376God Damn Religion


…Good Muslims Kill





Fight and kill them and al-Lahu will disgrace and punish them by your hands.
Quran 009.014

Fight, kill, disgrace, and punish them.


Chronologically, the second to last surah revealed to Islam’s “apostolic prophet” was named At-Tawba | Repentance – something that was beyond his ability. Much of it precedes and validates the conquest of the Quraysh in KabaVille. As a result of the defeat suffered at the hands of a smattering of Byzantines, Muhammad needed to vanquish easier prey. But there was a problem because the non-prophet had given his word, and signed his name on a “peace treaty,” proclaiming that he would not attack his hometown for a decade. So what do you suppose he did?

Foreshadowing what was to come, Muhammad said on behalf of his god…

Quran 009.001 “Disavowal from obligations from al-Lahi and His Rasuli to those whom you made a covenant, treaty, or promise from those who associate and share.”

The first word of the second to last Suratun is baraatun. Rendered “disavowal from obligations,” it means “to quit, absolving oneself irresponsibly, to recuse oneself from an obligation without implications, and to have immunity through an inventive exemption.” Since these things apply to a “‘ahadttum – sworn oath, treaty, promise, agreement, responsibility, covenant, or pledge” made “from al-Lahi and his Rasuli,” informed and rational individuals know that they 377cannot be trusted, that the Quran is worthless, and that Islam has no value.

The final word of this duplicitous confession is al-mush’rikina, which speaks of “companions, partners, and of sharing with friends.” Since Allah has none and does not play nicely with others, the word is commonly rendered as “polytheist.” However, there is no mention of “poly,” as in multiples, or “theist,” as in the Greek theos for “god,” in the word. Therefore, the term would apply to the Quraysh who were friendly and shared with others or to the Muslims who associated together and shared spoils.

After announcing that no one should trust either of them to honor their promises, Allah wanted Muslims to believe that there was no way to frustrate, weaken, leave, or escape his abusive god. By using mu’jizi, the un-god claimed that humankind was “incapable and powerless, easily frustrated and weakened.” His intent was to mukh’zi “abase and afflict, confound and perplex” the “kafir | reconciled (the concealing and rejecting, disowned and unappreciative, disbelievers),” often called “infidels.”

Quran 009.002 “So, move about in the land four months, but know that you cannot frustrate, leave, weaken, or escape al-Lahi and that al-Laha the one who will disgrace the reconciled (disbelievers).”

Not only doesn’t Allah play nice with others, he’s not nice to humans, either. The best advice is to condemn him and then avoid him.

Was the following pronouncement from al-Lahi or from al-Rasuli? If we are to believe that Muhammad was simply a messenger, then nothing more than a voice, then the pronouncement cannot be attributed to him. But that is not how this reads…

Quran 009.003 “And an announcement from al-Lahi and His Rasuli to the people day al-Haji al-akbar | the greater the argument and the bigger the target, that al-Laha, and His Rasulu, exempt from, dissolving and abrogating obligations of al-Mush’rikin | the 378companions acting like partners and sharing with friends. So, if you relent, then it is best for you. But if you turn away, then know you that you cannot frustrate, leave, weaken, or escape al-Lahi. And give happy tidings to those who are reconciled (disbelieve) of a torturous penalty of a painful and agonizing punishment.”

When last the Hajj was discussed, it was being orchestrated by the pagans. So how can something that clearly isn’t monotheistic, be akbar | greater than non-idolatrous endeavors? And why would the non-prophet and un-god announce such an allegedly momentous event by affirming that they cannot be trusted?

This is one of those odd conundrums, where we must ask is the liar lying about lying and thus telling the truth when saying that they are liars? Or, are they lying about lying, which would indicate that on occasions other than this, there is still the chance that they could possibly be trusted, or not? Or does it actually matter in a religious text?

From a wording perspective, “announcement” was from adhan which means “ear.” “People” was rendered from l-nasi which is more literally translated as “the mankind.” Al-haji is what the Quraysh merchants had called the religious gathering around their pagan shrine to rock gods and goddesses. The Haa-Jiim-Jiim root means “to argue” and “to take aim at a certain target.” Hajj is simply a transliteration of the original name of the polytheistic religious rite. It does not mean “pilgrimage” and should not be translated as such.

We are increasing our familiarity with akbar. This adjective has a dubious past since it is based on the Hebrew ‘akbar, which means “mouse, rat, or rodent.” Al-Lahu akbar, indeed.

The range of connotations for akbar in this context suggests that this argument and target were “bigger, greater, and exceeded” others. They were potentially “older, more dignified, or magnified” goals of this argument. So, this was 379a greatly disputed objective and the subject of an old argument.

In this reiteration of the opening statement, baratan was conveyed as barion, but still means “to disavow, abrogate, recuse or absolve oneself from an obligation or promise.” In a word, it is to be “dishonest.”

Al-Mush’rikina continues to address those with “friends and companions who associate together and share as partners.” Apart from Allah and the Quran, it has entirely positive connotations.

“Relent” is a contextual extrapolation of tub’tum, which means “return.” It is typically rendered as “repent” to give the Quran a religious varnish.

“Turn away” was a stab in the dark because tawallaytum can convey a wide variety of related connotations, including: “closer, allies, protectors, friends, and guardians,” along with those “turned to” or “turned away from” something.

Mu’jizi was used redundantly to say that we cannot “frustrate, weaken, leave, or escape” the un-god because Satan has a problem with performance and repetition. More literally, mu’jizi speaks of “lacking in the rear, being left behind, weakened, incapable, baffled, and frustrated.” Therefore, the most accurate rendering of mu’jizi in this context is “you cannot frustrate, leave, weaken, or escape al-Lahi.” Since it isn’t true, Satan made up for his deficiency by repeating the claim.

The sadistic nature of the concluding taunt, “give happy tidings to those who disbelieve of a grievous penalty of a painful punishment,” was translated from bashir, kafar, ‘adhab, and alim. Bashir is from the Hebrew basar, which speaks of a “person serving as a herald of good news.” When used as a verb in Arabic, it means “to offer happy tidings, sharing the good news, rejoicing in the commencement of the skin and inception of the flesh of men,” in this case, of the kafar | disbelieving infidels (who are rejected and disowned 380deniers, ungrateful and thankless concealers) ‘adhab alim | being chastised, castigated, tortured, and tormented such that they suffer in agony while lamenting the painful and punishing ordeal. Al-Laha is such a charmer.

In dealing with this snake-oil salesman and his pet, the spitting cobra, there are as many exceptions as there are rules…

Quran 009.004 “Except those whom you have a sworn oath, covenant, promise, or agreement among those with friends who associate and share like partners, then not they have diminished or abated you a thing and not they have supported against you anyone, so complete to them their promised agreement to their pulling stretching, or staining. Lo, verily, al-Laha loves the righteous.”

Recognizing that the 9th surah represents quintessential Islam as conceived, articulated, and imposed by Muhammad, our understanding of its words and message is vital to Israel’s survival. Therefore, it is germane to know that “except” was rendered from illa which can be translated as “not, but, unless, or except.” ‘Ahad and its derivatives are given a religious sheen with “covenant,” but the word actually means “to enjoin a treaty, to impose an agreement, or to swear a promise.”

One of the more interesting terms, yanqusukum, which is used in conjunction with shayan, reveals that the special exemption to having agreements annulled and not being tortured as a result is quite narrow. To be an exception to Islamic duplicity and terror the individual, institution, community, or country must not have done anything which could be viewed as “yanqusukum – diminishing” Allah, Islam, the Quran, or Muhammad in “shayan – any way or in anything.” Yanqusukum means “to diminish, reduce, weaken, lessen, moderate, decrease, or make deficient.” And shayan is “anything.” Therefore, a criticism of any kind against the demonic, duplicitous, destructive, and deadly nature of Islamic terrorism negates the exemption.

381Immunity from Islamic treachery and punishing attacks is invalidated by alam yuzahiru ‘alaykum ahadan. Alam, while typically translated as “do not,” it is properly rendered as “why, for what reason, or why not.” The zahir root of yuzahiru is literally defined as “to appear, to make apparent, to come out and make known, or to collaborate.” ‘Alay is a preposition meaning “on, over, or upon,” and by extrapolation, “for or against, before or beside.” And ahad conveys “one,” whether that be “anything or anyone.” Collectively, the mantra is, therefore, “why not with those who appear to collaborate for or against anyone or anything” be deliberately dishonest so as to punish and torture them? Welcome to the Quran.

Under the impossible condition that anyone other than a mineral or vegetable qualifies for the exemption, then with them fa-atimmu | complete ‘ahdahum | their promise, agreement, guarantee, or treaty ila | to muddatihim | their drawing or pulling, stretching or straining. And while that is muddled in its implications, it is clear that Muslims did not do as the Quran requested. Rather than letting the term of the peace treaty play out over the stated ten years, it was voided within one year.

As is the case with the preponderance of the Quran, Allah’s concluding statement is incongruous and hypocritical. After telling Muslims that he and his messenger are deliberately dishonest and sadistically punitive, the duplicitous deity incredulously proclaims that he yuhibbu l-mutaqina | loves and likes, approves and prefers, righteousness. Although, mutaqi alters the Hebrew root, tsadaq | right, correct, upright, and righteous oddly with connotations like: “to protect, save, and preserve those who fear.”

So why would anyone believe a wannabe god and non-prophet who were willing to break their sworn oaths and promises? Might their entire recital be similarly duplicitous?

382And this statement does not stand alone. Remember: Quran 066.001 “O Prophet! Why you forbid and prohibit what al-Lahu has made lawful for you? (Are you) seeking to please your wives? And al-Lahu oft-forgiving, most Rahim. Quran 066.002 Lo, verily, al-Lahu has ordained, authorized, and sanctioned for you dissolution of your vows, promises, and oaths. And al-Lahu your protector. And He the knower, the wise.”

And… Quran 002.106 “Whatever from signs or verses We abolish and abrogate or We cause it to be forgotten, We bring better than it or similar to it. Do not you know that al-Laha over every thing all powerful?”

While you are pondering the Islamic conundrum on credibility, consider what comes next. Islam’s wannabe god declared war on non-Muslims. Allah ordered his merciless mujahideen to go out hunting people by way of ambush. Muslims are told to fight non-Muslims, to slay them, to enslave them, and to torture them, deploying every strategy of war. Muslims must do this until every non-Muslim surrenders, worships the deceitful deity, pays the Islamic tax, or dies.

If Allah’s next pronouncement were the only verse in the Quran commanding Muslims to fight, kill, capture, beleaguer, and ambush non-Muslims, it would be sufficient to banish Islam. The order is open-ended and not limited by time or place. Muslims will kill until they are stopped.

So what follows is an exceedingly accurate and literal rendering of the ongoing intentions of Allah’s death cult…

Quran 009.005 “Then when having flayed and stripped away the sacred forbidden months, then kill, slaughtering and murdering, those who associate and share with friends wherever and whenever you find them, seize them and take them captive, besieging, restricting, imprisoning, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait, prepared to ambush and trap them. If that then they return and adapt, rising up and standing erect to perform and establish the obligatory prostration prayer, and bringing the increased zakat tax for purification, then vacate the premises, leaving the area 383unoccupied, while relinquishing all claims to their ways, lo, al-Laha will protect by covering over and hiding to favor and benefit.”

The Islamic god said, “I created Islam to start fights. I want you to kill, enslave, and beleaguer people by way of deceptive ambush. Surrender, or I will have Muslims terrorize you.”

So that the message would not be lost on the faithful: Bukhari:V9B84N59 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.” Whoever says this will save his property and his life from me.’” Worship the Devil or die.

The Quran’s war manifesto opens with a contradiction because Allah previously stated that there was no reason to be restrained by the sacred months. Then digging deeper into the words themselves, we find that insalakha, which is typically rendered as “have passed,” actually means “to flay, pluck off, and strip away.”

“Sacred” was from haram, whose primary meaning is “to forbid, prevent, or deprive, considering illegal.” Therefore, the things that Islam holds as “sacred” should be “illegal and forbidden.” In Hebrew, the same Hay-Rosh-Mem root means “exalted.” And this may explain why the secondary definition of haram in Arabic is “sacred.”

Q’tul (usually written qatal) means “to kill, putting someone to death by slaughtering and murdering them.” It is extrapolated to “fighting” since premeditated murder and relentless slaughtering are incompatible with normal religious sensibilities. It is from the Hebrew qatal, with the same meaning – “to slay.”

When rendering the words correctly, the Quranic edict is to kill those who associate together and share with friends, slaughtering and murdering them, haythu wajadttumuhum | wherever or whenever you find them. If that does not get your attention, then please check your pulse.

384Since simply khudhuhum | seizing them was inadequate to project Allah’s intended level of hostility, it was augmented by uh’suruhum, which is “to surround and restrict, to hinder and prevent, to besiege and confine, to restrain and imprison,” people, causing the “beleaguered to be impeded and falter,” which is “to take someone captive and shackle them as a prisoner to prevent escape.”

The tactic deployed is to be uq’udu | an ambush, lurking around, and setting a snare.” Doubling down on this deceptive ploy, Allah uses marsadin to tell his mujahideen to “lay in wait, observant and prepared to ambush” their prey.

Since the voice is Allah’s, there must be an exception, although this time it is conveyed by fa-in, meaning “if or that, then.” This potential equivocation or hedging, is followed by tabu, which means “to return or adapt.” It is translated as “repent” to make the horror of the Quran appear religious.

It is curious that Allah would interrupt his killing and abducting spree with tabu since the those associating with friends and sharing with partners are either dead or captive – which does not afford them the opportunity to “return or adapt.” So, what’s the purpose of the prevarication since no one qualifies? Is Allah simply trying to divert attention from the realization that Islam has declared war on humanity and is devoted to killing everyone?

This known, the un-god would have us believe that the slaughtered and enslaved who have been ambushed by Islam and are awaiting their painful punishment at his hands will “aqamu | rise up, stand still, maintaining an erect posture while establishing or performing” al-salata | the prostration prayer. Although, it is interesting to note that the root of salat speaks of leading slaves who “walk closely behind while remaining attached.” It was used to describe animals, such 385as mules, donkeys, horses, or camels which are so tightly tethered that each one’s nose is over the preceding one’s ass.

In the language from which Arabic was bastardized, shalat means “to dominate and control as a lord and master.” This provides considerable insight into Allah’s intent with al-salat | the prayerful prostration performance.

With that picture in mind, they will gleefully atawu | give, grant, produce, and bring al-zakat | the increase of the purifying tax and then fakhallu sabilahum | vacate the premises, leaving the area destitute and unoccupied without any companions, abandoning, forsaking, and relinquishing all claims to their cause, reasons, or ways, methods or manners.

And this is because al-Laha ghafurun rahim | will protect by covering over, shielding and hiding to pardon, favor, and benefit his q’tul | mass murderers. Had this been other than the Quran, which causes people to quiver in fear and roll over and play dead, the juxtaposition of slaughtering and enslaving with forgiving and mercy would be appropriately mocked.

Since we have been so conscientious and diligent in properly conveying the message of Islam, let’s ponder the fruit of our labor prior to moving on…

Quran 009.005 “Then when having flayed and stripped away the sacred forbidden months, then kill, slaughtering and murdering, those who associate and share with friends wherever and whenever you find them, seize them and take them captive, besieging, restricting, imprisoning, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait, prepared to ambush and trap them. If that then they return and adapt, rising up and standing erect to perform and establish the obligatory prostration prayer, and bringing the increased zakat tax for purification, then vacate the premises, leaving the area unoccupied, while relinquishing all claims to their ways, lo, al-Laha will protect by covering hover and hiding to favor and benefit.”

386In that this is obviously critical to one’s understanding of Islam, explaining why Muslims murder and enslave, let’s consider some pro-Islamic translations…

Muhammad Asad “And so when the sacred months are over, slay those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God wherever you may come upon them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every conceivable place! Yet if they repent, and take to prayer, and render the purifying dues, let them go their way: for, behold, God is forgiving, a dispenser of grace.”

The Clear Quran “But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists ˹who violated their treaties˺ wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then set them free. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

M.M. Pickthall “Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

Yusuf Ali “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise [sic] regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.”

Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali “So, when the prohibiting months are drawn away, (literally: stripped away) then kill the associators wherever you find them, and take them, and detain them, and sit (in wait) for them at every place of observation (ambush). But, in case they repent, and keep up the prayer, and bring the Zakat, (pay the obligatory dues) then let them go their way; (literally: pass on their way) surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.”

Rashad Khalifa “Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.”

387Muhammad Ahmed “So if the months the forbidden/sacred ended/passed, so fight/kill the sharers/takers of partners (with God) where/when you found them, and take/punish them and restrict/confine them and remain/be concerned and prepared/beset for them (in) every lookout/observatory, so if they repented, and kept up the prayers and gave/brought the charity/ purification, so free their way/path, that God (is) forgiving, merciful.”

It is interesting to see how so many of these tried to work in a literal rendering on occasional, but none were fazed by the obvious hypocrisy between the command and salutation.

Since the prior edict was to slaughter and enslave, Muslims may need shovels and keys to dig up and unchain converts…

Quran 009.006 “And if anyone of those who associate and share with friends wrongfully declines or unjustly deviates, deviate inappropriately until he hears the spoken expressions and commands of al-Lahi; then convey him to reach his place of believing he’s safe. That because they a people do not know.”

Oddly enough, is’tajaraka and fa-ajir’hu, which are commonly rendered as “seek your protection” and “then grant him protection,” actually mean “to decline or deviate wrongfully or unjustly.” While that is hard to process, the place of “believing he’s safe” is from mamanahu, and aman is almost always rendered as “belief, believed, of believing.” So safety is a matter of faith, not security.

Even “a people” is peculiar because qawmun is “to stand up, still, or firm,” and was only rendered this way because the actual meaning does not fit the context. And yet, al-Lahi had the nerve to call the “stand uppers” stupid.

Those who are embarrassed by history rewrite it. This is Islam’s feeble yet desperate attempt to justify renouncing the renunciation at Hudaybiyah while clearing the slate of capitulation…

Quran 009.007 “How can be for those who are friendly and share a covenant, agreement, or promise with al-Lahi and with His 388Rasuli except those whom you made a treaty near al-Masjidi al-Harami | the sacred or forbidden the Mosque? So not they stand firm to you, then you stand firm toward them, Lo, verily, al-Laha loves the protective who ward off (the righteous).”

Al-Lahi must be the dumbest deity ever. He and his name were expressly removed from the agreement. The covenant of peace calling for a ten-year hiatus from terror, thievery, and abductions, was made between the Quraysh and Muhammad. The non-prophet erased Allah’s name with his own hand. And even then, after saying that friendly people who share can’t form a covenant agreement with the un-god who is opposed to friends and sharing, we are confronted with another exception – one which affirms that the treaty of capitulation and renunciation actually occurred and that it would have to be abrogated for Allah to be Allah and Muslims to be Muslims – which is to say, mass murderers and thieves.

It is important to remember that “al-Masjidi al-Harami” was built, owned, and managed by the Quraysh, and they shared access with everybody, including Muhammad and his Muslims. It was a home for rocks representing gods and goddesses. Allah was among the lesser stones, not stacking up to the likes of al-Lat, Manat, or al-Uzza. All of the religious rites, from al-Salat | prostration prayer and al-Hajj | taking aim at the target to Ramadan, Circumambulation, the Zakat, and the Fast were invented and institutionalized by the Quraysh.

Also, while Islamic apologists would have Muslims believe that the exception reads: “So long as they are upright to you then you be upright to them,” the words actually say: “So not they stand firm to you, then you stand firm toward them.”

But regardless of how this was stated or read, it means: “Our word only stands if it’s in our interest, and if you surrender to and obey us.” Moreover, Allah cannot credibly gripe about the vows of “disbelievers” when he, his Ka’aba, and his religion were created by them.

389Revealing why the surah was named At-Tawba | The Repentance we find Muhammad regretting that he had been out-negotiated at Hudaybiyah…

Quran 009.008 “How while if they become openly collaborative and are clearly distinguished by was obviously made manifest over you? They do not observe the sacred pact or unbreakable covenant with you and not covenant of protection. They satisfy and please you with their mouths, enticing you [out negotiating you], but refuse their hearts. Most of them disobedient.”

This is the second to last of 114 recitals and they have only grown worse with practice. The opening question isn’t a complete sentence. And it affirms that Allah’s chosen prophet and messenger was out-negotiated by a camel jockey – albeit an articulate, literate, and ethical one.

The word which appears in the Quran, yazharu, says exactly that. The Quraysh were “openly collaborative and clearly distinguished” by the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, and it was “obvious.” All the while, Muhammad renounced everything from being the messenger to Allah being his god. He was precluded from his forte, which was being a terrorist, thief, and slaver.

Then Allah inverted reality, claiming that those whom he was denouncing as mush’rikina | those with friends and companions who associate together and share as partners” were opposed to relationships. That’s like saying that if you play nicely with others and share your toys you must be a selfish recluse and bully. Also upending what occurred, this denies that a protective covenant or peace treaty was written – when that was all that was committed to paper. And while Quran translations commonly read that “they do not regard your kinship,” yarqubu means “to observe” and illan is an unbreakable pact and esteemed covenant.”

Further, no one on Muhammad’s side of the Peace Treaty was pleased, much less satisfied. The Rasuli and the Muslims hated the agreement. So, “yur’dunakum | they please and satisfy you, they consent to and concur with you, 390they love and please you” is the opposite of what transpired. Even “they refuse their hearts” is absurd, since they, better than anyone, knew that Muhammad was a fraud, and worse, a murderous psychopath.

And while the sociable and generous Quraysh were “fasiquna | unwilling to obey” the mercurial and maniacal messenger, they were not “fasiquna | disorderly, wicked, lewd, perverted, or impious,” but Muhammad was all of these things and worse.

This revisionist recital regarding what occurred at Hudaybiyah is so out of sync with the contemporaneous Hadith, it is as if Satan slithered away after being renounced to let his Rasuli fend for himself. For example, we have been reminded going on a hundred times that it was the Jews who did the following, and not only are they all dead, the voice is attacking the Arab Quraysh.

Quran 009.009 “They exchange by selling the signs and verses of al-Lahi for a little price and they hinder from His way. Lo, evil what they used to do.”

Even if this were true, it would negate the myth that Allah inspired the Quran. Moreover, those who conceived the rites and rituals of the scam that became Islam cannot have hindered anyone from the way of the pagan gods and goddesses residing within the Ka’aba.

As with most of what flows from Muhammad’s mouth, this next verse is a lie. The non-prophet continues to project his failings onto his foes. He is invariably guilty of what he condemns.

Quran 009.010 “Not they observe a pact or covenant with a believer and not the revile, blame, censure or shun. And those, they the transgressors.”

One can only assume that Muhammad didn’t know that yarqubuna meant “to observe,” that illan conveyed as “a pact or covenant,” or that dhimmatan meant “to revile, blame, censure or blame” since he negated it with wala | not. 391By choosing these words, they could not have been the transgressors since wala dhimmatan says the opposite.

As I shared these words two decades ago when completing Prophet of Doom, there was a rumor spreading around the world that the Quran was prophetic because verse 9:11 predicts an Arab will destroy an Eagle. It’s not true…

Quran 009.011 “But if they return, stand still and stand up for al-Salata | the prostration prayer obligation and pay the zakat, then your brethren in the religion. And do We separate and divide (explain in detail) the signs (verses) for a people who know?”

While we have been over this turf before, how can one tuba and aqam, return and stand still, or aqam | remain standing upright and salat | prostrate in prayer? And paying the tax to be part of the religion sounds as money-grubbing as rabbis today who sell expensive memberships to attend their synagogues. Moreover, dina, the Arabic word commonly translated “religion,” means “submissive obedience.” It is from the Hebrew diyn and diynah, meaning “condemnation and judgment.” They are associated with “government” and other sources of “strife.”

The word rendered as “explain” is nufas, and it means “to separate and divide.” Similarly, al-ayat are signs, not verses. So many we ask: what is intelligible or knowable?

Again projecting their faults onto others, the non-prophet and un-god who dishonored their vows cry…

Quran 009.012 “If they break and violate their right hands (oaths) from after their treaty, defaming and discrediting in your religion of submissive obedience, then qatil | slaughter, murdering al-kuf’ri | the ungrateful and disbelieving immata | the tribe, kin, community, and nation the disbelief. Lo, they no right hand (oaths) for them so that perhaps they may prevent and forbid and chide, cease and desist, and be restrained.”

Muhammad was a particularly dishonest hypocrite because he routinely did what he wrongly condemned in others. In this case, the Quraysh honored the treaty and the 392Muslims did not. The Quraysh wanted it to continue, while Muhammad was keen on breaking it. Muhammad routinely defamed and discredited the Quraysh while the merchants spoke the truth about Muhammad. It was the Muslims, including Allah and Muhammad, who became experts at discrediting themselves.

Nonetheless, this cavalcade of miscues and lies leads to the thing that matters most to Allah – the annihilation of humankind. The un-god is relentless, ordering Muslims to slaughter all non-Muslim communities and nations. Lo, that is Islam.

Trying to motivate peaceful Muslims to fight for his personal quest—the acquisition of the Ka’aba Inc.—Muhammad tells them that they have a choice: face his enemy or face his terrorist spirit.

Quran 009.013 “No doubt you kill, murdering and slaughtering a people who broke their right hands (oaths), and worried about, thinking about and pondering to evict and expel the Messenger, and they began to return to the family originally? Do you fear them? But al-Lahu more right that you should fear Him if you are believers.”

In this statement, ala can be translated as “not, no, or no doubt,” but since it is not a verb or an interrogative, it cannot be accurately rendered as “will you not…”

Qatil means “to slaughter, slay, murder, and kill.” Combat, fighting, and waging war are a means to that end.

It was Muhammad who broke this oath, not the Quraysh, so the non-prophet is incorrectly vindicated while their prey was inappropriately accused.

Hamma reveals that the Quraysh correctly “worried about” what to do with the man who had threatened to slaughter them. They “hamma | thoughtfully pondered the possibilities,” all of which were appropriate under the circumstances. But they did not “drive out” the handful of remaining Muslims. It was Muhammad’s Idolatrous 393Indulgence, Satanic Verses, and Donk-Mule Escapade that sent them away.

We can only assume that Allah / Muhammad meant to say that “they attacked you first,” even though the opposite occurred. But that is not what was recited because badauk awwal means “they began to return you to the family originally.” And marrat speaks of “passing by.”

It was Muhammad who feared an encounter with his kin because he knew that the last time he was home, he lost every argument. He was unable to defend his religion among those who knew him and were not afraid of him. And unable to silence the merchants with swords, he renounced his calling and god rather than embarrass himself – even though that is the only way to interpret the capitulation at Hudaybiyah.

So, al-Lahu says that Muhammad / Muslims ought not fear those they will soon slaughter because dead men tell no tales. He wants Muslims to fear him since he is the god of death and damnation.

Since we last considered the initial Islamic raid at the beginning of the previous volume, it’s good to remember that the Muslims drew first blood, and by their own admission. Tabari VII:19 “They plucked up courage and agreed to kill as many as they could and to seize what they had with them. Waqid shot Amr and killed him. Then Abd Allah and his companions took the caravan and the captives back to Allah’s Apostle in Medina. This was the first booty taken by the Companions of Muhammad.”

Ishaq:289 “Our lances drank of Amr’s blood and lit the flame of war.” Ishaq:288 “The Quraysh said, ‘Muhammad and his Companions have violated the sacred month, shed blood, seized property, and taken men captive. Muhammad claims he is following obedience to Allah, yet he is the first to violate the holy month and to kill.’”

Fanning the flames of jihad, the Quran bellows…

394Quran 009.014 “Kill them, fighting and slaughtering them. Al-Lahu will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and will heal breasts a people believers.”

It would be fair to say that the 9th surah establishes Islam as a sadistic death cult. Muslims kill; Allah tortures.

Quran 009.015 “And remove anger their hearts. And al-Lahu accepts repentance of who he wants. And al-Lahu knower, wise.”

Since neither Allah nor Muhammad ever healed anyone, the promise was as hollow as their pledge of paradise.

Quran 009.016 “Or you think you would be left and get away while not al-Lahu made evident those who Jahadu | Strive to Fight among you and not take besides from al-Lahi and not His Rasuli and not the believers intimates? Al-Lahu aware of what you do.”

Islam has but one test to sift the good Muslims from bad ones – Jihad. So, the terrorist dogma preached…

Quran 009.017 “Is not for those who are friendly and share that they maintain Masajida | Mosque al-Lahi witnessing against themselves with disbelief. Those worthless their deeds and in the fire they abide forever. Quran 009.018 Only he shall visit and maintain mosque of al-Lahi who believes in al-Lahi and the day the last, and stands for devotional obligations of the prostration prayer, pays the zakat, and not fears except al-Laha. Then perhaps those that they are of the guided ones.”

What’s particularly intolerant about this is that the Ka’aba had been a pagan mosque, one open for all peace-loving people to visit. Muslims waged an unceasing terrorist campaign against the Quraysh because they falsely claimed that they had been prevented from visiting their god’s house – even though their own Hadith affirm that it wasn’t true. So egregious was this trumped-up crime, Allah said that it was worse than slaughter. But now that Muslims are on the verge of conquering KabaVille, their god does a one-eighty and approves what he condemned – a lock-out of all non-Muslims.

395And let’s not lose sight of the fact that this lone mosque was not “Allah’s house.” He was just one of 365 stones calling the rock pile home. There is no getting around the realization that the very object of Islamic devotion was and remains entirely pagan.

Muhammad recognized the hypocritical position he had just placed his god in, so he attempted to belittle the services the Quraysh had provided Allah and his patrons for centuries.

Quran 009.019 “Do you make the giving of drink to al-haji, or the maintenance of the Sacred Forbidden Mosque, like who believes in il-Lahi and the Day the Last, and Jihad | fighting and striving in the Cause of al-Lahi? They are not comparable or equal near al-Lahi. And al-Lahu not guide the wrong-doing people.

Quran 009.020 Those who believed and emigrated and engaged in Jihad in the Cause of al-Lahi with their wealth and their lives, greater rank near al-Lahi. And those they the successful.”

The highest-ranking Muslims are jihadists. Service is for wimps and faith is for fools.

The more virgins Muhammad added to his harem, the less he spoke about them in paradise…

Quran 009.021 “Their Lord does give them glad tidings of a mercy from Him, and pleasure, and of gardens for them, wherein enduring bliss. Quran 009.022 Abide in it forever. Lo, al-Laha, with Him a great reward.”

After a litany of lies and sea of immorality, the Lord of Seduction tells his would-be slaughterers and spoilers that eternal pleasures and bliss await mass murderers, liars, and thieves.

Ever the hypocrite, the wannabe god who incorrectly rebuked the Quraysh for breaking family ties, actually severed them to present all mankind as the enemy, including family – fathers and brothers, sons and wives.

Quran 009.023 “O you who believe, not take for friends or allies your fathers or your brothers if they prefer the disbelief above the 396belief. And whoever takes them as allies among you, then those, they, the wrongdoers.

Quran 009.024 Say, ‘If your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your wives, and your relatives, property, and wealth which you have acquired, and the business you are concerned may suffer, and the dwellings you delight, are more beloved to you than al-Lahi and His Rasuli, and Jihad | striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait till al-Lahu brings about His command (torment). And al-Lahu not guide the people disobedient.”

Allah wants it all – the soul, family, home, wealth, and lives of Muslim men because he wants them to focus on Jihad and obedience to his cause, which is the annihilation of the human race, without distraction. Islam has become exceedingly simple and altogether horrific.

Apart from compulsion, and decapitating the voices of reason, does anyone think that the sadistic threats of eternal punishments and indecent bribes of pleasures and bliss would be sufficient to beguile men to disown their families and leave their homes and businesses to kill for the twin psychopaths?

While the nature of the “command” of al-Lahu wasn’t stated in the previous verse, it has been conveyed so many times previously that everyone who has been listening knows that it is eternal torment in the fires of hell.

Moving on, we are given another insight into Muhammad’s insecurity. The great capitulator craved capitulation and obeisance. The renouncer needed Muslims to renounce everything and everyone but him. These Bukhari Hadiths demonstrate his desperation...

Bukhari:V1B2N13 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father and his children.’” The man who said this was demon-possessed, a terrorist and thief, a pedophile and rapist, a mass murderer and sadist who had renounced his god and calling, only to then renounce his vows. So he may have been a bit full of himself. Bukhari:V1B2N14 “The Prophet said, ‘None of you 397will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.’”

Imagine loving a sexual pervert, a money-grubbing sand pirate, a savage slayer of men, and a slaver more than your parents and children. But in their war against all mankind, all other lives had to be devalued.

Speaking on behalf of his devilish twin, Muhammad recited…

Quran 009.025 “Lo, al-Lahu helped you in many settlements and day (of the battle of) Hunayn when you marveled and admired your great numbers, but they availed your wants and desires nothing. So narrowed and straitened for you the earth of its vastness, then you turned back, fleeing.

Quran 009.026 Then al-Lahu sent down His Sakina on His Messenger and on the believers, and sent down forces (angels) which you did not see, and He punished the ungrateful concealing disbelievers. And that the reward the ungrateful and concealing.

Quran 009.027 Then al-Lahu accepts return (repentance) from after that for whom He wants. And al-Lahu oft-forgiving, Rahim.”

The “battle” (actually terrorist raid) of Hunayn had not yet occurred when this surah was revealed. Its inclusion here, as if it preceded the conquest of “Mecca,” is an indictment of the Quran’s credibility. They couldn’t even keep their own story straight. As proof, consider…

Tabari IX:1 “The Prophet had been given possession of Mecca following his conquest, but he only stayed a fortnight. He received news that the sheep-herding clans of Hawazin and Thaqif were encamped at Hunayn intending to fight him.”

Ishaq:533 & Tabari IX:1 “These tribes assembled after hearing about how the Messenger had conquered Mecca, thinking that the Muslims were intending to invade them next. When the Prophet heard that they had decided to defend themselves he went out to meet them at Hunayn, and Allah, the Great and Mighty, inflicted defeat on them. Allah has mentioned this battle in the Qur’an.”

398We will cover the despicable events attributable to the terrorist raid at Hunayn in the Jihad chapter in the proper chronology. So suffice it to say for now, the proof that al-Lahi was the Lord of Terror became certifiable at Badr, with the Qurayza, and at Khaybar, but not at Hunayn, not yet, anyway.

The vastness of the earth was not reduced in size, flattened out, or straightened. Muslims had exterminated the Jews and their Shechinah along with them. The reason that Allah’s forces were not seen was because they were not there. But, should the wannabe god insist that he helped slaughter, spoil, and enslave this civilian community so that he could punish them, I’m willing to accept his confession and hold it accountable for it.

Unable to contain his hatred, or conceal his psychopathy, Muhammad says on behalf of his personal deity and schizophrenic twin…

Quran 009.028 “O you who believe, verily, those who are friendly and share unclean. So let them not, after their year, come near the Sacred of Forbidden Mosque [that they built, promoted, and maintained]. And if you fear poverty, soon will al-Lahu enrich you from his advantage and merit (bounty), if He wills. Lo, al-Laha knower, wise.”

Disparaging victims is standard operating procedure for covetous despots. It makes militants more casual about murdering and plundering them. Rome called those they were robbing and subjugating “barbarians.” The American colonialists called them “savages.”

The reference to “after their year” was telling since we were told that the pagans were orchestrating the Hajj at this time. However, by booting the Quraysh from the Ka’aba, the Muslims knew that they would kill their Golden Goose because their preferred source of booty had been robbing Quraysh caravans. These spoils had funded the rise of Islam. As parasites, they’d die along with their host.

399It should also be noted that when Muhammad called non-Muslims “unclean,” The Noble Quran translators came to his defense, explaining: “Their impurity is physical because they lack personal hygiene (filthy as regards urine, stools and blood.)” For Muhammad, his moral decadence was absolved through physical cleanliness, so Bukhari devoted an entire book to potty talk. Here are some “inspired scriptures” from his Book of Wudu:

Bukhari:V1B4N137 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The prayer of a person who does Hadath (passes urine, stool or wind) is not accepted till he performs ablution.’”

Bukhari:V1B4N139 “I asked Allah’s Apostle about a person who imagined they passed wind during prayer. He replied: ‘He should not leave his prayer unless he hears sound or smells something.’”

Bukhari:V1B4N154 “Whenever Allah’s Apostle went to answer the call of nature, I along with another boy used to go behind him carrying a tumbler of water for cleaning the private parts and a spear-headed stick.”

Bukhari:V1B4N156 “The Prophet said, ‘Whenever anyone makes water he should not hold his penis or clean his private parts with his right hand. While drinking, one should not breathe in the utensil.’”

Bukhari:V1B4N158 “The Prophet went out to answer the call of nature and asked me to bring three stones. I found two stones and searched for the third but could not find it. So I took a dried piece of dung and brought it to him. He took the stones and threw away the dung, saying, ‘This is a filthy thing.”

Bukhari:V1B4N163 “The Prophet said, ‘Whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do it with an odd number of stones. And whoever wakes up should wash his hands before putting them in the water for ablution. Nobody knows where his hands were during sleep.’”

Bukhari:V1B4N174 “During the lifetime of Allah’s Apostle dogs used to urinate and pass through the mosque. Nevertheless they never used to sprinkle water on it.”

400Bukhari:V1B4N1229-33 “Aisha said, ‘I used to wash the semen off the clothes of the Prophet. When he went for prayers I used to notice one or more spots on them.’”

Returning to the Quran, the merciful god of the peace-loving religion continued to prove that Islam was incompatible with life. It exists to…

Quran 009.029 “Kill those who do not believe in il-Lahi nor the Last the Day, and not they make unlawful and forbid what al-Lahu has made unlawful and His Messenger, and not they submit to the religion in obedience as the religion which if suitable, deserving, and entitled, even binding and unavoidable (truth), from those who were given the writing (Book, i.e. Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax willingly in submission, feeling themselves subdued and brought low.”

Everything you need to know about Islam is contained in this verse. Muslims are ordered to qatil | slaughter and slay, murdering and killing those with written books, beginning with the Christians and Jews, until they surrender and commit financial suicide by paying the Jizyah tribute tax in submission. To put this in a modern context, it is a far harsher edict than paying off the mafia to keep the goons from killing you and your family and torching your home and business.

Since this is another defining verse for Islam as it was conceived by Muhammad, experienced by the first and best Muslims, and presented in the Quran, let’s make certain its implications are properly appreciated because it is diabolical.

The order is to kill. Those to be murdered include anyone who does not believe that Allah is God. Muslims are also to exterminate any community or country that does not impose Islamic Law. All who do not believe that everyone will be bodily resurrected on the last day and then sent to a brothel of child virgins or to an eternal torture chamber to be roasted was to be slain by these jihadists. Only Muslims – those who believe that this religious rubbish is suitable, 401deserving, entitled, binding, and unavoidable can avoid the sting Muslim mujahideen.

While it might appear there could be the potential for the slaughtering to cease through a mortifying surrender along with “jizyah – reimbursing the costs” associated with the Islamic genocide, since this begins by saying that every non-Muslim must be slain, there won’t be many left to humiliate, subjugate, or tax. Also, ever the weasel, after ordering their annihilation, Satan has the nerve to claim that the Islamic religion came “from” those who were given the written book – and thus from Christians and Jews.

Should you be willing to share the planet with those who believe in the Quran and are inspired to act upon it, then consider yourself as Muslims view Progressives – useful fools. But should you be informed, rational, and moral, you’ll join me in openly condemning Islam, Muhammad, Allah, and the Quran as being incompatible with life.

Confirming that Allah is too dumb to be god but sufficiently sadistic to be Satan, we read…

Quran 009.030 “And said al-Yahudu | the Yahuwdym / Jews, ‘Uzayrun son al-Lahi.’ And al-Nasara | the Nazarenes / Christians say, ‘Al-Masihu | the Mashyach / Messiah son al-Lahi.’ That their saying with their mouths. They yudah | gently and tenderly resemble (imitate) the saying those who kafar | were reconciled (disbelieved) from before. Qatal | slaughter them, slaying and murdering them, al-Lahu. How yu’fak | altered, seduced, opinionated, perverted, deluded and false are they?”

The Quran is religion by dummies for dummies. This is so stupid it hurts. All I can say at this point is that I’m disgusted by humanity for accommodating Islam, especially since it is so obviously deceitful, duplicitous, demeaning, destructive, deadly, demonic, and damning. But there is good news; this is the second to last surah and Muhammad will soon be dead – or so said Dowd’s Basar | Herald.

402By including the name Yahudu, which is a transliteration of Yahuwd (singular) and Yahuwdym (plural), Allah demonstrated that he was not the God of the Jews or of the Towrah. And that is because God’s name is written in the name of His people. Yahuwdym are Yahowah’s Beloved. It’s game over for Satan.

Influenced as they have been by Judaism since its incarnation under Rabbi Akiba in the 2nd century CE, Yahuwdym have been vehemently opposed to G-d, whom they refer to as “HaShem – The Name, having a son. And this is despite Yahowah, Himself, boldly and unequivocally announcing in 2 Samuel, Psalm 2, and 89 that Dowd is His Son and that He is His Father.

Therefore, Allah crushed the hopes of the Quran’s credibility four times over with his opening line “said al-Yahudu, ‘Uzayrun son al-Lahi.’” The God of the Yahuwdym is Yahowah, not Allah. Jews do not say that G-d has a son. Should they have acknowledged the Prophets and Psalms, the correct answer was Dowd, not ‘Uzayrun. And, of course, since Jews are opposed to saying Yahowah’s name, and write G-d for fear of saying the name of a false god, there was a zero percent chance that they would have said, ‘al-Lahi.’

Nazareth didn’t exist in 1st-century Yahuwdah | Judah. Therefore, there could not have been a “Jesus of Nazareth” or a religion associated with “Nazareth.” The Book of Acts is quite clear in this regard – since the Greek title, Chrisos, meaning “drugged,” was applied to Iesous, believers were called “Christians.” Further, the god of the New Testament isn’t named, much less named, ‘al-Lahi.’

Therefore, by wrongly stating, “al-Nasara say, ‘Al-Masihu son al-Lahi,” the previous four errors were augmented by three more. Someone auditioning for the role of God ought to be smarter than this.

403All that this demonstrates is that Allah despised, mocked, and misquoted Jews and Christians. And since he was unable to get his story straight at this late stage, nothing he has pilfered and twisted from the Towrah previously is credible. Further, Muhammad has revealed the full scope of his rage. He’s denouncing the Quraysh, his kin, so that he can justify renouncing his oath to subjugate them. He couldn’t let old jealousies die.

The Jews and Christians did not accept his preposterous claim of being a prophet, so his insecurity caused him to lash out at them, to call them perverse, to curse them, and then to kill them. He was even willing to contradict his recitals to do it. Remember: Quran 002.062 “Lo, verily, those who believed and those who hadu | acted like Jews, and al-Nasara | the Nazarenes, and al-Sabiina | the Sabaeans, who believed in il-Lahi and in the Day the Last, and did deeds, so for them their reward with Rabbi | their Lord and no fear on them and not they regret.” And… Quran 002.285 “Believed al-Rasulu in what was revealed to him from His Lord. And the believers all believed in il-Lahi, and His angels, and His books, and His messengers. Not we make distinction between any of His messengers. And they said, ‘We listened and we obeyed. Us your forgiveness our Rabbana, and to You the return.” So, we are back to the same conundrum – were the un-god and non-prophet lying then, now, or on both occasions?

But this cannot be mistaken: “They yudah | gently and tenderly resemble (imitate) the saying those who kafar | were reconciled (disbelieved) from before. Qatal | slaughter them, slaying and murdering them, al-Lahu. How yu’fak | altered, seduced, opinionated, perverted, deluded and false are they?

Yudahiuna, typically translated as “imitate,” is only used this one time in this book known for its irritating repetition. It is rendered as such because the context demands it. But the actual meaning is “gentle, tender, and courteous” – things that Allah would never appreciate.

Kafar is almost always presented as “disbelieved” in this context, but that is not the meaning of the word. And 404while I should have shared this with you 3,000 pages ago, better late than never. Kafar is from the Hebrew kaphar, which means to “cover, purge, and reconcile.” So, while it is used throughout the Quran to identify Allah’s prey, it was a poor choice from an etymological perspective.

Kaphar is especially revealing, indeed indicting, because it is used in the Towrah as the basis of the Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations. It denotes Yahowah’s return with, drumroll please, His beloved Son, ha Mashyach | the Messiah, Dowd. Their arrival will occur in Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Guidance on Reconciliation at sundown on October 2nd, 2033, which is, another drumroll, please, Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations in the Yowbel year 6000 Yah. In the process, they will kaphar | reconcile and restore their relationship with Yahuwdym and Yisra’el.

Not-so-coincidently, this is coterminous with Allah’s protested Day of Doom, or Last Day, because he and his religion won’t survive it. Therefore, in a very real sense, kaphar, while a wonderful opportunity for God’s Chosen People, is Satan’s greatest foe. Oh, the things we can learn when we know what the words mean.

So fearful is Allah / Satan of the Day of Kaphar, his response is qatal | mass murder, slaying and slaughtering everything and everyone associated with Yahowah’s ultimate remedy for a remnant of His people. As I have continually stated and have concluded, Islam is a death cult devoted to the annihilation of humankind.

Finally, “deluded” was rendered from yu’fak, which means “changed, perverted, deceived, opinionated, seduced, and false.” Lo, verily, the Snake could have benefited from a mirror.

The next time you hear a Muslim say that Islam is tolerant because Muslims believe that Moses and Jesus were Islamic prophets, you’ll know how they make their case and 405then define tolerance – Quran 009.030 “And said al-Yahudu | the Yahuwdym / Jews, ‘Uzayrun son al-Lahi.’ And al-Nasara | the Nazarenes / Christians say, ‘Al-Masihu | the Mashyach / Messiah son al-Lahi.’ That their saying with their mouths. They yudah | gently and tenderly resemble (imitate) the saying those who kafar | were reconciled (disbelieved) from before. Qatal | slaughter them, slaying and murdering them, al-Lahu. How yu’fak | altered, seduced, opinionated, perverted, deluded and false are they?”

As with everything in Islam and the Quran, good is bad; truth is deceit; peace is surrender; Satan is God; and death is celebrated. And might I add, the 9th surah of the Quran eliminates every excuse for Islam to exist.

Ignorant, Muhammad claimed his rock idol said…

Quran 009.031 “They (Jews and Christians) have taken their ahbara and their ruh’banah arbaban | lords from besides al-Lahi and al-Masiha | the Messiah, son Maryam. And not they were commanded (in the Taurat and Injeel) except liya’budu | they worship ilahan wahidan | one god. La ilaha illa huwa | no god but Him. Glory (actually: swimming) be to Him from what they associate as partners and companions.”

Since God cannot be this poorly informed, Allah cannot be God. Neither rabbis nor monks have ever been considered divine by Jews or Christians. So by reciting these words, Muhammad revealed that the Quran wasn’t inspired – nor even remotely accurate. And while I appreciate the confession, I continue to be skeptical that any thinking person actually believes this foolishness. How can Allah be depicted torturing men in hell, yet be “too holy” to be associated with the Messiah?

And it’s not just the message which is wrong, but the words themselves. Muhammad knew the word for “rabbi” since it appeared throughout the Quran. But here we find ahbara, which means “beautiful, joyful, and cheerful” when used positively, or “scarred after a beating” when rendered as a pejorative. And while ‘ach can mean “brother” or “alas,” and bara’ is a verb which means “to create,” this is not a title 406used in conjunction with rabbis or any other Jewish leadership. So, alas, Allah was wrong…again.

Ruh’bana isn’t associated with Christians, either. In this case, the misnomer is a compound of ruwach | spirit and bana’ | create. But even then, Christians used Latin or Greek titles, not Hebrew – and these were not an exception. For example, the word “monk” is from the Greek monachos, itself derived from monos | alone. And in Arabic, the rahba root speaks of “terrifying fear.” Therefore, Allah was wrong…again.

Had Allah been the God of the Towrah and Prophets, he would have known that there were two words for “lord” – ba’al and ‘adon, and that both speak of false gods. Arbaban is more akin to Arab ben / bin | son. It is associated with rabbi through its Ra-Ba-Ba root. And therefore, while rab actually means “great and exalted,” it is misconstrued throughout the Quran to imply “lord and master, possessor and owner, caretaker and provider.” However, these connotations are not ascribed to rabbis by Jews or Christians. Therefore, Allah was wrong…again. So, how many stupid things must Allah say before Muslims admit that Allah was too ignorant to be God?

In neither Judaism nor Christianity do we find any mention of an al-Lahi, so it would be impossible for either to have taken anyone in addition to the name of a false god. We do not know the name of the Messiah’s mother, but it assuredly wasn’t Maryam. And since it wasn’t worth Yahowah mentioning in any of the 1,100 referenced to Dowd, ha Mashyach, Allah’s reiterations of the mythical misnomer are absurd. And yet, Maryam is cited over 70 times by the ignorant god of Islam – twenty times more often than Muhammad. While nothing more than a Christian fable, she is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran.

There are no commandments in the Towrah, only instructions. And the Torah and Gospels (if we can be so 407liberal in our interpretation of the crude Greek transliteration injeel (for euangelion)), are not compatible. The Christian New Testament is exceedingly hostile toward the Towrah – and most especially Paul who invented the concept of euangelion, presenting himself and his diatribe as the “Good Messenger” and “Beneficial Message” to refute the Towrah.

Further, there is no instruction in the Towrah to worship God. So, while He is one, He is not al-Lahi, and He does not want to be worshiped. However, by contrast, Yahowah loves being associated with, partnering with, and working alongside and through men and women. So, Allah got all of this wrong, too.

Based upon a Hadith provided as a footnote in The Noble Quran pursuant to this comedy of errors, it’s apparent the first Muslims were better informed than their non-prophet or un-god. “Once while Allah’s Messenger was reciting this verse, Adi said, ‘O Allah’s Messenger, they do not worship rabbis and monks.’ The Prophet said, ‘They certainly do.’”

This isn’t accurate, either. They don’t get any darker than al-Lahu…

Quran 009.032 “They seek to extinguish al-Lahi’s fire with their mouths, but al-Lahu refuses except to blossom and grow His light even if the kariha al-kafir | reconciled face compulsion and are forced.”

Nara, which was presented as “fire,” but is more commonly “translated” as “light” to give al-Lahi/hu a godly sheen, also means “shine and sparkle” in addition to “irritate, vex, or provoke war.” And that would be asking a lot of any mouth to extinguish – not that we aren’t trying.

While al-Lahi/hu is naturally resistant, the mouths prevail – yutim | blossoms notwithstanding. And aware that the kafir are the reconciled who are threatening the un-god, it is interesting to note that they are kariha | forced under compulsion because they are averse and abhorred.

408Quran 009.033 “He the one who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion that is suitable, required, and obligatory to manifest its appearance over all the religions, even if those who have friends and share dislike and disapprove.”

The only guidance al-Lahi and al-Rasuli have provided in the surah is to lie and kill for Islam. We are reminded that the Arabic word for “religion,” dina, means “submissiveness and obedience.” Along these lines, al-haqi, which Islamic apologists like to render as “the truth,” is particularly compatible with dina | obedience and islam | submission. Haqi means “required, fitting, unavoidable, obligatory, and penetrating.”

Liyuz’hir, which I translated as “manifest its appearance,” speaks of “creating the appearance of collaboration.” However, there is more to it than that because its root, zilar, was “the practice of pre-Islamic Arabs of keeping a woman in suspense, often for the whole of her life, such that she was neither married nor divorced,” and thus chained to a man who did not love her. It is a very similar practice to what Jewish women endure today attempting to receive a “Get” (a letter of divorce) from the rabbis her ex which frees her to go on with her life.

That aside, this statement is reasonably clear for the Quran. Al-Lahi and al-Rasuli intend to impose themselves and Islam on the world whether the world likes it or not.

Quran 009.034 “O you who believe, lo, verily, many of al-ahbari and al-ruh’bani, surely eat wealth the mankind in falsehood and hinder from Cause al-Lahi. And those who hoard and treasure the gold and the silver and not spend it not in al-Lahi’s Cause, give them the happy tidings of a painful torture.

Quran 009.035 Day it will be heated on it in the fire of hell, and will be branded, searing and scorching, with it their foreheads and their flanks and their backs. This what you treasured for yourselves. So taste what you used to collect!”

409Just when you thought Allah couldn’t get any nastier or more hypocritical, we are subjected to this sadistic and demonic rant.

Looking closer, aman, which is typically translated “believe or believer,” is from the Hebrew ‘aman, which means “to trust and rely,” noting that this is not possible in Islam where the Quran is composed of lies. In Arabic, the word has evolved to include the connotations of “feel safe and secure,” recognizing that this is incompatible with fear.

Since repeating a falsehood does not make it true, there still is no al-ahbari or al-ruh’bani among the Jews or Christians – so no one to whom this slander applies. And while the Arabic akul is from the Hebrew ‘akal, there is only one episode in which Jews swallowed gold and silver. During the Roman sieges of Jerusalem, some Jews ingested their coins before running the gauntlet, hoping to poop them out later. But the Romans got wind of it and gutted the money-hungry, ending the practice five hundred years before Islam was conceived.

Nonetheless, al-Lahi is irritated that Muslims aren’t able to steal fast enough to finance his ambition to annihilate humankind. But how is it that the non-Muslims are abundantly rich while Allah’s slaves are impoverished since the un-god promised otherwise?

In this verse, batili defines Islam: “false, untrue, wrong, fictitious, spurious, unfounded, unsound, vain, futile, worthless, ineffectual, and devoid of virtue.” However, I have not witnessed a case in which Christians or Jews spent hoards of gold and silver yasudduna | shunning Islam so as to hinder Allah’s Cause. Most don’t even know what it is or have any clue as to why ignorance in this regard isn’t bliss.

And that is why the sadistic deity gets away with lines like: “give them the happy tidings of a painful torture.” But, alas, it gets more demented from there because Allah is fantasizing about the Day when he will heat his branding 410iron until it glows, searing and scorching the skin of Christians and Jews on their faces, sides, and backs – all while the Devil taunts them and gloats. If this is your god, your god is Satan.

The Quran and Hadith make it abundantly clear that Muhammad hated Jews with a passion, so much so that he became their most bloodthirsty predator. Yet neither explain why, or even how, Muhammad came to detest Christians. His misinformed attacks on their beliefs proved that he didn’t know them very well.

This next transition is as flawed as the rest of the Quran. The logic of the verse is faulty as well. In reverence to Allah’s moon-god heritage, Muhammad established a lunar year without the intercalary months. As a result, the Islamic seasons float aimlessly around the calendar.

Quran 009.036 “Lo, number the months with al-Lahi twelve months in dictate al-Lahi. Day He created the heavens and the earth of them four forbidden / sacred. That the religion the standing still, so not wrong therein yourselves. And slaughter those with friends who share all together as they kill you all together. And know that al-Laha with the warding off.

Quran 009.037 Verily, the postponing an increase in the reconciliation (disbelief) are led astray by it those who reconcile (disbelieve). They make it lawful one year and make it unlawful year to adjust the number which al-Lahu has made unlawful and making lawful al-Lahu has made unlawful. Is made fairseeming to them evil their deeds. And al-Lahu not guide the people reconciled.”

This is further proof that Allah was no smarter than the stone stuck in the wall of the Ka’aba. For over three thousand years civilized societies had been better informed than he. But that is not to infer that he wasn’t lethal. We will never know what would have possessed him to rail against common knowledge while ordering believers to kill disbelievers. It does not appear sane.

We do not know if it was the Sumerians or Babylonians, but some 3,000 years before Satan slithered into the 411ignorance of the Arabian Desert to inspire Islam, seven intercalary months were added every 19 years (inserted in years 0, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, and 17) to keep the 29.5-day lunar cycle of twelve months and 354 days calibrated to a solar year of 365.25 days. When done correctly, a solar lunar calendar is accurate to within 6.6 minutes each year, while an un-intercalary model such as Allah’s loses over 11 days each orbit around the sun.

Lunacy aside, Muhammad took another swipe at peaceful Muslims who still had a conscience.

Quran 009.038 “O you who believe, what with you when it is said to you, ‘Go forth in Cause al-Lahi (i.e., Jihad) you sluggish, loaded down to the earth? Are you pleased and content with the life near and low (the world) than the behind and delayed (hereafter)? But what enjoyment of benefit, even use as a commodity, the life the world in the after except a little.

Quran 009.039 If not you march forth, He will chastise, castigate, torment, torture, and punish you, severely and painfully, and will replace you, exchanging and substituting you for a people other than you and not you can harm Him anything. Al-Lahu on every thing powerful.”

What, may we ask, does a religious calendar that is out of sync with our planet’s orbit have to do with marching off to war – other than the voices of reason must be silenced for religions this macabre to prevail? And why is the un-god belittling human life such that it is considered worthless – unless it is to entice martyrdom?

Dismissive, even of Muslims, according to Allah, if his slaves aren’t eager to fight he will replace them and then torture them. But with whom, may we ask? And can you imagine a god so feeble he needs to tell his faithful that they “cannot harm Him?”

This next passage, like so many in the Quran, makes no sense without the context of the Hadith.

412Quran 009.040 “If not you help him, lo, al-Lahu helped him when drove him out those who kafar | were reconciled, the second the two when they both in the cave when he said to his companion, ‘Not grieve, lo, verily, al-Laha with us.’ Then al-Lahu sent down His Sakina upon him and supported him with forces you did not see and made word those who were reconciled the lowest while word al-Lahi, it the highest. And al-Lahu all-mighty, all-wise.”

Following the Slaughtering Statement, Idolatrous Indulgence, Satanic Verse, and Donk-Mule Fable and related fiascos, Muhammad fled KabaVille with his tail and tale tucked between his legs. On the way out of town, he and Abu Bakr had to hide in a cave for fear the Meccans would find them. So Allah is saying that he protected them with an army of killer angels. However, since that was seven years ago, it appears that the un-god may have been inattentive and taking a nap. Nonetheless, here are the Hadith from the Second Edition of the Cave…

Ishaq:223 “When the Messenger decided upon departure, he went to Bakr and the two of them left by a window in the back of Abu’s house and went to a cave in Thawr, a mountain below Mecca.”

Tabari VI:144 “Some assert that Bakr came to Ali and asked him about the prophet. He told him that he had gone to the cave of Thawr…in the darkness of night. The Prophet heard Bakr coming and thought he was one of the polytheists. He increased his pace and his sandal strap snapped. He skinned his big toe on a stone. It bled profusely. Bakr was afraid that he would scare Muhammad, so he spoke to him before they reached the cave at dawn and went inside.” It does appear, however, that Allah was overworking the Jewish Shekinah, which is likely why the non-prophet stubbed his little toe on a big stone, or was it his big toe on a little stone?

Onward Muslim killers, marching off to war…

Quran 009.041 “March forth, light or heavy, and jihad | strive with your wealth and your lives in Cause al-Lahi. That better for you, if you know.”

413Evidently, there were still too many “bad” Muslims around who were unwilling to kill for Allah or risk the invasion and conquest of the Ka’aba and Quraysh. It wasn’t a function of morality, because if it was an easy kill and the booty was plentiful, as in the case of slaughtering and spoiling defenseless Jews, they were all in. They were mercenaries, after all.

Quran 009.042 “If it had been a gain near, and a journey easy, surely they have followed you, but was long for them the distance. And they will swear by il-Lahi, ‘If we were able, lo, we have come forth with you.’ They destroy their souls; for Allah knows, indeed, they surely liars.”

According to Allah, peaceful Muslims lie and his killers are lazy.

In this series of verses, while we can never be certain even with situational surahs, Allah appears to be speaking about the botched terrorist raid Muhammad insisted upon against the Byzantine Christians at Tabuk. Unfortunately for Islam’s credibility, the surah preceded the raid by more than a year, and Hadith are required to unravel the Quran. It is also possible, albeit without Sunnah support, that Muhammad capitulated at Hudaybiyah due to insufficient mujahideen.

Quran 009.043 “Al-Lahu forgive you. Why you grant leave to them (for remaining behind because you should have persisted with your order for them to proceed on Jihad), until evident to you those who were truthful and you knew the liars?

Quran 009.044 Not ask your permission those who believe in il-Lahi and the Day the Last that they Jihad with their wealth and their lives. And al-Lahu all-knower of the stand still.

Quran 009.045 Only ask your exemption (from Jihad) those who believe not in il-Lahi and the Day, the Last and doubts their hearts so they in their doubts they waver.

Quran 009.046 And if they had intended march out, surely they would have made some preparation; but al-Lahu was averse to and 414disliked their being sent forth; so He made them lag behind. And it was said, ‘Sit you among those who sit.’

Quran 009.047 If they had marched with you, not they would have increased you except confusion and discord, sowing sedition. And would have been active in your midst seeking you dissension. And among you who would have listened to them. And al-Lahu all-knower of il-zalim | the cruel lords and oppressive tyrants.

Quran 009.048 Verily, they had plotted and sought sedition from before, and had upset matters for you until came the firm order and command al-Lahi (to fight), much to their disgust.

Quran 009.049 Among them who says, ‘Grant me exemption to stay back (from Jihad). And do not tempt me [with promises of blood and booty].’ Lo, surely in the trial they fallen already. Indeed, Hell surrounds il-kafir.”

The bottom line of all of this is that all good Muslims are terrorists. Allah said so. Bad Muslims, on the other hand, just make excuses for not being ever ready to kill.

It is telling that those who heard the Quran flowing off Muhammad’s forked tongue were unconvinced. Many Muslims were mutinous and were plotting against der Führer. And it got the Snake’s undivided attention because this is the most focused he has been in a month of Fridays.

Still rebuking pacifist Muslims in the un-idyllic ruins of Yathrib…

Quran 009.050 “If befalls you good, it distresses them, but if befalls you a calamity, they say, ‘Lo, verily, we took our matter from before.’ And they turn away while they rejoicing.

Quran 009.051 Say, ‘Never will befall us except what al-Lahu decreed for us. He our protector. And on al-Lahi so let the believers put trust.’”

Obviously, things were not all blossoming blood and booty in Medina, so Muhammad was “tempting” Muslims to fight for him. Those he couldn’t seduce, Allah condemned. They were suppressing another insurrection. It is a miracle Islam survived.

415Desperate to beguile his mujahideen…

Quran 009.052 “Say, ‘Do you await for us except on the two best (martyrdom or victory) while we, ourselves, await for you that al-Lahu will afflict you with a punishment from near Him or by our hands? So, wait, lo, we with you waiting.’”

Quran 009.053 “Say, ‘Spend willingly or unwillingly. Never will be accepted from you. Lo, you, yourself are a people disobedient.’”

Fight or I will kill you myself” is the message. But since Allah couldn’t get out of his own way, he opted to have good Muslims threaten the bad ones into submission.

After saying that he was going to take their money “willingly or unwillingly,” Islam’s deceitful spirit claims…

Quran 009.054 “And not prevents them that is accepted from them their contributions except that they disbelieve in il-Lahi and His Rasuli and not they come al-Salat except while they lazy and not they spend except while thy unwilling.”

Here’s the bottom line: the peaceful Muslims were unwilling to fund Jihad, so rather than admit defeat, Muhammad said: “I didn’t want their money anyway.” But he couldn’t help himself. He had to lash out at those who withheld the funds he craved to perpetuate his reign of terror. As we have learned, mass murder and mayhem aren’t cheap. It’s no coincidence that the richest Islamic regimes manufacture the most terrorists.

Next, we learn that Muhammad was “dazzled by wealth” and “Allah’s plan is to punish.”

Quran 009.055 “So not impress you their wealth nor their children. Only al-Lahu intends to punish them with it in the life the world and should depart their souls while they reconciled (disbelievers). Quran 009.056 They swear by il-Lahi, lo, they surely of you while not they of you but they a people are afraid.”

Telling Muhammad not to envy wealth or the love of family was like telling water not to be wet. He was a walking and talking coveting machine. As for Muslims being “afraid” of their non-prophet, it was because he was a sadistic 416psychopath, thief, slaver, and terrorist. The bad, peace-loving Muslims knew that Muhammad’s militants would attack them as they had the Jews – stealing their property, raping their women, and enslaving their children. And so while it’s stunning the Quran would admit that Muslims were afraid of Muhammad, it’s not particularly surprising since tyrants the world over are always the same. They know that “He who fears will obey.”

If you think this interpretation is too harsh, consider the following Hadith: Bukhari:V1B11N626 “The Prophet said, ‘No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr. If they knew the reward they would come to (the mosque) even if they had to crawl. Certainly I decided to order a man to lead the prayer and then take a flame to burn all those who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive inside their homes.’” The Profit’s message was “Obey and pay or you’ll burn.”

Bukhari:V8B76N548 “The Prophet said, ‘Protect yourself from the Fire.’ He turned his face aside as if he were looking at it and said, ‘Protect yourself from the Fire,’ and turned his face aside as if he were looking at it, and he said for the third time till we thought he was actually looking at it: ‘Protect yourselves from the Fire.’”

Bukhari:V8B76N547 “The Prophet said, ‘All of you will be questioned by Allah on the Day of Doom. There will be no interpreter between you and Allah. And the Hell Fire will confront you. So, whoever among you can, save yourself from the Fire.’” Muhammad has once again put Allah in hell which is where Satan belongs.

Slandering and threatening his own, Allah says…

Quran 009.057 “If they could find a place to flee, or caves, or hole to enter and hide, verily, they would turn to it and they run wild with and obstinate rush.

Quran 009.058 And among them who criticizes you and slanders you, concerning (partiality) over (the distribution of) the offerings [stolen spoils]. Then if they are given part of it, they are pleased, but if not they are indignant and enraged!”

417The first Muslims were bickering over booty. They didn’t much like the fact that the Godfather was a thief and played favorites, keeping Allah’s twenty percent, his twenty percent, and then allotting another twenty percent to his harem, with twenty percent more to the most loyal Quraysh. And since according to the Hadith, the founders of Islam made nothing and stole everything, Muslims were squabbling over looted loot.

Quran 009.059 “And if that they had content what al-Lahu gave them and His Messenger, and said, ‘Sufficient for us al-Lahu! Al-Lahu will give us of His bounty and His Messenger. Lo, we to al-Lahi turn our hopes.’”

When you are a penny-pinching pirate, things can get prickly. However, I have a bone to pick with al-Lahu and his “bounty” since he was a taker and not a giver. And that is why the only bounty these boys benefited from was the booty they had stolen.

Each time we learn of the distribution of stolen goods, none of it went to any charity. It was as if Muhammad thought he could buy love with stolen loot and then act like a pharaoh and take the rest with him.

Quran 009.060 “Only the al-sadaq | the truth for the impoverished and the needy and those who collect them and the ones inclined their hearts and in the necks, and for those in debt and in the Cause of Allah, and the wayfarer, and an obligation from al-Lahi. And al-Lahu all-knowing, wise.”

Islamic apologists are prone to render al-sadaq as “charities” to create a favorable impression regarding the distribution of stolen property and slaves. But sadaq is from the Hebrew tsadaq which means “right, correct, upright, and vindicated,” none of which apply in this immoral context. The closest Arabic rendering would be that the impoverished and needy are told the truth, and that’s their tip for the day. Moreover, as we learned early on in KabaVille, Muhammad was the most impoverished and needy of them all. He was 418also the wayfarer and the one indebted to Allah’s Cause. It was why the Idolatrous Indulgence prevailed.

Quran 009.061 “Among them those who vex and trouble, annoy and abuse, molesting the Prophet, saying, ‘He is an ear.’ Say, ‘An ear goodness for you. He believes in il-Lahi. And believes the believers. And a mercy to those who believe among you. But those who offend Messenger al-Lahi, for them a painful punishment.”

To believe as Muslims protest, that this is a perfect and Holy Book containing God’s final and most important message for mankind, is to be ignorant and indoctrinated. This piece of trash didn’t even serve one man well. Even if Muslims were kicking sand in Muhammad’s face and spitting at him, following Hudaybiyah, it was his fault, not theirs. He elicited the same reaction among the Quraysh after accepting and then rejecting the Idolatrous Indulgence following the Slaughtering Statement. The Satanic Verses and Donk-Mule Mythology proved that he was insane, a schizophrenic psychopath and a demon-possessed madman with a penchant for sexual abuse, larceny, and mass murder.

As a result of Vexing Verses like this, and the Lost Argument, we know the truth about Muhammad – and it is ugly because he was annoying and abusive. The very fact that he was so psychotic that he was unaware that statements like these condemned him, speaks to Muhammad’s mental retardation and complete ineptitude.

But what does it say about Muslims who play religious dress up and kill for these nightmarish clowns? How much cognitive dissonance is required to read this rubbish and still believe that Muhammad was an exemplary man, a prophet, even, and that Allah was a god? Considering the carnage caused by Islam, why has it been tolerated and accommodated? Is humankind comatose or just lacking in character and courage? Is there no Moseh, Dowd, or ‘ElYah among us?

419At times like this, love necessitates hate, and hate becomes a virtue. But are there no virtuous among us? Is everyone cowered and afraid, or just incapacitated as a result of being ignorant, irrational, and immoral?

In Muhammad’s case, the molested became a molester. Islam was the result. And along with it, came widespread destruction and death. There would be a painful punishment for our collective cowardice in the face of terror.

In this case, the Arabs in Yathrib feigned their acquiescence to avoid the wrath of the mujahideen. And while the first of these next two sentences affirms that Islam was perpetrated to satiate Muhammad’s cravings for sex, control, wealth, and respect, the second confirms that Muhammad was the corporeal manifestation of his wannabe god.

Quran 009.062 “They swear by il-Lahi to you to please, favor, and approve of you. And al-Lahu and His Rasulu more right that they should please Him if they are believers.”

The nicest thing one could say about them is that they were pathetic bullies. They threw taunts and threats around in the other kids’ faces as if they were sand…

Quran 009.063 “Do not they know they he who opposes, limits, or withholds from al-Laha and His Rasula, then that for him Fires of Hell, abide forever in it? That the disgrace the great.”

Mind you, this time, those deserving the eternal fires of hell for opposing the Reprehensible Rasuli were not family, as were the Quraysh. Those attempting to restrain the Macabre Messenger, who are now threatened by the Lord of Torture, were not the Yahuwdym who had inspired the Quran and whose homes and bodies had financed the death cult. The object of the Rasuli’s wrath was Muslims.

They realized Muhammad was the biggest Muslim Hypocrite of all. They had observed his willingness to falsify his recitals to satiate his cravings and to impose his will. Acknowledging this problem, Satan says:

420Quran 009.064 “Fear the Hypocrites lest be revealed about them a Suratun informing them of what in their hearts. Say, ‘Mock, indeed, al-Laha bring forth what you fear.

Quran 009.065 And if you question them, surely they will say, ‘We were only talking idly, jesting in play.’ Say, ‘Is it il-Lahi and His proofs, signs, and verses, and His Rasuli you were mocking?’”

If it were not for the fact that the Hypocrites were terrorized Muslims rather than Muslim terrorists, one would think that Muhammad was being mocked by the dreaded polytheists. But not this time. This battle wasn’t between al-Lat and al-Lahu for top dog in the rock pile but for the soul of Islam. Would it be a quasi-moral religion or a death cult committed to the annihilation of humankind?

Muhammad, like all insecure men, was obsessed with rejection. And yet his incompetence and ignorance stood in his way. Even after eliminating the Jews, his only literate foe, Arabs continued to be repulsed. Twenty years after the initial demonic episode, he still couldn’t sell Islam on its merits. He never won an argument with words, evidence, or reason. It was only threats, terror, and fear that prevailed. He was no prophet.

If a grammar-school dunce had turned in what we have read as a third-grade writing assignment, they would have flunked. That is unless, like Muhammad, they had a knife at the teacher’s throat. And that is how and why the Quran exists today.

Quran 009.066 “Not make excuse or beg for pardon. Verily, you have disbelieved after your belief. If We pardon on a party of you, We will punish a party because they were muj’rim | criminals, offensive, and disobedient.”

Any free and enlightened man or woman exposed to this verbal tripe will reject it as did almost everyone who lived in the non-prophet’s presence. That is why Muhammad had to make rejecting Islam a capital offense.

421There must have been a considerable number of former believers who were now rejecting Muhammad for the Quran to focus this intently on them. But, as we proceed, keep in mind that Muhammad was a hypocrite and became an apostate, himself, at Hudaybiyah by renouncing his god and calling.

Quran 009.067 “The Hypocrite men and the Hypocrite women, some of them of others. They enjoin the wrong and forbid what the right. And they close their hands (from spending in Allah’s Cause). They forget al-Laha so He has forgotten them. Verily, the Hypocrites, they the disobedient.”

The putrid pot smoking above the fire was calling the other singed kettles black. Muhammad and Allah were vindictive and nasty hypocrites. Peaceful Muslims who aren’t willing to fund Jihad and terrorize the world were disobedient and wrong. But alas, they hadn’t forgotten al-Laha, they had rejected him.

The Muslim mutiny continued to plague the Rabbi and his Rasuli…

Quran 009.068 “Al-Lahu has promised the Hypocrite men and the Hypocrite women, and the kufar | reconciled (disbelievers) Hell Fire. They abide forever in it. It sufficient for them. And al-Lahu has cursed them and for them an enduring punishment.”

Fair warning: if you are a peaceful Muslim, you are a hypocrite and your god hates you. There is good news, however, since al-Lahu abrogates and disavows, his promises aren’t worth a $#!+.

Should you be curious, munafiq, the Arabic word translated as “hypocrite,” is from the Nun-Fa-Qaf root and means “saleable,” “spent,” and “expendable.”

After condemning the discourse of those who were not swallowing Muhammad’s poison, Allah reprises a worn-out trick. Just because he was inept now, didn’t mean that he was always this way. Once upon a time, in stolen stories and fables, he was a real terrorist…

422Quran 009.069 “Like those from before you, they were mightier than you strength and more abundant wealth and children. So they enjoyed their portion and you have enjoyed your portion like enjoyed those from before you their portion and you indulge like the one who indulges. Those worthless their deeds in the world and the after. And those, they, the losers.

Quran 009.070 Has not come to them news those who from before them, people Nuhin, and ‘Adin, and Thamuda, and people Ib’rahima, and companions Madyana, and the towns overturned? Came to them their messengers with between (clear signs of proofs). And not was al-Lahu to wrong them, but they were themselves doing wrong.”

It’s been a long time since Muhammad has foisted fables of derring-do on unsuspecting Muslims or had the audacity to bastardize plagiarized stories from the Torah and Prophets, but he hasn’t forgotten how.

At the time, especially during the Hudaybiyah insurrection, almost everyone was mightier, stronger, and wealthier than this ragtag gang of malcontents and misfits. But based upon what Muhammad has recited, they were hardly enjoying their portion. It makes one wonder if the un-god or his non-prophet ever read their own material.

As for the errors in fact – Noach didn’t have “people.” He was chosen expressly because he had walked away and disassociated himself from the religious, political, and militant of his day. There is no evidence that Ad ever existed. Thamud was a short-lived and loose confederation of tribes that never amounted to much and simply disbanded over time. ‘Abraham, like Noach, was chosen to work with Yahowah because he, too, had walked away from the babel | confusing commingling of religion and politics – so he didn’t have people either. Since the unnamed towns were likely Sodom and Gomorrah, they were torched, not overturned.

Now as for Midian, that’s another story. Yahowah inspired Gideon to stop their vast and unruly hordes from 423invading and devastating Yisra’el, doing so with 300 men bearing trumpets, clay pitchers, and torches. More than this, the Day of Midian, which is in Arabia, will be reprised – so Satan is playing with fire. This prophecy is particularly interesting at this point since it spells out the role I am playing in the demise of Islam while heralding Dowd’s return with Yahowah. This is the story of the third advent of God’s beloved Son, our Messiah, King, and Savior. It is Yahowah’s gift to Yahuwdym and Yisra’el…

“Indeed (ky – truthfully), there has been no lack of counsel, no reason for discouragement, nor inability to flee from the darkness (lo’ muw’aph la hy’ – there has been no excuse for doom and gloom, despair or dejection because there has been no shortage of advice and wisdom on how to flee this darkness and danger) for those subjugated and constrained along the way (la ‘asher muwtsaq – for those restricted and oppressed, for those deprived of liberty who have endured hardships during distressing times as a result of the relationship) as there was during the previous time (ka ha ‘eth ha ri’shown – as was the case prior, and in comparison to the initial occasion) when He receded from (qalal – when He came to disdain and show little regard for) the land of Zabuwluwn (‘erets Zabuwluwn – Zebulun, son of Ya’aqob and Leah, place of the honored where the egotistical reside and brag about themselves) and the land of Naphthaly (wa ha ‘erets Naphthaly – Naphtali, son of Ya’aqob and Bilhah, place of twisting and wrestling).

In this latter time, during the last days (wa ha ‘acharown – yet in the end), He will deal harshly with the troublesome nature of (kabed – He will battle with the intensely oppressive and onerous, the grievous and bothersome nature of the dimwitted, harsh, stubborn, and intransigent masses associated with the large, pretentious populations of burdensome people) the way of the sea (derek ha yam – a metaphor for Gentiles) beyond (‘eber – across and on the eastern and opposite side of) the Yarden | 424to Go Down (ha Yarden – the Jordan River, to descend, from yarad – they will go down), of Galyl | the Circuitous and Convoluted Way (Galyl – Galilee, turning on the serpentine circumambulators, rolling away the confused and convoluted at the pivot point of the sociopolitical realm) of the Gowym | Gentiles (Gowym – the confluence of ethnicities, non-Yisra’elites, and other nations). (Yasha’yah / Liberation is from Yah / Isaiah 9:1)

The people (ha ‘am – the family and nation of kinsmen who share an ethnicity, culture, and language, and who are biologically related in reference to Yisra’el and to distinguish Yisra’elites from Gowym) who walked (ha halak – who traveled through life) in the darkness and were confused (ba ha choshek – in ignorance without the light, obscured and unenlightened) have been shown (ra’ah – have been able to observe and can at this moment actually see) an astonishingly important (gadowl – an extensive and expansive, a great and distinguished, an older and enabling, an especially forceful and capable; from gadal – to become significant and enable growth by accomplishing the means to be magnified and empowered) light (‘owr – source of enlightenment).

For those who have dwelt (yashab – those who have lived and who may remain) in the realm of (ba ‘erets – in the land of) the shadow of death (tsalmaweth – the foreboding darkness of dying; from tsel – that which impedes illumination and maweth – perishing at the hands of others), the light (‘owr – the source of enlightenment presented in absolute contrast to the surrounding darkness) will shine brilliantly upon them to enlighten them (nagah ‘al hem – has been presented as a luminary for them, providing the enlightenment, knowledge, and understanding needed to respond appropriately, radiant in his demeanor before them). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9:2)

You have raised up and enabled a gentile (rabah ha gowy – You have increased the capability of this particular 425gowy to magnify and amplify, rearing him as if he were Your own offspring, empowering and expanding the ability of this individual who is ethnically unrelated and who comes from a distant place and time, equipping this Gentile) without boasting or exalting Yourself, nor improperly speaking of the favors You sought to bestow (lo’ gadal – without glorifying or promoting Yourself, training the gowy such that he could represent You in an unpretentious manner)).

The delight (simchah – the elation, pleasure, and happiness) they will joyfully express (samach – they (addressing the ‘am – family) will happily manifest, outwardly conveying their cheerful contentment at that moment in time) as they approach Your presence (la paneh ‘atah – as they draw near and appear before You) will be comparable to (ka – will be similar to) the jubilation experienced (simchah – the happiness and elation, the pleasure and delight expressed) during the harvest (ba ha qatsyr – in the collecting of the fruit during the time of reaping in the proper season), consistent with (ka ‘asher – comparable to) rejoicing over the favorable circumstances (gyl – the gladness expressed in joyous shouts and songs) when they are apportioned (ba chalaq hem – with their assignment, distribution, and allotment of) that which is valuable (shalal – the good property and possessions offered to those who prevail as a righteous spoil). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9:3)

For (ky – indeed) the constraints (‘ol – the frame and straps of a yoke used to control working animals; from ‘alal – to act severely and wantonly, dealing harshly and ruthlessly) of burdensome labor, economic pressures, or societal challenges pertaining to him (sobel huw’ – of demands on his time, resulting hardships, or compulsory obligations) and (wa) that which is associated with (‘eth) the religious or political influences (mateh – the ruling ornamental stick used as a symbol of religious authority and its ability to control and compel capitulation) continually 426upon his back, especially early on (shekem huw’ – repeatedly against his neck and shoulder at the beginning), You have diminished and even eliminated because You detest these things (chathath – You have shattered and discouraged that which You dread and disavow as distracting and divisive, dashing and breaking their horrible and destructive influence) along with the rod and scepter of governmental authority over him (shebet ha noges ba huw’ – the goad of political and institutional influence and control over him, the club of those seeking to exploit him based upon partisan divisions, people who like to make and enforce rules acting like his slave drivers and tax collectors, those forcing him into hard labor and exacting payment from him as he engages in the marketplace as a merchant).

And (wa – then) as in the day (ka yowm – comparable to the time) of Midyn | of Questions Regarding Judgment (Midyn – Midian, quarrelsome discord and strife based upon variant alterations and modifications, conflicting interests and contentiousness as contrasted with the exercise of good judgment leading to resolving a dispute; a compound of my – pondering the who, what, why, where, when, and how of dyn – the kind of thinking which leads to either vindication or contentious arguments depending upon the judgment of the one pleading the case), (Yasha’yah 9:4) surely since (ky – by contrast because) every (kol) boot (sa’own – sandal of a soldier or combatant treading and trampling) of marching armies and militants (sa’an – of militaries and mujahideen on the move who tread and tramp down) is part of the commotion and clamor of war (ba ra’ash – the riotous discordant sounds of chaos, the staccato percussion of weapons and the rumbling of those doing the fighting, with others shuddering in their defense) and since (wa) the attire (simlah – the clothing) is befouled by wallowing (galal – made filthy dirty by rolling) in blood (ba dam), they will come to exist as (wa hayah la – they will be) fuel (ma’akoleth – that which is consumed and destroyed, devoured and devastated) to be burned up (saraphah427thoroughly kindled and combusted) in the fire of blazing light and radiant energy (‘eth – glowing illumination). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9:5)

For indeed (ky – because, emphasizing this while revealing an important contrast), a child (yeled – a boy, the male offspring of parents; from yalad – who was brought forth) was born (yalad – was conceived and brought into view) before us (la ‘anachnuw – for and among us), a son (ben – a male descendant, the masculine offspring of the Mother and Father) was given, provided, and bestowed (nathan – was produced and placed at a point in time, appointed and offered, brought and devoted) concerning us (la ‘anachnuw – on our behalf regarding our approach).

The opportunity to learn what can be known about how to engage and endure in addition to governance (wa misrah – the dominion and sovereignty to lead; from my – to ponder the implications of sarah – having the power to exert oneself, to contend, to persist, and to persevere) was and will be (wa hayah – has been, continues to be, and will actually exist with ongoing implications over time)) on (‘al) his shoulder (shekem huw’ – his back based upon a continued succession of events transpiring on his ridgeline and predicated upon the eagerness in which he pursued his calling early in his life).

His reputation and renown (wa shem huw’ – his personal and proper designation and name) has been read and recited as (qara’ – was for a time invited and summoned as, called out and welcomed, met with and proclaimed, even read aloud and announced as [from 1QIsa]): a counselor providing valuable advice (yow’ets / ya’ats – one who offers direction and thought-provoking guidance to deliberate, an analyst who proposes and reveals the purpose of the plan, a mentor who speaks out and urges those who listen to follow his leadership and thinking because it is thoughtful and reasonable) who is astoundingly brilliant and amazingly insightful (pele’428who is marvelous, wonderful, and distinguished, surpassing all others, set apart and separating, influential, fantastic, and prophetic), a valiant and heroic individual with a prominent military and political standing in the community, the most courageous and capable man (gibowr – a powerful person who prevails, a mighty warrior, brave and strong soldier, a capable and proven defender, a champion confirming the influence and strengthening nature) of God (‘el – of the Almighty), an eternal witness providing restoring testimony (‘ed – an observant and meticulous individual providing everlasting evidence from long ago, sharing proof which is reestablishing, an eyewitness back in time conveying and memorializing information regarding the perpetual and continued existence) for the Father (‘ab – of the progenitor, originator and male caregiver and provider), the leader who conveys the authorized position (ha sar – the ruler of the government who acts and delivers, who has the authority and power to prevail with regard to representing the official stance [from 1QIsa]) on reconciliation and restoration leading to salvation (shalowm – on the blessings of restitution and redemption, on peace and prosperity, on satisfaction and favoritism, on association and friendship, regarding health, prosperity, and safety, completely satisfying, lacking nothing on behalf of the relationship), (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9:6) tremendously increasing (rab – abundantly, greatly, extensively, and plentifully, to the greatest extent possible on the scale of spatial dimensions, amplifying and growing) the ability to learn about and respond to (lam – providing the information and imparting the instruction learned as a student, teaching how to become familiar with the guidance needed to accept, diligently studying and then explaining the pattern and plan, having received clear and compelling revelations so as to be prepared to intelligently convey) the means to engage and endure, to be liberated and empowered (ha misrah – the person being written about choosing to understand by 429questioning the who, what, where, why, when, and how of that which pertains to persisting and persevering, of being set free; a compound of my – to probe and question sarah – the means to engage and endure, to contend, be liberated, and empowered).

As a result of this approach (wa la – adding these things together, collectively, therefore and accordingly, facilitating this), reconciliation and restoration, complete satisfaction and total contentment (shalowm – the blessings of an entirely favorable circumstance leading to overwhelming prosperity, friendship, and affection, tranquility and companionship, safety and salvation from harm’s way, as well as deliverance, resulting in a free, healthy, and satisfying relationship) will be without end (‘ayn qets – will never cease or be negated, and are unbounded and limitless, without constraint) upon the throne (‘al kise’ – before the seat of honor in association with the high status of the dignified and empowering royal authority) of Dowd (Dowd – the Beloved), as well as (wa) upon his kingdom through his considered advice and counsel (‘al mamlakah huw’– his sovereign authority and reign over his realm, and on account of his thoughtful guidance and assistance; from malak – to lead by providing considered and intelligent advice and instruction, directions and counsel) so as to be prepared and established by it (la kuwn ‘eth hy’ – authenticated and authorized by it, to be prepared and become steadfast, ready and supported through it, deciding and concluding to approach regarding it), and (wa) to be restored and sustained by him (wa la sa’ad huw’ – to be renewed and upheld through him, to be strengthened and supported, and to make it safe and secure, refreshing it with the most favorable and nourishing sustenance [huw’ / it is masculine in 1QIsa and thus refers to Dowd or to his kise’ | seat of honor vs. feminine in the MT, addressing the kingdom]), with the means to exercise good judgment and justly resolve disputes (ba mishpat – as part of a plan to decide, as a prescription for living based upon an 430official proclamation depicting how the Judge will determine each case, remaining completely fair and yet consistent; from my – to ponder the implications of shaphat – deciding, judging, being discriminating, and resolving controversies) by (wa ba) being right (tsadaqah – correct, fair, and just, acquitting and vindicating, honest and innocent, in accord with the standard) from then to now (min ‘atah – beginning congruent with the events being depicted and coinciding with this narration, simultaneous with this rational declaration) and forevermore (wa ‘ad ‘owlam – throughout all time, thus, eternally).

The deep devotion and passion (qin’ah – the zeal and fervor for exclusivity, strong desire to accomplish something special, and ardent love and jealousy for the relationship) of Yahowah (Yahowah – an accurate transliteration of the name of ‘elowah | God guided by His towrah | instructions regarding His hayah | existence and our shalowm | reconciliation) of the vast array of spiritual implements (tsaba’ – of the host of heavenly messengers and envoys) has consistently engaged to make this happen (‘asah zo’th – has caused this to occur, having always done what was required, such that He will act accordingly to accomplish this, fashioning this result, continuing to perform in this way).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance and Salvation are from Yah / Isaiah 9:7)

So now you are reminded why I love Yahowah, herald His beloved Son’s arrival, and serve His people, Yahuwdym, protecting them from the likes of Satan in the guise of Allah. You are also reminded why I grow weary explaining the vile vomit of Islam when my time and yours is rewarded when we contemplate the restoring witness and eternal testimony of our Father as conveyed through gallant and brilliant prophets like my friend and brother, Yasha’yah.

Yahowah (Yahowah) dispatched (shalach – reached out by sending out) the word (dabar – the message and statement, this account and promise) unto (ba – because of 431His association with) Ya’aqob (Ya’aqob – Yitschaq’s son, the Father of Yisra’el), and so (wa) it has been allotted to (naphal – it has fallen upon and been distributed among) Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God; from ‘ysh sarah ‘el).” (Yasha’yah / Liberation and Freedom are from Yah / Isaiah 9:8)

This prophecy is such a wonderful gift to all of us, and yet for thousands of years, it has been used to validate a hateful religion while besmirching a loving relationship. And yet, it is perfect for us today since it points to the demise of militant Islam upon Dowd’s eminent return.

Back in the searing sands of Yathrib, the misery that was Islam at this moment was on full display. The unhappy un-god and his brooding non-prophet were continuing to beat “bad” Muslims into submission (a.k.a. Islam), while defining what it meant to be a “good Muslim.”

Quran 009.071 “And the believing men and the believing women, some of them close friends and allies (of) another or others. They command the right and forbid from the wrong and they establish the ritualistic prostration prayer, pay the zakat tax, and they obey al-Laha and His Rasula. Those, al-Lahu will have mercy on them. Indeed, al-Laha all-mighty, all-wise.

Quran 009.072 Al-Lahu promised the believing men and the believing women Gardens of Jinn, flow from underneath it the rivers abide forever in it and dwellings blessed in Gardens of bliss. But the pleasure of al-Lahi greater. That, it, the great the success.”

Quran 009.073 O Prophet, Jihad | Strive and Fight al-Kufar | the Reconciled and al-Munafiq | the Hypocrites, and be ghalaz | savagely vicious, severe, harsh, and grotesque with them. Their abode Hell, and the destination of adversity and submissiveness.”

The first half of the first sentence is incompatible with its conclusion. It goes from saying that some of the believers are allies of another, then it suggests that they are issuing commands as if they were Muhammad. But once past the duplicity, Islam can be defined as: perform, pay, obey, and fight.

432And for the sacrifice in this life, the un-god promises undermined gardens of bliss in the next. But the only success was that Muslims continued to believe him – especially now after the great renunciation followed by the declaration of war against peaceful Muslims.

For those who would leave jihad unencumbered by fighting, even as it serves as the basis of mujahid, Islamic militant, note that the preposition “against” does not follow jihad or precede kufar. Therefore, since striving can be for or against, but fighting is only sanctioned toward the kufar, jihad required further explanation.

It is also interesting to note that, in bi’sa al-masir or jahannamu, bi’sa defines the Islamic hell. It is the destination of “adversity for submissives.” Also, jahannamu is a name blending Yah and Jinn, such that it serves as the Adversary’s pejorative regarding God.

Transfixed by the number of Muslims rejecting Muhammad, his humiliating pagan rituals, relentless taxes, constant jihad, and complete obedience, the non-prophet and un-god remain confused over who they are condemning and commending...

Quran 009.074 “They swear by il-Lahi they said nothing, while certainly they said word al-Kur’ri, and disbelieved after their Is’lami | Submission. And pondered and plotted (to murder Prophet Muhammad) of what not they could attain or inflict.

And not they were resentful, except that al-Lahu had enriched them and His Rasulu of His Bounty. So if they repent, it is better for them and if they turn away, al-Lahu will punish them a painful punishment in the world and the after. And not for them in the earth any protector and not a helper.”

This verse highlights four Quranic problems. First, it was focused on issues that were specific to Muhammad and a small group of disgruntled Muslims rather than inspired to benefit humankind. It was obsolete seven decades before the first Quran was printed. Second, disbelieving after believing 433affirms that faith is neither quantifiable nor verifiable and thus cannot serve as a rational means to determine who frolics or fries. Third, without chronology or context, who said what to whom, where, when, or why is lost, rendering the verse meaningless. And fourth, there are Hadith which suggest that this plot was an assassination attempt against Muhammad during his return from Tabuk.

While the Hadith collections compiled by Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim are silent on the Muslim plot to kill Muhammad, the Quran says the motive was money. But before we go there, since this is quite the accusation, let’s listen to what the famed Quran expositor and terrorist, Abul Ala-Maududi, wrote in his Tafseer regarding Quran 009.074.

“(9:74) They swear by Allah that they said nothing blasphemous whereas they indeed blasphemed, and fell into unbelief after believing, and also had evil designs which they could not carry into effect. They are spiteful against Muslims for no other reason than that Allah and His Messenger have enriched them through His bounty! So, if they repent, it will be to their own good. But if they turn away, Allah will sternly punish them in this world and in the Hereafter. None in the world will be able to protect or help them.

We cannot say with certainty what that “word of disbelief” was which they had uttered. There are, however, traditions that mention several things of unbelief which were uttered by the hypocrites during that time. For instance, it is related that a hypocrite, while he was talking to a young Muslim, a near relative of his, said, ‘If all that this man, referring to the Prophet, is saying be true, then we are worse than donkeys.’ Another tradition relates that when, during the expedition to Tabuk, one of the she-camels of the Prophet went astray and the Muslims were moving about in search of it, a party of the hypocrites made a good deal of fun of this, saying to one another, ‘Just consider the prophethood of this man. He tells news of heavens but cannot tell where his she-camel is.’

This is a reference to the plots which the hypocrites had made during the Tabuk expedition. On the return journey they conspired to push the Prophet down into some ravine while he would be passing over some hill at night. The Prophet got wind of the plot and ordered 434that the army should take the longer route through the valley round the hills, while he himself along with Ammar bin Yasir and Huzaifah bin Yaman would make the short route over the hill. While they were on the way, suddenly they discovered that a dozen of the hypocrites, with covered faces, were following them. At this Huzaifah turned towards them so that he may drive away their camels but they were terrified when they saw him coming towards them and took to flight lest they should be recognized.

The other plot was to declare Abdullah bin Ubayy as king at Al-Madinah as soon as they should hear some bad news about the Muslim army, because according to their expectations, the Prophet and his faithful companions could never fare well against the armies of the great Roman Empire.”

It has been our policy to use the Hadith to provide the context and chronology lacking in the Quran, but in this case, the 9th surah speaks of two episodes two years apart. Covering both simultaneously would make this book as disheveled as Allah’s. Therefore, since the focus has been the renunciation of the renunciation at Hudaybiyah, and thereby justifying the final raid against the Quraysh, we’ll stay the course since that attack has not yet occurred. Then in a subsequent chapter, we’ll contemplate the events before and after the raid on the Byzantine outpost in Tabuk.

Things were unraveling quickly. It got to the point where Muhammad couldn’t even bribe his mercenaries…

Quran 009.075 “And amongst them who made a deal al-Laha. If He gives us of His bounty, lo, we will truly give and surely we will be among the righteous. Quran 009.076 But when He gave them of His bounty, they became niggardly with it, and turned away (from their bargain), while they averse (refusing to pay).”

It was actually a pretty fair deal. They would share in what was stolen. But Muhammad got in the way and continued to rob the robbers of their spoils because he was an untrustworthy and greedy bastard.

435The Muslim mujahideen were an unhappy lot – as miserable as the man who had beguiled them. So the warlord said that their hypocrisy was a miracle…

Quran 009.077 “So He penalized them (by putting) hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day when they will meet Him because they broke al-Laha. What they had promised Him and because they used to lie.”

But the Devil was on to them like demons on Islam…

Quran 009.078 “Do not they know that al-Laha knows their secret and their secret conversation and that al-Laha knower the unseen?”

Other than to say that Allah was the best ridiculer, out-mocking the Muslims, and that the butt of the joke was a painful punishment, the rest of this is indecipherable.

Quran 009.079 “Those who criticize the ones who give willingly of the believers concerning correct, and those who not find except their effort so the ridicule them. Allah will ridicule them. And for them, a painful punishment.”

When it comes to oft-forgiving those who are never to be forgiven, unless an exception is made because Allah is running short on murderers that week, the un-god is as capricious as he is unreliable.

Quran 009.080 “As forgiveness for them or not ask forgiveness for them if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times, never will al-Lahu forgive for them. That because they kafar | reconciled (disbelieved) in il-Lahi and His Rasuli and al-Lahu not guide the people the disobedient.”

The broken record that became the Quran screeches once again: peaceful Muslims must go to hell because they aren’t natural-born killers – i.e., sons born unto Muslim mujahideen, akin to the especially keen killers among the Gazans.

Quran 009.081 “Rejoice those who remained behind in their staying behind Messenger al-Lahi (in the Tabuk expedition). They hated to jihad | strive and fight with their wealth and their lives in the 436Cause of al-Lahi. They said, ‘Go not forth in the heat.’ Say, ‘Hell Fire is fiercer and more intense heat. If they could understand.’”

What a snappy retort – “Die of heat here in the desert or in hell…see if I care.” These must have been exasperating times for the Snake and his handler.

Quran 009.082 “So let them laugh a little, let them weep much a reward for what they did.

Quran 009.083 Then if al-Lahu returns you (from the campaign) to a party of them (hypocrites) and they ask permission to go out (to fight), then say, ‘Never will you come out with me ever. And never will you slaughter and slay with me any enemy. Lo, you were satisfied with sitting inactive first time, so sit with (the useless) who lag behind.’”

Now that’s meaner for a Muslim – “Never, ever, will you murder with me.” It meant, of course, that there would be no babes in the brothel for the peaceniks.

Quran 009.084 “And not you pray for any of them who dies, ever, and not you stand by his grave. Lo, verily, they kafar with il-Lahi and His Rasuli and died while they were disobedient.”

They were unhappy campers. Without Jews to abuse, mutilate, rape, enslave, and rob, times were tough in Muslimburg. Clearly, Muhammad was annoyed more by non-murderous Muslims than by Christians, Jews, or polytheists.

Those who play with mercenaries soon learn that they aren’t nice people. Perhaps this is why Allah was a recluse.

Quran 009.085 “And not impress you their wealth and their sons, exciting your admiration. Al-Lahu only plans to punish them with it in the world, and will depart their souls while they disbelievers.

Quran 009.086 And when was revealed a Suratun that believe in il-Lahi and Jihad to strive hard and fight along with His Messenger, men of wealth and influence among them ask your permission (for exemption from Jihad), and said, ‘Leave us be with those who are inactive.’”

437Quran 009.087 “They prefer to be with those who remain behind. Their hearts are sealed and so they understand not.”

Muhammad stayed behind at home with his harem on fifty of the seventy-five raids he initiated; so he, too, was a hypocrite – the biggest of them all. But the message here is direct and blunt – Muslims who are not jihadists, and thus murdering, thieving, enslaving, and raping terrorists are hypocrites destined for hell.

In this Suratun, Satan has insisted that Muslims must fight and kill on command. Those who would perform as Muslims in every other way were condemned. So it begs the question – why was Allah so insistent on threatening them? Why not just leave them alone and press on with the militants? Why make everyone’s life miserable and bad?

Sadly, the answer to that question is that Islam was so repulsive that Allah could not prevail if Muslims were allowed to think and decide anything for themselves. They would chip away at the deadliest and most immoral aspects of Islam leaving Satan without the means to achieve his agenda.

Good Muslims are bad people. Islam makes them that way. And while all Muslims aren’t terrorists, all of the good ones are.

Quran 009.088 “But the Messenger and those who believe in him, jihad | strove hard and fought with their wealth and their lives. Those, for them, the good things and those, they successful ones. Quran 009.089 Al-Lahu has prepared for them Gardens flows from underneath it the rivers abide forever in it. That the great success.”

Al-Lahu repeated his decadent vow to tantalize Muslim men and boys so often that Arabs either came to believe the Lord of Abrogation or they believed that the Godfather and his gang would kill them otherwise.

Once upon a time, in the years before Islam, Arabs were peace- and freedom-loving people. But not anymore.

438Quran 009.090 “And came the ones who make excuses of al-A’rabi | the Arabs, that permission be granted to them and sat those who lied al-Laha and His Rasula. Will strike those who disbelieved among them a painful punishment.”

Why did Allah bother with that name since he is far more comfortable being the Painful Punisher? And rather than Muhammad, why not Terrifying Terrorist – although at the moment, he was more of a Tormented Terrorist? There is a nice alliteration with both and no conflict of interest. Then, rather than calling the other guy, Iesa bin Maryam, he could be Jihadi Jesus. And, I rather like the resonance of Murdering Musa the Mujahid, May Peace Be Upon Him. For giggles, we could call the non-prophet and un-god “Make no Excuses,” but that wouldn’t work because it didn’t apply to them. So what about Hellacious Hypocrites, since it rings true?

Quran 009.091 “Not on the weak and feeble, not on the diseased and disordered, and not on those who not they find what they saleable as hypocrites any blame if they sincere and faithful to il-Lahi and His Rasuli. Not on the good doers any way. And al-Lahu oft-forgiving, most-merciful. Quran 009.092 And not on those who when when they came to you that you provide them with mounts you said, ‘Not I find what to mount you on it.’ They turned back with their eyes flowing of the tears of sorrow that not they find what they spend. Quran 009.093 Only the way on those who ask your permission while they rich. They satisfied to be with those who stay behind and al-Lahu sealed on their hearts so they not know.”

No matter what we call them, two things remain certain: only killing counts and literacy doesn’t. For example, on the get-out-of-jihad-alive list, the Arabic word for “hypocrite,” yunfiq, was used to say either “they saleable” or “what they spend.” The “good doers,” for whom “not…any way,” was from muh’sin, whose primary connotation is “handsome,” suggesting that jihadists are ugly. And speaking of nasty, what’s with, “Not I find what to mount you on it?” And since this is supposed to be exempt from murder group, why are they “turning back with their eyes flowing of the tears of sorrow that not 439they find what they spend (which is again indistinguishable from ‘hypocrite’)?” And if that were not word-salad whiplash, why is “only the way” provided for the “rich…who are satisfied to be with those who stay at home?” Isn’t “the way” supposed to be a good thing in Islam? Do you suppose the Painful Punisher sealed his own heart by accident so that he not know? Or was it simply an occupational hazard?

While it’s confusing, Islam isn’t complicated. Believe in Allah and become a Jihadist… Bukhari:V1B2N25 “Allah’s Apostle was asked, ‘What is the best deed?’ He replied, ‘To believe in Allah and His Apostle Muhammad.’ The questioner then asked, ‘What is the next best in goodness?’ He replied, ‘To participate in Jihad, religious fighting in Allah's Cause.’”

Islam’s condemnation of peace marched on…

Quran 009.094 “They will make excuses to you when you returned to them. Say, ‘Not make excuse. Never we will believe you. Verily al-Lahu informed us of your news and al-Lahu will you’re your deeds and His Messenger. Then you will be brought back to knower the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what you used do.’

Quran 009.095 They will swear to you by il-Lahi when you return to them that you may turn away from them. So turn away from them. Lo, they impure and their abode Hell, a reward for what they used earn.

Quran 009.096 They swear to you that you may be pleased with them. But if you are pleased with them, then, lo, al-Laha not pleased with the people disobedient.”

According to Allah and the Quran, it is impossible to be a Muslim and a good person. They are mutually exclusive concepts. All able-bodied Muslims are either terrorists or they are hell bound. They fight and kill on command or their god and religion become their enemy.

Let it be known that in the Arab – Israeli conflict, Allah disparages both sides…

440Quran 009.097 Al-A’rabi | the Arabs are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which al-Lahu has revealed to His Messenger. And al-Lahu all-knower, wise.

Quran 009.098 And among al-A’rabi who takes what he spends a loss and he awaits for you the turns. Upon them the turn the evil. And al-Lahu all-hearer, all-knower.”

To circumvent the realization that Islam’s un-god was a racist, demeaning Jews and then Arabs, al-A’rabi is rendered as “Bedouins,” “dwellers of the desert,” and “Nomads,” in many translations, while others try to limit the damage Allah has done to his image by errantly suggesting that al-A’rabi only represented a certain type of Arab. We find: “wandering Arabs, bedouin Arabs, village Arabs, rural Arabs, nomadic Arabs, and variations of desert Arabs, Desert-Arabs, and desert-dwelling Arabs (as if there were any other kind at the time).” Only two of the sixty-six translators I routinely reference in this investigation displayed the intellectual integrity to acknowledge that al-A’rabi means “the Arabs,” period. It is from the Hebrew ‘arab, which has the same meaning. But to be fair, honesty isn’t a virtue in Islam.

Nonetheless, this declaration, whereby Allah is saying that the Arabs were the worst people, that they were hypocrites, stingy and evil ignoramuses, should be deeply concerning for Muslims. Inclusive from the Jews, which he called Apes and Pigs while exterminating them, these two ethnicities would have comprised almost everyone Allah had encountered during his excursions with Muhammad in Arabia – even if we accept the myth that he slithered alongside during all of the terrorist raids.

Then, pouring fuel on the fire, when referencing black Africans, he called them “Devils,” which I suppose could have been a compliment considering Allah was Satan. While there were some Nabateans and Sabaeans in Petra, they stayed on the periphery, with the Bani Hashim and Quraysh 441clans, both of which would have been either Arabian or Jewish, taking center stage.

The conclusion that Islamic scholars are trying to avoid is that Allah hates people – everyone – which is why they must either be slaves and killers or dead. It is why he has prepared a sadistic array of tortures for them which he eagerly anticipates perpetrating. It is why he takes such pride in the fabled annihilation of entire civilizations. And it explains why he taunts Muslims, telling them that, should they shirk the command to slaughter and spoil, he will replace them.

This Quranic admission by Allah serves to underscore two of the most important points I’ve made throughout God Damn Religion. First, since the Quran has confirmed it, and it is obvious, let’s admit that the Snake slithered into Arabia because it was isolated and his target audience was largely illiterate and ignorant. Civilization, and with it, advancements in writing, rhetoric, education, literature, the sciences, philosophy, culture, jurisprudence, economics, governance, and religion bypassed Arabia. The searing and blowing sands made it impenetrable militarily and economically; so it was far cheaper, safer, and faster for commerce and trade to pass around the desert via the sea to the east, south, and west and great rivers to the north.

The intellectual and literary vacuum that existed within the Arabian Desert was, therefore, the most ideal environment to conjure the myth that Satan was God and that he wanted to fight and kill humankind. Nowhere else would have been as conducive for an un-book as inarticulate and immoral, as ruthlessly savage and demonic, as this one to pass for divine writ. Also beneficial, the belligerents were within a stone’s throw of Israel.

The second point is that Islam corrupted Arabs, turning all who became good Muslims into bad people. It has kept them mired in the 7th century while producing 70 generations 442of unthinking, anti-Semitic, terrorists who remain as ignorant as they are irrational and immoral. The question: have Islamic jihadists and mujahideen corrupted Islam or has Islam corrupted the Islamic terrorists has been answered.

This known, al-Lahu was in a pickle. Arabs were his only option, so while he despised and denigrated them, he still needed their wealth and lives to perpetrate Islam. Therefore, after saying this, as translated by Yusuf Ali, “The Arabs of the desert are the worst in Unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger: But Allah is All-knowing, All-Wise,” the un-god hedged his bet using borrowed money…

Quran 009.099 “But among al-A’rabi who believes in il-Lahi and the Day the last and takes what he spends means of nearness with al-Lahi and blessings al-Rasuli. Behold, lo, it a means of nearness for them. Al-Lahu will admit them His mercy. Verily, al-Laha of-forgiving, most-merciful.”

As is the case with many religions, but especially so with Islam, spending provides access to the deity. Consider this the Islamic version of the Roman Catholic Indulgence.

There was a caste system in Islam. Muhammad, as the Godfather, was on top. The next most powerful and enriched were al-Muhajairina, which means “abandoned and forsaken,” but is changed to “Emigrants” for Muslim sensibilities. Although, they were more correctly categorized as malicious and thieving invaders, akin to the Philistines of old. They were murderous and parasitic – which I suppose made them the exemplars for Muslims. Al-Ansari | the Helpers were next, even though they were treated like low-level grunts. They did the work and al-Muhajairina took the glory and booty. It was a similar system to the feudal system of lords and serfs imposed by the Roman Catholic Church. Al-A’rabi | the Arabs of the Desert were beneath the Helpers, as they were seldom counted among the Muslim militants – at least prior to the War of Compulsion. In the fifth slot, were slaves, which 443were exceedingly prolific among the mujahideen, as they were collectors, abductors, and human traffickers. They were followed by Muslim women, who were relegated to being jihad factories, and then non-Muslim women.

Quran 009.100 “And the foremost the first among al-Muhajirina | the abandoned and forsaken (the emigrants) and al-Ansari | the Helpers, and those who followed them in ih’sanin | pleasing and handsomeness (good), al-Lahu is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. And He has done an accounting and inventory to prepare for them Jannatin | Jinn (Gardens) beneath, under, and below it the repulsive reproach of flowing rivers will remain in it constantly. That the great the success.”

I have hinted all along that Jannatin can be translated as “Jinnatin | Demons” or as “Jannatin | Gardens” since the “a” which distinguishes them in our transliterations does not appear in the Arabic text. This means that Allah’s Heaven is really Hell because it is the home of demons.

The oft-repeated and absurd pagan notion of undermining rivers beneath the Garden of Demons is telling, as is the nomenclature around it. The flow is not only subterranean, which would be of no benefit, it is repulsive. Further, just as demons will be eternally incarcerated in She’owl, such is the case with deceased jihadists. The only success here is that Satan has fooled so many, robbing Muslims of their souls and their victims of their lives.

Quran 009.101 “And among those around you of al-A’rabi, are munafiquna | the hypocrites for sale. And from people al-madinati | the city. They persist in al-nifaqi | the hypocrisy not you know them, We, Ourselves, know them. We will punish them twice then they will be returned to a great punishment.”

I think Allah might actually prefer the Painful Punisher title. Once again, those who will neither surrender their money nor lives to a death cult are threatened with ghoulish punishments administered by the religion’s god.

444Quran 009.102 “And others acknowledged their sins. They had mixed a deed right with other evil. Perhaps al-Lahu that will turn to them. Lo, al-Laha oft-forgiving, Rahim.”

Are the sins to be acknowledged a refusal to be mass-murdering thieves, to having foregone enslaving people, to yearning for freedom and the truth? And what could possibly be considered as evil under the circumstance where false gods, false witness, coveting, stealing, adultery, and killing are good?

Continuing to berate those who do not perform, pay, obey, fight, and kill, the Painful Punisher contradicts himself and tells the Tormented Terrorist to take their money anyway.

Quran 009.103 “Take from their wealth sadaqatan | a truth, cleaning them. And cause them increase by it. And prayer them. Lo, your prayer settles and quiets them. And al-Lahu all-hearer, all-knower.”

Only in Islam is the forcible confiscation of someone’s property a “truth.” Stealing is “cleansing,” which is perhaps where the concept of money laundering was born. And the more a Muslim confiscates, the more the victim benefits. The magic must be in the uncited, albeit delusional, prayer.

Quran 009.104 “Do not they know that al-Laha, He accepts the return from His slaves and takes the truth and that al-Laha, He, the acceptor of return, al-Rahim. Quran 009.105 And say, ‘Do then al-Lahu will see your deed and His Rasulu and the believers. And you will be brought back to knower the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what you used do.’”

Out of curiosity, who are Muslims to believe is speaking to them? Is Satan so detached from his actual persona that he must address his faux nature in third person?

Qruan 009.106 “And others deferred for the Command al-Lahi whether He will punish them or He will turn to them. And al-Lahu all-knower, wise.”

445In this case, akharuna, the word translated as “others,” is more accurately rendered “go backwards, retreat, postpone, and defer.” Mur’jawna, translated as “deferred,” means “to hope.” And ‘adhib, in addition to “punish” conveys “castigating chastisement, torture and torment,” in addition to “retribution which can be tasted.” So this is hardly encouraging.

Muslims cannot even buy their way out of Jihad. And that is why we read the oft-repeated line, “strive with their wealth and their lives.” But in this case, I must cry foul. There were at the time only two mosques on the planet, that is if we discount the one attributed to the flying Donk-Mule which was strategically positioned directly beneath the Islamic hell. The first was in KabaVille, but it was built by pagans for pagan rock gods. And it was the one Muhammad coveted and was about to confiscate. The other was in Yathrib, the city Muslims invaded and ravaged. That mosque was comprised of and defined by the bedrooms of Muhammad’s victims of pedophilia, incest, and rape. And that makes this rant exceedingly hypocritical, which is why I thought it was important to translate each word literally…

Quran 009.107 “And there are those who take a mosque harmfully by force and conceal a division among the believers and as an ambush for whoever wared, battling, spoiling, and plundering al-Laha and His Rasula from before.

And lo, they will swear, ‘Not we wish except the good,’ but al-Lahu bears witness, verily, they surely liars. Quran 009.108 Not stand in it ever. A Masjid | lowly place of submissive worship founded on fear and warding off from first day more suitable that you stand in it. When it men who love to clean themselves and al-Lahu prefers the ones who clean themselves.

Quran 009.109 Then is who laid foundation his building on right from al-Lahi and pleasure better or who founded his building on curing and removing (the edge of a cliff) that which is ruinous (collapse). So it was ruinous (collapsed) with him in Hell Fire. So al-Lahu not guide the wrongdoing people.

446Quran 009.110 Not continue their building which they built a doubt in their hearts except that cut into pieces their hearts. And al-Lahu knower, wise.”

The first mosque was devoted to rock gods and goddesses and it was administered by pagans. It was exceedingly divisive and Muslims, with Allah’s insistence, set up an ambush to take it.

But how small does the Islamic wannabe god have to be for people to successfully war against him? The only way around this slip of the lip is to suggest that the Quraysh warred with Muhammad over it, but that would then make the non-prophet his god.

Nonetheless, when the Tormented Terrorists left the Painful Punisher alone to claw his way to supremacy among the hundreds of other idols in the rock pile, Allah got testy and declared that men must die. There was a lot of swearing, but none of it was good and most of it was disavowed. And in the annals of human history, never had a twosome lied more often or egregiously than Muhammad and Allah.

The Ka’aba was profitable because it was welcoming and accommodating. It was Allah who insisted upon fear and submission. But KabaVille was not known for cleanliness because in Petra, the aqueduct supplying water crumbled in a 4th-century earthquake and Mecca was exceedingly dry. Dirt bath, anyone?

As for the parable of the crumbling cliff tumbling into the Hell Fire, Allah may have set a new standard for incredulous parables. And it played so nicely into the Painful Punisher’s exposé on slicing and dicing the hearts of the doubters.

According to the Quran, Allah has purchased the believers (bribed them with booty), and all “good” Muslims are killers. This, too, may be a new low-water mark for Islam.

447Quran 009.111 “Lo, al-Laha purchased from the believers their lives and their wealth because for them al-Janata | the Jinn Garden. They slay and slaughter in the way of al-Lahi, and they kill and they are killed – a promise upon Him true in al-Tawrati and al-Injili and a-Qur’ani. And who more faithful to his promise than al-Lahi? So, rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted with it. And that, it, the great success.”

Not surprisingly, just as there was no Qur’ani, there was no receipt for this transaction from Hell. So, there were no takers, only taken. But let there be no argument on the intent of Islam. Allah was conceived to steal the wealth and lives of people. Muslims kill and they are killed. That is Allah’s promise.

While it is in the Quran, you will not find it in al-Tawrati or al-Injili. And, therefore, Allah lied. And since he was deliberately dishonest in something that can be readily checked, what is the likelihood that he told the truth on the other end of this transaction – the Garden of Jinn? So, who are you going to trust?

Quran 009.112 “Those who turn in return, those who worship, those who praise, those who go out, those who bow down, those who prostrate, those who enjoin the right and those who forbid on the wrong, and those who observe the limits al-Lahi and give glad tidings the believers,… (?)”

The Devil is already altering the deal. Previously, it was your money, your life, and the lives of others and you are in. That was the exchange. But now al-Lahi, without the benefit of a complete sentence, is upping the ante. He wants to be worshiped, to be praised, for men to go out and terrorize in his name, to bow down, prostrating themselves to the point of humiliation. And who knew that we ought not trust the Devil?

As we wind our way to the bitter end of the Quran’s 113th recital, we find the Painful Punisher and Tormented Terrorist spiteful to the last. The non-prophet cries in the name of his un-god…

448Quran 009.113 “Not is for the prophet and those who believe that they ask forgiveness for the reconciled (polytheists) even though they be near of kin, and thus family, from after what has become clear to them that they companions the Hell Fire.”

Don’t pray to save your family. Allah wants you to kill them so that he can roast them in hell. It is Satan’s Covenant, after all.

Looking for a way to justify his lack of compassion, or at least make it seem holy, the Snake regurgitated one of his favorite lies pertaining to the revisionist and overtly dishonest, violent, and pagan Islamic Ibrahim. It is as if the wannabe God was incapable of establishing even the most menial and mercurial of religions on his own recognizance.

Quran 009.114 “Not was asking forgiveness Ib’rahima for his father except because a promise he had promised it him, but when it became clear to him that he an enemy to il-Lahi, he disassociated from him. Lo, verily, Ib’rahima compassionate, forbearing.”

The one and only original and credible presentation of ‘Abram’s journey from Babel to Yisra’el and onto the Promised Land, is detailed in Bare’syth – the first book of the Towrah. In it, there were no conversations with or promises made to Terach (mistakenly called Azar in the Quran). Il-Lahi wasn’t mentioned in the story. Terach wasn’t anyone’s enemy.

However, it is easy to see why Muhammad believed otherwise. In rabbinic literature, Terach was a “wicked idolatrous priest” (Numbers Rabbah 19:1 and Midrash HaGadol Genesis 11:28). Even the Quranic account of him “manufacturing idols” came from rabbis (Eliyahu Rabba 6 and Eliyahu Zuta 25). And as we know, the fable that is repeated in the Quran of a young Abraham “in opposition to his father’s idol shop, smashing dad’s idols and then chasing his customers away,” was concocted by rabbis and sold to Muhammad for Quran fodder. It, along with the impossible connection with Nimrod, who threw him into a fiery furnace was first told in Genesis Rabbah 38:13. Even the Zohar has 449G-d saving Abram from the furnace (Zohar Genesis 1:77b) – another fable incorporated into the Quran, where the fire was told to be cool.

This Quranic detour down Un-Family and Non-Sympathetic Lane by the un-god and his non-prophet leads to another word salad…

Quran 009.115 “And not is al-Lahu that He lets go astray a people after when He has guided them until He makes clear to them what they should fear. Lo, verily, al-Laha every thing all-knower.

Quran 009.116 Lo, al-Laha, lahu | to Him, the dominion the heavens and the earth. He gives life and He causes death. And not for you besides form al-Lahi any protector and hot any helper.

Quran 009.117 Verily, turned al-Lahu to the Prophet and the Emigrants and the Ansar, those who followed him in hour difficulty from after what had nearly deviated hearts a part of them then He turned to them. Lo, He to them most-kind, Rahim.”

It is easy to see why Muslims, convinced that this serpentine beast is God, fear him. He is an egomaniacal narcissist and a sadistic psychopath with a penchant for cruelty who is devoid of empathy. But what are we to make of the previous sentence? Who is turning to whom, where, why, and when? And what was so horrible that the Islamic god was devastated over the hour of difficulty that nearly deviated hearts? And if it was so important, why wasn’t it explained? Or, are we back to the original premise – the Quran was only recited for Muhammad and became obsolete the moment he died?

Once again, since we are not told anything about “the three who were left behind,” how and why the “earth was straitened,” or what this meant to “souls without a refuge,” the recital means nothing to anyone apart from those who heard it recited 1,400 years ago.

Quran 009.118 “And on the three those who were left behind until when straitened for them the earth though it was vast. And straightened for them their own souls and they were certain that no 450refuge from al-Lahi except to Him. Then He turned to them that they may return. Verily, al-Laha, He, the acceptor of return, the Rahim. Quran 009.119 O you who believed, fear al-Laha and be with those who are right.”

The reason books are arranged either chronologically or by subject is that they are senseless otherwise. The Quran is a worst-case example because it also dispenses with transitions, context, and literacy. And yet, the incompetence of the revisor and reciter was explained away as a miracle of the Quran. Should the stench of verbal diarrhea not be to your liking, it is only because the Lord of Delusions placed a seal on your heart.

Turns out, even the Quran confirms that I was right about Arabs. Before Islam was imposed upon them, they were reasonably moral and relatively nonviolent, peace and freedom-loving people. Islam ruined them.

Quran 009.120 “Not it was people of the city and who were around them of al-A’rabi that they remain behind after Rasuli of al-Lahi and not they prefer their lives to his life. That is because not afflict them thirst, not fatigue, and not hunger in way al-Lahi. Not they step any step that angers the disbelievers and not they inflict on an enemy an infliction except is recorded for them in it a deed right. Lo, al-Laha not allow to be lost the reward the deed doers.”

It was the sin of sins. The non-Muslim and marginally Muslim Arabs not only preferred living to dying, they valued their lives and those of their family and neighbors, over that of the terrorist invader. But think of the insanity of condemning moral Arabs for underappreciating the worst man who ever lived and refusing to murder Christians for him at the inception of a religious war.

Since Allah didn’t have any positive news to report during the mounting insurrection following the ignominious capitulation, he became a spin master. With the exception of Khabar, which had been a genocidal bloodbath, the recent Islamic raids had either fizzled or they had been insufficient to feed the monster Muhammad had created – especially 451since all of the productive people in Yathrib had been robbed, exiled, or exterminated. So, the Painful Punisher is bragging that he was just as good as Yahowah, even better, because he kept his mujahideen watered, fed, and inspired during their Exodus from Arabia to Aqaba. Okay, so it wasn’t exactly the same since they were headed toward Egypt to enslave and were the armed force pursuing innocent people rather than those seeking freedom, but it was clever of Satan, nonetheless.

For those who may have been skeptics as to whether Muhammad created Islam to serve his personal agenda, this entire surah is reasonably convincing. Muslims must prefer Muhammad’s life to their own. But once he died, how was that possible?

Continuing to reinforce the sad reality that the Quran served one man and plundered all others, we read…

Quran 009.121 “And not they spend any spending small and not big and not they cross a valley but is recorded for them that al-Lahu may reward them the best what they used do.”

The Profit gets his in this life; his stooges get theirs in the next. How convenient.

Allah ordered Muslims to evangelize with the sword. Evidently, his words weren’t compelling…

Quran 009.122 “Not is the believers that they go forth all together so if not go forth from every group among them a party that they may obtain knowledge in the religion and they may warn their people when they return to them so that they may beware.”

Someone had to stay behind to ensure that Muhammad’s stolen babes and booty were recycled by the noncompliant Arabs. Moreover, the partial exemption gave the non-prophet a convenient excuse for staying home and playing house two raids out of every three. He was the most horrible of hypocrites, after all.

452The un-god of Islam commanded Muslims to slaughter and slay one last time in the 9th surah, a Surrotten that should be renamed: “Muslims Murder.”

Quran 009.123 “O you who believe, qatil | slaughter and slay, fight to kill, and strive to murder those who are close to you and turn away from you of al-Kufar | the Reconciled (Disbelievers) and let them find in you ghilaz | viciousness and harshness, savagery. And know that al-Laha with those who fear.”

We have been fed a steady diet of qatil | killing. It is Allah’s favorite verb and Muhammad’s obsession. Qatil defines Islam: “to kill, put to death, slay and slaughter, and to murder by waging war on humanity.”

And let’s be clear – the first and best Muslims were inspired by Muhammad and Allah to slaughter for spoils – they shed blood for booty and babes. They were not defending themselves. The Islamic jihadists comprising Allah’s mujahideen were merciless and savage terrorists. That is what Islam had become. It is the message of the 9th surah. Good Muslims Kill.

And they don’t even do that nicely, but instead act like the Islamic terrorists who raided Israel on October 7th, 2023, when they raped, tortured, taunted, and mutilated those they murdered. Islam had turned the Gazans into maniacal monsters and sadistic savages. And this is the tale told by ghilaz | vicious savagery. It is found ten times in the Quran. Most recently, we read about ghilaz in Quran 009.073 “O Prophet, Jihad | Strive and Fight al-Kufar | the Reconciled and al-Munafiq | the Hypocrites, and be ghalaz | savagely vicious, severe, harsh, and grotesque with them. Their abode Hell, and the destination of adversity and submissiveness.”

Previously, qhilaz was defined for us in the 66th Suratun. After saying – Quran 066.001 “O Prophet! Why you forbid and prohibit what al-Lahu has made lawful for you?” we read, Quran 066.002 “Verily, al-Lahu has ordained, authorized, and sanctioned for you dissolution of your vows, promises, and oaths.” Then upon threatening them with his killer angels and murdering 453mujahideen, the diabolical rant leads to, Quran 066.005 “Perhaps, just maybe, his Lord, if he divorced you that He will substitute for him wives better than you – submissive, faithful, obedient, repentant, who worship, inclined to fasting, previously married and virgins.” Now in context, this brings us to ghilaz coupled with shidad in conjunction with people being used to fuel hell’s fires… Quran 066.006 “O who believe! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose kindling is people and the stones. Over it ghilaz | gross, coarse, and stern, vicious, harsh, and savage angels, shidad | severe and grievous, terrible and miserable, shackling and binding like wardens, who flinch not and never disobey the commands they receive from al-Laha, but do what they are commanded.”

And should that not be enough to paint this sadistic portrait of Allah for you, ghilaz was repeated in the 9th verse of the same Suratun in association with jihad… Quran 066.009 “O Prophet! Jihad | Strive hard, fighting against the unbelieving Infidels and the Hypocrites. And ghilaz | be grotesque, coarse, and stern, vicious, harsh, savage, and severe against them. Their abode is Hell, an evil resort and wretched destination.”

A variation of ghilaz is found Quran 004.021, Quran 004.154, and Quran 033.007 to present Allah’s maniacal rendition of his inhuman Covenant with the Jews. He calls it ghilaz – which certainly seems fitting for Satan.

This terrible term is used again in the 14th Suratun which begins incredulously, even by Allah’s standards, before turning sadistic. We’ll pick up the story with the 13th verse… Quran 014.013 “And said those who kafar to their rusuli, “Lo, we will drive you out of our land or verily you should return to our religion.’ So inspired to them their Rabbu, ‘We will surely destroy al-zalim | cruel tyrants (wrongdoers).’ Quran 014.014 And lo, We will make you dwell the land from after them that whoever fears standing before Me and fears My Threat. Quran 014.015 And they sought victory and disappointed every obstinate tyrant. Quran 014.016 Ahead of him, Hell. And he will be made to drink boiling and festering water. Quran 014.017 He will sip it, but not he will be near swallowing it. And will come to him the death from every side, but not he will die. And ahead of him a ghilaz | gross, harsh, and savagely vicious punishment.”

454Next, we find the nasty nature of ghalaz reinforced in Quran 031.023-24, which says: “Whoever kafar, let not bother you his kufru. To Us their return. Then We will inform them of what they did. Lo, al-Laha the all-knower of what the breasts. We grant them enjoyment a little, then We force them to endure a ghalaz | savagely vicious punishment.”

We find ghalaz used in conjunction with Allah’s savagery in the 41st Suratun. Therefore, when we compare this to what he ordered Muslims to do in the 9th Surah, it is readily apparent that the un-god of the Quran told his jihadists to act just like him… Quran 041.050 “But We will surely inform those who kafar about what they did and We will surely make them taste of a ghalaz | savagely vicious punishment,”…and they do.

Shame on those in politics and the media who say Islam is a peaceful religion. By doing so, they aid and abet an enemy that grows more numerous, more committed, and more callous every day. They are accomplices to murder.

It was evident from the Never-Ending Argument that the preponderance of Arabs correctly rejected Muhammad’s Quranic recitals even as they fell off of the Rasuli’s perverted lips. That did not change in Yathrib…

Quran 009.124 “And whenever is revealed a Suratun, among them who say, ‘Which of you increased it this faith?’ As for those who believe, then it has increased them faith and they rejoice.”

That’s quite the admission: “Whenever a Suratun was revealed,” there were “those among” the Muslims “who asked, ‘Whose faith was increased by this?’” Without an answer and in response to those who were informed, rational, and moral, the source of the plague protested…

Quran 009.125 “But as for those in their hearts a disease increases them evil to their evil. And they die while they kafir. Quran 009.126 Do not they see that they are tired in every year once or twice? Yet not they turn and not they heed. Quran 009.127 And whenever is revealed a Suratun, look some of them to others, ‘Do you 455see any one?’ Then, they turn away. Al-Lahu has turned away their hearts because they a people not they understand.”

Right is wrong, good is bad, this god is the Devil, and people die. It is the story of Islam.

Recognizing that a’azu means mighty, strengthened, honored, invincible, and proud, it is apparent that the Rasuli fed upon the suffering of the kafir. As such, it affirms the diagnosis of a psychopath…

Quran 009.128 “Surely, come to you a Rasulun from yourselves. He is a’azu | strengthened and invincible, honored and proud of what anitturn | you suffer in distress for the criminal act of being spoiled, restrained, beaten, and killed, haris | greedy, covetous, culpable, and solicitous over you. For the believers, kind, Rahim.”

When we consider the actual and preferred meanings of the words conveyed throughout the Quran, it is a confession. The non-prophet and un-god admitted their crimes. The worst of men was strengthened by the suffering of his victims. He was proud of his criminal enterprise. He became invincible by spoiling, restraining, beating, and killing his prey, human beings, because he was greedy. A covetous and culpable man solicited the demise of all mankind. It was so kind and merciful of him.

Quran 009.129 But if they turn away, then say, ‘Sufficient for me al-Lahu. No god but Him. On Him I put my trust. And He Rabbu | Lord the Great the Throne.”

The worst in human behavior was given a religious sheen by Satan so that Muslims could slaughter and spoil with impunity. The Lord of the Throne has spoken.
