reading the Prelude, Composition and Methodology, and Audience Appeal and Appraisal, Prophecy, and then Yada Yahowah, followed by An Introduction to God, Questioning Paul, Observations, Babel, and Coming Home, even Prophet of Doom, Tea with Terrorists, and In The Company, you will find that much of what you have been led to believe is not true. Religious founders, clerics, and politicians have deliberately deceived most people, as they once did me. And they have done so to empower and enrich themselves.

It is not that everything they say is a lie; it is that so many lies have been blended with the truth that what’s left is akin to Kool-Aid laced with poison. Most guzzle it down because we have been conditioned to evaluate religious lxxxiiiclaims through the nebulous criterion of faith. And we are taught that it is good to believe, even that we ought to respect the faiths of others.

And yet in actuality, there is nothing more beguiling, destructive, or deadly than half-truths – deceptions which are crafted to seem plausible, making them effective counterfeits. The religions of Judaism and Christianity are prime examples of this strategy. Islam, like its Mormon counterpart, on the other hand, is simply too inane to be credible – regardless of their feeble attempts to usurp the credibility of the Towrah and Prophets.

Speaking of a lack of integrity, we live in an exceptional era, a place and time where so many people have been indoctrinated, by either political correctness, a conspiracy theory, their religion and their politics, or all of the above, that they have become intellectually dysfunctional. As I write these words during a 2023 edit pass through all of my previous books, the world has lost its collective marbles.

While it is worse than the common flu, it is not the virus, called COVID-19, which has upended the sensibilities of man. Instead, it is the moronic manner politicians and the media have responded to it. They have deprived almost everyone of their liberty and livelihoods, destroying the world’s economies and currencies – leaving people dependent upon unethical and inept authoritarians. We have come within a breath of worldwide government domination over everyone’s lives. And yet, most are giving up their freedoms willingly.

If that was not bad enough, an out-of-control Minneapolis cop restrained and ultimately killed an intoxicated thief and counterfeiter after he attempted to elude arrest, and riotous protests broke out around the globe. The Black Lives Matter cult justified looting and arson, chanting “no justice, no peace,” predicated upon the lxxxivfalse assumption that Caucasians are generally racists who unfairly target blacks and murder them. Not only was that assumption an inversion of reality, but even if it were true, it would not justify far worse behavior on the part of many of the protesters.

Thousands have lashed out like animals – beating innocent individuals and robbing them. Further, when it is pointed out that even though blacks represent less than 13% of the US population, 93% of black murders are perpetrated by other blacks, those who hear such facts get offended and condemn the presenter. Worse, the overwhelming majority of people sympathize with this wholly misinformed and delusional conspiracy which seeks to blame others for their own problems. And when that occurs, anti-Semitism is seldom far behind. Blaming and condemning Jews has become an increasingly prevalent part of this socialist agenda.

It is true that police are far too aggressive and that because many are former military, they have a belligerent, shoot-first approach in imposing their superiority over those they are apprehending. The US Justice Department is irrecoverably corrupt – with countless innocent men and women being convicted based upon false testimony. But the problem is not racism. The underlying issue is that we have lost the capacity to think rationally and respond appropriately. The issue is character and culture, not racism or ethnicity.

And that is why the deceptions which underlie Black Lives Matter and the counterproductive responses to COVID-19 have become so popular. No one is thinking. We are witnessing the ultimate demise of freedom and free enterprise, of individual viability and accountability, of evidence and reason – and no one seems to care. The more power is concentrated, and the less it is distributed and democratized, the worse the human experience, with the lxxxvworld becoming more gang-like, perverted, and corrupt, vicious and deadly.

Anticipating your willingness, let’s clean our mental slates so that we are properly prepared for what we are about to read. To begin, recognize that it is absolutely impossible for the religions of Christianity (Roman Catholic, Orthodox [Greek, Eastern, Russian, or Copt], Protestant, or Evangelical), Judaism (Conservative, Orthodox, or Reform), Islam (Sunni or Shi’a), or Mormonism to be valid. Each of these religions claims that the Torah is the inspired word of God, and each draws its authority from it. And yet, they deliberately conceal, change, convolute, contradict, criticize, curtail, and counterfeit (in hundreds of ways) the very testimony they claim was inspired, and upon which they claim to be based.

Therefore, if Yahowah’s testimony is true, they are false, based solely upon their variations from God’s actual revelation. But if Yahowah’s testimony is untrustworthy, then they are also unreliable because they all claim to represent what would then be a deceitful deity – a reality which destroys their authority and credibility.

It is thus impossible to be an informed and rational Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Mormon, or Orthodox Jew. It is foolish to trust these human religious schemes – no matter how they make you feel or how popular they have become.

If what Yahowah says is true, there is only one God, He has but one name, He wants only one thing, and there is just one way to Him. If what Yahowah says is true, nothing is more important than closely observing and carefully considering what He revealed. And if God lied, if men wrote the texts we are going to scrutinize, then, even if there is a God, He is unknowable.

The verdict you will ultimately be able to render on what is true and what is not, on what leads to life or to lxxxvideath, will be based upon considerably more accurate and complete information than has been made available to you previously. Together, we are going to scrutinize the oldest Hebrew manuscripts of Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets. I will translate and amplify God’s revelations for you, just as I did with Psalm 19:7 in the previous chapter, using the most effective tools.

As we journey down this road, we will discover what God wants us to know about His nature, our purpose, and His plans, even His timeline. And in the process of closely examining His revelation, we will uncover something profound, perhaps even surprising: Yahowah wants us to enjoy an engaged yet relaxed, personal, conversational, and familial relationship with Him. He wants to adopt us. God does not want us to fear Him, to bow down to Him, or even to worship Him. He despises religions – all of them. He adores relationships and will sacrifice everything (save His integrity) to achieve them.

Yahowah’s every word is a story in itself, and collectively, they serve to flesh out the who, what, where, when, and how of the relationship our Heavenly Father seeks to develop with each of us. But beyond this, what Yahowah has to say is so contrary to most of the things we have all been taught, you will have to spend as much time unlearning as you do learning, especially if you want to know God as He revealed Himself to us.

To appreciate how everything relates to the ongoing story of our purpose and of our redemption, to understand how the provision Yahowah has delineated leads to the establishment of an eternal Family, will require considerable time and an open mind. Your willingness in this regard will most likely determine the fate of your soul, as well as those you love. I do not say these things because I have the market cornered on truth, but because I have come to recognize that religious writers lead people away from what is true, and therefore, away from Yahowah.

lxxxviiThe reason religious scholars, rabbis, pastors, and priests deceive is because their foundation is faulty. They not only base their revelations on grotesquely errant translations of the prophets, and on things which were not inspired like Paul’s letters, the Talmud, and the Quran, they embody the traditional religious milieu – a caustic brew based more upon Babylon than upon God’s Word. They do so to be accepted, and because it is good for business.

To know Yahowah, and to understand His offer, requires three things: a change in attitude, a different perspective, and judgmental thinking. Attitudinally, you are going to have to want to know Yahowah to the extent that you are willing to invest the time required to diligently observe His testimony. This is not unlike communicating extensively with someone and getting to know him or her before you choose to marry them.

Additionally, you are going to have to be willing to risk saying goodbye to people, institutions, and ideas you have held dear. Walking away from religion, national politics and patriotism, a reliance upon one’s military, an affinity for economic schemes, social customs, and family traditions, as well as conspiracy theories is God’s unequivocal prerequisite for engaging in a relationship with Him.

Your perspective will have to change so that you view Yahowah, the Covenant relationship He solicits, and the redemptive plan He facilitated from the vantage point He provided and established – and thus from the Towrah’s perspective. God’s book was designed to be read from beginning to end, starting with “Bare’syth – In the Beginning,” and then continuing through the Torah, Psalms, and Prophets to the final prophet, Malaky | Malachi. And yet, most Christians, unaware of God’s story, and the foundation and perspective it provides, read Paul’s letters instead. Jews prefer the Talmud, never so much as realizing that it is inconsistent with the Towrah.

lxxxviiiTo recognize this, to properly distinguish between right and wrong, to discriminate between truth and fiction, you will have to become judgmental. God wants us all to think rationally, morally, decisively, and correctly, such that we exercise our conscience – something the politically correct mantra has dictated we dare not do.

That is extremely difficult for most people because it often means distancing oneself from friends and family, from social customs and religious holidays, and abandoning their primary perspective of the world around them. The truth will prompt consternation over the fate of loved ones, while at the same time undermining the basic tenets of each individual’s religious and political beliefs.

So be forewarned: the truth will remain unpopular. It will cause considerable consternation among those without the good sense to embrace it. I know this all too well because I have experienced it. I lost access to my son and granddaughter over it. I got divorced because of it. I have received a thousand letters condemning me, many threatening to kill me. I know it as well because Yahowah told us that this would occur. And yet, I would have it no other way. This is the best decision I have ever made. It will be for you as well. It has been for all of us who have embraced Yahowah and His Covenant.

But the fact remains, the vast preponderance of people are too insecure to tolerate anyone questioning their faith. For most, especially Christians, faith has become synonymous with religion. For them, belief is all that matters. Anyone who questions it is quickly slandered and discarded. And for Jews, a relationship with Yah necessitates invalidating cultural traditions and thus a sense of community. For Muslims, they risk being murdered by their own family for choosing Yahowah over Allah. So, the stakes are high.

lxxxixAnd yet, with God, even the most benign of religions is counterproductive. Faith is nothing more than belief in the unknown – a religious substitute for the evidence the faithful lack. It is therefore, by definition, ignorant and irrational to “believe in God,” when God can be known.

Worse, most religions worship a false god. They squander their lives chasing after myths man has made.

In opposition to faith and belief, Yahowah wants to be acknowledged for who He actually is, to be understood, to be trusted, and to be relied upon. This is the reason He encourages us to closely and carefully observe His Towrah. It is why He revealed it, and why He filled it with prophetic proclamations.


No less than three of the four so-called Christian “Gospels” were hearsay and should have been considered inadmissible as evidence. Matthew was composed three generations after the events it purports to reveal. Further, Matthew plagiarized 90% of Mark’s 660 statements and 50% of Luke’s – neither of which were remotely accurate. It is so devastating to Christianity’s credibility that neither Mark, Luke, nor Matthew were eyewitnesses to anything they reported that it’s a miracle anyone believes them.

It is obvious that the first “Gospel” was written by "Mark" because "Matthew" and "Luke" are based upon it. It is unlikely that “Mark” was ever in Judaea, much less Jerusalem. Of him, Eusebius wrote: “Marcus, who had been Petra’s interpreter, wrote down…all that he remembered of Iesous’ sayings and doings. For he had not heard Iesous or been one of his followers, but later, he was one of Petra’s followers.” Origen, Tertullian, and Clement concurred, writing at the end of the 2nd century that xc“Marcus compiled his account from Petra’s speeches in Roma.” That is not the way Yahowah communicated to us through Moseh, Dowd, Yasha’yah, or any other of His prophets.

Beyond this unpopular reality, we must also deal with Paul’s alliance with Satan. His fourteen letters along with the two books composed by Luke, his associate, completely undermine the Christian New Testament such that it is actually adversarial and counterproductive. This dismissal of Paul, and assessment of his veracity, is explained in Questioning Paul. In it, Paul’s letters are compared to God’s Word so that you will be equipped to make an informed decision. You are also encouraged to read Observations and Coming Home because, in both, you will find Yahowah excoriating this man by name and reputation, calling him the Plague of Death, the Father of Lies, and the Son of Evil.

The simple truth is: God did not replace Judaism with Christianity, Jews with Gentiles, or Israel with the Church. He has consistently described and facilitated the relationship He originally established with ‘Abraham, expanded with Ya’aqob, developed through Moseh, and lived with Dowd. His chosen people remain Yisra’el.

Yada Yahowah will not claim that every obfuscation of truth was purposeful, yet each publisher’s reluctance to correct their “Bibles” serves as an indictment against them. Moreover, at times the comparison between the oldest manuscripts and today’s revisions will leave us with no alternative but to assume that the Christian copyedits were deliberate.

And since these deceptions are willfully and knowingly advanced by pastors, priests, and rabbis, clerics are complicit in the corruption – coconspirators if you will. Hopefully, this realization will lead you to the place Yahowah wants you to be – trusting Him and not men.

xciWhile the Greek texts underlying the Christian New Testament are unreliable, inadmissible, and worse, deplorable, the cast of characters responsible for promoting the Masoretic Text are also suspect. In this light, we would be wise to consider the Codex Aleppo along with the man who endorsed it. Forty percent of the Codex, scribed during the Abbasid Caliphate, the Islamic state from 750 1517 CE, is now missing including most of the Torah. The manuscript was kept for five centuries in the Central Synagogue of Aleppo, Syria until the synagogue was torched by Muslims during anti-Jewish pogrom riots in 1947. It is also telling that the synagogue, which dates to the 10th century BCE, was damaged and then converted into a mosque by the Muslim Mongols in the 13th century CE. It was again destroyed during Tamerlane’s subjugation of Aleppo in 1400 CE but was rebuilt as a synagogue in the 15th century. And while the synagogue was restored by American Jews after Muslims burned it following the Holocaust, it stands silent and empty. Jews are prohibited from going inside.

It gained considerable renown when Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (whose acronym forms Rambam), now known as Maimonides, sanctioned it. The man is central to our story because he is responsible for codifying the religion of Judaism as it is practiced today. And therefore, the Rambam has separated as many generations of Jews from Yahowah as Rabbi Akiba. The religion could not have picked two more nefarious fellows had that been the objective.

The Rambam was born in Cordoba, Spain in the Berber Muslim-ruled Almoravid Empire – shortly after the Moorish influence subsided. In his youth, he was a student of Islam – which speaks poorly of his judgment. He also studied the Greek philosophers, which is troubling because their Gnostic religious philosophy was not only universally errant, he allowed it to influence his conception of Judaism – xciijust as Paul brought it into Christianity. The Rambam was also a mystic and promoted the precursor to Kabbalah. Strike three.

Maimonides actually converted to Islam when the Almoravids conquered Cordoba in 1148 CE. They abolished the horrific dhimmi status of Jews (the condition whereby non-Muslims exist in a humiliating state with no rights, while required to pay Muslims the debilitating jizya tax). And while ending something that dehumanizing might sound compassionate, it was actually murderous. The only option for Jews became to convert to Islam, die by being beheaded, or flee leaving everything behind for the Muslims.

Further degrading, the Jews who converted were forced to wear distinguishing clothing to degrade their status based solely on race. As a result, they were publicly humiliated, subjugated, and abused. This would become a foreshadowing of what would befall Jews throughout Europe during the rise of the Third Reich. It makes Maimonides’ affinity for this evil, anti-Semitic religion all the more troubling.

After his conversion to Islam, Maimonides roamed Southern Spain for a decade. However, a rival in Egypt had the Rambam’s conversion ruled un-Islamic, giving him the option of exile or death. He chose a life in Fez, Morocco, which was the site of unimaginable carnage. As a symbol of its violent past, the red Fez (which means pickaxe), worn by Muslims and Freemasons alike, is symbolic of a time when the first Muslims murdered so many people in this place, the Islamic jihadists dipped their hats in rivers of blood. And the slaughter would continue, with Muslims savagely murdering over six thousand Jewish men during the Fez Massacre in 1033 CE, stealing their property and possessions, while enslaving the Jewish women to serve their carnal desires, all prior to the Rambam’s arrival.

xciiiIt was in the lingering anti-Semitic stench of this festering cesspool of Islamic culture that Rabbi Maimonides composed his acclaimed commentary on the Mishnah in 1167 CE. A year later, this twisted religious charlatan passed through Judea before doubling back and choosing to serve the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt in 1168. His cult of personality grew when he confiscated money from a Jewish community besieged in Lower Egypt so that he could bribe Crusaders to turn the Jews they captured in Jerusalem over to him. So much for being a student of the Towrah (Yahowah is overtly opposed to receiving or paying bribes).

The man who had just violated the Towrah’s Teaching, not only hailed what he had accomplished with other people’s money as a “triumph,” he immediately sought to increase his fortunes. Seeking to parlay some of the funds he had taken from his fellow Jews in rabbinic fashion, he financed his brother, David, and sent him off to trade with the Sudanese. Finding their merchandise to be of lesser quality than Maimonides had imagined, David sailed on toward India in search of a greater fortune – drowning en route.

Of David and this sordid enterprise, Maimonides would write in the Cairo Genizah: “The greatest misfortune that has befallen me during my entire life – worse than anything else – was the demise of the saint, may his memory be blessed, who drowned in the Indian sea, carrying much money belonging to me, to him, and to others, and left with me a little daughter and a widow. On the day I received that terrible news I fell ill and remained in bed for about a year, suffering from a sore boil, fever, and depression, and was almost given up. About eight years have passed, but I am still mourning and unable to accept consolation. And how should I console myself? He grew up on my knees, he was my brother, he was my student.”

xcivI will leave you to ponder all of the missteps in his obituary so that we can move past his failure as a banker to Maimonides’ political career. During this time, he gained supreme power over Jews in Egypt only to lose it, and then gain it back again after excommunicating his rival.

It was then, still short on money, that the Rambam started working as a doctor. He would receive a court appointment to serve as the physician to the Grand Vizier al-Qadi al Fadil, then to Sultan Saladin. Yes, that Saladin – the Kurdish warrior who became the first Islamic sultan of Egypt and Syria, and who, after murdering his way to power, became Islam’s champion. He would lead the vicious military campaign against the Crusaders. It was Saladin who solidified Islamic rule over Judea, Syria, and Iraq. He called for all Muslims around the world to rise in Jihad, a Holy War, against Christians.

If we are to be known by the company we keep, Maimonides was as disreputable for his association with Saladin as was Akiba for his promotion of Simon bar Kokhba. It is hard to imagine two people whose choices have had a more detrimental influence on Jews. And yet, it is these men who Jews revere, respect, and admire most. It is to them that they listen without questioning. And it is these men who have written their scriptures. It is truly astonishing that Jews have plagued themselves over the centuries believing such disreputable individuals.

And it only got worse. The Rambam became so consumed with his medical practice that he would routinely, by his own admission, ignore the Shabat. After spending the day in the palace attending to Saladin, he would return to heal Jews and Gentiles in the antechambers until sunset. How is it, then, this man who ignored Yahowah’s Towrah | Instructions became the author of the most influential treatises on Halakhah | Rabbinic Law? After all, it is in his Mishnah (tractate Talmud Sanhedrin, chapter 10, the introduction to Perek Chelek) that his xcv“Thirteen Fundamental Principles” of the Jewish faith preside – eight of which are wrong.

But that should not be surprising since he was guilty of babel | commingling his affinity for Islamic principles, Greek philosophy, and the Babylonian Talmud. He was also an adherent of apophatic theology, where his nameless god was described using only negative attributes. He would even write of “necessary beliefs” which were “conducive to improving social order.” He would actually negate the Towrah’s presentation of Yahowah’s growing animosity in response to His people’s tendency to be religious by saying that God was incapable of anger and that this false perception was perpetrated, necessary, and justified to encourage good behavior.

If that were not enough to bury this man’s credibility in the swamp of his own making, there is considerable evidence that Maimonides plagiarized much of his work. He stole it from Kaifeng Jews, who, as descendants of Persian merchants, had settled in China. They not only preceded him, but their teachings found their way to the Middle East by way of the Mongols, leaving no opportunity for the Rambam to travel back in time to them.

There appears to be a reason the Spirit has encouraged me to write about this man. No one has been more influential among Yahuwdym | Jews – the target audience for everything I have written on behalf of Yahowah. It appears that God wants His people to know their options.

As a Jew, you can continue to believe the man who once served the Islamic religion and has been the source of such pain, or you can consider what the man who excoriated that religion in Prophet of Doom (now replicated at YadaYah.com under God Damn Religion) has to share. You can believe the man who rose to power by fleecing your people so that he could bribe Crusaders, siphoning off money to finance his own aspirations, or the xcvione who has invested the money he made as a merchant into translating Yahowah’s testimony so that he could share the result freely. Are you going to continue to have your life influenced by the man who commingled the worst of Islam, Gnosticism, and the Talmud into a religion in defiance of Yahowah, presenting Him using negative attributes, or will you consider the translations, commentary, conclusions, and insights of one who has steadfastly sought to expose and condemn all religions and political philosophies so that you might be open to the Word of God?

You will discover that Yahowah’s prophets had a great deal to say about the alternative to the Rambam. God refers to him as the choter | stem and nakry | observant foreigner, and to the message he is providing on behalf of His people as the nes | banner. For His people to hear His call for them to come home, for them to return to Him, they must not only reject the likes of Maimonides but also come to accept Yahowah. And while I wish that there were hundreds of options available for you to do just that, all much better than this, there are not. And thus, this is a referendum. The most acclaimed of Jews is leading you in one direction, one that has turned out very poorly, while a Gentile, an observant foreigner, is offering to lead you back to the Promised Land by sharing the Word of God.

Pause now and contemplate your options.

Yahowah has also provided the nes | banner for the gowym who have disassociated from religion and politics as I have done. And now to help others, let’s return to the Christian myth of “Godly protection” and “inerrancy.” The sixty-nine pre-Constantine codices which have now been unearthed differ substantially among themselves. This variance then becomes irresolvable as the 2nd-through-early-4th-century textual witnesses are compared to those scribed in the wake of Catholicism’s emergence in the 4th century with their augmentative and divergent Codex xcviiSinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. And yet, the biggest discrepancy of all exists between these manuscripts and the Textus Receptus – which was acclaimed as being “without error” by the religious community in the 16th century.

The known disagreements between the Textus Receptus and older codices have now been shown to exceed 300,000 in a 182,000-word text. Further, for the “always accurate” myth to be valid, the Textus Receptus would be word-for-word identical to the more scholarly and modern textual blend known as the Nestle-Aland, but they differ almost as much as they agree. And these inconsistencies still do not take into consideration a myriad of religious copyedits or countless invalid translation choices. In reality, the original hearsay autographs were akin to the myths associated with Dionysus and Odysseus.

For Christians who are still murmuring: “I can’t believe God would allow anyone to corrupt His message,” for this leap of faith to be grounded in something remotely credible, at some point you will have to deal with the fact that the 16th-century Textus Receptus and the 20th-century Nestle-Aland differ materially, and both are overwhelmingly divergent from the now extant 1st-through-3rd-century manuscripts of the very text they purport to present. So, if your current “Bible” is accurate by happenstance of fate, it means that every prior witness to the text was inaccurate. But let’s be clear: even if the thousands of textual incongruities suddenly disappeared, the text of the CNT remains false because it continually contradicts and misappropriates the testimony of the God it claims to represent. This is not logically possible.

Keeping it real, was the Christian God unable or unwilling to protect His message from human corruption? The notion that "God would not allow anyone to corrupt His message” requires complete ignorance of the textual evidence to the contrary. It requires faith in that which is xcviiinot true, completely undermining the value of religious belief.

Then we must face the issue of Roman Catholicism, and Jerome’s Latin Vulgate, which served as the only “Bible” for most of the world for over one thousand years. As a blend of divergent Old Latin manuscripts which were free translations of wildly divergent copies of the Septuagint, which were themselves imprecise translations of the Hebrew text, the Vulgate is predictably in substantial conflict with the five-centuries-older Qumran parchments. Yet inexplicably, it is eerily similar to today’s most popular English translations, which cast a dark shadow on their validity.

Equally damaging, for over one thousand years, no one outside of Roman Catholic clerics could read the official Latin text, effectively preventing any layperson from knowing God’s Word, even if it had been preserved without corruption. The Roman Catholic Church, by way of their marriage of cleric and king, made it a crime punishable by death to own a translation of the Vulgate. And to make matters worse, in the rare case that someone would attempt a translation into a language which could be read and understood by those outside the Church’s hierarchy, as was the case with John Wycliffe in 1384, the perpetrator and their product were labeled heretical and burned.

Simply stated: none of these variations or eventualities would have been possible if God had intervened and refused to allow the CNT to be corrupted by man. So, since He obviously allowed it, isn’t it incumbent upon us to not only come to understand why He did so, but also to strive to discover what He actually revealed? And this is especially important for Jews to understand because nothing has been more hostile to them than Christianity – well, it and the other religion it spawned with a competitive false Messiah: Judaism.

xcixConsidering, therefore, the complexity of these many challenges, we will not rely upon the Latin Vulgate, KJV, NKJV, ASB, NASB, IV, NIV, NLT, or any other popular Bible. All English translations vary from poor to horrible and are not worth recommending. Even those with the good sense to write God’s name back into the text do very little to correct the message Yahowah is revealing.

In that one of the biggest obstacles to knowing the truth about God is the inaccuracy of today’s Bible translations, I would like to linger here a bit longer, even at the risk of being repetitive. The King James Bible is nothing more than a politically inspired revision five times over of those texts. The Geneva Bible, which had become popular at the time, used marginal notes to highlight passages which demonstrated that God had not anointed any king with the right to rule. Since this was contrary to the claims made by all kings, including King Iames (as he was known at the time), it became politically expedient to pen a new Bible, whereby the marginal notes were removed, the translations tweaked to please the king, and the thirteenth chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans was recast to reclaim the Divine Sanction. So, Iames hired the era’s most acclaimed secular humanist, Rosicrucian, and occultist, Sir Francis Bacon, to create a more accommodating rendition of Catholicism’s Vulgate.

Until quite recently, the Textus Receptus was touted as the foundation of all English translations of the Greek text known as “the Christian New Testament.” And yet, it was little more than an intellectual fraud and financial hoax. In October of 1515 CE, a Dutch secular humanist, who was also a Catholic priest, Desiderius Erasmus, and Johann Froben, a publisher of low repute, took five months to mark up, adding and taking away from a flawed 12th-century Medieval Greek manuscript, and they set type directly from those arbitrary scribbles. Then in places where their manuscript was void, they filled in the blanks cby translating portions of the Latin Vulgate back into Greek.

Equally reprehensible, when Roman Catholic clerics protested that some of their pet passages weren’t included, to quiet their critics, Erasmus and Froben added them without any legitimate basis. Such an example is the aforementioned story of “Jesus and the adulterous woman” recounted in the Gospel of John 8:1-11, whereby the “one without sin” was told “to cast the first stone.” This is one of the most famous and often quoted New Testament abstracts, and yet, it is false. As we know, it did not occur. The alleged discussion, which if true, would have the Messiah disavowing the Towrah – which is why it was added, though it is not found in any manuscript prior to the 8th century CE. Similarly, you will not find the ending of Mark, chapter 16 verses 9-20, in any pre-Constantine manuscript, nor even in the 4th-century Codex Sinaiticus or Codex Vaticanus – when it was added by the Roman Catholic Church.

In the absence of a viable competitor, Erasmus’ and Froben’s scholastic and financial fraud was said to be “a text received by all in which we have nothing changed or corrupted.” This myth was thus rendered: “the Textus Receptus.” And while the evidence is overwhelming that the King James Bible, first printed in 1611, was actually a revision of prior English translations of the Latin Vulgate, whose authors attributed their text to this very same and highly flawed Textus Receptus. The KJV then became so popular no English translation has yet been offered which dares to correct its familiar phrasing, especially of the most memorable passages.

It was not until 1707 that the Textus Receptus was challenged – effectively undermining the basis of the Reformation and Protestantism. John Mill, a fellow of Queens College in Oxford, invested 30 years comparing the Textus Receptus to some one hundred much older ciGreek manuscripts. In so doing, he documented 30,000 variations between them. And even this was just a rash on a donkey’s posterior. Known variations between the oldest manuscripts of the Greek text, and those which publishers now claim serve as the basis for their translations, may actually exceed 300,000.

Even though some accommodations were made in the later Westcott and Hort (1881) and Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament (1898 (also known as Novum Testamentum Graece)), both texts, while differing substantially from the Textus Receptus, remain more in sync with it than with the earliest extant (and recently discovered and published) Greek manuscripts from the 2nd through 3rd centuries CE. So, while Christian pastors hold up their favorite English translation of the “Bible” and proclaim that it is “the inerrant word of God,” factually, the book they are touting isn’t even remotely consistent with the earliest witnesses.

And to these embarrassing realizations, to be honest with our God, it is long past time that we come to acknowledge that the Christian New Testament was rotten long before the first scribe took his liberties with it. The Gospel According to Matthew is plagiarized, as is much of Luke – which is deliberately mythological. Neither, of course, were eyewitnesses, which begs the question: if miraculous words and deeds were spoken by “Jesus,” why didn’t anyone bother to write about it as it was occurring? Or ask yourself this: if “Jesus” said and did such marvelous things in God’s name, why didn’t he write anything down as had every prophet and witness before him?

Beyond the anti-Semitic cesspool of the Gospels, Paul’s fourteen letters are all poison, literally inspired by Satan, who Paul admits controlled him. Peter’s claims were no less inaccurate, particularly with regard to robbing Dowd to create the myth of Jesus. And Revelation cites Ezekiel throughout – a book which serves as an autobiographical account of ha Satan’s ambition.

ciiThere is a complete dearth of credibility associated with the instigation and perpetuation of the CNT. Billions of Gentiles have been played for fools and tens of millions of Jews have been horrifically dehumanized and demonized as a result. More than any others, these reasons are why the seven volumes of Babel and Questioning Paul were written.


In Composition and Methodology, we sought to understand the most important name in the universe – Yahowah. Now, let’s turn our attention to one which was integrated into earlier versions of these writings: Yahowsha’. In the years before I came to realize that Dowd, in his second of three lives, volunteered to fulfill the first four Miqra’ey, I used “Yahowsha’” as a mission statement to depict what Father and Son had achieved. Yahowsha’, which means Yahowah Delivers, Liberates, and Saves, was consistent with God’s overall intent and is indicative of the benefits associated with the Beryth and Mow’edym. Its pronunciation and derivation were based upon terminology Yahowah and Dowd used throughout their witness, making Yahowsha’ an apt job description.

It does not, however, work as a name, and ultimately, that is how I used it. Therefore, I’m systematically removing this nomenclature from Yada Yahowah so that credit is more adroitly afforded the actual Messiah, Son of God, and Passover Lamb – Dowd | David.

My awakening to this reality occurred when expanding Coming Home into a third volume. When translating Mizmowr / Psalms, I read that Yahowah and Dowd were in one accord, both recognizing that it would be best for everyone, including Father and Son, if the Messiah was afforded the opportunity to fulfill the seven ciiiMiqra’ey, beginning with Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. And once my eyes were opened to their motivations and conversations, the evidence supporting this realization was abundantly evident. There was a reason that every prophecy pertaining to the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey included either Dowd’s name, his titles, or both. And that is because he fulfilled them. The best explanation of why Dowd wrote in first person about what he would endure, including crucifixion, is because he was there.

Peter, Paul, Luke, Mark, and Matthew had to pilfer every prophecy pertaining to Dowd to prop up their mythical misnomer, Jesus, because there is no mention of anyone else apart from Dowd serving in this manner. And this begs the question: if I could prove this, why didn’t God’s people do so in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE? Had they done so, Christianity would have been stillborn without any justification for “Jesus” being the Messiah or Son of God. Further, there would be no reason for Akiba to promote the false Messiah bar Kokhba. And without this false messianic star, there would have been no enslaving of Jews, no Diaspora, no renaming of the land, no Roman Catholic subjugation, no Jewish ghettos or shtetls, and no Holocaust.

If it was possible for a single gowy to ascertain and demonstrate this over the course of 22 years, where have the hundreds of thousands of rabbis been these past 2,000 years? Quite literally, the disposition and salvation of the Jewish people hang in the balance, and yet, every effort was made to conceal the truth. The fact that Dowd is and remains Yahowah’s Son and Messiah, the Passover Lamb and returning King, invalidates the musings of Maimonides, Akiba, and every Talmud-contributing rabbi thereafter. So, rather than serve Jews by telling them the truth, they choose to remain in control by perpetuating lies.

Should you be on the fence in this regard, unsure if you should accept what I’ve discovered by translating civYahowah’s and Dowd’s testimony or believe the machinations of Jewish sages and Catholic priests who contradict both, please pull the opening volume of Coming Home, A Voice, from the YadaYah.com bookshelf and read what was written in the 89th Mizmowr.

As for Christians who are played for fools, ignorantly and irrationally believing that someone named “Jesus Christ” lived in the 1st century and that he was the Son of God, the Messiah, and your Savior, wake up because it was all a result of robbing “David” of his achievements and accolades. I would recommend reading Questioning Paul before it is too late.

Not only was the name “Jesus” invented in the 17th century CE, but the “Christ” nomenclature also is not Hebrew. The closest analog to “Jesus” is Gesus, who was the Son of God in the Celtic religion where the chief deity was known as the “Horned One.” And Christ is from the Greek adjective christos, whose root is chrio, and speaks of the application of drugs.

Since there is no mention of “Jesus” or “Christ” in any prophecy, nor any evidence that a person by this name and title existed, there is no basis for Christian or Christianity, Christmas or Easter, crosses or churches. There was no bodily resurrection, and the myth is not returning. And most important of all, there is no Divine sanction for a New Testament or for the Replacement Theology which serve as the basis of this religion.

The evidence to support these conclusions is conspicuous and readily verifiable, and yet, blind to it, one out of every three souls is plagued by these deceptions. And if that were not bad enough for them, their religion has so abused Yahuwdym | Jews over the millennia, Yahowah is committed to ridding the world of every soul infected by this disease. It is little wonder why Christians do not like Him.

cvThere was, however, a soul reborn to a woman in 2 BCE who would come to serve as the Passover Lamb – as Dowd, himself, had prophesied. There was nothing about his physical manifestation at this time which would have caused anyone to pay attention to him – even though he was the most important person who ever lived. Specifically identified by name in every prophecy, the people should have recognized him as Dowd | David – their Messiah and King. The fact is, when speaking with Daniel 600 years earlier, he had revealed the exact day he would enter Jerusalem as the Pesach ‘Ayil | Passover Lamb.

What is particularly interesting regarding all of this is that Dowd, the prophetic eyewitness to what he would endure, is the Son of God and Messiah. The most acclaimed Yahuwd of all is ha Mashyach Yahuwdym seek. And yet, most Yisra’elites continue to squander their lives by not recognizing the role he played in their redemption and reconciliation.

The implications of these irrefutable conclusions are earth-shattering and life-changing. Therefore, I am going to ask Yahowah’s target audience, Yahuwdym | Jews, to endure a level of detail on this excoriating exposé which they might otherwise see as pertaining to Gentiles and not to themselves. The religion which grew out of these lies has not only sought to confiscate every promise Yahowah made to His people, the faithful have been the most abusive toward them. There are few things more liberating for the Chosen People than knowing that their historic adversary is without justification. The Christian Jesus they have falsely been blamed for killing will no longer haunt them. And since there are two and a half billion Christians, it is long past time someone told them the truth.

As I have attested, the name “Jesus” cannot be found anywhere in God’s Word. There is no J in the Hebrew alphabet – nor one in Greek or Latin. The letter was not cviinvented until the mid-16th century, precluding anyone named “Jesus” from existing prior to that time.

The first English book to make a distinction between the “I” and “J” was published in 1634. Therein the new letter débuted on words loaned from other languages, specifically Hallelujah (instead of halaluyah, meaning: radiate Yahowah’s brilliant light). For those who relish dates, you may have noticed that 1634 is twenty-three years after the first edition, of what was then called the “King Iames Bible,” was printed in 1611. In it, the publishers introduced “Iesous.”

Again, as affirmed, not only is “Jesus” a 17th-century forgery, but this name is also most closely allied linguistically with “Gesus” (pronounced “Jesus”), the savior of the Druid religion (still practiced throughout England) wherein the “Horned One” is considered god. This is highly incriminating.

There is a plethora of Christian (a title we will refute momentarily) apologists who errantly claim that “Jesus” was a transliteration of the Greek Iesou, Iesous, and Iesoun. The problem with that theory is four-fold. Dowd wasn’t Greek; He was Hebrew from the tribe of Yahuwdah. The Greek Iota is pronounced like the English I, rather than the come-lately J. The “u,” “us,” and “un” endings were derivatives of Greek grammar and gender rules without a counterpart in Hebrew or English.

Beyond these issues, you will not find Iesou, Iesous, or Iesoun written on any page of any 1st- 2nd- 3rd- or even early 4th-century Greek manuscript of the so-called “Christian New Testament.” Placeholders were universally deployed (without exception) by the scribes. Simply stated: it is impossible to justify the use of “Jesus.” And it is wrong.

There are many misguided Messianic Jews, countless rabbis, and otherwise misinformed pseudo-intellectuals cviiwho favor Yeshu or Yeshua, neither of which were written in the Towrah, Prophets, or Psalms. At least the mission designation I proposed, Yahowsha’ | Yahowah Delivers and Saves, has a precedent in Yahowsha’ ben Nuwn – Moseh’s successor. Their variation has none.

The earliest undisputed extant occurrence of Yeshu is found in five brief anecdotes in the Babylonian Talmud (a collection of rabbinical discussions constituting Jewish Oral Law circa 500 CE). Yeshu is cited as the teacher of a heretic (in Chullin 2:22-24, Avodah Zarah 16-17), as a sorcerer scheduled to be stoned on the eve of Passover (in Sanhedrin 43a), as a son who burns his food in public (in Sanhedrin 103a), as an idolatrous former rabbinical student (in Sanhedrin 107b), and as the spirit of a foreigner who is an enemy of Israel (in Gittin 56b and 57a). (Sounds a lot like Paul.)

Yeshu is also used in the rabbinical Tannaim and Amoraim as a replacement for Manasseh’s name. He was Hezekiah’s only son. At twelve, upon assuming the throne, he instituted pagan worship in direct opposition to his father (Sanhedrin 103s and Berakhot 17b).

The earliest explicit explanation of the rabbinical term “Yeshu” is found in the medieval Toldoth Yeshu narratives which reveal: “Yeshu was an acronym for the curse ‘yimmach shemo wezikhro,’ which means: “may his name and memory be obliterated.” Considering the fact that Dowd served as the Passover Lamb, these perceptions have certainly drawn Yahowah’s ire. Little wonder rabbis have written Yahowah out of their lives.

If that was not sufficiently sobering, if that is insufficient to make you scream every time you read or hear “Yeshu” or its clones, “Yehshu” and “Yehshua,” then you don’t know Yahowah very well. And that is a serious problem because Yahowah is God and Dowd is His beloved Son.

cviiiThanks to what Christians and Jews have done to upend the truth, “Jesus” is worshiped as if he were God and Dowd is not credited with being the Pesach ‘Ayil | Lamb. All the while Yahowah remains unknown – obscured by both goddamn religions.

Moving on to the next religious deception, “Christ” is wrong in every possible way. There was no “Jesus” and “Christ” was not Dowd’s last name or title. Moreover, without the definite article, “Christ Jesus” would also be wrong – even if there were actually a person named Jesus or if he were the Messiah.

As we dig deeper, what we discover is that Classical Greek authors used chrio, the basis of “Christos – Christ,” to describe the “application of drugs.” A legacy of this reality is the international symbol for medicines and the stores in which they are sold—Rx—from the Greek Rho Chi, the first two letters in chrio. This would make “Christ” and “Christians” “drugged.”

Those who may protest that “Christ” is simply a transliteration of Christos, Christou, Christo, or Christon are unaware that there is only one occasion in the whole of the Greek text prior to the mid-4th century where any variation of chrio was actually written – and it does not apply to Dowd. Every reference to this misappropriated title was written using the Placeholders ΧΣ, ΧΥ, ΧΩ, and ΧΝ.

The only time we find a derivative of chrio in the CNT is when a heavenly messenger is allegedly speaking to Yahowchanan | John during his Revelation. The unsupported encounter serves to toy with the Laodicean Assembly (perhaps representing Protestant Christians living in today’s Western Democracies) in the seventh supposed letter. To appreciate the point he was attributed to making, realize that the Laodiceans at the time were wealthy and self-reliant. They made a fortune promoting cixtheir own brand of ointment for the ears and eyes known as “Phrygian powder” under the symbol “Rx.” Referencing their healthcare system, the alleged spiritual messenger admonished: “I advise that you…rub (eg-chrio – smear) your eyes with medicinal cake (kollourion – a drug preparation for ailing eyes) in order that you might see.” (Revelation 3:18) Therefore, in this, the singular reference to chrio, the root of christo, in the totality of the pre-Constantine Greek manuscripts of the so-called “Christian New Testament,” the word was used to describe the application of drugs.

To further indict “Christ” and “Christian,” even if the revisionist definition of chriso could be interpreted as “anointed,” and if this were intended, that connotation still depicts the “application of a medicinal ointment or drug.” And should we ignorantly and inadvisably jettison this pharmaceutical baggage, we would be left with other insurmountable problems associated with “Christ” as a Greek rather than a Hebrew concept. Should Christians want to name their gods using Greek nomenclature, they cannot at the same time claim an affinity with Yahowah, His people and prophets. For example, every reference to what I’m doing for Yahowah, Dowd, and Yahuwdym was scribed in Hebrew using terms such as Choter, Nakry, Basar, Zarowa’, and Mal’ak, even Tsuwr, but never Petra which is the closest Greek analog of the meaning Craig conveys in Celtic.

The Torah, Prophets, and Psalms afford the title Mashyach | Messiah to Dowd, never “Jesus.” In the only passage prophetic of a coming Mashyach, we find Dowd, under the title Gabry’el | God’s Most Competent and Courageous Man telling Daniel what, he, himself, as ha Mashyach, would accomplish by fulfilling the seven Mow’ed Miqra’ey. He even told us when he would arrive.

Ha Ma’aseyah | The Anointed Messiah, as a Hebrew title, should be transliterated (presented phonetically) in cxGreek and also English, not translated – at least when used as a title. For example, the titles Rabbi, Satan, Imam, Pharaoh, Czar, Caesar, and Pope were all transliterated from their original languages, not translated.

Dowd was not Greek. He did not speak Greek. He did not have a Greek name or a Greek title. So, to infer that he did, by pretending that Ieosus Christos | “Jesus Christ” was the Son of God, Messiah, and Savior is grossly inaccurate and deceptive – in addition to being wrong on all accounts.

This would be like transliterating Genghis’ “Kahn” title, which means “ruler” in Mongolian, to “Sheik Jinjeus” because we like the letter J, the “eus” ending derived from Greek grammar, and sheik, which has the same meaning in Arabic. Worse, how about rendering Caesar Augustus, “Hairy August” as that is what caesar means in English? It is idiotic.

Furthermore, the textual evidence within the spurious CNT affirms that the Placeholders ΧΣ, ΧΥ, ΧΩ, and ΧΝ were not actually based upon Christos, Christou, Christo, or Christon, as those who have an aversion to all things Hebrew would have you believe. Consider this: writing about the great fire which swept through Rome in 64 CE, the Roman historian Tacitus (the classical world’s most authoritative voice) in Annals XV.44.2-8, revealed:

“All human efforts…and propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the fire was the result of an order [from Nero]. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Chrestucians (Chrestuaneos) by the populace. Chrestus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilate. And a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Iudaea, the first source of the evil, but even in cxiRome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their center and become popular.

Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination when daylight had expired.”

Chrestus and christos are completely different words in Greek with highly divergent meanings. The historical term is actually closer to Yahowah’s intent because it speaks of someone who is set apart for a noble enterprise. As a result, for a while, I used Ma’aseyah | Work of Yah to describe the way the Mow’edym were fulfilled. But once I realized that Dowd, the actual Messiah, served in this role, I dispensed with Ma’aseyah.

The Nestle-Aland 27th Edition Greek New Testament affirms to the chagrin of Christians that Chrestus (χρηστὸς) was scribed in 1 Peter 2:3, not Christos. Their references for this include Papyrus 72 and the Codex Sinaiticus, the oldest extant witnesses of Peter’s letter.

He is purported to have written: “As a newborn child, true to our real nature (logikos – in a genuine, reasonable, rational, and sensible manner), earnestly desires and lovingly pursues (epipotheo – long for, showing great affection while yearning for) the pure and unadulterated (adolos – that which is completely devoid of dishonest intent or deceit and thus is perfect) milk in order to grow in respect to salvation, since we have experienced (geuomai – partaken and tasted, have been nourished by) Kurios (ΚΣ – from a Divine Placeholder) as the useful implement and upright servant (chrestus – as a useful tool).” (1 Peter 2:2-3)

cxiiThe fact that we find chrestus written in the Codex Sinaiticus, and the Placeholder ΧΡΣ written in P72 in the same place in this passage, we have an early affirmation that the Placeholder was based upon the Greek chrestus, not Christos. This means that the title the authors of the CNT selected said nothing about their man-god being ha Mashyach | Anointed Messiah but, instead, referred to him as a chrestus | a useful implement and workable tool.

However, chrestus is not a title. Nonetheless, it is better than “drugged. It was used to “depict the good and beneficial work of a moral person.” So rather than being “drugged,” a chrestucian would have been a “useful implement, an upright servant, and a moral person working beneficially as an effective tool.”

Since our preference is to use evidence and reason as our guide to the truth, be aware that there are eight partial manuscripts of Daniel in the Dead Sea Scroll collection. These were copied between 125 BCE and 50 CE. It should be noted that all four scrolls containing material from the first eight chapters were initially scribed in Babylonian Hebrew, but they switch to Aramaic in the midst of chapter 2, verse 4, and then revert back to Hebrew at the beginning of the 8th chapter. (Along these lines, it is also interesting to be aware that the longer Roman Catholic version of Daniel, with the Prayer of Azariah, the Song of Three Men, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon, isn’t supported by any Qumran manuscript.)

It is further revealing that the first 6 chapters of Daniel depict the Babylonian mindset Yahowah finds so appalling. They were obviously uninspired. And while the second half of the book contains serious historical anomalies, the inaccuracies are all in Daniel’s voice rather than occurring in the witness of the prophets who visited with him – the most important of whom was Dowd.

cxiiiNone of the eight scrolls found in the caves above the Dead Sea provide any witness to the text between Daniel 7:18 and 10:4. And unfortunately, the statements which speak prophetically of Dowd as the Mashyach in Dany’el 9:21 through 9:26, are right in the midst of this void. That means the oldest manuscript attesting to this prophecy was scribed by rabbinical Masoretes in the 11th century CE in the manuscript, known as the Codex Leningradensis (dated to 1008 CE and published in 1937).

The result reads…

“While I was continuing to (wa ‘owd ‘any) converse, (dabar), pleading for intercession with the intent of being distinct and different (‘el taphilah), then (wa) the individual, this man, (ha ‘iysh), Gabry’el | God’s Most Confident and Capable, Courageous and Combative Individual (wa Gabry’el – a.k.a., Dowd), whom, to reveal the proper path (‘asher), I had seen (ra’ah) during the initial prophetic revelation (ba ha chazown ba ha tachilah), offering advice while preoccupied with the destruction of existing militaries, maneuvering quickly between battles (ya’aph ba ya’aph), reached out to make contact with me (naga’ ‘el ‘any) around the time of the evening (ka ‘eth ‘ereb) offering, the apportionment which is bestowed as a gift (minchah). (Dany’el 9:21)

So (wa), he made the connections to encourage understanding (byn). He spoke with me (wa dabar ‘im ‘any), and he said (wa ‘amar), ‘Dany’el (Dany’el), now at this time in this sequence of events (‘atah), I have come forth (yatsa’) to provide insights and instruction which, if you are circumspect and considerate, will promote (la sakal ‘atah) understanding through discernment (bynah). (Dany’el 9:22)

In the beginning, the sickening and wearisome (ba tachilah) matter (dabar) of your desire for favors and your pleading for mercy (tachanuwn ‘atah) was brought cxivup (yatsa’). So, I, myself, have come (wa ‘any) to conspicuously report an informative announcement, making this known (la nagad), because (ky) you are overly needy (chamadowth ‘atah). Therefore (wa), you will want to consider and understand after a diligent and systematic evaluation (byn) of this message (ba ha dabar), choosing to make the connections needed to comprehend (wa byn) what is being revealed (ba ha mar’eh). (Dany’el 9:23)

The many promises associated with Shabuw’ah and the Shabat, along with the vows pertaining to the things Seven represents (shabuwa’ym shib’iym) are determined and decreed, divided out and planned (chathak) on behalf of your people, the extended family (‘al ‘am ‘atah), and upon your set-apart city and its distinctly uncommon inhabitants (wa ‘al ‘iyr qodesh ‘atah) to bring an end to the religious rebellion, eliminating the revolting communal defiance and contrarian views (la kalah ha pesha’), to affix the signature which seals up the guilt associated with having missed the way, precluding ever being wrong again (wa la chatham chata’owth), to provide reconciliation for religious error, purging the perverse corruptions and twisted perversions (wa la kaphar ‘awon), to arrive with and bring that which is eternally right, always correct, forever accurate and honest, thereby attaining everlasting deliverance and vindication (wa la bow’ tsedeq ‘owlam), to provide a personal seal and signature to revelation, confirming and completing these communications (wa la chatham chazown wa naby’), and to prophecy (wa naby’ – to the prophet), while also anointing the Most Set Apart (wa la mashach qodesh qodesh). (Dany’el 9:24)

Therefore (wa), know, because it is beneficial for you to be aware by coming to possess the information required to recognize reality (yada’) and gain the cxvinsights needed to understand, realizing that the best option is for you to be prudent after learning, succeeding and prospering by being attentive, properly educated, intelligent, and wise, perceiving (wa sakal) that from (min) the going forth of the word (mowtsa’ dabar) to return to restore (shuwb), reestablishing (wa la banah), Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation (Yaruwshalaim) until the restoring testimony and eternal witness (‘ad) of the Son of the Sovereign who is conspicuously making this known, and who will provide the leadership and counsel (nagyd) as Mashyach | the anointed Messiah (Mashyach) are seven sevens and thus seven promises and fulfilled vows (shabuwa’ym shiba’ah).

Furthermore (wa), in sixty-two weeks (shabuwa’ym sheshym wa shanaym), she will be restored (shuwb) and rebuilt to reestablish and fortify (wa banah) the way to grow and expand (rachob) by being diligent and decisive (wa charuwts) in a troubled time of oppression (wa ba tsowq ha ‘ets). (Daniel 9:25)

And after (wa ‘achar) the sixty-two weeks (ha shabuwa’ym sheshym wa shanaym), Mashyach | the Anointed Messiah (Mashyach) will be cut down and uprooted to establish a covenant, removed and exchanged in the new agreement (karath), but not for himself and such that he is negated and replaced, his life for naught (wa ‘ayn la huw’).

Then (wa), the people and nation, even the army (‘am) of the commanding officer and supreme leader who is making copious announcements and prolific declarations (nagyd) who is to come (ha bow’) will attempt to corrupt and destroy (shachath) the city (ha ‘iyr) and the Set Apart (wa ha qodesh).

And (wa) its end, and his (qets huw’) outrageousness, will be wiped away by an overpowering cxviforce (ha sheteph). And yet, to the very last moment (wa ‘ad qets), it is certain (charats) that there will be devastating and desolating (shamem) war (milchamah). (Dany’el 9:26)

Thereupon (wa), he will confirm the prevailing (gabar) covenant, this agreement and arrangement (beryth) with a great many, including plenty of rabbis, the preponderance of the populous, and with numerous among the elite (la ha rabym), for one week and based upon a single promise (‘echad shabuwa’). But halfway through the week (wa chatsy shabuwa’), he will stop the observance of the Shabat (shabath), the sacrifice (zebach), and the gift of an allocation (minchah).

The most extreme aspect (wa ‘al kanaph) of the repulsive abomination and monstrous religious idolatry (shiquwtsym) will astonish and desolate, incapacitate and mortify (shamem) such that there is an inability to be perceptive, a great longing, and all-encompassing anxiety, even complete and utter destruction when most will perish (wa ‘ad kalah).

It will occur quickly and decisively, with determination and decrees (wa charats) profusely poured out (natak) upon the astonished and stupefied who will perish because they are too stunned to respond (‘al shamem).’” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Judge / Daniel 9:27)


When it comes to the next coopted and misappropriated term, a modicum of investigation leads to the inescapable conclusion that the title “Bible” was derived from the name of an Egyptian goddess. Especially incriminating in this regard, biblos was not used to describe cxviithe Word of God until the 4th century CE, coterminous with the formation of Constantine’s Roman Catholic Church. Prior to that time, biblion, or in the plural, biblia, was a pseudonym for the papyrus upon which the words of the spurious CNT had been written. Other than the fact, one text was inspired and the other not, this is not unlike calling the Torah “parchment.”

The papyrus reeds which grew along the Nile in Egypt were imported into the Phoenician port known as Byblos by the Greeks. Priests taught that the city had been founded by the Phoenician sun deity, Ba’al Chronos, “the Lord of Time” (a blending of the Hebrew word for Lord, ba’al, and the Greek word for time, chronos), according to the scholarly tome Mythology of All Races. As such, it was the seat of Adonis (also meaning “my Lord,” albeit this time from the Hebrew ‘adonay).

More incriminating still, according to Ausfuhrliches Lexicon of Grecian and Roman Mythology, “the ancient city of Byblos in Phoenicia was named after Byblis in Egypt.” This town “was named after the sun goddess, Byblis, also known as Byble.” Byblis was the granddaughter of Ra. She was eventually inducted into Roman mythology as a descendant of Apollo. According to Bell’s New Pantheon, “Byblia was also the name of Venus,” and thus, “she must be equated with Ishtar,” the Babylonian Queen of Heaven and Mother of God for whom “Easter” was named. This connection was affirmed in An Illustrated Dictionary of Classical Mythology and also in Crowell’s Handbook of Classical Mythology. Therefore, considering the title’s heritage, “Bible” is a horrible designation for God’s Word.

It only gets worse from there. When we turn our attention to Hebrew, the language of Divine revelation, there are three catastrophic problems associated with calling anything associated with Yahowah a “Bible.” First, the Hebrew root of Bible is babel – which is arguably the cxviiilexicon’s single most derogatory term. Babel is Babylon, the Mother of the Harlots, the civilization that gave birth to the beasts which would plague God’s people.

Second, the word babel means “to confuse by commingling and to confound by intermixing.” This is the antithesis of Yahowah’s intent.

Third, babel is a compound of ba, meaning “with,” and bel, the “Lord.” And now that we know that Ba’al | Lord is Satan’s title, this is the worst of all possible associations.

As a result, I will only use “Bible” in a derogatory fashion and never in connection with the Word of God. Yahowah’s testimony is found in the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms. End of conversation.

Compounding this mistake, God did not reveal anything even remotely akin to an “Old Testament” or “New Testament.” The perpetrator of this fraud was Paul, and his promoter was Marcion, a raging anti-Semite, who rejected Yahowah and the entirety of His Torah testimony to promote Paul’s Gnostic-inspired interpretation. In the early 2nd century CE, Marcion became the first, after Paul, to refer to the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms as the “Old Testament.”

The reference was intended to demean it as a document such that it was seen as the will of a now-deceased deity. In its place, Marcion promoted his “New Testament,” a canon comprised of Paul’s fourteen epistles along with Luke and Acts (written by Paul’s assistant) – in which almost everything prescribed in the Torah was removed or demeaned. Thereafter, using what Paul and Luke had opined, Marcion entrenched a division which had not previously existed, one that promoted the notion that the Torah was now obsolete, having been replaced by the Pauline concept of the “Gospel of Grace.” Anything which did not support this view was either excluded, censored, or discredited. It was a transition in perspective from which cxixChristianity would never recover. And while Marcion was ultimately labeled a heretic by the Roman Catholic Church for his Gnostic preoccupation, nearly everything he endorsed remains indelibly woven into the fabric of the Christian religion.

In support of this anti-Towrah perspective, Paul, in his letters to the Galatians and Romans, wrote of “two covenants,” characterizing the one formalized in the Torah on Mount Sinai as being of the flesh and thus evil, a cruel taskmaster that had not, could not, and would not save anyone. We will allow God to prove otherwise through His many statements which abolish the notion of a "second, new and different" Covenant. Such a claim can only be drawn by mistranslating one statement from Yirmayahuw | Jeremiah and taking it out of context.

Yahowah did speak of eventually “repairing and restoring the Covenant,” and of this “Renewed Covenant” “not being exactly the same as” the existing one. But the stated beneficiaries are exclusively Yisra’el and Yahuwdah, not a Gentile “church.” The reestablishment and renewal is not only in our future, it will be with the Chosen People.

Further, those who actually consider Yahowah’s explanation of how His Renewed and Restored Covenant will differ from the Covenant described in His Towrah discover that “Yahowah will give them a copy of His Towrah, placing His Guidance in their [Yisra’el’s and Yahuwdah’s] midst, writing it upon their hearts” – stating, “I shall be their God, and they shall be My family.” Therefore, this is not about Gentiles or Christianity, nor does it endorse replacing the Towrah with Grace. Indeed, it is just the opposite. Therefore, Replacement Theology lacks any validity and completely undermines Christianity's credibility.

cxxTherefore, predicated upon this announcement from God, it would be wrong to refer to the Greek eyewitness accounts as the “Renewed Covenant,” much less the CNT. The Covenant has not yet been “renewed.” There will never be a “new” one. And since it is His Word, I think it is reasonable to use His terms.

While I am beating a dead beast, there are two additional Christian concepts I feel compelled to expose from the outset so that we can proceed using terminology acceptable to God. The next is the Gospel of Grace. It is based upon the name of the Roman goddesses, the Gratia. They are better known, however, by their Greek name, the Charities, which is how the concept of grace is rendered in the Greek New Testament.

There is no credible source which disputes the fact that “charis – grace” is a transliteration of the name of the three Greek Graces known as the Charites. The English word “charity” is a direct transliteration. These pagan goddesses of charm, splendor, good fortune, procreation, merriment, and beauty were often depicted ecstatically celebrating the natural world and rejoicing over fertility and sensuality. Collectively, they make four appearances in Homer’s Iliad and three in the Odyssey.

In the capricious mist of Greek mythology, the Charis were either the daughters of Dionysus and Aphrodite, Zeus and Eurynome, or Helios and Aegle. And what is particularly troubling is that Paul puts one of Dionysus’ most famous quotes in the Messiah’s mouth during his conversion experience on the road to Damascus. As it would transpire, Paul’s faith came to mirror the Dionysus cult (Bacchus in Roman mythology) which is one of the reasons why so many aspects of Pauline Christianity are pagan. (These troubling associations are detailed for your consideration in the “Kataginosko – Convicted” chapter of The Great Galatians Debate in Questioning Paul.)

cxxiThe “Graces” were associated with the Greek underworld, known as Hades, from which the Christian name and concept of “Hell” was derived. Equally troubling, Charis stars in the Eleusinian Mysteries. This exceptionally popular Greek and Roman agrarian cult was based upon the abduction of Persephone from her mother by Hades. The myth plays out like Christianity, with the loss to the underworld, the search, and the ascent, and where the resurrection from hell features a reunion with her mother. Likewise, Persephone’s rebirth became the elixir of eternal life, whereby believers were rewarded for their faith.

The cult’s popularity, like that of early Christianity, was largely the result of psychedelic drugs. They were used by the faithful to enhance the religious experience and commune with the divine. While noted for their use within the Eleusinian Mysteries and the emergence of the cult of Christianity, drugs were prevalent throughout Greek and Roman religious practices. However, in recognition that chriso, upon which Christ and Christian are based, means “to be drugged,” if you count yourself among those suffering from this addiction, it is time to detox.

Should you be interested in verifying the early Christian propensity to imbibe psychedelic drugs, you should consider: The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross – A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East, by John Allegro (an English archaeologist and Dead Sea Scrolls scholar who also wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth in 1979), The Mushroom in Christian Art, by John Rush, The Psychedelic Gospels – the Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity, by Jerry and Julie Brown, The Immortality Key, by Brian Muraresku, The Road to Eleusis, by Gordon Wasson, and Apples of Apollo, by Carl Ruck. However, be forewarned: while Allegro’s claims have been validated regarding the use of hallucinogens by cxxiiearly Christians and the pagan origins of their religion, his desire to connect the Essene’s fascination with the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ with “Jesus” is universally repudiated. Therefore, since scholarship typically intermixes interesting evidence with absurd deceptions, should you wish to view the prolific influence of psychedelics in the formative years of Christianity for yourself, google “mushrooms in early Christian murals and art” and feast your eyes on the ‘shrooms. Turns out, the greatest miracle of Christianity is that so many believed their hallucinations.

The naked form of the Charis stands at the entrance of the Acropolis in Athens. Naked frescoes of the Charites adorn homes throughout Pompeii, Italy, which means that they transcended the Greek religion and influenced Rome where they became known as the Gratia. Their appeal, beyond their beauty, gaiety, and sensual form, was the alleged mysteries they held known only to religious initiates. Sir Francis Bacon, a Rosicrucian and likely stylist of the King James Bible, would have loved them.

And yet, the name of the Greek goddesses, Charis | Charity, memorialized today under their Roman moniker, Gratia | Grace, is the operative term of Galatians – one which puts Paul in opposition to the very Towrah and God which condemns the use of such names. Simply stated: the “Gospel of Grace” is pagan. It is literally “Gott’s spell of Gratia.”

Most commonly associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, the Charis were said to have charmed the gods, Apollo, Dionysus, and Hermes. In Pagan Rome, the three Gratia, or Graces, were celebrated for bringing joy, beauty, charm, and happiness to their feasts. As personifications of prosperity and good fortune, and as the messengers for Venus and Cupid (and later for Aphrodite and Eros), the Gratia served as clever counterfeits for Yahowah’s chanan | mercy. Therefore, those who cxxiiiconceived the religion of Christianity simply transliterated Gratia, and then based their faith on a new mantra called “the Gospel of Grace,” unashamed by the fact that their credo bore the name of pagan deities. This is deeply troubling. It is a scar, indeed a mortal wound, to Paul’s epistles, and another deathblow to Christendom.

In ancient languages, it is often difficult to determine if the name of a god or goddess became a word, or if an existing word later became a name. We know, for example, that Greek goddesses, like those in Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and Rome, bore names which described their mythological natures and ambitions. Such is the case with the Charites. The Charis came to represent: “joy, favor, mercy, and acceptance, loving kindness and the gift of goodwill.” So, while we cannot be certain if the name, Charis, was based on the verb, chairo, or whether the verb was based upon the name, Charis, once Charis / Gratia became a name, it doesn’t matter, because conveying it in a positive manner is contrary to Yahowah’s instructions on this matter.

There are a number of related Hebrew terms which convey the concepts of “mercy, affection, love, acceptance, kindness, and favorable treatment.” And they are all devoid of pagan baggage. The first is chen. It is used in its collective forms 193 times in the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr. Chen is derived from the verb, chanan. As a noun, it means “to favor and to accept by providing an unearned gift,” which is why it is often mistranslated as “grace” in English Bibles. To be chanan is “to be merciful, demonstrating unmerited favor.”

Racham, which appears 77 times in the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, means “merciful, loving, compassionate, and tenderly affectionate.” Its shorter form, raham, meaning “mercy,” makes 44 appearances, and the longer form, rachuwm, which also means “merciful,” is scribed 13 times.

cxxivIn the whole of the incredulous narrative of the Christian New Testament, charis only appears once in what could be perceived as a credible voice. If we are to believe that a spiritual messenger had reason to speak to “John” circa 70 CE, he would have addressed him in Hebrew, not Greek. Therefore, in the extremely remote possibility such a discussion occurred, the mal’ak would have said “chesed – mercy,” not “charis – charity.” He certainly would not have spoken of the Latin “Gratia – Graces.” And since we do not have a copy of this portion of Revelation dating prior to Constantine legitimizing Paul’s faith, there is no credible evidence to suggest this revelation occurred.

Further discrediting it, we find another highly problematic placement of this pagan name in the first chapter of the Gospel of John. The oldest extant copy of John’s introductory narrative dates to the late 2nd or early 3rd century. And while it was professionally scribed in Alexandria, Egypt, Pauline influences permeated the profession and place by this time. For more on this, I invite you to read Questioning Paul, where this topic is covered in much greater detail.

At best, charis / gratia / grace is misleading. At worst, it attempts to associate one’s salvation with faith in a very popular and seductive trio of pagan goddesses. So, while using the term to convey “mercy” is misleading, promoting salvation under the auspices of “you are saved through faith by Grace” is unquestionably deceitful, deadly, and damning.

Throughout Yada Yahowah, and thus also in An Introduction to God, Observations, and Coming Home, the title “Church” is only used in a derogatory sense. It is another of Christianity’s ignoble myths. With “church,” we not only discover that nothing remotely akin to it appears anywhere in the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms – the word does not exist in the Greek New Testament.

cxxvThe notion of a “church” began when Catholic clerics chose to replace the Greek word, ekklesia, meaning “called-out assembly,” rather than translate it (replicating its meaning (which is required for words)) or transliterate it (replicating its pronunciation (which is permissible with titles)). This counterfeit has served to hide the fact that the meaning of “ekklesia – called out” is similar to the Towrah’s presentations of the Miqra’ey. The title Yahowah uses to describe His seven annual Feasts means: “Invitations to Be Called Out and Meet.” One might reasonably assume that Dowd would have shared his intention to fulfill the Miqra’ey which may be the impetus for ekklesia.

Christian apologists, however, will protest that their “church” was derived from the Greek kuriakon. But that is absurd. Why would someone translate a Greek word ekklesia by replacing it with a different Greek word such as kuriakon, especially when they have entirely divergent meanings? It is as odd as replacing Torah with Tadpole. Worse, even if the Greek text said kuriakon rather than ekklesia, the case cannot be made that kuriakon sounds like church, further incriminating the religious men who justify this exchange. As such, all of the religious arguments that “church” is a transliteration of kuriakon, which is somehow a translation of ekklesia, fail the test of reason.

Should you be curious, kuriakon, or kuriakos as it is sometimes written, is based upon kurios, which means “lord and master, the one who rules by usurping freewill.” And yet, since the Catholic Church needed a system whereby they could control and fleece the masses, subjecting them to their control, buildings were built and a religious institution was established under the dominion of those who would curtail freedom of choice.

I find it interesting to note that a derivative of the Greek kuriakon was used by the false prophet Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians (verse 11:20) to obfuscate the cxxvicelebration of “Pesach – Passover,” replacing it with the religious notion of “the Lord’s Supper” – which has subsequently evolved to become the Eucharist and Communion.

Turning to Webster’s International Dictionary, in the 1909 edition, their explanation begins: “Church, noun. [of Medieval origin. Chirche from the Anglo-Saxon circe…].” They then describe church as “1. a building; 2. a place of worship for any religion.” And yet, there is no connection between “ekklesia – called out” and any of these things.

Worse, while “church” is not a translation of ekklesia, or even a transliteration of kuriakon, there is an unmistakable phonetic link to the Druid, and thus Anglo-Saxon and Germanic, words chirche and circe – consistent with what we just discovered in Webster’s Dictionary. The Oldest Druid temples were built as circles, a transliteration of circe, to represent their god, the sun. Almost every encyclopedia of mythology reveals that Circe was a sun goddess, the daughter of Helios. And if that were not enough, as I have already shared, the “Savior” of the Druid religion (where the “Horned One” is god) was named “Gesus,” which was pronounced: “Jesus.”

The connection between the Christian Church and Circe is further complicated by the goddess’ appearance in Homer’s Odyssey. We are told that Odysseus’ men could hear Circe within her palace. She was singing beautifully as she worked her loom, making a web so fine, and of such dazzling colors, it was one but a goddess could weave. Using her divine ability to lure men to their demise, Circe was said to have turned Odysseus’ men into pigs. Transformed back into men, they became Circe’s guests, where they found themselves so enthralled by her charms, they were unable to leave.

The best that can be said is that “Church,” unlike the word it replaced, ekklesia, conveys no relevant message cxxviiand is wholly unrelated to God. It is yet another Christian deception.

There is also no Godly basis for a cross, the primary symbol of Christendom. The gruesome crucifixes that ghoulishly adorn Catholic cathedrals and the towering crosses set atop Church steeples and worn around the necks of the faithful are a legacy of Babylon’s sun-god religion. The Lamb’s body was indeed affixed to an upright pole on Passover, but just like Passover, his blood served as a witness on an upright pillar – akin to a lintel forming the doorway to heaven. Worshiping a Dead God on a Stick is as moronic as it is macabre.

Religious deceptions have become so commonplace, our first order of business has been to clear away these societal and religious myths so that the truth can be known and appreciated. Yada Yahowah, as you are discovering, was written to confirm what Yahowah had to say regardless of how many lucrative money-making schemes and entrenched religious rituals it skewers.
