388Yada Yahowah
Shabuw’ah | Seven Weeks
Preparing the Harvest…
In the previous chapter, as we were contemplating the meaning behind Yow’el’s use of mowreh in Joel 2:23, I promised to share what Yirma’yah / Jeremiah had to say about Yahowah’s provision. Remember…
“Rejoice over these favorable circumstances (gyl – since you have been given this opportunity, choose of your own volition to display a positive attitude and be genuinely happy (qal imperative)) Children of Tsyown (beny Tsyown – descendants of the Signs Posted Along the Way, the offspring of Zionists). Demonstrate a positive attitude (wa samach – be happy and express your elation outwardly) with (ba – alongside) Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), for (ky) He has provided for you (nathan la ‘atem – He has given to you) that which is associated with the autumn rains through a teacher who communicates what you need to know about the towrah to live (mowreh – authorized, accurate, and informative instructions by pointing out and showing the directions; from mah – to ponder the implications of yarah – the source from which teaching and guidance, instructions and directions flow (serving as the actional base of towrah)) so that you can be right and thus vindicated (la tsadaqah – for you to be correct, upright, and acquitted, innocent and prosperous as a result of exercising good judgment regarding that which is verifiable and true).
He has brought down (yarad) for you (la ‘atem) an abundant shower (gesem) of guidance and instruction 389(mowreh – pouring out and pointing out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s teaching and directions, communicating as a teacher what you need to know to live) about being gleaned and growing thereafter (malqowsh – being gathered together and finally harvested in the aftermath; from mah – to ponder the implications of and laqash – being gleaned in a final harvest and then growing thereafter) as was intended in the beginning (ba ha ri’shown – returning to where it all began).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:23)
It would have been advantageous if Yahuwdym simply read the Towrah and studied the Prophets. Had they done so, they would not have needed a Towrah teacher to rain Yahowah’s instructions down upon them. They would not have endured a twenty-five-century drought. They would not be fighting for their very lives and right to exist.
And even now, when the Towrah shower is cascading down from Heaven through Yada Yahowah, the vast preponderance of Jews has donned raincoats and umbrellas. In order to resolve this problem, in Yirma’yah / Jeremiah, beginning with the 19th statement of the 5th chapter, we find Yahowah systematically assessing the reasons He would go outside of the family to find someone willing to shower His people with His Towrah | Guidance. And in so doing, God assigned blame. He is, after all, judgmental in such matters.
This is the question that echoes throughout the ages…
“When it comes to pass that you ask (wa hayah ky ‘amar), ‘Why (mah) has Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), our God (‘elohym ‘anachnuw), allowed (‘asah – enabled) the progression (tachath – systematically and in succession over time) of all of these things to happen (kol ‘eleh) to us (la ‘anachnuw)?’ Then you should explain to them (wa ‘amar ‘el hem), ‘It is because (ka ‘asher) you have abandoned and forsaken Me (‘azab ‘eth ‘any – you 390have rejected and neglected Me, disavowing a relationship with Me, deserting Me). And you have served (wa ‘abad – you have indentured yourself, expending considerable energy and intensity pursuing) the gods observed by foreigners (‘elohym nekar – showing respect for and paying attention to the recognition of phony and pretend gods) in your Land (ba ‘erets ‘atem).
Therefore (ken), you will serve (‘abad) illegitimate and unauthorized foreigners (zar – inadvisable and misled strangers) in a land which is not yours (ba ‘erets lo’ lo ‘atem).’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:19)
Like so many things pursuant to Yahowah, Jews are oblivious to the obvious. They are eager to acknowledge that they are the Chosen People in the Promised Land, but they fail to acknowledge that they have seldom reciprocated and chosen God or honored their promises.
For sound and moral reasons, throughout the ages, Jews have blamed the Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines, Moabites, Amalekites, Ammonites, Edomites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Ottomans, Europeans, Nazis, Socialists, Communists, Muslims again, a slew of terrorist organizations, and now also Progressive politicians for their plight. But they seldom consider why they were in Egypt or how they behaved when liberated.
It was a drought that allegorically and actually brought the first Yisra’elites to Mitsraym. And then, when Yahowah came to rescue them, and openly shower them with His Towrah | Guidance, the beneficiaries told their Savior to shut up and go away. After 3,500 years of enduring the ill effects of this horrible collective decision, insanity reigns with almost everyone wanting to perpetuate the rebuff that has debilitated the Chosen People.
Until I wrote the thirteen volumes of Babel, Twistianity, and God Damn Religion, the malignant malfeasance of Jewish complicity in the conception of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam was largely unknown. 391And while it remains unacknowledged and unaccepted by those who have been complicit, the simple truth is that Jews have been their own worst enemy.
It pains me to say this because my life has been devoted to awakening Jews from their self-imposed stupor and saving them from themselves. But at times, it is like rowing up a waterfall.
I realize that this is hard for a moral person to accept today in the aftermath of the Islamic butchery on 10.07.23. And while Islam is solely to blame for the subhuman behavior of those who invaded, terrorized, tortured, looted, raped, murdered, and abducted Jews and then celebrated their sadistic savagery, the truth is that without rabbis, Islam would not exist. They sold Talmud recitals to Muhammad that not only became Quran surahs, but when they mocked the psychopath for twisting them to fit his immoral situation while claiming that they came from Allah, the miscreant messenger turned on his benefactors and slandered and exterminated them. Then, he created a religious requirement to annihilate Jews anywhere and everywhere. The October massacre was the most recent result.
Jews are not like everyone else – not when it comes to God. Israel isn’t just one of two hundred politicized places on Earth. The Creator of the universe chose them, created a Covenant agreement with them, and made promises to them relative to this place with benefits and consequences depending upon their response. Yisra’elites agreed to the terms, which were universally generous and beneficial, but then they did as this pronouncement reveals. Jews were so egregious in breaking their promises and reneging on the terms of the agreement, they erased Yahowah’s name and then substituted their own rules and edicts – even their own HaShem.
Therefore, Jews, and the land of Israel, have endured the worst of human aggression, violence, persecution, and subjugation. No nation or ethnicity has been invaded, oppressed, robbed, abducted, enslaved, or abused more 392often or for such an extended period of time. And so Yahowah is reporting that they are to blame. “It is because (ka ‘asher) you have abandoned and forsaken Me, disavowing the relationship with Me, rejecting Me (‘azab ‘eth ‘any). And you have served (wa ‘abad) the gods observed by foreigners (‘elohym nekar) in your Land (ba ‘erets ‘atem).” They did more than serve the Christian and Islamic gods, they helped create them.
According to God, Jews have been and continue to be attacked and tormented because they have chosen to be religious.
Yahowah is bluntly and overtly stating that He would have forestalled the belligerents who invaded Israel and ravaged Jews had they not erased and replaced His name while rejecting and substituting His Beryth, Miqra’ey, and Towrah for their own. Therefore, from God’s mouth to their ears – “Muslim terrorists have invaded and more will come. I would have stopped them if not for the rabbinical scum.” And since Progressive politics is the new religion of socialists, their shrill and divisive rhetoric is equally offensive to God, aggravating the problem.
So, do you suppose Yahowah is being anti-Semitic by accusing Jews and saying that they are responsible for what has been done to them? Do you suppose that I am an anti-Semite, too, because I am reporting and explaining this to Yisra’el? Or are the real anti-Semites those who are so opposed to Yahowah’s shem that they disowned and erased it?
Are God and His Witness at fault for revealing the cause of this ongoing problem or are those who created and continue to perpetuate it to blame? Who are you going to trust?
Since it is the single most prominent theme throughout the Towrah and Prophets, it should be no surprise that God is anti-religious.
Yahowah is opposed to the various religions observed by Gentiles, especially Christianity and Islam which 393misappropriate and misrepresent His story. But His larger concern is when religious ideas are seen among His people. Judaism is a prime example of what God hates most because of its debilitating influence on Jews.
To be sure, Yahowah is going to condemn Christians, Muslims, and Progressives for persecuting His people. However, God recognizes that Judaism has actually been deadlier because it is a cancer that has metastasized within Jews, killing them.
By being religious, Jews have forsaken their relationship with God. Because of their Talmud, they have neglected the Towrah. By writing “HaShem,” they have abandoned Yahowah. The Haredim value their rabbis over the Prophets, and their Halakhah above all else.
With Yahuwdym having broken the Covenant, Yahowah withdrew its benefits, and His people were orphaned. Uprooted and unprotected, they were dragged off as slaves and forced to serve the very foreigners whose jargon they incorporated into their religion. God is indeed fair and just.
Now, if only they would listen…
“Declare this (nagad zo’th – report this and explain it) in the House of Ya’aqob (ba ha beyth Ya’aqob – in the family of Yisra’el) and hear it in Yahuwdah (wa shama’ hy’ ba Yahuwdah – and perceive what is said among the Beloved of Yah), saying (la ‘amar), (5:20) ‘Please choose of your own volition to listen to this (shama’ na’ zo’th – under the auspices of freewill, I urge you to hear this) foolish and senseless people (‘am sakal – ignorant and irrational, even immoral family members), those without common sense, who are heartless and incapable of executing good judgment (‘ayn leb), who have eyes (‘ayn la hem) but cannot see (wa lo’ ra’ah), who have ears (‘ozen la hem) but cannot hear (wa lo’ shama’).’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:21)
For a thousand years, from Moseh in 1447 BCE to Mal’aky in 447 BCE, the Prophets played their part, boldly 394declaring the Word of Yahowah to Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym. They pleaded with their people to listen. Jews refused. As a result, Yahowah sees the brightest on earth as the most senseless, the most intelligent as the most irrational. The observant chose to be blind. Those to whom Yahowah spoke, stopped listening.
And this condition grew worse with time. Over the millennia, not a single Jew showed any interest in listening to Yahowah, contemplating what they were given to read, processing the revelation to the point of comprehension, or changing their approach and responding to God’s prophetic testimony so as to honor their side of the agreement. And with time running out, with only two to three decades remaining back then prior to the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests and the Kipurym Homecoming, why would God expect behaviors that had been engrained over the past two to three thousand years to suddenly change?
It would have been irrational for Yahowah to expect that one, much less thousands, of Yahuwdym and Yisra’elites, would suddenly do an about-face, start looking, listening, and thinking, and accept Him by name, engage in the Covenant, and attend the Miqra’ey such that they were prepared for His return. Able to see that to which His people were blinded, God came up with a solution, one He envisioned and announced 3,500 years before He implemented His plan.
He identified a Nakry | Observant Foreigner to act as a Choter | Secondary Branch, someone He could enlighten and embolden with His Seven Spirits, to serve as His Qowl | Voice to call His people home in time to participate in the Shabuw’ah | Seven Sevens Harvest. With a Basar | Herald speaking on behalf of His Son, Yahuwdym would come to appreciate and capitalize on their Messiah’s fulfillment of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. This would prepare them for the Harvest of Standing Grain. There would be olives ready for the final gleaning on Taruw’ah. There would be Family awaiting the Homecoming on Kipurym. It was the only way. It was God’s way.
395A library of 35 volumes later, and thousands of audio programs, all filled with soul-stirring insights, most unheralded over the preceding six millennia, the blind are able to see and the deaf can hear again. The Qatsyr will be abundant. The Family Reunion is assured. You are welcome to join us.
Since the battle lines are set, with Yahowah, His Prophets, and myself on one side and the religious and political on the other, it is relevant for you to know that almost everyone on the losing side will succumb because of their faith. Whether it is in politics or religion, it has blinded them, leaving them wallowing in delusions and unfounded opinions rather than rational thought. Specifically, when it comes to God, the brightest ethnicity in the world has acted as if they were the dumbest. They are still listening to the very rabbis and politicians who are misleading them.
This known, be aware, Yahowah is not expecting, nor is He even interested, in overtly religious Jews changing their attitudes and minds, such that they reject the rabbis and choose to act upon His instructions. Even God cannot fix stupid. Therefore, the autumn rain of Towrah Teaching is for the Yahuwdym who are open to the truth and who will follow it home.
As for those still lost in their own delusions, God asks…
“‘Do you not respect Me (ha ‘eth ‘any lo’ yare’)?’ prophetically inquires (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration).”
The answer has been unequivocally and ubiquitously, “No!” Yahuwdym have continued through the ages to twist and pervert God’s message, dancing about as if they were smarter than their Creator and Savior.
“‘Before My presence (min paneh ‘any – before My appearance and in My face) do you not twist and turn (‘im 396lo’ chyl – do you not dance about while waiting for some kind of resolution, albeit from a comparatively powerless and impoverished position)?’”
While Yahuwdym do not know Yahowah, it is obvious that God knows His people. They have become great perverters, corrupters, deniers, replacers, and erasers. But in such greatness, God sees them for the spiritual lowlifes they have become.
In what follows, Yahowah is using “ha yam – the sea” metaphorically to speak of hostile Gentiles, those who are not of the Land but seek to claim Yisra’el as their own.
“For the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I have placed (sym – I have put, setting in place) sand as a vast and boundless (chowl) outer limit (gebuwl) for the sea (la ha yam), an inscribed boundary to endure the test of time (choq ‘owlam – as a clearly communicated prescription which is etched in stone for all eternity) that it cannot cross (wa lo’ ‘abar huw’). Even though the waves recede and thrust forward (ga’ash), they will not succeed (wa lo’ yakol – it will not prevail and accomplish its goal).
Its surging waves and turbulent seas (wa gal huw’ – the strong currents and destructive storms) are loud and uproarious (hamah – they are noisy, moaning and crying, bristling with rage, chaotic and disorderly, particularly disturbing with their angry and snarling political and religious yearnings), but it will not pass over it or possess that which is beyond it (wa lo’ ‘abar huw’ – it will not extend past it).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:22)
The empires which have surged into Yisra’el have withdrawn. Those who have sought to erode the Land have evaporated. The most contested place on Earth is now occupied by Yahuwdym. Imagine that.
In spite of this miraculous outcome…
“And yet this family (wa ha ‘am ha zeh – but these people) remains (hayah) rebellious with their 397inclinations, defiant in their thinking, and obstinate in their judgment, and especially stubborn in their attitude (leb sarar). Audaciously contentious and insolent (marah – recalcitrant and brazenly imprudent), they have turned away and departed (suwr – they have taken off in a different direction, leaving the relationship, removing themselves for a time (qal perfect)), having walked away (wa halak).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:23)
Because I read Israeli newspapers, including the Jerusalem Post, I am aware that even today, rabbis are a constant source of toxic venom. I concur with Yahowah’s assessment. They are disgusting. Acting as if they were the gibowr | leaders and defenders of the Jewish people, they are instead, the scum of the Earth. Even God is incapable of resolving what ails them.
“It is not germane to their thinking to convey (wa lo’ ‘amar ba lebab hem – they do not say in their hearts), ‘Surely, we should respect (yare’ na’ ‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), our God (‘elohym ‘anachnuw), who has provided (ha nathan – who has offered as a gift, having bestowed) an outpouring (geshem – showers) of towrah | teaching and guidance (yowrah – autumn showers of instructions and directions; active participle of the verb yarah which serves as the actionable root of Towrah | the Source from which Teaching and Guidance, Instructions and Directions Flow), and at the proper time (wa ba ‘eth hy’) enabling a gleaning (malqowsh – considering the implications of an ingathering, being gathered up in a harvest promoting subsequent growth; from mah – to ponder laqat and laqash – being gleaned and then growing) during Shabuw’ah | the Promise of Seven (Shabuw’ah – the Feast of Weeks and Miqra’ of Seven Sevens), providing the inscribed prescriptions for living (chuqah – the clearly communicated instructions of what you should do to be accepted, live, and receive a share of the inheritance) associated with the harvest (qatsyr – the reaping in the 398harvest season) for us to observe, closely examining and carefully considering (shamar la ‘anachnuw).’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:24)
Since Yahowah has affirmed it, we might as well say it: Rabbis respect rabbis and not God. It has been that way for 2,000 years. And as much as they have shown disrespect for Yahowah’s name, His Son, Prophets, Miqra’ey, and Beryth, these malicious malcontents and pocketbook rapists are especially slanderous toward messengers like myself. They will fight dirty to protect their ability to fleece the flock, even when it leads to the death of the sheep.
But not every Israeli and Jew is beguiled and controlled by them. Some are within earshot. And this is why…
“Yahowah provided for you the autumn rains through a teacher who pours out what you need to know about the towrah’s guidance (mowreh – authorized, accurate, and informative instruction; from yarah – to guide and instruct) so that you can be right and thus vindicated. He has brought down for you an abundant shower of teaching and directions (mowreh – pouring out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s guidance and instructions) about being gleaned and growing thereafter as was intended in the beginning.” (Yow’el 2:23)
In light of this, it is a shame so many of Yahowah’s beloved Yahuwdym have forfeited this opportunity. Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:25 and Yow’el / Joel 3:23 are gifts from God to His people. Please open your eyes, ears, and minds, even hearts, and capitalize upon God’s gifts so as not to ostracize Yahowah any more than you already have.
As expected, this prophecy is explicit in explaining the symbolism behind mowreh. God goes right to the essence of His offer by using yowrah malqowsh | teaching regarding the harvest. The raining down of the towrah | guidance is what is enabling the harvest. It speaks of how 399the final Zarowa’ is cultivating the seeds which have been sown so that they are receptive to Yah’s nourishment and light, and that they mature sufficiently to be reaped.
Moreover, Yahowah and His Prophets came full circle, and tied this gift right back into Shabuw’ah – just as we were completing our thoughts on this Mow’ed. Even better, we found two of our favorite words in the text – chuqah and shamar – encouraging us to observe the Towrah’s prescriptions for living so that by closely examining and carefully considering them, we can live and grow as part of the Covenant Family. What a wonderful gift. And at just the right time.
This was our answer – big, bold, and powerful. And all who know and love Yah are humbled by His generosity and appreciative of His gift. We are ready for and are anticipating the Harvest.
However, most Yahuwdym remain mired in the cesspool of their religion – too stubborn and stupid, if I may quote Yah, to get out of their own way. So, it is well past time to sever the misconception that to be Jewish is to accept Judaism. This ethnicity is the most treasured by Yahowah while the religion is the most despised. It is akin to the weeds choking out the harvest, and the harsh winds blowing away the rain.
I say this because God said it. He wants open-minded Yahuwdym and Yisra’elites to reject the rabbis and to listen to what He is offering and expecting in return. Man is wrong. God is right.
Considering how miserable the past 2,000 years have been under the rabbis, maybe it’s time to give God’s approach a try. But please, no matter if you choose to believe men or trust God, accept the fact that they are opposed to one another. Rabbis do not speak for God but instead argue against Him.
Should you not agree, consider this…
“Your propensity to be wrong and the damage you 400have inflicted upon yourselves (‘awon ‘atem – the consequence of your perverse and twisted corruptions) has caused you to thrust aside by perverting God’s approach (natah ‘el leh – you have disengaged from the relationship, denying these, thrusting the Almighty away).
Furthermore (wa), you have missed the way and having gone astray (chata’th ‘atem – your offensive nature and tendency to be mistaken) has caused that which is beneficial to be withheld (mana’ ha towb – has kept that which is generous and good away) from you all (min ‘atem).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:25)
The subject has been the rejection of Yahowah by Jews and their propensity to worship false gods. This means that the Almighty is saying that the rabbis are wrong and that they have inflicted their brethren with the consequence of their perverse religion. Therefore, since God is condemning Judaism, it is long past time that Jews drop the nasty façade and stop pretending that Judaism is valid and makes them better Jews.
Judaism has misled Jews for one hundred generations. Rabbis have withheld the identity of God, the acclaim of His Son, and the benefits of the Covenant from tens of millions of Jewish souls. And at the same time, rabbis played a pivotal role in creating Israel’s most ardent foes – Christians and Muslims. Is it any wonder God hates those who erased His name?
The beneficial things which the religious have perverted and thrust aside are: “yare’ – respect” for Yahowah, the “nathan – gift” of His “geshem yowrah – outpouring of Towrah teaching and guidance,” being “malqowsh – gathered in” during the “qatsyr – harvest” of “Shabuw’ah – the Promise of the Shabat,” and then they rejected the “chuqah – clearly inscribed prescriptions for living.”
If I may be blunt: over the past 2,000 years, Jews have been the most mistreated people on Earth because they have been the most mistaken. And there is no excuse 401because Yahowah chose Yisra’elites to convey His guidance and did so in their language. If I can read it, so can they.
Dressing down the rabbis, exposing and condemning them while warning His people about them, Yahowah reveals…
“Indeed (ky), wickedly unrighteous men (rasha’ – evil and unethical individuals who are in gross violation of the standard and will be condemned, these unGodly religious criminals) have been discovered (matsa’ – have been uncovered and found) among My people (ba ‘am ‘any).
They are in plain sight, easily seen (shuwr – they lie in wait openly, readily perceived if you care to view them), like those who entice and lure birds into their snare (ka yaqosh – similar to fowlers who set and bait their traps) then sneak away as they appease and pacify (shakak – recede, hiding the evidence to abate culpability).
These wretched officials in their appointed positions are rigid in their stance (natsab – they stand firm behind their binding proclamations and implied authority, establishing official decrees which are exhausting), destructive and deadly (mashachyth – corrupt and ruinous, as well as perverted and toxic). They ensnare and capture men (lakad ‘ysh – they prey upon and seize, catching and controlling people).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:26)
Should anyone have thought that I was being presumptuous in accusing rabbis of being the object of God’s scorn, He just affirmed this conclusion. The Yisra’elite governance of Yisra’el has varied over the past 2,500 years from nonexistent to inconsequential. The only prevailing influence has been religion. And it has not served the people well. The most prominent and persuasive individuals among Yahuwdym have been rabbis. These hypocrites, wickedly unrighteous men pretending to be otherwise, are easily seen, indeed, unmistakable, in their 402religious costumes. And their mission continues to be to control Jews and empty their wallets – placing the people in the cages they have built with their wretched words.
Rabbis are parasites – according to Yahowah – and Judaism is parasitic. It thrives by devouring the lives of others. And it offers nothing but misery and ignorance in return.
From Yahowah’s perspective, rabbis “natsab – stubbornly enact their binding proclamations using their implied authority, establishing official decrees which are exhausting” “mashachyth – corrupt, perverted, and deadly.” In destructive pursuit of their brethren, they have turned their own people into their prey.
In response, Yahowah chose to pour out His towrah | teaching and guidance through an alternative source. His intent was not only to counter the religious lies but also to rebuke the rabbis. This is one of a thousand examples which affirm that God is anti-religious. It is only by walking away from Judaism and opposing Christianity, Islam, and Progressive politics that Jews can return to Yahowah, become part of His Covenant, and be among those withdrawn to Shamaym on Shabuw’ah.
Of course, everyone is free to oppose Yahowah’s observations or my witness regarding it. Just don’t expect a sympathetic ear apart from the echo chambers of religion and politics. God is not interested in anyone’s contrarian opinions or complaints. He’s heard way too many of them.
Continuing to compare rabbis to fowlers and Judaism to a cage…
“Like a cage (ka kaluwb – similar to a basket designed to confine birds; from kaluwa’ – to imprison and keleb – a contemptible and abasing pagan cult for whores and prostitutes) filled with a multitude (male’) of fowl (‘owph – of those who flitter and fly around), their houses are filled (beyth hem male’) with deception and deceit, deliberately misleading words and deeds, fraudulently perpetrated (mirmah – dishonesty and treachery, along 403with the riches pilfered through trickery and fraud; from my – to consider the means of ramah – beguiling deceit and misleading betrayal). This is how they are enriched and empowered (‘al ken gadal wa ‘ashar – it is the source of their wealth and aggrandizement, even their boasts, and it explains how they have risen to power and have been deemed important, but they are thieves).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:27)
To condemn rabbis and Judaism is Godly. To promote or defend it is condemnable. And since my rhetoric mirrors the Almighty’s on these issues, there is no way to rationally or morally condemn me without condemning oneself – which is by intent.
It is Yahowah’s observation, evaluation, and conclusion. The fact that I concur with Him serves to make us more effective. Like God, I oppose deliberate deception, and I am in favor of accountability. It is long past time to give the rabbis a full dose of what they have prescribed.
“‘For these things (‘al ‘el leh) should I not hold them accountable (ha lo’ paqad – inventory and take stock of what they have written and punish them)?’ Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) asks in advance of it happening (na’um).
‘In the case of a nation acting as if they were gowy (‘im ba gowy ‘asher ka zeh – with the people relating as if they were Gentiles estranged from the relationship with Yisra’el), should I not seek justice, and in retribution return harm with harm (lo’ naqam – should I not avenge Myself; from naqa’ – to become estranged and alienated, severing the relationship) for My soul (nepesh ‘any – My conscious persona, My nature projected through a lifetime of experiences and My response to them)?’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:29)
Said another way: Yahowah cannot remain just without holding rabbis accountable for erasing His name, 404corrupting His testimony, and ruining His people. Should God make an exception to give those who have deprived so many of a relationship with Him, He would cease to be credible. And while you may be a proponent of “second chances,” what would the ramifications of this change be on the reliability of the promises Yahowah made regarding the Mow’ed and Beryth? Couldn’t He alter them, too? And should that be the case, why bother with the Towrah or Prophets? What is the purpose of God? What is the role of man?
Listening to Yahowah, two things become immediately obvious. The religious will be excluded from Shamaym, and She’owl is going to be an exceedingly popular place for those who prefer their rules to God’s guidance. Hell will be filled with rabbis, priests, imams, and pastors – all incarcerated for doing “the Lord’s work.” No doubt, you will find the authors of the Talmud, Zohar, Mishnah, New Testament, Church Canon, Quran, Book of Mormon, Communist Manifesto, and Mein Kampf singing in the choir.
All the while, rather than voice the sour notes of religious hymnals, Yahowah will be singing the lyrics of Dowd’s Mizmowr | Songs …
“An appalling and stupefying (shamah – an atrocious and wasteful, horrible and destructive, confounding and deadly; from shamem – to stun and ravage, to desert and desolate, dumbfound and astonish) abomination, especially shocking and horrible (wa sha’aruwr – and also defiling and corrupting; from sha’ar – particularly divisive and irrational) has occurred (hayah – will transpire) in the Land (ba ha ‘erets).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:30)
Again, the context of this dressing down of His people is essential to understanding the message. Yahowah is addressing Yahuwdym | Jews, and He is excoriating Judaism. Through their rabbis, Jews have become their own worst enemy. They have not only irritated God, they have driven Him away.
405But there is hope. The mowreh | abundant late rains filled with towrah | instruction is reviving the seeds Dowd has sown, and they are being cultivated for the Shabuw’ah Harvest. All the while, the rabbinic foe will be washed away and drowned out by the flood of knowledge. This is why Yahowah pointed these insights out for us to share.
As another reminder that He is condemning the religious leaders among His people, Yahowah concludes…
“Those who claim to speak for God (ha naby’ – these prophets) communicate deceptively, misleading by professing a fraudulent message from a false god (naby’ ba ha seqer – are false prophets, vain liars whose deceptions will disappoint, they are hypocrites and swindlers who betray their trust as a breach of faith).
The priests, clerics and ministers performing religious rites (kohen – the mediators and those conducting religious services) seek to control as autocrats, dominating and subduing by trampling upon their societies (radah – they subjugate, ruling through a governing authority, dominating the culture), on their own initiative, influence, and authority (‘al yad hem – at their own hand and terms).
And My people (wa ‘am ‘any) love it so (‘ahab ken – desire it and like it like this, developing a close and personal relationship with it because it is familiar to them)! But what (wa mah) will you do (‘asah – engage in and act upon) when it comes to an end (la ‘acharyth hy’ – in the future at the end, during the last days and upon its demise)?’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:31)
The religious agenda is always fixated upon perpetuating its own existence. Established on the wavering foundation of faith, it eliminates every perceived threat, including evidence contrary to its validity. It is so vulnerable to common sense and so fragile, it is forever frightened by the truth and must viciously threaten and attack the voice of reason. It is unable to learn from the past, incapable of understanding current events, and 406incompetent when attempting to draw conclusions about the future. Recalcitrant and stupefied, unable to think, it is paralyzed, and thus cannot be reasoned with. Mired in its own minutia and stuck in time, it is doomed to paralyze and kill everything it infects.
The world loves politics and religion, and no one more so than the Yisra’elites. These neurotoxins have become so prevalent, they permeate every relationship. And yet, these are mankind’s greatest adversaries. They exist to control others and to subdue them. They remain the greatest obstacles to knowing Yahowah.
One of the most expressive presentations of Shabuw’ah is found in Daniel 9. I am particularly fond of it because it is presented by Gabry’el | God’s Most Courageous and Competent Man. Therefore, the one predicting the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey is also the one fulfilling them.
The most salient portion of the prophecy begins…
“The many promises associated with Shabuw’ah and the Shabat, along with the vows pertaining to the things Seven represents, even seventy sevens (shabuwa’ym shib’iym) are determined and decreed (chathak – He has planned, divided out, and marked) on behalf of your people, the extended family (‘al ‘am ‘atah – for your kin) and upon your set-apart city and its distinctly uncommon inhabitants (wa ‘al ‘iyr qodesh ‘atah – over your special and separated population center, including those who are separated and distinct and, thus, not religious) to bring an end to the religious rebellion, eliminating the revolting communal defiance and contrarian views (la kalah ha pesha’ – for the abolition and complete purging of revolting opposition, pervasive transgression, being at fault, and guilty of being contrarians 407who have defected from the relationship), to affix the signature which seals up the guilt associated with having missed the way, precluding ever being wrong again (wa la chatham chata’owth – to affirming the authenticity of that which constrains and prevents everything associated with going astray), to provide reconciliation for religious error, purging the perverse corruptions and twisted perversions (wa la kaphar ‘awon – to cover over by atoning, ransoming and annulling distortions), to arrive with and bring that which is eternally right, always correct, forever accurate and honest, thereby attaining everlasting deliverance and vindication (wa la bow’ tsedeq ‘owlam – to come with ongoing and perpetual justice and deliverance, innocence and prosperity, returning to pursue enduring righteousness), to provide a personal seal and signature to revelation, confirming and completing these communications (wa la chatham chazown wa naby’ – to confirm and complete the visual communication from God about the future) and to prophecy (wa naby’ – to the prophet), while also anointing the Most Set Apart (wa la mashach qodesh qodesh – and to consecrate, dedicate, and prepare the separated, special, distinctly different, and uniquely uncommon).” (Dany’el / Daniel 9:24)
The path to Shabuw’ah passes through Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. And this approach to God leads through Taruw’ah to Kipurym. We know this because there is no other way to seal up guilt or bring an end to religious rebellion. And the signature which would assure this result was Dowd’s. He would return to remove our guilt and then again to provide reconciliation, with Shabuw’ah transpiring between these magnificent events. And with this pronouncement, the Most Set-Apart provided one of the most important prophecies of all time.
He would then go on to reveal when he would do these things…
“Therefore (wa), know (yada’ – it is beneficial for you to be aware by coming to possess the information 408required to recognize) and gain the insights to understand (wa sakal – realizing that the best option is for you to be prudent after learning, succeeding and prospering by being attentive, properly educated, intelligent, and wise, perceiving) that from (min) the going forth of the word (mowtsa’ dabar – the stage being set to begin the process in accord with the message) to return to restore (shuwb – to bring back to its original state), rebuilding (wa la banah – and reestablishing) Yaruwshalaim (Yaruwshalaim – the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation), until the restoring testimony and eternal witness (‘ad – up to, as far as, for an extension of time to become victorious and receive the spoils evidenced by the witness) of the Son of the Sovereign who is conspicuously making this known, and who is providing the leadership and counsel (nagyd – of the one who has officially obtained the status of being properly appointed, and who has expounded upon, announced, and proclaimed the message) of the Mashyach | the anointed Messiah (mashyach – the one who is set apart, anointed, and prepared to serve as authorized) are seven sevens, and thus seven promises and fulfilled vows (shabuwa’ym shiba’ah – contractual oaths fulfilled in harmony with the promises of Shabuw’ah over seven periods of seven weeks).
Therefore (wa), in sixty-two weeks (shabuwa’ym sheshym wa shanaym – based upon the promise of seven, in sixty and two weeks), she will be restored (shuwb – she will return and recover), and rebuilt to reestablish and fortify (wa ban ah – she will develop) the way to grow and expand (rachob – opening the way by expanding where people can congregate; from rachab – to grow larger and expand) by being diligent and decisive (wa charuwts – by becoming sharper, more determined, increasingly judgmental, separated and defensive) in a troubled time of oppression (wa ba tsowq ha ‘ets – during a period of anguishing subjugation, restrictions, constraints, and persecution, being harassed and pushed into a corner; from tsuwq – to constrain and oppress).” (Daniel / Daniel 9:25)
409Then after (wa ‘achar) the sixty-two weeks (ha shabuwa’ym sheshym wa shanaym), the Anointed Messiah (Mashyach) will be cut off and separated (karath) but not for himself (wa ‘ayn la huw’).” (Daniel / Daniel 9:26 in part)
Gabry’el | God’s Most Confident and Capable, Courageous and Combative Man, prefaced his prophecy with yada’ and shakal. That is to say, by prudently processing this information, we will gain the insights needed to understand. He is the thinking man’s prophet.
When he is speaking, as is also the case with ‘ElYah and Yasha’yah, one’s brain needs to be engaged to keep pace. So, when he repeatedly indicates that to figure this out, we need to be discerning, learning by processing the information which he is providing in an intelligent manner, experience dictates that we follow his advice. In other words, we should consider how the pieces of the puzzle he has provided fit together as opposed to plucking the mashyach references out of context to promote an agenda contrary to everything else the actual Messiah revealed.
Gabry’el is predicting that there will be a public decree issued regarding the liberation of Yahuwdym | Jews from Babel | Commingling which Confuses. Therefore, it is worth considering the similarity between this and the decree to leave Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Religious and Political Oppression during Pesach at the outset of the Yatsa’ | Exodus. Yahowah introduced Pesach, Matsah, Bikuwrym, and Shabuw’ah to physically liberate the Children of Yisra’el from religious and political oppression. The process would continue with Yahowah explaining the Miqra’ey to Moseh within His Towrah | Guidance, which was received during Shabuw’ah. This ultimately led to God’s people entering the Promised Land.
The proclamation Dowd is currently addressing is similar. This time, Yahuwdym will be liberated from religious and political subjugation in Babel – the birthplace of the Beast, which would evolve from Imperial Rome to Roman Catholicism and then reemerge as Islam. Not only 410would they be physically freed, Yahuwdym would be able to rebuild Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Guidance on Reconciliation and the City of Dowd.
After the passage of the specified time, Dowd’s nepesh | soul would return to his city to serve his people by fulfilling Pesach and Matsah, leading to Bikuwrym. This would make the Shabuw’ah Harvest possible. As a result, the nepesh | souls of Covenant Members would be allowed to come home, to escape the tyranny of Roman politics, the subjugation of Roman Catholicism, and the terrorism of Islam.
When we identify the timing of this decree and do the math from the ‘Abyb 1, 444 BCE starting date, we must add 7 weeks of years (49 prophetic years) until Yaruwshalaim would be rebuilt. Then there would be another 62 weeks (434 prophetic years) for a total of 483 years until the Messiah would enter Yaruwshalaim to fulfill Pesach. And having done the math many times, this puts Dowd in Jerusalem to fulfill Chag Matsah precisely on time in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE. This is one of the many reasons we can date the fulfillment of the Mow’edym, past and future. When we subtract forty Yowbel (seven sevens plus one) from 4000 Yah and 33 CE, we arrive at year 2000 Yah / 1968 BCE, which is when ‘Abraham and Dowd certified the Covenant on Mowryah with Yahowah during a dress rehearsal for Passover. And when we add forty Yowbel to Dowd’s fulfillment of Passover, Matsah, and Bikuwrym in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE, we arrive at year 6000 Yah and 2033 – which is when Taruw’ah, Kipurym, and Sukah will be fulfilled. And as for Shabuw’ah, the Messiah was about to set that date, too.
Turning our attention to the big picture, fulfilling Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym was just the beginning. The Shabuw’ah Harvest would follow, albeit 1993 years later, just seven years prior to the Day of Reconciliations in year 6000 Yah / 2033. And in the interim, the corporeal manifestation of Satan would arrive to usher in the Time of Yisra’el’s Troubles by convincing Israelis to forfeit land 411for hollow promises of peace from Islamic terrorists. War would ensue.
Speaking of the Towrahless One who will soon arrive…
“And therefore (wa), he, as an exceedingly influential person, will vault himself into prominence by arrogantly confirming and imposing (gabar – he will strengthen and empower, then triumph by imposing a self-aggrandizing and overbearing) a treaty, a covenant agreement and arrangement (beryth – an international contractual compact and binding pledge) with a great many, including plenty of rabbis, the preponderance of people, especially the elitists (la ha rabym – including plenty of rabbis, the preponderance of the populous, and with numerous among the elite) for one week based upon a single promise during a particular Shabuw’ah (‘echad shabuwa’).” (Dany’el / Daniel 9:27)
The implication is that Satan’s Advocate will vault himself into prominence by convincing Progressive and Orthodox Israelis that they will achieve peace by breaking their nation into pieces and giving them to him to administer an Islamic state, with Israel retreating to her 1967 borders. The last time Muslims and Jews were in this position, the Arabs schemed to destroy Israel.
The supposition that it will be different this time is ludicrous. With Israel defenseless and vulnerable, “Peace Now” will rapidly devolve into a final and horrifying battle for control of what remains. This is Satan’s last-ditch effort to forestall Dowd’s homecoming on Kipurym by exterminating Jews. With no one to turn to for support, the carnage will be considerable. And if not for Dowd’s return to defend his people, all would be lost.
After giving Yisra’el an extension on life and redeeming his people during Pesach and Matsah, Dowd became Yahowah’s Firstborn on Bikuwrym, tangibly showing the way home. This made the Shabuw’ah Harvest possible. And based upon the prophecy, we know that it 412will be fulfilled seven years prior to Dowd’s Homecoming on Kipurym | Reconciliations in 2033 to defend Yahuwdym. This means that the Promise of the Shabat will be observed as a harvest of Yahowah’s Covenant Family on the Shabat of May 22nd, 2026. Then seven years later, on Kipurym, October 2nd, 2033, the Messiah and Son of God will bring an end to Yisra’el’s worst Adversary – Allah.
Yahowah will repair the damage and restore the war-ravaged Earth for Dowd to reign as King of Sukah but not until after we witness Hell on Earth. That is the future as presented by Gabry’el | God’s Most Capable and Combative Man – the very individual responsible for achieving the pinnacle of success. Three and a half years before the Messiah’s returns, Yahowah will send His final Witnesses as a rejoinder to Satan’s Incarnate.
“But halfway through the week (wa chatsy shabuwa’ – at the midpoint of the seven years), he will stop the observance of the Shabat and seek to forestall the benefit of the sacrifice which had been freely offered as a gift (shabath zebach wa minchah).
The most extreme aspect (wa ‘al kanaph – upon a flight to the far extremity of being separated and distant, this wing) of this vile and abhorrent action of repulsive religious idolatry (shiquwtsym – of vile and repulsive edicts, detestable and abhorrent acts) will devastate, desolate, and incapacitate (shamem – stun and stupefy) up to the very end, bringing destruction and annihilation, along with the conclusion of the restoring Witness (wa ‘ad kalah – a great longing with all-encompassing anxiety, ushering in complete and utter destruction while many die).
It will occur quickly and decisively, with determination and decrees (wa charats – it is certain and decided) profusely poured out (natak – being brought forth and expressed without restraint) upon the deserted, desolated, and destroyed who are astonished and stupefied and who will perish because they are too 413stunned to respond (‘al shamem – upon the devastated and destitute, the estranged and ravaged who are horrified and dismayed).” (Dany’el / Daniel 9:27)
The benefit of the sacrifice, this gift freely offered, which Satan’s Advocate will seek to forestall by his abhorrent and repulsive religious response, is what Dowd has done to fulfill Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym and will accomplish when he returns to anoint the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant on Kipurym. Nothing is more devastating and incapacitating, bringing annihilation up to the very end.
Also, the association with the Shabat should be obvious. Chag Matsah is a glorious celebration of the Shabat. The two Harvests both occur on a Shabat. And the outcome Satan is trying to prevent is the celebration of Sukah, which not only begins on a Shabat but is a millennial celebration of it.
Reading this assessment from Gabry’el, it is my conclusion that Satan will kill Yada and ‘ElYah on Taruw’ah, September 23rd, 2033, as the final gleaning whisks the Covenant Family away. While it will send chills up the spines of the remaining remnant, for the Witnesses, it is a favor. They will be removed from the never-ending torment of abusive allegations. They will return to Yah. Their bodies, which have been continually assaulted by the religious and political, will no longer be a burden. And their blood can be used to anoint the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, making it possible for Yisra’el to approach Yahowah and be reconciled. In addition, as Dowd’s administrator and herald, I will have done my part to justify Yahowah’s trust and Dowd’s respect.
Even better news, I won’t have to attend my funeral and the eulogy, for the celebration of life has not only been written, it was scribed by the world’s greatest lyricist.
414There is scant separation in the Towrah and Prophets between the fulfillment of Shabuw’ah and the Zarowa’ cultivating the harvest. And in this regard, the conclusion of Yasha’yah / Isaiah is devoted to presenting the role a gowy | gentile would play in calling Yisra’el and Yahuwdah Home.
The prophet’s discussion capitalizes upon what he revealed in the 11th chapter. He builds upon it beginning in the 55th chapter and continues through the 65th. Throughout, we discover that Yahowah’s witness will not speak unopposed. In particular, rabbis will continue to pull the religious in an entirely different direction.
This is the choice that confronts the Chosen People…
“This is an announcement and a warning (howy) to everyone who thirsts (kol tsame’): choose to walk toward the water, toward the source of cleansing and life (halak la ha maym). Then, let the one who wants to enjoy the benefits of the relationship do so without cost because the path to walk to get the most enjoyment out of life does not require anyone to pay anything (wa ‘asher ‘ayn la huw’ kesep).
You have been given the opportunity to go about (halak) acquiring food, choosing to procure and obtain what is needed (shabar) and is nourishing (wa ‘akal), and (wa – [the Masoretic “Yes, come, buy” is not included in 1QIsa]) wine (yayn) without any money (ba lo’ kesep) and milk (chalab) without remuneration or compensation (wa ba lo’ machyr).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:1)
This serves as a repudiation of Rabbinic Judaism. Rabbis extort Jews and the state of Israel with the imposition of their exceedingly restrictive and expensive kosher, immigration, and marital laws, over which they are judge, jury, and banker.
The Haredi renounce freedoms. They are told how to dress, what language to speak, what books to read, and where to live. Every aspect of their miserable lives is 415controlled by power-hungry and megalomaniacal rabbis. Worse, secular Jews are forced to pay for these religious parasites to be brainwashed.
Just as Yahowah offered His Towrah | Teaching without charge, He wants us to follow His example. Every book we have composed to convey Yahowah’s testimony is offered in its entirety online at YadaYah.com without cost, in addition to thousands of hours of audio commentary. Even the printed volumes are sold royalty-free.
Yahowah could not have been more forthright. The cost of eating Kosher, which is a burden of Judaism, not the Towrah, is onerous and ridiculous. In particular, milk can only be consumed when rabbis have been paid to watch the entire affair from the feeding of the cow to the processing of the milk. And any wine not blessed by a rabbi and made by an Orthodox Jew is banned, assuring that the rabbis make a buck on every grape.
Today, as religious Jews celebrate “Rosh Hashanah,” replacing the Taruw’ah Gleaning and Pronouncements with the Babylonian New Year observance, more than 30,000 Orthodox Jewish “pilgrims” are on their way to the Ukrainian city of Uman. So lost are these worthless souls, most have left Jerusalem to travel to this god-forsaken place. The reason is because Hasidic Judaism, the religion of the morons dressed for their own funerals in black suits and hats, originated in this backward burg 200 years ago. These religious zombies are there to worship at the gravesite of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, known today as the Ba’al Shem Tov | the Lord of the Good Name. Their sojourn back in time to the darkness of the European pogroms and religious oppression and away from Yisra’el, Yahowah, and Dowd, to worship a deceitful and demonic dead man is proof that there is no saving the Haredim. Hell, even if you could take twenty out at a time, they aren’t worth the cost of the bullet. So, back away, leave them alone, because you don’t want to be anywhere near them when God obliterates the last of them. And lest I forget, 416Eli-Ya, one of the religious retards at his Lord’s gravesite in Uman, Ukraine was asked about going from one war zone to another. The draft dodger who wouldn’t lift one of his scrawny fingers to protect a Yisra’elite, answered and said, “There’s nothing to be afraid of, except G-d. I’m afraid of G-d.” As he should be and will be.
To His people, the victims of Rabbinic Judaism, Yahowah asks…
“So please explain: why do you spend, continually paying out money (la mah shaqal kesep), for that which is not actually nourishing (ba lo’ lechem) such that your labor (wa yegya’ ‘atem) is not satisfying and produces nothing of lasting value (ba lo’ la saba’ah)?
Listen diligently (shama’) to Me (‘el ‘any) and be nourished by (wa ‘akal) that which is good, by that which is useful and beneficial, productive and valuable (towb), pleasurable and enjoyable (‘anag), with these being the most desirable and beneficial options (ba ha dashen) for your soul (nepesh ‘atem).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:2)
With these words, Yahowah is encouraging His people to exchange their stupefying Talmud for His enlightening Towrah, trading regulation for emancipation. By failing to do so, Yisra’elites endure the most restrictive and counterproductive religion on Earth, when the alternative, a relationship with Yahowah, remains the most liberating and beneficial opportunity in the universe.
“Incline your ear, doing so of your own volition (natah ‘ozen ‘atem), and choose to walk to Me (wa halak ‘el ‘any). Decide to actually listen (wa shama’) so that your soul may continue to exist (wa hayah nepesh ‘atem).
Then I will cut you into, establishing for you (wa karat la ‘atem), the everlasting (‘owlam) Covenant (Beryth) which was affirmed and verified (‘aman) with unremitting love and unfailing devotion (chesed) by Dowd (Dowd).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:3)
417God wants Yisra’el to listen to Him rather than to their rabbis so that they may live. Even now, especially now, He is inviting His people to appreciate the Covenant He forged so lovingly with His Son, Dowd. It is the answer to everything that ails God’s People.
This is your choice Yisra’el: rabbis or Yahowah, Talmud or Towrah, religion or relationship, the Star of bar Kokhba on your flag or a seven-lamp Manowrah illuminating the path Home.
It is decision time, and the choice is exactly as I have articulated it to you.
And let’s never lose sight of the realization that the reason Dowd fulfilled Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym was to enable participation in the everlasting Beryth | Covenant that he affirmed. The Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests are comprised entirely of Covenant Members. The remnant observing the Kipurym Homecoming will all be Covenant. Sukah is a celebration of life in the Covenant Family.
Therefore, without a renewed appreciation for Yahowah’s Beryth, and an unfailing devotion for what His beloved Bikuwr | Firstborn Son achieved, none of this is possible. Heaven is beyond reach, and death is the end of life. In the words of the great Prophet, we are reading the summation of all that is important for us to know.
What follows continues to affirm one of the most relevant realizations in the prophets…
“Now, presently, therefore (hen – lo and behold, it stands to reason), an ‘Ed | Enduring Witness with restoring testimony regarding the means to return who will be providing evidence pursuant to eternity for as long as time permits (‘ed – a messenger providing reconciling information for as long as it is possible regarding that which is everlasting and eternal, bearing witness to them about the means to return and be restored while explaining that eternal life will come full circle (singular masculine); from ‘uwd, ‘owd, and ‘ad) to people of every ethnicity and culture being gathered, to the 418community being brought together and assembled (la’om – to the congregation being collected; from an unused root meaning to assemble together for a common reason or cause), I will bestow, offering him as a gift (nathan huw’ – I will reliably and literally at this moment in time bring him forward, appointing him, putting him in this place, devoting and dedicating him to this cause (qal perfect first person and third person masculine singular)), as an authorized counterpart and as a prince publicly promoting the truth, a conspicuous messenger announcing what needs to be said and known, and as a leader of the royal family (nagyd – a worthy and valuable, proper and truthful sovereign, the one voicing the royal decree and heralding the official message, expounding on and publishing what must be acknowledged; from nagad and neged)), and as an instructor and teacher providing direction who is appointed, ordained, and in charge whose authority is not questioned (wa tsawah) for an archaic and misled world of people from every ethnicity and culture who are now gathered for a common cause (la’om – for those assembled for this reason as a community with shared interests).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:4)
When we come to recognize Dowd’s relevance and accept his role as the central character in God’s story, everything fits together and falls into place. Throughout our journey, second only to learning about Yahowah, we will celebrate this man’s life and lyrics, his sacrifice, and his appeal.
This stated, known, and embraced, there is far more being presented here than the realization that Dowd is God’s most highly valued and beneficial gift. This prophecy is devoted to the ‘Ed | Witness who Restores the Messiah’s proper place in our lives.
Dowd was a naby’ of the first order whose audience was almost exclusively Yisra’elites, not the ‘ed to the la’om. He is the Redeemer and was only a witness in the sense of his prophetic portrayal of what he would endure. 419And Dowd is the king, not a prince. Therefore, this pronouncement pertains to his Witness…
“Now, presently, therefore (hen), an ‘Ed | Enduring Witness with restoring testimony regarding the means to return who will be providing evidence regarding eternity for as long as time permits (‘ed) to people of every ethnicity and culture being gathered, to the community being brought together and assembled for this reason (la’om), I will bestow, offering him as a gift, bringing him forward at this time and devoting him to this purpose (nathan huw’), as an authorized counterpart and a prince publicly promoting the truth, a conspicuous messenger announcing what needs to be said and known, and as a leader of the royal family (nagyd), and as an instructor and teacher providing direction who is appointed, ordained, and in charge whose authority is not questioned (wa tsawah) for an archaic and misled world of people from every ethnicity and culture who are now gathered for a common cause (la’om).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:4)
The nature and purpose of this ‘Ed | Witness is defined by its actionable root – ‘uwd, ‘owd, and ‘ad. Collectively, they speak of “an enduring witness whose testimony is restoring.” He will “convey the means to return and be reconciled in the relationship.” This “messenger will rely upon evidence and reason as he testifies about eternity.” He will also “reveal that life comes full circle,” which means, in this case, that the Covenant Family is headed back to ‘Eden during Sukah. And just as was the case with Moseh and Dowd, there is only one of him.
The ‘Ed | Witness’ audience will be comprised of la’omym – the plural of la’om. It is plural because it represents people before and after, telling us from whence they came and where they are going. Just as is the case with the Standing Grain of the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr being comprised of Yahuwdym and Gowym, the ‘Ed is responsible to reach out to everyone willing to listen. And those who respond, again as is the case with the Promise of 420the Shabat, will be assembled and brought together as a single community.
Dowd is Yahowah’s most redeeming, valuable, and acclaimed gift, but not His only gift. The Witness is being offered and bestowed by God at this moment in time for the benefit of Yisra’el and Yahuwdym. Unlike the case with the rabbis and Judaism, neither God nor I am asking or even taking anything for this priceless gift of knowledge which leads to eternal life. Everything is freely offered online at YadaYah.com (or if you want to be more formal – www.YadaYahowah.com). Yahowah offered the universe, life, His Towrah, Beryth, Miqra’ey, and Bakowr without compensation. Moseh liberated and taught Yisra’el freely. Dowd fulfilled the Mow’edym at great cost but without remuneration. I have done the same. What we are offering is worth everything and we are charging nothing while the rabbis extract a prohibitive price for that which is worthless.
Moving on to the next illustrative term, nagyd is especially revealing. The nagyd is Dowd’s “counterpart,” sort of as the moon reflects the sun’s light. While obviously not the King’s equal in any respect, from intellect to sovereignty, this Witness is being presented as someone who is as similar to Dowd as the situation allows. He will, therefore, be reasonably bright and articulate, capable and courageous, judgmental and right, while completely devoted to Yahowah and His Covenant Family.
Further, the nagyd is a “prince,” the brother of the King. He is “authorized to lead the royal family” and he will “serve as a conspicuous messenger.” The nagyd is a “herald operating by royal decree.” We know these things because nagyd is from nagad and neged, both of which speak of “the royal position of a prince, serving as a counterpart of the king, openly conveying his pronouncements as a herald, expounding on and publishing essential news.”
Lastly, tsawah, which is typically rendered “command” elsewhere and “commander” in this context in 421English Bibles, means “to teach, instruct, and direct with authority.” The instructions of the Witness, like the teachings of Yahowah, should not be questioned.
Therefore, this Restoring Witness to the people of every ethnicity who are gathering for the Shabuw’ah Harvest is serving as a teacher to a misled world. And he is Prince and Herald to the King – the one telling Dowd’s story so that he is properly appreciated and so that Yisra’el can capitalize on what he has done and come home.
I have a confession, one I have known for a long time but have never publicly expressed. Yasha’yah was written expressly for what I have been asked to do on behalf of Yisra’el. From beginning to end, Isaiah is the Choter’s Handbook, outlining what he is to say and do. Naturally, it begins with the most stinging rebuke of religion found in the Prophets. It introduces the Choter and vividly explains how he will be equipped to compose the Nes | Sign Yahowah will raise to call His wayward children home. While there are many hundreds of prophecies pertaining to this mission, not only are more of them found in Yasha’yah than anywhere else, the great prophet explains why I was chosen. He also provides the lone explanation regarding Satan’s ambition and approach, doing so here and nowhere else because I am the Adversary’s adversary. I am not only the best informed and most articulate voice exposing and condemning Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the religions Satan has used to garner worship as if he were a god, I have the thirteen volumes of Twistianity, Babel, and God Damn Religion to validate my credentials.
Ha Satan and I are at war over the recognition of Yahowah, the conditions of the Covenant, the purpose of the Miqra’ey, and the role the Messiah and Son of God, Dowd, played in delivering the benefits of life, perfection, adoption, enrichment, and empowerment. We are battling over the viability of the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests. And while Satan had a shutout going, with the score six billion to none when our debate began, the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr is now assured, Yahowah’s name has 422been restored, the Conditions of the Covenant are known, the purpose of the Miqra’ey are understood, and for the first time in 2,500 years, Dowd is appreciated again. And with these achievements, Taruw’ah is assured as are Kipurym and Sukah. Father and Son prevail and Satan fails.
Clearly, it hasn’t been a fair fight. It’s a little like putting a stuttering old guy armed with words up against the most powerful empire of the day and expecting to liberate God’s people. However, as was the case then, so will it be again.
The reason that Satan is identified and explained only in Yasha’yah is because I am his lone opponent, and this is the only time when winning is essential. So all of this, the Great Isaiah Scroll from beginning to end, exists to tell me how to accomplish this job so that I don’t screw it up and to let Yahowah’s people know that they can rely on what I am sharing with them.
Now, speaking of sharing, Yahowah has never been one to blurt everything out at one time. He only told Moseh one percent of what they would be doing together, and even then it was overwhelming. He had no idea that he would be herding malcontents who would routinely rebel against him and slander him across the desert for forty years. He did not sign up for the role of Towrah scribe or teacher. He grew into those roles.
It was the same with me. I was only asked to expose and condemn Islam. I had no idea that I would be fulfilling an essential role, that I’d be devoting the rest of my life to this mission, or that I was the subject of hundreds of prophecies. I grew into the role, with each new day a learning experience. I could not have imagined being the one to discover Dowd’s role in fulfilling the Miqra’ey or in serving Yahuwdym and Gowym by cultivating the Shabuw’ah Harvest.
And so that you know what I have recently learned – my war against the Adversary ends on Kipurym. With the returnees from Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah and the final 423remnant gathered in Yaruwshalaim, Satan will be dispatched to She’owl and the Covenant Family will endure forevermore with Yahowah and Dowd.
And while I sought retirement on this day, as was the case with Moseh before me, the best I can hope for is a welcomed demotion. I will serve my Redeemer and King as his Herald forevermore.
My commitment is to go to where Yahowah’s words lead and then share with you what I discover along the way. Although, even that is a process. I would have melted down, peed myself, and done a full-on nose plant, kicking and screaming if I knew where any of this was leading twenty-three years ago. And while I will still protest that God should have been able to find better, I now know better than to run from something Yahowah wants done.
“Therefore, presently (hen – here and now), a lone Gowy | Non-Yisra’elite (gowy – a single Gentile, a man of a different ethnicity, language, location, and culture) whom you do not know and have consistently failed to recognize (lo’ yada’ – who you do not fully appreciate, understand, or acknowledge (qal imperfect)) you should read and recite, welcome and greet (qara’ – you should summon and proclaim by name (qal imperfect)).
In addition (wa), this lone Gowy (gowy – man from a different ethnicity), who is not understood or respected by you, and who possesses information you fail to comprehend (lo’ yada’ ‘atah), will be quickly brought to you and will waste no time in his intense and consistent focus on you as he pursues you (ruwts ‘el ‘atah) on behalf of (la ma’an) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), and the Set-Apart One (wa la qadowsh) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el).
For indeed (ky), he is reaffirming your status, lifting you up by shaking the tree to knock off the fruit so that you can be gleaned, preparing you for the harvest by recognizing and respecting your value (pa’ar ‘atah – operating as a secondary branch and shoot, he will 424honor you by endowing with beautiful apparel to make you pleasing and so you can rise).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:5)
Yahowah disclosed this through Yasha’yah because He not only wants His chosen Gowy, His Nakry | Observant Foreigner, Yada, to understand his mission and appreciate what he will be up against but also because He wants those who read what he has been inspired to write to consider what He had to say about Himself and His Son and the upcoming Harvests. A non-Yisra’elite is being used to awaken a lost world, telling all who will listen that Yahowah is reaffirming Dowd’s status while calling His people Home.
And should you question how much there is to qara’ | read, the answer may surprise you. With thirty-five volumes currently within the Yada Yahowah Series comprising between 450 to 825 pages of translations, explanations, conclusions, and insights, the 22,000 pages, read at the pace of three minutes per page, three hours a day, seven days a week, would take 365 days to complete. So, you should not be surprised that it has taken me twelve hours a day over twenty-three years to write them – most five to ten passes to keep them current with what we learn from Yah.
This is important because there are souls to be harvested, and reunions scheduled. So, Yahowah’s Choter is being asked to reap the field of standing grain and then shake the receptive and ripe olives out of the tree, or more accurately, beat them out as a branch is used during the harvest – something Yasha’yah has already detailed in the 4th through 6th verses of his 17th chapter. And while we will return to this prophecy, in that it is among the most important relative to the timing of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah, for now, consider this unamplified presentation…
“And it will actually come to pass in that day that the size of Israel will be decreased to the point of no longer being sustainable. Then, the most important place at the midsection of his body will be leaned, 425shrinking in size, sacrificed in a counterproductive and unsustainable manner as part of the hidden agenda of diseased dignitaries. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 17:4)
It shall be like the gathering in and receiving of a harvest at the proper time toward the end which must be cut short due to the extent of man’s provocation and anger, reaping the standing grain from the chaff in season, cutting it away so as to remove it from a vexing time of grief, thereby establishing and validating the prominent and mature grain.
Then His Zarowa’ | the One who Sows and Cultivates His Seeds will produce a Harvest. It shall be as one would conduct a gleaning, a secondary harvest of FirstFruits in the Valley of Rapha’ym in the midst of those destined to die who were too set in their ways and too apathetic to exert the effort required to prevail. (Yasha’yah 17:5)
In him [in Ya’aqob, Israel, and the Covenant], there will be those souls who will be spared and survive, in addition to the physical bodies of those who will be left behind, gleanings of those purposely left on the vine, and in going around at the right time of year to remove them from a threatening and dangerous situation, encompassing and striking them [with a branch] as a means of harvesting an olive tree. There will be two or three ripe olives in the top uppermost branch [Yahuwdym], four or five on its fruitful and productive branches which were separated and cut away [Yisra’elites],’ prophetically declares Yahowah, the God of Yisra’el.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 17:6)
With Yasha’yah interpreting the prophecies found in Isaiah, we can confidently conclude that the Choter | Secondary Branch and Zarowa’ | One Cultivating the Seeds of the Harvest, will be busy. The Qatsyr of Standing Grain on Shabuw’ah will commence, as Gabry’el revealed, seven years prior to his return when a treaty is affirmed with many nations, leaving Israel vulnerable. Then, in the midst of the anguish which follows, there will be a final 426gleaning of Olives on Taruw’ah – but more on that in the next chapter.
In harvesting the field of standing grain and then shaking the tree in the expectation that some of its fruit will let go and trust God, this ‘Ed | Witness is proclaiming that the Covenant’s Children are valuable to Yahowah. And He has committed to bring them Home.
Here in the fall of 2024, nine years to the day remain. Most of them will be inhospitable. The time to discover the truth is now…
“Seek, learning the information which has been made available about (darash) Yahowah (Yahowah) while He may be found and encountered (ba matsa’ huw’). Choose to call upon Him (qara’ huw’) while He is near (ba hayah huw’ qarowb). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:6)
Those in violation of the standard, the unethical and immoral, the religious and political (rasha’), should reject their own way (‘azab derek huw’), along with the evil and deceitful individuals whose beliefs, musings, and opinions are untrue (wa ‘awen ‘ysh machashabah huw’).
Let him choose, of his own volition, to return (wa shuwb) to (‘el) Yahowah (Yahowah) so that He may have compassion on him and love him, re-engaging in a relationship with him (wa racham huw’). And as for our God (wa ‘el ‘elohym ‘anachnuw), He will actually forgive (la salach) many (rabah).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:7)
Yahowah is calling His People Home. Are you among them and are you listening? Are you willing to disgorge all aspects of religion and politics such that you are prepared to be part of the Covenant? Will you do so now before it is too late?
Jews have not only rejected Yahowah and His Towrah, but they have also replaced them with rabbis and their Talmud. Therefore…
“For My thoughts (ky machashabah ‘any) are not 427your thoughts (lo’ machashabah ‘atem). And neither are My ways (wa lo’ derek ‘any) your ways (derek ‘atem), prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:8)
For the spiritual realm (ky shamaym) is dimensions beyond the comprehension of (gabah) the material realm (min ‘erets). Likewise, so (ken) are My ways (derek ‘any) well in advance (gabah) of your ways (derek ‘atem) and (wa) My reasoning (machashabah ‘any) distant from (min) your inclinations and opinions (machashabah ‘atem).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:9)
The Towrah is as superior to the Talmud as Yahowah is to the gaggle of rabbis who have sought to usurp His authority. The truth is a treasure while religion is a toxin.
Most especially, while religious Jews claim to be Torah-observant, they are not fooling God. He is aware, as you should be, that Judaism bears no resemblance to the relationship Yahowah intended.
We have long known that Yahowah’s words are like seeds which, when cultivated, bear fruit…
“Indeed, just as (ky ka ‘asher) the rain (geshem) descends, coming down (yarad), along with snow (wa ha sheleg) from the sky (min ha shamaym), they do not return there without watering and refreshing the earth (wa shem lo’ shuwb ky ‘im rawah ‘eth ha ‘erets) such that it conceives life, buds (wa yalad hy’), sprouts, and grows (wa tsamach hy’). When I give seeds (wa nathan zera’) to the one who sows (la ha zera’), there is bread to eat (wa lechem la ha ‘akal). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:10) So shall My word be (ken hayah dabar ‘any).
For the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), that which goes out of My mouth (yatsa’ min peh ‘any) shall not return to Me without result, delivering what was expected (lo’ shuwb ‘el ‘any reqam). Without exception (ky ‘im), it will accomplish (‘asah) the relational benefits which (‘asher) I desire and on behalf of those I find pleasing (chaphets). It will succeed (wa tsalach) for the 428benefit of the relationship for which I have extended it (‘asher shalach huw’).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:11)
Yahowah initially conveyed these seeds through His prophets, especially through the mighty Zarowa’, Moseh and Dowd. Then, as we have learned, He deployed a third and final zarowa’ to cultivate them, removing the religious weeds, watering and fertilizing them with the Towrah, exposing them to the Light, while encouraging their growth. The Harvests are on the horizon and the time is ripe.
Should you wonder why Yahowah has chosen to tell His story this way, using horticultural references – seeds, receptive ground, plentiful rain, cultivation, productive branches, fields of grain, vineyards of grapes, and olive trees ready for the harvest, it is because this is the story of life and of the Garden. And it is told in a way everyone, from young to old, from six thousand years ago to a thousand years from today, can visualize and accept. Harvests are wonderful occasions, times for celebration, when life brings life and the result is treasured.
Based upon this revelation, God’s Witness will be successful. The little z’s efforts will bear fruit. And that is why, just four chapters hence, we will be introduced to the final Witness yet again, the third Zarowa’, the Nakar | Observant Foreigner working as Yada, who has been tasked with the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests so that there is a Family Reunion and Homecoming.
It is my hope that you are among those who benefit...
“Indeed, with a positive attitude (ky ba simchah), you will be brought out and withdrawn (yatsa’). And with the relationship reconciled (wa ba shalowm), you will be guided and led (yabal) to the mountains and to the hilltops (ha har wa ha giba’ah), becoming worry-free, peaceful, and serene (patsach). You will approach and appear (la paneh ‘atem) singing this song (rinah).
And all of the trees of the field (wa kol ‘ets ha sadeh) shall clap their hands, bending in a celebratory manner 429(macha’ kaph). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:12) Instead of (tachath) the thornbush (na’atsuwts), a cypress tree and noble fir (berowsh) shall ascend (‘alah). And in place of (wa tachath) the stinging nettle (sirphad), a myrtle (hadas) shall rise (‘alah).
This will be (wa hayah) a place to approach (la sham la) Yahowah (), an everlasting sign and symbol (la ‘owth ‘owlam) which shall never be uprooted or cut down (lo’ karat).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 55:13)
Those who choose to answer this invitation will be withdrawn from the toxicity of religion and brought unto the hills of Yaruwshalaim, reconciled and radiant. Their souls will be renewed as the Earth beneath their feet is transformed, returning to the beauty enjoyed in Gan ‘Eden | the Garden of Great Joy.
Our journey of discovery begins with being observant. It progresses by exercising good judgment. And it results in our vindication when we act accordingly…
“For this is what (ky koh) Yahowah (Yahowah) says (‘amar): ‘Be observant and consider (shamar) the means to exercise good judgment and justly resolve disputes, making good decisions (mishpat). Then (wa) engage, acting upon (‘asah) that which is correct and vindicating (tsadaqah), because indeed (ky), My deliverance and resulting salvation (yashuw’ah ‘any) are approaching, they are close and intimately personal (qarowb la ‘any).
Therefore (wa), the one who is correct about Me (tsadaqah ‘any) will come (la bow’). He will be revealed (galah).’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:1)
This is reminiscent of what Solomon advised Yisra’elites as he spoke to the people upon the completion of Yahowah’s Covenant Home – more commonly known as the First Temple. He was encouraging Yisra’el to be observant and then responsive, acting upon what the Witness would be sharing on their behalf. Having studied the Towrah, the Prophets, and the Writings, especially the 430Psalms and Proverbs of Dowd, the Nakry | Observant and Responsive Foreigner would come to know the way Home via the Beryth | Covenant and Miqra’ey | Invitations which Dowd exemplified and fulfilled. He would be correct regarding the means of deliverance, vindication, and even salvation – which occur as a result of what Father and Son have achieved. Listen, and you, too, can be part of Yahowah’s Family.
Unless there is another Gowy whose writings remain unknown, you are experiencing the fulfillment of this prophecy and so many others. Yahowah inspired Yasha’yah | Isaiah to convey this promise in writing so that you would know how to proceed – especially in a world filled with deceitful and deadly ideas.
“Blessed by the benefits of the relationship, joyous and productive (‘ashry), is the person (‘enowsh) who acts upon and engages in (‘asah) this (zo’th). Because (wa) the son (ben) of ‘Adam (‘adam), by observing (shamar) the Shabat (Shabat), and by not defiling and profaning it (min chalal huw’), he is empowered and strengthened, enlightened and restored (chazaq) by it (ba hy’).
By being observant (wa shamar), his hand, and especially that which he influences (yad huw’), is kept from acting upon or engaging in (min ‘asah) anything unjust, immoral, or irrational (ra’). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:2)
Do not say regarding (wa ‘al ‘amar) the Nekar | Observant son of a Foreign Land, the one who knows and understands through thoughtful examination, then acknowledges by being discerning and respectful (wa ben ha nekar), who has formed a relationship with (lawah ‘el) Yahowah (Yahowah), something which would infer or suggest (la ‘amar), ‘Yahowah () has abandoned me, preventing me from being included (badal badal ‘any) as part of His family (min ‘al ‘am huw’).’
431And let not the esteemed and authorized designee say (wa ‘al ‘amar ha sarys), ‘What now, if (hen) I have become a silenced counselor and muted messenger (‘any ‘ets yabesh)?’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:3)
Yahowah has provided additional advice. How you respond is up to you. My hope is that, in a world rife with irrational and immoral thought-police and muddled in conspiracy theories, our message will not be drowned out by the many complainers and critics nor muted too soon by the resolutely political.
Twenty-three years ago, I was alone apart from Yah, and now there are many – a family of Covenant Members all devoted to bringing you this message. God is not going to allow His Witness to be drowned out or suppressed. Together, we will prevail – and largely as a result of our Shabat Towrah Study program, something which we have aired every Shabat for 15 years...
“To the contrary, this is what (ky koh) Yahowah (Yahowah) says (‘amar) on behalf of individuals who have been castrated as a result of the positions they have taken as leaders (la ha sarys), of those who provide guidance regarding the benefits of the relationship (‘asher) by being consistently observant and actively attentive (shamar) during My Shabats (‘eth shabatowth ‘any), who evaluate and choose (bachar) to walk along the correct path (ba ‘asher) in deference to Me, out of respect for Me and to please Me, eager to experience this with Me (chaphets), and (wa) who are willing to demonstrate an intense desire to learn about, to be steadfastly committed to, and to become empowered (chazaq) by My Covenant (ba beryth ‘any). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:4)
‘I will offer, freely giving (wa nathan) to them (la hem) in My Home and in My Family (ba beyth ‘any) and within My protected enclosure (wa ba chowmah ‘any) an outstretched, welcoming, and empowering hand (yad) and a name (wa shem) even better (towb) than other sons and daughters (min ben wa min bath).
432I will give to him and them (nathan la huw’ / hem) an everlasting and eternal (‘owlam) designation and reputation (shem) which, for having shared the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), will never be removed or taken away (lo’ karath). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:5)
The children (wa beny) of the Nekar | Observant and Discerning Foreigner (ha nekar) have formed a relationship with (ha lawah ‘al) Yahowah ().
They serve Him (la sharath huw’), in love with (wa la ‘ahab ‘eth) Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH) name (shem), seeking to exist as His coworkers (la hayah la huw’ la ‘ebed), always observing (kol shamar) the Shabat (Shabat), making it special by not disrespecting it (min chalal huw’). They willingly demonstrate an intense desire to learn about (chazaq) My Covenant (ba beryth ‘any). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:6)
It is My desire (taphilah ‘any) to bring (wa bow’) them to My Set-Apart Mountain (hem ‘el har qodesh ‘any) and cause them to rejoice, such that they are elated (wa samach hem) in the family (ba beyth). Their uplifting sacrifices and elevating offerings (‘olah hem wa zebach hem) will be accepted and favored (la ratsown) on My altar (‘al mizbeach ‘any).
This is because (ky) My House (beyth ‘any – My Home and Family) shall be called (qara’) a Home (beyth) of Intervention, of reasoned requests and sound judgment (taphilah), for the entire family (la kol ha ‘am).’” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 56:7)
These are transformative words, serving as a life-changing revelation. This epitomizes the purpose of being a Herald. And it affirms the simple truth that the will of God is to establish His Covenant Family and enjoy developing a productive relationship with His children.
We are intervening on your behalf, translating Yahowah’s words from a language too few understand, into the lingua franca of the world. And our offering to our God is your soul, delivered safely before Him.
433These prophetic writings we have been reviewing, and will continue to examine, prove conclusively that Yahowah is God. He has provided a list of things common to those who are invited into His Home. And God is celebrating His relationship with His children, showering them with everlasting gifts.
As never before, with a greater sense of urgency than we have experienced, God is calling His people home. The prophets were inspired for this purpose.
“Yahowah (YaHoWaH), My Upright One and Foundation (‘edony), who gathers (qabats) yet again (‘owd) the scattered (nadach) of Yisra’el | Those who Engage and Endure with God (Yisra’el), announces, in advance of it occurring (na’um), ‘I will assemble, bringing together (qabats) before him (‘al huw’) those he has obtained by encouraging them to be called out and to draw near (la qabats huw’).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:8)
This is the day I have most longed to witness, when those who have been gathered unto Yahowah are assembled before God. I am looking forward to seeing the expression of Yah’s face as He greets each new addition to His growing family.
While that is our message, and while everyone is invited, most will exclude themselves, blinded by religion, confused by conspiracy, and misguided by politics. And leading the parade to She’owl will be rabbis…
“His watchmen, those assigned to be Israel’s lookouts, protecting Yahuwdym (tsaphah huw’), are blind (‘iwer). They are all (kol hem) ignorant and opposed to Yada’, without understanding, without revelation or respect, and are thus clueless (lo’ yada’).
They are universally (kol hem) dumb dogs, incapable of intelligent speech (‘ilem keleb), without the capacity to understand or the ability to prevail, unqualified and incapable, utterly incompetent (lo’ yakol), barking and howling in incomprehensible 434fashion, babbling Babylonian prophets (la nabach), panting while dreaming (hazah), lying around smitten with their inactivity and lack of awareness (shakab ‘ahab la nuwm). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:10)
These dogs (wa ha keleb) have the soul of a goat, as they are stubborn, aggressive, and disagreeable creatures, who are bitterly antagonistic (‘ez nepesh). They never acknowledge that they have taken too much, never admitting that they are gluttonous sexual deviants, unrestrained and insatiable, wallowing in abundance (lo’ yada’ saba’ah).
Those tending the flock (wa hem ra’ah) are ignorant and irrational, devoid of understanding, clueless and disrespectful, neither perceiving nor comprehending, and thus lacking the capacity to teach (lo’ yada’ byn). All of them have turned to their own way (kol hem la derek hem panah), every man after his own ill-gotten gain and dishonest advantage (‘ysh la betsa’ huw’) without exception or restraint (min qatseh huw’).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:11)
At this time, among His people, there is an object of God’s ire – rabbis. Yahowah loathes them even more than they disdain God. And He will hold them accountable for what they have done to drive a wedge between Him and His people.
When we survey the abuse which has been directed toward Yisra’el and Yahuwdah by nations and religions, the most menacing institution of all has been Judaism. And the worst are Haredim – living as parasites while misrepresenting Yahowah, His Beryth, Towrah, and Ben.
While the rabbis will continue to conspire, they will soon come to regret what they have done, not because of the casualties they have inflicted, but because there will be recompense. And especially humiliating for them, the gowy they have come to despise will be judging them. That may be the final mission of this Witness.
And between then and now, there will be a harvest and 435a gleaning of the Covenant’s Children on Shabuw’ah and then on Taruw’ah. These will occur on May 22nd, 2026 and September 23rd, 2033, not that the religious will notice. According to Yasha’yah, rabbis will be scheming against the Almighty and their brethren to the very end…
‘‘Come, let us consent to assemble together and agree to change everything around (‘atah). Let us reach for and receive (laqach) the wine (yayn), drinking alcoholic beverages (shekar) to remain inebriated and intoxicated (saba’). For tomorrow (machar) will be like (wa hayah ka) this day (zeh yowm), with us more powerful and important (gadowl), even more exalted and wealthier, enriched through the binding nature of religion (yether), exerting our power and influence (ma’od).’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 56:12)
Fortunately, Yahowah is not playing a numbers game. He never has and never will. The rabbis will continue to hold sway over millions of deluded Jews who are now just nine years from drawing their last breath.
Yahowah’s outreach is to those who strive to be right about Him. The first and best of these will soon vanish during the Shabuw’ah Harvest. And when we are withdrawn to be with Yahowah on the Shabat of May 22nd, 2026 – at the very beginning of the Time of Israel’s Troubles, hardly anyone will notice.
“Then (wa) those who are right and vindicated (tsadyq) will vanish, disappearing such that those who remain will not know where they have gone (‘abad). And no one will give it any thought, pondering the implications (wa ‘ayn ‘ysh sym ‘al leb).
Loyal and devoted individuals (‘ysh chesed) will be harvested, gathered together and taken away during an ingathering (‘asaph) while no one makes the connection to comprehend what will have occurred (ba ‘ayn byn).
For indeed (ky), away from (min) the presence of (paneh) this disastrous calamity and miserable suffering, this wickedness and wrongdoing (ra’ah), 436those who are correct (ha tsadyq) will be withdrawn (‘asaph).’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:1)
And then (wa), He will arrive (bow’) on behalf of those who have been reconciled and saved (shalowm). They will be spiritually allied (nuwach) within (‘al) His (huw’) restful environs (mishkab), walking in a manner which is right, honest, fitting, and proper (halak nakoach) with Her (hy’).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:2)
Yasha’yah has delineated the plan. The fulfillment of the Miqra’ of Shabuw’ah will occur at the commencement of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles. Yahowah will be removing His Covenant Family, bringing them home. For a while, this will leave only His words and these translations of them. A few years thereafter, on the 1st of ‘Abyb / April 4th, in 2030, Yahowah’s Spirit will return within the two Witnesses, announcing the Taruw’ah Harvest and Kipurym Homecoming. Just three and a half years after their arrival, Yahowah, Himself, will return with Dowd on behalf of the recently reconciled. It is right, fitting, and proper.
It is my hope and, indeed, God’s expectation, that those who invest the time to read and become vindicated exit this planet with us so that you do not have to endure what those who remain will experience. There will be pestilence and war, natural disasters and economic collapse – all while the world promotes its favorite conspiracy: blame the Jews.
Earlier, I said “with us,” because the Gowy of whom Yahowah has been speaking will be withdrawn on Shabuw’ah along with other members of Yahowah’s Covenant Family. This working vacation will be long by human standards because he will not return until forty-six months later on the 1st of ‘Abyb in year 6996 Yah. And during this intervening period, my expectation is that Yahowah will have me witness what He has endured over the millennia so that when I speak, it will be from experience.
437Addressing the religious in the interim, God laments…
“But as for you (wa ‘atem) who are present (qarab) here and now (henah), you are children of fortune-tellers who are blowing smoke (beny ‘anan), the seed (zera’) of adultery, of being unfaithful by being religious (na’aph) and of prostitution (wa zanah). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:3)
Over whom and upon what basis (‘al my) are you effeminate and overly sensitive individuals exploiting and mocking (‘anag)? Against what and whom (‘al my) do you open your mouth and boast (rachab peh), sticking out your tongues and prolonging your speeches (‘arak lashown)?
Are you not (lo’ atem) the children (yeled) of rebellion who rose up in clear defiance of authority (pesha’), the seed of (zera’) vain and useless liars with mistaken beliefs (sheqer)? (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:4)
Are you not those who burn with lust and rage (ha chamam) over the lamb and leadership (ba ha ‘ayil) and under (tachath) every spreading tree (kol ‘ets ra’anan), killing the children (shachat ha yeled) within the depressions (ba ha nachal) beneath the clefts in the rock (tachath sa’yph ha sela’)? (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:5)
Your fate (chalaq ‘ath), grave, and inheritance (nachal) are among (ba) the smooth-talking and insulting flatterers and thieves (cheleq). Where they go is your lot (shem bow’ ka goral ‘ath). And for them (gam la hem), you have poured out drink offerings (shaphak shaphak) and uplifting (‘alah) grain offerings (minchah). For these things (ha ‘al ‘el-leh), shall I relent and change My mind (nacham)? (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:6)
On a high mountain, you have arrogantly (‘al har gaboah) made (suwm) your bed (mishkab ‘ath), raising it up and advocating it (nasa’). Additionally (gam), there (sham) you ascribed status to yourselves (‘alah) while slaughtering the living (zabach zabach). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:7)
438Then, lingering at another (wa ‘achar) door (deleth) and upon its framework (wa mazuwzah), you have set up and placed (sym) your own memorial and maxims (zikarown ‘ath). Indeed (ky), separated from Me (min ‘eth ‘any), you have revealed and uncovered (galah) your bed and death bier (mishkab ‘ath). You have also climbed up into it (‘alah), enlarging it to accommodate many (rachab).
Then (wa) you established (karath) for yourselves and with them (la ‘ath min hem) fellow devotees and lovers (‘ahab), in whose bed (mishkab hem) you have beheld (chazah) their phalluses (yad).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:8)
The rabbis are hideous prostitutes, parading around and promoting themselves for money. But it is all smoke and mirrors. They are exploiting their brethren while wagging their tongues at God. Their religion is comprised of mistaken beliefs and exists solely for their enrichment.
They have forestalled the benefits of the Passover Lamb, and they have thereby, deprived their children of life. The messages they fold up and place within the cracks of the rocks comprising the Western Wall, while bobbing their heads in prayer, determine their fate – which is to be buried among fellow thieves.
Yahowah will not relent. He will continue to reject those who have blocked the Door to Life. In a religion fixated on empowering men over women, and indeed over God, their fascination with their phalluses will be their undoing.
The god of Judaism is indistinguishable from Molek, the Lord to whom the misguided sacrificed their infants long ago…
“You have descended, lowering yourself by showing regard for (shuwr), Molek, to whom Israelites sacrificed their infants, as if he were sovereign (la ha Molek), with (ba) oil (shemen) and numerous perfumes along with your ointments (wa rabah raquach), sending 439out (salah) delegations of your anguished envoys (syr ‘ath) as witnesses into perpetuity (‘ad) unto the distant separation of (min rachoq) the humbling and lowly status (shaphel) endured upon reaching (‘ad) She’owl (She’owl).’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:9)
She’owl | Hell is where the rabbis are headed. Having denied that such a place exists in their Babylonian Talmud, they will find that they were wrong.
There is no saving these charlatans or the religious whom they have misled. Briefly reinvigorated by the departure of the Covenant Family, they will lie with their last breath…
‘‘With the variation and duration of your long rabbinical (ba rob) journey, your ways (derek ‘ath) have become wearisome (yaga’), but you are never willing to admit (lo’ ‘amar), ‘It is hopeless and futile (yarash).’
Reinvigorated (chayah), you have expressed and extended (matsa’) your influence (yad ‘ath) such that you attempt to show no weakness (‘al ken lo’ chalah).’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 57:10)
Even in all of its variations, Judaism has never prevailed – having never made life better for the Children of Yisra’el. It takes a special kind of stubbornness to continue doing that which remains so counterproductive.
Yahowah has copious reasons to be disappointed in His people, and He is especially angry at religious Jews, but He has not given up. A steady diet of truth can transform an open mind.
‘For the sake of Tsyown (la ma’an Tsyown – for the benefit of and with regard to the Signs Posted Along the Way), I will not keep silent or be unresponsive (lo’ chashah – I will not remain hushed nor will I hesitate and do nothing (qal imperfect)). And for the benefit of Yaruwshalaim (wa la ma’an Yaruwshalaim – for the sake of the Source of Guidance on Reconciliation), I will not rest (lo’ shaqat – I will not be at peace or serene, nor will 440I remain inactive) until (‘ad) her righteousness and vindication (tsedeq hy’ – her willingness to do the right thing, to be honest and accurate, to be equitable and just, moral and correct) are brought out (yatsa’ – come forth) as knowledge and enlightenment (ka nogah – as light, brilliant and radiant) and her deliverance and salvation (wa yashuwa’ah hy’ – her victory and freedom) are like a blazing torch (ka lapyd ba’ar).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:1)
Yahowah has been silent since He last spoke through Mal’aky 2,440 years ago. A lot has happened over that span of time and yet nothing has changed. Humankind continues to reject Yahowah’s name, message, and Son and to accept a religious and/or a political counterfeit in their place. But that will soon change.
God is speaking through this Voice to His people again. He will not rest until everyone who is willing to listen knows what is written on His signs and is aware of what occurred in His city. He wants His people to realize that the signs posted on Tsyown by Dowd speak honestly and accurately about their salvation. His words in this regard serve as a blazing torch of knowledge and enlightenment.
With the return to the feminine variation of “you,” we can apply all of this to Yaruwshalaim. And that makes sense because it is the City of Dowd and the source of vindication. However, as we progress to the next statement, there would be no reason for God to rename His city, especially when Yaruwshalaim already means Guidance on Reconciliation. It appears, therefore, that this restorative name that is being offered to “him” is addressing the Zarowa’ Yah has equipped to bear His torch and illuminate His signs. Perhaps he is being acknowledged for having done so accurately and honestly. And in the process of becoming correct and being vindicated, all those who are thoughtful and responsive will come to value God’s signs, city, and, perhaps, Zarowa’.
“People from different places and races (wa gowym) will see (ra’ah – will have revealed and will witness) that 441you are accurate and honest, readily validated and vindicating (tsedeq ‘ath – that you (feminine singular) are correct and fair, in accord with the standard, straightforward and consistent, truthful and ethical), and all of those who are thoughtful and responsive (wa kol malak – those who are receptive and carefully consider the evidence, especially those who are willing to accept counsel and lead) will see your value (kabowd ‘ath – your (feminine singular) honorable nature and the subsequent reward which is a manifestation of power).
And He will call you (wa qara’ la ‘ath – He will meet with you and welcome you, summoning and inviting you (pual perfect – the person being addressed (which is feminine singular) is accepting this gesture without asking for it with the subject being third-person masculine singular)) by a renewing and restoring (chadash – a reaffirming and reestablishing) name (shem) which, as a benefit of the relationship (‘asher – which to show the way to get the greatest joy out of life), the mouth (peh) of Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching) will designate for him (naqab huw’ – will bestow upon him which is notable).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:2)
Up to this point, just three individuals have been renamed by God. They are ‘Abram who became ‘Abraham, his wife, Sarai, who became Sarah, and Ya’aqob who came to bear the name Yisra’el. And should this be the little z, he has been afforded the titles: Yada’ | Knows and Understands, Choter | Secondary Branch and Sucker, Nakar and Nakry | My Observant Foreigner, Basar | Herald, ‘Ed | Witness, Mal’ak | Messenger, Qowl | Voice and, more recently, Zarowa’ | Arm of God Cultivating the Seeds for the Harvest.
In that the shem | name is chadash, while there is the possibility that it may be a new name, this designation is more likely one which addresses his desire to renew, restore, and reestablish the relationship between Yahowah and Yisra’el. While it is Yah’s decision, and I’ll be 442delighted with whatever He selects, personally, I am fondest of Yada Yahowah – or perhaps, Yada ben Yahowah.
Either way, it is likely Dad’s way of saying, “Good job, kid. You made your Papa proud. It’s about time I stop calling you a sucker and give you a proper name.”
While it is uncomfortable for me to reveal such things, I remain committed to going wherever Yah’s words lead, even when they fall into my lap. The fact remains, what I have done collaboratively with Yahowah’s Seven Spirits on behalf of His Son and Family these past twenty-three years matters. And my Father likes to share credit, even when He does 99.9% of the work. And to think, I was happy being anonymous.
“‘You will be (wa hayah – at this moment you will exist as (qal perfect second-person feminine singular)) an honorable and adorning (tiphe’reth – an attractive and ornamental) metaphorical crown or actual compass (‘atarah – a garland, wreath, or diadem) in (ba – as, with, and positioned by) Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH) hand (yad – influence and authority) and as (wa) a royal counselor (maluwkah – as a sovereign and leading advisor to consider; from malak – to counsel and advise on behalf of the king) in the palm (ba kaph – in the hollow of the hand) of your God (‘elohym ‘ath).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:3)
Okay then. That’s a bit much. But since no one has ever won an argument with Yah, all I can say is, “Wow! That’s overly generous.”
That said, I cannot imagine the alternative. With so much entrusted, with so much effort, with so much acclaim, I do not want to be a crumbled mess before God, bent over in shame for having failed. I will do my best and trust Him to use it well.
A zarowa’ can take many forms and play different roles. Moseh was a Productive Shepherd. Dowd was the Protective Ram. Both Sowed the Seeds of Life, one through the Towrah and the other with his Mizmowr. Most 443importantly, Dowd was the Sacrificial Lamb. And the little zarowa’ appears to be a useful implement in God’s hand. With Divine guidance and Spiritual input, the z is being offered his dream job, serving as a royal advisor and sovereign counselor to Dowd, the King of Kings. Moreover, in the palm of God’s outstretched hand, the little z functions as a compass – providing those who use it with the way Home.
Now speaking to all Yisra’el, Yahowah affirms…
“You shall no longer be called (lo’ ‘amar la ‘ath ‘owd) ‘Abandoned (‘azab – a rejected outcast, forsaken and relinquished, deserted or destitute, damned or estranged),’ and concerning your Land (wa la ‘erets ‘ath), no longer will it be called (lo’ ‘amar ‘owd), ‘Uninhabitable (shamamah – ruined and wasted, depopulated and desolated, a devastated and terrifying wasteland clothed in despair),’ but instead (ky), you will be called, designated, and welcomed as (la ‘ath qara’ – you will be summoned and invited as, even named), ‘Chephtsy | My Delight (chephets ‘any – My Desire and Great Pleasure because I Am Pleased)’ and your Land (wa la ‘erets ‘ath), ‘Ba’ulah | Married (ba’ulah – in a possessive relationship).’
This is because (ky) Yahowah (Yahowah) desires you (chaphets ba ‘ath – is delighted with you, He is pleased with you and He wants you). So, your Land (wa ‘erets ‘ath) will be wedded (tiba’el – in a state of matrimony). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:4)
By way of comparison (ky), as a fine young man (bachuwr – as an exceptional bridegroom, as an exemplary individual who is battle-hardened and capable, resilient and strong) marries (yba’al – comes to take and possess in matrimony) a virgin (bethuwlah – a young woman without any sexual experience; from an unused root meaning to separate), Your sons (beny ‘ath – Your children (beny is masculine and ‘ath is feminine)) shall wed themselves to You (ba’al ‘ath – shall marry You (singular feminine and thus addressing the Ruwach Qodesh)), and as the 444bridegroom (wa chathan – the Father’s daughter’s husband, a son-in-law) rejoices and is delighted (masows – is celebrating with a positive attitude) for the bride (‘al kalah – the one getting married), your God (‘elohym ‘ath) will be pleased for you (suws ‘al ‘ath – will be delighted for you, enjoying the relationship with you).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:5)
To appreciate the symbolism, understand that central to the Beryth | Family-Oriented Covenant Relationship is portrayed by the productive and loving union between a man and a woman, a husband and his wife, a father and a mother who conceive and raise their children in a supportive home. It is about choosing your partner, loving and supporting them, and being trustworthy and steadfast. Further, Yisra’el is metaphorically Yahowah’s Bride, and God covets a faithful, enduring, mutually supportive, and loving relationship with His people. Also, the symbolism makes the most sense when we recognize that the Ruwach Qodesh represents the feminine and maternal aspects of Yahowah’s nature.
Simply stated, Yahowah wants us to be engaged in a loving relationship, where we respect and cherish one another and establish our home and family. By this time, God and His people are together again, celebrating their kinship. It is the result of Kipurym and the purpose of Sukah – which will serve as the wedding pavilion.
“Upon your walls (‘al chowmah ‘ath – along your elevated thoroughfare), Yaruwshalaim | Jerusalem (Yaruwshalaim – Source of Guidance on Reconciliation), I will summon and determine the number (paqad – I will call, arm, muster, organize, and appoint) of the observant (shamar – those who closely examine, carefully consider, and focus intently, watchful individuals).
And all day and all night (wa kol ha yowm wa kol ha laylah) they will continuously exist (tamyd – they will be uninterrupted and constant), never inactive or silent (lo’ chashah – never hesitating to speak out or idle), always remembering (ha zakar – never forgetting and 445consistently recalling and proclaiming) that those who associate with Yahowah (‘eth YaHoWaH) are never silenced or inactive (‘al domy – they continually communicate the restoring testimony and eternal witness, and never cease, they are neither still nor dumb) regarding you (la ‘atem).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:6)
This is a reminder that Yahowah not only values those who are observant, He invites them to work with Him. Further, with this affirmation, we are reminded that God appreciates what work can achieve. Given the option, He’d rather engage with an active individual. And in this regard, He is calling us to speak openly and continually, such that we are always ready and willing to share His restoring witness.
What follows can be interpreted in one of three related ways. Does the negation of nathan | allow, scribed as it is in the jussive mood, mean that this particular messenger’s freewill is being usurped so that he completes the mission without distraction? Might this be the prophet expressing his desire regarding him, encouraging him to continue to battle until his last breath? Or is this God indicating that no one will be able to silence this witness or even slow his progress? Under the circumstances, each interpretation seems appropriate.
“And so, You should not (or will not) allow him to be silent or silenced, neither inactive or stopped (wa ‘al nathan domy la huw’ – You should not give him the opportunity to choose to be incommunicative, silenced, overwhelmed, idle, or satisfied, or even pause and rest such that he is always striving to be a more literal and effective witness, or: You will not allow anyone to impede his progress or censure his message, never allowing anyone to stop him (qal imperfect jussive – with nathan being negated, either the observant spokesman’s freewill is curtailed for an ongoing period of time such that there will be no pause in the work or cessation in the communication, or the prophet is affirming that God will insure that no one silences him or interrupts him)) until he prepares the 446enduring and restoring testimony (‘ad kuwn – while he authenticates the legitimacy, secures and sustains through a thoughtful and systematic arrangement of the evidence, making ready (poel imperfect – whereby the object, Yaruwshalaim, becomes fully equipped to prevail as a result of the active witness)) and causes through the eternal witness (wa ‘ad sym – until he brings about through the restoring testimony) that which is associated with Yaruwshalaim (‘eth Yaruwshalaim – that which pertains to the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Restoration) to be adored and considered praiseworthy (tahilah – is appreciated, her reputation renown and laudable) throughout the Earth (ba ha ‘erets).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:7)
Should this be Yasha’yah’s will, it would be my privilege to devote whatever effort is required to make him proud. Should this be a temporary curtailment of my freewill, nothing would be lost and everything worthwhile is gained. I’ve got nothing better to do – nor does anyone else. There is no more rewarding or beneficial job in the universe. So, telling someone that they must do what they love most isn’t limiting. Moreover, the time spent now is returned beyond measure in eternity.
I prefer the rendering whereby no one is allowed to interfere with our mission to call God’s people home. Our job is to speak out, to be a witness, and it is Yahowah’s job to see that we are effective and that His voice is heard. And based upon my experience over the past twenty-three years, it is apparent that Yahowah has thwarted any and all attempts to forestall our progress.
That said, our witness will end when Yaruwshalaim is adored rather than maligned. And our means to that goal will be by conveying Yahowah’s eternal witness and restoring testimony. While our efforts will mostly fall on deaf ears, for those whom our witness is intended, they have until 2033. Although, I’d recommend joining us for the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr in May of 2026.
Yahowah’s work will be advanced by way of a final 447Zarowa’…
“Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence) has made a promise (shaba’ – has sworn an oath, vowing to affirm the truth of this statement which is based upon approaching seven and the Shabat) by His right hand (ba yamyn huw’) and with His empowered and fortified (wa ba ‘oz huw’ – through His resolute and unwavering, with His bold and forceful, secure and prevailing) Zarowa’ | Capable Arm Sowing and Cultivating the Seeds for the Harvest with Shepherding the Flock (zarowa’ – the prevailing and effective arm of God with the resolve and ability to guide the sheep, a productive and protective ram, the defender and caretaker engaged as a shepherd among the sheep who is fruitful in accomplishing the mission, especially when sowing the seeds of truth while denoting and advancing the purpose of the Arm of God, the Protective Shepherd, and Sacrificial Lamb).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:8 in part)
The juxtaposition of the previous statements affirms several things. First, Yahowah is going to assure that His Witness is neither thwarted nor silenced, distracted or deterred until the Miqra’ey of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah are fulfilled – upon which Yada as the Red Heifer will be slaughtered to prepare the mortal remnant of Yisra’el for Kipurym and Sukah.
Second, God is going to prepare Yaruwshalaim for His return by deploying a Zarowa’ to sow the seeds required for bountiful harvests. And third, he will be an extension of Yahowah’s right hand, serving as God’s implement.
The Zarowa’s resolve and determination, even his effectiveness, will come through Yahowah’s fortification and empowerment. He is an implement in capable Hands.
The world’s most popular religions have confiscated what belongs to God’s people and have wrongly claimed it for themselves. In Christianity, it is called Replacement Theology. In Islam, it is simply jealousy.
448“‘I will not allow your grain, what you grow or harvest, to be given (nathan ‘eth dagan ‘ath – I will not offer what you produce) ever again (‘owd) to be consumed in a questionable way and processed destructively (ma’akal – to be butchered and destroyed; from mah – to question and ‘akal – to consume) by your enemies (la ‘oyeb ‘ath – by those who show enmity and hatred toward you) on the condition that (wa ‘im – so long as) the children (beny – the offspring) of the Nakar | Observant Foreigner (nakar – the little appreciated and often misunderstood non-Yisra’elite from a distant land who closely examines and carefully considers, then recognizes and acknowledges the truth, making it known through declarative statements, the discerning friend who highly regards what can be perceived and should be respected) can choose to drink (shatah – have the option to consume (qal imperfect jussive)) your new wine of inheritance (thyrowsh ‘ath – your recently harvested and sweet, freshly pressed, wine for heirs) which you have labored to produce (yaga’ – you have expended the energy to make) with him (ba huw’).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:8)
Islam and Christianity were conceived in animosity toward Yahowah’s Chosen People. However, the children of the Nakar love Yisra’el. So, God is saying that as long as they share with those who support them, He will keep those who hate them at bay.
Also interesting, in this reference to the gift of the upcoming harvest, those gathered in are considered to be children of the Nakar | Observant Foreigner who have partaken in the new wine of the inheritance. Additionally, through these things, Yahowah is protecting His Family.
We are one with Yisra’el and we are prepared for the harvest because, as Children of the Covenant, we radiate God’s light and adore Yahowah’s name…
“Truthfully, this is because (ky) those who gather together at the harvest with him (‘asaph huw’ – those who join together and are withdrawn to receive it with him 449[addressing the children of the Nakar]) will consume it (‘akal huw’ – will feast upon it [speaking of the new wine of inheritance]) radiating light (halal – extolling the virtues while expressing complete confidence) in the name of and with (ba shem ‘eth – in the renown and reputation of [from 1QIsa]) Yahowah.
And those who are assembled and obtain it (qabats huw’ – those who have come together and grasp it) will drink it (shatah huw’ – will experience it [the wine of inheritance]) within the courts (ba chatser – within the enclosure) of My Set-Apart Sanctuary (qodesh ‘any),’ says your God (‘amar ‘elohym ‘atem – declares your Mighty One [from 1QIsa]).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:9)
In Yada Yahowah, for the first time in 2,500 years, God’s name has been reintroduced, explained, and pronounced. From Almighty’s perspective, this is a watershed moment worth commemorating and celebrating.
We have read scores of references to the sweet new wine of inheritance being an essential part of the ‘Asaph and Qatsyr Harvests, making it part and parcel of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah. There is also a direct reference to wine during the presentation of the Miqra’ey – and not surprisingly, it is in concert with the other harvest. Then, the beneficiaries of Pesach and Matsah, represented by grain, are lifted up as part of the wave offering of Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children. And they are anointed with wine and oil. The symbolism is that we are being marked with the blood of the Passover Lamb which is symbolic of demarcating the doorway from our homes to God’s Home. Therefore, the obvious conclusion as to why wine is consistently mentioned in conjunction with the three harvests is that the Covenant’s Children are beneficiaries of Passover.
In this case, the Children of the Observant Foreigner who have consumed the sweet new wine of inheritance, reflect Yahowah’s name and light. This makes it possible for us to be set apart and enter into His presence.
450This is our message to all who will listen…
“‘Let nothing stop you from choosing to actually pass through (‘abar ‘abar – of your own freewill and with unrelenting resolve to cross over, transit and move through (qal imperative)) the gates (ba ha sha’ar – within the door and entranceway). Of your own freewill, prepare the way (panah derek – before the appearance, turn around, change direction, and pay attention, face reality, then make ready the path (piel imperative active – as a result of their choices, those paying attention and responding cause others in the family to respond similarly)) for the people (ha ‘am – for the family).
You should be resolute in your determination to build up and cherish (salal salal – raise and extol under the auspices of freewill (qal imperative active)) the highway (masilah – the main road, the thoroughfare, the elevated walkway to conduct one’s life). Toss away and remove (saqal min – throw and haul away (piel imperative)) the stumbling stones (‘eben mikshowl – pondering the implications of the impediments [from 1QIsa]).
Lift up (ruwm – it should be your desire to be influenced by and then raise (hifil imperative)) the Nes | Banner (nes – the sign conveying the vital message which is raised up on a shepherd’s staff for all to see, prominently communicating the leader’s desire to alert, prepare, and rally the people; from neses – to lift up an ensign and put it on display) over the people (‘al ‘am – before the family).’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:10)
As I shared previously, much of Yasha’yah / Isaiah was written as a primer on chotering such that the nakar | observant foreigner would know what would be expected of him and so that God’s people would know how to respond to what he is expressing. This is no exception.
As a result of Pesach and Matsah, the Sha’ar | Gateway from man’s world to God’s is open. The Covenant’s Children can pass through it during the three times each 451year that we gather for the Harvests – on Bikuwrym, Shabuw’ah, and Taruw’ah. It is what has been prepared by Father, Son, and Spirit such that all that remains is to prepare those who choose to be withdrawn for the ‘Asaph and Qatsyr. Specifically, the instruction here serves as an affirmation of what Yasha’yah revealed in the 41st chapter. The Qowl | Voice of Yahowah has been asked to prepare a raised highway through the wilderness to approach God. And since thoroughfares aren’t typically constructed with words, this one is unique because it is comprised of information.
And these instructions are found within the Nes | Sign Yahowah has asked His Choter to compose. This realization was introduced in Yasha’yah 11, where Yahowah told us that the Nes would be lifted up by Yah to bring His Children Home. And now, in this context, it is being raised as part of the ‘Asaph | Harvest.
As we are aware, the door to Heaven pivots open during Passover. Those who avail themselves of this gift of life are prepared to approach Yahowah on UnYeasted Bread as a result of Dowd having perfected us. And we become Yahowah’s people, His Family, during Firstborn Children. This is the highway to God which is raised for Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah.
It is religion that has cluttered the path. So, the purpose of the Nes is to identify, renounce, and remove the stumbling blocks along the way. And as you have no doubt surmised, there are so many obstacles that thirty-five books had to be written to expose and condemn them all.
Therefore, composing the words featured on this Nes | Banner has long been the stated mission of the Choter and Nakry. It is the implement the Zarowa’ has deployed to cultivate the Harvest by removing the weeds. These are among Yah’s gifts to His people and essential to His promise to lift them up.
The primary message on the Nes reads…
“Please pay attention (hineh – look up, consider this 452narrative here and now)! Listen to (shama’ – hear what is being said by) Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) unto the ends of the Earth (‘el qatseh ha ‘erets).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:11 in part)
It was not until I began writing the Nes as Yada Yahowah that this was possible. No one was paying attention to Yahowah’s name or listening to Him. That has changed. The Nes is performing as designed. And that is because I am following along in the prophetic guidebook Yahowah prepared with Yasha’yah for the occasion. So, once again, when we stick to the plan and go where God’s words lead, we end up where we should be.
And speaking of following along, where the women go, good men will follow, so long as they are getting their directions from the Signs Posted Along the Way…
“Say unto (‘amar la) the women in the environment surrounding (bath – the daughters in the area around; from banah – to build up and ben – a child of) the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown), ‘Behold (hineh – look now and see), your liberation and salvation (yesha’ ‘ath – your rescue and deliverance, your victory and assistance) will come (bow’ – will return, come back, and arrive at this moment in time (qal perfect)).’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:11 continued)
While there are many men in our company, the most devoted contributors to Yahowah, His Family, and His people, are women. They have become the conveyors of salvation. And in the process, many are being liberated from the ills of religious malfeasance.
We recognize that Yahowah, by fulfilling His Mow’ed Miqra’ey with Dowd, paid our fare for safe passage from Earth to Heaven…
“Look up and see (hineh – please pay attention) His reward, which is His payment for safe passage (sakar huw’ – He has paid the fare to provide His means of transportation). It is with Him (‘eth huw’), as is His 453recompense (pa’ulah huw’ – the consequence of what He has accomplished through His maternal approach, both as a reward and as a punishment; from pa’al – what is done is what is made), all in conjunction with His appearance (la paneh huw’ – to approach His presence).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:11)
It is your option: reward or recompense. Both come from Father and Son, Yahowah and Dowd.
It should also be noted that, while the means to safe passage through the recompense that has been provided leads to a return appearance of Yahowah, the pronouns “His” and “Him” could also be addressing Dowd, his Herald, or the Nes, even all of the above as they all produce the same result and lead to the same place.
Soon we will find ourselves welcomed into Yahowah’s presence and included within His Family…
“Therefore (wa), they shall be invited and welcomed as (qara’ la hem – they will be summoned and met, proclaimed, called out, designated) the Set-Apart Family (‘am ha qodesh – the people who are separated, unique, special, and uncommon) as they are being redeemed (ga’al – the delivered who were ransomed and bought back (qal participle)) by Yahowah (YaHoWaH).
Then (wa) you will be called (la ‘atah qara’ – you will be invited and summoned, announced and proclaimed) ‘Sought After (darash – aware and known, accounted for and looked after, and in a relationship),’ a city whose occupants (‘iyr – a population) are no longer forsaken (lo’ ‘azab – are no longer abandoned, rejected, or neglected).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 62:12)
When our mission is complete, eternity begins. We hope you will join us. You have been invited to participate in Yahowah’s Set-Apart Family. You are being offered redemption.
Let’s close this review of Yasha’yah’s depiction of the ensuing Harvests with the following pronouncement. It 454seems to come out of left field with the reference to ‘Edowm, but such is not the case. The Choter’s DNA reveals that his ancient ancestors were Roman-Celtic. And ‘edowm which speaks of “those things which are hairy and red.” It serves as a metaphor for Rome. The empire’s legacy was drenched in blood, its legions were adorned in red, and its emperors were called “Caesars” which means “hairy.”
“Who (my) is this (zeh) who comes (bow’ – is he who arrives and then returns at this moment in time (qal participle perfect absolute active third-person masculine singular)) out of ‘Edowm (min ‘Edowm – from those influenced by the bloody red nature of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, and thus the Western World, and from one who outed Islam) in reddish (chamuwts – crimson, brilliant and vibrant red, from that which was yeasted and ruthless, cruel and oppressive) garments (beged – apparel) from the sheepfold (batsrah – from a fortified and protected place)?
He is the one (zeh) who is shown great favoritism and is respected (hadar – who is honored on high and treated with distinction). Therefore, he is suitably adorned and arrayed (ba lebuwsh huw’ – with his clothing, raiment, vestments, and apparel), striding purposely (tsa’ah – walking forthrightly with a sense of intensity and urgency, attentively pursuing the goal) in the abundance (rob – in the upper range and extent) of His influence and authority (koach huw’ – His power and might, His potential and ability, His substance and means).
I am sharing this message (‘any dabar – I am communicating, verbalizing and announcing this matter with these words) accurately (tsadaqah – correctly and verifiably, honestly and forthrightly) to liberate and save (la yasha’ – to rescue and deliver, freeing) many (rab – numerous, a great many).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 63:1)
Yasha’yah was inspired to explain how the mission of the Choter, Nakar, Qowl, ‘Ed, Basar, and Zarowa’ would be fulfilled as well as how to recognize and respond to him. 455And this is all because of the importance of the liberating message he is delivering to save humanity from itself.
Since our God is Yahowah and our Savior is Dowd, and since both work through the Spirit to withdraw the Shabuw’ah ‘Asaph | Ingathering of Standing Grain, I would like to turn to one of the most intriguing of the Mashal | Word Pictures scribed by our King.
It begins…
“The word (ha dabar – the message) on ‘Aguwr | Being Gathered in and Received in the Harvest (‘Aguwr – on reaping and gleaning) as a child (ben) of Yaqah | Burning Passion (Yaqeh – of Blazing Fire), Masa’ | of Those whose Burdens are Carried Away (ha Masa’ – One whose Burdens are Borne).
This is the prophetic pronouncement (na’um – the revelation of a prophet in advance of it occurring) of the empowered individual (ha geber – the mighty defender and strong man; from gabar – to prevail, to confirm, and to strengthen) as ‘Iythy’el | I Am a Man of God (la ‘Iythy’el – regarding I Am an Individual approaching the Almighty; from ‘iysh – individual, y – I or my, and ‘el – God) on behalf of ‘Iythy’el | Those Approaching My God (la ‘Iythy’el – regarding the People of My God) who ‘Ukal | Are Nourished and Partake (wa ‘Ukal – who Consume).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 30:1)
Since there was no prophet named ‘Aguwr ben Yaqah, it is what the words mean that matters. Therefore, this is “the word on being gathered in and received in the harvest as a child of burning passion, among those whose burdens are carried away.” The message pertains to being part of the upcoming harvests. This pronouncement affirms that we will be zealous participants in the relationship and will be beaming with God’s light. 456And this is because our burdens were lifted up and carried away on Matsah.
Dowd, the one who bore our burdens, and the one writing this Mashal, was the paradigm of what it means to say, ‘Iythy’el | I Am a Man of God. And in his case, he is also the escort of ‘Iythy’el | Those Approaching My God. We have all been nourished by his testimony.
There were but forty prophets, with only half of those leaving a written legacy, Dowd being among the most prolific of them. He, among Yahowah’s prophets, was also a geber | strong and mighty defender of Yisra’el. The Messiah and King was an ‘Iythy’el | Man of God predicting a time when the Men Approaching God will ‘ukal | devour testimony and then consume their foes. And Dowd, as we are well aware, bore our guilt so that we could be gathered in by Yahowah during the harvests.
Moreover, we will be provided a more complete assessment of what we’ll be ‘akal | devouring as we approach the 14th statement of the Mashal. But suffice it to say for now, Dowd is not impressed with what his descendants have become nor with what they have done to one another.
Speaking for them as if he were one of them…
“Indeed, my understanding is insufficient (ky ba’ar ‘anoky – Truly, I am senseless) as an individual (min ‘iysh – as a person). I am (la ‘any) unable to deduce the connections needed to understand (lo’ bynah – lacking insights and devoid of discernment, failing to comprehend, failing to respond appropriately; from byn – to consider insights and intelligently discriminate to comprehend) ‘Adam | humankind (‘Adam – the name of the first man created in God’s image and who lived in ‘Eden).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 30:2)
It is the essence of the problem – the very thing which separates man from God. And this is especially true with rabbis when they pretend to be Torah scholars. They just are not smart enough to comprehend the good and bad in 457human nature relative to God. Pretending to be wise, they have become fools.
Dowd was smarter than any of us, and he couldn’t do it on his own. To understand the big issues in life, we need God’s help. And for that to occur, we need to listen to Him, something the religious oppose in favor of listening to men.
Even more specifically, ‘Adam is a case study in himself, especially when tied into the implications of ‘Eden and the machinations of Chawah. I found them so intriguing, I devoted an entire volume of Yada Yahowah to what occurred in the Garden. This study not only reveals who we are and what God is trying to achieve, but it also illuminates where we have been and where we are going. Gan ‘Eden is, in essence, Sukah. It is as the Earth will be.
When the smartest fellow in the room admits that he is stumped when left to his own devices, we would be wise to consider where he derived his sublime understanding.
“I have not learned how to be perceptive or to think prudently (wa lo’ lamad chakmah – I have not received instruction, nor have I acquired the information needed to comprehend (qal perfect)) so I do not know, acknowledge, or understand (wa da’ath yada’ – I have no awareness of and no relationship with, I do not appreciate or recognize) the Set-Apart Things (Qadowsh – that which is Separate and Distinguished).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 30:3)
The things which are set apart unto Yahowah include His name, His Spirit, His Covenant, His Towrah, His Mow’ed Miqra’ey, His Shabat, His people Yahuwdah and Yisra’el, Yaruwshalaim, Mowryah, the Spiritual Realm – and His Son, Dowd. They are all set apart and separate from those things which are common to mankind, like religion, politics, conspiracy, social customs, and caste systems.
Appreciating what it means to be set apart from the things men embrace so that we can be separated unto Yahowah is essential to developing the kind of relationship 458God intended. We need to know what He values to be valued by Him.
At this point in Yahowah’s timeline, there is only one man who has ascended to Heaven and then returned to Earth, Dowd. Initially, as Messiah, Son, Prophet, and King, he lived 70 of the most remarkable years in human history, with his first life concluding 3½ years prior to year 3000 Yah / 968 BCE. Dowd’s second of three lives began 3½ years prior to year 4000 Yah in 33 CE – a time cut short by the fulfillment of Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym. Then, just nine years from now, the King’s third life will commence on Yowm Kipurym 3½ years after the arrival of the final Witnesses.
However, there soon will be two additional men who will join Dowd in the three-lives club – ‘ElYah and Yada. They will journey from Heaven to Earth during Pesach in year 5996 Yah / 2030 – forty-one months and sixteen days prior to the King’s glorious appearance. And in each case, having lived full and productive lives on Earth speaking for Yahowah, and then spending time with God in Shamaym, they are all equipped to be compelling and accurate witnesses.
It is also interesting that these same three men are the ones responsible for the three harvests – Dowd on Bikuwrym, Yada for Shabuw’ah, and ‘ElYah on Taruw’ah. However, only one of these men meets the final requirement, although he did not act alone. And that is why we are being asked if we know the names of Father and Son.
“Who (my – where, when, why, and how) has actually ascended (‘alah – has gone up, been withdrawn and carried away, lifted up (qal perfect)) to the Spiritual Realm of the Heavens (shamaym) and then descended (wa yarad – come down (qal imperfect))?
Who (my – where, when, why, and how) has gathered the harvest (‘asaph – has brought together and withdrawn) of the Spirit (Ruwach – of the Spiritual Mother, 459Counselor, and Power of God) within the hollow of His hands (ba chophen huw’)?
Who (my – where, when, why, and how) has enclosed and confined (tsarar – has wrapped up) the waters (maym – the source of life and cleansing) in a garment (ba ha simlah – a feminine noun meaning apparel which covers and adorns)?
Who (my – where, when, why, and how) finally comes onto the scene, stands upright for everyone, completes the mission to restore, enabling all to stand without ceasing, establishing the entire (quwm kol ‘ephes – in the end, takes a stand to fulfill the promise to lift up the (hifil perfect)) Earth and Material Realm (‘erets)?
What is (mah) His name (shem huw’ – His personal and proper identification)?
And what is (wa mah) His Son’s (ben) name (shem)? Surely (ky) you know (yada’ – you recognize and understand, you are acquainted and acknowledge it).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 30:4)
Since these rhetorical questions are laden with profound implications, let’s consider them one at a time. As we begin, it is instructive to know that both “yarad – descends” and “‘alah – ascends” were scribed in the qal relational stem which speaks of things which are real, actual, and genuine, as opposed to symbolic or hypothetical. And both, like every verb throughout this list of rhetorical inquiries, were written to include the third person, masculine, singular pronoun, “H/he,” which is obviously addressing Father and Son.
It is interesting to note, however, the differences between the grammatical forms found in the first query. Yarad was conjugated in the imperfect waw consecutive, which is the only Hebrew tense which can be interpreted to denote time. It can suggest that, at least at the time of this writing, the subject of this question may have already descended. Should that be the case, it is either referencing Yahowah’s meetings with ‘Adam, Noach, ‘Abraham, 460Moseh, and Shamuw’el, or it is implying that Dowd may have served in similar fashion to what is recorded by Daniel as Gabry’el. If referencing God, His willingness to come down to our level has occurred multiple times with unfolding implications.
Whereas in this same statement, ‘alah was conjugated in the perfect. This would indicate that His ascents were finite in time. And this would mean He is returning. However, should it apply to Dowd, his initial time in Shamaym would have been exactly 1,000 years and his second experience in Heaven will have been 2,000 years by the time of his return. He will then rule as King over the Earth for another 1,000 years.
Therefore, in these words, God appears to be sharing His support of His Son’s willingness to serve as the Passover Lamb, while also reminding us that it was not His only interaction with his people. Yahowah had walked in the Garden and talked with ‘Adam (Bare’syth 3:8). He enjoyed many discussions and meals with ‘Abraham and joked with Sarah at the initiation of the Covenant (Bare’syth 17 and 18). It is generally implied that He blessed Ya’aqob, perhaps renaming the father of His children, “Yisra’el” (Bare’syth 32). Before conveying the words of the Towrah, God took the time to eat and drink with Moseh (Shemowth 24). And He revealed Himself to Shamuw’el / Samuel in connection with the Ark of the Covenant. There we read: “Yahowah came, stood, and spoke to Shamuw’el…appearing so as to be seen, revealing and disclosing Himself as the Word of Yahowah.” (1 Shamuw’el 3)
But now comes the especially interesting part. Sometimes God predicts the future using the imperfect waw consecutive. I suspect He does so because it infers that He has already witnessed our future, and thus, rather than predicting it, He is simply reporting it as fact. As such, these prophecies, rather than having a probability of occurring, are so certain that God describes them as if they have already occurred.
461God’s sixth yarad | descent during the first 6,000 years after ‘Eden will be the most imperfect – that is to say, ongoing and continuous. His return on Yowm Kipurym to reconcile His relationship with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah is on our horizon, and it will transpire in the Yowbel year 6000 Yah (at sunset, 6:22 in Yaruwshalaim, October 2nd, 2033). The date has been set. How will you respond?
So, then God asked: “Who (my) has gathered the harvest (‘asaph) of the Spirit (Ruwach) within the hollow of His hands (ba chophen huw’)?” This ‘asaph ruwach | spiritual harvest was also penned in the qal perfect. And that means this gathering has and will occur on behalf of the Covenant Family. The initial occurrence was during Bikuwrym in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE when She brought Dowd’s soul to his Father. She engaged to equip the Choter 23 years ago and will remain with him to enable the harvest during the Miqra’ of Shabuw’ah on May 22nd, 2026. This is the time Israel’s Troubles will commence. Seven years thereafter, in 2033, the ultimate Spiritual reunion will transpire on Yowm Kipurym. It will be celebrated as a single moment in time – never to be repeated and it will not be extended. It is the last opportunity for God’s people to awaken from their religious rebellion.
The “remnant” aspect of ‘asaph is also telling, in that two of every three Yahuwdym | Jews will die separated from their God prior to either the Taruw’ah Gleaning or the Kipurym Homecoming. Some portion of the mortal remnant of Yisra’el, having survived the ‘Eth Tsarah Ya’aqob | Time of Israel’s Adversity, will finally come to recognize and accept Yahowah. With their change in mindset, their relationship with God will be restored. On this day, we are told in Zakaryah / Zechariah 12:9-10 that they will look up to Yahowah accompanied by the Son they pierced and lament what they have done as God pours out upon them the Spirit of acceptance.
Transitioning to the next query, God asked: “Who (my) has enclosed and confined (tsarar) the waters 462(maym) in a garment (ba ha simlah)?” If we are to project this into the past, it may represent creation when the fluidity of quark plasma following the big bang coalesced into matter that began the flow of time. It may describe the retreating waters of the flood which provided a safe harbor for the Ark. Those familiar with the Yatsa’ | Exodus may see it as the parting of waters which gave the Children of Yisra’el the means to escape the pursuit of Pharaoh’s army. And if projected into the future, Yahowah will stem the surging tide of millions of Islamic jihadists who will flood into Israel during the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles.
There is an aspect of tsarar we ought not to miss. As a noun, it is used to describe ‘Eth Tsarah Ya’aqob | the Time of Israel’s Troubles. Therefore, it is from tumultuous and troubling waters that Yahowah is offering to protect His people. From this perspective, symbolically, with water serving to convey its life-giving and cleansing properties, the Set-Apart Spirit adorns the Covenant’s Children in such a garment to purge us of the nastiness of religion and governance so that we can live with God.
In the next question, we read: “Who (my) finally comes onto the scene, stands upright for everyone, completes the mission to restore, enabling all to stand without ceasing, establishing the entire (quwm kol ‘ephes) Earth and Material Realm (‘erets)?” Again, because Yahowah is consistent, we have a number of options. God took a stand on behalf of His people during the flood, while liberating them from Mitsraym, protecting them in the Promised Land, and supporting Dowd’s fulfillment of Chag Matsah.
While the operative word is obviously quwm, ‘ephes serves as an adverb to modify it in important ways. It reveals that this act “will come at the end of his mission and that he will complete it, leaving nothing else to be done.” Collectively, these words speak of Father and Son working together to fulfill the Miqra’ey of Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children when the Messiah stood up for us so that we could stand with him at 463the culmination of his mission in year 4000 Yah.
Since we are being thorough in our investigation, you should know that quwm was scribed in the hifil stem and perfect conjugation. The hifil speaks of the relationship of the verb’s subject relative to the verb’s action, which has a causative effect on the verb’s object. What all that means is that by Yahowah supporting Dowd’s sacrifice for us on Passover and UnYeasted Bread, He enabled us to stand alongside His Son on Firstborn Children. By coming onto the scene and completing his mission, the Zarowa’ restored and established the Covenant Family.
Now that the identity of the individual who was the subject of the initial questions has been established, let’s consider the rhetorical queries. “What is (mah) His name (shem)? And what is (wa mah) His son’s (ben) name (shem)? Surely (ky) you know (yada’).”
Sadly, there have only been a few brief moments in time in which a significant number of Yisra’elites have been aware of Yahowah’s name. The Children of Yisra’el came to know it during the Yatsa’ | Exodus as they were fleeing religious and political oppression. A united Yisra’el would have celebrated it under Dowd’s stewardship and then, again, while Shalomoh | Solomon was dedicating the “Home for Yahowah’s Name” on Mowryah. And while it would have been exclusively Yahuwdah, there was a brief moment of lucidity to forestall the Assyrian assault on Yaruwshalaim under Yachizqyah | Hezekiah.
By its proper pronunciation, YaHoWaH remained unspoken and unwritten until I began writing and promoting the Yada Yahowah series, coupled with producing Yada Yah Radio, Shattering Myths, and now our social media outreach on X and the Yada Yahowah channels on YouTube and Rumble. And while God’s name has been boldly reintroduced, reassociated with His Towrah and Prophets, and is being celebrated once again in the lives of His Covenant Family, even now, twenty-three years later, less than one in a million of the eight billion souls who currently occupy Earth acknowledge it. 464In an informed and rational world, on a planet without religion, we would expect the opposite to be true – with as few as one in a million not knowing God’s name. But what’s so appalling today, multiple billions will profess the wrong name, swearing on their lives that HaShem, Jesus, or Allah is God.
Again, apart from those who have come to benefit from what we have learned during our prolonged journey through Yahowah’s word, very few individuals would know the correct answer to the last question. And that is surprising because Yahowah openly identifies the name of His Son for us. In fact, second only to Yahowah’s designation, the name of God’s Beloved appears more often than any other.
The answer to this question is well-known, not as God’s Son, and not correctly pronounced, but nonetheless, as the King of Israel. And yet even then, very few individuals credit him with being the anointed Mashyach | Messiah, even though Yahowah makes this distinction abundantly clear too. And fewer than one in a million know that Dowd became our Savior by fulfilling Chag Matsah two millennia ago.
Therefore, the answer is Dowd | David. He not only meets every criterion in this pronouncement, he is the man Yahowah has overtly called His son, doing so three times.
While these questions provide an ideal introduction to this section, let’s delve deeper into this Mashal | Proverb to see what more we can learn. The next statement reads…
“Every (kol) instructive word (‘imrah – declarative saying and reliable promise, communicated teaching and trusted utterance) of God (‘elowah) refines, removing impurities (tsraph – is tested and pure, is worth examining, proves and purges).
It is a shield (magen huw’ – He is a defender; from ganan – covering and surrounding to protect) for those who seek protection (la ha chasah – for those who take refuge, finding comfort by trusting) in it and Him (ba 465huw’).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 30:5)
‘Imrah is based upon ‘amar | to say. It is an expansive expression of the dabar | word in that it shades toward “the promise to instruct and teach in a reliable and trustworthy manner.”
In this case, the title ‘elowah | God was scribed using its root. This spelling provides yet another affirmation of the proper pronunciation of the Hebrew Wah. Further, it explains why we pronounce ‘elohym with the vowel “o” even though it is not supplied.
While we are on this subject, much is made of the fact that Yahowah uses ‘el, ‘elowah, and ‘elohym to depict His title as God. The first two are singular while the last is plural. A plural rendering is not uncommon, as we see it in chayym | lives, maym | waters, and shamaym | heavens which routinely use the plural form to depict a singular entity.
In Yahowah’s case, He is Spirit and yet He has a soul which can be used to animate a body and project His persona when He so desires. He is our Heavenly Father and, as the Ruwach Qodesh, our Spiritual Mother.
And since God’s Word provides the answer to every important question…
“You should not add to (‘al yasaph ‘al – you should not augment, increase, or create a new or additional variation of, nor join something to as if an extension) His words (dabar huw’ – His message, communication, and revelation), lest beware (pen – or otherwise), He will argue against you, judge and convict you (yakach ba ‘atah – He will adjudicate against and rebuke you, demonstrating that you are wrong, pushing you away (hifil imperfect)), and you shall be proven a liar for having promoted delusions (wa kazab – you shall be disappointed and will fail in your vanity, either ceasing to exist or arriving at an unsatisfactory condition and conclusion for having communicated that which was not true and for having deceived (nifal perfect – the subject carries out and 466receives the consequence of the action)).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 30:6)
This means that the rabbis responsible for the Talmud, and Paul, the inspiration behind the New Testament, are liars who will be judged and condemned by God. Seeking to understand God’s words and sharing them is commendable but supplementing them with an adjoined text and pretending that it was inspired is condemnable.
Something we find mentioned frequently within the Towrah and Prophets and not a peep of in the Talmud and New Testament are Yahowah’s words and name. These things separate the genuine article from the counterfeits.
All who change God’s Word and add their own ideas, as Akiba and Paul have done, will be judged. They will be found guilty of having consciously promoted delusions and will be convicted. Yahowah will not tolerate those who replace His words with their own. And yet, it is by rejecting Yahowah’s warning that the religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism were born. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
This message reflects the intent of the third of three statements found on the first of two tablets that Yahowah wrote with His own hand. He said He would not forgive those who promote deceptive and deadly dogmas while negating His name.
Proverbs 30:6 also devastates the notion that the Church has the right to establish doctrine, to replace the Shabat with Sunday, Passover with Good Friday, Firstborn Children with Easter, Reconciliations with Halloween, Shelters with Christmas, Dowd with Jesus, or Yisra’el with the Church.
Based upon the context, Dowd is asking these things of Yahowah on behalf of Yahuwdah…
“Two things (shanaym) I ask of You (sha’al min ‘eth ‘atah). Do not withhold them (‘al mana’ – do not deny or refuse them, depriving them) from me (min ‘any) before 467(ba terem – prior to the point) I pass away (muwth). (Mashal 30:7)
That which is denigrating and beguiling (showa’ – (errantly transliterated shav’) that which is worthless and vain, debilitating and destructive, ruinous and idolatrous, dishonest and nullifying, ineffectual and futile), in addition to (wa) deceptive and delusional words (dabar kazab – a false message which encourages the deceived to worship pagan gods), I want You to disassociate from me (rachaq min ‘any – I am asking that you keep far away from me (hifil imperative)).
Not having what is needed (rysh – being impoverished) and (wa) the pretense of being rich (‘ashar – an overabundance of possessions), do not allow to approach me (‘al nathan la ‘any – do not cause or give me (qal imperfect jussive)).
Of Your own volition, please provide me (taraph ‘any – nourish me with that which is sufficient and satisfying (hifil imperative)) with bread (lechem – with food) which is prescribed for me (choq ‘any – which cuts me into the relationship because it is clearly communicated and inscribed for my life and benefit).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 30:8)
Dowd was immersed in Yahowah’s Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit when he was anointed ha Mashyach | the Messiah at eight years of age. The counsel and protection of the Spirit would never leave him. Therefore, he was not without what he required. Further, as a prophet, his words were inspired and always accurate.
But such could not be said for his people, Yahuwdah. Jews have “showa’ – denigrated” Yahowah’s name, Towrah, Covenant, and Miqra’ey while “showa’ – beguiling” Yisra’el. Doing so is a death sentence – an unforgivable crime – one which will cause every rabbi to be judged and condemned. This is not my opinion but, instead, a conclusion Yahowah etched in stone using the same verb…
468“You should not continue to deceive, nor should you tolerate or support delusions (lo’ nasha’ – you should not habitually deploy or advance clever tricks to enrich yourself by indebting others, and you should avoid actually beguiling people on an ongoing basis by consistently lifting up, promoting, or forgiving that which causes them to miss the way by forgetting (qal imperfect)) associated with (‘eth – through or by way of the) the name and reputation (shem – the renown and proper designation) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym), thereby advancing worthless and lifeless deceptions (la ha showa’ (errantly transliterated shav’) – deploying that which advances devastating dishonesty, nullifying one’s existence, leading to emptiness and nothingness, so as to advance deceitful and lifeless lies which are ineffectual, futile, and ruinous).
For, indeed (ky – because), Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will not forgive or leave unpunished (lo’ naqah – as an ongoing admonition unconstrained by time, He will not purify or pardon, He will not acquit or free from guilt, He will not exempt from judgment or sentencing, nor will He consider innocent or release (piel imperfect)) those who (‘eth ‘asher – in association with others) consistently deceive, actually beguile, and habitually delude, promoting or accepting trickery so as to forget (nasha’ – religiously using deception to continually mislead, lifting up and advancing a clever, albeit dishonest, ruse (qal imperfect)) His name (‘eth shem – renown, reputation, and proper designation), thereby advancing and promoting (la – bringing into effect accordingly) vain and ineffectual lies which lead to lifelessness, nullifying one’s existence (showa’ – devastating deceptions which denigrate and destroy, leading to emptiness, worthlessness, and nothingness, futilely deceiving in a ruinous manner).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 20:7)