
Devil’s Advocate

…Plague of Death



Echthros | Despised


Without Reason…

Finally, Paul changes gears. We find him momentarily tabling his animosity against the Torah in favor of promoting himself while demeaning his audience. While these verses have no value spiritually, they are revealing, in that they paint a troubling picture of a tormented and psychotic individual.

The Nestle-Aland’s McReynolds Interlinear rendition of Galatians 4:11 reads: “I fear you not perhaps without cause have labored in you.” More comprehensively translated (and recognizing that Papyrus 46 corrects the perfect “kopiao – have labored” to the aorist “ekopiasa – had labored”), I think he was trying to say:

“I am afraid and fear (poboumai – I am alarmed, frightened, and concerned) for you (umas) that maybe (me – perhaps expecting a negative outcome) somehow (pos – in some way) without reason (eike – without purpose or result in vain and for nothing) I have grown tired struggling and laboring (kopiao – I have grown weary, emotionally fatigued, and discouraged showing effort) toward you (eis umas).” (Galatians 4:11)

The Galatians had rejected him, so Paul was desperate to reassert his control. They were his initial audience, his first “converts,” and he would not let go of his prize. He was trying to manipulate them back into the fold. He wanted them to believe that only he could save them and that they were on the verge of being disenfranchised.

271Paul had become god, savior, and saint. In his dysregulated mind, there would be hell to pay if they did not capitulate. And now he was lambasting them for the fourth time. He had called them traitors, idiots, slaves, and nincompoops, lashing out against them in bouts of psychotic rage. He had also placed a little honey in the trap in an effort to endear them to him. It was “You know I love you, but I have every reason to hate you! Please don’t leave me, because if you dare reject me, I’ll make you pay, crushing and condemning you!

Having victimized the Galatians with his delusional claims regarding himself and God, Paul was now playing the victim, pretending that those he had and was abusing were somehow taking advantage of him. Since Paul viewed himself as perfect, they had to be wrong. He had become a crazymaker with his toxicity. Those who have had the great displeasure of enduring an antisocial and histrionic personality disorder up close and personal understand what I am sharing.

Even if we were to ignore the obvious signs of mental illness, as is the case with most annoying habits, Sha’uwl has misspoken once again. Those who faithfully present Yahowah’s message never labor in vain. Even when God’s Word is rejected, our witness serves a purpose – even if it just leaves people without excuse.

And there is nothing to fear. Souls who ignore or reject God’s invitation to participate in His Covenant are not punished as Christian mythology portends. There is great joy when someone comes to know Yahowah, but we are not anguished even when a thousand choose otherwise.

Our job is to prepare ourselves by studying Yahowah’s Word so that we can accurately convey His message. How God’s testimony is received by others is not our responsibility. Therefore, Sha’uwl’s lament is inappropriate and self-centered. He is once again wrong.

272The KJV’s take on this passage is peculiar: “I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.” Albeit their misrepresentation should not be surprising since it is readily apparent that they translated the Latin Vulgate: “I am afraid of you, lest perhaps I have laboured in vain among you.” While the NLT is not accurate, it’s less inaccurate: “I fear for you. Perhaps all my hard work with you was for nothing.” That is a bingo. They got it right. Paul’s accusation was a covert threat.

In the words which follow, Paul issues a command that would not have been appropriate even if he were God. Every statement he has made thus far has been inaccurate and injurious, and some the delusional product of a dysregulated mind. As a result of doing so while claiming to speak for God, Paul has burst through the normal confines of a narcissist and has become a psychopath – something Yahowah will confirm through Chabaquwq | Habakkuk.

While history is littered with their carnage, Sha’uwl | Paul became the first psychopath to assail God. He was not fighting to plunder the world but, instead, to rise above the God he had demeaned.

No matter how you may choose to evaluate this psychotic soul, there is no longer any question that his demands have become counterproductive to the point of being suicidal. And this is not the worst of it. After protesting that he cannot lie, he will compound his megalomania with a claim of perfection.

Through his own words, by reading his perceptions of himself and of those with whom he interacted, his mischaracterization of Dowd and his assault against the Almighty, bears witness to a personal tragedy of universal proportions. Never has one man done so much to harm so many.

We have watched – actually witnessed – Sha’uwl / 273Paul transform before our eyes from the pathetic malcontent bludgeoning his rivals to a monstrous beast beyond Satan’s control. I say this because, in the Garden, Yahowah revealed that the Adversary was exceptionally subtle and clever, but what we are reading here is belligerent and crude. (Compare Bare’syth / Genesis 3 to Galatians 3 and 4)

Paul’s Machiavellian vendetta against Yahowah, His Towrah, Beryth, Miqra’ey, ‘Am Yisra’el, and Mashyach has reached epic proportions. And as a consequence of people being too ill-informed and irrational to reject him, Paul would fundamentally change the course of human history – all for the worse, and especially for Jews.

The Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 27th Edition with McReynolds English Interlinear presents the command and proclamation as follows: “Become as I that also as you brothers I beg you. Nothing me you did unright.” But this rendition is inadequate and incomplete, failing to convey much of what was actually scribed by Sha’uwl.

The following command and egotistical self-appraisal are outrageous. So, let’s be especially deliberate in our analysis and consider and convey the implications of every tense, mood, voice, case, and particle. More completely and accurately recounted, Paul wrote:

“You all must become (ginomai (scribed ginesthe) you are all presently commanded to come to be, continuing to exist (in the present tense the action must commence at once and continue into the future, in the middle passive, the reader is being acted upon and will be affected and influenced by his response, in the imperative this is a command, and in the second-person plural this is directed at everyone reading this letter)) like (os – the same as (conjunction (making a connection) adverbial (functioning like an adverb elaborating on the verb must become to 274reveal the purpose and the result) comparative)) me (ego – myself (the nominative singular tells the readers that they are to become and be like the writer)).

Then I (oti kago – because also I namely by way of explanation (adverbial causal emphatic demonstrating the basis or grounds for an active and demonstrative prioritization and response to turn a direct assertion into an indirect claim)) as a result like (os – the same as (conjunction (making a connection) adverbial (functioning like an adverb elaborating on the verb must become to reveal the purpose and the result) comparative)) you all become (umeis – all of you becoming (nominative plural conveying you all to be)) called brothers in the faith (adelphoi – fellow believers (in the vocative this indicates that they will being directly addressed as religious brothers)), the means I want to compel, to bind, and to control (deomai – the way I ask to possess, so I beg and plead to have supernatural power over and imprison, and I desire and want to throw into chains and restrict, wishing to forcibly obligate; from deo – to bind, tie, and fasten, to restrict, chain, and imprison, speaking of satanic demon-possession through a controlling messenger, and to make ill and obligate to the authority of another (present (now and in the future) middle passive (the writer is being influenced by someone else and is being affected by his own desire to control) indicative (the mood of reality and assertion) first-person singular)) you all (umon – all of you (in the genitive case the pronoun is being restricted to a specific characterization and marks a possessive relationship)).

In no way (ouden – in not even one thing at all (adjective accusative modifying a noun which is a direct object of a verb)) were you wronged, harmed, or treated unjustly as a result of fraud (adikeo – were you violated, mistreated, or injured, were you deceived in a wicked, destructive, or sinful manner; from adikos – to violate and 275treat unjustly through fraud and deceit (aorist active indicative – at a point in time in the past as a result of something done)) by me (me – with myself (in the accusative the writer is the direct object of the verb)).” (Galatians 4:12)

Bereft of the Greek terminology and amplifications, Paul conveyed: “You all must become, and are actually commanded, to exist like me. Then I as an emphatic priority and as a result, like you, all become brothers and fellow believers. This means I want to compel, to bind, and to control you all. In no way were you wronged, harmed, or treated unjustly as a result of fraud by me.” (4:12)

A psychopath, lost in his own delusions, views himself as more evolved and more enlightened than everyone else. In his mind, Paul was doing them a favor. He was offering to control those he believed were incapable of managing themselves.

The outward aura Paul was crudely and transparently formulating was that of a lord, the master of their lives, the one in charge, controlling them. Inwardly, he was enraged, having lost control of himself and everyone around him. He was afraid that the mask had fallen off and that he was about to be discovered for who he really was: a pathetic piece of $#!+ propped up by a hideous demon. And so, this was Sha’uwl’s smokescreen, his new costume. The beast was now wearing a more suited pelt, having become the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

According to the Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament, when ginomai “speaks of persons,” as it is doing here, they are being asked to “be born and appear” in a certain way – in this case, to appear like Paul. They are born of the same spirit that possessed Paul.

Not only would the choice to be like Paul be destructive, deadly, and damning, replacement Paul-ology, 276establishes Paul as the paradigm of virtue and the oracle of god. This was scribed in the imperative mood, making it a command. In the second-person plural, it is for “you all” and thus for everyone. The middle voice signifies that the subject, who in this case would be the reader, is being affected, influencing himself, by his response. And the passive voice reminds us that the reader is being acted upon in this situation. This voice is used by Paul as the “divine passive” to suggest that he is the operative agent of his god, if not a god, himself.

Very few people are sufficiently impressed with a projected image of themselves to suggest that others should obey their commands and acquiesce to their control, as Paul is proposing here. In so doing, he has crossed the line from pretending to speak for his invented man-god to pretending to be a god.

Even Dowd’s second of three lives was not something we should model ours after. He was the Passover Lamb. We should capitalize on the life he provided and not on a gruesome spectacle.

As an interesting aside, based upon some of the emails I have received, those who tell me to “behave more like Jesus” and be more accepting have no concept of what the Messiah and King Dowd was like. For example, those doing so would have to be Towrah-observant to follow his example – something I relish but they would disdain. Further, he, like Yahowah, was decidedly intolerant with a sharp and blunt tongue. He was one of many who overtly warned us about the dangers of Sha’uwl’s / Paul’s plague.

Paul’s emphatic priority at this point in his revisionist narrative was to win back the souls who had listened to him and then rejected him. They had become an affront to his credibility, a kink in his fanciful armor. He needs them to become his “brothers” in the sense of “fellow believers.” As the founder and sole advocate of the Faith, Paul would 277have absolute control over them.

By writing “deomai umon – the means I desire to compel, possess, and control you all,” Sha’uwl left no doubt as to his purpose in promoting his Faith. Based on “deo – to bind and tie (which is the basis of the Latin and English word “religion”), to fasten and restrict, to throw into chains and thereby to forcibly control and obligate,” deomai simply adds “desire” to this end. If all Paul wanted to convey were his will in this regard, he would have used thelo, because it does not carry any of the oppressive religious baggage.

Should you think that admitting his desire to restrict and control these people is too bold, even for a psychopath, then perhaps you have not experienced the less severe forms of this psychopathy. While I am happy for you, the inability to see what is really going on behind these words has cost billions their souls. To be impartial would be immoral. Paul’s plague was and remains devastating.

As a consequence of his delusional thinking, Sha’uwl also claimed that he did nothing wrong, writing: “In no way whatsoever were you wronged or treated unjustly as a result of fraud by me.” But had he proclaimed: “I have said nothing right,” it would have been much closer to the truth – making his remarks delusional and disingenuous in the extreme.

In actuality, the Plague of Death was trying to convince those he had infected with the most viral pandemic in human history, one far more lethal than the Black Death, that he was there to cure them of the curse of God’s Torah. He would have them believe that his fraudulent rhetoric was the remedy, the antivenom, for his own toxicity. Having infected them, Sha’uwl was offering the Galatians another dose, a second injection of the disease, rather than a vaccine.

Even setting his treacherous betrayal of everyone 278aside, with the previous two statements, the wannabe Apostle is sounding ever more like a wannabe god. He felt no compunction telling his readers that his faith was superior to Yahowah’s plan. While not as subtle or clever, Sha’uwl is continuing to mimic Satan’s desires.

It should also be noted that in between these egotistical pontifications, Sha’uwl’s positioning is duplicitous. As a chameleon, he was always willing to change his colors based on what he thought would win the favor of his audience. He had a mask for every ethnicity and culture. If these folks were Gentiles, as is suspected, then apart from his new religion, he was lying with “we will all become brothers,” but if they were Jews, who were Paul’s adversaries in this community?

The Catholic and Protestant religious renderings of this passage read: “Be ye as I, because I also am as you brethren, I beseech you. You have not injured me at all.” (LV) And: “Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am; for I am as ye are: ye have not injured me at all.” (KJV)

The King James’ take on Paul’s retort may also be accurate. Paul may have been so intoxicated with his own delusions that he was writing off the Galatians – telling them that their rebuke would do nothing to tarnish the stellar reputation he was burnishing for himself.

To help demonstrate the inaccuracy of the New Living Translation, here, once again, is the Nestle-Aland rendering of this repulsive proposition: “Become as I that also as you brothers I beg you. Nothing me you did unright.” Allegedly rendering their translation from the same base text, the New Living Translation published: “Dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to live as I do in freedom from these things, for I have become like you Gentiles—free from those laws. You did not mistreat me when I first preached to you.” There is almost no correlation between Paul’s Greek and the words found in 279the NLT. That said, Team NLT correctly assessed the bane of Paul’s existence: that pesky Towrah whose words were like fingernails scraped across a blackboard.

The more challenging Sha’uwl’s message is to decipher, the more comfortable I am with the idea of introducing you to his terminology by way of the Nestle-Aland McReynolds Interlinear. This is not because I think that their translation is particularly accurate, but instead, their grammatically literal, albeit simplistic, approach to the Greek text helps reinforce just how difficult the task of translating Galatians has become. Therefore, the NAMI reads: “You know but that through weakness of the flesh I told good message to you the former.”

The one advantage of this proclamation is that it affirms that Sha’uwl, himself, is to blame for the deficiencies in this letter that make it so difficult to translate.

“But (de) you realize (oida – you recognize and acknowledge) that (hoti) because of (dia – by way of and through) an incapacity, weakness, and limitation (astheneia – an illness and timidity, a lack of strength and frailty, an infirmity and ailment, a lack of insight and feeling of inadequacy) in the flesh (tes sarx – of the physical body or human nature), I announced the profitable messenger and good message (euangelizo) to you all (umin) this (to) previously (proteros – before, formerly, or earlier in the first place).” (Galatians 4:13)

Since Sha’uwl revealed precisely what was causing his “timidity, incapacity, and limitation in the flesh” in his letter to Corinth, it is again pertinent here.

“Because (gar) if (ean) I might want (thelo) to brag (dauchaomai), truthfully (aletheia), I would not be (ouk esomai) foolish or imprudent (aphron).

For then (gar) I will say (ero) I am presently 280abstaining (pheidomai). But (de) someone (tis) not (un) approaching (eis) me (eme) might ponder (logizomai) beyond (hyper) what (o) he sees (blepo) in me (me), or (e) something (ti) he hears (akouo) from (ek) me (emou), (12:6) and of the (kai te) superiority of the hyperbole in these extraordinary (hyperbole ton) revelations (apokalypsis).

Therefore (dio), in order that (hina) I not become overly proud and be lifted up (me hyperairomai), there was given to me (didomi ego) a sharp goad and troubling thorn (skolops) in the body (te sarx), a spiritual messenger (aggelos) of Satan (Satan), in order to (hina) strike and restrain me (kolaphizo).

As a result (hina), at the present time there is the possibility that I might not be conceited, currently exalting myself beyond what would be justified, so as not to be insolent or audacious (me hyperairomai).” (2 Corinthians 12:6-7)

Can you even imagine the extent of Sha’uwl’s hyperbole should he not have been restrained by the maestro of subtle, shrewd, and crafty conflict? That notwithstanding, Paul’s statement is troubling, especially in this context.

If we can get beyond the issues associated with demonic possession, his letter continues to be more about Paul and his vendetta against Yahowah than the nature of the Faith he was advocating. We get it already. Repeat the chorus: “Paul is perfect, God was menacing, we are nincompoops, Faith prevails, and the Towrah sucks.” But what is one to believe, other than repeat the chorus?

Other than to demean and dismiss his enemies – Yahowah’s prophets, all rivals, and the entirety of Galatia – Paul’s epistles are focused on his own delusional claims regarding his superiority and invincibility. Yahowah’s testimony and Dowd’s narrative and sacrifice are of no 281value or interest to the Devil’s Advocate. He doesn’t even care about what Gospel Jesus had to say. Although to be fair, since Gospel Jesus would not exist in any narrative for another three to five decades after Galatians was written, he would have been difficult to cite.

But Moseh preceded Paul by 1,500 years, so in this regard, he was without excuse. And thus far, Paul has not accurately quoted a single statement from the Towrah or Prophets, nor has he conveyed anything that would help anyone understand Yahowah’s plan or Dowd’s purpose. The few mostly accurate statements he has pilfered and misappropriated have contributed nothing to advance anyone’s understanding. And the preponderance of what he has written has been deplorably inaccurate and incomprehensible.

No matter which standard one deploys, whether it is Yahowah’s Dabarym / Deuteronomy 13 or 18 tests or just the overall inconsistency with God’s Word, whether it is the writing quality, the plethora of internal contradictions, or the onslaught of logical fallacies, a person would have to be as Paul describes the Galatians to consider this epistle inspired by God. It isn’t even remotely rational.

Worse, even as one man’s opinion, Galatians is a one-way ticket to She’owl | Hell. This letter has been overwhelmingly counterproductive. Its only value has been to wrongly present Paul as God’s Apostle. And in that light, the verdict is dire for Christians.

The Christian renderings of this latest proclamation are as follows. The Catholic Latin Vulgate reads: “And you know how, through infirmity of the flesh, I preached the evangelizavi to you heretofore: and your temptation in my flesh.” The Protestant Authorized King James says: “Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first.” And the Evangelical New Living Translation published: “Surely you remember that I 282was sick when I first brought you the Good News.”

This next sentence is difficult to understand, not only because it is awkwardly written, but because we do not know what occurred during Sha’uwl’s last visit with these people, nor do we know what has transpired since. So as hard as this letter is to translate, it is even harder to interpret.

Also relevant, Papyrus 46 replaces the initial umon with mou, changing “you” to “me” in the initial clause. Further, it excludes oude ekptuo, “nor reject” in the middle of the sentence, leaving us with the NAMI unwilling to acknowledge the oldest manuscript, preferring the majority rendering instead. They published: “And the pressure of you in the flesh of me not you despised but not you spit out but as messenger of God you welcomed me as Christ Jesus.”

Continuing to project his delusions, according to the oldest extant codex, Sha’uwl scribed:

“And (kai) my temptation to prove my integrity (mou peirasmos – my submission to another, my examination and test regarding consistency, fidelity, and virtue, my enticement which serves as the means to learn the true nature of my character of the reason for trying to prove myself; from peirazo – to try to see if something can be done, to attempt and endeavor to make a trial or test to reveal one’s thinking regarding the other side) in (en) my (mou) flesh (sarx – physical body or human nature), you did not ridicule, despise, or reject (ou exoutheneo – you did not disdain, look down upon, make light of, treat with contempt, or disregard) [nor (oude) reject (ekptuo – scorn, spurn or loathe)].

To the contrary (alla – certainly and by contrast) like (os – because as in such a way or in the same way) a spiritual messenger (aggelos – a divine representative and heavenly envoy who was sent with a message) of god 283(ΘΥ), you received and believed (dechomai – you welcomed, entertained, and accepted) me (me) as (os – one who is like) Christon ‘Iesoun (ΧΝ ΙΝ – placeholders used by early Christian scribes for Christon | Drugged or Chrestou | Useful Implement and Iesoun).” (Galatians 4:14)

There are a plethora of problems with this statement, and yet since even the most grotesque errors contribute to our understanding of the man named after the place where he has led billions of souls, let’s consider them. First, it ought not to be our integrity which matters but, instead, Yahowah’s veracity. Unless translating and explaining His testimony, there is no reason for us to present ourselves as trustworthy because it is God’s virtue and honesty that matter. Our words cannot save, but Yahowah’s can and do. Therefore, our mission should be to present God’s words as accurately and completely as possible.

Second, Sha’uwl continues to be fixated on himself. It would be one thing for him to say that he was unqualified for this mission, as that would be honest, relevant, and useful. But there is nothing to be gained by wallowing in one’s own temptations, especially when they reveal demon possession, insanity, violent hostility, and sexual decadence. But I suppose that it is Paul’s way of saying that his suffering was more important than the Messiah’s ordeal.

If there were prophecies affirming Paul’s role, as there are hundreds explaining mine, he would have been right to have pointed them out. But he is only mentioned as a plague and liar, as a menace to God’s Son and people.

In this regard, peirasmos is yet another in a long list of terms indicting Sha’uwl and his Christian audience. As is often the case with Satan’s messengers, they are so enamored with their perceived superiority and so dismissive of humanity’s lack of mental acuity that they 284flaunt their ability to beguile the faithful. In this case, Sha’uwl is tempting readers because he knows that most will be unwilling to examine the evidence against him or to highlight his lack of consistency.

Exoutheneo sets a very low bar. It is hard to imagine the founder of a religion, arguably the most infamous man who ever lived, telling the Galatians that they “did not ridicule or reject him, neither despising nor disdaining” him. Considering his propensity for ad hominem attacks on his opponents, that is almost funny.

Third, aggelos is a loaded word, especially in this context. It implies that Paul was “a heavenly messenger, a divine representative, and spiritual envoy sent by God,” all of which was blatantly untrue. Aggelos was used in Luke 1:26 to describe a misrepresentation of Gabriel when Dowd was erroneously presented as a spiritual envoy allegedly visiting with his mythical mother “Miryam | Mary.” It was used in Mark 1:2 to speak of the fabled “divine and prophetic” witness of the imaginary “John the Baptist.” And it was used in Matthew 25:41 in the context of the judgment awaiting those estranged from God along with the other “spiritual messengers – aggelos” who were in league with Satan during the Time of Troubles (which Christians call the Tribulation).

Fourth, as we have just discussed, in a direct reference to Satan’s “aggelos – spiritual messengers and representatives,” Sha’uwl explained in his second letter to the Corinthians that the trial he endured in the flesh was a sharp-pointed stick (a goad used to control animals) which was wielded by one of Satan’s “aggelos – demons.” And in actuality, the evidence Sha’uwl personally provides in his letters confirms that he was Satan’s implement, not Yahowah’s. So, the Galatians should have been repulsed by this, and as a result, they should have rejected Sha’uwl. Fortunately, most did.

285And fifth, Sha’uwl’s use of os, translated as “even as” before “Christon Iesoun,” is arrogant and inappropriate, because by using os, Paul is “comparing” himself to his man-god myth. This notion is reinforced by the fact that the Greek word ος (spelled omicron sigma) is based upon “ως” (this time spelled omega sigma) which means “who.” Therefore, by using os, Paul has called himself: “a spiritual representative and heavenly messenger from God who is like (os) Christon Iesoun.” So even if Paul had not otherwise incriminated himself, the hubris associated with making such a statement is grotesque.

In his Latin Vulgate, Jerome wrote the following for his pope, recognizing that the religious potentate viewed himself similarly to Paul: “You despised not, nor rejected: but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.” Serving an equally deceived and egotistical political master, the KJV penned: “And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.”

While this is not a translation of the Greek text, the NLT is rendered as Paul intended, which is one of many reasons we should be so critical of him. “But even though my condition tempted you to reject me, you did not despise me or turn me away. No, you took me in and cared for me as though I were an angel from God or even Christ Jesus himself.” And yet according to a manuscript written 1,900 years earlier than either the Nestle-Aland or the New Living Translation, it is obvious that Sha’uwl said that the temptation was his trial, not a test for the Galatians.

The best face we can put on this discussion is that it was misguided, and it is irrelevant to our understanding of God or the path to Him. The message remains as deficient as the writing. But do not take my word for it; consider the NAMI’s: “Where then the fortunateness of you I testify for to you that if power the eyes of you having dug out you gave to me.” If that is the inspired word of Sha’uwl’s god 286through his spiritual messenger, I opt for the God who created the universe, conceived DNA, and authored the Towrah. And it just gets worse the closer we look...

“Where (pou), therefore (oun – accordingly and consequently then), the (o) declaration of blessedness (makarismos – the pronouncement of happiness and joy) of yours (umon)? I witness and testify (martyreo – I declare based upon firsthand knowledge and confirm through eyewitness experience) because (gar) of you (umin) that (oti) if (ei) possible (dynatos – able and competent), the eyes (tous ophthalmos) of you (umon) having dug out (exorysso – having torn, gouged, and plucked out) you gave (didomi – you produced and assigned) to me (moi).” (Galatians 4:15)

Since Paul has twice called the Galatians ignorant and irrational, slaves and traitors, how is it that he is expecting them to “proclaim how blessed” they feel? More curious still, how is it that Paul equates “joy” to “plucking out one’s eyes?” Why would the living give their eyes to someone who can already see, unless it was to keep them unaware, and thus blind?

But all of the ugliness vanishes when seen through the rose-colored glasses worn by the NLT: “Where is that joyful and grateful spirit you felt then? I am sure you would have taken out your own eyes and given them to me if it had been possible.”

Their predecessors were more literal. LV: “Where is then your blessedness? For I bear you witness that, if it could be done, you would have plucked out your own eyes and would have given them to me.” KJV: “Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? for I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.”

Now that this has gone from demonic to sadistic, it is becoming ever more difficult to share Paul’s words without 287grimacing. But we are committed to seeing this through, right to the bitter end. With our goal in sight, the next step into the valley of death is presented in the NAMI as: “So that hostile of you I have become telling truth to you.” So from brothers to victims and now to foes, this is painful to read…

“So as a result (hoste), a hostile and despised adversary (echthros – hated enemy and odious foe) of yours (umon) I have become (ginomai) telling the truth (aletheuo – speaking no lies) to you (umin).” (Galatians 4:16)

Paul had become what the Galatians had implied, but not for the reason he suggested. Like the Adversary, Paul had lied to them.

With each new line, Galatians reads more like the Quran, both in tone and style. The Meccan surahs include a never-ending argument between Muhammad and his neighbors, with Allah’s Messenger constantly protesting that his verses were proof when never written. So, with all of the promises to torture disbelievers forever in hell, Muhammad’s kin recognized that he was demon-possessed and crazy as a loon. But in all fairness, the Quran’s rants are easier to read because, in Muhammad’s recital, the arguments on both sides are presented. With Paul, all we have is his response. But like the Quran, Paul’s letters are peppered with the names of Hebrew personages for credibility’s sake, even though the narrative is otherwise self-serving, self-aggrandizing, and argumentative.

The comparison of demonic doctrines noted, here are the translations for your consideration. LV: “Am I then become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” KJV: “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” NLT: “Have I now become your enemy because I am telling you the truth?”

Yes, Paul was their adversary. His lies were satanic. 288There is no likelihood that his preaching would have been materially different from the delusional drivel we have been reading.

As we approach this next statement, we do not know who was stirring the people up or even what they were promoting. Christian theologians will tell you that they were “Judaizers,” but Jews have seldom, if ever, proselytized anyone. Therefore, beyond acknowledging that Paul was paranoid and delusional, it is almost certain that his opponents were Yahowah’s proponents – those who loved Yahowah’s name and His Towrah.

Since this was poorly written, even by Paul’s deplorable standards, let’s consider the Nestle-Aland McReynolds Interlinear: “They are jealous you not well but to close out you they want that them you might be jealous.”

While it requires altering the order of the words, this appears to be what Sha’uwl was trying to convey...

“They are jealous (zeloo – they are deeply concerned and envious, coveting) of you (umas), not (ou) rightly (kalos – good, morally, attractively, healthily, or commendably), but to the contrary (alla), they want (thelo – they desire and propose) to exclude and separate (ekkleio) you (umas), in order that (hina) you might be jealous (zeloo – envious or deeply committed, coveting and desiring) of them (autous).” (Galatians 4:17)

This is the worst form of the ad hominem fallacy because the foe is not identified. Unaware of what has transpired, or who has done what to whom, it is impossible to objectively ascribe meaning to this criticism. As such, none of this has any value outside of a context which is absent – meaning that at the very least, this should have been stricken from his retort before pretending that the rest of his letter held merit.

Moreover, since Paul’s opponents were promoting the 289Torah, they would have been trying to unify their audience with Yahowah, not separate them. Therefore, it was Paul’s domineering nature which was being exposed. He was afraid that he was losing his control over these people. And he was perplexed: should he browbeat them into submission or disenfranchise and belittle them?

Beyond the idiocy of this insult, those who observe the Torah never share its wisdom in hopes that others will be jealous of them. We do it because we want people to be zealous for Yahowah and His Word.

In this case, Jerome’s Latin Vulgate is as incomprehensible as Paul’s Greek: “They are zealous in your regard not well: but they would exclude you, that you might be zealous for them.” KJV: “They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them.” This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Excluding someone does not make them zealous or cause them to be “affected.”

Putting kosher makeup on this mythical pig, the NLT would have you believe Paul said: “Those false teachers are so eager to win your favor, but their intentions are not good. They are trying to shut you off from me so that you will pay attention only to them.” To their credit, I also see this as Paul’s desperate attempt to retain his influence over the rebellious Galatians. It is one of the many symptoms of insecurity. And had this been what Paul was saying, then we could close the book on Galatians and return to the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. Separation from Paul is irrelevant. Separation from Yahowah is death. If Paul was trying to garner a following, he should not be followed.

After condemning jealousness, Paul is now advocating it…

“But (de – now) good and right (kalos – moral, attractive, healthy, and commendable) to be jealous (zeloo – to be deeply concerned and envious, coveting) in (en) 290good and right (kalos – morality and attractiveness) at all times (pantote – always and forever). And (kai) not (un) only (monon – alone) in (en) my (me) presence (to pareimi – to be present) with (pros – toward, against, or among) you (umas).” (Galatians 4:18)

Therefore, according to Paul, what is bad for them is good for you. It is little wonder virtually everyone who knew him rejected him prior to his death.

This has become akin to a campaign speech in which the audience is asked to “believe” the candidate. And like them, Paul has consistently deployed the dreaded negative advertising strategy that plagues most elections. It is as if demeaning his opponents elevated his candidacy.

Directly from the Greek, the NAMI conveys: “Good but to be jealous in good always and not alone in the to be present me toward you.” Jerome penned this in his LV: “But be zealous for that which is good in a good thing always: and not only when I am present with you.” Parroting what the Catholic wrote, the KJV repeats: “But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.” And in their own world, the NLT authored: “If someone is eager to do good things for you, that’s all right; but let them do it all the time, not just when I’m with you.”

If Paul’s message had been about coming to know Yahowah, instead of following Paul, then his continued presence would have been unnecessary. It is the influence of Yahowah’s Word which should have motivated the Galatians to be passionate, not this man’s cult of personality. But Sha’uwl was a self-promoter, so in his mind, his presence was more important than anything.

This continues to be about Paul, not God. The Galatians were now “children of mine,” not our Heavenly Father’s sons and daughters. Even his mention of his Christos caricature in this context is misleading because it 291circumvents the role of the Set-Apart Spirit.

But alas, there is another benefit for those who are paying attention. I promise to share it with you momentarily so that we might all benefit from Yahowah’s advice regarding Sha’uwl.

“Children (teknon) of mine (mou) whom (hos) also (palin – furthermore and again) I have birth pangs (odino – I have engaged in the labor of childbirth) as far as (mechri – to the degree or until) that which (hos) might be formed (morphoo – may be fashioned) becoming Christos (ΧΡΣ – placeholder used by early Christian scribes for Christos | Drugged or Chrestou | Useful Implement to usurp the Septuagint’s credibility and imply divinity) in (en) you all (umin).” (Galatians 4:19)

And now for that insight. Yahowah predicted: “They do not ask questions, any of them, about him. Terse references to the Word they lift up as taunts to ridicule, along with allusive sayings, simplistic and contrived equivalencies, and mocking interpretations, controlling through comparison, counterfeit and clichés, along with derisive words arrogantly conveyed. There are hard and perplexing questions that need to be asked of him, and double-dealings to be known regarding him. And so they should say, ‘Woe to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi, when neither applies to him.’ For how long will they make pledges based upon his significance, becoming burdened by his testimony?” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:6)

While Sha’uwl is claiming to have suffered birth pangs as if a woman, conceiving children of his own on his own, and thus asexually. But since asexual reproduction is not possible in humans, even among hermaphrodites like Paul, we are back to the Devil’s Apostle claiming super-human characteristics.

292Those who have been adopted into our Heavenly Father’s Covenant family have been reborn spiritually as a result of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. Our adoption also necessitates accepting the terms and conditions of the Covenant relationship. Those who do receive the Covenant’s blessings of eternal life, perfection, adoption, enrichment, and empowerment. There are few aspects of Yahowah’s Towrah Teaching more important than this.

In Yahowah’s family, there is no pain associated with childbirth. And yet the anguish and sorrow of being estranged from God will be all that Paul’s children, known as Christians, will ultimately experience.

By claiming to have “suffered birth pangs” for “my children” Sha’uwl has once again portrayed himself as a twisted surrogate for God. He has established himself as the mother of his Faith. While it was progressive and gender-fluid of him, these things are wrong, too.

Nonetheless, it is deeply troubling that the Nestle-Aland, after claiming that their 27th edition manuscript was a near-perfect representation of the original autographs, ignored the placeholders found in all the originals and then perpetuated the myth that Iesou was “Christ.” NAMI: “Children of me whom again I have birth pains until that might be formed Christ in you.”

But 1,700 years of religious tradition was too much to buck and still make a buck. After all, Catholicism’s Latin Vulgate reads: “My little children, of whom I am in labour again, until Christus be formed in you.” Of which the King James translated to produce their Authorized Version: “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” These translations actually say that Paul served as a surrogate mother “until Christ” who was the “Son” (i.e., male), fulfilled that role. The wannabe Apostle was wrong on both accounts.

Since these mistakes are ridiculous, one must ask: why 293would Sha’uwl write something this divergent from God’s symbolism and from human nature? Did he suffer from gender identity issues, as the evidence suggests and Yahowah’s testimony affirms? Was this why he was opposed to marriage, and does it explain why he was demeaning toward women? Is it why he expressed his love for Timothy – a man he personally circumcised even though he was belligerently opposed to circumcision? Even celibacy, which Paul promoted, is a perversion of Yahowah’s marriage and parental symbolism.

Apart from his animosity toward God’s symbols of the Covenant, which are marriage and family, and the specific roles God assigned to the Spirit and Son, Paul’s sexual orientation is irrelevant, albeit with a couple of caveats. According to Daniel’s prophecy, Satan’s Messenger will be a homosexual and Yahowah told us that Sha’uwl would be fascinated by male genitalia. (Chabaquwq / Habakkuk 2:15: “Woe to the one who causes his companions and countrymen to become intoxicated, thereby associating them with this antagonizing venom, but also for the purpose of inebriation to look at the male genitalia.”)

Swallowing Paul’s repositioning, and regurgitating his delusion, the New Living Translation affirms that he was the “mother of the faithful,” compounding the author’s vanity, and affirming that this man gave birth to the religion of Christianity. “Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives.” This is the essence of Pauline Doctrine.

A mother yearns to be with her children, to comfort and nurture them, just as a father longs to support them, but these are our Spiritual Mother’s and Heavenly Father’s roles in our lives, not Paul’s. And just a moment ago, Sha’uwl was demeaning these same individuals. He said that he had wasted his time with them. But now feeling motherly...

294“But (de – now) I would purpose (thelo – I would desire and want) to be present (pareimi – to arrive and to come) with (pros – to against, toward, or among) you (umas) now (arti – immediately) and (kai) to change (allasso – to cause a difference by altering the nature or character, exchanging or substituting, transforming) my (mou) voice (ten phone – the sound or tone of speech or the language) because (hoti) I am at a loss (aporeo – I am perplexed and puzzled, doubting and embarrassed, uncertain and don’t know what to do, even disturbed) in (en) you (umin).” (Galatians 4:20)

Paul would indeed change his tone, and he would deploy a different tactic. His second and third letters, which were written to the Thessalonians, were sickeningly syrupy and sweet, except for his ongoing hatred of his own race.

And yet, had he been telling the truth, the tone of Sha’uwl’s voice, his style, would have been irrelevant. But deceivers deceive by pretending to be the opposite of who they really are. The Towrahless One, known as the “Antichrist,” is not going to burst onto the scene by announcing that he is Satan’s envoy, but instead will endear himself by pretending to be the world’s savior. Even in the end, when the charade is no longer necessary, Satan’s ambassador is going to present the fallen spirit who inspires him as “God,” rather than the “Adversary.” We are witnessing similar duplicity in Sha’uwl’s testimony. In fact, the “Antichrist” will be a modern adaptation of Paul, with a little Muhammad tossed in for spice.

Paul doesn’t know what to do, what to say, or how to react because he does not know Yahowah. When it comes to introducing souls to our Heavenly Father and then to nurturing His children on His Word, those who know God are never at a loss because He provided instructions regarding what we should say and guidance on what we should do.

295But with Paul, it is much worse than just being befuddled. Silently, he is distraught and embarrassed. He knows that he has ruined their lives, even as they have exposed him for the fraud that he had become. It is why Paul would die alone, without a single supporter. And yet, the only Christian resurrection that actually matters is Paul’s. Dead, buried, and discredited, he rose like a phoenix out of the ashes of his own self-immolation.

One of the many problems associated with “faith” is that it blossoms and fades in relation to the source of the inspiration. The unthinking become particularly susceptible to cults of personality. Religious sects also succeed by insulating the participants, surrounding them with other “believers,” and isolating them from skeptics. With this in mind, the Nestle-Aland’s McReynolds Interlinear translation attests that Paul’s faith was wavering as a result of his failures in Galatia: “I would want but to be present to you now and to change the sound of me because I doubt in you.”

Recognizing that such honesty would be bad for business, the Roman Catholic Jerome penned the following for his pope: “And I would willingly be present with you now and change my voice: because I am ashamed for you.” In support of their potentate, the KJV published: “I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice; for I stand in doubt of you.”

Always there for Paul, and thus willing to elevate him to the status of an eloquent and sympathetic spokesperson for God, if not a manifestation of God Himself, the NLT proposes that their Apostle actually said: “I wish I were with you right now so I could change my tone. But at this distance I don't know how else to help you.” But alas, if Paul were speaking for God, and not for himself, he would have known what to write. So much for the claim that this was “inspired by God.”

296Paul’s emotional interlude is now over. But during it, he used “I” and “me” seventeen times over the course of nine “verses” to say:

“I am afraid and fear for you that maybe somehow, without reason and for nothing, I have grown tired and become discouraged, struggling to demonstrate additional effort toward you. (Galatians 4:11)

You all must become like me because I am actually commanding it. Then I, as an emphatic priority as a result, like you, we all become brothers and fellow believers. This is the means I want to compel, to bind, and to control you all.

In no way were you wronged, harmed, or treated unjustly as a result of fraud by me. (Galatians 4:12)

But you realize that because of an incapacity and limitation in the flesh, I announced this profitable messenger and good message to you all previously. (Galatians 4:13)

My temptation to prove my integrity and my submission to another, my true nature, in my flesh, you did not ridicule, despise, or reject. To the contrary like a spiritual messenger of god you received and believed me as Christon Iesoun. (Galatians 4:14)

Consequently then, the declaration of blessedness and the pronouncement of happiness is yours. I witnessed and testified because of you that, if possible and competent, your eyes having gouged and plucked out, you gave them to me. (Galatians 4:15)

So as a result, a hostile and despised adversary of yours I have become by telling the truth to you. (Galatians 4:16)

They are jealous of you, not rightly, but to the contrary, they want to exclude and separate you, in order that you might be jealous of them. (Galatians 4:17)

297But it is good and right to be jealous while good and right at all times. And not only alone in my presence with you. (Galatians 4:18)

Children of mine, whom also I have birth pangs, having engaged in the labor of childbirth as far as that which might be formed becoming Christos in you all. (Galatians 4:19)

But I would purpose to be present, to arrive and to come with you now and to change, altering the nature and character of my voice and language because I am at a loss, perplexed and puzzled, doubting and embarrassed, and I don’t know what to do with you.” (Galatians 4:20)

If you believe God inspired these words, your god is less capable than a deranged and psychotic man.
