



Yahowah Delivers


Call upon His Name…

The 12th chapter of Yasha’yah / Isaiah is a celebration of life with our Father. It becomes evident that the Choter will prevail. His mission completed; he will retire. The Nes will have been raised and read by Yahuwdym | Jews and Gowym | Gentiles, alike. Many thousands will have come home.

To appreciate Yisra’el’s exuberant song, and to understand why God’s people are singing, we must ascertain the timing of this joyous affair. And that requires bypassing the religiously imposed chapter breaks, especially when they are as counterproductive as the artificial disconnect between the 11th and 12th chapters of Yasha’yah.

Yahowah begins by setting the stage, justifying His people’s response, and inspiring them to sing along with the Choter in the 8th verse of the 11th chapter of Isaiah. So, let’s recommence our study of this marvelous moment where it actually began…

“They shall not corrupt anything in association with My Set-Apart Mountain because the Earth shall be full and complete, providing all of the information which can be known about Yahowah, just as the waters cover and adorn the sea. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:9)

It shall come to pass in that day that the root of the matter when excavated by one who digs deep, so as to become firmly anchored and appropriately instructive of Yshay (by Standing Out and Being Noticed), to show 446the way and reveal the correct path to walk to give meaning to life and receive the benefits of the relationship, will stand up and present himself, conveying the means to evaluate the One who appointed and sustains him, providing a way to evaluate the evidence and make a thoughtful decision as an ensign with the banner, as a standard bearer lifted up to communicate the message to those who are observant on behalf of God’s family.

Through him, gentiles have and will continue to seek, inquire about, and investigate, expecting to find a responsible presentation about how to engage in the relationship. Therefore, His restful spiritual residence, His place of repose and reflection, will serve as a reward, becoming a source of enrichment and empowerment. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:10)

Then it shall come to pass in that day, my Upright One will once again join in, increasingly associating His hand, now a second time, to bring forth and redeem, reacquire and obtain, the remnant of His family who remain out of ‘Ashuwr | Northern Iran & Iraq, from Mitsraym | Lower Egypt, out of Pathrows | Upper Egypt, from Kuwsh | the Arabian Peninsula, out of ‘Elam | Southwestern Iran, from Shin’ar | Iraq / Babylon, out of Chamath | Syria, and from the coastlands of the sea. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:11)

He will bring forth, lift up, and raise a signal and banner, a standard bearer and sign, designed to communicate the message on behalf of those who are observant, enabling the gentiles and their nations to assess, examine, analyze, and evaluate what is being conveyed.

Then He will gather together and remove the scattered of Yisra’el, the banished of the diaspora who were expelled and forced to live in different places.

447The dispersed who are away from the home of Yahuwdah, He will gather up and obtain, then relocate as a result of the relationship, harvesting them from the four extremities and distant places of the earth. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:12)

The resentment and ill-will shall depart and be removed from ‘Ephraym (Bandaged / a pseudonym for Yisra’el). And those who strive to restrict, imposing limits upon, especially those attempting to confine the area belonging to Yahuwdah, will be cut down, some banished, others destroyed, all excluded from any association or relationship.

‘Ephraym will no longer be envious, try to take advantage, nor seek to possess Yahuwdah, and Yahuwdah will not seek to impose limits upon or be adversarial toward ‘Ephraym. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:13)

And then they shall fly, swooping down, traveling through the air like birds on wings, quickly moving upon the elevated positions, the hillsides and ridgelines, the concealed bases of support and armaments of the Palishty | Palestinians (who are invading terrorists) throughout the west (Gaza). Likewise, by joining together they will seize control of the Sons of the East (the Jordanian, Syrian, and Saudi Muslims).

They shall stretch out their hand against and extend their sphere of influence toward ‘Edowm (the region between the Dead and Red Seas and east into Arabia) and Mow’ab (in Jordan east of the Dead Sea). Then the descendants of the ‘Amown (region east of the Jordan River and north of the Dead Sea) will recognize their power. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:14)

Yahowah, as a gift to those who love Him, will utterly destroy while prohibiting access to the slanderous tongue, language, and bay of the sea of the 448anguishing hardship of Egyptian religious and political oppression. He will wave His hand over the river with the glowing radiant energy of His Spirit. And He will strike it so that it becomes seven streams.

Then He will go out and lead, showing the way, setting out to walk as a guide, while encouraging others to follow in sandals. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:15)

There will be a causeway, a raised highway to lift up the remainder of His family from the Assyrian, just as it was for Yisra’el in the day they ascended out of the Land of Egyptian Religious and Political Oppression.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:16)

We have seen how God will fulfill His promises. We have discovered that He will lift up a Sign for the benefit of His Family and for the world to see. We know that He will successfully rescue a remnant of His people and bring them home.

We recognize that God’s relationship with Yisra’el will be reconciled. There will be no quarter for Replacement Theology nor the religion predicated upon it. Yahowah will rid the world of the people and languages He has found particularly offensive. Therefore, the inhabitants of Tsyown are ready to sing.

Having seen the future and now bursting with excitement, speaking of Yisra’el and Yahuwdah, Yasha’yah reveals…

“Then (wa) you will say (‘amar – you will express in words, answering by declaring (qal active perfect)) on this day (ba ha yowm ha huw’), ‘I have chosen to publicly acknowledge my appreciation for You (yadah ‘atah – of my own freewill I want to express my gratitude, thanking You, lifting up my hand to You (hifil imperfect cohortative jussive – the subject prompts the object’s acknowledgment which makes the object more like the subject, as an 449expression of first and third-person volition)), Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah existence).

For although (ky – while yes, indeed, and for good reason) You were displeased and frustrated with me (‘anaph ba ‘any – You were irritated and angry with me (qal perfect)), now (wa – however [from 1QIsa]) Your disappointment and animosity (‘aph ‘atah – Your dissatisfaction and resentment (qal imperfect jussive)) You have chosen to withdraw (shuwb – You have pulled back and abandoned (qal jussive)) so that (wa) You can comfort me (nacham ‘any – You can console and encourage me (piel imperfect)).’” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 12:1)

This is the message which will be repeated in Yirma’yah and Zakaryah, of Yisra’el and Yahuwdah coming to appreciate and publicly declare Yahowah’s name while being reconciled in the process. The wayward children will be embraced and comforted by their Father.

“‘Behold (hineh – I want to emphasize this point), God Almighty (‘el ‘el – Almighty God [repeated in 1QIsa]) will deliver, free, and save me (yashuwa’ah ‘any – will rescue me).

I will trust and rely (batach – I will be confident in and confide in, depending upon and feeling safe and inspired (qal imperfect)) because (ky – for the reason) of Yah () and (wa) I will not be afraid (lo’ pachad – I will not experience distress, anxiety, trouble, nor be terrorized (qal imperfect))!

Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation) is my source of strength and fortification (‘oz ‘any – is my power and my sense of 450boldness, my source of enhanced stability and my stronghold, enabling me to prevail while preventing any attack upon me).

He is my source of empowerment while enhancing my capabilities (wa zimrah – He is my reason to sing about my increased value, He is my song expressing joy over having been tremendously enriched and is the reason I am celebrating becoming the most highly valued part of the harvest).

He exists as (wa hayah la – so He has become and will always be (qal imperfect)) my Liberator and my Savior (la yashuw’ah – my means to draw near and approach, rescued, delivered, prosperous, and free; from yasha’ – to be saved and liberated).’” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 12:2)

We have learned that Yahowah’s Nes | Banner is for Yisra’el and Yahuwdah, and secondarily for the benefit of receptive and unreligious Gowym. And yet it bears mentioning that this statement, one recorded in a prophetic text proven to have been inspired by God over one thousand years before Christianity would become the most popular religion on Earth, reveals that Yahowah’s children would address Him by name and celebrate the fact that He is our Savior. This realization devastates the very essence of Judaism and Christianity. Few things are as important to an Orthodox Jew as avoiding Yahowah’s name. It is a mistake that will deprive them of an extension of life.

Christianity’s foundation is also torn asunder because this statement eliminates the pretext of Replacement Theology. Moreover, the mythology of the faith is shattered when the God they neither acknowledge nor know is the Savior instead of the caricature misnomer they have created in Jesus Christ.

Over the course of the past 2,000 years, Yisra’elites have rejected what Dowd did for them on Passover, largely 451because of the many foolish things Gentiles would say of their “Jesus.” But in the end, it will all become apparent. God’s people will return to Yahowah based upon His Towrah | Guidance, His Naby’ | Prophets, and especially the Mizmowr | Psalms written by Yah’s beloved Son, Dowd. It will just take a few reiterations of those words and a little analysis along the way to send them off in the right direction.

This Choter, who admittedly cannot hold a tune in a bucket, will be singing right along with them.

“With exuberant joy (wa ba sasown – with gladness and great happiness, rejoicing) you will draw out water (sha’ab mym – you will plumb and carry waters) from the Savior’s (min ha yashuwa’ah – from the Liberator’s) springs of life (ma’yan – fountains and cisterns serving as a source of blessings, even the wells [the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr]).”

The spring of life is the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr. Nothing else matters. Drink deeply and freely and live.

“And (wa) you will say (‘amar – you will declare and express in words) on this day (ba ha yowm ha huw’ – at this specific time), ‘I choose to publicly acknowledge and express my appreciation, and of my own volition lift up my hand to approach (yadah la – of my own freewill, I want to convey my gratitude, thanking, and I have chosen to grasp hold of; feminine of yad – hand (hifil imperative active – the subject causes the object’s acknowledgment which makes the object more like the subject, as an expression of second-person volition [I in 1QIsa vs. you in the MT])) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of the name of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah existence and our shalowm – restoration).’” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 12:3)

452That is the answer. The only one that really matters. It reveals that you know His name and understand that He made us so that we could stand up and reach up to Him. It is so very simple, Yisra’el and Yahuwdah. Say it, please!

But alas, there will not be any religious stalwarts in this audience. Nary a one knows or expresses Yahowah’s name. In fact, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have made a religion of calling God anything other than Yahowah.

The speaker is now Yasha’yah, encouraging Yisra’el and Yahuwdah to think about what they should do next.

“You should elect to call out, making an announcement, so as to be welcomed (qara’ – of your own freewill, you should want to be invited and meet, deciding to read and recite, and then be called out (qal imperative active)) in His name (ba shem huw’ – with His personal and proper designation).

Make this known and understood (yada’ – choosing of your own volition to reveal it, making everyone aware (hifil imperative active)) within (ba – with) the family (ha ‘am – the people who are related, typically indicative of Yisra’el).

Remember and then acknowledge (zakar – choose to be mindful of and mention, recalling (hifil imperative active)) the work He has done (‘alylah huw’ – His endeavors and actions, His deeds and His special occasions) so that (ky) His name (shem huw’) is exalted (sagab – is lifted up and cared about, protected and defended).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 12:4)

Come Home, Yisra’el. You have been away far too long. Please don’t keep Yahowah waiting, not after all He has done for you.

453But as you approach, please embrace Yahowah’s name. It is the most crucial first step away from estrangement and into the Covenant Family.

While Gowym | Gentiles are welcome, by this time it is too late for Christians, Muslims, or Socialist Secular Humanists. This prophecy clearly states that this invitation is known to and understood by Yahowah’s ‘am | family.

You and I know who will be leading the chorus. Soon many others will come to appreciate Dowd too.

“Choose to sing (zamar – you should want to sing, deciding to make beautiful music (piel imperative active)) to (‘el – unto Almighty [from 1QIsa]) Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah existence) because (ky – for the reason that indeed) He has engaged and acted (‘asah – He has performed and done (qal perfect)) wonderfully (ge’uwth – majestically and illustriously, in an uplifting manner conducive to abundant growth).

This (zowth) should be made known and accepted (yada’ – should be acknowledged and understood, revealed and respected, Yada’ (pual passive – the world gains understanding as a result of others and in the hofal – Yasha’yah is being exceedingly forceful with his audience, telling them that it is essential that they make these things known)) in all of the Land and throughout the Earth (ba kol ha ‘erets – in the material realm).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 12:5)

These songs are being sung in the Land of Yisra’el and across the planet. Those receptive to trusting Yahowah have come Home. They are all within earshot of this resounding declaration. For six thousand years we have anticipated and longed for this moment.

454These lyrics are found on the most important signs ever written. They were scribed on Tsyown | Signs Posted Along the Way. It is, therefore, a wonderful time to be a Zionist.

“Shout and shine (tsahal – cry out and reflect the light (qal imperative)) and (wa) sing for joy (ranan – express your thoughts and feelings in lyrics set to a melody (qal imperative)) inhabitants (yashab – those who dwell, live, and stay, setting up their campsite, restored and ready to meet) of Tsyown (Tsyown – Signs Posted Along the Way).

Indeed (ky – because), the enormously important (gadowl – tremendously great and extraordinarily extensive, wonderfully enabling and distinguished) Set-Apart One (qodesh) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God) is in your midst (ba qereb ‘atah – among you).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 12:6)

Yasha’yah was right, we should all be singing this song. We were conceived to sing along. Best of all, imagine seeing the expression on Yahowah’s face as He watches His Covenant children listen to Dowd | David, the Qodesh Yisra’el, sing the Songs He inspired.

As with most things that are true, these lyrics have become unimaginably unpopular today. They destroy the credibility of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in addition to Socialist Secular Humanism. And yet, while this song is lethal to Rabbinic Judaism, it will be music to the ears of ethnic Jews. These lyrics are for Yahuwdah and Yisra’el. The song is being sung on Tsyown.

“Then you will say on this day, ‘I have chosen to publicly acknowledge my appreciation of You, Yahowah. For although You were displeased and frustrated with me, now You have chosen to withdraw Your disappointment and animosity so that You can comfort and encourage me. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 12:1)

455Behold, God Almighty will rescue, deliver, and liberate me. I will trust and rely, confidently confiding in and depending upon Yah and so for that reason, I will not be afraid!

Yahowah is my source of strength and fortification. He is my source of empowerment and enhances my capabilities while enriching me. He has become my Liberator and my Savior.’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 12:2)

With exuberant joy you will draw out water from the Savior’s springs of life. And you will say on this day, ‘I choose to publicly acknowledge and express my appreciation, and of my own volition lift up my hand to approach Yahowah.’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 12:3)

You should elect to call out, making an announcement, so as to be welcomed, reading and reciting in His name. Make this known and understood, Yada’, within the family. Remember and then acknowledge the work He has done so that His name is lifted up and respected. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 12:4)

Choose to sing to Yahowah because He has engaged and acted wonderfully and illustriously, in an uplifting manner conducive to abundant growth. This should be made known and accepted, Yada’, revealed and understood in all the Land. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 12:5)

Shout and shine, reflecting the light, and sing for joy inhabitants of Tsyown. Indeed, the enormously important, enabling and distinguished, Set-Apart One of Yisra’el is in your midst.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 12:6)

Only those who Yada Yahowah will be singing this song. I have nothing else to add. Props to Yasha’yah. Let us all sing along with him.


456We are reminded that Yasha’yah was Yahowah’s foremost prophet when addressing the full spectrum of time. He was shown the future through a series of prophetic visions. Some of what he saw was marvelous, as was the case with the entire 12th chapter, all six verses of it.

There were aspects of what he witnessed, however, that must have been excruciating to watch. He would have cringed at everything associated with Babel, the birthplace of religion and government as we know these beasts today. But for God to be a faithful Father, He would need to expose us to the good and the bad. By doing so, He taught His children what to accept and what to avoid.

Sometimes, good triumphs over bad. Turns out, one of the reasons Yisra’el was singing is because Yahowah had exposed, renounced, and then obliterated their foes. Those seeking to kill and oppress Yahuwdym, looting their inheritance as Christians and Muslims have done, are about to be dissolved.

“This is the prophetic pronouncement (masa’ – the predictive proclamation regarding the yearnings, burdensome and oppressive nature, and the forced submission) concerning Babel (Babel – of the Confusion of Intermixing associated with Babylon, to confound and confuse by mingling together, from ba Bel – with the Lord serving as the basis of Bible) which (‘asher – which to show the benefits of the relationship and the proper path to walk to give life meaning) Yasha’yahuw (Yasha’yahuw – Freedom and Salvation are from Yahowah), the son (ben) of ‘Amowts (‘Amowts – Courageous and Strong; from ‘amats – to be confident and bold), witnessed as part of a prophetic revelation (chazah – saw as a vision presented by God, beheld and perceived through sight and thought).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:1)

Babel is not only Babylon, the birthplace of the beasts of religion and government. Her name explains the purpose 457of these human interlopers: “to confound and confuse by commingling.” Babel is not only from ba-Bel and means “with the Lord” who is Satan, it is the closest term in the Hebrew language to “Bible.”

The correction of the Masoretic Text made possible by the Great Isaiah Scroll in this next statement is palpable – especially following the 11th chapter of Yasha’yah which was devoted to a singular Choter / Secondary Branch composing the Nes | Banner for Yahowah to lift up and bring His children home. Not only do we find Yasha’yah, himself, requesting that this Nes | Banner be “nasa’ – raised” on a “saphah – barren, windswept, and prominent” “har – hill,” he wants this same individual’s voice and hand elevated against “pathach nadyb – the portals of power and the words spoken by political, religious, military, and economic leaders.”

“Upon (‘al – over and on) a barren, windswept, and prominent (saphah – a protuberant and desolate; akin to saphah – language on the brink) hill (har – ridgeline and mountain) lift up (nasa’ – elevate, accept, bear, raise, carry, and support, desire and encourage (qal imperative active)) the banner (nes – sign, banner; from neses meaning to lift up), raising your voice (ruwm qowl – shouting aloud so as to be heard (hifil imperative active)) against them (la hem – concerning them (addressing the whores of Babylon)).

Brandish (nuwph – elevate and shake, waving, moving to and fro) a hand (yad) so that (wa) he may come against (bow’ – he may approach and oppose [first-person masculine singular in 1QIsa vs. plural, and thus ‘they’ in the MT], he may arrive at and confront) the gates (pathach – the portals, doorways, and entrances, the inscriptions and written communications) of the political, religious, military, and economic leaders (nadyb – of the clerical rulers, of the government officials, of the nobility, of those with wealth and status, of those considered philanthropic, 458and of those who volunteered, who were willing and uncoerced to do what they have done, especially those who incite others).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:2)

I am inclined to see saphah presenting what mankind has done to Mount Mowryah, turning the place of life into a place of death with windswept echoes of Satan’s desire to be worshiped as if he were God. It is the most prominent hill on Earth, and yet it has become desolate with shrines and mosques replete with the language of hopelessness. What better place to post this Nes Banner for all to see?

It is likely that Observations and Coming Home, along with Yada Yahowah and An Introduction to God currently comprise portions of the Nes which is to be lifted up. In this light, it is worth noting that Yasha’yah is calling for the voice and hand of the Choter | stem to be brandished as well.

Recognizing the attention Yahowah is drawing to the Nes throughout Yasha’yah, it is certain that God wants His people to be aware of what he is writing as he scribes his translations of the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms and shares the insights gleaned from them. He wants them to anticipate seeing his efforts distributed around the world.

This Choter has raised his voice on these subjects during many thousands of interviews on talk radio programs. He has produced thousands more under the purview of Yada Yah Radio. And so, while he views himself as inadequate, he makes up for it by being prolific and exuberant. Some may question his efficacy, but not his effort. And there is no question that Yada Yahowah is considered Yah worthy by the One inspiring the result.

It is surprising that, with as much as God has to say about His Nes, and considering the Christian fascination with eschatology, Yah’s Sign isn’t mentioned in 459contemporary literature. Jews don’t speak of it either, even though they are the prime beneficiaries.

As I suggested at the conclusion of the previous chapter, and in keeping with the primary thrust of Yasha’yah’s testimony thus far, it is comforting to see that Yahowah’s Witness continues to expose and condemn religion and politics. It is only after questioning these things and walking away from them that a prospective Covenant member’s ears and eyes will be open to God’s message. No matter the content of the Nes or the identity of the Choter, only those who are receptive hear and see Yahowah. Therefore, what matters most is accepting and acting upon what Yahowah has said and done after having decided to walk away from human encumbrances.

This was yet another difficult statement to ignore in my initial reluctance to accept the role of Choter and envision Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, and Coming Home as contributing to the Nes | Banner. In this light, even Prophet of Doom, Questioning Paul, and Babel serve to clear up many of the misconceptions that have littered the way.

The Choter’s contributions to the Nes aren’t just being used to encourage Yisra’el and Yahuwdah to listen to Yahowah, to Dowd and Yasha’yah, as they call them home, it is also being composed to expose and condemn religion and politics such that those reading the Sign might start by moving in the right direction – just as Noach, ‘Abraham, and Moseh had done before them.

The communication being lifted up is assuredly derived from the Word of God, but the one composing it is also called to speak out against the paradigms of human authority. This makes sense, since Yahowah has done the same thing from the beginning.

The outspoken individual Yasha’yah is encouraging to continue to raise his hands and voice in anticipation of 460Yahowah raising the sign remains singular. No matter how unqualified any of us may be, the willing are few, the victims are many, the lies are popular, and the foes are powerful, wealthy, and influential.

Speaking of the Sign, I’ve translated the letters, Nun Samech, as Nes, while the most readily accessible lexicon, Strong’s, transliterates them as nec. However, there is no “c” in the Hebrew alphabet, only a “ch,” and it is derived from the Chet, not the Samech. That said, it is easier for readers to copy and paste “nec” into a search engine and validate these translations. Yet, the proper pronunciation is more accurately achieved through nes which some say rhymes with “case.” However, correctly pronouncing these Hebrew words is considerably less important than correctly conveying their meaning.

Also, I have been remiss in pointing out a horribly troubling and rapidly escalating problem. One of today’s most violent and dishonest, anti-Semitic cults refer to themselves as the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement and as Yahwehists. They not only use an inaccurate pronunciation of God’s name, “Yahweh,” thereby misleading many, their false Messiah directs those he has deceived into believing that they, not Yahuwdym, are Israel. At the same time, he tells them that Caucasians, and especially Jews, have to die for them to rise.

Members of their movement have, on occasion, plagiarized my translations and transliterations. They have even misappropriated many of my insights. So let it be known: we share nothing in common and they have no relationship with Yahowah. They are neither Yisra’elites, Yahuwdym, nor Covenant. The Yahwehists and their BHI cult comprise the worst of humankind. They are murderous terrorists sitting atop a mountain of perversions and outright lies.

461Moving on to the next word, the verbal form of pathach speaks of “opening” something, to “free oneself” of someone, or to “hear and respond” and then “inscribe and engrave.” As a result, pathach could just as easily have been translated as “written communication,” addressing that which is “inscribed and engraved.”

The same word means: “revelation, the unfolding of an oral tradition or a verbal disclosure which conveys information and strives to provide understanding” and, in particular, as it pertains “to a doorway” which is later “inscribed and thus written down.” This sounds more and more like a reference to the Talmud or “Oral Torah” of Rabbinic Judaism.

Even with a stick, there is something to be gained if it is in the right hands. It was the first thing Yahowah asked Moseh to lift up after introducing Himself to His reluctant and stammering liberator. However, just prior to this…

“He replied to Yahowah, ‘Please, Yahowah, I have never been a man of words, neither recently nor in my past, nor since You have spoken to Your coworker. For I am slow of speech with a heavy tongue.’

To which Yahowah replied to him, ‘Who made man’s mouth? Or who made him dumb or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, Yahowah? Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.’” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:10-12)

Moseh responded in a manner that disappointed Yahowah, ‘Please, Sir, why don’t You go and send the message by whomever You desire.’

After venting His frustration at His failure to get Moseh to appreciate why He wanted him and why He would make up for any failings, Yahowah said:

“‘I will teach you what you are to do.’ Then He said, ‘And now you shall take in your hand this staff 462(read stick), and with which you shall perform the signs.’” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:15, 17)

He would use this same stick to part the sea (read: Gentiles) and save Yah’s children from being slaughtered by them. Sticks can, indeed, be useful. And while Moseh struck the rock with his stick, one which Yahowah had asked him to address with words, nonetheless, living waters came forth to quench the thirst of God’s family.

Now Yah is reminding us that Moseh was not the first or the last to hear from Him…

“‘I, Myself, have offered instruction (‘any tsawah – I have given directions) for (la) those who are Set Apart unto Me (qadash ‘any – who are dedicated and separated, becoming special to Me (pual participle)), as well as having issued an invitation, calling out (wa qara’ – I have summoned at this time, met with, and welcomed, making an announcement to read qal perfect)) to My most courageous, competent, and influential men (gibowr ‘any – to My most knowledgeable and effective, to My especially capable and bold, to My wholly engaged and experienced, and to My most successful and aggressive individuals), especially those who celebrate (‘alyz – those who enjoy, rejoicing and jubilant over) My (‘any) impressive ability to lift up and promote growth (ga’awah – impressive and altruistic nature, glorious outcomes and situation, exalted status, majesty, eminence, triumph, and magnificence (in comparison to the deplorable nature of Babel)), on account of My righteous indignation (la ‘aph ‘any – because of My resolute anger, burning resentment, unresolved grievances, enormous disappointment, wrath, and immense displeasure).’” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:3)

During the years leading up to His return, Yahowah will convey His message through those who dare speak for Him, which is to say only those celebrating their growth in 463the Covenant. And only those with genuine conviction will do so, because it takes courage to expose and condemn the prevailing religious, political, and military establishments.

The only way to become a competent spokesperson is to listen to Yahowah, knowing that He will teach us what to say. And while we will never become influential in the minds of most, our words will influence those who are seeking to know God and direct them home.

While I have been criticized for being overly blunt and excessively critical, Yahowah prefers working with those who are emboldened and who never compromise on what is right. He, quite literally, invites such individuals to work with Him. It is why He enjoyed engaging with Dowd | David. This is not a job for the meek.

Moreover, and shattering another myth, with righteous indignation, Yahowah clearly isn’t all loving. And even in the execution of His vengeance upon those who have misled or mistreated His people, God will work through men and not alone.

For the sake of argument, let us assume for a moment that there is another Choter contributing to Yahowah’s Nes. What have you or I lost by boldly seeking the inspiration of the Spirit to explore Yahowah’s words and then share them with others? Could there be anything more productive than diligently translating Yahowah’s testimony such that it is rendered more completely and accurately? Since I do not seek a following, have never solicited donations, and offer all of this freely without seeking acclaim or personal benefit, no matter whether the idea of a choter applies to all of us or none of us, what could be more beneficial?

I want what Yahowah wants. I want everyone to know and love Him as I do. And I want those who have misled both Yahuwdym and Gowym silenced before they do irreparable harm.

464More than this, Yahowah devoted an entire chapter of Yasha’yah / Isaiah, and parts of two others, to introducing His people to this Choter and Nes. He has diligently explained how he will inspire and embolden His Secondary Branch, and then He has explained what He will do with the Sign he writes. So, He obviously wants both known.

The reason is equally obvious. Yahowah wants Yahuwdym and Gowym to read and even trust his presentations of His testimony such that they are afforded the opportunity to come home. It would, therefore, be counterproductive and disrespectful, even selfish, to disregard these prophecies simply because being anonymous is more comfortable – not only easier, but also less prone to being denounced by those who despise what Yahowah has revealed.

In what follows, we are being given a word’s-eye-view of the final battle, or at the very least, an earful. Yahowah does not want His Family to endure the roar of man’s killing machines any longer. Over the course of human history, the story of civilization is mostly about developing and deploying weapons. They have long announced man’s presence and intent: to decimate and destroy or to control and plunder.

“The thunderous frivolity and resounding infamy (qowl – the voice and noise, the call and proclamation, the sound and continual din) of the uproarious crowds, multitudes of armies and troops, confusing situations, and absurd accumulation of possessions (hamown – of ridiculous riches and resulting riots, of confounding commotion and tragic tumult, of clamor of a gaudy display of wealth, of the disarray and disorder among the populace and congregations) beside (ba – in and among) the mountains (ha harym – the mount (likely Mowryah), the ridgelines and elevated terrain, and the hill country (often a reference to the terrain in and around Yaruwshalaim)) are as if they were (damuwth – representing and in the likeness 465of, similar to and in the manner of, resembling and seen graphically as, modeling itself as and imagining himself to be likened and compared to) a great and exalted (rab – an abundant, large, extensive, upper scale, and numerous militant force; from rabab – large and exalted) people (‘am – nation and compatriots, group related by kinship, followers with common interests, beliefs, culture, language or affinity for their leader; from ‘amam – to dim and darken, growing dark, to be held back and eclipsed).

As the infamous voice and continuous din (qowl – as the thunderous sound of frivolity and unrelenting resounding proclamation) of the confused uproar (sha’own – as the tumult, confusion, and social chaos, the riotous conditions, the noise of brawlers, the ruinous destruction and wasteful corruption bellowed out of the slime, muck, and pit of She’owl by its revelers; from sha’ah – to crash while making a loud noise and be ruined) of the governments (mamlakah – kingdoms, empires, realms, and humanly authorized institutions claiming authority; from malak – rulers) of the gentile nations (gowym – of those typically estranged from Yisra’el whose government, religions, economics, and military cause them to be hostile to Yisra’el, of those influenced by pagan deities born and bred in Babel) gather together (‘asaph – congregate in mass and move to one place, join and assemble, band together to remove one group of people only to find that they, themselves, are withdrawn), Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of the name of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah existence and our shalowm – restoration) of the heavenly representatives (tsaba’ – enlightened messengers, Divine implements, and spiritual envoys) is mustering (paqad – is summoning, counting on, enumerating, reckoning, drafting, assigning, mobilizing, appointing, and arming (piel participle active)) the Spiritual implements (tsaba’ – heavenly representatives, messengers, and envoys established in a 466command-and-control regimen designed as tools to enter and interact in lower dimensions) for battle (milchamah – for combat and war, as the battle lines are drawn; from lacham – to fight and engage in battle).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:4)

Damuwth is from damah, which reveals an interesting connection between what is being reported and what is being implied. This damah is not only “exceedingly destructive and deadly, designed to bring everything to an end, such that life itself ceases and every remaining soul is cut off” from God, the damah is the “likeness” of Satan, of the Whore of Babylon and Lord of the World.

It is Satan as he “imagines” himself, as what he wants to be, and this is his greatest moment and biggest stage. But damah also predicts the Whore of Babylon’s fate, which is “to be cut off at the sight of the theophany, of the visual appearance of God, being cut down and incapacitated, ceasing to function.”

While ‘am is typically used to depict the “family and people” of Yisra’el, here it is being used to suggest that ha Satan has created a larger and more militant family of followers.” And they have come to replace Yahowah’s ‘am / family.

Wanting to be popular has always been a problem for people. We have been led to believe that the majority must be right. Religions became pervasive in this manner. Democracy was predicated on majority rules, and yet when the vast majority of Yisra’elites chose Sha’uwl to lead them, Yahowah said that by doing so they were rejecting Him. And just look at the reprobates people are electing. It’s no longer even fair to call the winner the “lesser of two evils.”

Unanimous jurors exonerated O.J. Simpson of murdering two people, even though the facts prove that he committed this crime. Likewise, thousands of convicted 467“rapists and murderers” have been released from prison now that fiber analysis has been invalidated and DNA evidence was proven reliable. But when the facts are not known, when some of the evidence is tainted, all it takes is one zealous juror to convince another until they become a majority. Even when influenced by a single misguided soul, by becoming a majority they are considered to be right. But that has never been so, ever, throughout the entire fabric of time.

The Lord has never been God, not as Bel, Ba’al, Adonai, Ra, Horus, Osiris, Zeus, Dionysus, Mithras, Jupiter, Bacchus, Jesus, Shiva, Krishna, or Allah, no matter how many people have believed otherwise. Actually, according to God, the very fact a belief system is popular makes it false, not true. And that is because He knows that most people do not think, they are afraid to go against societal norms, to disavow the country, political and economic systems, or the religion they were born into. And the few who think are all too often deprived of the most salient facts while being subject to a reservoir of tainted evidence.

Yahowah has clearly stated that the tsaba’ are spiritual beings sent by Him to engage this foe. So, this next statement appears to depict the origin of His insurgent forces as well as that of the human combatants they will defeat. While only the tsaba’ will emerge out of the heavens, the armies that have been dispatched to fight will come from a faraway land, albeit a place not quite as remote and distant as the spiritual realm.

Although since shamaym also means “sky,” it’s possible that God is saying that many will fly into Yisra’el to wage this war. The reason I’m inclined to suggest that the locales, from which both will emerge, are being presented is that ‘erets most often refers to the material realm and yet the last group listed leading up to this declaration were tsaba’.

468“They will arrive from (bow’ min – they will come from (qal participle active)) a distant realm, some from a far-off land which is alienated and estranged (merchaq – afar, a distant place; from rachaq – from a great distance), from the outskirts or extremity (min qatsah – out of the far reaches that can be seen or beyond the area defined as spacetime) of the heavens and sky (ha shamaym – the spiritual realm and abode of God but also the atmosphere above).

Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation) and the implements (wa kaly – and the apparatus, tools, and vessels; from kalah – to accomplish and complete that which has been determined and must be fulfilled) of His righteous indignation (za’am huw’ – of His expressed denouncements regarding the things He finds abhorrent) are approaching (la – drawing near accordingly) to demand that all the Land be secure (chabal kol ha ‘erets – to require the safety of the material realm by temporarily repossessing the Land from those seeking to destroy Yisra’el, to bind those who would corrupt and ruin the Land so as to honor a pledge).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:5)

It is quite likely that Yahowah is revealing that His “tsaba’ – spiritual implements” will be arriving not only from Heaven, as in the spiritual realm of God, but also from faraway places within the material realm. According to Yahowah’s promise in the 91st Mizmowr / Psalm, many have been deployed to protect those who are engaged in doing what Yahowah wants to be done. Tsaba’ have been assigned to protect us. And one day soon, once we are gone, they will leave their duty posts in places like America, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, and Australia to protect Yisra’el.

469I find it reassuring to read that Yahowah considers His tsaba’ to be “kaly – implements.” I’ve come to know this intuitively by observing His Word but have not until now seen it expressed so convincingly.

English Bibles typically misrepresent this statement to suggest that God is dispatching “weapons” rather than “implements,” and that they are being sent “to destroy the Earth” rather than “demand that all the Land be secure.” I’m on firm ground here in that the primary definition of chabal is as I’ve defined it: “a demand for security, requiring the safety of a people or place, and to temporarily repossess something others are seeking to destroy, binding those who would corrupt and ruin it because of a previous pledge.” When the truth is so readily derived and so profound, why do religious translators constantly corrupt His message?

God is not going to destroy the Earth, at least not at this time. And He most certainly is not going to destroy His Land. He’s within days of returning. He will only destroy those who have come to destroy His chosen people and place, doing to them what they would have done to Yisra’el and Yahuwdym.

It is vital that we think first and write second. There is no justification for such a ridiculous corruption of His message.

The intent of the forces gathered within Yisra’el is to obliterate Jews. This isn’t a welcome party. They have not come in peace. Satan and his minions have brought every weapon they could muster into the Land, making an annoying racket with their chosen implements of death.

God simply is not going to let it happen. He will not allow man to corrupt all life on Earth, especially in His Land and at this time. He made a promise to ‘Abraham and He is going to keep it.

470God overlooks a lot of what man does. He does not know the perpetrators or their victims. They are out of sight and out of mind. But when it comes to His children, He is protective. When it comes to His pledges, He is honorable. Mankind has grown deceitful and deadly, destructive and damning. And there is no longer any way to stop the assault upon Yisra’el without His direct intervention. Freewill goes a long way, but not all the way to destroying Yisra’el and wiping out all Yahuwdym.

“Cry out a warning (yalel – shout out a cautionary tale, expressing a woe to be heard in desolate places (hifil imperative active)) because the Day of Yahowah is approaching (ky qarowb yowm yahowah – because indeed, surely the time is imminent, in close proximity, and near for those engaged in a close relationship with Yahowah).

That which is similar to (ka – something which is akin to or corresponds with, could be compared to) the physical force exerted by the nurturing aspect of God against those who perpetrate violence so as to destroy their ability to plunder and oppress (shod – violence perpetrated by the bosom of God to forestall even greater violence, looting, and subjugation, thereby devastating the ruinous raiding mob; from shat – breast and bosom, the nurturing aspect) will come (bow’ – will arrive, entering into the fray to fulfill a promise (qal imperfect active)) from (min) the Almighty (Shaday – the Most Powerful; from shad – breast or bosom, the nurturing part of the female anatomy).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:6)

A person cannot love without hate. The problem with the world today isn’t that we hate, but that we don’t know what to hate or how to express our righteous indignation. Yahowah loves His children and therefore hates those who try to mislead or abuse them. He is acting to protect His 471sons and daughters in their homes. He not only has every right to do so, He would be a lesser Father if He didn’t.

Yes, Yahowah is going to destroy the men and machines that will be brought to bear against His people and His home. He cannot coexist with them, and He is returning. They must go for Him to come.

Just as we derived a complete and accurate definition of “chabalto demand that all the Land be secure, temporarily repossessing the Land from those seeking to destroy Yisra’el, binding those who would corrupt and ruin the Land so as to honor His pledge,” we can deduce who is going to be destroyed and why they deserve this fate by considering the etymology of shod. It is something Yahowah has seldom done.

Between four and five thousand years ago, He flooded the region of violent men back in the time of Noach to give those with a neshamah a fresh start aboard the Ark. And 3,450 years ago, He released a wall of water on the Egyptian army that had been ordered to obliterate His children before they reached the Promised Land. Now He will act again, one final time, but this time there won’t be any water in sight. God is leading with His bosom, with the part of the feminine anatomy created to nurture children. He is going to protect them.

That may sound strange to our ears, but Yahowah has always told us that Yisra’el was a Land of milk and honey. Honey is incorruptible and lasts forever. So now here comes our Mother’s milk.

When every nuance of shod is considered, especially in conjunction with Shaday, we derive the following definition: “the physical force exerted by the nurturing aspect of the Almighty Shaday against those who perpetrate violence so as to destroy their ability to plunder and oppress.” It is “violence perpetrated by the bosom of God to forestall even greater violence, looting, and 472subjugation, thereby devastating the ruinous raiding mob.” While it is admittedly far more work, there is a reward for those seeking to know Yahowah by amplifying His every word, examining every aspect under an etymological microscope, and then placing them all face up on the table, properly arranged for all to see.

This is far from the glorious return Christians anticipate, and that is because their religion is far from the glory of God. Yahowah created a marvelous universe and the wonder of life within it. Man has sought to corrupt one and abuse the other. God has had enough. Wheeling and flying the world’s largest and deadliest army into Yisra’el with the intent of annihilating His people and incinerating the place is one step too far.

“Therefore (‘al ken – for this reason), all (kol) hands (yad) will hang limp (raphah – will lose the ability to exert themselves, having lost the strength in their muscles to respond to the situation, faltering and incapacitated), and (wa) every (kol) mortal (‘enowsh – ordinary human life disassociated from God, thereby addressing mortal mankind’s) heart (lebab – mind and soul, conscience and consciousness, attitude and facility to exercise judgment, the ability to correctly perceive and appropriately respond, and especially the volition or freewill) will dissolve (masas – melt away, grow faint and then vanish, becoming worthless).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:7)

There are many words for “man” in Hebrew. The most common are “‘ysh – male individual” and “‘adam – the first man in the image of God.” But here we find ‘enowsh, which speaks of “ordinary human beings who remain mortal because they are disassociated from God.”

Not every hand will fail to rise and not everyone’s judgment will dissolve. All those who have returned to the Land and have reached up to Yahowah, accepting Him as 473their Savior, will live as a result of executing good judgment while they were under the auspices of freewill. But it’s over now for those who came to hunt down and murder “Jews.” Their time to choose has passed. They will be no more, ceasing to exist.

This is expressly why God selected raphah, revealing that in addition to not being able to fire their weapons, they will no longer be capable of reaching up to Him. It may be an accident, or a little Divine humor, but yad, the Hebrew word for “hand” was made plural in 1QIsa, the Great Isaiah Scroll, by adding the Aramaic suffix. Aramaic was the language of Babylon.

Those who grow to revere and respect Yahowah by observing His Towrah, answering His Invitations, and responding to His Covenant will never fear their Father. But those who fear the God they do not know as a result of being misled by erroneous religious institutions will be terrified and bewildered by His approach. They are not expecting Him to be opposed to them and what they are doing. They have been told that their god wants Yisra’el destroyed and Yisra’elites killed, and they are right, he does, so they simply cannot process what is occurring before their eyes.

This is a horrifying outcome for those who have come against Yisra’el. It is not God’s choice but, instead, the culmination of the bad decisions these people have made along the way. They have given Yahowah no alternative other than to eliminate their presence from His home, just as any loving father would shoot an armed robber if he or she were threatening to kill his children.

There are things worthy of our righteous indignation, and the destructive killing machines run by soldiers who enlist on their own recognizance, are among those things. Militaries are designed to kill and destroy, conquer and 474control, all of which are in opposition to Yahowah’s purpose.

If you are in the military, this should be a sobering moment. God hates what you are doing. He wouldn’t pause even a second in taking the life that He gave you if you were deployed in a manner inconsistent with His children’s wellbeing – such as when the US armed forces invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and bombed Yemen, Libya, and Syria, arming and equipping, instigating and inspiring Islamic Jihadists the world over to destroy Yisra’el.

This time isn’t like any other. This is personal with Yahowah. This isn’t designed to be painless and instant. These soldiers have been incapacitated. They cannot raise their arms to fire their weapons or make peace with God. Their hearts are dissolving within them, along with their attitude of superiority and courage, even their ability to reason – suggesting that He has removed their neshamah – conscience, which is reasonable since they had clearly misused it. Their fate is sealed.

“They will be terrified and bewildered (wa bahal – they will experience dismay, totally confused and disturbed, anxious and despondent, unable to think clearly and be overwhelmed by the situation).

Mental anguish and withering contractions for having worshiped pagan gods (tsyr – anguishing pain associated with distress and anxiety for having worshiped false idols as a result of believing someone who traveled around the world claiming authorization to proclaim God’s message, presenting a lesser dimensional shadow or image of the Light) and the intense pangs associated with childbirth as a result of their confessions (chebel – anguish knowing that their children will die with them for having given birth and life to their religion and by pledging their lives to it) will seize them (‘achaz – will grasp hold 475of them and closely embrace them) similar to (ka – akin to) delivering a child (ha yalad – those giving birth).

They will linger in this condition (yachyl – they will wait, unable to move or respond, incapacitated, seeking resolution), each individual (‘ysh – each person) toward (‘el – unto and against) his (huw’) evil compatriot and vicious comrade, fellow citizen and fiend (rea’ – ignorant and immoral associate, regretful neighbor for having done that which was harmful and improper, and companion known to have shouted a dubious message), astonished and stunned at (tamah – astounded and aghast, horrified and confused in reaction to) the appearance (paneh – the presence) of their faces (paneh hem – their heads) aflame (lahab – set on fire, ablaze, burning and glowing while being consumed by the combustion in the gaseous part of a fire, even of being hit by a flash of lightning (symbolic of being hoodwinked by Satan)).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 13:8)

Bahal, translated as “They will be terrified and bewildered,” suggests that these warmongers will be “confused” because they will be experiencing the opposite of what they had expected. They will enter this battle believing that God is on their side, and, due to His will and their desire to fight for Him, they would readily vanquish these “dastardly Jews.”

They would return home as heroes, as the men who did what the Egyptians and the Philistines, the Amaleks and Medians, the Assyrians and Babylonians, the Greeks and Romans, the Byzantines and Ottomans, and especially the likes of Paul, Vespasian, Titus, Hadrian, Muhammad, and Hitler all failed to achieve: the eradication of Jews.

It was to be the final solution, Satan’s, I mean their god’s, crowning achievement. But the incongruence between what they were told and what they are witnessing became so extreme that they are “overwhelmed, unable to 476think clearly,” and quickly become “dismayed and despondent.” I suspect that while the circumstances won’t be as public or extreme, everyone who has placed their faith in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, Communism, or Socialist Secular Humanism will encounter “bahal – a terrifying bewilderment.” How is it, they will wonder, that everyone they knew and trusted could have been so wrong?

Tsyr is yet another word begging for elucidation. Specifically, it explains the reason these militants are experiencing “mental anguish” rather than “physical pain.” It conveys what will be endured by those incarcerated in She’owl. And it suggests that the man explicitly named after this hellish place, and born as Sha’uwl, may have been the one who beguiled them, delivering them to this fate.

Therefore, one of two outcomes awaits every incapacitated and bewildered soul in this place on this day. They will either have their soul “tsyr – cease to exist through withering contractions” or live forever “incarcerated along with the anguishing pain of knowing that they led souls away from God and are suffering the consequence.”

Tsyr also affirms my earlier suspicions regarding Sha’uwl. Paul “traveled the known world claiming to be God’s lone authorized” apostle to the Gentile nations, and all the while “seduced billions into worshiping a shadow rather than the Light.”

Chabal and chabel, written identically in Hebrew, can infer a great many things. It speaks of “a pledge, a demand for security,” something a religious confession requires and infers. It means “to act in a wicked and offensive manner so as to deserve and endure an unfavorable outcome.” This is the legacy of religion, politics, and militarism.

Chabel also describes a “snare used to trap unsuspecting animals, a rope used to bind a prisoner, or a 477noose hung around someone’s neck, killing them.” It is how religions bind the faithful, terrorizing would-be heretics into submission. A chabel can portray a “boundary, serving as the limit a person can pass before they forfeit their choice to know God and seal their fate which is to be impounded or die.”

Chabel addresses the idea of “being part of a large religious procession or parade that is boisterous and destructive.” Therefore, perhaps after defeating Islam in the first phase of the war, allowing Socialist Secular Humanists to bomb themselves out of existence in the second phase, Yahowah is dealing with Christianity. Underscoring this possibility, this portion of Yasha’yah’s prophecy began with a verbal and written assault against Babel | Babylon, the birthplace of religion and the source of almost every Christian doctrine.

I suspect that there are a number of reasons why these testosterone-fueled fighters will experience travail similar to childbirth. They will find it humiliating, breaking their pride. They will come to have a better appreciation of the pain experienced to give a child life, and bring it into this world, only to see it attempt to destroy both.

They will come to appreciate Yahowah’s anguish in having conceived them. And this, of course, was the judgment Chawah ensued as a consequence of adding to and revising Yahowah’s testimony – just as Christians have done with their New Testament, Jews have done with their Talmud, and Muslims have done with their Quran.

This is the first time I’ve witnessed Yahowah telling us that He is deliberately going to allow His foes to “yachyl – linger in this incapacitated condition.” He is no longer teaching or guiding but instead rebuking, and He obviously wants this massive array of unbounded arrogance and ambition, destruction and death, deceit and damnation to recognize who is doing this to them, and why.

478We are not told, but we can speculate why these combatants will see one another’s faces as if they were aflame. They will be glowing but not in a good way. I suspect that the reason lahab was used rather than the more common Hebrew words for fire, like ‘esh, and followed ka, indicating that this could be construed as, but not actually be, “faces ablaze” is because these putrid people are ill-prepared to endure Yahowah’s arrival. Even the diminished portion of His light He brings down to Earth will incinerate them.

This is not the end of this discussion, not by a long shot. God has much more to say about the moments preceding His return. But I think it is time to review where we have been so that we better appreciate where we are going. Yasha’yah revealed…

“This prophetic pronouncement regarding the yearnings and oppressive nature of Babel | of the Mixing Together associated with Babylon which confounds and confuses with the Lord, which Yasha’yah, the son of ‘Amowts (Courageous and Confident), witnessed as part of a prophetic revelation. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:1)

Upon a barren, windswept, and prominent hill, lift up a banner, a sign conveying the message and standard bearer, raising your voice against Babylon. Brandish and shake a hand so that he may come against the gates as well as inscriptions of the political, religious, military, and economic leaders. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:2)

‘I, Myself, have offered instruction and have provided guidance for My Set-Apart Ones, for those who are dedicated and who are separated from the ordinary things of man.

I have invited and welcomed My most courageous, competent, and influential, those who have demonstrated that they are capable and experienced, 479especially those who celebrate My ability to lift up and promote growth because of My righteous indignation and burning resentment, these unresolved grievances which are enormously disappointing.’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:3)

The thunderous frivolity and resounding infamy of the noise of the continual din of the uproarious crowds, of the multitudes of armies, confusing situations, and the absurd accumulation of possessions, of ridiculous riches and resulting riots as a result of the clamor over this gaudy display of wealth and disarray among the populace among the mountains as if they were representing a great and exalted people.

As the infamous voice and continuous din of the thunderous sound of frivolity, this unrelenting proclamation of the confused, the social chaos and riotous conditions associated with the ruinous destruction and wasteful corruption by the governments religious institutions claiming authority over these gentile nations, congregating in masse in this one place only to find that they, themselves, will be removed by Yahowah of the heavenly representatives, who is mustering and summoning an army of Spiritual implements for war because the battle lines have been drawn and the fight has begun. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:4)

They will arrive from a distant realm, from the outskirts and extremity of the far reaches beyond the area defined as spacetime of the heavens.

Yahowah and the implements of His righteous indignation are approaching to demand that the entirety of the Land be secure, and to ensure the safety of the material realm by temporarily repossessing the earth from those seeking to destroy it. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:5)

480Cry out a warning because the Day of Yahowah is approaching. That which is akin to the physical force exerted by the nurturing aspect of God against those who perpetrate violence so as to destroy their ability to plunder and oppress will come from the Almighty. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:6)

Therefore, all hands will hang limp, incapable of exerting themselves, and the heart, the conscience and consciousness, the ability to correctly perceive and appropriately respond, of every mortal and ordinary human will be disassociated from God and will dissolve, melting away and then vanishing. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:7)

They will be terrified and bewildered, unable to think clearly, obviously overwhelmed by the situation.

Mental anguish and withering contractions for having worshiped pagan gods as a result of placing their faith in someone who traveled extensively while claiming authorization to proclaim God’s message, akin to birth pangs will seize them.

They will linger in this condition, unable to move or respond, incapacitated, each individual against his evil compatriot and vicious comrade for having done that which was harmful and improper, astonished and stunned at the appearance of their faces aflame and glowing.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 13:8)

This will be the most cathartic moment in Earth’s history – and it is one which lies in our immediate future. But please, should you be a victim, do not blame God. Mankind did this to itself, leaving Yahowah with no other option. He will defend the lives of His people and protect their home. It is the Fatherly thing to do.
