460God Damn Religion

Sunnah & Suratun

…Muhammad’s Despicable Life
Allah’s Repulsive Words


A Voice

“Come out of Babylon, My people!”
| Jeremiah 51:45

Come out of Babylon, My people!

We have endured a perilous journey. We have explored the dark recesses of a psychopath’s soul, examined the sadistic mindset of Satan, seen the worst in human nature, and surveyed mankind’s most heinous behavior. We have encountered demons, both real and imagined.

On behalf of the billions of souls who have been and those who soon will be victimized by Islam, thank you for caring enough to endure the gauntlet. You are now among the relatively few who are uniquely prepared to protect the innocent from the guilty. So, have you the courage and compassion to engage to support Israel against Islam while attempting to mitigate the ongoing carnage?

I suppose the answer to that question depends upon who you are and what you believe. Knowing that Islam is diabolical and deadly is better than not knowing, but knowledge alone won’t save lives or make the world any safer – just as a pandemic will infect the virologist as readily as the crackhead across town.

There is no denying that Islam is a death cult, as the religion is overtly devoted to annihilating humankind. There is no missing the fact that Muhammad was a mass murdering terrorist and thief, a ruthless slave trader, as well 461as a rapist and pedophile. And quite obviously, Allah is Satan doing a very poor job of pretending to be God. By any rational, linguistic, historical, or moral standard, the Quran is a worthless piece of trash. But unfortunately, we cannot simply dismiss them by tossing them aside because their plague has metastasized and spread around the globe, leaving everyone susceptible to its lethality.

Should you have begun with Snake and proceeded through Satanic, Submission, and Slaughter, at this point in Sunnah & Suratun, you know that on October 7th, 2023, the jihadist jackasses raping, abducting, murdering, and taunting Jews while shouting, “al-Lahu Akbar!” were Muslims. They were doing what their wannabe prophet, pretense of a god, and imaginary book demanded of them – too stupid to know that it was all untrue. And there are two billion more of them, now buttressed by nearly as many clueless Progressives, all condemning Israel rather than accepting blame.

One of the reasons that the original Prophet of Doom expanded from 900 pages to 4,000 in God Damn Religion is to leave humankind without excuse. The truth is rationally irrefutable and pertinent, but heretofore, no one has been willing to say it bluntly and then prove it. Islam is a declaration of war against all mankind, beginning with a merciless and racist genocidal campaign against Jews which commenced 1,400 years ago and continues to this day. The religion is incompatible with human existence.

And while that is more than sufficient to denounce Islam, isolate it and criminalize it, quarantining this diabolical plague, there is more to it than the extinction of humanity. It is an affront to God, replacing Him with the Adversary. It is overtly demeaning to women. It is financed by and perpetuates slavery. It is totalitarian and opposed to liberty. Islam is grotesquely immoral, providing sanction for rape, pedophilia, incest, polygamy, bestiality, physically wounding women, sexually mutilating children, 462a patriarchal society, misogynism, terrorism, torture, assassination, mass murder, genocide, armed robbery, grand theft, lying, slander, disavowing promises, reneging on treaties, and the overall dumbing down and debasement of humankind. In an Islamic society, there is no freedom of speech or religion. And informed, valid, evidenced-based, copiously documented, and completely rational and deserved criticism of the most despicable man, the worst book, the most deplorable god, and the most degrading religion ever conceived results in a death sentence.

Considering that there are almost two billion people infected by this plague, it is almost beyond comprehension when we consider where Islam has taken us. The Muslim Lord speaks and acts as if he is Satan. Allah leads men astray; he steals, blinds, plots, terrorizes, and kills, then tortures. He is depicted interrogating and roasting the inhabitants of hell, a place created for his entertainment. Humans are turned on a spit and given fresh skin each time one burns off so that the torment might be eternal. Allah pours boiling water down their throats and makes them swallow pitch and thorns. This painful punishment isn’t for the few but for almost everyone. Allah is a sadist.

Muslims, by contrast, can slaughter others for the opportunity to enter Allah’s brothel. It is said to feature low-hanging fruit, free-flowing wine, and virginal attendants to satiate carnal desires. Allah loves warriors; he craves death and destruction. He brags about his participation in terror, mass murder, the enslavement of women and children, and thievery. Allah claims booty is lawful and good. Unable to give Muslims a reason to live, He gave them a reason to die.

And as evil as the Islamic “god” is, his non-prophet was worse. His life features demon possession, being suicidal, bearing false witness, offering hate speech, taking and presenting bribes, pedophilia, terrorism, thievery, capturing and trading slaves, incest, rape, torture, genocide, 463warmongering, plagiarism, womanizing, sexism – well, you know the list. Muhammad was an egomaniacal schizophrenic psychopath. And in this regard, he and his god had a lot in common.

Further, Allah and Muhammad prohibited all expressions of freewill. They not only named their doctrine “Submission,” but they have also sought to impose it on everyone. Allah determined who would burn in lust or roast in hell based upon a backrub, predestining all men and women to their fate. The theme of the Quran’s last score of surahs is simply: submit and obey, perform and pay, fight and slay. It’s no wonder Islam has bred hell on earth. Muslims are unable to rise above the depraved character of their prophet and god. Those who do are killed.

With Progressives hypocritically, ignorantly, and irrationally siding with Islam, the most anti-progressive doctrine on Earth, and against Israel, a bastion of enlightenment and freedom in a dark and controlled world, and with the Woke monopolizing academia, the media, and the United Nations, a lone voice, no matter how clear and bold, is drowned out by the echo chamber of ignorance and lies. So, while I have done my part, will you do yours and speak out before it’s too late?

I have systematically, comprehensively, contextually, and chronologically documented the evidence to expose and condemn the deadliest plague to ever assault humankind. Now it is your turn. Share what you have learned. Do so for your sake, the sake of those you love, your neighbors, the planet, and especially for God’s people and place, Yahuwdym and Yisra’el. It is the right thing to do and this is the last possible opportunity to do so.

With Joe Biden auditioning for the role of World War III’s Neville Chamberlain, and with American diplomatic leverage serving as a Trojan Horse, within the next few years, Islamic terrorists will be rewarded with a state 464carved out of the heart of the Promised Land. With more weapons than sense, hundreds of thousands of Muslim mujahideen will soon flood into Israel under the cover of an unprecedented aerial assault featuring an equal number of flying projectiles. The jihadists will attack settlements, kibbutzim, and towns, while the rockets, drones, mortars, and missiles will pound cities, overwhelming the capacity of the IDF and the Iron Dome. Israel’s vaulted defenses will be stymied and unable to free the captives in overwhelmed communities while soldiers are rendered mere spectators as their cities burn.

And while no one can forestall America’s inevitable capitulation, as it joins the rest of the world in a global alliance against God’s people, nor can anyone contain Islam’s thirst for genocide, we can be on the right side of the argument. We can and should stand with Israel and Jews against the disreputable and murderous anti-Semites. And we can ask those condemning the victims to tell us what they are accusing Jews of doing so that we can tell them what they have done and plan to do.

It gives me no pleasure to affirm that I have been right all along. A year before October 7th, 2023, I predicted the nature of the assault, and on that day I took to the air to record a message explaining what would transpire if Israel didn’t follow the strategy I articulated on October 8th, 2023. Sadly, the nation lacked the leadership, understanding, and courage to do what had to be done, and so every consequence I foretold transpired. As a result of religious and political malfeasance, only God can save His people.

Fortunately, He will, but on His schedule and, thus, not until the Shabuw’ah Harvest on May 22nd, 2026, for His Covenant Family, September 23rd, 2033 on Taruw’ah for a remnant of Yisra’el and Yahuwdym, and then ten and fifteen days later on Yowm Kipurym and Sukah on October 2nd and 7th in year 6000 Yah. Between now and then, many will die as nations crumble.

465I am in touch with our future because I know Yahowah and have studied what His prophets revealed. My mission is, therefore, to get His people’s attention, reintroduce them to their God and Messiah, and then lead them back home. If you do not yet know Him, it’s time you set this book down and return to the bookshelf at YadaYah.com and begin reading An Introduction to God, Yada Yahowah, Observations, and Coming Home. Then, if time permits, consider Babel and Twistianity. Once you accept what Yahowah is offering by doing as He asks, then please join us in heralding His message.

There is precious little time left. The Covenant Family will be removed on the Shabat of Shabuw’ah, May 22nd, 2026, as the worst of Ya’aqob’s Troubles commence. I will return as a Witness, along with the Prophet ‘ElYah, four years later on the first of ‘Abyb in year 5997 Yah, April 4th, 2030, following a solar eclipse. This will be just 3½ years prior to the ultimate Family Reunion spoken of in Yirmayah | Jerimiah and celebrated on Taruw’ah, Kipurym, and Sukah in year 6000 Yah, September 23rd, October 2nd, and 7th, 2033.

The world is going to get caustic, chaotic, and catastrophically calamitous over the final ten years of human malfeasance. Nations and their economies will fail, the winds of rage and war will engulf the globe, truth will be sequestered, and with limited opposition and a collective aversion to reason, Progressives and Islam will fill the void and gain influence. Anti-Semitism will reach unprecedented levels, and blood will flow as never before.

At the risk of being presumptuous, I’d like to suggest a course of action for people who would like to know Yahowah and become part of His Covenant Family. This message is open to gowym but is primarily directed toward Israel – in all three stripes and varieties, the political, religious, and in between, for open-minded agnostics and atheists, even for thinking Progressives.

466But first a word of caution for everyone: all religions are poisonous; some are just more lethal than others. Islam is the worst of a bad lot. It has no redeeming qualities. Those who submit are destined to live and die in civil, economic, intellectual, and religious poverty. Collectively, the Islamic nations rank as the least free, least prosperous, and least enlightened places on Earth. Muslims, representing one-quarter of the world’s population are responsible for over four-fifths of the world’s armed conflicts and terrorist attacks. In life, Muslims are damned by a false prophet. In death, a demonic spirit claims their souls. And they do not suffer alone. Terror and death are Islam’s legacies.

If you were looking for a summary of Muhammad’s recitals, a way to shortcut nearly 4,000 pages of study, you won’t find it here. The religion of two billion people isn’t something to trifle with – especially when it is so deadly. Moreover, a little knowledge can be very dangerous. A handful of quotes used out of context will do more harm than good.

While I would prefer that you know and digest the story of Islam from antagonistic beginning to bloody end, should your preference be to study what the non-prophet and un-god had to say about one topic or another, such as jihad, Muhammad’s indiscretions, deceit, war, women, or Jews, a topical arrangement of quotations has been provided to aid such investigations.

Ultimately, it all comes down to this: the Hadith Collections of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim contain all that is known about Muhammad and his contributions to Islam. If they are not accurate then Islam ceases to exist, as the Quran is incomprehensible without the context and chronology they provide. No Muslim could follow its commands to emulate the prophet’s example because his commands would be unknown. The substance behind all five pillars would vanish.

467However, should the Hadith Collections of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim be accurate, then Islam is nothing more than a sadistic and murderous fraud – a criminal scam perpetrated by a grossly immoral man. Either way, Islam is not only wrong, indeed, evil, the survival of life on the planet is now at risk due to the ill-conceived economic and military alliances bolstering the deadliest expression of the religion.

Humankind is in a fog. Most are aiding and abetting their own demise. Evidential truth has been exchanged for unsubstantiated opinions, reason has been abrogated by speculation, and man has replaced God with himself. That leaves us with a choice. We can separate ourselves from the lemmings, reject religion and politics, mock the conspiracies, and turn instead to the Towrah and Prophets, or be caught up in the carnage.


Since I have risked my life and put my reputation on the line to compose God Damn Religion, and since I devoted the previous two decades to writing the other books comprising Yada Yahowah, I want to conclude our time together by sharing how you can become part of God’s eternal family. Speaking through one of His prophets, Yahowah encouraged His people to listen to what He had to say about them in the opening stanza of the 5th chapter of Howsha’. And so it is by coming to understand why Jews find themselves in such a horrible predicament that we come to appreciate Yahowah’s remedy.

Hear this (shama’ zo’th – listen to this and process the information), those who are priests and have become religious leaders (ha kohen – ministers tasked with explaining and facilitating participation in the Beryth and Miqra’ey via the Towrah). Pay attention and be attentive 468to what you are hearing (wa qashab – listen diligently and accept this information as true, then respond to it), Family of Yisra’el (beyth Yisra’el). Extended family of political leaders (beyth ha melek – home of government rulers), open your ears to hear as tools to evaluate and consider (‘azan – broaden the scope of what you are hearing; from ‘azan – weigh, test, prove, and consider). For this (ky) just assessment (ha mishpat – this rational evaluation and reasoned conclusion using sound judgment leading to a justified condemnation) applies to you (la ‘atem).

Indeed (ky), you have become (hayah – you exist as) a snare, a dangerous means to control others (pach – you are plotting a calamity to trap and restrict) la mitspah | with observances and edicts (la mitspah – the focus upon and considerations pursuant to being observant), in addition to (wa) a net (resheth – a means to capture, control, and confine, a network designed to impoverish and dispossess others) spread out (parash – scattered around) upon (‘al) tabor | a broken and confused world (tabor – the confounding abominations of the Earth). (Howsha’ / He Liberates / Hosea 5:1)

Yahowah has divided society into three segments: priests, people, and politicians. I believe that they are listed in this order for a reason. If the Lowy had listened and done as they were asked, Yisra’elites would have heard them speak of Yahowah. Had that occurred, they would have responded appropriately because God’s word is consistent and compelling. And had they done so, the people would have relied upon Yahowah’s priests and judges to properly interpret and apply the Towrah – negating the need for political and religious leaders – particularly rabbis.

Should you be wondering who Yahowah is asking the three communities of Yisra’el to listen to at this moment as time runs out for a successful reunion, the only viable candidates according to the prophets are Yada and ‘ElYah.

469The rebellious insurgents who are openly defiant (wa set – those who swerve to-and-fro, turning aside and falling away) are intensely and deeply (‘amaq – are profoundly and cunningly) murderous, even genocidal (shachatah – deadly to the point of sacrificing human souls), so I (wa ‘any) will judge them, inflicting the appropriate penalty on each of them, which is to incarcerate the totality of them (muwsar la hem – will shackle and constrain them to rebuke them). (Howsha’ 5:2)

The proponents of religion who are overtly hostile to Yahowah and His people, who deliberately pull the unsuspecting away from the proper path, are genocidal from Yahowah’s perspective. And for that, they have earned their express ticket to Hell. God is going to judge them, inflicting the appropriate penalty on each insurgent, which will be, at the very least, to incarcerate them in She’owl. Justice requires that those who have been savagely abused or deliberately cheated of their souls know that those who tormented and defrauded them are being held accountable.

I, Myself, am aware of (‘any yada’ – I have noticed and so I am familiar with) ‘Ephraym | Ashes (‘Ephraym – Worthless Specks of Carbon; from ‘epher – useless ash [describes the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom]). And Yisra’el | the Contentious Struggling with God (wa Yisra’el) is not hidden (lo’ kachad – is not concealed) from Me (min ‘any). For now (ky ‘atah), ‘Ephraym | Worthless Specks of Carbon (‘Ephraym – Ashes) is an unfaithful, immoral, and disingenuous religious whore (zanah – is a prostitute, a harlot feigning affection to many for monetary gain). And Yisra’el (Yisra’el) is defiled (tame – is unclean and improper, sullied and dishonorable). (Howsha’ 5:3)

It has been a very long time since Jews listened to the voice of their God. They asked Him not to speak directly to them, and He honored that request with a brilliant group 470of prophets and articulate witnesses. And while Yahowah’s people are only marginally more responsive now, this is about to change.

Although, the fact remains that for the past 3,000 years, Jews have been their own worst enemy…

Their cultural traditions, social customs, religious practices, and political dealings (ma’alal hem – their actions and activities) do not allow (lo’ nathan – preclude) a return to (la shuwb ‘el – restoration with) their God (‘elohym hem). Indeed, it is certain that (ky) an illegitimate and duplicitous spirit (ruwach zenuwnym – a disloyal and immoral, an unreliable and whorish, religious spirit akin to a prostitute acting under false pretenses) is within them (ba qereb hem – is part of their inner nature). Therefore (wa), they do not know or understand (lo’ yada’ – they are not familiar with and do not acknowledge, they are unaware of and do not respect) Yahowah (YaHoWaH – a transliteration of YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence). (Howsha’ / He Delivers / Hosea 5:4)

This remains true for the overwhelming majority of Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym. And so, with only two years remaining before the Shabuw’ah Harvest, and nine at the time of this writing in 2024 before Taruw’ah’s fulfillment, the ice will thaw and hearts will become receptive soon.

It is important to note that the prophecy pertaining to this day and mankind’s issues during it was punctuated with a negation of the title under which this, and every other book I have written, is heralded – Yada Yahowah! Consider it an endorsement – something Yisra’el has not heard in a very long time, and now needs to hear to rebut the religious.

Moreover (wa), the pride and arrogance (ga’own – the unwarranted perceptions and constant agitation, the presumptuousness and haughtiness, the self-adulation and 471glorification) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el – those who struggle with and contend against God) testifies (anah – bears witness as a conspicuous pronouncement) against his presence (ba paneh huw’).

Therefore (wa), Yisra’el | those who Contend and Struggle with God (Yisra’el) and (wa) ‘Ephraym | Worthless Specks of Carbon (‘Ephraym) will falter, stumble, and fall, and they will be overthrown (kashal – will stagger and will not succeed as a result of being feeble and weak) in their perversions, corruptions, and libelous errors (ba ‘aown / ‘awon hem – in their religious malfeasance). Yahuwdah | Beloved of Yah (Yahuwdah – Related to Yah) will also waver and succumb along with them (kashal gam ‘im hem – will falter and fall in addition to them, staggering and failing to succeed as a result of being weakened by following them). (Howsha’ 5:5)

As bad as things appear now in the wake of worldwide protests against Israel following the Islamic assault on the nation on October 7th, 2023, they will get decidedly and unimaginably, worse. Not only is inevitable as a result of mankind’s poor choices, Yahowah told us so thousands of years ago that it would occur because He has seen our future. And while the tiny nation will not be completely destroyed, nor will its people be exterminated as Muslims envision, they will come surprisingly close.

Within their flocks (ba tso’n hem – among sheep and goats representing those following political and religious shepherds) and among their herds (wa ba baqar hem – denoting the tendency of people to congregate together), they will travel about (halak – they will walk through life) to search for a way to hold Yahowah responsible, and look to conspire against Yahowah (la baqash ‘eth Yahowah – they will try to hold Yahowah accountable while rebelling against the authority of Yahowah), but (wa) they will not achieve what they seek (lo’ matsa’ – they will not find satisfaction, obtain what they sought to 472uncover, and they will not encounter or experience the reaping or harvest). He has withdrawn (chalets – He has removed Himself and disassociated) from them (min hem). (Howsha’ 5:6)

They have been untrustworthy and unreliable, having betrayed and been treacherous in their dealings (bagad – they have been unfaithful and adulterous, having shown themselves in violation of the agreement by their religious apparel) with (ba – against) Yahowah (Yahowah – written as directed by His towrah – teaching).

For now (‘atah – simultaneously), they have fathered and brought forth offspring (yalad – they have fostered descendants) who are illegitimate and estranged children (ky ben zarym – who are separated, alienated, deserted, foreign, and distant). Therefore (‘atah), the crescent moon (chodesh – symbolic of Islam) will devour them (‘akal hem – will consume and destroy them, taking the space which belonged to them) along with their land (‘eth cheleq hem – as a result of their seductive words their fate is to have their territory taken). (Howsha’ / Hosea 5:7)

Yisra’elites have flocked together more than any other race or cultural group, even when exiled from their homeland. Having migrated throughout Europe and to the New World, encountering anti-Semitism wherever they have gone, rabbis have sought to hold God accountable for their poor reception and subsequent torment. But in all of this time, and in all of their ways, they are no closer to the truth and they are further from Yah. They have rebelled against His Instructions, the consequence of which is to be excluded from His protection, leaving them vulnerable to Muslims, represented by the crescent moon. And this is particularly sad when one realizes that by selling Talmud citations to Muhammad, rabbis aided and abetted the religion which declared war on Jews fourteen centuries ago.

473In that the colloquial definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result, one must ask why, after 3,000 years of subjugation and abuse, Jews continue to act the same way toward God, preferring their religion and politics over a relationship with Yahowah. To come home, to be protected, and to live, they must change.

According to what we have just read, Yahowah and Yahuwdym have been suffering through a protracted intermission. But God has not forgotten His people. Seeking a different outcome based upon a change in attitude, Yahowah asks…

Blow (taqa’ – sound and trumpet, blasting) the Showphar (Showphar – ram’s-horn; from showph – to strike out openly in a crushing and bruising manner and shaphar – in a bright, fair, and beautiful way) upon (ba) ha giba’ah | the hill with the clarion (chatsotsarah – horn) in (ba) ha ramah | the heights. Signal an alarm and shout for joy (ruwa’ – make a loud noise so that it is heard openly by the public and they become aware of what is going to occur, tragically and jubilantly) at Beyth ‘Awen | Home of Trouble (Beyth ‘Awen – House of Religious Wickedness and Family of Affliction and Sorrow). It is the end for you as the other (‘achar ‘atah – afterward, at a later time, during the last days, it will be over for you) Benyamyn | Benjamite (Benyamyn – Son of the Sea, Spawn of Gentiles, and a reference to the wolf who founded Christianity). (Howsha’ 5:8)

While the Crescent Moon represents Islam, the Benjamite who is being associated with the Home of Trouble is Paul – the founder of the Christian religion. Second and third only to Judaism, Christianity and Islam represent the longest-standing and most debilitating foes of the Jewish people. This realization is underscored by the realization that religious Jews are being directly associated 474with Benyamyn – and that’s bad because he is the wolf in sheep’s clothing devouring Israel.

And while the identity of these adversaries is relevant, are you aware that the one Yahowah is asking to sound the Showphar is the same individual he tasked with writing Babel, God Damn Religion, and Twistianity to expose the hostile intent and false nature of these religions while at the same time, calling His people home through the rest of the Yada Yahowah Series? As affirmation, consider this next prophetic declaration…

‘Ephraym | Worthless Specks of Carbon (‘Ephraym – Ashes) will be horrified and desolated (la shamah – will be devastated during a horrific, atrocious, and appalling event) which will occur (hayah) in the day (ba yowm – during the time) of rebuke and impeachment (towkechah – disapproval, argument, rational discourse, correction, chastisement, and chiding) among the various tribes (ba shebet – within the clans, family heritage, subdivisions, and people groups) of Yisra’el | those who contend and struggle with God (Yisra’el).

At that time, I will reliably make Yada known (yada’ ‘aman – I will be known and acknowledged for being truthful, dependable, and enduring (with yada’ in the hifil perfect, God will act at a certain point to acknowledge and make known ‘aman, which in the nifal participle reveals that He will carry out and receive the benefits of being reliable in a profound way)). (Howsha’ 5:9)

The Showphar | Ram’s Horn provides an elegant, boisterous, and piercing resonance when blown correctly. It is the trumpet Yahowah selected to herald His announcements of the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests. They represent the last call, God’s final invitations to come home. His people will either tune into His summons and respond to the warnings and provisions He is providing and we are articulating, or life will be over for them. 475Yahuwdym who turned a deaf ear to the final blast of the Showphar on Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah will likely remain estranged come Yowm Kipurym. They will miss Sukah, the return to the Garden, and the time to Camp Out with our Father.

This realization is not only important to you, Yisra’el, but to me as well. I was summoned by Yahowah on Taruw’ah, the day of ruwa’ | signaling the alarm and shouting for joy in the fall of 2001. With other troubadours joining the chorus, we have been taqa’ | trumpeting Yahowah’s message as ruwa’ | loudly and openly as possible ever since. Throughout this prequel to Yahowah’s return with Dowd, we will address those willing to listen in what is otherwise a misled and unsuspecting world on the cusp of destroying itself.

The government and religious leaders (sar – ruling authority figures, highest-ranking officials; from sarar – those who act like royalty, as lords with an assumed right to control and claim power for themselves) of Yahuwdah (Yahuwdah – Beloved of Yah) are (hayah) perceived as (ka – recognized as) untrustworthy and disloyal deviants (suwg – alienating and backsliding proponents of circular reasoning). I will pour out (shaphak – I will shed) a boundless amount (gebuwl – a colossal extent) of My righteous indignation and intense displeasure with an outburst of My disappointment (‘ebrah ‘any – My utter frustration) upon them (‘al hem) as if it were fluid (ka ha maym – like water). (Howsha’ 5:10)

Yahowah’s animosity is consistently directed toward His people’s political and religious leaders, and then it floods down upon the many they have corrupted beyond the hope of words and reason. In this case, sar describes government officials and religious leaders, the authority figures, within Yahuwdah | Judah. It offers the impression that they act as lords as if they were royals designated by their god to rule. They believe they have the right to impose 476their will on everyone else, restricting the choices of others to control them. As evidence Yahowah was correct, with the overtly political left vying against the ultra-orthodox right, Israel has become a house divided without an ethical leader to be found among millions. Even the top brass of the IDF have failed miserably and can no longer be trusted to defend the nation which is about to implode under adverse world scrutiny and pressure.

God’s assessment of Jewish political and religious institutions, parties, and sects is that they are untrustworthy and corrupt. He calls them “disloyal deviants” which sounds like He must know them personally. He takes issue with their propensity for circular reasoning and, thus, being irrational and disingenuous. He does not care for their dishonesty or egos either. Nor do I.

Being misled and swayed by politics or religion, even conspiracy or patriotism, is a sure way to waste one’s life and lose one’s soul, but it is not a crime. Misleading others is, by contrast, an offense worthy of Divine Judgement. Therefore, Jewish religious and political proponents and advocates have engendered Yahowah’s frustration. The torrent of His animosity will flood upon them in mountainous waves of righteous indignation. The very men who claim to speak for God and represent His people are the most displeasing to Him. And that is especially true of rabbis because their Torah is the Talmud, and in it, rabbis speak over God.

‘Ephraym | the Worthless Speck of Carbon Ash (‘Ephraym), has been deceived and defrauded, extorted and oppressed (‘asaq – he has been subjugated by tyrants, brutally treated, horribly cheated, and viciously exploited). His competence in exercising good judgment is incapacitated and his ability to reason is shattered (ratsats mishpat – his thinking and decision-making are broken, his capacity to resolve disputes is fragmented).

477This is because (ky) he has been intent on, agreeable to, and fixated upon (ya’al – he is particularly willing and determined) going after a variety (halak ‘achar – to pursue right to the very end) of worthless religious dogmas (tsaw – idolatrous forms of human excrement, revolting filth, utter nonsense, unsubstantiated ideas and fake gods, a whole lot of futile and vain blah-blah-blah). (Howsha’ 5:11)

I told you so. Judaism is Israel’s greatest impediment. It is crippling. Rabbis through the ages have incapacitated the people to the point that thinking is debilitated and choices are restricted. They deceive and defraud. The productive are extorted and the faithful are subjugated. The result is a sea of parasites adorned in black. But don’t gloat should you be draped in a rainbow of colors because you are no closer to the truth.

In this regard, it is my expectation that while both sides of this sectarian and secular divide will agree to slander me, one voice will overcome the many, and within a decade, Judaism and Progressive politics will cease to exist. Rabbis are about to become extinct as are social influencers.

Likewise, over the past two decades, Questioning Paul and Prophet of Doom changed thousands of lives worldwide, providing those who suspected that there was something dreadfully wrong with their religion to discard the doctrines that have sought to control them. However, realistically, jihadi Muslims are incapable of reading what now has become God Damn Religion, preferring instead to prove the “peaceful” nature of their cult by threatening to kill me.

And of course, Questioning Paul, now Twistianity, devastates the religion that has harassed Jews for two millennia. Its audacity in replacing Yahowah’s beloved Son and Messiah with a mythical misnomer is something God will repay in kind – disowning them.

478Surprising to many, but nonetheless conclusively demonstrated in Twistianity and God Damn Religion, rabbis were largely to blame for the emergence of both Christianity and Islam. Had they recognized and celebrated the arrival of the Mashyach, Zarowa’, and Ben ‘El in fulfilling the promise of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, and had they not outlawed the use of Yahowah’s name, Paul would have failed and Christianity wouldn’t exist. And had rabbis not sold Muhammad Talmud readings, the Quran would not have been perceived as credible and Islam would have died with it.

As for Yisra’el, the people’s inability to think rationally has been a direct result of their favorite pastime – being religious. They have wallowed in human excrement as if it were a bubble bath and worn it as if it were perfume. Nonsense has been the only sense they have held dear.

But I am like a moth, perceived as something wasteful and fabricated (wa ‘any ka ha ‘ash – so I am thought to be a sick creature, a rotten discharge of a nocturnal insect) to ‘Ephraym (la ‘Ephraym – to those amounting to traces of ash) and (wa) much like (ka – similar to) a fungal parasite or a septic infection (ha raqab – a degenerative disease or dry rot) to the Household of Yahuwdah (la Beyth Yahuwdah – to the Family of Yah’s Beloved). (Howsha’ 5:12)

His assessments are valid, and His testimony is accurate. Rabbis have written their own Torah, superseding Yahowah’s, while scribing themselves in the starring roles. As a result, the religious are so bedazzled by their own perceived brilliance that they hardly notice that Yahowah exists. So, it is little wonder that the relationship called for a divorce.

But that was then; now at God’s urging, I am begging them to return. Yahowah intends to honor His promises, no matter how undeserving the beneficiary. He has vowed to 479reconcile His relationship with those who view Him unkindly, and that includes Yisra’el. Therefore, there are three remaining opportunities for the willing to recant their prior positions between now and October 2033.

So, ‘Ephraym perceived (wa ra’ah ‘Ephraym – and the Northern Kingdom viewed and witnessed) that which was associated with his religious malady and sickness (‘ets choly huw’ – his related illness and disease, his infirmities and the cause of his suffering), and Yahuwdah, his oozing and pustulant wound (wa Yahuwdah ‘eth mazowr huw’). But then (wa) ‘Ephraym (‘Ephraym) went (halak – walked, traveling, and conducting a lifestyle) toward ‘Ashuwr (‘el ‘Ashuwr – Assyria; the basis of ‘Asherah, the mythical Queen of Heaven and Mother of God), reaching out to (shalach ‘el) the greatly contentiousness and adversarial despot (melek yareb – the physically aggressive and vehemently quarrelsome lord of religion and politics).

But neither he nor this could repair the damage you have done to yourselves (wa huw’ lo’ yakal la rapha’ la ‘atem – it would not restore you or heal you, and it will not prevail or succeed in resolving what ails you), nor cure you (wa lo’ gahah – nor provide restoration or healing) from the infectious disease you perpetrated which ensnares you (min ‘atem mazowr – of your ulcerous lesions and from your pustulant wounds that have captivated you). (Howsha’ 5:13)

Yahowah’s indictment of Yisra’el and Yahuwdah reveals that His people were actually aware of the damage they had done to their relationship with God and to themselves. Religion had made them ill, and the disease had progressed such that Yisra’el was hideous. This condition was a result of their ongoing propensity to infect themselves with their own deadly concoction of pathogens. They were so engrossed with their religious and political alternatives to God, they could no longer be cured, even by 480a slap in the face. Their degrading exile in Assyria would make them more adversarial and contentious, not less. The damage was all consuming and irreversible because the virus of their own design had infected everyone.

There is always a consequence…

As a result (ky), I will be akin to (‘anoky ka) a roaring lion (ha shachal) to ‘Ephraym (la ‘Ephraym) and like (wa ka) a conciliatory lion (ha kaphyr) approaching the Family of Yahuwdah (la beyth Yahuwdah). I, Myself (‘any ‘any), will tear up or tear apart (taraph – I will rip up or tear away, providing what is required), then I will either walk away or lift up (wa halak nasa’ – I will go away or I will carry away), such that nothing will rescue or snatch away (wa ‘ayn natsal – so that no one will deliver or take away). (Howsha’ 5:14)

This is an interesting play on words, an example where similar things convey vastly different outcomes. Looking at ‘Ephraym, the shachal | lion is roaring. With it, God is poised to tear Yisra’el away, taraph | ripping the nation, then halak | walking away. And for Yisra’el, there would be ‘ayn natsal | no rescue any time soon.

By contrast, with Yahuwdah, the kaphyr | lion is conciliatory, ready to make amends. We know this because kaphyr is from kaphar | to reconcile – serving as the basis for Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations. Then as we approach the same verbal chain, we discover that Yahowah will ‘any | personally taraph | tear His Beloved from ‘Ephraym, separating them from harm’s way, while taraph | providing whatever they require. So now, rather than halak | walk away, God will be nasa’ | lifting them up and carrying Yahuwdah home. As a result, ‘ayn natsal | no one will ever be able to take them away again. And while this sounds encouraging in contrast to what preceded it, there would be twenty-seven centuries between infection and cure.

481What follows is among the most profoundly important statements ever spoken by God, especially considering the implications…

I will go away and return (halak shuwb – I will travel about and come back) to My place (‘el maqowm ‘any – to My home) until they closely examine and carefully consider the way to receive the benefits of the relationship through the restoring witness of the eternal testimony (‘ad ‘asher shamar) and (wa) they seek My presence, responsibly investigating and learning about My appearance (wa baqash paneh ‘any – the desire encountering Me face to face).

It is during the time of trouble (ba ha tsarar – in a period of great distress, of being besieged and restricted, enclosed and confined) that they will approach by earnestly seeking Me, longing to learn about the relationship (la hem shachar ‘any – they will want to be with Me, enquiring about Me while genuinely striving to know Me). (Howsha’ 5:15)

Yahowah revealed very clearly that, after divorcing Yisra’el for religious infidelity, He was going to back away and allow His beloved to do as they have chosen – which was to fend for themselves. Having previously come to their rescue, having devoted Himself to guiding, teaching, and protecting them, God chose not to compete with their political and religious yearnings. He left them to their own devices. It did not turn out well.

Over the intervening millennia, Yisra’elites were bludgeoned by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, then by the Roman Catholics, Muhammad’s Muslims, Ottomans, Crusaders, European Christians, Conspiratorialists, Nazis, Communists, Muslims again, and now by the last generation of immoral and irrational Progressives. One would have thought that after a litany of abuse there might have been a Jew 482somewhere who thought, “Since our approach has resulted in centuries of demonization, maybe we should flip back through the pages of time to find something that led to a better outcome.”

Had they done so, the answer was convenient enough because Chazaqyah | Hezikiah was a contemporary of Howsha’. Upon rediscovering a Towrah scroll, he did as Yahowah had asked and removed all traces of religion from Yahuwdah | Judea. Then he and his fellow Yahuwdym celebrated the Miqra’ey of Chag Matsah, not once, but twice. As a result, the 185,000 Assyrian soldiers camped outside of Jerusalem, the best equipped and trained militants on the planet, died without firing a shot – 50 times the number of trained soldiers than rampaging mujahideen who successfully invaded Israel on 10.07.23. Obviously, Yahowah is better equipped and more capable than the IDF. And in His case, there was no investment in bullets, bombs, interceptors, or the blood of sons and daughters.

And yet, as if either defiant or insane, in the wake of the most recent massacre, and subsequent tsunami of anti-Semitism, most Jews have doubled down against Yahowah, becoming ever more entrenched in divisive and irrational Progressive politics and parasitic and suicidal Orthodox Judaism. As a direct result, Israel will be dismembered, sliced into pieces, to reward the Muslim savages with a terrorist state carved out of the Promised Land. Thereupon, 10.07.23 will be played out again, but with 100 times the bombardments and belligerents with catastrophic results. Jews will endure a decade of the worst treatment any race has ever received in the long annals of human atrocities – suffering through horrors worse than the Holocaust.

And while the nation will be devastated, a remnant will be spared, not once, but three times over the ensuing decade between 10.7.23 and 10.07.33. There will be a substantial Harvest of Prominent and Mature Grain on 483Shabuw’ah, transpiring on a Shabat, May 22nd at sunset in 2026 as the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles begins in earnest. Those receiving a trip to Shamaym will include the Covenant Family comprised of observant Yahuwdym and Gowym – represented by the two loaves lifted up before God during the Feast and by the realization that those being harvested are represented by chitahym | wheats in the plural form in God’s pronouncement of what will soon occur. The second Harvest will be comprised of Olives and, thus, Yisra’elites. This reaping will transpire on Taruw’ah following a solar eclipse, on the Shabat beginning September 23rd, 2033. Yahowah does not want His children left in harm’s way as the world comes crashing down on what is left of Israel. Then, ten days later, during a lunar eclipse, Yahowah and Dowd will return to reconcile the relationship with the final remnant of Yisra’elites on Yowm Kipurym, 6:22 PM as the sun sets in Yaruwshalaim, in the Yowbel year of 6000 Yah – October 2nd, 2033.

There is an open invitation for some very special people to join the Covenant Family. However, there will be no sanction for any religious sect, political institution, or nation. And so now that the options, timing, criteria, and consequences have been presented, I want Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym to appreciate the implications.

As foretold by Gabry’el, who is Dowd, and explained by Myka’el, who is Yada, the last communication from Yahowah to Yisra’el was through Mal’aky | Malachi in 447 BCE. Other than what the Father did to support His Son during the fulfillment of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym in the Yowbel year of 4000 Yah in 33 CE, God has remained in Shamaym | the Spiritual Realm and left Yisra’elites to wallow in their religious and political disorders and overall bitterness and defiance.

Another 2,449 years would pass before God would engage again. On Taruw’ah in 2001, He reached out indirectly through a gowy, just as He had foretold in the 484Towrah and throughout the Naby’. Yahowah remains committed to calling His people home through the words of the Prophets while exposing the impediments which now clutter the way.

The resulting 25-year mission will have resulted in the compilation of 35 books – all offered freely at YadaYah.com along with many thousands of hours of audio programs in support of them. So, as promised, Yahowah reengaged the moment He found someone “‘ad ‘asher shamar – willing to closely examine and carefully consider the way to receive the benefits of the relationship through the restoring witness of the eternal testimony.” And as a result, Yisra’elites have once again “baqash paneh – sought Yahowah’s presence, responsibly investigating and learning about God’s reappearance.” It has played out exactly as He had promised so many centuries ago.

While many will continue to respond over the next two years and be included in the Shabuw’ah Harvest of standing grain in May 2026, there will be two additional opportunities for those who miss this ultimate expression of Yahowah’s love. The next ingathering will be “ba ha tsarar – during the time of trouble as Israel is narrowed and Jews are besieged.” Like the souls gathered previously, “hem shachar – they will approach by earnestly seeking God, longing to learn about the relationship.” For those who respond to the invitation to attend this Taruw’ah Harvest in September 2033, an eternity with Yahowah in the Beryth | Covenant Family awaits. Thereafter, aside from a final 7,000 Yahuwdym who will be among the dwindling remnant who return to Yahowah ten days later, on Kipurym in October of 2033, there will be no other opportunities. All remaining souls will either be extinguished or incarcerated.

Today, Yahuwdym are emerging from their nightmarish past, opening their eyes, walking away from 485religion and politics and becoming observant. And for this reason, Yada Yahowah was prepared and published. So it is telling that the comprehensive rewrites of God Damn Religion and Twistianity, the completion of Coming Home volumes 3 and 4, and the final edits of the Yada Yahowah series will be completed just as the sun sets in Yaruwshalaim on the Shabat of May 22nd, 2026.

Those who have accepted the conditions of the Beryth, who attend Yahowah’s Miqra’ey, and who are guided by the Towrah, will have a ringside seat for the Great Awakening as it plays out in successive events during the commencement and conclusion of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, a traumatic period introduced in the 30th chapter of Yirma’yah | Jeremiah. Should you wish to mark your calendars and meet with ‘ElYah and Yada, they will arrive on April 4th, 2030 (‘Abyb 1, year 5997 Yah) and serve under Dowd’s instruction during the final 3½ years – addressing the times, times, times, and half a time reference at the conclusion of Dany’el to prepare Yisra’el for Yahowah, such that He can restore His relationship with His people. That story is told in the 31st chapter of Yirma’yah, but also in Yasha’yah, Zakaryah, and Mal’aky.

The Word (ha dabar – the message communicated) which, to reveal the way to enjoy the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – that lead to the path to walk to get the most out of life), came to exist (hayah) with (‘el) Yirmayahuw (Yirmayahuw – Yahowah Raises and Lifts Up, Yahowah Teaches and Guides to Respect and Revere Yah, commonly transliterated Jeremiah) from (min ‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah – the Almighty’s proper designation pronounced as instructed by His towrah | guidance on His hayah | existence and His role in our shalowm | reconciliation as our ‘elowah | God) to announce (la ‘amar), (Yirma’yah 30:1) ‘This is what (koh) Yahowah (Yahowah), the God of Yisra’el (‘elohym Yisra’el – the Almighty of those who engage and endure with God), 486proclaims (‘amar), so as to declare (‘amar), “Of your own volition, write (kathab la ‘atah – choose to literally inscribe, jotting down using this alphabet (qal imperative)) all of these words (‘eth kol ha dabarym – every one of the statements), which lead to the proper path to get the most out of life, that (‘asher) I have and will be speaking to you about (dabar ‘el ‘atah), doing so in a written document so that there is a permanent record (‘el sepher). (Yirma’yah 30:2)

Because, indeed (ky), behold (hineh), a time is coming (yowmym bow’ – days are approaching),” prophetically reveals (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah), “when I will return to restore (wa shuwb) the property and possessions taken during the captivity (shabuwth) of My people (‘am ‘any), Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with God (Yisra’el) and (wa) Yahuwdah | the Beloved of Yah (Yahuwdah ),” declares (‘amar) Yahowah (Yahowah). And then (wa) I will return them, bringing them back (shuwb hem – I will transform them and restore them), to (‘el) the Land (‘erets) that, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I gave (nathan) to their fathers (la ‘ab hem). They will receive it as their inheritance (wa yarash hy’).”’ (Yirma’yah 30:3)

These are the words (wa ‘el leh ha dabarym) which, to reveal the way (‘asher), Yahowah (Yahowah) spoke (dabar) concerning (‘el) Yisra’el (Yisra’el) and (wa) to Yahuwdah (‘el Yahuwdah). (Yirma’yah 30:4) This is what (koh time) Yahowah (Yahowah) conveyed (‘amar) as we heard (shama’) the sounds (qowl) of concern over the terrorists and terrorism (charadah pachad) when there were no prospects of reconciliation or peace (wa ‘ayn shalowm). (Yirma’yah 30:5)

Alas (howy), assuredly (ky), this time (ha yowm ha huw’) will be so different (gadowl) that there has never been anything similar to it (min ‘ayn kamow huw’). It is 487the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles (wa ‘eth tsarah huw’ la Ya’aqob – it is the period of Israel’s anguish and distress, of Jacob’s adversity when the nation will be narrowed, reduced in size, and oppressed in dire straits by vicious foes). And yet from it (wa min – out of it), he [Ya’aqob representing Yisra’el] will be liberated and saved (yasha’). (Yirma’yah 30:7)

‘And it shall happen in that day (wa hayah ba ha yowm ha huw’),’ prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah) of the vast array of spiritual implements (tsaba’), ‘that I will break (shabar) this yoke, this means of control and manipulation (‘ol huw’), from upon your neck (min ‘al tsaw’r ‘atah) and I will pull off and tear away (wa nataq) your bonds and shackles (mowserah ‘atah). Those who are illegitimate and unauthorized, those falsely claiming authority who are foreigners advocating that which is improper (zar), will no longer make him serve their interests (wa lo’ ‘abad ba huw’ ‘owd). (Yirma’yah 30:8)

Instead (wa), they will serve with (‘abad ‘eth) Yahowah (Yahowah), their God (‘elohym hem), and with Dowd (wa ‘eth Dowd), their king and counselor (melek hem), whom, to reveal the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), I will raise up and establish for them (quwm la hem). (Yirma’yah 30:9)

Then (wa) Ya’aqob (Ya’aqob), My coworker (‘ebed ‘any – My associate who works with Me), you will have nothing to fear (‘atah ‘al yare’ – no reason to be intimidated),’ Yahowah (Yahowah) reveals well in advance of it occurring (na’um). ‘Nor will you be confused or dismayed (wa ‘al chathath), Yisra’el (Yisra’el), because, behold (ky hineh), I will save you, delivering you (‘any yasha’ ‘atah) from being distant and alienated (min rachowq – from becoming separated as was the case long ago in a previous period of time), along with your offspring (wa ‘eth zera’), from the 488realm (min ‘erets) of their exile and captivity (shaby hem – where they were controlled and oppressed).

And (wa) Ya’aqob (Ya’aqob – serving as a synonym for Yisra’el) will change and return (shuwb – will turn around and come back, recovered and restored, transformed), then be at peace and put at ease (wa shaqat wa sha’an – find himself in a satisfying situation and favorable circumstance), with no one troubling him (wa ‘ayn charad – without a concern). (Yirma’yah 30:10)

For I am with you (ky ‘eth ‘atah ‘any),’ prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah), ‘to liberate and save you (la yasha’ ‘atah – to provide freedom and salvation, deliverance and prosperity). Indeed (ky), I will engage and act (‘asah – I will do what is necessary) to bring an end to (kalah – I will without fail bring to a conclusion, completely vanquishing) all of the foreign nations and institutions (ba kol ha gowym – all of the countries, entities, and each of the pagan peoples of conflicting cultures who are brought together by religion or politics) among whom I have scattered and dispersed you (‘asher puwts ‘atah) by name and reputation (shem). You will be the exception because (‘ak ‘eth ‘atah) I will not act in such a way (lo’ ‘asah) to cause you to fail or perish (kalah – you will not be annihilated or destroyed).

Instead, I will provide instructions for you (wa yasar ‘atah – I will enable you to be correct, teaching you and thereby strengthening you) in the way to execute good judgment regarding the means to resolve disputes (la ha mishpat – in how to be judgmental, on how to be discerning and discriminating such that you can make good decisions; from my – to ponder and ask questions about shaphat – being judgmental, making informed and rational decisions, resolving controversies, and being just) such that you are found innocent and are not punished (wa naqah – so that you are pardoned and forgiven, seen as clean and pure, purged of imperfections). I will not banish you nor leave 489you destitute (lo’ naqah ‘atah – I will see to it that you are never again forced to live elsewhere nor lack for anything).’ (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 30:11)

Since Yahowah has agreed not to talk directly to His people, per their request, He has chosen Yada to deliver these instructions. And as is God’s preference, they are in writing and freely offered at YadaYah.com.

This takes us to the preeminent event…

‘Behold (hineh – look up and pay especially close attention), a time is coming (yowmym bow’ – days are approaching),’ Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as directed by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence) reveals well in advance of it occurring (na’um), ‘when I will enter into and cut with (wa karat ‘eth – when I will establish through separation with a set-apart agreement on behalf of) the House of Yisra’el (Beyth Yisra’el – the Home of those who Engage and Endure with God) and with (wa ‘eth) the Family of Yahuwdah (Beyth Yahuwdah – the Household of those Beloved by Yah), a restored and renewed (chadash – a repaired and reaffirmed; from chadash – to renew and repair, to restore and reaffirm) Covenant (Beryth – Family-Oriented Relationship). (Yirma’yah 31:31)

It will differ somewhat from (lo’ ka – it won’t be exactly like) the Covenant (ha Beryth – the Family-Oriented Relationship Agreement) which, to reveal the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher – that provide directions showing the steps to walk which are correct and give meaning to those who are properly guided), I entered into (karat – I established by setting apart when I cut) with their fathers (‘eth ‘ab hem) on the day (ba yowm) I firmly took them by the hand and, with overwhelming intent, overpowered the situation (chazaq ‘any ba yad – I showed an intense resolve and was inflexible in My influence over them, even overpowering 490them due to the urgent need for them to prevail) to bring them out (la yatsa’ min – to draw them away from and then bring them close, descending and extending Myself to serve by removing them) of the realm of the Crucibles of Oppression (‘erets Mitsraym – the place of subjugation associated with religious coercion and political tyranny, the land of military domination and economic cruelty; from a compound of my – to question and the plural of tsar – troubling and adversarial situations).

Relationally, they broke (‘asher hem parar ‘eth – they sought to nullify that relationship by thwarting its intent and by disassociating from the correct path, thereby revoking the benefits of) My Covenant (beryth ‘any – My Family-Oriented Relationship Agreement) although we were married (wa ‘anoky ba’al ba hem),’ Yahowah (Yahowah) reveals through this prophet (na’um). (Yirma’yah 31:32)

‘For this reason (ky), this is (zo’th – specifically) the Covenant (ha beryth – the Family-Oriented Relationship Agreement) which, to enjoy the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), I will cut (karat – I will create through separation, making and establishing) with (‘eth – on behalf of) the House of Yisra’el (Beyth Yisra’el – the Home of those who Engage and Endure with God) after that and then without hesitation (‘achar ha hem – at a later period and in a different time, in the last days),’ prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah): ‘I will provide, placing (nathan – I will give and ascribe, producing, offering, and bestowing) towrah ‘any | My guidance (‘eth towrah ‘any – that which is associated with My teaching, instructions, and directions) within them (ba qereb hem – inside of them, such that it is part of their inner person, part of their thought process, affecting their conscience, and animating their lives).

And integrated into their ability to make decisions (wa ‘al leb hem – and upon their inclinations and 491disposition, their character and thinking, their hearts and minds), I will write it (kathab hy’ – I will inscribe and engrave it). I will be (wa hayah – I will exist as) their God (la hem la ‘elohym – drawing near them and approaching them as a Ram shepherding His sheep). And they shall be My Family (wa hem hayah la ‘any la ‘am – and they will always exist near Me as My People). (Yirma’yah 31:33)

No longer will anyone impart information or teach (wa lo’ lamad ‘owd) individuals in association with an errant and outspoken world (‘ysh ‘eth rea’ huw’ – their companions, friends, and countrymen) or (wa) other individuals according to brotherly kinship (‘ysh ‘eth ‘ach huw’) so as to say (la ‘amar – approaching to declare), “Choose of your own accord to know Yahowah (yada’ Yahowah – decide to recognize and acknowledge Yah, and show some desire to become familiar with and understand Yahowah)!” because (ky – truthfully and by contrast, at this time) everyone will know Me (kol hem yada’ eth ‘any – all of them, without exception, will actually be aware of and genuinely acknowledge Me), from the youngest (la min qatan hem) and up to the enduring witness of most important and oldest (wa ‘ad gadowl hem),’ prophetically reveals (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah). (Yirma’yah / Yah Lifts Up / Jeremiah 31:34)

That is the plan. It will not change. So, now that you know what is going to happen, with whom, when, and why it will occur, I trust you will be among the celebrants. Please consider this your invitation…

You should choose to go (halak – of your own volition, you should walk and explore, being willingly led) because we want to return to (wa shuwb ‘el – since it is our desire to turn around and change, choosing to restore and reestablish our relationship with) Yahowah (Yahowah – the Almighty’s proper designation pronounced as instructed by His towrah | guidance on His hayah | 492existence and His role in our shalowm | reconciliation as our ‘elowah | God).

For He has torn us away for a time (ky huw’ taraph – expelled us, chased us away, and banished us) so that He can heal us for all time (wa rapha ‘anachnuw – so He can promote restoration, cure our diseased and injured state, thoroughly mend and completely repair us, making us whole). He has stricken us (nakah – He has smitten and afflicted us, thrusting us aside), but He will wrap Himself around us (wa chabash ‘anachnuw – He will bandage us, wrapping clothing around us, binding us to Him and encourage us, speaking words which hearten and enliven our attitudes). (Howsha’ / He Provides / Hosea 6:1)

It is your life and your choice because a relationship with Yahowah is subject to freewill. It cannot be imposed upon you, which means that, if you want to be with God, you will have to get up and get going. Specifically, to enjoy the benefits of the Covenant, Yahowah’s people must return to Him. They have been busily halak-ing but going in the wrong direction. That is why they have been estranged and must change to come home.

We should also be aware that Yisra’el and Yahuwdah are not being invited into the home of Adonai, HaShem, or G-d. Likewise, the Lord, Jesus, Christ, the Rasuli, and the Rabbi al-Lahi/ha/hu are nowhere to be found. There is no mention of Akiba or Maimonides, Peter or Paul, no Muhammad, and no hint of a Talmud, New Testament, or Quran. This journey is through words. It travels back in time to the formation of the Beryth and conveyance of the Towrah and forward through the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey and revelations of the Naby’.

The Chosen People are being called to halak | walk with Yahowah and to shuwb | return to the Covenant. As a vinedresser would do in a vineyard, the diseased and rotten tendrils will be pruned so that the vines can be restored to 493health. It is time for healing, for restoration, and for reconciliation. Having thrust Yisra’el aside for recalcitrant and cantankerous behavior, Yahowah stands ready to wrap His arms around His returning children. He will clothe those He exposed long ago. The divorce will end; the relationship will be restored. Love and fellowship will replace anguish and infidelity.

Yahowah’s remedy for the consequence of religion, His means of restoring His relationship with those who abandoned Him, is Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym. Shabuw’ah follows for the Covenant Family comprised of Yahuwdym and Gowym. And then, for those who missed these fulfillments, the final opportunities are Taruw’ah and Kipurym for the final remnant upon Dowd’s return so that we can all enjoy Sukah. In each case, the first two Miqra’ey result in the third.

Through two days (min yowmym), He will choose to revive and sustain our lives (chayah ‘anachnuw – He will, in accordance with His will, facilitate the preservation of our lives so that, once saved by Him, we can continue to live). On the third day (ba ha yowm ha shalyshy), He will establish our restoration, encouraging and raising us so that we can stand up and endure (quwm ‘anachnuw – He will make it possible for us to rise, be exalted, and confirmed, restored and supported, our purpose fulfilled).

Then, we will live (wa chayah – we will be restored to life, our lives saved, sustained, and preserved forevermore) in His presence (la paneh huw’ – approaching Him at His appearance). (Howsha’ / He Saves / Hosea 6:2)

There are two perspectives from which to interpret the timing of this prophecy. The most direct is to realize that what would transpire over two days would lead to living in Yahowah’s presence on the third day. Considering that the subject is the revival and preservation of human life, leading to a time when we are established and restored such 494that we can stand and live in Yahowah’s presence – there is an obvious answer. Our lives are extended during Pesach and restored during Matsah so that on Bikuwrym, we become part of Yahowah’s Covenant family – living forevermore in His home. Those availing themselves of this generous and beneficial opportunity are not only adopted on Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children, we are escorted into Shamaym | the Spiritual Realms on Shabuw’ah | the Promise of the Shabat and of Seven. These Mow’ed Miqra’ey were and will be fulfilled in April of 33 and May of 2026 – years 4000 and 5993 Yah.

Somewhat similarly, the message of Taruw’ah is that Dowd is returning on Kipurym to reconcile the relationship between Yahowah and Yisra’el so that we can all camp out together on Sukah. These two days leading to the third will play out in September and October 2033, during the 1st, 10th, and 15th day of the seventh month in year 6000 Yah.

And yet, there is another way to appreciate the merit of these three days. Two thousand years transpired from year 2000 Yah when the Covenant was confirmed by ‘Abraham and Yitschaq on Mount Mowryah to year 4000 Yah (two symbolic days) when its benefits were provided with Dowd’s fulfillment of Chag Matsah, enabling us to participate in and benefit from the Beryth.

Under this scenario, the third day is Kipurym in year 6000 Yah. While Passover and UnYeasted Bread leading to Bikuwrym remain an essential part of the way home, and to living with God, nary one in a million Jews has capitalized on His offer. And all of this, the entire purpose of Howsha’, indeed all of Yirma’yah, Yasha’yah, and Zakaryah, too, is to make Yahowah’s people aware of their opportunity to reconcile their relationship on or before the Day of Reconciliations. Everything is pointing to this moment when Yahowah returns for His Family. It is at this moment that the renewal of the Covenant addressed in Yirma’yah 30 and 31, will occur. This is when, following 495the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, a remnant of Yisra’el will be restored.

These fortunate few will think and say…

We want to know (wa da’ah – we desire information so that we are aware, we want to be perceptive, discriminating, and discerning). We choose to invest considerable time and effort to pursue (radaph – we want to persistently engage, consistently chasing and following after) Yada Yahowah | knowing Yahowah (yada’ Yahowah – being aware of and understanding Yahowah).

This stage of His journey (mowtsa’ huw’ – His coming forth and appearance; from mah – to enquire about yatsa’ – the coming forth for the exodus, departure, withdrawal, and deliverance) is as sure as sunrise (ka shachar kuwn – is as decided upon, appointed, and established, proven, and arranged as is the sun rising in the east at dawn). He will come (bow’ – He will return, arriving (qal imperfect)) for us (la ‘anachnuw) like the showers (ka ha geshem) of spring rains as they enable the gathering of the harvest (ka malqowsh) by refreshing and renewing those of the Land who accept the source of teaching and guidance which is on display (yarah ‘erets – by making the Land receptive to the towrah’s instructions and directions which are being made openly known; yarah is the verbal root of towrah). (Howsha’ / He Liberates / Hosea 6:3)

Ultimately, while in the throes of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, many Yahuwdym will finally be motivated to da’ah | know what God is offering and asking in return. Spoken using the genuineness of the qal stem, the consistency of the imperfect conjugation, and the volitional nature of the cohortative mood, Yisra’elites will want to be persistently perceptive and genuinely discriminating as they process the information God has provided for them to consider.

496Since the object of our pursuit is the vocabulary that leads to an understanding of God, I am reminded that our journey began with the commitment to go where His words led. And we have followed them to Yahowah, in full recognition that the path is rigorous and unpopular, consistently flowing against religious perceptions. But, in the end, those who invest the time and energy will come to Yada Yahowah! This is yet another endorsement.

With religion in general, then Judaism, rabbis, and the Talmud having led Yahuwdym astray for two to three millennia, a remnant of God’s people have been and will give evidence and reason a chance during the Last Days. However, even with the presentation of 20,000 pages of amplified translations, profound insights, and supporting commentary throughout Yada Yahowah, this will not come easily. There is no short version of the truth or dumbing it down for the apathetic. The pursuit of knowledge regarding the Almighty requires considerable effort, and that is by design. Eternity is forever, so there must be a filter to preclude the arrival of those who are opposed to work and who do not enjoy learning.

If I may return to the beginning to make a point regarding the ending, there is likely more to Chawah’s experience in the Garden of Eden than what we have been told. In fact, it is what we did not read which defines her story. We have nothing – no conversations, no explorations, no work, no learning, no engagement in the relationship or support of it. Told she could be like God and know it all without effort, she grasped at the opportunity, all while demonstrating her lack of understanding by misquoting God in the process.

Chawah was readily misled by the misappropriation and errant citation of Yahowah’s testimony – as is the case with all who are religious. She made herself susceptible to false promises – which obviously did not materialize. She was removed from the Garden and would labor to live – 497neither of which appealed to her. Then she lost her son to his murderous and lying brother – suffering unspeakable agony.

It is hard to imagine Chawah making such a poor decision within ‘Eden, so I suspect that there is a lesson here. Perhaps she was unengaged, lounging around all day plucking perfect grapes off a convenient vine. Perhaps she wanted everything done for her and had no interest in learning more about ‘Adam, Yahowah, the Garden, the universe beyond, or even herself. For such people, Heaven would be Hell.

So maybe there was nothing to say about Chawah’s life in the Garden because there was nothing to tell. Relationships are miserable unless the parties involved contribute. Such is the story of the Covenant between Yahowah and a recalcitrant Yisra’el. Gaining understanding and developing something of value are the products of diligent work. They are not spoon-fed on a silver platter. If you want them, pursue them. And remember, it is an open-book test – so you may want to open the book.

What Howsha’ recorded Yahowah saying next affirms one of the most controversial aspects of Yada Yahowah. I have set dates and expectations, knowing that the next stage of Yahowah’s journey is as sure as sunrise. God’s return is imminent. His relationship with His people will be reconciled and His towrah | guidance will be integrated into the lives of His children so that we all know, understand, live, and grow.

In this light, I am intrigued that mowtsa’, depicting the next stage of the journey, is based upon yatsa’ – the verb which describes the Exodus. Just as Yahowah withdrew His people from Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Religious and Political Oppression nearly 3,500 years ago, He is returning to deliver a remnant of His people from the 498religious and political threat of Babylon – and, in particular, Judaism, Islam, and Progressive politics.

Further, with kuwn, we know that God’s arrival is certain. It has been decided, appointed, and established. As surely as the sun rises in the east, Yahowah will return with His beloved Son on Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah. It will lead to the dawning of a new day, the opportunity to return to the Garden.

There will be a marvelous harvest of reconciled Yahuwdym on Taruw’ah, occurring on Friday at sunset, September 23rd, 2033, as a dying planet is poised to be bathed in life-giving rains. Beginning ten days thereafter, beginning on Kipurym, the Earth will be restored to the conditions experienced in Gan ‘Eden, yarah | refreshed, replete with the ultimate source of guidance and teaching on display. We know this because yarah is the verb Yahowah selected to describe the purpose of His Towrah. Beyond renewing, it is the source from which God’s teaching, instruction, guidance, and directions flow.

The rain that Howsha’ is predicting was explained in Yow’el / Joel. As this statement suggests, it will come in two waves – one to redeem and the other to reconcile. And yet, there is more to learn about this day when Yisra’el will finally seek to know Yahowah than just that restoring showers will fall upon the Land in anticipation of the final harvest. So let’s reconsider it now in this context…

The word (dabar) of Yahowah (Yahowah), to show the path to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), came to exist (hayah) for (‘el) Yow’el | Yahowah is God (Yow’el), son (ben) of Pathuw’el | Open to God (Pathuw’el). (Yow’el / Joel 1:1)

Choose of your own volition to listen to this (shama’ zo’th), leaders of the community – especially those who are mature (ha zaqen). Hear it and respond of your own accord (wa ‘azan), everyone living in and inhabiting (kol 499yashab) the Land and Earth (ha ‘erets). Has such as this happened (ha hayah zo’th) in your days (ba yowm ‘atem) or (wa) even (‘im) in the time of your fathers (ba yowm ‘ab ‘atem)? (Yow’el 1:2)

Regarding its approach (‘al hy’ la), recount it accurately (saphar) to your children (ben ‘atem). Then let your children tell their children (wa ben ‘atem la ben hem), and their children (wa ben hem) to the last generation, so they do not get left behind (la dowr ‘achar). (Yow’el 1:3)

Awaken and choose to take action (qyts), you who are intoxicated (shikowr). Weep and wail (wa bakah wa yalal), all who drink (kol shatah) in association with new and sweet wine (yayn ‘al ‘asys). For indeed (ky), it is cut off and severed (karath) from (min) your mouth, and thus your speech (peh ‘atem), (Yow’el 1:5) because (ky) a large group from a non-Yisra’elite nation (gowy) has come up against (‘alah ‘al) My Land (‘erets ‘any), a potent force of a great multitude (‘atsuwm), so numerous as to be uncountable (‘ayn misphar).

It has sharpened teeth (shen huw’), the piercing incisors of a destructive beast (shen ‘aryeh), and it has the fangs (matalaowth la huw’) of a violent animal with a loud roar (laby’). (Yow’el 1:6)

My vines (gephen ‘any) will be set up (sym) for appalling desolation (la shamah). And My fig tree (wa ta’enah ‘any) will become a splintered stump, snapped off and cut down (qatsapah), stripped bare, exposed and condemned (chasaph chasaph hy’), rejected and hurled away (wa shalak), its branches (saryg hy’) bleached and whitewashed (laban). (Yow’el 1:7)

Even the sacrificial offerings which bestow a share (ky minchah), and the drink offerings which anoint (nesek), will be withheld (mana’) from the Family of your God (min beyth ‘elohym ‘atem). (Yow’el 1:13)

500Consecrate (qadash) a fast (tsowm). Announce (qara’) an assembly to meet (‘atsarah). Gather (‘asaph) the elders (zaqen) and all of the inhabitants (kol yashab) of the Land (ha ‘erets) to the Home and Family (beyth) of Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atem). Then cry out to and summon (wa za’aq ‘el) Yahowah (Yahowah). (Yow’el 1:14)

This is a notification (‘ahah) to those approaching this day (la ha yowm) because (ky) the Day (yowm) of Yahowah (Yahowah) is near (qarowb). A great force will be exerted (wa ka shod) upon (min) the arrival (bow’) of Shaday | the One Who is Satisfactory and Sufficient (Shaday). (Yow’el 1:15)

To You (‘el ‘atah), Yahowah (YaHoWaH), I call out (qara’). For indeed (ky), fire (‘esh) has devoured (‘akal) the dwelling places (nawah) where the word is questioned (midbar) and ablaze with flames (wa lehabah lahat) are all the trees (kol ‘ets) of the field (ha sadeh). (Yow’el 1:19)

Sound the Showphar (taqa’ showphar) in Tsyown and among the Signs Posted Along the Way (ba Tsyown), signaling future action, providing a warning, an explanation, and a shout of exaltation (ruwa’) on My Set-Apart mountain (ba har qodesh ‘any).

Be roused to anger (ragaz) all of you who live in the Land (kol yashab ha ‘erets) because the Day (ky yowm) of Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH) return (bow’) is near (qarowb). (Yow’el / Joel 2:1)

It will be a day of darkness during a time of ignorance and confusion (yowm chosek) when there is a reduction of light (wa ‘apelah), a day of obscuring phenomenon (yowm ‘anan), gloomy and miserable (wa ‘araphel), similar to (ka) the swarthy blackness (shachar) which is spread out (paras) upon the mountains (‘al ha har) with many people from a large 501and powerful army (‘am rab ‘atsuwm), the likes of which (kemow huw’) has not existed previously, even to the dawn of time (lo’ hayah min ha ‘owlam).

And after this (wa ‘achar huw’), it will never occur again (lo’ yasaph) throughout the years (‘ad shanah), generation unto generation (dowr wa dowr). (Yow’el 2:2)

As they approach (la paneh huw’), fire will consume them (‘akal ‘esh), and behind them (wa ‘achar huw’) a flame blazes (lahat lehabah) as the Land and Earth (ha ‘erets) come to resemble (ka) Gan ‘Eden | the Garden of Joy (Gan ‘Eden) before them (la paneh huw’). Behind them (wa ‘achar huw’) is a desolate and unpopulated wasteland clothed in horror (shemamah), and in addition (wa gam), there is no escape or deliverance for them (peletah lo’ hayah la huw’). (Yow’el 2:3)

There will be what could be compared to the appearance of (ka mar’eh) swift military transports and war planes (suws). This phenomenon could be perceived (mar’eh huw’) as being similar to armored personnel carriers and mobile calvary (wa ka parash), especially pertaining to the way they run and are driven in pursuit of their foes (ken ruwts). (Yow’el 2:4)

As with the loud roar and thunderous rumbling (ka qowl) of these wheeled military vehicles (merkabah) upon the summits of the mountains, their leaders seek the high ground (‘al ro’sh ha har) as they leap about, springing into the air (raqad) like the crackling of a flame (ka qowl lahab) of fire devouring (‘esh ‘akal) stubble (qash). Such is the nature of this multitude of people, this vast and severe throng of militants (ka ‘am ‘atsuwm) drawn up, aligned, and arranged (‘arak) for war (la milchamah). (Yow’el 2:5)

From their presence (min paneh huw’), the people (‘am) tremble and shake, writhing in anguish, 502terrorized and tormented (chayl). Every face (kol paneh) becomes flushed and pale (qabats pa’ruwr). (Yow’el 2:6)

Like warriors (ka gibowr), they charge ahead, quickly chasing their prey (ruwts). As men (ka ‘ysh) of war equipped with weapons (milchamah), they scale (‘alah) barriers, protective barricades, blockades, and walls (chomah). Each individual travels in his own route for the cause (wa ‘ysh ba derek huw’ halak). They do not renounce their pledge nor swerve (wa lo’ ‘abat) from their path or conduct (‘orach hem). (Yow’el 2:7)

Walking around with their weapons (halak wa ba’ad ha shelach), they attack (naphal) without relenting (lo’ batsa’). (Yow’el 2:8) They rush (shaqaq) into the city (ba ha ‘yr) from within the walls and barriers (ba ha chomah), running into the houses (ruwts ba ha beyth) by climbing through the windows (‘alah ba’ad ha chalown), entering like thieves (bow’ ka ha ganab). (Yow’el 2:9)

The earth will quake before them (la paneh huw’ ragaz). The heavens will be shaken (ra’ash shamaym). The sun and the moon (shemesh wa yareach) will grow dark (qadar) and the stars (wa kokab), their brightness (nogah hem) will be taken away (‘asaph). (Yow’el 2:10)

We know that 3,000 Muslim mujahideen were so savage that they cut Israel to its knees on 10.07.23. So, it’s hard to imagine the havoc that 100 to 1,000 times this number will cause, but that is exactly what Yahowah is telling Israel will occur. These are Muslims, and their intent is genocide.

Yahowah alone can save you from them. Listen to Him and respond and then you will be among the beneficiaries.

Yahowah (Yahowah) offers (nathan) His voice (qowl huw’) before the presence (la paneh) of His especially capable and powerful force (chyl huw’). Indeed (ky), exceedingly great (rab me’od) and capable (‘atsuwm) is His temporary dwelling place which is now in close 503proximity (machaneh huw’). The one who engages and acts upon (‘asah) His Word (dabar huw’) is indeed (ky) valuable and important (gadowl). The Day (yowm) of Yahowah will be exceedingly awesome (yare’ me’od) for whoever (wa my) is lifted up and carried away by Him (nasa’ huw’). (Yow’el 2:11)

Yahowah is calling His people home. Should you want to join His Covenant Family, know that the path is through His testimony, which is navigated by thinking.

‘Yet even now (wa gam ‘atah),’ prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), ‘Choose to return (shuwb) all the way to Me, enduring forever based upon My testimony (‘ad ‘any), by using your best judgment (ba kol lebab ‘atem).’ (Yow’el 2:12)

Religious dress-up is part of the problem, not a solution. So please, no black suits, no kippahs, no headscarves, or religious apparel. Be receptive, listen, and think…

So, your hearts and minds are invited and called (wa qara’lebab ‘atah), but not your garments (wa ‘al beged). Return to (shuwb ‘el) Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atem). For indeed (ky), He (huw’) is compassionate (chanuwn) and merciful (rachuwm), long-suffering, patient, and slow to anger (‘arek ‘aph), abounding in steadfast and loyal love (wa rab chesed). He will provide reassurance and encouragement (nacham) during this malevolent and miserable ordeal (‘al ha ra’ah). (Yow’el 2:13)

Over the centuries, man has been malevolent, with none worse than Muslims led by Muhammad and beguiled by his Quran. But let’s never forget how horribly Christians have treated Jews.

While God has said it, I don’t want you to miss the gift He is offering. To endure with Yahowah and receive the 504blessings of the relationship, we must all, Jews especially, change our attitudes and then think our way to Him.

Who knows (my yada’) who will change his thinking and return so that he can be restored (shuwb) and be reassured and encouraged after reconsidering (wa nacham)? He will survive, enduring as a remnant (sha’ar), in the end (‘achar). He will be a blessing (huw’ barakah), a gift (minchah) set before (nasak la) Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atem). (Yow’el 2:14)

To a significant extent, Yada Yahowah is today’s Showphar, one drawing Yisra’el’s attention to the Signs Posted Along the Way. Throughout the many pages, Yahowah’s Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet are introduced and explained so you can capitalize upon them.

Sound the Showphar (taqa’ showphar) in Tsyown among the Signs Posted Along the Way (ba Tsyown). Consecrate (qadash) a fast (tsowm). Announce (qara’)) an assembly to meet (‘atsarah). (Yow’el / Joel 2:15)

Should you be reading this before it occurs, the next Harvest will be reaped on the Mow’ed | Assembly to Meet of Shabuw’ah | Seven Sevens and the Promise of the Shabat. This will transpire seven years in advance of the fulfillment of Taruw’ah, Kipurym, and Sukah in year 6000 Yah / 2033 CE. The Time of Israel’s Troubles will play out between them. While I’ve shared them previously, since they are vital to your survival, these Miqra’ey will be celebrated on schedule:

Shabuw’ah – Harvest of Standing Grain, representing the Covenant Family, occurring on a Shabat commencing May 22, 2026. Announced by the Shophar and the publication of Yada Yahowah. Those who avail themselves of this Invitation not only avoid being caught up in the Time of Israel’s Troubles, they are tremendously valued by Yahowah since they will all have chosen Him based upon 505the prophetic testimony He made available to us long ago and they will have made their choice before other options were eliminated. This will be the largest of the harvests and it will include Yahuwdym and gowym – represented by the two loaves.

Taruw’ah – Olive Harvest, representing a remnant of Yisra’el, some 70,000 Yahuwdym, occurring on a Shabat commencing September 23, 2033. Announced by a solar eclipse, the Shophar, and Yada Yahowah. The two Witnesses, Yada and ‘ElYah, will be in Yaruwshalaim calling God’s people home for 3½ years prior to this Homecoming. The intent is to keep the returning flock out of harm’s way because the last ten days of mankind’s dominion over the Earth will be Hell.

Kipurym – Day of Reconciliations, the Final Gleaning of 7,000 Yahuwdym, beginning at sunset in Yaruwshalaim, 6:22 PM, October 2nd, 2033. Prepared by ‘ElYah and announced by Yahowah’s return with His beloved Son, Dowd. At this time, the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant will be anointed by the Messiah as the Beryth | Covenant is restored. This is the final opportunity because judgment will commence while Father and Son celebrate the Family Reunion and restore the Earth to ‘Eden.

Sukah – Those who have capitalized upon what Yahowah is offering will Camp Out with Father and Son for 1,000 years beginning on the Shabat of October 7th, 2033. Announced by Dowd and heralded by the specter of a lunar eclipse. Thereafter, with all of God’s children becoming seven-dimensional, we will be witnesses to the creation of a new universe to explore and enjoy forevermore.

Therefore, Yahowah said…

Gather the family for a harvest (‘asaph ‘am). Set the community apart (qadash qahal). Collect those more mature (qabats). Assemble the children (‘asaph ‘owlal), 506including the infants who are nursing (yowneq sad). The bridegroom should be brought out (yatsa’ chathan) of his room (cheder huw’) and the bride from her bridal chamber (wa kalah min chupah hy’). (Yow’el 2:16)

For the purpose of understanding and making connections, between (bayn) the portico and colonnade (‘eylam) and up to the approach to the altar (wa la ha mizbeach), the priests (ha kohen) and those who serve (shrath) Yahowah (Yahowah) will cry out (bakah), pleading (wa ‘amar), ‘Please choose to show compassion upon and spare (chuws ‘al) Your people (‘am ‘atah), Yahowah (YaHoWaH).

And do not allow (wa ‘al nathan) Your property which was offered as an inheritance (nachalah ‘atah) to become a contemptible and dishonored object of scorn which is jeopardized (cherphah), simply a slogan to determine who controls it among (mashal ba hem) the foreign people and nations (gowym). Why should they constantly ask (la mah ‘amar) among the people (ba ‘am), “Where is (‘ayah) their God (‘elohym hem)?”’ (Yow’el 2:17)

For the past 3,500 years, it’s Jews who have posed this question, while failing to admit that they are to blame. They were exceptionally rude and cantankerous toward Yahowah during the entirety of the Exodus. They begged God never to speak to them again and then they stopped listening to those He had chosen to speak through. And for most Jews, nothing has changed. Even during the Holocaust, Jews blamed G-d for not saving them, when it was they who had abandoned Him to deal with the religious, political, militaristic, and conspiratorial alone.

Muslims, Christians, and Progressives have long coveted Israel, even renaming it Palestine. But the Promised Land was Yahowah’s gift to His people and He will reclaim and return it. So, those who protest otherwise 507can take their “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

Then (wa) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will be envious and zealous, having His passions aroused (qana’) for His Land (la ‘erets huw’) and show mercy for and spare (chamal ‘al) His people (‘am huw’). (Yow’el 2:18)

Unfortunately, by this time, there won’t be many left – not His fault, but theirs. Therefore, to reach the receptive before it is too late, in this next pronouncement we learn that Yahowah is providing the answer, offering what is rightfully associated with “the expansive growth related to the harvest of grain, the freshly pressed and renewing wine recently harvested and prepared from the vineyard to be an heir, and the glistening and brilliant oil of pressed olives so that you will be satisfied with the fulfillment.” I will explain in a moment.

Yahowah (Yahowah) provided the answer by responding (‘anah), and He said to the people of His family (wa ‘amar la ‘am huw’), ‘Please pay attention (hineh), I am reaching out to you by sending you (shalach la ‘atem) that which is associated with the expansive growth related to the harvest of grain (‘eth ha dagan), the freshly pressed and renewing wine recently harvested and prepared from the vineyard to be an heir (wa ha thyrowsh), and the glistening and brilliant oil from pressed olives (wa ha ytsahar) so that you will be satisfied with the fulfillment (saba’) of this (‘eth huw’).

And I will no longer allow (wa lo’ nathan) you to ever again be (‘eth ‘atem ‘owd) taunted and insulted (cherphah) among the foreigners and nations (ba ha gowym). (Yow’el 2:19)

Wheat and barley are synonymous with harvested souls. Like grapes becoming wine and olives producing oil, grains must be separated from the rest of the plant and then crushed to make bread. ‘Abyb, which starts the countdown 508to the seven Mow’ed Miqra’ey, based upon barley being green and growing, and wheat is symbolic of the mature and more valuable standing grain which is harvested on Shabuw’ah. It is a satisfying result being prepared and produced by our God.

While on the subject of dagan | grain, in Dabarym / Words 8:8, chittah | wheat (to project maturity) was listed first and, thus, considered the most valuable product of the Land before sa’orah | barley (tempestuous circular reasoning), gephen | tendrils of grapes (a bent vine), ta’enah | figs (opportune time to approach), rimown | pomegranates (to be lifted up), zayith shemen | olives and their oil (shining and growing), and dabash | honey (the word). This prioritization gives special meaning to the upcoming harvest…

You should act to capitalize upon (‘asah – you should do what is required by expending the considerable effort needed to accomplish the purpose) the Feast (wa chag – the celebration) of Shabuw’ah | the Promise of the Shabat (Shabuw’ah – the Oath of Weeks and Seven Sevens) for you all to approach (la ‘atah) as a Bikuwrym | FirstFruits’ (Bikuwrym – for Firstborn Children) Qatsyr | Harvest (Qatsyr – Ingathering and Reaping when time is short and the circumstances are vexing) of Chitym | Wheats (Chitym – of mature and valued grains known for projecting themselves, standing up prominently), and as a Chag | Celebration (wa Chag – Feast) of the ‘Asyph | Ingathering (‘Asyph – gathering of the harvest, collected, assembled together, brought up, withdrawn, and removed) at the turning point at the end (taquwphah – completely encompassing by coming round full circle in the fixed order, course, trajectory, and cycle of things in the completeness of time) to change (shanah – to be different than that which has been repetitive over the years). (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 34:22)

509Now that we better understand the nature of the Shabuw’ah Harvest, when it will occur, and who will benefit as the grain is gathered and removed, in Yow’el 2:19, thyrowsh is defined as a current pressing of grapes recently harvested from the vineyard. It offers all of the flavors of fresh wine, with just enough fermentation to eliminate pathogens, making it safe, even if the water in the region has been tainted. The vineyard is along the ridgeline of Tsyown on Mowryah, between Dowd’s home and that of Yahowah and the Covenant Family. And it is, therefore, Dowd, who served as the Pesach ‘Ayil | Passover Lamb who is represented by thyrowsh | heir and through whom we receive our inheritance. And it is the Messiah and Son of God who is not only the answer, but who is being resent for our benefit.

The ytsahar | glistening oil is the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit. She is returning to facilitate the three Harvests, none of which would be possible without Her. She represents Yahowah’s feminine and maternal attributes and is associated with olive oil for many reasons. These include the realization that it is the principal ingredient in anointing, and that it provided the purest, cleanest, and most brilliant light at the time this was revealed. Olive trees are the longest-lived and most firmly rooted in Israel, producing the most valuable fruit, which is why the final two Witnesses are compared to branches of an olive tree. And the two most relevant of these, especially at this time, are Dowd, who as the tsemach | branch is the main branch of the Tree of Lives, and the Choter, who is a smaller, secondary shoot from this branch. Yada is the Choter. The Spirit’s role in preparing him for this mission is detailed throughout the 11th chapter of Yasha’yah | Deliverance is from Yah | Isaiah.

The best news of all is that by working together on behalf of Yahowah and His people, we prevail, providing a satisfying fulfillment of these prophecies. So, as a direct 510result, Yahuwdym will return to Yah, and as they do, Yahowah will respond…

I will avoid any association with and remove (rachaq) the invading militants whose objectives are concealed along with their use of stealth (wa ‘eth ha tsaphowny) from within and over you (min ‘al ‘atem). Then I will drive him and banish him (wa nadach huw’) into a realm (‘el ‘erets) which is parched (tsyah) and lifeless and deserted desolation (wa shamamah).

With his appearance facing toward (‘eth paneh) the Sea (ha yam) from the east (ha qadmony), he will meet his demise at the conclusion of his journey (wa sowph huw’) at the Sea (‘el ha yam) in the end (‘acharown). And his stench (wa ba’osh huw’) will rise up (‘alah) and his putrid smell (wa tsachanah huw’) will ascend (‘alah) because (ky) he has acted (la ‘asah) boastfully (gadal). (Yow’el 2:20)

Such will be the end of Islamic militarism. All the Muslims in the world are no match for Yahowah. He will do what the IDF could not. We are now free to walk about and enjoy the planet.

Fear not and do not be awed (‘al yare’) land of ‘Adam (‘adamah). Be glad (gyl) and show a positive attitude (wa samach) because (ky) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has done and will continue to do (la ‘asah) that which enables our growth (gadal). (Yow’el 2:21)

In Bare’syth / Genesis we find that animals were integrated into the ‘Eden experience such that ‘Adam was able to interact and communicate with them. Come Sukah in year 6000 Yah, less than ten years from this writing, we will be able to do the same. The Earth will all be restored to the conditions enjoyed in ‘Eden.

Do not be distressed or concerned (‘al yare’) animals of the open environs (bahemah saday) because (ky) the beautiful pastures and lovely dwelling places 511(naweh) of the barren wastelands (midbar) will be verdant and growing (dasha’). Surely (ky) the tree (‘esh) will lift up and bear (nasa’) its fruit (pery huw’). The fig tree (ta’enah) and the vine (wa gephen) give (nathan) their vigor and strength (chayal hem). (Yow’el 2:22)

Rejoice over these favorable circumstances (gyl) Children of Zionists (beny Tsyown). Demonstrate a positive attitude (wa samach) with (ba) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), for (ky) He has provided for you (nathan la ‘atem) that which is associated with the autumn rains through a teacher who communicates what you need to know about the towrah to live (mowreh) so that you can be right and thus vindicated (la tsadaqah).

He has brought down (yarad) for you (la ‘atem) an abundant shower (gesem) of guidance and instruction, pouring out what you should be contemplating regarding the towrah’s teaching and directions, communicating as a teacher what you need to know (mowreh) about being gleaned and growing thereafter (malqowsh) as was intended in the beginning, returning to where it all began (ba ha ri’shown). (Yow’el 2:23)

The threshing floors (ha goren) will be filled (male’) with pure grain, symbolic of the most radiant children (bar). And fresh, new wine, sweeter with less fermentation (thyrowsh), will overflow (suwq) the presses and vats (yeqeb) along with olive oil (wa ytshar). (Yow’el 2:24)

I will reconcile and restore by fulfilling My promises (wa shalem) on your behalf (la ‘atem) the years (‘eth ha shanah) which (‘asher) suddenly disappeared (ha ‘arbeh) and were devoured (‘akal)…. (Yow’el 2:25) Then you shall be nourished (wa ‘akal ‘akal). And you shall be overwhelmingly satisfied (saba’), radiating a clear and brilliant light while cheering (halal) the name 512(‘eth shem) of Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atem), who, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), has acted and will engage (‘asah) marvelously (pala’) with you (‘im ‘atem). So never again will My People be humiliated or disrespected (wa lo’ bowsh ‘am ‘any la ‘owlam). (Yow’el 2:26)

It will be as I have shared because this is what Yahowah has promised. And all of this will play out during the decade between 10.07.23 and 10.07.33. Are you ready?

When Yahowah speaks of being with Yisra’el, He is identifying with the best of His people, beginning with ‘Abraham and Sarah, Yitschaq and Ribqah, Ya’aqob and Leah, and then on to the likes of Moseh, Yahowsha’, Kaleb, Shamuw’el, Dowd, Yow’el, ‘ElYah, Yasha’yah, Yirma’yah, Zakaryah, and Mal’aky. And His Family now includes the children of the Covenant who were led home by Yada Yahowah. These are God’s people.

And you will know (wa yada’) that I am in the midst (ky qereb ‘any) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el). I am (wa ‘any) Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), and there is no other (wa ‘ayn ‘owd). My Family (wa ‘any) will never be disapproved or experience distress (lo’ bowsh) again throughout the remainder of time (la ‘owlam). (Yow’el 2:27)

This is occurring now, in advance of the Shabuw’ah Harvest. And it will occur again beginning on the 1st of ‘Abyb at the midpoint of the Time of Israel’s Troubles as Yada heralds the return of Yisra’el. And then, like now, there will be a chorus of voices calling Yahuwdym out of Babylon and back to Yahowah. To participate, we must listen to our God and then share His testimony.

And (wa) it will literally come to pass at that very moment (hayah) during the last days (‘achar), therefore (ken), I will pour out (shaphak) My Spirit (‘eth ruwach ‘any) upon (‘al) all (kol) who hear and proclaim the 513message (basar) and they will be inspired by the Spirit (wa naba’ ruwach). Your sons (ben ‘atem) and your daughters (wa bath ‘atem) as well as your elderly (wa zaqen ‘atem) will have their thoughts guided by Divine revelations and be empowered as a result (chalam chalowm). Your young will become capable (bachuwr ‘atem) by choosing to continually witness, observing and considering (ra’ah) these communications from God (chizayown). (Yow’el Joel 2:28)

And also (wa gam) upon (‘al) those who work (ha ‘ebed) and upon (wa ‘al) those engaged in service to the family (shaphchah) in those days (ba ha yowm ha hem), I will bestow (shaphak) My Spirit (‘eth ruwach ‘any). (Yow’el 2:29)

As the world collapses all around Israel, there will be a revival in the Promised Land with the Chosen People. Open and declutter your mind, focus your eyes on the Towrah and Prophets as they are presented and explained throughout Yada Yahowah, listen to God, and then respond. Let’s sing His Son’s Songs.

This year is unique in that there will be signs in the sky with a total solar eclipse on the 1st of ‘Abyb, March 31st, 2033, demarking the first day of the 120th Yowbel year 6000 Yah. Two weeks later, as we celebrate Passover the evening of the 13th and UnYeasted Bread on the 14th of April, 2033, there will be a total lunar eclipse visible in Israel. Then on the first day of the seventh month, heralding the Yowm Taruw’ah Harvest, there will be a second solar eclipse on Friday, September 23rd, 2033. The fourth eclipse will be lunar and occur 15 days later on the Shabat of October 7th to acknowledge the celebration of Sukah.

We are not told when Yow’el | Yahowah is God was inspired to memorialize these profound prophecies regarding our time. The most logical conclusion is that he 514was in the final succession and, thus, immediately before Zakaryah and Mal’aky. Through him, God said…

Then (wa) I will provide (nathan) signs (mowpheth) in the heavens (ba ha shamaym) and on the Earth (ba ha ‘erets): blood (dam) and fire (wa ‘ets), along with columns of smoke (wa tymarah). (Yow’el 2:30) The sun (ha shemesh) will become weaker and unreliable (haphak) and thus darker by being obscured (la choshek). And the moon (wa ha yareach) will be bloody red (dam) before the vitally important and awe-inspiring day (la yowm ha gadowl wa ha yare’) of Yahowah’s appearance (paneh Yahowah) arrives (bow’). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God 2:31)

Beyond the four eclipses, these additional atmospheric occlusions are possible: nuclear war, supervolcano eruptions, an asteroid strike, a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, or catastrophic fires driven by excessive winds, global warming, and drought – even a massive solar storm or supernova explosion targeting our planet.

Fortunately, Yahowah is offering an all-expense-paid trip out of harm’s way…

And it shall come to pass at that moment in time (wa hayah) that all who, to receive the benefits of the relationship (kol ‘asher), call out to meet (qara’) in the name (ba shem) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will be spared and delivered, protected from danger and saved from harm (malat). Indeed (ky), with the Mountain of the Signs Posted Along the Way (ba har Tsyown), and in Jerusalem (ba ha Yaruwshalaim), there will be (hayah) deliverance for a remnant (paleytah), just as (ka ‘asher) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has promised (‘amar).

And among the survivors within this remnant (wa ba ha saryd) will be those benefiting from the relationship whom (‘asher) Yahowah (Yahowah) has invited and welcomed (qara’). (Yow’el 2:32)

515I strongly encourage you to be among them.

Look and notice (hineh), because, indeed (ky), in those days (ba ha yowmym ha hem), and during this particular time (wa ha ba ‘eth ha hy’), when, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), I return to restore (shuwb) the fortunes, freedom, and property (shebuwt) of Yahuwdah (Yahuwdah) and Yaruwshalaim (Yaruwshalaim). (Yow’el / Joel 3:1)

Then (wa) I will collect and assemble (qabats) all of the gentile nations (kol ha gowym) and bring them down (wa yarad hem) to the Valley (‘emeq) of Yahowshaphat | Yahowah Judges (Yahowshaphat). And I will enter into judgment against them (wa shaphat ‘im hem) there (sham) on behalf of My people (‘al ‘am ‘any) and My inheritance (wa nachalah ‘any), Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with God (Yisra’el).

They have scattered and dispersed them (pazar) among the gentile nations (ba ha gowym) and My Land (wa ‘erets ‘any), they have divided and apportioned (chalaq). (Yow’el 3:2)

With few exceptions, world leaders, the media, and academia oppose Israel and advocate appeasing Muslims by rewarding the terrorists with a state carved out of their land. For doing so, there will be a price to pay.

And the children of Yahuwdah | Jews (wa ben Yahuwdah) and the children of Yaruwshalaim | Jerusalem (wa ben Yaruwshalaim), you have betrayed, exchanging them (makar) for the descendants of that which is Grecian (la ben ha Yawany) for the express purpose (la ma’an) of removing them (rachaq hem) from their own territory and bounds (min ‘al gebuwl hem). (Yow’el 3:6)

There is only one place on Earth where a military is necessary and beneficial due to the proximity, quantity, and insanity of the nation’s foes and vicious neighbors. 516Although for it to prevail, the generals must be replaced by more responsible leaders.

Read and recite this (qara’ zo’th) against the foreigners (ba ha gowym). Be set apart and prepared (qadash) to engage in battle (milchamah). Alert and arouse (‘uwr) the most valiant, accomplished leaders and battle-hardened fighters (gibowr). Approach and rise up (nagash ‘alah) every man who is able and equipped to fight (kol ‘ysh ha milchamah). (Yow’el 3:9)

Beat (katat) your plowshares (‘eth ‘atem) into swords (la chereb) and your pruning hooks (wa mazmerah ‘atem) into lances (la romach). Let the weak and disabled (chalash) say (‘amar), ‘I am a capable fighter and honorable defender (gibowr ‘any).’ (Yow’el 3:10) Provide assistance without hesitation (‘uwsh). Then come (wa bow’) all of you foreign invaders (kol ha gowym) from all around (min sabyb). Assemble there (qabats sham). Yahowah (YaHoWaH), bring down (nachath) your most prominent warrior (gibowr ‘atah). (Yow’el 3:11)

The foreigners (gowym) will be aroused, stirring themselves up (‘uwr) going off (‘alah) to the Valley (‘emeq) of Yahowshaphat | Yahowah’s Judgment (Yahowshaphat). There (sham), I will enter into judgment against them (wa shaphat ‘im hem). There (sham), I will sit (yashab) to judge (shaphat) all of the foreigners (‘eth kol ha gowym) from all over (min sabyb). (Yow’el 3:12)

Extend (shalach) the reaping sickle (magal) because (ky) the harvest (qatsyr) is ripe (bashal). Return and be included (bow’) to demonstrate your dominion (radah) because the winepress (gath) is full (male’). The vats (ha yeqeb) have reached their ideal capacity (shuwq) because the consequence of them being wrong is great 517and there are so many of them who are immoral and miserable (ky rab ra’ah hem). (Yow’el 3:13)

Vast multitudes of uproarious and confused people making an intolerable racket (hamown hamown) are in (ba) the deep depression (‘emeq) of judgment, condemnation, and punishment (charuwts). For indeed (ky), the Day (yowm) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) is approaching (qarowb) in (ba) the Valley (‘emeq) of the verdict determining the sentence for those whose guilt is being assessed (charuwts). (Yow’el 3:14)

Yahowah (Yahowah) roars (sha’ag) from (min) Tsyown | the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown). He offers His voice (wa nathan qowl huw’) from (min) Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation (Yaruwshalaim). The atmosphere trembles and shakes (wa ra’ash shamaym) along with the Earth (wa ‘erets), while (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah) provides protection and shelter (machseh) for His family (la ‘am huw’) along with (wa) a safe situation (ma’owz) for the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el). (Yow’el 3:16)

Therefore (wa), you should know (yada’) that (ky), I am (‘any) Yahowah (YaHoWaH). Your God (‘elohym ‘atem) lives; He resides and remains (shakan) in Tsyown (ba Tsyown) – My Set-Apart Mountain (har qodesh ‘any). Then also (wa) Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Teaching and Guidance on Reconciliation (Yaruwshalaim) will be (hayah) set apart and special (qodesh). Unauthorized and illegitimate strangers (zar) will never pass through it again (lo’ ‘abar ba hy’ ‘owd). (Yow’el / Yahowah is God 3:17)

This is the day which Yahowah has been addressing. It will be like no other. For the surviving remnant of Yisra’el, God’s blessings will be showered upon them. But for foreigners, should they be Christians, Muslims, 518Progressives, or Communists, their weapons of war will be turned to mush, destroyed while their souls are either exterminated or separated.

Yahowah has prepared His provision for reconciliation even though it has been a long time coming from a human perspective. Nearly 2,600 years would pass between inspiring these words and being able to hold His children in His arms. This grieves God. When we return to Howsha’ and read what led to this, what follows is like a father anguishing over his wayward children.

What shall I do (mah ‘asah – how can I engage) with you (la ‘atah), ‘Ephraym (‘Ephraym – Worthless Carbon)? What shall I do (mah ‘asah – how can I engage (qal imperfect)) with you (la ‘atah – for you and to draw near you), Yahuwdah (Yahuwdah – Beloved of Yah)?

For your loyalty, affection for the relationship, and devotion (wa chesed ‘atem – your goodness, faithfulness, and desire) are like a morning cloud (ka ‘anan boqer – similar to a degenerative fog of vapor or a reflection upon billowing smoke before the sunrise) and like the dew (wa ka ha tal – similar to the evening mist) which passes away early (shakem halak). (Howsha’ / He Saves / Hosea 6:4)

Yahowah is exceptionally bright, so when He asks a question without providing the answer, there isn’t a good one. He had tried personal encounters and talking through prophets, encouraging them and chiding them, rewarding His children and correcting them. Nothing worked. Their devotion to the relationship had the lifespan of a fruit fly.

Chesed is used twenty-six times in the 136th Mizmowr / Psalm to demonstrate that Yahowah’s love and mercy are eternal and that His faithfulness and kindness serve as the foundation for His actions. Since we were made in His image, these are the characteristics that once exemplified our nature. They were as deep and enduring as the dew on a hot day.

519And so while Yada Yahowah may not be the cup of matzo ball soup Yahuwdym would have preferred for God to have dished up, it is considerably more nourishing than what they have been swallowing. Unfortunately for them, there was no one among the Chosen People willing to listen to God and respond on behalf of His people. Nonetheless, our collaboration has been extensive and enlightening, providing the world with many thousands of unique insights, many profound, some essential.

And while this is what we have accomplished together, it comes after a long intermission…

Therefore (ken – to be honest and truthful, doing what is just, right, and correct), I have hewn out that which is engraved (chatseb – I have carved out the letters using an implement to quarry (qal perfect)) through the prophets (ba ha naby’).

I will strike them with deadly intent (harag hem – I will for a time seek their demise (qal perfect)) by the words of My mouth (ba ‘emer peh ‘any – with the declarations and promises I have spoken).

My decision regarding you (wa mishpat ‘atah – My judgment pertaining to you) is to withdraw the light (‘owr yatsa’ – is to take away and remove the enlightenment (qal imperfect)). (Howsha’ / He Liberates / Hosea 6:5)

Yahowah withdrew His ‘owr | light from Yisra’el at the time of Howsha’s writing (770 to 720 BCE), and He removed the source of further enlightenment from Yahuwdah after Mal’aky | Malachi in 447 BCE. There was no one else willing to listen, no one to serve as a prophet, no one to share the Light. And even if Yahowah had intervened to speak directly to His wayward people, they would have turned a deaf ear. As proof, Yahowah allowed His Son to fulfill Pesach, and Yahuwdym not only rejected him, they adapted their religion to negate his gift of life.

520If you are a Jew and reading this, it should make you angry with your people and cry out in sympathy for what they have caused Yahowah and Dowd to endure by not only rejecting their gift, but by denying its very existence.

By contrast (ky – it is certainly true that instead), I genuinely desire and actually want to experience (chaphets – I delight and take pleasure in, I have a fondness and affection for (qal perfect)) loyalty, a sense of devotion toward the relationship, and love (wa chesed ‘atem – faithfulness and favoritism, affection and desire, lovingkindness and solidarity) rather than sacrifice (wa lo’ zebach – butchered animals or slaughtered donations) in addition to an understanding (wa da’ath – the thoughtful acquisition of information, systematic procurement of knowledge leading to comprehension through perception and discernment) of God (‘elohym) instead of injustice and lifting up perverse offerings (min ‘olah – rather than promoting unrighteousness and uplifting evil). (Howsha’ / He Delivers / Hosea 6:6)

The sacrifice has been made, so it is insulting to believe we can contribute toward it as if Dowd’s role was insufficient. As a result, there are very few things God wants from us. The first is that we come to know and understand who He is, what He is offering, and what He expects in return. He wants us to invest the time to thoughtfully process the information He has provided. By doing so, we will come to appreciate the nature of the Beryth and perceive how its benefits are enabled through the Miqra’ey. Then He would like us to respond intelligently and remain steadfast thereafter while we share what we have learned with others. These are simple, baseline requests considering that we owe our lives and the existence of the universe to Him. They are even more fundamental when compared to all He has done for us.

You will notice that He is not asking us to sacrifice anything or offer something other than access to our minds 521and hearts. He is not soliciting religious conversion, faith, or donations but, instead, a willingness to think and respond appropriately.

By eschewing sacrifices and offerings, Yahowah is not eliminating His Miqra’ey. With them, the menu is provided for our consumption and nourishment. In the volumes devoted to the Miqra’ey, Qatsyr, and Mow’ed we learned that the meals are prepared for the family. Only that which is inedible is symbolically sent off to God by way of burning the remainder. These are not bribes to elicit favorable weather, bountiful crops, or victory over an enemy – not to mention, it is a little too late for that.

This next statement brings me to tears…

But they, like ‘Adam (wa hem ka ‘Adam – so they, in a manner consistent with the first man created in God’s image with a functioning neshamah | conscience), were displeased and transgressed, passing by and improperly disregarding (‘abar – arrogantly departing from by seeking to repeal, thereby being separated and alienated by being self-reliant and meddling in opposition to the agreement between parties pursuant to) the Covenant (Beryth – the familial relationship agreement).

Behold (sham – see how), they have been unfaithful and betrayed Me (bagad ba ‘any – they have acted deceitfully, cheating on the relationship with Me, immorally, treacherously, and offensively committing religious infidelity against Me, even to the point of wearing deceptive clothing). (Howsha’ / He Protects / Hosea 6:7)

Yisra’el’s rebellion against Yahowah is being compared to ‘Adam ‘abar | transgressing the Beryth | Covenant in Gan ‘Eden. Therefore, based upon this pronouncement, we must conclude that, even though it was not specifically mentioned, Yahowah established a relationship with ‘Adam which was structured to simulate the Covenant He cut 2,000 years later with ‘Abraham. As 522such, the Garden was God’s Home on Earth and ‘Adam was perceived to be His son. Further, since Beryth was specifically cited, their Covenant was replete with conditions and benefits – all of which would have been similar to what we witnessed being explained as we progressed through Bare’syth | Genesis.

Therefore, ‘Adam was not mindlessly reacting to Chawah’s decision. He ‘abar | was at cross purposes with God, became uncomfortable with their relationship, perhaps somehow overwhelmed by their arrangement, and then tried to alter the conditions of their agreement.

We know these things because the terms of the Beryth are well established and there are many ways to render ‘abar – some wonderful and others objectionable. They all need to be considered since ‘abar’s primary definition, which is “to pass over,” does not apply in this context. ‘Adam was booted out the door at the time, not welcomed through the Pesach | Passover door the Messiah opened to extend our lives.

Spelled the same way up to the addition of the hand of God, ‘Ibery means “Hebrew” – the people and language of revelation. The name is derived from ‘eber, which speaks of being beyond the ordinary and on the other side of the divide. ‘Adam would experience both sides.

When the letters (reading right to left), , are pronounced ‘abar, it is typically rendered “to cross through, to pass over, and to travel around,” although it is frequently rendered as “transgress, seek to repeal, or to rid.” However, we must be mindful that ‘abar is also used throughout the Towrah, Mashal, and Mizmowr by the likes of Moseh and Dowd to speak of “being angry, having strong feelings of displeasure, being intensely averse and then acting improperly by arrogantly meddling in an agreement between two parties.” Should these connotations apply to this especially derogatory use of 523‘abar, then we have been afforded a unique insight into the mindset which developed in the Garden between ‘Adam and Yahowah as well as the attitude which may have led to Judaism replacing the Covenant.

Let’s keep in mind that this is the very reason Yahowah gave Chawah to ‘Adam. He was given the opportunity to choose her over Him, both of them, or neither of them. And based on his response to Chawah’s offer, he selected her apart from and instead of Yahowah. Therefore, they would have to make a home for themselves, to fend for themselves. As we have learned, it did not go well. They were as bad at being Covenant participants as they were at being parents. These things can be related.

This now leaves us with the comparison between ‘Adam abandoning the Covenant for some or all of these reasons, and Yisra’el doing the same. From Yahowah’s perspective, they didn’t just abandon Him, they betrayed Him. Their choice of religion over relationship was offensive to God. He did His part, and they failed to honor their commitments, making them deceitful cheaters. And when we combine the worst of ‘abar with the best of begad, it is apparent that Yisra’el became egotistical and self-reliant. As they moved away from God, they became averse to Him. Holding a grudge, they began to meddle with the Covenant, changing things away from their intent into something more befitting the religion they adored. Their love for Yahowah grew cold, vanished altogether, and then became betrayal.

Gilead | their testimony stinks (Gil’ad – a pile of rubbish used as a defiant witness; from gal – a mound of rubble heaped up as turbulent waves of gala’ – hostile and defiant, gel – filthy feces as an ‘ed – witnesses) this place (qiryah – is a community) of plotting and promoting (pa’al – devising and planning) a litany of false words, idolatrous worship, and corruptions (‘aown / ‘awon – wickedness and immorality; a place of iniquity, perversion, 524and deceit), tracked with insidiously deceitful and bloody footprints (‘aqob min dam – with a visual trail of cunning and bloodshed). Acting like raiders and robbers (wa ka geduwd – similar to a marauding, murdering, and thieving gang of bandits, even terrorists who harass for plunder), the priests (kohenym) band together in illicit religiosity (cheber – form an alliance to promote their authority and enchant the gullible with their spells), waiting in ambush (chakah) for an individual (‘iysh).

Along the way (derek) to Shekem | Back (Shekem – the first to rise to shoulder the burden), they are murderous (ratsah – they inflict mortal agony, bone-shattering pain, and commit premeditated murder). Indeed (ky), they are villainous in perpetrating that which is shameful (zimah ‘asah – they engage in decadence and religious idolatry). (Howsha’ 6:8-9)

Yahowah is reaffirming that His issue with Yisra’el is Judaism. Religious leaders continue to plot against the people with their litany of false words and corrupt religious worship – or should we say whore-ship. God is calling these clerics a thieving gang of robbers whose bloody footprints remain incriminating. They have robbed millions of Jews of their most valuable commodity – their souls. It is shameful.

By referencing Gilead | their testimony stinks, Yahowah is holding His nose as He points in the direction of the Babylonian Talmud. He is predicting that it will be gil’ad | a pile of crap used as defiant testimony. The rabbis have become a witness against themselves. Theirs is ‘aown | a litany of corrupt religious ideas and false claims.

Yirma’yah / Jeremiah uses Gil’ad to emphasize that man’s remedies are incapable of healing a diseased soul…

Is there no medicinal balm (ha tsory ‘ayn) in Gil’ad | the Pile of Disgusting Witnesses (ba Gil’ad)? Is it possible that there is no healing there (‘im rapha’ ‘ayn 525sham)? What is the reason then (maduwa’) that the restoration (‘arukah) of the women among My people (bath ‘am ‘any) has not occurred and been celebrated (lo’ ‘alah)? (Yirma’yah / Jeremiah 8:22)

Then speaking of the false prescriptions the religious are offering, Yahowah asks another question…

You, virginal women (bethuwlah bath) of this terrible religious oppression (mitsraym), choose to ascend (‘alah) to Gil’ad | the Heap of Filthy Witnesses (ba Gil’ad) and then decide to accept (wa laqach) the balm (tsory). It is in vain, as if pleading with worthless gods and false witnesses (la ha shawa’) that you have tried innumerable rabbinic (rabah) treatments, cures, and remedies (raphuwa’ah). There has been no restoration, not even a conduit to a cure, or a means to ascend (ta’alah ‘ayn), for you (la ‘ath). (Yirma’yah 46:11)

With these insights gleaned, Howsha’s 6th chapter concludes with a final indictment…

In the House (ba beyth – within the home) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el – those who Struggle with and Contend against God), I have seen (ra’ah – I have witnessed) something horrible (sha’aruwrah – that which is shocking, defiling, and dreadful, well beyond the scope of reason). ‘Ephraym’s (la ‘Ephraym – Worthless Ash) religious prostitution and immoral whoredom are there (sham zanuwth – infidelity and harlotry where affection is feigned for money is renown). Those who Contend with God (Yisra’el – those who struggle against the Almighty) become defiled, polluted, and unfit (tame’ – improper and unclean). (Howsha’ / He Delivers / Hosea 6:10)

However (gam – nonetheless), for you (la ‘atah), Yahuwdah | the Beloved of Yah (Yahuwdah – those who are related to Yah), a harvest (qatsyr – time for reaping and ingathering) is appointed (shyth – set in place, constituted, and fixed in time) during which (ba) it will be 526Me who will restore the fortunes (shuwb ‘any shabuwth) of My people (‘am ‘any). (Howsha’ 6:11)

This is a particularly bold pronouncement. ‘Ephraym has been horrible, acting like a religious whore. Having been contentious against God, they are now unfit to be seen in His presence. And they have sickened Yisra’el.

And yet, Yahowah has promised that there will be a harvest. The time is appointed when the reaping of God’s people will occur. Yahuwdym | the Beloved of Yah will be the principal beneficiaries, with those of us working with Yahowah calling them home to restore their relationship.

And as we know, the timing of the fulfillment of these three harvests was set long ago. These days include Shabuw’ah in year 5997 Yah (May 22, 2026) and Taruw’ah and Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah (September 23rd and October 2nd, 2033).

And while that is how this story transitions from the world of man to the realm of God for Yahuwdym, there must also be hope for Yisra’el because the Day of Reconciliations is always plural. In addition to reuniting Yahowah with Yahuwdah, Yisra’el will be brought back into the fold. And for that to occur, the religious whore dwelling in so many of them will have to be exorcised.

For this reason, Yahowah has asked us to speak out and address His people so that they reconsider and reject their political and religious beliefs…

Choose to change your thinking and relent, and you will be comforted and consoled (nacham nacham – by electing to reconsider, altering your opinions regarding what is true, you will find relief from sorrows and distress and will be encouraged (piel imperative – your choices will cause you to experience this result)), My people (‘am ‘any – My family [speaking of Yahuwdah and Yisra’el]), promises your God (‘amar ‘elohym ‘atem – declares your Almighty One). (Yasha’yah / / Yah Saves / Isaiah 40:1)

527Speak (dabar – desire to communicate) from the heart, exercising good judgment (‘al leb – with the proper intent, motivation, and thoughtfulness), unto Yaruwshalaim (Yaruwshalaim – the Source from which Teaching and Guidance regarding Reconciliation Flow).

Make an announcement to her, summoning her by reciting to her (qara’ ‘el hy’ – call out an invitation to her, proclaiming this by reading to her), that, indeed (ky – surely), her battles (tsaba’ hy’ – her time of enduring the presence of armies and her military campaigns) will be finished and completed (male’ – fulfilled and satisfied and, thus, will have ended and be over).

The consequence of her missing the way (‘awon – her propensity to be wrong by perverting and twisting the truth) will be pardoned through restitution, causing her to be accepted, regaining favor (ratsah – she will be reconciled because this will be resolved by making amends, compensation will have been paid, leading her to being in agreement, the relationship restored) because she will have obtained (laqach – she has grasped) from the hand (min yad) of Yahowah (Yahowah) a double portion (kephel) for all of her (ba kol) errant and mistaken religious ways (chata’ – offensive and perverted propositions). (Yasha’yah / Yah Liberates / Isaiah 40:2)

Since this transformation is just beginning and still ongoing, and the battles continue, Yasha’yah was addressing God’s Family – Yahuwdah and Yisra’el – at a future time when the people are no longer religious, and the nation’s final foe has been foiled. So, the fullness of this prophecy will coincide with the fall Miqra’ey in 2033.

Yisra’el has most assuredly not changed her collective mindset toward Yahowah, and the people have not been comforted. Her struggles continue, with waves of agony and degradation crashing down upon them. Jews suffered unimaginable torment at the hands of Rome right after 528Dowd’s fulfillment of Chag Matsah in 33 CE. More recently, she was forced to fight for her survival as Europeans engaged in ethnic cleansing, a.k.a. genocide, during the last world war – a double portion, indeed. She fought for her independence in 1948 and then for her very existence in 1967 and 1973. The abuse from Muslims has been ongoing, with unrelenting terror perpetrated against Jews. And the gates of hell were reopened on 10.07.23.

Further, there are enormous battles that remain for Yisra’el and Yahuwdym, including an all-Islamic assault one hundred times more destructive than the last. And that assault will trigger world war. Therefore, we can conclude with absolute confidence based upon Yasha’yah 40:2 that what follows in Yasha’yah 40:3 was not fulfilled 2,000 years ago as Christians, desperate for validation, claim. It, therefore, did not apply to the imaginary “Jesus” or “Baptist.” It was not written to predict someone taking a bath in the Yarden | Jordan.

The facts do not change just because billions of Christians falsely believe that their Bible is the inerrant word of God. For the increasing number who identify with “Jews for Jesus,” find affinity with Messianics, or promote the mythos associated with “Yeshua,” the context does not allow this to be projected back to the Christian myth and misnomer. Get over it and get with the prophetic program. God is addressing a Witness whose Voice will announce His arrival in 2033 and, therefore, identifying someone speaking for Him today because He wants His people to listen and come home...

A Voice (qowl) calls out, inviting and summoning (qara’ – reads and recites, calling out and welcoming, proclaiming by name), ‘In the wilderness where the word is questioned (ba ha midbar – in a desolate world and sparsely inhabited land providing little or no sustenance), turn around and choose to change direction so that you are prepared to face (panah – alter your approach and 529perspective so that you are ready to look at) the Way (derek – the path and conduct) of Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name of our ‘elowah – God guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation).

And through the dark, noxious, and confusing realm of the Arabs of Arabah (wa ba ha ‘arabah – and within the unenlightened and unassociated desert-steppe of Arabia, through the nocturnal swarms of irritating pests, and within the gloomy fabric of commingling irrationally woven, to return to where the Towrah was revealed [the wa is from 1QIsa]), you should be right, choosing to make a correct and straightforward assessment for (yatsar – choose to be direct, reliable, and steadfast, standing upright without wavering, demonstrating the integrity to present an accurate and trustworthy) a raised highway, an elevated walkway and thoroughfare (masilah – an uplifting and upright path to show the way to ascend; from ma – to ponder the implications of salal – being lifted up, esteemed, and valued), to approach our God (la ‘elohy ‘anachnuw – to move toward and draw near our Almighty One).’ (Yasha’yah / Yah Saves / Isaiah 40:3)

At this time, as we approach the fulfillment of the final four Miqra’ey and Yahowah’s return with His Son, Dowd, Yada is the lone individual doing as this prophecy portends – and he is speaking boldly and as specified. In the fulness of qara’, he is “reading and reciting” Yahowah’s testimony in a spiritually lifeless and lightless world where few people know what comprises the Word of God, and fewer still, what those words actually mean. So, by accurately presenting and credibly explaining His testimony, he is summoning Yisra’el and Yahuwdym back into the Beryth relationship by way of Yahowah’s Invitations to be Called Out and Meet. For the first time in millennia, God’s people are changing their belligerent and ignorant attitudes and are prepared to turn around and face the proper path home.

530Twenty-two years ago, and again this past year, Yada was asked to confront Yisra’el’s most debilitating and deadly foe – Islam. And as a result, he has compiled the most comprehensive and irrefutable attack on Satan’s diabolical religion ever attempted. Having now cleared the path from Choreb along the eastern shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, through Petra in the Great Rift Valley, and to Yaruwshalaim, God’s people can return to the Towrah without having to walk through the infected religious swamp. The dark and demented, noxious and confusing nature of Arabian Islam has been exposed and condemned, such that Yisra’elites can be free of this foe as they become right with God. As was the case with me a score of years ago, I had to learn who God was not before I could properly perceive who He actually is.

With religion and politics swept aside, with the words properly translated and explained, there are no longer any impediments on the thoroughfare which has been provided to approach Yahowah.

Since it is an essential aspect of appreciating the specificity of God’s assessment of what was future history 2,700 years ago, you should know that ‘Arabah is the name of a place, not the word for “wilderness” as it is commonly and errantly translated. Specifically, ‘Arabah depicts a region bordered in the north by the Sea of Galilee, in the west by the opposite bank of the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, and the Great Rift Valley, in the south by the Red Sea, and in the east extending into the desert plateau of Arabia. This is explained in Joshua 12:1 and in 2 Samuel 17:16, while also mentioned in Psalm 68:5.

‘Arabah, a feminine noun, denotes “a pledge regarding women” which, for those who have read to this point in God Damn Religion, takes us back to the first of the two Pledges of Aqaba in ‘Arabah at the outset of the Islamic Era. The first pledge was for pagan Arabs to protect Muhammad as they would their women. It led to the 531second, which defines Islam as a Pledge to Wage War Against All Mankind.

As the feminine of ‘arab, the root speaks of a “noxious swarm of irritating lice, gnats, and flies. This infestation was not only one of the ten plagues inflicted upon Pharaoh Thutmose the Great, it was prophetic of what is to come when Muslim mujahideen next swarm into Israel.

‘Arab also describes the ethnicity of the pests who were suitably ignorant, irrational, immoral, vicious, and greedy to have accepted and promulgated Islam. It is the culture of the Fakestinians. As Arabia and Arabic, ‘arab is indicative of the land of the religion’s birth and ascension as well as the language in which its Quran was recited.

As such, ‘arab is defined as “foreigners of a religious, ethnic, and cultural group disassociated from Jews and without rights in Israel.” These same letters (Ayin-Rosh-Beyth), when vocalized as ‘ereb, speak of “a fabric whose threads have been woven together in a pattern which is not logically sustainable.” ‘Ereb addresses “a time very late in the day, near the setting of the sun and ensuing darkness.” It is a “time of sadness and hopelessness in a discouraged state of gloom.”

Not surprisingly, ‘arab and babel are related and speak of “commingling and intermixing good and bad, resulting in social and religious disorder where others join in and become similarly confused.”

As a verb, to ‘arab is “to make a pledge regarding a bargain, trading one thing for the promise of another at a future date.” This is “slaughter now; babes later” in Islam. To ‘arab is “to be eager to submit to an individual’s commands and adhere to their religious beliefs, coming to their aid as part of the bargain.” It is Islam. And therefore, the Voice calling out to turn Yisra’el back to Yahowah, knows a thing or two about those who would prefer to exterminate them instead.

532In the decade between 10.07.23 and 10.07.33, what is hellish will become heavenly. This will occur in the days between Yowm Kipurym and Sukah in year 6000 Yah…

Every depressed place (kol gay’) shall be raised (nasa’ – will be elevated) and each (wa kol) lofty place of illicit worship (har wa giba’ah) shall be brought down (shaphel – will be leveled).

And it shall come to be (wa hayah – it will come to pass) that the insidiously deceitful and deceptive nature of that which is not on the level (‘aqob – that which is undulating, slippery, and misconstrued, and tends to cause people to teeter, fall away, and go astray) shall be clear-cut and flattened out (la mishowr – will be smooth, devoid of potholes, becoming upright and straightforward) – the uneven terrain of obstructionist conspiracies which make the way impassable (ha rekes – the binding tethers of enticing collusions which impede progress, these harmful schemes, even the bumpy ground of intrigue, the snares and plots which hamper and obstruct the way, blocking the path) shall be burst open (biqa’ah – will be shredded). (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 40:4)

No matter how one translates and interprets these words, this has not yet occurred. Therefore, it could not pertain to the misnomer Jesus circa 33 CE. We should expect these miraculous events to transpire commensurate with the reestablishment of Dowd’s kingdom.

On Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations, October 2nd, 2033 at sunset, guess who is coming to celebrate the Miqra’…

Then (wa), the glorious presence (kabowd – the manifestation of power, the splendor and status, the persona and honorable nature, the abundance, value, and rewarding gift) of Yahowah (Yahowah) will be revealed, becoming openly known (galah – will be exposed, disclosed, and recognized). And (wa) the good news will 533be that every living creature (kol basar – all flesh will be gladdened, with every man either announcing or receiving the favorable report) will see Him (ra’ah – will view, observe, inspect, and understand Him) all together at the same time (yahdaw – in unity with Yah, all in one accord, now more like Yah, exactly at the same moment).

This is true and reliable because (ky) the mouth (peh) of Yahowah (Yahowah) has spoken it (dabar – has said it). (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Saves / Isaiah 40:5)

Despite the fact that Christians throughout the ages have been bamboozled into believing that the prophecy presented in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 40:3 pertained to the arrival of their “Jesus Christ,” it undeniably and irrefutably declares that Yahowah’s glorious presence shall be revealed and openly known. This did not occur 2,000 years ago but will transpire less than a decade from now.

If you are a Jew reading this and do not care what 2.5 billion Christians have been led to believe, I’d encourage you to reconsider. They have misappropriated your prophecies regarding your God, your people, and His return for you with His Son and Messiah. It is vital that you reclaim what they have stolen so that you are among those gathered in Yaruwshalaim to celebrate His arrival. Along the way, if you don’t already know them, I strongly suggest you learn the name of the Son of God and your Messiah.

A Voice urges (qowl ‘amar), ‘Read and recite, choosing to call out and welcome (qara’ – of your own freewill issue an invitation and a summons, announce a proclamation, read aloud and designate by name and title).’

So, I inquired (wa ‘amar ‘any – and then I [Yasha’yah] said [‘any is from 1QIsa]), ‘What should I read and recite (mah qara’ – who should I invite to be called out, who should I welcome)?’

At this point, he cited one of Dowd’s most beautifully formed lyrics and insights, prophet citing prophet…

534‘All of the good news to every living being because flesh (kol ha basar – every aspect of this message to every inhabitant of the earth because a physical body) is an abode akin to grass (chasyr – dwells like hay, dried and brown, needing water to live and grow, ultimately serving as food for other animals). And (wa) their entire benefit (kol chesed huw’ – their appearance and usefulness, even all of their embarrassing and shameful behavior) is like (ka – can be compared to) the flowery nature of an engraved plaque on a shining memorial (tsyts – an ornamental trophy with a beautifully written inscription or dedication memorializing some achievement) of the field in the open and broad way (sadeh – of the way which is spread out far and wide). (Yasha’yah 40:6)

The abode likened to grass (chasyr) withers (yabesh – shrivels, dries up, and is gone). The flowery aspect of the engraved plaque on a shining memorial with its written inscription (tsyts) loses its vitality and fades because it is disdained as foolish (nabel – wears out and decays, and is seen as stupid, senseless and contemptible) when the Spirit (ky ruwach) of Yahowah (Yahowah) blows away the forgettable and forgotten (nashab ba huw’ – forcefully stirs among the unmemorable, driving them away such that they are no longer recalled).

Insightfully and unexpectedly (‘aken – truthfully, and as a means to reveal causation), the people (ha ‘am – the families, followers, and nations) are an abode akin to grass (chasyr – a dwelling like hay, needing water to live and grow). (Yasha’yah 40:7)

The abode of grass (chasyr) withers and shrivels up (yabesh – dries up and is gone). The flowery written inscriptions on memorial plaques at gravesites (tsyts – the engraved and shining ornamental trophies memorializing prior achievements) are disdained as foolish as they fade away (nabel – loses its sheen and wears out, degrading and decaying because it is seen as 535senseless and contemptible), but the Word (wa dabar) of our God (‘elohy ‘anachnuw) stands (quwm – is established and confirmed) forever (la ‘owlam – forevermore).’ (Yasha’yah / Yah Saves / Isaiah 40:8)

Appreciating this beautiful and artful portrayal of the fragile and limited extent of human life is essential to our wellbeing. Yahowah is offering us a perfect and eternal extension of this condition by elevating us from material to spiritual, from matter to energy. In this way, we come to better appreciate what God is offering and make the most of our time here and now so that we can capitalize.

It is also important that we know where God is returning and to whom. We should also consider who He is bringing along with Him and why. And in this regard, the Voice is also a Herald…

Upon the elevated and exalted mountain (‘al har gabah – toward the high and exalted mount), ascend (‘alah – go and climb up). Tsyown, the Signs Posted Along the Way (Tsyown – the written directions posted on the path), proclaims the good news as a herald (basar – brings the positive proclamation, publishing and announcing the glad tidings) for you to approach (la ‘atah).

Powerfully and with authority (ba ha koach – mightily with all of your capability and newfound potential, in your vigor and robust nature, even with your restored qualifications as they pertain to your function and purpose), choose to raise your Voice (ruwm qowl ‘atah – of your own volition lift up your vocalizations and verbal pronouncements (hifil imperative – the object is engaged by the subject such that they are continuously similar in their actions and inclinations)) as a Basar | Bringing the Good News as a Herald (basar – proclaiming this positive and uplifting report, publishing and announcing the glad tidings (piel participle – a verbal adjective which is demonstrative whereby the subject puts the object into 536action)) to Yaruwshalaim (Yaruwshalaim – Source from which Teaching and Guidance, Instruction and Direction regarding Reconciliation Flow).

Lift up on high (ruwm – of your own volition raise up to an even higher elevation, exalting, even increasing the importance of (hifil imperative)) and choose to proclaim (‘amar – of your own freewill, announcing and saying (qal imperative)), ‘Fear not, no longer be intimidated, anxious, or apprehensive (‘al yare’ – do not be frightened or afraid (qal imperfect jussive)) cities (‘iyr – the towns and populated places) of Yahuwdah (Yahuwdah – the Beloved of Yah, those who Relate to Yah and are Related to Yah). Behold, look up now and see (hineh – pay attention at this moment and notice that here is) your God (‘elohy ‘atem).’ (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Liberates / Isaiah 40:9)

Yahowah’s focus has always been upon Tsyown, Yaruwshalaim, Yahuwdah, and Yisra’el right up to and including the moment of His return. There is no hint of, indeed no room for, a church in Rome, a cathedral in Washington, London, or Paris, nor a mosque in Mecca (actually Petra, but that’s another story). God is returning to and for His people: Yahuwdym in Yaruwshalaim. Period. End of conversation. And in this regard, let it be known that while misguided and uninformed morons may advocate for the transfer of Jerusalem to the Muslims, when it occurs, their tenancy will be short-lived.

‘Behold (hineh – pay attention and notice, right here and right now), I (‘any), Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name of ‘elowah – God guided by His towrah – instructions regarding His hayah – existence and our shalowm – reconciliation), the Upright One (‘edown – the Upright Pillar of the Tabernacle), will arrive (bow’ – will come for the harvest, actually pursuing and including on an ongoing basis (qal imperfect)) with an intensely resolute and uncompromising, enabled and accomplished, courageous, unyielding, and empowered 537man steadfastly restoring, encouraging, and strengthening (ba chazaq – with a strong and passionate person who is mentally disciplined and a capable leader, who is ready to fight, one who is prepared and capable of repairing and defending, a man who embodies the right character, appropriate status, devotion, and vocal strength to guide with a firm hand, and who is basting the trumpet).

And then (wa), this Zarowa’ | Capable Arm and One Sowing the Seeds which take root and grow (zarowa’ huw’ – the prevailing and effective nature, the strength, resolve, and overall ability of this remarkably impactful guide among the flock, this ram who engages and fights to protect and direct his sheep, who with his strong arm is fruitful in His ways, accomplishing the mission, especially when sowing the seeds which advance the purpose of God and His sacrificial lamb) will vividly communicate by making enlightening comparisons (mashal – will explain the proverbs and parables while sharing the wisdom of the prophets, speaking in memorable ways by making intelligent connections, drawing pictures with words, providing a narrative on the Witness while also ridiculing that which deserves contempt and wisely exercising authority to govern) regarding approaching Him (la huw’ – concerning Him).

Pay attention (hineh – behold the details and be observant), with him (‘eth huw’) the compensation for this contribution (sakar huw’ – the appropriate response and justifiable return offered for these services and steadfast devotion, the repayment and wage due considering the effort) and (wa) his work and just due, indeed, the reward for him doing this (pe’ulah huw’ – the Authority has assigned a proper response and payment for what he has accomplished), is present and appears with him (la paneh huw’ – is pursuant to his presence, approaching him and facing him, in his very presence, appearing before him). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 40:10)

538Because there are several ways to render chazaq and then zarowa’ in this prophetic declaration, the person being addressed could be one of four individuals – Yahowah, Dowd, Moseh, and Yada. However, even though Yahowah’s arrival will be chazaq | heralded by the blast of a trumpet in harmony with the purpose of Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah, and He is arriving to chazaq | strengthen – I think He is speaking of being accompanied by another individual who is currently relevant. I say this in full recognition that Yahowah has been and can be chazaq | firm and resolute – but not on this occasion. When comparing the initial iteration of the Covenant, as it applied when rescuing the Children of Yisra’el from human oppression, to His renewal of the Beryth, upon His return, the distinction was that He was chazaq previously. Therefore, this time He is coming with open arms to embrace His Family and not with a firm hand to corral them. Therefore, chazaq applies to someone accompanying Him.

Since there are only three Zarowa’ – Moseh, Dowd, and Yada – we should be anticipating the one who demonstrates these qualities without being so obvious a consideration as to be named. For example, Dowd with his character, courage, and capability epitomizes chazaq | strength and he is the preeminent Zarowa’ as the Pesach ‘Ayil, but his role upon his return with Yahowah is more properly designated by more vaulted credentials. He is the King of Kings, the Messiah, the Son of God, our Savior and Shepherd. And when speaking of him, Yahowah names him. Also, at this time, Dowd will be acting not talking.

Moseh is, to my thinking, the very best among us – the finest example of humankind. And while I think that he will play a leading role in forevermore, I do not think that Yahowah would use chazaq, which speaks of a person who can be harsh at times, to describe him. And since God has not specifically told us that Moseh is returning with Him or 539even playing a significant role in the fulfillment of the final four Miqra’ey, we should look elsewhere. Moreover, Moseh’s name appears third most to Yahowah’s and Dowd’s, so we would normally expect Yahowah to use it when addressing the great liberator and prophet.

This leaves us with the little zarowa’, Yada, who is the Herald, Witness, and Voice addressed previously in this prophecy. While he is a come-lately and isn’t qualified to carry Moseh’s or Dowd’s sandals, he is near and dear to Yasha’yah because he is devoted to explaining his prophetic testimony to Yisra’el such that Yahuwdym capitalize on all he had to offer. Not only is Yada presented as the Voice, Choter, Witness, Nakar, Zarowa’, and Herald throughout Yasha’yah, but there is an entire chapter devoted to the seven ways Yahowah is enabling him for this specific mission – something we’ll consider momentarily.

These things considered, the one proclaiming Yahowah’s arrival with Dowd will be chazaq | empowered, passionate, and mentally tough, truly resolute and uncompromising. But also, God’s companion will exude chazaq | a powerful influence as a capable leader who is ready to fight. He is not only prepared, having done his homework, he will be capable of encouraging, repairing, and defending God’s people. Yahowah’s associate chazaq | embodies the character, courage, and authority, even the vocal strength, to guide Dowd’s flock in the proper direction. He is also adept at blowing the Shophar.

When it comes to mashal | painting pictures with words and leading God’s people, Dowd was rivaled only by Moseh. However, in favor of the Herald, he is the one tasked with mashal | vividly communicating how to approach God at this time. He has been empowered by the Seven Spirits of Yahowah to mashal | explain the proverbs and parables in addition to sharing the wisdom of the prophets. He will mashal | be speaking in memorable ways 540and be fond of making comparisons, which is how he learns. Inspired by his King, he will draw word pictures while providing a narrative on God’s testimony. He will also mashal | be ridiculing those who deserve contempt.

In favor of the mightiest of men, Dowd is mashal | a king, a strong leader, someone who wisely exercises authority while governing with words. Dowd exemplifies both aspects of mashal, from being the author of the Mashal to being God’s chosen King. The little zarowa’ is nothing more than his apprentice.

And speaking of the Zarowa’, it is an amazing title with several legitimate definitions, all of which could apply to this prophetic pronouncement. Zarowa’ is most applicable to Dowd as the Protective Shepherd and Sacrificial Lamb. But it is also used prophetically to speak of someone who is announcing his return, making this zarowa’ a capable arm serving to guide the flock by sowing the seeds that will take root and grow into God’s Family.

As we progress deeper into the prophecy, we find Yahowah asking His people to hineh | pay attention to sakar | the compensation associated with his contribution, noting that the appropriate response provides a just return. So while this could be Yah’s way of sharing that He intends to reward His Herald, I prefer to read it as saying that the return on his investment is the enrichment of God’s Family. But either way, Yahowah is pleased with his work, so much so that He has invited him to be present upon His return.

Therefore, in the context of vocally announcing the timing and place of Yahowah’s return, while preparing a previously unreceptive people for this extraordinary event, it is hard to discount the message voiced throughout Yada Yahowah. After all, if the intent were to ascribe these pronouncements to Dowd, he would have been named since it appears over 1,000 times when God wants us to appreciate what he had done for us.

541But there is more to it than this because, for the past 2,000 to 3,000 years, Yahuwdym have not just ignored Dowd’s role as our savior, with all prophetic evidence to the contrary, they deny that he fulfilled Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym. They also reject him as the Son of God, the Chosen One, their returning Messiah and King. And in all of that time, no one corrected them, explaining otherwise, until now. And that is worth acknowledging, even celebrating. Moreover, since Dowd is Yahowah’s beloved Son, nothing brings Him greater pleasure than affording him credit for all he has done. Therefore, the reason this Voice is important is based entirely upon who he is addressing and what he has to say about him.

Yahowah called Dowd to shepherd His flock and Dowd called Yahowah “my Shepherd.” God has strong and capable arms and He selected three Zarowa’, two profoundly important and the other as a Herald, to serve His people. So, determining who “he” is in this next statement necessitates knowing if Yahowah is addressing what transpires prior to and upon His return or if He is addressing one of our King’s roles throughout the eternity which follows. We know that, after the announcement has been made by the designated Voice, Yahowah will return with Dowd, so, it may be time to tend the flock. But are God and King gathering and shepherding the flock or are they delegating this responsibility to another Covenant member – especially at this time?

Like (ka) a shepherd (ra’ah), he will tend (ra’ah – care for the needs of, leading, feeding, and protecting) his flock (‘eder huw’ – those who need his assistance). He will gather (qabats – he will collect and obtain (piel imperfect)) the lambs (taleh – the young and vulnerable kids, the recent offspring of the adult lambs) in his strong and capable arms, shepherding, guiding, and protecting them (ba zarowa’ huw’ – with all the resolve and overall ability he can muster as an influential and 542impactful individual of action who, as a ram among sheep, is a leader and fighter, engaged within the flock as a shepherd protecting the sheep, fruitful in his ways, accomplishing the mission, especially when sowing the seeds which advance the purpose of the arm of God and His sacrificial lamb).

He will guide, leading (nahal – he will direct, sustain, and nurture, caring for and helping) those who are being nursed (‘uwl – the recently born and youngest sheep being suckled), lifting them up (nasa’ – raising and carrying them, honoring and respecting them) in his lap (ba cheq). (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Delivers / Isaiah 40:11)

As we enter the 1,000-year celebration of Sukah | Camping Out with God, there will be distinctions between individuals. Some number of thousands will be spiritual beings who have returned following the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests. The stars of this day will be the acclaimed remnant of Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym who were appropriately prepared for Yahowah’s return. And while now included within the Covenant Family, they will retain both physical and spiritual qualities throughout the prolonged Sukah Shabat. And since none of these individuals will have come to know Yah for more than ten days, they will be spiritual babes requiring nurturing.

Since Zarowa’ is such an essential element of this prophecy, let’s consider the introduction to what is among the most acclaimed prophecies. It speaks of someone to whom Yahowah has made this realization known. It acknowledges the existence of an individual who has uniquely ascertained and conveyed the identity of these zarowa’. Especially relevant, the sole reason that this man is mentioned at this moment is that by seeking to establish the point of the prophetic portrayal Yahowah was conveying through Yasha’yah, his analysis and insights were so uncommon that his identity became relevant 543because he was the first to identify Dowd as the Passover Lamb…

Who (my) has come to establish, verify, and prove (‘aman – has reliably, confidently, and dependably demonstrated as true) the point of Our message from far away (la shamuwa’ah ‘anachnuw – reporting the information and news from Yasha’yah and Yahowah, while in a different geographical area, and then announcing it to others)? And (wa) to whom (‘al my) have the Zarowa’ | Protective Shepherd, Sacrificial Lamb, and the one productively sowing the seeds which will take root and grow as the arm (zarowa’) of Yahowah (Yahowah) been revealed and made known (galah – been openly exposed through evidence and reason)? (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 53:1)

In this, Yada alone qualifies. The same is true with what follows. And both are important only because Yahowah wants you to listen to what he has to say about Him, His Son, the Covenant, the Invitations, and the timing. Reinforcing his identity, Shalomoh | Solomon, Dowd’s son, also reinforced this connection between this latter-day Witness and his recognition that Dowd served as the primary Zarowa’ | Protective Shepherd and Sacrificial Lamb. During the dedication of Yahowah’s Family Home, the preeminent event in the life of a united Yisra’el, while standing atop Mowryah with Ya’aqob’s descendants gathered before him, Shalomoh transitioned from addressing the promises Yahowah had made to his father, Dowd | David, to the Nakry | a discerning foreigner from a distant place and time speaking a different language, who, as a result of being observant, would come to understand. He advised future generations of the Children of Yisra’el how they should respond to the words this person would write on their behalf.

Therefore (wa gam), regarding the Nakry | Observant and Discerning Foreigner from a different 544ethnicity and geographic location, who will come to understand (ha nakry – someone from a different place and culture, speaking a different language, who, having paid attention, will comprehend; from nakar – to become acquainted, recognize, and acknowledge something which deserves the highest regard and respect by being attentive and astute), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), is not of your people (lo’ min ‘am ‘atah), this Yisra’el (Yisra’el huw’), he will come (wa bow’) from a faraway country in a distant time (min ‘erets rachowq) for the express purpose of being a Witness and providing answers regarding (lama’an) Your (‘atah) tremendous (ha gadowl) name (shem) and Your Hand (wa yad ‘atah) as the influential, empowered, and resolute defender (ha chazaq), and (wa) as one sowing the seeds which will take root and grow (zarowa’ huw’) whom You have extended (‘atah ha natah). When he arrives on the scene to pursue this (wa bow’), then (wa) he will help interested parties reconcile their relationship by providing the information needed to make a reasoned decision (palal) regarding the Family (‘el ha beyth ha zeh). (Dabarym ha Yowmym 6:32)

When you hear it out of the heavens, coming from the atmosphere, listen to what comes out of the spiritual realm by way of the sky (wa ‘atah shama’ min ha shamaym), within the location where you live (min makown yashab ‘atah), then engage and act accordingly, choosing of your own accord to do everything (wa ‘asah ka kol) which, to show the way (‘asher), the Nakry | Observant Foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location who understands, this man from a another place and culture, speaking a language other than Hebrew, who is uniquely discerning (ha nakry) has invited you to read (qara’ ‘el ‘atah), for the express purpose of being a Witness, who provides answers such that (lama’an) all peoples of the Earth (kol ‘am ha ‘erets) will have a genuine and ongoing opportunity to become 545familiar with Yada’, to know, acknowledge, accept, and understand (yada’) Your name (‘eth shem ‘atah), coming to respect and revere You (wa la yare’ ‘eth ‘atah) simultaneously along with (ka) Your people (‘am ‘atah), Yisra’el (Yisra’el).

And also, so that (wa la) they may know (yada’) that, truthfully (ky), Your Family and this House (‘al ha beyth ha zeh), which to reveal the correct path to walk to give life meaning that (‘asher) I have built for the Family (banah), are designated and called (qara’) by Your name (shem ‘atah).” (Dabarym ha Yowmym / Words of the Days / 2nd Chronicles 6:33)

This is something God wants His people to know and accept. And it is long past time that the world, especially Yisra’el, listens to what Yahowah has to say. And so God equipped an otherwise ordinary individual to speak on His behalf to facilitate the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests. This is how He made this possible for you…

A relatively insignificant stem (choter – a small shoot or secondary branch, a slender stick or twig, a tiny sprout or stem, a pliable wooden implement as a measure or standard, a secondary source of growth serving as a living entity delivering progeny, even a less-productive sucker who becomes an observant individual who is willing to listen and who is committed to thinking while collecting the things Yah values as an unrestrained extension) will be extended (yatsa’ – he will be brought forth to serve) out of (min) the stump which has been cut down and yet is still capable of supporting new growth (geza’) of Yshay | to Stand Out and Be Noticed, drawing attention to the substance of existence (Yshay), as (wa) an observant branch (netser – a secondary stem or shoot which extends from a primary limb; from natsar – to observe, watch over, and preserve, to closely look after, focus on, and protect) by means of (min) its roots, and that which keeps it anchored, steadfast, and nourished 546(sheresh huw’), such that he will continually bear an abundance of fruit, being productive while encouraging productivity in others (parah). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:1)

This is because (wa) the Spirit (Ruwach – the Divine power, influence, and energy, the mind and essence, the feminine touch and understanding, the Maternal acceptance and support, the protection and light, especially the faculty to respond) of Yahowah (Yahowah) will settle and remain on him, because She was placed upon him and will energize him, dwelling and residing in him (nuwach ‘al huw’), the Spirit (Ruwach) providing the capacity to comprehend and teach (chakmah – offering the mental aptitude and wisdom to instruct, comprehension derived from the technical expertise to do what is required to impart understanding and to educate; from chakam) and (wa) enable understanding by making connections to reveal insights (binah – facilitating the propensity to ponder and process information, to be perceptive by being discerning, discriminating, and judgmental, making intelligent associations which lead to a conceptual understanding, revealing how to react and respond to life situations after full and thoughtful consideration), the Spirit (Ruwach) of advice and counsel (‘etsah – of pertinent directions regarding how to properly respond, providing prudent consultation on the purpose of the proposal, delivering effective mentoring on how to deliberate relevant decisions) and of being emboldened and inspiring (wa gebuwrah – on how to be a strong, courageous leader who is empowering, able to accomplish the mission and perform until it is complete, providing the aptitude and capability to confirm what is true, offering the mental discipline to be unwavering, championing the cause with courage, character, and confidence, to excel by being upright, always fighting to defend God’s people and affirm their rights), the Spirit (Ruwach) of knowing and knowledge (da’ath – of recognizing where to look for answers and acquiring information, of being aware of the 547evidence and being able to discern what is relevant and accurate, of discriminating between fact and fiction and right and wrong, so as to recognize and acknowledge the truth; from yada’ – to learn and to know, to recognize and acknowledge, to consider and comprehend, and to become acquainted and personally familiar) so as (wa) to respect and revere (yira’ah – to appreciate the awesome nature, outstanding character, superlative ability, and astonishing greatness and be inspired by) Yahowah (Yahowah). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:2)

Therefore (wa), it will not be by an appearance or vision (lo’ la mare’ah) seen with his eyes (‘ayn huw’ – of his own perceptions or personal understanding) that he will decide (shaphat – that he will confront the evidence and should judge, making decisions). Also (wa), it will not be by hearsay (lo’ la mishma’ – not by rumors or innuendo, not by word of mouth or that which is passed around person to person, nor by listening to information which cannot be verified) heard by him listening to others (‘ozen huw) that he will make judgments or prove his arguments (yakach). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:3)

He will exercise good judgment (wa shaphat – adjudicating the matter by resolving disputes) by (ba) seeking to be accurate, honest, and forthright (tsedeq – being fair and correct, in accord with the truth, avoiding inconsistency with the established standard) with regard to opening the doorway for the discerning (dal).

He will provide proof using sound arguments (yakach – he will use evidence and reason to decide, to judge and correct, engaging in dialog to resolve disputes while criticizing, accusing, and condemning, making the case to vindicate or convict) with (ba) everything out in the open, doing so fairly (myshowr – by putting everything on the table, on the level, nothing hidden, justly and equitably in a very forthright and direct manner) on behalf of (la) the sincere who are seeking 548straightforward answers (‘anaw – those who are unpretentious and willing to respond but who need some assistance from a witness with answers to their questions who is constantly thinking about making such declarations; from ‘anah – to answer and respond, to seek and receive answers, and to testify as a witness) of the Land and material realm (‘erets). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:4)

Even this isn’t the end of the story but a prelude to…

Then, Your family (wa ‘am ‘ath) will be entirely right (kol tsadyq). They will be heirs to the land (hem yarash ‘erets) forevermore (la ‘owlam) because this observant sprout and shoot, indeed this sucker from the original rootstock preserving the life of the tree (netser – this new growth emerging from an old stump which rises to the next generation, this extension grafted into the main branch which can be used as an implement to spare lives by revealing that which was not readily known; from natsar – to be observant, watchful, and trustworthy, to guard, protect, and preserve), is the one which Yahowah planted (ha mata’ Yahowah), the work and accomplishment of His hands (ma’aseh yad huw’), to endow a higher status through clarifying explanations (la pa’ar – to honor and show appreciation for this marvelous outcome as the fruit of the harvest is beautifully adorned). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 60:21)

That which is determined and readily known (ha qaton – the simple truth of this moment in time) will be (hayah) magnified a thousandfold (la ha ‘alaph – will become abundantly productive) and the child with older siblings (wa ha tsa’yr – the more recent addition to the existing family and their servant) will be an accomplished and effective gentile (gowy ‘atsuwm – will be an empowered, strong, and potent individual of a different ethnicity). I (‘any), Yahowah (YaHoWaH), am prepared to accomplish this quickly (chuwsh hy’) at the proper 549time (ba ‘eth hy’ – during the right moment on the calendar). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 60:22)

Yasha’yah is elevating the Choter from a sucker growing out of the rootstock from which Dowd emerged, from someone who would need everything Yahowah could provide just to be functional, to a netser – an observant secondary branch who will play a role in preserving the tree that will embody a restored Yisra’el. These clarifying explanations lead to the Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah Harvests of God’s people.

The Ruwach | Spirit (Ruwach) of Yahowah (Yahowah) is upon me (‘al ‘any). For this reason (ya’an) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) has anointed (mashach – He has designated, appointed, and devoted by setting apart) that which is associated with me (‘eth ‘any) for the purpose of bringing this proclamation as a Herald (la basar – this positive and uplifting message) to the unpretentious and sincere and those ready to respond (‘anaw – those who have been oppressed and are now receptive, eager to move forward by replying to these answers).

He has sent me (shalach – He dispatched me at this time) to encourage (chabash – to enliven, speaking the words which bandage and gird) those whose judgment has suffered (la shabar leb – whose desires have been shattered and whose thinking has been thwarted), to provide an invitation (qara’ – to proclaim a summons, reading and reciting an announcement to be called out) to be liberated (darowr – to be emancipated and free to move about without constraint) to those who are being controlled (la shabah – who are being led away and oppressed, whose freedoms have been confiscated), and to those who are obligated and bound (wa la ‘asar – to those who have sworn an oath of allegiance and who have joined in) a means of release (paqach-qowach – an opening, a means to extricate oneself from the influence of other), (Yasha’yah 61:1) to issue an invitation (la qara’550to read and recite a summons to be called out and meet) to the year (shanah – the time of renewal) of Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH) approval and acceptance (ratsown – favor and reward) and the day (wa yowm) of the vengeance and retribution (naqam – of repayment and recompense) of our God (la ‘elohym ‘anachnuw) to comfort and console (nacham – to show sympathy and provide solace, consolation, and relief, showing compassion to) all who mourn (kol ‘abel), (Yasha’yah 61:2) to provide (la sym) for those who grieve (‘abel) for Tsyown (Tsyown – for the Signs Posted Along the Way) to give to them (la nathan la hem) an honorable endowment which provides an opportunity to be lifted up (pa’ar) instead of (tachath) ashes as if insignificant (‘epher), olive oil (shemen) resulting in gladness (sasown) instead of (tachath) mourning over the dead (‘ebel), garments of adoration (ma’ateh tahilah) instead of (tachath) a dark and obscure, weakening (kahah) spirit (ruwach).

Then (wa), they may be invited and called out as (qara’ la hem), ‘Leaders of the flock who represent the doorway (‘ayil – the sheep, ram, and the doorposts, the pivot point)’ of being right and vindicated (tsedeq – of being correct and acquitted, affirmed and validated, honest and just, upright, accurate, and fair), the basis of which was established by (mata’ – being placed and planted in the garden by) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) to approach the honorable endowment which provides an opportunity to be lifted up (la pa’ar). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 61:3)

Accept what Yahowah is offering. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
