542Yada Yahowah
Chamas | Cruel Lies
No One Worse…
Previously, in the Sha’uwl’s She’owl chapter of this volume of Yada Yahowah, we found Howsha’ conveying Yahowah’s condemnation of Sha’uwl | Paul. The prophet wrote…
“‘Away from the control, power, and influence (min yad) of Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl), I have chosen to ransom and redeem them, reacquiring them (padah hem).
So, Plague of Death (maweth), where (‘ehy) is the widespread pandemic you caused with your empty words and the sting of your controlling goads (deber ‘atah)? Plague of death (maweth), where (‘ehy) is your fatal contagion – your ruinous influence (qeteb ‘atah)?
With Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl), the capacity for compassion and contrition, the ability to relent and show remorse, even regret (nocham), is nonexistent (sathar) from My perspective (min ‘ayn ‘any). (Howsha’ 13:14)
It is true (ky), this son of his brothers (huw’ ben ‘ach huw’) will run swiftly, thrive with bull, produce asses, and be licentious (para’). Then the foretold confrontational encounter (qadym) with the Spirit (ruwach) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will come (bow’).
As a result of (min) questioning the word (midbar), his perversions will be esteemed, but he will lack 543integrity (‘alah / ‘olah) and will be denounced when it is shown that what he did was wrong (wa bowsh).
His destructive source (maqowr huw’) will eventually be constrained (wa charab). His perceptions (ma‘ayn huw’) will be exposed and stripped away (huw’ shasah), including his treasury (‘owtsar huw’) of everything (kol kaly) perceived as worthwhile and desirable (chemdah).’” (Howsha’ / Hosea 13:15)
After sharing this, and then demonstrating that Yahowah was exposing and condemning the Apostle Paul, the principal author of the Christian New Testament, I promised to share what God had to say about the Plague of Death in Chabaquwq | Habakkuk. Some 666 years before Sha’uwl | Paul penned his first letter, sometime around 615 BCE, Yahowah chose a man called “Embrace This” to expose and condemn an individual named “Question Him.”
God’s concern has been that this heinous individual from the tribe of Benyamyn has lured billions of souls back to Babylon. He would do so by devaluing the Towrah, replacing the Covenant, and demeaning the Chosen People.
What follows is among Yahowah’s most important prophetic declarations, and yet, it is seldom considered. We will not make that mistake. God began His assault on the founder of the Christian religion with these words...
“This is the prophetic pronouncement (ha masa’ – the published prophecy) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher – to show the way to get the most enjoyment out of life), was received as a revelation (chazah – was revealed and witnessed through a prophetic vision (qal perfect)) by Chabaquwq | Embrace This (Chabaquwq – Accept This, acknowledge, accept, and act upon what is being revealed), the prophet (ha naby’ – the individual who proclaims the message of God regarding past and future events).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:1)
544Yahowah brought Chabaquwq / Habakkuk forward in time to around 50 CE, where he was able to witness Sha’uwl in action, listen to his speeches and then read the initial letter written by the man who would fundamentally change the course of history. What he saw and heard was horrifying – worse than the prophet could fathom.
Indeed, over the ten centuries of prophetic revelation, there have been many disturbing portrayals of future events, but this is the most disturbing. It speaks of a man who would harm more people than any other. It is among the most specific, relevant, and far-reaching predictions ever recorded – and also the most appalling. And yet, we will be among the first to read these words as God intended – as a scathing rebuke against Sha’uwl | Paul and his creation: Christianity.
In his opening statement, Chabaquwq cried before God, pleading for what he was witnessing to end. And while I suspect any open-minded and rational person exposed to Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s deplorable rhetoric would be sympathetic, I think Habakkuk was actually trying to get his people’s attention.
Having seen the horrendous manner in which Yahowah and Yisra’el would suffer as a result of Paul and Christianity, the prophet was distraught. The realization that Yahuwdym would allow this Plague of Death to emerge and spread in their midst, and then haunt the world for nearly 2,000 years, was heartbreaking.
But it wasn’t just Yahuwdym | Jews who would turn a blind eye to Sha’uwl’s debilitating scheme. Yahowah couldn’t bear to listen either. And at first, I found this troubling, that is until I thought it through. There was no reason for God to listen to anything Paul had to say, and He was committed to following His own advice – which was to tune the gowym Paul had beguiled out. And since His people were not listening to Him or responding 545intelligently to Sha’uwl, there was no merit in hearing what anyone had to say.
Therefore, God remained in character. He deployed and equipped the best possible man for the job. He made it possible for Chabaquwq to witness the impetus of the deadliest and most debilitating crime ever perpetrated and then share the results with us. And while His people paid no attention, we have made the resulting warning the centerpiece of the five volumes of Twistianity. Mission accomplished – without further frustrating the Almighty.
“For how long and to what extent (‘ad ‘an – until when and up to what point), Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), should I plead for someone to respond in a beneficial way to this desperate and dangerous situation (shawa’ – should I vocalize my request for assistance, for someone to engage in a helpful manner (piel perfect)) because (wa) You are not listening (lo’ shama’ – You do not want to hear (qal imperfect)) to my anguished appeal and emotional outcry (za’aq – to my lamentable summons (qal imperfect))?
Against You (‘el ‘atah – concerning You, God) there is a devastating plot comprised of cruel lies, ruthlessly plundering the people without moral restraint using injurious language (chamas – there is a destructive force, a lack of ethical parameters, widespread injustice and violence, a despoliation of everyone, grievous wrongdoing leading to death; from chamas – that which is wrong rationally and ethically such that people are violently tormented). As a result (wa – therefore), You must withhold salvation (lo’ yasha’ – You cannot provide deliverance on an ongoing basis (hifil imperfect)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:2)
546It will have been one thousand nine hundred eighty-three years from Paul’s emergence in 50 CE to 2033 CE when his caustic influence will be eliminated. Considering the carnage, that is a horrendously long time for the world to suffer under the despicable stain and stigma of Pauline Christianity. Nothing will ever approach its appalling treatment of God’s people – from which there will be no relief prior to Yahowah’s return. And then, since the Mashyach Dowd’s reputation was plundered by Sha’uwl, Christians can expect a hostile reception.
With no reason to endure this religious abomination, Yahowah turned a deaf ear to the schemes of the Gentiles and to the resulting cries of Yahuwdym. He had warned them that this would happen and had explained that they would be responsible. But since they would suffer for not listening, it would have been in poor taste to say, “I told you so.”
As is the case with every religious scheme, there is no fixing Christianity or Judaism. They emerged simultaneously in an erroneous attempt to counter Dowd’s fulfillment of the first three Miqra’ey in year 4000 Yah. Something transformative had occurred, and so the misguided and vain sought to spin the narrative in ways that reinforced their pursuit of fame and fortune. And while both religions were complicit in a diabolical coverup, the premature removal of either would have served as an unacceptable breach of freewill.
Undeterred, Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s religious faith remains humankind’s greatest affront to God. It is a devastating plot comprised of exceedingly cruel lies, robbing God of the family He desired, His people of their place in the Covenant, and Gentiles of their souls. Sha’uwl’s immoral and irrational attack on Yahowah’s Towrah, Beryth, and Miqra’ey, along with the ignorant rabbinic response, would result in God not being able to save anyone for nearly two millennia.
547Yahowah can do many things, but He will not breach a promise. When He offered ‘Abraham the five benefits of the Covenant based upon his acceptance of its five conditions, Yahowah established the standard He would forever uphold. And since Sha’uwl | Paul repudiated each condition, there would be no hope of reconciliation for those he fooled with his faith. Worse, to negate the menacing influence of Paul’s religion, rabbis denied the Messiah’s and Son of God’s role in fulfilling Pesach | Passover and Matsah | UnYeasted Bread leading to Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children. This not only put them in opposition to Christians for the wrong reason; their denial would truncate Jewish lives. With their denials, rather than solving the problem, those who were responsible for the emergence of rabbinic Judaism committed suicide.
It was the best and worst of times. Dowd had performed admirably while mankind responded horribly. Paul’s message was repugnant and vehemently anti-Semitic. He recast Dowd as dead and buried so that he could steal his designations as the Son of God, Messiah, King of Kings, Chosen One, and Savior and then use them to embellish his new god, incorporating heavy doses of Dionysian and Odyssean mythology. Then he alleged that Jews had schemed to kill his alter ego. This naturally repelled Yahuwdym from the Pauline characterization of the Zarowa’.
It was the worst decision ever made, because without the benefit of the Passover Lamb, the door to Heaven would remain closed. And without the transfer of guilt during Dowd’s fulfillment of UnYeasted Bread, there would be no means to remove the stench of religion. In their response to Paul, Jews put themselves in a dreadful position – one so averse to Yahowah, He could do nothing for them.
Then to add insult to self-inflicted injury, rather than acknowledge that ha Mashyach Dowd had come as 548promised to fulfill Chag Matsah, rabbi Akiba conjured up a false Messiah of his own. But he was outplayed – which is embarrassing since his antagonist, Paul, died defeated and alone 77 years prior to Judaism’s lame retort.
As the writers of the New Testament and Talmud were staking out their positions and compiling their scriptures, Jews were outwitted by ignorant and irrational, barely literate charlatans. And to increase their embarrassment, Akiba and Company lost the debate against a completely fabricated case on a topic in which they should have been the world’s foremost experts.
And then to realize that after foisting a false Messiah on his people and causing the Diaspora while denying Jews the benefits of Dowd’s sacrifice, Akiba became Judaism’s founding father. Truly embarrassing.
The case against the mythos of the Christian New is so easily and irrefutably fought and won by comparing Peter’s and Paul’s religious jargon to Yahowah’s and Dowd’s testimony there is no excuse for 100 generations of rabbis for failing to have done so. By citing Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:2, the debate would have been over – just one prophecy to the heart of the newborn creed.
Recognizing their vulnerability, Christian theologians have gone into overdrive trying to deflect adverse attention away from this prophecy. Those who would falsely claim that there was a person named Jesus, that he was the Son of God and the Christ, would protest that Habakkuk’s lament was over the treatment of Yisra’elites in Babylon. But why all the fuss? That experience was short-lived and mild compared to what Yisra’el had already endured under the Assyrians and would suffer as a result of the Romans and Christians. More troubling still, since Yahowah orchestrated the Babylonian “time out” for bad behavior, there was no devastating plot nor cruel lies in its inception. 549Furthermore, Yahowah would continue to communicate to His people long after their return from Babylonian exile.
The exile to Babel was imminent and would become a current event in Chabaquwq’s lifetime, something he would witness with his own eyes. At this late date, there would have been no reason for him to include this in a “masa’ – a prophetic pronouncement” as seen in “chazah – a vision of the future received as a revelation.” He could have been a reporter and not naby’.
Yahowah had been clear, revealing through other prophets precisely why Yahuwdym would be taken from the Land. And since it lasted just 70 years, the duration is wholly inconsistent with the prolonged timeline uniquely presented by Chabaquwq in this prophecy. Not only is the Babylonian angle a bad fit, but as we move into the second chapter, Yahowah announces that the nepesh | soul, not the ‘erets | land, responsible for the imposition of this “Plague of Death” is Sha’uwl | Paul rather than Babel | Babylon.
If Yahowah had taken Chabaquwq to Babylon to view his immediate future, 18 years hence, he would not have questioned why he was there. Chabaquwq knew that it was coming and that it was both required and deserved.
However, if we move 666 years forward in time to witness the quarrelsome contentiousness of Sha’uwl, it would be natural for Chabaquwq to ask God this question, and then make these statements, realizing that the people who would benefit from this warning would not be born for another six centuries. And it would be twenty-six centuries before anyone would correctly explain the prophecy – pinning the tail on the proper donkey.
That is not to remove the Babylonian connection. Yahowah is fond of foreshadowing, using contemporaneous events to shine a light on those which are of even greater significance in the future. From this perspective, Babylon represents the “babel – confusion of 550commingling and intermixing” God’s words with man’s myths so essential to the Christian religion. Paul would set a new standard for comminglers, misconstruers, and misappropriators. He was so skilled at his craft he rivaled his Lord, which is, by his own admission, why Satan sought to keep his ego in check.
This known, a synonym for Babel is used in this prophecy. So, it is germane to this story to recognize that Babylon was the first thing Yahowah asked ‘Abraham to leave before engaging in His Covenant. And it is the last plea Yahowah makes to His people in the waning chapters of Yirma’yah / Jeremiah – indicating that not many have returned. This is disturbing because God wants Yisra’elites to avoid the integration and institutionalizing of religion and politics – which means to disassociate from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
As stated previously, I think Chabaquwq is wondering if there is any benefit to pleading with Yisra’el to respond and counter Sha’uwl and Christianity. He was obviously aware that it did not happen at the proper time and that nothing had changed over time. Pleading with the deaf is as productive and irritating as screaming into a jet engine. No one would pay any attention to what he had revealed for twenty-seven centuries, and even then, it would be a gowy, not a Jew, who would explain it to his people.
At this point in the prophecy, at least for those who have not previously read Twistianity, you may think that I’m being presumptive in claiming that Sha’uwl conceived this devastating plot, that he advanced these cruel lies, and that it was his injurious words which plundered the people of Yisra’el. And yet, since I know where the prophet is taking us, and have been down this road previously, I can assure you that Paul, to the exclusion of all others, is the subject of this, the most impeaching of prophecies – and I am not afraid to say it. And even for those who are fully 551aware of Paul’s rhetoric, I suspect that you will find the next three statements sufficiently incriminating.
Seeking the answer to the questions we have been pondering, Chabaquwq asks...
“For what reason (la mah – for whom and why) are You having me witness (ra’ah ‘any – are You showing me, revealing to me, and having me look at and consider (hifil imperfect jussive)) this grotesque corruption and deliberate fraud (‘awen – this vain and morally objectionable behavior, the false testimony of this evil individual, this troubling and irrational religion that is being intentionally perpetrated) which You consider (nabat – which You regard as (hifil imperfect)) vexing and troublesome (‘amal – wicked and wearisome, disastrous and miserable, perverse and burdensome)?
A demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God who is exceedingly malicious, destructive, oppressive, and confiscatory (wa shod / shed – a malevolent spirit representing Satan, wreaking havoc, with copious bloodshed, anguishing harassment, widespread looting, and horrendous suffering), (wa) a devastating and misleading plot advanced through injurious statements and wanton plundering (chamas – a destructive force devoid of ethical parameters, with widespread injustice and violence, grievous wrongdoing and pervasive carnage) is conspicuously before me, publicly conveying this contrarian message (la neged / nagad ‘any – is speaking right out in the open in my presence, confessing, avowing, and announcing, proclaiming and publishing that which is contrary to me).
He is and will continue to be (wa hayah) argumentative and contentious, quarrelsome and insulting, conveying a conflicting perception regarding the proper standard (ryb – combative and complaining, using words to accuse, dispute, and bicker).
552He brings forth and continuously advocates (nasa’ – he consistently promotes and carries forward, advancing and lifting up (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) dissension, discord, and divisiveness (wa madown – contention, disputing and contesting everything, disagreeing with the means to execute good judgment regarding vindication or condemnation; from mah – to question dyn – the means to judge and acquit).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:3)
Since the Yisra’elites had been enslaved and were no longer in a position to read anything he was writing, and since Yahuwdym were not listening, Chabaquwq was wondering why he was being tasked with witnessing something this aggravating. Why experience something this horrific if nothing is going to be done to resolve the problem? It is the question I once posed to Yahowah upon embarking on God Damn Religion, Twistianity, and then Coming Home. Why did God want me to expose and condemn Islam, Christianity, and Judaism when so few would benefit? The blending of lies is repulsive, and so investigating them is like analyzing excrement in a swamp. It stinks.
The answer I received is likely the same as what Yahowah told Chabaquwq. Not only is it worthwhile for the few who will benefit, but mostly, God makes revelations like this available because He wants to leave everyone without excuse. If someone is unaware that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are in opposition to God, then it is their fault because the truth is readily available.
Yahowah had asked His prophet to witness ‘awen, the “most grotesque religious corruption” of His testimony the world would ever know – Paul’s “deliberately deceitful” faith. God designated Sha’uwl’s message as “fraudulent,” which means that his “dishonesty and perversion” were “premeditated.” Paul’s ‘awen | fraud was not just 553“grotesque, unjust, and wicked,” not only “perverted and evil,” it was “intentional.”
Chabaquwq saw what those who have read Twistianity have seen – ‘amal | the appalling agony Paul inflicted upon the Chosen People. They would be “horrifically abused and persecuted, degraded and demeaned,” as a result of Christianity. Because of Paul, they would endure 2,000 years of hateful anti-Semitism. And all the while, the Devil’s Advocate would be insidiously arrogant, lying as if it were his birthright.
And yet, Habakkuk was only witnessing the beginning, just a snapshot in time, of what would emerge to become the man’s greatest menace. We know so much more today, having seen how the pandemic spread across the globe.
Some 666 years before Sha’uwl would admit to having become Satan’s shrew, Yahowah revealed that Paul would serve a shod / shed – a demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God. We know this because shed was used in Dabarym / Deuteronomy 32:17 and then in Mizmowr / Psalm 106:37 to speak of the Devil and his Satanic influence over religion.
Habakkuk saw what we have seen, and he used the perfect word (borrowing it from Moseh and Dowd) to depict Satan seeking to torch the Towrah and bury Yisra’el, all while composing a religion in which he would be worshiped as the Lord God. Turns out, all the Devil had to do was ask Sha’uwl to promote him.
For those who may think that this is presumptuous, pinning this all on one man, and claiming that it is Paul, the egotistical individual who wrote and inspired most of the Christian New Testament, then you may want to jump ahead to the next chapter where the Devil’s Advocate is named. Further to this point, these prophecies fit no other 554and yet provide a detailed portrait of the man who was born as Sha’uwl and the world knows as the Apostle Paul.
The resulting diabolical belief system Yahowah considered ‘amal | vexing and troublesome was perverse in its conception and burdensome in its imposition. Chabaquwq described what he saw and heard from Paul as chamas | a misleading concoction of injurious statements. Christianity would be devastatingly destructive. The Devil’s Advocate would chamas | conspire to pillage God’s people by robbing them of the promises Yahowah had made, plundering them by transferring everything to his church through a gimmick called Replacement Theology. Sha’uwl, and the demonic spirit inspiring him, would pursue God’s people without restraint. It was not just that they were wrong, it wasn’t only the widespread cruelty they would impose on Jews, Sha’uwl and Satan would plunder billions of Christians of their souls as well.
The unheralded catastrophe of Paul’s demonic appeal, especially his claims regarding Christou and the Crux, is that the repugnant stench of these mischaracterizations was so odious to Yahuwdym | Jews that they rejected everything to do with Dowd as the Messiah and Son of God, including his fulfillment of Pesach as the Passover Lamb. Their lies corrupted a vital truth – one we need to know to avail ourselves of the Doorway to Heaven and Life.
Since we are told that this prophetic denunciation was regarding a “neged / nagad – conspicuous public pronouncement,” the individual being excoriated would have to have been “exceedingly presumptuous to avow and announce, publish and proclaim,” something this unGodly “right out in the open in everyone’s presence.” It is yet another indictment of Sha’uwl, one made evident to those who have read Luke’s Acts of the Apostles.
The most gut-wrenching implication of Chabaquwq 1:3 is the juxtaposition of shod, chamas, and neged. It 555reveals something even the most courageous dare not say for fear of repercussions. This is because the conspicuous public presence of Satan’s desire to be worshiped as God affirms that he succeeded: “The demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God, who is malevolent, malicious, destructive, oppressive, confiscatory, and deadly, is advancing a devastating and misleading plot through injurious statements and wanton plundering, doing so conspicuously and publicly, conveying this contrarian message openly.”
When we consider the full implications of neged, along with chamas, and especially in the proximity of shod and following ‘amal, we are left with only two individuals in history who manifest every aspect of each word in the presence of God’s people: Paul and Muhammad. They were demon-possessed, and their appalling public proclamations are legendary. So, we should appreciate the prophet’s specificity.
The Devil and his Advocate would provide a steady diet of ryb | contentious taunts and quarrelsome insults. Their mantra “would be in conflict” with Yahowah’s testimony. Their “perceptions regarding the proper standard remain in hostile opposition” to the truth.
By realizing that the hayah | existence of Sha’uwl’s “derisive, insulting, antagonistic arguments” against the Towrah was presented in the third-person masculine singular, we find yet another affirmation that God is identifying a lone individual.
Similarly, nasa’ | he advocates madown | discord and divisiveness was scribed in the third-person masculine singular. And indeed, Paul’s madown | argumentative objections to the Towrah’s approach to exoneration and condemnation are as legendary as they are ludicrous.
This is a problem for Christians because Babylon was a nation of millions and this indictment is masculine 556singular. As the only named perpetrator, and the lone qualified candidate, it means that this prophetic denouncement is of Sha’uwl. Moreover, no one named Sha’uwl reigned over Babylon, not then or ever.
Adding fuel to the fire, Chabaquwq 1:2-4 conveys a fitting summation of Galatians. And yet, this is just the tip of the iceberg gouging an irreparable gash in the hull of Christendom. The repudiation of the Towrah lies at the heart of Paul’s faith…
“Therefore, in this manner (‘al ken – deploying this approach and for this reason), the Towrah | Teaching and Guidance (Towrah – the source from which education, instruction, direction, and leadership flow) is incapacitated, invalidated, and ineffective (puwg – is nullified and paralyzed, robbed of its power such that it is incapable of performing as intended (qal imperfect)).
As a result (wa – it follows that), the truthful and everlasting, eminent and permanent, never-ending and unlimited (la netsah – the brilliant and enduring, the confident and continual) means to vindicate by justly resolving disputes (mishpat – method of exercising good judgment to make informed and rational decisions regarding the adjudication and resolution of relational issues; from my – to inquire about shaphat – deciding and judging) will not be brought forth, publicly or openly disseminated, nor broadly extended (wa lo’ yatsa’ – it will not come out or be brought forward (qal imperfect)).
Instead (ky – rather by contrast), religious corruption will become invasive, and injustice will encompass (rasha’ kathar – unrighteousness and evil are pervasive as a result of violating the standard, hemming in and encircling (hifil participle)) the means to be right and become innocent (‘eth ha tsadyq – the way of vindication and acquittal by being correct).
557For this reason, that which (‘al ken) he brings forth and disseminates (yatsa’ – he publicizes and carries on about) perverts, distorts, corrupts, and convolutes (‘aqal – he misrepresents and debases, bends and twists) the way to make informed and rational decisions regarding vindication (mishpat – exercising good judgment; a compound of mah – to inquire about and shaphat – how to thoughtfully decide and appropriately judge).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:4)
From his twisted opening statement in Galatians to his perverted salutation, Sha’uwl | Paul sought to “puwg – incapacitate, invalidate, and paralyze the purpose of” Yahowah’s Towrah. Each tormented phrase was scribed to “nullify” God’s “netsah – enlightening and everlasting approach” to “mishpat – acquit those who exercise good judgment and make rational decisions.” For believers, faith would supersede being “tsadaq – right.” And that is dreadful because being “correct” is part and parcel of tsadaq | vindication. It is what makes the righteous right.
Recognizing that yatsa’ serves to describe the Exodus from Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Religious and Political Oppression, the negation of the verb with lo’ yatsa’ indicates that Paul’s intent was to lure the unsuspecting back into religious servitude. And just as the Towrah would act as God’s guide to emancipation, its undoing would subject the faithful to subjugation.
It was all so obvious, so outrageous, that, in light of this warning from Yahowah, it is inexcusable that rabbis failed to capitalize upon this God-given opportunity to destroy Paul’s credibility before Christianity took root and spread. But alas, the rabbis had a bigger fish to fry. They were so intent on entrenching their authority by discrediting Yahowah that they lost sight of the imposter in their midst.
558It wasn’t as if Sha’uwl was actually able to nullify the Towrah, but instead, he robbed Christians of its power. It could not heal those who believed it was invalid, unimportant, and irrelevant.
As Sha’uwl’s rasha’ kathar | religious corruption became ever more pervasive, the means to ‘eth ha tsadyq being vindicated became elusive. It is hard to be tsadyq | right about Yahowah everything you read is ‘aqal | misrepresented.
Several chapters previous to this, we contemplated the negative implications of ‘aqal in conjunction with Ya’aqob’s name and troubled life. And now, in Habakkuk 1:4, ‘aqal’s | perversions, distortions, and corruptions are being deployed to incapacitate the ability of the faithful to think rationally. And that is the bane of religion. Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching prevails with those who understand it.
“You can witness this (ra’ah – of your own volition you can actually be vigilant and reflect upon what you are seeing (qal imperative)) among the Gentiles (ba ha gowym – within the people from different races and places) should you choose to be observant (wa nabat – by electing to pay attention and by being perceptive (hifil imperative)).
You can avoid being adversely influenced and dumbfounded by remaining free of societal influences and by responding negatively (wa tamah – on your own recognizance, you should independently display an adverse reaction (hitpael imperative – indicates that the observer has managed by personal choice to avoid all religious and political pressure and as a result is opposed to the idiocy he or she is witnessing)), contemplating how something so stunningly stupid is considered plausible (tamah – flabbergasted, wondering how it could have occurred (qal imperative)).
559Indeed, it is true that (ky – surely) a considerable undertaking will transpire, a plot will be devised and implemented, which results in controlling a vast accumulation of people and acquiring enormous wealth (po’al pa’al – a schemer will plan, perform, and prevail in an infamous act (qal participle)) which you should determine inaccurate and invalid (lo’ ‘aman – you should consider spurious and untrustworthy (hifil imperfect)) in your days (ba yowmym ‘atem – in your time), especially when it is properly assessed and a written record is presented in books where he is held accountable (ky saphar – even when he takes a comprehensive census and records what can be known, and he reports and publishes this in a body of literature, relating what actually occurred (pual imperfect third-person masculine singular – this researcher’s and writer’s written evaluation will be shaped by what he is recording while also influencing the subject he has been studying for an enduring period of time)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:5)
When it comes to the ongoing conflict between Yahowah and Paul, the evidence is irrefutable. Christianity is, as the prophet portends, a gowy | gentile phenomenon. And while that isn’t unusual, in that 99.2% of the world’s population claims to be non-Yisra’elite, I am unaware of any other place where Yahowah asks His people to pay attention to them and consider what they are doing. And in this case, it isn’t to follow them down the rat hole but, instead, to keep the plague carried by the rats at bay. Chabaquwq is encouraging his people to pay attention because he wants them to avoid being tamah | adversely affected.
Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s withering and unrelenting assault on Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets, His People and Covenant, remains the single most unGodly and debilitating act ever perpetrated against humankind. It has 560negatively affected more people, longer and more adversely, than any other event. And this is the reason he is being excoriated by Yahowah’s prophet.
Looking back on what occurred in just 16 years, in 14 poorly written letters, 7 recorded speeches, each easily refuted, and by beguiling just 4 men (Luke, Mark, Matthew, and Timothy), Paul’s legacy fundamentally changed the course of human history. Based upon his religious notions, Imperial Rome would become the Roman Catholic Church, Judea would be bludgeoned and recast as Palestine, and Jews would be blamed for everything, including killing Paul’s god.
Dowd’s legacy would be buried, while his accolades, achievements, and prophetic accounts were confiscated to uphold a pathetic myth. The Towrah was demeaned and replaced by the New Testament – nullifying almost everything God said. Then, in an ill-fated attempt to fend off this villain, rabbis crafted Judaism to create an ulterior storyline – an entirely different explanation of the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey in year 4000 Yah | 33 CE. Everyone lost.
It was the worst possible outcome for everyone. So how did it happen, especially when Paul openly admitted the obvious, that he was demon-possessed and controlled by Satan? Why would anyone believe that Paul spoke for “Jesus” when he never quoted him? Paul’s position is preposterous. How is it that Yahowah would inspire a man to negate everything He had said and promised? Why pick an egomaniac and psychopath who consistently contradicted himself and the Prophets? Why did anyone believe that God cannot be trusted and that the promises He made to Jews were transferred to Gentiles, particularly with all evidence to the contrary?
Something as easily disproven ought not to have survived the first speech or letter. And yet, here we are, 561with neither effectively refuted from God’s perspective until quite recently, in our day, in your presence, with the five volumes of Twistianity.
At long last, as the prophecy foretells, Sha’uwl | Paul has been shown to be untrustworthy. Not only is there a written record invalidating his claims, but also Yahowah’s testimony against Sha’uwl has been included in the indictment against him. For the first time, Paul’s gibberish has been juxtaposed against the citations he misappropriated. We have done as saphar foretells.
To be fair, however, to those who realized something was dreadfully wrong with Paul long ago, as this statement attests, it was not until our time that what I did was possible. Once Christianity gained traction in Rome, anyone comparing Sha’uwl’s rhetoric to Yahowah’s testimony wouldn’t find a publisher, much less live long enough to talk about their conclusions.
And that is why Yahowah prefaced the verb tamah in the hitpael mood. It reveals that it would require someone with the capacity to avoid religious and political influences to expose and condemn Paul’s diabolical plot.
In this regard, tamah was repeated, intensifying the action of the verb. The exponential effect of tamah is intriguing because it already conveys “an exceptionally negative reaction.” And I concur; based upon what is conveyed in Sha’uwl’s letters, the most reasonable response is to be stunned that something this stupid managed to dumbfound so many for so long. How is it that something this implausible is preferred by billions when Yahowah’s Towrah is only trusted by thousands?
Po’al was also repeated, revealing that Paul’s considerable undertaking, his preaching throughout the Middle East, Asia Minor, Greece, and Rome, along with his fourteen letters, and influence on Luke, Acts, Mark, and ultimately, Matthew, would have a profound effect on the 562world. Christianity would be especially effective at controlling an enormous number of people and enriching itself.
And make no mistake, this was a po’al | performance. Paul knew that what he was preaching and writing was preposterous, so he compensated by intimidating the competition.
I am unaware of any other statement in the Prophets where we are being asked to invalidate a prevalent scheme – to determine, in spite of its popularity, that the claims being made are inaccurate. Effectively, God is encouraging us to challenge clerics and kings, undermining the very foundation of human society. That makes this prophecy an anomaly. And the implications regarding our conduct and standing in the community are profound.
Normally, Yahowah reiterates that religion and politics are inappropriate and that we should avoid any association with either of them. But this time, the instruction is for us to investigate the interloper, to challenge the proposition, and to systematically disprove the claims. Even more, when someone ultimately does as the prophecy portends and “ky saphar – thoroughly analyzes, methodically scrutinizes, and comprehensively evaluates” Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s positions “in writing, holding him accountable,” those who want to be right with God should read what he has written.
Chabaquwq is chronicling the most egregious attack on the Almighty ever perpetrated. His condemnation is being leveled at the author of the world’s most popular religion. And we are being asked to challenge him and it, which, without the promises afforded by the 91st Mizmowr, would invite a torturous death at the hands of a conniving church.
Although Habakkuk’s prophetic denunciation has been directed at Sha’uwl | Paul, the Devil’s Advocate 563wasn’t particularly creative, just devious. He borrowed heavily, intermixing the most intriguing aspects of the Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Gnostic, and Roman religions into the concoction that would be known as Christianity. The cradle of his Babel | Bible would be Babel | Babylon, from which he “babel – confused those who believed him by commingling and intermixing” misappropriated Towrah citations with pagan lore. This is what we have come to expect from those who are Ba Bel | with the Lord. It is what Satan did in the Garden, and he has not changed his tactics.
Therefore, Yahowah is telling us to be wary of the Gentiles associated with the Chaldeans – a metaphor for the religious myths that grew out of ancient Babylon and were melded into Christianity as well as Judaism’s Babylonian Talmud.
Chabaquwq’s foreboding prophecy is presented within the scroll now labeled 4Q82 as well as another entitled Wadi Muraba’at Minor Prophets discovered near Bethlehem. This is in addition to 8HevXII – a Greek text with Yahowah’s name in Hebrew found in the Judean desert near Nahal Hever. More interesting still, his prophetic message serves as the basis for one of the most extensive pesher | commentaries found in the caves above the Qumran community. The Essene who wrote it concluded, based upon what Chabaquwq had written, that the references to Babylon were prophetic of what he was witnessing among the Romans and Pharisees between 50 and 70 CE. He was right.
His interpretation of the prophecy, which was composed contemporaneously with its fulfillment, is especially relevant because Sha’uwl | Paul was the son of a Pharisee and a Roman citizen. By his own admission, he received his religious education from Gamaliel, a Pharisee who contributed his religiosity to the Talmud. Paul claimed to be his best student and to be in full agreement with 564Pharisaic Rabbinic Judaism. He was also in accord with Rome, writing that its dictatorial and pagan government of anti-Semitic emperors served as the agents of his god and should be obeyed. The Towrah could be tossed away so that Roman Law would prevail.
While it is unlikely that the Essene commentator knew Paul, in that the founder of the Christian religion spent very little time in Judea and was held in very low esteem, I think that he was otherwise correct. Yahowah’s impending references to Babylon are deliberately exaggerated to serve as a harbinger of the horrific onslaught that would be brought by Imperial Rome and perpetuated by Roman Catholicism.
The man whose commingling of Babylonian religious and political traditions with misappropriations of prophetic citations served as the catalyst for this transition is none other than Sha’uwl | Paul. Without his speeches and letters, it would not have occurred.
I am, therefore, not the first to recognize that Babylon is being used to foretell how its religious, political, and military traditions would influence the Roman conquests and obliteration of Yahuwdah | Judea. I am not even the first to subsequently appreciate how this Beast would metastasize into the Roman Catholic Church. It was, after all, the same point Gabry’el | God’s Most Capable and Courageous Man (a.k.a., Dowd) made to Dany’el, with the Beasts evolving from Babylon to Persia, from Persia to Greece, from Greece to Rome, and from Rome to the Roman Catholic Church.
My contribution has been to use Chabaquwq to explain the final metamorphosis. The larval body of Rome completely degenerated, with hideous maggots evolving within the fecal matter they had digested into the disease-spreading pest of Roman Catholicism. As the institutionalized version of the common fly, they would 565vomit and defecate on everything they touched, carrying their vomit with them from city to village around the world. And as a result of Paul’s letters, they would rob God’s people of their heritage and inheritance for the next two millennia.
In what follows, most Bibles state that God is lifting up the Chaldeans. But that is not how I have translated it because the opening statement, ky-hineh-‘any, is an integrated and hyphenated phrase. It means “For this reason, pay attention to Me.” The verb which follows, quwm | arise and take a stand, was not written in the first person as “I will lift up” so I did not render it as such.
In our quest to appreciate why Yahowah is making this comparison and connection with ha Kasdym, it’s best if we reestablish our bearings by considering where we have just been…
“This is the prophetic pronouncement and published prophecy (ha masa’) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), was witnessed and received as a revelation (chazah) by Chabaquwq | Embrace This (Chabaquwq), the prophet (ha naby’). (Chabaquwq 1:1)
For how long and to what extent (‘ad ‘an), Yahowah (YaHoWaH), should I plead for someone to respond in a beneficial way to this desperate and dangerous situation (shawa’) because (wa) You are not listening (lo’ shama’) to my anguished appeal and emotional outcry (za’aq)?
Against You (‘el ‘atah) there is a devastating plot comprised of cruel lies, ruthlessly plundering the people without moral restraint using injurious language (chamas). As a result (wa), You must withhold salvation (lo’ yasha’). (Chabaquwq 1:2)
For what reason (la mah) are You having me witness (ra’ah ‘any) this grotesque corruption and 566deliberate fraud, this vain and morally objectionable behavior comprised of false testimony that is being intentionally perpetrated (‘awen) which You consider (nabat) vexing and troublesome (‘amal)?
A demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God who is exceedingly malicious, destructive, oppressive, and confiscatory (wa shod / shed), (wa) a devastating and misleading plot advanced through injurious statements and wanton plundering (chamas), is conspicuously before me, publicly conveying this contrarian message (la neged / nagad ‘any).
He is and will continue to be (wa hayah) argumentative and contentious, quarrelsome and insulting, conveying a conflicting perception regarding the proper standard (ryb). He brings forth and continuously advocates (nasa’) dissension, discord, and divisiveness (wa madown). (Chabaquwq 1:3)
Therefore, in this manner (‘al ken), the Towrah | Teaching and Guidance (Towrah) is incapacitated, invalidated, and ineffective, being nullified and paralyzed (puwg). As a result (wa), the truthful and everlasting, eminent and permanent, never-ending and unlimited (la netsah) means to vindicate by justly resolving disputes (mishpat) will not be brought forth, publicly or openly disseminated, nor broadly extended (wa lo’ yatsa’).
Instead (ky), religious corruption will become invasive and injustice will encompass (rasha’ kathar) the means to be right and become innocent (‘eth ha tsadyq).
For this reason, that which (‘al ken) he brings forth and disseminates (yatsa’) perverts, distorts, corrupts, and convolutes, twisting and misrepresenting (‘aqal) the way to make informed and rational decisions regarding vindication (mishpat). (Chabaquwq 1:4)
567You can consistently witness this (ra’ah) among the Gentiles (ba ha gowym) should you choose to be observant (wa nabat). And you can avoid being adversely influenced and dumbfounded by remaining free of societal influences and by responding negatively to such idiocy (wa tamah), contemplating how something so stunningly stupid is considered plausible (tamah).
Indeed, it is true that (ky) a considerable undertaking will transpire, a plot will be devised and implemented which results in controlling a vast accumulation of people and acquiring enormous wealth (po’al pa’al) which you should determine inaccurate and invalidate it (lo’ ‘aman) in your days (ba yowmym ‘atem), especially when it is properly assessed and a written record is presented in books, whereby he is held accountable (ky saphar).” (Chabaquwq 1:5)
This leads to…
“For this reason, pay attention to Me (ky hineh ‘any – by contrast, look up to Me and behold), arise and take a firm stand (quwm – be resilient and forthright, becoming established, rising up restored (hifil participle)) against (‘eth – regarding) the Chaldeans, a.k.a., the influence of Babylon (ha Kasdym – the sages of Babel, those who commingle to confuse, its wise men, kings, fortune-tellers, astrologers, and theologians).
This gentile nation (gowy – the pagan country comprised of different races who are estranged from Yisra’el) is as impetuous and impulsive as it is pungent and poisonous (mar wa ha mahar – it is fearsome and rash, disagreeable and distressing, embittered, anguishing, toxic, and troubling (nifal participle masculine singular – it is actively and impetuously poisoning itself while thoughtlessly and quickly intoxicating others, doing so in a demonstrable way)).
568Walking (ha halak – traveling around (qal participle masculine singular)) through the breadth of the region (la merchab ‘erets), there is the seizure and dispossessing (la yarash – to inherit and dispossess) of the tabernacle and dwelling places that are not his (mishkan lo’ la huw’).” (Chabaquwq / Accept This / Habakkuk 1:6)
In contrast to all of the religions born and bred in Babylon, Yahowah wants us to quwm | rise up and stand up. It is God’s intent to raise us as His children so that we can ascend to Him. Along the way, He is appreciative when we stand up against those who would tear us apart.
Kasdym, which is a synonym for Babel | the Confounding Commingling of Babylon, enters our lexicon in Bare’syth when Yahowah fights fire with fire. He confounds man’s ability to ascend to the heavens as if he were a god. We are reintroduced to the birthplace of institutionalized religion and of its integration into government moments before ‘Abraham is asked to walk away from it.
Babylon plays the infamous role as Satan’s home in Yasha’yah 14. It is the place he initiated his quest to rise above the Almighty and be worshiped as the Lord God of religion.
Babel | Babylon is the mother of the Beasts which evolved into the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church in Dany’el. And finally, in Yirma’yah, prior to His return, Yahowah pleads with His people to come out of Babel. And that is to say that they have returned to it by being religious.
It is then against all things Babel | Babylon that our God is asking us to take a firm stand, to be resilient and forthright against its Kasdym influence – especially within Judaism and Christianity. Yahowah reveals that the modern manifestations of Babylon are like their mother – principally Gentile, impetuous, pungent, and poisonous.
569In Gabry’el’s depiction of Babylon’s Beastly Brood, Rome was vicious, while the Roman Church would tread upon the entire world. This message is being foretold in advance, because Chabaquwq, the prophet immediately prior to Dany’el, revealed that it would halak | walk la merchab ‘erets | through the breadth of the region to yarash | seize control over the mishkan | tabernacle and dwelling place of God and His people.
And while Babylon did so briefly and to a limited extent, Sha’uwl | Paul, on behalf of the gentile church he established, is best known for his long sojourns throughout the Roman world and, indeed, into the heart of the Beast. He would claim everything of God for himself.
The best way to avoid losing one’s soul to Sha’uwl | Paul and his Babylonian religion is to listen to Yahowah. We ought to be looking up, not down. This is why we have consistently compared Paul’s jargon to Yahowah’s testimony. When he contradicts God, he is wrong, regardless of what anyone believes.
It is by being informed, by observing the Word of God, that we can do as He is asking. Yahowah wants us to “quwm – to take a firm and unwavering stance” against Babel.
Those whom Sha’uwl has beguiled are “mar – disagreeable and embittered,” especially regarding Yahowah, Dowd, the Towrah, Miqra’ey, Beryth, and Yahuwdym. Christians recoil like snakes ready to strike when encouraged to consider and embrace God’s nature and intent. The religious realize that the God of the Towrah is hostile to their faith. As a result, there is a “mar – pungent stench” about them from Yahowah’s point of view.
I suspect that the reference to being “ha mahar – impetuous and hasty” speaks to the realization that no one thinks his or her way to Paul and thus Christianity. Faith is the product of a rash decision because Paul’s propositions 570are preposterous. A modicum of thought, a momentary comparison, and a quick fact-check is all it would take to resolve the religious stupor.
While it is seldom discussed in Christian circles, based upon what Paul writes of himself and what Luke reports of him, Sha’uwl prevailed through fear and intimidation – not reason. He viciously attacked anyone and everyone who didn’t capitulate, in addition to discrediting and demeaning all Yahuwdym | Jews.
“Invoking fear through intimidation and terrorism (‘ayom wa yare’ – using fear tactics to be venerated and revered (nifal participle masculine singular)), he is out for himself (huw’ min huw’).
He has broadly disseminated, spreading far and wide (yatsa’ – he has brought forth and extended (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) mishpat huw’ | his judgment pursuant to drawing conclusions (mishpat huw’ – his decisions regarding the resolution of disputes and his approach to making the correct assessment; from my – to question the implications of shaphat – being judgmental and making rational and informed decisions) and his self-adulation, particularly his position on the removal of guilt, forgiveness, and acceptance in the relationship (wa sa’eth huw’ – his self-esteem and personal exaltation).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:7)
This could be written of every empire, revolutionary, and religious icon. ‘Ayom wa yare’ | invoking fear through intimidation and terrorism is how Rome and the Roman Catholic Church controlled their vast empires. Surely, you don’t think that crucifixion and the Inquisition were for the entertainment of emperors and popes? But it is also how Paul rose above the competition to reign as Christianity’s lone inspiration.
571And the reason that Sha’uwl was so viciously intolerant of rivals is because he was out for himself. It was all “but I, Paul, say” to the exclusion of all others – including Yahowah. Any affront to his ludicrous claims to having been chosen by God and of being the lone authorized apostle to the world was dispatched through threats.
Having written five books exposing and condemning Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s letters and speeches, there are a number of things that stand out and become irrefutable. The first two I’ve just mentioned. Paul was out for himself, and he was ruthless when challenged. But even more than either of these derogatory attributes, the most prevalent flaw in his writing and speeches was that he was irrational. Everything he had to say about God and His people was deliberately misrepresented and then twisted to convey the opposite of the original intent.
In particular, Paul denounced Yahowah’s mishpat | the way to exercise good judgment regarding the means to resolve disputes. He not only did so by using a plethora of non sequiturs and Straw Men, errantly citing the evidence to irrationally pronounce the antithesis of what God had conveyed, but his conclusions were also lunacy. One thing never led to or justified the next. He was the conductor of a series of train wrecks without tracks.
Yahowah’s way to reconciliation through the Beryth and Miqra’ey was replaced by a sickening soup of self-adulation. Religious guilt would be forgiven by being religious, so long as that religion was based entirely on placing one’s faith in Paul’s propositions.
As it often is, my translation of sa’eth beyond its primary connotation, which is “to seek honor and a high status,” was influenced by Yahowah’s first use of the word – which in this case is in Bare’syth 4. Capitalizing upon an opportunity to teach, God addressed Qayn’s | Cain’s 572depressing and condescending attitude with some surprising advice – using the secondary connotation of sa’eth | to be accepted and forgiven. He did not issue a commandment nor seek to be obeyed. He did not solicit faith nor even tell Qayn what to do. Instead, God offered one of life’s greatest lessons. A good attitude is among our most endearing and enabling attributes while an unappealing disposition is our most alienating and crippling.
God said…
“‘If (‘im) you act appropriately and are pleasant to be around, being cheerful and reasonable to deal with (yatab), you’ll find forgiveness and acceptance (sa’eth – your situation will improve and your standing will rise dramatically because you will be lifted up, supported, and sustained, you will be perceived as honorable, experiencing an increase in esteem and illustriousness).
But if (wa ‘im) you act inappropriately and are miserable to be around (lo’ yatab), then the consequence of being wrong and going astray (chata’) is crouching (rabats) in the doorway (la ha petach).
You are too into yourself (wa ‘atah ‘el). These intense desires and impulses, the overwhelming urge for dominance and yearning for salvation, the need to win and demean the competition (teshuwqah huw’) are things you must learn to better understand and control (wa ‘atah mashal ba huw’).’” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 4:7)
From this perspective, just as Yahowah is now using Babel to warn us of Sha’uwl, God’s advice to Qayn could just as easily have been a warning to Paul – that is if they were on talking terms. Further, it was Sha’uwl, not Babylon, who replaced Yahowah’s mishpat with his own egotistical variation on forgiveness. And that is why mishpat and sa’eth were both suffixed with huw’ | his, and 573yatsa’ | he broadly disseminated was conveyed in the third-person masculine singular.
We have already explained the principal reason Yahowah cross-referenced Paul with Babylon, just as we have discussed Sha’uwl’s affinity for Gentiles, but there is another potential insight worth considering. Sha’uwl died an abject failure, thoroughly rejected, completely miserable, and totally alone. Had it not been for what Rome did with his religion, Paulos would have been of little account.
The inclusion of “Kasdym – Chaldeans” puts all of this in perspective for us. As I’ve shared, immediately before Yahowah asked ‘Abraham “to walk away from his country,” thereby honoring the Covenant’s lone prerequisite, God told us that ‘Abraham was living in “Ur of the Kasdym | Chaldeans.” Therefore, Yahowah is predicting that, by negating the Towrah’s presentation of the Covenant, Sha’uwl would take believers back to the political and religious milieu He asked His children to leave. And that, along with their veneration of the Babylonian Talmud, is why, in Yirma’yah / Jeremiah, Yahowah pleads with His people to come out of Babylon. The empire was long gone but, thanks to Paul and fellow rabbis, not its influence.
To us, today, Yahowah pleads…
“You should, of your own volition, flee (nuws – you should immediately depart, escaping this very moment, refusing to be influenced by denying and leaving (qal imperative)) out of the midst of, severing all ties (min tawek) with Babel | the Lord of Confusing by Commingling in Babylon (Babel – With the Lord, the basis of Bible, Babylon; from balal – to confound and confuse by intermixing and commingling). And thereby (wa) let every individual soul (‘iysh nepesh huw’) choose 574to be saved (malat – elect of your own freewill to be spared by escaping, rescued by fleeing (piel imperative)).
You should not want to be silenced, squander your life, and perish (‘al damam – do not be astounded by being dumb, rigid and paralyzed) in her perverse religious corruptions (ba ‘awon / ‘aown hy’ – held accountable because she was depraved and wrong, having twisted and distorted everything, bowing down for no reason).
Indeed (ky), this is the time (‘eth hy’) of Yahowah’s (la Yahowah) recompense and retribution (naqamah – of payback, of vengeful punishment rendering a deserved penalty for an unjust act). He will completely fulfill His promise to provide what is deserved, rendering retribution and delivering recompense (gamuwl huw’ shalem) unto her (la hy’).’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 51:6)
This has been Yahowah’s advice to His people since they first met on the road to the Promised Land. Nothing has changed in this regard. This advice and warning are essential to the Covenant and to coming home.
The religion Paul conceived has more in common with the mythos of Babylon than any other. As was the case with the Babylonians, Christians are fixated on their Lord, Trinity, Cross, birth of the son of god on the Winter Solstice, and his death and resurrection on Easter Sunday each spring.
And while there are a handful of nations that could claim to be the most Christian, such as Italy, Greece, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, and America, Babylon was condemned for more than just being religious. Their relentless deployment of their military, one which was overwhelming in its day, and their corrupt mercantilism, where the empowered cheated and controlled the masses, were hallmarks of Babylonian influence. When we bring these elements together, today one nation stands naked and exposed before God – the United States of America. I say this knowing that 575Yahowah will denounce the nation in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 17 and 18 – chapters we have and will continue to dissect throughout Yada Yahowah.
This known, in addition to political Babylon, there is religious and geographic Babylon represented by the Roman Catholic Church and Islam in the Middle East. Those who are opposed to God are prolific and widespread.
As we have discussed, Sha’uwl was, indeed, a traveling man. He not only walked throughout Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, the Mediterranean, and Rome, but he spoke and acted as if the world belonged to him. And yet, according to the prophecy, Yahowah disagrees.
By attacking the Towrah, its Miqra’ey and Beryth, Sha’uwl neutered the effectiveness of the “mishpat – way to exercise good judgment regarding the means to resolve disputes.” And having discarded Yahowah’s method to reconcile our relationship, Paul created his own. Unfortunately for Christians, God views faith-based salvation and replacement theology as exceedingly distressing and repugnant. Then speaking of the monstrous man behind this dreadful plan, Yahowah said he “‘ayom wa yare’ – invoked fear through intimidation, using fear tactics to demand respect, frightening while seeking veneration.” And it would be so.
While this conclusion has been obvious from the beginning, by using sa’eth in the midst of this stinging rebuke, God is revealing that among His issues with Sha’uwl is his contrarian means to be accepted into the Covenant relationship and to be saved. Therefore, had Paul not claimed to have been inspired by God, had he not misappropriated and misquoted God’s testimony, he would not have earned a dressing down of this magnitude.
As we move on to Chabaquwq 1:8, the verbs transition from “he” to “they,” at least for a moment. Yahowah is temporarily broadening the scope of His warning from the 576man we know as Sha’uwl | Paul to the warmongering nations and lethal institutions he borrowed from and inspired. God is taking us through our past to our present and future, to the time the “namer – scummy remainder of the leopard” will finally fade into oblivion. So, what does this leopard represent, especially when used in conjunction with a predatory wolf?
The namer | leopard appears exclusively in prophetic passages preceding Yahowah’s return. It is used in connection with God’s frustration with the rebellious religiosity of His people. We initially encountered namer in Yasha’yah 11:6, after the prophet introduced his people to the Choter. There it speaks of a return to the Garden. The namer is paired with a lion and wolf who are no longer preying upon the lamb.
Namer reappears symbolically in Yirma’yah 5:6, again with the lion and wolf. This is after Yahowah announced that there wasn’t a single Jew in Jerusalem who was truthful and correct. With every man a liar, and with each unwilling to listen, with no one interested in changing, God tells religious Jews that the ‘ary min ya’ar | lion of the forest and the za’eb ‘arabah | wolf of desolation and darkness will strike and afflict them with a devastating blow. Then the namer saqad ‘al ‘iyr hem | leopard will lie in wait over their cities ready to taraph | tear them to pieces because rabab pesha’ hem | their rebellious and revolting rabbis have ‘tsam mashuwbah hem | become numerous and influential in their renunciations and abandonment of the relationship.
In Yirma’yah 13:23, Yahowah announces that the rab ‘awon | religious perversity, the twisting and distorting of the rabbis, is the reason so many atrocities have befallen Yahuwdym. He then identifies this condition with the namer | leopard which cannot change its spots.
577The previous reference to the namer was in Howsha’ 13. There we find a similar situation, with God denouncing Judaism in connection with the leopard. Listen…
“‘I Am (wa ‘anky) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah). From the realm (min ‘erets) of the religious and political oppressors (Mitsraym), you have not known (lo’ yada’) a God (wa ‘elohym) besides Me (zulah ‘any). There is no (wa ‘ayn) salvation, liberation, or restoration (mowshya’) without Me (bilthy ‘any). (Howsha’ 13:4)
I acknowledged you and became familiar with you (‘any yada’ ‘atah) in the wilderness (ba ha midbar), in the land of barren and uncomfortable conditions with high temperatures and a lack of water (ba ‘erets tal’ubowt). (Howsha’ 13:5)
By comparison (ka), when they grazed in lush pastures (mar’iyth hem), they had their fill and became satisfied and complacent (wa saba’ saba’), thinking too much of themselves (wa ruwm leb hem). And as a result (‘al ken), they forgot about Me (shakach ‘any). (Howsha’ 13:6)
So, I exist (wa hayah) to them (la hem) as if I were like (kamow) a fierce and roaring lion, a predator killing its prey (shachal), like (ka) a leopard, keen-eyed and camouflaged (namer) along the way (‘al derek – on the path). I am observant and perceptive (shuwr), (Howsha’ 13:7) so I will come upon them (pagash hem – I will approach them) like a bear (ka dob) robbed of her cubs (shakuwl).
I will open (qara’) their narrow thinking and infinitesimally small enclosure of their heart (sagowr leb hem). I will consume them (‘akal hem) then and there (sham) like one whitening and purifying the heart to increase understanding (ka laby’), renewing and invigorating life (chayah), breaking them open and 578separating them throughout the region (ha sadeh baqa’ hem). (Howsha’ 13:8)
He will corrupt and destroy you (shachath ‘atah), Yisra’el | Individuals Who Are Combative With God (Yisra’el), and that is because you are opposed to Me (ky ba ‘any), against the One who would strengthen and assist you (ba ‘ezer ‘atah). (Howsha’ 13:9)
Where (‘ehy) is your leadership (melek ‘atah) now (‘ephow’)? Who is going to protect and save you (wa yasha’ ‘atah) in all of your towns and cities (ba kol ‘iyr ‘atah) – those who decide for you (shaphat ‘atah)? Wasn’t it you who requested (‘asher ‘amar), “I want You to appoint for me (nathan la ‘any) a leader (melek), along with other authorized officials (wa sar)?”’” (Howsha’ / He Saves / Howsha’ 13:10)
Based upon Yahowah’s consistent use of namer in conjunction with His rebuke of rabbis and Judaism, the leopard is symbolic of Rabbinic Judaism. The za’eb | wolf is Rome and the Roman Catholic Church. And the ‘ary | lion is Babylon, the ancient kingdom and its modern religious, political, and geographic manifestations as Christianity, America, and the Middle East.
“The dregs from the scummy remainder of the leopard (min namer – the excess scum and transparent stain from a limpid filtrate associated with the leopard) will be despised and held in contempt, humbled and diminished, at this time (wa qalal – they will be disdained and slighted because they are despicable and vile, a curse having no value such that they will be abated at this moment, becoming insignificant (qal perfect third-person masculine plural)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:8 in part)
Based upon our review of the prophetic statements containing a reference to the namer, this seems to predict the demise of Rabbinic Judaism. If so, those who have 579chosen to rab | exalt themselves over G-d will be humbled. Those who chose to eliminate His name and speak vociferously under their own will be held in contempt.
Transitioning now from “their” to “his,” and based upon what we have just uncovered, this next reference to a za’ed | menacing wolf is addressing Sha’uwl as the Benyamite | Benjamite wolf in sheep’s clothing that devoured Yahuwdym, his nation, Rome, his creation, the Roman Catholic Church, and the modern religious, political, and geographic manifestations of Babylon from which these Beasts evolved.
“His swift airborne weaponry (suws huw’ – his fast flying machines and airborne cavalry, the horsepower of his military equipment and chariots) will be as fierce and menacing as a wolf (wa chadad min za’ed – they will be harmful, destructive, violent, and slashing, acting as a wolf and predator (qal perfect)) as the sun sets (‘ereb – in the gloomy dusk at the approach of night by commingling and intermixing light and darkness into an interwoven fabric, blending things together while exchanging one thing for another, bartering with the darkness to replace and obscure in league with foreigners).
Their randomly dispersed and widely scattered (puwsh – their spread out and fast-moving source of pride (qal perfect third-person masculine plural)) mobile war machines and his accompanying soldiers (parash huw’ wa parash huw’ – his mechanized weapons of war which pierce and sting along with the announcement of his military personnel riding battle chariots, all appearing like fecal matter) will come from afar in the future (min rachowq bow’ – they will arrive from a great distance away, pursuing after a duration of time by (qal imperfect third-person masculine plural)) flying through the air, even hovering (‘uwph – with wings and airborne, darting about and moving quickly (qal imperfect)), like (ka – similar to) birds of prey (nesher – hawks, eagles, and 580raptors), quickly swooping down and ready (chuwsh – moving very rapidly, equipped and hastening (qal participle)) to consume and destroy (la ‘akal).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:8)
Suws can be translated as either “horses and war chariots,” “fast flying birds,” or “swift airborne weaponry.” This range is important in identifying the timing of the attack and the culprit. However, the choices are limited to “flying through the air” and “hovering and darting about” with ‘uwph. When these nesher | birds of prey chuwsh | rapidly swoop down upon and ‘akal | destroy portions of Israel min rachowq | from afar and in the future – all within the same sentence – the prophet is speaking of a battle not yet waged. Even during Yisra’el’s 1948 War of Independence, 1967 Six-Day War, and 1973 Yom Kippur War, God’s people managed to keep enemy aircraft at bay.
Therefore, considering the weapons and the nature of the attack, these hawks, eagles, and raptors are likely American weapons deployed by a host of nations with a bone to pick with Israel. The overall context of the Chaldeans suggests Middle Eastern Muslims while the wolf points us toward nations previously under either Roman control or the influence of Roman Catholicism.
And with the rabbis fading into oblivion, Yahuwdym will be waging a battle on two fronts, internally and externally, both near and far.
Recognizing that this warning has focused on the most vicious weapons of war, and especially on fighters, bombers, helicopters, and drones, it is perhaps too easy to see America’s immense war machine, particularly its menacing birds of prey, in these words. The nation has been in a continual state of war, dispatching its military horsepower far and wide to swoop down, destroying nations around the world, most recently in Ukraine, the birthplace of Hasidic Judaism. But the nation has also been 581deploying weapons such as these throughout the Muslim fiefdoms of the Middle East, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Libya, and selling them to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey, all while engendering shock and awe. And sadly, no nation on Earth is more Babylonian, more influenced by the vicious wolf known as Paul. No other country has engaged in thirty wars in sixty years. None other has a military so enormous it exceeds the cost of all others combined.
Facing east toward perceived trouble, America has fought on behalf of and then supplied twenty-five times more weaponry to Israel’s Islamic foes than to the Chosen People. And that is why the final attack on Yisra’el will come from fighters who are “puwsh – dispersed and widely scattered.”
This known, Iran, her proxy, Hezbollah, and her allies, Russia and China, pack a powerful punch. Hezbollah alone claims to have over 100,000 rockets at the ready to pummel Israel. And both Iran and Turkey are leading manufacturers of drones. So, this could be the Islamic Federation using Russian, Chinese, and Iranian weapons. There is even the possibility, and perhaps likelihood, that, with the United States and Europe siding with the Sunnis, led by Saudi Arabia and the Russians and Chinese in league with the Iranian Shia, we could see all hell break loose in the skies above Israel.
The evidence suggests the number of combatants that will flood into Israel by land will be over 100 million. And they will arrive as ‘ereb | the sun sets as Yahuwdym face the long night of Ya’aqob’s Troubles.
Describing the inception of the madness, the prophet reveals…
“He will come (bow’ – he will arrive (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) and be totally wrong as well as completely without restraint (kol huw’ la chamas – 582his every word injurious, his tone hateful, his approach rude, his voice shrill, his lies cruel, his plots devastating, his followers terrorists, the result oppressive, his treatment harsh, his demeanor cruel, his rhetoric malicious, and his reputation violent).
Simultaneously, everyone’s attention will be directed eastward as their appearance will be from the east (magamah paneh hem qadym). And he will gather (‘asaph – he will take, remove, and withdraw (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) captives (sheby – prisoners, controlling the population) like the sand (ka ha chowl – in vast numbers).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:9)
This is now the third time Yahowah has used chamas | devastating plots comprised of cruel lies in association with the dressing down of Sha’uwl. It speaks of Paul’s lack of moral restraint, the plundering of Yisra’el of God’s promises, and his consistent pursuit of Towrahlessness.
Every malevolent and malignant thing associated with him will be kol huw’ la chamas – which means that his every word will be injurious, his tone will be hateful, his approach will be rude, his voice will be shrill, and his lies will be cruel. From his arrival, his plots will be devastating, his followers will be terrorists, and the result of what he perpetrates will lead to oppression because his treatment of others will be harsh, and his rhetoric will tend to be malicious. And as was the case with Paul, he had a reputation for violence. This is a very bad man with a devastating approach to God.
Magamah is only used this one time in the prophets. It appears to be a compound of mah – to question the implications of gam – something additional which occurs simultaneously, and ah – which makes this a reference to something feminine. Paneh and qadym, however, are both 583masculine as is shaby, and both verbs, bow’ and ‘asaph, were scribed in the third-person masculine singular.
And while it may be a stretch, since magamah is used exclusively in this prophecy, I’m drawn to the possibility that it was used in reference to Gamaliel, Sha’uwl’s religious instructor. The word and his name share the gam root, with magamah asking us to question the claimed aggrandizement while eliminating Gamaliel’s association with ‘el | God.
Since Sha’uwl is being presented as all bad all of the time, he is going to be directing everyone’s attention eastward, which is toward Babylon. Then since ‘asaph was written as “he will gather, take control of, and remove” sheby | captives ka ha chowl | like the sand, this is predicting Sha’uwl taking souls with him into She’owl. Beyond this, the religion Paul inspired would control their Jewish populations, forcing them to live in ghettos and shtetls and die in religious prisons and concentration camps for many centuries.
Consistent with Paul’s egregious tome to the Romans, religion and politics would be in lockstep. Christianity would empower clerics and kings to disparage their subjects for nearly two millennia.
“And he, along with the rulers (wa huw’ ba ha melek – he with the political and religious leaders), will mock and ridicule those they disdain, making fun of those they enjoy disparaging (qalas – they deride and treat with contempt).
Those who govern and are empowered (rozen – the elitists and dignitaries, judges and commanders) are haughty and egocentric (mischaq – strut around arrogantly and proudly as if they were dignified) because of him (la huw’ – concerning him).
584He, toward everything (huw’ la kol) which defends and fortifies and should have remained off limits (mibtsar – which protects, gathers, and encloses; from my – to question and batsar – to gather together and withhold, to fortify and restrain, to remain impenetrable and inaccessible), laughs in amusement and is entertained (tsachaq – he shows no concern for Yitschaq, whose name means Laughter, happily pitting one opponent against another (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)).
He piles up a massive amount (wa tsabar – he gathers and accumulates, heaping up (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) of dust and debris from which there is a proliferation of materialistic progeny (‘aphar – of offspring and their descendants as if coarsely crumbled sand), and he seizes and controls them (wa lakad hy’ – he rules over them and constrains them as they choose to cling together (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:10)
Paul’s Satanically inspired endorsement of Rome’s horribly abusive, resolutely pagan, particularly anti-Semitic, and unabashedly dictatorial government in the 13th chapter of Romans made this possible. At the time he wrote it, Imperial Rome was the most diabolically abusive, murderously militant, and parasitical civilization on Earth. They survived by forcing everyone under the yoke of their Legions to bow to their will and supply food, money, and soldiers. They were the embodiment of everything Yahowah spoke against and warned His people about when they became enamored with the other Sha’uwl.
Rome was not only in control of Yahuwdah at the time, even robbing the Temple treasury, within a handful of years from the time Sha’uwl endorsed the Beast, they would completely ransack and raze Yahowah’s House. Worse, the wealth they confiscated in the process was used as seed money to fund the construction of the Colosseum 585in Rome. Built by Jewish slaves, it showcased the worst of man, from his false gods to preoccupation with torture and death.
The juxtaposition of Paul’s dictate that Christians were ordered by his god to obey the Romans because his god had appointed them and was using them for good, scribed as it was in his most important letter and written just prior to Rome’s diabolical attack, should have eliminated Paul from consideration as a source of advice on anything – much less God. And yet, his religion flourished among those under Rome’s yoke, even as Rome came back sixty years later to destroy Yahuwdah and Yahuwdym.
Roman Emperors began changing their tune regarding Paul’s ploy beginning with Constantine. While he remained a pagan, he discovered that Christians, thanks in large part to what Sha’uwl had written in his letter to the Romans, were easier to control than the feisty pagans. And while conquering under the sign of the burning cross superimposed on the sun was a myth, as was the voice from the sky, Eusebius, Constantine’s publicist and Roman Catholic polemicist, turned Paul’s pathetic rantings into a formidable religion.
General Constantine, who was a ruthless egomaniac, even when killing rival Romans, knew it was a farce and simply used the religion to advance his reign and burnish his reputation. But such would not be the case with Theodosius. He was the one who imposed Paul’s Christianity as the lone acceptable Roman religion and, with it, the system of serfdom that would enslave Europeans for centuries.
This prophecy is inferring something I have personally verified. Those who profit by promoting Christian myths know that the religion is a sham. With regard to Roman Catholic popes, I provide proof of this in volume four of Twistianity. And as for Protestants, in discussions with 586televangelists and megachurch pastors, when I confronted them with the truth, they all readily admitted that almost everything they preached was untrue. But they went ahead anyway because Paul’s ploy has remained a lucrative undertaking.
All the while, the Towrah should have “mibtsar – remained off limits” because it alone “defends, protects, and fortifies.” By tearing it down, Paul rendered salvation “inaccessible.”
Affirming what becomes obvious when analyzing Galatians, Corinthians, Thessalonians, and Romans, Yahowah warned that Sha’uwl would promote the wrong spirit in his attempt to elevate Babylon’s god. What follows is exceedingly indicting, especially for the rabbinical scholar who admitted to being out of control and demon-possessed at the conclusion of his second epistle to the Corinthians…
“Then at that time (‘az – meanwhile therefore), he will hasten to change, actually going with a new and completely different (chalaph – he will discard, sweeping aside the original, actually exchanging the existing for a totally dissimilar, overstepping by substituting and passing along a substitute and renegade (qal perfect third-person masculine singular)) spirit (ruwach).
And he will arrogantly travel about intoxicating and alienating (wa ‘abar – based upon an unjustified and improper opinion of himself, he will give away an inheritance, pass over the sacrifice, and take away the prospect of forgiveness, repealing Passover, doing so in anger (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)).
He will be wrong, incur guilt, and will suffer the punishment he deserves (wa ‘asham – he will be culpable and liable for his deliberate corruptions and will endure recompense for his acknowledged offenses (qal perfect third-person masculine singular)) which is for (zuw – 587because of) his claim to have been authorized by his god, along with his vigorous support of and his justification for his deity (koach huw’ la ‘elowah huw’ – his performance on behalf of his religious idol while shouting for his source of power).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:11)
This chronicles the biggest disconnect between Paul’s letters and those who foolishly believe him. Paul’s spirit was not the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit of Yahowah but, instead, the ruwach ha satan. And while Paul admits this, it should have been obvious. If Paul had been authorized by God, he would have cited Yahowah’s name, affirmed His Towrah, explained the Beryth, and invited Yahuwdym to the Miqra’ey. He would have included prophecy to validate the assertion that he was speaking for Yahowah and he would never have written, “But I, Paul, say….”
In addition to predicting that Sha’uwl would chalaph ruwach | promote a completely different spirit, sweeping the Set-Apart Spirit aside, chalaph speaks of altering one’s appearance by changing what they are wearing. That is telling because Sha’uwl is the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. It is yet another thing this shyster admitted, saying that he would pretend to be whatever served his interests.
As is always the case, God is correct. Sha’uwl substituted his Lord’s demonic influence for Yahowah’s Set-Apart Spirit. Christianity would have an entirely different spirituality, personality, and god than the Towrah. Catholics would call this beast – the Holy Ghost.
Incidentally, “holy” is based upon the Hebrew word, “choly,” which is translated as “diseased.” It speaks of “sickness, malady, anxiety, calamity, and grief.”
Sha’uwl | Paul would embody every negative nuance of ‘abar in that he was arrogant and intoxicating. His improper opinions of himself were disseminated 588throughout the Roman world as he traveled as a vagabond alienating all who would listen from Yahowah. He never stayed in one place long enough for the people to determine that he was a con man and run his sorry soul out of town.
Although Paul’s crimes against God, His people, and humanity are the most egregious ever committed, one of his most debilitating misadventures was to renounce Dowd’s fulfillment of Pesach and Matsah, never once referring to him as the Passover Lamb or Savior. As such, the purpose of Chag Matsah was ‘abar | passed up and repealed, leaving Christians without any hope of life after death – in Heaven, anyway.
Clearly, Sha’uwl | Paul was ‘asham | wrong. And while he will suffer eternal separation in She’owl | Hell for what he has done, that penalty is not sufficient. It does nothing to restore the souls his words destroyed nor compensate Jews for what his anti-Semitic religion stole from them. Therefore, the realization that he will be judged and will suffer the penalty he deserves makes my heart sing. Even when put up against ruthless rubbish like Muhammad, Sha’uwl | Paul stands alone as the single most counterproductive and condemnable person in human history. It would be a privilege to provide testimony against both, judge and sentence them. I might even volunteer to administer God’s retribution.
And let’s be clear since Yahowah has been – Sha’uwl is guilty of falsely claiming that he was authorized by God and that he spoke for God. His god is Satan – who is now Christianity’s Lord. Even the “Lord Jesus Christ” of Christianity is a religious idol – a false god conceived by the most reprehensible of men.
At this point, we find Chabaquwq wondering why anyone would oppose Yahowah, especially by proposing a religion based upon God’s supposed death, as is the case with Pauline Christianity. And yet, while the death of the 589Christian god is reported to be the means to salvation, that was not the only indicting aspect of this next prophetic revelation.
And if I may, in his next prophetic revelation, Chabaquwq reveals one of the traits of a true prophet – he or she always communicates in Yahowah’s name. Fourteen letters from Sha’uwl, and it isn’t mentioned once.
“Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), my God (‘elohym ‘any), my Set-Apart One (qodesh ‘any), are You not eternal and, thus, everlasting and unlimited throughout time (ha lo’ ‘atah min qedem)?
We will not die (lo’ muwth – we will not be put to death or be absent of life, not then, not now, not ever (qal imperfect first-person plural)).
Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), as a way to make an informed and rational decision regarding guilt or innocence (la mishpat – as the way to exercise good judgment regarding resolving disputes and rendering justice), You have appointed regarding this (sym huw’ – You have set and placed before him after examining this (qal perfect)), a Crag (wa tsuwr – a rock) to accuse, rebuke, and chastise (yakach – to argue and debate convincingly, to be judgmental and then punish (hifil infinitive)) with You, after having laid the foundation, assigned this to him and then You instructed him (yasad huw’ – You found him, appointed him, and counseled him, arranging for it to work out this way (qal perfect)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:12)
The use or omission of Yahowah’s name is the easiest and most effective test to determine who is speaking for 590God and who is an imposter. Neither Paul nor Muhammad, Akiba nor Maimonides, used it.
Those who know Yahowah treasure the realization that He is Qodesh | Set Apart. He is unique and uncommon, unlike the plethora of gods men have fabricated. And since religion is the most universal thing humankind has promulgated, Yahowah is the furthest from it.
There are three reasons that Chabaquwq wrote, “we will not die.” First, Dowd was very much alive and would soon be fulfilling the Miqra’ey. This is counter to the Christian propensity to bury and replace him.
Second, salvation has long been the result of the Beryth and Miqra’ey and, therefore, assured long before the Christian alternative. Moreover, reconciliation and redemption were derived through the Towrah, thereby negating Paul’s claims otherwise.
Third, the death and resurrection of the son of god was central to almost every pagan religion. This story began with Nimrod and Astarte in Babylon and became part of Greek religion with Dionysus, upon whom the Christian Jesus was modeled. Knowing that the myth is absurd, that neither God nor His children die, Chabaquwq has challenged the foundation of Paul’s faith. When it comes to the only real God, He was not born, and He will never die.
But without the pagan reenactment of the birth, death, and resurrection of god, Christians would be left trying to explain how what actually occurred on Passover and UnYeasted Bread could sufficiently differ from the Towrah’s presentation to justify an upstart religion. Further, if Jews cannot be blamed for scheming to kill the Christian god, there would be no justification for the actual God to condemn His people and transfer everything over to the Gentiles promoting the resurrection myth. So, 591Christians advanced their lies because the truth was inconvenient.
Hypothetically, however, if Jews had the ability to kill the Christian god as Paul protests, then his followers ought to be worshiping Jews. But alas, it was the Romans who tortured and then assassinated the Passover Lamb, and they evolved to become the Roman Catholic Church.
The Rocky Crag who was appointed by Yahowah to accuse, rebuke, and chastise Sha’uwl and Christianity per His instructions is the author of Yada Yahowah. His given name translates to Crag. And based upon this assessment and that further developed in Twistianity, the Chosen People are finally equipped to make an informed and rational decision regarding Christianity.
I am the only tsuwr | crag that has been specifically appointed by Yahowah to yakach | indict and censure, argue against and judge Sha’uwl, so that Yahuwdym might la mishpat | render a verdict regarding his guilt. Yahowah laid the foundation for this systematic denunciation of Sha’uwl here in Chabaquwq. It was Yahowah’s instructions throughout the Towrah and Prophets that were used to condemn Paul’s letters and to prove that he was the Plague of Death. There is nothing even remotely similar.
And should you be bothered that I’m acknowledging that these books fit the promise, then please provide an alternative systematic refutation of Sha’uwl by comparing his claims to Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets. But until and unless there is another review as thorough as Twistianity, and grounded upon the foundation laid in Chabaquwq, let’s not run from reality in an attempt to disqualify one of Yahowah’s more important prophetic promises.
Although to be fair, I am not Sha’uwl’s most formidable foe. It is in Dowd’s | David’s Mizmowr | Psalms that provide the most detailed and cogent arguments 592against Sha’uwl. Therein, Paul is called the “Father of Lies” and the “Son of Evil.” Dowd despises him, and he looks forward to eradicating the stench and stigma of his religion upon his return.
Chabaquwq is now saying something I have long realized: God deserves better. He should not have been subjected to the taunts of such a mindless scumbag, nor the chorus of billions singing his praises. I do not much like him either.
“Too flawless (tahowr – too pure and clean, too unmixed) are eyes to witness (‘ayn min ra’ah – is the observant to see (qal infinitive)) the miserable, malignant, and malevolent wickedness of religion (ra’ – such saddening and troubling evil, such distressful impropriety, that which is displeasing and harmful).
You cannot endure nor prevail when (lo’ yakol – since You can neither succeed nor overcome, there is no point (qal imperfect)) looking upon or responding to (wa nabat – observing or evaluating because there is no solution to (hifil infinitive)) such a perverse and grievous undertaking (‘el ‘amal – oppression of this magnitude, travail this painful, or labor this full of iniquity).
For what reason would (la mah – why would) You look at or consider (nabat – why would You pay attention to, attend to, or show any regard for (hifil imperfect)) the treacherous betrayal of an offensive and deceitful trickster and traitor (bagad – the conspirator, the one who is disingenuous and disrespectful, especially prone to chicanery and who clothes himself in a deliberately deceptive manner (qal participle))?” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:13 in part)
I did what I was asked to do, not once but four times, investigating and invalidating Islam, Christianity, and Judaism – which was followed by a systematic denunciation of the demonic nature of Ezekiel. Each was a 593miserable undertaking in that the Quran, New Testament, Talmud, and Babylonian text of Ezekiel are malignant and malevolent tomes that besmirch my Father. But if the choice is God doing it, me doing it, or no one bothering to point out why they should not be trusted – better me than the other options. It is well beneath Yahowah’s dignity for Him to analyze such human excrement, and yet, with so many thinking that its stench is Divinely appointed perfume, someone needs to hold their nose and dive in.
Fortunately, after having survived exposing and condemning Islam and then Christianity, I was equipped to do the same for Judaism and the false prophet Ezekiel. And soon, the repositioning of Yada Yahowah such that it more effectively targets the intended audience will be complete and I will have corrected each volume such that they accurately portray Dowd’s fulfillment of the Miqra’ey, which will allow me to live out my days exploring more pleasant themes.
But let’s deal with a stark reality. This statement says that the founder of the Christian religion was so vile, so “ra’ – malignant and wicked,” that Yahowah was repulsed by his presence and could not bear to look at him. So much for Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s claim to have met with God on the road to Damascus and then to have spent three years in Arabia being inspired.
Paul’s poison would be so debilitating and deadly, God could neither endure it nor prevail against it. And while that may sound extreme, it is an accurate assessment of the means to reconcile our relationship with Him because Yahowah cannot and will not save the religious. As long as someone remains beguiled by Paul’s faith, there is no antidote for his toxin. The lone prerequisite for becoming part of the Covenant is that we disassociate from the confusion and intermixing of religion and politics.
594Addressing the poison that would flow from Paul’s pen, God called it “‘amal – grievous and perverse, exceedingly oppressive, heinously unjust and hideously immoral.” He said that Sha’uwl was a “bagad – traitor, both offensive and deceitful, especially prone to chicanery.” That is a far cry from “I cannot lie.” And once again, with bagad, we find hints of the Beast that would come because it reveals that the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing would be treacherously attired.
Arriving at these conclusions took some time. I was once fooled by this monster. In my youth, I taught Bible Studies based on Paul’s letters. As I look back on this time as an Ordained Ruling Elder and Evangelist, I am disappointed in myself, but at least, I have a better appreciation for the reasons religion is so contagious and beguiling. Told repeatedly by Paul that the “Old Testament” and its “Law” had been replaced by the “New Testament” and its “salvation through faith in the Gospel of Grace,” I believed him. I seldom read the front of the book, and without that knowledge, I was unaware of Paul’s contradictions of it. And since Paul’s claims were published in my Bible, and since I was told that it was the “inerrant Word of God,” I did not question it. I was wrong.
The people with whom I discussed these things were of the same belief. The books I chose to read reinforced these opinions. And with my standing in this faith-based community predicated upon me telling everyone what they wanted to hear, there was no incentive for an independent investigation – in fact just the opposite.
Even if I had wanted to question the faith that I thought served as the basis of my salvation, where was I to turn? The Dead Sea Scrolls had not been published, there were no accurate translations, and no one had written and published anything even remotely comparable to Yada Yahowah, Twistianity, God Damn Religion, or Babel. The 595only counters to my faith were other faiths – including atheism and communism. But they made even less sense.
It wasn’t until my life, my family, my business, and other growing interests took me away from the religious community that I began to ask questions that could not be answered. And along the way, I inadvertently tangled with some very unsavory characters, lots of wolves in sheep’s clothing, most of whom were devoutly religious. So, while I didn’t have the answers, I slowly began to realize that there were far too many questions that could not be answered so I became an agnostic. That is where Yahowah found me, looking out over the sea on Taruw’ah in 2001 – 32 years prior to His return.
If there had been books available like the five volumes of Twistianity, a few similar to God Damn Religion or akin to An Introduction to God, Yada Yahowah, and Observations, even Coming Home, or Babel, I would have reached the point that I was sufficiently free of the mind-warping aspects of religion rather than wondering if they were of any benefit. But alas, nothing like them existed, which is why, I suppose, Yahowah asked me – enabled me – to write them. It was hardly a surprise because He revealed His plan twenty-six centuries prior to enabling it.
This does not mean that the job is done – far from it. Most Jews are either too religious, too political, too preoccupied, or too stubborn to approach Yahowah or consider what the Messiah Dowd has done for them. And time is running out for this to change in a meaningful way. So please, take advantage of Yahowah’s gift. Read…
“Therefore, You will enable an implement to write against the plot, while remaining otherwise silent and unresponsive, taking no other action for a prolonged period (charash – after remaining quiet for a long while, You will facilitate an engraved response with ongoing implications by composing an inscribed work (hifil 596imperfect – Yahowah is enabling an implement as an understudy to write against this plot, doing so in a way that will have unfolding implications over time)) in opposition to the contradictory and thoroughly confusing religion, the incomprehensible and deceptive wickedness, this confounding and befuddling communication which will have been spread, embraced, accepted, and swallowed (ba bala’ rasha’ – against that which will have led many astray, engulfing and confounding, then overwhelming and devouring the unrighteous (piel infinitive – the misled will suffer the effect of having swallowed the corruption in a demonstrable and ongoing manner)) who is far more accurate and righteous than him (tsadyq min huw’ – who is correct and thus considered right instead of him).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:13)
This is what has occurred. After having exposed and condemned Sha’uwl | Paul through Chabaquwq 666 years in advance of him perpetrating this deadly attack on His people, Yahowah remained silent about it until recently. Then at long last, He enabled His chosen implement to write against the cult of personality that became Christianity.
Working together, we have effectively disproven the bala rasha’ | confounding and deceptive scheme presented throughout Paul’s letters and the other books of the Christian New Testament the Devil’s Advocate shaped and inspired. The toxin that has spread and swallowed by those befuddled by his faith, finally has an antidote.
Sadly, since Jews stopped listening to Yahowah, there was nothing else that could have been done in the intervening period to stop the ensuing carnage. The most Yahowah could do was wait until He found a willing reporter and then help him get this job done before it was too late.
597Beyond this, Yahowah would do as He has always done – leave His people without excuse. Not only would He have Chabaquwq convey this prophecy well in advance of Sha’uwl fulfilling it, God would deploy and enable a charash | implement to charash | chronicle this prophetic spectacle for modern readers, combining it with an excoriating analysis of Sha’uwl’s letters. Those who have read what Yahowah had His charash | instrument inscribe for His people’s edification on the cusp of His return in the five volumes of Twistianity have irrefutable proof that Paul and his New Testament are fraudulent. And this is important to Jews because the resulting religion has been defaming, depopulating, and dehumanizing.
There are many who have been wrong about Yahowah, such as Akiba and Muhammad, but even they were less wicked and twisted than Paul. When it comes to evil, Sha’uwl is the most unGodly of all.
While I suppose that it is better to be less condemnable than Sha’uwl | Paul, what’s the point? One has to be right to benefit from what Yahowah is offering and He does not grade on a curve.
Regarding this subject, let’s clear up another myth. God’s long silence toward Paul, the New Testament, and Christianity is not without implication. It means that God did not inspire anything written therein. If He had, He would have said so – as opposed to affirming the opposite.
Further, had God inspired the New Testament, we would find testimony such as this throughout it. Yahowah is resolutely consistent, telling the same story through every prophet. The very fact that the Towrah and New Testament are incompatible rather than complementary is proof that the God who inspired Chabaquwq is disgusted that Sha’uwl claimed His authorization.
Liars don’t like being exposed. And so, they will undercut and denounce any potential rival. And no one had 598more lies than Paul. Moreover, his most prevalent trait was conceit. Sha’uwl was fixated on validating his bogus credentials, imposing his alleged authority, and claiming the entire world for himself. If compared, his ego exceeded Satan’s.
“But I, Paul, say…” would be the law in the land of the Greeks and Romans. His putrid propositions would take precedence over anything Yahowah had to say, even through Moseh and Dowd. Based upon his claims, Paul’s testimony overrode everyone else. He ordered the faithful to follow him and to obey him.
This is the antithesis of God’s approach. Other than Dowd, He typically disdains kings and clerics. There are no strata in the Covenant Family. The two most important people in God’s story were shepherds who walked with God’s sheep.
Even here, the books refuting Paul were to be scribed by a charash | enabled implement – a useful tool. The Choter is a sucker growing out of the existing rootstock. The Basar is a human herald. The Nakry is an informed and responsive foreigner. A Mal’ak is a messenger. The Tsuwr | Crag is a rock. The Qowl is a voice. Yada is aware. These are not hierarchical titles. The power is in the words, not the person or office.
Therefore, Yahowah had His prophet write...
“Therefore, You engage with (wa ‘asah – You work on behalf of and act in conjunction with (qal imperfect consecutive)) humankind (‘adam – men and women who have a neshamah / conscience similar to ‘Adam) in a manner which could be compared to (ka – similar to) the fish (dag) of the sea (ha yam – in the water), similar to (ka – like) creatures which move freely about (remes – the multitude of highly mobile animals) without rules to govern them or anyone seeking to control them (lo’ mashal ba huw’ – without anyone claiming dominion or 599authorization to rule (qal participle)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:14)
This is the opposite of what Paul claimed for himself and what his religion subsequently imposed. Rome was not this way nor is the Roman Catholic Church.
What’s particularly egregious about the Christian quest for supremacy is that Sha’uwl’s excuse for proposing the religion was that he wanted everyone to kowtow to him rather than learn from Yahowah and His Towrah. To create the false impression that his way was free and easy rather than legalistic and hard, he misrepresented the Towrah as a set of laws to be obeyed. But here, Yahowah squashes that notion, affirming that He engages with humankind in the manner of fish who have no rules and are free to move about the sea.
They can swim wherever they like, even at different levels, some in the darkness and others in the light. They even swim in schools, which symbolically suggests that they, unlike the religious, are receptive to proper instruction.
And if obedience to Sha’uwl | Paul was not enough, as we know, in Romans 13, the Devil’s Advocate ordered Christians to submit to governmental authorities – all of them. He would have the faithful obeying the despots who claimed that they were either gods themselves or authorized by God. Writing to the Romans, a hideously oppressive and destructive empire, Sha’uwl claimed that even that government was instituted by his god.
His diatribe is so disconcerting, so contradictory to Yahowah’s preceding statement and so wrong when scribed on behalf of Imperial Rome, let’s drive another Roman nail into Paul’s coffin. As you read this, remember that, just 20 years before he wrote it, these very same Romans had tortured and killed the Passover Lamb in the most gruesome manner possible, and within 15 years, these 600Romans would destroy Yahowah’s Home, only to return 60 years later to bludgeon Jews. When it comes to evil leadership, only the Nazis would be considered worse, and even they would be perceived as God’s servants according to Paul.
The King James Version was delighted to print: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. (2) Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: (4) For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. (5) Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. (6) For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. (7) Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.” To believe Paul was inspired by the God who spoke through Chabaquwq is to be a dimwit.
The New American Standard Bible published: “Every person is to be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. (2) Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. (3) For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; (4) for it is a servant of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; 601for it is a servant of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. (5) Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for the sake of conscience. (6) For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. (7) Pay to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; respect to whom respect; honor to whom honor.” These are the words of a mentally deranged man who has lost all contact with reality.
From the New International Version: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (2) Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. (3) For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. (4) For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. (5) Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. (6) This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. (7) Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” The problem isn’t the translation but, instead, the traitor.
Since I cannot provide you with a JPS version of Paul’s ode to the Evil Empire, the NLT will have to suffice… “Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of 602authority have been placed there by God. (2) So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. (3) For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. (4) The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong. (5) So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience. (6) Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons. For government workers need to be paid. They are serving God in what they do. (7) Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor to those who are in authority.” In the debate between Yahowah and Sha’uwl, one is sane and the other is deranged.
It would be appropriate to point out that the prophet is just beginning his rebuke. Not only does each criticism reported by Chabaquwq fit Sha’uwl, in the 2nd chapter, he is going to get more specific – even naming him.
When we recognize that this was written to indict Paul, we realize that as goes Paul, so goes the New Testament and the Christian religion. Without the Plague of Death, we are back to Yahowah being God, prophets being trustworthy, the Towrah being valid, one Beryth, seven Miqra’ey, Dowd being the Son of God and Messiah, and Yahuwdym being God’s people.
Baiting and hooking his audience, and netting vast numbers of souls, Sha’uwl has killed everyone who took his bait. Worse, he was so depraved that he rejoiced in what was nothing short of mass murder.
603“In everything associated with him (kol huw’ ba), he dangles a lure and hook to entice the unsuspecting (chakah ‘alah). When (wa – and also [found in the DSS but not MT]) he catches them, he drags them away (garar huw’ – he grasps hold and pulls them away, then he tears them apart, chewing them up (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) in his dedicated trap (ba cherem huw’ – with the snare of his devotion and in his destructive net).
And he gathers them together and removes them (wa ‘asaph hem – so he assembles and collects, eradicating them (qal imperfect)) in his dragnets by kindling his victims’ yearnings, while himself, mentally and emotionally dysregulated (ba mikmereth huw’ – in his fishing nets designed to trap and snare while he is emotionally agitated; from kamar – to be mentally and emotionally unstable).
Therefore, concerning this (‘al ken – so therefore in this way), he acts as if he is elated, intoxicated as he is with himself (samach – he delights and is pleased, full of himself (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)), glad and gay, shrieking and shouting over this outcome (wa gyl – he screams in uproarious fashion as if this were a favorable outcome and beneficial circumstance (qal imperfect)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:15)
Considering the hundreds of millions of people Islam has slaughtered in religious rage, it is sad to report that Sha’uwl was more murderous still when one considers the number of souls he lured to their demise. Not only does religion constrain the people’s freedom, similar to a net with fish, controlling them, Paul drew believers away from God.
The reference to “ensnaring fish” is indicative of Christianity, where the faithful used the image of a fish to 604identify themselves with their religion. This symbol remains prevalent today in the Christian Ichthus, Greek for “fish,” where the letters IXΘΥΣ were formed inside the “sign of the fish.” It purports to be an acronym for “Iesous Christos, Theou Yios, Soter – Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.” In this regard, it is telling that this symbol not only preceded Christianity, but it was also originally associated with Astarte, the Babylonian Queen of Heaven and Mother of God. As a fertility symbol, it was a vagina. Such is the genesis and evolution of Christianity. And let’s be clear, there was no Iesous, no one was afforded the title of Christos, the Theou Yios, or Soter. But to their credit, they were correctly identifying themselves as the fish Paul baited and caught.
The realization that Sha’uwl was elated at the demise of his victims demonstrates that he was sadistic – the trait we appropriately associate with his mentor: Satan. Christianity is premeditated murder perpetrated by a psychopath.
As an interesting aside, while dark and dour, your stereotypical psychotic schizophrenic narcissist and psychopath has to fake his or her displays of discordant emotions because they lack empathy. Therefore, the wild range of feelings we find in Paul’s letters and speeches was yet another act, a deliberate hoax to keep his devotees off balance and under his spell.
Throughout this extraordinary prophecy, the perpetrator remains one while his victims are many…
“So, therefore, in this way (‘al ken – so concerning this), he slaughters and sacrifices (zabach – he butchers, killing as part of his penitence, mollification, and worship (piel imperfect third-person masculine singular)) his devotees as they approach his net and are ensnared in his trap (la cherem huw’ – mutilating, disfiguring, and destroying in his ruse on behalf of his deity).
605He blows smoke to make illicit worship seem pleasant, using perfume to cover the stench (qatar – he kindles aromatic incense in a religious setting and encourages offerings which trap by joining things together in dubious fashion; from qatar – to bind and shut in, fumigating a living space to drive out the occupants and to blend together in an unconvincing way (piel imperfect third-person masculine singular)), ensnaring his victims while remaining emotionally agitated and unstable (la mikmereth huw’ – capturing his victims in his dragnet; from kamar – to be mentally and emotionally dysregulated).
For indeed (ky), by them (ba hem) he is enriched and productive (shaman – he grows fat, becoming unhealthy, unresponsive, and calloused) through seductive words while he claims his share of the funds confiscated and apportioned in his persuasive plot (cheleq huw’ – he takes his allotment and leads an easy life as a reward for his influential scheme comprised of seductive, deceitful, and divisive rhetoric).
And so, what he devours (wa ma’akal huw’ – then his fruit and fodder; from mah – to question and ‘akal – what one consumes) is contrived, newly fashioned, and artificial (barya’ah – is recently created and synthesized, fabricated and novel, comprised of circumstances and conditions which have been amalgamated).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:16)
Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s portrait is getting darker by the minute. He is the Zabach Benyamyn | Butcher of Benjamin – the most murderous of the wolves. And it is all deliberate. A trap is set, and victims are ensnared on purpose.
Blowing smoke is not condoned by Yah because it is not conducive to honest reporting or being observant. Smoke obscures and perfume masks, neither of which are conducive to understanding.
606When we combine the dual presentations of chamas | being ruthless with the twin depiction of mikmereth | being emotionally dysregulated, we find a psychopath. While a bit frightening for Christians, I find it reassuring. The demeanor of Paul’s speeches and letters, and the reckless vindictiveness with which he attacks those who don’t capitulate, as well as his depiction of himself as a murderer and sexual pervert convinced me to write this of him in Twistianity. Normally, I’m reserved when out of my element, but there is no reason to equivocate when Yahowah agrees with the diagnosis.
Among the Dead Sea Scrolls, the 8HevXII rendering of Habakkuk 1:16 suggests that Sha’uwl’s “consumption grew large.” And if that is what the prophet was inspired to write, it means that his bread was filled with yeast and, thus, is rife with the fungus of religious and political corruption. This could well be a rebuke to Paul’s “Little yeast, whole of the batch it yeasts.”
I have not sought to assess the quantity of souls Paul has extinguished nor the scope of those who have been tormented by his faith, but they number in the billions and millions. It would require the most irritating and opaque smokescreens to hide his complicity.
The enduring legacy of Pauline Christianity is a tribute to faith over reason. Its founder, as a psychopath, fished for souls, wanting to kill them, not save them.
“So why is it then (ha ‘al ken) that he continues to be delusional and vain, brandishing fantasies, and then emptying (ryq – disgorging his victims, leaving everyone unfed, pursuing such a worthless scheme, only to pour out (hifil imperfect third-person masculine singular – making his victims act similarly with ongoing implications)) those devoted to him disfigured from his trap (cherem huw’ – the faithful from his net destroying his followers in his ruse on behalf of his deity), only to (wa) eternally and 607intentionally end the lives (tamyd la harag – continually and with premeditation, kill, murdering with everlasting implications) of Gentiles (Gowym – of people from different races and places, those prone to religious beliefs who are dead men walking estranged from Yisra’el), showing no concern or mercy (lo’ chamal – sparing none while incapable of pity, kindness, or compassion)?” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:17)
It is what we would expect of an egomaniac and psychopath. According to Yahowah, Sha’uwl | Paul was delusional and vain. Rather than present the truth as inspired by God, his letters were filled with myths and fantasies. Instead of saving those foolish enough to believe him, Paul emptied out his net, allowing the fish he had trapped to flounder on the ground and die. It was all a farce, a murderous and merciless scheme, to destroy Gentiles while annihilating Jews.
Once again, we are confronted by a discrepancy between the Masoretic Text, first compiled in the 11th century CE, and the Qumran Scrolls, dating to the 2nd century BCE. According to the DSS, Chabaquwq queried: “So how is it that he continues in vain to advocate meaningless fantasies from such a long distance away, promoting that which is unreal and has never existed, doing so without any benefit, only to disgorge into nonexistence with ‘his sword which severs and slays (chereb / charab),’ thereby continually and eternally killing the Gentiles without concern or compassion?”
Chereb / charab can be something that “cuts, severs, and destroys.” It is “an implement which lays waste, making life meaningless” as well as “a tool used to attack, smite, and slay.” Pronounced, choreb, it depicts a “dry, hot, and desolate place.”
Should chereb / charab have been intended, then Chabaquwq was likely contrasting Sha’uwl’s lifeless 608rhetoric to the revelation of the Towrah on Mount Choreb. This possibility is intriguing considering Paul’s false allegation that the Towrah’s Covenant enslaved because it was established through Hagar in this place.
Either way, it remains a provocative question. How is it that Sha’uwl continues to seduce so many with such worthless delusions? His letters are so readily disproven, it is a wonder that anyone believes such ridiculous fantasies.
Nonetheless, we are reminded that Paul’s schemes were intentionally deadly, which means that he committed premeditated murder. This makes him history’s most deranged serial killer as the souls of believers are disgorged into oblivion.
Especially relevant, God predicted that Sha’uwl | Paul would have no empathy. Paul was unable to feel compassion or concern over the disfigurement and death of his victims. This confirms that Paul was a psychopath. As a result, he may not be the best option for spiritual advice on living a fulfilling life. Just saying…
Christianity’s only hope for survival in lieu of this blistering attack on the ‘New’ Testament’s most prolific writer is to dissuade believers from considering Yahowah’s prophetic pronouncement. All of these personal criticisms against a single individual must be errantly rendered such that they condemn an ancient nation. And yet, by closely examining and carefully considering the preamble to the most damning prediction found anywhere in the prophets, we have proven that God had Paul’s number – a wrong and disconnected number out of touch with the truth.
With this in mind, let’s reconsider the specificity of God’s prediction as He lowers His sights and takes direct aim at the world’s single most hideous person. Even the prophet’s name, Chabaquwq | Embrace This, is telling when considered next to Sha’uwl | Question Him.
609Recognizing that it was in Howsha’ that we were directed to Chabaquwq to consider what is said of Sha’uwl, let’s begin where God began…
“‘Away from the control, power, and influence (min yad) of Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl), I have chosen to ransom and redeem them, reacquiring them (padah hem).
So, Plague of Death (maweth), where (‘ehy) is the widespread pandemic you caused with your empty words and the sting of your controlling goads (deber ‘atah)? Plague of death (maweth), where (‘ehy) is your fatal contagion – your ruinous influence (qeteb ‘atah)?
With Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl), the capacity for compassion and contrition, the ability to relent and show remorse, even regret (nocham), is nonexistent (sathar) from My perspective (min ‘ayn ‘any). (Howsha’ 13:14)
It is true (ky), this son of his brothers (huw’ ben ‘ach huw’) will run swiftly, thrive with bull, produce asses, and be licentious (para’). Then the foretold confrontational encounter (qadym) with the Spirit (ruwach) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will come (bow’).
As a result of (min) questioning the word (midbar), his perversions will be esteemed, but he will lack integrity (‘alah / ‘olah) and will be denounced when it is shown that what he did was wrong (wa bowsh).
His destructive source (maqowr huw’) will eventually be constrained (wa charab). His perceptions (ma‘ayn huw’) will be exposed and stripped away (huw’ shasah), including his treasury (‘owtsar huw’) of everything (kol kaly) perceived as worthwhile and desirable (chemdah).’” (Howsha’ / Hosea 13:15)
This was designed to lead us to…
“This is the prophetic pronouncement and published prophecy (ha masa’) which, for the benefit of 610the relationship (‘asher), was witnessed and received as a revelation (chazah) by Chabaquwq | Embrace This (Chabaquwq), the prophet (ha naby’). (Chabaquwq 1:1)
For how long and to what extent (‘ad ‘an), Yahowah (YaHoWaH), should I plead for someone to respond in a beneficial way to this desperate and dangerous situation (shawa’) because (wa) You are not listening (lo’ shama’) to my anguished appeal and emotional outcry (za’aq)?
Against You (‘el ‘atah) there is a devastating plot comprised of cruel lies, ruthlessly plundering the people without moral restraint using injurious language (chamas). As a result (wa), You must withhold salvation (lo’ yasha’). (Chabaquwq 1:2)
For what reason (la mah) are You having me witness (ra’ah ‘any) this grotesque corruption and deliberate fraud, this vain and morally objectionable behavior comprised of false testimony that is being intentionally perpetrated (‘awen) which You consider (nabat) vexing and troublesome (‘amal)?
A demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God who is exceedingly malicious, destructive, oppressive, and confiscatory (wa shod / shed), (wa) a devastating and misleading plot advanced through injurious statements and wanton plundering (chamas), is conspicuously before me, publicly conveying this contrarian message (la neged / nagad ‘any).
He is and will continue to be (wa hayah) argumentative and contentious, quarrelsome and insulting, conveying a conflicting perception regarding the proper standard (ryb). He brings forth and continuously advocates (nasa’) dissension, discord, and divisiveness (wa madown). (Chabaquwq 1:3)
611Therefore, in this manner (‘al ken), the Towrah | Teaching and Guidance (Towrah) is incapacitated. Its instructions are invalidated and ineffective, being nullified and paralyzed (puwg). As a result (wa), the truthful and everlasting, eminent and permanent (la netsah) means to vindicate by justly resolving disputes (mishpat) will not be brought forth, publicly or openly disseminated, nor broadly extended (wa lo’ yatsa’).
Instead (ky), religious corruption will become invasive and injustice will encompass (rasha’ kathar) the means to be right and become innocent (‘eth ha tsadyq).
For this reason, that which (‘al ken) he brings forth and disseminates (yatsa’) perverts, distorts, corrupts, and convolutes, twisting and misrepresenting (‘aqal) the way to make informed and rational decisions regarding vindication (mishpat). (Chabaquwq 1:4)
You can consistently witness this (ra’ah) among the Gentiles (ba ha gowym) should you choose to be observant (wa nabat). And you can avoid being adversely influenced and dumbfounded by remaining free of societal influences and by responding negatively to such idiocy (wa tamah), contemplating how something so stunningly stupid is considered plausible (tamah).
Indeed, it is true that (ky) a considerable undertaking will transpire, a plot will be devised and implemented which results in controlling a vast accumulation of people and acquiring enormous wealth (po’al pa’al). You should determine this to be inaccurate and invalid (lo’ ‘aman) in your days (ba yowmym ‘atem), especially when it is properly assessed and a written record is presented in books, whereby he is held accountable (ky saphar). (Chabaquwq 1:5)
For this reason, pay attention to Me (ky hineh ‘any), arise and take a firm stand (quwm) against (‘eth) the 612Chaldeans, a.k.a., the influence of Babylon (ha Kasdym). This gentile nation (gowy) is as impetuous and impulsive as it is pungent and poisonous (mar wa ha mahar).
Walking (ha halak) through the breadth of the region (la merchab ‘erets), there is the seizure and dispossessing (la yarash) of the tabernacle and dwelling places that are not his (mishkan lo’ la huw’). (Chabaquwq 1:6)
Invoking fear through intimidation and terrorism (‘ayom wa yare’), he is out for himself (huw’ min huw’). He has broadly disseminated, spreading far and wide (yatsa’) mishpat huw’ | his judgment and thinking, his approach and assessments (mishpat huw’), along with his self-adulation, particularly his position on the removal of guilt, forgiveness, and acceptance in the relationship (wa sa’eth huw’). (Chabaquwq 1:7)
The dregs from the scummy remainder of the leopard (min namer) will be despised and held in contempt, humbled and diminished at this time (wa qalal). His swift airborne weaponry (suws huw’) will be as fierce and menacing as a wolf (wa chadad min za’ed) as the sun sets (‘ereb).
Their randomly dispersed and widely scattered (puwsh) mobile war machines and his accompanying soldiers (parash huw’ wa parash huw’) will come from afar in the future (min rachowq bow’) flying through the air, even hovering (‘uwph), like (ka) birds of prey (nesher), quickly swooping down and ready (chuwsh) to consume and destroy (la ‘akal). (Chabaquwq 1:8)
He will come (bow’) and be totally wrong as well as completely without restraint, harsh in demeanor, malicious in rhetoric, and especially cruel (kol huw’ la chamas).
613Simultaneously, everyone’s attention will be directed eastward as their appearance will be from the sunrise (magamah paneh hem qadym). And he will gather (‘asaph) captives (sheby) like the sand (ka ha chowl). (Chabaquwq 1:9)
And he, along with the rulers (wa huw’ ba ha melek) will mock and ridicule those they disdain, making fun of those they enjoy disparaging (qalas). Those who govern and are empowered (rozen) are haughty and egocentric (mischaq) because of him (la huw’). He, at everything (huw’ la kol) which defends and fortifies, and should have remained off limits (mibtsar), laughs in amusement and is entertained (tsachaq).
He piles up a massive amount (wa tsabar) of dust and debris from which there is a proliferation of materialistic progeny (‘aphar), and he seizes and controls them (wa lakad hy’). (Chabaquwq 1:10)
Then at that time (‘az), he will hasten to change, actually going with a completely different (chalaph) spirit (ruwach). And he will arrogantly travel throughout, intoxicating and alienating (wa ‘abar). He will be wrong, incur guilt, and will suffer the punishment he deserves (wa ‘asham) for (zuw) his claim to have been authorized by his god, along with his vigorous support of and his justification for his deity (koach huw’ la ‘elowah huw’). (Chabaquwq 1:11)
Yahowah (YaHoWaH), my God (‘elohym ‘any), my Set-Apart One (qodesh ‘any), are You not eternal, and thus everlasting and unlimited throughout time (ha lo’ ‘atah min qedem)? We will not die (lo’ muwth).
Yahowah (Yahowah), as a way to make an informed and rational decision regarding guilt or innocence (la mishpat), You have appointed regarding this (sym huw’), a Crag (wa tsuwr) to accuse, rebuke, and chastise (yakach) with You, after having laid the foundation, 614assigned this to him and then You instructed him (yasad huw’). (Chabaquwq 1:12)
Too flawless, uncluttered, and pure (tahowr) are eyes to witness (‘ayn min ra’ah) the miserable, malignant, and malevolent wickedness of religion (ra’). You cannot endure nor prevail when (lo’ yakol) looking upon or responding to (wa nabat) such a perverse and grievous undertaking (‘el ‘amal).
For what reason would (la mah) You look at or consider (nabat) the treacherous betrayal of an offensive and deceitful trickster and traitor (bagad)?
Therefore, You will enable an implement to write against the plot, while remaining otherwise silent and unresponsive, taking no other action for a prolonged period (charash) in opposition to the contradictory and thoroughly confusing religion, the incomprehensible and deceptive wickedness, this confounding and befuddling rant which will have been spread, accepted, and swallowed (ba bala’ rasha’), who is far more accurate and righteous than him, who is correct instead of him (tsadyq min huw’). (Chabaquwq 1:13)
Therefore, You engage with (wa ‘asah) humankind (‘adam) in a manner which could be compared to (ka) the fish (dag) of the sea (ha yam), similar to (ka) creatures which move freely about (remes) without rules to govern them or anyone seeking to control them (lo’ mashal ba huw’). (Chabaquwq 1:14)
In everything associated with him (kol huw’ ba), he dangles a lure and hook to entice the unsuspecting (chakah ‘alah). When (wa) he catches them, he drags them away (garar huw’) in his dedicated trap (ba cherem huw’). And he gathers them together and removes them (wa ‘asaph hem) in his dragnets by kindling his victims’ yearnings, while himself, mentally and emotionally dysregulated (ba mikmereth huw’). Therefore, 615concerning this (‘al ken), he acts as if he is elated, intoxicated as he is with himself (samach), glad and gay, shrieking and shouting over this outcome (wa gyl). (Chabaquwq 1:15)
So, therefore, in this way (‘al ken), he slaughters and sacrifices (zabach) his devotees as they approach his net and are ensnared in his trap, mutilating and disfiguring them in his ruse on behalf of his deity (la cherem huw’).
He blows smoke to make illicit worship seem pleasant, using perfume to cover the stench (qatar), ensnaring his victims while remaining emotionally agitated and unstable (la mikmereth huw’). For indeed (ky), by them (ba hem) he is enriched and productive (shaman) through seductive words while he claims his share of the funds confiscated and apportioned in his persuasive plot (cheleq huw’). And so, what he devours (wa ma’akal huw’) is contrived, newly fashioned, and artificial (barya’ah). (Chabaquwq 1:16)
So why is it then (ha ‘al ken) that he continues to be delusional and vain, brandishing fantasies, and then disgorging (ryq) those devoted to him disfigured from his trap (cherem huw’), only to (wa) eternally and intentionally end the lives (tamyd la harag) of Gentiles (Gowym), showing no concern or mercy (lo’ chamal)?” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 1:17)
It is the most condemning of all indictments. Even ha Satan isn’t as harshly rebuked by God. And God is just setting the stage. The worst is yet to come.