

…Contradicting God



Katara | Curse


Plagued by Whom?…

In time, we will analyze every word of Galatians, from Sha’uwl’s greeting to his handwritten closing statement. But for now, I would like to commence our review of Christendom’s foundational treatise at the same place Christians begin their assault on the Torah, an that occurs in Galatians 3, verses 10 through 14.

We will begin with the King James Version (Christianity’s most influential Bible translation) and the New Living Translation (the religion’s most recent and liberal variation and among the most popular). Their depictions of these passages, juxtaposed against a literal rendering of the earliest manuscript of Sha’uwl’s letter, should suffice as evidence.

Reason dictates that if the following KJV and NLT translations are accurate, and the inspiration behind them is valid, then the “Torah” is God’s way of cursing humankind – not saving us. And if this is true, Yahowah, Moseh, and Dowd are liars – as am I.

The King James reads: “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” (3:10)

More clearly presented, albeit less aligned with the Greek text, the New Living Translation published: “But those who depend on the law to make them right with God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say, ‘Cursed is 64everyone who does not observe and obey all the commands that are written in God’s Book of the Law.’ (3:10) If they are correct, God’s Word is God’s curse.

According to the most scholarly and respected resource, the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 27th Edition with McReynolds English Interlinear, the statement Paul wrote actually conveys: “For as many as from works of law they are under curse they are. It has been written for (not applicable) curse on all who not stay in all the things having been written in the small book of the law to do them.”

Based on the words Sha’uwl selected, the following is a more complete and accurate depiction of his pronouncement. This is my own translation, one derived from the oldest surviving Greek manuscripts.

“Because (gar – for) to the degree that (hosos – as many and as far as) out of (ek) tasks and activities of (ergon – works or actions associated with) the Towrah (nomou – the means to being nourished by that which is bestowed to become heirs, precepts which were apportioned, established, and received as a means to be proper and approved, as well as prescriptions for an inheritance; from nemo – that which is provided, assigned, and distributed to heirs to nourish them (singular genitive, and thus a specific characterization which is routinely deployed by Paul to demean Yahowah’s Towrah)) they are and they exist (eisin eisin) under (hupo – by way of) a curse (katara – that which a supernatural power deploys to invoke harm by promoting evil, that which is accursed, denounced and detested), for (gar – because indeed) it has been written (grapho) that (hoti): ‘To become accursed (epikataratos – to be exposed, abhorrent, and repugnant, slanderous, hateful, and malicious (to become is a product of the nominative case)) everyone (pas – all and completely) who (hos) not (ou) remains in (emmeno – stays and continues in, perseveres with) all (pas) that (tois) 65having been written (grapho) in (en) the scroll (to biblion – the book or documented written record typically on papyrus) of the (tou) Towrah (nomou – the allotment which is parceled out, the inheritance which is given, the nourishment which is bestowed to be possessed and used to grow, the precepts which are apportioned, established, and received as a means to be proper and to be approved, and the prescription to become an heir (singular genitive, and thus restricted to a singular specific and unique characterization of the Towrah)), to do (poieomai – to make, produce, or perform) them (autos).’” (Galatians 3:10)

Trimmed to its essentials, the statement literally reads: “Because to the degree that out of tasks and activities of the Towrah they exist under a curse which a supernatural power deploys to invoke harm by promoting evil, doing what is accursed, denounced and detested, for it has been written that: ‘To become accursed, to become abhorrent, and repugnant, everyone who not remains in all that having been written in the scroll of the Towrah, to do them.’” (Galatians 3:10)

Recognizing that the preceding translation is a literal rendering of Papyrus 46, the oldest extant manuscript of Sha’uwl’s letter (dated to the late 1st or early 2nd century), it’s hard to explain the KJV’s and NLT’s variation from it.

Nonetheless, one of our questions has already been resolved. While we will diligently research every discernible connotation of “nomos,” not just once but multiple times, Sha’uwl has clearly acknowledged what I will conclusively affirm: he is using nomou to describe the “Torah,” as if nomos and towrah were synonymous. We know this because, in the attempt to prove this point, using the Towrah citation found in Dabarym / Deuteronomy 27:26, he translated the Hebrew word “towrah” into Greek as “nomou.” And there can be no more convincing 66argument than this when correctly concluding that Paul wrote that the Towrah was a curse.

As a result, a Pauline apologist cannot say that Paul was condemning Rabbinic Law, or the Talmud, instead of the Towrah, without contradicting Paul’s own translation. Paul is, therefore, at war with God, designating Yahowah’s most essential testimony, a degrading annoyance.

If nothing else, that takes chutzpah. It is stupid, but bold.

By rendering towrah as nomou, Paul has emphatically demonstrated that he would be using variations of nomos to convey “Torah” throughout his letters. Therefore, to be intellectually honest, the meaning of towrah in Hebrew which is “teaching, instruction, direction, and guidance” must prevail over “law.” As a result, not only is Paul implicating himself by disparaging the Word of God, those who publish Christian Bibles are universally guilty of misrepresenting one of the most important words ever written when they render towrah via nomos as “law.”

But there is more: Paul misquoted the Towrah. The passage he cited in the context of the discussion in Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 27:26 conveys a message that is diametrically opposed to the point Paul was making. How then can his point be valid if he had to misrepresent God’s position?

The Towrah reads:

“Invoking harm upon oneself is whoever relationally and beneficially is not established, restored, and supported by the words of this Towrah, approaching by engaging through them. And then the entire family responded, ‘This is true, acceptable, and reliable.’” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 27:26)

In this case, and there will be many others, Paul deliberately misappropriated, mistranslated, and 67misconstrued the inspired Word of God. Moseh’s message was the exact opposite of Sha’uwl’s. So, since Paul’s malfeasance in Galatians 3:10 is so obvious and irrefutable, so condemning of his integrity, it is in our interest to verify every word of both statements. To that end, here is a more fully amplified rendition of Moseh’s pronouncement from Yahowah’s Towrah…

“Invoking harm upon oneself (‘arar – plaguing oneself by making oneself undesirable) is whoever relationally and beneficially (‘asher) is not (lo’) established (quwm – restored, supported, encouraged, lifted up and caused to stand, confirmed, and enabled to endure) by (‘eth – with and through) the words (dabar – message and accounts) of this (ha zo’th) Towrah (Towrah – source of guidance, direction, teaching, and instruction [written ToWRaH in Hebrew]), approaching (la) by engaging through them (‘asah ‘eth – by acting upon them and doing productive things according to them, celebrating and profiting with them).

And then (wa) the entire (kol) family (‘am – people and nation) responded (‘amar – answered, promised, and declared), ‘This is true, acceptable, and reliable (‘aman – this is affirming, supportive, verifiable, and dependable).’” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 27:26)

So what now? We have just begun, and Paul has condemned himself with his own words. Now that you are informed, if you are rational, you can no longer trust anything the man willing to deliberately contradict God wrote. He purposely misquoted Moseh – the man who liberated God’s people from political and religious control and the greatest of the prophets. Yahowah inspired him to say that we are established and restored through the Towrah and that we approach Him by acting upon its words. It is harmful to discard the opportunity the Towrah provides, and it is beneficial to embrace it. Paul twisted the Word of God to state the opposite. That’s appalling!

68Assuming that you searched through Greek and Hebrew interlinears on your shelf or online, and that you referenced a lexicon or two, looking up each word to verify what you have just read, how are you going to deal with this? The answer to that question may determine the fate of your soul, especially if you have believed Paul up to this point.

While we could, we are not going to stop here. Before we are finished, thousands of nails will be driven into Paul’s coffin. And since we were seeking to know whether Galatians was inspired by God and trustworthy, we already have our answer. A person who deliberately misquotes God to promote the inverse of what God said cannot be telling the truth when he claims to be inspired by that same God. It is impossible.

The Towrah reported that we harm ourselves when we are not established and restored by the words that comprise the Towrah, approaching Yahowah by acting upon His Guidance and Teaching. Christianity is torn asunder by this statement, a position which cannot be refuted without calling God, Himself, a liar. The very statement Paul misquoted to establish his religion destroys it. The only thing worse is to realize that billions of souls have been squandered based on his lies.

The Towrah verse Sha’uwl mangled in Galatians undermines the most fundamental aspect of the Christian religion, of faith in its Gospel of Grace, as well as Paulos’ own position, because it obliterates the idea that the Torah is obsolete or harmful. But even if observing the Torah was not presented as the lone means to becoming restored and established, as God’s most acclaimed prophet has just stated, if the Almighty was a capricious prankster, and if His Towrah was really a curse as Paul and his ilk have claimed, then citing it as evidence would be irrational, because nothing God said could be trusted. Think about that for a moment.

69Christian apologists, steeped as they are in Pauline Doctrine, will say that the Torah is not a pick-and-choose sort of thing, and that to be redeemed and righteous, a person would have to do everything the Torah requires all the time, or else they would be cursed by it – judged and condemned. But that is not the message conveyed in this Dabarym passage – nor the message conveyed anywhere in the Towrah or by Yahowah. God knows that we are not perfect, which is why He provided the means to perfect us in the heart of His Towrah – the Covenant and Invitations to Meet. ‘Abraham enabled the Beryth, Dowd fulfilled the Miqra’ey, and Moseh explained both to us. I don’t suspect that Yahowah values Paul’s contradiction over their example, sacrifice, or instruction.

And yet, since Paul has attempted to incapacitate the Torah, and to sever the relationship between God’s testimony and His means to reconciliation, most Christians are unaware of the Torah’s redemptive properties. As a result of Paul’s epistles, Christians do not realize the benefits Yahowah is offering or even how He made our reconciliation possible.

When Dowd, the Messiah and Son of God, arrived to fulfill the Towrah-based Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet, he honored the promises God had made to make His Covenant children immortal on Pesach | Passover and perfect us on Matsah | UnYeasted Bread so that He could adopt us into His family the next day during Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children, empowering, enriching, and enlightening us as a result. This is what enables Father and Son to Harvest the Covenant Family on Shabuw’ah | the Promise of Seven.

However, by severing this connection, as has been done in both Judaism and Christianity, by disassociating Yahowah’s Miqra’ey and Mashyach from His Towrah, the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb became as meaningless for the religious as the faith Jews and Christians created to 70negate it.

Should you be wondering why I am using both “Torah” and “Towrah” throughout Twistianity, the answer is that the correct spelling according to Yahowah is “ToWRaH, and thus Towrah. The Wah and Heh are both vowels, and they provide the “o” and “a” sounds in Torah (as well as in YaHoWaH). Then the reason the more common and less correct spelling is used is to more effectively communicate with new readers who are less familiar with Hebrew nomenclature. Therefore, “Torah” will quickly resonate while we all become more familiar with the correct spelling of “Towrah.” And it will lead readers to the proper pronunciation of the name of names – Yahowah.

In this regard, while some would seek to limit the “Torah” to the five “Books of Moses,” the Towrah is from Yahowah, and His “Towrah – Teaching and Guidance” is found in everything He revealed, permeating the Prophets and Psalms. Rather than using the misleading and inaccurate terms “Bible” or “Scripture,” the proper title for Yahowah’s witness is either “Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr – Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms,” “Towrah and Prophets,” or just “Towrah.” The Towrah is prophetic, and the Prophets contain towrah | teaching and guidance.

Moving on to Sha’uwl’s next thought, as it is found in the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 27th Edition with McReynolds English Interlinear, the conman responsible for Christianity dug himself and his faithful in deeper… “But that in law no one is made right along the God clear because the right from trust will live.”

Amplified, and with the Greek text highlighted for your consideration, we find…

“But (de – it follows, moreover, and namely) because (oti) with (en – inside and with regard to) the Torah (nomothe allotment which is parceled out, the inheritance 71which is given, and the prescription to become an heir) absolutely no one (oudeis – nothing, nobody, and not one; from oude heis – not even one) is vindicated or justified (dikaioo – made or shown to be correct, proper, or right, acquitted or declared righteous) by (para – with and in the opinion of) the God (to ΘΩ) becomes evident (delos – becomes clear and is made plain (scribed in the nominative, where an adjective is presented influencing the subject, God, in this case, renaming Him)) because (oti – namely and for this reason): ‘Those who are correct, righteous, and proper (o dikaios – those who are right, upright, virtuous, and guiltless) out of (ek) faith (pistis – originally meant trust but evolved to faith or belief as a result of Sha’uwl’s usage in these letters) will live (zao – will be alive).’” (Galatians 3:11)

Buffed and polished in the King James, Paul sounds a bit more eloquent, albeit no more rational: “But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, ‘The just shall live by faith.’”

Updated for modern sensibilities, the New Living Translation passage reads: “So it is clear that no one can be made right with God by trying to keep the law. For the Scriptures say, ‘It is through faith that a righteous person has life.’” (3:11)

And yet Paul’s first point was anything but “clear,” because he misquoted and misappropriated a passage which contradicted his premise. But more telling still, the Towrah does not actually say anything about “faith,” much less that one’s beliefs lead to being “just” or “righteous.”

Furthermore, both positions are illogical. Even if no one was justified by the Torah, without committing the rational fallacy of non sequitur, one could not imply that the righteous shall live by faith. Rather than cause and consequence, these ideas are unrelated. It is like saying: red wagons do not work so it is evident we should put our faith 72in blue tricycles. More to the point, if God’s Torah cannot be relied upon, in whom are we to express our “faith?”

As I previously mentioned, “the Scriptures” do not “say, ‘It is through faith that a righteous person has life.’” The passage Sha’uwl truncated actually condemns him personally as well as what he was promoting. Speaking specifically of Sha’uwl / Paulos, and actually naming him in the next line, the passage he misappropriated and misquoted reads:

“Pay attention, he will be puffed up with false pride. His soul, it is not right nor straightforward in him. So, through trust and reliance, by being firmly established and upheld by that which is dependable and truthful, those who are correct and thus vindicated shall live.” (Chabaquwq / Habakkuk 2:4)

Paul’s ruse is almost breathtaking in its audacity. And this time the biggest issue is not just the inaccurate and inappropriate nature of Paul’s rendition of the citation, where he has once again misrepresented Yahowah’s intent by twisting a snippet of what God said out of context. What is amazing here is that Yahowah is specifically warning us about Sha’uwl | Paul, in this passage. So by quoting it, Paul is taunting his audience, arrogantly implying that those foolish enough to fall for his inane rhetoric aren’t sufficiently resourceful or rational to realize that God is telling us to trust Him, not Sha’uwl.

This realization is so condemning, in two subsequent chapters of Twistianity, I’ll amplify the entirety of God’s indictment regarding Sha’uwl | Paul. But for now, please ponder these highlights conveyed through Yahowah’s prophet, Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk, 666 years before Paul misquoted him in Galatians...

“‘Upon My requirements and responsibilities, I have decided that I will literally and continually stand. And I will choose to always present Myself upon that 73which protects and fortifies.

So then I will be on the lookout in order to see what he will say about Me, observing how he will question Me. So then, how can I be expected to change My attitude, My thinking, or My response concerning My disapproving rebuke?’ (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:1)

Then Yahowah responded, approaching me, and He said, ‘Write this revelation and then expound upon and reiterate it using letters upon writing tablets so that, by reciting this, he might run and go away. (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:2)

Still indeed, this revelation from God is for the Mow’ed | Appointed Meeting Times. It provides a witness and speaks, pouring out evidence in the end which entraps. The extended period of time required for this question to be resolved shall not prove it false. Expect him in this regard because, indeed, he will absolutely come, neither being delayed nor lingering. (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:3)

Pay attention, he will be puffed up with false pride. His soul, it is not right nor straightforward in him.

Therefore, through trust and reliance, by being firmly established and upheld by that which is dependable and truthful, those who are correct and thus vindicated, shall live. (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:4)

Moreover, because the intoxicating wine and inebriating spirit of the man of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal is a high-minded moral failure, and is arrogant with meritless presumptions, he will not rest, find peace, nor live, whoever is open to the broad path, the duplicitous and improper way, associated with Sha’uwl.

74He and his soul are considered the Plague of Death. And so those who are brought together by him, accepting him, will never be satisfied. Most every Gentile will gather unto him, all of the people from different races and nations. (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:5)

They do not ask questions, any of them, about him. Terse references to the Word they lift up as taunts to ridicule, along with allusive sayings, simplistic and contrived equivalencies, and mocking interpretations, controlling through comparison, counterfeit and clichés, along with derisive words arrogantly conveyed.

There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him, and double-dealings to be known regarding him.

And so they should say, “Woe to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi, when neither apply to him.

For how long will they make pledges based upon his significance, becoming burdened by his testimony?”’” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:6)

Evidence does not get any more compelling or relevant than this. Sha’uwl took us directly to a prophecy that Yahowah had revealed to warn His people to “Sha’uwl – Question Him” and avoid Sha’uwl / Paul as the Plague of Death.

Yahowah revealed that a man named, “Sha’uwl” would arrogantly mislead and intoxicate Gentiles with irrational rhetoric coterminous with the time Dowd would fulfill His Mow’ed – Appointed Meetings. This occurred when Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym were fulfilled in 33 CE / year 4000 Yah by Dowd. At this same time, Sha’uwl was studying to become a rabbi in Yaruwshalaim.

75Further, as if He were reading Galatians, God told us that Sha’uwl would be arrogant, circuitous, duplicitous, intoxicating, deceptive, treacherous, and presumptuous – which is the antithesis of being matter-of-fact and straightforward. We were warned that this pseudo-rabbi’s way would be improper, akin to a plague and, thus, deadly. And yet, according to God, Sha’uwl’s broad, and therefore accommodating path would become especially popular with Gentiles because too few would actually question his allusive sayings, his derisive words, his comparisons and counterfeits, which would all be ripe with taunts and ridicule. Yahowah is obviously adept at producing detailed and accurate prophecies. And we are the beneficiaries.

Therefore, Sha’uwl / Paul impugned himself with his perverted rendition of Yahowah’s condemnation of him, twisting the knot that would become his noose. His statement was not only the antithesis of God’s instructions, he engendered Yahowah’s ridicule of him.

Moreover, and apart from the prophecy, if Paul was right in disavowing Yahowah’s standard, it would be the equivalent of God saying: “I will save those who contradict Me and justify those who negate and belittle the plan I have established.” And yet, Yahowah introduced His prophecy in Habakkuk, affirming that He was not about to change. God owns up to His responsibilities and acts accordingly.

Continuing to mislead by way of senseless and duplicitous prose, the KJV renders Paul’s next statement: “And the law is not of faith: but, the man that doeth them shall live in them.” (Galatians 3:12)

Deploying a different tactic, the NLT authored something which could only be considered appropriate in the context of religion. “This way of faith is very different from the way of law, which says, ‘It is through obeying the law that a person has life.’” (Galatians 3:12)

Should the translation team deployed by Tyndale 76House Publishers, Incorporated have meant that “the way of the Christian faith is very different than the way of the Torah,” then they would be right. But how can that “way of faith” be right when it is contrary to the god who is claimed to have sponsored the replacement? There is no rational way for Paul’s thesis, his faith and religion, to be “very different from the way” delineated by God in the Torah and still reconcile fallen man into a relationship with that same God. God cannot be responsible or trustworthy with a revised plan which is counter to the one He originally authored. This is yet another nail in Sha’uwl / Paul’s coffin and that of his religion, Christianity.

Irrespective of the fact that Yahowah has provided the answer, at least the battle lines have been drawn. According to the most popular modern translation, it is now the Torah vs. Christianity. So let the Great Galatians Debate begin: are we to trust Yahowah’s Towrah or put our faith in Sha’uwl / Paulos / Paul’s but I say…?

Amplified, and with the words Sha’uwl selected on display, the man God just told us to question because his notions are as deadly as a plague, wrote:

“But (de) the Torah (nomou – the allotment which is parceled out, the inheritance which is given, the nourishment which is bestowed to be used to grow, the precepts which are apportioned, established, and received as a means to be proper and approved, and the prescription to become an heir) exists (eimi – is) not (ouk) out of (ek) faith or belief (pistis), but to the contrary (alla –making an emphatic contrast with an adversarial implication), ‘The one having done (o poieomai – the one having made and performed as such becoming) them (autos) will live (zao) with (en – in and by) them (autos).’” (Galatians 3:12)

Recognizing that Paul did not express this thought very well, principally because the Towrah passage he cited didn’t fit his presupposition, we are led to believe that 77Sha’uwl was suggesting that if an individual were to choose the Towrah over faith, he would have to live with the consequence. He is implying that the only way to live with the Towrah would be to do everything it requires. So since he tried to impugn and usurp God’s credibility to prove his point, we must turn to the passage he referenced to ascertain whether or not Yahowah’s Towrah actually said what Sha’uwl was asserting.

Opening Yahowah’s Towrah to Qara’ / Called Out / Leviticus, we find God imparting the following guidance, whereby we are advised to avoid the kinds of religious myths and practices that comprise Christianity…

“Speak (dabar – communicate using words) to (‘el) the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el – Sons who Engage and Endure with God), and (wa) say (‘amar –affirm) to them (‘el), ‘I am (‘anky) Yahowah ( YaHoWaH, pronounced relying upon His ToWRaH | Guidance and HaYaH | existence), your God (‘elohym). (Qara’ / Called Out / Leviticus 18:1-2)

With regard to things which could be considered similar to (ka – as with and like) the practices (ma’aseh – the pattern of behavior, the work, the things done, undertakings, and pursuits) of the realm (‘erets – land) of the Crucibles of Egypt (Mitsraym – of religious, political, military, and economic oppression) where (‘asher) you dwelt (yashab), you should not engage in or act upon (lo’ ‘asah – you should not celebrate or profit from) similar (ka) pursuits (ma’aseh – patterns of behavior, things done, undertakings, and practices) in the land (ba ‘erets) of Kana’any (Kana’any – Zealousness which subdues and subjugates; commonly transliterated Canaan) which is where as a result of the relationship (‘asher), I am (‘anky) bringing you (bow’ ‘esh).

There (sham), you should not act upon or engage in (lo’ ‘asah) their decrees or customs (chuqah – their 78prescriptions for living and their traditions and statutes), never walking in or following their ways (lo’ halak – never patterning your life after them). (Qara’ / Called Out / Leviticus 18:3)

With (‘eth) My means to exercise good judgment regarding the resolution of disputes (mishpat – My means to decide regarding justice and judgment), you should continually engage and genuinely act (‘asah).

With (‘eth) My prescriptions for living (chuqah – My inscribed recommendations which cut you into the relationship), you should consistently examine and carefully consider (shamar – you should make a habit of consistently and actually observing) for the purpose of approaching by (la) walking in them (halak ba).

I am (‘anky) Yahowah, your God (‘elohym).’” (Qara’ / Called Out / Leviticus 18:4)

This admonition against religion, politics, and societal customs was followed by the statement Paul sought to usurp to justify his inverted proposition on behalf of religion. It reads:

“‘And so (wa) you should choose of your own volition to actually observe (shamar – under the auspices of freewill, you should consider choosing to carefully and completely examine (qal perfect consecutive)), accordingly (‘eth), My prescriptions for living (chuqah – My inscribed (and thus written) instructions which cut you into a relationship (and thus into the Covenant) with Me) and also (wa) My means to resolve disputes (mishpat – My means to exercise good judgment regarding redemption (thereby directing our attention to His seven Invitations to be Called Out and Meet)).

Whoever (‘asher – relationally and beneficially) consistently acts upon and engages (‘asah – endeavors to genuinely celebrate and continually benefit (qal imperfect)) with them (‘eth), that man (ha ‘adam – that 79individual and person), indeed (wa – emphasizing this), is actually restored to life as a result of this desire and his decision, living (wa chayah – he is literally revived, perfectly renewed, actually nurtured, completely spared, and kept alive into perpetuity through this exercise of freewill, raised, preserved, and allowed to flourish (qal perfect consecutive)) through them (ba – with and by them).

I am (‘any) Yahowah ().’” (Qara’ / Called Out / Leviticus 18:5)

Yahowah, who just so happens to be God, is telling all who would listen that, if people want to live, they should pay attention to what He has to say and then act upon His advice. And at this point, everything He had to say, everything He had to offer, was contained in the very book in which this appeal was recorded: His Towrah!

Therefore, Paul has once again deliberately abbreviated and misappropriated a pronouncement from God which was inconsistent with his message. He was hoping that, by pilfering some common words, his errant citation would be sufficient to convince his uninformed audience that God supported his contrarian position.

But in the actual citation, God absolutely and unequivocally did not say that the “law is very different than faith,” that “through faith a person has life,” or even “through obeying the law a person has life,” or anything remotely similar to these propositions. Paul was, therefore, being disingenuous to put it politely.

Surprising to many, there isn’t a Hebrew word for “obey.” Shama’, which is routinely misrepresented as such actually means “to listen.” And to “shamar – observe” is to “examine and consider,” not “keep.” Further, to ‘asah is “to act and engage.” Collectively, Yahowah is encouraging us to respond to what we can learn from Him – a concept that is light-years removed from “obedience.” Moreover, 80neither “chuqah – prescriptions for living” nor “mishpat – the means offered to resolve disputes by exercising good judgment” could be considered “laws.” Instead, Yahowah stated that by observing, which is to closely examine and carefully consider His written instructions, we are able to make reasoned decisions regarding the restoration of our lives. Therefore, God “chayah – restores and renews the lives” of those who are Towrah-observant when they act upon what they have read. This is, of course, the antithesis of the Christian position.

While we are making such distinctions, it is grotesquely inappropriate to refer to Yahowah’s Torah as “law,” as Paul does throughout his letters. The Hebrew word towrah is derived from yarah and means “source from which teaching, instruction, direction, and guidance flow.” Yahowah’s presentation is educational. His witness is enlightening. He is offering guidance which we are free to embrace or reject, so He is not controlling. Moreover, His way is not restrictive but, instead, liberating.

Rabbis, like Paul (who was dismissed from Pharisee school), deliberately perverted Yah’s testimony to validate their own set of laws – a set of religious arguments recorded principally in the Talmud. By referring to the Towrah as nomos within contexts that imply “law,” Paul, who was educated in Hebrew, demonstrated that he should not be trusted.

Those who would argue that Gospel Jesus refers to the Towrah as “nomos” in the Sermon on the Mount would be inaccurate. First, the only properly attested and inspired Instruction on the Mount was presented by Dowd’s son, Shalomoh | Solomon, at the dedication ceremony of Yahowah’s Home for the Covenant Family atop Mount Mowryah – which is the only Mount which matters. On the eve of Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations in year 3008 Yah / 960 BCE, with the completed Temple gleaming in the background, Shalomoh spoke to Yisra’el about what 81I am doing for you today. It was duly recorded in 2 Chronicles 6:32-33, and reads…

“Therefore (wa gam), regarding the Nakry | Observant and Discerning Foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location, who will come to understand (ha nakry – someone from a different place and culture, speaking a different language, who, having paid attention, will comprehend; from nakar – to become acquainted, recognize, and acknowledge something which deserves the highest regard and respect by being attentive and astute), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), is not of your people (lo’ min ‘am ‘atah), this Yisra’el (Yisra’el huw’), he will come (wa bow’) from a faraway country in a distant time (min ‘erets rachowq) for the express purpose of being a Witness and providing answers regarding (lama’an) Your (‘atah) tremendous (ha gadowl) name (shem) and Your hand (wa yad ‘atah) as the influential, empowered, and resolute defender (ha chazaq), and (wa) as one sowing the seeds which will take root and grow (zarowa’ huw’) whom You have extended (‘atah ha natah). When he arrives on the scene to pursue this (wa bow’), then (wa) he will help interested parties reconcile their relationship by providing the information needed to make a reasoned decision (palal) regarding the Family (‘el ha beyth ha zeh). (Dabarym ha Yowmym 6:32)

When you hear it out of the heavens, coming from the atmosphere, listen to what comes out of the spiritual realm by way of the sky (wa ‘atah shama’ min ha shamaym), within the location where you live (min makown yashab ‘atah), then engage and act accordingly, choosing of your own accord to do everything (wa ‘asah ka kol) which, to show the way (‘asher), the Nakry | Observant Foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location who understands, this man from a another place and culture, speaking a language other 82than Hebrew, who is uniquely discerning (ha nakry) has invited you to read (qara’ ‘el ‘atah), for the express purpose of being a Witness, who provides answers such that (lama’an) all peoples of the Earth (kol ‘am ha ‘erets) will have a genuine and ongoing opportunity to become familiar with Yada’, to know, acknowledge, accept, and understand (yada’) Your name (‘eth shem ‘atah), coming to respect and revere You (wa la yare’ ‘eth ‘atah) simultaneously along with (ka) Your people (‘am ‘atah), Yisra’el (Yisra’el).

And also, so that (wa la) they may know (yada’) that, truthfully (ky), Your Family and this House (‘al ha beyth ha zeh), which to reveal the correct path to walk to give life meaning that (‘asher) I have built for the Family (banah), are designated and called (qara’) by Your name (shem ‘atah).” (Dabarym ha Yowmym / Words of the Days / 2nd Chronicles 6:33)

Second, the speech presented in Matthew 5-7 was plagiarized from an ‘Ebownym | Ebonite text recording this and other proclamations spoken by Dowd and recorded in Hebrew. In subsequent chapters, rest assured, I will detail the evidence affirming these conclusions.

Moreover, as we shall soon discover, the etymological history of nomos is somewhat harmonious with the Covenant’s purpose as it is presented in the Towrah, which is “to parcel out an allotment and to bestow an inheritance, providing prescriptions regarding how to become an heir.”

Paul, however, cannot be afforded any excuse. And that is because all of his letters, including Galatians, were originally written in Greek, and there is no mistaking the fact that he was mischaracterizing the Towrah, errantly presenting it as a punitive set of “laws.” Further, he did so in accord with Rabbinic Judaism – a religious proposition Yahowah disdains for having separated Him and His Son from their people.

83These things known, there is much more to nomos than meets the eye of the casual observer. The word is based upon “nemo – to provide, assign, and distribute an inheritance and to nourish heirs.” It is “an allotment which is bestowed and parceled out to feed hungry sheep.” Metaphorically then, the etymological root of nomos long ago spoke of a prescription for living which led to children being fed and growing up to receive an inheritance. Therefore, when properly defined, nomos provides a somewhat fitting depiction of Yahowah’s Towrah | Teaching, Guidance, Direction, and Instruction on how to participate in His Covenant Family. However, throughout the Christian New Testament, nomos is consistently used to cast Yahowah’s Towrah in a negative light. So, it is readily apparent that the authors were not trying to reflect any of these positive attributes.

That said, Yahowah describes both Greece and Rome as Beasts who are counter to His people, so He would have no interest in communicating through the language of the Adversary. Moreover, when conveying thoughts written in different languages, the proper approach is to translate words and transliterate names and titles – of which Towrah is both. Sha’uwl / Paulos failed in this regard. But he was not alone. This analysis demonstrates that religious Bible translators, following Paul’s bad example, have knowingly and deliberately mistranslated both nomos and Towrah as “Law.” Recognizing this, lexicons published by Christian institutions claim that nomos describes “anything established as a custom, a law or command, any law whatsoever, a rule or injunction, even Mosaic law and the Pentateuch.”

Moving on to the next convoluted statement from the plague’s poison pen as it is presented in the Nestle-Aland, we find, NA: “Christ us brought out from the curse of the law having become on behalf of us a curse because it has been written, ‘curse on all the one having hung on wood.’”

84The King James Version more accurately conveys Paul’s appalling attack on God, KJV: “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:” (3:13)

Once again, if either the Nestle-Aland’s McReynolds Interlinear or the King James Version has accurately reflected Paul’s thought then, according to Sha’uwl, the Torah is a curse. For this interpretation of Paul’s statement to be correct, rather than fulfilling the Towrah, the mythical Jesus liberated Christians from its clutches.

It would also mean that Dowd, rather than being the perfect Passover Lamb as a result of observing the Towrah, embodied all of the Torah’s negativity. Even worse, according to Paul, his “Christ” was burdened by the Towrah rather than our sins.

To suggest that his position is irrational would be too kind. It means, at least according to Paul, that the only actual sinner in this story is God – the Author of the Towrah. To believe Paul, the Christian Messiah died to remove Yahowah’s torturous attack on humanity. And if that were not sufficiently insane to make you walk away, shaking your head in disbelief, Paul is quoting this same errant and troublesome god to support his agenda. He even claims that this sinful, inept, and sadistic god inspired this condemnation of his testimony. So how is it that 2.5 billion people believe Sha’uwl | Paul, relying upon the illogical notion that he is right and God is wrong?

Attempting to absolve Paul of the untenable position he has been placed in by his own rhetoric, as reflected in the Nestle-Aland’s McReynolds Interlinear and the King James Version, the New Living Translation twists the text to convey a different perspective, NLT: “But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for 85our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.’” (3:13)

To the New Living Translation’s shame, there is no reference to a “cross” anywhere in the Greek texts, much less in this passage. To Sha’uwl’s | Paul’s shame, the Torah’s position should not have been abridged, misappropriated, or misquoted. While the Torah’s prediction is profoundly accurate and prophetic, its merit was profaned by the way Paul truncated it.

But first things first: here is how the Greek text of Sha’uwl’s letter reads:

“Christos (ΧΡΣ – placeholder [written by Paul or added by a scribe]) us (ego) bought back (exagorazomai – worked to atone and purchase; from ek, out of, and agarazo, doing business in the marketplace where (agora) people assemble for a public debate, to buy, sell, and vote) from (ek) the curse (katara – from the evil, hateful, abhorrent, loathsome, maligning, and malicious influence) of the (tov) Torah (nomou – the means to being nourished by that which is bestowed to become heirs, precepts which were apportioned, established, and received as a means to proper and be approved, and prescriptions for an inheritance; from nemo – that which is provided, assigned, and distributed to heirs to nourish them (singular genitive, and thus a specific characterization of what is the Towrah)), having become (ginomai – having existed as) for our sake (hyper ego) a curse (katara – a repugnant prayer, invoking the power to harm others by wishing evil upon them, maligning and malicious), because (hoti) it has been written (grapho – inscribed): ‘A curse on (epikataratos – being exposed to divine slander and vengeance) all (pas) the one (o) having hung (kremamai – suspended) on (epi) wood (xylon).’” (Galatians 3:13)

According to the founder of the Christian religion, Yahowah’s “Torah is abhorrent and detestable, evil and 86hateful, abhorrent and loathsome, maligning and malicious in its influence because it is a damning curse.” From Sha’uwl’s perspective, God’s Word is “cruel and repugnant.” Moreover, instead of the Messiah observing the Towrah, affirming and fulfilling it as he, himself, attests in his Psalms, according to Paul, God opted to engage in a business transaction whereby He has ransomed us, not from religious and political guilt but instead from the evil nature of the Torah.

It is difficult to imagine the darkness that would have to come over a person to prompt them to promote such a demonic deception. But perhaps one thing is becoming clear, Sha’uwl told the truth when he admitted to being goaded and possessed by one of Satan’s demons. But even then, why would so many Christians blindly swallow this debilitating venom?

I suppose it is because, like all spellbinding deceivers before and after him, Paul continues to weave a few credible threads through his evil tapestry. By citing God (actually misquoting Him), Sha’uwl’s lies appear plausible among the ignorant and irrational.

In reality, the redemption of the Covenant’s children is predicated upon Yahowah and Dowd working together to honor the Towrah’s promises through the Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet. The Messiah’s sacrifices on Pesach and Matsah, apart from the Towrah, are meaningless. There would have been no reason for these Feasts to exist, nor any benefit to be derived from the Passover Lamb’s sacrifice or subsequent sojourn to She’owl unless Dowd’s basar | corporeal body and nepesh | soul and consciousness served a purpose, such as fulfilling the promise of eternal life associated with Passover and of perfection derived from UnYeasted Bread in harmony with the Towrah’s instructions.

Beyond the audacity of negating the Miqra’ey, 87condemning the Towrah, and replacing Dowd with a mythical misnomer, Sha’uwl has his dates wrong, as do rabbis even today. Pesach provides an extension of life while Matsah perfects. It was during the fulfillment of UnYeasted Bread that the collective religious and political guilt of the Covenant Family was removed, placed upon Dowd’s nepesh | soul and discarded in She’owl, never to be seen again. The confusion over what these days represent, who fulfilled them, and why is disheartening.

Especially incredulous, Sha’uwl is attempting to demean and dismiss the Towrah while pretending to speak on behalf of its Author. There is no rational way to position God in opposition to His own Guidance or His Son’s sacrifice. It is preposterous.

The statement Sha’uwl | Paul misquoted to discredit the Towrah comes from the Towrah, this time from Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 21:23. The passage reads…

“Indeed when (wa ky) it comes to pass over time (hayah) that, by association (ba), an individual (‘ysh – a Man) is judged to be guilty to resolve disputes (chata’ mishpat – it is decided, determined, and thought that he is liable for his religious and political guilt, in order to judge that which is) worthy of death (maweth), and he chooses to be dispatched to the realm of the dead (wa muwth – he passively allows himself to be slain so as to be absent from life, completely fulfilling the penalty (hophal stem perfect conjugation consecutive mood)), then (wa) you decide to literally suspend him (talah ‘eth – you want to hang him by fastening him (qal perfect consecutive)) on (‘al) a wooden timber (‘ets – an upright pillar of wood or tree), his corpse shall not remain overnight (lo’ lyn nabelah – his body must not endure the night, staying there after sunset) on the upright pillar of wood (‘al ha ‘ets – near the wooden post or tree).

88Rather instead (ky – truthfully and certainly), you should prepare and entomb his body (qabar qabar – it is essential that you place his body in a sepulcher) on this same day (ba ha yowm ha huw’). Indeed because (ky), the One being suspended (talah – the one being hanged) is the maligned and abated of (qalalah – the cursed who fades away as a result of an oath and is diminished, slighted, and decreased (in the construct form, the abated and diminished is being associated with and is connected with and bound to)) God Almighty (‘elohym).

So you should not defile (wa lo’ tame’ – you should not cause to be unclean), accordingly (‘eth), your soil (‘adamah – your land, realm, and world; from ‘adam – mankind and human nature), which relationally and beneficially (‘asher) Yahowah (), your God (‘elohym), gave (nathan – produced, offered, and bestowed) to you (la – for you to approach) as an inheritance (nachalah – to become an heir).” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 21:22-23)

This is a prophetic picture of the fulfillment of Chag Matsah, beginning with Pesach while including Matsah. Dowd spoke of this in his Mizmowr and Yasha’yah developed it further in his prophetic portrayal. In this case, after introducing us to Dowd in the 18th chapter of Dabarym, Yahowah inspired Moseh to reveal that Dowd’s body should not be taken off of the wooden timber upon which he was crucified and then buried. This is for two reasons. First, the Towrah clearly states that the remains of the Lamb’s body are to be incinerated, not buried. And second, since the guilt of every Covenant member was being laden upon Dowd, he wanted it taken to the place of eternal separation, not buried in Israel.

Just as it was Dowd who was predicted to come after Moseh in Dabarym, it was Dowd, the returning King of Israel, who is now shown in Dabarym subjecting his body to be condemned on Passover so that his soul could enter 89the realm of the dead in She’owl on UnYeasted Bread. It is one of many profound statements which affirm Moseh’s prophetic credentials.

Yahowah uses prophecies like this one, and thousands more like it, to prove that He inspired His Towrah wa Naby’. He did this so that we would be able to trust everything else He has to say. Only God can get every prophecy right, every time, without fail.

In Roger Miller’s song, King of the Road, where the refrain repeats “I’m a man of means by no means,” Paul’s methodology is easily exposed. By simply separating clauses, he is creating a false impression. Using this example, while the country artist sang “I am a man of means,” when that statement is disassociated from “by no means,” without the negation, the initial phrase isn’t just misleading, it’s wrong. Similarly, “by no means” independent of “I’m a man of means” could be deployed by an unscrupulous individual to negate anything in the song. But that technique is disingenuous.

Since Paul is not misrepresenting the sentiments of a country song but, instead, misappropriating and misconstruing the Word of God by falsely conveying the impression that He was affirming the disillusion of His own words, Sha’uwl | Paul is disrespecting both God and his audience. Yahowah is not amused and has put us on notice that such tactics are deceitful, deadly, and damning, which is why He condemned Sha’uwl by name for corrupting His testimony. But what about his audience, what about the billions upon billions of Christians? Paul was demon-possessed, but what is their excuse?

Thus far, I have proven that Paul cannot be trusted. We now know that the King James Version is unreliable and inaccurate and that the New Living Translation is not a translation of the Greek text but, instead, a religious paraphrase, a novelized reinterpretation of the text, 90whereby its authors became storytellers. To its credit, the NLT reads smoothly, and it tickles the ears of the evangelical Christian audience, which is why I suppose it has become so popular. But as a study tool, other than to affirm Christian interpretations of Pauline Doctrine, it is of no practical use and is deliberately misleading.

We have learned that Paul has misappropriated and misconstrued the Towrah and Prophets with the intent to deceive, with diabolical results. All four of Sha’uwl’s citations thus far were cleverly abridged. They were deliberately taken out of context and then purposefully altered to make it appear as if Paul’s proposition and God’s testimony were in sync. One time would have been inexcusable but removing clauses from the Towrah and Naby’ and corrupting them became a bad habit.

Paul’s propensity to be disingenuous became epidemic – a plague that Christians have come to ingest to justify their religious views. It is also curious, indeed telling, that, when considered as a whole, each of the four statements Sha’uwl | Paul misrepresented resolutely affirmed the Towrah’s enduring promise to resolve the conflicts which separate people from Yahowah. Each of God’s declarations undermined and condemned Pauline Doctrine and thus the Christian religion.

This means that Paulos had no respect for his audience. He played Christians for fools because he believed they would be easy to fool. And nothing has changed.

I do not say this to insult the religious, but to help those who are not religious realize that what I am sharing is true. Christianity has been a blight on humanity and a curse to Jews because it seeks to hide the most important of all truths. And knowing this is the essential first step to vindication and reconciliation.

As we are witnessing, Sha’uwl was so confident that his audience would not dare question him that he flaunted 91his association with Satan, admitting that he was not only demon-possessed, but that he had been goaded into hyperbole by the Adversary’s emissary. Are you surprised? Did this catch you unaware?

It should not have. After all, there have been thousands of sermons pondering the implications of Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” And yet nary a one of Paul’s advocates conveys the specific and unabashed answer Paulos, himself, scribed in his second of two letters to Corinth, when he infamously wrote:

“Because (gar – for indeed) if (ean) I might want (thelo – I may decide, desire, propose, or enjoy) to brag (dauchaomai – to boast and to glorify myself) truthfully (aletheia – honestly), I would not be (ouk esomai) foolish or imprudent (aphron – acting rashly without reason, inappropriate or unjustified).

For then (gar – because) I will say (ero) I am presently abstaining (pheidomai – I am currently refraining). But (de) someone (tis) not approaching my stature (un eis eme – of lesser status, worth, or merit) might ponder (logizomai – may have reason to logically conclude, embrace an opinion, or hold a view) beyond (hyper – over and above and because of) what (o) he sees (blepo – he will be able to view and discern) in me (me), or (e) something (ti) he hears (akouo – he listens to, receives, pays attention to) from (ek) me (emou), (12:6) and of the (kai te – so with regard to the) extraordinary superiority of the exaggerated (hyperbole ton – preeminence and exceedingly great, transcendent, magnificent, and awe-inspiring aspects of the overstated) revelations (apokalypsis– disclosures with the appearance of instructions concerning the unknown).

Therefore (dio – it should be self-evident), in order that (hina – for the purpose that) I not become overly proud and be lifted up (me hyperairomai – I not become 92conceited, exalting myself beyond what would be justified, so as not to be insolent, audaciously lifting myself above the source of my inspiration), there was given to me (didomi ego – there was deposited upon me, allowing me to experience, there was granted and entrusted to me for my advantage) a sharp goad and troubling thorn (skolops – a sharp pointed prod used to control animals, featuring a poisonous scorpion’s stinger) in the body (te sarx – incorporated into the flesh and as an aspect of physical animal and human nature), a messenger (angelos – a spiritual envoy or demonic spirit) of Satan (Satan – a transliteration of satan, Hebrew for the Adversary), in order to (hina – so as to) strike and restrain me (kolaphizo – adversely harm, beat, and torment me, violently mistreating me to painfully afflict, attack, buffet, and batter me; from kolazo – to prune, control, check, curb, and restrain me), so that as a result (hina) at the present time there is the possibility that I might not be conceited, currently exalting myself beyond what would be justified, lifting myself up (me hyperairomai – I may not be overly proud or excessively exalted or lifted up, overdoing it, so as to be insolent and audacious (scribed in the present tense, meaning at this time, in the passive voice, affirming that this is being done to him, with the subjective mood revealing that this outcome is a mere possibility, and in the first-person singular, thereby identifying Paulos as the one being possessed and controlled)).” (2 Corinthians 12:6-7)

As bad as this is, and this is as bad as bad ever gets, especially if you are a Christian and have entrusted your soul based upon this man’s testimony, it may be even worse when considered from the perspective of Sha’uwl’s “conversion experience.” On the road to Damascus, he claims to have heard the “flashing light” speak to him. In a desperate attempt to prove his qualification, and thus justify his exaggerated “revelations,” under oath, Paulos testified...

93“And every one (te pas) of us (emon) having fallen down (katapipto – having descended from one level to another, lower one) to the earth (eis ten ge), I heard (akouo – I paid attention, listening, comprehending, and obeying) a voice (phone – a sound, crying out) saying to me (lego pros ego – speaking according to me) in the (te) Hebrew (Hebrais) language (dialektos), ‘Sha’uwl, Sha’uwl (Saoul, Saoul – a transliteration of the Hebrew name, Sha’uwl, meaning “Question Him,” a designation synonymous with She’owl – the pit of the dead), Why (tis) are you actually pursuing me (dioko me – are you following me, really striving with such intense effort to reach me, hastening and zealously running toward me)? It’s hard (skleros – it’s demanding and difficult, even rough, harsh, violent, and cruel, especially offensive and intolerable) for you (soi) to kick against (laktizo – to resist, to strike with the heel) against (pros) the goad (kentron – a pointed sharp stick used to prick and prod and thus control animals featuring the stinger of a deadly scorpion with the power to ruin and kill, making resistance vain or perilous)).” (Acts 26:14)

While it may be surprising, even this gets worse in context, because the line “It is hard to resist the goad” was plagiarized from a line attributed to the Greek god, Dionysus – the pagan deity whose doctrine was largely integrated into Christianity to make it appealing and popular among Greeks and Romans. This is the most memorable line of Euripedes’ Bacchae, dating to 405 BCE. Dionysus’ line pronouncement reads: “I would sacrifice to the god rather than kick against his goad in anger, a mortal against a god.” That is to say, standing up against a god is something no mortal should attempt.

Also, at this time, and by his own admission, Sha’uwl was doing this very thing. He was striking anyone who admitted that Yahowah was God, that the Towrah was His Guidance, that the Miqra’ey save us, and that Dowd served 94as the Passover Lamb. He became a “mortal against God.”

There is no way to discount Sha’uwl’s assault against God, to reject his admission of guilt, or to negate his admission of being demon-possessed. His confession to the latter at the conclusion of 2nd Corinthians is duly recorded in Papyrus 46, a late 1st- or early 2nd-century codex. If that witness is not reliable, the entire Christian New Testament becomes untenable, because there are no older or more credible codices than P46.

If you are a Christian, you must deal with this by rejecting all of Paul’s letters as demonically inspired, and then discarding the whole of the New Testament as being similarly suspect. Or, of course, you could put your head in the sand, and be religious, which would now be akin to being irrational. At this point, you can no longer claim ignorance – nor should you.

It should now be obvious that Paul was as described – a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He deliberately lied with the intent to deceive while claiming to speak for God. And while that was relatively common then as it is today, it is frankly unbelievable that this man’s fraudulent propositions are considered inspired.

If you are religious, are you going to remain a victim? Are you open to knowing the truth? Can you handle the truth? Do you want the truth?

Before we move on, let’s pause a moment and consider the options at our disposal regarding Paul’s strategy – that of misappropriating and misquoting, even errantly translating then corrupting Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets to promote his agenda. You can ignore his malfeasance if you believe that I have misrepresented Paul’s or Yahowah’s statements. But this approach is easily resolved. Flip forward to the “Towrah – Teaching and Guidance” chapter of Twistianity where every Hebrew and Greek word delineated in these statements is presented 95so that you can do your own due diligence and verify the text and the translations for yourself. Or simpler yet, just compare standard English translations of these passages and Sha’uwl’s quotations and note the differences.

Since the option to dismiss this problem is a nonstarter, the faithful can accept the fact that the citations are different but attribute their divergence to an inadvertent mistake on Paul’s part. But if you do, you must also abandon the notion that Paul’s letters are the inerrant Word of God. And with that realization, the foundation of Christianity crumbles.

You can admit that there is a pattern of malfeasance with regard to all of Paul’s Towrah citations and recognize that they are misquoted and then twisted to support his agenda, which means that he intended to misrepresent God’s testimony. But if you take this path, you will be compelled to label Paul a false witness. And at that point, Christianity becomes fraudulent – one of many popular and broad paths leading to destruction.

Since these options are devastating, you could blame the mistakes on scribal error, suggesting that Paul’s quotations from the Torah and Prophets were correct initially, but that over time copyists inadvertently misrepresented his words, creating a false impression. But this is a slippery slope. The oldest meaningful codex of the Christian “New Testament” is Papyrus 46, which is dated between 85 and 125 CE, thirty-five to seventy-five years after this epistle was scribed. The codex contains a complete copy of almost all of Paul’s letters. If it is not reliable, then nothing in the Christian New Testament is reliable. There is only one other 2nd-century witness, Papyrus 75, which covers Luke and John, and it was scribed nearly one hundred years thereafter. Therefore, if scribes significantly altered Paul’s letters during this relatively short period of time, the list of appropriately supported and textually unaltered New Testament books 96would shrink to two: portions of Luke and John. The rest, based as they are on far less reliable and far more recent manuscripts, would be too suspect to believe. And of course, that would mean that the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms would still stand unchallenged.

Or you can take the quietly popular, albeit seldom articulated Christian position regarding these misquotes – one derived from Marcion in the early 2nd century. He concurred with Paul and concluded that the God who inspired the Torah was mean-spirited and no longer relevant. It is a position which many Christians hold, even if they are too timid to voice it. As such, Marcion attempted to nullify the Torah by encapsulating it within a collection which he, following Paul’s lead, labeled the “Old Testament” and thus suggested that it was the will of a now deceased or, at least, irrelevant deity.

The wealthy merchant trader, Marcion of Sinope, promoted the myth that Paul was the only true Apostle, and that he alone spoke for the new and improved god of his “New Testament.” Paul’s letters were canonized as a result – a collection that included his epistles and edited portions of Luke and Acts. Thereby, Sha’uwl of Tarsus, now Paulos of Rome, was positioned and purported to correct the errors that the old God of the Jews had made. As a result, Paul’s new faith separated believers from Yahowah, from His Towrah – Teaching and Guidance, His Beryth | Covenant, His Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet, from the Chosen People, and the Promised Land.
