629God Damn Religion


…Good Muslims Kill



Crucify Them


The punishment for those who fight al-Laha and His Rasul and who make mischief in the land is that they will be killed or crucified, or their hands and their feet must be cut off on opposite sides.
Quran 005.033

The punishment is to be crucified.


All bad things must eventually come to an end. Glory be to God. The 5th surah is the last of a lousy lot. With it, the heavenly fraud was finished. But alas, the Al Maida | The Table was set for man’s demise.

As we consider Halal / Allah’s parting salvo, you should know that the translation of the 5th Suratun is now my own. For our edification, I invested the time to examine every word, providing a more comprehensive, accurate, and literal rendering than would have been possible even with the best interlinears. This is an abbreviated version of what I’ve done for the past twenty years when scrutinizing the Hebrew text of the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr for the thirty volumes of Yada Yahowah.

Up to this point, I have been reluctant to follow the same approach with the Quran for the following reasons. First, the writing quality is deplorable and I have a limited tolerance for fools. Second, the author is reprehensible and I am disgusted by him. Third, I am eager to return to my great love and continue sharing what can be known regarding Yahowah. This approach requires a tremendous investment in time. Fourth, the Quran is so integrated into the lives of Muslims that many words are “translated” according to what best fits the surahs rather than a term’s connotations or 630etymology. Fifth, exposing and condemning Islam using Allah’s and Muhammad’s words is a perilous undertaking. So even when a translation is more comprehensive and accurate than exists elsewhere, the more it varies from the 66 current translations and interlinears composed by Arabic Scholars, the more vulnerable I become to criticism. I care because credibility is essential in an enterprise where evidence, reason, and trust are the most valuable currencies. And sixth, Jews are far brighter and more studious than Muslims so the linguistic tools available to study ancient Hebrew are vastly superior to the primitive variations emerging on behalf of the Quran.

These things stated, since I know far more about the subjects covered in this surah, including the Towrah, New Testament, Judaism, Christianity, the Hebrew language, ancient manuscripts, history, science, Yahowah, and Yahuwdym than does Allah, I decided to put Allah / Satan’s feet to the fire in the manner I know best.

Quran 005.001 O you who believe. Perform the knots and fulfill the contracts, paying fully for the bargain. Unbound for you the grazing cows except what is recited on you not being unbound game while you forbidden or sacred. Lo, indeed, al-Laha restrains, commands, and exercises authority what he wills.

Only Allah knows if believers are to follow Muhammad’s example and play with knots in an ode to the Devil, honor their vow to wage war against all mankind, or pay Allah his due for the ultimate expression of a Faustian bargain. Perhaps it is left nebulous because Satan demands all three, or alternatively, even after 114 attempts, he’s still unable to communicate cogently.

Even to the bitter end, Allah has a thing for cows. They are unbound, although, because this is Islam, there must be an exception. What that exemption curtails is anyone’s guess. But no matter the intent, as strangely as the Quran began, there seems to be no end to its oddities.

631As we proceed, I will continue to render the 5th and final surah using the primary definitions of every word. But as I do so, the resulting translation will not only vary from those composed by Allah’s advocates, it will read less fluently. But you have my assurance that it is as accurate as Arabic dictionaries allow. And should you decide to verify what I’m conveying I would encourage you to consider the Concordance Index and Arabic Dictionary at IslamAwakened.com. I can only hope that it will remain available to validate this diligent and systematic approach to Halal’s parting salvo.

Quran 005.002 O you who believe, do not violate, untying the knot, perceptions, or poetry of al-Lahi and not the month the unlawful, prohibited, and forbidden / though potentially sacred, and not the guided and not the twisted and not coming towards the house mostly forbidden but sometimes sacred, seeking superiority of their rabbi and pleasure.

And when you untie, make lawful, mostly forbidden, or partially sacred, the game, then let not criminals inciting you to hatred, insulting with malice, abhorring those who stand firm as they diverted you from al-Masjid al-Haram | the Mosque of the Forbidden that you pass by, overlook, and transgress.

And do not help one another committing crimes, the overlooking transgression. And protect, save, and ward off the evil and calamitous nature of al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha severe, vehement, violent, and bound to the tortuous punishment.

One of the advantages of carefully and methodically composing this more exacting and comprehensive presentation of the 5th Suratun from each word’s etymology is that it speaks for itself. And sometimes what is said is shocking, even at this late occurrence.

Quran 005.003 Forbidden, prohibited, and unlawful, but possibly sacred, on you to die, and the blood, and flesh / meat the swine, and what appears brought (other than) al-Lahi on it and that which is strangled, and beaten to death, and perished in a tumble, and struck with horns, and that which eaten (on) the seventh, except what you slaughtered and what is ripped open to sacrifice to fix or raise, 632and that you divide (with) divining arrows, that committing disobedience, lewd and perverted.

This day despair, giving up hope, and desperate, those who are reconciled (disbelieving) of your obedience and submission in religion. So, not fear or respect them, but fear and dread me, cautious and wary of me. This day I have achieved, completed in total, and perfected your obedience and submission in religion, the entirety upon you my easy life or cattle. So I’m pleased and content with, having approved al-Is’lama | the Islam | Submission an obedient and submissive religion. But whoever compelled or forced by hunger not inclining to sin, committing a crime, then lo, al-Laha to protect, covering over, and hiding Rahim.

It is an odd list, with an even stranger transition, especially since it is positioned as being the entirety of the religion. While it would be reasonable to suspect that Allah pilfered his version of unkosher from Yathrib’s rabbis before slaughtering them, his variation was poorly written and has to be interpreted and extrapolated to be coherent.

The prohibition against that which is consumed on the seventh is likely a left-handed jab against the Shabat, but only Allah knows because “seven” is changed to “wild animals” in the advocates’ versions of the Quran. It is also strange to see the need for a prohibition against the divining arrows which was a simple and common game of chance, like flipping a coin.

In one of the most peculiar in a long line of awkward transitions, and amidst calling divining arrows perverted, we read that this is the day that the kafar give up hope. And while that has and will ever occur among the reconciled, it is accurate to say that the actual kaphar will never consent to any religion – much less one deprived of freewill, demanding obedience and submission to Satan.

For reasons we have discussed, the kaphar | reconciled represent the ultimate threat to Allah’s plans, particularly as we move toward the final fulfillment of the day devoted to the kaphar – Yowm Kipurym. And while the volumes of 633God Damn Religion were written for them, and to encourage them, so are the other thirty books on the shelf at YadaYah.com.

As for Halal, no matter the name, including Allah, there is no reason to fear him. He is a toothless snake. So, while obviously toxic, he isn’t particularly mobile or clever. And while he has a brood of devoted assassins, even they can be mitigated by joining the kaphar | reconciled.

Since this is the last Suratun in the Quran, and recognizing that there would be nothing in addition to these recitals, Allah is announcing, “Mission Accomplished.” He has achieved what he intended, which was the submission of a sufficient number of hoodlums to force thousands, millions, and billions into not only worshiping him as if he were a god, but also killing for him. And never forget, while Satan enjoys humiliating Muslims, to prevail, he must annihilate Jews and eliminate Israel.

Among other things, this next verse confirms what Islamic clerics deny and what the media ignores. Allah, or at least, al-Lahu/hi/ha, is the name of the Islamic god. It was never the Arabic word for “God.”

However, there is more to it than that because the Arabic word for “lawful, acceptable, and permissible” is halal. This is not only the basis of al-laha / Allah; Halal is Satan’s name. Therefore, Quran 005.004 is the closest analog in the Quran to the passage in Shemowth / Names / Exodus 2:13-15 where we are introduced to Yahowah’s name. Since the comparison is important, I will share it with you momentarily.

Quran 005.004 They ask you what halal | is acceptable, permissible, and lawful for them. Say, Are halal | acceptable, permissible, and lawful for you the good and agreeable and what you know of wounding the barking dog. You know of what al-Lahu knows. So, swallow and eat of what they grasp and retain for you but remember name al-Lahi on it and save and protect, or ward off, guarding against al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha hastens consideration.

634It is quite the revelation, one I identified some years ago. And I have shared it frequently, expecting to garner Yisra’el’s undivided attention because it is essential that God’s people know who is trying to exterminate them – and why he is intent on doing so. Halah is Allah.

So, while it’s insightful to recognize that Satan stamped Islam with his name such that it became the only one acceptable and permissible, I did not realize until writing the previous chapter that Halal serves as the basis of Allah. It is actually the same, just as hayah serves as the basis of Yahowah.

And it is intriguing here that, just as we came to know Satan for the first time as he encouraged Chawah to swallow his take on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the equating of Halal with al-Laha has Muslims swallowing Allah’s misrepresentations of God’s instructions in the Quran. He is playing the same game.

As promised, here is Yahowah’s introduction to and explanation of His one and only name…

“Moseh said to the Almighty, ‘Now look, if I go to the Children of Yisra’el | Individuals who Strive and Struggle with the Almighty and those who Engage and Endure with God, and I say to them , “The God of your fathers sent me out to you, and they ask me, ‘What is His personal and proper name,’ what shall I say to them?”’ God said to Moseh, ‘I Am showing the way to the benefits of the relationship because I Am.’ He said, ‘Tell this to the Children of Yisra’el, “I am has sent me to you.”’ God declared to Moseh, ‘You should say this to the Children of Yisra’el, “Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence and His role in our shalowm – reconciliation as ‘elowah – the Almighty), God of your fathers, the God of ‘Abraham, the God of Yitschaq , and God of Ya’aqob, has sent me to you.” This is My personal 635and proper name forever. This is the way I want to be remembered and known throughout every generation and dwelling place.’” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 3:13-15)

Now that we have been reminded that this is how Yahowah presented His name to us, let’s consider what He inspired His prophet, Yasha’yah / Liberation is from Yahowah / Isaiah to write about Halal’s name, his purpose and timing.

“It will come to pass in that day that Yahowah will restore you and provide a favorable spiritual alliance, renewing you physically while empowering you spiritually, placing you in close association by setting you in a beneficial situation, removing you from the pain and suffering associated with your anguishing works-oriented religious worship and the unfavorable circumstances associated with your compelled submission. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:3)

At this time you will lift up this particular Mashal | Proverb, this comparative word picture told to illustrate an ethical point, to provide guidance, which is presented as a similitude to teach, and thereby facilitate good decision-making, against the ruler, in opposition to the one who influences and controls governments and religions, so that you disapprove of the authority figure who seeks submission and obedience associated with Babel | Confusion, and with the corruption resulting from commingling and intermixing in the Lord’s Bible.

And you will say, ‘Oh how the onslaught of the systematic and boisterous promotion of mistaken beliefs has ceased, the enticement into destructive and deadly behavior and quarrelsome dissension is over.’

In this way, and in the midst of these extraordinary circumstances, this exploitation, manipulation, and corruption, has come to an end, as well as the abusive 636imposition of authority and the misuse of power, even the desire to govern, control, tax, and demand tribute has been abated by observing the Shabat. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:4)

Yahowah has broken the underlying and inferior staff, spear, and club of religious, political, and military oppression of the invalid and incorrect, with the bywords and symbols of governmental authority used by geopolitical powers to exert their dominion, which is now being shattered. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:5)

Then He will strike and destroy the people in righteous indignation with unfailing afflictions and plagues, especially those who sought to subdue and control, rule over and govern, imposing their authority by trampling down the liberty of the gentiles, those who tried to dominate the nations as dictators or autocrats, imposing themselves upon the masses, establishing rules and legislating, lifting themselves up by beating the gowym down with a grievous and systematic deprivation of rights and freewill without restraint, sparing no one. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:6)

The entire earth is now a home and is at rest spiritually, at peace without any provocation or fighting, restored, liberated, and bursting forth in song while shouting for joy. (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:7)

The sincere and honest, the pure and truthful who are upright and living, these cleansed and stately evergreen branches rejoice, because they are happy for you. The cedars of Lebanown | Lebanon are saying, ‘From the time you became inactive no one has come up to cut us in.’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:8)

She’owl | Hell (She’owl – the place of abandonment and questioning, the abode of no return; from sha’al – to question), as the least desirable and most depressing alternative (min tachath – from below, depicting that which 637is spatially beneath and inferior, also burdensome), is excited (rogez – is all stirred up and roaring, agitated and anxious, trembling with anticipation) to summon and meet you, announcing your arrival (la ‘atah la qara’ bow’ ‘atah – to welcome and greet you, calling you out by name while issuing and reciting an invitation for you to come, publicly proclaiming your entrance and inclusion).

It has been alerted and is aroused to crush (‘uwr la ‘atah – it is incited to squash you, concentrating the utmost force to destroy those who give false testimony) all of the departed souls (kol repha’ym – every deceased individual having no material or physical substance, only consciousness) of those who have been rulers (‘atuwd – of the authority figures and individuals obtaining high status) of the earth (‘erets – of the material realm).

It raises up and establishes (quwm – it confirms, validates, ratifies, encourages, and supports) by means of their thrones and positions of power (min kise’ hem – based upon their place of honor), all of (kol – every one of) the leaders (melek – the rulers, the most persuasive, powerful, and important individuals who influence society, religion, government, and military, the authority figures or kings who demand submission and obedience, the heads of institutions whose directives subjects ponder and follow) of the gentile nations (gowym – of the countries and people other than Yisra’el). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:9)

All of them (kol hem – every one of them without exception [from 1QIsa]) will respond (‘anah – will choose to reply through their debasement, humiliation and affliction) and say to you (wa ‘amar ‘el ‘atah – and convey and declare to you, choosing to ask you), ‘Have you also become weak and afflicted (gam ‘atah chalah – are you also grieving over having become diseased, riddled with anxiety over the emotional distress and mental anguish, impaired and worn out begging for intercession as well) just like we are (ka ‘anahnu ‘el ‘anahnu – similar to what is 638happening to us), becoming like the proverb (mashal – likened unto the story you had conveyed as a living example of the parable)? (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:10)

Your arrogance, unwarranted status, and desire to rise above and be majestic (ga’own ‘atah – your splendor and self-exaltation, along with your personal glorification, your conceited attitude and lack of morality, your grating and agitating behavior, and your propensity to blow smoke, your highness; from ga’ah – desire to be lifted up and rise over others) has brought you down (yarad – precipitated your descent, causing you to be taken down, prostrated and subjugated) to She’owl (She’owl – to the place of everlasting abandonment, estrangement, incarceration, and questioning, the abode of no return, a.k.a., Hell).

And at the boisterous and disquieting sound (wa ha hemyah – so then at the tumultuous and mourning cry of the riotous multitudes, at the clamorous, confusing, and disturbing growl of uproarious discord; from hamah – to murmur, growl, and roar in a clamorous and tumultuous cry [1QIsa]) of your disgraceful and foolish implements (nebel ‘atah – your wicked, immoral, and defiant standards, your outrageously disgraceful and contemptible instruments), maggots (rimah – the squirming larva of flies, annoying flesh-devouring insects which feed on rotting garbage; from ramam – to be exalted and lifted up, praised or worshiped) will be spread out as a bed (yatsa’ – will be strewn as a bedspread) and (wa) worms (towle’ah – creeping and squirming bloody grubs which consume organic matter; from yala’ – to speak rashly, swallowing and devouring wildly inaccurate accusations) shall become your covers (makaseh ‘atah – will blanket you [1QIsa]). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:11)

You have fallen and have been cast down (naphal – you have gone from a higher position to a lower one, you have been sent down and are inferior as a result of your contempt, allotted to the earth below, dividing up the refuse 639and carcasses, cut down, downcast, and falling prostrate in worship for having failed in your attack, ruined and estranged, banished from the association as part of an abortion or miscarriage) from (min) the spiritual abode (ha shamaym – the heavens, the spiritual realm, the home of God [1QIsa]) Halal ben Shachar | Brightly Shining Son of Darkness (Hayal ben Shachar – the Flashy and Boastful Child of the East, the Blackness of the Shining One, the ostentatious and boastful showoff comprised of light predisposed to mislead and make others appear foolish as a descendant of a dark and gloomy place in the east predicated upon the rising sun, wailing and howling over the scheme he has conjured to satiate his longings).

You have been cut down, cast out, and have been disassociated (gada’ – you have been felled and have fallen, destroyed and cut off, and you will be silenced and subjected to enormous pressure, sent down and away) to the earth (la ha ‘erets – to the material realm), you, the one who is weakening, prostrating, and vanquishing (chalash – who is overcoming and defeating the dying, disabling the weak who bow down) in close association with and upon (‘al) the gentile nations (gowym – ethnic and geopolitical groups outside of Yisra’el, gentiles, people acting as if they were animals [singular in 1QIsa]). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:12)

Because (wa) you (‘atah), yourself, said (‘amar – you boasted and declared, expressed in words, intended, and mentioned) in (ba) your judgment and heart (lebab ‘atah – from your perspective and ambition you have the inclination and resolution of your inner nature, the ambition and determination of your being, your passion, and desire; from labab – to ravish, overwhelm, and overpower, encouraging an emotional response), ‘I will ascend, overcome, and be exalted (‘alah – I will rise above and be lifted up, I will be presented as superior and be worshiped, offered up and engendering sacrifices as Alah) in the spiritual realm in heaven (ha shamaym – among the stars 640in the sky and the abode of God and lofty places), more than and above (min ma’al la – ascending upward beyond, greater than) the luminous personification and brilliant progeny (kowkab – addressing the stars, the highest places, the brightest lights and heavenly powers) of God (‘el – of the Almighty).

I will raise (ruwm – I will lift up in triumph and rebellion, magnifying) my Throne (kise’ ‘any – my seat of power, authority, and honor, my place to influence and rule; related to kasah – ability to conceal one’s true identity, hiding the information needed to understand, covering over and veiling in a way which is misleading).

I will establish a dwelling place (yashab – I will settle upon and inhabit, abiding and remaining, creating a place for people to approach and meet) on the Mount of the Appointed Meetings (ba har mow’ed – in conjunction with the mountains and ridgeline of the designated and authorized times to meet for the celebratory feasts; from ya’ad – to appoint and designate, to set and fix, to gather for a betrothal ceremony) in association with (ba) the northern summit (yarekah tsaphown – the remote area and distant place associated with the north wind or left hand, on the side and flank of the Canaanite gods and Gaza, below; from yarek – base and procreative power and tsaphan – to lurk and hide one’s actual value from discovery). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:13)

I will ascend (‘alah – I will rise above and be lifted up, drawing a following and overcome, seen as superior as Alah) above (‘al – over) the heights (bamah – elevated places of worship, the lofty shrines and cultic platforms of pagan religious devotion) of the clouds (‘ab – obscuring phenomenon which conceals heavenly objects from view).

I will on my own initiative make myself appear as if I were (damah – I will do whatever is necessary to be considered as, correspond to, and be the equivalent of, 641without any assistance or help from anyone, I will consistently resemble and continually be comparable to, and on an ongoing basis I will be seen in the likeness of (hitpael imperfect – without any outside help or interference, on one’s own initiative and based solely on their ability and actions without any outside influence on a continual and habitual ongoing basis)) the Most High (la ‘elyown – representing the approach of the one true God, the same as the supreme being, greater and higher than the Almighty, inspiring awe, fear, and devotion with the splendor and status of God; from ‘elohym and ‘alah – Alah as God and al-lahu akbar).’ (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:14)

And yet surely (‘ak – as a matter of emphasis, immediately after the conclusion of an upcoming and subsequent period of time) to (‘el – towards, in the direction of, into, and inside) She’owl / Hell (She’owl – place of exile, abandonment, and questioning, the abode of no return, the wasteland and void), you are being forced down (yarad – you are brought down, compelled and having no say in the matter, descending not of your own accord (hofal imperfect – the subject, Halal ben Shachar, is being acted upon, is devoid of freewill, and is compelled by force to descend just as the object, She’owl, is obligated to receive him forever)), to (‘el) the remoteness (yarekah – the distant border of space and time, to the far extremity) of the prison (bowr – of the dungeon of depression, the sepulcher and pit; from buwr – to make clear, to declare, explain, and to be given proof). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:15)

Those who look at you (ra’ah ‘atah ‘el ‘atah – those who see you and those who are shown who you are) will stare (shagah – will look intently, observing closely so as to become better informed) in your direction (‘el ‘atah – at you), trying to make the connections to comprehend (byn – apprehending the information to consider) this (zeh – such things and these matters), the one who (ha ‘ysh – the individual and entity who [1QIsa]) caused the earth to be 642agitated, astonished, and angry because he was perturbed (ragaz ha ‘erets – who shook up, provoked, and anguished the material realm, who became enraged in the land creating instability and turmoil) by swaying and invoking fear within (ra’as – by creating discord and rattling, creating commotion and chaos, thereby ruining and destroying) empires and governments (mamlakah – kingdoms and geopolitical realms, world leaders, those who claim the authority to rule), (Yasha’yah 14:16) the one who (ha ‘ysh – the individual [1QIsa]) caused (ha sym – responsible for and made) the world (tebel – the planet, Earth, every locale where people live) to be a lifeless place without the Word (midbar – a barren wasteland and uninhabited wilderness where the declaration and promises are not considered; a compound of ma – to seek answers by asking who, what, where, why, when, and how questions about dabar – the Word), who claimed to overthrew (haras – who said he caused the downfall of, beating and pulling down, plucking away, annihilating and ruining) its anxious and anguished inhabitants (‘iyr huw’ – its terrorized and fearful communities and cities).

His captives are bound to him (‘asyr huw’ – those he holds in detention, his prisoners, those who are tied and obligated to him, who have sworn an oath to him; from ‘asar – to be imprisoned and bound as a result of one’s oaths, allegiances, vows, and obligations) and are never free to go (lo’ pathach – are never open-minded regarding the revelation, are unable to respond to that which has been inscribed in writing, are never released from bondage, and cannot pass through the open door of) home (beyth – as part of the household and family of the Covenant). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:17)

Every one of (kol – all of) the rulers (melek – the leaders, the heads of government, the political, social, religious, and military authority figures) of the gentiles and their nations (gowym – of the ethnicities distinct and 643estranged from Yisra’el, the geopolitical associations of people who act on their animal and religious instincts [plural in 1QIsa]), all of them (kol hem – each and every one of them [repetition not included in 1QIsa]), have been laid to rest (shakab) glorified and honored (kabowd – manifesting their power and surrounded by their possessions, rewarded, even with splendor and riches), each individual (‘ysh) in his own household or tomb (ba beyth huw’ – within his own clan, family lineage, and ancestors). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:18)

But you (wa ‘atah), yourself, are cast out (shalak – you are thrown out and hurled away) from (min) the tomb of your death (qeber ‘atah – your sepulcher and burial, and from the specter of dying) like (ka – similar to and in the manner of) a loathed, rejected, and degraded (ta’ab – an abhorred and despised, vile and repulsive, abominable and desecrated) offshoot (netser – tertiary branch, shoot, scion, graft, implant, or twig), clothed wearing (labuwsh – covered with) the slain and slaughtered (harag – those intentionally murdered and viciously killed), those pierced (ta’an – those struck) with the sword (chereb – with the weapons of war), descending (yarad – bowing down, prostrating oneself, going down, being subjugated and abandoned) to (‘el) the depressed prison (bowr – the dungeon and pit [1QIsa]) akin to (ka) a corpse (peger – a carcass, a dead corporeal body or lifeless idol) trampled down (buws – pressured and dominated, loathed and trodden down, kicked about and floundering, desecrated and rejected). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:19)

You will not join them at the same time (lo’ yachad – you will not be united with them at once, but during another period, failing to reciprocate) with them (‘eth hem) in burial (ba qabuwrah – in the grave, entombed) because (ky) your land (‘erets ‘atah – your region and material realm) you have corrupted and destroyed (shachath – you have perverted, sullied, and spoiled, confounded and devastated, 644turning it into a putrid swamp of decay, a dungeon and cesspool for the decomposing). Your compatriots and followers (‘am ‘atah – your people and nations, countries and armies, associates and cultures) you have intentionally slaughtered and viciously slain (hereg – you have murdered).

These offspring (zera’ – descendants and posterity) of evil (ra’a – of those who are deliberately harmful and wrong, in wicked opposition, displeasing and noxious) will never be invited or called out, remaining unwelcome (lo’ qara’ – they will not be received or be present, neither acknowledged nor encountered, and therefore never met with while becoming completely unknown) for all eternity (la ‘owlam – forevermore).” (Yasha’yah / Liberation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:20)

Truly amazing. Halal is Allah – Islam’s false god.

Leaving the inspired for the inane, we read…

Quran 005.005 This day halal | is acceptable and permissible for you, agreeable and lawful. And swallow those who were given, granted and brought, the writing (the book), halal | permissible for you and your feeding halal | acceptable for them.

And guarded and inaccessible (chaste women) from the believers, and guarded an unapproachable (chaste women) from those who were given the written (book) from before you when you have given them their compensation being inaccessible, not outpouring fornication, and not ones taking friends.

And whoever is kafar | reconciled, concealing (rejecting) the belief (faith), lo, vain and worthless his doing. And he in after and behind from the losers, deceived, and cheated.

This is the Suratun of Halal. And that is not good.

Even after committing genocide against them, Islam’s non-prophet, its un-god, and their religious submissives continued to plunder Yahuwdym. Having initially paid rabbis to recite stories from the Babylonian Talmud to lend the Quran some semblance of credibility, their renditions on 645the Towrah were now paying dividends even after their demise. As a surprise to many, there are no Kosher Dietary Laws in the Towrah – nor are there any foods that are prohibited or illegal. Yahowah provided a thoughtful list of animals that were potentially unhealthy due to their environment, diet, and digestive systems along with those that were safe to consume. Then later, Moseh explained that we can eat whatever we’d like so long as we are thoughtful about it.

But since that is not the way it is presented in Judaism’s religious texts, this is more likely a truncation of them. And because the rabbinical list is long, Muhammad couldn’t remember what they said so he simply said that their rules applied to Muslims.

Similarly, Yahowah has nothing to say about women being “guarded, inaccessible, unapproachable, or chaste.” And since it was the rabbis who sought to control them, the inspiration for the recital would have come from the Talmud of dead Jews.

But think about that for a moment. Halal / Allah is telling Muslims that they must obey the rules he claims he established for the people he ordered them to exterminate. That’s pretty twisted, even for a Snake.

Then after telling Muslim men that halal women were guarded, inaccessible, friendless, and paid in advance for their services, there was an abrupt change of subject from fine dining and safe prostitution to demeaning the kafar as losers. Clearly, Halal didn’t want anyone criticizing his duplicitous and demented diatribes, so he disparaged them with the ad hominem fallacy.

Recognizing that ritual is the elixir of religion, the control mechanism of obedience, and the opiate of the people, we find…

Quran 005.006 O you who believe, when you quwm | stand up for al-salat | the obligatory and rote prostration prayer, wash your 646faces and your hands until the elbows and wipe, rubbing your heads and your feet to al-Ka’ba (the ankles).

But if junuban | you hurt or avoid your sides (in a state of sexual discharge or ceremonial impurity), clean yourselves. But if you are diseased, disordered, or distempered, or on a journey, or has come anyone from descending into the hollowed pooping ground, or has touched the women, and not you find water, then resort to good dirt on higher ground, then messiah (wipe or rub) your faces and your hands with it.

Not seeks al-Lahu to make for you out of constricting oppression, discomfort, or blame but he wants to clean you to complete his easy life (favor) on you so that you may be thankful and grateful.

Muslims must understand Hebrew if they are to quwm | stand upright for al-salat. But since al-salat requires bowing down and placing one’s nose in the dirt, it seems contrary to the intent of being humiliated – or is it? Perhaps the idea is that Islam | Submission is reinforced when the standing are bowed. The same perspective on the consequence of Islam would apply to cleaning one’s face and hands prior to putting both in the dirt. Men may have come to Islam clean, but they would not remain that way. They would be sullied as they spoiled those around them.

Since being clean for these five special times (5 = 6 (the number of man) – 1 (without God)) with Satan each day requires washing the hands to the elbows, it has been assumed that the feet to the ka’ba must mean “ankles,” but that would either slather the venerated pagan rock pile with a derogatory inference or it is an inside joke – one known to the Nachash and Kaphar. If you’d like to be in on it, consider what Yahowah had to say about the ongoing battles between this Snake and God’s people on their way out of the Garden. As a clue, alkab sounds eerily similar to ‘aqab (bruised heel in Genesis 3:14-15).

Although, since junuban is rendered “hurt, avoid, or side” throughout the Quran, not “sexual or ceremonial 647impurity,” it may be nothing more than illiteracy. And since this dunderhead is the head honcho of the religion, one would think that more Muslims would avail themselves of the “diseased, disordered, and distempered” exemption. If it were me, I’d go on a long “journey” and never come back.

But that’s all senseless ritual for the compliant up to the point the conversation turns by equating excrement with women. While Islamic apologists will revise al-ghaiti to “toilet” to release the Quran from its uncivilized prison in 7th-century Arabia, the word means “to descend and enter a hollowed and excavated descending slope” filled with human discharge – more commonly known as “poop.” This created such a mess in Muhammad’s day, he issued scores of edicts on the proper procedures for pooping. There are helpful hints regarding which hand to use and how many stones to deploy after a successful mission to the region of landmines serving as a barrier to entry, a mote of maggots, surrounding the non-prophet’s city.

And lo, removing the stain and stench of Islamic crap before mooning the un-god with a cleanly orchestrated prostration would be appreciated by those not afforded a coveted position in the front row. This is especially true since the root of salat speaks of horses and asses being tethered so tightly that one’s nose overlapped the other’s posterior.

Now that we have had our fun at Halal’s expense, let’s rejoin the Suratun at the point where being diseased or distempered, exposing oneself to non-Muslims, and descending into the filth of the outdoor crapper are likened to touching women. Allah said, “But if you are diseased, disordered, or distempered, or on a journey, or has come anyone from descending into the hollowed pooping ground, or has touched the women, and not you find water, then resort to good dirt on higher ground, then messiah (wipe or rub) your faces and your hands with it.” By association, we must conclude that the Islamic god is warning Muslim men that women are diseased and 648disgusting and that they should be handled as the equivalent of excrement.

Therefore, since Progressives are rallying around the Islamic cause at colleges and universities across America and Europe, it doesn’t speak well of the product of the educational system. Evidence and reason no longer matter among those indoctrinated by what has become the most arrogant and ignorant, intolerant and immoral, irrational and hypocritical religion of the ungodly.

The only way to interpret al-Lahu’s concluding commentary in light of the foregoing is to realize that the dehumanizing of women in Islam is a favor, one of the ways the un-god rewards his killers. And he expects them to be thankful, such that Muslim men appreciate what he has done to enhance their lives by making it easy for them to subjugate women in the misogynist culture of Islam.

When we consider what motivated the most ignorant and immoral of Arabs to slaughter and spoil in Allah’s Cause, few things were as motivating as rape – which is sex without consent. And that is why the Suratun reads… “Not seeks al-Lahu to make for you out of constricting oppression, discomfort, or blame but he wants to clean you to complete his easy life (favor) on you so that you may be thankful and grateful.”

But why bother to salat | pray? Earlier in the 78th Suratun, Satan went from saying, Quran 078.033-36 And splendid virgins, voluptuous women who are full-breasted maidens, all the same age, and a cup full, they will not hear therein any vain talk and not any falsehood, a reward from your lord, a gift account, to this… Quran 078.037-40 Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between both, the most gracious, they have no ability from him to speak day the spirit will stand and the angels in rows. They will not speak except who permits him, al-Rahman,…so, verily, We have warned you of a grievous punishment near the day the man will see what his hands have sent forth, and the disbeliever will say, O I wish I were dust! Should that be true, then al-salat is not a prayer but, instead, another demonstration of submission.

649This may be the last surah, but there is no evidence Muhammad and Allah got better with practice…

Quran 005.007 Remember the easy life, comforts and conveniences (favor) al-Lahi upon you and his mithaqa | binding and fettering contract (covenant) which thaqak | he firmly bound and fettered you with, when you said, We heard and we obeyed. So, ittaqu | save and protect or guard against, warding off (fear) al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha knower of what the breasts.

As I have done throughout, when the apologists’ renderings of words are out of sync with their etymology and definitions, I place the consensus views of those serving the Beast within parentheticals, as I have done here with (favor), (covenant), and (fear). It is instructive for us to know what the words actually mean as well as what Muslims have been told that they convey.

In this case, the “easy life, the comforts, and the conveniences” were not from Allah but, instead, stolen from the Jews – in whose houses the Muslims slept, whose food they ate, whose wives they raped, and whose children they enslaved. Also, the “biding and fettering contract which he firmly bound and fettered” all Muslim men was the “Pledge to Wage War Against All Mankind.” This is the binding Contract which defines Islam.

This is the second time in seven verses that we have been forced to deal with the curious use of ittaqu in relation to the Islamic wannabe god. Ittaqu means “to protect, save, and preserve” Allah and “to ward off, guard, and shield against the evil calamity” of Allah. If the “protect, save, and preserve” definition is operable, then we have rejoined the Pledge of Aqabah wherein Muslims are committed to obey and protect Muhammad. But in this case, it would mean that Muhammad is Allah. And if the “warding off, guarding against, and being shielding from the evil” of Allah was intended, then Allah is Satan.

650It is also worth noting that while the contract is seen as binding against Muslims, Allah is not similarly constrained. He can abrogate without notification.

Quran 005.008 O you who believe, stand for il-Lahi, telling information (witnesses) in justice and not cut off by committing crimes hating and insulting as an adversarial antagonist abhorring the standing firm upon that except you act proportionally. Be proportional as a form of justice (piety), it nearly approaches to ittaqu | protecting and saving or warding off and guarding against and ittaqu | protecting and saving or warding off and guarding against (fear) al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha knows what you do.

Initially, believers are directed to stand for il-Lahi based upon what they are told – which by any moral standard would make them criminally unjust. Nonetheless, since slaughtering and spoiling are Islam’s best deeds, justice is redefined as “proportional.” That is to say, Islamic morality is relative. Muslims may do to others what they perceive has been or might be done to them.

Trying to explain relative morality, the un-god uses ittaqu twice to suggest that either “protecting and saving” or “warding off and guarding against” is equivalent to “saving and protecting al-Laha” or, alternatively, “warding off and guarding against al-Laha.” So then to make sense of the senseless, Allah’s little helpers render the first ittaqu as “piety” and the second iteration as “fear.” And that begs the question: was this meant to be confusing to give Muslims the leeway to be savages or just poorly expressed?

Quran 005.009 Al-Lahu has promised those who believe and do suitable (righteous) deeds, for them protection and covering over (forgiveness) and a mighty reward.

Islam’s most righteous act is mass murder. It is a crime against humanity from which Muslims are supposedly protected. However, considering the decadence of the promised reward, it’s not credible.

651The psychosis the non-prophet attributed to his un-god was similar to his own. They were a pair of sadists in a sandbox…

Quran 005.010 And those who kafar | are reconciled (disbelieve) and lie, invent, fabricate, and falsify (deny) our ayat | signs, marks, indications, evidences, and miraculous proofs (verses), those companions and friends the burning fiercely (Hell-Fire).

This affirms what I’ve been saying all along. For having lied, fabricated, and falsified the ayat of the Quran, the tormented twins are anticipating a warm reception in She’owl | Hell.

Twenty years ago, when I began translating Howsha’ | Hosea for Yada Yahowah (which can be read in ‘Azab ~ Separation, free at YadaYah.com), I made an important discovery. According to Yahowah, there are three potential outcomes for human souls – not just heaven or hell. I learned and have subsequently reaffirmed, that the preponderance of people are neither rewarded nor punished for their decisions regarding God or their actions for or against others. At the end of their mortal lives, their souls cease to exist, which is as it must be for Yahowah to be both loving and just. Those who rely upon Him are rewarded while those who reject or deny Him, who remain ignorant or apathetic towards Him, are ignored in return. It is only those who deliberately harm His people who must be held accountable.

But since Allah does not uphold the same standard, he, like the false gods of Christianity and Judaism, cannot be loving, moral, or just. Anyone who would say, “Obey me or I will torture you” is psychotic. And anyone who would suggest forgiveness, such that there is no consequence or penalty for abusing members of his family, cannot be loving. Yahowah’s way is right, and Allah’s is wrong.

Speaking of wrong, the following is either a revisionist take on Muhammad’s capitulation at Hudaybiyah or is it excusing something far more sinister…

652Quran 005.011 O you who believe, remember the easy way (favor) al-Lahi upon you when worried, anxiously pondering whether those standing firm (a people) that they stretched out towards you their hands. He withheld and restrained their hands from you. So ittaqu | protect and save or ward off and guard against the evil calamity of (fear) al-Laha. So let them put trust the believers.

If this is Allah’s way of writing himself back into the capitulation near KabaVille as Muhammad was writing him out, then of course, Halal did nothing of the sort. No aspect of this was consistent with that reality. The Muslims had come looking to pick a fight. And they were the ones whose hands were restrained, not the Quraysh, who were the peacemakers at Hudaybiyah. All they reached out with was a pen. Then, once Allah and Muhammad renounced their commitments, demonstrating that only a fool would trust either of them, Muslims returned to slaughter and subdue their families and former friends.

Further, the only reason that Muhammad got cold feet and capitulated, renouncing Allah and his role as the Rasuli, was that he had consistently lost the Never-Ending Argument with the Quraysh and he was afraid that the neophyte Muslims would abandon him apart from imposing an overwhelming force of arms to silence dissent.

Although, there is another interpretation, especially if the intent was for Quran 005.007, Quran 005.008, and Quran 005.009 and then Quran 005.010, Quran 005.011, and Quran 005.012 to remain on topic. After all, this segment began with a flashback to good times in Yathrib when the Jews were easy pickings and Muslims were living in their homes: Quran 005.007 Remember the easy life, the comforts and conveniences al-Lahi upon you and his binding contract which he bound you with, when you said, We heard and we obeyed. So, save and ward off al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha knower of what the breasts.

The Pledge to Wage War Against All Mankind began with two foes, the Quraysh of KabaVille and the Jews who had lived in Yathrib. But only one of these brought an easy 653life filled with conveniences and comforts to the Muslims. And that occurred by stealing Jewish homes, women, and children. This being the case, the relative morality pursuant to the hate crimes presented in the next verse was still directed at the Jews. Quran 005.008 O you who believe, stand for il-Lahi, told information in justice and not cut off by committing crimes hating and insulting as an adversarial antagonist abhorring the standing firm except you act proportionally. Be proportional as a form of justice, it nearly approaches the warding off and guarding against al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha knows what you do. Allah is saying that since the Jews didn’t capitulate, since they didn’t offer their scriptures freely, and since they mocked us, we are justified in our hatred of them. It is the same relative morality we are witnessing on college campuses across America as Muslims blame Jews for what they, themselves, have done.

Moreover, hate crimes against the Jews are forgiven… Quran 005.009 Al-Lahu has promised those who believe and do suitable deeds, for them protection and covering over (forgiveness) and a mighty reward. However, those we have slaughtered and spoiled are not so fortunate, because… Quran 005.010 And those who kafar | are reconciled (disbelieve) and falsify our signs (verses), those companions the burning fiercely.

This is quintessential Islam – ignorant, irrational, immoral, and insane. And it is what we witnessed on 10.07.23 and around the world as Muslims justified what they had done. Therefore, the following isn’t so much another desperate attempt to legitimize this counterfeit, but is instead, a litany of lies to condemn Jews…

Quran 005.012 Indeed, al-Lahu took a binding contract (covenant) sons of Israel and we incited (appointed) among them twelve piercing and penetrating (chiefs). And said al-Lahu, Lo, I with you if you stand still for al-salat | prostration obligation and pay the zakat | tax, and you believe in my rasuli and you support them and you cut (loan) al-Laha a handsome and good cut (loan).

I will remove and cover from you your evil annoyances. And I will enter you jannatin | demonic gardens flow from underneath them 654the rivers. But whoever kafar | reconciled (disbelieved) after that among you then, verily he strayed equivalent reason.

There were 972 manuscripts removed from the caves above Qumran. They date from between 350 BCE and 70 CE, such that these copies of older documents were scribed 700 to 1,000 years before this ridiculousness was written. There isn’t a single example within this extant collection hundreds of times more comprehensive than the Quran of an al-Lahu, of a binding contract being taken, of twelve chiefs being incited, of a call to prayer, of a request for prostration, for the collection of a zakat, of the mention of a rasuli, of lending money to God, of covering over evil, of admission into a garden, demonic or otherwise, of subterranean rivers, of any disbelievers, or of straying equivalent reason – whatever that might mean. So, depending upon whether al-Salat is considered a prostration demand or an obligatory prayer, or both, there were twelve to thirteen items on Halal’s list and they were all wrong and irrefutably so.

Therefore, we must ask – why was the un-god of the Quran revising reality such that the opposite of what he claimed was true? It is the same question we must ask today as the world becomes more anti-Semitic than it was at the outset of the Holocaust. Why are the Muslims who are protesting in favor of Islamic Hamas and Muslim Fakestinians doing so by inverting reality and blaming Jews for what the Muslims have done?

In the Suratun, not only did the non-prophet and his un-god falsely claim that their Islamic mantra was consistent with Yahowah’s message, not a word pertaining to God’s actual name or His instructions were included in their list. Their rendition of Replacement Theology was a complete abrogation of reality – as are the screams of the pro-Islamic protestors worldwide.

This pathetic perversion of the truth is so far beneath the clever cherub in ‘Eden, where the differences between Yahowah’s instructions and Satan’s misappropriations were 655subtle, we have to wonder what happened to the Snake to degrade the wannabe god’s intelligence? And what has happened to humankind to degrade our collective conscience such that it has become so dysfunctional?

As evidence of disabling dementia and crippling schizophrenia, Halal spoke in third and first-person singular and first-person plural in the same sentence. If it were not so devastating, it would be sad.

To encourage Muslims to accept Allah’s lies, The Noble Quran’s translation team added: “The Jews were ordered in the Torah to follow Prophet Muhammad.” They referenced Quran 007.157, which says “Those who follow the Messenger (Muhammad), the Prophet unlettered who can neither read nor write, whom they find him written in the Tawrati | Towrah (Deuteronomy 18:15) and the Injili | Gospel (John 14:16). He commands them...”

We’ve been through this drill before. While the non-prophet and un-god couldn’t read, we can. No Arab was called a prophet or a messenger. Dabarym 18 addresses Dowd up to the point it speaks of identifying false prophets – of which Muhammad wasn’t named but nonetheless qualifies. So as to prove, yet again, that Muslims should never be trusted, and particularly neither Muhammad nor Allah, let’s consider Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18, which begins by instructing Yahuwdym to have nothing to do with anyone like Muhammad…

“Indeed, when (ky) you come upon (‘atah bow’ ‘el – you enter into, are led and return to) the land which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym ‘atah), is giving (nathan – is bestowing and entrusting) to you (la ‘atah), you should not accept, learn, teach, or imitate (lo’ lamad – you should not instruct, be trained in, or become accustomed to), such that you act upon and engage in (la ‘asah – you effect, attend to, commit, profit from, bring about, ordain, institute, or perform), any semblance (ka – any derivative or similitude) 656of the disgusting religious rites and political practices (tow’ebah – abhorrent ceremonies, detestable idolatrous mythologies, repulsive and loathsome rituals, abominable festivals) of the Gentiles (ha gowym ha hem – of the people from different races, customs, and places). (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 18:9)

There shall not be found (lo’ matsa’) among you (ba ‘atah) one causing his son or daughter to pass over and perish (‘abar ben huw’ wa bath huw’ – a person having their child cross over or be sacrificed) in a fire (ba ha ‘esh), someone predicting the future based upon pagan religious notions (qasam qasam – believing false prophets, responding to conspiratorial suggestions, forming opinions based upon religious concepts), a person who obscures the truth and believes in spiritualism (wa ‘anan – a person who makes decisions based upon appearances or astrology, acts covertly, believes in casting spells, and clouding over), or one who tempts and charms others (wa nachash – one who offers deceptive precepts and false prognostications, an enchanter who cannot prove their position using evidence or reason, someone who is serpentine and toxic), an individual who entices and seduces people to worship and pray (wa kashaph – the corrupting influence, deceptive religious rites, rituals, and beliefs), (Dabarym 18:10) one who joins in and binds together by forming political or religious alliances (wa chabar cheber – one who charms others into leaguing together and forming a religion, one who fascinates with eloquence, creating a spellbinding fellowship), one who is obsessed with ghosts or speaks to dead souls (sha’al ‘owb – someone who seeks advice on being spiritual, who asks about the deceased, and is obsessed with sorcery, worship, and ancestors), a con man who beguiles in association with demonic spirits (yida’ony – a schemer who influences based upon his personal knowledge of and relationship with evil spirits, one overly familiar with agony and anguish, intimately acquainted with demons and death), or one who causes the premature death of others in association with 657a destructive plague (wa darash ‘el ha muwth – one who resorts to killing, hellish tortures, wanton destruction, and body counts, insisting that those who oppose them will be destroyed). (Dabarym 18:11)

For indeed (ky), all who engage in and act upon (kol ‘asah) these things (‘eleh) are an abomination, considered abhorrent and detestable (tow’ebah – are seen as repulsive, viewed as idolatrous and disgusting) to Yahowah (YaHoWaH). So as a consequence of this repulsive religious excrement (wa ba galal tow’ebah ha ‘eleh – on account of this abhorrent political dung, because of their detestable feces, for the express reason of this abominable bullshit, and as a result of this filthy idolatrous crap), Yahowah (YaHoWaH – our ‘elowah | God as directed in His ToWRaH | teaching regarding His HaYaH | existence and our ShaLoWM | restoration), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), will drive them out, dispossess and eliminate them (yarash ‘eth hem) from your presence (min paneh ‘atah). (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:12)

You can actually become completely and continually perfected by being consistently right (tamym hayah – you will exist as acceptable when you are correct, demonstrating integrity and being upright) with (‘im) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah). (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:13)

By comparison (ky), these people from different races and places (ha gowym ha ‘el leh – the gentiles and those from other nations), whom you shall dispossess (‘asher ‘atah yarash – who, for the benefit of the relationship, you will distance yourself from and disassociate with), they listen to (‘eth hem shama’ ‘el) false prophets who obscure the truth with myths (‘anan – spellbinders, spiritualists, and politicians blowing smoke, often concealing their actual motives while clouding the issue by acting covertly) and believe in antiquated religious notions and invalid opinion makers (wa qasam658respond to cultural and conspiratorial suggestions, forming invalid conclusions based upon ancestry). But as for you (wa ‘atah), this is not the correct way (lo’ ken – this is not the right or truthful path) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), has offered to you for you to approach (nathan la ‘atah – has provided for you to draw near). (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:14)

A prophet (naby’ – a person who is inspired by God, who communicates and records the testimony of God, and who is accurate regarding past and future events) from among your midst (min qereb ‘atah – out of your innermost nature), from your brethren (min ‘ach ‘atah – related to you), similar to me (kamow ‘any – in accord with me and who can be compared to me), Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), will raise up and position to take a stand which establishes and affirms you (quwm la ‘atah – He will validate and confirm, elevating the status to encourage and restore you, enabling you to approach and rise). To him, I want you to actually and continually listen (‘el huw’ shama’ – it is My will that you genuinely hear him with ongoing implications over time). (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:15)

This is consistent with everything (ka kol – according to all) which (‘asher) you requested of (sha’al min ‘im – you asked for while questioning) Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym ‘atah), in Choreb (ba Choreb) during the day of the assembly (ba yowm ha qahal – in the time everyone in the community congregated together), when you said (la ‘amar), ‘Never again let me hear (lo’ yasaph la shama’ ‘eth – no more, not even one additional time do I want to listen to) the voice (‘eth qowl – the sound) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH as instructed in His towrah – teaching regarding His hayah – existence), my God (‘elohym ‘any). Nor let me see and witness (wa lo’ ra’ah – nor be visibly shown) this intense fire (‘eth ha ‘esh ha gadowl ha zo’th – this massively powerful, brilliantly glowing flame of light) 659anymore (‘owd), lest I die (wa lo’ muwth).’ (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:16)

Therefore (wa), Yahowah (YaHoWaH) said (‘amar), ‘That is actually better, and they have appropriately conveyed their preference (yatab ‘asher dabar – they have responded as expected under the circumstances, communicating what they want regarding the relationship and it is acceptable). (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:17)

I will raise up and establish (quwm – I will set up and confirm) a prophet (naby’ – a man I can inspire to accurately convey past and future events) for them (la hem – to approach them and be near them) from among their brothers (min qereb ‘achy hem – from the innermost part of their brethren and relatives) similar to you (kemow ‘atah – in accord with you). And I will put (wa nathan – I will give, provide, and bestow, offering) My words (dabarym ‘any – My message and testimony) in his mouth (ba peh huw’) and he will convey to them (wa dabar ‘el hem – he will speak to them and communicate) everything which, for the benefit of the relationship (‘eth kol ‘asher), I instruct him (tsawah huw’ – I appoint and direct of him). (Dabarym 18:18)

And it shall come to be (wa hayah) that an individual who (ha ‘iysh ‘asher – that a person, who for the benefit of the relationship) will not listen (lo’ shama’) to My words (‘el dabarym ‘any – My testimony), which he shall declare (‘asher dabar – which he will share to show the way to the benefits of the relationship and to get the most enjoyment out of life) in My name (ba shem ‘any), I, Myself, will hold him accountable for this, requiring it of him (‘anoky darash min ‘im huw’ – I will hold him responsible after conducting an investigation).’” (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:19)

Muhammad didn’t meet a single criterion of the prophecy and Dowd fulfills all of them. Although, to be fair, 660Muhammad checks every box in the follow-on statement regarding false prophets…

“With absolute certainty (‘ak – emphasizing the point and to establish a contrast), the person who proclaims a message on behalf of a deity (ha naby’ – a professed prophet) who deliberately oversteps their bounds and speaks arrogantly and presumptuously, defiantly concocting a rebellious scheme (‘asher zyd – who has an inflated sense of self-worth, insolently demonstrating self-reliance while being insubordinate, who conceitedly pretends to know, insults others and is disrespectful, displaying pride in the pursuit of personal recognition and acclaim while despising rivals, who intentionally rebels against that which is established and is prone to rage, who seethes with anger and is repeatedly furious, overbearing and rude while insolently promoting their plans) for the express purpose of conveying words (la dabar dabar – for the intent of communicating a message verbally or in writing) under My reputation and designation (ba shem ‘any – in My renown and name) which (‘asher ‘eth – implying access and relationship) I have not expressly appointed, taught, authorized, or directed him (lo’ tsawah huw’ – I have not provided the instruction to him, I have not assigned, constituted, decreed, prescribed, or ordained this for him, deliberately and demonstrably making him My understudy and sending him out) to (la) convey (dabar – to speak), or (wa) who (‘asher) speaks (dabar – conveys a message) in the name (ba shem – in the designation or reputation) of other and additional (‘acher – different and subsequent) gods (‘elohym), then (wa) that prophet (ha naby’ ha huw’ – that individual who proclaims a message on behalf of a presumed deity) is actually deadly (muwth – he is literally devoid of life and is genuinely destructive, he is murderous, and while he will die, his death will not be permanent (qal perfect – the meaning is not nuanced or hypothetical, and while his death will not be the end of his existence, there will be a cure for his plague)).” (Dabarym / Deuteronomy 18:20)

661It is off to She’owl for Muhammad and Allah.

Having written the four-volume set of Twistianity (formerly Questioning Paul) disproving the Christian New Testament, I wouldn’t much care if the Gospel of John announced the second coming of the Tooth Fairy. But in all fairness, John 14:11-20 was addressing the arrival of what Christians would call the “Holy Spirit” during what they refer to as “Pentecost” the year this was supposedly spoken in 33 CE. In other words, from a Christian perspective, it was fulfilled sixty years before the Gospel was written. Further, based upon the text of John 14, unless Muhammad’s “Father” was Yahowah, unless Allah renounces his claim to never having a “Son,” unless Muhammad was just a “Spirit,” and unless he arrived six hundred years earlier, then to claim that John 14:16 spoke of Muhammad is to be a deceitful dunderhead.

When one has to lie to make one’s case, as is the case with Allah, Muhammad, and Islamic apologists, in addition to Muslim protestors, then one has no case.

Meanwhile, back in Yathrib, the anti-Semites who exterminated Jews played the hypocrite card. Rather than admitting what has become obvious, indeed, undeniable, that the un-god and non-prophet changed the Talmud stories the rabbis had recited to them such that they all were perverted to fit the odd scenarios they were encountering in 7th-century Arabia, they lied and blamed the Jews for doing what they had done, even though that claim was as senseless as it was impossible…

Quran 005.013 So for their pulling down, demolishing, and breaking their binding oath, pledge, or contract (covenant), we drove them away, depriving them (cursed them) and we made their hearts hard. They change and pervert, dislocating and distorting the words from their places and forgot a part of what they were reminded of it. And not you will cease see the rising of unfaithful betrayal from them except a few of them. Fa-u’fu | so, indulge, pass over, and pardon 662them or overlook and obliterate them, is’fah | turning away and avoiding or repelling. Lo, al-Laha prefers good.

This is exceptionally twisted and evil, even for Muhammad and Allah. In their farewell Suratun, they are blaming Jews for what they have done. The very people who had provided the content that was twisted to compose the Quran, in whose homes Muslims were living, whose wives and children they were abusing, were being accused of perverting, dislocating, and distorting the words that Muhammad and Allah had misappropriated and misconstrued throughout these recitals. This is a reversal of reality. Therefore, Quran 005.013 provides irrefutable proof that it is impossible to be an informed and rational Muslim. All evidence is to the contrary. Not only isn’t there any proof of the Quranic claim anywhere to be found, and not only is our planet filled with evidence proving otherwise, the Islamic scenario is insane. There is no situation under which it could have occurred.

One has to be ignorant and irrational to believe that the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms, which were written over the 1,000 years between 1447 to 447 BCE, and have been preserved in more manuscripts and languages than any text in human history, once read like the Quran, which is the absolute antithesis of it. Not only is the proof overwhelming otherwise, there isn’t so much as a fragment of a Quranic Towrah to be found in any language.

But Allah’s scenario is equally impossible when it is projected on the Jews these Muslims had murdered in Yathrib and Khabar. They could not have changed the Talmud or the Towrah to embarrass Muhammad after reading the excerpts they were paid to recite. Had they done so, then all other copies existing throughout Israel and the Middle East, would read like the Quran, but they don’t. And even then, if Allah was supposed to be the God of the Jews who inspired a book the opposite of his own, why did they 663buy recitals from the rabbis and why does the result read like the Talmud and not the Towrah?

It's sad, but true, that Yisra’elites broke their Covenant agreement with Yahowah, early and often – but they had no dealings with Halal as al-Laha until Muhammad and his pet Snake slithered into Yathrib – driving Jews away and depriving them of their lives, families, and homes. And it was, therefore, the hearts of Muslims that had to be hardened to justify such horrendous and hateful crimes.

And it became obvious when we found that every pilfered Talmud and Towrah account was obviously and deliberately, even carelessly and crudely, altered to reflect Muhammad’s ordeals in Arabia, that it was the un-god and his false prophet who perverted them. It is in the Quran where the words were removed from their rightful positions in place and time and made to reflect the pathetic antics in KabaVille. This betrayal of trust is essential to perpetuating the lies of Islam.

And that brings us to the concluding statement of Quran 005.013. Initially, I struggled in translating it because the Islamic interpretation was completely incongruous with what we had just read. It would be incredulous to say, “And those who kafar and lie, invent, fabricate, falsify, and deny our signs, proofs, and verses, they are the companions of the burning Hell-Fire,” and “so for their pulling down, demolishing, and breaking their binding and fettering oath and covenant, we drove them away, depriving and cursing them,” because “they change and pervert, dislocating and distorting the words from their places and forgot a part of what they were reminded of it. And not you will cease see the rising of unfaithful betrayal from them,” then conclude with “forgive them and overlook them,” which is how fa-u’fu and is’fah are rendered in Islamic Quran translations.

Therefore, one of two things must be true: either Allah was being disingenuous and inconsistent, or fa-u’fu and is’fah were translated incorrectly. And lo, when we look, both words are translated differently depending upon where 664they are cited in the Quran. And so, while I presented both alternatives, only the second is permissible: “Fa-u’fu | so indulge, pass over, and pardon them or overlook and obliterate them, is’fah | turning away and avoiding or repelling,” which is precisely what they had done by plundering, exterminating, and enslaving them.

The Jews knew that Muhammad hadn’t received his Suratuns from Gabriel or from Allah. They held the receipts. This is why they had to be eliminated. The evidence, and the people who held it, were obliterated before they obliterated Islam. The Nadir and Qurayza were hunted down and slaughtered to keep the world from knowing the truth.

It is absurd to think that more than a thousand years before an illiterate megalomaniac, who was a perverted pedophile, a profiteering raider, and a bloodthirsty terrorist, emerged in Arabia that Jewish scribes purposely altered the whole of the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms, then the Talmud, to foil an unknown psychopath. The scope of their conspiracy would have had to have gone beyond millions of people plotting together to write the Quranic absurdities paralleling 7th-century Arabia out – tens of thousands of times – while supplanting them with the brilliant, consistent, and credible stories which currently appear.

All of Israeli and Middle Eastern history, four thousand years of it, from Babylon to Egypt, would have had to have been perverted, too, for the Towrah and Prophets to be as errant as the Quran requires. Yet no scholar, historian, or archeologist has ever discovered any artifact to suggest that Yahowah’s testimony was erroneous. In fact, the opposite is true.

As a microcosm of this disparity, the Ten Statements Yahowah etched in stone are not found in Allah’s mean-spirited and immoral rant. Moreover, Muhammad violated all Ten, doing the opposite of most. And then there is the matter of Yahowah – written 7,000 times, and no mention of 665an Allah unless as Halal. Therefore, the Quran’s foundational claim is not only false, it is impossible. That means Islam cannot possibly be true.

There is a reason Muhammad, the Quran, and Muslim scholars don’t explain how, when, or why Jews “altered words from their context and neglected part of the message.” They can’t because they didn’t. Muslims did.

As a surprise to many, according to the Quran, the reason Christians turned on Jews, dehumanizing, slandering, and abasing them wasn’t as a result of the feigned blood libel over them killing their god, but because the Nasara had a binding oath with al-Lahu and forgot a part. But there are some of kinks in the un-god’s proposal, such as the realization there was no al-Lahu or Nasara and “soon” would have been 1,400 to 1,900 years ago…

Quran 005.014 From those who said, Lo, we Nasara [orhelpersif translated], we took their binding pledge (covenant), but they forgot a part of what they were reminded of it. So we aroused, kindled, tempted, and seduced, stirring up between them the hostility and the odious hatred, the transgression to the point of becoming antagonistic enemies, until day the standing up (resurrection). And soon, al-Lahu will inform them of that they were doing.

While there have been billions who have claimed to be Christians, none said, “We Nasara.” The myth upon which this Quranic lie was based is readily disproven, taking down the Christian New Testament with it. Matthew 2:23 falsely claims, “and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets, that he would be called a Nazarene.” However, the Gospel of Matthew was 98% plagiarized from Mark, Luke, and a Hebrew Ebonite text, and it was scribed under a fraudulent name circa 90 CE. Further, his particular verse was likely added by Eusebius in the 4th century after Constantine’s mother wrongly deduced that Iesou Christou had lived there. However, there was no “town called Nazareth” in the 1st century nor was there a messianic prophecy regarding it. 666There had been a settlement in this location under a different name, but it was destroyed. The idea of a netser is from Yasha’yah / Isaiah 11:1, which is where the Choter is introduced, not the Messiah. The next prophecy regarding a netser is found in Yasha’yah 14:19, which is directed at Satan, so that doesn’t help the cause.

As a Snake, there would be no reason for Allah to know any of this, which is why the mistake of the Nasara permeates the Quran. But since he is pretending to be God, and claiming to have written the “Bible,” this is a fatal blunder.

The reference to the day of standing up, which Allah calls a “resurrection,” predicts the reanimation of decomposed bones, sinew, and rotting flesh. It is not only grotesque, and biologically impossible, it would be entirely counterproductive. It is our souls, not our physicality, that matters. So long as we have bodies, we are decaying. And we are stuck on this planet and in time. The only reason the preposterous notion exists is that long ago, those responsible for crafting the legends behind pagan gods used it to explain the seasonal variation of vegetation. Then since Christianity was based on the myths associated with Dionysus, his annual resurrection was incorporated to create a happy ending for what was otherwise the sad story of a dead god on a stick. Then in Islam, the flesh is teased and tormented, necessitating bodies.

Recognizing that Allah had more issues than Muslims had slaves, one of the un-god’s foibles was that the Torah and Gospels were two distinctly different, texts, not one. They are so incongruent that the Hebrew prophets refer to the lead author and inspiration behind the Christian New Testament, Sha’uwl | Paul, as “the Plague of Death,” because Paul sought to misappropriate the Prophets to annul the Towrah.

Quran 005.015 O possessors (people) of the writing (book), Certainly has come to you our rasuluna | envoy sent (messenger), 667distinctly between and by way of separation (clear proofs) to you surpass in number you were concealing and hiding of the writing, passing over and obliterating of numerous. Surely, has come to you from al-Lahi a fire (light) and a writing (book) between (clear).

Arrogance often leads to outlandish claims and then to an ever-increasing accumulation of lies to support them. In this case, since Allah couldn’t produce a book of his own or anything in writing, he claimed authorship of what others had written long ago, unaware that what he claimed and they said were incompatible. For example, there was no Allah or Rasuli among the Hebrew Prophets or in the Gospels. Further, Allah can’t have it both ways and claim as he does that Jews and Christians know that Muhammad was foretold in their books and say that the Jews and Christians removed all traces of him. Therefore, to the extent the Prophets and the Christian originators guide, it is away from Allah, Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran.

Quran 005.016 Guides with it al-Lahu who seek his pleasure and approval ways the safety, security, and immunity (Islam / Submission), evading and driving out the zalam | cruel and subjugating lords to fire by his notification and directs the way firm.

Not so. Yahowah guides with His Towrah and through His Prophets while the likes of Paul and Luke misdirect with their revised testament – while neither was associated with al-Lahu. No one who has read either seeks al-Lahu’s pleasure. The Quran has advanced terror, a lack of immunity, and oppression, not security. Similarly, Allah, Muhammad, and Muslims have been the cruel oppressors and subjugating lords, victimizing Jews and Christians.

Throughout the Quran, Allah makes a mess with the fairy tale of the “son of Mary,” just as he did with Noach, ‘Abraham, Lowt, Moseh, Dowd, and Shalomoh.

Quran 005.017 Verily, kafar | reconciled (disbelieved) those who said, Lo, al-Laha, He al-Masihu, son Maryama. Say, Then who has power to rule and command from al-Lahi matters if he seeks to kill, destroying al-Masihu | the wipe, son Maryama, and his mother and 668whoever in the ground (earth), everyone. And il-Lahi command, power, and control (dominion) the lofty (heavens) and the ground and what between them. He measures (creates) what he wants. And al-Lahu on every thing, matter, and affair determined, powerful, able, and destined.

This was likely born of frustration while being overwhelmed. Christians, backed as they were by the Byzantine Empire and the Roman Catholic Church, were a much more numerous and formidable foe than had been the Jews in Arabia – all of whom were now dead or enslaved. Yahuwdym had fought against Assyria, Egypt, the Philistines, Amalekites, Midianites, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans – being among the few to obliterate an entire Legion, but their fighting days were behind them. Christians, not so much. So, the ever-arrogant one burst out with, “I could kill your Messiah and his mother if I wanted and no one could stop me.”

However, the Romans beat him to the punch with the Christian Christ by six hundred years, and the mythical misnomer’s legendary mom had been toes up for as long, rendering Allah’s claim absurd. Moreover, the actual Mashyach Dowd is very much alive, and while we know nothing of his mother, Yahowah’s beloved Son is infinitely more powerful than Allah. Also, since my purpose here is to expose and condemn Muhammad and Allah on behalf of Yahuwdym and Yisra’el, be aware that those who are kaphar | reconciled with Yahowah know that al-Laha is not God and that the Messiah is not Mary’s son.

One of the problems inherent in the next statements is that an ethnicity is being paired with a religion. To be accurate, one must distinguish Judaism from being Jewish. And while it isn’t appropriate to communicate imprecisely while pretending to be God, there is a far bigger problem because Yahuwdym, the plural of Yahuwd, contains Yahowah’s name. This affirms that they were His Beloved, not al-Lahi’s.

669Quran 005.018 And said al-Yahudu | the Yahuwdym | Jews and al-Nasara (Christians), We are building (children) al-Lahi, and his beloved. Say, Then why punish, tormenting and torturing, you for your tracks and tales (sins)? Nay, you flesh and meat, humans and animals from among he measured. He protects, covers over, and hides (forgives) whom He wants and punishes, castigating and tormenting, whom He wishes in the affair. And for il-Lahi command and control the lofty (heavens) and the ground (earth) and whatever between them. And to him go toward.

There are a thousand reasons to condemn the Quran and oppose Islam, and this statement is as good as any. Yahudu is a transliteration of Yahuwd and it means “Beloved of Yah.” And that would be Yahowah, the God of the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr. Nasara is a misnomer for a misnomer and thus twice wrong. Not only didn’t Yahuwdym claim an association with al-Lahi, since the un-god encouraged their extermination, they had reason to believe that they were not his beloved.

Yahowah has not punished His people; their religious and political leaders have done that to themselves. The one with the preoccupation on pain and suffering is Satan, the Allah of Islam.

Quran 005.019 O possessors (people) of the writing (book), Certainly has come to you our rasuluna | envoy sent (messenger), distinctly between and divisive (clear proofs) to you on abating, diminishing, and desisting of the rasuli lest you say, Not has come to us any basar | bearer of glad tidings and a caution or warning. And al-Lahu on every thing, matter, and affair determined, powerful, able, and destined.

Should you search for a rasuli in the Towrah or Prophets, you will draw a blank. There is no such person, and more importantly, there is no such message. The Yahuwdym in Yathrib said so before they were slaughtered and the Christians knew better. As for a basar | human herald, he exists, and of that, I am certain because he and the aforementioned Choter are one and the same.

670Ignorance and arrogance are a lethal combination. This next statement Muhammad and his pet Snake suffer from both. Moseh accompanied Yahowah to liberate the Children of Yisra’el from slavery and then conveyed the Towrah in 1447 BCE. At that point, life had been especially hard for the Chosen People. Further, the only “prophet” had been ‘Abraham, and they were just beginning to learn about the Covenant relationship he formed with Yahowah. By this time, there had been no nation of Yisra’el, much less a monarch. The first Yisra’elite king would be Sha’uwl | Saul, and he would not reign for another four centuries.

Quran 005.020 When said Musa to his people, O my people, remember easy life, comforts and conveniences (favor) al-Lahi upon you when he made among you prophets and made you kings and he gave you what not he had given anyone from the known.

Since this was not true, it affirms that Allah was either stupid or dishonest. Take your pick.

And how can Allah be God, Arabs be God’s chosen people, Muhammad be God’s favored messenger, Islam | Submission be the right religion, the Quran the correct book, and Mecca or Arabia be sacred territory since Yahowah led Yahuwdym with Moseh out of bondage into the ‘Erets Qodesh | Set-Apart Land of Yisra’el | Israel while providing the Towrah?

This should be a watershed moment for Muslims and those who coddle them in the misguided spirit of political correctness. If you have managed to ignore the mountain of evidence confirming Muhammad’s criminality and immorality, now you have to commit intellectual suicide. The Quran’s 5th surah is historically inaccurate.

Quran 005.021 Stand, enter al-muqadasata | spotless (Holy) ground (Land) which al-Lahu wrote (ordained) for you, and do not turn to flee or your backs, then you turn back losers. You will be overthrown, ruined.

671Al-Lahu wrote nothing – not even his Quran. And Yahowah did not use terms like “turn your backs” or call anyone “losers.” And as for the mu-qadas-ata, it is from the Hebrew qodesh and means “set apart.” Everything important to Yahowah, from Yahuwdym to His Towrah, from His Beryth to His Miqra’ey, from His Ruwach to His name and place, Yahowah and Yisra’el, are qodesh.

What follows is an impoverished rendition of a very childish episode in the second year of the Exodus. While there were many embarrassing moments, this was among the most disturbing. It was so horrendous that it’s easy to see why the rabbis in Yathrib shared so little of it with Muhammad.

Quran 005.022 They said, O Musa, lo, in it standing firm irresistible tyrants, and verily, never will enter it until they leave from it. If they leave from it, then lo, we enter. Quran 005.023 Said two men from those who feared had been convenient to al-Lahu both of them, Enter upon them the gate then when you have entered it, lo, you victorious. Upon al-Lahi put your trust if you are believers.

Quran 005.024 They said, O Musa, lo, we never will enter it ever for as long as they are in it. So go you and your rabbuka and you both kill. Lo, we are here sitting. Quran 005.025 He said, O my rabbi | lord, verily, I not rule or control except myself and my brother, so separation between us and between the standing disobedient.

Quran 005.026 Said, Then, lo, it haram | forbidden or sacred, to them forty years they will wander in the ground (earth). So not be solicitous or sad the standing disobedient.

The men’s names were Yahowsha’ and Kaleb. Yahowsha’ means “Yahowah Liberates, Delivers, and Saves.” Kaleb conveys “All Heart,” which is to say, “Thoughtful and Judgmental.” The actual story of what occurred, and its aftermath, is so essential to the restoration of relationship between Yahowah and His people, that I am going to interrupt the 5th Suratun a third time to bring it to you. And the reason should be apparent soon enough. Yahuwdym have not gotten the memo and still fail to take 672into account how horrifically they treated Yahowah and Moseh, even during the Exodus. And for there to be restoration and deliverance, this attitude must change.

Yahowah recognized that there have been generations of Yisra’elites, like the one a few millennia ago, that are a lost cause. There was and remains no way to teach them or redeem them. But He had made a promise, and He remains committed to honoring it. That is yet another thing that makes God different from Yisra’el – as they reneged on the vows they had made to Yahowah.

To appreciate the lessons of Marybah, context is vital. Six and seven chapters prior to that meltdown, in Bamidbar / Numbers 13 and 14, we discover that only two individuals out of the generation that had been liberated from Mitsraym would enter and remain within Yisra’el – these being Yahowsha’ and Kaleb.

To set the scene, Yahowah had asked Moseh to “shalach – send out” individuals to “tuwr – explore” the Land (not “spies” as most English Bibles errantly read). He requested that one “nasyi’ – leader” depart from each “mateh – tribe” of Yisra’el. Recognizing that mateh also means “staff,” we gain a better appreciation of what was in Moseh’s hand and what it represents.

The name of each Yisra’elite leader was listed by tribal affiliation beginning in Bamidbar 13:4 and running through the 16th verse, wherein Moseh selected Yahowsha’ ben Nuwn. Therein we find that Kaleb would represent Yahuwdah | Beloved of Yah.After walking around and exploring the Land for 40 days, all but two were shuddering in their sandals. They reported that it was as advertised, flowing with milk and honey, but…

“This notwithstanding (‘epesh), however (ky), the people (ha ‘am) are very strong, super-powerful, and vicious (‘az). Those who dwell in the land (ha yashab ba ha ‘erets) have fortified cities with impregnable walls (wa 673ha ‘iyr batsuwr) that are ginormous, numerous, and high (gadowl ma’od). And besides all of this (wa gam), we saw there (ra’ah sham) the descendants born unto (yalyd) the ‘Anaq | those who wear necklaces (ha ‘Anaq).” (Bamidbar / Numbers 13:28)

Kaleb | the Dog who was All Heart and Completely Judgmental (Kaleb) stilled and silenced (hasah) the people (‘eth ha ‘am) before Moseh (‘el Mosheh). He said (wa ‘amar), ‘Let’s arise and leap at this opportunity, let’s get up and get going (wa ‘alah ‘alah), and inherit what we’ve been given (yarash ‘eth hy’). It is for certain that we are capable and will succeed, so let’s be confident and prevail through understanding (ky yakol yakol la hy’).’” (Bamidbar 13:30)

“But the entire assemblage of what should have been eternal witnesses (wa kol ha ‘edah) rose up and were carried away (nasa’), offering up their voices (nathan ‘eth qowl hem) by crying, wailing and weeping (wa bakah) as a people (ha ‘am) throughout the night and in the darkness (ba ha laylah ha huw’). (Bamidbar 14:1) And everyone among the Children of Yisra’el (wa kol beny Yisra’el) grumbled and complained, howling against and blaming (luwn ‘al) Moseh and ‘Aharown | the One who Draws Out and the Alternative (Mosheh wa ‘al ‘Aharown). The entire community served as witnesses (wa kol ha ‘edah) when they said to them (wa ‘amar ‘el hem), ‘If only we had died (luw muwth) in the land of the religious and political oppressors (ba ‘erets Mitsraym – within the realm of despots and tyrants, in the cauldrons of military and economic confinement, while subjected to the coercive cruelty of slavery, deprived of freedom by national and political persecution, in a place akin to a concentration camp). Or if only (‘ow luw) we had died (muwth) in this wilderness while questioning the word (‘ow ba ha midbar ha zeh). (Bamidbar14:2)

674Why (wa la mah) did Yahowah bring us (Yahowah bow’ ‘eth ‘anachnuw) to this land (‘el ha ‘erets ha zo’th) so that we would fall by the sword (la naphal ba ha chereb)? Our women (‘ishah ‘anachnuw) and our little children (wa tap ‘anachnuw) will be preyed upon and plundered (la baz). Wouldn’t it be better (ha lo’ towb) for us to go back (la ‘anachnuw shuwb) to the Crucibles of Political and Religious Oppression (Mitsraym)?’ (Bamidbar 14:3)

And they said to one another as brethren (wa ‘amar ‘iysh ‘el ‘ach), ‘We want to appoint (nathan) a higher and better leader (ro’sh), because we want to return (shuwb) to the religious and political oppressors (Mitsraym).’ (Bamidbar 14:4) Then Moseh and ‘Aharown fell (wa naphal) on their faces (‘al paneh hem) before (la paneh) the entire contingent community, this horde and mob (qahal), the swarming herd of wannabe witnesses (‘edah) of the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el). (Bamidbar 14:5)

So Yahowshuwa’ ben Nuwn | Yahowah Saves the Children who Endure Forever (Yahowshuwa’ ben Nuwn) and Kaleb ben Yaphuneh | He is Wholeheartedly Judgmental as a Child in the Presence (wa Kaleb ben Yaphuneh), out of the ones who had explored (min ha tuwr) the Land (‘eth ha ‘erets), tore their clothes as a sign of disassociating from the insulting behavior and disparaging words (qara’ beged hem). (Bamidbar 14:6)

They challenged the entire assemblage (wa ‘amar ‘el kol ‘edah) of the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el), saying (la ‘amar), ‘We passed through (‘abar) the Land (ha ‘erets) which has been provided as a benefit of the relationship (‘asher). We have explored and investigated it, carefully reconnoitering and surveying everything associated with it (ba hy’ la tuwr ‘eth hy’). The Land (ha ‘erets) is very, very good, exceedingly pleasant and especially desirable, enormously productive and 675beneficial, even stunningly beautiful (towb me’od me’od). (Bamidbar 14:7)

If (‘im) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) wants to be with us, prefers us, and is willing to be around us (chaphets ba ‘anachnuw), then He will come with us and bring us into this Land (wa bow’ ‘eth ‘anachnuw ‘el ha ‘erets ha zo’th) and give it to us (wa nathan hy’ la ‘anachnuw). It is a Land (‘erets hy’) which, as a benefit of the relationship (‘asher), flows with a great abundance (zuwb) of milk and honey (chalab wa dabash). (Bamidbar 14:8)

That notwithstanding and let us be perfectly clear (‘ak), do not rebel religiously against or politically oppose, acting in a revolting manner against (‘al marad) Yahowah (YaHoWaH). Also (wa), you (‘atem) should not respect, admire, or fear (‘al yare’) anything associated with the people (‘eth ‘am) of the Land (ha ‘erets) should they attack and fight against us (lacham ‘anachnuw). Their protection (tsel hem) will be removed (suwr) from them (min ‘al hem) because (wa) Yahowah (Yahowah) is with us (‘eth ‘anachnuw). Neither respect nor fear them (‘al yare’ hem).’ (Bamidbar 14:9)

So then (wa), everyone (kol) who was part of the community witnessing against themselves (ha ‘edah), said (‘amar), ‘Let’s stone them, executing them by hurling large rocks at them (la ragam ‘eth hem ba ha ‘eben)!’ However (wa), the glorious presence (kabowd) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) appeared within the Tent (ra’ah ba ‘ohel) of the Eternal Witness to the Restoring Meetings (Mow’ed – of the continuing testimony regarding the scheduled appointments occurring during regularly scheduled times to gather together and celebrate the agreement; from mow – this pertains to and ‘ed – eternal witness, everlasting testimony, and enduring evidence) in opposition toward (‘el) all of the Children of Yisra’el (kol beny Yisra’el). (Bamidbar 14:10) And Yahowah (wa Yahowah) asked, saying to (‘amar ‘el) Moseh (‘el Mosheh), 676‘For how long and for what reason (‘ad ‘an) will these people (ha ‘am ha zeh) reject and despise Me, treating Me with utter contempt and complete disrespect (na’ats ‘any)?

How long and for what reason (wa ‘ad ‘an) will they not trust Me and rely upon Me (wa lo’ ‘aman ba ‘any), especially with all of the examples and illustrations, these many accounts and distinguishing and open communications (ba kol ha ‘owth) which, to reveal the way to receive the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), I have accomplished while engaging in their midst (‘asah ba qereb huw’)? (Bamidbar 14:11)

As a result of their choices, I will cause them to be stricken (nakah huw’) with this plague of words (ba ha deber). I will disinherit them (wa yarash hem – I will dispossess them for a very long time, disgorging them as if they were vomit, driving them away so that they are destitute, impoverished, and displaced, even replaced to some extent and for some time).

Then (wa), in conjunction with you (‘eth ‘atah), I will act and engage to work with, doing what needs to be done through (‘asah) an important, capable, and courageous (gadowl – a distinguished, competent, bold, and boisterous, encouraging, empowering, and magnifying) gowy | non-Yisra’elite, for a different race and place (la gowy) who will accomplish the mission more effectively and resolutely (wa ‘atsuwm – who will achieve vastly more pertaining to what is essential; from ‘etsem – who will have a backbone, being more indispensable and vital) than they (min huw’).’” (Bamidbar / Numbers 14:12)

And here we are, together again. I am that gowy. Are you listening?

“‘Indeed (ky), every one of these individuals (kol ha ‘iyshym) who have witnessed (ha ra’ah) My substantive presence (kabowd ‘any) along with My examples and 677illustrations (ba kol ha ‘owth) which, to reveal the way to receive the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), I have accomplished, acting upon while engaging within (‘asah ba) the Crucibles of Political and Religious Oppression (Mitsraym) as well as in the wilderness (wa ba ha midbar) and, yet, are continually trying, testing, and tempting Me (nasah ‘eth ‘any), these ten occurrences (zeh ‘eser pa’am), and have not listened (wa lo’ shama’) to My voice (ba qowl ‘any), (Bamidbar 14:22) even if they see (‘im ra’ah) the Land (‘eth ha ‘erets) which (‘asher) I promised (shaba’) to their fathers (la ‘ab hem), since all of them disrespected Me, rejected and spurned Me, treating Me with contempt (wa kol na’ats ‘any), they will not experience it (lo’ ra’ah hy’). (Bamidbar 14:23)

However (wa), My associate, coworker, and servant (‘ebed ‘any), Kaleb | the Dog who is All Heart and Totally Judgmental (Kaleb), because (‘eqeb) he has (hayah) a different Spirit (ruwach ‘acher) within him (‘im huw’) and has wholeheartedly and without reservation followed Me right to the very end (male’ ‘achar ‘any), I will bring him (wa bow’ huw’) into the Land (‘el ha ‘erets) which, to show the way to get the most enjoyment out of life (‘asher), he arrived there and entered (bow’ sham). And so (wa), his descendants, those who are rooted and grow based upon what he has sown (zera’ huw’), will inherit it (yarash hy’).’” (Bamidbar / Numbers 14:24)

But unfortunately, Yisra’el, this antagonistic outburst against Yahowah does not stand alone. And it got worse.

“There had not been any water (wa lo’ hayah maym) for the community (ha ‘edah). So they were gathered and assembled against (wa qahal ‘al) Moseh | Drawn Out (Mosheh – one who removes) and to oppose (wa ‘al) ‘Aharown | the Alternative (‘Aharown – Enlightened Expression of Freewill as an Alternate, a bringer of light and choice). (Bamidbar / Numbers 20:2)

678Then the people (wa ha ‘am) quarreled in opposition, ridiculing and mocking, while being contentious (ryb – they were hostile, insulting, accusing, and taunting) toward (‘im) Moseh (Mosheh). They protested and said (wa ‘amar la ‘amar), ‘If only (wa luw) we had perished (gawa’) along with the death (ba gawa’ – breathing our last and ceasing to live) of our brothers (‘ach ‘anachnuw) in the presence of (la paneh) Yahowah (Yahowah).’ (Bamidbar 20:3)

So, for what purpose (wa la mah) did you bring (bow’) Yahowah (YaHoWaH – our ‘elowah | God as directed in His ToWRaH | teaching regarding His HaYaH | existence) with this contingent (‘eth qahal) to (‘el) this desert (ha midbar ha zeh – this lifeless wilderness of questioning the word): so that we could die (la muwth) here (sham) along with our livestock (‘anachnuw wa ba’yr ‘anachnuw)? (Bamidbar 20:4) And for what purpose (wa la mah) did you withdraw us in such a grandiose manner (‘alah ‘anachnuw – did you make this sacrifice, lift us up and exalt us) from (min) Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Political and Religious Oppression (Mitsraym – the cauldrons of cruel persecution where the people were confined and restricted by military and economic institutions; plural of matsowr – to be delineated as a foe and besieged during a time of testing and tribulation, from tsuwr – to be bound and confined by an adversary, assaulted and shut up in the likes of a concentration camp by those showing great hostility) to come with us (la bow’ ‘eth ‘anachnuw) to this horrible, good-for-nothing place (‘el ha maqowm ha ra’ – to this miserable, troubling, worthless, noxious, and disagreeable location)? This is not a place (ha zeth lo’ maqowm) for sowing seed (zera’ – for families to grow and produce offspring) or for figs (wa ta’enah – edible fruit), or for vines (wa gepen), or pomegranates (rimown). And besides all of that, there is nothing to drink (wa maym ‘ayn la shatah).’ (Bamidbar 20:5)

679Moseh (wa Mosheh) and (wa ‘al) ‘Aharown (‘Aharown) moved away from (bow’ min) the presence (paneh) of the contingent community and mob (ha qahal) to (‘el) the doorway (petah) of the Tent (‘ohel – the Home and Covering, the clearly shining dwelling place) of the Eternal Witness to the Appointed Meetings (Mow’ed – Scheduled Appointments which are designated and fixed; a compound of mow’ and ‘ed – of whom the eternal testimony is about and to whom the everlasting witness pertains) and they dropped, falling (wa napal) on their faces (‘al paneh hem). Then the glorious significance (kabowd – the abundantly honorable splendor; from kabad – overall merit and value) of Yahowah (Yahowah) appeared and was seen (ra’ah) by them (‘el hem). (Bamidbar 20:6)

And Yahowah (YaHoWaH – our ‘elowah | God as directed in His ToWRaH | teaching regarding His HaYaH | existence) spoke (dabar – communicated using words) to (‘el) Moseh (Mosheh) for the purpose of saying (la ‘amar), (Bamidbar 20:7) ‘Grasp hold of (laqach ‘eth) the staff (‘eth ha mateh – the branch which is symbolic of the tribes) and summon (qahal – call together, gathering and assembling) the community of witness (ha ‘edah). You (‘atah) and also (wa) your brother (‘ach ‘atah), ‘Aharown | the Alternate (‘Aharown), should speak (dabar) to (‘el) the rocky outcropping (ha sela’ – to the stone crag) before their eyes (la ‘ay hem – in their sight so that they might gain understanding and perspective) and it will give (wa nathan) its water (maym huw’). Thereby (wa) you shall bring out (yatsa’) for them (la hem) water (maym) from (min) the rocky crag (ha sela’) and you will be providing a drink (wa saqah) for (‘eth) the community to witness on behalf of the restoring testimony (ha ‘edah) and also (wa) for their livestock (‘eth ba’yr hem).’ (Bamidbar 20:8)

So Moseh (wa Mosheh) grasped hold of (laqach ‘eth) the staff (ha mateh – symbolic of the tribes) from the presence of (min la paneh) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) in the 680manner which (ka ‘asher) He instructed him (tsawah huw’). (Bamidbar 20:9) Then Moseh (Mosheh) summoned (qahal) along with ‘Aharown (wa ‘Aharown) the contingent community (qahal) to (‘el) the presence of (paneh) the rocky outcropping (ha sela’). He said to them (‘amar la hem), ‘Please (na’), listen (shama’), those of you who are rebellious and embittered (ha marah – the defiant and obstinate malcontents): is it possible that from (ha min) this (ha zeth) crag (ha sela’ ha zeh) we will bring forth (yatsa’) water (maym) for you (la ‘atah)?’ (Bamidbar 20:10)

Then (wa) Moseh (Mosheh) raised up (ruwm) his hand (‘eth yad huw’) and he struck (nakah – he lashed out at) the rocky outcropping (ha sela’) with (ba) his staff (ha mateh) twice with two strikes (pa’amym) and (wa) abundant (rab) waters (maym) came out (yatsa’). So (wa) the community of the restoring testimony (ha ‘edah) drank (shatah), as did (wa) their livestock (ba’yr). (Bamidbar 20:11)

Therefore (wa), Yahowah (YaHoWaH) said (‘amar) to (‘el) Moseh (Mosheh) and to (wa ‘el) ‘Aharown (‘Aharown), ‘Because (ya’an – since based upon this account that) you did not place your trust in Me and you were not trustworthy (lo’ ‘aman ba ‘any – you did not validate or affirm the enduring veracity of My assurance, you did not depend or rely upon Me, and you were not supportive or affirming of Me, nor reliable this time) for the purpose of demonstrating that I am unique, set apart, and very different (la qadash ‘any – to distinguish and separate Me from that which is common and pervasive) before (la) the eyes (‘ayn) of the Children of Yisra’el (beny Yisra’el – children who either struggle or engage with God), therefore, the correct approach is that (la ken) you will not bring (lo’ bow’ ‘eth) this contingent community (ha qahal ha zeth – this mob-like assembly) into (‘el) the land (ha ‘erets) which, to show the way to the benefits of 681the relationship (‘asher), I gave to them (nathan la hem – I appointed for them and placed before them).’ (Bamidbar 20:12)

These are (hem) the Maym Marybah | the Waters of Contention (maym marybah – the waters of provocation and quarreling, conflict and strife, and of willful rejection and deliberate betrayal; from mah – to question and ponder the implications of ryb – contentious words, quarreling and complaining, of controversy and disputes) where (‘asher) Beny Yisra’el | the children who are antagonistic and quarrelsome with God (beny Yisra’el) were contentious with and taunted, disputed and opposed, quarreled against and deliberately accused (ryb ‘eth – were cantankerous and argumentative, combative and antagonistic, petulant and mocking, creating controversies and complaints, finding fault with), Yahowah (Yahowah). And through them (wa ba hem), He demonstrated that He was different (qadash – He showed that He was set apart, distinct, uncommon and, thus, unlike them).” (Bamidbar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 20:13)

Unfortunately, the Children of Yisra’el did not differentiate themselves and continued to be cantankerous and religious. That is what I expect to resolve.

Without misappropriating Yahowah’s Towrah, and inciting world war, you’d find Allah lurking at the bottom of a forgotten pile of false idols. But he did both and people believed him.

Quran 005.027 And recite to them the story the sons Adama with suitability when they both approached for proximity (a sacrifice), but it was accepted from one and was not accepted from the other. Said, Lo, I will kill you. Said, Lo, al-Lahu only accepts from the preserving, warding off, and protecting. Quran 005.028 If you stretch your hand against me to kill me, I will not stretch my hand against you to kill you, for, verily, I fear al-Laha, Rabba the known (worlds). Quran 005.029 Lo, I wish you incur with my sin and your sin so you will be 682of the friends and companions the Fire. And that reward al-zalim | the cruel lords.

Reading this revisionist rip-off of the Towrah’s Bare’syth / Genesis presentation in the final Suratun of the Quran, you are likely already aware of one of the many reasons this is inappropriate. Islam’s un-god has no concept of chronology, history, or time, so this retelling was placed in the last chapter rather than the first. And this is because the un-god and his cohort are preoccupied with themselves rather than humankind. And so there have been 50 inaccurate and conflicting references to ‘Adam’s conception strewn throughout the Quran, and yet, omitted here, as were God’s instructions to ‘Adam.

There has been no attempt to explain why Chawah was created, where is she now, or why she isn’t ever named. Why isn’t the story of the Snake’s complicity in their ouster from the Garden presented? Why is there no mention of the Tree of Lives? Why did Allah leave out the detailed presentation of the consequence for all three individuals disregarding Yahowah’s instructions? Why were Qayn’s and Hebel’s names omitted? Why weren’t the offerings described so that we might know why the lamb was acceptable but not fruit? Why was Yahowah’s conversation with Qayn excluded? Since Qayn rose up against Hebel and killed him in a sneak attack, why are we reading incredulous jawing between them? Why is the stand-in for the Jews telling the one representing Muhammad that he won’t strike back – since he did? And why after all of this was Yahowah’s narrative to the killer replaced by the slain’s desire for his brother to be a “companion of the fire?” Why did he include al-Laha’s name when the Serpent was the reason they were living outside of the Garden? Why mention a “Rabbi” when they wouldn’t exist for thousands of years? If this is the best your god can do, then you deserve each other. Allah cannot even plagiarize credibly.

683Some 2,700 pages ago in the Snake volume of God Damn Religion, we considered a number of Hadith that Muslims added to disguise their god’s lack of awareness. But in doing so, they dug themselves in deeper…

Tabari I:308 “The story of Cain and Abel was told by Allah to Muhammad in the Quran saying, ‘Recite to them – meaning the people of the Book – the story of the two sons of Adam truthfully…to the end of the story. Eventually, two boys, called Cain and Abel, were born to Adam. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a herdsman. Cain was the older of the two.’”

Tabari I:308 “Cain had a sister who was more beautiful than Abel’s sister. [How could that be if they were brothers?] Abel sought to marry Cain’s sister, but Cain refused and said, ‘She is my sister born together with me and she is more beautiful than your sister. I deserve to marry her more than you do.’ So, Adam ordered Cain to marry her to Abel. However, he refused.”

Tabari I:309 “Cain and Abel offered a sacrifice to Allah to find out who was more deserving of the girl. On that day Adam was absent as he had gone to have a look at Mecca.” That would have been a walk of continental proportions, and to nowhere because, at the time, no one lived in Arabia. “Allah had said to Adam, ‘Adam do you know that I have a House on Earth?’ Adam replied, ‘Indeed I do not.’ Allah said, ‘I have a house in Mecca. So go there!’”

Tabari I:309 “Adam said to heaven, ‘Guard my two children.’ [Evidently, the two daughters didn’t count.] But heaven refused. Adam addressed the Earth with the same request, but the Earth refused. He addressed the mountains but they also refused. He then spoke to Cain, who said, ‘Yes. You shall go and when you return you shall be happy with the condition you find your family.’”

Then after some bragging and bickering, we read…

Tabari I:309 “Abel offered a fat young sheep and Cain a sheaf of corn. Finding a large ear, Cain husked and ate it. A fire came down from heaven. It consumed Abel’s offering and left that of Cain. Whereupon Cain got angry and said, ‘I shall kill you to prevent you from marrying my sister. Abel said, ‘Allah accepts only from those who fear Him….’ One day Cain came upon him while he was asleep. He lifted a big rock and crushed Abel’s head with it.”

684Tabari I:310 “Allah sent two ravens that were brothers and they fought with one another. When the one killed the other, it dug a hole for it and covered it with soil. When Cain saw that, he said, ‘Woe to me! Am I incapable of being like that raven, so as to conceal my brother?’ This explains Allah’s word: ‘And Allah sent a raven to scratch a hole in the earth in order to show him how to conceal his brother.’” (Quran 005.031)

Since we are getting slightly ahead of Allah’s revisionist retelling of this episode from a Talmudic recital so let’s return to the Suratun…

Quran 005.030 Then obeyed to him his nafsuh | soul qatla | to kill his brother, so he killed him and became of the losers. Quran 005.031 Then al-Lahu faba’atha | unrestrained and sent into motion ghuraban | an abundance of foreign blackness (a raven). It digging by scratching in the ground to show him how yuwari | to allude, conceal, and hide sawata | a badly treated, disgraced, vexing annoyance, and shamefully vicious evil (body) of his brother. He said, Woe to me, I am lacking, behind, and frustrated that I am like this, al-ghurabi | the passing darkness and strange blackness (raven) and be equivocal, allusive, and ambiguous in concealing sawata | a badly treated annoyance and shamefully vicious evil (body) my brother. Then he became of the regretful.

Inducing some men to murder all other men was Allah’s specialty. So why don’t Muslims recognize Halal for the demon he actually is – the ultimate blight on humankind?

Before we venture back into the rabbinical fable that served as the midwife to Allah’s abomination, let’s address the illiterate un-god’s word choices. The Islamic god is fixated on physical bodies (basar in Hebrew and Arabic) so he can slaughter, tantalize, and threaten men. Therefore, the human soul (nepesh in Hebrew and nafsuh in Arabic) is superfluous from Satan’s perspective, which may be why it prompted the assassination. But since Allah insists that Muslims must die killing for him, why is a man who kills another called a “loser?” Wouldn’t that make all good Muslims duds by this criterion? And speaking of losing, let 685it be known that qatla means to “murder, slay, slaughter, and kill,” not “to fight.”

When “faba’atha | released” is correctly rendered in advance of “ghuraban | an abundance of foreign blackness and strange darkness” we see Halal / Allah as the demon in this story. And in his case, it wasn’t about a man’s “basar | body,” because he did not use this word. Instead, what Islam’s un-god wanted “yuwari | concealed” was “sawata | the shameful, vexing, and vicious evil that lurked behind” every word he and his rasuli had recited.

As you no doubt noticed, Allah’s revisionist tale begins as an impoverished retelling of the Towrah, with Cain killing his brother Abel. Yet the moment one unnamed brother kills the other, the story changes and no longer follows the Towrah’s trail. And that is because the Quran’s variant was plagiarized from books drafted nineteen centuries after the Towrah was scribed by Moseh. Specifically, the Quranic version is found in the Targum of Jonathan-ben-Uzziah, The Targum of Jerusalem, and The Pirke-Rabbi Eleazar. These were religious myths composed from oral traditions centuries before Quranic ink-stained paper. And as we proceed, we must consider why this story was presented in the Quran’s final surah chronologically.

The story being plagiarized and bastardized was rabbinical. In an excerpt from the Midrash, a religious book of myths and fables conceived by rabbis, we find the Pirke Rabbi Eliezer sharing the basis of this story, “Adam and his companion sat weeping and mourning for him (Abel) and did not know what to do with him as burial was unknown to them. Then came a raven, whose companion was dead, took its body, scratched in the earth, and hid it before their eyes; then said Adam, I shall do as this raven has done, and at once he took Abel's corpse, dug in the earth and hid it.” (Geiger, Judaism and Islam, p.80) Of this, Alfred Guillaume, the European scholar who translated Ibn Ishaq’s Life of Muhammad for Oxford Press in 1955, acknowledged, “The 686story of the world’s first murderer affords a most informing example of the influence of a Jew behind the scenes.’ (Guillaume, op. cit., p. 139).

Apart from the contrast between who buried whom, the two stories are otherwise uncannily similar. We can only conclude that it was from here that Muhammad obtained his scripture as a Jewish fable came to be repeated as a historical fact in the Quran.

We find further proof of plagiarism of apocryphal Jewish literature in the Mishnah Sanhedrin. However, in the Quran, it is used to provide the following pretext for genocide…

Quran 005.032 From time that we wrote (ordained) on Children Is’raila | Israel that he who qatala | kills nafsan | a soul other than a soul or corruptors, tainted, mischievous, invalid, or spoiled (spreading corruption) in the earth, then is as if he has killed al-nasa | the uplifted among the people (mankind) jami’an | gathered and collected together. And whoever ahya | lives it (saves it), then is as if ahya | he has lived al-nasa | the uplifted among the people (mankind) jami’an | gathered and collected together.

And, lo, surely, came to bring to them our rusuluna | ones who are sent (messengers) bil-bayinati | with separation, disunion, and severing between (clear signs) thumma | collected here and there (yet), lo, an overwhelming number of them remote and removed (after) that in the ground (earth) lamus’rifuna | eating away, suckling ignorantly, extravagant, squandering, and wasteful (commit excesses).

Not only is the transition from one Quranic statement to the next unintelligible, but the moral of the story is insane. But before we put the statements together, let’s consider the words themselves. First, incongruently, the un-god claims that he wrote on the Children of Israel while unable to provide a drop of ink for Muslims. Second, this limited exemption on murder was addressed to Jews and abrogated for Muslims. Third, the edict against genocide was lifted in the case of those who were deemed “corrupted, tainted, 687mischievous, invalid, or spoiled” anywhere on earth. Therefore, it has always been permissible to exterminate anyone who disagrees with Allah or his Messengers in any matter.

Fourth, oddly, al-nasa is from the Hebrew verb, nasa’, which means “to lift up,” such that the exterminated are “the uplifted among the people,” – which likely speaks of those not prostrating themselves as slaves to al-Laha. Fifth, the verbiage doesn’t say “all” mankind, but only those who “gather together.”

Sixth, rasul does not actually mean “messenger” but, instead “sent.” And since there is no Hebrew word sharing the Ra/Rosh-Sinn/Sin-Lam/Lamed root, nothing of the sort can be found written anywhere in the Towrah or Prophets regarding this. The Hebrew verb, shalach | to send is scribed with a Shin-Lamed-Chet.

Seventh, bayin is from a Hebrew word of the same spelling. It means “between” and is extrapolated to convey “separation, disunion, and severing of relationships between” people and ideas in Arabic. It does not mean “clear” or “signs.”

Eighth, even with this being the final Suratun, the “thumuna | collected here and there” are “kathiran | overwhelming and numerous, surpassing the quantity that would be expected of those exempt from extinction.” And ninth, the non-Muslims subject to annihilation are described as “lamus’rifuna | ignorant suckers, extravagantly eating away, squandering and wasteful.”

So, now that we have identified that there is no exemption to annihilation, let’s put it all together before we move on to what is among the most grotesque statements ever uttered by someone pretending to speak for God.

Quran 005.030 Then obeyed to him his soul to kill his brother, so he killed him and became of the losers. Quran 005.031 Then al-Lahu released and sent into motion an abundance of foreign blackness. It 688dug by scratching in the ground to show him how to allude, conceal, and hide a badly treated, disgraced and shamefully vicious and evil of his brother. He said, Woe to me, I am lacking, frustrated that I am like this, the passing darkness and strange blackness, allusive and ambiguous in concealing a vexing annoyance of my brother. Then he became of the regretful.

Quran 005.032 From time that we wrote on Children Israel that he who kills a soul other than a soul, or corruptors, tainted, mischievous, invalid, or spoiled in the earth, then is as if he has killed the uplifted among the people gathered and collected together. And whoever lives it, then is as if he has lived the uplifted among the people gathered and collected together. And, lo, came to bring to them our sent out with separation, disunion, and severing between collected here and there, lo, an overwhelming number of them remote and removed that in the earth eating away, suckling ignorantly, extravagantly squandering, and wasteful.

Therefore, Al-Lahu is reporting that it’s okay even for the Jews to kill Jews if they’re the least bit tainted or invalid, even mischief makers by scoffing at the non-prophet for stealing this citation from the Talmud. Satan is, therefore, providing a carte blanche for mass murder and an ensuing coverup, which sounds similar to what occurred on October 7th, 2023 and thereafter.

Should that have been the intent, there is no explanation as to why the life or death of one should be equal to the salvation or destruction of all mankind. However, when we turn to another Jewish citation, we find that this bizarre interpretation of the Towrah came from the Talmud Mishnah Sanhedrin 4. There we read… “We find it said in the case of Cain who murdered his brother, “The voice of thy brother's bloods crieth” (Bare’syth / Genesis 4.10). It is not said here blood in the singular, but bloods in the plural, that is, his own blood and the blood of his seed. Man was created single in order to show that to him who kills a single individual it shall be reckoned that he has slain the whole race, but to him who preserves the life of a single individual it is counted that 689he hath preserved the whole race.” (Talmud Mishnah Sanhedrin, 4.5)

Therefore, the verse that Islamic apologists errantly translate and cite out of context to suggest that the Quran and Islam are not murderous and sadistic, was not only followed by one which proves otherwise, the “positive” message was composed by a Jewish rabbi, not Allah. This realization is factually irrefutable and the consequence is undeniable. Then this…

Quran 005.033 The only rendering and reward for those who are in conflict with or frustrated by al-Laha and his Messenger, who walk or work upon the earth, wrong or invalid, corrupt or mischievous, is that they be slaughtered, they be put to death by crucifixion, they have their hands and feet be cut off and severed on opposite sides, or they be banned, driven away, cast out, and removed, from the earth. That is for them the vile and despicable abasement, the shameful affliction, and evil degradation, in the down-low world of the here and now. And for them in retreating during the hereafter a glorious and grievous punishment, magnified and abounding torture.

Sadly, gruesomely, and appallingly, Quran 005.033 was clearly written by Allah’s standards. There is no mitigating or resolving the wannabe god’s edict to annihilate the human race, mutilating and torturing everyone in the process.

This makes Islam a more formidable foe than the Black Death, the Bubonic Plague, Ebola, or Smallpox but perhaps not as lethal as nuclear holocaust. It plainly states that there are only four ways for a Muslim to “reward” and “abase” those who are in conflict with any aspect of Islam, who are frustrated by Islam, or even pray regarding Islam, including everyone who walks or works on the earth. According to Allah, they must be slaughtered, crucified, mutilated to the point of incapacitation, or banned and removed.

And if that were not enough for informed, rational, moral, and civilized people to strive to quarantine Islam, after sadistically torturing and annihilating everyone on earth in a vile and despicable manner, degrading humanity 690in the process, Allah, as Satan, intends to inflict a glorious and grievous torment as part of a great and magnificent torture.

Therefore, the religion of Islam and humanity cannot coexist. Even if you are not among those with the good sense, courage, and compassion to isolate the overtly religious who are infected with this plague, surely you see the merit in making all expressions of it illegal.

With Muslims smelling blood and circling for the destruction of Israel and extermination of Jews, protesting on behalf of this death cult worldwide, they will not stop there should they prevail. Those who are encouraging and assisting them in America and Europe will be next.

There are far more deadly and despicable Muslims now than there were Nazis at the beginning of the last world war, and you know what happened then. So, our survival is dependent upon not letting that occur again. And that can be accomplished by making Islam illegal, shuttering all mosques, sequestering Islamic protests, and eliminating Islamic literature in the free world.

Scream as they may, freedom of religion does not extend to those devoted to genocide. Freedom of speech does not apply to those seeking to extinguish life on the planet, plundering it in the process. And mind you, neither freedom of religion nor freedom of expression exists in Islam.

This is the final surah. This diabolical mandate was not abrogated. This is Allah’s and Muhammad’s parting shot at the world. It is the enduring expression of their Pledge to Wage War Against All Mankind. The 5th Suratun is Islam’s legacy. We deal with this reality, or we die from it.

Muslim apologists argue that repentance prevents these tortures, and that Allah is “oft-forgiving, most-merciful.” But that is not what this says. And even if it did, the exemption would be to prevent the eradication of the human 691race, such that the only sub-human lifeforms left on the planet would be the most murderous and sadistic.

Recognizing that Satan wouldn’t be the Devil without an exception, there is one, but this one does not matter. It is a thin veil over an ugly beast because it only applies to a peaceful and hypocritical Muslim who renounces the moderation of Islam and returns to being a murderous thug in submission to Halal ben Shachar prior to being overpowered by Muslims annihilating humankind.

Quran 005.034 Except and unless the one who returns in a repentant manner, adapting, from before and in advance of your determination and means, even your destiny, to overpower them. Then be aware that al-Laha protective, covering over and hiding (oft-forgiving), pardoning (most-merciful).

It wasn’t worth the breath to recite it, much less the ink not used to write it. The exemption is without distinction. There is no difference whatsoever between a sadistically murderous Muslim hellbent on annihilating the human race and a Muslim who rejoins the sadistically murderous Muslims committed to exterminating humanity.

Furthermore, even if there were a distinction associated with the exception, the one offering to cover over the crime, hiding the evidence, and issuing a pardon is the one who called for the torture and extinction of humankind. Good luck with that.

There is merit to stopping here, closing the book, dealing with Islam as we must, and then moving back into the emancipating and uplifting, the enlightening and especially enriching text of Yahowah’s testimony. After all, Allah has inflicted a fatal blow – not only against Islam, but also against himself. Should we do any more, we’d just be carving up a corpse.

It is in your interest, and likely Israel’s, to turn your and their attention to Yahowah. He is the future. Religion will soon be relegated to the dumpster of bad ideas.

692I have nothing more I can teach you that is going to make a difference beyond what you already know. Together, we have endured a 3,200-page rebuke of Allah, Muhammad, the Quran, Sunnah, and the nature and purpose of good Muslims. This has been the most comprehensive and irrefutable denunciation of the religion ever composed. The answers are as clear as the moral choices are obvious.


Those who have journeyed with us as we have explored the most hellish of religions, thank you! I appreciate you more than words can express. If you were among the first to venture into this murderous realm with me, then you are one in a million. I suspect that you are already part of God’s Family. But if not, hopefully, you will engage in the Beryth | Covenant by reading the remaining books on the shelf at YadaYah.com. Time is in short supply for the world as we know it, and there is still a lot to achieve on behalf of God’s People.

As for me, I’m going to remain here until the bitter end, leaving no stone unturned – or un-thrown. It is my commitment to God, our King, and their people. While I may not be the best of men, I am going to give the best of them all I have to offer.

Since we are now a quarter of the way through the final Suratun, and nearing the occasion of Muhammad’s death, for those of you who want to see this through, let’s rejoin the recital at the 35th verse.

Quran 005.035 O you who believe, protect and ward off al-Laha and seek the means to favor him, so Jihad | Strive to Fight in His Cause so that you may attain fortune (be successful).

Quran 005.036 Verily, those who kafar | are reconciled (disbelievers), if that for them what in the ground (earth) put together 693its resemblance with it to ransom themselves with it from castigating torture and tormenting punishment day stand still, it would not be accepted from them. For them a painful punishment.

Quran 005.037 They will ask, desire, and seek that they evade the irritating fire, but not they will escape, extracting themselves from it. And for them, an established and standing punishment.

It is the one-two punch of Islam – jihad now, torture later. Allah’s influence is deadly on Earth and sadistic thereafter.

And while civilized man had advanced three thousand years from the time Hammurabi’s laws were first pressed into clay tablets, Allah prefers the Stone Age. Yet it’s fitting because it’s where the Black Stone belongs.

Quran 005.038 And the stealer / concealer male and the stealer / concealer female, cut off and sever their hands, a payment for what they acquired. And exemplary shackling from al-Lahi. And al-Lahu mighty powerful, glorious, invincible, judge.

Quran 005.039 But whoever returns and adapts, from after his cruel tyranny, he honest, suitable, and reformed, then, lo, al-Lah returns and adapts to him. Al-Laha covers over and hides, Rahim.

No wonder Muhammad and his fellow Muslims couldn’t produce a written copy of the Quran. With all of the stealing, they would have had their hands and arms severed at the shoulders. And someone may want to explain to the exemplary shackler that handcuffs don’t work without hands. But since the hand was considered payment for what was acquired, can you imagine the stockpile of nasty phalanges Jews must possess?

But never you mind because with the Devil there is always an exception. When the returning thief adapts after being a cruel lord, he becomes honest and suitable, even considered reformed. So then, lo, the un-god adapts and hides the evidence, probably by stealing it himself. Perhaps that’s why snakes don’t have hands, either.

694Quran 005.040 Do not you know that al-Laha lahu | to him control and command the lofty names and the ground. He castigates and tortures whoever he wants in any way. And al-Lahu on every thing, matter, and affair decreed and destined.

Spoiler alert – no he doesn’t, no he won’t, and it’s not true. Liar, liar, scales on fire.

Quran 005.041 O the sent (the messenger), not let grieve you those who hurry, moving swiftly to the reconciled of those who said, We believe with their mouths but not believe their hearts. And from those hadu | creepy and crawly (acting Jewish), they listen to lie to hear standing firm retreating backwards and behind not come to you. They change, pervert, dislocate, tamper with, and discard the words from their removing, withdrawing, and distancing the place they were put. Saying, If you are given this, so take it, but if not you are given it, then beware.

And whom seeks or asks al-Lahu his trial and persecution, slaughter and then burning, the unfit you to have control or authority lahu | for him from or against al-Lahi the thing or matter in any way. Those, the ones never seek, entice, or seduce al-Lahu that he cleans their hearts. For them in the near and down low, despicable and abject abasement, affliction and perplexing shame. And for them in the receding, delayed, and postponed (Hereafter) a glorious and grievous, abounding and increased, torturous punishment.

Imagine that, the un-god just told his non-prophet not to worry about those who are feigning belief. One might suppose that this is because Allah wants more bodies to stoke hell’s fires. But wouldn’t that make bad, peaceful, and hypocritical Muslims like bad Nazis who pretended to go along with the program to keep their heads attached, and thus served as enablers by creating the false impression of a large number of supporters?

One of the most peculiar words in the Quran is hadu. It is used interchangeably with Yahud | Jew, but it is a verb, not a noun. And it actually means “to be creepy and crawly,” which is a more apt depiction of a snake. Further, the positioning here is exceedingly odd, since there were no 695Jews left in Arabia. Muslims had plundered and killed them all. So why badger them in their graves?

The answer isn’t unfinished business but, instead, new victims. This Suratun exists to expand the pool of prey and, in particular, to place Christians in harm’s way. But since their New Testament did not read like the Quran, they knew that Allah was lying, and they weren’t afraid to say so.

However, since demonic psychopaths never admit to being wrong, Allah lied to cover his lies. He said that the “creepy crawlies” were liars. They were the ones who “changed, perverted, dislocated, tampered with, and discarded the words, removing and withdrawing them from the places in which they were originally placed.” And while it was Allah and Muhammad who had done this very thing to turn bible stories into quranic nonsense, there was more to their confession.

And it has to do with the transition from the written word to these recitals. You see, the rabbis in Yathrib didn’t give Muhammad copies of their religious books, they read them to him. And that is why this speaks of the Hadu “listening to lies to hear” while remaining firm on what was now considered “backwards.” Even though there was no time or place in which Jews could have done as Allah did, and while proof abounds to affirm that the un-god is projecting his faults on those his religion has slaughtered, Satan is a consummate liar. So long as no one bothers to examine the evidence or think, his smokescreen prevails.

Beyond the fact that there were by this time tens of thousands of copies of the Torah and Prophets in a wide variety of languages spread throughout the world, and not a word of the Quran had been written, Allah accused the Jews in Yathrib of misspeaking. Even worse, the stories the Hadu recited all fit the people, places, and periods in which they were set, but the Islamic variations did not. Muhammad and Allah changed them such that they served to advance the 696Islamic agenda in 7th-century Arabia. They had made them like the Quran – nonsensical and inaccurate.

The Jews are accused of conveying, “If you are given this, so take it, but if not you are given it, then beware.” That is to say, “If you Muslims think that these stories we have recited were written about you and given to Arabs long ago, then take them, but if not, beware.”

For saying so, al-Lahu suggests that the Creepy Crawlies have invited their own “persecution, slaughter, and then burning.” He is calling those who provided the inspiration for the Quran “unfit,” saying that they had “no influence or authority over him in these matters.” But they did, and so do I. Al-Lahu’s days are numbered. His abasement of humankind will end with him and his Rasuli enduring eternal incarceration in She’owl | Hell.

As is often the case, Muhammad and Allah are projecting their faults onto Jews because they were preparing to hunt Christians who knew that the “Old Testament” was the most historically accurate ancient document the world had ever known. Every story was set within the context of time and place. It had been the Quran that was a jumbled mess devoid of “times and places.”

Lurking behind the veil of Islam is none other than ha Satan | the Adversary. While that might have sounded unfair initially, given the fullness of time, Allah has indicted himself. This remains the most rational conclusion. The presentation of Allah’s character, claims, and ambition in the Quran doesn’t allow an alternative. By prostrating themselves to this wannabe god and fighting jihad so as to kill in Allah’s Cause, Muslims have surrendered to Halal; they are doing the Devil’s bidding. While the Quranic evidence is overwhelming, the non-prophet’s Sunnah serves as proof.

The river of blood that has flowed from the mantra of the Black Stone serves as a harsh and vivid confirmation. It 697isn’t per chance that good Muslims are 222% more violent than the rest of humanity. It isn’t by accident that terror and Islam are irrevocably linked. It isn’t a coincidence that Allah’s enemies are Yahowah’s chosen.

Muhammad, speaking of the Jews he had plundered, said on behalf of the spirit that possessed him…

Quran 005.042 Listeners to lies, fabrications, deceptions, and falsehoods, they swallow and consume the forbidden for a bribe. So if they come to you, then uh’kum | refrain from judging baynahumi | between them, separating from them, or a’rid | turn away from them. And if you turn away from them, then never yadurruka | will they harm, inconvenience, or annoy you with adversity, vicissitudes of time, disease or death (in) any matter or affair.

And if you exercise authority, give judgment by refraining from judging by severing and separating, cutting off and being distinctly different, bil-qisw’ti | by swerving from justice and dealing unjustly. Lo, al-Lah prefers al-muq’sitina | the unrighteous who swerve from justice, dealing wrongly.

Unable to compare written texts, because he had never produced one he could pass around, Allah is limited to the Game of Whispers – they said, I said, you say. And all the while, the Great Deceiver projected his propensity to deceive on those most responsible for telling the truth.

Satan was back in the Garden, having been transformed from serpent to cherub, but rather than enticing ‘Adam and Chawah, he was envisioning Jews swallowing the forbidden fruit.

What follows is convoluted because the last thing Allah wants is for Muslims to exercise good judgment or engage in a debate with Jews. It was the reason that he had driven some away and slaughtered the rest. Evidence, reason, and any form of logical debate are lethal to Islam. So, Allah needs the pretense of justice, which is what the rest of this verse conveys. It begins with what at the time was an impossible hypothetical: “if they come to you.” Since 698Muslims had killed every Jew, that was not possible. And without a viable premise, the rest is a waste of words.

However, not to Satan because, as a schizophrenic psychopath, he was delusional and paranoid, and thus imagined resurrected Jews popping out from under every rock. So after telling them elsewhere that the rocks, themselves, will announce the Jewish presence and order Muslims to kill them, Allah has a Plan B – run. Should the Hadu | Creepy Crawlers come out from under the stones, “fa-uh’ku – be restrained from exercising judgment, preventing and withholding adjudication.” Thereupon, “baynahumi – separate from them, severing and cutting off relations.” This is then reinforced by “a’rid – turning away” from them.

Confirming this interpretation, the un-god says, “if and when you turn away,” it is only under this circumstance that they “will never ‘yadurruka – harm, inconvenience, or annoy you with their adversarial approach, vicissitudes of time, and deadly disease’ in any matter or affair.”

Paranoid to the point of repetition, the Snake reiterates his point, telling Muslims to exercise authority by eliminating contact. A debate isn’t lost if it does not occur.

Evidently, Satan knows that he is playing a losing hand, which is why he prefers “al-muq’sitina – the unrighteous who swerve from justice, dealing wrongly,” or so the Arabic dictionaries define the repeated word.

If ever a verse was guilty of projecting one’s faults upon a foe, this is it. It defines a hypocrite.

Quran 005.043 But how can yuhakkimunaka | they restrain you from exercising authority while they go out of their way to deviate from al-Tawratu | the Towrah. In it huk’mu | restrained judgment and authority, the command, al-Lahi. Thumma | then, here and now, in this place, yatawallawna | they turn away from after that, withdrawing a great distance. And not those the believers.

I have spent the last two decades, six and seven days a week, ten to fourteen hours a day, translating the Towrah and 699Prophets from the oldest manuscripts, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and so I know better than most, and perhaps anyone, that Allah is lying. There is no mention of Islam’s false god anywhere in Yahowah’s book. Jews know it, I know it, Satan knows it, and so should you. The very foundation of Islam is untrue.

That does not, however, render this statement useless because the un-god was specific, claiming that al-Tawratu was changed then and there, at that very place and time. But that is not plausible since there were tens of thousands of copies of the Towrah in a score of languages distributed around the known world before and after the extermination of the Yathrib Jews which remained unchanged – and thus completely incompatible with Allah’s Quranic claims. Allah lied, and he is lying to cover up his lies. That is not my opinion; it is an irrefutable fact.

Quran 005.044 So when they forsook and pretended to forget what they were to remember of it, we opened on them gates to lose father and child, even inheritance, creating orphans, until when they rejoiced in what they were given. We grasped them, taking them (seized them) suddenly and unexpectedly, unaware, in a confounding and perplexing way, and then they gave up hope, broken, and confused.

The Towrah was not a reminder but, instead, a first edition. And while the Jews largely forgot their God and forsook His Covenant, they did not lose their inheritance. It is still available for the accepting.

The only place and time that Allah and his malcontents grasped hold of Jews was in Yathrib and Khabar, and it was to exile them, rob them, enslave them, rape them, and cut off their heads. Should this be the sudden and unexpected assault, then it is little wonder his victims were caught unaware, confounded, and confused.

It is not common for Devils to play god or for terrorists to claim that they are prophets, so, they did not understand the nature of the evil that had metastasized in their midst. 700They still don’t – which is why I’m writing God Damn Religion. It is amazing that so many people have been deceived into believing that any of this is true…

Quran 005.045 And we wrote and ordained for them in it that the life for a life and the eye for the eye and the nose for the nose and the ear for the ear and the tooth for the tooth and wounds retaliated. But whoever truthful, with it then it is kafar | reconciliation lahu | for him. And whoever not restrain and withhold (judge) by what descended and come down al-Lahu, then those, they, the cruel lords (wrongdoers).

Yahowah states, “And a man who injures his countryman, as he has done, so it shall be done to him – fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.” And while it wasn’t designed to fracture legs, pluck out eyes, or pull teeth, it was written to encourage fairness – such that there would be a consequence for injuring others. There was no call for ears or noses, and wounds were not subject to retaliation. Further, it is evident that Allah momentarily forgot that he was using kafar to condemn those rejecting him and not the reconciled.

Continuing to prove his lack of divinity, Allah proclaims…

Quran 005.046 And we sent on their footsteps with ‘Isa, son Maryama, truthful what bayn | between his hands of al-Tawrati. And we gave him al-Injila. In it guidance and fire, confirming what bayn | between his hands of al-Tawrati, and guidance and an admonishment, warning for the protecting and warding off.

By any name, ‘Isa, Iesou, Christus, Jesus, or Christ, even son of Mary or Maryama, there was no such individual. He is a misnomer and a myth. The actual Mashyach | Messiah, Ben ‘El | Son of God, and Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb is Dowd, the former and returning king of Israel. Since both he and God said so, and I know it, there is no excuse for someone pretending to be God getting this wrong.

Further, even in the mythology, the Christian Jesus was not given, nor did he write anything, much less something as 701odd as an Injila. At best, this is a crude and illiterate transliteration of Paul’s preposterous euangelion, whereby the Plague of Death claimed that he, as the Good Messenger had replaced the Towrah. As a result, it is schizophrenic to claim the Tawrati was in one hand with the Injila in the other when they are at war with one another. Moreover, there is no mention of an Islamic god in either.

As my way of reinforcing the obvious, when either bayn or lahu are presented in the text, I use the occasion to highlight a proper translation.

Quran 005.047 And restrain judgment (let judge) possessors al-Injili by what has descended, coming down (of) al-Lahu in it. And whoever not withhold judgment by what descended al-Lahu, then those, they the disobedient.

Quran 005.048 And we descended, coming down to you al-kitaba | the writing (book) with the suitable requirements and proper reality, trustworthy (confirming) what bayn | between his hands of the writing (book) and a purse or high priest (guard) over it.

So restrain from judgment bayn | between them by what al-Lahu sent down. And not follow their beguiling fancies when has come to you of the suitable requirements. For each we have made for you a shir’atan | a seat, street, or shoal (law) to trace broadly defined on the open road. And if al-Lahu wanted, he could have made you one community, but to try and test you in swearing oaths in what he has given. Advance, running in a race, possessed, striving to surpass in rank to al-Lahi. You will return all, then he will inform you of what you were with it substituting and altering.

It is peculiar that the un-god who couldn’t produce a page of his un-book, and couldn’t have read it, even by committee if he had, was lecturing those who by this time had hundreds of thousands of copies of their New Testament – and could read them. And as a result of the relative poverty and ineptitude of the un-god, non-prophet, and Muslims, it’s apparent that they were clueless about the fact that, apart from misappropriating and misconstruing the Towrah, they had nothing in common. As evidence of this, on the 702numerous occasions the un-god attempted to cite from it, he plagiarized his message from absurdly ridiculous apocryphal sources, and even then confused the names and chronologies of the individuals. Quite frankly, if Dr Suess claimed that Hop on Pop confirmed the Tawrati and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish was the original Injili, it would have been closer to the truth.

While I am at a loss over the proper reality, the purse or priest, fancies, suitable requirements, seats, streets, or shoals, they were part of a test regarding what was substituted and altered. But methinks, Allah flunked it.

And speaking of flunking the test, this one in Dabarym 18 in the Towrah, one of the many ways that we know “Jesus” didn’t represent Yahowah is that he didn’t write anything. Yahowah’s prophets were all literate and always confirmed their witness in writing.

As it was, this repetitive rant about judging between them was a complete farce. There was no Quran. Faded echoes long past cannot be compared to a written text – especially since no one associated with Muhammad could read or write. Therefore, every reiteration of this was a waste of breath.

Quran 005.049 And that you restrain from judging between then by what brought down al-Lahu and not follow their beguiling fancies. And beware of them, being cautious and vigilant, fearful and enraged of them lest they try to prove it, sowing dissension, tempting you away from some what al-Lahu brought down to you. And if they turn away, then know that only al-Lahu intends to afflict them, striking and injuring them for some their tracks and tales (sins). And lo, verily, many of the uplifted (people) disobedient.

Since al-Lahu didn’t come down or provide anything, how were his slaves to judge between recitals, few if any of them could remember, and in Arabic, doing so against literate students with a text that they could read in Greek and Latin? And beyond this, for a Muslim, a Christian wasn’t a debate partner but, instead prey. There had been Christians 703in KabaVille, but they killed them. And the only other encounter had been during the failed raid of the Byzantine outpost along the Gulf of Aqaba. It’s hard to hold a discussion and a sword at the same time.

And, of course, this is why Satan warned Muslims to be cautious and fearful around Christians. Should they compare notes, the Muslims would lose every time. As errant as the Christian religion may be, it’s heavenly compared to the hell of the Quran.

It is also odd that Allah, while claiming that he revealed the Christian Gospels, in the same breath, tells Muslims not to follow what’s in them – even to be fearful of them. So somebody wasn’t telling the truth.

The broken serpent continued with his broken record.

Quran 005.050 “Withholding judgment ignorant the want. And who better in restraining judgment than al-Lahi? Refraining from knowledge or wisdom for the standing still who believe.

There would, of course, be no reason to judge between them if they weren’t so different. But how can they be different when Allah claims that they are the same? Perhaps the un-god should have thought this through before embarrassing himself.

Since he wanted to plunder them, the non-prophet put these words in his un-god’s mouth…

Quran 005.051 “O you who believe, take not al-Yahuda | the Jews and al-Nasara | the Assisting (Christians) (as) allies or friends. Some of them (are) friends and allies (to) others. And whoever takes them as friends or allies, then surely he (is) one of them. Lo! Al-Laha does not guide those people who are al-zalim | the cruel lords and subjugating tyrants (wrongdoers).”

If Allah is supposed to be the God of the Jews, why were they named after Yahowah? If Allah is supposed to be the God of the Christians, why doesn’t he know their chosen designation?

704And you’d think that Allah would occasionally get something right. But the Jews and Christians were antagonistic when this was recited, and they remained so for another thirteen centuries.

Of particular concern, the un-god who ordered Muslims to crucify humanity denies the crucifixion recorded in Psalm 22, 88, and even in the New Testament. So much for confirmations. So where do you suppose Allah came up with the notion?

Quran 005.052 And you see those in their hearts a disease, a disorder akin to distemper, they hasten to them, saying, We fear that strike us a revolving circumambulation (misfortune). But perhaps al-Lahu that will bring the victory of a command from Him. Then they will become for what they secretly divulge in private mysteries within themselves regretful.

Quran 005.053 And will say to those who believe, Are these those who swore by il-Lahi striving and fighting their right side (oaths)? Lo, they with you became vain and ineffective their deeds and they become the losers.

The god of slaughtering, crucifying, and mutilating is calling others, in this case, Christians, distempered. Based upon that alone, I don’t much care who is fearing whom, circumambulating, or victorious, much less concealing what they are secretly divulging. But it is again odd that the un-god is so poorly informed that he does not know that Christianity is not a works-based religion. He would have done better if he had read their book – or even my condemnation of it in Twistianity.

Quran 005.054 O you who believe, whoever turns back among you from his religion, then soon bring al-Lahu a standing firm (people) whom he prefers and they prefer him, hanging low around the believers, mighty and invincible, even glorious and honorable, toward the kafir | reconciled (disbelievers), Jihad | Striving to Fight in Way of al-Lahi. And not fearing the slaughter, the blame, or accusations. That distinguishing benefit al-Lahi. He grants whom he wants. So al-Lahu ample, spacious, knowing.

705Muslims who have enjoyed friendships with Christians must now disavow them and hang low with Allah’s slaves because he wouldn’t want those he has deprived with this degrading religion to be exposed to one less dehumanizing. And while I would take exception with the notion that self-isolation made Muslims glorious, honorable, and invincible, let’s not tell them otherwise and they will look at my plan to quarantine them as a blast from the past.

And that way, when they play jihadist in the way of Satan, not fearing the slaughter there will be no one around to kill besides Muslims, making this a prophecy of sorts since there will be no one left to blame them for what they have done. It is a distinguishing benefit from the Lord of the Slaughter, destined to make the earth seem more spacious.

And with the last Muslim standing, the sword swinger, he will have but one friend left in his world – a pretend god and a dead rasulu. And while that makes two, considering their merit, it’s still less than one. But even then, the last jihadist will still be performing al-Salata and paying al-Zakata while bowing for reasons only Allah knows.

Quran 005.055 Only your friend and ally al-Lahu and his rasulu | sent (Messenger). And those who believe and those who stand still al-Salata | prostration performance, and pay al-Zakata | Tax, and they those who bow down doing humble raka.

Should this have been recited for the benefit of those who would live after it was first written, perhaps al-Laha should have explained how one plays with a dead friend. Is this to be like the Weekend at Bernie’s?

Quran 005.056 And whoever friend or ally al-Laha and his Rasula, and those who believe, then lo, Hiz’ba-al-Laha | Hezbollah. They conquer and subdue.

Then lo, from comedy to terror, even in the same sentence: Hiz’ba’al-Laha | Hezbollah – Allah’s Party. And of course, the party favors will be roasted infidels, previously mutilated, I suppose.

706Quran 005.057 O you who believe, take not for friends those who take your religion to bring down contempt and disgrace, mocking and ridicule, jesting and playing idling around from those who are given the writing (book) that before you and the reconciled, allies. And protect and save, warding off and shielding al-Laha if you are believers.

I don’t think I’ll be invited. Good thing, I’m a little rusty on my al-Salati, anyway.

Quran 005.058 And when you call for al-Salati | the prostration performance, they take it to bring down disgrace and contempt, deriding and laughing, playing and jesting, joking around, stupidly driveling. That because they qawm | standing upright and firm, not bound or intelligent.

Clearly, there is to be no humor in Hell, no games, jesting, or joking around. But should Allah ban stupid drivel, he’d be excluded too.

I must now admit that I have been wrong. Not everything in the Quran is untrue. For example, the “possessors and family” of the written testimony are Yah.

Quran 005.059 Say, ‘O yah | possessors and family the written book, do you punish and accuse, disapprove and seek revenge of us but except that we believe in il-Lahi and what unzila | descended to us and what descended that accepted and that most of you disobedient.

Then breaking his own rule regarding mocking and ridiculing, the il-Lahi breaks out one of his most infamous lines…

Quran 005.060 Say, Shall I make an important announcement to you defaming and vicious than the return and repayment with al-Lahi whom al-Lahu condemned and cursed and He became angry with him and made of them al-qiradata | the apes and monkeys clinging to the ground and al-khanazira | the swine and worship exceeding the limits. Those evil, ill natured, and evil existing erred and strayed and furthest from uniform and adapted way.

It's the Islamic miracle of creation. Rather than man evolving from apes, it is the other way around.

707It is curious to note that, in the midst of the idiocy, the crime for which the curse of the bestial transformation was apportioned was excessive worship. Even in a religion where the god needs to be mooned five times a day, and where humiliation and obedience are mandated, there are limits that must not be transgressed or Satan will think his slaves are being disingenuous and mocking him.

But seriously, how does a Snake playing God, who is dumber than the stone representing him, paired with a rasuli who can’t write, expect not to be mocked? You tell your goons with a collective IQ beneath a standard hat size that they ought to slaughter, mutilate, and crucify everyone, including apes and pigs, and you want to be taken seriously? What kind of fool would say such a thing?

Speaking of overly worshiping Apes and Swine, they must be more intelligent and engaging than depicted because they converse with Muslims and garner the attention of the Islamic god…

Quran 005.061 When they come to you, they say, We believe. But, lo, they entered with kuf’ri | reconciliation and they clearly went out with it. And al-Lahu knows best of what they were concealing.

Quran 005.062 And you see many of them hurrying into the crime, and the passing by, overlooking, and excessiveness, without limits, and swallowing the forbidden. Misfortune and submissiveness what they were doing. Lo, evil what they used to do.

Quran 005.063 Why not prevent and forbid them, chiding them, al-Rabani | the lords and masters (the Rabbis) and al-ahbaru | the ones who embellish beautifully with ink (religious scholars) from saying the criminally sinful and their eating the prohibited.

Egomaniacal sorts of Halal’s ilk, knowing that they aren’t honorable, don’t trust anyone. Paranoid that perceived devotees will come to their senses and spawn a mutiny, they are constantly probing, threatening, and testing. No one is ever safe or believed.

708In this case, as is typical in the Quran, the concern is over the realization that most Muslims, even around Muhammad, were hypocrites. Muhammad’s and Allah’s words were unconvincing, but that was not the case with the copious amounts of blood they had spilled.

What remains inexplicable, however, is that after ordering Muslims to slaughter, torture, and mutilate humankind, the Islamic un-god had the gall to say that their intended victims were criminals who were exceeding the limits of what was acceptable. Going a step further, the wannabe god who admits to being a subjugating lord uses this terminology against those he has sought to lord over and oppress.

And considering all of the protestations he made of being all-knowing and all-wise, how is it that Allah was sufficiently foolish to apply the religious title, Rabbi, to himself, wrongly thinking it meant “Lord?” And then doubling down on stupidity, he used rabbi to condemn the rabbis who conned him into misappropriating their title.

Going all-in on idiocy, in the land of illiterates, Allah demeaned those who could read and write. And then while pretending to be the God of those he annihilated, chastises them using God’s actual name. All the while, the un-god has the audacity to mock those who are mocking him while denouncing mocking. And in this case, it had been the Jews in Yathrib who had been the first to go on record saying that Allah was impotent.

Quran 005.064 And said al-Yahudu | the Jews say, Al-Lahi’s hand concealed and deceptive, fraudulent and insincere, unreliable and hated, fettered and shackled. Are fraudulently hidden and concealed, dishonestly shackled, their hands and they have been driven away, deprived of mercy, condemned, and cursed for what they said.

Nay, his hands stretched out. Yunfiqu | he comes out of his hole to be a hypocrite, professing one thing and doing another, consuming and spending how he wants. And surely, many intensifications and 709exaggerations of them is what has been handed down to you from your Rabbi | Lord exceeding the limits in evil.

And we have cast disbelief among them, transgression and injustice, and the odious hate, until day standing established. Every time they kindled and fueled the fire of the war, exciting anger, and encouraging plunder. Al-Lahu extinguished it. And they walk and labor in the ground mischievously, in an invalid manner, vicious and foul. And al-Lahu not love vicious mischief, spoiled, and invalid.

Allah has dished up so much stupidity, it’s almost overwhelming. After reminding us that Jews are Yahuwd | Beloved of Yah, he affirms that this isn’t his name. They reveal the obvious, that Allah has alligator hands – too stubby to be of value and too short to reach his pockets. Missing the point entirely, the un-god of snappy repartee, resorts to “nah-nan-anan-ah.”

All the while he acknowledges his paranoia because he is haunted by those he has condemned, deprived of mercy, and driven away. It is as if he is hearing their whispers from the grave.

Tormented by these hallucinations, the Snake insists that he has hands and that they are stretched out – even though no one has seen or felt them – ever. And as is often the case with delirium, Allah falls out of character and reveals that he has “yunfiqu – come out of his hole as a hypocrite, professing one thing and doing another, consuming the wealth of others and spending it” however he chooses. Then addressing his own pretense and duplicity, he acknowledges the increasing intensifications of the exaggerated claims he has handed down. It is his way of saying that his hands aren’t shackled because his ability to deceive remains unfettered. When it comes to dishing out evil, his word salads reign supreme.

When it comes to casting disbelief, transgressing all moral limits, perpetrating gross injustice, and prompting odious hate, he is a fully functional and unrivaled dispensary. On his game, by blaming those he has declared 710war upon and whom he has plundered for fueling such fires, he cements his legacy as Head Honcho of Hypocrisy,

Unable to walk upright and unwilling to perform an honest day’s work, the most conniving of charlatan’s casts aspersions on those who supplied the homes in which his militants lived, the food in their bellies, and the most compelling stories in his Quran – mischievous and invalid, vicious and foul. Clearly, Allah does not play nice with others.

And since the Yahuwdym were accused of fanning the flames of war, it is germane to point out that it had been 600 years since the Jews had fought to defend themselves, and it would be 1,300 years before they would fight again. Banished from the Promised Land by Assyrians, Babylonians, and most recently by Romans, the Jews were just trying to survive, to get along. They were among the least “mischievous” people on the planet. It was Muhammad’s militants who spiked the injurious scale. They had lied and looted in the process of kindling the fires of war seventy-five times in the first nine years of the Islamic Era.

No doubt, the Devil was haunted by the decapitated Jews whose corpses were tossed into shallow graves under the markets of Yathrib…

Quran 005.065 If that ahla | possessors and family al-kitab | the written book believed and warded off, being protective, we kafar | would have reconciled, purging from them their bad treatment and vexing annoyance. And lo, we enter them jannati | demonic gardens comforts and conveniences.

Quran 005.066 And if that they had stood firmly al-Tawrata wa al-Injila and what descended to them from their Rabbi, lo, the swallowing and eating from excellence and from below their feet. Among them a community moderate but may of them annoying what they do.

Stupid is as stupid says. Had Yahuwdym stood firmly upon the Guidance in the Towrah, they wouldn’t have been 711in Yathrib and they would have been untouchable. And if they had been directed by Yahowah, there never would have been a New Testament seeking to repudiate the Towrah. But Allah, steadfastly confused, didn’t realize that these books were incompatible and irreconcilable, not only with one another but even more so when compared to the Quran. Allah’s position is akin to saying: snakes, stones, and straw are one and the same. Or in this case the right, wrong, and insane are equally valid. And as for what they would have or could have swallowed, it’s neither clear nor does it matter.

Joseph Goebbels proposed a theory that states: “If a lie were repeated often enough and long enough, it would come to be perceived as truth.” Sadly, he was correct as is evidenced today, especially among Progressives. They have heard the lies about Jews and the deceptions regarding Muslims, particularly Fakestinians, so often, they believe them.

Quran 005.067 O al-Rasulu | the Sent, bring what came down to you from your Rabbi | Lord. And if you do not, you will not have delivered His message. And al-Lahu will protect you from the uplifted (people). Lo, al-Laha not guide la-qawm | the standing upright, firm, and al-kafir | the reconciled.”

The opening lines are too dumb for words. The last is simply bizarre. Why would the un-god need to protect his non-prophet for not delivering the message? Then after telling him to deliver the message, that he won’t deliver, he then claims that he does not deliver guidance to the upright or reconciled.

Ever the hypocrite, Allah’s poison pen proclaims…

Quran 005.068 Say, ‘O Yahla | Possessors and Family al-kitabi | written book, you are not on a thing until you stand firmly on al-Tawrata and al-Injila, and what has descended to you from rabbikum | your lord. And surely increase many of them what has been brought down to you from your Rabbi exceeding the limits in reconciling. So not grieve over the standing upright, the reconciled.

712We have returned to right, wrong, and incredulous being the same – so why not breathing, suffocating, and strangling asphyxiation, too? This is a fraud born of ignorance promoted among the irrational for the benefit of the insane. The Towrah is true, but it is the antithesis of the “Injila” and “Qurana.”

Muslims take this next verse out of context and use it to promote Islam as peaceful and tolerant. But that is pretty hard to swallow less than forty verses removed from the directive to kill, torture, and mutilate everyone. Is Allah delirious or duplicitous?

Quran 005.069 “Lo, those who believed, those who hadu | acted like Jews, and al-Sabiuna | the Sabeans, and al-Nasara | the Assisters whoever believed in il-Lahi and the day, the last, and did suitable and fitting, then no fear on them and they will not grieve.”

According to this, the only way to avoid the fearsome and grievous affliction perpetrated by Muslims is to be a Muslim. Beyond the worthlessness of that statement, the verb “hadu” is nonsensical and the title “al-Nasara” is erroneous. Further, while being Jewish is an ethnicity, and Christian is a religion, Sabean is a nationalistic or political affiliation. These things do not fit together any better than tile, turnip, and tale. So, this is an indication that Allah is stupid, not accommodating.

Before we press on, I’d like you to consider the 98th Suratun since it purports to contrast Allah’s conflicting and evolving view of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam…

Quran 098.001 Not were those who kafar | were reconciled (disbelieved) from ahla | Sharers and Partners the written book who and al-Mushrikun | those who share as partners (Polytheists) open to separating and being emancipated (abandoned) (from their false religion) until given to them al-bayin | between, separating, and severing Quran 098.002 a rasulun | sent (Messenger) from al-Lahi reciting clean writings, Quran 098.003 wherein writings standing still and firm (correct), Quran 098.004 and not separated, divided, or 713distinct, those given the written book until from after what came to them the between.

Quran 098.005 And not they were commanded except only to worship al-Laha pure and genuine lahu | to him al-dina | the submissive and obedient religion, hanif | leaning to one side (right) and stand still al-Salata | the prostration prayer performance, and produce al-Zakat | religious purification. And that dinu | submissive and obedient religion al-qayim | of the standing still. Quran 098.006 Lo, those who kafar | reconciled (disbelieve) from possessors the writing and al-Mushrikun | the friends who share, partnering and associating together (Polytheists) in Hell Fire, remaining endlessly. Those, they ill-natured, vicious, and wicked, the irresponsible and guiltless, far off and aloof thing (creature).

Quran 098.007 Verily, those who believe and do fitting and suitable, those, they possessed and preferred the irresponsible and guiltless, far off and aloof thing (creatures). Quran 098.008 Their reward and payment with Rabbihim | their Lord, adnin | eternal Jannat | Demonic Gardens flow from underneath them the rivers therein will abide forever pleased al-Lahu with them, and they pleased with Him. That for whoever feared Rabbanu.”

Since his intent is to eternally roast them, it sure doesn’t seem as if Allah likes those who play nicely together, have friends, and share very much.

Preoccupied with the Jews, the Arab god attacks them again…

Quran 005.070 Certainly, we took a binding oath and a fettering compact, a solemn pledge from the Children of Israel and we rsalna | sent rusulan | sent (messengers) to them; but whenever a rasulun | sent (messenger) came to them with what not their souls fancied, split and divided, they lied and a division, the kill, slaughtering and murdering.

Certainly not. Allah’s initial encounter with the Yisra’elites was in Yathrib, where he inspired Muslims to exile and plunder them, Thereafter, he told them to murder and enslave them. While fetters were likely involved, it was hardly an oath. And the only Rasuli was a sexually perverted, money-grubbing, terrorist. So clearly – not what their souls fancied. But, lo, verily, it was the Muslims who slaughtered 714the Jews, not the other way around. Allah should have listened to his own recitals from the 33rd Suratun before contradicting himself.

Quran 005.071 They supposed that not would be a trial of persecution and burning, so they swerve and stray, blinded, they deaf. Then turned al-Lahu to them, then they swerved and strayed, blinded and they deaf many of them. Al-Lahu eyes what they do.

The first part was true – no one anticipated that a religion would be capable of turning so many men into monsters, but it did. So there was great persecution and burning. However, once again, the swerving and straying, the blind and deaf, were the Muslims perpetrating these atrocities. This recognized, it is telling that when the un-god turned to them, those who were blind and deaf swerved and strayed.

Preferring the truth, I know the Messiah. He is my Savior and my King. I serve as his Herald to announce what he has written and accomplished in advance of his return and on behalf of his people. His name is Dowd, which has been corrupted to “David.” As a result of what he has said and done, I realize that there was no “Jesus Christ.”

However, since there are nearly 3 billion Christians, most of whom do not share my affinity for Jews and Israel, it is useful to let them know that Muhammad was willing to corrupt their scriptures to present them as blasphemers and infidels who deserve to die…

Quran 005.072 Surely, kafar | reconciled (disbelievers and infidels) who say, Lo, al-Laha, he al-Masihu | the Wipe (Messiah), ub’nu | son Maryama | Contentious (Mary). But said al-Masihu | the Wipe (Messiah), Yabani | O Sons Is’raila | Israel, u’budo | worship al-Laha, my Rabbi and Rabbakum | your Lord.

Verily, who yush’rik | shares, participates in partnerships, associates friends or coworkers with il-Lahi, then surely, haram | forbidden and / or sacred al-Lahu for him al-Janata | the Demonic Garden and al-Naru | the Fire will be his refuge of hospitality and rest. And not for the cruel lords any helpers.

715This is totally delusional. No one said anything of the sort. Those who know ha Mashyach realize that he is Yahowah’s son and that his mother was irrelevant. And neither the Christian myth nor the actual Mashyach told their people to worship anyone, much less either an al-Laha, Rabbi, or Lord. This is yet another psychotic outburst with no correlation with reality.

Having translated most of ha Mashyach’s | the anointed Messiah’s Mizmowr | Psalms, many from the Dead Sea Scrolls, I am aware that they not only precede the mythology of Allah and Islam by 1,600 years but also realize that, while Yahowah’s name is prevalent, Allah was never mentioned.

That is an insurmountable problem for Allah and Muhammad, the Quran and Islam, as it is a debilitating error that cannot be undone. However, Allah has a far greater problem because he claims to stand alone and apart, with no partners or associates. This is directly opposed to Yahowah, who consistently engages with and communicates through men and women. And while Moseh and Dowd were the most important of Yahowah’s coworkers and, indeed, partners, the list also includes Noach and his family, ‘Abraham and Sarah, Yitschaq, Ya’aqob, and their wives, Shamuw’el, Yasha’yah, Yirma’yah, and Zakaryah to name a few.

Yahowah engages with humankind in this manner because it reveals and achieves the purpose of the Beryth | Covenant, especially in the big things, such as the liberation of His children from religious and political bondage while introducing them to the fulfillment of the Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet. By disavowing a partnership with the likes of Noach to construct the Ark, ‘Abraham in creating the Covenant, Moseh in writing the Towrah, Dowd in fulfilling Pesach and Matsah, or Yasha’yah in revealing our future, Allah cannot claim to be God or pretend that His testimony was his own. Allah stands apart and works alone.

716Allah’s untenable position, one that is repeated hundreds of times, would also exclude Muhammad from representing him. However, since they were so similar, and one could pass for the other, we’ll give the un-god a pass on his use of his egomaniacal, schizophrenic psychopath of a terrorist pretending to be a prophet.

The reason that Allah needs to be seen as God, to be worshiped at the exclusion of Yahowah, is explained in Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14. The Devil must shed his ha Satan | Adversarial title and nomenclature so that he can rise and be perceived as Divine. This is the message behind Allahu Akbar | Allah is Greater. God Damn Religion exists to thwart this devilish agenda.

Quran 005.073 Certainly, reconciled (disbelieved), those who say, Lo, al-Laha third three. And no of ilahin | god illa | except ilahun | god, hidun | one, unique and alone. And if not they prevent and forbid, hinder and desist from what they are saying, verily will meet those who kafar | reconciled (infidel disbelievers) among them a grievous penalty and painful punishment.

Quran 005.074 So, will not they return to al-Lahi and yastaghfirunahu | seek to protect, cover over, and hide? And al-Lahu ghafurun | protect, cover over, and hide, Rahim.

Frankly, the absurdity of the Babylonian Trinity upon which the Christian myth was predicated, makes as much sense as the proposition that “Lo, al-Laha third three. And no god except god, unique, alone.” And while consistency isn’t the un-god’s strong suit, he is a relentless tormentor. Therefore, it is obvious why no one wants to return to such a beast.

Having over-hunted Jews to the point of extinction, Allah was declaring open season against Christians. And to make them easier to murder, crucify, and mutilate, the un-god continued to pound away at the false religion…

Quran 005.075 Not al-Masihu | the Wipe (Messiah), son of Mary, but a rasulun | sent (messenger). Certainly, had vacated and voided, passing away from before him al-rusulu. And his mother truthful. 717They both used to eat the food. See how we separate them the signs. Then we how they are changed and turned, seduced and deluded.

Speaking of deluded, the Wipe, Son of Contention, was not a rasulun – even in the Christian mythology. Muhammad was the one and only to wear this title, and he donned it poorly. And while he vacated many homes and voided more than his share of lives, Jesus didn’t do either. Moreover, did Allah forget that he had previously stated that al-Masiha hadn’t passed away? Remember… Quran 004.157 And for their saying, ‘Verily, we killed al-Masiha Isa son of Maryam, rasula al-Lahi. But not they killed him and not they crucified him, but it was made to appear to them. And lo, those who differ in it, verily in doubt about it. Not for them about it of knowledge except following assumption. And not they killed him certainly.

I’d also like to point out that when it comes to Mary, the mythical mother of the misnomer Jesus, Allah has been notoriously errant. And that’s remarkable since there is normally a lot of latitude when relating the lives and times of pretend people. So when an ignorant deceiver calls a fabled person truthful, one may want to consider the source.

Quran 005.076 Say, Do you worship from besides al-Lahi what not has command and control over you any harm, adversity, or tribulation and not any profit while al-Lahu, he the hearing, the knowing?

God’s advice is quite different. He would ask us to worship no one, including Himself. Further, Yahowah has no commands, but instead, instructions, and He does not seek to control.

When choosing between real and fake, my advice is to refrain from anyone who elicits worship by claiming that he is the only one prepared and able to hurt you. And if the choice between Yahowah or Allah boils down to “profit” rather than “prophecy,” then I’d recommend Halal as he’s better suited to you.

This is followed by something that may be the most hypocritical statement yet spoken...

718Quran 005.077 Say, Yahla | Possessors and Family of Writing, not exceed, being excessive, luxuriant, forced, or harsh not in your submission to religion other than suitable, justified, and deserving, and not follow as prey the desires and fancies the upright and firmly standing, certainly who went astray, of course confounded and perplexed, from before. And they deviated and strayed to confound many and they have erred, straying and deviating they level and congruous way.

Without a doubt, and by any measure, the most excessive, forced, and harsh religion was Islam, and for Muhammad, it was also the most luxuriant. It was not suitable to coexist with morality or life as it turns people into prey. Further, the Quran may be the most confounding and incongruent message ever recited, causing billions to have gone astray.

Quran 005.078 We drove away, depriving of mercy, condemning and cursing those who kafar | are reconciled (the unbelievers) from Children of Israel by tongue Dawuda and ‘Isa, son Maryama. That because they resisted and disobeyed and they passed by, overlooked, and transgressed.

Quran 005.079 They had been not preventing and forbidding others for repugnant dislike. They did it. Verily, labi’sa | mighty and strong or feigned lowliness, submissiveness and calamitous misfortune or distressful poverty, affliction and punishment or courage and valor, even the stress of battle and suffering adversity or wrath and torment they were doing.

Who wouldn’t want to hang around a wannabe god who drives his own people away, depriving them of mercy, condemning and cursing them for bad measure? And worse, he’s such a weasel, he blames Dowd and Jesus of doing his dirty work. And if there ever were a convention for the oddest of couples, these two would be the main attraction. They are opposites: actual versus feigned Messiah, Son of God, King, Passover Lamb, and Savior.

As for the purported crime of the people, labi’sa is “translated” so many different and unrelated ways. Sharing these was cathartic after seeing Dawuda paired with ‘Isa.

719Quran 005.080 You see many of them taking allies and friends who kafar | were reconciled (disbelieved). Surely labi’sa | mighty and strong, feigned lowliness, submissiveness, calamitous misfortune, distressful poverty, affliction, punishment, courage, the stress of battle, suffering adversity, wrath, or torment what sent forth for them their souls that al-Lahu became angry with them in the punishment they dwell and remain.

If Allah insists on using labi’sa, we are going to need a longer book.

Quran 005.081 If they had believed in il-Lahi and al-Nabiy | Prophet, and what had descended to him not they taken them allies and friends and but many of them disobedient.

Quran 005.082 Surely you will find ashadda | most firmly bound of al-nasi | the uplifted ‘adawatan | passing by, overlooking, and turning aside (enmity) to those who believe, al-Yahuda | Yahuwd (the Jew) and those who ashraku | share with friends and associate with partners (Polytheists).

And Surely you will find nearest of them loving to those who believe, those who say, We Nasara. That because among them qissisina | slanderers and evil thinkers (priests) and ruh’banan | spirit builder, self-absorbed, fearsome, and terrifying (monks). And they not yastakbiruna | greater, harsher, more grievous, attaining puberty, more dignified in rank, better disputing for superiority, self-magnifying, or illustrious.

This is Allah’s version of fun with words – or the semblance of them anyway. For example, to qualify as a nabiy, from the Hebrew naby’ | prophet, the individual must pass a test. And it should not have been difficult to find since Halal claims to have authored the Towrah and it is in the same chapter that Muslims point to that they say speaks of Muhammad. In that test, there are seven criteria that the naby’ must meet or he is considered deadly. Muhammad flamed out on all of them.

By using ashadda al-nasi ‘adawatan, the un-god may have intended to say, “strongest the people enmity” but he actually recited, “most firmly bound of the uplifted passing by, 720overlooking, and turning aside.” While being “firmly bound” and “uplifted” seem to be at odds with one another, their affront to Islam was overlooking its diabolical effect.

Then Allah reaffirmed that Yahowah was the God of the Yahuwd. While true, it devastates Islam. Further, in any other culture, the ashraku would be considered good people.

There was no Nazareth, Jesus of Nazareth, nor Nasara, thereby continuing to demonstrate that Allah was dumb as a stone. No one was called a qussisina or a ruh’banan. These were not viable religious titles and the etymology was way off base. Further, yastakbiruna is yet another “word” with too many possibilities to translate effectively.

However, when it comes to tossing and dishing out Allah’s word salads, Muslims are akbar

Quran 005.082 Muhammad Asad “Thou wilt surely find that, of all people, the most hostile to those who believe [(n this divine writ) are the Jews as well as those who are bent on ascribing divinity to aught beside God; and thou wilt surely find that, of all people, they who say, ‘Behold, we are Christians,’ come closest to feeling affection for those who believe (in this divine writ): this is so because there are priests and monks among them, and because these are not given to arrogance.”

How, may we ask, can Christians be “nearest in affection to the Believers” if: Quran 005.051 “O you who believe, take not al-Yahuda | the Jews and al-Nasara | the Assisting (Christians) allies or friends. Some of them friends and allies others. And whoever takes them as friends or allies, then surely he one of them. Lo, al-Laha does not guide those people who are al-zalim | the cruel lords and subjugating tyrants (wrongdoers).” And, how does this square with the prior reference to these same contrived titles? Quran 009.034 “O you who believe, verily, many of al-ahbari and al-ruh’bani, surely eat wealth the mankind in falsehood and hinder from cause al-Lahi. And those who hoard and treasure the gold and silver and not spend it not in al-Lahi’s cause, give them the happy tidings of a painful torture. Quran 009.035 Day it will be heated on it in the fire of hell, and will be branded, searing and scorching, with it 721their foreheads and their flanks and backs. This what you treasured for yourselves. So taste what you used to collect!”

Still speaking of Christians, the people he had gleefully called vile and condemned to hell, the schizophrenic un-god now states…

Quran 005.083 And when they listen what descended to al-Rasuli, you see their eyes overflowing with the tears for what they recognized of the suitability and confirmation. They say, Our Rabbana, we have believed so write us with the given information (witnesses).

They had hallucinogenic drugs back then, so I suspect somebody must have spiked the water with ergot. In this very same surah, we were told: Quran 005.014 “And from those who said, Lo, we Nasara, we took their binding pledge, but they forgot a part of what they were reminded of it. So we aroused, kindled, tempted, and seduced, stirring up between them the hostility and the odious hatred, the transgression to the point of becoming antagonistic enemies, until day the standing up (resurrection). And soon, al-Lahu will inform them of that they were doing.”

Team Islam is very confused. And part of the problem is that a short pencil is better than a long memory. They had neither.

Quran 005.084 What for us not we believe in il-Lahi and what came us from the suitable reality. And we covet and yearn that our Rabbuna will enter us with the standing the honest and good, suitable and fit. Quran 005.085 So al-Lahu rewarded them for what they said, Demonic Gardens, pursues from inferior and below repulsive reproach to browbeat and chide will remain incessantly in it. And that reward al-muh’sinina | the handsome and good, the embellished and behaved (good deed doers).

I’ve lost my appetite for word salads, so you are on your own. But at least, I provided a more plausible rendering of “flows from underneath them the rivers.”

Quran 005.086 And those who kafar | reconciled and lied, falsely inventing and fabricating, our signs and proofs, those the company, associates, and companions the Hell Fire.

722The kaphar | reconciled are kryptonite to Halal. Now only if there were more of us. We are committed to exposing the deceptions of the Lord of Lies.

Having silenced the Yahuwdym living in his head and accusing him, having positioned Christians as the next prey for Muslims to plunder, and having denounced the dreaded kafar, it was time to impose some religious edicts on Muslims, controlling them.

Quran 005.087 O you who believe, not forbid as unlawful to be good and blissful, what has been opened and untied al-Lahu for you and not pass by, overlook, or transgress. Verily, al-Lah not love the overlooking transgressors.

Only Allah knows.

Quran 005.088 And swallow and consume of what supplied you al-Lahu Halal | untied, unbound, made an exception, deemed lawful and allowable, good, agreeable, and excellent. So protect, save, and preserve, warding off, guarding against the evil, and shield the harmful effect, al-Laha, the one you in him believers.

I rather like the juxtaposition of Allah and Halal. He is striving to be unbound, deemed appropriate, and seen as most excellent.

This next set of edicts begins in a self-incriminating way with nonsensical speech and a dose of babble, and then devolves into right sides and hands, tying knots, and striking bargains, prior to endorsing cannibalism. At which point, Hannibal Lecter would ask Allah to open a nice Chianti and then pass the fava beans.

Quran 005.089 Not will take you al-Lahu the nonsensical speech or frivolous babble in your right hand (oaths) but he will take you for you tying a knot, striking a bargain, and making a contract the right side (oath).

So conceal it, cover it, reject or disbelieve it, ungrateful for it, tasting and swallowing, savoring and eating ten quiet, reposed, restful, and settled of the middle or average what you taste or swallow, 723savoring, your possessors, reciters, inhabitants, or family, to dress them or freeing the neck.

But whoever not find, then the fast three days. That concealing, covering, rejecting, or disbelieving, unthankful your right side (oaths) when you have sworn. And guard your right hand (oaths). Thus between, separating and severing (makes clear) to you his signs and proofs so that you may be grateful, giving thanks.

Clear as an Arabian sandstorm.

Coming from the Snake who sought to be God, covering over the greatest crime ever committed while concealing his actual identity through babel, the commingling of truth and lies to confuse, who veiled women and corrupted Babylonian Talmud stories to fill out his Quran, whose gardens of demonic bliss flow with wine, who devalued humanity through submission while replacing honest labor with stealing, who slithered out of a stone altar built to worship idols as if they were gods, whose militants played with arrows as they were imbued with hostility and then played games of chance to determine who among their captives they would rape, this verse is especially illuminating…

Quran 005.090 Yaayyuha alladhina amanu | O you who believe, innama | verily indeed, al-khamr | the covering up and concealing, veiling and altering, commingling by blending together, and the intoxicants which cloud and obscure, al-maysir | the devaluing of one’s worth by becoming gentle and submissive, contributing as little as possible, and playing with arrows, al-nusub | the stone altars, becoming fatigued by actually working, sharing a portion, or acting with hostility and hatred while putting others down, or laboring by being diligent, and ‘al-azlam | the cutting off something prominent, (is) an abomination, a defiling disgrace, filthy atrocity, and evil outrage.

Min ‘amal | out of and in association with actively performing and doing the deeds and practicing the handicraft of al-Shaytani | the Adversary, Satan, ij’tanib | avoid breaking with or hurting, even removing and casting down, sending to the place of distant separation doing, la-allakum tuf’lih | then perhaps you may have the expectation 724of being cut, slit, and split open, permanently cracked and fissured so as to be plowed under (which must be the Quranic definition of ‘successful’).

That is quite the confession. Stunningly, Satan is rallying Muslims to his cause while playing them for fools. This is far more than just another peculiar pronouncement from the intellectually challenged potentate of perversion. The first abomination is khamr, which speaks of “covering up” the evidence and “concealing” someone’s true identity,” both of which are pervasive throughout the Quran, especially when hiding the realization that Allah is Halal and Muhammad was a schizophrenic psychopath. Khamr means “to veil,” which is what Islam did to women and to their Ka’aba. It is to “alter and change,” something that was done to every plagiarized story so that they would serve Satan’s agenda. And then, tellingly, khamr represents quintessential babel, which is the “intermixing and commingling of truth and lies to confound and confuse by clouding and obscuring.” And it is Babel which Yahowah adroitly associates with Halal in His treatise on Satan.

However, since these definitions are devastating to Islam, khamar is rendered “intoxicants” in Quran translations. But even that’s incriminating since the rivers in the Demonic Garden of Bliss flow with wine. As such, the building blocks of Islam are abominations.

The second and fourth items of the Quranic list, with maysir and azlam, are both used in connection with divining arrows. Not only is the repetition of something fairly innocuous and mundane under the heading of “an evil outrage” inappropriate, they were used by Muhammad and Muslims as they divided the loot from their terrorist raids, and most notably for determining a drafting order of sex slaves – one of Islam’s most egregious atrocities. And when we examine maysir more closely, we find that it is “by being gentle and submissive that a person is deprived of worth.” More commonly than as “gaming arrows,” maysir is 725translated as “made easy” to show that the Islamic way is to work as little as possible.

Before dealing with azlam, since it was fourth on the list of abominations, we discover that nusub is also problematic since it is typically rendered “stone altars” when used in Quran 005.003, which is then replicated here in Quran 005.090. But what is the Ka’aba if not an altar comprised of and for stones? Elsewhere, nusub is defined as “distressful, exhausting, fatiguing, hard labor,” something Muhammad and Muslims sought to avoid with a passion. They turned to stealing because they didn’t want to work. So now, while formally rebuking honest labor, work becomes an abomination in Islam. And since the alternative, which would be splitting up the spoils derived from plundering others during terrorist raids, nusub is rendered “share and portion” throughout these recitals. Further, since Arabic dictionaries describe nusub as “establishing hostility and enmity while putting others down,” this definition has been included in the list of defiling disgraces, even though it was mandated for Muslims.

This brings us to azlam, which is used exclusively in Quran 005.003 and here in Quran 005.090, addressing “divining arrows.” It means “to cut off something which is prominent,” such as to sever Yahowah’s relationship to the Towrah or with Yahuwdym, such that with God serving as the very definition of prominent, cut down to size, Satan can become more “prominent, projecting” himself as if he were God.

Of all the oddities of the Quran, it is these four things – khamr, maysir, nusub, and azlam – which are the “rij’sun – ultimate defiling disgraces, the foulest of deeds, the great abominations, filthy outrages, and hated evil atrocities, hindering and preventing the confusing state of commotion” that is Islam.

726As outlandish as this has been, it is Satan’s salutation that is exceptionally incriminating. Halal needs Muslims to go along with his program. So he says, “min ‘amal | in association with actively performing and doing the deeds and practicing the handicraft of al-Shaytani | the Adversary, Satan, one ij’tanib | avoids breaking with or hurting him, even removing and casting him down, sending him to the place of distant separation” – also known as She’owl | Hell. Doing so does not work out very well for the Muslim, of course, but what should one expect when doing the Devil’s bidding? So, continuing to mock Muslims, Satan states: “la-allakum tuf’lih | then perhaps you may have the expectation of being cut, slit, and split open, permanently cracked and fissured so as to be plowed under (which must be the Quranic definition of ‘successful’).”

Then as if a one-two punch to the gut of the faithful, following this, in one of the most intriguing of all Suratuns, Allah shares another incriminating recital. In context, this reads…

Quran 005.090 Yaayyuha alladhina amanu | O you who believe, innama | verily indeed, al-khamr | the covering up and concealing, veiling and altering, commingling by blending together, and the intoxicants which cloud and obscure, al-maysir | the devaluing of one’s worth by becoming gentle and submissive, contributing as little as possible, and playing with arrows, al-nusub | the stone altars, becoming fatigued by actually working, sharing a portion, or acting with hostility and hatred while putting others down, or laboring by being diligent, and ‘al-azlam | the cutting off something prominent, (is) an abomination, a defiling disgrace, a filthy atrocity, and evil outrage.

Min ‘amal | out of and in association with actively performing and doing the deeds and practicing the handicraft of al-Shaytani | the Adversary, Satan, ij’tanib | avoid breaking with or hurting, even removing and casting down, sending to the place of distant separation doing, la-allakum tuf’lih | then perhaps you may have the expectation of being cut, slit, and split open, permanently cracked and fissured so 727as to be plowed under (which must be the Quranic definition of ‘successful’).

Quran 005.091 Only yuridu | seeks, desires, entices, and intends al-Shaytani | the Adversary, Satan, yuqi’a | to prevail and be vindicated, obeyed to take his place, fulfilling his agenda, inevitably followed by those who bow bayn | between you to overlook and be hateful and odious through al-khamr | the covering up and concealing, veiling and altering, commingling by blending together, and the intoxicants which cloud and obscure, and al-maysir | the devaluing of one’s worth by becoming gentle and submissive, contributing as little as possible, and playing with arrows, yasuddak | to hinder while averting attention from dhik’r | remembrance and recollection al-Laha | that this is For Him, and from the al-Salati | the prostration prayer performance. Then would you muntahun | prohibit, chide, prevent, or forbid revealing the final goal?

When these words are rendered in accord with their meanings, the picture of Satan emerges toying with Muslims while using Islam to achieve his agenda through the most dubious means. It is as if the devilish Snake couldn’t contain himself any longer and was about to split a gut and burst out laughing at how odious and obvious this had been all along. So, at long last, Satan came clean by airing all of his dirty laundry, putting the means to his madness on display, knowing that by this time the truth would have no effect on Muslims. They were his – he owned them – and he knew it. He could even count on his slaves misrepresenting these confessions such that they would read them as a mandate against Satan rather than from him.

To hell with sanity, Islam was about obedience…

Quran 005.092 Obey, showing obedience, al-laha | for him and obey la-rasula | the sent message, and ih’dhar | beware, very cautious and fearful, prepared to be angry and mischievous, even enraged!

In the wake of the overt satanic confessions in Quran 005.090 and Quran 005.091, it is readily apparent why Muslims should ih’dhar | beware, be cautious, and terrified around this angry and malevolent spirit and why the rest of us should be enraged.

728Quran 005.093 Not on those who aman | believe and do al-salihat | the suitable and fitting, junah | any inclination, stooping, or bowing (sin) for what they swallowed when ittaq | they ward off and are on guard (fear) and aman | they believe and they do al-salihat | the suitable and fitting, then ittaq | they protect by warding off and guarding against (fear) and aman | believe, then ittaq | they ward off and are on guard (fear) and good and pleasing. And al-Lahu loves the good and pleasing.

Perhaps al-Lahu thought it would be cute to pick up a stutter so he could pretend to be Moseh.

But enough of that nonsense, Islam was about genocide…

Quran 005.094 O you who believe, lo, surely will try and test you, wearing you out, al-Lahu through a thing, matter, or affair a little bit or all the way, as part of al-sayd | the game of hunting by chasing and shooting prey can procure, obtain, and reach your hands as a show of power and superiority, and your piercing spears and lances that they distinguish and make known al-Lahu.

Who fears him, and is terrified and diminished by him, blindly and absent of reality, and who overlooks and transgresses becoming distant and remote, alienated and estranged, then from him suffering in a painful punishment and torturous torment.

Quran 005.095 O you who believe, do not kill, slaughtering and slaying, committing murder (in) al-sayd | the game of hunting by chasing and shooting prey while you haram | forbidden or sacred.

And whoever qatalahu | slaughtered or slayed for him among you, purposefully, directed, and resolved, intending in the place of columns and pillars, then pay a penalty resembling mutilation or equivalent of castration, imitating and becoming like what he murdered, joyful in the easy life, delighted and blessed, considering it a favor (or a cow), exercising authority and jurisdiction possessors of arms acting equitably among you directing the way reaching al-Ka’aba | the prominent protuberant projection akin to a woman’s breast, and eminent and elevated square chamber.

Or kafar | to reconcile, purging and concealing swallowing and savoring the settled and submissive, lowly and abased. Or acting 729equitably and equivalently fasting and abstaining that he may taste and experience the pouring forth (consequence) his command.

To pardon, passing over while obliterating all traces of what is due, al-Lahu what past, but whoever returned, then will take revenge, a persecuting punishment, al-Lahu, from him. And al-Lahu potent and invincible, owner and possessor of revenge and hateful persecution.

Who knew that Allah participated in a Catholic confessional? If only this game of his were not so deprived of life he might be forgiven by those who also claim secret powers – for a price.

Nonetheless, I digress, Muslims are to be on the hunt, pursuing their prey, armed with their spears. And these Islamic jihadists are to be fearful and terrifying because by killing they distinguish Allah, making him, his name, and purpose known. And while this edict requires blind obedience as well as the acceptance of an alternative reality, it seeks to subject the slaughterers to the same painful punishments awaiting their victims. So at least Satan is being fair.

For reasons left unexplained, the Devil doesn’t want his killing game played where it is haram – whether that is to mean sacred or forbidden. And that may be because the penalty is so gruesome that even he doesn’t want to be subjected to all of the screaming since the penalty is mutilation by way of castration. But that’s evidently good news because the eunuch is to be delighted by the prospect – a favor from his lord.

Although, for all the fuss, the surroundings appear less than inspiring. The Ka’aba is described as a “prominent protuberant or bulging square breast.” And while that’s not appealing, the message quickly devolves to a choice of fasting or swallowing and savoring the lowly and abased. But even for this, there is a pardon of sorts because the evidence is being obliterated. And yet the failures in the killing game must linger because al-Lahu intends to take 730revenge. It’s all in a day’s work for the potent and invincible lord of persecution.

Continuing to insist on testing Muslims while they show their skills at the killing game, we find this jumbled mess…

Quran 005.096 Is untied and lawful for you the game of hunting prey the slit, split, and sea and its flavor to enjoy for you and for those traveling in a caravan, but is prohibited on you the killing game of al-bari | ? as long as you haram | forbidden. So, protect and save by warding off and guarding against al-Laha, the one, to him you will be collected.

While I wouldn’t venture a guess as to what Allah intended to say, moving on, how can there be asylum during the “Sacred Months” when Muhammad launched his conquest of the Ka’aba during Ramadhan and proceeded to assassinate a dozen or more souls hiding behind its covers?

Quran 005.097 Al-Lahu made al-Ka’aba | the swelling and protuberant square breast , al-Haram | the Prohibited (and in some situations, sacred) al-bayt | the House, standing for the uplifted (mankind) and the notable months haram | prohibited and forbidden and the guided way (animals for the offering) and the twisted and wound collars (garland) that you might know what in the lofty heavens and what in the ground and that al-Laha of every thing knowing.

Quran 005.098 Know that al-Laha tightly binding, firmly establishing and intensely running, strict, severe, and terrible punishing, tormenting, and torturing. And that al-Laha protective in covering over and hiding Rahim.

Since Allah is a recluse without friends or family, his protuberant house is prohibited. And should you annoy him by poking around, you may want to get fitted for a twisted and wound collar since the un-god prefers his submissives tightly bound. Clearly, he is not messing around when it comes to terrible tortures. He runs a strict operation.

It's a wonder that Muslims hold Muhammad in such high esteem since he was just a delivery boy. So, how is it that they are commanded to obey the reciter?

731Quran 005.099 Not on al-Rasuli | the Sent except the arriving and attaining delivery. And al-Lahu knows what you make apparent and what you conceal.

This next passage opens with dialog beneath Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street

Quran 005.100 Say, Not equal the bad and the good, even if you marvel quantity the bad. So protect and preserve al-Laha to return (people) hearted so that perhaps you be cut, slit, split, and furrowed (successful).

There are a number of verses which condemn Muslims to live in religious, economic, intellectual, and cultural poverty. One says: Quran 004.089 “They wish that you reject faith, as they have been reconciled, and thus that you all become equal. So take not from them allies or friends until they emigrate in the way of al-Lahi. And if they turn away and become apostates (from Islam), seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And never take allies, associates, or friends, nor any assistance from them.”

Incredulously, the other commands…

Quran 005.101 O you who believe, do not tasal | ask questions, inquiring ‘an ashyaa | about things which if tub’da | made apparent, openly manifest, clear, and plain to you, tasu’kum | would cause you trouble, vexing, annoying, and sickening you, becoming grievously evil and wickedly disgraceful.

And if you ask questions, demanding answers, about it when the Quran is revealed, it would tub’da | be apparent and plain to you, al-Lahu has obliterated all traces to it, having relinquished what is right. So, al-Lahu covers over and hides, dreaming in the vision to conceal the offences.

Quran 005.102 Indeed, qawm | an upright and firmly established, straightforward and right people before you (did ask such questions, and on that account they lost their faith) then they became reconciled (disbelievers).

All who question the Quran are vexed and annoyed by what they learn. When these recitals are tub’da | made clear, they are seen for what they are – grievously evil and wickedly disgraceful.

732Allah has obliterated all traces of cogent dialog while attempting to hide his true agenda, which has been to be seen as divine. Few things have been so offensive. The Quran is the worst book ever written, and of that, even Allah is aware. It is so incomprehensible, so obviously fraudulent, so mean-spirited, and so deadly that anyone who questions it loses their faith.

Quran 005.103 Not has made al-Lahu from bahirah | cutting and dividing and not saibah | wandering at random, and not wasilah | connection, and not hami | a prohibition, and but those who are reconciled (disbelieve), they cut, split, cleave, slander, and fabricate against al-Lahi the lie. And most of them not intelligent.

So the question is – can one conduct a reasonable investigation or form a rational query amidst gibberish such as this? It certainly appears that Allah randomly strung a series of words together for no apparent reason.

While I am committed to condemning, isolating, and eliminating Islam because it is overtly demonic and at war with humankind, there are others who would mock it for no other reason than it begs no less of us.

Quran 005.104 And when it is said to them, Come to what al-Lahu sent down, and to the sent message, they say, For us to think and consider what we found upon it our forefathers, even though that their forefathers not knowing anything and not guided.

It is readily apparent that Allah was not up to the challenge of playing God and Muhammad was a hindrance. They are being out-debated, even in pretend narratives. Beyond the lack of fluidity and literacy, since Allah has continually protested that he sent guidance to all people previously, it is apparent that he cannot remember his own protestations. More to the point, Qusayy founded the religious scam Muhammad and Allah promoted as Islam. Therefore, the forefathers of those in this audience could not have been without guidance. Allah was supposed to be their god, the Ka’aba was their shrine, the hajj and umrah were their pilgrimages, and the prostration prayers, fasts, sacred 733months, and taxes were all promoted by Qusayy and their forefathers.

Since the most repetitive diatribe in the Quran is the Never-Ending Argument which annoyed Allah to the point that he constantly threatened to burn the tormentors alive, it is now apparent that Allah wasn’t a believer…

Quran 005.105 O you who believe, upon you, yourselves, not will harm, afflict, disease, or annoy you who astray when you have been directed. To al-Lahi your return all, then he will inform you of what you used to do.

Allah is stammering, unable to convey a cogent thought. And all the while, this dunderhead claims to be all-knowing. Is it any wonder he makes the claim without ever sharing what he knows?

Quran 005.106 O you who believe, testimony among you when approaches one of you the death arrival to join (a will) two armed possessors (men) just among you or others from other than you if you travel in the ground then afflicts you affliction (befalls you the calamity) the death. Detain and restrain, hindering and confining both of them from after al-salat | the prostration performance and let them both divide and dispose, swearing by il-Lahi if you doubt. Not we will exchange, buying, selling, or bartering it for an eighth part (price) even if he is of a near relative and not we will conceal testimony al-Lahi. Lo, verily, we then surely of the wicked criminals.

What is the purpose of a will with witnesses swearing in the name of a god who cannot be trusted? He has promised a garden of debauchery and will deliver a penitentiary. And if I may ask, since Allah couldn’t manage a written copy of the Quran, who is going to write the will – two guys with bloody swords poking around in the sand? Or has this nothing to do with wills, but instead the fading memory of a message delivered by a messenger who is now dying?

Quran 005.107 Then if it is obtained information on that the two suitable, just, and proper (guilty) committing a crime, lying, and an evil doer, then two others stand their place from those who have suitable requirements and more right over them the former two and 734let them both divide, separate, and dispose of il-Lahi. Surely our testimony truer than testimony of the other two and not we have transgressed. Lo, we then of the oppressive tyrants and cruel lords.

Quran 005.108 That closer that they will give the testimony to its face or they would fear that will be refused and sent back their right side (oaths) after their right sides. And protect and ward off al-Laha and listen and al-Laha not direct the upright and firm disobedient.

Since this is in the final gasp of the last recital and al-Laha is desperate to validate someone’s witness who is on the cusp of death and, yet, is aware that among this gaggle of goons, there is no one he can trust, who and what do you suppose he’s talking about without having the guts to say it? If you answered Muhammad and the Quran, congratulations, you are now fluent in Allahism.

Quran 005.109 Day al-Lahu will collect and gather al-Rusula | those sent messages (the messengers) and he will say, ‘What made a hole, perforated, and pierced (response)? They said, No knowledge for us. Lo, verily, you, yourself, knower the absent, remote, and concealed – of that which is hidden beyond the reach of mental perception and apart from reality.

It all comes down to a single day for al-Lahu/ha/hi, commonly known as Allah, but actually Halal. It is his Day of Doom, the Day of the Upright (his imagined Resurrection), which is actually Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations. While all surviving Muslims will be gathered on this day and tossed into the ultimate pit – She’owl – along with the Snake who beguiled them, the soul of the rasuli will suffer a different fate. He will be pierced by what he and his religion have inflicted on others, particularly Yahuwdym, before being sent off to Hell.

Lo, verily, Muhammad was as Allah is professing – ignorant. Long on perversion, he was short on intelligence.

But that doesn’t mean others have to suffer the same fate and wear his “I’m Dumb as a Stone” label. Islam is demonic, deceitful, and deadly, but its agenda is plain to see. If the intent was to hide it, Halal failed.

735Although he is not going down without a fight – one that Satan knows will be waged between himself and Dowd, the Son of God and the Messiah. And while that is a battle the Devil is destined to lose, he evidently believes that he can change his fate by changing reality. If Dowd is perceived to be Jesus, the Snake wanting to be God, would be battling a myth rather than Gabry’el | God’s Most Capable and Courageous Man.

Quran 005.110 When said al-Lahu, O ‘Isa / Jesus, son Maryama, remember my comforts and conveniences upon you and upon your mother when I strengthened and supported you with ruhi al-qudusi / holy spirit, you spoke the uplifted in the cradle and maturity. And when I taught you the writing and the wisdom and the Tawrata and the Injila and when you make from the clay like the shape the bird by my permission then you breathe into it and it becomes a bird and you absolve and free the blind and the leper by my permission and when you go forth the dead by my permission and when I restrained the Children of Israel from you when you came to them with separation (clear proofs) then said those who kafar | were reconciled among them, Not this but beguiling deception and delusion with the truth severed and upended.

As I have pointed out all along, Satan fears the Messiah and those he will Kaphar | Reconcile. And since that is a confrontation he is destined to lose, in his last breath Allah, the Snake veiled as God, seeks to replace the actual Mashyach and Melek with the Christian imposter. But even at that, he is awkward and clumsy.

There was no one named ‘Isa or Jesus. Maryam was Moseh’s sister, not the Messiah’s mother. In Dowd’s return to fulfill Chag Matsah, there was suffering and anguish, hardly comforts or conveniences. Ruhi and qudusi are from the Hebrew ruwach and qodesh and convey “Set-Apart Spirit.” She (ruwach is feminine) represents Yahowah. Her presence on Dowd is the essence of the anointing which made him Mashyach.

736The fables of speaking in the cradle and of the clay bird coming to life were pilfered from the odious Gospel of Thomas. And even in the mythology attributed to the misnomer Iesou Christou in the errantly transliterated and misnamed Injila, “Jesus” wrote nothing. But driving to the heart of the issue, by claiming to have provided both the Tawrata and Injila, Allah has demonstrated that he was schizophrenic. They are at war with one another, existing in irreconcilable conflict. And as divergent as the Towrah and Gospels, the Quran is as incompatible with both as life is from death.

And speaking of such, how is it that the make-believe ‘Isa was able to resurrect life when Allah and Muhammad failed, succeeding only in taking it? Further, in the Gospels, the dastardly Jews were unrestrained because they were incredulously blamed for killing the Christian god.

But this wouldn’t be babel | a confounding commingling without an element of truth. The kaphar | reconciled are now aware that the Quran has been nothing more than a “beguiling deception and delusion with the truth severed and upended.”

Delusional, or more likely, desperate, to the last recital, Halal claims that the mythical ‘Isa’s imaginary disciples were Muslims. I wonder why they didn’t say so.

Quran 005.111 When indicated to al-hawariy | the changed and converted (disciples) to believe in me and in my rasuli | sent message, they said, We believe tell information that lo and behold, we Mus’limuna | Muslims.

Surely you jest.

After claiming credit for the fabled ‘Isa’s fabled miracles, Allah says that miracles aren’t what they’re cracked up to be…

Quran 005.112 When said al-hawariy | the changed and converted (disciples), O ‘Isa, son Maryam, is able rabbuka | your rabbi to send down to us maidatan | a (table) spread, shaken, and moved in agitated commotion from high names and lofty heavens? 737And he said, Protect and save or ward off and guard against al-Laha if you are believers.

No miracles for you – especially since you have been converted into Muslims. Only an agitated commotion from the lofty heavens if you seek to save Allah from his fate.

Miraculously, Allah was able to turn fables not living in 1st-century Yahuwdah into disbelieving Arabs questioning Muhammad’s dubious credentials in 7th-century Arabia…

Quran 005.113 They said, We wish and seek that eat, swallowing and chewing from it and be tranquillized and resting secure (satisfying) our hearts, and we know that lo, surely, you have spoken the truth to us. And we be over it among the witnesses.

Quran 005.114 Said ‘Isa / Esau or Jesus, ub’nu maryam | framing and building embittered contentiousness (son of Mary), O l-Lahuma Rabbana send down to us maidatan | a (table) spread and shaken in agitated commotion from high names and lofty heavens to be for us a return and way around (a feast) for return of us and retreat of us (first and last of us) and a sign and proof from you and provide us and you possessed best option the providers.

Oops, but l-lahuma isn’t a recognized word or name in Arabic – but it does exist in Hebrew. Laham means “to wound and to have gulped something down greedily.” Affirming the Hebrew origin, in Ararbic, lahum means “hungry.” Another possibility is that l-Lahuma was simply a misspelling of al-Lahu or that it was questioning al-Lahu | the For Him with the addition of the interrogative ma.

And as we know, rab is also Hebrew. While errantly rendered as “Lord” throughout the Quran, it means “great” while rabab is “to become greater.” Curious, I also pondered the Mem-Yowd-Dalet root of maidatan and found it in the name Meydad, a contemporary of Moseh. It means “to question what is cast out in a game of chance.”

On a roll, I searched for the Hebrew root of ‘Isa, which is written Ayin-Yowd-Sin. ‘Ay is a “Heap of Ruins.” ‘Ayish is the “constellation Ursa Major.”

738Should this contrived pronouncement from the mythological ‘Isa to the pretend converts to Islam be evocative of a “feast for return,” then it is emblematic of replacing Kipurym, the Day of Return to Yahowah, with Allah’s Last Day. The stage is being set for the ultimate rendezvous. So, at whose table will you be dining?

Having completed a two-volume set in Babel excoriating Ezekiel’s Lord, I am reminded of Satan’s Feast of the Beast. It is the Devil’s Last Supper, a cannibalistic affair with the flesh and blood of Yahowah’s gibowr | most capable and courageous men on the menu.

Ever in character Allah promises and threatens:

Quran 005.115 Said al-Lahu, Lo and behold, I send it down to you, then whoever disbelieves after among you, then lo, verily, I, myself, will punish and torture him, a tormenting punishment not such as I have inflicted punishing tortures (on) anyone among known creations.

What a fitting conclusion to this torturous tome. Said Satan, “I will send it down to you, then whoever disbelieves after among you” in the “maidatan | agitated commotion from the highest names in the loftiest heavens” “then surely I, myself, will punish and torture, inflicting a tormenting retribution such as has never been previously inflicted as a castigating and torturous chastisement on everyone known to creation.”

Just five verses from the Quran’s parting salvo, Allah affirms his distinction as the Lord of Pain and Punishment. No one is more depraved or sadistic.

In that regard, nothing has changed. Twenty-two years earlier, the first Quranic revelation was tortured and demonic to a fault, fixated on abusing humankind. One hundred and fourteen surahs later, we haven’t progressed very far. We are still mired in the realm of doom and damnation. It is Allah’s forte.

As for the Rasuli, he remained easily annoyed and confused. Even in the Quran, it was said of him, “He is all ear 739and believes everything he hears.” With this in mind, Muhammad must have heard some Catholic recite a “Hail Mary” and came to the conclusion that Christians believed she was a goddess – similar to the ones he had included in the Quran during the debacle of the Idolatrous Indulgence and Satanic Verses.

Quran 005.116 When said al-Lahu, O ‘Isa / Esau or Jesus, framing and building contentiousness (son of Mary), did you say to the uplifted (people), Take me and my mother two gods from besides al-Lahi, he said, Swimming and floating are (glory be to) you, not was for me that I say what not I required and suitable. If I had said it, then behold you would have known it. You know what in myself and not I know what in yourself. Lo, you, yourself, know the absent, hidden and remote beyond the reach of perception.

Quran 005.117 Not I said to them except what you commanded me with it that you worship al-Laha my rabbi and your rabbakum. And I was over them a witness that as long as I among them then when you raised me you were you the guard over them and you on every thing an informer.

Imposing his bizarre take on the Jesus narrative was essential to debasing and debilitating humanity. So long as men and women were arguing over the divinity of Allah vs. Jesus they would be distracted from the realization that Yahowah is God. If the debate were between the Gospels and the Quran, then no one would be looking at the Towrah. Whether the mythical misnomer or the actual Gibowr, Zarowa’, Bakowr, Melek, and Ra’ah was the Mashyach, so long as the focus was on Jesus and Muhammad, Dowd was excluded from the picture.

I know of what I speak because I was once among them. It is why Prophet of Doom was discarded rather than rewritten in the process of creating God Damn Religion. Twenty years ago, I wrongly defended the New Testament against the Quran when I should have excoriated both. Thankfully, following October 7th, 2023 and the insane Muslim and Progressive response to Islamic savagery, I was 740afforded the opportunity to do what I was ill-prepared to accomplish what now seems a lifetime ago.

Halal possessed Paul and Muhammad in the process of creating the New Testament and the Quran – both by their own admission. And while Paul was much brighter than Muhammad, and Muhammad much more perverted and sadistic than his cohort, the diatribes emanating from both served to distract humanity’s attention away from Father and Son, Yahowah and Dowd, the Towrah, Miqra’ey, and Beryth – and from Yahuwdym and Yisra’el. And without closely examining and carefully considering what Father and Son have accomplished, there is no reconciliation or salvation, no Covenant Family, and no one for whom to return. Mankind remains estranged from God, the prophecy goes unfulfilled, and Satan survives.

But it isn’t going to play out that way. Yahowah and Dowd will return and prevail. A remnant of reconciled Yahuwdym will be there to greet them.

This is Satan’s desired result, one articulated by the mythical misnomer ‘Isa / Jesus…

Quran 005.118 If and when you punish them, tormenting and torturing them, then, lo and behold, they your slaves. And if you protect them by hiding them, you the mighty, potent, invincible, to prevent, restrain, and withhold.

Fortunately, Halal / Allah will choke on these words…

Quran 005.119 Will say al-Lahu, This Day will profit al-sadiq | the truthful their sid’q | truth. For them jannatun | concealed demons, veiled darkness, confusion among unsound and insane madness, spiritual incapacitation among devils (gardens) pursuing that which is inferior from below, repulsive and brow beating and chiding will remain incessantly in it dwelling perpetually. Al-Lahu is pleased with them and they are pleased with him. That the great victory, the ultimate goal, the most glorious desire.

It looks as if Satan finally found a “profit,” even if it was the wrong kind. This day will not be to his liking.

741Dependent upon Hebrew from bitter beginning to acrimonious end, “truthful” is from sadiq, which is tsadaq in Hebrew. It means “correct, right, truthful, valid, vindicating, acquitting, upright, and righteous.” It is those who become tsadaq with Yahowah who will celebrate the Messiah’s return and foil Satan’s Day.

Since this was our last opportunity to present a full accounting of the Jannatun, I thought it important for all to know that it is indistinguishable in the Arabic text from Jinnatun, which speaks of “demons and devils.” The full and complete definition of the place Halal / Allah claims to have prepared for Islamic mass murderers, rapists, slavers, and thieves doesn’t sound appealing: “jannatun | concealed demons, veiled darkness, confusion among the unsound and insane madness, spiritual incapacitation among devils pursuing that which is inferior from below, repulsive and brow-beating, while chiding.” I’ll pass. No thanks, anyway.

And that brings us to the last hurrah, one final lie…

Quran 005.120 To il-Lahi command and control the high and lofty, the elevated name, the heavens and the ground and what in them. And he on every thing and affair a little and a lot measured, determined, decreed, and destined (powerful).

And that is all he didn’t write.
