412Questioning Paul


…Testing Faith



The Death of Religion


Inaccurate Accounting

It is with considerable trepidation that we venture into the pages of the Christian New Testament once again. And yet Shim’own’s alleged accounting of the fulfillment of Shabuw’ah in 33 CE as it was scribed by Luke in the Book of Acts may be worth the risk.

Having lived alongside Yahowsha’ for three years, and having been in Yaruwshalaim during Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, the Disciple would have been prepared by the first three Miqra’ey to capitalize upon the fourth – Shabuw’ah. Shim’own had been in the right place, for the right reasons, at the right time, with the correct expectations such that he should have been able to share his experience with us. As a beneficiary of Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children, he would have been enriched by the Covenant, enlightened by the Towrah, and empowered by the Spirit, causing him to be an especially effective witness.

If only.

In the opening line of the second chapter of the book of Acts, it appears as if the Miqra’ of Shabuw’ah, like the three preceding it, was fulfilled in accordance with Yahowah’s Towrah | Instructions. Other than the Greek title replacing Yahowah’s Hebrew nomenclature, the initial sentence serves to make this point.

This known, we are painfully aware that that Acts, like 413the Gospel of Luke, is a work of fiction – far more wrong than right. Neither book was inspired by God. However, since they are considered “Scripture” by billions, these books, which were scribed at the conclusion of the lifetimes of the eyewitnesses to the events they chronicle, are seldom scrutinized as we are doing. And that is a shame, because it becomes immediately obvious to an informed and rational reader that they were agenda-driven and, more specifically, heavily influenced by Sha’uwl | Paul – the Plague of Death.

This becomes readily apparent the deeper we dive into either the Book of Acts or the Gospel of Luke because both are riddled with inaccuracies, fallacies, and, worse, anti-Semitism. It is only because the first seven chapters of Acts present events and discussions apart from Paul, and purport to convey the testimony of Yahowsha’s Disciples, especially Shim’own, that any of this is presented for your consideration.

With this in mind, the second chapter of Acts begins...

“Indeed (kai), on (en) the Day (hemera) of Fifty (Pentekoste – feminine form of pentekonta, meaning fifty), it was fulfilled (sumpleroo – was fully completed).

It came to exist (eimi) that all were assembled in harmony (pas homou – everyone was like-minded, like-natured, and unified in an assembly) in the presence of (epi) it (auto).” (Acts 2:1)

I may be the first to share the bad news. This is an inaccurate portrayal of Shabuw’ah. God has invited everyone to attend, such that those gathered on this day would be exceedingly diverse in their situations, perspectives, attitudes, and thinking. They would not be in harmony or like-minded if they were celebrating the Mow’ed according to Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance.

“And immediately (aphno) there came into 414existence (ginomai) out of (ek) heaven (ouranos) the sound of information and news (echos – of a spoken report), like (hosper – corresponding to) a compelling force (biaias – a powerful source of energy), moving inwardly and upholding (pheromai) the breath of spiritual life (pnoe – feminine derivative of pneuma Spirit), and filling (pleroo – supplying) the whole (holos) household (oikon) where (ou) they were residing.” (Acts 2:2)

I have had the opportunity to spend the past twenty years of my life aided by the Ruwach Qodesh. As we will discover when we consider Yahowah’s prophets, particularly Dowd, Solomon, and Yasha’yah, God had a great deal to say about how what you are reading would be used to influence His people. And from those words and this experience, I can say without equivocation that this is not how the Set-Apart Spirit operates in our lives. She does not speak externally, but instead internally. She does not communicate independently from the Word of God, but instead enlightens us regarding it. She is inspiring, not compelling. And the Spirit does not make a racket. When She comes upon us, there is no audible sound.

“And languages (glossa – the various dialects of human speech) became apparent to them (horao – they came to know and understand them), like a fire burning (pyros) in them.

And they were distributed (diamerizo – dispersed), conferred, and appointed (kathizo) upon (epi) each one (hekastos) of them (autos).

And they were all individually (pas) filled with (pimplamai) the Holy (hagion – gender neuter of hagios) Spirit (ΠΝΣ – placeholder for pneuma), and began (archomai) to speak (laleo) other (heteros – different) languages (glossa – dialects), just as (kathos) the Spirit (ΠΝΑ) gave (didomi) them the ability to convey the 415spoken words (apophtheggomai – the ability to pronounce words).” (Acts 2:3-4)

It is true: the world would benefit from understanding the Mow’ed | Enduring Testimony regarding the Appointments which are Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet. And the only way for people around the globe to understand what the Towrah Teaches would be through accurate translations.

This is largely why the Yada Yahowah Series exists. We recognize the value of rendering the testimony Yahowah conveyed in Hebrew in the language spoken by the most people. English has become the most universal – especially among Jews.

What is inaccurate, however, is that there is no indication in the Towrah and Prophets that the Spirit teaches anyone a foreign language. She enlightens us in the language of God – Hebrew.

It is likely that most, if not all, of the Disciples would have been bilingual. In addition to Hebrew, they would have been reasonably fluent in Aramaic, Greek, and Latin due to the influence of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.

What they were missing, based upon what has been said and what follows, is an accurate understanding of what the Towrah teaches. And that is the role of the Spirit.

If it were not for the popularity of the Pentecostal movement, where “speaking in tongues” is interpreted to be “praising God in a heavenly language,” I would not be required to state the obvious. This presentation states that those affected by the Spirit were equipped to speak human languages, not God’s. The language spoken in heaven is Hebrew, rendering the notion of “speaking in the tongues of angels” by muttering incomprehensible gibberish – as nonsensical as the sounds, themselves. What’s more, 416Pentecostals act like they are out of their minds, often posing as the poster children for: This is your Brain on Religion.

The reason for the “likes of a burning fire within them” was to replace the experience of Moseh and the Children of Yisra’el around Choreb when the Towrah was being revealed. These “Christians” experience their own fire, and thus their own New Testament to replace the Towrah.

The claim here is that this spirit, rather than enlightening the Disciples, equipped them to become bilingual. And while that is unlikely, what follows is an outright lie. It was scribed by Luke on Paul’s behalf to besmirch Jews. For his new religion to prevail, Yahuwdym would have to be swept off center stage and replaced by the Gentile Church.

“And now (de) existing (eimi) inside (eis) Yaruwshalaim (Ierousalem – Jerusalem), resided (katoikeo) Yahuwdym (Ioudaios – Jews), overtly pious (eulabes) men (andros) from (apo) every (pas) ethnicity (ethnos – race) under (hypo) heaven (ouranos).

And so now when (de) this (houtos) voice (phone) came to exist (ginomai) in large assemblies of people (plethos), they were confused (sygcheo), because (hoti) each and every one (hekastos heis) heard (akouo) what was spoken (laleo) in his (autos) own (idios) language (dialektos).” (Acts 2:5-6)

As is the case with so much of the Christian New Testament, the writer’s attempts to paint Jews as hypocrites, overtly pious, and thus conniving and undeserving, is pathetic. And it is dishonest to claim that Yahuwdym | Jews, who are a unique ethnicity, represent “every race under heaven.” This overture defines Gowym | Gentiles.

This amalgamation of Jews into one monolithic 417perception was not a simple mistake, but instead sinister and deliberate. Paul, like Muhammad after him, wanted God’s Chosen People tarred with the same brush. The reason for this is that the Jews, unlike the Gentiles, knew that both men were lying because they were constantly misappropriating and misquoting their Towrah wa Naby’ to establish their credibility. Having rejected both Paul and Muhammad, the Jews had to be silenced and discredited for either of these infamous men to be believed.

Beyond silencing Yahuwdym, for Paul’s claims or those of Muhammad to be seen as plausible, their followers would have to become the recipients of the promises made to God’s people – the Yisra’elites. And for that to occur, they would both have to concoct schemes by which God not only rejected His people but was compelled to replace them with others. They accomplished this by slandering Jews – attributing all manner of lies to them, and doing so in a way that the entire race would be despised.

The first strokes toward that end appear in Paul’s fourteen epistles. The next are here in Acts, followed in chronological order by the slanderous and sour notes in Mark, Luke, and Matthew.

Keeping it real, it would have been impossible for there to have been a gathering representing every race on earth in this place at this time. Further, people are confused by languages they do not speak, and not by their native tongue. Yes, I am pointing out the obvious, and yet, without someone having done so, billions upon billions have been misled by this malarkey for nearly a score of centuries.

You may have also noticed that the scene changed abruptly from a room of like-minded people within a single home to a widespread phenomenon expressed throughout an entire city. That could never have occurred within the Covenant because participation is the result of a deliberate 418and sequential process. It was fabled here because Paul needed to break free of the Disciples, the Hebrew Towrah, and the Chosen People. He required the acceptance of the opposite of these things. And that is why his unGodly message, in his language, with the people he claimed as his own, was being born anew by way of Paul’s satanic spirit on this day.

Lucky for me, I do not live under the influence of Paul’s and Peter’s Roman Catholic Church. Given the opportunity, they would have tortured me to death as a deterrent to keep me, and dissuade others, from telling you the truth. And yet sadly today, they are tormenting little children instead.

It is bewildering that so many believe that this irrational rant was inspired by God. Even worse than inferring that your god is a nincompoop, through this verbal diarrhea, Christians somehow think that God withdrew the countless promises He had made to Yisra’el and transferred them to Gowym. Not only would that have made God a liar and an anti-Semite, like themselves, He would have become completely untrustworthy – giving ever more credence to the realization that religious gods are made in man’s image. And in reality, the Romans who controlled Judea, and who evolved into the Roman Catholic Church, were far worse than the Jews. Throughout the history of the religion, that would never change.

Continuing to slander the Chosen People on behalf of the worst of people, we read…

“And (kai) besides (de), they were out of their minds (existemi), and they were surprised (thaumazo), saying (lego), ‘Look (idou), are not (ou) the entirety (hapas – the whole and all) of them who are (eimi) speaking (laleo) Galileans (Galilaios)?’” (Acts 2:7)

Pointing out the obvious again, the Disciples were entirely Jewish – as were each of the celebrants of this day, 419thereby rendering this entire diatribe absurd. Galilee was used as a pejorative because it was a swampy, mosquito-infested lowland, beneath Jerusalem in status and elevation. It was inserted to make the Jews appear like snobs.

This dialogue demonstrates the inherent fraud associated with the Christian New Testament. At the very earliest, Acts was written forty to fifty years after the fulfillment of Shabuw’ah – well beyond the time a specific conversation could have been accurately recalled. Luke, its author, was not an eyewitness to any of these events – making his account hearsay. Moreover, “pious Jews” would have spoken Hebrew, not Greek. Further, the Roman legions which occupied Yaruwshalaim were comprised of conscripts and slaves from throughout the Empire. Under such circumstances, the sound of a foreign language would not have driven anyone crazy.

Much of the Christian New Testament was written to include awkward and unattested conversations. Not only were they contrived, they were projected upon the entire population – all to condemn the Jewish people. That way, the Christians could not only claim superiority, they would have a common enemy and ready excuse for their horrid behavior.

“Somehow (pos), each and every one (hekastos) hears them speak (akouo) in the distinct (idios – individual and unique) language and dialect (dialektos) of their birth (gennnao): Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and those who live in Mesopotamia, Yahuwdah (Ioudaia), Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt (Aigyptos), parts of Libya toward Cyrene, and visitors from Rome (Rhomaios), not only Yahuwdym (Ioudaios – Jews) and newcomers (proselutos – visitors from other nations), Cretans and Arabs (Araps), listening to (akouo – receiving the news and hearing) them speak (laleo – talk) in their own tongue (glossa – language and 420dialect) the magnificent things and powerful works (megaleios – the great deeds and miracles) of the God (ΘΥ – placeholder for theou).” (Acts 2:8-11)

While it would have been impossible, even for a multilingual Disciple and eyewitness to know if this had occurred, the overall point is unlikely, especially with the pretense of authenticity inherent in the details. Among the most glaring issues, the Romans were not “visitors” and Yahuwdym were listed twice while their language was not mentioned. Most everyone from Mesopotamia would have spoken Aramaic, a language which was very similar to Hebrew, making “Parthians, Medes, and Elamites” verbose while the absence of the Persians was a significant slight. Arabs speak a corrupted form of Hebrew. Similarly, insignificant places like “Cappadocia, Pontus, Phrygia, Pamphylia, and Cyrene” were listed, while the people responsible for the lingua franca of this region – the Greeks – were not.

Had this been written: “the Disciples, in addition to their native Hebrew, now spoke Greek, Latin, and Aramaic” it would have been far more credible. One would have been hard-pressed to find anyone in Yaruwshalaim who was not conversant in one or more of these languages.

In this passage, the Greek word, proselutos, is transliterated in most English Bibles as “proselytes.” Then, those who aided and abetted this misleading transliteration, erroneously defined that word as “converts to Judaism,” and thereby misconstrued Yahowah’s intent. This day marked neither the birth of the Church nor the transition from Judaism to Christianity as Catholics and Protestants profess. Equally relevant, Jews did not, and do not, proselytize. Paul’s rants against “Judaizers” were delusional.

The beneficiaries of Passover and UnYeasted Bread, as few as they may have been, would have been born anew 421from above, becoming spiritual children, adopted into Yah’s family, fully seven Shabat days ago. Now, the truth be known, they were being given the opportunity to grow up, becoming enriched, enlightened, and empowered by the Towrah’s promises. The actual celebrants of Shabuw’ah were being prepared for Taruw’ah. There would have been no religious converts to be found here, only empowered and enriched relationships.

Sporadically, from this moment to this present day, the Word of God has been conveyed to the peoples of the world by Spirit-filled men and women who are cognizant of the Towrah. Yahowah’s family is inclusive of people from different races and places. Everyone is welcome. And all arrive the same way – by embracing the Covenant and observing its Invitations to Meet with God.

The Miqra’ of Chamisym / Invitation to be Called Out and Meet of Fifty is qodesh | set apart, a special day for us to reveal the magnificent work performed by Yahowah in concert with the Set-Apart Spirit. It is an annual party where those who are related to Yah invite their friends to celebrate the good news – a path home has been laid out at great cost, its toll paid by God, so that we might journey free of encumbrances. This day of growth and enrichment will endure for all time, for all people, and in all places, serving as a rehearsal of what was to come and now has been done.

The Feast of Seven Sevens follows Firstborn Children by seven weeks. The pattern is seven Shabats plus one day after the special Shabat observance of UnYeasted Bread – the most essential day on the road to our redemption. As we have discovered, this opportunity to be Called Out and Meet on Shabuw’ah is a time to be enriched by Yahowah’s Word so that we can communicate His testimony more effectively during Taruw’ah. It is open to all people, free and slave, Yahuwdym and Gowym, men and women, young and old, no matter how common or unclean. We know this 422because it is the only Miqra’ey where yeasted bread is sanctioned – and because God has said so. Unlike the Catholic Eucharist which is limited to their converts, this Festival comes with an open invitation. Shabuw’ah is the day which unites the promise with its purpose, making them one.

The reason for the yeast in the bread is ingenious. To become part of Yahowah’s family, we are all required to remove it from our lives – which is symbolic of walking away from Mitsraym. And now that those who have disassociated from religion and politics have become immortal and perfected, adopted and empowered, as Covenant members we are perfectly equipped to share what we know with those most in need of hearing it – those under the influence of man’s malignant schemes. It is the cure for what ails them. And to help them, we must speak to them where we find them.

Upon examining the nature of this day, one comes to understand that the best way to broadcast its message and celebrate its inheritance is to host a grand party replete with a medley of foods, including a variety of libations, and most especially breads and desserts baked with yeast. Invite everyone who is interested in knowing God, whether they are engaged in a relationship with Him, mired in a religious swamp, or deluded by a secular mirage. After a time of casual conversation and music, stand before the guests and share what you have come to know about the path home our Heavenly Father has provided. Explain how, on this day, those who rely upon Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children are immersed in Yahowah’s Set-Apart Spirit, enabling them to grow, enriched by the Covenant, enlightened by the Towrah, empowered by the Spirit. Most of all, have fun. Radiate the light which comes from knowing Yah and express the joy loving families experience as their children grow.

Each Miqra’ has been designed to memorialize an 423important event in the life of Yisra’el and to be prophetic of even more important events in the unfolding of Yahowah’s redemptive plan. They speak poignantly of Yahowah’s role in the reconciliation of His people, with detail after detail pointing directly and unambiguously toward the Towrah as the map and light along the way.

Thus far, each of the first four Mow’ed has been introduced and fulfilled in the proper order, and on the very day of its mandated celebration. That fact alone makes the odds against their coincidental fulfillment over sixteen billion to one. The lesson is: pay attention to dates and numbers – they are important to our Creator.

And this pattern is important because there are three more annual Feasts yet to be realized. They all take place in the autumn, in Tishri, the seventh and final month of Yahowah’s redemptive calendar. Each predicts a strategically essential event in the reconciliation of Yisra’el and Yahuwdah with Yahowah. And more to the point, they complete the picture God is painting.

The spring Feasts have come to pass; the fall Feasts are yet to come. Yahowah has given us carefully drawn prophetic word pictures to teach us the most important lessons we can possibly learn.




While it is trivial by comparison, there is a sinister religious proclamation which may have inadvertently arisen as a result of Shabuw’ah – one which poisons one-and-a-half billion souls. To share Yahowah’s message of salvation in the language of the Araps / Arabs (in Acts 2:8-11), an alphabet was required, as the Arabs had none at this time. Written Arabic, the language of the Qur’an, was actually created by Syrian Yahuwdym | Jews who were 424Followers of the Way for the express purpose of witnessing to the merit of this day. The resulting “Syriac” alphabet and vocabulary, derived from the 22 letters which comprise the Hebrew alphabet in the 6th century CE, ultimately became the tool Satan would use in his most acclaimed recital: the Islamic Qur’an.

Of particular interest in this regard is the fact that almost all of the Qur’an’s essential terms are actually Hebrew, with a smattering of Greek – but not Arabic. And yet, Muslims the world over, unaware of the basis of their language, claim that those who do not read paleo-Arabic (which would include all but a few hundred people worldwide) cannot understand Allah’s message. That would be untrue because the best way to comprehend the Qur’an (besides reordering it chronologically and setting it into the context of Muhammad’s life as it is revealed in the Hadith / Oral Reports) is to appreciate the meaning of the Hebrew words which comprise the Qur’anic message.

This includes Qur’an, itself. It is from the Hebrew Qara’ and conveys the same meaning: to read and recite. It is the first word that Gabry’el | Gabriel (a Hebrew name) allegedly conveyed to Muhammad.

The basis of Allah’s claim, and the foundation of Islam, is the false notion that Allah, not Yahowah, was the God of ‘Adam, ‘Abraham, Moseh, Dowd, and the prophets, even Yahowsha’ (whom Allah calls Issa, Arabic for Esau). Allah protests that “his Qur’an confirms the Torah, Prophets, and ‘Gospels’,” when in fact, Allah’s Qur’anic recital is the antithesis of Yahowah’s Towrah wa Naby’ and the Gospels contradict the Towrah as well.

Muhammad, for example, as Allah’s lone messenger, violated and negated each of the Ten Statements Yahowah etched in stone. Allah even says that “his Qur’an, written in pure Arabic,” was “inscribed on tablets before the world was created,” and the reason that the “Torah, Prophets, and 425Gospels” no longer convey the same message is that 7th century CE Jews living in Yathrib, today’s Medina, “changed and corrupted their ‘scriptures’ to foil Muhammad.”

Therefore, the existence of the Dead Sea Scrolls proves that the Islamic god was lying. But more than this, it is unconscionable that the advocates of Islam, a religion which inverts and repudiates Yahowah’s message, claim that the Arabic of the Qur’an is proof of its superiority, and material to its message, when in fact, the means to convey it was developed by the very people Allah orders Muslims “to wipe out to the last.”

These things known, had rabbis, priests, and Christian theologians not removed Yahowah’s name from His Towrah wa Naby’, Islam would have been stillborn. Even a fool would have been able to recognize that Allah is not Yahowah.




There is still much we can learn from this portrayal of what “happened” on Seven Shabats in the year of its fulfillment – even if the primary lesson is to distrust the Christian New Testament.

“But (de) also (kai), all (pas) were astonished (existemi – astounded beyond comprehension), even (kai) perplexed and puzzled (diaporeo – embarrassed and in doubt, at a loss without sufficient information to render a rational conclusion), with different people (allos) saying (lego) to (pros) others (allos), ‘What (tis) is (eimi) the purpose of (thelo) this (houtos)?’” (Acts 2:12)

Let’s be honest, there was nothing everyone in Jerusalem agreed upon – not among the Romans and Greeks, and certainly not among Jews. Their history proves 426that Yahuwdym were divided among themselves. And it was their internal fractures which festered, bringing the wrath of Rome upon Judea with Pompey’s invasion in 63 BCE, Vespasian’s assault in 67 CE following the revolt in 66, and again following the Bar Kokhba uprising under Akiba by Hadrian in 133 CE. On all three occasions, the Jews would likely have prevailed over the Romans had they not been a house divided.

Any time we read, “with people saying…” we know that the writer’s sentiments are being projected upon his perceived foes. An actual quote would have to be attributed to a specific individual who said it and to another who heard it, in addition to providing the names or conditions under which it was preserved accurately over the decades.

Moreover, the Jews knew the purpose of Shabuw’ah. It was Greeks, like Luke, who were clueless.

When it comes to knowing the mind of God there are several paths a person can take. Some simply ignore the quest, preoccupied with their mortal existence or overconfident that man is the highest form of life. Others, like the man who wrote this passage, do not know enough to draw an informed conclusion – or are driven by their own agenda. And while both of these roads lead to death, and to the destruction of one’s soul upon the completion of their mortal existence, there is a far worse fate awaiting those who promote the false notion that “Pentecost celebrates the birth of the Church.” There is no mention of a “Church” in the Towrah or in the Naby’. Only the Beryth and its Miqra’ey are presented. We have been called out of man’s world and into God’s realm, away from religion and into a familial relationship.

Even today, the secular and the sectarian ridicule the Mow’ed Miqra’ey, belittling them, concealing them, corrupting them, or counterfeiting them. It is why the narrow path to God remains unpopular.

427“Others (heteros), now (de) poked fun, scoffing, sneering, and mocking (diachleuazo – flapping their lips and running their mouths), saying (legos), ‘It is because they are (hoti eimi) exceptionally full (mestoo) with sweet wine (gleukos – new wine which is still fermenting).’” (Acts 2:13)

If Luke had written about the correlation between the Towrah’s presentation of Shabuw’ah and its fulfillment rather than spending his time trying to besmirch Jews as slanderous and demeaning, there would be a point to this other than not to trust him.

And speaking of someone who did not trust him, Shim’own, misnamed “Petros” in this account, stood up because we are called to confront lies, exposing and condemning them. We are never asked to be tolerant of deception. And that is why...

“But now (de) Petros (Petros – Peter, Greek for “rock”) stood up (histemi – made a stand so as to enable others to stand) with (syn) the eleven; he raised (epairomai) his voice (phone) and he spoke to them (apophthengomai – he addressed them), ‘Yahuwdym (Ioudaios – a transliteration of Yahuwdym – Beloved of Yahowah) men (andros) and all (pas) who dwell in (katoikeo) Yaruwshalaim (Ierousalem – a transliteration of Yaruwshalaim – the Source of Guidance on Reconciliation), listen carefully to (enotizomai) my voice (rhema), and let this (houtos) be (eimi) known (gnostos) to you…” (Acts 2:14)

Paul disowned his Hebrew name, Sha’uwl, not only because it was synonymous with She’owl | Hell, but because of the many prophecies where he was called out by name and condemned. As such, it served Paul’s interests to change Shim’own’s Hebrew name, which means “Listen to Him,” to the Greek “Petros,” for “Stone.” Additionally, Paul both envied and despised Yahowsha’s Disciples, 428which is why his pal, Luke, referred to them as “the eleven,” rather than by their title.

The notion that Shim’own bothered to confront the alleged rumor of “intoxication” is not likely, especially to say it in this way because it still infers that they were inebriated. But at least we finally have something to investigate with the upcoming reference to Yow’el | Joel.

“…because (gar) they are not (ou) drunk (methuo – intoxicated) in the manner (hos) you suppose (hypolambano – are willing to accept), for indeed (gar) it is (eimi) the third (tritos) hour (hora) of the day (hemera).

To the contrary (alla) this (houtos) exists as (eimi) the pronouncement (eipon) of (dia) the prophet (prophetes) Yow’el (Ioel – a transliteration of Yow’el, a contraction of Yahowah and ‘el, meaning Yahowah is God, but improperly transliterated Joel):” (Acts 2:15-16)

While we will turn to Yow’el to see what Shim’own may have had in mind in due time, let it be known that Shabuw’ah is the pronouncement of the prophet Moseh. There is nothing in Yow’el / Joel to explain Seven Shabats. It speaks of Yahowah’s return in 6000 Yah to fulfill Yowm Kipurym. Therefore, if Shim’own cited it as a retort to these supposed Jewish cynics, he was mistaken. It was the wrong Mow’ed and wrong time. And if Luke arbitrarily attributed this mistake to him, he demonstrated that his Gospel ought not be trusted. Either way, Acts 2:16 through 21 is erroneous.

According to Luke, Shim’own is said to have quoted Yow’el / Joel 2:28 through 32. At least that is what is recorded in Acts 2:17 through 2:21. However, since Shim’own did not deliver his “rebuttal” in Greek, even if it occurred, but instead in Hebrew, to accurately render what the Prophet wrote and the Disciple may have said, we will need to examine it in the original language – something we 429will do at the conclusion of this chapter and again during our review of the events pertaining to the Day of Reconciliations. So for now, here is that reading from the King James Version

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: (17) And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: (18)

And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: (19) The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: (20) And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21)

Should you prefer a more literal and accurate rendering…

“And it shall come to be (eimi – exist in an identical fashion) in (en) the final (eschatos – the last in a series (the theological term eschatology is derived from this word)) days (hemera), God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos) says (lego – affirms), ‘I will pour out (ekcheomai – I will bestow and spill, liberally distributing) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΣ – placeholder for pneuma) upon (epi – among) all (pasa) flesh (sarx – physical bodies, on the corporeal mortal nature of humankind).

Your sons (huios) and your daughters (thygater) will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo – proclaim what God wants known).

Your young men (neaniskos – used of males between twenty-four and forty years old) shall see visions (horasis – from horao, see with their own eyes), and your elders 430(presbyteros – old men and ranking individuals) will experience supernatural communication from God (enypnion enupniazomai – experience revelations while dreaming). (Acts 2:17)

Indeed (ge – really and truly), upon (epi) My male servants (doulos – slaves) and also upon My female servants (doule – female slaves) in (en) those (ekeinos) days (hemera – period of time) I will pour out (ekcheomai – I will shed and bestow, spill and distribute) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΑ – placeholder for pneuma) upon (epi – among) them and they will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo – proclaim what God wants known). (Acts 2:18)

And (kai) I will allow and produce (didomi – bestow and permit) wonders and miracles which foreshadow significant upcoming events (teras – omens, marvels, and signs which serve as portent to arouse attention) in (en) the sky (ouranos – atmosphere and universe) above (ano) and signs (semeion – miraculous signals and unusual occurrences which transcend the common course of nature) upon (epi) the earth (ge – land) below (kato): blood (haima), fire (pyr), and (kai) rising clouds of (atmis – steam, billowing vapor, from aer, air and atmospheric) smoke (kapnos). (Acts 2:19)

The sun (helios) will be changed (metastrepho – turned) to (eis) darkness (skotos – obscured, made gloomy, from skia, have its light intercepted as in a shadow), and the moon (selene) to (eis) blood (haima) before (prin) the coming (erchomai – arrival and appearance) of the (ho) great (megas – massively important and enormously sizable) and brilliantly shining (epiphanies – wonderful, glorious, radiant, and illustrious, notable appearance in clear and full view shining forth as light visible as a star) day (hemera – time) of the Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurios – most always conveyed as “LORD”). (Acts 2:20)

431And it shall come to pass (eimi – be that) all (pas – everyone) who (hos), and as many as (an – used as a preposition to present a possibility), call upon (epikaleomai – ask for help in and bear) the (ho) personal and proper name (onoma) of the Kurio | Lord (ΚΩ) will be saved (sozo).’” (Acts 2:21)

This is yet another nail in the coffin of souls known as the Christian New Testament. Even when its authors turned to the Prophets for credibility’s sake, they embarrassed themselves. This did not occur in 33 CE but will in 2033. To understand Shabuw’ah, we must turn to Moseh, not Yow’el. Yow’el’s prophecy is spectacular, confirming many of the things we have surmised while offering new insights regarding what we should expect as the world is transformed before our eyes during the transition between Kipurym and Sukah.

It would be 2000 years from 33 CE to the last days in 2033. That alone should have been sufficient to scuttle Luke’s credibility and the notion that Acts was inspired. The Spirit did not come upon all flesh at this time – not even close. There were no new prophets inspired either – something that would remain so from Mal’aky to the fulfillment of Kipurym in 6000 Yah.

On this day, and for the 2000 which would transpire after it, there were no “wonders in the heavens nor signs in the earth beneath.” There would be “blood and fire, vapor and smoke” – but these would be man’s doing, not God’s. The “sun was not darkened” and the “moon did not appear as blood” at this time because the Day of Reconciliations in 6000 Yah, not Shabuw’ah in 4000 Yah, is the “great and notable day” of Yahowah to come. Further, as evidenced by this writing, no one called upon Yahowah’s name, and thus no one was saved.

So please tell me, how is it that billions upon billions are fooled by such outright lies? Unable to produce a 432prophecy, or even understand one, these buffoons couldn’t even get their history right. The acceptance of Acts provides a sad commentary on the perceptiveness of humankind. Most have become as Shim’own was portrayed: as dumb as a stone.

Luke’s late 1st century assessment of Shim’own’s protestations against his fellow Yahuwdym during the fulfillment of Seven Sevens continued with him giving religious zealots who were mocking these events an earful…

“Yisra’elite (Israelites – a transliteration of Yisra’elite) men (andros), listen to (akouo) these words (logos): Iesou (ΙΝΥ – a placeholder for Iesou which became “Jesus,” whose actual designation was Yahowsha’) the Nazarene (Nazoraios), is a man (andros) who publicly demonstrated (apodeiknymi) to (eis) you (sy) that He is from (apo) Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) using supernatural powers and abilities (dynamis) to perform extraordinary miracles with prophetic significance (teras).

These are signs (semeion) which (hos) Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) performed (poieomai) through (dia) him (autos) in your midst (mesos) as (kathos) you know (oida).” (Acts 2:22)

At this point, the ten tribes which comprised Yisra’el were long gone – hauled off to Assyria as slaves. Therefore, it is unlikely that Shim’own would have used this designation.

Having spent three years with Yahowsha’, Shim’own would have known his name, rendering “Iesou” absurd. The Greek rendering does not share a single letter in common with Yahowsha’. Even the Shin in Yahowsha’ is a sh, not s which would have been from a Sin or Samech.

Worse, why ask people to listen if all you are going to 433do is lie to them? Nazareth did not exist at the time. A town would not be established by that name until the 2nd or 3rd century. The designation, “Jesus of Nazareth,” conveys the wrong name and wrong place at the wrong time. This inclusion of Nazoraios here in Acts and again in Matthew proves that these embellishments were scribed by Eusebius in the 4th century – after Constantine’s mommy’s trip to the “Holy Land.”

If Yahowsha’ demonstrated that he was from God, there would have been no reason for this speech. If those among the hecklers had witnessed supernatural powers and extraordinary miracles, they would not be criticizing the Disciples but, instead, apologizing to them.

And yet, none of this would have made Yahowsha’ “Theos | God,” as the passage concludes. Moreover, it is not the purpose of the Passover Lamb to show off and not in God’s nature to dazzle us with signs and wonders. His preference is to impress us with His words – of which we have almost nothing credibly retained from Yahowsha’.

“He was appointed to (horizo) the pre-arranged and prophetic (prognosis) plan and purpose (boule) of Theos (ΘΣ)…” (Acts 2:23)

With Calvinism on the rise in the West, I would like to make an important distinction. Yahowah’s response to the fallen nature of humankind was predetermined but our response to God is always subject to freewill. Each of us has the opportunity to ignore God’s plan, serve a god of man’s making, accept Yahowah, or reject Him.

Within prophecy there are certain things which Yahowah has preordained – the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey are examples. They will be accomplished on the stage of human events in complete accord with the Towrah’s | Teaching, all in the proper order, and on the predetermined day, regardless of mankind’s response.

434Other prophecies simply report what mankind will do with the continued exercise of freewill. In such cases, Yahowah has witnessed our future and is reporting back to us what He has seen. Then when these things consistently occur as He attested, we are provided proof that we can trust His testimony. So, while Yahowah was certain that Yahuwdym would return to Yisra’el in the last days as a result of the Holocaust, He had no hand in those horrific events. Individual men and women made poor decisions, squandering the gift of freewill, and the consequences were devastating. Such will continue to be the case between now and 2033.

What follows is as essential to Paul’s claim that Christians replaced Jews because Jews betrayed God as it is errant in every regard. The purpose of the Pesach ‘Ayl was to be the Passover Lamb. Had Yahowsha’ not served to fulfill Yahowah’s promise, there would be no assurance of eternal life in the Covenant nor reason to trust God. Yahowsha’ did not fulfill Passover because he was betrayed, but instead because that was the reason he was here.

“…he was betrayed and given over (ekdotos) to (dia) the hand (cheir) of the Towrahless (anomos) who chose to take control and lift Him up (anaireo), affixing Him (prospegnumi).” (Acts 2:23)

If a modicum of Yahuwdym actually handed Yahowsha’ over to the Romans then, rather than blaming them and shaming them, we ought to be thanking them. Fulfilling Pesach was essential for us to live, and for that to occur, the lamb must die.

Everyone was “Towrahless” at this time. The Jews turned to their Talmud, the Greeks to the Odyssey, the Romans to the Aeneid, and the Christians to Paul’s Epistles.

While prospegnumi is almost always translated 435“crucify,” this Greek word simply means to “affix and to fasten.” I bring this to your attention because the Roman cross and its piercing nails were irrelevant. Christianity has made a religion out of an inanimate object. It is like crediting a knife for the Yatsa’ | Exodus rather than Pesach. The fulfillment of Passover is about the who, where, why, and when, not the how or even the what.

As an interesting aside, it is worth noting that the preponderance of Catholic sculptures and paintings depict Yahowsha’ in one of two ways, as a helpless infant attached to his mother, or helplessly affixed to a cross. It is as if the Catholic hierarchy has chosen to control him in these ways. They are quietly saying: if he cannot take care of himself, why would you trust him to take care of you?” And that leads to: “Trust us instead with your soul.”

“Theos (ΘΩ) restored Him to life and raised Him (anistamai), releasing and dismissing Him (lou) from the suffering and pain (odin) of death (thanatos) because (kathoti) it was not (ou) possible (dynatos) for Him to exist (eimi) held and influenced (krateo) by (hypo) these things.” (Acts 2:24)

On the contrary, the Passover Lamb is never restored to life. The Pesach ‘ayil does not make this sacrifice to save itself. Further, Yahowsha’s body suffered the full impact of what the Romans mercilessly inflicted. He was not released or dismissed from the pain. And as we know, the excruciating anguish was perpetrated by the Romans who became Roman Catholics, not Jews.

Furthermore, this diatribe was supposedly in support of the Miqra’ of Shabuw’ah. So why is “Peter” fixated on presenting what occurred previously? And why, if his intent was to also cover the events of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, didn’t he mention any of these by name? This is fixated on attributing Divine attributes to Iesou rather than explaining the benefits of the Mow’ed. If “Peter” 436wanted to speak about Yahowsha’, the time to do it was on Passover, not Shabuw’ah. Even within the jaundiced Christian accounts, Yahowsha’ departed prior to the fulfillment of Seven Sevens. The events of this day had nothing to do with him or what he had done.

That said, there are few things as insightful when understood as what actually transpired on Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children as it relates to Yahowsha’s body, Yahowah’s soul, and the Set-Apart Spirit. Fortunately, those who have been with us from the beginning know that Yahowah honored His promise to provide the lamb by placing His nepesh in Yahowsha’. Upon the completion of Passover, the Set-Apart Spirit took Yahowah’s soul to She’owl upon the death of Yahowsha’s body. What remained of the Passover Lamb was incinerated later that night in accordance with Yahowah’s instructions. Then during UnYeasted Bread, a Shabat in 33 CE, Yahowah’s soul endured She’owl to redeem us, to give us the choice of not being separated from Him. Having paid our penalty, the Set-Apart Spirit freed Yahowah’s soul from the place of separation, fulfilling Firstborn Children.

The Apostle’s alleged Shabuw’ah soliloquy was “advanced” by way of a second Tanakh citation, this time from the 16th Mizmowr / Psalm. But so as to better understand why he selected it, let’s begin our examination by studying the entire Song from which the excerpt was taken. Shim’own would not have cited it in a vacuum so we should not approach it out of context either.

It begins…

“A poem (miktam – a written piece of literature, inscribed by staining the parchment upon which it is indelibly conveyed) concerning Dowd (la Dowd – about the Beloved).

Watch closely over me and be concerned about me (shamar ‘any – keep a caring focus upon, tend to, and be 437observant regarding me), God (‘el), because (ky) in You (ba ‘atah – with You) I confide and trust so I am kept safe and comforted (chasah – I rely for protection and safekeeping).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:1)

The contrast is between trust and faith. Trust is the result of knowing while faith is its substitute. Dowd, as the exemplar of knowing, is God’s Chosen One. Paul, as the advocate of faith, became the Plague of Death. My hope is that Shim’own may have cited Dowd’s Psalm to make this very point.

Dowd knew where and with whom he stood…

“I say (‘amar – expressing in words) to approach (la – concerning and about) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name pronounced as taught by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation from ‘elowah – our God), ‘You are my foundation and support (‘edown ‘any ‘atah – You are my Upright One who is the Pillar of my Tabernacle).

I have nothing to offer which is worthwhile or useful (tobah ‘any bal – I have nothing good, satisfying, or beneficial) apart from You (‘al ‘atah).’” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:2)

Trust is built upon a reliable foundation. And when our footing is right, our lives are satisfying and worthwhile.

Our goal in life ought to be to approach Yahowah. The result is to be enriched by that which is genuinely worthwhile and beneficial.

If Dowd, the man with the most illustrious résumé on Earth, felt this way, it should be especially true for us. The most brilliant mind and articulate orator in human history credited Yahowah in everything.

I find it particularly reassuring that Dowd found pleasure in knowing that we would capitalize upon what he had written to lead others to this same place…

438“Regarding (la – pertaining to) the Set Apart (qadowsh – the separated and uncommon) in the Land (ba ha ‘erets – within the material realm) who show the way to the relationship (‘asher – who lead to the benefits of the proper path), they are also (hem wa) awesome (‘adyr – marvelous, honorable, and worthy), and in them (ba hem – with them) is all my satisfaction and enjoyment (kol chephets – is my greatest joy, engendering my complete support and appreciation).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:3)

God’s Covenant Family are Yah-some.

In contrast to those who would join him in their approach to Yahowah, Dowd realized that most people would be led astray – chasing after gods made by men…

“The sorrows and suffering (‘atsebeth – the anxiety and anguish, the unfavorable circumstances and mental illness) of those (hem) who are impetuous and who chase after (mahar – who are rash and without wisdom, who are fearful, and unwilling to invest the time to study, and who quickly buy into) another (‘achar – someone or something different, either following along or doing so to develop a following) will be great as they will be numerous and influential (rabah – will multiply, becoming the preponderance of people, and who through their popularity will gain tremendous status).

Their drink offerings of blood (nesek hem min dam – their sacred and pagan liquid libations to a deity associated with killing and death [a.k.a. the Roman Catholic claim that “Jesus” died and that they are drinking his blood during their Eucharist]), I will never pour or offer (bal nasak – I will not endorse, especially with all of their associations with pagan gods, religious rites, and death).

And I will not advance or promote (ba nasa’ – I will never lift up or bear, honor or respect, desire or tolerate) their names (‘eth shem hem) on my lips (‘al sapah – as 439part of my speech).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:4)

This is the choice between Dowd and Paul, Yahowah and Jesus, the Towrah and the New Testament, a relationship or a religion, the Covenant or Christianity, life or death. The latter is the fate of those who are impetuous and fearful, unwilling to invest the time to study the actual words Yahowah conveyed. And yet, Dowd knew the most influential and the most prevalent would be wrong. His assessment was as accurate then as it is now.

Dowd chose wisely and he was rewarded for being right…

“Yahowah’s (Yahowah) gift is my decision, my fate, my assigned share, and my reward (manath cheleq ‘any – allotment is my choice) as well as my cup and receptacle (wa kows ‘any – and the vessel which holds what I will drink).

You (‘atah) uphold (tamak) my lot and destiny (gowral ‘any – my portion and allotment, even my systematic means of making decisions, delineating the outcome). (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:5)

The measuring lines (chebel – the inheritance and boundary lines, the shares and apportionments) have aligned for me (naphal la ‘any – have been allotted and distributed to be) in highly acceptable and delightful ways (ba ha na’ym – in pleasant and favorable places).

Surely (‘aph – in addition), I have been offered (‘al ‘any) an enjoyable and pleasing, especially brilliant (shaphar – a lovely and beautiful, radiant and bright) inheritance (nachalah – association and share). (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:6)

I will commend the excellence of (barak ‘eth – I favor the goodness and I am thankful for the greatness of) Yahowah (Yahowah), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – who, to lead the way 440to the path to get the greatest joy out of life), determines the plan and provides me with counsel and purpose (ya’ats ‘any – decides the direction and offers me advice), even (‘aph) during the night (laylah).

Then my visceral reaction to being Yah’s implement (kilyah ‘any – my kidneys (which the ancient Hebrews perceived as the source of emotions), core nature, inclinations, and feelings, my innermost being; a compound of kol – total, kaly – implement of Yah) provides me with disciplined teaching, proper instruction, and correction (yasar ‘any – facilitates my training and acceptance, direction and guidance, and my appreciation for cause and consequence).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:7)

And now we know why Yahowah chose Dowd, called him His son, anointed him Mashyach, inspired him as a prophet, appointed him Shepherd and King, enabled him with His Spirit. It was for our benefit.

Yahowah is offering His children the ultimate reward: eternal life in His presence. It is a brilliant inheritance. And for it, we should be as Dowd was – appreciative, ever willing to proclaim the excellence of Yahowah and the resulting relationship.

The point to all of this is that we can live like Dowd, think like Dowd, and experience what Dowd enjoyed when we study his words and apply them to our lives. We should all be singing along, at least up to the point of screaming.

By robbing the world of everything Dowd contributed to our lives to legitimize the Dionysian caricature of “Jesus Christ,” Paul and pals transformed the Passover Lamb into an anti-Semitic monster. To confront this, Dowd leveled a broadside against the Gnostic nature of Pauline Christianity. The argument that Sha’uwl | Paul used to rob Yahowah, His Towrah, His Covenant, His People, and His Mashyach of their relevance was to opine that they were of 441the flesh, which, from the Gnostic perspective, was corruptible and evil.

While this would have been an exceedingly odd place for Shim’own to have begun his citation of a Mizmowr, it is nonetheless the place Luke jumped aboard. By doing so, rather than realizing that the Psalm is about Dowd describing his relationship with Yahowah, the reader of Acts is fooled into believing that David was speaking prophetically of the Christian “Jesus Christ” and referring to him as “the Lord.” I kid you not…

“For David speaketh concerning him [the context would make “him” “Jesus”], ‘I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: (Acts 2:25 KJV) Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:” (Acts 2:26 KJV)

Or if you prefer the more literal rendering…“For (gar – because) David (ΔΔ – a placeholder for Dowd using the Greek transliteration Dauid) said (lego – declared) of (eis) him (autos), ‘I foresee (proorao) the Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurios – the Lord and Master) in front of (enopion – and before) me (ego) always (pas) on my behalf (dia) because (hoti) from (ek – out of) His right hand (dexios – authority) I will not be (me eimi) shaken or swayed (saleuomai – be overthrown or distressed). (Acts 2:25)

Therefore (dia), my heart (kardia) rejoices (euphrainomai – celebrates), and my tongue (glossa – speech) delights (agalliao) that also (eti) my flesh (sarkos) will abide and endure (kataskenoo – live) as a result of (epi) a confident and trusting expectation (elpis).’” (Acts 2:26)

This is a horribly misconstrued paraphrase of Psalm 16:8-9 which was wrongly attributed. If you recall, in Acts 2:22-24, Shim’own was supposedly telling the Jews all 442about the miraculous nature of “Jesus.” So by saying that “David spoke concerning him,” Dowd’s assessment of his relationship with Yahowah was wrongly projected upon “Jesus.” This “mistake” by either Shim’own or Luke may have been due in part to not being aware that it was Yahowah’s name which had been replaced with “‘adony – the Lord” in the Septuagint, not Yahowsha’s. However, since Dowd’s Psalms were all written about Yahowah and never mentioned Yahowsha’ by name or title, this misrepresentation could not have been by accident.

In his Mizmowr, Dowd would continue to refer to God by His one and only name…

“I intensely desire to firmly place (shawah – I genuinely want to put) Yahowah (Yahowah) before me (la neged ‘any) always and continuously (tamyd – regularly and consistently, even perpetually).

Indeed (ky), as a result of (min) me being right (yamyn ‘any – my orientation, right side, or right hand, even looking east as the sun rises; from yaman – to choose to be right), I shall neither be shaken nor fall into an unfavorable or unresolvable circumstance (bal mowt – I will not slip up, be dislodged, stagger, fail, nor fall, nor will I lose control, be random in my approach, nor found to be consistently inadequate). (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:8)

Therefore (la ken), my attitude and thinking (leb ‘any – my inclination and disposition, my judgment and approach, my character and nature, my internal resolve and thoughtful responses) are joyous (samach – are upbeat and happy, elated and content).

What’s more (wa), the manifestation of power which is abundant and valued within my persona (kabowd ‘any – the glorious and rewarding Divine presence within me) expresses His joy over this enormously favorable and uplifting situation and outcome (gyl).

443In addition (‘aph – moreover and furthermore), my physical body and my proclamation regarding my flesh (basar – my pronouncement and positive news regarding my corporeal human and animal nature, and the substance which sustains that life) lives and abides (shakan – dwells and remains, camping out for a considerable period of time) with confidence (la betach – safely and securely, without any concern, through trusting and relying; from batach – to trust and rely with confidence and be bold, living without fear).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:9)

And therein is how the Christian New Testament deceives. By removing citations from their proper context, misquoting and misapplying them, the likes of Luke and Paul have tricked readers into believing things about “Jesus” which apply to Dowd | David. Robbing David to pay tribute to Jesus is among the most egregious and deadly crimes ever committed by religious men. It was the first of two steps which led to the malignant myth of Replacement Theology. After replacing David with Jesus, they would substitute Gentiles for Jews.

Along these lines, the statement “I foresaw the Lord always before my face” will be extrapolated to convey something astonishingly sinister by the time we reach Acts 2:35. The bad boys of Christendom were just getting warmed up.

Also telling, Paul claimed that, by contrast, his faith was spiritual, and thus better. He slathered ‘Abraham and Dowd with his errant perceptions to make his point. Unfortunately for Paul, and those who foolishly believe he spoke for God, the flesh is not evil.

Should Dowd be correct regarding the flesh, and he was clearly inspired by Yah, then Paul, and his publicist, Luke, were not only wrong, they could not have been inspired by God. As is the case with everything in this debate, trust and reliance, indeed confidence, is a product 444of knowing and understanding insights such as this, while faith bridges the gap when a believer is ignorant and/or irrational. The reason Yahowah inspired Dowd to share this with us is so that we could replace one with the other, and like His prophet, be right.

Should you hold the belief that this poem has not been about commending Yahowah and condemning Sha’uwl | Paul and the religion he and his devotees fathered, consider this, especially in light of Paul saying: “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.” (Acts 13:36) Methinks this proves that the principal author of the Christian New Testament was wrong…

“By way of contrast (ky – emphasizing this point while exposing the contrary position), You will not abandon Your association with (lo’ ‘azab – You will not neglect, reject, forsake, nor desert, never releasing (qal imperfect)) my soul (nepesh ‘any – my consciousness, my inner person, character, and personality) with regard to Sha’uwl (la She’owl / la Sha’uwl – by approaching She’owl or on behalf of the goals of Sha’uwl), never allowing (lo’ nathan – never offering nor giving, not permitting nor surrendering (qal imperfect)) Your Set-Apart One (chasyd ‘atah – Your dedicated and loyal one, Your special and unique individual (adjective singular)) to see (ra’ah – to look upon, to experience, to gloat about, or to find pleasure in) corruption or degradation (shachath – what it is like to be corrupt or corrupted, useless or ruined, marred or blemished, dishonest exploitation or fraud, especially in association with the slime and the dungeon and pit in which such corrupt and ruinous captives are destroyed).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:10)

What is particularly illuminating about this statement is that Sha’uwl (mis)quoted it as Divinely inspired, thereby acknowledging that it was true. And yet by 445misappropriating it for ‘Jesus,’ Paul undeniably proved that he should not be trusted.

Paul went on to say… “So it is also stated elsewhere: ‘You will not let your holy one see decay.’” (Acts 13:35 NIV). Let’s never lose sight of the realization that Sha’uwl and She’owl are synonymous for a reason. One leads to the other.

Luke, aware of Paul’s twisted portrayal of Psalm 16, did his mentor proud and had “Peter” endorse the same myth…“‘Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.’” (Acts 2:27)

Or…“‘Because (hoti) my soul (psyche – consciousness) will not (ou) be utterly forsaken and totally abandoned (egkataleipo – be left behind and deserted) in Hades (hades – the abode of the dead). Neither (oude) will Your Set-Apart and Dedicated One (hosios – loyal and faithful, undefiled and pure) be allowed (didomi) to see (horao – experience) decay and decomposition (diaphthora).’” (Acts 2:27)

The inference Luke and Paul were making at Shim’own’s and Dowd’s expense was that David’s body rotted in the grave while “Jesus” did not suffer that indignity. However, the prophecy was addressing Dowd’s soul, not Yahowsha’s body. Therefore, the authors of the Christian New Testament deliberately lied to promote their religion.

As such, this remains a debate between relationship and religion, between right and wrong, between Dowd and Sha’uwl, between the Towrah and New Testament, and between the Covenant and Christianity. God is on Dowd’s side, which is why Loukas and Sha’uwl misquoted this statement and twisted it to claim otherwise. Forewarned is forearmed.

446Sha’uwl’s way leads to death and destruction while Dowd’s way leads to renewed life. It is the reason this Mizmowr was written. Let us never forget…

“You have made known to me (yada’ ‘any – You are my source of understanding, You reveal information and instruction to me, You enable me to be aware and perceptive such that I am acquainted with, reveal, and experience) the way to (‘orach – the path, manner, conduct, and route to travel which leads from this place to) life (chay – living a bountiful, blessed, favorable, and prosperous existence, nourished, restored, and renewed; from chayah – to live and remain alive, with life restored and sustained).

There is total satisfaction and contentment in the abundant (soba’ – there is complete and abounding) transcendent joy (simchah – sublime delight with an uplifting cheerful attitude, favorably entertaining the senses) associated with Your presence (‘eth paneh ‘atah – through Your appearance and in association with Your face).

The pleasure of being accepted (na’ym – the benefits of being considered favorably and becoming acceptable, along with the melodious contentment and satisfaction) by being right with You (ba yamyn ‘atah – with my orientation on Your right side, with my right hand in Yours, and with me looking east in the morning toward You as the sun rises; from yaman – having chosen to be right) is glorious and forevermore (netsach – is splendid and unending, producing everlasting status and permanent prominence).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to be Sung / Psalm 16:11)

This, which was written by Dowd and of Dowd, is to be compared with this projection onto “Jesus”…“‘Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.’” (Acts 2:28)

447Or literally… “‘Reveal and make known to (gnorizo – provide the information needed to understand and thereby expose to) me (ego) the way (hodos – path, road, and journey) to a complete and fulfilling (pleroo – full and abundant) life (zoe) of joy and gladness (euphrosyne – cheerfulness and gratitude) in proximity to (meta – in association with) Your presence (prosopon).’” (Acts 2: 28)

To accept Yah is to be right. To know Yah is to live. To be with Yahowah is to be joyous, satisfied, and content. We would have to search long and hard to find a more fitting proclamation to refute the likes of Paul and Luke.

We could read this a thousand times and never grow weary of what it reveals. And yet by contrast, there is the swamp of grotesque corruptions known as the Christian New Testament. It is filled with deliberately convoluted statements like these written by Luke and yet it is by a factor of a million-to-one more popular than Yahowah’s prophets.

One of two things is true: Shim’own agreed with Sha’uwl and wrongly attributed something Dowd wrote about himself and his relationship with Yahowah, and projected it onto Iesou, or Luke, Paul’s apologist and propagandist, put these words in “Peter’s” mouth to support his mentor. And if you are wondering who to blame for this deliberate and debilitating deception, you may want to consider who wrote it.

Our excursion into the bowels of the Christian New Testament has thus far provided very little to affirm the Towrah’s presentation of Shabuw’ah. And yet by considering how its authors convoluted Yahowah’s intent by misquoting Him, we have learned a great deal about the religion Paul perpetrated to rob Jews of their rights and responsibilities, beginning with Dowd.

This known, if you are interested in knowing or 448sharing the way to life, consider reading and reciting Dowd’s Mizmowr rather than anything scribbled in the Christian New Testament. Therein, you will become right, will be accepted, and find satisfaction – enveloped in Yahowah’s glory forevermore.

This is now Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s argument placed in the mouth of Shim’own | Peter. It remains inaccurate…

“Gentlemen (andros), brothers (adelphos), it is possible (exesti – permissible and obligatory) after all to say (eipon – based on this account) to you in open public discourse, enjoying freedom of speech (parresia – without any concern or fear) with regard to (pros) and concerning (peri) the patriarch (patriaches – founder and forefather) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for Dauid, a Greek transliteration for Dowd), that (hoti) he both died (teleutao – his life is finished and has come to a close) and was buried (thapto), and his tomb (mnema – grave) exists (eimi – and can be identified) among (en) us, even until (achri) this (houtos) day (hemera). (Acts 2:29)

Being (hyparcho) therefore (oun) a prophet (prophetes), and knowing (oida) that (hoti) Theos (ΘΣ) swore (omnuo) an oath (horkos) that from out (ek) of the fruit (darpos) of his loins (osphys), would sit (kathizo) upon (epi) His (autos) throne (thronos), he foresaw (proorao) and spoke (laleo) about (peri) the rising up and standing upright (anastasis) of the Christon (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon, which became Christ), because namely (hoti), He was not (oute) left behind and abandoned so as to remain (egkataleipo – forsaken and deserted) at (eis – inside and within) Hades (hades – the abode of the dead), nor (oute) did His flesh (sarx – physical human body) see (horao – experience) decay and decomposition (diaphthora – corruption).” (Acts 2:30-31)

Wow, it is hard to believe that they were this overtly committed to killing and burying “David.” There is likely 449nothing in all the universe that they could have said more irritating to his Father – who just so happens to be God.

This is Paul’s plot, one which Luke advanced by ascribing it to Peter. But every aspect of it is a lie – from the details to its sweeping implications.

For example, unlike ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob, who have always been the “forefathers” of Yisra’el, Dowd was not a patriarch. Dowd is the Son of God, the King of Yisra’el, and the Messiah – none of which apply to Yahowsha’ as is claimed by Luke or Paul. Moreover, the location of Dowd’s tomb, other than it is somewhere among the twelve acres which would have comprised “the City of Dowd,” remains unknown.

According to Yahowah, Dowd’s soul was put in a sleeplike state, awaiting his reawakening prior to his glorious return. His nepesh most assuredly is not “dead.” Moreover, the prophecy was unequivocally about Dowd’s soul, not his physical body as Luke and Paul are insisting.

Remember…“By way of contrast, You will not abandon Your association with my soul (nepesh ‘any – my consciousness) with regard to Sha’uwl, never allowing Your Set-Apart One to see corruption or degradation (shachath – what it is like to be corrupt or corrupted, useless or ruined, dishonest or associated with the slime pit in which such corrupt and ruinous captives are destroyed).” (Mizmowr 16:10)

Therefore, Paul’s and Luke’s argument was predicated upon a false premise and then based upon a citation which does not apply, which they then misappropriated and misquoted. And this is just in the hypothesis stage of their delusion. The prophecy in Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7, to which Luke is alluding, does not predict the arrival of a Messiah who would be known as Christon | Christ. It does not speak of Yahowsha’ or of “Jesus.” Instead, just like the misappropriated Psalm, 2 Samuel 7 is all about Dowd | 450David – and only the Beloved from beginning to end.

This sweeping prophecy opens with Yahowah explicitly speaking to Dowd and then it concludes with God directly addressing Dowd once again. In the middle, Yahowah speaks to us of Dowd. Other than the conduit of this proclamation, Nathan, and the one offering it, Yahowah, no other name is mentioned.

The only thing which changes as we move through the prophecy is the audience. At times Yahowah is speaking to us of Dowd and at others, God is directly addressing His son. When you arrive at this transition in the 12th statement, this perspective will help you appreciate why God goes from referring to Dowd as “you” and then speaks of “he” when He, Yahowah, is speaking to us about him. God’s return to “you” then occurs at the conclusion of the 14th statement.

“It came to pass when the king sat down and relaxed in his home, because Yahowah had given him comforting respite from his adversaries, (7:1) that the king said to Nathan, the prophet, ‘Please look around. I live in a house of cedar, but the Ark of God sits within curtains.’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:2)

So, Nathan said to the king, ‘Choose to go and do all that is in your best judgment for Yahowah.’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:3)

But then that evening it came to be that the word of Yahowah came to Nathan. He conveyed, (7:4) ‘Go and tell Dowd, My coworker, that this is what Yahowah says. “Why should you build Me a home to live in? (7:5)

Indeed, I have not lived in any house since the time that I lifted the Children of Yisra’el out of the crucibles of oppression in Mitsraym, even to this day. I have existed going about in a tent dwelling. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:6)

451Anywhere along the way, that I have journeyed with the Children of Yisra’el, did I say a single word to any of the tribes of Yisra’el, My people, Yisra’el, whom I fed, asking, ‘Why not build Me a house of cedar?’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:7)

Therefore, say to My associate, Dowd, this is what Yahowah of the spiritual implements says, “I took you from the sheepfolds, from chasing after lambs, to be the leader over My People, over Yisra’el. (7:8)

And I have been with you wherever you traveled. I have cut off all of your enemies, removing them from your sight, and I have made your name great, comparable to the names of the greatest on earth. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:9)

Furthermore, I will appoint a place for My People, Yisra’el. And I will plant them there such that they may dwell in this place of their own and never have to move again.

Neither shall the Son of Evil afflict them any more as will have been the case. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:10)

And since the time that I instructed the Judges in conjunction with My People, Yisra’el, I have created for you a respite from all of your enemies.’

Moreover, Yahowah is boldly and publicly announcing for you that, indeed, He will act, engaging with you to create a family and home. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:11)

‘Surely (ky), your days will be proclaimed and fulfilled (male’ yowmym ‘atah) after your relaxing rest (wa shakab) with your fathers (‘eth ‘ab ‘atah).

Then I will rise up and take a stand (quwm) to bring to fruition what you have sown (zera’) without hesitating nor delaying (‘achar) your approach to providing the way to the benefits of the relationship 452(‘asher).

This shall be extracted and withdrawn, then delivered out of (yatsa’ min) a small particle of your physiological nature (ma’ah).”

And so (wa) I will establish (kuwn) his reign over his kingdom (‘eth mamlakah huw’).’” (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:12)

I am interrupting the flow of this prophecy regarding Dowd because I want you to appreciate something that has taken me twenty years to fully comprehend. The primary meaning of ky is not “when,” but instead, “truthfully.” The verb male’ was scribed in the imperfect conjugation. Therefore, it cannot be addressing something which is over, such as Dowd’s previous existence. Instead, in the imperfect, male’ speaks of an everlasting fulfillment – thereby addressing Dowd’s eternal reign as King of Kings.

After Dowd’s relaxing intermission between the two phases of his life, with shakab scribed in the perfect, thus indicating that his rest is now over, Yahowah is going to intervene in the course of human events to quwm ‘eth zera’ | establish what Dowd has sown. Zera’ speaks of seeds which, when sown, take root and grow. It serves as a metaphor for the tens of thousands of thoughtful words this man wrote on our behalf.

Yahowah is not doing this “after” Dowd, but instead “without hesitating or delaying, and without equivocating.” Such is the primary meaning of ‘achar derived from its verbal root. And it is ‘asher which brought us to this place, to this prophecy, and to this understanding over the course of the past twenty years. More than anyone who ever lived, Dowd embodies “the way to the benefits of the relationship.”

Yatsa’ is the operative term of the “Exodus.” It means “to withdraw, to extract, and to deliver.” It does not speak 453of a man’s seed, in the sense of sperm, gushing out of his manhood. Equally revealing, the primary meaning of ma’al is not “viscera,” but instead it describes “a minute, exceedingly small, particle which comprises something much larger.” That particle is Dowd’s DNA.

The Second Coming of Dowd will be manifest, not only through the return of his nepesh | soul, but also by reconstituting his DNA. This manifestation of the Messiah will not only have Dowd’s authority and personality, but his appearance as well. The returning Messiah, Son of God, and King of Kings, will be Dowd. And that is why Yahowah is now speaking of him to us, telling us what they will accomplish together…

“‘He, himself, shall reestablish and restore a home for My name. And, I will fashion and form the place of honor of his kingdom as an eternal witness forever. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:13)

I, Myself, will be a Father for him and he shall be My son. So when that which is perverted and twisted is associated with him, I will correctly reciprocate and argue on his behalf, deciding with him to chastise with the scepter of this man, and by assaulting so as to end the lives of the children of ‘Adam. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:14)

Then My steadfast love and enduring mercy shall not be taken away from him in the manner that I rejected it being associated with Sha’uwl, whom, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship, I removed, abolishing before your appearance. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:15)

Moreover, your house will remain established, verified and true and your kingdom and reign will exist forever as an eternal witness in association with My presence.

454Your throne and place of honor shall exist and be established forevermore.’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:16)

Consistent with all of these words and everything within this revelation, Nathan correctly conveyed them to Dowd.” (Shamuw’el / Listen to Him / 2 Samuel 7:17)

Once again, Yahowah revealed something exceedingly important and useful and the religious have sought to convolute it to serve their perverted interests. That which Luke took from Dowd to make his Iesoun appear worthy became part and parcel of Christianity.

Demonstrating that our assessment was correct, and that Peter, Luke, Paul, and/or the Roman Catholic Church concocted this medley to take what was said of Dowd on these two occasions and apply it to Iesou Christon | Jesus Christ, Shim’own’s monologue resumes with one of the Church’s misnomers for Yahowsha’…

“This Iesoun (ΙΝ – placeholder for Iesoun – Jesus) whom Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) raised up (anistamai – caused to be restored to life and stand upright), which all (pas) of us exist as (eimi) witnesses (martyros – spectators and observers who can testify based upon their experience), therefore (oun) is the right hand (dexia – the authority and power) of Theos (ΘΥ), lifted up and exalted (hypsoo).

He also (te) promised (epangelia) the Holy (hagion) Pneuma (ΠΝΣ – placeholder for pneuma – spirit) who is received and acquired (lambano) from (para) the Pater (ΠΡΣ – placeholder for pater – father), which (hos) you all (sou) have also (kai) seen (blepo) and heard (akouo).” (Acts 2:32-33)

There was no one named “Iesoun.” The person being addressed in the prophecy was Dowd, not Yahowsha’. And the Passover Lamb’s body was bludgeoned, discarded, and incinerated. The pesach ‘ayl never comes back to life – as 455that would be ridiculous and defeat its purpose.

No one in this alleged audience was a witness to a risen Iesoun. Fact is, those exposed to the post-Bikuwrym presentation of Yahowah’s nepesh did not recognize Him – negating this claim. Further, Dowd is the Right Hand of God, not Iesoun.

The Father is not the source of the Set-Apart Spirit. She is the Maternal representation of Yahowah’s nature. Moreover, no man has seen the Ruwach Qodesh. I do not think that these clowns could have messed this up any worse, even if that had been their intent.

The Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit is, as Her title denotes, “set apart” from Yahowah. She is part of God projected into our frame of reference and represents the more feminine and maternal aspects of Yahowah’s nature. She is not, however, a separate “person” or involved in religion.

The Greek hagiazo, which is typically rendered “holy,” denotes religious implications. In addition to the “Holy Ghost,” Christianity sports a “Holy Catholic Church,” “Holy Bible,” a “Holy Father,” the “Holy See,” a “Holy Mother,” the “Holy One,” a “Holy Trinity,” “Holy Water,” “Holy Baptism,” and the “Holy Grail,” in addition to “Holy Communion” to name a few – even a “Holy of Holies” and “Holy War” fought over the “Holy Land.” They even celebrate “Halloween.” The New World Encyclopedia states: “The word Holy denotes the presence of sacredness in an object, being, person, place, or idea. It can also indicate an experience of numinosity – all-inspiring and imbued with sacredness. It is often ascribed to saints, gurus, times, or places.” Thomas Aquinas defined holiness “as a virtue by which man’s mind applies itself and all its acts to God.”

The origin of the word “holy” comes from the 11th century Old German hulis and Old English holegn meaning 456“Holly” as in the Holly Tree – considered a sacred plant to both pre-Christian Celtic and Roman worship. “To hold holy” became “to be holy,” and then “to make holy,” as in “to sanctify.”

The concept of being “set apart” is as central to the Covenant as religious notions like holy are opposed to it. At best, “holy” conceals and corrupts this message, and it replaces God’s terminology with man’s. Worse, it applies attributes to saints, objects, relics, and the Spirit which are completely inaccurate.

But the story gets darker, because holy has a satanic past. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “holy” was “originally used to venerate heathen deities in Old Norse.” In the Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols, “holy in practically all languages was derived from the divinely honored sun.” Forlong’s Encyclopedia of Religions says: “Holi is the Great Hindu spring festival held in honor of Krishna as the spring sun-god…and a personified woman called Holi.”

Heilei, which is the German pronunciation of holy, means “sun’s ray” and “halo” – combining the religious and scientific symbols for the sun god and man. It is then little wonder religious types are wont to place these pagan images over the heads of their “saints.” As confirmation of this, J.C. Cooper in his Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols, writes: “Nimbus (a halo around a saint’s head replete with a sunburst), Halo, and Aureole (a heavenly crown of radiant light or corona worn by saints) were originally indicative of solar power and of the sun’s disk, and hence display an attribute of sun-gods.”

Since so many of man’s religious words, such as “church,” which is an adaptation of Circe (pronounced similarly to church, representing the sun goddess who was the daughter of Helios), come from Germanic sources, it is instructive to know that heilei and heilig, the German 457equivalent of holy, were derived from Heil. In Bell’s New Pantheon, “Heil was a Saxon (Prussian and North Germanic) idol.” So it is safe to say that at best, “holy” is wrong in that it misses the point, and at worst, “holy” leads us in the wrong direction.

The closest Hebrew word, choly, is typically transliterated as “holy” and means “severe plague and chronic sickness.” Shim’own would have known better, but not Luke.

At this point, Luke, speaking for Shim’own, would have us believe, that the Beloved Son of God, the Messiah, the past and future King of Yisra’el, Yahowah’s Firstborn and Chosen One, His Shepherd and the Branch, the great Prophet and Psalmist, did not get into heaven. If so, then no one will ever get in…

“For (gar – indeed) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for the Greek transliteration Dauid), did not (ou) ascend (anabaino – rise and go up) to (eis) heaven (ouranos), but (de) himself (autos) said (lego), ‘Said (eipon) Lord (ΚΣ – placeholder for kurios – lord): My (ego) Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurio – lord) sits and resides (kathemai – lives and remains) out of (ek) My (ego) right side (dexios – right hand of power and authority) (Acts 2:34) until (hoes) I put (tithemi) your enemies (echthros) as a footstool (hypopodion) for your feet (podos).’” (Acts 2:35)

The initial declaration that – “David did not ascend to heaven” – is so far from the truth, so insulting to Yahowah, so demeaning of His Beloved, so negating of the Covenant, and so dismissive of the Mow’ed Miqra’ey, by stating it publicly, Luke and his mentor, Paul, have earned for themselves a long stay in She’owl | Hell. And from this juncture into oblivion, the Church has opined that “the Lord speaking of my Lord” proves that there are multiple persons in the “godhead” and that the unnamed “Jesus” 458must be in heaven instead of David. Stupid is as stupid says.

Just for my own entertainment, I would ask the morons promoting these lies: If we are to suppose that Dowd is speaking in the first person, who is it that is saying “until I put your enemies as a footstool for your feet?” With Dowd as the speaker rather than the subject of the Psalm, wouldn’t that make “Dauid” more powerful than “the Lord?”

Tell me please, how is it that the full cadre of Christian theologians over this vast chasm of time have not been able to admit the conclusion of the sentence negates any possibility that it was spoken by “David” of “Jesus?” Are they all complete ignoramuses or is their problem a total lack of integrity?

We have more copies of the Psalms extant among the Dead Sea Scrolls than any other, more even than the Towrah or Isaiah. Unfortunately, this citation from Psalm 110, which is what Luke misappropriated, is not among them. And at issue is the use of ‘adony | my lord after and before Yahowah’s name, in addition to the realization that the entire Psalm was written in Yahowah’s voice as God addresses His subject in second and third person. This is to suggest that Yahowah is speaking to this individual and then of him as was the case in Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7.

This said, the Psalm was written about Dowd, not by Dowd – as is the case with the magnificent 89th Mizmowr. Therefore, the introductory line in Acts 2, “but he, himself, said…” is an unproven assumption. It is far more likely that the Psalm was scribed about Dowd since every statement save one fits what Yahowah has said of him and no one else.

“A psalm (mizmowr – a poetic song with melody and words) regarding (la – about and concerning the approach of) Dowd (Dowd – the Beloved).”

459Using the primary meaning of the preposition, la, the mystery of the Psalm is resolved. It is not Dowd, himself, who is saying…, but is instead what Yahowah is saying about Dowd.

Based upon the Masoretic Text, the Mizmowr reads:

“Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) prophetically announces in advance of it occurring (na’um – declares and predicts through a prophet) concerning (la – regarding and about the approach of) my Lord and my Upright One (‘adony / ‘edony – my master and authority figure used as a sign of respect by someone looking up to another individual, or my foundation and support upon which I stand): ‘You have chosen of your own accord to actually dwell (yashab – under the auspices of freewill, you have decided to genuinely live and remain (qal imperative – a genuine expression of volition in the second person)) at (la – near and by) My right side (yamyn ‘any – My right hand with My power and authority) as an eternal witness (‘ad – continuously and forever, into perpetuity as a source of testimony).

I will place (syth – I will set (qal imperfect)) your enemies and those who discount you (‘oyab ‘atah – your foes who are openly hostile to your status and opposed to your position, displaying animus and rancor toward you) as (la) your foot (regel ‘atah) stool (hadom – a piece of furniture to rest one’s feet; from an unused root meaning to stamp upon).’” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:1)

This was written by a prophet, perhaps the aforementioned Nathan, to reveal what Yahowah said to him regarding this individual, whom the prophet calls either ‘adony | my lord or ‘edony | my upright one. Either is a common and appropriate title to use when addressing a person of some status, like a king, whom the writer knows 460and respects. However, not only is it inappropriate to call Yahowah “my Lord,” this is not Yahowah speaking at this point, as there is no situation where He would refer to anyone as “My Lord.” Further, there would have been no one at the time this was written who would have known Yahowsha’ or spoken of him as ‘my Anything.’ To which we should add, all but one word of what follows obviously pertains to Dowd and nothing is applicable to Yahowsha’.

Excuse me for a moment, but as Captain Obvious, I would like to point out that the psalmist has already identified “my lord.” The introduction reads: “A psalm (mizmowr) about (la – concerning) Dowd (Dowd).”

Recognizing that Yahowah’s soul was deployed in Yahowsha’ to honor God’s Pesach and Matsah promises, the Christian premise unravels. It would have Yahowah predicting that His soul decided independently of Himself to live at His right side. Even if it were possible, there would be no reason to predict such a thing.

While God has freewill, Yahowah is speaking of another, not Himself. And the one person who has made it abundantly clear that he has chosen to live with Yah is Dowd. And not-so-coincidentally, he is the same person Yahowah has referred to as His Right Hand.

Yahowsha’ did not leave us with a single written word, and Dowd was the most prolific writer among Yahowah’s prophets. Dowd exemplifies “‘ad – an everlasting and eternal witness.”

Yahowsha’ has never been “‘oyab – discounted by those opposed to his position” but instead the opposite. He is afforded titles well beyond what is appropriate. By contrast, Dowd’s Psalms are replete with references to his enemies who have sought to negate his position with Yahowah.

Dowd is the only one being discredited by those 461besmirching him and ascribing undue status to Yahowsha’. To claim that David is not in heaven is as opposed to his status as is possible to assert.

Very few acknowledge Dowd as the Right Hand and Son of God, as the Shepherd and the Messiah, or the King of Kings who is returning to vanquish Yisra’el’s foes. And this passage in Acts 2 is one of many which point directly toward what Christians have done at Dowd’s expense. So even at this early point, we know that this is not something being said by Dowd or about Yahowsha’, negating Luke’s claim on behalf of Sha’uwl.

When we compare Luke’s positioning of this prophetic declaration with Yahowah’s presentation of it, an observant and rational reader immediately recognizes that the misquoted statement provides no evidence to prove any of Luke’s assertions – and many to discredit them. While his rendition shares some words in common to fool the unwary, the Psalm does not infer that “David did not ascend to heaven.” The prophecy is about Dowd, so he is not the one who said what follows – negating the somewhat clever repositioning. The Greek citation replaced Yahowah’s name with “kurios – Lord,” giving the false impression that there were two “Lords” in the passage, with one referring to “Jesus Christ.” However, counter to Luke’s claim, nothing in the prophecy applies to Yahowsha’, and thus cannot be the Passover Lamb.

Before we move on, let’s compare God’s Word to man’s New Testament drivel…

“A psalm (mizmowr) about (la) Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd). Yahowah (Yahowah) prophetically announces in advance of it occurring (na’um) concerning the approach of (la) my Lord and Upright One (‘adony / ‘edony): ‘You have chosen of your own accord to actually dwell (yashab) at (la) My right side (yamyn ‘any) as an eternal witness (‘ad).

462I will place (syth) your enemies and those who discount you (‘oyab ‘atah) as (la) your foot (regel ‘atah) stool (hadom).’” (Mizmowr / Psalm 110:1)


“For (gar) Dauid (ΔΔ), did not (ou) ascend (anabaino) to (eis) heaven (ouranos), but (de) himself (autos) said (lego), ‘Said (eipon) Lord (ΚΣ): My (ego) Lord (ΚΩ) sits and resides (kathemai) out of (ek) My (ego) right side (dexios) until (hoes) I put (tithemi) your enemies (echthros) as a footstool (hypopodion) for your feet (podos).” (Acts 2:34-35)

How is it that over the past 1700 years, not a single religious scholar has denounced this obvious deception while countless have opined that it validates the Trinity? Is the Christian religion that universally effective at incapacitating every believer’s ability to think or are the clerics and theologians in on the scam?

While the misappropriated and mistranslated portion of the Psalm in Acts 2 concludes with the 1st verse, I am not one to turn the page when there is much more to learn, when there are false prophets to expose and liars to condemn. The fraudulent repositioning of the 110th Psalm to elevate “Jesus” over Dowd is something those who love Yahowah must overcome with evidence and reason. In spite of its repetitive mentions of Yahowah’s name and its overt violence against Yisra’el’s foes, as Yahowah and His coworker rid the world of Christians, Psalm 110 is the single most quoted Hebrew citation in the Greek New Testament.

As we recommence, Yahowsha’ never touched a scepter or a lance, and did not wield a staff while shepherding sheep, but Dowd held all three in a meaningful way. Dowd ruled over Yisra’el as King and he is defined by Tsyown, but neither apply to Yahowsha’. Dowd fought countless battles to protect his people, while Yahowsha’ 463did not fight anyone.

“Your mighty scepter (mateh ‘oz ‘atah – your fortified staff, powerful spear, and forceful lance), Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration) extends (shalach – reaches out) from (min) Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown) to rule, dominating and subduing (radah – to lead and direct while showing authority over (qal imperative)) your foes who are openly hostile to your status and opposed to your position (‘oyab ‘atah – your enemies and those who discount you, displaying animus and rancor toward you) in battle (ba qerab – while fighting the war).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:2)

Yahowah spoke of doing this very thing for and with Dowd in the Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7 passage Sha’uwl and his pals misappropriated. It is a constant theme throughout the Prophets. Dowd is a fighter, a shepherd and king who constantly battled to protect his people. Yahowsha’ never confronted a militant foe.

We will discover that, while both Dowd and Yahowsha’ came from Bethlehem, the location and purpose of Tsyown is explained in harmony with the Mashyach while Yahowsha’ is never mentioned in association with this place. This connection is so strong, there is only one man, at the exclusion of all others, of whom Yahowah would “extend from Tsyown.”

There are only two individuals Yahowah has announced are returning. ‘Elyah will arrive in Yaruwshalaim on Passover in 2030 to serve as one of two witnesses. And Dowd will be returning with Yahowah on the Day of Reconciliations in 2033 as Mashyach and Melek. His first order of business will be to do as Psalm 110:2 predicts.

464While we know that there are several wonderful prophecies pertaining to the fulfillment of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, not only is Yahowsha’ never mentioned by name in his role as the Passover Lamb, what was left of his mauled and crucified body was incinerated, ceasing to exist. All that remains of him is Yahowah’s nepesh | soul – further disqualifying him from being “my lord” or benefiting from a “footstool.”

In this next statement, ‘am ‘atah | your people is used in reference to the family comprised of the Children of Yisra’el – not a gowym church.

“Your people (‘am ‘atah – your family) will be free and abundantly enriched, willing and able (nedabah – will be liberated and highly motivated, desirous and eager to volunteer and play their part), on the day (ba yowm – during the time) associated with the beautiful appearance and uncommon splendor, the uniquely majestic and honorable manifestation (ba hadar qodesh – in glorious fashion, instilling respect, adorned in a manner which sets you apart as a person of the highest status), of your physical prowess, exceptional qualifications, noble character, and unique ability (chayl ‘atah – of your extraordinary endurance and effectiveness, even your enormous wealth, the strength of your troops and your political and military competence, also your ability to prosper through an eternity of time).

From (min – out of) the womb and in love, showing the compassion of a Mother (rechem – the point of origin with great affection and mercy, showing concern for the relationship), your light will dawn, approaching (mishchar la ‘atah – in the early morning light, your time will approach, transitioning from darkness to light with a renewed vigor; from my – to ponder the implications of shachar – being diligently observant while earnestly seeking the truth from the onset, right from the very beginning with) the prosperity and abundance (tal – like 465the enveloping covering and refreshing nature of the dew, you will be renewed, adorned, and pervasive; from talal – to be wholly saturated and covered) of your youth (yalduwth ‘atah – of the time you were young, your childhood; from yalad – when you were born).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:3)

This is prophetic of the Second Coming of Dowd | David. When he returns, it will be to liberate and enrich his people – Yisra’el and Yahuwdah. It is a time when everyone will be like-minded, motivated to help rid the world of every threat – including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Socialist Secular Humanism. God’s people will rally around our leader, the Messiah and King, eager to volunteer as the Earth is scrubbed of the stench of religion and nationalism.

We are told on two occasions that Dowd was beautiful, the most handsome of men (Psalm 45 and 1 Samuel 16). By contrast, we were informed in Isaiah 53 that Yahowsha’ was average-looking at best. Therefore, should I have been correct regarding ma’al describing “a minute, exceedingly small, piece” of Dowd’s DNA, then we will see him in all of his original glory – just as this Psalm attests.

This said, Yahowah’s perspective on men is different from our own. Dowd was beautiful in Yahowah’s eyes for many reasons. Among them were his brilliant mind, soaring rhetoric, passion for his people, and exemplary character. I have only seen his words, and yet, after observing them I have come to love him.

One of the most effective ways to ascertain the identity of the individual presented in Messianic prophecies, such as the one in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9:6-7, besides the fact that Dowd’s name is included in most of them, is that he is presented as a gibowr. Its definition is very similar to chayl: “physical prowess, exceptional qualifications, noble character, and unique ability.” It foretells of a man of 466“extraordinary endurance and effectiveness, who possesses enormous wealth.” And as a gibowr and chayl, he will be “a warrior, someone who fights to defend Yisra’el, competently leading troops into battle while wielding political and military authority.” Dowd is this man. Yahowsha’ is not.

The conclusion of the 3rd statement of the 110th Mizmowr speaks of Dowd alone. He was born Beloved. He is the ultimate recipient of Yahowah’s rechem | love and affection. He was known for beginning his day at dawn and no one began as gloriously in their youth as God’s son. He was not only chosen and anointed at eight, in short order, he slayed his people’s most belligerent foe. His best Songs were written early in his life.

Equally befitting, Yahowah tells us that Dowd will be “as brilliant as the sun” upon his return. He will be “as God.”

Not only did Dowd provide an abundance of Mizmowr | Psalms during his life as God’s Shepherd and Chosen One, as Yahowah’s Firstborn and the returning King of the Universe, Dowd will receive the lion’s share of the inheritance associated with the Covenant.

While Yahowah made promises to many, there were only two to whom He made solemn oaths: ‘Abraham and Dowd. And since He has already fulfilled all of His promises to the former, it appears as if Yahowah is ascribing yet another distinction upon the latter…

“Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) has sworn an oath, having made a solemn promise (shaba’ – He has affirmed the truthfulness of His previous statements by meeting the conditions in association with seven), and will not change it (wa lo’ nacham – will not reconsider or relent, and He will not alter His course of action, and He is not apologetic 467or sorry).

You are a royal advisor and supreme leader adorned in a priestly fashion (‘atah kohen – you are a counselor and ruler, the principal officer, serving by ministering; from kahan – to serve by playing the role of a priest, becoming a priest, and being adorned as a kohen) forever (la ‘owlam – for the duration of time) with regard to the words of (‘al dibrah – corresponding to the proper sequence of events which have been communicated through the words of; feminine of dabar – the spoken and written word of) Meleky Tsadaq | My Rightful King (Meleky Tsadaq – My Royal Counselor and Advisor and Sovereign Ruler; from melek – king, which is from the verbal root malak – to be king and to provide counsel and advice with the pronoun suffix y – My and tsadaq – right, correct, acquitted and vindicated, just and righteous, which is from the verbal root tsadaq – to be right and thus to be correct, to acquit and be vindicated, and to be justified, righteous, and upright).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:4)

Throughout the prophets, Yahowah speaks more about Dowd, and of the promises He has made to him, than any other individual – and by a wide margin. At one point, God even says that if all of the promises He has made to Dowd do not materialize, you can call Him a liar – which is what Christians have done by transferring everything said of Dowd to “Jesus.”

As a direct affront to the most pervasive plague to infect humankind – Christianity – God says that regarding this individual that He will not change His mind. This is a stunning rebuke of Replacement Theology in the very Psalm used more than any other to advance this malignant mythology. What Yahowah promised to do for and with His Beloved and Firstborn Son, His Chosen Shepherd and Messiah, the King of Kings, cannot ever be taken away from him and given to another.

468The concluding phrase of the 4th statement has left scholars and theologians bewildered for centuries because they are unwilling to search the meaning of Hebrew words – especially names. And they fail to appreciate how context dictates the proper way to translate the ideas embedded within the terminology.

God is not talking about a “kohen – priest” in the sense of a Lowy | Levite serving in this role. The only Lowy of the status required to be the subject of this prophecy was Moseh – and it does not apply to him. He has fulfilled the mission of liberating the Children of Yisra’el while helping them grow by sharing Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance and Teaching.

I say this because no Lowy | Levite, other than Moseh | Moses, chose to dwell at Yahowah’s right side while serving as an eternal witness. However, Moseh’s foes were vanquished long ago. Dowd’s arose after his service as king and prior to his return.

Moseh wielded a staff, but not a scepter nor a spear. Dowd held all three. Dowd is the living embodiment of Tsyown while Moseh never set foot upon this place. Moseh was a liberator and Dowd a defender.

Then every allusion to any other individual other than Dowd, including Moseh and Yahowsha’, dissipates entirely within the 3rd statement. The final liberation and enrichment of Yisra’el occur upon Dowd’s return, when he will be as brilliant as the sun. It is God waxing poetic of His beloved son, the poet, when He calls his “appearance beautiful” and “uniquely majestic.” As for “honorable,” “earning the highest respect,” and “being exceptionally qualified,” these are accurate assessments of this man of “noble character and enormous wealth” – even by God’s standards.

Further, while Dowd was eight (representing eternal life) when he began, Yahowsha’ was 30 and Moseh 80, 469affirming the one and excluding the two. And while Dowd prospered monetarily, Moseh and Yahowsha’ did not.

As we continue to demonstrate that this prophecy could only be addressing one man at the exclusion of all others, should Yahowah have been addressing “Jesus” as Christians claim, by “shaba’ – honoring a solemn promise” which He “lo’ nacham – will not change,” then God could not have endorsed a new religion based upon Replacement Theology, a New Testament, nor negated the role of the Passover Lamb. And if the kohen is a reference to Moseh, then the Towrah remains in effect – now and always.

The key to understanding kohen is to look beyond the initial definition to its secondary connotation, “counselor and advisor,” recognizing that this is why the title was chosen. And then we must look to its actionable root: kahan, meaning: “royal ruler, priestly advisor, supreme leader, and sovereign counselor who serves the people while adorned in priestly fashion.” Since there has never been a Lowy who qualifies within this context, Yahowah is addressing the “royal advisor and supreme leader” of His people who is Meleky Tsadaq | My Rightful King. Of these, there is only one: King Dowd.

The problem people seem to have translating this is that they are not familiar with the words which comprise the names Yahowah has chosen. There is no “priestly order of Melchizedek.” It is nothing more or less than Yahowah announcing that Dowd is His rightful king. Meleky means “My King” and Tsadaq means “right.” Based upon the root meaning of both words, Meleky Tsadaq conveys: “My Royal Counselor and Advisor, My Sovereign Ruler who is right, correct, acquitted, and vindicated, justified, righteous, and upright.”

More than for anyone who has ever lived, Yahowah has said of Dowd that he is right. And when the people chose Sha’uwl, Yahowah chose Dowd as Melek of 470Yisra’el.

At this point, the prophet announces that Dowd, as Yahowah’s Right Hand, will do as God has promised…

“My Lord and my Upright One (‘adony / ‘edony ‘any – the one I look up to as a sign of respect and my foundation and support upon which I stand) at Your right hand (‘al yamin ‘atah – upon Your right side, designating the preferred position of authority and power) will strike and actually shatter (machats – he will pierce and dash, severely agitate and shake up, ultimately crushing (qal perfect)) during this time (ba yowm – in this day) of His king’s wrath (‘aph huw’ melek – of the frustration and resentment of His ruler, the righteous indignation of His sovereign counselor).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:5)

This is a prophet, likely Nathan, revealing what Yahowah revealed to him about the coming Messiah, King Dowd. At Yahowah’s right hand, ha Mashyach will lash out at Yisra’el’s foes, especially Christians and Jews. The King is angry as is his God. And frankly, after reading Acts, who can blame them?

Should you be a Christian, this is not good news. To be judged seldom has a favorable outcome – particularly now. And to have the man whose life your religion has ransacked, and whose people you have demeaned and “replaced” be the arbitrator, puts those who believe in the Pauline “Jesus Christ” in a very bad position. But do not take my word on this – listen to God.

“He will execute judgment to defend and to accuse (dyn – he will decide between right and wrong based upon the agreed set of principles, adjudicating by contending and convicting, taking legal action against while debating and disputing) among the Gowym | Gentile religions and nations (ha gowym – those who are not Jews, the communities of people from other races, cultures, and places) filling them (male’ – putting an end to them) with 471corpses (gawyah – with the carcasses of dead bodies; from gewah – to be left behind, feminine of gowy – non-Yisra’elites).

He will strike, mortally wounding (machats – he will physically impact and dash, slicing up and shattering), the leaders (ro’sh – the highest-ranking individuals, especially those who govern at the highest levels) of the greatest nations (‘al ‘erets rab – the preponderance of the earth).” (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 110:6)

Methinks Gowym did not replace Yahuwdym.

And yet Gowym Christians believe that this Lord, the one killing them and their leaders, will be their very own “Jesus Christ.” Welcome Twistian Zombies to the land of the Living Dead.

Once upon a time, I shuddered when I read statements like this one. But now, I concur with them. The punishment fits the crime. And without recompense, there is no justice.

Yahowah will once again engage with Dowd, the returning Messiah, to protect His people and home from a world that has turned against them. It is appropriate and fair.

Gentile Christians and Muslims, Conspirators and now Socialist Secular Humanists, Communists, and Progressives, have continued to conspire to rob King Dowd’s people of their calling, their land, their rights, their dignity, their freedom, and their very lives. And they have chosen to support human religious and political institutions whose edicts besmirch Yahowah’s name and reputation. Their assembly of United Nations is overtly and overwhelmingly anti-Israel. It is so pathetic; the leaders of nations will invert the truth and embrace Islamic terrorists to condemn God’s people.

If I were to ask you to name a moral and truthful political or religious leader, and give you a month to find 472one, your list would appear as a blank page. Goodbye and good riddance. And along with this cadre of corrupt souls, we can toss out the myth that the 110th Psalm demonstrates that, while David was excluded from heaven, dead and buried, he nonetheless peered into the Christian paradise to praise the Lords who had dealt fraudulently with him.




We now have irrefutable proof that those who wrote the Christian New Testament were disingenuous idiots, deliberate liars who played the faithful for fools. They despised the God whose authority they claimed and disparaged His people. And for these insights, our journey into Acts has paid dividends.

Since Luke was not yet through tarnishing “Peter’s” reputation, let’s see what else the ventriloquist would have his puppet say in the process of presenting Iesoun Christon as the reincarnation of Dionysus.

“Therefore (oun – consequently, these things being so), let every (pas) household (oikos) in Israel (Israel – a transliteration of Yisra’el) know (ginosko –acknowledge) with certainty (asphalos – beyond any doubt) that (hoti) the Lord (ΚΝ – placeholder for kurion, meaning Lord) made (poieomai – performed what was required to cause and designate) him (autos) the (tov) Christ (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon) and God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god), this (houtos) Jesus (ΙΗΝ – placeholder for Iesoun) whom (hos) you crucified (ΕΣΡΩΣΑΤΕ – placeholder for aorist active tense of the verb stauroo – affixed to an upright stake).” (Acts 2:36)

Based upon their misappropriation of 2nd Samuel 7 and Psalms 16 and 110, why not? Just because neither apply and there is no logical connection between those 473prophecies and this conclusion, what’s the harm in starting a new religion by robbing the actual Mashyach of his title, inferring that Dowd was dead so that Iesoun could live, and reconstituting the Passover Lamb as God while changing his name? Okay, so maybe that’s not a great idea, but that is the least of their problems. The founders of the Christian religion actually attributed their delusions to God. And if that were not enough to earn an enduring stay in She’owl | Hell along with every other Christian leader, the authors of the New Testament blamed the Jews, not the Romans, for crucifying their god.

Let’s play along with them for a moment. Let’s pretend that crucifixion was a Jewish invention and that the Jews, not Romans, had the authority to convict and condemn a prisoner in this Roman province. If Jews killed God, shouldn’t we be worshiping Jews? And should this have occurred, if man was capable of killing God, how is such a pathetic being going to restore the lives of men?

Continuing to play along, if the Lord made Iesoun the Christon based upon him being crucified by Jews, why isn’t any of this predicted or explained in the Prophets? Why is there no mention of an Iesoun | Jesus or Christon | Christ if he is a junior God? Why did God set the example of anointing the Mashyach with oil if the same status could be achieved by “Jews killing him?” Since the prelude to this outcome required robbing Dowd, why did God say that all of His promises on behalf of Dowd were everlasting? Why is there no mention of this transfer from one to the other anywhere in the Prophets? If this was all so obvious and convincing, why did the authors of the Christian New Testament have to lie to make their point? Why, if God was now changing sides and rejecting Jews for having killed Him, are there countless prophecies pointing to the restoration of His relationship with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah? And why, if the Gentile Church has become the Chosen People, is God shown annihilating them upon 474His return?


Okay, so Peter, Paul, and Luke flunked logic, what about their audience…

“Now when (de) they heard this (akouo – received this news and message), they were pierced through (datanyssomai) the heart (kardia).” (Acts 2:37)

Really? Are we to believe that Yahuwdym are as ignorant and irrational as Gowym?

“They said (eipon) to Petros (Petros – meaning stone or rock), and to (pros) the rest (loipos – remaining) of the Apostles (apostolos – those who informed and equipped as messengers), ‘Brethren (adelphos – bothers and fellow countrymen), what (tis) is a man (andros) to do (poieomai)?’” (Acts 2:37)

Expose and condemn them. Mock and ridicule them. Turn to the God they besmirched for answers. And then consider the words of the actual Messiah and Son of God.

“And now (de), accordingly (pros), Petros (petros – meaning stone or rock) told (phemi – instructed) them, ‘Change your thinking (metanoeo – after you have come to recognize that which is false, change your perspective and obtain a proper understanding of what is true to avoid the consequences) and also (kai) be baptized (baptizo – sprinkled with water) each and every one (hekastos) of you by (epi) the name (onoma) of Christ Jesus (ΧΥ ΙΥ – placeholders for Christou Iesou) in order to (eis) be pardoned (aphesis – to be released) from your sin (hamartia – being mistaken), and then (kai) receive (lambano – grasp hold of and acquire) the gift (dorea – the present) of the Holy Spirit (hagios ΠΝΣ).’” (Acts 2:38)

If you count yourself among them, I would highly recommend “metanoeo – coming to recognize what is false and changing your thinking.” As for the rest, no.

475Baptism is a pagan religious rite having nothing to do with God. To do so with a religious intent is to offend Yahowah and estrange oneself from Him. The sign of the Covenant is circumcision – and that is never going to change.

God has but one name – Yahowah – and there was no one named Christou Iesou. There is no forgiveness nor reconciliation apart from Yahowah. And the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit embraces those who attend the Mow’ed Miqra’ey. This was the worst advice ever.

Recognizing that all names should be transliterated, it is useful to know that there is no “J” sound or letter in Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, or Greek. And even if there were, and had this been an accurate reflection of what Shim’own may have said, he would have addressed fellow Yahuwdym in Hebrew. The name Yahowah used in His role as the Pesach ‘Ayl | Passover Lamb was Yahowsha’ | Yahowah Saves. That said, there is no correlation between Yahowsha’ and what has been claimed of him in Acts.

Iesou, Iesous, and Iesoun, upon which “Jesus” was derived, was not written on any page of any pre-Constantinian (read Catholic), 1st, 2nd, or 3rd century manuscript of the New Testament. Therefore, its very foundation does not exist. Jerome, who created the Latin Vulgate on behalf of the Catholic Church, would have had access to these early manuscripts and therefore would have known about the existence of the placeholders – and yet he chose to ignore them. As a result, a dozen centuries later, a hundred years after the initial appearance of the “J” in English, and in the third edition of the King James Version, men decided to give Iesou a new name: “Jesus.”

To add insult to injury, Yahowsha’ was not anointed and thus was not a Mashyach. And he was not Greek, so he could not have been the Christou either. Worse, the verbal root of Christou, Christon, and Christos is chrio, which 476means “to apply drugs.” Oh, what a wicked web they have woven.

Beyond all of these lies, please take note: on the day Catholics allege their “Church” was born, Shim’own, the man they have renamed “Peter” and now claim was the first Pope, is not even alleged to have said any of the following when his audience supposedly asked him what they should do: join the church, become a Catholic, convert to Christianity, make a profession of faith, promote me to pope, kiss my ring, pay me an indulgence to minimize your time in purgatory, have your children baptized and confirmed, attend Mass, go to confession, stay clear of the seven deadly sins, do a bunch of good works, become celibate, observe Lent and celebrate Christmas and Easter, perform the sign of the cross, buy some prayer beads and perform three Hail Marys, worship the Lord, bow down in prayer, tithe, trust me because I am the rock upon which the Church will be built, or don’t worry because I hold the keys to heaven. And that would be it for the claims of Catholicism.

“For indeed (gar – because) the announced promise (epangelia – consent approval) exists (eimi) for you, your children (teknon), everyone (pas) who is a great distance away (makran), and for as many (hosos) as the Lord (ΚΣ – placeholder for kurios) our God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos) calls to Himself (proskaleomai – summons).” (Acts 2:39)

If we are to believe that this was the “announced promise” why was there no announcement – not a single prophecy regarding any of this? And why, since Luke knew that there were none, did he have “Peter” offer prophecies which spoke of a different person and an entirely different set of circumstances?

Why, when Yahowah tells us that He has only one name, and that “the Lord” is Satan’s moniker, does the 477Christian New Testament insist on calling their god “the Lord”? And if God is calling us to Himself, why do they ignore His Invitations?

“And with many more (pleion – an increasing quantity), yet different (heteros – additional) words (logos), He admonished and testified (diamartyromai – he warned) to earnestly encourage and summon (parakaleo – to admonish, and exhort) them, ‘Become saved from (sozo apo – become healed from the sickness of) this crooked and corrupt (skolios – unscrupulous, dishonest, and twisted) generation (genea – age and race).” (Acts 2:40)

Sadly, we do not know what all of those many more and different words may have been, because he finally got one thing right: “become saved from this crooked and corrupt generation.” But alas, Luke scribed this line to imply that we need to be saved from “unscrupulous and twisted” Jews.

There is good news after all. We have reached the end of this religious rant against God’s people and plan.

“Indeed (men), therefore (oun – as a result), approximately (hosei) three thousand (trischilioi) souls (psyche) received and accepted (apodechomai – welcomed and grasped hold of) his (autos) words (legos – message).

They were baptized (baptizo – dipped and sprinkled with water in pagan fashion) and were added (prostithemai – were granted and given favorable access) during (en – and in) that one (ekeinos) day (hemera).” (Acts 2:41)

At least they were clean.




478As promised, it is time to consider Peter’s / Luke’s misappropriation of Yow’el / Joel in Acts 2:17-20. If you recall, the brain trust behind the Christian New Testament laid an egg. They claimed that the events surrounding the fulfillment of the Mow’ed Miqra’ of Shabuw’ah were explained by the prophet who foretold Yahowah’s return 2000 years later on Yowm Kipurym.

“But now (de) Petros (Petros – Peter, Greek for “stone or rock”) stood up (histemi – took a stand) with (syn) the eleven; he raised (epairomai) his voice (phone) and he spoke to them (apophthengomai – saying), ‘Yahuwdym (Ioudaios – a transliteration of Yahuwdym – Beloved of Yahowah) men (andros) and all (pas) who dwell in (katoikeo) Yaruwshalaim (Ierousalem – a transliteration of Yaruwshalaim – the Source of Guidance on Reconciliation), listen carefully to (enotizomai) my voice (rhema), and let this (houtos) be (eimi) known (gnostos) to you (Acts 2:14) because (gar) they are not (ou) drunk (methuo – intoxicated) in the manner (hos) you suppose (hypolambano – are willing to accept), for indeed (gar) it is (eimi) the third (tritos) hour (hora) of the day (hemera).

To the contrary (alla) this (houtos) exists as (eimi) the pronouncement (eipon) of (dia) the prophet (prophetes) Yow’el (Ioel – a transliteration of Yow’el, a contraction of Yahowah and ‘el, meaning Yahowah is God, but improperly transliterated Joel): (Acts 2:15-16)

‘And it shall come to be (eimi – exist in an identical fashion) in (en) the final (eschatos – the last in a series (the theological term eschatology is derived from this word)) days (hemera), God (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos) says (lego – affirms), ‘I will pour out (ekcheomai – I will bestow and spill, liberally distributing) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΣ – placeholder for pneuma) upon (epi479among) all (pasa) flesh (sarx – physical bodies, on the corporeal mortal nature of humankind).

Your sons (huios) and your daughters (thygater) will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo – proclaim what God wants known).

Your young men (neaniskos – used of males between twenty-four and forty years old) shall see visions (horasis – from horao, see with their own eyes), and your elders (presbyteros – old men and ranking individuals) will experience supernatural communication from God (enypnion enupniazomai – experience revelations while dreaming). (Acts 2:17)

Indeed (ge – really and truly), upon (epi) My male servants (doulos – slaves) and also upon My female servants (doule – female slaves) in (en) those (ekeinos) days (hemera – period of time) I will pour out (ekcheomai – I will shed and bestow, spill and distribute) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΑ – placeholder for pneuma) upon (epi – among) them and they will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo – proclaim what God wants known). (Acts 2:18)

And (kai) I will allow and produce (didomi – bestow and permit) wonders and miracles which foreshadow significant upcoming events (teras – omens, marvels, and signs which serve as portent to arouse attention) in (en) the sky (ouranos – atmosphere and universe) above (ano) and signs (semeion – miraculous signals and unusual occurrences which transcend the common course of nature) upon (epi) the earth (ge – land) below (kato): blood (haima), fire (pyr), and (kai) rising clouds of (atmis – steam, billowing vapor, from aer, air and atmospheric) smoke (kapnos). (Acts 2:19)

The sun (helios) will be changed (metastrepho – turned) to (eis) darkness (skotos – obscured, made gloomy, from skia, have its light intercepted as in a 480shadow), and the moon (selene) to (eis) blood (haima) before (prin) the coming (erchomai – arrival and appearance) of the (ho) great (megas – massively important and enormously sizable) and brilliantly shining (epiphanies – wonderful, glorious, radiant, and illustrious, notable appearance in clear and full view shining forth as light visible as a star) day (hemera – time) of the Lord (ΚΩ – placeholder for kurios – conveyed as “LORD”). (Acts 2:20)

And it shall come to pass (eimi – be that) all (pas – everyone) who (hos), and as many as (an – used as a preposition to present a possibility), call upon (epikaleomai – ask for help in and bear) the (ho) personal and proper name (onoma) of the Kurio | Lord (ΚΩ) will be saved (sozo).’” (Acts 2:21)

There are forty Hebrew names, including Yow’el (Yahowah is God), Yownah (Yahowah’s Dove), Yowbel (Yahowah’s Lamb), and Yowseph (Yahowah has Joined and Increased), whereby Yahowah was contracted to Yahow and then to Yow over time. And that is why virtually every lexicon affirms the connection between “Yow,” “Yahow,” and ultimately with “Yahowah.”

While it is obvious to all who have not had their brains turned to mush by religion that citing Yow’el missed the mark by a score of centuries, there was more to their malfeasance than misappropriating the prophet’s testimony. It is not just that they misquoted God either, but it is what the authors of the Christian New Testament did not convey from the prophecy which leaves them naked, exposed and condemned.

Not interested in making the same mistake, we are going to engage the prophet from the beginning and see what leads to this day like none other.

“The word (dabar – the oral and written word) of Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our 481‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), which, to show the path to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – which to lead along the correct path to get the most enjoyment out of life), literally came to exist (hayah – came to be at this moment (qal perfect)) for (‘el – to, inside, and by) Yow’el | Yahowah is God (Yow’el), son (ben) of Pathuw’el | Open to God (Pathuw’el – wide open and thus completely receptive to the Almighty and persuaded by God). (Yow’el / Joel 1:1)

Choose of your own volition to listen to this (shama’ zo’th – under the auspices of freewill, hear this (qal imperative)), elders (ha zaqen – leaders within the community who are older and more mature).

Hear this and respond of your own accord (wa ‘azan – pay attention, listen, be perceptive, and focus on understanding so as to reply appropriately (hifil imperative)), everyone living in and inhabiting (kol yashab – all those who have established a dwelling place within) the Land (ha ‘erets – the material realm generally and Yisra’el specifically).

Has such as this happened (ha hayah zo’th – questioning the prior existence of this) in your days (ba yowm ‘atem – during your time) or (wa) even (‘im) in the time of your fathers (ba yowm ‘ab ‘atem)? (Yow’el / Joel 1:2)

Regarding its approach (‘al hy’ la), recount it accurately (saphar – proclaim this written communication to inform, choosing to recount it (piel imperative)) to your children (ben ‘atem).

Then let your children tell their children (wa ben ‘atem la ben hem), and then their children (wa ben hem) to the last generation, so they do not hesitate and get left behind (la dowr ‘achar – so that those of this age do not linger, procrastinate, or equivocate, holding back or 482delaying, leaving this place).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 1:3)

As I had suspected, the misappropriation of this proclamation by Luke was intentional. The prophet’s name was clearly attested and means “Yahowah is God,” not “the Lord” nor Chrestou Iesou. He was “Open to God” which is why he was a prophet and Luke was not.

He was not demeaning nor demanding, but instead spoke under the auspices of freewill. And he was communicating to those living in Yisra’el about what would occur that would affect the last generation of Yisra’elites in the Land. Yow’el was providing information from Yahowah which, when heard and understood, would enable an intelligent response. And he asked those listening to do the opposite of what Luke had done: recount this message accurately in writing.

According to Yow’el, nothing had ever occurred that would be similar to what would come. This would be unlike anything the world had ever seen. It would be so profoundly important, and come so suddenly, he did not want anyone to hesitate or equivocate, for fear they would be left behind.

Well now, at least we know why Luke interjected the notion of being drunk with sweet wine…

“Awaken and choose to take action (qyts – after the summer has passed, awake from your stupor, act alive and be alert (hifil imperative)), you who are intoxicated (shikowr – you who are inebriated and drunk).

Weep and wail (wa bakah wa yalal) all who drink (kol shatah – everyone who consumes) in association with new and sweet wine (yayn ‘al ‘asys – effervescent grape juice which is recently fermented, immature, and incomplete, even overly sweet).

For indeed (ky) it is cut off and severed (karath – it 483will be excluded and disassociated) from (min) your mouth, and thus your speech (peh ‘atem) (Yow’el / Joel 1:5) because (ky – for the express reason) a large group of a non-Yisra’elite nation (gowy – a country comprised of heathen gentiles from many diverse cultures which are not Jewish) have come up against (‘alah ‘al – have risen up to oppose) My Land (‘erets ‘any), the potent force of a great multitude (‘atsuwm – a mighty and powerful, even accomplished and effective, exceptionally large vicious), so numerous as to be uncountable (‘ayn misphar – beyond inventory and innumerable).

It has sharpened teeth (shen huw’ – its jaws), the piercing incisors of a destructive beast (shen ‘aryeh – the jaws of a fierce lion which plucks its prey apart), and it has the fangs (matalaowth la huw’ – it approaches with the rash talk and bite, even the devouring nature) of a roaring white leopard (laby’ – symbolic of violent white men with a loud roar). (Yow’el / Joel 1:6)

My vines (gephen ‘any – My tendrils and plants, especially My vineyards) will be set up (sym – will be appointed and assigned) for appalling desolation (la shamah – for atrocious devastation and being laid waste, for something really atrocious and ugly).

And My fig tree (wa ta’enah ‘any) will be a splintered stump, snapped off and cut down (qatsapah – toppled and yet still rooted in the ground), stripped bare, exposed and condemned (chasaph chasaph hy’ – vulnerable and denounced then torn apart), rejected and hurled away (wa shalak – thrown down and cast aside), its branches (saryg hy’ – its intertwined shoots) bleached white (laban – whitewashed as a snow leopard).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 1:7)

And now we know why Dowd will be slashing away and piling up corpses within this gentile nation. His battles will be as they once were – defensive as he strives to 484protect Yisra’el.

Following the summer of their discontent, Yahuwdym will be roused for the final Fall Miqra’ey prior to Yahowah’s return. Awakened from their stupor, they will witness a time of great sorrow as a result of those who spoke of being drunk on sweet wine.

The belligerents assaulting Yisra’el, which Yahowah refers to as “My Land,” will come from a gentile nation. This will be a potent force, accomplished and effective, so numerous, they will be uncountable.

While there will be two billion Muslims by this time, it is unlikely that God would have called them ‘atsuwm because, while vast in quantity, jihadists are blithering idiots. They have barely advanced from sticks and stones to bottle rockets. Moreover, this is the final battle for supremacy over the Promised Land. Muslims will have already tried and failed during an all-Islamic war waged against Israel. That battle will occur in 2030 and this is the final world war in 2033.

Since gowy was actually singular, this force is likely from one nation, region, race, religion, or cultural group. Should that be the case, the lone remaining candidate would be Communist China. The Han Chinese people comprise the world’s largest ethnic group at 1.4 billion individuals – 18% of the planet’s population. Having invested sixty billion dollars building a roadway and railway from China through the Middle East, and heavily in Israeli infrastructure, particularly the ports of Haifa and Ashdod, they are now capable of projecting a force of this magnitude, replete with a newly developed naval base in the Arabian Sea. It is among the wonders of the modern world, with infrastructure well beyond the needs of the stated objectives.

This beast will be destructive, seeking to tear Israel apart. And the warriors, as would be the case with the Chinese, will appear white in contrast to the olive-skinned 485people of Yisra’el and the Middle East.

Yahowah often equates the health of His Land to a vineyard and His people’s presence to the blooming of a fig tree, both of which are used in this prophetic portrait. The intent of the invading force will be to set the nation up for appalling devastation – which is to say that they do not want to occupy it, but instead destroy and depopulate it. The fig, representing the presence of God’s people, will be splintered and bent, but not uprooted. Stripped bare and rejected, Jews will be scalded by the sun.

The Land’s great potential will be squandered, farmers will be frustrated, and food will become scarce. The vineyards and the olive orchards will fail, and the grain harvest will wither. From barley to grapes, from figs to pomegranates, from dates to apples, it will all shrivel up and die.

After sharing this with us, Yow’el reveals…

“Even the sacrificial offerings which bestow a share (ky minchah – the gifts which lead to an apportionment) and the drink offerings which anoint (nesek – the valued libations) will be withheld (mana’ – are denied and deprived) from the Family of your God (min beyth ‘elohym ‘atem). (Yow’el / Joel 1:13)

Consecrate (qadash – dedicate and set apart) a fast (tsowm – a time of voluntarily abstaining from food). Summon and announce (qara’ – call out and proclaim to read and recite, to welcome and greet (qal imperative)) an assembly to meet (‘atsarah – a time to congregate together under severe constraints).

Gather (‘asaph – assemble) the elders (zaqen) and all of the inhabitants (kol yashab) of the Land (ha ‘erets) to the Home and Family (beyth – the household) of Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH 486– teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration), your God (‘elohym ‘atem).

Then cry out to and summon (wa za’aq ‘el – appeal to and request assistance from) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration). (Yow’el / Joel 1:14)

This is a warning (‘ahah – oh, alas, emphasizing the alarming concern regarding) to those approaching this day (la ha yowm – nearing this time) because (ky) the Day (yowm) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) is near (qarowb – is close and approaching).

A great force will be exerted (wa ka shod – soon, there will be a period of elimination and a cause for destruction) upon (min) the arrival (bow’ – the return) of Shaday | the One Who is Satisfactory and Sufficient (Shaday – the One Who is Acceptable and Reasonable, Who is Necessary and Enough, Who is Adequate and Appropriate; from she – who is and day – enough, sufficient, suitable, fitting, appropriate, acceptable, and pleasing).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 1:15)

We do not need to go further to destroy the credibility of Christianity, and the stupidity of claiming that this prophetic portrayal addressed the fulfillment of “Pentecost.” However, for those the resulting religion has victimized over the ensuing score of centuries, this is among the most important messages you will ever consider. It is your final and last warning: come to your senses and embrace Yahowah before it is too late.

Since the House of Yahowah was destroyed by the Romans nearly 2000 years ago, and since there are no offerings being made in this regard, the opening statement clearly reveals that what God is offering to His Family is 487being temporarily withheld. The remedy then is to announce an assembly to meet, especially now under such trying circumstances. God wants His people to gather together and cry out to Him for assistance – which He will provide.

What He did for the Children of Yisra’el upon hearing their collective cry for help when persecuted under religious and political tyrants in Mitsraym, He will do again – but this time without negotiation and without restraint.

This offer comes with a warning because time is short. We are quickly approaching the Day of Yahowah, when He will exert a tremendous force upon the Earth to clean up man’s mess – demonstrating that He is up to the task. Yahowah’s response will be shaday – appropriate and fitting, necessary and sufficient.

It is a shame that it has to be this way, but their world will be ablaze before Yisra’elites call out to God…

“To You (‘el ‘atah), Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence), I call out (qara’ – I summon and meet, invite and welcome (qal imperfect)).

For indeed (ky), fire (‘esh – flames) has devoured (‘akal) the dwelling places (nawah – the beautiful abodes) where the word is questioned (midbar – from my – to question and dabar – the word) and ablaze with flames (wa lehabah lahat) are all the trees (kol ‘ets) of the field (ha sadeh – of the open and broad way).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 1:19)

There will be a war raging for control of the planet. It will be man against God. It is time to sound the alarm.

The fact is, Yahowah is returning, precluding the Second Coming of “Jesus Christ.” And He is not the least 488bit amused with humankind. Rather than God returning for “His Church in Rome,” He will be blasting the religious into oblivion from Tsyown. Rather than introducing a new Messiah, He will be bringing the finest to have ever lived back with Him.

The showphar and ruwa’ are both symbolic of Taruw’ah | Trumpets – the next, and yet unfulfilled, Miqra’. It should be observed as it was intended…

“Sound the Showphar (taqa’ showphar – blow the trumpet comprised of a ram’s horn) in Tsyown and among the Signs Posted Along the Way (ba Tsyown), signaling future action, providing a warning, an explanation, and a shout of exaltation (ruwa’ – provide a cautionary notice and further elucidation, along with the good news) on My Set-Apart mountain (ba har qodesh ‘any).

Be roused to anger (ragaz – respond to the agitation) all of you who live in the Land (kol yashab ha ‘erets) because the Day (ky yowm) of Yahowah’s ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) return (bow’ – arrival) is near (qarowb – is approaching and is close).” (Yow’el / Joel 2:1)

We find in ruwa’ the full intent of Taruw’ah: signaling future action, providing a warning, an explanation, and a shout of exaltation while providing a cautionary notice and further elucidation, along with good news. I do not know if this is speaking of the fulfillment of Taruw’ah in 2027-2030, or if it is a call for the remaining Yahuwdym to pick up where we left off. But its purpose remains the same.

This is not what the religious envision, but it is what will occur. The planet must be cleansed for it to remain habitable. And for that to occur at this time when almost everyone is either religious, political, or conspiratorial, billions must go.

489“It will be a day of darkness during a time of ignorance and confusion (yowm chosek – a period of terror and gloom) when there is a reduction of light (wa ‘apelah – when there is a lack of enlightenment), a day of obscuring phenomenon (yowm ‘anan – a time of smoke screens and clouds so thick they obscure the light), gloomy and miserable (wa ‘araphel – blocking the light), similar to (ka – comparable to) the swarthy blackness (shachar) which is spread out (paras – enveloping) upon the mountains (‘al ha har) with many people from a large and powerful army (‘am rab ‘atsuwm – a great multitude of related individuals from the most populous nation), the likes of which (kemow huw’ – incomparable) has not existed previously, even to the dawn of time (lo’ hayah min ha ‘owlam).

And after this (wa ‘achar huw’ – following this), it will never occur again (lo’ yasaph – there will not be another) throughout the years (‘ad shanah – into perpetuity as part of this eternal witness of changing times), generation unto generation (dowr wa dowr – throughout the cycle of life no matter the dwelling place or time).” (Yow’el / Joel 2:2)

With Muslims eliminated from consideration because of their incompetence, the multitude of nations from which they hail, and the realization that they would have lost their battle with God several years ago, we are left with only two viable candidates for this dubious distinction: the United States and China. And there may only be one option since the nuclear fallout of an all-Islamic war waged against Israel, a massive asteroid impact (should the 8th chapter of Revelation be correct) in April 2029, and an impending tsunami as a volcanic island cascades into the sea, may collectively and morally wound America, Europe, and Russia years prior to this conflict.

This is the war to end all wars. The largest force ever mustered by man will darken the hills leading into Yisra’el. And then there will be no more.

490So much for the arms race, for the great jihad, or onward Christian soldiers marching off to war. So much for the forefathers of Twistianity claiming that Yow’el was predicting the birth of their church rather than the obliteration of what they would come to represent.

Almost immediately after delving into the Towrah’s Teaching regarding what occurred in the Gan ‘Eden and then comparing those insights to the Towrah’s Instructions pertaining to the Mow’ed, I realized that Yahowah would cleanse the Earth so that we could return to where we began. Yow’el, however, beat me to this realization by 2,850 years…

“As they approach (la paneh huw’ – as they appear and before their presence) fire will consume them (‘akal ‘esh) and behind them (wa ‘achar huw’ – then following after them) a flame blazes (lahat lehabah) as the Land and Earth (ha ‘erets – the material realm) comes to resemble (ka – becomes comparable to) the Gan ‘Eden | the Garden of Great Joy (Gan ‘Eden – a sheltered and defended, cultivated and covered, enclosure of favorable circumstances and delightful experiences) before them (la paneh huw’ – in front of them).

But behind them (wa ‘achar huw’) is a desolate and unpopulated wasteland clothed in horror (shemamah – a barren wilderness where speeches and the word are questioned), and in addition (wa gam), there is no escape or deliverance for them (peletah lo’ hayah la huw’ – there is no salvation nor remnant of them).” (Yow’el / Joel 2:3)

This trash will be incinerated so that it does not foul the surrounding gardens as the Earth is transformed from Hell to Heaven, from the dominion of men to the liberation of God. That is for the fortunate few who join the Covenant before the conflagration begins. As for those who came to destroy Yisra’el and decimate Yahuwdym – there will be no reprieve, no escape, and no saving them.

491Before they are swallowed up in the flames of Yah’s fury, they will make one last stand…

“There will be what could be compared to the appearance of (ka mar’eh – similar to the sight and visual phenomenon and could be comprehended by a comparison to; from mah – to ponder the implications of and ra’ah – what is seen and perceived as) swift warhorses (suws – mobile military transports (commonly transliterated sus)).

This phenomenon could be perceived (mar’eh huw’) as being similar to chariots and calvary (wa ka parash – akin to piercing war machines with riders), especially pertaining to the way they run and are driven in pursuit of their foes (ken ruwts – considering the pace they dart about and aggressively chase after an opponent in response to their operators). (Yow’el / Joel 2:4)

As with the loud roar (ka qowl – consistent with the sound and thunderous rumbling noise) of these chariots and military vehicles (merkabah – wheeled transports with riders commenced in battle) upon the summits of the mountains, their leaders seek the high ground (‘al ro’sh ha har) as they leap about, springing into the air (raqad – they seem to skip around and dart around, leaping up) like the crackling of a flame (ka qowl lahab) of fire devouring (‘esh ‘akal) stubble (qash – the chaff comprised of the husks of grain and straw which when dry fly off with the wind).

Such is the nature of this powerful, exceedingly capable, and enormous army (ka ‘am ‘atsuwm – this mighty nation and accomplished people who are innumerable, potent, and effective) drawn up, aligned, and arranged (‘arak – taking up positions, prepared, organized, and ready) for war (la milchamah – for battle equipped with the weapons of war [from 4QXII]).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:5)

Based upon the prophet’s depiction, this is not the 492United States, but instead China. America, even if it exists by this time, would wage this war in the tight confines of Yisra’el with drones, doing so from above with aircraft and cruise missiles. But these belligerents have arrived driving a massive array of military vehicles – all of which are now poised to drive Yahuwdym into the sea.

Should our assessment of China be correct, and it alone fits this bill at this time, then the nation’s motivation will be revenge and access. China is in bed with Iran over oil, and therefore is heavily vested in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. When these nations are defeated during the Islamic Federation war against Israel, China will be looking to recover what she lost. Also, following the defeat of her Islamic allies, China would gain unfettered access to the Mediterranean and Red Seas with Israel out of the way. Further, China is strategically invested throughout Africa, particularly Ethiopia, and has considerable rare-earth mining interests throughout the continent. Their roadway to these riches passes through Israel. And then there is the most recent fly in the ointment. China is Israel’s second-largest and fastest-growing investment partner during a time when the U.S. is imposing global restrictions.

By this time, China, as the most populous nation, will boast the world’s largest economy and army. Theirs will be a disciplined military, trained and accustomed to giving and following orders. They will not be dissuaded nor distracted.

“From their presence (min paneh huw’ – at their appearance and when facing them), the people (‘am – the people) labor and tremble because of their power and wealth (chayl – capitulate in fear of their military and in deference to their prosperity). Every face (kol paneh) becomes flushed and pale (qabats pa’ruwr – shows signs of anxiety). (Yow’el / Joel 2:6)

Like warriors (ka gibowr – like soldiers trained in 493combat, strong and disciplined), they charge ahead (ruwts – move quickly and aggressively).

As men (ka ‘ysh) of war equipped with weapons (milchamah – battle ready fighters), they scale (‘alah – they climb) barriers and walls (chomah – protective barricades and defensive blockades). Each individual marches in his own lane (wa ‘ysh ba derek huw’ halak). They do not swerve (wa lo’ ‘abat) from their path or conduct (‘orach hem – their way and destiny in life).” (Yow’el / Joel 2:7)

“Walking around with their weapons (halak wa ba’ad ha shelach), they attack (naphal) without relenting (lo’ batsa’ – without ceasing). (Yow’el / Joel 2:8)

They rush (shaqaq – they leap, charging) into the city (ba ha ‘yr) from within the walls (ba ha chomah), running into the houses (ruwts ba ha beyth) by climbing through the windows (‘alah ba’ad ha chalown), entering like thieves (bow’ ka ha ganab).” (Yow’el / Joel 2:9)

What we have read describes an army more reliant on vast numbers of soldiers rather than more advanced technology. It will be a horrifying experience. The only protection from this will be Yahowah and His Covenant. In His Family, your family is protected.

“The earth will quake before them (la paneh huw’ ragaz). The heavens will be shaken (ra’ash shamaym). The sun and the moon (shemesh wa yareach) will grow dark (qadar) and the stars (wa kokab), their brightness (nogah hem) will be taken away (‘asaph). (Yow’el / Joel 2:10)

Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence and His role in our shalowm – reconciliation as ‘elowah – Almighty God) offers (nathan – provides) His voice (qowl huw’) before the presence (la paneh) of His 494especially capable and powerful force (chyl huw’). Indeed (ky), exceedingly great (rab me’od – with power beyond measure) and capable (‘atsuwm) is His temporary dwelling place which is now in close proximity (machaneh huw’ – is His encampment).

The one who engages and acts upon (‘asah – he who accomplishes) His Word (dabar huw’) is indeed (ky) valuable and important (gadowl – extremely significant).

The Day (yowm) of Yahowah will be exceedingly awesome (yare’ me’od) for whoever (wa my) is lifted up and carried away by Him (nasa’ huw’ – has his burdens born by Him and is sustained by Him [from 4QXII]). (Yow’el / Joel 2:11)

‘Yet even now (wa gam ‘atah),’ prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), ‘Choose to return (shuwb – of your own freewill come back and be restored (qal imperative)) all the way to Me, enduring forever based upon My testimony (‘ad ‘any), by using your best judgment (ba kol lebab ‘atem – while wholly engaging your conscience).’” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:12)

This will be a dark time, but isn’t that when the light shines the brightest and when it is the most needed? Therefore, this is a time when Yahowah will be near because His people will need Him more than ever.

Yahowah has always been appreciative of those who engage and act upon His word, but now with time in short supply and the foes more numerous than ever, His witness is especially important. And yet, so few volunteer, the verb ‘asah | to act and engage was scribed in the third person masculine singular. It is baffling that the most enjoyable and rewarding job in the universe goes largely unfulfilled.

Even as the sands of time run through man’s 495hourglass, God remains an object of reverence for some and a source of fear for many depending upon our attitude and approach toward Him. Either way, this will be His final call. Return and be restored or remain to die with the rest of humanity.

It is uncommon for Yahowah to use ‘ad ‘any in conjunction with shuwb | return. And while ‘any reveals that God is addressing us in first person, ‘ad speaks of “eternity” and of “testimony.” Also insightful, lebab, which is typically rendered “heart,” describes the “exercise of good judgment” and of “exercising our conscience to influence our attitude and inclinations.”

The rabbinical response to someone actually pronouncing Yahowah’s name has been to tear their clothing. So this is a bit tongue-in-cheek when God asks them to open their minds rather than their cloaks…

“So tear open (wa qara’ – rip and rend) your hearts and minds (lebab ‘atah) and not your garments (wa ‘al beged).

Return to (shuwb ‘el – choose to change your thinking, come back to, and be restored by (qal imperative)) Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), your God (‘elohym ‘atem).

For indeed (ky – by contrast), He (huw’) is compassionate (chanuwn) and merciful (rachuwm – showing favoritism while forgiving), long-suffering, patient, and slow to anger (‘arek ‘aph), abounding in steadfast and loyal love (wa rab chesed – unfailing devotion, genuine kindness, and favor).

He will provide reassurance and encouragement (nacham – comfort and support while consoling those who change their approach) during this malevolent and 496miserable ordeal (‘al ha ra’ah – throughout this wicked undertaking and wrongdoing resulting in suffering through calamitous circumstances).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:13)

With man this bad and God this good, why do men choose man over God – favoring religion and politics, patriotism and militarism, over genuine compassion, mercy, and love by one million to one? Considering who we are and what we have done, why does God have to beg us to embrace Him?

When this transpires in our immediate future as it was written 2850 years ago, will anyone pay attention to it and respond? Or will Yow’el’s prophecy remain squandered, left as a tool to be misappropriated by Christians?

Turns out, these were not rhetorical questions. I am pleased to acknowledge that Yahowah wants us to ascertain this answer as well.

“Who knows (my yada’ – who is aware, who acknowledges and understands, and who is Yada’ and what role might he play in revealing and then questioning this, making the declaration known through observation (qal participle masculine singular – actually and literally seeks to know to the point he is defined by the quest to understand)) who will change his thinking and return so that he can be restored (shuwb – who will turn around and come back to where we began (qal imperfect)) and be reassured and encouraged after reconsidering (wa nacham – be comforted and supported, consoled and relieved after having changed his mind (nifal perfect))?

He will survive, enduring as a remnant (sha’ar – he will be spared, continuing to exist as flesh and blood), in the end (‘achar – remaining at this conclusion of time during the last days).

He will be a blessing (huw’ barakah – he will become 497enormously beneficial, praiseworthy, eminent, and prosperous), a gift (minchah – a wonderful present which is bestowed) set before (nasak la – chosen to be part of a special relationship with) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration), your God (‘elohym ‘atem).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:14)

After twenty years of private discovery and public disclosure, I have come to view Yahowah’s testimony to Yisra’el as if it were written for me as a member of His Covenant. If it is relevant and true for Yisra’el, it is relevant and true for us individually. I share this because I have long encouraged everyone to approach Yahowah’s revelation similarly.

Making this personal, I see Yahowah acknowledging the role Yada’ would play in changing the thinking of His People so that Yahuwdym and some Gowym would return to Him. If so, many will survive as a result of Yahowah’s testimony as it is presented in these books, and each reconciled soul will be a blessing to God – a gift. And that is a pleasing thought.

“Sound the Showphar (taqa’ showphar – blow the trumpet comprised of a ram’s horn) in Tsyown among the Signs Posted Along the Way (ba Tsyown).

Consecrate (qadash – dedicate and set apart) a fast (tsowm – a time of voluntarily abstaining from food). Summon and announce (qara’ – call out and proclaim to read and recite, to welcome and greet (qal imperative)) an assembly to meet (‘atsarah – a time to congregate together under severe constraints). (Yow’el / Joel 2:15)

Gather the people for a harvest (‘asaph ‘am – bring the family together). Set the community apart (qadash qahal – dedicate and consecrate the meeting).

498Collect those more advanced in age (qabats – collect the leaders within the community). Assemble the children (‘asaph ‘owlal), including the infants who are nursing (yowneq sad).

The bridegroom should be brought out (yatsa’ chathan) of his room (cheder huw’) and the bride from her bridal chamber (wa kalah min chupah hy’).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:16)

Simply stated, it is now or never – and never is a very long time. Stop what you are doing, pay attention, and return to Yahowah before it is too late.

The reference to a limited diet is suggestive of the famines which will ravage the world at this time. If you are going to go hungry, it might as well be with a purpose. Weeping, which is addressed throughout this prophecy, is evocative of the travails of Yaruwshalaim as the last world war approaches. And mourning is in reference to Yowm Kipurym – the great day of Yah’s return, which is known to Jews as the Day of Mourning.

And while Yahowah does not designate Yowm Kipurym as a “fast,” it is one of two Miqra’ey where the menu is not designated. And while there is no instruction to “mourn” associated with the Day of Reconciliations either, our reunification with God will be so emotional, we will mourn as one would for a lost son, now found.

“For the purpose of understanding and making connections, between (bayn) the portico and colonnade (‘eylam – the porch and vestibule) and up to the approach to the altar (wa la ha mizbeach), the priests (ha kohen) and those who serve (shrath) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) will cry out (bakah – will wail), pleading (wa ‘amar – they will admonish (qal imperfect jussive)), ‘Please choose to show compassion upon and spare (chuws ‘al – opt to take pity and deliver (qal 499imperative paragogic cohortative – a genuine and emphatic expression of volition in the first and second person)) Your people (‘am ‘atah – Your family), Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence).

And do not allow (wa ‘al nathan) Your property which was offered as an inheritance (nachalah ‘atah) to become a contemptible and dishonored object of scorn which is jeopardized (cherphah – place subject to taunts and abuse), simply a slogan to determine who controls it among (mashal ba hem – a quoted expression which makes comparisons, becoming a proverb to designate who governs it among) the gentile nations (gowym – non-Yisra’elite ethnicities and nationalities).

Why should they constantly ask (la mah ‘amar – for what reason should they enquire (qal imperfect)) among the people (ba ‘am), “Where is (‘ayah) their God (‘elohym hem)?”’” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:17)

Mislabeling Israel “Palestine,” claiming that it is “illegally occupied,” and that it belongs to the “Palestinians” is the epitome of contemptible. And these lies have become slogans to change who inherits God’s Land.

As for the question which will be posed by many as Israel is overrun, it will be resoundingly answered upon Yahowah’s return. But those who asked it will not be around to see it answered.

And speaking of being without a proper response, this next statement destroys Paul’s claim in 1st Corinthians that “love is not jealous nor does it seek its own.” Yahowah steadfastly disagrees…

“Then (wa) Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding 500His hayah – existence) will be envious and zealous, having His passions aroused (qana’ – will jealously desire exclusivity in the relationship) for His Land (la ‘erets huw’) and show mercy for and spare (chamal ‘al – will take pity upon and show kindness to) His people (‘am huw’ – His family).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:18)

That is all she wrote for the absurd notion that Christian Gentiles have become God’s new besties. God’s people have not changed in 4000 years. His desire is for them. All of the anti-Semitic rhetoric we endured in our review of Acts was for naught. Sorry Twistians, but your days are numbered.

“Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence and His role in our shalowm – reconciliation as ‘elowah – Almighty God) answered (‘anah – replied), and He said to His people (wa ‘amar la ‘am huw’), ‘Please take note (hineh – behold, look up now and see), I am sending to you (shalach la ‘atem) that which is associated with grain (‘eth ha dagan), new wine (wa ha thyrowsh – quickly and lightly fermented grape juice, similar to a fruity Beaujolais Nouveau), and olive oil (wa ha ytsahar – fresh and shining anointing oil) so that you will be fulfilled and satisfied (saba’ – content, your needs met in abundance) with this (‘eth huw’).

And I will no longer allow (wa lo’ nathan) you to ever again be (‘eth ‘atem ‘owd) taunted and insulted (cherphah – disgraced or dishonored, held in contempt or harmed, reviled or reproached) among the Gowym | Gentiles (ba ha gowym – among the nations of different ethnicities and cultures).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:19)

Grain for bread, grapes which become wine, and olives for oil represent things which must first be crushed before they are useful. That is what has happened the last 501and final time to Yisra’el. These three things also represent Matsah, Pesach, and Bikuwrym, which is why God’s people will find them so fulfilling and satisfying.

The lost souls accredited with writing the Christian New Testament and those engaged apologizing for it should have considered what we have just read prior to composing and advancing their anti-Semitic rants. Yow’el was not speaking for “Jesus Christ,” addressing “Christians,” nor describing “Pentecost.” This prophecy is from Yahowah, it is on behalf of Yahuwdym, and it has not yet been fulfilled. And when it is, God will be on the side of the Jews.

“I will avoid any association with and remove (rachaq – I will distance Myself from and send very far away, severing any connection with (hifil imperfect)) the invading army whose objectives are concealed along with their use of stealth technology (wa ‘eth ha tsaphowny – the military from the north whose quest for treasure remains undisclosed, whose motives are sinister, and who prefers to remain hidden and unseen, especially with regard to their intent; from tsaphan – to hide from discovery and to seek treasure and own – powerful and all-encompassing) from within and over you (min ‘al ‘atem).

Then I will drive him and banish him (wa nadach huw’ – I will thrust and expel him, casting him) into a realm (‘el ‘erets) which is parched (tsyah – dry, barren, and solitary) and lifeless and deserted desolation (wa shamamah – a ruinous wasteland of despair and anxiety cloaked in devastation and horror that is appalling and stupefying).

Concerning his appearance facing toward (‘eth paneh – regarding his appearance turned to) the Sea (ha yam) from the east (ha qadmony), he will meet his demise at the conclusion of his journey (wa sowph huw’ – his final result will be to fail, and his main purpose will cease to exist upon his ultimate destruction) at the Sea (‘el ha 502yam) in the end (‘acharown – at last, in the future, and toward the west).

And his stench (wa ba’osh huw’ – the foul odor) will rise up (‘alah) and his putrid smell (wa tsachanah huw’ – his rancid and rotten aroma) will ascend (‘alah) because (ky) he has acted (la ‘asah) boastfully (gadal – arrogantly to glorify himself).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:20)

It isn’t just that God favors Yisra’el – He disavows other associations. And this time, the point of departure sounds hellish.

In most translations, it is stated that this foe will be arriving from the north instead of just from the east. Their justification comes by way of a derivative of tsaphowny. However, its verbal root reveals something far more menacing. This “invading army will have concealed their objectives” and they will deploy “stealth technology.” Further, ‘eth ha tsaphowny indicates that they are indeed on a “quest for hidden treasure” which seems to affirm my earlier suggestion that their mining of rare-earths may be a motive.

According to God, their march from the east toward the Mediterranean Sea will be halted and they will meet their demise. There will be so many of them, and their ambitions so grandiose, the stench from their decay will be appalling.

“Fear not and do not be awed (‘al yare’ – be neither afraid nor intimidated, distressed nor concerned) earth (‘adamah – land having given birth to ‘Adam; the feminine version of ‘adam). Be glad (gyl – be joyful over the anticipation of more favorable circumstances) and show a positive attitude (wa samach – be happy and express your elation outwardly) because (ky) Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) has done and will continue to do (la ‘asah – has become well-known for 503acting and engaging in a manner which is (qal infinitive construct – is genuinely and literally defined by acting in this manner and doing what follows)) that which enables our growth (gadal – whatever is needed to nurture and rear us, making us stronger and more honorable, elevating our status (hifil perfect – engaging at the right moment in time to facilitate that which is great)). (Yow’el / Joel 2:21)

Do not be distressed or concerned (‘al yare’ – do not be afraid) animals of the open environs (bahemah saday) because (ky) the beautiful pastures and dwelling lovely places (naweh – the attractive encampments) of the barren wastelands (midbar) are becoming verdant and growing (dasha’ – are sprouting new green shoots and coming back to life as vegetation thrives).

Surely (ky – by contrast) the tree (‘esh) lifts up and bears (nasa’ – brings forth) its fruit (pery huw’ – its harvest).

The fig tree (ta’enah) and the vine (wa gephen) give (nathan – offer) their vigor and strength (chayal hem – their wealth and noble characteristics).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:22)

I have known Yahowah for twenty years, and in all of that time I have never experienced depression because my relationship with God is uplifting. That is not to say that I have not endured heartache or pain, even frustration and disappointment, in my dealings with my fellow man, but that I see above it and past it to what matters most.

Let it be known: Yahowah wants to be associated with people who have a positive attitude. And He has done His part to make that happen.

By stating ‘asah in the qal infinitive construct, and by following it with gadal, God is telling us that He has become synonymous with doing whatever is needed to facilitate our growth. We should expect Him to do what is 504in our best interests in the future because He has consistently done so in our past. Yahowah is engaging to rear us as His children, elevating our status and nurturing our understanding while cultivating our character. He is the perfect parent.

By using ‘adamah, God is not speaking to the ground, but instead of that which gave birth to ‘Adam. However, since God can communicate with animals, it is in His nature to console and encourage them – especially based upon how man has mistreated every species – especially his own. Beyond this, God is speaking to us as well, letting us know that the land man has wounded, He will restore. We are returning to the Gan ‘Eden.

The renewed vigor of the fig and the vine are symbolic of Yahowah’s people flourishing in the Land. Those who survive and respond to Him will be “chayal – enriched and empowered with noble characteristics.”

Should you have missed this connection, one that Luke, Paul, and their fellow Christians have remained oblivious to,…

“Rejoice over these favorable circumstances (gyl – since you have been given this opportunity, choose of your own volition to display a positive attitude and be genuinely happy (qal imperative)) Children of Zionists (beny Tsyown – descendants of the Signs Posted Along the Way).

Demonstrate a positive attitude (wa samach – be happy and express your elation outwardly) with (ba – alongside) Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), for (ky) He has provided for you (nathan la ‘atem – He has given to you) that which is associated with the autumn rains through a teacher who communicates what you need to know about the towrah to live (mowreh – authorized, accurate, and informative instructions by pointing out and 505showing the directions; from mah – to ponder the implications of yarah – the source from which teaching and guidance, instructions and directions flow (serving as the actional base of towrah)) so that you can be right and thus vindicated (la tsadaqah – for you to be correct, upright, and acquitted, innocent and prosperous as a result of exercising good judgment regarding that which is verifiable and true).

He has brought down (yarad) for you (la ‘atem) an abundant shower (gesem) of guidance and instruction (mowreh – pouring out and pointing out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s teaching and directions, communicating as a teacher what you need to know to live) about being gleaned and growing thereafter (malqowsh – being gathered together and finally harvested in the aftermath; from mah – to ponder the implications of and laqash – being gleaned in a final harvest and then growing thereafter) as was intended in the beginning (ba ha ri’shown – returning to where it all began).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:23)

Progressives, unwilling to publicly acknowledge their inherent anti-Semitism, refer to Israelis as Zionists – which they openly condemn as if they were no longer a race. Yahowah not only disagrees, He is the foremost Zionist. He wrote the Signs which His son, Dowd, Posted Along the Way.

Having read those signs, having written about them in Coming Home, we have every reason to be joyous – even in the midst of the worst man has to offer during the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles. Fact is: this is a wonderful announcement – the shimmering silver lining surrounding the most ominous cloud.

It will no doubt rain on the lands man has parched, but rain is a metaphor, not the object of this prophetic proclamation. God is pouring out His Towrah | Teaching 506for me and for you. Through the Mowreh He “is pointing out the directions” to the Malqowsh where the real “growth begins after the harvest.” God is bringing us back to Gan ‘Eden | the Garden of Great Joy “ba ha ri’shown – as was intended from the beginning.”

Since Yahowah said this, it would be disrespectful and counterproductive to ignore it. We are in the Autumn of our existence as mankind separated from God. The remedy, the final three Mow’ed Miqra’ey, transpire in the Fall. We are the living embodiment of Taruw’ah, the result of Shabuw’ah, and the implement Yahowah is using to increase His harvest during Kipurym so that we might all enjoy Sukah – our return to ‘Eden.

Rain does not bring vindication. Showers do not make us “tsadaqah – right” with God nor “innocent” in His eyes. These are the result of His Towrah | Teaching and Guidance.

It is Yahowah’s desire that the Children of Tsyown follow His Signs Home. And that is why:

Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), has truthfully and reliably (ky) provided for you (nathan la ‘atem) a teacher who communicates what you need to know about the Towrah to live. His teaching is an authorized and accurate source of guidance and instruction (mowreh) so that you can be right and thus vindicated, correct and acquitted by exercising good judgment regarding that which is verifiable and valid (la tsadaqah).

He has brought down (yarad) for you (la ‘atem) an abundant shower (gesem) of guidance and instruction, pouring out and pointing out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s teaching and directions, communicating (mowreh) about being gleaned and then growing thereafter, being gathered together and finally harvested in the aftermath 507(malqowsh) as was intended in the beginning, returning to where it all began (ba ha ri’shown). (2:23)

This message is repeated in Zakaryah / Zechariah 10, where it is directed toward Yahuwdym and against the religious and political leaders of Gowym. It was also shared in Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5, contrasting this opportunity to learn against the rabbinical propensity to deceive.

I am consistently happy and fulfilled in my relationship with Yahowah, but there are moments like these when I experience some sadness along with the joy. It should not have been this way. God should have been able to find a billion people better than me – and a million Yahuwdym – eager and able to present His Towrah | Teaching and Guidance to His People. Our God deserves better.

And yet, because He searched and found no one according to the prophet Yasha’yah / Isaiah, a nobody would have to do. Informing His People that He was calling them Home was worth supporting a choter | sucker and nakry | foreigner because it would lead to awakening Yahuwdym | Yah’s Beloved. But just think how disappointed God must have been to have to inform Yisra’el – after all He has said and done through them – that it would occur this way.

And should you think that I have jumped to an unsubstantiated conclusion, we will turn to Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:19 through 31 prior to concluding our review of events pertaining to Shabuw’ah and Yahowah’s return. What we will discover is that, even though God is so disgusted with Gowym that He will be obliterating most of them, He is not happy with Yisra’el either. And in this context, Yahowah will explain the nature and purpose of the mowreh – pouring out and pointing out of His teaching and how it will be used to circumvent the rabbis and their 508Talmud.

Mowreh is one of a feast of Hebrew terms built by combining the interrogatories – my or mah – with a descriptive noun or verb. In this case, mowreh is from “mah – to ponder the implications” of “yarah – the source from which teaching and guidance, instructions and directions flow.” And while that is instructive, this guidance becomes transformative when we realize that Yahowah defined “Towrah” using the verb yarah. As such, this is a referendum between Yahowah and the rabbis, Guidance and Laws, the Towrah and Talmud, and between a stifling religion and a liberating relationship.

Mowreh is the source of our joy, the directions to the harvest, guidance for growing, pointing out the instructions on how to return to what was originally intended. Refer to mowreh as an Autumn rain if you so desire, but never lose sight of what is being provided.

After all, should you encounter an ordinary shower you will simply get wet – not unlike the Christian baptism. But being drenched in a mowreh is life-changing, capable of making you “tsadaqah – right and thus vindicated.”

Through this shower of guidance and instruction, Yahowah pouring out what you should be contemplating regarding His Towrah’s teaching and directions, communicating what you need to know to live a joyous life. This mowreh leads to malqowsh | being gleaned and then growing thereafter, being gathered together and harvested with life in the aftermath. This mowreh was intended, right from the beginning, to return us to where it all began.

Are you going to stay out of this rain or dance in it?

For the Yahuwdym who drink in this outpouring of teaching and guidance in the autumn of our existence with a positive attitude, and who are vindicated as a result, they will find…

509“The threshing floors (ha goren – the places where grain is processed and becomes usable by threshing and winnowing) will be filled (male’) with pure grain, symbolic of the most radiant children (bar – the brightest sons and daughters who are chosen and favored for their integrity and understanding to be heirs within this special relationship).

And fresh, new wine, sweeter with less alcohol (thyrowsh – quickly and lightly fermented grape juice, similar to a fruity Beaujolais Nouveau), will overflow (suwq) the presses and vats (yeqeb) along with olive oil (wa ytshar – fresh and shining anointing oil).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:24)

The goren is an ideal metaphor to reveal that something good can emerge from a crushing experience. It is why Yahowah’s Temple was built above one.

From this perspective, to render bar as “grain” and nothing more is to miss the point of God’s message. Bar means “son” in addition to “brilliant and radiant light,” “chosen and favored,” possessing “integrity and understanding,” and “becoming an heir as part of a special relationship.” And just as grain is synonymous with Matsah, and wine with Passover, oil is indicative of Bikuwrym – delineating how we avail ourselves of this relationship.

Continuing to address Yisra’el, and not the Christian Church, Yahowah reveals…

“I will reconcile and restore (wa shalem – I will fulfill My promises and honor My vows to make amends, completing what is required to reestablish the relationship, personally providing restitution) on your behalf (la ‘atem) the years (‘eth ha shanah) which (‘asher) suddenly disappeared (ha ‘arbeh – you were a widow besieged by a swarm of locusts) and were devoured (‘akal)…. (Yow’el / Joel 2:25)

510Then you shall eat and be nourished (wa ‘akal ‘akal). And you shall be overwhelmingly satisfied (saba’), radiating a clear and brilliant light while cheering (halal – extolling and praising the resulting enlightenment while exclaiming) the name (‘eth shem) of Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), your God (‘elohym ‘atem) who, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), has acted and will engage (‘asah – who has dealt) marvelously (pala’ – wonderfully and awesomely) with you (‘im ‘atem).

So never again will My People be humiliated or disrespected (wa lo’ bowsh ‘am ‘any la ‘owlam – My family will not be ashamed or despair throughout all eternity). (Yow’el / Joel 2:26)

And you will know (wa yada’ – you will actually recognize and acknowledge, even understand at that moment (qal perfect)) that I am in the midst (ky qereb ‘any) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God).

I am (wa ‘any) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), and there is no other (wa ‘ayn ‘owd – there will never be another besides Me, not now nor subsequently, as I am the only one who can restore or provide an eternal witness and to whom you can return). My Family (wa ‘any) will never be disapproved or experience distress (lo’ bowsh – will not be frustrated, mistaken, or wronged, neither shall they be embarrassed or be remorseful) again throughout all time (la ‘owlam).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:27)

Time is short and truth is rare, so let’s not mince words. When Luke wrote that Peter quoted Joel 2:28 through 32 to equate this prophecy with the fulfillment of 511“Pentecost,” either he or Peter was being deliberately dishonest. This prophecy is directed to the reconciliation of Yahowah’s relationship with Yisra’el immediately prior to His return. Not only hasn’t Yisra’el been replaced with a Gentile Church, it is the Gowym who are being obliterated on this day. Moreover, clearly stated, even repeated, is that the disapproving and disparaging rhetoric presented against Jews in Acts 2 is being explicitly renounced by God. Further, the prophecy is devoted to recognizing that Yahowah, and Yahowah alone, is God, negating everything that was said about “Jesus Christ.”

These conclusions are obvious and they are undeniable. Therefore, neither Peter nor Luke is to be trusted. And that is a blow Christianity cannot endure because Peter was among the three most trusted Disciples, and without Luke, we know nothing of Paul and the formation of the Christian religion apart from Paul’s caustic and contradictory letters.

As devastating a blow as this is for the credibility of the Christian scriptures, it is also proof that no one associated with the religion can be trusted. This prophecy states the opposite of what Christians claim, and yet not one Church leader has had the integrity to stand up and divulge the truth about its misappropriation.

Normally, we would juxtapose the Greek citation against the original Hebrew text to ascertain the ways Yahowah’s testimony was twisted to advance Christian interests – but not this time. It would not matter if they were precisely accurate because it does not apply – not even remotely. The moment the words were written “this exists as the pronouncement of the prophet Joel” it was over. Peter’s and Luke’s credibility was destroyed and, along with it, the validity of the Christian New Testament.

Out of the book of Acts, we read…

“But now (de) Peter (Petros) stood up (histemi) with 512(syn) the eleven. He raised (epairomai) his voice (phone) and he spoke to them (apophthengomai), ‘Yahuwdym (Ioudaios) men (andros) and all (pas) who dwell in (katoikeo) Yaruwshalaim (Ierousalem), listen carefully to (enotizomai) my voice (rhema), and let this (houtos) be (eimi) known (gnostos) to you (Acts 2:14) because (gar) they are not (ou) drunk (methuo) in the manner (hos) you suppose (hypolambano), for indeed (gar) it is (eimi) the third (tritos) hour (hora) of the day (hemera). (Acts 2:15)

To the contrary (alla) this (houtos) exists as (eimi) the pronouncement (eipon) of (dia) the prophet (prophetes) Joel (Ioel): (Acts 2:16)

‘And it shall come to be (eimi) in (en) the final (eschatos) days (hemera), God (ΘΣ) says (lego), ‘I will pour out (ekcheomai) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΣ) upon (epi) all (pasa) flesh (sarx).

Your sons (huios) and your daughters (thygater) will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo).

Your young men (neaniskos) shall see visions (horasis), and your elders (presbyteros) will experience supernatural communication from God (enypnion enupniazomai). (Acts 2:17)

Indeed (ge), upon (epi) My male servants (doulos) and also upon My female servants (doule) in (en) those (ekeinos) days (hemera) I will pour out (ekcheomai) from (apo) Me, My (ego) Spirit (ΠΝΑ) upon (epi) them and they will speak inspired utterances (propheteuo). (Acts 2:18)

And (kai) I will allow and produce (didomi) wonders and miracles which foreshadow significant upcoming events (teras) in (en) the sky (ouranos) above (ano) and signs (semeion) upon (epi) the earth (ge) below (kato): blood (haima), fire (pyr), and (kai) rising clouds 513of (atmis) smoke (kapnos). (Acts 2:19)

The sun (helios) will be changed (metastrepho) to (eis) darkness (skotos), and the moon (selene) to (eis) blood (haima) before (prin) the coming (erchomai) of the (ho) great (megas) and brilliantly shining (epiphanies) day (hemera) of the LORD (ΚΩ). (Acts 2:20)

And it shall come to pass (eimi) all (pas) who (hos), and as many as (an), call upon (epikaleomai) the (ho) name (onoma) of the Kurio | Lord (ΚΩ) will be saved (sozo).’” (Acts 2:21)

After stating this…

“I will reconcile and restore (wa shalem) on your behalf (la ‘atem) the years (‘eth ha shanah) which (‘asher) suddenly disappeared (ha ‘arbeh) and were devoured (‘akal)…. (Yow’el 2:25)

Then you shall eat and be nourished (wa ‘akal ‘akal). And you shall be overwhelmingly satisfied (saba’), radiating a clear and brilliant light while cheering (halal) the name (‘eth shem) of Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atem) who, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), has acted and will engage (‘asah) marvelously (pala’) with you (‘im ‘atem).

So never again will My People be humiliated or disrespected (wa lo’ bowsh ‘am ‘any la ‘owlam). (Yow’el 2:26) And you will know (wa yada’) that I am in the midst (ky qereb ‘any) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el).

I am (wa ‘any) Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), and there is no other (wa ‘ayn ‘owd). My Family (wa ‘any) will never be disapproved or experience distress (lo’ bowsh) again throughout all time (la ‘owlam).” (Yow’el 2:27)

Yahowah revealed…

“And (wa) it will literally come to pass at that very 514moment (hayah – it will happen and come to exist (qal perfect – actually occur at that point in time)) without hesitation during the last days (‘achar – subsequently in the end and without waiting a moment longer), likewise (ken – accordingly), I will pour out (shaphak – I will provide a continual outpouring, bestowing and lavishing (qal imperfect)) My Spirit (‘eth ruwach ‘any) upon (‘al – over) all (kol) who hear and proclaim the message (basar – who convey this beneficial proclamation) and they will be inspired by the Spirit (wa naba’ – they will communicate as prophets as a result of the Spirit and accurately present the past, present, and future (nifal perfect – reveals that it is the Spirit communicating through them at this time)).

Your sons (ben ‘atem) and your daughters (wa bath ‘atem) as well as your elderly (wa zaqen ‘atem – older and prominent individuals) will have their thoughts guided by Divine revelations and be restored and empowered as a result (chalam chalowm – will grow stronger and healthier as they mature from children to adults through Spiritual disclosures).

Your boys will become capable men (bachuwr ‘atem – your youth will grow in strength and ability, becoming the best they can be during this period) by choosing to continually witness, observing and considering (ra’ah – viewing and perceiving (qal imperfect jussive – literally, continually, and by choice being shown)) these communications from God (chizayown – the revelations).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:28)

With Yahowah reconciling and restoring His relationship with Yisra’el, with Him nurturing and enlightening His people, uplifting and protecting them, and with His people acknowledging His presence in their midst and finally proclaiming His name, God will pour out His Spirit upon those who have heard and now proclaim His message. He will do so at this moment, and without 515hesitation, because all who remain are Covenant.

With the Ruwach Qodesh upon them, everyone will be inspired and empowered, becoming more aware and more capable. Boys and girls will become men and women as we are raised and grow alongside our Father.

For the first time in history, the truth will be popular.

I do not know if the Yisra’elites will have servants at this time, but I know that they will be working. As a Gowy, I will not be among the remnant of Yisra’el repopulating the Land during the millennial celebration of Sukah. I expect that I will be among friends, brothers and sisters, out exploring the existing universe before Yahowah eliminates it, creating a new one in its place.

That said, I am served by Yahowah’s mal’ak | spiritual implements and heavenly envoys. Their job is to keep me safe so that I can share Yahowah’s message in a hostile world. They may represent the outpouring of the spirit Yahowah is addressing.

And if not, and should these be servants and not workers, then God could be speaking of the process He inspired Moseh to articulate in Dabarym 15:12-18 regarding voluntary servitude, whereby the worker’s obligations are paid off and they are released after six years. Or possibly, the Gentiles who neither deserved to die nor earned the right to live may be provided with the opportunity to earn His favor.

Or perhaps there are no servants at all – just men and women engaged in the work of Yahowah…

“And also (wa gam) upon (‘al – over and among) the men who work (ha ‘ebed – the males who serve by working; from ‘abad – to work) and upon (wa ‘al) those engaged in service to the family (shaphchah – homemakers; the closest cognates are mashaphchah – considering the implications associated with raising a 516family and shaphat – to adjudicate and decide, exercising good judgment) in those days (ba ha yowm ha hem – during that time) I will bestow (shaphak – I will pour out) My Spirit (‘eth ruwach ‘any).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:29)

While I do not need to know because it is not my business, it seems that by studying ‘ebed and shaphchah my concerns were resolved. Families will be formed and children born on Earth during the one-thousand-year-long celebration of Sukah. It appears that Yahowah prefers what we would call traditional roles, with men working outside of the home and women within it. If so, it explains why they will be receiving an outpouring of Yahowah’s Spirit.

Recognizing that Yah’s People are protected by His Spirit, it is time to resolve the problem of mankind estranged from God.

“Then (wa) I will provide (nathan – I will offer and give, bestowing and producing) signs (mowpheth – tokens of upcoming events; from mah – to contemplate the meaning of and yaphah – that which beautifies) in the heavens (ba ha shamaym – throughout the universe) and on the Earth (ba ha ‘erets – in the Land and within the material realm): blood (dam – that which is essential to life; from ‘adam – mankind and damam – restful silence) and fire (wa ‘ets – burning and blazing light), along with columns of smoke (wa tymarah – upright pillars of fine particulates of carbon).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:30)

If I am interpreting this message correctly, then God is going to eliminate mortal man, creating a restful silence from his noise by way of His blazing light. The columns of carbon particulates will be all that remain.

For people who are apart from the Spirit and estranged from Yahowah, this would be frightening…

517“The sun (ha shemesh) will become weaker and unreliable (haphak – will be altered) and thus darker (la choshek – obscured, becoming dimmer), and the moon (wa ha yareach – and the month) bloody red (dam) before the vitally important and awe-inspiring day (la yowm ha gadowl wa ha yare’) of Yahowah’s appearance (paneh Yahowah) arrives (bow’ – comes).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:31)

Mankind will have made a mess of the planet. Our wars and pollution will have contributed to these effects, but there will also be the residual fallout of nuclear war and the lingering debris from an asteroid impact.

All of this is occurring immediately prior to Yahowah’s return which will occur on Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah (October 2nd at sunset in Yaruwshalaim in 2033).

By writing haphak, Yow’el predicted what will happen to the sun. It invokes the idea that the sun, as Satan’s most popular guise, will be “overturned and be proven unreliable” in the last days. Its illumination, as well as its influence, will be “dimmed and obscured” by the arrival of Yahowah’s Light.

Just as the sun is not going to be extinguished, merely darkened in the aftermath of nuclear holocaust, an asteroid strike, and the billowing smoke which will rise from the torching of the Middle East’s oil fields at the conclusion of the all-Islamic war against Israel, the moon will not turn into blood, but rather will reflect a diminished reddish-brown aura. If you have ever seen the moon during a full eclipse, or viewed it through air saturated with smoke, you will recognize this depiction. And it is an important one because, if the light reflected off of the moon’s surface is diminished by global atmospheric pollution of this magnitude, observing a new moon, especially in the seventh month of the final year of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Trouble, will be impossible. The 518first emerging crescent is already hard to see, as it occurs briefly just before sunset, low on the horizon through the greatest density of atmosphere, and it is always in competition with the source of its light – the sun.

Therefore, for those who survive long enough to witness the fulfillment of Yowm Kipurym with Yahowah’s return, and then the Miqra’ of Sukah which begins the Millennial Shabat, they will not be able to actually see the first crescent of the new moon which not only designates Taruw’ah, but also determines the arrival of the Day of Reconciliations ten days later. We will, therefore, need to anticipate the date based upon prior calculations such as those provided in this book.

“And it shall come to pass at that moment in time (wa hayah – it will actually and literally occur for a limited time (qal perfect)) that all who, to receive the benefits of the relationship (kol ‘asher – that everyone led along the correct path to get the most out of life), call out to receive, proclaim and summon to meet (qara’ – reading and reciting a welcome (qal imperfect)), in the name (ba shem – in the person and proper designation) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence) will be spared and delivered, protected from danger and saved from harm (malat – will be rescued and escape).

Indeed (ky), within the Mountain of the Signs Posted Along the Way (ba har Tsyown – upon the ridgeline of Mount Mowryah between Dowd’s and Yahowah’s houses) and in Jerusalem (ba ha Yaruwshalaim – the Source of Guidance and Teaching on Reconciliation), there will be (hayah) deliverance for a remnant (paleytah – survivors who remain free from oppression), just as (ka ‘asher) Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) has promised 519(‘amar).

And among the survivors within this remnant (wa ba ha saryd – among those who remain) are those benefiting from the relationship who (‘asher) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence and His role in our shalowm – reconciliation as ‘elowah – Almighty God) has invited and welcomed (qara’ – summoned and called out (qal participle absolute)).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:32)

There is only one name for God, and it is the one and only name capable of saving us from ourselves. Only those who called upon the name of YaHoWaH were spared – no one else.

You can argue this point until you are blue in the face, but it is not going to change God’s mind. From His perspective liberated in time, this has already occurred. And it is as it should be. Yahowah’s name is the point of departure. It is banned from the Roman Catholic Church and that will ban Roman Catholics in return. It was not only omitted from the Christian New Testament, God’s name was replaced by the LORD and Jesus Christ. And it was that sleight of hand which facilitated the fraudulent integration of Psalm 110 and Joel 2:28-32 into their scriptures. Yahowah will not accept a fraud. And thankfully, the requirement of knowing and using Yahowah’s name to be counted among those He saves will exclude all Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, Scientologists, and Socialist Secular Humanists.

It will also keep every rabbi and Hasidic Jew from being among the surviving remnant. No one is more averse to saying God’s name than them. It is a crime that will cost them their souls – a consequence I both lament and celebrate. There can be no justice unless those in the best position to know and convey the truth, and yet who decided 520to bury it under the tomes of their religion, are held accountable for committing the deadliest crime in human history. Judaism has been a curse on Jews.

Those who were malat | spared and protected by Yahowah did not just ‘amar | say His name, they Qara’ ba shem Yahowah to be malat | delivered from harm’s way. Qara’ is the most important verb in the Hebrew language. It means that these reconciled Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym “qara’ – called out” to Yahowah, “summoning and inviting” Him to be part of their lives. They “read and recited” His name, “proclaiming it” because they wanted “to be called out” of man’s mess and “meet with” Yahowah. In this way, they “were welcomed into His company.”

And this is why the verb, qara’, defines the Miqra’ey – the title Yahowah chose to describe His “Invitations to be Called Out and Meet.” The my prefix before qara’ encourages us to ponder the implications of these opportunities to meet with our Maker and to be welcomed into His family.

Luke misled his readers when he inadequately translated qara’, which, in the qal imperfect, means that those who were spared “consistently and literally, continually and actually called out” in the name of Yahowah. He misled them further when he failed to convey the meaning of “‘asher – to show the way to get the most out of life and enjoy the benefits of the relationship by walking along the correct path.” And then Luke committed the only unforgivable crime: he diminished the relevance of Yahowah’s name by replacing it with “kurios – the Lord.” Then to add insult to injury, he rendered malat inaccurately as “saved” when it speaks of “being spared and delivered, protected from danger and saved from harm.” It is “to be rescued from a deadly and destructive situation such that the beneficiary escapes the harm which will befall others.” Those who qara’ ba ha shem Yahowah 521were being delivered

Worst of all, Luke misappropriated a prophecy which, in context, negates the essence of his anti-Semitic rant. Yahowah is condemning Gentiles, not saving them. He is rescuing Israel, not condemning them.

Acts 2 was contrived to support Paul’s insistence on replacing Dowd with Jesus and Yisra’el with Christians, even the Towrah wa Naby’ with the Christian New Testament. But it was all a lie, a deliberate fraud, a poorly crafted hoax. And theirs was not a victimless crime, not only because of the billions it robbed of their souls, but because of the resulting carnage upon the Chosen People.

It was with and through Dowd that Yahowah Tsyown | Posted the Signs Along the Way. They did so in Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Guidance and Teaching on Reconciliation. Yahowah returned Home to His People – just as He has promised. And that is the point of all of this: God can be trusted to honor His word. This fact alone destroys any possibility that Judaism, Christianity, or Islam are valid.

“And among the survivors within this remnant (wa ba ha saryd) are those benefiting from the relationship who (‘asher) Yahowah (Yahowah) has invited and welcomed (qara’).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 2:32)

What follows ties Yahowah’s return and the restoration of His people together. It is little wonder Luke did not incorporate this testimony into Peter’s speech. Had he done so, maybe, just maybe, one Christian may have actually noticed that Paul and his accomplices were full of $#!+ {&%@?}…

“Look and see (hineh – pay attention to the details), because indeed (ky) in those days (ba ha yowmym ha hem), and during this particular time (wa ha ba ‘eth ha hy’ – that specific and definite point in the sequence of 522events), when, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I return to restore (shuwb – I come back to the place I had previously left to reestablish and renew) the fortunes, freedom, and property (shebuwt – freeing from oppression and persecution, and of being controlled by others while returning their assets and possessions (such as that which was promised to them and taken away by Luke and Company)) of Yahuwdah (Yahuwdah – Beloved of Yah who bear Yahowah’s name) and Yaruwshalaim (Yaruwshalaim – Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:1)

This is in the autumn of 2033, year 6000 Yah, during Kipurym, which is celebrated between Taruw’ah and Sukah. This timing has been designated as important and specific, not indefinite or subject to change. And the events transpiring this day are clearly delineated, rendering the notion that it was fulfilled 2000 years ago with “Jesus Christ” and in conflict with Yahuwdym absurd in the extreme.

It is Yahowah who is returning, not the never-named Yahowsha’ who was misnamed Jesus. “Jesus Christ” is not associated in any way with the events transpiring at this time – making the diatribe about him in Acts 2 nonsensical.

Rather than replacing Jews, Yahowah is returning to restore them, returning everything Christians tried to steal from His people. And that admission is a broadside attack on the credibility of the Christian New Testament which claims the opposite.

Yahowah is coming home to Yaruwshalaim in Yahuwdah. And it is there that He is restoring the fortunes and possessions of His People.

As for the Christians, Muslims, and Communists who attempted to rob them, this will not work out as they had planned. If you count yourself among them, then you have been played for a fool. This prophecy is as counter to the 523religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Multicultural Secular Humanism as words allow. It is absolute proof that Paul, Luke, Peter, Mark, Matthew, and Christianity, Rabbis Akiba, Yochai, Maimonides, Eliezer and Judaism, and then Muhammad and Joseph Smith lied when they claimed to have spoken on behalf of the God of the Towrah and Prophets. And if you do not concur – welcome to your destiny…

“Then (wa) I will collect and assemble (qabats – I will gather (piel perfect – the object suffers the effect at this moment in time)) all of the Gentiles (kol ha gowym – everyone estranged from Yisra’el, those from different countries, cultures, and ethnicities) and bring them down (wa yarad hem – I will come down to diminish and prostrate them, subjugating them and exterminating them) to the Valley (‘emeq – the deep depression between elevated places which is symbolic of a reduction in dimensions) of Yahowshaphat (Yahowshaphat – Yahowah Judges).

And I will enter into judgment against them (wa shaphat ‘im hem – I will decide against them, arguing and litigating in opposition to them, and will execute justice in disagreement with them) there (sham – by that name) on behalf of My people (‘al ‘am ‘any – for My family) and My inheritance (wa nachalah ‘any – My property and assigned association), Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God, Israel).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:2 in part)

To assume that the authors of the Christian New Testament and every Christian cleric throughout the ages were too preoccupied promoting their religion to bother reading what Yahowah said before and after the pilfered citation in Acts is incredulous. And that makes this murderous crime premeditated and deliberate.

As a consequence, every Gentile estranged from 524Yisra’el will be brought down and diminished as they are judged by Yahowah. There will be no reprieves, no escape, and no salvation for them. God will condemn them by the name they loathed, rejected, and replaced. And He will do so on behalf of the people these gowym loathed, rejected, and sought to replace. It is poetic justice.

There are only two outcomes of Yahowshaphat: the destruction or diminishment of one’s soul. Those judged to have been victims of man’s misguided ways will have their souls obliterated, ceasing to exist. While the victimizers, those who knowingly led them astray, will be cast into She’owl where dimensions are reduced to a singularity – existing only in time.

Yisra’el was God’s to give and Yahowah gave it to His people. Gentiles of every ilk have tried to take it away. This problem is especially prevalent today.

From the time of ‘Abraham to the present day, Yahuwdym and Yisra’elites have been scattered among the Gentiles – mostly as a result of being enslaved. They were systematically abused by the Egyptians, Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Roman Catholics, Byzantines, Ottomans, Muslims, Nazis, and now Progressives. No people have been treated worse, nor persecuted longer, than Jews.

If you are among those advocating a “Two-State Solution,” a return to 1967 borders, or believe that Jews are wrongfully occupying “Palestine,” God is going to hold you accountable.

“They have scattered and dispersed them (pazar – they have thrown them) among the gentile nations (ba ha gowym) and My Land (wa ‘erets ‘any) they have divided and apportioned (chalaq – they have assigned and distributed among themselves).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:2)

525This is one of many reasons Gentiles will be judged and condemned by Yahowah. And that should be concerning to almost everyone since the prevailing edict among the nations is to evict and then apportion the Land.

Even worse, Christians, Muslims, Nazis, and Communists have treated Jews as property to exploit and extinguish at their pleasure. The Romans, who became Roman Catholics, went so far as to rob Yahowah’s Temple. Therefore, these grievances comprise verses 3, 4, and 5.

“And the children of Yahuwdah | Jews (wa ben Yahuwdah – the offspring related to and beloved by Yah) and the children of Yaruwshalaim | Jerusalem (wa ben Yaruwshalaim – the offspring of those who taught about reconciliation), you have betrayed, exchanging them (makar – you have engaged in a quid pro quo exchange to betray them, transferring their rights (qal perfect)) for the descendants of that which is Grecian (la ben ha Yawany – Greek Ionia, particularly applicable to the language ascribed to Greeks, those mired in their love of wine and who pursue, repress, and subjugate others) for the express purpose (la ma’an – with the intent) of removing them (rachaq hem – severing them and distancing them) from their own territory and bounds (min ‘al gebuwl hem – from the extent of their rights and boundaries of their claims; from gabhuwt – to be conceited and arrogant in one’s claims).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:6)

Paul’s letters, as was the case with the entire Christian New Testament, including Acts, were written in Greek. Paul not only spread Christianity throughout Greacen Ionia, he constantly contrasted Greeks with Jews, claiming the Greeks for himself. Luke, the author of the Gospel and the Book of Acts, was Greek, as was Timothy, Paul’s lover. The Roman Catholic Church formed in Greek Constantinople. The oldest Greek prose was written in the Ionian dialect, including Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey from which many New Testament myths were derived. Ionic 526Greek was simplified to become Attic, the Koine | Common Greek of the New Testament.

Recognizing this, Yahowah seems to be condemning the Replacement Theology of the Greek New Testament many centuries before Greeks began to menace Jews.

“Read and recite this (qara’ zo’th – proclaim this, issuing a summons (qal imperative)) against the Gentiles (ba ha gowym – in opposition to those who are estranged from Yisra’el ethnically, culturally, religiously, or politically).

Be set apart and prepared (qadash – become dedicated and focused) to engage in battle (milchamah – for conflict, to fight a war along these battle lines).

Alert and arouse (‘uwr – awaken and rise up) the most valiant, accomplished leaders and battle-hardened fighters (gibowr – the best and brightest, the strongest and most powerful, those who are experienced leading soldiers into battle, the most prominent and influential of men (used explicitly to describe Dowd)).

Approach and rise up (nagash ‘alah – come forth, be present and accountable, ready to engage and be confrontational by ascending) every man who is able and equipped to fight (kol ‘ysh ha milchamah). (Yow’el / Joel 3:9)

Beat (katat – pound) your plowshares (‘eth ‘atem) into swords (la chereb – weapons of war) and your pruning hooks (wa mazmerah ‘atem) into lances (la romach).

Let the weak and disabled (chalash – those with comparatively little strength) say (‘amar), ‘I am a capable fighter and honorable leader (gibowr ‘any – I am strong, empowered, and accomplished, and can be influential). (Yow’el / Joel 3:10)

Provide assistance without hesitation (‘uwsh527hasten to lend a hand).

Then come (wa bow’ – arrive) all of you Gentiles (kol ha gowym) from all around (min sabyb). Assemble there (qabats sham).

Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as guided by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), bring down (nachath) Your Gibowr | most prominent leader and devoted fighter (gibowr ‘atah – Your most capable and empowered individual, the man with the best character and greatest strength with a history of prevailing and affirming (a.k.a., Dowd)). (Yow’el / Joel 3:11)

The Gentiles (gowym) will be aroused, stirring themselves up (‘uwr – will be ready for action, even gloating, incited with expectations of triumph, although they will be exposed) going off (‘alah – being carried away and withdrawn to, being offered up) to the Valley (‘emeq – the deep depression between elevated places which is symbolic of a reduction in dimensions) of Yahowshaphat (Yahowshaphat – Yahowah Judges).

There (sham – and by that name), and I will enter into judgment against them (wa shaphat ‘im hem – I will decide against them, arguing and litigating in opposition to them, and will execute justice in disagreement with them); there (sham – by that name), I will sit (yashab – I will remain) to judge (shaphat – to decide, arguing, and litigate, to execute justice by condemning and punishing) all of the Gentiles (‘eth kol ha gowym – everyone estranged from Yisra’el) from all over (min sabyb).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:12)

This will not be a sneak attack. God will not be ambushing these confrontational Gentiles. They have been forewarned and will hear it again.

As for His people, God wants us set apart from these 528assailants and prepared to engage against them. Yes, He could wipe them all out with a single word, but that is not how He operates. He wants us to respond to the threat and defend our home and family along with Him. Accepting responsibility by standing up against evil to protect those we love is good for us and them.

Twice we find Yahowah using gibowr – a word closely identified with the Mashyach and Melek Dowd. He will be ‘uwr | aroused, ready to do as he has done: gibowr | fight to defend his people.

Dowd was a leader of men, which is why we are given the opportunity to rally at his side to rid the world of anti-Semites. And while we are instructed to fabricate our weapons, Yahowah knows that the most effective has always been words wisely wielded.

When we are part of Yahowah’s family, even the relatively weak are strengthened and the disabled enabled. We can all provide assistance, contributing to the cause of justice – even if it is to lend moral support.

While I am a gentile by ethnicity, I am no longer one culturally, politically, religiously, or militarily. I am among those who have embraced what it means to be Yisra’el | an Individual who Engages and Endures with God. And as a result, I am also Yahuwdah | Beloved of Yah.

As such, I will be among those rallying in support of Dowd as he fights to protect his people. As Ruth so eloquently stated, “Where you go, I will go, where you live, I will live. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God.” (Ruth 1:16)

Those who retain their affiliations with gowym cultures, institutions, nations, and the religious will endure a different outcome. Facing Yahowah and the Gibowr | Chief Defender of His people, the remaining Gowym will be headed to Judgment Day. There will be no exceptions 529or reprieves. Yahowah, the God they denied and rebuked, will become their Judge and Executioner. Fitting.

Suffice it to say, a church was not born on this day, but it will be extinguished. And may I remind you, the closest Greek word to the transliterated title, “Church,” is Circe. In Greek mythology, she was a sorceress, the daughter of the sun god, Helios, and a Nymph of the Sea, Perse. She used chrio | drugs and spells to change humans into wolves and swine. The Greek superhero, Odysseus, of whom Iesou Christo was modeled, stayed with her for a year before continuing his journey home. Christians have been with her a lot longer.

As an interesting note, the product of Circe’s and Odysseus’ escapades was Latinus – the language of the Roman Catholic Church. She has even become the patron saint of the liberated, sexually-free woman, and thus has been idolized by progressives since the Renaissance.

“Extend (shalach – reach out) the reaping sickle (magal) because (ky) the harvest (qatsyr) is ripe (bashal).

Return and be included (bow’ – come back to and enter) to demonstrate your dominion (radah – stamping your feet) because the winepress (gath) is full (male’ –is filled).

The vats (ha yeqeb – the vessels in which the juice of the grapes is held once mashed) have reached their ideal capacity (shuwq – are sufficiently filled to the proper point) because the consequence of them being wrong is great and there are so many of them who are immoral and miserable (ky rab ra’ah hem – because their propensity to be evil abounds and they are malignant and hurtful). (Yow’el / Joel 3:13)

Vast multitudes of uproarious and confused people making an intolerable racket (hamown hamown – an enormous display of the word’s accumulation of wealth, 530with an excessive overabundance of possessions and other useless objects, held by hordes, great masses of people and troops, will be making a commotion, rude and disorderly, loud and riotous) are in (ba) the deep depression (‘emeq – the valley between elevated places which is symbolic of a reduction in dimensions) of judgment, condemnation, and punishment (charuwts – of the verdict determining the sentence for those whose guilt is being assessed as a result of having maimed and mutilated).

For indeed (ky), the Day (yowm) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence) is approaching (qarowb – is near) in (ba) the valley (‘emeq – the deep depression between elevated places which is symbolic of a reduction in dimensions) of the verdict determining the sentence for those whose guilt is being assessed (charuwts – of judgment, condemnation, and punishment as a result of having maimed and mutilated). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 3:14)

It is as they are being crushed for the final time that Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym return to Yahowah and seek His protection. This is why the harvest is ripe and ready to be reaped. It is indicative of the vats having been filled to their ideal capacity. It is the time for God’s people to assert their dominion over everything Yahowah has offered.

Yahowah is affirming that it will require a calamity of unheralded proportions to get His family’s attention. Never have there been so many who are wrong, miserable and immoral. Evil abounds as never before. Mankind has become a cancer – a malignancy which must be cut out for the Earth to survive.

For those who have read the volumes on the Covenant, you know that Yahowah predicted that two very different kinds of people would come from ‘Abraham. This includes 531Yisra’el, those who would be “hamown – vast multitudes of uproarious and confused people making an intolerable racket.” To be hamown is to present “an excessive overabundance of possessions and other useless objects along with an accumulation of wealth.” In the end, there will be “hordes, great masses of people and troops” who are hamown, and they “will be making a commotion, being both rude and disorderly, loud and riotous.” The two sides of ‘Abraham – Yitschaq and Yshma’‘el – have finally met. This is their day of destiny.

For most of man’s existence, mortal souls have been free to select one of three fates. Those who choose to rely upon Yahowah will become part of the Covenant and live forever with Him. Those who have opposed Him, as those in the valley of Yahowah’s Judgment will have done, will endure an eternity in She’owl separated from God. And while most souls will simply cease to exist at the end of their mortal lives, that option will not be afforded to the rumbling, tumultuous, and confused multitude who have come to annihilate Yahowah’s Chosen People. It is decision time, and they have all expressed theirs by way of the company they have chosen and the mission they have accepted.

This paints Yahowah as patient, always waiting until the last possible moment, giving people every opportunity to change before usurping their freewill, and demonstrably intervening as He eventually must in human affairs. To fulfill the final two Miqra’ey, and to save a remnant of Yahuwdym from having the worst of men destroy the Promised Land, and all life on Earth, He will arrive a heartbeat before we annihilate ourselves and the planet to save the day.

“Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) roars (sha’ag) from (min) Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way 532(Tsyown).

He offers His voice (wa nathan qowl huw’ – He speaks as a gift) from (min) Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation (Yaruwshalaim).

The atmosphere trembles and shakes (wa ra’ash shamaym) along with the Earth (wa ‘erets), while (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) provides protection and shelter (machaseh – a refuge from danger and falsehood) for His family (la ‘am huw’) along with (wa) a safe situation (ma’owz – a stronghold and safe harbor to prevail and be empowered) for the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el). (Yow’el / Joel 3:16)

Therefore (wa), you should know (yada’ – you should recognize and acknowledge, perceive and understand (qal perfect – literally and genuinely at this moment in time)) that, indeed (ky – surely and truthfully), I am (‘any) Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence), your God (‘elohym ‘atem), lives; He resides and remains (shakan – He dwells and abides, camping out and settling down) in Tsyown (ba Tsyown – along the Signs Posted Along the Way) – My Set-Apart Mountain (har qodesh ‘any).

Then also (wa) Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation (Yaruwshalaim) shall be (hayah – will exist as) set apart and special (qodesh – separated and uncommon, unique and unsullied).

Unauthorized and illegitimate strangers (zar – errant foreigners and aliens showing hostility who are alienated and estranged) will never pass through it again (lo’ ‘abar ba hy’ ‘owd).” (Yow’el / Yahowah is God / Joel 5333:17)

Yahowah is in Yisra’el, on Tsyown, speaking from Yaruwshalaim on behalf of His family. What part of this is so difficult for the religious to understand? Rather than an international and multicultural religious city, Yaruwshalaim will be off-limits to anyone who is not in the Covenant Family.

In this passage, Yahowah has transitioned from themes of reconciliation upon His return on the Day of Reconciliations, to providing shelter on Sukah / Shelters, because one Miqra’ flows to the next, one leading to the other. Just as the first four Invitations to be Called Out and Meet with God have been fulfilled in the right way, on the right day, and in the right order, the final three Miqra’ey will also be fulfilled, restoring the Children of Yisra’el as they begin the Millennial Shabat, camping out with God for one thousand years.

The whole story has been brought to its conclusion. Everyone who has survived His glorious return will yada’ Yahowah, they will “know, recognize, and acknowledge, they will realize and understand,” that “being qodesh | set apart unto God” so that He can enrich, empower, and enlighten His Children is the purpose of Shabuw’ah. From this time forward, only Covenant members will be afforded the opportunity to camp out on the set-apart mountain and set-apart city. Those who did not avail themselves of Passover, UnYeasted Bread, Firstborn Children, the Promise of Seven, Trumpets, and Reconciliations when they had the opportunity will be excluded as strangers.




Earlier in this chapter, as we were contemplating the meaning behind Yow’el’s use of mowreh in 2:23, I 534promised to share what Yirma’yah / Jeremiah had to say about Yahowah’s provision. Remember…

“Yahowah provided for you the autumn rains through a teacher who communicates what you need to know about the towrah to live (mowreh – authorized, accurate, and informative guidance; from yarah – to guide and instruct) so that you can be right and thus vindicated.

He has brought down for you an abundant shower of guidance and instruction (mowreh – pouring out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s teaching and directions) about being gleaned and growing thereafter as was intended in the beginning.” (Yow’el 2:23)

It would have been advantageous if Yahuwdym simply read the Towrah and studied the Prophets. Had they done so, they would not have needed a Towrah teacher to rain Yahowah’s instructions down upon them.

In Yirma’yah / Jeremiah, beginning with the 19th statement of the 5th chapter, we find Yahowah systematically assessing the reasons He would have to go outside of the family to find someone willing to shower His people with His Towrah.

“When it comes to pass that you ask (wa hayah ky ‘amar), ‘Why (mah) has Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), our God (‘elohym ‘anachnuw), systematically (tachath – in an orderly arrangement and in succession over time) caused (‘asah – triggered) all of these things to happen (kol ‘eleh) to us (la ‘anachnuw)?’

Then you should explain to them (wa ‘amar ‘el hem), ‘It is because (ka ‘asher) you have abandoned and forsaken Me (‘azab ‘eth ‘any – you have rejected and 535neglected Me, disavowing a relationship with Me, deserting Me).

And you have served (wa ‘abad – you have indentured yourself, expending considerable energy and intensity pursuing) the gods observed by foreigners (‘elohym nekar – showing respect for and paying attention to the recognition of phony and pretend gods) in your Land (ba ‘erets ‘atem).

Therefore (ken), you will serve (‘abad) illegitimate and unauthorized foreigners (zar – inadvisable and misled strangers) in a land which is not yours (ba ‘erets lo’ lo ‘atem).’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:19)

Yahowah is opposed to the various religions observed by Gentiles – from which Christianity and Islam were derived. But His larger concern is when these religious ideas are seen among His people. Judaism is a prime example of what God hates most.

To be sure, Yahowah is going to condemn Christians, Muslims, and Socialist Secular Humanists for persecuting His people. However, God recognizes that Judaism has actually been deadlier, as it is a cancer which has metastasized, killing His people from the inside.

By being religious, Jews have forsaken their relationship with God. Because of their Talmud, they have neglected the Towrah. By accepting “Ha Shem,” they have rejected Yahowah. The Hasidic value their rabbis over the Prophets, their Halakhah above all else.

Having abandoned the Covenant, Yahowah withdrew its benefits and His people were orphaned. Uprooted and unprotected, they were dragged off as slaves and forced to serve the very foreigners whose jargon they incorporated into their religion. God is indeed fair.

Now, if only they would listen…

“Declare this (nagad zo’th – report this and explain 536it) in the House of Ya’aqob (ba ha beyth Ya’aqob – in the family of Yisra’el) and hear it in Yahuwdah (wa shama’ hy’ ba Yahuwdah – and perceive what is said among the Beloved of Yah), saying (la ‘amar), (5:20) ‘Please choose of your own volition to listen to this (shama’ na’ zo’th – under the auspices of freewill, I urge you to hear this) foolish and senseless people (‘am sakal – ignorant and irrational, even immoral family members), those without common sense, who are heartless and incapable of executing good judgment (‘ayn leb), who have eyes (‘ayn la hem) but cannot see (wa lo’ ra’ah), who have ears (‘ozen la hem) but cannot hear (wa lo’ shama’).’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:21)

And now we know why there were no Yahuwdym willing or able to share Yahowah’s Towrah with His people. When it comes to God, the brightest ethnicity in the world act as if they are the dumbest. They are still listening to the very rabbis who are their worst enemies.

This known, be aware, Yahowah is not expecting, nor is He even interested, in religious Jews changing their attitudes and minds, such that they reject the rabbis and choose to act upon His instructions. Even God cannot fix stupid. Therefore, the autumn rain of Towrah Teaching is for the Yahuwdym who are open to the truth and who will follow it home.

As for those still lost in their own delusions, God asks…

“‘Do you not respect Me (ha ‘eth ‘any lo’ yare’)?’ prophetically inquires (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration).”

The answer has been unequivocally and ubiquitously, “No!” Yahuwdym have continued through the ages to twist and pervert God’s message, dancing about as if they were 537smarter than Him.

“Before My presence (min paneh ‘any – before My appearance and in My face) do you not twist and turn (‘im lo’ chyl – do you not dance about while waiting for some kind of resolution, albeit from a comparatively powerless and impoverished position)?”

In what follows, Yahowah is using “ha yam – the sea” metaphorically to speak of hostile Gentiles, those who are not of the Land but seek to claim Yisra’el as their own.

“For the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I have placed (sym – I have put, setting in place) sand as a vast and boundless (chowl) outer limit (gebuwl) for the sea (la ha yam), an inscribed boundary to endure the test of time (choq ‘owlam – as a clearly communicated prescription which is etched in stone for all eternity) that it cannot cross (wa lo’ ‘abar huw’).

Even though the waves recede and thrust forward (ga’ash), they will not succeed (wa lo’ yakol – it will not prevail and accomplish its goal).

Its surging waves and turbulent seas (wa gal huw’ – the strong currents and destructive storms) are loud and uproarious (hamah – they are noisy, moaning and crying, bristling with rage, chaotic and disorderly, particularly disturbing with their angry and snarling political and religious yearnings), but it will not pass over it or possess that which is beyond it (wa lo’ ‘abar huw’ – it will not extend past it).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:22)

The empires which have surged into Yisra’el have withdrawn. Those who have sought to erode the Land have evaporated. The most contested place on Earth is now occupied by Yahuwdym. Imagine that.

In spite of this miraculous outcome…

“And yet this family (wa ha ‘am ha zeh – but these people) remains (hayah) rebellious with their 538inclinations, defiant in their thinking, and obstinate in their judgment, especially stubborn in their attitude (leb sarar).

Audaciously contentious and insolent (marah – recalcitrant and brazenly imprudent), they have turned away and departed (suwr – they have taken off in a different direction, leaving the relationship, removing themselves for a time (qal perfect)), having walked away (wa halak).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:23)

Reading the Jerusalem Post, and listening to rabbis spew their venom, I concur with Yahowah’s assessment. They are disgusting. Acting as if they were the gibowr | leaders and defenders of the Jewish people, they are the scum of the Earth. There is nothing, including God, Himself, capable of resolving what ails them.

“It is not germane to their thinking to convey (wa lo’ ‘amar ba lebab hem – they do not say in their hearts), ‘Surely, we should respect (yare’ na’ ‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), our God (‘elohym ‘anachnuw), who has provided (ha nathan – who has offered as a gift, having bestowed) an outpouring (geshem – showers) of towrah | teaching and guidance (yowrah – autumn showers of instructions and directions; active participle of the verb yarah which serves as the actionable root of Towrah | the Source from which Teaching and Guidance, Instructions and Directions Flow), and at the proper time (wa ba ‘eth hy’) enabling a gleaning (malqowsh – considering the implications of an ingathering, being gathered up in a harvest promoting subsequent growth; from mah – to ponder laqat and laqash – being gleaned and then growing) during Shabuw’ah | the Promise of Seven (Shabuw’ah – the Feast of Weeks and Miqra’ of Seven Sevens), providing the inscribed prescriptions for living (chuqah – the clearly communicated instructions of what you should do to be 539accepted, live, and receive a share of the inheritance) associated with the harvest (qatsyr – the reaping in the harvest season) for us to observe, closely examining and carefully considering (shamar la ‘anachnuw).’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:24)

And now we know why…“Yahowah provided for you the autumn rains through a teacher who pours what you need to know about the towrah’s guidance (mowreh – authorized, accurate, and informative instruction; from yarah – to guide and instruct) so that you can be right and thus vindicated. He has brought down for you an abundant shower of teaching and directions (mowreh – pouring out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s guidance and instructions) about being gleaned and growing thereafter as was intended in the beginning.” (Yow’el 2:23)

But what I do not understand is how – why – Yahowah’s beloved Yahuwdym have forfeited this opportunity. Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:25 is the ultimate gift from God to His people. Please capitalize upon it so as not to ostracize Yahowah any more than you already have.

What I did not expect was that this prophecy would be so explicit in explaining the symbolism behind mowreh. God goes right to the essence of His offer by using yowrah malqowsh | teaching regarding the harvest. Moreover, He and His Prophet came full circle, and tied Yahowah’s gift right back into Shabuw’ah – just as we were completing our thoughts on this Mow’ed. Even better, we found two of our favorite words in the text – chuqah and shamar – encouraging us to observe the Towrah’s prescriptions for living so that by closely examining and carefully considering them we can live and grow as part of the Covenant Family. What a wonderful gift. And at just the right time.

This was our answer – big, bold, and powerful. And 540all who know and love Yah are humbled by His generosity and appreciative of His gift. However, most Yahuwdym remain mired in the cesspool of their religion – too stubborn and stupid, if I may quote Yah, to get out of their own way.

It is time to forever sever the misconception that to be Jewish is to accept Judaism. This ethnicity is the most treasured by Yahowah while the religion is the most despised.

I say this because God said it. He wants open-minded Yahuwdym and Yisra’elites to reject the rabbis and to listen to what He is offering and expecting in return. Man is wrong. God is right.

Considering how miserable the past 2000 years have been under the rabbis, maybe it’s time to give God’s approach a try. But please, no matter if you choose to believe men or trust God, accept the fact that they are opposed to one another. Rabbis do not speak for God, but instead argue against Him.

Should you not agree, consider this…

“Your propensity to be wrong and the damage you have inflicted upon yourselves (‘awon ‘atem – the consequence of your perverse and twisted corruptions) has caused these things to be thrust aside by perverting God’s approach (natah ‘el leh – you have disengaged from the relationship, denying these, thrusting the Almighty away).

Furthermore (wa), you have missed the way and having gone astray (chata’th ‘atem – your offensive nature and tendency to be mistaken) has caused that which is beneficial to be withheld (mana’ ha towb – has kept that which is generous and good away) from you all (min ‘atem).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:25)

The beneficial things which the religious have 541perverted and thrust aside are: “yare’ – respect” for Yahowah, the “nathan – gift” of His “geshem yowrah – outpouring of Towrah teaching and guidance,” being “malqowsh – gathered in” during the “qatsyr – harvest” of “Shabuw’ah – the Promise of the Shabat,” and then they rejected the “chuqah – clearly inscribed prescriptions for living.”

If I may be blunt: over the past 2000 years Jews have been the most mistreated people on Earth because they have been the most mistaken. And there is no excuse because Yahowah chose Yisra’elites to convey His guidance and did so in their language. If we can read it, so can they.

Dressing-down the rabbis, exposing and condemning them while warning His people about them, Yahowah reveals…

“Indeed (ky), wickedly unrighteous men (rasha’ – evil and unethical individuals who are in gross violation of the standard and will be condemned, these unGodly religious criminals) have been discovered (matsa’ – have been uncovered and found) among My people (ba ‘am ‘any).

They are in plain sight, easily seen (shuwr – they lie in wait openly, readily perceived if you care to view them), like those who entice and lure birds into their snare (ka yaqosh – similar to fowlers who set and bait their traps) then sneak away as they appease and pacify (shakak – recede, hiding the evidence to abate culpability).

These wretched officials in their appointed positions are rigid in their stance (natsab – they stand firm behind their binding proclamations and implied authority, establishing official decrees which are exhausting), destructive and deadly (mashachyth – corrupt and ruinous, as well as perverted and toxic).

542They ensnare and capture men (lakad ‘ysh – they prey upon and seize, catching and controlling people).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:26)

Should you have thought that I was being presumptuous in accusing rabbis of being the object of God’s scorn, He just affirmed this conclusion. The Yisra’elite governance of Yisra’el has varied over the past 2500 years from nonexistent to inconsequential. The only prevailing influence has been religion. And it has not served the people well. The most prominent and persuasive individuals among Yahuwdym have been rabbis. These hypocrites, as wickedly unrighteous men, are easily seen, indeed, unmistakable, in their religious outfits. And their mission continues to be to control Jews – influencing every aspect of their lives, placing the people in cages they have built with their wretched words.

Rabbis are parasites.

From Yahowah’s perspective, rabbis “natsab – stubbornly enact their binding proclamations using their implied authority, establishing official decrees which are exhausting” “mashachyth – corrupt, perverted, and deadly.” In their destructive pursuit of their brethren, they have turned their own people into their prey.

Now, do we all see why Yahowah chose to pour out His towrah | teaching and guidance through an alternative source? Does everyone understand why God is not only anti-religious, but has set walking away from it as a condition to entering His Covenant?

Continuing to compare rabbis to fowlers and Judaism to a cage…

“Like a cage (ka kaluwb – similar to a basket designed to confine birds; from kaluwa’ – to imprison and keleb – a contemptible and abasing pagan cult for whores and prostitutes) filled with a multitude (male’) of fowl (‘owph 543– of those who flitter and fly around), their houses are filled (beyth hem male’) with deception and deceit, deliberately misleading words and deeds, fraudulently perpetrated (mirmah – dishonesty and treachery, along with the riches pilfered through trickery and fraud; from my – to consider the means of ramah – beguiling deceit and misleading betrayal).

This is how they are enriched and empowered (‘al ken gadal wa ‘ashar – it is the source of their wealth and aggrandizement, even their boasts, and it explains how they have risen to power and have been deemed important, but they are thieves).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:27)

It is His decision, not mine, but I am in favor of accountability. Give them a full dose of what they have prescribed.

“For these things (‘al ‘el leh) should I not hold them accountable (ha lo’ paqad – inventory and take stock of what they have written and punish them)?’ Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) asks in advance of it happening (na’um).

‘In the case of a nation acting as if they were gowy (‘im ba gowy ‘asher ka zeh – with the people relating as if they were Gentiles estranged from the relationship with Yisra’el), should I not seek justice, and in retribution return harm with harm (lo’ naqam – should I not avenge Myself; from naqa’ – to become estranged and alienated, severing the relationship) for My soul (nepesh ‘any – My conscious persona, My nature projected though a lifetime of experiences and My response to them)?’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:29)

Yahowah’s nepesh | soul endured Passover as the Lamb, and thus Roman crucifixion and She’owl | Hell during UnYeasted Bread as an avatar, to remove the stigma, stench, and stain of the religious ideas these rabbis 544have been promoting. Therefore, should Yahowah seek justice in retribution for them having attempted to negate what He accomplished, their souls may endure a similar fate.

Said another way: can Yahowah remain just if He does not hold rabbis accountable for corrupting His people? And what would be preferable: for God to forfeit His credibility to give these deadly parasites a second chance, or for Him to rid us all of their malevolent malignancy? And while you may be a proponent of “second chances,” what would the ramifications of this change be on the credibility of the promises Yahowah made regarding the Mow’ed and Beryth? Couldn’t He alter them too?

Based upon God’s presentation of ‘Eden, the nature of His Covenant, and Yahowah’s consistency and integrity, the answer to these questions is a resounding, “Hell yes!” She’owl is going to be an exceedingly religious place. It will be filled with rabbis, priests, imams, and pastors – all incarcerated for doing “the Lord’s work.” No doubt, you will find the authors of the Talmud, Zohar, Mishneh, New Testament, Church Canon, Qur’an, Book of Mormon, Communist Manifesto, and Mein Kampf singing in the choir.

Methinks Yahowah will be singing the lyrics of Dowd’s Mizmowr | Songs rather than the sour notes of their hymnals…

“An appalling and stupefying (shamah – an atrocious and wasteful, horrible and destructive, confounding and deadly; from shamem – to stun and ravage, to desert and desolate, dumbfound and astonish) abomination, especially shocking and horrible (wa sha’aruwr – and also defiling and corrupting; from sha’ar – particularly divisive and irrational) has occurred (hayah – will transpire) in the Land (ba ha ‘erets).” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:30)

545Jews, through their rabbis, have become their own worst enemy. Thankfully, this is a foe which is washed away and drowned out by the Mowreh. And that is why Yahowah pointed it out to us.

As a final reminder that He has been condemning the religious leaders among His people, Yahowah concludes…

“Those who claim to speak for God (ha naby’ – these prophets) communicate deceptively, misleading by professing a fraudulent message from a false god (naby’ ba ha seqer – are false prophets, vain liars whose deceptions will disappoint, they are hypocrites and swindlers who betray their trust as a breach of faith).

The priests, the clerics and ministers performing religious rites (kohen – the mediators and those conducting religious services) seek to control as autocrats, dominating and subduing by trampling upon their societies (radah – they subjugate, ruling through a governing authority, dominating the culture), on their own initiative, influence, and authority (‘al yad hem – at their own hand and terms).

And My people (wa ‘am ‘any) love it so (‘ahab ken – desire it and like it like this, developing a close and personal relationship with it because it is familiar to them)!

But what (wa mah) will you do (‘asah – engage in and act upon) when it comes to an end (la ‘acharyth hy’ – in the future at the end, during the last days and upon its demise)?’” (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 5:31)

A self-aggrandized, indeed, religious, sense of self is forever fixated upon perpetuating its own existence. Established on the wavering foundation of faith, it eliminates every perceived threat, including evidence contrary to its validity. It is so vulnerable to common sense, the people’s individual and collective interests, and so fragile, it is forever frightened by the truth and must control 546everyone and everything to keep it at bay. It is rendered incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding current events, and incapable of drawing correct conclusions about the future. Incalcitrant and stupefied, unable to think, it is paralyzed, and thus cannot be reasoned with. Mired in its own minutia and stuck in time, it is doomed to die.

The world loves politics and religion, and no one more so than the Yisra’elites. They have become so familiar to them, they permeate every relationship. And yet, these are mankind’s greatest adversaries. They exist to control others, and to subdue them. They remain the greatest obstacles to knowing Yahowah. So God asks: “What will you do when it comes to an end?”




As we were criticizing Roman Catholic Church’s inclusion of Nazareth into the text of the Book of Acts, I had promised to share yet another place where the addition of Nazareth impugns the credibility of the Christian New Testament. Luke, or those who copyedited him, did more than wrongly attribute Nazareth to Yahowsha’, he, or they, placed a prophecy in his mouth that clearly does not apply to him. It is one of the most egregious errors in the Christian New Testament.

After being tempted by Satan, the story goes that the Passover Lamb walked into a synagogue, and rather than citing something from the Towrah pertaining to Pesach, he opened a scroll to the book religious Jews have long ignored. Then he is alleged to have cited the following prophecy which pertains to our time, not his. And that is a problem because he is said to have claimed that these prophecies were being fulfilled as he was reading them.

547Let’s begin with what Yahowah revealed through His prophet, Yasha’yah | Isaiah…

“The Ruwach | Spirit (Ruwach) of Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching [from 1QIsa because the MT has ‘adonai]) is upon me (‘al ‘any).

For this reason (ya’an – and for this purpose and insomuch as) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has anointed (mashach – He has designated, appointed, and devoted by setting apart at this moment in time (qal perfect)) that which is associated with me (‘eth ‘any – in accompaniment with me) for the purpose of bringing this proclamation (la basar – this positive and uplifting message (piel infinitive – the anointed is becoming the embodiment of the message in a descriptive and demonstrative way as a verbal noun)) to the unpretentious and sincere and those ready to respond (‘anaw – those who have been oppressed and are now responsive, eager to move forward by replying to these answers; from ‘anah – to respond to a witness and reply to the answer).

He has sent me (shalach – He has dispatched me at this time (qal perfect)) to encourage (chabash – to enliven, speaking the words which hearten by dressing the wounds, to bandage and gird (qal infinitive)) those whose judgment has suffered (la shabar leb – whose desires have been shattered and whose thinking has been thwarted), to provide an invitation (qara’ – to proclaim a summons, reading and reciting an announcement to be called out (qal infinitive)) to be liberated (darowr – to be free, released from all obligations and captivity, to be emancipated and free to move about without constraint) to those who are being controlled (la shabah – who are being led away and oppressed, whose freedoms have been confiscated such that they are captive (qal passive participle)), and to those who are obligated and bound (wa la ‘asar – to those who have sworn an oath of 548allegiance and who have joined in) a means of release (paqach-qowach – an opening, a means to extricate oneself from being controlled),…” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 61:1)

Yahowah’s Spirit descended upon Dowd | David as he was being anointed 3000 years ago. Also, while being mashach | anointed is a prerequisite of being the Mashyach | Messiah, most who are anointed fall short of the title. Moreover, there are those who are appointed by Yahowah to accomplish something He wants to be done who have never seen a drop of anointing oil.

Basar is the point of initial conflict between the Gnostic nature of Paul’s letters and Yahowah’s positive message. It also highlights the difference between the Jewish religion and the relationship Yahowah intended. Typically rendered “flesh,” the physical world is all there is to Judaism. It is a works-based dogma without the benefit of the Spirit or afterlife. And Paul wrote that his message was superior to God’s because the Torah was of the flesh while his gospel was spiritual.

‘Anaw is based upon one of the Towrah’s most significant verbs: “‘anah – to respond, reply, and answer.” To render it “humble” as is the case with most English Bible translations, is to miss the point. This messenger’s “basar – news is uplifting” for those “‘anaw – willing to respond.”

Modern readers often struggle with leb | heart, believing somehow that it is used to express “feelings.” That may be true today, but when this was written, the leb was the center of judgment, revealing the capacity of a person to make good decisions such that their inclinations and ambitions would be reasonable and rational. This, therefore, is not addressing the “broken hearted,” but instead those “whose judgment had suffered because their desires had been shattered and thinking was thwarted.” He 549was anointed to free God’s people from religion, politics, and conspiracy.

Yahowsha’ did not fulfill these words so he would not have claimed this prophecy for himself.

“…to issue an invitation (la qara’ – to read and recite a summons to be called out and meet (qal infinitive)) to the year (shanah – the cycle of the seasons) of Yahowah’s ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) approval and acceptance (ratsown – favor and reward, will and desire) and the day (wa yowm) of the vengeance and retribution (naqam – revenge and repayment, recompense and punishment) of our God (la ‘elohym ‘anachnuw) to comfort and console (nacham – to show sympathy and provide solace, consolation, and relief, showing compassion to) all who grieve and mourn (kol ‘abel – who have cried, lamenting a great calamity),…” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 61:2)

There is only one year and just one day within that year when Yahowah’s favor and His retribution coalesce. This is Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations in the Yowbel year of 6000 Yah – October 2nd and 3rd in 2033. As we have discovered in Yasha’yah, Zakaryah, and Malaky, Yahowah wants nothing more than to reconcile His relationship with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah. But on this day when many are approved, far more will be condemned for having opposed God’s family.

I am delighted to see Yasha’yah explain the reason for recompense. It is to console and comfort those who were victimized. To seek retribution is not only to be fair, just, and moral, it is compassionate, and it provides solace for the grieving.

“…to provide (la sym – to put in place and appoint) for those who grieve and mourn ( ‘abel – who have cried, lamenting a great calamity) for Tsyown (Tsyown – for the 550Signs Posted Along the Way) to give to them (la nathan la hem – to bestow and allow for them) an honorable endowment which provides an opportunity to be lifted up (pa’ar – a clearly explained reason to boast over one’s status) instead of (tachath – in place of) ashes, as if insignificant (‘epher – humiliation, a sense of worthlessness, distress, and sorrow), olive oil (shemen) resulting in gladness (sasown – jubilation and happiness) instead of (tachath – in place of) mourning over the dead (‘ebel), garments of adoration (ma’ateh tahilah – laudable clothing) instead of (tachath – in place of) a dark and obscure, weakening (kahah – a feeble and dim, a faint and dull, restraining and faltering) spirit (ruwach).

Then (wa) they may be invited and called out (qara’ la hem – they may be proclaimed and summoned), ‘Leaders of the Flock who are the Doorway (‘ayil – the sheep, ram, and rulers, the doorposts and pivot point, the vigor and robustness, even the strength, pilaster, and mighty tree)’ of being right and vindicated (tsedeq – of being correct and acquitted, affirmed and validated, honest and just, upright, accurate, and fair), the basis of which was established by (mata’ – being placed and planted in the garden by) Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH) to approach the honorable endowment which provides an opportunity to be lifted up (la pa’ar – concerning the clearly explained reason to boast over one’s status).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 61:3)

We should all grieve for Tsyown. The marvelous Signs Posted Along the Way between Dowd’s home and Yahowah’s have been torn down and replaced with churches and mosques. It is those signs which revealed Yahowah’s honorable endowment, which is to be lifted up, out of this world and unto God.

For all of the past 2000 years, Jews have been treated as if they were dirt, insignificant and worthless, but that is about to change. They will soon be dressed for success in 551loving garments and laudable clothing – akin to a Garment of Light.

For far too long, the religious have supported the dark and obscure, weakening and faltering spirit of ha Satan. It is long past time that Yisra’el upgrade to the Ruwach Qodesh.

Those who do will become Leaders of the Flock and the Doorway to Life because they are not right and thus vindicated. This is the way established by Yahowah.

Considering the length and implications of this statement, let’s review it before we assess the speaker…

“The Spirit (Ruwach) of Yahowah (Yahowah) is upon me (‘al ‘any). For this reason (ya’an) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has anointed and appointed (mashach) that which is associated with me (‘eth ‘any) for the purpose of bringing this proclamation and uplifting message (la basar) to the unpretentious and sincere who are ready to respond (‘anaw).

He has sent me (shalach) to encourage and enliven (chabash) those whose judgment has suffered because their desires have been shattered and thinking has been impaired (la shabar leb),

to provide an invitation (qara’) to be liberated, released from all obligations and emancipated (darowr) on behalf of those who are being controlled (la shabah),

and to those who are obligated and bound, having sworn an oath of allegiance or joined in (wa la ‘asar), providing an opening and a means to extricate oneself from being controlled (paqach-qowach), (Yasha’yah 61:1)

to issue an invitation (la qara’) to the year (shanah) of Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH) approval and acceptance, favor and reward (ratsown), and the day (wa yowm) of the vengeance and retribution (naqam) of our God (la 552‘elohym ‘anachnuw) to comfort and console (nacham) all who grieve (kol ‘abel), (Yasha’yah 61:2)

to provide (la sym) for those who mourn ( ‘abel) for Tsyown (Tsyown) to give to them (la nathan la hem) an honorable endowment which provides an opportunity to be lifted up (pa’ar) instead of (tachath) ashes, as if insignificant (‘epher), olive oil (shemen) resulting in gladness (sasown) in place of (tachath) mourning over the dead (‘ebel), garments of adoration and laudable clothing (ma’ateh tahilah) instead of (tachath) a dark and obscure, weakening and faltering (kahah) spirit (ruwach).

Then (wa) they may be invited and proclaimed (qara’ la hem), ‘Leaders of the Flock who are the Doorway (‘ayil)’ of being right and vindicated (tsedeq), the basis of which was established by (mata’) Yahowah () to approach the honorable endowment which provides an opportunity to be lifted up (la pa’ar).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 61:3)

As I have shared and will continue to prove, Luke, who was Paul’s publicist, had an agenda other than God’s in writing his Gospel and the Book of Acts. Very little of what he claimed actually occurred. The following is a flight of fantasy…

“So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. (Luke 4:16) And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: (Luke 4:17)

‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty 553those who are oppressed; (Luke 4:18) To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.’ (Luke 4:19)

Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. (Luke 4:20) And He began to say to them, ‘Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.’ (Luke 4:21) So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth.” (Luke 4:22 New King James)

Yahowsha’, whose name Luke did not know, did not “come to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as was his custom, go into a synagogue on the Sabbath day.” The town of “Nazareth” did not exist during his lifetime, so he could not have grown up there. He was opposed to the religious, so the last place you’d find Yahowsha’ was in a “synagogue.” In fact, there is no mention of synagogues in the Towrah because it isn’t even a Hebrew word and God does not sanction such a place. (It is a Greek compound of sun – together and agein – bring and describes the blending together of Greek and Jewish cultures.)

The single least-respected book among religious Jews is Yasha’yah because it is so condemning of their religion. So even if “Isaiah” was the prophet’s name, that would have been the last scroll, not the first, the religious would have handed anyone.

The prophecy does not read “the Lord” or “He” but instead “Yahowah” both times. There is no Hebrew word for “preach” or “gospel” and thus “Jesus” could not have read either. There was no reference to “the poor,” but instead “the responsive.” Chabash means “to encourage and enliven” not “to heal.” And we have already addressed the myth of the “brokenhearted.” Qara’ is more adroitly translated “to provide an invitation” or “to recite a summons to meet” than “proclaim.”

554Liberty” is an accurate, albeit abbreviated rendering of darowr, just as “captives” is a permissible but inadequate translation of la shabah. There is no reference to the “recovery of sight to the blind.” It was added without any textual basis.

Clearly ad-libbing, somewhere along the way Luke omitted the prophet’s second inclusion of qara’ | to issue an invitation. Then instead of reading that “those who were bound by their oaths of allegiance are being given the means to extricate themselves from being controlled,” Luke suggested, “to set at liberty those who are oppressed.”

Once again, one of the Towrah’s most revealing verbs, qara’ was dismissed with “to proclaim,” as if this had nothing to do with the Miqra’ of Kipurym. And yet all of these deliberate misrepresentations pale in comparison to Luke’s final gaffe: “the acceptable year of the Lord.’” He had his “Jesus” read the first part but not the second part of the most important pronouncement. He obviously knew that he would have discredited his claim that this prophecy was fulfilled by “Jesus” if he had read to the end of the sentence. So Luke’s “Jesus” omitted Yahowah’s name a third time and “the day (wa yowm) of the vengeance and retribution (naqam) of our God (la ‘elohym ‘anachnuw),” demonstrating that his intent was to deceive.

By not having him complete the sentence, the Christian “Jesus” also failed to explain the reason why the day of Yahowah’s return would include retribution… “to comfort and console (nacham) all who grieve (kol ‘abel), to provide (la sym) for those who mourn ( ‘abel) for Tsyown (Tsyown) to give to them (la nathan la hem) an honorable endowment which provides an opportunity to be lifted up (pa’ar) instead of (tachath) ashes, as if insignificant (‘epher), olive oil (shemen) resulting in gladness (sasown) in place of (tachath) mourning over the dead (‘ebel), garments of adoration and laudable clothing (ma’ateh tahilah) instead of (tachath) a dark 555and obscure, weakening and faltering (kahah) spirit (ruwach).

The dark and faltering spirit of Satan inspired Luke to misquote, misconstrue, and misappropriate this prophecy. It is so obviously perverted, it’s a wonder 2.5 billion people prioritize Satan’s little ditty over the source from which it was twisted and torn.

In that I’m trained to be thorough, there were no “books” presenting the prophets in this day, only scrolls. “Scripture” is a religious term with no Hebrew equivalent. (It is from the Latin, and thus Roman, scriptura – writings.) This prophecy was not fulfilled by Yahowsha’ but, instead, is coming to fruition as we approach Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah. Had he spoken these “words,” those “who bore witness” would have mocked him, as we are doing with Luke. Even “gracious” is a Christian concept based upon the Roman goddesses known as the Graces.

Since Luke was not a blithering idiot, and was in fact literate, we can be certain that his intent was to deceive. But with the truth readily available for comparison and his perversions so grievous, why are there any Christians? It is as if logic is lost on the religious.

Returning to reality, of the three mighty Zarowa’ – Moseh, Dowd, and Yahowsha’ – Dowd would be the only possibility to make these statements upon his return. But even then, it isn’t in his voice, does not reflect his style, and there is no record of him attesting to it in his Mizmowr or Mashal. Moreover, when a prophecy applies to Dowd, his name is included.  

As much as I would like to see Yasha’yah making this marvelous declaration himself, in that I respect him and empathize with him, it is becoming obvious that he is performing in the role of a prophet and is presenting the testimony of another – someone who he has previously introduced by affirming that Yahowah’s Spirit is upon him, 556whom he has identified as being appointed to proclaiming this message to those who are ready to hear it and respond, someone who knows that for it to resonate, God’s people must be willing to think for themselves and crawl out from under the religious influences which have impaired their progress, who is aware that Yahowah is committed to the liberation of His people from those seeking to control them, who celebrates Yahowah’s desire to reconcile His relationship with Yisra’el, who has a propensity for run-on sentences, for making copious connections and explanations, with a deep-seeded desire to explain what is occurring within the context of the Miqra’ey and God’s timeline, who is committed to advancing the mission laid out within the prophecy, including achieving retribution to console the victims, and who shares the prophet’s fascination with these words along with a steadfast devotion to using Yahowah’s name. 

