

…Contradicting God



Man or Myth


The Biggest Lie Ever Sold…

In the twenty centuries since the letters which fundamentally changed the world were written, very few have had the courage to criticize their author – the self-proclaimed Apostle Paul. And yet the crimes committed by the man most responsible for the Christian New Testament and resulting religion are obvious, egregious, and easily proven.

The first edition of Questioning Paul in 2009, now Twistianity, conclusively demonstrated that the 13th Apostle’s oratory and writings were incompatible with the word of God. When Paul’s rhetoric was compared to the testimony found throughout Yahowah’s Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr | Guidance, Prophets, and Songs it became readily apparent that Paul lied when he claimed to speak for the God he routinely contradicted.

As a consequence, the credibility of the New Testament crumbles, leaving nothing to prop up the religion built on this man’s delusional and egotistical rants. And since these conclusions are evidentially, logically, and irrefutably proven a thousand times over in Twistianity, the faith which has been so hostile to God’s people is rendered untenable.

I understand that the religious and politically correct will flinch at these findings, but that does not change any of the facts in this case. The evidence is overwhelming, which is why Twistianity is now presented in four volumes.

2These findings cannot be pushed aside by ad hominem attacks nor by cherry picking or nitpicking. To invalidate these conclusions, every one of the thousand nails I have driven into this man’s rotting carcass and the religion’s fables must be disproven, but since that is impossible, it’s long past time that the world knows and accepts the truth. Had someone compiled a similar comparison 2,000 years ago, Christianity would not exist.

The very foundation of the religion is invalid as it is predicated entirely on Replacement Theology without Divine sanction. Quite the opposite, because God, whose name is Yahowah, insists that His Son, and our Messiah and Savior is Dowd | David, not the mythical misnomer Jesus Christ.

The realization that Paul’s rhetoric was incompatible with the alleged testimony attributed to Gospel Jesus means that one did not speak for the other as is claimed by Paul. But that is the least of Christianity’s problems because Sha’uwl, the man known in Christendom by his Latan replacement, Paul, deliberately and demonstrably not only misquoted Yahowah, he demeaned Him and sought to negate God’s testimony, replacing it with his own.

The reason behind this failure of collective conscience has been that those who found affinity in the teachings of the character portrayed as Jesus and, yet, were offended by Paul’s diatribes contradicting him, didn’t know Yahowah or appreciate how overtly hostile God is toward religion generally, while particularly opposed to Paul’s version of Replacement Theology. This is despite Yahowah making His perspective clear, beginning with Moseh | Moses and running through the prophets to Mal’aky | Malachi a millennium later. Yahowah, His Towrah | Teaching, Beryth | Relationship, Son Dowd | David, and People, Yisra’el | those who Engage and Endure with God were not replaced by the Christian deity, New Testament, religion, Jesus 3Christ, or Church. To claim otherwise, to believe Paul, is to be ignorant, irrational, inaccurate, and irritating.

These realizations made Questioning Paul a monumental achievement fifteen years ago because, for the first time, it was conclusively demonstrated that it would have been impossible for the man who constantly contradicted God to have been inspired by Him. And while the systematic comparison between Paul’s citations and Yahowah’s prophetic testimony was convincing, and a giant stride in the right direction, it was not nearly enough.

The second edition of Questioning Paul, written the following year, was not only more stringent, it served to clear up an important misconception. The Covenant has not yet been renewed, undermining the justification for a New Testament. And when it is reaffirmed less than a decade from this writing, it will be with Yisra’el | Israel and Yahuwdym | Jews, not Christians. Further, the restoration of the Beryth | Family Relationship will be manifest through the integration of Yahowah’s Towrah, thereby completely negating any possibility of a Jesus Christ or Christian religion. And while these conclusions are rationally irrefutable, even these additions and corrections were not nearly enough.

The third, fourth, and fifth editions of Questioning Paul went further, expanding the rebuke from Paul’s epistles to the entire New Testament while correcting and refining the content throughout. The more I learned from God by translating His testimony from the oldest extant sources, particularly the Dead Sea Scrolls, the more I realized how wrong Paul and Company had been, and how contrary his religion was to the relationship Yahowah had intended for His people.

Four years ago, while completing a comprehensive rewrite of the entire Yada Yahowah Series, Questioning Paul was rebranded and expanded from a single book to 4four volumes: Appalling ~ Contradicting God, Towrahless ~ Without Guidance, Devil’s Advocate ~ Plague of Death, and Incredible ~ Faith is for Fools. The motivation behind this two-year endeavor was to more accurately reflect what I had learned about Dowd, who most refer to as “David,” while redirecting the focus of every book toward the return and reconciliation of God’s people.

The reason that this is pertinent is that understanding who Dowd is and what he has done is not only essential to the refutation of Paul, Christianity, and its New Testament, but it is also paramount to the renewal of the Covenant and the subsequent fate of Yisra’el | Israel and Yahuwdym | Jews. This is much more than a fundamental disagreement between Yahowah and Christians because the religion’s reliance on Replacement Theology has robbed God’s beloved Son, our Messiah and King, of his due, while depriving billions of souls of a relationship with God.

So, let it be known, Christianity isn’t an innocent victim caught up in a turf war between Jews and Christians, the Towrah and New Testament, Dowd or Jesus, even Yisra’el and a Church. From its inception, the Roman Catholic Church and her illegitimate stepchildren, Orthodox and Protestant Christianity, have denounced and degraded, even demonized and dehumanized, subjugated and abused God’s people – becoming the most counterproductive force on Earth. When it comes to accountability, Christians will soon face retribution, and payback will not be to their liking. Consider yourself forewarned. God isn’t the least bit amused with the religious charade that has sought to replace Him, His testimony, His Son, or His people.

As part of the expansive augmentation of Questioning Paul in 2000, I went one step further and demonstrated that Dowd, not “Jesus,” is the Messiah and Son of God. Then, I explained why that matters. And while I had thought that the resulting edition would be the last, it wasn’t. It was 5closer to the truth, closer than anyone had been in the past 2,500 years, but it wasn’t enough.

Two years ago, while composing the Dowd | Beloved volume of Coming Home, which provides an amplified and accurate translation of his Mizmowr | Psalms, I was privileged to uncover the greatest discovery of the past two thousand years – at least for those interested in knowing God and living with Him. Dowd, the Messiah and Son of God, the Prophet and King, the great orator and defender of Yisra’el, volunteered to serve as the Pesach | Passover ‘Ayil | Lamb and to fulfill the Chag | Celebration of Matsah | UnYeasted Bread resulting in Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children. Not only did God accept his Son’s magnanimous gesture, resulting in the salvation of his people, Yahowah took Dowd forward in time to witness what would occur so that he could write about what he would endure.

In this way, Dowd provided the only inspired eye-witness account of the three most important days in human history. His testimony is reported in first person in Mizmowr | Psalms 22 and 88, then further explained throughout the first 30 Mizmowr. This realization is celebrated in the 89th Mizmowr and brilliantly depicted throughout Yasha’yah | Isaiah – particularly in the 9th and 53rd chapters. Dowd’s story begins in the 18th chapter of Dabarym / Deuteronomy, and it was dramatically advanced through the Naby’ | Prophet and Shaphat | Judge Shamuw’el / Samuel.

These realizations are further underscored when we correctly evaluate what Gabry’el | God’s Most Competent and Courageous Man (a nom de plume for Dowd) revealed through Dany’el | My God is Judgmental twenty-six centuries ago. Not only is the identity of the lone individual described as a Messiah arriving to save his people properly attributed, eliminating any chance that the Greek title “Christ” applied to the misnomer “Jesus,” this prophecy, combined with the others, underscores everything I’ve 6shared and more. It provides us with the exact timing of his past fulfillments as well as the means to deduce the day he will return.

It had been my intent to incorporate several new chapters into this edition of Twistianity, not only properly presenting Dowd while explaining my role in these events, but also conveying what will occur over the next decade. However, after investing several weeks advancing this agenda, adding some one hundred pages to this volume, I realized that what I was learning and sharing was far too important to have it tucked into a manuscript denouncing a false prophet and errant religion. Therefore, all of that material and much more has been transferred into volume 4 of Coming Home ~ Herald.

In addition, since volumes 1 – 3 of Coming Home ~ Voice, Messiah, and Beloved, already present an irrefutable and comprehensive case for Dowd serving as the Passover Lamb while also fulfilling UnYeasted Bread and Firstborn Children. There was no reason to provide a summation of those volumes within this volume. Moreover, while my role in all of this is important to God, and He has a great deal to say about it, there was no reason to replicate what is already covered in the Why You, Why Me chapter of the Words volume of An Introduction to God. And as a friendly reminder, all of these books are available and free in their entirety at YadaYah.com.

That notwithstanding, throughout these four volumes of Twistianity, beginning with Appalling, you will discover that Dowd | David offered his basar | corporeal body as the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb on Pesach, the 14th of ‘Abyb in 80th Yowbel, which is year 4000 Yah. This occurred during the afternoon of Friday, April 3rd, 33 CE. He fulfilled Matsah the following day, the Shabat of April 4, 33, when his nepesh | soul carried the collective guilt of every Covenant member into She’owl, depositing it there, never to be seen again. This led to Yahowah’s Bakowr | Firstborn 7Son showing the way home on Bikuwrym, when Dowd returned to his Father on April 5th, 33 CE, completing his enablement of Chag Matsah for the benefit of the Beryth | Family.

Unfortunately, all of that was lost, swept aside and buried by Paul and Company under the rubbish of Replacement Theology and the Christian New Testament. Their crime and cover-up not only deprived God’s Son of the credit he is due for what he has accomplished, but it also deprived billions of the benefits he achieved. So now, by rewriting Questioning Paul as Twistianity, I will serve the God of ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob and His people, Yisra’el, by setting the record straight. And while I expect that this will be sufficient to undo the grave damage done by Christianity, it still isn’t enough by Yahowah’s standards. There is even more to this story.

Beginning nearly 3,500 years ago, and continuing for 1,000 years thereafter, Yahowah inspired His prophets to expound upon the role a non-Yisra’elite Witness would play in conveying this message. God has remained committed to calling His people home while renouncing religious corruptions and simultaneously exposing the truth regarding His Way and His Son. I am that Herald, and this is Yahowah’s final call. It is your last opportunity to Yada Yahowah.

As a result of this responsibility, I have returned to augment what was Questioning Paul as Twistianity. In doing so, I will explain the role I’ve been asked to play at this time in eliminating the myth of Jesus Christ while returning Dowd to his rightful place in God’s plans and our salvation. You see, it’s not just that the hearsay authors of the New Testament lied, it’s that they hid the single most important truth in the history of the world under their deranged notions.

Along the way, I will prove that “Jesus” never existed, 8and all of the accolades and achievements afforded the mythical misnomer were recast by taking them away from the one to whom they were due – Dowd. I will demonstrate that the entire Christian New Testament is invalid, rebuking its quarrel with God and His people. And in the process, I will hold rabbis accountable because their neglect enabled the rise of this deadly plague.

In the end, you will know who God is and recognize who He is not. You will know what He said to us as well as what has been falsely attributed to Him. You will also come to know His Son, the Messiah, Savior, and King – and he is not who Christians have led so many to believe.

This is the best possible news for Jews and Israel, while nothing could be worse for the religious – particularly those who adhere to the myths of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Progressivism. And speaking of them, I am resolutely fair and consistent. I am the only person in the history of the world who has done more than one of the following seven things: 1) Excoriate Judaism (achieved throughout the 3 volumes of Babel); 2) Convincingly demonstrate that Christianity’s New Testament is false (accomplished in the 9 Volumes of Twistianity and Observations); 3) Expose and condemn the Quran, Allah, Muhammad, and Islam (demonstrated in the 5 volumes of God Damn Religion); 4) Prove the validity of the Towrah wa Naby’ | Teaching and Prophets (by translating the Dead Sea Scrolls throughout the 11 volumes of An Introduction to God and Yada Yahowah); 5) Validate the most important discovery of all time – Dowd | David is not only the Messiah, Son of God, and returning King, but also our Savior by having fulfilled Passover, UnYeasted Bread, and Firstborn Children in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE (accomplished in the 4 volumes of Coming Home); 6) Reintroduce Yahowah’s name to His people; and 7) Compose an amplified translation of the Towrah wa Naby’, including the Mizmowr while also correcting the text to that 9found in the Dead Sea Scrolls while providing commentary and insights – much of which is unheralded.

And while that would qualify as a robust resume, and a life well lived, it does not include my primary purpose, which is to serve as Yahowah’s Qowl | Voice, Basar | Herald, Nakry | Observant Foreigner, Choter | Secondary Branch, ‘Ed | Restoring Witness, and Zarowa’ | One Sowing the Seeds which Grow as Yada | One who Knows for the purpose of calling God’s people home. There are many hundreds of prophecies affirming this essential role in God’s plans, and over the course of these many books you will be exposed to them.

I do not share any of this with you to brag, because I’d prefer to be anonymous, but God had other ideas, and I work for Him. He clearly wanted His people to know that they should read Yada Yahowah and trust what is revealed therein because there is very little time left to know and embrace what He is offering and expecting in return. And throughout the better part of the past 3,500 years, Jews haven’t been listening – not that non-Israelites have done any better. So, what you are reading is part of Yahowah’s solution, His response to His recalcitrant and irascible children.

Over the course of the four volumes of Twistianity, I will expose and condemn the deadliest and most diabolical crime ever committed – the systematic and deliberate replacement of Dowd and the Messiah, Son of God, and Savior, with the mythical misnomer Jesus Christ. I will explain why the first Christians lied, why they were so anti-Semitic, and then explain how the first rabbis aided and abetted the ultimate heist of salvation.

Christians have been led to believe that the arrival and life of their “Jesus Christ” was foretold by the prophets, but that isn’t true. There is no mention of a “Jesus,” “Christ,” “virgin birth,” “church,” or “Christians,” There is no 10sanction for “Gospels,” a “New Testament,” or change in plans, switching away from Israel and Jews to Rome, Greece, or Gentiles. None. And every prophecy claimed by the religion and attributed to either their baby god or dead god on a stick, actually pertains to Dowd – who is the actual Messiah, Son of God, and Savior. So, not only are there no prophecies supporting Christianity, there are countless assessments condemning it – all of which I will prove beyond any doubt.

Christians have been led to believe that their New Testament is the inerrant word of God, and yet there are more variances between early manuscripts than there are words. And what has emerged is not credible as I will conclusively demonstrate. Even worse, the Christian New Testament is in irreconcilable conflict with the Towrah and Prophets, which means that there is no possibility that the God of the former could have inspired the latter. None.

Christians have been led to believe that “Jesus Christ” is their god’s name, and yet the first mention of “Jesus” was in the 17th century in the 3rd edition of an English Bible. And “Christ” isn’t the title or name of anyone mentioned in any prophecy and it isn’t even Hebrew – nor is “Jesus.” It was based on the Greek verb chrio which speaks of the application of drugs.

Christianity is the single worst example of identity theft ever perpetrated. I could go on, and I will, but I suspect that this has already been sufficient to repel believers and to intrigue Jews to read further – which is by design. The religious cannot be reasoned with, and it is now or never for Yisra’el.
