207God Damn Religion
…Allah’s Delusions of Grandeur
The Abused Abuser
Seize him, manacle him, chain him and cast him into the blazing fire of hell.
Quran 069.030
Seize him and cast him into the blazing fire.
It must have been hot in Petra, the original Mecca. Tempers were flying. As the hajj season approached, Muhammad became a menace. The merchants knew that if he started babbling his nonsense to the pilgrims, it would detrimentally impact the Ka’aba Inc.’s revenue streams and their pocketbooks. So, at a meeting Muhammad had called to present his claims, Abu Lahab, the prophet’s uncle, said:
Ishaq:118 “‘Muhammad is trying to bewitch you.’ With that the Quraysh got up and left before the Messenger could speak.
The following day they gathered again. This time the Apostle said, ‘Kinsmen, I know of no Arab who has come to his people with a nobler message than mine. I have brought you the best of this world and the next.’”
As Muhammad confessed earlier, the purpose of his religion was to steal the treasures of the Persians and Romans. The message of Islam, he said, was the best of both worlds. Survive, you get booty; if not, you get virgins.
Bukhari:V4B52N46 “I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘Allah guarantees that He will admit the Muslim fighter into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his home safely with rewards and booty.’” Islam is as simple as it is perverse.
Ishaq:118 “‘So which of you will cooperate with me in this matter, my brother, my executor, and my successor being among you?’ The men remained silent. I (Ali), though the youngest, most 208rheumy-eyed, fattest in body and thinnest in legs, said, ‘I will be your helper.’ Muhammad laid his hand on my back and said, ‘He is my successor. Listen to him and obey him.’ The Meccan men got up laughing. They told Abu Talib, ‘He has ordered you to obey your ten-year-old son.’” Okay, so that didn’t go very well.
With no path forward, he did what came naturally. He turned tail and ran away.
Ishaq:118 “When the Apostle’s companions prayed they went to the glens so that their people could not see them. But one day they were rudely interrupted. The Muslims protested and then turned to blows. They smote a polytheist with the jawbone of a camel and wounded him. This was the first blood to be shed in Islam.”
Let it be known that the Islamic Hadith attributes “first blood” to the Muslims, not non-Islamic Arabs. And thereafter, the non-Islamic Arabs turned to words, not swords. In this case, Abu Jahl and other Meccan leaders went to Abu Talib to complain about Muhammad.
Ishaq:119 “Your nephew has cursed our gods [all of them, including Allah], insulted our religion [actually, insulted us by trying to steal our religion], mocked our way of life and accused our forefathers of error.” That was actually their biggest beef. Muhammad had said that their fathers and grandfathers were burning in hell.
Ishaq:119 “Either you stop him or let us get to him. For you, like us, are in opposition to him. He gave them a conciliatory reply. [Which means he agreed with them.] They returned a second time and said, ‘We have asked you to put a stop to your nephew’s activities but you have not done so. By Allah, we cannot endure having our fathers reviled and our customs mocked.’”
Okay, so he wasn’t as dumb as the stones in the rockpile… Ishaq:119 “Muhammad thought that his uncle had the idea of abandoning and betraying him, and that he was going to lose his support.” While his extended family and his neighbors were disgusted by Muhammad and his message, they held Talib in high esteem. Without his support, the non-prophet would have already been run out of town.
209Ishaq conveys the reaction of the Lord’s trepid terrorist: Ishaq:119 “The Apostle broke into tears.” Then, Ishaq:120 “The situation worsened. The quarrel became heated, and the Meccans were sharply divided. Every tribe fell upon the Muslims, seducing them from their religion. But Allah protected his Prophet from them through his uncle.”
As the hajj drew nigh, the Quraysh chiefs held a conference and launched what Muslims called a propaganda campaign against Muhammad.
Ishaq:121 “‘If we say contradictory things about Muhammad, we might lose our credibility [and thus let’s not emulate the Quran]. Therefore, let us agree upon one criticism, which we can all claim without dispute. Some say that we should call Muhammad a deranged soothsayer. But is his the incoherent speech of a madman? [Yes]
Some say he is possessed. But there is no choking, spasmodic movements, or whispering.’ [Actually, this is how Muhammad said that he endured revelations.]
Others said, ‘Then let’s say he is a poet.’ ‘No, he is no poet. We know poetry in its forms.’ [Muhammad’s Quran poetry was identical to that of the Hanif Zayd as you’ll soon discover.]
Then they said: ‘He is a sorcerer.’ ‘No, we have seen sorcerers and their sorcery. With him there is no spitting and no blowing.’ [There are dozens of Hadith depicting Muhammad spitting and blowing to exorcize illness and evil spells.]
‘Then what are we to say, for by Allah, his speech is sweet, his root is deep and his branches are fruitful.’” No revisionist history here. I’m sure Muhammad’s biggest critics said it just that way. But, of course, by trying to impugn Muhammad’s family, friends, and neighbors, they impugned Allah. Every one of these rebukes is found repeated in the Quran.
Those who knew Islam’s non-prophet better than any Muslim today, said: Ishaq:121 “‘The nearest thing to the truth is that he is a sorcerer who has brought a message by which he separates a man from his father, his brother, his wife, children and family.’ They all agreed. Then, according their scheme, the men of Quraysh 210spread the word that ‘this is nothing but ancient sorcery’ among the pilgrims in the hajj season. They warned everyone they met that Muhammad was a possessed sorcerer, stirring up divisions in the families.”
The Quraysh were right. Muhammad wanted to destroy the family unit. He, like Communists today, focused on replacing this societal bond with religious submission to leader and doctrine. And as we shall see, he prevailed – turning brother against brother and son against father, even man against God.
In his Quranic commentary, the irrepressible Sayyid Abul Ala al-Maududi wrote: “One finds that the Quran was not revealed to preach religious tolerance as some people seem to think, but it was revealed in order to separate the Muslims from the disbeliever’s religion, their rites of worship, and their gods, and to express their total disgust.” True that.
A poem alleged to be from Talib dominates the next five pages of Ibn Ishaq’s Sira. The unbelieving pagan infidel speaks reverently of Islamic rituals. Highlights include: Ishaq:123 “By the Black Stone, when they stroke it going round it morning and evening. By Abraham’s standing place, footprint in the rock still fresh. By the running between Marwa and Safa. Every pilgrim riding to Allah’s House.” “By the station of Mina.” “By the great stone heap, aiming at its top with pebbles.”
The poem goes on to speak of fighting, and we’re told that Muhammad’s critics fall in pools of their own blood. Ishaq:124 “For if we are men we will take revenge. And you will suffer the full effects of war.”
Muslims should be troubled that an unbelieving pagan endorsed their rituals. And he was more prophetic than their prophet. Yet that pales in comparison to what Abu Talib said next. Ishaq:126 “Tell Qusayy that our cause will be blazed abroad. Give Qusayy the good news that after us there will be a falling apart among our enemies.” He was correctly crediting Qusayy with being the founder of the cause that will be blazed abroad by 211the sword – Islam. At this point, Muhammad was an inarticulate coward – nothing more.
The next Ishaq Hadith provides an excellent segue back into the Quran. It also affirms that Muhammad’s kin knew this man far better than today’s Islamic apologists and jihadists.
Ishaq:130 “When the Quraysh became distressed by the trouble caused by the Apostle they called him a liar, insulted him, and accused him of being a poet, a sorcerer, a diviner [occult soothsayer], and of being possessed. However, the Apostle continued to proclaim what Allah had ordered him to proclaim. He excited their dislike by condemning their religion, forsaking their idols, and leaving them to their unbelief.” We have considered everything Muhammad claimed he had received thus far from his Lord and it’s nothing short of a demonic diatribe without value or substance.
In the surah entitled, “Al-Kafirun | The Unbelievers & Polytheists,” the Serpent speaks again:
Quran 109.001 “Say: al-kafirun | unbelieving polytheists,
Quran 109.002 I worship not that which you worship,
Quran 109.003 Nor will you worship that which I worship,
Quran 109.004 Nor will I worship that which you worship,
Quran 109.005 Nor will you worship that which I worship,
Quran 109.06 “To you your way, to me my way.”
We have endured mind-numbing repetition between surahs which the countless versions of creation and the Never-Ending Argument, but now in a short six-verse surah, the Snake repeated himself five times.
But at least Satan offered an honest admission. “My way.” That’s all Islam would ever be. It was his religion, his plunder, his women, his power, his legacy. “You shall have your religion and I shall have mine.”
Rocks may elicit worship, as do religious deities, but not 212God. A superior being becomes a pathetic, insecure narcissist by demanding that an inferior being bow to him. The whole concept of religious worship is demeaning and repulsive.
In Mecca, Abu Lahab was a king of sorts. As chief of the Hashim clan, he was heir to the religious scam. He was also Muhammad’s next-door neighbor and uncle. Their mud huts shared a common wall.
Ishaq:131 “Sometimes when Muhammad was performing the prayer [performing, not conversing with his Lord, making Islam was a charade], Abu Lahab would place a goat’s stomach on him. Sometimes when food was being cooked in the courtyard, he and his wife would throw filth at the cooking pot.
The Prophet would say: ‘What kind of neighborliness is it?’ Lahab’s wife had made it a practice to cast thorns at his door at night so that when he came out, they would stick in his feet.”
The 110th surah, called An-Nasr | Help,” al-Lahi promises to improve his non-prophet plight.
Quran 110.001-3 “When comes al-Lahi help and the victory, and you see the people entering into religion of al-Lahi in multitudes, then glorify with praises your Lord and ask His forgiveness. Lo, He is returning.”
The 20th-century Quran expositor, idealogue, and terrorist, Sayyid al-Maududi, explained: “Muhammad’s uncle, Abu Lahab, had character traits that became the basis of this condemnation. To understand this it is necessary to understand Arabian society of that time.” The Islamic tutor goes on to claim: “In ancient days chaos and confusion prevailed; bloodshed and plunder reigned throughout Arabia.” Actually, that was not true. Chaos, bloodshed, and plunder prevailed after Islam, not before. When the truth hurts, Muslims lie – even if they have to condemn Arabs in the process.
Caught in his duplicity, al-Maududi contradicted himself: “One’s clansmen protected his own. It was called silah rehmi: good treatment of the kindred. It was the most highly 213esteemed moral value of Arabian society. Breaking off of connections with the kindred was regarded as a great sin.” If that is true, Muhammad became an egregious sinner, for his doctrine and raids pitted Arab against Arab. Squabbles over money led directly to a murderous civil war.
“In his enmity of Islam, Abu Lahab, broke the peace.” How Lahab’s taunting can be condemned in light of Muhammad’s murderous rage is an enigma.
Muhammad’s motivation for lashing out against Uncle Lahab was that he had what he coveted. While both men were descendants of Abdul Muttalib, the inheritance bypassed the non-prophet and went to Lahab. To add insult to injury, when Muhammad’s father died, the orphaned boy resented the fact that he was neither adopted nor supported by his uncle.
Therefore, Maududi says, “Uncle Lahab was expected to look after the nephew as one of his own children. But this man in his hostility to Islam and love of kufr trampled all the Arab traditions under foot.” Now, now, Mr. Muslim scholar, you’ve got the cart before the camel. And in so doing you’ve missed the entire purpose of Islam.
Let me explain. Abu Lahab didn’t trample on Arab tradition on account of Islam as Muhammad and our esteemed scholar would have you believe. There was no Islam back when the orphan needed help. Further, Muhammad had married money twenty-five years prior to this altercation. While it wasn’t the gravy train of the religious scam, the wannabe prophet hardly needed to be adopted now.
However, “now” is the operative term. Back when Muhammad was an orphaned boy, nobody wanted him – and “nobody” included the man who had it all – his uncle. Because Lahab had rejected the boy, Muhammad was carried off into the desert. His words scream out to us today, telling us that he was abused. Fire and scalding water were 214the instruments of torment, along with insufficient food, requiring him to forage among thorns. The Quran is our witness to those terrible times. Islam is the result.
When the non-prophet-in-wanting returned to the narrow confines of Petra at six, his mother died – a mother who had seen neither hide nor hair of him, a mother who had failed to protect him, a mother who had abandoned him. It is little wonder Muhammad craved female attention; little wonder he married a woman his mother’s age, a woman who could take care of him. And it is little wonder Muhammad treated women as half-human. The plight of Muslim women today remains a haunting echo of his tormented past.
Pent-up rage can be a powerful motivator with enduring consequences. And so it would be. When Muhammad was 50 (or more likely 68 since he was born in the year of the Elephant in 552 CE), he took his best friend’s six-year-old daughter.
He would later tell her, “The things I love most are fragrant smells and beautiful women.” He embraced incest, stealing his adoptive son’s bride. The Quran would claim that his wives were dispensable – that Allah would simply give him a new batch of virgins if they didn’t behave. Then when Muhammad rebuked his child-wife’s criticism for collecting an ever-increasing number of concubines, there was another handy Quranic scripture.
To which Aisha said, “Your Lord surely seems eager to gratify your desires.” (Bukhari:V6B60N311)
After Muhammad’s mother died, Abu Lahab rejected the vulnerable boy a second time. The six-year-old Muhammad was forced into the arms of a slave. Can you imagine the pain, the envy, the rage? His father’s brother was heir to the religious scam of the Hajj, the Ramadan Fair, and the tax. He was Custodian of the Ka’aba. Muhammad had nothing. He cried out to his uncle, begged his uncle to protect him, shelter him, feed him. But no.
215Two more miserable years passed before his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, finally acknowledged the destitute child. But even then, this was disturbing, for Ishaq said that Abdul Muttalib “would make him sit beside him on his bed and would stroke him with his hand. He was extremely fond of him and used to constantly pet him.” (Ishaq:59)
Abdul Muttalib died two years later, and non-prophet-to-be was handed off to Abu Talib, another uncle. Like Abu Lahab, he was his father’s brother. Muhammad was not yet ten years old, and by either death or choice he had been rejected or abandoned by his mother twice, his father, a Bedouin woman, a slave, Uncle Abu Lahab twice, and then by Grandpa Muttalib. Just the suspicion that uncle Talib would reject him brought the 45-year-old man to tears.
Muhammad had a horrible life and a tormented childhood – and he would make his fellow Arabs, particularly women, pay for what happened to him. It’s not hard to see why he was so insecure, why he was filled with rage, why his Quran reflected his animosity, and why Uncle Abu Lahab became the focus of his pain – the one man singled out by name for condemnation. While the con was promoted by Khadija, much of the motivation for Islam can be laid at Abu Lahab’s feet.
In Tabari’s Muhammad in Mecca, I found a Hadith that I have combined with another like it from Ibn Ishaq’s Biography of Muhammad:
Tabari VI:89 “One day the Messenger mounted al-Safa [his favorite she-camel] and called out: ‘If I were to tell you that behind the hill there was an enemy host ready to fall upon you this evening, would you believe me?’ ‘Certainly,’ the Meccans replied. He said, ‘I am a warner in face of terrible doom.’ Abu Lahab responded, ‘If I were to accept your religion, what would I get?’
The Prophet said, ‘You would get what the others will get [which is submission to me and my Lord].’ Abu Lahab said: ‘Is there no preference or distinction for me?’ The Prophet replied: 216‘What do you want?’ Lahab said: ‘May this religion perish in which I and all other people should be equal!’
The Prophet said: ‘Then I warn you that you are heading for a torment.’ Then Allah revealed: ‘The power of Abu Lahab will perish,’ reciting to the end of the verse.”
There was no room for a second Snake or Devil’s Advocate in Islam. Muhammad would not rest until he and his un-god reigned alone.
Before Muhammad’s proclamation of prophethood, he married two of his three daughters to Lahab’s sons, Utbah and Utaibah. It’s odd that a prophet would be so shortsighted as to marry his own flesh to such a repugnant man. But this one was always more profiteer than prophet.
The reason he would have sold his daughters to someone he despised is because Abu Lahab, like Khadija, had money, power, and prestige, things that could be usurped through arranged marriages.
After Muhammad began “inviting” the Petra / Meccans to view him as the Lord’s Messenger, as the real heir to the hajj, Ramadhan Fair, religious tax, and Ka’aba custodianship, Abu Lahab said to both his sons: “I forbid myself seeing and meeting you until you divorce the daughters of Muhammad.” The Messenger was horning in on daddy’s business. So, both divorced their wives. It’s curious that neither the Lord nor his “prophet” were able to foresee or prevent this insult.
Tabari VI:89 “Utaibah became so nasty that he came before the Prophet and said: ‘I repudiate Islam.’ Then he spat at him, but his spital [sic] did not fall on him. The Prophet prayed: ‘O Allah, subject him to the power of a dog from among Your dogs.’”
If the Lord were really the “all-forgiving” deity Muhammad claimed him to be in the moments of duplicity, he wouldn’t condemn his cousin to be eaten by dogs for a little miscast spittle. But if Allah was who Muhammad knew him to be, the Devil symbolized by the Black Stone of the 217Ka’aba, he was something to be cast at those who stood between him and the things he coveted. This Hadith was just part of that story.
According to Abdul Barr: Tabari VI:89 “Afterwards, Utaibah accompanied his father [Abu Lahab] on a journey to Syria. During the trip their caravan halted at a place that, according to local people, was visited by wild beasts at night. Lahab told his companions, the Quraysh: ‘Make full arrangements for the protection of my son, for I fear the curse invoked by Muhammad on him.’ The people made their camels sit around Utaibah and went to sleep. That night a tiger came. It crossed the circle of the camels and devoured Utaibah, tearing him to pieces.”
This is proof Muslims will say anything to make Allah appear like he’s really a god. They resolved his impotence with phony baloney.
Since it is important that we remain objective, the 20th century’s most acclaimed Quran translator and expositor, idealogue and terrorist, Sayyid Abul Ala al-Maududi, wrote the following in his Tafhim-ul-Quran | Towards Understanding the Quran: “Abu Lahab’s wickedness can be judged by the fact that after the death of the Prophet’s son Hadrat Qasim, and the passing of his second son, Hadrat Abdullah, uncle Abu Lahab instead of condoning [consoling?] his nephew in his bereavement, hastened to the Quraysh chiefs to joyfully give them the news that Muhammad had become childless.” How can he be so blinded to Muhammad’s character? More than a decade thereafter, he arranged for his daughters to marry the sons of this supposedly vile man. Why, if Abu Lahab didn’t have something Muhammad coveted?
“Wherever the Prophet went to preach his message of Islam, Abu Lahab followed him and forbade people to listen. ‘I was a boy when I accompanied my father to the face of Dhul-Majaz. I saw the Messenger exhorting, saying: “O people, say: there is no deity but Allah, (say that and) you will attain success.” Following behind him I saw a man, who was telling the people; “This fellow is a liar. He has gone astray from his ancestral faith.”’”
218Hadrat Rabiah tells us, “The Prophet went to the halting place of each tribe and said: ‘O children of so and so, I have been appointed Allah’s Messenger to you. I exhort you to worship only Allah. So, affirm faith in me and join me so that I may fulfill my mission.’ Following close behind was a man saying: ‘Children of so and so, he is leading you astray from Lat and Uzza and inviting you to the religion of error, the religion he has invented. Do not listen to what he says and do not follow him.’ Abu Lahab cast stones until his heels bled. He said, ‘Do not listen to him, he is a liar.’”
And yet, within a few years, the Messenger would venerate Lat and Uzza in the Quran – doing so to accept a bride. Moreover, at this time, Muhammad was speaking on behalf of Raman. Allah hadn’t made his Quranic début.
If those who were closest to Muhammad, his next-door neighbor and uncle, for example, were not convincing enough, the non-prophet condemned himself. “I have been appointed Allah’s Messenger to you. I exhort you to worship only Allah. So, affirm faith in me and join me so that I may fulfill my mission.” As a religious creed, this is sorely wanting. Yet, seen through the eyes of an abused boy seeking revenge and coveting power, it makes sense. As a religious scam, everything is cause and effect.
Eventually, the clans of the Quraysh boycotted Muhammad’s lean and lowly group of followers socially and economically. “Abu Lahab,” we are told by Ibn Hisham, “was the only person who sided with the disbelieving Quraysh against his own clan. This boycott continued for three years. The poorest of Muhammad’s followers began to starve. This, however, did not move Abu Lahab.”
Ishaq:161 “Lahab and his wife Umm mocked and laughed at him so the Quran came down on their wickedness. Umm carried thorns and cast them in the Apostle’s way.”
According to al-Maududi, the man providing us with the Islamic perspective on these fables, “When his uncle was condemned by name, the people learned that the Messenger could treat a relative harshly in the matter of religion. When his own uncle was taken to task publicly the people understood that there was no 219place for the ties of blood in this religion.” That is to say Muhammad was guilty of undermining the family unit.
The Al-Masad | Flaming Palm revelation is so indicative of Muhammad, such a window into his soul, that I have provided five translations. By doing so, you will witness how often the translators take liberty with the text to improve their Lord’s lucidity. And hopefully, you will appreciate why I have chosen to provide a common composite of them.
Quran 111.001
Yusuf Ali: Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!
Noble Quran: Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab (the uncle of the Prophet), and perish he!
Pickthal: The power of Abu Lahab will perish, and he will perish.
Shakir: Perdition overtake both hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish.
Ahmed Ali: In the name of Allah, most benevolent, ever-merciful. Destroyed will be the hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish.
Quran 111.002
Yusuf Ali: No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains!
Noble Quran: His wealth and his children will not benefit him!
Pickthal: His wealth and gains will not exempt him.
Shakir: His wealth and what he earns will not avail him.
Ahmed Ali: Of no avail shall be his wealth, nor what he has acquired.
Quran 111.003
Yusuf Ali: Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame!
Noble Quran: He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames!
Pickthal: He will be plunged in flaming Fire,
Shakir: He shall soon burn in fire that flames,
Ahmed Ali: He will be roasted in the fire,
220Quran 111.004
Yusuf Ali: His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood – As fuel!
Noble Quran: And his wife, too, who carries wood (thorns which she put in the Prophet’s way).
Pickthal: And his wife, the wood-carrier,
Shakir: And his wife, the bearer of fuel,
Ahmed Ali: And his wife, the portress of fire wood,
Quran 111.005
Yusuf Ali: A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!
Noble Quran: In her neck is a twisted rope of Masad (palm fiber).
Pickthal: Will have upon her neck a halter of palm-fibre.
Shakir: Upon her neck a halter of strongly twisted rope.
Ahmed Ali: Will have a strap of coir rope around her neck.
Abu Lahab mouths off and tosses stones, so Muhammad sicced his un-god on his uncle and cursed his cousin. For a snake handler, he had thin skin. Then, by way of confession, the non-prophet makes a point of telling us that neither inherited wealth, nor monies earned will exempt his uncle from torment.
The reason for the differentiation between old and new money was that Muhammad coveted the things that Lahab inherited – Qusayy’s religious scam. The prophet wanted us to know that the custodianship of the Ka’aba wouldn’t save Lahab because he had laid his claim. The Ka’aba Inc. belonged to Muhammad. Allah told him so.
Sometimes the smallest details tell us the most. Why do you suppose this un-god would contradict himself to reveal that Abu’s wife would be porting the firewood for hell when elsewhere, men’s bodies are said to be hell’s fuel? Here’s a clue: Arab fires were often fueled by the sa’dan shrubs that bore the thorns Abu’s wife spread at Muhammad’s door. 221Yes, Muhammad’s mind was as twisted as the rope around Umm’s neck.
Bukhari:V6N356 “Lodged in her neck is a twisted rope of palm fiber, the chain of which is in the Fire of Hell.”
But as bad as all of this looks, we’re just getting warmed up. A family schooled in religious hoaxes was starting another. Quran expositor, idealogue, and terrorist, Sayyid Abul Ala al-Maududi, explained: “In the earliest phase of Prophethood, Muhammad passed through the most trying conditions. The whole nation turned hostile; there was resistance on every side. The Prophet and a handful of his Companions did not see the remotest chance of success.
So Allah, in order to console him, sent down several verses. Allah said [the primary reason for inventing Islam is]: ‘Soon your Lord shall give you so much that you shall be well pleased.’ And Allah said [the secondary reason for inventing Islam is]: We shall exalt your renown for you. Even though Our enemies are trying to defame you throughout the country, We, on the contrary, have arranged to exalt your name and fame.’”
Actually, Muhammad didn’t have an enemy outside the rose sandstone embankments of Petra, which is to say that the Serpent’s worldview was alarmingly stunted. And even the term “enemy” was grossly overstated. Muhammad’s tribe scoffed at his revelations; they chided him and laughed at his expense. Unlike a real enemy, they hadn’t attacked him, imprisoned him, or destroyed his home – the kind of things Muhammad would do in Yathrib, and his followers do today.
The illustrious Muslim ideologue and activist, Sayyid Abul Ala al-Maududi, stated: “Such were the disturbing conditions under which the 108th surah [aptly named: Preeminence] was sent down. The Quraysh were angry with the Prophet. His Companions became helpless, poor people who were being persecuted and tyrannized.”
There is something about Islam that corrodes the mind. The behavior al-Maududi is railing against is the legacy of 222Islam. Every Islamic nation is tyrannical, people are poor, and non-Muslims are persecuted. For good measure, they even persecute their own, especially women. It is astonishing that an Islamic scholar can write these words without seeing himself in the mirror.
“Furthermore,” Maududi continues, “he was bereaved by the death of two sons, one after the other, whereas his nearest relatives, clan, and neighbors were rejoicing and uttering such words as were disheartening and disturbing for a noble person who had treated even his enemies most kindly.”
Kindly? Never in the course of human events has a “religious” founder treated his own clan, his detractors, his kin, so hatefully – and that includes Paul dehumanizing Jews. Muhammad’s spirit tongue-lashed these Arabs in the Quran and condemned them to hell. And he would beat the hell out of them by raiding their means of sustenance and conquering their town. Further, Ishaq lists three sons, not two, all of whom died in infancy twenty years earlier.
In his concluding line, Sayyid Abul Ala al-Maududi, wrote the following in his Tafhim-ul-Quran | Towards Understanding the Quran to confirm Islam’s demonic nature: “At this Allah just in one sentence of this brief surah gave Muhammad the good news, better news than ever given to any man: his opponents will be cut off from their root and not he.” The good news is that the non-prophet’s family and neighbors will be “cut off.” The “Gospel” of Islam isn’t about salvation; it’s about damnation.
In this verse, Muhammad claimed his prize, which was the fountain of perpetual wealth known as Kausar. Unfortunately, it flowed from the fountain of deceit, which was the Lord’s Ka’aba.
Quran 108.001 “Lo! Verily, We have granted you Al-Kauthar – the fountain of abundance and preeminence.
Quran 108.002 Therefore pray to your Lord make a sacrifice.
223Quran 108.003 For he who makes you angry, he will be cut off without posterity.”
So that you are aware, I am making an effort to present complete surahs. In this case and the last, this was all the Lord couldn’t write. And yes, I realize they are deficient. Kauthar isn’t explained, nor is the prayer or sacrifice. And no one in their right mind would castrate someone over an argument. But we are not playing with moral individuals.
Before we leave the Bank of Kauthar I want to bring your attention to the word “therefore.” A bargain has been struck. Prayer and sacrifice are payments rendered for preeminence. Muhammad is telling us something we should already know: “I’m doing it for the money and prestige.”
The following Tradition is yet another confession from the world’s best-known religious profiteer:
Tabari VI:95 “Abu Talib said to Muhammad, ‘Nephew, how is it that your tribe is complaining about you and claiming that you are reviling their gods and saying this, that, and the other?’
Then Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Uncle, I want them to utter one saying. If they say it, the Arabs will submit to them and the non-Arabs will pay the jizyah tax.’”
The “jizyah” is an exorbitant tax collected from Christians and Jews to this day. It’s called the “protection tax” and it works just like the one imposed by the Mafia. If you pay it, they let you live. If you don’t, you die.
Just in case you think this Hadith is too incriminating to be part of the Islamic lore, too money-grubbing to be prophetic, consider these words from Islam’s un-god. After telling Muslims that “Allah will enrich you out of His bounty,”
Quran 009.029 reveals: “Fight against those People of the Book (Christians and Jews) who do not follow what Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) acknowledge as the true religion (Islam), nor accept Our law, until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission, and feel themselves subdued, being brought low.”
224A second translation reads: “…pay the tax in acknowledgment of our superiority and their state of subjection.” Islam was a money-making scheme.
At this point, it’s a crapshoot as to what surah was revealed next. The 75th, entitled Al-Qiyamah | The Resurrection, is as likely as any. And while we reviewed it out of chronological order in Islam’s Dark Past over being tongue-tied, I want to cover it again within the context of Muhammad’s life. Here, the self-reproaching spirit says:
Quran 075.001 “I swear by the Day of Resurrection.
Quran 075.002 And I call to witness and swear by the reprehensive person, the accusing soul, and self-reproaching spirit,
Quran 075.003 Does man think that We will not gather and assemble his bones?
Quran 075.004 Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers.”
The accusing spirit would be Satan while the reprehensible soul would be Muhammad. Both incriminate the other with almost every word. As for assembling bones, Islam preaches bodily resurrection, not spiritual salvation. The drunken orgy in the Garden of Bliss requires a body, not a soul, heart, or brain. And sadists like Satan need bodies to burn and break.
As the surah continues, we learn that the Day of Resurrection and Doom are one and the same. We are also confronted with the eclipse of the moon and the conjoining of the sun – which is to say, there will only be one deity.
Quran 075.005 “Nay! He desires to continue committing sins and to lie about what is before him.
225Quran 075.006 He asks, ‘When will be this Day of Resurrection?’
Quran 075.007 So when the sight is dazed, dazzled, and confounded,
Quran 075.008 And the moon will be eclipsed,
Quran 075.009 And the sun and the moon are brought together and conjoined.
Quran 075.010 On that day, man will say: ‘Where to flee?’
Quran 075.011 No, Never! There is no refuge or escape.
Quran 075.012 Unto your Lord will be the retreat on that day.
Quran 075.013 On that day he will be told what he had sent ahead and put off, leaving behind.
Quran 075.014 Nay, man will be evidence against himself,
Quran 075.015 Though he puts forth and tenders his excuses.
Quran 075.016 Move not your tongue concerning to make haste.
Quran 075.017 Lo! It is for Us to collect, put together, and recite.
Quran 075.018 And when We have recited it to you, follow its recital.
Quran 075.019 Then, lo, upon Us to explain it.
Quran 075.020 Nay! You love this fleeting life.”
Muslim clerics claim that a source of friction between Muhammad and this tribe was over resurrection. But that’s not true. As evidence that Arabs believed in a physical afterlife, they had their relatives tie their favorite camel to their graves so that it would follow them to paradise. Heaven might be big, and there was no sense in walking when one could ride.
The real problem was that Muhammad said his people’s ancestors were burning in hell because they died during the “Period of Ignorance” – which, hypocritically, is considered pre-Islam. In that the Meccans loved their parents and grandparents, this upset them and naturally caused many to 226assail Muhammad’s parochial and intolerant view, especially since it was promoted through repulsive and regurgitated rhetoric. They also chafed at his lewd depictions of heaven and his sadistic portrayal of hell.
The moon in eclipse is a common occurrence. It is nothing more than the Earth passing between the sun and its celestial companion and projecting its shadow. They occur so frequently that, without more data, they aren’t predictive of anything and cannot be used to foretell the timing of the Day of Resurrection. And that is a problem because it’s the lone event on the Islamic calendar. This impending Day of Doom is Allah’s most common threat to those who reject his ascension to God. And yet, there are no clues in the Quran as to when the Day of Punishment will transpire.
I have determined the timing by comparing Satan’s day of resurrection and subsequent glorification in Ezekiel with his Quranic diatribe. It is coterminous with Yahowah’s anticipated return to Yahuwdym | the Beloved of Yah in Yisra’el | Individuals who Engage and Endure with God on Yowm Kipurym | the Day of Reconciliations in year 6000 Yah / sunset, 6:22 PM in Yaruwshalaim | the Source of Guidance on Reconciliation. It will be a Sunday evening during the 120th celebration of the Yowbel | Freedom, on October 2nd, 2033 – ten years from this rewrite of Prophet of Doom as God Damn Religion. This related and essential undertaking commenced on October 7th, 2023 exactly ten years prior to the fulfillment of Sukah | Camping Out with Yah on October 7th, 2033. God and the Adversary have opposing assessments of what will occur as the sixth and seventh Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet with God are fulfilled.
This is great news for a receptive remnant of Yisra’el who will experience the loving embrace of Father and Son, Yahowah and Dowd, their God and their Messiah and King. Simultaneously, it is the worst possible outcome for the religious, especially Muslims, the remnant of whom will 227cease to exist at this moment, making it their Day of Doom when they will, indeed, be dazed and confounded, and there will be nowhere to flee.
The moon and being brought together with the sun is troublesome. Not only is it impossible, it is indicative of something sinister. Satan could well be the lesser light, and Dowd, who will return as brilliant as the sun, is the greater luminary. Satan would merge them into one, such that he has no rival – even if he has to defy science.
The things that will be presented as evidence against humankind, collectively and individually, will be religion and politics, militarism and the caste system. These are the things that have been most harmful to mankind and detrimental to our relationship with God. However, there won’t be any excuses tendered. Those being judged, like Muhammad and Allah, have already said far too much.
The abrupt and nonsensical transition in this surah is like most of the Quran. “Move not your tongue to make haste” comes out of nowhere. There is no segue or context. And it is imprudent. God is eternal. He is not in a hurry. And while He prefers a written text over verbal verbosity, words cannot be spoken without moving one’s tongue.
Recognizing that Muhammad was illiterate, the Snake just muted the messenger. And yet, this is what it is like to work for the Adversary. He offers nothing and takes everything. The one thing the non-prophet had been selected and possessed to accomplish, was being taken away from him: “Lo! It is for Us to collect, put together, and recite.” And even then, Muhammad wasn’t asked to repeat what he had heard, reciting it, but instead: “And when We have recited it to you, follow its recital.” In other words, Do what we say. Muhammad wasn’t even allowed to explain the Lord’s incomprehensible diatribe: “Then, lo, upon Us to explain it.” The reason for the Satanic slight was the first thing the Serpent said, “Nay! You love this fleeting life.” That is to say, Muhammad’s insatiable 228cravings for perverted sex, subjugating others, and stolen wealth, fame and undeserved respect, disqualify him as an effective Devil’s Advocate, that, and the fact he was dumb as a stone.
That is not to suggest that the Lord of Petra was any better. The suggestion that he, as a wannabe god, has to explain his Quran for it to be understood is embarrassing. It brings to mind one of the un-book’s final and most troubling verses.
Quran 005.101 “Believers, ask not questions about things which if made plain to you would cause you trouble when the Quran is revealed. Some people before you asked questions, and on that account lost their faith.”
Al-Maududi, in his commentary, The Meaning of the Quran, explains: “The Prophet forbade people to ask questions or to pry into such things.” The Hadith confirms this prophetic warning. Bukhari:V2B24N555 “I heard the Prophet say, ‘Allah has hated you for asking too many questions.’”
Islam is far worse than blind faith – it is paralyzing and deadly. And that which is unreasonable and immoral cannot be resolved with reason or morality. Islam must be quarantined for humanity to survive this plague.
The reason questions are prohibited is that there is no cogent explanation for Islam. It epitomizes and relies upon ignorance. The deeper one digs, the more obvious the deception becomes. And this is precisely why Muslims protect their doctrine by attacking those who quote from their scriptures. They know that the surest way to emancipate Allah’s slaves from Submission is to expose them to the nature of their demonic and debilitating fetters.
The “Resurrection” isn’t possible, nor is it to a life worth living:
Quran 075.020 “Nay! You love this fleeting life
Quran 075.021 And neglect, leaving alone, the hereafter.
229Quran 075.022 Some faces that Day will be nadirah | bright
Quran 075.023 Looking for their Lord,
Quran 075.024 And some faces that day will be basirah | sad,
Quran 075.025 Knowing that some great disaster is going to be inflicted on them, calamitous and back-breaking.
Quran 075.026 Nay! When it comes up to the collar bone,
Quran 075.027 And it is said, ‘Is there a reciter of charms, a magician, or a wizard?’
Quran 075.028 And he will know that it was of parting,
Quran 075.029 And one leg will be joined to another, agony heaped on anguish.”
It’s hard to imagine how a religion this full of sadistic threats, this fixated on anguish and agony, this calamitous, has survived, much less has spread virally to infect two billion souls. Obviously, if it weren’t for the sword, Islam would have been stillborn.
While it is disappointing that so many believe that this demented spirit is God, what happened to the rest of humanity? Why have there been so few publicly denouncing this overtly Satanic tome? Has humanity lost its moral compass, compassion, and sense of justice?
Islam is not a victimless crime. We witnessed the disaster they inflicted, one leg bound to another, and the imposition of agony and anguish on October 7th, 2023. Muslims, emulating their demented deity, did this very thing – and it occurred because too few people, and Jews in particular, had the courage and compassion to rebuke this deadly and destructive plague.
Hamas, like Hezbollah, ISIS, like al-Qaeda, Iran, like Saudi Arabia, are symptoms of the greater pathogen. The problem is Allah and Muhammad, the Quran and Hadith, Islam in its every form and manifestation. And as we watch Muslims and Progressives, including the United Nations and 230heads of state, blame the victims and support the perpetrators, we are witnessing the final “Resurrection.”
The disease of Islam is spread through nutfah. It begins in the wombs of Muslim mothers which have been repurposed as factories for baby jihadists. There are no innocent non-combatants, only killers and those who support them. The “what about the babies” argument is like saying we should not kill a mutated virus because it has yet to harm anyone. And yet, it is what they are designed to do.
Tormenting humankind is the Quran’s most prevalent theme. Terrorism is Islam’s signature act.
Pushing further into the surah devoted to the Day of Doom, we find that Islam’s dark spirit had a singular objective. This Snake had slithered out of the Garden and into the desert to pursue his quest to be the god who deceived, denounced, then tortured humankind. The choice was simple enough: capitulate and become his slave, prostrating oneself to the Devil as if he were God, or die and be abused. And do not be deceived, Hell’s Warden in this sordid tale of woe is Allah. He is the Grand Inquisitor and Torturer, the sadist wielding the implements of pain.
Quran 075.030 “The drive that Day is to your Rabbi | Lord,
Quran 075.031 For he neither believed nor prayed!
Quran 075.032 But denied and rejected, turning away.
Quran 075.033 Then he strutted to his family, in admiration.
Quran 075.034 Alas, this woe is for you!
Quran 075.035 Again, alas, this woe is for you!
Quran 075.036 Does man think he will be left alone and free?
Quran 075.037 Was he not nutfah, emitted in lowly form?
Quran 075.038 Then he became a proportional blood clot,
Quran 075.039 And assigned sexes, male and female.
Quran 075.040 Is not He not able to bring the dead to life?”
231To put teeth into his bite, Satan had to frighten his slaves, such that they would do anything to avoid contact with him. Allah is a psychopath, the most deranged and demonic of spirits. He is fixated on pain and punishment. There is only one reason for resurrection, for bringing the dead back to life – and that is to torture them.
With Allah, no man or woman is free. He is the Lord and people are his slaves. “Alas, this woe is for you!”
And it all begins with the nutfah – the germ of the cult that turns life into death. It is the virus of Islam | Submission. There is no cure for this pandemic. Morbidity is unavoidable.
By any moral standard, that was horrible. We have been shown Allah’s intentions in Hell, and his plans are horrific. It is far worse than the Holocaust because, with Allah, death is not an escape. The fires of his crematoria do not incinerate the flesh and bones of the murdered but continue to singe the perpetually living.
Mired in the darkness that is Islam, let’s review al-Maududi’s thoughts on the 67th surah: “It is characteristic of early revelations in that it presents the entire teachings of Islam and the object of the Prophet’s mission so that they could be assimilated easily. During this time, most Meccans cursed the Prophet and prayed for his and the believers’ destruction.”
In the previous surah, we were told that the unbelievers were in hell because they didn’t pray. But that aside, we’re about to discover “the entire teaching of Islam and the object of the Prophet’s mission.”
Quran 067.001 “Blessed is He whose hand is the dominion, and He is able to do all things.”
232Why was this written, I mean recited, in third person if it’s supposed to be the Rabb | Lord who is speaking? And other than pretense and self-adulation, why is this un-god blessing Himself? Since he is only depicted in Hell, are we to conclude that Allah presides over the Fires? In his “dominion” he appears able “to do all things.” And foremost among them, according to his own admission, is resurrecting the dead to torture mankind.
This is another confession – evidence of the Lord’s ambition. An insecure and conceited spirit saw himself as God – albeit with a different disposition and venue.
According to the Quran, death precedes life and both are a test. This is followed by Islam’s vulnerable omission: the test isn’t explained. The Quran doesn’t provide the rules by which men are to be afforded a brothel or Allah’s version of 10.07.23. And that is because the Lord makes them up as he goes along.
Quran 067.002 “Who created death and life that He may test you? Which of you is best in deed? He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.”
The Lord of the Quran is a Snake. He created nothing and can do nothing – including write a book.
With predestination, there can be no test. There is nothing to choose or evaluate. There is no reason for condemnation or forgiveness. And that is why the basis for one or the other was never explained. Allah does as he wills. Man is not free. Fortunately, the only thing mighty about Allah is his ego. He is no more God than a viper.
However, there is a more sinister undertone to this story. Unable to give his slaves a reason to live, they were given a reason to die – testing their will to sacrifice their lives as martyrs. Islam is more about pain than paradise.
Unable to convince men to choose his religion based on its merits, the un-god and his non-prophet threatened them 233with damnation. As a result, their religion was more about puffery than proof. Unable to produce a sign, a miracle, or a prophecy, the Snake coiled and Muhammad puffed out his chest and feigned being the genuine article.
Ishaq:116 “I heard the Apostle say, ‘I have never invited anyone to accept Islam who hasn’t shown signs of reluctance, suspicion and hesitation.’”
Now that we know the motivation for Islam was to degrade and afflict humanity, it’s time to become more familiar with its nincompoop-god and his delirious pronouncements.
Quran 067.003 “Who created the seven heavens, one above the other. Can you see any fault in Ar-Rahman’s creation? Then look again, can you see any rifts or fissures?
Quran 067.004 Then look again and yet again. Your sight will return to you in a state of humiliation, dazed, and dimmed.
Quran 067.005 Lo! We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and We have made such lamps as missiles to drive away ha Shayatin | the Adversary, these Satanic devils, and We have prepared for them the doom of Hell, the penalty of torment in the most intense Blazing Fire.
Quran 067.006 And for those who reject and believe not in their Rabbi | Lord is the punishment of Hell, such a wretched destination – a hapless journey’s end and evil resort.
Quran 067.007 When they are flung in, they will hear the terrible drawing in of their breath, roar and raging.
Quran 067.008 It bursts with fury and rage. Whenever a fresh host and new crowd is cast in, its wardens will ask, ‘Did no warner come to you?’
Quran 067.009 They will say, ‘Yea, verily, a warner did come to us, but we rejected and denied him and said, “God never sent down anything. You are nothing more than an egregious delusion and great error!”’
Quran 067.010 And they will say, ‘Had we but listened or had sense, we would not have been among the dwellers of the Fire!’
234Quran 067.011 So they will confess their guilt. So, away with the inmates of the burning fire.”
Muhammad’s creator has a name: Rahman – the deity of the Yemeni Hanifs, who were Arab converts to Judaism. The first pillar of Islam has been pulverized. There is a god besides Allah. The Quran says so. But monotheism and religious foundations torn asunder, this idol is no less delusional or demented than Muhammad’s Lord.
Proof that Ar-Rahman is God is provided by the notion that there is no fault in creation. But if that were true, there would be no reason to torture everyone in hell. If that were true, there would be no place for a sadistic deity.
As added evidence that Ar-Rahman is perfect, indeed divine, there are no rifts or fissures in the sky. The fact that you cannot see them, is proof that Islam’s Lord is real. And the more one looks, the more humiliated, dazed, and dimwitted they become. It is the miracle of Islam that anyone believes a whit of this.
And since that, evidently, was insufficient to quarantine the deadly plague, this pathetic attempt to deify Satan, “Lo! Verily, We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps.” And even that was not enough to alert Progressives to the idiocy of Islam or awaken the Devil’s comatose slaves, so the Lord adds fuel to the fire: “and We have made such lamps as missiles to drive away the Shayatin | evil Satanic devils and We have prepared for them the doom of Hell, the penalty of torment in the most intense Blazing Fire.” If torture didn’t get their attention, if the rifts went unseen, if the multiple gods were perceived as monotheistic, and if the lamps in the sky were dismissed metaphorically, how have the missiles been excused? If the idea of Satan firing projectiles at his ilk, none of whom are mortal or physical beings, so that they, too, can be tormented in the fire, doesn’t illicit a negative response, what will it take? Evidently, 09.11.01 and 10.07.23 remain insufficient.
235However, when it comes to devils, dimwitted is better than denigrating. The same is true with wannabe gods. I’ll take feeble-minded to sadistic any day. However, Rahman personally prepared the torment in the Blazing Fire. And as before, he seems to relish the details. The fire is intense; it is a wretched place; the victims are flung in, their breath is choked out, and they roar with rage as the flames boil up around them, bursting in fury. Crowds of new victims are callously called “fresh.” Then to add indignity to insult, the unbelievers are interrogated by hell’s wardens. I realize that Allah is fixated on shooting down any hint of his true identity, but this might be just a wee bit over the top.
While creation and astronomy are obviously weaknesses on Ar-Rahman’s resumé, when it comes to pain and suffering, he is an expert. In that it’s beneath God to ramble on in such a nasty tone, the Quran leaves us in a quandary. Since God didn’t inspire these words, and it is readily apparent who did, do we herald the truth or keep quiet for fear of offending someone, being ostracized and slandered as a result?
When it comes to Quranic vengeance and deplorable affliction, we only have two options: Either Muhammad, the abused, is now the abuser or he is Satan’s puppet. The sole motivation for the onslaught of hellish pain so graphically and vociferously presented in these initial surahs is rejection. Nothing more, nothing less. And the torments are so vividly and viciously presented, it strongly suggests personal knowledge or participation. The terrible drawing in of breath, the loud moaning that follows, flames boiling up, bursting forth with rage, combined with god shackling, choking, and pouring boiling water on men while they devour thorns is beyond the bounds of morality.
Fortunately, we are given a clue as to the root cause that underlies this inhuman rage. Each time a fresh wound is inflicted, the tormentor tells his victims that it’s their fault. They deserve their fate. If they weren’t so bad, so unworthy, 236so undesirable, if they had only listened and capitulated when they were warned, they wouldn’t be punished. Such is the modus operandi of a typical child abuser. There is a considerable body of evidence in the Hadith and Quran that screams to us today: Muhammad was molested and his wannabe god was the patron of pain.
As for the non-prophet, nobody wanted him. He was abandoned by his father and rejected by his mother. Those with substance, his uncle Lahab and grandfather Muttalib, saw him as an inconvenience. The Bedouin woman into whose custody he was placed viewed him as unworthy, as she knew she wouldn’t be paid for her services. The scene was ripe for abuse.
In the low-tech world of the Arabian Desert, campfires, scalding water, pitch, thorns, and shackles may well have been the implements of torture. And I suspect that the wannabe prophet was told that he deserved the punishment. Then, as so often happens, the victim came full circle. Muhammad went from prey to predator – from abused to abuser.
But let’s not forget about the Rabbi Ar-Rahman and Allah. What was Satan’s excuse? Since he has read the script, he knows that he will spend an eternity in She’owl. As a result, I suspect he has at least considered his future accommodations by reading what Yahowah has to say about this place – although it isn’t much (and essentially nothing compared to the Quran). He knows that there are no fires, no scalding water, no thornbushes, no bodies, no tortures, no light, and no interrogations. It’s just eternal separation. Moreover, disbelievers and polytheists, rejecters and deniers, non-prayers and non-prostrators are specifically exempt. Upon their death, the souls of such individuals cease to exist. There will be no reward or punishment. She’owl is for false prophets and an un-god like this one because they have misled and abused others, which is why they will be dispatched to She’owl.
237And while that is good news for almost everyone, it does not work for the likes of Muhammad and Allah. They are not credible. They are offering nothing of value while confiscating everything worthwhile. And since they were clearly incapable of authoring a compelling or credible story, all that was left to them was fear. They simply lied and told all who would believe them that the consequence of not believing them and becoming their slaves would be to suffer at their torturous hands forevermore.
The Devil and his Advocate were so desperate for anyone, anywhere, to believe their tale of woe, that the first converts were evidently in Hell. Remember…“It bursts with fury and rage. Whenever a fresh host from a new crowd is cast in, its wardens will ask, ‘Did no warner come to you?’ They will say, ‘Yea, verily, a warner did come to us, but we rejected and denied him and said, “God never sent down anything. You are nothing more than an egregious delusion and great error!” And they will say, ‘Had we but listened or had sense we would not have been among the dwellers of the blazing Fire!’ So they will confess their guilt. So, away with the inmates of the burning fire.”
While this stilted conversation is as credible as the rest of the Quran, since this has not yet occurred, how did Muhammad know what they would say? And are we to believe that the brain trust of Islam is admitting that since the Quran is too foolish to fool anyone, torture is the only way to elicit a confession and profession of faith? Moreover, unless Muhammad and Allah are in Hell, how did they hear this?
There may be nothing more to this than Muhammad imagining that his critics are accepting blame for the hellish predicament he has placed them in. After all, the victims of child abuse internalize their guilt. The perpetrators of such heinous crimes assuage their consciences by telling the abused that they are being punished because they didn’t listen. They do it so often that victims begin to see themselves as somehow responsible for the torment they are 238enduring. Yet whether they falsely confess to their complicity or keep it inside, the torture never ends – they remain prisoners to the pain.
The tormentor manages to twist reality to such that a temporary intermission from inflicting pain is perceived as a form of mercy. The abuser views himself as merciful, even gracious and forgiving, for suspending the torture he is imposing. And this strategy enables the predator to control their prey. The authority and power they gain over their victim feeds their egos and hides their inadequacies. The final ingredient in this demented recipe is the threat of future calamity. The abused are told that they are being watched by the all-powerful predator. If they squeal, he’ll make them pay; he’ll make the consequence grievous.
With this in mind, let’s jump back into the 67th surah, allegedly among the first “revealed” to Muhammad, and one which supposedly contains: “the entire teaching of Islam and the object of the Prophet’s mission.” Ar-Rahman reported…
Quran 067.012 “For those who fear their Lord in secret there is a reward.
Quran 067.013 Whether you say a thing secretly or openly, He knows your innermost thoughts.”
Let me translate this for you. If you cower in fear, you will be rewarded with a reprieve from punishment. But be careful of what you think and say, because I am looking for an opportunity to burn you alive. I am so merciful.
Fear is the mechanism of capitulation and control. It serves as the catalyst of religion. And never has it been used more prolifically, been more overtly stated, or become more effective than fear has been in the promulgation and protection of Islam. And yet, to keep Muslims off balance, the Wrathful Tormentor painted himself as “Gracious.”
Quran 067.014 “Should not He who created know. And He is Subtile [sic], All-Penetrating.
239Quran 067.015 He it is who made the earth subservient to you that you can walk in the paths thereof and eat the things He provided. And unto Him will be the resurrection.
Quran 067.016 Are you so unafraid that He, who is over the heaven, will not open the earth to swallow you up when it will begin to tremble, sinking with you when it shakes?
Quran 067.017 Or do you feel secure that He, who is over the heaven, will not send against you a violent whirlwind – perhaps a tornado with showers of stones. Then you would know how terrible has been My warning?
Quran 067.018 And, indeed, those before them rejected and denied. And how terrible was My rejection and punishment then?”
It’s an old and convoluted story: victimization is the victim’s fault because they ignored the obvious signs of the tormentor’s authority and justification. Pain and punishment for those who do not acquiesce to the faux authority of this non-prophet and un-god is the Quran’s second most dominant theme with one thousand iterations. Being burnt alive is the most common form of torment. We are even told that the flesh from men’s bodies fuels the fire for those who rightly reject the Devil’s devil.
However, the threats are different this time. Now, it is the earth that is primed to swallow disbelievers. And if not that, for those who are insufficiently afraid, the subtle Lord of Islam has whirling dervishes aplenty.
We also have another poignant clue in this passage: a Freudian slip. Muhammad begins by referring to god as “He,” establishing his Lord’s authority. Then he transitions to “My” as he says, “indeed, those before them rejected and denied. And how terrible was My rejection and punishment then.” And all of this, unlike most of the Quran, is in singular (He and My) not the usual plural (We and Our). That’s because this is personal with Muhammad, as it is with Allah. We are looking directly into the hearts of Islam’s founders.
240And while roasting men alive is not the only method of punishment deployed in the Quran, each and every variation is consistent with what an abandoned child might have endured around a Bedouin campfire. This is true of the other ghoulish treatments, including being forced to drink scalding water, made to eat thorns, and choking down boiling pitch. Clothes are set on fire. People are shackled with twine and turned on a spit. And while I cannot prove that our orphan was abused as a child, all the evidence points in that direction.
My supposition helps explain why the Quran is so filled with threats of pain and punishment. It elucidates the nature of the torments. It delineates the underlying reason for them. And it describes why the prophet was so angry at his extended family.
In particular, by not adopting him, Lahab was ultimately responsible for the anguish Muhammad endured. It even explains the motivation for Islam. He controlled the religious scam Muhammad coveted. He had what his nephew craved – authority and wealth. They would have provided relief.
Since the Quran was too poorly written, too foolish, too contradictory, and too twisted to be divinely inspired, there must have been an ulterior motive behind such haunting words. If not abuse, then what?
Thus far, Islam has been as transparent as a cloudless desert sky. Let’s take a quick inventory. At Khadija’s urging, Muhammad usurped the authority of an unnamed Lord to stake his claim to the wealth that flowed from his family’s religious scam. A brutal childhood created a hellish religion that looks suspiciously similar to what the orphan may have witnessed or endured. Heaven was created in what he envisioned, a lustful realm with water and food aplenty, a realm where the women who rejected him were used to bring him pleasure.
241The remainder of the 67th surah wallows in puddles of delusion and despair.
Quran 067.019 “Do they not observe the birds above them, spreading their wings and folding them in? Nothing holds them aloft except Ar-Rahman: Truly Ar-Rahman watches over things.”
Flight happens because Rahman holds birds aloft. It’s clear Muhammad never attended physics class. Bernoulli’s principle, the law that explains aerodynamic lift, was way beyond him. Nonetheless, this is offered as another proof of Rahman’s existence, not as a metaphor.
Yet for a god so into holding birds aloft, he sure wasn’t much help on the morning of 9/11/2001. Perhaps Ar-Rahman was distracted burning infidels. No, that’s not right. Knowing Muhammad’s Lord as we do, his spirit let go of the United and American birds so that he could watch thousands of infidels burn. “Allahu Akbar!”
With the Lord’s divine authority firmly established, we return to “Al-Mulk | The Kingdom” surah.
Quran 067.020 “Who is he that will be an army to assist you besides Ar-Rahman? The unbelievers are lost in delusion.”
Another motivation and another teaching are revealed. Ar-Rahman is a militaristic god with an army. Jihad would soon become Islam’s most recognizable attribute, and the means the non-prophet would use to plunder his rivals – real and imagined.
As we discovered previously, Rahman was a god with a history of his own. And while the two gods vied for attention, initially, it’s clear that Allah was slighted in the early going. Not only hasn’t he been mentioned thus far, he wouldn’t find his way into Islam for quite some time. It’s not a very nice way to treat the Lord of the House. So why choose this name?
Muslims have no viable explanation as to why Muhammad called his Lord Ar-Rahman. The best they can 242do is say that god has many names and that Ar-Rahman became one of their god’s attributes. But that’s nonsense. Ar-Rahman was far better known than Allah, even in Petra. He was a god, not an attribute. Further, all of the initial religiosity contained in the early revelations mirrors the religion of the Hanifs – the devotees of Ar-Rahman among Arab converts to Judaism.
When Muhammad ultimately migrated from the shallow doctrinal pool of the Hanifs to the unimaginably deep reservoir of the rabbis, he was forced to claim that his Lord was their Rabbi. And that was only possible because rabbis would rather die than acknowledge that God’s name is Yahowah. They know it, but they won’t say it. Having contrived HaShem as a replacement, which is funny because it was also the name of Muhammad’s tribe, Allah was as acceptable for them as Adoni.
And yet, for those without a phobia of God’s name, this approach was problematic. Although Muhammad didn’t know it since he was illiterate and couldn’t read when “Yahowah” was written in His Towrah and Naby’, but nonetheless, it is there some 7,000 times. Joe is not Jim. Moses is not Muhammad. And Yahowah is neither Ar-Rahman nor Allah.
As in politics, a blunder becomes a crisis when covered up and then exposed. The Islamic clerics, following their non-prophet’s lead, have tried to sweep the name of the Quran’s initial gods – Rabb and Rahman – under their prayer blankies. So we must ask: if there is nothing to hide, why deny it? Of the many Quran translations, all but two dishonestly replace Ar-Rahman’s name with an attribute like “Merciful,” the title “Lord,” the generic “God,” or even with the name “Allah.” But unlike the Jews, who misinterpreted the Third Statement etched in Stone, there is no excuse for changing Rahman to Lord, God, or Allah.
243This problem is exacerbated by the invocation that was later added before each surah. In their desire to make Ar-Rahman into Allah and to make both appear as if they were one god in spite of their scriptures, this line is repeated 113 times: “In the name of Allah, the Benevolent (Ar-Rahman), the Merciful (Ar-Rahim).” So desperate are Islamic scholars to present their hateful, punitive, and warlike spirit in a favorable light, one even wrote a book proclaiming, “Merciful and Benevolent are the Quran’s most repeated attributes for Allah.” Holy hogwash. The salutation wasn’t part of the Quranic revelation. It’s an invocation – one as lame as it is contradictory.
For those who may be curious, I’ll digress for a moment. The Third Statement Yahowah etched in Stone does not say: “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Not only is it beneath Yahowah to write such a trivial thing, His name isn’t “the Lord.” A name can’t be “taken,” and “vain” means either egotistical as it relates to a person, or failed as it relates to an endeavor. In that the line was meaningless, Jews, and later Christians, falsely assumed that God was telling us that they shouldn’t swear.
Yahowah’s instruction actually reads…
“You should not continue to deceive, nor should you tolerate or support delusions (lo’ nasha’ – you should not habitually deploy or advance clever tricks to enrich yourself by indebting others, and should avoid actually beguiling people on an ongoing basis by consistently lifting up, promoting, or forgiving that which causes them to miss the way by forgetting that which is) associated with (‘eth) the name and reputation (shem – the renown and proper designation) of Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym), thereby advancing worthless and lifeless deceptions (la ha showa’ – deploying that which advances devastating dishonesty, nullifying one’s existence, leading to emptiness and nothingness, so as to advance deceitful and lifeless lies which are ineffectual, futile, and ruinous).
244For, indeed (ky – because), Yahowah (YaHoWaH) will not forgive or acquit (lo’ naqah – as an ongoing admonition unconstrained by time, He will not purify or pardon, He will not free from guilt, He will not exempt from judgment or sentencing, nor will He consider innocent or release) those who (‘eth ‘asher) consistently deceive, actually beguile, and habitually delude, promote or accept trickery so as to forget (nasha’ – religiously using deception to continually mislead, lifting up and advancing a clever, albeit dishonest, ruse) in association with (‘eth – through) His name (shem – renown, reputation, and proper designation) to advance and promote (la – to bring into effect accordingly) vain and ineffectual lies which lead to lifelessness, nullifying one’s existence (showa’ – devastating deceptions which destroy, leading to emptiness, worthlessness, and nothingness, futilely deceiving in a ruinous manner).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 20:7)
Our failure to understand this Instruction and live by it is the reason religions like Islam exist. Our tolerance of things that purport to be Godly but are instead false and destructive is how Allah managed to fool billions into believing that he, not Yahowah, was the God of ‘Abraham and Moseh. Unaware of their un-god’s duplicity, Muslim militants terrorize and kill. The world is confused and lost, living in Babel, largely because of this egregious crime.
Muhammad knew that the Jews and Christians called their god “Lord.” But with scores of gods, all with names, Muhammad’s contemporaries were not satisfied with a title. Our stones have names; why not your god? If he was so important, he must have a name.
That put the wannabe prophet in a pickle. If he called his god by any of the most familiar pagan names – Hubal, Allah, al-Lat (the female form of al-Lah), Manat, or al-Uzza – something would be expected of them and him. After all, if they could give such verbose Quran recitals of doom and gloom, why not a miracle? Since these idols were close at 245hand, it would have been hard to explain away their lack of participation.
With the Petra pantheon too close for comfort, Muhammad did what he did best. He stole someone else’s material. The Hanifs had a religion, and they had a god – one who “lived” a comfortable distance away. He simply appropriated their material and their deity. Ar-Rahman was perfect, in a twisted sort of way. His name meant “merciful.” As such, it became a clever way to disguise the Quran’s demented edge. It’s like calling the Communist dictatorship in China a republic.
Each of the initial Quranic surahs reflected elements of the monotheistic beliefs of the converts to Judaism – albeit excluding the lurid depictions of Hell. Muhammad or his Lord made those up as they went along.
The convoluted Towrah stories that had been filtered through the Talmud, which we covered during creation and patriarch chapters, were revealed much later – after the prophet had exhausted the rather anemic beliefs of the Hanifs and needed something more. And that, too, is interesting. The Quran’s reliance on the Bible varies inversely with access to the Ka’aba, Allah’s House, and directly with access to Jews. If Allah or Ar-Rahman were God, why would that be?
While you’re pondering that conundrum, riddle me this: Why was it that the moment Muhammad fled to Yathrib in shame following the Satanic Verses, and veneration of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, he discarded Rahman and embraced Allah? It certainly appears that he capitalized upon the opportunity that the distance from Petra’s impotent rock idol provided. In the 2nd surah, the first revealed after fleeing Petra, Ar-Rahman simply fades into the amorphous world of attributes.
246As we return to the Quran, we find Muhammad embroiled in an argument – one that fits into the abused child and unhealthy adult theory.
Quran 067.021 “Who is there that can provide you with food in case He was to withhold His provision? Nay, they obstinately persist in rebellion and aversion.
Quran 067.022 Is then he who walks without seeing on his face, groping and groveling on his face, better guided, or one who walks evenly on a Straight Path?”
The quality of this writing is so pathetic it almost makes the critic feel sorry for Muhammad and his Lord – almost. In some ways, mocking them feels a little like poking fun at the slow kid in class. Had they not inspired billions to hate and kill for them, I would have left them to blow spit wads at one another’s dunce caps while kicking each other in the back row.
Quran 067.023 “Say, ‘It is He who gave you being, and gave you ears and eyes and hearts. How little are the thanks you offer?’
Quran 067.024 Say, ‘It is He who multiplied your in the earth and to Him you will be gathered.’
Quran 067.025 They say, ‘When will this threat be executed if you are truthful?
Quran 067.026 Say, ‘The knowledge is with the God alone. I am only a plain warner.’”
Since ears, eyes, and hearts are supposedly gifts deserving of thanks, are fish, frogs, and ferrets supposed to genuflect, too? What about seals, snakes, and slugs?
Up to this point, the un-god of the Quran had almost convinced me that people were the product of nutfah drops, but now we hear that he is the multiplier. So, does that make Allah the Great Nutfah?
Whether Warner or Prophet, Muhammad was an original, the first Messenger without an answer. This wasn’t an esoteric question on some obscure subject. This threat is 247the essential essence of Islam. Nothing looms larger than the Day of Doom, Resurrection Day, the Day of Punishment, and yet, Muhammad drew a blank. And since it is apparent Muhammad knew the mind of his Lord and that they thought alike, the Lord didn’t know either.
Muhammad’s contemporaries were looking for proof, but it was evident that the Warner couldn’t provide a timely warning. The best he could do was say, “You just wait. One day when you least expect it, my god will get you.”
This would be akin to you and a buddy venturing into the Nevada desert a thousand years ago. In the middle of nowhere, without so much as a snake in the way, he warns you not to be blinded by all of the neon signs or get waylaid in the casinos, or you’ll get distracted crossing the street and be run over by a car. Such was the Day of Doom in Arabia circa 600 CE.
Quran 067.027 “But when they see the threat come upon them, the sorry faces of those who disbelieve will be distraught, and it will be said to them, ‘This is what you asked for.’
Quran 067.028 Say, ‘See? Tell me, whether God destroys me, and those with me, causing us to perish, or is benevolent to us, who will then protect the unbelievers from their grievous doom and painful torment, this grievous penalty?’
Quran 067.029 Say, ‘He is Ar-Rahman. in Him we believe, and in Him we rely. You will soon realize which one of us is in manifest error.’”
Yes, indeed, we have done so. And so far, the score is Team Yahowah 7,000, and the Lord & Company 0. But, let’s not brag, we are toying with the belligerent malcontents in the sandbox, neither of whom can read or write. It was hardly a fair fight.
Twenty-two years ago, when I began composing Prophet of Doom, I was saddened that a billion precious souls lost track of reality and managed to get envenomated 248by this venomous Snake. The book was even dedicated to Muslims – “May the truth set you free.”
I no longer hold that position, and I am no longer sympathetic. While I never advocated putting them out of their misery, should they get better at killing themselves, the world would be a better place. It is not just what the best Muslims on the planet did on 09.11.01 or 10.07.23; worse, it is what they have said and done around the globe to celebrate the savage torture, rape, plunder, enslavement, and murder of Jews.
There is no antidote for Islam. They cannot be fixed. They are a blight on the planet. Islam is the deadliest and most destructive terrorist dogma ever perpetrated on the planet. So I expose and condemn Muhammad and Allah, the Quran and Hadith, not for Muslims, but so that God’s people might survive them and so that Progressives pay a dear price for coddling and promoting this scourge.
Muhammad tried to prove that Ar-Rahman was real.
Quran 067.030 “Say, ‘Tell me, if your water were to dry up in the morning who would supply you with flowing water?”
A little history lesson might have been helpful. One of the reasons that Petra flourished is because the Nabateans found nine natural springs and then designed and built an elaborate aqueduct of pipelines, dams, and cisterns to divert the water supply into the protected confines of the city nested between sandstone walls. But it was destroyed in 363 CE by a massive earthquake, such that most everyone left Petra 250 years before this was recited. No one brought them water anymore. Not even Rahman. It no longer flowed. They had to go out and retrieve it.
249The “Concrete Reality” surah was one of the earliest revealed, although it’s an odd choice of names: concrete wasn’t used in Petra and didn’t exist in Mecca. Quranic interpreter and ideologue, al-Maududi, shares a Tradition from Musnad Ahmad, explaining:
“Before embracing Islam I came out of my house with the idea of causing trouble for the Prophet, but he had entered the mosque of the Ka’aba before me. When I arrived I found that he was reciting surah Al-Haaqqah (the 69th surah). I stood behind him and listened. I wondered at its literary charm and beauty. Then suddenly an idea came to my mind that he must be a poet as the Quraysh alleged. At that moment he recited the words: ‘This is the Word of an honorable Messenger. It is not the word of a poet.’ I said to myself: ‘Then, he must be a soothsayer, if not a poet.’ Thereupon be recited the words: ‘Nor is it the word of a soothsayer.’”
Experience for yourself the literary charm and beauty of the “Al-Haqqah | Concrete Reality.”
Quran 069.001 “The reality of the sure calamity!
Quran 069.002 What is the reality of the sure calamity!
Quran 069.003 And what would make you realize what the sure calamity is!
Quran 069.004 The Thamud and the Ad denied the Stunning Calamity!
Quran 069.005 As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the awful cry of the thunder and lightning storm.
Quran 069.006 And the Ad, they were destroyed by a furious roaring wind, exceedingly violent,
Quran 069.007 Which He imposed on them for seven nights and eight days in succession, so that you could see men lying overthrown, lying prostrate in its path, as if they were hollow palm trees tumbled down!
Quran 069.008 Do you see any remnant of them?”
No. And that’s because the Thamud were migratory Bedouins and the Ad never existed. Unable to interact with 250the living, he was relegated to imposing thunder and windstorms on mythical communities. But what kind of delusional and psychotic monster would claim such a horrendous thing? And all the while, the only crime perpetrated by the tormented people of a fabled past was to deny that which still has not occurred – the Day of Doom.
We’re right back to an un-god pummeling his non-creation. Once again, the ever-bludgeoned Ad and Thamud remain his victims. One of these tribes, the Ad, is mythological while the Thamud likely existed as an unstructured community of nomadic tribes meandering along the extreme northeastern shore of the Red Sea. They were never conquered and left only one smallish monument to their existence in shifting sands – never to be seen again. But nonexistent and buried were not forgotten. The myths provided Muhammad with fodder for his favorite depiction of the almighty: “God hates men, especially when they tease his prophet.” The Ad and Thamud mocked and denied, so the Big Guy creamed them. It doesn’t get more charming and beautiful than that.
On a roll, Muhammad used the same trick to twist some Towrah stories to suit his situation…
Quran 069.009 “And Fir’aun, and those before him, and the cities overthrown while committing crimes.
Quran 069.010 They disobeyed, disbelieving their Lord’s messenger So He punished them with an overwhelming penalty, a vehement punishment.
Quran 069.011 Lo! Verily, when the water rose beyond its limits, We carried you upon the ship,
Quran 069.012 that We might make it a reminder unto you that the retaining ears might retain it.”
We go from the mythical thunder and windstorms in fabled places to Fir’aun, who we will assume was an unspecified Pharaoh whose undisclosed cities were overthrown while engaging in unclassified criminal 251enterprises. They, which we might surmise are the overturned cities, disobeyed an unidentified messenger from an unnamed Lord, so, wham, vehement punishment of a type not described. And while methinks the Lord is confused and has his timeline as out of kilter as the Quran, it was then that the water rose somewhere to the point, “We carried you upon the ship.” And to that, the Lord, who cannot recall who did what to whom, when or where, calls it a “reminder.”
Perhaps the Lord was forgetful. With all of the indiscriminate terror he was perpetrating, it blended into one mega catastrophe. And since he couldn’t write and his messenger couldn’t read, it would be “ears,” not eyes, which would be used to retain its memory.
Let’s return to “The Lack of Reality” to find the promised literary charm and beauty. I suspect that the Lord is ever ready to incriminate himself further.
Quran 069.013 “When the Trumpet is blown with one blast,
Quran 069.014 The earth and mountains will be removed from their places and crushed with a single crushing.
Quran 069.015 Then on that Day shall the Event befall.
Quran 069.016 The sky will split asunder, cleaving, so that on that Day it will be frail and torn to pieces,
Quran 069.017 On its fringes will be angels, eight of them, bearing their Lord’s throne above them.
Quran 069.018 On that Day you will be exposed to view, brought before Him in Judgment, not an act hidden.
Quran 069.019 Then as for him who will be given his record in his right hand will say, ‘Take, read my book.’
Quran 069.020 Surely, I did believe that I shall meet my account.’
Quran 069.021 So he shall be in a life of pleasure and bliss,
Quran 069.022 In a high garden,
Quran 069.023 The fruits in bunches will be low within reach.
252Quran 069.024 Eat and drink at ease to your fill for that which you have sent on before you in days of yore.
Quran 069.025 But as for him who will be given his record in his left hand, will say, ‘Would that I were never given by book,
Quran 069.026 And now known my account.
Quran 069.027 I wish death had put an end to me.’”
One blast, and one blast only, Mr. Prophet. And then we will discover that the Event Horizon of the Day of Doom is foretold by moving mountains. Although, I would question why they must be relocated if they are to be pummeled?
And fortunately, while not good for the mountains, there is a story of redemption. Chicken Little was right. The sky is falling. While torn to shreds, never you mind because there are eight angels on duty, not to hold up the frail sky, but to keep the Lord’s chair from crashing down to earth.
He evidently wants a front-row seat to watch us mere mortals be undressed and exposed, nothing hidden. And then we are going to play the righty and lefty game. And while that doesn’t seem amusing, I must ask: who wrote the book and who is going to read it? Based on what we have seen thus far, it isn’t any of these clowns.
Putting that aside, it’s bliss for the righties – a floating garden in the crumbled sky above the maimed mountains, with clusters of low-hanging fruit for the days of yore. Eat and drink, but don’t be asking about the virgins, because that must require an upgraded ticket.
And damn the lefties. Just when we thought it was safe to kill every Jew, the Lord isn’t allowing them to die. Or are we getting ahead of our story? After all, we haven’t left Petra, so these lefties are members of Muhammad’s family.
Quran 69.028 “‘Of no use was my wealth,
Quran 069.029 My power has gone from me.’
Quran 069.030 ‘Seize him, manacle and fetter him,
253Quran 069.031 And throw him in, burning in the blazing fire.
Quran 069.032 String him up, fastened to a chain of 70 cubits.
Quran 069.033 Verily, he did not believe in God, Most Great,
Quran 069.034 And urged not feeding the indignant wretched.
Quran 069.035 Therefore no friend has he this Day,
Quran 069.036 Nor food except filth from washing wounds.
Quran 069.037 Which none but disbelieving polytheists eat.’”
Never was literary prose this charming or beautiful. No wonder Muslims threaten to kill anyone who would dare burn a Quran.
In the realm of Satan, the Lord of Hell, everyone is a slave. Life does not matter, nor do achievements or influence. All inmates will be undressed and shackled for the Devil’s amusement. And then he will give the command: Throw them into the fire and let them burn. String them up because they did not believe that I was God.
They did not feed the ego of my wretched indigent and warner. And just as he had no friends and I have no partners, he will roast alone. But not until I fatten him up with some vile filth – my specialty.
Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any more real than this, and that you had had your fill of charm, the Lord served up and extra batch:
Quran 069.038 “But nay! I swear to witness all that you see,
Quran 069.039 and what you do not see,
Quran 069.040 that this is verily the word of an illustrious and honored Messenger,
Quran 069.041 and not the word of a poet, little is it you believe,
Quran 069.042 nor is it the word of a soothsayer, little that you remember.”
254The Lord is a swear-monger, but without effect. Obviously, even when his recital was fresh off of the lips, all who heard it rejected it – as should everyone today.
And then we have a confession. These words, this message, the Quran itself, is from a man, not god. This “filthy refuse” stinks because it isn’t godly. Muhammad swears to it.
In true megalomaniac fashion, the prophet who is unable to find anyone willing to slather him with praise, pats himself on the back and claims to be “illustrious and honorable.” It stretches credulity beyond the breaking point. And while there is no question that this isn’t poetic, it wouldn’t be fair to besmirch soothsayers either and attribute this to them. They are already in an unpopular profession and do not need the undeserved criticism.
No, this belongs to Muhammad and his Lord, although I suppose we could also blame those who supported Muhammad, retained the Quran in their memories, and those who eventually wrote what we are reading today. In this case, failure wasn’t an orphan.
Every great con leaves clues. It’s their signature. And while Muhammad was a lousy prophet, he was a great con artist. Charlatans become so enamored with their ability to manipulate that they dangle clues thinking they’re too clever to get caught. You can almost hear Muhammad laughing as he denies being the Devil’s Advocate.
Knowing this charlatan better than we do today, the non-prophet’s contemporaries wanted proof he wasn’t just making this stuff up as he went along. So he told them…
Quran 069.043 “This is a revelation sent down from the Rabb | Lord of ‘Alamin | the words of men and jinns.
Quran 069.044 And if he forged any false words concerning Us,
Quran 069.045 We would have seized him by his right hand,
255Quran 069.046 And then certainly should have cut off his life artery (aorta).
Quran 069.047 And not one of you would be able to stop Us, withholding Us from (punishing) him.
Quran 069.048 And lo, this is a reminder for those who guard.
Quran 069.049 And, lo, We know that some among you deny and reject (it).
Quran 069.050 And, lo, it is the nemesis of unbelieves, an anguish and grief.
Quran 069.051 And lo, it is ultimate reality, absolute truth, and assured certainty.
Quran 069.052 So glorify the name of your Rabb | Lord, Most Great, Lord Most High!”
Thank the Lord, the Words of the surah of literary charm and beauty is over. It was beautiful how he was able to associate the Rabb with a forgery and then seize the non-prophet’s attention by threatening to sever his aorta, keeping us on guard. And what could be more charming than a nemesis of anguish and grief awaiting unbelievers for those who challenge the veracity of this drivel? I also like the way the Rabbi came out of the closet to announce that he was as Yasha’yah | Isaiah had predicted thirteen centuries earlier – a Lord claiming to be Most High and Most Great. Since he could produce a prophecy, the wannabe god fulfilled one.
However, just as a Snake is not God, the Quran is not true. Nothing could be further from it.
We did, however, learn something new. Proof that the Quran was not forged is that the non-prophet’s imaginary god hasn’t sliced his aorta. Imagine that. Since the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus haven’t slit my throat, do you suppose they’re gods, too?
256Since I am baiting Islamic apologists into accusing me of unfairly criticizing the Quran by inappropriately citing every verse of almost every surah to besmirch the Rabbi of Arabia who became the Lord of the Worlds, let’s step up onto Al-Ma’arij | The Stairway to Hell. The subject matter of the 70th surah bears evidence that it was sent down in conditions closely resembling those that caused us to endure the revolting rhetoric of Concrete Reality.
It goes something like this: “My god is so nasty, and my critics are so scummy, the former can’t wait to punish the latter for denying my illustriousness and nobility.” Okay, that was a paraphrase. Here is the ultimate nemesis:
Quran 070.001 “A questioner questioned concerning the doom about to fall,
Quran 070.002 Upon the infidels, which none can avert or repel,
Quran 070.003 (A Penalty) from God, the Rabbi | Lord of the Ascending Stairways,
Quran 070.004 To whom the angels and the ruh | spirit take a day to ascend, whose length is fifty thousand years.”
That’s a lofty assertion for a Rock. Nonetheless, the Lord of the dilapidated pile of stones bearing the names of pagan gods and goddesses, claims to have a 50,000-year-long stairway that takes a day to ascend. Impressive?
Inquiring minds, however, want to know why doom remains central to the Rabb’s message. Since it was about to befall, why hasn’t it occurred? Why pose a question and then fail to answer it, again? Why warn everyone about something that cannot be averted? Wouldn’t that be a waste of breath and book?
Why is the Rabbi of Jinns so eager to punish disbelievers? Wouldn’t ignoring them to focus on abusing his slaves be a more sensible approach? What is the fun of being an ignored Muslim | Slave, anyway, since your god spends all of his time in Hell?
257Why does the staircase go up when the subject is doom? Why do spiritual beings need stairs? Does the Rabbi | Lord not know that a year is a measure of time, not distance? If seeking credibility, why did he contradict himself in the same sentence, equating the time of one day to the length of 50,000 years?
Why differentiate angels from ruh (from the Hebrew: ruwach) | spirits when they are one and the same? Where are they going?
Why, if this Snake slithered out of the Garden and into Arabia 5,990 years prior to this writing in 2023, which was 4,581 years previous to this revelation in 612 CE, is he presenting such an expansive timeline? And why, if the Lord of the Rockpile has such a firm grip on reality, isn’t he able to date his all-important Day of Doom?
Since we’ve become reasonably familiar with this Snake, I suspect that he’s bragging. Yahowah equates one day with 1,000 years so that we can correctly position ourselves within the 6,000 + 1,000-year timeline from the Garden to our return and camping out with Him in it. But since the Rabb of Arabia must be akbar, he is 50 times bigger and better.
Keeping it real, if infidels (which would be everyone on earth at the time other than Khadija, Muhammad, and Ali) cannot “avert” the “punishment from the Lord,” why “threaten” them? Why preach to them? Why create them? Is not the definition of a “sadist” one who tortures those who cannot escape? Is the Islamic god, therefore, by definition, a sadist?
This is the twenty-fifth surah we have reviewed in its entirety. Each has plunged headfirst into the depths of hell. And yet now, the Rabb has the audacity to ask for patience – for everyone to wait around until he is able to either add something relevant to his Quran or muster up the wherewithal to impose the dreadful Day of Doom.
258Quran 070.005 “So be patient with good patience.
Quran 070.006 They surely see it (the torment of the Day) to be far off,
Quran 070.007 But We see (the Day of Doom) it (quite) near.
Quran 070.008 The Day when the sky will become boiling filth of oil (or molten copper or brass, silver or lead).
Quran 070.009 The mountains will be like flakes of wool.
Quran 070.010 And no friend will ask a friend,
Quran 070.011 Though they will be made to see one another, (there will be none but see his father, children and relatives, but he will neither speak to them nor will ask them for any help) would desire to ransom himself from the Punishment of that Day by sacrificing his children as a ransom to save himself from the torment.”
The Rabbi of Arabia and his dimwitted troubadour must believe that everyone is similarly depraved. Should this be the non-prophet speaking, like so many who have been tormented before and since he was unable to break the cycle. The abused became the abuser. And should this be the Snake who left the Garden for the desert addressing us, then he is still miffed at God and wants to harbor his grudge against mankind.
But both are frustrated. All they have is bluster and a bluff – the tormenting Day of Doom. As much as they want it to occur so that they can abuse humankind and give expression to their demonic sadism, they are incapable of it. The sky is falling, said the Chicken and his Little Lord. And when it does, when We tear it to pieces, the filth is going to boil and the mountains will become tuffs of wool. Really, really, we promise. Just don’t ask a friend.
Ripping off the veil, and in beast mode, Satan envisions a torment so horrific that it will be his own special version of what his slaves did in Israel on October 7th, 2023. They went into the home of a young family, a loving mother and 259father and their two children, a boy and a girl, five and six years of age. The family had placed their Shabat meal on the table and were about to enjoy it when these Islamic terrorists violated the sanctity of their residence. They fettered the mom and dad and the two children, placing lashings around their ankles and wrists, immobilizing them. And then they made this Jewish family watch as they cut off the fingers and toes and eventually gouged out the eyes of their victims, helpless to stop their ghoulish behavior, unable to protect loved ones. These Islamic beasts, reflecting their Rabb’s attributes, taunted this family by eating their Shabat meal while torturing them. Then they poured bullets into their heads and left, so that they could rape, pillage, kidnap, torment, and murder others, dutifully shouting, “Allahu Akbar” in an orgy of sadistic rage.
In his Quran, the Lord of Arabia, this Snake in the Desert, is clearly demonic. There is no other explanation for “they will be made to see one another, (there will be none but see his father, children and relatives, but he will neither speak to them nor will ask them for any help) would desire to ransom himself from the Punishment of that Day by sacrificing his children as a ransom to save himself from the torment.”
Clearly, the Rabb | Lord is one. There is no other Satan apart from him. And should anyone protest that it isn’t appropriate to correctly identify the Rabb Ar Rahman and Allah as Satan, please reconsider what this Snake just said, or what he will embellish and relish next.
Quran 070.012 “His wife and his brother,
Quran 070.013 And his family who stood by and sheltered him,
Quran 070.014 And all those who are on earth to save himself.
Quran 070.015 But nay, by no means! It is the Fire of Hell!
Quran 070.016 That would skin the scalp, eager to roast, plucking apart right to the skull!
Quran 070.017 It will summon whoever turns his back and flees.”
260For those who may have been too immoral and irrational up to this point, perhaps too tolerant and multicultural, or just naïve, to equate Allah with Satan, was this sufficient? Or is your ability to think and to be appropriately judgmental, like so many others, so completely compromised that you cannot process this evidence responsibly?
If there is a Devil, you have been introduced. And if this isn’t Satan, then the Devil has a meanspirited twin.
This is a penalty conceived, articulated, and perpetrated by a wannabe god, a deity so perverse he personally created a place where men are plucked apart and dragged by their skulls. He is even depicted as eager to roast men and women alive. It’s hard to imagine somebody demented enough to think such thoughts, much less call the book in which they appear, “Holy.”
Now that Muhammad and his Lord have scared the excrement out of his future slaves, it’s time for some good old-fashioned religion. This is the new prophet’s first attempt at establishing Islam.
Quran 070.018 “And amass and hoard, collect and hide.
Quran 070.019 Lo! Verily, man was created impatient;
Quran 070.020 Irritable and perturbed when evil touches him,
Quran 070.021 and niggardly when good touches him.”
Considering what has come before and follows, it’s time we outline what it means to be the Lord’s slave:
Plank One of Islam: The Lord hates humanity.
Plank Two of Islam: All who reject the Lord’s claim that he is God will be tortured by Allah.
Plank Three of Islam: The Lord is the best of torturers.
Plank Four of Islam: The Quran is a Book.
Plank Five of Islam: Prostration prayer is required.
261Plank Six of Islam: The Lord loves a constant prostrator and continual worshiper.
Plank Seven of Islam: The one who begs and has been denied has the right to all wealth.
Plank Eight of Islam: The Day of Doom is real.
Plank Nine of Islam: The Lord is to be feared.
Plank Ten of Islam: None are exempt from the Rabb’s punishment. No one is secure.
Plank Eleven of Islam: Private parts are bad unless used for pedophilia and raping slave girls, or the women you control with your right hand.
Plank Twelve of Islam: Do not ask anything more from the Lord or his Messenger or they will burn you.
Plank Thirteen of Islam: Do not even think about reneging. Bad $#!+ will happen if you do.
Plank Fourteen of Islam: Bow to the Lord of the Worlds and worship him and you will be honored in the Garden of Bliss.
Plank Fifteen of Islam: The Garden isn’t for everyone.
Plank Sixteen of Islam: People are replaceable.
Plank Seventeen of Islam: Chatting is unacceptable.
Plank Eighteen of Islam: Staring is discouraged.
Plank Nineteen of Islam: Resurrection is unavoidable.
Plank Twenty of Islam: Reconstituted bodies will be rushing to their doom.
Plank Twenty-one of Islam: The Lord will not be outrun.
Plank Twenty-two of Islam: People will be humiliated and horrified.
262Summation: In this surah presentation of the religion, the first in Islam, Allah was not mentioned, there was no limitation on the number of gods, and Muhammad was not a Messenger, so that stuff is evidently unimportant.
Quran 070.022 “Except those devoted to prayer.
Quran 070.023 Those constant in prayer.
Quran 070.024 And those in whose wealth there is a recognized right, and acknowledged share included,
Quran 070.025 For he who begs and has been denied.
Quran 070.026 And those who believe in the Day of Judgment,
Quran 070.027 And those who fear the punishing torment of their Rabbi | Lord.
Quran 070.028 Lo! Verily, the punishing torment of their Rabbi | Lord no one can feel secure,
Quran 070.029 And those who guard their sex and preserve their chastity and private parts,
Quran 070.030 Except with their wives and the (women slaves and captives) whom their right hands possess, for they are not to be blamed.
Quran 070.031 But those who seek more than this are transgressors,
Quran 070.032 And those who keep their trusts and covenants,
Quran 070.033 And those who stand by their testimony,
Quran 070.034 And those who guard their salat | devotional prostration prayers in worship.
Quran 070.035 Such will dwell in the Gardens, honored.”
Muhammad’s initial plunge into Islamic doctrine wasn’t very astute. The Straight Path to Paradise leaves much to be desired. But I suppose there is some good news here if you’re a Muslim. Everything in this list is linked with “and those who” which means if you do any one of these things, you’re in the Garden. So any of the following will work: some 263prayers, getting it on with a sex slave, recognizing your wealth, or begging for money.
No wonder there are so many Muslims. How can you miss with a religion like this? But knowing Muhammad as we do, I’m sure it’s not all sweetness and light. He’s dished out as much positive stuff as he can endure.
Quran 070.036 “What is the matter with the disbelievers that they keep staring at you and rush madly toward you,
Quran 070.037 One on the right and one the left, in groups?
Quran 070.038 Does every man of them hope to enter the Garden of Delight?
No. I’m not looking for a drunken orgy, perpetual virgins, both young boys and girls, low-hanging fruit, rivers of wine, or any of the other things the Rabb of Arabia claimed are in store for his slaves. However, for those who are, I wouldn’t trust him to deliver.
There is a reason that people of yore and today focus on Muhammad. He is Islam and Islam is insane. His every word and deed are reprehensible. From his abhorrent life to his demonic recital, it’s a plague.
In this regard, during the rewrite of Prophet of Doom as God Damn Religion, a Progressive had the audacity to discount this rebuke of Allah and Muhammad, the Quran and Hadith, as an ad hominem fallacy. On whom: Allah or Muhammad? And what is there of Islam apart from Allah and Muhammad?
Quran 070.039 “Nay, Lo! By no means! We created them from what they know.
Quran 070.040 So I swear by the Rabb | Lord of the Easts and Wests, the sunrises and sunsets, that surely We are able
Quran 070.041 To replace them by better than them, and We are not to be outrun.
264Quran 070.042 So leave them to chat vainly and play about, with their idle disputes until they meet their Day threatened.
Quran 070.043 The Day when they will rise from their graves as if rushing to a goal,
Quran 070.044 Eyes lowered in dejection and disgrace, fear and humility, in aghast, abasement, stupefying them. Such is the Day that they are threatened with!”
I have nothing to add.
It is time we consider a Hanif poem. In so doing, you’ll see where the prophet got his early material, his style, and his supply of extraneous characters. Zayd ibn Amr was the most famous Hanif – a religious poet and holy man. He had a personal and long-term relationship with Muhammad. As a result, all of Zayd’s insights were incorporated into the Quran’s initial surahs, many verbatim. Muhammad stole his stories, concepts, and style – right down to the Quran’s odd use of “Say.” So, needless to say, the Hanif who provided Muhammad with his initial surahs rejected the notion that Muhammad was a prophet.
Guillaume’s translation of Ishaq’s Life of Muhammad includes several excellent examples of Zayd’s poetry. All Muhammad had to do was to write himself in as prophet and add a hefty dose of hellish torment to Zayd’s poems and he had himself a religion. I have included a “Q” for Quran after each line in which Zayd, not Allah, inspired some aspect of Islam’s Book.
Zayd’s first poem was preceded by this Hadith:
Ishaq:100 “O Ilah, if I only knew how you wished to be worshipped I would do so; but I do not know. Then Zyad prostrated himself on the palms of his hands while facing the Ka’aba.”
265I worship one Lord. I renounce Al-Lat and Al-Uzza. ‑ Q
I will not worship Hubal, though he was our lord. ‑ Q
Ilah has annihilated many men whose deeds were evil. ‑ Q
I serve my Lord Ar-Rahman, my forgiving Lord. ‑ Q
Keep fearing Ilah, your Lord, and you will see the Gardens. ‑ Q
For the infidels, hell fire is burning. ‑ Q
Shamed in life, when they die their breasts are anguished. ‑ Q
The second poem is equally indicting, revealing the source from which the Quran’s first surahs were plagiarized. It also reveals that Zayd was a better linguist and poet than either Muhammad or his Lord. Allah only knows why Ishaq included this incriminating evidence in his Sira.
To the heavenly King, there is no Ilah but Him. ‑ Q
Beware, O men, of what follows death! ‑ Q
You can hide nothing from Ilah. ‑ Q
Beware of associating another with Ilah, ‑ Q
For the straight path has become clear. ‑ Q
Mercy I implore, others trust in the jinn. ‑ Q
I am satisfied with you, O Ilah, as a Lord. ‑ Q
I will not worship another Ilah beside You. ‑ Q
Your mercy sent an angel to Moses as a herald. ‑ Q
You said to him, Go, you and Aaron ‑ Q
And summon Pharaoh the tyrant to turn to Ilah ‑ Q
And say, ‘Did you spread out this earth without a support?’ ‑ Q
Say, ‘Did you set the moon in the middle thereof, ‑ Q
As a light to guide when night covered it?’ ‑ Q
Say, ‘Who sent forth the sun by day?’ ‑ Q
Say, ‘Who planted seeds in the dust ‑ Q
That herbage might grow and wax great,’ ‑ Q
Therein are Signs for the understanding. ‑ Q
You in your favor did deliver Jonah ‑ Q
266Who spent nights in the belly of the fish. ‑ Q
Though I glorify your name, I often repeat: ‑ Q
O Lord of creatures, bestow Your gifts and mercy on me. ‑ Q
An accompanying Hadith claims: Ishaq:101 “Zayd was determined to leave Mecca to travel about in search of the Hanif religion, the religion of Abraham.” Two poems follow. They include concepts that also made their way into the Quran. These include “submission,” which became the name of the religion; “fear,” the implement of submission; “humiliation,” the motivation for Islam; and “severing ties,” the result of Islam. Then after authoring the Quran, Zyad, the unbelieving Infidel, detailed the rites and rituals Muhammad would follow…
Ishaq:102 “Zayd faced the Ka’aba inside the mosque and said, ‘I am a sincere worshipper in truth. Here I am at your service. I take refuge in what Abraham took refuge when he stood and faced the Qiblah. I am a humble slave. I put my face in the dust. Whatever I am commanded, I must do.” Now, that is incriminating.
The Lord of Arabia craves worship. He routinely calls his lies true. He needs to be served because he can do nothing on his own. The Snake in the Desert claimed Abraham as his own – even to the point that he had the audacity to foist the notion that Abraham built the Ka’aba.
All Muslims are slaves to their Lord. “Muslim” means “one who submits.” To affirm their capitulation, they place their faces in the dirt. Muslims are not afforded freewill and must do as commanded.
After naming the religion Islam | Submission, providing Muhammad with his talking points, revealing the Quran, and providing the name of its god, Zayd, a man who rejected Muhammad’s claims, said that he was a Muslim. Ishaq:102 “I submit myself.”
A Hadith from Ibn Sa’d affirms that Zayd said the following: “The Ka’aba is the Qiblah of Abraham and Ishmael. I 267do not worship stones and do not pray toward them. I do not sacrifice to them, nor do I eat that which is sacrificed to them, and do not draw lots with arrows. I will not pray toward anything but this House till I die.”
Muhammad followed Zayd ibn Amr’s teachings verbatim. Too bad he strayed from copying all of his words instead of most of them. At least Zayd was lucid. And unlike Muhammad and his Lord, Zayd wasn’t a sadistic psychopath. And even that is problematic for Islam. It appears that the only things Muhammad added to Zayd’s religion and scriptures were the Never-Ending Argument, hellish tortures, and jihad – the worst of Islam.
Earlier we discovered that Qusayy, not Abraham, was Islam’s patriarch. Now we learn that Zayd ibn Amr, not Muhammad, was Islam’s original prophet – the actual author of the Quran’s first surahs.
For added proof, let’s turn to page 270 of M. J. Kister’s Study of Early Hadiths. He presents the following Tradition: “Muhammad slaughtered a ewe for one of the idols. He roasted it and carried it with him. Then Zayd ibn Amr met us in the upper part of the valley. It was one of the hot days of Mecca. When we met we greeted each other. Muhammad said: ‘Why do I see you, son of Amr, hated by your people?’ He said, ‘This happened without my being the cause of their hatred. I found them associating alihah (gods) with Ilah and I was reluctant to do the same. I wanted to worship Ilah according to the religion of Abraham.’
The Prophet said, ‘Would you like some food?’ Zayd said, ‘Yes.’ Then Muhammad put before him the meat of the ewe. Zayd said, ‘What did you sacrifice to, Muhammad?’ He answered, ‘To one of the idols.’ Zayd said, ‘I am not one to eat anything slaughtered for a divinity other than Ilah.”
Zayd practiced Judaism which was then adapted into Islam. He wrote what would become Quranic scripture. He was a monotheist, while Muhammad was still a pagan. This serves as proof that Muhammad got his initial inspiration 268from a man, not a god. Muhammad stole Zayd’s religion, right down to the nuances of poetic style.
Now you know the truth: Qusayy was Islam’s patriarch; Khadija was Islam’s matriarch; Zayd was its prophet and lyricist; the scheme was Qusayy’s; the style was Zayd’s. Muhammad simply took the credit.