611God Damn Religion
…Allah’s Delusions of Grandeur
Allah’s Delusions of Grandeur
Will you succumb to his witchcraft with your eyes open? These are merely medleys of muddled dreams!
Quran 021.005
Medleys of muddled dreams!
While no one knew it at the time, the protective womb that had been Petra, with its blushing pink sandstone walls, was on the cusp of bearing the Devil’s child. An ill-conceived and immoral deal with a troubled soul and tormented demon would fundamentally change the course of human events – plundering the world while snuffing out millions of lives.
And yet on this day, still radiant in the aftermath of the Quraysh Bargain, and unbeknownst to the celebrating inhabitants going about their daily lives, the sun was about to set on their contested and crumbing religious relic. Their capitulation would come back to haunt them, and the bite would be fatal. With the Quran’s Demon unleashed in the wake of the Satanic Verses, Petra would be buried before the end of the 7th century, while its neighbors, from India to Morocco, would not survive the 8th century.
As we travel back in time to the scene of the crime, all of the evidence is in view. It has not yet succumbed to the biting sands or scorching winds of the foreboding desert. So while the most menacing of marauding monsters has been unleashed and the damage has been done, on behalf of those who can still be spared, we are going to travel back in time to witness how this great tragedy transpired.
612No matter how improbable, sometimes even the most innocuous and seemingly incongruous pieces are shuffled around and fall into place, causing a seismic shift. This is one of those occasions.
The War of Words led to the Quraysh Bargain, resulting in the Satanic Verses. In response, there was the Night’s Journey, Shameful Exodus, and Pledge of War, all leading to the most menacing Terrorist Manifesto the world would ever endure. This is the History of Islam and a Synopses of the Quran. And we are on step two of the seven-step path that would cripple much of the world.
But without a prophet anywhere to be found, neither Khadija’s death nor the passing of the prophet’s protector, Uncle Talib, seemed all that foreboding. But with them gone, Muhammad spiraled out of control. He became ever more paranoid, delusional, and demented.
Having confessed to his former friends and family that his Quran had been inspired by Satan, the non-prophet desperately needed a new venue if he was going to continue promoting his snake-oil cure for human decency. So he began imagining himself leaving Petra.
Now liberated sexually with his aging cousin’s demise, Muhammad sought young love – trading a mother figure for a daughter. With his libido pendulum swinging wildly, before the sun would set, the fifty-year-old non-prophet hopped in the sack with his best pal’s six-year-old daughter.
That notwithstanding, since the non-prophet had cut out the strong arms of Umar, Hamzah, and Bakr from the Pagan Indulgent, they ultimately persuaded him to renege on the agreement. He dumped the goddesses and pouted. Muhammad’s last year in Petra was mayhem and madness.
Tabari VI:115 “The deaths of Abu Talib and Khadija were a great affliction to the Messenger. After the death of Abu Talib, the Quraysh went to greater lengths in molesting him than they had ever done during his lifetime. One of them even poured dust upon his 613head. The Prophet said, ‘The Quraysh never did anything unpleasant to me until Abu Talib died.’”
Islam’s prophet needed someone to protect him from all the verbal abuse. With his hometown audience tainted by his Satanic indulgence, and converts dropping like flies, Muhammad needed a new pool of potential victims…
Ishaq:192 “When Abu Talib died, the Messenger went to Ta’if to seek support and protection against his own people.” The Thaqif were the chiefs and nobles of the leading tribe in Ta’if. “He spoke to them about the requests which he had come to make, (that is,) that they should come to his aid in defense of Islam and take his side against those of his own tribe who opposed him.”
If Allah were really a god, do you think Muhammad would have asked pagans from a neighboring town to defend him? Or, might this be the scheme of a failed profiteer who is now asking his hometown’s rival to join his fledging enterprise? Either way, the Thaqif were as unimpressed with Muhammad as were the Quraysh.
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “One of them said, ‘If Allah has sent you, I will tear off the covering of the Ka’aba.’ Another said, ‘Couldn’t God find somebody better than you to send?’ The third added, ‘I shall not speak to you, for if you are Allah’s messenger as you say, you’re too important for me to reply to, and if you’re lying, you’re too despicable to address.’”
Muhammad’s motivations were so transparent the Thaqif were instantly convinced he was a charlatan. The combination of the Quraysh Bargain and Satanic Verses was devastating to Muhammad’s and his god’s credibility.
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “Muhammad left them, despairing of getting any good out of the Thaqif.” The fact he couldn’t convert them to Islam and rescue the souls from Allah’s fire was evidently unimportant. He despaired because he couldn’t get anything from them.
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “I have been told that he said to them, ‘If that is your decision, keep it secret and do not tell anyone about it,’ 614for he did not want his tribe to hear about this matter and be emboldened against him.”
A non-prophet begging pagans for protection was nearly as embarrassing as one patronizing pagan deities for sex, power, and money. It’s little wonder our desperate profiteer was squeamish about any of this getting out.
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “However, they did not comply with his request, and incited against him their ignorant rabble who reviled him, shouted at him, and hurled stones until a crowd gathered and forced him to take refuge in a garden a long distance from town.”
Now that’s a low blow – the audacity of hurling stones at a stone worshiper. I’ll bet it fractured Allah’s minerals.
So now huddling in the garden, Muhammad claims a Christian came to his aid, handing him some grapes. When the quivering prophet took them, he said,
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “‘In the name of Allah,’ and then ate. Addas looked him in the face and said, ‘By Allah, these words are not used by the people of this country.’”
This deception is no more credible than any of the other Christian endorsements of Islam. Ilah was the Arabic word for God. And no one was going to confuse the mythos associated with Jesus with Allah’s name and nature. Even the Ta’if were capable of distinguishing between them. What’s more, it wasn’t long ago that the Quraysh ripped the notion that Allah was anything more than one of the rocks in the pile to shreds. The pagans in Petra were said to have posted a document in the Ka’aba that began, “In your name, O Allah.”
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “Muhammad said, ‘From what country do you come, Addas, and what is your religion?’ He replied, ‘I am a Christian, from the people of Nineveh.’”
Nineveh was destroyed a thousand years earlier. But the error is not without merit, for it explains the reason behind this fable. Muhammad’s journey to Ta’if is recast as heroic and godly – just like Jonah’s bogus mission to Nineveh. (I’m 615sorry, “Old Testament” fans, but there are a handful of false prophets where they do not belong. Jonah, Ezekiel, much of Daniel, Esther, Enoch, Maccabees, and Job fail Yahowah’s Dabarym 18 test.)
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “The Messenger said, ‘From the town of the righteous man Jonah the son of Matta?’”
Even in the fables, Jonah was from Israel, not Babylon. And the Assyrian capital was not his town. He despised the place. What’s more, his father’s name was Amittai.
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:192 “‘How did you know about Jonah the son of Matta?’ he asked. The Messenger replied, ‘He is my brother. He was a prophet and I am a prophet [without a single prophecy].’ Addas bent down before the Messenger [Prostration to prophets isn’t Christian behavior.] and he kissed his head, his hands, and feet.” The story goes on to say, “Muhammad has told me something which none but a prophet knows.”
If that’s true, how did Addas know it? Was he a “prophet” too? In actuality, by regaling us in this “confirmation,” Muslims are confirming that they have lost the ability to reason. There was no justification for what Muhammad had been or for what he would become.
So now in the afterglow of the Satanic verses, we encounter this endorsement from Satan’s tribe, the jinn?
Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:193 “When the Messenger despaired of getting any positive response from the Thaqif, he left Ta’if to return to Mecca. When he was at Nakhlah, he rose in the middle of the night to pray, and, as Allah has told, a number of the jinn passed by. Ishaq says that he was told that there were seven jinn from Nasibin of the Yemen.”
“They listened to him, and when he had completed his prayer they went back to their people to warn them, having believed and responded to what they had heard.”
According to the Quran, jinn aren’t people. They are invisible spirits that lead men astray, members of Satan’s tribe; they’re made of fire like that found in hell.
616Tabari VI:116 & Ishaq:193 “Allah mentioned their story when he said…”
Quran 046.027 “We have, indeed, destroyed cities, towns, and villages all around you, having explained Our signs in different ways to them that they may turn back.
Quran 046.028 Why then did the gods they had taken besides al-Lahi as a way of approach, not help them? Nay, but they did fail them utterly, vanishing completely from them. And this was their lie, a complete falsehood, and what they used to invent.”
Quran 046.029 When We turned and inclined toward you a nafran | three to ten individuals of jinns who listened to the Quran when they arrived and stood in its presence? Said, ‘Give ear.’ When it was over, they came back to their people, warning.
Quran 046.030 They said, ‘O our people, verily, lo, we have listened to and heard a Book which has come down after Musa | Moseh, confirming what was before it, guiding to the truth and a straight path and right road.’
Quran 046.031 O our people, harken to and respond, accepting al-Lahi’s summoner, and believe in him. He will forgive you of your sins and will save you from a painful torment.”
Yet again, Allah is the Lord of Demons. Moreover, Muhammad and Allah speak with one voice. It is almost as if one possessed the other.
Tabari VI:118 “The Messenger came back to Mecca and found that its people were more determined to oppose him and to abandon his religion, except for a few weak people who believed in him.”
Just when you think that the Islamic Traditions have pounded the final nail into Muhammad’s prophetic coffin, they find another. Following the Immoral Indulgence, the Satanic Admission, the Pagan Protection Fiasco, and now the Jinn Endorsement, we’re told that all but a few weak Muslims rejected Muhammad. Imagine that. They “abandoned his religion, except for a few weak people.”
Ten years into Muhammad’s mission, the score is: Islam 3, Disbelievers 4,997. (I would have credited Muhammad 617with 5 remaining converts to Islam, including himself, but who am I to argue with the preceding Hadith chronicled in the History of al-Tabari?
Imagine for a moment that you’re Ibn Ishaq. You’re in Baghdad 130 years, or about five generations, after Muhammad brought these disasters upon himself. A Caliph waltzes in and orders you to write the Islamic Gospel – “The Life of the Messenger Muhammad.” But all you have to work with are oral reports called Hadith – handed down hearsay lip to ear over the vast chasm of time.
You put quill to paper, but your hand shakes. With every word you destroy – demonize, actually – the man responsible for the enslaving and incapacitating dogma under which you toil. His words are as twisted as were his deeds. So, what do you do?
To his credit, I think Ishaq wrote what he had heard. If a Hadith explained an otherwise incomprehensible Quran citation, if it illuminated an otherwise unjustifiable ritual, if it clarified the change in Arabs that led to their bloody conquests, it made its way into his Sira. Thereby, this lone scribe established Islam. Ishaq is responsible for virtually everything Muslims know about Muhammad, his god, his recitals, his rituals, and his religion. And while none of it is good, we are the beneficiaries because he provided the evidence we will use to investigate the scene of the crime.
With Allah’s House tainted with the lingering effects of the Satanic Verses, Muhammad needed a new Qiblah – a new direction to go and another object to exploit. He needed a distraction until the Ka’aba could be moved to its new location in Mecca and then be cleaned up and reestablished a few rocks shy of a full load. His days in Petra were coming to an end.
Having stolen the Towrah’s credibility, the obvious choice of venue was Moriah in Jerusalem. So the wannabe prophet conjured up one of the most preposterous schemes 618ever proposed in the name of religion. In the middle of the night, with no one watching, he claimed that he was flown on a winged steed to the Temple in Jerusalem. There, he was welcomed triumphantly by all the former scriptural big shots. They were waiting for him, assembled in a solemn conclave of prophetic solidarity.
His imagination running wild, Muhammad leaped from the Temple Mount skyward, ascending through hell and then from one heaven to another. When he found himself in the presence of Allah, he was promptly dismissed. But on his way out the door, the Snake in the Sky demanded that Muslims moon him fifty times a day.
Hallucination over, Muhammad awoke the following morning in the house of his late uncle Talib. The vision still dancing vividly before his eyes, he cried out to his niece, “Omm Hani, during the night I prayed in the Temple of Jerusalem.” She begged him not to expose such frivolity to the Quraysh, but he persisted.
Ishaq:184 “Umm, Abu Talib’s daughter, said, ‘The Apostle went on no journey except while he was in my house. He slept in my home that night after he prayed the final night prayer. A little before dawn he woke us, saying, ‘O Umm, I went to Jerusalem.’
He got up to go out and I grabbed hold of his robe and laid bare his belly. I pleaded, ‘O Muhammad, don’t tell the people about this for they will know you are lying and will mock you.’ He said, ‘By Allah, I will tell them.’ I told a negress slave of mine, ‘Follow him and listen.’”
As the story spread, Muhammad’s Muslim malcontents abandoned him. The disillusionment was confirmed by Katib al Wackidi, “Upon hearing this many became renegades who had prayed and joined Islam.”
Ishaq:183 “Many Muslims gave up their faith. Some went to Abu Bakr and said, ‘What do you think of your friend now? He alleges that he went to Jerusalem last night and prayed there and came back to Mecca.’
619Bakr said that they were lying about the Apostle. But they told him that he was in the mosque at this very moment telling the Quraysh about it. Bakr said, ‘If he says so then it must be true. I believe him. And that is more extraordinary than his story at which you boggle.’
Then Allah sent down a Qur’an surah concerning those who left Islam for this reason: ‘We made the vision which we showed you only a test for men. We put them in fear, but it only adds to their heinous error.’” (Quran 013.033)
Once again, Muhammad flips out and it’s everyone’s fault but his own. And while it’s not surprising anymore, the 13th surah was initially recited in Yathrib, not Petra.
What’s surprising is that the Ar-Ra’d | The Thunder surah actually rebukes Muhammad’s claim of a miraculous journey. However, as we begin, it’s readily apparent that a change of venue has done nothing to improve Allah’s disposition. And, even now, with access to literate people, the Islamic god remains as ignorant and belligerent as ever. And keeping it real, anyone who believes these words were recited by a god is as dumb as their deity…
Quran 013.001 “Alif Lam Mim Ra. (These letters are a miracle of the Quran and none but Allah knows their meanings).
These (are) the Verses (of) the Book (the Quran), and that which has been revealed to you (Muhammad) from Rabbika | your Lord (is) the truth, but most the men believe not.”
As a reminder, there still was no Book. And now the non-prophet and un-god are without excuse. This was revealed in Yathrib, a city filled with literate Jews.
It is also embarrassing that Allah is continuing to whine that no one, at least apart from a score of misfits, believes him. But the fact remains, Allah continues to flop, bungling his audition as God. The signs and proof that Allah is Satan, as inept as a Snake, are littered throughout this and every recital.
620As we proceed, since readers now know that al-Lahu, al-Lahi, and al-Laha are accurately rendered from Arabic into English as “the For-Him,” “the To-Him,” and “the For-Her,” I’m going to dispense with these translations and convey each as a title – and thus transliterate them.
Quran 013.002 “Al-Lahu (is) the One Who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see. Then, He istawa | rose established on the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty), and subjected the sun and the moon (to continue going round), each running (its course) for a term appointed. He regulates the matter. He details the ayat | proofs, verses, and signs so that you may believe with certainty in the meeting (with) Rabbikum | your Lord.”
The reason Muslims are relegated to the 7th century is because Allah is still living in the Stone Age. He is insistent that Muslims believe that the sky is a miracle attributable to him because the pillars cannot be seen. Nor can his throne be seen, but that’s another proof of his divine nature. Then, to cap off our venture into the realm of Islamic astronomy, the sun and moon are obedient slaves going round running a course for an appointed time with Allah regulating the matter. The realization that none of it is true still hasn’t dawned on Muslims – making them and their god the perfect pairing.
Even worse, the Earth is stretched and spread out, inferring that it must be flat, and mountains, which are evidence of instability, are stabilizers. Then, as we move into Muslim botany, we find al-Lahu claiming that all fruit was conceived in pairs. And as day covers night, we have more proofs to ponder…
Quran 013.003 “And He, the One Who stretched and spread the earth, and placed therein the mountain stabilizers and rivers. And from all the fruits He made in it pairs (may mean two kinds or it may mean: of two sorts, e.g. black and white, sweet and sour, small and big, etc.) He covers the night the day. Lo! Verily, in that surely signs and proofs for a people who ponder.
621Quran 013.004 And in the earth are neighboring tracts, and gardens of grapevines, and crops, and date-palms, trees from a single root, and not trees from a single root watered with water one. But We cause to exceed some of them over others in the fruit. Verily, in that surely signs and proofs for a people who reason.”
Since even the translators were clueless regarding the neighboring tracts, not even one of them ventured a guess. And of course, crops come from farmers, not gods, trees have many roots, and water comes from many sources. Therefore, we have ever more signs and proofs that Allah is only marginally smarter than a reptile.
Lo, verily, we (are) astonished that anyone believes that the Quran has merit…
Quran 013.005 “And if you (are) astonished, then astonishing (is) their saying, ‘When we are dust, shall we indeed in a new creation?’ Those, the ones who disbelieved in their Lord, and those the iron chains in their necks. Those companions (of) the Hell-Fire. They abide forever in it.”
Bodily resurrection, while needed to tantalize and taunt the bodies of men without brains, is otherwise counterproductive. But without bodies, what is al-Lahu to do with all of his fetters and chains? That pondered, I suspect that the Serpent will be bummed when he discovers that there are no fires or bodies to abuse in She’owl.
Quran 013.006 “And they ask you to hasten the evil before the good. And, lo, has occurred before them exemplary punishments. But verily, your Lord full forgiveness for mankind for their wrongdoing. And, lo, your Lord (is) Severe in punishment.”
No one was pleading for the Day of Doom to come quickly. They were simply mocking the messenger. They had been taunted so many times that they said, “Put up or shut up.” But unable to do either, the Snake boasted that his punishments were exemplary. He doubled down on the mantra that he, alone, was the Lord of Severe Pain.
622By this time, no one was asking for a sign either. The War of Words was over. The Satanic Verses had been an admission of guilt. Those who knew Muhammad better than anyone had been right in saying that he had been demon-possessed.
Quran 013.007 “And the disbelievers say: ‘Why has not a sign been sent down to him from Rabbihi | his Lord?’ You only a warner, and for every people a guide.”
Actually, that’s not true, not by any standard – not even the Quran’s. Muhammad did a lot more than warn because he incited Arabs to grotesque violence. And clearly, he was not a guide. Further, not only weren’t guides sent to most people, much less all people, God limited His witness to one people. It is only through those who Allah seeks to irradicate that the rest of us can learn about God. Is it then any wonder the Snake wants Jews silenced?
This brings us back to creepy al-Lahu who snoops about in the wombs of pregnant women. While I don’t know how he manages to fit with his ego and all, nonetheless, he is the fetus facilitator.
Quran 013.008 “Al-Lahu knows what every female carries, and what the wombs fall short and what they exceed. Everything with Him in due measure.
Quran 013.009 Knower the unseen and the witnessed. The Most-Great, the Most-High.”
In this one verse, we find half of the Quran. The Snake who slithered out of the Desert wants to be perceived as God rather than the Adversary, as the Most-Great and the Most-High. It is exactly what Yasha’yah | Isaiah foretold more than a millennia before this confession was recited.
And should you want to know the rest of the story, it is the degradation and destruction of mankind. Humans made in God’s image must be deceived for Satan to prevail. And in this regard, this Snake has earned a six-fanged salute. Between Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, 623
Conspiratorial Right-Wingers, Progressives, Socialists, and Communists, he has seduced almost everyone.
It must be his snappy repartee…
Quran 013.010 “Same who conceals the speech or who declares and publicizes. Or, who he hidden by night or goes freely by day.
Quran 013.011 For him, successive from before him and from behind him who guard him by al-Lahi command. Lo! Verily, al-Laha not change the condition of a people until they alter what in themselves. And when al-Lahu wills for a people’s misfortune and punishment, then no turning away from it. And not for them besides Him any protector.”
We can only assume that pretending to be a real God was too mentally demanding for a reptilian overlord, so Satan is now impersonating Zeus…
Quran 013.012 “He, the One who shows you the lightning, a fear and a hope, and brings the heavy clouds,
Quran 013.013 And glorifies the thunder with His praise. And the angels for fear of Him, He sends the thunderbolts and strikes with it whom He wills. Yet they dispute about al-Lahi. And He Mighty Strength and Severe in Punishment.”
Do you suppose that Satan wanted to compete with and rise above the pagan gods, tossing lightning bolts at unsuspecting earthlings?
Quran 013.014 “For Him (Alone) supplication, the truth (i.e. none has the right to be worshipped but He). And those whom they (polytheists and disbelievers) invoke from besides Him, they not respond to them except with a thing like one who stretches his hands towards water to reach his mouth, but not it reaches it. And not the invocation or supplication (of) the disbelievers but an error.”
Normally, the short arm analogy is used to indict scrooges who can’t seem to reach their wallets when it’s time to pay the bill, but this is a clever adaptation that played well in the desert.
624Quran 013.015 “And (to) Alillahi falls in prostration whoever in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and (so do) their shadows in the mornings and in the afternoons.
Quran 013.016 Say, ‘Who Rabbu | the Lord the heavens and the earth?’ Say, ‘Al-Lahu.’ Say, ‘Have you then taken auliyaa | protectors besides Him? They have no power for themselves, benefit and not harm.’ Say, ‘Is the blind equal to the seeing? Or is darkness equal to light? Or do they assign or attribute to Alillahi partners who created like His creation, so that the creation seemed alike to them?’ Say, ‘Al-Lahu the Creator of all things, and He the One, Irresistible.’”
By demanding that everyone in heaven and on earth, including shadows, of course, bow down, prostrating themselves to him, Allah has affirmed that he is a psychotic narcissist who is unable to overcome his crippling insecurities. He’d be about as much fun as Tamerlane.
This is why Allah must intimidate Muslims, warning them that he is so vicious that no one can protect themselves from him. He is claiming that everyone is powerless against him. And that’s funny since he hasn’t managed to do anything other than indict himself and destroy his credibility. But at least we know why Allah is alone, without friends, coworkers, or partners – no one can stand to be around him. He is exceedingly anti-social. It would again make al-Lahu the antithesis of Yahowah.
We return to this rain god and measure man while embarking into hot water, ornamental fire, and the great foam caper…
Quran 013.017 “He sends down water from the sky, and flows the valleys according to their measure. And carries the torrent a foam rising. And from what they heat on it in the fire in order to make ornaments or utensils, a foam like it. Thus sets forth al-Lahu the truth and the falsehood. Then, as for the foam, it passes away (as) scum. And as for what benefits the mankind remains in the earth, thus al-Lahu sets forth the examples.”
If only this scum would pass away, it would be a refreshing change. But we aren’t so lucky. Even though al-625Lahu wants your money, he won’t accept a ransom. This is because the evil abode and terrible reckoning are free for infidels…
Quran 013.018 “For those who responded to their Lord, the bliss. But those not responding to Him, if they had whatever in all the earth and its like with it, surely they would offer ransom with it. For them, a terrible reckoning. Their dwelling place and abode (will be) Hell - and wretched (is) that place for rest.”
Gibberish is al-Lahu’s strong suit. It is the language of the Quran…
Quran 013.019 “Then is who knows that what has been revealed unto you from your Lord, the truth like who he blind? But pay heed understanding men.”
The pact is evil, the pledge is deadly, and the bonds, with the fetters and chains, are of slavery.
Quran 013.020 “Those who fulfill bi’ahdi | the bond, pact, and agreement of al-Lahi and break not the mithaqa | contract and pledge.
Quran 013.021 And those who join what commanded al-Lahu for it to be joined and fear their Lord, and are afraid the evil of the account.”
Patience, please – why rush what isn’t going to happen? However, be sure to bow and pay before repelling.
Quran 013.022 “And those who patient seeking their Lord’s face and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them secretly and publicly and they repel with the good the evil those for them the final attainment the home.”
We now know that al-Lahu had to plagiarize because apart from being decadent, demented, and degrading, he wasn’t as creative as he would appear…
Quran 013.023 “Gardens of Eden they will enter them and whoever do right among their fathers and their spouses and their offsprings and the angels will enter upon them from every gate.
Quran 013.024 Peace upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent the final attainment the abode.”
626Since this is the very same Snake banished from the Gan ‘Eden for having corrupted Yahowah’s testimony while beguiling his victims, one can be assured that he cannot provide access, nor should his recitals be trusted.
The Devil does not take kindly to breach of contract. Be forewarned…
Quran 013.025 “And those who break the ahda | covenant, compact, or agreement of al-Lahi after its contracting, and sever, breaking what al-Lahu commanded to be joined, and spread mischief in the land, on them is the curse. And for them an evil abode (i.e. Hell).
Quran 013.026 Al-Lahu extends the provision for whom He wills and restricts. And they rejoice in the life of the world. And nothing (is) the life of the world (as compared) with the Hereafter except a brief passing enjoyment.
There will be no rejoicing. Al-Lahu is not into happiness, only decadence and damning. Well, to be fair, he likes torture too.
Prior to the Quran, I was not aware that Snakes have memory issues and cannot recall what they have said from one breath to the next, causing them to repeat themselves:
Quran 013.027 “And say those who disbelieved, ‘Why has not a sign been sent down to him from his Rabbihi?’ Say, ‘Lo! Verily, al-Laha lets go astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself whomever turns back.’
Quran 013.028 Those who believed and find rest (in) their hearts in the remembrance (of) al-Lahi. Verily, no doubt in the remembrance of al-Lahi find remembrance the hearts.”
No doubt about it. Al-Lahi lets go astray. Abracadabra, what did you say?
Quran 013.029 “Those who believed, attaining faith, and did good deeds, blessedness for them and a goodly place of return.”
May I remind you – faith is not knowing.
627Petra was a relic of its former glory. Mecca did not yet exist. And Yathrib, while a city, was not a nation. Nonetheless, this boast…
Quran 013.030 “Thus have We sent you to a nation verily have passed away from before it nations in order that you might recite unto them what We have revealed to you while they disbelieve in Rahman.
Say, ‘He is my Rabbi! La ilaha illa huwa | no god but him! In Him is my trust, and to Him (is) my return.’”
We are one god shy of the trifecta of Quranic deities. We have a Rabbi and a Rahman, along with No-God-But-Him.
If Snakes could write, and if this one could have produced a Quran, the mountains would have moved, the earth would have cloven asunder, and the dead would have spoken. It would have been a proof potpourri…
Quran 013.031 “And if there had been a Quran with which mountains could be moved, or the earth could be cloven asunder, or the dead could be made to speak by it. Nay, with Lillahi all the command.
Then those who believe not know that had al-Lahu willed, surely He could have guided all the mankind? And will not cease to strike those who disbelieve because of their deeds a disaster. Or it settles close from their homes until the Promise of al-Lahi comes. Certainly, al-Laha fails not (in) the Promise.”
If only al-Lahu had a Quran, surely he could have guided mankind. But without one, he was resigned to lashing out at disbelievers. And not yet weary of the Never-Ending Argument, we have returned to the messenger mockers, seizures, awful punishments, and terrible torments. Oh my…
Quran 013.032 “And certainly were mocked messengers from before you. But, I granted respite to those kafar | infidels. Then I seized and destroyed them. How awful and severe, even terrible, was My tormenting punishment then?”
It was a while ago, but if you recall, we turned to the 13th surah because of a rather startling admission…
628Ishaq:183 “Many Muslims gave up their faith. Some went to Abu Bakr and said, ‘What do you think of your friend now? He alleges that he went to Jerusalem last night and prayed there and came back to Mecca.’
Bakr said that they were lying about the Apostle. But they told him that he was in the mosque at this very moment telling the Quraysh about it. Bakr said, ‘If he says so then it must be true. I believe him. And that is more extraordinary than his story at which you boggle.’
Then Allah sent down a Qur’an surah concerning those who left Islam for this reason: ‘We made the vision which we showed you only, a test for men. We put them in fear, but it only adds to their heinous error.’” (Quran 013.033)
So here is that citation…
Quran 013.033 “Is then He Who, Himself, takes charge of, guards, and maintains every soul for what he has earned (like any other deities who know nothing)? Yet they ascribe partners and friends to Lillahi.
Say, ‘Name them!’ Or you inform Him of what not He knows in the earth or of the apparent of the words. Nay! To those who disbelieve, their plotting contrivance is made fairseeming and attractive. And they are hindered from the path. And whosoever by al-Lahu lets go astray, then for him, there is no guide.”
Of the one or two score of social outcasts in Petra, a town comprised mostly of castaways by this time, all but a handful recanted their faith in Muhammad and Rabbi Raham. Obviously, the War of Words comprising the Never-Ending Argument that led to the sexual depravity and money-grubbing power grab of the Quraysh Bargain, whereby Muhammad traded Rahman for the Babes of the Boulders, was not well received. And when followed by the Satan Verses admission, Islam lost its appeal. The veil had been removed. Muhammad’s Lord was Satan. And so then, Demonic Mo rode his flying ass out of town for a much-needed vacation.
629But al-Lahu was on to them like flames on infidels. The entire debacle had been intentional – a great ruse to ferret out the scheming contrivances of the naysayers. The Snake was deliberately hindering the former Muslims from the path, leading them astray. And the reason he did so was so that he could punish those who had been foolish enough to trust this horrible man and his hellish god. Listen…
Quran 013.034 “For them, a punishment in the life of the world and surely the punishment of the hereafter will be harder and more severe. And not for them is there any defender to protect or save them from al-Lahi.”
If this is your god, you are a fool.
Not only is Allah on record promising to torture the first Muslims in Hell after punishing them on Earth, salvation, which isn’t forthcoming, is from him, not by him. That’s frightening.
So why would anyone trust him? Why would anyone want to spend a moment alone with him? He’s creepy and diabolical, fickle and capricious.
Quran 013.035 “The example or description of the Paradise which al-mutaquna | conscious, pious, and dutiful promised flows from underneath it the rivers. Its food, everlasting and its shade. This (is) the end of those who ittaqaw | keep their duty and stay on their guard. And the end of al-kafirina | infidel disbelievers – the Fire.”
If that’s the best the Snake can do with his depiction of the Islamic Paradise, it’s no better than stumbling upon a spring in the desert. Should this be your heart’s desire, consider booking a room in Las Vegas.
As for what follows, it’s simply not true. Beyond the realization that Allah never provided anyone with a Book, the Hadith acknowledged and the Quran confirmed that the former believers were now toast. Muhammad was despondent, his accomplices were disgusted, and their neighbors were repulsed, so there was no rejoicing. Al-Lahu has lost touch with reality.
630Quran 013.036 “Those to whom We have given the Book, rejoice at what has been revealed to you. But among the groups, these confederates who deny and reject a part of it. Say, ‘I have only been commanded that I worship al-Laha and not I associate partners with Him. To Him I call and to Him my return.’”
Since the Quran had been crudely amalgamated from local pagan customs, Arab monotheists, Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians, there may well have been a verse or two that resonated with each community. However, being religious makes it unGodly. And not only is truth hidden when covered in a pile of lies, even if 99% of the strokes were accurate (as opposed to less than 1%), the result would remain a counterfeit. And counterfeits are criminal.
Quran 013.037 “And thus We have revealed it, a judgement of authority, Arabic. And if you follow their desires after came to you of the knowledge, then you will not have any protector, defender, or savior against al-Lahi.”
In context, this confirms my conclusion. The Quran was revealed because the spirit behind it, presented here as the Rabbi al-Laha, al-Lahi, and Rahman, wanted to be worshiped alone as if he were God. This command has been issued on the authority of the unintelligent and irrational, illiterate and plagiarizing, psychotic and demonic voice of the Quran, who moments ago, identified himself as Satan.
And no matter which words are Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Nabatean, Sabean, Persian, contrived, or Arabic, when the ingredients of this word salad stop tumbling, Satan is touting salvation from him, not by him.
Quran 013.038 “And lo, certainly, We sent messengers from before you, and We made for them wives and offspring. And it was not for a messenger that he comes with a sign except by the leave al-Lahi. For matter a Decree and time prescribed.
I am not the first to reveal that Allah fooled the foolish into believing that he was God by eliminating and confirming what he wanted from the Mother of the Book – also known as the Towrah. The Snake beat me to it.
631Quran 013.039 “Al-Lahu eliminated and then confirmed what He wanted. So with Him, (is) the Mother (of) the Book.”
This confession serves to validate another important conclusion. Satan is so dismissive of the humans he wants to enslave, compelling them to bow down in submission to him, that, he not only admits that he inspired this bogus bill, he explains his approach.
Beginning with the Towrah, Satan confirmed what suited him and denied all that was in opposition to his quest to be seen as God. He parroted the names of Yahowah’s coworkers and then changed their stories. By having done so, there would be a veneer of credibility pasted over a myriad of lies.
While not as extreme, this is the same approach Satan used in the Garden, and then with Paul and Akiba. It prevails because it only has to beguile the gullible and the tyrannical. It explains how Paul prevailed in Greece and Rome, creating the autocratic imposition of Roman Catholicism and how Muhammad succeeded in creating Islam as the religion of submission in Arabia.
Quran 013.040 “And whether what We show you as a part of what We intend, or We cause you to die, your only role is in the conveyance, while Ours is in the result.”
Now out of his den and basking in the Arabian sun, Satan is proudly announcing how he intends to prevail. Muhammad, like others before and after him, are part of the show – pawns who convey what Satan wants known as the Devil’s Advocates.
This Snake does not care who lives under his spell, or who he causes to die as a result of his toxicity. The only thing that matters to him is the result. Therefore, in the Quran, the hideous means justify the demonic end.
To prevail, the Adversary must use religion to replace the Covenant Family relationship Yahowah intended with 632submission and devotion to him in the guise of God. In the process, he must dehumanize and demonize Jews, because they are Yahowah’s prophets. And it is all in anticipation of a single day, whereby Satan intends for the Day of Reconciliations to become the Day of Doom. If a remnant of Yisra’el is not awakened to respond to Yahowah’s invitation and call prior to His return, God’s intent will have been thwarted and Satan will be left to rule over a devastated planet. But spoiler alert – it isn’t going happen as Satan intends. Yowm Kipurym will be well attended and celebrated by God’s people. And for that purpose, I was chosen by Yah, equipped by Him to write this message, and know that it will achieve His intended result.
Quran 013.041 “Do they not see that We come to the Land, advancing from all sides, reducing it (by giving it to believers in war victories)? And al-Lahu decides and judges, there is no adjustment of His Judgment. So He is swift (in) the reckoning.”
Should you believe in Snakes, according to the Lord of Swift Reckoning, that which Yahowah had given to the Jews, their Land and special relationship, their calling as prophets and the Towrah, will be reduced and confiscated.
Methinks not, but that is because me thinks.
Still lashing out at the first Muslims, those who had believed Muhammad and his Lord through the demonic first encounter in the cave of self-justification, through the negativity of the Never-Ending Argument, overlooking the perverted pagan indulgence of the Quraysh Bargain, and past the admission that the Devil had inspired the Quran with the Satanic Verses, but finally tossing in the towel with the fable-ous Night’s Journey, we find that Allah is a better schemer than they…
Quran 013.042 “And certainly (there were) those who plotted from before them, but for Alillahi are all the plots. He knows what every soul earns. And (He) will know the disbelievers for whom (is) the final abode.
633Quran 013.043 And those who disbeliever say, ‘You are not a messenger.’ Say, ‘Sufficient (is) Bil-Lahi, a Witness between me and between you and whoever has knowledge (of) the Book.’”
As a sad assessment of those who were plotted against, the most pathetic of plans ultimately prevailed. Although, it would require a completely new audience and an onslaught of terror. Such is the realization of those with knowledge of the Book.
The Thunderer has come to a close with a whimper. Islam had failed where it was born. The War of Words, Pagan Bargain, Satanic Admission, and the Flight from Reality had led to a miscarriage. There had been 96 recitals and only four Muslims.
And to think, it was the Night’s Journey, the winged-ass ride to Jerusalem, that served as the antidote for the Snake’s venom. Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Guidance to Reconciliation had served to free the first Muslims from Islam. And to think, those who remain Muslims lay the claim to Jerusalem on a fable so fictitious Muhammad, himself, couldn’t overcome the disgrace.
We are left with these troubled words because they remain the lone witness to the validity of Muhammad’s claims. So, let’s try to make sense of his fictitious journey. As always, it will be difficult to tell where the prophet’s imagination subsided and that of the Muslim sages began.
For example, when questioned by the Quraysh, we are told that the angel-less and miracle-less messenger convinced his spirit friend to erect a model of Jerusalem in their midst. As further evidence of the Night Journey, Muhammad said that while whizzing over a caravan the noise of his flying steed frightened a camel to death. Upon 634returning to Mecca, someone is said to have confirmed that a camel had indeed been anxious. It served as proof.
The only other Quranic mention of the flight of fancy is found in the 17th surah, Al Israa | The Israelis, which opens by admitting that the ass who flew Muhammad north from Petra to Jerusalem in the darkness of night was no less than the All-Seer and All-Hearer, Himself, the Glorified and Exalted Snake…
Quran 017.001 “Glorified and exalted (is) the One Who took His slave (by) night from Al-Masjid-al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, the surrounds We blessed that We might show him of our signs and proofs. Lo, He, Himself, the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.”
If there were a “mosque – place of prostration” in Petra at the time, it would have been nothing more than a courtyard surrounding the now infamous rock pile. We know this because we are just days removed from the Quraysh Bargain, in which the pagans still prevailed over the Ka’aba.
As for the place allegedly visited, it was not named, here or any other place within the Quran. The assumption that Al-Aqsa would have been in Jerusalem is pure speculation – which I suppose makes it as credible as the rest of Allah’s witness. But should we play along and pretend that the un-god of Islam took his non-prophet to this unspecified place on an unidentified beast, then we are still left with the realization that there could not have been an Al-Aqsa | Furthest mosques because Islam was still foundering in Petra and had not yet migrated to Yathrib. The reconstituted malcontents who would replace the forlorn and foregone first Muslim apostates would not enter Jerusalem until well after Muhammad’s death during the War of Compulsion.
The six-year-old Aisha, who was sacrificed to the fifty-year-old prophet’s perverted sexual desires within days of Khadija’s death, said,
Ishaq:183 “The Prophet’s body remained where it was. Allah removed his spirit at night.”
635In that there was no way to see the city the Romans and subsequent earthquakes had destroyed at night in the 7th century, the cover of darkness must have suited Islam’s demonic spirit. Aisha further indicted her predator’s tale with:
Bukhari:V4B53N400 “Once the Prophet was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done.”
That is to say, Muhammad was demon-possessed and delusional, even dishonest. Those are not the qualities one would normally seek in a wannabe prophet and messenger.
Finishing the job, she said: Bukhari:V4B54N457 “Whoever claimed that Muhammad saw his Lord is committing a great fault, for he only saw Gabriel.”
While Aisha’s criticism was incriminating, there was a bigger problem. Not only was there no mosque anywhere in the world, but there was no Temple in Jerusalem. Six centuries before the mystical al-Buraq took flight, the Romans destroyed the second iteration of Yahowah’s Covenant Home. By 70 CE, not one stone stood upon another. And that would make both the Islamic god and his prophet liars.
Bukhari:V4B55N585 “‘O Allah’s Apostle! Which mosque was first built on the surface of the earth?’ He said, ‘The mosque Haram in Mecca.’ ‘Which was built next?’ He replied ‘The mosque of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem.’ ‘What was the period of construction between the two?’ He said, ‘Forty years.’”
No matter how one goes about interpreting these claims and fantasies, Muhammad lied. If the rocks of the Ka’aba were piled by Allah (and they weren’t), then it would have been several billion years old. If by Adam (and it wasn’t), then this would have occurred sometime after 3968 BCE (a gap of 4,600 years). If by Abraham, which also did not happen, then the rock gods would have been assembled in 1968 BCE (creating a 2,869-year divide).
636If historical evidence is our guide, the first to pile rocks to replace the fallen temples in Petra would have done so around 400 CE (shrinking the gap to 300 years while at the same time obliterating all of Allah’s claims in the process). Addressing the fate of that Ka’aba, it was disassembled and moved to Mecca after the Second Islamic Civil War in 692 CE. Therefore, since Muhammad’s answer regarding the gap in their construction would have been spoken in 621 or 622 CE, even if the pagan rock pile in Petra had been stacked while he was a child, his 40-year response would have been invalid by a factor of two. And if we are to believe the traditional Islamic accounts of the Abrahamic Ka’aba, then the non-prophet erred by a factor of 74 times. But either way, this was actually closer to being accurate than almost everything else Muhammad claimed. He would have been within three millennia, plus or minus a camel shoe.
And while there was no mention of Yahowah’s Covenant Home, should you be interested, the Cornerstone of the House Solomon built on Mount Moriah for Yahowah and His Family was laid in 968 BCE (precisely 1,000 years after ‘Abraham’s journey with Yitschaq to Moriah and 1,000 years before the Messiah and Son of God, Dowd | David, fulfilled Chag Matsah in 33 CE in this very same place). After the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in 586 BCE, the Second Temple was constructed in 516 BCE. It was then destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE – 541 years prior to Muhammad’s fable-ous ride into infamy.
As a point of curiosity, the Dome of the Rock was raised on the foundations of the Roman Temple of Jupiter in 691 CE as a trophy over Jews. Al-Aqsa Mosque, however, was constructed over and from the stones confiscated from the Church of Our Lady on the southern end of the Temple Mount beginning around 700 CE. It was destroyed in 746 by an earthquake and rebuilt in 758 CE. It was expanded in 780. The present mosque was rebuilt around the Crusades, circa 1025 CE. It served as the headquarters of the Knights 637Templar until it was conquered by Saladin in 1187 CE. Damaged again in 1837 and 1927 quakes, the repaired mosque now features Carrara marble columns donated by Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
As an interesting aside, the claim cannot be made that Al-Aqsa mosque has a qibla pointing toward the Temple Mount in Jerusalem because the direction of prayer is due south, over Petra and in the direction of Mecca. This was possible since the Caliph credited with building Al-Aqsa was responsible for moving the Ka’aba eight years before its construction began. Also telling, the reason that the qibla faces away from the location of Yahowah’s Temple was because the designers wanted Muslims to be displaying their asses toward the God of the Jews.
While I’m not a psychiatrist, this story sounds delusional:
Bukhari:V4B54N429/V5B58N227 “The Prophet said, ‘While I was at the House or standing place in a state midway between sleep and wakefulness, an angel recognized me as the man lying between two men. [That sounds provocative and like he was fantasizing that he was in Allah’s brothel.]
A golden tray full of wisdom and belief was brought to me and my body was cut open from the throat to the lower part of my pubic area.’ The Prophet said, ‘My abdomen was washed with Zamzam water taking away doubt or polytheism or pre-Islamic beliefs or error. Then he took out my heart and filled it with belief and wisdom before returning it to its place.
Then Al-Buraq, a white animal, smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me and I set out with Gabriel.’ The Prophet said, ‘The animal’s step was so wide it reached the farthest point within reach of the animal’s sight.”
When we compare this macabre story of an altered state of angelic recognition, allusions to homosexuality, pubic dissection, and beastly strides, to what we have read previously in the Quran, two things become obvious. First, Muhammad is trying to expunge the demonic and suicidal 638experience associated with the first revelation because he was admittedly practicing paganism. And second, since Allah told us that he took Muhammad on the Night’s Journey in the Quran, then Allah must be either Gabriel, the ass, or both.
From the Sira: Ishaq:182 “While I was in the Hijr, Gabriel came and stirred me with his foot. He took me to the door of the mosque and there was a white animal, half mule, half donkey, with wings on its sides yet it was propelled by its feet. He mounted me on it. When I mounted, he shied. Gabriel placed his hand on its mane and said [to the jackass], ‘You should be ashamed to behave this way. By God, you have never had a more honorable rider than Muhammad.’ The animal was so embarrassed, it broke into a cold sweat.”
A cold-sweating donk-mule with wings, propelled by its feet, which shies when mounted, provides proof that Muhammad was a most honorable lying pedophile and rapist, the very best of sadistic mutilators, slave traders, and terrorists.
In a Hadith from Muslim’s Collection, Muhammad dispenses with the surgery and adds two ritual prayers in the Temple along with a refreshing drink:
Muslim:C75B1N309 “The Messenger said: ‘I was brought on al-Buraq, an animal white and long. I mounted it and came to the Temple in Jerusalem. I tethered it to the ring used by the prophets and entered the mosque, praying two rak’ahs in it. Then I came out [of the nonexistent building] and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and one of milk. I chose the milk, and he said: “You have chosen the natural thing,” and took me to heaven.’”
Ishaq:182 “When we arrived at the Temple in Jerusalem, we found Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, along with a company of prophets. I acted as their imam in prayer.”
In case you’re curious: Ishaq:183 “Moses was a ruddy faced man, thinly fleshed, curly haired with a hooked nose. Jesus was a reddish man with lank wet hair and many freckles.” Incredulous details like these make a compelling case.
639And now in the wake of the Quraysh Bargain, and a big-time operator with competing wide-flung business interests, Muhammad finished up the paperwork, or at least he would have if he were literate, and arranged for the delivery of a ladder so that he could visit with Allah. Had he only known, a shovel would have worked better.
Ishaq:184 “After the completion of my business in Jerusalem, a ladder was brought to me finer than any I have ever seen. An angel was in charge of it and under his command were 12,000 angels each of them having 12,000 angels under his command.” Imagine that, 144,000,000 angels holding a ladder. “And none knows the armies of Allah better than he.”
Knowing Muhammad, what do you suppose he asked to see first? If you guessed “Hell,” you win.
Ishaq:185 “Muhammad said, ‘Order Malik to show me Hell.’ ‘Certainly! O Malik, show Muhammad Hell.’ Thereupon he removed its covering and the flames blazed high into the air until I thought that they would consume everything.” In Islam, wrong is right, down is up, and Hell is where Allah lives.
Bukhari:V4B54N429 & Muslim:C75B1N309 converge at this point and we learn that Hell is in the nearest heaven: “‘When I reached the nearest heaven, Gabriel said to heaven’s gatekeeper, “Open the gate.” The guard asked, “Who is it?” He said, “Gabriel.” The gatekeeper said, “Who is accompanying you?” Gabriel said, “Muhammad.” The guard replied, “Has he been called?” Gabriel said, “Yes.”
It was said, “He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!” Then I met Adam and greeted him and he said, “You are welcomed, O son and Prophet.” Gabriel said, “These parties on his right and on his left are the souls of his descendants. Those of them on his right are the companions of Paradise and the parties which are on his left are the inmates of Hell. So when Adam looked towards his right side, he laughed, and when he looked left, he wept.’””
It is hard to imagine concocting this story, sharing it, or Ishaq believing it and commemorating it in writing such that 640Muslims to this day go berserk over it. However, Ishaq’s account becomes grotesque, even sadistic…
Ishaq:185 “Adam reviewed the spirits of his offspring. The infidels excited his disgust. Then I saw men with lips like camels. In their hands were pieces of fire-like stones which they thrust into their mouths. They came out their posteriors.”
Before I convey who the non-prophet claimed deserved this fate, think about the folks who irked Muhammad most – those who wouldn’t share what he coveted, who neglected him, allowing him to be abused.
Ishaq:185 “I was told they sinfully devoured the wealth of orphans.” Others had “bellies like camels.” Some were “maddened by thirst.”
Ishaq:185 “Then I saw women hanging by their breasts. These were those who had fathered bastards on their husbands.”
I’m confused. How did the women hanging by their breasts “father” bastards? I understand that the wombs of Muslim women are used to manufacture bastardly terrorists, but wouldn’t that deserve a reward – such as becoming one of the communal perpetual virgins in Paradise? Or was this intended to be less painful?
Nonetheless, not all was hellish. Speaking of the stepson whose wife he would steal in an act of incest, the prophet said…
Ishaq:186 “He took me into Paradise and there I saw a damsel with dark red lips. I asked her to whom she belonged, for she pleased me much when I saw her. She said, Zayd [Muhammad’s adopted son]. The apostle gave Zayd the good news about her.” The news that he had had a trophy wife came before his stepfather stole her from him, such that the acclaim was his consolation prize.
Returning to Muslim’s and Bukhari’s accounting of the bizarre undertaking which had thinned Muhammad’s ranks down to a handful of Muslims…
641Bukhari:V4B54N430 & Muslim:C75B1N310 “‘Then we ascended to the second heaven. The guard at the gate asked, “Who is it?” Gabriel said, “Gabriel.” The gatekeeper asked, “Who is with you?” He said, “Muhammad” “Has he been sent for?” He said, “Yes.” The guard said, “He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!” and opened the gate. Then I met Jesus and Yahya (John) who said, “You are welcomed, O brother and Pious Prophet.”’”
Rising above the mythical misnomer, Jesus, to best Christians, the Sunnah claims…
Bukhari:V4B54N430 & Muslim:C75B1N310 “‘We ascended to the third heaven. The keeper of the gate asked, “Who is it?” “Gabriel.” The gatekeeper asked, “Who is with you?” “Muhammad.” “Has he been sent for?” “Yes.” “He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!” He opened the gate.’
The Prophet added: ‘There I met Joseph and greeted him. He replied, “You are welcomed, brother and Prophet!” We ascended to the fourth heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged with the gatekeeper. There I met Idris (Enoch). He said, “Welcome Prophet.”
We ascended to the fifth heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged at the gate with its guard. There I greeted Aaron.’”
The Islamic heaven is filled with Jews, and it has more gates and guards than most prisons. I wonder if that’s a coincidence. Whatever the reason, they were all flung open for the Arab non-prophet…
Bukhari:V4B54N430 & Muslim:C75B1N310 “‘Then we ascended to the sixth heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged. There I met and greeted Moses. When I proceeded on, he started weeping and on being asked why, he said, “Followers of this youth who was sent after me will enter Paradise in greater number than my followers.’””
This passage provides a glimpse into Muhammad’s corroded heart. In an effort to elevate himself, he had the audacity to claim Moses was jealous of him.
642Leaving Jewish prophets in the dust, our dynamic duo scampered ever higher:
Bukhari:V4B54N430 & Muslim:C75B1N310 “‘We ascended to the seventh heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged with the gatekeeper. There I greeted Abraham. He ascended with me till I was taken to such a height, I heard the scraping of pens.
I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (Allah’s House). I asked Gabriel about it and he said, “This is where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and when they leave they never return to it (a fresh batch arrives daily).”
I was shown Sidrat-ul-Muntaha (a tree) and I saw its Nabk fruits which resembled clay jugs. Its leaves were like elephant ears. Four rivers originated at its root; I asked Gabriel about them. “The two hidden rivers are in Paradise, and the apparent ones are the Euphrates and the Nile.”’”
Yahowah’s House is on Earth and was built in Jerusalem because it was for His family. Allah stands alone because he lives alone.
And should anyone be paying attention, while ‘Abraham and Sarah, Yitschaq and Rebekah, and Ya’aqob, with Leah and Rachel, were all essential contributors to the Covenant, the two most esteemed of Yahowah’s coworkers are the prophets Moseh and Dowd. And so while Heaven isn’t layered, it is certain that the man whose home will be the closest to Yahowah’s will be His beloved Son, Dowd.
Bukhari:V4B54N430 & Muslim:C75B1N310 “Fifty prayers were enjoined on me (by Allah).” That was it. No welcome to Heaven. No, “Nice job, you little devil, you!” No sublime insights on how the fish on the rock holding up the heavens is surviving. Not even a request to take a look at the books to see if Allah can actually write. Nope. Just prostrate in submission fifty times.
Bukhari:V4B54N430 & Muslim:C75B1N310 “‘I descended till I reached Moses who asked, “What have you done?” I said, “I have been ordered to offer fifty prayers a day.”
643He said, “Your followers cannot bear fifty prostrations. I tested people before you and tried my level best to bring the tribe of Israel to obedience. Your followers cannot put up with such an obligation. So, return to your Lord and request a reduction in the burden.” I returned and requested Allah and He made it forty. I had a similar discussion with Moses. Then I returned to Allah for reduction and He made it thirty, then twenty, then ten.
Then I came to Moses who repeated the same advice. Ultimately Allah reduced it to five. When I came to Moses the last time, he said, “What have you done?” I said, “Allah has made it five only.” He repeated the same advice but I said that I had requested so many times I felt ashamed and surrendered (to Allah’s final order). When I left, I heard a voice saying, “I have passed My Order and have lessened the burden on My Worshipers.”’”
Even if only in a dream, you imagine that you’ve arrived before the creator of the universe, and you have nothing to say. All you hear is how many times he wants to be mooned with “burdensome and obligatory” mind-numbing ritualistic prostrations. I don’t think so. But then again, thinking is why I’m not a Muslim.
So, while we are on the subject, think about this: why would Islam’s lone messenger leave Allah’s Ka’aba in Petra and fly to Yahweh’s Temple Mount in Jerusalem to get into heaven? In all of Muhammad’s flights of fancy, there are few more troubling questions than this one.
Demonstrating that Muhammad didn’t respect his audience, rather than discuss weighty matters, he pretended that they were curious about minutiae. And all he wanted to discuss was what the heavenly host looked like.
Bukhari:V4B55N607 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘On the night of my Ascension to Heaven, I saw Moses who was a thin person, looking like one of the men of the tribe of Shanua; and I saw Jesus with a red face as if he had just come out of a bathroom. [I swear, I’m not making this stuff up.] And I resemble Abraham more than any of his offspring.’”
644And it’s okay to scour the Towrah for stories because: Bukhari:V4B56N667 “The Messenger said, ‘Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence, and tell others the stories of Israel (which have been taught to you), for it is not sinful to do so. And whoever tells a lie on me intentionally, will surely take his place in the Hell Fire.’”
It bears mention that the Night Journey is far more than an obscure theological story to Muslims. I personally met with members of Hamas, al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, and al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade in Bethlehem in December 2001. They told me, in all seriousness, that the Night’s Journey was the basis for the Islamic claim to Jerusalem. What’s more, they were willing to kill and die to take it back in the name of Allah.
Back in Mecca, and ever in character, the bruised and battered messenger did what all similarly insecure people do. He projected his morbid self-delusion upon his critics. As he had with the Satanic Verses, he had his god say that the Night’s Journey was a trial.
Bukhari:V8B77N610 “‘We granted the vision of the ascension to the heavens, Miraj, which We showed you as an actual eye witness but as a trial for people.’ (Quran 017.060) Allah’s Apostle actually saw with his own eyes the vision of all the things which were shown to him on the Night Journey to Jerusalem. It was not a dream.”
We have jumped in and out of the 17th surah, Al-Israa | The Israelis, a number of times, covering the first four and final five verses. However, in this case, the affirming revelation is in the middle of the recital.
It begins with the voice of the Quran echoing the voice of the Hadith. Say, “The non-prophet and his un-god were becoming indistinguishable and inseparable.”
Quran 017.001 “Glorified be He who took His slave for a journey by night from Al-Masjid-al-Haram to the farthest mosque, the neighborhood whereof We have blessed in order that We might show him of our signs and proofs. Lo! Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.”
645They are equally ignorant and dishonest. There was no winged ass ride. There was no mosque anywhere at this time, much less in the nation and city neither of them could name. The Devil and his Advocate remain an unresolvable curse on humankind. And lo, the reason they talk incessantly of showing their signs and proofs is because they haven’t been able to produce any.
It's all snake oil, smoke from the tormenting fires, and the mirage of an oasis in the desert. So in his next breath, after the un-god’s complicity in the non-prophet’s delusion, the Serpent who hasn’t been able to provide Muhammad with a book, hallucinates and claims that “We” gave Musa the Book. We can only assume that Allah was confused and mistook Yahowah’s fiery light atop Choreb for the fires of Hell.
Quran 017.002 “And We gave Musa the Book, and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel, ‘Take not you take other than Me (as) a wakilan | disposer of affairs.’”
Babel, the propensity to confuse by commingling truth and lies, is Satan’s principal ploy. There was a man named Moseh. Yahowah introduced Himself to him, explained the nature of His name, affirmed that He had only one name, and that Yahowah is how those who know Him would speak of Him forevermore.
There were serpents presented along the way, but they were not named Allah, they did not recite, and they did not show their signs because they were signs.
After working with Yahowah to liberate the Children of Yisra’el from slavery, rather than re-enslave them, Yahowah inspired Moseh to write the Towrah – 2,000 years before this Snake tried to claim it as his own. Moreover, unlike the Quran, the Towrah began, remained, and has been retained in writing. And unlike the Quran, the Towrah’s message is original, accurate, consistent, historical, and moral. And as evidenced by the first three statements Yahowah etched on 646the first of the Two Tablets, there is only one God; His one and only name is Yahowah, He is a liberator, not enslaver; He is anti-religious; and He will never forgive anyone who negates His name. Moreover, Muhammad was not his messenger.
Therefore, in the 17th surah, one lie simply follows another, a little one and then a big one. It is the Serpent’s way. It is the nature of the Quran.
Since Allah’s recitals were jumbled together and inverted chronologically, after stealing the Towrah, the Snake claims the Ark…
Quran 017.003 “Offspring who We carried with Nuh (in the ship). Lo! Verily, he was a grateful slave.”
Lo, verily, Yahowah designed the Ark and Noach built it on God’s instructions. And it was the resulting Ark, representing the Ark of the Covenant, which carried Noach’s family to safety. There were no slaves in that story, and the only snakes would have been passengers.
Quran 017.004 “And We decreed for Children Israel in the Book, verily, you will cause corruption in the earth twice, and surely you will become great tyrants and exceedingly arrogant.”
The Towrah says nothing of the sort. The Children of Yisra’el corrupted themselves, not the Land. The Towrah details the years they spent in the wilderness, not in the Land. When they finally entered Yisra’el, they were ravaged by a succession of tyrants but were never themselves tyrannical.
Further, the Snake’s re-creationist account was recited 500 to 2,000 years after the fact. This wasn’t an unfulfilled prophecy but, rather, errant history. As a result of Yisra’el’s propensity to be religious, the people were harassed by a long succession of tyrants, including the Egyptians, Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Europeans, and Muslims again.
647Quran 017.005 “So, when the promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise (completely) fulfilled.”
The Snake’s lone speaking role in the Towrah occurred in the Garden. Apart from that, he made no promises. And prophecy does not work in arrears.
War is hell. And while it is terrible, it’s nice to see Allah owning up to his complicity. However, of the assailants on the list of tyrants, only two actually entered Jewish homes to rob, rape, kidnap, and murder God’s people – Nazis and their European collaborators and Muslims. So, should these be Allah’s doing, then there is very little distinguishing Islam from Nazism.
Quran 017.006 “Then We gave back to you the return victory over them. And We reinforced you with the wealth and sons and made you more numerous.”
At the time this was recited, Israel no longer existed as a nation. And their only significant return victories occurred when Gideon prevailed over the Midianites circa 1160 BCE and then Dowd, 15 decades thereafter, silenced the Philistines. However, those victories were championed by Yahowah and orchestrated to defend Israel rather than conquer additional territory. Further, Yisra’el was only wealthy once, and it was at the time Yahowah was the most engaged in the lives of His people.
Quran 017.007 “If you do good, you do good for your ownselves, and if you do evil it is for it. So when the last promise came, to sadden your faces and to enter the mosque (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had conquered with utter destruction.”
One of the problems with lying is that there is no end to the deceptions. Needing a mosque for the Devil’s Advocate to visit, the Snake claims that it was a promise fulfilled to sadden Jewish faces. There is even the inference that it 648wasn’t the First- or Second-Temple that the Babylonians and Romans destroyed, but Allah’s first mosque.
Quran 017.008 “May be that Your Lord may have mercy upon you. But if you return, We shall return (to Our Punishment). And We have made Hell a prison for the disbelieving infidels.”
Now that’s the Allah we have come to know and hate.
The next twenty verses are favorites among Muslims because they represent the first time al-Lahu has dabbled in concepts that might appear moral. However, in the immediate aftermath of the Immoral Indulgence, where Muhammad traded the inclusion of pagan goddesses into his evolving religion for unlimited access to predatory sexuality, an unearned fortune, and unbridled power, it’s nothing but hypocrisy – with every word abrogated by Muhammad’s example.
Following the demonic Satanic Verses and delusional Night’s Journey, the claims that Muhammad’s neighbors and extended family had made about him in the Never-Ending Argument were proven valid. And as a result, upon his return, “all but a few weak people believed him.” Those who experienced Muhammad firsthand, the first Muslims to hear his recitals, recanted their faith in Allah and the Quran, and they rejected Muhammad. The voice of 90 surahs had echoed off the sandstone walls of the dying town in which it was born, and Islam was dead – having committed suicide. The religion would have to be resurrected from its Day of Doom. And so the 17th surah, Al-Israa | The Israelis, would deploy a new tactic, one so out of keeping with Allah’s nature and Muhammad’s example, it would all be annulled at their earliest convenience.
Please be patient because it takes the Lord a while to warm up to the notion of morality. So, we begin where we left off, with lies, painful torments, incomprehensible statements, and delusional proofs…
649Quran 017.009 “Verily, this, the Quran, guides to that which (is) most straight and gives glad tidings to the believers (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad) who do good deeds, that for them a great reward.
Quran 017.010 And that those who believe not in the hereafter, for them We have prepared a painful and excruciating penalty.
Quran 017.011 And man prays for evil, he prays for the good, and man is ever hasty.
Quran 017.012 And We have appointed the night and the day as two signs and proofs. Then, We erased (the) sign (of) the night and We made (the) sign (of) day visible, that you may seek bounty from your Rabbikum, and that you may know (the) number (of) the years and the account or reckoning. And We have explained everything in detail with full explanation.
Quran 017.013 And We have fastened every man, his fate in his neck. And Day the Resurrection for him, We will bring forth a book which he will find wide open.
Quran 017.014 Read your record. Sufficient yourself today against you accountant.
Quran 017.015 Whoever guided, then only he is guided for his ownself. And whoever goes astray, then he only goes astray against it. Not will bear a bearer of burdens, a burden of another. And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger.
Quran 017.016 And when We intend that We destroy a town or community, We order its wealthy people, but they defiantly disobey therein, so proved true against it the word and We destroy it with complete destruction.
Quran 017.017 And how many generations have We destroyed from after Nuh (Noah)! And sufficient is your Lord concerning the sins of His slaves. All-Aware All-Seer.
Quran 017.018 Whoever wishes for the quick-passing and immediate, We hasten for him in it what We will to whom We intend. We have appointed for him Hell. He will burn disgraced and rejected.”
Okay, so that may have been a premature resurrection. But nonetheless, let’s afford Rabbika another shot at this. 650He’s down and out at the moment, but let’s pretend he is the Lord of 90 chances. Surely, the Snake has a warm side.
So, with a little extra effort, we can pry the Snake’s gifts of perversity and pain from his coils, such that he is isolated and alone. Or, we can wait for the messenger to punish. Either way, Allah is a most forgiving sadist, the best of torturers, while rewarding the flesh of those who prefer being tantalized to thinking.
Quran 017.019 “And whoever desires the hereafter and exerts, putting out for it the extra effort himself, (as) a believer, then those are efforts of theirs appreciated.
Quran 017.020 Each We extend these and these from your Rabbika’s gift. And is not the gift (of) Rabbika restricted.
Quran 017.021 See how We preferred some of them over others. And surely (in) the hereafter (there are) greater and greater degrees excellence.
Quran 017.022 Not make with al-Lahi another god lest you will sit disgraced, forsaken.
Quran 017.023 And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him alone.
And to the parents good. Whether reach with you the old age one of them or both of them, then do not say to both of them a word of disrespect and do not repel them, but speak to them a word noble.
Quran 017.024 And lower to them the wing of humility of mercy and say, ‘Rabbi, have mercy on both of them as they brought me up small.’
Quran 017.025 Your Lord, most knowing of what (is) in yourselves if you are dutiful then He certainly is to those who often turn most forgiving.”
On a roll, the new and improved, post Satanic Verses Lord of the decadent Quraysh Bargain would instill the following Islamic virtues…
Quran 017.026 “And give relatives the relative his right and the poor and needy and the wayfarer and not spend wastefully.
651Quran 017.027 Lo! Verily, the spendthrifts are brother of the devils. And is the Adversary, Satan, to his Lord, ungrateful.
Quran 017.028 And if you turn away from them seeking mercy from your Lord which you expect, then say to them a gentle word.
Quran 017.029 And let not your hand be chained to your neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that you sit blameworthy insolvent.”
It is the theory of relativity Islamic style. Spend, but do not spend because those who do not spend are the Devil’s brood. And rest assured, the great Rabbi in the sky is Satan’s Lord, even if he is ungrateful. So, turn, expect, and say, but let not your hand be chained, nor let it be stretched out, becoming insolvent.
Since most Muslims are impoverished, the Lord must not like them. And since Muslim mothers celebrate the martyrdom of their children, the Lord knows they are the greatest of sinners…
Quran 017.030 “Indeed, your Lord extends the provision for whom He wills and straitens. Lo! Verily, He is All-Aware, All-Seer of His slaves.
Quran 017.031 And (do) not kill your children. Fear poverty, We, Ourselves, provide them for you. Lo, their killing is a great sin.”
Imagine thinking so little of your audience that you’d tell them that they should not kill their own children – especially at this late date. Infanticide had long since run its course. While it was once somewhat common in Paleolithic and Neolithic Stone-Age cultures, and was for a while prevalent in Carthage, Greece, and Rome, even ancient China, it had become universally outlawed. And since Petra was currently under the influence of Christianity and Judaism, there would have been no infanticide among Muhammad’s people. Al-Lahu was late to the party.
And you’ll notice, the prohibition was not against killing Jewish or Christian children – something of which Muslims would become and remain adept. Also, while the 652translators seeking to assist Allah linguistically will add prepositions to the text to infer otherwise, without them the text actually presents the Islamic god as the source of poverty and fear.
And as a result of the mass psychosis of this fearsome, impoverishing, and tyrannical religion, Muslims have become a plague on humankind – the single greatest threat to human existence.
Moving on to the next incredulous profession, the ungod of the non-prophet who sold him out for the Babes of the Boulders in order to have an unending supply of women and girls to exploit, and who was about to engage in pedophilia with a six-year-old, revealed…
Quran 017.032 “And (do) not go near adultery. Lo! Verily, it is an immorality and an evil way.”
Muhammad not only had a dozen enslaved women and girls in his harem, his Lord approved his perverted approach to adultery, rape, and pedophilia. Further, apart from Muhammad, the Quran approves not one, but four women for each man, with the fourth position opportunistic and rotating to accommodate prostitution, pedophilia, human trafficking, and rape.
Quran 017.033 “And do not kill the soul which al-Lahu has forbidden, except by right.
And whoever (is) killed wrongfully, lo, We have made for his heir an authority (to demand Qisas | Law of Equality in punishment or to take Diya | blood money). But he should not exceed in the killing, verily, he is.”
With the migration of shame out of Petra to Yathrib, there would be no limitations on killing. Beginning with Jews, everyone would be fair game. And once again, pared of the recent augmentations to the text, al-Lahu, aids and abets killers.
653The only orphan with wealth in Petra was the beneficiary of the Quraysh Bargain. And once he gained strength through terrorism, plunder, and the slave trade, the newly minted Muslims were free to further enrich him.
Quran 017.034 “Come not near to the wealth of the orphan’s property except with what is best until he attains his full strength. And fulfill the covenant (engagement, pledge, commitment, promise, oath, contract, or compact). Lo! Verily, the covenant, will be questioned.”
We occasionally encounter a loaded word in the Quran which can be translated to infer a number of things. This is the case with bil-ahdi and al-ahda, which, according to the 66 distinctly different English translations of the Quran presented at IslamAwakened.com/Index.php/Qur-an, can mean “covenant, engagement, pledge, commitment, promise, oath, contract, or compact.” But no matter the intent of the word, every individual’s intent regarding it will be questioned.
Quran 017.035 “And give full measure when you measure and weigh with the balance the straight. That good and best result.
Quran 017.036 And not pursue what not you have of it any knowledge. Lo! Verily, the hearing and the sight and the heart all those will be about it questioned.
Quran 017.037 And not walk in the earth insolence. Lo, you will never tear the earth and will never reach the mountains height.”
Make of that what you will. This next line seems accurate…
Quran 017.038 “All that is evil near your Lord hateful.
Quran 017.039 “That from what revealed to you, your rabbi | Lord of the wisdom. And not make with al-Lahi | the To-Him an ilahan | god other lest you should be thrown in Hell blameworthy, abandoned.”
Heatstroke is becoming an ongoing issue for Hell’s Warden since he has previously promised to be unrelenting in his systematic torturing of disbelievers. So, there is no fear of abandonment.
654Quran 017.040 “Then has your Lord chosen you, sons, and He has taken from the angels, daughters. Lo! Verily, you surely say a grave word.”
The Rabbi must be confused because the Babes of the Boulders, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, were rocks, not angels. And while the pagan idols Muhammad and then Allah endorsed, were perceived to be goddesses, they were neither real nor daughters. And the mal’ak | spiritual messengers misrepresented as “angels” are genderless. Further, why would daughters be such a horrible thing? I wonder if the Progressives supporting Islam are aware of Allah’s overt sexism.
Quran 017.041 “And lo, verily, We have explained in this, the Quran, that they may take heed. But not it increases them except aversion.”
Since the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, and expecting a different result, the Snake may not be playing with a full deck. If only a few feeble-minded fellows believe him after a decade of blathering about his Quran, its signs, explanations, and proofs, perhaps it’s time to try a different approach.
Quran 017.042 “Say, ‘If with Him were gods as they say, then surely they have sought to own the throne a way [sic].
Quran 017.043 Glorified is He and Exalted is He above what they say – high, great.
Quran 017.044 “The seven heavens and the earth and whatever in them, glorify Him. And (there is) not any thing except glorifies, His Praise. But you understand not their glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.”
Glory be to the Snake on high, the exalted Rabbi, praise be to al-Lahu – the ever-forbearing, oft-forgiving torturer of the ignorant. And proof positive he is Lord of the Throne, it has not been confiscated by false gods.
And now, we learn the purpose of the hijab. The veil is designed to impair hearing a recital. What’s more, there is a 655handy heart covering and ear deafener, especially designed for back turners.
Quran 017.045 “And when you recite the Quran, We place between you and between those who disbelieve in the hereafter a hijab hidden.
Quran 017.046 And We have put coverings over their hearts lest, they understand it (the Quran), and in their ears, deafness.
And when you mention Rabbaka | your Lord in the Quran alone, they turn on their backs, fleeing in extreme aversion and dislikeness [sic].”
It’s a perfect excuse. Now we know why the Quran is incomprehensible. Allah designed it that way. He is the best of knowers.
Quran 017.047 “We know best of what they listen to, when they listen to you. And when they in private conversation when say the wrongdoers, ‘Not you follow but a bewitched man.’”
And he proved it with the Satanic Verses.
Quran 017.048 “See how they put forth for you the examples but they have gone astray. So not they can a way.
Quran 017.049 And they say, ‘Is it when we are bones and crumbled particles we will actually be resurrected, a new creation?’
Quran 017.050 Say, ‘Be stones or iron.’”
It must be the hidden hijab. Otherwise, I’m sure this would have been quasi-lucid.
Quran 017.051 “Or a creation of what (is) greater in your breasts. Then they will say, ‘Who will restore us (to life)?’ Say, ‘He Who created you the first!’ Then, they will shake their heads at you and say, ‘When it?’ Say, ‘Perhaps it will be soon.’”
Quran 017.052 The Day He will call you and you will respond with His praise and obedience, and you will think not you had remained except a little.
Quran 017.053 “And say to My slaves, to say that which best. Lo! Verily, the Adversary, Satan, is to the man a plain enemy.”
656Demonstrating why Muslims extoll his prophetic prowess, the non-prophet answered, “When it” with “Perhaps it will be soon.” But beyond the lack of specificity, we are actually left with a false prophecy. He told those listening to him how they would personally respond. And it did not happen.
But this we can count on: Satan is a foe. And Allah knows best.
We also know that this Snake is capricious and therefore, cannot be trusted. Mercy or Pain, his choice.
Quran 017.054 “Your Lord knows you best, if He wills, He will have mercy on you, or if He wills, He will punish you. And We have not sent you (as) a guardian over them.”
Quran 017.055 “And your Lord most knowing of whoever in the heavens and the earth. And indeed, We have preferred some (of) the Prophets to others. And We gave Dawud (David) Zaboor.
Quran 017.056 Say, ‘Call those whom you claimed besides Him, not they have power to remove the misfortunes from you and to transfer.”
Dowd’s Mizmowr are brilliant. The Quran is dimwitted. The Mizmowr were scribed sixteen centuries before this pathetic surah was recited, and throughout Dowd’s lyrics, there is only one God – Yahowah. No one knew Yahowah better or was more loved by God in return.
As a result of what Yahowah’s beloved Son has done, the guilt of every Child of the Covenant has already been transferred, forever removing our misfortunate prior encounters with religion.
The only correlation between Allah and Dowd is that the Messiah will dispense with the false god – sending the Serpent to She’owl where he will remain forevermore. “When it,” you ask. Say, “Sunset in Yaruwshalaim, 6:22 657PM, Sunday evening, October 2nd, 2033, which is the Day of Reconciliations in year 6000 Yah.”
Who are you gonna call, Iesa or ‘Uzair, to find the most direct access to the Tormenting Punishment of the fearsome Lord?
Quran 017.057 “Those whom they call (like Iesa (Jesus) - son of Maryam, ‘Uzair, angel, etc.) desire and seek to their Lord the nearest means of access, which of them they hope (for) His Mercy and fear His Tormenting Punishment. Lo! Verily, the Painful Torment of your Lord is feared.”
It's obvious that Allah intends to scrape the Earth of people, destroying every community on the planet. And he is salivating at the prospect of his tormenting punishment on the Day of Resurrection. Fortunately, it’s as likely as Allah having written a book.
Quran 017.058 “And there is not a town (or civilian population) but We destroy it before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with a severe torment. That is written in the Book.
Quran 017.059 And nothing stops Us.
We send the proofs, evidences, and signs, except that the former denied them. And We gave the she-camel to Thamud as a clear and visible sign, but they did her wrong. And We sent not the signs except to warn (and to make them afraid of destruction).”
We read the surah detailing how Allah’s thirsty hamstrung she-camel was hindered. And for having done so with a warner at the ready, it’s obvious that this meaningless collaboration of nomadic tribes had to be vanquished. By destroying them, Allah did everyone but his warner and the thirsty she-camel, who were caught up in the carnage, a great favor. They did her wrong and Allah knows that terrorizing the entire community was the most moral response. I’m just surprised that the United Nations did not protest the loss of so many innocent civilian lives.
Tangled in his coils, the Serpent says that the magical trip on the fantastical flying beast to the farthest mosque in 658the unidentified city, beginning with Hellish fire-poopers and Heavenly prostrations was righteous and true…
Quran 017.060 “And when We said to you. ‘Lo! Verily, your Lord has encompassed the mankind (i.e. they are in His Grip).’
And We made not the vision which we showed you (O Muhammad as an actual eyewitness and not as a dream on the night of Al-Isra’) but a trial and test for mankind, and the accursed tree (Zaqqum, mentioned) in the Quran.
So, We threaten them and make them afraid but it only increases them in naught save great disbelief and disobedience.”
Muhammad demonstrates that he has nothing to offer, that he cannot provide any evidence that his recitals are Godly, and that he is a psychopath, threatening to slaughter his neighbors and family, the entire town, for not believing him. Then he accepts a bribe, renounces monotheism, and accepts paganism for sex, power, and money. He reneges on his vows and then blames Satan for what he has done – implicating the Quran in the scheme. As a result, all but a few of the most dimwitted Muslims reject Muhammad, the Quran, and Islam. In response, the un-god blames the first Muslims, now apostates, for denying his delusional and demonic rants, and commits to torturing them in Hell. Having personally killed Islam, Muhammad is desperate for a different audience and qibla – so since his former Arab friends, neighbors, and extended family universally rejected and denounced him, then surely, the characters he and the un-god have misappropriated from the Towrah would accept him with open arms. So proving that he was as delusional as he was dishonest, he not only imagined the Night’s Journey, but he and his un-god announced that believing the unbelievable was required of Muslims henceforth under penalty of punishment.
The Painfully Tormenting Lord of the Quran is now four-for-four, having not only authenticated, but also having contributed to the Hadith’s devastatingly inappropriate and immoral presentations of:
6591) the Never-Ending Argument – where we learn the many reasons that those who knew Muhammad and his words, deeds, and recitals best, consistently and continually rejected the non-prophet, his un-god, and their Quran. And for having done so, they were constantly threatened with annihilation followed by grotesque and sadistic tortures.
2) the Immoral Indulgence – where Muhammad accepted a bribe, whereby he was offered unfettered access to perverted sexuality, unearned riches, and control over everyone for trading out the Quran’s god at the time, Ar-Rahman, for the annual worship of the pagan rock goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat.
3) the Satanic Verses – where the non-prophet and his un-god attempted to weasel out of their renunciation of monotheism and inclusion of overt paganism by claiming that every prophet speaks on behalf of Satan.
4) the Night’s Journey – where the non-prophet and his un-god mounted the winged donk-ass and flew upon it to an undisclosed place so that Imam Muhammad could lead all of the Jewish bigshots in ritualistic Islamic prostrations prior to visiting breast-hanging women and fire-farting men in the Islamic Hellish Heaven en route to higher Heavens, replete with guards, gates, and slogans. And it’s all to hear a capricious and demented deity demand humiliating prostrations, recognizing that this was the full extent of his communication.
So that you are aware, I’m going to share a little-known secret. The only reason Allah demanded nothing but butts mooning God on the Mount during this fable-ous affair was because Satan was claiming it as his own and thumbing his tail at Yahowah. The Devil is aware that his Day of Doom and Yahowah’s Day of Reconciliations will coincide in Yaruwshalaim, on Mount Mowryah. In the contest between Yahowah and the Adversary for the planet, this showdown will occur here, so the Snake is marking his claim. He will 660not go down without a fight – one which will take billions down with him.
In this regard, the Quran and Hadith speak with the same demonic voice. It is as if Allah, who is Satan, wants to be God and the Devil simultaneously. This became readily apparent during the Satanic Verses, where the distinction between the un-god’s and devil’s personas was so blurred that it was as if they were scheming and conversing between conjoined schizophrenics.
And now, without a transition, there is an implied connection between Satan’s claim to the Temple Mount by making the delusional Night’s Journey a fearsome test for reconstituted Muslims and the insanity of recasting the experience of the Garden of Eden such that Satan plays the starring role while partnering with the Quran’s schizophrenia voice to methodically beguile and systematically destroy humankind by any and all means.
What follows is a repeat of a similar revisionist portrayal of Eden found in the 38th surah, verses 71-88. I’ll share it again at the conclusion of this variant because it is an exceedingly important confession. And as a reminder, Iblis, which was derived from the Greek word for devil, diablos, is the name Allah has afforded his satanic persona. Also please note that the objective of both stories, the Night’s Journey and Garden of Eden, is humiliating prostrations – of which there was no purpose, making both stories contrived.
Quran 017.061 “And when We said to the malaikati | Angels, ‘Sujudo | Bow down prostrate to Adama | Adam.’ So they fell down and prostrated except Iblis. He said, ‘Shall I prostrate to whom You created (from) clay?’
Quran 017.062 He said, ‘Do You see this (thing, this foolish creature) whom You have honored above me? If You give me reprieve, delaying my demise, and allowing me more time until (the) Day (of) the Resurrection and Judgment, I will surely destroy his 661offspring, bringing all except a few under my sway and full control such that they obey me blindly.’
Quran 017.063 He said, ‘Go. And whoever follows you among them then, indeed, Hell (is) your reward. An ample payment.
Quran 017.064 And istafziz | befool, entice, excite, incite, and beguile gradually and seductively those whom you can among them with your voice.
Mobilize and rally assaults on them, bearing upon them by urging them on with your forces, cavalry and infantry, by horse and by men on foot, partnering with them through sharing wealth and children (by tempting them to earn money illegally or by committing intercourse). And make promises to them because they not know that Satan’s promises delusions and illusions to deceive.’
Quran 017.065 ‘Lo! Verily, My slaves not for you any authority of them. And sufficient (is) Rabbika | your Lord as Guardian, Trustee, and Disposer of Affairs.”
Mal’ak | spiritual messengers, misinterpreted as “angels,” were conceived by Yahowah to serve His interests. As implements, they can be deployed to observe, convey a message, or protect. Without them, I would not have survived the thousands of death threats against me following Prophet of Doom and would not be able to expand the Yada Yahowah series into God Damn Religion. I am grateful for them and can assure you that they do not prostrate themselves to anyone, not even their Creator.
Humankind is much more than the product of our component parts. As mortals, with physical bodies, however, we are not as capable as the mal’ak or as long-lived. However, since we were conceived to reflect and relate to Yahowah’s qualities, and were afforded freewill, along with the opportunity to participate in the Covenant, our potential greatly exceeds the mal’ak.
So, while the karuwb who became ha Satan, may well have been jealous in the Garden, what matters here is his admission that he views men as worthless and foolish. And 662beginning with his misrepresentation of Yahowah’s testimony with Chawah, he has remained fixated on beguiling humankind. The fact that he is doing so with the advice and consent, even encouragement, of the voice of the Quran, demonstrates that they share the same agenda and go about their business the same way. And the realization that the authorized approach to the degradation of mankind is identical to what we have read throughout the Quran demonstrates that, in this partnership, Allah and Satan are one and the same. He is the Lord of Delusions.
Even the exclusion for Allah’s slaves is telling because, without useful idiots, Satan has no game. He cannot influence his desired outcome, the demise of man, without a bevy of jihadist killers.
And now as promised, here is the parallel version of this same sordid tale…
Quran 038.071 “When said your Lord to the malaik | spiritual messengers (angels), ‘Lo!, Verily I am going to create a basar | flesh from clay (mire).’
Quran 038.072 So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of ruhi | My spirit, then fall down in homage to him, prostrating.
Quran 038.073 So prostrated al-malaikatu | the spiritual messengers (angels), all, and every one of them together,
Quran 038.074 Except Iblis (Satan). He was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.”
Quran 038.075 “He said, ‘O Iblis, what prevents you from falling prostrate to whom I have created with both My hands? Are you arrogant or are you the high and mighty exalted one?’”
Quran 038.076 “He said, ‘I am better than him. You create me from fire and You created him from clay.’
Quran 038.077 He said, ‘Then get out of it, for indeed you (are) outcast,
Quran 038.078 And lo, indeed, upon you (is) My curse until (the) Day (of) Judgment.’”
663Quran 038.079 “He said, ‘Rabbi | my Lord, then give me respite until (the) Day they are resurrected.’
Quran 038.080 He said, ‘Then, indeed, you are given a reprieve
Quran 038.081 Until (the) Day (of) the appointed time.’”
Quran 038.082 “He said, ‘Then by Your authority I will surely mislead them all,
Quran 038.083 Except Your single-minded slaves.’
Quran 038.084 He said, ‘Then this is right by Me and true.
Quran 038.085 I will fill Hell with you, and those who follow you, without exception.’”
Quran 038.086 “Say, ‘I do not ask of you for any payment for this and not I am of the ones who pretend.
Quran 038.087 This is a warning to the world of men and jinns.
Quran 038.088 And lo, surely you will know all about it after a period of time.’”
No question about it. Allah and Satan are of like mind and purpose. Afforded the opportunity and cover religion provides, everyone will either be destroyed or enslaved.
Returning to the narrative of the 17th surah, we find that without a transition, and without a reason otherwise, the schemes of the Night and in the Garden must now be seen playing out aboard the Ark…
Quran 017.066 “Your Lord, the One Who drives, causing to move the ship across the sea so that you may seek of His Bounty. Lo! Verily, He is to you Ever Merciful.”
The duplicity is overwhelming. The un-god of the Quran, after scheming with his alter ego to beguile and destroy all but a few slaves, claims that he is ever merciful – providing a bountiful supply of delusions, desolations, and torments.
Quran 017.067 “And when harm touches you upon the sea, those that you call upon besides Him are lost and vanish from you. But 664when He brings you to land, you turn away. And man is ever ungrateful.”
The Lord of Shipwrecks is posturing the notion that upon the sea, men are left alone to fend for themselves against him. Additionally, those who survive the voyage with the Devil should be grateful that he did not kill them.
Quran 017.068 “Do you then feel secure that He will not cause a side of the land to swallow you up, or that He will not send against you a violent storm of sand and stones? Then, you shall find no wakil | guardian one to protect you from the torment.
Quran 017.069 Or do you feel secure that He will not send you back into it a second time and send against you a hurricane of wind and drown you because of your disbelief? Then you will not find any avenger therein against Us.”
Islam is driven by fear because Allah presents himself as a terrorist. And since he is impotent, he claims to be responsible for destructive natural phenomena.
Quran 017.070 “And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with at-taiyibat | lawful good things, and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preference.”
So why has no one seen the great land and sea carrier? Why are things such as water, air, dirt, plants, and animals designated as lawful? Are there bad, illegal oceans or trees? And what is preferred, the unnamed things or the people descended from Adam? And how does this wasted line relate to what proceeded it and what follows?
Quran 017.071 “A Day when We shall call all human beings together with their record. So whosoever is given his record in his right hand, such will read their records, and they will not be dealt with unjustly or wronged by a hair on a date seed.”
So, the moral of the story is to avoid being left-handed. That way, no one will be wronged more than the hair on a date seed. Surely, however, the Snake didn’t think his plan 665through. Had he and his non-prophet not shooed them all away with their immoral antics, it would have been possible to gather the inhabitants of Petra in one place. But now that there are eight billion people on the planet, that is no longer possible.
Quran 017.072 “And whoever is blind in this world, then he will be blind in the Hereafter, and more astray from the Path.”
Thank the Devil for small favors. By remaining blind, they will not have to look at Allah.
But alas, Satan is up to his old tricks again. Even with the confirmations found throughout the Hadith and Quran that the Never-Ending Argument led to Muhammad accepting the Quraysh Bargain, trading monotheism for paganism because he was tempted by sex, power, and money, his Devilish Lord is denying what he has already affirmed. And that’s lucky in a way because had it not worked out this way, Muhammad would have upstaged his Lord and ended up with a friend…
Quran 017.073 “And lo, verily, they were about to tempt you away from that which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad), to fabricate something, inventing other than it about Us. And then they would accept you as a friend.
Quran 017.074 And had We not strengthened you, lo, you would nearly have inclined to them in something a little.
Quran 017.075 In that case, We would have made you taste a double portion (of punishment) in this life and a double portion (of punishment) after death. And then you would have found none to help you against Us.
Quran 017.076 And, lo, verily, they were about to frighten you, scaring you so much as to drive you out from the land, evicting you from it. So then, they will not stay (therein) after you, except for a little while.
Quran 017.077 (This was Our) Sunna | Sunnah (rule or way) whom verily We sent before you of Our Messengers. And you will not find any alteration in Our Sunnah.”
666The Never-Ending Argument is the most immature and demented narrative in the Quran with 400 iterations. According to what we have read in the Hadith and Quran, it was resolved by the Quraysh Bargain, which was hardly a trifling affair. Monotheism was traded for paganism. Ar-Raham was exchanged for the Babes of the Boulders – Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. In return, the non-prophet received a year’s supply of females and a lavish monetary bribe, along with a power grab. The affirmation that he sealed the deal was announced and has been retained in the 22nd and 53rd surahs. This led to the desperation of the Night’s Journey which was so delusional that it destroyed the religion of Islam, wiping out the combined efforts of 90 surahs and a decade of taunts, leaving only a few weak individuals as Muslims.
Therefore, there can be no doubt that Muhammad’s resolve was not bolstered and that he took the bait, line, and sinker. And as a result, Muhammad is already enjoying the entertainment of Hell. Well deserved. It is Sunnah, after all.
However, RIP (Remain In Punishment) was to be postponed. Once demon-possessed, Satan cannot simply change one stooge out for another. So, it was Islam’s version of “Say Five Hail Marys and Make a Donation.”
Quran 017.078 “Perform As-Salat | the Obligatory Prostration Prayer at the decline of the sun till the darkness of the night.
And Quran at dawn. Lo! Quran at dawn is ever witnessed.
Quran 017.079 And from the night arise from sleep to offer the Salat | the Obligatory Prostration Prayer additionally for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaman Mahmuda | a praiseworthy status and glory, the highest position and exalted standing.”
And there you have it right from the Snake’s mouth. Become a psychopath and threaten to slaughter your former friends and family, sell out your god, trading rock goddesses for actual babes, renege on the deal and blame Satan for it, 667then fly the coop on a donk-ass, such that you are rejected by everyone and you will become the most esteemed of Muslims – the paradigm and pinnacle of the religion. Two Salat and a pair of Qurans and you are good to go. Literally…
Quran 017.080 “And say, ‘My Lord! Cause me to enter a sound entrance. And cause me to exit an exit. And grant me from You an authority to help me (or a sign or a proof).’”
There was nothing left of Islam in Petra. The religion died before it could emerge from the pink sandstone walls of the ancient religious relic. Muhammad had killed it. Allah aided and abetted its demise.
Non-prophet and un-god would have to leave town, prowl in another place for slaves, and pursue a different agenda. The Migration of Shame would lead to a Declaration of War and then to a Terrorist Manifesto. The signs would be slaves, decapitations, rapes, and plunder.
Quran 017.081 “And say, ‘Truth has come and falsehood has perished, withered away, and vanished. Lo! Verily, the falsehood is ever bound to vanish.’
Quran 017.082 “And We reveal from the Quran that it (is) a healing and a mercy for the believers, but not, it increases the polytheists and wrong-doers except loss.”
Soon, less than a decade from this writing, Islam will be no more. Muhammad and Allah will be dispatched to She’owl, and there will be peace in the land.
Quran 017.083 “And when We bestow a favor on man, he turns away and becomes remote on his side. And when evil touches him he is in great despair.
Quran 017.084 Say, ‘Each one does according to Shakilatihi | his own disposition or peculiar intentions, and your Lord knows best of him whose way is guided best.
Quran 017.085 And they ask you concerning the Ruh | Spirit; Say, ‘The Ruh | Spirit (is) or (the) affair (of) Rabbi. And you have not been five the knowledge except a little.”
668The Lord of Superior Guidance has the peculiar intention of beguiling and enslaving everyone and torturing most. It is a reflection of his demonic disposition.
You’ll note that someone was sufficiently astute to query the non-prophet and his un-god about the Ruh, which is “Spirit,” as derived from the Hebrew ruwach. It was a question Satan clearly did not want to answer. And this is because while Satan is a spiritual being, his ruwach is wee little and puny compared to the Ruwach Qodesh | Set-Apart Spirit of Yahowah. She is the most enriching, empowering, and enlightening presence on the planet, while Satan is the opposite.
As we approach the Devil’s next little ditty, I would ask how it would be possible to take away something that was not given and does not presently exist – like a book?
Quran 017.086 “And if We wanted, We (could) have surely taken away that which We have revealed to you. Then you would find no protector for you against Us in that respect.”
Quran 017.087 Except a mercy from Rabbika. Lo! Verily, His favor is great upon you.”
The Great Bestower does not want to be seen as a cheapskate. His preference is to be a Mafia-style tyrant, against whom submission is the only protection.
The concluding line is reminiscent of Star Wars, “Lo! Verily, the Force is strong with that one.” But he turned to the dark side.
And at long last, we have a novel version of my favorite taunt…
Quran 017.088 “Say, ‘If the mankind and the jinns gathered to produce the like of this Quran, they (could) not produce the like of it, even if some of them helped the others as assistants.’”
Since one man and a single devil concocted this piece of trash, one illiterate and the other ineloquent, why would they suppose a myriad of men and a swarm of devils couldn’t 669collaborate to do better? Or is the challenge to do worse – under such conditions, I would yield because they would be right.
Digging deeper into the land of denial, we read…
Quran 017.089 “Lo! Verily, We have fully explained to mankind, in this Quran, from every kind of example, but most mankind refuse except disbelief.”
So what’s wrong with the two billion who didn’t refuse? Are they unable to read or to think?
Without the capacity to reveal a prophecy, unable to produce a book, incapable of lucid conversation, and stymied by his demonic disposition, the naysayers were prevailing…
Quran 017.090 “And they say, ‘Never will we believe in you until you cause to gush forth for us from the earth a spring.
Quran 017.091 Or, you have for yourself a garden of date palms and grapes and cause to gush forth the rivers within them abundantly.
Quran 017.092 Or, you cause the sky to fall as you have claimed upon us in pieces. Or you bring Bil-Lahi and the angels before.
Quran 017.093 Or you have a house of adorable ornaments. Or you ascend up into the sky.
And even then, we will put no faith in your ascension until you bring down for us a Book that we would read.’”
It was a simple request and a reasonable one. This was the 7th century, after all. Writing had been around for 3,500 years. The real God had a bunch of scrolls to His credit – as did almost every monotheistic and pagan religion. Why was Allah so inept?
Glory be, no one seemed to have a clue…
Quran 017.093 Say, ‘Glorified my Rabbi. What am I but a human Messenger.’
670Quran 017.094 And what prevented the people that they believe when the guidance came to them except that they said, ‘Has al-Lahu sent a man as Messenger?’
Quran 017.095 Say, ‘If (there) were in the earth, angels walking securely, lo, surely We (would) have sent down to them from the heaven an angel as a Messenger.’
Quran 017.096 Say, ‘Sufficient is Bil-Lahi, a witness between me and between you. Lo! Verily, He is the All-Knower, the All-Seer of His slaves.’”
So all that prevented al-Lahu from replacing his illiterate and ignorant Devil’s Advocate with a spiritual messenger was that they were insecure? And how would that be since mal’ak are immortal?
At least we know why al-Lahu latched on to Muhammad. Since men were blind, dumb, and deaf, the non-prophet had a leg up on two of the three disabilities.
Quran 017.097 “And whoever al-Lahu guides, then he, the guided one. And whomever He sends astray, then never you will find helpers or protectors for them besides Him.
And We will gather them together on the Day of Resurrection on their faces, blind, dumb and deaf. Their abode, Hell. Every time the blazing fierceness of the fire abates, We shall increase it for them.
Quran 017.098 That is their reward and payment because they disbelieved and denied in Our ayat | proofs, evidences, verses, and signs and said, ‘When we are bones and crumbled fragments, shall we (be) resurrected and raised up as a new creation?’
Quran 017.099 Do they not see that al-Laha, the One Who created the heavens and the earth (is) able to create the like of them? And He has decreed for them an appointed term, no doubt in it. But the polytheists and wrong doers refused except disbelief.”
If one were to follow the Rabbi’s advice, they would seek a protector from him. And that is because al-Lahu isn’t just Hell’s Warden, he’s personally stoking the fires to keep them at a fever pitch.
671Obviously, by claiming that he will dispatch all who don’t believe him to suffer eternally in his unabating blaze, the demonic voice of the Quran has assured the wary that he could not possibly be god. And by fixating on bodily resurrection, he’s demonstrating that his rewards and torments are skin deep and that his understanding is similarly shallow.
Quran 017.100 “Say, ‘If you possessed the treasure of the mercy of my Rabbi (wealth, money, provision, etc.), then you would withhold spending (for) fear. And man is ever miserly.”
If one possessed the sum total of this Snake’s mercy they would not be able to buy so much as a faggot or cup of scalding water with it. The Rabbi is ever miserly.
Running then on material, al-Lahu returned to his old tricks…
Quran 017.101 “And, lo, verily, We had given to Musa (Moses) nine clear signs. So ask the Children of Israel, when he came to them, then Fir’aun (Pharaoh) said to him, ‘Lo! Verily, I think you, Musa (Moses), bewitched.’”
Evidently, without fingers and toes, snakes can’t count. There were ten plagues. But it may have been intentional since Passover, which was the one sign that actually mattered, took God’s Children in a different direction than the Devil intended, was omitted.
Pharoah Thutmose did not claim that Moseh was “bewitched,” but the Quraysh said it of Muhammad. And since this Rabbi was more Satan Claus than Geni, he was unable to deliver the presents the Quraysh had requested. So, the claim of being bewitched was attributed to Fir’aun to imply that the Quraysh would suffer the same fate. But, even then, Satan wasn’t God, so there would be no bloody water, frogs, lice, flies, cowpox, boils, hail, locusts, persistent darkness, or Passover – only the plague of Islam.
672Quran 017.102 “Musa (Moses) said, ‘Lo! Verily, you have known that none has sent down these except Rabbu (of) the heavens and the earth (as) clear evidence.
And lo, verily, I surely think you, Fir’aun, (are) doomed to destruction.’
Quran 017.103 So he intended to drive them out of the land, but We drowned him and all who were with him.”
It is ever apparent that Islam is for ignoramuses. And under that stipulation, Muslims have a perfectly tailored and festooned prophet and god.
There were no Rabbis participating in the discussions between Moseh and Thutmose III. There was no claim of clear evidence. There were no lo verilies. There was no threat to destroy Pharaoh. Thutmose was not killed, although his firstborn son, Amenemhat, died on Passover. Further, Pharaoh was not drowned, just a regiment of his army in pursuit of the Children of Yisra’el.
However, those are just corrections to the errant details in Rabbu’s commentary. The most conspicuously glaring anomaly in the Quranic revisionist accounting is that Pharaoh was driving the Yisra’elites out of Mitsraym rather than trying to maintain control over his slaves. But since freedom was anathema to al-Lahu, and since Muhammad was being booted out of Petra for having reneged on the Quraysh Bargain, Islam’s un-god inverted the story. In Islama-land, the Jews wanted to remain slaves but Firaun was so disgusted by them drove them out. Thus, the moral of the story is that Muslimes are morons.
There ought to be a statute of limitations on pathetic plagiarism and inept wannabe gods who misappropriate and misconstrue the truth to manipulate the mentally impaired. The Quran and Allah have stunk up the joint for far too long.
Quran 017.104 “And We said from after to the Children of Israel after him, ‘Dwell the land, then when comes promise the hereafter 673(i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ Iesa | Jesus, son of Mary on the earth), We will bring you a mixed crowd.
Quran 017.105 And with the truth We sent it down (the Quran), and with truth it descended. And not We sent you except a bearer of glad tidings (of Paradise for those who follow your Message of Islamic Monotheism), and a warner (of Hell-fire for those who refuse to follow Islamic Monotheism).
Quran 017.106 And Qur’anan | Quran, We have divided that you might recite it to the men at intervals. And We have revealed it stages (in 23 years).”
Stumped by the Quraysh naysayers, the voice of the Quran misappropriated and misquoted the Towrah to counter their claims that he was an inept devil. But, nay, Muhammad was sent to a mixed crowd to bear the glad tidings that he would soon behead Jewish men, rape Jewish women, enslave Jewish children, and steal everything that belonged to them – including the Towrah. Those would be the next stages of Islam.
Since the simple truth is that the only time Jews bowed down before Muslims was to have their heads severed, the Hadith writers concocted the stories of Abdullah bin Salam and Salman Al-Farisi. Allah needed to find someone willing to believe him and his non-prophet, so he made them up.
Quran 017.107 “Say, ‘Believe in it or not believe. Lo! Verily, those who were given the knowledge from before it (the Jews and the Christians like ‘Abdullah bin Salam and Salman Al-Farisi), when it is recited to them, they fall down on their faces in humble prostration.’
Quran 017.108 And they say, ‘Glory be to our Rabbi | Lord! Lo! Verily, the Promise of our Rabbi surely fulfilled.’
Quran 017.109 And they fall down on their faces weeping and it adds to their humility.”
Delusional. But at least Allah has that going for him.
Over the 22 years since Yahowah initially asked me to expose and condemn Islam in Prophet of Doom, I have learned a great deal about who God is, and who He isn’t. 674This shouldn’t be surprising since I have invested the ensuing two decades translating Yahowah’s Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr | Guidance, Prophecy, and Lyrics from the Dead Sea Scrolls and then sharing the insights garnered from His witness.
So now in 2023, in the wake of what Muslims did to Jews in Israel on October 7th, and how they have responded thereafter, I’m much better prepared to excoriate the Adversary in God Damn Religion. This is largely the result of what I discovered when translating Paul’s letters and Ezekiel’s protestations for the eight volumes comprising Twistianity and Babel. The two most effective ways to expose and condemn an adversary is to let them hang themselves with their own words. The second is to compare their words to God’s.
Such has been the case throughout God Damn Religion. Thus far, we have considered 56 surahs in their entirety – every word from beginning to end – because they are all incriminating. There aren’t any good parts. It runs from inane to insane, from illiterate to ignorant, from despicable to demonic.
The 117th surah, Al Israa | The Israelites, is a case in point. We turned to it because it incredulously authenticates the fable-ous donk-ass flight to the Temple Mount to claim Jerusalem for the religion the non-prophet and un-god had destroyed in Petra. Muhammad had accepted and then reneged on the Quraysh Bargain, trading Rahman in for the Babes of the Boulders to garner his heart’s desire – fornication, trinkets, and credibility.
So, now that he had abandoned Rahman, tossing him out of the rockpile, even though he had been the un-god of the first 90 surahs, he still had three goddesses too many for a monotheistic religion. The solution becomes, “All of god’s names are marvelous, so pick anyone you like. It does not matter so long as you don’t do what he or I have done. Never associate any 675one with Whatever-his-or-her-name-might-be because he or she, has no son, no partner, coworker, consort, accomplice, or associate with whom he or she is sharing his or her kingdom.” Lahu is a loner, a recluse like Muhammad, without a friend, helper, or supporter because they would be a sign of weakness.
So, if you recall, Muhammad needed to move in a different direction and ply Islam in an uncorrupted venue, such that he made like an avalanche and abandoned the boulders, heading toward the Western rock Wall of the Temple Mount. Dropping the excess baggage along the way, he said…
Quran 017.110 “Say, ‘Invoke al-Laha or invoke Rahman, by whatever (name) you invoke, to Him (belong) the Best Names.
And do not be loud in your Salat (prayer) and not be silent, therein, but seek between that a way.
Quran 017.111 And say, ‘All praise for al-Lahi | the To-Him, the One Who has not taken a son, not is for Him a sharikun | partner, coworker, consort, accomplice, or associate in the dominion.
And not is Lahu | For Him a waliyyun | close relationship or friend, a helper or protector, a supporter or custodian out of weakness. And akabir-hu | magnify Him magnificence (Allahu-Akbar | Allah is Greater).
Adios, Rahman. Bye-bye Boulder Babes. Lahu was moving on. And he and his accomplice would be making new friends, turning other slaves into despicable versions of themselves. Allahu-Akbar, baby – which actually means “Al-Lahu is a Mouse!”
This surah was between the seventieth and ninetieth recited chronologically, and yet even with practice, the recitations continued to be damning. And it is so blatant, it is obvious that this was the intent.
676Following the Night’s Journey, the prophet had a new Qiblah to replace the one he had soiled, so all he needed now were some followers. But having disgraced himself in Petra with the Satanic Bargain, the Taif Stoning, and fable-ous donk-ass fight of infamy, he needed a new audience. Fortunately, opportunity sprang from a most unexpected place. The pilgrimage fairs promoted by Qusayy were still in full swing.
Tabari VI:120 “The Messenger used to appear at the times of the pilgrimage before the Arab tribes, summoning them to Allah [Rabbi, Rahman, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat], informing them that he himself was a prophet [without a prophecy] sent by Allah [or whatever name you prefer because they are all good with my god], and asking them to believe his words and defend him [since his god was impotent].
‘I am Allah’s Messenger to you, commanding you to worship Allah and not to associate anything with him [like I just did], to cast off whatever idols you worship other than Him [like I just did], to believe in me, and the truth of my message [that’s almost funny], and to defend me so that I may make manifest the message of Allah I have been sent to convey.’”
The Tormented Messenger was looking for a good defense, a justification perhaps for what he had said and done. And yet, this was still about, “Me, myself, and I.” Insecure people like Muhammad have an insatiable craving for recognition and praise, to be seen as truthers and as victims of disbelievers. And they will stop at nothing to achieve their agenda, rationalizing everything they do along the way.
Tabari VI:120 “When the Prophet completed his speech and his appeal, Abd Al-Uzza Lahab would say, ‘Banu so-and-so, this man is calling upon you to cast off Al-Lat and Al-Uzza…and accept the error of his ways. Do not obey him; do not listen to him.’”
The Muslim sages felt that it was in their interest to demean Uncle Abu Lahab by calling him Slave-to-Al-Uzza. But it’s a two-edged sword. For if Al-Uzza and Al-Lat were 677pagan goddesses for which men were named, Allah was also a pre-Islamic idol whose name men bore long before he was traded for Rahman.
In the next Hadith from, of all people, Abd Ar-Rahman, we read: Tabari VI:120 “Speaking to the clan of the Banu Abdallah Muhammad said, ‘Allah has given your ancestor an excellent name.’”
As a prophet, Muhammad was an abysmal failure.
Ishaq:194 “The Apostle offered himself to the Arab tribes at the fairs whenever an opportunity arose. He used to ask them to believe in him and protect him.”
We have come full circle and returned to Ramadan’s Cave of Self-Justification where the quivering and suicidal demonic prophet sought the protection of blankies.
Ishaq:195 “The Apostle stopped by the Arab encampments and told them that he was the Prophet of Allah ordering them to worship Him, to believe in His Messenger, and protect him until Allah made plain His purpose.”
“He went to the tents of the Kinda and offered himself to them, but they declined. He went to the Abdallah clan with the same message, but they would not heed.
The Apostle went to the Hanifa, where he met with the worst reception of all. He tried the Amir, but one of them said to him, ‘I suppose you want us to protect you from the Arabs with our lives and then if you prevail, someone else will reap the benefits. Thank you, No!’”
It is as if we were reading a suicide note written by a psychotic individual pleading for acceptance. But it is not obvious that Arabs were talking, and Abu al-Qasim’s (the Slave to Witchcraft’s) reputation preceded him. Evidently, Petra’s walls had ears.
Craving power and money:
Tabari VI:122 & Ishaq:195 “Whenever Muhammad heard of a pilgrim coming to the fairs who was important, he would give special 678attention to him. Some shaykhs of Yathrib’s Awf clan came to Mecca on the umrah. When Muhammad heard about Suwayd’s arrival [the subject of Persian fables], he was attentive to him.
Suwayd said, ‘Perhaps what you are presenting is like what I am saying.’ The Messenger asked, ‘What are you reciting?’ ‘The book of Luqman,’ he replied. [While he appears in the 31st surah bearing his name, Luqman was a mythological figure.]
The Messenger said, ‘Hand it to me [so that I can plagiarize it like I have Hanif poetry, the Torah, Talmud, and Gospels].’ Suwayd handed it over and explained it to him.
Muhammad said, ‘This speech is good, but I have better. My speech is a Qur’an which Allah has revealed to me.’ The Prophet recited some of it to Suwayd. He said, ‘This is a fine saying,’ and went off, rejoining his people.”
After receiving the endorsement of Jinn and a couple of Jews, a mythical man was the next best option. Undeterred, the non-prophet continued to mill among the crowds, pressing the flesh, as he regaled them with his recitations and badgered them with his solicitations. But time was running out. The ritual ceremonies were nearly over.
Ishaq:197 “The Apostle heard about Abdul. He asked them if they would like to get something more profitable than their present errand.” Since they were on a religious pilgrimage, Muhammad must have been selling the religion of stolen booty. But their leader “took a handful of dirt and threw it in Muhammad’s face.”
Now desperate, the Devil’s beleaguered Advocate followed the devotees of the Boulder Babes on their final procession to Arafat and then back to Mina. In the narrow valley, opportunity knocked. Muhammad shuffled up to another group of pilgrims from Yathrib…
Ishaq:197 “What tribe are you from?” “The tribe of Khazraj,” one replied. “Ah!” the Prophet said excitedly. “Your tribe is a confederate of the Jews, isn’t it?” “Yes. We are.” “Then, why don’t we sit down and chat?”
679Tabari VI:124 “When Allah wished to make His religion victorious [with the sword], to render His Prophet mighty [as a terrorizing tyrant], and to fulfill His promise [to make Muhammad rich], the Messenger went out during that pilgrimage and met a group of Ansar at Aqabah, a party of Khazraj.”
The Ansar, or “Helpers,” were also from Yathrib. It was about time to call al-Lahu’s Relocation Services.
Ishaq:197 “Allah had prepared them for Islam because they lived next to the Jews, who were people of scripture and knowledge. While the Khazraj were polytheists and idolaters, they had gained the mastery over the Jews, raiding them. Whenever any dispute arose the Jews would say, ‘A prophet will be sent soon. His time is at hand. We shall follow him and with him as our leader we shall kill you.’”
This Hadith confirms several things that would shape Islam. First, there were Jews in Yathrib – lots of them. They were smart, well-read, and grounded. The Arabs were pagans, yet they supposedly dominated the Jewish majority – a claim Muhammad would capitalize upon. When the Jews became frustrated, they did what they had always done. They said, “We may be down and out now but you just wait. One day our Messiah will come and things will be different.”
The expectation of a Messiah was interwoven throughout the whole of Jewish life. As such, it would have been communicated to the Arabs. And no doubt, the idolatrous and illiterate inhabitants of Yathrib would have envied the rich customs and heritage of God’s people. It was the perfect hunting ground for the failed non-prophet of Petra.
The Arabs in Yathrib, today’s Medina, were ripe for the plucking. Still addicted to idolatrous superstitions, they were just well enough acquainted with Judaism to swallow Muhammad’s corruptions – dripping as they were in Talmud tantrums.
The Ansar were the perfect patsies for his desperate con. Already anticipating a Messiah, they readily accepted the 680reformer of Qusayy’s Ka’aba worship as the next best thing. They invited the wolf in sheep’s clothing into their midst, a decision they would soon come to regret. But it’s ironic in a way. The only reason these Arabs accepted Muhammad was because the Jews, having rejected Dowd’s return as their Messiah and Savior, were awaiting the arrival of another. Otherwise, the Arabs of Yathrib would have rejected Muhammad just like everybody else had.
Ishaq:198 & Tabari VI:125 “After the Messenger had spoken to the group from Yathrib they said, ‘Take note. This is the very prophet whom the Jews are menacing us with. Don’t let them find him before we accept him.’ Because of this, they responded to his call and became Muslims.”
Big mistake. But these fellas didn’t have all of their oars in the sand either. But at least we now know why Abu al-Qasim headed east rather than north to Jerusalem. After all, he’d been there and done that. And what a wonderful visit it had been.
Nonetheless, serendipity was knocking, and finding himself at the right place at the right time, Muhammad fooled the Arabs into believing that he was the promised Jewish Messiah. His delusions of grandeur were being stroked once again.
But evidently, the megalomaniac, without Muslims, would have to lick his wounds a while longer. The Ansar were not yet ready to roll out the prayer blankie and welcome Messiah Muhammad into town. So slumping and slumming in Petra, the discredited non-prophets status had become akin to that of a worm on a hot summer day. Not a word of what occurred over the next twelve months was provided by either Tabari or Ishaq. He was now the Mute Messenger.
The Hadith in the History and Biography jumped ahead to the same time the following year. This serves to affirm that, lo, verily, the religion of Islam had succumbed to the moral decadence of the Quraysh Bargain, the spiritual 681depravity of the Satanic Verses, and the hallucinogenic nature of the Night’s Journey. Simply stated, immoral and delirious, demon-possessed psychopaths don’t make good prophets.
But soon, thanks to the pagan pilgrimage, and the alluring seductiveness of the Boulder Babes, it was déjà vu all over again…
Ishaq:198 & Tabari VI:125 “The following year, twelve of the Ansar came on the pilgrimage and met the Messenger, this being the first Aqabah. They took an oath of allegiance to him according to the terms of the ‘Pledge of Women.’ This was before the duty of making war was laid upon them.”
A footnote reads: “It was called ‘The Pledge of Women’ because Quran 060.012 told Muhammad to require this from women wanting to become Muslims.”
Only one small problem: the 60th surah was revealed eleven years later – after the sullen non-prophet returned to Petra from Yathrib as a ruthless terrorist and brought the slaughter he had foretold.
The next Hadith explains:
Ishaq:199 & Tabari VI:127 “There were twelve of us and we pledged ourselves to the Prophet in the manner of women that was laid out before war was enjoined.
The terms were that we should not associate anything with Allah, we should not steal, should not commit adultery or fornication, should not kill our children, should not slander our neighbors, and we should not disobey Muhammad in what is proper.
If we fulfilled this, we would have paradise, and if we failed Allah would punish us in hell.” (Quran 060.012)
Therefore, this pledge was offered while the 17th surah was fresh on Muhammad’s mind. As I had shared, while hypocritical and self-serving, there was more religiosity in The Israelites than in all of the other surahs combined. And 682Quranic postdating aside, Muhammad and his newly branded Muslims would soon break all of their own rules.
Meeting over, we return to radio silence from Petra. In an 8,000-page book detailing every minuscule aspect of Islam’s rise, fall, and resurrection, Tabari could find nothing to report from KaabaVille. Muhammad was dreaming of greener pastures.
However, since we have been led through the Hadith to the 60th surah, there are seven surahs, the 60th through the 65th, in addition to the 58th which were all initially recited between the rosy sandstone walls of the crumbling former religious metropolis that was now resolutely mocking Muhammad. So, let’s turn to them now before this cast of charlatans and corrupt characters scurries out of town for greener pastures.
The first of the last recitals damning the 99.99% who rejected the non-prophet’s and un-god’s claims, was entitled, Al-Mumtahinah | The Woman Tried. It begins with an ode against trusting the Squad – the Progressive Muslim Women (now there is an oxymoron) in Congress who rant against Jews…
Quran 060.001 “O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies (disbelievers and polytheists, i.e., non-Muslims) as friends or allies, showing affection towards them, while they disbelieve in what has come to you of the truth (Islamic Monotheism, this Quran, and Muhammad), driving out the Messenger and yourselves (from your homeland) because you believe in Il-Lahi | God of Him, Rabbikum | your Lord!
If you are coming forth, jihad | strive to fight fi | in Sabili | My Cause. And seek to please Me.
683You show friendship to them and confide in them, pretending to care about them, but I am All-Aware of what you conceal and what you reveal. And whosoever of you (Muslims) does that, then, indeed, he has gone (far) astray, (away from the) Straight Path.”
That is about as subtle as a knife to the jugular. According to the Quran, a Muslim cannot become a citizen of a non-Islamic nation. They cannot care about or even be friends with non-Muslims. All non-Muslims are enemies of Muhammad and the Il-Lahi of Islam. And as such, again according to the Quran, henceforth, Muslims are called to Jihad in Allah’s Cause – which is to kill all disbelievers and then roast them in Hell. That is what pleases the demented voice of the Quran.
And should a Muslim feign affection for a non-Muslim, or accept a non-Muslim as a friend or ally, then they are rendered apostates and join the infidels in Hell. And so why do so many political pundits, scholarly professors, progressive journalists, and misinformed clerics deny the irrefutable message of the Quran and claim that their benign opinions regarding Islam are preferable? That is akin to saying that Mein Kampf is a holy book that is misunderstood and should be respected.
Keep in mind, Allah is now lashing out at the first Muslims, those who recanted their faith after the Ongoing Argument, Unethical Bargain, Satanic Inspiration, and Infamous Journey. The voice of the Quran is labeling their former friends and family members “enemies.”
Quran 060.002 “If they should gain the upper hand over you, becoming dominant, they would be enemies of yours, and stretch forth and extend their hands and their tongues against you with evil. And they desire that you should disbelieve.”
So much for the notion presented in the 17th surah that families were of value and should be respected. That is no longer Islamic and has been abrogated. This is chilling and grotesquely immoral…
684Quran 060.003 “Never will your relatives nor will your children be of benefit you (on the) Day of Resurrection. He will judge between you. And al-Lahu is All-Seer of what you do.”
The Islamic Gestapo is lurking in every Muslim family ready to rat out the apostates. So the Lord of Stealing God’s Associates, protests…
Quran 060.004 “Lo! Verily, is for you a good example in Ibrahim (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people, ‘Lo! Verily, we disassociate from you and from what you worship from besides al-Lahi.
We have rejected and denied you. And there has appeared between us and between you, enmity and hostility, hatred and rancor forever, until you believe in Il-Lahi Alone.’
Except saying Ibrahim (Abraham) to his father, Lo! Verily, I ask forgiveness for you, but I have no power to do anything for you from al-Lahi.’ Our Rabbi | Lord, upon You we put our trust and to You we turn, and to You the final Return.”
Should you prefer truth to lies, relevance to relativism, relationship to religion, or a real God to a Snake, I invite you to read volume three of Yada Yahowah, entitled Beryth ~ Family. Should a comparative summary suffice, ‘Abraham said no such thing. There was no parting speech, no mention of al-Lahi or Il-Lahi, no rejections or denials, no enmity or rancor, and no paternal exemptions.
I don’t if this is the imaginary Ibrahim, the self-aggrandizing Rabbi, or even his accomplice, the Devil’s Advocate, but I’m not sure it matters.
Quran 060.005 “Our Rabbi, not make us a trial for those who disbelieve and forgive us our Rabbi. Lo! Verily, You, You, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.”
If he is so damn smart – All-Wise – why did the Rabbi in the Sand need to steal Yahowah’s material, why did he butcher every story, and why does his book insult our intelligence?
685Grossly misrepresenting the truth serves as a good example in Islam. Lo! Verily…
Quran 060.006 “Certainly, is for you in them a good example for who is hopeful in al-Laha (for the reward from Him) and the Last Day. And whoever turns away, then, lo, verily, al-Laha, He free of need, the Worthy of Praise.”
The only thing worse than a capricious deity is one who contradicts himself…
Quran 060.007 “Perhaps al-Lahu that will put between you and between those whom you have been enemies among them affection. And al-Lahu All-Powerful. And al-Lahu Oft-Forgiving, Rahman.
Quran 060.008 Al-Lahu does not forbid you from those not fighting you in the religion and not drive you out of your homes that you deal kindly and equitably. Lo! Verily, al-Laha loves those who act justly.”
Therefore, in Islam, justice is defined through contradiction and the inclusions of conditions which negate the premise. So now it is reassuring to know that Muslims are to fight non-Muslims whom they perceive have driven them away.
Quran 060.009 “Al-Lahu only forbids you from those who fight you in the religion, and drive you out of your homes, and helped to support your expulsion, that you befriend them as allies. And whosoever will befriend them or become their allies, then such are the zalimun | wrong-doers, infidels, and polytheists.”
So, how is it possible for anyone to believe that the Quran was written by the Lord of the Worlds as the final message to humankind when it remains focused upon the minutia of a handful of misfits and malcontents who were being mocked out of a meaningless town in the desert?
And here, the judgment of al-Lahu is that women should be fairly bought and sold…
Quran 060.010 “O you who believe! When believing women come to you as emigrants, examine them. Al-Lahu most knowing of their Faith.
686And if you know them believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers. They are not lawful for them, nor are they lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. And there is not any blame upon you if you marry them when you have paid their dues.
And do not hold to marriage bonds (with) the disbelieving women, but ask for (the return of) that which you have spent (as Mahr) and let them (the disbelievers) ask back for that which they have spent. That Judgement al-Lahi. He judges between you. And al-Lahu All-Knowing, All-Wise [Completely Misogynist].”
Is there any question as to why the overwhelming majority of sex slaves are acquired, sold, and owned by Muslim men? Is there any question as to why Muslim women are commodities treated as if they were property to be traded and exchanged?
Quran 060.011 “And if any of your wives have gone from you to the disbelievers, then your turn comes, then give those who have gone their wives like what they had spent. And fear al-Laha Whom you in Him believers.”
Has an enterprising Muslim picked up on this opportunity? Instead of eHarmony, or Match, how about TradeAWoman.com? Just remember to fear the Snake.
Since Satan has consistently reminded us that Muhammad was nothing more than a warner, why is he now being elevated to al-Naby’ | the Prophet? And why is the title Hebrew if the Quran is Arabic?
Quran 060.012 “O Prophet! When believing women come to you, pledging to you on that not they will associate with Il-Lahi anything, that they will not steal, that they will not commit illegal sexual intercourse, that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally inventing between their hands and their feet, and that they will not disobey you in Ma’ruf | the right Islamic Monotheism and all that which Islam ordains, then accept their Bai’a | Pledge, and ask al-Laha’s forgiveness for them. Lo! Verily, al-Laha Oft-Forgiving, Rahman.”
Clever in his duplicity and sexism, Il-Lani makes an aborted attempt to pilfer the Ten Statements Yahowah 687etched on the Stone Tablets. But he omits the first five and claims the remaining rules only apply to women. It’s little wonder Islam 2.0 appealed to men and boys.
The concluding line is a bit of a regurgitated rant…
Quran 060.013 “O you who believe, do not make allies with people. The wrath of al-Lahu is upon them. Lo! Verily, they despair of the hereafter as despair the disbelievers of companions the graves.”
Since the Serpent was so utterly inept in his revisionist version of the Ten Statements, before we move on to the Al-As-Saff | The Battle Ranks surah, we would all benefit from considering the original instructions as presented within Shemowth / Exodus 20…
“Then, Almighty God communicated all of these statements comprised of words in our presence, in association with us and in proximity to us, providing perspective by explaining…
Tablet One
‘I am Yahowah, your God, who, relationally and beneficially to show the proper path to get the most out of this beneficial relationship, brought you out and delivered you, descending to serve you by doing everything which was required to withdraw those of you who respond away from the realm of the crucibles of political, religious, economic, and military oppression, out of the house of slavery, away from worship and servitude, government authority and religious officials.
You will not continue to exist with other, different or additional, gods over and above My presence.
You should not continue to associate yourself with or make a practice of attending to, you should not act upon or engage on behalf of a religious image, object of worship, or any representation of a god which is in the 688heavens above, including the sun, moon, planets, and stars, or which is on the earth below, or which is in the waters beneath the land.
You should not speak about them on your own initiative nor make a practice of bowing down and worshiping them, you should not continue to promote their message on your own accord nor display their words because such uncoerced and ongoing verbal declarations will influence you, and you should not worship them, especially if not compelled, nor should you serve them or encourage anyone to be passionate about them.
Do not continually labor in their cause or make a career of serving as their ministers, nor inspire anyone else to do so. For, indeed, emphasizing this point, I, Yahowah, your God, am a fiercely protective, steadfastly loyal, and jealous God, a God who is desirous of exclusivity in a devoted relationship.
I consider and reckon the perversity of twisting and distorting and the depravity of perverting and manipulating, deviating from the way, of the fathers upon the children up to the third and the fourth generations of those who are openly adverse toward Me, who are malicious against Me while shunning Me by avoiding a relationship with Me.
And yet, I will genuinely act and actually engage to literally prepare and produce unfailing mercy, unearned favor, and genuine kindness, even actual forgiveness, developing a friendly and loving relationship on behalf of thousands who move toward Me and love Me, forming a close and familial relationship with Me, caring enough to know Me, and also who approach Me by closely observing and carefully considering My instructions, My terms and conditions, the verbal and written stipulations and structure which uphold My Covenant.
689You should not continue to deceive, nor should you tolerate or support delusions, you should not habitually deploy or advance clever tricks to enrich yourself by indebting others, and you should avoid beguiling people so that they forget and miss the way by negating the name and reputation of Yahowah, your God, thereby advancing worthless and lifeless deceptions, deploying that which condones devastating dishonesty which nullifies one’s existence.
For, indeed, Yahowah will not forgive or leave unpunished, He will not pardon or free from guilt, He will not exempt from judgment nor sentencing, an individual who consistently deceives, who actually beguiles and deludes, using religious duplicity to mislead, lifting up or advancing dishonest ruses to forget this association with His name and proper designation, through vain and ineffectual lies which lead to lifelessness.
Tablet Two
Remember to genuinely reflect upon, recognizing that the Shabat, which is the seventh day, is set apart to approach Him.
Six days you should work, laboring for oneself or another, expending the energy to be productive at your job, and choose to act, engaging in all of your service communicating as a heavenly messenger in conjunction with the Mala’kah | Spiritual Counselor.
But the seventh, representing the solemn promise which fulfills and satisfies, abundantly benefiting those who listen and are observant on this enriching day, the Shabat, the period of reflection on the relationship at the end of the week, is to approach Yahowah, your God.
690You should not continuously engage in all of the work of the Heavenly Representative and Spiritual Messenger, yourself, your son, your daughter, your male and female servants and staff, your means of production, as well as those visitors who relationally are in your home or on your property.
For, indeed, in six days, Yahowah acted and engaged and produced everything associated with completing, celebrating and attending to the full extent of the heavens, including the spiritual realm, and the earth, along with the entire material world, even the waters, and all which relationally is in them.
Then, He became completely settled spiritually during the Almighty’s seventh day. Therefore, Yahowah blessed and adored, offered a greeting along with an opportunity to meet, favoring everything associated with this day, the Shabat, setting it apart, separating it from that which is common, ordinary, and popular, making it special.
You should choose to carefully consider as worthy, valuable, significant, and highly enriching, perceiving as awesomely impressive, tremendously relevant, and extraordinarily important, even glorious so as to be abundantly enriched and empowered to a very high degree by the symbolism of your Father and that which is represented by your Mother for the purpose of continuously lengthening your days upon the earth, which as a benefit of the relationship while revealing the narrow, correct, and straightforward steps to walk along the path to get the most out of life, Yahowah, your God, is actually giving to you.
You should not kill on an ongoing basis, making a practice of taking the life of another whether by accident, revenge, manslaughter, premeditation, assassination, governmental execution, military slaughter, or murder.
691You should not continue to participate in idolatrous worship or make a habit of taking another’s wife.
You should not make a habit of stealing, routinely taking something from others without their permission.
You should not continuously answer and respond against your neighbor’s evil thoughts or the debilitating ways of your countrymen, as a deceptive or misleading, unreliable or useless witness.
You should not make a practice out of desiring, habitually coveting, delighting in, or lusting for your troublesome neighbor’s home or household.
You should not continuously covet your associate’s wife, or his male or female servants, his comings and goings or his domesticated animals, his means of transport, food, and production, or anything which is associated with your maligned countryman’s errant opinions or inappropriate behavior.’”
They were intelligently conceived, well-written, and applicable to men and women looking to live more productive and rewarding lives.
The second of the final Petra recitals was entitled Al-As-Saff | The Battle Ranks. It begins with some over-the-top self-adulation, followed by some reoccurring gibberish…
Quran 061.001 “Whatever in the heavens and whatever in the earth glorifies Lillahi. And He the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
Quran 061.002 O who believe, why you say what not you do?
Quran 061.003 Great is hatred with al-Lahi that you say what not you do.”
Now that we know the Snake hates what you say what not you do, he wants you to know what he loves…
Quran 061.004 “Lo! Verily, al-Laha loves those who fight in His Way and Cause in a row as if they were a structure joined firmly.”
692The Lord of War cherishes jihadists, terrorists, and mujahid, battle, blood, and death. The Islamic Heaven ought to be especially fun. Be sure to bring your sword.
Al-Lahu also likes disposing with transitions, plagiarizing, misrepresenting, misquoting, and pretending to be God…
Quran 061.005 “And when Musa (Moses) said to his people, ‘O my people! Why do you hurt me while you know certainly that I am the Messenger of al-Lahi to you?’
So when they turned away, caused by al-Lahu to deviate their hearts (from the Path), al-Lahu does not guide the people who are fasiqun | rebellious and disobedient.”
As a small-time Snake, all alone in the desert, Satan needed a way to appear bigger than life. So, he told Muslims that Moses was his messenger.
And if misappropriating Moseh wasn’t enough to garner the attention of the next batch of slaves, the Snake claimed that the mythical misnomer ‘Iesa | Jesus did his bidding too. So whose next, Abraham Lincoln or Santa Claus?
Quran 061.006 “And when said ‘Iesa | Jesus, son of Maryam | Mary, ‘O Children of Is’raila | Israel! Lo, I am the Messenger of al-Lahi to you confirming that which was between my hands of the Taurat | Torah, and bringing glad tidings of a Messenger to come from after me, whose name will be Ahmad. But when he came to them with clear proofs, they said, ‘This is plain magic.’”
Lo! Verily, al-Lahi is full of $#!+. Since Muhammad didn’t measure up to the standard of a prophet, the god who didn’t measure up either sought to bring men and myths down to their level. As a Snake, he had to make everyone else look like a snake.
But he wasn’t very good at it. Moseh clearly spoke with and for Yahowah. Jesus didn’t speak for anyone since he didn’t exist. And no one, apart from prostrating stones and trees, predicted the arrival of the illiterate nincompoop or psychopath prophet Ahmad, Muhammad, or Abu al-Qasim.
693Why would anyone want to invent anything against Allah since he is the Lord of Self-Incrimination?
Quran 061.007 “And who (is) more wrong than who invents the lie against al-Lahi while he is being invited to al-Is’lami | the Submission of Islam? And al-Lahu guides not the wrongdoing polytheist disbelieving folk.”
It’s nice to know that Allah’s light is snuffed out with words. So, that being true, we will continue to wield them even if the Muslims hate (it).
Quran 061.008 “They intend to put out the Light of al-Lahi (the religion of Islam, this Quran, and Prophet Muhammad) with their mouths. But al-Lahu will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it).
Quran 061.009 He the One Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the truth religion to make it victorious and prevail over the religions (of) all of them. Although, the mushrikun | disbelievers and wrongdoers hate (it).”
The Quran not only tells Muslims that their religion will be victorious and prevail over all other religions by destroying the competition, they believe it and will die to make it happen. But spoiler alert: While Houthis in Yemen may be the Mouse who Roared, braggadocios’ shouts and AK-47s are not going to bring the world to its knees.
Further, while Islam has long been adept at death and destruction, victory requires doing something better. Nonetheless, there is but one express ticket to the brothels – and that is to die killing for Allah. Therefore…
Quran 061.010 “O who believe, shall I guide you to a transaction (that) will save you from a painful punishment?
Quran 061.011 Believe in Il-Lahi and His Rasul | Messenger, and jihad | strive hard and fight in the Cause of al-Lahi with your wealth and your lives. That (will be) better for you, if you know.
Quran 061.012 (If you do so) He will forgive you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow, and pleasant dwelling in Gardens of ‘Adn | ‘Eden. That is the great success.
694Quran 061.013 And another which you love, a help from al-Lahi (against your enemies) and a near victory. And give glad tidings to the believers.”
And that is why good Muslims kill. It is why the best Muslims are terrorists. It is why 95% of terrorist atrocities are committed by Muslims. It is why good Muslims perpetrated and celebrated the single most depraved assault on humanity in the past 2,000 years. It is why the Progressives that are aiding and abetting Islam are accessories to murder.
Al-Lahu needs help to deliver his glad tidings. He cannot kill without you…
Quran 061.014 “O you who believe! Be helpers (in the Cause) of al-Lahi as said ‘Iesa | Jesus, son of Maryam | Mary, to al-Hawariun | the Disciples, ‘Who (are) my helpers for al-Lahi?’ The Disciples said, ‘We (are) al-Lahi’s helpers.’
Then a group of the Children of Israel believed and a group disbelieved. So We gave power to and supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became the dominant.”
Al-Lahu has garnered quite a formidable Islamic army with Musa, Iesa, the Hawariun, and some Muslim Israelis, all engaging as jihadists. What’s more, the Islamic Jews were empowered against their enemy and became dominant. Perhaps then someone should rewrite the history books and paint a different outcome against Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, Europeans, and the Nazis. The only dominating victories the Jews have managed in the past 3,000 years have been against Allah’s Muslims. Hmm, so what’s up with Allah’s Little Helpers?
The third of seven concluding Petra recitals was named after the world’s smallest Al-Jumu’ah | The Congregation because they had been reduced to “a few weak individuals.” It begins by boasting…
Quran 062.001 “Whatever (is) in Heavens and whatever (is) in the Earth glorifies Lillahi, the Sovereign, the Holy, the All-Mighty.”
695Those are big words for a Snake with a superiority complex. But since his messenger was illiterate, he had to toot his own horn. But at least he admits it…
Quran 062.002 “He (is) the One Who sent among the unlettered and illiterate a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them, and teaching them the Book and Al-Hikmah | the Wisdom (as-Sunnah: legal ways, orders, acts of worship, etc. of Prophet Muhammad). Although they were from before in manifest error.”
Quran 062.003 “And others among them who have not yet joined them and He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
Quran 062.004 “That Bounty (of) al-Lahi, He gives it (to) whom He wills and wants. And al-Lahu, the Great Bounty Processor.”
What could be more memorable than an illiterate messenger among unlettered people? It was a manifest error in the making. But no matter because al-Lahi gets what al-Lahu wants.
Now that Muhammad and his Muslim pals were headed out of Dodge for the shining lights and plentiful dates of the Big City, the coopetition (cooperation and competition) would become more intense. The neighbors would no longer be illiterate, and they could not be fooled about God. They were headed out to the largest community of Jews in Arabia. So this was a preemptive strike.
Quran 062.005 “The likeness of those who were entrusted with the Taurat | Torah (i.e. to obey its commandments and to practice its legal laws). But then they bore it like the donkey carries books. Wretched it the example (of ) people who deny the ayat | signs (of) al-Lahi. And al-Lahu guides not the polytheist, wrong-doer, disbeliever people.
Quran 062.006 Say, ‘O you Hadu | Jews! If you pretend and claim that you are friends and allies of Lillahi, from excluding the mankind, then wish for death if you are truthful.’”
The one who rode the donk-ass into Jerusalem was now calling Jews donkeys. The man who could not read and who 696did not have a book was mocking those who could and did. We have returned to the mean-spirited wee-brained bully in the sandbox.
The concluding taunt is worse than the old conundrum, “Have you stopped beating your wife.” There is no good answer. The Jews were Yahowah’s Chosen People and knew nothing of al-Lahu, al-Lahi, or al-Lahi, not even Lillani. And while they were uniquely responsible for serving as Yahowah’s prophets, why would they wish for death since the claim was true?
The answer is – Muhammad and his Muslim Marauders were about to massacre them. So Lillani wanted a handy excuse, which was – they asked for it.
I’m reasonably confident the following line isn’t legible in any language.
Quran 062.007 “But not they will wish for it (death) ever for what sent forth their hands. And al-Lahu All-Knowing, of the polytheists, disbelievers. and wrongdoers.
Quran 062.008 Say, ‘Lo, the death from which you flee will surely meet you, then you will be sent back to the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. And He will tell you what you used to do.’”
So how does the Quran confirm the Towrah with Friday prayers when Yahowah specified the Seventh Day as the Shabat and He detests prayers?
Quran 062.009 “O who believe (Muslims)! When (the) call is proclaimed for the Salat (prayer) on the day Friday, then hasten to remembrance (of) al-Lahi and leave the business. That is better for you if you did but know.
Quran 062.010 Then when the Salat (prayer) is finished, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of al-Lahi. And remember al-Laha much, that you may succeed.”
Duty done; it was time to stir up some anti-Jewish stereotypes…
697Quran 062.011 “And when they see some merchandise or some amusement, they rush headlong to it, and leave you (Muhammad) standing (while delivering Jumu’ah’s religious talk). Say. ‘What with al-Lahi better than the amusement, merchandise, or transaction! And al-Lahu Best Providers.”
The fourth of the final seven surahs to echo off Petra’s chiseled walls was appropriately named Al-Munafiqun | The Hypocrites. In the manner of a deplorable politician, it begins with the poster boy of hypocrites slathering others with his own failings…
Quran 063.001 “When the hypocrites come to you, they say, ‘We bear witness and testify that you are indeed the Messenger of al-Lahi.’ Al-Lahu knows that you are indeed His Messenger and al-Lahu testifies that the hypocrites are surely liars.”
These were bitter days for the trio of Muslims clinging to the belief that the money-grubbing, sexually perverted, power-hungry polytheist messenger would deliver on his decedent promises. The Prophet of Hypocrisy had made them the laughingstocks of the sandbox. So the Lord of Hypocrisy returned to the ineffective Never-Ending Argument and played the ad hominem card.
Since they couldn’t win the argument with evidence and reason, al-Lahu slandered the former Muslims who had become apostates. This escalation in the War of Words became intensely personal and bitter. And the only way to make sense of it is to do what we have done by rearranging the Quran chronologically and setting it into the context of Muhammad’s life as conveyed through Ishaq and Tabari.
Continuing to lambast the former Muslims whose faith did not survive the Pagan Trade, Satanic Disclosure, and Change of Venue, we find further affirmation that Allah is mean-spirited and vindictive…
Quran 063.002 “They take their oaths (as) a cover so they turn away from (the) Way (of) al-Lahi. Lo! Verily, they (are) evil. (It is what) they used to do.
698Quran 063.003 That (is) because they believed then they disbelieved. So were sealed upon their hearts so they (do) not understand.”
Since it would tarnish the future appeal of Islam for the former Muslims to have objected as an act of conscience, we are told that they had always been evil and that it was Allah who had made them disbelieve.
Despite the un-godly mudslinging, boys will be boys and girls are girls, so the misfits were ogling the so-called heartless evil dimwits…
Quran 063.004 “And when you look at them, their bodies please you; and if they speak, you listen to their words as blocks of wood propped up. They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. Al-Lahu may curse and destroy them! How are they deluded?”
There is no middle ground, no compromise, and no negotiation with Islam. Even though these people had all been Muslims, former friends and family, they were now deluded enemies who deserved to die. So beware, al-Lahu wants to curse and destroy all non-Muslims by inciting his slaves.
However, based on what follows, Islam was a house divided. The surviving Muslims were pleading with the apostates to return while al-Lahi was demonizing them.
Quran 063.005 “And when it is said to them, ‘Come, the Messenger of al-Lahi might ask forgiveness for you,’ they turn aside their heads, and you see them turning away in pride.
Quran 063.006 (It) is (the) same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them. Never will al-Lahu forgive them. Lo! Verily, al-Laha does not guide the people (who are) disobedient.”
This is why, even today, Muslims will hunt down and kill their own children if they suspect them of leaving Islam. The religion is like the Mafia, where those who enter can never leave.
699There can be no reconciliation from al-Laha, the Not-Guiding, the Never-Forgiving, Oft-Torturing, Always Complaining Spirit of Doom.
However, as a result of the shitstorm that ensued when Muhammad reneged on the Pagan Bargain and then sought to annul the deal by way of the Satanic Verses, the non-prophet and un-god became pariahs with a problem. They were broke. There was no share of the Ka’aba Inc. The Profitable Prophet Plan had gone bankrupt. And good Muslims don’t work, so they were desperate for dough.
Quran 063.007 “They are the ones who say, ‘Spend not on those who are with al-Lahi’s Rasul until they desert him and disband.’ And for Lillahi treasures the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites comprehend not.”
Al-Lahi’s appeal to the Petrans was, “Spend now and invest in Islam. I’ll pay you back later once you are dead. You know you can trust me. After all, I’m pretending to be a fearsome and demented god.” But if Lillahi was so rich, why didn’t he finance his fledgling band of malcontents?
Since the handful of Muslims remaining loyal to Muhammad had yet to migrate to Yathrib, the idea of returning was as obtuse as the rest of this language…
Quran 063.008 “They say, ‘If we return to al-madinah | the city, surely will expel the more honorable from it the more humble.’ But honor (is) for Lillahi, and for His Messenger, and for the believers, but the hypocrites know not.”
Yathrib would not be renamed Medina until after Muhammad and his fellow Muslims exiled, enslaved, and annihilated the Jewish residents. And the only madinah | city these Muslims knew at the time, the only one that they could return to, the one from which they would exile those who were now mocking them, was the city of Petra.
Recognizing that this exchange was written a century later, there are two possibilities. Either the current location of these remaining Muslims was correctly stated as Raqmu 700(using the Nabetean name meaning “Rose Colored Rocks”) or Petra (the Greek word for “Rock”) and then changed to “al-madinah – the city” by an 8th-century scribe, or the original recital actually has these Muslims dreaming of returning to “al-madinah – the city” to seek revenge.
However, they are not envisioning returning to a place they have never been or expelling those they do not yet know. Therefore, the supposedly honorable were the chieftains in Petra, and the humble were comprised of the Muslim minority. And it was to their madinah | city that these Muslims would return, eventually conquering it, with the expelled expelling the vanquished.
Therefore, the scribe tasked with committing the oral recitals to writing either changed Petra to al-madinah or gave the false impression that this was Madinah, as in the repurposed Yathrib, because Petra had been abandoned in 692 CE and the Ka’aba had been moved to Mecca, changing the Qibla as a consequence of the Second Islamic Civil War. So, since he couldn’t mention Petra after the change of Qibla, and since al-madinah means “the city,” no one would be the wiser.
Since it is now capitalized, Muslims believe that Allah was speaking of the Madinah, even though the narrative doesn’t work. But that’s not a problem in Islam because if Muslims were thinking, they wouldn’t be like the apostates Lillahi was lambasting.
That notwithstanding, we are reminded that Islam had a serious cashflow problem. Al-Lahi needed to gain control over Muslim purses and wallets.
Quran 063.009 “O you (who) believe! Do not divert your wealth and not your children from remembrance al-Lahi. And whoever does that, then they are the losers.
Quran 063.010 And spend what We have provided you before death comes to one of you and he says, ‘My Rabbi! Why don’t You 701delay me for a term near so then I would give Sadaqah (i.e. Zakat) and be among the right?
Quran 063.011 But never will be delayed (by) al-Lahu a soul when has come its term. And al-Lahu All-Aware of what you do.”
Pay now or suffer later. There would be no incentive for Muslims to save when they were about to steal their way into the Golden Years of Islam.
Moving on to the fifth of seven concluding recitals initially presented in Islam’s birthplace, we find yet another apt label – At-Taghabum | Mutual Delusion, Haggling, and Cheating. It begins with an oft-repeated and egotistical line…
Quran 064.001 “Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Lillahi. For Him, dominion, the praise. And He (is) on every thing All-Powerful.”
How many times do you suppose the Snake has trotted out this opening line? Does he actually believe it, or does he think Muslims will believe it if he repeats it often enough?
In actuality, this Snake is in the Desert stirring up trouble because he was banished from Heaven. As the Adversary, he is as ignoble as they come. And he’s a fool to say that “he is on everything” because it would make him omnipresent, rendering the un-god of Islam indistinguishable from his rock.
At this point, there were four Muslims, so it should have been easy to pin the tail on the donkey in the caper of the great pretender…
Quran 064.002 “He (is) the One Who created you and among you (is) a disbeliever and among you (is) a believer. And al-Lahu (is) All-Seer of what you do.
Quran 064.003 He created the heavens and the earth with truth and He formed you and made good your forms. And to Him the final return.”
702And one would have thought that these ranks were too lean for dissent. Nonetheless, there was a skunk among the stalwarts. The All-Seer Knows-It-All…
Quran 064.004 “He knows what in the heavens and the earth. And He knows what you conceal and what you declare. And al-Lahu All-Knowing of what the breasts.
Quran 064.005 Has not come to you news (of) those who disbelieved from before? So they tasted consequence their affair and for them a painful punishment.”
Since the threat of a painful punishment is portrayed hundreds of times in the Quran, why would anyone in their right mind choose to be associated with such a mean and sadistic spirit? Anyone who would say, “Believe and obey me, bow down before me as my slave, or I will torture you forever” is at the very least a psychopath, narcissist, and sadist. If that is your god, your deity is the Devil.
Al-Lahu was also delusional…
Quran 064.006 “That was because there came to them their Messengers with clear proofs, but they said, ‘Shall mere men guide us?’ So they disbelieved and turned away, and al-Lahu can do without them. And al-Lahu is Rich, free of all wants, and Self-sufficient, Worthy of all praise.”
It is standard defeatist rhetoric. When the ship is sinking, those who cling to it say of those donning the lifeboats, “We are better off without them.” But rest assured, Muslim mariner, the Lord of Retribution will scuttle the lifeboats because the Master Mutilator will not be denied his victims…
Quran 064.007 “Those who disbelieve claim that they will never be resurrected. Say, ‘Yes! By Rabbi | my Lord, you will be resurrected, then, lo, you will be informed of what you did. And that for al-Lahi is easy.’”
The easy is impossible for the loner Rabbi, but the impossible is easy. He can’t produce a book or any sign of his existence, but he can readily resurrect decomposed 703bones. And yet this sleight of hand is the myth which makes Islam possible. There is no flesh to tantalize nor skin to burn without bodies.
Unable to produce a book, Illahi claims he, excuse me, We send down light…
Quran 064.008 “Therefore, believe in Illahi and His Messenger, and the Light which We have sent down. And al-Lahu All-Aware of what you do.”
That’s why religion is synonymous with faith. When evidence and reason conflict with beliefs, faith is all that remains. And when the religion is integrated and institutionalized to the extent that the choice is between believing or decapitating, the faith becomes popular.
And should losing one’s head be an insufficient incentive, there are also the teases of decadence and taunts of torments. Islam is a full-service capitulating machine.
Quran 064.009 “(the) Day when He will gather and assemble you for (the) Day (of) Gathering and Assembling, that (will be the) Day (of) mutual loss and gain (loss for the disbelievers as they will enter the Hell-Fire and gain for the believers who enter Paradise).
And whosoever believes in al-Lahi and performs the duty, good deeds, and guards, He will remove from him his evil deeds, and will admit him (to) Gardens from underneath it flow rivers to dwell therein forever. That (will be) the great success.”
No one in their right mind would bet their soul, excuse me, their resurrected body, on the testimony of an un-god so inept he wouldn’t or couldn’t put the promise in writing. And then there is the issue of al-Lahi removing the evil deeds since he is on record saying that he will never forgive. Moreover, this supposed promotion is no better than moving to a desert oasis.
Left out in the sun to bake, the deniers will fry…
Quran 064.010 “But those who disbelieved and denied Our Ayat | proofs, evidences, verses, and signs, those (are the) companions and 704dwellers of the Fire, abiding forever therein. And wretched is that destination.”
Beyond the fact that Yahowah is God and this Rabbi is Satan, She’owl is nothing more or less than eternal separation in a lightless place. Relatively few souls end up there because there is no consequence for disbelief. By contrast, the Islamic Hell is specifically set up for Allah to physically torture disbelievers – which would include all non-Muslims. And it is all at the whim of al-Lahi…
Quran 064.011 “No calamity befalls or disaster strikes, except by the decision and permission of al-Lahi.
And whosoever believes in al-Lahu, He guides his heart, and Allah of every thing All-Knower.”
As such, al-Lahi is the source of all evil and the cause of every disaster. The world wars were his passion. Islamic terrorism is his great joy. He takes pride in rape, pedophilia, incest, mass murder, slavery, and torture. And since nothing happens without his permission, the Snake must enjoy being eviscerated in God Damn Religion.
But good grief, al-Laha, let’s keep it real. Since you claim to be the cause and effect of everything, the Disposer of all Affairs, there can be no freewill. And that means that obedience is nothing but a mirage.
Quran 064.012 “Obey al-Laha, and obey the Messenger. But if you turn away, then the duty of Our Messenger is only to convey clearly.”
These surahs which demand that Muslims obey the Messenger are exceedingly important because this means that the Quran cannot be followed without the Sunnah, and thus the Hadith. When a Muslim apologist suggests that the Hadith have no authority in Islam and that only the Quran matters, they are in irrefutable discord with their god. The Quran is in Allah’s voice while the Hadith are in Muhammad’s.
705As for Muhammad’s responsibility in this regard, he failed the clear conveyance test. The Quran is a muddled mess. It is incomprehensible without being reordered chronologically and then placed in the context of Abu Qasam’s miserable life.
Quran 064.013 “Al-Lahu! La ilaha illa huwa | no god but he. And upon al-Lahi let the believers put trust.
Quran 064.014 O who believe! Lo! Verily, among your wives and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them!
But if you pardon and overlook and forgive, then verily, al-Laha is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Quran 064.015 Your wealth and your children are only a trial. And al-Lahu, with Him, a great reward.”
Al-Lahu is a Snake, not a god. There is only one God and His name is Yahowah. He is trustworthy and al-Lahi is not.
With God, children are life’s greatest joy. They can be trying, but they are neither a test nor enemies. Marriage can also be challenging at times, although it is intended to be a loving and supportive relationship. But when spouses stop working cooperatively and fight, it’s time for a divorce – a process so simple in the Towrah that it is achieved through a letter.
For this perspective, it is hard to imagine al-Lahu’s approach which is to be wary of one’s wife and children because they are perceived to be enemy combatants. No, thank you. I’ll pass.
But then al-Laha tries to soften the blow through duplicity. After saying that only he can forgive, but that he never will forgive, he dangles the possibility of forgiveness. Then he belies the offer by declaring he is better than wives and children. After all, who wouldn’t want to be around someone they obey out of fear?
706Quran 064.016 “So fear al-Laha as much as you can; listen and obey; then spend. That (is) better for yourselves. And whosoever is saved from his soul’s covetousness, then those, they, the successful ones.
Quran 064.017 If you lend al-Laha a goodly loan (i.e. spend in Allah's Cause) He will double it for you and will forgive you. And al-Lahu (is) most appreciative and forbearing.
Quran 064.018 All-Knower of the unseen and seen, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.”
The 64th surah should have been called “Show Me the Money.” Clearly, it’s unbecoming for a god to beg for money, but then again, there was no other god like al-Laha. Down and out in Petra, the Snake needed a goodly loan if he was to keep up appearances. He was so desperate, he was willing to offer usurious double-your-money rates.
As we prepare to close the door on the religion of Islam and leave Petra, trading it in for a terrorist manifesto, the sixth of the seven concluding recitals in Islam’s birthplace was aptly christened At-Talaq | The Divorce. It begins by contradicting the previous assessments of Muhammad as nothing more than a warner…
Quran 065.001 “O Prophet! When you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period. And keep count of their periods. And fear al-Lahu, your Lord.
Do not expel them from their houses and they should not leave except that they commit a clear immorality of open illegal sexual intercourse. And those are the set limits of al-Lahi.
And whosoever transgresses the set limits of al-Lahi, then indeed he has wronged himself. Perhaps you do not know that al-Laha will afterward bring a matter.”
If Abu Qasam was a prophet, why are there no prophecies? And why is the so-acclaimed final message to humankind mired in such meaningless minutia?
In this case, the miserable Muslims were getting ready to pack up and move on. So, other than traveling money and 707seed capital, they needed to know what else to pack. Women were expensive to buy and maintain, so after al-Laha told them to ditch the testy foes, the Lord’s henchmen sought clarification regarding their property. So, al-Lahi told them to keep track of their periods.
Evidently, it had been easier to dump the Boulder Babes than it was to part with wives. Pre-Islamic Arabs must have been much more supportive of women than would be the Muslims. So now the Islamic god appears to be saying that when they are all used up, keep ‘em or return ‘em. But since ditching them is considered unethical, take a witness in case someone complains.
Quran 065.002 “Then when they are about to fulfill their term, either take them back in a good manner or part with them in a good manner. And take for witness two appropriate men from among you (Muslims).
And establish the witness for Lillahi. That will be an admonition given to him who believes in Illahi and the Last Day. And whosoever fears al-Laha, He will make a way out for him.”
The message here is that when being irresponsible and immoral, fear the judgment of Illahi over the condemnation of men.
Quran 065.003 “And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in al-Lahi, then He will suffice him. Verily, al-Laha will accomplish his set purpose. Lo! Verily, al-Lahu for every thing a measure.
Quran 065.004 And for those who have despaired of the menstruation among your women, if you doubt, then their period is three months. And the ones who are not yet menstruating, and those who are pregnant, their term is until they deliver their burdens. And whoever fears al-Laha, He will make this affair easy.”
This surah might well have been named Menstrual Cramps, Dumping Burdens, or Things that Suck. Fear al-Laha would have worked as well.
708Quran 065.005 “That (is) the Command of al-Lahi, which He has sent down to you. And whosoever fears al-Laha, He will remit his evil deeds from him, and make a great reward for him.”
Quran 065.006 Lodge them from where you dwell, according to your means, and do not treat them in such a harmful way that they be obliged to leave under duress. And if they are pregnant, then spend on them till they deliver their burden. Then if they give suck to the children for you, give them their payment. And then consult among yourselves in a good manner. But if you disagree, then have another woman give suck for him.”
In Islam, women are valued for their wombs, for hatching and suckling the next generation of jihadists. And should you not like the one you are with, kick her to the curb, hire a new sucker, and keep the kid.
Since the subject has been women, might they be what the owner owns?
Quran 065.007 “Let the owner spend according to his excess, and the man whose provision is restricted, let him spend according to what al-Lahu has given him. Al-Lahu puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him. Allah will grant after hardship, ease.
Quran 065.008 And how many a town and civilian population rebelled against the command of its Lord and His Messengers? And so We took it to a severe account (i.e. torment in this worldly life). And We punished it with a horrible torment and terrible punishment (in Hell, in the Hereafter).
Quran 065.009 So it tasted the consequence of its affair and that was the losing end of its affair.
Quran 065.010 Al-Lahu has prepared for them a severe punishment. So fear al-Lahu men who know and those who believe. Lo! Verily, al-Lahu has sent down to you a message.”
So, what is the correlation between alternative sucklers and a terrorist un-god bragging about obliterating civilian communities? And is the Lord of Annihilation asking the question because he cannot recall ever doing so or because he has done it so often he has lost track? Which would be worse?
709Why is there no evidence of the un-god’s destructiveness? How could this be a sign if it cannot be seen? And isn’t the only resulting message that al-Lahu is clearly insane, psychotic, and demonic?
Quran 065.011 “A Messenger who recites to you the Verses of al-Lahi (the Quran) clearly that He may take out those who believe and do good deeds from the darkness to the light. And whosoever believes in Il-Lahi and performs good deeds, He will admit him into Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. Lo! Verily, al-Lahu’s provision has been good for him.”
Quran 065.012 “It is al-Lahu who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof. His command descends between them that you may know that al-Laha is on every thing, All-Powerful. And that al-Laha. Verily, surrounds all things in knowledge.”
Evidently, the Serpent has been in his hole so long he no longer appreciates the distinction between light and darkness and is continuing to confuse a desert oasis with the Garden of Eden. Then, as if auditioning for the Dark Side of the Force, al-Lahu is on everything and surrounds all things.
Now that the problem of menstruating women has been resolved, we have one final surah to review before we move on to the Pedophile Prophet in the next volume. It is called Al Mujaadila | The Pleading Woman.
To make sense of it, the following Hadith has been provided by Imam Ahmad and Abu Dawud. It was quoted by Ibn Kathir in his Tafsir at the beginning of Surat al-Mujaadila. Khawla said:
“By Allah, concerning me and Aws ibn al-Samit, Allah revealed the beginning of Surat al-Mujaadila. I was married to him, and he was an old man who was bad-tempered. One day, he came in and I raised a particular issue with him again. He became angry and said, ‘You are to me as the back of my mother.’ Then he went out and sat for awhile in the meeting-place of his people. Then he came back, and wanted to resume marital relations with me. I said, ‘No way! By the hand of the One in Whose hand is the soul of Khuwayla, you will 710never get what you want from me after saying what you said, until Allah and His Messenger decide between us.’
Then I went to the Messenger of Allah. I sat before him, told him what my husband had done to me, and began to complain to him about my sufferings because of my husband’s bad temper.
The Messenger of Allah said, ‘Khuwayla, your cousin is an old man, so fear Allah with regard to him.’ I did not leave him until the Quran was revealed concerning me. He was overcome as he usually was when the Quran was revealed to him, and when it was over, he said: ‘Khuwayla, Allah has revealed Quran concerning you and your husband.’ Then he recited to me: ‘Allah has indeed heard (and accepted) the statement of the woman who pleads with you concerning her husband…’ (the verses of the Quran 058.001-4).”
He told me, ‘Let him release a slave.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah , he does not have the means to do that.’ He said, ‘Then let him fast for two consecutive months.’ I said, ‘By Allah, he is an old man, he is not able to do that.’ He said, ‘Then let him feed sixty poor people with a wasq of dates.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, he does not have that much.’ He said, ‘Then we will help him with a faraq of dates.’ I said, ‘And I will help him with another faraq, O Messenger of Allah.’ He said, ‘You have done right and done well. Go and give it in charity on his behalf, then take care of your cousin properly.’ And I did so.”
Somehow, with a couple of faraq of dates, the poor woman was sent back to the abusive man with the blessing of her own private Quran recital.
Quran 058.001 “Indeed, al-Lahu has heard the statement of her (Khaulah bint Tha’labah) that disputes with you concerning her husband (Aus bin As-Samit), and complains to al-Lahi. And al-Lahu hears the argument between you both. Lo! Verily, al-Laha is All-Hearer, All-Seer.
Quran 058.002 Those among you who pronounce zihar to their wives (make their wives unlawful to them by saying to them ‘You are like my mother’s back.’) They are not their mothers. None their mothers except those who gave them birth. And verily, they surely utter an evil word and a lie. And verily, al-Laha is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.”
711We have reached a new low. Private revelations for men who tell their wives that they “are like the mother’s back.” In al-Lahu’s mind, that must rank among the top 114 concerns of humankind. Then, to make matters worse, the All-Hearer tells us that wives “are not their mothers” as if they couldn’t figure that out on their own and needed the advice of the All-Knower. And worser than worse, al-Laha is eager to pardon the abusive old man trying to have sex with his cousin.
Quran 058.003 “And those who pronounce zihar from their wives, then go back on what they said, then freeing a slave from before, that they touch each other. That you are admonished to it. And al-Lahu is All-Aware of what you do.”
Clearly, al-Lahu is on his game, all aware of the insulting mother’s back banter. But he appears to have misjudged the perpetrator since he couldn’t bear freeing a slave. Nonetheless, the young girl’s rights were subjugated to the dirty old man’s desires, albeit with a prophetic and Quranic blessing.
Quran 058.004 “And he who finds not (the money for freeing a slave) must fast two successive months before they both touch each other.
And for him who is unable, he should feed sixty of the poor. That is in order that you may believe in Illahi and His Messenger. These are the limits of al-Lahi. And for disbelievers, there is a painful punishment and torment.”
There were so many abusive old Muslim men calling their child brides “mother’s backs,” that there were three indulgences for them. And to think, this was Allah’s limit, Muhammad initiated a fourth, as if he was authorized to exceed his un-god’s limits.
Then, without missing a beat, or beating as the case might be, while there are indulgences to excuse the abusive treatment of girls and women, for the infidels, there was no such luck. They would all burn.
712It is worth noting that prior to the Pagan Bargain and the Satanic Verses, there were no orders to obey the Messenger, and now they are prolific. Obeying Muhammad is now as important to Muslim wellbeing, and avoiding the fires of hell, as is surrendering to al-Laha. It is almost as if Satan was so paranoid of being outed as the actual voice of the Quran, that through the Satanic admission, the non-prophet gained the upper hand.
Quran 058.005 “Verily, those who oppose al-Laha and His Messenger will be disgraced, as those before them (among the past nation), were disgraced. And, lo, We have sent down clear ayat | proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, and revelations. And for the disbelievers is a disgracing punishment and humiliating torment.”
Muhammad is now a full partner in his un-god’s crimes against humanity. Although, the desert oasis remains al-Lahu’s private sanctum because Muhammad would have his own brothel of child slaves in Yathrib.
Additionally, the Lord of Listeners is still running a massive spy operation. If men are talking, he’s right in there with them…
Quran 058.006 “On the Day when al-Lahu will resurrect them all together (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) and inform them of what they did. Al-Lahu has kept account of it, while they have forgotten it. And al-Lahu is Witness over all things.
Quran 058.007 Have you not seen that al-Laha knows whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth?
There is no secret counsel of three, but He is their fourth, nor of five but He is their sixth, not of less than that or more, but He is with them wheresoever they may be. And afterwards on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of what they did. Verily, al-Lahu is the All-Knower of everything.
Quran 058.008 Have you not seen those who were forbidden to hold secret counsels, and afterwards returned to that which they had been forbidden and conspired together for an aggressive disobedience to the Messenger.
713And when they come to you, they greet you with a greeting wherewith al-Lahu greets you not, and say within themselves, ‘Why doesn’t al-Lahu punish us for what we say?’ Hell will be sufficient for them, they will burn therein, and worst indeed is that destination.”
Hell is for talkers.
This next statement is contradicted by the one following it. The Lord of Whispers says that Muslims can engage in secret counsels even though all secret counsels are from the Adversary, Satan.
Quran 058.009 “O you who believe! When you hold secret counsel, do it not for sin and aggressive disobedience towards the Messenger, but do it for Al-Birr and Taqwa. And fear al-Laha unto Whom you shall be gathered.
Quran 058.010 The secret counsels and conspiracies are only from al-Shaitan | the Adversary, Satan, in order that he may cause grief to the believers. But he cannot harm them in the least, except as al-Lahi permits. And in al-Lahi, let the believers put their trust.”
Allah participates in every private discussion between three or more men, and yet, all secret counsels involve Satan. Wouldn’t that make Allah the Adversary, or at the very least, Satan’s partner?
In Islam, when the Lord of Demands says, “Jump,” they must not pause to ask, “How high.” Do as you are told.
Quran 058.011 “O you who believe! When you are told to make room in the assemblies, make room. Al-Lahu will make room for you. And when you are told to rise up (for prayers or Jihad – holy fighting in Allah's Cause), rise up. Al-Lahu will raise those of you who believe, and those who have been granted the knowledge in stages. And al-Lahu is Well-Acquainted with what you do.
Quran 058.012 O you who believe! When you privately consult the Messenger, then offer something as a gift before your private consultation. That will be better and purer for you. But if you find not (the means for it), then, lo, verily, al-Laha is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
714Based on what we have read, Muhammad started charging Muslims for recital services. Should a grumpy old Muslim man need a pass for abusing his child bride, he could pay to play. And as an extra bonus, if the meeting is private, Satan is sure to participate – so it’s a two-for-one special.
Quran 058.013 “Are you afraid of making an offering of a gift before your private consultation (with him)? If then you do it not, and al-Lahu has forgiven you if then (at least) you perform As-Salat and give Zakat and obey al-Lahu and His Messenger. And al-Lahu is All-Aware of what you do.”
The non-prophet and his un-god were broke. They needed an infusion of cash to keep the ruse of Islam alive.
And they were taking hits from all sides, which is why they were fending off wives, children, neighbors, former-Muslims, and never-Muslims. Apparently, even Jews.
Quran 058.014 “Have you not seen those (hypocrites) who take for friends and allies a people upon whom is the Wrath of al-Lahu (i.e. Jews)? They are neither of you (Muslims) nor of them, and they swear to a lie while they know.
Quran 058.015 Al-Lahu has prepared for them a severe torment and painful punishment. Evil indeed is that which they used to do.
Quran 058.016 They have made their oaths a screen (for their evil actions). Thus they hinder (men) from the Way of al-Lahi, so they shall have a humiliating torment and embarrassing punishment.
Quran 058.017 Their children and their wealth will avail them nothing against al-Lahi. They will be (the) dwellers who are companions of the Fire, to abide therein forever.
Quran 058.018 Day when al-Lahu will resurrect them all together, then they will swear lahu | to Him as they swear to you (O Muslims). And they think that they have something (to stand upon). Verily, they are liars.
Quran 058.019 “Al-Shaitan | the Adversary, Satan, has overcome them. So he has made them forget the remembrance of al-Lahi. They are the party of al-Shaitan | the Adversary, Satan. No 715doubt, lo, verily, they (will be) the losers of the party of al-Shaitan | the Adversary, Satan.”
With the Islamic Gestapo fully engaged, and a total isolation policy imposed, Muslims were being reeled in. There would be no more apostates.
This said, since Allah has isolated Muslims from non-Muslims, my initial plan to forestall Islamic terrorism by quarantining Muslims to their own Muslim-majority realms to prevent the spread of the disease and spare innocent lives, was just approved by Allah. Too bad it’s too late for that now.
Allah and Muhammad were revving up for war against all mankind. They may have been failures at creating a religion in Petra, but they would prove adept in manufacturing terrorists in Yathrib. But for that, they would need a new spirit – Satan’s perhaps…
Quran 058.020 “Those who oppose al-Laha and His Messenger, they will be among the lowest and most humiliated.
Quran 058.021 Al-Lahu has decreed, ‘Lo, verily! It is I and My Messengers who will overcome and be the victorious.’ Verily, al-Laha All-Powerful, All-Mighty
Quran 058.022 You will not find a people who believe in Il-Lahi and the Last Day, making friendship and being affectionate with those who oppose al-Laha and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred.
Those He has decreed Faith in their hearts, and supported them with a ruh | spirit from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein. Al-Lahu is pleased with them, and they with Him. Those, Hiz’ba | Party of al-Lahi. Lo! Verily, no doubt, Hez’ba | Party al-Lahu. They, the successful ones.”
And this is where the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah (Hez’ba al-Lahu) got their name. It is also where they 716garnered their inspiration. Therefore, the problem isn’t Hezbollah or Hamas but, instead, Islam.
Bukhari:V4B56N818 “The Prophet said, ‘In a dream I saw myself migrating from Mecca [actually from Petra] to a place having plenty of date trees. I thought that it was Yemen or Hajar, but it came to be Yathrib.” The second half of the dream was prophetic, albeit after the fact.
Bukhari:V4B56N818 “I saw myself wielding a sword and its blade got broken. It came to symbolize the defeat the Muslims suffered at Uhud. I swung the sword again, and it became normal as before, and that was the symbol of the victory Allah bestowed upon Muslims. I saw cows in my dream, and that was a blessing; they symbolized the believers. And the blessing was the reward of Allah after Badr.”
The battle of Badr did bring faith to a dying religion. And ignorant cows fattened for the slaughter is a telling symbol of Muhammad’s view of his fellow man.
Caught between two worlds and two Qiblahs, the non-prophet didn’t know which way to turn. The leader of the gang of Aqabah said:
Tabari VI:131 “‘I shall not turn my back on the Ka’aba and shall pray toward it.’” The Meccan Muslims lied, “‘By Allah, we have not heard that our Prophet prays in any other direction than Jerusalem, and we do not wish to differ from him.’”
Soon thereafter the gang of twelve frightened their chieftain into joining them. “If you remain in your present state you will be fuel for the flames of hell.” When they next met, the chief told Muhammad,
Ishaq:203 “‘Choose what you want for yourself and your Lord.’ The Messenger recited [lurid tales of virgins from] the Quran and made us desirous of Islam. Then he said, ‘I will enter a contract of 717allegiance with you, provided that you protect me as you would your women and children.’”
Contracts are for businessmen. They use them to make money. Allegiances are for politicians. They use them to get their way. Protection is for pirates, insulating them from the repercussions of the terror they inflict on others. With each word, Islam was beginning to look like a politically-minded swindle.
The destruction of Islam continued:
Tabari VI:133 “We pledge our allegiance to you and we shall defend you as we would our womenfolk. Administer the oath of allegiance to us, Messenger of Allah, for we are men of war possessing arms and coats of mail.”
Motivated by the prophet, the newly initiated were almost itching for a fight.
“‘O Messenger, there are ties between us and the Jews which we shall have to sever. If we do this and Allah gives you victory, will you perhaps return to your own people and leave us?’ Muhammad smiled and said, ‘Nay, blood is blood, and bloodshed without retaliation is blood paid for. You are of me and I am of you. I shall war against whomever you fight.’” As it would transpire, he did as they feared.
The religious charade was over. The moment the non-prophet was aligned with men wielding swords, he became a terrorist and armed robber. If the Quraysh Bargain was his first temptation, the Pledge of Aqabah was second. He failed both.
No one was confused. They knew exactly what they were doing…
Ishaq:204 & Tabari VI:134 “‘Men of the Khazraj, do you know what you are pledging yourselves to in swearing allegiance to this man?’ ‘Yes,’ they answered. ‘In swearing allegiance to him we are pledging ourselves to wage war against all mankind.’”
718And with that, the final nail was driven into the coffin of the “religion” of Islam. They had declared war. And they would become the most vicious terrorists ever to plague this planet.
Ishaq:205 “‘If you are loyal to this undertaking, it will profit you in this world and the next.’ They said, ‘We will accept you as a Prophet under these conditions, but we want to know specifically what we will get in return for our loyalty.’ Muhammad answered, ‘I promise you Paradise.’”
The advance of militant Islam was dependent upon this simple concept: “Serve me as militants now, plundering and enslaving for me, and we will share the booty in this life and the next. And its all good because those we terrorize, rape, rob, and slay, Allah wants to torture and burn.”
Tabari reports it this way in his History of Islam:
Tabari VI:134 “‘What shall we gain for our faithfulness?’ He answered, ‘Paradise. So reach out your hand.’ They stretched out their arms and swore an allegiance to him.”
Heil Muhammad! The Nazis saluted Hitler the same way. And while both men promoted religious militarism and world conquest, even a cult of personality, Muhammad’s Muslims were more successful because the world responded differently. While both doctrines were poligious and fascist, terrorizing and warlike, the world attacked Nazism as a political uprising and won. Confused about the intent of Islam, the world stumbled over its religious veneer and lost.
Ishaq:205 & Tabari VI:133 “When we had all sworn the oath of allegiance to the Messenger, Satan shouted from the top of Aqabah in the most piercing and penetrating voice I have ever heard. ‘People of the stations of Mina, do you want to follow a blameworthy reprobate?’ The Messenger said, ‘What does the Enemy of God say?’ ‘I am the Devil, and I shall deal with you!’”
It is little wonder he screamed from the mountaintop. The Devil and his reprobate were on the cusp of their own resurrection and were now poised to bludgeon Jews.
719Chairman Muhammad quickly got down to the business of politics.
Ishaq:205 & Tabari VI:133 “‘Appoint twelve naqub representatives from among you for me, who will see to the peoples’ affairs.’ They appointed twelve representatives, nine from the Khazraj and three from the Aws.”
As with all political tyrants, the naqub representatives were camouflage – little more than window dressing. There is no record of them ever meeting.
Ishaq:205 “The following morning, Quraysh leaders came to our encampment saying that they had heard that we had invited Muhammad to leave them and that we had pledged ourselves to support him in a war against them. Thereupon members of our tribe swore that nothing of the kind had happened and that we knew nothing of it.”
Lying was the first thing these Muslims did after pledging to wage war against all mankind. There is an important lesson here – one almost everyone is missing.
Please pause for a moment and consider why and how this occurred and the madness was unleashed. The previous day, Islam was all but dead. The Quran had been plagiarized and amalgamated, then blended with sadistic overtones, and everyone knew it. The terrorizing encounter in the cave seeking self-justification had resulted in becoming demon-possessed and suicidal. Abu Qasam, a quivering recluse, both ignorant and illiterate, had been a horrible messenger.
The ensuing Never-Ending Argument was irrational and childish, akin to an inarticulate brat in a sandbox. Although this kid was a psychopath, and rather than tossing sand in the other kid’s faces, he threatened to slaughter them. Annoyed, after enduring his mean-spirited rants for a decade, and now concerned for their safety, Abu Qasam’s former friends and extended family sought to silence him with a decadent pagan bargain. They bribed Abu Qasam, plying him with a share of the money garnered during their hajj, offering him women 720to exploit sexually, and then giving him the power and credence he craved. In return, they simply asked him to replace his god, Rachman, with their goddesses, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, all while leaving the rest of their shared pagan religious customs unaltered. Abu Qasam, known today as Muhammad, capitulated, ending any pretense that this mission was to bring monotheism to Arabs.
Ever ready to renege on any oath, Muhammad not only backed out of the deal he had made, and that he had acknowledged in the Quran, but blamed his indulgence on Satan, adding the blight of the Satanic Verses to that of the Pagan Indulgence. Caught up in an avalanche of self-destruction, Muhammad leaped for his life and imagined flying a winged donk-mule to Jerusalem during the Night’s Journey. There, he became an imam and led an assemblage of deceased Jewish patriarchs in Islamic prostrations in the non-existent Temple, before passing through breast-hanging and fire-farting Hell en route to Allah’s hangout above the Temple Mount. Once there, the sum of their conversation was regarding the number of prostrations.
Upon awakening from his dream, Muhammad, delirious as ever, insisted it was true. That was the final blow, causing all but a few weak people to reject this messenger, his wannabe god, and their incongruent and largely incomprehensible, decedent and demonic recitals.
Nonetheless, as there had always been, there was a handy situational Quran verse affirming that Allah had been there with Muhammad and that this lie, like all of the others, had been a test. The Quran turned especially nasty, while also focusing on money and minutia. Islam was on the ropes. Those who actually knew Muhammad and who had heard him recite his Quran believed neither.
Dead and buried, militant pagans from Yathrib resurrected Muhammad and Allah, the Quran and Islam, by pledging to kill for them. And they did.
721Tabari VI:136 “When the Quraysh came to recognize what had really happened, they urged one another to torment the Muslims and treat them harshly.” After all, Muhammad had just upped the ante, moving from a war of words to a clash of swords.
“The Muslims suffered great hardship.” And that’s because: Tabari VI:138 “Those present at the oath of Aqabah had sworn an allegiance to Muhammad. It was a pledge of war against all men. Allah had permitted fighting.” Jihad was born.
The pendulum had swung. The religion that had failed was abrogated by a terrorist manifesto which would prevail and endure.
Tabari VI:139 “After Allah had given his Messenger permission to fight by revealing the verse ‘And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah,’ (Quran 008.039) the Messenger of Allah commanded those at Mecca to emigrate to Yathrib and join their brethren, the Ansar.”
And wouldn’t you know it, Muhammad couldn’t even get that right. The 8th surah, aptly named, “The Spoils of War,” was revealed after the Battle of Badr, several years later. His un-god was doing his level best to accommodate his non-prophet’s ambitions. His timing was off, that’s all.
Ishaq:208 “When Allah gave permission to his Apostle to fight, the second Aqabah contained conditions involving war which were not in the first act of submission.
Now we bound ourselves to war against all mankind for Allah and His Apostle. He promised us a reward in Paradise for faithful service. We pledged ourselves to war in complete obedience to Muhammad no matter how evil the circumstances.”
It is a shame that those who speak on behalf of Islam, pretending that Muslims are victims, are unaware of the religion’s commitment to world war, no matter how evil the circumstances. The grotesque attack on Jews on October 7th, 2023, followed by the spontaneous celebrations of their viciousness worldwide, was nothing more than a consequence of this day.
722Ishaq details the fate of the signatories of the Declaration of Submission and War:
Ishaq:208 “Uhud commanded the Apostle’s archers. He was killed in the battle of Yemen [during the War of Compulsion] as a martyr. Abu was present at all of the Apostle’s battles and died in Byzantine territory as a martyr. Mu’adh was present at every raid. He was killed at Badr as a martyr. Mu’awwidh, his brother, shared the same glory. Umara was at every battle and died a martyr in Yemen.
As’ad died before Badr when the Prophet’s mosque was being built. The Apostle put Amr in command of the rearguard. He died at Uhud as a martyr. Abdallah led many raids and was slain as a martyr at Muta. He was one of Muhammad’s commanders. Khallad fought at Badr, Uhud, and Khandaq. He was martyred fighting the Qurayza [Jews]. The Apostle said that he would have the reward of two martyrs.” Live by the sword, die by the sword. Islam grew by the sword and men and women died as a result of it. They are still dying.
The list goes on, but you get the picture. Islam kills!
Ishaq:212 “The Apostle had not been allowed to fight or shed blood before the second Aqabah. He had simply been ordered to call men to Allah, to endure insult and forgive the ignorant.”
Camel dung, every word of it. The “Apostle” didn’t have the ability to fight prior to the pledge of allegiance. The instant he wielded influence over men of war, he went to war against those who had insulted him. “I shall bring you slaughter,” was how this reprobate defined “forgiveness.”
Ishaq:212 “The Quraysh persecuted his followers, seducing some from their religion and exiling others. They became insolent towards Muhammad’s God and rejected His gracious purpose. They accused His prophet of lying. So He gave permission to His Apostle to fight those who had wronged him.
He said in his Qur’an: ‘Fight them so that there will be no more seduction, until no Muslim is seduced from Islam. Fight them until the only religion is Islam and Allah alone is worshiped.’” (Quran 022.040 & Quran 002.198)
723That’s reasonably clear. Submit to Muhamad and Allah or Muslims will kill you.
As a result, Muslims, with the exception of Bakr and Ali scurried off to Yathrib…
Tabari VI:140 “The Quraysh were now anxious about Muhammad going there as they knew he had decided to join them in order to make war on them.”
Muhammad’s former friends and extended family read him like an open book – just like we are doing. Unfortunately for the billions of souls that have been lost to this ruse, they acted as so many do today in the face of Islamic aggression and terror…
Tabari VI:140 & Ishaq:221 “They deliberated as to what to do about Muhammad as they had come to fear him.” One said, “Keep him in fetters, lock him up, and wait for the same kind of death to overtake him which overtook other poets of his sort.” Then a handsome shaykh, whom Muslims now disparage as the Devil, protested, “If you imprison him, his followers will attack and snatch him away. Then their numbers will grow so large, they will destroy the authority of the Quraysh.”
Sorry shaykh, but that’s ridiculous. In twelve years of preaching, Muhammad had seduced fewer than two score of souls, and most of them abandoned Islam in the aftermath of the Quraysh Bargain, Satanic Verses, and Night’s Journey. He was his own worst enemy.
Tabari VI:140 & Ishaq:221 “Let us expel him from among us and banish him from the land. The harm which he has been doing will disappear, and we shall be rid of him. We shall be able to put our affairs back in order and restore our social harmony.” This sounds eerily like yesterday’s newspaper.
The Meccans were as wrongly fixated on a singular person as so many are today. Islamic terror survived Muhammad’s death because the “religion” manufactured more Muhammads: Bakrs, Alis, Umars, Uthmans, Saladins, Tamerlanes, Ayatollahs, Arafats, Osama bin Ladens, 724Nasrallahs, and Sinwars. By failing to understand the motivations behind Islam, and by focusing on a symptom rather than the disease, the Quraysh lost their children, their property and prosperity, their freedoms, their minds, and their lives – as are the victims of Islam today.
The Quraysh were waylaid by Islam’s religious trappings. If they had existed back then, I’m sure the most enlightened progressives would have paraded the “peace-loving” Muslims out on social blogs, in public protests, and on the mainstream media to support the doctrine that had just declared war. “Give peace a chance,” they would have protested, “Muslims have rights too,” and “From the River to the Sea,” giving credence to the murderous marauders corrupting ever more souls while terrorizing the world.
As a direct result of their ignorance, the balance of power shifted. Petra became a war zone and was rapidly depopulated. The Quraysh were kidnapped, ransomed, robbed, enslaved, raped, assassinated, and terrorized. By the time the civilians in Petra finally woke up and fought for their survival, it was too little, too late.
The alleged Devil, masquerading as an Arab shaykh, spoke on behalf of the Devil’s Advocate…
Tabari VI:141 & Ishaq:222 “By Allah, this is not judicious. Do you not see the beauty of his discourse, the sweetness of his speech, and how he dominates the hearts of men with the compelling force of the message he brings?
By Allah, if you expel him, I think it likely that he will descend upon some other Arab tribe and win them over with his recitals so that they will follow him and adopt his plans. He will lead them against you. They will attack, crush you, seize your power, rob you, and do with you whatever he wants.”
The Devil was right. He did those very things.
Tabari VI:142 & Ishaq:222 “Thereupon Abu Jahl said, ‘I think that we should take one young, strong, well-born man from each clan 725and give each a sharp sword. They should make for him and strike him with their swords as one man and kill him.’”
This sounds hauntingly similar to the United States pleading with its allies and the U.N. to form a multinational collation to go after the legacy of Muhammad – Islamic terrorism. Not surprisingly, it worked as poorly for them as it does today. By the time all of the alliances had been duly formed and all factions had been accommodated, the terrorist leader had snuck away.
While he was in the neighborhood, the Devil, masquerading as a shaykh, went to Muhammad in his true form – in the likeness of an angel (albeit misnamed)…
Tabari VI:142 & Ishaq:222 “Gabriel came to the Messenger and said, ‘Do not spend this night in the bed in which you usually sleep.’ When the first third of the night had passed, the young men gathered at his door and waited for him to go to sleep so that they could fall upon him. When Muhammad saw what they intended to do, he said to Ali, ‘Lie on my bed and wrap yourself up in my green cloak, the one I use when I go to bed. Nothing unpleasant will befall you from them.’”
What a weasel! With a mob of men wielding swords standing outside his door, he told the closest thing he had to a son to wear his pajamas and lie on his bed. I’m not sure there is even a word to describe such cowardly and despicable behavior.
Tabari VI:142 “Muhammad said to Ali, ‘If Abu Bakr comes to you, tell him that I have gone to Thawr and ask him to join me. Send me some food, hire a guide for me who can show me the road to Yathrib, and buy me a riding camel.’ Then the Messenger went off, and Allah blinded the sight of those who were lying in wait for him so that he departed without them seeing him.”
In other words, he snuck out the back door. After all, if Allah had blinded the multinational coalition, there would have been no need for Ali to wear the fearless non-prophet’s PJs.
726Tabari VI:143 & Ishaq:222 “Among those who had gathered against him was Abu Jahl. He said, while waiting at his door, ‘Muhammad alleges that if we follow him, we shall be kings over the Arabs and Persians. Then after we die fighting for him, we shall be brought back to life and live in gardens like those in Jordan. He also claims that if we do not submit to him, we shall be slaughtered. And after his followers kill us, we shall be brought back to life and thrown into the fires of hell in which we shall burn.’”
That’s pretty much the sum of it. Abu Jahl encapsulated the whole of Islam and the Quran. It is sobering. How can something so clear escape the grasp of so many today?
Muhammad even confessed to the crime…
Tabari VI:143 & Ishaq:222 “Allah’s Messenger came out and took a handful of dust and said, ‘Yes, I do say that; and you are one of them.’ Allah took away their sight so that they could not see him. [Just as so many have been blinded today.]
And Muhammad began to sprinkle the dust [of ignorance and complacency] on their heads while reciting the following verses: ‘Ya Sin. I call to witness the Qur’an. You are one sent on a straight path…The sentence is justified against most of them, for they do not believe. We will certainly put iron collars on their necks which will come up to their chins so that they will not be able to raise their heads. And We have set a barrier before them, and cover them so that they will not be able to see.’” (Quran 036.001)
Once again, the Islamic un-god’s timing was off but his fangs were in the right place. The 36th surah was handed down some twenty surahs and three years before the great escape.
Tabari VI:143 & Ishaq:222 “By the time he had finished reciting these verses, he had put dust on the heads of every one of them,” and he saved his son, right? No. “…after which he went to where he wished to go.”
727Before we hightail it out of the quarrelsome confines of the fading religious relic of Petra, let’s consider three additional surahs handed down during the ongoing War of Words following the Pagan Indulgence and Satanic Admission. Considering the feisty mood, let’s start with Ta-Ha.
Quran 020.001 “Ta-Ha. (These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur’an, and none but Allah knows their meanings.)
Quran 020.002 We have not sent down the Quran to you to be (an occasion) for your distress.
Quran 020.003 Nay, it is a reminder for those who fear.”
Obviously, the non-prophet and un-god have not improved with practice. A reminder to fear is, by definition, distressful.
Bragging again to foster the illusion that he is God, the Snake breaks a fang patting himself on the back…
Quran 020.004 “A revelation from Who created the earth and the heavens high.
Quran 020.005 The Most Gracious is established over the Throne.
Quran 020.006 To Him, whatever in the heavens, whatever in the earth, and whatever between them and whatever under the soil.
Quran 020.007 And if you speak aloud the word then, lo, indeed, He knows the secret and the more hidden.”
Conceiving and creating the universe and enabling life within it requires intelligent design and orderly execution. It could not have been brought into existence by the voice of this Quran because it is an ignorant and unintelligible, disorderly mess.
Further, the Snake that slithered out of the Garden after beguiling Chawah and ‘Adam remains fixated on things which are irrelevant to creation. This includes the possession of a throne. It is important to the Adversary because it 728belongs to the redeeming Messiah and Satan is attempting to forestall his return and then replace him.
Since the self-inflicted wounds of the Pagan Indulgence and Satanic Excuse were still raw and oozing, the Devil was still in moniker mitigation mode…
Quran 020.008 “Al-Lahu, la ilaha illa huwa | no god but him. To Him the names, the most beautiful.”
This is irrational because mutually exclusive and contradictory things cannot be the same. Allah cannot claim the Torah and then contradict it. He cannot protest that he is al-Lahu, the only God, when the Towrah clearly states that Yahowah is God’s one and only name, then, now, and forevermore.
Had the un-god of the Quran created his religion independent of the Towrah, then his claims could be evaluated on their own merits. But as is the case with Christianity and Judaism, all three religions claimed that the Torah was inspired by their god and then they continually misrepresented it to serve another agenda.
In Christianity and Judaism, this is done cleverly, such that it takes some effort to point out the incongruities. But not in the Quran, where the misappropriations are glaring. Such is the case here with God’s name. The Quran not only insists that it is al-Lahu, it misappropriates the Towrah’s narrative demonstrating otherwise.
This actually requires rational readers to recognize that under these circumstances there is no possibility that the Quran is truthful or that Allah is God. If the Towrah is true, the Quran is not. If Yahowah is God, Allah is not. But since the voice of the Quran claims that he inspired the Towrah, should it be false, then he cannot be truthful. It’s lose-lose for Allah and Islam.
There isn’t any scenario by which the Quran’s variant versions of the Towrah’s accounts can be correct. First, 729Yahowah proves that He is God and that He inspired the Towrah by accurately explaining creation, the existence of life, and early human history. To this, He incorporated prophecy and a brilliant narrative. The Quran does not.
Second, God’s story is presented in writing from beginning to end, credibly and consistently. And now, through the Dead Sea Scrolls, we have written verification of the text predating the Islamic corruptions by 1,000 years.
Third, every narrative within the Towrah wa Naby’ is grounded in place and time. It is consistent with the lives of these people and the communities in which they lived. This is why it is routinely validated by archeology. Not so with the Quran.
Fourth, apart from the occasional scribal error, there are no contradictions or abrogations. Yahowah is trustworthy because He is unwavering in what He is offering and expecting in return. The Quran is the opposite.
Fifth, the purpose of the Torah and Prophets is to perfect man, not God. We need it, He doesn’t. He can, we can’t. From this perspective, Yahowah and Allah are God and Adversary.
Sixth, everything is consistently and intelligently explained to the extent the observant individual can know and understand what is expected to benefit from what Yahowah is offering. There are five conditions to participate in the Covenant and five benefits. These are derived through the seven annual Invitations to be Called Out and Meet with God. These observations eliminate the need for faith.
The Torah and Prophets were conveyed to offer us the opportunity to choose to engage in a family-oriented relationship with Yahowah. Therefore, God is a proponent of freewill and against predestination. In an enlightened and emancipated family, there can be no religious control, no 730prostrations, no prayer, no worship, no submission, no slavery, no brothels, no hell-fires, and no Lords.
The Quran’s narrative, agenda, and god are the antithesis of that of the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr | Teaching, Foretelling, and Lyrics. The latter contradicts and abrogates the former. Opposites are not the same, nor can massively incompatible stories both be true. Therefore, even if al-Lahu could keep his names and stories straight, by citing the Towrah and twisting it, rather than proving that he is God, he does just the opposite – at least among those who are informed and rational.
In His Towrah, Yahowah not only stated that Yahowah was His one and only name, He said that a wannabe god by any other name is an imposter. Therefore, to claim to be al-Lahu, while amalgamizing Rahman, Al-Lat, Al-Uzzah, and Manat into his onesie, while at the same time pointing to the very narration which proved that he is a fraud, Satan is toying with Muslims – playing them for the fools they have become.
Quran 020.009 “And has come to you the narration of Musa?”
That’s a stunningly inappropriate question, especially in the wake of the Quranic inclusion of Petra’s pagan goddesses. And as everyone in Petra knew, from Jews to Christians, the story of Moseh came to us through the Towrah in 1447 BCE, over 2,000 years before this was spoken in 622 CE.
Not only has the Quran repeatedly corrupted this story, suggesting that al-Lahu’s memory was failing, on each occasion, by misrepresenting what occurred, he destroyed the credibility he sought to misappropriate. The dark spirit has either contracted Alzheimer’s or he’s of the belief that by repeating his lies, they miraculously become true among those sufficiently ignorant, gullible, or fearful.
Since Satan is stealing this story from the Towrah, here is what actually occurred…
731“Now Moseh was shepherding the flock of Ythrow, His father-in-law, the priest of Midyn. And he guided his flock to that which comes after the wilderness, and came to Choreb, the mountain of God. (Shemowth 3:1) Then the mal’ak | messenger of Yahowah was seen, appearing to him in a blazing fire from the midst of the protruding precipice. He looked and beheld the crag was ablaze and burning, and yet the peak was not consumed. (Shemowth / Exodus 3:2)
Moseh said, ‘I am going to go in a different direction, changing my approach because I want to inspect and understand this empowering and important sight, contemplating the incombustible nature of the crag.’ (Shemowth 3:3) So when Yahowah saw that he had turned to inspect what he had seen, God called out to him, offering him a welcoming invitation to meet near the sharp crag, saying, ‘Moseh, Moseh!’ So, he said, ‘Behold, it’s me.’ (Shemowth / Exodus 3:4)
Then He said, ‘Before you approach this place, if you wouldn’t mind, detach your sandals from upon your feet because this site which you are presently standing is set-apart and very special ground.’ (Shemowth 3:5) Then He said, ‘I am the God of your fathers, the God of ‘Abraham, the God of Yitschaq, and the God of Ya’aqob.’ However, Moseh concealed his presence because he was too awestruck to look at God. (Shemowth / Exodus 3:6)
Yahowah said, ‘I have seen the affliction and harassment of My people who are in the Crucibles of Political and Religious Oppression in Mitsraym. I have heard their distressing cry as a result of those who are exploiting and oppressing them. I am aware of their suffering. (Shemowth 3:7) Therefore, I have descended, coming down from a much higher place, to deliver them from the influence of the subjugating tyrants in Mitsraym, and to lift them up out of that country, taking 732them to a good and pleasing, beneficial and spacious, realm, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Kana’any…. (Shemowth / Exodus 3:8)
The wailing cry of despair from the Children of Yisra’el has come to Me. I have seen the starvation rations and oppressive conditions with which the political and religious despots in Mitsraym are imprisoning them. (Shemowth 3:9) As a result, let’s go because I want to extend Myself through you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the Children of Yisra’el, out of this affliction and oppression in Mitsraym.’ (Shemowth / Exodus 3:10)
But Moseh said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and come out with the Children of Yisra’el, bringing them out of religious and political oppression in Mitsraym?’ (Shemowth 3:11)
So, He said, ‘Because I will be with you. This is the sign and proof that I have sent you: by you having brought out the family from Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Affliction and Oppression, you will work with God upon this mountain.’ (Shemowth / Exodus 3:12)
Then Moseh | the one who draws us away from human oppression said to God, ‘Now look, if I go to the Children of Yisra’el, and I say to them, “The God of your fathers has sent me to you,” and they ask me, “What is His name,” what shall I say to them?’ (Shemowth / Exodus 3:13)
God responded to Moseh, ‘I am (‘e-hayah) who (‘asher) I am (‘e-hayah).’ Then He said, ‘This is what you should say to the Children of Yisra’el, “I Exist has sent me to you.”’ (Shemowth 3:14) In addition, God said to Moseh, ‘This is what you should actually and continually say to the Children of Yisra’el, “Yahowah, the God of your fathers, God of ‘Abraham, God of Yitschaq, and God of Ya’aqob, sent me to you. This is My name forever, 733throughout all time. And this is My way of being known and remembered in every place, era, and generation.’” (Shemowth / Exodus 3:15)
In so stating, Yahowah undermined three religions long before they were conceived – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in which God is either rendered nameless or given a different name.
By contrast, and 2,069 years after the fact, the Adversary would have Muslims believe…
Quran 020.010 “When he saw a fire, then he said to his family, ‘Stay here. Lo! Verily, I perceive a fire. Perhaps I’ll bring you therefrom a burning brand or find guidance at the fire.’
Quran 020.011 Then when he came to it, he was called, ‘Musa.’
Quran 020.012 ‘Lo! Verily, I am Rabbuka | your Lord, so remove your shoes. Lo! You are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.’
Quran 020.013 And I (have) chosen you, so listen to what is revealed.’”
It is common to embellish old stories with added details over time, but that is not what is happening here. Muhammad had, no doubt, been embarrassed by comparisons to Moses because he wasn’t one billionth the character. Therefore, he had heard all about the fire, the shoes, and God’s introduction. However, Moseh was alone. He was not searching for faggots, and fires seldom provide guidance. Further, his name was Moseh, and that is meaningful because it defines his mission, which was to draw the Yisra’elites out of and away from islam | submission. And in this regard, the Quran is without excuse because it uses the same alphabet. Therefore, Moseh is Moseh in Hebrew and Arabic.
It should also be obvious that there were no Rabbis or Lords present at this meeting. And speaking of where they met, it was on Mount Choreb, not in “the sacred valley of 734Tuwa.” As you may recall, outside of religious mythology, Tuwa does not exist.
As we discovered previously, according to Quran commentators: “The Valley of Tuwa is the well alongside which Muhammad camped for a night during the conquest of Makkah. The Prophet took a bath using the water from Bir Tuwa, and then performed Salah prayer, before entering Makkah. It has now become one of the most famous places to visit in Makkah.” Therefore, the Rabbi of Islam would have Muslims believe that he met with Musa in Muhammad’s bathtub. And since Moseh would return to this same place to receive the Towrah, it must have been all washed up, too.
Following his lame introduction, Satan got down to the serious business of replacing Yahowah’s name with one of his own. It was a tried and untrue trick, one required to create Christianity and Judaism. So, why not go for a clean sweep? If the Arabs wouldn’t believe a fellow Arab telling them that God’s name was Rabbi, Rahman, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Manat, Illahi, Al-Lahi, Al-Laha, and/or Al-Lahu, perhaps they’d believe a Jew…
Quran 020.014 “Lo! Verily, I am al-Lahu | the For-Him. La Ilaha illa ana | no god but I. So worship Me. And establish and perform regular prostration prayer for My praise.”
It is little wonder we are in Tuwa because Yahowah’s name has been scrubbed from the story. It was replaced with al-Lahu, just as al-Lahu had replaced Rahman in the pagan trade with the Quraysh.
Rather than the real God introducing Himself as “I am the God of ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob,” and thus the Covenant with Yisra’el, in the replacement version: “La Ilaha illa ana | no god but I.” Likewise, there was an entirely different agenda. Rather than liberating the Children of Yisra’el from human tyranny and slavery, the new mission for the Lord of Slavery was to announce that he, alone, was God – not that 735other guy. Rather than emancipate Jews, the command was to subjugate Muslims. There would be worship, prostrations, and praise.
Praise for what? For stealing and misrepresenting one of the most amazing stories in human history? This is an insult to our intelligence. It is an insult to God.
And while the Snake has stated his reason for the revision, he was not done exposing his agenda. And since Allah’s Delusions of Grandeur are essential to Satan’s misdirection and mythos, I’m going to render his message exactly as it appears in the resulting text…
Quran 020.015 “Lo! Verily, the Hour coming. I am almost hiding it Myself that it may be paid every soul for what it strives.
Quran 020.016 So not avert you from it who not believe in it and follows his desires lest you perish.”
Liberating Yisra’elites from captivity was counter to the un-god’s wishes, so he dispensed with it entirely. Satan would pass over Passover, too, along with Matsah, Bikuwrym, and Shabuw’ah, all of which were essential elements of Yahowah’s story. While not a fan of Taruw’ah, other than he liked the sound of the Showphar, the Lord of Replacement Theology skipped ahead 3,480 years to his repurposing of Reconciliations as the Hour, with Yowm Kipurym changed to the Day of Doom.
Caught up in the excitement of the moment, with the Pen writing Yahowah out of His story and negating His purpose, the Snake didn’t know if he should hide his intent for souls to perish or share it. Nevertheless, fifty-two miracles shy of a full deck, the Serpent repurposed one of his favorites. After all, Allah is partial to snakes.
Quran 020.017 “‘And what that in your right hand, Musa?’
Quran 020.018 ‘It my rod. I lean on it. I bring down leaves with it for my sheep. And for me in it other uses.’
Quran 020.019 He said, ‘Throw it down, O Musa.’
736Quran 020.020 So he threw it down. And lo, behold! It a snake, a serpent gliding quickly.
Quran 020.021 He said, ‘Seize it. And not fear. We will return it – its state the former.’”
Returning the Snake to his previous identity is central to Satan pretending to be God. This is the purpose of the Quran.
However, that was not the point of the actual story. And to assume that God was asking Moseh to explain the purpose of a staff is as absurd as saying that it was used to knock down leaves.
Quran 020.022 “‘And draw near your hand to your side. It will come out white from without any disease, another sign.
Quran 020.023 That We may show you of Our Signs, the Greatest.”
This story is among the most beloved, so Muhammad would have heard it from the Arab converts to Judaism, the Jews, and the Christians in Petra. But either his memory was as poor as his Lord’s, or he had a different agenda as well. And that is because Moseh’s had become metsora’ | leprous and diseased – and thus symbolic of religion and politics.
And since Yahowah’s testimony is always relevant and enlightening, let’s consider what actually occurred before we move on. Picking up where we left off, God explained…
“Choose to go of your own free will (halak – walk of your own volition to (qal imperative)) and (wa) gather at this time (‘asap – collect together as if preparing for a harvest at a specific moment (qal perfect)) the elders (‘eth zaqen – the decision-makers who are more mature) of the Children of Yisra’el (Beny Yisra’el – Sons who want to Engage and Endure with God [from 4QExod]), and say to them (wa ‘amar ‘el hem – then explain to them), ‘Yahowah (YaHoWaH – an accurate presentation of the name of ‘elowah | God as guided by His towrah | instructions regarding His hayah | existence), God (‘elohym) of your 737fathers (‘ab ‘atem), the God of ‘Abraham (‘elohym ‘Abraham), the God of Yitschaq (‘elohym Yitschaq), and God of Ya’aqob (wa ‘elohym Ya’aqob [from 4QExod]) became visible to me (ra’ah ‘el ‘any – was revealed to me), saying (la ‘amar), “I have examined and taken into account (paqad paqad – I have observed, rendered judgment, and I have assigned responsibility), on your behalf (‘eth ‘atem), (paqadeti), what is being done to you (wa ‘eth ha ‘asah la ‘atem) in (ba) Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Political and Religious Oppression (Mitsraym – the cauldrons of persecution and cruelty in Egypt where you are confined and restricted, besieged during a time of testing and tribulation by an adversary, shut up and enclosed in a concentration camp by those showing hostility). (Shemowth / Exodus 3:16)
And I give My word (‘amar – so I promise) that I will lift you up and withdraw you (‘alah ‘eth ‘atem – I will take you away) from (min – out of) persecution and oppression (‘ony – affliction, frustration, and suffering, harassment and poverty, being abused, subjugated and impoverished) in the realm (‘erets – land and nation) of the Crucibles of Egypt (Mitsraym)…to the Land (‘el ‘erets – realm) flowing with milk and honey (zuwb chalab wa dabash – which is nurturing, enabling you to endure for a long time in pleasant circumstances). (Shemowth 3:17) And they will listen (wa shama’ – they will hear and pay attention) to the sound of your voice (la qowl ‘atah).
Then you and the elders (wa ‘atah wa zaken) of the Children of Yisra’el (Beny Yisra’el) will go (bow’) to the king (‘el melek – to the political and religious dictator) of the Crucibles of Oppression (Mitsraym – the cauldrons of religious and governmental, military and economic subjugation, the coercions and cruelty experienced in Egypt where the people were restricted by political persecution; plural of matsowr – to be delineated as a foe and besieged during a time of testing and tribulation; from tsuwr – to be 738bound and confined by an adversary, assaulted, shut up, and enclosed in a by those showing great hostility) and say to him (wa ‘amar ‘el huw’),
‘Yahowah (Yahowah – a transliteration of from His towrah | teaching regarding His hayah | existence), God (‘elohym) of the Hebrews (‘Ibryym – the Opposite Side from the region beyond), has scheduled a meeting with us (qarah ‘al ‘anachnuw – has summoned us to an appointment at a specific moment in time; from qara’ – to invite and summon, meet and greet (nifal perfect – God instigated the meeting and anticipates a positive result)). So now, therefore (wa ‘atah), we implore you to please (na’ – we are requesting and encouraging you) allow us to walk away (halak – let us of our own accord travel) on a three-day path (derek shalowsh yowmym – on a route which will require several days) into (ba) the wilderness to ponder the word (ha midabar – a desolate place where the message is evaluated; from my – to question and dabar – word). We will prepare a meal (wa zebach – we will ready a sacrificial lamb to eat during a feast) to approach (la – according to and on behalf of) Yahowah (Yahowah – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration), our God (‘elohym ‘anachnuw). (Shemowth 3:18) But (wa) I know (yada’ ‘any – have personal knowledge and I am aware) that (ky) the king (melek – the dictatorial ruler) of Mitsraym | this Crucible of Oppression (Mitsraym – this cauldron of persecution and cruelty where people are confined by religious and political institutions) will not (wa lo’) permit (nathan – freely release) those in accord with You (‘eth ‘atem) to go (la halak – to walk away), except by the hand (bilty yad – unless by the power, influence, and authority) of a powerful and firm individual (chazaq – a firm and resolute authority). (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 3:19)
739So (wa), I will stretch out (shalach) My hand (‘eth yad ‘any – power and influence) and strike (nakah – smite) those associated with (‘eth) the Crucibles of Religious and Political Subjugation (Mitsraym) with all (ba kol) of the astounding things of Mine (pala’ ‘any – of amazing occurrences which surpass human understanding) that, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), I will do (‘asah – I will perform and cause to happen) in (ba) their midst (qereb huw’). And after that (wa ‘achar – in the end, following all of this), rest assured (ken – you can rely on the fact), they will send you away (shalach ‘eth ‘atem). (Shemowth 3:20)
And thus (wa ‘aken – so therefore [from 4QExod]), for the people (ha ‘am ha zeh – for this particular family), I will grant favorable treatment (nathan ‘eth ha chen – I will offer and provide compassion, even acts of kindness) in the eyes of (ba ‘ayn – within the purview of) their Oppressors (Mitsraym – the cauldron of persecution and cruelty where people are confined and restricted by religious and political institutions). When it comes to be (wa hayah ky) that you go away (halak – you begin your journey), you shall not walk away (lo’ halak) empty-handed (reqam).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 3:21)
After enduring four generations of slavery, the freedom He was promising seemed impossible, so Yahowah was reassuring.
“Then (wa) Moseh (Mosheh – One who Draws Out) answered (‘anah), and asked (wa ‘amar), ‘But (wa) what if (hen) they do not listen (lo’ shama’ – the fail to hear and pay attention) to the sound of my voice (ba qowl ‘any) nor trust me (wa lo’ ‘aman la ‘any – do not consider what I say to be accurate and truthful), but rather (ky) say (‘amar), “Yahowah (Yahowah) did not appear (lo’ ra’ah – was not shown or revealed) to you (‘el ‘atah).”’ (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:1)
740The Yisra’elites were and remain a stubborn lot with a propensity to antagonize their God rather than embrace Him. Moseh was anticipating their most likely response.
“Yahowah (Yahowah) said to him (‘amar ‘el huw’), ‘What (mah) is that in your hand (zeh ba yad ‘atah)?’ He answered (wa ‘amar), ‘A staff (mateh – a branch, scepter, and demarcation of the tribes).’” (Shemowth / Exodus 4:2)
The “staff” was indicative of Dowd | David serving as the Shepherd of God’s flock. The “branch” was a symbol of him serving as the means to life. The “scepter” is prophetic of Dowd’s authority as the King. This was relevant here because Dowd would be fulfilling the Miqra’ey that would ultimately free every Child of the Covenant from being enslaved by religion and politics.
With the “shepherd’s staff, branch, and scepter” held firmly in his hand, Moseh carried the promise and power of the coming Messiah, Shepherd, and King – our Savior. But without this relationship, the situation would be as dire as when Satan, depicted as a nachash | serpent, slithered out of the Garden. Therefore:
“And He said, ‘Throw (shalak – hurl, cast, or fling) that (huw’) on the ground (‘erets) now (‘atah – straight away [from 4QExod]).’ And so, he cast it (shalak huw’ – he tossed it) to the ground (‘erets – ground), and it came to exist as (wa hayah) a serpent (la nachash – a snake).
And Moseh (wa Mosheh) fled away (nuws) from (min) its (huw’) presence (paneh).” (Shemowth 4:3)
Moseh was not asking for a miracle. He was simply stating that there was the possibility that the Yisra’elites might not believe him. In that case, he wanted to know how he should respond. And what he learned is that in association with Yahowah, we have power over the Adversary. And that is why one of the earliest Towrah prophecies depicts someone associated with Ya’aqob, who became Yisra’el, 741striking Satan’s head, thereby exposing his venomous schemes. In this case, Moseh walked away from the serpent’s influence, just as he had left Mitsraym forty years earlier.
Along these lines, considering what He could have done, Yahowah did not try and impress Moseh. This was a learning experience. God was teaching His associate that, with the right approach, he would be able to move men out of harm’s way.
As we witness Yahowah giving Moseh control over the serpent, the implication is that together, they would be releasing God’s abused sheep from the Adversary’s oppressive control while establishing them as part of God’s flock. This transformation from bad to good, from the “serpent” to the “branch, scepter, and staff” would be made as a result of Moseh embracing the full meaning of the Hebrew word, chazaq…
“Yahowah (Yahowah) said to Moseh (wa ‘amar ‘el Mosheh), ‘Stretch out (shalach – reach out) your hand (yad ‘atah – symbol of your power and authority) and choose to grasp hold of it (wa laqach huw’ – of your own accord take it [1QExod] (qal imperative)) by the tail (ba zanab).’ And so (wa), he reached out with his hand (shalach yad huw’) and (wa), by being persistent and firm with it, showing strength and resolve, he prevailed, gaining control over it (ba chazaq huw’ – by being assiduous and intense with it, by being willing to learn and respond resolutely, and by being unremitting and unrelenting, he triumphed, controlling the foe) and (wa) it became (hayah) a staff, branch, and scepter (la mateh – a demarcation of the tribes) in (ba) his (huw’) palm (kaph – hand). (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:4)
There is no limit to what we can achieve when we apply what we learn from God and respond by being unrelenting and resolute. Moseh would need to exhibit these traits to 742succeed. So did Dowd. So do we. God is as He would like us to be – steadfast and determined.
“The purpose of this account is (la-ma’an – the intent is) for them to trust and rely (‘aman – to see this as trustworthy and verifiable, to consider Me steadfast and dependable) upon the reality that (ky) Yahowah (Yahowah – God’s name transliterated as guided by His towrah – instructions on His hayah – existence and His role in our shalowm – reconciliation as ‘elowah – Almighty God) appeared to you (ra’ah ‘el ‘atah), the God of their fathers (‘elohym ‘ab hem), the God (‘elohym) of ‘Abraham (‘Abraham – Merciful and Enriching Father), God of Yitschaq (‘elohym Yitschaq – God Laughs), and God of Ya’aqob (‘elohym Ya’aqob – Walking in the Footsteps of God).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:5)
Religious and political influence and control are plagues that infect and destroy billions of souls, separating humankind from God. In this regard, the most visible and horrid malady of Moseh’s day was leprosy. It was not only incurable; it was so contagious that it required those who were infected to be separated from society.
“Yet again (wa ‘owd – continuing on), Yahowah ( – the pronunciation of YaHoWaH) said (‘amar) to him (la huw’), ‘Please (na’) return (bow’) your hand (yad ‘atah) inside your garment beside your bosom (ba ‘atah chyq – within your robe by your heart).’
And he moved (bow’) his hand (yad huw’) inside (ba) his robe (chyq) and pulled it out (wa yatsa’ huw’ – and brought it out) from his garment (min chyq huw’ – out of his robe [from 4QGen-Exod]) and behold (hineh) his hand (yad huw’) was diseased and leprous (metsora’ – had a chronic skin condition), looking like (ka) snow (ha sheleg).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:6)
743We can trust Yahowah to heal us, even from the most infectious and debilitating poligious diseases. When we return to God, He restores and renews us.
“Now (wa) He said (‘amar), ‘Return (shuwb – bring back, turn around, change direction, and come back restored (hifil imperative)) your hand (yad ‘atah) to (‘el) your clothing (chyq atah – your garment).’
So he returned his hand (wa shuwb yad huw’) to his robe near his chest (‘el chyq huw’), and when (wa) he brought it out (yatsa’ huw’) from (min) his cloak (chyq huw’), behold (wa hineh) it had been restored (shuwb – it returned and was brought back, recovered, repaired changed, and renewed) to be like (ka) his flesh (basar huw’). (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:7)
So if (wa ‘im) it happens (hayah – comes to exist) that they do not trust or rely (lo’ ‘aman la ‘atah – they do not have confidence in you or find you credible), and they do not listen to (lo’ shama’ – hear, understand, and pay attention to) the voice (qowl) of the initial sign (‘owth ha ri’shown – first symbol), then (wa) they may come to recognize as verifiable and trustworthy (‘aman – they may accept as reliable for the moment (hifil perfect)) the voice (la qowl) of the next and subsequent (‘acharown – final, that which comes after, and thus last) sign (‘owth – illustrative example).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 4:8)
Yahowah strives to teach, not impress; to guide, not to gloat. His purpose is to emancipate His people from bondage. But since liberating Jews didn’t suit their scheme, the Snake and his sidekick changed the story to liberate themselves from the pesky Petrans by inferring that Muhammad was like Moseh and al-Lahu was interchangeable with the unmentionable God.
Therefore, rather than presenting this discussion as it transpired, with Moseh hesitant and Yahowah offering to provide whatever His coworker required, in the Quranic 744version, Musa had to beg. And yet, the actual story is profoundly important. Moseh, like everyone who has worked with Yahowah, thought that he was inadequate. It was then Yahowah who assured His partner that they would make an effective team.
A man who thought his diction was beneath his calling became the ideal individual to convey Yahowah’s name and message to His people. He became reliant, and God enabled him. The resulting record of the Towrah reveals that Moseh became one of the two most brilliant, insightful, articulate, and literate men who ever spoke for god – Dowd being the other.
But all that is lost in this horrid and dumb-down retelling, with Moseh pleading, Pharaoh transgressing, and the clear signs being shown…
Quran 020.024 “Go to Firaun. Lo! Verily, he transgressed.’
Quran 020.025 He said, ‘Rabbi, open for me my breast.
Quran 020.026 And ease my task.
Quran 020.027 And untie knot from my tongue.
Quran 020.028 That they may understand my speech.
Quran 020.029 And appoint for me a minister from my family.
Quran 020.030 Harun, my brother.
Quran 020.031 Reinforce through him my strength.
Quran 020.032 And make him share in my task.
Quran 020.033 That we may glorify You greatly.
Quran 020.034 And we remember You much.
Quran 020.035 Lo! Verily, You are the All-Seer of us.’
Quran 020.036 He said, ‘Lo! Verily, you are granted your request O Musa.’”
Obviously, to be part of the messenger fraternity with Muhammad, Musa would want his bosom opened and his 745heart scrubbed. And he would want the deniers to believe his recitals. Further, as al-Lahu’s slave, in keeping with the Quran, he would want to glorify greatly the All-Seer and remember much.
However, al-Lahu was incapacitated chronologically. Throughout the Quran, the Adversary’s perspective has been inverted…
Quran 020.037 “Lo! Verily, We conferred a favor on you another time.
Quran 020.038 When We inspired to your mother what is inspired,
Quran 020.039 That cast him in the Tabut (a box or a chest) and then cast it into the river (Nile), then let the river cast it up on the bank, and an enemy to Me and an enemy to him will take him.’ And I cast over you love from Me, in order that you may be brought up under My Eye.”
In the Towrah, God did not inspire Moseh’s mother. There was no box. The river did not participate in the process. Further, there was no enemy of al-Lahu present. Moseh was retrieved from the basket his mother had woven for him in an act of compassion and embraced by Pharaoh’s daughter. She, with the help of his actual mother, raised and adopted him.
The Serpent is incapable of love. I don’t say this to be mean but, instead, accurate. As a mal’ak | spiritual implement, he was not imbued with freewill which is a prerequisite for love. Further, he played no role in Moseh’s life.
While these, and the details that follow, were pilfered from the Towrah, in every case, the insights associated with them were discarded. For example, the sister recommended that her mother nurse the unnamed child for his benefit. His mother would have been celebrating her three-month-old baby’s good fortune, not grieving – especially since the alternative would have been for the boy to have been killed.
746The child’s benefactor, who named him Moseh because he “was drawn out,” was Pharaoh’s daughter. That was important because by adopting the child, he was raised in the royal household. Moseh was, therefore, intimately familiar with the institutionalizing and integrating of Egyptian religion and governance, the military and caste system. These were not only the things Moseh elected to walk away from; his knowledge of them and rejection of them is what made him the most qualified person to work with Yahowah at this time. God’s preference is to engage with individuals who share His disdain for religion and human governance, the caste system and slavery. He prefers people who are judgmental and willing to act when others would cower.
Further, Moseh struck the Mitsry taskmaster because he was beating a Hebrew slave. This made the act one of courage, character, and compassion. And Moseh wasn’t distressed by having done the right thing for the right reason but, instead, by the way the Hebrews responded to his willingness to intervene and save them. This episode served to underscore Moseh’s exemplary character and as a harbinger of how the Children of Yisra’el would respond to Yahowah during the Exodus.
Moseh’s journey away from Mitsraym | the Crucibles of Human Religious and Political Oppression to Midian was symbolic of him honoring the Covenant’s lone prerequisite, which is to walk away from one’s country, from the babel | confounding commingling of man. It was also relevant because, once there, he became a shepherd, which is God’s preferred vocation among those tending his flock. Even more, Moseh’s first act was to protect women from men, demonstrating how different he was from others and thus suitable to work with God.
In addition, Mount Choreb, the Mountain of God, the place where Yahowah introduced Himself to Moseh and later revealed the Towrah, is in Midian. Also, Yahowah’s timing was based upon two things – the promise He had 747made to ‘Abraham to rescue his descendants from Mitsraym after 400 years of being outcasts, and the approach of Chag Matsah. It would be during Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym that the Children of Yisra’el would have their lives extended, be liberated from the realm of religion and governance, and then be reborn as Children of the Covenant – leading to Shabuw’ah, when the Towrah would be revealed. That is why all of the details Yahowah shared were important. And yet every insight was squandered by the Master of Plagiarism.
Quran 020.040 “When was going your sister and she said, ‘Shall I show you who will nurse him?’ So We returned you to your mother, that she be cooled her eyes and not she grieves. Then you did kill a man, but We saved you from great distress and We tried you a trial. Then you remained years with people of Madyan (Midian). Then you came here according to the fixed term which I ordained O Musa.”
Yahowah chose Moseh for all of the reasons I have shared and more. Yes, he was anti-religious and apolitical. And he had distanced himself from the aforementioned plagues. He was compassionate, courageous, and confident, but he was also brilliant, a perceptive student, a quick learner, an adept writer, a marvelous orator, and a dedicated leader. He was everything Muhammad wasn’t. So, there is no chance that the God who chose Moseh would have found Muhammad acceptable.
Quran 020.041 “And I have chosen you for Myself.
Quran 020.042 Go, you and your brother with My Signs and not slacken in My remembrance.
Quran 020.043 Go both of you to Firaun. Indeed he transgressed.
Quran 020.044 And speak to him a word gentle, perhaps he may take heed or fear.’”
‘Aharown’s inclusion in this mission was to help Moseh feel more comfortable with the responsibility of speaking for 748Yahowah. And he was a fellow Lowy | Levite, such that he could serve as an example for his brethren.
The brothers were not sent to Pharaoh Thutmose the Great; they accompanied Yahowah. And God wasn’t the least bit concerned with Pharaoh’s “transgressions.” Yahowah sought to emancipate His people – nothing more, nothing less.
Moseh was not taking signs with him. They would be manifested by Yahowah as required. There was no remembrance of Yahowah at this time since he was unknown to these Hebrew slaves. And al-Lahu would not exist for a couple thousand years.
Since Phar’oah was scribed in the Hebrew text of the Towrah, there was no excuse for butchering the title to Firaun. Moreover, Yahowah told Moseh it would take some doing to get the tyrant to relent.
Fear was never part of the equation, not on either side, but it is essential to this Rabbinical Lord.
Quran 020.045 “They said, ‘Rabbana | Our Lord! Lo! Verily, we fear that he will hasten against us or that he will transgress.’
Quran 020.046 He said, ‘Do not fear, lo, verily, I am with you both. I hear and I see. [But I cannot do.]
Quran 020.047 So go you both to him, and say: “Verily, we are Messengers of your Lord, so let the Children of Israel go with us, and torment them not. Indeed, we have come with a sign from your Lord! And peace will be upon him who follows the guidance.
Quran 020.048 Lo! Verily, it has been revealed to us that the punishment is on who denies and turns away.”’
Quran 020.049 He said, ‘Then who is your Lord, Musa?’
Quran 020.050 He said, ‘Our Lord is the One Who gave every thing its form then He guided.’
Quran 020.051 He said, ‘Then what (is the) case (of) the former generations?’
749Quran 020.052 He said, ‘Its knowledge (is) with Rabbi | my Lord in a record inerrant. My Rabbi never forgets.
Quran 020.053 The One Who has made earth for you the earth, a bed, and inserted for you therein ways and roads. And sent down water from the sky.’ Then We brought forth pairs of diverse plants.
Quran 020.054 Eat and pasture your cattle. Lo! Verily, in that sure are Signs for possessors of intelligence.
Quran 020.055 From it, We created you and in it, We will return you and from it We will bring you out another time.
Quran 020.056 And, lo, verily, We showed him Our Signs – all of them- but he denied and refused.”
I cannot help but see the imaginary Firaun rolling his eyes and wondering who sent this nincompoop. He would have been wondering whether to rid himself of him or be entertained by him.
Either way, the scene is more Petran than Egyptian, with the Pharaoh lamely challenging his tormentor’s credibility while asking for some proof. But the surrogate Muhammad could only obfuscate and then equivocate. He warned that his Rabbi was the punisher of deniers, the great person former, and the record keeper. He was the bed maker and wetter, road builder and pair keeper, and even cattle feeder.
Not only were these the signs, al-Lahu interrupts and starts speaking directly to Firaun in the midst of the tirade and is more tongue-tied than Musa. After being unable to answer Pharaoh’s questioning, then claiming his rabbi never forgets in the 52nd verse, the voice of the Quran forgets who was speaking and interrupts with “Then We brought down the pairs of diverse plants.”
We are left to scratch our heads wondering how this confluence of errors was pronounced perfect and then seen as Godly. But one thing is for sure, we are no longer in Egypt. This is yet another variation of the Never-Ending Argument. The Lord of Doom has returned to threatening a 750return to him on the Day of Doom so as to torment and punish the sign deniers.
Then inverting the purpose of the mission so that it would mirror Muhammad’s current predicament, the Quranic Rabbi has his version of Firaun say…
Quran 020.057 “He said, ‘Have you come to us to drive us out of our land with your magic, Musa?
Quran 020.058 Then verily, we can produce magic the like thereof. So appoint a meeting between us and you, which neither we, nor you shall fail to keep, in a place even (where both shall have an equal chance and beholders could witness the competition).’
Quran 020.059 He said, ‘Your appointment day of the festival and that will be assemble the people forenoon.’
Quran 020.060 Then went away Firaun and devised his plot came them.
Quran 020.061 Said to them Musa, ‘Woe to you! Invent and forge not a lie against al-Lahi, lest He will destroy you with a tormenting punishment! And, lo, verily, he failed who invented.’”
The Quranic dialog has digressed to the brutish boy tossing his toys at playmates in the sandbox. There are accusations of magic and mayhem. Al-Lahi was back in societal destruction mode with painful punishments to come. There would be a festival of bickering, snickering, and schemes, all reminiscent of the Never-Ending Argument, with lies invented and forged.
Then, to justify these meaningless Muslims scheming to slaughter the Quraysh, the prelude to the Exodus is twisted such that it’s the Egyptians who are being unjustly threatened with being driven out of their land. And should you wonder why we’ve never heard this version of events before…
Quran 020.062 “So they disputed in their affair with one with another but kept their talk private and secret.
751Quran 020.063 They said, ‘Lo, these two magicians, they intend to drive you out of your land with their magic and do away with your exemplary way (most cherished institutions, driving out your chiefs).’”
Therefore, the untold story of the Exodus, according to the attending Rabbi, wasn’t the liberation of the Children of Yisra’el from bondage but, instead, the exile of the Egyptians and their most cherished institutions by magic. But if so, why did the Lord fail? Was Firaun’s magic superior to his own?
Oblivious to the obvious, a line was drawn in the shifting sands of Petra, excuse me, Firaun-Ville. Plots were being hatched for the great throw-off.
Quran 020.064 “‘So put together your plan then come (assemble in) a line. And verily, (will be) successful today who overcomes.’
Quran 020.065 They said, ‘O Musa! Either that you throw or that we will be the first who throws.’
Quran 020.066 He said, ‘Nay, you throw.’ Then, lo, behold, their ropes and their staff seemed to him by their magic that they were moving.
Quran 020.067 So sensed in himself a fear, Musa.
Quran 020.068 We said, ‘Do not fear. Lo! Verily, you, yourself (will be) superior.
Quran 020.069 And throw what (is) in your right hand! It will swallow up that which they have made. Only, they have made a magician's trick, and the magician will not be successful wherever he comes.’
Quran 020.070 So the magicians were flung down to prostration. They said, ‘We believe in Rabbi of Harun and Musa.’
Quran 020.071 He said, ‘You believe to him before that I give you permission to you. Lo! Verily, he (is) your chief, the one who taught you the magic.
752So, surely, I will cut off your hand and your feet of opposite sides and surely, I will crucify you on trunks of date palms. And surely, you will know which of us (is) more severe (in) punishment more lasting.’”
The die was cast, the throw was tossed, and thanks to the timely intervention of the Rabbi and his magical advice, the opposing magicians who had been working for Satan, instantly recognized their Lord and fell prostrate like good Muslim slaves.
But Either way, the scene is more Petran than Egyptian, with the Pharaoh lamely challenging his tormentor’s credibility while asking for some proof. But the surrogate Muhammad could only obfuscate and then equivocate. He warned that his Rabbi was the punisher of deniers, the great person former, and the record keeper. He was the bed maker and wetter, road builder and pair keeper, and even cattle feeder.
Not only were these the signs, al-Lahu interrupts and starts speaking directly to Firaun in the midst of the tirade and is more tongue-tied than Musa. After being unable to answer Pharaoh’s questioning, then claiming his rabbi never forgets in the 52nd verse, the voice of the Quran forgets who was speaking and interrupts with “Then We brought down the pairs of diverse plants.”
We are left to scratch our heads wondering how this confluence of errors was pronounced perfect and then seen as Godly. But one thing is for sure, we are no longer in Egypt. This is yet another variation of the Never-Ending Argument. The Lord of Doom has returned to threatening a return to him on the Day of Doom so as to torment and punish the sign deniers.
Then inverting the purpose of the mission so that it would mirror Muhammad’s current predicament, the Quranic Rabbi has his version of Firaun say.
But the Islamic un-god did more than crucify himself on the tree of ignorance. A moral God cannot compete for the 753prize of “most severe punisher.” In Allah’s final Quranic address, he spoke these chilling words:
Quran 005.033 “The punishment for those who wage war against al-Laha and His Apostle and perpetrate disorders in the land is to crucify them or have a hand on one side and a foot on the other cut off.”
And even then, apart from the vicious and sadistic intent of the Quran, the 5th surah was revealed in 632 CE and this surah preceded it by a decade. Not only is that hard to explain, the decree to crucify and mutilate men in the 20th surah was issued by Firaun, but it was spoken by Allah in the 5th surah ten years later. Therefore, either Allah speaks for Pharaoh or Pharaoh spoke for Allah. Either realization is catastrophic for Islam’s credibility.
Continuing to crucify himself, the Lord of Clear Proofs now claims that the magicians who were working against the Islamic Musa had instantly become Islamic messengers willing to lecture the Firaun who just threatened to mutilate and crucify them…
Quran 020.072 “They said, ‘Never. We prefer you over what has come to us of the clear proofs and the one who created us. So decree whatever you are decreeing. Only you can decree this for life of the world.
Quran 020.073 Lo! Verily, we believe in our Lord that He may forgive for us our sins and what you compelled us on it of the magic. And al-Lahu, Best and Ever-Lasting.
Quran 020.074 Lo, who comes to his Rabbahu as a criminal, then indeed for him is Hell. Not he will die in it and not live.
Quran 020.075 But whoever comes to Him as a believer, lo, he has done the good deeds. Then those, for them, the ranks high.
Quran 020.076 Gardens of Eden flows from underneath them the rivers abiding forever in it. And that is the reward who purifies himself.’”
754So, where do you suppose the newly minted Muslim messengers learned their Islam? Clearly, it wasn’t from the Quran since Allah couldn’t produce a copy for Muhammad.
Quran 020.077 “And lo, verily, We inspired Musa (Moses) that travel by night with My slaves and strike a dry path for them in the sea, fearing neither to be overtaken nor being afraid.
Quran 020.078 Then followed them Firaun with his forces but covered them from the sea what covered them.
Quran 020.079 And led astray Firaun his people and not guide them.
Quran 020.080 O Children of Israel! Lo! Verily, We delivered you from your enemy, and We made a covenant with you on the right side of the Mount, and We sent down to you al-Manna and quails.
Quran 020.081 Eat of the taiyibat | good lawful things wherewith We have provided you, and do not transgress therein, lest My Anger should descend on you. And he on whom My Anger descends, he is indeed perished.
Quran 020.082 But, lo, verily, I am the perpetual forgiver of whoever repents and believes and does right, then remains guided.”
This is so disjointed, it’s hard to fathom that anyone would attribute this to a sane mind. But beyond the inability to communicate effectively, you’ll note that the Quranic repurposing dispensed with the ten plagues or “Let my people go.” There was no mention of Passover or Pharaoh Thutmose’s son dying, causing the obnoxious potentate to finally relent and release his captives. There was also no mention of Matsah, which was essential to the salvation of God’s people.
As for Pharaoh, he did not join his army in pursuit of the fleeing Yisra’elites, so he did not get covered. The formation of the Covenant preceded the Exodus by 520 years. Further, Mana came much later in the story.
Yahowah did not lecture His people at this point and there were no discussions regarding transgressions or wrath. 755Also noteworthy, is that while Allah is a perpetual punisher, Yahowah isn’t a perpetual forgiver. The window of opportunity is closing fast.
In the original account, once they returned to Mount Choreb, and Yahowah appeared as a blazing light upon the summit, He invited Moseh and others up to meet with Him. Therefore, Moseh was not running away from his people.
Quran 020.083 “And what made you hasten from your people Musa?
Quran 020.084 He said, ‘They are close upon my tracks and I hastened to you Rabbi that You be pleased.’
Quran 020.085 He said, ‘But indeed We, lo, verily, We tried your people after you and the Samiri (the Samaritan) has led them astray.”
It’s another Quranic blunder. There were no Samarians at this time. They would not exist until after the division of Yisra’el into the Northern Kingdom and Judah.
Moseh returned to his people upon having received the Ten Statements, not upon hearing of the alleged trial of Samiri. He was delighted until he saw the Golden Calf that ‘Aharown and other Yisra’elites had crafted.
Quran 020.086 “Then Musa (Moses) returned to his people in a state of anger and sorrow. He said, ‘O my people! Did not promise you your Rabbi a fair promise? Did then the promise seem to you long?
Or did you desire that wrath should descend from your Lord on you, so you broke your promise to me?’
Quran 020.087 They said, ‘We broke not the promise to you of our own will but we were made to carry the burdens of the ornaments of the people. So then we threw them (into the fire), and thus al-Samiri threw.
Quran 020.088 Then he brought forth (of the fire) for them a body of a calf. It had a lowing sound.’ They said, ‘This is your ilah | god, and the ilahu | god of Musa, but he forgot.’
756Quran 020.089 Then didn’t they see that it could not return to them a word and not possess for them any harm and not any benefit?”
Balderdash. There were no “O my people” speeches, there were no promises made to Moseh, and none were broken. The parting gifts were highly desired and not a burden. There wasn’t a Samiri because ‘Aharown had been responsible. The Calf did not moo. And no one had the audacity to tell Moseh that the Cow was his god.
The Calf was not a test. It was not Rahman. And those who had followed ‘Aharown’s advice and example in this regard would soon be dead.
Quran 020.090 “And lo, verily, Harun said to them from before, ‘O my people, you are only being tested with this. Surely, your Lord is Rahman. So follow me and obey my command.’
Quran 020.091 They said, ‘Never will we cease being devoted to it until Musa returns to us.’
Quran 020.092 He (Musa) said, ‘O Harun, what prevented you when you saw them going astray,
Quran 020.093 That you did not follow me? Then have you disobeyed my order?’
Quran 020.094 He (Harun) said, ‘O son of my mother! Seize (me) not by my beard, nor by my head! Verily, I feared lest you should say, “You have caused a division among the Children of Israel, and you have not respected my word.”’
Quran 020.095 He (Musa) said, ‘Then what is your case Samiri?
Quran 020.096 He (Sameri) replied, ‘I saw what they saw not, so I took in it a handful (of dust) from the footprint of the Messenger and threw it. Thus did my gut suggest to me.’
Quran 020.097 He (Moses) said, ‘Get gone! And lo, verily, for you (punishment) in the life (will be) that you will say, “Touch me not.” And verily, for you an appointment never you will fail to keep it. And look at your ilah | god that which you have remained to it devoted. Surely we will burn it then certainly we will scatter it in the sea in particles.
757Quran 020.098 Only your Ilah | God is al-Lahu, no ilah but He. He has encompassed all things in knowledge.’”
This is all so stupid it’s not worth commenting upon other than to say I’m sharing it with you to demonstrate that the Quran is incomprehensible and invalid from beginning to end. One cannot pick the bad from the good because there is no good.
All this wasted breath over a non-existent individual and the one thing that mattered, the revelation of the Towrah, wasn’t mentioned. Welcome to the vacuum of the Snake’s mind.
We are three-quarters of the way through the surah. It veers away from corrupting the story of Moseh and the Exodus, but the rhetoric does not improve. Nonetheless, I’m going to share it with you so that no one can say that God Damn Religion paints an inaccurate version of Islam.
Still in the throes of the transition from Rahman to Allah, the Lord experiences another meltdown in the midst of an identity crisis.
Quran 020.099 “Thus We relate to you from news what has preceded. And certainly, We have given you from Us a reminder.
Quran 020.100 Whoever turns aside from it, then verily he will bear a burden on the Day of Resurrection and Doom.
Quran 020.101 Abiding forever in that. Grievous evil for them the Day of Resurrection and Doom as a load.
Quran 020.102 Day will be blown in the Trumpet and We will gather the disbelievers and polytheists that Day blue-eyed.
Quran 020.103 They are murmuring among themselves, ‘You did not remain except for ten.’
Quran 020.104 We know best what they will say when the best of them will say, ‘Not you remained except for a day.’
Quran 020.105 And they ask you about the mountains, so say, ‘My Rabbi will blast them to pieces.
758Quran 020.106 Then He will leave it a level plain.
Quran 020.107 You will not see in it any crookedness and not any curve.
Quran 020.108 On that Day they will follow the caller. No deviation from it. And humbled and hushed the voices for Rahman. You will not hear a sound but faint shuffling.
Quran 020.109 That day no intercession will matter other than his whom Rahman grants permission. And He has accepted for him a word.
Quran 020.110 He know what is before them and what is behind them while not the encompass I knowledge.
Quran 020.111 And humbled the faces before the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting. And verily, we have failed who carried wrongdoing and disbelief.
Quran 020.112 But he who does of the right while he a believer then not he will fear injustice and not deprivation.
Quran 020.113 Thus we have sent the Quran down in Arabic and We have explained in it the different threats and warnings that they might fear or it may cause for them remembrance.”
May I remind our readers that the Quran is not a reminder. There was nothing like it previously. Nothing even comes close to its level of ignorance and depravity.
Whether his name is Rahman or al-Lahu, the un-god’s fixation on the grievous evil and awful burden of his Day of Doom is psychotic. And his boast about pulverizing mountains is delirious. The only things more absurd are his grandiose claims about himself.
To suggest that a believer should not fear injustice of deprivation is to infer that disbelievers will be treated unjustly and deprived of their rights. But such is the Quran – an amalgamation of disjointed recitals thrown together in a chaotic fashion for Satan’s entertainment. And unfortunately, this Dealer got high on his own supply…
Quran 020.114 “So high is al-Lahu, the true King!
759And do not hasten (try to anticipate) with the Quran from before its revelation is completed to you. And say, ‘Rabbi, increase my knowledge.”
That’s almost funny since it’s obvious that the non-prophet and his un-god were making this up as they went along to gain an advantage over others. It is all situational scriptures – fixated on the meaningless life of a malcontent psychopath while elevating the status of a lowly Snake.
So now we return to ripping off the Towrah again …
Quran 020.115 “And lo, verily, We made a covenant with Adam from before, but he forgot and We did not find him determined.”
The Covenant was foreshadowed through Noach but not established until ‘Abraham and Yitschaq. Therefore, not only was the Snake wrong, ‘Adam, unlike the Lord, did not forget.
Iblis, who is the Devil, is Allah’s alter ego, which is why he is such a popular character in the Quran.
Quran 020.116 “And when We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adan,’ then fell down and bowed prostrate except Iblis. He refused.
Quran 020.117 Then We said, ‘Adam, lo, verily, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. So do not let him drive you both from Paradise.”
Not so. ‘Adam was not warned about the Serpent – nor should he have been.
Quran 020.118 “Lo! Verily, for you that you will not be hungry therein and not will you be unclothed.
Quran 020.119 And that you will not suffer from thirst therein and not be exposed to the sun’s heat.’”
‘Adam would have had no concept of hunger or nudity. He would not have been exposed to excessive sunlight either. Therefore, this is all rubbish.
760Quran 020.120 “Then al-Shaytan | the Adversary, Satan, whispered to him. He said, ‘O Adam! Shall I direct you to the tree of the Eternity and a Kingdom not deteriorate?
Quran 020.121 Then they both ate of it, so their private parts appeared to them, and they began to stick on themselves the leaves from Paradise. Thus did Adam disobey his Lord, so he went astray.”
We have previously considered what actually occurred – and this isn’t close. ‘Adam knew where the Tree of Lives was located and did not need Satan’s guidance. Further, while in the Garden, there would have been no deterioration. And as we know, the intriguing discussion was with Chawah who sought to be like God.
There is no mention of “private parts” in the Towrah. Moreover, ‘Adam decided to disregard Yahowah’s instructions, which is a far cry from disobedience.
Yahowah’s guidance came before, not afterward. And the Garden was not “up,” so there was no going “down.”
Quran 020.122 “Then his Lord chose him and turned to him and guided.
Quran 020.123 He said, ‘Go down from it all. Some of you to others an enemy. Then if comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My Guidance then not will he go astray and not suffer distress and misery.”
The reference to “all” and “some of you to others” is odd since there were three individuals, two humans and the Snake who became al-Lahu. They were given the consequence of their rejection of God’s guidance, not guided at this time. They had already gone astray.
Moving on, the consequences each individual experienced as a result of their choices and actions were clearly delineated in the Towrah. There was no mention of turning, remembering, being blinded, or gathering for a day of resurrection. And as for being straitened, and thus restricted, this only applied to the Serpent – which may be why it remains incapacitated.
761Quran 020.124 “And whoever turns away from My remembrance, then indeed, for him a life straitened. And We will gather him on the Day of the Resurrection blind.
Quran 020.125 He will say, ‘Why my Rabbi? You raised me blind while I had sight.’
Quran 020.126 Thus he will say, ‘Our Signs came to you but you forgot them and thus today you will be forgotten.’
Quran 020.127 And thus We reward who transgresses and disbelieves in the Signs of his Rabbi. And surely the punishment of the hereafter is more severe and long-lasting.”
There were no Rabbis in or around the Garden of Eden. No one spoke of being raised, of signs, or of being forgotten. There were no transgressors, disbelievers, or impending punishments either. Satan is ad-libbing this and doing a very poor job. And that’s inexcusable since he was there.
This is not guidance. Although it is a sign which reads: Do not trust anything you read in the Quran.
Quran 020.128 “Is it not a guidance for them how many generations We have destroyed before them? They walk in their dwellings. Lo, in this surely are signs for possessors of intelligence.
Quran 020.129 And if not a word preceded from your Lord, surely would have been an obligation and a term determined.”
This is to say that with the Serpentine Rabbi, it matters not if mankind has been guided, only that al-Lahu intends to torment.
And while we wait, he desperately needs to be praised.
Quran 020.130 “So bear patiently what they say. And glorify with praises your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before its setting, and from hours of the night. And glorify ends of the say so that you may be satisfied.”
The most covetous wannabe un-god and non-prophet pair are discouraging coveting. That way, there is more for them to steal.
762Quran 020.131 “Do not covet, extending your eyes toward what We have granted for the enjoyment with it pairs of them, the splendor of the life of the world that We may tempt them with it. But the provision of your Lord is better and more enduring.”
Islam’s dark spirit was about to make thievery legal and thereby fulfill his promise to enrich his profiteer. Scripture would soon serve to satiate Muhammad’s sexual cravings, as well. But there was no wrong that couldn’t be righted with submissive prostrations…
Quran 020.132 “And enjoin on your family the prayer and be steadfast therein. We do not ask you for provision. We provide (for) you and the righteous outcome.”
Before we throw up or die laughing, or crying, let’s leave the “Ta-Ha” surah with this disclaimer from Muhammad’s spirit friend:
Quran 020.133 “And they say, ‘Why does he not bring us a sign from his Lord?’ Has not a Sign come to them in the former scripture Books?”
The Devil just said: “If you want proof of a real God, you need to read Yahowah’s Book.” It took us a while, but we found a nugget of truth in the Quran.
But that was all the truth Satan could endure…
Quran 020.134 “And if We destroyed them with a torment and punishment before him, surely they would have said, ‘Our Lord! Why didn’t You send to us a Messenger so we could have followed Your signs and proofs before we were humiliated and disgraced?’
Quran 020.135 “Say, ‘Each is waiting, so wait. Then you will know who are the companions of the way even and who is guided.’”
The 21st surah, named Al-Anbiya | The Prophets, was revealed during Muhammad’s waning days in Petra. In the 763opening chapter of this volume, we pondered the implications of the first 71 verses of this surah as a result of its designation of Rahman and god. On this pass, we will just pick up some of the more entertaining and remaining low-lights. It opens immersed in the never-ending feud:
Quran 021.002 “Never comes not to them a reminder from their Lord but they listen to it while they jest and play.
Quran 021.003 With hearts trifling with frivolity, those who do wrong conceal their private counsels, ‘Is this (Muhammad) more than a human being like you? Will you succumb and submit to witchcraft and enchanting sorcery when you see (it)?
Quran 021.004 He said, ‘My Lord knows every word in the heavens and on earth. And He is All-Hearer, All-Knower.’
Quran 021.005 Nay, they say, ‘These are mixed up, muddled, and false dreams! Nay, he has invented it! Nay, he is a poet! Let him then bring us a sign, some proof, like the ones that were sent before.’
Quran 021.006 Not one of the towns of those which We destroyed believed before them, will they then believe?”
Muhammad’s contemporaries ridiculed his Quranic revelations. They called him a counterfeiter, a witch, a muddled dreamer, and a mere poet. They said that he lacked any proof for his farfetched claims of divine selection and inspiration. And clearly, they knew him much better than Muslims today.
Using a moron to argue with a village of illiterates, the ignorant deity admitted to being destructive and demonic.
Quran 021.011 How many communities, whether civilizations, cities, or towns, that were disbelievers, have We destroyed, and replaced them with other folk?
Quran 021.012 Then, when they felt Our punishment they began to flee and fly.
Quran 021.013 Flee and fly not, but return to your luxurious pleasures which emasculated you, and to your dwellings so that you can be interrogated.
764Quran 021.014 “They cried, ‘O woe, alas for us, we were the disbelievers.’
Quran 021.015 And that cry of theirs never ceased till We mowed them down and made them extinct, as ashes, silent and quenched.”
Bragging about how many civilians one has annihilated might be expected of a Nazi guard at a concentration camp during the Holocaust. But it isn’t Godly.
The next passage takes us from demented to psychotic...
Quran 021.016 “We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them for play out of fun.
Quran 021.017 If We intended to take a pastime and make a plaything, We could have made it ourself if We had cared to do so.”
Moving ahead, we return to the Never-Ending Argument.
Quran 021.023 “He cannot be questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.
Quran 021.024 Or have they taken for worship gods besides Him? Say, ‘Bring your proof.’ This is the Reminder for those with me and the Reminder for those before me. But most of them know not the Truth, so they are averse.
Quran 021.025 We did not send any Messenger before you but We inspired him that there is no God but I so worship Me.”
A god seeking to be worshiped by an inferior being, as is partially the case with Allah, is a narcissist who is to be avoided. And unable to bring proof, evidence that this is a “reminder,” or an actual book, Allah has his non-prophet pander for evidence elsewhere. Incredibly, this assertion of a singular divinity is followed by:
Quran 021.026 “And they say, ‘Ar-Rahman has begotten a son.’ Glory to Him! Nay, they are but honored slaves.”
Trying to hide the Quran’s identity crisis, the translators become copyeditors. They either replaced Ar-Rahman’s 765name with “Allah” or “God” when neither was mentioned, or they attempted to translate it as “The Most Beneficent (Allah).” If Muslims have to deceive us to keep their god together, their god isn’t in any better shape than the fractured rock they call his home.
It’s time for the Islamic un-god, whatever his name might be, to prove his divinity.
Quran 021.030 “Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, when We parted them, and We have made of water everything living will they not believe?
Quran 021.031 And We have placed stabilisers [sic] in the earth, firm mountains as it revolved with them lest it should shake. And We place broad highways for them to pass through, that they may find their way.
Quran 021.032 And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well-guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs.
Quran 021.033 And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating.”
The sky and the earth were one piece, celestial bodies swim, mountains prevent earthquakes, the heavens are a roof, and the sun and moon float. It’s little wonder unbelievers were prone to ridicule…
Quran 021.036 “When the unbelievers see you they make fun of you, mocking you, ridiculing you and scoffing at you. ‘Is this the one who mentions your gods?’ And they would deny all mention of Ar-Rahman, disbelieving him!”
Prior to the Pagan Indulgence and Satanic Confession, Rahman was the god of the Quran. But he got tossed aside along with the Boulder Babes.
The next verse returns to pain and punishment because there is an Ilah and he is not Allah.
Quran 021.037 “Man is made of inordinate haste. Soon, I [Ar-Rahman] will show you My Signs. Therefore, do not ask Me to hasten (the punishment)!
766Quran 021.038 And they say, ‘When will this promise if you are truthful.’”
Quran 021.039 If only the unbelievers could apprehend the moment when they would not be able to ward off the fire from their faces and their backs, and they will not be helped.
Quran 021.040 Nay, it (the Fire of the Day of Doom) will come upon them unawares, confounding and stupefying them, and they will not be able to avert it nor will they get respite.”
The intensely irritable and sadistic Ar-Rahman explains that all of his prophets were as bad as Muhammad.
Quran 021.041 “Mocked were messengers before you, but the scoffers were surrounded by what they had ridiculed.
Quran 021.042 Say, ‘Who guards you from Ar-Rahman (the Beneficent Allah) by night and by day?’ Nay, from a mention of their Lord they turn away.
Quran 021.043 Or do they have gods of their own who can shield them from Us, defending them (from our torment)?”
Evidently, Rahman was as unappealing as his messenger. So, since they were not chosen, they would impose themselves…
Quran 021.044 “Nay, We gave the luxuries of this life to these men and their fathers until the period grew long for them. See they not that We gradually reduce the land from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will overcome and prevail?”
Quran 021.050 “And this is a blessed reminder which We have sent down, will you then (dare to) deny it?”
In the next thirty verses, the Quran’s un-god recreates Abraham in his non-prophet’s image. Then he moves on to Isaac, Lot, Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Ishmael, Jonah, Zachariah, and John. We learn that Mary was a virgin whose chastity was preserved by Allah so that he could breathe his spirit into her, producing a token for mankind.
One of the most ludicrous narratives was teased out of the Talmud and then tortured. You may recall…
767Quran 021.051 “And lo, We bestowed aforetime on Ibrahim | Abraham his guidance, for We knew him well.
Quran 021.052 When he said to his father and his people, ‘What are these images, to which you are devoted?’
Quran 021.053 They said, ‘We found our fathers worshipping them.’
Quran 021.054 He said, ‘Lo, verily, you and your fathers have been in manifest error.’
Quran 021.055 They said, ‘Have you brought us the truth, or are you some jester?’
Quran 021.056 He said, ‘Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and earth, who created them, and I am a witness to this.
Quran 021.057 And by al-Lahi, I shall plot a plan (to destroy or circumvent) your idols after you have gone away and turned your backs.’
Quran 021.058 So he broke them to pieces, (all) except the biggest of them, so that they might turn to it.
Quran 021.059 They said, ‘Who has done this to our gods?’ ‘He is a mischief-monger and wrong-doer.’
Quran 021.060 They said, ‘We heard a young man talking to them who is called Ibrahim.’
Quran 021.061 They said, ‘Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may testify.’
Quran 021.062 They said, ‘Did you do this to our gods, O Ibrahim?’
Quran 021.063 He said, ‘No. This one, the biggest of them did it. Ask them in case they can speak.’
Quran 021.064 So they turned to themselves and said, ‘Lo, verily, you are the polytheist, wrong-doer, and disbeliever.’
Quran 021.065 Then they turned to themselves, ‘Lo, you know well that these speak not.’
Quran 021.066 He said, ‘Do you then worship besides al-Lahi, things that can neither profit you nor harm you?
768Quran 021.067 Fie on you and those you worship besides al-Lahu. Have you no sense?’
Quran 021.068 They said, ‘Burn him, and save your gods, if you will be doing.’
Quran 021.069 We said, ‘O fire be you coolness and peace to Ibrahim.’
Quran 021.070 They wished to entrap him, desiring a stratagem of war on him, but We made them the greater losers.”
Since al-Lahi never spoke, why didn’t that shame the first Muslims who heard this nonsense? And why would the revisionist patriarch of a monotheistic religion lie and tell his people that a pagan god smashed lesser idols? Would that not make the idol real and Ibrahim a deceiver? Or was the only actual deceiver in this twisted tale the Snake who voiced it in his Quran?
This misappropriating and misrepresentation of the Towrah continues…
Quran 021.071 “And We delivered him and Lout to the land (of Israel) which We have blessed for the worlds (of men and jinn).
Quran 021.072 And We bestowed on him Is’haqa and Ya’quba in addition. And all We made righteous.
Quran 021.073 And We made them leaders. They guide (mankind) by Our Command. And We inspired in them the doing of good deeds, performing Salat | Prostration Prayer, and the giving of Zakat | Islamic Tax. And of Us (Alone) they were worshippers.”
These remedial attempts to pervert the Towrah’s narrative and manipulate its characters while replacing Yahowah with a delusional and dimwitted, demonic and demented deity, lead to the inescapable conclusion that the “We” of this pathetic attempt to play god represents ha Satan’s | the Adversary’s split personality. He was the dazzlingly karuwb, a protective guardian among the mal’ak | spiritual messengers on the wall of ‘Eden who shirked his responsibility and went against his programming to slither 769into the Gan | Garden in serpentine fashion and cleverly beguile Chawah by twisting Yahowah’s testimony to serve his interests – which is what he is doing here in a more remedial manner.
As a consequence of misappropriating God’s instructions to imply that Chawah could live forever in the Garden, the brilliant karuwb was downgraded and incapacitated, becoming the dimwitted and inarticulate, exceedingly vengeful Snake we have experienced throughout this Quran. For his revisionist and corrupted retelling of Yahowah’s guidance, combined with his ongoing desire to destroy what God created and enjoyed, the Snake was rebranded ha Satan – the Adversary.
His pride hurt, his wings clipped, his capabilities diminished, and now groveling in the dirt alongside those he despised, Halal ben Shachar, as he is known to Yahowah, would spend the next 6,000 years doing to man what God had done to him – creating separation and degradation. And whether it was to lash out at Yahowah for having rebuked him, or part of a clever stratagem to further his ambition, the karuwb, now Snake, would reposition himself as God.
The spiritual implement degraded to a Snake and branded the Adversary sought to rise above the Almighty by replaying the scene in the Garden on a massive scale. By misconstruing the Towrah, beginning by corrupting Yahowah’s Covenant relationship with ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob, he would create the “Abrahamic Religions” – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – to beguile, control, degrade, isolate, and demonize Jews. In so doing, he would mute Yahowah’s voice while superimposing his own narrative in the one place it mattered most – over the Towrah | Instructions God had provided.
It was relatively easy. The Children of Yisra’el were an ungrateful, conceited, and cantankerous lot of malcontents with a penchant for composing a new narrative. He could 770relate, and he capitalized. By placing his spirit in three Jews – Paul, Akiba, and Muhammad – he would strike a debilitating and deadly blow with his New Testament, Talmud, and Quran. It was back to the future, with Babel becoming the new Bible.
Ha Satan realized men had a penchant for playing god and creating gods. And for the most part, he left them alone to turn the earth, wind, water, fire, sun, moon, stars, and aspects of their personalities into religious idols. And while they were entertaining, they could not achieve what Satan desired, because he wasn’t interested in being one of many gods but, instead, to be perceived as greater than the one and only God. To achieve the implausible, the Snake would not only replace Yahowah in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by claiming the Towrah as his own, he would muffle the voice and disguise the name of Yahowah in the process.
It was the only way that he could win. To prevail, to keep the Earth and mankind as his own, to avoid further repercussions from Yahowah, and to avoid His return on Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations, the Adversary would have to beguile, demonize, and annihilate Jews. Judaism would achieve the first, Christianity the second, and Islam the third. No Yahuwdym, no Yowm Kipurym. No Yowm Kipurym, no Yahowah. No Yahowah and the Snake can mark his turf as God of the Earth.
To achieve this result, Satan would appeal to Jewish intellect and verbosity, creating the Babylonian Talmud, now rebranded as the Oral Torah. He would appeal to the Greek and Roman sense of superiority and anti-Semitism by commingling their pagan myths with perverted Towrah narratives, creating a New Testament that would demonize and subjugate Jews, causing the Diaspora and Holocaust. Slithering out of the civilized world and into the desert, the Snake would dumb it down for his final assault – Jihad Against Jews. He would obliterate them.
771Therefore, “We” incorporates the triune persona of the Rabbinical Lord al-Lahu. He is the karuwb | spiritual implement degraded to a snake and branded as the adversary who sought to be God. His Messenger was demon-possessed to give voice to this duplicity.
There would be an Abrahamic religion for everyone and every ambition. The first was for those who were too smart for their own good. They stopped serving as prophets and then hid G-d’s name so that they could circumvent His instructions with their degrading and debilitating theology.
The second was for those who thought that they were too good for the God of the Jews. They would create a god in their image, embracing their mythology, one who dispensed with the Jews and chose them, creating a New Testament to sanctify replacement theology.
The third was for those too dumb to be good. With it, Satan targeted the least learned people on the planet and bribed them with booty and babes while transforming them into immoral killing machines targeting Jews. We are reading the result – stupid theology.
As close as the Adversary has come at times to prevailing with the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Nazis, and Muslims again, it hasn’t been enough. A remnant of God’s people has survived them all. The Towrah remains accessible. But the ultimate showdown is just now beginning, commencing with the Islamic terrorist assault on October 7th, 2023. It was not only different in its cruelty but also in galvanizing the world against Israel and Jews, putting them in a no-win scenario – their backs to the wall.
And interestingly, it was Progressives who tipped the scale, siding with those who would annihilate Jews and eliminate Israel. By touting that which was irrational and amoral and by inculcating their replacement ideology 772through academia, the media, and international governance, they would place a sanctimonious target on every Jew.
Only two things stand in Satan’s way of achieving his plan – the final solution: God Damn Religion as part of the Yada Yahowah series and Yahowah’s direct intervention. So spoiler alert, Jews may be down and nearly out, they may be outnumbered 500 to 1, the entire world may be against them, and I may be one man with a pen and a voice against almost everyone else, but we will prevail because Yahowah is committed to making it so. Conceited, comatose, cruel, and clueless fail, even in collaboration.
So now that you know the players, and who is doing what with whom and why, let’s return to the Adversary’s playbook…
Quran 021.074 “And Lout (Lot), We gave him judgement and (religious) knowledge. And We saved him from the town which was doing al-khaba’ith | the sly, malicious, virulent, vicious, and viperous things. Lo! Verily, they were a people given to evil, and were fasiqun | rebellious and disobedient.
Quran 021.075 And We admitted him into Our Mercy. Indeed, he of the righteous.”
It was readily apparent that the 66 translators I am now referencing to create this literal composite of the Quran struggled with their renderings of al-khaba’ith, which is the feminine plural of khabith. And that is interesting because it is incriminating. It conveys the satanic attributes sly and malicious, virulent and vicious, viperous and malevolent, evil-minded and wily.
There are also Islamic scholars who reference a Bukhari and Muslim Hadith from Muhammad who say that al-khaba’ith is addressing female jinn | demons, because: “O Allah, I seek refuge with You from devils – males and females (or all offensive and wicked things and evil spirits).” Sahih al-Bukhari (6322) & Sahih Muslim (375)
773Further, as it relates to this statement, Lowt exercised very poor judgment and was surprisingly ignorant. And while Sodom was similar to the Quranic Paradise, the Sodomites could not have been rebellious or disobedient because they didn’t know Yahowah or His Towrah. Lastly, Lowt’s life ended in disgrace and drunken incest. That’s a far cry from righteous. But then again, the Snake was never a good judge of character.
Quran 021.076 “And Nuh when he called from before so We responded to him and We saved him and his family from the great affliction.
Quran 021.077 And We helped him from the people who denied Our Signs. Lo, verily, they were an evil people so We drowned them.”
Yahowah introduced himself to Noach, and Noach responded to God, doing as He requested, not the other way around. There was no “great affliction.” There was no “denial of Signs.” God did not “save” Noach but, instead, provided instructions that Noach acted upon which led to his deliverance from harm’s way. The difference may seem subtle, but it is how we are afforded the opportunity to benefit from the Beryth and Miqra’ey.
On a Richter Scale of Abominations, the ultimate seismic shift between Yahowah and Satan pertains to the treatment of Dowd, our Mashyach, Melek, Ra’ah, and Yatsa’ | Messiah, King, Shepherd, and Savior and God’s beloved Son. To claim him as one’s own, to alter his life and lyrics, to negate his achievements, or to misapply his accolades to promote a religious myth is the single most infuriating thing anyone can do to aggravate God. It is why false messiahs underpin Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Therefore, as Dowd’s Herald proclaiming his attributes, accomplishments, and return, and as Yahowah’s Choter, I can assure you that the Quran’s wannabe god had no influence on the Messiah. Just the opposite – it’s Dowd’s fulfillment of Chag Matsah that removes the stigma of 774religion. And upon his arrival during Reconciliations with Yahowah, Satan will be sent to She’owl – never to be seen or heard from again.
Quran 021.078 “And Dawud (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon), when they gave judgement in the case of the field in which the sheep of certain people had pastured and We were witness to their judgement.
Quran 021.079 And We gave understanding of it to Sulaiman. And to both of them, We gave right judgement (of the affairs and Prophethood) and knowledge. And We subjected the mountains and the birds to Dawud to glorify Our Praises, And We were the doers.
Quran 021.080 And We taught him making coats of armor for you to protect from your battle. Then will you be grateful?
Quran 021.081 And to Sulaiman (Solomon) (We subjected) the wind forcefully raging, running by his command towards the land which We blessed in it. And of everything We are the Knowers.
Quran 021.082 And of Shayatin | the Adversary, Satan, (devils from the jinns) were some who dived for him and did other work besides that. And We were of them as Guardians.”
To reduce our Savior’s sacrifice for humanity to that of rendering a decision about an unknown quantity of lambs owned by an unidentified people in an unspecified field without relevant circumstances is a disgrace. To say that mountains and birds responded to his commands to glorify this Snake is as pathetic as inferring that his son controlled the winds. In fact, all of this is so inept intellectually that it does not even qualify as a fable.
There is but one spirit sufficiently depraved and desperate to say such things – Satan. And to his credit, and the shame of Muslims, he admitted it. In the 82nd verse, after saying that the Adversary did other work for him, “We” says “We were of them as Guardians.”
As we move on to the next character, be aware that there is no excuse for errantly writing the Hebrew names ‘Abraham, Lowt, Noach, Yitschaq, Ya’aqob, Dowd, 775Shalomoh, Satan, or Yowb as Ibrahim, Lout, Nuh, Is’haqa, Ya’quba, Dawud, Sulaiman, Shayatin, and now Ayub. The Arabic alphabet was derived from the Hebrew alphabet and features the same 22 letters. And also, as we move on to Ayub | Yowb | Job, the book bearing his name was not inspired by Yahowah. He, and it, do not belong. As is the case with the books attributed to Enoch and Ezekiel, they are Satan’s.
Quran 021.083 “And (remember) Ayub (Job), when he cried to his Lord, ‘Verily, the adversity has seized me, and You are ar-Rahim, al-Raham.
Quran 021.084 So We answered his call, and We removed the adversary from him. And We gave him his family and the like thereof, as a mercy from Ourselves and a Reminder for the worshippers.”
If the Adversary, Rabbi Rahim Raham wants Ayub to worship him, good riddance. He is also welcome to Ishmael, Enoch, and Ezekiel. I suppose he can claim As-Sabirin, too, since there was no person by that name or characteristic.
Quran 021.085 “And (remember) Isma’il (Ishmael), and Idris (Enoch) and DhulKifl (Ezekiel), all were from among As-Sabirin (the patient ones).
Quran 021.086 And We admitted them in Our Mercy. Verily, they of the righteous.”
On a roll, the Snake is laying his claim to another dubious soul. The Book of Jonah and the character by that name were not inspired by Yahowah and, thus, are not part of God’s story.
Quran 021.087 “And (remember) Dhan-Nun (Jonah), when he went off in anger, and imagined that We will not punish him! But he cried through the darkness (saying), ‘La ilaha illa anta | no god but you (none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)), Glory be to You. Lo! Verily, I am of al-zalimina | the polytheists, disbelievers and wrong-doers.’
776Quran 021.088 So We answered his call, and delivered him from the distress. And thus We do deliver the believers.”
From one myth to another, the following Zakariya is not the great prophet, Zakaryah but, instead, an errant transliteration of Zacharias, the character Luke contrived to create a fable-ous birth announcement for Jesus and John the Baptist. This known, Satan was playing with fire because Zakaryah means “Remember Yahowah” and Yahowchanan means “Yahowah is Merciful.” Oops.
Quran 021.089 “And (remember) Zakariya (Zacharias), when he cried to his Lord, ‘O My Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors.’
Quran 021.090 “So We answered his call, and We bestowed upon him Yahya (John), and cured his wife (to bear a child) for him. Verily, they used to hasten on to do good deeds, and they used to call on Us with hope and fear, and they were humbly submissive to Us.”
This must be a trip down faltering memory lane for Satan. After acknowledging that he was the Adversary among the devils and demons guarding Solomon, he claimed that Job, Ishmael, Enoch, Ezekiel, and Jonah worshiped him in addition to the myths of Zacharias and John the Baptist. What’s next, claiming the mythical misnomers Jesus and Mary, too?
Quran 021.091 “And (remember) she who guarded her chastity (Virgin Maryam (Mary)), We breathed into (the sleeves of) her (shirt or garment) of Our Ruh | Spirit, and We made her and her son (‘Iesa (Jesus)) a sign for al-‘alamin | the Worlds (of the mankind and jinns).”
It is telling that Satan acknowledges that “We breathed into her (the Virgin Mary) our Ruh | Spirit (from the Hebrew ruwach) and We made her and her son a sign.” Since Yahowah has nothing to say about Mary or Jesus, and has nothing to do with either, it’s remarkable to see Satan admit to his involvement in the conception of Christianity. He would wield it very effectively against God’s people.
Long story short…
777Quran 021.092 “Truly! This, your Ummatan | Community, your Religion (Islamic Monotheism) is one Ummatan | Religion and Community, and I am your Lord, therefore worship Me.”
I appreciate Satan confirming what I surmised moments ago about his role in and use of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Add a pinch of stupidity and a dash of sadism, a little hocus pocus – and Satan becomes God, and Jews die.
Quran 021.093 “But they have cut off their affair among themselves (they have broken up and differed as regards their religion among themselves). All to Us return.”
According to Satan, the Abrahamic religions were once one. We don’t know when that was because they were never united and typically foes but, nonetheless, Allah assures us that it was true.
Should you believe the unbelievable, should you believe that Allah is God, and should you be a good-deed doer and, thus, jihadist, your god is recording your every move…
Quran 021.094 “So whoever does good deeds while he is a believer (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism), his efforts will not be rejected. Verily! We are Recorders.”
Be forewarned that there is a ban on every city and community Allah destroyed. And as soon as we find one, we’ll let you know if you are under the prohibition. But no matter, when the mythical Gog and Magog are unleashed, swarming out of the dark recesses of Ezekiel’s mind, then it will be Resurrection Day and the Day of Doom…
Quran 021.095 “And a ban, a prohibition, on every town, city, or community which We have destroyed that they will not return,
Quran 021.096 Until, when Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog) are let loose (from their barrier), and they swiftly swarm from every mound, from every elevation, descending,
Quran 021.097 And has approached the promise true (Day of Resurrection and Doom). Then (when mankind is resurrected from their graves), lo, verily, the eyes of the disbelievers fixedly stare in 778horror. ‘Woe to us! Lo! Verily, we had been heedless of this. Nay, we were zalimun | polytheists, disbelievers, and wrong-doers.’
Quran 021.098 Certainly! You (disbelievers) and that which you are worshipping besides al-Lahi, are the firewood for Hell! You, to it, will come.
Quran 021.099 If these were aliha | gods, they would not have come to it (Hell). And all of them therein will abide forever.
Quran 021.100 For them, therein, breathing out with deep sighs and roaring. And, therein, they will not hear.”
A surah is not complete without roasting some infidels. Therefore, Allah was able to add some torments so that he could keep stoking Hell’s fires. And who isn’t entertained by the “Woe to us” dialog amongst the losers?
So now, let’s see if Allah can incorporate a few more incoherent diatribes into his religion and continue to undermine his credibility.
Quran 021.101 “Verily those has gone forth for them from Us the good. Those from it will be removed far.
Quran 021.102 “Not they will hear slightest sound of it. And they in what their souls desire will abide forever.
Quran 021.103 Not will grieve them the greatest terror. And the angels will meet them. This, your Day which you were promised.
Quran 021.104 Day We will roll up and fold the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books, as We began the first creation. We will repeat it, a promise binding upon Us. Lo, We are the Doers.”
Therefore, should anyone wonder why there has been no Quran, it is because Allah is waiting to roll it up as a scroll for the books of doom. It will be creation day all over again – just as there have been 50 variant creative accounts thus far within these recitals.
Quran 021.105 “And verily We have written in al-Zabur | the written Book (i.e. the Psalms and all the revealed Holy Books the Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), the Quran) from after the mention that My righteous slaves shall inherit the land.
779Quran 021.106 Verily, in this (the Quran) there is surely a Message for people who worship.
Quran 021.107 And We have not sent you but as a mercy for the ‘Alamin | Worlds (of mankind and jinns).”
Perhaps that’s the problem. With all of the writing, with the Torah and New Testament, the Pen ran out of ink or just wore out before the Quran was ready for print. And what is the rush anyway, since good slaves wait for their Master’s instructions? What are they going to do, die?
Quran 021.108 “Say, ‘It is only revealed to me that your Ilah | God one. So, will you submit?’”
The answer is, “No.” However, wouldn’t it have been better if Allah had said nothing more than “your God (is) one?” He could have dispensed with all of the lies and with all of the tormenting punishments.
Quran 021.109 “But if they turn away (from Islamic Monotheism) say, ‘I give you a notice (of war as) to be known to us all alike. And I know not whether that which you are promised is near or far.’
Quran 021.110 Lo! Verily, He knows that which is spoken aloud and that which you conceal.
Quran 021.111 And I know not, perhaps it may be a trial for you, and an enjoyment for a while.
Quran 021.112 He said, ‘Rabbi | My Lord! Judge in truth! And our Lord, al-Rahman, the One Whose Help is sought against that which you attribute.”
How appropriate. A surah devoted to associating men and myths of the Towrah and Bible closes by saying that the Rabbi is opposed to anything being attributed to him.
780The last hurrah in the city of Islam’s birth and demise was the 46th surah. Let’s see how the non-prophet and his un-god said goodbye to their former friends and family as they headed out over Al-Ahqaf | the Dunes to greener pastures.
Quran 046.001 “Ha-Mim. (Only Allah knows their meaning)
Quran 046.002 Revelation the Book from al-Lahi, All-Mighty, All-Wise.”
I beg to differ. They are Hebrew letters. No book has been revealed. And al-Lahi is impotent and ignorant. Corrections made, it’s time for another rendition of…
Quran 046.003 “We have not created the heavens and the earth and what between both of them, except in truth and a term appointed. But those who disbelieve from what they are warned turn away.”
Taking credit for what others have written and passing it off as one’s own is known as plagiarism. It is fraud when done in academia. And it is damning when done to the word of God. And in this case, al-Lahi is pretending that he created what Yahowah brought into existence.
And no big surprise because we have heard it hundreds of times, but the reason that almost everyone turned away and rejected these claims is that they were obviously false. Repeating lies does not make them true.
Quran 046.004 “Say, ‘Do you see what you call from besides al-Lahi. Show me what have they created of the earth? Or have they a share in the heavens? Bring me a Book from before this, or some trace of knowledge, if you are truthful.”
Isn’t that special? The wannabe god who, unlike Yahowah, never made a personal appearance, who claimed to have ruined many things, but cannot demonstrate that he created anything, and who could never produce a book, asks for one. And yet, he’s the same huckster who, in the previous surah, falsely claimed to have written those attributed to others. The Prince of Lies and the Lord of Ignorance 781demands some knowledge. Frankly, I don’t think it would help.
Quran 046.005 “And who (is) more astray than who calls from besides al-Lahi who will not answer him till Day of Resurrection. And they of their calls unaware.
Quran 046.006 And when are gathered the people, they will be enemies for them. And they will be deniers of their worship.
Quran 046.007 And when are recited to them Our Signs and Verses clear, those who disbelieve say of the truth when it comes to them, ‘This is spellbinding magic and evident sorcery.’
It gets curiouser and curiouser the deeper we descend into the demented mind of the Serpent. If those who are called and whose appearance is requested on the “Day of Resurrection,” which is actually Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah, answer on that day, wouldn’t it make them more responsive than al-Lahi, who never answered anyone? And why would those Satan both claims and disavows, such as ‘Abraham, Moseh, and Dowd, become enemies? After all, if they were Muslims as Satan insists, then they would be part of the same umrah, and if they are enemies of the Lord of Islam, then they would not oppose those who were fellow disbelievers.
The Quran would not have undertaken 400 variations of “the disbelievers rejected our signs and verses” unless almost everyone who heard them directly from Muhammad laughed at them, mocking them and him as we are doing now. That’s embarrassing. They have been auditioning for prophet and god for twelve years and have recited over 90 surahs, and yet there are no believers, no worshipers, and only naysayers.
The simple truth is that there hasn’t been much substance, not a single meaningful insight for living. These surahs could be reduced to a single-page essay if they had removed the things that didn’t belong: plagiarized Hanif poetry, corrupted Talmud stories, Qusayy’s pagan scam, the 782never-ending argument, threats of pain and punishment, mind-numbing repetition, and incomprehensible gibberish.
It is also reassuring to see once again that those who knew Muhammad and his Quran best drew the same conclusion I shared not long ago. This is Satanic.
Quran 046.008 “Or do they say, ‘He has forged it?’ Say, ‘If I fabricated it, still you have no power for me against al-Lahi. Anything, He knows best of what you utter (so glibly) concerning it! Sufficient is He a witness between me and between you!’ And He, the Oft-Forgiving al-Rahim.”
A forgery is a deliberate fraud committed by creating the pretense that something is authentic and valid when it is worthless. The Quran is a crappy counterfeit.
I cannot imagine Yahowah telling Moseh, Dowd, or Yasha’yah to say, “Even if I have fabricated it, you have no influence over me.” There was never any question that what they were writing was true because their witness was consistent with the others inspired by Yahowah and they all included prophecy to prove their validity. They were credible and so was their God.
Further, this Snake wasn’t a witness to much of anything. And even when he was present, he couldn’t be trusted.
But occasionally we find a morsel of truth:
Quran 046.009 “Say: ‘I am no bringer of new-fangled doctrine among the messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I follow but that which is revealed to me by inspiration; I am but a Warner open and clear.’”
That was from Yusuf Ali. And while I’m partial to the rendering, a more literal translation would read…
Quran 046.009 “Say: ‘I am not new among the messengers. And I do not know what will be done with me nor with you. I do not follow but what is revealed to me. And I am not but a plain warner.’
783Apart from their warped depictions of heaven and hell, the non-prophet and his un-god were copiers and plagiarizers, not inventors. So there was little new and a lot warped. The Quran is an amalgamation of twisted Towrah narratives and fables.
The next line was also true: “...nor do I know what will be done with me or with you.” As was this next one, but not in the way Muhammad intended: “I follow that which is inspired in me; I am but a Warner.” There was no question that Muhammad was inspired, but so were Paul and Akiba. Hadrian and Hitler would say the same of themselves.
Quran 046.010 “Say, ‘Do you see, if it is from al-Lahi, and you reject it and disbelieve it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel testifies to its similarity, the like thereof (of Allah’s Qur’an with earlier Taurat | Torah), then he believed while you are arrogant and spurn it. Lo! Al-Laha does not guide the polytheists and disbelievers.’”
This “proof” was so myopic, so thin, the argument being postured here is that there was allegedly one Jew, who was unnamed in the Quran but called by the dubious name, Abdullah (Slave to Allah) bin Salam, in the Hadith, who claimed something he heard was similar. That is akin to saying that Jane Goodall’s The Chimpanzees of Gombe was similar to Dick and Jane because they share a similar name. While the message of the Towrah is the antithesis of that found in the Quran, ‘Abraham is featured in one and Ibrahim in the other, so they must be similar. If that is the best al-Lahi can do, then he’s got nothing.
The Never-Ending Argument marched on…
Quran 046.011 “And the disbelievers say to the believers, ‘If it had been good, they would not have gone to it before us!’ And when they are not guided by it, they say, ‘This is an ancient falsehood, an old lie!’”
Three things can be deduced from this. First, as a town renowned for its religious shrines, they had heard it all and 784this was nothing new. Religions are almost always cobbled together out of old ones – which is the case with Islam.
Second, if the message were worthy, the messenger wouldn’t be a hypocrite or psychopath, threatening them or ignoring what he preached. If the religion had substance, why did Muhammad capitulate to the Quraysh Bargain? Why did he indulge in the Satanic Verses? Why did he hallucinate the Night’s Journey?”
And third, prior to being compelled into Islam under the penalty of death, almost everyone rejected the religion. It had nothing of value to offer and took everything.
Having no credibility on their own, the un-god and his non-prophet were in a rut and continually tried to steal it from Yahowah and His Towrah. It was pathetic. It was dishonest. But such is the nature of this Snake.
Quran 046.012 “And before this was the Scripture Book of Musa as a guide and a mercy. And this Book confirming Arabic tongue to warn the polytheists and disbelievers and as glad tidings to the do-gooders.”
This is one of Allah’s most suicidal lines. The Towrah is Yahowah’s, as are the Prophets and Psalms. YHWH appears over 1,800 times in the Towrah alone, with 600 of those occurrences in Moseh’s voice. And in this very same Towrah, YaHoWaH unambiguously states that YaHoWaH is His one and only name.
God’s actual name was written on a lead tablet found on Mount Ebal scribed at the conclusion of the Exodus in 1400 BCE. It is etched in stones unearthed throughout the region dating back to the 9th century BCE. Yahowah is the only name ascribed to God throughout the thousands of scrolls and fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls, with many dating to the 3rd century BCE.
In addition to the 7,000 mentions of Yah and Yahowah in the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr, Yah and Yahuw are 785incorporated into more than 150 other names as a suffix, such as Yasha’yah | Isaiah, Yirma’yah | Jerimiah, Zakaryah | Zechariah, ‘ElYah | Elijah, Mowryah | Moriah, and more than 30 additional names as a prefix, such as Yahowsha’ | Joshua and Yahowchanan | Jonathan.
A person has to be willfully ignorant and hopelessly irrational to believe that the Rabbi, Rahman, al-Lahu, al-Lahi, or even Allah is the God of the Towrah when ALL evidence is to the contrary. And since this claim is not true, Allah is not God, the Quran is invalid, Muhammad was not a prophet, and Islam was based upon a lie. That being the case, it would be rational for Muslims to stop terrorizing themselves and others over their fictitious claims.
In every way and every word, the Towrah and Quran are opposites. Freewill vs. predestination. Emancipation vs. slavery. Relationship vs. religion. A Father vs. a Lord. Standing vs. prostrating. Knowing vs. believing. Instructions vs. demands. Encouragement vs. threats. Love vs. fear. Consistent vs. contradictory. Original vs. plagiarized. Written vs. recited. Coherent vs. incomprehensible. Hebrew vs. Arabic. Listen vs. say. Truthful vs. inaccurate. The Covenant vs. Jihad. Souls vs. bodies. A Spiritual Heaven vs. a decadent brothel. Separation in She’owl vs. burning in hell. Many prophets vs. no prophet. A capable and competent God vs. an impotent and inarticulate Snake. Yisra’el vs. Arabia. Yahuwdym vs. Arabs. Moseh vs. Muhammad. The Towrah vs. the Quran. Yahowah vs. Allah. The Day of Reconciliations vs. the Day of Doom. Your choice. But it is one or the other because they are opposites and lead in opposing directions.
For those who may be unfamiliar with Yahowah’s Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr | Teaching, Prophecy, and Lyrics, I would invite you to read the 20 volumes comprising An Introduction to God, Yada Yahowah, Observations, and Coming Home.
786Quran 046.013 “Lo! Verily, those who say, ‘Rabbuna | Our Lord al-Lahu,’ then remain firm, then on them no fear and they will not grieve.
Quran 046.014 Those, paradise companions, abiding forever therein, a reward for what they used to do.”
However, the previous surah said that the Lord was Ar-Rahman, and that fearing him was required for admittance. Now there is “no fear,” and the magic words are “Our Lord is al-Lahu.” Which one, if either, is true?
With Yahowah and His Towrah, it’s not what we “used to do” that matters. Just the opposite, it’s about not being religious or political, and then becoming right regarding God. The means to Heaven is predicated upon our acceptance of what Yahowah and Dowd did for us during the Miqra’ey of Chag Matsah, not what we do for them.
It’s time for a celebration. It took a while to find one, but the next verse, apart from being commanded, the notion that a man reaches his full strength at 21 months, and calls upon one’s Lord while surrendering in Islam, is reasonably positive.
Quran 046.015 “We have enjoined and commanded man kindness to his parents: With reluctance did his mother bear him, and in reluctance did she give him birth. The bearing of and his weaning is thirty months until he attains full maturity and strength.
And reaching forty years, he says, ‘Rabbi | My Lord! Grant me power that I may be grateful for Your favor which You favored upon me and upon my parents, that I may do deeds acceptable to You. And make good for me among my seed. Lo! Verily, I turn to You and I, indeed, surrender in Islam.’”
Kindness, which is an aspect of love, cannot be commanded. It requires freewill to be genuine or meaningful. A baby does not become a man at full physical strength until his early twenties, and that would be years not months. And a male does not reach mental maturity and exhibit good judgment until his frontal lobe fully develops 787at thirty years of age. And apart from those who chose abortions, mothers are seldom reluctant to give birth, and most find raising their child rewarding.
The reason that Yahowah eschews the title of Lord and ascribes it to false gods (ba’alym) and Satan (Ba’al | Lord) is because it is contrary to His nature as a Father, and it conflicts with His role as head of the Covenant Family. Fathers lift up their children, while Lords require prostrations.
Those who embrace being part of the Beryth | Covenant Family do not seek power for its sake. That is the prerogative of lords and tyrants. We do not ask Yahowah to make our children seek good because guiding them to be right is our responsibility.
Among the most significant differences between Yahowah and Allah is that God is the great emancipator, while the Adversary demands submission. That was and remains the purpose of the Towrah, Beryth, Yatsa’, and Miqra’ey.
Quran 046.016 “Those the ones We will accept the best of what they did and We will overlook from their evil deeds. Companions Paradise, a true promise which they were promised.”
By contrast, Yahowah does not accept us based on what we have done but, instead, based on what He has done for us. God does not overlook our “evil deeds” either. By fulfilling Matsah, Dowd took the guilt of every Covenant member with him into She’owl and left it there, never to be associated with us again. There is, therefore, nothing to overlook, since there is nothing concerning to see.
The promise of a liar isn’t worth the breath required to propose it. And the voice of the Quran is a habitual liar. And one of the most expedient tests in that regard is the propensity for contradiction. Remember the 15th verse? Well, this is the antithesis of it…
788Quran 046.017 “But he who says to his parents, ‘Uff | Fie upon (phooey with) you both of you! Do you hold out the promise to me that I will be brought forth and raised up (again) when generations before me have already passed away (without rising)’ while they both (father and mother?) invoke al-Laha for help (and rebuke their son)? ‘Woe to (and pity) you! Believe! Lo! Verily, (the) Promise (of) al-Lahi (is) true.’ But he says: ‘This (is) nothing but fables and tales (of) the former (primitive people).’
Quran 046.018 Those (are) the ones (it) proved true against them the word (of torment) among nations and generations already passed away before them of the jinns (demons and devils) and the men. Lo! Verily, they are losers.
Quran 046.019 And for all, (there are) degrees for what they did so that He may repay them in full for their deeds. And they will not be wronged.”
To Hell with parents, especially the Uffers. Phooey on both of them for holding out on the idiocy and impossibility of bodily resurrecting 100 billion bodies from prior generations. The al-Lahu invokers must be revoked post haste and lo verily for this pitiful crime.
Moreover, just because al-Lahu has stolen his stories from the Towrah and blended them with fabulous fables does not give anyone the right to say such a thing. This is a truth-free zone of denial. And don’t you forget it or there will be a painful punishment.
The word is out, and it is so caustic that the jinns, who, as demons, would be immortal, are dying. And verily, men are the losers.
But there is a silver lining and glad tidings because the parental roastees will not be wronged. Hell for them will be a righteous experience.
So happy trails, mom and dad; it’s off to the hell-fires…
Quran 046.020 “And (the) Day will be exposed (to) those who disbelieved. To the Fire. You squandered and exhausted your good things in your life (of) the world and you took your pleasures therein. 789So today, you will be rewarded with a humiliating penalty and painful torment because you were arrogant in the earth without right and because you were defiantly disobedient.”
So there we have it right from the Snake’s mouth. Disbelievers burn. And do not enjoy your life because those who do will be rewarded with a humiliating and painful punishment. You will be a miserable Muslim because, unlike Allah and Muhammad, you are a pitiful slave and have no right to be cocky. So fie on you!
To prove Allah ranked number one in people pummeled, the viperous voice of the recital reminds us of his dealings with the mythical Ad…
Quran 046.021 “And make mention of (Hud) the brother of (the tribe of) Ad when he warned his people in al-Ahqaf | the Winding Wind-Curved Sand Dunes. The warners had already passed away before and from after him. That not you worship except al-Laha. Lo! Verily, I, myself, fear for you the Penalty of Doom – a Great Day of Punishment.”
If they had existed, and if they lived among the sun-scorched winding wind-curved sand dunes of arid Arabia, the Snake would have felt all warm and cozy. But alas, al-Laha doesn’t like company, so he torched them. Nonetheless, even if deprived of a warner, and previously destroyed by the Lord of Tempests, lo, verily, worship al-Laha as he invites you to participate in the Great Day of Punishment. Be glad, it’s for your entertainment.
Transitioning from punishments to arguments:
Quran 046.022 “They [the burnt parents, the dearly departed warners, the sand dunes, or the roasting Ad] said, ‘If you have come in order to turn us away from our gods then bring upon us what (calamity) you threaten if you are telling the truth.’”
It is the Chicken Little Syndrome. By continually threatening and never delivering, the warner becomes a laughingstock. And so, if Muhammad’s former friends and family had their fill of this, what is to be said of Muslims 70 790generations later when the sky still hasn’t fallen? Maybe, just perhaps, the Snake was not telling the truth?
If only al-Lahi knows, why bother with the Quran?
Quran 046.023 “He [the brother or Muhammad] said, ‘The knowledge (of when it will come) is only with al-Lahi. And I convey to you what I am sent with it but I see an ignorant people!’”
Finally, we agree on something. I see ignorant people too – some two billion Muslims supported by another billion Progressives. And they remain clueless as to what is about to transpire.
Representing an impotent deity must have been as grating as the windblown sand. All Muhammad could do was threaten:
Quran 046.024 “Then, when they [they who: the roasted parents, the past warners, the winding sand dunes, the mythical Ad, or the undisclosed Quraysh] saw the (penalty in the shape of) a cloud advancing their valleys, they said, ‘This is a cloud bringing us rain!’
Nay, it’s what (calamity) you were asking to be hastened – a wind (is) in it (as) a painful and tormenting punishment,
Quran 046.025 Destroying all things by (the) command (of) its Lord [would that be Solomon or al-Lahi?]. Then they became not seen except (the ruins of) their houses! Thus (do) We reward the disbelievers.’”
While the words are muddled, the message is clear: Allah was a terrorist preying on civilians (well, mythical ones anyway). So the moral of the story is either: 1) duck when you see a cloud. 2) Allah is a blowhard. 3) Allah is the Best of Punishers. 4) The Lord is destructive. 5) Nothing is seen except what could have been seen if it occurred and could be seen. 6) This has been a rewarding experience for ignorant people.
791Blending the Never-Ending Argument, Sign Denial, Hearing, Vision, and Heart Deprived, with Ridicule, incomprehensibly said the Serpent in his special soliloquy…
Quran 046.026 “And certainly, We had established them in what We have not established you in it. And We made for them hearing and vision and hearts. But (it did) no avail them their hearing, and not their vision, and not their hearts, at all when they were rejecting (the) Signs, Proofs, and Verses of al-Lahi. And enveloped them what they used to at it ridicule.”
Allah just said that, unlike the Ad, he made the Quraysh blind, deaf, and dumb (heartless anyway). Muhammad, incidentally, was Quraysh.
Quran 046.027 “And certainly, We destroyed what cities, towns, and villages surround you. And we had diversified the signs that they may turn back.”
At times like these, diversification is wise, but since this is the same sadistic sign, where is “We’s” expanded portfolio of proof statements?
Quran 046.028 “Why then (did) not help them those gods as a way of approach they had taken besides al-Lahi? Nay, they were lost from them. And that (was) their falsehood, and what they used to invent.”
The Snake has a posse, too, and it is comprised of fellow demons. His brood of vipers was rallied to save the day. Therefore, we can be assured that the Quran is from Allah because of this devilish endorsement…
Quran 046.029 “And when We directed to you, turning and sending a nafran | party of three to ten individuals of jinns (demons and devils) who listened to the Quran, when they arrived and stood in its presence, attending to it, they said, ‘Give ear and listen.’ When it was over, they came back to their people (as) warners.
Quran 046.030 They said, ‘O our people, lo, verily, we have listened to a Book which has come down after Musa | Moseh, confirming what (was) before it, guiding to the truth and a straight path, the right road.
792Quran 046.031 O our people, harken to and respond, accepting al-Lahi’s summoner, and believe in him. He will forgive you of your sins and will protect you from a painful torment.’”
When it comes to self-inflicted words, no one is more adept than this cross-eyed snake. Too bad he is immune to his own venom.
My apologies. It appears that I interrupted the Party of Jinn addressing “o my people” after listening to the Quran recital. It appears that they continued…
Quran 046.032 “‘And whoever does not respond to the summoner of al-Lahi, then he cannot escape in the earth. And not for him besides Him protectors. Those in clear error.
Quran 046.033 Don’t they see that al-Laha (is) the One Who created the heavens and earth and (was) not tired with their creation, (is) able to give life (to) the dead? Yea, lo, verily, He on every thing All-Powerful.’”
Clever. If anyone is going to know that burrowing in the earth is an ineffective stratagem for illuding snakes, it would be a brood of vipers. But ever curious, how does one go about seeing an invisible wannabe god creating the heavens and earth without traveling back in time five to fourteen billion years?
Speaking one devil to another, the nafran | party of Jinn boasted “Our god is better than your god because our god didn’t need to rest on the seventh day.” Yet how can al-Lahi be better than Yahweh if they are supposed to be the same?
Predictably, the farewell address ends focused on doom:
Quran 046.034 “And (the) Day those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire, they will say, ‘Is not this the truth?’ ‘Yes, by our Lord,’ He will say. Then taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve.
Quran 046.035 So, be patient, as those of determination had patience of the Messengers. Seek not to hasten their doom. On that day they will see the (punishment) they are promised.”
793The only thing more compelling than the stench of roasted flesh is the snappy banter.
Thus far, we have considered citations from 90 of the Quran’s 114 surahs. And congratulations are in order because 66 of them you have now reviewed in their entirety, including every surah recited down during the first five years and last two years of Islam’s inception in Petra.
The few early surahs we passed over can be summarized as follows: the stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Moses, Pharaoh, Jesus, and Mary are twisted, told, and retold. Sordid tales of Joshua, Jacob, Joseph, and Jonah are added to the mix with a surah named after Jonah and another dedicated entirely to Joseph. The Yisra’elite Kings Saul, David, and Solomon are shown cavorting with devils in stories shamelessly plagiarized from the Talmud.
These crude recastings play into the un-god’s and non-prophet’s agenda, and they are as transparent as they are obnoxious. But this pales in comparison to the Never-Ending Argument and the dreadful tales of Pain and Punishment. Moral trappings are rare and nonexistent apart from those stolen from Moses, Qusayy, and Zayd.
Now that we’ve closed the book on Islam’s birthplace, how do you suppose this bastion of prophetic piety responded to the demise of his wife and uncle, his benefactor and his protector, and then the debacles of the Pagan Bribe, Satanic Admission, and Nightly Escapades? To begin, even before the body of his seventy-year-old wife, Khadija, was cold, the fifty-year-old pervert jumped in bed with Aisha, a six-year-old child. Pedophilia notwithstanding, the aging religious swindler tried polygamy next. He married Sawda, 794an emigrant from Abyssinia, on his way out of town. His behavior toward Abu Talib was equally callous.
Ishaq:191 “Abu Jahl with sundry other notables went to Talib and said, ‘We acknowledge your rank, but now that you are near death we are deeply concerned. You know the trouble that exists between us and your nephew, so call him and let us make an agreement that he will leave us alone and we will leave him alone.’
The Messenger arrived and Abu Jahl said, ‘Nephew, these noble men have come to give you something and gain something in return.’ Muhammad said, ‘Can you give me words by which you can rule the Arabs and subject the Persians to you?’
‘How about ten words,’ Abu Jahl said [knowing the drill]. Muhammad replied, ‘You must say, “There is no ilah but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.”’ They clapped their hands and said, ‘Do you want to make all the Ilahs into one Ilah, Muhammad? That would be an extraordinary thing.’”
Muhammad’s Islam was always about Self-Justification as he traveled down Self-Gratifying Lane. But what were the little people who helped him along the way?
Ishaq:192 “‘If you say those words uncle Abu Talib, then I shall be able to intercede for you on Resurrection Day.’ Abu Talib didn’t and died. His brother, Abbas, claimed that on his deathbed he moved his lips. So Abbas came running to Muhammad and said, ‘Nephew, my brother has spoken the words you gave him to say.’ The Apostle replied, ‘I did not hear them.’”
To hell with kin. Muhammad was not into family or sharing.
Bukhari:V5B58N222 “A Muslim said to the Prophet, ‘You were not of any help to your uncle Abu Talib even though he used to protect you.’ The Prophet said, ‘He is in a shallow fire, and had It not been for me, he would have been in the bottom of the Hell Fire.’”
Satan picked the perfect person to represent him – a fellow narcissist and psychopath. Having worn out his welcome, Muhammad was ready to move on. When last we saw him, he had dressed his stepson in his pajamas and was sprinkling magic dust on his enemies’ heads.
795Tabari VI:144 “Some assert that Bakr came to Ali and asked him about the prophet. He told him that he had gone to the cave of Thawr…in the darkness of night. The Prophet heard Bakr coming and thought he was one of the polytheists. He increased his pace and his sandal strap snapped. He skinned his big toe on a stone. It bled profusely. Bakr was afraid that he would scare Muhammad, so he spoke to him before they reached the cave at dawn and went inside.”
Meanwhile, back in Petra, the locals “scolded Ali and beat him,” proving that Allah was powerless and Muhammad wasn’t a prophet.
Tabari VI:144 “They took him to the mosque and imprisoned him for a while. About this Allah revealed, ‘And when the unbelievers plot against you to kill you or drive you out, they plot, but Allah plots too, and Allah is the best plotter.’”
The Arabic word for “plotter” could just as easily have been translated as “schemer.” The scheming non-prophet had found the perfect un-god.
In the next Hadith depicting the Mockee’s Migration, we read that Bakr and Muhammad set off together rather than separately. And while that is a contradiction, it’s not the most disturbing part of the Tradition. Abu Bakr’s son, born years after Allah anointed his messenger, was named Abd al-Rahman.
Aisha recalls the prophet’s paranoia…
Ishaq:223 “Muhammad never failed to come by our house every day at the two ends of the day… Once he came during the heat of the day so we knew that it was because of something special. When he came in dad rose from his bed, and the Messenger sat down. Muhammad said, ‘Send out those who are with you.’ My father said, ‘Prophet, these are my daughters; they can do you no harm, may my father and mother be your ransom.’”
Tabari VI:147 “According to what I have been told the Messenger is said to have informed Ali that he was leaving and to have commanded him to stay behind to hand back those things which people had entrusted to his custody. Everyone in Mecca who had any 796possession would deposit it with Muhammad because they knew of his honesty.”
That squares nicely with the demon-possessed, lying sorcerer, and forgerer complaint repeated incessantly throughout the Quran.
Ishaq:223 “When the Messenger decided upon departure, he went to Bakr and the two of them left by a window in the back of Abu’s house and went to a cave in Thawr, a mountain below Mecca.”
This time there was no plot, no multinational alliance, no swordsmen lurking outside Muhammad’s house, no warning from Gabriel, no pajamas or Ali in bed, no fairy dust, no blind men, no stubbed toe, and no recital handed down commemorating the great escape. As such, it seems that Islam is the only religion in which no one, from the un-god to the non-prophet, can tell the truth.
Somewhere in this conglomeration of pathetic plagiarism, mindless repetition, odious schemes, obnoxious arguments, perverted promises, and demented threats, I had hoped to find a glimmer of original inspiration so I could provide some semblance of balance. But there is none. Islam a miscarriage of a religion – born dead. But there was, indeed, a resurrection, as the failed faith rose from the ashes as a Terrorist’s Manifesto in Yathrib. The ritualistic trappings that survived the desert crossing were simply used to manipulate future subjects.
It was a stout walk of some 500 miles, during which everything changed. Ar-Rahman became an attribute and Allah became a god. And what a god he was – ever ready to condone whatever suited his non-prophet’s personal agenda, whether that be terrorism, armed robbery, assassinations, genocides, rapes, polygamy, pedophilia, lying, racism, or human trafficking. The war of words became a clash of swords. The Quraysh would be plundered, subjugated, and murdered, but that was child’s play compared to the fate of 797the Jews. They went from allies to enemies faster than you can say, “Behead them!”
While the score following twelve years of wrangling ended Islam 20 and Disbelievers 4,980, the game wasn’t over. In fact, the battle was just beginning.
Tabari VI:157 Under the banner, “Institution of the Islamic Era” we find: “It is said that when Allah’s Messenger came to Medina [September 622 CE] he ordered the establishment of a new era. They used to reckon time by the number of months after Muhammad’s arrival.”
As with all things Islam, the statement attributed to Muhammad wasn’t true, but it demonstrated a crucial mindset. It was actually Umar, the second Caliph, who ordered the institution of the Islamic calendar. He established Muhammad’s Hijrah, or migration, to Medina in the first year of the Islamic Era. From the Muslim perspective, it was no longer 622 CE. They were commemorating the year violent Islam was born – AH 1.
They knew what we know: the religion of Qusayy died around the Ka’aba. A tyrannical and militant doctrine took its place. The first Medina surah abrogated almost everything proclaimed during Islam’s faded “religious” period. This was a new day, Resurrection Day, the beginning of terrorist Islam – the doctrine of submission.
Some things didn’t change, however. Muhammad’s character remained the same, as did his charade of using un-Godly pronouncements to defend his claims. But his behavior did change; so did his commandments. Circumstances enabled the failed prophet to act more belligerently. While the Quraysh remained enemies, the Hanifs joined an ever-growing list of condemned – one that would soon include the members of rival religions and ethnicities – Christians and Jews.
Most of the religious rhetoric and pagan rituals borrowed by Muhammad from Qusayy during his time 798around the Ka’aba continued to be discussed, even with the object of their devotion 500 miles distant. And although the Islamic god changed his name, the revealing spirit remained as dark and demonic as ever.
Muhammad continued to rely on Talmud recitals for inspiration, but rather than using his twisted variations to threaten the Quraysh, situational scriptures were the elixir of terror. Muhammad was about to prove that when it comes to repression, nothing succeeds like the mix of religiosity, money, and weapons. The events that were about to unfold in the Arabian Desert would ultimately cost mankind more than could possibly be imagined.
Tabari VII:1 “The time for the Friday prayer overtook Muhammad while he was in the bed of a wadi. This place was used as a mosque that day. This was the first Friday prayer which the Messenger held in Islam.”
The facts have been altered to fit the agenda. On arriving in Medina, the prophet tried to hoodwink the Jews into joining his gang by claiming that he observed their Sabbath, prayed toward their Temple, and was one of their Prophets. The initiation of the Friday prayer ritual into Islam came as a result of the Jews mocking Muhammad’s bogus allegations. While factually inaccurate, the Hadith remains an insightful depiction of the Muslim mindset.
The isnad upon which this oral tradition is based does not include Abu Bakr, the only man allegedly with Muhammad at the time, so it is as suspect as it is revealing.
Tabari VII:2 “The sermon the Messenger led at the first Friday prayer in the wadi outside Medina began, ‘Praise be to Allah. I praise him, and call on him for help, forgiveness and guidance. I believe in him, do not deny him and I am an enemy of whoever denies him.’”
This established the tone and purpose of Islam. Anyone who didn’t submit became an enemy. And for Muslims who claim that Muhammad was perfect, that doesn’t mesh with asking for forgiveness.
799Tabari VII:2 “I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, without partner, and that Muhammad is his Messenger whom he has sent with guidance after an interval in the appearance of messengers, at a time when knowledge is scarce, men are led astray, time is cut short, the Last Hour is at hand, the End is near.”
It is amazing that Muhammad claimed that Allah had no partners when the overriding theme of the Medina surahs was the establishment of the partnership between Allah and his Apostle. They not only shared everything, including booty from raids, they became coconspirators to be believed in, obeyed, and feared.
You may recall that Muhammad predicted that the Last Hour, the End of the World, the dreaded Day of Doom, would follow the commencement of his union with Allah by five hundred years and, thus, the sky would fall and the mountains would flee in 1110 CE. When Bukhari collected this Hadith in 850 CE, and when Tabari built it into his history in 900, it still loomed on the horizon, unfulfilled and thus inerrant.
There was, however, some truth in the opening stanza of Muhammad’s first sermon. Knowledge was scarce – especially when it came to his prognostications and revelations. In this vacuum, his ignorance was mistaken for divine inspiration. “Whoever obeys Allah and his Prophet has been rightly guided.” Two words say it all: “obey” and “and.” The partnership has been formed between Allah and Muhammad and we have been put on notice that the stated purpose is to obey them. And since Allah never revealed himself apart from Muhammad, the “and” was redundant.
Tabari VII:3 “Whoever disobeys them has erred, been remiss, and gone far astray. I recommend to you the fear of Allah, for the best thing which a Muslim can enjoin upon a Muslim is that he should be…commanded to fear Allah.”
The prophet has revealed the implement of submission – fear. Remember, the Quran said…
800Quran 087.010 “He who fears will obey.” In ten sentences Muhammad encourages “fear” ten times. From Muhammad to Hitler, from Stalin to Saddam, fear is how tyrants govern.
Tabari VII:3 “Beware of what Allah has warned you concerning himself. The fear of Allah, for whoever acts according to it in fear and dread of his Lord is a trusty aid to what you desire.”
Muslims fear their un-god because their Rabbi was a demonic plotter, lurking in hell, dragging men he had deceived to their doom, tormenting them in his raging fire.
Tabari VII:3 “Allah says, ‘The sentence that comes from me cannot be changed. I am in no wise a tyrant unto the slaves.’ The fear of Allah will ward off Allah’s hatred, retribution, and wrath.”
In Islam, infidels have been predestined to a pronouncement of guilt, the hellish sentence comes from the un-god, and it cannot be appealed. This diabolical thought is followed by:
Tabari VII:3 “Be enemies of Allah’s enemies and strive in Allah’s Cause (Jihad) in the way to which He is entitled. He has chosen you and named you Muslims.”
The notion that god has enemies remains essential to the growth of Islam. But it’s the innocuous line: “He has chosen you and named you Muslims,” that’s far more revealing. With Yahowah, men and women are given the opportunity to choose to be with God. In Islam, the dark spirit chooses.
Tabari VII:4 “There is no power but with Allah. Allah pronounces judgment upon men, and because Allah rules men they do not rule him.”
The sword swung by Muslims must have been a mirage or Allah himself was wielding it. The last line of Muhammad’s sermon makes no sense if Allah is god. Yet it makes perfect sense if Muhammad is the voice of a Snake poised to kill all those who don’t believe he is God.
Tabari VII:4 “The Messenger mounted his she-camel and let her reins hang loose. The inhabitants of every settlement of the Ansar (the 801Muslims of Yathrib, called Helpers) which she went past invited him to stay with them, saying, ‘Come Messenger to a settlement which has many defenders, is well-provisioned, and impregnable.’”
Although not on the same scale, the Ansar, following the Quraysh, are tempting the prophet…
Ishaq:228 “He would say to them, ‘Let go of her reins, for she is commanded.’ Finally, he reached the present site of his mosque, and his camel knelt down where the door of his mosque is. At that time that place was a drying-floor for dates and belonged to two orphan boys.”
He’s in town five minutes and he’s conned land away from two orphans. The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a scimitar. And did you notice that the first mosque was Muhammad’s, not Allah’s? (Actually, it would be more home, brothel, and politburo than mosque, anyway.)
Ishaq:228 “The Messenger ordered that a mosque should be built there… It is said that Muhammad bought the site of his mosque and then built upon it, but the correct version in our opinion is this: ‘The site of the mosque of the Prophet belonged to two orphans under Naj-jar’s care. It contained palm trees, cultivated land and pre-Islamic graves.
The Messenger said, ‘Ask me a price for it,’ but they said, ‘Our only reward shall be from Allah.’ Muhammad then gave orders concerning the site; the palm trees were cut down, the cultivated land leveled, and the graves were dug up.’”
The preparation for the first Islamic mosque was not without rich symbolism. Islam remains unproductive, the world’s most impoverished doctrine. It wantonly demolishes productive assets. It hypocritically cons the poor out of their only chance for a better life. And Islam was, and continues to be, built upon the backs of dead men.
Muhammad left Petra penniless. He couldn’t have bought the land any more than he could have financed the construction. Even his camel was a gift. But this was the new Muhammad. He knew what so many religious charlatans 802have come to know. Promise the people paradise, and they will give you the world.