535Coming Home


…A Voice


Yahowah’s Name

It is Magnificent…

The previous chapter was the most cathartic of our journey, exuberant with the good news about Dowd, the Son of God and the Messiah, and tragic with the recognition that Jews and Christians alike have denied his magnanimous sacrifice to such an extent that the truth now seems incredulous. Their perversions have done irreparable harm.

Fortunately, it’s not too late to know and embrace the truth. In the decade remaining prior to their return, humankind has one last opportunity to discover who Yahowah is and what Dowd has done. And once we realize what they are offering and asking in return, we are prepared to join the Covenant and enter Heaven. So, with ample opportunity to learn from the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr, let’s continue our journey.

At this juncture, there are scores of places I’d like to explore, but before we chart a new course, let’s continue a while longer on the path we are currently navigating. It will assuredly lead us to the purpose of our quest: being right. After the exhilarating rush of the 6th, 7th, and 89th Mizmowr, here is the 8th

“To (la – on behalf of) the Enduring Guide and Everlasting Director (natsach – the continuously glorious and majestic Conductor in every endeavor over an unlimited duration of time) based upon (‘al) the Githyth | Winepress (ha gityth – an idea or instrument associated 536with a winepress). This is a Mizmowr | Melody and Lyrics (mizmowr – a song to be sung) by Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd – of the exceedingly passionate, boiling over in adoration and loved in return, the adored friend and admired associate).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8: Introduction and Dedication)

One of many reasons we know that the beloved Son of God recognized that Yahowah’s Towrah was a Source of Teaching and Instruction, Guidance and Direction, is because he dedicated many of his Mizmowr | Songs to the Enduring Guide and Everlasting Director. While seldom acknowledged, natsach speaks of God, not man, as it addresses the One who is “continuously glorious as a majestic Conductor, a guide for every endeavor over an unlimited duration of time.” There is only one such individual: Yahowah.

Dowd composed three Mizmowr which began by referencing the gityth | winepress in conjunction with Sukah | Camping Out with our Heavenly Father: 8, 81, and 84. I suspect the reasons were many, including the realization that Dowd was given the responsibility of cultivating Yahowah’s vineyard.

Other reasons may include the fact that, while good wine caresses the palate, for it to blossom, the vines from which it is harvested must be chosen based on what they are capable of producing. They must be tended with care, their grapes must be pressed to be productive, and the resulting wine must be allowed to mature under the proper conditions. When wine is consumed responsibly, it is a wonderful accompaniment to an evening meal. At the same time, consumed irresponsibly, it is capable of incapacitating the judgment of the unrestrained.

Dowd’s name defines his place in Yahowah’s universe, in His Towrah and Covenant. It means “beloved,” and it describes one who “loves so passionately 537he is adored in return.” It is based upon a root which means “to boil.” And that’s interesting in itself. No matter how polluted, water is purified by boiling. Steeped in these words, we are similarly cleansed. The hotter the water, the greater the energy. Enormous machines are powered by steam. This speaks of our transition from limited physical beings to vastly more energetic spiritual ones. Not only is water the source of life and its most essential ingredient, but the steam produced when energy is added is also reminiscent of the Set-Apart Spirit, of whom Dowd was filled.

Knowing where these Mizmowr lead, it’s also relevant to know that being tsadaq | right, something Dowd was recognized by God for being, is what leads to Yah’s love. In other words, Dowd was loved because Dowd was right. It is vital to our approach to God and His testimony.

The author of this Song is Yahowah’s “adored friend, close companion, and admired associate.” More than anyone, he recognized the importance of Yahowah’s name and continually sang its praises…

“Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name of ‘elowah – God guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation), ‘Edown | our Upright Pillar and Firm Foundation (‘edown ‘anachnuw – our Mighty and Upright One, our reliable base pedestal in the center of our Tent of the Witness which sustains and enlarges us, making us secure), how (mah – this interrogative pronoun encourages us to ponder and inquire about the implications behind the who, what, why, where, when, and how characteristics associated with the persona and designation of His) awesomely magnificent (‘adyr – powerful and majestic, superior and splendid, stately and sovereign, noble and beautiful, desirable and grand, suitable and recognizable, respectful and relational; from ‘adar538glorious and honorable) is Your name (shem ‘atah – is Your proper designation, reputation, and renown)!

Throughout the Land (ba kol ha ‘erets – in the entire region) which, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – to provide the correct means to walk to get the most out of life, and to lead to a place of great joy), You and I have chosen to bestow Your glory (nathan howd ‘atah – we concur that You should offer to magnanimously give as a manifestation of Your power, and authority (qal imperative paragogic cohortative)) beyond (‘al – beside and in proximity to, as an extension of and in relation to) the spiritual realm (ha shamaym – the universe and the heavens). (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:1)

The Creator of the universe, and our God, is offering us His name, not just so that we can come to know Him, but so that we can attach it to our own. It is as a bride does with her husband’s last name, revealing that they are now part of the same family. The intent is that they will then share their surname with their children.

Unlike the rest of us, whose names were picked by our parents, Yahowah chose His name. It expresses characteristics He wants to share. We know this because He expressed it 7,000 times in His revelation to us. We would do well to respect His choice and appreciate the reasons behind it.

Based upon this declaration, the dumbest, indeed the most irrational and counterproductive thing any of us could do would be to disrespect Yahowah’s name by ignoring it, rejecting it, or replacing it with the titles God, the Lord, HaShem, Adony, or worse. Those who would claim “God does not care what we call Him as long as we speak to Him” would be dead wrong. In a medley of Psalms devoted to the choice between “rasha’ – wrong” and “tsadaq – right,” this is the fulcrum upon which our fate pivots.

539In this regard, Father and Son are of like mind. Throughout his Mizmowr | Songs, Dowd offers Yahowah’s name, giving it as a gift to his people. And since Dowd does so and is in full accord with Yahowah’s thinking in this matter, it means that the rabbis who avoid Yahowah’s name are in opposition to God.

In this situation, Dowd is aware that Yahowah’s name and reputation are well-known in the Spiritual Realms – beyond our three-dimensional world. And so, Father and Son have decided that it’s appropriate for Yahowah’s name and reputation to become as well-known here on Earth as they are in the Heavens. To make this so, Dowd is conveying Yahowah’s name everywhere he travels in every Song he writes. It is a worthy example we’d be wise to emulate.

We have covered this ground before and yet it bears repeating since the title appears frequently throughout Yahowah’s testimony. The Towrah defines ‘edown as “the upright pillar of the tabernacle.” It is the “firm base, established foundation, strong column, and reliable pedestal placed in the center of the Tent of the Witness to sustain, secure, and enlarge” this special place for us to meet with God. It is only in defiance of these implications that the same four letters were vocalized as ‘adon and then defined as “lord and master.”

When directed at Yahowah, it’s His Towrah’s definition that matters, not man’s extrapolations. Just because we’ve heard “Lord” used so many times that it rolls effortlessly off our tongues, and just because we are living in times where we are less familiar with the purpose and value of the central support pillar of a large tent enclosure, doesn’t give us a license to go down the easy road. “Upright Pillar” is unnatural to our ears only because of the religious influences defining the culture in which we have been indoctrinated.

540Whether it is scribed mah or simply ma, this is our cue to search for answers to the how, who, what, where, why, and when questions which should be pondered regarding whatever follows. In this case, Dowd is encouraging us to consider the “‘adyr – superior, suitable, and splendid, stately and sovereign, recognizable and relational nature” of Yahowah’s “awesomely magnificent” name.

There are few endeavors that are more rewarding. It is one of the ways we can express our regard and respect for Yah. Knowing His name is the first step in getting to know Him.

Let’s take this realization to its natural conclusion. Do not trust anything anyone has to say about God who does not know and use His name. That includes the entirety of the Christian New Testament, all Christian doctrine, the words of the rabbis, including their Talmud, the Quran, or any Bible translation that substitutes “the LORD” for Yahowah. Even in translation, but especially in interpretation, Yahowah needs to be known, understood, and respected for the result to be more tsadaq than rasha’.

In the pictographic alphabet of ancient Hebrew, God drew His name by showing His hand. He is reaching down and out to us as our Father to lift us up as His children. His hand is open because He wants us to grasp hold. It is the way parents lift up their children, encourage them to walk, keep them from falling, letting them know that we love them and that they can rely upon us. God leads and guides us, even protects us with His hand as well.

In the original alphabet, the two letters which are repeated in His name, the Heys, were drawn to represent two individuals standing up, reaching up, and looking up to Yahowah. There are two because of ‘Adam and Chawah and ‘Abraham and Sarah, depicting Yah’s relationship with us in the Garden and in the Covenant.

541The intervening letter depicts a tent peg, an essential part of an ancient home and tabernacle because, with it, they are enlarged and secured. It is what Yah did for ‘Adam and Chawah and then for ‘Abraham and Sarah. And while there might be a tendency to think that the two Heys could depict the Liberator and Messiah, Moseh and Dowd, a concluding ah in a Hebrew word makes it feminine.

Do not allow the tendency to think of a tent peg as antiquated, as temporary, or as unsophisticated, to cloud your appreciation of why this letter was chosen. The earth itself is but a temporary home, a place for Yahowah to camp out with His children. It is the perfect way to depict the experience encapsulated in Sukah, which means “to Camp Out.”

Moreover, with Yahowah, the fullness of time exists forever, with the past serving as a reflection of our future, with ‘Eden depicting Sukah. Even with the apparent unsophistication of a tent compared to a mighty cathedral, the comparison reveals Yahowah’s nature and preference. Moreover, a Wah conveys inclusion and addition, of bringing God and man together in an inclusive way, each adding to the other.

Affirming all of this, Yad means “hand” in Hebrew and depicts an individual’s influence and ability. Hey means to “pay attention, look up, and be observant.” And the Wah is the single most common word in the Hebrew text, serving as the conjunction “and.” It joins ideas and individuals, adding to them.

Do not be misled by those who would have you believe that no one knows how to pronounce Yahowah’s name, or worse, that it shouldn’t be pronounced out of respect for it. The four letters – YHWH – are all vowels and are pronounced consistent with the verb which God told Moseh defines His name – HaYaH – in His ToWRaH. That is all we need to know to say: YaHoWaH!

542With these realizations obvious and irrefutable, those who have misused religious authority to rob believers of these insights over the ages, disrespectfully removing Yahowah’s name from His testimony, appallingly replacing it with the Adversary’s depiction, “the Lord,” have so angered God that their crime, perhaps the most damaging ever committed, is unforgivable.

In order of relevance, it could be accurately stated that the focus of the Yada Yahowah series over the past 22 years and of the thousands of audio programs produced to share and expose them has been Yahowah’s name, His Towrah, and His Covenant. They are all published under the umbrella of “Yada Yahowah – To Know Yahowah.” Quite simply, our priorities are as they should be: Yahowah and Dowd, Towrah and Beryth, Miqra’ey and Yisra’el. Collectively, they are the essence of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, particularly the joy experienced in ‘Eden. They are the means to enlightenment and enrichment, knowledge and understanding.

According to Dowd, Yahowah’s name is not only beautiful and desirable, it is a magnificent and magnanimous gift that Father and Son have chosen to bestow so that we might benefit from the path they have provided to get the most out of life. The majestic nature of the universe, from the spiritual to the material realms, is not only a manifestation of His power and glory, it is encapsulated in His name.

Even as infants in our Heavenly Father’s Family, we ought to know His name. It is the foundation upon which His Home and our lives were constructed…

“Out of (min – from) the mouths and oral expressions (peh – verbal communications) of children (‘owlel – of little ones, from infancy to adolescence) and (wa) infants (yowneq) You have laid a foundation (yasad – You have established a base and offered the means to 543associate together, constituting a place with purpose, serving as an extension) of power and strength which can withstand anything (‘oz – providing the ability to accomplish whatever is desired and intended, including providing an impervious fortification, a completely safe place to live; from ‘azaz – dependably strengthening and prevailing).

This is in order (lama’an – this was designed) to put a stop to (la shabath – to end the actions of, causing the reign to cease and the object to disappear by sending it to a different place, especially in concert with the promise of the seventh day and Shabat (hifil infinitive – subject asserts their influence unto the object, presented as a verbal, or actionable, noun)) the Adversary who is trying to control, constrain, and diminish Y/you, this hostile force who brings trouble by being antagonistic toward Y/you (tsarar ‘atah ‘oyeb – the enemy persecuting, binding, and confining Y/you, openly intimidating Y/you by trying to restrict Y/you; from the verbal root tsarar – to bind and tie up, to oppress and distress, to confine and abuse, to control and constrict (qal participle construct – serving as a verbal adjective incorporating a literal and genuine depiction which is possessive)), as well as to hold the guilty accountable by punishing the perpetrator (wa naqam – so as to seek justice, harming the harmful, avenging the crimes by redressing grievances, seeking retribution and payback for all of the maltreatment which has been perpetrated (hitpael participle – independently, apart from common societal influences, avenging what they have done)).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:2)

There is tremendous power in Yahowah’s name. With it, we stand on a firm foundation and can withstand anything. When we embrace it, and accept all that Yahowah represents, there is no adversary who can harm us. We become Satan’s most effective foes. We are 544empowered to take on mankind’s most deceitful, deadly, and damning institutions.

All who enter the Covenant Family arrive as infants in the relationship. We are just beginning our lives as Yahowah’s children. Flush with exuberance and potential, we are now afforded an everlasting opportunity to learn, explore, experience, and grow. And yet, even with the newly adopted having been part of God’s Family for a relatively short period of time, the fact that we were sufficiently informed and rational to choose to be part of it qualifies us to speak out. That is what Dowd is affirming here. Yahowah’s children are the most effective witnesses on Earth – regardless of how long we have been in the Covenant.

Further, once born into the Beryth on Bikuwrym as a result of Pesach and Matsah, we are invincible. We are enriched and empowered such that during Shabuw’ah, we are reenergized and emancipated, filling us with ‘oz | the strength to withstand anything.

Yahowah wants us to follow His example and take a stand against those things which are most adversarial – especially religion, government, militarism, and conspiracy. They don’t just ruin lives, they damn them.

Whether it is the sun-, star-, or king-worshiping pagans of ancient civilizations, the advocates of the Godless existence of Progressives, the replacement man-god of Christianity, the Catholic Church exercising undeserved authority, or rabbis substituting their Talmud for Yahowah’s Towrah, mankind has been trying to diminish the One True and Living God with all manner of imposters, extinguishing lives in the process. Fortunately, Yahowah is going to hold them accountable. Those who claimed to be God or to be authorized to represent Him will be judged and convicted by Him.

545The primary reason that religion and politics, militaries and legal systems exist is to intimidate and control the masses. Freewill and access to the truth are constrained, making it infinitely more difficult to know God. Yahowah, therefore, views them as antagonistic and He wants His Covenant children to put a stop to them. Then, He wants us to hold the purveyors of religion and politics accountable – pursuing them with a vengeance.

Judaism and Christianity are both moronic when it comes to forgiving versus judging, tolerating versus condemning. To forgive the religious for depriving billions of souls of the opportunity to know Yahowah and enter Heaven is a crime that must be punished, just as murderers and thieves are held accountable. Neither an individual, institution, or nation can be just, moral, fair, rational, or compassionate without condemning hurtful behavior that deprives others of life or liberty. And as the ultimate Judge, Yahowah wants us to follow His example. We are to aggressively expose and condemn anyone and anything in opposition to Yahowah, Yisra’el, the Towrah or Covenant.

The reason Judaism preaches tolerance is that Jews have been victimized by racial persecution more than any other people. Although, that is changing because the Haredi are intolerant of everyone, even other Jews.

The reason that Christians claim tolerance and forgiveness is because their god is capricious and they are afraid that if they judge, they will be judged. Although, there is very little affinity between Christian denominations and acrimony against those whose lifestyles they reject.

It will be entertaining to see popes, caesars, and pharaohs grovel. And yet, there will be great sadness knowing how many souls they poisoned and abused.

In many ways, Dowd’s proclamation in Mizmowr 8:1-2 serves as a prophetic affirmation of the promise Yahowah 546made as Moseh and the Children of Yisra’el sang the Song of the Sea at the conclusion of the Exodus.

“Then at this time and place, Moseh, the One who Draws Out, and the Children of Yisra’el, sang this song designed to teach, conveying the intent of Yahowah.

They expressed in words, ‘I will sing, lifting up my voice while traveling on a journey of discovery to behold and to approach Yahowah because He should be appreciated for having stood up majestically to the war stallion and their riders, casting them into the sea. (Shemowth 15:1)

Yah is my source of strength, my means to empowerment, my fortification and protection, the One whom I can rely upon because He never changes, my source of boldness and courage, making me capable and the best I can be, empowering and enriching me.

He has become and always will be my means to approach, to be delivered and liberated, even saved. This is my God. And so, I will express words which are appropriate and laudable regarding Him. Then I will dwell in His beautiful home.

My fathers’ God will lift me up on high with Him and I will be raised by Him, increased, empowered and enriched by Him. Shemowth (15:2)

Yahowah is a nurturing and confrontational individual, a fighter, and the living embodiment of the provision, an aggressively challenging being, a defensive and protective person, and an engaging and salty example of masculinity. Yahowah is His name, His personal and proper designation. (Shemowth 15:3)

You are right, Yahowah, splendid and glorious, extremely impressive in authority and ability, in power and might, unchanging and dependable. You choose that which is right, You are right, and being on Your 547right side crushes and destroys the adversarial enemy.” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 15:6)

Even more explicit in this regard, Moseh stated: “It is for Me to retaliate and inflict retribution (la ‘any naqam – concerning vengeance, the process of reprisal and payback, in addition to bringing punishment to avenge what has been done are Mine to approach and achieve) as well as restitution and repayment (wa shalem – requital and determining and prescribing the penalty) for the time (la ‘eth – in association with the period) their stance caused such staggeringly unfavorable circumstances (mowth regel hem – their steps thoroughly shook, troubled, toppled, and controlled).

For near (ky qarowb – indeed approaching) is the day (yowm) of their destruction (‘eyd hem – of their siege and resulting calamity as a consequence for their violence to people and property when they will be raked together, branded, and bear the burden for what they have done).

Their fate is necessary (‘atyd hem – their ill-fated destiny is ready and is based upon what is needed, that which has been prepared and determined for them), and it will come without hesitation upon them (wa chuwsh la hem – quickly and rapidly, swooping down on them such that some will find enjoyment in their great dismay).” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 32:35)

The more we’ve studied human history, the story of civilizations, and our horrid propensity to subjugate and torment our fellow man politically, religiously, militarily, and economically, we’ve discovered that there is a common denominator, a constant and repetitive pattern to institutionalized human influence: pervasive corruption and the universal abuse of power. The individual stories of those who have been deliberately misled, oppressed, and tormented are anguishing and exasperating.

548If the perpetrators of this malevolent conspiracy between religious, political, military, and economic leaders aren’t held accountable, then there is no justice. Their victims deserve to witness those they were powerless to stop suffer for their hellacious crimes. And since the God who inspired these words is just, He will personally assure that the guilty are punished.

The lack of forgiveness in this circumstance does not demonstrate that the Towrah’s God isn’t merciful, but instead reveals that by being intolerant of that which is harmful, He is demonstrating His capacity for compassion. Moreover, the all-loving, all-forgiving god of the Christian New Testament is a myth, a capricious and duplicitous divinity crafted in the image of the men who conceived him. Rather than the Christian “Jesus” being the solution, he is a counterproductive fabrication – as was Rabbi Akiba’s bar Kokhba.

Mankind’s heinous behavior isn’t just an artifact of ancient history because it’s every bit as prevalent today, especially among the religious, overtly political, and conspiratorial. And to an increasing degree, the principal victims continue to be Jews. While anti-Semitism is a legacy of Imperial Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, and Islam, it has become rampant among Progressives, in academia, throughout Protestant Christianity, and among nationalists.

The propensity to bash and blame Jews is growing at an unprecedented rate among conspiratorialists. And in almost every case, these adversarial individuals falsely accuse Jews of what they, themselves, have done. They are all dishonest, ignorant hypocrites. They are so far down the rabbit hole they will never come to know or accept the conditions of the Covenant and thus will be excluded from it.

549It is, of course, good news that those who either relax or worship their god on Sundays will be stopped on the shabath | Shabat. It is all part of the promise of the seventh day. I suspect that Yahowah will have one of His mal’ak | messengers lift up the two Tablets of Stone He engraved to validate His commitment to the Shabat during the waning days of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles to reinforce this point.

Since this statement is about retribution, let it be known that Dowd encouraged us to rely on words rather than weapons or fists. The lone exception is when it comes to curtailing the deliberate physical abuse of those we love. Since this is the most reasonable interpretation of this statement and recognizing that the Children of Yisra’el are Yahowah’s Family, those who have abused Jews over the millennia are in a world of trouble.

Considering how horrid we humans have been to one another over the past 6,000 years, without a single altruistic civilization to show for all of that time, it’s truly astounding that God endures the many for the sake of the few. And yet, for the likes of Dowd alone, Yahowah would have done it all, and He would do it again.

“Truly, when (ky – and by way of contrast as) I look at (ra’ah – I am shown, observe and examine, envisioning (qal imperfect)) Your heavens, the universe and spiritual realm (shamaym ‘atah – Your lofty abode and also the sky and stars, even the atmosphere above), the accomplishments (ma’aseh – the products and extension of energy and effort; from ‘asah – the acts and engagements, efforts and effects) of Your fingers (‘etsba’ ‘atah – of the digits of Your hand), the moon (yarach – the means to distinguish months and establish a calendar) and stars (wa kowkab – the light of the stars) which, to reveal the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – to show the correct path to walk to get the most out of life, to encourage us, bless us, and to elevate us, such that we would be 550genuinely happy), You have fashioned and formed (kuwn – You have prepared and established (piel perfect – in a moment in time You caused this to occur)), (Mizmowr 8:3) what (mah – who, why, and for what reason) is mortal man (‘enowsh – humankind, ordinary men and women, people who are all but incurable, anxious, and despairing (singular); indistinguishable in the text from ‘anuwsh – sick beyond hope, despairing, frail, weak, and desperate) that by comparison (ky – by contrast and to the contrary) You are mindful of him (zakar huw’ – that You speak the truth publicly about him, remembering him), and the son of man (wa ben ‘adam – the child of ‘Adam, the first man conceived in God’s image with a conscience (singular)), that surely (ky – that making an exception, truly), You take stock of him and relate to him (paqad huw’ – You relay Your message to him and account for him by writing things down for him because You value him)?” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:4)

The reason that the universe is so big is so we would know our place and relative position within it, particularly in comparison to our Creator. It is also large so that we might better anticipate what awaits us in the future. Scientifically, there are many more reasons, all of which are interesting, including the fact that we are the product of first-generation stars. It does us well to consider why Yahowah created us and why He continues to relate to us when He is greater than we can imagine, and we are infinitesimally small by comparison.

There is another interesting reason, one that reveals our position within spacetime. Yahowah calculated the exact amount of energy required to create the stage for the kind of life we enjoy within the formula of relational time He desired.

From the perspective of the Creator at creation, the universe is six days old and about to enter its seventh. Time at the source of the Big Bang moves 1012 faster than it 551flows on Earth, making the 14 billion years since light energy first coalesced into matter and time began to flow, equivalent to 6 days relative to the observer at the source.

It is now ten years shy of six thousand since ‘Adam and Chawah were expelled from the Garden of ‘Eden, and so, in 2023, we are just a decade away from our return. The universe is six-dimensional with Yahowah existing in the seventh. This includes the four we know as spacetime in addition to the unknown source of separation and attraction incorrectly labeled “dark energy” and “dark matter.”

Returning to the question posed by Dowd in Psalm 8:4, as a father, I know the answer. And that is by design. Every parent should be able to recognize the obvious.

In that Dowd has made this personal, initially presenting Yahowah’s viewpoint from the perspective of children and now speaking of the Son of a Man, I’m going to personalize it further. One of the reasons I don’t attempt to “pray away” my struggles with family is that without them I’d have no basis upon which to appreciate Yah’s vantage point. So, while my experience is limited to a single home and two sons, and I’m decidedly imperfect as a father, I enjoy a wonderful relationship with one son and have become estranged from the other.

It wasn’t always that way. My eldest and I were so close we would refer to one another as twins, just thirty years apart. And yet, five years ago, after doing several things that are among the most altruistic and appropriate, especially compassionate and loving that I’ve accomplished, and entirely on behalf of my sons, my eldest attacked and shunned me, preventing me from continuing to see my granddaughter whom I dearly love, and grandson whom I was just beginning to know. I had intervened to protect him and his brother from the debilitating accusations and demands of their mother, enriching and empowering both by liberating the trust funds I had 552provided for them in a selfless and thoughtful parental manner. I asked for nothing in return, and yet, irrationally, I was banished from his life. There has been no opportunity to resolve the conflict that severed the relationship and forestalled love. So, it is through this anguishing and bewildering experience that I was given a glimpse into the perspective Yahowah’s beloved Son is sharing.

What is it with us that we are so hard on ourselves and so difficult to reason with and please? Why do we reject God’s desire to enrich, empower, and liberate us?

Through life’s experiences, I have also come to appreciate Yahowah’s struggles with Yisra’el, whom He calls His bride. Just as Yahowah pronounced His divorce from Yisra’el through Howsha’ | Hosea, I divorced my wife of 34 years because I could no longer resolve or endure her Borderline Personality Disorder and resulting propensity to be dishonest, mean-spirited, and condescending – with her coming from a place where there was no correlation between what she believed and reality. I continued to withdraw over time until there was nothing left except lies, heartache, and frustration.

What’s interesting in this regard is the need for a renewal of the Covenant. Since according to the Towrah, a man cannot remarry a wife whom he has divorced, Yahowah must resolve the fracture between Yisra’el and Yahuwdah, and then transform the united result, betrothing Himself to His perfected bride through a Covenant which is slightly and yet magnificently different, not only in that its Towrah guidance will be written inside of His People, interwoven into the fabric of their lives, but also in that it will focus entirely on guidance without prohibitions. This is the message of Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 31.

In spite of the perceived difference in scale and ability, Yahowah actually created us as close to Himself as was prudent, such that we could relate to Him, and He to us, 553without being overwhelmed or underwhelmed. Endowed with these attributes, and with the benefits of the Covenant enriching and empowering us, Yahowah will enhance our status, bridging this gap through a straightforward transformation from matter to energy and from three to seven dimensions. In this way, we will literally become His sons and daughters.

“Therefore (wa – then so), You have made him somewhat diminished, withholding something (chaser huw’ ma’at – caused him to be a little less empowered, lacking and thus needing something to sustain life, slightly lower) from God (min ‘elohym – than the Almighty or potentially, mighty spiritual beings), and yet (wa), You surrounded and enveloped him (‘atar – You crowned and honored him, enriched and embellished him, providing for him the blessings, adornments, and symbols associated with status) with honor and respect, with an abundance of riches, with a powerful presence and glorious reward (kabowd – such that his personal significance is extraordinary and that he is enormously valued) along with (wa – in addition to) the most appealing attributes, valuable qualities, and useful aptitudes (hadar – being attractively adorned, revealing great partiality and favoritism).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:5)

Yahowah made us in His image, and thus very much like Himself, just with vastly less power and a finite lifespan, currently capable of operating in fewer dimensions – all for our own good. That said, the abilities we were given are more than sufficient for us to know our Maker and engage in a meaningful relationship with Him. And once that occurs by way of the Covenant and Mow’edym, Yahowah uses Bikuwrym and Shabuw’ah to mitigate the differences between us, enriching and empowering our souls.

While we don’t act like it, we are the pinnacle of creation. And indeed, based on the nature of His testimony, 554Yahowah has given us the capacity to think, to closely examine and carefully consider His words. It is apparent that Yahowah thinks more of us than we think of ourselves.

Beyond this, ponder the distinction, indeed, the honor, of being invited to be part of Yahowah’s Family, to become the sons and daughters of God. Imagine the enrichment and empowerment, the enlightenment and freedom He envisions for us. The Covenant’s benefits provide an abundance of riches.

Truth be known, we were created as a living proverb. We can stand upright, freeing our hands to do as we choose. We have opposable thumbs to fashion and use tools, including the ability to turn the pages of His Towrah and hold writing instruments to expound upon what it means to us.

We are afforded ears to listen, eyes to see, mouths to speak, and brains to process it all. We are given a conscience to discern right from wrong and the freewill to respond accordingly. Vulnerable, we must use our intellect to survive. We choose our life partners, conceive and raise children in a familial setting, sheltering and protecting them, parenting them by teaching and guiding them, with mothers and fathers contributing in different ways such that everything about us serves as a word picture of the Covenant.

“You have provided him with proverbs and allowed him to exercise his freewill (mashal huw’ – You have shared vivid and memorable messages with him, giving him the ability to be in charge, and to have wisdom and dominion) within (ba) the accomplishments (ma’aseh – the products and extension of energy, the works and overall effort; from ‘asah – the acts and engagements, efforts and effects) of Your hands (yad ‘atah – of Your power, ability, and influence).

555You have placed (shyth – for the time being, You have established and put, setting (qal perfect)) everything (kol) under his feet (tachath regel huw’ – beneath his stance).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:6)

For the past six thousand years, mankind has ruled over the earth, reached for the stars, and stepped upon the moon. It has been our planet to impose our will as we have desired. While we have made a bloody mess of things, God has seldom intervened to restrain our ambitions.

During this time, and with regard to all of His gifts – life, a conscience, and freewill – the greatest gift has been His devotion to us, something He has expressed in His Towrah and through His Covenant. He has placed the means to become ever more like Him, right beneath our feet.

Of mashal huw’You have provided him with proverbs and allowed him to exercise his freewill,” Dowd knows of what he speaks because he was both subject and beneficiary, inspiration and scribe. Years ago, as we began translating the 6th Mashal / Proverb for Observations, it became readily obvious the theologians were wrong, and that Dowd was the author, not Solomon, of the Proverbs. They were all written about family, of our Heavenly Father’s and Spiritual Mother’s devotion to their beloved Son, Dowd. They are open letters regarding the Covenant Family.

Spoken as a true shepherd…

“Flocks of sheep (tsoneh – small grazing mammals) and (wa) thousands of domesticated cattle (‘eleph – herds of large grass-eating mammals), all of them (kol hem), and also the wild animals of the open environs (wa gam bahemah saday), (Mizmowr 8:7) the birds of the sky (tsipuwr ha shamaym – winged creatures flying in the air) and fish of the sea (wa dag ha yam – aquatic creatures swimming in the water) extend along (‘abar – pass by) the 556way of the seas (‘orach yam).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:8)

This reflects our place among the living. We are all animals, sheep and cattle, birds and fish, and yes, we humans, too, are animated with mortal souls. Yet, God created the others for our benefit. The manner in which we treat them speaks volumes about us.

That does not mean that we should not be nourished by them, as that was clearly Yah’s intent. It simply means that we ought not to kill for sport, rob animals of their habitat, or allow any animal to suffer needlessly. And yet, there is one animal, the lamb, which at the right time, for the right reason, when prepared and consumed the proper way, can nourish our bodies and save our souls.

Yahowah has honored us above the rest of His creation, conceiving life and giving us this marvelous blue planet, and for that we should be appreciative. At the very least, we ought not to irritate and disrespect Him by attributing our place in the universe to gods men have crafted, to the likes of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, HaShem, the Lord, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, Brahma, Mother Earth, Mary, the Queen of Heaven, or Nature.

There is one God and He has one name.

“Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of the name of ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah existence and our shalowm – restoration), ‘Edown | our Upright Pillar and Firm Foundation (‘edown ‘anachnuw – our Mighty One, the reliable base and pedestal in the center of our Tent of the Witness which sustains and enlarges it, making it secure), how (mah – an interrogative pronoun which encourages us to ponder the implications behind the who, what, why, where, when, and how characteristics associated with the persona and designation of God and His people) awesomely magnificent (‘adyr – powerful and majestic, 557superior and splendid, stately and sovereign, noble and beautiful, desirable and grand, suitable and powerful, recognizable, respectful, even relational; from ‘adar – glorious, and honorable) is Your name (shem ‘atah – is Your proper designation, reputation, and renown) in the entirety (ba kol) of the material realm and Land (ha ‘erets – of the earth)!” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:9)

This is not only the first step toward knowing who we are, what we are doing here, where we are going, and how we get there, it is the only responsible, rational, and respectful approach to God. If you do not know His name, you do not know Him. If you are using another name for your god, you are disrespecting and annoying the one true God.

Thanks to Dowd, we continue to learn and grow in our relationship with Yahowah…

“To (la) the Enduring Guide and Everlasting Director (natsach) based upon (‘al) the Githyth | Winepress (ha gityth). This is a Mizmowr | Melody and Lyrics (mizmowr) by Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd). (Mizmowr 8: Dedication)

Yahowah (Yahowah), ‘Edown | our Upright Pillar and Firm Foundation (‘edown ‘anachnuw), how (mah) awesomely magnificent, superior and sovereign, desirable and recognizable (‘adyr) is Your name (shem ‘atah)!

Throughout the Land and Earth (ba kol ha ‘erets) which, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), You and I have chosen to bestow Your glory (nathan howd ‘atah) beyond (‘al) the spiritual realm (ha shamaym). (Mizmowr 8:1)

Out of (min) the mouths and oral expressions (peh) of children (‘owlel) and (wa) infants (yowneq) You have 558laid a foundation (yasad) of power and strength which can withstand anything (‘oz).

This is in order (lama’an) to put a stop to (la shabath)) the Adversary who is trying to control, constrain, and diminish Y/you, this hostile force who brings trouble by being antagonistic toward Y/you (tsarar ‘atah ‘oyeb), as well as to hold the guilty accountable by punishing the perpetrator (wa naqam). (Mizmowr 8:2)

Truly, when (ky) I look at (ra’ah) Your heavens, the universe and spiritual realm (shamaym ‘atah), the accomplishments (ma’aseh) of Your fingers (‘etsba’ ‘atah), the moon (yarach) and stars (wa kowkab) which, to reveal the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), You have fashioned and formed (kuwn), (Mizmowr 8:3) what (mah) is mortal man (‘enowsh) that, by comparison (ky), You are mindful of him (zakar huw’), and the son of man (wa ben ‘adam) that surely (ky) You take stock of him and relate to him (paqad huw’)? (Mizmowr 8:4)

Therefore (wa), You have made him somewhat diminished, withholding something (chaser huw’ ma’at) from God (min ‘elohym), and yet (wa), You surrounded and enveloped him (‘atar) with honor and respect, with an abundance of riches, with a powerful presence and glorious reward (kabowd) along with (wa) the most appealing attributes, valuable qualities, and useful aptitudes (hadar). (Mizmowr 8:5)

You have provided him with proverbs and allowed him to exercise his freewill, sharing memorable messages (mashal huw’) within (ba) the accomplishments (ma’aseh) of Your hands (yad ‘atah). You have placed (shyth) everything (kol) under his feet (tachath regel huw’). (Mizmowr 8:6)

Flocks of sheep (tsoneh) and (wa) thousands of domesticated cattle (‘eleph), all of them (kol hem), and 559also the wild animals of the open environs (wa gam bahemah saday), (Mizmowr 8:7) the birds of the sky (tsipuwr ha shamaym) and fish of the sea (wa dag ha yam) extend along (‘abar) the way of the seas (‘orach yam). (Mizmowr 8:8)

Yahowah (Yahowah), ‘Edown | our Upright Pillar and Firm Foundation (‘edown ‘anachnuw), how (mah) awesomely magnificent, beautiful, and desirable (‘adyr) is Your name (shem ‘atah) in the entirety (ba kol) of the material realm and Land (ha ‘erets)!” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 8:9)


This is an auspicious beginning…

“To (la – on behalf of) the Enduring Guide and Everlasting Director (ha natsach – the continuously glorious and majestic Conductor in every endeavor over an unlimited duration of time) upon the death of the son (‘al muwth la ha ben – over the child dying). A Mizmowr | Melody and Lyrics (mizmowr – a song to be sung) of Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd – the exceedingly passionate, boiling over in love and thus loved in return, the lover and the beloved, the adored friend and admired associate).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9: Introduction and Dedication)

We have four ways of looking at “the death of the son.” First, while the first of Dowd’s physical bodies is long gone, having passed away, it was never relevant. His soul endures. In the end, Dowd will return to the physical realm, serving at Yah’s right hand during the millennial celebration of Sukah. At this point, a physical form will be entirely optional. Using the E=mc2 formula, Dowd will be able to convert some of his light energy into matter at any 560time of his choosing, making a corporeal form available when needed while never a liability.

Then there is Dowd’s second basar | body, which was of paramount importance because it served as the Passover Lamb by dying. This body is long remembered but long gone, having been incinerated before the sun set on Pesach in accordance with the Towrah’s instructions. As for his soul, it was deployed to endure Matsah and then was reunited with the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit on Bikuwrym. In this way, Dowd became Yahowah’s Firstborn Son.

Third, there are the Children of Yisra’el – the sons of Ya’aqob and the heirs to the Covenant. In all manner of speaking, they have died by the millions for having rejected Yahowah.

And fourth, the greatest heartache one can suffer in life is the loss of a child. Dowd lost three. His firstborn died on the eighth day. His second-born was killed by his third-born son to avenge the rape of his sister, Dowd’s eldest daughter. The third of Dowd’s sons was then killed for having led a coup d’ état against his father.

This would have destroyed a lesser man. However, Dowd endured, largely because it drew him closer to Yah, enabling God’s Son to empathize with his Father.

“I express my appreciation (yadah – I know and therefore I am thankful, extolling what I understand (note: yadah is either an active female yad – hand or the feminine perspective and approach to yada’ – knowing) (hifil imperfect jussive)) to Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s personal and proper name, pronounced: YaHoWaH, based upon hayah – to exist) with my whole heart and in my best judgment (ba kol leb ‘any – with the totality of my intentions, motivations, and attitude and in the manner of totally rational thinking, wholly consistent with my inner nature, character, disposition, knowledge).

561I want to recount in writing (saphar – I have chosen to quantify and record, to proclaim and inform, providing a permanent accounting of (piel cohortative – the object is engaged by the subject’s will)) all of (kol) Your wonderful deeds and amazing revelations (pala’ ‘atah – Your marvelous and astounding accomplishments, Your awe-inspiring and fulfilling acts, Your extraordinary and distinguishing characteristics which surpass ordinary comprehension).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:1)

Once again, Dowd | David has affirmed the reason Yahowah referred to him as His beloved Son, as His anointed Messiah, and as King. His thoughts and words were devoted to sharing what he had come to know about Yahowah. He was engaged in the most important and beneficial mission in the universe.

Also relevant, especially in the age of social media video presentations – Dowd was committed to the written word. No doubt, he had a singer’s and orator’s voice, but nonetheless, he wrote the lyrics of his Songs so that they would endure the test of time.

Further, Dowd, as the lead participant throughout the unification of Yisra’el and during the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey, was always more than just a prophetic eyewitness. When he chronicles the events transpiring during Pesach in 33 CE, he knows what he is talking about because he endured it.

“I will rejoice (samach – I will of my own volition delight in and be elated by (qal imperfect cohortative – actually, continually, and by choice)) and jubilantly express my admiration, celebrating (wa ‘alats – and so I want to triumph, being victorious over all adversaries) with You (ba ‘atah – in You). I want to sing (zamar – I have chosen to combine lyrics with melody to musically give voice) to Your Godly name (shem ‘atah ‘elyown – to Your 562highest and proper designation, revealing Your supremacy and status).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:2)

One of the things I love about Dowd is that he was not bashful in expressing his feelings. As frustrated as he often was with his fellow man, he adored God. And for them, there was mutual admiration.

If you recall, in the 89th Mizmowr, Yahowah told us that upon his return, Dowd would be ‘Elyown | Almighty God in comparison to the most exalted on Earth. And here, we find further affirmation that ‘elyown is one of Yahowah’s titles. Dowd’s use is consistent with what we find throughout the Towrah.

Most people, especially at the loss of a child, would either blame God and be embittered toward Him, or believe that for this to occur there must be no God. And yet, Dowd searched for, found, and embraced the reason behind death and the solution for it.

I have come to see life in this way, Dowd’s way, which is one of the reasons I find his life and lyrics so illuminating and inspiring. With the proper attitude, and with sound thinking, we can learn and grow from every experience, especially the difficult ones.

According to Biblical scholars, having respect for Yahowah’s name precludes it from being spoken. And yet, how would that be possible since no one had greater respect for Yahowah than Dowd and he routinely sang it aloud? Why would he have written it into his lyrics if it would serve no purpose? Do you think Dowd would have told us that Yahowah’s name was too “sacred to pronounce” if that were actually the case? Given the choice between Dowd’s enthusiastic desire to convey Yahowah’s name and today’s religious assessment that it either should not or cannot be pronounced, who do you think is tsadaq | right and who is rasha’ | wrong?

563Dowd’s enemies are comprised of those who are averse to Yahowah, threaten his people, or deny what he has accomplished for their benefit. They are typically religious but often political. And in almost every situation, the Son’s foes were also opposed by his Father.

“With (ba – in) the turning away (shuwb – the retreat) of my enemies, those with animosity and rancor toward me (‘oyeb ‘any – of those in hostile opposition to me), they will stumble back (‘achowr kashal – they faltered and fell back, they were brought down and overthrown) as they are expelled from (‘abad min – while they are exterminated, ceasing to exist in) Your presence (paneh ‘atah – the proximity of Your appearance).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:3)

There is a day of reckoning, a time in which the dividing line between living in God’s presence and being eternally banished will be determined by our love for Yahowah’s name and our appreciation for what He and His Son have done for us. Upon their return, the souls of those who are not Covenant will either be exterminated or expelled.

There was something extraordinarily important articulated here that I suspect most everyone will have read past without notice, even though I tried to attune readers to it prior to and after Dowd’s pronouncement. Those who are opposed to what the Son has accomplished, who are averse to him, are excluded from Yahowah’s presence. They permanently estranged, their souls either annihilated or incarcerated.

The reasons are many, beginning with Dowd’s role throughout the Mow’ed. One cannot benefit from that which they deny – such as the realization that ha Mashyach served as the Pesach ‘Ayil – opening Heaven’s Door while extending our lives. His nepesh then carried the pervasive fungus of Yisra’el’s propensity to contaminate themselves 564with religion and politics into She’owl during Matsah – perfecting the Children of the Covenant. As a result, those who acknowledge and accept what Father and Son have accomplished are prepared to enter Yahowah’s presence and be adopted into His Family.

Dowd epitomizes Yisra’el and is the exemplar of the Covenant – the one through whom it was established. To be averse to either is to exclude oneself from the God who favors and cherishes them above all others.

Also, Dowd approached Yahowah intellectually, emotionally, and experientially. He knew exactly what he was doing, why it was important, and he was fully cognizant of the result. He was a whole-hearted participant, genuinely devoted to the relationship. And as such, he engaged, doing what his Father desired. Those who fail to appreciate this misconstrue the purpose of the Covenant.

Therefore, it would be fair to say that we approach Yahowah by what Moseh wrote and Dowd has done.

It is as it should be, as it was with Dowd. Yahowah introduced Himself to us in His Towrah and proved His existence through His prophets. He has provided all of the information we need to exercise good judgment to determine what is right and wrong about God. This process is interactive, with Yahowah revealing and us observing.

Yahowah designed and equipped us for this purpose…

“For (ky) You have acted upon and engaged in (‘asah – You have worked, laboring in and bringing about, doing what was needed to accomplish) my decision-making process regarding my means to resolve disputes (mishpat ‘any – me using good judgment and being discerning to correctly resolve differences, my ability to judge and be just, to govern and resolve controversies; a compound of ma – which encourages us to question the how, who, what, where, when, and why and shaphat – to 565decide, to judge, to resolve disputes, to exercise good judgment, and to execute justice) and my ability to judge and be judgmental, distinguishing between right and wrong (wa dyn ‘any – and my judgment, my arguments and debates, and my cause, when I should defend and plead a case and claim, or when to speak out against someone or something which is wrong in a condemning manner, my capacity to correctly argue and judge).

And You have established (wa yashab – so You have restored [from 11QPs]) the approach to the seat of honor (la kise’ – that which concerns the place of authority). You have decided and judged correctly (shaphat tsedeq – You have rendered the right decision, You have been just, rational, and fair [from 11QPs where shaphat is second-person perfect]).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:4)

This is about acting upon good judgment and making informed and rational decisions. This was and will always be the way the Judge will decide our fate.

The path to knowing Yahowah and understanding what He is offering and what He expects in return is neither through obedience nor faith. Yahowah provided His Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr so that we could be thoughtful and discerning in our response to Him. Therefore, the process to the desired result necessitates listening before speaking and observing before engaging.

The pronouns are particularly telling in this statement. Dowd used ‘You’ three times, indicating that he is addressing Yahowah, showing that God acted and engaged based upon Dowd’s judgment, that God established the seat of honor, and that He rendered the right decision. ‘Me’ was used twice, speaking of himself in ways we are more accustomed to seeing God. For example, it is Dowd’s mishpat | decision-making process regarding the means to resolve the disputes between God and man that Yahowah is acting upon. This means that Dowd was far more than 566just the Passover Lamb since the Father was enabling the Son’s plan. Dowd had thought it through, and he determined that, by his participation, the most beneficial result would be achieved.

This realization is underscored by the fact that Yahowah’s participation was engendered by His Son’s dyn | ability to make an informed and rational decision. And in particular, Yahowah responded to Dowd’s dyn regarding the mishpat.

As a consequence, God yashab | established the proper approach to the kise’ | seat of honor and authority He had fashioned for His Son. He would rule based upon his mishpat and dyn. Dowd then acknowledges that his Father’s approach was rational and fair.

If I may digress a moment, I have found it curious that Dowd, approaching under the title of Gabry’el | God’s Most Capable and Courageous Man, provided the full spectrum of what he would accomplish by fulfilling the Miqra’ey | Invitations to Meet, even when these fulfillments would occur, to Dany’el | God Judges in Babylon circa 575 BCE. He could have done so through one of his Mizmowr circa 1025 BCE and avoided the trip. So why didn’t he take the easier approach?

Further, since Yahowah was speaking directly to and through prophets like Yasha’yah, Howsha’, Yirma’yah, Zakaryah, and Mal’aky, it is self-evident why Dowd would not have appeared before them. And clearly, since he was fulfilling the Mow’edym he was announcing, this would have been Dowd’s prophecy to deliver.

Then it dawned on me while reading dyn | to judge, because it was the basis of Dany’el’s | God Judges name. Recognizing that Babel is the very thing we must walk away from before we can be invited into the Beryth, it remains the place God cannot appear or be seen. So, with Dany’el and Yahuwdym in Babylon – the very place from 567which Yahowah will be withdrawing His people – Dowd was afforded the perfect opportunity to explain when that would occur. He delivered the message personally and then did precisely what he had avowed. And I suspect that this was also why Dowd was accompanied by the two Witnesses who will herald his return.

Moving on to the next statement, the Gowym | Gentiles Yahowah continually rebukes and reprimands are the foreigners who now claim that God has chosen them and their Hellenized “Jesus Christ” over Dowd | David and his people, Yisra’elites | Israelites and Yahuwdym | Jews. The notion is ignorant and irrational, which is why it requires faith to believe. It is also hypocritical and irresponsible. Many, if not most, of these foreigners are ever ready to complain that Jews, who they protest are acting illegally and do not belong, are ruining their country and trying to take it from them. Never mind that their forefathers stole it from the native peoples.

Nonetheless, as foreigners, themselves, these Gentiles want us to believe that they are the heirs to Yisra’el and to God’s promises. And yet, they hate the very race that provided not only the Passover Lamb but the entirety of Yahowah’s witness. If these preposterous notions were not interwoven to form a religion, no one would believe a word of it.

This is among the many reasons why Yahowah is forever associating gowym with rasha’ | being wrong. It is why God is disapproving of and will censure Gentiles. It is why the foreign souls who have been misled and who are mistaken, will be exterminated, their names and reputations annihilated forevermore.

This is sobering. It is also absolute and irrefutable proof that the Christian New Testament’s insistence that the promises Yahowah made to Yisra’el have been given to the Gentile Church, indeed every aspect of Replacement 568Theology, has no basis in reality. The foundational claim of the Christian religion is torn asunder by what follows.

“You will rebuke and reprimand (ga’ar – in that instant You will have expressed Your disapproval with conviction because it is time to insult and censure (qal perfect)) the Gowym | Gentiles (gowym – non-Israelites and non-Yahuwdym | Jews, the religious people and nations which are estranged and opposed to Yisra’el, the confluence of ethnicities).

You will in a moment in time expel and exterminate (‘abad – You will at that point exterminate and expunge, estranging or annihilating (piel perfect)) those who are misleading and mistaken, the guilty and wrong (rasha’ – those who corrupt and who have been corrupted (piel perfect)).

Their names (shem hem – their designations and reputations), You will have blotted out (machah – You will have wiped away and removed (qal perfect)) forevermore, including their testimony (la ‘owlam wa ‘od – consistently and continually, for all time, serving as a witness in antiquity of eternity because of this).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:5)

So much for the notion that God disowned Israel to form a new alliance with Gentiles. In the end, and because their religions are in wholesale conflict with what Dowd has done, Yahowah will rebuke and reprimand the Gentiles. This reprimand will not, however, be resolvable or redeemable. God’s disapproval will lead to having one’s soul either expelled or exterminated, incarcerated forever in She’owl or obliterated. Being wrong about Dowd is not without consequences.

Within less than a decade of this writing in 2023, the likes of Peter, Paul, and Christians, Akiba, Maimonides, and the Haredim, Muhammad and his cadre of jihadists 569will be judged, silenced, and condemned, their names, reputations, and rhetoric expunged forevermore.

From this we can be assured that there will never be any Christians, Haredi, or Muslims in Heaven. This is not my opinion but, instead, an irrefutable conclusion based on Yahowah’s testimony.

For those who have not availed themselves of what Dowd did on behalf of the Covenant Family on Matsah, removing our guilt, they remain burdened by the stench and stain of their religion. And now, it is too late to make amends.

If we didn’t know better, this would be alarming news for those like myself who are not genetically linked to Ya’aqob. However, we now recognize that it’s the religions, politics, conspiracies, societal customs, and militaristic nature of the Gowym that Yahowah is rebuking and removing, not their ethnicity. We know this because it is those who are “rasha’ – wrong,” especially about Dowd, who will suffer this fate. Therefore, by becoming Towrah-observant, by engaging in the Beryth, by attending the Miqra’ey, by learning from the Naby’, and by respecting Yahowah’s name, by being “tsadaq – right,” our place with Yisra’el, in the Covenant, and in Heaven is assured.

This known, Yahowah’s reprimand against the practices of the Gowym, and His advice to avoid the ways of the Gentiles, comes with a caveat: the Choter, Nakry, and Basar of God. This exemption to the rule at play during the prelude to Yah’s return suggests a number of things, each of which is potentially revealing. First, Yahuwdym remain in rebellion, stubbornly recalcitrant regarding Yahowah and His testimony. If this were not so, God would have chosen one of them to call His people home. Yet, as Yahowah has revealed through Yasha’yah, God looked and found none.

570Second, the realization that there was only one willing individual underscores just how unpopular the truth has been and remains. This is shocking to those of us who embrace it because the truth about God is so vastly superior to the lies Gentiles have promoted.

Third, it would take a Gentile to untangle the mess the Gowym have made – someone willing to expose and condemn their two most popular deceptions: Christianity and Islam. Jews are seldom, if ever, overtly critical of either faith – even though both religions have sought to annihilate them. Until Yahuwdym understand why these rasha’ institutions despise them, until they divest themselves of their influences and are freed from their debilitating anti-Semitism, Yahowah’s call for them to come home will fall on deaf ears.

And fourth, there has to be a consequence for the people originally chosen by God to be part of His Family not only ignoring Him, but also for having played a leading role in establishing Christianity, Islam, and Communism – Yisra’el’s most prevalent threats. As a result, the brightest ethnic group on earth will be awakened to the realization that they have gone so far off track, they gave God no other option other than go it alone (which is against His nature and our purpose, even contrary to a loving family) or work with a Gowy to reconcile His relationship with Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym.

It is sad but true. It is not surprising, however, especially considering the misguided arrogance of the rabbinical influence among Jews and the insanity of Israeli politics. As Jews and Israel stand today, circa 2023, even God’s words are insufficient to awaken them or save them. However, this will change, especially as Jews are caught in a multidimensional vice, being defamed and abused by the far right and far left, by Christianity and by Islam – even by the politics and academia of Progressives. Today Jews are as likely to be murdered by a neo-Nazi as they are to be 571slaughtered by a jihadist, or to be deprived of their rights and land by a socialist politician and scholar as they are by an unthinking nationalist conspirator. Soon there will be only one safe haven and Savior.

One last thought in this regard. While every verb was scribed in the perfect, meaning that the time when this reprimand and rebuke, this annihilation and extermination, even the erasing of all memory of such people and things, is limited in duration, the result is “‘ad ‘owlam – everlasting.” Yahowah isn’t going to harp on this forever, so those who wish to avoid the eternal consequence have a limited time to react before it is too late.

The days of the religious are numbered, at least here on earth…

“The Adversary (ha ‘oyeb) will cease and be finished (taman – will be stopped (qal perfect)), in a state of ruin, deserted and wasted (chorebah – an object of horror, desolated), forever (la netsah – for an unending duration of time).

Additionally (wa), You will uproot and destroy (nathash – You will pull out of the ground, utterly forsaking (qal perfect – literally at a moment in time remove)) cities, shrines, and temples (‘iyr – habitations and population centers, even the anger, anguish, and wrath of these asses) such that the remembrance of them (zeker hem – so that their mention, honor, celebration, or worship of their status and renown) ceases to exist (‘abad – perishes and is obliterated, vanishing).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:6)

For the Earth to return to the conditions enjoyed in ‘Eden, the Adversary who encouraged ‘Adam and Chawah to rebel against Yahowah must be stopped. And while ‘oyeb | adversary was singular, ha Satan has spawned many deadly plagues. Therefore, the authority figures who govern political, religious, and military institutions will all 572have to go. They cannot coexist with God. Unfortunately for the billions they have poisoned, to protect the Family, those they have plagued will be forsaken and will die. And then to purge the Earth of their corruption, their cities, towns, and shrines will all be uprooted and removed – ridding the living of all remembrance of the dead.

They have had a bad run, some six thousand years of mischief and mayhem. But it cannot and will not continue. The Adversary and his Apostles will soon be gone – forever.

We are just fourteen years from the beginning of forever – for the rasha’ and tsadaq. The first order of business will be…

“So then (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name of ‘elowah – God guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation), He lives forevermore, establishing the eternal dwelling place (la ‘owlam yashab kuwn – He permanently restores and always remains camping out, supporting and abiding throughout time, from antiquity to eternity (qal imperfect)) for His seat of honor (kise’ huw’ – His dignified position of authority) on behalf of those who exercise good judgment regarding the way to resolve disputes (la ha mishpat – for those who make the right decision regarding being exonerated).” (Mizmowr 9:7)

After the Adversary is gone, the fun begins. With evil expunged, the Children of the Covenant will camp out with our Father without worrying about snakes lurking in the grass.

All the while, we have been afforded yet another affirmation that Yah’s seat of honor awaits those who exercise good judgment. God is really smart, and He doesn’t seem interested in wasting His time surrounded by a bunch of dummies.

573While they will be forgotten, they will not be forgiven. The religious will be held accountable for robbing so many souls of the opportunity to live and others of a life worth living.

“Then (wa) He, Himself, will execute justice (huw’ shaphat – He will judge, deciding) on this perverse and confused world (tebel – the abominable and detestable people who live on the Earth along with their perversions and corruptions), doing so correctly and fairly (ba tsedeq – rightly, in a straightforward and appropriate manner, adhering to what is required according to the standard, accurately and honestly), judging (dyn – He will decide based upon what is right and wrong, such that a reward or punishment may follow in accordance with the agreed set of principles (qal imperfect)) the nations and people who are religious and political (la’om – individuals from distinct national and religious interests and geographical locations, the populations of different countries and regions who congregate together under their leaders and who are governed by antiquated philosophies, many of which are evolved from Babylon) in a straightforward and equitable manner in conformance with the established standard (meysharym – justly in an upright and fair way; from yashar – the right way, in a straightforward manner, on the level, and upright).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:8)

Since we have previously considered revelations which indicate that Yahowah will delegate the business of judgment to Dowd, who will probably do likewise, as God, Yahowah remains ultimately responsible. He, and those through whom He adjudicates, will do so fairly and correctly. And while this is true, for those being judged among the la’om | wayward nations, there is no favorable outcome.

Once we come to grips with the implications of freewill and with the realization that there are three 574potential fates awaiting human souls, not just a reward in heaven or torment in hell, we realize that God can be just and fair. And as soon as we come to appreciate that we are returning to ‘Eden, we understand why the religious and political must be expunged from the Earth. And it will all occur in accordance with Yahowah’s Towrah | Instructions.

Ours is a perverse and confused world, one a perfect being would find unpleasant, indeed nauseating, so something must change to accommodate His arrival. In this regard, as a loving Father, God will protect His children.

“Therefore (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) exists as (hayah – was, is, and will be) a safe and secure place to dwell (misgab – an inaccessible and impenetrable stronghold in which to live and as a fortress, a refuge in high places) for those who have been harassed, afflicted, or slandered (la ha dak – for the abused, crushed, distressed, and subjugated), a safe and secure place of refuge (misgab – an inaccessible and impenetrable stronghold in which to live serving as a fortress, a dwelling in a high and elevated place; from sagab – elevating, exalted, and inaccessibly high) as troubling times approach (la ‘eth batsarah – during periods of impoverishment and destitution).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:9)

While this is true, I don’t think it is universal. There is no indication that Yah will reach out and protect those who haven’t listened to His call to come home. Therefore, the most secure location as troubling times approach will be the place closest to God: Yisra’el and Yahuwdah.

He’s said it so many times and in so many ways, it’s incredulous that as few as one in a million take Him at His word. There are a billion souls who call God Shiva, a billion-five who call Him Allah, and two and a half billion 575who claim He is Jesus. Another fifteen million refer to Him as Hashem and Adony. They would all be wrong.

Fictitious gods are highly unreliable. Only the real One can be trusted.

“Then (wa) those who know (yada’ – those who are made aware of, recognize, and respect, becoming acquainted and familiar with after having been shown, and who acknowledge and understand (qal participle construct – a literal and actual, highly descriptive depiction in concert with what follows)) Your name (shem ‘atah – Your personal and proper designation and reputation), they will trust and rely upon You (batach ba ‘atah – are confident and secure in trusting You (qal imperfect)) because (ky – for indeed, surely).

Indeed (ky), You have not and will not abandon or forsake (lo’ ‘azab) those who seek You (darash ‘atah), Yahowah (Yahowah). (Mizmowr 9:10)

These benefits await those who are seeking Yahowah and are not afforded to others, thus excluding Christians, Haredi, Muslims, and Hindus. At the very least, those who seek to know the living and true God must do so by name. There is no merit to “knowing” Jesus, Allah, or the Lord. In the end, it all comes down to Yada Yahowah.

His Towrah is the place to find Yahowah, to come to know Him, to appreciate what He is offering, and to understand what He is requesting in return. The only question is one of desire: do you want what is best for you and your soul, for those you love, and are you willing to invest the time to learn the truth? Are you sufficiently rational to accept Yahowah’s offer once you are made aware of it?

“You should want to sing (zamar – choose to combine lyrics with melody to musically give voice (piel imperative)) to (la – regarding approaching) Yahowah 576(Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name of ‘elowah – God guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence) who establishes a dwelling place (yashab – who inhabits, abides, and remains) on Tsyown | among the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown – the markers used to nonverbally communicate the direction to, identity of, and location of the ridgeline between Dowd’s home and Yahowah’s Home on Mount Mowryah).

Of your own volition, choose to report among the people and family (nagad ba ha ‘amym – conspicuously announce, providing evidence to inform, making known within the family (hifil imperative second-person masculine plural)) what He has done (‘alylah huw’ – His actions, deeds, and endeavors).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:11)

This is the prime objective, and it is central to our being – to our very existence. The desire to sing and share what we have come to know should flow out of us like a spring of living waters. It is why these words appear before your eyes.

However, no matter how majestic the name, how melodious the song, how marvelous the lyrics, how lovely the home, how magnanimous the deeds, or how compelling and beneficial the report, if you don’t acknowledge and accept the offer, it is all for naught – at least for the reticent soul. Moreover, we are reminded that there is only one name to whom our song should be directed. If not to Yahowah, the lyrics are hopelessly shrill and counterproductive.

Also, Yahowah has but one home on Earth and it is on Tsyown – the ridgeline that runs along the crest of Mowryah from Dowd’s residence to the summit. If you are looking for God, do not bother with the Vatican, Mecca, or 577America. You will not find Him unless you search for Him within the Towrah.

If you are not already on the right side of these words, please don’t read another until you are.

If you are ready, then as we approach this next statement, be mindful of the fact that a God who would forgive and then forget the circumstances surrounding those who have horrifically abused His children, torturing and killing them, is neither just nor compassionate, neither fair nor loving. Since Yahowah is all of these things, He will do the right thing, which is to expose, judge, condemn, and punish those who have tormented His people, along with those who have encouraged them. Muslims and Europeans beware.

“Indeed (ky – for because), He who accounts for (darash – He who looks for, even requires) blood (dam – that which is essential to life) is mindful of them (‘eth hem zakar – remembers them).

He will not overlook or forget (lo’ shakah – He will not ignore or fail to respond to the significance) the cry of distress and screams of pain (tsa’aqah – the anguished wailing and outcry) of the miserably afflicted (‘any – of the subjugated and abused who are persecuted and harassed).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:12)

Should you have wondered if God has witnessed the agonizing pain inflicted by the Catholic inquisitor, the European concentration camp guard, or the Islamic terrorist, now you know. And if you were concerned that the governments, religious institutions, and citizenry that justified it, capitalized upon it, and allowed them to get away with murder, wouldn’t be held accountable, put your mind at ease.

While it is politically incorrect, it is absolutely true: to love, we must know what, when, why, and how to hate. 578One cannot be merciful without opposing that which is contrary to our Creator’s testimony and opposed to our best interests.

To engage in this regard, we must know right from wrong and appreciate the power of words, allowing Yahowah’s testimony to work as it was intended. Once we have done as compassion requires, we ought to trust Yahowah to complete the job, doing as He has promised. There is life in His words.

Christians are wont to see their “Jesus” returning in flowing white robes with outstretched hands, welcoming the world to him. Muslims believe that Allah will engage at last and kill the infidels, beginning with the Jews and then the Christians. Neither will occur, but as is the case with all religious deceptions, there is an element of truth running through both myths. God is returning, and He will welcome His Family with outstretched arms. However, to protect them and preclude the anti-Semites from continuing to harass His children, the rasha’ will all have to go for good.

As much as any, I think that this is one of the reasons Yahowah valued His relationship with Dowd…

“You have chosen to be generous and favor me (chanan ‘any – Your will is to be compassionate and kind toward me, You are inclined toward mercy and benevolence for me (qal imperative)), Yahowah (Yahowah).

By choice, You have seen (ra’ah – You have decided to observe and consider (qal imperative)) my tremendous dedication to accomplishing the mission of being a witness and my frustration over the abuse I’ve endured as a result of responding and accomplishing the goal (‘ony ‘any – my willingness to invest the time and expend the energy to achieve the goal of providing testimony along with the trouble and abuse I’ve suffered because of my 579response and answers, my harassment and affliction I’ve endured because of my songs; from ‘anah – to answer and respond, to be occupied and engaged, responsive and committed to being a witness, resulting in being afflicted and put down) from those who dislike and shun me (min sane’ ‘any – from those who show no love or respect for me, detesting and loathing what I represent, showing malice toward me), so as to lift me up on high, honoring and exalting me (ruwm ‘any – raising me triumphantly, causing me to be elevated (polel participle piel masculine singular)) from the gates (min sha’ar – through, away from, and out of the entrance or doorway to the enclosed area) of death (maweth – of the conclusion of mortal life, of the pervasive plague and pandemic disease).” (Mizmowr / Song to Sing / Psalm 9:13)

I wasn’t the first and won’t be the last to have been blindsided regarding the malicious shunning of Dowd, and yet, it is hard to understand why our collective ignorance is so pervasive, especially considering how prevalent this message has been throughout the Mizmowr | Psalms. For this concern to be emphasized in this manner by Yahowah, it’s clearly something He wants us to know so that we can do whatever is required to counter its derogatory effects.

In this case, it is hard to imagine a more dire result. The religious have done themselves irreparable harm by denying Dowd his due. He is no longer considered the Shepherd of God’s People, the beloved Son of God, or the Messiah. And yet, it is Dowd who is the Chosen One and the King of Kings who will return with Yah on Kipurym to reconcile his people. Moreover, Dowd saved them while serving as the Passover Lamb, perfecting the willing on Matsah. Dowd is the prophet and inspired lyricist who most endeared himself to Yah. He is the living embodiment of the Covenant.

Tragically, Israel has reduced “David” to a godforsaken star on their flag, sullying his reputation with 580the very symbol that the Gentiles, through their religions, politics, and conspiracies, used to demonize and dehumanize Jews. Making matters worse, Akiba, the revered father of Judaism, promoted a false Messiah rather than accept what Dowd had achieved. And then Maimonides made the anticipated arrival of an unknown Messiah one of the 13 Principles of the religion. To this day, rabbis deny the fulfillment of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, as well as the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests. They aren’t keen of the idea of a Homecoming and Family Reunion on Kipurym either.

Perhaps worse, Peter and Paul conspired to create a mythical replacement by robbing Dowd of his every accomplishment, accolade, and title. And then, if that was not bad enough, they blamed Jews for killing their god.

Yahowah is having none of it. Dowd is lifted up on high, honored and exalted. Death is the least of his concerns.

Three thousand years ago, Dowd not only knew his future, but he also revealed it publicly within the most widely read text of all time. Yahowah is on Dowd’s side.

“As a result (la ma’an – for the express reason and for the explicit purpose that), I have chosen to recount and proclaim, providing a written record of (saphar – my desire is to enumerate and describe in a written form so as to communicate (piel imperfect cohortative)) all of Your superlative accomplishments and adorable characteristics in a song of appreciation (kol tahilah ‘atah – every one of Your praiseworthy actions and encounters and all that is associated with Your reputation and renown, doing so in a mizmowr) within the gates (ba sha’ar – the doorway to the assembly, the entrance into the courts) of the environs (bath – the female offspring, but also the center of the city) of Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown – the markers used to 581communicate the direction to, identity of, and location of the ridgeline between Dowd’s home and Yahowah’s Home on Mount Mowryah).

I will take great pleasure in rejoicing in and celebrating (gyl – I will express my positive and joyful attitude in song (qal imperfect cohortative)) Your liberation, deliverance, and salvation (yashuw’ah ‘atah – Your provision, rescue, and victory).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:14)

Guess who is coming back home? Might it be the same guy who is neither dead nor buried? And it sure seems as if he is going to get the last laugh.

Let it be known that many of Yahowah’s greatest accomplishments were achieved with Dowd – by working alongside His beloved Son. I dare say, these are the most satisfying things God has ever done. And just as Yahowah has lifted His Son up in praise, exalting him above all others, Dowd is returning the favor.

Yahowah delivered Dowd to save us.

Even upon Yah’s return, Dowd will be focused on the business at hand. He will be there to proclaim the Word of God. His lyrics and life will continue to serve as a living testament to all Yahowah intends for His Children. Wonderfully imperfect from the beginning, Dowd’s example exists as proof that the Towrah’s guidance perfects us. It cannot be improved. It is God’s way and thus not ours to alter. It is also ludicrous to dismiss it.

Since this will all transpire within proximity of Tsyown, there is no merit in the Vatican, nor antagonism toward Zionists. God’s blessings were not transferred to Christians or Americans. They are as they have always been.

While Dowd has been delivered from death and freed from guilt, the same is not so with the religious. This being 582the case, it’s impossible to justify the absurd notion that the benefits promised to Yisra’el were somehow transferred to a Gentile Church.

“The Gentiles (gowym – the people with different ethnicities with religious and political affiliations based upon pagan practices, non-Yisra’elites with an aversion to Hebrew who congregate together and act like animals) will have sunk down and been embedded (taba’ – will be depressed and drowned) into the pit of destruction (ba shachath – in the slimy grave of obliteration and annihilation and the dungeon of decay) which they have fashioned (‘asah – which they have acted and engaged on behalf of, worked for, dealt with, and now have brought upon themselves), into the trap (ba resheth – within the judgment and network of men wherein leaders catch other men; from yarash – to seize, to control, to take possession of, to impoverish, and to destroy, causing to be dispossessed and disinherited, from a primitive root meaning to occupy someone else’s territory by driving them out, robbing them of what is rightfully theirs) which (zuw – such that) they have concealed (tamuwn – they have hidden, keeping secret, covering over that which they have discarded).

Their feet and their every step (regel hem – their stance) are captured in it (lakad – are caught in their trap, forcefully grasped hold of, and seized, ensnared and governed, immovable).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:15)

This is a blanket statement, which means that most Gentiles will descend into the pit of destruction, their souls either incarcerated or annihilated. As such, the three leading Gentile belief systems – Christianity, Islam, and Socialist Secular Humanism – are nothing more than enticing traps for billions of souls. Supporting them makes one an accomplice to murder if the advocacy is premeditated.

583According to God, the most popular traps for human souls are man’s doing, something that the leaders of these popular religious and political institutions have crafted to seize control of the masses, dispossessing and impoverishing them. Yahowah is also revealing that the heads of these institutions have kept their intentions secret, and as such, they are not only deliberately deceiving those who believe them, they realize that if the truth were known, they would have no followers. And this makes the leadership of the most popular Gentile institutions the most loathsome and despicable people on earth – something we have long acknowledged.

Yahowah is not only the antithesis of the gods men of faith have fabricated…

“Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name of ‘elowah – God guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence) has become recognizable and knowable (yada’ – He can be perceived and acknowledged, respected and understood (nifal perfect)) by the means to exercise good judgment and resolve disputes (mishpat – by sound decision-making, a commitment to justice, and a desire to be fair and do what is rational; from ma – to ponder the implications of and shaphat – to decide, to judge, to discern right from wrong) which He acts upon and engages in (‘asah – which He has prepared, produced, brought about, attended to, and performed).

Those guilty of being wrong (rasha’ – those who are misled and who mislead, the mistaken who are religious, the evil and fraudulent who are hostile to God, the unGodly and invalid, the wicked and contemned for lack of ethics, those guilty of malfeasance who are deceitful, the confused and confusing) are ensnared (naqash – are struck, stricken down, and entrapped, ultimately controlled) by the deeds (ba po’al – by the wages of the work, by the things done) of their own hands (kaph hem – under their influence).

584Meditate and reflect on this (higayown selah – pause and consider the implications).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:16)

Since God can be known, there is no reason for faith. Since the means to understanding Him is through exercising good judgment, believing is superfluous. Therefore, even if they were one percent right, what is the purpose of Judaism or Christianity?

Beyond all of this, Yahowah is stating that He is best known by the way He has chosen to resolve the kind of disputes which separate men and women from Him – which is through His Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet. Further, He is revealing that He planned and then personally acted upon these appointed days. Therefore, our quest to more fully understand and then capitalize upon His involvement in the seven Miqra’ey has been validated. It is by seeing what God has done for us that we find ourselves in a relationship with Him.

Men, on the other hand, are trapped by their own devices. Religions are a snare designed to control the unwary, causing those caught within them to be deprived of the life and liberty Yahowah intended. Claiming to have been appointed to serve God, religious institutions deprive their converts and believers of what Yah is actually offering.

“Those guilty of religious malfeasance (rasha’ – those who are invalid, fraudulent and unethical, leading others astray, those who are deceitful, wrong, and corrupting, lacking ethics and culpable of crimes against the masses and should be condemned) will be turned away (shuwb – they will be turned away because they turned (qal imperfect)) unto She’owl (la Sha’uwl / She’owl – toward Saul | Paul, Question Him, and/or She’owl | Hell which is the Place of Separation and Questioning), along with every (kol) Gentile nation and institution (gowy585country and individual alien to Yisra’el, heathens of different societal customs whose religious or political affiliations are based upon pagan practices, non-Yisra’elites with an aversion to Hebrew who congregate together and act like animals) which disrespects (shakach – which disregards and is not aware or mindful of, which has forgotten and is oblivious to) God (‘elohym – the Almighty).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:17)

The subject is defined by rasha’, a word which describes the prevalence of a “widespread criminal enterprise engaged in religious malfeasance.” God uses rasha’ to describe those who are “wrong, both inappropriate and revolting, evil and wicked, both corrupt and corrupting.” The rasha’ “are misled and mislead in return.” They are “invalid, fraudulent and unethical, leading others astray knowingly.” To be rasha’ is to be “deceitful, corrupt, and unGodly.” It depicts those who “lack ethics and are culpable of crimes against humanity.” They are opposed to what is right, have done or spoken that which is inappropriate and confusing, and should be condemned.”

Rasha’ has a face: Sha’uwl, an audience: Gentiles, a cause: disrespecting God, and a consequence: being dispatched to She’owl. This derogatory term is attributed to non-Yisra’elite nations and institutions. They are “errant and malicious” with regard to God and His people and, also, “contemptible in their disrespect” of Yahowah, Yisra’el and Yahuwdym, the Towrah and Beryth, the Mashyach and Ben ‘Elohym. Their premeditated promotion of this fraud has God condemning them.

Yahowah’s disdain for the Gentile nations and institutions swayed by Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s toxic diatribes and poisonous scribbles, as well as the non-Yisra’elite individuals who are rasha’ | wrong, is not only the driving force behind this Mizmowr | Psalm but the next two as well. Consider this a prophetic warning against Replacement 586Theology, especially the religious and political manifestation of Babylon: Roman Catholicism and the United States.

The operative verb in this statement is shuwb. It means “to turn” and, thus, describes “having one’s course changed, either altered or swayed by compulsion or choice.” In this case, it is by Sha’uwl and to She’owl.

This is a dire warning for Gentiles, their nations and institutions. Regardless of whether you render Sha’uwl as the person Yahowah called the Plague of Death and Father of Lies, or She’owl as a place of eternal separation, Gentiles are headed in a hellish direction. Their rendezvous with God will be brief and highly unpleasant.

Whether it’s Paul’s New Testament, Akiba’s Talmud, Muhammad’s Quran, or liberal man’s Progressive agenda, the result has been that the overwhelming preponderance of the world’s population has become oblivious to Yahowah’s name, nature, testimony, and plan. Humankind has been allowed to exercise freewill and has made a mess of things.

This is not intended to be a referendum on individual souls but, instead, on human institutions, nations, and empires. While people are both good and bad, right and wrong, the larger the group, the worse humanity becomes.

“By contrast (ky – indeed, by comparison), the plight of those willing to receive deliverance, who consent to and accept the offer of assistance (‘ebyown – those who seek liberation from troubling circumstances, yearning for better from God and who are open and willing to accept what God is offering; from ‘abah – to be willing, to accept, to desire and to consent) will not be forgotten (lo’ la netsach shakach – the enduring lives and legacy, the confirmed and everlasting truth, shall not be overlooked or disregarded).

587For this expectation (tiqowah – this positive outcome, this connection and longing) on behalf of those who are responsive (‘anaw – for those who answer and reply) will not be forestalled or squandered (‘abad – will not be foregone, given up, lost, nor delayed) forever (‘ad – affirming the witness for an unlimited duration of time on behalf of the everlasting testimony).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:18)

The difference between the experience in She’owl versus Shamaym is as vast as seven dimensions are from one, as extreme as volition is to incarceration, and as vast as the ultimately expansive and liberating is from the infinitesimally small and confining. And yet, one word may be all which separates them – ‘anah | responsive. We have been invited to attend the Miqra’ey and our reply leads to participation in the Beryth. Collectively, our answer to them opens Heaven’s Door for the ‘ebyown | those willing and desirous of accepting such assistance.

This perspective on the Towrah’s central theme has long been forgotten, indeed, squandered, lost under an onslaught of religious edicts and laws, but this will not always be the case. Soon there will be a revival of expectations and a time of responsiveness. Father and Son are returning on a date that is certain, and they will be offering reconciliation to those who are willing to accept their offer.

One of the most interesting internal studies of Jews, particularly at the time Christianity and Judaism were fermenting, involves the Ebonites – ethnic Jews who based their identity on ‘ebyown | being responsive. What we know of them is limited, and much of it is subject to considerable religious malfeasance. To their credit, they were resolutely Towrah-observant, and they recognized that ha Mashyach had come to fulfill Pesach. As a result, they were overtly hostile to Peter and Paul – rejecting everything these men wrote and said. They are the only 588reason we have some record of what Dowd revealed during the Sermon on the Mount and Olivet Discourse. But because they were largely right, they were opposed by every other faction in the Jewish community. And while viciously and relentlessly attacked by Sha’uwl | Paul as “Judaizers,” ultimately it was Rabbi Akiba who destroyed them.

Yahowah has not forgotten His Chosen People. Reminding Yahuwdym that He still cares about them, and that He is committed to liberating them from the ongoing abuse men have heaped upon them, is the reason behind this prophecy.

Without exception, we can confidently expect everything Yahowah has promised to be fulfilled. This remains especially true for Yisra’elites because they have been the recipients of most of Yah’s promises. But please note the caveat. This positive outcome is directed toward “‘ebyown – those who seek liberation and yearn for better from God, who are open and willing to accept what He is offering.” This is one of many places where the actionable root speaks as loudly as the noun derived from it. ‘Ebyown is from “‘abah – to earnestly desire acceptance.” God’s offer is open to everyone, but only those who accept will benefit.

“Your desire is to arise, take a stand, and encourage (quwm – Your choice is to establish and confirm, coming onto the scene to provide validation and proof), Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s personal and proper name, pronounced: YaHoWaH, based upon hayah – to exist).

Do not allow mortal man to prevail by being controlling, oppressive, and overbearing (‘al ‘enowsh ‘azaz – and let nothing of ordinary and common men who are brazen and defiant remain (qal imperfect jussive)).

589The Gentile institutions and nations (gowym – the non-Yisra’elites, the individuals and countries of different societal customs and ethnicities with religious or political affiliations) must be judged (shaphat – be tried based upon determining what is right and wrong, be decided upon and discriminated against, then be condemned and punished as deserved (nifal imperfect)) upon (‘al – before or during) Your appearance (panym ‘atah – Your presence).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:19)

The religious and political ways of man are indelibly intertwined and debilitating. This must end for Heaven on Earth to begin.

Please recognize that the one making this request of Yahowah is Dowd, our Messiah and King. And as such, Father and Son are not coming back to redeem mankind but, instead, to thwart human schemes.

This statement pits the family of man against Dowd, his people, Yahuwdym, and the Family of God. This is profoundly important.

This statement also provides a refutation of the counterproductive notion found in today’s Christian New Testament: “Judge not lest you be judged.” Since God is taking a stand against the schemes of mortal men, since He is judging the Gentiles, we would be right to do the same. It is only by exercising good judgment and by being discerning that our response to God is thoughtful and responsive.

Gentiles estranged from Yahowah and opposed to Yisra’el will not endure God’s return. Whether they be counted among Christians, Muslims, Progressives (as agnostics and atheists), conspirators, or caste-imposing Hindus, they will be seen as an impediment to peace upon His return for His people. As part of Gowym nations and institutions, they remain estranged. As mere mortals, they will not survive.

590The Messiah is clearly not amused by their religion or politics, their militaristic and conspiratorial ways. He would ask of Yah…

“It is my choice and Your decision to constitute and impose upon them (shyth – We are in agreement that it is best if You appoint for them, put, place, and set upon them (qal imperative cohortative paragogic he energic second-person masculine singular)) a sense of dread and fear, the disconcerting realization (mowrah – a sense of respect born out of valid information and authorized instruction), Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of the name of ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah existence and our shalowm – restoration), that the Gentiles (gowym – that the non-Yisra’elites, the individuals and countries of different societal customs and ethnicities with religious or political affiliations) realize (yada’ – come to know and recognize) they are mortal (hem ‘enowsh – that they are just men).

Pause now and reflect on this (selah).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:20)

In a way, Christians have been right all along. God is coming for their Church – albeit to destroy it.

There are only two ways to get out of this life alive, one good, and the other bad. Those whose souls are not extinguished will either spend eternity in Shamaym with Dowd or in She’owl with Sha’uwl. They are either tsadaq | right or rasha’ | wrong.

Prior to composing these translations, I was unaware that the initial Mizmowr | Psalms were all written prophetically of Dowd’s role in the fulfillment of the Mow’edym, from Pesach to Sukah in the Last Days. Between Kipurym and Sukah there will be a time of conflict between Yahuwdym and Gowym, between Yahowah and mortal man. There will be a referendum between relationship and religion.

591As is our custom, let’s reconsider Dowd’s words without interruption or comment…

“To (la) the Enduring Guide and Everlasting Director (ha natsach) upon the death of the son (‘al muwth la ha ben). A Mizmowr | Melody and Lyrics (mizmowr) of Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd). (Mizmowr 9: Introduction)

I express my appreciation (yadah) to Yahowah (Yahowah) with my whole heart and in my best judgment (ba kol leb ‘any). I want to recount in writing (saphar) all of (kol) Your wonderful deeds and amazing revelations (pala’ ‘atah). (Mizmowr 9:1)

I will rejoice (samach) and jubilantly express my admiration, celebrating (wa ‘alats) with You (ba ‘atah). I want to sing (zamar) to Your Godly name (shem ‘atah ‘elyown). (Mizmowr 9:2)

With (ba) the turning away (shuwb) of my enemies, those with animosity and rancor toward me (‘oyeb ‘any), they will stumble back (‘achowr kashal) as they are expelled from (‘abad min) Your presence (paneh ‘atah). (Mizmowr 9:3)

For (ky) You have acted upon and engaged in (‘asah) my decision-making process regarding my means to resolve disputes (mishpat ‘any) and my ability to judge and be judgmental, distinguishing between right and wrong (wa dyn ‘any).

And You have established (wa yashab) the approach to the seat of honor and authority (la kise’). You have rendered the right decision and have judged fairly, being rational and just (shaphat tsedeq). (Mizmowr 9:4)

You will rebuke and reprimand, convict and then censure (ga’ar) the Gowym | Gentiles (gowym). You will in a moment in time expel and exterminate (‘abad) 592those who are misleading and mistaken, the guilty and wrong (rasha’).

Their names and designations (shem hem), You will have blotted out (machah) forevermore, including said testimony (la ‘owlam wa ‘od). (Mizmowr 9:5)

The Adversary (ha ‘oyeb) will cease and be finished (taman), in a state of ruin, deserted and wasted (chorebah), forever (la netsah). Additionally (wa), You will uproot and destroy (nathash) cities, shrines, and temples (‘iyr) such that the remembrance of them (zeker hem) ceases to exist (‘abad). (Mizmowr 9:6)

So then (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah), He lives forevermore, establishing the eternal dwelling place (la ‘owlam yashab kuwn) for His seat of honor (kise’ huw’) on behalf of those who exercise good judgment regarding the way to resolve disputes (la ha mishpat). (Mizmowr 9:7)

Then (wa) He, Himself, will execute justice (huw’ shaphat) on this perverse and confused world (tebel), doing so correctly and fairly (ba tsedeq), judging (dyn) the nations and people who are religious and political (la’om) in a straightforward and equitable manner in conformance with the established standard (meysharym). (Mizmowr 9:8)

Therefore (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) exists as (hayah) a safe and secure place to dwell (misgab) for those who have been harassed, afflicted, or slandered (la ha dak), a safe and secure place of refuge (misgab) as troubling times approach (la ‘eth batsarah). (Mizmowr 9:9)

Then (wa) those who know and acknowledge (yada’) Your name (shem ‘atah), they will trust and rely upon You (batach ba ‘atah) because (ky). Indeed (ky), You have not and will not abandon or forsake (lo’ 593‘azab) those who seek You (darash ‘atah), Yahowah (Yahowah). (Mizmowr 9:10)

You should want to sing (zamar) to (la) Yahowah (Yahowah) who establishes a dwelling place (yashab) on Tsyown | among the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown).

Of your own volition, choose to report among the people and family (nagad ba ha ‘amym) what He has done (‘alylah huw’). (Mizmowr 9:11)

Indeed (ky), He who accounts for (darash) blood (dam) is mindful of them (‘eth hem zakar). He will not overlook or forget (lo’ shakah) the cry of distress and screams of pain (tsa’aqah) of the miserably afflicted (‘any). (Mizmowr 9:12)

You have chosen to be generous and favor me (chanan ‘any), Yahowah (Yahowah). By choice, You have seen (ra’ah) my tremendous dedication to accomplishing the mission of being a witness and my frustration over the abuse I’ve endured as a result of responding and accomplishing the goal (‘ony ‘any) from those who dislike and shun me (min sane’ ‘any), so as to lift me up on high, honoring and exalting me (ruwm ‘any) from the gates (min sha’ar) of death (maweth). (Mizmowr 9:13)

As a result (la ma’an), I have chosen to recount and proclaim, providing a written record of (saphar) all of Your superlative accomplishments and adorable characteristics in a song of appreciation (kol tahilah ‘atah) within the gates (ba sha’ar) of the environs (bath) of Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown).

I will take great pleasure in rejoicing in and celebrating (gyl) Your liberation, deliverance, and salvation (yashuw’ah ‘atah). (Mizmowr 9:14)

594The Gentiles (gowym) will have sunk down and been embedded (taba’) into the pit of destruction (ba shachath) which they have fashioned (‘asah), into the impoverishing and destructive trap of disinheritance (ba resheth) which (zuw) they have concealed (tamuwn). Their feet, stance, and their every step (regel hem) are captured in it (lakad). (Mizmowr 9:15)

Yahowah (Yahowah) has become recognizable and knowable, perceived and acknowledged (yada’) by the means to exercise good judgment and resolve disputes (mishpat) which He acts upon and engages in (‘asah).

Those guilty of being wrong, who mislead and are misled (rasha’), are ensnared and controlled (naqash) by the deeds (ba po’al) of their hands (kaph hem). Please ponder this (higayown selah). (Mizmowr 9:16)

Those guilty of religious malfeasance (rasha’) will be turned away (shuwb) unto She’owl (la Sha’uwl / She’owl), along with almost every (kol) Gentile nation and institution (gowy) which disrespects (shakach) God (‘elohym). (Mizmowr 9:17)

By contrast (ky), the plight of those willing to receive deliverance, who accept the offer of liberation and assistance, yearning for better (‘ebyown), will not always be forgotten (lo’ la netsach shakach).

For this expectation (tiqowah) on behalf of those who are responsive (‘anaw) will not be forestalled or squandered (‘abad) forever (‘ad). (Mizmowr 9:18)

Your desire is to arise and take a stand, establishing and encouraging while providing validation and proof (quwm), Yahowah (YaHoWaH).

Do not allow mortal man to prevail by being controlling, oppressive, and overbearing (‘al ‘enowsh ‘azaz). The Gentile institutions and nations (gowym) 595must be judged and condemned (shaphat) upon (‘al) Your appearance (panym ‘atah). (Mizmowr 9:19)

We are in agreement that it is best if You constitute and impose upon them (shyth) a sense of dread and fear, the disconcerting realization born out of authorized instruction (mowrah), Yahowah (Yahowah), that the Gentiles (gowym) realize (yada’) they are mortal and just men (hem ‘enowsh).

Pause now and reflect on this (selah).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 9:20)

From beginning to end, it is one consistent story. And it all exists to call Yahuwdym home.
