83God Damn Religion


…Islamic Genocide


The Pedophile Pirate

When the Prophet married Aisha she was very young and not yet ready for consummation.
Tabari IX:128

She was very young.

Having focused upon the Quran, it’s time we return to the Hadith comprising Islamic Sunah in our quest to know the man, the god, the book, and the myths that have come to plague our world. There is no better way to thwart the expanding expression of terrorism and anti-Semitism, of death and destruction.

With his god’s unequivocal support, a faltering Muhammad settled into his public housing project and immediately began to act like the fool he had become… Ishaq:235 “In the year of the Prophet’s arrival, Abu Umamah died from a rattling in the throat. The Messenger said, ‘His death is an evil thing for the Jews and the Arab Hypocrites for they are sure to say, “If Muhammad were really a prophet his companion would not have died.” But truly, I have no power with Allah either for myself or for my companions.’”

While disbelieving Arabs were not the hypocrites in this story but, instead, the storytellers, neither they nor the Jews were responsible for rattle throat. Moreover, those smart enough to avoid being counted among the malcontents were not going to define a prophet in such a ridiculous manner.

Muhammad was a man without morals. And while his subjugation and abuse of his best friend’s six-year-old daughter began in Petra, we are reporting it here because 84nothing was disclosed regarding it until after the Hijrah | Migration of Shame.

Tabari VII:7 “The Prophet married Aisha three years before the Hijrah, after the death of Khadija. At the time she was six.”

Depending upon how one deals with the Islamic miscue on the Year of the Elephant in 522 CE, which was said to announce Muhammad’s birth, the reigning despot was either 50 or 68 when he first climbed into bed to sexually molest a 6-year-old child. And we cannot discount Mahmud the Elephant’s arrival since the Sira depicts him bowing down facing Mecca and, thereby, rallying a flock of birds who dropped pea-stones, causing the invading viceroy, Abrahah’s, fingers to fall off.

The Sirah Rasuli Allah | Biography of Allah’s Messenger, begins with… Ishaq:4 “Rabi’a of Yemen saw a terrifying vision. So, he summoned every soothsayer, sorcerer, omen-monger, and astrologer in his kingdom.” These occult types said his dream predicted a Satanic invasion from Africa, one ultimately thwarted by the arrival of a “pure prophet” (guess who?):

Ishaq:4 “By the Serpent of the lava plains, I swear the Ethiopians shall attack. A pure Prophet to whom revelation will come from on high will bring it to an end.” The soothsayers went on to proclaim, Ishaq:5 “It will be his intention to destroy the Jews living among him. In poetic verse they warned: ‘In rage against two Jewish tribes who live in Yathrib who richly deserve the punishment of a fateful day.’”

We are revisiting Muhammad’s birth announcement because it makes what he did with this child all the more appalling. The Rasuli’s lone biographer reported…

Ishaq:5 “The approaching army will seek to destroy the temple in Mecca, for we know of no other temple in the land which Allah has chosen for himself. The rabbis told Rabi’a to do what the people of Mecca did: ‘Circumambulate the Ka’aba, to venerate and honor it, to shave his head, and to bow down in humility in its sacred precincts.’ 85Recognizing the soundness of this advice, the king cut off their hands and feet, and continued on to Mecca.”

These paleo-Muslims, who submitted before Muhammad introduced Islam, circumambulated a pagan shrine without feet and wrote poetry without hands. They are said to have added a rather long poem to “their sacred books, reciting from the Torah.” A few of its lines are intriguing. They correctly defined the Ka’aba for what it was and for what Muhammad would do with it: Ishaq:12 “A House of ancient wealth in Mecca. Treasures I wanted to seize.” Then they are said to have authored one of the Quran’s most embarrassing lines: “Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great] before me was a Muslim. with knowledge true. He saw where the sun sinks from view in a pool of mud and fetid slime.’”

In the real world, Sabeans lived on both sides of the Red Sea. The Ethiopians practiced Christianity and Judaism, with the Trinitarians ruling over the Falashas. On the Yemeni side, as a result of Tu’ba Karina’s siege of Yathrib, Judaism prevailed over Christianity. So to impose his will and expand his empire, Abrahah sought to unite the Sabeans who gave rise to Islam as Arab converts to Judaism under Christianity. Ishaq:12 “After building a church, Abrahah, an Abyssinian viceroy, led his army north.”

And it is at this point that we learn that Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad’s grandfather and Ka’aba custodian, allegedly said, Ishaq:24 “Allah, you know that we do not wish to fight, for we do not have the ability. A man protects his house, so You protect Your House. Don’t let their craft overcome Your craft tomorrow. Deliver up the black barbarians.”

This led to the following fable… Ishaq:26 “Mahmud [the elephant] bowed down whenever it was asked to face Mecca. Then Allah rallied a flock of birds, each carrying a pea-like stone in its beak and in each claw. Everyone who was hit died. Abrahah’s fingers fell off one by one.”

The tale of the Lord’s derring-do became the subject of the Al-Fil | The Elephant surah, which proudly provides proof: 86Quran 105.001 “Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the Owners of the Elephant? Quran 105.002 Did He not make their treacherous plan go wrong, astray, being for naught and confused? Quran 105.003 And He sent against them hordes of flying creatures, birds in flocks, Quran 105.004 which pelted them with stones of baked clay. Quran 105.005 And He turned them into stalks of straw devoured, as empty fields, eaten up.”

Therefore, with so much fuss over the Year of the Elephant and the concurrent arrival of the purely anti-Semitic prophet, it is safe to conclude that Muhammad was 71, not 53, in 623 CE / AH 1. And that means that he was ten times her age when they became promiscuous and eight times her age when Islam’s prophet stole the child’s virginity. If there has ever been a bigger creep on this planet, we do not know of his exploits.

Ishaq:281 “When the Apostle came to Medina he was fifty-three.” Tabari VII:6 “In May, 623 AD/AH 1, Allah’s Messenger consummated his marriage to Aisha.” He would be dead in ten years; she hadn’t lived that long. Pedophilia was, and continues to be, child abuse. The abuse had come full circle; the abused was now an abuser.

Accusing a prophet of being a pedophile sounds outrageous. Yet the evidence is undeniable: Tabari IX:128 “When the Prophet married Aisha, she was very young and not yet ready for consummation.”

This is how it happened from the victim’s perspective: Tabari IX:131 “My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was brought in while Muhammad was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. The other men and women got up and left. The Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old.” Given a choice, I believe most people would prefer to receive guidance from someone other than a sexual predator.

87Even Muhammad struggled to justify his behavior. Bukhari:V9B86N98 “The Prophet said, ‘A virgin should not be married till she is asked for her consent.’ ‘O Apostle! How will the virgin express her consent?’ He said, ‘By remaining silent.’” To know Muhammad is to despise him.

Bukhari:V9B87N139-40 “Allah’s Apostle told Aisha, ‘You were shown to me twice in my dreams [a.k.a. sexual fantasies]. I beheld a man or angel carrying you in a silken cloth. He said to me, “She is yours, so uncover her.” And behold, it was you. I would then say to myself, “If this is from Allah, then it must happen.”’”

Allah not only approved pedophilia, he insisted upon it. That makes the Islamic god as perverted as his prophet. And let’s not mince words: Muhammad undressed and fondled this naked child the moment the adults left her in bed, abandoned in the pedophile’s lap.

Since 71-year-old pedophiles are not prophet material, I want to give Islam every possible opportunity to clear this up. The next Hadith is from Aisha.

Tabari VII:7 “There are special features in me that have not been in any woman except for what Allah bestowed on Maryam bt. Imran [referring to Mary, the mythical mother of the misnomer Jesus, although none of the “features” were applicable]. I do not say this to exalt myself over any of my companions.’

‘What are these?’ someone asked. Aisha replied, ‘The angel brought down my likeness [she was cute]; the Messenger married me when I was seven; my marriage was consummated when I was nine [she was sexually abused]; he married me when I was a virgin, no other man having shared me with him [she was a prepubescent and naive child]; inspiration came to him when he and I were in a single blanket [she “inspired” him]; I was one of the dearest people to him; a verse of the Quran was revealed concerning me when the community was almost destroyed [she inspired Allah]; and I saw Gabriel when none of his other wives saw him [she lied].’”

Consider the implications of Muhammad being inspired – meaning that a Quran surah was handed down while the over 70-year-old non-prophet was having sex with a child 88who was born in his sixties. Allah didn’t find pedophilia the least bit troubling.

The following confirms that the first Muslims were consumed by greed, the prophet was inspired by the body of a child, and the circumstances surrounding Quran revelations were as perverted as the scripture itself…

Bukhari:V5B57N119 “The people used to send presents to the Prophet on the day of Aisha’s turn [to have sex with him]. Aisha said, ‘His other wives gathered in the apartment of Um Salama [wife number two] and said, “Um, the people send presents on the day of Aisha’s turn and we too, love the good presents just as much as she does. You should tell Allah’s Apostle to order the people to send their presents to him regardless of whose turn it may be.”

Um repeated that to the Prophet and he turned away from her. When the Prophet returned to Um, she repeated the request again. The Prophet again turned away. After the third time, the Prophet said, “Um, don’t trouble me by harming Aisha, for by Allah, the Divine Inspiration [Quran surahs] never came to me while I was under the blanket of any woman among you except her.”’”

If there have been any skeptics who have made it this far without acknowledging that the Quran was inspired to satisfy Muhammad’s perverse cravings, rather than to save men’s souls, welcome to the realm of reason.

Earlier, I accused the victim of pedophilia of lying. I want to explain why. Her eighth divine gift was contradicted during one of the bedroom revelations. Bukhari:V4B54N440 “The Prophet said, ‘Aisha, this is Gabriel. He sends his greetings and salutations.’ Aisha said, ‘Salutations and greetings to him, and Allah’s Blessings.’ Addressing the Prophet she said, ‘You see what I don’t see.’”

This Hadith reveals how perverted Muhammad was and how sane other Arabs were by contrast… Bukhari:V4B52N211 “I participated in a Ghazwa [terrorist raid] with the Prophet. I said, ‘Apostle, I am a bridegroom.’ He asked me whether I had married a virgin or matron. I answered, ‘A matron.’ He said, ‘Why not a virgin who would have played with you? Then you could have played with 89her.’ ‘Apostle! My father was martyred and I have some young sisters, so I felt it not proper that I should marry a young girl as young as them.’” It’s obvious who corrupted whom.

Muhammad’s behavior would be considered criminal in every civilized nation on earth. No moral nation has ever condoned old men having sex with young children. Those who are caught are locked up – separated from decent people. Pedophilia is so heinous that convicted felons torment child abusers because even criminals can’t stand to be in their presence.

Such a grotesque act disqualified Muhammad from his alleged calling. What’s more, his personal perversity had a lasting legacy. Muslims follow his example. While most of what happens in the Islamic world escapes our purview, as Islam is hostile to all freedoms, including press and inquiry, we have gained glimpses in Afghanistan and Iraq. There, virginal young girls are frequently raped by Muslim men. And as you would expect in a culture influenced by Muhammad, the victims are shamed, not the perpetrators. Even worse, Bacha Bazi | Boy Play where boys as young as Ashia are enslaved, stripped, fettered, and sodomized by respected elders in the Muslim community. And it goes without indictment since sex with virginal boys is a featured attraction in Allah’s Bordello.

It is little wonder Muhammad’s contemporaries called him “mad,” “insane,” and “demon-possessed,” or that Islamic clerics try to deny the horror of their reality. Moreover, this is the very reason why Muhammad assassinated a score of poets, the journalists of their day. He had to silence those who had the courage to expose him. Today, Muslim rulers issue fatwas to assassinate those willing to share the truth about the sexual predator responsible for the Quran, Sunnah, and religion of Islam.

Decadent egomaniacs like Muhammad are deeply troubled and tortured souls. Their insecurities drive unbridled lust for power, sex, and money. Their feelings of 90inadequacy cause them to be reclusive, yet their outward manner overcompensates, making them abusive and purposely deceptive. They need others to bow down to them in submission and require unquestioned obedience. Muhammad was a textbook case (as was Adolf Hitler, his modern twin).

These ahadith present the contrast between the inward and outward expressions of the man responsible for Islam. Bukhari:V4B56N762 “The Prophet was shier than a veined virgin girl.” Bukhari:V9B89N251 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me.’” Pedophilia, incest, and rape are all perverted manifestations of a thirst for power and control. Insecurity is the cause.

I apologize for dragging you through this muck. I realize the material we just covered would be illegal, even in a pornographic movie. And we are not done. We have yet to deal with the prophet’s other depravities: incest and rape. But at least you now know why this control freak’s paradise was a brothel filled with ever-attentive young virgins ready to be conquered.

Unfortunately, child abuse is all too common, particularly in the Muslim world and to a lesser degree in the West, with nearly 1 in 3 underage Muslim girls and 1 in 7 un-Islamic children assaulted. The victims, however, are very rarely as young as Aisha, and when they are, the perpetrator is under 10, not over 70. Further, the abuse seldom rises to the level of “consummation” prior to age 13 – making Muhammad’s crime extreme. And while older men prey on the vulnerability of much younger victims, pedophiles are almost always under 50. However, as was the case with Muhammad, child abusers are commonly repeat offenders, often attacking up to ten young girls.

As was the case with the non-prophet of Islam, pedophiles are mostly male and typically heterosexual. Most 91engage with adult sex partners, but they prefer children because they are available, vulnerable, easy to control, and taboo. This crime begins with fondling, which occurred when Ashia was six, and penetration follows, but almost never until the victim is over 12. The perpetrator is typically a relative, friend, or neighbor, as was the case with Muhammad, and with little girls, the abuse begins in the victim’s home. Most pedophiles, as was the case with Allah’s Rasuli, were abused as children.

While apart from Muhammad, sexual predators don’t have a fake god advocating for them and excusing their behavior, so most blame shifts to the child, as is the case with the 24th surah. They are dismissive of the rights of others and often belittle those who would seek to hold them accountable. They, like Muhammad, are quick-tempered, blame others for their problems, and are impulsive, jealous, and controlling. They have a propensity to turn young children into sexual objects for their fantasies, as is the case with the Islamic paradise.

So, while that’s the non-prophet’s sordid story, his un-god was also guilty of fantasizing about raping young Jewish girls. As I have shared, Ezekiel is Satan’s autobiography. And there we read of the Lord’s abuse in addition to victim shaming…

“Growing (gadal), you came (wa bow’) with jewelry and desires with adornments (ba ‘ady ‘ady). Breasts (shad) were formed firm and erect (kuwn) and your hair (wa se’ar ‘ath) had sprouted up and grown (tsamach). You were nude and exposed (wa ‘ath ‘eyrom wa ‘eryah). (Ezekiel 16:7) So I passed by to intoxicate you, disrobe you, and have ongoing intercourse with you (wa ‘abar ‘al ‘ath), then I look and see (wa ra’ah) you (‘ath), and behold (wa hineh), you (‘ath) are at the occasion and proper time, the period and opportunity (‘eth) for love (dowd). So, I spread open (wa paras) the hem of my garment (knap ‘any – 92the extremity of my clothing) over you (‘al ‘ath) and I conceal (wa kasah – so I hide) your genitals (‘erwah ‘ath).

I made a vow (wa shaba’) to approach you (la ‘ath) and so I pursued and entered (wa bow’) into (ba) a marriage proposal and binding pledge, a covenant (beryth), with you (‘eth ‘ath), declares (na’um) My Lord and Master (‘adony), This Is Not Him (#^^#!) – and you (wa ‘ath) became and remain mine (hayah la ‘any). (Ezekiel 16:8) Then I continually bathed you (wa rachats ‘ath) with the water (ba ha maym) and I flooded you, sweeping away (wa shataph) your blood (dam ‘ath) from upon you (min ‘al ‘ath), and I will continually apply oils and lotions on you, smearing and greasing you with oils and fats (suwk ‘ath ba ha shemen). (Ezekiel 16:9)

Then I dress you (wa labash ‘ath) in colors of variegated hues alluding to sexual slavery (riqmah) and I will lock you up, bolting and securing you (wa na’al ‘ath) in the skin of a dolphin (tachash). I bind and saddle you (wa chabash ‘ath) in linen (ba ha shesh) and conceal you (wa kasah ‘ath) in exotic fabric (meshy). (Ezekiel 16:10) And I adorned and bejeweled you, decorating and ornamenting you with trinkets (‘adah ‘ath ‘ady). And I gave (wa nathan) bracelets (tsamyd) for your hand (‘al yad ‘ath) and a chain (wa rabyd) on your neck upon your throat (‘al garown ‘ath). (Ezekiel 16:11) I put (wa nathan) a ring (nazem) on your nose (‘al ‘aph ‘ath) and round hooped earrings (wa agyl) on your ears (‘al ‘ozen ‘ath), along with an ornamental crown (‘atarah tiphe’reth) in your head (ba ro’sh ‘ath). (Ezekiel 16:12)

So it goes out during a migration and exodus (wa yatsa’) for you (la ‘ath) a name, renown, and reputation (shem) with the gentiles (ba ha gowym) with your attractive appearance and desirable beauty (ba yophy ‘ath) because (ky) it was the highest and best rating attributable to physical beauty but, also, like a holocaust (kalyl huw’) with my glorious majesty and beautiful 93appearance (hadar ‘any) which (‘asher) I placed (sym) on you (‘al ‘ath), announces (na’um) my lord (‘adony), This Is Not Him (#^^#!). (Ezekiel 16:14)

But you trusted in and relied upon (wa batach ba) your beauty (ba yophy ‘ath) and became a whore (wa zanah) based upon your name and reputation (‘al shem ‘ath). Now you are oozing out (wa shaphak) your unfaithful promiscuity, fornication, and harlotry (taznuwth ‘ath) on everyone who passes by, especially the intoxicated and arrogant (‘al kol ‘abar) to be his (la huw’ hayah). (Ezekiel 16:15)

You grasp hold (wa laqach) of your garments (min beged ‘ath) and make for yourself (wa ‘asah la ‘ath) patchwork (tala’) shrines (bamah) and you acted like a whore (wa zanah) based upon them (‘al hem). She never comes (lo’ bow) and he does not exist (wa lo’ hayah). (Ezekiel 16:16) You hold (wa laqach) your ornamental objects (kaly tiph’arth ‘ath) from my gold (min zahab ‘any) and from my silver (min keseph ‘any) which (‘asher) I had given (nathan) to you (la ‘ath) and make for yourself (wa ‘asah la ‘ath) images and models (tselem) of memorable males (zakar) to be engaged in sexual performances (wa zanah) with them (ba hem). (Ezekiel 16:17) And you grasp hold (wa laqach) of your multi-colored garments associated with human trafficking of sex slaves (‘eth beged riqmah ‘ath) to conceal them (wa kasah hem). And my oil and fat (wa shemen ‘any) and my incense and perfumes (wa qatoreth ‘any) you have offered to put (nathan) before them (la paneh). (Ezekiel 16:18)

Then you grasp hold (wa laqach) of your sons (‘eth beny ‘ath) and your daughters (wa benowthy ‘ath) whom (‘asher) you had given birth to a child (yalad) by me (la ‘any). And you are slaughtering, butchering, and sacrificing them (wa zabach hem) for them to be eaten (la hem la ‘akal). Is your unfaithful promiscuity and wanton whoring a small matter (ha ma’at min taznuwth ‘ath)? 94(Ezekiel 16:20) And you are continually slaughtering, actually butchering, and genuinely sacrificing (wa zabach) my sons (‘eth ben ‘any). You gave them up and are offering them (wa nathan hem) by passing over, crossing to the other side, being intoxicated and disrobing (ba ‘abar) with them (‘eth hem la hem). (Ezekiel 16:21)

In all (wa ‘eth kol) of your abominations (tow’ebah ‘atah) and your unfaithful whoring (wa taznuwth ‘ath), you did not mention or remember (lo’ zakar) the days of your youth as a child (‘eth yowmym na’uwrym ‘ath) when you were (ba hayah ‘ath) naked (‘erom) and bare, totally nude (‘eryah), all alone, trampled down, kicked about, and loathed as trash (bows), being in your own blood (ba dam ‘ath hayah).” (Ezekiel 16:22)

Prior to the Quran, this was among the most macabre things I’ve ever read. If this had been written as the screenplay for a horror film, it would have been rejected for having been too depraved to be perceived as realistic. Clearly, there is a reason Satan is considered demonic – and it is now on full display. He is a sadist and a pervert.

Following along, the little girl that the Lord of Babel sexually abused is now being labeled an “abomination” by the demon who molested her. She is considered a disloyal whore because she fails to mention being preyed upon by her pedophile pimp. The one who undresses little girls when they are all alone, kicks them around as if they were trash, causing them to bleed profusely, is complaining that he hasn’t been duly respected. It is hard to believe, but nonetheless, Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider these to be the words of their god. And Muslims would be right.

“And it is (wa hayah) after all (‘achar kol) of your evil shepherding and wicked friends (ra’ah ‘ath), woe, woe to you (‘owy ‘owy la ‘ath), declares (na’um) my lord, master, 95and owner, the one who possesses and controls me (‘adony), This Is Not Him (#^^#!). (Ezekiel 16:23)

You are constantly building for yourself (wa banah la ‘atah) an all-seeing eye and deep recess (gab) and you are making for yourself (wa ‘asah la ‘ath) an erroneous and misleading view of abandonment as a form of sacred worship to be tossed around as a deceptive betrayal to be hurled as a maggot at a shrine (ramah) in every public square (ba kol rachob). (Ezekiel 16:24)

From the very beginning of your ways, you have built (‘el kol ro’sh derek banah) your shrine and sacred place of worship on a mound of maggots and worms being thrown as deceptions regarding your betrayal (ramah ‘ath) and abomination (wa tow’ebah). With your physical beauty and desirable outward appearance (‘eth yophy ‘ath), you are constantly spreading open your legs (pasaq ‘eth regel ‘ath) to (la) all (kol) passing by (‘abar), and you are increasing (wa rabah) your obscene sexuality (taznuwth ‘ath). (Ezekiel 16:25)

So behold (wa hineh), I stretched out (natah) my hand (yad ‘any) over and against you (‘al ‘ath), and I am reducing and eliminating (wa gara’) your share and allocation (choq ‘ath). Then I am offering you (wa nathan ‘ath) by way of conscious (ba nepesh) dislikes and shuns (sane’ ‘ath) to the women of the Philistines (bathowth Palishty) to be humiliated and disgraced, disrespected and abused (ha kalem) by way of you lewd and shameless behavior and infamously devised and wicked plans (min derek ‘ath zimah).” (Ezekiel 16:27)

Satan’s first of two dark fantasies against Jewish women concludes with these disparaging comments…

“Therefore (la ken), Miss Prostitute (zonah), hear the message (shama’ dabar) of This Is Not Him (#^^#!). (Ezekiel 16:35) Thus said (koh ‘amar) my Lord (‘adony), This Is Not Him (#^^#!): Because (ya’an) your vagina is 96filthy, menstruating, and lewd (nachoshet ‘ath) pouring out and being drained (shaphak) and your indecent private parts (wa ‘erwah ‘ath) are being bared and exposed (galah) with your fornication, promiscuity, and harlotry as the pro bono prostitute (ba taznuwth ‘ath) over and above your lovers (‘al ‘ahab ‘ath) and on top of all of your abominable idols and crafted images (wa ‘al kol giluwlym tow’ebah), and just as (wa ka) the blood (dam) of your children (ben ‘ath) which (‘asher) you offered to give to them (nathan la hem). (Ezekiel 16:36)

I have judged you (wa shaphat ‘ath), the unfaithful women (na’aph) and the women who shed blood (wa shaphak dam), with the means to exercise judgment (mishpat). And so, I have given (wa nathan) you the blood (‘ath dam) of venomous wrath, snake toxin (chemah), and jealousy (wa qina’ah). (Ezekiel 16:38)

I have given (wa nathan) you into their hands (eth ‘ath ba yad hem). So, they will have demolished and torn down (haras) what you can see (gab ‘ath). They have broken down (wa natats) your shrines to maggots hurled on the hill of your deceptive worm worship (ramah ‘ath). They have stripped off and removed (wa phashat) from you, your clothes (‘eth ‘ath beged ‘ath). They have grasped hold of (wa laqach) your ornamental jewels (kaly tiph’areth ‘ath). They wail in anticipation of setting you up (wa nuwach ‘ath) naked (‘eyrom), vulnerable, and shamed (wa ‘eryah). (Ezekiel 16:39)

They have been carried away and will raise up (wa ‘alah) upon you (‘al ‘ath) a mob, a throng of people from the community, assembling a large crowd (qahal), and they will kill you by hurling large stones, executing you by burying you alive (wa ragam ‘eth ‘ath) with the Stone (ba ha ‘eben) and then (wa) they will kill you by cutting you into pieces, slaughtering you (bataq ‘ath) with their swords and knives (ba chereb hem). (Ezekiel 16:40)

97Then (wa) they will burn, sacrificing and consuming those within (saraph) your houses and families (beyth ‘ath) within the fire (ba ha ‘esh). And (wa) they will engage by executing against you (‘asah ba ‘ath) judgments and penalties to inflict pain and suffering (shephet) for the eyes (la ‘ayn) of numerous women (‘ishah rab).” (Ezekiel 16:41)

It is as if Satan was predicting what would occur in Israel as a result of Muslims. Although, the events of October 7th were not the first nor the last time they would rape, plunder, incinerate, mutilate, and murder Jews. The first such occasion was just a few years away for the descendants of those exiled in Babylon.


Muhammad, like his religion, was fixated on the flesh. As we have discovered, and according to the Quran, dead bodies are to be reassembled so that skin can be singed in hell and teased in paradise. The soul was incidental because the religion was made in the non-prophet’s image and to motivate similar malcontents to murder and mayhem.

To appreciate Islam’s elevation of body over soul, we must look at the source of his inspiration. The un-god knew all about submission because he was once a mal’ak:

Quran 007.011 “And truthfully, We created you then we fashioned you. Then We ordered the malak | angels to fall and prostrate to Adam. And they prostrated except Iblis (Satan). He refused to be of those who prostrate.”

Quran 007.012 Said, ‘What prevented you that you did not fall prostrate when I commanded you?’ Said: ‘I am better than him. You created me from fire and him you created from mud.’ Quran 007.013 Said. ‘Go down from it. It is not for you to be arrogant here. Go away, for you are degraded and disgraced.’” Quran 007.014 “He (Satan) said, ‘Give me a reprieve until the Day they are raised up.’ Quran 98007.015 He said, ‘You are of those allowed relief and reprieve.’ Quran 007.016 Said (Satan), ‘Because You have sent me astray, lo, I will lurk in ambush for them on Your straight path.

Quran 007.017 Then verily, I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left so You will not find them showing appreciation.’ Quran 007.018 Said: ‘Get out of it rejected and expelled. Lo! Verily, whoever of them will follow you, then surely, I will fill Hell with all of you.’”

This is like reading Ezekiel, where Satan lays out his agenda while claiming to be God. In typical fashion, we find babel | truth mixed with lies. Satan was judged and condemned 6,000 years ago in the Garden for corrupting Yahowah’s instructions while pretending to be smarter than the Almighty. But rather than being sent directly to She’owl, he was given a reprieve in time.

Since Allah is auditioning as God while Iblis is cast in the role of Adversary, Satan is acknowledging that most people will fail to appreciate what God has done for them. Then, after providing the reprieve, Allah banished his Adversarial identity off to Hell. So, now that Allah has cast aspersions on his Satanic nature, he is ready to revise the story he knows best, the one he reprises with panache in Ezekiel and the Quran. Allah is back in the Garden.

Quran 007.019 “Adam, dwell you and your wife in al-Janata | the Garden of Jinn. You both eat from whatever you wish, but approach not this tree, otherwise you both be of the zalim | cruel lords.’ Quran 007.020 Then al-Shaitan | the Adversary, Satan, whispered to them both that which was hidden from them of their private parts. He said, ‘Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become malak | angels as the immortals.’”

Truth and lies are jumbled together in a word salad. As an interesting twist, while Chawah’s stated desire in the Towrah was to be like God, in the Quran, the enticement was to be like Satan, who, as a karuwb, was a malak. Moreover, ‘Adam and Chawah would have been immortal at this time. The consequence of their rejection of Yahowah’s instruction 99was to die. Further, becoming an “angel” would have been a demotion. Without freewill, a mal’ak is a less desirable position than ‘adam | man. But, alas, there is no freewill in Islam. Besides, why would ‘Adam want to become an “angel” if the angels were bowing to him?

The moral of this story is that, if stealing God’s material, it’s best not to make a fool of oneself while doing so. But such is Islam – well, that and lots of raping, plundering, enslaving, terrorizing, and killing.

Quran 007.021 “He swore to them, ‘Lo, I am a truthful adviser to them.’ Quran 007.022 By deceit he misled them. When they tasted of the tree, became apparent to them their private parts and they began to stick the leaves of al-Janati over themselves. And their Lord called out to them, ‘Did I not forbid you from that tree and say to you, “Lo, al Shaitan | the Adversary is an enemy to you?”’”

Allah has no credibility without pretending to be Yahowah, and yet, since he is not God, he has to move the pieces around to fit his persona and intent. Further, since Satan is an effective liar, he knows that an outright deception is hard to sell while it’s child’s play to snooker almost everyone when parlaying off of something that is either accepted or true.

Satan, like all karuwb and mal’ak, is a four-to-seven-dimensional construct. That is to say, he can maneuver in time – the fourth dimension. While this may sound complex, we have known since Einstein that space has a fourth axis, an infinite aspect that we cannot yet navigate. In this regard, spiritual beings are superior to men as we are trapped in three-dimensional bodies – stuck in the ordinary flow of time.

Yahowah exists outside the constraints of time, which is why his name means “I Am.” This explains how God can report our future in our past because He has witnessed it occur. He has seen the culmination of our choices.

100By contrast, Satan knows that his spirit is inferior to ours for two reasons. We are made in God’s image with a conscience and freewill. With choice, we have the capacity to be creative and to love. These attributes remain God’s and our most endearing qualities. But since Halal ben Shachar has neither, he doesn’t want to compete with us on these things because he can’t win.

However, when he competes with us bodily, he can’t lose. We are three-dimensional, and he is, at the very least, four. The difference is infinite, just as it is between two- and three-axis realms. The comparison is like a cartoon rendering of Mickey Mouse competing with Walt Disney. This is why Islam is focused on the body. It makes the sexually indulgent Muhammad the perfect Satanic prophet.


The arrival of the first child born to Muslims after the Hijrah | Migration of Shame was celebrated. There would be baby vipers.

Tabari VII:9 “The Messenger’s Companions cried, ‘Allahu Akbar’ [Allah is Greater than Yahowah, was the implication], when she was born. This was because a story was current among the Muslims that the Jews claimed that they had bewitched them so that no children would be born. The Muslims praised Allah that he had falsified the Jews’ claim.”

This is pathetic. Jews would never have claimed such a thing because it isn’t even remotely credible. Further, Muslims are inferring that their god’s magic spells were more powerful than the Jewish God’s. Even if they were right, it made Islam wrong.

The next seven section titles in Tabari’s The Foundation of the Community begin with “Expedition.” The Arabic word is “Maghazi,” which is translated as “Raid” in the Sira. It 101actually means “invasion.” It’s synonymous with “Jihad,” defined by Bukhari as “Holy fighting in Allah’s Cause.”

A more complete explanation is provided in the Book of Jihad, on page 580 of Maktba Dar-us-Salam’s publication of Sahih Al-Bukhari. It reads, “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its Pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah is made superior and He becomes the only God who may be worshiped. By Jihad Islam is propagated and made superior. By abandoning Jihad (may Allah protect us from that) Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position. Their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, and Muslim rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape this duty dies as a hypocrite.”

Every nuance of this directive was derived from the Quran. Every word was lived by Muhammad. It accurately represents fundamental Islam, so much so each of the 150 Hadiths that follow this definition of Jihad speaks of fighting; none suggest a spiritual struggle. Among them, Muhammad says that the most important deed is Jihad, fighting in Allah’s Cause. (Bukhari:V4B52N44) And the Quran agrees, saying peaceful Muslims are hypocrites destined to burn in hell. They are “the worst of creatures,” “the most vile of animals.” (Quran surahs 2, 3, and 33, 5, 8, and 9)

So that there is no question regarding the appropriateness of using Bukhari as a source, here’s what the most respected Islamic scholars had to say about him: “Al-Bukhari’s Hadith is the most authentic and true book of the Prophet.” The translators said, “I am perfectly sure that the translation, with Allah’s help and after all the great efforts exerted in its production, has neared perfection.”

The imams from the cradle of Islam, the Islamic University of Medina in Saudi Arabia, said, “It has been unanimously agreed that Imam Bukhari’s work is the most authentic of all the other sources in Hadith literature put together. It is second only to the Quran.”

102That leaves you and me at the crossroads of destiny. If we don’t deal with the malignant gravity of Islamic Jihad, our future will vanish before our eyes. If we wish to avoid the abyss of world war, we must expose the doctrine committed to world conquest. We must liberate Muslims from Islam. But it does not stand alone, especially since Ibn Ishaq was on the scene collecting Hadith before Bukhari and Tabari wrote his history using the same collection of oral reports from Muhammad and his companions.

And so, they are not only equally valid, the Quran cannot be any better since it was retained and conveyed by the same people, at the same time, and in the same way as the Hadith. And turning now to the historical assemblage of Sunah we read under the title, “The Expedition Led by Hamzah, a depiction of the first Maghazi | terrorist raid.

Hamzah, a huntsman in Petra, was now a “Mujahid” (the plural is Mujahidun) – “a Muslim warrior in Jihad.” Tabari VII:10 “In Ramadhan, seven months after the Hijrah, Muhammad entrusted a white war banner to Hamzah with the command of thirty Emigrants. Their aim was to intercept a Quraysh caravan.” Seven months after fleeing Mecca in shame, the pedophile prophet has become a sand pirate and terrorist, eager to bludgeon and plunder his kin.

So that there is no misunderstanding, let’s define these less-than-admirable characterizations. Pirate: a renegade who, along with others under his command, uses force of arms to steal the property of others. Terrorist: a person who violently attacks civilians, destroys their property, and disrupts their economy as a means to achieve a political or religious objective.

The flag Muhammad handed to Hamzah was a war banner. It was one of the many symbols borrowed from his patriarch Qusayy. Hamzah was a jihadist. He was given the command of thirty men. Their aim was to intercept a caravan, a civilian economic enterprise owned by the people Muhammad had promised to slaughter because they had 103teased him. The intent was piracy and terror. Their failure didn’t change what they had become – what Islam had done to them. At this point in the profiteer’s career, there were simply more good guys than there were bad guys, and he was as inept a pirate as he was a prophet.

Turning to Muhammad’s biographer, we learn more about the mindset of the first Muslims… Ishaq:283 “Hamza’s expedition to the seashore comprised thirty riders, all Emigrants from Mecca. He met Abu Jahl who had 300 riders. Amr, intervened for he was at peace with both sides. Hazma said, so they allege: ‘Wonder at good sense and at folly, at a lack of sound counsel and at sensible advice. Their people and property are not yet violated as we haven’t attacked. We called them to Islam but they treat it as a joke. They laughed until I threatened them. At the Apostle’s command, I was the first to march beneath his flag, a victorious banner from Allah. Even as they sullied forth burning with rage, Allah frustrated their schemes.’”

Abu Jahl, who was a merchant and not a militant, responded to the Muslim terrorists… Ishaq:284 “I am amazed at the causes of anger and folly and at those who stir up strife by lying controversy. They abandon our fathers’ ways. They come with lies to twist our minds. But their lies cannot confound the wise. If you give up your raids we will take you back for you are our cousins, our kin. But they chose to believe Muhammad and became obstinately contentious. All their deeds became evil.” As always, the Quraysh understood Islam. They knew Muhammad and rejected him.

Ibn Ishaq thought: Ishaq:281 “The Raid on Waddan was the first Maghazi.” He said, “The Expedition of Ubayda Harith was second. The Apostle sent Ubayda out on a raid with sixty or eighty riders from the Emigrants, there not being a single Ansar among them. He encountered a large number of Quraysh in the Hijaz. Abu Bakr composed a poem about the raid.”

Some of the more memorable lines from Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s accomplice and father-in-law, include… Ishaq:281 “When we called them to the truth they turned their backs and howled like bitches. Allah’s punishment on them will not tarry. I swear by the Lord of Camels that I am no perjurer. A valiant band 104will descend upon the Quraysh which will leave women husbandless. It will leave men dead, with vultures wheeling round. It will not spare the infidels.”

It is apparent that we are dealing with soaring intellects and bastions of morality because the first caliph called his extended family and former neighbors, the working men of his hometown, “howling bitches.” And it is interesting to note that the man who sacrificed his six-year-old daughter to the sexual decadence of Allah’s Rasuli to retain his special place in the death cult that had become a criminal enterprise was also a messenger, calling the howling bitches to submission so that they could join the gang.

And as we continue to plumb the depths of Islamic self-incrimination, since “Allah’s punishment on them” never came but, in fact, tarried past the point Petra was abandoned over 1,300 years ago, the failure to deliver on the threat of the Day of Doom proves that Muhammad was a false prophet and Allah was an inept fraud.

We have long recognized that Allah had a peculiar and unhealthy affinity for camels and cows. However, did anyone expect that Muhammad’s gang leader, who grew up in the town where the fractured stone was stacked among the other gods and goddesses, would refer to the voice of the Quran as “the Lord of Camels?” Not only that, he was swearing by him, so it wasn’t a pejorative but, instead, a compliment. And, of course, Muslims can rely on this demotion of their Lord because Abu Bakr said that he was “no perjurer.”

It is rare to find men bragging about their desire and commitment to slaughter their former friends and family, but that is what Abu Bakr was anticipating and celebrating. As if they were establishing the mafia, the consequence of not capitulating to the Godfather would be death. Should the first Caliph have achieved his stated ambition, no non-Muslim would be spared.

105Responding to this derisive rhetoric, an “unbeliever” named “Slave-to-Allah” replied…

Ishaq:282 “Does your eye weep unceasingly over the ruins of a dwelling that the shifting sands obscure? Is your army and declaration of war firm enough that we should abandon images venerated in Mecca, passed on to heirs by a noble ancestor? Are your steeds panting at the fray, are your swords polished white, are they in the hands of warriors, dangerous as lions, or are you conceited? Are you here to quench your thirst for vengeance? Nay, they withdraw in great fear and awe.”

Recognizing the ravaged condition of Petra by this time, and knowing that it would soon be abandoned, realizing that Mecca did not yet exist, and that the Ka’aba was a rock pile housing rock gods, it was obvious that Muhammad was pining “over the ruins of a dwelling that the shifting sands obscure.” However, it is surprising to see this admission in their scriptures. It is also worth noting that Petra was obscured for 12 centuries under the shifting sands, but such was not the case with Mecca. Once the Ka’aba was relocated, necessitating the change of qibla, it has been rebuilt and draped but never obscured.

The Quraysh merchants were aware that what the world has come to know as the religion of Islam was more accurately assessed as a Declaration of War. The first Muslims were a gang of hoodlums. The business of Islam was armed robbery. And these are irrefutable facts.

Further, the Slave-to-Allah affirmed that the actual founder of the pagan shrine and the polytheistic religious rites which were incorporated into Islam, Qusayy, was a noble ancestor. In this context, he was insinuating that since Muhammad stole their religion, he was a fraud.

Judaism is identified with a star and Christianity is spread under the sign of the cross. By contrast, Islam metastasized under “swords polished white…in the hands of warriors, dangerous as lions.” Although, that comparison wasn’t fair since lions do not kill for their amusement, to 106spread their religion, or to plunder their neighbors. Lions are not savages.

Conceit is what drove both the un-god and non-prophet of Islam. Without Satan’s protestation that he was God, and without Muhammad’s insistence that he be obeyed, venerated, immortalized, and enriched, there is no Quran or Islam.

Had the Quraysh robbed the first Muslims, had they murdered and enslaved members of Muhammad’s menacing gang, vengeance would have been appropriate. But since the opposite was true, and all the Quraysh had done was to denounce Muhammad’s confiscation of their religion, there was no justification for retaliation.

Lastly, we can surmise that Muslims haven’t changed much over the centuries. When they have the element of surprise, when they are acting like a large mob of armed terrorists attacking relatively few unarmed civilians, they are screaming banshees. But when they are confronted by an armed force and are required to fight like men, they flee, hiding under the burkas of their women. As noted during the terrorist savagery of October 7th, 2023 against women and children in Israel and the subsequent fight against an army in Gaza, Muslims are gangsters, not soldiers.

After the first failed raids, the historian reports: Tabari VII:10 “Eight months after the Hijrah, Allah’s Messenger entrusted a white war banner to Ubaydah and ordered him to march to Batn Rabigh. He reached the pass of Marah, near Juhfah, at the head of sixty Emigrants without a single Ansari among them. They met the polytheists at a watering place called Ahya. They shot arrows at one another but there was no hand-to-hand fighting.”

The non-prophet, through proxy, was now a repeat offender. Eight months into the Islamic Era, he had ordered multiple armed raids on civilians – mostly on his own tribe. Muslim apologists profess that Muhammad was forced into 107defending Islam and that he was neither aggressor, pirate, nor terrorist. But that position is indefensible.

Nothing is known about the Muhammad of history because no independent records exist. All that is known about him is contained in these Hadiths. If they say he attacked a civilian caravan and then ordered men to march in pursuit of plunder in another town, he did. Therefore, he was the aggressor. There isn’t even a hint of self-defense in these Traditions, nor do they try to explain away the prophet’s motives. They were after money, not armies – booty, not converts.

It is, therefore, impossible to be an informed, rational, and moral person and to exonerate Islam. It was born bad and did not get better with time. There is no excuse for a religion based on terrorism and plunder.

You may be wondering why none of the Ansari joined the Muslim Emigrants on either raid. The answer is that they hadn’t been Muslims long enough and, therefore, still knew right from wrong. Islam had already corrupted the first Muslims to the point that they thought piracy and terror were justifiable, even admirable. And therein is a clue that can be used to thwart Islamic terrorism today. Eliminate the mosques, educate the media, and change the curriculum in schools, and there will be no more jihadists.

Now, for the first time, the aging weasel saddled his camel and rode alongside his henchmen. Once again, he was hunting his own family… Ishaq:285 “Then the Apostle went raiding in the month of Rabi u’l-Awwal making for the Quraysh. He returned to Medina without fighting. Then he raided the Quraysh by way of Dinar.”

Tabari VII:11 “In this year the Messenger entrusted to Sa’d a white war banner for the expedition to Kharrar. Sa’d said, ‘I set out on foot at the head of twenty men. We used to lie hidden by day and march at night, until we reached Kharrar on the fifth morning. The caravan had arrived in town a day before. There were sixty men with it. Those who were with Sa’d were all Emigrants.’”

108Muhammad is now a serial offender, a committed sand pirate and terrorist, albeit a failed one. Allah, evidently, wasn’t much help.

Tabari VII:11 “The Messenger of Allah went out on a raid as far as Waddan, searching for Quraysh. In the course of which, the Banu Damrah made a treaty of friendship with him. Then Muhammad returned to Medina without any fighting and remained there for the rest of the month.”

Once again, Muhammad set out with the express intent of finding the Quraysh and robbing them. And while it was telling that he inked a treaty of friendship, even this was the wrong thing for a prophet to do. Yahowah consistently speaks out against them because He knows that since neither side can be trusted, they are counterproductive. This is not unlike expanding NATO to precipitate the onset of the Third World War.

This means that Muhammad was now considered a “fellow chief” commanding a band of armed men – hardly prophet-like. Besides, what is the point since the Quran plainly states that Muslims renounce their vows and that treaties with unbelieving infidels weren’t binding for Muslims? This alliance was with pagans. And that’s also a problem since Allah is pretending to be Yahowah. God is insistent that we do not emulate the ways of the Gentiles and thus partner with them.

Tabari VII:12 “During this stay he sent Ubaydah at the head of sixty horsemen from the Emigrants without an Ansari among them. He got as far as a watering place in Hijaz [Central Arabia], below the pass of Marah. There he met a greater band of Quraysh, but there was no fighting except Sa’d shot an arrow. Then the two groups separated, the Muslims leaving a rearguard.”

Islamic raiders marched with the intent to plunder and kill. The only thing that stopped them from achieving their objective was the sight of competent and vigilant defenders. As Israel seeks to protect its people from Muslims today, Israelis would do well to keep this in mind.

109Tabari VII:13 “Muhammad led an expedition in [the month of] Rabi al-Akhir in search of Quraysh. He went as far as Buwat in the region of Radwa and then returned without any fighting. Then he led another expedition in search of the Meccans. He took the mountain track and crossed the desert, halting beneath a tree in Batha. He prayed there. [What on earth was he praying for? “O God, please help me rob and kill my family. Thank you. Amen.”] After a few days the Prophet went out in pursuit of the Kutz.”

The Islamic Era was but a year old, yet Muslims were fully committed to the path of plunder and terror. Forget for a moment that this was supposed to be a religion. There was nothing noble, moral, or redeeming about raiding parties seeking to rob civilian caravans or expeditions marching off to terrorize unsuspecting villagers.

Just as there was no redeeming surah among the 90 revealed in Petra, there was no virtuous behavior in Yathrib. I haven’t cherry-picked the ugly parts out of a sea of pious religious activities. I have reported everything – presenting 4,200 pages of evidence against Islam – all of which came from the founders of this murderous gang.


The second year of the Islamic Era, 623 CE, began as the first ended. The opening headline reads: Tabari VII:15 “Expeditions Led by Allah’s Messenger,” This was followed by: “In this year, according to all Sira writers, the Messenger personally led the Ghazwa of Alwa. [A Ghazwa is an Islamic Invasion in Allah’s Cause consisting of a significant number of armed mujahid which was led by the non-prophet.] He left Sa’d in command of Medina. On this raid his banner was carried by Hamzah. He stayed out for fifteen days and then returned to Medina.”

This was the eighth failed terrorist attack in as many months. At least up to this point, Muhammad was no better at terrorism than he was at being a prophet.

110There are two interesting subtleties here. First, Sa’d, the Rasuli’s most fierce warrior, was left in “command” of Medina because the prophet had become a warlord. And considering the nature of the Islamic world today, that made him a role model. Second, the “religion” of Islam actually coined a word to define an armed raid personally led by its prophet. There is something very perverse about that which the world is ever ready to overlook.

Tabari VII:15 “According to Waqidi, the Messenger went on a Ghazwa at the head of two hundred of his companions in October, 623 and reached Buwat. His intention was to intercept a Quraysh caravan with a hundred men and twenty-five hundred camels.”

This expedition was neither a military operation nor was it defensive. And it most assuredly wasn’t religious. It was an act of terrorism against a civilian economic activity. This Lord of Larceny was after booty.

The Hadith reports: Tabari VII:15 “In this year Muhammad sent forth the Emigrants to intercept a Quraysh caravan en route to Syria. His war banner was carried by Hamzah.” It also failed. The score was Muslim Militants 0, Infidels 10. Unfortunately, Islam would get better at this game than they ever got at religion.

But as for being productive and achieving something of value, that would be un-Islamic then and now…

Ishaq:286 & Tabari VII:16 “Ali and I were with the Messenger on the Ghazwa of Ushayrah. We halted on one occasion and saw some men of the Banu Mudlij working in one of their date groves. I said, ‘Why don’t we go and see how they work?’ So we went and watched them for a while; then we felt drowsy and went to sleep on dusty ground under the trees. Muhammad woke us, arriving as we were covered in dust. He stirred Ali with his foot and said, ‘Arise, O dusty one! Shall I tell you who was the most wretched man? Ahmar of Thamud for he slaughtered the she-camel and he shall strike you here.’ Muhammad put his hand to the side of Ali’s head, until it was soaked from it. Then he grabbed his beard.”

111The Quran claims that the Thamudic nation was destroyed by Allah because someone hamstrung a camel – although “Ahmar” wasn’t part of that story – nor was the fabled incident real. However, it is peculiar that the Islamic god liked camels more than men. But the bigger story here was the tale of misplaced ambition. The Muslims were so unfamiliar with honest labor, they went to watch someone work. And they were so lazy, they fell asleep doing it.

Ultimately, that was why the sand pirates were there in the first place. When the bedraggled Muslim refugees migrated to Yathrib, they became dependent upon handouts. They were physically able to work since they went off on raids. And the oasis town of Yathrib was a bustling agricultural and commercial center, so there was plenty of work being done. All of this leads to one conclusion: something in Islam made the Muslims unwilling to work. And it affects them to this day. Islamic states have the lowest per capita productivity in the world. Islam, politically and economically, is as faulty as the religion is false. Lose, lose.

Ishaq:286 “Meanwhile the Apostle sent Sa’d on the raid of Abu Waqqas. The Prophet only stayed a few nights in Medina before raiding Ushayra and then Kurz.”

Let’s review some additional Hadith from Bukhari’s Book of Maghazi to garner a better overall perspective on what’s transpiring here in the 2nd year of the Islamic Era…

Bukhari:V5B57N1 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘A time will come when a group of Muslims will wage a Holy War and it will be said, “Is there anyone who has accompanied Allah’s Apostle?” They will say, “Yes.” And so victory will be bestowed on them.’”

Since this was written 200 years after the fact, it does not qualify as a prophecy. However, it does perform effectively in demonstrating how desperate Muhammad had become and how foolish his followers had to be to believe him. There had been ten successive failed raids, many with the non-prophet leading the assault. So, if Muslims failed with him, how are those who experienced those futile 112attempts at robbing civilians going to produce a different outcome when pitted against an actual army?

And if I might add, there is no such thing as a holy war. Men engaged in killing is a hellish undertaking. Further, the only wars the companions of Muhammad waged were the War of Compulsion against fellow Arabs and then the Islamic Civil War against fellow Muslims.

Bukhari:V5B57N51 “The Apostle said, ‘Tomorrow I will give the flag to a man whose leadership Allah will use to grant a Muslim victory.” When that did not occur as predicted, why wasn’t Muhammad branded a false prophet?

Bukhari:V5B59N569 “I fought in seven Ghazwat battles along with the Prophet and fought in nine Maghazi raids in armies dispatched by the Prophet.”

The first Muslims celebrated terrorism in two forms – as a large gang of militants accompanied by the non-prophet and as smaller bands of jihadists looting less formidable prey. So, while Christians would celebrate religious terms such as baptism and church, Islam took a different tactic with Ghazwat and Maghazi.

There was nothing merciful or endearing about the Islam of the Quran and Hadith, of Muhammad and Allah: Bukhari:V5B57N74 “I heard Sa’d saying, ‘I was the first Arab to shoot an arrow in Allah’s Cause.’”

He would not be the last. And today, not because they can make them, but because the black ooze beneath these sands enables them to buy them, Islamic terrorists prefer shooting AK47s and RPGs.

Should anyone believe that Muhammad was more than the Godfather of a Criminal Enterprise committed to Waging War Against All Mankind, please think again…

Bukhari:V5B59N288 “I witnessed a scene that was dearer to me than anything I had ever seen. Aswad came to the Prophet while Muhammad was urging the Muslims to fight the pagans. He said, ‘We shall fight on your right and on your left and in front of you and 113behind you.’ I saw the face of the Prophet getting bright with happiness, for that saying delighted him.”

I doubt that there were many like him – men who claimed to speak for God who delighted in slaughtering estranged family and friends. So why even pretend that the man who chose terror over religion was a prophet?

Religions have different means to achieve sainthood, although none quite like Islam, where raiders are the most beloved Muslims… Bukhari:V5B59N290 “The believers who did not join the Ghazwa and those who fought are not equal in reward.”

This was so thoughtful and pragmatic, I’m surprised it wasn’t elevated to the 6th Pillar of Islam… Bukhari:V5B59N320 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘When your enemy comes near shoot at them but use your arrows sparingly (so that they are not wasted).’”

It was the double whammy of Islam. They kill so that Allah can torture… Bukhari:V5B59N401 “Allah’s Wrath became severe on anyone the Prophet killed in Allah’s Cause.”

While the terrorist raids were hardly inspiring, religious symbolism and rewards were used to solicit and motivate the new combatants… Bukhari:V5B59N456 “Muhammad led the Fear Prayer with one batch of his army while the other (batch) faced the enemy.”

The “Fear Prayer” is “Allahu Akbar – Al-Lahu Greater.” It is the religion’s most renowned slogan and terrorist calling card. It and jihad are inseparable.

Liars revel in accomplices, even if contrived… Bukhari:V5B59N330 “The Prophet said, ‘This is Gabriel holding the head of his horse, equipped with arms for the battle.’”

This name is from the Book of Daniel, where Gabry’el was identified as a man, not an “angel,” or more correctly, he was not presented as a mal’ak | spiritual messenger. Even the name conveys as much since it is a compound of gibor | strong man, gibowr | competent and courageous male, and ‘el | God. Therefore, Gabry’el is one of Dowd’s many titles, 114along with Firstborn Son, Chosen One, Shepherd, Messiah, Savior, and King.

The reason Muhammad lied about him is because the Christians in Petra discounted the non-prophet’s claims to be more important than their Iesou Christus. Since they believed, albeit wrongly, that the arrival of a baby god was heralded by Gabriel’s angelic visit, they surmised that Muhammad couldn’t be his equal without similar pronouncements.

Always the conceiving one, Muhammad parroted the name and claimed him as if he were both angel and personal assistant. And while he was wrong on every account, misappropriating people from Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets had been done so often by Allah, Muhammad simply followed suit, unaware of the fact he was making a fool of himself.

It’s ironic that, upon his return with Yahowah on Yowm Kipurym in 2033, Gabry’el’s | Dowd’s first order of business will be to haul Satan, and thus Allah, off to She’owl and then eliminate all Muslims, along with their shrines, mosques, governments, and militias for having abused his people. There will be no greater enemy of Islam than the Messiah and Son of God, so Muhammad chose poorly. And since I have been given the opportunity to serve as Dowd’s Herald between now and October 2nd, 2033, I will not forget what Muhammad falsely claimed regarding my Shepherd, Savior, and King. As his judge, I intend to inflict worse on Muhammad than he perpetrated against Yahuwdym before dispatching his sorry soul to She’owl | Hell. Therefore, I’m not just writing a series of books against the non-prophet of Islam; I will be condemning him to a painful punishment and then sending him off to Hell.

Bukhari:V5B59N440 “Allah’s Apostle used to say, ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah Alone because He honored His Warriors and made His Messenger victorious. He (Alone) defeated the Infidel clans; so there is nothing left.’”

115The first part of this is true, “None has the right to be worshiped.” Since Yahowah doesn’t want it, in fact, can’t stand it, it leaves us with none. And none is much better than any other option.

Allah did nothing for his slaves, not in the defeats or during the terrorist raids. Yahowah rendered him the equivalent of a snake, which, other than envenomating one strategic strike at a time, is powerless. Muslims can “Allahu Akbar” until they turn green, red, and black, but it’s never going to change anything other than serve as a confession to the crime they are perpetrating. But, let’s be honest, there are still far more infidels than Muslim imbeciles, so there is something left.

Bukhari:V5B59N377 “A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘Can you tell me where I will go if I get martyred?’ The Prophet replied, ‘To Paradise.’ The man fought till he was martyred.”

There are no such bargains with God. Killing is not an express ticket to heaven. A martyr is a dead fool – a wasted life. And such is the consequence of religions like Islam, which bring out the worst in men.

While there are reasons to kill, they are few and far between. In the Torah, Yahowah asked the Israelites to eliminate those who were plaguing the Promised Land with their religion. The Canaanites were like Muhammad’s Muslims: immoral, terrorizing, plundering, enslaving, and murdering. Their religion was as corrupt as Islam, so Yahowah recognized it was more compassionate to exterminate some Canaanites than it was to allow them to infect millions. He made the right call, but the Jews failed to execute His instructions.

Let’s consider Yahowah’s moral justification for eliminating these pests from His home. Imagine that you were God and knew in advance the thousand people most responsible for the September 11th suicide bombings and October 7th terrorist atrocities. You, therefore, recognize that 116they have been poisoned to believe that mass murder and mutilation are their duty to a false god. Left alone, they will corrupt and murder thousands. Would you kill them before they perpetrated these crimes, or would you let them go ahead and fulfill their religious aspirations?

Now, move back in time to the dawn of the 20th century. As usual, the world is full of bad people and ideas, but two doctrines are especially lethal – Communism and Fascism. Because you’ve read their manifestoes and maneuvered in time, you know what will happen. Within their first three decades, these dictatorial, intolerant, and violent dogmas will lead directly to the annihilation of over one hundred million people and the indoctrination of a billion more.

Given the opportunity, would you exterminate a few thousand aspiring Communists and Fascists to save the lives of the one hundred million their regimes butchered? Would you do it to save a billion people from being forced into submission, compelled to live in civil, intellectual, and economic poverty? What is the most moral, just, and compassionate choice?

Perhaps now you can better appreciate why Yahowah instructed His people to eliminate the practitioners of a doctrine remarkably similar to Islam. But don’t get carried away. His final instruction on this matter was 3,470 years ago. His directions weren’t open-ended. They were specific to one group of people in a particular time and in a well-defined and finite place. Apart from self-defense, that’s the end of the story.

So, when you hear Muslims defend their violent doctrine, saying, “The Bible is equally warlike,” you’ll know the truth. Yahowah asked once. He identified the reason, the people, the place, and the time. And while the instruction was not open-ended, even if it were, there are no Canaanites to kick around.

117What’s more, the Yisra’elites were forbidden from taking a spoil. When the walls of Jericho fell, its storehouses remained filled. Children were not sent off into slavery; women were not raped as if they were booty.

Allah, by contrast, gave Muslims hundreds of commands to kill. His orders were open-ended – surviving to our time. And his intended victims were many: those who engaged with the one true God, those who worshiped many gods, or no gods at all. Allah especially hated Christians and Jews, ordering Muslims to fight them until they were “wiped out to the last.” This is fundamental Islam – the core of Allah’s and Muhammad’s message.

That said, there is one prophetic verse that appears to be all-encompassing in pursuit of retribution. As such, Psalm 149 was misappropriated and misinterpreted to become the rallying cry for the Crusades. However, it is actually prophetic, speaking of the glorious conclusion of the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles with the arrival of the Messiah Dowd – the author of the Psalm. In the fashion of Hebrew poetry, the lyrics present a series of nine couplets – pairs of phrases that present an important thought from a different perspective to encourage understanding.

So, as we review them, our first realization is that Dowd’s Mizmowr | Song opens and concludes by proclaiming that Yahowah is Light. When He returns on Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations with the Messiah, His Light will shine brilliantly.

But more than this, HalaluwYah reveals that our Shepherd has a keen sense of humor. Halal was coupled with Yahowah’s name because, at this time, the most formidable menace will be the corporeal incarnation of Halal ben Shachar – Satan. Further, Dowd was aware that in recognition of his name, ha Satan | the Adversary, pronounced that “halal” designated what was “permissible and acceptable” in Islam. Therefore, our returning King is 118affirming that Yah, not al-Lahu, is acceptable and brilliant. If you want to be among those who are enlightened and accepted, embrace the right name.

The first couplet speaks of the unmitigated joy that will be expressed by God’s people on Yowm Kipurym when Yisra’elites and Yahuwdym are reunited and celebrating the Psalmist’s return. Those who are gathered together with Yahowah at this moment are largely the product of what Yahowah and I have been working toward these past 22 years. So this celebration is near and dear to me, to my Father, and to His beloved Son.

Halaluw-Yah | Let Yah’s Light Shine (halaluwYah – Yahowah is Brilliant)! Choose to sing (shyr – under the auspices of freewill, vocalize a song) to (la – approach) Yahowah (YaHoWaH – the proper pronunciation of God’s name as instructed in His ToWRaH | Guidance), a reaffirming and restoring (chadash – a renewing) song (shyr) of His love and enlightenment (tahillah huw’ – of His brilliant light and renown, His adoration and appreciation) in the assembly (ba qahal – within the gathering and community, the relatively large group and company) of the faithful and devoted, the loyal and loving ones (chasyd – of the Godly, dedicated, and zealous ones). (Mizmowr / Psalm 149:1)

Yisra’el (Yisra’el – Individuals who Engage and Endure with God) will, of their own freewill, rejoice (samach – they will be elated). Beny Tsyown | the children of the Signs Posted Along the Way (ben Tsyown) who demonstrably engage and act with Him (‘asah huw’ – who participate and work with Him), celebrating their decision (gyl – will delight in the choices they have made, pleased by these favorable circumstances) along with their King (ba melek hem – alongside their sovereign leader, counselor, and advisor).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 149:2)

119The opening salvo is a religion killer, simultaneously destroying the three which wrongly call themselves Abrahamic. God’s name is Yahowah, not HaShem or Adoni, not the Lord or Jesus Christ, and not Rahman, al-Lahu, or Allah.

These lyrics and accompanying prophecies are reaffirming, which means that this message is consistent with everything Yahowah has inspired in the Towrah and through the Prophets. And in this regard, the most corroborating use of chadash is found in Yirma’yah / Jerimiah 31, where we find that Yahuwdah and Yisra’el are reunited with Yahowah upon His return as the Beryth | Covenant is reaffirmed and restored while Yahowah’s Towrah | Guidance is integrated into the lives of God’s people. This chadash speaks of this same day.

As music to my ears, the community gathered on this day to witness Father’s and Son’s arrival will be qahal, which indicates that there will be a substantial community of Yisra’elites who are chasyd | faithful and devoted, loyal and loving. Those gathered to experience Reconciliation with Yahowah are chasyd | Godly and dedicated, passionate and zealous, favored and compassionate.

And speaking of being forthright, the people greeting the Psalmist are primarily Yisra’elites. They are not gowym, and thus not Christian Gentiles or Muslim Arabs. They are also Tsyown | Zionists, having read and responded to the Signs Posted Along the Way.

Those of us who are now celebrating Yowm Kipurym as the Day of Reconciliations with Yahowah and Dowd are pleased with our decision to engage on behalf of our returning King, the Messiah Dowd | David. God’s Firstborn Son, our Savior for having fulfilled the Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet with God as the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb, is eternity’s Sovereign – not some 120unidentified mashyach, a dead god on a stick, or the devil in drag.

Throughout this prophecy directing our attention to the days between Kipurym and Sukah in 2033 / year 6000 Yah, we have been regaled by verbs scribed to convey volition. Freewill is as important to Yahowah as is the freedom to express it – which is why God is opposed to religion – especially tyrannical and enslaving faiths such as Islam | Submission with its focus on predestination.

The first step to God is the expression of His name. If you are still among the many who do not know it, proclaim it, and extol it, you do not know Yahowah and Yahowah does not know you.

“Let them express their decision to radiate and extol (halal – choosing to shine a clear light upon the worthiness of) His personal and proper name (shem huw’ – His rightful designation and renown) with dancing all around (ba machowl) with tambourine and lyre (ba toph wa kinowr), melodiously singing and playing instruments (zamar) for Him (la huw’ – as He approaches). (Mizmowr / Psalm 149:3)

It is verifiable and certain (ky – be assured) Yahowah (YaHoWaH – the proper pronunciation of God’s name as instructed in His ToWRaH | Guidance) favors and accepts, He is pleased with and delights in, having made amends on behalf of (ratsah – He enjoys and desires, having provided restitution leading to acceptance for) His people who comprise His family (ba ‘am huw’).

He will continually raise up, honor, and glorify (pa’ar – He will endow with splendor, boast about, and lift up, adorning and beautifying) the responsive and unpretentious, the straightforward in their answers and sincere in their reply (‘anaw – those who testify and speak as witnesses encouraging the right answers and proper reply) with salvation and liberation, deliverance and 121emancipation (ba yashuwa’ah – with freedom and safety, a rescue from harm’s way, resulting in prosperity, welfare, and victory).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 149:4)

The path home begins with us individually making an informed decision regarding what Yahowah is offering and expecting in return. For those who do not know these things, set this book down and open An Introduction to God, Yada Yahowah, Observations, and Coming Home.

Once we are part of Yahowah’s Covenant, the celebration is communal because we are all part of the same Family. And on this day, we will be singing and dancing with our Shepherd.

All of human history has led to this moment. Having been exiled from the Garden of Great Joy 6,000 years ago, we are now invited to return on Sukah during the 120th Yowbel as the Earth is restored to the same conditions experienced by ‘Adam and Chawah – albeit without the Karuwb who became the Snake performing in the Quran.

During this pronouncement of the fulfillment of Kipurym, it is evident that Yahowah is pleased with His people – those who comprise His family. He is looking forward to camping out with us forevermore.

And make no mistake in this regard – while gowym are invited into the Beryth, the Covenant was formed with ‘Abraham and Sarah and is embodied by Yitschaq and Ya’aqob, who became Yisra’el and gave birth to Yahuwdym. They are God’s people – not the practitioners of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. There was no religion or politics in the Garden, and there won’t be any trace of either going forward.

Yahowah’s approach is the antithesis of the Adversary’s in that, as our Father, His intent is to pa’ar | raise, honor, and glorify His children. As a proud Father of those who have come home, He is shown in the Mizmowr boasting about us 122while adorning us in His majesty. It is a beautiful portrait of the ideal family.

Those gathered around their Father on this day, the honored guests of Kipurym, are here because they were responsive to what Yahowah was offering and requesting. Passing His open-book test, their answers were straightforward and sincere. And even better, those gathered before our God and His beloved Son have served as witnesses and have encouraged others to provide the right answers through their testimony. This results in yashuwa’ah | salvation, deliverance and emancipation.

On this subject, there is no more credible witness than Dowd, the author of these lyrics. He volunteered for his basar | corporeal body as a witness to serve as the Pesach ‘Ayil | Passover Lamb, bringing us an extension of life by allowing the most sadistic of empires to take his. This story is told in first person by Dowd in Mizmowr / Psalm 22 and by my favorite prophet, Yasha’yah, in Isaiah 53.

The following day in year 4000 Yah / 33 CE, during UnYeasted Bread, Dowd magnanimously fulfilled Matsah. He accepted the guilt of every Covenant member and took it all with him into She’owl. There, in what is similar to a black hole, our guilt was deposited, never to be seen again. In this way, the Covenant Family was perfected.

And as a result, the next day, Dowd’s nepesh | consciousness was reunited with the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit and brought back Home on Bikuwrym | Firstborn Children. In this manner, Dowd became the Firstborn Son of God, paving the way for us to follow him home. This story is told throughout the Mizmowr, while highlighted in the 88th and magnificent 89th Psalm – Dowd’s Song.

This is the greatest story ever told – and while it is neglected by the religious, there are many who will capitalize upon what our Savior has accomplished. They are the chasyd | faithful and devoted, the loyal and loving who 123are dedicated and passionate about our God. And on this day, Yowm Kipurym, because of what Father and Son have done, those who have been responsive will be kabowd | honored, enriched, and empowered, rewarded in the glorious presence of God.

“The faithful and devoted, the loyal and loving ones (chasyd – the Godly, dedicated, and) will be jubilant, reveling in the moment (‘alaz). Having been honored with distinction, enriched, and empowered (kabowd), they will shout for joy (ranan) reclining on their couches (mishkab hem).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 149:5)

Over 22 years, I’ve come to know Dowd through his lyrics, and especially the 89th Mizmowr, which was scribed on his behalf, and ours, in 968 BCE. This occurred in the Yowbel year of 3000 Yah as the Cornerstone of Yahowah’s Covenant Home was installed. I share this because Dowd isn’t a mishkab | lounging around on a couch sort of guy, so there was another reason for its inclusion. And I suspect that, just like HalaluwYah, it was to thumb his nose at the Adversary, at Allah and Islam. In his Quran, Satan makes a point of saying that on his Day his slaves will be sitting on couches consuming low-hanging fruit between their virginal conquests. So, taking exception, Dowd is saying that it’s Yahowah’s chasyd who will be kabowd and ranan on this day.

Beyond the jab at the Adversary’s credibility, Dowd is also inferring that almost everyone in the Covenant Family will relax while they observe what Father and Son are accomplishing. During the five days between Kipurym and Sukah in year 6000 Yah (6:22 PM at sunset on October 2nd, 2033 and the Shabat of Friday at sundown on October 7th, 2033), Father and Son will be cleansing the world of politics, religion, militarism, and conspiracy.

Based upon what has been said and what follows, most will have a ringside seat while Yahowah empowers Dowd, 124and then Dowd equips a select few to seek recompense. Therefore, while there will be many celebrating what is transpiring, I suspect that the two Witnesses who have been serving in Yaruwshalaim since Passover in 2030 will be those who are wielding the Towrah as if a double-edged sword comprised of words. It cuts in and it cuts out, prolongs life and curtails it, rewards and recompenses.

“Expressing the excellence and status arising from God (rowmam ‘el – lifting up and extolling the attributes of the Almighty) in their throat (ba garown hem) and the double-edged sides of Choreb | the Sword where the Towrah was Revealed (wa chereb pyphyowth – the sharp and cutting mouth which separates, divides, and desolates) in their hand (ba yad hem) (Mizmowr 149:6) to engage in and bring about (la ‘asah – to act upon and produce) retribution and recompense (naqamah – justifiably repaying harm, holding the guilty accountable for wrongs inflicted) on the gentiles (ba ha gowym – for the nations and ethnicities other than Yisra’el), chastising and rebuking (towkethah – imposing an appropriate and just penalty on) the worthless (bal – the lord’s meritless, Bel’s failed and good for nothing, and the Babylonian god’s soon to be negated) ‘Ummah | Community religious and political people (‘ummah – the Nation of Islam, the Mother of Division).” (Mizmowr / Psalm 149:7)

Our status as Children in the Covenant Family arises out of God’s excellent expressions, many of which are found throughout His depiction of the Beryth developed with ‘Abraham and Sarah and conveyed in Bare’syth / Genesis. And in this regard, it was at the base and on the summit of Choreb that Yahowah introduced Himself to Moseh and revealed the Towrah.

Therefore, this sword is comprised of the Word of God. The written document held in the hand is to be cited in the mouths of these witnesses. It is a double-edged sword because the Towrah’s | Guidance cuts souls into or out of 125God’s Family. It perfects or leaves imperfect, adds life or curtails it, brings some home while sending others away.

In the Towrah, Yahowah was clear, telling ‘Abraham that as a result of the Covenant and the conception of His people through Yitschaq and Ya’aqob, those who extol their virtues and lift them up will be blessed, while those who trivialize or demean this Beryth relationship and God’s people, Yisra’el, will be cursed. Therefore, there will be many Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans, Roman Catholics and Muslims, Progressives and Conspiratorialists, who will be held accountable for what they have done to demean and anguish God’s people.

God made a promise, and He will fulfill it. He knows, as should we, that there is no sense of fairness, no justice or accountability, no display of compassion, until the guilty endure recompense for what they have done.

By voice and hand, Towrah and Sword, the witnesses will engage in bringing about retribution on the gowym who have opposed Jews and Israel. This is the remedy for those who advocated the Two-State Solution. It is the penalty for those who supported, inspired, and perpetrated the atrocities Israel endured on October 7th, 2023.

Brilliant as always and prophetic as was his calling, Dowd wrote of the fate of Islam 3,000 years after the Snake slithered out of the Garden and 1,600 years before Satan arrived in Arabia to recite the Quran and inspire Muhammad and Islam. Not only did the Adversary recite a surah corrupting how Yahowah introduced Himself to Moseh on Choreb, and others to misappropriate the Towrah as if it were his, Satan would spread Islam by the sword. And even more revealing, not only was Allah fixated on naqamah | retribution, Dowd qualified the rebuke with towketahah, a rarely used word that also speaks of “imposing a penalty or punishment” to hold Satan accountable for his many 126hundreds of threats to bring a painful punishment upon God’s people.

Further, bal, which is even less frequently cited, speaks of Muslims, describing them as “worthless, good for nothing, people under the failed influence of Bel | the Lord.” But most intriguing of all, ummah, which is only used twice elsewhere, is the Hebrew basis of the Islamic ummah | religious community and Islamic Nation. Imposing it on everyone by instituting Islam worldwide, creating one ummah for Allah, is the reason for Islamic terrorism, the eradication of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. And to that, Dowd says that such ambitions are meritless; they are Babylonian and will be negated.

Dowd is the ultimate enemy of Islam. And up against the Messiah, two billion Muslims don’t stand a chance.

Moving on, since Satan, in the guise of Allah, has been fixated on shackling disbelievers, particularly Jews, and enslaving believers, the returning King will turn the tables on his people’s tormentors. And as if mocking Satan’s surah depicting starry missiles being shot from the heavens to keep enquiring jinn at bay, we are introduced to zeq

“This will be to bind and incarcerate (‘asar – to capture and confine those under the obligation of an oath) their leaders (melek hem – their kings and heads of state) with firebrands and bonds of light (zeq – with flaming missiles which are fired and shot as if a burning arrow) and their most esteemed and honored (wa kabed hem – their most burdensome and self-glorifying) with shackles (ba kebel) of iron (barzel), (Mizmowr 149:8) to bring about (la ‘asah) upon them (ba hem) the just decisions and sentences (mishpat – the proper means to resolve the matter justly through a legally binding verdict and court proceedings) which were written (kathab).

This is a sign of respect and an honor for him (hadar huw’) on behalf of all of his devotion and dedication, his 127passion and zeal (la kol chasyd huw’ – of him being Godly and steadfast) for the Children of Yisra’el (la beny Yisra’el – the offspring who engage and endure with God), His special family and set-apart people (‘am qodesh huw’ – His nation, separated and distinct from all others [from DSS 11QPs]). Halaluw-Yah | Let Yah’s Light Shine (halaluwYah – Yahowah is Light)!” (Mizmowr / Psalm 149:9)

While this was written to condemn Yisra’el’s principal nemesis during the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, between 2023 and 2033, there are many leaders hostile to Israel above and beyond the despots ruling over the 55 Islamic nations. It is likely that Progressive politicians will join Muslim kings in a procession to She’owl, as all heads of state or religious leaders in opposition to God’s people on this day will be sent to She’owl.

That is why the verb ‘asar | to bind and imprison those who are subject to such obligations and oaths was so well chosen. It not only applies to the Muslims who have bought into Allah’s Declaration of War, but also those who aid and abet the Fakestinians. To be alive at this time, while opposed to Israel, which based upon the most recent United Nations’ votes would be 98% of world leaders, is to be sentenced to and confined in She’owl.

With the use of zeq, we are witnessing another prophetic insight with a humorous twist, one likely missed by almost everyone up to this point because very few individuals have studied the Prophets and Quran in such detail. But, sure enough, in the 72nd surah, named after the Jinn | Demons, Allah bragged about shooting stars serving as flaming missiles fired at the demons to keep them from listening in to what was being said in Heaven. Therefore, Dowd is mocking Allah and the Quran.

Dowd is also sharing something that is insinuated elsewhere, because the two Witnesses will be rebuking the 128religious and political with words that have the power of light and the destructive ability of fire. They will be firebrands, dispatching bolts of light at their adversaries.

As a prophet, the Messiah would have also been aware that the un-god of Islam routinely threatened to shackle his opponents with fetters of iron so, again, Dowd is committed to responsive recompense. This means that the penalties imposed will be mishpat | just decisions equitably imposed. The binding verdicts through the court proceedings will resolve the consequences of the crimes perpetrated against God’s people.

Then, mocking Islam while affirming the Towrah and prophets, differentiating between Yahowah and Satan, Dowd reminds us that the justice imposed upon clerics and kings will be based upon what has been written – something Allah was not able to achieve.

The parting line goes from speaking of the two Witnesses to addressing a single individual. Three thousand years ago, Dowd revealed that as hadar huw’ | a sign of respect for him and as an honor to him and la kol chasyd huw’ | on behalf of the entirety of his devotion and dedication, his passion and zeal, a man will be afforded the opportunity and responsibility of accomplishing everything he had conveyed throughout the 149th Mizmowr | Psalm. This would include shining a brilliant light on Yahowah’s name, reaffirming the restoring lyrics Dowd had written to enlighten his people such that there would be a large crowd comprised of similarly devoted and passionate individuals assembled for Yahowah’s return. He would encourage Yisra’el to read the words Father and Son had posted along the way in order for them to celebrate their decision to spend this day with their returning King.

As a result of Yada Yahowah, for the first time in nearly 3,000 years, Yahuwdym are again choosing to extol the value of Yahowah’s name. And they are reminded that they 129have not been replaced because God still delights in His people, now family. By working together as Yahowah’s witness and Dowd’s herald, God is in a position to raise His children as He had always intended. This is because they are now prepared to respond; they know the right answers, and they have chosen to reply to His means to provide salvation.

Yowm Kipurym will live up to Yahowah’s billing and be a grand celebration of the Covenant Family. Our Father’s children will be enriched and empowered, enlightened and emancipated. HalaluwYah!

As Zakaryah would affirm, there will be two Witnesses in Yaruwshalaim in the years prior to Dowd’s return with Yahowah. Yada, of Yada Yahowah, will be one of them, joining ‘ElYah. They will adroitly wield the Towrah, calling Yahuwdym to Yah while condemning those who oppose God’s people. And they will be tasked with recompense, holding the religious and political accountable while dispatching the guilty to She’owl.

Twenty-two years ago, when writing Prophet of Doom, I had not translated Yahowah’s testimony and knew none of this. I cited an existing translation of the Psalm and misinterpreted its intent. It was only quoted because it was used inaccurately to suggest that the “Bible” was as warlike as the Quran. I had no idea at the time that Dowd had written the Psalm to mock Allah and Islam or even that the Mizmowr spoke so beautifully about what we will soon enjoy when Islam and Muslims are gone.

Now, two decades later and wiser, and in the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th, while composing the Submission volume of God Damn Religion, I was motivated and prepared to render an amplified and accurate presentation of Dowd’s prophetic account of what will occur ten years from this writing.

It is obvious that, since none of these insights have ever been previously disclosed, you are reading the fulfillment of 130this prophecy. And I think Yahowah is smiling and Dowd is chuckling, knowing that the Choter, Nakry, and Basar they had inspired for this purpose was finally able to figure it out.

This is one of the many reasons I remain devoted and humble, enthusiastic and steadfast, realizing God chose to wait and allow me to piece together the clues, knowing that I would eventually see the gift He had provided to be unwrapped for His people at this time.

I appreciate my Father’s patience in allowing me the time to discern and now share what He had inspired Dowd to write three millennia ago. I am honored to know Him, to convey His message, to herald His Son, and to call His beloved people home.

Before we leave this gift from our God and His beloved Son, I want to address a related issue. Yada | One Who Knows, also called the Choter | Sucker from the Fallen Stump, Nakry | Observant Foreigner, Basar | Herald, ‘Ed | Restoring Witness, and Zarowa’ | One Sowing the Seeds which Grow, the man sharing these words with you, is irrelevant apart from his purpose. He would not be worth mentioning had it not been for the conclusion of the Psalm, which was omitted from the Masoretic Text but is extant in The Great Psalms Scroll (11QPs).

The sign of respect and the resulting distinction isn’t for the man but for what he is doing on behalf of the Children of Yisra’el at this time. They are Yahowah’s Chosen People – a Family and Nation set apart and distinct from all others. It is Yisra’el that matters to Yahowah. And this man is simply the tool God chose and has equipped to get their attention.

The Great Psalms Scroll, which measures 14 feet in length, is second only to the Great Isaiah Scroll as the most complete manuscript conserved in terracotta vessels in the Qumran caves. It is one of 37 extant scrolls presenting Dowd’s Mizmowr, 6 of which were found in Cave 11. It was discovered in February 1956, on my first birthday – ten years 131after the revelation of the Great Isaiah Scroll, both of which now serve as the basis of Yada Yahowah.

The sole reason that this scroll, and others from the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr | Guidance, Prophets, and Lyrics, were preserved rather than discarded after use is that they contained Yahowah’s name. And since the Yahuwdym of that era thought it a sacrilege to destroy a document upon which Yahowah was scribed, these scrolls were preserved. And by doing so, they would destroy three religions – Christianity, Judaism, and particularly Islam due to their misrepresentations of the original text.


Returning to 7th-century Yathrib, Muhammad was back on the warpath. He was determined to slaughter his mockers and rob those who had rejected him… Tabari VII:18 & Ishaq:287 “The Messenger sent Abd Allah out with a detachment of eight men of the Emigrants without any Ansari, or Helpers, among them. He wrote a letter, but ordered him not to look at it until he had traveled for two days. Then he was to carry out what he was commanded to do. When Abd Allah opened the letter it said, ‘March until you reach Nakhlah, between Mecca and Ta’if. Lie in wait for the Quraysh.’”

The letter suggests there was treachery among the treacherous. One or more Muslims were spilling the beans and tipping off the Quraysh before the militants could rob them. But if Muhammad was supposed to be a prophet, why was he constantly blindsided and unaware?

Tabari VII:18 & Ishaq:287 “Having read the letter, Abd Allah said, ‘To hear is to obey.’ He told his companions, ‘The Prophet has commanded me to go to Nakhlah and lie in wait for the Quraysh.’”

To “lie in wait” was an order to ambush and then kill the unsuspecting. I present Allah as an authority Quran 009.005 “When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and 132kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Abd Allah told his fellow militants: Tabari VII:18 & Ishaq:287 “‘The Prophet has forbidden me to compel you, so whoever desires martyrdom, let him come with me. If not, retreat. I am going to carry out the Prophet’s orders.’”

Martyrdom – the word that manufacturers terrorists faster than the world can rid itself of them was spoken for the first time. No word has ever held such dire consequences for abused or abuser.

The Islamic concept of martyrdom was twisted. Muhammad took a good word and made it bad. The Greek word, martus, from which martyr was derived, means “witness.” Yet at Muhammad’s direction, it came to mean “murderer.” Muslims would obtain martyrdom by terrorizing others – slaughtering them. These Muslim martyrs were wielding swords in pursuit of plunder and sex. Surely, no one is killing for the low-hanging fruit.

Ishaq:287 “His companions went with him; not one of them stayed behind.” A second Hadith says: “Whoever desires death, let him go on and make his will; I am making my will and acting on the orders of the Messenger of Allah.”

Tabari VII:18 “They made their way through the Hijaz until Sa’d and Utbah lost a camel which they were taking turns riding. They stayed behind to look for it. The rest went on until they reached Nakhlah. A Meccan caravan went past them carrying raisins, leather, and other merchandise, which the Quraysh traded. When they saw the Muslims they were afraid of them.

Then Ukkashah came into view; they saw that he had shaved his head, and they felt safer. The Quraysh said, ‘They are on their way to the umrah (lesser pilgrimage); there is nothing to fear.’”

The pagan umrah had become part of Islam. However, shaving one’s head was used to venerate Al-Lat, not Allah. So, the Quraysh were as confused as the Muslims. Why 133would an Islamic militant venerate a pagan idol while perusing plunder in Allah’s name?

Ishaq:287 “The Muslim raiders consulted one another concerning them, this being the last day of Rajab.” Rajab, like Ramadhan, was a holy month on the pagan calendar. Fighting, looting, and general mayhem were prohibited. It is troubling that the observance of a pagan rite was a limiting factor, while thievery and murder were not. This says a great deal about the nature of Islam.

Ishaq:287 “One of the Muslims said, ‘By Allah, if we leave these people alone tonight, they will get into the Haram (the sacred territory of the Ka’aba) and they will be safely out of our reach. If we kill them we will have killed in the sacred month.’” The debate was between paganism and criminal behavior. Islam had nothing to do with Muhammad’s mission.

Tabari VII:19 “They hesitated and were afraid to advance on them, but then they plucked up courage and agreed to kill as many as they could and to seize what they had with them.” This isn’t the least bit ambiguous. The first Muslims – Muhammad’s Companions – were conducting a terrorist raid with the intent to loot and kill.

Tabari VII:19 “Waqid ibn Abd Allah shot an arrow at Amr and killed him. Uthman ibn Abd Allah and al-Hakam surrendered, but Nawfal ibn Abd Allah escaped and eluded them. Then Abd Allah and his companions took the caravan and the captives back to Allah’s Apostle in Medina.” Islam had drawn first blood. The score was now Islam 1, Infidels 11.

The Hadith says: Tabari VII:19 “This was the first booty taken by the Companions of Muhammad.”

Reading the passage carefully, we find there were four Slaves-to-Allah in the raid – two were Muslims and two were infidels. It is yet another drop in an ocean of evidence that Allah was a pagan deity, a common rock idol.

Abd Allah said of his adventure: Ishaq:289 “Our lances drank of Amr’s blood and lit the flame of war.” Charming.

134Tabari VII:20 & Ishaq:287 “Abd Allah told his Companions, ‘A fifth of the booty we have taken belongs to the Apostle.’ This was before Allah made surrendering a fifth of the booty taken a requirement.” This was written centuries after the event and was backdated. We know better because we have considered, and will soon reconsider, the 8th surah, The Spoils of War, in which the un-god cut his non-prophet in on the stolen loot. The applicable line reads:

Quran 008.041 “Know that whatever you attain as war-booty, lo, one-fifth of it is assigned to Lillahi and to the Rasul, and to the near relations (of Muhammad), the orphans [like Muhammad], and the needy and the wayfarer [also addressing Muhammad], if you have believe in il-Lahi and in that which We sent down to Our slave on the Day of Criterion when the two forces met. And al-Lahu on every thing powerful.”

The follow-up verses reveal…

Quran 008.067 “It is not for a Prophet to take or keep arsa | captives as prisoners until he had made a great slaughter and conquest, subduing others in the land. You desire goods and possessions of this world (the money of ransom), but al-Lahu desires the after. Al-Lahu All-Mighty, Wise.

Quran 008.068 Were it not for a previous ordainment from al-Lahi and predetermined, indeed, a severe punishment have befallen you for what you took.”

Once upon a time before Islam, slaughtering, pillaging, and enslaving were considered immoral, even reprehensible, but al-Laha fixed all of that. He is most merciful to the most merciless.

Quran 008.069 “So enjoy and eat what you took as lawful booty (and) good plunder. And fear al-Laha. Verily, al-Laha oft-forgiving, most-merciful.”

The fact that Abd Allah announced this partitioning of booty a year in advance of the Quranic endorsement suggests that the idea was Muhammad’s – and that he made up a verse to ratify his claim. Money is a powerful motivator.

135Tabari VII:20 & Ishaq:287 “He set aside a fifth of the booty for Allah’s Messenger and divided the rest between his Companions.” If there was any doubt as to why the first Muslim militants were off on their twelfth raid in twelve months, it should have been eliminated with this line. Their mission had nothing to do with religion – nor did Muhammad’s. It had always been about money and influence. Religion was simply a tool, a veil, a distraction – a means to legitimize murder and mayhem.

Muhammad’s raiders weren’t religious zealots; they were mercenaries at best, pirates at worst. And lest we forget, they were now murderers, kidnappers, and thieves.

However, when the raiders returned to Yathrib, they were blindsided by a raging controversy. Both the Emigrants and Helpers were horrified – troubled by the breach of the pagan holy month protections. Even the most despicable bandits refrained from thievery during Rajab. And, I suppose, they may have been bothered by the fact they had murdered, robbed, and kidnapped their kin.

This societal disdain put the wannabe prophet in a quandary. Muhammad was broke, and poor dictators don’t last long. But if he accepted the booty, he would trash his already shaky religious credentials. He was on his heels and teetering from losing the War of Words, accepting the Idolatrous Indulgence, admitting the Satanic Verses, lying about the Night’s Journey on the flying Donk-Mule, and the Migration of Shame. Stooping to the depths of a scoundrel, a homicidal sand pirate, and a two-bit terrorist so desperate for money he would steal during Rajab was one blow too many. So what would the non-prophet do?

His first ploy was to betray his troops, something Muslim suicide bombers should keep in mind the next time they contemplate murdering their way to paradise.

136Tabari VII:20 “When they reached the Prophet he said, ‘I did not order you to fight in the sacred month. He impounded the caravan and the captives and refused to take anything from them.’”

The prospect of “martyrdom” and “lying in wait” confirms that Muhammad had sent his Muslim raiders out to fight, as did the requirement of making out their wills. The “division of spoils” agreement indicates he had given his authorization for them to steal. The lying prophet was buying time, which is why he didn’t send the booty back. He was trying to find a way to keep the money and maintain his dwindling prestige.

Tabari VII:20 “When Allah’s Messenger said this they were aghast and thought that they were doomed. The Muslims rebuked them severely for what they had done. They said, ‘You have done what you were not commanded to do, and have fought in the sacred month.’” Muhammad was a treacherous man.

To preserve his position of power, Muhammad made his men scapegoats. His letter confirmed his complicity. He had sent them out in Rajab, the idolaters’ sacred month. The act made him an accessory to murder and a thief; the denial made him a pagan and a liar – something far more lethal to a person pretending to be a prophet.

Tabari VII:20 & Ishaq:288 “The Quraysh said, ‘Muhammad and his companions have violated the sacred month, shed blood, seized property, and taken men captive.’ The polytheists spread lying slander concerning him, saying, ‘Muhammad claims that he is following obedience to Allah, yet he is the first to violate the holy month and kill our companion in Rajab.’”

The pagans knew that breaking treaties, murder, kidnapping, and thievery were wrong. It’s a shame the non-prophet and un-god didn’t.

I find it especially revealing that when the Quraysh told the truth about what had just happened, they were called “lying slanderers.” This has devastating implications for the totality of the Quran because it is the second most repetitive theme in the Never-Ending Argument. Those who knew the non-prophet best said that Muhammad was a demon-137possessed liar, not a prophet. They said that he had forged the Quran to serve his personal ambitions.

They were obviously right and yet Islam’s dark spirit called them “lying slanderers.” In this circumstance, the Quraysh were again correct, and yet, Muhammad deployed the same deceitful tactic. At the very least, this suggests that the Hadith and Quran had the same speechwriter, the same agenda, and the same wanton disregard for truth. It also tells us that those who knew this “prophet” far better than we could possibly know him today saw him as a terrorist raider, an immoral thug, and a liar.

Tabari VII:21 “The Muslims who were still in Mecca refuted this.” It was embarrassing. It meant that they had placed their trust in a man unworthy of it.

Ishaq:288 “The Jews, seeing in this an omen unfavorable to Muhammad, said, ‘Muslims killing Meccans means war is kindled.’ There was much talk of this. However, Allah turned it to their disadvantage.

When the Muslims repeated what the Jews had said, al-Lahi revealed a Quran to His Messenger: ‘They question you with regard to warfare and fighting in the sacred month. Say, “War therein is serious, but keeping people from al-Lahi’s Way and disbelief in Him, and al-Masjidi al-Harami, and driving out its people from it, greater al-Lahi.

And oppression greater than killing. And they will not cease fighting with you until they turn you away from your religion if they are able. And whoever turns away among you from his religion, then dies while he is a disbeliever, for those become worthless their deeds in the world and the hereafter. And those the companions of the Fire. They in it will abide forever.” (Quran 002.217) The Muslims now knew that seduction was worse than killing.”

Considering the facts, this was a horrible excuse for violating treaties, kidnapping, theft, and murder. The Quraysh merchants were minding their business. They weren’t seducing anyone. And they hadn’t driven Muhammad away – he had done that to himself by becoming 138a laughingstock. The Idolatrous Indulgence, Satanic Verses, and Donk-Mule were all self-inflicted wounds. And once again, the prophet behaves badly and it’s the pagans’ fault, not his own.

Moreover, consider what al-Lahi revealed. He began by saying that the purely pagan perceptions of the religious calendar were important aspects of his religion. Second, he prioritized his claim over people’s lives and, particularly, their willingness to fight in his cause over all else. And yet, nothing but a functional conscience was preventing Muslims from murdering.

Third, there was no mosque around the Ka’aba, but by saying so, al-Lahi was incorporating pagan terminology, religious rites, shrines, and false gods into Islam. Fourth, Muhammad left Petra for Yathrib because he had lost all credibility and converts and because some pagans committed to help him slaughter the Quraysh. Fifth, the Quraysh were not pursuing Muslims with the intent of killing, enslaving, and robbing them, but Muslims had gone after their merchants on twelve occasions, finally prevailing in murdering and kidnapping them. Has al-Lahi lost track of why the rebellion was underfoot?

Sixth, oppression is not worse than killing. Seventh, the Quraysh were not fighting the Muslims. Eighth, If a believer becomes a disbeliever, then the problem is the inadequacy and inconsistency, even impropriety and immorality, of what they were led to believe. Ninth, if al-Lahi were sane, a disbeliever would be irrelevant, as they are with Yahowah. Only those guilty of what Muslims were tasked with doing would be punished. And tenth, even then, eternal torture, especially in a material fire, is sadistic. So, besides those outstanding issues, al-Lahi did a fine job of becoming complicit in the crime committed.

Ishaq:288 “When the Quran passage concerning this matter was revealed, and Allah relieved Muslims from their fear and anxiety, Muhammad took possession of the caravan and prisoners.

139The Quraysh sent him a ransom, but the Prophet said, ‘We will not release them to you on payment of ransom until our companions (Sa’d and Utbah) get back, for we are afraid you may harm them. If you kill them, we will kill your friends.’

They came back and the Prophet released the prisoners on payment of ransom. When the Quran authorization came down to Muhammad, Abd Allah and his companions became anxious for an additional reward. They said, ‘Will this raid be counted as part of the reward promised to Muslim combatants?’

So Allah sent down this Quran: ‘Those who believe and have fought in Allah’s Cause may receive Allah’s mercy.’ Allah made the booty permissible. He divided the loot, awarding four-fifths to the men He had allowed to take it. He gave one-fifth to His Apostle.”

Mercy for murderers. Rewards for raiders. Loot for profiteers. “Allah’s Cause” has been defined for the first time, and it’s directly linked to a terrorist raid – one in which Muslim militants attacked, killed, robbed, and kidnapped civilians. Islam was not preached. Instead, Islam was used to motivate the bandits and reward the profit. The “religion” prompted barbarism rather than discourage it.

This incident destroys Islam’s religious credentials, Muhammad’s authority, and Allah’s credibility. Justifying violent criminal acts to satisfy a prophet’s financial lust is unfathomable. If we are to believe Muhammad, Allah approved murder, terror, thievery, and abduction. This is grossly inappropriate. An immoral god cannot be trusted and isn’t worthy of devotion, sacrifice, or martyrdom.

The same is true for an immoral profiteer. Muhammad had sent out armed brigades in search of Quraysh merchants, hoping to terrorize them and rob their caravans. When his militants succeeded, he betrayed his mercenaries to save his own hide, yet he still took the money. He threatened to kill his kin and ransomed them back to his tribe. Then he claimed that his god approved of this hellacious behavior, which was the biggest crime of all.

140The only thing more devastating than a man professing situational scriptures to legitimize terror, murder, robbery, and kidnapping is to lure billions to their doom by implying he was inspired by God. Doing so, Muhammad confirmed my theory: Islam was nothing more than the Profitable Prophet Plan. Muhammad was a con man.

There have been millions of murderers, countless kidnappers, and gangs of terrorists. There have been billions of sexual predators. Thieves are a dime a dozen. And there has been a score of men who have done these things while claiming to speak for God. Yet only one invented a “religion” and falsified “scripture” to satiate his demonic cravings. This is why Muhammad, Islam’s non-prophet, qualifies as the most evil man to have ever lived.
