


Losing Control

The Last Hurrah…

Satan is evil, but he is not ill-informed, especially about Yahowah. If mere mortals such as ourselves have been able to figure out the timing of Yahowah’s return, it’s certain that Hylel ben Shachar knows it as well. He is cognizant that his final showdown with God will conclude on Yowm Kipurym in the fall of 2033.

If it were to come to a vote, it would be a landslide on behalf of the Devil because Satan is vastly more popular than God. However, because it is not a numbers game, because Yah is more concerned with who and why than how many – the Covenant Family will emerge victorious. And for them to live, billions of souls who chose poorly will lose their lives.

By almost any measure man would use to assess his success, Satan has overachieved throughout his tenure as the Adversary. The carnage which has resulted from his influence over Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Greece, Imperial Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, as well as all things Islam, the Nazis, Soviet Russia, Communist China, and the warmongers in America is unfathomable.

Yet, his crowning achievements will transpire over the 10 years between 2023 and October 2nd, 2033. The things Satan does best – deception and death through religious commingling and political duplicity – will become so rampant that, if Yahowah were not to intervene, freedom would be completely eradicated, and life would be extinguished on planet Earth.

588Now, therefore, is the time for righteous indignation, for hating those who would destroy that which Yahowah loves, devastating the planet beyond repair. It is time to hold the world’s leaders accountable, making it as difficult as possible for them to harm God’s Family.

In a world where hate is presented as the enemy of love instead of a baseline requirement for compassion, at a time when personal responsibility and accountability are an anathema among the politically correct, for us to appreciate what God is going to do, and why He is doing so, most men and women will need to adopt an entirely different perspective.

While this may sound harsh to those who have been indoctrinated by religion and politics, it is the most merciful response…

“Be prepared for (kuwn – of your own volition choose to be ready for, decide upon, accept, and support, be steadfast, standing upright in agreement with (hifil imperative)) a place of slaughter (matbeach – a slaughter yard; from tabach – to slay, butcher, and kill animals in a merciless manner).

His immediate offspring (la beny huw’ – coming toward his (Hylel ben Shachar’s) sons, children, and descendants) in association with (ba) the perversion, distortion, and corruption (‘awon – the liability and guilt for promoting that which is contrary to the way, the iniquity and wickedness associated with twisting and bending the truth, the damage that has been perpetrated by garbling and misrepresenting the facts, the justifiable consequence of wrongdoing, the perversity and depravity; from ‘awah – to bend, twist, and distort, to pervert and corrupt, and thus the fabrications) of their fathers (‘ab hem – of their forefathers and ancestors) in conjunction with Bel (bal – surely as the Bel / the Lord God of Babylon; from balah – completely wear out and completely use up) will rise up 589and exalt themselves, imposing themselves as valid (quwm – they fulfill their hostile ambitions and become even more powerful, accomplishing their plans to establish themselves and elevate their status (qal imperfect active)).

They will attempt to possess and destroy (yarash – gain possession under false pretenses, seize control, make destitute, impoverish, tread upon and vomit all over) the earth (ha ‘erets – the land) and (wa) fill (male’ – cover) the surface (paneh – the appearance, face, and presence) of the world (tebel – of the planet) with anguishing terror, cities, and shrines (‘yr – with fear, population centers, and temples, with anger, fortified places, and religious structures).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:21)

Yahowah is going to eliminate those who have come to slaughter His children, then He will annihilate the religious and political who supported them. It is the right thing to do – the most compassionate. Those who do not make every effort to protect their families from clear and present danger are irresponsible. This is the guidance Yahowah wants us to embrace.

While we cannot play judge or jury, in that we are not God, nor should we act as vigilantes, our Heavenly Father deserves our appreciation rather than scorn for eliminating those threatening the wellbeing of His Family and home at this time. Should Yahowah not act, man would destroy the Earth and all life on it. Many will die so that a few will live.

It’s obvious that God isn’t impressed with cities, and that He sees them as swamps of human decadence, which makes this one of many places where rendering ‘yr as “cities” misses the point. As was the case in Babel five thousand years ago, Yahowah’s biggest concern with them is their propensity to erect religious shrines and amass devotees. So, as it was in the beginning, it will be in the end. Yahowah remains opposed to religious edifices.

590“‘I will stand up to oppose them (wa quwm ‘al hem – then I will rise up and establish Myself in opposition to them, accomplishing what I had promised, fulfilling My desire to validate, encourage, and restore (qal perfect)),’ prophetically declares (ne’um – announcing this decision in advance, emphatically states and reveals) Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation) of the spiritual implements (tsaba’ – of the vast multitude heavenly envoys and messengers established in a command-and-control regimen).

‘I will stop, cut off, and destroy (karat – I will cease, cut down, tear out, uproot, remove, and banish (hifil perfect)) the likes of (la – that which corresponds with) Babel / Babylon / Confusion (Babel – Babylonia, corruption from intermixing and commingling right and wrong especially in association with the Lord and the Bible), its name (shem – renown and reputation) and (wa) its residue (sha’ar – its remnant and remainder, everything which has survived it up to this point, the physical bodies, the souls, and all things which are related to it [from 1QIsa]), including (wa) the offspring (nyn – that which it has propagated, successive generations, that which has come forth and grown out of it; from nuwn – to continue to propagate, spread, and circulate) and (wa) the message it has broadcast and propagated (neked – descendants and posterity, generations of children, and that which is broadly communicated and proliferated),’ emphatically states (ne’um – prophetically declares, announcing this decision in advance) Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate pronunciation of YaHoWaH based upon ‘elowah’s – God’s towrah – guidance on His hayah – existence).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:22)

591Since the last incarnation of the city of Babylon was buried by the shifting sands of time twenty centuries ago, long banished from the realm of the living, it is what Babel has come to represent which is now being removed and forgotten. Along these lines the most obvious forms of corruption derived from intermingling that which has been widely propagated would be the Christian New Testament, the Babylonian Talmud, and the Islamic Quran, along with the Book of Mormon. If you have placed your faith in any of these, you now know your fate.

It is by sweeping the debris away that the land becomes habitable again. I suppose you could call God an environmentalist.

“‘I will cause it to become (wa sym hy’ – I will make it (qal perfect)) such that it is suitable (la mowrash – so that it is frequented with and covered; from yarash – seized, inherited, occupied) as pools, lakes, and lagoons (‘agam – still waters and peaceful pools suitable for waterfowl) of water (maym [from 1QIsa]) for heron and other long-legged waterfowl (qiphod – for a great egret, purple, blue, or tricolored heron, a scarlet, snowy, great, glossy, or white ibis, a crowned crane, painted stork, pink spoonbill, yellow bittern, or flamingo, for an owl as a nocturnal bird of prey, for a porcupine or hedgehog, for anguishing terror and shuddering fear, or for the wrapping up of life).

I will sweep it (wa te’te’ hy’ – I will remove the dirt and unwanted material, cleaning it (pilpel perfect – the object suffers the effect of the cleansing which is completed over a finite period of time)) with (ba) the broom (mata’te’ – an implement or tool used to sweep dirt off a floor; from tyt – mud, clay, mire, and sticky slime out of a swamp) of extermination and decimation (shamad – of extinction and annihilation, getting completely rid of that which is ruinous and has been overthrown),’ prophetically declares (ne’um – announcing this decision 592in advance, emphatically states and reveals) Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH as ‘elowah – God instructed in His Towrah – Guidance regarding His hayah – existence) of the spiritual implements (tsaba’ – of the vast multitude heavenly envoys and messengers established in a command-and-control regimen).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:23)

This is one of many prophetic statements affirming that we will go back to the beginning, to ‘Eden, when all is said and done. This is what Sukah | Camping Out with God represents, and why, as the seventh Miqra’, it is the ultimate destination.

Qiphod may be translated as anything from an “owl or other nocturnal bird of prey, a heron or related waterfowl including the likes of the great egret, purple, blue, or tricolored heron, scarlet, snowy, glossy, or white ibis, crowned crane, painted stork, pink spoonbill, yellow bittern, or flamingo,” in addition to “a hedgehog or porcupine.” In the feminine, qiphodah means “anguish, terror, alarm, fear, or shuddering over a dangerous situation.” As a verb, qaphad conveys: “to gather together, roll up, wrap up, and harvest,” and is typically used to address “rolling up a life such that death is imminent.”

With all of these options laid out before us, our choices should be guided by context. Yahowah has just removed all traces of Babel, along with those who have served as its hosts, broadcasting its corrupting and confusing message. Therefore, He is engaged in cleansing and restoring His planet, explaining the metaphor, “sweeping it with a broom,” at the conclusion of the statement. Further, the mention of “pools of water” serves as the clincher, leading us directly to “heron and other waterfowl,” making them the most appropriate translation of qiphod in this situation. Such birds are among the most elegant and beautifully adorned in the world.

593But more than this, birds are prime biological indicators because they are energetic components of ecosystems with a remarkable ability to move in response to adversity or opportunity. They are also conspicuous, making them a readily observable means to quantify trends, whether they be beneficial or unfavorable.

It is all fairly simple and straightforward. Yahowah has sworn a binding oath to provide the benefits of the Covenant agreement to anyone and everyone who accepts His conditions. We can absolutely and unequivocally rely on everything He has conveyed to us through His prophets. His offer is extraordinarily generous, and His conditions are not only easily achieved, they are all beneficial.

“Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation) of the vast multitude heavenly envoys and messengers (tsaba’ – of the spiritual implements established in a command-and-control regimen) has sworn a binding oath (shaba’ – has promised and is now affirming, has irrevocably vowed in association with seven and the Shabat),

‘Without exception, if (‘im lo’ – unconditionally, no questions about it, unwilling to make any concessions, never to be negated, whenever) I have spoken (la ‘amar – consistent with what I’ve said and promised, regarding what I’ve expressed in words): then as I am like, as I have thought, and as I have planned (ka’asher damah – consistent with My nature and those things I’ve shared which are comparable, compatible with and the stories I’ve shared to reveal the correct path to the benefits of the relationship), so shall it be (ken hayah – therefore, correctly, verifiably, justly, and reliably it shall come to exist).

594Furthermore (wa – and moreover), consistent with the benefits of the relationship and the path to walk to life, exactly as (ka’asher – in the same manner and for the point of comparison regarding the narrow path to walk to get the most out of living, just as) I have intended and advised (ya’ats – I have purposed and planned, concluded and decided, counseled and conferred, deliberated and taken action) it will stand (hy’ quwm – it will be honored and confirmed, it will be kept and fulfilled, it will be accomplished, carried out, and established).’” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:24)

The faithful are predisposed to believe that “God can do anything.” And yet, that isn’t true. For example, He cannot lie. He cannot renege on an agreement such as the Covenant. He cannot change His nature or His plan, and as such, He was not replaced by “Jesus,” nor was His Word altered by a New Testament. He is bound to do what He has promised, which means everything He has predicted through Dowd and His prophets will transpire.

His advice and guidance as it was originally presented in His Towrah stand. This is yet another fatal blow to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Their Scriptures were not inspired by this God.

As Yahowah did for me, He will do for you, confirming that everything He says is reliable, right down to the prepositions. First among them is “‘asher – the narrow and correct path to walk to give life meaning and to enjoy the benefits of the relationship.”

And speaking of nuances, in the Great Isaiah Scroll, the phrase “so shall it be” is possessive and thus indicative of Babel. This serves to affirm that God’s declarations against the confusing nature of religious corruption will be fulfilled.

Before we leave this statement, I would like to share an additional thought. From the very beginning, and 595throughout the war Hylel ben Shachar has waged against Yahowah’s creation, he has consistently taken God’s statements out of context, misrepresented what God has conveyed, negating some of what He has written, and then twisted His testimony, by mixing in his own cadre of lies, to mislead.

So Yahowah is reminding us that this is not acceptable. A flower of truth in a swamp of lies is not a safe place to stand. The fact that a tiny portion of what Paul wrote was true, as was the case when Satan slithered into the Garden and spoke to Chawah, only served to make their lies believable.

It wasn’t all that long ago, in the 5th chapter of this volume of Observations, appropriately entitled, The Assyrian, we were introduced to Satan, learning a great deal about his attitude, his motivations, and his strategy. Now in the midst of this Babylonian presentation of the Adversary, we are reacquainted with the Assyrian. So, it appears that we were correct. This Babylonian and that Assyrian are one and the same. But this time, Satan isn’t boasting…

“‘Therefore (la – accordingly, in this regard, to make this so, concerning this point), I will incapacitate and crush (shabar – I will cripple and stop, I will shatter and break, creating a state of anxiety and anguish, even extreme suffering, smashing and destroying the capabilities of) the Assyrian (‘Ashuwr – the one who fights to conquer, the one who treads upon others in the name of the Lord, a warrior god symbolized as an archer with a winged solar disk) in My Land (ba ‘erets ‘any – within My country).

And (wa) upon (‘al – on) My Mountain (har ‘any – My mount and ridgeline), I will trample him down (buws huw’ – I will exert My dominance over him, rejecting and binding him, kicking him about and out, increasing the pressure upon him).

596Then (wa) his yoke (‘ol huw’ – his means to oppress, burden, and control; from ‘alal – to act and deal severely, wantonly and ruthlessly abusing others while making fools of them) shall be removed (suwr – shall be taken off and abolished, dragged off and vanishing) from upon you (min ‘al ‘atah [from 1QIsa vs. ‘them’ in the MT]), and (wa) his oppressive burden (sabal huw’ – his propensity to lord over others, controlling them, his works-oriented hardships that are laden upon others and must be borne) shall be taken away (suwr – cut off and removed) from upon your shoulder and ridgeline (min ‘al shakam ‘atah – from being repetitively placed upon your back, from dwelling among you, and from rising over you, even from upon your ridgeline [from 1QIsa vs. ‘them’ in the MT]).’” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:25)

Yahowah strives to liberate. Satan oppresses. Yahowah removes our burdens. Satan adds to them.

In this statement, we are reminded that Satan seeks to destroy what Yahowah loves, which is why the scene is focused on Yisra’el. We also learn that God has imposed limits upon the Adversary, not allowing him to completely destroy Mowryah. Furthermore, God has openly presented His agenda and has shared His advice. From beginning to end, His plan has been decided upon. Paul was not at liberty to change it, nor were Akiba or Muhammad.

“This then is the purpose of this advice (zo’th ha ‘etsah – with regard to this conversation, such is the explicit intent of this counsel providing instructions on what should be done) regarding the plan which has been decided upon (ya’ats – on the intent of the plan and the purpose of the advice and counsel) concerning the entirety (‘al kol – upon the whole) of the Land (ha ‘erets – of the earth, region, or material realm).

And (wa) this specifically (zo’th) is the hand (ha yad – the influence and authority) that is stretched out (ha 597natah – that is turned aside, inclined, and extended) over and against (‘al – upon and toward, at and in opposition to) all of the gentile nations (kol ha gowym – every gentile, all ethnicities other than Yisra’el, every dying and decaying animalistic religious and geopolitical entity).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:26)

God’s plan has never been about saving Gentiles, no matter how many Christians and Muslims have been led to believe otherwise. In fact, Yahowah is opposed to the vast preponderance of them because they are habitually in opposition to Yisra’el and are typically religious. It is only gowym who walk away from Gentile influences, institutions, and nations, and then who choose to be grafted into Yisra’el, who are saved.

Paul, Satan’s most effective witness, and Muhammad, his most perverted, claimed to have received a message annulling what God had revealed. Based upon the overriding conflicts between what they claimed and what we have read, they were wrong.

It is so obvious; it’s a wonder billions of people are clueless about God’s position in this regard. Why would anyone rely on a Deity who annuls his own plan and then replaces it with an entirely different one? Why would He have conveyed His message through forty prophets over a thousand years if He were going to renege on what He had promised? The most basic proposition of the world’s leading religions is preposterous.

For indeed (ky – because truthfully and reliably), Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate pronunciation of YaHoWaH based upon ‘elowah’s – God’s towrah – guidance on His hayah – existence) of the spiritual implements (tsaba’ – of the vast multitude heavenly envoys and messengers established in a command-and-control regimen) has determined a plan and intends to carry it out (ya’ats – has deliberated and decided, 598providing all relevant counsel and advice for those seeking to know), and so (wa) who will annul it (parar – who will nullify and revoke it, thwart or frustrate it, or dissolve it, making it ineffectual by splitting and dividing the Covenant into two in direct violation of the agreement (hifil imperfect))?

When His hand (wa yad huw’ – and when His influence and authority) is stretched out (ha natah – is turned aside, inclined, and extended) so then (wa) who or what (my – how) will turn it away (shuwb huw’ – will turn it around and take it back)?” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:27)

For Christianity, Judaism, and Islam to claim that the “Old Testament” was inspired by their god and then use it to establish their credibility, only to contradict everything God said, may be the most irrational proposition ever perpetrated on mankind. But nonetheless, that is the justification for the New Testament, the Talmud, and the Quran.

But it gets even worse. The leadership of all three religions will steadfastly claim that mere mortals cannot understand the “Old Testament,” that scholars and theologians need to explain it to them, which is to say that man is a better communicator than God. Methinks not.

Once again, let’s listen to Yahowah’s position on all of this…

“Of your own volition, be prepared and ready for a place of slaughter.

The immediate offspring in association with his perversions, distortions, and corruptions associated with promoting that which is contrary to the way by twisting and bending the truth, garbling the message and misrepresenting the facts as they have been portrayed by their fathers in conjunction with the Lord 599Bel, the god of Babylon, will rise up and exalt themselves, imposing themselves as valid and becoming even more powerful by accomplishing their plans to establish themselves and elevate their status.

They will try to possess and destroy the earth, treading it down under false pretenses, only to fill the surface of the world with anguishing terror, cities, and shrines. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:21)

‘I will stand up to oppose them, accomplishing what I had promised, fulfilling My desire to validate, encourage, and restore,’ prophetically declares Yahowah of the spiritual implements.

‘I will stop, destroy, banish, and remove the likes of Babel / Babylon / Confusion, especially the corruption derived from intermixing and commingling in association with the Lord and the Bible, its name and its residue, even its remnant, indeed all things which are related to it, including that which it has propagated over successive generations by way of the message it has broadcast and proliferated,’ emphatically states Yahowah. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:22)

‘And I will cause it to become such that it is suitable to be occupied by heron and other long-legged waterfowl, even the likes of the great egret, blue heron, scarlet ibis, crowned crane, and flamingo, with pools, lakes, and lagoons of still and peaceful waters.

I will sweep it, removing the dirt and unwanted material, cleaning it with the broom of extermination and decimation, of extinction and annihilation, getting completely rid of that which is ruinous and has been overthrown,’ prophetically declares Yahowah of the spiritual implements. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:23)

Yahowah of the vast multitude heavenly envoys and messengers has sworn a binding oath and is now 600affirming what He has irrevocably vowed in association with seven and the Shabat,

‘Without exception, unconditionally, no questions about it, because I am unwilling to make any concessions, and therefore it is never to be negated, if I have spoken – as I am, as I have thought, and as I have planned, consistent with My nature and those things I’ve shared which are comparable to Me – so shall it be.

Furthermore, consistent with the benefits of the relationship and the path to walk to life, exactly as I have intended and advised, purposed and planned, it will stand, being confirmed and fulfilled, accomplished and carried out. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:24)

Therefore, I will incapacitate and crush, cripple and stop, destroying the capabilities of the Assyrian in My Land. And upon My Mountain I will trample him down, exerting My dominance over him, rejecting and binding him.

Then his yoke, his means to oppress and control shall be removed from upon them, and his oppressive burden, his propensity to lord over others, controlling them, shall be taken away and removed from their shoulder, from being repetitively placed upon their back, from dwelling among them, and from rising over them, even from upon their ridgeline.’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:25)

This then is the purpose of this advice regarding the plan which has been decided upon concerning the entirety of the Land.

This specifically is the hand that is stretched out over and against all of the gentile nations, every gentile and all ethnicities other than Yisra’el, every dying and decaying animalistic religious and geopolitical entity. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:26)

601For indeed, Yahowah of the spiritual implements has determined a plan and intends to carry it out, providing all relevant counsel and advice for those seeking to know, and so who will annul it, revoke it, thwart or frustrate it, or dissolve it, making it ineffectual by splitting and dividing the Covenant into two in direct violation of the agreement?

When His hand is stretched out, then who or what will turn it away?” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:27)

One God. One Testament. One Towrah. One Covenant. One plan.


For most, death is the end of life. There is nothing more. There is no reward in heaven nor punishment in hell. That is not the case, however, for cleric or king. For the crimes of falsely claiming to be serving God and of being authorized by Him, there is an express ticket to She’owl. Those who have misled countless souls will spend eternity humbled and accountable. This transition from arrogance and riches to humiliation and impoverishment had arrived for ‘Achaz.

“In the year (ba shanah) King (melek) ‘Achaz (‘Achaz – to be caught grasping and trying to hide) died (maweth – passed away), there came to be (hayah – was) this prophetic pronouncement (ha masa’ zeh – this prophecy): (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:28)

‘Do not celebrate (‘al samach – rejoice not and do not be overjoyed) Philistines | wannabe Palestinians (Palesheth – foreign invaders and terrorists), any of you (kol ‘at), just because (ky – for the reason) the larger nation of people wielding the implements of political, 602religious, economic, and military control (shebet – the scepter, staff, rod, and spear) which struck and afflicted you (nakah ‘at – which defeated and slaughtered you, which conquered and killed you, subjugating and ravaging you) is broken (shabar – will be destroyed, ceasing to exist).

Because, indeed (ky – for the reason), from (min – out of) the serpent’s (nachash – the venomous snake’s, the monstrous dragon’s, and sea serpent’s (all serving as metaphors for Satan)) depths (soresh – root, underground source, and base) will come forth (yatsa’ – will extend, spread out, and be disseminated, broadly and publicly promoted, broadcast, and propagated), a poisonous viper (tsepha’ – a toxic reptile and venomous, slithering, and twisting snake which extrudes poison) and its fruit will be (wa pery huw’ – so that which it produces, the result and offspring will be) a flying and shining (‘uwph – a winged and airborne, swiftly moving, darting about, and hovering) supernatural winged seraph (saraph – poisonous and venomous supernatural being appearing as a fiery serpent; from saraph – to burn).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:29)

While it is obvious that the so-called “Palestinian people” are not descendants of the “Palesheth – Philistines,” they not only claim otherwise, but the world also believes them. Recognizing that this prophecy is depicting future events, I suspect that God is mocking these viciously belligerent Muslims.

Recognizing that the Assyrians slaughtered and subjugated the Palesheth in 711 BCE, it would be impossible for the Philistines of old to rejoice at the fall of Nineveh. Since that occurred in 612 BCE, none would survive that long.

However, those who now call themselves “Palestinians,” those who are “foreign invaders and 603terrorists” within Yisra’el, are in fact gleefully celebrating their ability to terrorize, maim, and murder Jews. And now the largest Gentile nation they despise, even though it has supported them, is the United States.

They would celebrate America’s demise, just as they celebrated the horror of 9-11. God is telling them that their religious reveling is shortsighted. It’s particularly misguided because Hylel ben Shachar has been broadly disseminating, publicly broadcasting, and propagating his demonic diatribe through them. The Assyrian would become Allah. And Islam is the Adversary’s most overt religion.

Satan was initially presented as a snake, slithering into the Garden to twist Yahowah’s instructions, thereby leading Chawah astray. The metaphor is apt because vipers are venomous. Their bite incapacitates and kills their victims, often paralyzing them. They live in dark holes in the ground and attack by stealth, concealing their presence until it is too late for their prey to escape.

They not only move by twisting their bodies, but they also slither along the ground, symbolic of bending the truth and of bowing down rather than standing up. As such, the serpentine metaphor remains intact through the end of time, with the serpent publicly proclaiming and broadly disseminating his message to the world by way of the religious myths that portray Satan as the Lord God.

There will be some, however, who will be spared the Serpent’s bite, remaining immune to his toxic religious venom and political vitriol. And these are the firstborn of Yisra’el, those standing at Passover’s Door, those open and receptive to their Father’s invitation to come home.

“And then (wa) the firstborn (bakowr – the eldest children with the greatest birthright) of those at the open door (dal – of the unpretentious at the entrance) and (wa) those who are not part of the religious or political 604establishment and are willing to accept the Father (‘ebyown – those who know what they want from the Father and who respond favorably to His invitation; from ‘ab – father and ‘abah – to be willing, open, desiring, and accepting), they will live and rest (rabats – they will be able to sit and lie down, dwelling and abiding) by confidently trusting and relying (la betach – in safety and security, without vulnerabilities, in total confidence and complete reliance).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:30 in part)

This is the fulfillment of Yahowah’s most important and most often-repeated promise: the reconciliation of His relationship with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah and their restoration to the Covenant Family. Therefore, with ‘ebyown we find something I’ve long suspected affirmed. Those who are welcomed home are like ‘Abraham before them. Prior to this, they walked away from religion and politics, choosing to rely upon Yahowah instead.

They genuinely want to know their Heavenly Father and are open to His instructions and receptive to His invitations, confidently accepting His testimony as trustworthy and reliable. It is the way God has always operated, never approaching until after an individual has at least begun his or her journey away from the deadly and debilitating religious and political deceptions of man. Such will be the case in the last days. So now you are empowered with this vital information. Please take advantage of what Yah is offering.

There is no rational reason to be counted among those Yahowah must kill to remove the toxin from His home, but there are a plethora of religious justifications for profaning it. There are countless bad trees that must be uprooted for the one good tree, the Tree of Lives, to flourish. And in this case, since the invading terrorists known as the “Palesheth / Philistines / Palestinians” were the most recently 605mentioned people, they are the ones who will be uprooted and die.

“But (wa) by starving out your root (ba ha ra’ab soresh ‘at – by depriving and plaguing the underground source and base, even the depths [from 1QIsa vs. ‘he’ in the MT]), I will put to death and dispatch (muwth – I will deprive of their mortal lives (hifil perfect)) whatever remains of you (sha’ryth ‘at – your remnant and descendants, the residue of you who survive and remain, those left behind), destroying you (harag – killing and eliminating you).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:30)

Yahowah isn’t actually talking about felling trees but, instead, about uprooting and removing the last of the Palestinians from Yisra’el. Those who sought to obliterate God’s Land and annihilate His People deserve nothing less. They will be dispatched along with their despicable god.

And speaking of Allah, it is interesting that this chapter on Hylel ben Shachar concludes using one of the two verbs lurking within his name. Furthermore, it is reassuring to find the wannabe Philistines at the center of the following rebuke, affirming that we were correct in our previous assessment.

As we approach God’s next statement, much of it is easy to translate, in that every aspect of “yalal – to wail,” “za’aq – to cry out,” and “muwg – to dissolve” is negative. And as such, the only reasonable approach to “sa’ar – floodgate” and “‘yr – city” is to consider and apply the most negative connotations of these words.

“Wail, howling in distress (yalal – shout and cry out the sounds of sorrow, mourning and lamenting what has occurred), O floodgate of the assembly which is horrid and disgusting, you rotten fruit (sa’ar – gateway and gatekeeper to fruit which has burst open after going bad). Cry out (za’aq – plea for help amidst the pain and 606emotional anguish) O city of asses and terrorists who have been roused up (‘yr – population of vicious inhabitants and brutal donkeys; from ‘uwr – roused, stirred up, and incited).

Melt away (muwg – dissolve and liquefy unable to resist the power and force exerted, become faint, collapse, flow away, and dissipate) O Palestinians (Palesheth – Foreign Invaders and Terrorists, aliens who roll about in the dust and ashes while mourning).

For indeed (ky – because), out of (min – from) the north (tsaphown – the left hand, those who try to conceal their manure, hide their dung, and treasure their poo) there is smoke, an obscuring phenomenon which blocks the light (‘ashan – that which is opaque and obscures the heavens by blowing smoke as a metaphor for deceptive statements; from ‘ashan – to fume and be furious), which will come (bow’ – will approach and arrive), and (wa) there is not even a solitary soul who will remain (‘ayn badad – there isn’t an isolated individual, not a single straggler, no one who will individually withdraw who is left alone) in his military ranks at the appointed time (ba mowa’day huw’ – within the assigned places of his soldiers; from mow’ed – appointed meeting time).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:31)

It is always reassuring to find the symbolism aligning to form a clear picture. Here, the root of sa’ar, which depicts rotten fruit bursting open after it has gone bad, ties in nicely with the previous metaphor which spoke of starving roots.

While God’s Chosen People will rejoice, those who have sought to harm them will cry, lamenting what is befalling them. It is the opposite of what they expected. They had unleashed the floodgates of horrid weapons and reviling slogans against Yaruwshalaim, equipping wave after wave of Islamic Jihadists, believing that what they 607had incited would be the final solution to their Jewish problem. But the Palestinian asses they would deploy would be no match for Yah. And unlike “Jews,” God is intolerant.

Even in this, we find consistency in Yahowah’s testimony. In Bare’syth / Genesis, He would call the descendants of Ishmael, today’s Muslims, “wild asses of men whose hand would be raised against his brother and who will live in hostility with the entire world.”

And yet, moronically, the world’s political and religious leaders desperately want to give the city of Jerusalem to the invading terrorists masquerading as Palestinians. It will not happen. The combined influence of the rulers of every nation, the force of every military on Earth, even with Satan’s assistance, will be no match for the will and intent of Yahowah. He will turn all of them into goo, dissolving them so that they flow away and dissipate into the ether of the abyss.

The expected response of those who armed and equipped these jihadists will be to blow smoke, obscure the truth, and try and block the approach of the Light. But even in this, they will fail. Not one of them will remain in their position, none will be left behind. And should you wonder who those “out of the north” may be: the capitals of Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Europe, Russia, China, and the United States are all north of Jerusalem.

The timing of this is particularly telling. Mowa’day is based upon mow’ed, revealing that Yisra’el’s foes will be obliterated at “the appointed meeting time” which we know to be “Yowm Kipurym – the Day of Reconciliations.” The final ethnic, militant, religious, and political cleansing will occur on Sunday evening as the sun sets in Yaruwshalaim, October 2nd, 2033. Mark your calendars.

Muslims, and those who have courted them, have lost the final battle. There is nothing left to say other than to 608finally admit the truth. And recognizing that gowy is singular in this next pronouncement, the ambassadors of the one world government, now menacing the planet in league with their demonic accomplices, will realize that they have fought against Yahowah and that God won.

“Then (wa) what (mah – how) will the leaders (melek – the rulers and governments [from 1QIsa vs. mal’ak – messengers in the MT]) of the gentile nations (gowy – of the people who are not Yisra’el) answer in response (‘anah – reply [they is from 1QIsa])? That, surely (ky – because yes, indeed, truthfully and verifiably), Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH as ‘elowah – God instructed in His Towrah – Guidance regarding His hayah – existence) founded and has established (yasad – has ordained, appointed, constituted, made, and is associated with) Tsyown (Tsyown – the Signs Posted Along the Way) and (wa) in her (ba hy’ – in association with it and in accord with her [from 1QIsa]), those of His family who answer and respond after having been afflicted (‘any ‘am huw’ – those of His people who reply in the midst of the oppression; from ‘anah – to answer and respond, to be afflicted and oppressed) shall find safety and comfort through trust and reliance (chasah – shall confide, seek refuge, find protection, and express their hope).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:32)

It has always been true. It will not change. Yahowah established His Signs in Yisra’el, not in the Vatican nor in Mecca. He does not have a church and He did not speak through a perverted Arab messenger. The lone path to God is where it has always been. Men have failed in their attempts to move it.

Moreover, salvation is afforded to those who trust and rely and is not for those who believe. To find the way home, one has to read the Signs Posted Along the Way.

609Here is a summation of Satan’s final foray into the Land.

“In the year King ‘Achaz died came this prophetic pronouncement: (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:28)

Do not celebrate or be overjoyed, any of you Philistines | wannabe Palestinians, you foreign invaders and terrorists, just because the implements of political, religious, economic, and military control, the scepter, staff, rod, and spear, which struck and afflicted you, which defeated and slaughtered you, subjugating and ravaging you, has been broken and will be destroyed.

For indeed, from the serpent’s depths, his root and underground source, a poisonous viper, a venomous, slithering, and twisting snake which extrudes poison, will come forth, spread out, and be disseminated, broadly and publicly promoted, broadcast, and propagated.

And its fruit, that which it produces, will be a flying supernatural winged seraph appearing as a fiery serpent. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:29)

And then the firstborn of those at the open door, the unpretentious with the greatest inheritance, and those who are not part of the religious or political establishment and are willing to accept the Father, those who know what they want from the Father and who respond favorably to His invitation, will live and find rest, dwelling confidently by trusting and relying.

But I will put to death and dispatch, depriving them of their mortal lives, by starving out your root so that whatever remains of you will die. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:30)

Wail and cry, howling in distress, mourning and lamenting what has occurred, O floodgate of the 610assembly which is horrid and disgusting, the rotten fruit which has burst open after going bad.

Cry out and plea for help amidst the pain and emotional anguish O city of terrorists, you donkeys and asses who have been roused, stirred up, and incited.

Melt away and dissolve, because you are unable to resist the power and force which will be exerted, causing you to collapse, flow away, and dissipate, O Palestinians, you foreign invaders and terrorists.

For indeed, out of the north, from those who try to conceal their manure, hide their dung, and who treasure their own excrement, smoke will come, that which is opaque and blocks the light will arrive, because they will blow smoke, making deceptive statements which will come to obscure the truth, and there will not be even a solitary soul remaining, not a single straggler left alone in his military ranks at the appointed meeting time. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:31)

Then what will the messengers, envoys and ambassadors, especially the spiritual implements allied with ha Satan and now in association with the gentile nation answer in response?

That surely, truthfully and verifiably, Yahowah founded, has established, and is still associated with Tsyown, the Signs Posted Along the Way.

And in her, in association and accord with the Signs, those of His family who answer and respond after having been afflicted shall find safety and comfort through trust and reliance.” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:32)

And thus concludes this chapter of the story we have been pursuing. We have come to know the Adversary, how he works and what he has done, even how he will fail in the end. We have found him in the place mankind least expects. He isn’t involved with séances or satanic rituals 611but, instead, inspiring the world’s leaders and as the Lord God of religion.
