




Chywah | Beast


From Bad to Worse…

As we continue to make our way through the seventh, eighth, and ninth chapters of Dany’el / Daniel, we are confronted with a profoundly important presentation of history. And even that portion which now lies in our past is poised to influence our immediate future. The Beast that will haunt our tomorrow was born in Babylon. It was nurtured in Rome. It lives in its Church.

As a reminder, this prophetic portrayal was written twenty-five hundred years ago, beginning in 555 BCE. Evidence that it was inspired by Yahowah, therefore, abounds. Its proof statements are irrefutable because we possess sixteen manuscripts of Dany’el, all of which predate the book’s most profound predictions.

In the midst of His vivid portrayal of the horrid nature of world history and then of the emergence of the Towrahless One, God reveals His nature by comparison. His appearance is designed to show that He is wholly opposed to what we are witnessing. He wants us to know that there is an alternative to politics and religion, to counterproductive military and economic schemes. During the darkest time in human history, there is light.

This Aramaic portion of Dany’el reads...

“Then as I looked (chazah hawah) for the Source of the enduring witness and restoring testimony (‘ad dy), there were positions of power and seats of honor (karse’ – there were thrones) placed all around (ramah), and the 283Ancient of Days (‘athyq yowmym – the One honored as God from before time, the most respected and enduring, used in Aramaic as a divine title) sat down (yatib – He established Himself in His position of supreme authority).

His clothing (lebuwsh huw’ – His garments) appeared like (ka) brilliant white snow (talag chuwr – bright and radiant). And the hair on His head (wa sa’ar re’sh huw’) was like (ka) pure and perfect lamb’s wool (naqe’ ‘amar).

His throne (karse’ huw’ – His seat of honor and authority) was ablaze with fire (shabyb dy nuwr – flaming brilliantly, glowing warmly, and radiant as if pure energy). Its rotating structure (galgal huw’ – its wheel or spinning implement) was gloriously glowing with radiant energy (nuwr dalaq – was ablaze).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Judge / Daniel 7:9)

While searching for the enduring witness and restoring testimony, there were many positions of power and seats of honor, all placed around Yahowah. This affirms that Yahowah’s appreciation for His prophets, and particularly for Moseh and Dowd, will be ongoing. God likes to share credit and reward those who have earned it by listening to Him and doing as He has asked.

Of additional interest is the use of galgal. Recognizing that Yahowah, while old by any standard, doesn’t need a rolling wheelchair, I sought to make sense of the term. And the most interesting clue is that it is the same word Yahowah uses to describe “galgal – rolling away” the iniquity of the Yisra’elites at the end of their forty-year sojourn through the wilderness, just as they were about to cross the Yarden | Jordan and enter the Promised Land. Therefore, this galgal of glorious and radiant light is symbolic of the mechanism Yahowah deploys to enable us to approach Him, making us perfect by rolling away our iniquity and surrounding us with His purifying light.

284This next statement speaks of the stream of light that paves the path from our world to God’s home. It is Yah’s light, the very essence of His nature.

“A stream (nahar – a river) of fire (dy nuwr – comprised of radiant energy and light) flows forth (nagad). And (wa) it appears to come out (napaq – it emerges and flows out) from His presence (min qodam huw’).

Three thousand (‘alap ‘alapym – countless multitudes) as brilliant as the sun are attentive around Him (shamash huw’ – focus upon Him as if stars).

Thirty thousand (wa ribow ribowym) living judgmentally (dyn yathab – who were encouraged to execute good judgment) stood up and were established (quwm – rose up to endure, coming forth to exist) before Him (qodam huw’).

And so (wa), the books of the Teacher (saphar – the archives and records of the Instructor including a complete accounting) were opened (phatach – were unfurled).” (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:10)

If these enumerations are of mal’ak, then this information isn’t particularly helpful. It really does not matter how many spiritual implements Yahowah has at His disposal. The answer has always been a sufficient number to achieve the desired results here on Earth, throughout the universe, and in Heaven.

I am a beneficiary of the mal’ak and would not be here today without them. I would have been murdered long ago by an enraged Muslim, so I am enormously grateful for their service. There is even the possibility that some of the insights provided to the Choter from the seven Spirits of Yahowah are conveyed by mal’ak.

Mal’ak are powerful and eternal spiritual beings, able to transition from Heaven to Earth, and thus travel through 285dimensions. They know Yahowah and His Towrah. And while all of that is wonderful, mal’ak are God’s responsibility, not ours. They respond to His directions and do His bidding. We have no control over them and gain nothing by knowing how many exist or how brilliant they may be.

These numbers and depictions, however, take on an entirely different dimension if they are illustrative of souls. Are we being told that three thousand individuals will appear as brilliant as the sun in Yahowah’s presence? Will thirty thousand arise and be established around Him? Is their willingness to exercise good judgment, correctly assessing what they see and hear, the reason that they are in this privileged position?

And if souls, we are not told whether this is the final count of the Covenant Family or if this is just the number of those attending to Yah at this time – although I would suspect the former. And if these luminaries are all redeemed souls, why is there an apparent distinction, with ten percent of the attendees described more brilliantly than the others?

While these are interesting questions to contemplate, there isn’t much of anything in the seventh dimension which we are capable of understanding from our perspective in a 3D existence. So other than generalities and parameters, the principal takeaway is that God’s children will become energy-based beings akin to light in the spiritual realm. The tens of thousands who are afforded this opportunity will be granted access as a result of being judgmental – a trait we will take with us. And during eternity, we will continue to learn and grow, with Yahowah serving as our Instructor. It is fun to imagine how amazing it will be to learn from the Creator of the universe and Author of life.

286We won’t even have to remember to bring our books to class. Yahowah has promised to write His Towrah | Guidance inside of us, making His Guidance part of the fabric of our lives.

This comparison between good and bad highlights why it is important that we understand why God despises Rome. He does not want us to support or be misled by similar political, religious, military, or economic institutions. God would not have delineated His angst without a good reason, and as it turned out, there were countless of them.

And since Rome lives on through the Church, it remains a menace. To thwart its ambitions and save souls, we are being encouraged to follow God’s lead and expose and condemn the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church – something that cannot be accomplished without accurate information – which is why we are providing it.

Also, since the final Beast and his schemes will be predicated on Rome, to understand him and them, we must examine and consider what came before. According to Yahowah, there has been an evolution of evil, of humanity getting worse, not better, as institutions grow and become larger over time. We see God’s disdain for collectivization and civilizations as a relatively small city-state in Babylon was overwhelmed by Persia. This Mesopotamian Empire was then dwarfed by the scope of the Macedonian conquests. And then Greece was swallowed by Rome, with the former nation remaining a small part of Imperial Rome which spread out to the far corners of the known world. Its death, however, gave rise to the most popular and expansive institution in human history, with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches trampling the world underfoot. Bigger is not better from God’s perspective. One right-minded soul is better than the Earth’s full complement of nations and institutions.

287Said another way, while it is possible for an individual to be good or bad, right or wrong, this range of attitudes and thinking, behaviors and expressions, ceases to exist as humans coalesce into groups, such as gangs, cults, conspiracy groups, political parties, religious institutions, or nations.

Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and the Catholic Church have epitomized the worst of humanity, but they are not alone. Even in the New World, isolated from the cruelty of civilizations, the Inca, Maya, Aztecs, and Polynesians were savage, as were the Chinese and Japanese. Even in the transition from political to religious, the Persians and Romans became more anti-Semitic and oppressive than Muslims and Christians.

Dany’el reported...

“I continued to be observant (hawah chazah – I kept focused so that I might see and perceive and thus realize and understand (peal perfect)) in that afterward (ba ‘adayn min – because then later, making a comparison and then contrast) the voice (qal) of the Horn (dy qeren – associated with the political, religious, and societal leader, the bonehead and knucklehead) was speaking of a great many things, issuing important decrees while exalting these edicts and affairs (milah rab malal – was uttering many pronouncements, making vociferous declarations with big words and an impressive vocabulary).

I kept watching until I came to realize (hawah chazah ‘ad) that the monstrous Beast (chywah) was slain (dy qatal – he was executed and put to death).

So, the body (wa gashem – this human being and animal), having been executed, perished (‘abad – was destroyed), and (wa) it was imparted (hy’ yahab – it was entrusted) to (la) the fire to be burned (yaqedah ‘esha’ – the flames as an offering made by fire, consumed in the conflagration). (Dany’el 7:11)

288With the remainder (wa sha’ar – so with the rest) of the beasts (chywah), their governmental control and ability to rule (shaletan himow – their power, authority, sovereignty, and dominion) were taken away and repealed (‘adah – were passed over, ceased and were annulled, removed and deposed).

But then (wa) an extension of life (‘arkah ba chay – a prolongation and continuation of living) was extended to them (yahab la hown – was given to them) for (‘ad – up to) a period of a little more than one season (zaman wa ‘idan – a relatively short duration of time, somewhat beyond one season, an appointed time and even as much as a year period; from ‘ed and ‘ada’ – a set period in which filthy rags and stained garments are taken away, removed, and deposed).” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Vindicates, and Condemns / Daniel 7:12)

This is an abrupt change of scene, from God in Heaven to Hell on Earth. The Lowly and Little Horn is doing his Paul impersonation with a lot of, “But I say….” And what he will convey is appalling, an abomination to Yahowah and His People. We can expect him to reiterate Paul’s pathetic appeal, condemning the Towrah, Covenant, and Meeting Times, albeit with a twist. He won’t just disparage them, he will outlaw them. And rather than hiding behind a morbid characterization of Iesou Christou | Jesus Christ, he will demand to be worshiped as a god, as the Lord God Almighty.

That will not sit well with the political conservatives or religious fundamentalists. So, someone is going to get irritable and kill him, whether that turns out to be a hit squad serving a world leader seeking revenge for having been betrayed by him or by a religious zealot. A Muslim, lashing out on behalf of Allah may end up killing him.

The Towrahless One’s body will die, but not his soul or spirit. Both will be judged and condemned, then 289incarcerated in She’owl. But oh what a funeral his will be, greatly surpassing the audience and pomp and ridiculousness of dragging Queen Elizabeth’s corpse through the brier patch of England and Scotland.

In conflict with Revelation, there is no suggestion here of a bodily resurrection. In fact, quite the opposite. In pagan fashion, his body will be incinerated in a grand bonfire, offered up as a sacrificial offering.

What continues, albeit briefly, is the existence of the nations which fell under the Towrahless One’s control. They will lose their autonomy, but they will continue to exist in some diminished capacity for a relatively short period of time – considerably less than two years and perhaps only through the late spring and summer months of 2033.

This considered, there is the possibility, even likelihood, that the spirit of Satan inhabiting the Horn will dispose of the pretense of human form and come right out in the open, exposing himself in his natural state. What better than for the Adversary’s spirit to rise out of the fire, glowing and glorious for all the world to see. As a result, his claim to be God would instantly become vastly more credible.

On the other side of this story, this and many other discrepancies between the Prophets and Revelation impel us to consider the value of the prophetic book tacked precariously onto the end of the other spurious Greek accounts. Based upon the text, I think it started out as an essay, as someone’s research project on what would occur during the Last Days. They had read through Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, and Malachi, then embellished the accounts to make for a more tantalizing story. While the writer’s professions were true when accurately paraphrasing the prophets, every point of divergence shows it to be spurious. And frankly, the Book of Revelation does 290not pass either of the tests for authenticity as Moseh presented them in Dabarym / Deuteronomy and Yahowah asked us to use to determine whether or not He inspired the prophet.


We are now moving into a subsequent revelation. This one was presented to the prophet’s subconscious, as he was asleep at the time. It is a curious thing that he was experiencing the explanation during an altered state of awareness. It seems to suggest that this may be Yahowah’s way of providing the answers we would need to unravel this puzzle without giving too much away.

“I continued to closely examine and carefully consider (hawah chazah – I remained observant and kept focused so that I might see and perceive and thus realize and understand) the things associated with the supernatural revelation (ba chazuw – the revelation communicating truth through sensory perceptions) during the night during the darkness (lyly ‘a – when there was no light).

Then behold (wa ‘aruw – now, drawing attention to what can be seen while emphasizing the transition being described): accompanied by (‘im – in association with and within) clouds (‘anan – a visible mass of condensed water vapor or mist; from ‘anan – to make an appearance) from the heavens (shamayn – of the sky above and even toward the spiritual realm), the likes (ka – corresponding with and similar to) of the Son of Man (bar ‘enash – a son who is human) arrived in this place (‘athah hawah – was revealed, made known, and was brought here).

And meanwhile (wa ‘ad – so then the Eternal and Restoring Witness), he came to reach out to (mata’ – he 291came into the presence of) the Ancient of Days (‘athyq yowmym – the One honored as God from before time, the most respected and enduring, used in Aramaic as a divine title). He drew near and was present before Him (wa qodam huw’ qareb huw’ – he asserted himself in His presence).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation / Daniel 7:13)

This speaks of Dowd’s return. As a human being, he is the Son of Man but unique because Yahowah also refers to the Anointed Messiah and King as His son. He is arriving from Heaven, which is where he has been these past 3,000 years.

Dowd is not coming alone. He will be accompanied by Yahowah, asserting himself in His presence. He is everything the Towrahless One isn’t and, thereby, represents the antidote for the Plague of Death.

“And to him (wa la huw’ – so regarding his approach) was given (yahab – was bestowed and entrusted) dominion (shalatan – power, authorization, and capability, authority over the government), honor (wa yaqar – esteem, dignity, great value, and an especially high status), and sovereignty (wa malkuw – authorized royal reign, the kingdom).

The entire family, including every ethnicity (wa kol ‘am ‘umah – all people of all races) and language (wa lishan – linguistic form of communication, tongue, and dialect), will serve alongside him (la huw’ palach – will respect and honor him, laboring and serving along with him).

His dominion and sovereignty (shalatan huw’ – his right to lead and rule) is an everlasting (‘owlam – is an eternal and never-ending) authorization and authority (shalatan – empowerment and protective shield) which shall not be taken away (dy la’ ‘adah – which will never cease, be annulled, or repealed).

292His kingdom and kingship (malkuw huw’ – his sovereign authority and reign) will never wane (dy la’ chabal – will never be harmed, perish, or cease to exist).” (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:14)

This dream was short and sweet. Dany’el witnessed what we have seen throughout the testimony of the prophets. Dowd is not only returning with Yahowah, the universe will be his to shepherd forevermore.

God’s Covenant Family regardless of ethnicity or language will be working alongside our eternal guide and leader. It will be a great privilege to serve with Yahowah’s Beloved.

But you will notice, Dowd’s name was not mentioned. We are left to determine who this is, just as we will be left to ascertain the identity of the Geber ‘El | Greatest of God’s Men as we progress into the next chapter.

Throughout this prophecy, God is holding His cards close to His chest, revealing enough for us to eventually figure it out without giving too much away – at least too soon. And here is a perfect example of Yahowah telling us how this is all going to end leading to a new beginning without spoiling the story.


While this vision ends well, portions of the next revelation are horrific. It would have been unsettling for Dany’el. He was a captive, living in the heart of the initial Beast. Human history would be red in tooth and claw.

“The Spirit associated with me (ruwach ‘anah), She was troubled and pained (karah – She was grieved, distressed, and anxious, sorrowful (with the itpeel perfect in Aramaic, the Spirit is grieving independently of Dany’el)).

293As for me, Dany’el (‘anah Dany’el), inside of me (ba gaw nidnah – concealed internally as if a sheath for a sword), the revelations (chazuw – the appearance of the visions) in my mind (re’sh ‘anah – my head) were disturbing and troubling to me (bahal ‘anah – were frightening, initially terrifying me, alarming and dismaying to me).” (Dany’el / My God is Judgmental / Daniel 7:15)

Those who are commissioned by Yahowah in the manner of a prophet are guided by the presence of the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit. Even as the Choter, the seven Spirits of Yahowah are ever-present.

In this declaration, we find that our Spiritual Mother was grieved by what she saw happening to Her people. Having participated in the creation of the universe and conception of life, She knew that this was not Yahowah’s intent. Mankind had made a mess of things, and it was only getting worse. Our future was painful to watch. Apart from the Witnesses and Dowd’s return with Yahowah, there wasn’t much to cheer about.

Yahowah’s “Ruwach – Spirit” is feminine and Maternal, which is why She is addressed in this way. Yahowah’s nature mirrors the Covenant, comprised of Father, Mother, and their begotten son – Dowd.

The Spirit is qodesh | set apart, meaning that She is a part of Yahowah set apart from Him to serve us. Likewise, the son, Dowd, is also qodesh | distinct and uncommon, different from others, especially as the only man to be a Ra’ah | Shepherd, Mashyach | Anointed Messiah, Melek | King, Ben ‘Elohym | Son of God, Tsemach | Branch, Zarowa’ | Strong and Protective Arm, Naby’ | Prophet, Qodesh | Set Apart, and Bakowr | Firstborn of the Covenant.

My reaction to what we have witnessed thus far is the same as Dany’el’s. I find these things disturbing. I’m troubled by my fellow man’s propensity to participate in 294evil institutions. Why is it that the preponderance of people ally themselves with people rather than God?

At this point, Dany’el is walking up to one of Yahowah’s messengers, hoping that he will be able to explain what he has seen…

“I approached (qareb ‘al – I asserted myself and came up to) a particular individual from (chad min – the first one of) those standing by (quwm – those set up and established), requesting (ba’ah – asking for and seeking) a true and accurate assessment (wa yatsyb – clarity and certainty, a valid affirmation of the meaning) from him (min huw’) regarding all of this (‘al kol danah).

And he explained it to me (wa ‘amar la ‘anah), providing an interpretation (wa pashar – the meaning) of these things (milah – of these matters, rationally elucidating the words), making them known to me so that I would understand (yada’ ‘anah – clarifying the meaning to me so that I would be informed and could explain).” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Vindicates, and Condemns / Daniel 7:16)

It is possible, indeed likely, that the person elucidating Dany’el was depicted in the verb, yada’. I say this because it will become ever more apparent that he is part of this story.

Typically, the prophet explains what he has witnessed and then adds his response if appropriate. It is uncommon for a prophet to grope for answers. However, this revelation was broad in scope and complex in its transitions – so an accommodation was being made in this case. Yahowah wanted us to be able to figure it out, but He did not want to be so matter-of-fact that explanations would be available sooner than He intended.

On issues fundamental to our relationship with Him, Yahowah is a brilliant, consistent, and thorough 295communicator. When we shamar towrah | closely examine His guidance and carefully consider His teaching, we move readily from knowing to understanding.

And typically, Yahowah’s praise and criticisms are directed toward Yisra’el – the people the prophets knew best. Should they be confused, a quick check in the mirror would straighten most things out. But this story was about the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Catholics.

“These powerful beasts (‘ilyn chywah rab – these massive monsters), which are four in number, represent four (dy ‘inuwn ‘arba’ ‘arba’) governments and their leaders (melekyn – kings, heads of state, counselors and advisors), which will arise (quwm – which will come into existence, be established, and rise up) from the Earth (min ‘ara’ – out of the world).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation / Daniel 7:17)

Thank you, Captain Obvious. The Chywah | Beasts are melekyn | governments and their leaders. And prior to the last of the four transitioning from Empire to Church and then spawning infamous leaders and nations, there were four: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.

Had this been written in Hebrew, the distinction between ‘erets | land and then either tebel | world, ‘adamah | ground, or yam | sea might have provided some additional direction. However, in Aramaic as ‘ara, it can mean “earth, world, inhabited places, ground, nation, country, or even universe.”

That said, they are destined to fail. These empires and their leaders are mortal and transient, especially when compared to the Children of the Covenant.

“However (wa), the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh – the uniquely separated and distinct ones, those who are uncommon and thus not religious or political) of the Most 296High (‘elyown – of God, the Almighty and Uppermost) will receive the honor and distinction, even the gift (qabal – they will be royalty) of the kingdom and of sovereign power (malkuw – of reigning as kings and becoming royalty, with dignity and dominion).

And they will inherit and possess (wa chasan – they will receive a transfer of ownership and benefit from reigning and ruling with royal authority, overcoming to occupy while accepting possession, being empowered and enriched by) the kingdom and reign as kings and queens (malkuw – becoming royalty, with dignity and dominion, having sovereign power and authority) throughout eternity, advancing as a result of the restoring witness forevermore (‘ad ‘alam wa ‘ad ‘alam ‘alam).” (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:18)

It has always been intuitively evident that the Children of the Covenant are royalty, inheriting everything our Heavenly Father has to offer. As the Creator of the universe and Author of life, in addition to being God Almighty, the rewards are empowering and enriching, to say the least. But here, Yahowah is revealing that, as His sons and daughters, we become kings and queens. We become co-regents over the universe. This also means that Dowd as our king is king of the world.

Therefore, while these monstrous beasts may seem impressive, they are nothing compared to a single Covenant member. They will be less than the dust on our shoes.

For further clarification, Yahowah revealed the identity of His Qadowsh | Set-Apart in His Towrah | Teaching. In Shemowth / Names / Exodus 19:1-6, we find God specifically addressing ha beyth Ya’aqob | the family of Ya’aqob and ha ben Yisra’el | the Children who Engage and Endure with God, and He said…

297“During the third month (ba ha chodesh ha shalyshy) of withdrawing (la yatsa’) the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el) away from (min) the realm of religious and political oppression (‘erets mitsraym), in that day (ba ha yowm ha zeh), they entered into (bow’) the place the word is pondered (midbar) of Syny | the Sign held by My Hand (Syny). (Shemowth 19:1)

They set out, moving on (wa nasa’) from Raphydym | Being Comforted and Supported (min Raphydym) and they came to the place to consider the word (wa bow’ midbar) of Syny | for the Sign Given to My Children by My Hand (Syny).

Then they camped out (wa chanah) to contemplate the word (ba ha midbar). There, Yisra’el set up a campsite (wa chanah sham Yisra’el) before (neged) the mountain (ha har) (Shemowth 19:2) while Moseh | the One who Draws Out (wa Mosheh) ascended unto (‘alah ‘el) the Almighty (ha ‘elohym).

Then (wa) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) called out to him, inviting and welcoming him (qara’ ‘el huw’) from the mountain (min ha har), saying (‘amar), ‘This is what you should say (koh ‘amar) to the Family of Ya’aqob (la beyth Ya’aqob). Tell the Children of Yisra’el (wa), (Shemowth 19:3) “You, yourselves, have witnessed (‘atem ra’ah) what, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I did to (‘asah la) Mitsraym | the tyrants within the Crucibles of Political and Religious Oppression (Mitsraym) and how I lifted you up (wa nasa’ ‘eth ‘atem) upon the wings of eagles (‘al kanaph nesher) and I brought you to Myself (wa bow’ ‘eth ‘atem ‘el ‘any). (Shemowth 19:4)

And so now (wa ‘atah), if (‘im) you genuinely, consistently, and demonstrably listen to (shama’ shama’) My voice (ba qowl ‘any) and (wa) closely examine and carefully consider (shamar) that which is 298associated with (‘eth) My Beryth | Family-Oriented Covenant Agreement (Beyth ‘any), then (wa) you will be (hayah) able to approach Me and be with Me (la ‘any) as a highly valued, set-apart, protected, and treasured commodity (sagulah), distinct and separated from (min) all other people (kol ha ‘am) even though (ky) the entire Earth (kol ha ‘erets) is Mine (la ‘any). (Shemowth 19:5)

Then you, yourselves, shall actually and continually exist as (wa ‘atem hayah) a realm of ministerial messengers and counselors (mamlakah kohen), and a people of different ethnicities (wa gowy) who are Qadowsh | Set Apart (qadowsh).

These are (‘el-eh) the words and statements (ha dabar) which, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), you should continually speak to (dabar ‘el) Yisra’el | the Children who Engage and Endure with God (beny Yisra’el).”’” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 19:6)

The Set Apart represent the Covenant’s Children. Initially, they were almost exclusively the descendants of Ya’aqob and, thus, Yisra’elites. Today, there are Gowy included in their number. So let there be no mistake, the qadysh in Aramaic and qadowsh in Hebrew are neither “saints,” “Christians,” nor “Haredim” but, instead, Ya’aqob’s extended family, children who have chosen to engage and endure with God. This becomes possible by listening to Yahowah’s voice and by closely examining and carefully considering the terms and conditions of His Covenant. As Yahowah’s children, we are immortal and perfected sons and daughters of God, enriched and empowered heirs to all that is His to give. And that is why the Almighty’s set-apart ones inherit His Kingdom and are entrusted with royal authority.

However, while the Covenant’s Children will survive them, the rise and fall of infamous individuals, maniacal 299nations, and evil institutions is a meaningful discussion because of the carnage they will leave behind. They not only shaped the human experience, their religions, militaries, and politics ravaged the Chosen People.

“Then, therefore (‘adayn), I wanted (tsabah – I desired) to be certain (la yatsab) regarding (‘al) the fourth (raby’ay) monstrous beast (chywah) which was different in the way it changed (dy hawah shanah – was in another class and then transformed) from all of the others (min kol kol). It was awesomely formidable and exceedingly terrifying (yatyr dachal – it was exceptionally dreadful and extraordinarily terrorizing, invoking both respect and fear similar to a venomous, creepy, and threatening snake).

Its teeth (shen hy’) were akin to iron (dy parzel – appear invincible) and its claws (wa taphar hy’ – nails which are instruments of destruction) were of bronze (dy nachash – comprised of a composite reddish metal) as it devoured (‘akal – as it devastated and consumed) and crushed (daqaq – and smashed, shattering and pulverizing) the rest (sha’ar – the remainder) by violently trampling (raphas – destroying and ruining) with its feet (ba ragal – in its footsteps).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Judge / Daniel 7:19)

Rome and its Church would be as Yahowah foretold, Yisra’el’s most formidable and terrifying foe. They would prey on Yahuwdym with iron teeth and bronze claws, devouring God’s people. As for the rest of the world, they would trample them underfoot as well, imposing its religion as the most vicious, covetous, and deadly force the world would ever see.

Rome and its Church shared much in common with Babylon – while also being markedly different. Both were overtly religious. Both were arrogant and vicious. Both enslaved the Chosen People. Both destroyed the Temple. 300Both live on, continuing to influence the world in horrible ways.

By contrast, Romans were copy artists; while Babylon was the birthplace of religion, Rome cleverly modified and then institutionalized the Grecian interpretation of Babylon’s lies, while the Church distributed the resulting deception around the world. One was deadly for a short time in a reasonably small place, while Rome conquered the Mediterranean and oppressed most of Europe. The subjugation spread worldwide under the crushing force of Roman Catholicism. They would even admit the scope of their crime. “Catholic,” from the Latin catholicus and Greek katholikos, meaning “universal.” Therefore, Babylon deceived and damned millions, and Rome billions.

Also different, and most important of all, Babylon was crushed by the Persians, the Persians were conquered by the Greeks, and the Greeks were defeated by the Romans. But there was no fifth Beast because Rome did not die but, instead, evolved into the Roman Catholic Church. And even then, there would be other transformations as the Holy Roman Empire briefly became the Third Reich, only to then evolve from war-torn Europe into the European Union.

“And also (wa) concerning (‘al) were the ten horns (‘ashar qeren) which were on its head (dy ba re’sh hy’ – which were among the foremost contemplated and perceived from the beginning).

And then there was another in the end (wa ‘achoran – then also a different one that came later following that time) which grew such that it was lifted up (dy salaq – which came up and got carried away with its thoughts and ambitions).

Three (talath) would be reverent, submit, and then fall (naphal – they would become obligated and submit, 301even prostrating themselves as inferior) before it (min qadam hy’), to this horn that had eyes and a mouth (wa qeren diken wa’ayn la hy’ wa pum). He spoke profusely (malal rab – he conversed powerfully, using many big words in long speeches).

And (wa) by appearances (chazuw), it was greater (hy’ rab – it was more powerful and far-reaching, claiming a higher status) than those in league with it and the others of its kind (min chabrah hy’ – than those who were charmed to join with it).” (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:20)

It is a curious thing. Judea was bludgeoned by Rome’s Legions for two centuries. Even after the destruction of their nation, the Yisra’elites would be persecuted by Roman politicians and terrorized by her Church for millennia. But Imperial Rome and the Roman Catholic Church would spawn something worse still: ten nations would arise out of this Beast to torment Yahuwdym again during the Time of Trouble.

Yahowah only speaks of Gowym when Gentiles are influencing Yisra’elites. Otherwise, He is uninterested in Middle Eastern and European politics, wars, and religions. Therefore, not only are Rome and Roman Catholicism to be seen as vicious monsters, the ten nations emerging from them are to be seen as exceedingly evil. But worst of all is the man who emerges to wage war against Yahowah, His Towrah, Yahuwdym, and Yisra’el. As for the anti-Semitic top ten emerging from Imperial Rome and the Holy Roman Empire, we have considered: Italy, Spain (and Portugal), France, England, Germany, Austria / Hungary, Romania, what was once Yugoslavia, Greece, and Turkey.

If the 10 nations emerge out of Imperial Rome and those Christianized by the reign of Theodosius, when the Empire became the Church, we would include: Italy, Spain, Gaul (France), Britain, Pannoniae (Austria / 302Hungary), Moesiae (the 8 countries carved out of Yugoslavia), Thrace (Bulgaria and Romania), Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria, and Egypt. Germany has now been excluded because it was not under Roman control. Also, the strip of land was so thin along the Mediterranean Coast of Northern Africa, that it cannot be ascribed to a country either.

Using this historical portrait painted at the time the political Beast metastasized into a religious Monster, we are well on our way to identifying the 10 horns on the Beast’s head. Based on what we have and will learn, I remain convinced that the Towrahless One will be a Macedonian, a Lowly and Little nation emerging from Yugoslavia and the Balkans. His latter-day trinity of tiny tyrants may include Kosovo, Serbia, and Montenegro, but the jury is still out on this one.

However, one thing is abundantly clear: the powerful horn foretold to arise during the last days is a person who will emerge from what was Imperial Rome and its Beastly Church. He not only has eyes to see what he covets but, also, a mouth to articulate his ambitions. A politician by trade, he will be renowned for his soaring oratory. We should expect him to rise in prominence between 2027 and 2030. As duplicitous as the spirit possessing him, he will c~harm many into leaguing with him, hastening his demise and theirs.

This is our future – all of which will play out between now and the fall of 2033. This world leader will be among the most menacing and deceitful individuals in human history.

There has been a prophetic preoccupation among Christians to name the misnomer they refer to as the “Antichrist” – a title which does not even appear in Revelation. For centuries, the Church has demonstrated its overt anti-Semitism by claiming that he will be a Jew, 303while Dany’el consistently portrays the Towrahless One as being of Roman descent. Recently, Evangelicals have errantly speculated that he is Barak Obama (perhaps because he was Black and had a Muslim father) or even the recently deceased Gorbachev (as a result of his birthmark). There are even those who claim it is Vladimir Putin. But alas, they are all wrong. Further, the Devil’s Advocate will not be anti-Christ or opposed to Christianity as they imagine. In fact, his rhetoric will be very similar to that found in Paul’s letters and within the Gospels Sha’uwl inspired.

Based on what we have read, the name and identity of the Towrahless One are irrelevant. What matters is his agenda, which is to outlaw Yahowah, the Towrah, and the Mow’ed while annihilating Yahuwdym and proclaiming that he is God. His Appalling Abomination will not be as a result of him claiming to be a god as was the case with the Romans but the one and only God. And it is likely that he will attempt to impose his world order in Jerusalem.

The effort invested in trying to ascertain which social climbing Macedonian politician fits this bogus bill would be much better directed toward conveying Yahowah’s name and the message of His Towrah and Naby’ to Yahuwdym. So long as they are equipped to come home to Yahowah, nothing else matters.

So why all the fuss about the Beasts here in Dany’el you may wonder? The answer is the same as it is with all prophecy. Through it, Yahowah proves that He is God and that He inspired the resulting witness. In a world of lies and liars, we can confidently trust and rely upon what Yahowah has proven to be accurate. This means we can learn from His prophetic revelations, capitalizing upon the prolific teaching and guidance recorded within them.

There are still other reasons for this sweeping presentation of history beginning with Babylon and 304concluding within a decade of this writing. As a good Father, Yahowah wants His children prepared to face whatever is headed their way. Had they trusted Him, they would have known that the institutionalizing of religion and its integration into politics, militarism, and the caste system in Babylon would haunt them as these things migrated through Persia and Greece into Imperial and Catholic Rome – into Christianity and Judaism.

Had they paid attention, Yahuwdym would have been forewarned to avoid conflict with Rome. They would have stopped Christianity from emerging by exposing and condemning Paul and the false claims made of ha Mashyach | the Messiah, Dowd. And even now, they would be on the lookout for the 10 nations who will soon turn against them. Then, should they listen to Yah, they will be immune to the taunts and threats of the Towrahless One.

Lastly, time is running out. This is evil’s last hurrah. Yahowah has long been aware that His people’s backs are going to have to be pushed up against the wall with threats of another Holocaust before He is going to garner their attention. The religious and political are so distant and defiant, He needs to break through their shrill voices to call the remainder of His people home before it is too late.

“I continued looking (hawah chazah – I remained observant and kept focused so that I might see and perceive, then realize and understand), and this particular horn (wa qeren diken) was engaged in war (‘abad qarab – she (as in the chywah | beast) carried out battles and fought, even profited from and celebrated the conflict, drawing near and approaching) against (‘im – in proximity to) the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh – the separated and special, the uncommon and unique, the distinct and neither religious nor political).

And it prevailed over them (wa yakil la himow – and she (the chywah | beast) overpowered and overwhelmed 305them, subduing them) (Dany’el 7:21) until the restoring witness (‘ad – up to the point of the eternal testimony, which is why) the Ancient of Days (dy ‘athyq yowmym – of the One honored as God from before time, the most respected and enduring, used in Aramaic as a divine title) arrived (‘athah – came).

Then He offered and delivered judgment and justice (wa dyn yahab – He bestowed and granted, ascribed and permitted that which is right) to the Set-Apart Ones (la qadysh – to those who were separated and special, for the uncommon and unique, the distinct and, thus, neither religious nor political) of the Most High (‘elyown – the Almighty).

And at the specific appointed time (wa zaman – the set and established point in the appropriate season), He approached and reached out (matsa’ – He extended Himself from His source and came into their presence for the express purpose of association and relationship, finding and acquiring them, making them secure, causing this to occur as previously stated) so that (wa) the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh – the uniquely separated and pure who possess Divine attributes) could inherit (chasan – could exercise royal authority) sovereignty and kingship (malkuw – the kingdom and right to reign, the realm and dominion).” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation / Daniel 7:22)

Beasts would evolve from city-states to empires, from empires to the church, from the church into a league of nations, and out of those countries one extraordinarily evil individual would emerge. The resolutely anti-Semitic Devil’s Advocate and Towrahless One will be as his predecessor and wage war on God’s Chosen People. He will initiate it, profit from it, and celebrate it – but not alone because he will be directing the affairs of the Beast. We know this because, rather than ‘he’ would engage in war, the text reads ‘she will approach to combat’ the Set Apart. 306And since qeren | horn is masculine, the reference to third-person feminine singular is addressing the chywah | beast.

Therefore, more than just one man, he is leading a federation which includes Italy, Spain, Gaul / France, Britain, Pannoniae / Austria & Hungary, Moesiae / Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, and Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, & Croatia, Thrace / Bulgaria & Romania, Asia Minor / Turkey, Syria, and Egypt. His foes will be those aligned with Yahowah. But this is not to suggest that he won’t inspire more Muslims, Christians, and Communists to join him. He will likely appeal to Progressives and Conspiratorialists too, due to his overt anti-Semitism. So, the war he brings against the Chosen People will include people worldwide.

While we are told that he and his league of nations will bring war to Yisra’el, and that his onslaught will overpower and oppress God’s people, we also know that the forces he inspires will continue to prevail until Yahowah returns. And that makes this either the lone battle or final battle of the Time of Trouble.

Depending upon the way we translate ‘ad, the prophet is reporting upon Yahowah’s arrival or the Third Coming of Dowd as the restoring witness – and likely both. Then immediately thereafter, there will be justice for Yisra’el. Judgment will ensue, reaffirming our interpretation of the 40 plus 5 days of trials commencing upon the completion of Sukah.

There will be recompense. Those who have abused Yahuwdym will be held accountable.

This day is etched in stone. The inheritance associated with the Covenant will be affirmed at the moment the relationship is reconciled with Yisra’el and Yahuwdah – the Set-Apart Ones. And that will occur right on schedule on the Day of Reconciliations in Year 6000 Yah. It is described in Zakaryah and Yirma’yah.

307Also, while malkuw can be rendered “kingdom,” its primary connotations speak of “sovereignty and kingship,” of being “granted the right to reign within the realm.” And this distinction is important because, while the kingdom belongs to Dowd, we are being afforded free rein, the opportunity to be co-regents, and thus freewill.

“Therefore (ken – it follows and can be reasonably deduced), he said (‘amar), ‘the fourth (raby’ay) beast (chywah – awesome and terrifying monster) represents the fourth empire (raby’ay malkuw hawah) to arise (hawah) in the world (ba ‘ara’).

It will be different, especially in its evolution and transformation as it changes from (dy shanah min) all the other sovereign powers (kol malkuw).

It will devour, devastating (wa ‘akal – it will consume, feeding upon and corrupting) the entire world (kol ‘ara’), trampling it down and destroying it (wa duwsh hy’ – treading upon and ruining it) while crushing it (daqaq hy’ – breaking and smashing it to pieces, pulverizing it).’” (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:23)

As we discovered in the previous chapter, the Roman Empire reached its zenith circa 117 CE, an interesting date, because it means that, forty-seven years after Rome razed Yah’s Temple in 70 CE and eighteen years before Roman legions utterly destroyed the Promised Land in 135 CE, they began a decline that could not be arrested. But at its greatest extent, while large, this Beast wasn’t nearly as pervasive as some may think. It stretched around the perimeter of the Mediterranean, barely fifty miles wide along the northern African coast. The thin southern rim of the empire extended from northeastern Morocco and the extreme northern portion of Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya into the northwestern third of modern Egypt. It included most of Israel and Lebanon, neither of which were very 308large, most of Syria and Turkey, but only a sliver of extreme northern Iraq and none of Iran. Moving west, it ranged from Romania and Bulgaria through the Balkans including Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and southeastern Britain but very little beyond – largely because the Germanic tribes liked to fight almost as much as the Romans.

So while that’s much larger than Babylonia or Persia, it’s about the present size of the United States. Unlike the Roman Catholic Church, Imperial Rome was not worldwide. And although it reached much further north and west, it wasn’t much larger than Alexander the Great’s conquests, which pushed east from Macedonia through Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and into India.

Therefore, for the fourth Beast to be destructive on this scale, Yahowah’s messenger had to be describing the monster which would emerge from Imperial Rome to devastate the entire world. And for that, there is but one candidate: Christianity generally and the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church specifically.

Yahowah was, of course, correct, because there is no other instance in world history that an empire the scale of Rome would evolve into something different rather than die. Moreover, the Roman Catholic Church is the only organization which has tread not only upon the entire world but vehemently so against Jews.

As was the case with the previous explanation, this next statement reveals that the Towrahless One of the Time of Trouble during the last days will emerge from the influence of Rome.

“‘Regarding the ten horns (wa qeren ‘asar), out of this empire (min hy’ malkuw – from this sovereign power), 309the leaders of ten governments (‘asar melek) will arise (quwm – will be established).

And then much later, another (wa ‘achoran – then at the end, during the final days, someone else) will rise up and take his stand (quwm – he will arise, establishing himself) at the end after them (‘achary hown – much later, during the last and final days).

And he (wa huw’) will be different (shanah – will be frustrating while evolving) from the previous ones (min qadmay – from the initial and earlier ones).

So then (wa), three leaders and their nations (tahath melek – three government rulers) will be humbled, losing status by being subdued (shaphal – lowering the status of in relation to himself, thereby subduing).’” (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:24)

This is yet another affirmation. Out of the Roman and Holy Roman Empires, nations will arise. Then in the end, the Torahless One will emerge from among them. And as an individual rather than a large established nation, as a man, he will be different. Opposing Yahowah, His Towrah, Covenant, Invitations, and His people will be his secondary mission, because first and foremost, he will seek sufficient power and influence that he can pursue his ambition to be worshiped as God. And not surprisingly, the Devil’s Advocate will belittle those who promoted him.

Getting down to business while following in Paul’s footsteps, we read…

“‘And he will speak, issuing decisions, decrees, and commands (wa milah – he will talk about his endeavors, ambitions, and affairs) in conflict with and in opposition to (la tsad – against while approximating and laid beside, even adjacent to) the Most High (‘ilay – the Almighty).

His way of speaking and proclamations (malal – pronouncements and content, his public declarations) will 310wear down and torment, even oppress and persecute (balah – will demean and degrade, harass and afflict) the Set Apart (wa la qadysh) of the Almighty (‘elyown).

Then he will aspire to change, attempting to alter (wa sabar la shanah – he will intend to transform) the set times for the meetings (zaman – the season and occurrence of the established appointments) along with the written and codified prescriptions (wa dath – the edicts, statutes, and decrees, even Law; either an Aramaic reference to the Towrah or an indication that the Towrahless One will refer to it as the Law in an attempt to devalue it).

They will be controlled and influenced by him, as they are claimed under his authority (wa yahab ba yad huw’ – acting on his own initiative, and respecting only himself, these things will be entrusted to him (hitpael imperfect paragogicum third-person masculine plural)) up to 3½ years (‘ad ‘idan wa ‘idanyn wa palag ‘idan – for a time, times, and half a time [corrected to reflect 4QDan from the DSS]).’” (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:25)

This begins with what may be an unexpected twist for many, albeit not for those who understand Satan’s style. The Devil, like his Apostle Paul, prevails through clever counterfeits rather than creative ingenuity. A counterfeit is worthless, even illegal, and yet, the best efforts of crooks are remarkably similar to the genuine article making the bogus bill appear valuable. In this way, while the Towrahless One’s decrees will be in conflict with and in opposition to Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance, they will be laid beside the truth, forming an effective ruse.

This was Paul’s ploy throughout his letters, recognizing that, by misappropriating and misconstruing the word of God, the resulting lies are made to appear 311divine. After all, the Towrahless One wants people the world over to believe that he is God.

As a result, expect religious edicts similar to Christianity, where Divine strokes are out of focus and context, repositioned, truncated, and elongated. Don’t expect Islam, where nothing is similar.

This will be a surprise to many because Christians and Muslims, collectively representing more than half of humanity, have been misled into believing that Devil worship includes Satanic rituals. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The last thing Satan wants is to be seen as the Adversary. He wants to be worshiped as the Most High. And that is why the Lord is the god of religion.

There is also an overture here to Replacement Theology. Rather than celebrating the Towrah, Covenant, and Mow’ed while uplifting Yahowah’s name and people, the Towrahless One will be doing the opposite. He will degrade and disparage the things of God while persecuting His people. So, this is reading more and more like the Christian New Testament.

Paul’s letters besmirch the Towrah and demean those who observe it. He spoke so damningly of Yahuwdym in his epistles, they have been persecuted by the Christian Church. Likewise, Paul seeks to nullify all of Yahowah’s meeting times, vilifying the seven Invitations and the Shabat. And so, with Yahowah’s Appointed Times discounted, Christians had no issue replacing them with pagan alternatives.

In this same way, the Towrahless One of the Time of Trouble will go beyond what Paul began – actually outlawing what the Plague of Death demeaned. Therefore, the religion that was born out of a disdain for the Towrah will die deprived of it.

312Dath is an Aramaic word. It draws its meaning from Persian culture. And yet, the Dictionary of Biblical Languages – Aramaic attests that dath represents “the body of writing known today as Torah.” Additionally, the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament reveals that dath “overlaps the use of towrah, mitswah, mishpat, and choq in Hebrew” when it “appears in the Aramaic sections of Ezra and Daniel.”

This known, since Dany’el was aware of the title, and could have written Towrah in Aramaic, I suspect that there is a reason behind the use of dath. Just as Paul attacked Yahowah’s Towrah by referring to it as nomo and nomou in Greek, Dany’el is conveying the terminology the Towrahless One will deploy when denouncing God’s Guidance.

So once again, we have been told that the Adversary will be just like his famed Apostle Paul. He will not only be in opposition to the Towrah and its Appointed Times to Meet with God, outlawing them, he will harass Yahowah’s Set-Apart Ones, just as Paul attacked Dowd’s people. The testimony, actions, ambitions, claims, and strategy of these men will be indistinguishable. If you want to know how this Beast will act and what he will say, read Paul’s letter to the Galatians (which was part of Macedonia) followed by his ode on behalf of the Romans – Paul’s tribute to this monster. Equally revealing, Dany’el has already identified this horn as “lowly and little,” which is what Paulos means in Latin.

The concluding part of this statement, “time, times, and half a time” is three and a half years. This means that the Beast will only be allowed to implement his contrarian agenda beginning with Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym in 2030.

Therefore, Yahowah is going to allow Satan and his ilk much greater autonomy. While Yahowah never 313manipulates the Adversary, He has established limits, some of which may be temporarily withdrawn. I suspect that this is because the 6,000-year human experience outside of the protection of the Garden is drawing to a close, and Yahowah wants everyone still living on Earth to decide if they want to ally with the Lord or God. So just like Satan was given access to ‘Eden and its inhabitants, and allowed to convolute Yahowah’s message, we are going to witness the same process play out again very soon.

During this three and one-half years, and again at the conclusion of the Millennial Shabat, mortal men and women will be afforded one last opportunity to choose to participate in the Covenant in accordance with its terms or reject it should they prefer the options endorsed by the Adversary. This referendum on life, however, cannot linger forever. Just as ‘Adam and Chawah could not come and go from the Gan ‘Eden, the Millennial Shabat will not have a revolving door.

Similarly, since eternity is forever, there will be no opting out once Yahowah destroys the existing universe and creates a new one. Therefore, God has to be assured that every living soul has made their final decision.

“‘However (wa), he will sit in judgment (dyn yatib – he will live condemned, inhabiting the place of the judged, because the issue will be settled justly).

His authorization and ability to rule (wa shalatan huw’ – his government, authority, and dominion, his power and mastery) will be taken away, repealed and annulled (‘adah – will cease as he is removed and deposed), eradicated (la shamad – terminated) and perishing (wa la ‘abad – deprived and done away with) to the end of time (‘ad sowpha’ – until the furthermost boundary in space and time).’” (Dany’el / My God is Judgmental / Daniel 7:26)

The man who sought to judge and condemn Yahowah, His Towrah, Miqra’ey, Beryth, and ‘am will be judged and 314condemned himself. He will not only sit in judgment, but he will also be condemned to endure an eternity with the similarly judged.

As we have previously deduced, there is every indication that Yahowah will delegate the administration of justice, allowing those He deems fit to judge those who are unfit.

Let’s be clear: the Towrahless One will not be annihilated after he is deposed. He will not be so fortunate. It is instead his claim to power, his desire to be seen as God, and his attacks on the Towrah, Mow’ed, and Yahuwdym which will end, never to be revisited.

The Beast and his associates will fail. Their ability to oppose Yahowah will be terminated. From one moment to the next, the most powerful influence on Earth will be neutered. All traces of his and other religious, political, economic, and militaristic designs will be swept away and eradicated.

Once everyone has been afforded the opportunity to evaluate his or her options, it will be time to move on. The Earth will be transformed into the conditions experienced during the Garden of ‘Eden. It will be populated by the mortals who have chosen to be with Yahowah during the Last Days.

“‘Then sovereignty (wa malkuw – the right to reign unchallenged, express oneself, make decisions, and do as one pleases) and empowerment along with a plethora of rights (wa shalatan – authorization, dominion, and kingship), including the highest status and an increase in magnitude (wa rabuw – tremendous enrichment and comprehensive influence, increasing capability and power) will be for those who will reign (dy malkuw – of the kings and queens and their sovereignty) under the entirety (tachath kol) of the heavens (shamayn – of the universe and spiritual realm). This will be given (yahab – will be 315imparted and entrusted) to a family (‘am – to a people) Set Apart (qadysh – the uniquely separated and uncommon) of the Most High (‘elyown – of the Almighty).

His kingdom and sovereign power (malkuw – his realm and his reign) will be an everlasting and eternal right to lead (malkuw ‘alam – is a continually enduring sovereign realm).

And all (wa kol) of those who are empowered and authorized (shalatan – of the sovereign) will approach and serve with him (la huw’ palach – they will draw near and show respect by cleaving to him) while listening (wa shama’).’” (Dany’el / God is My Means to Judge / Daniel 7:27)

This is a depiction of the Millennial Shabat, the one-thousand-year celebration of Sukah where we as God’s children get to camp out with our Father. At this moment, everyone on Earth will be part of the Covenant. And yet, within one family there will be three or four distinctions among our brothers and sisters. Those of us who accepted the conditions of the Covenant and who ceased being mortals prior to Yahowah’s return will remain spiritual beings. Those who were adopted into the family will be free to explore the existing universe. Those who were naturally born Yahuwdym will be assigned as administrators, governing the Earth through the one thousand years in accordance with Yahowah’s Towrah. Then, addressing the mortals who witnessed Yahowah’s return, the Yisra’elites will be resettled in their originally allocated portion of the Promised Land based upon from whom they are descended. Gentiles will populate the rest of the Earth, all of which will be perfect.

As we commence our lives in happily-ever-after, we will all be sovereign in the sense that we will control our agenda and be at liberty to express our freewill, empowered and authorized to do as we please. We will also be 316tremendously enhanced and empowered, transitioning from limited and devolving 3D physical beings to energy-based, and spiritual beings expanding our horizons in seven dimensions. These are gifts of the Covenant and our inheritance as Yahowah’s Children.

It would be natural to presuppose that it is His kingdom in the sense of being the Almighty’s, but that is not Yahowah’s intent. He has chosen to reestablish Dowd, His son and our Messiah and Shepherd, King of Kings. And so, Dowd will be our eternal leader and guide.

Since it is a big job, and since Yahowah does not want anyone to work alone, we will be encouraged and rewarded for serving alongside Yahowah’s Beloved. The best way to accomplish this will be to listen to him. Throughout time, only one – Moseh – has rivaled Dowd’s ability to lead and teach.

“Here, at this time, along with the eternal and restoring witness (‘ad kah – now at this time in the testimony), was the conclusion (sowph – was the end) of this communication (dy milah – of this characterization of the word, this matter and affair).

As for me (‘anah), Dany’el | God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation (Dany’el – God Judges and Vindicates), when I thought about everything, contemplating and reasoning to the greatest extent possible (sagyi’ rayown ‘anah – I focused intently, using all my cognitive capabilities and logic), it alarmed and dismayed me (bahal ‘anah – it was overwhelming and frightening, anguishing me).

My countenance changed (wa zyw ‘anah shanah – my attitude, which is normally positive and bright, was now different) while I judged these things for myself and preserved them in my mind and heart (‘al ‘anah wa milah ba leb ‘anah natar – because I was in a quandary, unsure how I should proceed beyond remaining observant 317and judgmental).” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Vindicates, and Condemns / Daniel 7:28)

Even here we can learn an applicable lesson. Dany’el did not go off half-cocked proclaiming what he had seen. Since he did not understand it, there was no benefit in sharing it. And he was positioned to be a prophet, not to proselytize.

Believers feel the need to promote their religion, acquiring converts, because of its growing popularity and acceptance is the only way to validate their faith. When evidence and reason are counter to one’s beliefs, disbelievers must be replaced with believers for the religion to survive.

Yahowah’s approach is just the opposite. He routinely tells us to be different, to be set apart and uncommon, which is to be anti-religious and apolitical. Rather than something being validated based on its popularity, common acceptance demonstrates that the many have veered away from the truth.

The reason Towrah means “Teaching” is that Yahowah is providing instruction, equipping those who are eager to listen to engage in His Beryth through the Miqra’ey. Our verification of Yahowah’s existence is derived from shamar | closely examining and carefully considering His prophetic testimony. The path to God is internal, in our minds and hearts, exercising our neshamah | conscience as we use Yahowah’s words as the map to the Promised Land.

The proper process is to be perceptive in order to know. Second, we should think rationally and judgmentally to understand. Third, everyone is best served when we share what we have learned in the most effective manner.

318Not only learn before teaching, but learn when, where, how, and with whom to teach. Read the written testimony of Yahowah, contemplate its meaning, then, once the message is understood, share those conclusions in writing. Use the spoken word to draw the listener’s attention to the written word. Moreover, use your words to direct the open-minded and receptive to Yahowah’s words.

Do not evangelize. There is no reason to throw Yah’s pearls before swine. There was no one around Dany’el who would have benefited from knowing any of this. The Babylonians were not going to accept this affront to their religion and politics. Proclaiming this would only have made them angry. Moreover, it would be centuries before Yahuwdym would benefit.

If you, like Dany’el, neither understand nor have access to an appropriate audience, then keep what you are learning to yourself. Use the knowledge to grow in your relationship with Yahowah and to prepare yourself to share should the opportunity arise.

Truly, this portrayal of future history was dismaying, even anguishing. With each collective breath, large political empires and religious institutions were becoming progressively untenable and unsalvageable. Civilizations, by virtue of their ability to influence and control the human experience, were steadily draining the potential for good out of people.

Based upon what he had seen Babylon, Persia, Greece, Imperial Rome, and Roman Catholicism become, and what he had heard the Towrahless one say, Dany’el was in a quandary, unsure how to proceed beyond remaining observant and judgmental – so he kept these blights on human history to himself. It would be for us to know and share at this moment in time.

We have been transported through time to see the world unravel and then be restored by God in the end. And 319as part of the book’s transition from Dany’el being described to him actually speaking, we find the greatest of mortal men descending from Heave to explain it all to us…

“In the first year of (ba chad shanah la) Belsha’tsar | the Lord Supports his Dictator (Belsha’tsar), the ruler of (melek) Babel | to Commingle and Confuse on behalf of the Lord (Babel), Dany’el | My God Judges, Vindicates, and Condemns (Dany’el) saw (chazah) a revealing vision (chelem) along with (wa) distinguishing insights (chazuw) in his mind (re’sh huw’) while upon his bed (‘al mishkab huw’).

Thereupon, during (ba ‘edayn) the prophetic revelation (chalam), he was prompted to write a complete copy of (kathab) the things (milah) being communicated (‘amar). (Dany’el 7:1)

Dany’el | God is My Means to Decide Between Vindication and Condemnation (Dany’el) responded (‘anah) and said (wa ‘amar), ‘I am able to see (hawah chazah) the vision with my sensory perceptions (ba chazuw ‘anah) during the night (‘im lyly).’

And (wa), behold, right there (‘aruw), four (‘arba’) spirits (ruwachy) of the heavens (shamayn) were churning up (guwah) that which corresponds to the Great Sea (la yam rab). (Dany’el 7:2)

Then four (wa ‘arba’) monstrous beasts, powerful and mighty creatures, lordly and militant (chyuwah rab) came up from and emerged to project the thinking and influence of (salaq min) the Sea (yam), evolving, changing, and transforming to frustrate while being progressively more defiant (shanah), one to another, each growing in opposition (da’ min da’). (Dany’el 7:3)

The first in the series (qadmay) can be associated with (ka) a fierce and powerful lion (‘aryeh), but with 320(wa) the wings (gaph) of (dy) an eagle (nashar) upon it (la hy’).

I kept watching (hawah chazah) while (‘ad) her wings were plucked off (marat gaph hy’). So then (wa), she was lifted up and resurrected (natsal) from the earth (min ‘ara’).

Upon (wa ‘al) two feet (ragalyn), like a man (ka ‘enash), it arose and was established, becoming influential and powerful (quwm). Additionally (wa), the heart and mind, the desires and inclinations (labab), of a mortal man (‘enash) were given to it (yahab la hy’). (Dany’el 7:4)

So then, behold (wa ‘aruw), another (‘achoran) beast (chyuwah), a second one (tinyan), resembled (damah) a bear (la dob). On one side (wa la satar chad), it was fully developed (quwm). And (wa) there were three (telath) ribs (‘ala’) in its mouth (ba pum hy’), between her teeth (ben shen hy’). And (wa) therefore (ken), it was said of her (‘amar la hy’), ‘You have chosen to rise up (quwm) and devour (‘akal) an abundance (sagyi’) of human witnesses and potential heralds (basar).’ (Dany’el 7:5)

At another point in time in this same sequence (ba danah ‘atar), by remaining observant, I was able to witness (hawah chazah) the revelation (wa ‘aruw) of another (‘achoran), this one resembling (ka) a leopard (namar). And with it (wa la hy’) were four wings (‘arba’ gaph), such as (dy) a bird (owp). They were on her back side (‘al gab hy’). The beast (la cheywah) had four heads (wa ‘arba’ re’sh), and to it (la hy’) was afforded (yahab) governmental dominion and the power to rule (wa shalatan). (Dany’el 7:6)

Following this sequence of events (ba danah ‘atar), I remained observant (chazah hawah) regarding this revelation during a time of enfolding darkness (ba 321chazuw lyly). And behold (wa ‘aruw), the fourth (raby’ay) monstrous beast (chywah) was the most fearsome and formidable, dreadful and frightening, respected only for being overtly oppressive, terrifying, and threatening (dachal), genuinely horrifying and appalling, terribly gruesome (wa ‘eymatan), with (wa) an exceptionally powerful and preeminent military (yatyr taqyph).

It had (wa la hy’) teeth comprised of iron (shen dy parzel la). Great multitudes, including the highly populated and powerful (rab), it devoured and devastated (‘akal), crushing the remainder (wa daqaq wa sha’ar) with its feet (ba ragal hy’) by trampling them down violently, celebrating while destroying them (raphats) under foot (ba ragal).

And so (wa), this one was different in its transformation and evolution (hy’ shanah) from all of the other (min kol) beasts (chywah) which preceded it (dy qodam hy’). Ten (wa ‘asar) horns (qeren) were extended from her (la hy’). (Dany’el 7:7)

I was thinking about, trying to understand (hawah sakal), what was with the horns (ba qeren), then behold (wa ‘aluw), another and final (‘achoran) horn (qeren), a smaller one of lower status initially (za’eyr), came up between them and among them (selaq ben ‘inuwn).

And three (wa talat) among (min) the initial group of horns (qadmay qeren) were dehorned (‘aqar) from before her (min qodam hy’).

Then I noticed (wa ‘aluw) the eyes (‘ayn) were like the eyes of a human (ka ‘ayn ‘enash) in this unique horn (ba qeren da’), along with (wa) a mouth (pum) speaking powerfully and abundantly as if an esteemed authority (malal rab). (Dany’el 7:8)

322Then as I looked (chazah hawah) for the Source of the enduring witness and restoring testimony (‘ad dy), there were positions of power and seats of honor (karse’) placed all around (ramah), and the Ancient of Days (‘athyq yowmym) sat down (yatib).

His clothing (lebuwsh huw’ – His garments) appeared like (ka) brilliant white snow (talag chuwr). And the hair on His head (wa sa’ar re’sh huw’) was similar to (ka) pure and perfect lamb’s wool (naqe’ ‘amar).

His throne (karse’ huw’) was ablaze with fire (shabyb dy nuwr). Its rotating structure (galgal huw’) was gloriously glowing with radiant energy (nuwr dalaq). (Dany’el 7:9) A stream (nahar) comprised of radiant energy and light (dy nuwr) flows forth (nagad). And (wa) it appears to come out (napaq) from His presence (min qodam huw’).

Three thousand (‘alap ‘alapym) as brilliant as the sun are attentive around Him (shamash huw’). Thirty thousand (wa ribow ribowym) living judgmentally (dyn yathab) stood up and were established (quwm) before Him (qodam huw’). And so (wa), the books of the Teacher (saphar) were opened (phatach). (Dany’el 7:10)

I continued to be observant (hawah chazah) in that afterward (ba ‘adayn min) the voice (qal) of the Horn (dy qeren) was speaking of a great many things, issuing important decrees while exalting these edicts and affairs (milah rab malal).

I kept watching until I came to realize (hawah chazah ‘ad) that the monstrous Beast (chywah) was slain (dy qatal). So, the body (wa gashem), having been executed, perished and was destroyed (‘abad). It was imparted (wa hy’ yahab) to (la) the fire to be burned (yaqedah ‘esha’). (Dany’el 7:11)

323With the remainder (wa sha’ar) of the beasts (chywah), their governmental control and ability to rule (shaletan himow) were taken away and repealed (‘adah). But then (wa) an extension of life (‘arkah ba chay) was extended to them (yahab la hown) for (‘ad) a period of a little more than one season (zaman wa ‘idan). (Dany’el 7:12)

I continued to closely examine and carefully consider (hawah chazah) the things associated with the supernatural revelation (ba chazuw) during the night and time of darkness (lyly ‘a). Then behold (wa ‘aruw): accompanied by (‘im) clouds (‘anan) from the heavens (shamayn), the likes (ka) of the Son of Man (bar ‘enash) arrived in this place (‘athah hawah).

And meanwhile (wa ‘ad), he came to reach out to (mata’) the Ancient of Days (‘athyq yowmym). He drew near and was present before Him (wa qodam huw’ qareb huw’). (Dany’el 7:13)

And to him (wa la huw’) was given (yahab) dominion (shalatan), honor (wa yaqar), and sovereignty (wa malkuw).

The entire family, including every ethnicity (wa kol ‘am ‘umah) and language (wa lishan), will serve alongside him (la huw’ palach). His dominion, and sovereignty (shalatan huw’) is an everlasting (‘owlam) authorization and authority (shalatan) which shall not be taken away (dy la’ ‘adah). His kingdom and kingship (malkuw huw’) will never wane (dy la’ chabal). (Dany’el 7:14)

The Spirit associated with me (ruwach ‘anah), She was troubled and pained (karah). As for me, Dany’el (‘anah Dany’el), inside of me (ba gaw nidnah), the revelations (chazuw) in my mind (re’sh ‘anah) were disturbing to me (bahal ‘anah). (Dany’el 7:15)

324I approached (qareb ‘al) a particular individual from (chad min) those standing by (quwm), requesting (ba’ah) a true and accurate assessment (wa yatsyb) from him (min huw’) regarding all of this (‘al kol danah). And he explained it to me (wa ‘amar la ‘anah), providing an interpretation (wa pashar) of these things (milah), making them known to me so that I would understand (yada’ ‘anah). (Dany’el 7:16)

‘These powerful beasts (‘ilyn chywah rab), which are four in number, represent four (dy ‘inuwn ‘arba’ ‘arba’) governments and their leaders (melekyn), which will arise (quwm) from the Earth (min ‘ara’). (Dany’el 7:17)

However (wa), the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh) of the Most High (‘elyown) will receive the honor and distinction, even the gift (qabal) of the kingdom and of sovereign power (malkuw). And they will inherit and possess (wa chasan) the kingdom and reign as kings and queens (malkuw) throughout eternity, advancing as a result of the restoring witness forevermore (‘ad ‘alam wa ‘ad ‘alam ‘alam).’ (Dany’el 7:18)

Then, therefore (‘adayn), I wanted (tsabah) to be certain (la yatsab) regarding (‘al) the fourth (raby’ay) monstrous beast (chywah) which was different in the way it changed (dy hawah shanah) from all of the others (min kol kol). It was awesomely formidable and exceedingly terrifying (yatyr dachal).

Its teeth (shen hy’) were akin to iron (dy parzel) and its claws (wa taphar hy’) were of bronze (dy nachash) as it devoured (‘akal) and crushed (daqaq) the rest (sha’ar) by violently trampling (raphas) with its feet (ba ragal). (Dany’el 7:19)

And also (wa) concerning (‘al) were the ten horns (‘ashar qeren) which were on its head (dy ba re’sh hy’). 325And then there was another in the end (wa ‘achoran) which grew such that it was lifted up (dy salaq).

Three (talath) would be reverent, submit, and then fall (naphal) before it (min qadam hy’), to this horn that had eyes and a mouth (wa qeren diken wa’ayn la hy’ wa pum). He spoke profusely (malal rab).

And (wa) by appearances (chazuw), it was greater (hy’ rab) than those in league with it and the others of its kind (min chabrah hy’). (Dany’el 7:20)

I continued looking (hawah chazah), and this particular horn (wa qeren diken) was engaged in war (‘abad qarab) against (‘im) the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh). And it prevailed over them (wa yakil la himow) (Dany’el 7:21) until the restoring witness (‘ad) the Ancient of Days (dy ‘athyq yowmym) arrived (‘athah).

Then judgment and justice (wa dyn) He offered and delivered by entrusting (yahab) to the Set-Apart Ones (la qadysh) of the Most High (‘elyown).

And at the specific appointed time (wa zaman), He approached and reached out (matsa’) so that (wa) the Set-Apart Ones (qadysh) could inherit (chasan) sovereignty and kingship (malkuw). (Dany’el 7:22)

Therefore (ken), he said (‘amar), ‘the fourth (raby’ay) beast (chywah) represents the fourth empire (raby’ay malkuw hawah) to arise (hawah) in the world (ba ‘ara’).

It will be different, especially in its evolution and transformation as it changes from (dy shanah min) all the other sovereign powers (kol malkuw). It will devour, devastating (wa ‘akal) the entire world (kol ‘ara’), trampling it down and destroying it (wa duwsh hy’) while crushing it (daqaq hy’). (Dany’el / God Judges and Vindicates / Daniel 7:23)

326Regarding the ten horns (wa qeren ‘asar), out of this empire (min hy’ malkuw), the leaders of ten governments (‘asar melek) will arise (quwm). And then much later, another (wa ‘achoran) will rise up and take its stand (quwm) at the end after them (‘achary hown). And he (wa huw’) will be different (shanah) from the previous ones (min qadmay).

So then (wa), three leaders and their nations (tahath melek) will be humbled, losing status by being subdued (shaphal). (Dany’el 7:24)

And he will speak, issuing decisions, decrees, and commands (wa milah) in conflict with and in opposition to (la tsad) the Most High (‘ilay).

His way of speaking and proclamations (malal) will wear down and torment, even oppress and persecute (balah) the Set Apart (wa la qadysh) of the Almighty (‘elyown). Then he will aspire to change, attempting to alter (wa sabar la shanah) the set times for the meetings (zaman) along with the written and codified prescriptions (wa dath).

They will be influenced by him, as they are claimed under his authority (wa yahab ba yad huw’) for up to 3½ years (‘ad ‘idan wa ‘idanyn wa palag ‘idan). (Dany’el 7:25)

However (wa), he will sit in judgment (dyn yatib). His authorization and ability to rule (wa shalatan huw’) will be taken away, repealed and annulled (‘adah), eradicated (la shamad) and perishing (wa la ‘abad) to the end of time (‘ad sowpha’). (Dany’el 7:26)

Then sovereignty (wa malkuw) and empowerment along with a plethora of rights (wa shalatan), including the highest status and an increase in magnitude (wa rabuw) will be for those who will reign (dy malkuw) under the entirety (tachath kol) of the heavens 327(shamayn). This will be given (yahab) to a family (‘am) Set Apart (qadysh) of the Most High (‘elyown).

His kingdom and sovereign power (malkuw) will be an everlasting and eternal right to lead (malkuw ‘alam). And all (wa kol) of those who are empowered and authorized (shalatan) will approach and serve with him (la huw’ palach) while listening (wa shama’).’ (Dany’el 7:27)

Here, at this time, along with the eternal and restoring witness (‘ad kah), was the conclusion (sowph) of this communication (dy milah).

As for me (‘anah), Dany’el | God is My Means to Decide between Vindication and Condemnation (Dany’el), when I thought about everything, contemplating and reasoning to the greatest extent possible (sagyi’ rayown ‘anah), it alarmed and dismayed me (bahal ‘anah). My countenance changed (wa zyw ‘anah shanah) while I judged these things for myself and preserved them in my mind and heart because I was in a quandary, unsure how I should proceed beyond remaining observant and judgmental (‘al ‘anah wa milah ba leb ‘anah natar).” (Dany’el / My God Judges, Vindicates, and Condemns / Daniel 7:28)
