Yada Yahowah Series – Twistianity


If not for twisting God's words, there would be no basis for Christianity…

“Still indeed (‘owd ky) this revelation from God (chazown) is for the Appointed Meeting Time (la ha mow’ed). The extended period of time required for this question to be resolved (‘im mahah) shall not prove it false (lo’ kazab). Expect him in this regard (chakah la) because, indeed (ky), he will absolutely come (bow’ bow’), neither being delayed nor lingering (lo’ ‘achar). Pay attention (hineh), he will be puffed up with false pride (‘aphal). His soul (nepesh), it is not right nor straightforward (lo’ yashar) in him (ba).

So then (wa) through trust and reliance (ba ‘emuwnah), those who are upright and vindicated (tsadyq) shall live (chayah).

Moreover (‘aph), because (ky) the intoxicating wine (yayn) of the man (geber) of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal (bagad) is a high-minded moral failure (yahyr), he will not rest, find peace, nor live (wa lo' nawah), whomever is open to the broad path (‘asher rachab) associated with (ka) Sha’uwl | Paulos | Paul (Sha’uwl). He (huw’) and (wa) his soul (nepesh) are like (ka) the plague of death (maweth). And so (wa) those who are brought together by him, receiving him, (‘asaph ‘el) will never be satisfied (lo’ saba’).

Most every Gentile (kol ha Gowym) will gather together unto him (qabats ‘el), all of the people from different races and nations (kol ha gowym). They do not ask questions, any of them, about him (ha lo’ ‘eleh kol ‘al). Terse references to the word they lift up as taunts to ridicule (mashal nasa’), along with (wa) allusive sayings and mocking interpretations (malytsah). There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him (chydah la). And (wa) they should say (‘amar), ‘Woe (howy) to the one who claims to be great and increases his offspring (rabah),’ neither of which apply to him (lo’ la). For how long (‘ad mathay) will they make pledges (‘abtyt) based upon the grievous honor afforded him (‘al kabed)?” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:3-6)


Given the choice between relying upon Yahowah’s brilliant Towrah | Teaching or believing what was scribbled in Paul’s dimwitted letters, it’s a wonder three people, much less three billion, have chosen to place their faith in the Devil’s Advocate rather than trust the Creator of the Universe. It’s also hard to imagine how a man who claimed to speak for God could call His Towrah a “curse” while consistently contradicting its Author and disparaging His guidance. Nonetheless, that is what the founder of the Christian religion wrote...

“O ignorant and unreasonable Galatians, who bewitched and deceived you, bringing this evil upon you? (Galatians 3:1)

For so long you have suffered without a plan because you were thoughtless. (Galatians 3:4)

For as long as they exist by means of doing the assigned tasks of the Torah, they are under a curse, because it is written that: ‘All are accursed who do not remain alive with all that is written in the scroll of the Torah, doing it.’ (Galatians 3:10)

So with that Torah, absolutely no one is vindicated or saved alongside God. (Galatians 3:11)

Christos bought us back from the evil and malicious influence of the Towrah, having become for our sake a repugnant curse, because it has been written: ‘A vengeful curse based upon divine slander is on all those having hung on a tree.’ (Galatians 3:13)

Before this coming to the Faith, under the control of the Towrah we were actually being held in custody as prisoners, confined and controlled until the Faith was revealed. (Galatians 3:23)

As a result, the Towrah had become our disciplinarian, an enslaving pedagogue with its strict, old-fashioned methods and overbearing demeanor, extending until Christon in order that, by means of the Faith we might, while doing nothing ourselves, be justified.” (Galatians 3:24)

With repulsive words like these, Paul orchestrated a vendetta against Yahowah and Dowd, the Towrah and Prophets, and the Covenant and Invitations to Meet, along with Yahuwdym and Yisra’el.

Devil’s Advocate

Yahowah reveals that if someone like Paul establishes himself as an interpreter of revelations, he is a false prophet. If he claims to have performed miracles as proof of his calling, as Paul has done, or if he encourages us to accept other gods such as his Iesou Christo, he is a false prophet. If he fails to affirm our love for Yahowah, whom Paul contradicted and demeaned, or subtracts from or adds to the Towrah, he is a false prophet…

“Observe (shamar) every (‘eth kol) word (dabar) which shows the way to benefits of the relationship (‘asher) that I am (‘any) instructing (tsawah) you with (‘eth ‘atah) for the purpose of (la) engaging with it and acting upon it (‘asah), never adding to it (lo’ yasaph ‘al – through a New Testament) nor subtracting from it (wa lo’ gara’ min – replacing it).

Indeed, if (ky) a prophet (naby’) stands up trying to establish himself (quwm) in your midst (ba qereb) as an interpreter of revelations (chalowm chalam), and provides (wa nathan) a sign (‘owth) or (‘o) miracle (mowpheth) for you (‘el ‘atah), and that religious miracle worker (ha ‘owth ‘o ha mowpheth)…says (la ‘amar), ‘Let us go after (halak ‘achar) other (‘acher) gods (‘elohym) which (‘asher) you have not known (lo’ yada’), serving and worshiping them (wa ‘abad), do not listen to (lo’ shama’ ‘el) the words (dabar) of that prophet (ha huw’ naby’) or (‘o) interpreter of revelations (ha huw’ chalowm chalam). This is (ky) the test (nasah) of Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym), for you to know (la yada’) whether it affirms your (ha yesh) love (‘ahab) for Yahowah with all (ba kol) your heart (leb) and (wa ba kol) soul (nepesh).

Therefore (wa), a prophet (ha huw’ naby’) or (‘o) interpreter of revelations (ha huw’ chalowm chalam) is deadly (muwth) if (ky) he has spoken (dabar) rebellious renunciations (sara’) against (‘al) Yahowah your God…the One who redeemed you (wa ha padah) from the house (min beyth) of servitude and worship (‘ebed).

His desire is to seduce and scatter you (la nadach) from (min) the way (ha derek) which beneficially leads to the relationship (‘asher) with Yahowah, your God… And so (wa) you should choose to remove (ba’ar) that which is incorrect (ha ra’) from your midst (min qereb).” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 13:1-6)


The Lord uses authority figures, and thus religious and political leaders, to elicit obedience. This demonic spirit presents himself as God, even as the Lord Jesus Christ of Christianity. The alternative is found throughout Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets and in the Psalms and Proverbs of His son…

“You should choose to pursue (bow’) correct counsel, seeking the right advice (‘etsah). Then engage in (‘asah) thoughtful decision-making (palylah). Of your own freewill, present (shyth) yourself (tsel ‘atah) in contrast to (ka) the darkness (ha layl)(16:3)

Indeed (ky), the oppressive extortioner (ha mets) will be no more (‘aphes). This demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God (shed) is finished, his purpose complete. He will be imprisoned, restraining (kalah) the one who treads upon (ramas) the entire earth (min ha ‘erets). (16:4)

Then genuine mercy and enduring love (wa chesed) will be established and sustained (kuwn – enduring) on the seat of honor (kise’). And upon it (wa ‘al huw’), he will be restored and abide (yashab) in (ba) truth (‘emeth) within (ba) the brilliant dwelling (‘ohel) of Dowd | David (Dowd). By exercising good judgment (shaphat) while (wa) considering (darash) the means to resolve disputes (mishpat), he will effectively (wa mahyr) pursue that which is right and vindicating (tsedeq). (16:5)

We have heard (shama’) of the agitation and arrogance (ga’own) of Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father raised as Pauline Christians and amoral secularists (Mow’ab). He is self-promoting (ge’ me’od) with his delusional projection of himself as magnificent and moral (ga’awah huw’). His presumptive attribution of merit (ga’own huw’) and (wa) his improper and immoral outbursts, which display an inflated sense of superiority (‘ebrah huw’), are not right (lo’ ken) nor is his unwarranted speech (bad huw’).” (Yasha’yah / Liberation and Salvation are from Yahowah / Isaiah 16:6)

This book, Incredible, is currently being revised to present the Pesach ‘Ayl’s | Passover Lamb’s true identity – Dowd | David.