419God Damn Religion


…Islamic Genocide


War Made a Profit

Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster, that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah. Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion!
Quran 008.060

Allah desires killing them for the religion.

Coveting what belonged to others, Muhammad gave us another glimpse into his soul. This one was innocuous, as no one was killed but, nonetheless, telling. He ripped off a misguided and wholly inappropriate religious notion and amalgamated it into Islam.

Tabari VII:26 “When the Prophet came to Yathrib he saw the Jews fasting on Ashura day. He questioned them, and they told him that it was the day upon which God drowned Pharaoh and saved Moses from the Egyptians. He said, ‘We have a better right to Moses than you do.’ He fasted and ordered his fellow Muslims to fast with him. When the fast of Ramadhan was prescribed, he made Ashura optional.”

When Muhammad said that he had a better right to Moses than did the Jews, his counterfeit religion became as obvious as a blood-red three-dollar bill with a turbaned portrait of an ugly and aging sand pirate on the front and crossed scimitars on the back. Beneath the slogan would have read “At War with all Mankind.”

This statement, like so many others, is lethal to all three so-called Abrahamic religions. Ashera (‘Asherah in Hebrew and ‘Astarte in Babylon Aramaic) was perceived as the Great Goddess, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God, and the Madonna with Child. She was revered by the 420Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians and, for a while, tragically, in Israel where she was paired with Ba’al | the Lord and served as his consort. She was associated with groves of trees, which is how she is still venerated among Jews on Tu BiShvat | the 15th of Shevat (one of four rabbinical new years’ days, this one for trees), by Christians with their Christmas Tree, and with her Pole, which is replicated as minarets among Muslims, steeples for Christians, and a May Pole on May Day among liberal secularists.

‘Ashera is condemned throughout the Towrah and Prophets due to the prevalence of her religious cults. She is best known today as “Mary,” and in this role, she is the most mentioned woman in the Quran and a revered object of worship in Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity. Shiite Muslims still celebrate Ashera Day. She is also the basis of Easter, named for her alias, Ishtar (the Akkadian version of ‘Ashera).

Under a host of different designations, ‘Ashera was venerated from Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria to Egypt, Greece, and Rome. She was called Qodesh | “the Holy One,” Ba’alat | the Lordess, and Rabat | the Exalted Female – which are all embarrassing to Islam due to their inclusion in the Quran. Her name was derived from the Hebrew / Aramaic ‘Asher, which as ‘Asherah would be female. ‘Asher is among the most widely used Hebrew words because it is a name, noun, preposition, relational pronoun, and verb. It means “to advance and make progress by leading and walking along a straight path to form a blessed and happy relationship.”

Her devotees coined “the straight path” concept found in the Quran. She was also known as Hawwat | Eve and Chuwt | Snake in Phoenician because she was considered to be the Mother of all Life and her cultic objects and idols were often shown holding serpents, revealing her toxicity and potential for immorality.

421There is considerable scholarly debate indicating that the rabbinical and later Quranic use of Shekhinah was to project the feminine attributes of the goddess’s presence. As ‘allah, she was a large tree associated with ‘El | God. As such, she is typically represented by date palms. She was called “All-Merciful, Oft-Forgiving,” and “Most-Beneficial.” This association with the Quranic Allah, especially Al-Lat and al-Laha, is troubling for Islam because she was called “‘Elat,” the feminine form of ‘el and, also, “Allat.” She was a rabbi (rabbat in the feminine form) | Exalted One in the Ugaritic texts thousands of years before Allah adopted the same title.

In the religious fables of the Ba’al Epic, Ashera’s son, Yam (Day), the God of the Sea, is shown struggling against Ba’al | the Lord God for supremacy – not unlike Allah challenging Yahowah on his Last Day. She is also depicted as a prize bovine, perhaps revealing Allah’s odd affinity for cows.

She was known as ‘Asira in Aramaic inscriptions found in Arabia and as the consort of the moon god, Amam, as far back as the 6th century BCE. Therefore, among the many stupid things to come from Muhammad’s lips, claiming ‘Ashera Day was among the most polytheistic and indicting. He was dumb as a stone.

And this ode to religious polytheism does not stand alone. Even Ramadan honors false gods and pagan religiosity. This fast for self-purification was initially part of “Crying for Tammuz,” a legacy of Jewish captivity in Babylon. Tammuz was the model for the Christian Jesus and Islamic ‘Iesa, and likely introduced resurrection into the religious landscape. Catholic Lent is derived from the same rite. And Muhammad reestablished the pagan Tahannuth fasts of Ramadan, saying that they commemorated his wrestling match with the cave spirit.

422Needing to confiscate everything belonging to the Jews, including their fables, to please his demonic spirit, Muhammad told his fellow terrorists that they should take a break from raiding civilians and celebrate a religious holiday. But it wouldn’t last. Stealing a ritual was insufficient. Muhammad needed to own everything the Jews possessed, including their homes and souls.

Returning to Muhammad’s scheme: Tabari VII:26 “In this year Muhammad ordered people to pay the zakat tax. It is said that the Prophet commanded them to do this.”

Allah and Muhammad spoke with one voice. Paying the zakat became an order and then a compulsory pillar of the faith. The political manifesto was ushered in with these words…

Ishaq:235 “When the Apostle was settled in Medina and his comrades were gathered to him, the affairs of the workers were arranged, and Islam became firmly established. Prayer was instituted [the prostration was the sign of his power], the zakat tax was prescribed [dictators thrive on money], legal punishments were fixed, as were all things permitted and forbidden [as a confirmation of the tyrant’s supreme authority].”

As you read this, please note that Yathrib was not renamed “Medina” until after Muhammad’s death. I share this insight because when we read “Mecca” in a Hadith, the same thing is true. Just as Yathrib was etched out of Islam’s past and replaced by Medina, Petra suffered the same fate, with Mecca substituted in the 8th and 9th centuries.

There were a number of admissions in this Hadith from Muhammad’s earliest and most credible biographer. To begin, previous ahadith have been clear – the only “work” of the Muslim mercenaries was as marauders.

These “comrades” had merged gangs. The Muslims were ignorant and immoral malcontents from KabaVille who had arrived in Yathrib for one reason, and one reason only – a vicious gang of pagan Arabs from the Jewish farming 423community agreed to swing swords and murder for booty and babes. Every other habitable place had turned the disgraced vagabonds down and shooed them away.

By contrast, in the case of Yathrib, one small gang of thieves agreed to protect and obey the laughingstock of Arabia and his conspiratorial cult, even though they had amassed the combined credibility of their un-book and the tall tail of a flying Donk-Mule. Well, that’s not completely true; Muhammad also came with the stench of having lost the Never-Ending Argument which was highlighted by the Psychotic Episode when he threatened to slaughter his family and friends. Then he accepted, only to renege upon, the Idolatrous Indulgence, a bargain which made Islam polytheistic so that the non-prophet could wallow in immoral sex, pretend to be powerful, and count his ill-gotten gain. His renouncement led to the stigma of the Satanic Verses. So, the “Apostle” came with baggage.

Obviously, failing to do their homework and likely ignorant of what we just considered, a score of mentally incapacitated malcontents put morality and human decency aside and converted to Islam. They Pledged to Wage War Against All Mankind while sharing whatever they stole in the process with the egomaniacal messiah of madness. So Yathrib became home, sweet home.

After committing to submit, obey, and then murder anyone and everyone, the comrades were immediately arranged into armed gangs and sent off to terrorize civilians who were actually working for a living. Muhammad’s mujahideen began by launching a dozen raids against the Quraysh, Muhammad’s extended family, whom he had threatened to slaughter for mocking him. Ill-prepared and inept, they floundered at first, but with practice as sand pirates, they hit their groove and successfully attacked, murdered, and pillaged those who had been friends and neighbors, drawing first blood as a gang of hooligans.

424However, in the process, these newly minted Muslim mercenaries lost sight of their polytheistic religious duties and massacred civilians during a month that pagans considered too sacred for pillaging. Insufficiently conditioned and controlled at the time, the Muslim vagabonds were on the cusp of being expelled for violating the morality of the people.

That was until the non-prophet and his un-god set them on the straight and narrow path to death and damnation with the 2nd surah, The Cow, justifying their new career as religious thieves. Having abrogated the failed religion in the surah, and renouncing their vows, these Muslims were given a license to kill, kidnap, enslave, terrorize, and plunder whenever Allah wanted – which was all the time.

This is how “the ‘Apostle’ was settled in ‘Medina’” and how the “comrades were gathered to him and the affairs of the ‘workers’ were arranged.” It is how “Islam became firmly established.” The humiliating prostration “‘prayer’ was instituted” so that these Muslims knew that they were slaves to a wannabe deity as narcissistic and psychotic as his non-prophet. And since thievery starts at home, when “the zakat tax was prescribed,” Muhammad was given the authority to lighten the wallets of his raunchy raiders.

But even that wasn’t enough because Islam | Submission is the domain of zalim | cruel lords and subjugating tyrants and Muhammad and Allah were quintessential sadists. As a pair of despots determined to torment everyone, the “legal punishments were fixed.” The non-prophet and his un-god would determine and impose “all things halal | permitted and haram | forbidden.”

When viewed within the context of what had and would transpire, the Hadith proved to be a succinct summation of Islam 2.0 – post abrogating the follies and fables in KabaVille. It would all be expunged, and Muslims would become terrorists.

425A benevolent dictator, Muhammad was not. Ishaq:280 “When Allah’s Apostle came to Medina it was the most fever-infested place on earth. It smote Muslims to such a degree they could only pray sitting. Muhammad came out when they were praying thus and said, ‘Know that the prostration of the sitter is only half as valuable as that of the stander.’ The Muslims painfully struggled to their feet despite their weakness, seeking a blessing.”

Once we get past the realization that Muhammad suffered from an empathy disorder as a result of being a schizophrenic psychopath, we are left with the realization that he was an unsympathetic, egomaniacal jerk.

Further, this assessment wasn’t even one percent accurate. The diseases that cause mass outbreaks of fever are directly or indirectly waterborne, with either polluted water, failed sanitation into stagnant water, or mosquitos bred in pools of water. Yathrib was in the middle of a desert, sparingly nourished by well and spring water, which does not cultivate any of these problems, especially since standing water would be rare in the sandy soil. Yathrib was not near a river, lake, or swamp, so it would not have been in the top 1,000 most susceptible places for fever, much less the worst on Earth.

Confirming the preceding assessment of Islam 2.0, the previous harsh denunciation of religious prostrations, reminiscent of a robust Sieg Heil, was followed by a Hadith showing der Führer doing what he did best… Ishaq:280 “Then the Apostle prepared for war in pursuance of Allah’s command to fight his enemies and to fight the infidels who Allah commanded him to fight.” Islam in Yathrib was a declaration of war on all mankind. The failed religion became a death cult. It was as meritorious as the Black Plague.

Muslims should be fully aware of this monumental shift between failed faith and caustic conflict. The Islamic Era upon which the Muslim Calendar is based, begins after the declaration of war and upon the arrival in Yathrib – not with the first Quranic revelation in Petra twelve years earlier. That 426is why the 2nd surah, noting the migration from one thing to another, features not only the command to fight but also the edict to abrogate what came before.

While the religious and progressives will chafe at this assessment, preferring their unfounded platitudes and unsustainable opinions, these are the facts, and they are rationally undeniable. Therefore, the difference between those who know and accept the truth in this case and those who cling to the lies is a rational mind and years of education and study. To embrace or promote Islam at this point is the height of ignorance and immorality. It makes one an accessory to the crime. It is as compassionate as slavery, as merciful as murder, and as considerate as conspiracy.

Fighting became such an essential part of Islam’s formation that Tabari devoted the next sixty pages to a single conflict – the Battle of Badr. It gets five times more attention than Abraham’s fabled pilgrimage to the Ka’aba to allegedly establish Islam. It gets ten times more ink than the first revelation in the cave, which was supposedly Muhammad’s call to prophethood. It garners twenty times more coverage than the shameful migration to Yathrib – the Hijrah – that instigated the Islamic Era. How is it that a terrorist raid became the centerpiece of a religion?

The initial salvo of the battle to resurrect Islam nearly crucified it. We are told that Muhammad led his militants on a terrorist raid designed to rob another caravan in, of all months, Ramadan. Tabari VII:26 “In this year the great battle of Badr took place between the Messenger of Allah and the Quraysh Unbelievers in the month of Ramadhan.”

Since fasting was required in the sacred month, since the observance of Ramadan was a religious obligation and a Pillar of Islam, why were the first Muslims and their prophet on the prowl at this time? Do you suppose stolen money was more important than the pretense of piety?

427At Badr, Muhammad was the aggressor, just as he was on seventy-three of his seventy-five raids. The non-prophet got to choose the time, place, and victim. So, he elected to terrorize civilians returning home – to KabaVille – during Ramadan. Reason would dictate that the non-prophet had discarded his calling and become a profiteering pirate – a money-grubbing scoundrel.

As you contemplate what motivated Muhammad to blend scriptures and swords, religious fanaticism with militarism, to blaze the path for world domination that murderous Mongol marauders like Genghis Kahn and Tamerlane would follow, consider this…

Tabari VII:28 “Abd al-Rahman said, ‘Muhammad celebrated the night of 17 Ramadhan. In the morning traces of sleeplessness would be on his face. He would say, “On this morning Allah distinguished between truth and falsehood, revealing the Quran. On this morning he made Islam mighty, humbling the leaders of unbelief at Badr.”’” Submission was made mighty because Muhammad’s kin were humbled. Allah distinguished between truth and falsehood by having Muslim militants murder merchants.

World conquest through terror isn’t cheap. Like today’s jihadists operating as Hamas and Hezbollah, the first Muslims needed lots of money… Tabari VII:29 & Ishaq:289 “The Apostle heard that Abu Sufyan [a Quraysh merchant] was coming from Syria with a large Quraysh caravan containing their money and their merchandise. He was accompanied by only thirty men.”

These merchants and traders were going about their lives, working to make a living, something Muslims were unwilling to do. Therefore, Islam was about to rob them. Their only crime was to underestimate the caustic nature of Islam and leave themselves vulnerable to it.

Tabari VII:29 & Ishaq:289 “This was after fighting had broken out between them, and people had been killed and taken captive at Nakhlah.” If reading this out of context, one might assume 428that the opposing parties were at war, and that both were to blame for escalating hostilities. But we know better because the Islamic Hadith has shown that the Quraysh were merchants and the Muslims were militants. They had set out on a dozen terrorist raids. They had ventured out as far as two hundred miles to rob civilians – their own family and former friends. They were the sole perpetrators, having killed Hadrami in cold blood. They kidnapped his companions and held them for ransom.

Ever inclined to put the best possible spin on their violent beginnings, the first Muslims claimed: Tabari VII:29 “This incident had provoked a state of war between the Prophet and the Quraysh and was the beginning of the fighting in which they inflicted casualties upon one another.”

In other words, before the Islamic raids, there was no fighting. Not a single Muslim had been killed. In fact, there were no armies. The Muslim raiders were terrorists with a religious thirst for blood and booty. The Quraysh were simply merchant traders – businessmen in today’s vernacular – working for the benefit of their families.

But if pirates are shady entrepreneurs, Muhammad was a profiteer par excellence. He was consumed by the passion to plunder. He had found his calling at long last.

Ishaq:288 “Allah divided the booty stolen from the first caravan after he made spoils permissible. He gave four-fifths to those He had allowed to take it and one-fifth to His Apostle.”

Unless stealing is considered moral, a good deed in Islam, why would “Allah” divide the stolen booty as opposed to returning it? How can Islam be good when its god is so bad? How is anyone supposed to believe that Allah was Yahowah when Yahowah etched the following in stone (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 20)…

“Almighty God communicated all of these statements in our presence, providing perspective by explaining…

429Tablet One

‘I am Yahowah, your God, who, relationally and beneficially to show the proper path to get the most out of this beneficial relationship, brought you out and delivered you, descending to serve you by doing everything which was required to withdraw those of you who respond, away from the realm of the crucibles of political, religious, economic, and military oppression, out of the house of slavery, away from worship and servitude, government authority, and religious officials. You would not have continued to exist with other gods over and above My presence.

You should not continue to associate yourself with or make a practice of attending to a religious image, object of worship, or any representation of a god which is in the heavens above, including the sun, moon, planets, and stars, or which is on the earth below, or which is in the waters beneath the land.

You should not speak about them on your own initiative nor make a practice of bowing down and worshiping them, you should not continue to promote their message nor display their words because such uncoerced and ongoing verbal declarations will influence you, and you should not worship them, nor should you serve them or encourage anyone to be passionate about them.

Do not labor in their cause or make a career of serving as their ministers, nor inspire anyone else to do so. For, indeed, emphasizing this point, I, Yahowah, your God, am a fiercely protective, steadfastly loyal, and jealous God, a God who is desirous of exclusivity in a devoted relationship.

I consider and reckon the perversity of twisting and distorting and the depravity of perverting and manipulating, deviating from the way, of the fathers 430upon the children up to the third and the fourth generations of those who are openly averse to Me, who are malicious while shunning the relationship.

And yet, I will genuinely act and actually engage to prepare and produce unfailing mercy, unearned favor, and genuine kindness, even forgiveness, developing a friendly and loving relationship on behalf of thousands who move toward Me out of love, forming a close and familial relationship, caring enough to know Me, and also who approach Me by closely examining and carefully considering My instructions, the terms and conditions which uphold My Covenant.

You should not deceive, nor should you tolerate or support the delusions of others. You should not advance schemes to enrich yourself by indebting others, and you should avoid beguiling people so that they become forgetful, causing them to miss the way. Do not negate the name and reputation of Yahowah, your God by advancing worthless deceptions.

For, indeed, Yahowah will not forgive or pardon from guilt, neither exempt from judgment or sentencing, an individual who consistently deceives, who actually beguiles and deludes, using religious duplicity to mislead, lifting up or advancing dishonest ruses to forget this association with His name and proper designation, through vain and ineffectual lies which lead to lifelessness.

Tablet Two

Remember to genuinely reflect upon, recognizing that the Shabat, which is the seventh day, is set apart to approach Him.

Six days you should work, laboring for oneself or others, expending the energy to be productive at your 431job, and choose to act, engaging in all of your service communicating as a heavenly messenger in conjunction with the Mala’kah | Spiritual Counselor.

The seventh, representing the promise which fulfills and satisfies, abundantly benefiting the observant on this enriching day, the Shabat, this period of reflection on the relationship at the end of the week, it is to approach Yahowah, your God.

You should not continuously engage in all of the work of the Heavenly Representative and Spiritual Messenger, yourself, your son, your daughter, your male and female servants and staff, your means of production, as well as those visitors who are in your home or on your property. For in six days, Yahowah acted and engaged and produced everything associated with completing, celebrating and attending to the full extent of the heavens, including the spiritual realm, and the earth, along with the entire material world, even the waters, and all which relationally is in them.

Then, He became completely settled spiritually during the Almighty’s seventh day. Therefore, Yahowah blessed and adored, offered a greeting along with an opportunity to meet, favoring everything associated with this day, the Shabat, setting it apart, separating it from that which is common, ordinary, and popular, making it special.

You should choose to carefully consider as worthy, valuable, significant, and highly enriching, perceiving as awesomely impressive, tremendously relevant, and extraordinarily important, even glorious so as to be abundantly enriched and empowered to a very high degree by the symbolism of your Father and that which is represented by your Mother for the purpose of continuously lengthening your days upon the earth, which as a benefit of the relationship while revealing the 432narrow, correct, and straightforward steps to walk along the path to get the most out of life, Yahowah, your God, is actually giving to you.

You should not kill on an ongoing basis, making a practice of taking the life of another whether by accident, revenge, manslaughter, premeditation, assassination, governmental execution, military slaughter, or murder.

You should not continue in idolatrous worship or make a habit of taking another’s wife.

You should not make a habit of stealing, routinely taking something from others without their permission.

You should not continuously answer and respond against your neighbor’s evil thoughts or the debilitating ways of your countrymen, as a deceptive or misleading, unreliable or useless witness.

You should not make a practice out of desiring, habitually coveting, delighting in, or lusting for your troublesome neighbor’s home or household.

You should not continuously covet your associate’s wife, or his male or female servants, his comings and goings or his domesticated animals, his means of transport, food, and production, or anything which is associated with your maligned countryman’s errant opinions or inappropriate behavior.’”

It is as if Yahowah had read the Quran, as well as the Talmud and New Testament, before offering this assessment. From first word to last, it repudiates religion and devastates Islam. To claim that the God who etched these words in stone 3,472 years ago is the same as the illiterate and inarticulate liar promoting thievery in his unbook is to have lost touch with reality.

Not one to miss another opportunity: Ishaq:289 “Muhammad summoned the Muslims and said, ‘This is the Quraysh caravan containing their property. Go out and attack it. Perhaps 433Allah will give it to us as prey.” These lines forever damn Islam’s pretense of religiosity. They bear repeating: “This is the Quraysh caravan containing their property. Go out and attack it. Perhaps Allah will give it to us as prey.” It’s little wonder Tamerlane converted Mongols to Muslims before butchering mankind.

The motivation was piracy – not religion. The historian reports: Tabari VII:29 “Abu Sufyan and the horsemen of the Quraysh were returning from Syria following the coastal road. When Allah’s Apostle heard about them he called his companions together and told them of the wealth they had with them and the fewness of their numbers. The Muslims set out with no other object than Sufyan and the men with him. They did not think that this raid would be anything other than easy booty.”

These armed raiders wanted to steal assets and kidnap people. Since the prophet’s sole motivation was plunder, not piety, Islam cannot be good. And for those who want to coronate it as such, they should canonize Black Beard and call him a prophet.

The realization that the first adherents of this perverse doctrine recorded this stunning admission of guilt reminds me of the Nazis and the way they chronicled their atrocities in World War II. Immoral, hateful, and violent doctrines like Islam and Nazism corrode men’s minds and consciences to the point they become unable to differentiate right from wrong.

Ridding the world of those they viewed as inferior, stealing their possessions and lives, became part of the Muslim mission. It was now Islam’s foremost good deed – worthy of heroic lore and unfettered access to the boys and babes in the Garden of Bliss.

As further proof that the Badr raid was an act of terrorism, another Hadith reports…

Bukhari:V5B59N702 “Allah did not admonish anyone who had not participated in the Ghazwa [terrorist raid] of Badr, for in fact, 434Allah’s Apostle had only gone out in search of the Quraysh caravan so that he could rob it.

But Allah arranged for the Muslims and their enemy to meet by surprise. I was at the Aqabah Pledge with Allah’s Apostle when we gave our lives in submission, but the Badr battle is more popular amongst the people. I was never stronger or wealthier than I was when I followed the Prophet on a Ghazwa.’”

That pretty much sums up Islam. The death cult would prosper through terror and robbery. But not everyone was amused. Upon hearing that Muhammad’s mujahideen were on the prowl, the Quraysh sent a delegation out to protect their people and assets. This explains why the Quran said Muslims were contemplating a “choice” between taking “easy booty” and fighting for doctrinal supremacy.

Bukhari:V5B59N702 “They did not suppose that there would be a great battle. Concerning this Allah revealed a Quran: ‘And you longed that other than the armed one might be yours.’” (Quran 008.007) The verse reads… Quran 008.007 “And when al-Lahu promised you one of the two groups for you, you wanted the other, unarmed one. But the one which was armed would be for you because al-Lahu intended to prove and justify the truth by His word and cut off the roots of the disbelievers.” To “cut off the roots” is to kill. This makes Allah and Muhammad murderers since the crime was premeditated. One was after booty, the other blood.

But it was worse than that. They inspired a gang of armed men to attack a defenseless civilian enterprise, one owned by a rival. As such, they were terrorists. And there is no way to discount the source of this condemning citation as it’s confirmed in all three Hadith collections and detailed in the Quran.

The Sira reports: Ishaq:289 “The people answered the Prophet’s summons; some eagerly, some reluctantly.”

The History recalls: Tabari VII:29 “When Abu Sufyan heard that Muhammad’s Companions were on their way to intercept his caravan, he sent a message to the Quraysh. ‘Muhammad is going to 435intercept our caravan, so protect your merchandise.’ When the Quraysh heard this, the people of Mecca hastened to defend their property and protect their men as they were told Muhammad was lying in wait for them.”

The Sira then reveals that the “unbelievers” were acting like “believers,” while the supposed “believers” were acting like “infidels.” This is hard to imagine… Ishaq:290 “Some of the Meccans got up to circumambulate the Ka’aba…. Sitting around the mosque, they wondered why they had allowed this evil rascal to attack their men.”

The pagans were being religious, worshiping Allah in his mosque. The Muslims had abandoned religion, setting out on a terrorist raid in the holy month of Ramadan. Truly amazing.

Ishaq:292 “Setting out in Ramadhan, Muhammad was preceded by two black flags. His companions had seventy camels on which men rode in turns.” It’s interesting: the white battle flags of the Maghazi raids inspired by Muhammad turned black when the “prophet” personally led the parade.

Tabari VII:38 “I have been informed by authorities that Muhammad set out on 3 Ramadhan at the head of 310 of his companions. The Emigrants on the day of Badr were 77 men, and the Ansar were 236. The war banner of the Messenger was carried by Ali. The banner of the Ansar was carried by Sa’d.”

Islam began with a caste system, with Muhammad serving as Lord and tyrant. The Emigrants who had left KabaVille were royalty. The Ansar were the serfs. And then there were slaves, women, and infidels.

Back in KabaVille: Tabari VII:30 “A body of Meccan men was drawn from the clans. Neither the Prophet nor his Companions heard about this force until they reached Badr, which was on the coastal route the Quraysh caravan had taken from Syria.”

These passages confirm that Muhammad was on the prowl. They reveal that the caravan was comprised of a poorly protected assemblage of businessmen. And even when Sufyan sent for help, it came in the form of townsfolk. 436There was no standing army. Petra was a crumbling relic of its former glory and size, with humble traders eking out a modest living. They didn’t have a police force, much less a military. Before Muhammad and Islam, they hadn’t needed either.

Ishaq:293 & Tabari VII:30 “The prophet marched forward and spent the night near Badr with his Companions. They did not know that the Quraysh had come out against them. While the Prophet was standing in prayer [asking Allah to help him steal] some Quraysh water carriers came to the well.

Among these was a black slave. Muhammad’s men seized him and brought him to the Messenger’s bivouac. They ordered him to salute Allah’s Apostle. Then they questioned him about Abu Sufyan, having no idea that he was not from the caravan.

When the slave began to tell them about the protecting force, it was unwelcome news, for the only object of their raid was Abu Sufyan and [the booty from] his caravan.”

Picture this scene. The founder of a religion is out on a terrorist raid with the intent to plunder a civilian business, murder some family members, and take some hostages for ransom. He is praying, asking his god to help him kidnap innocent people and steal their possessions. His fellow militants capture a slave and torture him, trying to solicit information. They even made him Sieg Heil Der Führer.

All the while, the only ones who deserved to be tortured were Muhammad and his murderous militants. And don’t think for a moment it won’t happen, since one way or another, all of those Islam has abused deserve to see its founder suffer. Count on it.

I don’t know if there is anything more repulsive than commingling religion and torture. Although, even in this, Muhammad was far from inventive. Almost every religion has done it, including Christianity and every flavor of paganism. Although there are a few, like Judaism and Buddhism, where the practitioners torment themselves.

437Tabari VII:30 “Meanwhile the Prophet was praying, bowing and prostrating himself, and also seeing and hearing the treatment of the slave. When the slave told them that the Quraysh had come to meet them, they began to beat him and called him a liar. ‘You are trying to conceal the whereabouts of Abu Sufyan and his caravan. They beat him severely and continued to interrogate him but they found that he had no knowledge of what they were looking for.”

It is my conclusion, having studied history and religion, that Muhammad was the most vile and immoral man to have ever lived. The first Muslims agreed, although their hearts and minds were so corroded by Islam, they don’t seem to care. They think that they are just describing a typical day at the prophetic office.

For such immoral and barbaric acts to have been passed on as Traditions and linked to the Quran, Muslims must view these terrorist raids and the ensuing crimes favorably. They must see such ungodly behavior as a living witness of Allah’s Cause – an example of how to be a good Muslim. Or as I have surmised, while a bad Muslim can be a good person, all good Muslims are bad people.

Tabari VII:31 “When the slave said, ‘I am from the Quraysh who have come out against you,’ they beat him, but when he said, ‘I am with Abu Sufyan,’ they left him alone. When the Prophet saw what they were doing he stopped his prayer. He said, ‘By Him in Whose hand my soul rests, you beat him when he tells the truth and leave him alone when he lies.’”

Muhammad wasn’t bothered by Muslims beating the black slave, just by their inept interrogation technique. And he was nervous. Mercenaries can be an unruly lot… Ishaq:294 “The Apostle was afraid the Ansar would not feel obliged to help him fight without the enemy being the aggressor and attacking in Medina.”

This is further evidence Muhammad wasn’t defending Muslims and Islam. As proof he wasn’t a sand prophet, the Ansar surprised him…

438Ishaq:294 “Sa’d said, ‘We hear and obey. We are experienced in war, trustworthy in combat. Allah will let us show you something that will bring you joy. The Apostle was delighted at Sa’d’s words which greatly encouraged him. Muhammad shouted, ‘It is as if I see the enemy lying prostrate.’”

The founder of Islam was pleased by the prospect of war and encouraged by the thought of his foe bowing in submission. That’s fine if you’re Stalin, Mao, or Hitler. It’s bad if you’re Muhammad.

The Sira speaks of another interrogation. Ishaq:295 “A young man was brought to the Apostle and beaten. When the Muslims were displeased with his answers they beat him soundly. Watching the interrogation while performing two prostrations, the Prophet interrupted the proceedings and said, ‘Mecca has thrown us pieces of its liver!’”

But alas, the intended target escaped the raiders’ grasp. Ishaq:295 “Abu Sufyan changed the caravan’s direction from the shore road, traveling as quickly as possible.”

Ishaq:296 “When Sufyan saw that he had saved his caravan he sent word to the Quraysh. ‘Since you came out to save your caravan, your men, and property, go back home.’”

Some of the merchant militia left but, Ishaq:296 “Abu Jahl said, ‘Badr was the site of an Arab fair. We are going to spend a few days, slaughter camels, feast, drink wine, and have some girls play for us.’” The non-partiers said, “‘We came out to protect our property and defend our men. There is no point of staying to fight.’ So they returned to Mecca.”

On the Muslim front, we discover that Muhammad wasn’t much of a general. We are told that a man named Hubab asked him, Ishaq:297 “Did Allah order you to occupy this place so that we have no choice, or was this position chosen as a matter of opinion for military tactics?”

When Muhammad said that Allah had not spoken to him about it, the Ansar chief saved the day and ruined the world… Ishaq:297 “‘This is not the proper place.’ Hubab said, ‘We should go to the well nearest the enemy, stop up all other wells, and 439deprive them of water.’ Then Sa’d said, ‘Prophet, let us build you a booth of palm fronds from which you can watch the battle safely.’ The Apostle thanked and blessed them.”

So let the battle begin: Tabari VII:32 “When the Quraysh advanced, Muhammad threw dust in the direction of their faces, and Allah put them to flight.… The Meccan [merchant] force and the Prophet’s [marauders] met and Allah gave victory to His Messenger, shamed the unbelievers, and satisfied the Muslims’ thirst for revenge on them.” To think that this delusional and overwhelmingly immoral cast of malcontents started a religion is beyond belief.

Ishaq:297 “When the Apostle saw them he cried, ‘Allah, they called me a liar. Destroy them this morning.’”

The Meccans, however, were civilized: Ishaq:298 “Utba rose to speak. ‘Let us turn back and leave Muhammad to the rest of the Arabs. If we fall upon him, we will be haunted for having slain the son or brother of our kin.’”

Tabari VII:52 “The Prophet said to his companions, ‘You are the same number as the people of Saul on the day he met Goliath.”

Not even close. Saul led an army of 200,000 dedicated men and Little Mo was sitting in his palm-frond hut tossing sand behind the backs of 310 ragtag raiders. Sha’uwl did not confront Goliath; Dowd did. The Yisra’elites were fighting for their survival in their homeland, trying to repulse a wretched and violent foe. The Muslims were out hunting for booty. They had nothing in common.

Had Muhammad been a real prophet, he never would have lied to his mercenaries in this manner. Had he had any courage or character, he would have followed Dowd’s example. Well, it was too late for that since the Yisra’elite King never went out to raid civilian merchants. He only fought to defend his people from outside aggression.

Tabari VII:52 & Ishaq:299 “Aswad, an ill-natured man, took the field, and Hamzah came out to meet him. In the encounter Hamzah cut off Aswad’s foot and half his leg.… Hamzah pursued him and struck a blow, killing Aswad. After this, Utbah took the field and 440issued a challenge to single combat. Three young Ansar Muslims came forward to meet him.”

How could Aswad have been the “ill-natured man” if he, when just going about his business and bothering no one, had his foot and leg cut off by someone who came to rob him? How can a response to single combat include three militants?

You’ll notice that the Muslims knew everyone’s name. All of these men had been former neighbors and friends; many were family. And that makes the intent to rob, kidnap, and murder them all the more sinister.

Apart from the belligerence of the few, it appears that the offensive stalled and that the Emigrants had cowered, so der Führer commanded… Tabari VII:52 & Ishaq:299 “‘Arise Ubaydah, Hamzah, and Ali.’ It was no time before Hamzah had killed Shaybah and Ali had killed Walid. Ubaydah and Utbah each inflicted a blow upon his adversary. Hamzah and Ali then turned on Utbah with their swords and finished him off. They lifted up their companion Ubaydah to safety. His foot had been cut off and the marrow was flowing out. When they brought him to Muhammad, Ubaydah said, ‘Am I not a martyr, O Messenger of Allah?’ ‘Yes indeed,’ the Prophet replied.”

We have our first entrant into Islamic paradise. Can you imagine the surprise on his face when he discovered that it wasn’t as Muhammad had described and that Allah was indeed waiting for him?

Tabari VII:54 “Muhammad turned toward his new Qiblah and said. ‘Allah, if this band perishes today, you will be worshipped no more.’” Since Meccan Moon Gods were in sparse demand, and demonic deities weren’t preferred, he was probably right.

Tabari VII:54 “Abu Bakr picked up his cloak and put it on him, grasping him from behind. ‘O Prophet whom I value more than my father and mother, this constant calling on your Lord is annoying.’ Then Allah revealed, ‘When you sought the help of your Lord he 441answered you saying, “I will help you with a thousand angels, rank on rank.”’” (Quran 008.009)

Allah’s angels are so feeble it takes a thousand to do battle with some intoxicated merchants. And lest we forget, the future Caliph found Muhammad’s mumblings about Allah and his prayer annoying. He was there for the booty.

Muhammad cried out, Bukhari:V5B59N330 & Ishaq:300 “Here is Gabriel holding the rein of a horse and leading the charge. He is equipped with his weapons and ready for the battle. There is dust upon his front teeth.”

He was hallucinating. Not only is “Gabriel” a man, not an “angel,” he just so happens to be God’s champion against religion and those who harm his people. It was another ignorant proclamation by the man who never found a lie he didn’t like. Even if we were to take a year’s supply of stupid pills to play along, why would a spiritual being have weapons, when a blast of energy would be more effective?

What would an angel who Muhammad claimed had six hundred wings do with a horse? Or, was Gabriel really Muhammad’s alter ego? And why was he such a dirty fighter? Bukhari:V5B59N327 “Gabriel came to the Prophet and said, ‘How do you view the warriors of Badr?’ The Prophet said, ‘I see the fighters as the best Muslims.’ On that, Gabriel said, ‘And so are the Angels who are participating in the Badr battle.’”

Since the “best” Muslims fight against civilians for booty, Muhammad agrees with me. All good Muslims are bad people. Further, Allah’s best angels are demons. Is this a great religion, or what?

Tabari VII:54 “The Prophet said when he was in his awning, ‘Allah, keep your contract and your promise.’” Satan’s contract with his non-prophet had initially traded submission and his soul along with a will to deceive everyone for a founder’s share in the Ka’aba Inc. But for now, that was pushed aside for new revenue streams. With his un-god’s sponsorship, terrorist raiding parties would make Muhammad rich, assert 442his influence over those he despised, and keep him amply sexed.

The only way Abu Bakr would say the following is if he was in on the scam… Bukhari:V5B59N289 “Abu Bakr took his hand and said, ‘This is enough, Prophet. You have tired your Lord with your pestering.’”

The next line distinguished Muhammad from the prophets he claimed were his peers. Bukhari:V5B59N289 “Muhammad was wearing his coat of mail.”

Those who serve with God are protected by Him. How else do you suppose I could have survived the past 22 years? So, armor was something Noach, ‘Abraham, Sarah, Yitschaq, Ya’aqob, Moseh, Yahowsha’, Shamuw’el, and Dowd would not need.

Nor did they say, Bukhari:V5B59N289 “They will be routed and will turn and flee. The hour of doom is their appointed tryst, and it will be more wretched and more bitter than this earthly failure.” (Quran 054.045) In other words, “To hell with them.”

Thus far, from a religious perspective, the battle of Badr has been a bust. But things were about to change: Tabari VII:55 “Mihaja, the mawla [slave] of Umar [the future Caliph] was struck by an arrow and killed. He was the first Muslim to die.”

Mihaja’s death must have rattled the militants because Muhammad was forced to preach a sermon that would make him the Prophet of Doom…

Ishaq:300 & Tabari VII:55 “Allah’s Messenger went out to his men and incited them to fight. He promised, ‘Every man may keep all the booty he takes.’ Then Muhammad said, ‘By Allah, if any man fights today and is killed fighting aggressively, going forward and not retreating, Allah will cause him to enter Paradise.’”

They were just toxic words – sound waves that filtered through the air. And yet, the hellish behaviors they have inspired continue to reverberate 1,400 years later. They echoed loudly throughout Israel on October 7th, 2023.

443Muhammad was lying through his rotten teeth. As usual, he personally confiscated 20 percent of what his mercenaries stole, and no Muslim has ever entered paradise – nor ever will.

Ishaq:300 & Tabari VII:55 “Umayr, who was holding some dates in his hand and eating them, said, ‘Fine, fine. This is excellent! Nothing stands between me and my entering Paradise except to be killed by these people!’ He threw down the dates, seized his sword, and fought until he was slain.” The means behind the madness was now in full view. Muhammad told his militants that their reward was Allah’s brothel for wayward jihadists. All they had to do to earn their prize was to die murdering others in pursuit of booty.

This Muslim militant and disciple who had gone off on a terrorist raid to kidnap defenseless civilians and steal their possessions, died shouting these words…

Ishaq:300 “I am fighting in Allah’s service. This is piety and a good deed. In Allah’s war I do not fear as others should. For this fighting is righteous, true, and good.” Consider the number of times the Quran has spoken of “righteous, true, and good deeds.” Now we know Allah’s definition of “piety,” and what a “good deed” actually represents. We also found that Muhammad’s definition of a good Muslim was accurate, albeit horrific. All good Muslims are vicious terrorists.

Muslim lives were meaningless to Muhammad, just as Islamic clerics find suicide bombers and jihadists expendable. Hamas is hiding among civilians because they believe that the more Muslims who die, the better it is for them. They want the maximum carnage.

Raphael Lemkin coined the term “genocide” in 1944 as part of his analysis of what Europeans, Roman Catholics, Nazis, Communists, Muslims, and their racist and conspiratorial collaborators did to the Jewish population in Europe in the 1930s and 40s. The term was based upon the Greek word for race, genos, and the Latin word for kill, cide. 444It is defined as the deliberate mass extinction of a race. The previous example was perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks, also Muslims, against the Christian Armenians at the conclusion of the 1st World War.

I share this because the claim is being made against Israel on behalf of the Fakestinians while the reverse is true. It is Muslims by every ethnicity that are trying to annihilate one ethnicity – Jews, from the River to the Sea.

Not only are the so-called “Palestinians” unrelated by race, nationality, or history, and only by religion, Israel has unintentionally killed an insignificant fraction of one percent of Muslims, even of Fakestinian non-combatants. And even for the vast majority of those killed while Israel appropriately seeks to protect its people from another attack and hold the perpetrators of the recent savagery accountable, the preponderance of their deaths are directly attributable to Hamas using Muslims as human shields. Gazan lives mean less to the Islamic leadership than they do to the Jews who put their soldiers at risk to protect them.

In that light, Muhammad issued the “Suicide Bomber Creed” (not for himself, mind you): Ishaq:300 & Tabari VII:56 “‘O Messenger of Allah, what makes the Lord laugh with joy at his servant?’ He replied, ‘When he plunges his hand into the midst of an enemy without armor.’ So Auf took off the coat of mail he was wearing and threw it away. Then he took his sword and fought the enemy until he was killed.” Is it any wonder Muslim mothers want their children to grow up and become jihadists?

While that’s clear, I am perplexed by what Muhammad said. It’s odd that he didn’t need an angelic revelation to know what made Allah “laugh with joy.” And it sounds as if Allah likes to do the plunging and killing. Further, can you fathom a “religion” built around a spirit who prefers death to salvation – or salvation by death?

Then, in a tone as demented as the spirit guiding him: Ishaq:301 & Tabari VII:56 Muhammad picked up a handful of 445pebbles and faced the Quraysh. He shouted, ‘May their faces be deformed!’ He threw the pebbles at them and ordered his companions to attack. The foe was routed. Allah killed Quraysh chiefs and caused many of their nobles to be taken captive. While the Muslims were taking prisoners, the Messenger was in his hut.”

Muhammad and his spirit were demonic, the personification of evil. It’s amazing that, even in Arabia, there was room for two narcissistic psychopaths of this ilk.

While it’s subtle, there is a bit of psychological gamesmanship going. Allah was credited with the killing and kidnapping. It wasn’t Muhammad or his militants. No. They weren’t murdering thieves. Their god was.

Bukhari:V5B59N290 “The Prophet said, ‘The believers who failed to join the Ghazwa of Badr and those who took part in it are not equal in reward.”

Muhammad loved murderers. He even loved their weapons: Bukhari:V5B59N333 “Az-Zubair said, ‘I attacked him with my spear and pierced his eye. I put my foot over his body to pull the weapon out, but even then I had to use great force. Later on Allah’s Apostle asked me for that spear and I gave it to him.’” Show me your treasure and I will reveal your soul.

Ishaq:301 & Tabari VII:56 “As the Muslims were laying their hands on as many prisoners as they could catch, the Prophet, I have been told, saw disapproval in the face of Sa’d. He said, ‘Why are you upset by the taking of captives?’ Sa’d replied, ‘This was the first defeat inflicted by Allah on the infidels. Slaughtering the prisoners would have been more pleasing to me than sparing them.’”

Remember these hateful words and who spoke them. We have not heard the last of Sa’d. He will soon condemn Jews to his preferred fate. He was, after all, a good Muslim.

In a lengthy Hadith from Abd Al-Rahman, one of the butchers of Nakhlah, we hear: Ishaq:302 & Tabari VII:60 “Umayyah was a friend of mine in Mecca. My name was Abd Amr, but when I became a Muslim I was called Abd al-Rahman.” This militant was renamed after the first Islamic god. As such, this is a stinging repudiation of Islam’s first pillar.

446Ishaq:302 & Tabari VII:60 “Umayyah used to meet me when we were in Mecca and would say, ‘Abd Amr, do you dislike the name your father gave you?’ I would reply, ‘Yes.’ Umayyah would then say, ‘I do not recognize Ar-Rahman [as a god], so adopt a name that I can call you by when we meet.’”

After some chatter, the friends-turned-enemies by Islam settled on a name. “‘Well then, you are Abd al-Ilah [Slave-to-the-God].’ I agreed.” This line confirms the single most fatal charge that can be leveled against Islam. The Arabic word for God is “Ilah,” not “Allah.” Like Ar-Rahman, Allah was the personal name of a rock idol that became one of the Islamic gods.

This simple conversation obliterates Muhammad’s credibility, the Quran’s authority, and Islam’s legitimacy. Since Ar-Rahman and Allah (more correctly al-Lahu, al-Lahi, al-Laha, and il-Lahi) are names of gods used throughout the Quran and Hadith, Islam’s central claim is invalid. Neither Allah nor Ar-Rahman are Yahowah. And since the Islamic duo are incompatible by name and character with Yahowah, the many misappropriations of the Towrah are crass plagiarism.

The Tradition continues, giving us an up close and personal insight into what Islam did to a man’s mind and soul. Fair warning: this isn’t pretty… Tabari VII:59 & Ishaq:303 “On the day of Badr I passed Umayyah as he was standing with his son Ali, holding his hand. I had with me some coats of mail which I had taken as plunder. Umayyah said, ‘Abd al-Ilah, would you like to take me as a prisoner? I will be more valuable to you as a captive to be ransomed than the coats of mail that you are carrying.’ I said, ‘Yes. Come here then.’ I flung away the armor and bound Umayyah and his son Ali, taking them with me.”

According to Muhammad and his god, kidnapping for ransom was a legitimate religious practice – one more profitable than stealing armor. And in case you’re wondering, the Quraysh merchant surrendered because he 447didn’t want the Muslims to mutilate and murder his son. But it didn’t work out that way.

Tabari VII:59 & Ishaq:303 “People [Muslim militants] encircled us [Abd al-Rahman and his captives]. Then they restrained us physically. One of the Muslims drew his sword and struck Ali in the leg, severing it so that he fell down. Umayyah gave a scream the like of which I have never heard. I said, ‘Save yourself, for there is no escape for your son. By Allah, I cannot save him from these men.’ Then the Muslims hacked Ali to pieces. Abd al-Rahman used to say, ‘May Allah have mercy on Bial [a slave turned Muslim marauder]! I lost my coats of mail, and he deprived me of my captives.’”

In trying to hype their terrorist dogma, the practitioners harpooned it. They not only demoted their gods to pagan status, they exposed their immoral motives. Islam was all about money. And while that should have been enough to impugn the doctrine, the fatal blow was in the last paragraph. Muhammad so corrupted these men that they mutilated a child in front of his father. And there was no sense of guilt, no glimmer of humanity. Their only remorse was over lost booty.

Islam is an evil curse that must be dispelled: Bukhari:V5B59N297 “The Prophet faced the Ka’aba and invoked evil on the Quraysh people specifically cursing: Shaiba, Utba, Walid and Abu Jahl. I bear witness, by Allah, that I saw them all dead, putrefied by the sun, as Badr was a very hot day.”

Lo, verily, with evil proliferating, people lying, men dying, bodies putrefying, I bear witness, Allah was omnipresent, encompassing everything. The un-god and non-prophet were a pair of delusional psychopaths among ruthless savages. What could possibly go wrong?

Bukhari:V5B59N397 “Allah’s Apostle raised his head after bowing the first Rak’a of the morning prayer. He said, ‘O Allah! Curse so-and-so and so-and-so.’ After he had invoked evil upon the Quraysh, Allah revealed: ‘Your Lord will send thousands of angels riding upon chargers sweeping down as a form of good tidings to reassure you that victory comes from Him. He will cut off parts of the 448unbelievers, overthrow them, and turn them back in frustration. For Allah is forgiving and kind.’” (Quran 003.124)

It was the Islamic version of kindness. The good news was that Muslim angels, like Muslim men, were mutilating innocent people, cutting off body parts as a form of torture, before engaging in mass murder. And then to crown their glorious victory over humanity and decency, they celebrated their sadistic behavior by claiming that Islam’s god was forgiving and kind.

In this light, I challenge anyone to rationally deny that Allah is Satan and that Muhammad was demon-possessed. I dare anyone to say that the plague they perpetrated as Islam should be allowed to survive. Islam is the most universally demented and destructive, dehumanizing and degrading, deplorable and deadly dogma ever perpetrated against humankind.

Not just this day, or 9/11 and 10/7, but every day for the past 1,400 years, Muslims with their words and actions have demonstrated that they are a curse on the planet – a malignant mutation that is unsurvivable.

There were only two reasons for this savage attack. These men didn’t capitulate and surrender their souls to Satan. And they had been productive. These conclusions are not opinions because they are based on the evidence. They are not the product of Islamophobia but, rather, the opposite – an act of conscience demonstrating considerable courage, character, and compassion. This is not my view of Islam; it is theirs. These are their scriptures and legacy.

And please, don’t be among the moronic claiming that Christians have been as bad and that the Bible is worse because neither is true nor are they a rational defense. Moreover, I’m unique among all men in this regard since I am universally opposed to religion and have written thirty-five books to prove that they are unworthy.

449You are now 2,000 pages into the most comprehensive excoriation of the Islamic religion ever written. It has been based in its entirety on what Muhammad, Allah, and the initial gang of Muslims said and did as recorded in the Quran and Sunnah – the Sira, Tarikh, Bukhari, Muslim. I have taken the founders of Islam to task for their words and deeds, holding them accountable for the sake of all mankind, but most especially the People of the Book, God’s Chosen, Yahuwdym | Jews.

Keep in mind, on this day, Muslims were mutilating and murdering the closest thing to a “Palestinian.” These Arab merchants were headed back home to Petra which was situated in the Fakestinian homeland of Jordan, between the Wadi Musa and the Israeli border. And as we have witnessed in Gaza, Muslims don’t much care if they are cannibalizing their own, ravaging Arabs, murdering Christians, abusing liberal secularists, or trying to annihilate Jews.

In this regard, there was an interesting, seldom discussed anomaly among the civilian victims of the Islamic terrorist assault on October 7, 2023. Of the 888 civilians killed that day (in addition to 382 soldiers (noting that 230 bodies were abused to the extent they are unidentifiable)), came from kibbutzim and a rave. They were Progressives, many of whom championed the Islamic agenda – as was the case with the majority of the 253 people who were kidnapped and abused. I share this because Islam was and remains a declaration of war against all mankind. It is an indiscriminate killer.

Al-Tabari and Ibn Ishaq reveal: Tabari VII:60 & Ishaq:303 “A cousin of mine and I mounted a hill from which we could overlook Badr and see who would be defeated, so that we could join in the plundering afterwards.” “I was pursuing one of the Meccan polytheists in order to smite him, when his head suddenly fell off before my sword touched him. Then I knew that someone other than I had killed him.”

450While the implication is that one of Allah’s angelic cavalry brigades did the dastardly deed, since that is delusional, we are left recognizing that Muslims are unaccountable and unremorseful. They have lost the capacity to be human.

Tabari VII:60 & Ishaq:303 “My son, I saw Muslims on the day of Badr, and saw that one of us would wave his sword at a polytheist, and the man’s head would fall from his body before the sword touched him. The sign of the angels on the day of Badr was white turbans which trailed down their backs, and on the day of Hunayn it was red turbans. The angels did not fight on any day except the battle of Badr; on the other days they were reinforcements, assistants, and helpers, but they struck no blows.”

Christians view angels as pretty girls with wings who encourage believers to be moral. Muslims believe angels are vicious beasts wielding swords, ever ready to help Muslims kidnap and kill, rape and plunder. While both are wrong, the differences are incriminating.

It matters not if the first Muslim militants were hallucinating or if Allah’s angels are really demons. Either way, Islam loses. If there were no angels, then Muhammad and his disciples were liars and Muslims were murderers. If an angelic horde was out chopping off the heads of merchants so militants could rob them, they were demons.

Over the 1,000 years the Towrah and Prophets were revealed (1447 to 447 BCE), and the fourteen billion years of time they cover (from creation to re-creation), mal’ak | “angels” caused men to die on two occasions. Both were in self-defense, and no one got rich or gloated. In Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Religious and Political Oppression, the Egyptians lost their firstborn sons after killing the firstborn of their Hebrew slaves so that God’s people might be free. And the Assyrian military, which had returned to besiege Yaruwshalaim after destroying Yisra’el and enslaving her people, was thwarted by mal’ak | spiritual envoys.

451Mal’ak serve Yahowah. If you want to know how they operate and what they accomplish on behalf of the Almighty and His people, I would encourage you to read Dowd’s 91st Mizmowr / Psalm. It is presented and explained in the Words volume of An Introduction to God.

Confirming that the Badr terrorist campaign was a personal vendetta, we read… Tabari VII:61 & Ishaq:304 “When the Prophet had finished with his enemy, he gave orders that Abu Jahl should be found among the dead. He said, ‘O Allah, do not let him escape!’ The first man who encountered Jahl yelled out and I made him my mark. When he was within my reach, I attacked him and struck him a blow which severed his foot and half his leg. By Allah, when it flew off I could only compare it to a date-stone which flies out of a crusher when it is struck. Then Jahl’s son hit me on the shoulder and cut off my arm. It dangled at my side from a piece of skin. The fighting prevented me from reaching him after that. I fought the whole day, dragging my arm behind me. When it began to hurt me, I put my foot on it and stood until I pulled it off.’”

Consider the indoctrination and the motivation required to inspire such devotion. And contemplate how the same prophet and doctrine arouse the same hateful passions today – passions capable of genocide, of world subjugation through terrorism, of making women property and depriving them of everything, and of eliminating all forms of freedom and life.

Islam isn’t to be trifled with or excused. A doctrine capable of motivating men and women to die butchering innocent people for the cause is akin to blending Nazism with cancer. It is like encouraging the Wuhan Institute of Virology to enhance the efficacy of a blended concoction of Leprosy, the Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, Polio, Ebola, HIV, and Covid.

Tabari VII:61 & Ishaq:304 “Then Mu’awwidh passed by Abu Jahl, who was now crippled and laying there helpless. He hit him until he could no longer move, leaving Jahl gasping for his last breath. But then Mu’awwidh was killed. Abd Allah bin Mas’ud passed by Jahl right when the Messenger ordered us to search for him among the 452corpses. The Prophet said, ‘If you cannot identify him, look for the mark of a wound on his knee, for I jostled against him when we were boys. I pushed him so that he fell and scratched one of his knees.’” Translated: “I may be a cowardly slithering snake of a man now, but I wasn’t always a weasel.”

Ishaq:304 “Abd Allah bin Mas’ud said, ‘I found Abu Jahl in the throws of death. I put my foot on his neck because he had grabbed me once at Mecca and had hurt me. Then I said, Has Allah disgraced you and put you to shame, O enemy of Allah?’ ‘In what way has he disgraced me?’ he asked. ‘Am I anything more important than a man whom you have killed? Tell me, to whom is the victory?’ I said, ‘To Allah and his Messenger.’”

This is sobering. The first Muslims were gruesome and savage, albeit not to the extent of the Muslims who abused Jews on 10.07.23, because they were unprecedented in their sadistic savagery. And while Muhammad’s militants inanely blamed their victims, they were not as deluded as are today’s Muslims who, after massacring Jews, act as if they are entitled and righteous.

Bukhari:V5B59N298 “Abu Jahl said, ‘You should not be proud that you have killed me.’” He was right, as were all of the Quraysh who renounced this demonic death cult. It was the Muslims who had disgraced themselves from the beginning. And in this case, a few hundred militants had gone out to rob some merchants, and yet their un-god and non-prophet used the occasion to declare their superiority – as if the value of a man lies in his capacity for evil.

The most outspoken critic of Islam, Abu Jahl, told the truth. To be proud of chasing down and killing civilians to rob them is asinine.

Ishaq:304 & Tabari VII:62 “I cut off Abu Jahl’s head and brought it to the Messenger. I said, ‘O Allah’s Prophet, this is the head of the enemy of Allah.’” He was the enemy of Allah because he was sufficiently wise to reject the prospect of Satan pretending to be God. As a result, he lost his life but not his soul.

453Ishaq:304 & Tabari VII:62 “Muhammad said, ‘Is this so, by Allah, then whom there is no other deity?’ This used to be the Messenger’s oath. [The vengeful Muhammad was no more articulate than his god.] I said, ‘Yes.’ Then I threw down his head before the Prophet’s feet. He said, ‘Praise be to Allah.’” Ghandi, he was not.

Bukhari:V5B59N572 “O Muslims, take not My enemies as friends, offering them kindness when they reject Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, and his Quran. And whoever does that, then indeed he has gone (far) astray. You have come out to fight in My Cause, seeking My acceptance so do not be friendly with them, even in secret.” (Quran 060.001) Should there be a more insecure, intolerant, and immoral, and inept wannabe god, I hope he stays hidden away in his hole.

Ishaq:305 “Ukkasha fought until he broke his sword. He came to the Apostle who gave him a wooden cudgel telling him to fight with that. He brandished it and it became a brilliant weapon. Allah gave him victory while he wielded it. He took that weapon with him to every raid he fought with Allah’s Apostle until he was killed in the rebellion [the War of Compulsion]. These were his dying words: ‘What do you think about when you kill people? Are these not men just because they are not Muslims?’”

Throughout time, evil and maniacal regimes have conditioned men to dehumanize and demonize their intended victims. But in this case, the intended victims would include all non-Muslims.

But Muslims beware, according to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad’s quota on paradise was proclaimed at Badr.

Ishaq:306 “When Allah’s Apostle said, ‘70,000 of my followers shall enter Paradise like the full moon,’ Ukkasha asked if he could be one of them. Then a lesser Ansari asked to be included, but the Prophet replied, ‘Ukkasha beat you to it and my prayer is now cold.’” At this point in his quest for sex, power, and money, Muhammad’s vision was no greater than plundering and slaughtering Arabs and Jews in Arabia. Inciting 70,000 fools to die for what he coveted seemed sufficient at the time. 454Little did he know that his scam would live on, infecting billions, and sending millions to their death.

The non-prophet and un-god loved it when men died killing others for them. It was a new variation on human sacrifice where both the religious zealot and their victims succumbed. Bukhari:V5B59N379 “When we wrote the Holy Quran, I missed one of the verses I used to hear Allah’s Apostle reciting. Then we searched and found it. The verse was: ‘Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Of them, some have fulfilled their obligations to Allah (they have been killed in Allah’s Cause), and some of them are waiting to be killed.’ (Quran 033.023) So we wrote this in its place in the Quran.”

“We” didn’t write the Quran. It would not be written for another four generations.

Just as Muhammad and Allah had invented a more efficient form of human sacrifice, they had a new interpretation of “covenant.” In theirs, men are obliged to die while killing. In Yahowah’s Covenant, we live, and by sharing it, spare the lives of others.

For your edification, this portion of the 33rd surah presents a smorgasbord of terror, with victims ranging from former Muslims, Arab disbelievers, and Jewish neighbors. It reads…

Quran 033.009 “O you who believe! Remember the favor of al-Lahi upon you when there came to you men, and We sent upon them a wind and forces that you saw not. And al-Lahu is All Seer of what you do. Quran 033.010 When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached the throats, and you were harboring doubts and assumptions about Il-Lahi!

Quran 033.011 There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking. Quran 033.012 When the hypocrites and those who were filled with doubts and in whose hearts is a disease said, ‘The promise of al-Lahu and His Messenger to us is only a deceitful delusion.’ Quran 033.013 And when a party of them said, ‘O people of Yathrib! No stand for you. So turn back.’ And a group of them 455sought permission (from) the Prophet, saying, ‘Lo! Our homes (are) exposed,’ when they (were) not exposed. They wished but to flee.

Quran 033.014 If they had entered upon them from its sides (of the city) and they had been exhorted to al-fitnah | the trial and test leading to the treachery of renouncing Islam, they surely would have done it. They would only have hesitated a little. Quran 033.015 And certainly they had already made a sworn oath to al-Laha that they would not turn their backs (to the foe). And is an oath to al-Lahi to be questioned? Quran 033.016 Say, ‘Never will fleeing benefit you if you flee from death or slaughter. And then you will not be allowed to enjoy but a little.’

Quran 033.017 Say, ‘Who is it that can protect you from al-Lahi if He intends to harm you or intends a mercy on you? And they will not find, besides al-Lahi, for themselves any wali | protector or supporter nor any helper.’ Quran 033.018 Lo, al-Lahu knows those among you who hinder (to keep from fighting in Allah’s Cause), and who say to their brethren, ‘Come here towards us,’ while they do not show up for battle except a few.

Quran 033.019 (They are) unwilling to assist you. But when fear comes, you will see them looking to you, their eyes revolving like one who faints over death. But when the fear departs, they smite you with sharp tongues. Begrudging and niggardly towards, and only covetous of the good that comes to you, they are not believers. So al-Lahu made their deeds futile. And that is easy for al-Lahi. Quran 033.020 They think the clans have not withdrawn. And if the allies should come, they would wish they were in the deserts among the Bedouins, seeking news about you (from a safe distance). And if they were among you, they would hardly fight at all.

Quran 033.021 Lo! Verily, you have a noble paradigm and a good example for everyone to follow in the Messenger of al-Lahi for him who hopes in al-Laha and the Last Day and remembers al-Laha much. Quran 033.022 And when the believers saw the confederates, they said, ‘This is what al-Lahu promised us and His Messenger. And al-Lahu and His Messenger spoke the truth.’ And it did not increase them except in faith and submission.

Quran 033.023 Among the believers men have been true (to) what they promised al-Laha. And among them who has fulfilled his vow and among them (is he) who awaits. And they will not alter any 456alteration. Quran 033.024 That al-Lahu may reward the truthful for their truth and punish the hypocrites, disbelievers, and wrong-doers if He wants or turn in mercy to them. Lo! Verily, al-Laha is Oft-Forgiving, Rahman | Merciful.

Quran 033.025 Al-Lahu turned back the unbelievers in their rage. They did not obtain any good or advantage. Al-Lahu sufficed the believers (in) the battle. Al-Lahu is strong, All-Mighty. Quran 033.026 And He brought down those who backed them among the People of the Book from their strongholds, and cast ru’ba | terror into their hearts, so that a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you enslaved as captives. Quran 033.027 And He caused you to inherit their land and their houses and their wealth, and land you had not trodden. Al-Lahu is on every thing all-powerful.”

Quran 033.036 “It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when al-Lahu and His Messenger has decided and decreed a matter, that for them, there should be no choice in their affairs. And whoever disobeys al-Laha and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed into manifest error.” Quran 033.038 “There is no constraint or blame on the Prophet in that which al-Lahu has imposed and made legal for him. That has been the way of al-Lahi with those who have passed away before. The command of al-Lahi is a decree determined as destiny.”

According to the Quran, all good Muslims fall into one of two categories: those who have died killing infidels and those who will die killing non-Muslims. And no matter when, who, or where Muslims kill, Allah is there as an accomplice to the crime.


The Badr raiders failed as pirates. The caravan they sought to plunder got away. Yet the skirmish that ensued between militants and merchants resurrected a dying doctrine and ultimately reshaped the world. The Islamic lore that emerged that spring morning in 623 from the blood-457soaked sands near the sea serves as the only credible report of what happened at Badr.

Nonetheless, here are some insightful lines spoken about the terrorist raid. The first was recited as a poem, showing that I’m not alone in authoring a surrotten…

Ishaq:315 “It was so criminal, men could hardly imagine it. Muhammad was ennobled because of the bloody fighting. I swear we shall never lack soldiers, nor army leaders. Driving before us infidels until we subdue them with a halter above their noses and a branding iron. We will drive them to the ends of the earth. We will pursue them on horse and foot.

We will never deviate from fighting in our cause. We will bring upon the infidels the fate of the Ad and Jurhum. Any people that disobey Muhammad will pay for it. If you do not surrender to Islam, then you will live to regret it. You will be shamed in Hell, forced to wear a garment of molten pitch forever!”

Second only to the Quran, this may be the nastiest, most intolerant, violent, and sadistic poem ever. A world-class surrotten.

Fulfilling prophecy, a Muslim, speaking of the sons of Ishmael, said, Ishaq:316 “In peace you are wild asses – rough and coarse. And in war you are like women wearing corsets. But I care not so long as my hand can grasp my trusty blade.”

Ishaq:310 “‘As soon as we were confronted by the raiding party, we turned our backs and they started killing and capturing us at their pleasure. Some of our men turned tail humiliated. Allah smote some of us with pustules from which we died.’”

Ishaq:311 “When the Quraysh began to bewail their dead, consumed in sorrow, one said, ‘Do not do this for Muhammad and his companions will rejoice over our misfortune.’”

Ishaq:340 “Surely Badr was one of the world’s great wonders. The roads to death are plain to see. Disobedience causes a people to perish. They became death’s pawns. We had sought their caravan, nothing else. But they came to us and there was no way out. So we thrust our shafts and swung our swords severing their heads. Our swords glittered as they killed.

458The banner of error was held by Satan. He betrayed the evil ones, those prone to treachery. He led them to death crying, ‘Fear Allah. He is invincible!’ Satan knew what they could not see. On that day a thousand spirits were mustered on excited white stallions. Allah’s army fought with us. Under our banner, Gabriel attacked and killed them.”

We must not allow Muslims to deceive the world and play the victim card, claiming Muhammad only took up arms to defend his people. Nothing could be further from the truth. These Muslims were the instigators, the attackers, the terrorists, and the raiders, never the defenders.

Even of the three battles they fought in their stolen home, one was against the kin of these men Muslims mutilated on this day who had come to hold the marauders accountable and two were against the Jews who had never lifted a finger against those who perpetrated genocide against them.

The same is true with what occurred on October 7th, 2023. Israel had done nothing to antagonize the Gazan Muslims. They were not occupying their land. They had, in fact, enabled and enriched them. After all, the capital of the Fakestinians is in Swiss bank accounts.

Even in Judea and Samaria, Jews lawfully and constructively build homes on barren land they own and then tend their sheep, farms, and orchards. The IDF does not occupy the hellholes Muslims have built for themselves and only go in to remove those who have attacked Jews. They cannot wait to leave. And while the Muslim Fakestinians commit over 6,500 terrorist atrocities against Jews annually, there are only 120 settler reprisals.

While there was no sign of Gabriel on this day, I concur; Satan was there, and Muslims are murderers. And the confession is audacious… “Satan betrayed the evil ones, those prone to treachery. He led them to death crying, ‘Fear Allah. He is invincible!’ Satan knew what they could not see.”

459The hallmarks of Islam according to Allah include the favors of humiliation, shame, captivity, and death. These are the things that validate the religion…

Ishaq:341 “Have you seen how Allah favored His Apostle and how He humiliated the unbelievers? They were put to shame in captivity and death. The Apostle’s victory was glorious. Its message is plain for all to see. The Lord brought repeated calamities upon the pagans, bringing them under the Apostle’s power.

Allah’s angry army smote them with their trusty swords. Many a lusty youngster left the enemy lying prone. Their women wept with burning throats for the dead were lying everywhere. But now they are all in Hell.”

It’s shameful but nonetheless true that abducting, taunting, and butchering begat a religion capable of corrupting two billion souls. Thirsty swords smote youngsters while their mothers wept. This is the message of Islam, plain for all to see.

So, why was Israel taken by surprise on October 7th, 2023? Why has the world failed to make the connection between the barbarism and cruelty on display and these confessions from the very best Muslims who ever lived?

One of the Quraysh merchants, al-Harith, was one of the few sane voices… Ishaq:342 “I wonder at foolish men like these who sing frivolously and vainly of the slain at Badr. This was nothing more than an impious and odious crime. Men fought against their brothers, fathers, and sons. Any with discernment and understanding recognize the wrong that was done here.”

Al-Harith was right. His words were rational and sobering. And he was a contemporary of Muhammad and the first Muslims – an eyewitness to their crimes.

Ka’b recited: Ishaq:344 “I wonder at Allah’s deed. None can defeat Him. Evil ever leads to death. We unsheathed our swords and testified to the unity of Allah, and we proved that His Apostle brought truth. We smote them and they scattered. The impious met death. They became fuel for Hell. All who aren’t Muslims must go there. It will consume them while the Stoker increases the heat. They had 460called Allah’s Apostle a liar. They claimed, ‘You are nothing but a sorcerer.’ So, Allah destroyed them.”

Allah’s testimony is a mutilated arm and a slit throat. He is victorious in death. And he validates his religion through unsheathed swords. In Islam, the pious kill and the impious die. Innocent victims fuel the fires of hell. But I have a spoiler alert: Muslims have charted a course and blazed a trail deserving of eternal damnation, and it is there that they will meet the Stoker – a.k.a. Allah, Hell’s Warden.

As you read on, remember, this is the event that made Islam what it is today. The terrorist raid on the Arab merchants at Badr is Allah’s and Muhammad’s defining moment – the centerpiece of the Quran and Sunnah.

What’s more, the justification for robbing, abducting, and murdering these men was that they properly assessed that Muhammad was demon-possessed and was speaking for Satan – both of which Muhammad admitted. Therefore, the response of the best Muslims to words they didn’t like was to hunt down, mutilate, and then celebrate the death of those who spoke them.

On this day of doom, Hassan proclaimed… Ishaq:348 “They retreated in all directions. They rejected the Quran and called Muhammad a liar. But Allah cursed them to make his religion and Apostle victorious. They lay still in death. Their throats were severed. Their foreheads embraced the dust. Their nostrils were defiled with filth. Many a noble, generous man we slew this day. We left them as meat for the hyenas. And later, they shall burn in the fires of Hell.”

Rejecting the Quran is seen as justification for annihilation, and it is Sunnah for genocide. Severing throats was Muhammad’s retort rather than delivering a cogent, evidence-based, rational argument against his critics. And keep in mind, the man being denounced was a ruthless megalomaniac and psychopath, an unrelenting and unremorseful pedophile, rapist, sexist, liar, thief, kidnapper, slave trader, terrorist, and mass murderer who knowingly and deliberately lied about God and plagued the planet. 461People who do such things ought not have thin skin and expect their victims to toss posies at their feet.

A terrorist raid designed to loot a caravan had become a noble crusade. Men who came to protect their property and family were butchered for calling a sorcerer a liar.

One can only lament that this proved untrue… Ishaq:349 “The battle will tell the world about us. Distant men will heed our warning.”

The currency of Islam would forever be – blood for booty and babes… Ishaq:349 “The infidels may cut off my leg, yet I am a Muslim. I will exchange my life for one with virgins fashioned like the most beautiful statues.” But alas, he lied. So don’t be so foolish as to believe him.

A Muslim militant recited these lines… Ishaq:357 “Their leaders were left prostrate. Their heads were sliced off like melons. Many an adversary have I left on the ground to rise in pain, broken and plucked. When the battle was joined I dealt them a vicious blow. Their arteries cried aloud, their blood flowed. That is what I did on the day of Badr.”

Islam turns good men bad and makes bad men worse. With brains no better than melons, and plucked of their humanity, the broken have inflicted incalculable pain. And yet in all of this time, with rivers of blood, there had not been a drop of ink. Islam’s indelible legacy is mass murder, not the Quran.

When the bloody blades were finally sheathed, and the last anguished cry subsided… Ishaq:306 & Tabari VII:62 “Allah’s Apostle ordered the dead to be thrown into a pit. All were thrown in except Umayyah. He had swollen up in his coat of mail and filled it. They went to move him, but he fell apart, so they left him where he was and flung some rocks over him. As the dead were being thrown in, Muhammad stood over them and said, ‘O people of the pit, have you found what your Lord promised you to be true? For I have found what my Lord promised me to be true.’ The Muslims said to him. ‘O Allah’s Messenger, are you speaking to dead people who have been putrefied?’ He replied, ‘They know what I promised them 462is the truth.’ You hear what I say no better than they, but they cannot answer me.”

This is almost as sick as the Islamic god gloating over the new arrivals to hell that he is preparing to torture. It’s as if Muhammad’s warped character rubbed off on his wannabe god. They had become twins.

But let’s not mince words. Muhammad was delusional. And he was gloating over the threat which caused his ouster from Petra when he told his kin that he intended to slaughter them. He was now insane, a paranoid schizophrenic and psychotic narcissist.

It is hard to know, however, if his mental illness made him susceptible to demon possession or if it was exacerbated by it. But either way, I’ll leave you to decide whether his promise to slaughter his people and then doing so was a prophecy or a sign of psychopathy.

When I searched the etymology of umay, I discovered is that it comes from Turkish mythology, where Umay was the Mother Goddess of the Earth. Her mission was to protect women and children while encouraging fertility. The root of umay means womb. So, while the name was contrived, the inference was that Allah and his Muslims had killed Yahowah and mutilated the rights of women.

Bukhari:V5B58N193 “The Prophet cursed those that had teased him. He said, ‘O Allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraysh, Abu Jahl, Utba, Shaba, Umaiya, and Ubai.’ I saw these people killed on the day of Badr battle and thrown in the pit except Ubai whose body parts were mutilated.” For those who prefer their prophets pathetic, psychotic, and possessed, rather than prophetic, this is your guy. As for me, I prefer them like Moseh, Dowd, and Yasha’yah. But to each his own.

While some of this material is redundant, it’s important to see how the four prime Islamic sources work together to provide a portrait of this man, his spirit, and religion. Every 463word devastates Muhammad’s character; every stroke reveals his motives.

The battle of Badr resurrected the Islam which died in Petra as a terrorist manifesto in Yathrib. Yet the motive was greed. The means was terror. The reason was Muhammad. He had come full circle. The abused child was now an empowered, demented, and vicious abuser.

Bukhari:V5B59N314-7 “At Badr, the Prophet ordered the corpses of 24 Quraysh leaders to be thrown into a pit. It was a habit of the Prophet that whenever he conquered people, he used to stay at the battlefield for three nights. So, on the third day he ordered his she-camel saddled and he set out. His Companions followed, saying: ‘The Prophet is proceeding for some great purpose.’

When he halted at the edge of the pit, he addressed the corpses of the Quraysh by their names, ‘O so-and-so, son of so-and-so! Why didn’t you obey Allah’s Apostle? I have found true what my Lord promised me. Have you found true what your Lord promised you?’

Umar said, ‘Apostle! You are speaking to the dead!’ Muhammad said, ‘Allah brought them to life to let them hear me, to reprimand them, to slight them, and so that I might take my revenge over them.’ Then he quoted the Holy Verse of the Quran: ‘You cannot make the dead listen or the deaf hear your call…until they believe Our Signs and come into submission.” (Quran 030.052) Muslims believe this is the example they must follow.

Tabari VII:63 “The Messenger uttered these words: ‘O people of the pit, you were evil fellow tribesmen to your Prophet! You disbelieved me when other people believed me. You drove me out when other people gave me shelter. You fought me when other people came to my aid.’” Actually, it was Muhammad who evoked evil on his fellow tribesmen because they recognized what we know – he was not a prophet. Those who knew this crazed and cruel charlatan best rejected him. Rather than debate them, Muhammad was bent on slaughtering them. When they eventually fought back, it was too little too late. They left before the job was done.

464Sadly, it’s true that Muhammad finally found men foolish enough to believe him. And they came to his aid by committing to wage war on all mankind. However, those who offered him shelter did not believe him, and for that, he drove them out of their town and stole their homes, finally opting to murder them.

This sorry excuse for a man wasn’t finished gloating… Ishaq:306 “The Apostle’s Companions heard him get up in the middle of the night. He went to the pit and said, ‘O people of the pit,’ enumerating all who had be thrown into the dirty well. ‘I have found what my Lord promised me to be true.’” Normal men would have been repulsed by the sight and smell of rotting corpses. But not this man; he was inspired. So was his spirit, the Lord of the Pit.

This next vignette is equally disturbing. The foolishness of Islam is behind us. All that remains is tragic. Tabari VII:63 & Ishaq:307 “Utbah was dragged to the well. Muhammad looked into the face of his son Abu, who was dejected. ‘I fear perhaps some sadness has entered you on account of your father.’ ‘No, by Allah, O Prophet of Allah,’ Abu replied. ‘I had no misgivings about my father, nor about his death. But I knew my father to be a judicious, wise, forbearing, cultured, and virtuous man. I used to hope that these qualities would lead him to Islam.’”

No. These qualities kept him from Islam – as they should the rest of the world. But, alas, between Progressives, the conspiratorial, and the religious, judicial thinking is as rare as sanity in the Quran.

The skirmish over, it was time to divvy up the spoils. The next section of al-Tabari begins under the headline: “The Division of the Booty.”

Tabari VII:64 & Ishaq:307 “The Messenger of Allah gave orders concerning the contents of the camp which the people had collected, and it was all brought together. Among the Muslims, however, there was a difference of opinion concerning it. Those who had collected it said, ‘It is ours. Muhammad promised every man that he could keep the booty he took.’ Those who were fighting said, ‘If it had not been 465for us, you would not have taken it. We distracted the enemy from you so that you could take what you took.’

Those who were guarding the Prophet for fear the enemy would attack him said, ‘By Allah, you have no better right to it than we have. We wanted to kill the enemy when Allah gave us the opportunity and made them turn their backs, and we wanted to take property when there was no one to protect it; but we were afraid that they might attack the Prophet. We protected him so you have no better right to it than we have.’”

Among the first Muslims, there wasn’t a single virtuous man. They were moneygrubbers, mercenaries, and malcontents – and those may have been their more endearing qualities since they were also terrorists, mass murderers, slavers, and rapists.

According to Muhammad, it’s good to kill for money, but it’s bad to argue about it later... Tabari VII:64 & Ishaq:307 “When we quarreled about the booty we became very bad tempered. So Allah removed it from our hands and handed it over to His Messenger. He divided it equally among the Muslims. In this matter there can be seen fear of Allah, obedience to his Messenger, and the settling of differences.” Therefore, Muhammad lied when trying to compel his reluctant jihadists to fight, promising them that they could keep what they stole. What else do you suppose he may have said that was untrue?

Muhammad and Allah were partners. Muhammad was to be obeyed. Allah was to be feared. And in Islam, murder and thievery have their rewards… Bukhari:V5B59N360 “The total number of Muslim fighters from Mecca who fought at Badr and were given a share of the booty, were 81. When their shares were distributed, their number was 101. But Allah knows it better.”

Ishaq:307 “The ‘Spoils of War’ Surah came down from Allah to His Prophet concerning the distribution of the booty when the Muslims showed their evil nature. Allah took it out of their hands and gave it to the Apostle.”

Tabari VII:65 “Allah’s Messenger came back to Medina, bringing with him the booty which had been taken from the 466polytheists.... There were forty-four captives in the Messenger of Allah’s possession. There was a similar number of dead.”

Ishaq:308 “Muhammad halted on a sandhill and divided the booty Allah had given him equally. Then Muslims from Medina met him at Rauha. They congratulated him on the victory Allah had granted. But one of the warriors replied, ‘What are you congratulating us about? We only met some bald old women like the sacrificial camels who are hobbled, and we slaughtered them!’ The Apostle smiled because he knew that description fit.”

By any historical or rational criterion, the battle of Badr was a grossly immoral tussle between militants and merchants. And yet Muhammad turned it into a miracle from Allah. And he used it to resurrect his dying religion.

The prophet’s blood lust led to these chilling lines… Ishaq:308 & Tabari VII:65 “When the Apostle was in Safra, Nadr was assassinated. When Muhammad reached Irq al-Zabyah he killed Uqbah. When the Holy Prophet ordered him to be killed, Uqbah said, ‘Who will look after my children, Muhammad?’ ‘Hellfire,’ the Apostle replied, and he was killed.” No Geneva Convention here.

Ishaq:312 “Umar said to the Apostle, ‘Let me pull out Suhayl’s two front teeth. That way his tongue will stick out and he will never be able to speak against you again.’”

Tabari VII:66 & Ishaq:309 “Sawdah said: ‘I went to my house, and the Messenger was there with Abu Yazid [a Quraysh prisoner]. His hands were tied to his neck. I could not restrain myself when I saw Yazid like that and I shouted out to him. So Muhammad asked, “Sawdah, are you trying to stir up trouble against Allah’s Messenger?” This brought me back to my senses.’”

Ishaq:309 “‘Bind Abu Aziz tight for his mother is rich and she may ransom him for a great deal of money,’” Allah’s Profit proclaimed. Then, confirming that Islam was all about the money: Tabari VII:71 & Ishaq:311 “Among the captives was Abu Wada. Muhammad said, ‘He has a son who is a shrewd merchant with much money.” The son “slipped away at night, went to Medina, ransomed his father for 4,000 dirhams.” There was no preaching, no Quran recitals, no message of salvation. Just: “Gimme da money.”

467Tabari VII:71 & Ishaq:312 “The Prophet said, ‘Abbas, you must ransom yourself, your two nephews, Aqil and Nawfal, and your confederate, Utbah, for you are a wealthy man.’ ‘Muhammad,’ Abbas said, ‘I was a Muslim, but the people compelled me to fight against my will.’ ‘Allah knows best concerning your Islam,’ Muhammad said. ‘If what you say is true, Allah will reward you for it. As for your outward appearance, you have been against us, so pay to ransom yourself.’ The Messenger had previously taken twenty ounces of gold from him following the battle. So Abbas said, ‘Credit me with this amount towards my ransom.’ ‘No,’ Muhammad replied. ‘That money Allah has already taken from you and given to us.’” Allah appeared to be a kleptomaniac in addition to being homicidal. Perhaps we should have him arrested.

Ishaq:313 “The Muslims told Abu Sufyan to pay them a ransom to free his son, Amr. He replied, ‘Am I to suffer the double loss of my blood and my money? After you have killed my son Hanzala, you want me to pay you a ransom to save Amr?’” How on earth do Muslims see this behavior as “religious,” or even “good?” Muhammad and the first Muslims were obnoxious and appalling.

Bukhari:V5B59N357 “The Badr warriors were given five thousand dirhams each, yearly. Umar [the future Caliph] said, ‘I will always give them more than what I will give to others.’”

And while Muhammad craved money, he lusted for more… Bukhari:V5B59N342 “Umar said, ‘When my daughter Hafsa lost her husband in the battle of Badr, Allah’s Apostle demanded her hand in marriage and I married her to him.’”

The battle over, the booty collected, the ransoms negotiated, it was time for some situational scriptures. Since other religions encouraged the faithful not to murder, steal, kidnap, or mutilate, Muhammad needed a special dispensation from his un-god.

As before, let’s weave the Hadith into the fabric of the Quran to give Allah’s recital the context of time, circumstance, and place it otherwise lacks. Tabari VII:80 “When the events of Badr were over, Allah revealed the 8th surah, ‘The Spoils of War,’ in its entirety. The two armies met [there were 468no armies, just merchants and militants] and Allah defeated the Meccans [with Muslim swords]. Seventy of them were killed, and seventy were taken captive.”

The previous death toll was forty-four killed and an equal number abducted. The lower number is also in line with Ishaq’s meticulously documented total of fifty dead and forty-three taken hostage. The inability of Muslims to count was only matched by their illiteracy. So, what should be troubling here is the failure of these Muslims to remember how many people were involved. The catalyst for transferring short-term observations to long-term memory is the vividness of the event and how many of our senses are deployed at the time. Since the carnage of Badr was caused by swinging swords and avoiding them, if the facts surrounding this day could not be accurately tallied, there was no chance the inarticulate mumblings of the Quran were retained over the generations.

Nothing was sacred. Muhammad was an incestuous annihilator… Tabari VII:80 “Abu Bakr said, ‘O Prophet of Allah, these are your people, your family; they are your cousins, fellow clansmen, and nephews. I think that you should accept ransoms for them so that what we take from them will strengthen us.’” Islam was financed by kidnapping and ransoming family members. The wealth of former friends and neighbors was forged into terror’s sword. Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s bloodsucking promoter, was only interested in the money.

Tabari VII:81 “‘What do you think Khattab?’ Muhammad asked. ‘I say you should hand them over to me so that I can cut off their heads. Hand Hamzah’s brother over to him so that he can cut off his head. Hand over Aqil to Ali so that he can cut off his brother’s head. Thus Allah will know that there is no leniency in our hearts toward the unbelievers.’ The Messenger liked what Abu Bakr said and did not like what I said, and accepted ransoms for the captives.” Bloodshed was entertaining; money was motivating.

This Tradition continues to pull back the veil on Islam. It was a performance, one in which a pagan god played a 469starring role. Tabari VII:81 “The next day I went to the Prophet in the morning. He was sitting with Abu Bakr, and they were weeping. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, tell me, what has made you and your companion weep? If I find cause to weep, I will weep with you, and if not, I will pretend to weep because you are weeping.’ The Prophet said, ‘It is because of the taking of ransoms which has been laid before your companions. It was laid before me that I should punish them instead.’ Allah revealed: ‘It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land.’ After that Allah made booty lawful for them.” Hamas followed Islamic protocol. They were being good Muslims. They slaughtered and then abducted.

Ishaq:316 “Following Badr, Muhammad sent raiders with orders to capture some of the Meccans and burn them alive. But on the following day he sent word to us, ‘I told you to burn these men if you got hold of them. But I decided that none has the right to punish by fire save Allah. So if you capture them, kill them.’” Muhammad was a vengeful and sadistic psychopath who relished torture. Allah was Hell’s Warden, burning infidels for his entertainment. They have confessed to their crimes.

Ishaq:316 “On the Badr expedition, the Messenger took the sword of Dhu al-Faqar as booty. It had belonged to Munabbih. On that day he also took Abu Jahl’s camel as booty. It was a Mahri dromedary on which he used to go on raids.” Nothing but the best for Muhammad – after all, he was a prophet. Ishaq:316 “It is said that he wrote ‘Ma’aqil’ (Blood-Money) on his sword.” Clever name. I wonder if it’s been copyrighted.
