
Devil’s Advocate

…Plague of Death



Peritemno | Circumcised


Cut Off…

Sha’uwl’s next line is perplexing. Most scholars assume that it means that he has taken the papyrus and quill away from whoever was serving as his amanuensis, and he was attempting to write these words in his own hand. If so, it did not help.

And yet with letters the size of his ego, he did establish his trademark. Galatians has been Paul’s epistle. He composed it and will be held accountable for it as well as for everything he said and did after it. His really big letters have earned eternal incarceration in She’owl.

The reason Paul took the pen from his amanuensis, and the reason he will repeat this practice at the conclusion of subsequent letters, is because he was schizophrenic and paranoid. He assumed that everyone was out to get him, just as he was conniving to undercut and discredit rivals, real and imagined. So, this became one of several ways that Paul sought to demonstrate that he penned this rude and crude attack on God and our sensibilities.

But this method of concluding his insanely vicious assault made it ever more personal – it was Paul against everyone from Yahowah down to everyone else he would badger over the next fourteen years and haunt thereafter. But how was Sha’uwl’s grand signoff going to be of any benefit? No one in Galatia, or anywhere else, would have recognized his handwriting. And even if the first letter was to set a standard, these people never received another. And 578as for others, the Ephesians, Thessalonians, and Corinthians would not have had a copy to compare their first rant from Paul to his opening salvo in Galatia. Moreover, once the first copy is made, Paul’s really big letters written with his own hand would be as valuable as yesterday’s newspaper repurposed at the bottom of a birdcage.

What follows also serves as yet another affirmation that Galatians was Sha’uwl’s first letter. He is telling believers to closely examine his handwriting so that they would be able to recognize it when they see it again, and thus be able to determine if subsequent letters were bona fide Pauline. Just because it made no sense, didn’t mean he didn’t intend it this way…

“You must look at and become acquainted with (idete – you all are ordered to see, notice, and become familiar with, paying attention to (written in the aorist active imperative as a command)) how old, tall, and great (elikois) to you (umin) the letters (grammasin – written alphabetic characters) I wrote (egrapha – I actually inscribed with pen) with (te) my (emos) hand (cheir).” (Galatians 6:11)

We cannot say for sure if Paul was bragging that his penmanship was great or lamenting that his eyesight was so poor that his letters were large. But we do know that Paul was attempting to certify that he, himself, was responsible for every word of what we have read.

If we are to prioritize the oldest witness, Paul wrote “elikois – as old as and as tall as,” not “pelikois – how large and how great.” Elikos is from elix, “a comrade of the same age, height, and status,” and thus elikos is said to mean “as great as,” in addition to “as old and tall.”

While the Nestle-Aland McReynolds Interlinear doesn’t add anything to the equation with: “See how great to you letters I wrote in the my hand,” should Jerome be 579right, we cannot blame the scribe for butchering Paul’s epistle. The Latin Vulgate reads: “See what a letter I have written to you with my own hand.” If this is correct, then Sha’uwl wrote all of this, from beginning to end, and what’s more, he’s proud of it. It’s akin to the Serpent bragging that he was able to play ‘Adam and Chawah for fools.

Following the Catholic’s lead, or more accurately, plagiarizing him, Francis Bacon and the team he assembled to produce the King James Version, wrote: “Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.” Here, Galatians is being called substantive as opposed to great.

Always entertaining, and sometimes even accurate, the novelists at the New Living Translation authored this in all caps (I suppose to be faithful to the text): “NOTICE WHAT LARGE LETTERS I USE AS I WRITE THESE CLOSING WORDS IN MY OWN HANDWRITING.” That’s hilarious. In modern social media parlance, Paul is now screaming at us.

Whether this next statement is the second sentence Paul wrote in his own handwriting or the seventh from the last in his “great and large letter,” we still have to make corrections based on the oldest witness. Papyrus 46 adds a placeholder for Iesou after another for a title, whatever that may have been. And while there is also a conflict regarding the mood of the final verb (indicative as opposed to subjective), “may” or “might” work better in this context than “really” or “actually.” And recognizing this confusion, I am going to disregard the passive voice of the verb (as reflected in the NA27 and LV) because it renders the concluding clause senseless.

Corrections aside, Sha’uwl | Paul continues to be as Yahowah had described him to us 666 years in advance of this intoxicating man scribbling these words. The Devil’s 580Advocate had become completely obsessed with male genitalia and apoplectic over circumcision.

In the first edict Paul wrote with his own hand, with pen poised above the papyrus he was holding, he demeaned the Galatians, misrepresented their motives, and contravened Yahowah’s instructions on circumcision. Then gleefully staining the reeds with his indelible mark, the Plague of Death elevated an irrelevant object to cult status while negating the purpose of Passover.

This is the toxicity this man dispensed with his own hand...

“As much as (hosos – as great as, as far as, or as many as, even to the degree that) they currently desire (thelousin – they actually take pleasure in, propose, and presently enjoy) to make a good showing (euprosopesai – to make a favorable impression) in (en) this (houtos) flesh (sarx) to actually compel and force (anagkazousiv – to obligate and necessitate) you all (umas) to become circumcised (peritemno) merely (monon – only and just) so that (hina to) the cross (στρω / stauro – placeholder for Upright Pillar but later changed to cross) of the (tou) Christou Iesou (ΧΥ ΙΥ / Christou Iesou – placeholders used by early Christian scribes for Christou | Drugged or Chrestou | Useful Implement and Iesou) they presently may not pursue (me dioko – they currently might not follow and strive toward, running after).” (Galatians 6:12)

It would be reminiscent of what Yahowah warned us about so many years ago…

“Woe, this is a strong warning regarding (howy) the one who causes his companions and compatriots to drink (shaqah ra’), thereby associating them with (saphach) this antagonizing venom which is poisoning you (chemah), while also pursuing his passions (wa ‘aph) by intoxicating (shakar) for the purpose of (ma’an) looking at (nabat ‘al) their genitals (ma’aowr). 581(Chabaquwq / Habakkuk 2:15)

You will get your fill of (saba’) shame and infamy, a little and lowly status (qalown), instead of (min) honor and glory (kabowd) by choosing to continually intoxicate (shathah) because, in addition (gam), you (‘atah) also (wa) are desirous of showing them to be unacceptable by going roundabout using circular reasoning regarding them becoming circumcised (‘arel muwsab).

Upon you is (‘al) the binding cup (kows) of Yahowah’s () right hand (yamyn), therefore, (wa) public humiliation and a lowly status, ignominy (qyqalown), will be your reward (‘al kabowd).” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:16)

This was one of many things Yahowah correctly predicted regarding Sha’uwl | Paul and the consequence of his deadly and deceptive position on circumcision.

Since Paul likes to name-drop, had he been real, Gospel Jesus would have been circumcised. So Paul is saying that no one should follow his example. He is also saying that the sign of Christendom, which is the cross, is nullified by those who accept the sign of the Covenant, which is circumcision. And this means that Paul’s religion and Yahowah’s relationship are in irreconcilable conflict.

What is particularly sickening about all of this is that Sha’uwl has misappropriated credit due Dowd, including his Passover and UnYeasted Bread sacrifices to make it appear as if he and Sha’uwl were on the same side, when they are adversarial. And that is one of the most beguiling aspects of Paul’s Faith. He has established the preposterous illusion that the religion he conceived and was promoting was founded by “Jesus Christ.” And billions of souls have succumbed to this deceitful and deadly proposition.

But let’s be clear – there were no Gospels at this time, 582and thus no way for someone in Galatia to know anything about the myth Sha’uwl was promoting other than through unsupportable hearsay. And this realization affirms that Paul’s letter was about Paul, and no one else. If he had wanted to promote the legend that became Gospel Jesus after the Gospels were written three to five decades thereafter, he would have written extensively about him, beginning his letter by explaining what the purported man-god, Iesou Christou, had said and done. But instead, Sha’uwl was fixated on the infamy of Paul.

The big letters are not making a big difference. Sha’uwl’s premise and conclusion continue to be wrong. Moreover, he is a hypocrite many times over. He was also circumcised. He circumcised Timothy. ‘Abraham was circumcised. Yitschaq was circumcised. And Ya’aqob was circumcised – so was Dowd and every one of Yahowah’s prophets.

By stating his point this way, it is obvious that “desiring to make a good showing in this flesh” is to be read “making it appear as if they are observing the Towrah.” Observing the Torah was then cast as an excuse not to pursue the benefits of Dowd’s Pesach and Matsah sacrifice. Sha’uwl is continuing to distinguish between and separate the Towrah and Messiah as opposed to connecting them, especially Pesach with its ‘Ayil and Zarowa’.

Second, while “Jews” can be accused of many things, “forcing you all to become circumcised” has never been one of them. Over 99.9% of Jews are circumcised eight days after birth, so Jews cannot be compelling other Jews to get circumcised. And Jews have never sought to convert a community of Gentiles. Circumcision is not a source of pride among Jews or something Jews are prone to show off, making Paul’s claim absurd in the extreme.

Even if there were such a thing as the mythical “Judaizer,” the notion that the Towrah-observant would 583“obligate and compel” others to become circumcised so that they could avoid pursuing a pagan symbol such as the “cross” is also ludicrous. The opposite is true because Yisra’elites observe Passover, which is what the “Christian cross” has obscured. As a result of these grossly inaccurate and fallacious statements, the only informed and reasoned conclusion is that Paul was ignorant, irrational, and insane.

Third, no one, not Yahowah, not the Messiah, not the most fundamentalist rabbi, nor the most ardent Christian, ever postured the notion that “circumcision” was a substitute for Passover. However, according to God, a man who is not circumcised cannot benefit from Pesach and should not participate because it would be counterproductive without Matsah. By avoiding circumcision, the benefit of Passover, which is eternal life, is forestalled as is the path to perfection and adoption during UnYeasted Bread and Firstborn Children.

Fourth, circumcision is not only the sign of the Covenant, it is the fifth of five conditions for participating in the Covenant. Therefore, while circumcision does not, in and of itself, enable someone to become part of Yahowah’s family and, therefore, to benefit from the Miqra’ey, without doing so, there can be no relationship with God or entry into Heaven. And therefore, men and boys who are not circumcised cannot be saved. God is unequivocal on this issue and Paul is clearly wrong.

And fifth, by associating “the flesh” and “circumcision” in this way, Sha’uwl is reinforcing the madness behind his mantra. The Torah can be dismissed as being of the flesh, and thus seen as inferior to Gnostic Greeks, because it encourages circumcision. Sure, it’s a weak argument and a flimsy case, and based on invalid Greek religious and philosophical perceptions, but misrepresenting one of Yahowah’s symbols while ignoring and rejecting the rest of His instructions was sufficient to lead billions of souls away from God.

584The NAMI, LV, KJV, and NLT all translate “they may not pursue” in the passive voice with a tertiary definition, suggesting that Paul wrote: “they may not be pursued or suffer persecution.” “As many as want to put on good face in flesh these compel you to be circumcised alone that in the cross of Christ not they might be pursued.” For this rendering to be accurate, one would have to believe that Paul’s foes encouraged circumcision in order to avoid being pursued and harassed. And yet this inverts the historical record such that Jews are persecuting Christians, as opposed to the actual legacy of Christians continually harassing Jews.

While Christian apologists might protest, suggesting that Gentile followers of the Way were acquiescing to circumcision to avoid being persecuted, that argument will not fly either. Back in Paul’s killing days, he harassed Jews (who were circumcised on the eighth day after birth), not Gentiles. And he did so for the crime of acknowledging the association between Yahowah and the Messiah fulfilling Chag Matsah which was blasphemous according to the rabbis. At this time, the overwhelming preponderance of those who recognized what Dowd had done were Yahuwdym, not Gowym, as was reflected in their affinity for the Towrah. And since they were born Jews, circumcision was a given, not something which was compelled later in life.

Reflecting this same inverted notion, and perhaps fanning its flames, the Catholic Latin Vulgate reads: “For as many as desire to please in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer the persecution of the cross of Christ.” Surely Jerome was not attempting to equate the pain of circumcision with the anguish of crucifixion?

The KJV parroted the Roman Catholic publication: “As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should 585suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.” But if this is the case, if Paul wants us to believe that his foes encouraged circumcision to avoid Christian persecution, then he is again a false prophet because this is the opposite of what transpired.

As usual, the NLT has a novel rendition of this sentence – one which bears very little resemblance to the actual text they were purporting to translate: “Those who are trying to force you to be circumcised want to look good to others. They don’t want to be persecuted for teaching that the cross of Christ alone can save.” Since Paul has positioned himself as someone who was persecuted for “teaching that the cross of Christ alone can save,” this variation of the text presents Paul’s foes as cowards.

It should be obvious, but salvation is not derived from a cross. Nor can it be achieved through Passover alone. In fact, attending Pesach and Matsah together will not get the job done. The restoration of our relationship with Yahowah is predicated upon getting to know Him and then the decision to participate in His Covenant Family. And for that to occur, we must accept all five requirements. One of those instructive conditions, walking to Yahowah to become perfected, puts us on the pathway through the Miqra’ey to God’s Home. And that journey begins with Pesach – a gift that remains out of reach to those who are uncircumcised and non-Covenant.

There are two additional discrepancies in this next sentence between Papyrus 46 and the Nestle-Aland 27th Edition. The opening word is “houte – neither” instead of “houde – not even,” although neither option makes any sense. One says that those who were observing the Towrah were “not even” circumcised, which is an internal contradiction, and the other establishes a “neither-nor” option which is not provided in the text. Further, the verb peritemnomenoi was rendered in the perfect passive participle, and thus conveys: “those who have already been 586circumcised” as opposed to “who is being circumcised.”

While it is a gnat among camels, no one boasts about being circumcised or brags about circumcising others. It is a private choice that parents make regarding how they intend to raise their children. It is made in quiet contemplation as mother and father commit themselves to share God’s Covenant within their home.

What follows is every bit as preposterous, providing further evidence of Paul’s psychopathy….

“For (gar – because then) neither / none of (houte) the ones (oi) already having been circumcised (peritemnomenoi) themselves (autoi) carefully observe (phulasso – focus upon so as to be protected and preserved by) the Towrah (nomon – nourishing allotment which facilitates an inheritance; used throughout the Septuagint to convey “towrah – source of teaching, instruction, direction, and guidance”).

To the contrary and nevertheless (alla – but certainly), they presently want and take pleasure in (thelousin – they purpose and desire, even enjoy) you all (umas) becoming circumcised (peritemnesthai) in order that (hina) in (en – with) the flesh (te sarx) of yours (umetera) they may boast (kauchesontai – they might brag and be glorified).” (Galatians 6:13)

Paulos was by his own admission so uncontrollably conceited that Satan had to demon-possess him to rein him in. The very man who had the audacity to contradict God and start his own religion just called those with the good sense to observe God’s Towrah “boastful.” Like almost every politician today, Sha’uwl was a complete hypocrite – a buffoon ever ready to project his foibles on his rivals.

Sha’uwl has covered this ground before, so other than to demean the Covenant’s Children in a completely hypocritical fashion, this is redundant. But since he has 587once again contradicted Yahowah’s testimony, here are the facts: In the Towrah, Yahowah asks parents to circumcise their sons on the eighth day as a sign and symbol of a mother’s and father’s commitment to raising their children so that they become God’s children.

‘Abraham did as Yahowah requested – and on the very same day that he was asked, he circumcised himself and Ishmael, along with every male who was born in his home. And while that single act did not save him, it demonstrated the appropriate attitude and mindset of following Yahowah’s Instructions – something those who would like to be adopted should consider adopting. Unlike Paul, ‘Abraham respected what Yahowah had to say – he trusted God – and as a result, Abraham relied upon Yahowah’s Guidance. And that is what saved him.

The process of discounting Yahowah’s instructions, and renouncing His symbols, not only displays a bad attitude, and thus irritates God, it stunts our growth. But worse, when we openly criticize, even ignore, conceal, change, or corrupt elements of Yahowah’s plan, we dim the lights, blur the signs, and put stumbling blocks on the path to salvation. That is what Paul is doing here.

Adult circumcision is a personal choice between a man and God. After thoughtful contemplation of Yahowah’s guidance on the matter, we are free to accept or reject the conditions He has established for entry into His Family and Home. It is never compelled and no one ever gloats. Paul’s claims misrepresent reality and are delusional.

While every man, woman, and child has the opportunity to ignore God’s request, embrace it, or decry it, no one has the right to change it. It is His Home, and this is one of His rules. If you do not like it, you are free to go elsewhere. But do not buy into Paul’s rhetoric and think that you can impose yourself on the Almighty, believing He will accept those who reject Him. It does not work that 588way.

The NAMI rendering of this abomination is as follows: “But not for the ones being circumcised themselves law they will guard but they want you to be circumcised that in the your flesh they might brag.” Jerome had a somewhat similar take on this verse in his LV to my own: “For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law: but they will have you to be circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.” And following his lead, the KJV reported: “For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.”

Taking this ball and running with it, the NLT suggested: “And even those who advocate circumcision don’t keep the whole law themselves. They only want you to be circumcised so they can boast about it and claim you as their disciples.” This is more of a commentary than a translation, which would be fine if it were honestly marketed as such.

What these folks are all missing, including Paul, is that Yahowah is the one who is advocating circumcision. The choice to be circumcised has nothing to do with the opinions of others. We either agree with God or not.

Circumcision, while one of many things Yahowah prescribes in the Towrah, is unique because it is one of the conditions we must accept to engage in a relationship with Him. So, while we are all free to speculate as to why He prescribed it, it would be unwise to suggest that His advice is outdated and passé, or that Paul’s advice is better.

The Torah is Yahowah’s Operating Manual for humankind. It includes words to teach us and symbols to guide us. Circumcision is one of these word pictures. Just as Yahowah “cut a covenant with ‘Abraham,” one in which ‘Abraham agreed to separate himself from Babylon and be set apart unto God, trusting Him with his family, we can 589cut ourselves in on this same relationship. It is the offer of a lifetime. We are being invited to join Yahowah’s family. We do so by following His instructions.

Yahowah’s Covenant is an open invitation. It is between you and God.

The path Yahowah has provided home is not, however, open to human copyedits or alterations. And speaking of these, the oldest witness to Paul’s letter reveals a third “me – not,” this one following “may it not become” to make it “not boasting” in this next statement.

Therefore, the ultimate hypocrite and demagogue continued to expose his schizophrenia…

“But (de) for me (emoi), may it not become (me genoito) not boasting (me kauchasthai – bragging), if (ei) not (me) in (en) the (to) cross (στρω / stauro – placeholder for pointed upright stake) of the (tou) Lord (ΚΥ / kuriou – placeholder for Master, Owner, and Controller) of ours (emon), Christou Iesou (ΧΡΥ ΙΗΥ – placeholders used by early scribes for Christou | Drugged or Chrestou | Useful Implement and Iesou), by (dia) whom (ou) my (emoi) world (kosmos – universe, earth, or world system) has been actually crucified (ΕΣτρΑΙ / estaurotai – placeholder for being affixed to a death stake) and likewise, I (kago) to world (kosmo).” (Galatians 6:14)

For anyone seeking evidence that Sha’uwl did not include the placeholders in the autographs of his letters, we have it now. The στρω placeholder was designed to convey a divine status to the image of a dead god on a stick. The verb upon which it was based, conveyed the idea of a torturous death on a pointed pole.

Likewise, ΚΥ is a placeholder used in the Septuagint to convey either Yahowah’s name or “Upright One” who is the “Foundation and Upright Pillar of the Tabernacle.” These are concepts that are only understood based upon the 590deployment of ‘edon throughout the Towrah – a book Sha’uwl has relentlessly demeaned.

It saddens me to realize that Christians believe that the man who routinely contradicted the legend that would become Gospel Jesus and demeaned Yahowah’s Word “bragged in the cross,” rather than in his own perverted message, or that he was somehow “crucified” with the Messiah – someone he never knew. Yes, he crucified himself with his own words, but that does not count.

The first several chapters of this letter were crafted to defend and glorify Paul. However, if the self-proclaimed messenger of God were focused exclusively on what happened on Passover, his personal reputation, status, and authority would have been irrelevant. All that would have mattered was presenting what the Messiah Dowd had accomplished by fulfilling the Towrah’s promises on behalf of the Covenant’s children on the Miqra’ey of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. But that is the antithesis of what we have endured throughout Galatians.

Further, there is no connection between Sha’uwl and Dowd’s sacrifice. Paul’s sacrifices, whatever they may have been, are completely irrelevant. Even if Paul had told the truth rather than convolute it, his actions cannot save anyone. It is shameful that he continues to present himself as if he were a co-savior. Paul was not crucified, not on this day or any day – and even if so, it would not amount to a hill of beans. Sha’uwl could have been crucified many times over, and it would not have benefited anyone other than the rats scurrying around the torture stake in Rome scheming about who would get the first bite of his rotten carcass.

Passover provides life. Crucifixion kills.

Passover is our Father’s and His Son’s gift to us, one which frees the Covenant Family from the sting of captivity and death. Crucifixion was Rome’s agonizing 591means to dissuade anyone from seeking to be free of their control. To forego Passover and celebrate a crucifixion instead, as Paul is doing, is revoltingly macabre and incurably stupid.

The cross is a degrading and humiliating implement of excruciating pain, horrifying death, and government subjugation. The image of a dead god on a stick is the most disgusting insult to God to ever come from man’s perverted religious mindset. Those who believe they will be saved by this implement are sadly mistaken – and the fact that there are billions of them does not make it any better.

The NAMI touts: “To me but not may it become to brag except in the cross of the Master of us Jesus Christ through whom to me world has been crucified and I to world.” Jerome, setting a literary precedent for paraphrasing the text, wrote the following in his LV: “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.” The textually unjustified “God forbid” statement found in both the LV and KJV serves as an indictment against the KJV claim that it is a translation of the Hebrew and Greek: “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”

Continuing to buff and polish Paul’s image, the NLT proposed: “As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.” It appears as if the NLT translators had never read Paul’s letters. But alas, if only: “the world’s interest in me had also died.”

Like a bad habit that will not go away...

“But (gar – because then) neither (oute) circumcision (peritome) someone (ti) is (estin) nor (oute) uncircumcised (akrobystia), on the contrary (alla – but 592yet nevertheless certainly) a new (kaine – previously unknown) creation (ktisis).” (Galatians 6:15)

Just a moment ago, Sha’uwl claimed that those who were circumcised negated their salvation, but now it does not matter. For those who prefer honesty and consistency, this is known as an internal contradiction. And both opinions were invalid.

The only thing which had been “newly created” was Paul’s Faith, known as Christianity. It is “alla – contrary” to Yahowah’s guidance on everything from circumcision to the Covenant.

Had Paul wanted to be helpful here, as opposed to contradictory and argumentative, he would have said: By closely observing the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, we can know Yahowah and come to understand how and why His Son, Dowd, our Messiah and Zarowa’, returned to fulfill the Towrah’s promise as the Passover Lamb to make us immortal, opening the door for the children of the Covenant. By respecting His instructions, and by relying upon the seven-step path home He has provided, we can be adopted into Yahowah’s Family and find ourselves enriched and empowered by God.

Or barring that, he could have encouraged his audience to read the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr by translating it into Latin and Greek, while explaining God’s intent. He should have done as I have throughout the Yada Yahowah Series and conveyed the proper pronunciation of Yahowah’s name, enumerated the conditions and benefits of the Covenant, written about the purpose and fulfillment of the Invitations to be Called Out and Meet, and then shared Dowd’s role as the Messiah, Son of God, and Zarowa’ in honoring those promises. But he did just the opposite. And as a result, billions have forfeited their souls to a forger and fraud.

When we are invited into Yahowah’s family on 593Bikuwrym – Firstborn Children,” we are reconciled into the Beryth and restored into fellowship with God, but that is not to say that “we become a new creation.” We are not recreated, but instead, our souls are adopted. This is the same concept at work in Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 31, whereby the Covenant with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah will be reestablished and reaffirmed, not replaced.

It has become increasingly obvious that Paul required a “new creation,” one that became known as the “New Testament.” He not only opposed the existing Covenant but had striven to annul Yahowah’s testimony. And yet how can his new creation be valid if its premise contradicts the testimony of God? And how can it be accurate when Yahowah explained that the final renewal of His Covenant will be with Yisra’el, not Gentiles, and that it will be predicated upon the incorporation of the Towrah into their lives? Seriously, folks, what precludes billions from being informed and rational?

As we have learned, Galatians was written as a rebuttal to the dressing down Sha’uwl received when he was called to Yaruwshalaim to confront those who had actually witnessed what Dowd had accomplished. They were concerned about him because he was denouncing circumcision, the Covenant, and the Towrah. This letter has been Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s response. Rather than align his pronouncements so that they were consistent with God’s teachings, the Plague of Death invented his own religion. In the process, he demeaned everything associated with Yahowah: from His teaching to His people.

If this is what Paul scribed with his own hand, he should not have bothered. NAMI: “Neither for circumcision some is not uncircumcision but new creation.” Trying to redeem the mother of his religion, Jerome proposed the following in the Latin Vulgate: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision: but a new creature.” The KJV merely 594plagiarized him: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” Gospel Jesus could not have been his inspiration because he was both circumcised and Towrah-observant. And paraphrased in Elizabethan English, Yahowah said that “uncircumcised not availeth,” in that uncircumcised men are explicitly excluded from participating in Passover and His Covenant, and thus expressly excluded from eternal life as part of Yahowah’s Family.

Speaking for themselves and Paul, but most certainly not Yahowah or His Son, the NLT promised: “It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation.” So why do you suppose Yahowah bothered with the Towrah or the Covenant – with Moseh, ‘Abraham, Dowd, and the Children of Yisra’el?

The oldest witness of Paul’s extraordinary penmanship says that he scribed “stoicheosin – might follow” in the next line as opposed to “stoichesouin – will follow.” But the question remains: who or what are they to follow?

The only person Paul has asked the Galatians to “imitate” is himself. He has not asked them to follow in the footsteps of the Messiah Dowd or even of Gospel Jesus – both of whom would have been largely unknown to the Galatian audience. In fact, Paul has assailed, belittled, convoluted, and concealed the path that the Son of God followed.

“And (kai) as many who are (osoi) in this (to touto) rule and standard (kanoni – principle) imitating this and marching in conformity by following along (stoicheosin – will proceed arranged in military ranks, and may walk compliantly in someone’s footsteps, harmoniously imitating (as in “onward Christian soldiers”)), peace (eirene) upon (ep) them (autous) and (kai) mercy (eleos595compassion and affection, loving kindness and clemency), and also (kai) upon (epi) the (tou) Yisra’el (‘Israel – a transliteration of Yisra’el, meaning “Individuals who Engage and Endure with God”) of the (tou) God (ΘΥ).” (Galatians 6:16)

Paul’s Greek was so bad that his intent was often obscured, but it is there, nonetheless. After building a false premise on monstrous delusions, the Father of Lies is introducing his magnum opus – Replacement Foolology. The uncircumcised were a New Creation: the Yisra’el of God. If Jews were not going to capitulate, he would simply replace them.

Since “this rule” is defined by his previous statements, that circumcision is either condemning or irrelevant, then Paul is asking believers to fall in line and consider Yahowah’s Word meaningless. All that mattered was to believe Paul’s claim that Passover had been replaced by crucifixion and that crosses save.

We first encountered “stoicheion – initial teachings and basic elements of the physical world which were improperly formed and underdeveloped, representing the first step in the worldly system of pagan mythology” in Galatians 4:3, where it was deployed to demean the Torah. It was there that we learned that stoicheion was derived from stoicheo, which spoke of “soldiers marching off (as in away from the Torah) from one place to another (as in from the “Old Testament” to the “New Testament”).

We also discovered that stoicheo was similar to Yahowah’s depiction of His “mal’ak – spiritual messengers” who are: “tsaba – relegated to a command-and-control regimen where they follow orders.” And that’s important because it is Satan’s quid pro quo: he wants mankind treated as he was treated. So hypothetically, stoicheo’s “submit and obey” connotation was meant to be derogatory when applied to God, but it’s just fine when 596believers relinquish the benefits of informed freewill and fall in line with Sha’uwl’s satanically-inspired commands. It is little wonder Christians act like lemmings and the nonconformist is considered a heretic and silenced.

More telling still, the rule most important to Paul, the one he wants all believers to walk in conformity with, following his example, is: Believe what I say. According to the Devil’s Advocate: “eleos – mercy” is afforded to those who accept his standard which requires rejecting Yahowah’s standard.

And truthfully, there is only one “rule,” one “measure,” one “standard” which matters according to Yahowah – His Towrah | Teaching. Even His Son, Dowd, was measured and perfected by this standard. It is how he prevailed on our behalf.

And yet Paul has said that Christians should measure truth by the standard born out of his duplicitous and irrational rhetoric. Unfortunately, those who believe him will discover too late that his promises deliver neither “peace” nor “mercy.”

Sha’uwl’s ending clause was intentionally provocative. In a long litany of damning doctrines, this may have been his most debilitating. There is only one Yisra’el, and that name already includes ‘el, which is God’s title. This makes Sha’uwl’s sentence read: “‘Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God’ of the God.”

Yisra’el is a racial designation bequeathed by Yahowah upon the descendants of Ya’aqob. Our DNA determines if we are the offspring of Yisra’el, not circumcision, not faith, and most certainly not Paul.

Based upon what Sha’uwl has written thus far, it is obvious that he intended to rob the Chosen People of the distinction Yahowah had afforded the Children of Yisra’el, 597taking it away from them and giving it to the adherents of his new religion: Christianity.

“As a result, therefore, likewise, on this occasion, we are presently able to experience the potential to work for the advantageous generous benefit of all, but especially and chiefly benefiting those belonging to the Faith.” (Galatians 6:10)

You must look at and become acquainted with how great and especially exemplary the letters I have written with my own hand to you. (Galatians 6:11)

As much as they currently want to make a good showing and favorable impression in this flesh to actually compel and force, obligating and necessitating you all to become circumcised merely so that the cross of the Christou Iesou they presently may not pursue. (Galatians 6:12)

For none of those already having been circumcised themselves carefully observe the Towrah. To the contrary, they just want to take pleasure in you all becoming circumcised in order that in the flesh of yours they may boast. (Galatians 6:13)

But for me, may it never be that I stop boasting, if not in the cross of the Lord of ours, Christou Iesou, by whom my world has been actually crucified and likewise, I to the world. (Galatians 6:14)

But neither circumcision someone is nor uncircumcised, on the contrary, a new creation. (Galatians 6:15)

And as many who are in this rule and following this standard, imitating this by marching in conformity and following along, peace upon them, and mercy, and also upon them the Yisra’el of God.” (Galatians 6:16)

Speaking of provocative, by writing the Greek word “eleos – mercy” at the end of a letter in which a new 598religion was established based upon the Greek goddesses Charis – Charities, known as Gratia or Graces in Latin and English, Paul proved conclusively that his elevation of the pagan goddesses to Christian legend was deliberate. “Eleos – mercy, compassion, affection, loving-kindness, and clemency” accurately represents the Hebrew chanan. If Paul had been promoting Yahowah’s mercy, he would have used ‘eleos instead of charis. It was not only the perfect word to convey the nature of Yahowah’s “merciful” gift, he was aware of the term and its meaning because he used it in Galatians 6:16.

And yet instead, the man, who listened to and heeded the words of Dionysus, promoted the names of pagan goddesses familiar to Greek and Roman ears. In so doing, especially while simultaneously blending in a hefty dose of Gnosticism, Paul established the religious model Catholicism would follow. The Roman Catholic Church, by its own admission, was able to assimilate cultures en masse into Paul’s religion because clerics were always willing to amalgamate pagan gods, rites, and holidays into the faith. This is a devastating blow to those who promote: “Grace alone.”

As we conclude our review of this statement, you will notice that the Nestle-Aland McReynolds Interlinear acknowledged the existence of “tou – of the, or of this” before “theos – God,” when they scribed: “And as many as in the rule this will walk peace on them and mercy and on the Israel of the God.” The Catholic Vulgate published: “And whosoever shall follow this rule, peace on them and mercy: and upon the Israel of God.” So why did the Catholics impose so many additional rules if ignoring circumcision was sufficient? Thirteen hundred years later, the Authorized Protestant KJV promoted: “And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.”

Paul did not write “God’s peace and mercy,” nor did 599Paul suggest that these gifts came from God. But they did come to the same conclusion regarding Replacement Foolology. NLT: “May God’s peace and mercy be upon all who live by this principle; they are the new people of God.” Are the Tyndale publishers so anti-Semitic that they think they are justified in removing “Yisra’el”? Do you suppose they replaced Yisra’el because they believe that they have become “God’s new people?” Have they not proved my point – that this was intended to promote replacement theology whereby Pauline Christians became the recipients of all of the promises made to Yisra’el? But if so, why do Christians universally ignore the basis of those promises: the Towrah?

That is quite the conundrum. The promises Christians claim they inherited are presented in the Towrah. If the Towrah is invalid, so are the promises. But since the Towrah is valid, Paul’s letters, which serve as the basis of the religion, are not worth the papyrus they were written upon.

The same Sha’uwl who went out of his way to antagonize and harass his foes (the most prominent of whom were the disciples of Gospel Jesus), who made a career out of abusing members of Yahowah’s family, who demeaned his audience, calling them idiots and traitors, like all insecure individuals, had chronically thin skin and would not tolerate reprisals. This next statement is a command.

“Furthermore, from now on (tou loipos – for the remainder of time, henceforth), do not let anyone continue to (medeis parecho – allow no one to cause (present active imperative)) cause trouble or difficulty (kopous – bothersome hardships and laborious toils, exhausting tasks and wearisome works; from kopos – sorrowful beatings as a source of troubles) for me (moi).

For I (ego), indeed (gar – because), bear the scars 600and brands (ta stigma – the tattoos demarking a slave owned by a particular master, a soldier controlled by a general, or a religious devotee) of the (tou) Iesou (ΙΗΥ / ‘Iesou via placeholder), in (en) the (to) body (soma) of me (mou), I actually bear (bastazo – I genuinely and presently carry, endure, remove, provide, and undergo).” (Galatians 6:17)

In this vast swamp of delusional megalomania, this may be the most egotistical and depraved statement Sha’uwl has yet postured. Not only can’t he be bothered, but the Galatians have also been ordered to prevent anyone from giving Satan’s Messiah any trouble, now and forevermore. This is because he personally claims that he actually bears the scars and brands of “Iesou,” an individual he never so much as even met. As lies go, this one is as egotistical and psychotic as they come.

Sha’uwl is presenting himself as Gospel Jesus’ savior, the one bearing his burdens. But unlike the Messiah and Son of God who willingly labored on our behalf, Sha’uwl does not want to be troubled.

Incidentally, when “loipos – furthermore, from now on, and for the remainder of time as inferior” was used in the context of Shim’own / Peter’s evaluation of Paul’s epistles, it was convoluted to mean “other” by almost every English translation. And that was to infer that all of Paul’s “graphe – written” letters were “scripture,” based upon a transliteration of the Latin word for “written.” However, now as a result of these translations of loipos, we know that it was not a result of the supposed scholars being unaware of what the word actually meant. They were trying to deceive you.

NAMI: “Of the remaining labors to me no one let hold to I for the brands of the Jesus in the body of me bear.” LV: “From henceforth let no man be troublesome to me: for I bear the marks of the Lord Jesus in my body.” KJV: “From 601henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” NLT: “From now on, don’t let anyone trouble me with these things. For I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to Jesus.”

This wannabe “Apostle” clearly needs an attitude adjustment. Can you imagine the Passover Lamb, our Savior, telling someone, “If you bother me again, I’ll have nothing to do with you?” Such a command does not bear the mark of God.

Since Sha’uwl has raised the specter of brands cut or tattooed into the skin, by virtue of Qara’ / Called Out / Leviticus 19:28, we know that Yahowah is opposed to both. Therefore, it is interesting that the man who has preached against God’s instructions to cut one’s foreskin as a sign of the Covenant has now proclaimed that he bears a stigma in his body, all in direct conflict with the Towrah.

It should also be noted that Muhammad issued the same command on similar grounds. He ordered Muslims to stop bothering him (while he was having sex with children in the apartments surrounding his mosque) because he bore the mark and sign of Allah’s prophet – in his case, a hairy mole.

It is also revealing that, while the Quran does not mention circumcision, almost every Muslim man is circumcised – regrettably along with two hundred and fifty million Muslim girls. The obvious implication is that Muhammad was born to Jewish parents who circumcised him on the eighth day. Then Muslims were told to follow his example in the Sunnah because Muhammad stated that circumcision was a “law for men.”

Christian apologists will no doubt capitulate that a stigma is a “brand or tattoo,” but they will protest that figuratively (albeit by way of religious editing) the word can convey the idea of a “scar” – but that is only as a result of cutting the brand into the skin. Disregarding this fact, 602they will say that Paul was actually claiming that he bore scars on his body because he spoke on behalf of “Jesus Christ.” But Paul never actually spoke on behalf of Gospel Jesus. He didn’t exist at the time and misquoting him once doesn’t count.

Further, Sha’uwl’s morbid and self-flatulating claims to have been whipped, drowned, and stoned to death many times over were no more credible than the rest of his errant testimony. If you recall, each time Paul has tried to recount his personal past, he has either contradicted or convicted himself. (Although to be fair, knowing what we have come to know about Paul, and appreciating the consequences of his false teachings on billions of Christian souls, given the opportunity, I have done my best to strike a mortal blow to his credibility.)

But there is good news. We have finally reached the end of Galatians. Unfortunately, Paul’s concluding comments contain the names of three false gods, five if you consider the replacements of Dowd’s name and titles to create a false god. The first of these is especially incriminating, because just a couple of statements ago, the Devil’s Advocate acknowledged that he was aware of a perfect Greek alternative to “Grace,” that being: “eleos – mercy.” Disregarding it, and promoting the pagan goddesses yet again, Sha’uwl wrote the following on behalf of his Lord:

“Becoming the (‘H) Grace (Charis – Charities; the name of the Greek goddesses of lovemaking and licentiousness, from who the Roman Gratia, or Graces, were named) of the (tou) Lord (ΚΥ / Kuriou – Master who possesses, owns, and controls slaves), our (emon) Iesou Christou (ΙΗΥ ΧΡΥ / ‘Iesou Christou – via placeholders), with (meta) the (tou) spirit (ΠΝΣ / pneumatos – via a placeholder) of you (umon) brothers (adelpoi). Amen (Amen – the name of the Egyptian sun god, as reflected in Amen Ra and Tutankhamen).” (Galatians 6:18)

603If there was ever a place where an article was deadly, it is here. “Tou – of the” before the placeholder ΚΥ precludes the symbol from representing Yahowah’s name in this sentence. And that means Paul purposefully left him out of this salutation.

More devastating still, since “the Lord” is Satan’s title (derived from the Hebrew “Ba’al – Lord) and since Sha’uwl wrote “emon – our” before he personally scribed “Iesou Christou” with his own hand, we must assume that he was speaking of his and his Lord’s personal creation of the mythical “Jesus Christ” – a caricature which bore no resemblance to the actual Zarowa’, Mashyach, and Ben ‘El, and thus to the Towrah. Paulos’ “Jesus Christ” was neither God, Savior, nor, most especially, the Passover Lamb. The only thing which mattered did not matter to Paul. It is the birth of Replacement Foolology.

Also, Sha’uwl wrote “the Charis / Charities of the Lord.” And that is actually a valid association, properly identifying the Greek goddesses with Dionysus, the Greek god upon which his religion was conceived. Paul has come full circle from his conversion to his corruption.

Continuing to clean up Paul’s mess, it should be noted that he forgot to include a verb in his parting statement. Further, while mankind has a “nepesh – soul,” humankind does not have a “pneumatos – spirit. The Ruwach Qodesh, or Set-Apart Spirit, is from God. She is not “with the spirit of you.” And since Sha’uwl has just asked believers to be spiritual, it has become obvious that the spirit of Christianity is averse to God.

When transliterated and capitalized, rather than translated, “Amen” is the name of a pagan god – the sun god of Egypt. Had the Greek transliteration (amane) of the Hebrew word ‘aman (also pronounced aw·mane) been translated as “trustworthy and reliable,” then the pagan association would have been eliminated. But alas, it has 604become deified. Christians typically complete their prayers: “In god’s name, I pray, Amen,” making “Amen” the name of the Christian god. And this problem is exacerbated in Paulos’ concluding clause by the fact that Yahowah’s name was specifically excluded from a salutation which began and ended with pagan monikers.

One last time, let’s consider the scholarly Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 27th Edition with McReynolds English Interlinear: “The favor of the Master of us Jesus Christ with the spirit of you brothers, amen.” As we conclude, please notice that our trilogy of Christian publications transliterated the name of the Roman goddesses “Grace,” but then translated as “kuriou – Lord” rather than acknowledge the placeholder. They ignored the placeholders for Iesou Christou. Then, adding insult to injury, they respectfully transliterated “Amen,” even capitalizing it, demonstrating that it wasn’t a common Greek word but instead the name of an Egyptian god.

The Catholic Latin Vulgate therefore reads: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen.” The Protestant Authorized King James Version promoted: “Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.” And the Evangelical Christian paraphrase and commentary known as the New Living Translation authored: “Dear brothers and sisters, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.”

The final stanza of Sha’uwl’s personal vendetta against Yahowah, His Towrah, His Beryth, His Miqra’ey, and His ‘Am, Yisra’el, reads:

“And also brothers, if a man may have previously detected or caught someone in a false step, you all, the spiritual ones, must thoroughly prepare and completely restore the one such as this with a meek and gentle spirit, carefully observing yourself so then you, yourself, may submit and be tempted, having tried to 605catch a mistake. (Galatians 6:1)

For one another, the weighty burdens you carry, remove, and endure and thus in this way you all complete the Towrah of the Christou. (Galatians 6:2)

Indeed, if someone supposes and presumes to be somebody, he is nothing. He deceives himself. (Galatians 6:3)

But the performances and accomplishments of himself, he must examine and prove meritorious, and then to himself, alone, at the exclusion of others, he can boast and brag, having the justification for pride and praise, and not for any other. (Galatians 6:4)

For each and every one, their own individual and distinct burden they will carry and bear. (Galatians 6:5)

But one must share, because you are being ordered to participate in association with others, to support the one who is outspoken, making the ears ring, verbally informing and orally reporting the word, instructing in everything good, excellent, and beneficial. (Galatians 6:6)

You must not become misled and stray because a god is not sneered at or ridiculed, nor is he mocked or treated with contempt. For then, whatever if a man may sow, this also he shall reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Because the one sowing into the flesh of himself, out of the body will reap corruption, destruction, and depravity and death. But the one sowing into the spirit, from the spirit will reap life eternal. (Galatians 6:8)

But the one doing good, we do not become malicious or disparaging. Because on occasion, for oneself we will reap, not being discouraged by being bound, bandaged, and exhausted. (Galatians 6:9)

You must look at and become acquainted with how 606great and especially exemplary the letters I have written with my own hand to you. (Galatians 6:11)

As much as they currently want to make a good showing and favorable impression in this flesh to actually compel and force, obligating and necessitating you all to become circumcised merely so that the cross of the Christou Iesou they presently may not pursue. (Galatians 6:12)

For none of those already having been circumcised themselves carefully observe the Towrah. To the contrary, they just want to take pleasure in you all becoming circumcised in order that in the flesh of yours they may boast. (Galatians 6:13)

But for me, may it never be that I stop boasting, if not in the cross of the Lord of ours, Christou Iesou, by whom my world has been actually crucified and likewise, I to the world. (Galatians 6:14)

But neither circumcision someone is nor uncircumcised, on the contrary, a new creation. (Galatians 6:15)

And as many who are in this rule and following this standard, imitating this by marching in conformity and following along, peace upon them, and mercy, and also upon them the Yisra’el of God.” (Galatians 6:16)

Furthermore, from now on, do not let anyone continue to cause trouble or difficulty for me.

For indeed, I bear the scars and brands of the Iesou, in the body of me, I actually bear, endure, and undergo. (Galatians 6:17)

Becoming the Charis | Grace of the Kurios | Lord and Master, our Iesou Christou, with the spirit of you brothers. Amen.” (Galatians 6:18)

607“Grace,” “Lord,” “spirit of you,” and “Amen,” indeed.


It is with a heavy heart that I provide you with this final summary of Galatians’ 149 verses. When God’s Word is used as the standard, Sha’uwl’s message is found to be:

  • Accurate (0.7%): 5.9
  • Irrelevant (5.4%): 1.2, 1.13, 1.14, 1.19, 1.21, 2.15, 4.20, 6.11
  • Insufficient (2%): 1.18, 3.1, 5.5
  • Half Truth (6.7%): 3.8, 3.16, 3.17, 3.26, 4.4, 4.6, 4.22, 4.30, 5.22, 6.3
  • Unintelligible (10%): 1.7, 2.14, 3.20, 3.29, 4.11, 4.13, 4.18, 4.21, 4.29, 5.7, 5.8, 5.11, 5.13, 5.15, 5.26
  • Inaccurate (75.2%): 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.20, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.18, 3.19, 3.21, 3.22, 3.23, 3.24, 3.25, 3.27, 3.28, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.12, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.19, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, 4.28, 4.31, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 5.14, 5.16, 5.17, 5.18, 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, 5.23, 5.24, 5.25, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, 6.17, 6.18

Paul made one statement which was completely accurate. “Little yeast the whole batch yeasts.” Therefore, less than 1% of Galatians was correct.

Paul made eight statements which were totally 608irrelevant and three more in which he provided insufficient information about what he wrote to have had any value. Collectively, this waste of papyrus and ink comprised 7.4% of the epistle.

There were fifteen statements which were essentially incomprehensible, albeit there were many more which bordered on indecipherable. And while the entire letter from beginning to end was poorly written, the utterly unintelligible sentences represented another 10% of the total. If we were to add these to those which were simply inarticulate and incoherent, we would have a perfect match for the Quran.

But more than anything, Paul was wrong. A stunning one hundred and twelve statements were inaccurate, which is to say that there were elements which contradicted God’s Word. His propensity to deceive was on display in a stunning 75% of all Galatians’ passages.

Therefore, our introductory challenge has been resolved. I had proposed that if Paul pulled off the miraculous feat attributed to him, if he managed to supersede something as well-known and revered as the Torah, and if he supplanted it with something as nebulous and mystical as faith and convinced the world that he had done so without contradicting God, Galatians would have to have been the most brilliantly written thesis of all time. It was not.

Beyond this sorry state of affairs, my ill-advised hopes were dashed. Properly identifying whether Paul was assailing Rabbinic Law or Yahowah’s Towrah did not reconcile a single statement throughout this letter. And while the translators took great liberties with regard to Paul’s words, the plethora of religious deceptions which have been disseminated as a direct result of this epistle cannot be blamed on errant translations. Therefore, my preconceived notions were shattered. Paul played me for a 609fool, just as he has billions of Christians before me.

The verdict is undeniable: Paul spoke for himself, and he was inspired by a spirit in direct opposition to Yahowah, His people, and Towrah – especially God’s Son. He was most often wrong. And the one time he was right, the truth only served to make his lies more beguiling. That is the best possible face we can put on the evidence.

The Great Galatians Debate is over. You can trust the Creator of the universe or a tentmaker, the Author of the Torah or someone who rejected the Torah. Perhaps it’s just me, but since the Author of life authored a book, it might be in our interest to consider what He had to say.


For one last time, please hold your nose, here is the letter upon which the religion of Christianity was conceived and from which all Christians were doomed...

“Paulos, an apostle, not of men, not even by the means of man, but to the contrary on behalf of Iesou Christou and Theos, father of the one having awakened him out of a dead corpse, (Galatians 1:1) and all the brothers with me to the called out of the Galatias, (Galatians 1:2) Charis | Grace to you and peace from Theos, father of us and Kurios | Lord Iesou Christou, (Galatians 1:3) the one having given himself on account of the sins of us so that somehow, he might gouge and tear out, uprooting us from the past circumstances of the Old System which had been in place and is disadvantageous and harmful, corrupt and worthless, according to the desire and will of Theos and father of us, (Galatians 1:4) to whom the opinion regarding the glorious appearance of the shining light, a manifestation of Theos’ reputation, by means of the old 610and the new systems, Amen, let it be so. (Galatians 1:5)

I am astonished, wondering in this way how quickly you changed, becoming disloyal apostates and traitors away from your calling in the name of Charis | Grace to a dissimilar healing messenger (Galatians 1:6) which does not exist differently, or conditionally negated, because some are stirring you up, confusing you, proposing to pervert the healing message of Christou, (Galatians 1:7) but to the contrary, if we or a messenger out of heaven conveys a beneficial messenger to you which is contrary to what we delivered as a good messenger to you then a curse with a dreadful consequence exists. (Galatians 1:8)

As we have said already, and even just now, repetitively I say, if under the condition someone communicates a useful message to you contrary, even greater than that which you received, it shall be as a result of my command, a curse with a dreadful consequence. (Galatians 1:9)

For because currently, is it men I am presently persuading, actually using words to win the favor of, seducing and appeasing for Theos? And by comparison, do I seek to please and accommodate humans? Yet nevertheless, if men I am accommodating and exciting, being lifted up as a slave of Christou, certainly it not was me. (Galatians 1:10)

But nevertheless, I profess and reveal to you brothers of the profitable message which having been communicated advantageously by and through myself, because it is not in accord with man. (Galatians 1:11) But neither because I am a man associating myself with it. Nor was I taught or instructed as a disciple. But to the contrary, by way of a revelation, an appearance serving to uncover and unveil Iesou Christou. (Galatians 1:12)

611Because indeed, you heard of my wayward behavior in a time and place in the practice of Judaism, namely that because throughout, showing superiority, surpassing any measure of restraint, and to an extraordinary degree, better than anyone else, I was aggressively and intensely pursuing, persecuting, oppressing, and harassing the called out of God, and I was and am devastating her, continuing to undermine, overthrow, and annihilate her. (Galatians 1:13)

And so I was and continue to progress, accomplishing a great deal, and I persist moving forward in the practice of Judaism, over and beyond many contemporaries among my race, zealous and excited, devoted and burning with passion to belong to the traditions and teachings handed down by my forefathers. (Galatians 1:14)

But at a point in time when it pleased and was chosen to be better for Theos | God, the one having appointed me, setting me aside out of the womb of my mother (Galatians 1:15) to reveal and disclose, uncovering and unveiling the son of him in order that I could announce the profitable message among the races, immediately. I did not ask the advice of or consult with flesh or blood. (Galatians 1:16)

I did not ascend into Yaruwshalaim with the goal of being with or against the Apostles before me, but to the contrary I went away, withdrawing to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus. (Galatians 1:17) Then later in the sequence of events, after three years time, I ascended up to Yaruwshalaim | Jerusalem to visit and get acquainted with Kephas and remained against him fifteen days. (Galatians 1:18) But other of the Apostles, I did not see. I did not pay attention to them, nor concern myself with them except Ya’aqob | Jacob, the brother of the Kurios | Lord. (Galatians 1:19)

612But now what I write to you, you must pay especially close attention in the presence of Theos | God, because I cannot lie. (Galatians 1:20) Thereafter, I came to the regions of Syria and also of Cilicia. (1:21) But I was not known and was disregarded, either ignored or not understood, not even unrecognized personally by my appearance as an individual by the called out of Yahuwdah | Judah in Christo. (Galatians 1:22)

But then they were constantly hearing that the one presently pursuing and persecuting us at various times, now he presently proclaims a profitable message of faith where once he was attacking, continuing to annihilate, ravaging and destroying. (Galatians 1:23)

And so they were praising and glorifying me, attributing an exceptionally high value and status to me, considering me illustrious and magnificent, magnifying me for Theos | God. (Galatians 1:24)

Later, through fourteen years also, I went up to Yaruwshalaim along with Barnabas, having taken along also Titus. (Galatians 2:1)

I went up from uncovering an unveiling revelation which lays bare, laying down to them the good messenger which I preach among the races according to what is mine alone, uniquely and separately. But then as a result of the opinions, presumptions, and suppositions, into foolishness and stupidity, without purpose, it was thought that I had run. (Galatians 2:2) To the contrary, not even Titus, a Greek individual, was compelled, forced, or pressured to be circumcised. (Galatians 2:3)

But then on account of the impersonators who faked their relationship and were brought surreptitiously into the group to spy upon and plot against the freedom from conscience and liberation from the constraints of morality that we possess in 613Christo Iesou in order that us they will actually make us subservient, controlling us for their own ends, (2:4) to whom neither to a moment we yielded, surrendered, or submitted in order that the truth of the Theos | God may continue to be associated among you. (Galatians 2:5)

But now from the ones currently presumed and supposed to be someone important based upon some sort of unspecified past, they were actually and continue to be nothing, completely meaningless and totally worthless, to me. It carries through and bears differently in the face of Theos with regard to man not taking hold or receiving, because to me, the ones currently presuming and dispensing opinions based upon reputed appearances, were of no account. Worthless was their advice and counsel in the past. (Galatians 2:6)

Contrariwise, the objection and exception, having been seen and perceived because, namely, I have been believed to have been entrusted with the profitable message and as the good messenger of the uncircumcised inasmuch as Petros | Rock of the circumcised. (Galatians 2:7)

Because then namely, the one having previously functioned in Petro to an apostle for the circumcision, it was actually functioning also in me to the nations and ethnicities. (Galatians 2:8)

And having recognized, becoming familiar with the Charis | Grace of the one having been given to me, Ya’aqob / Jacob, Kephas / Peter, and also Yahowchanan / John, the ones presently presumed and supposed to be leaders, the right place of honor and authority they granted to me, and to Barnabas fellowship as a result. We to the nations and ethnicities, but they to the circumcision. (Galatians 2:9)

614Only alone by itself the lowly and poor, the worthless beggars of little value that we might remember and possibly think about which also I was eager and quick to do the same. (Galatians 2:10)

But when Kephas came to Antioch, I was opposed to and against his presence. I stood in hostile opposition because he was convicted and condemned, even ignorant. (Galatians 2:11)

Because, before a certain individual came from Ya’aqob / James, he was eating together with the different races, but when he came, he was withdrawing and was separating himself, out of fear of the circumcised. (Galatians 2:12) So they were hypocritical, and also the remaining Yahuwdym | Jews. As a result even Barnabas was led away and astray with them in their duplicitous hypocrisy. (Galatians 2:13)

Nevertheless, when I saw that they were not walking through life rightly with the truth of the profitable message and good messenger, I said to Kephas in front of all: ‘If you Jews are actively being racists, how do you compel and force the ethnicities into being and acting Jewish? (Galatians 2:14) We are Jews by nature and are not from the social outcasts of sinful and heathen races. (Galatians 2:15)

I have come to realize, albeit without investigation or evidence, that by no means whatsoever is any man made right or vindicated by means of acting upon or engaging in the Towrah if not by belief and faith in Iesou Christou. And we of Christon Iesoun, ourselves believed, in order for us to have become righteous. We have to have been acquitted and vindicated out of faith in Christou, and not by means of acting upon or engaging in the Towrah. Because by means of engaging in and acting upon the Towrah, not any flesh will be acquitted or vindicated, nor be made righteous. 615(Galatians 2:16)

But if by seeking to be made righteous and innocent in Christo, we were found ourselves also to be social outcasts and sinners, shouldn’t we be anxious that Christos becomes a guilty, errant, and misled, servant of sin? Not may it exist, (Galatians 2:17) because if that which I have torn down and dissolved, dismantled and invalidated, abolishing and discarding, this on the other hand I restore or reconstruct, promoting this edifice, I myself bring into existence and recommend transgression and disobedience. (Galatians 2:18)

I then, because of the Towrah’s allotment and law, myself, genuinely died and was separated in order that to Theos | God I might currently live. In Christo I have actually been crucified together with. (Galatians 2:19)

I live, but no longer I. He lives then in me, Christos. This because now I live in the flesh. In faith I live of the Theos and Christou, the one having loved me and surrendered for me, entrusting authority to me, yielding and handing over to me the power to control, influence, and instruct exclusively of himself because of me. (Galatians 2:20)

I do not reject the Charis | Grace of the Theos because if by the Torah we achieve righteousness then, as a result, Christos for no reason or cause, without benefit and in vain, he died. (Galatians 2:21)

O ignorant and irrational, unintelligent and unreasonable, Galatians, who bewitched and deceived you, and who are you slandering, bringing this evil upon you, seducing yourselves? (Galatians 3:1)

This alone I want to learn from you: out of accomplishments of the Towrah was the spirit received by you or alternatively out of hearing and belief? (Galatians 3:2) In this way you are ignorant and 616irrational, lacking in knowledge and unable to think logically. Having begun with the spirit, now in flesh are you completing? (Galatians 3:3)

So much and for so long you have suffered these things, vexed and annoyed without reason or result, chaotically without a plan. If indeed this really happened and you were so thoughtless, achieving nothing, being without reason or result. (Galatians 3:4)

The one therefore then supplying you with the spirit and causing it to function, was it this operation of powers in you by acting upon and engaging in the tasks delineated in the Torah or out of hearing faith? (Galatians 3:5)

Just as and to the degree that Abram believed and had faith in the Theos | God so it was reasoned and accounted to him as righteousness. (Galatians 3:6) You know as a result that the ones out of faith, these are the sons of Abram. (Galatians 3:7)

Having seen beforehand by contrast in the writing that out of faith makes right the people from different races and places, the Theos | God, he before the profitable messenger acted on behalf of Abram so that they would in time be spoken of sympathetically in you to all the races. (Galatians 3:8)

As a result, the ones out of faith, we are spoken of favorably, even praised together with the faithful Abram. (Galatians 3:9) For as long as they exist by means of doing the assigned tasks of the Torah, they are under a curse, because it is written that: ‘All are accursed who do not remain alive and persevere with all that is written in the scroll of the Torah, doing it.’ (Galatians 3:10)

So with that Torah, absolutely no one is vindicated or saved alongside God. It becomes evident: ‘Those who 617are justified and righteous, out of faith will live.’ (Galatians 3:11) But the Towrah exists not out of faith. Instead to the contrary, ‘The one having done and performed them must live by them.’ (Galatians 3:12)

Christos bought us back from the evil and hateful curse and malicious influence of the Towrah, having become for our sake a repugnant and maligning curse, because it has been written: ‘A vengeful curse based upon divine slander on all those having hung on wood.’ (Galatians 3:13)

As a result, to the people from different races, the beneficial word of Abram might become in Christo Iesou that the promise of the spirit we might take hold, being possessed through faith. (Galatians 3:14)

Brothers, according to man I say nevertheless a man having been validated with an agreement; no one rejects or actually accepts added provisions. (Galatians 3:15) But to Abram these promises were said, ‘And to the offspring of him.’ It does not say: ‘And to the seeds,’ like upon many. But to the contrary, as upon one, and to the seed of you which is Christos. (Galatians 3:16)

But this I say, ‘A promised covenant agreement having been ratified beforehand by the God, this after four hundred and thirty years, having become Towrah does not revoke it so as to invalidate the promise.’ (Galatians 3:17) Because if from the Towrah the inheritance is no longer from a promise, but to Abram by a promise he has favored the God. (Galatians 3:18)

Then, why the Towrah? Until the seed which might come to whom it has been promised having been commanded by messengers in the hand of a mediator and middleman. (Galatians 3:19) But now the middleman, he is not of one, but the God, he is one. (Galatians 3:20)

618Indeed, the Torah accordingly is against the promises of the Theos | God. Not may it become. For if it had been given to the Torah to be the one with the power and ability to impart life, certainly in the Torah would be the righteous and vindicated. (Galatians 3:21)

On the contrary, the writing imposed restrictions, trapping and enclosing everything under the control of error and evil, missing the way in order that the promise could be from the Faith of Iesou Christou. Then it might at some time be passively given to the believers. (Galatians 3:22)

But before this coming to the Faith, under the control of the Towrah, we were actually being held in custody as prisoners, confined and strictly controlled, restricted and trapped until the bringing about of the Faith was revealed. (Galatians 3:23)

As a result, therefore, the Towrah had become our disciplinarian and enslaving pedagogue, pedantic and dogmatic with its strict, old-fashioned methods and overbearing demeanor, a taskmaster, extending until Christon in order that, by means of the Faith, we might, at some point in time, while doing nothing ourselves, be justified. (Galatians 3:24)

But now having come forth and arrived, the Faith, this belief system and religion, no longer do we exist under the auspices of an old fashioned and strict disciplinarian, this pedagogue who instructs in a particularly pedantic and dogmatic manner using harsh, old-dated methods. (Galatians 3:25)

Because everyone is a child of God. You all exist that way out of Faith in Christo Iesou. (Galatians 3:26) Indeed, then, as many as to Christon, you all were actually at some point baptized. To Christon you were all clothed or plunged. (Galatians 3:27)

619No longer is there Yahuwd | Jew nor Hellen | Greek. No longer is there slave nor free. No longer is there male and female. This is because now all of you exist as one in Christo | Christ Iesou | Jesus. (Galatians 3:28) So then, if you all are Christou | ‘Christian,’ then consequently, you are Abram’s seed. You exist representing promise as heirs, receiving the inheritance. (Galatians 3:29)

So I say, as long as the heir exists as someone who is childish and immature, he is no different than a slave, belonging to the lord and master who owns and controls everyone and everything. (Galatians 4:1) Certainly, he is under the auspices of foremen who control the workers and administrators until the previously appointed time set of the Father. (Galatians 4:2)

And also in this way it follows that when we were infants, under the elementary teachings and rudimentary principles of religious mythology, the simplistic and basic initial precepts of the supernatural powers associated with the cults of the earth, water, air, and fire, and the deification of the sun, moon, planets, and stars of the world, we were subservient slaves. (Galatians 4:3)

But when came the fullness and complete contents of the unspecified time, the Theos sent out the son of him, having come to exist from a woman, having come being under Towrah (Galatians 4:4) in order that the ones under Towrah, he might buy back so that to the son’s adoption, we might be received back and obtain. (Galatians 4:5)

But because you are sons sent out by the god, the spirit into the hearts of us shouts, ‘Abba’ – the Pater | Father. (Galatians 4:6) So as a result, you no longer exist as a slave, but to the contrary a son. But now if a son and an heir by the chance casting of lots through a god. (Galatians 4:7) Certainly, by way of contrast, on the 620other hand then not having known, perceived, or acknowledged Theos, you were enslaved to nature not existing as gods. (Galatians 4:8)

But now having known Theos, but more and by contrast, having been known under Theos | God, how have you returned, changing your beliefs back upon the incapacitating and incompetent, even infirmed, worthless, belittling, and terrifying, submitting before dying in the elementary teachings and rudimentary principles of religious mythology which, reverting back again and again, you are choosing to be controlled as a slave (Galatians 4:9) by observing and attending, days, and months, and seasons denoting proper and specific times, and years? (Galatians 4:10)

I am afraid and fear for you that maybe somehow, without reason and for nothing, I have grown tired and become discouraged, struggling to demonstrate additional effort toward you. (Galatians 4:11)

You all must become like me because I am actually commanding it. Then I, as an emphatic priority as a result, like you, we all become brothers and fellow believers. This is the means I want to compel, to bind, and to control you all. In no way were you wronged, harmed, or treated unjustly as a result of fraud by me. (Galatians 4:12)

But you realize that because of an incapacity and limitation in the flesh, I announced this profitable messenger of the good message to you all previously. (Galatians 4:13) My temptation to prove my integrity and my submission to another, my true nature, in my flesh, you did not ridicule, despise, or reject. To the contrary like a spiritual messenger of god, you received and believed me as Christon Iesoun. (Galatians 4:14)

Consequently then, the declaration of blessedness and the pronouncement of happiness is yours. I 621witnessed and testified because of you that, if possible and competent, your eyes having gouged and plucked out, you gave them to me. (Galatians 4:15) So as a result, a hostile and despised adversary of yours I have become by telling the truth to you. (Galatians 4:16)

They are jealous of you, not rightly, but to the contrary, they want to exclude and separate you, in order that you might be jealous of them. (Galatians 4:17) But it is good and right to be jealous while good and right at all times. And not only alone in my presence with you. (Galatians 4:18)

Children of mine, whom also I have birth pangs, having engaged in the labor of childbirth as far as that which might be formed becoming Christos in you all. (Galatians 4:19)

But I would purpose to be present, to arrive and to come with you now and to change, altering the nature and character of my voice and language because I am at a loss, perplexed and puzzled, doubting and embarrassed, and I don’t know what to do with you. (Galatians 4:20)

Speak to me those proposing to exist under the control of the Towrah: can’t you hear what the Towrah is saying? (Galatians 4:21) For it has been written that Abram had two sons, one from the slave girl and one from the free. (Galatians 4:22) Certainly, from the slave girl have been born those according to flesh. From the free, by way of a promise. (Galatians 4:23)

Whatever is being spoken of allegorically, these then exist as two covenants – two testaments – one from Mount Sinai into subservience, slavery, and bondage, giving birth to whoever exists as Hagar. (Galatians 4:24)

Accordingly, now Hagar exists as Mount Sinai in Arabia, therefore corresponding to the present 622Yaruwshalaim. She is enslaved because of being associated with her children. (Galatians 4:25) But the Yaruwshalaim above is in opposition. Free and independent is the one who is our mother. (Galatians 4:26)

For indeed, it has been written, ‘Be glad infertile one, the one not giving birth, violently throwing an angry fit while viciously ripping things to pieces, cry aloud for not suffering the birth pains because many are the children of the desolate, more than of the man possessing.’ (Galatians 4:27)

But you are brothers according to Yitschaq | Isaac. You are of promised children. (Galatians 4:28) Otherwise just as at that time accordingly, flesh having given birth pursued and persecuted this according to the spirit and so it continues even now. (Galatians 4:29)

Nevertheless, what says the Writing, ‘Throw out and expel the slave girl and the son of her for will not receive by lots the son of the slave girl with the son of the free.’ (Galatians 4:30)

Therefore, brothers, we are not children of slave girl, to the contrary, the free. (Galatians 4:31) This freedom and liberty of ours by becoming Christos, it freed and released us. So, you all are directed to stand firm. Therefore, also, never again associate with the yoke of subservience and slavery. You were held based upon a grudge against you all, controlling you and forcing you to surrender to someone who bears ill-will, who is resentful, violent, and quarrelsome. (Galatians 5:1)

You pay attention. I, Paulos, myself say to you all that if on the condition that you may be circumcised, Christos is totally worthless and completely meaningless, not in the least bit helpful or useful for you. (Galatians 5:2) Then, furthermore, repeating 623myself, I testify, insisting and protesting to every man being circumcised that he actually is obligated to do and perform the entire and complete Towrah. (Galatians 5:3)

You have invalidated and rendered inoperative, abolishing the purpose of the separation of Christou, whosoever is in unison with the Towrah. You having been declared righteous, and having been vindicated with the Charis / Gratia / Graces, have fallen away and have been forsaken. (Galatians 5:4) Because indeed, we in spirit out of faith, hope. Righteousness we await patiently. (Galatians 5:5) In Christo Iesou neither circumcision is someone capable, nor is the uttermost part of the penis. On the contrary, through faith love operating. (Galatians 5:6)

You were trying, running, and progressing well, in a fine way that was pleasing. What prevented and impeded you from the truth, such that you are no longer persuaded or obedient, following along faithfully? (Galatians 5:7)

The enticing persuasion and soliciting inducement, was it not from the one providing a name to you all? (Galatians 5:8) A little yeast, the whole of the batch it yeasts. (Galatians 5:9) I have been persuaded to coax and convince you, winning you over with the Lord because nothing different other than this may you regard or ponder, potentially holding as a belief.

So now, the one stirring you up and causing you distress, confusing, bewildering, and mystifying you, he will undergo and endure the judgment. He will be condemned and punished, no matter who this individual might be. (Galatians 5:10)

But now, brothers, if I, nevertheless myself preach circumcision, why and for what then am I pursued and persecuted? As a result of this offending trap and 624scandalous stumbling block, it invalidates the crucifixion. (Galatians 5:11) And also, oh how I wish and pray for a malicious curse, that they might castrate and emasculate themselves, suffering amputation of their penis and testicles, those troublemakers among you who stir you up to rebel by disseminating religious error and political sedition. (Galatians 5:12)

For you, upon freedom you were named and were called brothers. Only not in the liberty to the point of the starting point of the original violent attack of the flesh. To the contrary, by of the love you all are slaves of each other. (Galatians 5:13) Because of this then all the Towrah in one word has come to an end and is finished in you loving of the nearby neighbor as yourself. (Galatians 5:14) But if each of you bite and you devour, watch out, for if not under one another, you might be consumed. (Galatians 5:15)

But I say in spirit, you are all commanded to advance. Therefore, the desire and passion of the flesh you must deny, lest you may come to an end. (Galatians 5:16) For indeed, because the body’s desires and passions are forbidden. This is because they are against the spirit.

And so then the spirit is in opposition to the physical world and to the physical body because each of these is hostile and adversarial in order to negate what conditionally you might presently propose and want, even enjoy, of these potential behaviors, then somehow doing an assigned task. (Galatians 5:17) However, if you are in spirit, you are not guided under the control of or subject to the Towrah. (Galatians 5:18)

So now it is evident, clearly seen, and widely known that the works and assigned tasks of the flesh indeed exist as sexual promiscuity and fornication, being dirty, sensuality, (Galatians 5:19) the likeness of an outward 625appearance of what can be seen and perceived, the use and administering of medicines, hostile antagonism, enmity and feuds, strife and dissension, even debate and quarrelling, devotion and jealousy, the desire to make sacrifices, selfish ambitions, running for an elective office, and rivalries, discord and division, especially a second option, the freedom to choose for oneself, (Galatians 5:20) corruption, intoxication, public partying or a festive assembly, and what may be similar to this which I previously spoke to you inasmuch as I said before that the likes of those carrying out and committing these practices, the reign and kingdom of God, they will not inherit. (Galatians 5:21)

But the fruit of the spirit is: love, happiness, peace, patience, mercy from an upright implement, being good through generosity, faith, (5:22) gentleness, meekness, and humility, self-control over one’s sexual appetite. With regard to such, there is no Towrah. (Galatians 5:23)

But the ones of the Christou, the flesh has been crucified with the sufferings, the deep desires, and longings. (Galatians 5:24) If we live for spirit, for spirit we march in a line, living in conformity. (Galatians 5:25)

Not that we might come to exist vainly or boastful, sharing opinions which are baseless, provoking and irritating one another, each other jealous and envying. (Galatians 5:26)

And also brothers, if a man may have previously detected or caught someone in a false step, you all, the spiritual ones, must thoroughly prepare and completely restore this one with a meek and gentle spirit, carefully observing yourself so then you, yourself, may submit and be tempted, having tried to catch a mistake. (Galatians 6:1)

For one another, the weighty burdens you carry, 626remove, and endure, and thus in this way you all complete the Towrah of the Christou. (Galatians 6:2) Indeed, if someone supposes and presumes to be somebody, he is nothing. He deceives himself. (Galatians 6:3)

But the performances and accomplishments of himself, he must examine and prove meritorious, and then to himself, alone, at the exclusion of others, he can boast and brag, having the justification for pride and praise, and not to be shared with any other. (Galatians 6:4) For each and every one, their own individual and distinct burden they will carry and bear. (Galatians 6:5)

But one must share, because you are being ordered to participate in association with others, to support the one who is outspoken, the one making ears ring, the one verbally informing and orally reporting the word, instructing in everything that is good, excellent, and beneficial. (Galatians 6:6)

You must not become misled and stray because a god is not sneered at or ridiculed, nor is he mocked or treated with contempt. For then, whatever if a man may sow, this also he shall reap. (Galatians 6:7) Because the one sowing into the flesh of himself, out of the body will reap corruption, destruction, and depravity and death. But the one sowing into the spirit, from the spirit will reap life eternal. (Galatians 6:8)

But as for the one doing good, we do not become malicious or disparaging. Because on occasion, for oneself we will reap, not being discouraged by being bound, bandaged, and exhausted. (Galatians 6:9) You must look at and become acquainted with how great and especially exemplary the letters I have written with my own hand to you. (Galatians 6:11)

As much as they currently want to make a good showing and favorable impression in this flesh to 627actually compel and force, obligating and necessitating, you all to become circumcised, merely so that the cross of the Christou Iesou they presently may not pursue. (Galatians 6:12)

For none of those already having been circumcised, themselves, carefully observe the Towrah. To the contrary, they just want to take pleasure in you all becoming circumcised in order that, in the flesh of yours, they may boast. (Galatians 6:13)

But for me, may it never be that I stop boasting, if not in the cross of the Lord of ours, Christou Iesou, by whom my world has been actually crucified and likewise, I to world. (Galatians 6:14) But neither is someone of the circumcision nor uncircumcised, but to the contrary a new creation. (Galatians 6:15)

And as many who are in accord with this rule and following this standard, imitating this by marching in conformity and following along, peace upon them, and mercy, and also upon them the Yisra’el of God.” (Galatians 6:16)

Furthermore, from now on, do not let anyone continue to cause trouble or difficulty for me. For indeed, I bear the scars and brands of Iesou, in the body of mine, I actually bear, endure, and undergo them. (Galatians 6:17) Becoming the Charis | Grace of the Kurios | Lord and Master, our Iesou Christou, with the spirit of you brothers. Amen.” (Galatians 6:18)

God ought not be presented as a contradictory, unintelligible, and irrational hypocrite, but that is what He must be if we are to believe Paul spoke for Him.
