150Questioning Paul


…Testing Faith





Yahowah’s Great Love…

It is, of course, telling that so many have shown animosity toward Dowd’s status with God, preferring to see Jesus, Akiba, Paul, or Muhammad in his place serving as the messenger or Messiah. And yet, we are best served when our perspective on this man at the center of Yahowah’s witness is consistent with God’s presentation of him.

According to the Almighty, Dowd | David represents everything that is towb | productive, pleasing and tsadaq | right. He is the beloved son, the branch from which everything worthwhile grows, the prophet who explained the past and revealed the future, the lyricist who sang the songs God most loved to hear, the shepherd of our Father’s sheep, the king of God’s people, the man who taught us how to observe the Towrah. He is the living exemplar of the Covenant, Yahowah’s Chosen One, His Right Hand, and Messiah.

Dowd was brilliant and articulate beyond comparison. He was a fighter and a lover, both courageous and compassionate. He was cerebral and emotional.

Dowd | David is living proof that the Towrah not only instructs and guides, but indeed saves, nullifying the basis of Christianity. As such, his foes are those who have chosen to ignore all of this and establish political institutions and religious doctrines in conflict with his life 151and lyrics – beginning with Sha’uwl, known as the Apostle Paul today.

Should you think that I am being presumptuous in presenting such an intimate correlation between Dowd and the Towrah, and between the Towrah and being right, please consider the Beloved’s first Love Song. The 1st Mizmowr | Psalm begins…

“Joyful and blessed in the relationship, along the straightforward path which gives meaning to life, is the individual who is favored through the association, taking the proper strides to live a productive, prosperous, and joyful life.

He does not walk in the counsel of those who are religious and incorrect or among those who are authority figures, leading people astray, and who have missed the way.

He does not sit in the company of the ruling socio-religious influences of those who babble, confounding by ridiculing, presumptuously interpreting and arrogantly deriding. (Mizmowr / Psalm 1:1)

Instead, he genuinely desires and delights in Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching. On His Towrah | Guidance, he meditates, giving serious thought and consideration to the information, thinking intently before he decides and speaks day and night. (Mizmowr / Psalm 1:2)

Its uplifting branches, even the smaller stems which grow up and leaf out, will never wither and he will never lack understanding.

He will never be played for a fool nor be held in contempt. He will never lose heart nor be concerned, regardless of the circumstances. He will never be considered foolish because he will always have the capacity to think and comprehend.

152In everything that he engages in, with all he does, that he acts upon and endeavors to accomplish to show the way to the benefits of the relationship, he will succeed and prosper, successfully accomplishing the mission while consistently winning the argument, consistently proven correct. (Mizmowr / Psalm 1:3)

This is not true, nor even remotely similar, with those who are incorrect, with those who will be condemned for leading others astray and for misrepresenting God’s character. They are rather instead like the chaff which is driven away and refuted by the Spirit. (Mizmowr / Psalm 1:4)

Therefore, based upon this reasoning, those who are misleading and incorrect, having led others astray by misrepresenting God’s character, will not stand upright nor be restored during the Judgment when justice is administered. So it will be for those who are wrong and who have missed the way before the enduring community of witnesses of those who are upright and correct, valid and vindicated. (Mizmowr / Psalm 1:5)

Indeed, because Yahowah knows, He acknowledges and respects the way and journey through life of those who are upright and correct, valid and vindicated.

However, those whose path is incorrect, those whose way is opposed to the standard, and whose journey leads others astray, they will perish and be blotted out, exterminated and expelled.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 1:6)

Dowd observed Yahowah’s Towrah and was blessed with knowledge and understanding. Through it he became productive, validated, and vindicated, always correct on the issues which matter most.

153Those who believe man’s mantras, whether they be political or religious, conspiratorial or militaristic, will remain confounded and confused. They will be judged and found to be wrong, exterminated and expelled.




We have just begun. Let’s turn the page and see where this all leads. Clearly neither Dowd nor Yah are partial to the preponderance of people and their proclivity for religion and politics.

Beyond providing an affirmation of His stance against the religion of the Gentiles, and therefore, Christianity, in these words Yahowah introduces us to the Messiah and Son of God. And lo and behold, it is Dowd, not Iesou Christo.

“For what reason, and toward what end, one should ask, do noisy and confused throngs of scheming and rebellious Gentiles gather together to conspire in open defiance, attempting to be noticed and gain attention through their contrived plots, erupting like an open wound, swirling around and churning things up for the moment as part of an unrestrained cult of worshipers promoting clandestine conspiracies, all while becoming hardened and unreachable?

The people of these nations, who are transformed while massing under an antiquated and unifying religious, political, and conspiratorial leader, choose to plot and speak such that they are driven away by their choices and utterances.

Having wrongly decided after selectively searching, they mutter their musings aloud, growling their imagined grievances and intrapersonal beliefs, all formed after perusing highly selective information to 154scheme against and expel the people who are the focus of their complaint, doing so in vain.

Deluded in their fantasies, they reflect their unfulfilling and empty lives and their dissatisfaction with their situation. It is all done to their disadvantage.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:1)

The rulers, the governmental, religious, societal, and military leaders of the Earth, solely on their own initiative, continually set themselves up, prominently presenting themselves without justification or authorization.

Those who govern and who claim primacy of authority conspire and rebel altogether in a united fashion against, even over and above, Yahowah and against His Mashyach | Anointed Messiah. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:2)

Let us choose of our own volition to break, tearing away their bonds which ensnare and control, their religious tethers and political restraints, rejecting their twisted interwoven threads which bind and immobilize. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:3)

He who establishes His dwelling place in the spiritual realm of the heavens holds them in contempt and will pulverize them without concern.

This is because He disrespects and disdains them. Yahowah ridicules their foreign behavior and mocks their unfamiliar language while disparaging their unintelligible stammering. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:4)

Then at the right time and place, He will express Himself toward them, showing His frustration and resentment. And in His burning indignation, He will overwhelm and bewilder them. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:5)

I, myself, have offered leadership, exercising my authority by pouring out guidance, providing counsel 155to ponder and consider Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way on my Set-Apart Mountain. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:6)

I will choose to account for, proclaiming in writing, the decree, the thoughts and prescription for living, which cuts us into the relationship with the Almighty.

Yahowah said to me, ‘You are My son. This day, at this time, and in the light of this day, I am bringing you forth as your Father. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:7)

Feel free to ask questions about this, seeking to learn the answers because, literally out of Me and from Me, there will be an inherited share of the land of the gentile nations that will be given to you and unto successive generations, even unto the distant reaches of the earth, becoming your property.’ (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:8)

You shall break up their evil nature and shatter their mistaken ways, tearing asunder their proclivity to mislead, with an iron staff and scepter, as if they were a potter’s vessel, just another means to contain and control.

And then You will shatter and separate them while breaking up their fragile and brittle objects, destroying them. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:9)

Therefore, political and religious leaders, military and government officials, choose to be prudent and circumspect. Ponder the implications and consider this principled explanation, and as a result, choose to heed this warning. Demonstrate some personal responsibility and discipline and choose to accept this correction, exercising good judgment so as to make the rational decision to defend the Land. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:10)

With reverence and respect, work with and serve 156alongside Yahowah and rejoice to the point of quivering. (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:11)

Reach out and make contact as a sign of affection, and demonstrate some mutual adoration for the relationship with the son, so as to eliminate any apprehension that he might become indignant and displeased and you perish, squandering your opportunity by wandering away in this manner. For indeed, his righteous indignation can be kindled for relatively few and comparatively little.

Joyful and blessed, in the relationship, stepping along the straightforward and correct path which gives meaning to life, are all who put their trust in him, finding the safe place he provides.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 2:12)

This guidance for our day is so monumental, it takes our breath away. God has not only explicitly renounced the religion and politics of the Gentiles, He also has told them that He will renounce their claims of authority and will break the bonds that they have established to ensnare and control the masses. Yahowah disrespects and resents Christians, and He is righteously indignant toward them.

Rebuking the Christian claims while affirming His perspective, Yahowah reveals that Dowd | David is the Messiah and Son of God. Those who concur will inherit the Earth, while the Land is cleansed of those who have been led to believe otherwise.

Moreover, it is Dowd who will be tasked with cleaning house, removing the stain of religion from the Earth. As a result, Yahowah is encouraging us to change our thinking in this regard before it is too late. He wants us to show Dowd, His Son and Messiah, his due. And that isn’t just because Yahowah is a proud and pleased Papa, but also because, by putting our trust in Dowd, what he has said and done will lead us to the safe place he is providing through 157his life and lyrics.




Here now are the Lyrics of the 3rd Mizmowr. Yisra’el: listen to him and come home. Yahuwdah: celebrate his return. For all others, come to realize that there is salvation through Dowd because he was not only right, but because he was forthright, sharing God’s word with all who would listen.

“Yahowah, what is the extent of the increasing number of my adversaries, and of the unfavorable situation those who oppose me have managed to perpetrate, especially with the overtly hostile narrowing of my purpose?

The majority of people rise up, many of whom are established, exalted, and powerful, standing fast against me. (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:1)

Many are saying of my soul, ‘There is no salvation for him or through him with God.’ Pause and consider the implications of this. (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:2)

You, Yahowah, are a shield all around me and my source of deliverance. You have provided the gift of protection for me, surrounding me such that others may benefit from the same directions and path.

You are my manifestation of power and attribution of status, everything I value and respect, and the One raising me from the beginning. (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:3)

I communicate audibly by calling out to Yahowah and He answers me, providing testimony and evidence for me on account of His Set-Apart Mountain. Please consider this as well. (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:4)

158I will relax and fall asleep. When I am awakened, I will be revived and productive, passing through the summer, roused and alive, taking action and bearing fruit because Yahowah sustained and supported me, steadfastly focusing upon me such that I could lean on Him for whatever is necessary. (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:5)

I will not respect or fear the great multitude of people who from all around have taken positions on the perimeter and have set themselves up against me. (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:6)

I want You to choose to take a stand Yahowah. Elect to assist me and be desirous of saving me such that You enable me to be helpful in the same way, causing me to become an expression of Your will while I become ever more like You, a savior, my God.

For indeed, You will strike, verbally afflicting and then crippling, all of those who are averse to me, against those demonstrating animosity and rancor toward me, smashing and shattering the jaws of the unrighteous and unjust, the troubling and vexing. (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:7)

Approach and draw near Yahowah for the salvation of your family and for your benefit. Pause and consider this.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 3:8)

This proclaims the Second Coming of Dowd. Will you be there celebrating his return?




Reconciled with Yahowah and satisfied with his life, lacking for nothing, Dowd’s spirit was willingly put into a state of suspended animation. He knows, as should we, that he will be awakened and live again, eternally restored. 159With absolute confidence we can trust Yahowah to reestablish Dowd’s home, renewing it such that this man and his God may live together as Father and Son. Consider this declaration your invitation to join them.

May we all benefit from these inspiring words because it is by coming to appreciate the relationship Dowd established with Yahowah, and how he went about doing so, that will protect us from harm’s way and lead us to this same place. Confusion over who Dowd is and what he represents in the grand scheme of life opened the door to the myths which became Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

“With regard to my announcement to be called out, to be invited and welcomed while reading and reciting aloud, answer me, providing the information I seek, especially as I sing, Almighty God of my vindication and of me being right.

In the event of trouble, when the area in which I live is narrowed and constrained, during unfavorable circumstances before especially hostile enemies, You have provided a breadth of opportunities for me, including vastly expanding my dwelling place along with providing ample relief, offering more than enough room for me to live and maneuver, expanding every spatial dimension for me along with building my confidence.

Choose to be merciful to me and supportive of me by Your own initiative. And choose to listen to my reasonable request and adoring communication. (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:1)

Sons of men, for how long shall my significance and value, my positive influence and gift of overwhelming riches, my overall respect and status, be depreciated and devalued, errantly considered as a source of confusion, confounding many?

160Will you choose to continually love, prefer, desire, and romanticize, showing such affection for vain delusions which have no basis in fact, worthless myths, and empty lies, seeking after the irrational fables, the deceptive things and misconceptions associated with pagan deities which are untrue and will disappoint? Will you allow yourself to be betrayed and worship falsehood by believing liars? Pause now and contemplate this knowing that you were ransomed from this. (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:2)

Of your own volition, know and understand, acknowledging and then making known that, truly, Yahowah will deal differently with the steadfastly loyal, set apart, realistic, and authentic, drawing them unto Himself. Yahowah listens when I call out while I read, even upon mentioning and proclaiming His name to Him. (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:3)

Be provoked to anger, even enraged, showing intense displeasure, without being wrong. Choose to speak with regard to your conscience, based upon your intellect, and thus from the heart exercising good judgment, continuing to do so until you go to bed, then be quiet, still, and silent. Pause and contemplate this, reflecting upon the lyrics so as to reject and repudiate that which is errant. (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:4)

Extend appropriate sacrifices the correct way, seeking to be innocent and to prosper, and put your confidence and trust in Yahowah. (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:5)

A great many will ask, ‘Who will choose to reveal to us such that we can behold, observe, and consider something good, something useful and beneficial, something of value which is mutually agreeable, something suitable and desirable, something which makes sense and which is enriching and empowering?’

We genuinely want You to choose to lift up the 161prominent and enduring light of Your presence upon us, Yahowah. (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:6)

You have provided great joy, a sense of appreciation. I have a yearning to celebrate in my heart, such that it is integrated within my ability to exercise good judgment. This desire exceeds the time when the enhancing nature of the grain as well as the new wine abundantly increases by tens of thousands. (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:7)

Reconciled and in peace, saved and satisfied, complete and lacking nothing, having been treated fortuitously and now content, in friendship and tranquility, the relationship harmonious and affirmed, together and as one with Yah and completely alike Yah, I will lie down and be at rest, inactive for a bit, and then fall asleep for a long while.

Of my own volition, I consent to be put into an altered state of awareness one of these years of old until a new event in another time.

Indeed, this is because of You alone, uniquely, to the exclusion of all others. You are the only One who matters and are in a class by Yourself, Yahowah.

With absolute confidence, without risk or vulnerability, trusting and relying, totally secure, without any concern, You will cause and enable me to live, eternally restored, establishing in Your dwelling a place for me such that we will meet again and live together forevermore.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 4:8)

That was a treat for the eyes, ears, and mind. There should be no doubt that Dowd is our prophet, our Messiah, and the means for us to become sons and daughters of the Father.




162It is with heightened anticipation and enthusiasm that we press on to the 5th of Dowd’s brilliantly illuminating Songs. There is so much we can learn.

And in the end, it all boils down to this: who do you trust? Is it Rabbi Akiba, the Apostle Paul, Muhammad, your president, prime minister, or king, your government, military, police, teachers, or economy? Or is it the man Yahowah trusted with His message, His name, His Covenant, and His People?

Was all of this hyperbole or was this man special…

“A Mizmowr Song of Dowd, the Beloved, to the enduring Leader and eternal Director, accompanied by stringed instruments.

I am encouraging you to choose to diligently listen and to thoughtfully consider, so that, of your own freewill, after paying attention and coming to understand by weighing each word, testing its veracity, and pondering its implications, you give serious thought to every nuance.

This is because I really want you to respond appropriately after rationally analyzing my message, each meaningful phrase and promise, these lyrics from the branch, even the shortest of them, and especially my most expressive and evocative statements.

It is in our mutual interests to make all of the proper connections so that we fully comprehend everything there is to know about Yahowah, considering the information with our full attention such that we become well-informed regarding my thought process, even my meditations, musings, and mutterings, my considered statements and fervent deliberations. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:1)

I want you to choose to listen attentively, as I am 163desirous of you accepting what you hear as true, and then be inclined to respond accordingly. Our choices and desires should be in sync.

Let us be receptive to the sound of my urgent and significant request of my King and Advisor, my Leader, Counselor, and the Authority I consider, my God. Indeed, because exclusively unto You and for You I intervene and intercede, making requests and furnishing justification, persuading others to Your point of view. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:2)

Yahowah, in the early part of the day when it is best to attend to and consider the acquisition of information, You hear the sound of my voice.

At daybreak, I make arrangements and prepare myself for You such that I’m competent and correct.

I pattern myself after You, making orderly preparations such that I’m ready for You to deploy me. I am properly positioned to be valuable and, therefore, worth using, such that I can engage quickly and thoughtfully, taking immediate action on Your behalf. Thereafter, I remain watchful and focused. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:3)

For You are not a God who is willing to accept that which is wrong, who will waver or is swayed by that which is fraudulent, who is willing to endure injustice, or who is inclined to view the malicious and malevolent favorably.

That which is counterproductive and harmful cannot congregate or dwell together with You. It is completely alien to Your nature. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:4)

Neither the arrogant nor the foolish, neither those who slander nor the irrational, neither the thoughtless nor the celebrated and renowned, can appear or stand before Your presence.

164You abhor and are hostile to, shunning while never showing any compassion toward those who are engaged in, practice, or advance that which is deceitful and corrupt, twisted and perverted, encouraging worship which is damaging to the relationship and idolatrous. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:5)

You destroy those who lie, especially those who promote false gods, along with anything which is contrary to reality, misleads, or disappoints.

Bloodthirsty individuals and deliberately deceitful men, especially those who use guile while pretending to be truthful, Yahowah sees as repulsive, viewing them as an abhorrent abomination. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:6)

But as for me, through the abundance of Your mercy and steadfast love, even familial favoritism, I will arrive and have chosen to enter, while also guiding and directing others toward Your home.

I have chosen to convey an informative announcement, explaining this verbally, making it known. It is the purpose of Your family and my desire to continually speak about my reverence and respect for Your set-apart residence. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:7)

May it be Your will and desire to lead me such that we continue to learn additional reasons to trust one another, choosing to guide me, creating opportunities to direct me to a favorable outcome, relying upon and trusting each other, learning ever more in the process.

Yahowah, You acknowledge what is right and vindicating, prosperous, honest and true, with regard to responding to those who, acting as if an authority, are adversarial and opposed to me, including the empowered who govern in a manner which is inconsistent with what I represent, especially those who contentiously lord over others.

165You want to engage with me such that Your way is straightforward and right, positioning me such that I become like You and Your path is considered correct and on the level in my presence.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:8)

To be like Dowd is to be like God.

Now if I may, here is the conclusion of the magnificent Song which will lead us to some amazing discoveries. First among them: Paul did not work alone. He had coconspirators…

“For truthfully, there is nothing that is firmly established or trustworthy in their mouths, nothing that is reliable, enduring, or steadfast among their words, literally nothing secure or settled in their speech.

Their inner nature is psychologically predisposed to be destructive with their malicious speech which is counterproductive with devastating consequences, as they are relentless liars.

Their throat is an open grave. They flatter, and are deceitfully seducing smooth-talkers who consistently mislead, providing false hope through tantalizing opinions which are inaccurate and divisive. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:9)

Hold them accountable and make them suffer the consequences because they remain liable, God. They have fallen of their own accord, having chosen to bring this on themselves, through their advice and counsel, customs and traditions, proposals and practices, especially their conspiracies and religion, which have taken countless others to where they, themselves, are headed.

Cast them out and banish them along with the great abundance and widespread nature of their revolting rebellions which are contrary to the way because, indeed, they have been contentious in their defiance 166against You and have bitterly opposed You, anguishing and provoking You. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:10)

So now let all who take refuge in You, letting everyone who places their trust in You, relying upon You to keep them safe, rejoice and be glad.

Forevermore, let them choose to sing uplifting and joyful songs. Cover and clothe them such that those who love Your name will rejoice in having chosen You. (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:11)

Yes, indeed, You commend, favor, and bless, getting down on Your knees to lovingly and beneficially lift up those who are right and therefore innocent, correct and thus vindicated, Yahowah.

You provide a protective covering for the entire individual, enveloping and surrounding him such that You can accept him, favoring him by restoring the relationship.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 5:12)

Even for the worst of all problems – religion – there is a remedy.




In the Mizmowr | Psalm which follows, one written with tired eyes and an old hand, Dowd is predicting that those who have chosen to promulgate religious or political ideologies will be humiliated by God. He is specifically addressing Sha’uwl, who is named within this text.

In our quest to better understand the life and lyrics of Yah’s exemplar, we have turned to this Song because the King is acknowledging that he has done all he can do at this time. He is eager to transition into the next phase of his life when the question of religion will be resolved.

167Serving as Yahowah’s son and student, messiah and king, shepherd and leader, prophet and teacher, while exhilarating, comprised more responsibility than any one man has ever endured, especially over a lifetime. Moseh | Moses was 80 when he began working with Yahowah. Dowd | David was 8.

As he grew old, his soul, mind, heart, eyes, and body wore down. He needed to be recharged and renewed. It is only natural, and in his 6th Mizmowr | Psalm he was keeping it real. And that is something we should all appreciate about this man and his relationship with God. Dowd is not a legend which has been sugarcoated but instead the very essence of life.

Yahowah’s choice of Shepherd, Messiah, and King never met a threat to his people that he did not strive to resolve. Knowing Yahowah intimately, he was anguished by every slanderous statement and slight. And there were lots of them because it was and remains a very dark world.

After having lived much of his life in the center of Yah’s will, with Yahowah inspiring his thoughts and words, we find Dowd wanting to move on and fulfill the next chapter of his life. This Song is also one of many examples of Dowd being Dowd, of him exposing and condemning the knuckleheads while celebrating his relationship.

He would write…

“Yahowah, You consistently prove Your case through me with persuasive arguments which vindicate me using evidence and reason, and by engaging in rational dialogue with me, making decisions which resolve disputes, demonstrating that You and I are right, without animosity or hostility.

Your instructions enable me to be correct, and Your willingness to improve me, to teach and guide me, 168makes me stronger. You are never antagonistic, doing so without consternation. (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:1)

You clearly want to be kind and merciful toward me, Yahowah, for I am comparatively weak. So please restore me, making me acceptable, Yahowah, because my essential essence and human nature is ready to complete the process. (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:2)

In addition, my soul is enormously eager, wanting to hasten the departure of that which is troubling and dismaying. So Yahowah, in this regard, how long will it take for You (6:3) to return, coming back again to renew and restore?

Yahowah, I want You to remove me, choosing to take my soul away, because it is my overwhelming desire that You choose to do everything possible to properly equip my soul to be withdrawn. Just as it is Your desire to save me so as to provide a witness to Your unwavering and unfailing love. (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:4)

For indeed, and by contrast, there is no remembrance or mention of You in the plague of death, within the pandemic disease that causes entire populations to die, perishing and then dispatched on a massive scale.

In She’owl and with Sha’uwl, who will come to know You, expressing their appreciation for You? Who will recognize and acknowledge You, choosing to make public announcements regarding their familiarity with Your eternal attributes? (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:5)

I have done my part, expending the time and energy to the point of exhaustion. I have been productive but have become weary for the moment, having labored extensively, striving to fulfill my job to the extent of my capability such that I sigh, expressing 169my frustration, a bit exasperated.

With the pervasiveness of the darkness, I swim upon a bed of twisted tears, causing me to weep. My couch, serving as my place of examination and testing of such things, is drenched. (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:6)

My eyes no longer function properly, because my sight is failing from this distressful situation, this mockery and provocation, the annoying taunts and errant perceptions of me. And the condition is deteriorating with all of my adversities and troubles, with the constraints being placed on me by all of those besieging me, with all of the distressful things that are being done to diminish my significance, along with the constant attempts to silence me. (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:7)

Get away from me those of you who are rejected and forsaken as you will be taken away and abolished, all of you who devise and carry out that which is corrupt and deceitful, fraudulent and religious, harmful and misleading, because Yahowah has heard my lament and the expressions of my consternation. (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:8)

Yahowah has listened to my request. Yahowah has received and accepts my thoughtful and judgmental plea for intervention, my diligent assessment which warrants a responsible reaction. (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:9)

Every one of my enemies, those who have shown animosity toward me, shall, as a result of their own choices, be humiliated. Having pursued disparaging ambitions and having chosen poorly, they are mistaken, and at long last they will be found guilty. They will be terrified and agonized beyond comprehension, receiving what they have chosen to perpetrate. They will tremble.

Once again, as a result of their own choices and 170have turned away, they will be continually embarrassed as a result of their shameful ambitions.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 6:10)




While it is common for Dowd to dedicate his Songs, it is highly unusual for him to title them – as he has done in the 7th Mizmowr. This is also the only occasion where Dowd has designated his rival.

This Psalm is uniquely instructive, providing Yahowah’s evaluation of and answer to Pauline Christianity…

About Erring and Going Astray as well as the Consequence of Ignorance.

By Dowd, which, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship, he sang to Yahowah in opposition to the words and accounts of the infamous and afflicting. This was written to test and evaluate, then discard, the lowly and little Benjamite. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7: Title & Dedication)

Yahowah, my God, in You, I find a trusted and safe place, with You saving me based upon the proper relationship, appropriately delivering me from all my pretentious pursuers, especially the boisterous who are verbally contentious against me. You will preserve me for a later time. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:1)

Because otherwise, in the manner of a fiercely destructive beast in search of prey, he, to satiate his own cravings, will rip apart, negating and mangling, everything I represent, the essence of my life, my attributes, attitude, and ambitions, snatching it away and shredding it, while taking what it represents for 171himself in defiance. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:2)

Yahowah, my God, if I have caused this, if there is anything wrong on my hand, (7:3) and if I somehow deserve this disparaging consequence, if I have inappropriately taken something away from this adversary trying to limit and constrain me, (7:4) then let my rival confront me, boldly pursuing a debate. Let my adversary attempt to best my life in a verbal exchange.

Let’s engage and confront one another. Let him try to tread upon the purpose of my life, especially with respect to the Land, thereby settling my overall relevance and significance with regard to the natural world. Let’s contemplate what has been brought before us. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:5)

You and I both want to take a stand, Yahowah, in Your righteous indignation. It is Your desire to rise up against the insolent and arrogant outbursts of the troublesome rival trying to limit and constrain me.

You want me to be alert and ready for action, eager to expose him on our behalf for Your benefit and mine by directing me to achieve this goal for You.

I will do so by encouraging instruction and good judgment regarding the means to resolve disputes with disciplined analysis using legitimate evidence and persuasive arguments. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:6)

Let the people of distinct geographical, political, and religious affinities, and the assembly of witnesses, surround You, turning to You of their own volition as a result of this, returning, changed and restored, to approach the heights of heaven. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:7)

Yahowah, it is Your decision. You can contend with or defend the family. And Yahowah, You have chosen to execute justice, to lead and adjudicate, through me 172based upon the realization that I am right, correct and vindicated, a man who is consistent, with integrity and character. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:8)

Therefore, let’s see to it that those who are harmful and troubling, those who are incorrect and misleading, cease to exist.

As a result, You may establish that which is enduring for those who are correct, for those who are observant and thoughtful, for those who test and assess, validating the accuracy and validity of Your testimony using evidence and reason. Exercising their head and their heart, they will logically process this information and reach an accurate conclusion regarding the God who is right, fair and trustworthy, vindicating and acquitting. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:9)

My defense and protection are before God, the Savior of the right-minded who execute good judgment. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:10)

God judges and decides, He sentences and vindicates, executes justice, leads and governs, adjudicating between the parties to determine what is right and wrong, thereby correctly acquitting or condemning.

Accordingly, God angrily denounces, expressing His extreme indignation, using words throughout time. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:11)

If there is no turning around, changing one’s thinking and behavior, reestablishing the relationship, He will forge His chisel. His bow, as a symbol of His power and influence, will be taken out and shaped such that it is established and ready. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:12)

He has prepared weapons against the plague – implements equipped to confront the pestilence. His divisive missiles will be used to cut off and separate. 173They perform, carrying out the mission, by kindling a blazing fire, hotly pursuing and incinerating. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:13)

Pay attention, because he will conceive that which is extraordinarily evil. He will demand an offensive pledge. He uses false testimony in the gestation of that which is deceitful and ruinous. And he destructively indebts with broken promises and unfavorable circumstances. What he enthusiastically promotes is completely untrue and religiously idolatrous.

He chose to give birth to and has actually conceived that which results in oppression and misery, leading to subjugation. It is laborious and financially restrictive, requiring grievous toil with no reward.

He willingly became the father of deceptions and lies, promoting a faith which is mistaken, misleading, and utterly false. His beliefs are predicated upon that which is vain and futile, a betrayal which has no merit or reason for existing. He is a complete fraud. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:14)

He has dug a prison, seeking to confuse and discredit through it. So, into the slime pit of corruption and decay that he has devised and prepared, he will fall as he is cast down, going to a lower dimension. (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:15)

This toilsome misery and unfulfilling experience of his, as well as his effort to gain notoriety, will come back unto him because he was the source and beginning of such things.

And upon the crown of his head, that which is wrong and destructive about him, his violent injustice, errant beliefs, and oppressive nature, along with his cruel demeanor and unrighteous character, will descend and he will be brought down. (Mizmowr / Psalm 1747:16)

Having chosen to know, I will express my understanding publicly, appreciating while acknowledging the attributes of Yahowah in a manner which is accurate and appropriate, honest and vindicating.

I will sing, putting lyrics to the melody while accompanied by musical instruments, to the name of Yahowah, the Most High. He exists above and beyond everything, awe-inspiring and reigning supreme.” (Mizmowr / Psalm 7:17)

It is the reason Yahowah adores him, the reason he became His beloved son. It was for this reason that Dowd was anointed as Yahowah’s Messiah and chosen to be His people’s shepherd and king. This is what made Dowd the Branch and a prophet. It is the reason he became the basis upon which Yahowah will judge the world, the man in whose words there is redemption, restoration, and salvation.

Dowd was not only intolerant of Sha’uwl, he was prepared and ready to debate the imbecile who conceived the contrarian religion, promoting it over the relationship Yahowah intended. Knowing both men, when this occurs, right will obliterate wrong, with those of us in the Covenant, cheering for our leader.

At times, it may appear as if Dowd is bragging, but it is not hubris when it is true. More to the point, it would be the height of arrogance, indeed selfishness, to know these things, to have been given this authority, and to have kept all of it to himself.




175I would like to jump ahead to the 103rd Mizmowr so that we get a better appreciation of what Yahowah meant to Dowd. Then when we are done, we will turn to the 89th Psalm to witness what Dowd meant to Yahowah.

“This is of concern to Dowd (la Dowd) because my soul (nepesh ‘any), and all that is within me (wa kol qereb ‘any), appreciates and acclaims the blessings and benefits of (barak) its association with (‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah) and His set-apart (qodesh huw’) name (shem). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:1)

My soul (nepesh ‘any) commends and adores the marvelous nature of (barak) my relationship with (‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah).

I will never overlook (wa ‘al shekach) anything He has done nor the kindness He has shown (kol gemuwl huw’). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:2)

Who (ha) forgives, removing your culpability, freeing you (salach) from all of your errant thinking, wrongdoing, erroneous statements, and distorted opinions (la kol ‘awon ‘atah)?

And also (wa), who heals and restores, promoting restoration for (rapha’) all of your impairments and disabilities (la kol tachaluwym ‘atah)? (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:3)

Who (ha) redeems and delivers your life from the incarceration, facilitating your ability to remain alive and at liberty (ga’al chay ‘atah) from the dungeon in the slime pit of corruption, the prison of decay and decomposition associated with She’owl (min shachath)?

Who (ha) envelops and crowns (‘atar) you (‘atah) in loyal and steadfast love and unfailing kindness (chesed) in addition to compassion and mercy (wa rachamym)? (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:4)

Who (ha) abundantly satisfies, fulfilling the vow to 176enrich and empower (saba’) you with that which is good, beneficial, and pleasing (ba ha towb ‘ady) so that you are restored and renewed (‘atah chadash), becoming similar to (ka) a perpetual youth, with all of the vitality and freedom of a child without the adult responsibilities (na’uwrym), like a winged-being ready to take flight (nesher)? (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:5)

Yahowah (Yahowah) does what is right, engaging honestly and fairly (‘asah tsadaqah), showing good judgment in executing justice (wa mishpat) on behalf of (la) all who are unjustly exploited and contentiously mistreated (kol ‘ashaq).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:6)

Dowd’s association with Yahowah was multidimensional. It was intellectual and emotional, engaging and conversational, inspiring and pragmatic, enlightening and enriching. He was a brilliant and receptive student studying under the perfect teacher. And everything he learned, he shared – never overlooking or omitting anything with respect to his life with Yah.

With so much at stake, it is vital that we are absolutely clear. Dowd was saved because he could answer these questions correctly, not because he was good – because he was not. The same conditions apply to us. When it comes to establishing a relationship with God and to our salvation, being good will not do us any good. Being correct will make everything right.

Dowd understood the secret of life because he was Towrah observant. His 119th Mizmowr | Psalm reveals how we can do as he has done, making it, second only to the Towrah of Moseh, the most important document ever written. It is through the Towrah and on behalf of His people, that…

“Yahowah (Yahowah) is compassionate (rachuwm) and merciful (wa chanuwn), longsuffering and loyal, slow to anger (‘arek ‘aph), and abounding in goodness, 177overwhelmingly kind, and steadfastly loyal, all while showing great favoritism and passionate love (wa rab chesed).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:8)

It is also consistent with His Towrah and on behalf of His children, that…

“He will not continually quarrel with someone, enduring taunts, insults, and unending arguments (lo’ la netsah ryb) nor will He eternally (wa la ‘owlam) serve as a frustrated caretaker, tending to the needs of those who routinely displease and frustrate Him (natar). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:9)

It is not according to (lo’ ka) the ways we are misled (cheta’ ‘anachnuw) that He acts and engages with us (‘asah la ‘anachnuw), nor according to our errant thinking, erroneous statements, or invalid opinions (lo’ ka ‘awon ‘anachnuw) that He deals with us (gamal ‘al ‘anachnuw). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:10)

Indeed, for (ky) just as (ka) the heavens and spiritual realm are elevated in scale and dimensions beyond our comprehension (gabah shamaym), above and beyond the material realm (‘al ha ‘erets), so too is His steadfast and enduring love, His unfailing generosity, and mercy (chesed huw’) toward those who respect and revere Him (‘al yare’ huw’). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:11)

As far as (ka rachaq) the sunrise in the east is from (mizrach min) the setting sun in the west where darkness follows (ma’arab), so far removed from us (rachaq min ‘anachnuw) are our revolting and rebellious behaviors (‘eth pesha’ ‘anachnuw). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:12)

As a father (ka ‘ab) shows tender affection, genuine love, and forgiveness (racham) for his children (‘al benym), Yahowah (Yahowah) forgives and genuinely loves, openhandedly favoring (racham) those who 178respect Him (‘al yare’ huw’).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:13)

Here and elsewhere Dowd insinuates that he was cognizant that there were dimensions beyond his frame of reference and that the spiritual realm was four dimensions beyond the three he had experienced. This perspective on light and dimensionality goes a long way to explain who we are in relationship to God and what He is going to do to mitigate our differences. Dowd also understood that light is the best way to resolve the darkness in our lives, because in its presence, mankind’s unenlightened machinations cease to exist, and we not only appear perfect, but are perfect.

“It is for certain (ky) He is cognizant of (yada’) our inclinations and frame of reference, even the purpose for which we were created (yetser ‘anachnuw), remembering that we are indeed (zakar) quite literally comprised of naturally-occurring earthen matter (‘aphar). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:14)

Mortal man’s (‘enowsh) days (yowmym huw’) are like (ka) an abode of dried grass (chasyr).

Like (ka) the flowery nature of an engraved plaque on a shining memorial (tsyts) in the open and broad way (ha sadeh), it therefore reflects the light and the scene around it, glistening like the reflection in a mirror (ken yatsyts). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:15)

Yet truthfully, when (ky) the Spirit (ruwach) passes over it (‘abar ba huw’), then it is no more (wa ‘ayn huw’). And its place (wa maqowm huw’) is no longer recognizable or remembered (lo’ nakar huw’ ‘owd).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:16)

Yahowah gave us our mortal existence, freewill, a conscience, and the opportunity to know Him. While marvelous, our lives are fleeting, especially when focused on personal achievements.

179The perspective being conveyed is that even man’s most cherished memorials, the flowery engraved plaques placed upon the graves of the dearly departed and upon trophies commemorating seminal achievements, will not stir memory or sentiment. To be gone is to be forgotten. And that is the way it must be for those who move on to live happily ever after. To be anguished over the loss of loved ones, or too tormented by mankind’s abusive conduct, would take the joy out of living.

There will, however, be some constants as we turn the page from mortal to immortal. Yah’s enduring love, our continuing respect, His commitment to doing what is right, and our devotion to the Covenant family, among them. Closely examining and carefully considering the directions Yahowah has provided regarding the instructive conditions of His Covenant, and responding appropriately, will be something we will all share.

“The steadfast and enduring love, the unfailing generosity and mercy (chesed) of Yahowah (Yahowah) are forever and ever, enduring eternally and without end (min ‘owlam ‘ad ‘owlam) for those who respect and revere Him (‘al yare’ huw’) with His vindication and righteousness (tsadaqah huw’) prevailing on behalf the children’s children (la ben ben) (103:17) of those who observe (la shamar) His Covenant (beryth huw’) and who remember (wa la zakar) to act upon and engage in (la ‘asah hem) His directions and instructions (piquwdym huw’). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:18)

Yahowah (Yahowah) has prepared and established (kuwn) His throne (kise’ huw’) in the spiritual realm of the heavens (ba ha shamaym) with His influence (wa malkuwth huw’) serving as a proverb, to reveal what He and it is like by drawing pictures with words (mashal) in everything and everywhere (ba ha kol). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:19)

180His heavenly messengers and spiritual implements (mal’ak) have been commanded to convey your support for the benefit of (barak) Yahowah (Yahowah), especially on behalf of the courageous who lead and protect (gibowr huw’) using His authority (koach), acting upon (‘asah) His Word (dabar huw’) by actually listening to (la shama’) the sound (qowl) of His speech (dabar huw’). (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:20)

All of His spiritual implements and heavenly representatives (kol tsaba’ huw’) consistently convey your support and appreciation for (barak) Yahowah (Yahowah), attending to and serving Him (sharath) by working to achieve (‘asah) His will (ratsown huw’).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:21)

Although I am fortunate to be in the company of a woman whose appearance and attitude are angelic, the mal’ak are not pretty girls with wings. They are neither loving nor sexual. As energy-based beings, however, they are enormously powerful when they project the force of the spiritual realm. Yahowah refers to them collectively as tsaba’ – which denotes an efficient and effective organizational structure used to achieve the will of the one deploying them.

Recognizing the nature and purpose of the mal’ak, Dowd will likely be giving them directions during his millennial kingdom. And in this statement, he may well be explaining how they operate so that we might better understand how to deploy them should that be necessary. They are tools, serving Yahowah and His Family.

“Choose to appreciate and acclaim (barak) everything Yahowah has done and will do ( kol ma’aseh huw’) in all of the places (ba kol maqowm) His influence is felt and He is clearly known (memshalah huw’).

My soul (nepesh ‘any – my consciousness) 181commends and adores (barak) its association with (‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 103:22)

One of Yah’s most strident criticisms of mankind is that very few of us are aware of what He has done on our behalf. His work is so seldom considered that if you were to ask random individuals to list His most important deeds, most would not recognize His name, and fewer still would be aware of what He has achieved. That is ironic because those who seek to worship God, and who claim to know Him, haven’t invested the time to listen to anything He has to say.

By contrast, Dowd’s words resonate throughout time because he came to know before he professed his admiration. He was right and genuine, even appreciated, where the faithful are not. If the places where Yahowah was known and His influence was felt were many, what a wonderful world it would be.

That said, Dowd did not write, and we should not speak, to the world at large. There is no reason to strain our voices or dissipate our effect. We, and that would include, Dowd Yahowah, and His prophets, seek to convey His testimony to receptive ears and open minds.




The Psalm we are about to consider is the most relevant revelation for our time – especially because Yahowah is calling Yisra’el and Yahuwdah home. The Mizmowr presents Dowd as the Chosen One, as the Son of God, as the Messiah, as the King of Kings, as the embodiment of the Beryth | Covenant, and as someone so uniquely Qodesh | Set Apart, he will become as brilliant and enduring as the sun in God’s presence.

It is the story of a Father’s love for His son and how 182He can be trusted to bring all He has promised to fruition. What has been, will be.

For this to occur, their common foe must be incapacitated and eliminated. Therefore, this Mizmowr | Psalm was written to expose and excoriate Sha’uwl | Paul, the principal author of the Christian New Testament. It will condemn Dowd’s rival by name, depicting him as the most deceitful and damning soul in human history. The 89th Psalm, like the prophecy it parallels and augments in Shamuw’el, and those presented throughout the first seven Mizmowr, calls the demon-possessed founder of the Christian religion: the “Son of Evil.”

Therefore, this is a referendum between good and evil, right and wrong, the Covenant and Christianity. One is the source of life while the other leads to death.

What we will learn in this remarkable prophetic Psalm is that God is annoyed, indeed angry, that so many have come to believe Sha’uwl | Paul when he deliberately, presumptuously, and erroneously transferred every promise He had made to His beloved son, Dowd | David, to the misnomer, “Iesou Christo – Jesus Christ.” And so, while celebrating every nuance of the 89th Mizmowr | Psalm, we are going to bring it all together, properly positioning the son while vilifying Paul’s pathetic attempt at Replacement Theology.

Here now is the love story which foretells the future through the past.

“A Poem of Insights to Contemplate and Comprehend (maskyl) by (la) ‘Eythan | that which is Continuous and Everlasting (‘Eythan) the ‘Ezrachy | the Native-Born Person and Strong Arm (ha ‘Ezrachy).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89: Introduction and Dedication)

There was a man who bore this name, an individual explicitly noted for his wisdom in Melekym / 1 Kings 4:31. 183He was a contemporary of Sha’lomoh | Solomon, and thus someone who would have known Dowd, serving as an eyewitness to his relationship with Yahowah. ‘Eythan ha ‘Ezrachy was inspired by God to compose this Mizmowr. And yet today, I suspect that it is what his name conveys to us that is more significant than his identity: “the Everlasting Native-born Strong Arm” of God.

This revelation should be on every lip and echoed throughout all time…

“I have chosen to sing (shyr) about the loyal love, steadfast devotion, enduring favoritism, unfailing affection, and genuine mercy (chesed) of Yahowah (Yahowah), doing so forever (‘owlam) on behalf of (la) all generations throughout time (dowr wa dowr).

With my mouth (ba peh ‘any), I will acknowledge and make known (yada’) Your trustworthiness and dependability (‘emuwnah ‘atah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:1)

Yahowah is eternally loving and merciful, absolutely and invariably devoted to His Family. His affection is everlasting, spanning the eons of time.

Yahowah is also trustworthy. It is such a simple concept with such extraordinary implications. Rather than being all-loving, omnipresent, or omniscient, and thus irrelevant, He is honest, and thus reliable. Nothing is more valuable to mankind than His steadfast commitment to the truth, along with the tools He has provided for us to independently verify that His words were inspired by a being unconstrained by space or time. If this were not true, it would not matter what else He had to say.

While you may not see it as such at this time, since I know where this is going, and appreciate why it was written, we would be wise to view this as a broadside attack on Paul and Christianity. For the Father of Lies to have told 184the truth, and for Christianity to be valid, Yahowah must be perceived as a liar and His promises must be invalidated. If not, then the Towrah remains central to our lives, there is only one Covenant, Dowd is the Messiah and Son of God, and Yahowsha’ is nothing more, or less, than the Passover Lamb. And the reason they all exist is because Yahowah is genuinely merciful, devoutly loyal, and eternally loving.


“Yes, indeed (ky), I say (‘amar), ‘His eternal and everlasting (‘owlam) love, devotion, and genuine mercy (chesed) will be built up and developed to conceive children and construct a home (banah).

You will develop (kuwn) authenticate, establish, and sustain Your trustworthiness and reliability (‘emuwnah ‘atah) within the spiritual realms (shamaym ba hem).’” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:2)

Yahowah’s purpose in creating the universe and conceiving the life within it has been to “banah – conceive children and build a family.” His “chesed – devotion to it and love” for those destined to live in His home is “‘owlam – everlasting.”

When Yahowah says that He “‘emuwnah – will establish and authenticate His trustworthiness and reliability” in the Spiritual Realms, He is telling us that we can count on Him delivering on the promises He has made through the Beryth | Covenant and Miqra’ey | Invitations to Meet, as well as His Towrah | Teaching and Naby’ | Prophets.

What follows is in Yahowah’s voice. God is providing a narrative on the Psalms we have just read in addition to explaining the prophecy He revealed preceding this through Shamuw’el. The juxtaposition of these insights is among the most important we will ever consider.

185It equates Dowd | the Beloved with the Beryth | Covenant, and unequivocally states that Dowd is “la Bachyr – the Chosen One.” It affirms that Yahowah “shaba’ – swore an oath” to Dowd because he is God’s “‘ebed – coworker.” Also important, Yahowah never reneges on a promise – a realization He will make irrefutable in a moment.

One last thought before we move on. At the time this was written, Dowd 1.0 was gone. His son, Solomon was on the throne. Therefore, it is speaking of Dowd 2.0, the returning Messiah and King. It is then that Yahowah will reestablish His Covenant with His Chosen One: His son, Dowd. As He has in the past, God will work through Dowd to usher in and govern eternity. This, of course, means that neither the torch nor the scepter have been passed to anyone else, not to Paul, not to Jesus, not to a pope or the Church.

“I will cut and establish (karat) the Beryth | Covenant Home for the Family (Beryth) with My Chosen One (la bachyr ‘any).

I have sworn an oath, making a binding promise to always affirm the truth (shaba’) regarding Dowd (la Dowd), My authorized agent who works on My behalf (‘ebed ‘any).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:3)

Sorry Christians, Yahowah did not say that He was going to switch teams, creating a second, new, and different covenant with Paul or Jesus. He did not say that He was going to work through Paul or Jesus – or that either of them was His authorized agent. If He meant to convey such a thing, He would have done so, but did not.

Sorry, Orthodox Jews. Yahowah did not say that He was going to authorize rabbis either, nor make a Star of David. His Covenant will be restored based upon His promises, not your arrogant arguments.

186Yahowah has affirmed the purpose of creation and the reason for our existence. God wants to enjoy life’s greatest blessing, raising a family and interacting with His children. Our Heavenly Father’s gift to us is also His reward. From this perspective, everything Yahowah says and does makes perfect sense, including elevating the status of Dowd | David over Yahowsha’ | Yah Rescues, Liberates, and Saves (errantly known as ‘Jesus’) – the Passover Lamb.

Freewill works both ways. Yahowah can choose whomever He wishes to be part of His family just as we are free to express our desire to be adopted, therein. In harmony with this paradigm, our Heavenly Father is reinforcing something about the relationship we have long known but few appreciate: in almost every case God initiates contact, choosing the individuals He wants to be part of His family. How we respond to Him determines our future.

Dowd is God’s favorite son. He was off tending sheep in Bethlehem and walked to Shamuw’el when called, leaving his father’s house just as ‘Abraham had walked away from the cultural, religious, and political milieu of Babylon. Therefore, those seeking an introduction should be aware of what they must do as a prerequisite for it to occur.

This is the same Covenant, with the same conditions and benefits, that Yahowah presented in Bare’syth | Genesis, devoting much of its text to how it was developed with ‘Abraham. It is the same Covenant Yahowah codified, designating His stipulations and allowances through Moseh in the rest of the Towrah. It is the same Covenant that was affirmed with Yitschaq and Ya’aqob. And most importantly, this is the same Covenant Yahowah is restoring upon His return as is foretold by Yirma’yah | Jeremiah in the 31st chapter.

Our Heavenly Father is acknowledging that Dowd 187holds a special place within the Covenant family – His Family. Dowd not only personifies the qualities He values in a son; the King is God’s choice as the administrator of forever. As a result, we can enhance our standing with God, indeed our value to God, by applying what Dowd wrote to our lives.

Continuing on this theme, the following promise is not only related to the previous one, it was stated to obliterate Paul’s premise while welcoming His children into His home. The fulcrum upon which souls are lifted up or go down is how we interpret zera’ and ‘ad ‘owlam.

If we were to translate zera’ as “seed” singular, and then render it “offspring” as in one, or as “descendants,” plural, and then translate ‘owlam as “forever” while ignoring “‘ad – eternal witness,” we would be left with either an invalid or an incomplete conclusion. If “offspring” singular, then the Passover Lamb could not have died, leaving Pesach unfulfilled. And when we include “‘ad – eternal witness,” Yahowsha’ would have had to have written his testimony down, memorializing it in Hebrew for it to survive and for us to benefit from it. But that did not occur.

However, should we see zera’ as expansively speaking of all of Dowd’s “descendants” then the prophecy would be inadequate. Dowd was one of many in the tribe of Yahuwdah and Yahuwdah is but one of twelve families representing Yisra’el. And it is the restoration of Yisra’el upon Yahowah’s return with Dowd that all of this is leading. Moreover, Yahowah’s Home, and Dowd’s seat of honor within it, will be for all generations, not just those of this man.

The solution, then, is to render zera’ ‘atah as “that which you sow.” The lyrics to Dowd’s Songs, his words, ideas, and insights, comprise what is being established as “‘ad – an eternal witness” “‘owlam – forevermore.” Dowd 188was more than a prolific writer and inspired prophet because he is the one Yahowah chose to shepherd His sheep throughout the fabric of time.

“I will establish (kuwn) that which you sow (zera’ ‘atah) as an eternal witness forevermore (‘ad ‘owlam).

In addition, I will construct a home (wa banah) for your throne and seat of honor (kise’ ‘atah) on behalf of all generations throughout time (la dowr wa dowr).

Selah | Pause now and contemplate the future implications (selah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:4)

Zera’ is the fulcrum upon which the perversions associated with the villain in this story rise and fall. As the Hebrew word for “seed and seeds,” it can be accurately translated “offspring, children, descendants, posterity, family, and progeny” as a noun. As a verb, zera’ speaks of “sowing seeds” both literally and symbolically as words and ideas. It is from its verbal implications that we come to appreciate that, as is the case in English, “to seed” is to plant many “seeds,” including a “profusion of words and ideas,” just as a bag of seed contains many of them.

Nonetheless, in Galatians, Sha’uwl predicated his faith on the notion that seed was singular. This misconception was cultivated into a full-blown plot. In spite of the obvious implications, Paul claimed that the Towrah could be ignored because his Iesou Christo was the promised seed, “singular,” of ‘Abraham and thus, by implication, Dowd. In his twisted mind, nothing mattered before, during the interim, or since “Jesus Christ” was born. According to Paul, everything God had to say and did could be ignored by those who put their faith in this assessment – one that grew out of a singular seed.

And yet to counter this, not only is the Covenant affirmed through Dowd, not Sha’uwl, everything Dowd would sow through a proliferation of inspired insights and 189ideas would serve as an eternal witness for all generations. The words which comprise his Mizmowr and Mashal are where those seeds were sown and forever grow, bearing fruit.

Culturing an appreciation for what Dowd wrote while developing an understanding of his place in God’s unfolding story is transformative. Once we accept the realization that Dowd is the Shepherd and Yahowsha’ is the Lamb, that Dowd is the Son of God, the Messiah, the King of Kings, and the Chosen One who will return to bring judgment at Yahowah’s Right Hand, serving as God’s coworker to govern eternity, we can grasp the full intent of the Covenant. Through Dowd we witness the fulfillment of the Towrah and know where the Miqra’ey lead. And with Dowd, Sha’uwl’s delusions are incinerated in a blast of blazing light.




One of the best explanations of Yahowah’s return with Dowd to reestablish the Covenant is included in a prophecy shared by Shamuw’el | Samuel. Written just before Dowd’s passing, it is readily understood in connection with Mizmowr / Psalm 89:3-4.

Since Christians, uplifting Paul rather than Dowd, would claim that the narrative included in Shamuw’el | 2 Samuel 7 was prophetic of their “Jesus,” I would ask why his name was not mentioned alongside Dowd’s. And why doesn’t any of it apply to Yahowsha’ while it fits Dowd like the genes of a plant which are identical to the seed from which it was sown? Further, why do Christians have to mistranslate ‘asher in Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:14, as we shall soon see, to transfer what follows away from the Shepherd to the Lamb?

190Since religious myths die hard, let’s consider the prophecy to which Yahowah was alluding in Mizmowr / Psalm 89:3-4. As is the case with this prophecy, Dowd’s name is prominent and Yahowsha’s is missing.

Not surprisingly, this is the story of homes, one for Dowd and another for Yahowah. Which do you suppose the Father prioritized?

“It came to pass when the king sat down and relaxed in his home, because Yahowah had given him comforting respite from his adversaries, (7:1) that the king said to Nathan, the prophet, ‘Please look around. I live in a house of cedar, but the Ark of God sits within curtains.’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:2)

So, Nathan said to the king, ‘Choose to go and do all that is in your best judgment for Yahowah.’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:3)

But then that evening it came to be that the word of Yahowah came to Nathan. He conveyed, (7:4) ‘Go and tell Dowd, My coworker, that this is what Yahowah says. “Why should you build Me a home to live in? (7:5) Indeed, I have not lived in any house since the time that I lifted the Children of Yisra’el out of the crucibles of oppression in Mitsraym, even to this day. I have existed going about in a tent dwelling. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:6)

Anywhere along the way that I have journeyed with the Children of Yisra’el, did I say a single word to any of the tribes of Yisra’el, My people, Yisra’el, whom I fed, asking, ‘Why not build Me a house of cedar?’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:7)

Therefore, say to My associate, Dowd, this is what Yahowah of the spiritual implements says, “I took you from the sheepfolds, from chasing after sheep, to be the leader over My People, over Yisra’el. (7:8) And I have 191been with you wherever you traveled. I have cut off all of your enemies, removing them from your sight, and I have made your name great, comparable to the names of the greatest on earth. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:9)

Furthermore, I will appoint a place for My People, Yisra’el. And I will plant them there such that they may dwell in this place of their own and never have to move again. Neither shall the Son of Evil afflict them any more as will have been the case. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:10)

And since the time that I instructed the Judges in conjunction with My People, Yisra’el, I have created for you a respite from all of your enemies.”’”

Tellingly, mid-prophecy, Yahowah briefly slips into the third person to announce a change of scene. He is no longer talking about the past, but instead what He is going to accomplish with His son moving forward. Yahowah is publicly announcing that, upon His return, the Covenant will be centered around Dowd – just as He has promised elsewhere. This is the very “seed” Yahowah had sown in the midst of the lyrics Dowd has already written and we have just read.

As God’s voice returns to first-person, He briefly changes from the second person to the third person when addressing Dowd through Nathan – doing so for the same reason. There is a shift in time. Therefore, “his kingdom” is not Solomon’s kingdom, but instead represents the Millennial and Heavenly Kingdom of Dowd.

We know this because, upon Sha’uwl’s death, Dowd inherited a kingdom that had existed for a score and four years. This means that God did not erect Solomon’s kingdom either. But Yahowah will personally engage to establish the Millennial Kingdom He has promised His son. And at that time, they will work in concert to reestablish the family which bears Yahowah’s name. It will 192be an eternal family, as will be his kingdom. This Father and His son will be together forevermore.

This is not only the key to understanding the things we have discussed, but most especially what comes next. It has taken me twenty years to finally understand it, so we can wait a moment longer before I explain what God is promising.

“Moreover (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) is boldly and publicly announcing (nagad – is reporting this openly before you, providing this information at this time in the presence of another) for you (la ‘atah) that, indeed (ky- truthfully, reliably, and emphatically), He will act, engaging with you to create (‘asah ‘atah – He will personally perform for you in this manner to bring about (qal imperfect – actually expending considerable effort and energy on an ongoing basis to make out of that which already exists of you and for you)) a family and home (beyth – a house and household).” (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:11)

Normally, Yahowah uses ‘amar for “says” or dabar for “speaks the word.” But here, we find nagad, which is a “bold public pronouncement.” God then uses ‘asah to proclaim that “He will be directly involved, engaging to create, and expending the energy and effort to fashion and form from existing stock” the Beyth | Family Home. That did not occur the first time around with Dowd, later with Solomon, nor remotely with Yahowsha’, because the second iteration of a manmade Temple was deconstructed.

I will continue to amplify God’s terminology because every nuance is essential to our understanding. Continuing to speak through Nathan to Dowd, Yahowah conveyed male’ using the imperfect conjugation, denoting an ongoing, and thus uncompleted action. Unconstrained by time, it cannot address the completion of his life which would be final. Moreover, male’, in addition to “being 193fulfilled” means “being proclaimed.”

Dowd’s purpose is being fulfilled now, and this will continue forevermore. But things are about to get really interesting because Yahowah is going to “quwm – rise up and take a stand to bring to fruition at a moment in time, confirming and validating” “‘eth zera’ – with your seed and through what you have sown” “‘asher – the means to enjoy the benefits of the relationship,” doing so in a subsequent time. Listen…

“Surely when (ky – indeed, emphasizing this statement while making an exception at the point in time when) your days (yowmym ‘atah) are being proclaimed and fulfilled (male’ – are being told and completed (qal imperfect – are literally full and ongoing)), and you rest with your fathers (wa shakab ‘eth ‘ab ‘atah), then (wa) I will rise up and take a stand to bring to fruition (quwm – I will arise to confirm, validating the honorable nature of (hifil perfect – Yahowah will enable Dowd to take this stand along with Him at this moment in time)) with your seed and with what you have sown (‘eth zera’ ‘atah – in conjunction with what you have propagated which has taken root and grows) in a subsequent time after you (‘achar ‘atah – then at that later period which speaks of an additional and extra time for you), which, to provide the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – to reveal the proper path to get the most out of life), shall be brought forth (yatsa’ – will be produced as an extension of the source (qal imperfect – literally with ongoing implications)), extracted from a small piece of your physiological nature (me’ah ‘atah – derived out of an elementary particle or tiny piece from which your body and its internal organs were comprised).” (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:12)

It would not have been a miracle, nor much of a “nagad – bold public pronouncement,” nor even worth acknowledging, if we are to interpret this as Dowd 194becoming a distant sperm donor 40 to 50 generations removed from Yahowsha’. With his DNA being halved every step along the way, over the generations his distant descendant would only have 0.00000000000001 of Dowd’s genetic material. And while sperm is pretty miraculous stuff, it was not brought forth by Yahowah nor does it reveal the proper way to get the most out of life.

This brings up an interesting conundrum for those who would ignorantly and irrationally consider the “Gospel of Matthew” to be the inerrant word of God. Luke lists 42 generations from Dowd to Yahowsha’ while Matthew lists just 27. These lists differ so significantly that there is virtually no overlap. They even present different names for Joseph’s father, “Ya’aqob” vs. “Heli.” The Christian explanation is that Matthew follows the lineage of Joseph while Luke pursues the lineage of Mary. That, however, is impossible because both commence their lineage through Joseph and only include male names. Furthermore, while 42 generations is within the realm of possibility, 27 is a flight of fancy.

The average life expectancy during the period circa 500 BCE was 28 years, with a range between 20 to 35 years. This is based upon a tombstone study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. This lifespan would be for the most elite within the Greco-Roman sphere of influence, with subjugated people living shorter lives. Therefore, for there to be only 27 generations on average, the first child would have to have been born 9 years after the father’s death.

The following research attests to an average of 25 years per generation: Moisio et al. (1996), Thompson and Neel (1996), Varilo et al. (1996), Labuda et al. (1997), and Kettles et al. (1998). These studies found that an average generation was just 20 years: Comas et al. (1996) and Slatkin and Rannala (1997). Generational timelines have increased more recently, as evidenced by research 195conducted of regional populations beginning in 1850 CE, but they are not applicable to the time between 1000 BCE and 2 BCE.

When we translate me’ah literally, the bold statement is that when Dowd is reconstituted to be King of Kings, he will be thoroughly and completely Dowd – body, soul, and spirit. The “me’ah – small elementary piece of his physiological nature” that Yahowah is going to “yatsa’ – produce as an extension of the source” is Dowd’s DNA. And in his case, at this time, he will actually need his body for a thousand years because his Millennial Kingdom will be here on Earth.

Continuing to amplify this portion of the prophecy so that we might appreciate what God is promising, we find Yahowah continuing to speak of Dowd and that kingdom...

“And so (wa) I will produce (kuwn – I will form and fashion, bringing into fruition, proving and establishing (hifil perfect – authenticating so as to enable at this time)) his reign over his kingdom (mamlakah huw’ – his royal authority and government). (7:12)

He, himself, shall reestablish and restore (huw’ banah – he, himself, will rebuild and procreate, returning as a son with a maternal influence (qal imperfect – literally and continually)) a home (beyth – family) for My name (la shem ‘any – on behalf of My personal and proper designation).

And (wa – then in association with this), I will fashion and form (kuwn – I will produce and provide (polel perfect – the result of this act will be realized by the throne)) the place of honor (‘eth kise’ – that which is associated with the throne) of his kingdom (mamlakah huw’ – his royal authority, government, and sovereignty) as an eternal witness forever (‘ad ‘owlam – to provide ongoing testimony throughout time). (7:13) I, Myself, will be (‘any hayah – I, Myself, will literally and continually exist as (qal 196imperfect)) a Father for him (la huw’ la ‘ab – approaching him as a parent) and he shall be (wa huw’ hayah – and then he, himself, will actually and continually exist as (qal imperfect)) My son (la ‘any la ben – approaching Me and drawing near as My child).”

It’s always a poor idea to wrongfully demean a son before his father, but that is especially so when the son is Dowd and the Father is Yahowah.

“When that which is perverted and twisted is associated with him (‘asher ba ‘awah huw – with regard to the one leading an upright life who is revealing the benefits of the relationship, if something is wrongly connected to him, referenced directly or indirectly with charges which are incorrect and invalid against him, with perverse and irritating claims being made against his nature (hifil infinitive – causing that which is associated with him to be changed by someone who is demonstrably corrupt and highly agitated)), I will correctly reciprocate and argue on his behalf, deciding with him to chastise (yakach huw’ – I will prove his case by leveling accusations to correct the record regarding him, rebuking and punishing (hifil perfect – God will enable Dowd to reciprocate and decide, chastising at this moment in time)) with the individual’s scepter (ba shebeth ‘ysh – with the man’s staff on behalf of his people), and by assaulting so as to end the lives of (wa ba nega’ – then through striking, afflicting, plaguing, and traumatizing so as to defeat and destroy) the children of ‘Adam (ben ‘adam – the sons of man).” (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:14)

‘Asher, the first word in this portion of the prophecy, is where this all began for me twenty years ago. English Bible translations typically render the phrase ‘asher ba ‘awah huw as “when he sins.” Then in their footnotes, they attribute it to “Jesus,” implying that the Passover Lamb was imperfect and was beaten by God as a result. And even though Dowd was flawed, Yahowah did not punish him, 197especially with his scepter. Moreover, this prophecy is a commendation, not a condemnation.

So, let’s see if we can make sense of it by examining the words God used to convey this prophecy. ‘Asher, as a relative pronoun, “makes a connection or an association.” ‘Asher is also used to “reveal the benefits of the relationship and to present the correct path to walk to get the most out of an upright life.” Ba means “with, by, or against” and huw’ is “him.” And that leaves ‘awah, which in the hifil infinitive speaks of that which is “perverted and twisted” being vividly perpetrated against” Dowd. ‘Awah was not prefixed in the third person, so the subject isn’t the perpetrator but instead the victim.

Wrongly robbing Dowd of all of the prophecies, promises, titles, and attributes Yahowah has ascribed to him, including writing His son out of this sweeping prophecy, was “‘awah – wrong, invalid, and incorrect, indeed, perverse and depraved.” As a consequence, yakach huw’, when scribed in the first person singular hifil perfect reveals that Yahowah is going to engage with Dowd to argue on his behalf. Together, Father and son will deride and chastise those who have perverted God’s testimony to invalidate His relationship with His Chosen Messiah. Yahowah will prove his case by leveling accusations to correct the record regarding him, rebuking and punishing those who remain opposed to what this prophecy represents, even up to the point He is reestablishing His Covenant upon His return.

The punishment will fit the crime. Christians have dethroned Dowd to accommodate “Jesus,” so God will wield the Messiah’s scepter on behalf of the King’s people. Further, those who have plagued God’s people will be plagued in return, their lives destroyed. The timing is even correct, because this is will occur as all of these other things are happening.

198Recognizing that Yahowah is still addressing His son, Dowd, we find Him reinforcing His love for him while revealing His disdain for his adversary, Sha’uwl.

“So then (wa) My steadfast love and enduring mercy (chesed ‘any – My unfailing devotion, affection, and kindness) shall not be taken away from him (lo’ suwr min huw’ – will not be turned aside or removed from him (qal imperfect)) in the manner that (ka ‘asher – in a manner similar the reasons) I rejected it being associated with (suwr min ‘im – I opposed it being corrupted by and thus forsook any connection with the degenerate (hifil perfect)) Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl – Question Him, the name of the wannabe king Saul and self-proclaimed apostle Paul; indistinguishable in the Hebrew text from She’owl | Hell), whom, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – to reveal the correct and restrictive path to get the most out of life), I removed, abolishing (suwr – rejected and cast away, cutting off and forsaking the corrupt degenerate (hifil perfect)) before your appearance (min la paneh ‘atah – from and out of your presence and prior to your approach).” (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:15)

The battle for human souls in general, and for the wellbeing of Yisra’el specifically, is being waged between Dowd | David and Sha’uwl | Paul. Yahowah loves Dowd and has rejected and opposed Sha’uwl. Dowd is the recipient of God’s eternal mercy and Sha’uwl has been forsaken in She’owl | Hell. One is upright, the living embodiment of the way, and the other is a corrupt degenerate.

For those who may claim that this speaks of the former king, then there is a problem. He took his own life. His only legacy is his namesake. God forsook him but did not abolish him. Moreover, Dowd was not a witness to King Sha’uwl’s demise. But Sha’uwl | Paul’s legacy is not only degenerate and corrupt, it will be abolished and removed 199concurrently with Dowd’s return. The Psalms and Prophets are in one accord.

Yahowah’s concluding comments relative to His son, Dowd, were reassuring…

“Moreover, your house (wa ‘aman beyth ‘atah – in addition, your family, household, and home) will remain established, verified and true (‘aman – trustworthy and reliable, steadfast and enduring) and your kingdom and reign (wa mamlakah ‘atah – your sovereign authority and government, your kingship) will exist forever as an eternal witness (‘ad ‘owlam – will provide ongoing testimony forever) in association with My presence (la paneh ‘any – before Me and to approach Me at My appearance). Your throne and place of honor (kise’ ‘atah – your seat shall be afforded the highest status and be that of the one in charge with the authority to govern and your royal dignity) shall exist and be established (hayah kuwn – shall be authenticated and affirmed, lasting) forevermore (‘ad ‘owlam – to provide testimony throughout time).”’ (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:16)

Consistent with all of these words and everything within this revelation, Nathan correctly conveyed them to Dowd.” (Shamuw’el / Listen to Him / 2 Samuel 7:17)

This prophecy was about houses, who builds them and who lives in them. It was about Dowd, who had a home, not “Jesus,” who was homeless. It is all about what God is going to do for, with, and through His beloved son.

When it comes to houses, Yahowah is beside Himself, annoyed to the point that He has made His point in such a vivid way there should not have been a single church, mosque, temple, or shrine called a house of God, and yet men have erected millions of them.

Just as God has never once asked us to worship Him, bow down before Him, or pray to Him, He does not want 200us building houses for Him. The fact is, Yahowah is in the construction business, and His primary expertise is in building the most extraordinary home in the universe for His Covenant Family.

Dowd’s job was hardly done as Paul protested. He has not been replaced. He is the King of Kings forevermore. And this prophecy, which has been focused entirely on Dowd from beginning to end, obliterates the prospect of Replacement Theology. And if that were not enough, consider what follows…

Then King Dowd came, and he sat and remained in the presence of Yahowah. He said, ‘Who am I, Yahowah, my Upright One, and what is my home and family, that You have come with me all this while and brought me here, to this place, now and forever? (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:18)

And yet this was a small thing in Your eyes, Yahowah. You have also given Your Word, speaking of Your coworker’s household and family for a very long time now, beginning in the distant past.

And yet, Yahowah, it is consistent with the Towrah | Instruction and Guidance which Teaches mankind. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:19)

What more beyond this can Dowd communicate for You, Yahowah? You are well-acquainted with and know Your associate. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:20)

For the sake of Your Word and on behalf of this message from You, and consistent with Your judgment, Your character and conscience, You have engaged and acted with regard to all of these extraordinary things for the purpose of enabling the one who works with You to become aware of it, to actually know and understand this, and then to reveal it. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:21)

Therefore, the most rational response is to 201acknowledge Your importance and magnificent ability to empower, expand, and grow, Yahowah, my foundation and support.

For there is no one and nothing that exists like You, and there is no God besides You, according to all that which we have listened to and heard with our ears. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:22)

And who is like Your people, Yisra’el – the one nation on Earth, whom, to lead us along the proper path, God walked to ransom His people, establishing His name and reputation by engaging with them, doing awesome things for Your Land in the presence of Your people whom You redeemed for Yourself from the Crucibles of Oppression in Egypt, from those people and their gods? (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:23)

As a result, You formed and fashioned, establishing for Yourself, Your people, Yisra’el, to be Your family, having related ethnicity, forever as an eternal witness. And You, Yahowah, have been and will remain their God. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:24)

Now, at this time and henceforth, Yahowah, Almighty, it is Your will to establish and eternally confirm as an enduring witness, having decided that it will come to fruition, the Word which leads to the benefits of the relationship that You have communicated concerning the one who has worked with You, serving with You, and with regard to his family and household.

You have decided to act because You actually want to engage, doing exactly as You have said. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:25)

Additionally, Your name will be honored as a reflection of our freewill, and this will continue forever because our eternal witness is to declare, ‘Yahowah, of 202the vast array of spiritual implements, is God over Yisra’el | Before the Individuals who Engage and Endure with the Almighty.’ Therefore, the family and household of Your coworker, Dowd, has been and will always be established before Your presence. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:26)

That is because You, Yahowah, of the heavenly messengers, the God of Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with the Almighty, have communicated this revelation, making it known to the ear of Your associate, saying, ‘I will reestablish for you a home, household, and family.’

As a result, the one who works with You has discovered that which was not previously acknowledged, and through learning has acquired the judgment, character, and conviction to make this declaration to You after considered contemplation, (7:27) ‘Based upon all that has occurred, Yahowah, You are God Almighty. Your words have been, remain, and always will be reliable, trustworthy and true. And You have consistently stated these good and beneficial things to the one working and serving with You. (Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7:28)

Now, it is Your desire to confidently and boldly, and with great determination, kneel down to lift up the household and family of Your associate such that it exists and he endures forever in Your presence.

For indeed, You, Yahowah, have spoken, and with Your favorable treatment and support, the family and household of Your servant shall be lifted up, adored, and blessed forevermore.’” (Shamuw’el / Listen to Him / 2 Samuel 7:29)

The promise to Dowd, and through him to Yisra’el, is unequivocal, non-transferable, non-negotiable, and eternal. It is Yahowah’s decision, and His Word is always reliable. 203Since this declaration is trustworthy and dependable, there is but one way to enter Yahowah’s Home and to become part of His Family – and that is to follow Dowd to this place.

There should be no doubt: Yahowah is going to honor the promises He has made to Dowd and Yisra’el. There is no possibility whatsoever that His commitment to them has changed such that He has taken these promises away and given them to a gentile church.




After this brief intermission, one instructed by the text of the Mizmowr, we return to the voice of the psalmist. This portion of the song was written to counter the absurd notion that the gods of men, such as “Adony,” “the Lord,” “HaShem,” “Allah,” and “Jesus,” are somehow analogous with and comparable to Yahowah. Mankind’s gods were either modeled after the men who created them, were afforded characteristics which were sufficiently fearsome to command obedience, or were compiled by blending a plethora of seemingly plausible, yet irrational, notions.

“The spiritual realms (shamaym) know and appreciate (yadah) Your wonderful contributions (pale’ ‘atah), Yahowah (Yahowah), and also (‘aph) Your trustworthiness (‘emuwnah ‘atah) in the community (ba qahal) of the Set Apart (qodesh). (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:5)

Indeed (ky), who (my) in the heavens (ba ha shamaym) can be equated (‘arak) to (la) Yahowah (Yahowah)? Who is similar to or thinks like (damah) Yahowah (Yahowah) among the children of God (ba ben ‘el)?” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:6)

The one who is equated with Yahowah, the one who thinks like Yahowah, especially among the children of 204God, is Dowd. He is the man after Yah’s heart. The affirmation appears in Shamuw’el / Listen to Him / 1 Samuel 13:14, a passage we will consider later on in these chapters as we seek to refute the ill effects of Christianity.

Yahowah’s contributions are many. He created an enormously large, and yet functional, six-dimensional universe. He conceived life, writing a three-dimensional language to propagate countless possibilities. He gave us freewill and a conscience to wield it. He designed us so that we would be able to understand Him and respond. Then, He not only provided His Towrah and Prophets, He fulfilled His own promises. And in Heaven, He has been preparing His home for our arrival.

Among the most ignorant and irrational notions popularized by man is that “we all worship the same god.” The actual God begs to differ. Religious gods are fundamentally different from one another, and so are their scriptures and names, making this religiously unifying belief ludicrous. Furthermore, the traits common among false gods are universally foreign to Yahowah. Said another way: aligning our thinking with Yahowah necessitates a willingness to reject all religious presumptions.

“He is an inspiring and awesome, a productive and accomplished (‘arats), God (‘el) in a conclave of proper instruction and mutual reliance, an intimate fellowship based upon a foundation of trust (ba sowd) with the Set-Apart Ones (qadowshym), tremendously great, while inspiring reverence and respect (rab wa yare’) beyond all those around Him (‘al kol sabyb).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:7)

To know Yahowah is to respect Him. To understand Yahowah is to revere Him.

“Yahowah (Yahowah), God (‘elohym) of the vast array of spiritual implements (tsaba’), who and what if 205anything (my) is comparable to Your (kamow ‘atah) awesome power and extraordinary gifts (chasyn) which are all around You (sabyb ‘atah), Yahowah (Yahowah), including (wa) Your unwavering commitment to the truth (‘emuwnah ‘atah)?” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:8)

It’s a rhetorical question, and yet as few as one in a million know the simple answer. Most do not even know where to look to find it.

This is now the fourth time we have seen “‘emuwnah – trustworthiness” used to either describe Yahowah or to affirm that it is among His gifts to us. It appears in 89:1, 89:2, 89:5, and now here in 89:8. Not surprisingly, we will encounter ‘emuwnah four more times, in 89:14, 89:24, 89:33, and finally in 89:49, bringing the total to eight – which represents that which is infinite and eternal. Just as Dowd’s life and lyrics provide the antidote for Pauline Christianity, trust is the remedy for faith. Those who know, rely. Those who do not, believe. Trust is empowering, enlightening, and liberating while faith devalues, bewilders, and ensnares.

Having now established the proper vantage point to appreciate Yahowah, the Psalmist specifically targets a pervasive and improper approach, one whose destructive nature arises from the sea – a metaphor for Gowym | Gentiles.

You have conveyed vivid parables (‘atah mashal) over the raging devastation and presumptive arrogance (ba ge’uwth) of the sea (ha yam). When its turbulent and surging waves rise up in deceit (ba nasa’ / nasha’ gal huw’), You will expose them and stop them (‘atah shabach hem).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:9)

The most popular belief systems among Gentiles are Roman Catholicism, Orthodox and Protestant Christianity, Sunni and Shia Islam, Socialist Humanism, and Hinduism. From God’s perspective they are not only presumptive, 206holding unwarranted status, and deceitful, they are predicted to become ever more turbulent. They will collectively rise up and seek to erode Israel based upon the strong undercurrents which have contaminated people’s thinking, deceiving them.

As an example, the majority have been led to believe there is a place called “Palestine” and that oppressive Jews are occupying land which belongs to so-called “Palestinians.” We have endeavored to expose this myth, but only Yah can stop those who perpetrate it.

Now that the stage has been set, the cast must be introduced before the battle begins. And in this drama, there is a villain and a hero…

“You have rejected, humbled, and crushed (‘atah daka’) the contentious pleas and reprehensible nature of (ka ha chalal) the pretentious pride and stormy arrogance of the boisterous afflictor and his false god (rahab – the haughtiness and frenzied activity of the insolent and audacious one who presses his contentious and opposing plea, the defiant and confused musings associated with emboldened verbal calls for religious worship and submission, along with the senseless behavior and insubordinate taunts of the self-willed one who falsely claims Divine authorization in concert with the monstrous sea and idolatry) with Your empowered and fortified (ba ‘oz ‘atah) Arm and Protective Shepherd (zarowa’ – Productive Ram who shepherds the flock, one who prevails because he is effective and strong, fully resolved with the overall ability to accomplish the mission, the remarkably important and impactful individual of action who, as a leader and fighter, is engaged as a shepherd among his sheep, who is fruitful in his ways, especially when sowing the seeds of truth while denoting and advancing the purpose of the arm of God, of His shepherd and sacrificial lamb (speaking of Dowd)), isolating and separating (pazar) Your adversaries (‘oyeb ‘atah).” (Mizmowr / 207Psalm 89:10)

Since Yahowah is not pretentious, when arrogant men such as Sha’uwl | Paul cop an attitude, God finds it annoying. As a result, He is going to crush the conceited, shattering those who seek to defeat His people.

Chalah | reprehensible and rahab | insolent and arrogant are both singular, and thus focused on one person or institution. And yet since chalal addresses that which is profane and thus common, and ka implies a broad association, this individual or institution has had a defiling and fatal influence over millions, if not billions. Their contentious pleas, reprehensible agenda, and deadly consequence have been overwhelming. Moreover, since God’s concern is always for His people, this man and his faithful have sought to harm Yisra’el.

We have a number of options regarding rahab in that Paul, Akiba, and Muhammad all qualify – as does Hadrian. They were presumptuous and pretentious, easily enraged and undisciplined. All four were annoyingly boisterous in their audacious promotion of false gods. Their confused musings and contentious pleas have led to senseless claims the world over. Their effect has been devastating and deadly. Each has inspired frenzied and senseless behavior, as well as an undeserved sense of superiority. All four promoted false gods, religious worship, and submission.

However, since Paul, Akiba, Muhammad, and Hadrian are “chalah – dead,” it is their reprehensible, confused, and fatal religious legacy that Yahowah is going to crush. The leadership and devotees of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and, in particular, Roman Catholicism have been forewarned.

There are three Zarowa’ – Moseh, Dowd, and Yahowsha’ – the mightiest of whom is Dowd. He is the one being deployed to crush Yahowah’s foremost adversaries: the aforementioned religions. This remarkable title is based 208upon “zera’ – to sow seeds.” As we have learned, these seeds can be sown to disseminate the truth and produce nurturing results, including an ample harvest. In addition, zera’ speaks of offspring and conceiving a family. In this way Zarowa’ conveys the fruit of the Towrah and the Miqra’ey, and thus of Moseh, Dowd, and Yahowsha’.

Dowd is the best fit for this role because Yahowah’s Zarowa’ will be “‘oz – an empowered and fortified, mentally acute, physically strong, and psychologically prepared” Shepherd.

The reference to “pazar ‘oyeb – isolating and separating adversaries” could mean that God is going to divide and conquer, separating Muslims from Christians and both from Secular Humanists. It could also indicate that He is going to isolate every party and creed, dispersing them from His presence.

What follows seems to suggest that Yahowah, and He alone, is justified crushing His adversaries because the world is not only His, He must do as He has promised to protect His children. If He did not do so, He would cease to be loving.

“The heavens (shamaym) are Yours (la ‘atah). The material realm (‘erets), the world (tebel), and all that is in it (wa malo’ hy’), is also Yours (‘aph la ‘atah). You laid the foundation for them and created them (‘atah yasad hem). (89:11) The north (tsaphown) and (wa) the south (yamyn), You have created them (‘atah bara’ hem).”

This distinction is important, and yet it is missed by religious adherents. We are not called to rise up and slaughter our oppressors as Akiba’s followers did against Rome with such horrid results. We are not called to be terrorists as Muhammad insists, nor crusaders as popes have pled. Unless it is in self-defense, as was the case with Dowd protecting Yahowah’s family, we should limit our 209attacks to courageously wielding God’s words. He will take care of the rest.

Ridding the world of the influence of religion is not only God’s responsibility, He is the only one who is justified in doing so. We did not create this world nor conceive the life within it, and thus souls are not ours to take.

Religions are deadly, not because Yahowah wants them to act this way, but because the faithful do not listen to God. Their conquests and inquisitions, as well as their intent to subjugate others, are entirely of human design. Therefore, the places where the Chosen People have been scattered and accursed, first by the Romans and then Muslims, will serve as God has intended…

Tabowr | the Broken (tabowr – the shattered, crippled, and crushed, a high hill in Lower Galilee, location of the battle Deborah and Barak waged against the Canaanites, the location where, in 55 CE, 10,000 Yahuwdym were slaughtered by the Romans, and then countless more in 66 CE by Emperor Vespasian, later Muslims and Crusaders fought there) and (wa) Chermown | the Banned and Exterminated (Chermown – the accursed, mutilated, and destroyed, a mountain in the Golan, the site of intense battles in the Six-Day War (1967) and Yom Kippur War (1973) against Muslims, also the location of the palace of Ba’al) shout for joy (ranan) in Your name (ba shem ‘atah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:12)

For those who have suffered, salvation will be especially sweet. Laments will become laughter. Pain and sorrow will turn to joy. And it is the Zarowa’ who will be working alongside Yahowah during this marvelous transformation to make the world a better place.

“Beside You and on Your behalf (la ‘atah), the Protective Shepherd (zarowa’ – the Productive Ram who shepherds the flock, who prevails because he is effective 210and strong, fully resolved with the overall ability to accomplish the mission, the remarkably important and impactful individual of action who, as a leader and fighter is engaged as a shepherd among his sheep, who is fruitful in his ways, especially when sowing the seeds of truth while denoting and advancing the purpose of the arm of God, of His shepherd and sacrificial lamb (speaking of Dowd)) with tremendous power and awesome ability (‘im gabuwrah – with the will to fight and the capacity to perform, who accomplishes what needs to be done, becoming victorious; from gibowr – a mighty warrior, valiant soldier, and capable defender, a hero worth noting) will be Your strong hand (‘azaz yad ‘atah) raised up high (ruwm) at Your right side (yamyn ‘atah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:13)

From Yahowah’s perspective, gabuwrah | accomplishing what needs to be done to protect the Covenant family from billions of angry Gowym, and indeed from themselves, is most reliably accomplished when He remains true to His nature. Therefore, God is not returning alone. He is not coming back with Yahowsha’, the Passover Lamb, but instead with His Protective Shepherd and beloved son. He knows that His people need a gibowr – a capable defender and valiant hero willing to fight for what is right. When it comes to interacting with humankind, God does not work alone.

As a result, shouldn’t we seek to appreciate why Yahowah is returning with Dowd | David instead of alone or with Yahowsha’ | “Jesus?” Why have Christians, Muslims, and Jews taken this honor from Dowd? Why seek to deny God His preference? Why do Christians pray to and worship “Jesus Christ” rather than listen to and learn from the actual Mashyach | Messiah? As a lost sheep, who is better to follow: the Protective Shepherd or the Passover Lamb? It is a simple question with an obvious answer.

There is a reason Dowd’s name appears over one 211thousand other times throughout the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr. Understanding God’s preference helps us appreciate why Yahowsha’ | “Jesus” is never mentioned by name in any prophecy. Obviously, there is a reason more is spoken and written about Dowd, and by Dowd, all meticulously maintained and miraculously preserved in the language it was written and spoken, than anyone else. And yet by comparison we do not possess a single word communicated by Yahowsha’ reliably recorded in the language he spoke.

There is a reason that Dowd was inspired to compose one hundred songs and proverbs teaching us about God, when Yahowsha’ | “Jesus” didn’t write a single word for us to read. Yahowsha’ | “Jesus” cited Dowd’s 22nd Mizmowr | Psalm at the single most important moment of his life, when he was fulfilling his role as the Passover Lamb, because no one knows his sheep better than the Shepherd.

Dowd is the living embodiment of the Covenant, and the Beryth is the only reason we exist. God created the universe and conceived life within it, He authored and fulfilled His Towrah, for Dowd | David and for those who follow in his footsteps, and not for Yahowsha’ | Jesus. If you are looking for God, listen to what was spoken about and written by Dowd. It, like this Mizmowr, exists for this purpose.

“Being correct (tsedeq) regarding executing good judgment and justly resolving disputes (wa mishpat) serves as the foundation (makown) of your throne, your place of honor and respect (kise’ ‘atah).

A loving relationship and genuine mercy (chesed), along with a steadfast commitment to the truth (wa ‘emuwnah), encompass those who enter y/Your presence (qadam paneh ‘atah). (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:14)

Delighted to show the way and blessed (‘ashry) are the people (ha ‘am) who are aware of and acknowledge 212(yada’) Taruw’ah (Taruw’ah – Trumpets, the 5th of 7 Miqra’ey, time to expose corruptions while sharing the truth, blowing the showphar to announce the harvest of Covenant souls), who walk (halak) with the light into Your presence (ba ‘owr paneh ‘atah), Yahowah (Yahowah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:15)

This is who we are. It is what we do.

Everything we have written and spoken these past twenty years is an expression of Taruw’ah, as we have striven to celebrate its purpose. We have sought to shout out a warning, boldly, bluntly, clearly, and loudly telling all who would listen that their religious and political affiliations put them at odds with God. At the same time, we have, as accurately and completely as we are able, shared what Yahowah has had to say about Himself, explaining what He is offering and expects in return. This is the essence of Taruw’ah – the very reason we are asked to celebrate it on the first day of the seventh month each year.

Since Yahowah has heightened our awareness of Taruw’ah, and since we have come to appreciate what it represents and our role in it, let’s see if we can come a little closer to ascertaining its timing. Based upon Yasha’yah / Isaiah 18, we have come to realize that Taruw’ah will be fulfilled after Israel is thinned at the waist in an ill-fated attempt to trade land for peace and yet before the worst of Ya’aqob’s Troubles. This means that it will occur after the fall of 2026 (seven years prior to Yahowah’s return with Dowd) and before the midpoint of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, a little over three years later, leading us to expect that the Harvest of Taruw’ah will occur no later than 2029.

If allowed to continue another 7 years, until 2028 – eighty years after Israel’s rebirth – and just prior to the commencement of the worst of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, then we will fly away. We know these things because we were 213told as much in Mizmowr 90.

For those who may be interested, in 2027, while the new year could begin on Tuesday, March 9th, at sunset, it is more likely to occur on Thursday, April 8, 2027, such that Taruw’ah begins at sundown on Friday, October 1st, a natural Shabat, and concludes prior to sunset on Saturday, October 2nd.

The following year, in 2028, Taruw’ah will be celebrated beginning on Tuesday, September 19th, and will conclude the following afternoon. If it were not for the fact that we will be given everything we need and want, I would encourage Covenant members to pack their bags.

We rejoice because there is vindication in getting Yahowah’s name right.

“In Your name (ba shem ‘atah) they rejoice (gyl) every day (kol ha yowm). And (wa) in Your justice and vindication, by being right (ba tsadaqah ‘atah), they are lifted on high (ruwm).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:16)

The first step we take to knowing Yahowah is to acknowledge and proclaim His name. It is where the path begins to being right regarding who He is, what He is offering, and how we should engage with Him to avail ourselves of His blessings. We do so without hesitation or equivocation.

As he steps forward into Yahowah’s light, the Psalmist cannot resist including himself among those enveloped and adorned in Yahowah’s radiant power.

“Indeed (ky), Your power (‘oz ‘atah) is their adornment (tiph’erth hem) and (wa) our status and radiance (qaran ‘anachnuw) is lifted up (ruwm) by Your desire to be accepting (ba ratsown ‘atah). (89:17) For (ky) our deliverance and protection (magen ‘anachnuw) are from (la) Yahowah (Yahowah).

Accordingly (wa la), the Set-Apart One (qadowsh) 214of Yisra’el (Yisra’el) is our king (melek ‘anachnuw – is our leader, our royal ruler, our authorized authority, and our sovereign).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:18)

Yahowah adorns His Children in a Garment of Light, a perfecting, immortalizing, and empowering adornment provided by the “Ruwach Qodesh – Set-Apart Spirit. It is how the imperfect appear perfect before Yah. It is what makes us acceptable. This Garment of Light not only delivers us safely into Yahowah’s presence, it protects us in the here and now and throughout all time.

Since qadowsh is universally corrupted to “holy” in English Bibles, the “Set-Apart One of Yisra’el, our king,” is rendered “the Holy-One of Israel, our King. This is then taken out of context to infer that our “king” is “Jesus” because religions have made him “Holy.” But this Psalm has been devoted to declaring that Dowd is the one God selected and distinguished, setting him apart from all others to be the king of Yisra’el.

There are, of course, a number of lingering conflicts which must be ignored by Christians to elevate one person over the other. Dowd’s name is ascribed to this prophecy and “Jesus’” is not. Dowd was the King of a unified Yisra’el and “Jesus” had no kingdom to call his own and came at a time when Yahuwdah was all that was left of the nation. Moreover, Dowd was special among Yisra’el, consistent with the text, while Yahowsha’ was set apart from Yahowah. All of this to say: Dowd is the Set-Apart One of Yisra’el, our King.

In a moment we will witness yet another transition from the Psalmist to Yahowah’s voice. God is going to make some extraordinary statements. If your reverence for Yahowsha’ | “Jesus” continues to supersede your respect for what Yahowah has chosen to accomplish through Dowd, you may want to rethink that position.

“At the time (‘az) You spoke (dabar) in a revelation 215(ba chazown) to (la) those whose love for You and commitment to You is unwavering (chasyd ‘atah), saying (‘amar), ‘I have provided (shawah) assistance, supplying what is needed, empowering, equipping, and enabling (‘ezer) on behalf of (‘al) the one with the strength to prevail (gibowr – the mightiest of men, the strong and effective fighter, the valiant and brave warrior, the one who battles; from gabar – to prevail, to be powerful, mighty, and strong, to prove one’s valor, and to be a champion for a virtuous cause).

I have raised up and exalted, empowering (ruwm), the Chosen One (bachar) from (min) the people (‘am).” (89:19)

Yahowah reveals Himself to us through His prophets. These men (chasyd is masculine plural) were chosen as God’s conduits for our benefit based upon their attitude and dedication. In a world filled with billions of souls who neither know Him nor respect Him, who think so little of Him that they have replaced Him with figments of their imagination, Yahowah sought out the forty men and women who respected and appreciated Him for who He really is, men He knew He could trust to be devoted to the relationship and unwavering in their commitment.

Chasyd reveals a number of things about these men and four women that are seldom considered. The worst thing that could have occurred is for one of the select to go rogue, like Miriam, and to go from accurately communicating what Yahowah was revealing through her, to being an independent operator, ad-libbing, presumptuously mixing in, “but I say” along with what Yahowah has revealed. For doing so, Miriam contracted leprosy and a seven-day time out. Had others done so, the result would have been babel | a commingling of right and wrong, thereby denigrating Yahowah’s witness and confounding everyone.

216It is interesting that a second of the four women who were named prophetesses, Noadiah, also went rogue. With 50% of the women and none of the men going off message, it becomes apparent why Yahowah preferred men in the role of prophet. Other than the additional roles performed by Moseh, Dowd, and Yahowsha’, there is no higher calling or greater responsibility.

The baseline requirement for being a prophet is being 100% accurate 100% of the time. For that to occur, the prophet’s devotion to Yahowah must be resolute. They cannot be self-serving, self-aggrandizing, self-motivated, self-reliant, or have an agenda of their own. They can never contradict God nor replace His words, plans, or promises with their own. They must be like Dowd and not like Sha’uwl.

Yahowah does not work alone, but those through whom He works are never alone. Sure, Dowd brought something to the table Yahowah wanted to exploit for His and our benefit. His son was passionate and rational, insightful and reasonable, a good listener and articulate speaker, a lover and a fighter, a man of character who sought to be right, someone who loved to learn and teach. And yet we would never have heard of him, much less benefited from anything he had to say, had Yah not “shawah ‘ezer – enabled him, equipping him to be successful, supplying him with what was required to get this job done.” He did so through His Word and Spirit.

What was unique about Dowd in this regard was that even after being anointed as the Mashyach, even after slaying the giant, even after being appointed King, even after winning every battle, even after becoming wise beyond compare, even after writing one glorious song after another, even after becoming enormously rich, he remained reliant. It is the opposite of what we witness in others cursed with one, much less each of these seeds of arrogance. I share this because it does not matter how much 217Yahowah wants to give if we are not able to receive it without becoming self-willed or self-reliant.

Gibowr, “the strength to prevail” embodied by “the mightiest of men, the most valiant and courageous of men, those men willing to fight for what is right with virtue and valor,” is one of many characteristics which distinguishes Dowd from the rest of us. He was mighty with pen and sword. Beyond this, Dowd was not a pacifist. He did not compromise. He was not diplomatic. He was unapologetic, at least toward other men. He knew right from wrong and would not tolerate any form of deception. He would be crucified in today’s world for being politically incorrect and intolerant. I thought you should know that God obviously likes these qualities in men.

The third insight worthy of our consideration is that Yahowah bachar | chose Dowd. It means that He can and does select the men and women He wants to raise as His children, include in His family, invite into heaven, and work with and through. He did not usurp His son’s freewill. Since Dowd could have said “no” at any time rather than “yes” every time, he was not being controlled. They became the best Father and son team of all time.

“I discovered and then made known, then sought to reap the benefit by inspiring (matsa’) Dowd (Dowd), My coworker (‘ebed ‘any – My authorized agent who works on My behalf; from ‘abad – to work).

Out of (min) My set-apart oil which uniquely distinguishes (shemen qodesh ‘any), I have anointed him (mashach – I have applied the oil, dedicating him to My purpose; the actionable basis of and thus process of becoming the Mashyach | Messiah) (89:20) so that to show the way to the relationship (‘asher) My hand (yad ‘any) will be established and steadfast (kuwn – will be authenticated and sustained, made ready and prepared, be unwavering and persistent) with you (‘im ‘atah).” 218(Mizmowr / Psalm 89:20-21)

By stating that He made Dowd known to us, Yahowah is taking credit for the accounts of his life and copies of his Psalms that have been made available for us to read 3,000 years after they were chronicled and composed. No other 11th century BCE life is as contemporaneously or voluminously documented.

We should be asking ourselves why this is so. Why did God intervene in human affairs in this way, at this time, in this place, and for this man? And since He did so and prevailed with Dowd, why didn’t He do the same for Yahowsha’ who arrived 1000 years thereafter?

This is the most telling contrast between the two lives. We have nothing whatsoever from the lips of Yahowsha’ recorded in the language he spoke, not a word that he wrote, and nothing in any language that was reliably preserved. By contrast, we have more written about and by Dowd than we can process in a lifetime. It was all preserved in the original language, verified and proven to be credible with copious prophecies, conscientiously maintained, and extant among the Dead Sea Scrolls. There were more parchments of his Mizmowr, sealed in ceramics found less than twenty miles from where they were first composed, than anything else, including the Towrah.

The reason for this disparity ought to be obvious. Yahowsha’ was the Passover Lamb. It is a non-speaking role in God’s story. He was not here to change, add, or subtract anything, so there was nothing more to say. As for Dowd, more than anyone in human history, he not only exemplifies what Yahowah is trying to accomplish, he told us how we can achieve the same result.

By calling Dowd His “‘ebed – coworker,” God is giving us the opportunity to understand what He values and wants to accomplish. All we have to do is examine his life and consider his lyrics. Highlights of this search reveal that 219Yahowah wants us to call Him by name and Father, to listen and learn from Him, to share what we have come to know, to become part of His family, to appreciate what He values and to oppose what He disdains, fighting to protect His people while striving to be right. God is attracted to intellect and character, passion and reliability, to those who are not afraid to say what needs to be conveyed, even when it isn’t popular.

By referring to Dowd as “the one who works on My behalf,” Yahowah is reaffirming His predilection to accomplish what needs to be done with us and through us rather than alone. This remarkable fact reinforces His commitment to empower and enrich His children by being personally involved in our lives.

On this occasion, Yahowah is announcing that He did something remarkable for Dowd that He has not done for anyone else – “Out of My set-apart oil which uniquely distinguishes him, I have anointed him.” Whether this is the oil of enlightenment, longevity, healing, protection, nourishment, or preparation for service, may you and I benefit from what remains of it.

There is one thing we should never do, and that is ignore what God has done or, worse, try to take it from this man and give it to another. Yahowah chose to personally anoint Dowd His Mashyach | Messiah. It was God’s decision, and we should respect it, appreciate it, accept and embrace it – capitalizing upon it by reading his 119th Mizmowr, his magnum opus on how to properly observe Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching.

Beyond the fact that this decision was Yahowah’s, and without Him we do not even exist, He did not do this for Dowd’s benefit, but instead for ours. By preparing the Messiah to serve in this way, God’s influence in our lives was established and authenticated, becoming as steadfast and unwavering as the lyrics of this and every Mizmowr. 220Our Heavenly Father’s instructions are collective, and to the whole of Yisra’el, in the Towrah, but in Dowd’s songs it is all personal. The Towrah is the map and Dowd is the guide.

We have long since come to realize that Yahowah chose a shepherd to serve as His Zarowa’. He would protect God’s flock while sowing the seeds of truth such that we would come to appreciate the purpose of the Sacrificial Lamb.

“In addition (‘aph), My Protective Shepherd (zarowa’ ‘any – My Productive Ram who shepherds the flock, who prevails because he is effective and strong, fully resolved with the overall ability to accomplish the mission, My remarkably important and impactful individual of action who, as a leader and fighter, is engaged as a shepherd among My sheep, who is fruitful in his ways, especially when sowing the seeds of truth while denoting and advancing the purpose of the arm of God) shall empower and embolden you, strengthening you, helping you grow (‘amets ‘atah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:21)

There is no need to interpret the text, to extrapolate or speculate. The “Bachar – Chosen One” from among the people, the anointed Mashyach | Messiah, the Son of God, the man Yahowah raised and exalted to work with Him, the very Hand of God and His Zarowa’ | Protective Shepherd, has a name: Dowd. For those willing to listen and engage, his life and lyrics will “‘amets ‘atah – help you grow, empowering and emboldening you.”

For God’s sake and yours, if you haven’t already done so, it’s well past time that we all accept and acknowledge Dowd’s special place in our lives and with God. If anyone holds the keys to Heaven, it is this man. It is his home and his family as well as his Father’s, and it is his throne and his kingdom which will exist therein, forevermore.

221“The Adversary (‘oyeb – the hostile opposition, the enemy, the one with animosity, enmity, and rancor (masculine singular)) will not nullify him (showa’ – will not negate his value nor annul his position or purpose) and (wa) the Son of Evil (ben ‘awlah – the Son of Wickedness, the Child of Malice and Injustice, the Seed of One who is Wrong, Harmful, and Damaging to Others; from ‘awal – evil) shall not deny him nor denigrate him (lo’ ‘anah huw’ – shall not silence him nor stop him, will not negate his answers nor nullify his responsive declarations).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:22)

Showa’ wasn’t chosen by happenstance, nor was ‘awlah. Showa’ is used in the 3rd Statement Yahowah etched in stone to say that He would not forgive anyone who sought to nullify or negate the value of His name. He is not going to allow the Adversary, nor the Son of Evil, to denigrate or silence Dowd, either.

As for ‘awlah, it was used in Chabaquwq | Habakkuk 2:12 to reveal that Sha’uwl | Paul, the Plague of Death, would build an evil edifice. Yahowah is tying each of these clues together for us so that we might understand Satan’s desire to degrade Yahowah’s Chosen. God does not want us fooled into trivializing the son of God nor into worshiping the Son of Man.

While the Adversary, as ha Satan, is singular, as is his prodigy, the Son of Evil, when working together as they did to conceive Christianity, they become “tsary – adversarial foes.” Interestingly, there are only three prominent individuals who claimed to speak for God while admitting to being demon-possessed: the people’s choice, King Sha’uwl | Saul, the wannabe Apostle and false prophet, Sha’uwl | Paul, and the self-acclaimed Messenger of God, Muhammad.

However, since the Plague of Death was explicitly named Sha’uwl in Chabaquwq / Habakkuk, it does not take 222a genius to ascertain which of these nefarious fellows earned the title “Son of Evil.” More to the point, Sha’uwl’s name will soon appear within this Mizmowr, eliminating any doubt as to the identity of the Wicked Child.

May we applaud Yah. The title is fitting.

It is stupefying that no one has bothered to ask: if Sha’uwl | Paul is as he claims, if he is the lone Apostle to the Gentile world, why are all of the prophetic references to him decidedly negative? Why isn’t there a single positive comment about the principal author of the Christian New Testament to be found anywhere in prophecy? If it is Sha’uwl that we should be listening to, why is Dowd, the man whose status and testimony Paul sought to annul, featured in more prophecies than everyone else combined? If Paul is telling the truth and Dowd is lying, why is it that Paul consistently misquotes and contradicts God while Yahowah proclaims that Dowd is right?

Why is Sha’uwl’s name synonymous with She’owl? Why does it mean, “Question Him?” Why is he a Benyamite | Son Headed South to the Sea of Gentiles and a wolf if he is to be believed? Why does Dowd’s name mean “Beloved?” Why is he from Yahuwdah | Loved of Yah? And why does Yahowsha’ cite him and not Paul if Dowd is to be ignored?

Why, if we are not supposed to value his contribution to our lives, is Dowd afforded the most meaningful titles by God, Himself: from the Chosen One to the Set-Apart One, from the Son of God to the Right Hand of God, from Messiah to King, and from the Branch to the Protective Shepherd? Why is Dowd accompanying Yahowah upon His return, and then presented ruling the world, if his life and testimony are to be discounted? Why are the only titles God associated with Sha’uwl | Paul the Father of Lies, the Son of Evil, and the Plague of Death if there is anything 223good or right about him?

Asked another way, since the Book of Acts claims that Paul was such a big shot, such a persuasive orator and prolific writer, a man who traveled throughout the Greco-Roman world, the best student of Gamaliel, the leading Rabbi of the day, and a man who supposedly met with numerous kings along the way, why isn’t there a single reference to him in any of the communities or nations he visited? Having given speeches before provincial governors, kings, and emperors, why didn’t a court scribe record his message? Why wasn’t the Christian globetrotter mentioned by Tacitus, Pliny, or Josephus, or even by a rabbi? Why is Paul’s written account of his life in Galatians so incompatible with the story he told Luke in Acts? Why did he die miserable and alone, rejected by all he sought to influence? What did those who listened to Paul and rejected him realize what Christians fail to recognize today?

Rest assured, Yahowah was fully briefed on Sha’uwl | Paul’s irrational and pathetic attempts to disparage His son, and was vocal in submitting His unyielding rebuke. The Plague of Death must be vanquished.

Standing up for the one who stood with Him, Yah reveals…

“And so (wa) I will pulverize and crush (kathath) his foes, especially those who seek to constrain and restrict him (tsary huw’). Then (wa) from of his presence (min paneh huw’), I will smite and then destroy (nagaph) those who shun him by attempting to decrease his status, especially those who are openly hostile in their derision (sane’ huw’).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:23)

Empirically, having dissected, compared, and analyzed much of what Sha’uwl | Paul said and wrote, it is apparent that the principal author of the Christian New Testament was not only replacing Dowd with his god-man, 224Iesous Christos – Jesus Christ,” but was decreasing Dowd’s status to elevate his own. This becomes all the more obvious when we scrutinize Paul’s spoken and written assessment of Dowd, the first in Acts and the second in Romans.

With Replacement Theology, before the Church was said to have replaced Israel, “Jesus” was afforded what belonged to Dowd. Had this not occurred, a thoughtful assessment of the Psalms would have undermined Paul’s New Testament, obliterating his credibility in the process.

Yahowah’s perceptions of Dowd are steadfast…

“Therefore (wa), My steadfast commitment to the truth (‘emuwnah ‘any – My trustworthiness and unrelenting honesty, the realization that I am reliable and dependable, unchanging and without contradiction, resolute and unwavering) and (wa) My love, devotion, and enduring favoritism, My unfailing affection and genuine mercy (chesed ‘any), are with him (‘im huw’).

In My name (wa ba shem ‘any) his light will radiate and enlighten (qaran huw’).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:24)

Dowd | David, like Yahowah, shares an unwavering commitment to the truth. By looking at one we see the other. Seen together, they encapsulate the Towrah and emulate the Covenant.

Since God is unwavering in His commitment to the truth, He could not have inspired the contradictory message found in the Christian New Testament – especially since it annuls much of what He claimed would be consistently reliable. Since the God of the Torah is genuinely loving and merciful, the “Gospel of Grace” is without merit. If it conveys the same message as that found in the Towrah (which it does not), it becomes superfluous. If its message differs (and it does), for it to be true, the statement God just made must be false.

225Dowd’s status with God is both special and secure.

“He shall call out to Me and welcome Me, announcing (huw’ qara’ ‘any), ‘You are my Father (‘ab ‘any ‘atah)!’ (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:26)

I (‘any), also (‘aph), will appoint him (nathan huw’) My Firstborn (bakowr ‘any), the highest of all (‘elyown) of the kings and rulers (la melek) of the earth (‘erets). (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:27)

For all eternity (la ‘owlam) I will keep watch over him, paying very close attention to him (shamar la huw’).

My unwavering love, unrelenting devotion, enduring affection, and genuine mercy (chesed ‘any) as a part of My Family-Oriented Covenant agreement (wa beryth ‘any) are truthfully presented and will reliably endure with him (‘aman la huw’ – are established and verifiable, confirmed and credible, upheld and everlasting, especially real for him and through him).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:28)

It all begins with qara’. Yahowah has “invited us to meet with Him.” God has “called us out” of this world so that we can be “welcomed” into His. By “reading and reciting” the Word of God, we find our Father “summoning us” to His side. When we “call out to Him, inviting Him into our lives,” He “answers our proclamation” with one of His own – the promises He has made to us in His Towrah.

Bakowr | Firstborn is the only meaningful title, apart from the Pesach Ayl | Passover Lamb that I thought would remain Yahowsha’s alone. I had seen Bikuwrym in year 4000 Yah (the 4th and 5th of April, 33 CE) when, what I had once thought was Yahowsha’s nepesh | soul reunited with Yahowah’s ruwach | Spirit, as the fulfillment of the Miqra’, making Yahowsha’ Yahowah’s Firstborn. But I appear to have been wrong in one way and perhaps right in another. 226Yahowah was honoring His promise to enable the benefits of Bikuwrym on this day. However, because it was, as we have subsequently surmised, Yahowah’s soul, the resulting union was not His son that was manifest this day.

The distinction of being the first and foremost among the Covenant’s children is Dowd’s. He is Yahowah’s Bakowr. What’s more, Yahowah “nathan huw’ – gave him” the title Bakowr | Firstborn as a gift. It also means that Dowd’s inheritance will be greater than other members of the Covenant family. And that is as it should be since he has all of the responsibility and we get to enjoy the benefits.

According to God, Dowd is King of Kings, “‘elyown – enjoying the highest and most exalted in status, rank, and position” of the “la melek – kings and rulers” of the earth. And while that may sound like a more impressive title, Bakowr | Firstborn of God is far superior.

This also gives entirely new meaning to Revelation 19: “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And he who sat on him was called Faithful [‘emuwnah] and True [tsadaq], and in righteousness he judges and makes war. (19:11) His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns. He had a name written [Dowd] that no one knew except himself. (19:12) He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God. (19:13) And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed him on white horses. (19:14) Now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it he should strike the nations. And he, himself, will rule them with a rod of iron. He, himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. (19:15) And he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written: King of Kings.” (Revelation 19:11-16)

What Christians have presumptuously claimed for their “Christ” was actually written, should it have been 227inspired, on behalf of Yahowah’s Mashyach | Messiah, the true King of Kings. As Yahowah’s Gibowr, Dowd will be riding the white horse. He is the one Yahowah has called ‘Emuwnah and Tsadaq. He is God’s righteous warrior and Right Hand of Judgment. And do not be taken aback by the “flames of fire” because as we shall discover in this Mizmowr | Psalm, Dowd shall “appear as the sun before Yahowah.”

It is Dowd’s name which few know, preferring to relegate “David” to a time long past, with many denying his very existence. It was even the blood Dowd shed protecting his people, and then the blood of those he will eliminate, that will appear on his robe upon his return. More than anyone else, Dowd wrote the Word of God.

Upon his return, Dowd will strike the Gentile nations, ending their rule with a rod of iron – a reference to smiting what Rome has come to represent. It is even Yahowah’s vineyard that Dowd was asked to tend.

When we explore everything beryth represents, we come to appreciate that we are family and have been invited home. We will be as Dowd – the firstborn son of God. According to God, Dowd is the most interesting man in the world. We devalue him and Yah’s relationship with him, his life and lyrics, at our peril.

Based upon what Yahowah has to say about Dowd, it is prudent that we listen to him and follow his example.

“And I will establish (wa sym) his seed, that which he sows, and his offspring (zera’ huw’), as an eternal witness forever (la ‘ed | ‘ad).

And (wa) his throne (kise’ huw’) shall be equated to the days of heaven (ka yowm shamaym).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:29)

If we wish to be there with him, it’s important that we realize that, where there is freewill, there are choices to be 228made and alliances to be established and broken. Dowd chose wisely, electing to closely examine and carefully consider Yahowah’s Towrah. His 119th Mizmowr | Psalm, the twenty-two-stanza alphabetic presentation of the Towrah, remains the crowning achievement of his life.

“However, if (‘im) his children (beny huw’) continue to forsake, ignore, or reject (‘azab) My Towrah | Teaching and Guidance, Instruction and Direction, and (wa) make a habit of failing to walk (wa lo’ halak) according to My means to justly resolve disputes (ba mishpat ‘any), (89:30) if (‘im) they perpetually view My clearly communicated prescriptions for living with contempt (chuqah ‘any chalal), and further (wa), if they consistently fail to observe the instructive terms of the relationship (mitswah ‘any lo’ shamar), (89:31) then (wa) I will hold them accountable (paqad) with the measure (ba shebet) of their rebellion (pesha’ hem).

The consequence of their deviation from the way and of their wrongdoing (‘awon hem) will be a pestilence which causes widespread death (ba nega’).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:32)

Souls who forsake the Towrah, die. The consequence of ignoring Yah’s Teaching is to endure the plague of death. To reject God’s Guidance, as Paul has done, is to be held accountable. There is no substitute and no getting around it, not with the Talmud or Gospels, and most certainly not with the Qur’an.

For those who would take what was promised to Dowd and apply it to “Jesus Christ,” and for those who would advocate for the existence of a “New Covenant” as chronicled by the likes of Sha’uwl | Paul in his “New Testament,” this will either change their mind or they are out of their mind…

“Accordingly (wa), My unwavering love, enduring devotion, unmitigated affection, and genuine mercy 229(chesed ‘any) I will never remove from him (lo’ parar min ‘im huw’) because I will never communicate something which is not true nor will I ever contradict (wa lo’ shaqar ba) My steadfast commitment to the truth (‘emuwnah ‘any). (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:33)

I will never dishonor, nor will I create loopholes which violate the nature of (lo’ chalal) My Covenant (beryth ‘any – My Family, My Home, and My Relationship Agreement) nor will I ever alter nor change (wa lo’ shanah – and I will never rearrange, modify, nor adjust) that which has gone forth from (mowtsa’) My lips (saphah ‘any). (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:34)

There is only one (‘echad) to whom I have affirmed the truth by having made a promise (shaba’) by My Set-Apart nature (ba qodesh ‘any). If not to (‘im la) Dowd (Dowd), I will be proven a liar (kazab).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:35)

It is Christians who have called God a liar through their New Testament. They have replaced Yahowah’s Covenant with one of their own – poking holes in His in the process. It is Christianity which has transferred the promises made to Dowd and to Yisra’el such that they were errantly bequeathed to “Jesus Christ,” and through this misnomer to themselves. Shame on you for believing and promoting contradictions of Yahowah’s testimony, for undermining the measure of His mercy, and the reliability of His testimony.

There will be no loopholes for a “Gospel of Grace,” for “Salvation by Faith,” for a “New Testament,” for “Jesus Christ” being “the Messiah,” “the Son of God,” or “the King of Kings.” To claim otherwise is to call God a liar.

Continuing to affirm His love and respect for Dowd, Yahowah continues…

“His offspring and that which he sows (zera’ huw’) 230shall exist and endure (hayah) forever (la ‘owlam). And (wa) his place of honor (kise’ huw’) shall be as (ka) the sun (ha shemesh – the sunlight) before Me and as My counterpart (neged ‘any). (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:36)

Like (ka) the moon (yareach), it shall be established (kuwn) for a very long time (‘owlam), serving as an enduring and reliable (‘aman) witness (‘ed) in the sky (ba ha shachaq).

Pause now and contemplate what you have just read (selah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:37)

Not only are His affirmations of His promises to Dowd absolute, non-negotiable, and non-transferable, there is yet another attribute wrongly ascribed to Yahowsha’ that has been promised to Dowd. Based upon the Christian New Testament, we would expect to see Yahowsha’ returning in the likeness of a star – and yet it is Dowd who will be afforded this honor. Yahowah is returning with the Shepherd not the Lamb.

Christians can take their Madonna and Child, her baby ‘Jesus,’ their dead god on a stick, and their ‘Second Coming’ and stick them where the sun don’t shine, because they do not belong in Yah’s world.

At long last, we have reached the transition from benefit to consequence within the Mizmowr that was alluded to in Shamuw’el / 2 Samuel 7. After all of these years of trying, we have finally come to understand this most intriguing of prophecies. And prior to this time, we were ill-equipped to process what follows.

More perhaps than even Ya’aqob, Dowd is Yisra’el. The promises made to him were made to them, from being the children of God and heirs to the Covenant, to being recipients of the Land. His joys and heartaches, his ongoing battles with gowym, his insights and confusion, the benefits he enjoyed in concert with the Covenant and the 231consequences he endured when he ran afoul of it, are all shared with the nation he shepherded.

It was in concert with Dowd representing Yisra’el, and of Yisra’el’s contribution to annulling the truths we have just considered, that these words were prophetically inscribed in parallel with 2 Shamuw’el 7. After all, while Christians have done this, so has Yisra’el…

“But now (wa) you have refused to accept (zanach) and (wa) you have rejected by diminishing the merit of, even over time becoming averse to (ma’as), your Messiah (Mashyach ‘atah), improperly, and on your own initiative, meddling while presumptuously passing over (‘abar) any association with him (‘im)!” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:38)

Yahowah’s phrasing and timing are impeccable. He has affirmed this reality so many times and ways it is befuddling that as few as one in a million Yahuwdym acknowledge Dowd as such and nearly four billion Gowym bequeath the Greek variation of this title on another. After enduring 2000 years of harassment for failing to accept “Jesus” as their Messiah, turns out Jews were correct. Now it is time to recognize the Mashyach for who he truly is so that the family can be reconciled.

If you are a descendant of Ya’aqob, pause now and reflect upon this. Much of what religious and secular Jews have claimed regarding Dowd | David and have alleged on behalf of the Christian Christ is untrue, upended, and reversed. Accept the realization that Dowd | David is the Mashyach | Messiah. Do not pass over him in an ill-conceived attempt to give Yahowsha’ | “Jesus,” the lamb, what the shepherd is due.

Yahuwdym have been plagued over the centuries by Christians who believe that “Christ” was the Messiah and then blame Jews for failing to accept him and then killing him. Turns out, there never was any rational basis for a 232Messiah named “Jesus Christ,” no reason for the religion of Christianity, no value in a “New Testament,” nor any merit in calling oneself a “Christian.”

Second only to removing Yahowah’s name 7000 times from His testimony in the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr and replacing it with the Adversary’s name and title, “the Lord,” the mistaken identity of the Mashyach has caused more harm to Yahuwdym | Jews than any other. They ought not to have been looking to the future for a Messiah to save them when he had been the most prominent and protective man in their past. Yahowsha’s name would not have been changed to “Jesus Christ,” and Christianity’s “New Testament” would have been stillborn, had the actual identity and purpose of Yahowah’s Messiah been known.

In that it has been noted by Yahowah, let’s affirm a heartbreaking reality: Jews have been their own worst enemy. The hitpael stem modifying “‘abar – by improperly, and on your own initiative, meddling while presumptuously passing over” your Messiah, proves it. This stem reveals that the religious have “unjustifiably passed right by him in antipathy, somehow displeased with his affairs, all while acting on their own initiative,” and thus not God’s. Equally telling, ‘abar is the basis of Pesach and thus Passover, equating the rejection of the Messiah with foregoing the purpose of the Miqra’.

On behalf of Yahuwdah and Yisra’el, even the Gowym who are listening: accept and embrace the Beloved Mashyach and Melek as your brother and as God’s son, even as your shepherd. Listen to Yahowah’s Bachar | Chosen One, the Qadowsh | Set-Apart One of Yisra’el and concur with him because, when it comes to God, Dowd is right.

As for religious Jews, it is a perplexing irony. Wearing black and bobbing their heads up and down as if to shake some sense into themselves in minyan | minions, they recite 233Dowd’s Mizmowr from rote directly into the stones of Herod’s wall. If only they would consider what he had to say instead. If only their heads were not as hard as the Edomite’s wall, some of what they recite might actually penetrate their thick skulls. But alas, it is not to be. Dowd’s Mizmowr and Yahowah’s Dabar are for the non-religious and unpretentious.

Continuing to speak to Yisra’el, and to those whom the religions they begot have debased, especially to those who have been beguiled by Sha’uwl | Paul into believing in a “New Covenant,” Yahowah declares…

“You have repudiated and renounced (na’ar) the Covenant (beryth) with your coworker (‘ebed ‘atah), dishonoring and defiling (chalal) his dedication and preparation, even his consecration and crown (nezer huw’ – his uncommon ability to separate himself, demonstrate his unparalleled devotion, and show his respect; the basis of Nazarite).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:39)

With the conditions of His Covenant so liberating and uplifting, with the benefits so enriching and empowering, and with Him proving that His promises are reliable, why disavow and replace what God is offering with a human construct? Not only is the Christian replacement inferior, in that it only offers forgiveness and eternal life, it is unsupported by the God who, through His own Covenant, is offering so much more: eternal life, perfection, adoption, enrichment, and empowerment. While the Christian replacement only has one requirement, “believe,” it is about as useful as hoping Zeus will give you a ride on his unicorn.

Everything of value to Yahowah and cherished by Him is set apart and thus uncommon. Nothing is further from God than that which is commonplace, such as religion and government. By virtue of its popularity alone, the “New Covenant” is a nonstarter.

234For those who may be protesting, saying that they have not repudiated Dowd because they honor David by having chosen to fly a flag emblazoned with his star, be aware that there was never a Star of David and David is not his name. Creating a false caricature of a man in this manner degrades his authentic nature. It is akin to alleging that Tunic Flufferson, instead of Thomas Jefferson, was essential to the French Revolution because he drew popular cartoons rather than authoring the Declaration of Independence. It would be like insisting that Thomas Jefferson’s insights on limiting the influence of government and religion, while disavowing central banks and established militaries, should not be considered because he had sexual relations with one of his slaves. It is akin to calling Yahowsha’ “Jesus Christ” and then modeling the resulting caricature after Dionysus.

For Christians, nezer / nazar (“dedicated and prepared”) is the basis of Nazarite. It was upon a corruption of this term that the Roman Church coined the phrase “Jesus of Nazareth,” writing it into their New Testament. The problem with this assumption is threefold. His name was not “Jesus.” He was not a “Nazarite.” And Nazareth did not exist during his lifetime. And yet, there actually is a nezer connection with Dowd because he is the branch.

A little explanation may be helpful as we consider the next statement. The sheepfold whose walls have been torn down represents barriers around the Covenant which were designed to keep the religious, political, conspiratorial, and ignorant out…

“Within the Land (la ha ‘erets) you have broken down and destroyed, having breached (parats) his entire sheepfold and all of its walls (kol gaderah huw’).

You have caused (sym) the undoing, degradation, and destruction (machatah) of his fortifications (mibtsar huw’).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:40)

As a rebuke to every religion, Yahowah has 235deliberately restricted access to His Covenant, effectively keeping the religious and political out. God has set as His conditions for entry, and yet men like Akiba and Paul have sought to annul the Almighty’s requirements and make their own. It is why the way is narrow and restrictive which leads to life and the path is wide open and broad which results in death and destruction.

The Garden of ‘Eden had walls. They were not there to keep ‘Adam and Chawah locked inside as if they were prisoners, but instead to keep the rest of humankind out because they were religious and did not belong. The Gan | Protective Garden Enclosure of ‘Eden | Great Joy was, as the name implies, fun, because the curmudgeons were excluded. And as was ‘Eden, so will be Shamaym. As was God’s relationship with Dowd, so it will be with all of the Covenant’s children.

Fathers do not take kindly to gangs who abuse their son, especially when this Father had given this son the keys to His kingdom…

“All who pass by this way (kol ‘abar derek) plunder him (shasas huw’). It has become such that (hayah) he is scorned and abusively ridiculed (cherpah) by those who claim some affinity with him (la shaken huw’).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:41)

Claiming to have an affinity with “David” is common. His name appears in the New Testament, Talmud, and Qur’an. Similarly, Christians, Jews, and Muslims, with wholly contradictory belief systems, all claim to be Abrahamic religions even though they misrepresent ‘Abraham’s legacy. Claiming similar origins, their gods share nothing in common. Christians are particularly guilty, lugging the “Old Testament” with its tribute to Dowd | David around with their new one which robs him of his dignity. They claim an affinity for the boy who slew the giant and who sang the 23rd Psalm, not knowing that 236Goliath was a Philistine and that it is Yahowah, for whose name’s sake the song was written.

Speaking of the religious, whether they be pilgrims or refugees, crusaders or jihadists, God says…

“You have lifted up and exalted (ruwm) the upper hand (yamym) of his foes and adversaries, especially those who try to constrain it and limit him (tsar). You have caused all those who demonstrate animosity toward him and rancor (kol ‘oyeb) to be delighted (samach).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:42)

It was Jews who gave the upper hand to those who would later seek to destroy them. The four most toxic belief systems were all founded and abetted by Jews: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Multicultural, Politically Correct, Socialist Secular Humanism.

The problem for Christians is as simple as it is profound. Without the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms, they have no God and no credibility. But with them, they are a jumble of contradictions.

“What’s worse, in addition (‘aph), you have deliberately turned away from (shuwb) what he has chiseled in stone (tsuwr chereb huw’) such that (wa) you do not stand with him or support him (quwm huw’) in this conflict (ba ha milchamah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:43)

Dowd did not engrave the Ten Statements memorialized on the Two Stone Tablets, but what he wrote was inscribed to endure the test of time. God’s prophets are not equipped with erasers. What they have written was, and forever will be, true.

There has been a war of words for the past three thousand years: to Dowd or not to Dowd. It is the ultimate question because where we stand with Dowd characterizes where we stand with God.

237“His brilliance and splendor (tahar huw’) and his position of honor (wa kise’ huw’) you have truncated (shabath) because (min) you have hurled it to the ground (la magar ha ‘erets). (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:44)

You have cut short, curtailing the ability to accomplish the mission, depreciating his essential nature (qatsar) during the days (yowmym) of his youth (‘aluwmym huw’). You have shamefully covered him over, dishonoring him by lowering his status and washing away his purpose (‘atah ‘al huw’ buwshah). Take a moment and consider the implications (selah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:45)

God is annoyed, disgusted that His beloved son, the man He chose, the king He anointed, has been so summarily and universally discounted.

At this time the Psalmist asks a rhetorical question. It is not for Yah to answer but for us to ponder. While the interval of time being questioned was of God’s choosing, being unknown for this long was counter to everything He intended. He has done His part, making it relatively easy for those who are serious in their pursuit to know Him. He has provided, and simultaneously validated, His revelation to us. Within it we are given everything we need to know to engage in a relationship with Yahowah, to be invited into His Home as part of His Family. The reason that so few have availed themselves of this marvelous opportunity is that religion and government, militarism and conspiracy, have gotten in the way, obscuring the view and cluttering the path.

“For how long (‘ad mah), Yahowah (Yahowah), will You remain hidden and unknown to most (sathar)? Will Your displeasure and antagonism (chemah ‘atah) burn like a fire (ba’ar kamow ‘esh) forever (la netsach)?” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:46)

Time does not flow for Him as it does for us. The 2382500-year interval from the last of His acknowledged prophets, Malaky, could have passed as we would perceive days. Unlike creatures bound to the earth, Yahowah, as a Spiritual Being, determines how He experiences time, varying the pace of its flow to suit His needs. The nineteen to twenty centuries which have crawled past since Yahowsha’ walked among us and Yahowchanan wrote the books which have been associated with him, if indeed he wrote them, and to the extent they reflect some of what he said, during which Yahowah has been largely unknown, was by design.

God would have known the full extent of this void in His communication with His people the moment ‘Adam and Chawah were expelled from the Garden of ‘Eden. Six laborious days would transpire before His creation would be invited back inside.

We are nearing the conclusion of this interval, and so to some extent we know how much longer Yahowah will remain “hidden and unknown” to His people. While we realize that He is returning on Yowm Kipurym, the Day of Reconciliations, in year 6000 Yah (October 2nd at sunset, 2033 in Yaruwshalaim), He is becoming known again by Name and Word.

Such is the stated purpose of His choter | stem, His nakry | observant foreigner, and His nes | banner – all of which are focused on His words and people. Within less than a decade we should expect ‘ElYah | Yah is God and another witness of Yah’s choosing to let the world know just how displeased He is with humankind. And so, it gets personal, as it should with all of us…

“For how short is the futile and empty life (cheled ‘al mah showa’) of all of the children of men (kol ben ‘adam) which You have created (bara’) that You have chosen to remember me (zakar ‘any)?” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:47)

239Yahowah initiates the relationships He desires to form, leaving our response subject to our own freewill. He picks and chooses from among the few men and women He has encountered along life’s way. Those He reaches out to must amuse Him, impress Him, or just pique His interests in some way. And yet, we all have something in common, in that each has walked away from religion and politics prior to Yah’s introduction. We are all willing to listen, even go where He is leading.

The reason so few know Him is because men like Sha’uwl | Paul have plagued the world with their lies. Therefore, just as Sha’uwl | Paul was called out by name and condemned as the Plague of Death in Chabaquwq | Habakkuk, the Son of Evil is similarly identified in the 89th Mizmowr | Psalm. It is his hand, and those he duped, who wrote the New Testament’s most deadly tomes.

“What man (my geber) can live (chayah) and (wa) never see (lo’ ra’ah) death as a result of the plague (maweth), saving his soul (malat nepesh huw’) from the hand (min yad) of Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl – Question Him, the Benjamite wolf in sheep’s clothing who, as a result of being demon-possessed, changed his name to reflect his affinity with Rome, becoming Paul, the principal author of the Christian New Testament, the Father of Lies and the Son of Evil)? Pause now and consider what this implies (selah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:48)

This is addressing Sha’uwl, the man, not She’owl, the place. She’owl does not have hands nor influence. The place of separation can neither plague us nor kill us. In fact, She’owl, as the place of eternal incarceration, is the antithesis of death for those who endure it. As a Black Hole, nothing reaches out from She’owl.

However, it was the hand of Sha’uwl which wrote the fourteen epistles which have plagued mankind, in addition to inspiring Mark, Luke, Matthew, and Acts, in addition to 240those who copyedited John to synchronize the text. It is under his influence that Christianity was conceived and popularized among Gowym. He is the master manipulator behind diminishing Dowd’s influence, the hand that has sought to denigrate the Mashyach such that he could replace him.

Sha’uwl | Paul has plagued far more people than the billions of souls who were coerced or beguiled into placing their faith in the religion he fathered at the behest of Satan. Without the Son of Evil and the Father of Lies, Gowym would not have come to blame nor hate Jews sufficiently to cause Rome (which was where Paul’s allegiance lay) to massacre and enslave the Chosen People, robbing Yahuwdym of their homeland. The Roman Catholic Church, which was based upon Paul’s letters, would not have propagated the anti-Semitic culture and conspiracies which culminated in the Holocaust without Paul’s jealousy and covetousness.

Even Muhammad would never have succeeded in establishing a religion predicated upon anti-Semitism without the foundation laid by his predecessor. And without Paul’s propensity to promote a cult following and promulgate ignorance such that they became commonplace, the growth of Multicultural Socialist Secular Humanism would have been truncated. The impetus behind Socialist Secularism was predicated upon capitalizing on what Paul had done in Romans to sanction the imposition and integration of government.

Sha’uwl | Paul has become the Chosen People’s fiercest and most embittered adversary. He is responsible for the death of more souls than anyone who has ever lived. Escaping his grasp is difficult, and often impossible, as the integrated religious and political scheme he concocted has tread upon the entire world – suppressing truth and impeding freedom.

241The Devil’s Advocate has been named, but Sha’uwl | Paul did not get top billing. Returning to Dowd | David, the Psalmist why so many have overlooked God’s love for His son…

“Where (‘ayeh) is Your unwavering love and enduring mercy (chesed ‘atah) which was expressed first and foremost right from the beginning (ri’shown) which You promised (shaba’) to Dowd (la Dowd), in harmony with Your steadfast commitment to being trustworthy and reliable (‘emuwnah ‘atah), my Upright One (‘edown ‘any)?” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:49)

The Pauline perspective on the Towrah and its God is wholly incompatible with the stories presented therein. Yahowah’s love is unwavering and His mercy is enduring. The hallmark of His character is His steadfast commitment to being trustworthy and thus reliable. He does not change and cannot change. He is what He has said of Himself. And thus, those like Sha’uwl | Paul who claimed otherwise are liars. And those who believe that God inspired a man to contradict Him and change everything He represents are idiots.

To encourage us not to discount him or replace him with another, this is the fourth time Dowd’s name has appeared in the 89th Mizmowr (89:3, 89:20, 89:35, and 89:49). By contrast, Yahowah’s name only appears twice and, even then, just in the concluding lines of the Song.

In his next request, the Psalmist asks of Yah what I have often requested of Him. Those who have denigrated and harassed His People ought to be held accountable. The fairest and most effective way for that to occur is to compile and act upon a record of their crimes.

“Choose to remember, and elect to be mindful of (zakar), the contemptible and condescending taunts and the dishonorable and deplorable decrees which were determined (cherpah) by the preponderance of the 242people (kol rabym ‘am) against those who work with You (‘ebed ‘atah) which I have now brought to bear (nasa’ ‘any) in my best judgment (ba heq).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:50)

‘Eythan the ‘Ezrachy has laid out the case against Sha’uwl | Paul, one that will be used to convict him. Like so many of us who have come to love Yah, we are not neutral or unbiased. We want justice for those who have been abused and accountability for their abusers. He wants Yah to expose and condemn Sha’uwl based upon the evidence he has marshaled against him. So do I.

This was written to affirm Yahowah’s love for Dowd and to reveal His animosity toward Sha’uwl | Paul, but it is more than that because Satan has also used the likes of Akiba and Hadrian, Muhammad and Hitler, to oppose Yahowah’s witnesses. The Christian New Testament and the Roman Catholic Canon, the Talmud and the Qur’an, even Mein Kampf, are not only counter to Yahowah, they are bewildering – which was their purpose. It is a great insult to God and to those who have worked with Him to suggest that the Almighty authorized and inspired men to default on His promises and revoke His testimony. Do not believe them. Do not worship their gods.

“That is because (‘asher) those in open opposition to You (‘oyeb ‘atah), Yahowah (Yahowah), are insulting with their bewildering derision and improperly discerned contempt, causing people to think irrationally, confounding them through blasphemy (charaph), which is why (‘asher) they are confused, responding improperly by ridiculing and defying (charaph) the beneficial and trustworthy footsteps (‘aqeb / ‘eqeb) of Your Messiah (mashyach ‘atah).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 89:51)

In the end, it all comes down to two simple questions: who do you accept as the Mashyach | Messiah, Dowd or 243“Jesus?” And, who do you trust to tell you about him, Yahowah or Paul? It has become apparent that this is the dividing line between those who will live with God and those plagued with death.

God created the universe and conceived life because He wanted to enjoy raising a family. In Dowd He got the son He sought. They have made beautiful music together.

“Blessed and benefited by kneeling down in love to uplift is (barak) Yahowah (Yahowah) forever (la ‘owlam). This is trustworthy, verifiable, and reliable (‘aman wa ‘aman – this is correct and true, affirmed and supported, easily confirmed, clearly stated and certain).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to be Sung / Psalm 89:52)

Yahowah is trustworthy, easily verified, and totally reliable. So are the words He inspired Dowd, and all of His prophets, to write for our benefit. Their veracity was His choice. What we do with them is ours.

