Who Is Your Father?
Appalling Allegiances…
The places presented in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15 are uninhabited and no longer exist as viable communities. Therefore, as we approach these prophetic statements, we are going to highlight the meaning that can be derived from the name of each ancient place such that we might more readily ponder its impending implications.
We have every reason to suspect that Mow’ab is being used to expose the Adversary’s most ignominious achievement, that of fooling the faithful into believing that he is their father. If I am right, Satan and all of those allied with him and who have been influenced by him will not only cease being political, conspiratorial, and religious, but they and their messages will be removed from the realm of the living.
As affirmation of this perspective, ancient Mow’ab was not destroyed in a single night but instead one early morning as the sun glistened on the water. It was then that the kingdom’s fate was sealed, completely disappearing from the extant historical record. Its territory was overrun by tribes from northern Arabia, including the Kedarites and Nabataeans. And that is why in Nechemyah / Nehemiah 4:7, the “‘Arabym – Arabs,” not Mowabites, are named as allies of the Ammonites.
Therefore, it is now incumbent upon us to develop an accurate assessment of what and who Mow’ab represents today…
233“This is a prophetic pronouncement (masa’ – this is a future declaration regarding the ignorant and irrational thinking) concerning Mow’ab | Who is this Questionable Father – those Political Correctness and Multiculturalism have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances (Mow’ab – Who Is Your Daddy, a sparsely populated region east of the Dead Sea in today’s Jordan, Mow’ab was Lowt’s son by his eldest daughter and thus a child born of incest, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture born of incest after being indoctrinated in the amoral morass of Sodom, with shared Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to form Christian, Muslim, and Socialist Secular viewpoints, the place where the Towrah’s voice died; from ma – to question the who, what, and why of ‘ab – the father, related to mowba’ and mow’al – a path which leads in the opposite direction).
Indeed (ky – surely and for this reason), in a night (ba layil – during a period of darkness), the ‘Ar | Adversary (‘Ar – the Enemy, the foe who is actively hostile; the prefix to ‘arab – those who barter in darkness, those who commingle ideas to confuse to create religious disorder, the edge of night, foreign and estranged people who are as noxious as swarms of flies) associated with Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father (Mow’ab – Who is this Father; from the interrogatory ma – to question the who, what, where, how, and when of someone or something and ‘ab – father, related to mowba’ and mow’al – a path which leads in the wrong direction) will be destroyed and removed (shadad – he will be undone and will no longer be viable or influential).
His likeness will be forced to stop what he has been doing and he will be silenced (damah – such thinking will be wiped away and removed, and all that is comparable will disengage, no longer capable of any activity, isolated from the living (nifal perfect passive – at a point in time the 234subject receives and carries out the action)), because (ky – for the express reason, indeed).
In a night (ba layil – during a period of darkness), Qyr | the Divisive Nature of Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father (Qyr Mow’ab – the Dividing Line Between the Agony of the Dubious Father, the divide to create a barrier and separate the father [1QIsa has ‘yr, not qyr before Mow’ab and would thus read “agonizing and terrorizing”]) will be undone, no longer viable nor influential (shadad – will be destroyed and removed).
Such thinking will be wiped away and all that is comparable required to disengage (damah – their likenesses will cease and be silenced, all activity will stop, as they are isolated from the realm of the living [the pronoun, huw’, for it or he, isn’t extant in 1QIsa and the stem differs]).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:1)
This prophetic pronouncement brings us into the midst of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles. Therefore, we would be wise to consider a more reasoned extrapolation of Mow’ab – one that fits this prophecy and the time and place it will be fulfilled.
Mow’ab: those blended together by Political Correctness, including Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture born of incest after being indoctrinated in the amoral morass of Sodom, having grown out of the Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died.
And in this case, Mow’ab is directly connected with ha Satan | the Adversary. Every aspect of this seems to portray the ultimate removal and incarceration of Satan along with those who have aided and abetted his quest to be worshiped as God throughout mankind’s most popular 235religions. But we’d be unwise to limit this indictment exclusively to the demise of religion because almost every political entity has a founding father and most have been adept at promoting patriotism by commingling truth and lies to confuse the masses. And therefore, as we’ve long suspected, before Yahowah returns to His people, He will clean house. Earth will become as ‘Eden.
The reason for this should be obvious. For Yahowah to live among His people, Satan, and the political and religious schemes he has inspired, must go. Foremost among these institutions is the one with a highly Questionable Father – the “Holy Father” of Roman Catholicism – the most popular and pervasive religion on Earth. Also fitting, it is the one whose very foundation is based upon commingling prior religious and political schemes to confuse the masses such that they would believe the new religious tripe.
Also telling, three of the most despicable people who ever lived, Paul, Akiba, and Muhammad, fathered the religions Yahowah despises most of all. And this is because they obscured His message and confounded the unsuspecting by mixing truth and lies together in such a way as to make their deceptions seem plausible and believable.
Addressing the consequence of false prophets fathering religious diversions, there is an interesting account regarding Sha’uwl in Shamuw’el / 1 Samuel 10:10-13. Speaking of the demon-possessed king and his entourage, we read…
“When they came to the place named (wa bow’ sham) ha Giba’tah | the Hill (ha Gib’atah – a Benjamite city on a steep terraced hill ten kilometers northeast of Yaruwshalaim), then behold (wa hineh), a boisterous religious procession (hebel – a loudmouthed, destructive and ruinous, a fateful and religiously binding company) of 236prophets (naby’ym) invited and summoned him (la qara’ huw’ – approached to meet with and welcome him, calling out to him (King Sha’uwl) by name, reading and reciting to him).
Then (wa) the spirit of assuagement (rawach – the blowing wind of the broad and open way of justification and of mitigating circumstances, of alleviation of responsibility, fears, and burdens) of the gods (‘elohym) overpowered him (tsalach ‘al huw’ – suddenly and forcefully overtook him, swiftly and successfully acquired possession over him by promising prosperity and victory along with the acquisition of considerable property) and (wa) he, from that point on, habitually acted as a prophet, but solely for himself and on his own initiative (naby’ – prophesied as a messenger of the gods (hitpael – acting completely on his own without any outside influence thus indicating that he was speaking for himself, waw-consecutive – conveying an inverted future, and imperfect – demonstrating ongoing and thus habitual behavior)) in their midst (ba tawek hem – along with them). (10:10)
And it came to pass (wa hayah) that everyone (kol) who knew him (yada’ huw’ – who was acquainted and familiar with him and acknowledged him) in the past (min ‘ethmowl shilshowm – from before this, heretofore, and previously) and then saw (wa ra’ah – viewed, perceived, and considered) that he was beheld together with (wa hineh ‘im) the prophets prophesizing (naby’ym naby’), the people said to one another (wa ‘amar ha ‘am ‘ysh) among their fellow countrymen (‘el rea’ huw’ – to their immoral and irrational, wrong thinking companions and cohorts), ‘What is this that has come over (mah zeh hayah la – what is this thing and who is the one who has come to exist with regard to) the son of Qysh | the Offspring of the Snare (ben qysh – the protégé of the one to lures in and baits so as to ensnare; from qowsh – to set a trap)?
237Is (ha – now questioning and wondering if) Sha’uwl | Question Him (Sha’uwl – Inquire About Him, Saul; from sha’al – to ask about or desire, synonymous with She’owl – the place of eternal incarceration away from Yah) also now (gam – additionally) among the prophets (ba ha naby’ – with those who claim to be messengers of the gods and who predict future events)?’ (10:11)
Then an individual (wa ‘ysh) from this place (min sham – associated with the name) replied (‘anah – answered) and asked (wa ‘amar), ‘So (wa), who is their father (my ‘ab hem – a subtle reference to mow’ab – who is your father)?’
Therefore (‘al ken – as a result) it became (hayah) a proverb (la mashal – a saying or parable, sometimes in jest): ‘Is (ha – now questioning and wondering if) Sha’uwl | Question Him (Sha’uwl – Inquire About Him, Saul; from sha’al – to ask about or desire, synonymous with She’owl – the place of eternal incarceration away from Yah) now also (gam – additionally) among the prophets (ba ha naby’ – with those who claim to be messengers of the gods and who predict future events)?’ (10:12)
When he had finished (wa kalah – grown weary and fulfilled his yearnings) acting like a prophet (min naby’) he went to (wa bow’) a pagan shrine on a hill to worship (bamah – to an elevated, lofty, and sacred place).” (Shamuw’el / Listen to Him / 1 Samuel 10:13)
The man who sought political power craved more and joined a boisterous religious parade. Then like so many before and after him, he claimed that he was speaking for God. But as his surname suggests, it was all a trap designed to ensnare the unwary. In the process, King Sha’uwl became a proverb, a picture of what Mow’ab and his namesake, the wannabe apostle Sha’uwl would become.
It should not be surprising then that when Christians publicly pronounce the “Our Father” of their “Lord’s 238Prayer,” they are acting like Mow’ab, praying to the counterfeit father they should be questioning. When Christians study Paul’s letters as if they were “Scripture,” they are choosing to believe a man whose name actually means “Question Him.”
As such, Yahowah appears to be condemning Satan’s role as the Lord God of Christianity, telling us that his influence will eventually come to an end. The Whore of Babylon will no longer plague the Earth. The Adversary’s voice will be silenced. The world Yahowah created will never again be haunted by thoughtless recitals of the Lord’s Prayer, by rabbinic chanting, or by terrorists screaming: “Allahu Akbar.”
The word used in the opening stanza for “Adversary” is insightful. ‘Ar isn’t just a “foe who is actively hostile,” it is the prefix to ‘arab, and thus includes “those who barter in darkness, those who confuse by commingling, creating religious disorder.” This is a perfect depiction of what Jewish, Christian, and Muslim clerics have done to create the illusion that their religion was inspired by the God of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms.
To make their regurgitation of Babylonian myths appear credible, to commingle the once popular and accepted Egyptian, Greek, and Roman religions into a plausible belief system they could use to control the masses, the founding fathers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam had to usurp the credibility of the one true God. This all occurred in the darkness, when Satan is the most effective – when the lack of light diminishes mankind’s ability to be observant.
By himself, Satan’s influence is minimal, which is why the Adversary deploys the likes of Paul, Akiba, and Muhammad, Titus, Hadrian, and Hitler. And that is why there is more to “shadad – undoing the influence” of Satan than just banishing this evil spirit. God must also “damah – 239wipe away all thinking which is comparable.” Satan’s religious and political leaders will be “silenced, their activity will cease, as they are isolated from the realm of the living.”
Before we move on, there is a disagreement between 1QIsa and both 4QIsa and the Masoretic Text. The latter has “qyr – to divide,” while the Great Isaiah Scroll presents ‘yr, whose primary definition is “anguishing terror,” but can also describe “population centers, towns, and cities.” Since the ancient witnesses are divided, we cannot emphatically claim one over the other, so it is useful to know that ‘yr conveys a particularly tantalizing insight. At its root, ‘uwr encourages us to be especially alert and observant so that we are not harmed by the mal’ak (spiritual messengers (and thus potentially demons, the spiritual beings allied with the Adversary)) who are spying upon humankind with ill intent.
The reason the Adversary and his minions must be stomped out and are being removed at this time is to prevent them from continuing to corrupt the living…
“He and it have ascended (‘alah – he and it [speaking of the Adversary and Mow’ab] have made their way up to and have been exalted at) to the House (ha beyth – the Home (a reference to the House of Yahowah, and thus to the Temple Mount, to Mowryah in Yaruwshalaim)), to Dybown | the Place of Sorrow (Dybown – Causing Grief for those who Pass Away), to the centers of worship in high places (ha bamah – to the heights and hills where religious shrines are built and cults emerge, to battlefields and funeral mounds), to weep (la beky – to those who mourn) over (‘al) Nabow | the Scriptures of Babel (Nabow – the Babylonian god of writing and learning, corresponding to the Greek Hermes, the Roman Mercury, and the Egyptian Thoth; the mountain upon which Moseh died, meaning prophet in Aramaic), wailing (yalal – crying and lamenting in sorrow, howling in a lifeless place) over 240(wa ‘al) Mydaba’ | the Slippery Waters (Mydaba’ – slithering waters; from maym – waters and dabab – to glide or slip over; akin to dabab and dibbah – to speak so as to defame and slander) of Mow’ab | Questionable Father – of those Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, and Pauline thinking) concerning Mow’ab | Who is this Questionable Father (Mow’ab – Who Is Your Daddy, the sparsely populated region east of the Dead Sea in today’s Jordan, Mow’ab was Lowt’s son by his eldest daughter, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture born of incest after being indoctrinated in the cesspool of Sodom, with shared Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to form Christian, Muslim, and Socialist Secular viewpoints, the place where the Towrah’s voice died; from ma – to question the who, what, and why of ‘ab – the father, related to mowba’ and mow’al – a path which leads in the opposite direction).
With every one of its leaders (ba kol ro’sh huw’ – in and among all his summits and sources, its and his top rulers and heads of institutions, his venom and bitter poison), there is coldness, the complete absence of warmth (qarhah – baldness, shaved, bare, and exposed, complete frigidity), and so (wa – also [from 1QIsa]) every religious leader in the community (kol zaqan – all government officials, representatives, dignitaries, prominent persons, and community elders (can also be rendered ‘beards’)) will disappear and be diminished (gara’ – will be restrained, abated, omitted, and cut off, stopped and withdrawn).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:2)
With these words, one of our initial questions has been answered. Mow’ab represents the adversarial father who seeks to be worshiped and honored within human religious and political schemes. And with the reference to Nabow, the Babylonian god of Scripture, Yahowah has reinforced 241Babel’s connection to religious “Scripture,” and particularly to the Babel / Bible. Fortunately, Satan’s plans will be curtailed, and he will disappear.
The reason Satan has been and continues to be so effective is that he presents himself as the alternative to God where man least expects him – right out in the open, in the most conspicuous and prominent of all places, within the leadership of governments and religious institutions, as the heavenly father, the lord, and god of religion. He has “‘alah – ascended” to the very “beyth – house and home” of God – with his own satanic shrines, mosques, and churches built upon and all around the Temple Mount – right in the heart of Yaruwshalaim. In so doing, the Adversary has turned every religious edifice into “Dybown – Grief for those who Pass Away.”
Should there have been any question whether or not Yahowah was exposing and condemning religious leaders and the institutions they extol, “bamah – the centers of worship in high places and prominent places where religious shrines are built and cults emerge” removes any doubt.
Should you wonder why the Adversary would “la beky – weep and mourn” over Nabow | the Scriptures of Babel, at this time, it’s possible that he’s lamenting the fact that the masses are no longer capable of being beguiled into believing that the Talmud, Bible, and Quran represent the “Word of God.”
Satan’s greatest ruse has been exposed, condemned, and censured, albeit too late to save those his muddled message confused. This might also explain why he’s found wailing over the “Mydaba’ – Slippery Waters” of ritualistic washing and especially baptism. Water’s unique position as the source of life and universal solvent has been usurped by religions the world over, becoming the basis of countless tedious and meaningless religious rituals.
242With few exceptions, God views religious and political leaders as cold and calculating, uncaring men and women who are simply pretending to serve. That is why He’s exposing them as heartless frauds. Yah just revealed: “kol ro’sh huw’ – every one of his leaders, his top rulers and the heads of his institutions” is supplied with “his venom and bitter poison” and are “qarhah – are cold” and thus lack the warmth of a loving association.
The Almighty then buttressed this by saying “kol zaqan – every religious leader in the community, all government officials, every representative, dignitary, prominent individual, and community leader” “gara’ – will disappear and be diminished, finding themselves restrained, abated, cut off, and withdrawn.” As a result, She’owl | the Place of Questioning, known to Christians and Muslims as “Hell,” will be a very popular and extremely religious experience.
With another query answered, the question which may remain for some is whether these references to Mow’ab pertain to a narrow or broad group of people typecast by those living today. I suspect the latter based upon all we have read, and think, that at the very least, Mow’ab represents the questionable conception and existence of Pauline Christianity and Multicultural Socialist Secular Humanism and how they have “babeled” together in the West.
The only reason that I have somewhat discounted the role Roman Catholicism and Islam play in modern Mow’ab is because there are more direct analogs to both, including names that emerge from the same place and time, with ‘Esa’ow representing Imperial and Catholic Rome and ‘Amown symbolic of the Tyrannical nature of Islam. In this regard, while ‘Esa’ow’s correlation with Rome will be revealed in the next chapter, ‘Amown’s association with Islam was presented in this one.
243Remember: “‘I have heard the shameful taunts of Mow’ab and the abusive rhetoric, the deriding defamation and mocking criticism of the descendants of ‘Amown (‘Amown – of that which pertains to the nation, family, or people, the children of Ben-‘Amy – Offspring of my Nation) such that they have become confused, incapable of thinking rationally, and as a result have insulted and ridiculed, annoying My people, making boastful statements over their territory, especially their borders, speaking of their desire to reduce the size of Yisra’el so that they can claim it for themselves.
Therefore, as I live,’ declares well in advance of it occurring, Yahowah, of the spiritual implements, the Almighty God of Yisra’el, ‘surely, Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father shall, for an ongoing period of time, actually come to be very similar to Sodom | Scorched and Burnt and the descendants of ‘Amown | Pertaining to the Offspring of my Nation shall be as ‘Amorah / Authoritarian Manipulation (‘Amora – Oppressive and Tyrannical Binding and Twisting, Gomorrah; from ‘amar – to bind, manipulate, and subjugate with autocratic control), a place owned and possessed by prickly and irritating weeds, stinging nettles, and toxic undergrowth, and as salt pits, of counsel which impedes growth, where even weapons corrode, a nearly uninhabitable, sparsely populated, wasteland forevermore.’” (Tsephanyah / Yahowah’s Treasures are Stored Up for Another Time / Zephaniah 2:8-9) ‘Amown as ‘Amorah is unmistakably Islam today.
This known, Mow’ab may also be seen to include aspects of the two religions, Roman Catholicism and Sunni Islam, whose leaders, Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, signed a declaration in Abu Dhabi on February 13th, 2019, stating that “the pluralism and diversity of religions” were “all intentionally willed by God” – the ultimate expression of babel. Furthermore, they wrote, “the idea 244that people should adhere to a certain religion should be rejected,” thereby giving credence to the myth that God is accepting of countless conflicting notions.
But no matter the scope of our projections of Mow’ab and its propensity to reflect what we witnessed in Sadom | Sodom, its destruction will be universal. Everyone will be in mourning. This is a time of great despair, exactly like what the world will soon endure.
“‘In its public places (ba chuwts huw’ – right out in the open, outside, in the streets and countryside), they wear (chagar – they gird and bind themselves, and they are restrained and hindered in) that which is humiliating and constraining (saq – sackcloth and mesh; from shaqaq – to move hastily and rush about, to run eagerly and uncontrollably to and fro, always greedy, thirsting for more, related to saqad – that which binds and cannot be removed and sakar – as a wanton, ogling fraud who deals falsely, tricking and deceiving themselves and others).
Upon (‘al) the rooftops (gag hy’ – the uppermost habitable portion of the buildings and housetops; from ga’ah – lifting themselves up with pride so as to be exalted) and (wa) in (ba) its public plazas (rachob hy’ – its city centers, broad streets, wide open squares, and popular hubs of activity; from rachab – the broad way, the wide and accommodating path which is seen as acceptable, agreeable, and pleasant), everyone (kol hy’) wails (yalal – howls in sorrow, wailing like a distressed animal in a lifeless place; note: yalal is one of two verbs defining Satan’s name – Hylel), then (wa – and also [from 1QIsa]) descends, melting (yarad – bows down prostrate, being subjugated and brought down, falling and going down, so as to melt) in tears (ba ha baky – with expressions of sorrow, crying, teardrops falling while weeping, bewailing bitterly).’” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:3)
245In a time when so many are festooned in all manner of religious garb and tied up in knots of their own making with crazy conspiracy theories, we find God saying “chagar – they gird and bind themselves, restraining and hindering themselves” in “saq – that which is humiliating and hastily conceived by those running eagerly and uncontrollably to and fro, always thirsting for more, wantonly ogling frauds who deliberately trick and deceive themselves and others.” Virtually no one appears immune. Ill-equipped and toxic, beguiled and confused, restrained and humiliated, they will shout Satan’s name, calling on their Lord to save them, bowing down prostrate to the wannabe god who has subjugated them. Most will dissipate into nothingness, literally melting away in a pool of tears.
Slightly less amplified, here is a summation of Yah’s message thus far regarding Mow’ab…
“‘This is a prophetic pronouncement and future declaration regarding the ignorant and irrational thinking concerning Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father.
Indeed, in a night, during a period of darkness, ‘Ar | the Adversary and foe who has been actively hostile, the one who barters in darkness and commingles ideas to confuse, creating religious disorder of Mow’ab, those blended together by Political Correctness, including Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture representing the amoral morass of Sodom, who were influenced by the Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died, will be destroyed and removed such that he is no longer viable nor influential.
Its likeness will be silenced, with such thinking wiped away, and all that is comparable to it isolated 246from the living, for the express reason that in a night, during this period of darkness, Qyr | the Divisive Nature of Mow’ab | the Questionable Father will be undone, no longer viable nor influential, and it will be eliminated such that this type of thinking is removed and all that is comparable to it required to disengage. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:1)
He and it has ascended to be exalted at the House, to Dybown | to the Place of Sorrow, causing grief for those who pass away, to the centers of worship in high places where religious shrines are built and cults emerge, to the battlefields and funeral mounds, to weep over Nabow | the Scriptures of Babel (the Babylonian god of writing and learning) and wail, crying and lamenting in sorrow, over Mydaba’ | the Slippery Waters of Defamation and Slander of Mow’ab, those blended together by Political Correctness, including Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture representing the insanity of Sodom, who were influenced by the Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died.
With every one of its leaders, there is coldness, the complete absence of warmth, and so every religious leader in the community, all government officials, representatives, dignitaries, prominent persons, and community elders will disappear and be diminished as they will be restrained, abated, omitted, and cut off. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:2)
In its public places, right out in the open, in the streets and countryside, they wear and gird and bind themselves, being restrained and hindered in that which is humiliating and constraining, deceiving themselves and others. Upon its rooftops and in its public plazas everyone wails as if shouting Satan’s 247name – Hylel, then descend, bowing down prostrate while being subjugated, ultimately melting in tears.’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:3)
As we consider the next prophetic statement, be aware that this time of reckoning is on the horizon. It is a referendum between man’s ways and God’s Way. Most will continue to choose poorly as mankind has done for the past six thousand years. The paths to death and destruction remain as wide open, as esteemed, and as popular as ever. And the Door to Life has always been singular and seldom considered.
This vote between truth and deception, between right and wrong, will not be won democratically. While everyone is free to go their own way, those who prevail will be a decided minority – thousands amongst billions. And that is fitting in a way since Yahowah’s people have always been few and unpopular, often resented, sometimes despised. And yet, a people representing less than 2/10ths of 1% of the world’s population will prevail over all others.
Even though the results are in, and we know that the majority will lose, there will be some, a decided few, who will inherit the earth and universe beyond. Some will think rationally. A few individuals will consider their Creator’s testimony. Some among us will choose wisely.
This next prophetic statement could also address the promised reconciliation between Yahowah and Yisra’el. As man’s time slips away, God’s children will finally come to their senses and cry out to Him for help. And Yahowah will hear them and respond, lifting them up as He stomps their adversaries down as their pleas fall on deaf ears.
248Beyond this, Yah’s visual portrait presents an aspect of true love most people have been conditioned to deny, or worse, to reject. But in this case, as well as every other, God is right, and man is wrong. To love we must hate as Yahowah is demonstrating. To protect our children, tangibly demonstrating our devotion and care, it is appropriate for us to oppose those who would do them harm.
Mankind has developed an affinity for things that are destructive – militaries, religions, conspiracies, patriotism, and politics, for example – and most have an aversion to things that are beneficial – such as Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance. This is the worst of all possible positions, not only because these counterproductive attitudes reinforce one another, but because both positions must be changed for there to be any hope of reconciliation with God.
Therefore, with this prophetic pronouncement, Yahowah is modeling the approach He wants us to follow.
“‘Then (wa) Cheshbown | at a Time of Reckoning for Thinking Rationally and for the Grand Schemes, the Personal Plans and their Weapons of War (Cheshbown – accounting for the evil decisions, misguided reasoning, and inappropriate devices of the schemers and their military armaments, along with a logical, reasonable, and rational response to the plots and plans of those who seek to defend themselves, mindful of their snipers, siege machines, and intent to kill; from chashab – to either be considerate and think about that which is valuable and should be regarded or to invent and esteem one’s own plans, contemplating conspiracies on whether to impute value to man’s most respected ways or God’s; a Mow’abite town east of the Yarden | Jordan) will cry out for help (za’aq – they will appeal for assistance while others shout accusations, summoning another to resolve their agony).
249And (wa) in ‘El’aleh | where Allah is Exalted as a god (‘El’aleh – the Almighty raises and God lifts up while others exalt their god; from ‘alah – to go up or to be exalted as superior to and ‘el – God (akin to the erroneous translation of Allahu-Akbar as God is Great), ‘alah is also a burnt offering and holocaust; a town in ruins west of the Yarden / Jordan in the land of Mow’ab then Reuben), their voice will be heard (shama’ qowl hem – they will hear their audible sounds) as far as (‘ad – forever and up to) Yahats | when Yah is Stomping Down (Yahats – Yah tramps down, a town in Reuben east of the Dead Sea).
Therefore (‘al ken – for this reason), the armed men (chaluwts – the militants equipped with weapons drawn out and removed) of Mow’ab, those blended together by Political Correctness, including Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians, this unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture representing the amoral realm of Sodom who were influenced by the Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died (Mow’ab – Who Is Your Daddy, the sparsely populated region east of the Dead Sea in today’s Jordan, Mow’ab was Lowt’s son by his eldest daughter; from ma – to question the who, what, and why of ‘ab – the father, related to mowba’ and mow’al – a path which leads in the opposite direction), will cry aloud (ruwa’ – will signal a public warning, shouting out an alarm).
His soul (nepesh huw’) will tremble with apprehension (yara’ – will be distressed, faint, anguished, and quivering) within him (la huw’).’” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:4)
No matter what time it is, the time of reckoning is now. Even when blessed with a long life, we are all mortal. There is never a better opportunity to consider our relationship with Yahowah than the present. And when it comes to 250knowing God, nothing serves our interests better than “rational thinking and logical decision-making,” especially when “considering the grand plan while accounting for every aspect of” what the Covenant has to offer. Our Maker has given all of us the choice to “chashab – to think, to exercise good judgment, to be mindful while taking everything into account, showing regard for and valuing the plan” revealed in His Towrah | Guidance.
And while all of this is true, for most, time has or will soon run out. But fortunately, for one community, a single family, the Chosen People, they have been offered a reprieve, yet another chance to get this right. And many shall, thereby fulfilling Yahowah’s promise to reconcile His relationship with Yahuwdah and Yisra’el just as the last grains of sand in the hourglass of human history succumb to the downward pull.
Addressing those lured into the black hole of She’owl at the behest of demonic forces, might these “armed men of Mow’ab” include on this occasion Islamic Jihadists shouting “Allahu Akbar” in Jordan, intent on crossing the border into Yisra’el and ravaging God’s people? Perhaps. There are plenty of them hell-bent on murdering Jews. But Islam is so corrosive it is unlikely that the soul of a fundamentalist Muslim would be capable of being apprehensive.
So perhaps the uniforms worn by these men bear the names of countries where soldiers are conditioned and trained to kill without remorse, a nation where soldiers are celebrated as heroes when they eliminate insurgents and enemy combatants. Perhaps they emerge from modern Mow’ab, from the land of Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, and Pauline Christianity.
Regardless, God is neither amused by them nor in their camp. He isn’t supporting these troops or any others.
251As clearly as words allow, Yahowah is reaffirming that He does not love everyone. He is judgmental. Further, He not only doesn’t want to save everyone, but He is also vehemently opposed to those who have worked against Him and His people. In this regard, none surpass Paulos, the Lowly and Little father of Christianity. More than any doctrine in human history, Christians have used circuitous reasoning to pile pagan crosses in front of the Doorway to Life: Pesach | Passover.
What follows was written about Satan’s influence on Sha’uwl, the Father of Christianity. Commonly known by his Roman name, Paul, those he influenced have become the children of Mow’ab | the Questionable Father. It is little wonder, Yahowah calls him the Father of Lies.
“‘My (‘any) heart (leb – sense of right and wrong, inclination and disposition, judgment and determination) cries out a summons (za’aq – calls for the issuance of an anguishing and agonizing proclamation based upon principles) against (la – toward) Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father (Mow’ab – Question your Father; from the interrogatory ma – to question and ‘ab – father, related to mowba’ and mow’al – a way which leads in the wrong direction).
His injurious slithering puts barriers against the doorway (hy’ bariach – his harmful serpentine allusions bar others from the entrance, chasing them away and making it essentially impassable) especially including the witness (‘ad – along with the testimony) of Tso’ar | the Lowly and Little One (Tso’ar – an immature and relatively small individual of lowly status whose testimony is trivial and insignificant, a town at the bitter end of the Dead Sea (the meaning of Paulos in Latin)) of ‘Eglath Shalishyah | Circuitous Reasoning of the Trinity in Opposition to Yah (‘Eglath – always revolving and circuitous, being roundabout with regard to bulls, leading to disassociation and Shalishyah – creating a third variation 252in opposition to Yah and therefore a Trinity; from shalishy – three or one-third).
For (ky – because) at the ascent of the concept (ma’alah – at the elevation of the edifice and thought, the platform established which goes through the mind and is assumed to take one to a higher place, that which is lifted up and offered) of Luwchyth | of Covering Over the Tablets with Planks of Wood (Luwchyth – Tablets, Planks, and Boards which cover over, shroud, stick around, envelop, and hide, blocking the light from view and obstructing God’s blessings), with (ba) lamenting their birthright and desires to recant what has been accomplished (baky – with expressions of entitlement and sorrow over the past), they shall offer this up (‘alah ba huw’ – they will promote this and then withdraw, they will make sacrifices and then go away, offering it up) because surely (ky) in the way (derek – on the road and in the manner) of Chowronym | the Pit (Chowronym – the holes, the caves, and caverns) they will awaken to false and disparaging (‘uwr – they are alerted, aroused, and rise up to blinding and errant testimony whereby crucial aspects of the witnesses have been omitted, thereby exposing), destructive and crippling (sheber – injurious and ruinous, vexing and afflicting, shattering and fracturing), accusations (ze’aqah – slanderous outcries and indicting allegations).’” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:5)
From Galatians to Timothy, Sha’uwl’s | Question Him’s letters are a cesspool of “false and disparaging accusations,” with every word representing “slanderous and indicting, vexing and fracturing, allegations” against Yahowah and His Towrah. While Mow’ab is more than Pauline Christianity, and likely includes Politically Correct Socialist Secular Humanists and Multiculturalists with Sodomite tendencies in the West, it is the Father of 253Christianity we are being asked to question within this reference to Mow’ab.
Although the Father of Rabbinic Judaism, Akiba, is someone we would all be wise to question, Mow’ab is an external enemy. It is not one embraced by Jews and for Jews as is the case with Judaism, but instead a Gentile aberration of the truth that attacks from outside the family.
Claiming to obey the Ten Commandments, Christians have made a complete mockery of them, truncating what Yahowah had to say, removing His name, and then grossly mistranslating His instructions. The Christian New Testament, largely as a result of Paul’s influence, is false and disparaging of God’s Word. It is slanderous in its accusations against the Almighty.
And it is in Paul’s epistles that the Towrah’s voice died. It was in his transition from Hebrew to Greek, away from the Hebrew prophets to appeal to the Greek Gnostics that Yahowah’s Towrah was replaced by Paul’s Epistles. The relationship with God was no longer tangible and real but instead a matter of faith.
No image in all of human history is as degrading as that of a tortured and dead god on a stick, which is precisely what a crucifix represents. And in so doing, Christians have obfuscated the purpose of Pesach | Passover, hiding the realization that the upright wooden pillar frames the Doorway to Life – all with Paul’s blessing, even insistence.
As we move forward into the future, we discover that the effects of climate change were foretold 2,700 years ago. Astonishing things are happening worldwide, with devastating floods and withering droughts having a horrific effect on plants, substantially reducing food supplies.
“‘Indeed (ky), the waters (maym) of Nimrym | the Camouflaged Predator and Deadly Waters (Nimrym – the Leopards, that which is spotted and thus camouflaged, 254sneaky and lethal, a shiny and glossy predator, also tainted water and thus “holy water”) will be (hayah – exist as, become, and remain (qal imperfect jussive – an actual and ongoing expression of third-person volition)) horrible and lifeless, astonishing and appalling (mashamah – terrible and deadly, devastating and ruinous).
As a result (ky – verily and indeed, certainly and without exception) the grass (chatsyr – plants, herbage, and that which is edible) will be shriveled up and withered (yabesh – paralyzes those who consume it by confounding them).
That which would otherwise grow (dashe’ – the verdant vegetation and tender green growth) is finished (kalah – is gone, perishing and vanishing so as to no longer exist). The greenery (yereq – that which is lush, living, and healthy) will be no more (lo’ hayah – will no longer exist).’” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:6)
The same book that accurately explained our beginnings has also foretold our demise. The environmental degradation of our planet that we are witnessing today should not have come as a surprise.
In Yah’s next statement, we find that even the prime contributor to this global calamity has been correctly identified. Man’s lust for the riches oozing out from under the shifting Arabian sands has made many insanely rich, with some in the West working for it while the Arab kings simply assigned this ill-gotten gain to themselves. With oil, men would build, and others would buy, an abundance of highly desired possessions, many of which, running on these fuels, were designed such that the rich could lift up and carry away the excess they had accumulated.
In this exchange, the world was transformed, not only bringing an irreversible environmental calamity upon the planet from the carbon that was released into the 255atmosphere as the black ooze was burned but also facilitating the greatest transfer of wealth from those who have performed to achieve it to those who have simply appropriated it for themselves that the world has ever seen. And in this exchange, something especially horrible has occurred, something particularly menacing to Yisra’el. With America paying for its addiction to foreign oil by transferring hundreds of billions of dollars of its most deadly and technologically advanced weapons systems to these very same Arab nations, we will find that they intend to use these destructive devices to conquer Yisra’el and murder Yahuwdym.
Perhaps equally relevant, the chain reaction the United States precipitated by its ill-fated invasion of Iraq has embroiled much of the Muslim world into chaos, creating the greatest human migration in history. Muslims, poisoned by Satan’s Quranic mantra and imbued with an unceasing hatred of Yahuwdym, have migrated by the millions out of the Muslim world and into the West. Therefore, we are witnessing the initial fulfillment of the prophecy before our very eyes.
“‘Therefore (‘al-ken – for this reason), the accumulated possessions (yithrah – the wealth and excessive abundance) they have performed to achieve (‘asah – they have worked to create, fashioned and created, produced, profited from, and gained) and (wa) that which they have appointed for themselves and assigned (paqudah hem – that which they have entrusted to themselves and claimed to have been authorized to accumulate) with regard to (‘al – over) the wadis and divisions of the ‘Arabs (nachal ha ‘arabah – the brook and possessions of the noxious maggots who pledge themselves to the swarms of enriched ‘Arabians, the river of foreign invaders, the stream of darkness, this black ooze, and the resulting acquisitions of the desert dwellers [from 1QIsa as MT has “Brook of the Willows”]), they carry 256away (nasa’ hem – they long for, accept, lift up, and take away).’” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:7)
In the sight of God, and in the hereafter, the things men and women covet are of no value. In fact, they are a burden. Over the vast chasm of time, we have seen that man’s ways are repetitive and destructive, especially disgusting from Yah’s perspective – as are the pitiful pleas of men and women as they beg a God they do not know for help, one they actually detest, having traded genuine for imagined, truthful for disingenuous. He is not their Father, and thus He isn’t responsible for them.
“‘For (ky – indeed) the outcry (ha ze’aqah – the shouting accusations, the lamenting and wailing, the plaintive cry for relief, the sounds of mourning from those who have assembled together in a highly distressful situation, the appeal for help and agonizing summons, the clamor of the distressful proclamation) has come full circle (naqaph – has run a cycle that is reoccurring, one which is destructive, cutting people down and separating them from their source, creating decay such that what’s gone around has now come around, and is disgusting and destructive, causing decay, akin to peeling the skin off of a rotting corpse, engulfing and immersing everything in this revolting liquid mass; from naqa’ – to become offensive and disgusting by taking actions which subsequently sever the relationship) throughout (‘eth – regarding) the outer limits (gebuwl – the territory and region, the full extent and jurisdiction; from gabal – that which is bound up with and considered part) of Mow’ab | Who is this Questionable Father – those Political Correctness, Socialist Secular Humanism, Multiculturalism, and especially Pauline Christianity have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances (Mow’ab – Who Is Your Father, Lowt’s son by his eldest daughter, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture representing 257the insanity of Sodom, who were influenced by the Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died).
She will wail and howl (yalalah hy’ – her distressful mourning and lifeless laments will go on howling) forever, all the way to (‘ad – eternally, providing a witness into perpetuity which will reach into) ‘Egelym | that Which is All-Encompassing, Hot, and Hopeless (‘Egelym – that which glows and yet is gloomy, that which radiates heat and fosters anxiety, that which goes down collectively and is all encompassing, stagnant and hopeless; from ‘egel – to flow down together as one, and from ‘agam – a hot, glowing, troubling, murky, stagnant, and gloomy guarded place of anxiety, grieving, distress, and utter hopelessness).
And so (wa) her lifeless laments (yalalah hy’ – her distressful mourning, howling, and wailing, sorrow, and grief (mindful of the fact that yalal is the actionable root of Halal, Satan’s name)) are for Ba’er ‘Elym | the Slimy gods of the Pit (Ba’er ‘Elym – for the wells and slime pits from which gods spring, located south of Mow’ab; from ba’er – a declaration regarding the pit, something written which reveals the nature of a slime pit, clearly explaining the distinct identity of a particular cistern, well, or spring and the plural of ‘elowah – gods).’” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:8)
When men and women who do not know Yahowah cry out to Him for help, God naturally and appropriately views their pleas with contempt, seeing them as offensive and disgusting. You cannot spend your life denying God, rejecting God, ignoring God, or choosing false gods over the only real God, and expect Yahowah to listen or care. It should be painfully obvious that the last-minute and hopeless appeals of those who didn’t bother to listen to Yahowah, who didn’t bother to read Yahowah’s testimony, who did not care enough about Yahowah to respond to His 258instructions and invitations, and who did not engage in a relationship with Him would be treated as they had treated Him.
The Pit is all-encompassing, a guarded and distressful place of hopeless incarceration. Those whose decisions have destined them to it will find many of the things they most desire, including eternal life and the freedom to practice their religion. They will be able to worship their slimy gods forever.
Among the worst things we can do is to waste our lives, to forego the opportunity to know, understand, and engage with our Heavenly Father.
“‘Indeed (ky – for, surely, at this time), the waters (maym – the sea; a metaphor for an abundance of Gentiles) of Dybown | of those who Regretfully Waste Away and Die (Dybown – to squander one’s opportunity and to be diminished as a result, a town in Mow’ab / Moab east of the Yarden / Jordan which was taken over by the Yisra’elites and rebuilt by the children of Gad [1QIsa has Dybown while the MT reads Dymown]; from dy – depicting the who, what, or when of an abundance of individuals who belong to another and duwb – to pine away, painfully longing, feeling regret and sorrow as life and vitality fade, and then to pass away, separated from home and family while grieving) will have their fill (male’ – will be satisfied and satiated with, will be fulfilled and finished, overflowing with an overwhelming amount) of blood (dam – of killing and death), for (ky – because) I will place upon (shyth ‘al – I will demand and impose upon) whomever is associated with Dybown | those who Regretfully Waste Away and Die (Dybown – squandering one’s opportunity so as to be diminished as a result [1QIsa has Dybown while the MT reads Dymown]; from dy – depicting the who, what, or when of an abundance of individuals who belong to another and duwb – to pine away, painfully longing, feeling regret and sorrow as life and vitality fade, and then to pass 259away, separated from home and family while grieving) even more of it (yasaph – an additional quantity of it, increasing the amount and duration), destroying with the ferocity of a lion (‘aryeh – hunting down and plucking apart) the remainder (la pelytah – the remnant who flee, especially those who would consider themselves refugees) of Mow’ab | Who is this Questionable Father – those Political Correctness, Socialist Secular Humanism, Multiculturalism, and especially Pauline Christianity have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances (Mow’ab – Who Is Your Father, Lowt’s son by his eldest daughter, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture representing the insanity of Sodom, who were influenced by the Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died; from ma – to question the who, what, and why of ‘ab – the father, related to mowba’ and mow’al – a path which leads in the opposite direction) and then moving on to (wa la – also approaching and advancing toward) the rest of (sha’eryth – the residue who remain, those left behind and who remain alive, those who are left over from the whole of) the earth (‘adamah – of mankind on the surface of the earth).’” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:9)
Man is a deadly animal, and he has evolved into a sophisticated killing machine. Rivers of blood flow from his destructive wake, especially as a result of his weapons of war. And yet, it is not the gun but instead the mantra that motivates those who pull the triggers. And that makes religion and politics deadly. Americans do not need gun control but instead constraints on the deadly consequence of politics and religion.
Throughout the ages, and with only a few exceptions, Yahowah has allowed man to kill and abuse his fellow man. It was not what He wanted, it was not what He had hoped for or desired, but that’s the point. He conceived 260mankind such that we could choose our own way and pursue our ambitions and desires.
The killing cannot continue forever. The abuse must stop for happily-ever-after to commence. A time is coming when all of those who have chosen their own way, or man’s way, will experience where it leads: to their own death and destruction.
In the past, Yah has sought to hold the perpetrators and promoters of religion and government accountable but has not sought recompense for their victims. However, this is a different time, it is the period in which Yahowah must clean house for His Home to be safe and secure for His children, a place of love and liberty, enlightenment, enrichment, and empowerment. So, all that is rotten and lifeless will be swept away with the efficacy of a lion on the prowl – in a coordinated effort without wasted time or energy.
This Lion, representing all Yahuwdym | Jews, will surround and kill those whose desire it was to pursue Yisra’el | Israel and kill the Chosen People. He will deal with Mow’ab first before turning His attention to the rest of the world. All of those diseased by the plagues of religion and politics will be quarantined and then removed, with all traces of the diseases that sickened them and sealed their fate removed.
The conclusion of this statement serves to affirm several things about Mow’ab. It represents a substantial number of people today, but not everyone. After dispensing with the modern Mow’abites, Yahowah will move on to the rest of the earth. Therefore, this prediction was directed toward a yet future event, and thereby requires us to focus on the current manifestations of Mow’ab, not the ancient kingdom. And that is because Yahowah did not destroy ancient Mow’ab and He clearly has not dealt with the remainder of the planet.
261Further, we have been made aware that, from God’s perspective, the current Mow’ab, like the Mow’ab of yesteryear, was afforded the opportunity to know Him and yet squandered it. This insight serves to reinforce our working definition of Mow’ab: “‘They squandered the benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died.’” They had access to the Hebrew text, like those who remain beguiled in the religious cults of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Freemasonry, and Mormonism, but failed to grasp its significance.
Here now for all to see is where those who do not care to know Yahowah are headed. It is their rendezvous with death. We have been forewarned and are without excuse.
“‘Then Cheshbown | at a Time of Reckoning and for Thinking Rationally, at a time for the Grand Schemes to Materialize along with their Weapons of War, even for the Personal Replies, when there will be an accounting for the evil decisions, misguided reasoning, and inappropriate devices of the schemers, along with a logical and reasonable response to those who seek to defend themselves, with some crying out for help, some appealing for assistance, while others will shout agonizing accusations.
And in ‘El’aleh | where Allah is Exalted as a god, their voice will be heard as far as Yahats | when Yah is Stomping them Down.
Therefore, the armed men, these militants equipped with weapons drawn, of Mow’ab, those blended together by Political Correctness, including Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians, this unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture indoctrinated in the irrational and amoral morass of Sodom, having squandered the 262benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died, will cry aloud, shouting an alarm.
His soul will tremble with apprehension, anguished and quivering within him. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:4)
My innate sense of what is right and wrong, My inclination and disposition, My heart and determination, and especially My commitment to exercise good judgment and be just, cries out a summons based upon My principles against Mow’ab | Who is this Questionable Father – those for whom Political Correctness, Socialist Secular Humanism, Multiculturalism, and especially Pauline Christianity have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances.
Its injurious slithering snakes have put barriers against the doorway, barring others from the entrance, making it essentially impassable as far as the witness of Tso’ar | the Lowly and Little One of ‘Eglath Shalishyah | Circuitous Reasoning with regard to the Trinity, all in Opposition to Yah.
For at the ascent of the concept of Luwchyth | of Covering Over the Tablets with Planks of Wood, with expressions of sorrow and desires to recant what they had done, they shall offer this up, promoting this before they withdraw, because surely in the way of Chowronym | the Pit they will awaken to false and disparaging, destructive and crippling, accusations, slanderous outcries and indicting allegations. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:5)
Indeed, the waters of Nimrym | the Camouflaged and Deadly Predator will be horrible and lifeless, astonishingly appalling.
263Truly that which is edible will be shriveled up and withered, paralyzing those who consume it by confounding them.
That which would otherwise grow is gone, perishing so as to no longer exist. The greenery is no more. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:6)
For this reason, the accumulated possessions, the wealth and excessive abundance they have worked to achieve and that which they have appointed and assigned for themselves, especially with regard to the divisions of the ‘Arabs, they long for, lift up, and carry away. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:7)
For indeed, the outcry and shouting accusations, even the appeal for help, have come full circle as they are repetitive, destructive, and disgusting throughout the territorial boundaries, even the outer limits and jurisdictions of Mow’ab, those blended together by Political Correctness, including Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians, a multicultural religious and political culture indoctrinated in the irrational and amoral morass of Sodom.
She will wail and howl forever, as an eternal witness all the way to ‘Egelym | that Which is All-Encompassing, Hot, Parched, Guarded, Distressful, and Hopeless.
And her lifeless laments will be for Ba’er ‘Elym | the Slimy gods of the Pit, clearly explaining its distinct identity. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:8)
Indeed, at this time, the waters (as a metaphor for an abundance of gentiles) of Dybown | of those who Regretfully Waste Away and Die, squandering their opportunity so as to be diminished, will have their fill of blood, satiated and satisfied with killing and death.
264For I will place upon whoever is associated with Dybown | with those who Regretfully Waste Away and Die, and as a result feel regret and sorrow as life and vitality fade and they pass away alienated, increasing the amount and duration, destroying with ferocity as a lion the remainder who flee, especially those who would consider themselves refugees, of Mow’ab | Who is this Questionable Father – those Political Correctness, Socialist Secular Humanism, Multiculturalism, and especially Pauline Christianity have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances, and then moving toward dealing with the rest who remain, those left behind and left over from the whole of the earth.’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 15:9)
Thus concludes the 15th chapter of Yasha’yah. It was a warning for all mankind. We ignore it at our own peril.