570Yada Yahowah




Taruw’ah | Cleaning House

The Red Heifer…

With so much at stake, in Yasha’yah’s treatise on proper Chotering, the prophet is profuse in explaining how to recognize and respond to the Zarowa’ cultivating the harvests. In the midst of describing how and when the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr and the Taruw’ah Laqat will be fulfilled, when the Covenant Family is removed from Earth and brought to Heaven, Isaiah reminds those left behind of the Parah | Productive Heifer. She was introduced to the Children of Yisra’el in Bamidbar / Numbers 5, along with the nature of her sacrifice, and what it would resolve. Moseh’s remedy for repulsive religious revolt was presented immediately prior to the embarrassing meltdown of Yahuwdym at Marybah.

Yasha’yah’s declaration, as it is recorded in the 17th chapter of Isaiah, is among the most challenging of all prophecies to decipher – and that is by design. God did not want it understood until the time arose when it needed to be understood. And that is where we find ourselves.

His oration on future history was placed in the context of our time. We are on the precipice of the Syrian regime falling and Damascus falling. The world’s Muslims and Progressives are demanding that an Islamic State, one whose future occupants are resolutely and openly devoted to the annihilation of Jews and the eradication of Israel through terror, be cared out of the nation’s heart – just as the prophecy portends. And when this transpires seven years prior to the Messiah’s return, beginning the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, the Covenant Family, presented as Standing Grain, will be withdrawn. Soon thereafter, the 571world will be engulfed in war as the Death Cult of Islam launches its most diabolical attack on God’s People – raping, abducting, torturing, and slaughtering men, women, and children with reckless abandon.

To dull the point of the satanic sword, Yahowah will dispatch His Witnesses, ‘ElYah and Yada, such that they arrive in Yaruwshalaim on the 1st of ‘Abyb / April 4th, 2030. Speaking from atop the Temple Mount, cleared of all religious rubbish, and with a restored Tabernacle of the Restoring Testimony as a backdrop, they will be inviting the surviving remnant of the Children of Yisra’el to embrace Yahowah’s shem, towrah, beryth, miqra’ey, and mashyach. With most blaming Jews for everything and wanting them dead, and the noose tightening around their necks, God’s People are now running out of time and options.

The lone remaining highway out of the wilderness and to the Promised Land is the Taruw’ah | Trumpets Laqat | Gleaning which is scheduled for the 1st day of the 7th month in year 6000 Yah, a Friday evening just after sundown, September 23rd, 2033. But participation in this River of Light is reserved exclusively for Yahuwdym | the Beloved of Yah and Yisra’el | Individuals Engaging and Enduring with God who have become Beryth | Family.

According to the great prophet, there will be some multiple of two or three Yahuwdym and three or four Yisra’elites deliberately left behind. While unharvestable, they will be kept safe in the fissures and cracks of the Crag until morning. And that is when something exceptional occurs. Yada, having concluded his service as the Zarowa’, a feminine title addressing his role in cultivating the seeds pursuant to the productive harvests, will release the Seven Ruwach who have inspired and emboldened him, and dispatch the mal’ak | spiritual implements guarding him. As the sun rises on the Shabat of Taruw’ah during the 120th Yowbel, Saturday, the 24th of September, 2033, Yada will summon the corporeal manifestation of ha Satan and taunt him, as Dowd did Goliath.

572Unable to be other than who he is, the Devil’s Advocate will have his Islamic and Progressive accomplices slaughter me, bludgeoning me to death so that, when the surviving mortal remnant responds as instructed, Yisra’el will live, properly prepared to witness and celebrate Kipurym.

The means to this end is the ‘Adamah Parah | Red Heifer. And so I find it interesting that the first time a red heifer was recognized in Israel was on Friday, April 5th, 2002, during Bikuwrym in that year, corresponding to my first and only visit to Israel. Also, just as Zarowa’, a feminine noun, is used to describe three men – Moseh, Dowd, and Yada – in his concluding role, the bullish nature of the final Zarowa’ is being depicted as a Parah | Fruitful and Productive Heifer.

And so, on Taruw’ah, a Goat named ‘ElYah will oversee the sacrifice of Yada as the ‘Adamah Parah | Bloody Red Man serving as the Red Heifer on behalf of the Passover Lamb to restore Yisra’el and prepare God’s People for His imminent arrival. Then in ten days, the blood of a Goat and a Bull will be used to anoint the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant on Kipurym to restore the relationship when Dowd returns with Yahowah on Kipurym – the 10th day of the seventh month.

Since I recognize that it’s difficult for some to grasp why Yahowah would use male and female names and titles for Himself, for those working with him, and for those things which are vital for us to understand, I have would like to share something very few consider. While every woman is all female, every man is half woman. Genetically, women are pure and amplified femininity with two X chromosomes ~ XX. Human males have one X and one Y chromosome ~ XY, giving us masculine and feminine characteristics – just like Yahowah. This is why He said that He made man in His image male and female.

For example, when I’m in my primary role, Chotering | Serving as a Stem off of the Tree of Lives and Knowledge, as the Nakar | Observant Foreigner, the Man from ‘Edown 573is Yada | One who Knows – a Zikarown | Memorable Man after Yahowah heart. Therefore, as Yahowah’s Qowl | Voice and Dowd’s Basar | Herald, my masculine qualities prevail, particularly as the Par | Bull trampling down devils and demons among wayward men and spirits. But when I’m Cultivating the Harvest of Covenant Children as the final Zarowa’, the role requires a feminine touch. And so it is with the ‘Adamah Parah | Bloody Red Man and Productive Heifer, giving the final remnant of Yisra’el a bath and then new life as they contemplate living with Yahowah’s (a feminine name) the Towrah | Guidance (feminine) integrated into their nepesh | souls (feminine) by the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit (feminine) so that they can be included within the Beryth | Covenant Family (feminine).

From this perspective, Dowd may have been among the most fully integrated and expressive projection of XY in God’s story. He was a songwriter, singer, lyricist, and lover overcome with emotions one moment and the strong man, valiant defender, judgmental orator, and rational thinker the next. He loved men and women. He, as a Gibowr | Courageous and Competent Man, was filled with the Ruwach | Spirit, giving him a nurturing feminine perspective.

Since context is king when it comes to understanding, let’s look forward one thousand years from the day Moseh | One who Draws Out wrote the prophecy of the ‘Adamah Parah | Red Heifer to when Mal’aky / Malachi, as the last prophet, set the stage for what would occur. In the final words inspired by Yahowah to Yisra’el, he wrote about what would transpire on Taruw’ah. It will be the remnant’s only opportunity to come clean as it is also the Earth’s last chance for survival…

“‘Please pay especially close attention because (ky hineh – as a matter of branding) the day (ha yowm) will vividly and actually arrive (bow’ – will come (qal participle masculine singular)) that a fiery light will burn, blazing and consuming that which is combustible as 574part of a burnt offering to purge and remove that which is senseless and stupid (ba’ar – will be ablaze to eliminate, take away, and destroy imperfections and the kind of idiocy that leads to being stubborn and foolish (qal participle masculine singular)) like (ka – consistent with) a flaming oven, a firepot, and furnace for an exceptionally intense blaze (ha tanuwr – a crucible with an open flame from a luminary; from niyr and nuwr – the fiery light of a lamp as well as tanyn – a venomous snake, serpent, and reptile as a chameleon).” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:1 begins)

As beheld in the Towrah’s prophecy of the Red Heifer, the ba’ar | fiery light burning to consume and remove that which is senseless and stupid is the one ‘ElYah will ask Yahowah to ignite around the bludgeoned body of the ‘Adamah Parah. It will incinerate and eliminate the foolish idiocy that has rendered so many Jews incalcitrant and stubborn over the ages. It will also serve as a beacon to awaken the surviving remnant of God’s People and call them home.

And let’s be clear, as is Yahowah in His closing statement to humankind. This is more than a life-or-death event for Jews in Jerusalem. Those who will be excluded from the Taruw’ah Gleaning remain mortal and vulnerable because they were still too religious and political to say Yahowah’s name or accept the conditions of the Covenant. If not for this fire purging guilt and cleansing souls, Yahowah would exterminate them and destroy the planet rather than endure such filth. This is the final chance to come clean.

Yada, as the concluding Zarowa’, after successfully orchestrating the Taruw’ah Gleaning during the evening of Trumpets, will let down his guard at sunrise and allow the Adversary to kill him. This will be like Dowd celebrating the Pesach meal before serving as the lamb.

Then pursuant to God’s instructions, ‘ElYah will arrange the bloodied body of the Red Heifer and the cedar according to the Towrah’s specifications. God will douse 575the scene, which will transpire on the Temple Mount for all to see, with a proliferation of water emerging from a spring which will erupt for the occasion. This will replicate, albeit on a much grander scale, what ‘ElYah orchestrated by burning the bull before ‘Ahab, ‘Iyezebel, and the prophets of Ba’al | the Lord and ‘Asherah | the Blessed Queen of Heaven and Mother of God two millennia 888 years prior to this day. It will cleanse Mowryah, Tsyown, and the City of Dowd as the ashen waters pour off the Mount.

As before, this blazing spectacle will be ignited by God. And it will serve as a beacon to garner the remnant’s attention and call His People Home. All the while, this blazing cauldron of bull, cedar, hyssop, ash, steam, and water will incinerate the religious and political guilt of the remnant of Yisra’el, cleansing them sufficiently such that these mortals are prepared to reunite with Yahowah after a 3,480-year intermission for bad behavior and an unacceptable attitude.

Simultaneously, the trash in and around Jerusalem will be incinerated. Even the corporeal manifestation of Satan will be singed. Consider it cleaning house before the rightful owners return.

As we shall see, the reason that these were the last words inspired by God and shared with humankind is that this fire, the bull, and ashes burning and purging the stubborn idiocy of Yisra’elites is the last chance anyone will have to prepare themselves to enter God’s presence. What ‘ElYah will accomplish with the Red Heifer on Taruw’ah saves a remnant of humanity and the Earth from annihilation. Working together, we will succeed, or everything is all for naught – the entire human experiment.

According to what Yahowah inspired Mal’aky to write, the blaze engulfing the Red Heifer becomes a roaring conflagration, incinerating all who have come to claim Yaruwshalaim | the Source from which Guidance and Direction on Reconciliation Flows.

576“Then (wa), all who are presumptuous and arrogant (kol zed – insolent, self-motivated, self-reliant, and contemptible, morally defective with an inflated view of themselves and their immoral opinions), in addition to all who engage in and act upon (wa kol ‘asah – everyone who does) that which is wickedly wrong so as to bear their guilt and remain condemnable (risha’ah – those who are unGodly in violation of the Towrah, unethical and incorrect, violent and criminal), will become (hayah – will exist as (qal perfect third person)) worthless stubble and wasteful chaff (qash – dried-up husks blown by the wind, worthless trifles; from qashash – assembled stubble and sticks). And it will be scorched and set ablaze, burning them up and consuming them (lahat ‘eth hem – it will be devoured and destroyed in the flames, setting them afire and killing them (piel perfect)).” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:1 continues)

The great blaze consuming the Red Heifer and purging Yisra’el’s guilt will scorch the religious and political who are opposed to God and His People. The City of Dowd and the Mountain of God will be expunged of all belligerents. This is the first step in restoring Gan ‘Eden.

This next pronouncement can be read in two ways, both of which will transpire. The Choter | Branch for New Growth, now fittingly depicted as a Soresh | Sucker and ‘Anaph | Stem, will hold the religious and political accountable, seeing to it that they are burned. And by doing so, he will demonstrate his love for the remnant he will not forsake. As the Soresh and ‘Anaph, he will return for those left behind.

“This day (ha yowm) which is coming (ha bow’),’ says (‘amar) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH) of the heavenly hosts (tsaba’ – organized force who are inclined to do His will, helping and fighting), ‘for there to be joy in the relationship (‘asher), the steadfast Soresh | Sucker emerging from the original root of the family line (Soresh) and ‘Anaph | Stem branching out from the 577trunk to provide cover (‘anaph), will not free or release them nor will he abandon or forsake those left behind (lo’ ‘azab la hem – he will not spare them such that he does not desert those who remain).’” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:1 concludes)

This isn’t the day of days, but it is the dramatic prelude to Yowm Kipurym – Yahowah’s and Dowd’s Homecoming. It is what makes the Family Reunion possible.

It is important that we appreciate exactly what is transpiring. The sacrifice of the Red Heifer, like that of the Passover Lamb forty Yowbel previous to this occasion, would be nothing more than the gruesome murder of a willing victim without Yahowah’s guidance and involvement. He and His Towrah explain why these events matter. The Lamb and the Heifer, as Dowd and Yada, are fulfilling the roles the Almighty appointed for them. He and I were conceived and prepared for this purpose.

God is correct; for Heaven to be heavenly, the hellish behavior experienced on Earth must go. Therefore, He is eradicating the source of man’s troubles – religion, politics, and human militancy.

While the Towrah speaks vociferously of this day, and of the role I have been asked to play during it, the primary responsibility for introducing and educating the Choter who becomes the Heifer has always been Yasha’yah’s. He reveals the nature of the man and details the support he will receive from God to compose the books the Yahowah will use to garner Yisra’el’s attention before it is too late. The great prophet presents the Choter in his 11th chapter as a Sucker emerging from the fallen stump and neglected roots of Yisra’el. He is also shown to be a Stem off of the main Branch of the Tree of Lives while also serving as the Tree of Knowledge. Soresh | Sucker emerging from the original root of the family line and ‘Anaph | the Stem branching out of the tree to provide cover, serve to clarify who is serving God’s People on this day.

578Yahowah is addressing how the Choter will morph into the ‘Adamah Parah | the Bloodied and Productive Man, who as the Red Heifer will appear at dawn on Taruw’ah. Following the successful Laqat | Gleaning the previous sunset, which is the same day from the Towrah’s perspective, the Zarowa’ | One Cultivating the Harvest will be transformed to save Yahuwdym, Yisra’el, and the planet…

“So, then (wa) she will appear at dawn with the sunrise, shining brightly, ascending with the sun for the dawning of a new day, providing enlightenment (wa zarach – she will become visible and illuminating on a new day (qal perfect third-person feminine singular)) on your behalf and for all of you to approach (la ‘atem – you all to draw near) who respect and value (yare’ – who revere, venerate, and honor) My name (shem ‘any – My personal and proper designation, reputation, and acclaim), the rightful and vindicating Sun of Righteousness (shemesh tsadaqah – the luminary arising in the east to bring light and life along with the innocence of a new day, justly illuminating and resolving prior charges of guilt, justly absolving and correctly acquitting by enlightening; from an unused root meaning: to be brilliant and right), along with restoration and reconciliation, providing a remedy for mortal men, curing them of the plague (wa marphe’ – delivering a cure for the pandemic, providing a remedy for to make people physically healthy and disease free; from mah – to contemplate the who, what, why, where, when, and how of rapha’ – healing) within her extremities, the exposed epidermis in the outermost part of her appearance as she takes flight to the Cornerstone (ba kanaph hy’ – in her outward appearance, her skin or hide, and that which forms the cornerstone of the home and provides wings to fly away within the hem of her robe).

You should all come forth as during an exodus (wa yatsa’ – you should we withdrawn and proceed forward, serving as the operative term of the Yatsa’ | Exodus, qal perfect second-person plural)). Leaping and frolicking 579(puwsh – you should jump around playfully and friskily, springing and skipping about (qal perfect second-person plural)) like (ka) young bulls who have come full circle, back to where it all began (‘egel – maturing bovines; from, and spelled identically to, ‘agol – to establish a pattern which has been repeated and can be played over again), contemplating being able to stretch out in a restful dwelling place again (marbeq – released from a stall; a compound of mah – to consider the implications of rabats – stretching out and living in a peaceful place).” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:2)

There are many marvelous insights in this final pronouncement pursuant to what the Choter and Zarowa’ will accomplish with ‘ElYah immediately before Yahowah’s return. Since the subject is “she,” the reference is to the Zarowa’s role as the Red Heifer. As was the case with Dowd during Passover, the celebration of our relationship with Yahowah will commence after sunset while the sacrifice will occur following the sunrise. The Hebrew day was arranged this way to accommodate the schedule of unfolding events on Pesach and now Taruw’ah. And it is this sacrifice, and what ‘ElYah reveals about it, that will add days to the lives of the remnant of Yisra’el, enlightening them at this time while emancipating them from their guilt. And this is necessary so that they can be seen in Yahowah’s presence.

Please note that although the Heifer’s sacrifice can benefit all who remain, it only serves those who respect Yahowah’s name. This is an essential insight lost on many. It is why from the beginning, starting thirty-two years prior to this selfless act, the primary mission of Yada Yahowah has been to yada’ Yahowah. Of the twelve gifts offered to Yahuwdym by Yada, the reintroduction of Yahowah’s magnificent and essential name remains first and foremost.

Since I’ve raised the subject, and since ‘ElYah will be delivering my eulogy on this day, the twelve gifts of Yowm Taruw’ah on behalf of Yowm Kipurym offered by Yada include: 1) Reintroducing Yahowah’s name. 2) Providing 580an accurate assessment of God’s nature as the Father of the Covenant Family. 3) Demonstrating that Yahowah is opposed to religion, while having composed the most compelling and comprehensive denouncements of it in God Damn Religion, Twistianity, and Babel. 4) Disclosing exactly what God is offering while denoting precisely what He expects in return. 5) Providing a more correct and complete translation and explanation of Yahowah’s testimony in the dominant language of our day. 6) Revealing the five conditions and five benefits of the Covenant. 7) Explaining the purpose individually and collectively of the seven Mow’ed Miqra’ey. 8) Offering a detailed depiction of Yahowah’s timeline, sharing when every significant event has and will occur so that the receptive are informed and prepared. 9) Reinstating Dowd’s name and acclaim, including his titles – Chosen One, Firstborn, Zarowa’, Son of God, and Messiah. 10) Properly presenting Dowd as the man who volunteered to fulfill Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym and who will return to fulfill Kipurym while serving as the King of Sukah. 11) Cultivating the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr and Taruw’ah Laqat while sharing the many prophecies pertaining to the Nakry as the Man from ‘Edom, the Choter, Qowl, Basar, ‘Ed, Mal’ak, and Zarowa’ named Yada turned ‘Adamah Parah in the end. 12) Serving as the Red Heifer, sacrificing my life so that Yahuwdym will survive, cleansed and prepared to celebrate the Homecoming and Family Reunion with Yahowah and Dowd. It is a decent resumé, and it will have been a life well lived.

In the prophetic portrayal of the ‘Adamah Parah in the Towrah, Yahowah specifically stated that the Red Heifer would be both perfect and correct and, thus, tsadaqah | right and vindicating. And by burning the sacrifice, skin and all, the implication is that the guilt of Yisra’el’s receptive remnant will be incinerated, which causes this event to be reconciling. God’s People are restored, having their garments and souls cleansed such that they can witness Yahowah’s return.

581While Dowd is represented as the sun in God’s portrayal, not Yada, because he is presented as the moon reflecting the Messiah’s light, the Heifer mirrors Dowd’s sacrifice on this occasion, preparing the way for the King’s return. Therefore, at this moment, he is shown sharing the spotlight with his King, which is appropriate considering the magnitude of the message and sacrifice. Had Yada not reestablished Dowd’s credentials and then subjected himself to this, there would be no one for the Son of God to greet on Yowm Kipurym. The remaining Yisra’elites would still be wallowing in their religious and political filth, unaware of their King’s role in their salvation.

In this way, on Yowm Taruw’ah, Yada will have become the Prince of Reconciliation, preparing Yisra’el for the arrival of their God and their King. And while this is an appropriate designation for what is achieved on this day, it is my conclusion that my sacrifice delivers a different solution to the one Dowd provided during Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym. Those who embrace the Beryth and attend the Mow’edym he fulfilled, aware of what he has done, become immortal, eternally perfected, enriched, empowered, enlightened, and fully emancipated Children of the Covenant. These individuals, having been afforded a lifetime to explore the Towrah and Prophets, were able to respond thoughtfully and appropriately. As a result, they are now long gone, having enjoyed the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr or the more recent Taruw’ah Laqat. However, in this case, with only ten days remaining between Yowm Taruw’ah and Yowm Kipurym, and with the entire remaining remnant too religious and political to have been part of the final Gleaning, there just isn’t enough time to make an informed decision.

Therefore, what Yada is doing is turning back the clock, reenacting that day more than three millennia ago when Yahowah last spoke to them, and they told Him to go away. On this day, their descendants will have the opportunity to respond more appropriately. And to give them that chance, my sacrifice, with the fire, ashes, blood, 582and water, will be guilt removing, cleaning the remnant up sufficiently to survive in Yahowah’s presence. My role is to make the Homecoming possible during what will be the final exodus.

And that is why Yahowah has returned to the ‘egel, telling all who would listen that we are coming back full circle, to where it all began long ago. The ‘Egel, now a Parah, is reprising his role in the formation, now reconciliation, of the Covenant relationship. And should you be unaware of how an ‘Egel, ‘Ez, and ‘Ayil were present, making their contribution to the first feast of the Covenant, we will turn to that presentation later in this chapter.

Kanaph is typically translated as “wing,” but neither the Heifer, Choter, nor Sun have them. Its verbal root is kanaph, spelled the same way, but it says nothing of winged flight. The actionable root is “to be thrust or pushed aside,” which would address what the Zarowa’ did to the mortal remnant of Yisra’el after gleaning the olive tree. It is sometimes rendered as “to be hidden from view,” which is what happens to the religious leaven the Red Heifer’s blood and ash remove and the fire incinerates.

In the noun variation, in addition to wing, kanaph is presented at times as “extremity, edge, border, corner, or skirt” – all connotations derived from context. Digging deeper, kanah is “to be given a flattering title or surname, a cognomen or epithet.” Also, since ken addresses that which is “right, just, honest, true, verifiable, and correct,” there is the implication that the Red Heifer will make the remnant right as the remains, skin and all, are consumed in the blaze. Therefore, there is something about the Parah’s hide that is perceived to be healing and restorative. And in this regard, since we are told that Yada will be beaten to death, his skin will be covered in the blood that is curative and brings life.

The Par | Bull’s role, whether presented as an ‘Egel or Parar, is to stamp out toxic vipers and serpents – devilish men and demonic spirits. And therefore, in the wake of the 583Heifer’s sacrifice, the Children of Yisra’el ought to join in, stamping out evil wherever it is found.

“‘Then (wa) you will tread upon and trample down (‘asas – you will stamp out and crush (qal perfect second-person plural)) the religious who are wicked and wrong, guilty and condemnable (rasha’ – the criminal who are counter to the standard, unGodly, and incorrect, whose hostility is punishable), because branded with a stigma (ky), they have chosen to be (hayah – of their own volition, they have become and will exist as (qal imperfect jussive)) ashes (‘epher – worthless, insignificant, and loathsome carbon by-products and ignominious dust) under (tachath) the soles of your feet and hooves (kaph regel ‘atem) during (ba) the day (ha yowm) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I am going to engage and act (‘any ‘asah – I, Myself, will cause this to occur and accomplish what needs to be done),’ says (‘amar – promises and declares) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) of the assembled spiritual envoys (tsaba’).” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:3)

We are reminded that the purpose of this day is to stamp out religious corruption, removing its stain and stigma from the presence of the people. And our attention is brought back to the role of the Red Heifer, with the cremated ashes purging the guilt of those who would otherwise be seen as worthless.

Also, while all of this has been in Yahowah’s voice, God is telling His People that He will reengage in their lives in this way and on this day. Once again, Yada’s sacrifice would mean nothing apart from what Yahowah does with it.

This is why God turns our attention to the Towrah. It is in the Towrah that the prophecy of the Red Heifer is presented. And this is also where we learn the purpose of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym as they enable Shabuw’ah, and then Taruw’ah makes Kipurym possible so that we might enjoy Sukah. It is also where we come to know Yahowah by name, appreciate what He is offering, and 584understand what He is asking from us in return.

“‘Remember (zakar – recall the information, events, and man mentioned in) Moseh’s (Mosheh – the One who Draws Out), My associate’s (‘ebed ‘any – My coworker’s) Towrah (Towrah – Source of Teaching and Instruction, Guidance and Direction) which, to lead to the benefits of the relationship and along the path to get the greatest joy out of life (‘asher), I instructed and directed (tsawah – I decreed, ordained, and stated with authority) through him (‘eth huw’ – with him) upon (ba) Choreb | the Cutting Edge and Dividing Line (Choreb – the cutting instrument and double-edged engraving tool, burning and cauterizing) on behalf of all Yisra’el (‘al kol Yisra’el – for all of those who engage and endure with God), even the inscribed prescriptions which cut you into the relationship (choq) and the means to execute good judgment regarding resolving disputes (wa mishpat).’” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:4)

Yahowah likes working with us and through us. He partnered with Moseh in delivering His Towrah | Teaching by allowing His colleague to interpret portions of it, especially in Dabarym. By doing so, God not only becomes deniable and resistible by design, we get to witness how others have responded to Him over time.

Also, by concluding His message to mankind referencing the Towrah of Moseh, Yahowah is announcing that His Guidance and Instructions matter while the rabbinical Talmud is worthless. God wants us to be properly informed and then free to exercise good judgment regarding what He has shared with us. And of course, on the day, the Heifer of Taruw’ah brings the Children of Yisra’el back to Choreb where the descendants who heard and rejected Yahowah’s voice have the opportunity to make a better choice.

Not only is the brilliantly sarcastic ‘ElYah joining the loquacious Yada as one of the two Witnesses heralding Dowd’s return with Yahowah, he will be orchestrating the events pursuant to the sacrifice of the Red Heifer. He’s not 585only the perfect choice, he’s the lone individual who is practiced in this regard. In fact, the best way to appreciate what Yahowah is seeking to accomplish with the ‘Adamah Parah is to consider what ‘ElYah said and did 2,888 years ago.

“‘Look (hineh – pay close attention and behold), I (‘anky) will send out (shalach – I will extend and dispatch) on your behalf (la ‘atem ‘eth), ‘ElYah (‘Elyah – Yah is God), the prophet (ha naby’ – one who proclaims the message of the Almighty), to come (la bow’ – to arrive) before (paneh – the appearance and presence of) the great (ha gadowl – exceedingly important in magnitude and extent, intense and astonishing, distinguished) and awesomely awe-inspiring (wa ha yare’ – highly regarded and revered) day (yowm) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name as guided by His towrah – instructions).’” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:5)

When ‘ElYah returns, Yahowah’s return is near. The Great, Awe-Inspiring Day of Yahowah is Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations in Year 6000 Yah / Sunset, October 2nd, 2033.

Every word we will share will serve this purpose…

“‘And he will promote change to turn around, restore, and return (shuwb – will alter the thinking, perspective, and attitude and thereby transform) the thinking and judgment, motivations and inclinations (leb – the attitude, receptiveness, and feelings) of parents (‘abowth – progenitors of offspring (feminine plural)) over and regarding sons (‘al benym), and thinking, judgment, and attitude (wa leb) of sons to their Progenitors (ben ‘al ‘aboth hem – children to their Father and Mother), lest (pen) I come (bow’ – I arrive and return) and I strike (wa nakah – I smite and afflict) the Earth (‘erets – the Earth, region, and material realm) as accursed, a gift which has been disfigured, mutilated, and destroyed (charam – once a consecrated possession and now a disfigured curse).’” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:6)

586Three millennia ago, Yahowah wrote that the religious failings of the fathers would haunt their children, which is what has occurred. God wants that to change. He wants parents to properly instruct their children and for children to recognize their Heavenly Father and Spiritual Mother so that we can be part of the Covenant Family.

The reason that the events of Taruw’ah, Friday evening and Saturday, September 23rd and 24th, 2033, mean so much to God that this day and these events dominate His final revelation to His people is because, without it, the Earth remains disfigured and accursed, polluted by religious and political rubbish. The Red Heifer is the cure, enabling the Homecoming and Family Reunion, making this day great, indeed.

Here is God’s parting salvo to the people who have ignored Him for far too long…

“‘Please pay especially close attention because, as a matter of branding (ky hineh), the day (ha yowm) will vividly and actually arrive (bow’) that a fiery light will burn, blazing and consuming that which is combustible as part of a burnt offering to purge and remove that which is senseless and stupid (ba’ar) like (ka) a flaming oven, a firepot, and furnace for an exceptionally brilliant blaze serving as a crucible to incinerate the serpent (ha tanuwr).

Then (wa), all who are presumptuous and arrogant, full of themselves and morally contemptible (kol zed), in addition to all who engage in and act upon (wa kol ‘asah) that which is wickedly wrong so as to bear their guilt and remain condemnable (risha’ah), will become (hayah) worthless stubble and wasteful chaff (qash). And it will be scorched and set ablaze, burning them up and consuming them (lahat ‘eth hem).

This day (ha yowm) which is coming (ha bow’),’ says (‘amar) Yahowah (Yahowah) of the heavenly hosts (tsaba’), ‘for there to be joy in the relationship (‘asher), the steadfast Soresh | Sucker emerging from the root of 587the family line (Soresh) and ‘Anaph | Stem branching out from the trunk to provide cover (‘anaph), will not free or release them nor will he abandon or forsake those left behind (lo’ ‘azab la hem). (Mal’aky 4:1)

So, then (wa) she will appear at dawn with the sunrise, shining brightly, ascending with the sun for the dawning of a new day, providing enlightenment (wa zarach) on your behalf and for all of you to approach (la ‘atem) who respect and value (yare’) My name (shem ‘any), the rightful and vindicating Sun of Righteousness (shemesh tsadaqah), along with restoration and reconciliation, providing a remedy for mortal men, curing them of the plague (wa marphe’) within her extremities, the exposed epidermis in the outermost part of her appearance as she takes flight to the Cornerstone (ba kanaph hy’).

You should all come forth as during an exodus (wa yatsa’). Leaping and frolicking (puwsh) like (ka) young bulls who have come full circle, back to where it all began (‘egel), contemplating being able to stretch out in a restful dwelling place again (marbeq). (Mal’aky 4:2)

Then (wa) you will tread upon and trample down (‘asas) the religious who are wicked and wrong, guilty and condemnable (rasha’), because branded with a stigma (ky), they have chosen to be (hayah) ashes (‘epher) under (tachath) the soles of your feet and hooves (kaph regel ‘atem) during (ba) the day (ha yowm) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I am going to engage and act (‘any ‘asah),’ says (‘amar) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) of the assembled spiritual envoys (tsaba’). (Mal’aky 4:3)

Remember, recalling the information, events, and men mentioned in (zakar) Moseh’s (Mosheh), My associate’s (‘ebed ‘any) Towrah | Source of Teaching and Instruction, Guidance and Direction (Towrah) which, to lead to the benefits of the relationship and along the path to get the greatest joy out of life (‘asher), I instructed and directed (tsawah) through him (‘eth 588huw’) upon (ba) Choreb | the Cutting Edge and Dividing Line (Choreb) on behalf of all Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with God (‘al kol Yisra’el), even the inscribed prescriptions which cut you into the relationship (choq) and the means to execute good judgment regarding resolving disputes (wa mishpat). (Mal’aky 4:4)

Look (hineh), I (‘anky) will send out (shalach) on your behalf (la ‘atem ‘eth), ‘ElYah (‘Elyah), the prophet (ha naby’), to come (la bow’) before (paneh) the great (ha gadowl) and awesomely awe-inspiring (wa ha yare’) day (yowm) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH). (Mal’aky 4:5)

And he will promote change to turn around, restore, and return (shuwb) the thinking and judgment, motivations and inclinations (leb) of parents (‘abowth) over and regarding sons (‘al benym), and thinking, judgment, and attitude (wa leb) of sons to their Progenitors (ben ‘al ‘aboth hem), lest (pen) I come (bow’) and I strike (wa nakah) the Earth (‘erets) as accursed, a gift which has been disfigured, mutilated, and destroyed (charam).’” (Mal’aky / My Messenger / Malachi 4:6)


Now that we are better positioned to appreciate what will occur on Taruw’ah ten days before Yahowah’s arrival, let’s listen as He introduces His people to the purpose of the ‘Adamah Parah | Red Heifer. God’s Towrah presentation is found in Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19 and was delivered during the Yatsa’ | Exodus from Mitsraym | Crucibles of Religious and Political Persecution. It is among the least understood prophecies within the Towrah.

“Then (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah) spoke (dabar) to Moseh | One Who Draws Out (‘el Moseh) and to 589‘Aharown | the Alternative (‘el ‘Aharown) to say (la ‘amar), (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:1)

‘This is an inscribed prescription for living (zo’th chuqah) of the Towrah | Teaching and Guidance (ha towrah) which, to enjoy the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), is instructed and authoritatively directed because it is appointed, and assigned (tsawah) by Yahowah (Yahowah) who spoke to affirm and promise (la ‘amar), “Speak to and tell (dabar ‘el) Beny Yisra’el | the Children who Engage and Endure with God (beny Yisra’el) to choose to accept and grasp hold of (laqach) for yourselves (‘el ‘atah) ‘Adamah Parah | the bloody red man on the ground who is fruitful as a Red Heifer (‘adamah parah), moral, innocent, and perfected, entirely right and truthful (tamym) who, in showing the proper way (‘asher), there is not in her any shame or guilt (‘ayin ba hy’ muwm). As a result of the relationship, she has never taken up or carried (‘asher lo’ ‘alah) on her (‘al hy’) a yoke as means of being controlled or burdened (‘ol).”’” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:2)

This is being conveyed to Moseh and ‘Aharown because it is both part of Yahowah’s written instructions to Yisra’el and specifically for those serving in the role of ‘Aharown in anointing the approach to the Covenant Home and the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. It is a chuqah | inscribed prescription for living. It pertains to those who are willing to read what they must do to live. This is part of Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance and Direction. Those who act upon it will ‘asher | enjoy the benefits of the relationship.

Specifically, Yahowah has not only appointed and assigned this responsibility to someone of His choosing, He is offering authoritative directions on how to benefit from what He intends to accomplish through the deployment of the ‘Adamah Parah. This tsawah | instruction was pronounced and written on behalf of the Children of Yisra’el and applies to God’s People.

590Yahuwdym are being encouraged to act on their own freewill to laqach | accept for themselves the ‘Adamah Parah | bloody red man on the earth who has been fruitful and productive, now designated as the Red Heifer. But why was the sacrificial animal described this way, and where would one find such a thing, much less know what to do with it?

To begin, ‘adam and ‘adamah convey much more than “ruddy or bloody red.” ‘Adam, as the name of Yahowah’s companion in the Garden, is used throughout the Towrah and Naby’ to convey “man.” As ‘adamah, it also means “land, earth, or ground.” So, this is a “bloody red man on the earth.”

Also revealing, the primary meaning of parah is “to be fruitful,” which is the role of the Zarowa’ who is cultivating the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr and Taruw’ah Laqat. In the Yasha’yah prophecy, the master instructor on Chotering concluded with parah, specifically to address the fruitful productivity of the Zarowa’ pursuant to the harvests. It was his remark that led us to the Red Heifer.

Further, since the Zarowa’s contribution to the Qatsyr is the reason the par | bull is sacrificed on Shabuw’ah and is used to anoint the Mercy Seat during Kipurym, parah speaks of a fruitful and productive par | bull which, in nature, is a parah | heifer. Therefore, both connotations apply.

While Yada is an ‘adam | man in his present basar | body, parah | fruitful, like zarowa’ | one cultivating a harvest, is, as we have discussed, feminine, as is the nepesh | soul residing in and animating both. And following the sacrifice, the nepesh will be all that remains of the once bold bull.

In this case, since the ‘Adamah Parah is now a bloody red man tossed on the ground, treated appropriately in accordance with the Towrah, he will become the parah | heifer giving Yisra’el new life – which is a feminine role.

While I realize that we plumbed Par and Parah for 591insights not long ago, there is so much at stake, I want to reassess what we discovered before we press on. And as I shared previously, Par | Bull was written Peh Rosh | . These letters are found among the final six in the Hebrew alphabet. They mean that this Bull will be a man known for his big head and big mouth. Yahowah’s Par listens, observes, thinks, and then speaks, making him the Observant Qowl | Voice of God.

It is also insightful to reveal that Parah | the Fruitful One, is scribed Peh Rosh Hey, which is presented as  in the original script of the Towrah. This means that the Heifer is human. The Bloodied and Productive One Pursuing Earth’s Harvest is an exceptionally vocal, observant, and thoughtful man who takes a stand to point the way to God. In his final contribution in this role, he is dubbed the Red Heifer.

As is the case with almost every word sharing the par root of Bull, para’, which we will confront as we make our way through the Towrah from Bamidbar 19 to Numbers 5, from the Red Heifer to the Adulterous Woman, is defined as “to expose and dismiss, uncover then absolve.” In this context of the Red Heifer’s ensuing sacrifice on Taruw’ah on behalf of those left behind, it is to “unbind and discharge guilt with the payment remitted to forego the penalty.” Para’ also speaks of “baring the skin and smashing away at it to provide compensation,” which is why God spoke of there being healing in the outermost extremity of the Heifer’s hide.

Describing the nature of those bludgeoning the Heifer at Satan’s behest, para’ reveals that “an unrestrained mob will be out of control” as they slaughter the Heifer. Taking this one step further, the related paryts and perek speak of the Choter’s adversary – Ha Satan, presenting him as “a savage and cruel creature who, as a violent and ravenous thief, is devoted to death and destruction.” It reveals that he will pursue his agenda “in the most ruthless, barbaric, and brutal manner.” The Adversary is “a rapacious and ferocious robber.” Of Satan’s minions, pirhah says that 592they are “violent and immature men acting out like a swarming brood of brats.”

Then addressing the Parah’s positive traits, para’ is used to describe a “shoot or stem which bears fruit” and it is indicative of a “leader who liberates.” Pary speaks of a “fruitful harvest of young offspring.” Addressing what will happen to the Zarowa’s nepesh | soul in the waning hours of Taruw’ah, it will “parah | fly away, making a linear motion through the air” to Shamaym as his body is incinerated along with Yisra’el’s guilt, while also justifying the kanaph | wings reference in Mal’aky.

Para’, which means “to release and emancipate” in this context, would be reminiscent of, “Let My People Go.” It speaks of a final Yatsa’ | Exodus. While it may not be material, a paraz is a “prince who governs” and a “fighter who defends.” When spelled with an Aleph rather than an Ayin, para’ means “to thrive in fruitfulness.”

While the “heifer” definition of parah is deduced from the feminine ah suffix to par | bull, the actual meaning of the word is “to be very productive and fruitful, cultivating offspring through an abundant harvest.” To parah is “to cause others to blossom, flourish, thrive, and grow.” And in these ways, it is consistent with the implications of Zarowa’, making it a fitting title on this occasion.

Returning to the text of this prophecy, according to the Towrah, the nepesh | consciousness residing within the ‘Adamah Parah is tamym, which is to say, he/she is a beneficiary of Pesach and Matsah and has been “perfected.” The Red Heifer’s soul has striven to be “tamym – moral, truthful, and right.” In so doing, he/she has ‘asher | shown the proper way to receive the benefits of the relationship.

Muwm is an uncommon word which, when negated by ‘ayin, reveals that the nepesh within the ‘Adamah Parah has “nothing to be ashamed of,” and was “wrongly slandered and inappropriately mocked,” so as to be “without guilt.” From God’s perspective, the ‘Adamah 593Parah is a perfect sacrifice as was the case when Dowd served as the Pesach ‘Ayil.

It is intriguing that the ‘Adamah Parah | Red Heifer has never been ‘ol | yoked. That is to say, he/she has never been controlled or burdened by anyone. The ‘Adamah Parah works and lives independently of human influences and is, therefore, unaffected by religion, politics, and economic pressures.

Beyond this, ‘ol shares the same ‘alal actionable root as does ‘olelah – which was the most revealing term in the Yasha’yah 17:6 prophecy regarding those deliberately and forcibly thrust aside and left behind by the Zarowa’ during Taruw’ah. This is Yahowah’s way of foreshadowing, with the prophecy hinting at its fulfillment.

As we consider what is revealed next, there are two options – one far more likely than the other. Either one of the Yahuwdym that the Zarowa’ has deliberately left on the uppermost branch will act in the role of priest while supported by God, or ‘El‘Azar is my fellow Witness, the Prophet ‘ElYah. For reasons that will become apparent later, and based upon what we just read in Mal’aky, I’m expecting the latter because all of this will be accomplished correctly…

“And you should give that which is associated with her to (wa nathan ‘eth hy’ ‘el) ‘El‘Azar | the One Supported by God (‘el‘azar), the one acting in the role of priest and royal advisor (kohen).

He will bring her out, withdrawing and removing her as in an exodus (yatsa’ ‘eth hy’) of God (‘el) from out of the public place (min chuwts) of the militant fighters laying siege (la ha machaneh).

They will have slaughtered her, bludgeoning her without resistance (shachat – they will have beaten and killed him at that time, literally hammering him to death, for having offered his life (qal perfect third-person masculine plural [from DSS 4Q27Numbers])) in association with this (‘eth hy’) before his presence and 594in front of him (la paneh huw’).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:3)

By using nathan, the ‘Adamah Parah is a “gift” offered to the surviving remnant of Yisra’el. Therefore, he, like Moseh, would precipitate a Yatsa’ | Exodus, removing the Children of Yisra’el from the horrendous situation in which they find themselves. So, whether the man called ‘El‘Azar | God’s Assistant is the mighty ‘ElYah, or whether this moniker means that those tasked with this responsibility will have God’s Support, each is possible. What is certain is that this individual will be a descendant of Ya’aqob and will be keenly aware of the roles of Moseh and ‘Aharown. And he will be performing each of their roles relative to the instructions which follow.

The verb, yatsa’, should be eminently familiar to Jews because it is the one Yahowah chose to designate the “Exodus” from Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Religious and Political Oppression. And that is to say the ‘Adamah Parah will be initiating the final exodus, withdrawing the remnant of Yisra’el from Babel | the Intermixing and Confusing Commingling of Religion and Politics.

At this point, the ‘adam | bloody red, shachat | bludgeoned body of the Zarowa’, which was shachat | slaughtered in the presence of Satan, will have been tossed on the ‘adamah | ground in public view out of animosity and as a trophy. It will be surrounded by the sadistic militants who beat him to death while praising their wannabe god – “Allahu Akbar!” Therefore, with ‘El‘Azar | Supported by the actual God, he will follow His instructions which are to remove the body from the belligerents. And since Yada will have razed the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, the remnant of Israel ‘olelah | left behind will likely be retrieving it from where the Mosque once stood to appease Satan. It will then be moved to a less corrupted part of the Mount – north toward where the Temple once stood.

The Zarowa’s sacrificial death at the hands of those serving the Beast will not be quick or painless. He will be 595shachat | beaten to death with something akin to hammers, clubs, and cudgels. In this way, his experience will be somewhat similar to what Dowd endured when whipped and crucified by Romans as an excruciating public spectacle.

In Ezekiel, which is Satan’s autobiography and playbook, he brags that he will take the life of this Gibowr | Competent and Courageous Man of God. Then he boasts that he eat his flesh and drink his blood during what I have dubbed, “The Feast of the Beast.” I have known for some time that I would be on the menu. And this means that, prior to being downgraded to a lowly Serpent, Satan was once a Karuwb, and as such, he would have been able to see his future, which he shared with Ezekiel in Babylon.

This known, the ghoulish display of cannibalism and of drinking blood, like a good practicing Catholic, by the corporeal manifestation of Halal ben Shachar will be mostly symbolic – one swig and chomp, neither to his liking. His ego satiated, Satan will walk away, leaving my body behind. And this, with Yahowah’s assistance, will make the ‘Adamah Parah retrievable.

The parallel to this is introduced in the preparations for the initial feast in connection with the Covenant. In Bare’syth / Genesis 15:9, in advance of their first meal together in the Beryth, “And He said to him (wa ‘amar ‘el huw’ – Yahowah expressed to ‘Abram) obtain (laqach) to approach Me (la ‘any) a heifer to establish a pattern that will repeat (‘eglah – a female cow; from ‘agol – to demonstrate that what happens now will reoccur) who is three as well as the third in a series (shalosh), a helpful, strong, and steadfast goat (wa ‘ez – a powerful and productive she goat; from ‘azaz – one who prevails by being unwavering so as to strengthen and establish) who is three as well as the third in a series (shalosh), and a ram (‘ayil – a lamb serving as the strong man who serves as the leader, pillar, and doorway; from ‘uwl – prominent, noble, powerful, and enriched) who is three as well as the third in a series (shalosh), in addition to (wa) a beloved bird 596(towr – a turtledove, serving as the base of towrah – source of guidance and teaching, direction and instruction; from tuwr – one who seeks, finds, and explores and is beloved [representing Moseh and Yahuwdym]) and (wa) a thieving and vicious bird that is torn away (gowzal – an immature, nestling, ill-prepared to raise chicks; from guwz – to cut off, pass over, and then pass away and gazaz – to shear off, mow down, separate, and destroy by flaying victims alive [symbolic of Yisra’el’s defiance and estrangement]).” (Bare’syth / Genesis 15:9)

The Zarowa’, now cast as the Red Heifer, will be three years into his second life when this occurs. Serving the ‘Ayil while being extolled by the ‘Ez, he will be attacked by what Gowzal seems to represent for his love of what Towr conveys.

Should someone think I’m overreaching, think again. Not only are both stories presented within the Towrah recorded by the first Zarowa’, the same verb will be deployed – laqach | obtain and take. The purpose is also the same, which is to approach the God who is returning for His Covenant Family in a matter of days – even to enjoy a celebratory meal.

It gets better; the word chosen to convey “Heifer” was ‘eglah, revealing two essential insights. First, Yahowah was “establishing a pattern of conduct that would repeat itself, coming full circle” with respect to participating within the Covenant. And second, by using ‘eglah to depict a Heifer on the first occasion, when God spoke of a parah thereafter, there is something inherent in these words that is essential to understanding His explanation. And we have found it in both.

‘Eglah affirms that the Beryth will be reestablished through a Heifer. And parah reveals that on the final occasion, it will be through an ‘adam | man who has been notably “productive and fruitful,” which is the very definition of Zarowa’. And, of course, Yasha’yah led us to this prophecy by using parah in conjunction with the Zarowa’s productivity during Shabuw’ah, Taruw’ah, and 597beyond.

Even shalosh, which means “three” and “third in a series,” is insightful. Just as Dowd arrived three years before serving as the Passover Lamb, Yada will return three years in advance of being sacrificed as the Red Heifer. And, of course, Yada is the third and final Zarowa’.

As for the other animals, Yahowah specified a goat and a ram of the same age. Yahowah called the goat an ‘ez, which is written Ayin-Zayin |  , just like ‘El‘Azar |   , which is Ayin-Zayin-Rosh. ‘Ez, in addition to “goat,” means “physically and mentally strong, capable and, therefore, helpful.” The scapegoat whose blood is spattered on the Mercy Seat is an ‘aza’zel. It is derived from the verb ‘azab which means to “separate, forsake, and damn.” As noted, ‘El‘Azar concludes with a Rosh | which tells us that this particularly Powerful and Capable, Strong and Helpful, Man of God is Observant and Thoughtful. He is as I suspected, ‘ElYah.

Returning to the debut of the ‘Eglah | Reoccurring Heifer foreshadowing Taruw’ah, and the ‘Ez | Capable and Influential Goat foreshadowing Kipurym, Yahowah added an ‘Ayil | Ram, bringing His Son, Dowd, into the mix as a harbinger of the Pesach ‘Ayil. They were all to be three and third in a series. This is because all three men, Yada, ‘ElYah, and Dowd, the Heifer, Goat, and Ram, would live three lives, each playing their part to fulfill three Miqra’ey, and all three will have been brought back three years in advance of their mission. Each of the three would be cut in half, with ‘Abraham falling asleep as Yahowah symbolically passed between them, indicating that while the Covenant’s conditions were binding upon God, ‘Abraham was not yet bound by them.

Also interesting, we are told in Bare’syth / Genesis 15:17 that Yahowah waited until the sun had bow’ | come and gone, which may be a harbinger of the solar eclipse when the sun’s light is ‘alatah | covered up during the fulfillment of Taruw’ah. Then, addressing what the remnant of Yisra’el will witness as the Red Heifer is 598sacrificed and then burned, the text reads, “hineh | behold, look now and notice ‘asan | a furious fume of ashen smoke will emerge from a tanuwr | fiery furnace acting as a luminary in addition to a lapyd ‘esh | flaming torch as a lamp ablaze to ‘asher | show the way to the benefits of the relationship ‘abar | will pass over and move through the gezer | pieces cut in half and divided to bayn | encourage understanding by making the proper connections.” Every element of this will prove prophetic a we consider how Yahowah will advance His Covenant’s aims through the sacrifice of the ‘Adamah Parah. And these statements also reveal what the Ram, Bull, and Goat will accomplish on behalf of God’s People.

However, let’s not leave out the towr | turtledove. While I cannot prove it, I suspect that towr which, while demarcated in the lexicons as feminine, is more correctly the masculine form of towrah without the feminine ah suffix. The verbal root, tuwr, which is spelled identically in the text, means “to seek, find, and explore” which is what Moseh has facilitated through the Towrah. Further, since the context here in Bare’syth / Genesis 15:9 and in Qara’ / Leviticus 12:6 depicts a symbolic animal, we find that towr is commonly rendered as “turtledove.” And as a bird, we are drawn back to Moseh because in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:13, the prophet not only designates Moseh as the first of the three Zarowa’, he refers to him as a bird – suws – which is a “skipping and swift swallow.” Therefore, as we might expect, towr is a term of endearment. It is used in the Mizmowr of Dowd to describe his love for his people, Yahuwdym, specifically and by extension, perhaps Yisra’el.

If towr is addressing Moseh, his one long life was exemplary and endearing. And since he was retired after a job well done, symbolically, at the inception of the Covenant, he was not cut in two. And if Yahuwdym in contrast to Yisra’el, then it would be consistent with the meaning: Beloved of Yah.

Lastly, there was a gowzal | immature nestling who 599was ill-prepared to raise chicks. It is typically translated as “a young pigeon” which, unlike towr, isn’t endearing. The most likely root is guwz, which means “to be cut off, passed over, and pass away.” Gowzal is often associated with gazaz, which means “to shear off, mow down, separate, and destroy.” In Shaphat / Judges 9:25, a picture is drawn of gowzal as people who lie in wait to rob the unsuspecting. Its connotations go well beyond the mere stealing of the belongings and work of others, to violently flaying victims alive. This is reflected in Mykah / Micah 3:12, where the verbal root is used to depict those who hate good and love evil to the extent that they tear the skin off of those who tell the truth.

Taking all of these things into consideration, the gowzal | immature pigeon represents either the worst of Yisra’el in contrast to the best of Yahuwdah or it is addressing the Towrahless One who will attempt to flay Yada as the Red Heifer alive on Taruw’ah.

Now that we are familiar with the players, let’s continue with Yahowah’s story…

“Now (wa) ‘El‘Azar | the One Supported by God (‘El‘Azar), the one acting in the role of priest (ha kohen), will obtain (laqach) a portion from its blood (min dam hy’) with his finger (ba ‘etsba’ huw’) and sprinkle and spatter it in the vicinity and toward the direction (wa nazah ‘el nokach) of the appearance or presence (paneh) of the ‘Ohel | Home (‘ohel – the radiant tent-dwelling and household) of the Mow’ed | Restoring Witness (Mow’ed) from out of part of its blood (min dam hy’) seven strokes (sheba’ pa’am).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:4)

‘ElYah, who is the One Supported by God, and acting in the role of a kohen | priest serving the remnant of Yahuwdym and Yisra’el who were left behind, is depicted obtaining a portion of the ‘Adamah Parah’s | Red Heifer’s blood at the beginning and conclusion of this statement but using only one portion of it, which means he is saving the other. The procedure he will follow will be to do as 600‘Aharown had done and Dowd will do, dipping a finger into the blood and then spattering seven drops of it toward the object of Yahowah’s choosing. After all, it is the blood of the par | bull which makes it possible for the priest to approach the Kaporeth | Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant on Yowm Kipurym such that the blood of the Goat can be added for the benefit of the people. ‘ElYah will be adding his to mine.

On this occasion, now less than ten days before Dowd’s arrival to do this very thing, the One Assisting God will sprinkle a portion of the blood he collected from the ‘Adamah Parah | Fruitful Man as the Red Heifer ‘el nokach | in the vicinity of paneh | the presence of the ‘Ohel Mow’ed | Home of the Restoring Witness. There are two ways to interpret this and the distinction between them is actually quite small. ‘ElYah and Yada will have been working onsite in Jerusalem for the past 42 months. The expectation is that they won’t be staying in the King David Hotel but will, instead, live in a reconstruction of the Tabernacle of the Restoring Witness. It will have been pitched on the Temple Mount by mal’akym after having razed the Islamic monstrosities. This tent may also be shared with the soon-to-be-gleaned members of the Covenant Family prior to their departure.

One of the reasons that I anticipate that Yada and ‘ElYah, with the help of Yahowah’s mal’akym, will erect a replica of the ‘Ohel Mow’ed representing the original “Tabernacle and Radiant Tent of the Witness to the Restoring Meetings” in the proper location is that, as part of the sacrifice, blood must be discharged in that direction. And we should not be surprised by its appearance where the Doom of the Rock served as a Muslim trophy on top of where Yahowah’s Covenant Home had once stood because Satan will want to build his own ostentatious temple to himself on the site. Further, since Yada is allergic to all things Islamic, the Temple Mount will have been cleared for the occasion or he would break out in hives.

These things considered, as a related possibility, since 601Yahowah will be orchestrating the display of signs in support of His Witnesses above the Temple Mount, one of the most spectacular would be for Him to project a hologram of light establishing the outline of His future Home.

“Seven strokes” is initially symbolic of the realizations that the Choter has been imbued with the Seven Spirits of Yahowah and that there are seven Mow’edym leading mankind to God’s Home. With the fifth Mow’ed now fulfilled and the sixth looming, this is a marvelous way to encourage the remnant to stay the course. I find it interesting as well that the “spattering” is coming in the way of sheba’ pa’am | seven strokes because it suggests that we have moved past Moseh speaking to the rocky crag and now to striking it.

What follows is exceptionally unique. There is nothing exactly like this said anywhere else in the Towrah wa Naby’ – at least up to a point. Although, there is another spectacular example of burning a bull, and it was done in a similar context – showing Yahowah’s supremacy over the religious and political elite. And it was orchestrated by none other than the man who will be arranging the following spectacle…

“Then (wa) that which associated with (‘eth) ha Parah | Fruitful Cow (ha parah), he is to be consumed by fire and burned (saraph) in his presence and sight (la ‘ayin huw’) with its body and skin exposed to arouse, awaken, and alert (‘eth ‘owr hy’) along with the Basar | Corporeal Flesh of the Herald (‘eth ‘owr hy’), in addition to its blood (wa ‘eth dam hy’) over its viscera, fecal matter, the contents of its stomach and intestines (‘al peresh hy’), burned as if incinerating a venomous serpent (saraph).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:5)

Just as the mutilated remains of Dowd’s body as the Passover Lamb were incinerated 2,000 years prior to this event, the bludgeoned body of the Red Heifer will be engulfed in flames. And just as the Messiah serving as the 602Lamb would be bludgeoned by the Beast of Rome, the bloodiest and most sadistic enemy of Israel at that time, his Herald will be ravaged by today’s bloodiest and most sadistic beasts – Muslims acting at the behest of Satan, also known as Allah. But this is still just the beginning of the many similarities between the two Zarowa’, both representing sacrificial animals, to carry out their missions.

Personally, I have always favored cremation over being consumed by worms, so it’s nice to see my basar incinerated as was the case with Dowd’s basar | corporeal body following Pesach exactly forty Yowbel previously in this same locale. But you will notice, as was the case with Dowd serving as the ‘Ayil, the Parah is not consumed as part of the feast. In both cases, their physical bodies are purely sacrificial. And as was the case with Dowd, the nepesh | soul lives on, now unburdened by the mutilated flesh.

There are many reasons why Yahowah asked for a witness to what He will be orchestrating. And let’s be clear in this regard because the Sacrifice of the Red Heifer is prophetic, not historic. Until the time of my initial visit to Israel in early 2002, there had never been a red heifer in the Promised Land. And there is no indication in the Towrah or Prophets that these instructions were followed previously. So, this is my funeral and it is being orchestrated by Yahowah to achieve His purpose.

By watching the fire consume the bloody and beaten flesh, the witnesses would see that something that initially appeared brutal can be turned into something brilliant. The fire transforms dead and decaying organic material into light and energy, similar to the geometric enhancement and empowerment of Bikuwrym and Shabuw’ah. Also, fire and light are beacons, such that this elevating offering will ‘owr | arouse, awaken, and alert the remnant of Yisra’el to Yahowah’s imminent return. Without the benefit of the Red Heifer’s sacrifice, no one amongst this remnant would be prepared to live in God’s presence.

When the Heifer’s ashes are mixed with water based 603upon Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching in Bamidbar / Numbers 5, it will become obvious that without this sacrifice on the cusp of Yahowah’s return, no one would survive the Homecoming. Ill-prepared because they still bear the religious and political guilt which caused them to be left behind, the remnant of Yisra’el would have been incinerated in the brilliance of Yahowah’s and Dowd’s presence. So, like it or not, in the end, a Gowy saves Yisra’el.

And it is as it should be because Yahowah began with Gowym – ‘Adam, Chawah, Qayn, Hebel, Noach, his wife, his sons, and their wives, ‘Abraham and Sarah, their nephew, Lowt, his daughters, and ‘Abraham’s and Sarah’s son and grandsons, Yitschaq, Ya’aqob, and ‘Esa’ow. So, the last will be as the first, coming full circle – just as the Covenant Family will be returning to Gan ‘Eden on Sukah. This is one of the lessons learned from ‘egel | heifer.

As we know, Basar | Human Herald is one of Yada’s titles. In the fire, the Zarowa’ turned ‘Adamah Parah is now the Basar heralding the restoration of Yisra’el in advance of his King’s arrival on Kipurym.

Throughout the Towrah, dam | blood is equated with chay | life. It was shed so that Yisra’el might live. It was even used to mark the Door to Heaven as well as the souls lifted up in the Wave Offering on Firstborn Children. It is equated to the new wine of inheritance.

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients, which are energy and fuel, to every cell of our bodies. Our blood not only carries the means to fight disease, it carries that which is not healthy away to eventually be discharged.

Since the ‘Adamah Parah is serving as a reconciling sacrifice, and is not a menu item for a feast, everything is burned together – from the viscera to the intestines. And considering that Muslim swine have bludgeoned this body, it’s covered in $#!+, and that, too, must go.

But the picture Yahowah is painting is actually much bigger. While the Red Heifer has been declared perfect, he 604has been smeared with the religious and political rebellion of the remaining remnant. Therefore, we should look at the excrement being incinerated from the perspective of what occurred when Dowd fulfilled Matsah. This time, however, rather than being carried into She’owl, the religious and political guilt of Yisra’el is being incinerated and obliterated, thereby facilitating reconciliation.

Dowd is the King of Redemption while Yada is the Prince of Reconciliation. He is hauling away and depositing the remaining trash. Fortunately, Yahowah has ways to filter out the stench.

And in this vein, saraph | consumed in flames is also the word for serpent, suggesting that he is now toast and his venom is no longer paralyzing or deadly. This is important because it is the Bull’s business to stamp out serpents. Satan, as the Lord of Snakes, is the god of religion. This Adversary is Yada’s adversary. This is something that Yahowah made abundantly clear in His final message in Mal’aky.

And now it gets really interesting…

“And the one acting in the role of priest should take (wa laqach ha kohen) cedar beams and planks (‘ets ‘erez – tree of standing tall and firm), along with hyssop (wa ‘ezowb – a form of mint denoted for cleaning and purging) and a scarlet Coccus ilicis (wa shany – vivid red insect feeding on Allah | Oak leaves), a crimson grub and bloody red worm (towla’ah), and throw them (wa shalak) toward the midst (‘el tawek) of the Productive One (ha parah – the heifer) burning, changing the composition from matter to energy while consuming the serpent (saraphah).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:6)

These symbols are profoundly important. Dowd was crucified as the Pesach ‘Ayil on wood beams and planks such as these because Yitschaq was set upon them during the dress rehearsal for Passover. They form the Doorway to Heaven, which is plainly marked with the blood for all 605to see. Even the door and beams of the Temple were constructed of cedar.

The next day during Matsah, Dowd’s soul was laden with our religious and political guilt, which he purged from us when he took it to She’owl. I’m reiterating this because it is the root meaning of ‘ezowb | purge and cleanse.

Also, these beams would appear again during ‘ElYah’s practice run for what will soon occur. In Melekym / 1 Kings 18, we will find them in the scene of the burning bull to rid Yisra’el of the Lord’s political and religious influence.

To show that every word is important, and that God’s story is consistent from beginning to end, in his 22nd Mizmowr / Psalm, Dowd explained that his corporeal body was no longer human but had been reduced to that of a towla’ah | bloodied worm and crimson grub. These same things would be tossed into the fire with the ‘Adamah Parah | Bloodied, but Productive, Man now called a Red Heifer, so that it would be obvious Yada was following in Dowd’s footsteps and reflecting the Messiah’s commitment to redeem Yisra’el. In these ways, the Basar and Choter has come to be the counterpart of his Messiah and King.

Since it was important to Yahowah to make this comparison, let’s consider what Dowd said of himself…

“I am but (wa ‘anky – with regard to the speaker and this discussion, I now exist as) a crimson grub (wa towla’ah – a bloodied worm and scarlet pulp (Coccus ilicis from which red dye is extracted)), no longer extant or present as a person (wa lo’ ‘iysh – no longer a man or individual [i.e., I’m now less than human], ‘ysh is from an unused root meaning ‘extant’), rebuked and taunted, insulted and dishonored (cherpah – scorned and disgraced as contemptible, defied and railed against, insulted with slurs) by humankind (‘adam – mankind, specifically the descendants of ‘Adam), and disrespected and demeaned (bazah – disregarded, held in contempt, 606and ridiculed; seen as worthless, lightly regarded, and of little value) by the family (‘am – by the people who are kin of Yisra’el).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 22:6)

The Roman Legions – the very soldiers who had beaten Dowd – were known the world over for their bloody red togas and banners. This color, which was designed to invoke fear in the hearts of those they were subjugating, was derived from this “towla’ah – crimson grub.” For a thousand years thereafter, the dye from the Coccus ilicis was valued above precious metals by nobility and clerics as a symbol of power and authority. The only difference here is that the species was specifically designated as the shany | Coccus ilicis because it feeds on ‘alah | oak leaves. Muslims would be the belligerents torturing the Heifer.

This worm cannot produce offspring without dying. And it voluntarily attaches itself to a tree in order to protect its young, surrendering its freedom to keep its offspring safe. Moreover, like an actual Pesach ‘Ayl | Passover Lamb, the successive generation is nourished by the towla’ah’s body before freely venturing out to explore the world.

God used three different words for man in this one sentence. After accurately describing the condition and appearance of his flogged body, he said that he was no longer present as a person. ‘Ysh is the term Yahowah used to describe God’s form when He visited with ‘Abraham and Dowd.

Further, Dowd was being accused by ‘adam – symbolic of the first man created in God’s image. This could also suggest that he was assuming some aspect of his guilt – and thus serving as a metaphor for ridding humanity of the evil it had ingested. But more than this, what made ‘Adam unique was his neshamah | conscience. After all, it is man’s inability to think that has caused so many to disregard the Lamb’s purpose. And by using ‘adam, the sacrifices of the Pesach ‘Ayil and ‘Adamah Parah are seen as similar, with actual men symbolically portrayed as sacrificial animals.

607Also, ‘am means “people.” A millennium before it actually occurred, the prophet revealed that his offer of redemption would be disrespected by some and rejected by others, seen as worthless by members of his own family: Yahuwdym. Proper consideration of these carefully chosen terms opens a revealing window into the nature, character, and intellect of the Messiah as well as into the collective responses of mankind – doing the same for his Basar, who is also sacrificing his body for the Beryth ‘Am | Covenant Family and ‘Am Yisra’el | People of Israel.

Even today, the vast preponderance of people show very little regard for Dowd’s gift of life. Not one person in a million acknowledges the association between his suffering and Pesach. Fewer still appreciate the sacrifice Dowd’s soul made on our behalf during Matsah. And in this regard, as his Basar | Human Herald, I was the first person in 2,500 years to make and share these connections, thereby completing God’s story. Without having done so, there would be no Shabuw’ah Qatsyr or Taruw’ah Laqat. And without the Herald’s sacrifice during the fulfillment of Taruw’ah, there would be no Kipurym.

I find this to be a highly satisfying conclusion to the final portion of my first two lives. Yahowah introduced Himself to me on Taruw’ah, a Wednesday afternoon, the 19th of September 2001, eight days after the Islamic suicide bombings on 9.11.2001. As I studied His Towrah, I came to realize that between now and the fulfillment of the Taruw’ah Laqat on September 23rd and 24th, 2033, we honor the intent of this day by being troubadours heralding Yahowah’s message. Therefore, I have seen the past twenty-three years of my life as the living embodiment of Taruw’ah’s purpose. Little did I know that I would die on this day to resolve the guilt of the remnant of Yisra’el, that after surviving thousands of death threats I would willingly allow Satan and Muslims to bludgeon me, or that Yahowah’s most powerful and inspiring orator would be speaking at my funeral. That said, I’m glad God waited twenty-three years to share this with me because any 608earlier, I might have run away.

Continuing on the previous theme, the reference to the towla’ah | bloodied worm is both prophetic and telling. The Romans, like Muslims after them, were and remain sadistic in their development and deployment of the most demeaning and excruciating ways to torture and kill. Having been under their control, the body that Dowd’s nepesh still occupied was so abused, it no longer appeared human. The same would be true two millennia later with the Red Heifer, although his would come from the death cult he has done more to condemn than anyone else in human history with Prophet of Doom and God Damn Religion.

In the case of His Son, this is something God will never forget or forgive. Be assured, He will hold the leadership of Imperial Rome accountable, as well as the Roman Catholic Church because they would develop and popularize a conspiracy to blame Jews for what they, themselves, had done while robbing everyone of the value of Dowd’s sacrifice. The same would be true with Muslims in their demonic Quran.

Yes, the body of the great Zarowa’ and the reflective Zarowa’ who would cultivate his harvest were there to die, but there was no reason to torture either of them. All it did was reveal the contrast between God’s way and man’s approach. And therein is a lesson lost on the preponderance of people.

Rome was validating Dowd’s prophetic assessment, that it was the most vicious civilization in its dealings with Yahuwdym. Romans were brutalizing an innocent man. They saw fit to torture the King of Israel, God’s Son. Not only were they in opposition to Yahowah and Yahuwdym, their animosity toward God and His People would metastasize in the Beast which evolved from them – the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity. And this is not a simple lapse in judgment, a momentary refrain from morality. The crucifixion of God’s Beloved Son became the central plank of the emerging religion.

609All the Messiah had to do to serve as the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb and fulfill Passover was to surrender his life to ransom his people. Degrading and humiliating, revolting and agonizing torture was Rome’s idea, not God’s. The Christian logo – that of a tortured god on a stick – commemorates evil, not good. And so, on Taruw’ah, 2,000 years later, history would repeat itself in the same place for a similar result.

As for the lessons we should have learned, Dowd’s testimony reveals that this body was disposable – as will be the case with his Basar | Human Herald. He was sacrificing it to serve as the lamb to save his people – as would the final Witness as the heifer. In this light, we should lo’ ‘iysh | not focus on the tortured body but, instead, on the good derived from it.

As we have discovered, Dowd’s sacrifice was not only dishonored by the empire torturing him, he was also rejected by the people of Yisra’el – his family whose respect he was there to earn. Resolving this is our primary mission. And we are making tremendous headway because the Messiah’s lives and lyrics are being heralded again.

However, in the case of the Red Heifer, at this late date, there will no longer be time for ignorance or rejection. And that is why the final Zarowa’ tried to beat some sense into the remaining olives, lecturing them on what they must now do to survive. But thankfully, with ‘ElYah following Yahowah’s instructions, we can be confident that God’s intent will be achieved.

With all of the prophecies pointing to Dowd serving as the Passover Lamb, there was and remains no excuse for Yisra’el getting this so wrong. And approaching 2,000 years later, and even with Yada Yahowah and Coming Home freely available, most still haven’t figured it out. But this is changing as we approach Shabuw’ah, Taruw’ah, the Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, and Kipurym, all leading to Sukah.

That said, just as I was the first to realize and share that 610Dowd, as the Messiah, Son of God, and past and returning King, came to fulfill Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE, I am the first to reveal the timing, identity, and purpose of the Red Heifer since Moseh scribed these words millennia ago. And that is as it should be.

Beginning a decade or more ago, I told everyone who would listen that we should all try to emulate Dowd. He is Yahowah’s Chosen One and His Beloved. Little did I know at the time how close I would come. And while Yisra’el was the beneficiary of both the Pesach and Taruw’ah sacrifices, this will do for me what it did for Dowd – justify Yahowah’s confidence in us. Since He trusts us, so should you.

While I’ll readily concede that the lessons of Yasha’yah 17, and the related Bamidbar 5 and 19, Bare’syth 15, Mal’aky 4, and 1 Melekym 18 are a bit obscure, it requires the proper perspective, a thorough investigation with an open mind, an amplified translation, and a keen awareness of how the pieces of the portrait God is painting fit together. So, I’m not surprised that it took over twenty years of diligent investigation or that we didn’t figure it out until we were within two years of the time available to us. But such was not the case with recognizing that Dowd is the Son of God, returning Messiah, that he fulfilled Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, and that he is returning on Yowm Kipurym to be the King of Sukah. There are affirmations everywhere, and he is the only candidate in all of them.

Also, while there are many hundreds of subtle and overt pronouncements declaring that Yahowah would appoint a Choter, Qowl, Nakry, ‘Ed, Mal’ak, and Basar named Yada as the final Zarowa’, seeing them all in conjunction with our time, fulfilling the final Miqra’ey, and restoring Yahowah’s name and Dowd’s acclaim, isn’t hidden. To see the pattern, one must be either looking for it or open to it.

However, over the course of 3,500 years, someone 611among God’s people should have figured this out long before me. For example, the realization that Dowd was serving as the “worm of Jacob” and, thus, of Israel was foretold by Yasha’yah | Isaiah 300 years after Dowd wrote the 22nd Mizmowr. In Isaiah 41:14, we read…

“‘You should never be afraid (‘al yare’ – you (singular) should not be anxious (qal imperfect second-person feminine singular jussive)), O Worm (towla’ah – bloodied grub (feminine singular)) of Ya’aqob | Israel (Ya’aqob – serving as a synonym for Yisra’el). People (mathy – men (masculine plural)) of Yisra’el | Israel (Yisra’el), I, Myself, am here to help and support (‘any ‘azar – I, Myself, will assist at this time (qal perfect first-person singular)) you (‘ath – you, feminine singular, and thus addressing the towla’ah),’ prophetically announces (na’um), Yahowah (YaHoWaH).

‘Your kinsman redeemer (ga’al ‘ath – the one from the same family who pays the price to reacquire those of you who are stained and defiled and ransom you from the control of others (qal participle)) is the Set-Apart One (qodesh – is the most uniquely qualified, respected, awe-inspiring, uncommon, and special, the essential, dedicated, and upright individual) of Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with God (Yisra’el – Israel).’” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 41:14)

Dowd’s Mizmowr and Yasha’yah’s prophetic portrayals of our salvation are inseparable, as hand in glove, especially when identifying Dowd as the Sacrificial Lamb and when presenting the Set-Apart One of Yisra’el as the Kinsman Redeemer of his people. This realization was not hidden, and yet no one saw it until recently.

To a lesser degree, the same is true with how the first meal of the Covenant in Bare’syth 15 leads to the problem of Yisra’el breaking the Beryth in Bamidbar 5 which is then resolved in Numbers 19 with the Red Heifer. And ‘ElYah’s magnificent work ridding Yisra’el of the religious and political actors in 1 Melekym 18 puts us in the position to appreciate how Yasha’yah 17 will be 612fulfilled. But there are so many more clues, all of which we will uncover, such as in Shemowth 15:22-27, Yasha’yah 1:1-11, and Malaky 4:1-4, along with reviewing the life and calling of the one chosen to perform as Yahowah expects.

Therefore, while Yahowah has already introduced the full cadre of metaphors and depictions for everyone who is paying attention, so that we come to recognize that Father and Son are orchestrating the story of the Red Heifer such that the connection would be made between Messiah and Messenger, the Branch and Stem, the King and Prince, the Sun and Moon, the Lamb and the Bull, and how Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym are reflected again in Taruw’ah, Kipurym, and Sukah, there is more to the story.

To understand it, I first came to realize that Dowd would be serving in the role of the high priest to anoint the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant with the blood of the bull during Kipurym when reading the story in Zakaryah of how Yahowsha’ was a disgusting and filthy mess. As a result, the high priest’s clothes would have to be cleansed and placed upon our Messiah and King. But for that to be accomplished, ‘ElYah would first cleanse his own in the ashen waters of the Red Heifer. And so now we read…

“Therefore (wa) the one acting in the role of priest (ha kohen) will launder and wash, cleansing his treacherous apparel (kabas beged huw’) and bathe his body, removing his impurities (wa rachats basar huw’) in the water (ba ha maym), and then in the end (wa ‘achar); he may come (bow’) to the encampment (ha machanah). But the priest (wa ha kohen) will be unclean and defiled (tame’) as a witness until evening at sunset (‘ad ha ‘ereb).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:7)

While there are many in Israel wearing treacherous and traitorous religious apparel, neither ash nor water is going to resolve their religious rebellion. And the same could be said of those who drape themselves in rainbow 613flags. It is more than what they wear on the outside that is corrupt and defiled – so are they.

However, once we peel away the 20% who are overtly religious, the 20% who are otherwise preoccupied with business or games, and the 20% who are too political on the right and left to make room for God, there is a potentially receptive remnant to be found among the remaining 20%. With the population of 7.3 million Jews currently in Israel growing by 100,000 per year, there is the potential for 8.2 million Yisra’elites properly positioned to benefit from the Red Heifer. There are another 6.3 million Jews living in the United States and 2.2 million elsewhere, of which some 20% of those in Diaspora will come home for a total of 9.9 million. Unfortunately, only one-third of that collective number will survive the Time of Troubles, leaving an available population of 3.3 million Jews on Taruw’ah. Of those left behind, some 20% will be potentially receptive, which is 660,000 people. This means that the 2 to 3 Yahuwdym on the uppermost branches and 4 to 5 on those branches of Yisra’elites which had been cut off would represent one thousand individuals.

I will have given my all to restore them, and there has never been a more captivating and compelling orator than ‘ElYah. And Yahowah’s plan is brilliant. Therefore, depending upon how they respond, there could be anywhere from 70,000 to 700,000 ready and reconciled when Father and Son return. If the larger number, they would make a nice bookend to those dragged out of Mitsraym kicking and screaming 3,480 years prior to this day.

And, of course, in addition to these restored mortals, there will be many thousands of immortal sons and daughters of God who were withdrawn on Bikuwrym, Shabuw’ah, and Taruw’ah. Working all of this out is the reason that there are three harvests and why the Red Heifer is sacrificed and burned ten days before Kipurym. To come clean, it is now or never.

To appreciate why the one acting in the role of priest 614in this context must be cleansed by way of the Heifer’s blood, in addition to the ashes and water, we must turn to Qara’ / Leviticus 8:14-17 and consider Qara’ / Leviticus 16. There, we find many of the same elements: the water and ash, a bull’s blood, and a goat, all being used to prepare the priest so that he can reconcile the people. But then to assess the prophetic picture of what will occur so that ‘ElYah and then Dowd can perform as instructed, we must study Zakaryah / Zechariah 3 as well.

The cleansing of the priest is essential so that he is able to approach the Tabernacle, enter the presence of the Ark of the Covenant, and expunge the Children of Yisra’el of their religious guilt. And should you be curious about the connection between the ashes and the water in this story, and how one flowed from the other, the picture will become clearer when we review what ‘ElYah has done previously with the bull, fire, and water before political and religious belligerents. We will turn to that story, which serves as the dress rehearsal for this one, and tie these things together momentarily.

The reason we are told that the impurities are resolved in the evening, which is after sunset, is because Yahowah and Dowd are returning at the commencement of Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations at sunset, 6:22 PM in Yaruwshalaim on October 2nd, 2033. That is when this remnant of Yisra’el will either come clean or die in their political and religious filth. And this means that those left behind will have ten days to recognize and capitalize on what the Zarowa’ is offering and ‘ElYah is orchestrating.

“And the one who burns (wa ha saraph) it (‘eth hy’), he should wash his clothes (kabas begad huw’) in the water (ba ha maym) and bathe (wa rachats) his body as a witness (basar) in the water (ba ha maym) but he will be unclean and defiled (wa tame’) as a witness throughout the evening, at least until sunset (‘ad ha ‘ereb).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:8)

This is reminiscent of Yahowah asking the Children of Yisra’el to clean their apparel before their first and last 615meeting together. This was the time that they responded poorly and told God that they never wanted to see Him or hear directly from Him again. They have remained sullied all of this time – 3,480 years to be exact.

Now, rather than continue to wallow in the embittered Waters of Meribah, Yisra’el will soon have one final opportunity to be cleansed and purged of all of its antagonism and resentment toward God. Therefore, the story of the Red Heifer, which was revealed in the Towrah 3,471 years ago, is not only about an event that will unfold 9 years from now; by following Yah’s instructions, the people will resolve the single worst episode in their history. If my math is correct, when a day is compared to the 6,000 years after the exile from the Garden, mankind has just over 1/3rd of a second to return.

In that the purification provided by the Red Heifer will be offered beginning in the waning hours of the Taruw’ah Laqat, we find that the restorative ashes of the Parah are to be ‘asaph | harvested – which is consistent with the purpose of this day. But more than this, they will be treasured by God and His People forevermore, becoming an eternal Zikarown | Reminder of what occurred on this day. And for the moment, by harvesting the ashes, Yisra’elites will be reminded that they missed the previous harvests and have very little time remaining before sunset on Kipurym.

Let there be no doubt – the ‘Adamah Parah | Red Heifer has offered his life to taher | restore and renew, and purify the remnant of Yisra’el. His sacrifice will also cleanse Mowryah, Yaruwshalaim, and Yisra’el – the Home of God.

“Then (wa) an individual (‘iysh) who is restored and renewed, unsullied and purified (taher) will gather up and harvest (‘asaph) the ashes (‘epher – carbon byproduct of burning organic material) of the Productive Heifer (ha parah) and he should provide a spiritual respite (wa nuwach) from outside (min chuwts) of the encampment (la ha machaneh) within a restored and renewed, purified and cleansed site, dwelling place, and 616home (ba maqowm taher).” (Bamidbar 19:9 in part)

The parallelism is sublime. Those who were not ready for the Taruw’ah Harvest are now given the opportunity to gather up the ashes provided during the Mow’ed so that they are ready for the spiritual respite provided on Kipurym which will allow them to camp out with Yahowah on Sukah.

Equally marvelous, since the Productive Heifer accepted their religious and political dung before it was engulfed in flame and incinerated, by bathing in what remains, they are restored and renewed, purified and cleansed. And just in the nick of time because Yahowah is quickly approaching His dwelling place and home.

Recognizing that the ‘Adamah Parah was an ‘Edah | Restoring Witness when serving as a Zarowa’ | Cultivating the Harvest, we find that his testimony will finally resonate with the resolutely observant among Yisra’el’s remnant.

I am unaware of any other place in the Towrah where Yahowah is this overt regarding the source of restoration and renewal, and of cleaning that provides a spiritual respite, as He is here with the sacrifice of the Red Heifer. Yada’s ensuing sacrifice is exceedingly important to God and His people. It is the method He has chosen to prepare Yisra’el for His Homecoming and Family Reunion on Yowm Kipurym – the Great and Awesome Day of Yahowah.

And the Zarowa’s sacrifice isn’t just for this day, but for all the days which follow. Dowd’s Basar | Herald is the ‘Edah | Eternal Witness to the Restoring Testimony of the Children of Yisra’el forevermore. It is and will always be their responsibility to closely examine and carefully consider what was given and what was gained. And while I am the ‘Adamah Parah, and will make this sacrifice as Yahowah has foretold, it is He who will use it to resolve the guilt of His people…

“And this will be (wa hayah) for a restoring witness to the eternal testimony (la ‘edah) of the Children of 617Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el), the responsibility to observe the requirement to closely examine and carefully consider (la mishmereth), accordingly, the water (la maym) to resolve guilt through its offer to purify the corrupting scourge of having retreated and wandered away (nidah chata’ah hy’).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:9)

Should anyone think that Moseh and I are making too big a deal of the waters drenched in the Red Heifer’s blood and ashes flowing over and off the Temple Mount, and that God should be able to wave a magic wand and make everyone sparkly clean and poop glitter, it does not work that way. This has not only been presented in Yahowah’s voice, but it is also consistent with everything else He has said and accomplished. Moseh, as an old man, accompanied God to free His People and then deliver the Towrah. Dowd, as a young man, wrote prophetically of what he would endure and then returned to serve as the Passover Lamb. By the time this occurs, I will have written more than all of the prophets combined, comprehensively sharing what has and will occur as we move closer to Yahowah’s return. Over the past score of years, I have translated and expounded upon the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr and have revealed thousands of previously unheralded insights. And less than a decade from now, I will lay down my life to prepare Yisra’el for Yahowah’s return. Therefore, God is explaining what will occur so that His People are able to capitalize on this gift. And it will be Yahowah who will do what is required for His plan to prevail.

Should you have a different plan, goody for you. Get a box of crayons, draw it all up, and staple it to your refrigerator. Look around to see if anyone cares or benefits. Otherwise, listen to this one and act upon it. After all, since practice makes perfect, we might as well start since it will be the responsibility of everyone who benefits from this to observe it forevermore.

As a reminder, Zarowa’, as is the case with Parah, is a 618feminine manifestation of the same individual. These titles serve as a projection of the nepesh | soul (feminine) as enabled by the Ruwach | Spirit (feminine), providing an ‘edah | eternal witness to the restoring testimony (feminine) – on behalf of the Beryth (feminine) served by the sacrifice and the Towrah (feminine) in which the story is told. Even Yahowah, the God who made this possible, has a feminine name. So, it’s clear that Yahowah values maternal qualities. And in this case, by responding properly to the Red Heifer’s sacrifice, there will be a spiritual respite at the time it is most needed courtesy of the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit – the Maternal Manifestation of Yahowah’s nature. Even now, it is the women in the Covenant Family who are the most instrumental in bringing this message home.

There are very few absolute mishmereth | requirements conveyed by God. Other than we must disassociate with religion and politics to engage in the Covenant, that men must be circumcised to benefit from Passover, and that negating Yahowah’s name is unforgivable, almost everything else is a simple condition with a consequence. But here, with something that has not yet been experienced in the lives of God’s People, we are told that we have the responsibility to observe this requirement, to closely examine and carefully consider the restorative and cleansing waters associated with the ashes of the ‘Adamah Parah.

There are many reasons that this is so. First, the Choter has reintroduced Yahowah’s name. Second, the Basar has restored Dowd’s acclaim. Third, the Zarowa’ will have cultivated the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests of God’s Covenant Family. Fourth, the ‘Edah has written the Yada Yahowah Series to awaken the world and lead Yisra’el Home. Fifth, the Nakar will be offering his life to make Yowm Kipurym possible. Sixth, the Qowl, as prince to the King, will need the credibility this provides to do the job effectively. And seventh, Yahowah likes to share credit. When one of His children does something worthwhile, He 619views it as commendable and says so.

Since the ‘Adamah Parah’s contribution to Yisra’el will be memorialized forevermore, let’s consider this illustration from the Textbook on Proper Chotering. And as we do, recognize that ‘Edowm is derived from ‘Adam and it is, therefore, addressing the ‘Adamah Parah. It not only reaffirms that the Red Heifer will be a man, but also that he will become bloody red.

Further, what was once just a private curiosity, now matters; my genetics are primarily R1b – a blend of Ibero-Celtic blood from the borders of Iberia/Spain and Gaul/France with the Romans of Amorica (in northern Gaul). As a genetic marker, R1b-U152 came to the British Isles with the Roman legions, first with Julius Caesar and then with Hadrian. While I have vociferously denounced Imperial Rome and its legacy, Roman Catholicism, I, nevertheless, hail from ‘Edowm…

“Who (my) is this (zeh) who comes (bow’ – who arrives by returning at this moment (qal participle perfect absolute active third-person masculine singular)) out of ‘Edowm (min ‘Edowm – from those influenced by the bloody red nature of Rome, and thus the Western World, and perhaps the one who exposed the bloody nature of Islam) in bloody red (chamuwts – crimson, brilliant and vibrant red, deriving is color from those who are yeasted and ruthless, cruel and oppressive) garments (beged – apparel) from a sheepfold in the sense of a protected place (batsrah – from a fortified abode)?

He is the one (zeh) who is shown great favoritism and is respected (hadar – who is honored on high and treated with distinction). Therefore, he is suitably adorned and arrayed (ba lebuwsh huw’ – with his clothing, raiment, vestments, and apparel), striding purposely (tsa’ah – walking forthrightly with a sense of intensity and urgency, attentively pursuing the goal) in the abundance (rob – in the upper range and extent) of His influence and authority (koach huw’ – His power and might, His potential and ability, His substance and means).

620I am sharing this message (‘any dabar – I am communicating, verbalizing and announcing this matter with these words) accurately (tsadaqah – correctly and verifiably, honestly and forthrightly) to liberate and save (la yasha’ – to rescue and deliver, freeing) many (rab – numerous, a great many).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:1)

Apart from Moseh and Dowd, no other participant in Yahowah’s story receives such acclaim. The reason God respects this man with blood on his clothing, which is attire that suits the occasion of the Red Heifer, is that he has striven forthrightly and with a sense of purpose and urgency, recognizing the responsibility and authority He has placed on Him. And since Yasha’yah is keenly aware that such an endorsement is unheralded, he assures us that he is rendering Yahowah’s position accurately. The bloody red man from ‘Edowm will do as Moseh and Dowd have done – yasha’ – liberate and save a great many people.

In that the religious are searching for red cows in order to slaughter them, instead of a man – this man – it is important that we consider more of what Yasha’yah revealed at the conclusion of his prophetic witness. And in this case, the great prophet used bow’, meaning “comes, returns, and arrives” because, like Moseh returning to Mitsraym and especially Dowd, this individual will produce a written record of his insights during his lifetime and then he will return to fulfill this mission. And at this point, Yasha’yah is addressing all three phases of his life.

By stating that the man in bloody attire is coming out of ‘Edowm, Yasha’yah is designating him as a non-Yisra’elite – affirming the Nakar | Observant Foreigner designation. Further, ‘Edowm speaks of those things which were influenced by the legacy of Rome, which would include Roman Catholicism, Christianity, Europe, and America. He does not represent any of these things, but, instead, like Moseh and Mitsraym, he has come min | out of them. However, unlike Moseh and Dowd who were descendants of ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob, the bloody red man is a Gowy.

621Also, while the progenitor of ‘Edowm, Esau (whom God hated), was described as a ruddy red color at birth, the crimson stains on this man’s garments will have come from his willingness to die so that Yisra’el might live.

Up to this point in the prophecy, the realization that the man tasked with preparing Yisra’el for reconciliation will do so by debunking the political and religious proclivities of the Jewish people has no doubt been cathartic for those even loosely entangled in the prevailing culture. And yet, from the onset of Yasha’yah’s final revelation, the only prophetic text found completely intact among the scrolls preserved by the Essenes, we have learned that this Nakar | Observant Foreigner will restore Yisra’el by bringing them back to the Towrah of Moseh by leading the willing away from the Babylonian Talmud. And while that may be shocking to the senses of today’s Israelites, it pales in comparison to the realization that the third Zarowa’ is symbolically a descendant of Esau, Ya’aqob’s disenfranchised brother. It is the bitter pill the rebellious nation needs to swallow along with their pride. And even this is telling because Yada, as the Red Heifer, reconciles Yisra’el unto itself and also unto God.

Yahowah has made Yada and the Red Heifer less palatable by design, because this symbolic descendant of Esau, who exposes the ugly soul of Judaism and Progressive Israeli politics to save Yahuwdym from themselves, is “hadar – shown great favoritism and is respected, honored on high and treated with distinction.” What the rabbis have claimed for themselves, this exceptional Gentile has been afforded by God. The very Choter | Sucker who has belittled religious dress-up, will be “ba lebuwsh – suitably adorned and arrayed” by Yahowah through His Ruwach Qodesh both as a witness and as a sacrifice.

This is so atypical for a foreigner to garner Yahowah’s respect, it is hard for us to process – as was surely the case for Yasha’yah, who introduced his people to him. And so here, the prophet strove to be resolutely accurate by 622dispensing with all potentially equivocating commentary. This Witness would be suitably adorned and arrayed to complete God’s mission, striding with a sense of urgency as time descends from man’s hourglass. With so few days remaining, and with the challenge being so great, this man will be operating with an abundance of God’s power and authority. And this means that his testimony is accurate and inspiring. It also means that the prophet is describing the Choter | Stem who was the lone individual said to have been enlightened, empowered, and emboldened by the seven Ruwach of Yahowah.

Affirming how distinct this is from everything else, Yasha’yah says something which only appears twice in all of the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms. First, after presenting a long list of promises regarding Dowd, Yahowah concludes by saying that we can call Him a liar if it isn’t all true. And now we read Yasha’yah saying that he is telling us the truth, “sharing this message accurately to liberate and save many.”

Therefore, we can surmise a number of things. First, this is so out of the norm, even for God, that the prophet is concerned that we won’t take him seriously. Second, this revelation shades the way our generation will perceive Isaiah’s viability and credibility. Third, the messenger and message Yasha’yah is acknowledging, even endorsing, will liberate and save many.

In other words, this is important to Yah, Yasha’yah, Yahuwdah, and Yisra’el. And therefore, since there is no other candidate for Yada and the Nes, the Choter, Nakar, or Zarowa’ in our presence, much less the ‘Adamah Parah, any attempt to disavow Yahowah’s approach to His people is disrespectful of God’s intent and disruptive to His purpose. Doing so will be measured in lost lives.

While batsrah means “sheepfold,” the city of Batsrah was a major metropolis under the Romans. It was home to the Judaea-menacing III Legion, the Cyrenaica – which took part in the siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE and was deployed again to oppose the Bar Kokhba revolt in 133 CE. 623As Roman Catholicism grew, Batsrah / Bosra became a religious center for the Byzantines. Muslims captured the city shortly after Muhammad’s death in 634 and turned its churches into mosques. Batsrah, therefore, serves as the microcosm of Imperial Rome and Roman Catholicism, of religion and politics, and eventually, of the dire effects of Islam. The town is also on the road to Damascus, which is where the religion of Christianity was born. Before approaching the Word of God, I came out of all that Batsrah has come to represent.

Now explaining why the favored witness is adorned in red, Yasha’yah explains…

“What can be known (maduwa’ – why therefore and what is the reason) of your apparel (la labuwsh ‘atah – is your clothing (your is masculine singular)) being red (‘adom – the color of wine) is that your garments (wa beged ‘atah) are similar to (ka) those of one who treads (darak – who sets out to walk, trampling) within the winepress (ba gath).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:2)

The grapevine is symbolic of Yisra’el. Wine is used as a metaphor to convey the value of the Passover Lamb marking the Doorway to Life, as well as of the new wine of inheritance. And the press is indicative of the fact that grapes, like olives and grain, are typically crushed before they become useful. Stress also builds character in people. This is representative of the realization that Yisra’elites will be hard-pressed before they return to God. Moreover, Dowd’s nepesh | soul was crushed during Matsah to redeem his people.

However, there is obviously more to this because the continued focus on being blood red is a harbinger of the ‘Adamah Parah | the Productive Bloody Red Man on the Ground serving as the Red Heifer. This is his time and his story. By treading within the winepress that is Yisra’el, he and his Father will make an abundance of sweet new wine. And it will be served during the Kipurym Homecoming.

624To serve Yahowah, we must all do time in the winepress. Yasha’yah, therefore, draws a comparison to himself. And in doing so, the prophet reveals why he is so excited over what he is witnessing. He has been toiling alone, and for a very long time thereafter, there was no one to join him…

“I have tread (darak – I have set out to walk within, trampling) the wine vat (puwrah – the winepress; from puwr – to crush) alone (la bad – by myself).

Among the people (wa min ‘am), there was not a single individual (‘ayn ‘iysh) with me (‘eth ‘any).

And so, all of my apparel (wa kol malbuwsh ‘any – everything I have worn) is defiled and stained (ga’al – is unclean and discolored, polluted and desecrated [from 1QIsa because the MT includes some angry and bloody remarks]).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:3)

Ouch, that is painful to read. As a Jew, it should cause you to weep in shame. When it comes to listening to Yahowah and responding appropriately, Jews have been few and far between – bordering on zero. And on this issue, announcing the role the final Zarowa’ would play in preparing Yisra’elites for Yahowah’s return, Yasha’yah was leading an exceedingly small band of brothers.

Apart from the most recent twenty years, for the past 247 decades, there hasn’t been a single Yahuwd willing to engage and serve as a prophet, much less as a witness to the prophets. And as a result, everything associated with Yisra’el has been defiled and desecrated. But now, at this time, there is someone who has emerged from the modern manifestation of ‘Edowm who has finally stepped into the vat with Yasha’yah. And better still, he is conveying the same message found throughout Yasha’yah / Isaiah. This would include the realization that those who have sequestered the prophet’s message and harmed his people must pay for their crimes while Yisra’el is redeemed from theirs. Now, that’s a tall order for the Man Out of Edowm…

625“Therefore (ky – as a result), I was inclined to pursue in my best judgment (ba leb ‘any – I felt was appropriate and reasonable in my heart) a day of recompense (yowm naqam – a time to inflict retribution and revenge, to harm those who have been harmful, and thus of vengeance and punishment) because (wa) the year of my redemption (shanah ga’uwlym ‘any – the time of my restoration and redeeming work) had come (bow’ – had arrived at this moment (qal perfect)).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:4)

This is an interesting insight because it means that Yasha’yah’s advocate realizes that the Day of Reconciliation is both a time of redemption and of recompense. While clearly stated throughout the prophets, it is a seldom-acknowledged part of Yahowah’s return. This also means that Yasha’yah isn’t just content to have a fellow worker; he wants all of those who blocked his engagement held accountable.

It is odd to our ear to hear this mighty man of God speak of his redemption. Yasha’yah was not only uniquely devoted to Yahowah, but he was also a gifted linguist – the only prophet whose oratory rivals Moseh’s and Dowd’s. And yet, in spite of his lofty credentials and superlative performance, his message and warnings were squandered by those to whom they were intended. He had endured a lifetime without a single soul to show for his work, and so he was exasperated.

Then at long last, he is taken into the distant future, traveling 2,700 years from the land of his frustration to witness the glorious result of his endeavors manifest through the Choter he would introduce and equip. Finally, there would be one, the first soul he could claim as his own – an odd victory to be sure considering the individual’s descendance from Esau – but success, nonetheless. Then the floodgates would be opened and as the prophet saw his words poured out upon his people, there would be countless thousands returning to Yahowah. And so, he felt redeemed, even when he saw that the Choter’s life would 626conclude covered in blood. And that is why he made the connection between the Zarowa’ and the Parar in the prophecy pursuant to Taruw’ah. As was the case with the Passover Lamb, the prophet recognized what the Red Heifer’s blood would accomplish.

Reflecting on the frustrations which had preceded this vision, Yasha’yah acknowledged…

“Having continuously looked (wa nabath – having been especially observant and perceptive, considering it all while looking for the proper response (hifil imperfect)) and having found no one to help (wa ‘ayn ‘azar – only to have no support or assistance), I was devastated and had felt abandoned (shamem – I was deeply affected and hurt, feeling inadequate, actually stunned, even astonished and appalled that I had been deserted (hitpael imperfect – this ongoing sense of disappointment and inadequacy was self-imposed)).”

Imagine being Yasha’yah. God has entrusted him with delivering the most relevant and inspiring prophecies in human history, and yet no one listened. A lifetime of devotion seemed to be for naught. The message had been so clear and compelling, and the benefits of what Yahowah was offering so marvelous, the apparent failure tugged at his soul. He felt betrayed and abandoned by his people – and for good reason.

Therefore, Yahowah allayed the concerns of humankind’s most recognized prophet. He took Yasha’yah | Isaiah forward in time so that he could enjoy what would become of his message. God showed him how a non-Yisra’elite would come to cherish his words, and serving his God, he would breathe new life into them. Yasha’yah’s prophecies would resonate within the hearts of the Children of Yisra’el – it would just take a while.

There would be a final Zarowa’, someone to follow after Moseh and Dowd, who would shine under the spotlight Yasha’yah had brilliantly provided. The long-spurned prophet was so excited by what he had been 627shown, he may have written my zarowa’ to indicate that this witness was sowing his seeds – disseminating Yasha’yah’s own inspiring words. But regardless, when we juxtapose what Isaiah revealed about the Zarowa’ and Parah in concert with Taruw’ah earlier with how the bloodied man from ‘Edowm will reconcile and restore Yisra’el in connection with this same Zarowa’, the conclusions are evident…

“So when there was no one to provide any support (wa ‘ayn samak – because there was no one to help establish this, uphold it, or work with), my Zarowa’ | the Strengthened Arm Sowing my Seeds to Cultivate the Harvest (Zarowa’ ‘any – the one shepherding the flock for me, my capable arm who prevails by being fruitful and productive in his ways and who cares about me accomplishing my mission, especially when sowing the seeds of truth while denoting and advancing the purpose of the Sacrificial Lamb), he will deliver victory for me by bringing salvation through me (wa yesha’ la ‘any – he will bring this to a successful conclusion for me) even though my disappointment and emotional turmoil (wa chemah ‘any hy’ – my displeasure and frustration, even heated perceptions and antagonism) remain (samak – pressing heavily upon me, making me anxious at the moment (qal perfect)).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:5)

The success the prophet rightly coveted for his people would occur at long last. The seeds he had sown will finally take root and grow, becoming manifest through productive and fruitful harvests and ultimately, the redemption of his people. And so, while he remained disappointed by the lost time and lost souls, Yasha’yah was granted a well-deserved victory.

This is actually the second time Yasha’yah has mentioned the final Zarowa’, and it represents his second pass on sharing how this Witness would go about distributing these seeds. This course was set in the 59th chapter…

628“Truth is lacking, and no one is honest because there is a lack of integrity, and no one is dependable (wa hayah ha ‘emeth ‘adar). Furthermore (wa), anyone who turns away from what is wrong, who departs from that which is perverted (suwr min ra’) is victimized, attacked, and discredited (shalal). (Yasha’yah 59:15)

When (wa) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) witnesses this (ra’ah), it is disturbing (ra’a) in His sight (ba ‘ayn huw’) that, indeed (ky), no one exercises good judgment (‘ayn mishpat). (Yasha’yah 59:16)

He looked and saw (wa ra’ah) that there wasn’t anyone, not a single individual (ky ‘ayn ‘ysh). So (wa), He was devastated, even appalled (wa shamem), that there was no one to intercede and plead His case (ky ‘ayn paga’).

So, it was then (wa) His Zarowa’ | His Emboldened Arm Sowing His Seeds to Cultivate a Fruitful Harvest (zarowa’ huw’) came to the rescue and began the process of liberation on His behalf, freeing those wanting to approach Him (yasha’ la huw’). Thereby (wa), the realization that he was right and had engaged correctly (tsadaqah huw’ ‘asah) was upheld and sustained (huw’ samak huw’).” (Yasha’yah 59:17)

Not long thereafter, we read about the one whom the Spirit would inspire to sow these seeds such that they would mature and grow…

“The Ruwach | Spirit (Ruwach) of Yahowah (Yahowah) is upon me (‘al ‘any). For this reason (ya’an) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has anointed, designating and appointing (mashach) that which is associated with me (‘eth ‘any) for the purpose of bringing this proclamation regarding the Basar | Herald (la basar) to the unpretentious and sincere who are ready to respond (‘anaw).

He has sent me at this time (shalach) to encourage and gird (chabash) those whose desires have been shattered and whose thinking has been thwarted such 629that their judgment has suffered (la shabar leb), to provide an invitation which can be read aloud (qara’) to be liberated without constraint (darowr) to those who are being led away and controlled (la shabah), and to those who are obligated and bound, who have sworn an oath of allegiance and who have joined in (wa la ‘asar) by providing a means of release, offering an opening to extricate themselves from being controlled (paqach-qowach). (Yasha’yah 61:1)

The seeds you have sown and your resulting offspring (wa zera’ ‘atah) will be known, Yada, and recognized (yada’) among the gentiles (ba ha gowym) in addition to (wa) what you have produced with your descendants (wa tse’etsa’ ‘atah) within (ba tawek) the Family (ha ‘am).

Everyone who witnesses them (kol ra’ah hem) will recognize and acknowledge the Nakar | Observant Foreigner along with them (nakar hem) because (ky) they are the offspring of the seeds sown (hem zera’) which Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has blessed and lovingly raised, now beneficially extolled (barak).” (Yasha’yah 61:9)

This is cohesive story has been unfolding before our eyes since the opening chapter of Yasha’yah / Isaiah. God and His prophet have led us to this place for a reason. He wants His people to pay attention, listen to H/him, and return home.

This next statement is the only one which appears to be in Yahowah’s voice rather than Yasha’yah’s. It seems as if God is inserting Himself into this discussion to express His disappointment and to show His empathy for His prophet. It should not have happened this way. Yahowah had given His people every advantage, establishing His Covenant with them, liberating them, revealing His Towrah through them, and inviting them to His Feasts. And He did it all in their language and in their presence. And in spite of this, He would have to deploy a gowy to get their 630attention because they had told Him to shut up and go away.

“‘So, having rejected the people, I have exerted my dominance over the nation (wa buws ‘am – I neglected and even tread upon the people comprising Yisra’el) in My displeasure and resentment (ba ‘aph ‘any – in My anger and overt frustration). I made them drink their fill of (wa shakar hem – I incapacitated them with) My righteous indignation (chemah ‘any – in My hostility born out of extreme disappointment).

Then I will bring forth (yarad – I have poured out) upon the earth (la ha ‘erets) their preeminence and opportunity to endure forevermore (netsach hem – the brilliance of their lifeblood).’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:6)

In spite of the religious sentiments otherwise, when it comes to deadly dogmas, we ought not be accepting or forgiving. To be loving, we must know when, what, why, and how to hate. This juxtaposition between God’s overt animosity toward the religious while demonstrating His enduring affection for those within the relationship demonstrates this point.

Further, after affording Yahuwdym with every advantage, Yahowah poured their birthright and superiority out upon the Earth. He would not allow their prior position to aid and abet their religion. For the better part of 3,000 years, Yisra’elites have squandered the opportunity Yahowah has given them – which is why the Jewish religion forgoes mention or means to eternal salvation.

After hearing Yahowah say this, Yasha’yah, realizing that the God he loved had been given no alternative, wanted his people to know what they had rejected to advance their lifeless and debilitating, parasitic religion…

“I will recall and will recount (zakar – I remember and will mention) the loyal love, unfailing kindness, and enduring affection (chesed – the resolute goodness, devotion, favor, and mercy) of Yahowah (Yahowah631God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions), the praiseworthy character, renown, and reputation (tahilah – the positive and excellent words) of Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH) in accordance with all (ka ‘al kol – consistent with everything) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of our ‘elowah – God regarding His hayah – existence) has done for our enrichment (gamal ‘anachnuw – has produced so that we might grow), as well as the abundant (wa rab – great) blessings (tuwb – beneficial and enriching effects, good things which are delightful and productive, joyful and pleasing) for the House and Family (beyth – the Household) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God) which show the way to get the greatest joy out of life that (‘asher) He has accomplished so that they might grow (gamal – He has done to wean and rear them) in accordance with (ka – consistent with) His compassion and mercy (rachamym huw’ – His willingness to favor those who are not deserving), and in harmony with (wa ka – consistent with) His steadfast love and devotion (chesed huw’ – His genuine kindness and enduring affection).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:7)

That is a lot to give up, Yisra’el and Yahuwdah, especially for a religion which continues to hold you hostage and rob you of your soul. Is there any wonder Yahowah is disappointed in the horrid decisions which have led you to this place? God is everything your rabbis are not. A relationship with Him does everything your religion cannot.

In the flow of events, the third Zarowa’ has teamed with Yahowah to awaken God’s people and to condemn their enemies. As a result, Yahowah is able to transition from accusing to accepting, from despising to loving. Properly guided and equipped, a solitary life matters.

“For He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Now it will be true (‘ak – indeed by contrast), My people (‘am ‘any – My family), 632will no longer be children who deceive and mislead (hem ben lo’ shaqar – they are not sons who lie, who betray, and who deal falsely, claiming that which is untrue, promoting a fraud which is disappointing and wrong). And so (wa – then, therefore), he will become (hayah – He will be (qal imperfect)) for them (la hem) an approaching Savior (la mowshya’ – a Liberator who delivers them from harm’s way).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:8)

This is the intent of the Red Heifer. It is why the story is detailed in the Towrah and then affirmed in Yasha’yah.

“Throughout all of their afflictions and anguish (ba kol tsarah hem – with all of their adversity and troubles, confinements and tribulations, persecutions and subjugations), the messenger announcing (wa mal’ak – the informative witness, representative, and herald making these pronouncements) His presence and appearance (paneh huw’ – His personal existence and characteristics) who is liberating and saving them (yasha’ hem – who is now rescuing and delivering them, removing them from danger) will not be restricted (lo’ tsar – will not be opposed, restrained, or prohibited, nor even troubled). With His love (ba ‘ahabah huw’ – because of His affection), and due to His compassion and mercy (wa ba chemlah huw’ – as a reflection of His concern), He will redeem them (huw’ ga’al hem – He will ransom and deliver them, reassess and release them, freeing them from bondage, having paid the price to do so).

Then He will lift them up (wa natal hem) and carry them away (wa nasa’ hem) based upon everything which has previously transpired and will occur throughout eternity (kol yowmym ‘owlam – for all that had transpired in the past and forevermore). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:9)

When they became recalcitrant and rebellious (wa hem morah – when they were defiant and obstinate, contentious and uncooperative), they distressed and grieved (wa ‘atsab – they irked and distraught, they pained) His Set-Apart Spirit (‘eth Ruwach Qodesh huw’). Therefore (wa), He was transformed (haphak – He was 633turned and converted) into their enemy (la hem la ‘oyeb – becoming hostile and demonstrating rancor and animosity), and He, Himself, opposed them (huw’ lacham ba hem – He was hostile toward them). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:10)

Then He remembered (wa zakar – He recalled) the days of old (yowmym ‘owlam – a time in the distant past) where (‘ayah) Moseh (Mosheh – One who Draws Out) and His people (wa ‘am huw’) were brought up and out of the sea (ha ‘alah hem min yam) through the shepherding (‘eth ra’ah) of His flock (tso’n huw’). It is where He placed (‘ayah ha sym) His Set-Apart Spirit (‘eth Ruwach Qodesh huw’) within his midst (ba qereb huw’). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:11)

His honorable (tiph’areth huw’ – His courageous and radiant, and now famous) Zarowa’ | Productive Shepherd (Zarowa’ – One with the strength, resolve, and ability to prevail, a remarkably impactful individual of action who, as a leader is engaged as a shepherd among his sheep, who is fruitful in his ways, accomplishing the mission when sowing the seeds which advance the purpose of the Sacrificial Lamb and the One Cultivating the Harvests), Moseh (Mosheh – the One who Draws Out), journeyed (halak – traveled) such that with the right hand (la yamym) he divided (baqa’ – he split and separated) the waters (maym) before their presence (min paneh hem) to engage and establish (la ‘asah – to act and make) for himself (la huw’) an everlasting reputation and name (shem ‘owlam). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:12)

He led them (halak hem – he walked with them, journeying) through the depths of the sea (ba ha tahowm – beneath the surface of the waters), like a skipping swallow (ka ha suws) in the desert (ba ha midbar – in the place where the word is pondered; from my – to consider the implications of the dabar – word), so that they did not falter (lo’ kashal – they did not stumble or fall). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:13)

634Similar to (ka – like) the herds (bahemah – lifeforms and livestock) which descend (yarad) into the valley (ba ha biqa’ah), the Spirit (Ruwach) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) settled upon and reassured him (nuwach huw’ – was placed upon him, comforting him). In this way (ken), You led (nahag – You guided) Your people (‘am ‘atah), acting and engaging on Your behalf to make for Yourself (la ‘asah la ‘atah) an honorable name and splendid reputation (tiph’areth shem). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:14)

I wanted to share this at this point because of Yasha’yah’s pronouncement that Moseh was the first of the three Zarowa’, and that the Spirit of Yahowah was upon him as it was and remains on the other two. This links the past with the present, as is God’s style. Yahowah conveyed His intent by working with Moseh | Moses, His Zarowa’ | Productive Shepherd. Inspiring him with His Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit, and guiding him with His yamym | right hand, Yahowah was able to ra’ah | shepherd His flock, bringing them home.

Similarly, the present-day Zarowa’ | Cultivating the Harvests is committed to reestablishing Yahowah’s name while accurately representing Moseh’s Towrah, so that in this way, the Children of Yisra’el will answer their Father’s Miqra’ey | Invitations and follow them back to the Beryth | Covenant as time flickers away. To satisfactorily complete this mission, an otherwise irrelevant and unqualified gowy | gentile has been supported by the seven marvelous manifestations of His Ruwach | Spirit. After awakening and enlightening Yisra’el, he will die for them.

A Choter | Stem or Sucker, growing out of the rootstock of Dowd | David, became Nakar | Observant and Responsive, thereby able to compile Yahowah’s Nes | Banner. Then serving as a Zarowa’ | Capable Arm Sowing the Seeds Producing a Fruitful Harvest, God is able to enrich His Beryth | Covenant Family while reinforcing His tiph’areth shem | marvelous reputation and honorable name.

635If you are a Yahuwd | Jew and feel slighted that, after speaking exclusively through Yisra’el, Yahowah would choose a gowy | gentile to call the Chosen People back home, you are perceptive. It’s embarrassing that Yahowah had to get your attention in this way. Nevertheless, He desires and values your company…

Please look down and choose to respond (nabath – be observant, and of Your own freewill, show regard (hifil imperative)) from the spiritual realm (min shamaym), and see (wa ra’ah) from Your magnificent, set-apart, and honorable dwelling (min zabuwl qodesh ‘atah wa tiph’areth – from Your lofty, separated and exalted, distinguished, and glorious habitation) where (‘ayah), as a reflection of Your nature (me’eh ‘atah), Your passion and zeal (qin’ah ‘atah – Your desire for exclusivity in the relationship and Your devotion to it), combined with Your ability to perform, doing great things (gabuwrah ‘atah – the feminine application of Your power and strength), are abundantly enriching (hamown – are resounding, significant, and on display), such that Your compassion and mercy (wa rachamym ‘atah – so that Your love and affection) for me influence my thinking and emotional response (‘el ‘any ‘aphaq – on my behalf, restrain me so that I do not overreact, such that I keep it together and muster the courage and strength to respond appropriately). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:15)

Now that we can bring a greater perspective to the role and result of the Zarowa’ | Cultivator of Harvests turned ‘Adamah Parah | Red Heifer, let’s return to the Towrah. As stated previously, Yada will be providing the last opportunity to resolve the religious guilt Yisra’el has wallowed in as if pigs in the sty. There will be no more retreating or wandering away from Yahowah this time. Come sunset, an individual is either Family or gone for good.

Also, tying the ashes of the Parah | Productive and Fruitful One to an ‘asaph | harvest reminds us that Yahowah is still gathering His People and bringing them 636together. And now it is the final remnant who were deliberately left behind because they were still filthy. And now with the cleansing waters flowing off the Temple Mount, many will be washing their clothes again in anticipation of seeing and hearing their God after 3,840 years of separation and silence. Stunning, poetic, beautiful…

“So (wa), the one who gathers up and harvests (ha ‘asaph) the ashes (‘eth ‘epher) of the Fruitful Heifer (ha parah) will wash and cleanse (kabas) his apparel (‘eth beged huw’) and be unclean (wa tame) as a witness until sunset (‘ad ha ‘ereb).

And this will be (wa hayah) for the Children of Yisra’el (la beny Yisra’el) as well as for the newcomer of a different ethnicity dwelling therein (wa la ha ger) who lives and remains on a journey (ha guwr) within their midst (ba tawek hem) as a perpetual and eternal, everlasting (la ‘owlam) inscribed prescription for living that cuts them into the relationship (chuqah).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 19:10)

The realization that this one life – that of a gowy – matters so much to Yahowah and Yisra’el that the remembrance of his sacrifice on behalf of the Family Reunion is to be celebrated forever is so extraordinary, my only regret is having to wait until the last minute.

I admire Yahowah’s plan. And I’m glad He gave me the time to figure it out on my own. I am appreciative that He waited until I was not only able to process what He was asking but was so committed to His Son and Family that I’m honored to know that He would trust me to do this for His People. And I am humbled by the realization that my life matters to God – and that I will have lived up to His expectations.

The Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, this Fruitful Man who was bloodied and red, then tossed on the ground after being bludgeoned, will transform the remnant of the Children of Yisra’el, removing their guilt, so that they are prepared to 637reencounter Yahowah at long last, and just moments before His return.

The ordeal of the ‘Adamah Parah, as Yahowah planned it and ‘ElYah performed it, is a prescription for living. It is what must occur to prepare Yisra’el to welcome Yahowah back into their lives. The Fruitful and Productive One not only cuts them back into the Covenant Family, the sacrifice of the Red Heifer will be part of our lives forevermore.

And that is important because it means that Yahowah explained the way He and His People will ultimately be reconciled three millennia before this approach would be made available. And it has such marvelous symmetry in that the one who was the first to reveal that Dowd fulfilled Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, preparing the Covenant Family to capitalize upon Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah, is now the one making the King’s Homecoming possible.

Before we venture into the story of ‘ElYah’s dress rehearsal for this day, and then into the story of Dowd’s reconciliation with his reformed whore, as told through the story of the Adulterous Woman, let’s take one last look at the prophecy which brought us to this place.

“Then (wa) there will exist (hayah) something which can be compared to (ka) the collecting and bringing together of an intensely dramatic ingathering, the removal and receiving (‘asaph) of a harvest, cutting away and reaping during a short but vexing time (qatsyr) of standing grain, deeply rooted, steadfast, upright, and established (qamah).

And (wa) His Zarowa’, the One who is Cultivating the Seeds Sown for His Harvest to be Fruitful and Productive (zarowa’ huw’) will reap the harvest with unfolding implications, cutting the valued crop away from a troubling time (qatsar) of first fruits forming an overflowing torrent moving swiftly from one place to another in linear fashion as a result of the stem off of the main branch (shibolym).

638In addition (wa), there will be at a time certain (hayah) that which is similar to (ka) a rapid gleaning of what is left in a final ingathering to be quickly prepared and removed (laqat) of first fruits flowing from one place to another in linear fashion (shibolym) in (ba) the profound depths of Rapha’ym where the sick have been healed and the defective have been restored while the feeble falter and the souls of the dead remain (‘emeq Rapha’ym). (Yasha’yah 17:5)

And he will remain, enduring being left behind as flesh and blood for having caused people with leavened physical bodies to be spared as a remnant (wa sha’ar), during it (ba huw’).

Thrust aside and left on the stems and branches (‘olelah) as would be the case when an olive tree is beaten from all around to shake off some of the fruit (ka noqeph zayit): two or three (shanaym shalowsh) mature olives (gargar) in the top, most crucial, and foremost (ba ro’sh) vocal branch (‘amyr), four or five (‘arba’ chamesh) in the clefts of his crag from his branches which have been broken off (ba sa’yph huw’), of the fruitful and productive heifer, of the one cultivating a flourishing and abundant harvest on behalf of future generations (parah), prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah), God (‘elohym) of Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with the Almighty (Yisra’el).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah’s Deliverance / Isaiah 17:6)

The conclusion of this prophecy speaks of the relationship the ro’sh ‘amyr | most essential and vocal branch has developed with those who have been estranged. He is shown protecting them within the fissures of his crag. And while this is sufficient to identify the Zarowa’ as the Choter named Craig, we are told that he is a Parah | Fruitful Heifer engaged in a productive harvest on behalf of future generations. And now we know his ultimate role and fate.

Yasha’yah has revealed the future. The Shabuw’ah Harvest of Standing Grain comprised of Gowym and 639Yahuwdym will be seen as a river of light from Earth to Heaven. The Taruw’ah Gleaning will follow seven years later, with these Ingatherings serving as bookends for the Time of Israel’s Troubles. Then, by connecting this prophecy to the Towrah, we find that as the sun rises over those deliberately left behind on Saturday, September 24th, 2033, the Zarowa’ responsible for cultivating these productive harvests will turn to the remaining remnant of Yisra’el, let down his guard, and allow Satan to kill him, recognizing the good that will result from his sacrifice as the Par | Bull turned Parah | Heifer.

There are times like these when I am left speechless, in awe of my God and His Prophets – particularly Moseh, Dowd, ‘ElYah, and Yasha’yah. And yet, as his Ro’sh ‘Amyr | Most Essential and Talkative Choter | Stem (as well as the only one which makes the superlatives superfluous), I have noticed a pattern. While God is magnanimous and exceedingly generous in His appreciation when His chosen to live up to the expectations He has placed on us, He has a way of keeping us humble. For example, Dowd, the roaring lion of Judah, the King of Kings who fought and won 66 consecutive battles, was rendered a lamb in his most heroic and courageous moment. And after surviving thousands of death threats without a scrape, and decades of trampling down devilish men and demonic spirits as a fearless bull wherever I have found them, the moment I offer my life to prepare Yisra’el for Yahowah’s arrival, I’m presented as a bloody cow.

It is telling in a way. When we have Yahowah’s full support, buttressed as we are by His Spirit, we are presented with the inspiring courage and strength of a lion and bull. But when we step out on our own, let our guard down, and offer our lives to inferior beasts, we are vulnerable and adorable creatures. I suspect God sees us both ways, and it is how He wants His Family to view us in these diverse roles. A roar is a baa, a snort becomes a moo.

Even my buddy, my brother Yasha’yah, couldn’t help 640himself. The Crag is cracked and fissured by this time, telling us that he is not only old and weathered, but that his many battle scars have become obvious. And so while he is painting the scene, accurately as a prophet must, it is laughable that after revealing all of the Choter’s credentials, he pulls a word out of obscurity to call him an ‘Amyr | Talkative Stick. Frankly, I represent that statement.

Musings aside, since there is more to say about bulls and heifers, ashes and water, rebellion and reconciliation, it’s time to move on to ‘ElYah’s practice run before a similarly religious and political audience.
