472Yada Yahowah





Sha’uwl’s She’owl | Paul’s Hell


Plague of Death…

One of the subtle ways religious publishers misrepresent the Word of God is by disassociating related thoughts and placing continuous dialog in separate chapters. Such is the case with Howsha’ 12:14 and 13:1, which belong together.

The impetus for this particular mistake is subtle and profound. The reason that they were unaware of the mistake they were making is because the stage had been set for it by the Jews who removed Yahowah’s name from His prophetic revelations and then replaced it with “the Lord” – which is the Adversary’s name and title. This horrific crime was then complicated in Howsha’ 12:14 because it concludes with a reference to ‘adown huw’ | his Lord and Master shuwb la huw’ | turning on him.

In context, these statements follow Yahowah’s assessment of ‘Ephraym’s bitterness and ill-will, which not only leads to cynicism and anxiety but, also, to the people’s disassociation with God such that they are left to die. Building upon this assessment, Yahowah’s prophetic portrayal reads…

“‘‘Ephraym | the Worthless Speck of Carbon Ash (‘Ephraym) bitterness and ill-will (tamruwrym) has been vexing and distressing, provoking cynicism and untold distress (ka’as – has been indignant, creating grief and anxiety).

473Therefore (wa), I will disassociate from the relationship and leave (natash – I will abandon the association and allow to remain) his deadly bloodguilt (dam huw’ – his bloodguilt and killing) upon him (‘al huw’ – against him), along with his disgraceful and insulting disrespect (cherphah huw’ – his reviling taunts and contemptuous offences).

His Lord and Master (‘adown huw’ – the one who possesses him, controls and owns him) will turn on him (shuwb la huw’ – will return to him while changing his approach toward him (hifil imperfect)).’” (Howsha’ / He Delivers / Hosea 12:14)

With Benyamyn being the worst of a bad lot, and with ‘Ephraym targeted again in this condemnation, it is apparent that God views all but Yahuwdah as tamruwrym | ill-tempered and ill-willed. Embittered, His people have vexed their brethren and antagonized their God.

With an aversion to being abused, Yahowah will leave those who have chosen to cherphah | insult and taunt Him to their own devices – which includes allowing ‘adown huw’ | their Lord to turn on them. Who would have thought that it would have been a bad idea to trust Satan?

As a result, the political and religious will die. And for having grieved Yah, many will spend eternity with their Lord.

To appreciate why ha Satan has sought to become the Lord and Master of the religious, and how the Adversary used the amalgamation and institutionalizing of religion and government in Babylon to be worshiped as if he were God – even above the Most High – requires a thoughtful reading of Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14. When this is coupled with what Howsha’ revealed regarding Yahowah’s antipathy for ha Ba’al | the Lord throughout the 2nd chapter of Howsha’s prophetic portrait of Yisra’el, we are in a better position to translate and explain Howsha’ 12:14 and 13:1.

474A survey of English Bibles reveals that they all want readers to believe that “his Lord” is God (formerly known as Yahowah) rather than the false god venerated and then embraced in Jezreel. This point is clarified, however, in the next statement, revealing that Yisra’el was guilty of exalting ha Ba’al | the Lord and would die as a result. And yet, since it was moved to the next chapter, it was out of sight and out of mind, and the translators simply ignored the explanation.

The Jewish Publication Society Tanakh offered… “Ephraim hath provoked most bitterly; Therefore, shall his blood be cast upon him, And his reproach shall his Lord return unto him.” The King James Version promoted… “Ephraim provoked him to anger most bitterly: therefore shall he leave his blood upon him, and his reproach shall his Lord return unto him.” The supposedly literal New American Standard Bible opined“Ephraim has provoked to bitter anger; So his Lord will leave his bloodguilt on him, And bring back his reproach to him.”

Alas, the New Living Translation embellished their novel approach to deadly deceptions with the following transformation of Yahowah’s naby’“But the people of Israel have bitterly provoked the LORD, so their Lord will now sentence them to death in payment for their sins.” With the unjustified addition of a second LORD, the brain trust preparing these alterations of Yahowah’s prophetic testimony must have thought no one would bother to look and consider what God had actually asked His prophet to write. In a desire to reinforce their religious beliefs, they have established another god, an exalted LORD for them and a lowly Lord for the Israelis. Perhaps someone should tell Christians that their Lord God and this fellow are the same, and that Paul admitted to being possessed by him.

I can assure you that Howsha’ was not similarly confused…

475“‘As was the case when (ka) ‘Ephraym (‘Ephraym – Fruit Becomes Worthless Carbon) spoke (dabar), there was trembling and terror (ratheth – there was panic and fear) as he exalted himself (nasa’ huw’ – he lifted himself up and got carried away with himself, prominently honoring himself) within Yisra’el (ba Yisra’el – among those who strive and contend against God).

And so (wa), through ha Ba’al | the Lord (ba ha Ba’al – in concert with the one who seeks to possess, own, and control), he incurred guilt for having been wrong and he became liable for being offensive, trespassing where he did not belong (‘asham – he will be declared guilty and be punished, suffering the penalty he deserves (qal imperfect)) and he will die (muwth – he will experience physical death, which is the separation of the soul from the body).’” (Howsha’ / He Protects / Hosea 13:1)

The most effective, least desirable, and unGodly way for despots to impose their will is through fear and intimidation. It has long been the favorite tactic of clerics and kings. Those who oppose authoritarian and institutionalized rule are tortured and then killed. While the implements deployed by the depraved during the Inquisition and Holocaust were novel, the sentiments which drove such damning behavior were as old as the first civilizations.

All too often, the most disgusting men and women rise to power and lord over others by exalting themselves and suppressing the less fortunate. In Judaism, such men would even call themselves rab | exalted.

Should there have been any question as to the identity of ‘adown huw’ | their lord and master in Howsha’ 12:14, that question was answered in 13:1 with the revelation of ha Ba’al | the Lord. This is the same false god ‘ElYah mocked in the Jezreel Valley because he had become the 476Lord God of the Yisra’elites. And as a generous religious donation, the Jews shared their Lord with Paul and Muhammad, creating a multi-volume set of Satanic oracles: Talmud, New Testament, Quran, and Zohar.

The Lord would achieve his ambition to be worshiped as if he were God, above the Most High. The spirit of Babylon would encompass the Earth.

As it has been in the past, it remains to this day – those who address their god as the Lord are unwittingly praying to and worshiping Satan in his preferred role. Doing so offends Yahowah, leaving the faithful liable. As a consequence, the religious will die.

For there to be life, the Lord must be exposed and condemned, not exalted or worshiped. For us to be exonerated, we must come to know and distinguish Yahowah from the competition mankind has mustered to replace Him.

Removing Yahowah’s name from the Towrah and Prophets and substituting it with the Lord is the most grievous crime ever committed by the religious. It has led billions away from God, kept them out of Heaven, and caused their death…

“‘And now as a result (wa ‘atah), they incur guilt, missing the way (la chata’ – they err, wander away, and forfeit the opportunity) at an increasing rate (yasaph – adding to it over and over again).

They make for themselves (wa ‘asah la hem– they engage with and act on behalf of, creating for themselves) molten images of pagan gods (masekah – sacred religious icons that they revere) from their silver and other things they cherish (min keseph hem – their money and that which they value), all of them (kol huw’ la hem) false gods and religious images (‘atsab – objects believed to represent a deity, an object of worship and reverence) 477conceived by artisans (ma’aseh charash – crafted by the deaf and dumb) according to their own understanding and consistent with their mentality (ka tabuwnah hem – in harmony with their own thinking and their level of competence).

Of them it is said (hem ‘amar), “Offer a human sacrifice (zabach ‘adam – kill a person as part of an act of worship while soliciting divine favors) and kiss (nashaq – reveal one’s submission to and respect for) the bulls (‘egel – idols in the image of bulls; from ‘agol – that which is circular and round).”’” (Howsha’ / He Liberates / Hosea 13:2)

One lie leads to another and soon a society is engulfed in an avalanche of false testimony and religious myths. And then, they are found venerating gods men have conceived in their own image – while believing that they are worshiping What’s-His-Name. And isn’t that the problem? When religious Yahuwdym | Jews removed Yahowah’s name from their own (Yahuwdym became Jews) and from His Towrah and Prophets, replacing it with the Lord, they made this result inevitable.

When someone walks in the wrong direction, with each step, they end up further away from their intended destination. In this way, religions are all like the spokes on a wheel with God as the hub in the middle. As it turns, centrifugal force propels everything away from the center of the universe, including God in this example.

Yahowah has affirmed something we have long known. Even before Babel | Confounding by Intermixing in Babylon in Conjunction With the Lord, the religious have projected their own characteristics upon the gods and goddesses they have venerated. It was the most efficient way to train the masses to worship the despots seeking to control them.

478And therefore, even today, false gods such as Jesus and Allah embody the prejudices of those who conceived them – con men like Paul and Muhammad – all so that they could impose their will and way.

The realization that religious gods are ma’aseh | the result of ka tabuwnah hem | projecting the mentality and competence of those conceiving them in their image speaks volumes of those who sacrificed humans to appease their gods. Of all of the abominable things humans have done in the name of religion, human sacrifice was among the most depraved. Moreover, the practice was common, occurring in almost every civilization from the beginning of recorded history and around the globe.

Religiously inspired, public murders are terrifying spectacles, and no one wants to be the next victim. Millions were tortured in this way, all under the control of mankind’s most revered and feared religious leaders. And this horrific practice didn’t die out with the Egyptians, Canaanites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Minoans, Macedonians, Greeks, and Romans, or with the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, and Polynesians. A dead god tortured on a stick is the symbol of Christianity and killing civilians in the name of their god is Islam’s signature act. And while Roman Catholics perfected this torturous display of heinous behavior, their bloodlust was surpassed by the Nazis and Communists of the last century. They would sacrifice tens of millions of innocent people to impose their will.

One of the more disgusting ways to sacrifice humans was depicted in this pronouncement. Young children were tossed inside brazen bulls, hollow metal representations of the Lord. A fire was kindled beneath the bull so that the children would slowly roast to death. Their blood-curdling screams for mercy were said to have enhanced the religious experience.

479The Hebrew word ‘egel | bull is based upon ‘agol | circular and round. Circles and circular reasoning represent Satan’s favorite symbols, the sun and moon, and his favorite strategy. The kippah worn by Jews is not only round and born out of Greek mythology, it has no basis in the Towrah. Likewise, “church” is derived from “circle” – of which there is no sanction in the Prophets.

“‘Therefore (la ken – as a result), they will be like (hayah ka) the early morning (boqer – the sacrifice for omens at daybreak) fog (‘anan – mist), like the dew (wa ka ha tal – similar to the night’s mist and remaining in the shadows) which fades away early in the day (shakam halak), like chaff (ka mots – the useless husks) which is scattered by the wind (sa’ar – which is lashed by the storms) from upon the threshing floor (min goren), and like smoke through a window (wa ka ‘ashan min ‘arubah – akin to fuming anger from an Arab).’” (Howsha’ / He Saves / Hosea 13:3)

The religious will not survive their death. They are as enduring as the morning fog, as relevant as the dew, and as significant to God as chaff blown by the breeze off of the threshing floor. From ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

The solution is to be grounded, to yada’ Yahowah.

“‘I Am (wa ‘anky) Yahowah (YaHoWaH – our ‘elowah | God as directed in His ToWRaH | teaching regarding His HaYaH | existence and our ShaLoWM | restoration), your God (‘elohym ‘atah).

From the realm (min ‘erets) of the religious and political oppressors (Mitsraym – of the despots and tyrants within the cauldrons of military and economic subjugation, the authority figures in the place of coercive cruelty where slaves are confined and restricted by political persecution, considered foes, besieged, and assaulted as if shut up inside a concentration camp), you have not known (lo’ yada’ – you have not been acquainted with) a God (wa 480‘elohym) besides Me (zulah ‘any – except Me). There is no (wa ‘ayn) salvation, liberation, or restoration (mowshya’ – rescue, deliverance, protection, or assistance; from mah – to inquire about and ponder the means to yasha’ – liberation, deliverance, and salvation) without Me (bilthy ‘any).’” (Howsha’ / He Delivers / Hosea 13:4)

In contrast to what almost every English translation presents, God did not say “I am the LORD.” He is not Ba’al. He has no interest in lording over us, controlling us, or owning us. And that’s important because Yahowah alone is our Savior. Only Yahowah can liberate us from the controlling and degrading influence of man’s religious and political schemes.

The verb yasha’ is incorporated into some very important Hebrew names, such as Yahowsha’ | Yahowah Saves, Yasha’yah | Yahowah Delivers, and Howsha’ | He Liberates. And since Yahowah fulfilled the Mow’edym with His Son, thereby enabling the benefits of the Covenant, there is no room for Jesus, Allah, the ubiquitous Lord, G-d, HaShem, or His-Name-Doesn’t-Matter.

While men insist that there are many paths to God, and that we are to be tolerant and accepting of the various and conflicting routes and deities, Yahowah says ‘ayn and bilty – words which confirm that they would be wrong.

Since there is no other credible source of Divine testimony with even the slightest probability of being inspired, either Yahowah is God and the path to eternal life is through Him, or there is no God and death is the end of us.

When we yada’ Yahowah, life is eternal. For those who lo’ yada’ Yahowah, death is certain.

The path to eternal life begins at the door labeled Pesach. With Passover, we become immortal. We are perfected on Matsah. The fungus the Messiah has removed 481from our souls during UnYeasted Bread is the pervasive influence of religion and politics. Eternal and emancipated, we are adopted into the Covenant Family during Bikuwrym. The Firstborn Children of God are then enriched, enlightened, and empowered on Shabuw’ah | the Promise of the Shabat so that we can effectively convey Yahowah’s restoring testimony during Taruw’ah, Those who listen and respond to Yah’s Showphar are Reconciled during Kipurym so that we can Camp Out with our Heavenly Father on Sukah. This is as much Dowd’s Song as it is Yahowah’s.

This is the key to Shamaym, the path to the Beryth, and the means to yasha’. Should you, or those you love, have missed any of the steps along the way, you will find them prominently presented throughout Yada Yahowah Beryth | Family, Miqra’ey | Invitations, Qatsyr | Harvests, and Mow’ed | Appointments.

Yahowah reminded Yisra’el…

“‘I acknowledged you and became familiar with you (‘any yada’ ‘atah – I came to know and understand you) in the wilderness (ba ha midbar – in the lifeless realm where the word is questioned; from my – to question and dabar – the word), in the land of barren and uncomfortable conditions with high temperatures and a lack of water (ba ‘erets tal’ubowt – bareness and discomfort). (Howsha’ 13:5)

By comparison (ka), when they grazed in lush pastures (mar’iyth hem), they had their fill and became satisfied and complacent (wa saba’ saba’ – they were given so much they were overwhelmed), thinking too much of themselves (wa ruwm leb hem – coming to perceive themselves as great and honorable in their hearts and judgment). And as a result (‘al ken), they forgot about Me (shakach ‘any – they overlooked and ignored Me).’” (Howsha’ / He Frees / Hosea 13:6)

482I am obviously fond of yada’ | knowing. There is nothing better than yada’ | becoming familiar with and acknowledging Yahowah. And I am even pleased to be yada’ | known by God, especially recognizing that He only sees the best in me.

However, the Yisra’el that Yahowah came to know in the wilderness was contentious, unappreciative, disloyal, and irascible. But at least they paid attention when they were dependent upon God for food, water, and shelter. However, when their lot improved, their disposition deteriorated. The more they were given, the more they perceived themselves as deserving. It didn’t take much, food in their belly and their thirst quenched, and they were ready to move on – to forget God and become religious.

“‘So, I exist (wa hayah) to them (la hem) as if I were like (kamow) a fierce and roaring lion (shachal – a predator killing prey), like (ka) a leopard, keen-eyed and camouflaged (names – a black panther) along the way (‘al derek – on the path).

I am observant and perceptive (shuwr – I am consistently looking and concerned, especially judgmental (qal imperfect)), (Howsha’ 13:7) so I will come upon them (pagash hem – I will approach them) like a bear (ka dob) robbed of her cubs (shakuwl – bereaved of offspring).

I will open (qara’ – I will rend) their narrow thinking and infinitesimally small enclosure of their heart (sagowr leb hem – the sealed up and enclosed space surrounding their inclinations, motivations, and judgment).

I will consume them (‘akal hem – I will devour them) then and there (sham) like one whitening and purifying the heart to increase understanding (ka laby’ – consistent with making thoughtful and intelligent while perfecting and enlightening; from leb – seat of judgment and understanding and laban – to whiten), renewing and 483invigorating life (chayah – healing and animating the living), breaking them open and separating them throughout the region (ha sadeh baqa’ hem – cleaving to them and setting them apart in the land).’” (Howsha’ / He Protects / Hosea 13:8)

This is symbolic prose, filled with metaphors, not all of which are readily discernible 2,700 years after they were conveyed. My interpretation of the prophecy is that Yisra’el ran from Yahowah, as they perceived God not as their Father and Savior, but as a predatory beast along the way. No doubt, He had seen them rob Him of His children, and He was rightfully angry with them.

Lacking judgment, they had become myopic, closed-minded, and unreceptive, so Yahowah wanted to open up the infinitesimally small enclosure cramping their heart, and restore it, purify and invigorate it, so that they might understand. He would open them up and set them apart, if only they would allow Him to heal them.

But alas, Yisra’el would rather listen to their religious texts, and to their Lord, rather than to God…

“‘He will corrupt and destroy you (shachath ‘atah – he (speaking of ha Ba’al | the Lord) will pervert and devastate you, ruin you, spoil you, and then cast you away), Yisra’el | Individuals Who Are Combative With God (Yisra’el – those who are contentious with the Almighty), and that is because you are opposed to Me (ky ba ‘any), against the One who would strengthen and assist you (ba ‘ezer ‘atah – who would empower and serve you, equipping you with the means to prevail). (Howsha’ 13:9)

Where (‘ehy) is your leadership (melek ‘atah – is your ruler, designated authority, and king) now (‘ephow’)? Who is going to protect and save you (wa yasha’ ‘atah – who is going to deliver and free you) in all of your towns and cities (ba kol ‘iyr ‘atah – within your shrines, temples, 484and villages) (wa) your judges and governors (shaphat ‘atah – your decision-makers and authority figures)?

Wasn’t it you who requested (‘asher ‘amar), “I want You to appoint for me (nathan la ‘any – I have decided that You should give me (qal imperative paragogic he cohortative – emphatic and genuine first-person and second-person expressions of volition regarding the desire for the appointment of)) a king (melek – a head of state, dictator, governor, and ruler), along with princes and nobles, military commanders and officers, government officials and societal leaders (wa sar)?”’” (Howsha’ / He Saves / Howsha’ 13:10)

This chapter began with the prophet predicting the deadly consequences of affiliating with the Adversary. Therefore, it is the Lord who is corrupting and perverting Yisra’el. The reason Satan has been allowed to do so is because those who have been contentious with God have opposed the only One who would have equipped and strengthened them sufficiently to ward off his influence.

The next statement takes us back a couple of centuries, to one of the many horrible decisions Yisra’el made along the way. While being served by the greatest of the Shaphat | Judges, Shamuw’el | Listen to Him, who was also a Naby’ | Prophet, the people rebelled. They told Shamuw’el that they did not like Yahowah’s approach. They wanted to be like all of the other gowym kingdoms around them and be subjected to the dictatorial reign of a king. So, when Shamuw’el reported this to Yahowah, God informed His prophet that the people were rejecting Him, not His Shaphat.

God then asked Shamuw’el to convey the many reasons a human government would be devastating. Nonetheless, and against His better judgment, He told the people that they could have what they wanted – and they chose Sha’uwl | Question Him over Shamuw’el | Listen to 485Him. Now, recognizing that their political leaders had misled them, and even formed religious alliances with ha Ba’al | the Lord, Yahowah is reminding Yisra’el that they had made the choices which had led to the ill effects they were now enduring.

God is saying that every horrific thing Yisra’el would endure was their fault – from Assyrian slavery to Babylonian captivity, from Greek occupation to Roman subjugation, from the Diaspora to the Holocaust. Yahuwdym had chosen the leadership which had led them astray, away from Yahowah to the corrupting influence of ha Ba’al | the Lord. And since their estrangement was the result of their devotion to a false god – a thinking Jew will correctly blame Judaism for their hellish existence these past 2,700 years.

And for those who may protest and say that Judaism only goes back to the first rabbis in the 1st century, be advised that these same rabbis claim that their Talmud was given to the elders of Yisra’el nearly 3,500 years ago.

Five hundred years thereafter, the Children of Yisra’el rejected Yahowah and made the Benyamite | Benjamite Sha’uwl | Saul king. The choice was not only disastrous, in that he led them away from the Towrah and into harm’s way, but the wannabe king also served as a haunting harbinger of the horrors wrought 1,000 years later by the wannabe Apostle Sha’uwl | Paul – a Benjamite whom Yahowah calls the Plague of Death, Father of Lies, and Son of Evil.

With a handful of exceptions, the three centuries of Yisra’elite kings and a millennium of despots lording over Yahuwdah had produced nothing but heartache. Independent of God and controlled by mercurial men, Yahuwdym suffered one horrific blow after another. So Yahowah reminds them…

486“‘While I was displeased and resentful (ba ‘aph ‘any – although frustrated and disappointed, grieved and angry), I allowed for you (nathan la ‘atah) to have a political ruler and king (melek – a dictatorial government and royal ruler), but I took him away (wa laqach huw’) when My frustration could no longer be contained (ba ‘ebrah ‘any – in My intense displeasure and fury). (Howsha’ 13:11)

The religious corruptions and political perversions (‘aown / ‘awon – the societal liability and pervasive guilt from twisting and bending the truth) of ‘Ephraym (‘Ephraym) are all-encompassing, troublesome, and distressful (tsarar – is oppressive and confining, frustrating and binding, especially adversarial).

The consequence of him missing the way and leading others astray (chata’ah huw’ – of him being wrong) is stored up (tsaphan – is being laid aside for future use). (Howsha’ 13:12)

The travail and anguish (chebel – the sorrows and pains) of being a father and raising children (yalad – of having children and rearing them) are caused by him (bow’ la huw’ – come as a result of him). He is an ignorant and irrational son (huw’ ben lo’ chakam – the child is incapable of understanding; he is not discriminating or discerning and does not know how to think).

As an example (ky), he is neither present nor accounted for (lo’ ‘amad – he is not confirmed, established, or sustained and fails to stand up and endure) at the proper time (‘eth – at the right occasion), remaining a broken and shattered child (ba mashber ben – so as to be a crippled son from birth; from mah – to question and consider the implications of shabar – being broken, ruptured, and maimed)’.” (Howsha’ / He Liberates / Hosea 13:13)

487While Yahowah’s dissertation against the corrupting and controlling influence of religion is unrelenting, becoming the single most repeated topic throughout the Towrah and Prophets, God’s systematic dismantling of human governance is also poignant and prophetic. And in a moment, we will consider Yahowah’s condemnation of politics because disassociating from its caustic and controlling influence is the prerequisite for becoming part of the Beryth.

Yisra’el put Yahowah in the worst possible position. He had established them as His Covenant Family, given them a home, provided sound guidance, rescued them when they got into trouble, and then sought to raise them as His children. But they rebelled against Him, and not only wanted nothing to do with Him, but they had also forfeited their place within the relationship because they preferred being religious. And then to add insult to injury, they wanted to be like the gowym Yahowah wanted them to avoid; to establish a government of men rather than rely on God.

It was a horrible decision, one which would cost them their lives, souls, land, possessions, and freedom – not only robbing them of these things but, also, separating them from Yahowah for all but a century over the next 3,000 years. And yet, if God denied them the right to make a bad choice, He would have undermined freewill – and with it, the purpose of Creation and the Covenant.

Therefore, frustrated and disappointed, grieved and resentful, Yahowah allowed His misled children to be like the gowym and be controlled by men – the first of which was Sha’uwl | Question Him. Because He loved His children, God even tried to make it work, supporting Sha’uwl up to the point that the king’s decisions were so counterproductive that Yah’s frustration could no longer be contained.

488It would have been like witnessing the Progressive media, politicians, teachers, and healthcare providers telling your young son that his life would be improved, that he would be healthier, happier, and more popular, if he allowed doctors to feed him female hormones and mutilate his body, turning him into a girl. Aware of where this would lead, you can plead with him not to ruin his life, one that will become dependent upon drugs and psychologists – at least until such time as depression causes the transgender individual to commit suicide. As one voice, even as the lone loving, compassionate, caring, informed, and rational one, it is drowned out by the shrill chorus of Progressives, and you lose your son. Try as you may to love him in spite of his self-destructive choices, he, now she, is now woke-programmed to become more distant, depressed, and antagonistic toward you.

In this example, we see the lose-lose situation in which Yisra’el placed Yahowah. And in His words, we witness its effect on God.

Progressiveness is the ultimate expression of unconstrained government, of a liberal dose of human influence, of attempting to control everything and everyone. It is the least informed and most irrational, the least intelligent and most counterproductive form of government ever imposed upon an ignorant and irrational, non-judgmental population.

Tsarar, which was deployed to reveal the people’s religious corruption and political perversions from twisting and bending the truth, were “all-encompassing, and troublesome, binding and frustrating.” They had become like the Canaanites in that their iniquity was complete. And while they had hit rock bottom, they would not get back up for millennia. They had forgotten the way to stand up and rise up to God.

489‘Ephraym had become his own worst enemy. He brought his anguish and years of oppression on himself. However, Yahowah would not have said that the consequence of having missed the way and leading others astray was tsaphan | stored up if the approaching Assyrian onslaught was all there was to this warning. Yisra’elites should anticipate being judged and held accountable for all they have done to aggravate God and harm His children.

Yahowah is clearly frustrated with His people. The anticipated joy derived from being a Father and raising children became the bane of His existence. And for their role in exchanging Divine ecstasy for agony and putting the Creator of the universe and Author of life through such sorrow, that penalty will be unpleasant. Many, especially Yisra’el’s political and religious leaders, are deserving of prolonged incarceration in She’owl.

But the news isn’t all bad. They will continue to be Fatherless, which was their choice in life. They will even be among those they revered because She’owl will remain the most religious place in the universe. And for their sake, one could only hope that, having chata’ah | missed the way, they will continue to be lo’ chakam | oblivious, as ignorant and irrational throughout eternity as they were previously. If they have no mind, how can it matter?

For us to become part of Yahowah’s Beryth | Covenant Family, we must be present and accounted for at the proper time. This includes answering God’s seven annual Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet and capitalize upon their intent. Unfortunately, according to our Heavenly Father, Yisra’el is a crippled and shattered child.


490Before we move too far past what Yahowah has just revealed, let’s take a closer look as to why He stated…

“‘While I was displeased and resentful, indeed, frustrated and disappointed (ba ‘aph ‘any), I allowed for you (nathan la ‘atah) to have a political ruler and king (melek), but I took him away (wa laqach huw’) when My frustration could no longer be contained (ba ‘ebrah ‘any). (Howsha’ 13:11)

The religious corruptions and political perversions, the liability and pervasive guilt from twisting and bending the truth (‘aown / ‘awon) of ‘Ephraym (‘Ephraym) has become all-encompassing, troublesome, and distressful, even binding and adversarial (tsarar). So, the consequence of him missing the way and leading others astray (chata’ah huw’) is stored up for the future (tsaphan).’” (Howsha’ 13:12)

The reference is to an episode chronicled in Shamuw’el / 1 Samuel.

“And it came to be (wa hayah) when (ka ‘asher) Shamuw’el | He Listens to God (Shamuw’el) grew older (zaqen), (wa), he appointed (sym) his sons (‘eth beny huw’) as judges to resolve disputes (shaphat) on behalf of (la) Yisra’el (Yisra’el). (1 Shamuw’el 8:1)

The name (shem) of his firstborn son (ben huw’ ha bakowr) was (wa hayah) Yow’el | Yahowah is God (Yow’el), and the name (wa shem) of his second (mishneh huw’) was ‘Abyah | Yahowah is the Father (‘Abyah). They exercised good judgment to resolve disputes (shaphat) in (ba) Ba’rsheba’ | the Well of Promise (Ba’rsheba’). (1 Shamuw’el 8:2)

And yet (wa), his sons (beny) did not walk (lo’ halak) in his ways (ba derek) but, instead (wa), they swerved and turned away, chasing (natah) after (‘achar) dishonest gain and wrongful profit (ha betsa’). They 491accepted (laqah) gifts, payments, and bribes for their services (sochad) and turned away from (wa natah) the means to think rationally and justly resolve disputes (mishpat). (1 Shamuw’el 8:3)

So then (wa) all of the elders (kol zaqen) of Yisra’el | Those who are Contentious and Struggle with God (Yisra’el) gathered together (qabats), and they came to (wa bow’ ‘el) Shamuw’el | He Listens to God (Shamuw’el) to beguile and betray, to deceive and mislead (ha ramah). (1 Shamuw’el 8:4)

They actually said to him (wa ‘amar ‘el huw’), ‘Behold (hineh), you are old (‘atah zaqen), and your sons (wa beny) have not walked in your ways (lo’ halak ba derek). So now as a result and henceforth (‘atah), we want to put in place for ourselves (sym la ‘anachnuw) a king, a head of state who is a governor (melek) to make decisions for us (shaphat ‘anachnuw) just like (ka) all of the Gentile nations (kol ha gowym).’ (1 Shamuw’el 8:5)

From the perspective (ba ‘ayn) of Shamuw’el | He Listens to God (Shamuw’el), the statement (ha dabar) which (ka ‘asher) they said (‘amar), ‘Appoint for us (nathan la ‘anachnuw) a political leader, and authority figure, like a king (melek) to (la) make decisions for us and govern over us (shaphat ‘anachnuw),’ was literally wrong and would always be harmful, continuously troubling and displeasing, even distressing and disastrous (ra’a).

So (wa) Shamuw’el (Shamuw’el) personally requested a thoughtful response regarding the consequences (palal) from (‘el) Yahowah (Yahowah). (1 Shamuw’el 8:6)

Then (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah) said (‘amar) to (‘el) Shamuw’el | He Listens to God (Shamuw’el), ‘You have chosen to hear (shama’) the voice (ba qowl) of the people (ha ‘am) concerning (la) everything (kol) that they have 492expressed (‘asher ‘amar) to you (‘el ‘atah). However, keeping it real (ky), they are not opposed to you (lo’ ‘eth ‘atah) nor are they rejecting you (ma’as) but, instead (ky ‘eth), they are rejecting Me, trying to avoid any association with Me (‘any ma’as) as (min) a leader and advisor to ponder and consider (melek) among them (‘al hem). (1 Shamuw’el 8:7)

This is consistent with (ka) all of (kol) the customs, practices, and pursuits (ha ma’aseh) that they have engaged in (‘asher ‘asah) from the day (min yowm) I lifted them up and withdrew them (‘alah ‘any ‘eth hem) out of (min) the troubling confines and restrictions of religious and political oppression (Mitsraym), even to this very day (wa ‘ad ha yowm ha zeh).

They have rejected Me and are abandoning Me (wa ‘azab ‘any). Moreover (wa), they are serving and have become indentured to (‘abad), the gods (‘elohym) of others (‘acher). And now (wa), they are also doing such things around you (hemah gam ‘asah la ‘atah). (1 Shamuw’el 8:8)

Therefore (wa ‘atah), while it is totally at your discretion, I’d like for you to listen (shama’) so that (‘ak ky) you can testify as a witness, warning them while boldly correcting them (‘uwd ‘uwd ba hem), (wa) conspicuously telling them (nagad la hem) about the procedures, decisions, judgments, and justifications (mishpat) of the ruler (ha melek) who will reign, acting as the authority (‘asher malak) over them (‘al hem).’ (1 Shamuw’el 8:9)

So then (wa) Shamuw’el (Shamuw’el) agreed to convey (‘amar) all of the statements, every word (kol dabar), of Yahowah () to the people (ha ‘am) who were asking for (sha’al) a political leader (ha melek). (1 Shamuw’el 8:10)

493He said (wa ‘amar), ‘This specifically (zeh) will continuously exist as (hayah) a result of the decisions, judgment, and justifications (mishpat) of the government and king (ha melek) who will reign, imposing his control (‘asher malak) over you (‘al hemah):

He will continually take possession of (laqach) your sons (‘atah beny). He will appoint for his benefit (wa sym la huw’) military vehicles used to transport his army (merkabah huw’). His mobile weapons of war (wa ba parash huw’) will be deployed expeditiously (wa ruwts) in the presence of (la paneh) his troop transports and cavalry (merkabah huw’). (1 Shamuw’el 8:11)

And then he will also appoint for himself (wa sym la huw’) commanders and captains, lords and princes (sar), by the thousands (‘elephym) and (wa) military officers with rank and leaders of the government and religious institutions (sar) fifty or more at a time (chameshym). They will conceal the evil religious schemes they are doing for him while devising a plot that leaves their victims oblivious and incapacitated (wa la charash charysh huw’).

Their harvests (qatsar) will become his harvests (qatsyr huw’), used for (wa la) creating and deploying (‘asah) his weapons (kely huw’) of continuous war (milhamah) along with (wa) the implements required to equip (kaly) his military vehicles (rekeb huw’). (1 Shamuw’el 8:12)

And then with regard to your daughters (wa ‘eth bat ‘atah), he will continually take them (laqach) to mix everything up so that it is intoxicating and loses its stench (la raqach), and as ruthless assassins and executioners (wa la tabahah), even as (wa la) bakers and cooks (‘aphah). (1 Shamuw’el 8:13)

494He will take from and control the most productive aspects of (laqach wa ‘eth ha towb) your fields and pastures (sadeh), even your cultivated land and vineyards (kerem), as well as (wa) your olive groves (zayth). And he will give all of this to those who work for and serve him (wa nathan la ‘ebed). (1 Shamuw’el 8:14)

And (wa) with the sowing of seeds to yield a crop (zera’) and cultivation of your land and vineyards (kerem ‘atah), he will demand a tax, confiscating a tenth, imposing his authority in an unproductive way (‘asar).

He will give it to his impotent government officials and religious leaders, even to his lords, overseers, and fellow tyrants (wa nathan la sarys), as well as to his most devoted subjects and cohorts – those he controls who are dependent upon him (wa la ‘ebed). (1 Shamuw’el 8:15)

He will choose for himself and confiscate (laqach) your male and female workers, your subordinates and dependents (wa ‘eth ‘ebed wa ‘eth ‘ebeduw), in addition to your best young men (wa ‘eth bachuwr), your most productive beasts of burden, even your finest livestock and most productive source of food (ha towb ‘eth chamowr) and engage in (wa ‘asah) his affairs and enterprise (la mala’kah). (1 Shamuw’el 8:16)

Your flocks (tso’n), he will decimate by demanding a tax (‘asar), and so as a result, you will literally and continually exist to do as he desires (wa ‘atem hayah), as if slaves (la ‘ebed).’” (Shamuw’el / He Listens to God / 1 Samuel 8:17)

The king in question was Sha’uwl. He led Yisra’el to defeat and away from God. He was not only demon-possessed; he tried to assassinate the man God most loved. And in the end, he was such a wimp he begged his armorbearer to kill him because he didn’t even have the fortitude to commit suicide correctly.

495There would be hundreds of rulers as bad, some worse, between Yisra’el and Yahuwdah. This was among the worst decisions Yisra’el would make – one that would haunt them for the next 800 years. So, to their credit, they did their best to prove God right.

Methinks Yahowah is as bearish on political aspirations and schemers as He is supportive of religious institutions. Based upon this evaluation of human governance and the propensity of rulers to control and extort the people, the Haredi in Yisra’el and the Progressive Jews in the United States are antagonizing the Almighty. Clearly, God does not condone human governance and it would be absurd to think that He approves of kings or authorizes them to lord over anyone. No government at all is better than a small one, and a small one is vastly superior to a large intrusive one.

And speaking of the malfeasance of Jews in this regard, one of the least credible citations ever attributed to God came from Sha’uwl | Paul in a book he inappropriately wrote to the Romans – the most hideous of governments from Yahowah’s perspective. Rendered from the New American Standard Bible, which purports to be a literal translation, we read the following preposterous claim:

“Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God. (Romans 13:1) Therefore, he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. (Romans 13:2)

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; (Romans 13:3) for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger 496who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil. (Romans 13:4)

Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. (Romans 13:5) For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. (Romans 13:6) Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” (Romans 13:7)

Stupid is as stupid says. And this is as moronic as imbecilic gets.


In year 6000 Yah, during Kipurym | Reconciliations, and away from the debilitating and impoverishing influence of political and religious leaders, Yahowah said…

“‘Away from the control, power, and influence (min yad – out of the hand and possession) of Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl / She’owl – Paul, Saul, or possibly Hell), I have chosen to ransom and redeem them (padah hem – I want to reacquire them by liberating them from bondage (qal imperfect jussive – genuinely, continually, and by choice, release them)).

Plague of Death (maweth – dying as a result of a pandemic which infects and kills a large percentage of the population), where (‘ehy) is the widespread pandemic you caused and the sting of your goads (deber ‘atah – is the pestilence of your empty words)?

Plague of death (maweth – dying as a result of a pandemic which infects and kills most of the population), where (‘ehy) is your fatal contagion (qeteb ‘atah – is your ruinous and destructive influence, your pestilence)?

497Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl / She’owl – Paul or Saul, possibly Questioning Hell), the capacity for compassion, the will to relent and show some remorse (nocham – demonstrating some regret, even contrition, while showing some mercy), he hides because it is nonexistent (sathar – he conceals and does not know) from My perspective (min ‘ayn ‘any).’” (Howsha’ / He Saves / Hosea 13:14)

There were two Sha’uwls, the Yisra’elite king, Saul, and the New Testament author, Paul. Both were anti-Towrah and both were exceedingly dismissive of Dowd. Both were demon-possessed. Both were murderous members of the tribe of Benyamyn. And both wielded considerable negative influence over Yisra’el and Yahuwdah.

While their names are synonymous with She’owl | Hell, even spelled identically in the Hebrew text, She’owl has no hands and cannot infect, plague, or kill. Just the opposite, She’owl | Hell is a place of eternal life where the deadly contagion of religion is quarantined. Further, there would be no reason to look to She’owl | Hell for compassion, the will to relent, or mercy.

Since we must exclude She’owl | Hell from consideration, and since all of this addresses a single male individual, we are left to determine if God is speaking of the failed king circa 1000 BCE whom He removed from power or the murderous and merciless inspiration behind most of the Christian New Testament circa 50 CE. If God is addressing the deceased king, why speak of ransoming Yisra’el from him when he died long ago, left no legacy, and was replaced by the Son of God, the anointed Messiah and King, Dowd | David? But if the wannabe Apostle Sha’uwl | Paul, why is Yahowah warning Yisra’elites of him through Howsha’ so many years in advance of him creating Christianity when the focus has been on the continuing development of Judaism?

498In that Yahowah expressed His disgust for the imposition of King Sha’uwl moments ago, one would naturally think that He would have been the subject of this prophecy regarding what Yahowah is going to do – but that was all in the past. Therefore, it is more realistic to see King Saul as prophetic of the Apostle Paul. Further, while the choice to be like the Gentiles and be religious and play politics was a poor one with an enduring legacy, by this time, the suicidal, beheaded, and clearly discounted King Sha’uwl had no control, influence, or power over anyone. No one could be ransomed from him.

This then leaves us with Sha’uwl | Paul, who established the Christian religion. And he is a perfect fit because he also happens to be the one person Yahowah calls out by name and describes as the “Plague of Death.” God did so in Chabaquwq | Habakkuk – a sinister prophetic portrait detailed in Questioning Paul, which will be retranslated and considered at the conclusion of this volume of Yada Yahowah.

It all fits. No one since ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob has influenced more Jews, more negatively, controlling their fate, than Paul as a result of Roman Catholicism – which was established upon the 14 letters Sha’uwl | Paul wrote along with the 4 other books he inspired. These include: Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, Galatians, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, Ephesians, the formerly mentioned letter to the Romans, Philippians, Colossians, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews, along with the two letters written to his lover, Timothy. With Paul’s New Testament and the Roman Catholic Church replacing Imperial Rome as the most anti-Semitic institution on Earth, one which has actively enslaved, tortured, and subjugated Jews, it is only natural that God would want to ransom His people from them, redeeming them from such a hellish organization.

499With Sha’uwl | Paul called out by name as he was in Chabaquwq, and identified as maweth | the Plague of Death, we have concurrence among the prophets. It is something we would expect since they were both inspired by Yahowah, since God consistently reinforces key aspects of His message, and since Sha’uwl’s religion has infected more people than any other.

Fortunately, once redeemed from Sha’uwl’s Christianity, freed of Replacement Theology, and safe from the rage of the New Testament, the pandemic of empty words will have lost its sting. The goad Paul stupidly attributed to his Jesus rather than Dionysus on the road to Damascus will cease to be an implement of control – prodding the sheeple to their death.

Pauline Christianity has become the Earth’s most popular, and thus deadliest, belief system. It is a contagious pandemic of empty words. Widespread, it is the religion of the broad and open way which Yahowah attributes to the Lord. Christianity is fatal, ruinous, and destructive.

As for the man whose speeches and letters created this hellish institution, he was an obnoxious and murderous psychopath, devoid of compassion. He knew that what he was saying was wrong and that he was inspired by Satan, but he showed no remorse and would never relent. We know this to be true because, to promote his faith, Sha’uwl | Paul had to completely undermine Dowd’s lives, his testimony and his tributes, especially his sacrifices during Pesach and Matsah, all while claiming to have been chosen by the man whose name he did not know. He would also contradict and misquote Yahowah while demeaning His Towrah and yet insist that he had been appointed and inspired by the unnamed God he was denouncing.

If that were not enough to certify Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s exclusive claim to the infamous title, the Plague of Death, his religion was based upon the spurious notion that God 500could not be trusted. According to Sha’uwl, every promise Yahowah made to His Son and Messiah, Dowd | David, and to His people, Yisra’el | Israel was actually intended for the misnomer, Jesus Christ, and the Gentiles who foolishly believed God lied and Paul was telling the truth. Evidently unable to keep His names straight, the dunderhead made God appear like a nincompoop.

With Sha’uwl, there would be no contrition because he was incapable of it. The man who deliberately fabricated and unleashed the most contagious and deadliest pathogen in human history did so without remorse. It is one of the reasons I have asked Yahowah to include me among the witnesses rebuking Sha’uwl | Paul and his accomplices at their impending trial. The man whose name is synonymous with She’owl | Hell will be among its most popular inmates. As the Maweth | Plague of Death, he may have earned naming rights – Sha’uwl’s She’owl.

“‘Although (ky – on the contrary and by contrast), this son of his brothers (huw’ ben ‘ach huw’) will run swiftly, thrive with lots of bull while producing asses (para’ – will be fruitful while he moves swiftly; from par – bull, pare’ – a wild ass, perah – running wild, and peqer – licentious, being without moral restraint) the foretold confrontational encounter (qadym – the reckoning, this anticipated and disappointing meeting with the adversary, even being scorched from the east; from qadam – a foretold and anticipated confrontation predicted long ago) with the Spirit (ruwach) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will come (bow’ – will arrive).

As a result of (min – from) questioning the word (midbar – lifeless questioning of the word; from my – to question and dabar – the word), his perverseness will be brought forward (‘alah / ‘olah – his invalid approach and lack of veracity will be brought up and removed) and denounced when it is shown that what he did was wrong (wa bowsh – he will be shamed to despair when 501disapproved and disgraced by evidence and reason and humiliated for having been mistaken).

His destructive source (maqowr huw’ – the wellspring from which his torrent flowed; from mah – to inquire about quwr – that which is detrimental and will be cast out) will be constrained (wa charab – will be laid waste, dried up, and reduced to a desolate ruin).

His perceptions (ma‘ayn huw’ – his source of life and those sustained by his source; from mah – to contemplate ‘ayn – his mental and spiritual faculties), they will be ransacked, stripping (huw’ shasah – they will be revealed as ruinous and spoiled) his storeroom (‘owtsar huw’ – his treasury and arsenal) of everything (kol kaly – of each article) perceived as worthwhile and desirable (chemdah – considered productive and anticipated as having future value).’” (Howsha’ / He Delivers / Hosea 13:15)

It is sad, but true, Sha’uwl | Paul was a Yisra’elite – the son of his brothers. One of their own would be responsible for conceiving and popularizing the world’s most popular religion – a belief system which would thrive and grow by denouncing and demeaning Jews.

No matter how we render para’, we are haunted by Sha’uwl. His claim, to “not having run the race in vain,” drew Paul, like a moth to the flame, with him citing what was written about him in Chabaquwq, where his testimony was denounced, and he was called out by name and labeled the Plague of Death. While he thrived in bearing fruit, the byproduct of his BS has been to produce a bevy of asses rather than a flock of sheep. And by his own admission, Paul was a libertine, a hypocrite who was completely immoral. In fact, during one of his more impressive rants, he had the audacity to blame the Towrah for the fact that he was a pervert.

As a result, God’s people have been forewarned. There will be a confrontational encounter with this adversarial 502individual. During the anticipated meeting – this summons before the Judge – all things Sha’uwl will be scorched by Yahowah’s Spirit.

As a result of having questioned the validity of God’s words, this man’s perverse approach will be brought forward, examined, and shown to be unworthy. Sha’uwl | Paul will be denounced, with evidence and reason exposing the failures of his faith.

At the same time, the source of his destructive rhetoric will be constrained, as Satan is incarcerated in She’owl for all but the final days of the seventh millennium. His false perceptions regarding the source of life will be stripped away, as will everything he said, including that which was perceived as worthwhile and desirable.

As we contemplate the concluding statement of Howsha’s 13th chapter, recognize that Samaria, both as a capital city and as the largest region, was at the very heart of the Kingdom of Yisra’el. Today, much of ancient Samaria has been annexed into what is now called the West Bank.

“‘Shomarown | Samaria (Shomarown) will be seen as offensive and held liable (‘asham – will be made accountable and declared guilty).

Indeed (ky), she has been openly rebellious and defiant (marah – she has been obstinate and contentious, recalcitrant while stubbornly provoking while transgressing) against her God (ba ‘elohym hy’).

By the sword (ba ha chereb – from weapons of war), their children (‘olel hem – their little ones) will fall (naphal – will collapse and drop), dashed to pieces (ratash – stricken and smashed), and their pregnant women (wa haryah huw’) will be split open (baqa’).’” (Howsha’ / He Saves / Hosea 13:16)

503It has happened in the past. Christians, beguiled into believing that Jews killed Jesus, have murdered Jewish children while bludgeoning pregnant women. And since the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles will be open season to hunt and kill Jews, we can conclude that there will be a sufficient number of conspiratorialists and anti-Semites to fulfill this gruesome prophecy. Religious morons will blame Jews for their miserable lives and then tangibly demonstrate the corrupting nature of their religion by being savages.

The fact that Yisra’el had rejected Yahowah and has remained openly contentious is true enough, but God isn’t the one hacking away at them. By this time, His return is nigh, and His intent will be to save Yisra’el, protecting them from the religious gowym who have come to destroy them.

However, had they not been so obstinate, God would have protected them long ago. There would have been no Assyrian assault or Babylonian captivity, no Greek occupation, or Roman tyranny. The Diaspora would not have occurred so there could not have been a Holocaust. There would have been no Christianity or Islam either – and thus no Inquisition or terrorism. And therefore, they would not be under siege.
