…Faith is for Fools
Worse than his Writing…
The initial draft of Questioning Paul was completed in 2009. Two years later, I rewrote it from the perspective of the prophetic portrayal of Sha’uwl presented in Chabaquwq | Habakkuk. The result was more accusatory, in keeping with Yahowah’s assessment of the miserable man He called “the Plague of Death.”
A decade would pass before I would return to it, editing Questioning Paul a third time in early 2021. I learned a great deal in the intervening period, particularly while studying Yasha’yah | Isaiah, the Mashal | Proverbs and Mizmowr | Psalms for the eight volumes which currently comprise Observations and Coming Home. Based upon these insights, I began to update everything I had written to correctly reflect what Yahowah had revealed through His Prophets.
It was during this time that I began to fathom the most extraordinary insights, something the world had missed for the better part of 3,000 years. God’s message would transform the lives of Yahuwdym | Jews while obliterating the tenets of Judaism and Christianity, undermining the Talmud and New Testament.
According to Yahowah, Dowd | David, the Chosen and Beloved of the Father, is the Son of God. He is the Shepherd, Messiah, and King. And he is the one who is returning to reestablish and lead Yisra’el. These designations, therefore, do not apply to Iesou Christou 341much less Jesus Christ. Accordingly, Paul was wrong – but so were Mark, Luke, and Matthew.
However, even then, that rewrite wouldn’t reveal the full extent of what we should know about the Messiah and Son of God. While closer to the truth than anyone had been in 2,500 years, the most extraordinary discovery was a year away. You see, Dowd was more than the sum of his titles because he was also our savior. Dowd volunteered to serve as the Passover Lamb and then to fulfill Matsah, extending and perfecting the lives of every Covenant member. He returned in 30 CE, a thousand years after his reign as king, and just three years in advance of the 80th Yowbel year of 4000 Yah. His basar | corporeal body served as the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb to open the Door to Life and to Heaven during Passover. The following day, on Matsah, a Shabat in 33 CE, Dowd’s nepesh | soul was laden with the religious and political guilt of his people so that he could deposit it all in She’owl, never to be seen again.
With this realization, one proclaimed throughout the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, there is no longer any place for the Christian replacement – not by any name or stolen title. Simply stated, Jesus never existed. He was a counterfeit for Dowd.
In the previous rewrite, I had concluded that, while Dowd was the Messiah and Son of God, I did not yet know that he had volunteered to fulfill Pesach and Matsah. So, to honor His promises, I had thought that Yahowah might have projected His soul into a corporeal being named Yahowsha’, serving as an avatar of sorts, and that He fulfilled the Miqra’ey in this manner. Jesus was then, by this reckoning, a blend of Dowd and the avatar, Yahowsha’. But there is no need for any of that, and in fact, it gets in the way of a far more compelling and courageous truth.
I came upon the ultimate discovery when retranslating 342the first thirty Mizmowr | Psalms of Dowd for an updated version of Coming Home. It was then that I realized that Father and Son were in one accord, that Dowd had decided that he wanted to serve his people in this magnificent way, and that Yahowah supported His Son’s decision. Both realized that by enduring two days of extreme anguish Dowd would earn the respect and devotion of every Covenant member for all eternity. It is why the 22nd and 88th Mizmowr were written in first person, describing the ordeal. It is why Dowd was acknowledged throughout the prophets as the most exceptional man who ever lived. It is why he is called the Zarowa’ and Savior. And it is why the 89th Mizmowr was scribed as the Cornerstone of the Covenant in year 3000 Yah.
Therefore, it is time we consider some of the prophetic testimony about Dowd, all leading to Dowd’s Song in the 89th Mizmowr. The truth is the opposite of what Sha’uwl / Paul and his colleagues would say in their attempt to misappropriate what Dowd represents and what he has achieved. Once we understand what Paul and his pals said, and why they said it, we will examine the prophetic text in the Psalms, Shamuw’el, and Yasha’yah in subsequent chapters to better appreciate the remarkable lives of this exceptional man.
As it would transpire, the first man Paul tried to intimidate and then condemn by name, Roman Catholicism’s first pope, was complicit in the crime of the millennium. This bumbling fisherman was evidently culpable of misidentifying the Messiah, having done so with devastating consequences for those lured into the new religions these men were promulgating. He was born as Shim’own ben Yownah but was allegedly renamed Kephash to commemorate an inauspicious event. Here, I’m using the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word as it now appears in the spurious, plagiarized, and anti-Semitic Gospel of Matthew.
343As was the Roman Church’s custom, this new moniker was wrongly interpreted to mean “rock” based on keph | stone (Strong’s H3710). However, kephash (Strong’s H3728) means “to be bent over and trampled.” Most are unaware of this because, with Christians hating all things Hebrew, the man’s replacement name, Kephash, was immediately, inappropriately, and errantly translated as petra | rock in Greek. Then, to make it gender-appropriate, petra became Petros and was subsequently transliterated as Peter. I share this with you because Christians were not only adept at identity theft, misappropriating, and counterfeiting, they changed names with reckless abandon. And this propensity to replace one name with another lies at the heart of the Christian experience.
Beyond the irresponsible breaches in scholarship to derive the resulting, and now commonly accepted, moniker, “Peter,” other problems remain. Since it was Dowd, who returned to honor the Towrah’s Miqra’ey on behalf of its Beryth and people, Yisra’el, under Yahowah’s sponsorship, he would not have had Disciples. While Dowd was unique among kings in that he was an accomplished shepherd and teacher, he had committed his lessons to writing a thousand years earlier. He was here as the Pesach ‘Ayil and not as Professor Change Everything. If Dowd wanted companions this time around, he would have chosen individuals with whom he shared something in common and, thus, fellow shepherds, soldiers, or accomplished lyricists. Dowd was not a fisherman or a dunderhead.
While Dowd was the Messiah and Son of the Living God, he would not have asked the flaky fisherman who he thought he might have been. Those pronouncements were indelibly etched into the prophetic pronouncements made centuries earlier. And even if we were to play along with the replacement cast of characters, the Messiah would have had no reason to alter a Hebrew name, especially one that 344nullifies the transition from Shim’own | He Listens to Kephash | He is Bent and Trampled. And as we discovered previously, the retrofitted dialog regarding the impetus for the new name immediately transitions to identifying Shim’own, now Kephash, as “Satan.”
This known, a character now referred to as “Peter” in the 2nd chapter of English translations of Luke’s incredulous Acts of the Apostles comes out bumbling and stumbling in his first public address. As he attempts to explain the non-existent fulfillment of the still future Shabuw’ah Harvest, he did as was the custom of Christianity’s founding fathers. He was grasping at prophetic straws, desperate to find something God revealed which could be misconstrued to explain the absurd characterization of this non-event in association with the mischaracterization of his Messianic counterfeit. As a result, in Acts 2:17-21, “Peter,” allegedly speaking to disbelieving Jews, spews out an unrecognizable paraphrase of Yow’el | Joel 2:28-32.
So that you are forewarned, fourth only to Dowd, Moseh, and Yasha’yah, Yow’el is my favorite prophet. He is not only exceptionally insightful and articulate, his message is for those of us living today, on the cusp of the Time of Israel’s Troubles and less than a decade prior to Dowd’s return.
Also interesting in this regard, during this corrective pass through Questioning Paul, now Twistianity, I began by citing Yow’el. However, when I was some 80 pages into the new introduction, I realized that it was too essential to God’s people at this time to serve as an introduction to a series of books denouncing Christianity. So, I removed it, thinking that it was better suited to serve as the beginning of the next volume to be written, Coming Home ~ Dowd | Beloved. And while I highlighted it at the time by integrating it into the Yada Yah Radio Towrah Teachings, I suspect that it will also be included here, perhaps by 345increasing Twistianity from four to five volumes in the process.
In this case, had believers or their skeptics been informed and rational, the misappropriation of the prophet’s depictions of the horrible and wonderful events pursuant to the Last Days would have been sufficient to renounce Peter, the Book of Acts, and the Christian New Testament. It vividly depicts a far more horrific repeat of the October 7th Massacre followed by Yahowah’s return with His Son, the Gibowr | Most Combative and Courageous Man, to restore Yahuwdym and rid Yisra’el of all traces of gowym | gentiles. Therefore, the Shabuw’ah Harvest, when associated with Yow’el’s prophecies, places it at the commencement of the Time of Israel’s Troubles, and thus on May 22nd, 2026, seven years before the Messiah’s return, not in 33 CE. The Promise of the Shabat denotes the Harvest of Standing Grain, and the withdrawal of the Covenant Family comprised of Yahuwdym and Gowym immediately prior to the final Islamic assault on Israel in which a thousand-fold the aerial bombardments and belligerent mujahideen will invade Israel to terrorize, rape, adduct, mutilate, torture, incinerate, and annihilate Jews.
Therefore, Peter’s gross miscalculation should have foreclosed the credibility of the new religion before it was born. Rather than announcing the fulfillment of the fourth Miqra’ey or the birth of a Gentile Church to replace Israel, Yow’el was heralding the fulfillment of the final four Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet as the worst of times leading to the best of times and the eternal restoration of Yisra’el and the obliteration of all traces of religion and politics. Yow’el’s prophecy presents the antithesis of what “Peter” mischaracterized.
Undeterred by his colossal miscalculation, the man acclaimed as Roman Catholicism’s first Pope, errantly professed…
346“And it shall come to pass (eimi) all (pas) who (hos), and as many as (an), call upon (epikaleomai) the (ho) personal and proper name (onoma) of the Kurio | Lord (ΚΩ) will be saved (sozo).” (Acts 2:21)
Actually, just the opposite. Those who call on the Lord will follow Satan to She’owl. For those looking to go in the other direction, the one name that matters is Yahowah.
At the time, the Roman province of Yahuwdah | Judah was comprised of Yahuwdym. The Yisra’elites had been hauled away into slavery by the Assyrians seven centuries earlier. Therefore, this is incorrect…
“Israelite (Israelites) men (andros), listen to (akouo) these words (logos): Iesou (ΙΝΥ – a placeholder for Iesou which became Jesus in the 17th century) the Nazarene (Nazoraios), is a man (andros) who publicly demonstrated (apodeiknymi) to (eis) you (sy) that he is from (apo) Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) using supernatural powers and abilities (dynamis) to perform extraordinary miracles with prophetic significance (teras).
These are signs (semeion) which (hos) Theos | God (ΘΣ) performed (poieomai) through (dia) him (autos) in your midst (mesos) as (kathos) you know (oida).” (Acts 2:22)
There was no one named Iesou, much less “Jesus,” in the 1st century CE. There are no prophecies regarding the arrival of an Iesou | Jesus anywhere to be found. The man who had been foretold to arrive, many hundreds of times, to fulfill Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym, was Dowd. He had come and gone, doing exactly as had been prophesied.
Identifying the next mistake, the town of Nazoraios | Nazareth didn’t exist at the time. There had been a small village by another name in that location several centuries 347prior, but it had been abandoned by the 2nd century BCE. The myth of “Jesus of Nazareth” was developed jointly by Emperor Constantine’s mother after her tour of the “Holy Land” and Constantine’s propagandist, the nefarious Roman Catholic Bishop Eusebius in the 4th century CE.
Since Iesou never existed, it would have been miraculous, I suppose, for him to have made a public demonstration of Godly intent. And as we have become aware, when someone claims to be using “supernatural powers to perform miracles” they are showing off in league with Satan and not serving Yah.
The only “signs that God performed” were with His Son, Dowd, and they were all in conjunction with delivering his basar wa nepesh | body and soul to fulfill Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. Moreover, if the fables had been obvious and commonly known, Saint Peter wouldn’t have to remind the “Israelite men” in this way.
Therefore, this has been an inauspicious beginning to the mistaken claim to misappropriate Shabuw’ah from Yahowah and the Covenant Family. And up to their normal tricks, Christians even managed to rename the confiscated Miqra’, reconstituting Seven Sevens and the Promise of the Shabat as “Pentecost.”
While it was true that the Yahuwdym in Yahuwdah during the 80th Yowbel year of 4000 Yah / 33 CE failed to recognize Dowd as the Son of God fulfilling Chag Matsah, it cannot be said that they “knew” Iesou | Jesus of Nazoraios | Nazareth who performed feats of derring-do. Therefore, this is also false…
“He was appointed to (horizo) the prearranged and prophetic (prognosis) plan and purpose (boule) of Theos (ΘΣ), he was betrayed and given over (ekdotos) to (dia) the hand (cheir) of the ‘Towrahless’ (anomos) who chose to take control and lift him up (anaireo), affixing him (prospegnumi).” (Acts 2:23)
348As I have attested, there isn’t a single prophecy announcing an Iesou | Jesus of Nazoraios | Nazareth, or of such a person being “appointed,” “pre-arranged,” or part of a “prophetic plan or purpose” of theos | god. To have said it is to have lied. And the reason these clowns don’t attempt to state otherwise, is that there is nothing to misappropriate. Every prophetic portrayal pertaining to the fulfillment of Passover points to Dowd, as do all narratives addressing the return of our king.
Twistians are keen on delegitimizing and demonizing Jews because, without doing so, there is no justification for their god abandoning them and replacing Jews with gowy | gentile churchites. And so, while it was “Peter’s” intent to protest that his “Israelite” audience “betrayed” the mythical god-man and “gave him over” to the control of the anomos | Towrahless to be crucified, it was Peter, Paul, and Company who were “Towrahless.”
Further, if the fabled Jesus had been a god, then men could not have controlled his destiny or caused him to die. And since the actual Messiah was there to offer his body as the Passover Lamb, had the Jews contributed to the process, they should be acclaimed not condemned. Also, the prearranged prophetic plan of Yahowah and His Son Dowd, was for his basar wa nepesh to fulfill Chag Matsah – nothing more and nothing less. While it would have been lovely if Yahuwdym recognized and appreciated the sacrifice, as opposed to ignoring and rejecting it, “betrayal” was never part of the plan.
And since the false claim has been repeated, it is worth noting that there is no mention of anything Peter was proposing discussed in the Towrah or Prophets. They speak of Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children, of the Towrah, Beryth, and Miqra’ey, of Dowd who is the Messiah, Son of God, and Savior, and of the ultimate reconciliation of Yahuwdym with Yisra’el coinsiding with the reestablishment of the Beryth at the expense of Gentiles 349who will be expunged at this time. Therefore, like his rival Paul, Peter is unable to offer anything which was honest and true.
Since the time of ‘Abraham, and then augmented by Moseh, the Children of Yisra’el have never been Towrahless. While they have superseded the Towrah with the Talmud, the Towrah is still touted as part of their lives. Imperial Rome was anomos, as is the Roman Catholic Church, and as were Peter and Paul. So, I suppose it was an unintended confession.
As we know, there is every indication that Jews failed to recognize Dowd and they did not acknowledge his fulfillment of Chag Matsah. This remains true today. However, there is a difference between ignorance and complicity, between not knowing and betraying. Also, Twistians are far more complicit in this betrayal because they deliberately attributed Dowd’s Chag Matsah sacrifice to their mythical misnomer Iesou | Jesus who they claimed was murdered and resurrected wholly disjoined from Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym.
Even when the Greek is corrected to reflect the Hebrew ‘El | God, none of this occurred…
“Theos (ΘΩ) restored him to life and raised him (anistamai), releasing and dismissing him (lou) from the suffering and pain (odin) of death (thanatos) because (kathoti) it was not (ou) possible (dynatos) for him to exist (eimi) held and influenced (krateo) by (hypo) these things.” (Acts 2:24)
The Passover Lamb is neither resurrected nor revived. That would defeat the purpose. Typically, the lamb is consumed to nourish the family during this celebration of life among the firstborn. However, since the body fulfilling Pesach was Dowd’s, and since no one seemed to care at the time, discretion dictated, as did the Towrah, that the remains of his mutilated basar be incinerated that night. It 350had served its purpose.
So, this is another false statement. Dowd’s soul never died, not 3,000 years ago or 2,000 years ago. Had Dowd’s nepesh died, there would have been no way to fulfill Matsah or Bikuwrym, nor any way for him to return as King less than a decade from this writing in 2033.
While still in the body, Dowd’s soul was not released from the pain and suffering of death. He endured it as is graphically portrayed in the 22nd Mizmowr. Before his soul was removed from the Roman execution stake, the disposable body died in the role of the Pesach ‘Ayil.
It was She’owl | Hell, not odin | suffering pain or thanatos | death which was incapable of holding Dowd’s soul. This distinction is monumental and yet butchered by the alleged disciple.
And it is in the midst of this sobering introduction to the misappropriated Shabuw’ah Harvest that we find the first recorded statement replacing Dowd with someone else in the role of Messiah. And as is typical of Christians, it comes by way of misrepresenting a prophetic pronouncement – this time Dowd’s 16th Mizmowr / Psalm…
“For (gar – because) David (ΔΔ – a placeholder for Dowd using the Greek transliteration Dauid) said (lego) of (eis) him (autos), ‘I foresee (proorao) the Kurios | Lord (ΚΩ) in front of (enopion) me (ego) always (pas) on my behalf (dia) because (hoti) from (ek – out of) his right hand (dexios) I will not be (me eimi) shaken or swayed (saleuomai). (Acts 2:25)
Therefore (dia), my heart (kardia) rejoices (euphrainomai), and my tongue (glossa) delights (agalliao) that also (eti) my flesh (sarkos) will abide and endure (kataskenoo) as a result of (epi) a confident and trusting expectation (elpis). (Acts 2:26)
351Because (hoti) my soul (psyche) will not (ou) be utterly forsaken and totally abandoned (egkataleipo) in Hades (hades). Neither (oude) will Your Holy One (hosios) be allowed (didomi) to see (horao) decay and decomposition (diaphthora). (Acts 2:27)
Reveal and make known to (gnorizo) me (ego) the way (hodos) to a complete (pleroo) life (zoe) of joy and gladness (euphrosyne) in proximity to (meta) Your presence (prosopon).’” (Acts 2:28)
This “citation” from Psalm 16 proves that “Peter” was deliberately misleading his audience in typical Christian fashion. If Peter and Paul weren’t lying, they weren’t talking.
The erroneously purloined and quoted Mizmowr was written in first person by Dowd. The Messiah knew what to anticipate from his Father because he knew what God wanted to provide and what He expected in return. It is a simple equation: be observant and trust Yahowah, and He will attend to your needs, providing comfort and protection. It begins…
“A poem (miktam – a written piece of literature, inscribed by staining the parchment upon which it is indelibly conveyed; from ma – to ponder and question and kethem – the elements which are pure gold) of Dowd (la Dowd – concerning the Beloved).
You want to watch closely over me and be concerned about me (shamar ‘any – You keep a caring focus upon me, tending to me by choice, and You are observant regarding me (qal imperative)), God (‘el), because (ky) in You (ba ‘atah – with You), I confide and rely, I trust so I am kept safe and comforted (chasah – I depend on for protection and safekeeping).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:1)
Dowd, more than anyone, had reason to gloat. God 352chose him, anointed him Mashyach, empowered him with His Spirit, called him His Son, said that he was right, made him a prophet, and picked him to shepherd His people, serving as their king forevermore. From Yahowah’s perspective, Dowd was and remains the brightest and most articulate man in human history. And yet, Dowd recognized that apart from Yah, even after fulfilling the Miqra’ey, he had nothing to offer. And yet together, they would offer the keys to understanding the Towrah and to participating in the Covenant.
“I say (‘amar – I confess and convey, expressing in words), to approach (la – drawing near and concerning) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name pronounced as taught and guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation from ‘elowah – our God), ‘You are my foundation and support (‘edown ‘any ‘atah – You are my Upright One who is the Pillar of my Tabernacle), I have nothing to offer which is worthwhile or useful (tobah ‘any bal – I have nothing good, satisfying, or beneficial) apart from You (‘al ‘atah – over You, God).’” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:2)
Together they were pure poetry, composing prose that was both satisfying and beneficial. And thanks to what they accomplished through this collaboration, by harmoniously composing these lyrics, we have become part of their celebration.
“Regarding (la – concerning) the Set Apart (qadowsh – the separated and uncommon) in the Land (ba ha ‘erets – within the country and material realm) who show the way to the relationship (‘asher – who lead to the benefits of the proper path), they are also (hem wa) awesome (‘adyr – marvelous, desirable, and splendid, honorable and worthy), and in them (ba hem – with them) is all my satisfaction and enjoyment (kol chephets – is my greatest joy, engendering my complete support and 353appreciation).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:3)
Dowd is addressing the Covenant Family. He realizes the more the merrier. He understands how we can all be part of the same refrain. And he is pleased to share his Father, his Land, his relationship, and his joy with all who will listen to his poem.
Yes, Dowd has been given more than anyone else, more than we can possibly imagine, and yet, what he finds truly awesome is sharing it with his brothers and sisters. He is excited about what matters most: adding to Yah’s Family.
There are two reasons for this. First, life with Yah is marvelous. There is more to give than there are souls seeking an inheritance. And second, life is traumatic for those who impetuously chase after imaginary gods. Dowd, having experienced the best his Father has to offer, wants the same result for his people. That is what qualifies him to serve as Yah’s shepherd.
There is an undercurrent of appreciation in these words. The surviving remnant of Yisra’el will finally come to realize that they owe their very existence to Dowd. By fulfilling the Miqra’ey, he made it possible for us to receive the benefits of the Covenant. However, most will forego the greatest of gifts…
“The sorrows and suffering (‘atsebeth – the anxiety and anguish, the unfavorable circumstances and mental state, as well as the trauma) of those (hem) who are impetuous and who chase after (mahar – who are rash and without wisdom, who are fearful, and unwilling to invest the time to study, and who quickly buy into) another (‘achar – someone or something different, either following along or doing so to develop a following) will be great as they will be numerous and influential (rabah – will multiply, becoming the preponderance of people, and who through their popularity will gain tremendous status).
354Their drink offerings of blood (nesek hem min dam – their sacred and pagan liquid libations to a deity associated with killing and death [a.k.a. the Roman Catholic claim that “Jesus” died and that they are drinking his blood during their Eucharist]), I will never pour or offer (bal nasak – I will not endorse or cause to happen, especially with all of their associations with pagan gods, religious rites, and death). And I will not advance or promote (ba nasa’ – I will never lift up or bear, honor or respect, desire or tolerate) their names (‘eth shem hem) on my lips (‘al sapah – as part of my speech).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:4)
There is a religion that has become enormous and influential, and its rites include drink offerings of blood: Christianity and especially the Roman Catholic Church. Dowd is professing that he will never endorse anything the largest and most powerful institution to co-opt his reputation does or says. He will not partake in their Eucharist or promote their names. He, as is the case with every one of Yahowah’s prophets, never speaks on behalf of a Christ, Christian, Jesus, Catholic, Cross, or Church. These names are not part of God’s plan. Moreover, there is no justification whatsoever for the most practiced of Catholic religious rites: the Eucharist.
The Roman Catholic Church deliberately and dishonestly stole what Yahowah gave to His Son and to His people, all to shore up its complete lack of credibility. Therefore, Dowd has a great deal to say about the consequence of their malfeasance. Christianity not only became the most pervasive and abusive adversary to his people, but no institution in human history would also mislead as many souls. And they would do so through Replacement Foolology: stealing for themselves God’s promises to His beloved Son and our Savior.
However, there is another horrifying possibility directly related to drinking blood. For those who have read 355volume three, Babel: Chemah ~ Venomous, you may recall the grotesque nature of the Feast of the Beast as it was presented in the waning chapters of Ezekiel. Upon Satan’s arrival in Jerusalem on the 1st of ‘Abyb in 2033, his initial order of business will be to replace the Towrah’s Mow’edym with his own macabre variations. His inaugural event will be to eat, in cannibalistic fashion, the gibowrym | most capable and courageous men of God. And during this ghoulish event, the celebrants will drink the blood of those they have sacrificed. While the Lord of Babel speaks of literally eating human flesh and drinking blood, the underlying symbolic intent is to devour Dowd and his Heralds – the two Witnesses.
Rather than irritating Yahowah by doing the opposite of what His Towrah instructs, as was the case with Peter and Paul, Dowd selected a different cup from which to drink…
“Yahowah’s (Yahowah – God’s proper name pronounced as taught and guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation from ‘elowah – our God) gift is my decision, my fate, my assigned share, and my reward (manath cheleq ‘any – is my allotment by choice, my parcel of ground, my portion of what is offered, and my nourishment) as well as my cup and receptacle (wa kows ‘any – and the vessel which holds what I will drink). You (‘atah) uphold (tamak – hold and control) my lot and destiny (gowral ‘any – my portion and allotment, even my systematic means of making decisions, delineating the outcome).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:5)
All of those who participate in the Eucharist (where Catholic priests claim that they have turned wine into the blood of Jesus), or even partake in Communion (the Protestant alternative to Passover), will die, as did their imaginary god. Life is afforded to those who decide to accept Yahowah’s reward. And this begins with 356recognizing that Dowd served as the Passover Lamb.
When we are evaluated through the Towrah, we become acceptable in all of the delightful ways Yahowah intended. Through it, we inherit far more than the universe.
“The measuring lines (chebel – the inheritance and boundary lines, the shares and apportionments, symbolically even the rigging of the vessel and the joyful processions and boisterous parades) have aligned for me (naphal la ‘any – have been allotted and distributed to be) in highly acceptable and delightful ways (ba ha na’ym – in pleasant and favorable places). Surely (‘aph – indeed, and in addition), I have been offered (‘al ‘any) an enjoyable and pleasing, especially brilliant (shaphar – a lovely and beautiful, radiant and bright) inheritance (nachalah – association and share).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:6)
This is true not only for Dowd, Yah’s beloved Son, but for all of us who follow his lead. He was the Bakowr | Firstborn of Chag Matsah, but hardly the last. The Messiah opened the door and provided the way for us to enjoy Bikuwrym, participate in the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests and celebrate his Kipurym homecoming.
Beyond this, the universe we have been given to explore is not only ninety-three billion light-years across, but it also exists in two additional dimensions beyond those we can presently perceive – and Heaven is yet another dimension beyond. Our inheritance through the Covenant is indeed bright and beautiful. As a result, it is fitting and right…
“I will commend the excellence of (barak ‘eth – I favor the goodness and I am thankful for the greatness of) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s proper name pronounced as taught and guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation from ‘elowah – our God), who, to show the way to the 357benefits of the relationship (‘asher – who, to lead the way to the path to get the greatest joy out of life), determines the plan and provides me with counsel and purpose (ya’ats ‘any – decides the direction and offers me advice), even as (‘aph – and surely also), during the night (laylah), my emotional response to being Yah’s implement (kilyah ‘any – my kidneys (which the ancient Hebrews perceived as the source of emotions), core nature, inclinations, and feelings, my innermost being; a compound of kol – total, kaly – implement of Yah) provides me with disciplined teaching, proper instruction, and correction (yasar ‘any – facilitates my training and acceptance, direction and guidance, and my appreciation for cause and consequence).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:7)
Even the most gifted teacher required instruction and he received his from the Best. And to a marvelous extent, Dowd enjoyed serving as Yahowah’s implement. He relished God’s plan for his life and the counsel He provided to reveal his purpose. He saw the Towrah for what its name implies: the source of disciplined teaching and proper instruction. His life’s mission became commending what Yahowah had revealed to show the way to receive the benefits of this relationship. As a result, Dowd became the centerpiece of God’s plan for His people. He is the Cornerstone upon which the Covenant Family and Home are built. He is the Life, the Light, and the Way.
Everything God has said and done coalesces such that we are in the right place when we capitalize on the life and lyrics of the Zarowa’.
“I intensely desire to firmly place (shawah – I genuinely want to put) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s proper name pronounced as taught and guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation from ‘elowah – our God) before me (la neged ‘any – in front of me) always and 358continuously (tamyd – regularly and consistently, even perpetually).
Indeed (ky), as a result of (min) me being right (yamyn ‘any – my orientation, right side, or right hand, even looking east as the sun rises; from yaman – to choose to be right), I shall neither be shaken nor fall into an unfavorable or unresolvable circumstance (bal mowt – I will not slip up, be dislodged, habitually stagger, fail, or fall, nor will I lose control, be random in my approach, or found to be consistently inadequate (nifal imperfect – it is by being right that Dowd carries out and also receives the benefits which are ongoing throughout time)).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:8)
Dowd was not bragging. He was telling the truth. He knew that he was right, not only because Yahowah declared him so, but also because he had thoughtfully considered the Towrah. And having come to understand it, he had responded correctly. He was, therefore, aware of his Father’s promises in this regard, and knew that, as a result of being right, he would never be found inadequate or fail.
Knowing that he would fulfill Pesach and Matsah, Dowd was aware that he had made being right possible, not only for himself but also for his people. And by having done so, he realizes that he has made the rest of us right with Yah.
To know Yahowah in this way, to rely on God as Dowd has done, is to be bold and adventurous, living life to its fullest while proclaiming the truth without fear or hesitation. I know this not only because Yahowah inspired Dowd to say it, but because I’ve experienced it. In the 23 years that I’ve openly exposed and condemned Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Communism, Multiculturalism, Progressivism, Patriotism, Wokeism, Militarism, and Conspiracies, while unequivocally advocating Yahowah’s testimony, I have never been random in my approach, 359never encountered an unresolvable circumstance, never fallen into an unfavorable situation, never been dislodged from the truth, never lost control of any situation, nor have I been overwhelmed or failed. Striving to be right with Yah by observing and accepting His witness to us enables all of this. It has been the most rewarding and enjoyable part of my life, as it was with Dowd before me.
“Therefore (la ken – it is reasonable and rational as a consequence that), my attitude and thinking (leb ‘any – my inclination and disposition, my judgment and approach, my character and nature, my internal resolve and thoughtful response) are joyous (samach – are upbeat and happy, elated and content). What’s more (wa), the manifestation of power which is abundant and valued within my persona (kabowd ‘any – the glorious and rewarding Divine presence within me) expresses His joy over this enormously favorable and uplifting situation and outcome (gyl – sings and shouts as a result, calling out in jubilation, utterly delighted in this situation).”
Yahowah chose Dowd as His Firstborn Son, anointed him Mashyach, inspired him as a prophet, appointed him Shepherd and King, empowering him with His Spirit for our benefit as well as his. The point of all of this is that we can live like Dowd, be like Dowd, and experience what Dowd enjoyed when we study his words and apply them to our lives. Therefore, it is appropriate and desirable for us to acknowledge that, as a result of the Covenant, we experience similar benefits. We should all be singing along.
Returning his attention to the most adversarial influence on both Jews and Gentiles, Dowd levels a broadside attack against the Gnostic influence on the development of Judaism and Christianity. For example, in Judaism, G-d is incorporeal, therefore, unassociated with anything material, such as a son or a right hand. According to the rabbis, and in direct contradiction to Yahowah, their 360HaShem cannot manifest an aspect of His nature through fire, nor can He have eyes or a voice. He cannot return because it would have been impossible for Him to have been here. But then again, with the Haredi, afraid of the sciences and still stuck in the past, the potential of E=mc2, where matter is a diminished form of energy, eludes them.
Gnosticism is also a problem for Christianity because the argument that Sha’uwl / Paul used to usurp Yahowah, His Towrah, His Covenant, His People, and His Mashyach of their relevance, was to opine that they were of the flesh, which, from the Gnostic perspective, was corruptible and evil. Paul would then claim that, by contrast, his faith was spiritual and thus believable and worthy. He imposed his errant perceptions on ‘Abraham and Dowd to make his point. Unfortunately for Paul, and those who foolishly believe he spoke for God, the flesh isn’t evil. Moreover, there are beneficial and malevolent spirits – with the most adversarial of them inspiring Paul and the most beneficial inspiring Dowd to write these words...
“In addition (‘aph – moreover and furthermore), my Herald, proclaiming the good news regarding my corporeal body (basar – the pronouncement and positive news regarding my physical human and animal nature, and the substance which sustains my life), lives and abides (shakan – dwells and remains, camping out for a considerable period of time) with confidence (la betach – safely and securely, without any concern, through trusting and relying; from batach – to trust and rely with confidence and be bold, living without fear).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:9)
Basar, even when scribed as a noun, is still defined by its verbal root. Written identically as basar, it speaks of a herald proclaiming the good news – something listeners should receive positively. During Dowd’s first of three lives, Shamuw’el was his Basar | Herald. Then came ‘Eythan, who scribed the 89th Mizmowr in Dowd’s honor. 361And while the prophets all spoke of him, Dowd would not be heralded again in the fashion of Basar until the emergence of Yada Yahowah two decades ago. The truth is finally being told regarding what the Messiah volunteered to achieve on our behalf. And for the first time since he wrote these words 3,000 years ago, we are fully attuned to the role Dowd’s basar | corporeal body played in the fulfillment of Passover.
Since Dowd and his Herald are correct regarding the importance of Dowd’s basar | corporeal body, then Paul was not only wrong, Christianity’s faulty foundation crumbles with this basar | pronouncement. As is the case with everything in this debate, trust and reliance, indeed, confidence is a byproduct of knowing and understanding insights such as this, while faith bridges the gap when a believer is ignorant and irrational. The reason Yahowah inspired Dowd to share this with us is so that we could replace one with the other and, like His prophet, be right about God.
Speaking of not knowing, should you be of the belief that this poem hasn’t been about commending Yahowah and condemning Shim’own / Peter and the religion he co-founded with Sha’uwl / Paul, consider what follows, especially in light of what Peter stated during his first recorded speech: “For David says of Him, ‘I saw the Lord continually before me, because He is at my right hand, so that I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart was glad and my tongue was overjoyed; moreover my flesh also will live in hope; For You will not abandon my soul to Hades, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay. You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of gladness with Your presence.’” (Acts 2:25-28)
And he was not alone in trying to replace Dowd with the myth of Iesou: “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.” (Acts 13:36) 362Between them, their false statements prove that the principal actors engaged in promoting the Christian New Testament were deliberately deceitful regarding something near and dear to God’s heart.
By contrast, this is what the Messiah Dowd wrote 3,000 years ago…
“By way of contrast (ky – emphasizing this point while exposing the contrary position), You will not abandon Your association with (lo’ ‘azab – You will not neglect, reject, forsake, or desert, never releasing (qal imperfect)) my soul (nepesh ‘any – my consciousness, my inner nature, character, and personality) with regard to Sha’uwl (la She’owl / la Sha’uwl – by approaching She’owl or on behalf of the goals of Sha’uwl), never allowing (lo’ nathan – never offering or giving, not permitting or surrendering (qal imperfect)) Your Set-Apart one (chasyd ‘atah – Your dedicated and loyal one, Your special and unique individual (adjective singular)) to see (ra’ah – to look upon, to experience, to gloat about, or to find pleasure in) corruption or degradation (shachath – what it is like to be corrupt or corrupted, useless or ruined, marred or blemished, dishonest exploitation or fraud, especially in association with the slime of the dungeon and pit in which such corrupt and ruinous captives are destroyed).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:10)
This was written a thousand years in advance to invalidate Christianity as well as Judaism. Dowd is not dead, and in his second life, his body was not buried. He was speaking of himself and not of a Lord. Peter and Paul couldn’t have been more wrong.
What’s particularly illuminating about this statement is that both Peter and Paul (mis)quoted it as Divinely inspired, thereby acknowledging that it was from their god, implying it to be true. And yet by misappropriating it and then perverting the message to establish the lie of “Jesus,” 363Peter and Paul both demonstrated that they should not be trusted. Paul even doubled down on his errant rendering by stating… “So it is also stated elsewhere: ‘You will not let your holy one see decay.’” (Acts 13:35).
The contrasts in the debate are between relationship and religion, between right and wrong, between Yahowah and Dowd vs. Shim’own and Sha’uwl, between the Towrah and New Testament, and between the Covenant and religious cults. There is considerable incongruity and conflict between the Towrah and either the Talmud or New Testament.
God is on Dowd’s side, which is why Shim’own and Sha’uwl misquoted this statement and twisted it to claim otherwise. But forewarned is forearmed. We know that Yahowah will not allow the continuance of the Christian exploitation of His beloved Son, this willful disregard of the truth, or this degradation of His people and promises. It is so obvious that Dowd was speaking of himself and not a future Lord that with every word it’s apparent that Yahowah is seething over this travesty.
“You have made known to me (yada’ ‘any – You are my source of understanding, You reveal information and instruction to me, You enable me to be aware and perceptive such that I am acquainted with, able to reveal and experience (hifil imperfect second-person masculine singular – You alone constantly and consistently equip and enable me to know and understand such that I become ever more like You)) the way to (‘orach – the path, manner, conduct, and route to travel which leads from this place to) life (chay – living a bountiful, blessed, favorable, and prosperous existence, nourished, restored, and renewed; from chayah – to live and remain alive, with life restored and sustained).
There is total satisfaction and contentment in the abundant (soba’ – there is complete and abounding) 364transcendent joy (simchah – sublime delight with an uplifting cheerful attitude, favorably entertaining the senses) associated with Your presence (‘eth paneh ‘atah – through Your appearance and in association with Your face).
The pleasure of being accepted (na’ym – the benefits of being considered favorably and becoming acceptable, along with the melodious contentment and satisfaction) by being right with You (ba yamyn ‘atah – with my orientation on Your right side, with my right hand in Yours, and with me looking east in the morning toward You as the sun rises; from yaman – having chosen to be right) is glorious and forevermore (netsach – is splendid and unending, producing everlasting status and permanent prominence).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics to Sing / Psalm 16:11)
When we compare what Peter claimed to what Dowd said, it’s enough to make one wonder how it is that anyone dare claim to be a Christian scholar. From this:
“I will express and extol the excellence of (barak ‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), determines the plan and provides me with counsel and purpose (ya’ats ‘any), even as (‘aph), during the night (laylah), my emotional response to being Yah’s implement (kilyah ‘any) provides me with disciplined teaching, proper instruction, and correction (yasar ‘any). (Mizmowr 16:7)
I intensely desire to firmly place (shawah) Yahowah (Yahowah) before me (la neged ‘any) always and continuously (tamyd). Indeed (ky), as a result of (min) me being right (yamyn ‘any), I shall neither be shaken nor fall into an unfavorable or unresolvable circumstance (bal mowt). (Mizmowr 16:8)
Therefore (la ken), my attitude and thinking (leb ‘any) are joyous (samach). What’s more (wa), the manifestation of power which is abundant and valued 365within my persona (kabowd ‘any) expresses His joy over this enormously favorable and uplifting situation and outcome (gyl). In addition (‘aph), my Herald, proclaiming the good news regarding my corporeal body (basar), lives and abides (shakan) with confidence (la betach). (Mizmowr 16:9)
By way of contrast (ky), You will not abandon Your association with (lo’ ‘azab) my soul (nepesh ‘any) with regard to Sha’uwl (la She’owl / la Sha’uwl), never allowing (lo’ nathan) Your Set-Apart One (chasyd ‘atah) to experience corruption or degradation (shachath). (Mizmowr 16:10)
You have made known to me (yada’ ‘any) the way to (‘orach) life (chay). There is total satisfaction and contentment in the abundant (soba’) transcendent joy (simchah) associated with Your presence (‘eth paneh ‘atah). The pleasure of being accepted (na’ym) by being right with You (ba yamyn ‘atah) is glorious and forevermore (netsach).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 16:11)
To this: “For David says of Him, ‘I saw the Lord continually before me, because He is at my right hand, so that I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart was glad and my tongue was overjoyed; moreover my flesh also will live in hope; For You will not abandon my soul to Hades, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay. You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of gladness with Your presence.’” (Acts 2:25-28)
There is no chance whatsoever that this was an inadvertent mistake. Peter deliberately twisted the word of God to advance the religious deception known as Christianity. By comparing these statements, it becomes immediately obvious that the most moral and rational approach to the New Testament is to expose and condemn it.
The Messiah and Son of God, Dowd, is certifiably not 366dead. This is why he was able to fulfill Chag Matsah and why he will return as King. And since Dowd said the opposite of what Peter alleged, his soliloquy was a complete fraud, intentional and diabolical.
Ignoring what Dowd revealed, only to quote-mine and extract something he could kephash | bend, Peter misappropriated a prophecy affirming that Dowd would serve Yahowah by fulfilling Chag Matsah and live forevermore in God’s presence. He lied so that an imaginary character drawn out of pagan mythology and given a fictitious name could replace the Messiah. By errantly claiming that Dowd had passed the torch to his Lord and was dead and buried, in a prophecy which says the opposite, his goal was to transfer what was said about Dowd, including his title and throne, to his false god. This twisted and ruthless bastard engendered the Messiah’s wrath and Yahowah’s eternal damnation because he fooled billions of souls by claiming…
“Gentlemen (andros), brothers (adelphos), it is possible (exesti) after all to say (eipon) to you in open public discourse, enjoying freedom of speech (parresia) with regard to (pros) and concerning (peri) the patriarch (patriaches) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for Dauid, a Greek transliteration for Dowd), that (hoti) he both died (teleutao) and was buried (thapto), and his tomb (mnema) exists (eimi) among (en) us, even until (achri) this (houtos) day (hemera).” (Acts 2:29)
What do you suppose the odds were against Peter and Paul, who were irreconcilable and bitter foes, promoting the same lie in their first public address by misappropriating the same otherwise obscure verse to rob and bury Dowd, one in Acts 2 and the other in Acts 13? They both stole lyrics Dowd wrote to Yahowah, affirming that God would never allow his soul to die, to not only claim the opposite, but to justify applying the prophecy to “Jesus” since there were none which spoke of their 367mythical man-god. Why haven’t Christian scholars demonstrated the integrity to explain the obvious – that this means the myth of Christ and the allure of Christianity were built on an elaborate hoax that is neither credible nor accurate?
And this isn’t some minuscule sidebar that can be swept aside as poetic license, a slip of the tongue, or a figure of speech. It is an outright lie, a complete inversion of the Psalm, designed to dismiss Dowd such that his titles, accolades, and accomplishments could be misappropriated to create the false impression that their Iesou was the Christou, and that Theos had predicted his every move. And it is all rubbish – unadulterated bull excrement.
As a consequence of these deliberate deceptions and falsifications, billions have been beguiled into ignoring who Dowd is and what he has said and done relative to our guidance and reconciliation. This vital truth was buried under the grotesque contention that there was a Jesus Christ, a man-god, who was killed by Jews so that Christians could replace them and live. As a result, religious Jews countered with a false Messiah of their own – a miscalculation that led to the Diaspora and the Holocaust. And in response to the growing popularity and hostility of the emerging religion, and its abuse of them, Jews, rather than return to Yah, denied God’s ability to provide for their reconciliation through the Messiah.
Even if we focus on the smaller picture drawn from Peter’s false declaration, by deliberately misrepresenting the prophetic portrait painted by the Son of God, Roman Catholicism’s first Pope demonstrated that he should never be trusted. He would lie about anything and everything.
There were no “gentlemen” in this audience. These lost souls were not “brothers.” Theirs would be a war of words resulting in the dehumanizing and demonizing of Jews. Free speech didn’t exist under the political 368subjugation of Rome nor under Judaism or Christianity. And even today, it is quickly vanishing. Dowd was not a patriarch. He is alive, not dead. Even the burial site of his first body is unknown and there is no tomb commemorating him. But that’s all chicken scratching in the dirt compared to why this false premise was stated and where it would lead.
“Being (hyparcho) therefore (oun) a prophet (prophetes), and knowing (oida) that (hoti) Theos | God (ΘΣ) swore (omnuo) an oath (horkos) that from out (ek) of the fruit (darpos) of his loins (osphys), would sit (kathizo) upon (epi) His (autos) throne (thronos), he foresaw (proorao) and spoke (laleo) about (peri) the rising up and standing upright (anastasis) of the Christon (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon, which became Christ), because namely (hoti), he was not (oute) left behind and abandoned so as to remain (egkataleipo) at (eis) Hades (hades), nor (oute) did his flesh (sarx) see (horao) decomposition (diaphthora).” (Acts 2:30-31)
Guilty as charged. Case closed. Peter condemned himself to an eternity in She’owl. In his first recorded public address, he has spewed nothing but outright lies and now, for the second time, deliberately misquoted God.
The prophecy Peter is misappropriating is my personal favorite for many reasons. It is not only the narrative that led me to what has become Yada Yahowah, since it was the first passage I attempted to translate, I love the subject and the humor while celebrating the profound place 2 Shamuw’el 7 leads. In addition, I am somewhat proud of the fact that I may have been the first person to comprehend its implications and then share the insights gleaned from it since it was written 3,000 years ago. In fact, it was while translating what the Father said to His Son for Observations a decade ago that my eyes were finally opened to the realization Dowd was and remains what has been falsely claimed by Christians for Jesus.
369What follows is essential, among the most important prophecies ever written. Coming to understand it over the course of the past twenty-three years has done more to equip me to serve as Yahowah’s witness than perhaps any other. And when you come to appreciate it for all it conveys, it will change your life as well. So, here is Yahowah’s discussion with His Son, the King of Yisra’el, regarding homes, who is responsible for building them and for whom…
“It came to pass (wa hayah ky) when the king sat down and relaxed in his home (ha melek yashab ba beyth huw’) because Yahowah (wa YaHoWaH) had given him a comforting respite (nuwach la huw’) from his adversaries and rancorous foes (min sabyb min kol ‘oyeb huw’), (Shamuw’el 2 7:1) that the king said (wa ‘amar ha melek) to Nathan, the prophet (‘el Nathan ha naby’), ‘Please look around (ra’ah na’). I live (‘anoky yashab) in a house of cedar (ba beyth ‘erez), but the Ark of God (wa ‘arown ha ‘elohym) sits within curtains (yashab ba tawek ha yarya’ah).’ (Shamuw’el 2 7:2)
So, Nathan said to the king (wa ‘amar Nathan ‘el ha melek), ‘Choose to go and do all that is in your best judgment (kol ‘asher ba lebab ‘atah) because, surely (ky), Yahowah is with you (Yahowah ‘im ‘atah).’ (Shamuw’el 2 7:3)
However, that evening (wa hayah ba ha laylah ha huw’), the word of Yahowah came to Nathan (dabar Yahowah hayah ‘el Nathan). He conveyed (la ‘amar), (Shamuw’el 2 7:4) ‘Go and tell (halak wa ‘amar ‘el) Dowd, My coworker (Dowd ‘ebed ‘any), that this is what Yahowah says (koh Yahowah ‘amar). “Why should you build Me a home to live in (ha ‘atah banah la ‘any beyth la yashab ‘any)? (Shamuw’el 2 7:5)
Indeed (ky), I have not lived (lo’ yashab) in a house (ba beyth) since the time (wa min yowm) that I lifted up 370to be with Me (‘alah ‘any ‘eth) the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el) out of the crucibles of oppression in Mitsraym (min Mitsraym). Then, as an ongoing witness to the restoring testimony, up to (wa ‘ad) this day (ha yowm ha zeh), I have been moving about (wa hayah halak) in a tent dwelling as a tabernacle and home (ba ‘ohel wa ba mishkan). (Shamuw’el 2 7:6)
During any of that time, when showing the way to the benefits of the relationship, that (ba kol ‘asher) I traveled (halak) with all of the Children of Yisra’el (ba kol beny Yisra’el), did I say a single word (ha dabar dabar) to one (‘eth ‘echad) of the leaders of the tribes of Yisra’el (shebet Yisra’el), whom I instructed (‘asher tsawah) to shepherd (la ra’ah) My people (‘eth ‘am ‘any), Yisra’el (Yisra’el), to say (la ‘amar), “So why not (la mah lo’) build for Me a house of cedar (banah la ‘any beyth ‘erez)?” (Shamuw’el 2 7:7)
Now, therefore (wa ‘atah), this is what you should say (koh ‘amar) to My associate, Dowd (la ‘ebed ‘any la Dowd), as a result (koh), Yahowah of the spiritual implements (Yahowah tsaba’) says (‘amar), “I took you (‘any laqach ‘atah) from the sheepfolds (min ha neweh), from chasing after lambs (min ‘achar ha tso’n), to be the conspicuous and informative leader (la hayah nagyd) among My People (‘al ‘am ‘any), over Yisra’el (‘al Yisra’el). (Shamuw’el 2 7:8)
I have been with you (wa hayah ‘im ‘atah) throughout it all (ba kol) revealing the benefits of the relationship (‘asher) as you journeyed through life (halak). I have cut off (wa karat), accordingly, all of your enemies (‘eth kol ‘oyeb ‘atah) from your presence (min paneh ‘atah). And I have engaged on your behalf to make for you (wa ‘asah la ‘atah) an exceptionally important name, the greatest designation, and the most distinguished reputation (shem ha gadowl), when compared to the most glorified designations (ka shem ha 371gadowl) pursuant to the relationship (‘asher) on the Earth (ba ha ‘erets). (Shamuw’el 2 7:9)
Furthermore (wa), I will appoint and establish (sym) a dwelling place (maqowm) for My People (la ‘am ‘any), Yisra’el (la Yisra’el). I will plant them (wa nata’ huw’) such that they may abide (wa shakan) below throughout a less chaotic time than this (tachath huw’) and no longer be agitated, anguished, or terrorized (ragaz ‘owd). They will not continue to be (wa lo’ yasaph) afflicted or degraded, disparaged or denigrated (‘anah), by unjust and harmful sons, perverted and violent descendants of evil (beny ‘awlah), as will have formerly been the case (ka ‘asher ba ha ri’shown). (Shamuw’el 2 7:10)
From the day (wa la min ha yowm) which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I appointed and instructed (tsawah) Judges (shaphat) on behalf of My people (‘al ‘am ‘any), Yisra’el (Yisra’el), I will provide a respite (wa nuwach la ‘atah) from all of your enemies (min kol ‘oyeb ‘atah). In addition (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) is boldly and publicly announcing to you (nagad la ‘atah) that, indeed (ky), He will act, engaging with you to create the family and home of Yahowah (beyth ‘asah la ‘atah Yahowah).” (Shamuw’el 2 7:11)
Not only has God been addressing the ultimate and still future restoration of His people such that they are no longer abused by anyone, He just affirmed that “He will act, engaging with [Dowd] to create the family and home of Yahowah.” The “family and home of Yahowah” is the Covenant and it is “created” through the Mow’ed Miqra’ey. Therefore, God is announcing that He and His Son would fulfill the Invitations to be Called Out and Meet together, thereby enabling the benefits of the Beryth. And that would make this prophecy among the least appropriate to misappropriate on behalf of an illusory savior. By doing so, those influenced by the lie will forego what Father and 372Son are offering in favor of a fable.
There would be two more lives to live, both more meaningful than the first. And while it is uncommon for a soul to be bestowed three lives, every Covenant member will enjoy two. Like Dowd, the two Witnesses will also live three lives, with the middle one being of service to others.
Surely (ky), your time will be thoroughly proclaimed and completely fulfilled (male’ yowmym ‘atah). When you will have laid down your life (wa shakab) in association with your ancestors (‘eth ‘ab ‘atah), I will rise up and take a stand to bring to fruition (quwm) with your seed what you have sown (‘eth zera’ ‘atah), something more in the end without hesitation for you (‘achar ‘atah). For the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), it will be extracted and withdrawn (yatsa’) out of a small particle of your physiological nature (min me’eh).’”
More than any other throughout the Prophets, Dowd’s lives and lyrics have been thoroughly proclaimed and the promises made through them have been or soon will be fulfilled. His first life was just the beginning. He would be brought back twice more based on what he has sown for our edification. And what’s more, even after fulfilling Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children in year 6000 Yah, in the end, Yahowah is promising to take yet another triumphant stand with His Son on behalf of the Covenant. And in lives two and three, the physical component of his nature would be reconstituted through his DNA.
So now after foreshadowing the 89th Mizmowr by speaking to His Son, Yahowah transitioned to speaking to us about him. And while this approach is common throughout the Prophets, even if God intended to transition away from speaking to Dowd to addressing his heir, his son was Shalomoh | Solomon, not Jesus. And so while Solomon 373was next on the throne, why would Yahowah mention such a thing when succession was commonplace and taken for granted – especially in the context of enabling the Covenant and achieving great things through Dowd? Moreover, should the reader be stupid, or desperate, and attempt to extrapolate “seed” to “Jesus,” why wasn’t he named and why didn’t he sit on a throne as king?
Therefore, there are only two informed options available to us. Either Yahowah was continuing to be prophetic and profound, telling us what He was going to achieve through Dowd, or God went from prophetic and profound to mundane to tell Dowd that his son would be next to occupy Yisra’el’s throne. I think that the answer is obvious, especially in the context of what has been and will be professed by God.
“‘And so (wa), I will establish (kuwn) his reign over his kingdom (‘eth mamlakah huw’).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:12)
I want you to appreciate a number of things which have taken me over twenty years to fully comprehend. To begin, the primary meaning of ky is not “when” but, instead, “surely, truthfully, or as a result.” It, therefore, provides a transition from one pronouncement to the next – from God talking to Dowd to Yah speaking to us about him.
Second, the verb, male’, was scribed in the imperfect conjugation. As a result, it cannot be addressing something which is over, such as Dowd’s previous existence. Instead, in the imperfect, male’ speaks of an ongoing fulfillment – thereby addressing Dowd’s eternal reign as King after having fulfilled the seven Mow'edym | Eternal Witnesses to the Appointed Meeting Times.
After Dowd’s relaxing intermission between each of the three phases of his life, with shakab scribed in the perfect conjugation, thus indicating that his rest would be for a finite period of them, and soon over, Yahowah is 374promising to intervene in the course of human events to quwm ‘eth zera’ | establish what Dowd has sown. Zera’ speaks of seeds that, when planted, take root and grow, producing a productive harvest if properly cultivated. It serves as a metaphor for the tens of thousands of thoughtful words this man wrote on our behalf and the many meaningful things he achieved. As the Zarowa’ (a title that is based upon zera’), Dowd spread the seeds of Chag Matsah such that his sacrifice will bear fruit during the Harvests of Taruw’ah and Kipurym.
Yahowah is not doing this “after” Dowd but, instead, “without hesitating or delaying and without equivocating.” Such is the primary meaning of ‘achar as derived from its verbal root.
Further, it was ‘asher which brought me to this place, and to this prophecy, helping me better understand the nature of the relationship Yahowah is striving to achieve – much of which is correctly conveyed in the Father and Son relationship He developed with Dowd. More than anyone who ever lived, the Messiah embodies “‘asher – showing the way to the benefits of the relationship.”
Yatsa’ is the operative verb underlying the “Exodus.” It means “to withdraw, to extract, and to deliver.” It does not speak of an individual’s seed, in the sense of sperm, gushing out of his manhood. Equally revealing, the primary meaning of ma’al is not “viscera,” but instead, it describes “a minute, exceedingly small, particle which comprises something much larger.” That particle is Dowd’s DNA.
Dowd’s reappearance as King will be manifest, not only through the redeployment of his nepesh | soul, but also by reconstituting his DNA. This manifestation of the Messiah will adroitly convey Dowd’s authority, personality, and appearance. The returning Messiah, the Son of God, and the King of Kings, is, therefore, Dowd. And that is why Yahowah is now speaking of him to us, 375telling us what they will accomplish together…
“‘He, himself, shall restore and rebuild (huw’ banah) the family home (beyth) for (la) My name (shem ‘any). And (wa) I will prepare and establish (kuwn) the throne (‘eth kise’) of his kingdom (mamlakah huw’) forevermore as a continuing witness (‘ad ‘owlam). (Shamuw’el 2 7:13)
I was, I am, and I always will be (‘any hayah) for him (la huw’) as a Father (la ‘ab), and (wa) he was, is, and always will be (huw’ hayah) for Me as (la ‘any) a son (la ben).”
It’s true that Shalomoh built the Covenant Home of Yahowah on the Temple Mount Dowd acquired and with the materials his father had accumulated. But, Solomon got distracted, trying to please the many pagan women he had brought into his harem. So his reign was limited and ended poorly. Israel would be shattered, broken into pieces and destroyed within a decade of Shalomoh’s turbulent time on the throne. Therefore, his kingdom was not everlasting. This claim can only be made of one man – Dowd – because he is returning to reign forevermore.
Reminding us that he was still addressing Dowd, the King was the only man Yahowah referred to as His son, doing so three times. Therefore, it is obvious that the only transition has been from Yahowah speaking directly to His Son to talking to us about him. And as a result, to claim this prophetic pronouncement on behalf of the mythical misnomer Jesus is nothing short of identity theft. There is no rational way to make it apply.
And yet, that is exactly what Shim’own / Peter tried to imply by misappropriating Yahowah’s promise to Dowd, and to us through his counterfeit. In fact, the disciple’s crime was so egregious, I will resubmit his declaration at the conclusion of Yahowah’s prophecy so that he stands convicted.
376Speaking to us about His beloved Son, Yahowah specifically warned His people that the likes of Peter, Paul, and pals would misappropriate and corrupt almost everything He said of him…
“So when that which is associated with him is warped and perverted, twisted such that it is contrary to what has been stated (‘asher ba ‘awah huw’), I will resolve the dispute against him, vindicating him, deciding with him to expose and issue a condemnation (wa yakah huw’) against the weapons and staves wielded by rulers of the nations (ba shebet) of men (‘ishym) and against (wa ba) the fungus and plague that has fallen (nega’) upon the descendants (ben) of ‘Adam (‘adam).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:14)
Should anyone believe that Peter and Paul were right in misappropriating and misconstruing Yahowah’s prophetic declarations, stealing His Son’s accolades, achievements, titles, and promises, you may want to reconsider. Or, you may find yourself condemned as a coconspirator alongside these religious criminals.
If it isn’t already obvious, I am not an impartial Witness. My allegiance is with Yahowah, His Son, Dowd, and His People, the Children of Yisra’el. I value God’s Towrah | Teaching and Guidance, His Beryth | Familial Covenant, and His Mow’edym | Eternal Witnesses to the Restoring Testimony over the New Testament, Babylonian Talmud, or overtly Satanic Quran. I prefer truth to lies and reason to faith. Therefore, when those I care about are wrongly disparaged by religious criminals like Peter, Paul, and Pals, I will not pull any punches or hesitate in excoriating them. And turns out, I’m in good company because Yahowah just admitted that He will do the same.
Peter, by making the statements recorded in the 2nd chapter of Acts, became God’s enemy. Good Fathers don’t take kindly to those who pervert their relationship with a 377beloved Son. And when the consequence of their corruption results in a deadly plague and the spread of religious fungus, there will be hell to pay. So, just like Paul citing the prophecy in Habakkuk which condemned him, Peter did the same thing by pilfering this Divine narrative regarding Dowd.
Yahowah’s declaration provided a wonderful insight and explanation as to why He opposes Replacement Foolology and the religious crusade to transfer the promises made to the Messiah to create a Christ. God was not a fan…
“‘Therefore (wa), My steadfast devotion, enduring love, commitment to the relationship, and unmitigated favor (chesed ‘any) will not be removed from him, be disassociated or diminished regarding him, nor replaced, substituting another for him (lo’ suwr min huw’) as was the case when (ka ‘asher) I turned away from and completely rejected (suwr min) associating with (‘im) Sha’uwl (Sha’uwl) whom, to show the proper way (‘asher), I removed (suwr) from your presence (min la paneh ‘atah).’” (Shamuw’el 2 7:15)
Unlike most people, Yahowah is loyal, and His love is enduring. He is eternally committed to the Covenant relationship. And this is especially so regarding His Son, our King, Dowd. While everything was removed from him to create the mythology of Christianity, having done so comes with a strong rebuke from God. Yahowah even condemns the primary culprit by name – Sha’uwl. Just as Dowd’s initial demon-possessed nemesis was disavowed and perished apart from the people, the same was true of the Sha’uwl known to Christians as Paul. And while he died separated, rejected, and alone, in the final condemnation, all traces of his religion will be expunged from the Earth.
Speaking directly to Dowd again, and thus to us 378through him, God concludes…
“‘And so (wa), your family (beyth ‘atah) and (wa) your position of authority, your kingdom and reign (malakah ‘atah), are assured, as it is trustworthy and dependable, firmly established, credible, and enduring (‘aman) forever as a continuing witness (‘ad ‘owlam) in My presence (la paneh ‘atah). Your throne and seat of honor (kise’ ‘atah) will be (hayah) established and sustained (kuwn) forevermore as restoring testimony (‘ad ‘owlam).’ (Shamuw’el 2 7:16)
Consistent with all of these words (ka kol ha dabarym ha ‘eleh) and in accord with (wa ka) the entire revelation (kol ha chizyown ha zeh), in this manner, Nathan accurately conveyed this (ken dabar Nathan) to Dowd (‘el Dowd).” (Shamuw’el / Listen to Him / 2 Samuel 7:17)
This prophecy is about houses, who builds them and who lives in them. It is about Dowd, who had a home, not “Jesus” who was homeless throughout the myths conceived about him. It is all about what God is going to do for, with, and through His beloved Son. It is also about seeds and thrones, who sows them and who sits upon them.
And when it comes to such things, Yahowah is beside Himself, annoyed to the point that He has made His point in such a vivid way there shouldn’t have been a single church, mosque, temple, or shrine called a house of God, and yet, men have erected millions of them. The three so-called Abrahamic religions predicated on false messiahs – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – should have been vociferously renounced in their infancy and never have been allowed to grow.
Simply stated: To Dowd or not to Dowd, that is the question whose answer determines the eternal fate of one’s soul.
379More to the point, everything in the Towrah and Prophets was shared to encourage a Father-son, Father-daughter relationship through the Covenant and as a result of the Miqra’ey. Therefore, God has never asked us to worship Him, bow down before Him, or pray to Him. He does not want us to build houses for Him, either. The fact is, Yahowah is in the construction business, and His primary expertise is in building the most extraordinary home in the universe for His Covenant Family.
Having returned to the prophecy where my journey began some 23 years ago, with “‘asher – associated with” in 2 Shamuw’el 7:14, we have found the answer to whose home and throne is being established.
Along the way, Yahowah revealed something exceedingly important while the religious have sought to convolute it to serve their perverted interests. That which the great name changers, Sha’uwl / Paul and Shim’own / Peter, and their coconspirators, took from Dowd in a desperate attempt to make their Iesou / Jesus appear divine, became part and parcel of Christianity. It was the first phase of Replacement Theology which would go on to replace Jews with Christians. It was all a lie – one advanced by misappropriating prophecy.
Dowd | David, the individual being addressed, was robbed by Christians to create the illusion that their “Jesus” was the Messiah. That is why we find Yahowah coming to the defense of His Son, wiping out those who would pervert and twist what has been said of Dowd, the actual Son of God, Mashyach, Savior, and returning King.
This is particularly important for Yahuwdym | Jews, because, while it would be wise to acknowledge Dowd’s sacrifice as Passover Lamb, he is also your Messiah, your King, your Prophet, and your Shepherd. My job is to prepare you to benefit from this reality.
God chose a shepherd boy, a child chasing after sheep, 380to lead His people and enlighten the world. He did not choose a scholar, a theologian, an expert in linguistics, a star athlete, a social media celebrity, or a man with a proven record in politics or the military. That is not to suggest that the lad was without merit. He was brilliant and thoughtful, articulate and courageous, attributes Yahowah would cultivate over time. The result is the Mizmowr and Mashal | Psalms and Proverbs.
Yahowah is constantly reminding us of the fact that He is focused upon Yisra’el. The descendants of Ya’aqob are His people. This has not and will not change. And with this recognition, there is no room for a Gentile Church.
Dowd had long since established a united Yisra’el in the Promised Land, incorporating Yaruwshalaim into the fold. So, when Yahowah promised to “appoint a place for My people, Yisra’el, planting them there such that they will never have to move again,” He was addressing a time nearly 3,000 years removed from this discussion.
Three thousand years ago, the honor of building Yahowah’s Home was given to Dowd’s son, Solomon – a man whose voice we will hear again. So, for God to say that Dowd will also be afforded this distinction, fulfilling his heart’s desire, means that Dowd will oversee the construction of the Millennial Temple.
After having fulfilled Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym, Dowd will return on Kipurym, this time to serve as the King of Kings. All the Psalmist has sown will come to fruition. The closest thing to a resurrection will occur upon His return when he returns for the final time to reside over his kingdom. His will be the place of honor as it is his witness that makes him the most deserving candidate.
Dowd is the Son of God. And as a proud Father, Yahowah will hold those who have robbed him of this dignity accountable. He will chastise those who have 381perverted and twisted the promises He has made to His Beloved – such as those who have misappropriated this prophecy. Second only to the embezzlement of His name by the religious, this is the crime which most irks the Almighty. And in this regard, restoring Dowd’s rightful place alongside His Father is the primary reason every book within the Yada Yahowah Series has been rewritten. It is one of the reasons Yahowah said that we have come to appreciate the same things. I have developed an enduring bromance with God’s Son. I am obsessed with learning as much as can be known about God through him.
Yahowah is equally enthralled with Dowd and infinitely more in love with him. And that is why He is so averse to Shim’own / Peter and Sha’uwl / Paul, the men most responsible for abusing his Son’s reputation. With the House of Christianity eradicated, Yahowah’s steadfast and enduring love for Dowd will never be extinguished. And that is the message of the prophecy that has had the greatest influence on my life with Yah. I welcome it into yours.
But no matter what you choose, please disregard this man’s contrarian mantra…
“Israelite (Israelites) men (andros), listen to (akouo) these words (logos): Iesou (ΙΝΥ – placeholder for Iesou which became Jesus in the 17th century) the Nazarene (Nazoraios), is a man (andros) who publicly demonstrated (apodeiknymi) to (eis) you (sy) that he is from (apo) Theos (ΘΣ – placeholder for theos – god) using supernatural powers and abilities (dynamis) to perform extraordinary miracles with prophetic significance (teras). These are signs (semeion) which (hos) Theos | God (ΘΣ) performed (poieomai) through (dia) him (autos) in your midst (mesos) as (kathos) you know (oida). (Acts 2:22)
He was appointed to (horizo) the prearranged and prophetic (prognosis) plan and purpose (boule) of Theos 382(ΘΣ), he was betrayed and given over (ekdotos) to (dia) the hand (cheir) of the Towrahless (anomos) who chose to take control and lift him up (anaireo), affixing him (prospegnumi). (Acts 2:23)
Theos (ΘΩ) restored him to life and raised him (anistamai), releasing and dismissing him (lou) from the suffering and pain (odin) of death (thanatos) because (kathoti) it was not (ou) possible (dynatos) for him to exist (eimi) held and influenced (krateo) by (hypo) these things. (Acts 2:24)
For (gar – because) David (ΔΔ – a placeholder for Dowd using the Greek transliteration Dauid) said (lego) of (eis) him (autos), ‘I foresee (proorao) the Kurios | Lord (ΚΩ) in front of (enopion) me (ego) always (pas) on my behalf (dia) because (hoti) from (ek – out of) his right hand (dexios) I will not be (me eimi) shaken or swayed (saleuomai). (Acts 2:25)
Therefore (dia), my heart (kardia) rejoices (euphrainomai), and my tongue (glossa) delights (agalliao) that also (eti) my flesh (sarkos) will abide and endure (kataskenoo) as a result of (epi) a confident and trusting expectation (elpis). (Acts 2:26)
Because (hoti) my soul (psyche) will not (ou) be utterly forsaken and totally abandoned (egkataleipo) in Hades (hades). Neither (oude) will Your Holy One (hosios) be allowed (didomi) to see (horao) decay and decomposition (diaphthora). (Acts 2:27)
Reveal and make known to (gnorizo) me (ego) the way (hodos) to a complete (pleroo) life (zoe) of joy and gladness (euphrosyne) in proximity to (meta) Your presence (prosopon).’ (Acts 2:28)
Gentlemen (andros), brothers (adelphos), it is possible (exesti) after all to say (eipon) to you in open public discourse, enjoying freedom of speech (parresia) 383with regard to (pros) and concerning (peri) the patriarch (patriaches) David (ΔΔ – placeholder for Dauid, a Greek transliteration for Dowd), that (hoti) he both died (teleutao) and was buried (thapto), and his tomb (mnema) exists (eimi) among (en) us, even until (achri) this (houtos) day (hemera). (Acts 2:29)
“Being (hyparcho) therefore (oun) a prophet (prophetes), and knowing (oida) that (hoti) Theos | God (ΘΣ) swore (omnuo) an oath (horkos) that from out (ek) of the fruit (darpos) of his loins (osphys), would sit (kathizo) upon (epi) His (autos) throne (thronos), he foresaw (proorao) and spoke (laleo) about (peri) the rising up and standing upright (anastasis) of the Christon (ΧΡΝ – placeholder for Christon, which became Christ), because namely (hoti), he was not (oute) left behind and abandoned so as to remain (egkataleipo) at (eis) Hades (hades), nor (oute) did his flesh (sarx) see (horao) decomposition (diaphthora).” (Acts 2:30-31)
And there we have it, right from the ass’s mouth. All it took was a couple of errant citations misappropriated from the Prophets to do away with Dowd so that Iesou could bear his credentials. In this way, with these words, the myth of Replacement Foolology was forged. And all who believed him died.