456God Damn Religion


…Good Muslims Kill





Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone.

Fight and kill until you worship Allah alone.


The model of hypocrisy, with the non-prophet’s sworn oath annulled by the un-god, the conquest of the Quraysh began in the month in which the Quran prohibited fighting. Tabari VIII:160 “Allah’s Apostle set out on the expedition against the people of Mecca in the month of Ramadan.” Muhammad wasn’t religious; he knew Islam’s “holy months” were a farce. After all, he had stolen the dogma from a pagan.

But why do Muslims follow a prophet who so blatantly ignored his god’s orders? Quran 009.005 “Then when having flayed and stripped away the sacred forbidden months, then kill, slaughtering and murdering, those who associate and share with friends wherever and whenever you find them, seize them and take them captive, besieging, restricting, imprisoning, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait, prepared to ambush and trap them.”

Numerous ahadith try to explain the reason for the raid, but I’m going to tell you the truth. The Muslim militants were manhandled at Mu’ta. They came home empty-handed, with their tails between their legs. Muhammad was a whisper away from losing control. The mercenary Muslims wanted booty and the peaceful Muslims wanted to be left alone. So he needed an easy kill, and he needed it now.

The last four times he had been in this predicament Muhammad besieged Jewish settlements. But alas, he had overhunted them. There were no more Jews to plunder. So 457Islam’s warlord needed a new patsy, a sure thing, a toothless tiger. And he was in luck. His unrelenting terrorist campaign had devastated the Quraysh economically. And his treaty had deceived them into letting down their defenses. They were vulnerable.

This is the same ploy Muslims are using against Israel today. Their terrorist assault has been designed to weaken the nation to the point it capitulates and accepts the imposition of the “Two-State Solution.” But before the ink is dry on the peace treaty sanctioning it, Muslims will renounce their vows, and there will be all-out and devastating war against what will have become a defenseless nation. So, beware. Hudaybiyah is a harbinger of what awaits Israel.

Ishaq:540 “After sending his expedition to Mu’ta, the Messenger learned that the Banu Bakr had assaulted the Khuza’ah while the latter were at a watering place in lower Mecca.” There was some strife over a merchant who had been robbed and killed. Surprisingly enough, it hadn’t been perpetrated by a Muslim.

You may be wondering why the Hadith would bother with such trivia. By this time, Muhammad had led or inspired scores of terrorist raids. Collectively, Team Islam had robbed, murdered, enslaved, and raped tens of thousands of men, women, and children. So there must have been a reason for highlighting this “assault.” Could it be that the Islamic sages were fishing for an excuse to renege on their peace treaty and justify Muhammad’s invasion of his hometown?

Tabari VIII:161 “Matters stood thus between the Banu Bakr and the Khuza’ah when Islam intervened to separate them and occupy people’s minds. [In other words: they used to be friends before Islam poisoned Arabia.] The Bakr entered into a pact with the Quraysh, and the Khuza’ah entered into a pact with the Muslims. The truce having been concluded, the Banu Bakr took advantage of it against the Khuza’ah. To retaliate, they wanted to kill the persons responsible for killing their men. So the Bakr killed a Khuza’ah man. 458The Quraysh aided the Bakr with weapons, and some Quraysh fought on their side under the cover of darkness until they drove the Khuza’ah into the sacred territory.”

The Khuza’ah had come bearing arms and they were in KabaVille. The Quraysh hadn’t gone out looking for trouble. It came to them.

By protecting their town and honoring an alliance they had formed with the Bakr, the Quraysh were accused of attacking the Khuza’ah, a tribe allied with the Muslims. But there’s a problem the Islamic sages didn’t count on – we can read. The breach was bogus. If the Bakr were allied with the Quraysh, then it had been the Muslims who had violated the treaty, not the Quraysh. We know this to be true because Tabari documented an Islamic raid against the Bakr after Hudaybiyah. It had transpired late in the seventh year, along with another dozen Muslim treaty violations.

Ishaq called the affair a “quarrel” over “a man who had gone on a trading journey,” also known as a business trip. While the merchant was mugged and murdered, neither the victim nor the villain was Quraysh or Muslim.

Tabari VIII:162 & Ishaq:541 “The Banu Bakr said, ‘We have entered the sacred territory. Be mindful of your God.’ To which they replied, ‘Today we have no God so we’ll take our revenge.’ That night the Bakr attacked the Khuza’ah and killed a man named Munabbih. He had a weak heart. He said, ‘I am as good as dead anyway, whether they kill me or not, for my weak heart has ceased beating.’ The others ran away and escaped. Munabbih was caught and killed.” “When the Quraysh leagued together with the Bakr against the Khuza’ah and killed some men [One died of natural causes, and the Bakr caught him, not the Quraysh.], they broke the treaty because of the pact the Khuza’ah had with Muhammad. This was one of the things that prompted the conquest of Mecca.” These boys were as predictable as tomorrow’s sunrise.

The Muslim militants who had betrayed their fellow Arabs while terrorizing and robbing every neighboring town explained…

459Tabari VIII:175 “Among the terms on which the Messenger and Quraysh had made peace was there should be neither betrayal nor clandestine theft. The Quraysh aided the Bakr with weapons. That is why Muhammad attacked the people of Mecca.”

Muhammad’s excuse was as pathetic as his behavior, and both were as lame as Islamic apologists. Universally, they report that Muhammad’s kin had it coming because they aggressively and violently breached the peace treaty that had been steadfastly honored by Muhammad. Nothing could be further from the truth. But truth has never been popular in Islam.

Tabari VIII:163 “Khuza’ah men came to the Messenger and told him how the Quraysh had backed the Bakr against them. The Prophet replied, ‘I think you will see Abu Sufyan [the leading Meccan merchant] come to strengthen the pact and extend the term.’” And he did, not knowing that the treaty was just one of Allah’s many plots.

Tabari VIII:164 & Ishaq:543 “Abu Sufyan went to Muhammad in Medina to affirm the peace treaty. Upon arriving, he visited his own daughter, Umm. When he was about to sit on the carpet bed of the Prophet, she folded it up to stop him. He said, ‘My daughter, I do not know if you think that I am too good for this bed or if this carpet is too good for me.’ Umm replied [in the arrogant style of one infected by Islam], ‘You are an unclean polytheist.’ Abu answered[insightfully], ‘My daughter, by Allah, evil came over you after you left me. You have gone bad.’”

Ishaq:543 “Then Abu Sufyan went to Allah’s Messenger, but he refused to speak to him.” Muhammad had no interest in peace. He wanted submission, booty, and death. Sufyan was an obstacle on the road to world conquest.

Tabari VIII:164 “Sufyan went to Abu Bakr and asked him to intercede, but he refused. When Sufyan asked Umar to help [avert further carnage and death], he replied, ‘No way. By Allah, if I had only ant grubs, I would fight you with them!”

Trying to speak sensibly to Muslims and appease them is akin to Neville Chamberlain chatting with Adolf Hitler – 460and to the same result. Nonetheless, Sufyan went the extra mile to achieve the impossible – peace with Islam. After being rebuffed by Muhammad and Abu Bakr, Abu Sufyan went to the man who would be Caliph, Ali and his wife Fatimah – Muhammad’s son-in-law and daughter.

Tabari VIII:164 “Ali said, ‘Woe to you, Sufyan. When the Messenger has determined a thing it is useless for anyone to talk to him.’” Islam was, and always has been, dictatorial. The religion of “submit and obey” knows nothing of free speech or freewill.

Ishaq:544 “Fatimah said, ‘No one can provide any protection against Allah’s Apostle.” And that is the lesson of history. Self-proclaimed tyrants and dictators start wars; freely elected presidents and prime ministers are less apt to do so. The edicts of Islam, Communism, Fascism, and Nazism concentrated power in the hands of a single individual. To maintain their authority, these despots established regimes that were as brutal internally as they were violent against neighbors. Muhammad was a textbook example.

The first Islamic historian confirmed: Tabari VIII:165 “‘There is nothing that you can do to make peace with him.’ So Abu Sufyan stood in the mosque and said, ‘People, I came to make peace. I promise protection between men.’” But the offer was unilateral so, “He mounted his camel and departed.”

Sufyan, like most Arabs before Islam, wanted to live freely and safely, earn a living, and care for his family. But those were things Muhammad wouldn’t allow. Islam had to be imposed to survive; it had to plunder to live. Doctrinally bankrupt, he knew his Sunnah and Qur’an would never withstand the scrutiny of a free society. And morally bankrupt, it could not provide the level of trust needed for a free economy. So Muslims were destined to lose their liberties. They were transformed into parasites. Islam conquered them, deceived them, corrupted them, and then damned them. The world has paid the price ever since.

461Tabari VIII:165 “When Abu Sufyan reported back to the Quraysh that Muhammad had given him no reply, they said, ‘Woe to you! By Allah, he did no more than play with you.’”

Back in the lair of the Tormented Terrorist… Ishaq:544 “Muhammad commanded the people to prepare for the foray [raid, incursion, sortie, attack, and assult]. The Messenger informed his troops that he was going to Mecca. He ordered them to prepare themselves and ready their equipment quickly. He said, ‘O Allah, keep spies and news from the Quraysh until we take them by surprise in their land.’” Islamic organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Islamic State, Boko Haram, and al-Qaeda offer the same prayer today.

Ishaq:544 “Hassan incited the men, reciting: ‘This is the time for war. Don’t feel safe from us. Our swords will open the door to death.’” And so it would be, until they are finally stopped at sundown, October 2nd, 2033. But between now and then, over the next decade, Israel, beware – the door to death has been opened, and you are the prey.

Tabari VIII:168 “He departed on the tenth day of Ramadan. They broke their fast and encamped at Marr Zahran with 10,000 Muslims. No news reached the Quraysh about the Messenger, and they did not know what he would do.”

I beg to differ. The tormented terrorist had been an insatiable sand pirate, cruel slave trader, relentless rapist, and bloody mass murderer for the past eight years. Islam’s war against mankind was in full swing. The Quraysh were under no illusions. It was the Muslims who were deceived.

In their non-prophet’s presence, the first Muslims broke several of Islam’s Pillars. They ignored the Ramadan fast. They attacked the town whose people had invented Allah. And they ceased their prostrations to kill.

Tabari VIII:170 “When the Messenger set out for Mecca he appointed no one to military commands and displayed no banners.” He was using deceptive tactics.

Then he begged for help. Tabari VIII:170 “He sent to the Arab tribes, but they hung back from him.” Given a choice, most 462Arabs chose not to align themselves with his “religion.” Yet sadly, there were enough militants willing to sell their souls for a buck.

Tabari VIII:170 “When Muhammad reached Qudayd, the Sulaym met him with horses and full armament. Uyaynah joined the Messenger at Arj. Aqra joined in at Suqya.”

Tabari VIII:171 “When Muhammad encamped at Marr Zahran, Abbas said, ‘Woe to the Quraysh! If Allah’s Apostle surprises them in their territory and enters Mecca by force, it means the destruction of the Quraysh.’”

Looking out at the Muslim encampments on the hills surrounding the deep sandstone valleys of Petra, “Abu Sufyan said, I have never seen fires like those I see today! These are the fires of men gathered for war. Here is Muhammad, come against us with a force we cannot resist – 10,000 Muslims. If he gets hold of me, he will cut off my head.”

Abu Sufyan was captured by a Muslim eager to do just that. He brought him shackled to Muhammad, who demanded: Tabari VIII:173 & Ishaq:547 “Alas, Sufyan, isn’t it time for you to admit that I am the Messenger of Allah?’ Sufyan replied, ‘As to that I have some doubt.’”

That wasn’t an acceptable answer, so Abbas shrieked, Tabari VIII:173 & Ishaq:54 “‘Woe to you! Submit and recite the testimony that there is no ilah but Allah and that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah before your head is cut off!’” That was Islam in action. Submit or die. Testify that there is no ilah but Allah or lose your head. Or else… Tabari VIII:173 & Ishaq:547 “Muhammad told Abbas to detain Abu Sufyan by the spur of the mountains in the narrow part of the valley until the troops of Allah passed him.” Then Ishaq tells us: Ishaq:546 “The Apostle punched him in the chest” before he was hauled away.

Tabari VIII:174 & Ishaq:548 “Finally, the squadrons of the Messenger, composed of Emigrants and Ansar in iron armor with only their eyes visible, passed by. His company had become great. Woe to you, none can withstand him. It was all due to his prophetic office.” Having survived his insurrection and that of his 463mutinous mujahideen with the promise of an easy kill, the religion of Islam was now working for Muhammad.

Tradition indicates that Sufyan “managed” to extricate himself from bondage as the Muslims were taking up their positions surrounding his hometown...

Ishaq:548 “Abu Sufyan ran in haste. When he reached Mecca, he shouted in the sanctuary, ‘People of Quraysh, behold Muhammad has come upon us with forces we cannot resist.’ Hind [the woman who had lost her son, husband, father, and brother to Islam’s butchery at Badr], said, ‘Kill this fat greasy bladder of lard! What a rotten protector of the people.’ ‘Woe to you,’ Sufyan replied, ‘don’t let this woman deceive you, for we cannot resist Islam.’”

Muhammad had offered the merchant a deal he could not refuse: surrender or die. Hind correctly recognized that the Quraysh chief had become a traitor.

All the while, the non-prophet was on the warpath. He was now within reach of fulfilling Khadija’s aspirations – the Profitable Prophet Plan. The Ka’aba Inc. would soon be his. And as an added benefit, he would be honored for having humbled and humiliated those who rejected him…

Tabari VIII:175 “Heading for Mecca, the Prophet sent Zubayr after the Quraysh. He gave him his banner, and appointed him commander over the cavalry of the Emigrants and Ansar. He ordered: ‘Zubayr, plant my banner in the upper part of Mecca. Remain there until I come to you.’”

According to the Hadith collected by Ibn Ishaq, the Tormented Terrorist showed his true colors that day. He and his men were festooned in “green and black.” Green is symbolic of envy – the root cause of Islam. Black is the color of deceit and death – the result of Islam.

Then speaking of the demonic spirit who had inspired and possessed the non-prophet, his biographer reported: Ishaq:548 “By Allah, the black mass has spread.”

Ishaq:548 “Abu Bakr said, ‘There is not much honesty among people nowadays.’” One thing led to the other.

464Tabari VIII:176 & Ishaq:549 “The Prophet sent out his army in divisions. Zubayr was in charge of the left wing. He was ordered to make an entry with his forces from Kuda. Sa’d was commanded to enter with forces by way of Kada. Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Today is a day for battle and war. Sanctuary is no more. Today the sacred territory is deemed profane [ungodly irreverent, wicked, and sacrilegious].’ When one of the Muhajirs [Emigrants] heard one of the Muhajirs heard him say this, he warned the Apostle, ‘It is to be feared that you would resort to violence.’ The Prophet ordered Ali to go after him, to take the flag from him, and fight with it himself.”

A man suggests that profaning the Ka’aba and resorting to violence might be a bad idea and he was rebuked. The debate between moral and immoral, peace and violence, was rehashed, but as always, Islam’s founder made the wrong call. And since there is no Islam apart from Muhammad, and he has spoken, are you listening? Bukhari:V4B53N412 “Allah’s Apostle said on the day of the conquest of Mecca, ‘There is no migration now, only Jihad, holy battle. And when you are called for Jihad, you should come out at once.’”

The message is as clear as Mein Kampf, as undeniable as Pearl Harbor, as destructive as 9/11, and as savage as 10/7: “There is only Jihad.” Hitler, interestingly enough, repeated Muhammad’s line the morning he invaded Poland: “There is no more emigration now, only war.”

This Hadith confirms that Islam’s prophet wasn’t out being religious…

Muslim:B19N4395 “I said: ‘Should I tell you a Hadith from your Traditions?’ He gave an account of the Conquest of Mecca, saying: ‘Muhammad (may peace be upon him) advanced until he reached Mecca. He assigned Zubayr to his right flank and Khalid to his left. Then he dispatched Ubaida with the force that had no armor. They advanced to the interior. The Prophet (may peace be upon him) was in the midst of a large contingent of his fighters. Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: ‘You see the ruffians and the lowly followers of the Quraysh?’ He indicated by striking one of his hands over the other that they should be killed. So we went off on his orders and if anyone wanted a person killed; he was slain. No one could offer 465any resistance. Then [the recently “converted”] Abu Sufyan said: Messenger, the blood of the Quraysh has become very cheap. The Prophet said: ‘Kill all who stand in your way.’”

It was his retort to family. He had Sworn to Slaughter them a decade ago and now he was honoring his pledge. It was revenge for the Never-Ending Argument. It is Islam’s preferred debate tactic.

If this is the criterion for being God’s Messenger, Shalmaneser, Nebuchadnezzar, Nero, Titus, Hadrian, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Lenin, Hitler, the Ayatollah, Nasrallah, and Sinwar were Prophets, too.

At this point the historian’s account conflicts somewhat with Muslim’s Hadith Collection, so we can draw the conclusion that much of what was conveyed orally about this day is untrue, as contradiction is proof of deceit. We can view Tabari as an apologist, someone interested in buffing up his prophet’s bloody reputation. Or perhaps, Muhammad may have had second thoughts. He may have become more interested in humiliating his prey than devouring them. But either way, after telling his jihadists to kill anyone who stands in their way, we’re to believe that the Tormented Terrorist dispatched his troops, crying: Tabari VIII:176 “‘Fight only those who fight you.’ When Khalid came upon them in the lower part of Mecca, he fought them, and Allah put them to the fight. Zubayr encountered a squadron of Quraysh on the slopes of Kada and killed them.” Alas, the debate was moot. “Khalid fought them,” and “Zubayr killed them.” So...“When the Prophet arrived, the people stood before him to swear allegiance to him, and so the Meccans became Muslims [one who surrenders and submits].”

And that’s all you really need to know about Muhammad and Islam. For the moment, standing in a pool of blood, he had conquered his demon and avenged his failures. The praise, power, and possessions he had been denied were now his. Islam had worked like a charm.

It had always been about subduing his kin, making them pay for abandoning him, making them wish they hadn’t kept 466the family business for themselves. All they needed to do was surrender – to grovel at his feet.

Quran 048.019 “And much spoils and plunder that they will take and is al-Lahu all-mighty, wise? Quran 048.020 Al-Lahu has promised you abundant spoils and plunder that you will take it. And He has hastened for you this and has withheld hands of the people from you that it may be a sign and proof for the believers and He may guide you straight path. Quran 048.021 And others, not you had power over them. Lo, al-Lahu encompassed them. Is al-Lahu over all things powerful?” Quran 048.028 “He the one who sent His Rasula with guidance and religion the true that He may make it exalted and prevail over all the religions. And sufficient is il-Lahi a witness. Quran 048.029 Muhammad Rasulu al-Lahi and those who with him firm, violent, and vehemently binding against the kafur and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating seeking advantage and merit from al-Lahi and pleasure. Their imposed brand, punishing mark, and sign of affliction was on their faces from the prostration.”

However, truth be known, throughout this disgusting affair, Allah had been nothing more than an implement. In the end, the Quraysh swore their allegiance to Muhammad. That is what made them Muslims: “one who surrenders and submits.” Allah was simply used to disavow the treaty, to justify killing, accommodate stealing the Ka’aba, and to sanctify Muhammad.

In conflict with the evidence, Muslim apologists say that the conquest of Mecca was a peaceful affair. Yet many men and women were butchered on this day. Ishaq:550 “The Muslims met them with their swords. They cut through many arms and skulls. Only confused cries and groans could be heard over our battle roars and snarling.”

With his kin decapitated, mutilated, and in agony: Tabari VIII:178 & Ishaq:550 “Muhammad ordered that certain men should be assassinated even if they were found behind the curtains of the Ka’aba. Among them was Abdallah bin Sa’d. The reason that Allah’s Messenger ordered that he should be slain was because he had become a Muslim and used to write down Qur’an Revelation. Then 467he apostatized, reverted to being a polytheist, and returned to Mecca.”

The only man who ever attempted to commit any of the Quran’s Suratuns to writing as they left the prophet’s lips rejected Islam. That ought to send a shiver up every Muslim’s spine. The only contemporaneous Quran scribe was hunted down by Muhammad and assassinated.

This serves as additional proof that the Quran was never intended to be written. It served Muhammad best when he could pronounce situational oral recitals on a whim to resolve even the most personal and trivial of issues. When another variation of the issue arose, his words could be restructured and rearranged, reinterpreted, repeated, or renounced to suit the occasion.

Thereafter, upon the non-prophet’s demise, the preponderance of the Quran was rendered obsolete. Much of it was actually embarrassing. And that is why the one literate man among those blinded by religion was murdered.

Tabari VIII:179 “Abdallah bin Sa’d fled to Uthman, his brother, who after hiding him, finally surrendered him to the Prophet. Uthman asked for clemency. Muhammad did not respond, remaining silent for a long time. Muhammad explained, ‘By Allah, I kept silent so that one of you might go up to him and cut off his head!’ One of the Ansar said, ‘Why didn’t you give me a sign?’ Allah’s Apostle replied, ‘A prophet does not kill by pointing.’”

No. He kills by deceiving, seducing, and coercing. And lest we forget, he slaughters and slays by establishing a religion – the most virulent and vicious form of mass murder.

Confirming that this had nothing to do with Allah, Muhammad ordered the assassination of another Muslim. Tabari VIII:179 & Ishaq:550 “Among those who Muhammad ordered killed was Abdallah bin Khatal. The Messenger ordered him to be slain because while he was a Muslim, Muhammad had sent him to collect the zakat tax with an Ansar and a slave of his.”

468Long story short, the slave disobeyed, so the Muslim tax collector killed him. Rather than face the music by reporting his misdeed to the Godfather, Abdallah turned tail and ran. Then acting as if he were still a Muslim, he used the spoils to acquire the talents of two girls.

Tabari VIII:179 & Ishaq:550 “The girls used to sing a satire about Muhammad so the Prophet ordered that they should be killed along with Abdullah.” “Abdallah was killed by Sa’id and Abu Barzah. The two shared in his blood. One of the singing girls was killed quickly but the other fled. So Umar caused his horse to trample the one who fled at Abtah, killing her.”

Insecure men are enraged by criticism. They will stop at nothing to silence anyone who irritates them. Ishaq:551 “Another victim was Huwayrith. He used to insult Muhammad in Mecca. Huwayrith was put to death by Ali.”

The next victim on the Tormented Terrorist’s hit list: Ishaq:551 “Miqyas. The Messenger ordered his assassination only because he had killed an Ansar who had killed his brother by mistake and then became a renegade by rejecting Islam.” So much for: “There should be no compulsion in religion.” “Miqyas was slain by Numaylah.”

Tabari VIII:180 “Also among those eliminated were Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl and Sarah, a slave of one of Abd Muttalib’s sons. She taunted Muhammad while he was in Mecca.” The prophet had notched his ninth kill in addition to the many men and women whose arms and skulls had been cut off in the raid.

Tabari VIII:181 “According to Waqidi, the Messenger ordered that six men and four women should be assassinated. One of these women was Hind, who swore allegiance and became a Muslim.”

His bloodlust satiated for the moment, it was time to salve his soul. Tabari VIII:181 “Having halted by the door of the Ka’aba, the Messenger stood up and said, ‘There is no ilah but Allah alone; He has no partner.”

That’s because Muhammad was the corporeal manifestation, or living embodiment, of Allah – who was Satan. And now that the Devil’s Advocate had claimed the 469founder’s share of the Ka’aba Inc., the last thing he wanted was a partner.

Ishaq:553 “Behold, every alleged claim of inherited privilege, blood, wealth, or property is abolished by me except the custody of the Ka’aba and the right to supply water to the pilgrims.’”

It’s the ultimate confession. The first chance he gets, Muhammad announces that inherited privilege and the alleged claims to the Ka’aba and Qusayy’s religious scam were null and void. Heredity, privilege, property, and wealth would only benefit one member of the Quraysh clan. Muhammad make himself the exception and took exclusive custody of the Ka’aba. It was the fulfillment of Khadija’s Profitable Prophet Plan. Islam worked.

Having achieved his ambition, the non-prophet gloats… Tabari VIII:181 “People of the Quraysh, Allah has taken from you the haughtiness of the Time of Ignorance and its veneration of ancestors…. For now I have humbled you, made you Muslims, submissive unto me…. People of the Quraysh and people of Mecca, what do you think I intend to do with you?”

Wow! There is no denying that everything you have read about Muhammad in God Damn Religion is true. Allah was used to humble the non-prophet’s family and former friends and make them submissive to Muhammad. He was a malignant narcissist and sadistic psychopath.

He would rub their noses in it, literally. He needed them to grovel at his feet – to bow down and swear allegiance to him. He wanted what he had always craved – to be praised and obeyed, to be powerful and rich. Killing more Meccans wouldn’t be any fun. He had done enough of that. No, he wanted to see them humiliated.

Tabari VIII:182 & Ishaq:553 “The people assembled in Mecca to swear allegiance to the Messenger in submission. They gathered to do homage to the Apostle in Islam. Umar remained below the Prophet, lower than the place where he sat [on his throne], imposing conditions on the people as they paid homage to Muhammad, promising to submit and obey. Umar administered the oath, 470receiving from the Meccans their pledge of allegiance to Muhammad. They promised to heed and obey Allah and His Messenger.”

When you began reading God Damn Religion 3,000 pages ago, did you expect to find an admission unequivocally affirming that all of the condemning assessments of Muhammad’s character and purpose were accurate? And yet, here it is in black and white, albeit drenched in blood.

They swore allegiance to the Messenger in submission.” “They gathered to do homage to the Apostle in Islam.” “They paid homage to Muhammad, promising to submit and obey.” “The Meccans pledged allegiance to Muhammad.”

And even in this, it was Muhammad alone. It was only in the scribe’s assessment of what occurred that Allah was even mentioned: “They promised to heed and obey Allah and His Messenger.” Islam served Muhammad. He was more beneficiary than messenger.

And now for the Quraysh, it would be the same as it would soon be for all Arabs, surrender or die. They would swear allegiance to a man without empathy or morals – once who could not be trusted because he proclaimed a mantra that he, himself, seldom obeyed.

If Islam was good, and if Muhammad was the best example of it, why was he always the exception to it? If Allah alone had the right to be worshiped, why were they paying homage to this savage man?

Tabari VIII:182 & Ishaq:553 “That was the oath administered to those who swore allegiance to the Prophet in submission (Islam).”

Tabari VIII:183 “When the Messenger was finished with the men’s swearing of allegiance, the women swore allegiance.” Having been abandoned by all of the women in his life, Muhammad was particularly harsh on them.

Tabari VIII:183 “You are swearing allegiance to me on condition that you will associate nothing with Allah [by default, me].’ ‘By 471Allah, you are imposing something on us that you did not impose on the men,’ one of the women said.” Muhammad paid her no heed and continued through his list of additional constraints. When he got to Tabari VIII:183 “‘Do not kill your children,’ the woman said, ‘We raised them and you killed them. You know better about killing them than we do.’ Umar laughed immoderately at her words.” That’s funny.

Allah’s Messenger did not think so, however. The truth hurt. His only response was to sequester the voice of reason. Tabari VIII:183 “He said, ‘Do not invent slanderous tales henceforth.’” For a terrorist, Muhammad was very thin-skinned. The woman’s line was one of the greatest comebacks of all time. And she had earned the right to say it. Muhammad’s goons had murdered her father, her brother, her husband, and her son.

And now you know why Muhammad was afraid to confront the Quraysh the previous year and capitulated at Hudaybiyah. He had never prevailed in an argument against them with words and became reliant on swords.

Tabari VIII:183 “Hind said, ‘Bringing slander is ugly. Sometimes it is better to just ignore it.’ He said, ‘You shall not disobey me in carrying out my orders.’ The Messenger told Umar, ‘Receive their oath of allegiance and their homage.’” “Now go, for I have accepted your allegiance and praise.” The abused abuser craved the one thing he never knew: love.

Before we move on with the narrative, I want you to appreciate the dynamics of this situation. Everything was intensely personal. This was a small and isolated community. Everyone knew everyone else by name and reputation, and most were related. It isn’t by chance that Muhammad knew the names of everyone he had killed in each of his raids on the Quraysh or realized that his militants were killing their fathers and brothers. This was a family feud, a quarrel over who should inherit Qusayy’s pagan scam. Impoverished and pagan as it was, they were Arabs in the 7th century and it was better than nothing.

472Islam was a consequence. It happened, as did Mein Kampf because a child was denied. I took great pains to expose what was occurring around the Ka’aba, to explain Qusayy’s religious scam, and to reveal the circumstances surrounding Muhammad’s birth so that you might know why the abused boy claimed that he was Allah’s Messenger. By sharing what the Quran had to say about the pleasures of paradise and the torments of hell, we came to know what pleased and tortured Muhammad – and thus what incited and frightened him. His every word and deed, his Quran and Sunnah, were derivatives of the abuse he suffered. And his rage was magnified when his family failed to rescue him. Islam was one man’s thirst for revenge. Muhammad was powerless, poor, and unloved. Therefore, his Islam was focused on power, money, sex, control, acclaim, and praise. It’s as simple and sad as that.

Tabari VIII:182 & Ishaq:553 “Allah had enabled Muhammad to take the persons of the Quraysh by force, giving him power over them so they were his booty. Their lives were now his spoil, but he emancipated them.” No. He enslaved them. That’s what an oath of allegiance in submission is all about.

But by not selling his possessions – his booty – into slavery apart from Islam and himself, as he had done to all others, he was perceived as merciful. But in this case, not only did they belong to him, he got to continue humiliating them. And as his, he did not have to share their worth in the slave markets, which would have occurred if he had dealt otherwise.

There was a psychological aspect to this as well – and all psychopaths instinctively know it. When a kidnapper stops tormenting victims, they view the reprieve as a form of mercy. In a twisted sort of way, it ultimately causes the molested to see their molester as loving. This is why Muslims rewrite their history and revere the man who enslaved them.

473But just humiliating the Quraysh was insufficient. The non-prophet knew their “praise and homage” was insincere. So he continued to look for love in all the wrong places…

Tabari VIII:187 “The [78-year-old] Messenger of Allah married Mulaykah. She was young and beautiful. One of the Prophet’s wives came to her and said, ‘Are you not ashamed to marry a man who killed your father during the day he conquered Mecca?’ She therefore took refuge from him.”

Now that he had conquered his demons, it was time for Muhammad to pay his respects to the rock he had thrown to subdue his kin…

Ishaq:552 “When the populace had settled down, Muhammad went to the Ka’aba and compassed it seven times on his camel, touching the Black Stone with a stick. Then he went inside the Temple. There he found a dove made of wood. He broke it in his hands and threw it away.”

Perfect. The first idol Muhammad broke was the international symbol of peace and the symbol of Yahowah’s Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit.

However, please don’t miss the fact that many hours of slaying, followed by many hours more of submission and sworn oaths to Muhammad, preceded the Ka’aba even being noticed.

May the truth be known: Ishaq:552 “The Ka’aba contained 360 idols which Lucifer had strengthened with lead. The Apostle was standing by them with a stick in his hand, saying, ‘The truth has come and falsehood has passed away.’ Then he pointed at them with his stick and they collapsed on their backs one after the other.”

The Ka’aba was a pagan shrine – a pile of rocks representing gods and goddesses. Allah was one of many stones. He and it had never been anything more. But on this day, Muhammad helped Satan eliminate the competition. The same stick that had recognized the Black Stone, toppled the other false gods and goddesses.

474Ishaq:552 “The Quraysh had put pictures in the Ka’aba including two of Jesus and one of Mary (on both of whom be peace). Muhammad ordered that the pictures should be erased.”

So then after stealing the pagan shrine, Ishaq:554 “Muhammad sat in the mosque and Ali came to him with the key to the Ka’aba asking him to grant his family the rights associated with custodianship.”

But alas, his son-in-law, and the first of the Shi’ites, didn’t measure up. The non-prophet handed the key to Uthman for safekeeping. Then, stealing a line from the Towrah, the dimwitted, delusional degenerate proclaimed: Ishaq:555 “Mecca is the Holy of Holies.”

But even Satan knows that wasn’t true, which is why he had Muslims desecrate the actual “Holy of Holies” on Mount Moriah with his Dome of the Rock – commemorating the Donk-Mule flight after the Satanic Verses. And Satan will return with another incarnate manifestation of his nastiness on the 1st of ‘Abyb in year 5997 Yah to impose his will on God’s people and place. Fortunately, ‘ElYah and I will be there to thwart his ambitions.

The blood that had flowed from the broken bodies of the men and women killed by the Muslims that day had yet to dry when the Chief Hypocrite & Exception said, Ishaq:555 “It is not lawful for anyone to shed blood in Mecca. It was not lawful to anyone before me and it will not be lawful after me. If anyone should say, “The Apostle killed men in Mecca,” say, “Allah permitted his Apostle to do so but He does not permit you.”’”

In the poetry that accompanied the raid, we hear…

Ishaq:557 “Allah gave you a seal imprinted. [The “Seal of Prophethood” was a hairy mole.] Allah’s proof is great. [Now there’s a delusional thought.] I testify that your religion is true and that you are great among men. Allah testifies that Ahmad [the “praised] is the chosen. You are a noble one, the cynosure [someone who attracts attention or admiration] of the righteous, a prince.” It was further evidence that Muhammad had a Messianic complex.

475Speaking of the Messiah, Gabry’el | God’s Most Competent and Courageous Man, a misguided soul shouted, Ishaq:558 “Gabriel, Allah’s messenger is with us and the Holy Spirit has no equal.”

Muhammad mistook Satan for the Holy Spirit. Although to be fair, in Hebrew, holy (often transliterated choly), speaks of the “pandemic plague and afflicting disease” which we know today as Islam. And ha Satan is a spiritual being. So, credit to the Muslim, he got part of this right.

Another orator recited: Ishaq:558 “Allah said, I have sent an army. Every day they curse, battle and lampoon.”

Then speaking of the “prince,” the poet proclaimed, Ishaq:559 “He is the pure blessed Hanif, [While Muhammad was once a wannabe Hanif, and stole many of their poems, revising them to serve as early Quran recitals, the Hanifs were Arab converts to Judaism and never Muslims.] He is Allah’s trusted one whose nature is loyalty.” Muhammad had just dissolved his vows and reneged on a treaty, so Muslims have a misguided definition of “trust and loyalty.”

Another shared: Ishaq:560 “We expelled the people and smote them with our swords the day the good Prophet entered Mecca. We pierced their bodies with cuts and thrusts. And we shot them with our feathered shafts. Our ranks went in with lances leveled. We came to plunder as we said we would. We pledged our faith to the Apostle on this day of fear.” Now there’s an honest Muslim: “We came to plunder as we said we would.”

Pledging, piercing, and plundering behind us, Muhammad decided to get religious: Ishaq:561 “The Apostle sent out troops to the territories surrounding Mecca inviting men to Allah. Among those he sent was Khalid. He was ordered to go as a missionary. Khalid subdued the Jadimah and killed some of them.”

“Troops” don’t deliver “invitations,” they deliver ultimatums. Khalid was Muhammad’s most vicious terrorist. Calling him a “missionary” is a perverted joke. He once 476defined himself, bragging, “I am the sword of Allah and the sword of His Messenger!”

You’d think that after Muhammad had achieved his life’s ambition, he’d tell his militants to lay down their swords. But such was not the case. A man plagued by insecurity can never be satiated.

Tabari VIII:189 & Ishaq:561 “Alas for you, Banu Jadimah! It is Khalid. By Allah, after you lay down your weapons, it will be nothing but leather manacles, and after the manacles nothing but the cutting off of heads.’

After they had laid down their arms, Khalid ordered that their hands should be tied behind their backs. Then he put them to the sword, smiting their necks, killing them. When the word got to Muhammad as to what Khalid had done, he said, ‘I declare that I am innocent of Khalid’s deeds.’”

Sorry. Muhammad was the responsible party. He preached the sermons and recited the surahs that led to this. His Sunnah and Suratuns were clear: good Muslims kill. Jihad is the best deed in Islam. But Muhammad was a weasel. He never accepted responsibility for anything. He had always claimed that it had been his god who had terrorized, robbed, enslaved, mutilated, and murdered – not him. And Muhammad never disavowed Khalid; he went on to become the Profit’s best general and tax collector.

Ishaq:564 “One of the Banu Jadimah[those victimized by Khalid] said, ‘God take reprisals on the Muslims for the evil they did to us. They stole our goods and divided them. Their spears came at us not once but twice. Their squadrons came upon us like a swarm of locusts. Were it not for the religion of Muhammad, their cavalry would never have attacked.” And if not for Muhammad’s religion, Muslims wouldn’t be terrorizing today.

This brings us to another revealing tale – the assassination of Allah’s rivals who had been the subjects of the Idolatrous Indulgence and the impetus for the Satanic Verses…

477Ishaq:565 “The Apostle sent Khalid to destroy the idol Al-Uzza in the lowland of Nakhlah. The Quraysh used to venerate her temple. When Sulami heard of Khalid’s approach, he hung his sword on Al-Uzza, climbed a mountain, and shouted: ‘O Uzza, make an annihilating attack on Khalid. Throw aside your veil [Muhammad stole Islam’s “veil” from the pagans, too], and gird up your train. O Uzza, if you do not kill Khalid then bear a swift punishment or become a Christian.’” The custodian of Al-Uzza’s temple told his pagan idol to become a Christian. Sure, I believe that. “When Khalid arrived he destroyed her and returned to the Apostle.”

Tabari VIII:187 “‘I have destroyed it,’ he said to Muhammad. ‘Did you see anything?’ ‘No.’ ‘Then,’ Muhammad said, ‘go back and kill her.’ So Khalid returned to the idol. He destroyed her temple and broke her graven image. The shrine’s keeper began saying, ‘Rage, O Uzza, display one of your fits of rage!’ Whereupon a naked, wailing Ethiopian woman came out before him. Khalid killed her and took the jewels that were on her. Then he went back to Allah’s Messenger and gave him a report. ‘That was Al-Uzza,’ Muhammad said. ‘Al-Uzza will never be worshiped again.’”

Holy Rock of the Ka’aba! Why didn’t somebody put this demented stone worshiper out of his misery? Khalid murdered the wrong idol. He should have slain Muhammad. Islam’s lone prophet just confessed that the pagan rock idol Al-Uzza was a real live goddess. She was a naked African woman.

It’s unfathomable that Muslim militants terrorize the world based on this man’s testimony.
