

…Replacement Theology



When Love is Wrong


The Contrarian…

Some years ago, while translating what Yasha’yah / Isaiah foretold would befall the modern manifestation of Mow’ab for the concluding volume of Observations, I noticed some interesting parallels between it and what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13. As a result, it seems fitting to commence this concluding volume devoted to shredding Paul’s credibility at the very place the Plague of Death is most esteemed, the Love Chapter of First Corinthians, especially since the prophecy depicts Christianity’s demise.

Yasha’yah / Isaiah is warning Yisra’el about the ultimate consequence of what Sha’uwl / Paul will spawn as the Questionable father of modern Mow’ab. The 16th chapter of Yasha’yah opens with an interesting twist, by using a vivid and easy-to-remember word picture, that of a battering ram. It was deployed to encourage us to shatter the pithy quotes and disrespectful taunts of the powerful politicians and distinguished clerics associated with the modern manifestation of Mow’ab.

“You all should choose to send (shalach – of your own freewill dispatch) a battering ram (kar – a ram as in an individual or a device which can be used to break down walls and smash undesirable impediments) into the memorable quotes, disrespectful taunts, and popular sayings espoused by those who govern (mashal – of the rulers pontificating political parables and religious proverbs including the moral maxims and situational ethics 2underlying the control mechanisms of the establishment) the earth (‘erets – of the realm or land), assessing and then repudiating by tossing aside after contemplative reflection (min selah – pausing to weigh such things in the balance and then make light of them, ridiculing that which should be thoughtfully rejected of [from 1QIsa while the MT has sela’ – lofty places and strongholds]) the lifeless who question the word (midbar) on behalf of (‘el – for the benefit of) the daughters (bath – the female offspring and surrounding environs) of Mount (har) Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 16:1)

God is encouraging us to be judgmental rather than accepting, to speak out against religion and politics rather than respect either. It is a shame that so few people are prepared or willing to follow God’s advice. If those in authority were held accountable, if their lies were repudiated, the world would be a nicer, safer, and better place for everyone.

The reason “selah – to reject and repudiate” on the Great Isaiah Scroll was changed to “sela’ – stronghold or rocky crag” in the Masoretic Text was likely to prevent Yisra’elites from being observant and thinking for themselves. The rabbis responsible for the copyedit did not much like the idea that they would be rejected by those who took the time to carefully consider what they were promoting.

“And so it shall be (wa hayah) like (ka) birds (‘owph) fleeing (nadad) the nest (qen).

The daughters (bath) of Mow’ab | Who is this Questionable Father – those whom Political Correctness, Socialist Secular Humanism, Multiculturalism, and especially Pauline Christianity have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances (Mow’ab – who is unthinking, belligerent and confrontational, 3multicultural and religious, espousing a political culture akin to the insanity of Sodom, whereby the Hebrew writings were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to form Christianity, the place where the Towrah’s voice died) will be (hayah) scattered (shalach) at the fords (ma’barah) of ‘Arnown | the piercing cries of an intense outburst (‘Arnown).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 16:2)

They had been beguiled into believing that their Lord was God. And now, cast out and banished from his nest, they are confronted with a reality so incongruous with their beliefs that all they can do is scream, emitting an ear-splitting, soul-penetrating, and anguished cry.

But it need not come to this. There is a better choice. There is a real God and He is knowable, likable, supportive, and approachable…

“You should choose of your own volition to pursue (bow’) counsel, seeking the right advice (‘etsah – consider the proper course of action and then reveal the right plan after being observant and studying every option). Choose to act upon and engage in (‘asah) thoughtful decision-making (palylah – exercising good judgment while forming considered conclusions).

Of your own freewill, present (shyth) your likeness (tsel ‘atah) such that it is in contrast to (ka – similar to) the darkness (ha layl)….” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yahowah / Isaiah 16:3)

The “counsel” we should pursue is found throughout the Towrah and Prophets, in addition to the Psalms and Proverbs. Consider it all Fatherly advice.

There are seven profoundly important insights which can be gleaned from Yahowah’s next statement. First, those who choose to live hospitably among Yahuwdym rather than attack them, and particularly those who 4question the forefathers of the world’s most pervasive religious and political schemes which have turned against Yisra’el, will be protected from this Adversary. This drives to the heart of one of Yahowah’s most inspiring promises – to bless those who favor Yisra’el and the Covenant.

Second, since these men and women described as “guwr – invited guests,” and yet from Yah’s perspective are considered “Mine,” this affirms that God initiates contact with those He realizes will eventually choose to engage in His Covenant, providing for them in advance of the relationship. He is protecting them prior to their adoption. And while this is wonderful news, very few souls will avail themselves of this opportunity. Very few will risk questioning the status quo sufficiently to disassociate from religion and politics while, at the same time, choosing to know and trust Yahowah.

Third, the Adversary is as we have learned: “shadad – demonic.” He wants “to be worshiped as if he were God.” Satan is “shadad – an evil spirit, ruinous and destructive,” a “ha mets – oppressive extortioner.” He’s not just an “authority figure,” and thus the power behind “political and religious leaders,” he “is the reason the chaff is susceptible to being blown away.”

Satan “mets – subjects others to undue pressure such that they capitulate and obey him.” He separates many from God through “extortion, coercion, and blackmail.” This means that Satan presents himself as the god of religion and uses human authority figures, religious and political leaders, to do his bidding.

Fourth, even the Adversary has a purpose. He makes the choice of participating in a religion instead of developing a relationship with our Heavenly Father appear sufficiently credible to be believed – especially to those who are neither open-minded, thoughtful, nor observant.

5Fifth, once Satan’s reason for existing is fulfilled, he “kalah – will be restrained, removed, and imprisoned, eliminated from the realm of the living.” Headed to the lightless prison of She’owl, he “will be confined” with those he used.

Sixth, we are being afforded the opportunity to make an important connection between the Adversary and the final beast presented in Dany’el / Daniel. This is the destructive force which emerges from Imperial Rome, and is, therefore, the Roman Catholic Church. This connection is facilitated by “ramas – the one who treads upon and tramples down” the “kol ‘erets – all the earth.” It is one of many links between international and political Christianity and Mow’ab.

And seventh, there will be some, a precious few perhaps, thousands among billions, who will come out of Mow’ab to be part of the Covenant. I am one of them and I know many more. As is the case with almost every gentile who comes this way, their lives are transformed by Yahowah’s words. Once mired in Mow’ab, they are freed from Christianity and Multiculturalism.

We all begin by questioning our religious and political affiliations. And then we follow Yah’s words home, to the Beryth, through the Towrah, answering the Miqra’ey, to Yisra’el and to Yahuwdah, then ultimately to Tsyown and to Dowd through the Naby’ wa Mizmowr. We came out of her (Mow’ab) and became His people, grafted into the Family.

Yahowah is making this simple for us by revealing that the Lord uses human authority figures, and thus religious and political leaders, to elicit obedience. This demonic spirit presents himself as God, and most especially, the Lord Jesus Christ of Roman Catholicism, and thus Christianity – the world’s most popular religion.

6“Allow those who choose to gather together and dwell, these foreigners who are invited guests congregating (guwr) with you (ba ‘atah), those driven away from Me who are Mine (nadach ‘any) of Mow’ab | of Political Correctness, Socialist Secular Humanism, Multiculturalism, and Pauline Christianity who have had Questionable Allegiances (Mow’ab – those who were indoctrinated in the amoral morass of Sodom, influenced by the Hebrew writings which they have acknowledged were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to form Christianity, those who have questioned the father of the place where the Towrah’s voice died), to exist (hayah – becoming (qal imperative active)), sheltering them (sether la hem) from (min) the presence (paneh) of the destructive demon who seeks to be worshiped as God (shadad – of the ruinous demonic one who is an evil spirit, the ravaging and devastating destroyer, of the oppressive and violent demon who plunders with overpowering injustice; from shed – the evil demonic spirit who seeks to be worshiped as if he were God).

For indeed (ky), the oppressive extortioner (ha mets – the authority figure who subjects others to undue pressure to capitulate and obey through extortion, coercion, and blackmail) will be no more (‘aphes).

This demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God (shed) is finished, his purpose complete, and he will now be imprisoned, forever restraining (kalah) the one who treads upon and tramples down (ramas – the one who claims to be authorized while aggressively engaged in conquest and subjugation of) the whole of the earth (min ha ‘erets).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:4)

This is so significant in its implications it bears repeating: this was written of the Beast, which was predicted in Dany’el to grow out of Imperial Rome, none other than the Roman Catholic Church. He had foretold that it would “ramas – tread upon and trample down” the 7entire world. And now we know that Satan is the driving force and god behind the religious institution that proudly displays their dead god on a stick. Moreover, modern Mow’ab has a name: Christianity. But now as the prophet turns the page to tomorrow, the religion and its maker are finished.

Imagine a world without religion...

“Then genuine mercy and enduring love (wa chesed – unfailing kindness and affection in a mutually beneficial and giving relationship which is faithful and passionate) will be established and sustained (kuwn – enduring) on the seat of honor (kise’).

And upon it (wa ‘al huw’ – on account of it) he will be restored and live (yashab – he will be renewed and abide within the relationship, he will sit and abide) in (ba – with and by means of) reliable truth (‘emeth – that which is trustworthy, right, and correct, valid, certain, and dependable, constant and enduring, never-changing) within (ba) the brilliant dwelling and home (‘ohel) of Dowd | the Beloved (Dowd) by exercising good judgment (shaphat – by correctly deciding what is right by being judgmental in defending the truth) while (wa) seeking and then considering (darash) the means to appropriately resolve disputes (mishpat – to make informed and rational decisions regarding vindication and condemnation), becoming expeditious, experienced, and effective (wa mahyr) regarding that which is right and vindicating (tsedeq – in what is correct, honest, accurate).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:5)

This is as it should be. After revealing the consequence of ignoring and rejecting Him, Yahowah conveys the benefits associated with trusting Him.

God is merciful to those who strive to sit alongside Dowd | David, to those who seek the truth so as to be 8restored. For that, our focus must be on making informed and rational decisions which make us right with God.

In this light, and resolutely rational, we should see the Pauline Epistles as the uncircumcised Goliath doing battle against Dowd’s Mizmowr / Psalms. The sling provides the skill to accurately project the word of God, represented by the stone which killed the perceived giant of a man. Paul’s Greek letters and Dowd’s Hebrew lyrics are adversaries on opposing sides, one representing Satan and the other, Yahowah.

It has been said that religion is the leading cause of death on earth. But I suspect that the same could be said of governments and empires. From the first human civilization to the last, it has been an unending stream of carnage. And it all flows downward from the immoral and arrogant despots, from the self-aggrandizing who claim a Divine sanction to rule, to the brutality they have inspired.

Sha’uwl’s masterpiece of deception was his political and religious ode to the Romans. It gave birth to the culture which encouraged Rome to destroy Yahuwdah | Judah. He was, by his own admission, exceedingly proud of having set all of this into motion. No one has more negatively affected the lives of God’s Chosen People than Paulos – the master of deception. He is the author of the most heinous anti-Semitic cult ever conceived.

Clearly, Paul was presumptive and unreasonable in his attribution of status to the manifest destiny of his new covenant. He was prone to immoral outbursts and angry attacks, all motivated out of an inflated sense of superiority. His protestations, which were never warranted or supported by God, historical reality, prophecy, or reason, were little more than senseless braggadocio. He took Greeks and Romans into battle against God and His people, silencing the voice of the Towrah in the process. Billions of beguiled souls would die. He, and the demonic 9spirit inspiring him, would remain Yahowah’s mortal enemy to the bitter end – concluding with the demise of Mow’ab.

As we continue to consider what Mow’ab represents today, there should be no mistaking Sha’uwl’s / Paul’s influence as the Questionable Father of Christianity in this prophetic portrait. He has made modern Mow’ab as religious as it is political, as multicultural as it is anti-Semitic. Ancient and modern Mow’ab would share this in common: rhetoric and alliances supportive of Yisra’el while engaged promoting armed insurrections against God’s people. And as the torch is passed from the billionaire narcissist to the senile socialist, Israel is about to be dealt a devastating blow.

“We have heard (shama’) of the violent agitation and arrogance (ga’own – of the moral depravity, undeserved status, and pompous rhetoric) of Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father raised as Pauline Christians and immoral secularists (Mow’ab – this unthinking and combative, multiethnic religious and sectarian culture indoctrinated in the irrational aspects of Sodom, having squandered the benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore, taking them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died).

He has become exceedingly proud, self-aggrandizing and self-promoting (ge’ me’od – self-important while utterly overstating and overhyping his current status and past, especially his perceived triumphs), along with his delusional projection of himself as magnificent and moral while inspiriting animosity (ga’awah huw’ – glorifying his prior achievements).

In addition (wa), his presumptive and unreasonable attribution of merit and status, even manifest destiny (ga’own huw’ – his self-infatuation and 10sense of preeminence), and (wa) his improper and immoral outbursts which occur far and wide, displaying an inflated sense of superiority (‘ebrah huw’ – his vicious behavior, uncontrolled anger, all without a legitimate basis while influencing the world around him), are not right (lo’ ken – are improper, dishonest, delusional, and without merit, invalid and demonstrably inaccurate) nor is his bragging and boasting, most especially his prideful speech which is not warranted (bad huw’ – his unrealized predictions and pronouncements in the name of a false god, speaking of things which do not come true, his propensity to invent alternate realities, weaving them into a web of lies).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:6)

If we were to institutionalize the arrogance of Mow’ab, extrapolating it from its Questionable Father to nations, there are aspects of this which could otherwise have applied to Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon, to Greece, Sparta, Carthage, and Rome, to the Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs, and to Imperial Japan, the Soviets, and Nazis. But they did not survive long enough to be touted as realistic candidates for the Mow’ab of prophecy.

As we listen to the prognostications, there are strokes which appear applicable to the unGodly mix of Trump’s self-serving boasts of America first. Consider his saber-rattling and propensity to build an ever-larger military to position the nation as the guardian of world commerce. It is seen in the boisterous extrapolation of America’s false sense of Manifest Destiny, its propensity to govern through political parties, the country’s obtrusive federal agents and police along with its belligerent military. The United States has a propensity for agitating and arrogant diatribes. The nation’s fatal flaw remains its collective inability to see things in context, and thus to understand the consequences of its impulsive and intrusive use of force. The problem is 11intrinsic to America’s mindset and is only going to get worse. In politics, the Shitym always rises to the top!

If you think that this assessment may be presumptuous, compose a list of other potential candidates, looking for a nation similarly influenced by Christianity and Multiculturalism, which is equally arrogant and militaristic, and compare their views on Manifest Destiny to Yahowah’s predictions. Even if you can, you may want to show some reserve, at least long enough to hear what Yahowah has to say about these people, their proclivities and consequences, in the 17th and 18th chapters of Yasha’yah / Isaiah – where God is very specific.

Beyond religions, governments, and militaries, there are, of course, glimpses of Satan in all of this. He prefers death to life, violence to peace, pompous rhetoric to the unpretentious truth. The Adversary has always been immoral, overstating his status by projecting himself as politically correct and enlightened, even as God, hoping that the masses acknowledge his desire for preeminence.

As the most infamous man Satan would possess, this all reads like Paul’s letters. He continually bragged of his self-importance, of his signs and wonders, while boasting, “But I, Paul, say…” Throughout his litany of fourteen epistles and his diatribes throughout Acts, his unrealized predictions and assertions remain in conflict with the facts. His was always an alternate reality, something we call Replacement Theology. He wove a web of lies to promote his Lord as god and himself as his lone authorized agent to the world.

It is in Paul’s letters that the Torah died. It is in Paul’s letters that hatred and violence against Jews become a religious obsession. Paul was indeed the Questionable Father of Christianity.

In upcoming chapters, we will consider what Dowd | David had to say about Sha’uwl | Paul. In the process, we 12will come to understand why Yahowah calls him the Son of Evil and the Father of Lies.

If you are a Yahuwd | Jew and have been somewhat put off by the propensity to expose and condemn Sha’uwl | Paul and the religion he perpetrated throughout Questioning Paul, if you think that my critique of him over the rabbis who begot Judaism does not pertain to you, I appreciate your concerns. It is entirely my fault. While I came to realize that Paul was anti-Torah more than a decade ago, and while I wrote Questioning Paul to prove it, it was not until quite recently that I became sufficiently aware of the implications of Replacement Theology as it pertains to Dowd, the Son of God and Messiah, as well as its effect on Jews and Israel.

I am no longer naïve in this regard. Long before you have completed Volume 4 of Questioning Paul, considered Observations, and then read Coming Home, you will see Sha’uwl | Paul and the religion he conceived through Replacement Theology, as the principal reason Jews have suffered more than any other people these past two thousand years. You may even come to despise Paul more than our Creator.

Paul has done more to harm Jews than Akiba and Maimonides, Vespasian and Hadrian, Muhammad and Hitler, combined. If it were not for Paul, they would have all failed. If not for Paul, Jews would have come to recognize Yahowsha’ as the Passover Lamb. But because of Paul, Yahuwdym have come to despise everything about the Dionysian deity, ‘Jesus Christ,’ that he popularized. And because of Paul, the stage was set for hatred and conflict. Blame the Jews has become the central spoke of conspiracy – the world’s fastest-growing religion. There is no one God despises more than this solitary soul. There are more dire warnings regarding the founder of Christianity than anyone else.

13Now for this tantalizing tidbit, one I did not foresee coming. Sha’uwl / Question Him / Paul was not just the Questionable Father of Christianity, he also laid the foundation for Multiculturalism and Political Correctness, the core tenets of Socialist Secular Humanism. Yahowah has connected the dots for us, equating Mow’ab with the Multicultural and Politically Correct, the immoral and irrational mantra of Sodom, and now also with Sha’uwl / Question Him / Paul.

For those duped into believing that God is a Lord who wants to be worshiped and obeyed, for those who have no concept of what our Heavenly Father is actually like, much less is offering and expects in return, sorrow awaits. But based upon the Dead Sea Scrolls, Yahowah is not interested in listening to their morbid musings. He knows that those lost in modern Mow’ab have brought this upon themselves.

The question becomes, how are we to think of those caught up in modern Mow’ab? Should we pity them and seek to help them? Or should we keep our distance from them? Perhaps the answer is somewhere in between, sympathetic toward those who have been misled and yet open to the truth, while remaining overtly critical of Mow’ab’s political and religious leadership, especially their societal platitudes, military adventurism, and religious rites. The masses have been duped – indeed played. They are trapped in an irrational web of faith and belief.

Those things considered, here is Yahowah’s answer…

“Therefore, since this is so, let not (la ken lo’ –indeed in concert with a logical interpretation of the facts with regard to the sequence of events, what has happened and will occur, do not allow [“not” is from 1QIsa]) Mow’ab / the Questionable Origins of Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, Socialist Humanism, and 14Christianity (Mow’ab – Who is your Father, Lowt’s | Lot’s son by his eldest daughter, an unthinking, confrontational, multicultural, religious and political society indoctrinated from within and defined by Sodom, those who have squandered the benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died; from ma – to question the who, what, and why of ‘ab – the father, related to mowba’ and mow’al – a path which leads in the opposite direction) cry out in sorrow (yalal – howl and wail like a distressed animal in a lifeless place; note: yalal is one of two verbs defining Satan’s name – Hylel) for Mow’ab | on behalf of the Questionable Origins of Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, Socialist Humanism, or Christianity (Mow’ab – for this religious and political culture indoctrinated within and defined by Sodom, who have squandered the benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died).

Instead, each and every individual (kol huw’) should express sorrow, lamenting (yalal) the unknown masses (la ‘ashysh – the unaffiliated and thus unknown populations existing in proximity to one another who are under great pressure and depressed and offered to pagan gods) of Qyr Charas | the Destructive and Divisive Lure of the Lyrics Inscribed by Malevolent Schemers (Qyr Charas – that which was molded of clay to be contentious).

Ponder the serious implications associated with this message (hagah – give considerable thought to this material, speaking to those willing to listen) among (‘ak) the afflicted who are unmercifully abused (naka’).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:7)

The answer to our question is blunt and direct. He does not want to hear Mow’ab, today’s multicultural and politically correct, Christians or Socialists, complain about 15how they were misled and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, Yahowah does want us to lament the fate of the unknown masses, those not yet defined by Mow’ab, ‘Amown, ‘Esa’ow, Yisra’el, or Yahuwdah. In election parlance, these are the independents.

While Yah wants us to feel sorry for them, which suggests that we should try and help them, He is not explicitly asking us to reach out to them because it may be too late. Moreover, with the fate of the Chosen People hanging in the balance, they may not be worth the effort. Lost in their political and religious delusions, and wayyyyyy too defensive of their beliefs, we are unlikely to find even the smallest crack for the truth to take root or grow.

Yahowah has defined the unknown masses as “qyr charas – disparaging and divisive, molded to be contentious.” They are a “formed and fragile earthen altar” to the ways of man. They have been “qyr charas – baited and lured away, ensnared behind a smokescreen of homage to the lifeless and fabricated natural things of the earth, becoming little more than shards of broken pottery and fractured earthen vessels that men have made and then destroyed.”

Those under the influence of Mow’ab are unknown to Yahowah because they have been “qyr charas – infected with an eruptive disease derived from too much exposure to the sun, by blasphemy through defiant taunts.” In the end, they will be “cut down while gnashing their teeth as a result of the decisions they have made regarding man’s decrees, suffering birth pangs while being fettered and charred, burned by the sun, pursuant to an evil plot schemed up by those associated with the occult who conspired in secret.”

16As we transition to the next statement, the progenitor of the way of Mow’ab is “Sha’uwl – Question Him,” the Plague of Death and father of the religion that will bewilder and mislead many, keeping them from being known to God. It is hard to miss Pauline Christianity’s love affair with the substitute wine and round wafers of Communion and the Eucharist – both ancient pagan substitutions for Pesach and Matsah.

Roman Catholicism is the mother of Christianity, a religion that was fathered by Sha’uwl | Question Him. It grew out of Imperial Rome, and is the final Beast, making it the religious manifestation of Babylon. The Roman Church is also the offspring of ‘Esa’ow and thus the modern incarnation of ‘Edowm.

Therefore, from an expansive view, this particular “Questionable Father” could also be referencing the last in a long line of revolting and pompous popes, the “Holy Father.” After all, Pope Francis is politically, morally, and economically a Multicultural and Politically Correct Socialist Humanist – I would dare say Communist based upon his liberal rhetoric.

In Howsha’ / Hosea 3:1, the “‘ashyshah – cakes of dried and shriveled grapes mixed with old grape juice and offered to pagan gods” was presented in association with ‘Asherah, the progenitor of Orthodox Christianity’s and Roman Catholicism’s “Virgin with Child, Mother of God, and Queen of Heaven.” They have been burnt by overexposure to the sun – Satan’s favorite guise, the author of Sunday, Christmas, and Easter observances.

“Indeed (ky), the cultivated fields and expansive growth (shedemah) of Cheshbown | of the Schemers and their Weapons at this time of reckoning (Cheshbown – of the evil plans of the snipers and their intent to kill, and of those who throw stones based upon their own accounts and reasoning) will shrivel up and wither away as a 17result of being indecisive and lacking the will to make the right decision (‘amal – will languish as they are weakened for choosing poorly, having no personal discipline, and being overly fixated on satiating their sexual desires).

The twisted vine and moral poison (wa gephen – the bent tendril of corruption once associated with Sodom) of Sabamah | of those who are Overly Affluent and Satiated with Alcohol (Sabamah – of those with abrasive wealth, some of whom are odiferous while others are obnoxiously sweet, satiated with excess, gluttonous, and hedonistic), those who own and control (ba’al – the masters and rulers, the lords who possess) the gentile nations (gowym – the pagan peoples who are culturally, geographically, and ethnically estranged from Yisra’el), will strike out in an inebriated and destructive manner (halam – will be incapacitated because they are intoxicated, all while trampling and beating down their befuddled and drugged victims).

Their shoots (sarowq hy’ – their choicest vines and their selected tendrils) will continually (‘ad – will serve as prey for the predators, even as eternal plunder and an everlasting spoil) reach and entangle, infecting and plaguing (naga’ – extending to and inflicting, organically spreading as a fungus to traumatize biological life as a pandemic, sickening), Ya’azyr | the Empowered who are Disrespectful and Emboldened (Ya’azyr – the ferocious, vicious, and overly aggressive and those who support them who are barbarous, insolent, and rude, the vicious and audacious, the violent who are brutal and cruel along with their coconspirators), misleading them, causing them to err and go astray (ta’ah – deceiving them by promoting faith in that which is invalid such that they are confused and stagger aimlessly around) to a wasteland where the word is questioned (midbar – to a desolate place without 18sufficient water and nutrients to sustain life, a place without the word and that which has been spoken).

But their shoots (sheluchowt hy’ – her wild and untrained tendrils emerging from the same trunk) will be rejected and forsaken (natash – will be abandoned, cast off, and left behind, disassociated and excluded from association or relationship) as they are passed over in intoxicating (‘abar) seas (yam – the oceans serving as a synonym for Gentiles estranged from the Land).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:8)

Since this is addressing the militaristic and bombastic propensity of the modern incarnation of Mow’ab, it is going to come as quite a shock to those who have been led to believe that their god is blessing them. However, the inability to think as a result of being besieged by Political Correctness, and its consequence, the tendency to be indecisive, lacking personal discipline while being unrestrained and irresponsible, naturally leads to this eventuality. Those who are uninformed, and lack the will to make rational decisions, will be led to their demise.

Apart from the Roman Catholic Church, there is no institution in our world other than the United States capable of influencing the preponderance of Gentiles and their nations. And when one adds “gluttony, hedonism, and intoxication” to the mix, they stand together, exposed and alone. This is not only modern Mow’ab, but also religious and political Babylon.

The conclusion of this statement is reminiscent of the Pope being granted the opportunity to speak to a joint session of Congress in 2015, with the superpower and universal faith working together to mislead the world – turning the eyes of the unsuspecting away from the Word.

America is the land of “shedemah – cultivated fields” and “expansive growth.” It is the land of “Cheshbown – schemers and snipers” and of “weapons and siege 19machines.” It is the nation most prone to “throw stones based upon its own accounts and reasoning.”

Modern Mow’ab will “‘amal – shrivel up and wither away as a result of being indecisive.” Paralyzed by Political Correctness, its people “lack the will to make the right decision and for having no personal discipline.” Like Sodom, they are “overly fixated on satiating sexual and sensory desires” many of which are counterproductive.

Rome’s long shadow over Europe, and its seed in the New World has cultivated “sabamah – affluent cultures satiated with alcohol.” It has produced a culture which is both “sweet-sounding and yet odiferous.” At the epicenter of modern Mow’ab, Americans are “gluttonous and hedonistic, the model of excess.” And no other nation, not since Carthage or Rome, has “ba’al – owned or controlled” more of the “gowym – gentile world,” or been more prone to “halam – strike out in an inebriated and destructive manner.”

America’s shoots have entangled the world economically, politically, and militarily. And yet the world’s lone “ya’azyr – superpower is as disrespectful of the rights of others as it is emboldened to ferociously, aggressively, and audaciously project its influence and tentacles.” It is the land of Gentiles across the sea.

Before we press on through the text, we are confronted by a seldom considered reality. The Yisra’elite who copied the text of Yasha’yah from one scroll to another, creating the Great Isaiah Scroll, was not perfect. Yasha’yah 16:8-9 serves as proof. The eye of the scribe of 1QIsa apparently skipped from Sabamah in verse 8 to Sabamah in verse 9 and omitted everything in between. His omission is affirmed in the LXX and MT. Inadvertent errors, while the most common on the Dead Sea Scrolls, are still rare. Hebrew copyists have been conscientious throughout the ages, with the DSS differing from the Masoretic Text (prior 20to the subjective application of their diacritical markings) by as little as one word in fourteen – most of those being minor aberrations. The opposite, however, is true with the scriptural text underlying today’s Mow’ab: the Christian New Testament. There are twice as many known variants between the oldest manuscripts and the current amalgamized text as there are words in those books.

Yahowah takes no pleasure in the loss of life that has besieged our planet. But before we jump to any conclusions and extend such sympathy beyond where it is deserved, realize that Ruth, an amazing, intelligent, and courageous woman who spoke on behalf of Yahowah, was the great grandmother of Yahowah’s beloved, Dowd. She was Mow’abite. Her story reflects her quest to faithfully follow her mother-in-law back to Yahuwdah after her husband’s death. She engages in a relationship with Yahowah along the way, declaring to Naomi: “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God, my God.” (Ruth 1:16) It is the same declaration this exile from modern Mow’ab makes every day.

“Therefore (‘al ken), I express sorrow for the loss of life (bakah) associated with (ba) the emotional anguish and expressions of sorrow (beky) among (ba) Ya’azyr | the Empowered who are Disrespectful and Emboldened (Ya’azyr – the overly aggressive and those who support them, the empowered who are insolent and rude, the vicious and audacious who are brutal and cruel).

The moral poison of the bent vine (gephen – the corruption associated with that which has grown, spreading far and wide from Sadom | Sodom and from elevated individuals, those in the highest places with individual status) of Sabamah | of those who are Overly Affluent and Satiated with Alcohol (Sabamah – of those with abrasive approach to wealth, some of whom are odiferous while others are obnoxiously sweet), I will drench you 21(rawah ‘atah – I have had more than enough of you so you will experience being saturated) in My tears (dim’ah ‘any – discharge from an open wound which is raw and sore).

Cheshbown | at a Time of Reckoning for the Grand Schemes and their Weapons (Cheshbown –accounting for inappropriate decisions, misguided reasoning, and the improper devices of the instigators and their military armaments, of those who throw stones based upon their own accounts and perceptions) and (wa) El’aleh | where Allah is Exalted as a God (‘El’aleh – from ‘el – God (akin to the erroneous rendering of Allahu-Akbar as ‘God is Great’), ‘alah is also a burnt offering as in a holocaust), indeed (ky) because of (‘al) your summer fruit (qayts ‘atah – that which you produce during the warmer months when you are awakened from your stupor) and (wa) concerning (‘al) your intended harvest (qatsyr ‘atah – your attempt to reap what you have sown), your exuberant shouts (hedad – your euphoric cheering and clamorous chanting, even boisterous jeering and celebratory taunts) shall diminish, dissipate, and die (naphal – will fall prostrate and go away, ceasing forever).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:9)

Thankfully for those of us who realize that “Allahu Akbar” is the Islamic Prayer of Fear, and that it was established by Muhammad in his failed attempt to impose his god’s superiority over the God of the Yahuwdym / Jews, we will not have to hear it again. Allah is the Adversary and Yahowah is God.

But one thing has become abundantly clear: in the end, Muslims will be no better off than Christians or Secular Humanists. It matters not if you believe that Allah or Jesus is God, or think that there is no God, because each approach is wrong.

When Yahowah states that He will “bakah – express sorrow for the loss of life” among “ya’azyr – the 22Empowered, Disrespectful, and Emboldened who are ferocious and overly aggressive as well as those who support them.” He is also saying that, while He values life, they will die. Then with a telling reference to Sodom, God reveals that “sabamah – the overly affluent who are satiated with alcohol and known for their excess,” represent the “gephen – moral poison of the corrupt and bent vine rooted in Sodom which has grown, spreading far and wide.”

Yahowah places Cheshbown and ‘El’aleh, America and the Islamic nations it has enriched and armed, in the same hideous pot – a poisonous and corrupting concoction which will be neutralized. As for the “summer fruit,” consider this the last hurrah for the escalation of strife between Islamic jihadists and the U.S. military before both succumb during the fall of man – during the time when their exuberant chanting and boisterous jeering of the patriotic and religious will dissipate and die.

Reaffirming that Yahowah has heard far too many people scream “Praise the Lord” and “Allahu-Akbar,” He prophetically reveals…

“Then (wa) their jubilation as an expression of their religious devotion (simchah – their exuberant worship and exaltation of their god) and (wa) their joyous shouts and shrieks (gyl – their superior attitude and terrorizing expressions) will cease to exist (‘asaph – shall be taken away and removed).

From (min) the fertile land (ha karmel – that which is cultivated including orchards) and in (wa bin) the vineyards (ha kerem – where grapes are grown (a reference to Yisra’el and thus to the so-called “Palestinians”)) there will be no loud or rhythmic public proclamations (lo’ ranan – there will be no summons to worship or calls to prayer), no shouts of impending triumph (lo’ ruwa’ – no lurid or brash chants, no call to 23invade or to battle, no warning, and no good news). Wine (yayn) in (ba) the presses and vats (ha yeqeb) will no longer flow out (lo’ darak).

Those who trample and tread (ha darak – those who walk over others, directing others, causing them to march off to battle and shoot their weapons), exuberantly shouting and euphorically crying (hedad – singing hymns as an act of worship, reciting prayers of thanksgiving, or vocally supporting their troops), I will put an end to on the Shabat (shabat – I will stop them and then eliminate them, causing them to disappear so that I can celebrate the Shabat).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:10)

There will come a time in which God, working through Dowd | David, will put an end to all forms of religious devotion – from its terrorizing expressions to its irritating hymns, from every summons to worship to calls to prayer and fiery sermons, even to patriotic platitudes in support of a nation’s troops. It is among the best things a loving and protective Father can do for His children.

There is yet another allusion to Roman Catholicism which should be acknowledged. It was the Beast emerging from Imperial Rome which was predicted in Dany’el to “darak – trample and tread” upon the whole world. Moreover, it was the Roman Catholic Church, in absolute defiance of Yahowah’s instructions, that outlawed the observance of the Shabat in deference to their Lord.

“Therefore (‘al-ken), this is My innermost and anguished response (me’ah ‘any) to (la) Mow’ab | those with a Questionable Heritage who are Politically Correct, Socialist Secular, Multicultural Humanists, and especially Pauline Christians (Mow’ab – the unthinking, belligerent, multi-ethnic, religious and political societies indoctrinated within and defined by the legacy of Sodom who have squandered the benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed 24with pagan lore by Paul to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died, leading them in the wrong direction).

They are like (ka) the loud, disturbing, intoxicating, and haunting groaning (hamah – the distressing, disquieting, and reverberating lament, even the uninhibited, angry, and drunken snarl, the distracting and confusing, maddening and disquieting way) of a lyre (ha kinowr), engendering (wa) My visceral and apprehensive reaction (qereb ‘any – My innermost and anguished response) toward (la) Qyr Charas | the Destructive and Divisive Lure of the Lyrics Inscribed by Malevolent Schemers (Qyr Charas – that which was molded of clay to be contentious, that which is broken and will be thrown away as adversarial and destructive vomit, disparaging and divisive, lured away and ensnared behind a smokescreen by those who envision and write malevolent schemes, conceiving cults in such a way that the writer’s actual motives are concealed so as to silence critics in concert with an eruptive disease from too much exposure to the sun in association with the occult and conspiratorialists).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:11)

The modern manifestation of Mow’ab was predicted to sound like an irritating rendition of the same instrument Dowd played so brilliantly. But they would be out of tune with David’s narrative, dancing to an entirely different melody and lyrics. What God had enjoyed was now insufferable, the loud roar of maddening confusion designed to distract from His message and melody of life. That is to say that God finds the rhetoric and sermons, the platitudes and prayers, the secular songs and sectarian hymns, of Mow’ab, of Secular Humanists and Pauline Christians, to be akin to the belligerent outbursts of an obnoxious drunken man and the snarl of an angry beast.

Having invested considerable time contemplating the implications of Qyr Cheres, I have come to see it as evidence of the deplorable and lamentable attribute of 25Mow’ab, likely even the appalling lyrics of the people’s songs. Qyr is a “wall which separates and divides.” Related words convey: “adversarial, smokescreen, a decree given at the end of a spear, a funeral dirge, to spew out vomit then cover up the smell with perfume and incense, to pluck away, to trivialize and render meaningless, even insignificant, and to slaughter, slay, and kill.”

An accurate depiction of Cheres is developed by doing a modicum of digging. Cheres is vocalized according to the Masoretes’ diacritical markings (which were added in the 11th century CE) by the addition of a dot on the left side of the Shin (rather than the right), converting it to a Sin. It is translated as “earthen or earth, potsherd or pottery, vessel or shard.”

Since God is not agonizing over broken pots, the observant will find that cheres is an amalgamation of words. This begins with “cheres – an eruptive disease contracted from excess exposure to the sun.” It is promoted by those who “charaph – defy and jeopardize through blasphemy,” so as to “chereph – to pluck away,” by “cherpah – acting shamefully,” while “charats – decisively maiming and mutilating” those who are otherwise Sodomites. They are thus “charar – scorched and burned” by “charash – the imagined and inscribed evil plots of magicians, those who use religious magic tricks to lure in and silence the stupefied masses.”

The root of cheres, which is differentiated from cheresh in the modern lexicon by the placement of the diacritical markings, means “to envision and write malevolent schemes, to conceive and engrave plans which cut those who read them into the resulting cult, in such a way that the writer’s actual motives are concealed so as to silence critics.” It speaks of the “artificers and illusionists who deploy ruses to fool the foolish.”

26It must sadden God that His creation has not only sought to end the life He conceived but, adding insult to injury, has chosen to worship false gods in the process, perverting everything He had intended. And since we now know that Mow’ab represents the questionable father of Christianity and Multicultural Socialist Secular Humanism, we are being made aware that this demonic beast will become visible, accepting human form to pull off his last charade.

“And it will come to exist (wa hayah), therefore, that (ky) Mow’ab, the Politically Correct, Multicultural Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians (Mow’ab), will present themselves and be seen (ra’ah – will be revealed and properly viewed, he and it will be shown for what he and it actually represents) because (ky – marking the point in time) he and it will become incapacitated (la’ah – he and it will fail, lacking the capacity to achieve his ambitions, lacking the capacity to respond) upon the most elevated places of worship (‘al ha bamah – upon and before its pagan shrines and sacred religious centers, battlefields, and memorials).

When he comes to (wa bow’ ‘el) his sanctuary in his temple, his shrines and holy places (miqdash huw’), to provide justification and pray (la hitpalal – to plead for intercession and arbitrate, arguing on his behalf, requesting conciliation having foreseen where this was all headed), he will fail, neither prevailing nor comprehending what is happening (lo’ yakol – he will accomplish nothing and be powerless, he will not be able to process what’s occurring, grasp the consequence, or attain what he desires).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:12)

The first part of this requires the subject to orchestrate his own fate and then endure it. To his credit and shame, Paul took ownership of his pronouncements but not his inspiration.

27I’ve long recognized that the Towrahless One, known to Christians as the Antichrist, will be indistinguishable from Sha’uwl / Question Him / Paul. He will convey the same message replete with all of the character flaws. And this prophetic presentation of the corporeal manifestation of Mow’ab seems to affirm that I was right.

Along with Sha’uwl, Satan will be incapacitated in the very place he garnered his power and influence: the most elevated places of worship. It is Divine justice. To the very end, he will justify his ambitions, pleading the case for his religious and political ideals. He will be like the men he has possessed, arbitrating and arguing for conciliation.

The Towrah will prevail and they will not. They will have accomplished nothing, except to prevent billions from knowing God. Having sought to influence, they will be powerless. Having claimed to know, they will be clueless.

It is also telling that Satan, without a “neshamah – conscience,” does not understand what’s about to befall him or even why it will occur. This reduces the Adversary to the status of an implement – a tool.

It is little wonder Satan’s religious schemes are so similar, and that they are all counterfeits. Rather than composing a strategy of his own, Satan twists Yahowah’s plan to suit his agenda. Such is the case with Paul’s manifesto.

At this point the prophet reminds us that he is simply the messenger and that the words we are reading were spoken by our Creator, Yahowah. Further, Yasha’yah reveals that this prophecy regarding Mow’ab would be for another time – our time.

“This is (zeh) the Word (ha dabar – the message and communication) which, to reveal the correct way to the most beneficial relationship and to get the most out of life (‘asher), Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of 28YaHoWaH) spoke (dabar – communicated using words) concerning (‘el) Mow’ab, the Politically Correct, Multicultural Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians of Questionable Parentage (Mow’ab – Who is Your Father, the unthinking and warlike religious and political culture indoctrinated in the immoral cesspool of Sodom, having squandered the benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died), as a logical and temporal expression of the future revealed in the past (min ‘az – regarding this time).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:13)

I will remain grateful for the influence of ‘asher. It, more than any other word, led me to Yah. And over the years I have been enriched by it, coming to realize that it speaks of “a beneficial relationship which is achieved by walking along the correct and narrow path which gives meaning to life.” It provides special meaning in this context, positioned as it is between “ha dabar – the Word” and Yahowah’s name.

As we ponder the future implications of the concluding statements in the 16th chapter of Yasha’yah, we would be wise to travel through time, if only in our minds, to ascertain when, if ever, these events transpired. The reason for doing so is to underscore the realization that this “min ‘az – logical and temporal expression of the future revealed in the past” speaks of our world today. Ancient Mow’ab no longer exists and, therefore, to understand the prophecy we must evaluate the clues we have been given and apply them to the present time.

Modern Mow’ab is noted for its “expansive growth,” “cultivated fields,” and their “weapons” during the “time of reckoning,” which is likely upon Yahowah’s return to judge the world. These people pride themselves in having “deadly snipers” while “throwing stones at others based upon their own accounts and reasoning.” In spite of these 29things, this future manifestation of Mow’ab is “going to shrivel up and wither away” as a result of “being indecisive” while “lacking the capacity and will to make the right decision.” They will be “morally corrupt and fixated on satiating all manner of sexual desires,” which must be “perversions” considering the association with Sodom.

Mow’ab’s demise is partly attributed to “alcoholism and drug abuse,” and will occur in spite of the nation’s “abrasive display of wealth” and “gluttonous use of resources.” Each description appears to point to America, specifically, and Europe and Roman Catholicism, more generally, especially in the aftermath of the debilitating response to the Coronavirus. Further, the realization that modern Mow’ab has been attempting to “lord over and control the gentile nations” reinforces the likelihood that God is condemning the United States, Europe, and the Roman Catholic Church – political and religious Babylon.

These people have “incapacitated” themselves in the process of “striking out” against others “in a destructive manner.” Such is the case with the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. With the largest military in human history, America is “emboldened” to use it, and has become “ferociously aggressive and audacious,” especially in the “desert wastelands” of the Middle East “where Allah is Exalted as God.”

Whether Yahowah is addressing what has already occurred, or what is about to befall humankind as a result of Mow’ab’s | America’s weapons and its will to deploy them, God is “lamenting the enormous loss of life.” Millions have already succumbed, but billions more will die.

In the process, Mow’ab’s “voice will be silenced.” Her “propensity for religious devotion” and “boisterous protests” “will dissipate.” The “shouts of victory will 30subside.” The nation and institution “treading upon the earth” will be “stopped dead in her tracks.” Those of “divisive rhetoric” and “malevolent schemes” will be no more, “incapacitated at the highest levels of political power and religious authority.” Their “prayers and pleas” will go “unanswered.” Neither the people nor their leaders “will comprehend what is happening to them or understand why they are powerless to stop it.”

As we press forward in the prophecy, we are confronted by a “tedious and perfunctory” period of “three years’ time,” replete with “obligatory servitude” and “menial and monotonous work” in “pursuit of provisions, fame, and fortune.” It is a time known for viewing “wealth and status” as “contemptible and condemnable.” We are seeing shades of this in the socialistic Black Lives Matter protests. And while the religious, political, and military elite have been despicable and disreputable for all of human history, previously the masses have coveted their rank and wealth. Further, there were no protests because the few who dared oppose the hierarchical structure were ostracized and tortured. Speaking against the religious, military, and political establishment was not done in ancient Mow’ab and it is just now becoming sustainable in an Islamic kingdom and Communist nation.

The signs are so pervasive, they are hard to miss. American and European governance is predicated upon the entitlement mentality of socialism which promotes the redistribution of wealth. We justify as progressive, governments taking possessions from those who earned them and giving their assets to those who have voted to tax them away from those they disdain.

It is the underlying current of the Arab Spring which precipitated the greatest migration of displaced people in human history – one that will turn an ignorant and irrational world into a lazy and uninspired one with countless anti-Semites. Fact is, anti-Semitism is largely based upon this 31very notion that Jews have somehow conspired to enrich themselves by robbing the masses, thereby justifying the conspirator’s actions against them.

“So now (wa ‘atah – then henceforth, this being so, and from now on) Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of , our ‘elowah – God as directed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence) has spoken (dabar – has communicated using words, expressed Himself verbally in speech, and conveyed His message with words), saying (la ‘amar – to answer, declare, promise, and convey),

‘In (ba) three (shalosh) years’ time (shanah), like (ka – akin to) the years (shanah) of a day laborer performing a perfunctory, tedious, and repetitive menial job on an hourly basis (sakyr – of a short- or long-term contract worker without status or property who is hired to serve another in an obligatory and monotonous fashion and who is compensated for his effort based strictly on the time they are at the jobsite working, especially an unthinking mercenary who is committed to fight for a prescribed period, usually measured in years, in the cause of another rather than for patriotism, fortune, or fame; from sakar and karah – to earn wages by hiring oneself out, bargaining to trade one’s labor for some other benefit, especially during a feast when bargaining over its provisions), the attribution of power and status (wa kabowd – the abundant wealth and dictatorial rulers, the vast property and extravagant possessions of those with high status and rank) will be seen as contemptible and will be disdained and condemned (qalah – will be viewed as degraded, even despised as loathsome and shameful, precipitating a shriveling up and withering away in ignominy) as it pertains to Mow’ab, the Politically Correct, Multicultural Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians (Mow’ab – Who is Your Father; from ma – to question the who, what, and why of ‘ab – the father, the 32unthinking and warlike religious and political culture indoctrinated in the irrational and immoral cesspool of Sodom, having squandered the benefits of the Hebrew writings because they were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah’s voice died).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:14 (in part))

It is exciting to ponder the possibilities. When does this long, seemingly endless, three years commence and conclude? The internal clues suggest that we should attribute it to the final three to four years of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, more commonly known as the “Tribulation.” This would have it begin in the Summer of 2029 and conclude in the early Fall of 2033.

Encouraged by anti-Semitic Christians and by the liberal multiculturalists and socialists behind the increased levels of mindless and mundane employment, then armed and angered by America, Islamic Jihadists will flood into Israel at this time. Equally troubling, in the midst of this, the world will be incapacitated by global depression and carved into warring factions. Sunni Muslims will be aided and abetted by the United States and Europe while the Shia will be fighting on behalf of the Russians and Chinese. The assault against the Promised Land will be horrific, but Yisra’el will prevail as a result of Yahowah’s intervention. But as for the rest of the world, we would be wise to expect a nuclear confrontation which will be devastatingly deadly.

As we progress, it becomes ever more obvious that Yahowah isn’t speaking about the ancient kingdom of Mow’ab or even Jordan, on whose territory it once resided, but instead the Gentile nations, institutions, and peoples aligned with the Lord Ba’al, a.k.a., Satan through Paul’s influence.

“In all (ba kol – even with the totality) of its great (ha rab – its expansive, numerous, large, excess, and massive) wealth and agitated multitude, even its enormous 33military (hamown – riches and riotous people, possession-craving and noisy population, excessive troops and weapons, disgruntled and confused masses, most of whom are enraged and clamorous, disquieted and troubled, boisterous and chaotic, crying out loud and mourning), those who remain (wa sha’ar – the bodies and souls of those who are left, the residue and remnant, those still clinging to life who have been left behind) will be worthless and de minimis (ma’at – limited in number and easily countable, also feeble and diminished), lowly and little (miz’ar – of no value (serving as a synonym for Pauline Christians based upon the Latin name Paulos chose for himself, meaning “Lowly and Little”); from ze’yet – to exist for a short time, dwindling to nothingness thereafter and of no significance), the antithesis of enriched and empowered (lo’ kabyr – their lives ended, impoverished and without merit, estranged from the Almighty, powerless and incapacitated, contracted, diminished, and impoverished, ceasing to exist).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yahowah / Isaiah 16:14)

As a direct result of immorality and ignorance, greed and arrogance, as well as a heavy dose of general stupidity, Islamic fiefdoms are superbly armed by Christian and secular nations. But the militants will be no match for Yahowah who will destroy them and their weapons of war in the midst of their crusade against Yisra’el.

However, God will not intervene to protect America, Europe, Russia, or China. They, along with their Christian and Communist ideals, will be decimated. The enriched will be impoverished, and the empowered will be incapacitated. Their collective political, economic, and military might will be vanquished. The resulting carnage will leave the world bereft of life.

The few worthless souls who remain, those who are still under the spell of Paulos | the Lowly and Little, will be left to wonder what ever happened to the promises their 34Lord made to them in their New Testament. What happened to the American Dream, Manifest Destiny, the allure of anti-Semitic conspiracies, and the enlightened rhetoric of Multicultural Political Correctness? It will be ashes to ashes and dust to dust as they are all consumed in the atomic conflagration.

And while you may not yet concur with this extrapolation from the text, rest assured, Yahowah has a great deal more to say about the United States, Christianity, and Socialist Secular Humanism. He is about to issue a warning regarding their assault on His people and the ensuing war. And we will not have to wait long to hear it because this is the subject of Yasha’yah / Isaiah 17 and 18, which commence with His next word. As has been the case with every world power, no matter the size of their army nor their accumulated wealth, they eventually come crashing down – especially those who trifle with Yisra’el.

This has been a marvelously clear presentation of cause and consequence, of the nature of the modern manifestation of Mow’ab and what will befall them. Mow’ab represents a vast swath of people living without regard for Yahowah, including the Politically Correct, Liberal Socialists, Multicultural, Secular Humanists, and Pauline Christians. And while being political and religious is not recognized as a crime among humans, God cannot ignore what their ilk has done to harass Yisra’el and lead so many away from Him.


At this time, I would like to flesh out a tantalizing tidbit that I perceived not long ago. Paul was not just the Questionable Father of Christianity, Sha’uwl also laid the foundation for Multiculturalism and Political Correctness, the core tenets of Socialist Secular Humanism. And that is 35why Mow’ab is equal parts secular and sectarian, a blending together of the immoral and irrational mantra of Sodom with Christianity.

There are a number of reasons that I have drawn this conclusion. First, Paul’s most defining and beloved prose is presented in the “Love” chapter of 1st Corinthians. Sha’uwl’s “love conquers all” has become the heart and soul of those who disdain hate as part of the Liberal, Multicultural, Politically Correct, Socialist, Secular Humanist agenda so prevalent in the West today.

But it is more than just the immoral attitude of indiscriminate love without an aversion to that which is wrong, or the irrational notion of loving before knowing – even though both permeate Western society. We must turn off our brains to love Sha’uwl | Question Him. Even in the detailed strokes of his most beloved presentation, this man became the Questionable Father of modern Mow’ab, which reveals his duplicity. So, let’s review 1 Corinthians 13, one Pauline claim at a time.

Foreshadowing the Politically Correct influence on Multiculturalism and Liberalism, Sha’uwl’s lone and failed attempt to compete against Dowd | David, Yahowah’s Beloved, became little more than a hypocritical contradiction in the end. Most of Paul’s letters, including those he wrote to the Galatians, Corinthians, Philippians, Ephesians, Thessalonians, and Hebrews opened with Sha’uwl disparaging those communities for turning against him. It is, therefore, incongruous and hypocritical for him to speak of being the paradigm for unconditional love. The same is true of liberals who march in the streets today, carrying signs and shouting slogans such as “Love trumps hate,” “Love! Not hate! Make America great!” or “No justice! No Peace!” while they, themselves, hate those who are critical of their ridiculous notions. They are more hateful than those they oppose.

36As is the case with the me-myself-and-I self-centered attitude of modern Mow’ab, even Paul’s “love chapter” is self-centered. From beginning to end, he keeps the focus on himself. He did not state that his followers should love, but instead:

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love (charity in the KJV), I am only a resounding (sounding brass in the KJV and noisy in the ESV and NLT) gong or a clanging cymbal.” (1 Corinthians 13:1 NIV)

The most rational explanation for this self-justifying approach is that Sha’uwl’s “love chapter” is actually his mea culpa, his plea to have his shortcomings and abject failures overlooked. Just as the pretense of love is a smokescreen for many of the most hateful and envious of the Politically Correct and Liberal Multiculturalists today, this was also so with Paul.

I have occasionally wondered why Sha’uwl | Question Him chose such an obscure metaphor with the “clanging cymbal” and why he replicated it with the “noisy sounding brass gong.” Having found the answer, it affirms my theory. From beginning to end, the wannabe apostle Sha’uwl was in competition with Dowd, Yahowah’s Beloved son, the man God actually mashyach | anointed as His Messiah to lead and instruct His people.

In the lyrics of his first Mizmowr / Psalm, Dowd | David declared that Yahowah’s Towrah was the love of His life, and that everything worthwhile about him was a result of thoughtfully considering and sharing God’s Towrah | Teaching and Guidance. By contrast, Sha’uwl | Paul committed his life to silencing the Towrah’s voice.

Dowd’s concluding Mizmowr / Psalm is the 150th. It begins: “You should choose to shine a light of appreciation (halal) on Yah (Yah).”

37It concludes: “You should, of your own freewill, proudly commend Him (halal huw’) with a loud announcement which can be heard coming from (‘al shema’) a clanging cymbal (tsaltsal).

Decide of your own freewill to clearly acclaim His worthiness (halal huw’) with a resounding alarm and shout for joy upon (taruw’ah ‘al) a percussive brass gong (tsaltsal).

Let every (kol) soul with a conscience, with the ability to understand (neshamah), literally and continually, clearly and proudly, celebrate and announce one’s appreciation (halal) for Yah (Yah).

You should choose to shine luminously, brightly showing the enlightening and commendable nature (halal) of Yah (Yah).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics / Psalm 150:5-6)

And now we know. As it was with the wannabe King Sha’uwl, since Dowd was right, Sha’uwl was wrong. It was obvious, and he knew it, so this was nothing more than a cheap swipe at the man God actually chose to reveal His nature and purpose to all mankind. Taking that which was proclaimed by and was given to Dowd, and repositioning it to serve his twisted agenda, is the heart and soul of what made Sha’uwl | Paul so malicious and malignant.

Usurping Dowd’s prose was just the beginning. Sha’uwl would misappropriate David’s Messianic title and his calling as the Son of God. He did so because Dowd was afforded the titles which were needed to justify Sha’uwl’s claims regarding Iesou Christo. The many hundreds of prophecies pertaining to Dowd had to be shifted in favor of the Christian god to give Iesou Christo a divine veneer. A new religion could not be based upon the Passover Lamb, so Dowd’s God-given identification as the Son of God and Messiah, King of Kings and Shepherd, the Chosen One and Cornerstone, the Right Hand of God and Prophet, the one whose life would be restored and who would be returning, 38were usurped and erroneously given to Sha’uwl’s Lord. It was the most egregious heist in history.

Dowd was plundered by Sha’uwl for yet another reason. David epitomizes the realization that Paul’s opposition to Yahowah’s Towrah was without merit. Dowd, as a flawed man, was made right with God and was vindicated as a result of the Towrah. God’s Teaching did not condemn him – it saved him.

Pursuing the conclusion of his initial point, and wholly unlike those in the Covenant who benefited from Shabuw’ah, Paul could not speak in the tongues of men. He needed interpreters and also scribes because the quality of his writing was deplorable and his reasoning deficient. Even with them, the text of his letters has to be revamped and rehabilitated to appear credible. Even his public pronouncements were so appalling, almost every community in which he spoke rejected him. And his predilection to revisionist history renders everything he claimed suspect. It would all serve as a harbinger for modern Mow’ab, the land of texts and tweets, a time when the language is impoverished, and logic is dead.

“And if I have prophetic powers…” (1 Corinthians 13:1 ESV) Unlike all of Yahowah’s actual messengers, Sha’uwl | Question Him was not a prophet. In his lone attempt – the “Rapture” – he got everything wrong, including the violent nature of being snatched away and the timing, which he missed by nearly twenty centuries.

Therefore, Paul knows that for the foolish to believe him, they will have to overlook this glaring deficiency. Likewise, today, few preachers or pundits bother to authenticate his or her work. They neither appreciate the value of context nor understand the lessons from the past which explain the present and shape the future. And even with God telling us what is going to happen, they remain clueless as to who is returning (Yahowah, not Yahowsha’), 39when (Yowm Kipurym 6000 Yah [10.02.2033]), why (to reconcile His relationship with Yisra’el), or with whom (Dowd to serve as King).

And speaking of being wrong, there is no such thing as “prophetic powers.” There is no “gift of prophecy,” either. Paul was mistaken on both accounts. It is Yahowah who has the power to reveal the future in our past, not the men or women through whom He reveals this information. Moreover, being a prophet is anything but a gift. Speaking for God irks far more people than it pleases.

“And if I…can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith…” (1 Corinthians 13:2 NIV) Paul needed his audience to overlook the fact that he could not contribute to our ability to understand man’s purpose, our opportunity, or responsibility. Nor could he credibly demystify God’s nature, distinguishing Yahowah from the religious gods men had made.

This was, of course, the opposite of what we find among Yahowah’s prophets, where God, who is set apart, becomes knowable, and, therefore, understanding eliminates the need for faith. Those of us who read what Yahowah revealed so long ago are enlightened and enriched by an unending array of brilliant insights – not even a whiff of which is found in Sha’uwl’s fourteen epistles.

This is also reminiscent of modern Mow’ab, a time of great scientific achievement in the midst of an explosion of information, when scarcely one in a million contributes to what can be known and understood about Yahowah, who He is, what He is offering, and what He expects in return. In fact, today, most people not only don’t care, like Paul, they are averse to His message because it is counter to their own.

Paul’s insistence that love trumps knowledge and understanding is not only incongruous with everything we 40have learned from Yahowah, it is emblematic of today’s Politically Correct and Multicultural society. Truth is universally rejected when it is in opposition to the irrational concept of accepting, even respecting, mutually exclusive and wholly incompatible ideas as being equally valid.

Sha’uwl’s fallacy has, therefore, come to underpin the debilitating notion that opinions are entitlements which should never be challenged by evidence or reason. The Christian makes no distinction between the things of God and Babel, which makes his polytheistic faith so luxuriant. As a result of indoctrination and intoxicants, man’s world has become such an unmitigated and counterproductive web of lies, socially, politically, religiously, militarily, economically, and conspiratorially, like Pauline Doctrine, without blind faith, it would all come crashing down.

Speaking of faith, the amount of it is irrelevant. A modicum of faith in that which is true will prevail, while all manner of faith in that which is unreliable is useless, even counterproductive.

“…but have not love, I am nothing…” (1 Corinthians 13:2 NIV) Okay, let’s admit it. Paul got that one right. He was nothing, of less value than navel lint.

“If I give away all I possess…” (1 Corinthians 13:3) In breach of God’s instructions, Paul was never charitable, and then demanded it from others, especially when he was the beneficiary. Moreover, our charity does not impress God. Being good does not matter either. With God we are assessed on a single condition: being right. In this regard, Sha’uwl and Dowd were opposites.

The Pauline approach to giving is similar to today’s Mow’abites who are unwilling to work and yet demand that those who have been successful surrender their wealth to them. Those who are the least charitable pretend to be moral and enlightened when they condemn the most philanthropic. Given their way, those who have been 41productive would have to surrender all they have earned to those who have failed to accomplish anything with their lives. Punishing success while rewarding failure is even touted as enlightened, compassionate, progressive, and fair.

“…and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:3) This is wrong every which way. Human sacrifice has always been the most hideous expression of religion. The reason Yahowah turned the Mow’abites over to the whims of Yisra’el is that King Mesha sacrificed his own son and then burned ten thousand men, women, and children alive to appease his Lord. From God’s perspective, it was akin ridding His home of the plague. There is nothing loving about human sacrifice. It is always wrong. Self-immolation is the worst of the worst.

But the author of this pathetic claim was in competition with Yahowsha’. Sha’uwl | Question Him bragged about all of the physical hardships he endured, actually fabricating almost all of them. He would claim that his sacrifices were actually required to finish the job Yahowsha’ inadequately fulfilled.

Then, when he was challenged by the Yahuwdym | Jews who listened to his speeches and recognized that he was contradicting the very words of the God he claimed inspired him, Paul responded with an ad hominem attack, calling his opponents “Judaizers.” Then engaging in another fallacy, Paul played to his audiences’ sympathies, suggesting that they ought to believe a man who would take a beating for his beliefs. If that were true, we should all be honoring suicide bombers.

This misguided notion of personal sacrifice would reverberate throughout the ages into its current expression in today’s Politically Correct, Multicultural, Socialist Secular Humanist, and Pauline Christian societies. Patriots 42are told to admire the sacrifices of those who gave their lives fighting for their country in the misguided notion that warriors are responsible for the freedom, security, and prosperity of a nation. This myth is part of the putrid glue which binds modern Mow’ab together, and it is a myth which is embraced by the religious right and political left.

Incidentally, other than adulation and fame, neither of which is appropriate among those serving with Yah, what was Sha’uwl | Question Him seeking to gain? Even when our message accurately reflects Yahowah’s testimony, we gain nothing by sharing it because it is for the benefit of those who are willing to listen. Even our personal enrichment and enlightenment, our liberation and empowerment, our sense of confidence and courage, are all unaffected by our love. They are the result of observing and considering, not emotional feelings.

Moreover, we are not giving anything to anyone. The benefits of the Covenant are not ours to bestow, but instead Yahowah’s to offer. So, unless Sha’uwl wants the faithful to believe that he is the source of salvation, the extent that he is considered loving is irrelevant.

“Love does not envy; it does not boast; it is not arrogant…” (1 Corinthians 13:4) This gave birth to the hypocrisy the modern manifestation of the Mow’abites would manifest, because the man who wrote these words was the most envious and braggadocious individual to ever claim Divine inspiration. To read Paul’s letters, and particularly the confession found at the conclusion of his second epistle to Corinth, and then compare it to these words, leaves us with a single acceptable conclusion: Paul lied.

Sha’uwl was not only a conceited and bombastic hypocrite, the only person he actually loved was the one man he circumcised, Timothy. At the very least, based upon this act and his confession in Romans 7, Paul was 43confused over his sexual orientation. Today in modern Mow’ab, social arrogance is prolific. The preponderance of liberals boast about their social and political views while conservatives brag about their sense of patriotism, in their military and on behalf of their religion.

And of course, in modern Mow’ab, sexual mores are exceedingly disorienting, with all manner of abnormal behaviors being considered praiseworthy. Perversions prevail.

Incidentally, in this context, the only appropriate definition of “envy” would be “to want to be loved in return.” As such, Paul is wrong. Love always seeks its own. It is best when reciprocated and worst when rebuffed.

“…or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful.” (1 Corinthians 13:5 ESV) It is hard to read these words and type at the same time, because I am shaking my head in wonder. Second only to his admitted arrogance, Paul is best-known for “insisting on his own way.” Anyone who disagreed with “but I Paul say” was viciously attacked and condemned – they still are.

As for irritable, resentful, and rude, read what Paul has to say about Yahowsha’s Disciples “Peter,” “John,” and “James,” as well as his critics, the alleged “Judaizers.” He called the Galatians “traitors” as well as “stupid.” And while Sha’uwl was often enraged, even violent by his own admission, his greatest crime was denouncing and demeaning Yahowah, His Towrah, His Covenant, and His prophets. He did so for a single reason: to be seen as superior to all – even the chosen.

And that makes a mockery of the NIV translation of these same words: “It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered.” (1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV) Sha’uwl was the living embodiment of everything he said he opposed. It is little wonder She’owl was named after Sha’uwl. He offered his soul for the naming rights.

44“…It keeps no record of wrongs.” (1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV) Paul wrote these words as a smokescreen, knowing that he had been wrong about everything. It was also conveyed to dismiss what was written in the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms – wherein Yahowah holds His people and others accountable, consistently differentiating between right and wrong.

A society with social amnesia, as is the case with ours today, that keeps no record of wrongs is assured of never learning – always getting worse, never better. This is not only emblematic of the unwillingness to admit the cause of 9/11 or holding Islam accountable, for example, but it is also a core element of Political Correctness, and thus of modern Mow’ab. Another example would be Black Lives Matter seeking to blame Whites for killing Blacks when the opposite is true. When a Black man or woman is murdered, 93% of the time, the perpetrator is also Black. And in interracial crime, in which the victim and assailant are of different ethnicities, 80% of the time the offender is Black. The record of wrongs proves that they are wrong.

Similarly, the liberal response to the spread of the Covid 19 virus has been to deprive everyone of their liberty and livelihood. Even when it was demonstrated that the lockdowns made no difference in the spread of the disease, and that they were counterproductive, causing severe psychological problems while greatly exacerbating domestic abuse, suicide, drug addiction, and economic devastation, the response was to expand the degree of government control over people’s lives. Worst of all, the “fear porn” promoted in the media caused the preponderance of people to capitulate, willingly surrendering their freedom.

A number of years ago, I began a collection entitled Observations by bluntly stating that “Hate is a virtue.” The problem isn’t a deficiency in love, but instead a failure in knowing what and how to hate. We ought to despise 45Sha’uwl for the hell he has unleashed upon God’s People. Likewise, we should disdain rape and rapists, murder, incest, and pedophilia, kidnapping, bribery, and blackmail, along with those who deprive people of their freedom, livelihood, and dignity.

While they would not use “delight” or “rejoice,” this is something we would expect to hear from politicians presenting their political agenda while demeaning their opponents: “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” (1 Corinthians 13:6 NIV)

Paul, like today’s Christian preachers and Secular politicians, defines “evil” as anything that was counter to his own mantra. And truth became relative, whereby it was true if he said it and false if it came from a contrarian source, even if that source was God. Today, in modern Mow’ab, as was the case in ancient Sodom, truth is defined by what is acceptable and popular, and thus Politically Correct – even when wrong.

And speaking of Multicultural and Politically Correct rubbish, this could be the byline of many liberal Socialist Secular Humanist organizations: “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Corinthians 13:7 ESV) It is also mistaken from beginning to end.

To love, we must reject, even oppose, those who would harm our family. The Multicultural notion that we should endure and embrace religions like Islam when Muslims perpetrate 99% of all terrorist acts, abuse hundreds of millions of women, and are intolerant of everyone else is irresponsible and suicidal.

To be rational, we must reject what is untrue. Believing all things is absurdly stupid, because most religious, political, military, and conspiratorial pontifications are false. But that is what Paul and the Politically Correct he inspired must have the masses 46conditioned to accept, otherwise those who dare exercise good judgment would destroy their credibility.

There is nothing good that comes from false hope. It placates believers to the point that they become too complacent to search for that upon which they can confidently rely. It is the public’s placebo, something they swallow and then hope for the best. But in being placated by it, they spurn remedies that would actually prevail.

At its heart, the Multicultural and Politically Correct mantra of liberal Socialist Secular Humanism expounds the preposterous notion that “love never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13:8)

If that were true, then God does not love. And if Christians were rational, they would reject their religion on this basis alone, because they believe in an all-loving god. Moreover, Socialist Secular Humanists would forego their assemblies because, in the long history of man, love has never prevailed over might.

By placing his words, “but I Paul, say…,” above the words of the Most High, and in lockstep with the arrogant spirit who possessed him, Sha’uwl would convey the antithesis of what Yahowah has communicated to us. He wrote: “But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” (1 Corinthians 13:8 NIV) This is utter nonsense. And yet it must be accepted as true for one to respect Paul and be a Christian.

Just because Paul was a false prophet, does not bring closure to prophesy. Even in eternity, what Yahowah has said will ring true. Moreover, God’s prophecies run the gamut of time, meaning that they are also accurate historically. Paul, and those he inspired in modern Mow’ab, may prefer revisionist history and replacement theology, but the truth never goes out of style.

47As for tongues, Paul’s interpretation of babbling like idiots has never been good or Godly. That which was never sanctioned would have no reason to be stilled. During forever, we will speak in the language of Yahowah – Hebrew.

Knowledge is the enemy of Faith, just as is light for darkness. One cannot exist in the presence of the other.

Rather than knowledge passing away, it is what will get us into heaven and what will occupy and excite us while we are there.

If I may quote Yahowsha’ on this issue, He said: “Do not assume that I have come to weaken, invalidate, or abolish the Towrah or the Prophets. I have not come to do away with it, but instead to completely fulfill it.

Truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot, the smallest letter in Hebrew, nor tittle, the strokes comprising Hebrew letters, shall pass away or be disregarded from that which was established in the Towrah until the time and place it all happens.

Therefore, whoever dismisses or invalidates the least of these terms and conditions, or teaches people to do the same, they will be called ‘Lowly and Little’ in the kingdom of heaven.

And whoever acts upon them, and teaches them, they will be called ‘Significant’ in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:17-19)

Communication between Yahowah and His creation is about to become much more prolific, and our ability to know and understand will grow exponentially, especially as we receive His towrah | guidance. According to the prophecy in Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 31, a time is quickly approaching when Yahowah will place a copy of His Towrah | Teaching inside of His Covenant’s children. It 48will serve to guide us throughout eternity as we explore the universe.

It is, however, truly amazing that even bolstered by scientific advancements, lightning-fast computers, a proliferation of knowledge, and instant worldwide communication, man can’t seem to predict the consequences of invading Afghanistan, of giving Iraq to Iran, initiating the Syrian war, of coddling Islam such that women continue to be abused, or of selling Islamic nations American weapons.

He would even write, “for now we see only a reflection as in a mirror.” (1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV) It was a reference to the Sophist philosophy of Socrates.

“Mirroring” became known as the Socratic Method, or “Method of Elenchus,” which Socrates applied to examine the key moral concepts such as Good versus Evil, as well as Truth and Justice. Socrates, by turning his hypothetical “mirror” upon himself, was seen as “modern man,” as a philosopher placed in a world that did not yet understand him. And like Sha’uwl, Socrates was a very religious man who was guided by his demon. And Socrates, like Paul, thought that only he, and those who accepted his philosophy, were qualified to impose their will on others. Even more interesting, Socrates wrote that communal love was superior to anything the Athenian gods had to say, making him an interesting individual for Paul to emulate.

I do not concur with Paul’s assessment. I have been translating Yahowah’s Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr, while sharing the insights derived from God’s Word, since 2002, often devoting ten hours a day, six days a week to this endeavor. The truth is the antithesis of Paul’s occluded and inverted view. Yahowah’s message is straightforward and clearly presented. The closer we look, the more we learn.

49There is, however, a vivid contrast between an unencumbered observation and the twisted perversions we would expect from a carnival mirror. This is attested by comparing any one of Dowd’s Psalms with Paul’s epistles. The resulting contrast is enlightening versus intoxicating, brilliant verse obscured, and logical rather than absurd.

The reference to a mirrored reflection was likely Sha’uwl’s way of justifying his convoluted prose. The observant will also recognize that what we are gazing upon when we read his letters is the same bizarre figure he witnessed when looking in a mirror. We are seeing Paul, himself, reflected in his words.

Paul would conclude his ode to his pagan trinity with: “And now these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV) Faith and Hope are the same things. Neither has any evidential value.

For a passenger aboard the Sinking Ship of Christendom, the SS Paul, all the faith in the world will not keep it afloat. It will be scuttled upon Dowd’s return, with the officers escorted to She’owl. You can hope that God will save you, but it isn’t going to happen. It is, therefore, wasted energy and counterproductive, keeping the faithful and hopeful from choosing and pursuing a viable option.

Faith in something as worthless as Pauline Christianity provides nothing other than false hope. It is cruel. As for love, like faith, its value can be no greater than the object of its attention, which is why it is more often debilitating than enabling. We humans tend to love what we should hate and hate what we should love. Like religion, the emotion often incapacitates an individual, blinding them to the truth while precluding them from dealing with reality.

What is left in the end is truth. And what remains credible and reliable is Yahowah, His Towrah, and His Covenant.

50Pistis was the Greek god of Faith. He was known as Fides in Latin, denoting a belief that drove to the heart of Greco-Roman, and now American, culture. Pistis became one of Paul’s favorite Greek words, permeating his letters. In fact, Paul’s Salvation by Faith was extrapolated from this goddess’ name and borrowed from the rhetorical notions of Greek Gnosticism and mythology.

In Greece at the time, the priests and philosophers alike viewed pistis | faith as a pervasive approach to elliptical thinking where the focus was on the effect rather than the truth. This notion has been swallowed wholesale by both Christians and Socialist Secular Humanists. It is the underpinning of Political Correctness.

During Paul’s day, as the Roman Republic transitioned into Imperial Rome, faith was broadly expressed by the slogan, Pia Fidelis. It was first used to show the Roman Legions’ loyalty to the Emperor by placing the image of the pagan goddess, Minerva, on their standards. The Legio I was even named after the goddess and was consecrated by and fought alongside Julius Caesar. Minerva, in her Greek manifestation, Athena, was the model for the Statue of Liberty, from which the ultimate expressions of Multiculturalism are celebrated.

In that it is interesting, the XI Legion was awarded the cognomen of Pia Fidelis six times. It was wielded by Julius Caesar in his campaign against the Helvetians in 58 BCE. It was deployed again against Caesar’s rival, Pompey the Great, in 49 BCE when Julius invaded Italy. Reconstituted under Octavian, it was used by the Second Triumvirate against Brutus and Cassius in the battle of Philippi – the location of Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Later, Octavian would deploy Legio XI Claudia to gain supremacy over the Mediterranean world, renaming himself, Augustus. Then just as Paul was writing these words, the XI Legion was again awarded the Pia Fidelis by Claudius to suppress an internal rebellion. But that’s not the end of the story.

51The Legion Fidelis sided with Vespasian; the man responsible for destroying the Temple in Yaruwshalaim. And during the reign of Hadrian, a unit carved out of the XI Legion was sent to Judaea to suppress the messianic revolt of Rabbi Akiba and Simon Bar Kokhba in 133 CE – one of the most brutal engagements Rome ever fought.

The acceptance of an institution, for which there is no credence, is a matter of faith. As church fathers wrote in defense of Paul’s faith-based, knowledge-deprived, doctrine: “Faith is neither the submission of reason, nor the acceptance, simply and absolutely upon testimony, of what reason cannot achieve. Faith is being able to cleave to a power of goodness appealing to our higher and real selves, not our lower and apparent selves.” (From Literature and Dogma 1873)

Elpis was the personification of Hope in Greek mythology. Considering Paul’s affinity for acclaim, it is telling that she was the mother of Pheme – the goddess of fame and renown.

Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of Love. She was worshiped as Venus in Rome and considered the Morning Star. Her cult was centered in Cyprus and Corinth, the place from which Paul had just come and the very place he wrote this ode to Love. She was the Greek version of ‘Astarte, also known as Ishtar – from whom Pauline Christians find their devotion to the Madonna and Child, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God, and for Easter. According to Paul, to the Greeks, and to the Babylonians before them, she is the greatest of all.

But alas, Sha’uwl lied, not only contradicting God but also himself. For with him, and based upon his letters, these three remained: the Charities, Satan, and Paul. And the greatest of these was Paul.

In addition to his Politically Correct and Multicultural essay on love, Paul is responsible for the Christian 52amalgamation of Church and State. This is firmly established in the letter Paul devoted to the Romans. In what could have been entitled, “Heil Caesar,” Paul claimed that all governments, especially Rome’s, were Divinely authorized and that men should be subservient to them.

As we survey what Paul promoted in the 13th chapter of Romans, we should remain cognizant of the fact that Yahowah, through the prophet Dany’el | Daniel, called Imperial Rome the most vicious Beast to grow out of Babylon. Also, since context and perspective are essential to understanding, keep in mind that Imperial Rome humiliated, whipped, and crucified Yahowsha’ – torturing him to death. It was Imperial Rome that destroyed Yahowah’s Temple. Rome used what they stole from it to build their Colosseum – a site where the worst of human behavior was celebrated in the name of religion, politics, and militarism.

It was Imperial Rome that returned sixty years later to bludgeon the Chosen People and destroy the Promised Land. They would rename Yahuwdah after the now extinct Philistines as their way of saying that Rome was more influential than Yisra’el, Yahuwdym, or Yahowah. And lest we forget, it was Imperial Rome that evolved into the final Beast, the Whore of Babylon, that has tread upon the whole world – the Roman Catholic Church. Mankind has known no greater menace nor more unGodly institution. And yet according to Paul, their torturous Inquisition was God’s will.

Those looking to identify the modern manifestation of Mow’ab need look no further than what grew out of the integration of Paul’s Multicultural and Politically Correct Love Story and his endorsement of Roman authority. Emperor Theodosius implemented the result, as Imperial Rome became the Roman Catholic Church beginning in 400 CE. For the next 1,400 years, clerics and kings would 53impose their will over Europe, effectively enslaving the serfs.

Consistent with the priests of Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and wholly incompatible with Yahowah’s prophets, Sha’uwl | Question Him blended religion and politics together and wrote glowingly of man’s most abusive regime. They have become modern Mow’ab.

On the Secular side of this equation, the Socialists behind Political Correctness and Multiculturalism strive to impose government control over every aspect of people’s lives – including what they believe in, hope for, and love. The more intrusive and controlling the better. They trust the government and depend upon it. They view government service as man’s highest calling.

And now with the onslaught of Covid 19, liberals have seized upon the opportunity to control everyone’s lives along with their livelihoods, shuttering business and depriving freedoms. But little do they know that their ignorance will bite everyone in the end, with their authoritarian response to the virus becoming vastly more costly and deadly than the disease itself. God is right; mankind is a plague upon this planet.

If that were not enough, we must also be mindful that to be included in Yahowah’s Covenant, we must do the opposite of what Paul has written – which is to walk away from one’s country. As you read these words and consider the vicious history of nations and empires, contemplate how it is possible that anyone believed Sha’uwl | Question Him after he claimed his God authorized the following...

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted. And those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

54For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good.

But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment, but also a matter of conscience.” (Romans 13:1-5)

In the long litany of putrid prose that flowed from Paul’s poison pen, this bogus bill, second only to his pathetic attempts to negate the Towrah and replace its Covenant, was the deadliest and debilitating. It is how the beast that was Imperial Rome morphed into the ultimate monster – the Roman Catholic Church. It is how cleric and king managed to enslave Europe and conquer lands for millennia.

In this regard, the deadly and debilitating consequence of King Sha’uwl foreshadows the self-proclaimed Apostle Sha’uwl. Both were pro-government and claimed God’s authority and authorization. And yet both were disowned by Yahowah because of their dismissal and perversion of His Towrah Instructions. And thereafter, both were demon-possessed. Both were Benjamite wolves who devoured the unsuspecting. Both were resolute adversaries of Dowd, Yahowah’s beloved. And both led all who followed them to their demise.

Speaking of government, Paul, like the embodiment of Mow’ab which would follow, was socialistic. His version of the church was predicated upon from each according to their ability and to each according to their need. It was all about donating, I mean, sharing the wealth.

55Paul was multicultural, claiming the entire world of nations and ethnicities estranged from Yisra’el for himself. He was yesteryear’s globalist. And he embraced the cultures and religions of other nations. After being struck blind and lame, he began his crusade in Damascus, a place Yahowah clearly detests. Then he sailed off to Cyprus, where Paul consulted with Bar-Yahshua’ – a sorcerer. In Corinth he met with Aquila who had just come from Rome during the time Rome was banishing Jews. He even sailed with him across the Aegean to Ephesus to meet Apollos – a man named after the king of Greek gods. He would then appeal to Caesar during his meeting with Governor Porcius Festus, which led to an audience with the Roman-appointed Edowmite king over the Roman province of Yahuwdah. He would write Romans in Greece, and Hebrews in Rome.

Paul was Politically Correct. He said what his Greek and Roman audiences wanted to hear, even when what he was saying was incorrect. Truth was relative, and contradictions were always acceptable. If he were alive today, at times, his oratory would find favor among conspiratorialists who are fixated upon inventing theories which enable them to blame others for their miserable lives. Given the chance, his antics would be amazingly popular among the patriotic neocons devoted to a fellow narcissist, Donald Trump. And yet ever the chameleon, much of what Paul touted would resonate with the socialist dunderheads marching in the streets today demanding something for nothing based upon one fictitious premise or another. He, like the spirit inspiring him, offered bait in many flavors.

Paul tried, albeit pathetically, to present himself as enlightened and philosophical, incorporating Gnosticism, the religious philosophy of Greece, into his speeches and letters. Promoted by the likes of Socrates and Plato, Gnosticism was manifest as progressive, intellectual 56spirituality predicated on the presumption of enlightenment. Today it underlies the philosophy of liberal Socialist Secular Humanists. However, let it be known, like the Politically Correct, the Greeks were wrong about most everything.

Similar to liberals today, Paul was eager to debate, believing that his platitudes would prevail as evidence after rational parameters were discarded. Likewise, Paul recognized that people prefer the ease of offering opinions to the challenge of forming an enlightened and considered conclusion.

Paul was forgiving of everything and everyone with the exception of those who challenged him. Toward them he was hateful and slanderous. This too is mirrored in modern liberalism. Those who march as protestors despise those who disagree with them while pretending to denounce hate. They are a living contradiction.

In this vein, Paul, like most modern liberals, is allied with diverse audiences by stoking anti-Semitic rhetoric. He would be right at home promoting the mythology of the so-called “Palestinians” while advancing their irrational and immoral Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.

In keeping with the most acclaimed pastors and politicians, Paul presented himself as man’s savior. He was Akiba and Bar Kokhba, Vespasian and Hadrian, Constantine and Theodosius, Muhammad and Hitler, Lenin and Mao, all before their time.
