133Yada Yahowah
Shabuw’ah | Promise of Seven
Unfulfilled Accounting…
It is with considerable trepidation that we venture into the pages of the Christian New Testament once again. And yet, Shim’own’s / Peter’s preposterous proposition that he witnessed the fulfillment of Shabuw’ah in 33 CE, as the fantasy was scribed by Luke in the Book of Acts is worth the risk because it is so demonstrative of religious corruption and how readily we can be led astray.
Had there actually been “disciples,” had any of their stories been true, one would have expected that having lived alongside the Zarowa’ for three years and having been in Yaruwshalaim during Dowd’s fulfillment of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, the likes of a Shim’own would have been prepared by the first three Miqra’ey to at least understand the purpose and timing of the fourth – Shabuw’ah. The alleged witness, should he have actually existed, would have been in the right place at the right time and, therefore, should have been able to articulate an accurate accounting of what occurred during the Promise of Seven in year 4000 Yah.
Had Peter been paying attention, he would have been a beneficiary of Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children and, thus, sufficiently enlightened by the process and empowered by the Spirit to know that it was a non-event. Shabuw’ah would not be fulfilled as the Harvest of Standing Grain until seven years prior to the Messiah’s return. This would place the Ingathering of the Covenant Family on May 22nd, 2026, which was a scant 1,993 years distant. Oops.
134In the opening line of the second chapter of the Book of Acts, there is the absurd notion that the Miqra’ of Shabuw’ah was fulfilled in accordance with some previous standard or prediction. But that’s not even remotely possible since Seven Shabats is a Harvest of Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children, and they are the offspring of Pesach | Passover and Matsah | UnYeasted Bread. Since the Christian New Testament disavows the first three Miqra’ey as fulfilled by Dowd, they cannot rationally acknowledge or benefit from the fourth. That is akin to jumping in a car without building the chassis, adding an engine, or including the tires. And since Christians deny the concluding Mow’edym, there would be no seats, steering wheel, or pedals. This vehicle of faith was comprised solely of a gearshift.
This known, we are painfully aware that Acts, like the Gospel of Luke, is a work of fiction – overwhelmingly more wrong than right. Neither book was inspired by God or the facts. Both presentations are hearsay.
However, since they are considered “Scripture” by billions, and influence their lives and culture, these books, which were scribed at the conclusion of the lifetimes of Paul’s associates, are seldom scrutinized as we are doing. And that is a shame because it becomes immediately obvious to an informed and rational reader that they were agenda-driven and, more specifically, heavily influenced by Sha’uwl | Paul – the Plague of Death. Moreover, the resulting message has haunted God’s People for centuries. And by having claimed Shabuw’ah as if it were Pentecost, Christians have concealed the truth under a swamp of lies.
The viability issue becomes readily apparent within the Book of Acts or the Gospel of Luke because both are riddled with inaccuracies, fallacies, and, worse, anti-Semitism – as well as countless misappropriations and misrepresentations of the Prophets. It is only because the first seven chapters of Acts present events and discussions apart from Paul, and purport to convey the testimony of a “disciple,” that any of this is being conveyed for your 135consideration – and also because excoriating a religion born out of a hatred of Jews is important to the security of God’s People.
With this in mind, the second chapter of Acts begins...
“Indeed (kai), on (en) the Day (hemera) of Fifty (Pentekoste – feminine form of pentekonta, meaning fifty), it was fulfilled (sumpleroo – was fully completed). It came to exist (eimi) that all were assembled in harmony (pas homou – everyone was like-minded, like-natured, and unified in an assembly) in the presence of (epi) it (auto).” (Acts 2:1)
I may be among the first to share that nothing was fulfilled on Pentekoste. There was no “pentekoste” to fulfill. Further, the clown providing the narration was unfamiliar with Yahowah, Dowd, the Towrah, and the Prophets. He would not have known a Miqra’ if it kissed him on both cheeks.
Obviously, this is nothing more than a crude rip-off of Shabuw’ah by a counterfeit title. It is a Harvest, not an assembly, and there is diversity, not harmony. Yahowah’s intent is that those gathered on Shabuw’ah would be varied in their life situations, ethnicities, gender, age, perspectives, attitudes, and thinking. In its annual observance, it is the Miqra’ where Yahowah wanted everyone to hear His message and experience His passion for life. Done correctly, the attendees would not be like-minded, similarly devoted, or harmonious. Further, “it” doesn’t have a presence.
When the foretold fulfillment of the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr transpires on May 22nd, 2026 as the sun sets on a Shabat, the Time of Israel’s Troubles will intensify as the planet enters its seven-year countdown to Yahowah’s return with Dowd. There will be no Christians participating among the one in a million who will be withdrawn.
Peter’s perverse ploy is particularly disappointing. He is pretending to benefit from, orchestrate, and explain Shabuw’ah without even mentioning Pesach, Matsah, and 136Bikuwrym which are prerequisites. And since Shabuw’ah is one of seven Mow’edym, and the other six play no role in the upstart religion, it is irrational to claim Seven Sevens for a faith at war with the Towrah. There is no other place where the meaning and purpose of the Promise of the Shabat are depicted. As a result, to disingenuously pilfer the middle Miqra’ and ignorantly and incorrectly describe it while claiming it as a spiritual awakening is appalling. But apparently not to Christians who celebrate Pentecost to this day as if announcing the birth of their god-forsaken church.
“And immediately (aphno) there came into existence (ginomai) out of (ek) heaven (ouranos) the sound of information and news (echos – of a spoken report), like (hosper – corresponding to) a compelling force (biaias – a powerful source of energy), moving inwardly and upholding (pheromai) the breath of spiritual life (pnoe – feminine derivative of pneuma Spirit), and filling (pleroo – supplying) the whole (holos) household (oikon) where (ou) they were residing.” (Acts 2:2)
Just the opposite. Rather than Heaven coming down on Shabuw’ah, the beneficiaries of the Harvest leave Earth for Shamaym. As for the news regarding this day, it is being voiced by the Basar | Herald serving Dowd – albeit nearly two millennia later.
The time of the “compelling force” is long past. Yahowah used a strong and compelling hand to draw His people out of Mitsraym 3,500 years ago. But He is on record in Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 31 saying that He won’t do that again – especially with regard to the restoration of the Covenant.
Further, the purpose of Shabuw’ah is to fill Heaven with the souls of the Covenant’s children. It is not to fill a house on Earth.
Also, as the recipient of Yahowah’s Seven Spirits to accomplish the mission of cultivating the Shabuw’ah 137Qatsyr, I know a thing or two, actually seven, about how God communicates. And I can testify without equivocation that this is not how the Set-Apart Spirit operates in our lives. She does not speak externally but, instead, internally. She does not communicate independently from the Word of God but rather enlightens us regarding it. She is inspiring, not compelling. And the Spirit does not make a racket. When She comes upon us, there is no audible sound.
Further, the Ruwach Qodesh does not teach us to speak different languages. What She makes apparent is the message of the Towrah and Prophets as they are scribed in Hebrew…
“And languages (glossa – the various dialects of human speech) became apparent to them (horao – they came to know and understand them), like a fire burning (pyros) in them. And they were distributed (diamerizo – dispersed), conferred, and appointed (kathizo) upon (epi) each one (hekastos) of them (autos).
And they were all individually (pas) filled with (pimplamai) the Holy (hagion – gender neuter of hagios) Spirit (ΠΝΣ – placeholder for pneuma), and began (archomai) to speak (laleo) other (heteros – different) languages (glossa – dialects), just as (kathos) the Spirit (ΠΝΑ) gave (didomi) them the ability to convey the spoken words (apophtheggomai – the ability to pronounce words).” (Acts 2:3-4)
Of course, this is wrong again. Yahowah has been abundantly clear: Shabuw’ah will be fulfilled as an ingathering of saved souls, particularly Bikuwrym. It is not a language library or a universal translator implant. It is about a withdrawal, not a distribution.
There will be no fires. Nothing is conferred. The Set-Apart Spirit is being removed as She withdraws Her Children. No one known to Yah will be addressing earthlings. The time for spoken words in association with God will be over – and it will remain so for three and a half years when the Witnesses return in 2030.
138Therefore, up to this point, just four verses into his narration of the non-event, Shim’own / Peter has managed to get everything wrong. He is hallucinating, not testifying.
As we are aware, the Mow’edym | Enduring Testimony Regarding the Restoring Witnesses denote Appointments which are Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet with Yahowah. They provide the means to benefit from the Beryth | Covenant. The first three, Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, were fulfilled by the Messiah Dowd in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE. The final three, Taruw’ah, Kipurym, and Sukah will be fulfilled in concert with our King in year 6000 Yah / 2033. The Shabuw’ah Harvest is set between these dates, transpiring seven years prior to Dowd’s return and at the commencement of the Time of Israel’s Troubles – on the Shabat of May 22nd, 2026. Cultivating this Qatsyr is the Choter’s responsibility.
Since all of this was presented to us through Yahowah’s prophets in Hebrew, accurate translations accompanied by appropriately discerned insights are the implements affecting this Harvest. Yada Yahowah’s legacy of 35 books, its rich reservoir of resources, and its wide array of videos and audio programs, may be all that is left between the Shabuw’ah Harvest and the Passover return of the Witnesses in 2030.
This is why the Yada Yahowah Series exists. We recognize the value of rendering the testimony Yahowah conveyed in Hebrew into the language spoken by most people. English has become the most universal language worldwide – especially among Jews.
As a useful insight into understanding Peter’s place and time, most literate individuals would have been bilingual or multilingual. In addition to Hebrew, they would have been reasonably fluent in Aramaic, Greek, and Latin due to the influence of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.
If it were not for the popularity of the Pentecostal movement, where “speaking in tongues” is inanely 139interpreted to be “praising God in a heavenly language,” I would not be required to state the obvious. This presentation states that those affected by Peter’s spirit were allegedly equipped to speak human languages, not God’s. The language spoken in heaven is Hebrew, rendering the notion of “speaking in the tongues of angels” by muttering incomprehensible gibberish as nonsensical as the sounds themselves.
The reason for the inclusion of the presence of the “likes of a burning fire within them” was to replace the experience of Moseh and the Children of Yisra’el around Choreb when the Towrah was being revealed in the presence of Yahowah’s fiery light. These “Christians” were said to have experienced their own fire, and thus their own god, divine light, spiritual voice, and New Testament under the auspices of Replacement Foolology.
This invasive spirit, rather than enlightening anyone, equipped them to speak multiple languages. And while there is no evidence of this, what follows is yet another lie. It was scribed by Luke on Paul’s behalf to besmirch Jews. For his new religion to prevail, Yahuwdym would have to be swept off center stage and replaced by the Gentile Church.
“And now (de) existing (eimi) inside (eis) Yaruwshalaim (Ierousalem – Jerusalem), resided (katoikeo) Yahuwdym (Ioudaios – Jews), overtly pious (eulabes) men (andros) from (apo) every (pas) ethnicity (ethnos – race) under (hypo) heaven (ouranos).
And so now when (de) this (houtos) voice (phone) came to exist (ginomai) in large assemblies of people (plethos), they were confused (sygcheo), because (hoti) each and every one (hekastos heis) heard (akouo) what was spoken (laleo) in his (autos) own (idios) language (dialektos).” (Acts 2:5-6)
As is the case with so much of the Christian New Testament, the writer’s attempts to paint Jews as hypocrites, overtly pious, and thus conniving and 140undeserving are contrived and contemptible. For example, Yahuwdym | Jews are a unique ethnicity. Therefore, by definition, they cannot represent “every race under heaven.” This overture defines Gowym | Gentiles – or non-Yisra’elites. Therefore, the writing quality is deficient and insulting.
This amalgamation of Jews into one monolithic perception was not a simple mistake, but instead sinister and deliberate. Peter and Paul, like Muhammad and Allah after them, wanted God’s Chosen People to be uniformly tarred with the same brush. The reason for this is that the Jews, unlike the Gentiles, knew that the Christian apologists were lying. And this is because Peter and Paul had a nasty habit of misappropriating and misquoting their Towrah wa Naby’ to establish their credibility. In essence, they lied to prove they were lying. Having rejected Peter and then Paul, the Jews had to be silenced and discredited for either of these infamous men to be believed.
Beyond suppressing Yahuwdym, for the Christian instigators to be perceived as plausible, their followers would have to become the recipients of the promises Yahowah made to the Yisra’elites. And for that to occur, they would have to concoct schemes by which the God they did not know would become unreliable by rejecting His people, and then capricious by replacing them with others. They sought to accomplish this absurdity by slandering Jews, attributing all manner of lies to them, doing so in a way that the entire race would be despised. In this way, Christianity is the product of anti-Semitism.
The first strokes toward this end appear in Paul’s fourteen epistles. The next are here in Acts, followed in chronological order by the slanderous and sour notes in Mark, Luke, and Matthew. At its very heart, Christianity exists as a twisted and immoral assault against Jews. It is one of many reasons that I am so committed to exposing and denouncing its putrid origins.
Keeping it real, it would have been impossible for there to have been a gathering representing every race on 141earth in this place at this time. Further, people are confused by languages they do not speak, and not by their native tongue. Yes, I am pointing out the obvious, and yet, without someone ever having done so, billions have been misled by this errant assessment for a score of centuries.
You may have also noticed that the scene changed abruptly, and without walking outside, from a room of co-conspirators within a single home to a widespread phenomenon heard throughout an entire city. Neither narrative will transpire when Covenant members are withdrawn during Shabuw’ah because participation is the result of a deliberate, uniquely personal, and sequential process involving as few as one in a million individuals. But Acts was a fantasy, not a reality.
As we are quickly discovering, Peter was clueless regarding the Towrah and Prophets. His mission was to promote his new religion based upon faith and spirituality – not upon knowledge or reality. He was the furthest thing from a prophet.
Fortunately for us, we do not live under the influence of Peter’s or Paul’s Roman Catholic Church. Given the opportunity, they would have tortured me to death as a deterrent to keep me from sharing, and you and others from reading the truth. And yet sadly, today, they are distracted tormenting little children instead.
It is bewildering that so many believe that Peter’s irrational rant was inspired by God. Even worse than inferring that God is a nincompoop, not knowing His own script or schedule, by attributing this verbal diarrhea to the Almighty, Christians slander God as capricious and unreliable. He is demeaned as the deity who withdrew the countless promises He had made to Israel, only to transfer them to Gowym. It turns the Christian god into a false prophet because their scheme nullifies many hundreds of prophecies which claim otherwise. But let’s not sweat the details. Eggs have to be broken and scrambled to create an omelet. And besides, those who promote their faith have no qualms overturning God into a liar or an anti-Semite 142because they created their deity in their image, and by doing so, they are heralded as saints.
Back to reality, the Romans, who controlled Judea and whose empire evolved into the Roman Catholic Church, were far worse than the Jews. Throughout the history of the religion, that would never change.
Continuing to slander the Chosen People on behalf of the worst of people, we read…
“And (kai) besides (de), they were out of their minds (existemi), and they were surprised (thaumazo), saying (lego), ‘Look (idou), are not (ou) the entirety (hapas – the whole and all) of them who are (eimi) speaking (laleo) Galileans (Galilaios)?’” (Acts 2:7)
Pointing out the obvious again, the co-conspirators gathered on this day were Jewish – as were each of the celebrants, thereby rendering this entire diatribe absurd. Galilee was used as a pejorative because it was a swampy, mosquito-infested lowland beneath Jerusalem in status and elevation. It was inserted to make the Jews appear like snobs.
Furthermore, if “the entirety of them who are speaking Galileans,” then there could not have been people of every ethnicity. And since the visible fulfillment of Passover seven weeks ago didn’t garner anyone’s attention according to Peter, and was something to be avoided, how were words going to change that on this day?
This dialogue demonstrates the inherent fraud associated with the Christian New Testament. At the very earliest, Acts was written three decades after the fulfillment of Pesach and Matsah by Dowd – well beyond the time a specific conversation could have been accurately recalled. Luke, its author, was not an eyewitness to any of these events – making his account hearsay. So, these narratives were simply made up by either those who never so much as even met the key players in this drama, or by those responsible for promoting these myths in the first place.
143Continuing to point out the obvious, “Pious Jews” would have spoken Hebrew, not Greek. Further, the Roman legions which occupied Yaruwshalaim were comprised of conscripts and slaves from throughout the Empire. Under such circumstances, the sound of a foreign language would not have driven anyone crazy.
Much of the Christian New Testament is comprised of awkward and unattested conversations. Not only were they contrived, they were projected upon the entire population – all to condemn the Jewish people. That way, the Christians could not only claim superiority, they would have a common enemy and a ready excuse for their horrid behavior.
So, this is how the demonic leader of the diabolical cult alleges his divine sanction to harass Jews began. And based upon the number of nations represented in the breadth of distinct dialects recorded among the discordant voices of the emerging cult, it appears that Judea hosted the Olympic Games in 33 CE. I wonder who won the gold medal in Religious Oratory and Anti-Semitic Slander?
“Somehow (pos), each and every one (hekastos) hears them speak (akouo) in the distinct (idios – individual and unique) language and dialect (dialektos) of their birth (gennnao): Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and those who live in Mesopotamia, Yahuwdah (Ioudaia), Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt (Aigyptos), parts of Libya toward Cyrene, and visitors from Rome (Rhomaios), not only Yahuwdym (Ioudaios – Jews) and newcomers (proselutos – visitors from other nations), Cretans and Arabs (Araps), listening to (akouo – receiving the news and hearing) them speak (laleo – talk) in their own tongue (glossa – language and dialect) the magnificent things and powerful works (megaleios – the great deeds and miracles) of the God (ΘΥ – placeholder for theou).” (Acts 2:8-11)
One can only speculate as to how it would have been possible for so many “magnificent things and powerful works of their theos | god” to have been conveyed in so 144many different languages without a single one of the inspired speakers bothering to document the momentous occasion. And yet, that is the reality of this situation. Like so much of what’s found in the New Testament, there is absolutely nothing to corroborate the alleged birth of the Christian religion apart from incredulous hearsay specimens of this ilk. And even then, this was written four decades later in a language that was not even included among the seventeen listed, and by a man who wasn’t among the jibber jabbers.
Even if we were to play along, these were inconsequential expressions, not powerful works of God. Further, this goes against what Yahowah did in Babel. Why would the Almighty do an about-face and facilitate what He had deliberately confounded?
While it would have been impossible, even for a multilingual eyewitness, to know if this had occurred, the overall point was implausible, especially with the pretense of authenticity inherent in the details. Among the most glaring issues, the Romans were not “visitors” and Yahuwdym were listed twice while their language was not mentioned once. Those from Mesopotamia would have spoken Aramaic, a language which was very similar to Hebrew, making “Parthians, Medes, and Elamites” verbose, while the absence of the Persians was a significant slight. Arabs speak a corrupted form of Hebrew. Similarly, insignificant places like “Cappadocia, Pontus, Phrygia, Pamphylia, and Cyrene” were listed, while the people responsible for the lingua franca of this region and of the emerging religion – the Greeks – were not. So, why do billions believe this verbal diarrhea?
That’s a lot of mistakes for a short list, especially when it was conceived to infer that there was a miracle afoot. What good is being able to speak many languages when everything being conveyed is a lie? These Christians have reconstituted the very problem Yahowah sought to resolve four and a half millennia prior in Babel.
Had this been written: “the disciples, in addition to 145their native Hebrew, now spoke Greek, Latin, and Aramaic,” and had it not been attributed to the Shabuw’ah Harvest two millennia hence, while not believable or valuable, it wouldn’t have been so obviously fraudulent. One would have been hard-pressed to find anyone in Yaruwshalaim who was not conversant in one or more of these languages, making them useful among supposed fishermen.
In this passage, the Greek word, proselutos, is transliterated in most English Bibles as “proselytes.” Then, those who aided and abetted this misleading transliteration erroneously defined that word as “converts to Judaism,” and thereby misconstrued the intent of Shabuw’ah. This day marked neither the birth of the Church nor the transition from Judaism to Christianity as Catholics and Protestants profess. Equally relevant, Jews did not, and do not, proselytize. Paul’s rants against “Judaizers” were, therefore, delusional and likely the result of paranoia.
Now addressing the lack of sanity inherent in Luke’s hearsay reconstruction of this day, the beneficiaries of Shabuw’ah, should this have been a premature fulfillment, would not only have been few and far between, they would have been gone – as out of this world. Therefore, the supposed disciples could not have struck around as participants. Further, since Luke’s fanciful portrayal of Peter’s narrative relative to these non-events fails to mention Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, everything that follows is ignorant, irrational, and invalid.
While anyone can attend the party, there are some baseline requirements for benefiting from Shabuw’ah. These include knowing and using Yahowah’s name along with a familiarity with, and acceptance of, His Towrah | Guidance – which is where the Miqra’ey are explained. The beneficiaries will all be Covenant members who have walked away from religious influences – affirming that they could not have been starting a new religion on this or any Mow’ed. They will be en route to Yahowah when this is fulfilled. And for this to occur, each will have accepted 146the conditions of the Covenant. Everyone will be circumcised too, none of which was mentioned because this religious charade was designed to be misleading.
Sporadically and sparingly, to the great chagrin of the religion claiming to have been born on this day, the message of the Towrah wa Naby’ has been conveyed to those willing to listen by Spirit-filled men and women who are cognizant of the conditions and benefits of the Beryth and Miqra’ey. As a result, Yahowah’s Family is inclusive of people from different races and places. Everyone is welcome. And all arrive the same way – by embracing what Yahowah is offering and accepting what He is requesting in return.
Those who have capitalized upon what the Mashyach Dowd has done for us on Pesach and Matsah leading through Bikuwrym to facilitate the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr are Towrah-observant and affirming. We know that Seven Shabats is an annual party where those who are related to Yah invite their friends to celebrate the good news – a path home has been laid out at great cost; its toll paid by the Zarowa’ so that we might journey free of encumbrances. This is the day of growth and enrichment when we enter Yahowah’s presence. It is for all people, and in all places, for all time.
The Feast of Seven Sevens follows Firstborn Children on the annual calendar by seven weeks. The pattern is seven Shabats plus one day after the special Shabat observance of UnYeasted Bread – the most essential day on the road to our redemption. As we have discovered, this opportunity to be Called Out and Meet on Shabuw’ah will be fulfilled as a Harvest of Standing Grain – which is symbolic of those who are standing alongside Yahowah, ready and willing to speak to His people on His behalf. Attendance is open to all people, free and slave, Yahuwdym and Gowym, men and women, young and old, no matter how common or unclean. We know this because it is the only Miqra’ where yeasted bread is sanctioned – and because God has said so. Unlike the Catholic Eucharist, 147which is limited to their converts, this Festival comes with an open invitation. Shabuw’ah is the day that unites the promise with its purpose, making them one.
The reason for the yeast in the bread is ingenious. To become part of Yahowah’s family, we are all required to remove it from our lives – which is symbolic of walking away from Mitsraym and Babel where the integration of religion and politics was commonplace. And now that those who have disassociated from mankind’s most controlling and corrupting institutions have become immortal and perfected, adopted and empowered, as Covenant members we are perfectly equipped to share what we know with those most in need of hearing it – those under the influence of man’s malignant schemes. It is the cure for what ails them. And to help them, we must speak to them where we find them.
Upon examining the nature of this day, one comes to understand that the best way to broadcast its message and celebrate its inheritance is to host a grand party replete with a medley of foods consistent with Yahowah’s menu, including a variety of libations, and most especially breads and desserts baked with yeast. Invite everyone who is interested in knowing God, whether they are engaged in a relationship with Him, mired in a religious swamp, or deluded by a secular mirage. After a time of casual conversation and music, stand before the guests and share what you have come to know about the path home our Heavenly Father has provided. Explain how, on this day, those who rely upon Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children, and who have been immersed in Yahowah’s Set-Apart Spirit, grow, becoming productive Covenant members prepared for the Harvest. Most of all, have fun! Radiate the light which comes from knowing Yah and express the joy loving families experience as their children grow.
Each Miqra’ has been designed to memorialize an important event in the life of Yisra’el and to be prophetic of even more important events in the unfolding of 148Yahowah’s redemptive plan. They speak poignantly of Yahowah’s role in the reconciliation of His people, with detail after detail pointing directly and unambiguously toward the Towrah as the map and light along the way.
Thus far, each of the first three Mow’ed have been introduced and fulfilled in the proper order, and on the very day of its announced celebration. That fact alone makes the odds against their coincidental fulfillment over a billion to one. The lesson is: pay attention to dates and numbers – they are important to our Creator.
And this pattern is important because there are three more annual Feasts yet to be realized in addition to the imminent fulfillment of the Shabuw’ah Harvest. They all take place in the autumn, in the seventh and final month of Yahowah’s redemptive calendar. Each predicts a strategically essential event in the reconciliation of Yisra’el and Yahuwdah with Yahowah. And more to the point, they complete the picture God is painting.
The spring Feasts have come to pass; the fall Feasts are yet to come. Yahowah has given us carefully drawn prophetic word pictures to teach us the most important lessons we can possibly learn.
Had Yahuwdym not been so irascible, had they listened to Yahowah and His prophets, there could have been, perhaps would have been, many thousands of witnesses and celebrants observing and appreciating the fulfillments of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym by Father, Spirit, and Son – which otherwise went unnoticed.
This suggests a number of things, all of which are illuminating. First, the revelation that Dowd as Gabry’el | God’s Most Capable and Courageous Man offered through Dany’el was fulfilled, just as Dowd had affirmed. In the midst of serving his people, the Messiah was cut off from them. And as a result, there would be no additional prophetic revelation from Yahowah.
Second, during the next 20 centuries, at least apart from Father and Son, no one would recognize the 149fulfillment of the first three Miqra’ey or anticipate the fourth. Dowd would arrive as the embodiment of some of the most profound prophetic announcements ever made, and only the prophets paid any attention – that is until today, less than a decade before Dowd’s return on Kipurym.
Third, while the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb of God made the sacrifices during Pesach and Matsah to open the Doorway to Life and enable our perfection so that we could enter through it: he was the initial beneficiary of Bikuwrym. However, since Shabuw’ah is a Bikuwrym Harvest, the seeds he has sown have taken root and are now producing fruit. Dowd was the Firstborn of the Covenant he embodied and enabled for a score of centuries.
Fourth, the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr from Moseh to Mal’aky over 1,000 years represents the sum total of Yahowah’s inspired revelation to His people. We come to know God and are saved by Him as a result of what we read therein or not at all. It is how I came to understand and then share the testimony and resulting insights you are reading.
Fifth, while God’s testimony has been available to humankind for 3,470 years, beginning with the revelation of the Towrah, and then affirmed 2,700 to 3,000 years ago by Yasha’yah and Dowd, everything these three men revealed on behalf of Yahowah and Yahuwdym has been either ignored, misconstrued, or misappropriated in the conception of Judaism and Christianity.
Sixth, since Shabuw’ah exists to prepare Covenant members for the Qatsyr and to be effective witnesses to what has and will occur pursuant to Dowd’s fulfillment of the Mow’edym, it appears that both are being fulfilled today with you, the one reading Yada Yahowah, as both witness and beneficiary.
Seventh, there was no reason for or benefit to the Greek misrepresentation and misappropriation of Shabuw’ah. Luke’s accounting of events in Acts is completely inaccurate. Moreover, there was no Jesus, no 150Christ, no disciples, no Pentecost, no proliferation of multilingual speakers, no church at the time, or inordinate hostility by Jews toward Christians (who also didn’t exist at the time) on this day, the 24th of May (Julian calendar), seven weeks after the fulfillment of Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym in 33 CE.
While it is trivial by comparison, there is a sinister religious proclamation which may have inadvertently arisen as a result of Shabuw’ah – one which poisons one-and-a-half billion souls. To share Yahowah’s message of salvation in the language of the Araps / Arabs (in Acts 2:8-11), an alphabet was required, as the Arabs had none at this time. Written Arabic, the language of the Quran, was actually created by Syrian Yahuwdym | Jews who, as ‘Ebyownym (Towrah-observant Jews who recorded in Hebrew some of what Dowd conveyed prior to fulfilling Chag Matsah), wanted to express what they had witnessed with their neighbors. The resulting “Syriac” alphabet and vocabulary, derived from the 22 letters which comprised the Hebrew alphabet in the 7th century CE, ultimately became the tool Satan would use in his most acclaimed recital: the Islamic Quran.
Of particular interest in this regard is the fact that almost all of the Quran’s essential terms are actually Hebrew, with a smattering of Greek – but not Arabic. And yet, Muslims the world over, unaware of the basis of their language, claim that those who do not read paleo-Arabic (which would include all but a few hundred people worldwide) cannot understand Allah’s message. That would be untrue because the best way to comprehend the Quran (besides reordering it chronologically and setting it into the context of Muhammad’s life as it is revealed in the Hadith / Oral Reports) is to appreciate the meaning of the Hebrew words which comprise the Quranic recitals.
151This includes the title Quran itself. It is from the Hebrew Qara’ and conveys the same meaning: to read and recite. It is the first word that Satan, in the guise of a nameless Lord and then misconstrued as Gabry’el | Gabriel (a Hebrew name denoting Dowd as God’s Most Capable and Courageous Man), allegedly conveyed to Muhammad.
The basis of Allah’s claim, and the foundation of Islam, is the false notion that Allah, not Yahowah, was the God of ‘Adam, ‘Abraham, Moseh, Dowd, and the prophets, even Gospel Jesus (whom Allah calls Issa, Arabic for Esau). Allah protests that “his Quran confirms the Torah, Prophets, and Injeel / Evangelion or Gospels,” when in fact, Allah’s Quranic recital is the antithesis of Yahowah’s Towrah wa Naby’, and the Gospels contradict the Towrah as well.
Muhammad, for example, as Allah’s lone messenger, violated and abrogated each of the Ten Statements Yahowah etched in stone. Allah even says that “his Quran, written in pure Arabic,” was “inscribed on tablets before the world was created,” and the reason that the “Torah, Prophets, and Gospels” no longer convey the same message is that 7th-century CE Jews living in Yathrib, today’s Medina, “changed and corrupted their ‘scriptures’ to foil Muhammad.”
Therefore, the existence of the Dead Sea Scrolls proves that the Islamic god was lying. But more than this, it is unconscionable that the advocates of Islam, a religion which inverts and repudiates Yahowah’s message, claim that the Arabic of the Quran is proof of its superiority, and material to its message, when in fact, the means to convey it was developed by the very people Allah had pledged to “Wage War Against All Mankind” and Muhammad ordered to “Kill Every Jew.” They encouraged rape, engaged in slavery, and perpetrated genocide.
These things known, had rabbis, priests, and Christian theologians not removed Yahowah’s name from His Towrah wa Naby’, Islam would have been stillborn. Even a fool would have been able to recognize that Allah is not 152Yahowah.
For more on this, please read the five volumes of God Damn Religion. They were written specifically to safeguard Israel from Islam and to hold Satan accountable for his death cult.
There is still much we can learn from this portrayal of what “happened” during the premature fulfillment of Seven Shabats – even if the primary lesson is to distrust the Christian New Testament.
“But (de) also (kai), all (pas) were astonished (existemi – astounded beyond comprehension), even (kai) perplexed and puzzled (diaporeo – embarrassed and in doubt, at a loss without sufficient information to render a rational conclusion), with different people (allos) saying (lego) to (pros) others (allos), ‘What (tis) is (eimi) the purpose of (thelo) this (houtos)?’” (Acts 2:12)
There was nothing everyone in Jerusalem agreed upon – not among the Romans and Greeks, and certainly not among Jews. Their history proves that Yahuwdym were divided among themselves. And it was their internal fractures which festered, bringing the wrath of Rome upon Judea with Pompey’s invasion in 63 BCE, Vespasian’s assault in 67 CE following the revolt in 66, and again following the Bar Kokhba uprising under Akiba by Hadrian in 133 CE. On all three occasions, the Jews would likely have prevailed over the Romans had they not been a house divided. And to some extent, with Progressive Jews demanding the disbandment of the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Netanyahu over judicial reform while the religious parasites among the Haredim needing it to maintain their unfair advantage, Israel, as a divided nation, became vulnerable to what occurred on October 7th, 2023. And even during the massacre, the 153nation was paralyzed, unable to defend its people.
Anytime we read, “with people saying…” we know that the writer’s sentiments are being projected upon his perceived foes. An actual quote would have to be attributed to a specific individual who said it and to another who heard it, in addition to providing the names or conditions under which it was preserved accurately over the decades.
Moreover, the Jews would have been the most likely individuals to have known the purpose of Shabuw’ah. It was Greeks, like Luke, who were clueless.
When it comes to knowing the mind of God there are several paths a person can take. Some simply ignore the quest, preoccupied with their mortal existence or overconfident that man is the highest form of life. Others, like the man who wrote this passage, do not know enough to draw an informed conclusion – or are driven by their own agenda. And while both of these roads lead to death and to the destruction of one’s soul upon the completion of their mortal existence, there is a far worse fate awaiting those who promote the false notion that “Pentecost celebrates the birth of the Church.” There is no mention of a “Church” in the Towrah or in the Naby’. Only the Beryth and its Miqra’ey are presented. We have been called out of man’s world and into God’s realm, away from religion and into a familial relationship.
Even today, the secular and the sectarian ridicule the Mow’ed Miqra’ey, belittling them, concealing them, corrupting them, or counterfeiting them. It is why the narrow path to God remains unpopular.
“Others (heteros), now (de) poked fun, scoffing, sneering, and mocking (diachleuazo – flapping their lips and running their mouths), saying (legos), ‘It is because they are (hoti eimi) exceptionally full (mestoo) with sweet wine (gleukos – new wine which is still fermenting).’” (Acts 2:13)
The Book of Acts has gone from addressing every ethnicity under the heavens in every language other than 154Hebrew to dressing down Jews alone. And while the inconsistencies expose this as a fraudulent portrayal, it’s the relentless degradation of God’s people that continues to haunt Jews, creating the conditions necessary for the Holocaust in Roman Catholic Europe while at the same time condemning the religion as demonic.
If Luke had written about the correlation between the Towrah’s presentation of Shabuw’ah and the observation of this Miqra’ by those who had also celebrated Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, rather than spending his time trying to besmirch Jews as slanderous and demeaning, there would be a point to this other than not to trust him. And speaking of someone who did not trust him, Shim’own, misnamed “Petros” in this account, stood up and impeached himself, joining his nemesis Paul...
“But now (de) Petros (Petros – Peter, Greek for “rock”) stood up (histemi – made a stand so as to enable others to stand) with (syn) the eleven; he raised (epairomai) his voice (phone) and he spoke to them (apophthengomai – he addressed them), ‘Yahuwdym (Ioudaios – a transliteration of Yahuwdym – Beloved of Yahowah) men (andros) and all (pas) who dwell in (katoikeo) Yaruwshalaim (Ierousalem – a transliteration of Yaruwshalaim – the Source of Guidance on Reconciliation), listen carefully to (enotizomai) my voice (rhema), and let this (houtos) be (eimi) known (gnostos) to you…” (Acts 2:14)
There was no Jew named “Petros.” It is a Greek name derived from petra, meaning “rock or stone.” It is also the name of the pagan religious center where Islam’s tribute to the rock god Allah was actually born.
Similarly, Paul disowned his Hebrew name, Sha’uwl, not only because it was synonymous with She’owl | Hell, but because of the many prophecies where he was called out by name and condemned. And so in a religion based upon changing Dowd’s name and title to Iesou Christou, it only seemed natural to replace Shim’own’s Hebrew name, which means “Listen to Him,” to the Greek “Petros,” for 155“stone” because the foundation of the new religion would be built on his legacy. Additionally, since Luke was Paul’s publicist and promoter, and he realized that his mentor despised the notion of “disciples” in that he had not been included, Luke referred to them as “the eleven,” rather than by this title.
Further, the entire proposition was incredulous. There would have been an infinitesimal number of people in Jerusalem on this day who would have both been interested in Shabuw’ah and not spoken Hebrew, Latin, Greek, and Aramaic. There would have been no fuss, and no one, much less everyone, would have been confused or upset. And should there have been a reason for it, a multilingual Jew speaking other than Hebrew, Latin, Greek, or Aramaic would have been perceived as enlightened, not intoxicated, making this line of reasoning ludicrous…
“…because (gar) they are not (ou) drunk (methuo – intoxicated) in the manner (hos) you suppose (hypolambano – are willing to accept), for indeed (gar) it is (eimi) the third (tritos) hour (hora) of the day (hemera).
To the contrary (alla) this (houtos) exists as (eimi) the pronouncement (eipon) of (dia) the prophet (prophetes) Yow’el (Ioel – a transliteration of Yow’el, a contraction of Yahowah and ‘el, meaning Yahowah is God, but improperly transliterated Joel):” (Acts 2:15-16)
So, the moral of the story is that while intoxication may have contributed to the babel, being drunk was not possible because the day was still young. Therefore, there was an entirely better explanation for what they were witnessing which could be found, not in a bottle, but by completely misrepresenting a prophecy presented by Yow’el | Joel.
Correcting the record, Shabuw’ah is the pronouncement of the prophet Moseh. There is nothing in Yow’el / Joel to explain Seven Shabats. It speaks of the hellish conditions that will precede Yahowah’s return in 1566000 Yah to fulfill Yowm Kipurym. Therefore, if Shim’own cited it as a retort to these supposed Jewish cynics, he was out of his mind. It was the wrong Mow’ed and wrong time. And if Luke arbitrarily attributed this mistake to him, he demonstrated that his Gospel ought not to be trusted. Either way, Acts 2:16 through 21 is erroneous.
According to Luke, Shim’own is said to have quoted Yow’el / Joel 2:28 through 32. At least that is what is recorded in Acts 2:17 through 2:21. However, since Shim’own did not deliver his “rebuttal” in Greek, even if it occurred, but instead in Hebrew, to accurately render what the Prophet wrote and what he may have said, we will need to examine it in the original language – something we will do momentarily. So for now, here is that reading from the King James Version…
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: (Acts 2:17) And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: (Acts 2:18)
And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: (Acts 2:19) The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: (Acts 2:20) And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21)
Should you prefer a more literal and accurate rendering…
“And it shall come to be (eimi – exist in an identical fashion) in (en) the final (eschatos – the last in a series (the theological term eschatology is derived from this word)) days (hemera), God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos) says (lego – affirms), ‘I will pour out (ekcheomai – I will 157bestow and spill, liberally distributing) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΣ – placeholder for pneuma) upon (epi – among) all (pasa) flesh (sarx – physical bodies, on the corporeal mortal nature of humankind).
Your sons (huios) and your daughters (thygater) will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo – proclaim what God wants known).
Your young men (neaniskos – used of males between twenty-four and forty years old) shall see visions (horasis – from horao, see with their own eyes), and your elders (presbyteros – old men and ranking individuals) will experience supernatural communication from God (enypnion enupniazomai – experience revelations while dreaming). (Acts 2:17)
Indeed (ge – really and truly), upon (epi) My male servants (doulos – slaves) and also upon My female servants (doule – female slaves) in (en) those (ekeinos) days (hemera – period of time) I will pour out (ekcheomai – I will shed and bestow, spill and distribute) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΑ – placeholder for pneuma) upon (epi – among) them and they will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo – proclaim what God wants known). (Acts 2:18)
And (kai) I will allow and produce (didomi – bestow and permit) wonders and miracles which foreshadow significant upcoming events (teras – omens, marvels, and signs which serve as portents to arouse attention) in (en) the sky (ouranos – atmosphere and universe) above (ano) and signs (semeion – miraculous signals and unusual occurrences which transcend the common course of nature) upon (epi) the earth (ge – land) below (kato): blood (haima), fire (pyr), and (kai) rising clouds of (atmis – steam, billowing vapor, from aer, air and atmospheric) smoke (kapnos). (Acts 2:19)
The sun (helios) will be changed (metastrepho – turned) to (eis) darkness (skotos – obscured, made gloomy, from skia, have its light intercepted as in a 158shadow), and the moon (selene) to (eis) blood (haima) before (prin) the coming (erchomai – arrival and appearance) of the (ho) great (megas – massively important and enormously sizable) and brilliantly shining (epiphanies – wonderful, glorious, radiant, and illustrious, notable appearance in clear and full view shining forth as light visible as a star) day (hemera – time) of the Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurios – most always conveyed as “LORD”).” (Acts 2:20)
This is yet another nail in the coffin of souls clinging to the Christian New Testament. Even when its authors turned to Yahowah’s Prophets to steal credibility for their counterfeit, they discredited themselves. This blunder is so colossal, it’s apparent that these clowns were drunk and that those reading the New Testament remain intoxicated by their delusions.
The extreme events foretold in Yow’el / Joel did not occur in 33 CE. Not a word of it applies to this non-event. It is prophetic of the Time of Israel’s Troubles which will commence in May 2026 and conclude in October 2033. This misappropriation is so egregious, it is a miracle Christianity survived it. And by moronically citing what obviously did not apply, Peter not only demonstrated that he was not speaking for God, he proved that he had the mental acumen of a toad.
This preposterous episode provides an especially poignant means to obliterate the most essential narrative of Christianity because idiocy of this magnitude is unconscionable. And it becomes downright demonic when attributed to the foundational claim of an anti-Semitic religion hellbent on robbing God of His credibility, Dowd of his authority, and Jews of their dignity.
Before demonstrating just how egregious Peter’s citation of Yow’el / Joel was in this circumstance, as it robs Yahowah and His People of the Shabuw’ah Harvest to promote the myth that God participated in the birth of a God-forsaken Church insistent on insulting Him, let’s turn back the clock in this nightmarish plot. It was sometime 159before Passover when “Simon Peter said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Simon, son of Jonah, you are happy because you did not learn this from man. My Father in heaven has shown you this. And I tell you that you are Peter. On this rock I will build My church. The powers of hell will not be able to have power over My church. I will give you the keys of the holy nation of heaven. Whatever you do not allow on earth will not have been allowed in heaven. Whatever you allow on earth will have been allowed in heaven.’ Then with strong words He told His followers to tell no one that He was the Christ.” (Matthew 16:16-20) This entire narrative was fabricated in the 4th century to cement the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. As a result, the Church placed itself in in complete conflict with God. But at least there were signs and wonders because the Rock performed his first miracle – self-crumbleation.
Although, when these two contrived speeches are connected, it provides some affirmation that the Christian counterfeit wasn’t entirely worthless because it provides copious evidence to destroy its credibility. In the very next discussion, we read, “Peter took Jesus away from the others and spoke sharp words to Him. He said, ‘Never, Lord! This must not happen to You!’ Then Jesus turned to Peter and said, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are standing in My way. You are not thinking how God thinks. You are thinking how man thinks.’” (Matthew 16:22-23) Indeed, Peter was the Devil’s Advocate.
The lies Peter sowed on this day on behalf of the Adversary to legitimize the fraudulent nature of Christianity came at a horrific price. It would not be until this year, the summer of 2024, that the damage would be undone – at least for those reading Yada Yahowah. Up until we announced it several months ago, no one recognized the obvious – Shabuw’ah | Seven Shabats as a Qatsyr of Bikuwrym and a Harvest of Standing Grain has not yet been fulfilled. And by hiding this reality under the false attestations in this speech, Peter and Luke precluded 160millions of Jews and billions of Gentiles of the opportunity to be part of Yahowah’s Covenant Family and come Home.
Peter’s crime, one aided and abetted by Luke and thus Paul, isn’t simply a mischaracterization of Shabuw’ah’s fulfillment under the misnomer of “Pentecost,” it was a theft of souls. On behalf of the counterfeit Christ, he created a counterfeit of the Promise of the Shabat. The story underpinning the birth of the Church is as faulty as the one announcing the counterfeit Messiah.
But it is far worse than that. Peter and Luke muddied the waters sufficiently to delay my recognition of the value of Shabuw’ah which, as the Harvest of Standing Grain, exists to bring the Covenant Family Home. Had Mike, my diligent and disciplined fact checker, not reminded me that Seven Sevens is an Ingathering of varieties of wheat, not barley, I may have continued to errantly assert Dowd’s fulfillment of it two millennia ago. As a result, I would have failed to appreciate that this Qatsyr | Harvest is on our immediate horizon – the Shabat of Shabuw’ah on May 22nd, 2026, just seven years prior to Yahowah’s return.
Fortunately, Mike’s timing was perfect because I was in the midst of composing the repudiation of Pentecost for the rewrite of Questioning Paul as Twistianity. By this time, I had produced a mountain of evidence from which the proper conclusions could be drawn, all by translating Yahowah’s words to prove it. However, it was uncomfortable accepting responsibility for cultivating this result, especially when I had attributed it to my King.
Thankfully, we have a devoted team of editors led by my beloved publisher, Jacki, such that we were able to correct the presentation of the Shabuw’ah Qatsyr and Taruw’ah Laqat in time to avoid disappointing our God and King. Otherwise, I would have prematurely directed our attention past the Shabat Harvest to the Gleaning on Taruw’ah. And, if not for retranslating Yasha’yah 17 for this update of Yada Yahowah Qatsyr | Harvests, I may have also missed the lessons foretold regarding the Red Heifer – but more on that later.
161In a matter of a few months, all 35 books were searched and every correction was made, with this rewriting serving as the ultimate affirmation of what awaits the Covenant Family. Lies like the one Peter is telling can often have a life of their own, becoming so popular, they change the narrative. And when we add it to the one Paul told about Taruw’ah being the “Rapture” to keep Gentiles out of the Tribulation, perspective is easily lost.
The bottom line here, and the moral of this story, is that the Christian New Testament is wrong about Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, it is wrong about Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah, and it is wrong about Kipurym and Sukah. It is wrong about Yahowah, Moseh, and Dowd, the Towrah, Beryth, and Yisra’el. However, Christians were not alone in their malfeasance. The reason they were able to foist their counterfeit Christ and replacement holidays of Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Pentecost, Halloween, and Christmas on an unsuspecting world is because rabbis were preoccupied, perpetrating a plot of their own.
Yow’el’s prophecy is spectacular, confirming many of the things we have surmised while offering new insights regarding what we should expect as the world is transformed before our eyes during the transition between Shabuw’ah and Kipurym and again between Kipurym and Sukah. And since Yow’el’s portrayal transpires 2,000 years from 33 CE to the last days in 2033, that alone should have been sufficient to scuttle Peter’s testimony and Luke’s credibility, along with the notion that Acts was inspired by a being greater than Satan.
The Spirit did not come upon all flesh in 33 CE – not even close. There were no new prophets inspired either – something that would remain so from Mal’aky to ‘ElYah’s | Yahowah is God’s arrival in 2030. And not-so-coincidentally, the fourth and final chapter of Mal’aky | My Messenger / Malachi focuses upon ‘ElYah’s return to help cultivate the Taruw’ah Laqat while orchestrating the events transpiring the following morning pursuant to the cleansing effect of the Red Heifer’s sacrifice – all things we will 162consider as we delve deeper into what Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah foretell.
However, on this day in 4000 Yah / 33 CE, and for all but a few years shy of the 2,000 which would transpire after it, there were no “wonders in the heavens or signs in the earth beneath.” There would be “blood and fire, vapor and smoke” – but these would be man’s doing, not God’s – well, at least prior to Taruw’ah in year 6000 Yah. The “sun was not darkened” and the “moon did not appear as blood” at this time because those things would be specific to the fulfillment of Yowm Taruw’ah and the sacrifice of the ‘Adamah Parah | Bloodied and Productive Man as the Red Heifer. On the Shabat morning of Taruw’ah on September 24th, 2033, there will be copious amounts of blood, billowing smoke, leaping flames of fire, with torrents of cleaning waters dancing off the Temple Mount. There will even be a corresponding solar eclipse as Yada, represented as the Moon reflecting the Sun’s light, will be sacrificed to give the mortal remnant of Yisra’el new life.
Further, the Great Day of Yahowah when He returns is Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations in 6000 Yah, not Shabuw’ah in 4000 Yah. And as evidenced by this writing, no one called upon Yahowah’s name, and thus no one was saved.
So please tell me, how is it that billions upon billions are fooled by such outright lies? Unable to produce a prophecy, or even understand one, these buffoons couldn’t even get their history right. The acceptance of Acts as “divinely inspired” and the “inerrant word of God” provides a sad commentary on the perceptiveness of the religious. Most have become as Shim’own was portrayed: as dumb as a stone.
This is a momentous miscalculation at an inauspicious time for Christianity. So as promised, and for comparison, in context, here is what the prophet Yow’el revealed pertaining to the days immediately prior to Yahowah’s return. And remember, according to Luke, Shim’own is said to have quoted Yow’el / Joel 2:28 through 32 to explain 163the nonevent he wasn’t witnessing in 33 CE that had nothing to do with Yahowah, His Mow’edym, or His people.
“Rejoice over these favorable circumstances (gyl) Children of Zion (beny Tsyown). Demonstrate a positive attitude (wa samach) with (ba) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), for (ky) He has provided for you (nathan la ‘atem) that which is associated with the autumn rains through a teacher who communicates what you need to know about the towrah to live (mowreh) so that you can be right and thus vindicated (la tsadaqah).
He has brought down (yarad) for you (la ‘atem) an abundant shower (gesem) of guidance and instruction, pouring out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s teaching and directions, communicating as a teacher what you need to know (mowreh) about being gleaned and growing thereafter (malqowsh) as was intended in the beginning, returning to where it all began (ba ha ri’shown).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:23)
If I may interrupt for a moment, the prophet’s name is sufficient to prove that Peter was wrong and that I am right. Also, should you be curious, the upcoming Shabuw’ah Harvest is the favorable outcome worth celebrating. It is orchestrated by today’s Towrah Teacher and directed toward the beny Tsyown – those who become Yah’s children by reading the Signs Posted Along the Way.
God’s name is Yahowah. That will never change. He alone is God. And you are reading the gift He has provided. Yada, as Yahowah’s chosen implement, has abundantly communicated what you need to know about the towrah to be right about Yahowah, to be vindicated, and to participate in the upcoming harvest.
And fortunately, through this collaboration…
“The threshing floors (ha goren) will be filled (male’) with pure grain as the most radiant children 164(bar). And fresh, new wine, sweeter with less fermentation (thyrowsh), will overflow (suwq) the presses and vats (yeqeb) along with olive oil (wa ytshar).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:24)
Obviously, Yahowah has a sense of humor. After assuring the Zarowa’ and his coworkers cultivating the Shabuw’ah Harvest that we will prevail, and that the threshing floors will be filled with pure grain, God mocks Peter’s diatribe by stating that the presses and vats will overflow with sweet wine. And beyond taking a well-deserved shot at the Devil’s Advocate, Yahowah reminds us that His harvests are comprised of three things – grain, grapes, and olives. And in His example, grain is harvested during Bikuwrym and Shabuw’ah. Taruw’ah is an olive harvest. And the grapes which become wine are symbolic of Passover and Kipurym.
While Yahowah always fulfills His promises, including Shabuw’ah | the Promise of the Seven Shabats, this is the time for restoration and reconciliation. And even though thousands of years have come and gone since God’s People were properly fed, soon they will be enormously satisfied.
“I will reconcile and restore by fulfilling My promises (wa shalem) on your behalf (la ‘atem) the years (‘eth ha shanah) which (‘asher) suddenly disappeared (ha ‘arbeh) and were devoured (‘akal)… (Yow’el 2:25) Then you shall be nourished (wa ‘akal ‘akal). And you shall be overwhelmingly satisfied (saba’), radiating a clear and brilliant light while cheering (halal) the name (‘eth shem) of Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atem), who, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), has acted and will engage (‘asah) marvelously (pala’) with you (‘im ‘atem). So never again will My People be humiliated or disrespected (wa lo’ bowsh ‘am ‘any la ‘owlam).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:26)
Clearly, the Covenant has not yet been restored. The Day of Reconciliation is not yet upon us. Jews are being viciously attacked and have been for the entirety of the 165church’s existence. And until the advent of Yada Yahowah, no one was cheering in the name of Yahowah, our God. That is all to say, Peter was deliberately deceptive and I am serving up the truth according to the Almighty. Pick your witness wisely.
Based upon what Yahowah inspired Yow’el to write, we can rightly expect all of this to play out during the decade between 10.07.23 and 10.07.33. The most important dates are 22 May 2026, 4 April 2030, 23 and 24 September 2033, and then 2 and 7 October 2033. These dates represent the Shabuw’ah Harvest and the beginning of the Time of Israel’s Troubles, the Taruw’ah Gleaning and the Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, God’s and His Son’s return on Yowm Kipurym, and the end of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, and then our return to ‘Eden on Sukah. Are you ready?
When Yahowah speaks of being with Yisra’el, He is addressing His people, beginning with ‘Abraham and Sarah, Yitschaq and Ribqah, Ya’aqob and Leah, and then on to the likes of Moseh, Yahowsha’, Kaleb, Shamuw’el, Dowd, Yow’el, ‘ElYah, Yasha’yah, Yirma’yah, Zakaryah, and Mal’aky. And His Family now includes the Children of the Covenant who are being led home by Yada Yahowah. These are God’s People today. We are Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with God.
“And you will know (wa yada’) that I am in the midst (ky qereb ‘any) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el). I am (wa ‘any) Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), and there is no other (wa ‘ayn ‘owd). My Family (wa ‘any) will never be disapproved of or experience distress (lo’ bowsh) again throughout the remainder of time (la ‘owlam).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:27)
This is occurring now, in advance of the Shabuw’ah Harvest. And it will occur again beginning on the 1st of ‘Abyb at the midpoint of the Time of Israel’s Troubles as Yada and ‘ElYah herald the return of Yisra’el before the fulfillment of Taruw’ah and Kipurym. And then, like now, there will be a chorus of voices calling Yahuwdym out of 166Babylon and back to Yahowah. To participate, we must listen to our God and then share His testimony.
While this introduction decimates Christian credibility, particularly the last pronouncement, we have now reached the prophetic narrative Peter misappropriated and misconstrued to an unfathomable extent. And beyond the fact that nothing in the preamble of this prophecy, addressing this “very moment,” had transpired as described, the prophet forecloses the notion that he is addressing year 4000 Yah / 33 CE because that day was two millennia from the “last days.”
‘And (wa) it will literally come to pass at that very moment (hayah) during the last days (‘achar), therefore (ken), I will pour out (shaphak) My Spirit (‘eth ruwach ‘any) upon (‘al) all (kol) who hear and proclaim the message (basar) and they will be inspired by the Spirit (wa naba’ ruwach). Your sons (ben ‘atem) and your daughters (wa bath ‘atem) as well as your elderly (wa zaqen ‘atem) will have their thoughts guided by Divine revelations and be empowered as a result (chalam chalowm). Your young will become capable (bachuwr ‘atem) by choosing to continually witness, observing and considering (ra’ah) these communications from God (chizayown). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:28)
And also (wa gam) upon (‘al) those who work (ha ‘ebed) and upon (wa ‘al) those engaged in service to the family (shaphchah) in those days (ba ha yowm ha hem), I will bestow (shaphak) My Spirit (‘eth ruwach ‘any).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:29)
As the world collapses all around Israel during the Time of Trouble, and particularly during the seven years after the Shabuw’ah Harvest, there will be a revival in the Promised Land with the Chosen People. Open and declutter your mind, focus your eyes on the Towrah and Prophets as they are presented and explained throughout Yada Yahowah, listen to God, and then respond. Let’s sing His Son’s Songs.
167This says nothing of babbling away in foreign languages. It says nothing of gowym or of a church. And it speaks of prophecy, of which there is none in the New Testament.
The year spoken of is unique in that there will be signs in the sky with a total solar eclipse on the 1st of ‘Abyb, March 31st, 2033, demarking the first day of the 120th Yowbel year 6000 Yah. Two weeks later, as we celebrate Passover on the evening of the 13th and UnYeasted Bread on the 14th of April 2033, there will be a total lunar eclipse visible in Israel. Then on the first day of the seventh month, heralding the Yowm Taruw’ah Harvest, there will be a second solar eclipse on Friday, September 23rd, 2033. The fourth eclipse will be lunar and occur 15 days later on the Shabat of October 7th to acknowledge the celebration of Sukah.
We are not told when Yow’el | Yahowah is God was inspired to memorialize these profound prophecies regarding our time. The most logical conclusion is that he was in the final succession and, thus, immediately before Zakaryah and Mal’aky. Through this insightful man, God said…
Then (wa) I will provide (nathan) signs (mowpheth) in the heavens (ba ha shamaym) and on the Earth (ba ha ‘erets): blood (dam) and fire (wa ‘ets), along with columns of smoke (wa tymarah). (Yow’el 2:30) The sun (ha shemesh) will become weaker and unreliable (haphak) and thus darker by being obscured (la choshek). And the moon (wa ha yareach) will be bloody red (dam) before the vitally important and awe-inspiring day (la yowm ha gadowl wa ha yare’) of Yahowah’s appearance (paneh Yahowah) arrives (bow’). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:31)
Beyond the four eclipses, these additional atmospheric occlusions are possible: super-volcano eruptions, an asteroid strike, a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, or catastrophic fires driven by excessive winds, global warming, and drought – even a massive solar storm or 168supernova explosion targeting our planet.
Pointing out the obvious, since these phenomena are heralding Yahowah’s arrival, methinks Peter tripped on his forked tongue when he misappropriated the date and prophecy on behalf of himself, his gang, and his counterfeit Iesou Christou.
While it may be a lot to process at this point, these “signs” in the heavens and the Earth are Yahowah’s doing. He has re-engaged to save His People. The blood which is being shed is from those who are attempting to annihilate Israel and exterminate Jews. These Muslims, peppered with Progressives and Socialists, will be incinerated as the land beneath them is purged by fire to remove the contamination, which explains the fire and smoke. The reason the sun is becoming weaker and less reliable is because it is being replaced, at least symbolically, by Dowd, the reliable one who is returning “as bright as the sun in Yahowah’s presence.” Yada represents the moon reflecting the Son’s light. He is pictured as “bloody red” because he will be viciously attacked by Satan and his ilk between Taruw’ah and Kipurym, which is actually fortuitous because of what the Red Heifer portends in this situation. Also representing the bull which makes Yisra’el presentable in the end, a smattering of his blood will anoint the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, facilitating the Family Reunion.
Yahowah is offering His Family not one, but two all-expense-paid trips out of harm’s way…
“And it shall come to pass at that moment in time (wa hayah) that all who, to receive the benefits of the relationship (kol ‘asher), call out to meet (qara’) in the name (ba shem) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will be spared and delivered, protected from danger and saved from harm (malat). Indeed (ky), with the Mountain of the Signs Posted Along the Way (ba har Tsyown), and in Jerusalem (ba ha Yaruwshalaim), there will be (hayah) deliverance for a remnant (paleytah), just as (ka ‘asher) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has promised (‘amar).
169And among the survivors within this remnant (wa ba ha saryd) will be those benefiting from the relationship whom (‘asher) Yahowah (Yahowah) has invited and welcomed (qara’).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:32)
It is all true – every word of it. Those who come to know, love, and proclaim Yahowah’s name and who have sought the benefits of the relationship by accepting the conditions of the Covenant will be spared during the Miqra’ey. The final three which play out as Yahowah returns for a remnant of His People. And it will all transpire on the ridgeline of Tsyown, on Mowryah, in Yaruwshalaim, which is the heart of Yahuwdah in Yisra’el. You are invited.
Peter’s appalling citation was riddled with problems. He got nothing right and cited each prooftext incorrectly. He could not have chosen a more inappropriate prophecy to extract, and he could not have misrepresented it to a greater extent than he did. He would have done better, at least staying in the proper genre, fable to fable, had he sung the Siren Song from The Odyssey where manic creatures knowing both past and future, lured men to their demise in the windless calm of the midday sun, “Once he hears to his heart’s content, he sails on, a wiser man. We know all the pains that the Greeks and Trojans once endured on the spreading plain of Troy when the gods willed it so. All that comes to pass on the fertile earth, we know it all.”
While it is my intent to reconvene with Yow’el throughout Yada Yahowah, for now, let’s honor the prophet by keeping his revelation intact. In his next line, he revealed…
“Look and notice (hineh), because, indeed (ky), in those days (ba ha yowmym ha hem), and during this particular time (wa ha ba ‘eth ha hy’), when, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I will return to restore (shuwb) the fortunes, freedom, and property (shebuwt) of Yahuwdah (Yahuwdah) and Yaruwshalaim (Yaruwshalaim). (Yow’el / Joel / Yahowah is God / Joel 1703:1)
Then (wa) I will collect and assemble (qabats) all of the gentile nations (kol ha gowym) and bring them down (wa yarad hem) to the Valley (‘emeq) of Yahowshaphat | Yahowah Judges (Yahowshaphat). And I will enter into judgment against them (wa shaphat ‘im hem) there (sham) on behalf of My people (‘al ‘am ‘any) and My inheritance (wa nachalah ‘any), Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with God (Yisra’el).
They have scattered and dispersed them (pazar) among the gentile nations (ba ha gowym) and My Land (wa ‘erets ‘any), they have divided and apportioned (chalaq).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:2)
There is no room for Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or Progressive politics in these words. The future bodes poorly for them, although exceedingly well for Yahuwdym engaged in the Covenant and anticipating Yahowah’s return. This is one of a thousand prophecies negating Replacement Theology.
With few exceptions, world leaders, the media, and academia oppose Israel and advocate appeasing Muslims by rewarding the terrorists with a state carved out of their land. For doing so, there will be a price to pay…
“And the children of Yahuwdah | Jews (wa ben Yahuwdah) and the children of Yaruwshalaim | Jerusalem (wa ben Yaruwshalaim), you have betrayed, exchanging them (makar) for the descendants of that which is Grecian (la ben ha Yawany) for the express purpose (la ma’an) of removing them (rachaq hem) from their own territory and bounds (min ‘al gebuwl hem).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:6)
There is only one place on Earth where an effective military is necessary and beneficial due to the proximity, quantity, and insanity of the nation’s foes and vicious neighbors. Although for it to prevail, the generals must be replaced by more responsible leaders.
171“Read and recite this (qara’ zo’th) against the foreigners (ba ha gowym). Be set apart and prepared (qadash) to engage in battle (milchamah). Alert and arouse (‘uwr) the most valiant, accomplished leaders and battle-hardened fighters (gibowr). Approach and rise up (nagash ‘alah) every man who is able and equipped to fight (kol ‘ysh ha milchamah). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:9)
Beat (katat) your plowshares (‘eth ‘atem) into swords (la chereb) and your pruning hooks (wa mazmerah ‘atem) into lances (la romach). Let the weak and disabled (chalash) say (‘amar), ‘I am a capable fighter and honorable defender (gibowr ‘any).’ (Yow’el 3:10) Provide assistance without hesitation (‘uwsh). Then come (wa bow’) all of you foreign invaders (kol ha gowym) from all around (min sabyb). Assemble there (qabats sham). Yahowah (YaHoWaH), bring down (nachath) your most prominent warrior (gibowr ‘atah). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:11)
The foreigners (gowym) will be aroused, stirring themselves up (‘uwr) going off (‘alah) to the Valley (‘emeq) of Yahowshaphat | Yahowah’s Judgment (Yahowshaphat). There (sham), I will enter into judgment against them (wa shaphat ‘im hem). There (sham), I will sit (yashab) to judge (shaphat) all of the foreigners (‘eth kol ha gowym) from all over (min sabyb). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:12)
Extend (shalach) the reaping sickle (magal) because (ky) the Qatsyr | Harvest (qatsyr) is ripe (bashal). Return and be included (bow’) to demonstrate your dominion (radah) because the winepress (gath) is full (male’). The vats (ha yeqeb) have reached their ideal capacity (shuwq) because the consequence of them being wrong is great and there are so many of them who are immoral and miserable (ky rab ra’ah hem).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:13)
Those who are unwilling to fight for Israel will have no part in her future or with God. The rabbis are wrong 172once again, but so are many Progressives. Yisra’el is worth defending. And no one did so more consistently, effectively, or courageously than the Son of God, Dowd, our Messiah.
Clearly, Yahowah is not impressed with the retardation of Islam or their braggadocious’ shouts of “Allahu Akbar – Allah is a Rat” – more accurately interpreted and translated.
“Vast multitudes of uproarious and confused people making an intolerable racket (hamown hamown) are in (ba) the deep depression (‘emeq) of judgment, condemnation, and punishment (charuwts). For indeed (ky), the Day (yowm) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) is approaching (qarowb) in (ba) the Valley (‘emeq) of the verdict determining the sentence for those whose guilt is being assessed (charuwts). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:14)
Yahowah (Yahowah) roars (sha’ag) from (min) Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown). He offers His voice (wa nathan qowl huw’) from (min) Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation (Yaruwshalaim). The atmosphere trembles and shakes (wa ra’ash shamaym) along with the Earth (wa ‘erets), while (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah) provides protection and shelter (machseh) for His family (la ‘am huw’) along with (wa) a safe situation (ma’owz) for the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:16)
Therefore (wa), you should know (yada’) that (ky), I am (‘any) Yahowah (YaHoWaH). Your God (‘elohym ‘atem) lives; He resides and remains (shakan) in Tsyown (ba Tsyown) – My Set-Apart Mountain (har qodesh ‘any). Then also (wa) Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation (Yaruwshalaim) will be (hayah) set apart and special (qodesh). Unauthorized and illegitimate strangers (zar) will never pass through it again (lo’ ‘abar ba hy’ ‘owd).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:17)
173This is the day of Yahowah’s return – Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah / sunset in Jerusalem, October 2nd, 2033. It will be a day like no other. God’s blessings will be showered on the surviving remnant of Yisra’el. But for foreigners, should they be Christians, Haredim, Muslims, Progressives, or Communists, their scriptures and weapons of war will be turned to mush, destroyed while their souls are either exterminated or separated by being banished to She’owl.
Yahowah has prepared His provision for reconciliation even though it has been a long time coming from a human perspective. Nearly 2,600 years would pass between inspiring these words and being able to hold His children in His arms. This grieves God. When we consider what Yahowah inspired through Howsha’, Yirma’yah, Yasha’yah, and Zakaryah and read what led to this and what will be resolved by it, we see our Father anguishing over His wayward children.
With this sobering evaluation of Luke’s late 1st-century assessment of Shim’own’s protestations against his fellow Yahuwdym during an errant rendition of Seven Sevens attributed to Joel, behind us, the pathetic diatribe nevertheless continues…
“And it shall come to pass (eimi – be that) all (pas – everyone) who (hos), and as many as (an – used as a preposition to present a possibility), call upon (epikaleomai – ask for help in and bear) the (ho) personal and proper name (onoma) of the Kurio | Lord (ΚΩ) will be saved (sozo). (Acts 2:21)
Yisra’elite (Israelites – a transliteration of Yisra’elite) men (andros), listen to (akouo) these words (logos): Iesou (ΙΝΥ – a placeholder for Iesou) the Nazarene (Nazoraios), is a man (andros) who publicly demonstrated (apodeiknymi) to (eis) you (sy) that He is from (apo) Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) using supernatural powers and abilities (dynamis) to perform extraordinary miracles with prophetic significance (teras).
174These are signs (semeion) which (hos) Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) performed (poieomai) through (dia) him (autos) in your midst (mesos) as (kathos) you know (oida).” (Acts 2:22)
The Lord is Satan. Yahowah is God.
As a result of His Son’s fulfillment of Matsah, Yahowah does not need to save anyone. The Children of the Covenant were perfected when our religious and political guilt was removed and taken into She’owl during UnYeasted Bread by Dowd. Having left it there, it is nowhere to be seen, rendering God’s Children innocent.
However, to benefit, one needs to know that Yahowah is God’s name and that the lord is the Adversary. We must accept the conditions of the Covenant and attend the Miqra’ey – none of which is even permissible in Christianity. And for good measure, we should be appreciative of what the Son of God and Messiah has done – all of which Christianity has stolen and perverted. That is all to say: Peter, Paul, Luke, and Company were the Plague of Death.
There was no one named Iesou, much less “Jesus,” in the 1st century CE. There are no prophecies regarding the arrival of an Iesou | Jesus. It was Dowd who had been foretold to arrive to fulfill Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym. He had come and gone by this point, leaving a void which Christians filled with Replacement Foolology.
As you are aware, the town of Nazoraios | Nazareth didn’t exist in the 1st century. There had been a small village by another name in that location several hundred years prior, but it had been abandoned by the 2nd century BCE. The myth of “Jesus of Nazareth” was developed jointly by Emperor Constantine’s mother after her tour of the “Holy Land” and by Constantine’s propagandist, the nefarious Roman Catholic Bishop Eusebius, in the 4th century CE.
Further, at this time, there were no Yisra’elites. Ten of the twelve tribes had been hauled into slavery and 175obscurity 700 years prior to this fabricated narrative. The nation under Roman subjugation was Yahuwdah and the native population was comprised of Yahuwdym.
Since Iesou never existed, it would have been miraculous, I suppose, for him to have made a public demonstration of Godly intent. And as we have become aware, when someone claims to be using “supernatural powers to perform miracles” they are showing off in league with Satan and not serving Yah. Further, if the imaginary “Israelites” “knew it,” then there would have been no reason for them to mock the fabled proceedings or for this demeaning and deranged reminder. This is all eerily reminiscent of the Quran, which obnoxiously claims that those opposing Muhammad actually knew that the Devil’s perverted and terrorizing Advocate was Allah’s Messenger.
Moreover, why ask people to listen if all Peter intended to do was lie to them? In much the same manner as passing off a counterfeit bill, none of this would have made Iesou / Jesus a theos | god, as the passage concludes. Moreover, it is not the purpose of the Passover Lamb to show off and not in God’s nature to dazzle us with signs and wonders. His preference is to impress us with His words – of which we have almost nothing credibly retained from anyone. Should we want to be impressed, it’s best we turn to the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr.
While it was true that the Yahuwdym in Yahuwdah during the 80th Yowbel year of 4000 Yah / 33 CE failed to recognize Dowd as the Son of God fulfilling Passover, it cannot be said that they “knew” Iesou | Jesus of Nazoraios | Nazareth who performed feats of derring-do…
“He was appointed to (horizo) the prearranged and prophetic (prognosis) plan and purpose (boule) of Theos (ΘΣ), he was betrayed and given over (ekdotos) to (dia) the hand (cheir) of the ‘Towrahless’ (anomos) who chose to take control and lift him up (anaireo), affixing him (prospegnumi).” (Acts 2:23)
176Nope, not even close. There was no pre-arranged prophetic testimony pertaining to Iesou / Jesus. Not a word. Iesou / Jesus is not part of Yahowah’s plan or purpose. Jesus is nothing more than a Christian counterfeit, a worthless fable and mythical misnomer.
Every prophecy pertaining to that which had transpired seven weeks prior to Shabuw’ah in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE was written about or by Dowd | David.
As we have discussed, the co-conspirators who conceived the Christian myth were keen on delegitimizing and demonizing Jews because, without doing so, there was no reason for their god to abandon them or replace Jews with gowym | gentiles. And so, while it was Peter’s intent to protest that his “Israelite” audience “betrayed” the mythical god-man and “gave him over” to the control of the anomos | Towrahless to be crucified, it was Peter, Paul, and Company who were “Towrahless.”
With this now properly acknowledged and understood, I have another bone to pick with Peter and Luke. It is easy to misunderstand the notion of “pre-arranged” with Calvinism on the rise in the West. So, I would like to make an important distinction. Yahowah’s response to the fallen nature of humankind was predetermined but our response to God is always subject to freewill. Each of us has the opportunity to ignore God’s plan, serve a god of man’s making, accept Yahowah, or reject Him.
Within prophecy there are certain things that Yahowah has preordained – the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey through Dowd are examples. They have been and will continually be accomplished on the stage of human events in complete accord with the Towrah’s | Teaching, all in the proper order, and on the predetermined day, regardless of mankind’s response.
Other prophecies simply report what humans will do with the continued exercise of freewill. In such cases, Yahowah has witnessed our future and is reporting back to us what He has seen. Then, when these things consistently 177occur as He attested, we are provided proof that we can trust His testimony. Therefore, while Yahowah was certain that Yahuwdym would return to Yisra’el in the last days as a result of the Holocaust, He had no hand in those horrific events. Individual men and women made poor decisions, squandering the gift of freewill, and the consequences were devastating. Such will continue to be the case between now and 2033.
The concluding statement is as essential to the New Testament’s claim that Christian Gentiles have replaced Jews because Jews betrayed God as it is errant in every respect. The purpose of the Pesach ‘Ayl was to be the Passover Lamb. Had the Zarowa’ not served to fulfill Yahowah’s promise, there would be no assurance of eternal life in the Covenant or reason to trust God. Dowd did not fulfill Passover because he was betrayed but, instead, because he had chosen to do so on behalf of his people.
If a modicum of Yahuwdym actually handed the Messiah over to the Romans then, rather than blaming them and shaming them, we ought to be thanking them. Fulfilling Pesach was essential for us to live, and for that to occur, the lamb must die.
Everyone was “Towrahless” at this time. The Jews were in revolt against Yahowah and were just beginning to craft their initial Talmud. The Greeks were infatuated with The Odyssey, the Romans with the Aeneid, and the Christians with Paul’s Epistles.
Further, Christians are actually complicit in this regard because they deliberately attributed Dowd’s sacrifice to their mythical misnomer Iesou | Jesus. Then they would attest that he was murdered and resurrected, which is wholly disjointed from Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym.
While prospegnumi is almost always translated as “crucify,” this Greek word simply means to “affix and to fasten.” I bring this to your attention because the Roman cross and its piercing nails were irrelevant. Christianity has 178made a religion out of an inanimate object. It is like crediting a knife that takes the lamb’s life for the Yatsa’ | Exodus rather than Pesach. The fulfillment of Passover is about the who, where, why, and when, not the how or even the what.
As an interesting aside, it is worth noting that the preponderance of Catholic sculptures and paintings depict Gospel Jesus in one of two ways: as a helpless infant attached to his mother or helplessly affixed to a cross. It is as if the Catholic hierarchy has chosen to control him in these ways. They are quietly saying: “if he cannot take care of himself, why would you trust him to take care of you?” And that leads to: “Trust us instead with your soul.”
“Theos (ΘΩ) restored Him to life and raised Him (anistamai), releasing and dismissing Him (lou) from the suffering and pain (odin) of death (thanatos) because (kathoti) it was not (ou) possible (dynatos) for Him to exist (eimi) held and influenced (krateo) by (hypo) these things.” (Acts 2:24)
The Passover Lamb is not resurrected or revived because that would defeat the purpose. Moreover, Dowd’s soul did not die, not 3,000 years ago or 2,000 years ago. Had Dowd’s nepesh been extinguished, there would have been no way to fulfill Matsah or Bikuwrym, or any means for him to return as King in 2033.
At the time, Dowd’s soul was not released from the pain and suffering he endured because it is graphically conveyed in the 22nd Mizmowr. Before his basar was removed from the Roman implement of torture, it succumbed to the injuries they had inflicted. In so doing, Dowd fulfilled the role of the Pesach ‘Ayil.
It was She’owl | Hell which was incapable of holding Dowd’s soul, not odin | suffering pain or thanatos | death. This distinction is essential and yet it was misrepresented by the alleged disciple.
Oddly, and apparently losing track of what he was discussing, Peter’s diatribe was supposedly in support of 179misrepresenting the Miqra’ of Shabuw’ah. So here in the previous statement, he is regressing and alluding to what would have transpired on Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, where there is death and suffering. But why speak of “Pentecost” but then not mention the names of the three Miqra’ey which would have made it possible?
This absurd narrative remains fixated on attributing Divine attributes to Iesou rather than explaining the benefits of the Mow’ed. If Peter wanted to speak about why the Messiah was here, the time to do it was on Passover, not pretend-Shabuw’ah. Even within the jaundiced Christian accounts, Gospel Jesus departed prior to this time. The events of this day had nothing to do with him or even with what Dowd had done.
That said, there are few things as beneficial when understood as what actually transpired on Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children as it relates to Dowd’s basar | corporeal body and nepesh | consciousness. Fortunately, those who have been with us from the beginning know that Yahowah honored His promise to provide the Lamb by accommodating the request of His Beloved Son to serve in this way. And we know that what remained of his mutilated body was discarded and then incinerated later that night in accordance with Yahowah’s instructions.
During UnYeasted Bread, a Shabat in 33 CE, the Messiah’s soul entered She’owl carrying the guilt of every Covenant member. He would leave it there, never to be seen or used against us again. As a result, those who capitalize upon what Dowd has done for us are perfect before God. Mission accomplished, Dowd’s nepesh | soul was released from the place of separation on Bikuwrym, fulfilling Firstborn Children as Yahowah’s Bakowr | Firstborn Son.
While the Shabuw’ah Harvest is possible as a result of Dowd’s contributions to our lives, it would have to wait. On this day, there were no beneficiaries and, therefore, no one to call home.
180Frankly, it borders on insanity to begin by saying that Iesou was spoken of in prophecy and then contradict the exceedingly graphic, prophetic depictions of what occurred when Dowd’s basar | corporeal body suffered and died to enable the Promise of Seven. With the Mashyach having arrived to fulfill Pesach and Matsah for the benefit of Bikuwrym and Shabuw’ah, how out of touch with reality did Peter have to be to lie about the most important events in human history without so much as mentioning anything that actually mattered?
Seven hundred years prior, Dowd had not only revealed when and where these events would transpire, but he also explained the benefits associated with him fulfilling the Miqra'ey. One thousand years earlier, he spoke of the Romans ripping the skin from his body and then crucifying him. He told all who would listen that his soul would be laden with our guilt which would be deposited in She'owl, never to be seen again. As a result, he and we would be able to enjoy the benefits of the Covenant during Bikuwrym and Shabuw’ah.
At this time in year 4000 Yah, the Messiah and Son of God, the King of Israel, became our Redeemer. The Exemplar of the Covenant and the Firstborn of God opened the door to life everlasting, removed our guilt, and brought us into his Family where we are enriched, enlightened, empowered, and emancipated on this day. Even more than this, Dowd is returning to give his sorely mistaken, unappreciative, and recalcitrant people a second chance. Fortunately, based upon Yahowah’s rebuke of religion and the deployment of His Herald to our King, Jews will come to their senses and cry over this as poignantly foretold in Zakaryah.
And while Dowd, Yahowah, and Covenant Yahuwdym celebrate their family reunion, I intend to take care of business, which will involve holding Peter, Paul, and Luke accountable for what they have done. I will try them, convict them, and send them off to an eternity in She’owl. So, should you think I’m being critical now by 181excoriating them, rest assured, their hell is just beginning.
The Apostle’s pretend-Shabuw’ah soliloquy was “advanced” by way of a second Tanakh citation, this time from the 16th Mizmowr / Psalm. So as to better understand why he selected it, let’s begin our examination by studying the entire Song from which the excerpt was taken. Shim’own would not have cited it in a vacuum so we should not approach it out of context.
It begins revealing that Dowd knew what to expect from Yahowah. He developed a keen appreciation of what God wanted to provide and what He expected in return. It is a simple equation: be observant and trust Him, and He will attend to your needs...
“A poem (miktam – a written piece of literature, inscribed by staining the parchment upon which it is indelibly conveyed; from ma – to ponder and question and kethem – the elements which are pure gold) of Dowd (la Dowd – concerning the Beloved).
You want to watch closely over me and be concerned about me (shamar ‘any – You keep a caring focus upon me, tending to me by choice, and You are observant regarding me (qal imperative)), God (‘el), because (ky) in You (ba ‘atah – with You), I confide and trust such that I am kept safe and comforted (chasah – I rely upon for protection and safekeeping).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:1)
Dowd had reason to be confident. God chose him, anointed him Mashyach, empowered him with His Spirit, called him His Son, affirmed that he was right, made him a prophet, and picked him to shepherd His people, to be their Redeemer and King. Dowd was and remains the brightest and most articulate, the most courageous and compassionate man in human history. And yet, Dowd recognized that apart from Yah, he was just a man, even after fulfilling the Miqra’ey. While he was willing and capable, it was by working together that they would forever change the dynamic between God and man.
182“I say (‘amar – I confess and convey, expressing in words), to approach (la – drawing near and concerning) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name pronounced as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation), ‘You are my foundation and support (‘edown ‘any ‘atah – You are my Upright One who is the essential Pillar in my Tabernacle), I have nothing to offer which is worthwhile or useful (tobah ‘any bal – I have nothing satisfying or beneficial) apart from You (‘al ‘atah – over You, God).’” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:2)
Since Dowd, the man with the most illustrious résumé on Earth, felt this way, it should be especially true for us. The most brilliant mind and articulate orator in human history credited Yahowah for everything. And therefore, together they were magnificent, composing prose while promoting possibilities that would be satisfying and beneficial. As a result of what they wrote and accomplished through their collaboration, we have become part of their eternal dynamic.
I find it particularly reassuring that Dowd found pleasure in knowing that we would capitalize upon what he had written to lead others to this same place…
“Regarding (la – concerning) the Set Apart (qadowsh – the separated and uncommon) in the Land (ba ha ‘erets – within the country and material realm) who show the way to the relationship (‘asher – who lead to the benefits of the proper path), they are also (hem wa) awesome (‘adyr – marvelous, desirable, and splendid, honorable and worthy), and in them (ba hem – with them) is all my satisfaction and enjoyment (kol chephets – is my greatest joy, engendering my complete support and appreciation).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:3)
Dowd is addressing everyone who is part of the Covenant Family. He understands how we can all be part of the same refrain, so he is excited to share his Father, his Land, his relationship, and his joy with all who will listen to his poem as it was meant to be understood.
183In contrast to those who would join him in their approach to Yahowah, Dowd realized that most people would be led astray by the likes of Peter and Paul, Akiba and Maimonides – chasing after the gods they have conceived in their image. And yet, there is also an undercurrent of appreciation in these words. The surviving remnant of Yisra’el will have come to realize that they owe their very existence to Dowd. By fulfilling the Miqra’ey, he made it possible for us to receive the benefits of the Covenant and overcome the enormous popularity of deceit.
“The sorrows and suffering (‘atsebeth – the anxiety and anguish, the unfavorable circumstances and mental state, as well as the trauma) of those (hem) who are impetuous and who chase after (mahar – who are rash and without wisdom, who are fearful, and unwilling to invest the time to study, and who quickly buy into) another (‘achar – someone or something different, either following along or doing so to develop a following) will be great as they will be numerous and influential (rabah – will multiply, becoming the preponderance of people, and who through their popularity will gain tremendous status).
Their drink offerings of blood (nesek hem min dam – their sacred and pagan liquid libations to a deity associated with killing and death [a.k.a. the Roman Catholic claim that “Jesus” died and that they are drinking his blood during their Eucharist]), I will never pour or offer (bal nasak – I will not endorse or cause to happen, especially with all of their associations with pagan gods, religious rites, and death). And I will not advance or promote (ba nasa’ – I will never lift up or bear, honor or respect, desire or tolerate) their names (‘eth shem hem) on my lips (‘al sapah – as part of my speech).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:4)
This is the choice between Moseh and Paul, Dowd or Jesus, the Towrah or the New Testament, a relationship or a religion, the Covenant or Christianity, life or death. The latter is the fate of those who are impetuous and fearful, unwilling to invest the time to study the actual words 184Yahowah conveyed.
Dowd is explaining that he will never endorse anything the largest and most powerful institution to co-opt his reputation does or says. He will not partake in their Eucharist or accept their names. He, as is the case with every one of Yahowah’s prophets, never speaks on behalf of a Christ, Christian, Jesus, Catholic, Cross, or Church.
The Roman Catholic Church deliberately and dishonestly stole what Yahowah gave to His Son and to His people. Therefore, Dowd has a great deal to say about the consequence of its crime of identity theft. Christianity not only became the most pervasive and abusive adversary to his people, but no institution in human history would mislead as many souls. And they would do so through Foolology: stealing for themselves God’s promises to His beloved Son and our Savior.
As we are aware, there is a religion that has become enormous and influential, and its rites include drink offerings of blood: Christianity through communion and Roman Catholicism with the Eucharist. And so, it is interesting that Peter misappropriated a Psalm written by Dowd which actually condemns his religion’s replacement for Passover. And while that is brazen, not done incriminating himself, the Rock misquoted it to promote the myth of Iesou when it was scribed in first person by the actual Messiah and Son of God. Is it any wonder religions require faith?
In actuality, Dowd is professing that he will never endorse the Replacement Theology which serves as the underpinning of the world’s largest and most powerful institution – the very church that sought to co-opt his reputation, achievements, and accolades. He will not partake in their Eucharist or respect the names popularized by their creed.
There is yet another allusion related to drinking blood. For those who have read the third volume of Babel: Chemah ~ Venomous, you may recall the grotesque nature 185of the Feast of the Beast as it was presented in the waning chapters of Ezekiel. Upon Satan’s arrival in Jerusalem on the 1st of ‘Abyb in 2033, his initial edict will be to replace the Towrah’s Mow’edym with his own macabre rites. The inaugural event will be to eat, in cannibalistic fashion, the gibowrym | most capable and courageous men of God. And during this ghoulish spectacle, the celebrants will drink the blood of those they have sacrificed. While the Lord of Babel speaks of eating human flesh and drinking blood, the underlying symbolic intent is to devour Dowd and his heralds – the two Witnesses.
And should this occur, if Yahowah allows this to transpire, then their sacrificed lives and blood will serve a purpose. For it is the blood of the bull, representing Yada, and of the goat, symbolized by ‘ElYah, that will be sprinkled on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant by the Lamb to redeem and reconcile Yisra’el on Kipurym.
Rather than irritating Yahowah by doing the opposite of what His Towrah instructs, Dowd has chosen a different cup from which to drink…
“Yahowah’s (Yahowah – God’s proper name pronounced as instructed in His towrah regarding His hayah and our shalowm) gift is my decision, my fate, my assigned share, and my reward (manath cheleq ‘any – is my allotment by choice, my parcel of ground, my portion of what is offered, and my nourishment) as well as my cup and receptacle (wa kows ‘any – and the vessel which holds what I will drink). You (‘atah) uphold (tamak – hold and control) my lot and destiny (gowral ‘any – my portion and allotment, even my systematic means of making decisions, delineating the outcome).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:5)
Those who participate in the Eucharist, where priests claim that they have turned wine into the blood of Jesus, or even partake in Communion, which is the Protestant alternative to Passover, will die, as did their imaginary god. Life is afforded to those who accept Yahowah’s reward. And this begins by recognizing that Dowd served as the 186Passover Lamb and fulfilled UnYeasted Bread to remove the fungus of religion from our souls.
In this and every case, Father and Son were of like mind. They were committed to offering the ultimate gift. They would work together to provide the Covenant’s benefits by rewarding those who acknowledge what they achieved through the Miqra’ey. It may have been, and likely was, Dowd’s decision to serve as the Passover Lamb, but it is clear that Yahowah concurred with His Son’s rationale.
The fulfillment of Pesach and Matsah, Kipurym and Sukah became Dowd’s legacy, his destiny and lot in life. And he was intent on sharing the rewards, knowing that Yahowah would uphold and support him.
“The measuring lines (chebel – the inheritance and boundary lines, the shares and apportionments, symbolically even the rigging of the vessel and the joyful processions and boisterous parades) have aligned for me (naphal la ‘any – have been allotted and distributed to be) in highly acceptable and delightful ways (ba ha na’ym – in pleasant and favorable places). Surely (‘aph – indeed, and in addition), I have been offered (‘al ‘any) an enjoyable and pleasing, especially brilliant (shaphar – a lovely and beautiful, radiant and bright) inheritance (nachalah – association and share).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:6)
This is true not only for Dowd, Yah’s Son, but for those who follow his lead. He was the Bakowr | Firstborn of Chag Matsah, but hardly the last. The Messiah opened the door and provided the way for us to enjoy Bikuwrym, participate in the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests and celebrate his Kipurym homecoming.
The universe we have been given to explore exists in dimensions beyond what we can presently perceive – and Heaven is yet another dimension past those expressed throughout the universe. Our inheritance through the Covenant is bright and beautiful. As a result, it is fitting 187and right…
“I will commend the excellence of (barak ‘eth – I favor the goodness and I am thankful for the greatness of) Yahowah (Yahowah), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – who, to lead the way to the path to get the greatest joy out of life), determines the plan and provides me with counsel and purpose (ya’ats ‘any – decides the direction and offers me advice), even as (‘aph – and surely also), during the night (laylah), my emotional response to being Yah’s implement (kilyah ‘any – my kidneys (which the ancient Hebrews perceived as the source of emotions), core nature, inclinations, and feelings, my innermost being; a compound of kol – total, kaly – implement of Yah) provides me with disciplined teaching, proper instruction, and correction (yasar ‘any – facilitates my training and acceptance, direction and guidance, and my appreciation for cause and consequence).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:7)
Dowd was obviously proud of his Father. He enjoyed serving as His implement. The Messiah was passionate about God’s plan for his life and the counsel He provided to reveal his purpose. He saw the Towrah for what its name implies: the source of disciplined teaching and proper instruction. His life’s mission became commending what Yahowah had revealed to show the way to receive the benefits of this relationship.
As a result, Dowd became the centerpiece of God’s outreach to His people. He is the Cornerstone upon which the Covenant Family and Home are built. He is the Life, the Light, and the Way.
Everything God has said and done coalesces such that we are in the right place when we capitalize upon what Dowd has accomplished on our behalf.
Yahowah is offering His children the ultimate reward: eternal life in His presence. It is a brilliant inheritance. And for it, we should be as Dowd was – appreciative, ever 188willing to proclaim the excellence of Yahowah and the resulting relationship.
The point of all of this is that we can live like Dowd, think like Dowd, and experience what Dowd enjoyed when we study his words and apply them to our lives. We should all be singing along, at least up to the point of screaming.
By robbing the world of everything Dowd contributed to our lives to legitimize the Dionysian caricature of “Jesus Christ,” Peter, Paul, and pals transformed the Passover Lamb into an anti-Semitic monster. To confront this, Dowd leveled a broadside against the Gnostic nature of Pauline Christianity. The argument used to rob Yahowah, His Towrah, His Covenant, His People, and His Mashyach of their relevance was to opine that they were of the flesh, which, from the Gnostic perspective, was corruptible and evil.
The Messiah saw the Towrah for what its name implies: the source of disciplined teaching and proper instruction. His life’s mission was to commend what Yahowah had revealed to show the way to receive the benefits of this relationship. As a result, Dowd became the centerpiece of God’s plan for His people. He is the Cornerstone upon which the Covenant Family and Home are built. Everything God has said and done coalesces such that we are in the right frame of mind to capitalize on the life and lyrics of the Zarowa’.
“I intensely desire to firmly place (shawah – I genuinely want to put) Yahowah (Yahowah) before me (la neged ‘any – in front of me) always and continuously (tamyd – regularly and consistently, even perpetually).
It is true that (ky), as a result of (min) me being right (yamyn ‘any – my orientation, right side, or right hand, even looking east as the sun rises; from yaman – to choose to be right), I shall neither be shaken nor fall into an unfavorable or unresolvable circumstance (bal mowt – I will not slip up, be dislodged, habitually stagger, fail, or fall, nor will I lose control, be random in my approach, or 189found to be consistently inadequate (nifal imperfect – it is by being right that Dowd carries out and also receives the benefits which are ongoing throughout time)).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:8)
I would claim the same thing, as should you. Yahowah should be our priority, the one who leads us along life’s way. And when this occurs, we immediately realize that we are right about Him being genuine and generous, approachable and welcoming. As a result, we will never be found inadequate or wanting.
To know Yahowah in this way, to rely on God as Dowd does, is to be bold and adventurous, living life to its fullest while proclaiming the truth without hesitation. I know this not only because Yahowah inspired Dowd to say it, but because I’ve experienced it. In the 23 years that I’ve openly exposed and condemned religion and politics I have never encountered an unresolvable circumstance, never fallen into an unfavorable situation, never been dislodged from the truth, never lost control or failed. Striving to be right with Yah enables all of this.
While this would have been an exceedingly odd place for Shim’own to have begun his citation of a Mizmowr, it is nonetheless the place Luke claims that he jumped aboard. By doing so, rather than realizing that the Psalm describes Dowd’s relationship with Yahowah, the reader of Acts is fooled into believing that David was speaking prophetically of the Christian “Jesus Christ” and referring to him as “the Lord.” I kid you not…
“For David speaketh concerning him [the context would make “him” “Jesus”], ‘I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: (Acts 2:25 KJV) Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:” (Acts 2:26 KJV)
Or if you prefer the more literal rendering…“For (gar – because) David (ΔΔ – a placeholder for Dowd using the Greek transliteration Dauid) said (lego – declared) of (eis) 190him (autos), ‘I foresee (proorao) the Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurios – the Lord and Master) in front of (enopion – and before) me (ego) always (pas) on my behalf (dia) because (hoti) from (ek – out of) His right hand (dexios – authority) I will not be (me eimi) shaken or swayed (saleuomai – be overthrown or distressed). (Acts 2:25)
Therefore (dia), my heart (kardia) rejoices (euphrainomai – celebrates), and my tongue (glossa – speech) delights (agalliao) that also (eti) my flesh (sarkos) will abide and endure (kataskenoo – live) as a result of (epi) a confident and trusting expectation (elpis).’” (Acts 2:26)
This horribly misconstrued paraphrase of Psalm 16:8-9 was wrongly attributed. In Acts 2:22-24, Shim’own was supposedly telling the Jews all about the miraculous nature of counterfeit “Jesus.” So by saying that “David spoke concerning ‘him,’” Dowd’s assessment of his own relationship with Yahowah was wrongly projected on the Christian fable, giving the myth the pretense of life. This fraud in the inception and execution perpetrated by Peter and Luke demonstrates that nothing either of them wrote or said should be trusted. This was a deliberate lie and it was deployed to validate the religion of Christianity.
In his Mizmowr, Dowd referred to God by His one and only name. Those who know Him do so.
“Therefore (la ken – it is reasonable and rational as a consequence that), my attitude and thinking (leb ‘any – my inclination and disposition, my judgment and approach, my character and nature, my internal resolve and thoughtful response) are joyous (samach – are upbeat and happy, elated and content).
What’s more (wa), the manifestation of power which is abundant and valued within my persona (kabowd ‘any – the glorious and rewarding Divine presence within me) expresses His joy over this enormously favorable and uplifting situation and 191outcome (gyl – sings and shouts as a result, calling out in jubilation, utterly delighted in this situation).
In addition (‘aph – moreover and furthermore), my Herald, proclaiming the good news regarding my physical body (basar – my pronouncement and positive news regarding my corporeal human and animal nature, and the substance which sustains that life), lives and abides (shakan – dwells and remains, camping out for a considerable period of time) with confidence (la betach – safely and securely, without any concern, through trusting and relying; from batach – to trust and rely with confidence and be bold, living without fear).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:9)
Imagine doing something so worthwhile, so meaningful, that God, Himself, not only knows what you have accomplished but is overjoyed at the result. This is Yah’s rightful response to His Son’s commitment to fulfilling the Miqra’ey.
For those paying attention, Dowd’s declaration regarding his basar served yet another knockout blow to Peter and Paul. Since Dowd and his Herald are correct regarding the importance of Dowd’s basar | corporeal body, then Peter and Paul were not only wrong, but their religion crumbles with this basar | pronouncement.
As discussed previously, basar speaks of a herald proclaiming the good news – something listeners should receive positively. During Dowd’s first of three lives, Shamuw’el was his Basar | Herald. Then came ‘Eythan, who scribed the 89th Mizmowr in Dowd’s honor. And while the prophets all spoke of him, Dowd would not be heralded again in the fashion of Basar until the emergence of Yada Yahowah two decades ago. The truth is now being told regarding what the Messiah volunteered to achieve on our behalf. And for the first time since he wrote these words 3,000 years ago, we are aware of the service Dowd’s basar | corporeal body afforded in the fulfillment of Passover. Thank you.
192What we have just witnessed in Peter’s and Luke’s words is how the Christian New Testament deceives. By removing citations from their proper context, misquoting and misapplying them, the masters of Foolology tricked readers into believing things about “Jesus” which apply to Dowd | David. Robbing David to pay tribute to Jesus is among the most devastating crimes committed by religious men. As one of two steps underpinning the malignant myth of Replacement Theology, after replacing David with Jesus, they would substitute Gentiles for Jews.
Along these lines, the statement “I foresaw the Lord always before my face” will be extrapolated to convey something astonishingly sinister by the time we reach Acts 2:35. The bad boys of Christendom were just getting warmed up.
Also telling, Paul claimed that, by contrast, his faith was spiritual and thus better. He slathered ‘Abraham and Dowd with his errant Gnostic perceptions to make his point. Unfortunately for Paul, and those who foolishly believe he spoke for God, the flesh is not evil – religions are.
Should Dowd be correct regarding the flesh, and he was clearly inspired by Yah, then Paul, and his publicist, Luke, were not only wrong, they could not have been inspired by God. As is the case with everything in this debate, trust and reliance, indeed confidence, is a product of knowing and understanding insights such as this, while faith bridges the gap when a believer is ignorant and/or irrational. The reason Yahowah inspired Dowd to share this with us is so that we could replace one with the other and, like His prophet, be right.
The argument that Sha’uwl | Paul used to rob Yahowah, His Towrah, His Covenant, His People, and His Mashyach of their relevance was to opine that they were of the flesh, which, as I have stated, from the Gnostic perspective was corruptible and evil.
In Judaism, G-d is incorporeal and, therefore, 193unassociated with anything material, such as a son or a right hand. According to the rabbis, and in direct contradiction to Yahowah, HaShem cannot manifest an aspect of His nature through fire, nor can He have eyes or a voice. He cannot return because it would have been impossible for Him to have been here. But then again, with the Haredi afraid of the sciences and still stuck in the past, the potential of E=mc2, where matter is a diminished form of energy, eludes them.
Paul would then claim that, by contrast, his faith was spiritual and thus believable and worthy. He imposed his errant perceptions on ‘Abraham and Dowd to make his point. Unfortunately for Paul, and those who foolishly believe he spoke for God, the flesh isn’t evil.
This cannot be attributed to a careless “mistake” by either Peter or Luke because they have bragged about the spirit providing them with the ability to be conversant in many languages which would have included Hebrew. So, they were without excuse. It is Yahowah’s name, not ‘adony | my Lord which is scribed in the Psalm and verified by the Dead Sea Scroll cataloged as 11QPs. Therefore, Peter deliberately lied when he claimed that this spoke of his Lord.
And as we have just read, and throughout his Mizmowr, Dowd has consistently referred to God by His one and only name. In that it encourages his descendants to do likewise, the Messiah’s inspired insights are worth repeating…
“I intensely desire to firmly place (shawah) Yahowah (Yahowah) before me (la neged ‘any) always and continuously, consistently and perpetually (tamyd).
It is true that (ky), as a result of (min) me being right and my orientation on the correct side as the right hand (yamyn ‘any), I shall neither be shaken nor fall into an unfavorable or unresolvable circumstance – nor will I slip up and be found inadequate (bal mowt). (Psalm 16:8)
Therefore (la ken), my attitude and thinking (leb 194‘any) are joyous (samach). What’s more (wa), the manifestation of power which is abundant and valued within my persona (kabowd ‘any) expresses His joy over this enormously favorable and uplifting situation and outcome (gyl).
In addition (‘aph), my Herald, proclaiming the good news regarding my physical body (basar), lives and abides (shakan) with confidence (la betach).” (Psalm 16:9)
Dowd’s statement is so clear that it could not have been misconstrued and misappropriated by accident. This was deliberate and fraudulent – and yet, the lie is essential to the Christian faith.
Should someone hold the belief that the Messiah’s poem has been about something other than commending Yahowah and condemning Sha’uwl / Paul and the religion he, Peter, and Luke fathered, consider this, especially in light of Paul saying: “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.” (Acts 13:36) Methinks this proves that the principal author of the Christian New Testament deliberately lied…
“By way of contrast (ky – emphasizing this point while exposing the contrary position), You will not abandon Your association with (lo’ ‘azab – You will not neglect, reject, forsake, or desert, never releasing (qal imperfect)) my soul (nepesh ‘any – my consciousness, my inner person, character, and personality) with regard to Sha’uwl or She’owl (la She’owl / la Sha’uwl – by approaching She’owl or on behalf of the goals of Sha’uwl), never allowing (lo’ nathan – never offering or giving, not permitting or surrendering (qal imperfect)) Your Set-Apart One (chasyd ‘atah – Your dedicated and loyal one, Your special and unique individual (adjective singular)) to see (ra’ah – to look upon, to experience, to gloat about, or to find pleasure in) corruption or degradation (shachath – what it is like to be corrupt or corrupted, useless or ruined, marred or blemished, dishonest exploitation or 195fraud, especially in association with the slime and the dungeon and pit in which such corrupt and ruinous captives are destroyed).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:10)
This was written a thousand years in advance to invalidate Christianity as well as Judaism. Dowd is not dead. And even if we were to play along with the Plagues of Death, if Yahowah didn’t save His beloved Son, Dowd, then there is no hope for anyone.
What is particularly illuminating about this statement is that by referencing it, Sha’uwl | Paul inferred that it was Divinely inspired. And yet, by misappropriating it for “Jesus,” Paul undeniably proved that he should not be trusted.
When we are alerted to the realization that Dowd’s soul fulfilled Matsah by carrying our guilt into She’owl and then celebrated Bikuwrym when the Spirit released him to come home, we find affirmation of the Zarowa’s role in the Miqra’ey in these words. A great treasure was squandered to embellish a myth.
Paul went on to say… “So it is also stated elsewhere: ‘You will not let your holy one see decay.’” (Acts 13:35). Let’s never lose sight of the realization that Sha’uwl and She’owl are synonymous for a reason. One leads to the other.
Luke, aware of Paul’s twisted portrayal of Psalm 16, did his mentor proud and had “Peter” endorse the same myth… “‘Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.’” (Acts 2:27)
Or more correctly and completely…“‘Because (hoti) my soul (psyche – consciousness) will not (ou) be utterly forsaken and totally abandoned (egkataleipo – be left behind and deserted) in Hades (hades – the abode of the dead). Neither (oude) will Your Set-Apart and Dedicated One (hosios – loyal and faithful, undefiled and pure) be allowed (didomi) to see (horao – experience) decay and decomposition (diaphthora).’” (Acts 2:27)
196The inference Peter, Paul, and Luke were making at Dowd’s expense, and those he could have saved, was that David’s body rotted in the grave while “Jesus” did not suffer that indignity. However, the prophecy was addressing Dowd’s soul, not Iesous’ body. Therefore, the authors of the Christian New Testament deliberately deceived the faithful to promote their religion.
It is so obvious that Dowd was speaking of himself and not a future Lord, that with every word, it’s apparent that Yahowah is seething over this travesty.
Therefore, by contrasting the Mizmowr with the Book of Acts this becomes a debate between relationship and religion, between right and wrong, between Dowd and Sha’uwl, between the Towrah and New Testament, and between the Covenant and Christianity. God is on Dowd’s side, which is why Team Twistianity had to misquote him. Forewarned is forearmed.
Religion leads to death and destruction while Dowd’s way leads to renewed life. It is the reason this Mizmowr was written. Let us never forget that Dowd spoke of what he and his Father would achieve by fulfilling the Mow’edym together…
“You have made known to me (yada’ ‘any – You are my source of understanding, You reveal information and instruction to me, You enable me to be aware and perceptive such that I am acquainted with, reveal, and experience) the way to (‘orach – the path, manner, conduct, and route to travel which leads from this place to) life (chay – living a bountiful, blessed, favorable, and prosperous existence, nourished, restored, and renewed; from chayah – to live and remain alive, with life restored and sustained).
There is total satisfaction and contentment in the abundant (soba’ – there is complete and abounding) transcendent joy (simchah – sublime delight with an uplifting cheerful attitude, favorably entertaining the senses) associated with Your presence (‘eth paneh ‘atah – 197through Your appearance and in association with Your face).
The pleasure of being accepted (na’ym – the benefits of being considered favorably and becoming acceptable, along with the melodious contentment and satisfaction) by being right with You (ba yamyn ‘atah – with my orientation on Your right side, with my right hand in Yours, and with me looking east in the morning toward You as the sun rises; from yaman – having chosen to be right) is glorious and forevermore (netsach – is splendid and unending, producing everlasting status and permanent prominence).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to be Sung / Psalm 16:11)
This was written in first person by Dowd about his personal experience with Yahowah while transitioning from Matsah to Bikuwrym. It is the greatest moment of his life. Anyone projecting his great achievement onto someone else is destined to engender his Father’s wrath.
Since one would have to lie to make this about “Jesus,” it is not about him…“‘Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.’” (Acts 2:28)
A literal translation does not resolve the problem of pretending that this somehow applies to the Christian myth… “‘Reveal and make known to (gnorizo – provide the information needed to understand and thereby expose to) me (ego) the way (hodos – path, road, and journey) to a complete and fulfilling (pleroo – full and abundant) life (zoe) of joy and gladness (euphrosyne – cheerfulness and gratitude) in proximity to (meta – in association with) Your presence (prosopon).’” (Acts 2:28)
After serving as the Passover Lamb and then carrying our guilt into She’owl to perfect us, Dowd was celebrating Firstborn Children with his Father along with the promise of the sevenfold enrichment and empowerment of his soul. Shabuw’ah was now possible, and would follow, but not for another 1,993 years. And so this is something to 198Taruw’ah about in preparation for Kipurym.
To accept Yah is to be right. To know Yah is to live. To be with Yahowah is to be joyous, satisfied, and content. We would have to search long and hard to find a more fitting proclamation to refute the likes of Peter, Paul, and Luke.
We could read this a thousand times and never grow weary of what it reveals. And yet by contrast, there is the swamp of grotesque corruptions known as the Christian New Testament. It is filled with deliberately convoluted statements like these written by Luke, and yet, it is by a factor of a million to one more popular than Yahowah’s prophets.
One of three things is true: Shim’own agreed with Sha’uwl and wrongly attributed something Dowd wrote about himself and his relationship with Yahowah and projected it onto Iesou. Perhaps Luke, Paul’s apologist and propagandist, put these words in “Peter’s” mouth to support his mentor. And if you are wondering who to blame for this deliberate and debilitating deception, you may want to consider who wrote it.
Or third, the entire Christian New Testament is a work of fiction such that it was contrived from beginning to end – no more credible than The Odyssey. And frankly, since it is so far from the truth, so inconsistent with Yahowah’s testimony and inflammatory, so convoluted and contradictory, so poorly written and unconvincing, should you be wondering where to cast blame for this deliberate and debilitating deception, you may want to ponder the third possibility.
Our excursion into the bowels of the Christian New Testament has thus far provided nothing to suggest that the Towrah’s presentation of the Shabuw’ah Harvest was fulfilled two thousand years early. And yet by considering how its authors convoluted Yahowah’s intent by misquoting Him, we have learned a great deal about the religion Peter, Paul, and Luke perpetrated to rob Jews of 199their rights and responsibilities, beginning with Dowd.
While it is both awkward and disingenuous, Luke is now reinforcing one of Paul’s most ludicrous arguments by placing it in the mouth of his rival, Peter. Does anyone believe that repeating the derogatory assessment of Dowd makes Jesus great?
Speaking with one voice, Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s argument against Dowd on behalf of Jesus is perpetuated by Shim’own | Peter. Unfortunately for them, regurgitation does not make vomit any sweeter…
“Gentlemen (andros), brothers (adelphos), it is possible (exesti – permissible and obligatory) after all to say (eipon – based on this account) to you in open public discourse, enjoying freedom of speech (parresia – without any concern or fear) with regard to (pros) and concerning (peri) the patriarch (patriaches – founder and forefather) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for Dauid, a Greek transliteration for Dowd), that (hoti) he both died (teleutao – his life is finished and has come to a close) and was buried (thapto), and his tomb (mnema – grave) exists (eimi – and can be identified) among (en) us, even until (achri) this (houtos) day (hemera). (Acts 2:29)
Being (hyparcho) therefore (oun) a prophet (prophetes), and knowing (oida) that (hoti) Theos (ΘΣ) swore (omnuo) an oath (horkos) that from out (ek) of the fruit (darpos) of his loins (osphys), would sit (kathizo) upon (epi) His (autos) throne (thronos), he foresaw (proorao) and spoke (laleo) about (peri) the rising up and standing upright (anastasis) of the Christon (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon, which became Christ), because namely (hoti), He was not (oute) left behind and abandoned so as to remain (egkataleipo – forsaken and deserted) at (eis – inside and within) Hades (hades – the abode of the dead), nor (oute) did His flesh (sarx – physical human body) see (horao – experience) decay and decomposition (diaphthora – corruption).” (Acts 2:30-31)
The co-conspirators of Christianity were overtly 200committed to killing and burying “David.” And while this enables Replacement Foolology, there is nothing in all the universe they could have said more irritating to his Father – who just so happens to be God.
This is Paul’s plot, one which Luke advanced by ascribing it to Peter. But every aspect of it is a lie – from the details to its sweeping implications.
Ignoring what Dowd revealed, only to extract something he could kephash | bend, Peter misappropriated a prophecy affirming that Dowd would serve Yahowah by fulfilling Chag Matsah and live forevermore in God’s presence. He misappropriated God’s testimony so that an imaginary character drawn out of pagan mythology and given a fictitious name could replace the Messiah. By errantly claiming that Dowd was dead and buried in a prophecy which says the opposite, his goal was to transfer what was said about the King, including his title and throne, to his false god. This perverted patriarch of Christendom engendered eternal damnation because he fooled billions of souls while establishing a religion that would persecute Jews. To Hell with Peter.
I’ve shared this previously, but now that we are evaluating the entirety of Peter’s errant portrayal of Shabuw’ah, Dowd, and Iesou, it bears repeating that the odds against Peter and Paul, who were irreconcilable and bitter foes, promoting the same lie in their first public addresses by misappropriating the same otherwise obscure verse from a Psalm to rob and bury Dowd, first in Acts 2 and then in Acts 13 is incalculable.
Peter and Paul stole lyrics Dowd wrote to Yahowah affirming that God would never allow his body to fail, his soul to die, or his fate to be negated by Sha’uwl, to not only claim the opposite but to justify applying the prophecy to “Jesus.” They did so because they could not find any which actually spoke of their mythical misnomer. The fact that Christian scholars haven’t shown the integrity to admit the obvious – that this means the myth of Christ and the allure of Christianity were built on an elaborate hoax that is 201neither credible nor accurate – is a blight on their reputations.
This isn’t a minor issue that can be swept aside as a figure of speech. It is an outright inversion of the Psalm designed to dismiss Dowd such that his titles, accolades, and accomplishments could be misappropriated to create the false impression that their Iesou was the Christou, and that Theos had predicted his every move. It was all a lie.
As a consequence of these deliberate deceptions and falsifications, billions have been deprived of what Dowd achieved for us. Truths vital to our wellbeing were buried under the grotesque contention that there was a Jesus Christ, a man-god who was killed by Jews so that Christians could replace them and live. As a result, religious Jews countered with a false Messiah of their own – a miscalculation which led to the Diaspora and the Holocaust.
Even if we focus on the smaller picture drawn from Peter’s false declaration, by deliberately misrepresenting the prophetic portrait painted by the Son of God, Roman Catholicism’s first Pope demonstrated that he should never be seen as credible. He would lie about anything and everything to create and promote the illusion of Jesus Christ – apart from which he is nothing.
Peter’s, Paul’s, and Luke’s argument was predicated on a false premise and backed by a misquoted and misappropriated citation. And this is just in the hypothesis stage of their delusion. The prophecy in Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7, to which Peter and Luke are alluding, does not predict the arrival of a Messiah who would be known as Christon | Christ. It does not speak of “Jesus.” Instead, just like the misappropriated 16th Psalm, 2 Samuel 7 is all about Dowd | David – and only the Beloved from beginning to end.
This sweeping prophecy opens with Yahowah explicitly speaking to Dowd and then it concludes with God directly addressing Dowd once again. In between, 202Yahowah speaks to us about Dowd. Other than the conduit of this proclamation, Nathan, and the one offering it, Yahowah, no other names are mentioned.
What follows is, to my mind, one of the greatest prophecies ever proclaimed. I not only value the opening context regarding homes and who builds them but, also, its sweeping implications regarding my King – Dowd. This is the prophecy that opened my eyes and brought me home.
“It came to pass (wa hayah ky) when the king sat down and relaxed in his home (ha melek yashab ba beyth huw’) because Yahowah (wa YaHoWaH) had given him a comforting respite (nuwach la huw’) from his adversaries and rancorous foes (min sabyb min kol ‘oyeb huw’), (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:1) that the king said (wa ‘amar ha melek) to Nathan, the prophet (‘el Nathan ha naby’), ‘Please look around (ra’ah na’). I live (‘anoky yashab) in a house of cedar (ba beyth ‘erez), but the Ark of God (wa ‘arown ha ‘elohym) sits within curtains (yashab ba tawek ha yarya’ah).’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:2)
So, Nathan said to the king (wa ‘amar Nathan ‘el ha melek), ‘Choose to go and do all that is in your best judgment (kol ‘asher ba lebab ‘atah) because, surely (ky), Yahowah is with you (Yahowah ‘im ‘atah).’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:3)
However, that evening (wa hayah ba ha laylah ha huw’), the word of Yahowah came to Nathan (dabar Yahowah hayah ‘el Nathan). He conveyed (la ‘amar), (Shamuw’el 2 7:4) ‘Go and tell (halak wa ‘amar ‘el) Dowd, My coworker (Dowd ‘ebed ‘any), that this is what Yahowah says (koh Yahowah ‘amar). “Why should you build Me a home to live in (ha ‘atah banah la ‘any beyth la yashab ‘any)? (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:5)
Indeed (ky), I have not lived (lo’ yashab) in a house (ba beyth) since the time (wa min yowm) that I lifted up to be with Me (‘alah ‘any ‘eth) the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el) out of the crucibles of oppression in 203Mitsraym (min Mitsraym). Then, as an ongoing witness to the restoring testimony, up to (wa ‘ad) this day (ha yowm ha zeh), I have been moving about (wa hayah halak) in a tent dwelling as a tabernacle and home (ba ‘ohel wa ba mishkan). (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:6)
During any of that time, when showing the way to the benefits of the relationship, that (ba kol ‘asher) I traveled (halak) with all of the Children of Yisra’el (ba kol beny Yisra’el), did I say a single word (ha dabar dabar) to one (‘eth ‘echad) of the leaders of the tribes of Yisra’el (shebet Yisra’el), whom I instructed (‘asher tsawah) to shepherd (la ra’ah) My people (‘eth ‘am ‘any), Yisra’el (Yisra’el), to say (la ‘amar), “So why not (la mah lo’) build for Me a house of cedar (banah la ‘any beyth ‘erez)?” (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:7)
Now, therefore (wa ‘atah), this is what you should say (koh ‘amar) to My associate, Dowd (la ‘ebed ‘any la Dowd), as a result (koh), Yahowah of the spiritual implements (Yahowah tsaba’) says (‘amar), “I took you (‘any laqach ‘atah) from the sheepfolds (min ha neweh), from chasing after lambs (min ‘achar ha tso’n), to be the conspicuous and informative leader (la hayah nagyd) among My People (‘al ‘am ‘any), over Yisra’el (‘al Yisra’el). (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:8)
I have been with you (wa hayah ‘im ‘atah) throughout it all (ba kol), revealing the benefits of the relationship (‘asher) as you journeyed through life (halak). I have cut off (wa karat), accordingly, all of your enemies (‘eth kol ‘oyeb ‘atah) from your presence (min paneh ‘atah). And I have engaged on your behalf to make for you (wa ‘asah la ‘atah) an exceptionally important name, the greatest designation, and the most distinguished reputation (shem ha gadowl), when compared to the most glorified designations (ka shem ha gadowl) pursuant to the relationship (‘asher) on the Earth (ba ha ‘erets). (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:9)
Furthermore (wa), I will appoint and establish (sym) a dwelling place (maqowm) for My People (la ‘am 204‘any), Yisra’el (la Yisra’el). I will plant them (wa nata’ huw’) such that they may abide (wa shakan) below throughout a less chaotic time than this (tachath huw’) and no longer be agitated, anguished, or terrorized (ragaz ‘owd). They will not continue to be (wa lo’ yasaph) afflicted or degraded, disparaged or denigrated (‘anah), by unjust and harmful sons, perverted and violent descendants of evil (beny ‘awlah), as will have formerly been the case (ka ‘asher ba ha ri’shown). (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:10)
From the day (wa la min ha yowm) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I appointed and instructed (tsawah) Judges (shaphat) on behalf of My people (‘al ‘am ‘any), Yisra’el (Yisra’el), I will provide a respite (wa nuwach la ‘atah) from all of your enemies (min kol ‘oyeb ‘atah). In addition (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) is boldly and publicly announcing to you (nagad la ‘atah) that, indeed (ky), He will act, engaging with you to create the family and home of Yahowah (beyth ‘asah la ‘atah Yahowah).”’” (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:11)
Yahowah has been addressing the future restoration of His people, recognizing that soon, they will no longer be abused by Progressives, Muslims, or Christians. He affirmed that He engaged with Dowd to build His family and create his home. God is announcing that He and His Son would fulfill the Invitations to be Called Out and Meet together, enabling the benefits of the Beryth.
Dowd would inspire love for Yahowah by living two additional lives, each exceedingly beneficial. And while it is uncommon for a soul to be bestowed three lives, every Covenant member will enjoy two. And like Dowd, the two Witnesses will also live three lives, with the shortest of the three not only being of service to others but also of similar length to Dowd’s return to fulfill Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym – which was likely three to four years.
“‘Surely (ky), your time will be thoroughly proclaimed and completely fulfilled (male’ yowmym 205‘atah). When you will have laid down your life (wa shakab) in association with your ancestors (‘eth ‘ab ‘atah), I will rise up and take a stand to bring to fruition (quwm) with your seed what you have sown (‘eth zera’ ‘atah), something more in the end without hesitation for you (‘achar ‘atah). For the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), it will be extracted and withdrawn (yatsa’) out of a small particle of your physiological nature (min me’eh).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:12)
I am interrupting the flow of this prophecy regarding Dowd because I want you to appreciate something few realize. The verb male’ was scribed in the imperfect conjugation, so it cannot be addressing something which is over, such as Dowd’s previous existence. Instead, in the imperfect, male’ speaks of ongoing fulfillments – thereby addressing Dowd’s eternal reign as King after having fulfilled the seven Mow'edym | Eternal Witnesses to the Appointed Meeting Times.
After Dowd’s relaxing intermission between the three phases of his life, with shakab scribed in the perfect conjugation, it is indicating that his rest would be for a limited time and soon will be over. Yahowah is going to intervene a third time in the course of His Son’s lives to quwm ‘eth zera’ | establish what Dowd has sown. Zera’ speaks of seeds which, when sown, take root and grow, producing a productive harvest if properly cultivated. It serves as a metaphor for the tens of thousands of thoughtful words this man wrote on our behalf and the many meaningful things he achieved. As the Zarowa’ (a title that is based upon zera’), Dowd spread the seeds of Chag Matsah such that his sacrifice will bear fruit during the Harvests of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah.
Yahowah is not doing this “after” Dowd but instead “without hesitating or delaying, and without equivocating.” Such is the primary meaning of ‘achar, derived from its verbal root.
Further, it was ‘asher which brought me to this place, and to this prophecy, helping me better understand the 206nature of the family Yahowah is striving to achieve – much of which is correctly conveyed in the Father and Son relationship He developed with Dowd. More than anyone who ever lived, the Messiah embodies “‘asher – showing the way to the benefits of the relationship.”
Yatsa’ is the operative term of the “Exodus.” It means “to withdraw, to extract, and to deliver.” It does not speak of a man’s seed, in the sense of sperm emanating from a man. Equally revealing, the primary meaning of ma’al is not “viscera or loins,” but instead, it describes “a minute, exceedingly small, particle which comprises something much larger.” That particle is Dowd’s DNA.
Dowd’s lives and lyrics have been thoroughly proclaimed and the promises made through them have been or soon will be fulfilled. His first life was just the beginning. He would be brought back twice more based on what he has sown for our edification.
Even after fulfilling Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children in year 6000 Yah / 33 CE, Yahowah is going to take another triumphant stand with His Son and on behalf of the Covenant.
So now after foreshadowing what will occur, Yahowah began to speak to us about His Son. And while this approach is common throughout the Prophets, even if God intended to transition away from speaking to Dowd to addressing his heir, his son was Shalomoh | Solomon, not Gospel Jesus. And since Solomon was next on the throne, why would Yahowah degrade this sweeping prophecy regarding His beloved Son with succession since it is common and assumed? To say that a king’s son will sit on the throne is hardly prophetic.
Therefore, either Yahowah was continuing to be prophetic and profound, telling us what He was going to achieve through Dowd, or God went from prophetic and profound to mundane to tell him that his son would be next to occupy Yisra’el’s throne. With this in mind, especially in this profoundly important narrative, the answer seems 207obvious…
“‘And so (wa), I will establish (kuwn) his reign over his kingdom (‘eth mamlakah huw’).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:12)
Dowd’s reappearance as King will be manifest, not only through the redeployment of his nepesh | soul, but also by reconstituting his DNA for the third time. This manifestation of the Messiah will adroitly convey Dowd’s authority, personality, and appearance. The returning Messiah, the Son of God, and the King of Kings, is, therefore, fully and completely Dowd. And that is why Yahowah is now speaking of him to us, telling us what they will accomplish together…
“‘He, himself, shall restore and rebuild (huw’ banah) the family home (beyth) for (la) My name (shem ‘any). And (wa) I will prepare and establish (kuwn) the throne (‘eth kise’) of his kingdom (mamlakah huw’) forevermore as a continuing witness (‘ad ‘owlam). (Shamuw’el 2 7:13)
I was, I am, and I always will be (‘any hayah) for him (la huw’) as a Father (la ‘ab), and (wa) he was, is, and always will be (huw’ hayah) for Me as (la ‘any) a son (la ben).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:14 in part)
It’s true that Shalomoh built the Covenant Home of Yahowah on the Temple Mount that Dowd acquired and with the materials his father had accumulated. But Solomon got distracted, and trying to please the many foreign women he had brought into his harem, his reign ended poorly. Israel would be shattered, broken into pieces and destroyed within a decade of his turbulent time on the throne. Therefore, his kingdom was not everlasting. This claim can only be made of one man – Dowd – because he is returning to reign forevermore.
Reminding us that He was still addressing Dowd, the King was the only man Yahowah referred to as His Son, doing so three times. Therefore, it is obvious that the only transition has been from Yahowah speaking directly to His Son to talking to us about him. And as a result, to claim this 208prophetic pronouncement on behalf of the mythical misnomer Jesus is nothing short of identity theft. It applies to the greatest man who ever lived, Yahowah’s Chosen One and Firstborn, the Messiah and King, Dowd, and not to a fable.
And yet, that is exactly what Peter, Paul, and Luke were implying by misappropriating Yahowah’s promise to Dowd, and to us through him, and donating it to Iesou Christou. I can assure you that Christianity’s coconspirators will be convicted of this crime and suffer the consequence – which is an eternity in She’owl.
Speaking to us about His beloved Son, Yahowah specifically warned His people that the likes of Peter, Paul, and pals would misappropriate and corrupt almost everything He said of him…
“‘So when that which is associated with him is warped and perverted, twisted such that it is contrary to what has been stated (‘asher ba ‘awah huw’), I will resolve the dispute against him, vindicating him, deciding with him to expose and issue a condemnation (wa yakah huw’) against the weapons and staves wielded by rulers of the nations (ba shebet) of men (‘ishym) and against (wa ba) the fungus and plague that has fallen (nega’) upon the descendants (ben) of ‘Adam (‘adam).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:14)
Fathers are protective of their children, and they will not tolerate those who seek to ruin their relationships. So, when the consequence results in a deadly plague and the spread of religious fungus, there will be recompense. And yet, just like Paul citing the prophecy in Habakkuk which condemned him, Peter did the same thing by pilfering this Divine narrative regarding Dowd. It is, therefore, embarrassing that there hasn’t been a single scholar who was capable of pointing out the obvious.
Yahowah’s declaration explains why He opposes the religious charade, transferring the promises He made to the Messiah to create a Christ. God’s not a believer…
209“‘Therefore (wa), My steadfast devotion, enduring love, commitment to the relationship, and unmitigated favor (chesed ‘any) will not be removed from him, be disassociated or diminished regarding him, or replaced, substituting another for him (lo’ suwr min huw’) as was the case when (ka ‘asher) I turned away from and completely rejected (suwr min) associating with (‘im) Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl) whom, to show the proper way (‘asher), I removed (suwr) from your presence (min la paneh ‘atah).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:15)
Unlike most people, Yahowah is loyal, and His love is enduring. He is eternally committed to the Covenant Family. This is especially so regarding His Son, our King, Dowd.
While everything was stolen from him to create the mythology of the Christian counterfeit, having done so comes with a strong rebuke from God. Yahowah even condemns the primary culprit by name – Sha’uwl. Just as Dowd’s initial nemesis was disavowed, demon-possessed, and perished apart from the people, the same was true of the Sha’uwl known to Christians as Paul. And while he died separated, rejected, and alone, in the final condemnation, all traces of his religion will be expunged from the Earth.
Speaking directly to Dowd again, and thus to us through him, God concludes…
“‘And so (wa), your family (beyth ‘atah) and (wa) your position of authority, your kingdom and reign (malakah ‘atah), are assured, as it is trustworthy and dependable, firmly established, credible, and enduring (‘aman) forever as a continuing witness (‘ad ‘owlam) in My presence (la paneh ‘atah). Your throne and seat of honor (kise’ ‘atah) will be (hayah) established and sustained (kuwn) forevermore as restoring testimony (‘ad ‘owlam).’ (Shamuw’el 2 7:16)
Consistent with all of these words (ka kol ha dabarym ha ‘eleh) and in accord with (wa ka) the entire 210revelation (kol ha chizywon ha zeh), in this manner, Nathan accurately conveyed this (ken dabar Nathan) to Dowd (‘el Dowd).” (Shamuw’el / Listen to Him / 2 Samuel 7:17)
This prophecy has been about houses, who builds them and who lives in them. It is about Dowd, who had a home, not “Jesus” who was homeless throughout the myths conceived about him. Its focus has been on what God is going to do for, with, and through His beloved Son. It is also about seeds and thrones, who sows them and who sits upon them. As such, the three so-called Abrahamic religions predicated on false messiahs – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – should have been vociferously renounced in their infancy and never have been allowed to grow.
Those adept at changing names, who actually made a religion out of doing so, Peter, Paul, and pals, replaced Dowd’s name with Iesou / Jesus in a desperate attempt to make their counterfeit appear divine. Foolology became part and parcel of Christianity. It was the first phase of replacements since the revisionists would go on to replace Jews with Christians.
Dowd | David, the individual being addressed, was robbed by Christians to create the illusion that their “Jesus” was the Messiah. That is why we find Yahowah coming to the defense of His Ben, ha Mashyach, our Yasha’ and returning Melek.
God chose a shepherd boy, a child chasing after sheep, to lead His people and enlighten the world. He did not choose a scholar, a theologian, an expert in linguistics, a star athlete, a social media celebrity, or a man with a proven record in politics or the military. That is not to suggest that the lad was without merit. He was brilliant and thoughtful, articulate and courageous, attributes Yahowah would cultivate over time. The result is the Mizmowr and Mashal | Psalms and Proverbs, even the fulfillment of the Mow’edym | Restoring Witnesses of the Eternal Testimony.
211Yahowah is constantly reminding us that He is focused on Yisra’el. The descendants of Ya’aqob are His people. This has not and will not change. There is no room for a Gentile Church. Dowd established a united Yisra’el in the Promised Land, incorporating Yaruwshalaim as his home. So, when Yahowah promised to “appoint a place for My people, Yisra’el, planting them there such that they will never have to move again,” He was addressing a time nearly 3,000 years removed from this discussion.
After having fulfilled Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym, Dowd will return on Kipurym, this time to serve as the King of Kings. All the Psalmist has sown will come to fruition. His will be the place of honor as it is his witness that makes him the most deserving candidate.
As a proud Father, Yahowah will hold those who have robbed His Son of this dignity accountable. He will chastise those who have perverted and twisted the promises He has made to His Beloved by perverting this prophecy. Second only to the embezzlement of His name by religious Jews, this crime irks the Almighty more than any other.
Once again, Yahowah revealed something exceedingly important, and the religious have sought to convolute it to serve their perverted interests. That which Peter, Paul, and Luke took from Dowd to make their Iesoun appear worthy became part and parcel of Christianity.
Therefore, since this ongoing diatribe robbing Dowd and his people has been appalling to the Almighty, I wanted to present the next line in context. So, as a reminder as to where we have been, the preposterous Peter promoted…
“Israelite (Israelites) men (andros), listen to (akouo) these words (logos): Iesou (ΙΝΥ – placeholder for Iesou which became Jesus in the 17th century) the Nazarene (Nazoraios), is a man (andros) who publicly demonstrated (apodeiknymi) to (eis) you (sy) that he is from (apo) Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) using supernatural powers and abilities (dynamis) to perform extraordinary miracles with prophetic significance 212(teras). These are signs (semeion) which (hos) Theos | God (ΘΣ) performed (poieomai) through (dia) him (autos) in your midst (mesos) as (kathos) you know (oida). (Acts 2:22)
He was appointed to (horizo) the prearranged and prophetic (prognosis) plan and purpose (boule) of Theos (ΘΣ), he was betrayed and given over (ekdotos) to (dia) the hand (cheir) of the Towrahless (anomos) who chose to take control and lift him up (anaireo), affixing him (prospegnumi). (Acts 2:23)
Theos (ΘΩ) restored him to life and raised him (anistamai), releasing and dismissing him (lou) from the suffering and pain (odin) of death (thanatos) because (kathoti) it was not (ou) possible (dynatos) for him to exist (eimi) held and influenced (krateo) by (hypo) these things. (Acts 2:24)
For (gar – because) David (ΔΔ – a placeholder for Dowd using the Greek transliteration Dauid) said (lego) of (eis) him (autos), ‘I foresee (proorao) the Kurios | Lord (ΚΩ) in front of (enopion) me (ego) always (pas) on my behalf (dia) because (hoti) from (ek – out of) his right hand (dexios) I will not be (me eimi) shaken or swayed (saleuomai). (Acts 2:25)
Therefore (dia), my heart (kardia) rejoices (euphrainomai), and my tongue (glossa) delights (agalliao) that also (eti) my flesh (sarkos) will abide and endure (kataskenoo) as a result of (epi) a confident and trusting expectation (elpis). (Acts 2:26)
Because (hoti) my soul (psyche) will not (ou) be utterly forsaken and totally abandoned (egkataleipo) in Hades (hades). Neither (oude) will Your Holy One (hosios) be allowed (didomi) to see (horao) decay and decomposition (diaphthora). (Acts 2:27)
Reveal and make known to (gnorizo) me (ego) the way (hodos) to a complete (pleroo) life (zoe) of joy and gladness (euphrosyne) in proximity to (meta) Your presence (prosopon).’ (Acts 2:28)
213Gentlemen (andros), brothers (adelphos), it is possible (exesti) after all to say (eipon) to you in open public discourse, enjoying freedom of speech (parresia) with regard to (pros) and concerning (peri) the patriarch (patriaches) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for Dauid, a Greek transliteration for Dowd), that (hoti) he both died (teleutao) and was buried (thapto), and his tomb (mnema) exists (eimi) among (en) us, even until (achri) this (houtos) day (hemera). (Acts 2:29)
“Being (hyparcho) therefore (oun) a prophet (prophetes), and knowing (oida) that (hoti) Theos | God (ΘΣ) swore (omnuo) an oath (horkos) that from out (ek) of the fruit (darpos) of his loins (osphys), would sit (kathizo) upon (epi) His (autos) throne (thronos), he foresaw (proorao) and spoke (laleo) about (peri) the rising up and standing upright (anastasis) of the Christon (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon, which became Christ), because namely (hoti), he was not (oute) left behind and abandoned so as to remain (egkataleipo) at (eis) Hades (hades), nor (oute) did his flesh (sarx) see (horao) decomposition (diaphthora).” (Acts 2:30-31)
So now, demonstrating that my assessment continues to be accurate regarding the realization that this cast of contrarian characters was used by the Roman Catholic Church to concoct a malignant medley to take what was said of Dowd on these occasions and apply it to the counterfeit Iesou Christon | Jesus Christ, Shim’own’s incredulous monologue resumes…
“This Iesoun (ΙΝ – placeholder for Iesoun | Jesus) whom Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) raised up (anistamai – caused to be restored to life and stand upright), which all (pas) of us exist as (eimi) witnesses (martyros – spectators and observers who can testify based upon their experience), therefore (oun) is the right hand (dexia – the authority and power) of Theos (ΘΥ), lifted up and exalted (hypsoo).
He also (te) promised (epangelia) the Holy (hagion) Pneuma (ΠΝΣ – placeholder for pneuma – spirit) who is 214received and acquired (lambano) from (para) the Pater (ΠΡΣ – placeholder for pater – father), which (hos) you all (sou) have also (kai) seen (blepo) and heard (akouo).” (Acts 2:32-33)
There was no one named “Iesoun” in 1st-century Judea. The person being crudely counterfeited is Dowd. God has a name, but these shysters didn’t know it.
The body of the Passover Lamb was bludgeoned, discarded, and incinerated. The Pesach ‘Ayil never comes back to life – as that would be ridiculous and defeat its purpose.
No one in this alleged audience was a witness to a risen Iesoun. Fact is, those allegedly exposed to the handful of brief post-Bikuwrym sightings of Gospel Jesus shared one thing in common – no one recognized him. And that completely negates the claim that “all of us exist as witnesses.”
Further, Dowd, as the Right Hand of God, was ignored, disregarded, demeaned, rejected, and replaced, which is the antithesis of “being lifted up and exalted.” The Messiah was not “promised the Holy Spirit.” The Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit of Yahowah came upon him when he was anointed ha Mashyach at eight years of age and never left him. And as for making such a promise, nothing of the sort is found in Dowd’s Mizmowr or Mashal. She isn’t Dowd’s to give. And She is the antithesis of holy | diseased.
By claiming that “the Pater” is the source of “hagion pneuma,” Peter is displaying his ignorance. The Ruwach Qodesh is the Maternal manifestation of Yahowah’s nature – not Paternal. Moreover, no man has seen the Ruwach Qodesh – adding to Peter’s litany of lies. I do not think that he could have messed this up any worse, even if that had been his intent.
The Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit is, as Her title denotes, “set apart” from Yahowah. She is part of God projected into our frame of reference and represents the 215feminine and maternal aspects of Yahowah’s nature. She is not, however, a separate “person” or involved in religion.
The Greek hagiazo, which is typically rendered as “holy,” denotes religious implications. In addition to the “Holy Ghost,” Christianity sports a “Holy Catholic Church,” “Holy Bible,” a “Holy Father,” the “Holy See,” a “Holy Mother,” the “Holy One,” a “Holy Trinity,” “Holy Water,” “Holy Baptism,” and the “Holy Grail,” in addition to “Holy Communion” to name a few – even a “Holy of Holies” and “Holy War” fought over the “Holy Land.” They even celebrate “Halloween.” The New World Encyclopedia states: “The word Holy denotes the presence of sacredness in an object, being, person, place, or idea. It can also indicate an experience of numinosity – all-inspiring and imbued with sacredness. It is often ascribed to saints, gurus, times, or places.” Thomas Aquinas defined holiness “as a virtue by which man’s mind applies itself and all its acts to God.”
The origin of the word “holy” comes from the 11th-century Old German hulis and Old English holegn meaning “holly” as in the Holly Tree – considered a sacred plant to both pre-Christian Celtic and Roman worship. “To hold holly” became “to be holy,” and then “to make holy,” as in “to sanctify.”
The concept of being “set apart” is as central to the Covenant as religious notions like holy are opposed to it. At best, “holy” conceals and corrupts this message, and it replaces God’s terminology with man’s. Worse, it applies attributes to saints, objects, relics, and the Spirit which are completely inaccurate.
But the story gets darker because holy has a satanic past. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “holy” was “originally used to venerate heathen deities in Old Norse.” In the Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols, “holy in practically all languages was derived from the divinely honored sun.” Forlong’s Encyclopedia of Religions says: “Holi is the Great Hindu spring festival held in honor of Krishna as the spring sun-god…and a 216personified woman called Holi.”
Heilei, which is the German pronunciation of holy, means “sun’s ray” and “halo” – combining the religious and scientific symbols for the sun god and man. It is then little wonder religious types are wont to place these pagan images over the heads of their “saints.” As confirmation of this, J.C. Cooper in his Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols, writes: “Nimbus (a halo around a saint’s head replete with a sunburst), Halo, and Aureole (a heavenly crown of radiant light or corona worn by saints) were originally indicative of solar power and of the sun’s disk, and hence display an attribute of sun-gods.”
Since so many of man’s religious words, such as “church,” which is an adaptation of Circe (pronounced similarly to church, representing the sun goddess who was the daughter of Helios), come from Germanic sources, it is instructive to know that heilei and heilig, the German equivalent of holy, were derived from Heil. In Bell’s New Pantheon, “Heil was a Saxon (Prussian and North Germanic) idol.” So it is safe to say that at best, “holy” is wrong in that it misses the point, and at worst, “holy” leads us in the wrong direction.
The closest Hebrew word, holy / choly, means “severe plague and chronic sickness.” As a Jew, fluent in Hebrew, Peter should have known better, even if Luke didn’t.
Peter would have us believe that the Beloved Son of God, the Messiah, the past and future King of Israel, Yahowah’s Firstborn and Chosen One, His Shepherd and the Branch, the great Prophet and Psalmist, did not get into heaven. If so, then the doors are forever sealed…
“For (gar – indeed) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for the Greek transliteration Dauid), did not (ou) ascend (anabaino – rise and go up) to (eis) heaven (ouranos), but (de) himself (autos) said (lego), ‘Said (eipon) Lord (ΚΣ – placeholder for kurios – lord), my (ego) Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurio – lord) sits and resides (kathemai – lives and remains) out of (ek) my (ego) right side (dexios – 217right hand of power and authority) (Acts 2:34) until (hoes) I put (tithemi) your enemies (echthros) as a footstool (hypopodion) for your feet (podos).’” (Acts 2:35)
The initial declaration that – “David did not ascend to heaven” – is so far from the truth, so insulting to Yahowah, so demeaning of His Beloved Son, so negating of the Covenant, and so dismissive of the Mow’ed Miqra’ey, by stating it publicly, Peter, Luke, and his spiritual adviser, Paul, have earned their incarceration in She’owl | Hell. And from this juncture into oblivion, the Church has opined that “the Lord speaking of my Lord” proves that there are multiple persons in the “godhead” and that the unnamed “Jesus” must be in heaven instead of David. Evil is as demonic says.
Just for our entertainment, I would ask those promoting these lies: If we are to suppose that Dowd is speaking in the first person in his Psalm, who is it that is saying “Until I put your enemies as a footstool for your feet?” With Dowd as the speaker rather than the subject of the Psalm, wouldn’t that make “Dauid” more powerful than “the Lord?”
Tell me, how is it that the full cadre of Christian theologians over this vast chasm of time have not been able to admit the conclusion of the sentence negates any possibility that it was spoken by “David” of “Jesus?” Are they all complete ignoramuses or is their problem a total lack of integrity?
We have more copies of the Psalms extant among the Dead Sea Scrolls than any other Divinely inspired text, more scrolls even than the Towrah or of Isaiah. Unfortunately, the citation now being misappropriated is from Psalm 110, and it is not among them. At issue is the use of ‘adony | my lord after and before Yahowah’s name, in addition to the realization that the entire Psalm was written in Yahowah’s voice. In it, God addresses His subject in second and third person. This is to say that Yahowah is speaking to this individual and then of him, 218similar to what we witnessed in Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7.
This known, the Psalm was written about Dowd, not by Dowd – as is the case with the magnificent 89th Mizmowr. Therefore, the introductory line in Acts 2, “but he, himself, said…” is a false assumption since the Psalm was scribed about Dowd, and since almost every statement is consistent with what Yahowah has said of him and no one else.
“A psalm (mizmowr – a poetic song with melody and words) regarding (la – about and concerning the approach of) Dowd (Dowd – the Beloved).”
Using the primary meaning of the preposition, la | to, the mystery of the Psalm is resolved. It is not Dowd, himself, who is saying…, but is, instead, what Yahowah is saying about Dowd. Based upon the Masoretic Text, the Mizmowr reads:
“Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of as directed in His towrah regarding His hayah) prophetically announced in advance of it occurring (na’um – declares and predicts through a prophet (participle masculine singular)) concerning the approach of (la – regarding and to) my Lord and my Upright One (‘adown ‘any / ‘edown ‘any – my master and authority figure, used as a sign of respect by a subordinate): ‘You have chosen of your own accord to actually dwell (yashab – under the auspices of freewill, you have decided to genuinely live and remain (qal imperative – a genuine expression of volition in the second person regarding living and dwelling)) at My right side as My Right Hand (la yamyn ‘any – with My power and authority) as an eternal witness to the restoring testimony (‘ad – continuously and forever, into perpetuity as a source of the reconciling message).
I will place (syth – I will set (qal imperfect)) your enemies and those who discount you (‘oyab ‘atah – your foes who are openly hostile to your status and opposed to your position, displaying animus and rancor toward you) as (la) your foot (regel ‘atah) stool (hadom – from an 219unused root meaning to stamp upon and tread under foot).’” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:1)
This was written by a prophet, perhaps the aforementioned Nathan, to reveal what Yahowah said to him regarding this individual, whom the prophet calls either ‘adony | my lord or ‘edony | my upright one. Both distinctions were common and appropriate as titles when used to address a person of considerable status, like a king, whom the writer knows and respects.
However, not only would it be inappropriate to call Yahowah “my Lord,” this is not Yahowah speaking at this point. We know this to be the case because there is no situation where God would refer to anyone as “My Lord.” Further, there would have been no one at the time this was written who would have known the fable that would become Gospel Jesus or who could have spoken of him as “my Anything.” Even beyond these realizations, we should also acknowledge that all but one word of what follows pertains to Dowd and nothing is applicable to the myth of Gospel Jesus.
And if I may point out the obvious, the psalmist has already identified “my lord.” The introduction reads: “A psalm (mizmowr) about, concerning, and to (la) Dowd (Dowd).”
We can compare this with what ‘Eythan shared in the 89th Psalm, “Beside You, and on Your behalf (la ‘atah – to approach You and concerning You, by Your side), the Zarowa’ | Protective Shepherd and Sacrificial Lamb (zarowa’ – the Productive Ram who shepherds the flock, the Strong Arm who prevails because he is effective and capable, fully resolved with the overall ability to accomplish the mission, the remarkably important and impactful individual of action who, as a leader and fighter is engaged as a shepherd among his sheep, who is fruitful in his ways, especially when sowing the seeds which take root and grow, producing new and productive life while denoting and advancing the purpose of the Arm of God, of His Shepherd and Sacrificial Lamb) with tremendous 220power, courage, character, and awesome ability (‘im gabuwrah – with the will to fight and the capacity to perform, who accomplishes what needs to be done, becoming victorious; from feminine of gibowr – a mighty warrior, valiant soldier, and capable defender, a courageous hero worth noting) will be Your strong hand (‘azaz yad ‘atah – is the means You will use to confidently prevail, applying the force required to firmly establish and boldly overpower) raised up high (ruwm – lifted up as an extension from the source) at Your right side as Your Right Hand (yamyn ‘atah – with your authority and power for having chosen to be right).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:13)
Therefore, to pretend in the 110th Mizmowr that “David” is the one speaking rather than Yahowah or that Dowd is addressing an undisclosed Lord is ludicrous. Peter’s alleged citation not only borders on the illiterate, but it would also have David buried rather than in heaven as a preamble. Then in contradiction of that, he has David playing the role of God, such that the Lord sits at his side while he makes a footstool of the Lord’s enemies.
Recognizing that Dowd’s reconstituted basar | corporeal body and nepesh | consciousness were deployed to enable the promises associated with Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, the Christian premise unravels. It would have Yahowah predicting that His soul decided independently of Himself to live at His right side. Even if it were possible, there would be no reason to predict such a thing. And, of course, it still wouldn’t be applicable to Jesus.
While God has freewill, Yahowah is speaking of another, not Himself. And the one person who has made it abundantly clear that he has chosen to live with Yah is Dowd. And not-so-coincidentally, he is the same person Yahowah has referred to as His Right Hand.
Gospel Jesus did not leave us with a single written word, and Dowd was the most prolific writer among Yahowah’s prophets. Dowd exemplifies “‘ad – an everlasting and eternal witness.”
221Even in the myths attributed to him, Gospel Jesus was never “‘oyab – discounted by those opposed to his position” but instead the opposite. He is afforded titles well beyond what was appropriate. By contrast, Dowd’s Psalms are replete with references to his enemies who have sought to negate his position with Yahowah.
Dowd is the only one being discredited by those besmirching him and ascribing undue status to the Christian counterfeit. Moreover, to claim that David is not in heaven is counter to everything that was written about him.
This passage in Acts 2 is one of many which points directly toward what Christians have done to rob Dowd of his position with God. So even at this early point, we know that this is not something being said by Dowd or about Gospel Jesus, but said about Dowd, thus negating Peter’s statement and Luke’s assessment on behalf of Paul.
When we compare Luke’s positioning of this prophetic declaration with Yahowah’s presentation of it, an observant and rational reader immediately recognizes that the misquoted statement provides no evidence to demonstrate any of Luke’s assertions – while it contains considerable proof to discredit them. While his rendition shares some words in common to fool the unwary, the Psalm does not infer that “David did not ascend to heaven.” The prophecy is about Dowd, so he is not the one who said what follows – negating the somewhat clever repositioning. The Greek citation replaced Yahowah’s name with “kurios – Lord,” giving the false impression that there were two “Lords” in the passage, with one referring to “Jesus Christ.” However, counter to Peter’s claim, nothing in the prophecy applies to anyone other than the man to whom it was addressed – Dowd.
Before we move on, let’s compare God’s Word to man’s New Testament drivel…
“A psalm (mizmowr) about and to (la) Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd). Yahowah (Yahowah) prophetically 222announces in advance of it occurring (na’um) concerning the approach of (la) my Lord and Upright One (‘adony / ‘edony): ‘You have chosen of your own accord to actually dwell (yashab) at (la) My right side (yamyn ‘any) as an eternal witness (‘ad).
I will place (syth) your enemies and those who discount you (‘oyab ‘atah) as (la) your foot (regel ‘atah) stool (hadom).’” (Mizmowr / Psalm 110:1)
“For (gar) Dauid (ΔΔ), did not (ou) ascend (anabaino) to (eis) heaven (ouranos), but (de) himself (autos) said (lego), ‘Said (eipon) Lord (ΚΣ): My (ego) Lord (ΚΩ) sits and resides (kathemai) out of (ek) My (ego) right side (dexios) until (hoes) I put (tithemi) your enemies (echthros) as a footstool (hypopodion) for your feet (podos).” (Acts 2:34-35)
If I may state the obvious, not only is Acts 2:34-35 an incomprehensible and inexcusable rendering of Psalm 110:1, it is an embarrassment to Christendom.
When it comes to stupidity, Luke and Peter have set a new standard. And that is the kindest interpretation that can be made of this drivel because the most accurate assessment would entail acknowledging their evil intent.
To hold this up as evidence prophetically demonstrating that Iesoun / Jesus was divine and that he superseded Dowd is pathetic to the point of utter desperation. And to believe that this verbal diarrhea was inspired by God on behalf of Jesus requires a complete suspension of evidence and reason.
How is it that over the past 1,700 years, not a single religious scholar has denounced this obvious deception while countless have opined that it validates the Trinity? Is the Christian religion universally effective at incapacitating every believer’s ability to think or are the clerics and theologians in on the scam?
While the illiterate and misappropriated, even 223mistranslated, citation of Psalm 110:1 found in Acts 2:34-35 concludes after massacring the 1st verse, I am not one to turn the page when there is much more to learn, when there are false prophets to expose and liars to condemn. The fraudulent repositioning of the 110th Psalm to elevate “Jesus” over Dowd is something those who love Yahowah must overcome with evidence and reason.
This begs the question: why am I the first to point this out? Over the past 2,000 years, there have been plenty of Jews who could read Hebrew and Greek and make the same comparisons. Moreover, they should have been motivated because they were being dehumanized and demonized, subjugated and plundered by the religion built upon these lies.
And why, with Jews suffering all manner of calamities at the hands of those who robbed Dowd to create Jesus, didn’t a single Jew over this vast chasm of time point out the obvious and acknowledge that Dowd represented everything that was falsely projected on their nemesis? And yet, even to this day, and after billions of hours of study, rabbis are set against acknowledging Dowd as the Son of God, the Messiah, or their Savior for having fulfilled the Mow’ed Miqra’ey.
As for Dowd, while nearly as flawed as his people, he accomplished three things that constitute three lives well lived. He was the most courageous and effective defender of his people, beginning at a young age when he excoriated and then decapitated an arrogant Philistine. He, as a prophet and lyricist, wrote a hundred magnificent Mizmowr and Mashal enlightening and inspiring us to this day. And he performed the most laudable and noble act in human history by volunteering to fulfill Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym and Shabuw’ah. It is little wonder that Yahowah will honor him in his third life as more God than King.
Returning our attention to Psalm 110, in spite of its repetitive mentions of Yahowah’s name and its overt condemnation of Yisra’el’s foes as Father and Son rid the 224world of Christians, it is the single most quoted Hebrew citation in the Greek New Testament. It is as if Satan is taunting us.
As we recommence, be aware that there is no reference to Gospel Jesus ever touching a scepter or a lance. He did not wield a staff while shepherding sheep. However, Dowd held all three in a meaningful way. Dowd ruled over Yisra’el as King and he is defined by Tsyown, but neither applies to the myth of Iesoun. Dowd fought countless battles to protect his people, while Christon did not fight anyone. I share this to reaffirm that the Mizmowr was written to and about Dowd, and therefore, it was wrong to claim it for the imposter.
“Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration) dispatches and extends (shalach – continually reaches out (qal imperfect third-person masculine singular)) from (min) Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown) your mighty scepter, your fortified staff, and your strengthened spear (mateh ‘oz ‘atah – Your forceful lance and strong branch, even your empowered tribes), for you to choose to rule over, dominating and subduing (radah – to express your desire to control and trample (qal imperative second-person masculine singular)) your foes who are openly hostile to your status and opposed to your position (‘oyeb ‘atah – your enemies and those who discount you, displaying animus and rancor toward you) in battle (ba qerab – while fighting the war).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:2)
Yahowah spoke of doing this very thing for and with Dowd in the Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7 passage that Peter, Paul, and pals misappropriated. It is a constant theme throughout the Prophets. Dowd is a fighter, a shepherd and king, who constantly battled to protect his people. Gospel Jesus never confronted a militant foe.
We will discover that both Dowd, and the legends propping up his counterfeit, will attest that they came from 225Bethlehem. In Dowd’s case, leaving the “House of Bread” proved symbolic of him removing the yeast from our souls during Matsah. Further, the location and purpose of Tsyown are explained in harmony with the Mashyach who lived there, while Gospel Jesus is never mentioned in association with this place. This connection is so strong, there is only one man, at the exclusion of all others, of whom Yahowah would “extend from Tsyown.”
There are only three individuals whose future returns are foretold by Yahowah. ‘ElYah will arrive in Yaruwshalaim on Passover in 2030 to serve as one of two Witnesses alongside Yada’, Dowd’s Basar | Herald. And Dowd will be returning with Yahowah on the Day of Reconciliations in 2033 as Mashyach and Melek. His first order of business will be to do as Psalm 110:2 proclaims. These are the three men with three lives. All three will have lived a full life to old age, a very short and challenging one lasting three to four years, and an eternal one thereafter.
We know that there are a number of exceedingly expressive prophecies pertaining to the fulfillment of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. Not only is Gospel Jesus never mentioned in association with them, Dowd is typically named and always depicted.
In this next statement, ‘am ‘atah | your people is used in reference to the family comprising the Children of Yisra’el – not a gowym church.
“Your people (‘am ‘atah – your family) will be free and abundantly enriched, willing and able (nedabah – will be liberated and highly motivated, desirous and eager to volunteer and play their part), on the day (ba yowm – during the time) associated with the beautiful appearance and uncommon splendor, the uniquely majestic and honorable manifestation (ba hadar qodesh – in glorious fashion, instilling respect, adorned in a manner which sets you apart as a person of the highest status), of your physical prowess, exceptional qualifications, noble character, and unique ability (chayl ‘atah – of your extraordinary endurance and 226effectiveness, even your enormous wealth, the strength of your troops and your political and military competence, also your ability to prosper through an eternity of time).
From (min – out of) the womb and in love, showing the compassion of a Mother (rechem – the point of origin with great affection and mercy, showing concern for the relationship), your light will dawn, approaching (mishchar la ‘atah – in the early morning light, your time will approach, transitioning from darkness to light with a renewed vigor; from my – to ponder the implications of shachar – being diligently observant while earnestly seeking the truth from the onset, right from the very beginning with) the prosperity and abundance (tal – like the enveloping covering and refreshing nature of the dew, you will be renewed, adorned, and pervasive; from talal – to be wholly saturated and covered) of your youth (yalduwth ‘atah – of the time you were young, your childhood; from yalad – when you were born).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:3)
This is prophetic of the Second Coming of Dowd | David. By delivering on the promised benefits of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, Dowd abundantly enriched his people while liberating us from our prior guilt, making us appear perfect in God’s eyes. His beautiful reappearance occurred on Firstborn Children when his prowess as the Son of God and King of Kings was restored.
The Messiah was able to serve Yisra’el and Yahuwdah in this way because of his exceptional qualifications, noble character, and unique capabilities – making him the perfect man for the job.
The reference to his Mother is to the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit who removed Dowd’s soul from She’owl the morning of Bikuwrym. Her light revealed his brilliance. And as a result of what they have achieved, we prosper.
There may even be references to the Messiah’s Third Coming as well. This will be a time when everyone will be like-minded, and motivated to help rid the world of every 227threat – including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Socialist Secular Progressive Humanism. God’s people will rally around our Shepherd and King, eager to volunteer as the Earth is scrubbed of the stench of religion and nationalism.
We are told on three occasions that Dowd was beautiful, a particularly handsome man (Psalm 45 and 1 Samuel 16 and 17). By contrast, the legends pertaining to Gospel Jesus suggest that he was average-looking at best. Therefore, should I have been correct regarding ma’al describing “a minute, exceedingly small, piece” of Dowd’s DNA, then we will see him in all of his original glory – just as this Psalm attests.
This said, Yahowah’s perspective on men is different from our own. Dowd was beautiful in Yahowah’s eyes for many reasons. Among them were his brilliant mind, soaring rhetoric, passion for his people, and exemplary character. I have only seen his words, and yet, after observing them I have come to love him.
One of the most effective ways to ascertain the identity of the individual presented in Messianic prophecies, such as this one, and others like what we read in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9:6-7, is that Dowd’s name appears in almost all of them. Further, Dowd is often presented as a gibowr | a courageous and capable man. Its definition is very similar to chayl, which speaks of “physical prowess, exceptional qualifications, noble character, and unique ability.” It foretells of a man of “extraordinary endurance and effectiveness, who possesses enormous wealth.” And as a gibowr and chayl, we know that the Messiah will be “a warrior, someone who fights to defend Yisra’el, competently leading troops into battle while wielding political and military authority.” Dowd is this man. Gospel Jesus was not.
The conclusion of the 3rd statement of the 110th Mizmowr speaks of Dowd to the exclusion of all others. He was born Beloved. He is the ultimate recipient of Yahowah’s rechem | love and affection. He was known for 228beginning his day at dawn and no one began as gloriously in their youth as God’s son. He was not only chosen and anointed at eight, in short order, he slayed his people’s most belligerent foe. His best Songs were written early in his life.
Equally befitting, Yahowah tells us that Dowd will be “as brilliant as the sun” upon his return. He will be “as God.” This promise is made in the 89th Mizmowr which we will consider again in the concluding volume of Twistianity.
Not only did Dowd provide an abundance of Mizmowr / Psalms during his life as God’s Shepherd and Chosen One, as Yahowah’s Firstborn and the returning King of the Universe, Dowd will receive the lion’s share of the inheritance associated with the Covenant.
While Yahowah made promises to many, there were only two to whom He made solemn oaths: ‘Abraham and Dowd. And since He has already fulfilled all of His promises to the former, it appears as if Yahowah is ascribing yet another distinction upon the latter…
“Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) has sworn an oath, having made a solemn promise (shaba’ – He has affirmed the truthfulness of His previous statements by meeting the conditions in association with seven (nifal perfect third-person masculine singular)), and He will never change it (wa lo’ nacham – He will not reconsider or relent, and He will not alter His course of action at any time to console anyone, because He has done so without regret (nifal imperfect third-person masculine singular)).
You are a royal advisor and supreme leader adorned in a priestly fashion (‘atah kohen – you are a counselor and ruler, the principal officer, serving by ministering; from kahan – to serve by playing the role of a priest, becoming a priest, and being adorned as a kohen) forever (la ‘owlam – for the duration of time) with regard 229to the words of (‘al dibrah – according and corresponding to the proper sequence of events which have been communicated through the message concerning; feminine of dabar – the spoken and written word of) Meleky Tsadaq | My Rightful King (Meleky Tsadaq – My Royal Counselor and Advisor and Sovereign Ruler; from melek – king, which is from the verbal root malak – to be the ruler who provides leadership, counsel, and advice with the pronoun suffix y for ‘any | my – and tsadaq – being right, correct, acquitted and vindicated, just and righteous, justified and upright).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:4)
Throughout the prophets, Yahowah speaks more about Dowd, and of the promises He has made to him, than any other individual – and by a wide margin. At one point in the 89th Mizmowr, God even says that if all of the promises He has made to Dowd do not materialize, you can call Him a liar – which is what Christians have done by transferring everything said of Dowd to “Jesus.”
As a direct affront to the most pervasive plague to infect humankind – Christianity – God says regarding this individual that He will not change His mind. This is a stunning rebuke of Replacement Theology in the very Psalm used more than any other to advance this malignant mythology. What Yahowah promised to do for and with His Beloved and Firstborn Son, His Chosen Shepherd and Messiah, the King of Kings, cannot ever be taken away from him and given to another.
The concluding phrase of the 4th statement has left scholars and theologians bewildered for centuries because they are unwilling to search for the meaning of Hebrew words – especially names. And they fail to appreciate how context dictates the proper way to translate the ideas embedded within the terminology.
God is not talking about a “kohen – priest” in the sense of a Lowy | Levite serving in this role. The only Lowy of the status required to be the subject of this prophecy was Moseh – and it does not apply to him. He has fulfilled the mission of liberating the Children of Yisra’el while helping 230them grow by sharing Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance and Teaching.
I say this because no Lowy | Levite, other than Moseh | Moses, chose to dwell at Yahowah’s right side while serving as an eternal witness. However, Moseh’s foes were vanquished long ago. Dowd’s enemies rose after his service as king and prior to his return.
Moseh wielded a staff, but not a scepter or a spear. Dowd held all three. Dowd is the living embodiment of Tsyown while Moseh never set foot upon this place. Moseh was a liberator and Dowd a defender.
That is not to say that Dowd won’t be serving as a priest, because he will, and in the most essential way and on the most important day. It was while translating and analyzing the 3rd chapter of Zakaryah that I came to realize that Dowd would be serving in the role of High Priest, doing what Yahowah instructed of ‘Aharown regarding anointing the Kaporeth | Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant on Yowm Kipurym to prepare Yisra’el for Yahowah’s return. That is why Psalm 110:4 acknowledges that Dowd will be adorned in priestly fashion.
Any allusion to another individual besides Dowd, including Moseh, dissipates entirely within the 3rd statement because the final liberation and enrichment of Yisra’el will occur upon Dowd’s return, when he will be as brilliant as the sun. It is God waxing poetic about His beloved Son, the poet, when He calls his “appearance beautiful” and “uniquely majestic.” As for “honorable,” “earning the highest respect,” and “being exceptionally qualified,” these are accurate assessments of this man of “noble character and enormous wealth” – even by God’s standards.
As we continue to demonstrate that this prophecy could only be addressing one man at the exclusion of all others, should Yahowah have been addressing “Jesus” as Christians claim, by “shaba’ – honoring a solemn promise” which He “lo’ nacham – will not change,” then God could 231not have endorsed a new religion based upon Replacement Theology, a New Testament, or negated the role of the Passover Lamb. And if the kohen is a reference to Moseh, then the Towrah remains in effect – now and always.
The key to understanding kohen is to look beyond the initial definition to its secondary connotation, “counselor and advisor,” recognizing that this is why the title was chosen. And then we must look to its actionable root: kahan, meaning: “royal ruler, priestly advisor, supreme leader, and sovereign counselor who serves the people while adorned in priestly fashion.” Since there has never been a Lowy who qualifies within this context, Yahowah is addressing the “royal advisor and supreme leader” of His people, who is Meleky Tsadaq | My Rightful King. Of these, there is only one: King Dowd.
The problem people seem to have translating this is that they are not familiar with the words which comprise the names Yahowah has chosen. There is no “priestly order of Melchizedek.” It is nothing more or less than Yahowah announcing that Dowd is His rightful king. Meleky means “My King” and Tsadaq means “right.” Based upon the root meaning of both words, Meleky Tsadaq conveys: “My Royal Counselor and Advisor, My Sovereign Ruler who is right, correct, acquitted, and vindicated, justified, righteous, and upright.”
More than for anyone who has ever lived, Yahowah has said of Dowd that he is right. And when the people chose Sha’uwl, Yahowah chose Dowd as Melek of Yisra’el.
At this point, the prophet announces that Dowd, as Yahowah’s Right Hand, will do as God has promised…
“My Lord and my Upright One (‘adony / ‘edony ‘any – the one I look up to as a sign of respect and my foundation and support upon which I stand), who is at Your right hand (‘al yamin ‘atah – upon Your right side, designating the preferred position of authority and power), he will strike (machats – will pierce and dash, severely 232agitate and shake up, ultimately crushing) during this time (ba yowm – in this day) of His king’s wrath (‘aph huw’ melek – of the frustration and resentment of His ruler, the righteous indignation of His sovereign counselor).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:5)
The prophet, most likely Nathan, is revealing what Yahowah revealed to him about the return of his King, our Messiah and Savior, Dowd. At Yahowah’s right hand, ha Mashyach will lash out at Yisra’el’s foes, especially Christians, Muslims, religious Jews, and Progressives. The King is angry, as is his God. And frankly, after reading Acts, who can blame them?
Should you be a Christian, this is not good news. To be judged seldom has a favorable outcome – particularly now. And to have the man whose life your religion has ransacked, and whose people you have demeaned and “replaced” be the arbitrator, puts those who believe in the Pauline “Jesus Christ” in a very bad position. But do not take my word on this – listen to God.
“He will execute judgment to defend and to accuse (dyn – he will decide between right and wrong based upon the agreed set of principles, adjudicating by contending and convicting, taking legal action against while debating and disputing) among the Gowym | Gentile religions and nations (ha gowym – those who are not Jews, the communities of people from other races, cultures, and places) filling them (male’ – putting an end to them) with corpses (gawyah – with the carcasses of dead bodies; from gewah – to be left behind, feminine of gowy – non-Yisra’elites).
He will strike, mortally wounding (machats – he will physically impact and dash, slicing up and shattering), the leaders (ro’sh – the highest-ranking individuals, especially those who govern at the highest levels) of the greatest on Earth (‘al ‘erets rab – the preponderance of the earth).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:6)
Methinks Gowym did not replace Yahuwdym.
233And yet Gowym Christians believe that this Lord, the one killing them and their leaders, will be their very own “Jesus Christ.” Welcome Twistian Zombies to the land of the Living Dead.
Once upon a time, I shuddered when I read statements like this one. But now, I concur with them. The punishment fits the crime. And without recompense, there is no justice.
Yahowah will once again engage with Dowd, the returning Messiah, to protect His people and home from a world that has turned against them. It is appropriate and fair.
Gentile Christians and Muslims, Conspirators and now Socialists, Communists, and Progressives, have continued to conspire to rob King Dowd’s people of their calling, their land, their rights, their dignity, their freedom, and their very lives. And they have chosen to support human religious and political institutions whose edicts besmirch Yahowah’s name and reputation. Their assembly of United Nations is overtly and overwhelmingly anti-Israel. It is so pathetic; the leaders of nations will invert the truth and embrace Islamic terrorists to condemn God’s people.
If I were to ask you to name a moral and truthful political or religious leader, and give you a month to find one, your list would appear as a blank page. Goodbye and good riddance. And along with this cadre of corrupt souls, we can toss out the myth that the 110th Psalm demonstrates that, while David was excluded from heaven, dead and buried, he nonetheless peered into the Christian paradise to praise the Lords who had dealt fraudulently with him.
The concluding statements in the 110th Mizmowr are reminiscent of others, one from the 89th Mizmowr and the other from Zakaryah 3. As it related to the never-ending promise, here are those references:
“‘I have established, cutting through separation (karat) the Beryth | Covenant for the Family and Home (Beryth) through ‘Any Bachyr | My Chosen One – the person I prefer and have decided upon (la bachyr ‘any).
234I have sworn an oath, and I will affirm this promise seven times over (shaba’) to Dowd | the Beloved (la Dowd), ‘Ebed ‘Any | My Authorized Agent and Coworker who serves on My behalf (‘ebed ‘any). (Mizmowr 89:3)
Forevermore, as an ‘Ad ‘Owlam | Eternal Witness to the Restoring Testimony (‘ad ‘owlam), I will prepare and establish (kuwn) your offspring and that which you sow (zera’ ‘atah). In addition, I will construct a home (wa banah) for your throne and seat of honor (kise’ ‘atah) on behalf of all generations throughout time (la dowr wa dowr).’ Selah | Pause now and contemplate the implications (selah).’” (Mizmowr 89:4)
And now, here is my personal favorite…
“‘Accordingly (wa), My unwavering love, enduring devotion, unmitigated favoritism, affection, and generosity (chesed ‘any) I will never remove from him or withdraw from being with him (lo’ parar min ‘im huw’) because I will never communicate something which is not true nor will I ever contradict (wa lo’ shaqar) My steadfast commitment to the truth (ba ‘emuwnah ‘any). (Mizmowr 89:33)
I will never dishonor or betray (lo’ chalal) Beryth ‘Any | My Covenant Family (beryth ‘any) nor will I ever alter, disguise, or change (wa lo’ shanah) that which has gone forth from (mowtsa’) My lips (saphah ‘any). (Mizmowr 89:34)
‘Echad | There is Only One (‘echad) to whom I have affirmed the truth by having made a promise affirmed seven times over (shaba’) by Qodesh ‘Any | My uniquely Set-Apart nature (ba qodesh ‘any). If not to and regarding (‘im la) Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd), I will be proven a liar (kazab).’” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:35)
As for Dowd also serving in the role of High Priest upon his return to anoint the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant on Yowm Kipurym, Yahowah dressed down Yahowsha’ to dress up Dowd…
235“‘Please listen (shama’ na’). Yahowsha’ (Yahowsha’), as the High Priest (ha kohen ha gadowl – as the most important minister serving during the Miqra’ey), you and your loudmouthed associates (‘atah wa rea’ ‘atah – you and your wearisome and wicked companions and undesirable countrymen of ill repute), including those who have inhabited this office before you (ha yashab la paneh ‘atah – who sit in your presence), are individually symbolic (ky ‘iysh mowpheth hem), because indeed (ky), behold (hineh), I, Myself, will return and bring (‘any bow’ – I will come, arriving with) My coworker (‘eth ‘ebed ‘any – with My associate), the Branch (tsemach – the primary source of growth by reaching out to the light). (Zakaryah / Zechariah 3:8)
Pay attention, because (ky hineh) the stone (ha ‘eben) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I have placed before (nathan la paneh) Yahowsha’ (Yahowsha’); there are seven eyes representing insightful promises (sheba’ ‘aynym) on that single stone (‘al ‘eben ‘echad).
Look and see (hineh), I, Myself, will openly engrave (‘any pathach) its inscription (pituwach hy’),’ prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) of the spiritual implements (tsaba’).
‘Then (wa) I will remove (muwsh – I will withdraw) the perversity and depravity (eth ‘awon – the willingness to twist, distort, and bend, including the corruptions) of those in this Land (ha ‘erets ha hy’) in a single day (ba yowm ‘echad).’” (Zakaryah / Zechariah 3:9)
Dowd is returning with Yahowah as God’s coworker and as the Branch. He is the Cornerstone Yahowah put in place long ago. And what has been written of him on that stone includes the insightful promises to fulfill the Miqra’ey. God, Himself, has engraved it and wants us to consider His prophetic inscriptions because in a single day in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE during Chag Matsah, the ‘awon | perversity and depravity of twisting and distorting was removed – preparing the Covenant’s Children for the 236Shabuw’ah Harvest.
We have irrefutable proof that those who wrote the Christian New Testament were deliberate deceivers, disingenuous conmen who played the faithful for fools. They openly disparaged the God whose authority they claimed and, worse, they demonized His people and robbed His Son. Rather than being inspired by God, Christianity is despised by Him. For these insights, alone, our journey into Acts has paid dividends.
Since Luke was not yet through tarnishing his and Peter’s reputations, let’s see what else Paul’s propagandist claimed the supposed disciple said in the process of presenting Iesoun Christon as the reincarnation of Dionysus through the death of Dowd while implicating Yisra’el for the crime on behalf of Gowym. Keep in mind that this ongoing saga follows their grotesque misappropriation of Yow’el 2, Psalm 16, 2nd Samuel 7, and then the 110th Mizmowr, all to hijack Shabuw’ah as part of Replacement Foolology.
Just because every word conveyed thus far was libelous, malicious, and inflammatory, with no logical connection between the prophecies pilfered and their proposition, nor any with reality, what’s the harm in starting a new religion by disparaging and then counterfeiting the actual Mashyach, inferring that Dowd was dead so that a man-god could replace him? Since Jews were demoted from Chosen People to God killers in the process, surely the ends justify the means?
Okay, so maybe that’s not a great idea, but the Romans and Greeks believed them – and that was the point. But for what purpose: to anger God, to rob His Son, to annul His testimony, or to deny everyone of a better life? The answer: all of these things.
237The Christian co-conspirators actually had the chutzpa to attribute their delusions to God. And if that were not enough to certify their enduring stay in She’owl | Hell, the authors of the New Testament blamed the Jews, not the Romans, for crucifying their god.
“Therefore (oun – consequently, these things being so), let every (pas) household (oikos) in Israel (Israel – a transliteration of Yisra’el) know (ginosko – acknowledge) with certainty (asphalos – beyond any doubt) that (hoti) the Lord (ΚΝ – placeholder for kurion, meaning Lord) made (poieomai – performed what was required to cause and designate) him (autos) the (tov) Christ (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon) and God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god), this (houtos) Jesus (ΙΗΝ – placeholder for Iesoun) whom (hos) you crucified (ΕΣΡΩΣΑΤΕ – placeholder for aorist active tense of the verb stauroo – affixed to an upright stake).” (Acts 2:36)
Pure poison. Not a word of it was true and most of it was designed to discredit and upend the Towrah and Prophets. For this, there will be hell to pay. When they come up for trial in the weeks following Dowd’s return in year 6000 Yah, the first and last question that will be asked will likely be, “Did you say and write these things when you knew that they were without merit and were aware of the implications they would have on God’s people?” Since there is no answer which will appease the judge, it will be a quick trial with rapid sentencing.
While it is certain that the Christian New Testament is implausible and inaccurate, it is likely that its central characters, Peter, Paul, and Luke, Mark, John, and Timothy, existed in some capacity. And the most logical deduction would be to assume that these players by whatever names, wrote the initial drafts of this material in the late 1st century CE. So, the punishment must fit the crime.
What Yisra’el should know with certainty is that Yahowah anointed Dowd ha Mashyach, not once but three times. There was no “Christ” or “Jesus.” Moreover, it was 238the Romans, not the Jews, who crucified Dowd.
The authors of the Christian New Testament are devoted to lying on behalf of their Kurion Iesoun Christon while antagonizing Yahowah and discrediting Israel – it is as if they believed that the creation of their religion was predicated upon the destruction of everything God revealed. While that’s a bad way to begin, the founders of the Christian religion had the audacity to attribute their demonic delusions to God and then condemn His people for not believing them.
We have a conundrum: Beyond the fact that they were unconvincing liars, openly twisting the evidence while violating the rules of logic, the reason Jews rejected Peter, Paul, and Luke is that each lie was bolstered by another.
First, there was no Israel at the time. It had been ransacked by the Assyrians eight centuries ago. So, it is certain that the Yahuwdym living in Roman-occupied Yahuwdah would have been fully aware of their reality.
Second, the kind of things known to every household in Judea are known to us today through written history. For example, Judea was occupied and oppressed by Rome. It was obvious, pervasive, palpable, and undeniable. By contrast, had the Golgotha Polling Institute been deployed to undertake a survey at the time to inquire of every household of Judea: “Do you know with certainty that the Kurion made Iesoun the Christon?” The result of the inquiry would have revealed the opposite of Peter’s claim – and by an overwhelming 99.99% to 0.01% among the beguiled. Apart from him and his fellow charlatans, there would not have been a single person, much less a household, in Roman-occupied Judea who would have recognized the Greek name and title, Iesoun Christon. And they would have known that their God, the one who inspired their Towrah and Prophets, engaged with and spoke through Hebrews in Hebrew, not to Greeks in Greek. Iesoun would have been as unfamiliar to them as would the concept of a Christon. As proof, there isn’t a single affirmation of this person or concept from the time in Judea 239or anywhere else in the world – at least apart from that fabricated by the Roman Church in its grope for power and control. And that includes the despicable and discredited traitor, Josephus. Moreover, if everyone knew, why was Peter so desperate to convince them? Why was he willing to misrepresent prophecy so obviously and egregiously if the debate had been settled in his favor?
Third, there had been no interaction with, sign of, or even a prophetic word from Yahowah over the past five centuries. He had promised as much, and they were dealing very poorly with that reality. After all, Yahowah’s commitment to curtail all prophetic testimony was part of the same prophecy foretelling the Messiah’s fulfillment of Chag Matsah. Therefore, the Kurion | Lord could not have made Iesoun / Jesus a Christon / Christ – whatever these mythical misnomers may have meant to anyone at the time.
When Yahowah was last present among His people, it was obvious. And when He returns, it will be obvious again. And so, by the omission of the obvious, He had not been among them to manufacture or designate another Greek god.
Fourth, during the one thousand years that Yahowah spoke vociferously to Yisra’el and Yahuwdah, beginning with Moseh and concluding with Mal’aky, He never mentioned turning an Iesoun into a Christon. There were thousands of prophecies regarding how He and His Son would interact with His people in the future, but the Son’s name was Dowd, not Iesoun | Jesus, and he was anointed Mashyach, not Christon | Christ. More importantly, he had come to fulfill Pesach and Matsah for the benefit of Bikuwrym – none of which were mentioned by the Twistians. Further, the reason Peter had to misappropriate, misconstrue, and misrepresent four prophecies pertaining to Dowd to fabricate a divine veneer for his imaginary Iesoun | Jesus was that there were no prophecies pertaining to the Greek god.
Fifth, blaming the households of Israel for crucifying Iesoun | Jesus is akin to blaming Jews for Auschwitz. 240Should they have had the authority to impose capital punishment, which Rome did not allow, and should they have wanted to eliminate a fabled Iesoun Christon, should it have been possible to torture a myth, as one of their own and not a Greek or Roman, they would have tried him in accordance with the Towrah and then stoned him if he had said or done something in opposition to it meriting death.
Not only didn’t that occur, but had the counterfeit been found in opposition to the Towrah, he could not have been what was being claimed of him. Moreover, the authors of the Christian New Testament would claim in their own texts that Rome tried “Jesus,” found him innocent, and yet crucified him anyway. Sure, that’s believable. Why not? Faith is for dummies, after all.
With the very foundation of Christianity this easily and convincingly disproven, why are there any Christians? What is the benefit of believing something this obviously untrue, especially when it deliberately misappropriates the word of God and condemns His people to justify its existence?
For entertainment’s sake, let’s play along with them for a moment. Let’s pretend that Israel existed in 33 CE, that Yahowah’s name was Kurion, that he made a Christon and then turned him into a Theos, and even that someone named Iesoun actually existed, but was tragically crucified. For Peter’s story to ring true, we must assume that crucifixion was a Jewish invention and that the Jews, not Romans, had the authority to convict and condemn a prisoner in the Roman-subjugated Province of Judea. But even then, the story falls apart because if Saint Peter’s tale were true, if those dastardly Jews killed the god the Lord had made, shouldn’t the Romans and Greeks be worshiping the all-powerful Jews? And should this have occurred as Peter Pan alleges, if a gaggle of religious goons were capable of killing the Christian god, how is such a pathetic deity supposed to restore the lives of men?
Continuing to play along, if the Lord made Iesoun the Christon so that he could be crucified by Jews, wouldn’t 241the Lord be a sadist? And if everyone knew this was true, why wasn’t any of this predicted or explained by the Prophets? Why is there no mention of an Iesoun | Jesus or Christon | Christ if he was to be the co-god of the co-conspirators?
Why did the actual God, Yahowah, who despises being called “the Lord” since it is Satan’s title, bother with Passover when the answer was crucifixion? Why bother with the lamb if the magic is in the cross? Why did Yahowah set the example of anointing the Mashyach with oil if the same status could be achieved by lordly decree – or dip in the river at the behest of a Baptist preacher? Since the prelude to this storyline required robbing Dowd, why did God say that all of His promises on behalf of Dowd were everlasting and that He should be called a liar if not accurate? Doesn’t this mean that Twistians are in fact calling Yahowah a liar – or would be if they knew His name and understood the 89th Mizmowr?
In that it is the essence of the new religion, why is there no mention of this transfer from the King to the Counterfeit to be found in the Prophets? If this was all so obvious and convincing, why did the authors of the New Testament have to consistently lie to make their point? Why, if God was now changing sides and rejecting Jews for having killed Him, are there countless prophecies affirming the restoration of His relationship with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah during the last days? And why, if the Gentile Church has become the Chosen People, is God shown annihilating them upon His return?
Humm…perhaps there were some glitches in the Twistian story which should have been worked out before its debut. Someone should have sent Peter, Paul, Luke, Mark, and Timothy back to the drawing board before they published this script. Either that or perhaps the Jews should have crucified them as I am doing now.
As we unravel this twisted tapestry, we have to unwind the script because Acts 2:36 begins with “Therefore…” If you recall, this train wreck began with Peter pilfering a 242prophetic pronouncement affirming Dowd’s privileged position with Yahowah. The original reads…
“A psalm (mizmowr) about and to (la) Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd). Yahowah (Yahowah) prophetically announces in advance of it occurring (na’um) concerning my Lord and Upright One (la ‘adony / ‘edony – the prophet is affirming that Yahowah is addressing his King, Dowd): ‘You have chosen of your own accord to actually dwell (yashab) at (la) My right side (yamyn ‘any) as an eternal witness (‘ad). I will place (syth) your enemies and those who discount you (‘oyab ‘atah) as (la) your footstool (regel ‘atah hadom).’” (Mizmowr / Psalm 110:1)
Through the fallacious nature of religion and with a twist of demonic duplicity, this was somehow co-opted and convoluted into yet another way to deprive the actual Messiah, Son of God, and Passover Lamb of his due so that these credits could be awarded to the Christian counterfeit. The pipsqueak that was Peter desecrated the most exceptional man in human history by misappropriating and misquoting the prior declaration and incredulously saying…
“For (gar – indeed) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for the Greek transliteration Dauid), did not (ou) ascend (anabaino – rise and go up) to (eis) heaven (ouranos), but (de) himself (autos) said (lego), ‘Said (eipon) Lord (ΚΣ – placeholder for kurios – lord): My (ego) Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurio – lord) sits and resides (kathemai – lives and remains) out of (ek) My (ego) right side (dexios – right hand of power and authority) (Acts 2:34) until (hoes) I put (tithemi) your enemies (echthros) as a footstool (hypopodion) for your feet (podos).’ (Acts 2:35) Therefore (oun – consequently, these things being so), let every (pas) household (oikos) in Israel (Israel – a transliteration of Yisra’el) know (ginosko – acknowledge) with certainty (asphalos – beyond any doubt) that (hoti) the Lord (ΚΝ – placeholder for kurion, meaning Lord) made (poieomai – performed what was required to cause 243and designate) him (autos) the (tov) Christon (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon) and God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god), this (houtos) Iesoun (ΙΗΝ – placeholder for Iesoun) whom (hos) you crucified (ΕΣΡΩΣΑΤΕ – placeholder for aorist active tense of the verb stauroo – affixed to an upright stake).” (Acts 2:36)
Truth cannot be deduced from a false premise or by tampering with the evidence as Peter and Luke have done. Dowd | Dauid ascended to heaven not once, but twice, and is there with Yahowah at this time. It is from Shamaym that he will return as King.
Dowd never said anything of the sort. This was said to him and about him. In the prophetic citation, Yahowah’s name was cited immediately after Dowd’s, and yet it was omitted from this misappropriation. It wasn’t by accident because it affirms that this was Yahowah’s prophetic announcement regarding Dowd, thereby negating Peter’s premise.
“My Lord” is from ‘adony, and it is addressing King Dowd in the prophet’s and psalmist’s voice. The one who has chosen to live alongside Yahowah so that he could serve as an eternal and restoring witness is again Dowd. He has done so twice and will soon reprise the role. In the context of the 1st verse of the 110th Psalm these conclusions are obvious and rationally undeniable. Further, the enemies who have discounted Dowd are religious, beginning with Peter, Paul, and Luke. Therefore, the three stubby legs on the footstool set beneath the King’s feet may well be graven images of the blasphemers who comprise the trinity of Christian coconspirators.
That was such an inauspicious prelude to “therefore,” everything which follows would be suspect, even if it were not also false. But it was. For example, if the Christian fable, Iesoun Christon, had not been a counterfeit replacement for Dowd, there would have been no reason to misappropriate ha Mashyach | the Messiah title as “Christon” in Greek.
244Not only didn’t the mythical misnomer Iesoun qualify, but Messiah wasn’t among Dowd’s most important designations. Moreover, the only time it is used prophetically is in Daniel where Dowd, under the title of Gabry’el | God’s Most Courageous and Capable Man, revealed a prophecy pertaining to his second and third lives. In it, of course, rather than validating Christianity, he obliterated it.
As I have stated, there is no record of anyone named Iesou, Iesous, or Iesoun outside of the spurious, hopelessly errant, contradictory, and irrational fables composed to create the Christian New Testament as an outgrowth of Paul’s hideous letters. The name “Jesus,” as the interloper is addressed today, first appeared in the 17th century after the invention and deployment of the letter “J,” something that did not exist in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or even English.
Even then, why would Yahowah transfer Dowd’s title of ha Mashyach to the baby god destined to be the dead god using a derogatory Greek substitute which speaks of the application of drugs? If this title was so goddamn important, why wasn’t it transliterated like we find He did with Pharaoh?
Had Yahowah decided that He was going to play with replacement players going forward, sidelining Moseh and Dowd for the likes of these clowns, why would He have selected a Greek name for a Hebrew character?
After this litany of outright deceptions and misrepresentations, why did Peter lie and say, “whom you crucified” when addressing Israel? Since it was not true, since crucifixion was a Roman means of suppressing political uprisings by publicly torturing their rivals, and since Jews had no say in the execution of Roman prisoners, why were they falsely framed and blamed for murdering the newly minted, albeit dead god? Was it because the torturous assassins became the Roman Catholic Church and they wanted to shirk responsibility for their crime? Or was it that the imposition of Replacement Foolology necessitated a condemnation of Jews such that they could 245be replaced by the murderers?
Said another way, did Satan inspire Peter and Paul as their own testimony affirms, so that by possessing them, he could condemn Jews to centuries of oppression and slaughter? And after Satan silences and eradicates them, as he brags in Ezekiel, in the New Testament, and in the Quran, like Mein Kampf, isn’t his ambition to then rise up over Yahowah as the Lord of Religion?
Okay, so Peter, Paul, and Luke flunked logic, but what about their audience?
“Now when (de) they heard this (akouo – received this news and message), they were pierced through (datanyssomai) the heart (kardia).” (Acts 2:37)
Really? Are we to believe that Yahuwdym are as ignorant and irrational as Gowym? Evidently, all it takes to befuddle a batch of Israelis is to misrepresent their God, defrock their King, and then slander them with false allegations. Or, on the other hand, were Peter and Luke delusional?
“They said (eipon) to Petros (Petros – meaning stone or rock), and to (pros) the rest (loipos – remaining) of the Apostles (apostolos – those who informed and equipped as messengers), ‘Brethren (adelphos – brothers and fellow countrymen), what (tis) is a man (andros) to do (poieomai)?’” (Acts 2:37)
Throughout, Jews have been presented as monolithic, such that the entire race could be condemned with this apocalyptic vitriol. But they were not all present, they did not speak with one voice, and they would not have been so easily fooled.
Should you find yourself accosted by someone equally unhinged, and wonder what to do, the answer is to do as I have just done. Explain why they are wrong so that others are not misled. You can mock and ridicule them if you like, but in the end be certain to affirm the existence of the actual Messiah, Son of God, and Passover Lamb.
246“And now (de), accordingly (pros), Petros (petros – meaning stone or rock) told (phemi – instructed) them, ‘Change your thinking (metanoeo – after you have come to recognize that which is false, change your perspective and obtain a proper understanding of what is true to avoid the consequences) and also (kai) be baptized (baptizo – sprinkled with water) each and every one (hekastos) of you by (epi) the name (onoma) of Christ Jesus (ΧΥ ΙΥ – placeholders for Christou Iesou) in order to (eis) be pardoned (aphesis – to be released) from your sin (hamartia – being mistaken), and then (kai) receive (lambano – grasp hold of and acquire) the gift (dorea – the present) of the Holy Spirit (hagios ΠΝΣ).’” (Acts 2:38)
If you count yourself among them, I recommend “metanoeo – coming to recognize what is false and changing your thinking.” As for the rest, no.
Baptism is a pagan religious rite having nothing to do with God. To do so with a religious intent is to offend Yahowah and estrange oneself from Him. The sign of the Covenant is circumcision – and that is never going to change. Those who are baptized get wet. Those who accept what Dowd did for us on Matsah are cleansed.
There is no basis for taking a dip in the Towrah, and no such ritual is associated with the Messiah. Rather than saving someone, as a pagan religious rite, it will condemn them. Fact is, they were allegedly observing counterfeit Shabuw’ah where there is absolutely no mention of baptism, Christ Jesus, or a pardon from one’s sins. It is a Harvest of Standing Grain, not a time for a dip in the pool.
The entire episode of “John the Baptist” and his alleged interactions with pretend “Jesus” are purely fictional. It was all concocted by these same co-conspirators to resolve the problem that without anointing, there can be no Messiah. It then became a substitution for circumcision to overcome Paul’s irrational rants against the sign of the Covenant. However, let’s not credit these quasi-literate and irrational liars with originating this portion of their plot. The story was pilfered from the Sibylline 247Oracles, treasured by the Romans and then augmented and embraced by Christians and Jews.
Beyond all of these lies, on the day Catholics allege their “Church” was born, Shim’own, the man they have renamed “Peter” and now claim was the first Pope, is not even alleged to have said any of the following when his audience supposedly asked him what they should do: 1) join the church, 2) become a Catholic, 3) convert to Christianity, 4) make a profession of faith, 5) acknowledge that I am your pope, 6) kiss my ring, 7) pay me an indulgence to minimize your time in purgatory, 8) have your children baptized and confirmed, 9) attend Mass, 10) go to confession, 11) avoid the seven deadly sins, 12) do good works, 13) become celibate, 14) observe Lent and celebrate Christmas and Easter, 15) perform the sign of the cross, 16) buy some prayer beads and perform three Hail Marys, 17) worship the Lord, 18) bow down in prayer, 19) offer a tithe, 19) trust me because I am the rock upon which the Church will be built, 20) and don’t worry because I hold the keys to heaven. He obviously wasn’t a very good Catholic – still too Jewish perhaps.
“For indeed (gar – because) the announced promise (epangelia – consent approval) exists (eimi) for you, your children (teknon), everyone (pas) who is a great distance away (makran), and for as many (hosos) as the Lord (ΚΣ – placeholder for kurios) our God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos) calls to Himself (proskaleomai – summons).” (Acts 2:39)
If this was the “announced promise,” why was there no announcement or promise regarding it – not a single prophecy pertaining to anything Peter said? And why, since Luke knew that there were none, did he have “Peter” misconstrue and misappropriate prophecies which spoke about an entirely different person, unrelated circumstances, and a God by another name? Why, when Yahowah tells us that He has only one name, and that “the Lord” is Satan’s moniker, does the Christian New Testament insist on calling their god “the Lord”?
248If God is calling us to Himself, why do they ignore His Invitations? When the only thing that mattered this year was the fulfillment of the first three Miqra’ey, why were they never mentioned?
This is considerably less believable than Hanzel and Gretel or even the retelling of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf as Charles Perrault’s story was retold and made famous by the Brothers Grimm. We might as well be reading about Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, or Sleeping Beauty. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy are more credible since they don’t require besmirching the life and lyrics of the greatest man to ever live.
Evidently, Peter would wax poetic about many more myths, and while different, they didn’t warrant inclusion in Luke’s story. He needed to dispense with Peter, sweeping him off center stage, so that he could feature the star performer in the Christian epic.
“And with many more (pleion – an increasing quantity), yet different (heteros – additional) words (logos), He admonished and testified (diamartyromai – he warned) to earnestly encourage and summon (parakaleo – to admonish, and exhort) them, ‘Become saved from (sozo apo – become healed from the sickness of) this crooked and corrupt (skolios – unscrupulous, dishonest, and twisted) generation (genea – age and race).” (Acts 2:40)
While I realize that Christian salvation is “faith based” and thus not tied to anything credible or tangible, shouldn’t they have at least made some effort to explain it? He, the Lord’s weasel offered salvation from a subjugated and viciously oppressed, indeed, victimized, generation of Jews in Judea without bothering to explain the process. And the very people he is condemning and offering to save in the midst of this duplicity, are the ones he claims killed god.
Are Twistians to believe that the Rock knew more 249about salvation than Yahowah? But if he was affirming the same plan, why not say so? And if he was promoting a different agenda, who gave him the authority to contradict God?
In our quest for accuracy, there was no indication that this generation was any more corrupt than the seventy which had come and gone since the Exodus. In fact, these Jews were a lot less belligerent than those who melted down and lost it at the Waters of Marybah. But alas, Luke scribed this line, not because it was true, but to imply that Christians are saved from “unscrupulous and perverted” Jews.
Fortunately, we are not privy to the many more and different words, whatever they may have been. Who knows, he may have spoken of Dionysus, Christmas, and Easter, of flying sleighs and baskets of eggs.
At least Peter finally got one thing right. There were some crooked and corrupt charlatans afoot.
And there is good news for all – we have reached the conclusion of this religious rant against Yahowah, His Towrah, Beryth, Miqra’ey, Ben, and ‘Am.
“Indeed (men), therefore (oun – as a result), approximately (hosei) three thousand (trischilioi) souls (psyche) received and accepted (apodechomai – welcomed and grasped hold of) his (autos) words (legos – message). They were baptized (baptizo – dipped and sprinkled with water in pagan fashion) and were added (prostithemai – were granted and given favorable access) during (en – and in) that one (ekeinos) day (hemera).” (Acts 2:41)
After all of the mudslinging, at least they were clean. But this was not Shabuw’ah.