307God Damn Religion


…Good Muslims Kill



Legacy of Terror


The battle cry of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah that night was: ‘Kill! Kill! Kill!’
Tabari VIII:141

The battle cry was: ‘Kill, kill, kill!’


Now that the Black Stone has been kissed and fondled by its perverted prophet, Muhammad’s alter ego is found frolicking in his Rasuli’s brothel. The surah is called Al Hujurat | The Apartments.

In order to provide the proper context for this revelation we need to understand the nature of Muhammad’s mosque. First, it was his mosque, not Allah’s. Second, it was symbolic of his mission. By building the Medina mosque, Muslims turned a productive farm into a command center for terrorist raids. The site had also been a graveyard, so Islam was literally built on the backs of dead infidels.

Third, the design reflected Muhammad’s cravings. The place of prostration was an open and dusty courtyard. What gave it shape and boundaries were the two dozen interconnected apartments, or bedrooms, that had been built for Muhammad’s wives, concubines, and sex slaves.

The 49th surah begins by putting Muslims in their place, although by doing so, Muhammad reveals that he’s indistinguishable from Allah.

Quran 049.001 “O you who believe, do not put forward (yourself) before al-Lahi and His Rasuli. So fear al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha all-hearer, all-knower.

308Quran 049.002 O you who believe, not raise your voices above voice of the Prophet, and do not be loud lahu | to him in speech, like loudness some of you to others, lest your deeds become nullified and worthless while you not perceive.

Quran 049.003 Verily, those who lower their voices presence Rasuli al-Lahi, those the ones al-Lahu has tested their hearts for rightness. For them, forgiveness and an immense reward.”

This is likely the one-thousandth example thus far demonstrating that the Quran was recited entirely for Muhammad’s benefit – and to the detriment of all others. By the time the Quran became a book, the non-prophet was dead, and solitude was the last of his concerns. That makes Quran 049.001-3 a complete waste of breath and ink. But it is actually far worse when seen from the proper context.

Think for a moment just how utterly incongruous this would have been under these circumstances. The Muslims who brought us the Quran and Hadith were returning from their big score against the Jews at Khabar. There would have been a thousand filthy mujahideen milling about with their chain mail armor, metal shields, and swords clanking. Their prized war horses would have been snorting, drinking, and relieving themselves.

Against this din of terror, there would have been the piercing shrieks and whimpering cries of several thousand exasperated children, now slaves, who had been required to walk the entire distance through the searing desert, all burdened with spoils as if they were mules. At the same time, thousands of cows and sheep were being slaughtered because the starving militants had stolen them and they were not shepherds.

While on their cruel crusade, they had foregone the formality of praying so that they could focus on butchering people and human trafficking, so now the “mosque” would have been bustling with prostrations and victorious shouts of “al-Lahu akbar!” But most of all, there would be the bloodcurdling and painful screams of Jewish women and 309children being raped. And with all of that commotion, it was too unruly a scene for the schizophrenic recluse with migraines to focus on properly abusing the children and sex slaves situated all around his mosque. And whether Muslims like it or not, that’s the unvarnished truth.

Islam was the Godfather’s religion. He was to be venerated and his indulgences satiated before those of his hoodlums. He was to be feared as if he were a god. It was all lahu | for him. Muslims were to be guided by and emulate a rapist and pedophile, a terrorist and thief, an annihilator and human trafficker. They would only speak when spoken to – not unlike the women and girls in the non-prophet’s harem. And should a Muslim annoy him by speaking out of turn, even for the best of mass murderers and slavers, all of their good deeds would be for naught.

Imagine that; a man so full of himself, so ego-centric and ego-maniacal, that after blowing toxic smoke up the butts of his Muslim malcontents, promising them booty and babes if they slaughtered and stole for him, he now says that if they speak too loudly in his presence that they will roast in hell along with those they have butchered. Then he, excuse me, his pretend god, says that forgiveness is for the mute along with an immense reward. So, now that they were flush with babes and booty, the grand prize was no longer being offered to the best mass murderer, slaver, and stealer. Only in Islam can something this utterly absurd be recited without repercussions.

The non-prophet and un-god weren’t done dicking with the dimwitted…

Quran 049.004 “Lo, verily, those who call you from behind the private chambers (apartments) most of them not understand and have no sense. Quran 049.005 And if they had waited patiently until you had come out to them, verily, it would be better for them. And al-Lahu oft-forgiving, most Rahim.”

310With so many little children and enslaved women, Muhammad didn’t want to be distracted from his duties; it’s tough being a 78-year-old stallion with a paunch. And he had a reputation to uphold as being the biggest pervert of all time – the best of abusers.

That said, even in a surrotten, a revelation focusing on the temporal and vain desires of a sadistic sexaholic pushes the boundaries of credulity and civility. He had crafted this role for himself with the help of the Devil, and by god, he was going to indulge. And heaven forbid that there would be a critic with a moral persuasion suggesting that prophet and pervert were separate career paths.

The Quran’s laundry list of immoral indulgences for libertine behavior served but one man – not so coincidently, the very same man who claimed that they were divine. This fraud is so transparent, it’s clear why Muslims are told not to question their non-prophet or his un-book. If they did, they wouldn’t be Muslims.

While there is no explaining the abrupt transition between being silent and demure around the non-prophet to perpetrating an ill-informed attack, that’s where the next verse takes us. Muhammad pleads…

Quran 049.006 “O you who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, investigate, lest you attack and harm a people ignorantly, then you become over what you have done regretful.”

Under the title, Lord of Hypocrisy, al-Lahu is worried that there might be an ignorant Muslim among the dunderheads and that he might harm someone regrettably without a proper investigation. But how is that possible since any informed or rational inquiry into Islam will yield the same negative result and the religion feeds on abusing others without reason or cause?

Since this investigation would have to be conducted away from the non-prophet to avoid annoying him, it had no merit since he was the only one authorized to make 311decisions. And once again, by the time ink stained the first parchment, the Quran was obsolete…

Quran 049.007 “Know that among you Rasula al-Lahi. If he were to obey you in much of the matter, lo, verily you would be in difficulty. But al-Laha has endeared to you the faith and has made it pleasing in your hearts and has made hateful to you disbelief and disobedience. Those, they the guided ones. Quran 049.008 An advantage from al-Lahi and favor. And al-Lahu knower, wise.”

So long as the preferred pedophile, lead rapist, the one authorized for incent, the ultimate womanizer, adulterer, fornicator, and polygamist, the most zealous terrorist and thief, their exemplary slaughterer and slaver, commands his submissives to satiate his cravings, Arabs will be exemplary Muslims. But what are they to do when he’s six feet under and rotting away in his grave?

There is no doubt that the worst of men found the religion of Islam to their liking. It was and remains perfectly suited for mindless morons, vicious terrorists, sadistic slaughterers, sexual perverts, heinous womanizers, and human traffickers everywhere. It is the Allah Advantage. So, it’s little wonder the best Muslims are hateful toward anyone who might tinker with their treats.

Muhammad wanted to spend his booty in his boudoir rather than on blood money to nullify hasty killings. So, this word salad was tossed up on cue…

Quran 049.009 “And if two parties among the believers fight and kill, then make peace between both of them. But if oppress one of them on the other then slaughter one which oppresses until it returns to command al-Lahi. Then if it returns then make peace between them with justice and act justly. Indeed, al-Laha loves those who act justly. Quran 049.010 Only the believers brothers so make peace between your brothers and fear al-Laha so that you may receive mercy.”

What a lovely way to resolve deadly disagreements between brothers who are coercive and subjugate others in competition with Muhammad. Killing rival killers is so 312equitable and fair, albeit served with a side of hypocrisy. After all, none have the right to be cruel lords and oppressive tyrants but al-Lahi and his Rasuli. And now you know why good Muslims have killed far more bad Muslims than infidels.

And speaking of hypocrisy, it tips the duplicity scale when the un-god who has deprived women of rights, sanctioned mass murder, the slave trade, armed robbery, and all manner of sexual perversions claims to love justice.

Only in the upside-down world of Islam is killing killers peaceful and is fear the catalyst to mercy. But we are not done with the double standards. The un-god and non-prophet of say-one-thing-and-do-another insist…

Quran 049.011 “O you who believe, not ridicule or mock a people of people perhaps that they may be better than them and not women of women perhaps that they may be better than them. And not insult yourselves and not call each other by nicknames. Wretched is the name disobedience after the faith. And whoever no repent then those they the cruel lords and oppressive tyrants.”

Normally, I would be tempted to mock the impoverished oratory and ridicule the prohibition against pet names but, instead, I’ll take the high road and thank Satan and the Devil’s Advocate for the warning. There is no reason to mention that Allah called Jews “apes and pigs” because that would be pejorative and inflammatory, maybe even Islamophobic.

So, would it be appropriate to say that faith is based on assumptions or fair to remind readers that in the 4th surah, Allah insisted that Muslims spy on themselves and their parents for him?

Quran 049.012 “O you who believe, avoid much of the assumption. Lo, verily, some assumption sin. And not spy and not backbite some of you others. Would like one of you to eat flesh his dead brother? Nay, you would hate it. And fear al-Laha. Lo, al-Laha oft returning, Rahim.”

313I’m sure glad al-Laha posed that probing question for the sake of the would-be cannibals out there because some might have tried Brother ala Allah, roasted well done with crispy skin, only to have an aversion for it. Who knows, they might prefer dining on the pre-roasted corpse of a murdered Jew.

To be fair, we must hand it to al-Lahu on curtain calls. He is oft-returning. He was there for many of man’s most infamous moments, including getting ‘Adam and Chawah removed from the Garden, quickly beguiling those outside of it, thus necessitating the flood, and then working with the Babylonians to integrate religion and politics, setting the scene for future generations. I suspect he encouraged the Pharaohs to enslave God’s people, assisted the Assyrians and Babylonians in their conquests of Israel and Judah, and then served alongside the leaders of Greece and Rome as they bludgeoned Jews. He is known to have inspired Paul to create Christianity, but likely also worked with Akiba in the promotion of rabbinical Judaism and their false Messiah. His crowning achievement was undoubtedly Islam, but Nazism was a close second. And we know that he is returning to Jerusalem one final time to impose himself as the Lord of the Worlds in our not-too-distant future. So, Satan is the gift that keeps on taking.

With his next brag, Satan muffed one of Yahowah’s more interesting lines. God said, “We created them male and female. In our image, we created them.” His lesson was that while He is our Heavenly Father, God also serves us through the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit who represents the Almighty’s Maternal presence in the lives of the Covenant Family. But the dunderhead deity said…

Quran 049.013 “O mankind, lo, We created you from a male and a female and We made you nations and tribes. And you may know one another. Lo, verily, most noble of you near al-Lahi most righteous of you. Lo, verily, al-Laha all-knower, all-aware.”

314Al-Laha is so insecure he must take credit for everything. So while it’s obvious that humans are responsible for nations and tribes and for getting to know one another, the un-god wants Muslims to believe that he was the amalgamator and accommodator. As for knowing and being aware, the evidence leads elsewhere.

Returning to his favorite themes, the greatest of hypocrites says everyone else is duplicitous. Then after equating belief and submission, he threatens Muslims, ordering them to obey him or he will deprive them…

Quran 049.014 “Say, al-a’rabu | the Bedouin desert Arabs, ‘We believe.’ Say, ‘Not you believe.’ But say, ‘We have submitted.’ And has not yet entered the faith your hearts. But if you obey al-Laha and His Rasula, not He will deprive you of your deeds anything. Lo, al-Laha oft-forgiving, Rahim.”

One of the reasons the brain trust of Islam is fumbling the ball on belief is that it is as capricious and unreliable, indeed, unverifiable, as were they. As the residue of not knowing and the consequence of failing to understand, it is baseless. It cannot be tested or measured apart from a willingness to part with one’s wealth and life.

Quran 049.015 “Only the believers those who believed in il-Lahi and His Rasuli then not doubt but strive with their wealth and their lives in the Way of al-Lahi. Those, they the truthful.”

Muslims must submit, relinquish their possessions, fight and die to prove that they are believers. But by that time, what’s the point?

And don’t be talking to Allah about this religious stuff because he too important to be bothered. But isn’t that where this surah began?

Quran 049.016 “Say, ‘Will you acquaint al-Laha with your religion. And al-Lahu knows what in the heavens and what in the earth. And al-Lahu of every thing all-knower.”

As an interesting aside to all of this, while al-Lahu brags of owning the heavens and the earth, and knowing what is in 315both, his only comment on heaven is that it has a really big throne and a busy pen because he prefers to hype his decadent garden. And everything he has had to say about the Earth has been wrong.

Since al-Laha refers to Muslims as slaves, since Islam means submission, and since the un-god has usurped freewill and needs to be feared, how is any of this a favor?

Quran 049.017 “They consider a favor to you that they aslamu | submitted and surrendered (in Islam). Say, ‘Not consider a favor on me you Is’lam. Nay, al-Lahu has conferred a favor upon you that He has guided you to the faith if you are truthful.

Quran 049.018 Lo, verily, al-Laha knows unseen the heavens and the earth. And al-Lahu all-seer of what you do.”

To his shame, al-Lahu is the most conceited of all non-gods. He is also the least knowledgeable.


The 66th surah was also revealed around this time. It’s called At Tahrim | The Prohibition. Incredibly, it was focused on Muhammad’s sexual indulgences. The only thing it “prohibited” was criticism of the non-prophet’s deplorable behavior.

As it begins, the surah begs rational readers to ask two essential questions. First, why was this reprehensible man being referred to as a prophet? Prophecies are a baseline requirement for this title. And while he has authored some abysmal clunkers, he has not produced a single accurate prediction.

This problem with the Quran’s faux pas runs far deeper than just the inappropriate use of the title “Prophet” to elicit a façade of credibility. And that is because it is actually impossible in this situation. A prophet’s predictions must be clearly articulated, appropriately detailed, contextual, 316chronological, and specific to qualify – none of this exists in the Quran. And the foretelling must not only be written long prior to the events being forecast unfold in the flow of time, the text must be diligently maintained with extant copies found prior to the fulfillment. Otherwise, there is no way to validate the prophecy, rendering it hearsay and moot. And yet, nothing was scribed within a century of Muhammad’s life – recusing him from even the possibility of being a prophet.

Further, Muhammad was ignorant and errant, and prophets must be knowledgeable and inerrant. The voice of the Quran and Hadith couldn’t even render his own affairs accurately, much less the past or future. Hitler was more credible, and no one is going to mistake him for a prophet.

The distinction of being a prophet is such a demanding one, there have only been at most forty examples in human history with only twenty of those bonified and proven by meeting all of the criteria we’ve listed. Moseh and Dowd are the most exemplary and well-documented, followed by Shamuw’el and Shalomoh, Yasha’yah and Yirma’yah. Those whose credentials are conspicuously and overwhelmingly proven also include Yahowsha’, Nathan, Howsha’, Yow’el, ‘Amows, Nachemyah, ‘Elyah, ‘Obadyah, Mykayah, Chabaquwq, Tsephanyah, Mykayah, Zakaryah, and Mal’aky. Additional prophets with written validation, but not as demonstrably in their own hand, would include ‘Abraham, ‘Aharown, Dabowrah, Channah, ‘Elisha, and ‘Ethan to name a few.

This elite list of exemplary men and women all had the following five things in common: they were Yisra’elites, they spoke for Yahowah, their prophecies were recorded in writing, an extant copy exists to verify their predictions prior to their fulfillments, and they were never wrong. Clearly, Muhammad was not among those who qualified. And so, by calling him a prophet, there can be no doubt that Allah falsified his messenger’s credentials. That means that 317nothing they revealed can be trusted. And without prophecy, there is no way to validate Divine inspiration. All we are left to assess is the Quran’s content, and it demonstrates otherwise.

This leads us to the second question derived from the beginning of the 66th surah – the ordained dissolution of oaths. This makes Muhammad, who was the only one to hear any of this, a witness with a sanction to lie. Therefore, once we strip the non-prophet of this inappropriate title and accolade, he doesn’t even qualify as a rasuli | messenger because he cannot be trusted to tell the truth. And that is all she wrote for Muhammad and Allah, the Quran and Sunnah and, indeed, for Islam. We are left only with the Godfather’s other claims to fame, all of which are decidedly twisted – pervert, terrorist, thug, assassin, liar, sadist, slaver, and thief – now afforded a license to lie…

Quran 066.001 “O Prophet! Why you forbid and prohibit what al-Lahu has made lawful for you? (Are you) seeking to please your women? And al-Lahu oft-forgiving, most Rahim. Quran 066.002 Lo, verily, al-Lahu has ordained, authorized, and sanctioned for you dissolution of your vows, promises, and oaths. And al-Lahu your protector. And He the knower, the wise.”

Will the last Muslim please turn off the lights and close the door. There is nothing left of Islam but the unsightly appearance and foul stench of hideous behavior and appalling lies.

To believe that the Quran was inspired by God, that it is His last and most important message to humankind, requires a dangerous degree of ignorance, irrationality, and immorality, especially since it is focused upon and serves an egomaniacal pervert and psychopath. To be a Muslim under these conditions is foolish. And to accommodate a religion this deceitful, destructive, dehumanizing, diabolical, and deadly is inexcusable.

Here’s the rub. Earlier, Muhammad said that his god approved a maximum of four “wives,” inclusive of sex 318slaves. But he woke up one morning and had at least three times that number. He needed to prune his harem or get his god to amend the Quran – to cut his favorite rasuli a deal. He chose the latter. In doing so, he made a mockery of his religion. But not to worry; he banned mocking in the previous surah.

As noted, the passage contained a fatal line for a witness: “Lo, verily, al-Lahu has ordained, authorized, and sanctioned for you dissolution of your vows, promises, and oaths.” A “sanction” is permission or approval. It authorizes or ratifies something. In this context, “dissolution” means to abrogate, dissolve, or break. A “vow” is a solemn promise, a pledge, or an earnest declaration. Muhammad’s principal vows were that he was the Messenger of God, that the Quran was revealed by Allah, and that following his example would lead to paradise. If you are a Muslim and are reliant on these promises, be forewarned: Muhammad was sanctioned to lie.

In addition, by continuing to wallow in the peculiar sex life of his lone rasuli, the un-god is reaffirming that the Quran served a singular purpose and that it was obsolete before it was printed.

Quran 066.003 “When the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his consorts a statement, and when she divulged it, and al-Lahu made it apparent to him, he made known a part of it and avoided a part. Then when he told her about it, she said, ‘Who told you this?’ He said, ‘Has informed me the Knower, the Aware.’”

There aren’t many men who would pass off pillow talk as scripture or who would claim their god was a gossip. But it begs the questions: what did Muhammad divulge and avoid saying to one of his playthings that was so incriminating the rumor had to be squashed by a Quran recital and why does anyone pretend that the Quran was revealed for mankind when it serves but one man?

319Speaking directly, albeit incomprehensibly, to the consorts, the wannabe god gave us a clue as he tried to quell a rift in his Rasuli’s harem…

Quran 066.004 “If you two (Aisha and Hafsa) repent and turn to al-Lahi so, lo, inclined your hearts, But if it becomes apparent you backup each other against him (Muhammad), then, lo, verily, al-Laha, He, maw-lahu | nearby for him, allied with him and protective of him, and Jib’rilu | Gabriel, and asalihu | righteous and fit good-deed doers of the believers, and after that, the angels appear.”

This is pathetic. Satan, in the guise of Allah, is claiming that, to protect the image of his “prophet” from a private and undisclosed conversation between two women who share a bed with him and who cannot be seen or heard by anyone publicly, that he is right there with his corporeal manifestation, allied and amalgamated with him. And should the un-god prove inept, then Jib’rilu has his back, followed by the fittest and fiercest of the mujahideen, and finally the angels. It must take all of that firepower to quiet two women completely isolated from the world. And it must mean that the trembling rasuli was as impotent as his god. And they didn’t have the good sense between them to keep this embarrassing pillow talk out of the Quran where it indicts them both as self-indulgent frauds.

With his insecurities showing, “god” issued another veiled threat. But he also answered the preceding riddle. Muhammad had let his guard down, and while frolicking with one of his captives, said something like: “Stop complaining or I’ll make up a Quran saying Allah and his angels are with me and against you and then I’ll replace you. And with me and my god against you, it’s flogging and then the fires for you.” And, then of course, “I love you, sweetheart. Pleasant dreams.”

As a result, we are left to conclude that Islam’s non-prophet wanted Muslims to believe that his un-god got tough on his unruly brothel. He said that if they continued to bellyache, he would change them out for a fresh batch of 320virgins. Funny thing, though, Muhammad was the only one who heard the gossip and Allah’s retort.

Muhammad really was that self-absorbed and shallow. He contrived an Allahism for sexual dominance…

Quran 066.005 “Perhaps, just maybe, his Lord, if he divorced you that He will substitute for him wives better than you – submissive, faithful, obedient, repentant, who worship, inclined to fasting, previously married and virgins.”

With each verse, Allah and Muhammad expose the nature and purpose of the Quran. For Muhammad, it was a tool he used to satiate his cravings for sex, blood, power, wealth, prestige, and control. For Allah, he used it to become a god in the eyes of malicious and immoral Arabs. And that is the end of the story – they just weren’t very good at telling it.

Muhammad was willing to contrive Quranic revelations to silence his wives, slaves, and concubines and to add to his collection of experienced women and playful virgins. He even ran a personal ad: “Seeking girls who are submissive, obedient, skinny, apologetic, and worshipful.” Even the word “consort” is intriguing. Webster defines it as the spouse of a reigning monarch. The prophet had become king.

While all that is bad, it’s not what bothers me the most about Muhammad and Islam. What irks me is that this man put a system in place that led three billion people to their doom. Under penalty of death, his pronouncements assure that everyone living in a conquered land would suffer in social, economic, intellectual, and religious poverty, and that they would lose their freedoms and their souls. As such, I consider Muhammad to be the most destructive and evil man who ever lived.

Some might object and say that there is sexual indulgence in “the Bible.” And so there is. But it was not condoned by Yahowah. When “David” coveted another man’s wife, God rebuked him and when “Solomon” became 321overly fixated on sexuality with pagan women, God stopped supporting him as He once had. The Israel that had grown great under their leadership became divided. It was ultimately conquered, with the Jews being led into captivity and then dispersed. There was a moral consequence, not an immoral concession.

Left to the Quran, Muslims remain clueless as to why pillow talk was raised to the level of a Defcon One menace with the entire arsenal of Islamic threats positioned against two cloistered girls. But for those who have read Snake in the Desert, you know the cause of such upheaval. It was late in the first volume of God Damn Religion, when refuting the Quranic and Hadith stories regarding Ibrahim that I shared something very few people know: ‘Abraham was not a particularly good man. He was, instead, the only man predisposed to leaving Babel for the Beryth. And while he was rough around the edges, Yahowah made the most of the opportunity, such that the relationship was productive and they became family and friends.

Corrupting one of the incidences between husband and wife, Muhammad reported: Tabari II:63 “Hagar was of good appearance and Sarah gave her to Abraham, saying, ‘Take her. You may take pleasure in Hagar, for I have permitted it.’ So, the Messenger said, ‘When you conquer Egypt treat its people well. They’re kin and deserve protection.’” Muhammad went on to say… “‘Abraham left Egypt for Syria, for he was afraid of the Egyptian king and anxious about his evil ways. He settled in Beersheba in the land of Palestine, which is the desert of Syria.’”

While there are elements of this story that come indirectly from the Towrah by way of the Talmud, it is flavored with the standard embellishments. One such addition is revealing. There was no Palestine during Abraham’s life – only Philistines. The inaccurate nomenclature was first used by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, 2,100 years after Abraham’s passing. This vicious and despotic Roman heard the name from rabbis and used it 322to discredit Judea because he was told that the Philistines had once been the enemies of Jews. The anti-Semitic Roman replaced Judea with Philistia, which became “Palestine” among European elitists. The patriarch actually came to the land of Canaan, named after his first cousin, eight times removed. It was not in Syria.

That said, the purpose of these Hadith embellishments was more sinister. They were composed after the fact, and likely in the 9th century CE, to justify Muhammad’s embarrassing sexual exploits followed by Allah’s even more embarrassing endorsement of what is tantamount to rape and pedophilia in the Quran.

The object of Muhammad’s lust was a child, a beautiful slave girl allegedly named Mariyah, which in Hebrew means “Contentious with and Embittered against Yahowah” – how appropriate for Islam and, yet, consistent with the message of al-Lahu akbar. Mariyah, like Hagar, was an Egyptian slave, albeit a Copt Christian child in Muhammad’s case. Mariyah | Opposed to Yah, along with her sister and a donkey, were “gifts” to Muhammad from a fictitious Egyptian governor in Alexandria, Egypt, inappropriately called al-Muqawqis.

Al-Tabari recounts the story of Mariyah’s | Maria’s arrival from Egypt in year 6 AH / 626 CE: Tabari VI:131 “In this year Hatib b. Abi Baltaah came back from al-Muqawqis bringing Mariyah and her sister Sirin, his female mule Duldul, his donkey Yafur, and sets of garments. With the two women al-Muqawqis had sent a eunuch, and the latter stayed with them. Hatib had invited them to become Muslims before he arrived with them, and Mariyah and her sister did so. The Messenger of God lodged them with Umm Sulaym bt. Milhan. Mariyah was beautiful. The prophet sent her sister Sirin to Hassan b. Thabit and she bore him Abd al-Rahman b. Hassan.”

The story of Muhammad, who would have been a weather-beaten, obese, bloodied, and toothless 76-year-old mass murderer at the time, engaging in rape and pedophilia 323by indulging in perverted sex with a child slave, is explained in this narrative from The Book of the Kind Treatment of Women. If searching for verification, it is published by Sunnah.com under “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad”

Sunan an-Nasa’I 3959 – The Book of the Kind Treatment of Women “Anas said: The Messenger of Allah had a female-slave with whom he had intercourse, but Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: ‘O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you.’ until the end of the Verse.”

Granted, while it’s hard to fathom why billions would refer to a rapist and pedophile as a “prophet,” it is even harder to comprehend why anyone would be a Muslim knowing that Allah condoned this behavior in the Quran. This tawdry tale of sexual abuse not only destroys Muhammad’s reputation and condemns Allah while repudiating the Quran – it is undeniable and brazen. For a rational, informed, and moral individual, there is but one conclusion: the Quran and Sunnah exist to satiate Muhammad’s and Allah’s desires.

So, while we are here, wallowing in the darkest recesses of Muhammad’s Sunnah and Allah’s Quran, let’s pound some additional nails into their coffin (intentionally singular). The pertinent citations are from an esteemed Tafsir | Explanation of the Quran drawn from available ahadith. At issue, after Muhammad began raping the child, two of the non-prophet’s “wives” complained, telling him that it was disgusting and that he should be ashamed.

Aisha was six when Muhammad first raped her – although the Hadith claim they just fooled around in bed for three years until she was nine. He would have been 68 at the time. And I say “rape” because a child cannot offer consent. Aisha was Abu Bakr’s daughter – the first convert to Islam and the first caliph. She was 12 years old when Mariyah | Contentious with Yah was dragged into the non-prophet’s 324brothel – which at the time was integrated into the Mosque in Medina.

The other “wife” in Muhammad’s growing collection of sex toys, was Hafsa. She was the child of Umar ibn al-Khattab – the second caliph of Islam – demonstrating the path to power in this religion. Hafsa was a veritable adult by comparison because she was only 45 years younger than Allah’s Messenger. At Umar’s urging, Muhammad “married” her in AH 3 following his first terrorist raid and plunder of civilians at Badr. Her husband died trying to enrich Muhammad.

Unlike Allah, Aisha and Hafsa recognized that the rape of a child slave was grossly immoral and sick…

Tafsir of Al-Jalalayn on Quran 66.1-3 “‘O Prophet! Why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, in terms of your Coptic handmaiden Mariyah,’ when he lay with her in the house of Hafsa, who had been away, but who upon returning (and finding out) became upset by the fact that this had taken place in her own house and on her own bed – by saying, ‘She is unlawful for me!,’ seeking, by making her unlawful (for you), to please your wives?

And God is Forgiving, Merciful, having forgiven you this prohibition. ‘Allah has already ordained for you (Muslims) the dissolution of your oaths. And Allah is your protector, and He is the Knowing, the Wise.’

‘Verily God has prescribed and made lawful for you the absolution of your oaths, to absolve them by expiation, as mentioned in the surat al-Ma’ida (Quran 005.089 & 066.001-4) and the forbidding of (sexual relations with) a handmaiden [female slave],’ so did the Prophet expiate? Muqatil said, ‘He set free a slave for his prohibition of Mariyah; whereas al-Hasan said, ‘He never expiated, because the Prophet has been forgiven (all errors).’

God is your Protector, your Helper, and He is the Knower, the Wise. ‘And (remember) when the Prophet confided to one of his wives a statement; and when she informed (another) of it and Allah showed it to him, he made known part of it and ignored a part. And when he informed her about it, she said, “Who told you this?” He said, “I was informed by the Knowing, the Acquainted.”’”

325This reads much like what we just saw in the Quran, although there is more context and it is better written. It strives to justify the Quranic exoneration of the perpetrator and pervert.

Tafsir of Al-Jalalayn on Quran 66.1-3 continued… “And, mention, when the Prophet confided to one of his wives, namely, Hafsa, a certain matter, which was his prohibition of Mariyah, telling her: ‘Do not reveal it!;’ but when she divulged it, to Aisha, reckoning there to be no blame in such a thing, and God apprised him, He informed him, of it, of what had been divulged, he announced part of it, to Hafsa, and passed over part, out of graciousness on his part. So when he told her about it, she said, ‘Who told you this?’ He said, ‘I was told by the Knower, the Aware, namely, God.’”

Muhammad acted disgustingly, got caught, admitted that he had been wrong to rape the child, and then told his child-wife to hide the truth. Then he had his god condemn her for telling another “wife” what he had done.

Further, in Tafsif of ibn Kathir on Quran 66.1-3, we also read: “The messenger of Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, was having sexual relations with a female slave which he had, but Aisha and Hafsa would not cease to bother him about it until he forbid himself to continue it, until Allah praised and glorious brought down a verse saying, ‘O prophet, why do you forbid to yourself what Allah has allowed’ until the end of the verse.

Ibn Jarir said... ‘The messenger of Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him had sex with Um Ibrahim (Mariyah Al-Qibtiyah) in the house of some of his women. Then she (Hafsah) said ‘Hey messenger of Allah! In my house and upon my bed?!’ Then the prophet made it forbidden (for him to have sex with her). Then she said ‘Hey messenger of Allah, how will you forbid what is allowed to you?’ Then he swore not to have sex with her. Then Allah revealed ‘Oh prophet why do you forbid what Allah has made allowable to you?”’”

While lurid, this is important because it demonstrates that second only to repositioning Satan as God, the Quran and Hadith came to exist to justify Muhammad’s penchant for perverted sex, stolen wealth, and fame through conquest. 326Even his Sunnah stories pertaining to Sarah offering Hagar were tailored to make the Rasuli’s rape of an Egyptian slave seem acceptable while impugning Aisha’s (herself a victim of the non-prophet’s preference for pedophilia) and Hafsah’s morality by contrasting their disapproval to Sarah’s encouragement. And in that vein, here is an affirming Tafsir | Explanation…

Tafsir Al-Jalalayn on Quran 66.4-5 “If you two (Aisha and Hafsa) repent to Allah, (it is best), for your hearts have deviated. But if you cooperate against him – then indeed Allah is his protector, and Gabriel and the righteous of the believers and the angels, moreover, are (his) assistants. If the two of you, namely, Hafsa and Aisha, repent to God…for your hearts were certainly inclined, towards the prohibition of Mariyah, that is to say, your keeping this secret despite the Prophet’s dislike of it, which is itself a sin…against him, that is, the Prophet, in what he is averse to, then (know that) God, He is indeed his Protector, His supporter, and Gabriel, and the righteous among the believers, Abu Bakr and Umar is a supplement to the locus of the subject of inna (‘God’), who will (also) be his supporters, and the angels furthermore, further to the support of God and those mentioned, are his supporters, assistants of his, in supporting him (to prevail) over both of you. ‘Perhaps his Lord, if he divorced you, would substitute for him wives better than you – submitting, believing, devoutly obedient, repentant, worshipping, and traveling – previously married and virgins.”

Now you know the horrid truth about how the Quran came to be recited. That is to say, you know Muhammad, Allah, the Quran, and Hadith better than most Muslims. Unwilling to think for themselves, they believe that this rubbish justifying lying, reneging on sworn oaths, owning sex slaves, and raping little girls, while condemning the victims of sexual abuse, threatening to eliminate them and replace them with obedient and starving submissives was written in a book by a god. Is it any wonder the sadistic savages who ripped the clothes off of Jewish teenagers at a music festival and gang-raped them, who stabbed them and shot them while continuing to desecrate their dead bodies, 327were Muslims? Allah, no doubt, applauded, and Muhammad would have joined them.

Before leaving this horrific story regarding the sexual exploits of the pedophile Rasuli and his rape-sanctioning deity, there is something more you should know about Mariyah | Maria… Muslim 37.6676 “Anas reported that a person (a Coptic slave whose name was Mabur, who was the cousin of Mariyah | Maria (al-Qibtiyyah)) was charged with fornication with the slave-girl of Allah’s Messenger (i.e. Mariyah al-Qibtiyya). Thereupon Allah’s Messenger said to Ali: ‘Go and strike his neck.’ Ali came to him and he found him in a well making his body cool. Ali said to him: ‘Come out, and as he took hold of his hand and brought him out, he found that his sexual organ had been cut. Hadrat Ali refrained from striking his neck. He came to Allah’s Apostle and said: ‘Allah’s Messenger, he has not even the sexual organ with him.’”

Then this from… “Al-Mustadrak ‘ala al-Sahihayn by Imam Hakim: Aisha said: Mariyah | Maria was presented to the prophet of Islam (as a slave woman) and her cousin (a Coptic male slave) was with her. After a while Maria became pregnant. Upon that, the people started slandering that since he (the prophet of Islam) needed child, he related the son of that slave-man to himself. Since Maria, as a mother, didn’t have enough breast milk, they fed him by sheep’s milk that’s why he (the son Ibrahim) was fat.

Aisha said: ‘Once the prophet brought him to me and asked what I thought about him, I replied, “Everyone fed by sheep’s milk will get fat.” The holy prophet said, “Doesn’t he look like me?” Aisha said, “I jealously said, ‘No.” And then the prophet heard of the untrue accusations of people toward Mariyah | Maria. Upon that the prophet sent Ali to kill her cousin.’”

And yet, Muhammad persisted in his jealousy according to “Al-Badaya wa Al-Nahaya: Anas said, when Ibrahim was born to Mariyah, then Muhammad became doubtful if Ibrahim was really his son or not. Upon that angel Jibrael came to him and said, ‘Peace be upon you, O the Father of Ibrahim (i.e. confirmed to him that Ibrahim was indeed his son).’” Affirming that I was correct in connecting these stories regarding the Hadith pertaining to Sarah allegedly telling Abraham that he could sexually 328exploit her Egyptian slave girl, we find that Muhammad named his son Ibrahim | Abraham.

However, in contravention of Shari’ah Law, whereby the slander toward Mariyah | Embittered Against Yah should have been treated as “Qadhf” and punished along with Aisha’s “Ifk” with fifty lashes. And yet, Muhammad chose murder. His own rules did not apply.

Incidentally, Allah contradicted Jibrael, saying in Quran 033.040 “Muhammad is not the father of one of your men, but the Messenger of al-Lahi and the last of the prophets. And ever is al-Lahu of all things knowing.” What a mess these goons have woven! And in that light, the following was written by a scholar discussing the influence of Islamic Law. I found it presented on WikiIslam.net:

“The use of Mariyah sexually by the prophet, like every aspect of the prophet’s life, provides an example for later Muslims and the religious justification for the sexual exploitation of slave women by Muslim men. Her sexual exploitation by Muhammad was in continuity with the practice of the pagan Arabs and was continued by later Islamic empires and movements, up to the very current day with the ISIS terrorist organization taking Yazidi girls in Iraq as sex slaves on the prophetic model.

Since Mariyah also bore Muhammad a son and was thus an umm-walad | mother of a boy for the prophet, her story was integral to later Islamic discourse about the place of the sons of slave women in Islamic societies. Since the raiding for sexual slaves formed a large part of the wealth-building enterprise undertaken by later Islamic caliphates and empires such as the Umayyads, Abbasids, and many others the number of children born to slave women quickly proliferated in Islamic society. There were so many children of concubines in Islamic society that several contenders for the throne of the caliphate ended up being the children of slave women.” (Concubines and Courtesans: Women and 329Slavery in Islamic History by Oxford University Press, and The Encyclopedia of Islam)

The closer one looks, the more that is known about Muhammad and Allah, the Quran and Hadith, the more reprehensible Islam becomes. It is long past time that the religion is condemned as incompatible with life, liberty, and humanity.

Here is yet another example of Islam being Satanic…

Quran 066.006 “O who believe! Protect and save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose kindling and fuel is people and the stones. Over it ghilaz | gross, coarse, and stern, vicious, harsh, and savage angels, shidad | severe and grievous, terrible and miserable, shackling and binding like wardens, who flinch not and never disobey (from executing) the commands they receive from al-Laha, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.”

Allah and Satan have the same agenda, share the same interests, and spend their time in the same haunts. They have a perverse aversion to people and an alarming preoccupation with sadism. To worship a being who says that people have to protect themselves and their families from him, who claims that he uses humans as kindling to stoke the flames of his hell-fires, who acknowledges that his angels are gross and coarse, harsh and savage, wardens in their treatment of those they are tormenting while executing their wannabe god’s sadistic commands, is to be mentally and morally incapacitated. To kill for such a revolting creature, believing that there is a virginal reward, is to be a blight on the planet and better off dead.

Chatting up his anticipated and current victims, Allah gloats…

Quran 066.007 “O who disbelieve, make no excuses today. Only you will be repaid what you used to do.”

Not so. The inverse is true. And I know of what I speak.

In the next verse, we have yet another admission. Those who knew Muhammad best humiliated him for his feeble 330and demented recitals and mocked him for the gross discrepancies between his life and that of a real prophet.

Quran 066.008 “O who believe, turn to al-Lahi repentance sincere. Perhaps your Lord might remove from you your ills and admit you to Jannatin | Gardens of Jinn flow from underneath it the rivers. Day, He not will be disgraced al-Lahu, the Prophet, and those who believed with him. Their light will run before their hands and on their right they will say, ‘Our Lord, perfect for us our light and grant forgiveness to us. Lo, You over every thing powerful.”

What are Muhammad’s Muslims supposed to repent for doing – being peaceful, not spying on their mothers, being reluctant rapists, lousy slavers, or two-bit terrorists and thieves? Perhaps it’s not being sufficiently stupid, obedient, or fearful to be a good Muslim. Then what ills would repentance cure – being nice to people, not being a parasite, telling the truth, refraining from mass murder?

Since nothing Allah or Muhammad have said has been moral, good, and true, what do you suppose are the odds that a brothel filled with virginal children exists to reward those who are the best slaughterers, slavers, and spoilers?

As for “Day, He not will be disgraced al-Lahu, the Prophet, and those who believed with him,” it’s not true because the lot of them will be sent to She’owl for what they have said and done. But did you notice that the statement began and ended with the third-person singular pronoun and included the un-god and his non-prophet? So, what do you suppose they just admitted?

Turning to the aforementioned “light,” while I agree that it would come in handy in Hell, and that it would likely be as easy to operate as the detonation button on a suicide vest, I suspect that it will be a little hot and heavy to hold in the black hole of She’owl. But if that’s what Allah is offering as a parting gift, the inmates are welcome to it.

Then giving hate speech a divine blessing, and violence a spiritual sanction, the Islamic god proclaims…

331Quran 066.009 “O Prophet! Jihad | Strive hard, fighting against the reconciled Infidels and the Hypocrites. And ghilaz | be grotesque, coarse, and stern, vicious, harsh, savage, and severe against them. Their abode is Hell, an evil and wretched resort.”

What an odd place to insert a gratuitous jihad command. It is as if Allah wants Muhammad to kill some more infidels and moderate Muslims so that he can stoke hell’s fires. If this is tolerant and peaceful, I’d hate to see parts which are bigoted and violent.

To demonstrate his inability to make a cogent transition, to remain focused on one subject at a time, and to prove that he is certifiable plagiarizer, and an incompetent storyteller, the Black Stone perverts another Towrah story for your reading agony…

Quran 066.010 “Al-Lahu darab | strikes and sets forth (presents) mathalan | its likeness (an example) for those who disbelieved. Woman Nuhin, woman Lutin, they were under [not with] two of our righteous slaves, but they both betrayed them (their husbands), so not they availed both of them from al-Lahi anything. And it was said, ‘Enter the fire with those who enter.’”

Methinks this verse was really made up to scare Muhammad’s wives, but that’s just a guess since it’s otherwise among the dumbest of the dumb. Allah is copying and revising, not presenting an example. Noach’s wife was supportive and Lowt’s wife betrayed herself, not her husband. Al-Lahi was of no value to the survivors because he was on the other side in both cases, encouraging the religious to be violent and immoral. In the first instance, there was water, but no “fire,” and in the second, there was fire, but no one was “entering with those who enter.” So let it be said, ‘Al-Lahi most-ignorant, unaware.’

Then, doubling down on delusion with a side of dunderhead, the un-god reveals his dementia as he concludes the surah…

Quran 066.011 “Al-Lahu darab | strikes and sets forth (presents) mathalan | its likeness (an example) for those who believe. Woman 332Fir’awn when she said, ‘Rabbi | My Lord, build for me near You a house in al-Janati | the Garden of Jinn, and save me from Fir’awn and his deeds, and save me from the people al-zalim | the cruel lords and oppressive tyrants.’”

Unlike the previous inept revisions for disbelievers, this moronic strike at our sanity was for believers. An undisclosed Fir’awn, which we will assume is an incompetent transliteration of Pharaoh, shared his home and bed with a traitorous and disloyal woman, who pleaded with a nameless Rabbi for another place to live. She wanted to get away from living the high life with Pharaoh, preferring instead a house in the Garden of Jinn. And so, one of the Towrah’s stories is convoluted and changed from asking Pharaoh to “Let My people go” to the wifey wanting to move out and be spared the ordeal of her life of luxury around the monarch because she’s critical of his deeds. She’s not happy with his subjects either, saying that those who are deprived of rights are somehow cruel tyrants. And, of course, the moral of this incomplete tale without a counterpart is that Snakes are not good storytellers.

Moving on to the roaring conclusion of the surrotten, we are told for the third time (Tabari VII:7 & Quran 003.035) that Imran is the father of Maryam, who is being presented as the supposedly virginal mother of the mythical misnomer Jesus. Fables like Jesus don’t have mommies, and even in the Christian mythology, Mary’s father was Joachim (according to the apocryphal Gospel of James). Allah’s confusion is likely because there was a Mariam among God’s cast of characters. She was Moseh’s sister and her father was ‘Amram, who, with only two of the four letters differing, was kissing cousin to Imran. But even then, she wasn’t a virgin either; there was no breathing of the spirit, no indication of belief, since she was actually quite cantankerous, and thus not obedient, and she didn’t have a Lord. The only writing at the time was the Towrah being scribed by her brother, Moseh, but Allah omitted him from the story of his Maryam confusion.

333Quran 066.012 “And Maryama, daughter Imran who guarded her chastity. So We breathed into it of Our ruhina | spirit. And she believed words of her Lord and His kutubihi | writings (Books). And she was of the devoutly obedient.”

Allah would have done far better if he had read the Towrah before he tried to elaborate on it.

Before we move on to the next surrotten, I am compelled to say that this was among the worst we have read thus far. It began mired in the perverted sexuality of a pedophile and rapist. It sanctioned lying. It spoke of women as if they were disposable items and readily replaceable. We were told that men’s bodies fuel hell’s fires and that Allah’s angels were gross and cruel. There was an unsolicited call for Jihad. And it was followed by these four inane attempts at revisionist storytelling.

So what conclusions would you like to draw now that we have completed our review of the 80th surah in its entirety? Is the likelihood that Allah is God and Muhammad is a Prophet less than one in a sextillion? And all of the moronic Muslims shouted, ‘So, you’re saying there is a chance and that there is “sex” in the offing?


While it seems like yesterday since we were having so much fun romping through the recitals, it was actually 1,300 pages ago in the Satanic volume of God Damn Religion that we considered the Al Mumtahana | She is Examined Suratun. It is among the many delivered in pieces, with a portion preceding Aqabah’s Pledge to Wage War Against All Mankind, and the remainder dealing with the mess Muhammad had made in Medina.

To move forward, we slide ten years back in time… Ishaq:198 & Tabari VI:125 “The following year, twelve of the Ansar 334came on the pilgrimage and met the Messenger, this being the first Aqabah. They took an oath of allegiance to him according to the terms of the ‘Pledge of Women.’ This was before the duty of making war was laid upon them.” A footnote reads: “It was called ‘The Pledge of Women’ because Quran 060.012 told Muhammad to require this from women wanting to become Muslims.”

When reviewing this surah, we knew it was revealed a decade later – after the sullen non-prophet had become the Godfather of Yathrib. The Hadith explains…

Ishaq:199 & Tabari VI:127 “There were twelve of us and we pledged ourselves to the Prophet in the manner of women that was laid out before war was enjoined. The terms were that we should not associate anything with Allah, we should not steal, should not commit adultery or fornication, should not kill our children, should not slander our neighbors, and we should not disobey Muhammad in what is proper. If we fulfilled this, we would have paradise, and if we failed Allah would punish us in hell.” (Quran 060.012)

And while this explains the connection to the 12th verse, it does not explain the 1st, because it reveals why Muhammad capitulated a decade thereafter and retreated from the Quraysh.

Remember, Muhammad said, Ishaq:500 “Who will take us out by a way in which we will avoid the Quraysh?” Then, this occurred: Tabari VIII:76 “Urwah went to the Prophet. ‘Muhammad, tell me, if you exterminate your tribesmen, have you ever heard of any of the Arabs who has destroyed his own race before you?’” It was followed by: Ishaq:502 “Muhammad, you have collected a mixed group of people and brought them to your kin to destroy them. By Allah, I see both prominent people and rabble who are likely to flee, deserting you tomorrow.’ Now Abu Bakr who was standing behind the Apostle, said, ‘Go suck the clitoris of al-Lat!’”

We recognized at the time that this explained why Muhammad capitulated to the Quraysh. They knew him better than anyone, and after eighteen years, they still rejected his claims. And they were not afraid to say that he was a fraud. Muhammad knew that Urwah was right, and if his agglomeration of malcontents were exposed to informed 335and rational men with a conscience, he would lose the war of words as he had in the past. His collection of misfits would abandon him. So il-Lahi threatened them.

Quran 060.001 “O you who believe! Take not My ‘aduw | enemies and your enemies (disbelievers and polytheists, i.e., the Quraysh) as friends or allies, offering them love, while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth (Islam and Muhammad), driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in il-Lahi, your Lord, if you come forth to jihad | strive and fight in My Cause and seek to please Me. You confide to them love (pretending to care), but I most knowing of what you conceal and what you reveal. And whoever of you does that, then, indeed, he has strayed straight path.”

It's déjà vu all over again. We are back in Hudaybiyah with Muhammad losing faith in himself, Muslims, and Allah. So a day late and a shekel short, the un-god chastises his non-prophets gaggle of undercooked Muslims. They weren’t yet as racist, hateful, or ruthless as was required to wage war against all mankind. So they were reminded that everyone else was the enemy and that love was not conducive to slaughtering.

Moving from the past and into the present, we are reminded that according to the Quran, a Muslim cannot care about or even befriend a non-Muslim. All disbelievers are enemies of Muhammad and the il-Lahi. Therefore, the Quran calls Muslims to Jihad in Allah’s Cause – which is a command to kill all disbelievers so that Satan can roast them in Hell. That is what pleases the demented voice of Islam | Submission.

Should a Muslim feign affection for a non-Muslim or accept a non-Muslim as a friend or ally, then they are rendered apostates and join the infidels in Hell. And in this instance, we are reminded that almost every Muslim had recanted their faith after the Never-Ending Argument, Slaughtering Statement, Idolatrous Indulgence, Satanic Verses, and the ‘fableous’ Donk-Mule Ride to pretend Al-336Aqsa Mosque. So, the voice of the Quran is labeling former friends and family members “enemies” to avoid a recurrence. After all, within the year they will return with a vengeance and the outcome will be quite different.

Quran 060.002 “If they should gain the upper hand over you, becoming dominant, they would be enemies of yours, and stretch forth and extend their hands and their tongues against you with evil. And they desire that you should disbelieve.”

The Quraysh were known to tell the truth, and that was adversarial to Islam. So, such tongues were to be silenced. Too bad it didn’t apply to Muhammad’s since this is chilling and grotesquely immoral…

Quran 060.003 “Never will your relatives nor will your children be of benefit you (on the) Day of Resurrection. He will judge between you. And al-Lahu is seer of what you do.”

There is no place for family in Islam. It is a far cry from the Covenant. But this was the current state of affairs for Muslims. The Emigrants were being conditioned to conquer their relatives without sympathy or remorse. Their family was considered their foe.

Struggling to make this case and undermine a value central to the human experience, one common to other cultures, the un-god decided it was time to corrupt another story from the Towrah. But, practice made worse…

Quran 060.004 “Verily, is for you a good example in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people, ‘Lo, we disassociate from you and from what you worship from besides al-Lahi. We have rejected you. And there has appeared between us and between you, enmity and hostility, hatred and rancor forever, until you believe in Il-Lahi alone.’ Except saying Ibrahim to his father, ‘Verily, I ask forgiveness for you, but I have no power to do anything for you from al-Lahi.’ Our Rabbi, upon You we put our trust and to You we turn, and to You the final return.”

Should you prefer relevance to relativism, relationship to religion, or a real God to a Snake, I invite you to read volume three of Yada Yahowah, entitled Beryth ~ Family to 337appreciate what actually transpired. But should a summary suffice, ‘Abraham said no such thing. There was no parting speech, no mention of al-Lahi, no rejections or denials, no enmity or rancor, and no paternal exemptions. These issues were not part of the Covenant and the Beryth was all that mattered.

Quran 060.005 “Our Rabbi, not make us a trial for those who disbelieve and forgive us our Rabbi. Lo! You, the All-Mighty, wise.”

If he was wise, why did the Rabbi in the Sand need to steal Yahowah’s material? Why did he butcher every story, twisting them beyond recognition? And why does his un-book insult our intelligence?

Grossly misrepresenting the truth serves as a good example in Islam. Lo! Verily…

Quran 060.006 “Certainly, is for you in them a good example for who is hopeful in al-Laha and the Last Day. And whoever turns away, then, lo, al-Laha, He free of need, the worthy of praise.”

The only thing worse than a capricious deity is a conceited one who contradicts himself…

Quran 060.007 “Perhaps al-Lahu that will put between you and between those whom you have been enemies among them affection. And al-Lahu powerful. al-Lahu oft-forgiving, Rahim. Quran 060.008 Al-Lahu does not forbid you from those not fighting you in the religion and not drive you out of your homes that you deal kindly and equitably. Lo, al-Laha loves those who act justly.”

In Islam, justice is defined through contradiction and the inclusion of conditions that negate the premise. Therefore, Muslims are to fight non-Muslims whom they perceive have driven them away.

Quran 060.009 “Al-Lahu only forbids you from those who fight you in the religion, and drive you out of your homes, and helped to support your expulsion, that you befriend them as allies. And whosoever will befriend them or become their allies, then such are the zalim | cruel lords.”

338The Quran remains focused on the minutia of a handful of misfits and malcontents who were being mocked out of a meaningless town in the desert. It did not serve them, and it was obsolete before it was written. So perhaps we can offer them up so that Allah doesn’t have to resort to burning bodies to stoke hell’s fires. If not for the toxic fumes, he could do a Quran burning instead.

The judgment of al-Lahu is that women should be fairly bought and sold…

Quran 060.010 “O you who believe! When believing women come to you as emigrants, examine them. Al-Lahu most knowing of their faith. And if you know them believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers. They are not lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. And there is not any blame upon you if you marry them when you have paid their dues. And do not hold to marriage bonds (with) the disbelieving women, but ask for (the return of) that which you have spent (as mahr) and let them ask back for that which they have spent. That judgement al-Lahi. He judges between you. And al-Lahu all-Knowing, wise.”

The overwhelming majority of 50 million sex slaves today are acquired, sold, and owned by Muslim men because of verses like these. Muslim women are commodities and treated as if they were property to be traded and exchanged. But at least they are afforded nifty black tents to wear, so they are never homeless.

The actual reason for this verse was that Muhammad was still getting heat from his fellow militants for having capitulated at Hudaybiyah. So to sooth their anxiety, Muhammad had his god breach “the right of return” part of the contract. That said, it’s foolish to trust a non-prophet and un-god who do not honor their vows, so this annulment has far-reaching implications. In the second to last surah, the 9th, Allah will abrogate the entire treaty of Hudaybiyah, and thus justify the attack during a time of “peace.” This set a Muslim precedent: their signature on any peace accord would be as meaningless as their Rasuli’s words.

339As for al-Laha’s next pronouncement, you might think you understand what you believe he said but I’m not sure you realize that what you read is not what he meant…

Quran 060.011 “And if any of your wives have gone from you to the disbelievers, then your turn comes, then give those who have gone their wives like what they had spent. And fear al-Laha whom you in Him believers.”

If Muslims were entrepreneurs, they could start the Allah-sanctioned TradeAWoman.com. Just please remember to use the Snake as the logo, perhaps silhouetted against a crescent moon.

This surah served as Muhammad’s coming-out party. Previously he was nothing more than a warner. But now, he is being elevated to al-Naby’ | the Prophet. Although, it’s curious that they had to steal the Hebrew title for the supposedly Arabic Quran. But since qur’an is from the Hebrew qara’ with the same meaning, let’s not sweat the details.

The next verse demonstrates how surahs were jumbled together haphazardly. The oath of women was a prelude to the emigration from KabaVille. And yet, the preceding verses dealt with the aftermath of the capitulation of Hudaybiyah, years thereafter. And that poses a serious problem for Muslims. It means that their Rasuli’s companions couldn’t remember when something was revealed or the context of the revelation. Therefore, the un-book they claim was written perfectly by Allah is out of order – something inconsistent with that notion. Moreover, if it is randomly assembled and out of context, there is little chance that it accurately represents what Muhammad claimed he deciphered.

Quran 060.012 “O Prophet! When believing women come to you, pledging to you on that not they will associate with il-Lahi anything, that they will not steal, that they will not commit illegal sexual intercourse, that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally inventing between their hands and 340their feet, and that they will not disobey you in ma’ruf | the right Islamic monotheism and all that which Islam ordains, then accept their bai’a | pledge, and ask al-Laha’s forgiveness for them. Lo, al-Laha oft-forgiving, Rahim.”

Not so clever in his duplicity and sexism, il-Lahi makes an aborted attempt to pilfer the Ten Statements Yahowah etched on the Stone Tablets. But he omits the first five and claims the remaining rules only apply to women. It’s little wonder Islam appealed to men and boys.

Now that we have arrived at this point in the chronology, it is apparent that the oath of allegiance was to Muhammad, not Allah. We know this because Muslim women surrendered to him, not his un-god, and they were forced to obey his every command or be replaced by more obedient models.

The concluding line is a bit of a regurgitated rant…

Quran 060.013 “O you who believe, do not make allies with people. The wrath of al-Lahu is upon them. Lo, they despair of the hereafter as despair the disbelievers of companions the graves.”

The end of this surah is hypocritical. It is Muslims who fret over the fate of their dead, for there is no assurance of paradise (except the pretense of it for martyrs who die killing infidels). This is why all Muslims must blurt out “peace be unto him” every time they say Muhammad’s name. The non-prophet didn’t die a martyr and thus had no assurance of being forgiven by his capricious un-god.

With Yahowah, by contrast, salvation is assured because it is a result of the Beryth and Miqra’ey. All one has to do is accept and attend and you are part of the family.


In our quest to appreciate what Islam says about itself, let’s review two additional surahs revealed at this time 341before returning to the Hadith. The 48th, called Al-Fath | The Victory, opens by admitting Muhammad was flawed. Who would have guessed?

Quran 048.001 “Verily, We have given fatahna | decision and judgment (victory) to you, a mubinan | distinct (clear) decision (victory), Quran 048.002 that liyaghfira | may hide (forgive) for you al-Lahu what came before of your sins and what will follow, and complete ni’matahu | His cattle (favor) upon you and guide you a path firmly established (straight).”

This portion of the surah was revealed in the aftermath of the humiliating disgrace at Hudaybiyah to explain away Muhammad’s renunciation and capitulation and Allah’s non-participation. The un-god is suggesting that it was his decision for his Rasuli to renounce him, because, well, what else was he going to say after the fact? It is wrongly assumed that fatahna means “victory,” but that’s obviously not what occurred. So, it is best translated using its primary connotations of “decision” or “judgment.”

Likewise, mubinan is a derivative of bayin, which means “between.” It can be extrapolated to “distinction or separation,” but it is only rendered as “clear” in Islamic translations because it misrepresents the content in ways Muslims require for the Quran to appear credible.

Livaghfira is more accurately conveyed as “may hide” rather than “may forgive.” And that brings us to mi’matahu which is almost always translated “cattle” and not “favor.”

While we are not told how or why, past and future sins are hidden by the decision, whatever it may have been, regarding capitulation. This, somehow, leads to the “firmly established path,” which is also odd since it has never been explained.

They say that confession is good for the soul. In that light, I’d like to give Muhammad the opportunity to explain how he achieved this “victory” through surrender… Bukhari:V4B52N220 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been sent with the 342shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror. While I was sleeping the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.’” Sorry, but that wasn’t helpful.

However, what follows is remarkably helpful because it affirms that the Quran was inspired by the rabbis in Yathrib and not by Allah.

Quran 048.003 “Al-Lahu may help you, a mighty help. Quran 048.004 He the one who sent down al-Sakina | the Shekhinah in hearts the believers that they may increase faith with their faith. For Lillahi, hosts the heavens and the earth. Al-Lahu knower, wise.”

The inclusion of al-Sakina | the Shekhinah is devastating for Islam because it is a blatant rip-off of Judaism’s religious nomenclature. Its inclusion in the Quran demonstrates that Muhammad and Allah had been reliant on the rabbis in Yathrib for their recitals rather than Divine inspiration. Shekhinah does not appear in the Towrah or Naby’, but rather throughout the Talmud, Mishnah, Midrash, Targum, and Zohar. Rabbis claimed that it conveyed the presence of “HaShem” dwelling among Jews. This title was preferred over many other approaches to avoiding the use of Yahowah’s name – which is the very thing that made Judaism, Christianity, and Islam possible.

And while shekhinah was simply an amalgamation of two common Hebrew words, shachen | neighbor and mishkan | dwelling, the religious title was used only among Jews (and now Muslims) advancing a religious agenda. Rabbis were and remain enthralled with their invention because they were able to project their G-d’s presence wherever it suited them while still avoiding His name. So, the rabbis used Shekhinah to beguile their brethren into believing that their Babylonian Talmud, which they erroneously called Torah, was so important the Shekhinah of HaShem hovered over it when they read it.

Although Yahowah never asks anyone to pray, according to the rabbis, the Shekhinah of their G-d would be 343present whenever a minion (ten Jews praying) was formed to bob their heads while reciting religious prayers by rote. When the rabbis preside to adjudicate an issue with three judges, it is Shekhinah Time. And according to the Talmud, the Shekhinah migrated with the rabbis during the Diaspora – providing the highest of six types of holy fire.

In Jewish religious tradition, the Shekhinah has become the Shabbat Bride. This depiction of the Shekhinah is projected upon Jewish wives and the role they play in orchestrating the religious rituals associated with the Queen of Shabbat. Obviously, Muhammad and Allah were unaware that Shekhinah is feminine in Hebrew.

In this case, stealing religious jargon from slaughtered Jews was “Al-Lahu’s” way of “helping” Muslims with a “mighty help.” After plundering the title, and I suppose trying it on for size, since it didn’t fit, he “sent it down,” giving the plundered accolade to “the believers so that they might increase their faith” in Judaism. And this is because al-Lahu dumb as a stone.

Now adorned in the Shekhinah, the drama queens of Islam, were now dressed for date night in al-Lahi’s Garden Brothel…

Quran 048.005 “That He may admit the believing men and women Jannatin | Gardens of Jinn, flow from under them the rivers abide forever therein and remove from them their misdeeds and is that with al-Lahi a great success.”

But all was not shachen | neighborly in the mishkan | ‘hood’ because of those pesky hypocrites who were only feigning submission to keep their heads attached. They still valued honest work over stealing and life over death, making them expendable and condemnable.

Quran 048.006 “He punish the Hypocrite men and Hypocrite women and the criminal polytheist men and women who assume with il-Lahi an evil assumption. Upon them an evil turn and al-Lah’s 344wrath upon them. He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil a destination.”

Those who have read God Damn Religion to this point are cognizant that the Quran uses “hypocrite” to describe Muslims-in-Name-Only who refuse to engage as terrorists and fight and die as jihadists. These moderate and peaceful people have no place in Islam and do not represent the religion according to Allah. Non-terrorists are so out of sync with Islam’s purpose, which is to annihilate humanity, that they are the focus of Allah’s wrath, they are cursed by the Islamic god, and they have a confirmed reservation in Hell. This is one of many reasons I emphatically state: All Muslims are terrorists. Those who are not terrorists, cannot be Muslims.

Other than to demonstrate his arrogance, there is nothing to be gained by the incessant repetition of…

Quran 048.007 “For Lillahi hosts the heavens and the earth. Al-Lahu all-mighty, wise.”

No matter how often this is repeated, it remains invalid. And like the previous statement, it is self-aggrandizing…

Quran 048.008 “Verily, We, Ourselves, have sent you a witness and a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, Quran 048.009 that may believe in il-Lahi and His Rasuli and honor him and respect him and glorify him morning and evening.”

The distinction between Satan and his corporeal manifestation as Muhammad vanishes in statements like this which state: “We, Ourselves, have sent you a witness and a bearer of glad tidings and a warner that may believe in il-Lahi and His Rasuli and honor him and respect him and glorify him morning and evening.” The pretense of two distinct individuals, a non-prophet speaking for an un-god, is erased with the command to honor, respect, and glorify “him.”

The next verse should help freethinkers separate themselves from the non-prophet’s deception. It not only affirms that the distinction between the un-god and his voice 345was being obscured, but it also reminds us that the “pledge” was to “wage war against all mankind.”

Quran 048.010 “Verily, those who pledge allegiance to you, only they pledge allegiance al-Laha. Hand al-Lahi over their hands. Then whoever breaks then only he breaks against himself and whoever fulfils what he has covenanted with al-Laha, soon He will give him a great reward.”

With the past two statements, readers are left with one of two options. Either Muhammad and Allah were one and the same, with Muhammad projecting his demented persona on his un-god such that he was speaking for himself, or Satan chose Muhammad because he was the man most similar to him.

Along these lines, this is an intriguing narrative. Bukhari:V5B59N733 “While Umar was talking to the people, Abu Bakr said, ‘Sit down, Umar!’ But he refused. So the people came to Abu Bakr and left Umar. Bakr said, ‘To proceed, if you used to worship Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead, but if anyone of you used to worship Allah, then Allah is alive and shall never die.’”

Abu Bakr confirmed that Muslims “used to worship Muhammad.” Not out of respect, mind you, because they bowed to Muhammad for the same reasons they prostrated themselves to Allah. They feared him. They knew good Muslims would kill whoever didn’t capitulate, rape their wives, enslave their children.

Islam’s first historian paints the drama this way: Tabari IX:187 “Bakr saw that Umar would not listen. He went forward. ‘I swear by the Lord of the Ka’aba that Muhammad is gone. Those people who formerly worshipped Muhammad must know that the deity you worshiped is dead. Those who formerly worshipped Allah must know that Allah is still alive and immortal.’”

From Islamic standards, the source was impeccable and the conclusion was undeniable. Muhammad was indistinguishable from Allah. In death, the non-prophet had given birth to the god he had conceived in life. They became separate and distinct for the first time.

346But that is not to say Muhammad didn’t have help creating Islam. By his own admission, he was demon-possessed. His behavior and the testimony of his contemporaries confirmed it. He was inspired by Satan as the Quran confirms.

So while the overwhelming majority of these recitals have been nothing more than Muhammad whining, threatening, and seducing to get what he wanted, some of what we have read was inspired. Satan used his influence over Muhammad to deceive Muslims into believing he was God while motivating them to exterminate others.

We simply don’t have any other viable options that are consistent with what we have read throughout the Quran and Hadith. Swimming in this sea of putrid immorality and grotesque criminality, confronted with such an onslaught of deceit, hatred, and violence, how can any other conclusion be drawn? There is no way to make seventy-five terrorist raids and the slaughter and enslavement of tens of thousands look good or godly. Mass murder is bad, so is pedophilia, incest, and rape. Torturing people for money is appalling. Funding one’s indulgences with human trafficking, thievery, and slavery is particularly heinous. Lying to everyone about being a prophet and speaking for God is damning.

Armed with the evidence – the Hadith and Quran – the verdict is undeniable. Islam is a demonic scam which was conceived for Muhammad’s benefit. By the time ink had stained parchment, the book was already obsolete.

The perverted founder of the perverse doctrine that forever enslaved the free and peace-loving Arabs, said…

Quran 048.011 “Those who remained behind of al-a’rabi | the Arabs who lagged behind (from fighting) will say, ‘Kept us busy or properties and our families so ask forgiveness for us.’ They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, ‘Then who has power for you against al-Lahi anything if He intends for you harm or He intends for you a benefit?’ Nay, is al-Lahu of what you do aware?

347Quran 048.012 Nay, you thought that the Messenger and the Believers would never return to their families, ever. That was made to seem pleasing in your hearts. And you assumed an assumption, evil. And you became a people ruined.”

Having overhunted Jews to the point of extinction, Muhammad needed a new foe, someone to blame for his failures and threaten to keep others in line. So, his next target would be moral Arabs. Anyone who was unwilling to obey his orders to slaughter and spoil was damnable.

In this case, however, I think that there is something particularly sinister going on. While we know that Muhammad had brought all of the weapons and horses he could muster in his march upon the Ka’aba and Quraysh, it clearly wasn’t enough because he got cold feet and lost faith. And for him to be afraid that those who knew him best would embarrass him and thin his ranks, as they had before, it meant that he didn’t think he had sufficient wherewithal to intimidate and silence them.

With this in mind, the prior statement explains why – he had too few men. Therefore, he was blaming those with morals for his failures. And for being peace-preferring, they were harmful and ruinous people destined to be tortured by his un-god.

Quran 048.013 “And whoever not believed in il-Lahi and His Rasuli, then lo, We, Ourselves, have prepared for the disbelievers a blazing fire!”

While it’s good to be consistent, being consistently bad isn’t good. This is the twentieth time we have been told that Muslims who lead productive lives, who go about their business, who take care of their families, but who are not willing to leave their homes to fight, kill, plunder, and enslave on Muhammad’s orders are “lost,” “wicked,” “worthless,” “doomed,” and “hell-bound.”

Since conceiving and articulating a sensible plan of salvation was beyond Muhammad, it was easier for him to 348say that his god was capricious, doing whatever he wanted. Disoriented by this, Muslims obviously sought clarity, and it was provided through jihad. Those who marched towards plunder would be rewarded in this life and the next. Those who did not were accused of changing Islam, making it something that it was not. And from this we might reasonably conclude that Islam cannot be reformed. It will remain a terrorist religion at war with life for as long as it is allowed to survive.

Quran 048.014 “And Lillahi kingdom the heavens and the earth. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whoever He wants. And is al-Lahu forgiving, merciful?

Quran 048.015 Those who remained behind will say when you set forth, marching towards the plunder to take spoils, ‘Allow us to follow you.’ They want to change words al-Lahi. Say, ‘Never will you follow us.’ Thus al-Lahu said from before. Then they will say, ‘Nay, you envy us.’ Nay, they were not understanding except a little.

Quran 048.016 Say to those who lagged behind of the al-A’rabi, ‘You will be called to a people, possessors of great military might. You will fight them or they will submit in Islam. Then if you obey, al-Lahu will give you a good reward, but if you turn away as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful punishment.”

This was not true. The next victim of the mujahideen would be the Quraysh traders. They were merchants and did not have a military. After them, the vicious Muslims in Muhammad’s camp would plunder Arabs during the War of Compulsion, none of whom had defensive forces either. By the time they started raiding civilian communities formerly under the control of the Persians and Byzantines, those former foes had weakened each other to the point the people were vulnerable. There were no great militaries at the time.

Exceedingly crass at this point, Muhammad defined his purpose and his religion as marching to plunder and fighting for a stolen reward. Good Muslims are obedient terrorists, fighting until all infidels surrender or die.

349Most merciful, the un-god grants the blind and the lame a “Get Out of Jihad Free” card. Since one must be blind to follow this lame religion, I’m surprised more Muslims don’t take advantage.

Quran 048.017 “There is no blame for the blind, nor is it a sin for the lame, nor on one ill any blame (if he does not join in the fighting). And whoever obeys al-Laha and His Rasula, He will admit him to Gardens flow from underneath them the rivers. But whoever turns away or retreats, He will punish him with a painful punishment.”

The reason for the exemption is that the blind, lame, and infirmed weren’t effective fighters and were, therefore, useless to Muhammad. But as for all others, it was death in battle, never retreating, or painful punishments. Someone was proving his credentials as a sadistic psychopath.

Obey me and fight or go to hell. The Quran is as repetitive and irritating as a broken record. And that is because the only lyrics that mattered now were those sung during the Pledge of Aqabah…

Tabari VI:133 “We pledge our allegiance to you and we shall defend you as we would our womenfolk. Administer the oath of allegiance to us, Messenger of Allah, for we are men of war possessing arms and coats of mail. O Messenger, there are ties between us and the Jews which we shall have to sever. If we do this and Allah gives you victory, will you perhaps return to your own people and leave us?’ Muhammad smiled and said, ‘Nay, blood is blood, and bloodshed without retaliation is blood paid for. You are of me and I am of you. I shall war against whomever you fight.’”

Ishaq:204 & Tabari VI:134 “‘Men of the Khazraj, do you know what you are pledging yourselves to in swearing allegiance to this man?’ ‘Yes,’ they answered. ‘In swearing allegiance to him we are pledging ourselves to wage war against all mankind.’”

Ishaq:205 “‘If you are loyal to this undertaking, it will profit you in this world and the next.’ They said, ‘We will accept you as a Prophet under these conditions, but we want to know specifically what we will get in return for our loyalty.’ Muhammad answered, ‘I promise you Paradise.’” Tabari VI:134 “‘So reach out your hand.’ They stretched out their arms and swore an allegiance to him.”

350Ishaq:205 & Tabari VI:133 “When we had all sworn the oath of allegiance to the Messenger, Satan shouted from the top of Aqabah in the most piercing and penetrating voice I have ever heard. ‘People of the stations of Mina, do you want to follow a blameworthy reprobate?’ The Messenger said, ‘What does the Enemy of God say?’ ‘I am the Devil, and I shall deal with you!’”

And that led to this…

Quran 048.018 “Lo, al-Lahu was pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree. And He knew what in their hearts so He sent down al-Sakina upon them and rewarded them a near victory.”

No, he didn’t. The swearing of allegiance under the tree preceded the capitulation at Hudaybiyah by six years, and the defeat of the Quraysh by seven years. There was no speedy victory – only the drone of despicable terrorist raids. As a result, the terrorists were restless – wanting to slaughter and strip anything that moved. No wonder Team Islam can’t get their pilfered Torah stories right. They can’t even remember their own sorry history.

Reconfirming that Islam was about money, the Quran’s god makes armed robbery “easy:” And spoiling is what makes al-Lahu “wise.”

Quran 048.019 “And much spoils and plunder that they will take and is al-Lahu all-mighty, wise? Quran 048.020 Al-Lahu has promised you abundant spoils and plunder that you will take it. And He has hastened for you this and has withheld hands of the people from you that it may be a sign and proof for the believers and He may guide you straight path. Quran 048.021 And others, not you had power over them. Lo, al-Lahu encompassed them. Is al-Lahu over all things powerful?”

Plunder is a hellish promise – a sign for those who don’t yet know that Allah is Satan. This is why the path to him directs Muslims to be bad people.

But as we shall soon see, the only one who got booty from the ensuing victory over the Quraysh was Muhammad. He captured his heart’s desire – the Ka’aba Inc. All other 351Muslims lost ground, as future spoils were divided inequitably.

I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight the latest confession. Allah promised the Muslims “abundant spoils” and “much booty.” He did not promise them “many souls.” Islam wasn’t about salvation or even conversion. It was about conquest and money. This is a criminal enterprise, and Muhammad was the Godfather of the crime syndicate.

In Islam, war and terror were all in a day’s work – standard operating procedure for Muslims...

Quran 048.022 “And if fight you those who disbelieve, lo, they would turn the backs. Then not they would find any protector and not any helper. Quran 048.023 Way al-Lahi which passed away before and never you will find in way of al-Lahi any change.”

Fighting all who wouldn’t capitulate was a Muslim mandate. And offing the backs of vulnerable disbelievers would be Allah’s contribution. Of these things, nothing would ever change.

The next verse was “handed down” to excuse Muhammad’s cowardice and capitulation at Hudaybiyah. It said that peace treaties could be used to lure an enemy into a false sense of security so that Muslims might conquer them more readily in the future. The fact that it was manipulative, sneaky, and dishonest didn’t matter.

Quran 048.024 “He the one who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them within Makkata from after that He gave you victory over them. And is al-Lahu of what you do all-seer.”

Since the evidence all indicates that the Ka’aba was originally a stone pile in Petra, it would be reasonable to assume that “Makkata” was inserted into the text when the Quran was first written outside of ancient Babylon, which would have occurred shortly after the pagan shrine was moved.

352Al-Lahu’s next pronouncement suggests that the Quraysh deserved their fate because they hindered Muslims from bringing their sacrifice to the Ka’aba. However, there has been no mention of a prescribed sacrifice in the Quran or Hadith up to this point. And that means it was part of accepted pagan lore which was being incorporated into Islam along with shaving one’s head. Further, we were told that the Muslims brought their weapons and their stallions, but there was no mention of any sacrificial animals.

Quran 048.025 “They those who denied and disbelieved and hindered you from al-Masjidi al-Harami | the Sacred and Forbidden Mosque while the offering was prevented from reaching its place.”

By contrast, with Yahowah, the sacrificial animal is prepared and cooked to be part of a feast and nourishes the people. It is consumed in the homes of the family members celebrating the occasion with God.

Further, the Quraysh didn’t run Muhammad off, but simply laughed him out of town in the aftermath of the Never-Ending Argument, Slaughtering Statement, Idolatrous Indulgence, Satanic Verses, and Fabled Flight away “from al-Masjidi al-Harami | the Sacred and Forbidden Mosque.”

The verse goes on to explain that the reason for not trouncing the merchants right then and there was that some believers might be hiding among the residents, and he didn’t want them hurt. Mind you, Allah loved a good kill and relished harvesting martyrs, so this means that either he couldn’t distinguish between believers and infidels or that he was helpless to protect Muslims.

Quran 048.025 “And if not men believing and women believing not you knew them that you may trample them and would befall you from them any harm without knowledge that al-Lahu may admit to His mercy whom He wants. If they had been apart, surely We would have punished those who disbelieved among them a painful punishment.”

353The moral of the story is: it’s good to trample down infidels so long as you are careful not to injure Muslims in the process. And even Muhammad couldn’t tell the difference.

However, this only serves to excuse the failure of Muslims to attack the merchants, not Muhammad’s capitulation to them or his willingness to renounce his god. So the excuse is a flimsy one without benefit to Islam.

All the while Muhammad’s militants had worked themselves into a lather over not being able to kill some merchants and take a spoil. But since that didn’t sound religious, al-Lahu claimed…

Quran 048.026 “When had put those who disbelieved in their hearts disdain, disdain ignorance, the sent down al-Lahu His Sakinata upon His Rasuli and upon the believers and made them adhere right word and they were more deserving of it and worthy of it. And is al-Lahu of every thing all-knower?

To his credit, the Sakina gave the jilted terrorist raid a religious sheen, even if it was from the wrong religion. But al-Lahu was never much of a wordsmith. However, to be fair, giving plunder a religious veneer and making it appear worthy was a formidable challenge even for an all-knower of every thing.

The Islamic terrorists were certain that they were going to whip the merchants because Muhammad had told them he had envisioned it in his dreams. No doubt...

Quran 048.027 “Lo, verily, al-Lahu has fulfilled His Rasula’s vision in truth. Surely you will enter al-Masjida al-Harama if al-Lahu wants, secure having shaved your heads and shortened not fearing. But He knew what not you knew and He made besides that a near victory.”

This would have been a prophecy if it had been declared in advance, if it were not the intent of the dreamer, and if it had been written prior to the attack rather than a century later in a surah containing post-occupation passages.

354This is the Devil’s agenda…

Quran 048.028 “He the one who sent His Rasula with guidance and religion the true that He may make it exalted and prevail over all the religions. And sufficient is il-Lahi a witness.”

We have yet another reminder that the oft-stated line, “We make no distinction between them” was abrogated. Therefore, when Muslims cite it to make their religion appear tolerant, they are being deliberately deceptive.

Everything in Muhammad’s life was about competition rather than collaboration. It was Muhammad and his religion against traditional Arab values, Christianity, and Judaism. But rather than using words or evangelists, he would prevail with swords.

The line “He may make it exalted and prevail over all the religions,” mirrors the intent of “Al-Lahu Akbar.” But how can that be if Islam was supposed to be a confirmation of the Torah and Gospels, as Allah has so often claimed? Perhaps in the realm of contradictions, this paradox is king.

While Muhammad had renounced his association with Allah, Satan reaffirmed his with the Rasuli…

Quran 048.029 “Muhammadun Rasulu al-Lahi and those who with him (are) ashiddau | firm, violent, and vehemently binding against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating seeking advantage and merit from al-Lahi and pleasure. Their simahum | imposed brand, punishing mark, and sign of affliction (is) on their faces from the narrative associated with the prostration. That their similitude in the Taurati and their similitude in the Injili. Like a seed sends forth its shoot then strengthens it then it becomes thick and it stands upon its stem delighting the sowers that He may enrage by them the disbelievers. Al-Lahu has promised those who believe and do good deeds among them forgiveness and a reward great.

To begin, it was Muhammad and Allah against the world. That is one of the many reasons Islam is a death cult.

355Ashiddau, the word rendered as “firm,” speaks of being “severe, tightly binding” one’s prey. It is to be “vehement and intensely violent.” And while that is the disbeliever’s fate with Islam, Muslims don’t fare much better since they must bow down and prostrate themselves to the Devil while spoiling the world around them.

Similarly inappropriate and sadistic, simahum, which is benignly rendered as “mark” in sanitized English translations, actually speaks of “being branded as a punishment.” It is a “sign of affliction.” And this is the athari | narrative associated with prostration. The closer one looks, the worse the Quran appears.

As usual, the un-god and his non-prophet were wrong when they attributed “traces of prostration” to the “likeness” in the Taurati and Injili. There are no prostrations in either. And this wasn’t a mistake but, instead, another deliberate deception.

When we read something as incongruous and poorly conceived as “the seed that sends forth its shoot then strengthens it, then becomes thick and it stands upon its stem, delighting the sowers,” it becomes readily apparent why Muhammad and Allah pilfered from the Towrah. They were ignorant and inarticulate.


The 47th surah is as warped as the man it was named after, Muhammad. And in that light, I would like to point out an interesting anomaly. While Muhammad is only named in three of the 114 surahs, two of the three are found back-to-back in the immediate aftermath of Muhammad’s renunciation of his title and god at Hudaybiyah. Coincidence? I think not.

356Quran 047.001 “Those who disbelieve and turn from Cause of al-Lahi, He will cause to be lost their deeds, rendering their actions vain and ineffective. Quran 047.002 And those who believe and are good-deed doers, and believe in what is revealed to Muhammadin – and it the truth from their Rabbi | Lord – He will remove from them their ills and improve their condition.”

While it is petty of Satan to deliberately undermine disbelievers and sadistic for him to threaten to burn them, the follow-on statement can be tested to see if the Islamic god was telling the truth for a change. If what he said is accurate, you’d expect nations influenced by Judeo-Christianity to be impoverished and Muslim nations to be flourishing. How is it then that the productivity per capita in Islamic countries is the lowest in the world? Why doesn’t any Muslim country produce a single manufactured product of sufficient quality to sell on world markets? Why doesn’t Islam have a single world-class university or boast of a great advancement in literature or science? Why are freedoms and human rights trampled amongst people who have faith in what was revealed to Muhammad? Why are women and minorities abused in such nations if Allah has “improved their condition?” Why isn’t there any Muslim state that succeeds as a democracy? Why hasn’t there ever been one? Why is the inverse true in Christian and Jewish countries? Why is the disparity so large, universal, and unflattering between Islam and other creeds? And why did Muhammad’s Muslims have to live like parasites – plundering their way to infamy – if Allah could improve their condition? You don’t suppose that Islam could be at fault because Muhammad was lying?

Muslims will protest that between 750 and 850 CE they made great strides in science. But even that is misleading, as all they really did was to have literate Christian, Jewish, and Hindu slaves preserve the Greek manuscripts they had stolen from the Byzantines. During this period educated Persians, not ignorant Arabs, were in control of Islam. And the timing was crucial. Oral recollections of Muhammad’s savagery and deception had faded, as five generations had come and 357gone since his death. The Sira, the first written account of Muhammad’s debilitating dogma, was distributed by way of Hisham’s and Tabari’s manuscripts and Islam’s golden age ended. Fundamental Islam damned Muslims and impoverished their condition.

The liars called those who were telling the truth, dishonest…

Quran 047.003 “This because those who disbelieve follow vanities and falsehood, and that those who believe follow truth from their Lord. Thus al-Lahu coins for men their similitudes.”

This is written at the level of a grade-school bully. You’d think that if you were going to claim the Quran was written by God, you’d do a better job. German scholar Salomon Reinach agrees: “From the literary point of view, the Quran has little merit. Declamation [drama], repetition, puerility [childish immaturity], a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. It is humiliating to the human intellect to think that this mediocre literature has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and that millions of men are still wasting time in absorbing it.”

While I concur, we must continue to expose and condemn Islam’s Quran because it was the impetus for the rapes, abductions, tortures, and sadistic murders of Jews by Muslims acting like Muhammad on October 7th, 2023. And let’s be clear, what occurred on that horrific day was but a foreshadowing to far worse over the next decade. Allah and Muhammad have ordered Muslims to smite, wound, overpower, subdue, shackle, and imprison all others.

Quran 047.004 “So, when you meet, clashing with the unbelieving infidels (in battle fighting Jihad in Allah’s Cause), strike their necks until when you have overpowered and subdued them (killing and wounding many of them), then severely bind them with shackles and fetters. Then whatever is deemed fit thereafter, even if ransom (them based upon what benefits Islam) until the war and plunder lay down their burdens. That, and if al-Lahu wanted, lo He could have helped them but to test some of you with others. And those 358who are killed in al-Lahi’s Cause, then never He will cause to be lost their deeds.”

That was especially vicious. And it was unprovoked – just gratuitous violence for the sake of a macabre messenger and demented deity.

When Muslims meet non-Muslims, their god, prophet, and book order them to strike their necks, which is to decapitate them. The command is to overpower and subdue the world, binding, shackling, and fettering as many people as possible. There isn’t even a distinction being made for civilians, noncombatants, or women and children – because they were the ones being robbed, raped, ransomed, and sold off as slaves.

Islam was at war with everyone, and the world would be plundered as a result. Yes, it was the worst book ever written, a painful and pathetic read, but it was as far from benign as the Bubonic Plague.

Pretending to be more powerful than the inept Snake that he was, Satan wanted this 7th-century gaggle of goons to believe that he could have helped the mujahideen if he had wanted to, but his preference was to test his killers. It would have been yet another opportunity for Muslims to prove that they were horrible people.

Keep in mind that the Quran is talking about the deeds of jihadists and terrorists. One doesn’t get “killed” in a “spiritual struggle.” The “test” is of a Muslim’s ability to slaughter, shackle, and spoil.

Once again, we find Allah making promises he could not keep...

Quran 047.005 “He will guide them and improve their condition. Quran 047.006 And admit them the Garden of Jinn. He has made it known to them.”

Since he has done neither, why does anyone believe him or value this worthless book?

359Quran 047.007 “O you who believed, if you help al-Laha, He will help you and make firm your feet.”

Since the un-god of Islam claims to be all-powerful, why is he soliciting the worst of men to help him? And why is that help in the form of terror, theft, and lethality?

Quran 047.008 “But those who disbelieve destruction for them and He will cause to be lost their deeds. Quran 047.009 That because they hate what al-Lahu has revealed (Quran and Sunnah). So he has made their deeds worthless.”

Like the spoiled brat in the sandbox who wants to steal everyone else’s toys, the do-nothing deity is tossing sand in the other kids’ faces. And that is why we have come to hate him – well, that and also based upon the destructive and deadly diatribe he has revealed.

It has been nigh on a decade since the last time we heard Islam’s un-god ask this ridiculous question or make this diabolical claim…

Quran 047.010 “Do not they travel in the earth and see how was end those from before them? Al-Lahu destroyed them, and for the disbelievers, the same thing. Quran 047.011 That because al-Laha protector those who believe and that the disbelievers no protector for them.”

This terrorist taunt was a staple among the early surahs when the Lord was busy eradicating the mythical Ad and overhyped Thamud. But the specter of pretend destruction and death gave way to the real thing.

This is gibberish…

Quran 047.012 “Lo, verily, al-Laha will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds Gardens of Jinn flow from underneath it the rivers but those who disbelieve they enjoy and eat as eat the cattle and the fire for them an abode.”

Perhaps this will resolve the fire and cattle conundrum... Bukhari:V8B76N542 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The believers, after being saved from the Fire, will be stopped at a bridge between Paradise and Hell and mutual retaliation will be established among them regarding 360wrongs they have committed in the world against one another. After they are cleansed and purified through the retaliation, they will be admitted into Paradise.’” Nope, didn’t help.

Continuing to demonstrate why Snakes should not play God, the Quran reads…

Quran 047.013 “And how many of a town which stronger strength than your town which has driven you out. We destroyed them so no helper for them. Quran 047.014 “Then is who is on bayyyinatin | distinction between (clear proof) from his Lord who like is made attractive to him evil his deeds while they follow their desires.”

I think Allah needs a nap. But against better advice, he’s going to try another parable…

Quran 047.015 “A parable the Garden which is promised the righteous. Therein rivers of water not polluted and rivers milk not changes its taste and rivers of wine delicious for drinkers and rivers of honey purified and for them therein of all fruits and forgiveness from their Lord like he who abide forever in the Fire and they will be given to drink boiling water so it cuts their intestines into pieces.”

Allah is a lovely storyteller. The transition between milk and wine and mutilated intestines is charming. No wonder those who heard this putrid nonsense vomit out of Muhammad’s mouth didn’t like the stench.

Quran 047.016 “And among them who listen to you until when they depart from you. They say to those who were given the knowledge, ‘What did he say just now?’ Those the ones al-Lahu has set a seal upon their hearts and they follow their desires.”

If he weren’t such a sexual pervert and relentless terrorist, this might be funny. But it’s not.

Quran 047.017 “And those who accept guidance He increases them guidance and gives them their righteousness. Quran 047.018 Then do they wait but the Hour that it should come to them suddenly. But, lo, have come its indications. Then how to them when has come to them their reminder?”

361Don’t blame me, I recommended an indefinite nap. It’s time to bury this creepy Snake.

Quran 047.019 “So know that He no god but al-Lahu. And ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and the believing women. And al-Lahu knows your movement and resting place.”

While all who have labored through the odious nature of the Quran “know that He no god but al-Lahu,” if the intent were true, we’d be in serious trouble.

Quran 047.020 “And say those who believe, ‘Why not has been revealed a Suratun. But when is revealed a Suratun precise and is mentioned in it the fighting and killing, you see those who in their hearts a disease looking at you a look of one fainting from the death. But more appropriate for them.”

If competing for the coveted title, King of the Oxymoron, we’d be obliged to crown the Snake with “a Suratun precise.” And obviously, that’s how the dwindling remnant of sensible people in Yathrib responded to Allah’s latest installment of “Let’s Kill Everybody Now.”

When “is mentioned in it the fighting and killing, you see those who in their hearts a disease looking at you a look of one fainting from the death,” which, according to Satan and the Devil’s Advocate, is “more appropriate for them,” Muslims might as well put them all out of their misery.

There would be no thinking, moral compunction, free speech, or peace – just capitulation, obedience, and jihad.

Quran 047.021 “Obedience and suitable speech. And when decided and determined the command (of preparation for Jihad) then if they had been sincere with al-Laha, lo, it would have been better for them.”

Then the un-god who had ordered Muslims to fight and kill their kin at Badr, Uhud, the Trench, and again at this time to contain the fallout from Hudaybiyah, hypocritically states…

Quran 047.022 “Then would you perhaps if you are given authority that you cause corruption in the earth and cut off your ties 362of kinship? Quran 047.023 Those the ones al-Lahu has cursed them so He made them deaf and blinded their sight.”

It is hard to imagine anyone making a bloodier mess of things, being more hostile to family values, or corrupting. But there is no doubt that Allah has cursed humankind, or that this toxic recital has blinded Muslims.

The translators of The Noble Quran wanted Muslims to know how Muhammad interpreted these hostile verses... Bukhari:V6B60N354 “The Prophet said, ‘Allah created His creation, and when He had finished it, the womb got up and caught hold of Allah whereupon Allah said, “What is the matter?” On that, the womb said, “I seek refuge with you from those who sever the ties of kin.” On that Allah said, “Will you be satisfied if I bestow My favors on him who keeps your ties?” The womb said, “Yes, my Lord!” Then Allah said, “If you wish, you can recite: ‘Would you then if you were given authority do mischief and sever your ties of kinship?’”’” A talking womb was a clever choice. Too bad it couldn’t produce better results.

With regard to the following, I’d recommend facing and confronting the Quran to hold Muslims accountable for their war on humanity rather than turning away from it and remaining ignorant of its demonic and diabolical nature.

Quran 047.024 “Than do not they yatadabbaruna | turn back to (ponder) al-Qur’ana? Or on hearts locks? Quran 047.025 Verily, those who return on their backs from after what become clear to them the guidance, al-Shaytan | the Adversary, Satan, seduced and enticed them and prolonged hope for them. Quran 047.026 That because they, themselves, said to those who hate what al-Lahu has revealed, ‘We will obey you in part of this command.’ But al-Lahu knows their secrets.”

Satan tried this same ploy with Paul, the founder of Christianity, whom he also possessed. Anyone with the comprehension, compassion, and courage to excoriate Satan’s quest to be worshiped as God is said to be in league with the one they are exposing and condemning. Unable to refute the evidence or reasoning brought against their 363scriptures, the religious deflect the criticism by projecting their plight on their nemesis. It is an irrational ploy and a logical fallacy but, nonetheless, it is an effective strategy among unthinking believers.

With an unyielding onslaught of terror, Satan is expecting that the rare exceptions who don’t wear down and capitulate will be so few that the vast number of militants he has seduced will be able to silence them by decapitating them – thereby ending the hope of a better life.

In this case, hate is a virtue. Islam is despicable in its provocation of endless war, slaughter and spoils, stealing and slavery, sadistic sexuality and senseless statements, and should therefore be despised. Unfortunately, rather than properly expressing our righteous indignation, the amoral recommend accommodation and compromise, becoming just a little bit pregnant with this vicious monster in their unsuspecting womb. To accept, or worse, to “obey” the edicts of this Quran, even “in part of what it commands,” is to expose everyone to the deadliest of plagues.

The peaceful Arabs weren’t opposed to preying upon Jews, but they didn’t much like fighting family. Their consciences couldn’t handle the strain. So, Allah ordered the good killer Muslims to put the peaceful ones out of their misery. In this regard, you may recall… Quran 004.089 “They wish that you reject Faith, as they have disbelieved, and thus that you all become equal. So, take not from them allies or friends until they emigrate in the Cause of al-Lahi. And if they turn back and become apostates (from Islam), fakhudhuhum wa-uq’tuluhum | seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And never take allies, associates, or friends, nor any assistance from them.”

It’s not much of a choice. If you are a good Muslim you’re a bad person. If you’re a bad Muslim you’re a dead person. To compel this horrific outcome, the Islamic god continued to terrorize peaceful people, this time with sadistic angels who lash out and beat men on their faces and backs…

364Quran 047.027 “Then how when take them in death the angels striking their faces and their backs? Quran 047.028 That because they followed what angered al-Laha and hated His pleasure. So He made worthless their deeds. Quran 047.029 Or do think those in their hearts a disease never will al-Lahu bring forth their hatred?”

Nonviolence and family values made Allah angry, and Jihad pleased him to such an extent he fantasized about dispatching demons to torment those who opposed him. While it was another delusional and idle threat by an idol, it was enough to frighten Muslims.

In the last verse of the last surah we reviewed, we read: Quran 048.029 “Muhammad Rasulu al-Lahi and those who with him firm, violent, and vehemently binding against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating seeking advantage and merit from al-Lahi and pleasure. Their simahum | imposed brand, punishing mark, and sign of affliction on their faces from the narrative associated with the prostration.” But now the punishing brand and sign of affliction are telling a different story. So, either al-Lahu is confused and cannot remember what he said one Suratun to the next, or Satan actually intended to brand and demean, punish and afflict, Muslims through humiliating prostrations.

Quran 047.030 “And if We wanted, lo, verily, We could show them to you and you would know them by their simahum | imposed brand, punishing mark, and sign of affliction, but, lo, you will know them by melodic speech. And al-Lahu knows your deeds.”

“Melodic” speech was translated from lahni, which is only found this one time in the Quran. As such, it is defined by this context rather than entomology. Its root, lahn, is a “musical term” and addresses the “tune or melody.” A lahn can be a duet or dirge, a serenade or symphony, a rhapsody or simple melody. Lahn would, therefore, be reminiscent of the rhyming and melodic pattern of the early surahs.

Therefore, according Allah, those who “turn their backs to the Quran,” whose “hearts are locked,” who “reject the clarity” of this “guidance,” who are “seduced by the 365Adversary,” and who “prolong hope” by “their animosity toward what al-Lahu has revealed,” such that they are brutalized by killer “angels beating their faces and backs” for having “angered al-Laha,” and are “diseased” for having done so, are “known” by lahni l-qawli | melodic and rhyming speech – sounding like the Rasuli reciting the Quran. Was it a confession or a faux pas?

Whichever, it results in the ultimate Islamic and Quranic test to reveal the genuine Mujahidin | Jihadist Fighters and to authenticate who is a Muslim and who is not. And as a result, my considered conclusion that all good Muslims are terrorists has been reconfirmed...

Quran 047.031 “And, lo, We will test you until We make evident al-Mujahidin | the Jihadist Fighters among you – the steadfast ones. And We will try and test your affairs.”

The most inept wannabe deity in the long history of false gods claims that those who oppose him and his Rasula have no influence on them. But if that were so, why are most of the Quran’s diatribes focused on threatening and demeaning those who do?

Quran 047.032 “Verily, those who disbelieve and turn away from the Cause of al-Lahi and oppose al-Rasula from after what between (made clear) to them the guidance, never will they harm al-Laha anything and He will make worthless their deeds.”

To survive, Satan must negate the rhetoric of those exposing and condemning his audition as God, his Rasuli, Quran, Sunnah, and religion. And since he cannot challenge them with evidence or reason, he resorts to fallacious ad hominem attacks and sadistic threats.

With the moral suitably slandered, it was time to motivate the unethical…

Quran 047.033 “O you who believed, obey al-Laha and obey al-Rasula, and make not vain your deeds.”

Obey, pay, fight, kill, and die – Islam was a simple, but horrid, proposition.

366Quran 047.034 “Lo, verily, those who disbelieve and turn away from the Cause of al-Lahi, then died while they disbelievers, never will al-Lahu forgive them. Quran 047.035 So not weaken and cry for peace while you the superior and al-Lahu with you. Never will deprive you your deeds.”

So long as Islam exists, there will be no peace, only death.

In this case, “not weaken” was from the negation of tahinu, telling mujahideen that they must “never slacken” in the slaughter or be “remiss” in collecting spoils.

“Crying” was from tad’u, telling the mujahideen that they must “never seek, desire, pray, or potion” for l-salmi | peace. It isn’t compatible with Allah, Muhammad, the Quran, or Sunnah, or being a Muslim.

“Superior” was from l-a’lawna, telling the mujahideen that they are “high and mighty, proud and exalted, elevated and ascending” over all others.

“Deprive” was from the seldom used a’malakum, telling the mujahideen that they will not be “defrauded or deprived, suffer harm, be for naught, or be rendered odd.” Wouldn’t you like to see their expressions when they discover otherwise?

Placed in the midst of ordering men to be mujahideen, it is repulsive to see that terror was a game to Muhammad and Allah. As true psychopaths, they had no empathy for their victims.

Quran 047.036 “Only the life the world play and amusement (sport and frivolity). If you believe and fear, He will not ask for your possessions and wealth and He will give you your rewards. Quran 047.037 If He were to ask you for it, and press you (to spend in Allah’s Cause), (would) you hoard and withhold and He bring forth your hatred?”

At least Allah is becoming a more efficient hypocrite in abrogating himself. This was one statement to the next.

367Quran 047.038 “Here you are these called to spend in Cause of al-Lahi, but among you who withhold and whoever withholds then only he withholds from himself. But al-Lanu free of need while you the needy. And if you turn away, He will preplace you (with) a people other than you then not they will be likes of you!”

Muhammad’s Mujahideen | Jihad Fighters were as expendable as his wives. Loyalty was not valued in Islam. And that’s not good if you’re a suicide bomber, bartering this life for the next.


Moving from the Quran to the Hadith we find that one un-book was as violent as the other…

Tabari VIII:139 “In this year the Messenger of Allah commanded Ghalib Abdallah to go on a raid to Kadid against the Mulawwih. They traveled until they encountered Harith. Ghalib said, ‘We captured Harith,’ but he said, ‘I came only to become a Muslim. Ghalib replied, ‘If you have come as a Muslim, it will not harm you to be bound for a day. If you have come for another purpose, we shall be safe from you.’ So he secured him with rope and left a little black man in charge, saying, ‘If he gives you any trouble, cut off his head.’”

Tabari VIII:140 “We continued until we came to the bottom land of Kadid and halted toward evening, after the mid-afternoon prayer. My companions sent me out as a scout. I went to a hill that gave me a view of the settlement and lay face down on the ground. One of their men looked and saw others lying with me on the hill. He said to his wife, ‘I see something. Let’s see what the dogs have dragged away.’ She wasn’t missing anything, so he asked her for his bow and arrows. He shot twice and hit my side and shoulder, but I did not move. He said, ‘If it were living, it would have moved.’”

Proving that the religion corrupted the terrorists rather than the other way around… Tabari VIII:141 “We gave them some time until their herds had come back from pasture. After they had milked their camels and set them out to rest, we launched our 368raid. We killed some of them, drove away their camels, and set out to return. Meanwhile, the people appealed for aid from the rest of their tribe. But we moved quickly. When we passed Harith, we grabbed him. Reinforced, the villagers were too powerful for us. But Allah sent clouds from out of the blue, and there was a torrent that no one could cross so we eluded the tribesmen with what we had taken. The battle cry of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah that night was: ‘Kill! Kill! Kill!’”

If this were the only Hadith in Islam it would be sufficient to prove that Muhammad was responsible for manufacturing terrorists. But it does not stand alone. It is but one of a thousand confirmations shouting out to all who will listen: Islam causes men to: “Kill! Kill! Kill!

Moving to the next Hadith, we find Muhammad sending another letter. Tabari VIII:142 “Whoever prays our prayer, eats of our sacrifice, and turns to our Qiblah is a Muslim. Incumbent on whoever refuses is the payment of the jizyah tax.” It was all about money. If you surrender, you pay the zakat. If you don’t submit you pay the jizyah. But either way, you pay the Godfather of the Criminal Enterprise.

Tabari VIII:142 “The Messenger made peace with them on condition that the Zoroastrians should be required to pay the jizyah tax [so onerous, it’s akin to economic suicide] that one should not marry their women. The Prophet exacted the zakat tax on the wealth of the two men who believed in him and collected the jizyah from all of the Zoroastrians.” Khadija’s Profitable Prophet Plan was paying dividends.

Tabari VIII:143 “In this year, a twenty-four-man raiding party led by Shuja went to the Banu Amir. He launched a raid on them and took camels and sheep. The shares of booty came to fifteen camels for each man. Also a raid led by Amr went to Dhat. He set out with fifteen men. He encountered a large force whom he summoned to Islam. They refused so he killed all of them.”

Consistent with the Quranic mantra, the Hadith confirms that Islam was about obedience to Muhammad. Tabari VIII:145 “The Prophet said, ‘Amr, swear allegiance; for 369acceptance of Islam cuts off what went before.’ So I swore allegiance to him.”

Following this religious interlude, the Hadith returns to its never-ending saga of terrorist raids. Tabari VIII:146 “The Prophet sent Amr to Salasil with 300 men. The mother of As was from Quda’ah. It has been reported that the Messenger wanted to win them over by that. Amr asked for reinforcements from the Ansar and Emigrants including Bakr and Umar with 200 more men.” While it’s not clear what happened in Salasil, we soon find the same gang heading for Khabat. Tabari VIII:147 “During the expedition they suffered such severe dearth and distress that they divided up the dates by number. For three months they ate leaves from trees.”

Naturally, that leads us to another raid, this one for sex. Tabari VIII:149 “Abdallah married a woman but couldn’t afford the nuptial gift. He came to the Prophet and asked for his assistance.” But the miserly warlord said, “I have nothing with which to help you.” So the love-starved Muslim accepted a summons from his prophet: “‘Go out and spy on the Jusham tribe,’ he asked. He gave me an emaciated camel and a companion. We set out armed with arrows and swords. We approached the encampment and hid ourselves. I told my companion, ‘If you hear me shout Allahu Akbar and see me attack, you should shout Allah is Greatest and join the fighting.’”

Tabari VIII:150 “When their leader, Rifa’ah, came within range, I shot an arrow into his heart. I leaped at him and cut off his head. Then I rushed toward the encampment and shouted, ‘Allahu Akbar!’ The families who were gathered there shouted, ‘Save yourself.’ They gathered what property they could, including their wives and children. We drove away a great herd of camels and many sheep and goats and brought them to the Messenger. I brought him Rifa’ash’s head, which I carried with me. The Prophet gave me thirteen camels from that herd as booty, and I consummated my marriage.”

Stunning, isn’t it? Repulsive and reprehensible, too. Page after page, Hadith after Hadith, it’s as overwhelming as it is nauseating. It’s hard to believe that anything could be this impoverishing and immoral.

370Consistent with that theme, the next Islamic Tradition infers that terror was more profitable than working and that booty came in many forms – some more pleasing than others… Tabari VIII:151 “The Prophet sent Ibn Abi out with a party of sixteen men. They were away for fifteen nights. Their share of booty was twelve camels for each man, each camel was valued in the accounting as being worth ten sheep. When the people they raided fled in various directions, they took four women, including one young woman who was very beautiful. She fell to Abu Qatadah. The Prophet asked Abu about her. Abu said, ‘She came from the spoils.’ The Messenger said, ‘Give her to me.’ So Abu gave her to him, and the Prophet gave her to Mahmiyah.”

Human trafficking, which is abducting and selling people as commodities, and typically women into sexual slavery, is an abomination – but not in Islam. One would think that such an admission would prejudice Progressives against Muslims – but no.

Tabari VIII:151 “Allah’s Apostle sent us to Idam. This was before the conquest of Mecca. As Adbat passed us; he greeted us with the greeting of Islam, ‘Peace be upon you.’ [Think about how perverted and deceitful that greeting was, and continues to be, in the midst of this barbarism.] So we held back from him. But Muhallim attacked him because of some quarrel, and he killed him. Then he took his camel and his food. When we reported what had happened to the Prophet, he said that the following Quran was revealed concerning us: ‘Believers, when you are journeying in the path of Allah, be discriminating.”

This was from Quran 004.094 which actually dates to the prior year. But by providing this Hadith, Muhammad confirmed that my interpretation of it was correct.

Tabari VIII:152 & Ishaq:531 “While the polytheists supervised the hajj pilgrimage, the Prophet sent out his expedition to Syria. It met with disaster.” Since the polytheists supervised what became known as a Pillar of the Islamic Faith, wouldn’t that suggest Islam is pagan?

This was the first Islamic raid on Christians, and it did not go well. Tabari VIII:152 & Ishaq:531 “They equipped 371themselves and set out with 3,000 men. As they bade farewell, the Commanders of Allah’s Apostle saluted him.”

At the time, one of the raiders was crying. “What is making you weep?’ someone asked. He said, ‘I heard the Prophet recite a verse from the Quran in which Allah mentioned the Fires of Hell: “Not one of you there is, that shall not go down to it, that is a thing decreed.” I do not know how to get out of Hell after going down there.’” Muhammad had scared him to death.

Marching off to kill and plunder Christians, the Muslim militants sang the following tune in rajaz meter…

Tabari VIII:153 & Ishaq:532 “I ask the Merciful One for a pardon and for a sword that cuts wide and deep, creating a wound that shoots out foaming blood. I ask for a deadly thrust by a thirsty lance held by a zealous warrior that pierces right through the guts and liver, slitting the bowels. People shall say when they pass my grave, ‘Allah guided him, fine raider that he was, O warrior, he did well.’” What a horrifying religion.

Tabari VIII:153 & Ishaq:532 “The men journeyed on and encamped at Mu’an in Syria. They learned that Heraclius had come with 100,000 Greeks and Byzantines joined by 100,000 Arabs.” That’s not true, but why bicker over facts now. There is much more at stake than errant reporting…

Tabari VIII:154 “The Muslims spent two nights pondering what to do. [Unable to think on their own…] They were in favor of writing to the Prophet to inform him of the number of the enemy. ‘Either he will reinforce us or he will give us his command to return.’” If we were to believe them, these men were outnumbered sixty to one. They were facing an actual army for the first time. These were not merchants or farmers.

Tabari VIII:153 & Ishaq:533 “Abdallah Rawahah encouraged the men, saying, ‘By Allah, what you loathe is the very thing you came out to seek – martyrdom. We are not fighting the enemy with number, strength, or multitude, but we are fighting them with this religion with which Allah has honored us. So come on! Both prospects are fine: victory or martyrdom.’ So they went forward.”

372The Muslims had been sent out as Mujahideen in a Holy War by none other than Islam’s lone Rasuli. Their motivation was to die as martyrs and thus gain entry into Allah’s whorehouse. Therefore, fundamental Islam is no different than the Islam that motivated the 9/11 suicide bombers or the 10/7 savages.

Like the intended victims of every other Islamic terrorist raid, the Byzantines had done nothing to the Muslims. But unlike so many others, these men were prepared… Tabari VIII:155 “When I heard a verse being recited, I wept. Someone tapped me with a whip and said, ‘What’s wrong little fellow?’ ‘Allah is going to reward me with martyrdom, and I am going back between the horns of the camel saddle.’”

While my preference would be to move on and let these Muslims expose and embarrass themselves, I cannot stand by silently and let them lie. Muslims never faced Byzantine Emperor Heraclius in battle. In fact, most historians agree that it is highly unlikely that Heraclius would have heard of the ragtag gang of misfit brutes massacring Jews and plundering Arabs in the desert.

This runs in the face of Islamic Traditions which protest otherwise. Perhaps you recall… Tabari VIII:105 “Al-Zuhri said, ‘A Christian bishop whom I met in the time of Abd al-Milik [a Umayyad Caliph who ruled from 685 to 705 CE] told me that he was acquainted with an affair involving the Messenger, Heraclius and his intelligence. According to the bishop, when Heraclius received the letter from Muhammad, he wrote to a man in Rome who used to read from the Hebrew what they use to read, mentioning the affair of the man, describing him, and informing him of what he had received from him. The ruler of Rome wrote back to him; “He is indeed the prophet we have been awaiting. There is no doubt about it. Follow him, and believe him.”’”

Then… Tabari VIII:105 “Heraclius then gave orders to gather the commanders of the Romans for him in a palatial building and ordered its doors to be closed on them. He looked down on them from an upper chamber because he was mortally afraid of them. He said, ‘People of the Romans, I have received this man’s letter calling me to 373his religion. By Allah, he is indeed the prophet whom we have been awaiting and whom we find in our Books. Come, let us follow him and believe him, that our life in this world and the next may be secure.’” Someone may have contrived a less credible endorsement, but it’s hard to imagine.

The Tradition goes on to say… Tabari VIII:107 “‘Shall we be under the hands of the Arabs when we are mankind’s greatest kingdom, most numerous nation, and best land?’ Heraclius said, ‘Then let me give him tribute each year so that I can avert his vehemence and find rest from his warfare by means of money that I give to him.’ The Romans said, ‘Shall we concede to the Arabs our own humiliation and abasement by a tax that they take from us?’ The king said, ‘Then let me make peace with him on condition that I give him the land of Syria and that he leave me with the land of al-Sha’m.’ They replied, ‘Shall we give him Syria when we know it to be the navel?’ Having refused him, Heraclius said, ‘You will be defeated.’ He offered a farewell salutation and galloped to Constantinople.” There is no chance Muhammad wrote a letter, that a letter from unknown Arab malcontents was received or read by the Byzantine Emperor, or that he said any such thing. Feeble fables such as this were used to uphold the deceptions that others recognized Muhammad. And while it wasn’t true, Muslims have a hard time remembering what they have claimed one day to the next. As a devotee of Muhammad and Islam, the Christian Emperor would not have been their enemy.

Moreover, by the end of his reign, his army was depleted… Tabari VIII:156 & Ishaq:534 “The men journeyed on and were met by Heraclius’ armies of Romans and Arabs. When the enemy drew near, the Muslims withdrew to Mu’ta, and the two sides encountered each other. Zayd fought with the war banner of the Messenger until he perished among the enemy’s javelins. Ja’far took it next but could not extricate himself from difficulties. He fought until he was killed. Abdallah took up the banner, urging his soul to obey. He hesitated and then said, ‘Soul, why do you spurn Paradise?’ He took up his sword, advanced, and was killed. Then Thabit took the banner. He said, ‘O Muslims, agree on a man from among 374yourselves.’ They said, ‘You.’ I said, ‘No.’ So they gave it to Khalid. He deflected the enemy in retreat, and escaped.”

When the defeated Muslim Mujahideen returned, Muhammad had no compassion for the families of his fallen comrades… Ishaq:535 “The women began to cry after learning about Ja’far’s death. Disturbed, Muhammad told Abd-Rahman to silence them. When they wouldn’t stop wailing, Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Go and tell them to be quiet, and if they refuse throw dust in their mouths.’” So much for honoring martyrs.

Trying to stifle the whining: Tabari VIII:158 “The Prophet ascended his pulpit and said, ‘A gate to good fortune. I bring you news of your campaigning army. They have set out and have met the enemy. Zayd has died a martyr’s death.’ He prayed for his forgiveness. He said, ‘Ja’far has died a martyr’s death,’ and prayed for his forgiveness.”…and so on down the list. My question is, if Muhammad wanted to fool them with “martyrdom earns paradise,” why ask for forgiveness? It weakened his case. Further, the first death pronounced to such jubilation was that of Muhammad’s adopted and then disowned son. You may remember him because when Muhammad stole his son’s wife, Allah went into high gear denouncing adoption while defending incest.

We have witnessed Muhammad’s lack of empathy recently in the reaction of Hamas head, Ismail Haniyeh, the billionaire resident of Qatari resorts who, when told that his sons and grandchildren had died in Gaza, showed no emotion, and congratulated himself on being honored by their martyrdom. It is the Islamic effect.

Then in his hypocritical fashion, the Godfather who had ordered men to martyrdom while he remained home in the arms of his consorts, tried once again to quell an angry mob of Muslims... Tabari VIII:159 “The people began to throw dust at the army, saying, ‘You retreating runaways. You fled in the Cause of Allah!’ But the Messenger said, ‘They are not fleers. Allah willing, they are ones who will return to fight another day.’”

375With this poem, recited on this occasion, we’ll leave the Sunnah and return to the Suratun. It reads… Ishaq:538 “While the eyes of others shed tears in the night of sorrows, I wasn’t sobbing. I felt the shepherd of Ursa and Pisces [making Muhammad an astrologist like the Islamic Ibrahim] between my ribs and bowels, piercing me with pain, afflicting me. Allah bless the martyrs lying dead at Mu’ta. Refresh their bones for they fought for Allah’s sake like good Muslims, stallions clad in mail. Their ranks were trapped and now they lay prostrate. The moon lost its radiance at their death. The sun was eclipsed and it became dark. We are a people protected by Allah to whom he has revealed His Book, excelling in glory and honor. Our enlightened minds cover up the ignorance of others. They would not embark on such a vicious enterprise. But Allah is pleased with our guidance and the victorious good fortune of our apostolic Prophet.” Good and evil have been inverted.
