143God Damn Religion


…Good Muslims Kill



Murderous Muslims


As often as their skin is burnt and singed, roasted through, We shall change it for fresh skin, so that they may go on tasting the torment.
Quran 004.056

Tasting the torment.


Islam’s non-prophet had painted himself into quite the predicament. He had disavowed Allah and his witness because he was afraid to expose his fading flock to those who knew him best and who were ready and willing to refute his claims. Unless at sword point, when tongues become tied, it was a risk he knew he could not survive – especially on the home turf of his former neighbors, friends, and family.

Islam had already died and been resurrected nine times, so why not a tenth? The idiocy of the initial revelation, the tormenting conditions under which it had been delivered, and the admission of demon possession and of attempted suicide, necessitated the resurrection of a miscarriage. The opponents in the Never-Ending Argument were proven correct. Muhammad was a fraud, his recitals were plagiarized and twisted, he was cavorting with the Devil, and he did so for personal gain. For this, Islam would require rebirth.

Then there was the Threat to Slaughter his kin, which proved that he was a psychopath and not a prophet. His murderous response to accurate testimony would necessitate a third resurrection.

When Muhammad accepted the Quraysh appeasement through the Idolatrous Inducement, he demonstrated that 144Islam was no more monotheistic than the pagan lore of his ancestors. At the same time, he revealed that he would say and do anything for sex, power, and money. Even worse, after accepting the deal he reneged, proving that he could not be trusted. And yet, Islam survived with a fourth resurrection.

While that ought to have been more than enough, Muhammad doubled down on demonic duplicity with the Satanic Verses. He actually recited a surah claiming that all of Allah’s messengers speak on behalf of Satan. For once in his miserable life, he told the truth and killed his religion in the process – requiring a fifth resurrection.

The sixth resurrection was necessitated by his inane Night’s Journey aboard Allah’s Donk-Mule, flying to Jerusalem to meet in the nonexistent Al-Aqsa Mosque. It now exists as a scar on the Temple Mount, obscuring reason while obliterating Islam’s credibility. The entire episode, from traveling through Hell to reach Allah, to the absurd narratives along the way, serves as Islam’s eulogy.

The terrorist raid at Badr was so sadistic and gruesome, unjustified and immoral, it also killed Islam. And in this case, the Quran’s narrative may have been worse than the obnoxious rhetoric summarizing the events in the Hadith. It was so inappropriate and inhuman, it’s a miracle Islam survived.

The eighth death knell for Islam pertains to the treatment of the Jews in Yathrib. Two of the three communities were exiled, their homes, property, and possessions stolen by the usurpers. The final community was annihilated, while the survivors were raped and enslaved. For having done so, God will send every Muslim responsible, and their non-prophet, to Hell. And in reality, for anyone who is informed and moral, Islam died with the Jews the Muslims slaughtered.

145Islam’s ninth need for resurrection has just occurred during the capitulation at Hudaybiyyah and then the tenth is on the horizon with the annihilation of Khabar. This Snake has been afforded far too many lives.

Now that we have analyzed the entirety of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd surahs, all of the 8th, 13th, 17th, 20th, 21st, and 25th surahs among the first 25, and most of the 6th, 7th, and 11th surahs, and knowing that we will explore the whole of the 5th and 9th Suratun as the events they cover dictate, the current context calls our attention to the 4th surah. It is named An-Nisaa | The Women because controlling them was immensely important to the sexual pervert masquerading as a prophet.

Quran 004.001 “O Mankind! Fear your Lord, the one who created you from a single nafsin | being (soul) and created from it its mate (of the same kind) and spread from both of them, many men and women. So fear al-Laha whom you ask with it and the wombs. Lo, al-Laha is over you watching.”

A god one must fear is a fraud that must be shunned. The very notion of a god creating an inferior being to dread his presence is sadistic.

While nafsin is derived from the Hebrew nepesh | soul, and represents animal consciousness, the ability to observe one’s environment and respond appropriately, is our operating system. But it does not describe the creation of the being in which it is deployed. All animals have one, so souls are not unique to humans. Moreover, while bodies are male and female, souls are genderless. Further, souls are unique, so new life is not propagated through the nepesh. Therefore, while pretending to be a big-time operator as the creator of men and women, al-Laha’s botched testimony proves that he is anything but divine. And may I add – the sentence “So fear al-Laha whom you ask with it and the wombs” is nonsensical.

Returning to his favorite theme, the orphan wants his property returned…

146Quran 004.002 “To orphans restore their property and not devour or exchange the bad with the good and do not consume their property with your property. Lo, verily it is a great sin.”

Muhammad was worried that the Quraysh were devouring the assets of the Ka’aba Inc. After all, he had raided their caravans, destroying their only other source of income. And being the world’s biggest hypocrite, the non-prophet never returned the property of the orphans he had created by killing their parents and selling them into slavery.

Since this surah was named “Women,” it’s only fair that men have more than one…

Quran 004.003 “If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with orphans, then marry what seems suitable to you from the women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you cannot do justice (to so many), then only one, or (a slave) that you possess as booty. That will be more suitable so not you oppress. “

Since an orphan is a child without a parent, why would picking among them for marriage, and thus sex, be moral unless Allah is endorsing pedophilia – again? How is it not oppressive that men can choose women, but women cannot choose men? Isn’t it misogynist to say that men can have two, three, or for women but women are limited to sharing one man, even a quarter of one.

And should a Muslim be abusive and incapable of treating a woman fairly, then al-Lahu’s solution is to rape a slave. It is suitable to oppress women who have been reduced to property, and who have no rights or freedoms whatsoever according to the immoral god of Islam.

Quran 004.004 “And give the women their dower as a gift; but if they remit any part of it to you, then eat it with ease and satisfaction.”

According to Muhammad in his farewell sermon, it’s even okay to beat them until they remit the dower of their own good pleasure. And then murderous mujahideen can 147gobble it up without remorse. And that is because Islam is misogynistic and made for men to abuse women.

Quran 004.005 “And do not give the foolish your wealth which made by al-Lahu for you a means of support. Provide them with it and clothe them and speak to them kind words.”

Or so says the most demeaning and sadistic god ever conceived by man, the rudest and most deadly, too. And since Muslims without oil would possess little more than sand and lice, how has al-Lahu made them any money? Is the un-god claiming that he’s the one who plundered and pillaged Arabs and Jews to enrich his slaves?

Quran 004.006 “And test the orphans until when they reached marriage then if you perceive in them thinking then deliver to them their wealth. And not eat it extravagantly and hastily that they grow up. And whoever is rich then he should refrain and whoever is poor then let him eat in a fair manner. Then when you deliver to them their property, then take witnesses on them. And il-Lahi is sufficient a reckoner.”

Il-Lahi was an orphan- and widow-making machine with his incessant demands that Muslim men fight and die killing for him. Moreover, he has already stripped his slaves of their possessions by insisting that they surrender their wealth and lives to him. Has the all-knowing un-god forgotten these things?

Quran 004.007 “For the men a portion of what left the parents and the near relatives and for the women a portion of what is left parents and the near relatives of what little of it or much a portion obligatory. Quran 004.008 And when present the division of the relatives and the orphans and the impoverished then provide them from it and speak to them kind words. Quran 004.009 And let fear those who if they left from behind offspring weak they would have reared about them. So let them fear al-Laha and let them speak appropriate words.”

Who does al-Laha think he is addressing? Humans have been passing their wealth on to their children for many thousands of years. And not a word of this is incremental to 148that process. The only novel addition is reprehensible since it requires fear.

While it is a parent’s responsibility to earn a living and provide food, shelter, clothing, protection, and guidance to their minor children, it should be a parent’s prerogative to decide whether to set aside additional money for them after they are grown. For example, I chose to give both of my sons more money than the average person makes and maintains over a lifetime, with no strings attached. And with one, it blew up in my face and with the other, it has been a significant irritant. I have subsequently written one son out of my will, and the jury is still out on the other. While it’s not entirely their fault since their “mother” was a psychopath, they ought to have exhibited far better judgment. Therefore, more unearned wealth would only serve to exacerbate the problem. So, it isn’t God’s position, and most certainly not Satan’s, to tell anyone if they should pass on an inheritance to adults, especially since money that isn’t earned is seldom valued.

Returning to the rantings of a sadist...

Quran 004.010 “Lo, verily, those who consume the property of the orphans, wrongly only they eat up fire in their bellies. They will be burned in a Blazing Fire!”

Those who don’t give the un-god’s non-prophet what he craves, which is control over the Ka’aba Inc. and a 20% share of all stolen booty, are off to the fire, filling their bellies with it, says the nice god of speaking kindly.

Next, we learn that Allah thinks that men are twice as valuable as women.

Quran 004.011 “Allah directs you in regard of your children, for the male, a portion equal to that of two females. But if there are women more than two, then for them two thirds what he left. And if is one, then for her half. And for his parents, for each one of them a sixth of what left if is for him a child. But if not is for him any child and inherited him his parents, then for his mother one third. And if 149are for him brothers and sisters, then for him mother the sixth from after any will he has made of which or any debt. Your parents and your children not you know which of them nearer to you benefit. An obligation from al-Lahi. Lo, al-Laha is all-knower, all-wise.”

Having endured twenty years of irate, foulmouthed, and mean-spirited Muslim women slandering me because they can’t defend their religion – and shouldn’t – I’m not particularly sympathetic since they have no desire for a better plight. But nonetheless, Progressives should reject Islam on this basis alone. Nine hundred million women worldwide are deprived of their human rights and are devalued. It is not right, ethical, or moral.

Quran 004.012 “And for you half what left by your wives if not is for them a child. But if is for them a child, then for you the fourth of what they left for after any will then have made for which or any debt. And for them the fourth of what you left if not is for you a child. But if for you a child then for them the eighth of what you left from after any will you have made for which or any debt. And if is a man is to be inherited no parent or child or a women and for him a brother or a sister then for each one of two the sixth. But if they are more than that then they partners in the third from after any will was made for which or any debt without harmful. A required ordinance from al-Lahi. And al-Lahu all-knowing, all-forbearing.”

So what do you suppose the odds might be that any of the dimwitted murderers and thieves or their ilk could have memorized and repeated these past two mind-numbing verses as they were recited, doing so for a century before any of this was written down? Even if we were to pretend that this nonsensical gibberish made sense or was appropriate, there is no chance that what we just read resembles what was first spoken.

But I suppose, considering the dire circumstances the Devil’s Advocate and Satan had brought upon themselves with the capitulation at the doorstep of KabaVille, that they realized it was too late to woo Muslims with rhyming oratory, so they were left to baffle them in mundane verbosity. Rather than arouse them to fight, they put them to 150sleep. After all, since they were already despondent to the point of death over their hiatus on ravaging KabaVille, it wouldn’t take much to make them comatose.

Quran 004.013 “Those limits al-Lahi and whoever obeys al-Laha and His Rasula, He will admit him Demonic Gardens flows from under the rivers abide forever in it. That the great success.”

Go nighty-night now, Muslim swordsman. Sweet dreams of boys and girls and low-hanging fruit. It is time to ponder why the rivers subterranean, such that they are unseen and inaccessible, undermining the floating garden.

For those still listening, it was time for al-Laha and his Rasula to put them on their heels with “submit and obey” or “fire forever” to quell thoughts of mutiny…

Quran 004.014 “And whoever disobeys al-Laha and His Rasula and transgress His limits, He will admit him fire abide forever in it. And for him a humiliating punishment.”

Should you be thinking this through, which is a frightening concept for a Muslim or Progressive, it means that if you treat women as equals, you’ll burn in hell. Unfortunately, even though it is obvious, relatively few people recognize that al-Laha and His Rasula are the ones leading the ignorant and immoral to Hell and that they will endure this punishment along with those they enticed.

With the context provided by the Hadith, and knowing that the Muslim bloodsuckers were enduring an unwanted fast, now bellyaching as a result, I don’t much think that these recitals were shared around the campfires of capitulation. But we can consider them now since someone, somewhere decided to add them into the mix.

Quran 004.015 “And those who yatina | meet with or engage in, commit or endure l-fahishata | the excessive, lewd, or forbidden from your women then call to witness against them four among you. And if they testify then confine them in their houses until comes to them the death or makes al-Lahu for them a way.”

151Al-Lahu is a sneaky snake. The accused are women. And based upon yatina, it matters not if the forbidden act was perpetrated by them or imposed on them, if they engaged to kiss a boy or if they were raped.

Even the alleged crime is unspecified. L-fahishata is most commonly rendered as “immorality,” but that is a requirement for all Muslims since they must slaughter and plunder for the non-prophet and un-god to retain their standing in the religion. But fahishata can be as inconsequential as being “immoderate,” which could be defined as refusing to be tented, showing one’s disdain for being treated like a worthless animal, or speaking one’s mind. It ranges from “unseemly” to “indecency,” from “exceeding the restrictive limits imposed” to “fornicating.”

And even then, there is an Islamic triple standard. The Quran has approved Muhammad’s perverted sexuality, including incest, rape, pedophilia, and polygamy. Muslim men can have four women and still rape their captives and slaves. Moreover, the delights of Allah’s Garden of Bliss are virginal boys and girls, primed for conquest.

Therefore, this issue has already been framed against the accused women. Even worse, when we move to the “witnesses,” there is no requirement for them to have seen anything. All they are required to do is to accuse the accused – which is to testify against them. In a misogynist religious cult, like Islam, especially one in which testimony is abrogated and vows are annulled, the witnesses are not burdened by the truth.

Also interesting, there is no provision for the women to speak for themselves, to provide refuting witnesses or evidence. There is no swearing-in of the accusing witnesses, no penalty for perjury, no cross-examination, no judge, and no jury. To be a woman in Islam is to have no rights, to be screwed, and to live in fear.

152The penalty for losing this rigged charade in the realm of misogynists is to be locked up and starved to death. Lo, verily, Allah oft-forgiving, most-merciful, if you are a murderous man, but not so much for little girls.

It is not my job to protect Muslim women from being abused and tortured by Muslim men. I have no voice in such matters. But since my mission is to protect God’s people from immoral and abusive Muslims, I am sharing this in the expectation that more people gain the insights and confidence needed to stand up against Muhammad, Allah, the Quran, and Islam before these demons impose their abomination on others and start the next world war.

Quran 004.016 “The two who commit it among you, then punish both of them. But if they repent and correct themselves then turn away from them. Lo, al-Laha is oft-forgiving, merciful.”

There is no way to make sense of “the two who commit it among you.” In the previous statement, only women were being accused, not men. There were no limitations on the number of them, so the “two” designation is incompatible with what precedes it, especially since this infers that a man might be found complicit even though there is no stated means to judge the undisclosed accomplice in fornication.

Here, the punishment isn’t specified, unlike the previous verse which was imprisonment and death. And now, unlike before, guilt can be assuaged by repentance. So, it is either a contradiction, or the alleged crimes and criminals are unrelated.

And speaking of contradictions, it is patently apparent that al-Laha is only oft-forgiving of mass murder and plunder. And even then, he’s lying.

Quran 004.017 “Only the acceptance of repentance by al-Lahi for those who do the evil in ignorance then repent from soon after. Those will have forgiveness al-Lahu upon them. Is al-Lahu knowing, wise? Quran 004.018 Not the acceptance of repentance for those who do the evil deeds until approaches one of them death. He says, ‘Lo, I 153repent now,’ and not those who die while disbelievers. Those We have prepared for them a painful punishment.”

Since no Muslim has ever heard al-Lahu speak, how would anyone know if repentance has been accepted and punishment avoided? Since the Quran requires exceptionally evil deeds to be committed by Muslims, and even rewards mass murder, slavery, and armed robbery, what could possibly deserve eternal damnation?

Then, proving that Islam is for the foolish, ignorance is an acceptable excuse. If one doesn’t know $#!+, they can be forgiven for $#!+. However, a dying mass murderer and slaver are of no value to al-Lahu, so a Muslim better start begging and performing before they die killing for the false god. However, just for clarification, what would be the basis for repentance in a religion where the lone “prophet” is sanctified in all manner of sexual perversions?

One cannot even be accused of lying and contradicting oneself since the un-god and his non-prophet do so with great regularity. Consider this…

Quran 004.019 “O you who believed, not open (lawful) for you that you inherit the women by force. And not you constraint them so that you may take a part what you have given them except that they yatina | meet with or engage in, commit or endure l-fahishata | the excessive, lewd, or forbidden mubayyinatin | between. And live with them in kindness. But if you dislike them, then perhaps that you dislike a thing and al-Lahu has placed in it much good.”

The apparent contradiction and potential confusion in this statement is resolved when tarithu | inherit is understood. Since forcibly confiscating women and girls as booty during raids while killing their parents and husbands and either raping or selling them as property is a sanctioned and approved religious activity in Islam, this only means that a good little Muslim boy cannot inherit his father’s sex slave and force her to become his sex slave. What a lovely sentiment. Even more merciful, the good little jihadist cannot perpetually constrain dad’s sex slaves, keeping them 154hostage, unless he rapes them, and then he can accuse them of l-fahishata and can even torture them to death, in accordance with the previous verses – so long as he does so nicely.

Muslim men are being told that “perchance they dislike their thing,” al-Lahu may nonetheless want them to impregnate women anyway and manufacture more Muslim zombies to replace the jihadists that are dying to kill for him. But alas, since women are worthless and replaceable, with one thing easily exchanged for another…

Quran 004.020 “So if you intend replacing a woman place a woman and you have given one of them heap, then not take away from it anything. Would you take it slander and a sin mubinan | between? Quran 004.021 And how could you take it when lo, has gone one of you to another and they have taken from you mithaqan | pledge (covenant) strong?”

So long as Muslim men leave their heap, it’s out with the old and in with the new. But having been exposed to far too many Muslim women, I think they’d have to look elsewhere for an upgrade. But perhaps that is the reason they are forced to wear veils and tents.

Incest, pedophilia, rape, and polygamy are okay for Muhammad, but Muslim men cannot marry their father’s women, even though they have but one chance in four of being their mother. Although, there is an exemption for necrophilia, which would be the most direct reading “of the women except what has passed before.” Otherwise, necrophilia might be lewd…

Quran 004.022 “And not marry whom married your fathers of the women except what has passed before. Lo, it was an fahishata | the excessive, lewd, or forbidden and hateful, and evil way.

The following words, coming as they do from the most infamous and perverted of sex abusers may tip the hypocrisy meter full scale…

155Quran 004.023 “Prohibited to you your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your father’s sisters, and your mother’s sisters, and daughter’s brothers (or daughters of brothers), and daughter’s sisters (or daughters of sisters), and mothers who gave you suck and your sisters from the nursing, and mothers of your wives and your step-daughters who in your guardianship of your women whom you have gone in with them, but if not you had gone into them, then no sin on you. And women your sons who from your loins and that you gather together between two sisters except what has passed before. Lo, verily, al-Laha is oft-forgiving, most-merciful.”

That was the Rubik’s Cube of incestual indulgences. Solve the puzzle, win a prize – perhaps even your adopted son’s wife. And lest I forget, rape is still okay with Rocky.

Since Muhammad’s harem included women who were married to other men, and since Allah’s brothel is a honey trap, this, too, is hypocritical. But what in Islam isn’t?

Quran 004.024 “And the one who are married of the women except whom you possess as slaves from booty. Decree al-Lahi upon you. And lawful to you what beyond that that you seek with your wealth desiring to be chaste not lustful. So what you benefited of it from them so you give them their dowry and obligation. And no sin on you concerning what you mutually agree of it from beyond the obligation. Lo, al-Laha is all-knowing, wise.”

There was always an exception for slaves, which is a bit creepy since, fifth only to pedophilia and incest, bestiality and necrophilia, forcing a slave to endure sex without the benefit of consent is repulsive. It is not only rape, and thus a crime in every civilized culture, it demonstrates that Muslims have nothing to offer that anyone who is moral would find attractive.

Quran 004.025 “And whoever not able to among you afford to marry the free virginal believing women then from what you have rightly enslaved and possess as a captive of your slave girls the believers. And al-Lahu knows best about your faith. You from another. So marry them with permission their family and give them their bridal due in a fair manner, virginal, not those who commit or endure immorality and not those who take secret lovers. Then when 156they are married and if they commit adultery, then for them half what on the free virginal women of the punishment. That for whoever fears committing sin among you and that you be patient better for you. And al-Lahu oft-forgiving, most-merciful.

This is the guidance on how to rape a slave without remorse. It is the special gift from al-Lahu to the lustful since the un-god deliberately made mankind weak, or he was inept and we are the best he could do…

Quran 004.026 “Al-Lahu wants to make between you and to guide you ways those from before you and accept repentance from you. Al-Lahu all-knowing, wise. Quran 004.027 Al-Lahu wants to accept repentance from you but wish those who follow the lusts and passions that you deviate a deviation great. Quran 004.028 Al-Lahu wishes to lighten for you (?), and was the mankind created weak?”

It’s disturbing that Muslims fail to see the hypocrisy in their wannabe god. There are no marriage vows and yet sex outside of marriage is punishable by 80 lashings. Incest is bad, but not for Muhammad. Pedophilia was specifically sanctioned between a 68-year-old pervert and a 6-year-old child. Muslims can have four wives while the “Prophet” may have as many as he coveted. Slaves are good to take and to rape. And heaven’s reward is constant sex with an unlimited supply of perpetual virgin boys and girls. But “accept repentance from you but wish those who follow the lusts and passions that you deviate a great deviation.” And that is because men are defective, not the un-god.

So do not chow down on wealth, except if it’s part of a business arrangement, like prostitution, and there is an agreement between the parties.

Quran 004.029 “O you who believe, do not eat your wealth between yourselves unjustly, except that be business on mutual consent among you. And not kill yourselves. Lo, verily, al-Laha is to you Rahman.”

The order not to kill oneself comes out of the wild blue yonder, stuffed haphazardly into the rant after “not eating 157your wealth between yourselves” and “doing business by mutual consent.”

This is another non-sequitur…

Quran 004.030 “And whoever does that aggression and injustice then soon We cast him a fire and is that for al-Lahi easy.”

This is a sore thumb in this disjointed discussion. And it is irrational for the un-god to say that he will aggressively and unjustly cast a person into the fire if he acts like al-Lahi and is aggressive and unjust. Moreover, nothing is “easy” for the do-nothing un-god of Islam, including communicating.

At this point, we can only imagine that al-Lahi has grown weary of sharing the many ways to control women and wants to prevent a mutiny among the men. This admonition is likely meant to prevent the growing animosity against the Godfather triggering the collapse of the criminal enterprise. That is to say, “Plunder and kill whoever you like, except fellow sand pirates. After all, since I made Islam a bastion of misogyny, it’s now paradise on earth.”

Whatever is to be avoided isn’t specified, but it is forbidden. Not that it matters since the evil offense is quickly expunged from the record. Moreover, the heavenly brothel has a noble entrance, eliminating the embarrassment of entering the whorehouse. Although, that’s not fair because the treats are virgins, and it is the bastards who are whores.

Quran 004.031 “If you avoid great (?) what you are forbidden from it. We will remove from you your evil deed and We will admit you an entrance noble.”

There was a caste system in Islam. Al-Lahu and al-Rasuli were the Lords and Masters. Islamic kings and caliphs were next in line. They were followed by Jihadi Muslims killing for glory and babes, but they didn’t last very long. And in this tier of the caste, the Emigrants were valued above the lowly Ansar. Believing women were next, at half the merit of a man, followed by slaves, infidels, and apostate 158pacifist Muslims – who were the worst of all. And since there was no upward mobility…

Quran 004.032 “Not covet what bestowed al-Lahu with it some of you over others. For men a share of what they earned and for women a share of what they earned. And ask al-Laha of His merit (bounty). Lo, al-Laha is of every thing all-knower.

Quran 004.033 For all We made heirs of what left the parents and the relatives. And those whom pledged your right hands then give them their share. Lo, al-Laha is over every thing a witness.”

Al-Laha has returned to word salad mode. So, after telling Muslims that he was the best of protectors and that there were no protectors other than him…

Quran 004.034 “The men protectors of the women because al-Lahu bestowed some of them over others and because they spend from their wealth. So the right women obedient, guarding in the unseen that which them to guard al-Lahu. And those whom you fear their ill-conduct then advise them and forsake them in the bed and strike them. Then if they obey you then not seek against them a way. Lo, verily, al-Laha is most high, most great.”

One of the reasons I have no respect for Muslim women is that they are not only opposed to assistance, they viciously attack those who try to help them. During the five years I was interviewed up to five hours a day on syndicated talk radio shows in opposition to Islam, revealing that women had no rights and that they could be starved or beaten to death by Muslim men, they screamed and said that it wasn’t so. But nonetheless, after reading in the 4th surah that Muslim men have the right to lock up and starve women to death, we read here that they can strike them – which is to beat them. And there is no remedy for an Islamic woman – not that she would take advantage of it if delivered on a silver platter.

One might be led to think that the arbitrators from his and her family suggest that this is marriage counseling, but that isn’t so. The discord is between the four women sharing one miserable man…

159Quran 004.035 “If you fear a dissension between two of them then send an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family. If they both wish reconciliation will cause reconciliation al-Lahu between both of them. Lo, al-Laha knower, aware.”

By repeatedly reminding Muslims how aware, knowing, kind, merciful, powerful, and forgiving he is when all evidence continues to be to the contrary, al-Laha is actually revealing that he is both horribly insecure and a malignant narcissist. For example, while the salutation of the previous statement is incongruous with the preamble, the introduction of the next verse has no bearing on what follows. It is as if hundreds of poorly conveyed random thoughts are interspersed between a flood of arrogant outbursts. And then adding insult to indignity, al-Laha is self-loathing since he does not like the proud and boastful.

Quran 004.036 “And worship al-Laha and not associate with Him anything and to the parents good and with the relatives and the orphans and the destitute and the neighbor who is near and the neighbor farther away and the companion by your side and the traveler and what captives and slaves rightfully possessed, indeed, al-Laha not love who is proud, boastful.”

In one verse, Muslims are told to spend modestly so as not to gobble down one’s wealth, but then contradicting that, they are told not to be stingy. Fortunately for Muslims, there is a resolution because the conflicting edits are on wealth provided by al-Lahu, which by any rational accounting is nothing.

Quran 004.037 “Those who are stingy and order the people stinginess and hide what al-Lahu has given them of His bounty. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.

Quran 004.038 And those who spend their wealth to be seen the people and not they believe in il-Lahi and not in the Day the Last and whoever has al-Shaytanu | the Adversary, Satan, for him a companion, then evil a companion.”

Last time I checked, things that kill people are usually brash, flashy, and loud. And since the primary edict on 160spending is on the weapons of war used in the un-god’s cause, il-Lahi is having a difficult time remembering what he said from one surah to the next. Either that, or he’s a crazy maker.

As for the Day the Last, apart from what I have shared with you, no one knows the day – not even al-Lahu. And when it finally arrives on Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah (sunset in Jerusalem October 2nd, 2033), it is Yahowah and Dowd who will prevail with Yahuwdym while Allah, Muhammad, and Muslims are dispatched to She’owl. So the humiliating punishment will be for the believers.

While it is true that ha Satan | the Adversary is a rotten companion, unfortunately for Muslims, he’s Allah. It is a certainty. No faith required.

Quran 004.039 “And what against them if they believed in il-Lahi and the Day the Last and spent from what al-Lahu provided them. And is al-Lahu about them all-knower? Quran 004.040 Lo, verily, al-Laha not yazlimu | obscure, dark, or wrong-doer weight dharratin | an offspring or descendant (atom) and if there is a good He doubles it and gives from near Him a great reward.

The answer to the first question is that if the Muslims believed in il-Lahi and did nothing about it, they would have squandered their souls. They would have ceased to exist upon their death. However, if they funded Islamic terrorism as this suggests, or worse, engaged in abusing God’s people and killing them, then the consequence will be an eternity in She’owl. Al-Lahu is a nincompoop devoid of rewards.

Nonetheless, Muslims do their best to make their guy appear godly. In this case, they change the meaning of dharratin, which means “offspring or descendant” to “atom” to make Allah appear smart. They even render yazlim | wrong, when it is more accurately translated as “obscure or darken.”

In the long and menacing history of al-Lahu, from his duplicity in the Garden to his achievements in Babylon 161integrating politics and religion, to the formation of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, he has never provided a witness. That is the last thing Satan wants because then people would know that he is the Adversary and not God.

For certain, Satan has had an Apostle (Paul), a Pope (Peter), a Rabbi (Akiba), an Emperor (Hadrian), a Rasuli (Muhammad), a Führer (Hitler), a Comrade (Stalin), and an Ayatollah (Khamenei), as well as his share of terrorists and jihadists, but no witnesses…

Quran 004.041 “So how when We bring from every nation and community a witness and We bring you against these a witness. Quran 004.042 That Day those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Rasula will wish if was leveled with them the earth and not they will hide al-Laha statement.”

I suppose that since the earth must be flat, the disbelievers are looking for a hole in the ground to hide from al-Laha, not knowing that Snakes burrow.

While what follows is too weird for words, it’s troubling that the Quran claims women are unclean – actually dirtier than dirt…

Quran 004.043 “O you who believed not go near al-salata | the prostration performance while you intoxicated in a drunken stupor until you know what you are saying and not junuban | broken, on one’s side, distant in avoidance (impure) except passing a way until you have bathed. And if you are ill or on a journey or came one of you from doing potty or you have touched the women and not you find water then do tayammum with earth clean and fa’im’sahu | messiah (wipe) your faces and your hands. Lo, verily, al-Laha is oft-pardoning, oft-forgiving.”

The saying which might be spoiled by imbibing alcohol is Al-Fatiha | The Opening. It is the mindless drivel of the opening surah which is cited during the salat

Quran 001.001-007 “In name al-Lahi, the Rahman, the Rahim. The praises to il-Lahi, Rabbi the worlds, the Rahman, the Rahim, the Lord of Judgement Day. You Alone we worship and You alone we plead for help. Guide us the straight path, those You bestowed favors 162on them, not those who earned condemnation on themselves and not those who have gone astray.” Lord forbid, those words are slurred.

As for junuban, its primary definition is to be “broken” and thus “lying on one’s side, distant and aloof.” But since the word’s definitions don’t fit the sentence, the “translators” change its meaning to “impure.”

Even though Allah’s angels are covered in dust as they hunt their Jewish prey, the un-god does not want to be mooned by a dirty ass. So, bathe first, bow second.

As for potty talk, l-ghaiti is used twice in the Quran, here and in Quran 005.006, which, while omitting intoxication, is otherwise similar. However, even though the scholars will render l-ghaiti as “coming out of the toilet,” civilized conveniences long standard elsewhere, were not yet invented in Arabia. The term actually means “to hide oneself on sloped terrain above a hole in the ground.” Therefore, it is speaking of disgorging human excrement, also known as going poo out in the open.

Then from that fragrant picture, we are told that touching a woman is similarly disgusting. They are so filthy according to al-Laha that if a Muslim man cannot wash off the foul nature of a female with water, then he must tayammum sa’idan | resort to using a veritable sea of dirt to eliminate the stench. Methinks Allah may be a homosexual since women give him the creeps.

But there may be more to this dirt bath since the primary meaning of the root of fa’im’sahu is masiha | Messiah. So that’s not very nice.

Like so much of the Quran, there is no intelligent transition from going potty and wallowing in dirt to removing the corrupt stench of a woman to attacking Jews. Obviously, this is the product of a cluttered and tormented mind. Moreover, there would have been no way to see what Jews were doing since Allah, Muhammad, and their savages 163had exiled, robbed, raped, enslaved, sold, or decapitated all of them. Has Allah already forgotten?

Quran 004.044 “Did not you see towards those who were given a portion of the writing purchasing the error and wishing that you stray the way? Quran 004.045 “But al-Lahu knows better about your enemies and sufficient il-Lahi a protector and sufficient il-Lahi a helper.

Quran 004.046 Of those who hadu | acting like Jews, they distort the words from their place and they say, ‘We hear and we disobey.’ And hear not to be heard and raina [?] twisting their tongues and defaming in the religion. And if that they said, ‘We hear and we obey. And hear and look us,’ lo, it would have been better for them and more suitable, and but al-Lahu cursed them for their disbelief so not they believe except a few.”

If al-Lahu had been a clever Snake, he would not have complained about Jews “who were given a portion of the writing purchasing error because they wanted to lead [Muslims] astray.” It is among the most incriminating of Satan’s many blunders. As we know, it affirms that the reason Talmud interpretations of the Towrah appear throughout the Quran, many verbatim, and most twisted to reflect Muhammad’s foibles, is because the non-prophet paid Yathrib rabbis to recite them to him. Without these accounts, the Quran would have been put on a word fast, and it would have been deprived of half of its content. There would be no basis for the claim of being an Abrahamic religion. Allah would not have fooled so many into believing that he was a god. Islam would not have survived to be resurrected so many times. October 7th, 2023 would not have happened and I would not be transforming Prophet of Doom into God Damn Religion. There wouldn’t be any Muslims today, much less 1.9 billion of them. Israel would not be surrounded and threatened.

It’s true that the rabbinical complicity would have remained obvious because of the sheer amount of plagiarism, but the extent of the rabbinical crime, and the 164fact that their money-grubbing led to the demise of Jews and the rise of their second most menacing foe, would not have been known. That’s not good for Satan because he has effectively used rabbis and Judaism to mislead and suppress God’s people for 20 centuries and this admission discredits them and their debilitating cult.

Jews are Satan’s primary target since they have served as Yahowah’s prophets and they are the reason God is returning, which will upend the Adversary’s reign as a wannabe god. Ironically, rabbis and Judaism remain the most formidable obstacle to a successful homecoming on Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah, Allah’s Day of Doom.

By the same token, by acknowledging the rabbinical complicity in the creation of the Quran, Satan is revealing “his Book’s” actual inspiration. And the rest is obvious. When Muhammad twisted the Talmudic accounts such that they mimicked his deplorable situation, and then recited the bastardized versions as if they were inspired by Allah, the Jews who knew better, mocked him. And they had proof that he was a fraud.

However, since Muhammad was a schizophrenic psychopath and sadist, rather than admit that he had been caught up in a web of deception, he sent his flying monkeys against his former accomplices, now foes, and silenced them by cutting off their heads. Then he gloated by raping their women and selling their children to buy more lethal weapons. He even slandered his inspiration.

But that left Allah to clean up the bloody mess and explain why the Towrah that he was claiming he inspired and that his Quran confirmed differed in such incriminating ways from the original written and contemporaneous accounts documented by Moseh. His answer was as damning as his crime. He claimed that the Jews in Yathrib changed the Towrah and the Gospels. This either means that they recited their books incorrectly, which devastates Islam because the 165corrupted versions litter the Quran, or that the incredulous Quranic versions accurately reflect the original text of the Torah and that after sharing them with Muhammad, the rabbis pulled out a magic eraser and changed the Torah and Gospels. But since that isn’t possible, Allah is out of excuses and is also exposed as a fraud pretending to be what he is not.

There is but one viable explanation for the Quran’s moronic recasting of the Torah’s characters as Muslims struggling for credibility on behalf of al-Lahu as if they were rehearsing to play the role of Muhammad. Since the many thousands of extant copies of the Torah prove beyond any doubt that it has not changed, Allah lied, and the Quran’s twisted variations are the result. Frankly, it is as obvious as it is rationally undeniable.

And that leads to a singular and equally obvious conclusion. There is only one individual sufficiently twisted and diabolical to play God by bastardizing God, and then creating a death cult of slaves to worship him while slaughtering God’s people – Satan.

Quran 004.047 “O you who had been given the Book, believe in what We revealed confirming what is with you from before that We obliterate your faces and turning them inside out and backwards and We curse them as We cursed companions of the Sabbath. And is command of al-Lahi executed.”

Yes, indeed, it is obvious and has always been so.

Ishaq:239 “Jewish rabbis showed hostility to the Apostle in envy, hatred, and malice, because Allah had chosen His Apostle from the Arabs. The Jews considered the Prophet a liar and strove against Islam.” No, that was not the reason.

And no, this is not only untrue, it is impossible… Ishaq:264 “The Torah confirms what Muhammad brought.” While it is false either way, since the written Towrah preceded the oral Quran by two millennia, Muhammad had it backward and errant.

166Ishaq:264 “Rifa’a, a notable Jew, spoke to the Apostle, twisting his tongue: ‘Give us your attention, Muhammad, so that we can make you understand.’ Then he attacked Islam and reviled it. So Allah sent down, ‘Allah knows about your enemies. Some of the Jews change words from their contexts and say: “We hear and disobey,” twisting their tongues and attacking the religion. But Allah cursed them.’” (Quran 004.047)

Muslims, if the Jews altered the Torah to slander Islam as Allah claims, where is the evidence of such a thing? Why is all the evidence to the contrary? And since there is ubiquitous and overwhelming proof that Allah lied, why does anyone believe him?

Quran 004.048 “Lo, al-Laha not forgive that yush’raka | partners, coworkers, or friends should associated with Him, but He forgives from other than that for whom He wills. And whoever yush’raka | associated partners, coworkers, or friends with il-Lahi, then lo, verily, he has devised and fabricated a sin most heinous.”

The “never associate partners, coworkers, or associates” with al-Laha is yet another credibility killer. By looting the Torah, the un-god insisted that he worked with ‘Adam, Noach, ‘Abraham, Moseh, ‘Aharown, Shamuw’el, Dowd, Shalomoh, and even the mythical misnomer, Iesa | Jesus. He can’t have it both ways and maintain that he is truthful.

Then in a whirling dervish of delusion and spinning duplicity, il-Lahi portends that those who are pointing out the obvious, and pointing out the flaws in the un-god’s fabricated plot, are the heinous sinners rather than admitting that he’s the prime culprit. But that is to be expected since narcissistic psychopaths never accept blame and they are ever ready to accuse others of doing what they have done.

And of course, if this were true, Muhammad would be toast as a result of the Idolatrous Indulgence and Satanic Verses. He added al-Lat, al-Uzza, Manat, and Satan as partners and coworkers with Allah. Therefore, his sin was heinous and unforgivable.

167Even though the implication is that it is the Jews who are claiming to be undefiled, they are not identified in this next statement and, as a result of the banishment and annihilation, it was not possible to see or hear them. So has al-Lahu lost track of reality?

Moreover, unlike Yahowah, al-Lahu hasn’t provided a means os purification. Surely, it’s not because he’s the best baptizer, that Muslims are drenched in blood, or that they take a dirt bath after defecating or touching a woman. Although, we concur on the “hair on a dateseed” because they weigh more than the Quran at this point, recognizing that it was comprised of fading soundwaves absorbed by the scorching sands.

Quran 004.049 “Do not you see towards those who claim purity themselves? Nay, al-Lahu purifies whom He wills and not they will be wronged a fatilan | hair on a dateseed. Quran 004.050 See how they invent the lie about al-Lahi? Sufficient a sin between.”

Wrong again. These lies were all invented by al-Lahi and al-Rasuli. And that is a sufficient sin to dispatch both of them to She’owl.

Ishaq:450 “They are the ones concerning whom Allah revealed: ‘Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Scripture has been given? They believe in idols and false deities. They say, “These are more rightly guided than those who believe?”—until the words, “Hell is sufficient for their burning. They are jealous and Allah has cursed them.”’” (Quran 004.051)

No, they cannot see those who Allah and his Messenger have banished or slaughtered. It’s too late for that now. And the ploy of projecting one’s flaws on an opponent to muddy the waters is a worn-out, pathetic, and duplicitous trick beneath the stature of even wannabe gods.

Quran 004.051 “Do not you see towards those who were given a portion of al-kitabi | the writing (Book)? They believe in superstition and sorcery of the false deities. And say for those who disbelieved, ‘These better guided than those who believed way.’ Quran 004.052 168Those the ones cursed al-Lahu and whoever cursed al-Lahu then never will you find for him helper.”

Yahuwdym and Yisra’elites were not given “a portion” of the inspired al-kitabi | writing but, instead, all of it. And no one has or will ever add anything to it according to Gabry’el | God’s Most Capable and Courageous Man, also known as ha Mashyach Dowd. Further, not only are the “beliefs” of the Jews irrelevant to Islam, the opposite of what al-Lahu is claiming here is actually true. Yahowah, through Yisra’elites, introduced monotheism and denounced superstition, sorcery, and false deities. By contrast, Allah is Satan, Muhammad was demon-possessed, and the whole of Islam is based upon stolen superstitions. The sorcery and false deities accusation is actually suicidal for Allah since he has postured himself to be the God of the Torah and Gospels.

It is true that al-Lahu and Islam have been a curse upon the Jewish people, but thanks to Yahowah, a remnant will survive and thrive while the un-god and his slaves will be cursed forevermore.

Humankind’s only means to surviving this life and entering Heaven is what Yahowah communicated through Moseh and fulfilled through Dowd pursuant to the Beryth and Miqra’ey. So, if you are looking for help, read the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr.

Quran 004.053 “Or for them a share of the kingdom? Then not would they give the people speck on a date seed.”

It is becoming readily apparent that Allah is jealous of Jews. Even after exterminating and enslaving those within his reach, he cannot get them out of his mind because he knows that God loves them not him. So here, because they are not sharing what he covets, he is blaming them for being stingy.

Al-Lahu is as transparent as cellophane. The moment we acknowledge that the un-god’s fixation on God’s people affirms that he is envious of them, Satan turns the tables and 169says that those his slaves have slaughtered, enslaved, and raped are envious of their abusers. As proof that Jews had no interest in becoming marauding militants out for blood and booty, there isn’t a single reference to any of them having so much as a knife, much less swords.

Quran 004.054 “Or are they jealous the people for what al-Lahu gave them of his fadla | superiority (bounty)? But, lo, verily, We gave family of Ib’rahima | Abraham al-kitaba | the writing (Book), and conferred upon them a grand kingdom and al-hik’mata | the all-wise judge (wisdom), and gave them a great kingdom.”

When Imperial Rome was robbing Jews of their homeland and crucifying them, do you think that their victims were jealous and coveted the ability to crucify? When the Roman Catholic Church was robbing and torturing Jews to death during the Inquisition, do you think that their victims were jealous of the sadists wielding their gruesome implements of horrific pain? Do you think that the six million Jewish men, women, and children who were robbed of their homes and lives coveted gas chambers and crematoria so that they could be like the Nazis? So what do you think the odds are that the Jews in Yathrib that the first and best Muslims decapitated, enslaved, and raped were envious of the psychopaths abusing them? Said another way, does Allah think that everyone is as ignorant, irrational, and immoral as Muslims?

There was no book given to ‘Abraham. Yahowah inspired Moseh to write about the Covenant relationship he, Sarah, and Yitschaq developed. It presents the five conditions and five benefits, none of which Allah was aware. And in fact, if it were not for Yahowah partnering with Moseh to reveal the Towrah, nothing of ‘Abraham would be known. Further, ‘Abraham was never a monarch and he did not have a kingdom, humble or grand. He most assuredly was not all-wise or judicious, either. He was a deeply flawed man who made the most of the opportunity God afforded him and us through him.

170No one was ever asked to “believe in him” or follow ‘Abraham. While Yahowah loved him, it was because He perfected him through the Beryth. Otherwise, ‘Abraham was a bit of a scallywag, as he pimped Sarah out twice to increase his personal fortunes.

Contrary to the deception promoted by Islam, ‘Abraham did not have a religion. He was only a prophet in the sense that the terms and benefits of the Beryth | Covenant ring true over time and his trip to Mowryah during Passover proved to be prophetic of Yahowah’s subsequent fulfillment through His Son, Dowd.

Quran 004.055 “Then of them who believed in him and of them who turned away from him and sufficient Hell Blazing Fire. Quran 004.056 Lo, those who disbelieved in our signs, soon We will burn them a Fire. Every time their skin is roasted and burnt, We will change their skins for another that so that they may taste the punishing torment. Lo, verily, al-Laha is mighty, wise.”

Believing is counterproductive, especially since knowing is not only possible but infinitely superior. And knowledge leads us to trust Yahowah, not ‘Abraham.

Cursing the descendants of ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob by way of the Beryth results in being cursed, just as serving them results in blessings. And while there are no fires in She’owl | Hell, the path to it leads through religions such as Islam, which abuses the Children of Yisra’el.

This verse is particularly incriminating because there is no denying that Allah is in Hell. He is the one exchanging the skin of his Jewish victims so that their torture can be prolonged. With every word, Islam’s false god is revealing his sadistic and satanic nature. The veil that had kept many from seeing Satan behind these words has been singed. We are now peering directly at the Adversary. And make no mistake, the demonic nature of this verse alone is sufficient to conclude that Allah was the most disgusting of psychopaths.

171Lo, verily, “We” has never produced a prophecy, conveyed an accurate prophecy, or provided any evidence of his existence. Quibble as Muslims might over interpretations, those are the facts. And with his dimwitted and vulgar diatribes and propensity to err and lie, he has provided undeniable proof that he is a fraud.

For those in churches, the media, and politics eager to embrace Islam, beware. You are dealing with the Devil, and he will kill you. It isn’t by chance that hell and punishment are the Quran’s most repeated and vivid themes. It isn’t a coincidence that Allah loves death and awaits the Day of Doom. Nor is it an accident that the surest path to Allah’s Whorehouse is martyrdom – death while killing Christians and Jews. There is a reason the Quran obliterates love, trust, peace, freedom, choice, and rational inquiry, imposing in their place hate, fear, war, submission, obedience, and deception.

Since the rivers in Allah’s paradise flow with wine, and the entertainment are virgins, Islamic heaven is as demented as Islamic hell.

The juxtaposition of torments and teases, of roasting men alive while admitting those who slaughtered them to gardens filled with non-pooping babes is the product of an insane mind…

Quran 004.057 “But those who believed and did the good deeds, We will soon admit to Jannatin | Gardens for Jinn, flows from underneath it the rivers, will abide in it forever. For them in it azwajun atharu | clean, un-dirty mates (having no menses, stools, urine, etc.). And We will admit them thick shade.”

Since the nonsensical phrase, “flows from underneath it the rivers,” has been repeated ad nauseam, be appraised that the four rivers of paradise beneath the garden was a popular theme in the religious lore of Sumer, Babylon, and Persia where the Tigris and Euphrates were esteemed. But the fact that the waters are out of reach is what necessitates 172decontaminating the sexual mates so that the jihadists can touch them without the dirt bath.

As I was surveying Hadith to assess why such a ridiculous concept entered Quranic lore, I was confronted by one of the most mind-numbing statements I’ve read thus far. It is from a Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith pertaining to the tortures of Hell and Garden rewards, so it seemed germane to this discussion. It is so embarrassing, it will naturally appear that I was simply seeking to further embarrass Muhammad, but such was not the case since he does a bang-up job himself and with such flair and regularity, that it is no longer necessary. This just so happened to be the first link provided by my Google search and it was dished up by Sunnah.com. It was Narrated by Samura bin Jundub, and reads…

Bukhari:V9B87N171 “Allah’s Messenger very often used to ask his companions, ‘Did anyone of you see a dream?’ So dreams would be narrated to him by those whom Allah wished to tell. One morning the Prophet said, ‘Last night two persons came to me (in a dream) and woke me up and said to me, “Proceed!” I set out with them and we came across a man lying down, and behold, another man was standing over his head, holding a big rock. Behold, he was throwing the rock at the man's head, injuring it. The rock rolled away and the thrower followed it and took it back.

By the time he reached the man, his head returned to the normal state. The thrower then did the same as he had done before. I said to my two companions, “Subhan Allah! Who are these two persons?” They said, “Proceed!” So we proceeded and came to a man lying flat on his back and another man standing over his head with an iron hook, and behold, he would put the hook in one side of the man’s mouth and tear off that side of his face to the back (of the neck) and similarly tear his nose from front to back and his eye from front to back. Then he turned to the other side of the man's face and did just as he had done with the other side. He hardly completed this side when the other side returned to its normal state. Then he returned to it to repeat what he had done before.

I said to my two companions, “Subhan Allah! Who are these two persons?” They said to me, “Proceed!” So we proceeded and 173came across something like a Tannur.’ It is a kind of baking oven, a pit usually clay-lined for baking bread. I think the Prophet said, ‘In that oven there was much noise and voices.’ The Prophet added, ‘We looked into it and found naked men and women, and behold, a flame of fire was reaching to them from underneath, and when it reached them, they cried loudly. I asked them, “Who are these?” They said to me, “Proceed!”

And so we proceeded and came across a river.’ I think he said, ‘.... red like blood.’ The Prophet added, ‘And behold, in the river there was a man swimming, and on the bank there was a man who had collected many stones. Behold, while the other man was swimming, he went near him. The former opened his mouth and the latter (on the bank) threw a stone into his mouth whereupon he went swimming again. He returned and every time the performance was repeated. I asked my two companions, “Who are these (two) persons?” They replied, “Proceed! Proceed!”

And we proceeded till we came to a man with a repulsive appearance, the most repulsive appearance, you ever saw a man having! Beside him there was a fire and he was kindling it and running around it. I asked my companions, “Who is this (man)?” They said to me, “Proceed! Proceed!” So we proceeded till we reached a garden of deep green dense vegetation, having all sorts of spring colors. In the midst of the garden there was a very tall man and I could hardly see his head because of his great height, and around him there were children in such a large number as I have never seen. I said to my companions, “Who is this?” They replied, “Proceed! Proceed!”

So we proceeded till we came to a majestic huge garden, greater and better than I have ever seen! My two companions said to me, “Go up,” and I went up.’ The Prophet added, ‘So we ascended till we reached a city built of gold and silver bricks and we went to its gate and asked (the gatekeeper) to open the gate, and it was opened and we entered the city and found in it, men with one side of their bodies as handsome as the handsomest person you have ever seen, and the other side as ugly as the ugliest person you have ever seen. My two companions ordered those men to throw themselves into the river. Behold, there was a river flowing across (the city), and its water was like milk in whiteness. Those men went and threw themselves in it 174and then returned to us after the ugliness (of their bodies) had disappeared and they became in the best shape.’

The Prophet further added, ‘My two companions (angels) said to me, “This place is the Eden Paradise, and that is your place.” I raised up my sight, and behold, there I saw a palace like a white cloud! My two companions said to me, “That (palace) is your place.” I said to them, “May Allah bless you both! Let me enter it.” They replied, “As for now, you will not enter it, but you shall enter it (one day). I said to them, “I have seen many wonders tonight. What does all that mean which I have seen?”

They replied, “We will inform you: As for the first man you came upon whose head was being injured with the rock, he is the symbol of the one who studies the Qur’an and then neither recites it nor acts on its orders, and sleeps, neglecting the enjoined prayers. As for the man you came upon whose sides of mouth, nostrils and eyes were torn off from front to back, he is the symbol of the man who goes out of his house in the morning and tells so many lies that it spreads all over the world. And those naked men and women whom you saw in a construction resembling an oven, they are the adulterers and the adulteresses.

And the man whom you saw swimming in the river and given a stone to swallow, is the eater of usury (Riba). And the bad looking man whom you saw near the fire kindling it and going round it, is Malik, the gatekeeper of Hell. And the tall man whom you saw in the garden, is Abraham and the children around him are those children who die with Al-Fitra (the Islamic Faith).”’

The narrator added: Some Muslims asked the Prophet, ‘O Allah's Messenger! What about the children of pagans?’ The Prophet replied, ‘And also the children of pagans.’ The Prophet added, ‘My two companions added, “The men you saw half handsome and half ugly were those persons who had mixed an act that was good with another that was bad, but Allah forgave them.”’”

So now we know. Muhammad was as psychotic and insane as his wannabe god. And therefore, everything they have recited regarding Heaven and Hell has been untrue.

This next statement comes out of the blue, or black, as the case may be. It does not fit with what preceded it or 175follows. It is as if the un-god was carrying around a bag of garbage and decided to dump it out so that the trash remained where it fell.

Quran 004.058 “Lo, verily al-Laha orders you to render the trusts to their owners and when you judge between the people to judge with justice. Lo, Verily, al-Laha excellently advises you with it. Lo, al-Laha is all-hearing, all-seeing.”

The religion of submission is incompatible with freedom or freewill, representative government or democracy. It is only suited for monarchies and dictatorships.

Quran 004.059 “O you who believed, obey al-Laha and obey al-Rasula and those having authority among you. Then if you disagree in anything, refer it to al-Lahi and al-Rasuli if you believe in il-Lahi and the Day the Last. That best and more suitable determination.”

This verse, like all of the situational recitals accommodating Muhammad’s perverse sexuality and money-grubbing, reminds us that Allah’s scope was no greater than central Arabia in the 7th century CE. After that time, there would have been no al-Rasuli to consult. Throughout, Satan had recognized that he only had to induce a limited number of misfits and malcontents to prevail, so long as they were sufficiently bribed by booty and babes to be ruthless and bloody. The weak will submit, the moderate will pretend, and the strong will die.

Bukhari:V4B52N203 “I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘He who obeys me, obeys Allah, and he who disobeys me, disobeys Allah. He who obeys the chief, obeys me, and he who disobeys the chief, disobeys me.’” Without choice, nothing matters. Life is wasted.

The 4th surah is packed with so much perversity that it is nearly as delirious and demented as the 8th and 33rd. Anyone with the wits of a wombat ought to have been able to figure it out and run for the hills.

176Ishaq:245 “I have heard that Julas the Jew used to make false professions of Islam. So Allah sent down: ‘Satan wishes to lead them astray.’” (Quran 004.063) Yes, he does.

The Jews whom Allah is rebuking have been exiled and exterminated, leaving no one to see…

Quran 004.060 “Do not you see towards those who claim that they believe in what revealed to you and what was revealed from before you? They wish to go for judgment to the false deities and surely they were ordered to reject with it. And wishes al-Shaytanu | the Adversary, Satan, to mislead them far away astray.”

Wrong again. The Jews never claimed that they believed any of this. Even the Quraysh rejected it, and they were but a fraction as knowledgeable about God as the Yisra’elites. And what was revealed to them was provided by Yahowah, not al-Lahucuckoo. These disparate revelations were as divergent as God is from the Devil, light is from darkness, and truth is from deception.

Yahowah is real, the one true God, Creator of the universe and architect of life. He is the Author and Inspiration behind the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms. By contrast, Islam’s wannabe deity was as phony as they come. So, the only dupes al-Shaytan is misleading in this crowd are the Muslims who annihilated the Jews unaware that they were serving a false god.

While I concur in acknowledging that rabbis are disingenuous, soul-plundering, shysters, the biggest hypocrites in this history of religious lore are al-Lahu and his Rasulu. Everyone should be averse to them.

Quran 004.061 “And when it is said to them, ‘Come to what revealed al-Lahu and to al-Rasuli,’ you see the hypocrites turning away from you aversion. Quran 004.062 So how when befalls them disaster for what sent forth their hands, then they come to you swearing by il-Lahi, ‘Not we intended except good and reconciliation.’ Quran 004.063 Those the ones who knows al-Lahu what in their hearts so turn away from them and admonish them and say to them concerning their souls a word penetrating.”

177The “disasters” that befell the Jews then and now are a result of Muslims acting like Satan. And when that occurs, Jews do not respond by “swearing by il-Lahi.”

Muslims have been conditioned by their irrational god such that any time someone uses evidence and reason to expose and condemn Muhammad, Allah, the Quran, or Islam, they say, “You know the truth in your heart, but are only saying such and such bad things about Islam because you are a Jew trying to make a profit.” The realization that they have been played for fools and that the Quran was the worst book un-written is inconceivable to them.

Further, those who are being slaughtered, raped, robbed, and enslaved don’t seek reconciliation. To confront evil with good is as insane as a Christian parent forgiving the murderer of their child. The Islam of Muhammad, Allah, and the Quran was unadulterated evil and it is never assuaged with good intentions.

Since Muhammad is recorded threatening Jews and then decapitating them, we have a disconnect between the admonishing and annihilation. But what would Allah be without contradictions?

As a reminder, Muhammad was the lone Rasulin. And since obeying him was so essential to Islam, why doesn’t Muhammad have his own separate Quran – one with his commands rather than Allah’s? Or would Muslims prefer that they were one and the same and just drop the myth of Allah altogether?

Quran 004.064 “And now We sent any Rasulin except to be obeyed by permission al-Lahi. And if that they when they wronged themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness al-Laha and asked forgiveness for them al-Rasulu, surely they would have found al-Laha oft-forgiving, Rahim.”

We are 2,700 pages into our comprehensive and systematic review of Allah’s Quranic rants and Muhammad’s Hadith protestations and while there has been 178irritating lip service regarding forgiveness, we have yet to witness anything of the kind in practice. Allah torches and Muhammad torments. And even then, neither was capable of honoring any promise otherwise. There is no Garden of Bliss staffed by post-potty babes.

The myth of oft-forgiving did not last long…

Quran 004.065 “But no, by your Rabbi | Lord, not will they believe until they make you judge about what arises between them then not they find in themselves any discomfort about what you decided and yusallimu | submit tasliman | submission.”

Since that was incoherent, let’s move on. And as we do, we find the un-god continuing to fixate on those he inspired Muslims to rob, rape, and decapitate…

Quran 004.066 “If that We decreed on them that kill yourselves or go forth from your homes, not they would have done it except a few of them. But if they had done what they were advised with it, lo, verily would have been better for them and stronger strengthen.”

Since the depraved option to kill their women and children and then go out and fight for their homes and lives unencumbered was postured to the Qurayza Jews, this surah is dating itself to after their demise. Therefore, the Rabbi’s preoccupation with dead and displaced Jews is telling because they are haunting him from the grave.

This isn’t true either. I’m beginning to wonder, if not for lies would Allah have anything to say?

Quran 004.067 “And then We would given them from Ourselves a great reward. Quran 004.068 And We would have guided them straight way. Quran 004.069 All who obeys al-Laha | the For Her and al-Rasula | the Messenger then those with those whom al-Lahu has bestowed favor upon them of al-nabiyina | the prophets, and the truthful and al-shuhadai | the martyrs, and al-salihina | right. And excellent those companion.”

This is exasperating. No wonder there is no one apart from a Muslim who can endure the Quran. God Damn Religion is unique because I’m doing this for Yahowah and 179His people, and not to save Muslims from themselves. It is my intention to minimize the carnage caused by Muslim martyrs.

At the same time, I am horrified that so few people see through this demented hoax. The Quran is ultimately corrupting.

Quran 004.070 “That al-fadlu | merit or advantage of al-Lahi. And sufficient il-Lahi, all-knower.”

There is no advantage, no merit, in any of this. It is wholly deficient and completely immoral and ignorant. However, it is not something that can be ignored because it was born to kill.

Quran 004.071 “O you who believed, take your precautions and advance in detachments or go (on expeditions) together (in one troop). Quran 004.072 And lo, among you who lags behind (not fighting in Allah’s Cause), then if befalls you a disaster he said, ‘Lo, verily, al-Lahu favored on me when not I was with them present.’

Quran 004.073 And if befalls you merit or bounty from al-Lahi, he would surely say, as if not there been between you and between him any affection, ‘O, I wish I had been with them then I would have attained a great success.’”

Yet again, we are reminded that Islam exists to wage war on humanity. Therefore, Muslims who do not get with the program and become terrorists, are demeaned and ostracized by the demonic deity.

While I don’t think anyone is going to accuse me of unfairly singling out the worst jihadist surahs from the Quran to unfairly paint Islam as a terrorist manifesto, I am a fan of consistency. So, continue on and listen to how Allah recruits suicide bombers and jihadists in this surah…

Quran 004.074 “So fight in the way of al-Lahi those who barter the life of the world for the hereafter. And whoever fights in the Way of al-Lahi, then he is killed or achieves victory, then soon We will grant him a great reward.”

180That is an accurate summation of Islam 10.0, the religion resurrected from all of its prior deaths to exist exclusively to fight and kill. It’s Slaughter now, Sex later. There is no higher calling in Islam other than to barter this life for the next by smashing skulls for the Devil. But wouldn’t that be necrophilia?

Muslims must get with the program and be chastised and condemned by their demented god…

Quran 004.075 “What is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of al-Lahi, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is, ‘Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.

Quran 004.076 Those who aman | believe, they qatilu | fight in the Cause of al-Lahi, and those kafar | who disbelieve, fight in the cause of taghut | that which goes beyond. So fight you against the friends of al-Shaitan | the Adversary, Satan; Ever feeble indeed is the plot of al-Shaitan.”

Believe Muslims, believe. Fight Muslims, fight. Kill Muslims, kill. Is this a great religion or what?

Allah would have Muslims believe that the Adversary’s plot is inane, not his own, when the schemes are one and the same. Throughout the Quran, Satan is the less sadistic, more affable, popular, and engaging version of Allah. He chats with the people and has friends. It’s Islam’s god who has the nasty disposition.

Jihad is an act of bribery… Bukhari:V4B52N44 “A man came to Allah’s Apostle and said, ‘Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad in reward.’ He replied, ‘I do not find such a deed.’”

Since the best thing a Muslim can do is Jihad in Allah’s Cause, then Islam is a call to fight and kill… Bukhari:V4B52N50 “The Prophet said, ‘A single endeavor of fighting in Allah’s Cause in the forenoon or in the afternoon is better than the world and whatever is in it.’”

181Jihad is the most expedient means to Allah’s non-pooping babes. Fighting is, therefore, more important than the Five Pillars of Islam… Bukhari:V4B52N46 “I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujahid in His Cause into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his home safely with rewards and war booty.’” If you die, you are promised booty. If you live, you can steal booty. All it takes is the will to kill. But make no mistake, jihad is transactional. Without the bribe it would not exist. And as any sane person should know, the lure is lunacy.

As a result, Islam is a religion to die for: Bukhari:V4B52N53 “The Prophet said, ‘Nobody who dies and finds Paradise would wish to come back to this life even if he were given the whole world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to get killed again in Allah’s Cause.’”

Martyrdom, fighting, Allah’s Cause, and Jihad are synonymous… Bukhari:V4B52N54 “The Prophet said, ‘By Him in Whose Hands my life is! Were it not for the believers who do not want me to leave them, I would certainly and always go forth in army-units setting out for Jihad. I would love to be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then get resurrected and get martyred again only to be resurrected so that I could get martyred once more.’” But like Imams today, Allah’s prophet preferred to send boys out to do his dirty work. While Muhammad had the soul of a psychopath, he had the heart of a coward.

The dark spirit of Islam reminds us how much he despised peaceful Muslims. He also confirms that “fear” in the Islamic sense does not mean reverence, but fright.

Quran 004.077 “Have you not seen those who were told to hold back their hands (from fighting) and perform al-Salat | obligatory prostration prayer, and give al-Zakat | the required tax, but when al-Qitalu | the Fighting and Killing was kutiba | ordained and required for them, a group of them fear men as they should fear al-Lahi, or even more intensely.

They say, ‘Our Lord, why have you katabta | mandated for us al-Qitala | the Fighting and Killing? Would You consider a 182postponement for a while?’ Say, ‘Short is the enjoyment of this world. The after is better for him who fears. So, you will not be wronged a date-seed hair.’”

That was blunt, violent, immoral, and undeniable. The only way to obfuscate the damage this does to Islam is to deny the Quran. But to do so eliminates Islam.

In this case, these Muslims were being super religious, performing the prostrations and prayers while paying the tax and yet, it wasn’t good enough. Muslims have been commanded to fight and kill. Their opinions and preferences do not matter. War is compulsory and unending. The enemy is everyone – including non-violent Muslim hypocrites. So what now?

Since Allah is promising to kill the pacifists, he is telling them that they might as well fight…

Quran 004.078 “Wherever you are, the death will overtake you, even if you are in lofty towers! And if befalls them any good, they say, ‘This from from al-Lahi.’ And if any evil befalls them, they say, ‘This from you.’ Say, ‘All is from al-Lahi.’ So what these the people not they seem understand any statement?”

It is a little late for al-Lahi to be questioning why no one seemed to understand the Quran, especially when the reasons were so obvious. Moreover, it didn’t take long for the duplicitous one to contradict himself. So much for the notion “all is from al-Lahi.”

Quran 004.079 “What befalls you of the good from al-Lahi and what ever befalls you of evil is from yourself. And We have sent you for the people a Rasulan. And sufficient il-Lahi a witness.”

Weren’t we told just moments ago that ill-Lahi sent out witnesses to every community and nation? So if they were needed, how is ill-Lahi sufficient?

Since the Black Stone never spoke, performed a miracle, or issued a prophecy, much less conveyed anything insightful or novel, why is he bragging? This feeble attempt at divine writ would have earned an F- if it hadn’t been so 183clumsily plagiarized. But for claiming credit for destroying the work of others, the Quran has disqualified itself from the grading process.

As we are keenly aware, the subject matter is ugly – overly focused on demented torments, violence, and war. The message is immoral, even grotesque. The Quran approves thievery, murder, enslaving and selling people, rape, incest, and pedophilia, in addition to lying and even genocide. The book is a jumbled mess without context or chronology. It is an embarrassment from demonic beginning to bloody end.

Quran 004.080 “Who obeys al-Rasula | the Messenger, then lo, he obeyed al-Laha. And whoever turns away then not We sent you over them a guard.”

As we dive deeper into this demented diatribe, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between non-prophet and un-god. The lines have been blurred, such that the voice we are hearing is now Satan incarnate. Two losers have been synchronized into one horrible individual.

Here are the facts, and they are indisputable. If it weren’t for Muhammad, Allah would be unknown – a mere stone among other rocks. Every word of the Quran was delivered by a single charlatan. Abu Qasim was the only one who heard or reported any of this. So how convenient is it that most of the Quran’s message pertains to him, his life, time, cravings, claims, and situation, and to no one else? Even the stories he purchased from the rabbis were altered to reflect Muhammad’s foibles and follies. If the result were not so diabolical and deadly, each twisted iteration would be laughable.

There was no fire in the sky, no audible voice, no signs or proofs, no miracles, no prophecies, not even a novel insight strewn along the way. This “book” is his only legacy and, yet, it was very poorly written, or should we say, spoken, because he was illiterate as was his audience. The 184grammar is deficient, the words are contrived, it is hopelessly inaccurate, typically immoral, poorly plagiarized, and randomly tossed together without so much as intelligent transitions. It is nauseatingly repetitive, irritatingly contradictory, and excessively conceited. No one seems to remember what was said one day or one breath to the next. It was mired in the searing and shifting sands of 7th century Arabia, the land civilization circumnavigated. And even then, it appealed to the worst of these savages, the most grotesquely immoral, sadistically cruel, bloodthirsty and murderous thieves. The first Muslims were a gang of hoodlums, rapists, and racists. Their business was armed robbery, human trafficking, and terror – all of which they did while gloating.

Against this appalling backdrop, it is obvious that those who knew Muhammad best, rejected him, recognizing that he was a fraud – the worst of the worst. He was a sexual deviant, a paranoid schizophrenic, and a narcissistic psychopath with a penchant for lying. He would say or do anything to assuage his personal demons and satisfy his ungodly cravings. A failure in rhetoric, he reveled in slandering, slaughtering, and spoiling his rivals. He had the wit of a gnat and the ego of an elephant, all wrapped up in an untidy, self-indulgent persona – a man who felt no remorse for pedophilia, incest, rape, or misogyny, larceny or genocide. He was, by his own admission, demon-possessed, and as such, he admitted that he spoke for Satan. He stole his religion, amalgamating it from a host of local sources, rather than inventing it.

Predictably, this pathetic man’s god was his twin, a fellow psychopath, equally sadistic and demonic, degrading and dehumanizing. They were similarly ignorant and inarticulate, disingenuous and duplicitous, grandiose and self-serving. As hypocrites, they were always an exception to their own rules. Neither ever approximated what they claimed of themselves. Satan, by whatever name, was a 185spitting cobra, and no more God than his Rasuli was a prophet.

To obey them is to be a horrible person because their legacy is terror and war – the enraged Islamic jihadist, vicious mujahid, and the moronic martyr drenched in innocent blood. Everything is condemnable and nothing is redeemable.

There are very few clearly articulated themes in the Quran, but those that are indisputable affirm that Islam is a call to war against all mankind. Muslims must kill to please their god. Women are deprived of all rights. They are to be tented and can be starved and beaten to death. They exist to satiate cravings and to make the next generation of murderous zombies. And the men infected by this plague are either genocidal terrorists or hypocrites.

If there is something nurturing and productive in these pages, a novel insight to be celebrated, we have not seen it – and we have diligently scrutinized most of it. To call the Quran “trash” is reckless because it is so toxic it cannot be safely disposed of or recycled without contaminating whatever it touches.

Obey this Messenger and you are my enemy, God’s enemy, and the enemy of His people, indeed, your own worst enemy and a blight on humankind.

There is a God, but this is not Him. There were prophets, but this conman was not among them. To afford the Quran credence, to distinguish it as a “Holy Book” is to be ignorant and irrational, and either immoral or amoral.

Next, we are reminded that the non-prophet and his alter ego were losing their tenuous grasp on reality and their grip on their malcontents. Muslims were beginning to realize that blood and booty made them thugs and thieves rather than religious heroes. And it was becoming increasingly obvious that neither Muhammad nor Allah could be trusted.

186Quran 004.081 “And they say, ‘Obedience,’ then when they depart from you a group of them plot by night other than that which you say. But al-Lahu [on them like ugly on a camel] recording what they scheme by night. So turn from them and put trust in al-Lahi. Sufficient il-Lahi a trustee.”

The reason the first Muslims feigned support was the reason the vast majority of Europeans, Germans, and Chinese pretended to be Roman Catholics, Nazis, and Communists. Dissent was and continues to be met with imprisonment, torture, and death. And that is why a score of years ago while compiling Prophet of Doom I wrote, “This is why we must care enough about ‘bad’ Muslims to free them from the ‘good’ ones. Today my concern is simply to awaken God’s people and spare them from the terror Islam inspires. If these volumes shake the Islam out of Muslim souls, then that is a step in the right direction. But the safest and sanest path is to know and oppose one’s enemy to protect the innocent from them.

In and surrounding Israel today, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, the PLO, Islamic Jihad, the Fakestinians, Islamic State, and Iran’s theocracy are all heinous, as are Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, Pakistan, and Turkey, but they are but symptoms of this disease. The plague is what they share in common – Islam.

Quran 004.082 “Then not they ponder al-Qur’ana | the Quran? And if it had been from from other than al-Lahi, surely they found in it much contradiction.”

It’s apparent that al-Lahi hasn’t read his own book. The Quran is so rife with contradictions that it has a verse explaining how to deal with them. The Quran is easily the most historically inaccurate, scientifically errant, overtly inconsistent message ever attributed to a wannabe god. Therefore, it is obvious that al-Qur’ana comes from al-Lahi and not from Yahowah. We appreciate Satan clarifying the obvious, even if he had to lie in the process.

187As I have articulated, the Quran remains hopelessly anachronistic – pertaining only to Muhammad, focusing on his critics, his sexual indulgences, his insatiable appetite for wealth, and his lust for power. Muslims are ordered to submit to and obey a dead man who was rotten long before decomposing. This is one of a thousand examples...

Quran 004.083 “When comes to them a command (a mater) of the belief in safety (of security), or the terror (fear) of the slaughter, they broadcast (spread) with it. But if they had turned it back (referred it) to al-Rasuli | the Messenger, and to the commandments (those authority) from them, surely would have gushed out (known it those who draw correct conclusion from it) among them. And if not the distinguishing and surpassing excellence (bounty) al-Lahi on you and His Rahim (mercy), surely, you would have followed al-Shaytana | the Adversary, Satan, except a few.”

Over time, I have been conditioned by Islamic duplicity to validate even the allegedly literal and supposedly accurate Word by Word interlinear renditions of the Quran. In this case, I discovered that while amrun was rendered as “matter” it means “command.” L-amni is more accurately translated as “the belief in security” which is an illusion. L-khawfi is defined as “fear” in addition to “terror and slaughter.” What was conveyed as “spread” is more responsibly written as “broadcast.” Radduhu in the transliteration was rendered as“they referred it” when it actually means “they had turned it back to” the Rasuli.

The translators erred when they wrote “those having authority” when l-amari, like amrun, speaks of “the commandments.” And while all of this means that there is nothing more to being a Muslim than obeying Muhammad, it is the “translation” of the next word, yastanbitunahu, that should awaken skeptics to the realization that the Quran has been sanitized to create the appearance that Allah is lucid. It is only used this one time, but it does not mean “draw a correct conclusion” or “surely would have known.” The Nun-Ba-Tay root means “to gush or flow out.” It has simply been redefined to fit the statement.

188Fadlu is an egotistical term typically rendered as “bounty.” It speaks of distinguishing and surpassing excellence.” Even “mercy” is from rahman – and bears the name of the Quran’s first god.

It is telling that the one title that is always rendered accurately from the Hebrew is al-Shaytan. While commonly transliterated as “Satan,” it is from ha satan and means “the adversary.” Takes one to know one I suppose.

But not everything was miscommunicated. La-ittaba’tumu does mean “surely you would have followed” Satan had it not been for the distinguishing and surpassing egotistical excellence of al-Lahi and Rahman.

To more comprehensively unveil Satan’s ill-fated quest to be worshiped as if he were God, I could scrutinize the Quran’s every word, as I’ve done here, but then the result would exceed 6,000 pages rather than 3,000 and the truth would be lost in the clutter. Moreover, for Yahowah and His people, by the time we have reached the conclusion of this volume, I will have devoted seven months to the day in the rewrite of Prophet of Doom as God Damn Religion as a result of the horrifying rise of anti-Semitism following the Islamic atrocities perpetrated on October 7th, 2023. And then, it will be time to rewrite Questioning Paul as Twistianity based upon what I have come to know about Father and Son, Yahowah and Dowd, working together to fulfill the Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet, to be Welcomed, and to Read about the Mow’edym | Appointments Pursuant to the Eternal Witness and Restoring Testimony.

In the shadow of this muddled message, The Noble Quran references the following Hadith: Bukhari:V9B92N384 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me will not.’”

189Allah’s Never-Ending War marched on. It almost makes one yearn for another episode of Muhammad’s Never-Ending Argument.

Quran 004.084 “So murder and slaughter (fight and kill) in Way of al-Lahi. Not you to be engrossed or inflict pain (responsible) but for yourself. And incite and profligate, sickening to the point of emaciation, corrupting and destroying (encouraging) the believers perhaps al-Lahu will withdraw and withhold (restrain) the strength and stress, suffering and punishment (might) those who conceal and reject, who are ungrateful and disbelieved. Al-Lahu binds more strongly, mightier in impoverishment and misfortune, and tightly binding and vehement in punishment.”

So that we are all on the same page, faqatil means “to kill, to slay and slaughter, and to murder.” Secondarily, it means “to engage in combat, waging war.” It is a far more egregious command than simply “fighting.”

Sabili al-Lahi is “the cause, the reason behind, the way, and the means to find access to Allah.” It is a compound of sal | to inquire about, sabil | a way and salsala | which is continually easy and pleasing. Therefore, “rapidly murdering, effortlessly slaughtering, and happily slaying” men and women, boys and girls is Allah’s way, a true delight. And it’s easy if you try.

In this statement, with the negation of tukallafu followed by the negation of yourself, al-Lahi is revealing that Muhammad is “engrossed in inflicting pain for himself and on his own initiative.” While every other Muslim must continually murder based on Allah and Muhammad’s unrelenting and unambiguous commands to slaughter, the Messenger is killing because he enjoys it. And that’s appalling.

The next inaccurately conveyed word in this horrific statement is harridi. While rendered as “encourage or incite” for believers so that they become slaughtering combatants, too, that’s not the half of it. Allah is actually telling Muhammad that, while he gets off on murdering men, 190Muslims must “be sickened and disoriented, emaciated and diseased, fatigued to the point of death, while corrupted and destroyed” to achieve the carnage the un-god craves. That’s inexcusable, too.

All the demonic un-god is offering, is to yakuffa basa kafaru | withdraw and withhold the strength and stress of the suffering and punishment. Therefore, it sounds like he’s doing the infidels a favor. And as for the concluding line, when translated using the primary definitions of each word, it reads: “Al-Lahu binds more strongly, mightier in impoverishment and misfortune, and tightly binding and vehement in punishment.”

This is a cavalcade of corruption, a veritable parade of perversity. And it is everywhere in the Quran. There is no intermission from evil. And it is matched, stride for stride, in the Hadith.

Ishaq:315 “It was so criminal, men could hardly imagine it. Muhammad was ennobled because of the bloody fighting. I swear we shall never lack soldiers, nor army leaders. Driving before us infidels until we subdue them with a halter above their noses and a branding iron. We will drive them to the ends of the earth. We will pursue them on horse and foot. We will never deviate from fighting in our cause. We will bring upon the infidels the fate of the Ad and Jurhum. Any people that disobey Muhammad will pay for it. If you do not surrender to Islam, then you will live to regret it. You will be shamed in Hell, forced to wear a garment of molten pitch forever!”

Ishaq:341 “Have you seen how Allah favored His Apostle and how He humiliated the unbelievers? They were put to shame in captivity and death. The Apostle’s victory was glorious. Its message is plain for all to see. The Lord brought repeated calamities upon the pagans, bringing them under the Apostle’s power. Allah’s angry army smote them with their trusty swords. Many a lusty youngster left the enemy lying prone. Their women wept with burning throats for the dead were lying everywhere. But now they are all in Hell.”

Returning to the Quran, we have returned to random and incomprehensible…

191Quran 004.085 “Who intercedes a good intercession will have for him a share of it and who intercedes an evil intercession will for him a portion of it. Is al-Lahu on every thing a keeper? Quran 004.086 When you are greeted with a greeting then greet with better than it or return it. Lo, verily al-Laha of every thing an accountant. Quran 004.087 Al-Lahu no god but Him. Surely He will gather you to Resurrection Day, no doubt about it. And who more truthful than al-Lahi statement.”

Since there has been no discussion of intercession in the Quran, and since Allah disdains accomplices, the “intercedes a good intercession” can be no better or worse than an evil one and, thus, this is a waste of breath. The happy greeting when juxtaposed against the order to commit mass murder is a sign of insanity. But at least the disingenuous voice was right up to the point where he said, “Al-Lahu no god.” No doubt about it. As for being truthful or pertaining to Resurrection Day, not so much. And being honest, Allah is disposable, and clearly, he cannot count.

The pacifist uprising became so severe that the peaceful Muslims had to be outed and ousted – but not before al-Lahu took credit for exhausting and overturning them in the process of confounding and perplexing them. The un-god was a control freak, even when deceiving.

Quran 004.088 “So what with you that the spent and exhausted (Hypocrites) split in two groups? Al-Lahu overturned and reverted them for what they acquired. Do you wish that you direct whom al-Lahu has caused to err, led astray, confounded and perplexed? And whomever al-Lahu has confounded and perplexed so as to mislead al-Lahu then never will you find for him a way.”

This admission reminds us of what Yahowah revealed regarding Halal ben Shachar through Yasha’yah | Isaiah because the babel connection means that Satan will confound by intermixing truth and lies and will perplex by commingling things that do not rightfully belong together. In other words, the Devil will Quran us because he is the Great Misleader.

192For this diatribe against peaceful, non-murderous Muslims, to take centerstage after Muhammad’s meltdown and capitulation at his return to the vicinity of KabaVille, the problem had to be severe. Al-Lahi is admitting that there were at least two sizable groups of Muslims who were no longer willing to capitulate and kill on Muhammad’s command. Worse, the solution to the problem of conscience was to seize and kill the Muslims with morals – leaving only the terrorists.

Quran 004.089 “They wish that you reject Faith, as they have kafar | disbelieved, and thus that you all become equal. So take not from them allies or friends until they hajir | emigrate in the Way of al-Lahi. And if they wallaw | turn back and become apostates or renegades (from Islam), fakhudhuhum wa-uq’tuluhum | seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And never take auliya’ | allies, associates, or friends, nor any assistance from them.”

And with this statement, there can no longer be any refutation that all good Muslims are terrorists. Further, non-violent Muslims are hypocrites and do not represent Islam. Allah hates pacifists to the extent that he demands that they be exterminated. Even associating with a non-jihadi Muslim is a death sentence in Islam according to the Quran.

The un-god preaching: Quran 002.256 “There should be no compulsion in religion,” just said, “if they turn back from Islam, becoming renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.” If that isn’t a contradiction, there is no such thing.

While there are many hundreds, perhaps a thousand verses as bad or worse strewn throughout the Quran, this is, nonetheless, among the most heinous statements ever attributed to god. It is the only reason Islam prevailed 1,400 years ago and it explains why something this demented and demonic has managed to enslave nearly two billion people today. If a Muslim goes soft on killing, it is assumed that he or she has rejected Islam. These moderate individuals with a conscience are labeled hypocrites, apostates, and renegades and must be seized and killed on direct orders from Allah. 193It’s hard to imagine a dogma – religious or political – so unappealing it has to murder those who leave, just to keep others in line. So long as the Quran exists, there can be no moderating Islam.

Moving on we find Allah attempting to justify Muhammad’s cowardice, capitulation, and abdication at Hudaybiyah. The demonic deity says the renunciation of his calling and god was an interim strategy designed to deceive the enemy – to lull them into a false sense of peace.

Out of the context of this surah denouncing Jews and ordering Muslims to fight and kill everyone, this might otherwise appear tolerant. But it’s not. Moreover, it was abrogated by the preceding verse proclaiming: “If they turn back and become apostates or hypocrites, seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And never take allies, associates, or friends, nor any assistance from them.”

Because the rules never apply to Muhammad…

Quran 004.090 “Except those who join to a group between you and between them a treaty, or those who come to you restraining their hearts (weary of) they fight you. Or they fight their people. And if al-Lahu willed, lo, verily He given them power over you, and lo, they (would have) fought you. So if they withdraw from you and do not fight against you and offer to you the peace, then not has made al-Lahu for you against them a way.”

That was a lot of ifs, ands, and buts to create a one-time exemption for the non-prophet. However, someone was not paying attention because there were no groups formed. There was just a lone negotiator. It was not the Quraysh who were restrained but Muhammad who capitulated. The Quraysh got everything they wanted and more from that deal.

There was no indication that they were weary of fighting the Muslims. They did not like being terrorized by them, but they had no issue taking the fight to Muhammad and had done so twice already with a decisive win and a draw. And 194clearly, the Quraysh were not a house divided, as was the case currently among the Muslims. Further, it is obvious that al-Lahu had no influence here, not only because Muhammad dropped him like a hot rock on a summer day, but because the non-prophet was out-negotiated by the distance of Medina to Mecca.

The Quraysh were not the aggressors, raiders, or terrorists, so they were not offering Muhammad peace. It was the other way around, because they were demanding a ten-year hiatus in mass murder, abduction for ransom, and armed robbery from the Muslims. Therefore, al-Lahu didn’t get any of this right. And it’s embarrassing when a non-Muslim’s memory is ten times better than the Islamic god’s recollection when he claims to have been there.

Perhaps knowing that he screwed that up every way from Friday, Islam’s demonic deity carved out another exception – this one more in keeping with his murderous nature. So now on second thought, if a people desiring peace are perceived to be mischievous, al-Lahu commands his militants to slaughter them…

Quran 004.091 “You will find others wanting their people to be safe from you. Every time they are returned to the temptation, they are plunged into it. So, if not they withdraw from you and offer you the peace and restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And those, We made for you against them a clear sanction.”

Imagine that, some people wanted to be safe from Islamic terrorism, endless war, senseless killing, human trafficking, armed robbery, mutilation, and rape.

It is tempting for some to negotiate peace with the world’s most sadistic belligerents, but so long as Islam exists, it isn’t going to happen. The moment non-Muslims lower their guard, feeling all warm and fuzzy for having made their deal with the Devil, then the peaceniks and doves are slaughtered. There will be no place to hide. The Quran’s 195god has given Muslims an explicit sanction to annihilate all life on the planet. It is open season on infidels.

In this light, the “Two-State Solution” is suicide for Israel, as is allowing Muslims to govern themselves in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.

Islam is an equal opportunity hater and killer. Even today, “good” Muslims fight and kill more “bad” Muslims than they do infidels. As such, they must be either accident-prone or mistaken.

Quran 004.092 “And not is for a believer that he kills a believer except (it be by) mistake. Then freeing a slave believing and blood money paid to his family unless that they remit charity. But if was from a people hostile to you and he was a believer, then freeing a believing slave believing. And if was from a people between you and between them a treaty, then blood money paid to his family and freeing a believing slave. And whosever not fined then fasting two months consecutively repentance from al-Lahi and is al-Lahu all-knowing, wise. Quran 004.093 Whoever kills a believer intentionally then his recompense Hell, abiding forever therein. And will fall the damnation and curse of al-Lahu on upon him, and he will curse him and He has prepared for him a great and dreadful punishment.”

The best thing a Muslim can do is kill, but only non-Muslims, unless, of course, the Muslim is opposed to terrorism and mass murder; then he or she has it coming. It’s also okay to kill if it is a boo-boo. Then say I’m sorry five times and offer a pint of blood to replace that which was spilled. However, what freeing a slave has to do with righting the wrong committed against the victim and his family is not evident. Since taking and keeping slaves is immoral, as is being a Muslims and killing, it’s hard to know how one right absolves four wrongs.

Since al-Lahu’s intent is for Muslims to sacrifice their lives killing for him, their death would be intentional. Therefore, the Islamic god just condemned himself to Hell. Lucky for him, he’s prepared for the dreadful punishment.

196Once again we are reminded that “Allah’s Cause” is “Holy War,” better known as “Jihad.”

Quran 004.094 “O you who believed, when you go forth (to war) in Way and Cause of al-Lahi, then investigate and discriminate. Do not say to who offers to you the peace, ‘You are not a believer,’ coveting chance profits while seeking an advantage through the worldly gain, for with al-Lahi booties are abundant and spoils are plentiful. Like that, you have been before. Then al-Lahu conferred favor on you. So investigate and discriminate. Lo, al-Laha is of what you do aware.”

The non-prophet and un-god have bribed their mercenaries to spill blood for booty and babes. They have demonstrated how easy it is to rob unarmed civilians. So now they are concerned that Muslims will prioritize looting and larceny over lethality – and that’s contrary to al-Lahu’s plans. While loot is fine, according to Allah, there is more to destroying humankind than just plundering possessions. Muhammad and Allah were looking at the bigger picture: a world in which every survivor was submissive to them.

Bukhari:V4B52N85 “Allah’s Apostle dictated the Divine Verse: ‘Not equal are those believers who sit at home and those who strive hard, fighting in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and lives.’ (Quran 004.095) Zaid said, ‘Maktum came to the Prophet while he was reciting that verse. “O Allah’s Apostle! If I had power, I would take part in Jihad.” He was a blind man. So Allah sent down revelation to His Apostle while his thigh was on mine. It became so heavy I feared he would break my leg before Allah revealed: “Except those who are disabled by injury or are blind or lame.”’” If “jihad” were a “spiritual struggle” as the Islamic apologists falsely claim, there would be no reason for Allah to give the physically disabled an exemption.

Apart from overt liars and deliberate deceivers, anyone who has ever bothered to read the Quran will acknowledge that Jihad is always linked to fighting and killing non-Muslims. It means to wage war for Allah without retreating, and sacrificing one’s life and resources. Any other definition 197makes Allah and Muhammad even more disingenuous than they already are.

Quran 004.095 “Not equal the ones who sit and remain passive, among believers {other than the disabled}, and the ones who Jihad | Fight, striving in the Way of al-Lahi with their wealth and their lives.

Al-Lahu preferred the ones who Jihad | Fight with their wealth and their lives to the ones who remain passive and stay at home (in) exaltation and rank. And all al-Lahu promised the best, (but) al-Lahu preferred al-Mu-Jahid | the Muslims who Jihad over the ones who are passive (by) a tremendous reward.”

One cannot overstate the seriousness of Allah’s self-inflicted wound. He is committed to the extermination of the human race. Death is Satan’s avowed preference. And so rather than earning a living and making peace with non-Muslims, al-Lahu is bribing Muslims with promises of never-ending spoils and abundant booty to annihilate everyone in an endless war.

A Muslim Hadith echoes the sentiment of the verse: Muslim:C40B20N4676 “Believers who sit home and those who go out for Jihad in Allah’s Cause are not equal.” Fundamental Islam, the Islam of Allah, Muhammad, and the Quran is predicated on Jihad. Islam was weaned on blood.

The 96th verse of the 4th surrotten begins by confirming Allah’s preference for warriors. It ends in a contradictory fashion. Some would call it camouflage.

Quran 004.096 “Superior ranks from Him, and forgiveness and mercy. And is al-Lahu oft-forgiving, merciful?”

The god who prefers jihad over faith, mu-jahid to pacifists, mercifully forgives the murderous behavior of those who kill on command while condemning their victims to burn in his hell.

The 97th ayah is also damning. Souls are taken before judgment. However, since flesh is roasted in hell and gratified in paradise, this premature extraction conflicts with the central pillar of the doctrine.

198Quran 004.097 “Verily, those whom take them the angels, they zalim | cruel lords and oppressive tyrants, themselves, they say, ‘In what were you?’ They said, ‘We were weak and oppressed in the earth.’ They said, ‘Not was earth (of) al-Lahi spacious so that you could run away and emigrate in it?’ Then those their abode Jahannam | Hell. And it an evil destination.”

As I have shared previously, zalim is used 325 times in the Quran’s final 40 surahs, but never once in any of the previous 74 earlier revelations. And that is because Allah and Muhammad were hypocrites. They were the zalim | cruel lords and oppressive tyrants in this time and place. But even they did not become masters of their sizzling and hostile domain until Muhammad threatened to slaughter his kin and then upped the ante with his War Against All Mankind.

However, unidentified people in this imaginary discussion were said to be “zalim – cruel lords and oppressive tyrants” and also “mus’tad’afina – weak and oppressed” in the same verse. This duplicity suggests that the un-god and non-prophet do not actually know what the words they are using mean.

Equally troubling, the disbelievers are being condemned to Hell for not running away from their property and relocating to another place so that Muslims could move into their homes. And apart from being inappropriate, this is hypocritical because Muhammad and Allah were fighting a war, terrorizing and murdering family and friends because they claimed that they were oppressed but didn’t want to emigrate.

There are so many exceptions in the Quran, it’s a wonder al-Lahu bothered establishing any rules…

Quran 004.098 “Except the weak and feeble who are oppressed among the men, women and children not are able to devise a plan and not they are directed a way. Quran 004.099 Then those may be al-Lahu will pardon on them. And is al-Lahu oft-pardoning, oft-forgiving?”

199If addressing mental prowess and moral character, every Muslim would be counted among the weak and feeble who are incapable of devising a plan or finding their way. So lucky for them, al-Lahu likes the stupid and immoral, especially if they like to kill…

Tabari VII:109 & Ishaq:372 “The Messenger called for his coat of armor and put it on. When they saw this they repented, ‘What an evil deed we’ve done. We have given him advice when inspiration comes to him!’ Muhammad replied, ‘It is not fitting for a prophet to put on his coat of mail and take it off before fighting.’ So he went out to Uhud at the head of a thousand of his Companions, having promised them victory.” So much for being a prophet; the Muslims were routed.

Not much at providing supplies, Allah wants Jihadists to live off the land and then die…

Quran 004.100 “And whoever emigrates in al-Lahi’s Cause will find in the earth many place of refuge and abundance. And whoever leaves from his home an emigrant to al-Lahi and His Rasuli, then overtakes him the death, then, lo, verily, incumbent his reward on al-Lahi. And is al-Lahi oft-forgiving, Rahim?”

Either fighting is more important than religion or this religion is about fighting. Either way, that’s disconcerting because Muslims see all non-Muslims as their enemy.

Quran 004.101 “And when you (Muslims) travel in the land, there is no sin on you if you shorten al-Salat | the Prayer if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you. Lo, verily, the disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies.

Quran 004.102 When you are among them, lead them in al-Salat | the Prostration Prayer, let a group keep their weapons. When they have prostrated, let them take their positions in the rear and let the other party come up which has not yet prayed, and let them pray with you taking all the precautions and bearing arms.

Those who disbelieve want you to negligent your weapons and your baggage, to assault you in a single rush. But there is no blame on you if you put away your arms because of the inconvenience of rain or because you are ill, but take every precaution for yourselves. 200Verily, al-Laha has prepared a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers.”

Translated: Thugs who spill blood for a living need to watch their backs. After a while, such criminals become known as terrorists – and people start disliking them.

The Sira and Ta’rikh reveal yet another punch to the gut. It haunts us to this day… Tabari VII:162 & Ishaq:445 “The rules of the Prayer of Fear were revealed during this raid. [And confirmed in surah Quran 004.102] The Messenger of Allah divided the Companions into two groups; one stood facing the enemy while the other stood behind the Prophet. He magnified Allah by shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ Then he and those behind him performed a rak’ah and prostrated themselves.”

It was so thoughtful of Allah to assure that those prostrating themselves to him would remain armed. Always the merciful one.

In the Sira, which is the biography of Muhammad comprised of the earliest collection of Hadith, we find these citations from the first Muslims. The occasion was relevant because they were issued during Muhammad’s terrorist raid against Jews in the farming community of Khaybar and it is the next tragedy we will witness.

Ishaq:572 “Muhammad is the man, an Apostle of my Lord who errs not, neither does he sin. Any who would rival him in goodness must fail. Evil was the state of our enemy so they lost the day. Fortunes change and we came upon them like lions from the thickets. The armies of Allah came openly, flying at them in rage, so they could not get away. We destroyed them and forced them to surrender.

In the former days there was no battle like this; their blood flowed freely. We slew them and left them in the dust. Those who escaped were choked with terror. A multitude of them were slain. This is Allah’s war in which those who do not accept Islam will have no helper. War destroyed the tribe and fate the clan.”

Bukhari:V4B52N256 “The Prophet passed by and was asked whether it was permissible to attack infidels at night with the 201probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, ‘Their women and children are from them.’”

Ishaq:574 “In faith I do not fear the army of fate. He gave us the blood of their best men to drink when we led our army against them. We were a great army with a pungent smell. And we attack continuously, wherever our enemy is found.”

Ishaq:580 “Our strong warriors obey his orders to the letter. By us Allah’s religion is undeniably strong. You would think when our horses gallop with bits in their mouths that the sounds of demons are among them. The day we trod down the unbelievers there was no deviation or turning from the Apostle’s order.

During the battle the people heard our exhortations to fight and the smashing of skulls by swords that sent heads flying. We severed necks with a warrior’s blow. Often, we have left the slain cut to pieces and a widow crying over her mutilated husband. ’Tis Allah, not man we seek to please.”

Ishaq:587 “Ka’b Malik reacted to the Apostle’s decision. He said, ‘We put an end to doubt at Khaybar. But we gave our swords a rest. If our swords could have spoken, their blades would have said, “Give us Daus or Thaqif. We will tear off the roofs in Wajj. We will make homes desolate.

Our cavalry will come upon you leaving behind a tangled mass. When we assault a town they sound a cry of alarm but our sharp cutting swords flash like lightning. By them we bring death to those who struggle against us. Flowing blood was mingled with saffron the morn the forces met. They were taken by surprise and we surrounded them with our troops.””

Ishaq:587 “Our onslaught will not be a weak faltering affair. We shall fight as long as we live. We will fight until you turn to Islam, humbly seeking refuge. We will fight not caring whom we meet. We will fight whether we destroy ancient holdings or newly gotten gains.

We have cut off every opponent’s nose and ears with our fine swords. We have driven them violently before us at the command of Allah and Islam. We will fight until our religion is established. And we will plunder them, for they must suffer disgrace.”

202Ishaq:592 “The Apostle held a large number of captives. There were 6,000 women and children prisoners. He had captured so many sheep and camels they could not be counted.”

Bukhari:V5B59N512 “The Prophet offered the Prayer of Fear when it was still dark and said, ‘Allahu-Akbar! Khaybar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a hostile nation to fight, then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.’ The inhabitants came out running. The Prophet had their men killed, their children and women taken as captives.”

Bukhari:V5B59N516 “When Allah’s Apostle fought or raided people we raised our voices saying, ‘Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar! None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’”

I feel as if I’m beating a plague-infested, maniacal camel with a penchant for blood. No matter how I go about trying to stop it from stampeding through more innocent villages and towns, it just keeps on coming, spreading the disease wherever it goes. The Quran is a never-ending pandemic for which there is no cure.

Quran 004.103 “Then when you have finished al-salat | prostration prayer performance then remember al-Laha standing and sitting and on your sides. But when you are secure then establish al-salata is on the believers prescribed fixed times.

Islam’s war is a prayerful undertaking, so that is very religious of the un-god. But that’s particularly bad since religions and their gods were invented so that certain men might control and fleece others, and in this case, Islam is the most deadly and diabolical. It is a relentless pursuit of death…

Quran 004.104 “And do not relent in pursuing the humankind. If you are suffering hardships, lo, verily, they are suffering like what you are suffering. While you have hope from al-Lahi not what they hope. And is al-Lahu all-knowing, all-wise?”

Since Islam is war and war is hell, this was true. But it is incriminating since al-Lahu’s only contribution was to be conceited and provide false hope. And yet, that was enough to ravage much of the known world.

203In this regard, history serves as our barometer because Islam would be resurrected twice more, first upon the blood of Jews in Khabar and then upon the savage compulsion of Arabs into Islam, such that all who survived became murderous mujahideen. With the Persian Zoroastrians and Christian Byzantines having fought each other to the point of exhaustion, the battleground was now prepared for an entirely different way of fighting – one that was much deadlier and debilitating. The Islamic onslaught would not be between armies as had been the case with the conflicts between empires. As we have witnessed throughout the Quran and Hadith, marauding hordes of sadistic savages would slaughter and spoil civilians. By virtue of their conditioning and without the Quran, they would exterminate a third of the planet’s population in Islam’s first century. It is known today as Islam’s Golden Era because of the vast wealth that was plundered. There was no defense from this deadly plague because there had never been anything this openly demonic to possess so many people, turning them into killing machines.

I share this conclusion to the story of Islam’s inception because it is important for God’s people to know that Islam wasn’t conceived to be an Abrahamic religion to lift Arabs out of paganism with virtuous rhetoric and moral guidance. For Muhammad, its sole purpose was to incite capitulation through fear and to facilitate plunder through terror. With Allah, the intent was to plague, deceive, degrade, and destroy the human race, beginning with Jews, all to preclude Yahowah’s return for His people.

The Quran was recited to create the false impression that Allah was all-mighty, all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-powerful, thereby able to eternally torture those who didn’t capitulate while bribing the savages ravaging them. Satan did not have to inspire Arabs with clever rhetoric, nor appeal to their intellect but, instead, induce enough of them to fight 204and kill such that they would contaminate and exterminate others in a perpetual war against mankind.

Once Satan had bribed enough Arabs to be similarly anti-human and sadistic to engender capitulation through extermination and fear, the Quran’s purpose was accomplished. Therefore, a century would pass between recitals and writing. The version we are reading today was compiled for a different purpose – to control the infected Muslims long enough to reach this day when the religion would begin its final assault on Jews and Israel.

Once established, the sheer enormity of the religion and the vast swath of Earth it had conquered, would make it a formidable foe. With its decidedly deadly bent, its propensity to terrorize, and subsequent migrations throughout the world, the Islamic religion would invade and encircle Israel, with Muslims outnumbering Jews by over 100 to 1. And so the war continues unabated.

Now you understand why the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque were built upon the Temple Mount in the heart of Jerusalem. It is easy to see why the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem cozied up to Hitler and encouraged the Holocaust rather than allow Jews to be exiled to Israel. We understand the impetus behind the wars of the 1940s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, and of the Islamic Intifadas of the 1990s and 2000s.

This is why the myths of “Palestine” and the “Palestinian People” were invented. It is the sole cause and consequence of what Muslims did to Jews on October 7th, 2023 – starting the countdown to the decade-long Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles. And it is why Muslims celebrated their savage carnage worldwide, instituting the same level of anti-Semitism experienced at the outset of the Second World War. Soon, there will be a Third, and now you know who will instigate it, where, and why.

To combat this deadly foe, and to spare God’s people from Muslims are the reasons God Damn Religion exists. 205Satan, in the guise of Allah, and I are foes. He wants to bewilder and annihilate Jews to such an extent that there is no reason for Yahowah and Dowd to return for them. And I want to spare and then enlighten Yahuwdym such that they embrace their God and Messiah and attend the ultimate family reunion.

Fortunately, Satan isn’t even a billionth as formidable as he claims, and so life will prevail over death. And since the stakes are high – encompassing the fate of the human experience relative to the Covenant Family – I have been properly equipped to prevail. And so, with Jews being pushed to a place where only Yahowah can save them, once there, a sufficient number will find, read, and capitalize on Yada Yahowah to make the fulfillment of Yowm Kipurym everything Yahowah and His Son, Dowd, had anticipated and foretold. With 40 books on the shelf at YadaYah.com by that time, reinforcements will arrive adding voice to this message in the person of ‘ElYah and a host of mal’ak | spiritual messengers. Expect our appearance in Jerusalem on Passover in year 5997 Yah – April 16th, 2030.

Between now and then, seven months to the date Muslims commenced their final assault on Israel, I will have completed this, the 4th volume of God Damn Religion. The Covenant Family will add the 5th, compiling a topical presentation of the Quran and Hadith. So that you can follow our progress and we continue to serve Yahowah by awakening His people, immediately thereafter, I will have completed the rewriting of Questioning Paul as Twistianity, such that it properly presents Dowd’s role in fulfilling the Miqra’ey. In the Company and Tea with Terrorists will be updated so that readers know how we arrived at this place and time. Then expect a 9th and 10th volume of Yada YahowahHomecoming and Return – to share the gut-wrenching and glorious events preceding Dowd’s arrival as King.

206Along the way, I will have completed the 3rd volume of Coming Home, entitled Beloved, and added a 4th and 5th volume as we celebrate the Mizmowr in anticipation of the final fulfillment of the Miqra’ey. At this point, I will enjoy a six-month sabbatical with my Father and His Covenant Family before returning with the exceedingly eloquent and delightfully sarcastic ‘ElYah to herald our King’s return. We will have three and one-half years to thwart Satan’s advances and encourage Yahuwdym to come home. We will prevail. Will you join us?

Between now and then, I will continue to excoriate the Adversary by exposing and condemning the Satanic Bible. We recommence by pointing out that the wannabe god of Islam is lying when he claims to have “sent down to you the writing (book).” And while there would be rivers of blood, a century would transpire between soundwaves and the first drop of ink.

Quran 004.105 “Indeed, We sent down to you al-kitaba | the writing (book) with the truth so that you may judge between the humans with what al-Lahu has shown you. And do not be the deceitful pleader.”

This lie is as obvious as they come. There was no “book” during Muhammad’s lifetime or that of his murderous mujahideen. They were illiterate, and not only couldn’t comply, it would have forestalled the actual agenda which was to create a terrorist army capable of conquering Arabia and then the known world. Reading would simply interrupt the slashing of swords.

The parting line is funny in a way, because in this context, it implies that those listening to Muhammad were pleading for written proof of his ever-changing and personally gratifying claims. This was beginning to annoy the un-god and his non-prophet who had neither the ability nor interest to perform.

207Since the most highly regarded Islamic behaviors were the most reprehensible morally, was al-Laha’s forgiveness an inducement to kill and plunder without remorse?

Quran 004.106 “And seek forgiveness al-Laha. Lo, verily, al-Laha is oft-forgiving Rahim. Quran 004.107 And not argue for those who deceive themselves, lo, verily, al-Laha not like who is treacherous, sinful.”

Islam thrives on ignorance and capitulation, of which Muhammad was a shining example. Thinking must, therefore, be condemned as treacherous.

In this case, the schemers were Muslims with a conscience in Yathrib in Islam’s sixth year. They no longer believed the non-prophet who capitulated and abdicated on the outskirts of KabaVille, having lost his faith. They saw no reason to continue slaughtering and spoiling innocent people for his jollies and they set down their swords. After all, even they had been enticed into Islam with promises of blood, booty, and babes and the lesser pilgrimage had been a colossal disappointment. So, al-Lahu would induce the most savage mujahideen to hunt for them and kill them.

Quran 004.108 “They seek to hide from the people but not they hide from al-Lahi and He with them when they plot by night what not he approve of the word. And is al-Lahu of what they do all-encompassing? Quran 004.109 Here you are those who you argue for them in the life the world but who will argue al-Laha for them Day the Resurrection of who will be over them defender? Quran 004.110 And whoever does evil or wrongs his soul then seeks forgiveness, al-Laha, he will find al-Laha oft-forgiving, Rahim.”

Repeat the lie often enough and those who don’t know any better will believe it. The consequence is Islam.

Quran 004.111 “Whoever earns sin then only he earns it against his soul. So is al-Lahu all-knowing, all-wise? Quran 004.112 And whoever earns a fault or a sin then throws it an innocent, then surely he burdened a slander and a sin between (manifest). Quran 004.113 And if not grace al-Lahi upon you and His mercy surely resolved a group of them to mislead you. But not they mislead except themselves 208and not they will harm you in anything. And al-Lahu has sent down to you al-kitaba | the writing (the book) and al-hik’mata | the wisdom and taught you what not you did know. And is grace al-Lahi upon you great? Quran 004.114 No good in much of their secret talk except who orders charity of kindness or conciliation between the people. And who does that seeking pleasure al-Lahi then soon We will give him a great reward.”

The “sin” was having a conscience and setting aside one’s sword as a result of what Muhammad had done once again to vividly demonstrate he was a fraud. “Slander” was defined as speaking out against the worst man who ever lived. “Mercy” was actually merciless, as al-Lahi sought to suppress this, the final insurrection against Muhammad, by exterminating anyone who criticized the Quran’s mandate for mass murder.

The plan was for al-Lahu to lie all the more, protesting that even though his book didn’t exist and his messenger couldn’t write, Muslims must believe otherwise or die. Al-Lahi was great, and they weren’t worth $#!+ without accepting the bribe. So it was shut up and be conciliatory, becoming coconspirators in the criminal enterprise, or be silenced by Allah’s merchants of death.

Religions empower men, giving them authority over others. And this one did more than that because, for the believers, it transformed a Snake into a god. Satan was fulfilling his ambition.

Quran 004.115 “Whoever contradicts or opposes the Messenger from after what between (became clear) lahu | to him the guidance and he follows other than way the believers, We turn him what he turned. And We will burn him in Hell! Evil a destination.”

Of course, Allah had nothing of value to offer. There would be no fulfillment of his threats or bribes. But at this point, it didn’t matter because all Satan needed to prevail was a hardened core of believers who were afraid to question anything he or his Rasuli claimed – no matter how ignorant or immoral. So, the un-god resorted to frightening Muslims 209into submission by claiming that he would burn them in Hell if they didn’t surrender.

Al-Laha had painted himself into a box which he could not emerge without contradicting his most essential claim – that he partnered with ‘Abraham and Moseh to reveal the Towrah and establish Yisra’el…

Quran 004.116 “Indeed, al-Laha does not forgive partners, coworkers, or friends associated with Him. But He forgives what other than that for whom he wills. And whoever associates coworkers or partners with il-Lahi, then lo, verily he lost way straying far away.”

Beyond the obvious refutation of his most essential claim, there can be no denying that Allah partnered with Muhammad to recite the Quran and establish Islam. Without him, nothing is known of Allah or Islam. Therefore, Allah’s most unforgivable sin, associating partners and co-workers with him, is a two-faced lie. Verily, ill-Lahi has lost his way, straying far away from reality. In so doing, he became the most delusional and duplicitous of demonic deities.

Failing miserably to make amends for the Satanic Verses, Muhammad recited…

Quran 004.117 “Not they invoke from besides Him but female (deities) and not they invoke except Shaitan rebellious.”

Muhammad admitted to having been inspired by Satan. The episode pertained to associating three “female deities” with Rahman – al-Lat, Manat, and al-Uzza. Allah followed shortly thereafter. They were the stars of the Ka’aba. The un-god, however, wasn’t pleased since they were goddesses, not fellow gods. Having made his disdain of women abundantly clear, his response was overtly sexist.

However, since such sins are unforgivable, I wonder if Muhammad is enjoying Hell as much as Allah seems to. And while this is a fatal problem for Islam, Muhammad didn’t learn his lesson. Rather than calling Allah’s daughters “idols” or “false gods,” he just called them “deities” again.

210Since the non-prophet is the only one who made such associations, and since “he” is singular in the text, let it be known that al-Lahu cursed his Rasuli. And no doubt, the penalty will annoy the pervert no end. He was to be deprived a portion of his slaves, which at the time included at least three sex slaves…

Quran 004.118 “He was cursed by al-Lahu and he said, ‘I will surely take from your slaves a portion appointed. Quran 004.119 Lo, I will mislead them. And lo, surely arouse desired in them. And lo, indeed, I will order them. So, lo, verily, they will cut off ears the cattle. And lo, surely, I will order them. So, lo, verily they will change creation of al-Lahi.’ And whoever takes al-Shaytan | the Adversary, Satan, as a wali | friend, partner, co-worker, or associate from besides al-Lahi, then, lo, verily, he lost, a loss between (manifest).

We do not know why al-Lahi changed from cursing a single individual for the Idolatrous Indulgence to misleading “them.” But that’s just a misuse of pronouns compared to “arousing desires in them” such that “I will order them” and “verily, they will cut off ears of the cattle.” That is too weird for words. So, why would al-Lahi say such a strange thing? Has he lost his mind?

That somehow leads to Allah attempting to shed his Adversary title, even while he is failing in his attempt to play God. He must have Muslims reject his true nature if he is to prevail. But clearly, he’s making a mess of things.

While it’s true that Satan is a master of deception, he does not arouse desires but, instead, capitalizes upon them. And essential to his scheme are unfulfilled promises. Therefore, if you’d like to see a textbook case of Satan in action, do as we are doing and read the Quran.

Quran 004.120 “He promises and arouses desires in them. And not promises them al-Shaytan except deception. Quran 004.121 Those, there abode Hell, and not they will find from it any escape.”

This is true in the sense that al-Lahi, as Satan, is headed to She’owl | Hell, along with all who have acted upon his Quran. From there, there is no escape. So, once again, if you 211want to become more familiar with the words and deeds that result in being sent there, read the Quran.

This, however, is wrong every which way. Neither “believing” nor “right good deeds” provide admittance to the Gan ‘Eden. There are five conditions of the Covenant, and they are enabled through the Miqra’ey. There are no subterranean rivers and one’s stay is limited to the millennium between years 6000 and 7000 Yah. After that, a new universe awaits the Covenant Family. It is a promise of Yahowah, not al-Lahi.

Quran 004.122 “And those who believed and do the right good deeds, We will admit them Jannatin | Gardens of Jinn, flow from underneath it the rivers, will abide in it forever. A promise al-Lahi truth. And who truer than al-Lahi statement?”

In his next statement, al-Lahi is trying to deflect the attention of Muslims away from the obvious. The Quran is an amalgamated text compiled by blending and twisting the pagan lore of the Quraysh pertaining to the Ka’aba, Pilgrimage, and Mosque, a strange assemblage of Talmud stories, the poetry of Arab converts to Judaism, an odd blend of Christian Apocrypha, with a little Zoroastrianism. To this, there is a massive amount of content pertaining to Muhammad’s perverted sexuality, terrorist raids, and challenges subduing his flock. Apart from these things, we find the Adversary bragging while bribing and threatening Arabs in 7th-century Arabia. There is nothing that isn’t tainted by the worst men have to offer.

Quran 004.123 “Not by your desire, and not desire people, al-kitabi | the writing (book). Whoever does evil will be recompensed for it and not he will find for him for besides al-Lahi any protector, and not any helper.”

Apart from his murderous mujahideen, al-Lahi is devoid of protectors and helpers, so at best, he isn’t offering much.

Quran 004.124 “And whoever does from the right deed from male or female and he a believer, then those will enter al-Janata. And not they will be wronged the speck on a dateseed.”

212Actually, they will be wronged in every possible way. Influenced by Islam they forfeit their freewill, their conscience, any chance of a productive and meaningful life, and then their soul. That sounds like more than a “speck on a dateseed to me.”

As we move toward the conclusion of this horrid exposé on misogyny and ignorance, on murder and immorality, it is as if Satan decided to vomit into a blender and then hit puree. This novel take on babel presents a confounding conglomeration of erroneous notions, a medley of random deceptions and delusions fused into a mélange of madness. If we are to afford ill-Lahi any credit, perhaps his ploy was to disorient Muslims such that they gave up and made no attempt to strain the deceptions out of the foul soup and correctly conclude that Allah is the Snake which slithered out of the Garden and into the Arabian Desert to do to Arabs, and then all humans, what he once did to Chawah and ‘Adam.

While disingenuous men and duplicitous women have been common, very few pretend to be a god by claiming that they were responsible for individuals who were integral to God’s story. And for this rendition of babel, the Adversary has sealed his fate.

Quran 004.125 “Who better religion than who aslama | submits his face to il-Lahi and he a good-deed doer and follows religion Ib’rahima upright. And took al-Lahu Ib’rahima a friend.”

Yahowah, who just so happens to be God, is vehemently opposed to religion. His animosity toward this devilish construct is the most prevalent theme throughout the Prophets. God damns religion because they all mischaracterize His name, nature, and testimony, thwarting His purpose by obfuscating what He is offering to us and expecting from us in return.

Therefore, when ill-Lahi claims that no one is better at religion, he is acknowledging that he is at cross purposes 213with Yahowah, which makes him the Adversary, not God. The only reason that most people remain unaware of this reality is because religions have become humankind’s most popular and pervasive constructs, and they naturally present religion as not only favorable but as the voice of God and the means to Him. This is a result of the religious doing the very things Yahowah opposes. They use babel to confuse the masses by removing snippets of His testimony from the proper context and then commingling it with a plethora of lies to confuse and confound.

As a result of religious malfeasance, people have been conditioned to perceive religion as good, as something which is pleasing to God, when the opposite is true. And if becoming more aware of this profound truth is of interest to you, please consider reading the other books that comprise Yada Yahowah. Our departure from religion is so essential to our relationship with Yahowah, walking away from babel is the lone prerequisite of the Covenant, while coming out of babel is the final plea God makes to His people before His return to affirm and reestablish it.

God wants us to get to know Him as He has presented Himself to us in His Towrah | Teaching. If we are interested in Him prolonging our lives, perfecting us, adopting us into His Family as our Father, enriching and empowering us, we do so by accepting the terms of His Beryth and attending His Miqra’ey. The conditions and benefits are His while the choice is ours. I share this because at no point does Yahowah want us to aslama | submit to Him. Submission is counter to the relationship He is offering.

God’s one and only name is Yahowah. It is not il-Lahi, al-Lahi, al-Lahu, al-Laha, Rabbi, Lord, Rahman, or Allah. The path He has established and articulated to Him is not paved with “good-deed” and it leads away from “religion.” Being informed and right are the criteria.

214‘Abraham is known through the Towrah. It is God’s testimony scribed by Moseh on Mount Choreb at the outset of the Exodus from submission and slavery. It was written 2,076 years prior to this babel being recited in Yathrib atop the decapitated bodies of the Jews who once lived there. It is infuriating that the spirit who inspired the annihilation of God’s people would claim that their progenitor was his “friend.” This insult to Yahowah, His Covenant, and His people is among the reasons that I hate Allah, and it explains why I have devoted these past seven months to protecting God’s people from ha Satan | the Adversary.

Therefore, every claim made by ill-Lahi in Quran 004.125 was an outright lie. And since it is obvious to anyone who is informed and rational, the world is without excuse. Islam should have been condemned and quarantined long ago. Al-Lahu is no friend of man or of the truth. Besides that, the statement is contradictory since the un-god has been insistent in protesting that he has no partners or friends.

So why is he so conceited and insistent that the heavens and the earth belong to him? Ill-Lahi repeats this next claim, which is as errant as it is egomaniacal, with reckless abandon. And yet, even apart from the fact that ill-Lahi is a lowly Snake, the supposition is preposterous. A spirit on “every thing all-encompassing” would be omnipresent, and thus indistinguishable from the universe. No longer a unique individual, omnipresence means that ill-Lahi would be the Snake and the burrow, the dirt and the women he claims are dirty. Moreover, by repeating this braggadocious claim, the false god is revealing that he is suffering from dementia.

As we turn the page, we find yet another proof that the Quran was situational, and pertained to the malicious minutiae in the non-prophet’s life…

Quran 004.127 “And they seek your ruling concerning the women. Say, ‘Al-Lahu gives you the ruling about them and what is recited to you in al-kitabi | the writing (the book) concerning orphans girls whom not you give them what is ordained for them and you 215desire to have sex with (marry) them and the ones who are weak of the children and to stand for orphans with justice. And whatever you do good, then lo, al-Laha is about it all-knowing.”

This is disgusting. It begins with an outright and obvious lie. There was no written book. Moreover, there can be no moral correlation between orphan girls and sex – which is the sole purpose of these Islamic marriages. An orphan is “a child whose parents are dead.” This is, therefore, encouraging pedophilia, which is sex with a child. And that, like Muhammad, is disgusting. The only difference now between the non-prophet and his un-god is that one does what the other endorses.

Quran 004.128 “And if a woman fears from her husband ill conduct or desertion, then no sin on both of them that they make terms of peace between themselves a reconciliation and the reconciliation best. And are swayed the souls greed, but if you do good and fear, then, lo, verily, al-Laha is of what you do all-aware.”

Now we confront another edict from Hell. A woman yoked to a Muslim man has reason to fear ill conduct and desertion. And when either or both occur, she has no rights. Her only option is to reconcile with her abuser, which is ill-advised and dangerous. And should she want to escape the monster, al-Laha reminds her that he is more fearsome still.

Quran 004.129 “And never will you be able to deal justly between the women even if you desired but not incline all the inclination and leave her like the suspended one. And if you reconcile and fear, then, lo, verily al-Laha is oft-forgiving, Rahim.

Quran 004.130 And if they separate will be enriched al-Lahu each from His abundance and is al-Lahu all-encompassing, wise?”

Now, the un-god admits that Islam is so diabolical and corrupting that murderous and thieving Muslim men are rendered incapable of dealing justly with women – even if that were their original intent. So, it somehow follows “but not incline (which is to slant or lean) all the inclination (which is a predisposed feeling) and leave her like the 216suspended (which is either to hang or terminate) one.” That’s not good.

After repeating what wasn’t worth saying, not once, but thrice, ill-Lahi lies again. Muslims were not provided anything in writing from the un-god or his non-prophet, and their recitals bore no resemblance to the written testimony provided by Yahowah through His prophets. Incongruent accounts cannot be the same. To claim otherwise, as ill-Lahi insists, is to be dishonest – which is not an appealing trait for wannabe gods. Moreover, since this false claim is the foundation of Islam, the entire edifice crumbles every time the un-god lies about this.

Further, being a Muslim is now impossible because “believing” him is the first of several criteria. And grossly conflicting testimonies cannot both be believed. This would be like asking a jury to exonerate a defendant when his testimony was incongruent with the evidence and eyewitnesses. So, for anyone who is aware of what the Towrah and Quran reveal, this is the end of Islam…

Quran 004.131 “And for il-Lahi whatever in the heavens and whatever in the earth. And lo, verily, We have instructed those who were given al-kitaba | the writing (the Book) from before you and yourselves that you fear al-Laha. But if you disbelieve, then, lo, verily, for il-Lahi whatever in the heavens and whatever in the earth. And is al-Lahu free of need. Praiseworthy.

Quran 004.132 And for il-Lahi whatever in the heavens and whatever in the earth. And sufficient il-Lahi a disposer of trust.”

If al-Lahu was “free of need,” then he wouldn’t be soliciting slaves, bribing them to exterminate life on the planet, or begging them for loans. He wouldn’t be bragging, either. And if al-Lahu was “praiseworthy” he wouldn’t have to toot his own horn.

Doubling down on this insanity, Islam’s inhumane god claims that he might just dispense with every man and woman on Earth…

217Quran 004.133 “If He wills He can take you away O the mankind and bring others. And is al-Lahu over that [a complete fraud] all-powerful.”

There we have it directly from Satan’s mouth. Humankind is expendable and readily replaceable. And while we cannot blame him for wanting to do better than Muslims, that mistake was his fault. And in that vein, how can al-Lahu be all-powerful if his creation is so deficient he's contemplating a do-over? I wonder what the Snake would find more to his liking – mice maybe? Perhaps that is why the correct translation of al-lahu akbar is “for him a mouse.”

Quran 004.134 “Whoever is desires reward the world then with al-Lahi reward the world and the hereafter. And is al-Lahu all-hearing, all-seeing.”

This dispenses with all of the previous criteria and coercion – including believing, submitting, prostrating, taxing, and killing – by substituting “desire.” As such, Muslims can discard the Quran since it is an impediment to the expression of one’s desire. Also, al-Lahu may be hearing and seeing, but he’s not thinking. We left to the realization that Allah really is as dumb as a stone. After telling Muslims that he is “all-hearing, all-seeing” he would have them be his eyes and ears and spy on their parents, their relatives, and even themselves…

Quran 004.135 “O you who believed, be custodians of justice, witnesses to il-Lahi even if against youselves of the parents and the relatives if he be rich or poor for al-Lahu nearer to both of them. So not follow the desire lest you deviate. And if you distort of refrain then lo, verily, al-Laha is of what you do, aware.”

The Lord of Distortion wants to maintain his monopoly among Muslims. That said, the foul sentiment in this verse also serves godless tyrants and their regimes with the likes of the Gestapo, KGB, CIA, and NSA. It explains why Islam and Nazism were embraced and why Muslims later aligned themselves with Communists.

218Putting himself on par with the venomous snake he elevated to divine status, Muhammad tells Muslims to believe in him in addition to his false god. And yet they were the least credible pair since, well, forever.

Quran 004.136 “O you who believed, believe in il-Lahi and His Rasuli and the writing (book) which He revealed upon His Messenger and the writing (book) which He revealed from before. And whoever disbelieves in il-Lahi and His malaik | angels and His writing (books) and His rasuli and the Day the Last, then lo, verily, he lost the way, straying far away.”

Setting aside that he was a pervert and a terrorist, and that his god was the Devil, how are Muslims to believe in the “writing which He revealed upon His Messenger” when there hadn’t been a drop of ink – not a single written word over the eighteen years since the debacle in the cave? And once again, the un-god and his non-prophet have put Muslims in the untenable position of believing an outright and obvious lie. Yahowah revealed the only Divinely inspired written account of our place in the universe. By contrast, the New Testament was inspired and written by Paul while the Talmud commenced with Akiba. Nothing has been written by or about il-Lahi, even to this day.

While that is enough to bury Islam under the shifting sands of the Arabian Desert, the rest of il-Lahi’s statement is nearly as absurd. Il-Lahi has no credibility and is, therefore, not believable. The mal’ak are Yahowah’s and they were neither visible nor heard by anyone during Muhammad’s lifetime. There had been no written book ascribed to the Lord of Self-Incrimination. His lone Rasuli was a whack job, and that’s being kind. “The Day the Last” will be Allah’s last day, so lo, he got lost along the way.

Yikes, this is like putting a revolving door in a house of mirrors and enduring an incessant echo…

Quran 004.137 “Lo, verily, those who believed then disbelieved then believed then disbelieved then increased disbelieving not will al-Lahu forgive for them and not will guide them a way.”

219So the believer who becomes a disbeliever, then a dual offender as a believer who disbelieves, then to disbelieve all the more, there is no guidance – which might have been the problem all along. And on a serious note, this is one of many problems associated with believing versus knowing. Faith isn’t tangible, meaningful, or verifiable while knowing is testable and valuable. Belief is actually the result of not knowing. For example, I know that Allah is not God. The evidence is ubiquitous and irrefutable. No faith required. Likewise, I know that Yahowah is God because He demonstrated the inspiration of His testimony through prophecy, accuracy, consistency, and brilliance.

Only a psychopath would say the following…

Quran 004.138 “Give glad tidings the hypocrites that for them a painful punishment.”

This is precisely what Muhammad did after losing his faith at the outskirts of KabaVille, and in so doing, he dishonored ill-Lahi.

Quran 004.139 “Those who take the disbelievers as allies from instead of the believers, do they seek with them the honor? But, lo, verily, all the honor for il-Lahi.”

Why would the un-god say “surely” before an obviously false statement, and then ask Muslims to walk away from any situation in which the Quran is being criticized? After all, in his prior instructions he had ordered Muslims to kill the disbelievers and deniers. This leaves us to conclude that even Allah recognizes there is something far more devastating to Islam than a sword, even bullets and bombs – and that is words. The religion crumbles and suffers a thousand ignominious deaths when exposed to the truth. Therefore, you hold in your hands something vastly more effective at crippling Hamas than the IDF.

Quran 004.140 “And surely He has revealed to you in al-kitabi | the writing (book) that when you hear ayati | signs (verses) al-Lahi being rejected it and ridiculed at it, then do not sit with them until 220they engage in a conversation other than that. Lo, verily, then like them. Lo, verily al-Laha will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers in Jahannama | Hell all together.”

Those who heard Muhammad’s feeble, immoral, and violent rant directly from his lips denied, derided, ridiculed, and mocked him and them. Therefore, the un-god and non-prophet banned debate. Even to this day, any Muslim who criticizes Islam is imprisoned or murdered.

More than this, now we find affirmation that I was right when I shared the reasons why Muhammad capitulated at the doorstep of what he craved. Over the previous decade, the non-prophet had continually lost the Never-Ending Argument. The Quraysh were consistently correct and Muhammad was unable to refute them. So, exposing his Muslim malcontents to those who knew him best and who were not afraid to speak their mind, was a risk Muhammad could not endure.

If Islam were open to scrutiny there would be no Muslims. To survive, the religion requires its tyrannical dictators to use draconian measures to repress freedom of thought, debate, speech, press, and, of course, religion. It’s why Islam is wholly incompatible with democracy. It is why the genocidal chant, “Free Palestine,” is untenable.

Continuing to jump between topics like an autistic child with a sugar rush, Allah has returned to flogging moderate Muslims into submission by inferring that they are dishonest hypocrites…

Quran 004.141 “Those who are waiting for you, then if was for you a victory for al-Lahi they say, ‘Were not we with you?’ But if was for the disbelievers a chance they said, ‘Did not we have advantage over you and we protected you from the believers?’ And al-Lahu will judge between you Dat the Resurrection and never will make al-Lahu for the disbelievers over the believers a way.”

These Muslims in name only feigned belief in order to avoid being killed by the mujahideen. But then there is this 221interesting twist among the Allahisms with a dose of mutual deceit…

Quran 004.142 “Lo, the hypocrites deceive al-Laha. And He deceives them. When they stand for al-Salat | performing the prostration prayer, they stand sluggishly and lazily, showing off the people, and not they remember al-Laha but a little.”

No surprise, but al-Laha is easily confused. Even a Muslim can do it. And turns out, the telltale sign of those most likely to confound the un-god are the lethargic and listless who prostrate languidly to show off. Who knew?

That must have been too much information, so al-Lahu dished up another word salad. Should you have an appetite for such things, make of this what you will…

Quran 004.143 “Wavering between that not to these and not to those. And whoever has been led astray by al-Lahu, then never you will find for him a way.”

Had the Rasuli not always been an exception to the rules, Hudaybiyyah would have been an express ticket to Allah’s rotisserie…

Quran 004.144 “O you who believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies from instead of the believers. Do you with that you make for il-Lahi against you an evidence between (clear)? Quran 004.145 Verily, the Hypocrites in the lowest depths of the Fire. Never you will find for them any helper.”

By renouncing his god and status to form an alliance with the Quraysh so as to avoid interacting with them for what was supposed to be ten years, but will be just one, Muhammad provided copious evidence himself. By any standard, including Allah’s, the non-prophet became a hypocrite. And while that’s exceedingly treacherous turf for someone claiming to speak for God, Allah must now either roast him or admit that he’s been lying all along.

Beyond this, dogmas that require their subjects to feign support in order to avoid death and imprisonment are acknowledging defeat. They are admitting that given the 222freedom to choose, most people would opt out of their repressive regime.

Since hypocrites are defined as Muslims who don’t obey the Quran’s orders to leave their homes to fight in Allah’s Cause, moderate, pacifist, non-violent Muslims are phonies. If not a terrorist, the person cannot be a Muslim. They are lying to themselves and everyone else.

But it’s actually worse than that because Allah hates a non-violent person masquerading as a Muslim to such an extent, that they are being relegated to “the lowest depths of Hell.” So, should you know a “peace-loving” Muslim, you may want to tell them that their god hates them. It is a lose-lose situation. If Islam is true, they are going to hell. If Islam isn’t true, they’re being deceived. But there is always an exception in Islam….

Quran 004.146 “Except those who repent and correct and hold fast to il-Lahi and are sincere their religion for il-Lahi, then those with the believers. And soon will be given al-Lahu the believers a great reward.”

The religion was running short of bloodthirsty killers so Allah was willing to make an exception for the reformed pacifists who were willing to swing a sword.

This next line has an odd beginning…

Quran 004.147 “What would do al-Lahu by punishing you if you are grateful and you believe? Is al-Lahu appreciative, knowing?”

I don’t know, and the verse doesn’t say. But it’s a good question, nonetheless. All the while, the Islamic world seems to have ignored this one…

Quran 004.148 “Not love al-Lahu public mention of evil words except who has been wronged. Is al-Lahu hearing, knowing?”

I guess every Muslim voicing their hatred of Jews and desire to annihilate them, must be on strong moral footing. And obviously, it is the terrorists who have been wronged, not their victims. Shame on the Jews in Yathrib who did 223wrong by living productive lives and those in southern Israel who were so bad they got themselves raped, killed, and abducted. So the moral of this story is that there are no morals in Islam and victim shaming is a religious rite.

Quran 004.149 “If you disclose a good or you conceal it or pardon an evil then, lo, al-Laha is oft-pardoning, all-powerful.”

That was a waste of breath. But the next line is curious. It appears that there were still some living among the Muslim malcontents who could read and were, therefore, aware that there was no comparison between Moseh and Dowd and Muhammad, even between the myths attributed to Jesus and Allah’s Rasuli. They were as divergent as words can express. So, when confronted by the truth, the non-prophet and un-god retreated into familiar territory. They lied, and then they threatened those who were better informed and rational.

Quran 004.150 “Lo, those who deny and disbelieve in il-Lahi and His Messengers and they wish that they differentiate between al-Lahi and His Messengers and they say, ‘We believe in some and we disbelieve in others” and they which that they take between that a way. Quran 004.151 Those, they the true disbelievers. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.”

I don’t know if they were aware of them yet, but if so, the wheel just came off the Islamic gravy train. Moseh was literate and articulate while Muhammad was neither. Moseh was a man of character and conviction, while the Rasuli had neither. Moseh knew and loved Yahowah, and he spoke for Him as a bona fide prophet, while Islam’s immoral rogue was demon-possessed and serving Satan, he couldn’t predict what he was having for lunch. Dowd was the most courageous, competent, and brilliant man the world has ever known, and he enriched our lives with a vast treasury of inspired prose. Muhammad, not so much.

At issue here is that in every bastardized plagiarism of the Towrah and Prophets, Allah had perverted the narrative such that they were all depicting mini-Muhammads, Muslim messengers dealing with an unreceptive audience. However, 224in the original and extant written accounts, they were nothing like Islam’s Rasuli.

But not you worry murderous Muslim because al-Lahu has it all under control. He’s gonna burn their britches – you just wait, and wait, and, well, wait some more.

Since il-Lahi has a propensity to lie, let’s be clear, there was only one Muslim rasuli. He was the first and the last to introduce Satan as a god…

Quran 004.152 “Those who believe in il-Lahi and His rasulihi | messengers and not they differentiate between one of them those soon He will give them their reward. Is al-Lahu forgiving Rahim?”

Since there was only one, and differentiation requires two or more, there is not much to say other than al-Lahu is an undisciplined communicator prone to hyperbole.

As we press on to the next statement, we are confronted by yet another reminder that Allah has developed a nasty habit of besmirching those he has had his immoral malcontents annihilate, rob, rape, exile, and enslave. It’s one thing to continually lie by falsely claiming Moseh and the Children of Yisra’el for himself while playing god, but it is another to do so on top of the furrows filled with their decapitated heads.

Quran 004.153 “The people of al-Katabi | the written book ask you that you bring down kitaban | a written book to them from the heaven. Then, lo, they asked Musa greater than that, for they said, ‘Show us al-Laha jahratan | manifestly,’ so struck them the thunderbolt for their wrongdoing. Then, they took the calf from after what came to them the between (clear proofs). Then We forgave them for that. We gave Musa an authority between (clear).”

It appears the Jews Muhammad had exterminated were speaking from the grave, performing a Quranic miracle. The decapitated were suggesting that Satan and the Devil’s Advocate put up or shut up with regard to their book.

Obviously, with the Jews dead and buried, Allah was running out of material. Rather than just admit he was inept, 225that his messenger was illiterate, and that the Arab Muslims he was recruiting to annihilate humankind couldn’t have read a book even if it was relegated to pictures with scratch and sniff, he decided to besmirch those he had killed. The excuse for not producing a book for Islam was that the “People of the Book” had “asked Musa greater than that.” But since Moseh and Yahowah produced the most profound, oft-cited, meticulously copied, and conspicuously well-maintained book in human history, even if it were true, it would have been a Red Herring. But it's not true. In fact, the opposite was accurate.

Yahowah revealed His presence to the Children of Yisra’el so often and so vociferously, during one such meeting, they asked that He not do it again – which is the antithesis of the Quran’s perversion. In this case, Yahowah volunteered to appear before all Yisra’el and speak directly to them to demonstrate that He was inspiring the Towrah through Moseh. However, since they had the propensity to be religious, and since religion cannot survive in God’s presence, the Yisra’elites told Moseh that their preference was to have God speak to him and then he to them.

Further, not only are thunderbolts flung by pagan gods, not Yahowah, but He was not the least bit bothered by the Yisra’elite request. In fact, He agreed with them. It was more enjoyable and productive to speak with Moseh and then have him write everything down than to address hundreds of thousands of irascible Jews who, as Yahowah has noted, had a tendency to go rogue with their religion.

Even the sequence of events was wrong. The episode with the Golden Calf occurred prior to the people receiving the Towrah. In the only accurate account, when Moseh was coming down Mount Choreb with the first iteration of the Ten Statements, he smashed them in disgust when he witnessed what they had done. And did I mention that Jews have long crippled their relationship with Yahowah because of their preference for religion over relationship? Also, those 226who cast and worshiped the Golden Calf were not forgiven. They were excommunicated and killed.

Lastly, it is blatantly and undeniably apparent that Yahowah chose Moseh to introduce His one and only name to His people. Therefore, Moseh was authorized by Yahowah, not “We” or “al-Laha.”

How many times must the un-god and his non-prophet lie before Muslims stop believing them and Progressives stop supporting them? If the answer is more than 10,000, we have surpassed that number and are still counting.

For example, in addition to the eight errors in the previous statement, there are ten blunders in the next. Allah is on a roll, sort of like a rock cascading off a cliff.

Quran 004.154 “And We raise over them the mount for their covenant. And We said to them, ‘Enter the gate prostrating.’ And We said to them, ‘Not transgress in al-Sabti | the Sabbath. And We took from them a covenant solemn.”

“We” was not there. Nothing was “raised.” The “mount” did not grow in stature. And while the Covenant established between Yahowah and ‘Abraham was memorialized in Bare’syth | Genesis, the only “mount” associated with the Beryth was Mowryah in Yaruwshalaim where it was confirmed. The un-god did not speak to them. There was no gate. There was no mention of prostrations. “Transgress” isn’t presented in association with the Shabat, and even then, it was one of Ten Statements that Yahowah etched in stone – all of which the Quran denies and opposes, including the Sabbath.

The Beryth | Covenant was given, not taken. And the Islamic god knows nothing of it. Muslims, you have been played for fools. Allah is the Lord of Lies. He is Satan.

Quran 004.155 “Then because of their breaking their covenant and their disbelief in signs al-Lahi and their killing the prophets without any right and their saying, ‘Our hearts wrapped,’ nay al-Lahu set a seal on their (?) for their disbelief, so not they believe except 227a few. Quran 004.156 And for their disbelief and their saying against Maryama a slander great.”

The Covenant was not broken at this point. This was the first Yisra’elites had heard of it since it was last discussed with the descendants of Ya’aqob.

Yahowah was and remains completely unconcerned about disbelief. There is no sanction or penalty against it, providing another contrast between Allah’s tormenting punishments for disbelievers. God provides the information that is required for us to make an informed decision on what He is offering and expecting in return. Reject or deny it and nothing happens. Those who accept receive the benefits while those who misconstrue for the purpose of misleading others, as al-Lahu is doing, are sent to She’owl – the place of separation from Yahowah.

The “signs” were past, and they were from Yahowah, not al-Lahi. Their purpose was not to engender belief but, instead, liberate His people from slavery.

The Children of Yisra’el are guilty of being overtly religious and irritating, but not of killing their prophets. The only prophets who were killed were those of the Lord and Queen of Heaven, and that was done by God, Himself.

The Yisra’elites did not issue this indictment against themselves. And once again, the Snake had no influence over them until his maniacal messenger migrated to Medina. Further, the Yisra’elites did not slander Maryam, Moseh’s sister. It was the other way around, with Maryam insulting Moseh’s wife. For doing so, Maryam, whose name means “embittered and contentious,” was briefly stricken with leprosy.

The more Allah says, the more he impugns himself. He has corrupted all of this and has been consistently wrong. And it’s not particularly difficult to demonstrate that he did not know what he was talking about. And thus, he cannot be the God who revealed the Torah. Therefore, he is not God.

228After having dished out 27 misrepresentations of fact over the past three statements alone, lo, verily, opens Pandora’s Box…

Quran 004.157 “And for their saying, ‘Verily, we killed al-Masiha Isa | Christ Jesus, son of Maryam, rasula al-Lahi. But not they killed him and not they crucified him, but it was made to appear to them. And lo, those who differ in it, verily in doubt about it. Not for them about it of knowledge except following assumption. And not they killed him certainly.”

Since Arabic is based upon the Hebrew alphabet and incorporates thousands of Hebrew words, titles, and names, there is no excuse for butchering the unique accolade of Mashyach. It is based upon the verb, mashach, meaning “to anoint.” Isa | Jesus was not the Messiah. Even in the legends written about him which were desperate to demonstrate otherwise, he did not fit the criteria. He is a myth, and they are exceedingly difficult to kill.

Had the mythology been true, his name would have been Yahowsha’, which means “Yahowah Delivers, Liberates, and Saves.” Isa appears to be a transliteration of Esau, the one person Yahowah calls out by name to say that he hates him. “This is the prophetic pronouncement (masa’) of the Word (dabar) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH) to (‘el) Yisra’el (Yisra’el) by the hand (ba yad) of Mal’aky | My Messenger (Mal’aky). (Mal’aky 1:1) ‘I love you (‘ahab ‘eth ‘atem),’ says (‘amar) Yahowah (YaHoWaH). ‘But (wa) you question (‘amar), “In (ba) what way (mah) have you loved us (‘ahab ‘anachnuw)?”

‘Was not (ha lo’) ‘Esaw (‘Esaw) a brother (‘ach) of (la) Ya’aqob (Ya’aqob)?’ asks with prophetic implications (na’um) Yahowah (Yahowah). ‘And yet (wa), I have always loved (‘ahab ‘eth) Ya’aqob | Reward or Consequence (Ya’aqob). (Mal’aky 1:2) However (wa), concerning (‘eth) ‘Esaw | Acting Antagonistically (‘Esaw), I have hated and have shunned (sane’). I will cause (wa sym) that which is associated with (‘eth) his 229elevated places (har huw’) to be lifeless and desolate (shemamah), and his inheritance to be (nachalah huw’) a wasteland of questionable words (midbar) for jackals, serpents, and monstrous beasts (tan). (Mal’aky / Malachi 1:3) To love, we must know who, what, why, when, and how to hate. For the benefit of Yisra’el, that is now Islam.

Also relevant, especially in the context of knowing what to despise, it was the Romans who crucified the Messiah (real and replacement), not the Jews. Also, since Jesus was a mythological construct, he did not have a mother. And should one have been chosen for him, it would not have been Maryam since it means “antagonistic.”

There were no rasuli at the time and wouldn’t be until Muhammad claimed the title for himself in 7th-century Arabia. Similarly, Allah wouldn’t be known prior to this same place and time. And up to this point, these six blunders are easily discerned and denoted. But then it gets really interesting.

There was, is, and will be a Messiah, and he was crucified by the Romans. His corporeal body died on Pesach to open the doorway to life. Then his soul carried the guilt of every Covenant member to She’owl on Matsah, depositing it there, never to be seen again, thereby eliminating the need for forgiveness. This same individual became the Firstborn Son of God on Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children. He was afforded many titles and accolades by Yah, filling out the greatest resumé in human history. He is the Son of God, the Messiah, our King and Shepherd, the Chosen One and Beloved, as the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb. He is the Gibowr, the basis of Gabry’el | God’s Most Capable and Courageous Man. He was also Yahowah’s foremost prophet and most inspired and articulate writer. His name, Dowd, was scribed over a thousand times throughout the Prophets and Psalms – second only to Yahowah and more often than Moseh. I exist to herald his return and to invite Yisra’elites to celebrate this homecoming and family reunion with him.

230Dowd spoke in first person, and in excruciating detail, about what he would endure while being crucified one thousand years before the Romans enhanced the torturous effect by using nails. You can read what he wrote of his fulfillment of Pesach and Matsah leading to Bikuwrym in the 22nd and 88th Mizmowr and then revel in Yahowah’s love for His Son in the glorious 89th Psalm. And in this regard, it is affirming to know that more of his Psalms were preserved awaiting our discovery between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea than any other, including the Towrah and prophet Yasha’yah.

Delivering this treasure to you is the greatest joy of my life. And if you would like to get to know my King and Shepherd as I do, then I invite you to read Yada Yahowah. It is largely a celebration of the Messiah’s lives and his marvelous relationship with his Father, Yahowah.

This is no better since “al-Masiha Isa ‘ibna Maryama” didn’t actually exist. Moreover, Dowd’s soul wasn’t raised, it was released. Once discharged from She’owl, he returned to Yahowah. Al-Lahu may have thrown a tizzy fit and spewed copious amounts of venom considering the benefits the Messiah delivered, but he was otherwise uninvolved. Well, that’s not completely true since Satan possessed Paul to write Dowd out of the story and replace him with the Christian myth.

Quran 004.158 “Nay, he was raised al-Lahu towards Him and it al-Lahu all-mighty, wise. Quran 004.159 Not from people the written book but surely he believes in him before his death and Day the Resurrection he will be against them a witness. Quran 004.160 Then for wrong-doing of those who hadu | act like Jews, We made unlawful for them good things which had been lawful for them and for their hindering from way al-Lahi many.

There was no “resurrection,” not of the mythical misnomer, or of Dowd. It would defeat the purpose of Passover. The Lamb wasn’t provided to save himself. After the meal, it does not leap off the grill to dance a gig.

231Yahowah’s instructions are to incinerate any portion of the lamb that is not consumed in the celebration that night. Therefore, what was left of Dowd’s basar | corporeal body after having been flogged and crucified by the Romans was obliterated by God. It had served its purpose. All that mattered was Dowd’s nepesh | soul, and it was returned to Yahowah on Bikuwrym after fulfilling Matsah.

Bodily resurrection is both impossible and counterproductive. It has not and will not occur. Our souls are valuable while our bodies are expendable. To become immortal, to be perfected, to live in Yahowah’s presence, for Him to enrich and empower us, and for us to explore the universe, we must shed our physical form and become energy-based akin to light. Allah is wrong about this, too.

There is no such thing as a hadu. It isn’t a name, much less a noun. It is a verb. There are no laws in the Towrah, so nothing is “lawful” or “unlawful.” Further, Allah is abrogating his own testimony. Moments ago, the un-god swore that “Jesus” didn’t die. Additionally, believing in “Jesus” is of no benefit and it isn’t part of Judaism. And since Allah insists that the mythical misnomer Isa | Jesus was not crucified, and did not die, how does the notion of resurrection fit into the blurry picture?

Due to rabbinical corruption of the Towrah with their Kosher Laws, there is a false impression that certain foods were made unlawful. But that is not so. For health purposes, Yahowah listed examples of meals that were safe and nutritious and others that were dangerous to consume. He was correct in His advice. Then after offering it, and likely to undermine the rabbis while acknowledging that food safety would progress over time, in Dabarym, He said that we can eat whatever we want so long as we are thoughtful and careful about it.

Unfortunately, rather than “hindering from way of al-Lahi many,” the rabbis in Yathrib did just the opposite by 232selling Muhammad the Talmud recitals al-Lahi twisted to play God and deceive Muslims.

This next statement admits as much. Since he was broke, the rabbis sold their Talmud interpretations of the Torah to the non-prophet on credit. And with any open account, there is interest. Even the un-god offered it when begging for loans.

Quran 004.161 “And for their taking al-riba | the increase (usury) while lo, they were forbidden from it and for their consuming wealth the people wrongfully. And We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.”

“Consuming wealth” is such an odd concept. Earning it is a noble and valuable pursuit that typically enriches many along the way – sometimes entire societies. And those who earn it are entitled to spend it however they choose. In this regard, Jews are the most philanthropic ethnicity. Since all of these are good things, morally, there can be no punishment for them. And by contrast, the Islamic experience was funded almost entirely by thievery, abduction for ransom, and the slave trade – and those are all punishable offenses.

The only reason that I’m condemning Islam, and have rebuked Christianity and Judaism, is that they deliberately misrepresent Yahowah and Yahuwdym to the detriment of God’s people. This next statement, and especially the one which follows it are examples of this.

Quran 004.162 “But the ones who are firm in the knowledge among them and the believers believe in what revealed to you and what was revealed from before you. And the ones who establish al-Salat | prostration prayer performance and the ones who pay the zakat | tax and the ones who believe il-Lahi and the Day the Last, those We will give them a great reward.”

Since it is impossible to believe mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed things, there will be no true believers receiving the big prize. Muslims can salat and zakat until the 233cow’s ears fall off and the camels are all hamstrung and it won’t be worth the hair on a dateseed.

Allah’s dependence on Jews for meaningful Quranic content is overwhelming and all-consuming. But, live by the lie, die by the deception. Not only is all of this untrue, it is impossible, once again demonstrating that Allah is a clueless Snake.

Quran 004.163 “Verily, We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nuhin and wal Nabiyina from after him and We revealed to Ib’rahima, and Is’ma’ila and Is’haqa, and Ya’qba, and the tribes and ‘Isa and Ayybba and Ynusa and Haruna and Sulaymana and we gave Dawuda Zaburan.”

No revelation was given to Noach, only instructions from Yahowah, which he followed. The forty actual naby’ | prophets were inspired by Yahowah, and not one by al-Lahu, who couldn’t produce a prophecy for his Rasulu.

‘Abraham was and remains Yahowah’s friend and co-worker in the Covenant. He knew nothing of the un-god. Ishmael was expressly disinherited by God, so no revelation was given to him. The first tangible expression of Yahowah’s testimony which has been retained for us comes by way of the Towrah and not through Yitschaq or Ya’aqob. They were heirs to the Covenant and the forefathers of Yisra’el, not prophets or sources of revelation. There are no books, written account, extant manuscripts, or even references to anything they may have written. And without surviving texts, the proposed revelation is of no value and not worth mentioning.

There were no books attributed to “the tribes.” ‘Isa didn’t exist, and even in the myths attributed to him, he wrote nothing. The last of the prophets were Zakaryah and Mal’aky and they were not listed, nor were Moseh or Yasha’yah.

Ayybba, Ynusa, and Haruna are not Hebrew names. They are unknown to history and did not speak for God. 234Muslims will pretend they were Job and Jonah, but if so, the names are out of chronological order and neither were prophets. The books bearing their names fail the Dabarym 18 test Yahowah provided for us to discern the truth about such claims. Haruna, according to some with magical thinking might have been ‘Aharown, but if so, where are the books scribed by him? What was his message? Why was he involved with the Golden Calf and not invited up to the summit of Choreb to meet with Yahowah? And why was he listed out of order and instead of Moseh?

Shalomoh was Dowd’s son and should not have preceded his father. And the books attributed to him such as the Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes fail the Dabarym 18 test. And while Dowd belongs at the top of any list of those who spoke for God, there is no such thing as a Zaburan. The Messiah wrote the Mizmowr and Mashal. And since I know that, why doesn’t the Islamic god?

Without taking credit for those Yahowah worked alongside to bring us His message, Allah is a disgruntled demon in the desert and nothing more. But by moronically pretending to be the God who partnered with these remarkable men, Allah affirms his status as the Adversary.

This is my issue with Christianity. If Paul hadn’t plundered the Towrah and Prophets or been a self-loathing Jew condemning his own people, I wouldn’t have bothered to rebuke him. But false prophets are drawn to Yahowah’s testimony like moths to the light, which is what we witness with Muhammad and Allah.

Quran 004.164 “Rusulan, lo, We mentioned them to you from before and Rusulan not We mentioned them to you. And spoke al-Lahu Musa conversation. Quran 004.165 Rusulan glad tidings and warnings so that not there is for mankind against al-Lahi any argument after al-Rusuli. Is al-Lahu all-mighty, wise?

Quran 004.166 But al-Lahu bears witness to what He revealed to you. He sent it down with His knowledge and the angels bear 235witness. And sufficient il-Lahi a witness. Quran 004.167 Lo, those who disbelieve and hinder from way al-Lahi, lo, they have strayed.”

Funny thing, though: Moses didn’t mention Allah, nor did any of the other “messengers.” I wonder why. But as for man not having a beef against al-Lahi, I beg to differ. I look forward to holding Muhammad and his mujahideen accountable for what they have done to God’s people. Also, it’s rather obvious that il-Lahi is an insufficient witness. He couldn’t tell the truth, so help him God.

Then, demonstrating his disdain for those he plagiarized, Muhammad said on behalf of Allah…

Quran 004.168 “Verily, those who disbelieved and did wrong not will al-Lahu forgive them and not He will guide them a way. Quran 004.169 Except way to Hell abiding in it forever. And is that easy for al-Lahi.”

Isn’t that sweet of them? In a parting overture to those they have plundered and exterminated, the non-prophet and his un-god are offering to guide them to Hell. At least they know the way.

Quran 004.170 “O the mankind, surely has come to you al-Rasulu with the truth from rabbikum | your Lord so believe better for you. But if you disbelieve, lo, verily to il-Lahi whatever in the heavens and the earth. And is al-Lahu all-knowing, all-wise?”

The people of the written book were excessive in their religion, which is why they are currently estranged from God. But that is changing. And it is assuredly true, that the rabbis said and wrote nothing about al-Lahi. On the contrary, it is the un-god of Islam who remains fixated on the people who provided him with much of the Quran.

Isa is not only a myth, he is excluded from Judaism, so Allah is confused. Jews are aware that the mythical misnomer worshiped by Christians did not meet the criteria for being the Messiah. That distinction belongs to Dowd.

Quran 004.171 “O people the written book not commit excess in your religion and not say about al-Lahi except the truth. Only al-236Masihu | the Messiah Isa son Maryam Rasulu al-Lahi and His word which He conveyed to Maryama and a spirit from Him. So believe in il-Lahi and His Messengers. And not say, ‘Three,’ Desist better for you. Only al-Lahu God one. Glory be to Him. That He have for Him a son. To Him whatever in the heavens and whatever in the earth. And is sufficient il-Lahi a disposer.”

There was no meaningful conversation with the mother of the myth, so Allah is mistaken. Jesus was neither associated with Allah nor a Rasuli. However, if Satan had provided his spirit, then he would have been demon-possessed, just like Paul and Muhammad – so they would have had that in common.

Evidently, the Snake has been hiding under a rock. Jews as a community have never accepted nor have they promoted the Babylonian notion of “Three” which is incorrectly interpreted as the “Trinity.” Besides, while there is no mention of a Trinity in the Towrah and Prophets, nor even one in the Christian New Testament, there is one in the Quran – al-Lat, Manat, and al-Uzza – the three goddesses of the Idolatrous Indulgence and Satanic Verses.

Al-Lahu is mean and conniving, but he’s no more God than a hamstrung camel – no more glorious, either. And as a loner, ill-Lahi hasn’t a son, but Yahowah does. His name is Dowd, and he is beloved.

While I don’t know what this means, I know that Jesus wasn’t the Messiah and Dowd is and more. Further, the Jewish false messiah was Simon bar Kokhba, and that did not work out well for them.

Quran 004.172 “Never will disdain, refuse, or reject al-Masihu | the Messiah to be a slave of il-Lahi and not al-malaikatu | the angels the ones who are near. And whoever disdains from His worship and is arrogant then He will gather them towards Him all together.”

I can’t imagine that myths make good slaves, but I can assure you that King Dowd is no one’s slave. He is the most empowered and liberating of men. I can also offer assurances 237that Yahowah doesn’t want to be worshiped and that venerating Satan as God is a poor decision. Further, the most arrogant individual is the voice of the Quran.

This has been said and refuted previously…

Quran 004.173 “Then as for those who believed and did the righteous deeds then He will give them in full their reward and give them more from His advantage and merit (bounty). And as for those who disdained and were arrogant, then He will punish them a Painful punishment and not will they find for themselves from besides al-Lahi any protector and not any helper.

Quran 004.174 O man, lo, has come to you convincing from Rabbikum | your Lord and We sent down to you a light between (clear). Quran 004.175 So as for those who believed in il-Lahi and held fast to Him then He will admit them in Rahim from Himself an advantage and will guide them to Himself a way straight.”

There will be no rewards or punishments provided by the Islamic god. This is the toxic carrot and demented stick of the Snake’s religion. Further, the way to him is serpentine, not straight. But he wouldn’t be al-Lahu if he didn’t jump to another unrelated subject…

Quran 004.176 “They seek your ruling. Say, ‘Al-Lahu gives you a ruling concerning al-kalalati. If a man died not he has a child and he has a sister then for her a half what he left. And he will inherit from her is not is laha | for her a child. But if there were two females then for them two thirds of what he left. But if they were brother and sisters, men and women, then the male will have like share the two females. Al-Lahu makes between to you least you go astray. Al-Lahu of every thing knower.”

The reason Allah is a misogynist is that men swing a meaner sword, and Satan wants to exterminate humankind. Since Satan doesn’t like women, making them subservient to murderous mujahideen became an effective means of recruitment.
