


Fatherly Advice

For God’s Family…

Should this be the first among the thirty-five books comprising the Yada Yahowah series that you have read, then you are about to embark on a journey few have traveled. It is to the Promised Land, a place painted with words. Along the way we are going to meet God. We will use evidence and reason, not faith, as our guide.

The Almighty’s name is Yahowah. His people are Yahuwdym. His preferred language is Hebrew. His revelations to humankind are presented in His Towrah. And through His prophets, our Creator proves His existence.

Long before we have completed our voyage of discovery through words and time, you will know Yahowah, understand what He is offering, and appreciate what He is seeking in return. If you are like me, you will fall in love with Him. You will find every moment along the way uplifting and empowering, liberating and enriching.

The five volumes of Observations were written to share insights gleaned from Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching, Naby’ | Prophets, especially, Yasha’yah | Isaiah, and Dowd’s Mizmowr | Psalms and Mashal | Proverbs. This is not the beginning nor is it the end of our travels through the Dead Sea Scrolls. My love affair with Yah was initially shared as part of Yada Yahowah, which is a Conversation with God. Throughout those eight volumes, we investigate Creation, the Flood, and the Covenant in Bare’syth | 2Genesis. I suspect that you will be as surprised as I was to witness the exact correlation with scientific discovery. We consider Yahowah’s Feasts, which He calls Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet. Then we contemplate what went wrong, analyzing Howsha’ | Hoshea to better appreciate why so many Yahuwdym | Jews have been led astray.

My next adventure was An Introduction to God, in which I strove to teach those who were interested how they could translate and explore Yahowah’s words for themselves. Comprised of three volumes, it presents the subjects of greatest interest to God.

This was followed by Questioning Paul, now rewritten and retitled Twistianity, a book that utterly destroys the Christian religion by excoriating its founder, the self-proclaimed apostle Paul. The case made against him and his religion is irrefutable.

Observations came next, followed by my most recent collection of translations and commentary, entitled Coming Home. Its volumes focus on Dowd’s Mizmowr – beginning with the first and continuing as far as time permits. With each step, we find ourselves ever closer to God.

Prior to all of this, I wrote In The Company of Good and Evil to share the turbulent story of my last business. It provides an insider’s view of what is troubling corporate America. This was followed by Tea with Terrorists, which chronicles my meeting with al-Qaeda immediately after 9.11.2001. Then I did the unthinkable. I used the Islamic Hadith to reorder the Quran chronologically, setting it into the context of Muhammad’s putrid life, writing Prophet of Doom under my name. I have now rewritten it as God Damn Religion, and soon I will edit Tea with Terrorists scribed a score of years ago and place it on the shelf of YadaYah.com.

3In the interim, I rewrote my analysis of Daniel from the Yada Yahowah collection and began a new series called Babel for false prophets. Its second and third volumes would excoriate Ezekiel – proving that he was a false prophet, and the book is actually Satan’s memoir.

As I began translating Yahowah’s testimony from the Dead Sea Scrolls, beginning with Shamuw’el and Howsha’, and sharing the insights derived from what God revealed, I considered myself irrelevant, and still do, but God does not. He has a lot to say about this endeavor and how He would like you to respond to what you are reading. That said, this is a labor of love. Every book I have written is offered free online and without royalty in printed form. This journey is not about me, but is instead Yahowah’s story, chronicling His love and disdain for the best and worst among us. It is His Son’s story as well – and his may be as important to us as God’s in that he is our Messiah, King, and Savior. His name is Dowd.

For the purposes of disclosure, I am not a scholar or theologian, nor am I associated with any religious or political institution. I am not a prophet. The insights and conclusions in these books are derived exclusively from Yahowah’s testimony. That said, I have had to work at it, as will you if you want to know the truth. I have devoted ten to fourteen hours a day, six to seven days a week, over the past twenty-two years exploring Yahowah’s revelations because I enjoy His company and benefit from what I am learning.

If you are overtly religious or political, if you are patriotic and support your military, crediting soldiers for your freedom and your faith for your salvation, you are not going to like God or what He has to say. You will not like me, either. And with that in mind, I would like to commence this journey to the Promised Land by obliterating the most prevalent mantra permeating our world today. Because until we do so, and begin to look at 4life differently, we will never see it from God’s perspective.

For example, I am mostly Irish of Celtic descent with a little Sioux, and yet I have had to embrace a Hebrew mindset to approach the Almighty. While Jews endure the brunt of the most hateful conspiracies, they have always been Yahowah’s Chosen People. The Land of Promise is in Yisra’el – the most contested place on Earth. It is not in America, Rome, or Arabia.

God is universally associated with religion, and yet He hates the institution in every form and flavor. And speaking of hate, as shocking as it may sound, hate is a virtue. Under the right circumstances, it is appropriate to hate. Righteous indignation is the most rational, moral, and compassionate response to a great many things – especially malicious ideas and actions inspired by religious, political, and militaristic agendas.

If you are thoughtful and caring, you hate pedophilia and pedophiles, rape and rapists, sexual harassment and those who demean women, terrorism and terrorists, kidnappers, slave traders, and mass murderers. It would be immoral not to disdain and despise such crimes and criminals. Ignoring them would beget more violence. Forgiving them would be an affront to their victims. Excusing them would condone the worst in human behavior. We get what we tolerate.

I am sharing these realizations with you at the outset because what God is going to reveal about Himself is so contrary to popular perceptions, until your perspective is more closely aligned with His, you won’t be able to process what He has to say. God’s view of the world is fundamentally different than mankind’s, and it is His we are going to consider.

Let me share an example: we know that all forms of racism are improper, especially anti-Semitism. And yet, 5very few people are aware that Paul, the wannabe apostle who either wrote or inspired most of the Christian New Testament, is responsible for turning the world against God’s Chosen People. His objections to the Towrah and to Yahuwdym have led billions of souls away from God.

He is the inspiration behind Replacement Theology, and it is what led to the Holocaust. These are horrid crimes with unconscionable consequences, which is why Yahowah calls Paul the Plague of Death, the Father of Lies, and the Son of Evil. God clearly hates him, so what about you? Are you willing to tolerate, even respect, someone who has misled so many, robbing them of their souls just because you don’t want to offend the faithful?

While this book isn’t about Muhammad either, did you know that the founder of the Islamic religion was a pedophile, rapist, terrorist, mass murderer, and raging anti-Semite who routinely abused women? Are you aware that he told Muslims to follow his example? Since this assessment is easily discernable and irrefutable, shouldn’t every moral person despise Islam and hate Muhammad? After all, he and his religion have brought untold misery upon humankind.

Righteous indignation against an ideology that inspires the worst in humankind is the most reasonable response. Do you concur? Are you willing to go where the evidence leads, even if it reveals something that is uncomfortable and will make you unpopular? The religious, patriotic, and conspiratorial are not, nor are Progressives. So, what about you?

Our Creator is averse to Christianity and Islam, in addition to Judaism and Socialist Secular Humanism, as we shall discover. He does not support any government or political party. He is opposed to patriotism and to militaries. He despises conspiracies.

6Even apart from history’s most nefarious villains, the story of civilization is a litany of conquest and subjugation. Man has become the deadliest animal.

At a period in history when the preponderance of people are conditioned to being accepting and tolerant, why, you may ask, would anyone begin a book entitled Observations with the opposite approach? The answer: mankind is going in the wrong direction, and Political Correctness is making things worse, not better.

It’s time for an about-face, for an entirely different approach, especially since almost every nation is bankrupt economically and morally. Within a decade the façade is going to collapse, society will implode, and there is nothing that can be done to forestall the inevitable.

The world is being besieged by contagious pathogens, debilitating deceptions, and is on the cusp of the deadliest war in human history. In fact, that war has already begun. So, if not now, when?

The epicenter of the impending conflict is right where God told us World War III would commence: Damascus, Syria. America’s ill-fated invasion of Iraq, on false pretenses of course, set it off. The now splintered nation was given to Iran which used it to expand Shia Islam’s influence into the heart of the Sunni Middle East and to the border of Israel.

The current phase of the conflict erupted when Shia Iraqis at the behest of the Iranian Ayatollah bombarded Sunni civilians, starting with Ramadi and Fallujah. In response, Sunnis, under the umbrella of the Islamic State in Iraq banded together to defend their sect. In the process, the jihadists captured copious amounts of American weapons, all of which were used to create the Islamic State – a Sunni Caliphate carved out of what had been western Iraq and eastern Syria.

7Predictably, this war has divided the world, with Russia and China supporting Iran and their client, Assad, while the United States, Europe, and Saudi Arabia have pointed their guns in the opposite direction. With weapons literally falling out of the sky, every faction is armed to the teeth. It has become so ridiculous, in Syria, America is arming and bombing the same militants. Inexplicitly, after creating unmitigated disasters by militarily deposing Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, the US is foisting the failed strategy against Hafez al-Assad. In a rational world, this would be considered insane.

With religion, politics, and militarism running amok, we should not be surprised that the region has become the realm of slavery and death, of kidnapping and rape. And as a result, Muslims by the millions are carrying the very pathogen that has plagued their homeland into Europe and beyond. This will end badly, engulfing the entire world in global war.

America’s desire to impose itself on the region, and subsequent military invasions, have proved counterproductive, turning a bad situation into a living hell for everyone. And there are other examples, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Somalia, even Ukraine, all screaming the same result: man’s way is not working. But no one is listening. With bombs failing, the chorus is for more bombs.

According to God, at the time of this edit two weeks prior to Taruw’ah in 2023 CE, year 5990 Yah, we are on the precipice of the most hellacious period in human history, a time of great tribulation, when deception, destruction, and death will be commonplace. By the Fall of 2033, it will be all over – nearly eight billion people and every political, religious, and military edifice wiped from the face of the Earth.

8All the while, the Communist Party in China is playing a deadly game with debilitating viruses, combining the worst of them in labs funded by the United States. It’s only a matter of time before their careless behavior and disregard for life threaten the world. And when it occurs, truth will be the first thing to die. And if that does not begin to obliterate human footprints on the planet, then the pre-planned and ill-advised proxy war against the nation with the largest nuclear arsenal will do the trick.

Time is in short supply, as is the truth. It’s now or never. For your benefit, and for those you love, we must be clear, unapologetic, and blunt about the choices before us.

For this reason, Observations presents a referendum between man’s way and God’s way. If you are not already aware, you will soon come to appreciate how different these approaches to life actually are. In fact, they are polar opposites. God is actually averse to the ways of man. Once you understand why, the hope is that you will be motivated to reject the institutions which have sought to mislead you, and then go in an entirely different direction.

I share this with you because, in a world where God and religion have become synonymous, where religion has become the biggest factor in politics, and where patriotism and militarism are bundled together as if they were one and the same, most people are unaware that God is opposed to man’s belief systems, governments, and militaries. He has actually set as a requirement, establishing it as a prerequisite, that we dissociate from the ways of man before we engage in His Covenant.

Therefore, we are going to closely examine and carefully consider God’s assessment of these human constructs, exposing their flaws, so that we understand why God is in opposition to the institutions which not only claim to have His support and blessing, but which also claim to speak for Him. In order to facilitate an informed 9choice, we are going to closely examine and thoughtfully consider what God says that He opposes and what He claims to support.

Yahowah, which is God’s one and only name, a name He spells out seven thousand times in His Towrah | Guidance, Naby’ | Prophets, and Mizmowr | Psalms, is the most fascinating individual I’ve encountered along life’s way. In the midst of a world unraveling at the seams, His explanations as to why we are tearing ourselves apart are sane. His testimony is brilliant, His words are enlightening, His promises are inspiring, His actions are enriching, and His guidance is empowering. And that’s all before we meet His Son – who is very much like Him.

Yahowah is the antithesis of politically correct. He is no-nonsense. In spite of what you may have heard, God is not all loving, He is not all forgiving, He is not omnipresent. And He is not omniscient. He is not opposed to science, but He is opposed to faith. He is not so insecure that He wants His creation to bow down and worship Him.

God is not religious. He never asks us to pray, preferring that we listen. He does not want us to fear Him. He does not ask us to obey Him. He most certainly is not the Lord and does not want to control, own, or oppress anyone. His preference is to lift up, to liberate us, to enlighten and enable us. The religious claims that God eternally punishes those who don’t acquiesce is irrational and invalid.

For Yahuwdym, Yahowah does not ask us to ritualistically recite rabbinic incantations before drinking a glass of water or restrict our diet in accord with rabbinic laws. He does not want us to prattle snippets of the Towrah to the dead at burial sites, for us to venerate the tombs of sages, or to rock back and forth, bobbing our heads at a rock Wall. He does not want His people denigrating women, as is the practice of Judaism. Religious dress up in 10the black mourning clothes with curlicues is repulsive to God.

Yahowah would like us to know Him which is why He introduces Himself to us in His Towrah. It is not a book of laws but is instead a compilation of inspired instructions which teach us what is important in life, providing directions which guide the open-minded and willing from chaos to the Covenant. Yahowah dictated the first four books to Moseh (One who Draws Out, commonly called Moses), proving His authorship through countless presentations of history, past, present, and future. The fifth book of the Towrah, Dabarym – Words, is Moseh’s affirmation and explanation of God’s instruction, helping us apply His lessons to our lives. I have tried to follow the great prophet and liberator’s example and share insights which can be garnered from Yahowah’s revelations – doing so vocally and in writing.

Yahowah’s creative testimony is found in the first of these books, Bare'syth – In the Beginning. It is scientifically accurate in every respect, but it is also prophetic, revealing history over the course of fourteen billion and seven thousand years. Even the flood account has been proven correct, from finding the impact crater which precipitated the deluge to locating the Ark. But more than unearthing these verifications, considering the guidance Yahowah gave to Noach | Noah provides us with a perspective into how we should respond to His Covenant’s instructions so that we can embark on the journey of a lifetime.

All of this is addressed in Yada Yahowah – A Conversation with God. It is free in its entirety at: www.YadaYah.com. If you have not yet read it, I hope you will. It not only introduces God in His own words, but it also reveals how Yahowah’s prophetic testimony proves that God exists and that He inspired the prophets who wrote in His name.

11The Covenant relationship Yahowah established with ‘Abraham is the centerpiece of His Towrah | Guidance. So as should be expected, God clearly delineates the conditions and benefits of participating with Him in this family-oriented relationship. This Covenant is the sole impetus behind creation, the lone motivation for conceiving life, the very reason we exist. Yet, inexplicitly, as few as one in a million individuals knows about it, understands what is being offered, or has accepted those conditions, receiving its benefits.

The primary reason so few have engaged in Yahowah’s Covenant Family is a direct result of the corrupting confusion, the babel in God’s parlance, promoted through religion and politics. That is why Observations is focused on presenting Yahowah’s perspective on these human institutions. Vastly more people trust their government than God and rely on their religion instead of the relationship He envisioned.

As we shall discover, to appreciate Yahowah’s offer, to accept His proposition, to participate in His Family, we are asked to disengage from the human political and religious alternatives. That is why the initial condition of the Covenant calls for us to walk away from our country, from the family of man, from societal customs, and especially from the religious babel – corruption associated with Babylon. That is the choice before us. It is God or government, relationship or religion, the truth or conspiracy. It is a referendum on freedom over enslavement, empowerment over oppression, truth over deception, reason over faith, and life over death.

To make a responsible and reasoned decision in this regard, a person must have access to and then process accurate and reliable information. That was the intent of An Introduction to God. It provides Yahowah’s instructions on the seven most important topics relative to the relationship He would like to establish with us. But more than that, it 12supplies those interested in knowing God with a toolbox they can use to converse with God by accurately translating His advice.

Since I have broached the subject, and since clearing away the corruptions which have polluted our thinking is an essential first step, you should know there is someone and something God hates far more than Muhammad, Allah, and Islam, far more than any government, more than any militia or military that has ever marched. This someone and something are related, one having founded the other.

The man is Paul, and his religion is Christianity – especially in its most popular manifestations: Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. For absolute and irrefutable proof of these conclusions, I invite you to read the 7th and 8th volume of Yada Yahowah followed by Twistianity and Babel, all of which are available free, all 5,000 pages of detailed analysis. No one has read these books and has remained religious. And that is a step in the right direction.

Now that I’ve shared Yahowah’s perspective on the world’s best-known religions, a word of advice is in order for those who consider themselves Socialist Secular Humanists. This liberal mindset is a product of politically correct academic institutions, the mainstream media, and politicians coveting popular support. As a humanist, your head may be swimming. Hating haters has become the accepted social standard.

Progressives are expected to lash out viciously toward those who would criticize a global institution or a religion, ostracizing such rhetoric as ignorant and bigoted. For those of you beguiled into embracing any of these positions, I bid you farewell. Nothing I have to say, nothing God has to say, will resonate with you until you let go of such irrational propositions and come to value evidence and reason over political platitudes.

13It is shocking to be sure. But nevertheless, it is true. God hates politics and religion – every variation and each incarnation. There are no exceptions. He will tell you why if you are willing to listen.

Yahowah is equally opposed to human governance as well as man’s propensity within such power coveting schemes to build and deploy militaries. Over the course of the next three chapters, we will analyze the case that He has systematically laid out before us, explaining the reasons He disdains governments and despises those who lead them. Yahowah’s testimony in this regard was presented between two thousand five hundred and three thousand four hundred years ago, and yet His commentary is more relevant today than it was then.

As we study what Yahowah has to say about religion, governance, and militancy generally, and Pauline Christianity specifically, God will irrefutably and unambiguously drive His message home. Therefore, it’s time for me to step aside. I’m irrelevant. My conclusions only matter when they are consistent with Yahowah’s, and even then, I’m nothing more than an echo along the way. Pay no attention to me.


Fatherly advice is especially valuable when it comes from God. He is the impetus behind the Family-Oriented Covenant, the Author of the Torah’s Teaching, the architect of life, and the Creator of the universe. His credentials are impeccable, beyond compare, which is why I am surprised so few consider what He has to say, especially when His guidance provides the only means to eternal life.

14What percentage of the world’s population do you suppose has “shamar – closely examined and carefully considered” the text of Proverb 6, for example, in the language it was written? How many have come to realize what it has to say about forming allegiances with human institutions? Do you know anyone who advocates God’s position on distancing ourselves from religious, political, national, and military entities? Probably not, because only one in a million speaks out against them. This is not due to a lack of evidence or reasons but to an abundance of indoctrination and a lack of reason.

Considering Yahowah’s irrefutable opposition to government and religion, why do you suppose the overwhelming preponderance of people irritate Him by supporting both villains? Why do so many take oaths of office with their hand upon a Bible, sing religious hymns that purport to have God blessing their state, or even place their hand over their heart while reciting a national anthem whose lyrics erroneously associate God with their country?

Since the lone prerequisite for developing a relationship with God and for admission into His Covenant Family, and therefore into Heaven, is to walk away from one’s country and from the babel – confusion of religion, it is surprising most people look to their nation for their retirement and healthcare, for their security and sense of identity, even parasitically for entitlements predicated upon wealth redistribution.

Others look to their religion for a sense of purpose, moral guidance, support during difficult times, and salvation. The reasons are many, and deeply ingrained, which explains why these human schemes are so intertwined in our society, so wrapped together in a curious bow with militarism and patriotism. Yet, they are an abomination to God.

15Proverb 6 begins by telling us that we should dissociate from all human institutions because, in part, they are all estranged from God – as are their devotees. Yahowah then reveals why He hates man’s way. He labels political, religious, military, and economic leaders as deceitful, calling their messages corrupt and corrosive – especially when those listening to them are apathetic, too lethargic to notice that they are being played for fools.

The single best example of this is the self-proclaimed apostle Paul, the founder of the Christian religion and author of half of its New Testament. This Proverb, the one which follows, and another in Chabaquwq | Habakkuk, are prophetic in this regard, specifically identifying, exposing, and condemning him – which is why we will consider all three.

With regard to Mashal 6, there is no other individual who manifests every flaw in God’s list of hated abominations besides Paul. Furthermore, the context fits Paul perfectly, excluding all other infamous individuals from consideration. Moreover, this conclusion is underscored by the fact that Yahowah presents His Towrah, the very text Paul sought to annul, as the lone antidote against the man’s venomous pen. To a large extent, Proverb 6 also serves as a referendum against Paul’s endorsement of government.

However, Pauline Christianity is not the only target of this Proverb. Yahowah is also critical of the religion of man, Socialist Secular Humanism, and its merciless intolerance of hate, its desire to unite the world through multiculturalism, its amoral code of conduct that celebrates the abnormal, its debilitating attack on exercising good judgment, its propensity to deceive under the guise of political correctness, and its arrogant attitude, setting man above God. Once a person is rendered incapable of exercising good judgment, or being discerning, God becomes unknowable.

16Beyond the prophetic indictment of Christianity, there is another remarkable aspect of this Proverb. It uses entomology to prove that it was authored by a being who knew more about the life He had created than His creation would know for another three thousand years. The conduct of the ant will be used to school us on the importance of expressing our disdain for all forms of human authority – political, religious, economic, and military.

It will also be used to impugn socialism’s entitlement mentality where those lacking initiative and industry are rewarded for failing. God is not a proponent of punishing industry or productivity, but on the other hand, He does not advocate inactivity or irresponsibility. If you favor socialism, as most young people do today, of robbing the rich to indulge the poor, you will not find God in your corner.

While patriotism reigns supreme nowadays among the left and right, with liberal and conservative political parties now celebrating the military, I remember a time in which secular critics of the immoral and pointless carnage of the Vietnam War were accosted by the “Moral Majority,” TV Evangelist Jerry Falwell’s confab of Christians and Republicans. They belittled peace activists with the unconstitutional and irrational taunts, “Freedom isn’t free,” and “America: love it or leave it.”

Now some fifty years later, and enlightened by a different constitution, this time the Towrah, I have come to realize that this is the very choice God is encouraging us to make. We can love our country or love Him. To walk to God, we must first walk away from our government. To be free, we have to free ourselves from man. These are the very propositions this Proverb was predicated upon.


17Six is the number of man, a carbon-based lifeform whose atomic number is six, created on the sixth day. With this in mind, the Sixth Mashal begins:

“My son, if you have at some point given a pledge, and if you have joined in with a foe to be accepted in association with your immoral country, then you have bound yourself to that which is illegitimate and unauthorized, foreign and estranged from the palm of My hand.” (Mashal / Proverb 6:1)

Now that we have framed the issue, noting that God’s perspective on government is the opposite of mankind’s, on behalf of those of us who want to be included in Yahowah’s Family, let’s delve into some very practical advice. If you are willing to walk away from the institutions man has conceived, God is speaking to you.

Here is the opening line once again, this time more fully amplified…

“My son (beny – My child), if (‘im – whenever as a concession and as often as) you have at some point given a pledge and if you have joined in with a foe to be accepted (‘arab – you have at some time made an adversarial bargain or a promise in association with others to be a participant in a societal, religious, or economic institution, or taken an oath to aid others similarly pledged, either providing a bond or offering a personal guarantee to engage in business or commerce, most especially with Arabs (and by default Muslims and OPEC), mortgaging yourself in some way, mingling in, promoting multiculturalism and tolerance to please others so as to be welcomed, to be found acceptable, and to be included, from ‘ar – adversary and enemy (the qal stem frames a genuine relationship between the subject and object, in this case the reader and their country, while the perfect conjugation speaks of a completed action, conveying the idea that while this may have been something a person has done in the 18past, this individual is no longer offering a pledge or seeking to be accepted by joining)) in association with (la – to draw near and to be included among) your immoral country (rea’ – the loudmouthed and evil public speakers who are your fellow countrymen, and who comprise your troubling social, geographical, racial, or religious group, even your harmful neighbors and wicked fellow citizens, written identically to ra’ in the text, meaning evil, no good, immoral, improper, troubling, and harmful), then you have bound yourself to, having shaken hands with (taqa’ la – you have blown your trumpet and pitched your tent with, you have clasped hands with and pledged yourself to, joining with), that which is illegitimate and unauthorized, foreign and estranged from (ha zar – the stranger who is rejected for being wrong, with the one who is completely different and born into an inappropriate marriage with a whore, with the alien who is hostile in opposition to, akin to zara’ – nauseating and loathsome, wholly estranged from) the palm of My hand (kaph – My open hand and thus My helping hand, My influence, provision, and grasp).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:1)

Even before we deploy our investigative skills, it is obvious that this statement is from a parent to a son. It is advice from someone who cares about the wellbeing of their child. He is concerned about the adversarial influences which lie outside the home. Further, this parent views national institutions with contempt, seeing them as foreign and evil.

Recognizing that the opening pronoun is masculine, first-person singular, in the context of Yahowah’s inspired testimony, this parent is our Heavenly Father. He is encouraging His children to disavow their country and its leaders – forsaking any oath or sign of allegiance to them. That is sobering because it is the antithesis of what the world asks of us.

19Try disavowing your country in a public forum and see how its citizens respond. My son did so at a collegiate football game in Texas, and he was physically threatened by a patriotic Christian simply because he wanted to leave the stands before the national anthem began, knowing that it would be followed by public Christian prayer.

While we will not be this diligent or deliberate with every sentence, we are going to consider Yahowah’s opening statement word for word, closely examining and carefully considering the nuances of every term, right down to the letters used to write them. If a word has a root, we will evaluate how this may influence the meaning. Likewise, if a word can convey many ideas, we will investigate each appropriate connotation.

The reasons for doing so are many. First, as a reader, you will gain an appreciation for the thought process that goes into providing a complete and accurate translation. Second, you will learn how to convey Hebrew terms on your own, equipped with the tools and perspective required to be observant. Third, the more you know about what went into forming these conclusions, the better equipped you’ll be to question them.

Yes, you read that correctly. My advice is to challenge everyone and everything. For example, feel free to reject what I have to say – but do so rationally and thoughtfully, based upon a careful and complete examination of the evidence.

The truth is knowable and verifiable, even actionable and remarkably beneficial. It is enlightening and empowering, so long as you realize where to look and are willing to invest the time and energy required to facilitate understanding. There are no shortcuts. To progress on this journey, you must be willing to go where the words lead, even when they lead away from individuals and institutions you may have previously revered.

20As for Yahowah’s testimony, He does not need me to affirm His veracity. He does that for Himself, principally through prophecy. But for you to understand what He is predicting, you have to know what He is actually saying. So, while I claim no credentials that would impress anyone, I doubt you’ll a find a more useful translation anywhere. That is largely because I know Yahowah and I want you to know Him too.

I am enthusiastic about the process of understanding, I enjoy learning by making connections, and I am fond of words. Evidence and reason are two of my favorite companions. Moreover, I am always eager to share what I have discovered, largely, because I do not think anyone is as interesting or relevant as Yahowah.

Starting with the first word of Yahowah’s opening statement in this Proverb, this parental advice was written from the perspective of, and is spoken in the voice of, a male parent and thus our Heavenly Father to His son. As I alluded to earlier, ben, the Hebrew word for “child” generally, and “son” specifically, was suffixed in the first-person masculine singular with a “y – yowd,” a letter drawn to depict the very hand of God: . This, therefore, is Yah’s hand reaching out to His child.

God’s name (written right to left in Hebrew), , begins with the graphic symbol of an open hand extended from an arm reaching down and out to His Family. His children are depicted reaching up to Him: . They are grounded and supported by doing so, which is the purpose of the tent peg set between His observant children.

When we search God’s testimony regarding His “ben – children,” besides the Covenant, only one other family stands out: “beny Yisra’el – the Children of Israel” for whom the Covenant Family was originally conceived, conveyed, and affirmed. This known, Yisra’el speaks to more than a nation or the descendants of Ya’aqob by way 21of his twelve sons, because it addresses any “‘ysh sarah ‘el – individual who engages and endures with God” as well as “anyone who struggles and fights with God.”

Individually, however, there is one man who is designated as the Son of God, His Firstborn, and that is Dowd, who is likely the author of this Mashal. In this role, Dowd is comfortable speaking for his father and as the most beloved child of the Covenant.

The letters Yahowah selected to write “ben – son – ” portray the word’s intended meaning. The initial letter, b – , through its depiction of the floorplan of a house, pictorially presents a family home. The letter’s name, beyth, even means “family and home” in Hebrew. The graphic representation of a sperm conveyed by the letter n – , represents a child born into a family with the right to an inheritance from the father. Addressing this, the letter’s name, nun, speaks of “infinity” and thus of inheriting eternal life. It is, of course, interesting that a letter designed to convey the idea of a child being born into a family was drawn to profile an object whose shape would not be seen or known for thousands of years – until the invention of the electron microscope.

The word ben is derived from “banah – to build and to establish a home, to rebuild and to reestablish a family, restoring and renewing a household.” This is what God cares the most about. If you want to know His will for your life, it is encapsulated in this word. He is inviting you to become part of His Family, to become His child living in His Home, inheriting all that He has to give. That is the essence of the “Beryth – Covenant.”

Since Yahowah is speaking directly to His son about participating in His Family, about the prospects of living as His child in His Covenant, it’s important to fully appreciate the fact that the initial beneficiaries of the Beryth were “Yisra’el – Individuals Engaging and Enduring with God.”

22The rest of us can join them, but be forewarned, a careful reading of Yahowah’s testimony affirms that God only has one Family, one Covenant, and one set of instructions regarding participating in it. If you want to spend eternity in His Home, you must come to know the conditions He has established and then act upon them, making this Mashal / Proverb especially relevant.

The second word in Mashal 6, ‘im, was translated simply as “if,” because ‘im presents a conditional clause. It does not presuppose that you or I have made the pledge which follows, but instead states that, if we have done so, there is both a consequence and a cure.

The third term in our Heavenly Father’s Mashal / Meaningful Saying, ‘arab, is one of the more intriguing Hebrew concepts because of its range of meanings – most of which seem to serve God’s message in this situation. It is a compound of “‘ar – adversary, foe, and enemy” and the letter “b – beyth” meaning “home” as a noun or, more commonly, “by, with, or in” as a preposition.

‘Arab could, therefore, be translated as “in the home of the enemy.” In this regard, Yisra’el’s most numerous, most vicious, and most enduring foes are Arabs – 99% of whom are Muslims – a religion whose god, Allah, was modeled after the Adversary. It is also revealing that Muhammad, and therefore Muslims, see the world as divided between “Dar al Islam – House of Islam” and “Dar al Harb – House of War.” Israel lies at the epicenter of the latter.

Based upon its component parts, ‘arab means “with the adversary.” The term depicts any and every enemy of God or His people, but most adroitly, those individuals and institutions inspired by “ha satan – the Adversary – and thus the religion of Islam, but also to a somewhat lesser degree Roman Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, and Socialist Secular Humanism.

23It is fascinating to see how all of these pieces fit together, especially as they seem to implicate the worst anti-Semitic institutions. For example, after expressly acknowledging that he had been demon-possessed during his initial encounter with Allah’s spiritual representative, Muhammad modeled his god directly after Satan. As a result, the Quran became the most Anti-Semitic book ever written – far worse than Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

Then thirteen centuries later, as the Western world became ever more politically correct, Muslims have tried to beguile the unthinking into believing that criticizing Islam is bigoted, as opposed to educated and rational, by promoting the notion that Arab is synonymous with Islam. This enables them to deploy the ad hominem fallacy to dispatch critics of the religion as racists. Yet Yahowah told us that this would occur 1,600 years before Islam was invented, correctly labeling the people who would become Israel’s most vicious foe, mankind’s greatest adversary, committing 99% of the world’s terrorist acts.

To wit, Winston Churchill in his book, The River War, after extensive experience with Islamic political and military leaders, wrote: “Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities...but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde [backward, regressive, worsening, deteriorating, or degenerating] force exists in the world. Mohammedanism has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step. How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries [those who have made a vow devoting and dedicating themselves to advocate a religion]. Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia [early name for rabies because painful throat spasms caused victims to refuse water] in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy [the world is displaying a self-destructive ignorance of the religion and is afraid to speak 24out against its ill effects]. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property [akin to sheep or cattle]—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.” That is sobering.

And yet, there is more to ‘arab than Arabs and Allah. Most Americans have said the “Pledge of Allegiance.” And there are countless other ways that we can “‘arab – demonstrate our loyalty.” A profession of faith, an oath of office, a vow to serve, or a promise to pay someone averse to God would qualify and, thus, disqualify an individual from participating in the Covenant Family. That is, unless they take advantage of the remedy – which is to dissociate and renounce prior affiliations.

Becoming a member of a church, aligning with a political party, joining the military, even singing a national anthem with one’s hand placed over their heart would put a person on the wrong side of this conditional clause. God does not accommodate divided loyalties. When Yahowah announced that He was jealous, this is what He meant. Every soul is deemed to be with Him, against Him, or to have nothing to do with Him. Individuals can choose to express faith in their religion, their country, or their military, but in so doing, they estrange themselves from God.

In this regard, the Covenant’s initial instructions are clear. Yahowah asks us to walk away from our country, from the institutions of man, and from the babel – confusion of religion and then after doing so, to trust and rely upon Him in lieu of these things. The choice is ours. The consequence is enormous.

Continuing to ponder the full implications of ‘arab, engaging in certain types of business deals can actually place a person at cross purposes with God. That is because 25one of ‘arab’s secondary connotations is to “buy and sell, exchanging one thing for another.” Therefore, in light of the primary meaning of ‘arab, which is aligning with the Adversary, doing business with Yahowah’s enemies, the enemies of Yisra’el, whether it’s supplying Arab Muslims with weapons or buying their oil, each would be an issue in need of reconciliation. This is of concern to God because, as I have demonstrated in God Damn Religion, Allah is Satan and Islam is opposed to Israel’s very existence. And since the United States is the most extreme violator of both sides of this crime against the Chosen People, it pits God against the nation which inappropriately claims His blessings.

Those who would trade land for peace, who would seek a two-state solution, or who would side with the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement of the Fakestinians, have made an enemy of God. Anyone seeking to make peace with Hamas, Hezbollah, or the PLO is immoral and irrational.

There are even more subtle ways of running afoul of God, especially in societies devoted to socialist secular humanism, like Europe and America, where ‘arab’s other implications, such as “mixing in and commingling to be accepted,” are commonplace. The masses have been conditioned to “blend in” by way of “multiculturalism and tolerance” or face being harassed and ostracized. Academic institutions have persuaded the gullible to believe outright lies in the name of political correctness, most of which are in direct opposition to Yahowah’s teaching. Refuse to accept their stipulations, and you’ll be “deemed unacceptable to participate” in school, to engage in business, to run for public office, or to address the public through the media – even to be considered credible.

Fortunately, since almost all of us have violated this conditional clause countless times, and in many ways, the perfect conjugation was used to convey a completed action 26and thus something that is not ongoing. This is good news because, while we may have erred in the past, the moment we stop, we are no longer encumbered by what we have previously done. God does not expect us to be perfect, only interested in what He has to say, to be rational, and responsive. Once we know something is wrong, He wants us to dissociate from it. This applies to our country, to a church, to a political party as well as to profess patriotic support for the military, in addition to any association with Yahowah and Yisra’el’s enemies, most especially Arabs as a result of Allah and Islam.

The fourth word in Proverb 6, rea’, is often translated as “neighbor” even though its primary meaning addresses “those who shout out a message to the public to make themselves heard and known.” As such, it’s not just a “fellow countryman, a citizen from the same society, race, or religion,” rea’ is specific to those who “speak publicly about society, race, and religion as political and religious leaders.”

What’s more, rea’ was actually written ra’ in the text, as , at least before the Masoretes applied their unnecessary and often misleading diacritical marks in the 11th century CE. These letters convey the “perspective of man.” As such, ra’ is the primary Hebrew word for “evil.” Ra’ means “bad, immoral, and improper, undesirable, troubling, and harmful.” Ra’ describes something that “hinders a relationship.” In this light, we ought to see rea’ as vastly more menacing than “neighbor.”

Affirming this, ra’ is also used to convey “flashing light,” the most common depiction of Satan’s appearance. It is how Paul, who was admittedly possessed by Satan and ought to know, depicted the demonic spirit’s presence on the road to Damascus. These added insights further strengthen the adversarial implications associated with ‘arab, with each subsequent connotation of rea’ 27reinforcing and clarifying the intended meaning of the other.

According to God, when we make a political, religious, or military pledge, we are in effect “taqa’ – forming a bond” with an “evil institution” that is “zar – illegitimate and estranged” from His “kaph – hand.” When it comes to Yahowah and His Covenant, we are either with Him and part of His Family, or estranged, existing outside of His Home.

Qodesh – set apart,” as one of the most important Hebrew concepts, serves to convey this distinction. From God’s perspective, to be set apart unto Him, we must first separate ourselves from the ill effects of the institutions of man. Appreciating His terminology and perspective is essential to appreciating the intent of Yahowah’s Fatherly advice.

Moving on to kaph, we find it written . The initial letter, Kaph, was drawn in the form of an open hand with the fingers extended outward and upward. It conveys all of the things we’d normally associate with an extended and open hand: “a greeting and welcome, an offer of assistance and support, friendship and provision,” even “a vow of inclusion.” And yet, when the is followed by a , the Hebrew letter Peh, or “mouth,” this “greeting and welcome,” this offer of “assistance and support,” this symbol of “friendship, provision, and inclusion,” is expanded to encompass a verbal affirmation of these things.

This is God in word and deed. The contrast Yahowah is making is between a pledge of allegiance to an adversarial institution, giving them unwarranted control over us, and making a vow to Yah based upon His testimony, whereby God is certain to liberate and enrich us. Therefore, it is appropriate for us to affirm our acceptance 28of the conditions of His Covenant because doing so opens the door to eternal life as part of His Family.

As the familial variation of God’s name implies,  – Yah wants to be seen reaching down and out to His children with an open hand in order to lift us up to be with Him. But for Him to do that, we first must let go of the human religious and political institutions that are holding us down. You’ll notice, those standing next to Yah’s hand have nothing in their hand. They are not clinging to anything, and they are not bowed down, paying homage to anyone or anything. They are reaching up to God, not out to man.

Yah will not drag those who cling to their country or to their religion into heaven. He will absolutely forego a relationship with those who prefer that which is inappropriate and illegitimate – who prefer man’s counsel to His. So, in a way, we have returned to the phrase we initially considered: “America: love it or leave it,” and now its corollary, “Yahowah: love Him or leave Him.” If you cling to your country, you cannot grasp hold of God.

In this light, let’s consider ‘Eden. There was no religion in the garden, no shrines, mosques, or churches, and no pastors, priests, imams, or rabbis. There was no government in the garden, no political parties, capitols, parliaments, congresses, kings, or presidents. God has no use for these things. And as we shall soon discover, He not only hates them, He considers those who promote them to be an abomination.

Digging a bit deeper into the text, taqa’s secondary connotations reinforce this sentiment, and that is because living in the Garden of ‘Eden is synonymous with Sukah, the seventh and final meeting each year with Yah, where we “Camp Out” with God. Therefore, in this situation, taqa’ is implying that those enamored by religion or politics, militarism or patriotism are “pitching their tent” with someone foreign to God.

29It wouldn’t be surprising if there were still some of you who may be thinking that you don’t know Yahowah well enough to justify leaving your familiar and popular association with religion, politics, or patriotism – flawed and counterproductive as they may be. It’s a bit scary to reject the known for a spiritual being few have ever met – especially one so many have tried to stain with all manner of religious myths. But I dare say that if you were aware of the depraved character of the men who preside over these human institutions and were cognizant of their duplicitous and self-serving plans, you’d realize that by disassociating from them you’d be improving your lot in life. As I have learned over a lifetime of study and personal experience, all you’d be abandoning is a litany of false promises promoted by those who should not be trusted. As for Yahowah, get to know Him as He reveals Himself, and then decide if you would like to spend an eternity with Him.

The imagery associated with our next word, zar, is no less revealing: . These letters graphically present fields of endeavor plowed by men. Defined as “illegitimate, unauthorized, and inappropriate,” and thus “foreign and estranged,” zar describes individuals and institutions which are “separated and distant,” from God because they advocate notions which are “different” than God’s teaching. In that He created the universe and all life in it, that which is averse to Yahowah’s approach is untrue and unreliable – at least as it pertains to subjects God is addressing.

From Yahowah’s perspective, if an institution advocates designs which are contrary to His plan, such ideas are “unauthorized and thus illegitimate.” In so doing, at least from God’s viewpoint, such individuals are seen as if they were “married to a whore” and, thereby, seductively soliciting others into an ill-advised relationship for money. They are considered “in hostile opposition” to God and are 30thus “nauseating” to Him. Further, since zara’, the root of zar, speaks of “offspring,” Yahowah’s disapproval isn’t limited to the founding fathers of these schemes, but also to those beguiled by them.

With these things considered, let’s review where we have been before we move on…

“My son, if as a concession and as often as you have given a pledge and if you have joined in with a foe to be accepted, you have at some time made an adversarial bargain or a promise in association with others to be a participant in a societal, religious, or economic institution, or if you have engaged in business with Arabs, even mingled in by promoting multiculturalism and tolerance to please others so as to be found acceptable and to be included in association with your immoral country touting a social or religious agenda, then you have bound yourself to and joined in with that which is illegitimate and unauthorized, foreign and estranged from the palm of My hand, from My help and influence, My grasp and provision.” (Mashal / Proverb 6:1)

If we have joined in to be accepted, offered a pledge of support or allegiance, made a proclamation of faith to associate with or engage in any human institution, whether political or religious, by this act, and by our failure to dissociate from the leadership of our country, we have aligned ourselves with that which is illegitimate, estranging ourselves from Yahowah’s offer of assistance and inclusion. As such, this opening statement serves to affirm the lone prerequisite for participating in the Covenant which is to “walk away from our country.”

Yahowah’s instruction to ‘Abraham was remarkably revealing because the country He asked him to walk away from was Babel, known to us today as Babylonia. This is where Satan used the integration of religion and 31governance to be worshiped as if he were God – empowering clerics and kings while duping the unsuspecting. It is from whence the Adversary derived his influence and power over humankind – confusing millions into believing that the Prince of Lies should be believed, and that the Lord was God.

The word babel serves as the basis for the English word, “Bible,” and is a compound of “ba – with” and “bel – the lord,” the title and name God applies to the Adversary, Satan. The word means “to confuse” which is the consequence of most Bibles with their errant translations and inclusion of a “New Testament.” The spiritual being that religions present as the Lord is actually Satan. And the paths such human institutions claim lead to God, actually lead to the Adversary.

For even greater insights into the connection between Babel and the Adversary, consider reading volumes 2 and 3 of Babel: Abominable and Venomous. They are based on what Satan revealed to Ezekiel in Babylon.


As much as God despises religion and human governance, patriotism and militarism, He will not allow those victimized by these human institutions to absolve themselves of the stigma of their inappropriate association simply by claiming they were deceived, by implying that it was not their fault. And that is because God not only sees such devotees as empowering the entities with which they are aligned – recognizing that their very participation and numbers give these institutions credibility they would not otherwise possess, His testimony has left us without excuse. It is our fault if we have disregarded His message. He has been prolific in His pronouncements, direct and unambiguous, consistent and clear.

32We are responsible for our decisions according to God. And as is unequivocally proclaimed in 1 Samuel 8, a declaration we will dissect later, Yahowah views the acceptance of governance as a rejection of Him and His guidance. So, when it comes to expressing our allegiances, there is a consequence. What we say in this regard matters.

And that is why in Mashal 6, God announced: “You lure others into relinquishing their freedom and are yourself ensnared and controlled by the statements of your mouth. You are caught by way of the words which comprise your speech.” (Mashal / Proverb 6:2)

Digging deeper into this text, we discover…

“You lure others into relinquishing their freedom and are yourself ensnared and controlled by (yaqas – you entrap others and you are entrapped by, you constrain others and are governed by, you bait and ensnare, enticing others while being entangled and robbed of freedom by (the nifal stem reveals that such individuals by manipulating others are temporarily entrapped by their words as reflected by the perfect conjugation)) the statements (ba ‘emer – in the brief utterances and minimalistic discourse, with the uttered promises, appointed commands, and approved answers) of your mouth (peh – of your oral communication and speech).

You are caught (lakad – you are seized and taken captive, you are captured and controlled) by way of (ba – with) the words (‘emer – the brief statements and minimalistic discourse, the uttered promises, appointed commands, and approved answers) of your speech (peh – of your oral communication).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:2)

Few things rival words in importance and influence. Yahowah created the universe and conceived life using words. God introduces Himself to us in His own words. He explains what He is offering and what He expects in return 33in His Word. Similarly, we introduce ourselves to others using words. We reveal who we are, what we believe, with whom we are associated, all through words. They define us, expose our ambitions, and affirm our affiliations. They can also reveal our ignorance or brilliance, whatever the case may be.

Politicians are elected and they establish their objectives in their speeches. Clerics are paid to deliver sermons. Newscasters in the media earn their living one word at a time. And military officers bark out commands, ordering subordinates to obey, thereby starting wars using words. Ultimately armies march to words and kingdoms are established the same way. Every relationship begins with an introduction. They typically end with a denunciation.

Our words matter. What we say can either unite us with God or divide us from Him. They can be used to expose and condemn religion and governance or to promote these bastions of false hope. And our words can just as easily affirm the truth, a worthy endeavor which is most reliably promoted by observing and then conveying Yahowah’s testimony.

The most extraordinary example of this endeavor is Dowd, known to the world as “David.” His lyrics encourage us to reflect upon Yahowah’s testimony. His Psalms are prophetic and inspiring, and none more so than the 119th. His most important Mizmowr systematically conveys twenty-two stanzas, each comprised of eight statements (the number of eternity), one for each letter in the Hebrew alphabet, to teach us how to properly observe the Towrah. Should you be interested, I’ve devoted the third volume of An Introduction to God to this Psalm.

Beyond the prophetic implications and enlightening aspirations of Dowd’s Mizmowr, the most intriguing and insightful thing we can learn from this man involves the 34dramatic contrast between his enlightening revelations and less than ideal behavior. He demonstrates that when it comes to Yahowah’s Word, it is vastly more important to be right than good.

Further, it is Dowd who made the sacrifices to make the children of the Covenant appear perfect in God’s eyes. In his second of three lives, the Messiah and Son of God fulfilled Pesach and Matsah to deliver the benefits of Bikuwrym so that we might come home of Shabuw’ah. As such, Dowd is not only our eternal leader but, also, our Savior.

This is as good a time as any to share something vitally important relative to our understanding of God’s Word. Hebrew grammar is unlike other languages. It was conceived to convey Yahowah’s nature and plan, designed with its eternal, relational, and volitional qualities in mind. For example, Hebrew verbs are not stuck in time but instead convey truths which are valid for all time. There is no past, present, or future tense in the Hebrew of divine revelation. In this regard, Hebrew words are akin to light where time exists without measure or distinctions between that which has been and that which will be. It is why Yahowah equates Himself and His Towrah to light. It is the means He uses to witness our future and report what He has seen in our past, referring to this timeless endeavor as prophecy.

In Hebrew grammar, the perfect conjugation addresses a completed action either in the past or in the future. The imperfect depicts something that is ongoing, consistent, continual, or habitual with unfolding consequences over time. In the opening lines of this Mashal / Proverb, for example, the perfect was deployed to depict something that has occurred or will occur but is either no longer occurring in the present or will be limited in the future.

35The imperfect is relevant, because, once we cease and desist from such actions, we are no longer in conflict with God’s guidance in regard to those verbs. This means that we can be imperfect, so long as we are willing to listen to what God has to say and then respond appropriately. And by using the perfect, we discover that the issue has either been resolved once and for all, or that there is an end in sight.

In Mashal 6, Yahowah is telling us that, before His cure for institutionalized estrangement can be put to use, we must first dissociate from human institutions which vie for our devotion. Once this is done, the path to God is open and the cure is readily available.

This aspect of God’s Fatherly advice should not be surprising since, as I’ve shared before and will affirm again, our participation in the Familial Covenant relationship is predicated upon walking away from our country, from the babel of religion and politics, before we can walk into the Promised Land. With Yahowah, the path Home is neither convoluted nor haphazard. There is nothing random about the relationship. There are seven steps along the way. They follow a prescribed order. There are no shortcuts, detours, alternative routes, or exceptions. It’s His Way or the wrong way.

The second unique aspect of Hebrew verbs is that they are all framed by relational stems. The qal, which is the most common, establishes a genuine relationship between the subject and object of the verb and should always be interpreted literally as something that has or will actually occur. With other stems, like the hifil, the subject engages the object. Or in the case of the niphal, the object is both perpetrator and recipient of the action. The Covenant is a relationship, so since it is the prime objective, Hebrew verbs are relational.

36Third, Hebrew moods are also consistent with Yahowah’s nature. They are volitional, expressing choice, will, or desire in the first, second, or third person. God gave us freewill and wants us to use it to choose to engage in the Covenant relationship with Him. Everything God reveals should be seen through this lens. As such, there are no commandments, no laws, no orders which must be obeyed. God is not demanding that we submit to His Covenant but is instead inviting us to participate in it. His Towrah is designed to teach and guide us, to liberate and enrich us, not control us or deprive us.

Yah used these stems, conjugations, and moods to augment the precision of His communication, the depth of our understanding, and the reliability of His guidance so that we are all empowered to make an enlightened and reasonable decision regarding His offer to join His Family. The more we know, the more likely it becomes that we will be right.

Fourth, as we have seen, Hebrew letters were drawn graphically in the form of pictures. These images help define the words they comprise. In this way, even those who are not literate, or who haven’t studied Hebrew, can discern much of what God is saying.

As a result, the more closely we observe Yahowah’s testimony, right down to the letters which comprise the words, the more we will understand. This is so important, a chart of the twenty-two letters, along with the meaning of each, is presented for your consideration in the Word volume of An Introduction to God. Once familiar with the alphabet (even here the English word is a composite of the first two Hebrew letters, Aleph and Beyth), we can deduce God’s intended meaning – leaving us all without excuse.

The fifth aspect of Hebrew worthy of our consideration, while not uncommon, differs from English. Most nouns are either masculine or feminine. This is 37especially relevant when trying to understand the role the Set-Apart Spirit plays as our Spiritual Mother and why things related to Her involvement in our lives are also feminine, such as the Towrah and Beryth – Covenant. Typically, a Hebrew word shifts from masculine to feminine with the addition of a concluding Heh – h – .

Sixth, just as there are consequences to choices, there is a dark and light side of many Hebrew words. Yare’, for example, can mean “revere” or “fear.” Similarly, ‘anah can convey “respond by answering” or “be afflicted.” So, we will have to be careful to choose the meaning most consistent with Yahowah’s character and most appropriate in the context of the discussion.

And seventh, rabbis have made a mess of Hebrew. Pretending there were no vowels among the twenty-two letters, they have made a mockery of the conversations recorded throughout the Towrah | Torah and Naby’ | Prophets, because they could not have occurred if the language was unpronounceable. And yet, as if they didn’t think anyone would hold them accountable for the fraud they were perpetrating, the Masoretes created a system of diacritical markings in the 11th century CE which they deployed to alter the divinely revealed text to suit their religious traditions.

Their corruptions were so deliberate, so horrendous, they actually named the system they developed of diacritical markings, Sheva, which was previously pronounced showa’. This word, which appears twice in the third statement Yahowah scribed on the first of two tablets, means: “to negate the result, making it worthless, to belittle by falsifying, to make it impossible to discern the truth,” and thereby “to mistreat, inflict injury, ravage, and destroy.”

Their first target was Yahowah’s name, altering the pronunciation of the Wah and Hey, turning the w “o” sound 38into a v and changing the “ah” pronunciation of the h to “eh,” thereby claiming yhwh was unpronounceable. Knowing that they would do this very thing, and base their system on showa’, explains why, in the third of ten statements Yahowah etched in stone, He wrote:

“You should not, therefore, habitually bear, lift up, accept, promote, nor tolerate (lo’ nasa’ ‘eth) the personal and proper name (shem) of Yahowah (yahowah), your Almighty (‘elohym), with anything approaching (la) that which negates or falsifies, destroying its value while making it impossible to discern the truth (ha showa’), because surely (ky) Yahowah (yahowah) will not ever pardon, release from guilt, or leave unpunished (lo’ naqah) those who (‘asher) accordingly, consistently bear, lift up, accept, promote, or tolerate (nasa’ ‘eth) His name (shem) in a way which is (la) destructive, injurious, irresponsible, ignorant, irrational, belittling, and negating (showa’).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 20:7) And yet, they did it anyway.

Fortunately for us, by turning to the Dead Sea Scrolls which predate their copyedits by 1,200 years, and by ignoring their markings, which is easily accomplished by examining the textual spelling of each word, we can systematically remove their stain from Yah’s testimony.

If you are willing to invest a few hours’ time, you can easily prove for yourself that there are five vowels and seventeen consonants in Hebrew. In so doing, you will not only gain a key competency that you can deploy as you seek understanding, but you will also come to appreciate why you ought not trust religious scholars or the institutions that deploy them.

This search is done simply enough. Open a Hebrew dictionary or lexicon, dozens of which are available in bookstores or free online and examine how words with the 39vowels Aleph – – a/e, Ayin – – e/a, Hey – – ah, Wah – – o/u, and Yowd – – y/i are pronounced. Some of the best examples are T-oW-R-aH, Sh-aL-oW-M, G-oW-Y-M, and the Hebrew verb, Ha-Y-aH, upon which Y-aH-oW-aH’s name is based.


Moving onto the third, fourth, and fifth instructions in Mashal / Proverb 6, our Heavenly Father provides advice on how to undo what we have done to ourselves. This is one of countless examples demonstrating that Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching does not exist to condemn us, as Paul errantly claimed, but instead to guide imperfect people to vindication.

“So then, decide to engage thusly, My son, and of your own freewill elect to tear yourself away, delivering yourself from harm.

For if, even temporarily, you have actually come to bow down before the hand, influence, or control of your immoral country, choose to actually go in an unpretentious way, willing to get a bit dirty, and press one’s reasons for contention with the adversarial individual or institution, boldly astonishing and overwhelming them, showing great courage against your loudmouthed and evil public spokesmen. (6:3)

Do not give yourself over to slumber, to being oblivious, concerning your eyes or altered state of awareness by closing your eyelids. (6:4)

Choose to escape, defending yourself, like a gazelle, from the hand of power. And similar to a chirping bird, be free of the hand of the fowler.” (Mashal / Proverb 6:5)

40As an example, Noach and his family listened to Yahowah’s instructions and then they responded, acting upon what God had to say to receive the benefits the Ark would provide. Since Yahowah is consistent, we too must carefully consider what God is telling us before responding. If you have shown support for or pledged your allegiance to your nation, a military institution, political party, or religious establishment, here is your opportunity to remove that roadblock from approaching God.

More completely, accurately, and thoughtfully presented, here is Mashal 6:3 once again for your consideration.

“So then, decide to engage thusly (‘asah zo’th ‘epow’ – now choose to act upon this, actually doing this at this time as a logical, thoughtful, and sequential response to that which has just been expressed (the qal stem tells us to interpret this literally while the imperative mood expresses second-person volition, meaning that this is our choice)), My son (beny – My child), and of your own freewill elect to tear yourself away, delivering yourself from harm (wa natsal – and choose to escape, defending yourself, saving yourself from unfavorable circumstances (the nifal stem indicates that, by separating ourselves from national pledges, we are spared their consequences while the imperative mood, as the second-person expression of volition, reveals that this is our choice to make under the auspices of freewill)).

For if (ky – because indeed, upon the condition that), even temporarily, you have actually come (bow’ – you have at any one time, especially for a limited period of time, arrived with the goal to be included, having caused this to happen (the qal stem denotes an accurate and literal interpretation of the relationship while the perfect conjugation clearly limits the activity to a certain and finite period of time, to something that either has or will come to a conclusion)) to bow down before the hand, influence, 41or control (ba kaph) of your immoral country (rea’ – of the loudmouthed and evil public speakers who are your fellow countrymen and who comprise your troubling social, geographical, racial, or religious group, even your harmful neighbors and wicked fellow citizens, identical to ra’ in the text, meaning evil, no good, immoral, improper, troubling, and harmful), choose to actually go (halak – elect to walk, deciding to literally move, conducting your life (the qal stem denotes a genuine relationship whereby this should be interpreted literally and should actually occur in the imperative and, thus, as a result of our decision and out of our desire (since there is no conjugation, God is not specifying if we should do this once or often because it has to be our choice and each situation is different))) in an unpretentious way, willing to get a bit dirty (raphas – devoid of arrogance and making the decision to tread upon them in the mud), and (wa) press one’s reasons for contention with the adversarial individual or institution, boldly astonishing and overwhelming them, showing great courage against (rahab – boisterously, boldly, and bluntly make your case, expeditiously demonstrating that you are in opposition against) your loudmouthed and evil public spokesmen (rea’ – your dishonest and decadent country, and those who comprise your troubling social, geographical, racial, or religious group, even your harmful neighbors and immoral fellow citizens, identical to ra’ in the text, meaning evil, no good, immoral, improper, troubling, and harmful, and that for which you have shown affection, devotion, and love).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:3)

The verb, ‘asah, meaning “to act upon” or “to engage in,” was scribed in the imperative mood – which typically conveys volition in the second person. This means that we are being encouraged to decide for ourselves, to freely choose our response based upon the instruction. God will 42not force anyone to dissociate from the influence of human religious, governmental, or patriotic institutions.

It’s our choice. In fact, the reason Chawah was created for ‘Adam was expressly to provide an alluring, often enjoyable, potentially enriching, comforting, and temporarily productive alternative to a relationship with God, all in a way that still reflected the best aspects of the loving and familial relationship He desired. Yahowah does not want us to choose Him by default, just because there is no alternative. So, from the very beginning, we have been offered the choice to engage in a relationship with our fellow man which brings us closer to Yah or estranges us from Him – all based upon how we respond to and apply Yahowah’s instructions regarding His Covenant Family.

That said, Yahowah has expressed His position on human leadership and institutions, and He has articulated instructions to properly guide us, teaching us what we need to know to make wise decisions. Over the course of the next two chapters, these conclusions – the realization that God is overtly opposed to governments and to religions and that He allows us to choose our own way – will be thoroughly reinforced.

Not only does Yahowah want us to consider the consequences of our allegiances, but He also wants us to realize that politicians and religious clerics mislead and abuse those who believe them. Just as parents encourage their children not to associate with liars, drunkards, bullies, and thieves, God wants His creation, for our own wellbeing, to avoid the most abusive people and schemes. Likewise, He wants us to know that He can be trusted. Therein is a summary of His Towrah | Teaching, Naby’ | Prophets, and Mizmowr | Psalms.

Yahowah asked ‘Abraham to walk away from his country, which was Babel | Babylon, before He would converse further with him, develop a relationship with him, 43or travel with him to the Promised Land. God is asking the same of us and for the same reason. If we individually bring aspects of political and religious babel into His Home, the Covenant Family would soon become as corrupt and aggravating as that which we experience everywhere else on Earth. Therefore, it is vital for us to appreciate the full implications of babel which, as a place, is Babylon and, as a concept, is “corruption and confusion.”

Yahowah’s Home in Heaven is “qodesh – set apart” from babel, from corruption, from the confusion of religion and politics, and from the Lord, who is Satan. His “beryth – Covenant Family” is similarly qodesh, as is His “shabat – promise of seven,” His “ruwach – Spirit,” His “miqra’ey – Invitations to Be Called Out and Meet,” His “towrah – teaching,” His “‘erets – Land,” and His “shem – name,” Yahowah. They are all set apart from the confusing and corrupting influences of man’s deceitful and destructive tendencies.

Our Heavenly Father is extending an open hand to those of us willing to reach out to Him after letting go of political and religious alternatives. The verbal basis of “kaph – open hand” is kaphaph which can be good or bad depending upon whose hand one is addressing. That is because kaphaph speaks of “bending down,” something which is good when it is Yahowah bending down and reaching out with an open hand to lift us up. However, it is awful when we bow down before the hand of human authority, placing ourselves in submission to or under the control and influence of another – such as a religious or political leader.

Most of us have recited a “Pledge of Allegiance,” or at the very least, we have at some time removed our hats, stood at attention, hands over our hearts as we have sung a “National Anthem.” Many have professed faith in a religious institution, sworn an oath to the military, or taken an oath to support a country and its constitution. Many have 44made a pledge with their hand on a book named after Babel (a Bible), not realizing it meant “With the Lord (a.k.a., Satan),” the author of “babel – confusion.”

Fortunately, so long as we have come to realize our mistake, and so long as we show that we are willing to walk away from human religious, political, governmental, military, and academic institutions, we are freed of the consequences of them and, thus, free to associate with Yahowah by way of His Covenant. That is why this is the first condition of the Covenant, its lone prerequisite. Yahowah asked us to walk away from our country. Therefore, in this open letter to His children, He has asked us to be blunt and bold, showing courage in confronting those who would mislead us, overwhelming and astonishing them with what we have come to know about the Covenant by observing the Towrah.

By doing so, we are going to get a bit dirty, just as Yahowah has insinuated. The filthy lies pontificated by the individuals and institutions promoting political and religious myths are disgusting – as are the tactics they deploy to prevent their schemes from being exposed. They routinely try to sully the character, competence, and motives of those confronting them. Since they cannot refute God, since they cannot challenge His logic, their only option is to muddy the argument and slander the messenger.

Most people acquiesce, accepting whatever makes their life easiest. They don’t make an informed, much less rational, decision about any of these things. They were born Muslims and remain Muslims no matter how irrational. They were raised in a Roman Catholic family, so they are going to die members of the Church that has lied to them about almost everything. The likelihood of child born into a politically or religiously active family continuing to support their parents’ party affiliations and 45faith is better than eighty percent. It is seldom a matter of careful examination or thoughtful consideration.

Therefore, Yahowah is encouraging us to wake up so that we are not victims of our own apathy and inactivity. In other words, ignorance isn’t bliss.

“Do not give yourself over (‘al nathan – don’t allow or give way to) to slumber, to being oblivious (shenah – to sleep, to being complacent or comatose, to a state where you are not fully awake and alert, and by implication are ignorant, and thus not fully alive), concerning (la – regarding) your eyes (‘ayn – your perspective and understanding, your sight and ability to be observant, even your outward appearance) or (wa) to an altered state of awareness (tanuwmah – the apathy and lack of focus, inactivity and the resulting drowsiness) by blinking your eyelids (‘aph’aph – by flirting with the flashing rays of light perceived through squinting eyes).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:4)

The realization that ignorance comes with a consequence is further developed in Howsha’ / Hosea, where Yahowah explains: “My people (‘am) are destroyed by ceasing to engage (damah – are ruined and will perish, are silenced and are comparatively dead (in the nifal perfect, the people will be destroyed, at least for a while, because they have ceased to engage, they perish, dying a mortal death, because of their silence)) as a result of being ignorant, of not being perceptive, and by corrupting and negating information regarding the relationship (min bely ha da’ath – from being without knowledge which facilitates learning and understanding, by failing to be discerning and rational, on account of negating, corrupting, and destroying accurate testimony regarding the relationship as well as by failing to pass judgment on others).” (Howsha’ / Salvation / Hosea 4:6)

46To be “observant,” we must use our eyes. When we are asleep and they are closed, we are not engaged in the process of learning what we need to know to make good decisions regarding God. Most people go through their whole life this way, at least figuratively. As a result of their ignorance and their decision not to be discerning, they are easily misled by those who negate and corrupt the testimony Yahowah has provided regarding His Covenant Relationship. The consequence is death, a condition the ignorant and irrational, the faithful and patriotic bring upon themselves.

Yahowah wants us to be observant and then engage – with one step following the other – because one without the other is useless. He enjoys the company of curious individuals ever ready to explore and enjoy everything He has provided for our edification. It is how we grow. It is what makes relationships meaningful.

In this world, danger is lurking almost everywhere. So, we have to be vigilant, able to recognize the threats and then respond to them.

“Choose to escape, defending yourself (wa natsal – and of your own freewill, elect to tear yourself away, delivering yourself from harm, saving yourself from unfavorable circumstances (the nifal stem indicates that, by separating ourselves from that which is injurious, we are spared its consequence and the imperative mood, as the second-person expression of volition, reveals that this is our option, a choice to make under the auspices of freewill)), like (ka – in a fashion similar to) a gazelle (tsaby – the upright and righteous, the honorable and glorious, the sleek, beautiful, and graceful which are considered clean, always using a keen sense of awareness and agility to rapidly escape danger, akin to tsadeq – those who are right, upright, and innocent, righteous and vindicated, those proven to be right), from (min – out of) the hand of power 47(yad – the possession, control, and reputation of the enabled and influential).

And similar to (wa ka – so then like or akin to) a chirping bird (tsipowr – a creature that sings and has the ability to fly, a sparrow which departs early) stay out of (min – be removed from and free of) the hand (yad – the influence and control, the power and possession) of the fowler (yaquwsh – of the trapper who baits and snares birds, of the one who lures and entices in order to entrap, to capture, constrain, or kill).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:5)

Do not hesitate. Open your eyes, pay attention, and act now, expeditiously walking away from the influence of and dependency upon your country, your religion, your political party, and your military. Flee all human influences and institutions forthwith so that you are free to scamper and fly to God.

There are three important aspects of this statement that are worth affirming. First, the only way to rapidly and appropriately respond to actual threats is prior preparation. Those who are unaware, for example, of what makes the corruptive and counterproductive nature of religion and government a threat, have neither the means nor inclination to avoid them. Prior preparation enables us to be properly focused and discriminating, thereby choosing the battles that are worth our attention while avoiding others.

Since there is no way to dissociate from every human endeavor and still maintain the time and means to make a difference by sharing Yah’s testimony, we should pick our battles and then prepare to engage against the most pervasive adversaries in the most thought-provoking manner possible. The best approach would be to study Yahowah’s Word and then oppose the institutions Yahowah finds the most appalling. And according to God, public enemy number one is religion, two is government, 48and three is militarism. They are all deceptive, destructive, deadly, and damning.

Second, gazelles and sparrows share something in common. They are not equipped to respond to their attackers in kind. Neither their teeth nor their claws are adequate to fight off a predator. These are not lions and bears. Gazelles and sparrows avoid their foes and stay safe by being observant, rapidly assessing the threat, and then quickly distancing themselves from it.

By contrast, man is prone to fight fire with fire, to attack foes with fists and swords, with bullets and bombs. God does not want us to be violent, especially to be militaristic. He wants us to use our eyes, to be observant, to be educated and thus prepared, and to be ready to respond using words – wielding the truth, not weapons.

This known, there is something more. A timely response, even if it is brief and imperfect, is vastly more effective than a blank stare and silence. Once we come to know Yahowah and understand what He is offering and expects in return, we are in a position to effectively confront any adversary. There are few meaningful accusations without an appropriate reply, few meaningful questions without an informed answer. For ignorance, there is knowledge. For irrationality, there is logic. For every corruption, there is clarity. For confusion, there is understanding.

But there are no shortcuts. The process that leads to understanding is as long as it is straightforward, as time consuming as it is timeless, as detailed as it is all-encompassing. But do not be dismayed by the challenge because you will always get more out of your study than you put into it – so long as you know where and how to look.

For example, if we merely glanced over the gazelle and sparrow references, there would be no way to 49understand why they were chosen as examples or to appreciate how their approach to danger applies to our lives. If we had not thoroughly investigated the meaning of rea’ and ‘arab at the beginning of this Proverb, we would have remained unaware of why pledges to adversarial individuals and institutions are inadvisable, precluding a relationship with God.


On the surface, this next example from entomology, at least at the beginning, would seem to merely reinforce Yahowah’s disdain for lethargy. Ants are busy. They are always actively engaged doing whatever is required to foster the wellbeing of the nest. However, on further inspection, God is actually revealing one of the many problems associated with mankind’s relationship with the leadership of religious, governmental, military, and economic organizations. He wants us to appreciate how these institutions differ from His nature and approach.

“The habitually inactive and lethargic should observe and examine the movement of the ant, her ways, and be wise. (6:6)

Beneficially, and from a relationship perspective, she has no leader or ruler, no commander or officer, no government or imposed authority, (she has no) work foreman or public official, not even a clerk or scribe, nor anyone claiming to be in charge or in control, and most especially not a lord who reigns over her. (6:7)

She prepares in the summer, during the warmer period when the fruit of plants is plentiful. She gathers in the harvest, storing it as a source of nourishment. (6:8)

50For how long and to what extent, inactive, apathetic, and lethargic one, will you lie there and remain sedentary? When and what will it take for you to arise and stand up from your altered state of awareness? (6:9)

A little inactivity leads to laziness, to folding one’s hands together in a lethargic manner to rest.” (Mashal / Proverb 6:10)

Now that we have the gist of Yah’s advice, to more clearly and completely appreciate the guidance our Heavenly Father is providing, let’s reexamine His admonition one word at a time. This segment begins…

“The habitually inactive and lethargic (‘asel – the lazy bones who are sluggish or sedentary, lacking discipline, ambition, and remorsefulness) should see, observing and examining (ra’ah – should use the faculty of sight to view and perceive, to behold and consider), the movement of (halak ‘el – the conduct, walk, behavior, and goings on of) the ant (namalah – the insect known for its industrious nature, from namal – to be circumcised), her ways (derek – its conduct and vigorous approach, its journey), and be wise (wa chakam – and be knowledgeable to develop understanding, be prudent, skillful, and thus empowered). (Mashal / Meaningful, Vivid, and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:6)

Beneficially, and from a relationship perspective (‘asher – where relationally, fortuitously, happily, and joyfully), she has no (‘ayn la – it is devoid of and without a) leader or ruler, no commander or officer, no government or imposed authority (qatsyn – no dictator, governor, chief, prince, or royalty, no superior individual or magistrate; from the verbal root qatsah – one who cuts down, shears off, and scrapes away, determining borders and limits), [she has no] work foreman or public official, not even a clerk or scribe (shoter – overseer or manager, 51civil servant or military officer, judge or court clerk), nor (wa) anyone claiming to be in charge or in control, especially not a lord who reigns over her (mashal – anyone acting as a lord or master exercising authority or claiming dominion over governments, citizens, or slaves).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:7)

Ants operate under the highest level of eusociality which is to say that their interactions are defined by the following characteristics: “cooperative and supportive care of offspring with overlapping generations engaged and sharing responsibility, along with a division of labor whereby every ant works diligently at their specialty, contributing to protect the colony, harvest food, enhance the nest, fertilize the eggs, or care for the young without an organizational hierarchy.” While there are “queen” ants, such nomenclature is an unfortunate human extrapolation because “queens” are not married to kings, they have no organizational authority, and they often share colonies with many other “queens.” Their function is to lay eggs. Nothing more.

Ants function harmoniously without any leadership. Ants thrive without a military officer, a political official, a business executive, or any individual establishing laws, rules of conduct, morality, or justice. They survive nicely without a government or religion. Ants work together and engage cooperatively for the betterment of their offspring. Also telling, the overwhelming preponderance of ants are females which is why the ant is referred to as “she” throughout this presentation.

The largest known colony of ants contains an estimated 306 million “worker” ants and one million “queens,” all living in an interconnected mesh of 45,000 nests. The colony flourishes even in the most hostile climates because the workers collect more food and material than is immediately required, storing much of 52what they gather to see them through tough times and for the benefit of future generations. Of course, none of this was known 3,000 years ago when this Mashal was penned.

The common denominator among religious, government, military, and economic institutions is their propensity for hierarchies. They all have organizational structures. Men have long ruled over and oppressed humankind in this way. But with God, the opposite is true. There are no chains of command, no orders to obey, no being told what to do. God teaches those who want to learn. He guides those looking for direction. He instructs those who want to exercise freewill in an informed and rational way. He provides direction to those seeking to know Him.

In His Covenant Family, inside of His Home, we are all the same. Even the massive difference in knowledge and power between Yahowah and ourselves is mitigated with God enriching, enlightening, and empowering each of His children, making us ever more like Him. That is the very essence of His nature and purpose. As a loving Father, He gets down on His knees to lift us up so that we can stand and walk with Him.

With Yahowah, we have no need for anyone to act as our intermediary, especially our superior. We can observe, closely examine and carefully consider, Yahowah’s testimony on our own. We can listen directly to what He has to say.

This book, and those which came before it, strive to serve in this way. All I’m actually doing is sharing what I’m learning from Him – something you will want to do as well. And ultimately, even if you are more comfortable coming to know and understand Yahowah by way of these translations and supportive comments, a time will come when God is going to communicate directly with you. He has promised to personally place a perfect and complete copy of His “towrah – teaching” inside of His children 53upon His return. To be counted among them, come to know Him first, come to appreciate what He is offering second, come to understand what He is asking in return, and then come to accept His conditions, acting upon them, thereby engaging in the Covenant relationship prior to His return.

Storing up useful and nourishing information in advance, so that we are not found wanting, is the reason God said…

“She prepares (kuwn – she fashions, forms, and establishes) her food (lechem – grains and fruit to be consumed) in (ba) the summer (ha qayts – during the warmer periods when fruit and plants are plentiful). She gathers in the harvest (‘agar ba ha qatsyr – she harvests the crop and brings it into a storehouse), storing it as her source of nourishment (ma’akal – as something for her to eat).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:8)

A moment or so ago, I suggested that the only way to respond correctly and quickly to those things which threaten our relationship with Yahowah is to prepare well in advance of confronting them. So then if I’m correct in assessing this advice, God is encouraging us to collect and store every nurturing nuance He has provided in His Word so that we are prepared for whatever challenge comes our way.

Even if I have extrapolated beyond His intent, you’ll be the wiser for the diligence and for the investment collecting and storing His advice will provide. In the process of studying His instructions, your mere willingness to prioritize listening to Him, your desire to spend time with Him, your decision to learn from Him will all endear you to Him. God was an active participant in providing His Towrah, talking the talk and then walking the walk. He laid out His plan and then He enabled it. His example is one we 54would do well to follow. Apathy and inactivity destroy relationships.

“For how long and to what extent (‘ad matay – until when or to what extent), inactive, apathetic, and lethargic one (‘asel – lazy bones who are sluggish and slothful, lacking motivation, discipline, ambition, and remorsefulness), will you lie there and remain sedentary (shakab – rest, relax, be slothful, and sleep)?

When and what will it take for (matay – how long will it be and when is there a time in which) you to arise and stand up (quwm – be established) from your altered state of awareness (shenah – your sleep and slumber, from being unaware and unresponsive)?” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:9)

It is a good question, one mostly unanswered. The lone remedy for lies, for religious and political deception, is the truth. But it is never free in the sense of being obtained without effort. Truth is not dispensed at the corner market, at the local church, or at city hall. It is not popular. It will not make you rich or powerful, at least not in this world.

While it is not hard to find, no one stumbles upon the truth. While it is exceedingly valuable, no one is selling it either.

But the effort associated with a diligent quest for truth, the time and energy which must be devoted to the search, is just a small part of what God is communicating here. He is reiterating something far more essential. He wants us to choose to participate in a relationship with Him. Relationships require both parties to engage and contribute for them to be productive, beneficial, and meaningful.

This may represent one of the greatest divides between religion and relationship. With religion, the faithful are simply asked to believe. A God they do not know is then expected to save those He does not know. And to what and 55to where? Wouldn’t the religious under this scenario be spending their eternity in a place devoid of religion and everything else the faithful have been told to believe? Wouldn’t heaven appear like hell to them?

And since hell is a very religious place, wouldn’t the inclusion of the religious make heaven like hell? Why would God want to do such a stupid thing? It would make Heaven just like the insanity we are experiencing now on Earth. It would bring eternal misery. Man may be that foolish, but let us not project our irrational nature on Yahowah.

A God worthy of the title would want those He saves to come to know Him first before choosing to spend an unlimited period of time with Him. He would want those He saves to appreciate what He is offering before committing to spend an eternity in that environment and under those conditions. And since it is incumbent on God to provide the way Home, once He has done so, He would be insane to ignore the path He has provided, to contradict it, or to accept those who do likewise.

If an individual does not care enough about what God has said and done to study His approach, understand it, trust it, accept it, and act upon it, why would God want to be around them, much less spend eternity with anyone who is not interested in anything He has to say or offer? So, what is it going to take for mankind to pay attention to Him, to listen to His advice, to answer His invitations, and to participate in His Family?

The second great divide between religion and relationship is also stipulated in this Proverb. Religions require the faithful to bow down before their god. But in a relationship, we stand together. This makes the religious god pathetic and insecure, needing and demanding that his creation worship him. Once again, a God worthy of the title would want no such thing. So, let’s all get off of our knees 56and take a stand. Let’s stand up against the lies that destroy lives. Let’s take a stand on behalf of the truth.

“A little inactivity leads to (ma’at shenah – a relatively small amount of idleness or slumber will cause) laziness (ma’at tanuwmah – a limited amount of sleep), to folding one’s hands together in a lethargic manner (chibuq yad) to rest (la shakab).” (Mashal / Meaningful, Vivid, and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:10)

Bad habits are hard to break. If we allow our eyes and brains to atrophy from lack of use, it will become more difficult to examine and process the evidence necessary to know the truth. Once we become comfortable with religious and political deceptions, we lose the motivation to question the institutions that are misleading us. We can easily find ourselves in the well-worn rut of humankind, a rut so deep that it is difficult to emerge.


Yahowah wants us to extricate ourselves from the ways of man, to climb out of the ruts humankind has worn in the roads that continually lead to our destruction and demise. If we don’t, we will be ill-equipped to confront the seductive overtures of those who will lure the unsuspecting onto the path of no return. This is why His next five statements read…

“For he will come, walking and behaving like a leader and guide, taking control. And you will lack what is needed, demonstrating a scarcity of something absolutely vital, needing what you do not have, causing you to be bereaved and diminished. (6:11)

A confusing and destructive, corrupt and beguiling man dishonest and vain, travels about with speeches which are wrong, perverting, and corrupting. (6:12)

57With a sinister winking of his eyes, he subtly signals the vacillating nature of his proclamations. By shuffling about with regard to his stance on circumcision, he casts aspersions with his fingers. (6:13)

With confusing and false perceptions which invert reality and corrupt his judgment, he devises and inscribes antagonistic schemes without consideration for their consequences which are adversarial, creating contentious strife, all while claiming to be sent out as a messenger to do away with something important. (6:14)

Upon this, therefore, suddenly, unexpectedly, yet openly, albeit briefly, he will come with his destructive opposition and ruinous calamity. He will breach and break something vital, and as a result, he will suffer affliction, surprising many. And there will not be any remedy or cure.” (Mashal / Proverb 6:15)

If you know Yahowah, you will not be led astray by this man. If you know the Towrah, he will not be able to fool you. If you are part of the Covenant, you will be inoculated against his deadly plague.

Yahowah will enrich you. This man will bereave you. Yahowah will empower you. This man will diminish you. God will give you what you need while this man will strive to take it away.

Since this is a life-and-death issue, let’s be especially observant as we consider what Yah just revealed. Speaking of one lone man, a man born as Sha’uwl but known to Christians as Paul, God revealed…

“For he will come (wa bow’), walking around and behaving like a leader and guide, taking control (ka halak). And you will lack what is needed (wa resh – so then you will be impoverished, without what is required to survive, from ruwsh – you will be wanting, lacking, hungry, poor, and disadvantaged). Then (wa) you will 58have a scarcity of something vital, causing you to be bereaved and diminished (machsor – causing you to be decreased and abated, from chaser – to be without and to be in need).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:11)

The individual Yahowah is addressing here is well-known, just as one would expect. What other reason would there be for directing our attention to a singular “‘iysh – male individual” in what has been an all-encompassing essay on the ills of affiliating with human institutions? So I would ask you, what famous individual in human history, one not only known to us, but one known to have guided mankind away from what’s needed, from Yahowah, from His Towrah, and from His Covenant, “took control, acting like a leader and guide?” I can think of one.

Only one man claimed that God authorized him as the lone authority on salvation, as the exclusive spokesman to the entire Gentile world. And this same man repudiated Yahowah, renounced and discarded His Towrah, and replaced His Covenant. Of the two men responsible for misleading billions of people, Paul and Muhammad, only one of these two men will embody each and every accusation God is about to bring against him. And since this is a solitary infamous individual, we are compelled to choose between the world’s most beguiling souls.

If I’m right, and I’m certain of it because there is no other viable alternative, Yahowah is warning His children, telling us that if we are not properly prepared in advance, that we risk being misled by Paul and, thus, forfeit everything He is offering through His Covenant by accepting Christianity and its replacement, New Testament.

“A confusing and incorrect (balya’al – a wicked and worthless, mystifying and vile, troublesome and abhorred, detested and valueless, unGodly and destructive, corrupt 59and inconsistent; from balal – baffling and confounding, difficult to understand as a result of commingling, and baly – to be lacking and without, to be negated and for naught) man (‘adam – person, masculine singular), a dishonest and vain (‘aven (more correctly: ‘aown | ‘awon) – an egotistical, deceitful, invalid, and unreliable, false, harmful, relationally damaging, fraudulent, and religious, troublesome and idolatrous (also the name of a prominent Egyptian religious center)) individual (‘iysh – person, singular and masculine, thus a lone individual), travels about (halak – actually walks, literally going through life (singular masculine qal participle active – his travels distinguish him and result in what follows)) with speeches (peh – with words spoken out of his mouth, edicts and declarations) which are false, perverting, and corrupting (‘iqashowth – which wickedly distort and misrepresent the meaning of something by twisting, misapplying, and corrupting it with distortions based upon circuitous and serpentine reasoning, thereby deviating from the path which is right, from ‘aqash and ‘iqesh – a crooked and twisted path, a perverted and perverse way, a warped and wayward course which should be condemned as wrong),…” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:12)

Yahowah is describing one “‘adam – man.” This is a warning regarding a singular “iysh – individual.” The words themselves leave us with no other viable option. And that’s profound. It means that sometime between when this was written, some years prior to 1000 BCE (Year 3000 Yah), and 2033 CE (Year 6000 Yah), there would be a nonconformist, someone whose message would be unlike any of the prophets and psalmists. There is only one of those to be found in today’s Bibles, and he sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb.

This man’s message would be confusing and incorrect, mystifying and baffling, deceitful and destructive. 60Yahowah is alerting us to the arrival of an individual who would be known for his travels. There is only one man who claimed to speak on behalf of the God of ‘Abraham who traveled extensively. And to this day, he is among the best known and most influential individuals in human history.

Sha’uwl, who chose the Roman moniker, Paul was in Amphipolis, Apollonia, and Philippi in Macedonia, but also Antioch and Damascus in Syria. He traveled to Antipatris en route to Caesarea, Greece, then to the Appi-Forum along the Appian Way in Rome. His walk through the Gentile world took him to Assos in Mysia as well as to Athens, the capital city of Greece. Paul’s mission to mankind brought him to Attalia in Pamphilia, Berea which lies west of Thessalonica, a city to whose inhabitants he wrote two very hostile letters. And speaking of expressing hostility, Paul penned two angry retorts to the people of Corinth along the Isthmus of Greece because they, like the Thessalonians and Galatians, immediately rejected his message.

Eager to leave before his lies could be repudiated, Paul sailed off to Paphos and Salamis on the Island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean. As if in a hurry, he would quickly pass through Derbe and Troas in Asia Minor. He was also known to confront his foes in Ephesus.

Paul’s journey through history took him to Fair Havens on the Island of Crete, Iconium and Lystra, both in today’s Turkey. He was, of course, born and raised in Tarsus. His travels migrated to Malta, an Island off the coast of Rome, Mitylene on Lesbos, Miletus in Asia Minor, Myra and Patara in Lycia, Neapolis in Philippi, Perga in Pamphylia, and Puteoli on the Gulf of Naples outside Rome in addition to Rhegium.

And speaking of Rome, Paul was the only man to claim to speak on behalf of the God of Yisra’el in the city of Rome – in the very heart of the Beast. He was in the 61Phoenician cities of Sidon and Tyre, in addition to Syracuse on the coast of Sicily. Considering the fact that this is all documented throughout Acts by Luke, his attaché at the time, it’s obvious why Yahowah identified this man based upon his “halak – travels.”

The fact that God revealed that the individual of ill repute would be arrogant, even egotistical, and totally lacking humility is telling, not only because a conceited attitude wholly disqualifies a person from conveying His message, but also because Paul admits that his ego was so out of control, in order for Satan to keep it in check, he had to be demon-possessed.

God warns us that this man would be dishonest and thus deceitful, fraudulent and thus unreliable. And that is what would make him evil, harmful, and damaging. Religion is not a victimless crime because it is unreliable. It gives the faithful false hope. Moreover, by selecting a word which can be translated as “fraudulent,” Yahowah is revealing that this devious man would deliberately and knowingly misrepresent himself and his god. Confessing to this, Paul admitted that he routinely misrepresented himself to gain an advantage, pretending to be whatever suited his interests.

The speech of the abhorred man of confusion would be so perverting and corrupting that God needed to warn His children about the corrosive and debilitating aspect of his edicts. His words would be false, a product of circular reasoning, of distorting and misrepresenting God’s testimony. He would twist and misapply the Towrah to lead believers astray, causing the faithful to deviate from the right path. As such, Yahowah’s every word encapsulates the serpentine, warped and wayward, nature of the Pauline epistles. And keep in mind, Paul was one of only two people to have misled billions by claiming to be a divine leader and guide, an apostle and messenger of God.

62Therefore, we should also be asking ourselves, what testimony would someone have to distort and corrupt to engender being exposed and condemned by Yahowah in this way? What document would have to be twisted in a serpentine fashion to not only cause multitudes to deviate from the right path, but to leave them lacking and, thus, spiritually dead? The answer, of course, is obvious: the Towrah. So, who not only distorted the Towrah, perverting Yahowah’s plan with his speech, but was also egotistical, becoming a harmful and invalid fraud, corrupting enough people with his warped and wayward religious pontifications, while traveling throughout the Gentile world, other than Paul?

I would argue that the candidates are few and far between, and ultimately singular, because Yahowah is only concerned about those who influence the lives of the Chosen People and the safety and sanctity of their nation, Israel. So, to be thorough in our search, other than the self-proclaimed Apostle Paul, in the order of their appearance, we might consider Sennacherib, the Assyrian king who conquered Israel and laid siege on Jerusalem beginning around 720 BCE, followed by Nebuchadnezzar, whose Babylonian army captured Jerusalem in 597 BCE, and then returned to bludgeon the city a second time in 586 BCE. However, since Yahowah wouldn’t care what they said, or to whom they said it, we can rule out these men. They knew nothing of the Towrah.

While the Greeks had a negative influence on Israel, Alexander bypassed Jerusalem after ransacking Phoenicia en route to conquering Egypt. Although he had an ego and he walked through much of the known world, his personal influence on Israel and Jews was minimal.

The father and son Emperors / Generals Vespasian and Titus, who leveled Yahowah’s Temple in 70 CE, are on God’s short list of least likable fellows, but once again Yahowah would have no reason to warn us about their 63deceptive and debilitating proclamations. I suspect that the Roman Emperor Hadrian cracks the top five of God’s all time most despised Homo-Sapiens, and he was egotistical and vicious to a fault for crucifying hundreds of thousands of Jews, for destroying Jerusalem, for burning every copy of the Towrah he could find, for wanting to rename the city after himself, for renaming Yahuwdah “Palestine,” for salting the Promised Land, and for choosing to build a shrine deifying himself on the Temple Mount, all around 133 CE.

But it would have been this man’s actions God would have protested, not his testimony. Further, there is no real distinction between these six militant kings, and so the fact that Yahowah is exposing and condemning a single individual precludes our consideration of these despicable despots.

A contemporary and adversary of Hadrian, Rabbi Akiba, is also among God’s most reviled men, not only for antagonizing the Romans militarily resulting in the Diaspora, and for promoting the false Messiah Simon bar Kokhba, but because he concocted the form of Judaism practiced today. So, while he stands out as a unique individual, and while he had a lot to say that was misleading, he did not renounce the Torah and there is no indication that this bad boy ever left Jerusalem.

Emperors Constantine and Theodosius in 325 and 400 CE, were responsible for the transition from Imperial Rome to the Roman Catholic Church and its Holy Roman Empire. They were stunningly anti-Semitic, and their rhetoric was as rotten to be sure. So, if it were not for the fact that they had almost no effect on Yahuwdah and that there were two equally horrible coconspirators, not one individual, these Christian converts would be candidates.

Muhammad is second only to Paul on God’s most hated list. Shortly after 600 CE, he was inspired by Satan 64to create the most deceitful, destructive, deadly, and demonic religion in human history. No malady has ever been more anti-Jew or caustic to Israel. The religion of Islam began as a criminal enterprise and grew through terrorism to infect 1.5 billion souls. Muhammad was a pedophile and rapist, a kidnapper and slave trader, a mass murderer and terrorist, traits which place him in contention for this infamous distinction.

Pretending to speak for a god he called Allah, Muhammad perverted the words and deeds of ‘Adam, Noah, ‘Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon to falsely posture that they also served the Black Stone of the Ka’aba. His pathetic and twisted characterization of “Jesus” was named Issa, a transliteration of the Hebrew Esau.

Claiming that his Quran confirmed the Torah while it was the antithesis of it, Muhammad gave birth to the most despicable religion of all time. And in keeping with this Proverb’s opening admonition, the Messenger of Allah epitomizes every derogatory aspect of ‘arab. Further, he acted alone in the creation of Islam – a word that means “submission.” But he is disqualified because he and his camel wore out a track between Mecca and Medina, never venturing out of the western Arabian dunes. Moreover, Muhammad was illiterate.

Maimonides codified Rabbinic Judaism in the 12th century, composing the Mishnah Torah – which he wrote in Arabic using Hebrew letters. Forced out of Islamic Spain during the anti-Jewish riots, he fled to Fez, Morocco, where the streets had been stained with blood as a result of one of the worst Islamic atrocities, before visiting Israel and settling in Egypt – so he was on the move. The Talmudist, physician of Sultan Saladin, and philosopher was even hailed a “Halchist,” a derivation of the Hebrew “halak – walk.” Somehow, he came up with the preposterous notion that the Torah contained 613 commandments.

65However, his most deceitful claim was that HaShem was incorporeal – which is to place limits on God which He did not place on himself. And while the Rambam’s Mishnah Torah was called “Second to the Torah,” it wasn’t actually based on the Towrah, but was instead a commentary on the Babylonian Talmud. And even though Maimonides established the 13 Principles of Judaism, and orchestrated Jewish reverence for the Talmud over the Towrah, he had no effect on Israel.

Der Führer (the Leader and Guide) Adolf Hitler, and his coconspirator, Muhammad al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, were the masterminds of the Holocaust. They forestalled the creation of the Jewish state for a score of years, seeing to it that six million Jews wouldn’t make the journey. But neither spoke of the Towrah, meaning that understanding it wouldn’t serve as an antidote for their vitriol.

Further, had it not been for al-Husseini, Hitler would have served the interests of Israel because his original plan was to expel Jews from Europe to their original homeland. Der Führer wanted them gone. The Grand Mufti wanted them dead.

The last potential candidate would be the Towrahless One, known to Christians as the “Antichrist.” While we do not know how much he will travel or what he will write and say, he will most assuredly mirror the attributes and rhetoric of Paul. Possessed by the same demon, serving the same Lord, they will be so similar this is a distinction without a difference.

Realistically, this leaves us with Paul, Muhammad, and the de facto reincarnation of Paul, the Towrahless One. The first two were the founders of the world’s most popular religions, while the third will blend them into one.

Paul was born Sha’uwl, a Benjamite. He was trained to be a rabbi in Yaruwshalaim. And his message was 66overtly anti-Jewish, bringing great harm to Yahowah’s Chosen People. He even told Roman believers to submit to their leaders and their government, words which facilitated the Roman destruction of Yahowah’s Temple, the Chosen People, and the Promised Land, while enabling the conversion of Imperial Rome into the most pervasive and oppressive beasts of all time, the Roman Catholic Church.

Muhammad’s parents, having lived in Yahthrib, were likely Jewish. His Quran was based largely on Talmud stories he bastardized after paying rabbis in Yahthrib to recite them to him. While claiming that his revelations “confirmed” the Towrah, his Quran is the antithesis of it, perverting everything Yahowah had to say. And since Muhammad modeled his god, Allah, after Satan, we should not be surprised that the Quran is the most anti-Semitic book ever written, more averse to Yahowah’s Chosen People than Hitler’s Mein Kampf. A warning regarding dealings with Islam’s Arab founder would be valuable indeed.

But unlike Paul, Muhammad was as dumb as the stone he claimed was God. And unlike Paul, he bastardized the Talmud, not the Towrah. No one in their right mind would ever confuse Allah with Yahowah, but Paul’s case for his god was far more obscure. In this regard, Paul’s rhetoric was serpentine, while Muhammad’s was just plain stupid. If you are apathetic and thus unaware, it’s easy to become prey to Pauline Christianity. You have to have your eyes open and be alert to recognize his perverse corruptions of the Towrah. But you have to be completely comatose to accept Muhammad’s immoral rant as Godly.

There is one additional clue provided by our Heavenly Father we should consider. By using balya’al, He revealed that this detestable and unGodly individual would confuse the unwary and ill-prepared by “mixing together and commingling inconsistent myths.” Paul would cite Dionysus’ most famous line, “It is difficult for you to kick 67against the goad,” attributing it to his god during his conversion experience. He would promote the Gospel of Grace in honor of the Roman Gratia and Greek Charities.

His appeal to the Greco-Roman world was largely a result of his propensity to use Gnosticism to demean the Towrah, extolling the virtues of his faith over the flesh. He embraced the Roman government and Greek philosophy, mixing all of this together into a toxic and inebriating brew. And even more telling, the religion which emerged out of his “new covenant” grew by syncretizing all manner of pagan mythology. Christianity is an amalgamation of the Babylonian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman religions.

Fortunately, should you not be convinced, Yahowah has a lot more to say about the man who dared contradict Him while claiming to speak for Him. And with each word, the identity of this lone individual becomes obvious and undeniable. It is the very soul God would identify by name four hundred years hence through His prophet Chabaquwq | Habakkuk, calling Sha’uwl the plague of death. But it gets even more obvious because Mashal 7 is a continuation of Proverb 6, and it concludes by stating that this all pertains to “the way of Sha’uwl.”

So, at this point, be aware that a man “will come, acting like a guide, depriving, bereaving, and diminishing” those who believe him. This “singular wicked and worthless, abhorrent and destructive, man who commingles religions will be a conceited and fraudulent individual, egotistical and invalid, unreliable and harmful.” His “speeches will deploy circular reasoning to advance distortions which deviate from the path” Yahowah has provided in His Towrah. Rather than being recognized for advancing the Way of Yahowah, He will be known for his travels as well as his way.

68With this in mind, we discover that the man of ill repute “will be sinister, duplicitous, and insidious, deliberately and maliciously slandering and denouncing” something Yahowah cares deeply about (His Towrah, perhaps), “casting aspersions while pointing his fingers at a rival” (whom I suspect is Yahowah).

“…with a sinister winking (qarats – with a genuinely insidious and revealing narrowing and a malicious and telling blinking, from the verbal root: qarats – to accuse maliciously, slandering and denouncing as well as to reveal a desire to hoodwink (qal participle active)) of his eyes (‘ayn – perspective and understanding), he subtly signals the vacillating nature of his proclamations by shuffling about regarding circumcision (malal – he conveys his wavering stance through his words by shifting side to side, making a non-verbal sign that the content of his announcements are muddled by waddling, and those who vacillate on circumcision will wither away; malal’s primary definition is circumcision (qal participle active)) with his stance (regel – with his feet), all while casting aspersions (yarah – while hurling destructive accusations which overturn valid teaching (note: yarah’s meaning is defined by its context because it can denote “throwing, casting, shooting, hurling, setting up, or starting something which is destructive, overturning that which had been previously established,” as it is here, or as it is when yarah serves as the basis for towrah – “teaching, instruction, guidance, and direction, making the nature of the teacher and teaching openly and widely known”)) with his fingers (ba ‘etsba’).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:13)

As I write these words, the likes of Trump and Clinton are waddling to rostrums in the Granite State pretending that they love New Hampshire. The expressions on their faces, and their propensity to shuffle out of town once the voting is over, reveal their duplicity and deviousness. I 69suspect that Paul was the same way, shuffling from town to town quickly, hoping that no one would fact-check his allegations, hoping that no one would rationally analyze his proposition, condemning it as preposterous. And speaking of ridiculous, Paul actually admitted to his duplicity, telling the Corinthians that he pretended to reflect the race and religion of his audience – not unlike a chameleon that reflects its environment.

This considered, it is malal that grabbed my attention. Yes, it does mean to “vacillate and shuffle,” but more than that, it speaks of “revealing the wavering nature of a proclamation, showing that the one making it is shifty, and thus should not be relied upon, causing those who are fooled to fade away.” Even more revealing, the same letters, mll, written exactly the same way in the text, suggest that this insidious man would not only “malal – vacillate in his position” but would also “yarah – cast aspersions” at “malal – circumcision.”

Paul attacked Yahowah’s Towrah, saying that it was of the flesh and enslaved as a result of circumcision, telling all who would listen that if a man was circumcised, he could not be saved. Then hypocritically, he circumcised his lover, Timothy – just as he was circumcised, himself. The fulcrum upon which Pauline Doctrine pivots away from Yahowah and His Covenant is “malal – circumcision.” This was Paul’s argument, and it is his alone. At this point, the only way to dismiss Paul as the target of this warning necessitates complete ignorance on our part.

If you have not yet read Twistianity, this would be an excellent time to do so because, rather than proving my case against Sha’uwl with each new aspersion Yahowah is throwing at him, I’m going to assume, as has God, that you are fully apprised regarding his disgusting ways. That is why He warned us all about the consequence of being apathetic and ill-prepared in this regard.

70Continuing to build His case, Yahowah’s next statement coincides with my assessment of Paul’s letters, especially with his first, Galatians, and also with Romans, his sixth and most important epistle – indeed, also with the pair scribed to the Corinthians. And it’s not that Yahowah agrees with me that matters, it is instead that after completing a thorough investigation of Paul’s positions, and then comparing what he wrote to Yahowah’s Towrah, we have both come to the same informed and rational conclusion. And that is why I consider what follows to be the single most accurate and relevant assessment of Paul ever written…

“With confusing and false perceptions which invert reality (tahpukowth – irrational hallucinations and perverted myths which lead to annihilation, from haphak – to overturn or overthrow, inverting and upending, changing by reversing, converting through confusion with catastrophic results) affecting his judgment (ba leb – central to his inner nature, his ambitions, and his motivations, in the way he processes information and makes decisions, guiding his thoughts and conduct, preferences and purpose), he devises and inscribes antagonistic schemes without consideration of their consequence (charash – he engraves and writes down wicked plans which conceal the truth, drawing lines in the sand, whereby the ends justify the means, motivating many to remain silent for the sake of peace, meanwhile, scheming to craft and implement clandestine and conspiratorial plots which cause some to be silenced and unresponsive (akin to political correctness)) which are evil and adversarial (ra’ – objectionable and wrong, depraved and perverse, malignant and miserable, universally harmful and essentially bad, causing profound injury and suffering) in everything, continuously (ba kol ‘eth – with everyone, completely and totally, all of the time) creating controversies and contentious strife (madanym – stirring up heated, bitter and often violent conflicts through human 71knowledge and academic philosophy while claiming kinship; from madown – to be in discord based upon an object of contention, to engage in a quarrel while pleading to administer judgment) as one who claims to be sent out as a messenger to do away with something important (shalach – one who claims to be dispatched and sent away (one claiming to be an apostle), reaching out to many while giving them free rein to dismiss something (replacing the “old” covenant), releasing and freeing them from something (doing away with the Torah), sending them away from another message or messenger (Yahowah and His Word), sowing and impelling that which divorces).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:14)

Paul was a self-proclaimed apostle. He alone claimed to speak for God while doing away with the single most important communication from God, His Towrah. He was in constant strife with everyone, his religious teachers, his fellow countrymen, all of the Gentile communities he visited, and, of course, he was in opposition to Yahowah, His Towrah, Beryth, Miqra’ey, and Mashyach. He even admitted to being demon-possessed, something that would make him quintessentially adversarial and evil. But more than anything, the hallmark of Pauline Doctrine is confusion born out of false perceptions. He literally inverted reality.

He was delusional, epitomizing a person with poor judgment. This was never more evident than at the midpoint of Paul’s first letter when, in Galatians, he said that the Covenant affirmed on Mount Sinai, which would be the Towrah’s Covenant, was with Hagar and thus enslaved. It was at this point that he created his new covenant, which became the Christian New Testament, replete with its Gospel of Grace.

With this Mashal, Yahowah tore asunder the founder and foundation of the world’s most popular religion one 72thousand years before it was conceived. And He was just getting started.

“Upon this, therefore (‘al ken – in your proximity and among you, on account of this and for this reason, surely, in reference to what has just been conveyed), suddenly, unexpectedly yet openly, albeit briefly (pith’owm – in an instant and for a short moment in time, unexpectedly, from petha’ – to quickly, albeit briefly, open the eyes), he will arrive (bow’ – he will come, intensely pursuing and bringing) with his destructive opposition and ruinous calamity (‘eyd – with his disastrous animosity and violent rancor between parties, with his harmful attacks and his misfortunate burden, from ‘uwd – with his brand which causes people to congregate together).

He will breach and break something vital, and as a result, he will suffer affliction (shabar – he will scatter and destroy and he will suffer and be destroyed, he will grieve and cause grieving, he will break (the Torah) into pieces and thus be broken, he will maim and be maimed, he will alienate and estrange and be alienated and estranged, he will be bought and he will sell out, he will interpret and exasperate and he will be interpreted and annoy (the nifal stem reveals that this will actually occur and should be interpreted literally and that the subject, “he,” will carry out and receive the action of the verb, and thus he will break and be broken while the imperfect conveys that the scattering and suffering will be ongoing)) surprising many (petha’ – suddenly, astonishing many, thereby opening some eyes, albeit briefly).

And (wa) there will not be any remedy or cure (‘ayn marpe’ – there will be no restoration or return to health, there will be no peace or civility, only harshness, anger, and hostility, therefore, the situation will become horrible and incurable).” (Mashal / Meaningful and Easy to Remember Sayings / Proverb 6:15)

73Dowd, as the Son of God, in collaboration with the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit, fulfilled the first three Miqra’ey | Invitations to Be Called Out and Meet with God in year 4000 Yah, 33 CE on the Roman Catholic calendar. To do so, he would walk directly out of the pages of Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance and his Mizmowr | Songs to enable all of the promised benefits of the Beryth | Family-Oriented Covenant Relationship. Within a decade, Paul’s demonic assault against everything God’s Son had said and done was in full swing, culminating with his first epistle just twenty years later.

His rancor was sudden, even surprising, brief, albeit laid out before the eyes of the world. He shattered the Covenant Yahowah had offered, tearing the Towrah apart along with it. In an instant, the blink of an eyelid in time, one man broke God’s greatest gift. Dowd’s deeds were for naught. And sadly, there would be no remedy for what Paul had done. Even God would not be able to save those who came to believe Sha’uwl.

He, however, was not the only one to mislead while falsely claiming to speak on behalf of God. Akiba, the forefather of Judaism, did not recognize Dowd as the Passover Lamb either. Worse, he was unaware that the Messiah he sought had served his people and would return as their king. Dowd is the man in the middle of God’s story – and yet, even Jews can’t seem to get his story right.

Yahowah encourages us to disdain politics and religion, to walk away from those who advocate them, because He can only save those who do. And the best way to accomplish this is to properly assess the nature of the rival force seeking to influence our souls, comparing their character and plan to Yahowah’s.

This brings us back to where we began. To the realization that hate is often the best possible response, especially when it is properly controlled and directed.

74One of the most debilitating and deceptive delusions promoted today under the banner of love and tolerance, multiculturalism and political correctness, is that we ought not hate. But if we do not hate those things that are wrong, especially those that are injurious to those we love, we not only lose our appreciation for what is right, we put those we care about in harm’s way, failing to guide or protect them.

Our righteous indignation, like Yahowah’s, should be directed at those institutions and individuals who arrogantly promote lies as if they were true, debilitating and killing the unsuspecting. Public enemy numbers one, two, and three – Akiba, Paul, and Muhammad.
