706Yada Yahowah




Taruw’ah | Trumpets

Dastardly Dogs…

There is yet another, even more phenomenal, affirmation of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah found in Yasha’yah / Isaiah. This prophetic insight is shared in the 55th and 56th chapters, running through the 57th.

The prophet sets the stage, placing these harvests of souls into the context of their time. And that is essential because there are no more chances after they pass.

Within this prophecy, Yasha’yah reveals the societal conditions which will persist immediately before, during, and after Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah are fulfilled. Then he explains why rabbis will be unfazed by the sudden disappearance of thousands of Covenant members. Of particular interest, Yasha’yah confirms that the initial harvest of souls precedes the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles – making it a preemptive rescue mission – while the other follows it. Also interesting, at the conclusion of Yasha’yah 57, we will find a compelling presentation of how we should be observing a Shabatown.

By taking the time to study this prophetic portrayal within the context in which it is presented, we will come to appreciate why God is opposed to religion and come to better appreciate the consequence these doctrines have on our children. The prophet’s inspired commentary in Yasha’yah 55, 56, and 57, provides a scathing rebuke of Judaism during the time the Miqra’ey of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah are fulfilled – thereby revealing Yahowah’s assessment of the Haredi. Turns out, His every word is germane to the purpose of the Shabat, of Promises, of 707Sevens, of Trumpets, and Showphars. They all convey an aspect of Yahowah’s reconciling message with His people at this moment to counteract the influence of religions.

So, by way of introduction, in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55, Yahowah declares that, unlike the costs associated with Judaism, His redemption is free…

“This is an announcement and warning (howy) to everyone who thirsts (kol same’): choose to walk toward the water (halak la ha maym – move of your own volition to and approach the source of cleansing and life (qal imperative)). Then let the one who wants to enjoy the benefits of the relationship do so without cost (wa ‘asher ‘ayn la huw’ kesep – the path to walk to get the most enjoyment out of life does not require anyone to pay anything because money is not allowed).

You have been given the opportunity to go about (halak – it is your choice, so under the auspices of freewill, travel through life by (qal imperative)) acquiring food (shabar – choosing to procure and obtain what is needed (qal imperative)) which is nourishing (wa ‘akal – and being fed (qal imperative) [correcting the scribal error in 1QIsa based upon 4QIsa]).

Come hither (wa halak – choose to move, walking (qal imperative)) to obtain (shabar – to procure and acquire (qal imperative)) wine (yayn) without any money (ba lo’ kesep – without cost, without any silver coins or any transactional value, neither property, belongings, nor unit of exchange) and milk (chalab) without remuneration or compensation (wa ba lo’ machyr – freely without buying it or offering any portion of your earnings, without a donation, a fee, or price).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Frees / Isaiah 55:1)

Following Taruw’ah, the waters will be running off of the Temple Mount, cleansing everything they touch. The seeds of the Feasts have taken root and grown, providing a nourishing meal. The wine is symbolic of the ‘Adamah | Bloody Red Man on the Ground. And milk comes from 708pregnant heifers after they have given birth to her first calf.

This is God’s plea to His people. He wants them to stop enriching the rabbis. They have been paying them to rob them of their souls. All the while, Yahowah continues to offer all of the benefits of the Miqra’ey and Beryth without monetary compensation. Yahowah’s words are not only nourishing, satisfying, and pay dividends, they are free.

Water is the symbol of the Spirit who makes it all possible, and of the life and cleansing She provides. Wine, bread, and milk represent Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym – providing the means to prolonged life, being perfected, and our adoption as children. They are all provided without remuneration. And there is nothing more valuable.

“So why do you spend, continually paying out money (la mah shaqal kesep) for that which is not actually bread (ba lo’ lechem – without the loaf) such that your labor (wa yegya’ ‘atem – so that your toil) is not satisfying and produces nothing of lasting value (ba lo’ la saba’ah – is gluttonous and voracious, even insatiable without ever being enough [from 1QIsa])?

Listen diligently (shama’ – hear this as if your life depends upon it, paying attention (qal infinitive)) to Me (‘el ‘any) and be nourished by (wa ‘akal – and choose to consume (qal imperative)) that which is good, useful, and beneficial (towb – productive, desirable, and valuable, in addition to being moral), even exquisitely pleasurable and extravagantly superb (‘anag – divinely delightful and abundantly enjoyable, privileged and tender (hitpael imperfect jussive – consistently act on your own initiative, free of all societal interference, religious pressure, or political compulsion, and enjoy the pleasurable pampering)), with these being the most desirable and beneficial options (ba ha dashen – with the best possible choices, and with that which anoints) for your soul (nepesh ‘atem).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 55:2)

709On the surface, Yahowah is revealing that there is nothing nourishing about Judaism. It is a fraudulent transaction. And beyond this, God is particularly annoyed that His people have eliminated Chag Matsah from among His Miqra’ey – thereby ensuring that there is no cure for the religion that is killing them.

In addition, the rabbis, who commandeered Yahowah’s redemptive calendar and replaced Taruw’ah with Rosh Hashanah, exposing their Babylonian roots, are leeches, parasites on God’s people. So, God is asking Yisra’el to stop consuming the toxins they are distributing and turn to the only eternally nurturing source. While the rabbinic way has been unfulfilling, indeed miserable, and costly beyond measure, Yahowah is offering something exquisitely pleasurable and extravagantly superb.

What do Jews have to lose apart from the yoke of an impoverishing and archaic religion? Why not give Yahowah’s approach a try? After all, it is either insane or, shall we say, inadvisable, to continue on the same path, doing the same things that have brought the people such abject misery.

This is good advice, especially recognizing that the path to Yahowah and to life eternal is through the Mow’ed Miqra’ey. Making this known so that it is heard around the world is the stated purpose of Yada Yahowah.

“Incline your ear (natah ‘ozen ‘atem – take note of your own freewill (hifil imperative)) and walk to Me (wa halak ‘el ‘any – then move in My direction of your own volition (qal imperative)). Choose to actually listen (wa shama’ – hear this (qal imperative) [from 1QIsa]) so that your soul may continue to exist (wa hayah nepesh ‘atem – your consciousness may continue (qal imperfect jussive)).

Then I will cut you into, establishing for you (wa karat la ‘atem – and I will make, affirming on your behalf (qal imperfect [not optional (cohortative) in 1QIsa])) the everlasting (‘owlam – eternal, never-ending, always 710existing) Covenant (Beryth – Family Relationship Agreement) which was affirmed and verified (‘aman – confirmed and enduring, made dependable and steadfast) with unremitting love and unfailing devotion (chesed – genuine affection and steadfast favoritism, loyalty born out of a sense of mutual support) by Dowd (Dowd – the Beloved, David).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Delivers / Isaiah 55:3)

Your decision regarding the words you are reading will determine the fate of your soul – whether it is extinguished as a flickering flame blown out by the religious, or whether it grows to become nearly as brilliant as Dowd. If we were to condense Yahowah’s Towrah and Covenant into a summarizing statement, it would be that Dowd provided the benefits of the Covenant by fulfilling the Mow’edym and serves as the ultimate example of what it represents. The Zarowa’ is the Son of God, His Chosen One and Firstborn, the Shepherd and King of His people, a prophet and psalmist, the Branch from which all things grow, the one anointed as the Mashyach and immersed in the Spirit as the Eternal Witness. He served as the Passover Lamb and is our Savior.

And let it be known: Yahowah is offering to give us what He achieved with His Son! All we have to do is listen and respond. This is the message Yisra’el and Yahuwdah most need to hear. And there are only nine iterations of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah remaining. So, partake while the getting is good.

While Dowd is an enduring and restoring witness, he spoke and wrote on behalf of Yisra’el. Further, calling the King of the Universe a nagyd | authorized leader would be a demotion. And while the Messiah was a great teacher, his message was not for an archaic or misled world. Therefore, these words speak of Dowd’s Basar | Herald, the Nakar | Observant Foreigner, who has long sought to be a Towrah Teacher. In His presentations of the final Zarowa’, Yahowah and His prophets consistently state that he will address Gowym and Yahuwdym, harvesting both.

711“Behold (hen – pay attention because surely), I bestowed him as a gift (nathan huw’ – I offered him as a present and I enabled him to be (qal perfect)) an enduring witness to the restoring testimony (‘ed – as a source of everlasting testimony; from ‘uwd – someone who bears witness to that which is affirming and who will return to restore) to people of every ethnicity and culture (la’om – to the nations of the world, no matter how antiquated or misled, estranged people; appears to be a compound of la’ / lo’ – not and ‘am – family), an authorized leader publicly promoting the truth (nagyd – a worthy guide to that which is valuable and true, a legitimate and proper ruler; from nagad – one who accurately reports the evidence, declaring it openly and conspicuously, proclaiming and publishing to inform and make known), and as an instructor (wa tsawah – as well as someone who has been appointed and assigned to provide clear and authorized directions, a person who speaks loudly, verbally shouting over the noisy crowds) for an archaic and misled world (la’om – for people of every ethnicity and from different cultures, the misguided nations which are antiquated and estranged and thus not part of the family).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Frees / Isaiah 55:4)

There have been a number of epiphany moments in our time together. One of these occurred several years ago. As I was making a transition from Observations, and Yasha’yah / Isaiah, to Coming Home, and the Mizmowr / Psalms, we came to realize Dowd’s | David’s relevance. He is the central figure in Yahowah’s story – the most brilliant and articulate man who ever lived. He is the Son of God and the Messiah, the returning King of Kings. He is the one who rabbis allowed Christians to rob to create the counterfeit caricature of Jesus which they then used to bludgeon God’s people.

This was a giant leap forward in our understanding of Yahowah’s redemptive message to His people – but it was not our most reconciling insight. That would come five years later when, after rewriting some 30 volumes of the 712Yada Yahowah Series to incorporate what we had learned about the Messiah, we discovered the greatest treasure ever beheld by man. Dowd was more than Messiah and King, more than the Firstborn Son of God, more than Yahowah’s Chosen One and His Most Set Apart. Dowd is the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb. It was Dowd, who by choice, fulfilled Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym in year 4000 Yah. And so today, Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah exist to capitalize upon what he has done to restore the Family. And this will all lead to a wonderful celebration of reconciliation on Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah.

While it has always been apparent that Dowd is returning to protect his people and serve as sovereign of Sukah, no one heretofore had come to realize that Dowd will have lived three lives – just as he was anointed three times. And it was the failures of his first life and the responsibilities of the third which convinced ha Mashyach to serve as ha Zarowa’ in his Second Coming.

This known, none of it mattered because no one knew. And therefore, Yahowah is speaking through Yasha’yah to awaken Yisra’el to the voice of Dowd’s Herald, the man reintroducing the Messiah to his people.

The implications are world-altering and individually transforming. When it comes to our salvation, no matter the question, Dowd is the answer. He not only fulfilled the first three Miqra’ey, but he also provided the only eyewitness accounts of what he endured to facilitate our redemption. He is everything Jews should await and Christians should opine – and infinitely more. Simply stated: by working together Father and Son have made life within the Covenant Family possible for everyone who acknowledges and accepts what they have accomplished.

This means that Jews were not condemned by God for failing to recognize “Jesus Christ” as a Messiah or as the Son of God because he was neither. Their mistake was failing to acknowledge Yahowah and accept their Messiah and Son of God as the Passover Lamb. And it means that Jews ought not to be looking for the arrival of an unknown 713Mashyach to rescue them but, instead, eagerly anticipating Dowd’s return on Kipurym to reconcile the relationship.

While these conclusions are obvious and rationally undeniable, like billions before me, I had also been deceived into believing that prophecies that were actually written to draw our attention to the life and lyrics of Dowd somehow applied to “Jesus” whom I had referred to as Yahowsha’ | Yahowah Delivers and Saves. However, once immersed within the Mizmowr / Psalms, and with a willingness to go where those words led, an entirely different picture emerged. This portrait was painted of our Mashyach writing in first-person of his experience as our Zarowa’. The reason Dowd wrote about what he would endure to save us from ourselves in first-person is because he would actually live it, making it all possible.

Once this treasure was revealed, I realized the importance of sharing what Yahowah achieved through this man, delineating what can be known about their relationship. Yahowah was calling Yisra’el back home to their King – to one of their own.

Simultaneously, I came to recognize the toxic root of Christianity: Replacement Theology. Every prophecy and promise Yahowah made to His Son and people was misappropriated, literally stolen, from Dowd and Yisra’el to legitimize the bogus claims of a contradictory faith.

I immediately realized that I had to correct my commentary. To convey the truth, I would have to position Dowd in the role Yahowah intended. Therefore, after completing the second volume of Coming Home, I rewrote the five volumes of Observations and then four volumes of Questioning Paul, now again rewritten as Twistianity. That led to this, the rewriting of the eight volumes of Yada Yahowah beginning five years ago.

When this was done, I turned my attention to the two books written in Babylon and composed the three volumes under the Babel banner – eye openers to be sure. It was then, with eager anticipation, that I returned to Coming 714Home and started writing the third volume. And it was there, translating the Mizmowr again that I recognized that Dowd had volunteered to fulfill the initial three Mow’edym with Yahowah’s support. To be King of forever, he knew that he would need to earn his people’s respect. And the best way to achieve that would be to fulfill Pesach and Matsah. It would be two days of agony and hell for an eternity of admiration in heaven. In the process, he would save his people and please his Father. Only, no one noticed until now.

Today, the treasure of this realization is our reward, an unequivocal affirmation of the role Dowd plays in Yahowah’s plans and our salvation. And to highlight this discovery, there are several recurring themes that run throughout Yasha’yah / Isaiah. Foremost among them is painting the proper prophetic portrait of Dowd, as was done here, because he is the fulcrum of God’s unfolding plan of redemption. Second to that, at least here in Yasha’yah / Isaiah is the realization that a gowy will be deployed by Yahowah to call His people home by disclosing this treasure…

“I want to emphasize this here and now while asking you to pay attention (hen – behold, look now and see); there is a lone Gentile (gowy – someone who is not a Yisra’elite or Yahuwdy (absolute common masculine singular – one specific and particular individual who is not ethnically or religiously Jewish) [singular in 1QIsa]) whom you consistently fail to recognize and acknowledge (lo’ yada’ – whom you do not know or understand, whom you are ignoring out of disrespect (qal imperfect)), whom you can actually read calling out to you (qara’ – continuing to offer you an invitation which you can recite, summoning you by making announcements to welcome you, calling you out to a meeting (qal imperfect)).

In addition (wa – moreover and furthermore), this lone Gowy (gowy – this singular and unique Gentile who is not Jewish), who is neither acknowledged nor 715respected by you, and who possesses information you fail to comprehend (lo’ yada’ ‘atah – who actually understands what you do not know, possessing information you genuinely need to comprehend at this moment in time (qal perfect)), shall be and now has been hurriedly brought before you (ruwts ‘el ‘atah – is intense in his continual focus on you, not wasting any time, genuinely working as quickly as possible to pursue you (qal imperfect) [singular in 1QIsa]) on behalf of (la ma’an – for the express purpose of approaching) Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), to approach the Set-Apart One (wa la qadowsh – to draw near the Special and Unique One [from 1QIsa]) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God).

For indeed (ky – because truly, emphasizing and strengthening this statement), he is reaffirming your status, lifting you up by shaking the tree and knocking off the fruit so that you can be gleaned (pa’ar ‘atah – making contact to dislodge you, preparing you for the harvest, by recognizing and respecting your value).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 55:5)

I work for Yahowah and serve His Son, Dowd, on behalf of their people, not myself. I have never sought recognition or a following, preferring to remain anonymous, which is why I wrote under the nom de plume of Yada. But my preference is not relevant here because Yahowah has chosen to disclose our relationship. He did so because He wants His people to listen to Him and come home.

Let’s be clear: Dowd is King, the Messiah, and our Savior, and he is the prophet providing God’s eternal and restoring witness. I am his Herald, pointing his people in his direction. I am a witness to the witness, a voice calling out in the wilderness of lost souls. And yet, with so little time, so much at stake, and a shortage of Heralds, God 716chose to work through this one.

Should you want to know his qualifications, should that matter more to you than the fact he is presenting Yahowah’s testimony, Yasha’yah conveyed his credentials in the 11th chapter of his prophetic revelation. You will find a review of it in chapter 7 of volume 4, Spirit of Understanding in Observations.

Yasha’yah advised…

“Seek (darash – inquire about and consult with, learn all of the information that has been made available regarding, especially, that which was not previously understood, caring enough to develop a relationship with) Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) while He may be found and encountered (ba matsa’ huw’ – while He may be learned about and experienced (nifal infinitive) [He is specified in 1QIsa]).

Choose to call upon Him (qara’ huw’ – of your own volition, summon Him, read all about Him, invite and welcome Him (qal imperative)) while He is near (ba hayah huw’ qarowb – while His very existence is approaching and His presence is within reach, especially, while He can be engaged in a close personal relationship).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Delivers / Isaiah 55:6)

Since I was the first in 2,500 years to reintroduce Yahowah’s name to His people, this was not even possible prior to that time. It is only now, with and in Yada Yahowah, that this is possible. And it is all in the nick of time.

If you have not done so already, you only have nine years left at the time of this edit of the Qatsyr ~ Harvests volume to learn what you need to know about Yahowah to engage in a relationship with Him. However, please seize this opportunity, because with each passing day, the truth will become increasingly censored and accepting it more difficult.

717As religious and political delusions develop over time and become more pervasive, as they become more fully established and integrated within a culture, it becomes increasingly difficult to “find Yahowah” through the maze of societal clutter. This is especially true in Yisra’el and with Ultra-Orthodox Judaism and Progressive politics. Further, when belief systems are unchecked, and allowed to permeate people’s minds, they preclude rational thinking, and cause most to react adversely to evidence that is contrary to their faith, no matter how legitimate or convincing. That is the message Yahowah is communicating here.

Why wait? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

“Those in violation of the standard (rasha’ – the unethical and immoral, the religious and political, the wicked and criminal) should choose to reject his own way (‘azab derek huw’ – should abandon and forsake, departing from his path) and the evil and deceitful individual (wa ‘awen ‘ysh – the corrupt and idolatrous man whose beliefs are untrue) his musings and thoughts (machashabah huw’ – his opinions and rationale, his intentions and desires, his imaginings and beliefs).

Let him choose, of his own volition, to return (wa shuwb – of his own freewill, may he desire coming back and being restored (qal imperfect jussive)) to (‘el) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration) so that He may have compassion on him and love him, re-engaging in a relationship with him (wa racham huw’ – so that He might show His affection toward him, demonstrating His concern, greeting and welcoming him (piel imperfect)).

And as for our God (wa ‘el ‘elohym ‘anachnuw), He will actually forgive (la salach – He will pardon, removing all traces of guilt from) many (rabah – numerous, an increasing number (hifil imperfect)).” 718(Yasha’yah / Yahowah Frees / Isaiah 55:7)

This is what makes Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah possible. It is our message and our mission. Come out of Babylon and return to Yahowah and He will shower blessings on your soul. Without exception, everyone who makes this decision will find God waiting to embrace them, love them, and raise them.

In the religious debate between man and God regarding whom should be trusted, Yahowah has once again been unequivocal. Man’s ways are not God’s Way.

“For My thoughts (ky machashabah ‘any – My reasoning and purpose) are not your thoughts (lo’ machashabah ‘atem). And neither are My ways (wa lo’ derek ‘any) your ways (derek ‘atem), prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 55:8)

We humans, some 95% of us, are political and religious, patriotic and conspiratorial – and God is not. Man holds opinions and God knows. Humans are typically wrong, and God is always right.

One of the many conclusions we have deduced from the evidence Yahowah has provided is that the universe is beyond the four dimensions of spacetime we currently understand. We have surmised that it is actually six-dimensional, with the repulsive nature of dark energy and the attraction of dark matter best explained in terms of their dimensionality. We have then come to perceive Yahowah as existing in the seventh dimension. This would help explain what follows…

“For the spiritual realm of the heavens (ky shamaym) are dimensions beyond (gabah – are higher, even beyond the comprehension of) the material realm (min ‘erets – those on Earth). Likewise, so (ken) My ways (derek ‘any) are well in advance (gabah – past the dimensions) of your ways (derek ‘atem – your mannerisms and conduct of life, and especially, your most popular 719paths) and (wa) My reasoning (machashabah ‘any – My thoughts and conclusions) distant from (min – separate and distinct from) your inclinations and opinions (machashabah ‘atem – your thoughts and reasoning).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Delivers / Isaiah 55:9)

I would certainly hope so considering the utter insanity of conspiracy theorists, even of the irrational and immoral nature of Progressive politics, especially cancel culture, critical race theory, multiculturalism, gender manipulation, socialism, communism, patriotism, and political correctness. It is as if the least sane are running the asylum and the least intelligent, administer our schools.

The metaphors we surmised were indicative of Yahowah pouring out His Word such that it would take root and grow are affirmed with this declaration…

“Indeed, just as (ky ka ‘asher) the rain (geshem) descends, coming down (yarad), along with snow (wa ha sheleg) from the sky (min ha shamaym), and they do not return there without watering and refreshing the earth (wa shem lo’ shuwb ky ‘im rawah ‘eth ha ‘erets) such that it conceives life, buds (wa yalad hy’ – it gives birth), sprouts, and grows (wa tsamach hy’), give seeds (wa nathan zera’) to the one who sows (la ha zera’ – dispersing and planting the seeds), and there is bread to eat (wa lechem la ha ‘akal). (Yasha’yah 55:10) So shall My word be (ken hayah dabar ‘any).

For the benefit of the relationship (‘asher – to show the way to get the most out of life), that which goes out of My mouth (yatsa’ min peh ‘any) shall not return to Me without result (lo’ shuwb ‘el ‘any reqam – will not come back to Me without having fulfilled its purpose, delivering what was expected). Without exception (ky ‘im), it will accomplish (‘asah – it will engage, act, and do, producing) the relational benefits which (‘asher) I desire (chaphets – I want and I choose what I deem beneficial and pleasing). And it will succeed (wa tsalach – it will prosper and thrive, always accomplishing the goal) for the benefit of the relationship for which I extended it (‘asher shalach 720huw’).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 55:11)

Yahowah spoke life into existence, documenting His oration using the three-dimensional language of DNA. He then nurtures and restores the living with His words. They convey what God wants, which is to benefit the relationship He sought to establish with humankind.

While the religious have done their utmost to change, counterfeit, and conceal Yahowah’s Word, His purpose, which is to form loving, familial relationships with men and women who choose to know Him and who elect to trust and rely upon Him, will not be thwarted.

Our reunion will be joyous, our relationship reconciled, our lives guided, and our countenance serene…

“For in joy (ky ba simchah – because in gladness, with a positive attitude), you will come out (yatsa’ – you will be brought out), and with the relationship reconciled (wa ba shalowm – prosperous and satisfied, as friends and companions, blessed and in peace, completely sound), you will be guided and led (yabal – you will be directed and escorted (hofal imperfect paragogic nun – the beneficiaries are being overtly led by God who is providing the ongoing guidance)) to the mountains and the hilltops (ha har wa ha giba’ah), becoming worry-free, peaceful, and serene (patsach – becoming stress-free) as you appear (la paneh ‘atem), singing (rinah – shouting for joy). All of the trees of the field (wa kol ‘ets ha sadeh) shall clap their hands, bending in a celebratory manner (macha’ kaph). (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Delivers / Isaiah 55:12)

Instead of (tachath – in place of) the thornbush (na’atsuwts – a prickly shrub), a cypress tree (berowsh – an evergreen pine or noble fir) shall ascend (‘alah). And in place of (wa tachath [from 1QIsa]) the brier (sirphad – the stinging nettle), the myrtle (hadas) shall rise (‘alah).

And it will exist (wa hayah) as a place to approach (la sham la – as a means to know the name of) Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), an 721everlasting sign and symbol (la ‘owth ‘owlam – an eternal example and illustration, a banner and signal for all time) which shall never be uprooted or cut down (lo’ karat – which shall never cease or be cut away).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Frees / Isaiah 55:13)

Not only are we returning to the Gan ‘Eden, Yahowah will be there to greet us. And all of the irritating and toxic plants which vexed ‘Adam upon his exile will be replaced with trees Yahowah finds shapely and pleasing. This is among the most enlightening prophecies we have read thus far.


Breathless, and now on to the 56th chapter, we are introduced to the result of Yasha’yah 55…

“For this is what (ky koh) Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) says (‘amar – promises and avows): ‘Be observant and consider (shamar – remain focused, closely examining while thinking about) the means to exercise good judgment and justly resolve disputes (mishpat – making good decisions; from my – to question the implications of and shaphat – deciding).

Then (wa) engage, acting upon (‘asah – do, profiting from) that which is correct and vindicating (tsadaqah – that which is right, justifiable and acquitting), because indeed (ky), My deliverance and resulting salvation (yashuw’ah ‘any – My liberation and freedom; from yasha’ – to save, liberate, free, and deliver) are approaching (qarowb la ‘any – is near, close, and intimately personal).

And (wa) the one who is correct about Me (tsadaqah ‘any – the one who is right about Me, the one with a just cause, and even My Righteous One) will come (la bow’ – will arrive) and he will be revealed (galah – he 722will be made known, disclosed, and seen).’” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 56:1)

To be saved we must know, and to know requires being observant. We must also act, engaging based on what Yahowah has requested. Importantly, God wants us to be right, and to be correct we must exercise good judgment. So, while Yahowah saves, He is discriminating.

In this regard, Yahowah repeatedly affirms that Dowd is tsadaq | right. He is not only the Righteous One who is returning, but he is also better known than anyone in Yahowah’s unfolding story. And that is partly because he has been here twice before. Therefore, Yasha’yah is reminding his people that the gowy which Yisra’el is wont to deny, the one conveying Yasha’yah’s and Dowd’s message, is telling them what they most need to hear. His reference serves to affirm that he is right about Father and Son, and so if they listen to him, they can be part of the remaining harvests of saved souls.

“Blessed by the benefits of the relationship (‘ashry – joyous and productive by way of being on the correct path) is the person (‘enowsh – is the mortal man and otherwise ordinary individual) who acts upon and engages based upon this (‘asah zo’th – who participates in, celebrates, and profits from, doing these things).

Because (wa) the son (ben – the child) of ‘Adam (‘adam – mankind), by observing (shamar – by closely examining and carefully considering) the Shabat (Shabat – the seventh day of promise), and by not defiling and profaning it (min chalal huw’ – without making it common and ordinary or treating it with contempt), he is empowered and strengthened, enlightened and restored (chazaq – he prevails and is established, invigorated and enabled, becoming intensely steadfast and unwavering, renewed and resolute, firm and capable) by it (ba hy’).

And by being observant (wa shamar – by remaining focused and thoughtful), his hand (yad huw’ – his actions 723and that which he influences) is kept from acting upon or engaging in (min ‘asah – does not do) anything unjust, immoral, or irrational (ra’ – unethical, harmful, troubling, counterproductive, or evil).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Delivers / Isaiah 56:2)

This begins by stating that the person who engages in the aforementioned is blessed. Therefore, we receive the benefits of the Covenant relationship by being observant, by exercising good judgment, and by acting upon that which is right. This leads to our deliverance and salvation.

God then discloses that the child of ‘Adam, who is a man created in God’s image with a neshamah | conscience, by observing the Shabat is strengthened and empowered, enlightened and restored, even becoming steadfast and unwavering. This means that our active and studious approach to the seventh day is valid.

The religious all profane the Shabat, making it common. By doing nothing during it, the Haredim make it like every other day in their lives.

Christians replace it with “Sunday Worship Services.” And Muslims, clueless as ever, after claiming that their Quran confirms the Towrah, play jihadist on Fridays between prostrations to Allah.

This is also a scathing indictment of Roman Catholicism and its stepchildren, Orthodox and Protestant Christianity. According to God, our salvation is dependent upon how we observe His Shabat. It is impossible to square any of this with Sunday Worship Services, the Lord’s Day, or Replacement Theology.

When we observe the Towrah and act upon its instructions, we do not become pollyannish but, instead, real, established, confident, and truthful – like Dowd. Our actions are guided by Yahowah, keeping us from being “ra’ – unjust, immoral, or irrational, harmful, troubling, or evil.”

Continuing to speak of the gowy, we find that this 724observant foreigner and authorized designee is directly associated with Yahowah…

“Do not say to (wa ‘al ‘amar – do not claim) the Nakar | Observant Son of a Foreign Land (wa ben ha nekar – one who pays attention and is observant; from nakar – one who knows and understands through thoughtful examination, who recognizes and acknowledges, and who is discerning and respectful) who has formed a relationship with (lawah ‘el – who is associated with, having joined forces with, who is attached and bound to, engaged in a very close friendship with and therefore accompanying) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence and His role in our shalowm – reconciliation as ‘elowah – Almighty God) something which would infer or suggest (la ‘amar), ‘Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) has abandoned me, preventing me from being included (badal badal ‘any – has separated me and forsaken me, left, dismissed, and exclude me) as part of His family (min ‘al ‘am huw’ – from His people).’

And let not an esteemed and authorized designee say (wa ‘al ‘amar ha sarys – let not the official representative and qualified leader who has been castrated or emasculated by the society and thus cast off and neutered, profess), ‘What now, if (hen) I have become a silenced counselor and muted messenger (‘any ‘ets yabesh – I have become a paralyzed worker akin to a shriveled, withered, and dried up tree; from ‘etsah – an advisor and counselor who has been shut down, and from y-basar – one who proclaims My message to humanity and yabab – speaking loudly on My behalf)?’ (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 56:3)

To the contrary, this is what (ky koh) Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) says (‘amar – promises and declares) on behalf 725of individuals who have been castrated as a result of the positions they have taken as leaders (la ha sarys – regarding highly valued individuals who have been granted authorization, these official guides, who have been emasculated and neutered by their societies as a result of their leadership), of those who provide guidance regarding the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – who walk along the correct path) by being consistently and continually observant (shamar – by closely examining and carefully considering (qal imperfect active – who are literally and genuinely, constantly and habitually attentive)) during My Shabats (‘eth shabatowth ‘any – with regard to the celebration of My promise pertaining to the seventh day), who evaluate and choose (bachar – who prefer and desire, who after probing and examining the evidence prefer (qal perfect)) to walk along the correct path (ba ‘asher – the proper way) in deference to Me (chaphets – out of respect for Me and to please Me by expressing their desire to be with Me, volunteering and eager to experience this with Me (qal perfect)), and (wa) who are willing to demonstrate an intense desire to learn about, to be steadfastly committed to, and to become empowered (chazaq – who are resolutely focused upon, committed to studying, and dedicated to accomplishing the intended purpose through their unremitting and unrelenting resolve to help encourage others to grasp hold of and prevail (hifil participle – the subject causes the object to participate in this manner, becoming ever more like them to the point that they are literally defined by this approach)) by My Covenant (ba beryth ‘any – through My Family-Oriented Agreement), (Yasha’yah 56:4) I will offer, freely giving (wa nathan – I will bestow and grant) to them (la hem – concerning them and on their behalf) in My Home and within My Family (ba beyth ‘any – in My household) and within My protected enclosure (wa ba chowmah ‘any – inside of My secure and impenetrable walls, in My especially compassionate embrace as the Father- and Mother-in-law; from an unused root meaning to join) an outstretched, 726welcoming, and empowering hand (yad – the support, authority, and ability to powerfully influence so as to accomplish an essential mission) and a name (wa shem – a personal and proper designation and renown) even better (towb – more pleasing and satisfying, beneficial and valuable) than other sons and daughters (min ben wa min bath).

I will give to him and them (nathan la huw’ / hem – I will offer him and bestow upon them, appointing for him and them [huw’ | him in 1QIsaa and LXX, hem | them in 1QIsab and MT]) an everlasting and eternal (‘owlam – an enduring) designation and reputation (shem – personal and proper name) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher – to convey the correct way to get the most out of life), will never be removed (lo’ karath – will not be taken away (nifal imperfect – the subject carries this out and receives the benefit for all time)).’” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 56:5)

Let it not be said that Yahowah has abandoned His people or prevented them from being part of His Family. He has done no such thing – and the Nakar and Sarys knows better. Yisra’elites are estranged from God because they have done this to themselves. The mission is to share this truth with all who will listen. Moreover, this Nakar | Observant Foreigner and Sarys | Authorized Designee has not sought to replace Yahuwdym but, instead, to welcome the Beloved of Yah. He is committed to guiding God’s people home.

Yahowah values the observant, especially when they take their lumps for standing up against the ways of man. He wants us to provide guidance, especially regarding the benefits of the Covenant relationship.

The insight which stands out, grabbing our attention, is the way Yahowah describes His designee’s observance of the Shabat. He is not inactive, doing nothing, as the religious profess but, instead, explores the word and actively shares what he has learned. As a result of his approach to the day of promise, he is found leading others 727down the path which provides the benefits of the relationship.

This is something the Nakar | Observant Foreigner and Sarys | Authorized Designee is eager to experience with Yahowah, as it is born out of his respect for God and his desire to please Him. As always, I will demonstrate an intense desire to learn, to be enriched and empowered by His words. And He will respond to this steadfast devotion to His Covenant by ensuring that the harvests are productive.

While it is apparent that the Nakar is seeking to please Yahowah, and is not pursuing accolades, God, as his Father, is offering him a name better than any other. He will forever be known as one who shared the benefits of the relationship. And having done so, others will benefit…

“The children (wa beny) of the Nakar | Observant and Discerning Foreigner (ha Nakar – of the one who pays attention and is attentive; from nakar – one who knows and understands through thoughtful examination, who recognizes and acknowledges, and who is perceptive and respectful) have formed a relationship with (ha lawah ‘al – are associated with, having joined forces with, are attached and bound to, and are engaged in a very close friendship with and are therefore seen as accompanying) Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence).

They serve Him (la sharath huw’ – they render assistance to and help Him), in love with (wa la ‘ahab ‘eth – in a close personal relationship, they show their genuine affection for and appreciation of) Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence) name (shem – personal and proper designation and reputation).

Seeking to exist as His coworkers (la hayah la huw’ la ‘ebed), they always observe (kol shamar – exclusively, 728literally, and continually they examine and consider (qal participle active – known for actually and actively being attentive and thoughtful)) the Shabat (Shabat – the promise of the seventh day), making it special by not disrespecting it (min chalal huw’ – not treating it with contempt by allowing it to become commonplace and ordinary).

They willingly demonstrate an intense desire to learn about, to be steadfastly committed to, and to become empowered (chazaq – they are resolutely focused on and committed to studying, then dedicated to accomplishing the intended purpose through their unremitting and unrelenting resolve to help encourage others to grasp hold of and prevail (hifil participle)) by My Covenant (ba beryth ‘any – through My Family-Oriented Agreement). (Yasha’yah 56:6)

It is My desire (taphilah ‘any – due to My intervention and assessment and as a result of My reasoning and judgment, it is My decision) to bring (wa bow’ – to pursue and carry) them to My Set-Apart Mountain (hem ‘el har qodesh ‘any) and cause them to rejoice, being elated (wa samach hem – to have them enjoy a positive attitude, happy) in the family (ba beyth – within the home). Their uplifting sacrifices and elevating offerings (‘olah hem wa zebach hem) will be accepted and favored (la ratsown – will be approved with pleasure) on My altar (‘al mizbeach ‘any).

This is because (ky) My House (beyth ‘any – My Home and Family) shall be called (qara’ – will be designated and summoned as) a Home (beyth) of Intervention (taphilah – of reasoned requests and sound judgment; from palah – to be separated and designated as marvelous and wonderful) for the entire family (la kol ha ‘am).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 56:7)

This is role reversal. Hasidic Jews look down upon non-Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and they are racists in their degradation of Gowym. With all evidence to the contrary, they view themselves as superior. And yet those receiving 729preferential treatment from Yahowah are gowym and secular Jews. As the proverbial sons and daughters of the Nakar | Observant Foreigner, they would all have been decidedly anti-religious.

However, the gowym being adopted by Yahowah are not accepted because they are gowym but, instead, because they exemplify the meaning of Yisra’el | “individuals who engage and endure with God.” And these Yahuwdym are not being rejected or replaced because they are Yahuwdym but, instead, because they have chosen to behave like gowym. Therefore, the Covenant relationship is correct while Judaism is wrong.

There are a number of commonalities between what has been said of the Nakar and those who have come to know Yahowah through this partnership. Following ‘Abraham’s footsteps, they have all come to enjoy a close, personal relationship with Yahowah. These Children of the Covenant have fallen in love with Yahowah’s name, which is why you will find so many of them congregating around a place called Yada Yahowah.

We are thrilled to be employed by our Heavenly Father and consider it a privilege to serve Yah. As unqualified as we may be, we recognize that with time short and workers few, God is more than capable of overcoming our inadequacies – enlightening and empowering us with His Word and Spirit.

As Yasha’yah’s prophecy attests, we are actively engaged on the Shabat, celebrating the promise of the seventh day by being observant. We use this day to closely examine and carefully consider Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching and Guidance. For many of us, the seventh day gets underway as the sun sets on a Friday evening, and we begin our Shabat Towrah Study.

For us, the Shabat is liberating. It is the antithesis of the rabbinical approach of being paralyzed by ridiculous religious edicts which ensures that this weekly opportunity to enhance one’s relationship with Yahowah is squandered.

730With Hasidic Jews having made their stifling and antiquated religion their life’s work, the Shabat is profaned as the most religious day of the week. Unlike those who have come to know Yahowah through the Nakar, they show their contempt by honoring their Talmud and then calling their religious drivel the Torah. They despise Yahowah’s name to such a degree that they have edited it out of the Towrah and Prophets.

The majority of souls who have come to know Yahowah through the Nakar’s translations and insights are Yahuwdym | Jews. We are “chazaq ba beryth – steadfastly committed to learning all there is to know about the Covenant” and “demonstrate our unremitting and unrelenting resolve to encourage others to prevail, as we have, by becoming part of God’s Family.”

Upon Yahowah’s return with Dowd on Yowm Kipurym, we joyfully anticipate being brought to the Har Qodesh by Yahowah. We will be there to celebrate God’s reconciliation with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah – a reunion we served to enhance by openly sharing the words of the prophets. As part of Yahowah’s growing Family, we will rejoice, knowing that we contributed as Yahowah had requested.

Our offering on this day will be accepted because it is comprised of Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym. We will have played our part in calling them home. The favored of God will be lifted up on this day because they, too, have come to love the name, people, place, and word of Yahowah, our God. We intervened in this dispute on behalf of the entire family by rebuking Judaism as we celebrated what it means to be Yahuwdym.

It would be impossible to overemphasize what Yahowah has inspired Yasha’yah to convey on our behalf. These are transformative words, serving as a life-changing revelation.

Perhaps the most pondered question throughout time has been: If there is a God, how do I approach Him? And 731here we find the answer. These prophetic writings demonstrate that Yahowah is God. And He has just provided a list of things shared by those who are invited into His home.

As members of our Heavenly Father’s Family:

1. We form a relationship with Yahowah. We choose to associate with God in a manner that is consistent with the Covenant’s Terms and Conditions. Man was created for this purpose and, therefore, is rewarded for choosing to know, love, trust, and rely upon our Creator’s and Savior’s Instructions.

2. We serve God. Those of us who accept the invitation to live in Yahowah’s home render assistance, fulfilling our roles in our Heavenly Father’s Family. Our contribution enables the family to grow.

3. We love Yahowah’s personal name. More than just knowing it, we adore and treasure it. We wear Yahowah’s name proudly in recognition that God is our Father. And we proclaim Yahowah’s name boldly, recognizing that it alone has the power to save, especially when it is associated with His beloved Son.

4. We are and will always be devoted to learning. By closely examining and carefully considering the Towrah, we are motivated to share Yahowah’s guidance. This inspires us to expose and condemn religious lies as witnesses to the truth of the Towrah. We do so, especially on Taruw’ah, so that God’s intent to reconcile His relationship with His people is known.

5. We actively observe the Shabat. We use this day to increase our understanding of Yahowah’s plan and prophetic timeline while seeking to enhance our relationship with our Father.

6. We are passionate about the Covenant, and as such, we walk with God and respond to Him in accordance with the five conditions which comprise and define the agreement. And by responding to and accepting the 732Covenant’s instructive conditions, we are afforded abundant and eternal life within Yahowah’s Family.

7. We respond to Yahowah’s requests and appreciate His intercession on our behalf. As beneficiaries of Passover, UnYeasted Bread, Firstborn Children, and Seven Shabats, we are thrilled to blow the Showphar on Trumpets. As a result, Yahowah is pleased to bring us to His mountain and home so that we can celebrate His return on Yowm Kipurym.

Continuing to teach us, God says:

“Yahowah ( – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), My Upright One and Foundation (‘edony), who gathers (qabats – who collects, unifies, saves, and assembles) the scattered (nadach – the exiled and cast out) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God) yet again (‘owd – now and forevermore) announces, in advance of it occurring (na’um – prophetically prophesies), ‘I will assemble, bringing together (qabats – I will accumulate and amass (piel imperfect – the saved are obtained by God’s actions which are enduring)) before him (‘al huw’ – in front of him) those he has obtained (la qabats huw’ – those he has encouraged to draw near, to be called out and gather together (nifal participle – the subject passively receives the benefit of having played a role in having obtained these people, and he is now defined by his actions) [from 1QIsa]).’” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Liberates and Delivers / Isaiah 56:8)

It appears as if Yasha’yah is acknowledging two related events. The beloved prophet is reminding us that Yahowah will once again “qabats – collect, unify, assemble, and save” the “nadach – scattered” sheep of Yisra’el. This process began on January 27th, 1945, with the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, leading directly to the return of Yahuwdym to Yisra’el. It will conclude 88 years 248 days thereafter (777,360 hours) 733on October 2nd, 2033 (in year 6000 Yah) on the Day of Reconciliations.

The second aspect of this appears to be deeply personal – letting us see an aspect of Yahowah’s character seldom considered. God has arranged a glorious reception on behalf of the gowy frantically blowing the showphar, the Nakar | Observant Foreigner, and Sarys | Authorized Designee. Yahowah wants the man He has deployed to call His people home to witness the product of his efforts: a united Yisra’el gathered before Yahowah. It is an acknowledgment of a job well done and greatly appreciated.

And while Yada views his contributions as negligible compared to Moseh and Dowd, God realizes that a joy shared is a joy magnified. The Nakar will get, albeit in a much more dramatic fashion than he anticipated, what he has long desired – the opportunity to experience Yahowah’s joy in the presence of His people. So, while he has requested nothing more than being allowed to stand in the back of the room when Yahowah greets His Family for the first time, it seems that God wants more. It is what Fathers do when their children please them by accomplishing something worthwhile. He, as a proud Father, wants to see His Son’s response to all they have achieved by working together. Turns out, they want the same thing and for the same reason.

On behalf of Yisra’el, I have shared the prophetic pronouncement regarding the Nakry throughout Yada Yahowah. In the Hebrew text, the only difference between nakar  and nakry  is the addition of the Yowd , or hand of Yahowah, making nakry “My Observant Foreigner.” In the pictographic characters which originally shaped these words, nakar means: the seeds which take root and grow are being handed to the observant to see and consider. And while that is good, presented as , nakry is far better. Hebrew words are determined to be beneficial or counterproductive based on whether the characters which comprise them move toward or away from one of 734the four letters comprising Yahowah’s name . And in the case of nakry, the child of the Covenant bearing the seed , and the observant individual , are drawn looking toward Yahowah’s outstretched hand .

With an eye to these characters, the Nes | Banner the Choter | Secondary Branch has been tasked with writing at Yahowah’s behest is scribed . It speaks of a son sowing the seeds which grow and bear fruit on a sign which is being lifted up for all to read. With this in mind, here is Shalomoh | Solomon’s commencement address to the Children of Yisra’el upon the completion of Yahowah’s Home on Mount Mowryah – the very place the Nakry will offer his life to spare the remnant of Yisra’el. And since this prophetic pronouncement was delivered in 968 BCE, standing in the very place the Nakry will stand as the ‘Adamah Parah, these words will have echoed above the Temple Mount for exactly 3,000 years prior to their fulfillment on Taruw’ah, September 24th at sunrise, year 6000 Yah / 2033.

After addressing the exemplary lives and lyrics of his father, Dowd’s son proclaimed…

“Therefore (wa gam), regarding someone else, this Nakry | Observant and Discerning Foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location who will come to understand (ha nakry – the Nakry, a man from a different place and culture, speaking a different language, who, having paid attention, will comprehend; from nakar – someone who, by being attentive and astute, will come to be acquainted, recognize, and acknowledge something which deserves our highest regard and respect), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – who, to reveal the correct and restrictive path to walk to get the most out of life), is not of your people (lo’ min ‘am ‘atah), this Yisra’el (Yisra’el huw’).

He will come (wa bow’ – he will arrive and enter the scene) from a distant country in a distant time (min ‘erets rachowq – out of a land far from Yisra’el and 735following a long interval of time (explaining why ‘erets was associated with Yah’s Nakry when introduced by Moseh)) for the express purpose of being a reliable witness and providing truthful answers regarding (lama’an – for the sake of responding and replying, providing testimony, as a witness with the express intent and purpose of revealing; from ‘aman – to be trustworthy and reliable, even verifiable, regarding) Your (‘atah – ‘y’our would be Yahuwdah – Yahowah’s beloved while ‘Y’our would be Yahowah’s) exceedingly important (ha gadowl – tremendously empowering and distinguished, growth-promoting and magnifying, astonishingly great) name (shem – personal and proper designation, renown, and reputation).

Your hand and influence are felt (wa yad ‘atah – Your ability to accomplish the mission is perceived, especially Your Yowd, the first letter in Your name which as an open hand reaching down and out defines Your role in our lives, denoting Your ability to engage and accomplish the task at hand is experienced (also serving as a reference to influencing the perceptions of Dowd, Yah’s Right Hand)), with this Chazaq | Influential and Passionate Man who is prepared to lead (ha chazaq – the strong and steadfast individual with a fighting spirit who protects others from harm, the one who is intensely prepared and resolutely capable of encouraging, repairing, and defending the family, the one who embodies the right character, appropriate status, and speaking ability to govern appropriately with a firm and strong hand who knows how to lead in the proper direction and will do so with a firm hand (speaking of the one who will serve alongside Dowd)) as (wa) the Zarowa’ | One Sowing the Seeds and Cultivating His Harvests on behalf of His Protective Shepherd and Sacrificial Lamb (Zarowa’ huw’ – the prevailing and fruitful nature of the one with the strength, resolve, and overall ability to serve as His shepherd among His sheep, who is prolific in all of His ways, accomplishing His mission by sowing the seeds which encourage new life and growth while denoting and 736advancing the purpose of the Arm of God, of His Shepherd, and His Sacrificial Lamb (the latter being Dowd)) whom You have reached out and will extend (‘atah ha natah – through whom You have stretched out).

When (wa) he arrives on the scene and chooses to pursue this (bow’ – when he (speaking of the Nakry, Chazaq, and Zarowa’) comes, bringing and bearing these associations, wanting to clarify the proper direction toward the ultimate goal which is to enter back into the relationship and be included within the family (qal perfect consecutive – literally and genuinely, during this moment in time, and of his own volition)), then (wa) he will help interested parties reconcile their relationship by providing those who exercise good judgment with the information and justifications needed to make a correct and reasoned decision (palal – he (the Nakry and Zarowa’) will intervene in the relationship by providing an accurate assessment of the evidence, enabling thoughtful individuals to come to an agreement, and by foreseeing future events he will provide persuasive arguments which are assured to deliver the expected results) regarding this familial relationship (‘el ha beyth ha zeh – pertaining to and concerning God’s home and family (bringing Yisra’el back home, back to the Temple in Yaruwshalaim)). (Dabarym ha Yowmym / Words of the Days / 2nd Chronicles 6:32)

When you hear this out of the heavens, coming from the atmosphere (wa ‘atah shama’ min ha shamaym – when you listen to what comes out of the spiritual realm by way of the sky (perhaps prophetic of radio waves and especially satellite-based broadband internet connections now archived in the cloud under Yada Yahowah)) within the location where you live (min makown yashab ‘atah – within the place you are located and dwell), then (wa) engage and act accordingly, doing everything (‘asah ka kol – under the auspices of freewill, endeavor to expend the considerable effort required to receive all the benefits, doing everything consistent with the example and pattern 737he has set (qal perfect consecutive)) which, to show the way (‘asher – that, to reveal the proper path to get the most out of life and receive the benefits associated with the relationship), the Nakry | Observant Foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location who understands (ha nakry – the Nakry, this man from a different place and culture, speaking a different language, who is uniquely discerning) has invited you to read (qara’ ‘el ‘atah – has proclaimed and offered to you about God, has recited to you, summoning you to it, calling you out to meet with and be welcomed by God (qal imperfect – literally with unfolding consequences)), for the express purpose of being a witness who provides answers such that (lama’an – for the sake of responding, providing testimony, with the express intent and purpose of revelation so that) every person on the Earth (kol ‘am ha ‘erets) will have a genuine and ongoing opportunity to become familiar with Yada, to know, acknowledge, accept, and understand (yada’ – will be shown by Yada’ so that they might appreciate and comprehend (qal imperfect – genuinely and actually on an ongoing basis)) Your name (‘eth shem ‘atah – that which is associated with Your proper designation and actual reputation), coming to respect and revere You (wa la yare’ ‘eth ‘atah – once revitalized, will approach Your awesome nature) simultaneously along with (ka – concurrently with) Your people (‘am ‘atah), Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Struggle and Wrestle or Engage and Endure with God).

And also so that (wa la) they may know (yada’ – they might acknowledge, accept, and understand) that, truthfully (ky – assuredly), Your Family, and this House (‘al ha beyth ha zeh – that Your home) which, to reveal the correct path to walk to give life meaning that (‘asher – to show the way to benefit from the relationship) I have built for the family (banah – I [Shalomoh] have constructed for the generations, for the son and the son’s son), are designated and called (qara’ – is summoned and received, proclaimed and appointed, and especially called out and welcomed) by Your name (shem ‘atah – by Your 738proper designation, reputation, and renown (Yahuwdah – Yahowah’s Beloved)).” (Dabarym ha Yowmym / Words of the Days / 2nd Chronicles 6:33)

Since this was written 2,924 years before I was born, 2,970 years before I was called and engaged, and 3,000 years before I will have achieved what Yahowah is acknowledging through this prophecy, I did not ask Yahowah to draw your attention to me. My desire was to work together, such that the mission would be successfully completed and done correctly. And yet, I would be doing God and His people a disservice to run from these prophetic pronouncements. Yahowah wants Yisra’el to listen to Him and to come home. And not finding a Yahuwd who was willing to listen or engage, God selected a gowy. Nevertheless, He seems to be pleased with what we have accomplished on His People’s behalf.

I love this job. As I learn and come to understand, I am afforded the opportunity to teach God’s Family. And yes, I am thrilled by what we have accomplished. I am, however, overwhelmed. It is one thing to read of and share the heroics of Moseh and Dowd, but entirely another to see oneself spoken about in the ways we have just read. Aware of my flaws and failings, but also my steadfast devotion, I have at times struggled to put this all into the proper perspective – especially as Yasha’yah led us from Choter to Nes, from Basar to Qowl, and from Zarowa’ to Parah.

My intent was to remain Yada’, an invisible and transparent witness, striving to share Yahowah’s testimony as accurately as possible. But my Father wanted more, and He incorporated His adopted son into His story. I have become the Voice calling out in the wilderness of words, preparing all who will listen for Yahowah’s arrival with His Firstborn, our Shepherd, Messiah, and King – as well as our Savior. I have even been afforded the opportunity to cleanse the whore, preparing the remnant of Yisra’el for the Great Reset in advance of my beloved God’s and King’s return.

Having a gowy perform in this fashion for God may 739come across as a bit insulting, and perhaps that is the point. Given every advantage, Yahuwdym turned a blind eye to Yahowah. And so, by using a gowy, our Father may be taunting His children, saying, “If he gets it, why are you all so clueless?” God has tried every other approach, including speaking directly to His people, but with limited success, so this is His final attempt at awakening them. If you are offended, good. Live up to your calling and we’ll sing together.

The reunion with His Family on this day may be the single most joyous moment in Yahowah’s eternal existence. And to think that He wants to share it with you and me speaks volumes about Him. And yet, it is so Yah, so much like the loving Father we have all come to know and respect.


So as not to disappoint, let’s move on to the next line in His program. As a tenderhearted soul who adores animals, a sentiment shared with Yah, to the extent that we have one more positive statement before rebuking the religious and political among His people, let’s celebrate nature…

“All of your (kol ‘atem – your every [from 1QIsa]) animals (chayah – lifeforms, living creatures; from chay – to be alive) of the open environs (sadeh – of the countryside), may come (‘atah – you have arrived) to eat (‘akal – to be fed) – including your every lifeform (gam kol chayah ‘atem – even all of your living beings [from 1QIsa]) of the forest (ba ha ya’ar).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Frees / Isaiah 56:9)

It would be like ‘Eden if Yahowah brought all of the animals He had created before His children. We might learn to more fully appreciate and enjoy them – perhaps even speak with them. I expect to see animals like these 740throughout eternity. Life is something Yahowah celebrates. It is the most interesting aspect of creation.

There is the possibility that Yahowah is using chayah metaphorically. Chay speaks of those who are alive and yah is the familial form of our Father’s name. Those of us who are returning following the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests to witness Yahowah’s return on Yowm Kipurym, are now living with Yahowah integrated into our nature. And one Feast will be followed by another, since after the Homecoming on Kipurym we will Camp Out together on Sukah with Dad.

In the following statement keleb | dog is being used symbolically to depict vicious and rabid rabbis. It is a challenging metaphor today because, unlike 2,700 years ago when this was written, dogs have become part of our families. Even the Hebrew word, keleb, means “all heart,” depicting why we have come to love them so much. But back then, dogs were not cute, they hunted in packs and were cunning scavengers – often preying on the young, old, unprotected, and weak.

And to be fair to Yah, one of His favorite people bore the name Kaleb. When the Yisra’elites cowered at the opportunity to enter the Promised Land as a result of hearing that there were others living there, it was Kaleb, whose courage and understanding caused him to rise up before the people. Kaleb was willing to trust Yahowah and confidently go where God’s words and presence had led them. As a result, Kaleb and Yahowsha’ alone, among that entire generation, were invited into the Promised Land. It was because they did not hesitate or equivocate in Yahowah’s presence. (Numbers 13:30 and Deuteronomy 1:35-36)

Having not learned the lesson of Kaleb nearly 3,500 years later, with another open invitation to enter the Promised Land, we find Yisra’el’s leaders once again paralyzing the people. Of those working to silence God’s voice by shouting over Him in the aftermath of the Taruw’ah harvest, God says:

741“His watchmen (tsaphah huw’ – those assigned to be Israel’s lookouts and keep watch, protecting Yahuwdym (i.e., political, religious, military, academic, and media representatives) [scribed in 1QIsa such that “his” is a reference to Yisra’el]) are blind (‘iwer – are unable to see and are unaware). They are all (kol hem) ignorantly opposed to Yada’ (lo’ yada’ – without understanding, unaware and irrational, without revelation or respect, clueless and stupid (qal perfect)).

They are all (kol hem) dumb dogs (‘ilem keleb – conniving male prostitutes incapable of intelligent speech) without the capacity to understand or the ability to prevail (lo’ yakol – unqualified and incapable, utterly incompetent), barking and howling (la nabach – making incomprehensible sounds (only used this one time, with the closest cognate being nabuw’ah – babbling Babylonian prophets)), panting while dreaming (hazah), lying around smitten with their inactivity and lack of awareness (shakab ‘ahab la nuwmsleeping around and yet enamored with inability and impotency while essentially comatose). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:10)

These dogs (wa ha keleb – conniving prostitutes) have the soul of a goat, as they are stubborn, aggressive, and disagreeable creatures, bitterly antagonistic (‘ez nepesh – they are obstinate, and yet forceful, fiercely belligerent individuals). They never acknowledge that they have taken too much (lo’ yada’ saba’ah – they do not realize how gluttonous and dissatisfied they have been, nor do they acknowledge that their sexual desires are unrestrained and insatiable, wallowing in abundance, they are unconcerned about those they have deprived).

They are shepherds (wa hem ra’ah – those tending to the flock, feeding and leading the sheep, serving as a metaphor for religious leaders, are) without Yada’, ignorant and irrational, devoid of understanding (lo’ yada’ byn – they are clueless, disrespectful, and unaware, neither perceiving nor comprehending, lacking the capacity to teach).

742All of them have turned their own way (kol hem la derek hem panah), every man for his own ill-gotten gain and dishonest advantage (‘ysh la betsa’ huw’ – because of his own personal greed, being immoral and using deception to steal) without exception or restraint (min qatseh huw’ – every last one of them, from beginning to end).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Liberates / Isaiah 56:11)

A watchman in the prophet’s parlance is an official representative of the people who has the responsibility to keep watch over them, protect and inform them, and be aware of what is happening all around them. The tsaphah are Israel’s political, religious, military, academic, and media leaders. And according to God, they are all blind.

Yada’ has been used prolifically throughout this prophecy. As both the title under which these 35 volumes devoted to more accurately translating Yahowah’s testimony have been written, and as my pen name, I am especially attuned to its use. And on each of the previous three occasions, yada’ has been negated, thereby showing the degenerative effect of Judaism on Jews, causing the world’s brightest to become ignorant and irrational when addressing HaShem.

As more and more Jews denounce Judaism and engage in the Covenant, many as a result of what they have read in Yada Yahowah, rabbis will become ever more lo’ Yada’, fulfilling this prophecy. They will behave like a pack of rabid dogs – too sick to realize that they are the reason their people are dying. Incapable of anything other than worn-out platitudes and ad hominem insults, they will remain completely out of touch with reality.

Since rabbis are acclaimed as sages, wise men, and great and godly thinkers, the religious will find Yahowah’s rebuke untenable. And yet, how does one deny the word of God, scribed by your prophet, to your people, in your language?

This attack on the motives and credibility of Yisra’el’s rabbis is not only blistering, but it also specifically 743denounces the pack leaders at this moment and time. And it is comprehensive in documenting the extent of their malfeasance. We have just begun.

These “dastardly dogs” are religious prostitutes. Pretending to be wise, God claims that they are ignorant – deprived by their religion and greed of the capacity to understand. In His view, rabbis are blathering idiots, impotent and incompetent – essentially comatose. From Yahowah’s perspective, the men who claim to represent HaShem are bitterly antagonistic and disagreeable creatures, obstinate and belligerent souls, making them more like goats than sheep.

God is calling Yisra’el’s religious leaders gluttonous and insatiable, sexual predators, pursuing their own agenda. They are lo’ yada’ byn – not just ignorant, but irrational, both clueless and stupid, unaware and incapable of understanding. To yada’ is to know while byn speaks of understanding by way of making intelligent connections. They practice neither.

Should you think that Yahowah is prone to hyperbole, let’s consider the facts. The ten richest rabbis in Israel have a combined wealth of $765 million. The grandson of the Kabbala Master, Baba Sali, Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira, became the wealthiest of them all by charging Jews exorbitant sums for his blessings. Rabbis are the highest-paid clerics in the world, with average annual salaries 350% higher than Christian clerics and 600% more than Imams. There is a fee for almost every occasion, and nothing is free. And for what: lying to their stooges? You know it’s true Yisra’el. Your God said it, you’ve witnessed it, now admit it.

These “shepherds” have become thieves, with every rabbi, without exception, dishonest in their solicitation of ill-gotten gain. Worst of all, they are paid by the state of Israel, with taxpayers even forced to send these deadbeats to rabbinical school – as if it takes a special education to deceive and swindle the people.

744When it comes to issues of control, rabbis are ruthless. They will stop at nothing to keep someone from slipping away from their religious tentacles. Moreover, they suffer from normalcy bias, which causes them to rebuff manifest warnings of impending doom, such as this, and live like nothing is ever going to change.

“‘Come, let us consent to assemble together and agree to change everything around (‘atah – let’s approach things differently (qal imperative)). Let us reach for and receive (laqach – let us select and accept, taking) the wine (yayn), drinking fermented, alcoholic beverages (shekar – alcohol) to remain inebriated and intoxicated (saba’ – to the point of drunkenness).

Tomorrow (machar – the future) will be like (wa hayah ka – will come to exist similar to) this day (zeh yowm), with us more powerful and important (gadowl – greater and more distinguished), even more exalted and wealthier (yether – considered superior, abundantly enriched through the binding nature of religion), exerting our power and influence (ma’od – being praised and honored as inspirational).’” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Frees / Isaiah 56:12)

And such is the toast of the rabbis. With their bearded noses in the air, they will fall flat on their tuchuses – soiling their ugly religious outfits in the process. Yahowah is describing people who are rallying to change His message and His Word to suit their own political and religious agendas.

The undercurrent of both the Talmud and Zohar is change – moving from God to man, from freedom to control, from enlightenment to ignorance. But a new day is dawning. Yahowah is returning with Dowd and neither finds stupid appealing – especially when the idiots are braggarts.

Intoxicated with their own sense of self-worth, their own words, their own religion and political schemes, Israel’s leadership, especially rabbis (exalted ones), have 745controlled Jews for so long, they cannot imagine this ever changing. And yet, during the Miqra’ of Taruw’ah, as rabbis think they are ushering in a new year on Rosh Hashanah, all but one of their harshest critics will vanish. What then?
