435Questioning Paul

Devil’s Advocate

…Plague of Death



Sha’uwl | Question Him


The Prophecy…

While we reached the conclusion of the first chapter of Chabaquwq, as we discovered early in Questioning Paul, Yahowah was just getting warmed up. God’s haunting prediction regarding Sha’uwl continued by telling us that He is not about to alter any of the requirements to participate in His Covenant or change the approach that He has taken to facilitate our reconciliation – no matter what Paul has led billions to believe.

“Upon (‘al – on this) My requirements and responsibilities and what I observe (mishmereth ‘any – My mission which functions and serves as a safeguard to watch over, protect, and preserve the observant; from my – to ponder the implications of shamar – to observe, closely examining and carefully considering, retaining My focus), I have decided of My own volition that I will literally and continually stand (‘amad – I will always choose to be present, actually standing and thereby genuinely enabling others to consistently stand, enduring and sustaining while being properly positioned and accountable (scribed in the qal stem which addresses actual events which are to be interpreted literally, imperfect conjugation which reveals that God’s presence here will continue throughout time, and in the cohortative which expresses volition and desire in first person)).

436And (wa) I will choose to always stand firm and present Myself (yatsab – I will consistently serve, providing assistance by prominently appearing and presenting Myself (the hitpael stem tells us that God alone is taking this stand, and that He will not be influenced by anyone or anything, the imperfect conjugation reveals that His stand is consistent, continual, and enduring throughout time, and the cohortative conveys volition, making this God’s will)) upon (‘al – on the Almighty’s) that which strengthens, protects, and fortifies (matsowr – the defensive stronghold which safeguards, preventing a successful attack by the adversary).

Therefore (wa), I will be on the lookout (tsapah – I will continually keep watch and be on guard, surveying the situation (scribed in the piel stem where the object of the verb suffers its effect, imperfect conjugation which reveals that God is constantly observant)) in order to see (la ra’ah – so as to observe, consider, and perceive) what he will say about Me (mah dabar ba ‘any – posing a question concerning what he will communicate regarding Me and what message he will convey in association with Me).

So then (wa) how can I be expected to change My attitude, thinking, or response (mah shuwb – why should I reverse course and mislead) concerning (‘al – during and upon) My disapproving rebuke (towkechath ‘any – My complaint, correction, reproof, and strong disapproval, My rational arguments in response and subsequent chastisement and punishment; from yakach – to adjudicate and correct).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:1)

God is never going to change. He has always been perfect, consistently trustworthy and reliable, continually compassionate and fair, always capable and willing. After creating the universe and conceiving life, He began to interact with us and guide us, teaching us what we should know to get the most out of life. His instructions remain 437valid, effectively revealing what Yahowah is offering and expecting in return.

The Covenant is a family relationship. Mom and Dad have responsibilities as do their children. Our Heavenly Father is not going to shirk His and we should not ignore ours. And should you be foolish enough to do so, do not expect God to accommodate your preferences. You and I are invited into His home and we are welcome to join His family, but we are not at liberty to destroy either or replace them.

By using two different words for stand, ‘amad and yatsab, we can be assured that Yahowah has chosen to take a stand and remain upright and firm on His and our behalf. He will be accountable, present when needed, right where He said He would be, firmly established, and ready to lift us up so that we can stand with Him.

The God of the “Old Testament” has not walked away. He has not changed His position on any relevant issue. As such, He most certainly did not condone Paul to contradict Him.

When God announced that He would be on the lookout for the likes of Sha’uwl, ready in advance to rebuke him for falsely testifying that He had changed His plans, it should have stopped Paul dead in his tracks. Even if he were not explicitly named and meticulously described in the prophecy, Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s house of cards has been toppled. There is no possibility whatsoever that Yahowah sanctioned the dissolution of His Towrah or its replacement with a “New Testament.” The Chosen People have not been replaced, nor has the Covenant or Invitations to Meet.

Yahowah’s commitment to His requirements and responsibilities is steadfast, making this a general affirmation of His Towrah. This known, God’s indictment remains singular and specific. No one other than Sha’uwl | Paul fits this prophecy. He not only tried to change God’s 438requirements for participation in His Covenant relationship, he sought to replace God’s conditions and provisions with his own. Worse, he claimed to speak for the God he was contradicting and undermining.

As a direct and inevitable result, Yahowah is committed to rebuking and then punishing Paul. He is on record saying that His unyielding response will be to provide rational arguments which demonstrate His disapproval. We are considering them in this prophecy, and you have read them in this book. Should you have been squeamish over the unrelenting and derogatory approach I have taken toward Sha’uwl | Paul, you now know that it was God’s desire to do so.

Since there has never been another book which systematically rebukes Paul by comparing and contrasting his words against Yahowah’s, and since Yahowah has promised to provide His disapproving rebuke through rational arguments, and since we are running out of time – you are reading the fulfillment of God’s promise. That is, up to the point of punishment. Yahowah will handle that on His own. It is why Sha’uwl | Paul and She’owl | Hell are synonymous in the Hebrew text.

Yahowah has infused this prophecy with an affirmation that He is not going to replace His specific requirements for participating in the Covenant with something as nebulous as faith, especially in Charis | Grace. He did not evade His own commitment to provide the Passover Lamb, nor suffer through UnYeasted Bread. As such, we can become His Firstborn Children and be enriched and empowered during the Promise of the Shabat. He will stay the course, fulfilling Trumpets, Reconciliations, and Shelters – thereby bringing His people home. And this is why, we have consistently and concurrently shared Yahowah’s solution as the lone antidote to the Plague of Death.

439Rest assured, that which was established by the Spirit in the flesh will lead us back to the Spirit. We have God’s word on it…

“Then (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence and His role in our shalowm – reconciliation as ‘elowah – Almighty God) answered me, approaching me (‘anah ‘any – responded to me, testifying by providing useful information).

And He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Write down (kathab – use the alphabet to inscribe, describing in writing) this revelation (chazown – this communication from God regarding the agreement), and then (wa) expound upon and reiterate it using those letters (ba’ar – teach others its significance by plainly and clearly declaring it using large and distinct alphabetic characters) upon (‘al) writing tablets (ha luwach – engraving it in stone or inscribing it on a panel or screen such that it is enduring and memorable) so that (la ma’an – for the express purpose and intent that), by reading or reciting this (qara’ by huw’ – by proclaiming this and making it known), he might run and go away (ruwts – he might flee).’ (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:2)

By using ‘anah, Yahowah is encouraging us to capitalize upon the ‘anah | answers He has provided in His Towrah | Teaching, to ‘anah | respond to His Beryth | Covenant, and ‘anah | reply to His Miqra’ey | Invitations. ‘Anah is one of the Towrah’s most enriching terms, playing a pivotal role during the Miqra’ey. They are Invitations to Meet which God hopes we will answer.

Yahowah’s strong preference is for the written word. It is more enduring and enriching, in addition to being easier to validate and understand. The written word survives the test of time unaltered. This is especially true regarding Hebrew, the language of Divine revelation. It is 440perfectly suited to describe the nature of the relationship Yahowah intends for His family. Every verb is relational in nature and infinite in time.

By asking Chabaquwq | Habakkuk to memorialize this prophecy in writing 666 years before its fulfillment, we have every reason to recognize that Yahowah is God and that we can trust His witness. He was right.

And while that is encouraging, even empowering and enriching, there is a sad note to this prophecy. Yahowah revealed that should we have done as He requested and read and recited this prediction during Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s lifetime, he would have run away, abandoning his claims. This remains true today. All one has to do to remove Paul’s stench from our lives is to read this prophecy.

And speaking of “running,” it was Paul’s claim to have not “run in vain” which brought us to this prophecy. He would cite from it twice more in his letters following the one we referenced in Galatians 2.2, these occurring in Philippians 2:16 and 1 Corinthians 9:26. And had the Devil’s Advocate not flirted with his own indictment, we may have missed one of the most compelling prophecies ever written.

The lines of demarcation have been established, and the consequence of being deceived are severe, so Yahowah left little doubt regarding this man, naming him as we shall soon see, in this prophecy. And let’s be clear: this entire prediction has been positioned against one solitary man, which is why “he” is deployed throughout using the third person masculine singular.

While a handful of individuals have earned a rebuke of this magnitude, only one man meets all the criteria that has been provided – and he is a perfect fit, right down to his propensities, peculiarities, and personal and proper name. Sha’uwl deceived billions during the “mow’ed – meeting times.” He was in Yaruwshalaim, studying to be a 441rabbi when Yahowsha’ was fulfilling the “Mow’ed Miqra’ey – Invitations to be Called Out and Meet.” And as a rabbi, he did an about-face to attack God from an entirely new direction. Sha’uwl even admitted to being conceited, to being demon-possessed, to being preoccupied with Gentiles, and to being opposed to circumcision – things which will loom large in a moment.

Since it would be six centuries before Sha’uwl would question God’s Word earning His disapproval, Yahowah encouraged those who first read these words to be patient. This warning was for another day...

“Still indeed, the subsequent realization of (‘owd ky – so therefore and nonetheless, the expectation regarding) this revelation from God (chazown – this divine communication) is for the Mow’ed | Appointed Meeting Times (la ha mow’ed – for the designated season for celebrating the festival feasts).

It provides a witness to and speaks, pouring out evidence (puwach – it reveals facts which condemn and malign, trapping and ensnaring, even censuring the puffery from the blowhard) in the end (la ha qets – toward the conclusion of the process concerning the last days regarding limit of the ordinary flow of time; from qatsats – to tear asunder and cut off, casting away).

Should it seem slow to develop, the extended period of time required for this question to be resolved (‘im mahah – if hesitant, question him, because no matter how long it takes; from mah – to ponder the who, what, why, when and how of this question) shall not prove it false (lo’ kazab – this revelation shall not deceive, delude, nor fail).

Expect him in this regard (chakah la huw’ – be certain concerning this and regarding him) because indeed (ky), he will absolutely come (bow’ bow’ – he will certainly arrive upon the scene and make his appearance), neither being delayed nor lingering (lo’ ‘achar – not take 442longer than expected nor live for a protracted duration of time).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:3)

The first four “Mow’ed – Meeting Times” – Pesach, Matsah, Bikuwrym, and Shabuw’ah – were fulfilled by Yahowsha’, Yahowah, and the Set-Apart Spirit in year 4000 Yah, more commonly known as 33 CE. They enabled the Covenant’s promises. Sha’uwl was in Yaruwshalaim at this time training to be a rabbi. Shortly thereafter, he began undermining the Mow’ed, beginning with this letter to the Galatians around 52 CE. So, I find it interesting that now, in 2021, just twelve years shy of Yahowah’s return, we are finally studying this prophecy and identifying it with Sha’uwl. Better late than never.

And speaking of late, can you imagine God telling a prophet just a handful of years removed from the Babylonian conflict: “this revelation is for the Appointed Meeting Time. It provides a witness to and speaks in the end. The extended period of time required for this question to be resolved shall not prove it false?” Since that approach would be utterly absurd, this was not about what was going to occur in six years (from 615 to 609 BCE), but instead in 666 years (in 52 CE).

Yahowah seems to enjoy providing hints which facilitate understanding among those who are observant and which also make the process of learning more rewarding. In this case, the “mahah – question to be resolved” was to “sha’uwl – question him.” If we think about it, we can appreciate why God has to be a bit reserved. He does not want casual, superficial readers who are not genuinely interested in getting to know Him and becoming part of His family ascertaining something that they might exploit to their detriment when considered out of context. Celebrating Pesach without Matsah, without being part of the Covenant, or knowing where it leads, is an ideal example.

443Many of the insights we have derived along the way are the result of the breadth and depth of our study. We are rewarded when we consider everything in context, maintain the proper perspective, and yet still dig deep, turning over and examining every facet of each word we encounter along the way. In this regard, we should be cognizant that Yahowah’s message had to resonate with everyone willing to diligently listen, from the beginning to the end. For example, eagles and hawks existed 2600 years ago, but not the warplanes named after them.

Dating is similar. The calendar we use today had its genesis with the Roman Republic. And while they stole it from the Greeks who borrowed it from elsewhere, that system did not exist when this revelation was provided. Thankfully, however, dating the timing of events is straightforward. Yahowah provided us with His timeline from Bare’syth | In the Beginning to the conclusion of Sukah | Camping Out, with major fulfillments and minor occurrences dated and documented along the way.

That said, His timeline is His own. While it can be verified using outside sources, God never writes something like “one hundred years before the Classical Hellenistic Period began.” He would not write that several centuries before the Roman Republic started to use and modify the Roman Catholic calendar in use in 2021 CE, a religion named ‘Christianity,’ which is a transliteration of a Greek word for ‘christos – drugged,’ would sweep in like a virus as a result of some letters scribed by a Jewish man who changed his Hebrew name from ‘Sha’uwl’ to the Roman, ‘Paulos,’ in 52 CE. He would say all of this, but not in this way.

And yet by interweaving His prophetic timeline alongside His documentation of Yisra’el’s history, and then providing the kind of specificity we have witnessed, we are able to ascertain the appropriate timing while deriving useful insights. In this way, God provided copious 444and convincing clues as to the identity, character, scheme, and consequence of the perpetrator delineated in this prophecy for those who treasure His Word sufficiently to closely examine and carefully consider each word, while not altering the course of history by revealing His hand to those insufficiently informed to understand. It is the same approach He has taken with all of His end-times prophecies. They are all there for the taking, but most of the fruit is out of the reach of those who stumble their way through life or bow down to false gods.

As bad as Chabaquwq’s revelation has been thus far for Sha’uwl | Paul and Christianity, it is about to get much worse. What follows strongly suggests that Yahowah baited Sha’uwl, tempting him to include a portion of this prophecy in his letters – epistles which dominate the “Christian New Testament.” It is how we learned of it.

Above all else, the wannabe Apostle was egotistical, irrational, and manipulative. He took the bait and ran with it...

“Pay attention (hineh – behold, look up and consider the details because), he will be audacious and oblivious, puffed up with false pride (‘aphal – his head will swell and he will be daring, becoming an oozing sore and pain in the butt, haughty and arrogant, he will be lifted up for being boldly presumptuous heedless of the truth, reckless, hemorrhoidal, and foolhardy).

His soul (nepesh huw’ – his attitude and personality, and thus his character), it is neither right nor straightforward (lo’ yashar – he does not consider anything appropriately and is circuitous in his reasoning, he wanders away by twisting and convoluting the teaching, and nothing is on the level) in him (ba huw’).

And so (wa – as a result, it follows) through trust and reliance (ba ‘emuwnah – by being firmly established, confirmed and upheld by that which is dependable and 445steadfast, always truthful and reliable, as well as being honest and truthful; from ‘aman – to be supported and confirmed by upholding the truth), he who is correct and thereby vindicated (tsadyq huw’ – he who is right and thus acquitted) shall live (chayah – he will be restored to life and kept alive by being nurtured and growing).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:4)

While explicitly describing Sha’uwl in the first stanza, in the second, Yahowah reminds us that vindication and life everlasting come to those who trust and rely on His firmly established and always dependable testimony. This is and always has been the antidote for religion, especially Paul’s Faith.

In Galatians 3:11, in the midst of his initial assault against the Towrah, Sha’uwl misquoted this prophecy, the very one which condemns him for mocking God. Removing it from its context and truncating it, he used his perverted variation to promote his faith, writing… “But because with regard to the Towrah absolutely no one is vindicated or justified by God becomes evident because: ‘Those who are vindicated and righteous out of faith will live.

As is often the tendency of a daredevil when faced with the specter of death, Sha’uwl was so transfixed by this damning and deadly prophecy regarding him, he cited it once more, this time at the beginning of his most famous letter: “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from belief to belief, as it has been written, ‘But the righteous shall live by belief.’” (Romans 1:17) Sha’uwl and Satan were taunting God. In this way, their collective arrogance is unmatched.

It may be my twisted sense of humor, or Yahowah sharing His disgust, but ‘aphal, when written the same way but pronounced ‘ophel, speaks of a “hemorrhoidal abscess.” In other words, Sha’uwl | Paul was a pain in the 446butt. More fully developed, it is translated as “a boil on the anus due to a disease or stool problem.” While graphic, ‘ophel provides an interesting euphemism.

This is especially so when we consider the consequence of the uncircumcised Philistines absconding with Yahowah’s Ark of the Covenant – tangibly foreshadowing what Paul would do symbolically. God struck the men of Ashdod, then Gath, followed by Ekron, with a nasty case of hemorrhoids. That story is tellingly chronicled by Shamuw’el (1 Samuel 4:7 through 5:10). He is the Judge and Prophet who introduced us to the original conflict between the wannabe-King Sha’uwl and Dowd, which would serve as a harbinger of the wannabe-Apostle Sha’uwl a thousand years thereafter. He addresses the people’s preference for Sha’uwl over Yahowah and of Yahowah’s overwhelming preference for Dowd.

After revealing that the appalling man described in the opening chapter of Chabaquwq would appear during the fulfillment of the Mow’ed, we learn that he would be as we found him. Paul was overwhelmingly audacious and oblivious, reckless and foolhardy. He was arrogant and presumptuous, puffed up with a false opinion of himself. If any man could be properly depicted as hemorrhoidal – a genuine pain in the ass – it was Sha’uwl.

For the numbskull Christian apologists attempting to exonerate their favorite hemorrhoid, Babylon, for all of its failings, lacked a “nepesh – soul.” Sha’uwl | Paul, however, had one, albeit twisted and difficult. His character, attitude, and personality were deplorable. He was never on the level nor straightforward and remained circuitous and convoluted. His life’s mission revolved around misappropriating and perverting the Word of God.

Moving on, there are six specific details in this next prophetic statement from Yahowah, all of which implicate Sha’uwl six hundred and sixty-six years before he 447incriminated himself. But one clue in particular removes any doubt about whom God is warning us because Yahowah identifies His foe by his personal and proper name. If you are a Christian, you may want to pay attention to this and be forewarned: Yahowah is addressing a “mortal man” with a “soul,” not a place, and as such, God is condemning Sha’uwl, not She’owl.

“Moreover (wa ‘aph – in addition and much more), because (ky) the intoxicating and inebriating spirit (yayn – the consequence of the naturally processed and fermented wine and resulting drunkenness) of the mortal man (geber – the individual human being) of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal (bagad – who is untrustworthy, unprincipled, unfaithful, and unreliable, of adulterous and offensive behavior, a traitor handing people over to the influence and control of another without justification through chicanery, trickery, and deceit) is an overbearing moral failure of unwarranted self-importance (yahyr – is an arrogant, meritless, and presumptive, high-minded and conceited individual aggrandizing himself), he will not rest, find peace, nor live, nor will he find appropriate words (wa lo’ nawah – then he will not succeed, achieve his aim, or reach his goal, nor will come home or be beautifully adorned, he will not camp out or abide because there is no laudable, honorable, nor beneficial message for (qal imperfect)), whomever is open to the broad path (‘asher rachab – when one is receptive to the wide open, broadened and expanded, public and limitless, albeit contrived, opportunistic, and improper, way) associated with (ka – according to) Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl – the personal and proper name of the individual in question, but also the name of the place of separation, the realm of the dead, the dominion of questioning: She’owl [she’owl and sha’uwl are written identically in the Hebrew text (consider Strong’s H7585 and H7586)]).

448He (huw’) and (wa) his soul (nepesh huw’ – his essential essence, consciousness, character, attitude, inner nature, and personality) are like (ka – can be compared to) the plague of death (ha maweth – the pandemic disease that kills a large population of people).

And so (wa) those who are gathered in and brought together by him, accepting him (‘asaph ‘el huw’ – those who associate with and join him, those who are removed and withdrawn by assembling with him, moving toward him and thereby victimized by him) will never be satisfied (lo’ saba’ – he will not find contentment nor fulfillment [based upon 8HevXII among the Dead Sea Scrolls (‘he will not be satisfied’ versus ‘and will not be satisfied’)]).

Most every gentile ethnicity (kol ha gowym – those of every race and place estranged from Yisra’el) he will claim as his own and gather together unto himself (qabats ‘el huw’ – he will grasp hold of, obtain, assemble, and collect for himself), all such people will be among his followers (kol ha ‘am – including the nations).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:5)

The oldest extant copy of this text from the caves above Qumran states that “he cannot be satisfied.” This not only reveals that Sha’uwl, like all chronically insecure megalomaniacs, was never fulfilled or satisfied, those who believe him will never find contentment. There is never enough adulation or prestige, never enough power or devotees.

Also interesting, should a Christian be allowed to peek through a window into heaven, they would find it unfulfilling. Nothing they had become accustomed to and familiar with would be found inside. There would be no worship services, no prayers, no praise, no bible studies, no crosses or churches, no believers or trinity, no pastors or priests, no Lord, Jesus Christ, or Holy Ghost, no Queen of Heaven or Mother of God, no baptism or communion, 449no Christmas or Easter – and a lot more Jews than Gentiles. They would see Yahowah, Moseh, and Dowd, the Towrah, Beryth, and Miqra’ey, and hear Hebrew – individuals and concepts unfamiliar to them.

And speaking of the Dead Sea Scrolls, most of Chabaquwq is extant, including the specific reference to Sha’uwl. His identification cannot, therefore, be dismissed to subsequent scribal exuberance.

In 1 Corinthians 11:20-21, Sha’uwl | Paulos tells those who have joined his assembly not to participate in Passover, which is the ultimate plague of death, and not to drink wine in association with it, which thereby nullifies the symbolism associated with the blood of the Passover Lamb. This serves as a treacherous betrayal of Yahowah’s instructions regarding the narrow path He provided to salvation. Attacking the heart of Yahowah’s plan in this way is the epitome of presumptuousness and immorality. Those who ascribe to such lies die. Those who promote them will find themselves in She’owl along with Sha’uwl. And yet, Pauline Doctrine is popular, providing those who are open to it, man’s broadest path to destruction.

Yahowsha’ picks up on this same theme, saying that the popular and broad path away from the Towrah leads to death and destruction. He offered this affirmation of Yahowah’s prophecy at the outset of his Instruction on the Mount, so it is hard to miss.

Sha’uwl promises the gift of life, but his religion, the most popular ever conceived, is the plague of death. Sha’uwl promises heavenly rewards to those who place their faith in his Gospel of Grace, and yet those intoxicated by this myth will never be satisfied. They will remain estranged from God because, unlike Yahowah’s assurances in the Towrah, Sha’uwl’s hallow promises will go unfulfilled. And that means that the people Sha’uwl claimed as his own, the Gentiles – individuals from many 450different races and places – will suffer the consequence of his New Testament.

Even if Sha’uwl had not been condemned by name, with the specter of the Gentiles being raised twice, it is hard to miss the Pauline fixation on the “ethnos – races” throughout his letters. Pauline Doctrine has influenced more people in more places in this world than any other corruption of Yahowah’s testimony. And the means to this madness is consistent with Yahowah’s prophecy, in that Paul egotistically and irrationally claimed that God had authorized him to alter the requirements upon which Yahowah had already taken His stand regarding eternal life.

The spirit Sha’uwl promoted as the alternative to the flesh, and thus to circumcision, the Covenant, and the Towrah, was “yayn – intoxicating and inebriating.” It also infers that the “gerber – mortal man” we know as “Paul” may have been a drunkard. His inarticulate and discombobulated musings, his foolhardy and grandiose attitude, his loss of short- and long-term memory, and his inability to control his outbursts and emotions, all suggest bouts of alcoholism.

This is the second time Yahowah has used bagad in conjunction with Sha’uwl | Paul. We can therefore be assured that the Devil’s Advocate was an “unprincipled, untrustworthy, and unreliable” individual engaged in “treacherous betrayal.” These are not attributes that one would normally select for a spiritual advisor.

While we have already derived this assessment from the tone of Paul’s letters, Yahowah verified that Sha’uwl was “yahyr – overbearing and conceited,” and that his self-appraisal was “unwarranted.” Rather than being an “Apostle,” the self-proclaimed messenger of God was “yahyr – self-aggrandizing.”

As a result of Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s erroneous assessment 451of himself and deceptive claims, those foolish enough to believe him will “lo nawah – never enter God’s home, nor will they ever be satisfied.” There is no “eternal life” for Christians.

Yahowsha’ specifically warned all who would listen about the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing who would seek to invalidate the Towrah. He would label Paul’s approach “‘asher rachab – the broad and popular way” to death. Turns out, he was quoting from Chabaquwq 2:5.

There are many wonderful names presented in the Towrah and Prophets. These include: ‘Adam | Man, Chawah | Gives Life, Noach | Trustworthy Guide, ‘Abraham | Merciful Father, Yitschaq | Laughter, Moseh | Draws Out, Dowd | Beloved, Shamuw’el | Listen to God, Yasha’yah | Yahowah Saves, Zakaryah | Remember Yah, ‘ElYah | Yah is God, and even Chabaquwq | Embrace This, but Ha Maweth | the Plague of Death isn’t among the most coveted of them.

The pandemic Paul spread, known as Christianity, is unlike the Coronavirus. It is 100% fatal. And that is a “lo’ saba’ – unsatisfying” result.

The concluding statement of Chabaquwq 2:5 is there to explain the spread of the virus. Christianity infected Gentiles who, like zombies, attacked Jews, devouring them as if their lives depended upon it.

In spite of the fact that Sha’uwl means “Question Him,” nary a Christian considers the irresolvable conflicts between Paul’s letters and God’s Word. So, while the following continues to identify the culprit, most Christians remain oblivious to Yahowah’s prophecy regarding them or him...

“They do not ask questions, any of them, about him (ha lo’ ‘eleh kol hem ‘al – why are none of them against him). Terse references to the Word they lift up as taunts 452to ridicule (mashal nasa’ – simplistic and contrived equivalencies, often easy to remember aphorisms (clichés, dictates, and adages) become bywords with implied associations with that which is well-known to mock and to exercise dominion through comparison and counterfeit), along with (wa) allusive sayings and mocking interpretations (malytsah – derisive words wrapped in enigmas arrogantly spoken, even that which is undecipherable).

There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him (chydah la huw’ – there are difficult enigmas to be solved, dark and hidden secrets, and double-dealings, to be known regarding him).

And (wa – moreover) they should say (‘amar – they should declare), ‘Woe (howy – alas, expressing a dire warning) to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi (rabah – to the one who thrives on numbers and who considers himself exceedingly great (the basis of rabbi, something Sha’uwl claimed to be)),’ neither of which apply to him (lo’ la huw’ – which is not his).

In the meantime, for how long (‘ad mathay – until when) will they make pledges (‘abtyt – will they be in debt) based upon his significance (kabed ‘al huw’ – pursuant to the weight and burden of his testimony and the grievous honor afforded him)?” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:6)

The Qumran witness does not include the phrase “‘ad mathay – for how long” before the last sentence, turning a rhetorical question into a simple statement of fact. It then becomes: “They continue to make pledges based upon his significance.”

Sha’uwl’s modus operandi was to justify his “allusive sayings” through “terse references to the word.” His “mocking interpretations” were all “arrogantly spoken.” 453His arguments were “simplistic and contrived,” resulting in the most popular “counterfeit” ever foisted against humanity, one bolstered by his always-present “clichés.” He even claimed to bear “offspring,” experiencing birth pangs to deliver the descendants of his belief system. In this regard, Sha’uwl was fixated on “misapplying” the connotations and “significance” of the Hebrew word for “offspring,” zera’, claiming that it gave rise to salvation through faith. And as is the case with most deceivers, Paulos made “pledges” and demanded that believers hold them and him in the “highest esteem.” He even claimed that he was the co-savior, completing the sacrifice and message.

Sha’uwl dismissed and demeaned all those who would dare question him. He claimed that, by challenging him, a person was actually demonstrating their animosity toward God, and that by implication, such a person was serving Satan. Although the opposite is true, most Christians fall for this ad hominem ploy, dismissing evidenced arguments against their religion and its author by claiming that the critic is hell-bent.

Believers routinely commit the logical fallacies of ad hominem, non sequitur, red herring, and straw man. Using the ad hominem fallacy, they readily discard a valid proposition by demeaning the one who pronounced it. For example, Muslims were never able to refute anything in Prophet of Doom so they dismissed the best documented, most comprehensive, contextual, and chronological presentation of Muhammad’s words and deeds by profane attacks on my character. A thousand pages of evidence were thereby discarded with a flippant: “the author is a satanically-inspired Jew.”

With the non sequitur approach, the faithful make general statements which are widely accepted, but such statements, regardless of their veracity, do not support their premise. It is this disassociation that makes such an argument fallacious. An example of this would be: “Since 454God’s Word is eternal that proves that my Bible is inerrant.”

With the red herring fallacy, rather than deal with the evidence brought against their religion, believers try to distract people’s attention from it. For example, rather than deal with Paul’s admission that he was insane, a person deploying this fallacy will say something like: “You can’t tell me that I don’t have a relationship with Jesus or that Christ isn’t my savior.”

And finally, as the straw man fallacy implies, rather than attempt to refute the case which has been presented, the apologist will errantly convey their opponent’s argument and then attack their artificial construct. Someone deploying this fallacy would “disprove” the creation account by criticizing religious interpretations of it rather than address the actual Hebrew text Yahowah inspired.

The reason religious belief systems like Christianity are averse to evidence and reason, and the questions these tools raise, is because those who seek the truth lose their faith. Neither facts nor logic matter in matters of religion. The believer’s pledge, even in a vacuum, is considered sufficient and binding.

Before we press on, here is a summary of where we have just been. Of Sha’uwl, Yahowah revealed...

“Upon (‘al) My requirements and responsibilities and what I observe, My mission which functionally serves as a safeguard to watch over, protect, and preserve the observant (mishmereth ‘any), I have decided of My own volition that I will literally and continually stand (‘amad).

And (wa) I will choose to always stand firm and prominently present Myself, consistently serving by providing assistance (yatsab) upon (‘al) that which 455strengthens, protects, and fortifies, preventing a successful attack by the adversary (matsowr).

Therefore (wa), I will be on the lookout and on guard (tsapah) in order to see (la ra’ah) what he will say about Me (mah dabar ba ‘any).

So then (wa) how can I be expected to change My attitude, thinking, or response (mah shuwb) concerning (‘al) My disapproving rebuke including rational arguments in response and subsequent chastisement and punishment (towkechath ‘any). (Chabaquwq / Habakkuk 2:1)

Then (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah) answered me, responding by approaching me and providing additional testimony (‘anah ‘any).

And He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Write down (kathab) this revelation (chazown), and (wa) expound upon it, reiterating it using these alphabetic letters to teach others its significance (ba’ar) upon (‘al) writing tablets, inscribing it on a panel or screen such that it is enduring and memorable (ha luwach) so that (la ma’an) by reading or reciting this, proclaiming it and making it known (qara’ by huw’), he might run and go away (ruwts).’ (Chabaquwq 2:2)

Nonetheless, the subsequent realization of and expectation regarding (‘owd ky) this revelation from God (chazown) is for the Mow’ed | Appointed Meeting Times (la ha mow’ed).

It provides a witness to and speaks, pouring out evidence, censuring the puffery from the blowhard (puwach) in the end, addressing those who are cut off and cast away (la ha qets).

Should it seem slow to develop, the extended period of time required for this question to be resolved (‘im mahah) shall not prove it false (lo’ kazab).

456Expect him in this regard (chakah la huw’) because indeed (ky), he will absolutely come (bow’ bow’), neither being delayed nor lingering (lo’ ‘achar). (Chabaquwq 2:3)

Pay attention because (hineh) he will be audacious and oblivious, puffed up with false pride, heedless of the truth and thus arrogant, reckless, and foolhardy, a genuine pain in the butt (‘aphal).

His soul, and thus his attitude, personality, and especially his character (nepesh huw’), is neither right nor straightforward in him because he does not consider anything appropriately, is circuitous in his reasoning, wandering away by twisting and convoluting the teaching, such that nothing is on the level with him (lo’ yashar ba huw’).

As a result, it follows (wa): through trust and reliance, by being firmly established, confirmed and upheld by that which is dependable and steadfast, always truthful and reliable, as well as being honest and truthful (ba ‘emuwnah), he who is correct and thereby vindicated (tsadyq huw’) shall live (chayah). (Chabaquwq 2:4)

Moreover (wa ‘aph), because (ky) the intoxicating and inebriating spirit (yayn) of the mortal man (geber) of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal, this traitor who is untrustworthy, unprincipled, unfaithful, and unreliable (bagad) is an overbearing moral failure of unwarranted self-importance, conceited and aggrandizing himself (yahyr), he will not rest, find peace, nor live, nor will he find appropriate words to achieve his goal of coming home (wa lo’ nawah), whomever is open to the broad path, anyone receptive to the expanded and improper way (‘asher rachab) associated with (ka) Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl).

He (huw’) and (wa) his soul (nepesh huw’) are like 457(ka) the plague of death, a pandemic disease that kills a large population of people (ha maweth).

And so (wa) those who are gathered in and brought together by him, accepting him (‘asaph ‘el huw’) will never be satisfied (lo’ saba’).

Most every gentile ethnicity (kol ha gowym) he will claim as his own and gather together unto himself (qabats ‘el huw’), all such people will be included among his followers (kol ha ‘am). (Chabaquwq 2:5)

They do not ask questions, any of them, about him (ha lo’ ‘eleh kol hem ‘al). Terse references to the Word they lift up as taunts to ridicule, simplistic and contrived equivalencies, clichés, and adages which become bywords to exercise dominion through comparison and counterfeit (mashal nasa’), along with (wa) allusive sayings and mocking interpretations, derisive words wrapped in enigmas arrogantly spoken (malytsah).

There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him (chydah la). And (wa) they should say (‘amar), ‘Woe (howy) to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi, to the one who thrives on numbers and who considers himself exceedingly great (rabah),’ neither of which apply to him (lo’ la huw’).

In the meantime, for how long (‘ad mathay) will they make pledges (‘abtyt) based upon his significance, pursuant to the weight and burden of his testimony, and the grievous honor afforded him (kabed ‘al huw’)?” (Chabaquwq 2:6)




458This next statement is associated with the previous prediction. It is rendered from the Dead Sea Scrolls because the Qumran text differs considerably from the Masoretic:

“Since (wa) he loads himself down (ta’an – he burdens himself) with (‘eth) thick (‘aphelah – dark and wicked) mud (tyt – dirt and dust to be swept away [from 8HevXII because the MT has ‘abtyt – ‘heavy debt’ and the LXX reads ‘loads his yoke’]), why not (ha lo’) quickly, even if only for a short period of time (peta’ – instantly and all of a sudden), rise up and take a stand (quwm)?

And (wa) those of you who are smitten and under his influence, perhaps making payments to what he represents (nashak ‘atah – those showing interest, earning money, or becoming indebted to him), wake up from your stupor (wa yaqats – stop being so sedentary, take action, and alter your state of awareness) such that you move away in abhorrence (zuwa’ ‘atah – fleeing in dread of him, terrified of vexing nature).

Because otherwise (wa) you will be (hayah) considered (la) plunder and be victimized by them (mashisah la hem – as booty, spoiled by them).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:7)

God is saying that the only thing “kabed – weighty and significant” about Sha’uwl is that he has covered himself and others in muck. Methinks Yah was poking fun at Sha’uwl’s murky and messy prose. But clearly, God does not want us to remain in the mud with him, which is why He is asking us to get off our knees and take a stand.

We cannot say that we were not correctly counseled by God. He even told us how to respond to this horrible individual. He wants us to stand up against all forms of corruption: political, religious, military, conspiratorial, and economic. We are to confront lies and liars.

459Paul routinely solicits money from believers. It is one of many reasons Christian clerics embrace him. Following his example, Christian institutions have made merchandise of men. Therefore, Yah is trying to rouse his victims before it is too late.

“Indeed, because (ky) you (‘atah – as a single individual) have plundered and impoverished, victimizing (shalal – you have looted and wronged, seizing and preying upon) an enormous number of (rab – a great many; and serving as the basis of rabbi) Gentiles (gowym – people from different races and places), so (wa – therefore (from the DSS)), they shall seize, harass, and diminish you (shalal ‘atah – appropriate, impoverish, and victimize this singular individual being addressed).

For all (kol) of the remaining (yether – of the remnant of, including the residue of the wealth of) people (‘am – populations, nations, or families), as a result of (min – from and because of) the blood (dam) of humankind (‘adam – mankind), and also (wa) the violent and cruel destructive forces terrorizing (chamas – the immoral maiming and murdering which oppresses) the Land (‘erets – the Promised Land, singular, and thus Yisra’el), Yah’s city (qiryah – to Encounter Yah, Yaruwshalaim – the source of teaching regarding reconciliation, also singular; from qarah – to encounter and meet Yah – an abbreviation of Yahowah), and all (wa kol) who dwell in her (yashab ba hy’ – who inhabit and live in her (Yaruwshalaim)), (Chabaquwq 2:8), this is a warning (howy – woe) to one who coveted ill-gotten gains and would do anything to take advantage, but now, as an extension of the dead, is cut off and finished soliciting (batsa’ batsa’ – to one who was manipulative and divisive, unjust and dishonest, greedy and deadly) evil (ra’ – that which is harmful and immoral, maligning and malignant, improper and injurious) to approach his house and temple (la beyth huw’ – concerning the establishment of his familial 460covenant).

He sets it on high (la sym ba ha marowm – he places and appoints it in the heights of heaven, exalting its lofty position) to spare (la natsal – for delivering and saving the plunder associated with) his elevated abode (qan huw’ – his nest) from the paws (kaph – hands and palms, the reach and control) of corrupt coconspirators and perverted associates (ra’ – of the evil residing in close proximity).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:9)

Yahowah is affirming that Sha’uwl | Paul will be held accountable for the abuse he has perpetrated against his victims. The gentiles who have elevated him to the patron saint of their religion will turn on him in the end – especially when they come to realize he impoverished them by leading them away from God. This may be nothing more than Christians disavowing their New Testament upon Yahowah’s return as they realize Paul plundered them of their souls. Or, perhaps Yahowah will spare the souls of Sha’uwl’s victims long enough to allow them to witness his trial. Either way, it will be a long way down.

Paul mercilessly attacks “Jews” throughout his letters, making them the enemy of his new religion, thereby, creating the anti-Semitism that ultimately took root in the Christian church. Paul, a Roman citizen, seeded the hatred of God’s Chosen People that boiled over seventy years later with the destruction of Yisra’el and Yaruwshalaim by the Empire’s legions. It happened just as Yahowah predicted it would. Six hundred and eighty-four years from the time this prophecy was committed to writing, Yaruwshalaim was sacked and the temple was destroyed. Sixty-three years later, Yisra’el was salted, and those not murdered by Rome were hauled off into slavery.

But the carnage is not over. There will be a final assault against the Promised Land and Yah’s city, Yaruwshalaim. Christians, backing and arming Muslims, 461and then Communists, will seek to destroy Jerusalem and decimate Jews in the waning hours of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles. There will be “chamas – violent cruelty and terrorism.”

We have read how Paul pretended to be whatever was deemed expeditious to gain an advantage over others. Such is the implication of “batsa’ batsa’ – taking advantage of others in the process of soliciting ill-gotten gains.”

As a result, Sha’uwl will be “cut off” which, according to Yahowah, means to be severed from the Covenant. In death, he will still have his own familial edifice, but its considerable wealth won’t do him much good in She’owl. I don’t suspect a billion dollars will buy a cold beverage or pack of smokes.

One of the problems of instituting a cult following, and of inspiring them to plunder others on one’s behalf, is that, in the end, the hired help is neither reputable nor trustworthy. Swords swing both ways and thieves are prone to steal from the most convenient source. Sha’uwl’s feeble attempts to keep the grubby paws of his “ra’ – corrupt coconspirators and perverted associates” at bay will ultimately fail.

Oblivious to their rendezvous with destiny, the Roman Catholic Church, which was founded on Pauline Doctrine, not only constructs gold-laden cathedrals and has storehouses filled with tens of billions of dollars of stolen plunder, they have positioned themselves as having sole possession of the keys to heaven. It is interesting, however, that recently they have had to return billions of dollars to the families of children their priests have molested, priests following the Pauline mandate not to marry – bankrupting archdioceses.

Yahowah’s next line is a succinct, unambiguous, and damning summation of Galatians and the consequence of Pauline Christianity. God’s verdict regarding this man is 462irrefutable.

“You have deliberately decided upon and conspired at the advice of another to promote a shameful plot to confuse (ya’ats bosheth – you (masculine singular) after consultation, have come to an informed conclusion through deliberation to conceive and perpetrate a lowly plan with the intended purpose to confound while displaying an adversarial attitude; bosheth – shameful, lowly, and confusing is from bashan – the serpent, associating this adversarial scheme with Satan, with whom Sha’uwl admittedly consulted) those who approach your house (la beyth ‘atah – those who enter and are associated with your household and your covenant construct), ruining and reducing by cutting off (qatsah – severely injuring, maiming, decreasing, and destroying by scraping away and ending the existence of) many (rab – a multitude of) people (‘am).

And in the process (wa), you have forfeited (chata’ – you bear the loss by impugning guilt through missing the way, surrendering) your soul (nepesh).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:10)

This provides yet another answer to the question I am often asked: did Paul deliberately perpetrate this fraud or was he misled. It also affirms the now obvious connection between Sha’uwl and Satan, the very spirit he acknowledged had possessed and goaded him.

Recognizing that “beyth – family and home” serves as the basis for the “beryth – family-oriented covenant relationship,” with this second reference to “home, family, and household,” God is inferring that Sha’uwl’s “new covenant” is a shameful plot designed to confuse the unwary, leading them away from His Covenant And remember, Paul referred to himself as the mother of the faithful, and thus of his new covenant family. He even wrote about life in the household he had conceived.

463To be cut off from Yahowah’s Covenant, the Covenant Sha’uwl condemned in Galatians, is to die with one’s soul ceasing to exist. Therefore, while the soul of the perpetrator of this crime will be lost forever in She’owl, the souls of his victims are reduced to nothing, their lives squandered as a result of Sha’uwl’s shameful scheme.

Since God has a lot more to say about Sha’uwl, while I would like to move on to other tests and prophetic statements, let’s linger here a while longer and see if Yah has anything more to add which might be of value regarding His perceptions of this man and his message. And what we find in the next verse is another reference to “the Rock,” which is to Dowd, the cornerstone, and to the disciple Yahowsha’ prepared, established, and named to publicly question and confront Sha’uwl.

“Indeed (ky – surely and truly), the Cornerstone and Rock (‘eben), as part of the structure of the home (qyr – as the walls and ceiling which provide protection for a family), will issue a proclamation (za’aq – will issue a summons for an assembly meeting and will cry out (qal imperfect)).

And (wa) that which makes a connection (kaphys – the rafter and the beam comprising the finished structure of a home) from (min) the timber (‘ets – the carpenter’s work, the tree, and gallows, the wooden plank), he will answer and respond (‘anah huw’ – making a public declaration, providing a contextual reply (qal imperfect)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:11)

Dowd, the Cornerstone of the Covenant, issued many a proclamation against Sha’uwl in his Mizmowr | Psalms. And Shim’own Kephas, the man Yahowsha’ personally named the Rock, “summoned” Sha’uwl to Yaruwshalaim and issued a “proclamation” against him.

Similarly, Yahowah associates Yahowsha’ with “‘ets – timber” to reveal how he, as the Passover Lamb and the 464Upright Pillar of the Tabernacle, provides eternal life for His family by way of the upright wooden pillars of Passover’s doorway. And that is why Yahowah uses “‘anah – to answer and respond” in this context. It is the operative word of the Miqra’ey, where Yahowah asks us “‘anah – to answer and respond” to His Invitations to be Called Out and Meet, because they provide the lone means to salvation.

“Woe to (howy – a strong warning to) the one who establishes (banah – the one who builds a family and constructs (qal participle)) a terrorist shrine, an anguishing place of incitement (‘iyr – a haunt for asses, and a temple complex in a city which is exposed and where violence is incited; ‘uwr – to provoke, inflame, goad, and stir up by blinding and rendering the chaff exposed while laying the skin bare in a popular place (may be serving as a metaphor for Roman Catholicism’s Vatican City)) in blood (ba dam – through death; from damam – to destroy by making deaf and dumb).

And he conceives and forms (wa kuwn – he proposes, prepares, establishes, and supports (the polel stem reveals that the subject suffers the effect of the verb’s action and the perfect conjugation indicates that the process was completed in a finite amount of time)) a populated institution promoting (qiryah – a place to meet; from qarah and qary’ah – to encounter and meet, a building and its furnishings as part of an institution where people congregate for preaching) that which is unrighteous and incorrect, invalid and harmful (ba ‘awlah – in wickedness with evil intent, unjustly damaging others through perversity).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:12)

Here, banah is being deployed to warn readers against participating in Sha’uwl’s “banah – construct,” whereby he “established” his covenant family on faith. But his construct was anything but benign. From the perspective of 465the millions of Jews who were robbed and raped, maligned and murdered by the institutions Paul conceived, his was an “‘iyr – an anguishing place where terror was incited.” A river of “dam – blood” would flow out of Sha’uwl’s caustic epistles.

The institutions conceived by the Devil’s Advocate were the epitome of “‘awlah – all that is wickedly invalid, perversely incapacitating, and universally unrighteous.”

This known, in most English bibles you will find both ‘iyr and qiryah rendered “city” as if they were translating a repetition of the same word. But considering Yahowah’s prowess for effective communication, when we find different words being deployed to convey a similar idea, examining the etymology is always productive, as it is here.

In that ‘iyr is from ‘uwr, we discover that it addresses the problem of religion, “blinding believers such that they are unable to perceive the failures of their faith even when clearly exposed.” This root reveals how Christians have been “incited to perpetrate terrorist acts” upon Jews, “anguishing them.”

Also, in that qiryah is a derivative of qarah and related to qary’ah, in this word’s history we “encounter the foundation and furnishings of a popular institution where many people congregate to listen to preaching.” These are loaded terms with Pauline implications.

Blood is of the flesh. A miniscule amount is shed during circumcision but gushed out in great abundance when Paulos’ Romans, and then Roman Catholics, sought to annihilate those who were different. And make no mistake, it was Paul’s violent and condemning tone, his anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology which incited these villains.

Sha’uwl’s testimony is “‘awlah – invalid and harmful, 466perverse and damaging, unjust and evil,” leading to “unrighteousness.” And while that was Paul’s intent, it is Yahowah’s to “howy – warn us” about him.

There is a much better choice...

“Why not pay attention (ha lo’ hineh – why not look up and consider this) as part of an association with (min ‘eth – by means of approaching and in accompaniment with) Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) of the spiritual implements (tsaba’ – of the vast array of heavenly envoys who serve as effective and compliant tools)?

But instead (wa), the people (‘am – the family) expend their energy and grow weary (yaga’ – they toil and labor, growing tired for lack of rest (qal imperfect)) amidst a profuse conglomeration (ba day – amongst a great excess and abundance) of worthlessness, trifling with a dangerous flame (‘esh – of that which is combustible and consuming and has no value).

So, the people, united by a single individual in an antiquated system (wa la’om – the peoples who congregate under a common cause), exhaust and then destroy themselves, falling (ya’eph – are worn out, fatigued and weakened, and fall) into excessive emptiness and extravagant delusions (ba day ryq – into endless fantasies and an overabundance of vain misrepresentations).” (Chabaquwq 2:13)

I appreciate Chabaquwq. After witnessing Sha’uwl’s blasphemy and resulting carnage, he interrupts the flow of his nauseating presentation of human malfeasance with a simple question: “Why not pay attention to Yahowah and build a relationship?”

Here, ‘am can mean “people, family, or nation,” although it typically speaks of Yisra’el. Therefore, due to 467the rules Paul has imposed on Christians, and those rabbis have sanctioned against Jews in their Talmud, the people toil for nothing.

La’om addresses “large populations which gather or congregate together under an antiquated system following a religious or political leader.” It is often used in conjunction with Rome. This addresses the origins of Pauline Christianity, where Babylonian myths were interwoven beside misappropriate citations from the Towrah and Prophets to create the illusion that his delusions were credible. But no matter how fervently one believes in fantasies, it is all for naught.

As an interesting aside, ‘esh, the word translated “dangerous flame,” also speaks of “lightning,” addressing the “flashing light” Sha’uwl claimed to see in the sky which became part of his conversion experience. It also means “fire,” especially in the sense of that which “combusts and consumes.” In this role ‘esh serves as a metaphor for judgment.

And once again, there is a better, more satisfying and fulfilling, choice...

“Indeed (ky – this is reliable and true), She will fulfill, edify, and completely satisfy (male’ – She will impart an abundance of that which is healthy, valuable, empowering, and satisfying (the niphal stem is the grammatical voice of genuine relationships where the subject is fulfilled and the imperfect conjugation addresses ongoing effects of edifying)) the land (ha ‘erets – realm, region, and world) to approach, to actually know, to become genuinely familiar with, and understand (la yada’ ‘eth – to move toward, discover, and acknowledge, coming to understand and appreciate becoming friends in association with (qal infinitive)) Yahowah’s (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) manifestation of power, glorious presence, and 468abundant value (kabowd – splendor, honor, respect, status, and reward).

This should be similar to (ka) the waters (maym – the various forms of water, including ice, snow, liquid, humidity, clouds, and steam) providing a covering (kasah – spread over and adorning (piel imperfect)) upon the sea (‘al yam – upon a lake).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:14)

Water is inseparable from the sea. They are one and the same. This is how our relationship with Yahowah ought to be. Our knowledge of Him should transform our lives so that we reflect His nature, approach, attitude, and light.

They are my favorite words – Yada’ Yahowah – but you probably knew that already after twenty years of radio programs and writing under this name. I want everyone who is interested to Yada’ Yahowah | Know and Understand Yahowah. So does Chabaquwq.

“She” refers to the maternal manifestation of God’s light, the “Ruwach Qodesh – Set-Apart Spirit.” Our Spiritual Mother makes us appear perfect before God by adorning us in Her Garment of Light. She not only plays the leading role in fulfilling the Miqra’ey, She enriches and empowers the Covenant’s children, imparting an abundance of valuable information. She not only equips us to better know Yah, She makes it possible for us to enter His presence.

When we consider what has preceded this statement, it is hard to miss the fact that Paul’s spirit weakens and destroys while Yah’s Spirit enlightens and edifies. Paul’s spirit poisons while Yah’s Spirit heals. And that is because Yahowah’s promises are all fulfilled by His Spirit while Sha’uwl’s promises are all in vain, as worthless as the spirit which possessed him.

‘Erets – land” and “kasah – to cover” are initially 469brought together in the story of the flood, where Yahowah washes away the vicious scum of religion and politics so as to give humankind the opportunity to get to know Him, to approach Him, and to be with Him – to la yada’ ‘eth Yahowah. Moreover, the “kasah – covering” in the sense of the Garment of Light adorning the Covenant’s children, “maym – waters” representing the source of life and cleaning, and “kabowd – the manifestation of power and glorious presence” of Yahowah are all references to the Set-Apart Spirit of God.

Also, by condemning the destructive mythology of Sha’uwl in verse 13, to the completely satisfying presence of our Spiritual Mother in verse 14, we find Yahowah doing what I have attempted to do throughout Questioning Paul: comparing the empty myths of man to the glorious and satisfying nature of God.

We considered this next statement way back in Volume One of Questioning Paul. It not only warns us about Sha’uwl’s profuse venom and his perverted sexuality, it addresses Paulos’ “little and lowly reputation” in addition to his animosity toward circumcision. So, from Sha’uwl and Questioning Him to Paulos and his lowly and little moniker, from poisonous toxins to an unacceptable approach to the sign of the Covenant, this is an indicting summation of this man’s tragic legacy.

This is our third woe, and woes are never good. This time, however, Paul’s sexual deviance is particularly appalling. The Plague of Death condemned homosexuality, but was himself a homosexual. And while a person’s sexual orientation is irrelevant, even to God (both contrived condemnations of homosexuality are mistranslated), Paul was intoxicating and drugging his victims.

Paul’s sexual orientation became immediately apparent, even obvious when, after railing against circumcision in Yaruwshalaim, on the way out of town (in 470Acts 16:1-3) he personally circumcised Timothy – his future life partner and likely his lover. It was a stunning admission and insanely hypocritical. But what I did not know, at least initially, is that Yahowah affirmed what I had perceived, not to out Paul for being a homosexual but, instead, to reveal the fact that the father of Christianity was a sexual predator, pervert, drunkard, and manipulative hypocrite.

In the midst of Yahowah’s scathing reprimand of Sha’uwl | Paul, this gets very personal for Chabaquwq. He goes from condemning the Devil’s Advocate in third person, “he,” to second person, “you,” as if judging Sha’uwl directly.

“Woe to (howy – a strong warning to) the one who is responsible and then who partakes, pouring out for (shaqah – the one who appoints and then associates with (hifil participle – in an explicit and demonstrable manner he causes his victims to be like him)) his corrupt companions and evil countryman (ra’ huw’ – his wicked coconspirators and inept associates) that which causes them to join together and be exposed to (saphach – he encourages them to share in (piel participle – the object suffers the effect in dramatic fashion)) your debilitating poison, intense passions, antagonizing venom, and serpentine toxin (chemah ‘atah – your poisonous and injurious rage, indignation, and debilitating rancor, while being all worked up emotionally with your life in turmoil).

And much more than this (wa ‘aph), becoming drunk and then intoxicating others to the point of incapacitation (shakar – being under the influence while causing others to drink such that they become weakened and giddy such that their judgment is impaired) for the express purpose of (la ma’an – for no other reason than) gazing upon while demonstrating a preference for (nabat ‘al – to look at and consider, showing a favorable regard for (hifil infinitive – he is trying to convert his 471victims such that they share his highly demonstrative affinity for)) their genitals (ma’aowr hem – their male genitalia, the private parts of a man’s or boy’s body, specifically being naked and exposed either publicly to shame and embarrass or privately for sexual activity; from mah – to question and ‘uwr – being exposed, bared, and made to be naked).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:15)

The realization that God called Sha’uwl | Paul a homosexual, a drunkard and drug dealer, a sexual pervert and predator, will likely make Christians apoplectic. And while four of these five behaviors are decidedly bad, it’s Paul’s duplicitous and manipulative hypocrisy, his lack of character and morals, his inability to show empathy for others, that is the bigger issue.

In this way, Paul reminds us of Muhammad, another self-admitted victim of demon possession, who said one thing and did another. They are the two least qualified and most inappropriate individuals to be considered spokesmen for God. Their perverted and immoral messages were as twisted and corrupted as the men who issued them and claimed them to be Divine.

Anyone who deliberately intoxicates others, incapacitating them to have sex with them, is scum. And while such despicable behavior is individually criminal, the problem with Sha’uwl | Paul is infinitely more egregious. He not only convinced billions to denounce and disregard the Towrah | Guidance of Yahowah, he turned Gentiles against Jews, fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.

Calling Sha’uwl | Paul the deadliest and most damning, deceitful and despicable man who ever lived is appropriate since God holds the same view…

“You will get your fill of (saba’ – you will be met with an abundance of (the qal perfect indicates that his is completely reliable while the second person masculine 472singular reveals that this is directed a lone male individual)) shame and infamy, insults befitting such a lowly individual (qalown – dishonor and disgrace, scorn and contempt, along with a humbling, degraded and discredited reputation), instead of (min) honor and glory (kabowd – the manifestation of the power and presence of God which rewards and empowers).

You choose to be inebriated yourself in addition to intoxicating others (shathah gam ‘atah – you decide to consume and experience large quantities of alcohol yourself and to become a drunkard while also inebriating others (qal imperative – of your own freewill, actually desiring intoxication)), and then (wa) you want them to be unacceptable because of your choice to not become circumcised (‘arel – you choose to expose them, making them unacceptable and unredeemable by remaining uncircumcised for religious reasons (nifal imperative – the subject of the verb both carries out and suffers from the action based upon his choices and desires)), encompassing them from all angles with circular reasoning (sabab – going round about in circles, on and on, ad infinitum, with this alternative direction (qal imperfect – literally with ongoing implications)).

Upon you is (‘al ‘atah – before you is) the binding cup (kows) of Yahowah’s (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) right hand (yamyn – serving as a metaphor for judgment and as a reference to yamyny – being a Benyamynite | Benjamite).

Therefore (wa), public humiliation and an ignominious reputation as a result of being dishonorable and disgraceful (qyqalown – insults befitting a lowly and little individual of degraded status who is sleazy, disreputable, and contemptible; from qalown – being scorned and humbled with a discredited reputation) will be your reward (‘al kabowd ‘atah – the 473manifestation of your reputation and attribution of your status (second person masculine singular suffix – thus addressing a solitary man)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:16)

Should whiney Christian con artists and moneygrubbers like Jimmy Swaggart, who tossed the first edition on Questioning Paul aside, claim as he did, that this book should be rejected because it besmirches Paul’s reputation, they would be wise to consider God’s assessment first. It is only fair. But then again, Jimmy may be too busy with prostitutes to pay attention long enough to appreciate its relevance.

Paul sought notoriety and has earned infamy. He sought honor but has been deemed contemptible. He promoted grace and will be disgraced.

Pauline Doctrine is an intoxicating poison, venom from the vilest of serpents. But more indicting still, Sha’uwl, who never knew the love of a woman, provocatively expressed his love for a young man, Timothy. And even though Paul detested circumcision and spoke hatefully about the sign and requirement of the Covenant, he personally circumcised his love interest. Furthermore, Sha’uwl so craved recognition and status, he heaped it upon himself.

However, God is saying that Sha’uwl’s poisonous and inebriating attack against the decision to be circumcised will come full circle and engulf him in shame. The man who claimed to be God’s exclusive apostle to the Gentiles has become the man of infamy: “Paulos – Little and Lowly.”

I dare say, in the whole of Yahowah’s prophetic testimony, no prediction is as dire as this one. But that is because no one ever did what Paul has done. Such a rebuke was not required of anyone else.

474Yahowah has provided His evaluation of Paul and His assessment of his followers. In this light, the only way to view the predominant author and inspiration behind the Christian New Testament and resulting religion favorably would be to ignore God and estrange ourselves from Him. The debate is over. The choice is black and white. If we are to be true to this prophetic warning, we should question everything Paul says and writes. And we should hold him accountable. It may be too little, but it is never too late.

Continuing to provide some encouragement in the midst of this overwhelming condemnation of Sha’uwl and his demonic associate, Yahowah reaffirms His promise...

“Indeed and by contrast (ky – this is reassuring because), He will constantly keep you covered and continually protected (kasah ‘atah – He will always provide a covering by which He adorns you, clothing and forgiving you (the piel imperfect jussive energic nun affirms that we, as those being clothed, receive continuous and enthusiastic protection by choice)) from this grievous injustice and blatant wrongdoing in opposition to (chamas – this unrighteous and unrestrained campaign of error and of towrahlessness in destructive conflict with) that which purifies, empowers, and enriches (labanown – that which cleanses and whitewashes, becoming morally pure and white as snow, typically transliterated Lebanon, but from laban – purifying, cleansing, and whitening” and ‘own – being substantially empowered, growing vigorously, while becoming enormously enriched).

And as for (wa) the destructive and demonic influence of the Devil seeking to be worshiped as God (shed / shod – Satan’s devastating and ruinous, plundering and oppressive) beasts (bahemah), He will shatter and separate them (chathath hem – He will astound them, causing them to wane as they experience something truly dreadful) because of (min – as a result of) the blood (dam – death) of humankind (‘adam), and also (wa) this 475grievous injustice against and blatant wrongdoing in opposition to (chamas – this unrighteous and unrestrained campaign of error and towrahlessness in destructive conflict with) the Land (‘erets – realm, region, or earth), the city (qiryah – to encounter, meet and be present with Yah), and all (wa kol) of her inhabitants (ba yashab – who have settled there to meet, to marry, to be restored, to be established, and to live (qal participle)).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:17)

Some four decades ago when I was a Christian, I recall speculating on what Paul meant when he spoke of the “thorn in my side.” As a consequence of my faith at the time, I was oblivious to the fact that Paul answered the question not once, but twice. But even when I first came to be troubled by the conflicts between Paul and God, I never thought that Yahowah would have been this frank with us. And yet right here God said that the most hideously destructive man in human history perpetrated his great crime against humanity in association with a demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God.

While Paul and Satan have had their run, and their way with humankind, their dominion is about to implode. Babylon and the Beast will soon be shattered. Their power will wane and they will be separated unto She’owl. And when that happens, when the unrighteous campaign against the Towrah is snuffed out, those who remain under God’s constant protection will stand tall, not unlike the once towering cedars of Lebanon.

Those standing beside Yahowah upon His return will have four things in common: 1) We will have come to know and love Yahowah. 2) We will have accepted the conditions of the Covenant. 3) We will have answered Yahowah’s Invitations to be Called Out and Meet. 4) And we will have arrived at this place and time because we devoted the energy to observe His Torah and Prophets.

476The rewards are priceless, but they do not come without a significant investment. This verse is a classic example. Chamas could have been superficially defined as “violence against” instead of “this grievous injustice and blatant wrongdoing in opposition to.” The former, however, requires us to ignore the fact that nouns are defined by their verbal forms. And here the verb chamas communicates: “injustice and wrongdoing in opposition” to God and His Towrah. To be chamas is “to oppress and to be unrighteous, to be an unethical and false witness against the standard.”

Labanown could have been transliterated “Lebanon” instead of being defined by its component parts. And as we now know, laban means: “purifying, cleansing, and whitening.” And ‘own speaks of “being substantially empowered and growing vigorously, all while becoming substantially enriched.” Therefore, the translation of labanown as “that which purifies, empowers, and enriches” is more relevant and edifying than a simple transliteration.

Kasah could have been flippantly rendered “He conceals and hides you.” But, instead, “He will constantly keep you covered and continually protected” enables us to incorporate the implications of the piel stem and imperfect conjugation. And it is considerably more consistent with how kasah is deployed throughout the Towrah and Prophets.

Shed was written as a construct noun, which means that it is forever bound to “bahemah – the beasts” in this sentence. That means that the “beasts” possess the attributes associated with shed. These could have been inadequately translated “the havoc-making and destructive nature of” instead of “the demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God.” But by choosing the former, we would have to ignore the fact that, prior to the Masoretic diacritical marks, the Hebrew word written Shin Dalet was equally comfortable being rendered “demon and devil” or 477“destructive.” And since there is no valid justification for selecting “demonic” over “destructive,” it is incumbent upon us to search Yahowah word for other uses of shed. As I have mentioned previously, both times it appears in the Towrah and Psalms it depicts Satan using religion to elicit worship. Therefore, when trying to communicate the whole truth, the only responsible and sensible approach is to include both definitions, prioritizing the one which God has previously defined.

Bahemah, rendered “beasts,” draws our attention to the prophecy in Daniel. Therein, the Beast evolves from Babylon to Persia to Greece, and then to Rome where it becomes the Roman Catholic Church.

Also, chathath could have been translated “He will frighten and dismay them” instead of “He will shatter and separate them.” However, since the primary definition of the word provides a perfect foreshadowing of what we are told will be the ultimate fate of Satan, in addition to his religious, political, economic and militaristic system known as the Whore of Babylon, why not render the word accordingly?

In every case I took the time to consider every aspect of each word, consistently examining the roots. And as a result, the renderings I selected are every bit as justifiable, if not substantially preferable, to those typically found in popular bible translations. The only difference is that I was careful and strove to methodically evaluate each term under an etymological microscope, while striving to provide a rendering that was not only as correct and complete as is possible, but also the most fitting within this context of this discussion.

As we turn to the conclusion of Chabaquwq 2:17, keep in mind that during the all-Islamic war, Satan’s little helpers, motivated by their religion, will annihilate more than half of the world’s population in their failed assault on 478Israel. Then a couple of years later, politically, militaristically, and economically motivated men and women will return to finish what the Muslims will have failed to achieve. They will raise havoc in the Land, ravaging Jerusalem, killing two-thirds of the remaining Yisra’elite population. Before they are shattered and separated, there will be lots of blood shed at the behest of the Adversary.

In this case, either of our two renderings of qiryah apply because the “‘erets – land” is Yisra’el and the “qiryah – city” is Yah’s City, Yaruwshalaim. It is the place where we “encounter and meet with Yah.”

Yahowah’s next insight is breathtaking. God correctly assessed the essence of Paul’s replacement theology. Sha’uwl did not only replace the disciples with himself, the Towrah with “but I say,” Yisra’el with Gowym, he replaced Yahowah with himself. The reason God is misrepresented and misquoted, and that Yahowsha’ is never cited saying anything, is that Paul speaks for his god. The gods themselves are silent because Paul is the only one allowed to communicate for them. And to succeed with this illusion, Sha’uwl had to create a caricature of Yahowsha’, modeling his Iesou Christo after Dionysus.

“How does he succeed with a caricature (mah ya’al pesel – why does he benefit with a false representation of God, what is the value of a religious deity, and how can one profit with a created image (hifil perfect))?

Indeed (ky), he will construct him (pasal huw’ – he will shape it), fashioning him (yatsar huw’ – he will devise, form, and ordain him (qal perfect)) by concealing the association with the representation of the pagan god (masekah – by forming an alliance which covers over and veils the connotation with the false god, hiding and covering up the true identity of the idolatrous image (qal perfect)) and by becoming a teacher of lies (wa yarah 479sheqer – tossing out deceptive instructions and misleading directions, along with mistaken and useless guidance for no reason or benefit (with the hifil stem the subject, Sha’uwl, is putting the lies which reflect his nature into action while the participle is a verbal adjective, making Paul a deceiver)).

Thereby (ky), he adds credence to and encourages reliance upon (batach – he makes credible and believable, even preferable that which causes believers to stumble and the unsuspecting fall as a result of their penchant and fondness for trusting and depending upon) the one who created the construct of himself (yatsar yetser huw’ – the one who was motivated to devise, plan, prepare, and form such idolatrous thoughts and inclinations regarding himself and his desires by fashioning himself into someone to be venerated and worshiped (qal participle)).

For he, himself, performs to make (‘al huw’ ‘asah – he personally acts and engages to fabricate and profit from) worthless gods who do not speak (‘elyl ‘ilem – references to imagined and ineffectual religious deities to worship who are silent, speechless, mute, and dumb).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:18)

There is another discrepancy here between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Masoretic Text worth noting. Rather than saying “fashioning him by offering a veiled form of a pagan god and “by teaching lies,” the Qumran scrolls read: “by making a deceptive appearance,” which is an “invalid manifestation.”

There are a number of additional clues in this statement, all of which point to Sha’uwl. First, God is asking us to “mah – question” what Sha’uwl is proposing, knowing that if we are informed and rational, we will reject him.

Second, Sha’uwl created a “pesel – caricature” of Yahowsha’, one which was inconsistent with reality. 480Paul’s “Iesou” was not only a human “pasal – construct,” he was contrived to “masekah – conceal the association with a pagan god,” in this case, the beloved god of the Greeks, Dionysus. Therefore, his “Christou” was “yatsar – devised” to “masekah – misrepresent the true identity” of the Pauline god. He would even “masekah – cover up the connection with his own ambitions and persona, hiding the fact” that Iesou Christo “represents” Sha’uwl, right down to his character and purpose.

It is so obvious, it’s a wonder Christians are oblivious to this realization. Yahowsha’ no longer exists and there is no Passover Lamb in Paul’s epistles. Instead, we find a false and dying god with a pagan varnish masquerading as Paul’s alter ego.

Third, each time the Pauline “caricature” is presented, we find the third person masculine singular suffix. His false god is, therefore, devised in the image of a man. And there is only one of “him” in the condemning prophecy.

Fourth, since “yarah – teaching, instruction, direction and guidance” is the verb upon which the title, Towrah, is based, we find Sha’uwl promoting his own variation of the Torah, one which is “sheqer – deceptive, misleading, mistaken, and useless.” It’s the combo platter from hell: a false god with a false teacher.

Fifth, the full implications of batach are especially Pauline. It reveals that Paul’s deceptive guidance regarding the caricature he devised “batach – would cause the unsuspecting and naïve to stumble and fall.” They would be beguiled into “batach – believing that they could trust and rely upon” the messenger of god who said he could not lie. Paul actually usurped the infused credibility he gave his false god to convince believers that he was credible.

And this leads us to the combination of yatsar yetser following batach, which is translated “the one who created the construct of himself such that his 481inclinations would be venerated and worshiped.” The verb was scribed in the masculine singular (the one) and the noun was written to include the third person masculine singular suffix (him). This is relevant because God’s statement is saying that Sha’uwl’s false characterization was created to make Sha’uwl appear laudable, worthy of veneration and worship, not Yahowsha’ or Yahowah. His phony construct was devised because Sha’uwl wanted readers to believe him.

And let’s be clear: the way this is worded, Yahowah is accusing Sha’uwl | Paul of creating a god in his image such that the false god and false messenger would be esteemed and deified. And what makes this especially revolting is that there is very little distinction between Sha’uwl and Satan.

This pervades a preferred insight into Paul’s admission that Satan possessed him to control his ego. Satan wanted to be the Christian god and have Sha’uwl serve as his Apostle. However, Sha’uwl wanted to have their roles reversed. Turns out, the Devil and his Advocate didn’t play nicely together because they both wanted full credit and top billing.

Lastly, ‘elyl ‘ilem brilliantly depicts the outcome of this fight for supremacy. Sha’uwl’s father and son gods were both impotent, unable to save, their testimony ranging from irrelevant to irritating. There isn’t a single word accurately conveyed from either of them. This is actually unique, in that even the gods of mythology have speaking roles in their celestial dramas – but not Paul’s. Therefore, one or both of two options is possible: Paul, knowing that his gods were contrived pulled their strings and spoke for them in the fashion of a ventriloquist with a dummy or there was no distinction between Paul and the Lord of Christianity.

Yahowah spoke to us so that we might know that He 482did not want to be worshiped. The Kurios Iesou Christo was speechless in order to engender worship. It is little wonder Paul told believers to pray without ceasing. They would never be the wiser that their god was speechless.

If you like the idea of a dumb god, what about a dying god, too?

“Woe to the one who says (howy ‘amar – this is a warning to him because he will state) with regard to the Wood (la ha ‘ets – approaching the upright pillar, timber, wooden planks, and tree), ‘Awaken and become alive (quwts – be roused from lifelessness and become alive again after death; from the verbal form which addresses the idea of abruptly starting something after having been asleep). Arise while precluding further observation by providing false testimony (‘uwr – rouse oneself and rise up, choosing to be angry over the malicious misfortune, becoming unknowable in body in skin, blinding the observant so that they are unjustly deprived of an accurate recollection of what was witnessed (qal imperative)),’ silencing the Rock by depriving him of life, thereby muting (‘eben duwmam huw’ – as if the Cornerstone was an inanimate object, muzzling) his desire to guide and teach (yarah – his decision to instruct and direct, showing the way and making it known (hifil imperfect jussive)).

Behold (hineh – pay attention), it (huw’) has been seized and overlaid (taphas – has been grasped hold of and held as an object signifying victory, dealt with and manipulated such that it wields considerable influence when adorned (qal passive – having this actually done to it)) with gold (zahab) and silver, becoming extremely valuable and desirable (wa keseph – gilded in silver so as to be yearned for and desired), but completely devoid of (wa kol ‘ayn) the Spirit (ruwach) in its midst (ba qereb huw’ – associated with it so as to animate its existence).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:19)

483Sha’uwl has repeatedly stated that “the wooden pillar or post,” more commonly known as the “Christian Cross,” was the means to be “quwts – awakened from the dead,” or to be “resurrected” in religious parlance. He even equated “sleep” with death and spoke of those who were “sleeping” being “aroused abruptly and then rising” to meet Iesou. This statement is, therefore, an allusion to Paul’s fixation on the wooden cross from which he promotes resurrection from the dead.

With quwts scribed in the hifil stem, imperative mood, and paragogic form, Yahowah is revealing that Sha’uwl will “show his desire to control this wooden construct, commanding it into action, demanding that this symbol perform based upon his inclinations.”

The addition of ‘uwr indicates that Sha’uwl was predicted to go a step further regarding the implied power of this inanimate object to impart bodily resurrection. He is wielding it “‘uwr – to provide false testimony which obscures vision, precluding further observation.” Further, ‘uwr reveals the angst Paul aroused between the cross and Israel, between Iesou and Jews, by “choosing to be angry over this malicious misfortune.” It implies that, rather than celebrate his Passover sacrifice, Paul would have “Jesus” become hateful of Jews for having allegedly put him through the ordeal of crucifixion, killing him.

In addition, ‘uwr addresses Paul’s “desire to obscure” his alleged “bodily resurrection in the flesh and with skin, blinding the observant so that they are unjustly deprived of an accurate recollection or understanding of what transpired.”

This excoriating exposé continues with the desire to “duwmam – silence” the “‘eben huw’ yarah – the Rock whose will is to teach and instruct.” The testimony regarding the life of Dowd, representing the Cornerstone, and Shim’own Kephas, as the Rock, are thereby muzzled.

484Sha’uwl | Paul was the first to seize upon and wield the “cross” as if it were something valuable and desirable. An inanimate object – indeed a Roman torture device – was afforded life-saving properties by this moron. Passover was swept aside, vanishing as the Doorway to Life and of Heaven. The symbol of Paul’s Faith – the religion of Christianity – would be that of a Dead God on a Stick – lifeless, Spiritless, silent, and deadly.

If there was ever a time to see Dowd | David, Yahowah’s Lyricist, Prophet, Shepherd, Son, Messiah, and King as the Cornerstone of the Covenant of which Chabaquwq is addressing, it is now. He was the lone eyewitness to what occurred on Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym in year 4000 Yah (33 CE), and he described what transpired in the 22nd and 88th Mizmowr | Psalms. It is why Sha’uwl | Paul sought to silence Dowd | David.

We will not let that occur. Volume 4 of Questioning Paul will feature Dowd’s role in exposing and condemning Sha’uwl and his religion. God would slay more than just an uncircumcised giant with the stone Dowd wielded.

If I may add my two shekels worth at this juncture. I am grateful to Yahowah for His commitment to keep us out of harm’s way by keeping us properly informed. With this prophecy, there was never any excuse for Christianity. God negated the credibility of the faith, its creator, his spirit, their rhetoric, and their cross 666 years before the religion was thrust upon the world.

“All the while (wa) Yahowah ( – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) is in His Set-Apart (ba qodesh huw’) Temple, His brilliant and illuminating Source of Light (heykal – His capable and empowering residence; from yakol – enabling and prevailing, overcoming and enduring, powerful and everlasting): Be silent and stop speaking (has – hush, 485hold your tongue, and be quiet, ceasing this troubling talk) before His presence and appearance (min paneh huw’ – before His face and physical manifestation) all on the earth (kol ha ‘erets).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:20)

We have done more talking than listening, more contriving than observing. So Yahowah is recommending that the likes of Paul “shut up.” He has said far too much. And yet sadly, every time a Christian opens his “New Testament” to one of Paul’s revolting epistles, and recites it aloud, the hideous voice of the Adversary continues to resonate on earth.

It should be noted that heykal affirms that Yahowah is fully capable of delivering on His promises. He is not impotent as Sha’uwl has cast him.

Moreover, the word following “heykal – brilliant, prevailing, enduring, capable, empowering, and enlightening” in most every Hebrew lexicon and dictionary is Heylel, which is Satan’s God-given name. The Adversary’s moniker means “Bears Light,” confirming that as a spiritual messenger he would appear to glow – just as Paul saw him on the road to Damascus. And this is how Satan came to be rendered into Latin as “Lucifer – the Light-Bearer.”

What follows is a wonderful affirmation of what Yahowah has done for us, of His reliability, and of His willingness to personally and mercifully engage so that we might live. But to understand any of this, we have to stop talking and start listening...

“This is a request for intervention (taphilah – this is an earnest plea and petition for justice; from palal – to intervene) regarding erring and going astray (‘al shigayown – concerning the consequence of ignorance regarding the story about the one who intoxicates the foolish and leads them away, including the significance of 486being mistaken as a lament or dirge; from shagah – to go astray, to err, to mislead and inebriate by way of ignorance and own – that which pertains to the preceding) by (la – concerning) Chabaquwq | Embrace This (Chabaquwq – grasp hold of this), the prophet (ha naby’ – the one who speaks for God regarding the past, present, or future). (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 3:1)

‘Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence), I have actually listened to the entirety of (shama’ – I have literally heard during this finite period of time (qal perfect)) Your announced message (shema’ ‘atah – the testimony You have reported to be recited and thus heard).

I respect and revere (yare’ – I am in awe and inspired by) Your work (po’al ‘atah – what You have done and the energy You have expended to accomplish so much), Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), throughout the years (ba qereb shanahym), choosing to renew and restore life (chayah huw’ – with the desire to nurture and preserve life, causing life to flourish and grow (piel imperative)) in the midst of those years (ba qereb shanahym).

Your love, mercy, and compassion (racham –Your affection, desire for an endearing relationship, and genuine concern and devotion (qal imperfect)) You make known (yada’ – You reveal and acknowledge (hifil imperfect)) so that it is remembered (zakar – it is recalled, recognized, and invoked (qal imperfect)) in turmoil (ba rogez – in time of hardship and trouble, of anxiety and agitation (qal imperfect)). (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 3:2)

Prophets are people, unique only in their special relationship with Yahowah. Knowing God, they have the utmost respect for Him. Therefore, they are exceptionally 487perturbed when the God they love is disrespected. They want the perpetrators held accountable and their victims to know the truth. And that is precisely what is occurring here with Chabaquwq petitioning Yahowah for justice. Having listened to Yahowah, he is concerned that so many have been intoxicated and led astray by Paul and his religion.

From beginning to end, Yahowah has been merciful, doing what was needed to restore and renew our lives. Yahowah worked six days to create the universe and conceive life and then He celebrated the result on the seventh. These six plus one days represent the six-thousand-year history of mankind from the Garden and back to it, followed by a one-thousand-year celebration of Sukah. In year 2000 Yah (1968 BCE), God initiated the Covenant with Abraham. And in year 4000 Yah (33 CE), God did His greatest work, fulfilling and enabling the first four Miqra’ey: Pesach, Matsah, Bikuwrym, and Shabuw’ah. Noting that His work began in 0 Yah and concludes in 6000 Yah, 2000 Yah and 4000 Yah are the middle years.

One of the reasons the Covenant’s children exhibit such supreme confidence is that we know well in advance of entering troubled waters that Yahowah will place the wind at our back and help us chart a course to safety. Those who wait until they are in the midst of the storm to seek help surviving it are typically too distracted and agitated to find the help they need in the Towrah.

A clear and comprehensive, consistent and cohesive, explanation of what Yahowah is offering and expecting in return has been available to us for the better part of 3500 years. Man’s reluctance to capitalize upon His mercy by observing His guidance is inexcusable and befuddling.

“God (‘elowah) came (bow’ – arrived and returned, entering the scene (qal imperfect)) from (min) the south (tyaman), and (wa) the Set-Apart One (qodesh) from 488(min) Mount (har) Pa’ran (Pa’ran – where one is glorified (from pa’ar); denoting the route of the Exodus and the mountain upon which the Towrah was revealed). Pause a moment to weigh the uplifting implications (selah).

He adorns (kasah – He covers) the spiritual realm (shamaym – the heavens) in His splendor and glory (howd huw’ – with His majestic countenance and vigorous vitality, efficacy and authority).

So (wa) with His love and renown (tahilah huw’ – with His shining brilliance and commendable nature, even manifestation of awe-inspiring power), She fills up and completely satisfies (male’ – She abundantly furnishes and completes (qal perfect)) the Land (‘erets – the material realm).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 3:3)

Mount Choreb, also known as Sinai and Paran, is due south of Yaruwshalaim specifically and Yisra’el generally. It is the place where the Chosen People met with God and received His Guidance and Teaching. It is where those who seek Him go to find Him. It is a very long way from Damascus, so far, in fact, that the road to Damascus leads in the wrong direction, and thus away from God.

The Land the Set-Apart Spirit of Yahowah abundantly furnishes and fulfills, satisfies, is Yisra’el. It is not Greece nor Rome, neither Europe nor America.

It is also interesting to note, that Pa’ran, which is south of Yisra’el, represents the mountainous desert along both sides of the Gulf of Aqaba, and thus between the Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas. The region encompasses most all of the noted encampments during the Exodus on the western side and also Mount Horeb where the Towrah was revealed 30 miles inland from the eastern shore.

Yahowah’s Towrah, like the Set-Apart Spirit, is 489feminine, necessitating the pronoun: “She.” It is in this way that Yahowah’s Spirit supplies God’s love, reveals His glory, adorns us in a Garment of Light, fills our needs, and completely satisfies. It is through the Towrah that we walk away from men like Paul so that we can meet with God.

The Set-Apart Spirit in conjunction with the Towrah serves to enlighten us...

“And also (wa) knowledge and enlightenment (nagah – brilliance and radiance) consistent with (ka) the Light (ha ‘owr) exists as (hayah – She was, is, and always will be (qal imperfect)) dazzling and vivid shining rays of illumination (qeren – the power, authority, and strength symbolized by the ram’s horn, being reinforced and strengthened, a signaling showphar, or trumpet, conveying brilliant illumination from a supernatural source on the summit of the mount) coming forth from His hand (min yad huw’) to approach Him (la huw’).

And here, at this place, namely (wa shem), His fortification and might (‘oz huw’ – His power and dependable nature, and His empowering, unchanging, and necessary) lovingly covers and withdraws (chebyown – envelops the cherished while protecting the adored; from a compound of chabab – in fervent love and ‘own – being substantially empowered, growing vigorously, while becoming substantially enriched).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 3:4)

It is all ours for the asking: knowledge and enlightenment, the brilliance of Yahowah’s Light, His power and authority, being reinforced and strengthened, enveloped in love, cherished and adored, all while being out of harm’s way. It is a lot to give up just to believe Paul.

This has been an amazing and enlightening voyage through Yahowah’s prophetic witness. God answered every important question we should have been asking about Sha’uwl. His perspective on Paul matters – and His 490verdict is conclusive, irrefutable, and damning.

This summation of Yahowah’s public rebuke of Sha’uwl | Paul is among the most important prophecies ever recorded. God said…

“Upon (‘al) My requirements and responsibilities and what I observe, My mission which functionally serves as a safeguard to watch over, protect, and preserve the observant (mishmereth ‘any), I have decided of My own volition that I will literally and continually stand (‘amad).

And (wa) I will choose to always stand firm and prominently present Myself, consistently serving by providing assistance (yatsab) upon (‘al) that which strengthens, protects, and fortifies, preventing a successful attack by the adversary (matsowr).

Therefore (wa), I will be on the lookout and on guard (tsapah) in order to see (la ra’ah) what he will say about Me (mah dabar ba ‘any).

So then (wa) how can I be expected to change My attitude, thinking, or response (mah shuwb) concerning (‘al) My disapproving rebuke including rational arguments in response and subsequent chastisement and punishment (towkechath ‘any). (Chabaquwq / Habakkuk 2:1)

Then (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah) answered me, responding by approaching me and providing additional testimony (‘anah ‘any).

And He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Write down (kathab) this revelation (chazown), and (wa) expound upon it, reiterating it using these alphabetic letters to teach others its significance (ba’ar) upon (‘al) writing tablets, inscribing it on a panel or screen such that it is enduring and memorable (ha luwach) so that (la ma’an) by reading or reciting this, proclaiming it and making it 491known (qara’ by huw’), he might run and go away (ruwts).’ (Chabaquwq 2:2)

Nonetheless, the subsequent realization of and expectation regarding (‘owd ky) this revelation from God (chazown) is for the Mow’ed | Appointed Meeting Times (la ha mow’ed).

It provides a witness to and speaks, pouring out evidence, censuring the puffery from the blowhard (puwach) in the end, addressing those who are cut off and cast away (la ha qets).

Should it seem slow to develop, the extended period of time required for this question to be resolved (‘im mahah) shall not prove it false (lo’ kazab).

Expect him in this regard (chakah la huw’) because indeed (ky), he will absolutely come (bow’ bow’), neither being delayed nor lingering (lo’ ‘achar). (Chabaquwq 2:3)

Pay attention because (hineh) he will be audacious and oblivious, puffed up with false pride, heedless of the truth and thus arrogant, reckless, and foolhardy, a genuine pain in the butt (‘aphal).

His soul, and thus his attitude, personality, and especially his character (nepesh huw’), is neither right nor straightforward in him because he does not consider anything appropriately, is circuitous in his reasoning, wandering away by twisting and convoluting the teaching, such that nothing is on the level with him (lo’ yashar ba huw’).

As a result, it follows (wa): through trust and reliance, by being firmly established, confirmed and upheld by that which is dependable and steadfast, always truthful and reliable, as well as being honest and truthful (ba ‘emuwnah), he who is correct and thereby vindicated (tsadyq huw’) shall live (chayah). (Chabaquwq 4922:4)

Moreover (wa ‘aph), because (ky) the intoxicating and inebriating spirit (yayn) of the mortal man (geber) of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal, this traitor who is untrustworthy, unprincipled, unfaithful, and unreliable (bagad) is an overbearing moral failure of unwarranted self-importance, conceited and aggrandizing himself (yahyr), he will not rest, find peace, nor live, nor will he find appropriate words to achieve his goal of coming home (wa lo’ nawah), whomever is open to the broad path, anyone receptive to the expanded and improper way (‘asher rachab) associated with (ka) Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl).

He (huw’) and (wa) his soul (nepesh huw’) are like (ka) the plague of death, a pandemic disease that kills a large population of people (ha maweth).

And so (wa) those who are gathered in and brought together by him, accepting him (‘asaph ‘el huw’) will never be satisfied (lo’ saba’).

Most every gentile ethnicity (kol ha gowym) he will claim as his own and gather together unto himself (qabats ‘el huw’), all such people will be included among his followers (kol ha ‘am). (Chabaquwq 2:5)

They do not ask questions, any of them, about him (ha lo’ ‘eleh kol hem ‘al). Terse references to the Word they lift up as taunts to ridicule, simplistic and contrived equivalencies, clichés, and adages which become bywords to exercise dominion through comparison and counterfeit (mashal nasa’), along with (wa) allusive sayings and mocking interpretations, derisive words wrapped in enigmas arrogantly spoken (malytsah).

There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him (chydah la). And (wa) they 493should say (‘amar), ‘Woe (howy) to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi, to the one who thrives on numbers and who considers himself exceedingly great (rabah),’ neither of which apply to him (lo’ la huw’).

In the meantime, for how long (‘ad mathay) will they make pledges (‘abtyt) based upon his significance, pursuant to the weight and burden of his testimony, and the grievous honor afforded him (kabed ‘al huw’)? (Chabaquwq 2:6)

Since (wa) he loads himself down (ta’an) with (‘eth) thick (‘aphelah) mud (tyt), why not (ha lo’) quickly, even if only for a short period of time (peta’), rise up and take a stand (quwm)?

And (wa) those of you who are smitten and under his influence, perhaps making payments to what he represents (nashak ‘atah), wake up from your stupor (wa yaqats) such that you move away in abhorrence (zuwa’ ‘atah).

Because otherwise (wa) you will be (hayah) considered (la) plunder and be victimized by them (mashisah la hem). (Chabaquwq 2:7)

Indeed, because (ky) you (‘atah) have plundered and impoverished, victimizing (shalal) an enormous number of (rab) Gentiles (gowym), so (wa), they shall seize, harass, and diminish you (shalal ‘atah).

For all (kol) of the remaining (yether) people (‘am), as a result of (min) the blood (dam) of humankind (‘adam), and also (wa) the violent and cruel destructive forces terrorizing (chamas) the Land (‘erets), Yah’s city (qiryah), and all (wa kol) who dwell in her (yashab ba hy’), (2:8), this is a warning (howy – woe) to one who coveted ill-gotten gains and would do anything to take advantage, but now, as an extension of the dead, is cut 494off and finished soliciting (batsa’ batsa’) evil, that which is improper and injurious (ra’) to approach his house and temple (la beyth huw’).

He sets it on high (la sym ba ha marowm) to spare (la natsal) his elevated abode (qan huw’) from the paws and reach (kaph) of corrupt coconspirators and perverted associates (ra’). (Chabaquwq 2:9)

You have deliberately decided upon and conspired at the advice of another to promote a shameful plot to confuse in association with the Devil (ya’ats bosheth) those who approach your house and covenant construct (la beyth ‘atah), ruining and reducing by cutting off, ending the existence of (qatsah) many (rab) people (‘am).

And in the process (wa), you have forfeited (chata’) your soul (nepesh). (Chabaquwq 2:10)

Indeed (ky), the Cornerstone and Rock (‘eben), as part of the structure of the home (qyr), will issue a proclamation (za’aq).

And (wa) that which makes a connection (kaphys) from (min) the timber (‘ets), he will answer and respond (‘anah huw’). (Chabaquwq 2:11)

Woe to (howy) the one who establishes (banah) a terrorist shrine and anguishing place of incitement (‘iyr) with blood (ba dam).

And he conceives and establishes (wa kuwn) a populated institution promoting (qiryah) that which is unrighteous and incorrect, invalid and harmful (ba ‘awlah). (Chabaquwq 2:12)

Why not pay attention and consider this (ha lo’ hineh) as part of an association with (min ‘eth) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) of the spiritual implements (tsaba’)?

But instead (wa), the people (‘am) expend their 495energy and grow weary (yaga’) amidst a profuse conglomeration (ba day) of worthlessness, trifling with a dangerous flame – that which is combustible and all-consuming (‘esh).

So the people, united by a single individual in an antiquated system (wa la’om), exhaust and then destroy themselves, falling (ya’eph) into excessive emptiness and extravagant delusions, endless fantasies and an overabundance of misrepresentations (ba day ryq). (Chabaquwq 2:13)

Indeed (ky), She will fulfill, edify, and completely satisfy (male’) the land (ha ‘erets) to approach, to actually know, to become genuinely familiar with, and understand (la yada’ ‘eth) Yahowah’s (Yahowah) manifestation of power, glorious presence, and abundant value (kabowd).

This should be similar to (ka) the waters (maym) providing a covering (kasah) upon the sea (‘al yam). (Chabaquwq 2:14)

Woe, this strong warning regarding (howy) the man who is responsible and then who partakes, pouring out to expressly influence (shaqah) his corrupt companions and evil countryman, his wicked coconspirators and inept associates (ra’ huw’), with that which causes them to join together with him and to be exposed to, suffering the effect of (saphach) your debilitating poison and intense passions, your antagonizing toxins and debilitating rancor, while being all worked up emotionally with your life in turmoil (chemah ‘atah).

And much more than this (wa ‘aph), becoming drunk and then intoxicating others to the point of incapacitation such that their judgment is impaired (shakar) for the express purpose of (la ma’an) gazing upon while demonstrating a preference for (nabat ‘al) their genitals, to publicly embarrass them and to have 496sex with them (ma’aowr hem). (Chabaquwq 2:15)

You will get your fill of (saba’) shame and infamy, insults befitting such a lowly individual with a discredited reputation (qalown) instead of (min) honor and glory (kabowd).

You choose to be inebriated yourself in addition to intoxicating others, becoming a drunkard by consuming excessive quantities of alcohol while also inebriating others (shathah gam ‘atah).

And then (wa) you want them to be unacceptable, indeed unredeemable, because of your choice to not become circumcised (‘arel) encompassing them from every direction with circular reasoning (sabab).

Upon you is (‘al ‘atah) the binding cup (kows) of Yahowah’s (Yahowah) right hand (yamyn). Therefore (wa), public humiliation and an ignominious reputation as a result of being dishonorable and disgraceful (qyqalown) will be your reward (‘al kabowd ‘atah). (Chabaquwq 2:16)

By contrast (ky), He will constantly keep you covered and continually protected (kasah ‘atah) from this grievous injustice and blatant wrongdoing in opposition to (chamas) that which purifies, empowers, and enriches (labanown).

And as for (wa) the destructive and demonic influence of the Devil seeking to be worshiped as God as satanic (shed / shod) beasts (bahemah), He will shatter and separate them (chathath hem) because of (min) the blood (dam) of humankind (‘adam), and also (wa) this grievous injustice against and blatant wrongdoing in opposition to (chamas) the Land (‘erets), the city to encounter and meet Yah (qiryah), and all (wa kol) of her inhabitants (ba yashab). (Chabaquwq 2:17)

How does he succeed with a caricature? Who 497benefits from a false representation of God? What is the value of a religious deity (mah ya’al pesel)?

In actuality (ky), he will construct him (pasal huw’), fashioning him (yatsar huw’) by concealing the association with the representation of the pagan god, and by forming an alliance which covers over and veils the connotation with the false god, hiding and covering up the true identity of the idolatrous image (masekah), and by becoming a teacher of lies, tossing out deceptive instructions and misleading directions, along with mistaken and useless guidance for no reason or benefit (wa yarah sheqer).

Thereby (ky), he adds credence to and encourages reliance upon, making more credible and believable that which causes the unsuspecting to stumble as they come to trust and rely upon (batach) the one who created the construct of himself such that his inclinations would be venerated and worshiped (yatsar yetser huw’).

For he, himself, performs to fabricate (‘al huw’ ‘asah) worthless gods who do not speak, imagined and ineffectual religious deities to worship who are silent, speechless, mute, and dumb (‘elyl ‘ilem)! (Chabaquwq 2:18)

Woe to the one who says (howy ‘amar) with regard to the Wood (la ha ‘ets), ‘Awaken and become alive, be roused from death and become alive again (quwts).

Arise while precluding further observation by providing false testimony, choosing to be angry over this malicious misfortune, blinding the observant to what is occurring bodily so that they are unjustly deprived of an accurate recollection or understanding of what transpired (‘uwr),’ silencing the Rock by depriving him of life, thereby muting (‘eben duwmam huw’) his desire to guide and teach (yarah).

498Behold (hineh), it (huw’) has been seized and overlaid, manipulated to signify victory and wield considerable influence when gilded (taphas) with gold (zahab) and silver, becoming extremely valuable and desirable (wa keseph), but completely devoid of (wa kol ‘ayn) the Spirit (ruwach) in its midst (ba qereb huw’). (Chabaquwq 2:19)

All the while (wa) Yahowah ( | YaHoWaH) is in His Set-Apart (ba qodesh huw’) Temple, His brilliant and enduring, illuminating Source of Light (heykal). Be silent and stop speaking, ceasing this troubling talk (has) before His presence and appearance (min paneh huw’) all on the earth (kol ha ‘erets). (Chabaquwq 2:20)

This is a request for intervention and an earnest petition for justice (taphilah) regarding erring and going astray and therefore concerning the consequence of ignorance regarding the story about the one who intoxicates the foolish and leads others away, including the significance of being mistaken as a lament (‘al shigayown) by (la) Chabaquwq | Embrace This (Chabaquwq), the prophet (ha naby’). (Chabaquwq 3:1)

‘Yahowah (YaHoWaH), I have actually listened to the entirety of (shama’) Your announced message (shema’ ‘atah). I respect and revere (yare’) Your work (po’al ‘atah), Yahowah (Yahowah), throughout the years (ba qereb shanahym), choosing to renew and restore life (chayah) in the midst of those years (ba qereb shanahym).

Your love, mercy, and compassion (racham) You make known (yada’) so that it is remembered (zakar) in turmoil (ba rogez). (Chabaquwq 3:2)

God (‘elowah) came onto the scene (bow’) from (min) the south (tyaman), and (wa) the Set-Apart One (qodesh) from (min) Mount (har) Pa’ran, denoting the route of the Exodus and the mountain upon which the 499Towrah was revealed (Pa’ran). Pause a moment to weigh the uplifting implications (selah).

He adorns (kasah) the spiritual realm (shamaym) in His splendor and glory, with His majestic countenance and vigorous vitality, His efficacy and authority (howd huw’).

So (wa) with His love and renown, His shining brilliance and commendable nature, even His manifestation of awe-inspiring power (tahilah huw’), She fills up and completely satisfies (male’) the Land (‘erets). (Chabaquwq 3:3)

And also (wa) knowledge and enlightenment (nagah) consistent with (ka) the Light (ha ‘owr) exists as (hayah) dazzling and vivid shining rays of illumination to reinforce and strengthen (qeren) coming forth from His hand (min yad huw’) to approach Him (la huw’).

And here, at this place, namely (wa shem), His fortification and empowerment (‘oz huw’) lovingly covers and withdraws the cherished, protecting and enriching the adored (chebyown).’” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 3:4)

This is among the most important and little appreciated prophecies ever revealed. How you respond to this information will profoundly change your life.

