612God Damn Religion
…Slithering Out of the Garden into the Quran
Reign of Tyrants
The Prophet said, ‘If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.’
If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.
Before unwrapping the Islamic version of Abraham, there was an insightful episode that transpired after the flood but before the patriarch’s journey from Ur to the Promised Land. It involves the birth of Babel and the confusion attributed to institutionalizing the commingling of religion and governance – which is germane to Islam.
Tabari II:49 “Most of the earlier sages have said that Abraham was born during the era of Nimrod bin Cush, while most historians say that Nimrod was an official of Azdahaq. Some have asserted that Nuh was sent to Nimrod, against Babylon. We have been told – though Allah knows best – that Dahhak was Nimrod and that Abraham was born during his days, and that Nimrod was his master who wanted to burn him.”
I beg to differ with the Muslim sages. But since nothing they have said thus far has made any sense, why start now? I suppose you’d like to know who Azdahaq, Nimrod, and Dahhak are and why they were playing with fire.
While Nimrod is mentioned in the Towrah, I’ll defer to the Muslims with regard to Azdahaq. They say… Tabari II:3 “Qarishat was tyrannical. One day he became engrossed in thought…Allah transformed him into Azdahaq. He had seven heads and was the one who lived on the highest mountain in Iran. All the historians, both Arab and Persian, claim that he ruled over every clime and that he was a wicked sorcerer.”
613So, with that cleared up, let’s see what the Islamic scholars have to say about Dahhak, whom they believe to be Nimrod. Tabari II:3 “Dahhak reigned for one thousand years after Jam – but Allah knows better. He ruled over all the earth, displaying tyranny and oppression. He killed excessively and was the first to enact the punishments of crucifixion and mutilation.”
I don’t know as much about mutilation as do the Muslims who thought it a religious duty to dismember Jewish children while forcing their parents to watch on October 7th, 2023, but crucifixion was developed by the Assyrians and perfected by the Romans. While no one has ruled over the entire Earth, there has been an unending stream of tyrants – of which Muslims are experts.
Tabari II:3 “He was the first to levy tithes [religious tax] and to mint dirhams.” Not so, but I’m not sure it matters to the mythology of Islam. However, if we are to believe that Dahhak was Nimrod, the great Babylonian king, he was a murdering tyrant.
He was also a scoundrel. According to the archeological evidence, Nimrod and his wife, ‘Asherah / Astarte, invented the pagan practices that grew to become the basis of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythology. His Mystery Babylon religion influenced Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Nimrod is credited with building the temples, hiring clerics, and establishing rituals. He was among the first to fleece the flock and control a large population through a religious scam. Muhammad would have looked up to Nimrod as a role model – or perhaps been jealous…
Tabari II:3 “It is said that there were two ganglia growing out of his shoulders, which caused pain. It became so intense he would anoint them with the brains of human beings. For this purpose he killed two men each day and anointed his ganglia with their brains. When he did, the pain would abate.”
614I’m pleased there is a cure for ganglia. Now all we need is a cure for Islam, for it, too, consumes men’s brains.
Tabari II:4 “A commoner in Babylon rebelled against him. He set up a war banner and many people rallied. When Dahhak heard this he was alarmed and sent the following message: ‘What is the matter? What do you want?’ The man replied, ‘Do you not say that you are the ruler of the world, and that the world belongs to you?’”
As a fellow megalomaniac, scam artist, and terrorist, Dahhak / Nimrod served to make Muhammad’s life seem sane, I suppose. So, let’s compare the description we have just read to what Muhammad had to say about himself…
Bukhari:V1B7N331 “The Prophet said, ‘I have been given five things which were not given to anyone else. Allah made me victorious with terror. The Earth was made for me… Booty was made lawful for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else. I was given the right of intercession on the Day of Doom. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only, but I have been sent to all mankind.’”
Back in 2002, when I first wrote and published Prophet of Doom, the printed and online presentations of this Hadith all read “terror.” But after having cited the Hadith during many radio programs and in debates, then posting Prophet of Doom online, an enterprising Islamic apologist copyedited his “prophet” and changed “terror” to “awe” in the online versions managed by MSA – Muslim Student Association, which then cross fed into the others. It still reads “terror,” however, in printed publications. So, one way to “disprove” this review of the Islamic scriptures is to change them.
Now that I have your attention, let’s return to the story… Tabari II:3 “The rebellious man said, ‘Let your thirst be for all the world and not only for us, for you only kill our people.’” Yes, there was a happier time in which Muslims only killed Muslims. Now they reach out and touch everyone.
Tabari II:3 “Dahhak / Nimrod agreed and ordered that the two men slain each day would be divided among all people, not from just one nation.”
615Tabari II:3 “Dahhak was Nimrod and Abraham was born during his era.”
Tabari II:6 “Dahhak had been a rebel who had seized the people of the land with witchcraft and deceit and had completely terrified them with the two serpents which had been on his shoulders.” Perhaps “completely terrified” should be softened to “had unintentionally startled them.”
Let’s compare the Dahhak / Nimrod duo, which we are told are one and the same with another inseparable duo, Muhammad and his pet Snake. From the recitals…
Quran 003.149-50 “O you who believe, if you obey, those who disbelieve will retreat and you will not retreat as losers. And We will cast ru’ba | terror into the hearts of the disbelievers because they associated partners, friends, and coworkers with Il-Lahi, which is contrary to what He sent down under His authority. So their refuge (will be) the Fire – the evil and wretched abode of the disbelievers.”
Quran 004.089 “They wish that you reject Faith, as they have kafar | disbelieved, and thus that you all become equal. So take not from them allies or friends until they emigrate in the Way of al-Lahi. And if they turn back and become apostates, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.”
Quran 004.142 “Surely the hypocrites deceive al-Laha, and He deceives them.”
Bukhari:V7B71N661 “Magic was worked on Allah’s Apostle and he was bewitched so that he began to imagine doing things which in fact, he had not done.”
Muslims, that is your god and his messenger. Own them or leave them. One indistinguishable pair claimed to be god and prophet; the other a witch and tyrant.
Tabari II:3 “Dahhak / Nimrod built a city in Babylon called Harb (War). He made Nabateans his couriers. The people were subjected to every kind of pressure, and he slew young boys.”
There never was a city in Babylon because Babylon was a city. Harb | War was common, but it was not a town. 616The Nabateans came much later, something Muhammad ought to have known since Petra had been their capital.
In continuing with the similarities between Nimrod and Muhammad, you should know that the non-prophet pressured Arabs to submit to Islam. Those who didn’t were slain. Bukhari:V4B52N260 “The Prophet said, ‘If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.’” Some would consider that “coercive pressure.”
In upcoming volumes of Tabari’s History and in Ishaq’s Sira we will be regaled with Hadith showing Muhammad murdering young boys. In one shameful episode, he decapitated an entire community, slaughtering every Jewish boy over the age of twelve. The Muslim historians are making up these Nimrod myths in order to make Muhammad’s murderous behavior appear like the other “great” tyrants of history.
To give this tall tale a religious slant, the Traditions wove Noah into the plot. This plagiarized, albeit twisted, account proclaims… Tabari II:11 “Shem, the son of Noah was the father of the Arabs, the Persians, and the Greeks; Ham was the father of the Black Africans; and Japheth was the father of the Turks and of Gog and Magog who were cousins of the Turks.”
Shem was the progenitor of the Jews, also, which makes the Islamic hatred of them hypocritical. But it is telling that Muhammad left them out of his list. Calling Shem the father of the Persians and the Greeks is not only inaccurate considering their ethnic diversity, Japheth was associated with the Ionian Greeks And while Magog was listed as one of Japheth’s sons, Gog was not. Neither the Canaanites nor the Egyptians were black, and they were listed as sons of Ham.
Then after being told… Tabari II:11 “Noah slept with his genitals exposed,” we learn: Tabari II:14 “Noah prayed that the prophets and apostles would be descended from Shem and kings would be from Japheth. He prayed that the African’s color would 617change so that their descendants would be slaves to the Arabs and Turks.” I wonder if Louis Farrakhan knows this. Probably not – he was too busy creating a religion based upon anti-Semitism and selling it under the guise of Islam, ignorant of the fact that Muslims enslaved Africans.
We have finally arrived at the real point of the Nimrod stories: Tabari II:18 “Nimrod was the son of Cush bin Canaan bin Ham bin Noah. He was the lord of Babylon and of Abraham.”
Bare’syth / Genesis 10, commonly called the Table of Nations, is where this list of names was derived. It reveals that Ham was one of Noah’s three sons and that he was the father of Canaan. However, Canaan’s sons were Sidon and Heth. They were associated with the Jebusites, Amorites, and Hivites among others – but not Babylon or Nimrod. It was Cush, Canaan’s brother, who begat Nimrod. I share this with you for several reasons. First, to appear Godly, Muhammad remains dependent upon usurping the credibility of the Torah. Second, Muhammad could not read and his memory was poor, which is why he got things all twisted up. Third, if Muhammad couldn’t remember a few sentences and recall a relatively short list of names, it would be irrational to believe that he could remember one surah much less many of them. Fourth, Muhammad had no concept of time. Nimrod died centuries before ‘Abraham was born. And fifth, Muhammad told us that Canaan died in the flood, so he is contradicting himself.
The actual history of the city-states of Babylon, Nineveh, and Ur is fascinating. This is where the stylus first met the tablet. It is out of the land of the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans that recorded history began. It was here that the first laws were written, the first business was conducted, the first armies marched, the first students were taught, and religion was institutionalized.
Their sermons and swords ultimately shaped the world – even unto our present day. Islam was derived in part from 618an offshoot of the religious scam concocted by Nimrod in Babylon. The religion in Ur, from which ‘Abraham fled, was based upon a derivative masculine moon deity named “Sin.” Moon-god shrines like the Ka’aba were erected to him throughout the region with rites that mirrored those invented in Babylon.
The people of the Fertile Crescent turned the sun, moon, and stars into gods and exported them at sword point. The constellations and planets were studied, and astrologists began the occult religions equating their movements to human behavior. This was the first time the masses were subjected to the will of cleric and king by way of divine right. It would not be the last.
Many of Catholicism’s rituals, festivals, and doctrines were derived from Nimrod. The devotion to the virgin with child, priests as intermediaries between god and man, and the celebration of Christmas, Lent, and Easter are but a few examples of religious trappings from Babylon.
I share this with you not to expose Catholicism’s foundations, nor turn this into a mere history lesson, but so you might understand the nature of these Islamic religious traditions better. Up to this point, all we have had to work with is reason and internal contradiction to decide if Muhammad was telling the truth when he recast the Genesis accounts of creation, and then repurposed Adam, Satan, and Noah. Yes, they were incriminating, full of contradictions, and inaccuracies. And yes, Muhammad’s agenda of making his otherwise meaningless life and surroundings seem important and his own rather un-prophet-like behavior seem religious was always transparent. But now we have a new tool: history.
Just as the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls disprove Allah’s assertion that the Jews corrupted the Towrah and Prophets, the clay tablets of Ur, Babylon, and Nineveh prove that Muhammad lied when he tried to 619reshape Abraham into a compatriot of Nimrod. And this lie is not without consequence. If Abraham was not as Allah claims, the Quran disintegrates. Abraham is the lone, thin string that connects Islam to the pilfered stories Muhammad was perverting. And without the Towrah, all that is rational and reasonable in the Quran evaporates, and Islam with it.
Abraham’s story is repeated thirty times in the Quran in fifteen different surahs. We hear Adam’s tale of woe four times. Noah was a crowd pleaser; the mocked messenger makes thirty appearances in thirty different surahs. You just can’t get enough death and destruction for Allah. That’s why Lowt, ‘Abraham’s nephew and a relatively minor character in the Towrah, stars no fewer than fifteen times. He, too, was recast as Allah’s Messenger. The people didn’t obey, so wham – fire and brimstone.
Moses, the great liberator, prophet, and miracle worker, was the most frequently named character in Allah’s book, with a stunning 500 appearances in the replacement religion. The longest surah, the 2nd, was dedicated to the golden calf the Israelites foolishly crafted in the wilderness. The 10th surah is called “Jonah,” who was also a false prophet. The 12th is named after and preoccupied with “Joseph.” The 14th is dedicated to the revisionist “Abraham.” The 17th is named after the Lefties and is devoted to the “Children of Israel.” The 19th derives its name from “Mary,” the supposed mother of the mythical misnomer Iesa | Jesus. The 21st is dedicated to the Hebrew “Prophets.” Only one is named for Muhammad and just one bears the name of his first god, “Ar-Rahman.” “Noah” has a surah named in his honor, but so do the “Pen,” “Jinn,” “Signs of the Zodiac,” the “Sun,” and “Moon.”
Without the rabbinical interpretations of the Towrah and Prophets, the Quran would be a very thin book. Detached from its influence, Islam loses most of its religious trappings. This is the reason Muslims are so 620insistent that the God of Adam, Noah, and Moses and the god of the Quran are the same. For if they are not, Islam’s reliance on the Hebrew text becomes an insurmountable liability rather than the religion’s lone asset.
As we turn the page, we are confronted with some rather astonishing Nimrod fairytales. It must have been painful for a historian like Tabari to insert these randomly in his stilted transition from Noah to Abraham. I’m surprised that he even presents them at all, but nonetheless, they are there, and thus we must deal with them.
But before we jump back into Muhammad’s polluted wadi of insane notions, let’s consider the source he sought to recast in his image. That story begins in Bare’syth / Genesis 10 and then transitions into the 11th chapter…
“Kuwsh (wa Kuwsh – typically transliterated Cush, Noach’s grandson by way of Cham – Passionately Idolatrous Sun Worshiper) fathered (yalad) Nimrod (‘eth Nimrod – Rebellious Son). He was dishonorable and contemptible (huw’ chalal – he was proud and profane, defiled and diseased, polluted and harmful, dishonorable, albeit common; from chalah – diseased and sickening (hifil perfect)) as a result of (la) being (hayah) a powerful politician and heroic warrior (gibowr – a mighty military and prominent political individual with the ability to fight, who prevailed in his quest for supremacy by becoming an influential and impetuous societal leader) in the region (ba ha ‘erets – in the land).” (Bare’syth / Genesis 10:8)
As an indictment of patriotism, politics, and the military, Nimrod was considered contemptible, expressly because he was “a powerful politician and heroic warrior.” God disdains what men respect.
621“He would (huw’ hayah) prominently and impetuously, powerfully and militantly (gibowr – fight mightily to establish his political influence) hunt his prey (tsayd – killing animals as a hunter in pursuit of game, used metaphorically to depict someone who pursues the life of another in order to destroy it; from tsuwd – to stalk and victimize, capture and control, ensnare and kill) in direct opposition to (la paneh – as an assault against and attack upon the presence of) Yahowah (Yahowah).
Therefore (‘al ken – for this reason) it was said (‘amar), ‘The nature of (ka) Nimrod (Nimrod – Rebellious Son) was to prominently and impetuously, powerfully and militantly (gibowr) stalk, capture, control, and victimize his prey (tsayd – acted as a hunter pursuing game by killing animals; from tsuwd – to stalk and victimize, capture and control, ensnare and kill) as an assault against and attack upon the very presence of (la paneh) Yahowah (Yahowah).’” (Bare’syth / Genesis 10:9)
I am surprised we don’t find this line in the Quran. Nimrod was the exemplar of Muhammad.
Nimrod was also the first king of Babylon. He was proud and profane, militant and political, and therefore typical of his time. By comparison to Noach, one preserved life, and the other pursued and destroyed it. One serves as a dependable guide to Heaven, the other to Hell. One represents Yahowah and the other Allah.
According to the Babylonian religion, during the Vernal Equinox, while Nimrod was out hunting, he was mauled and killed by a wild boar. His Queen, Astarte, wept for forty days, taking just enough time away from her sobbing to become impregnated by Bel, the Lord, via one of the Sun’s rays. Nine months later, she became the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God as the Virgin with Child, when Tammuz, the Son of the Sun, was born on the Winter Solstice (then December 25th).
622In this way, Christianity got its Lord, Easter, its ham, Lent, Sunday, Christmas, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God, the Virgin and Child, the Trinity, its Cross (the sign of Tammuz), and of course a dying and resurrected ‘Son of God’ with a birthday on the Winter Solstice. And Islam found the inspiration behind its first religious holiday – Ashura Day. Why invent a new religion when all one has to do is dress up an old one with new outfits and names?
And we are just getting started with Islam because the Quran’s reliance upon, and integration of, the Talmud’s interpretations of the Towrah is the epitome of babel – especially as they are commingled with pagan lore to confound Muslims…
“So (wa) this came to be (hayah) the beginning of (re’shyth – the initiation of the process, the starting point, as well as the first fruit and first child of) his kingdom (mamlakah huw’ – his empire, realm, royal rule, and government) of Babel | Babylon / Confusing Corruption and Commingling (Babel – Babylonia, ‘Gate of the Lord God,’ to confuse by mixing together, to corrupt by commingling; a compound of ba – with and bel – the Lord Bel, god of Babel, and the basis of Bible).
It included (wa) ‘Arek (‘Arek – Prolonged Self-Reliance), ‘Akad (‘Akad – Subtle, Deceitful, and Treacherous Deceptions), and Kalneh (wa Kalneh – Ignominious, Shameful, and Lowly) in the land (ba ha ‘erets) of Shin’ar (Shin’ar – Sumer which became Babylonia in Mesopotamia along the shores of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers).” (Bare’syth / Genesis 10:10)
Babel epitomizes everything that is ra’ | wrong with man. Yahowah wants us to come out of “babel – the confusing and confounding mixing together of religious ideas.” He does not want us to live our lives “ba Bel – with the Lord” or attribute a Babel | Bible to Him.
623We should reject the most babel of books and religions – the Quran and Islam. In the annals of human history, no other religious text has been as reliant upon intermixing and commingling the accounts of others, then corrupting them with their own agenda, to confound and confuse so many. The Quran personifies Babel.
“From that territory (min ha ‘erets ha huw’), he went out to (yatsa’ – went forth and came upon) ‘Ashuwr (‘Ashuwr – Assyria, named in honor of the god, Ashur, the Lord of the Assyrian pantheon, meaning most gracious, a warrior and conqueror). He built (wa banah) Nynowah (Nynowah – Nineveh, Refuge of the Fleeing Ninus, the Rebellious Son, Nimrod), Rachobowth (Rachobowth – the Open Way and Broad Path), and Kelah (wa ‘eth Kelah – Finished, to perish unable to prevail even though physically strong).” (Bare’syth / Genesis 10:11)
‘Ashuwr | Ashur was depicted with eagle wings and arrows, set into the center of a solar disc. This has become the symbol of the President of the United States. It was also adopted by the Nazis. Roman legions slaughtered and enslaved under this sign. The story continues…
“Now it came to exist that (wa hayah) the entire (kol) region (ha ‘erets) had one (‘echad – a certain, singular, and unique) language (saphah – way of speaking and means of communicating), so (wa) the words (dabarym) were the same (‘echad – closely related and associated; based upon ‘achawah – shared common characteristics). (Bare’syth / Genesis 11:1)
Then it came to pass (wa hayah) as they migrated (ba nasach hem – as they set out and traveled) toward the east (min qedem), they discovered (wa matsa’) a valley (biqa’ah) in the region (ba ha ‘erets) of Shin’ar (Shin’ar – Sumer which became Babylonia) and settled there (wa yashab shem).” (Bare’syth / Genesis 11:2)
624Mankind’s transition from hunter-gatherers to urban living dates to 3900 BCE, which is shortly after the exile from ‘Eden. The earliest evidence of writing dates to around 2900 BCE, and therefore to the time of the flood. The first alphabet was comprised of graphic depictions of common things, consistent with what we see preserved in the oldest evidence of Paleo-Hebrew. It was after this event that early civilizations transitioned to cuneiform, ostensibly because it was easier to make wedge-like impressions in soft clay than it was to create curved and complex pictographic forms. Also telling, the languages that developed here were precursors to Akkadian, which was as similar to Aramaic as Aramaic is to Hebrew.
We still share a legacy with these people. The Sumerians used a six- / sixty-based counting system. Time, space, and mass were measured in increments of six. For example, there are sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, two sets of twelve hours in a day, and twelve months in a year. There are also 360 degrees on a compass. As a result, there are 360 degrees in a circle.
I share this because six is the Towrah’s designation for man. And this is not only where men would impose their will over other men, it is the place ‘Abraham left en route to the Promised Land.
“And they said (wa ‘amar), each individual (‘iysh) to (‘el) his immoral countrymen (rea’ huw’ – his loudmouthed and evil public speakers with troubling social, geographic, racial, and religious pontifications, even his harmful neighbors and wicked fellow citizens (written identically to ra’ – evil, no good, immoral, improper, troubling, and harmful)), ‘Come, I implore you to pay attention to me, choosing to do what I want to be done because I want you to allow me to influence you, all while you ascribe excellence and greatness to me, thereby responding by choosing to praise whatever I believe is worthy of worship (chab – I want you to do as 625I dictate (qal – literally, imperative – second-person volition such that the person being influenced agrees, paragogic he – a euphonic honorific directed at the desire of the speaker, cohortative – first-person volition such that this is the will of the nation)). I want us to make (laban – an expression of my will, let us become spotless and morally pure by consistently whitewashing everything, using the sun to bake (qal imperfect cohortative)) sun-dried and whitewashed bricks as writing tablets (labenah – mud blocks used in construction or writing hardened by exposure to the sun; from laban – white).
Then I want to continually ignite an offering for the fiery Serpent (saraph – I want to consume it, setting it ablaze with fire as a sacrifice to the snake, the venomous viper who is a majestic six-winged spiritual being comprised of light (qal imperfect cohortative – literal interpretation, ongoing consequence, expressing the will of the speaker)) so as to approach the place of the Serpent’s radiant light (la saraphah – with regard to and concerning coming near the great conflagration of the venomous snake and its blazing funeral pyre).’
And so (wa), the whitewashed and sun-dried bricks and writing tablets (labenah – the white clay slabs used in construction and mud blocks used to memorialize something in writing) came to actually and continually exist for them (hayah la hem – came to be for them with ongoing implications (qal imperfect)) as stone, making them dense and rigid (la ‘eben – approaching the nature of rock, and thus impenetrable, and difficult to change).
And the tar (wa ha chemar – the sticky, slimy, and troublesome hydrocarbon which could be used as an adhesive to bind, viscous tar to trap, a seal to waterproof, or asphalt to pave over) for a while came to genuinely exist for them (hayah la hem) as an intoxicating and slimy, troublesome binding agent (la chomer – an initially malleable substance which hardens like cement 626that is used in construction as mortar; from chemer – partially fermented intoxicants which enrage and torment and chamar – a coating which repels the life-giving and sustaining properties of water).” (Bare’syth / Genesis 11:3)
You may recall from a previous chapter that we came to realize how ra’ah () was defined by the direction and order of the letters from which it was comprised. As “man’s view of man,” it epitomizes “a perverse and destructive attitude that leads to depravity and wrongdoing.” It conveys the “wickedness, immorality, and evil” of man, reflecting the human propensity to be “harmful and troubling by corrupting.” This “unfortunate criminal behavior is injurious and disadvantageous,” making mankind “miserable” while creating “distressful and ruinous conditions” that are not conducive to life. So, in a word, the Quran is ra’ah.
This is relevant because rea’, the word translated as “immoral countrymen,” is not only written identically to “ra’ – evil and injurious, wicked and wrong, troubling and harmful,” ra’ is the root of ra’ah. Therefore, when we consider the full array of attributes associated with rea’ / ra’ / , man’s perspective leads to: “loudmouthed and shouting public speakers thundering out a racial and religious message to the society as a whole, to fellow countrymen, which is wrong and corrupting, immoral and improper, and thus injurious to life.” Yahowah had witnessed far too much of this and was now using it as a harbinger of what Islam would become.
The people and leaders were like peas in a pod – as they are today. While beguiled by cleric and king, most people go along willingly as accomplices in their own demise. Affirming this, chab is a volitional term. It was scribed to convey the will of the speaker and their audience in the cohortative and imperative – which is to allow him to control them.
627“Then they said (wa ‘amar), ‘We want to control you so that you praise what we choose to worship (hab – come, we implore you, choosing to do what we want to be done, all while you ascribe excellence and greatness to us (qal imperative paragogic he cohortative)). Let us build for ourselves (banah la ‘anachnuw – let’s actually make, continually constructing and establishing, forming for ourselves and our sons) a city with an inner shrine and temple complex (‘iyr – a large and fortified population center built around a central and imposing religious edifice) and then (wa) a highly valued platform and imposing tower (migdal – a grand watchtower of our choosing and an exalted podium for religious worship; from a root meaning to increase in importance, power, and authority, and to rear children who are magnified, all leading to intense grief), such that (wa) its top (ro’sh huw’ – its most crucial and uppermost heights, its summit, head, and tip) is in the heavens (ba ha shamaym – is in the spiritual realm).
And let’s engage, actually creating for ourselves (‘asah la ‘anachnuw – let’s act, expending the effort to endeavor to fashion and form for ourselves, manufacturing with ongoing and unfolding implications) a name and reputation (shem – a personal and proper name, status, and renown, fame and glory; from suwm – to appoint and direct toward, to determine, establish, ordain, and constitute), or otherwise (pen – lest) we will be attacked, scattered, and dispersed (puwts – we will be overthrown violently and moved chaotically) over the face of the entire region (‘al paneh kol ha ‘erets – before the presence of all the realm).’” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 11:4)
This occurred in Sumer, which was likely the site of First Babylon. The oldest texts from Ur are dated to this time and they claim that a priest became king and oversaw the construction of imposing temples in the center of the city. He attributed the people’s defense to his relationship 628with the gods. Further, the king’s claims are known to us today because they were inscribed on sun-dried clay tablets. And having pulled away the sands of time, we even have verification that he built the foundations of his tower and temple out of whitewashed bricks and bitumen.
“So (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) descended (yarad – moved downward to a lower elevation by diminishing dimensions) for the purpose of (la) observing (ra’ah – seeing and perceiving, examining and showing, understanding and revealing) the city and temple complex (‘eth ha ‘iyr – the large and fortified population center built around a central and imposing religious edifice) and (wa) its imposing tower (migdal – a prominent watchtower, an exalted podium for religious worship, all designed to increase their importance, power, and authority) which, to establish their way (‘asher), the sons of the descendants of ‘Adam (beny ha ‘adam) had built (banah). (Bare’syth / Genesis 11:5)
Therefore (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) declared (‘amar – said and explained, expressed in words), ‘Pay attention (hineh – behold, something important is being conveyed, be observant now, look up, listen carefully to the insights being emphasized, notice the details in this narrative and consider the context because, surely, they can change your perspective): one race (‘am echad – one people, nation, and citizenry) with one way of speaking (saphah ‘echad – one means of forming words and communicating via language) for all of them (la kol hem), considering what they have done (la ‘asah – based upon what they have engaged in and acted upon) is contemptible, reprehensible, and deadly for them (wa zeh chalal hem – this is defiling and desecrating for them, profane and dishonorable, piercing and wounding for them, undermining life while lowering their status by breaking, debasing, and dissolving the promise).
629So (wa), they are out of control and unrestrained (lo’ batsar – they are affected by their ongoing actions, becoming unreachable) because they (min hem) are doing (la ‘asah – are putting into effect and carrying out, engaging in and acting upon) anything (kol) which (‘asher – that as a result of the relationship and to show their way) they wickedly decide and collectively propose (zamam – they plot and plan with evil intent, they resolve by agreeing together and collectively determine, they imagine, choose, and intend).’” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 11:6)
Through Babel we are reading a prophecy of what Islam has become. And rest assured, God is not a proponent. He is also opposed to a one-world government and a unified religion. The more global we become, the worse man becomes. It is a simple lesson on gang mentality. God knew that individual men and women can be good or bad, but humankind collectively is almost universally bad. Islam is a perfect example.
God did not silence them but instead saw to it that their religious and political messages would remain confusing and confounding – limiting the magnitude of their appeal. As a result, the rhetoric supporting man’s religious alternatives remains ignorant and irrational. Religion beguiles those who are unwilling or unable to think for themselves. Considering its popularity, that is a sad commentary on the fallen state of the human condition. It is undeniable with Islam – the dumbest religion ever foisted on humankind – and the most sadistic.
Are you aware that, among the babies murdered by marauding Muslims on 10.07.23, one was placed in an oven and roasted alive? Are you aware that, when they came upon a couple at the music festival, they shot the man twice in the legs, immobilizing him, then turned his face toward his girlfriend who they gang raped and then peed on. Before killing her, they cut off her breasts and played 630with them as if they were toys. Islam is worse than Babel – and it was so bad, Yahowah intervened to constrain it.
God turned their tactics against them…
“‘Come now, I implore you of your own freewill, because I want you to pay attention to Me and then to act, choosing to do what I would like done (chab – of your own volition I’d like you to respect Me, choosing to communicate your response, ascribing value to what I’m offering so that you allow Me to influence you (qal – genuinely, imperative – second-person volition which makes this our choice, paragogic he – a euphonic honorific directed at the desire of the speaker, cohortative – conveying the will and desire of the speaker)): Let’s choose to go down, temporarily diminishing an aspect of ourselves (yarad – descending by lowering ourselves, reducing our dimensions (qal imperfect cohortative)), because (wa) we want to confound (balal – we have decided to compromise and confuse, by mixing and mingling (qal imperfect cohortative)) their ability to communicate (shem saphah hem – their speech and the relative positioning of their language) so that (‘asher) they will not listen to (lo’ shama’ – they will not hear the pronouncements of) the individual (‘iysh) speech (saphah – mouth, lips, and words used to communicate a message) of their immoral countrymen (rea’ huw’ – of their loudmouthed and evil public speakers with their troubling social, racial, and religious pontifications to his neighbors and wicked fellow citizens which are wrong, improper, and harmful).’” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 11:7)
Religion is the most menacing adversary the world has known – the most deceptive, destructive, deadly, and damning foe in history. If evil had an institutionalized hierarchy listed in order of infamy, it would read: 1) religion, 2) government, 3) military power, 4) patriotism / politics / societal customs and 5) conspiracy theories.
631“So (wa), Yahowah (Yahowah) dispersed and separated (phuwts – scattered so as to exist in multiple places) them from there (hem min sham) throughout the region (‘al paneh kol ha ‘erets). And (wa) they ceased (chadal – they abandoned what they were doing and stopped, giving up and foregoing, refusing and rejecting (qal imperfect)) the process of building (la banah – constructing and establishing) the city with an inner shrine and temple complex (‘iyr – the large and fortified population center built around a central and imposing religious edifice). (Bare’syth 11:8)
As a result (‘al ken – for this reason), He called and designated it (qara’ – summoned and declared it, announced and entitled it) by its name (shem hy’ – by her name, thereby denoting her reputation as), ‘Babel – Confusion and Corruption by Commingling – Babylon (Babel – Babel, Babylon, the capital of Babylonia, to confuse by mixing together, commingling; a compound of ba – with and bel – lord, serving as the name of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, and therefore “With the Lord”),’ because (ky) there (sham) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) mingled and mixed together (balal – confused and confounded by commingling) the rhetoric (saphah – the way of speaking, the speech and language) of the entire region (kol ha ‘erets).” (Bare’syth / Genesis 11:9)
Balal leads to babel in the sense that a jumbled disarray causes confusion – as is the case with Islam and the Quran. The act of “balal – commingling confuses.” When things that do not belong together are mixed – such as integrating twisted Towrah stories into the Quran – the resulting concoction is corrupting. To a lesser degree, the same can be said of the Talmud and New Testament.
Islam began as a blending of the pagan beliefs of the Yemenites and Nabateans. When that wore thin, Muhammad paid rabbis to recite their Babylonian Talmud, which he bastardized to make his Quran appear credible. 632But even then, the Quran is the epitome of a jumbled text, devoid of chronology and context. As a result, Islam is Babel | Confounding by Intermixing.
Continuing to babble, as was Muhammad’s propensity, the non-prophet professed… Tabari II:106 “Nimrod’s arrogance and rebelliousness against his Lord went on for a long time – some say four hundred years – in spite of Allah’s forbearance with him.”
The history is clear. Nimrod’s death at a young age begat the myths which were incorporated into the so-called Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – of which the Quran is amalgamated. Allah, however, would not be known for another few thousand years.
Next, the pot calls the kettle black… Tabari II:106 “Nimrod was ignorant. He was the first tyrant on earth.” As a result: “Allah sent gnats against them, and they ate their flesh and drank their blood, and nothing but their bones were left.
But Allah gave Nimrod a single gnat which entered his nostril and went on beating the inside of his head with hammers for four hundred years. The most merciful of his friends was he who bunched up his hands and beat Nimrod’s head with them.”
So much for “Allah’s forbearance with him.” Consistency wasn’t Muhammad’s strong suit. Evidently, Allah was correct when he called his non-prophet forgetful.
According to the non-prophet of the un-god who dispatched the flesh-devouring, blood-sucking, gnats, the nostril bug really made the wee-little-brained tyrant mad…
Tabari II:107 “Nimrod vowed to seek out Abraham’s God. So he took four eagle fledglings and nurtured them on meat and wine so that they grew up tough and strong. Then he tied them to a chest and sat in it. He suspended a piece of meat over them and they flew up trying to reach it. When they had risen high in the sky, Nimrod looked down and beheld the earth.
He saw the mountains crawling below like creeping ants. When they had risen still higher, he looked and saw the earth with 633a sea surrounding it. After climbing still higher, he came into a region of darkness and could not see what was above him nor what was below him.
He became frightened and threw the meat down. The eagles followed it, darting downward. When the mountains saw them coming near and heard their noise, they became afraid and almost moved from their places, but did not do so.
As Allah says, ‘Verily they have plotted their plot, and their plot is with Allah, even if their plot were one whereby the mountains should be moved.’” (Quran 014.046)
While Hadiths are designed to explain the Quran, this one was counterproductive. And sadly, there was no excuse. These fables were concocted a thousand years after the frivolity of pagan myths had been exposed to reason. And speaking of reason, this depiction of Babel is dated to 2269 BCE and ‘Abraham would not leave Ur or migrate out of Haran and meet Yahowah until 2003 BCE.
With that in mind, let’s examine the mountainous Quranic problem Muhammad was trying to solve. In the 42nd verse of the 14th surah, Ibrahim, we find the terrorist deity of Islam bragging…
Quran 014.042-46 “Do not think al-Laha unaware of what the al-Zalimun | the cruel and oppressive do. Only He gives them a reprieve to a Day will stare it (the horror) in the eyes. Racing ahead, with their heads raised up, their gaze not returning not towards them and their hearts empty. So warn the mankind of a Day (when) the punishment will come upon them. Then will say those who did wrong, ‘Our Lord, respite us for a little while. We will answer Your call and follow the messengers.’ Had you not sworn from before? Not for you any end.
And you dwelt in the dwellings of those who wronged themselves and it had become clear to you how We dealt with them. So we put forth for you the examples. Verily, they plotted their plots, and their plot was with al-Lahi even if was their plot should move the mountains by it.”
634Muhammad needed to come up with a plot that was capable of making the mountains move for the Quran to make sense. The drunken eagle bit was a clever choice.
The surah that claims Allah isn’t oblivious proves that he is demonic…
Quran 014.047-52 “So do not think al-Laha will fail in His promise to His Messengers. Lo! Al-Laha all-Mighty, Owner of Retribution. Day the Earth shall be changed (into) other the Earth, and the heavens, and they will come forth before Lillahi, the One, the Irresistible. You will see al-mujrimun | the criminals that Day bound together in chains. Their garments of molten pitch and tar and fire will cover their faces.
So that al-Lahu may reward each soul according to what it has earned. Lo! Al-Laha swiftly reckoning. This, a Message for the mankind, that they may be warned with it, and they may know that only He, ilahun wahidun | One God, and that men of understanding may take heed.”
And with that sadistic appeal to masochists, the un-god of Islam dispenses with the niceties of the Covenant and concludes his surah on Islamic Abraham. So, other than fear, why do two billion people worship such a demented deity? Surely, lo, they don’t actually believe this.
The Nimrodian Traditions continued to scuttle all remnants of Islam’s credibility… Tabari II:108 “They took off from Jerusalem and they fell down in the Mountain of Smoke. When Nimrod saw that this method would accomplish nothing, he began building the tower – taller and taller. Then he voided excrement through it. Allah seized his building by its foundations and the roof fell down upon them and doom came upon them whence they knew not.” (Quran 016.026)
Dare we poke through the excrement and find Allah’s little problem? Or do we just chalk this one up to diarrhea of the mouth? We’ve come this far, why get queasy now? Hold your nose if you must. Verses 22-25 of the 16th surah say that non-Muslims are puffed up with pride (probably 635from holding their noses) and living in denial. But Allah is on to them like stink on…well, you know what.
But we are getting ahead of Allah’s story. This is all being told, from Creation to Doom, for a single purpose: the Snake who left the Garden and fled to the Desert wants Arabs to believe that he is their god – the Lord of the Worlds. To prevail, he must discredit Jews, claim to have authored the Torah he is contradicting, and then recast Yowm Kipurym into Satan’s Homecoming. It all reads like the Book of Ezekiel.
After telling us that there were no “angels” associated with Muhammad, we find the worst of them bragging…
Quran 016.001-2 “Command of al-Lahi will come so do seek to hasten it. Glorified is He, sublimely exalted above what they associate. He sends down the angels with the inspiration of His Command upon whom He wills of His slaves that warn that He, no god except Me. Fear Me.”
Speaking of oneself in third person and first person in the same sentence is a sign of schizophrenia, especially in the context of commanding angels and inspiring slaves while claiming to be a fearsome God. So now, the venomous viper of Islam slips out of first person to claim in third person…
Quran 016.003-4 “He created the heavens and the earth in truth. Exalted is He above what they associate. He created the man from nutfah | sexual discharge then, behold, he became an obvious opponent and clear adversary.”
This is all coming into focus, presenting the Exalted as an egotistical psychopath and narcissist. This Snake has grown too big for his skin.
He just isn’t a very smart reptile. Confused over the whole chicken and egg thing, and forgetting that he previously claimed that he created man from “coagulated blood” and “stinking slime,” we are amused by the nutfah.
636However, let it be known that the smallest nutfah is capable of contending with All-Mighty al-Lahu. With a threat so small, the Devil cannot be very big.
This Snake coveted cows. It began with the Golden Calf the Israelites made to irritate Yahowah. He would name his most anti-Semitic surah, Al-Baqara | The Cow.
Quran 016.005-8 “And the cows He created them for you. In them is warmth and benefits, and from them you eat. And for you in them beauty when you bring them home and when you take them out. And they carry your loads to a land you could not reach except with great trouble yourselves. Lo, verily, your Rabbi is surely most kind, Rahim. And horses, mules, and donkeys for you to ride and as a beautiful adornment. And He creates what you know not.”
Having never snuggled with a cow, or brought one home, I’m not up to speed with their benefits or beauty. But I know that cows are inept at carrying loads and neither mules or donkeys are adornments. But this we know – there is no shortage of asses around Allah.
When it comes to gods, capriciousness isn’t a desirable attribute, but Snakes are seldom straightforward…
Quran 016.009 “And upon al-Lahi, the direction, the way, and among them crooked. And if He willed, surely He would have guided you all.”
Allah must demonstrate that he can write at the level of an adult nutfah before he can serve as a guide. And he is going to have to be more convincing, because truth be known, his proofs range from pathetic to preposterous…
Quran 016.010-14 “He, the One Who sends down from the sky water for you. Drink, and from it vegetation which you pasture your cattle. He causes to grow for you with it the crops and the olives and the date palms and the grapes and of every kind of fruits. Lo, verily, in that surely is a sign for a people who reflect. And He has subjected for thou the night and the day and the sun and the moon and the stars, are subservient to His Command. Lo! Verily, in that surely are signs for a people who reason.
637And whatever He multiplied for you in the earth of varying colors, lo, verily in that is surely a sign for a people who remember.
Quran 016.014 And He it (is) the One Who subjected the sea for you eat from it fresh meat, and that you bring forth out of it ornaments to wear them. And you see the ships ploughing through it, that you may seek of His Bounty and that you may be grateful.”
The Serpent says he is Supreme because it rains, we drink, cows eat, and olives, dates, and grapes grow. More incredulous still, day and night, the sun and moon, even the seas, are subjugated and submissive. Even colors, ships, and ornaments as signs requiring gratitude.
Not done embarrassing himself, says the Snake…
Quran 016.015-17 “He affixed, casting stabilizers into the Earth, mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you, and rivers and roads that you may be guided. And landmarks. But the stars guide themselves. So, is then He Who creates like the one who creates not? Then will you not mind?”
Geology wasn’t among al-Lahi’s strong suits, nor was anthropology, since he is crediting himself with building roads. And yes, I know that we dove into this cesspool of Muslim nonsense hoping to find out why the Hadith found in Tabari II:108 was needed to explain Quran 016.026. If you recall, after they fell down in the Mountain of Smoke and Nimrod voided his excrement in the tall tower, Allah seized the building and collapsed the room before the doom came upon them unexpectedly. So, I promise that we will get to it before we leave this surah. But how does one look away from a train wreck? This story needs to be told.
However, at some point, I should be able to retire. Allah does a better job condemning himself and destroying Islam than I or anyone else could possibly do. He is easily the ineptest un-god of all time. He is so bad, Allah gives other false gods a bad name.
Quran 016.018-21 “And if you could count the favors of al-Lahi, you could not count them. Lo! Al-Laha, forgiving, kind. And 638al-Lahu knows what you conceal and what you reveal. Those whom they invoke besides al-Lahi, they have not created anything themselves but were created. Dead, not alive, not living. And not they perceive when they will be resurrected.”
If you count the favors, you cannot count them, which is proof that the Lord of Punishment is kind. The notion that his spying is more invasive than the Gestapo is proof that he does not trust anyone. And if we are to believe the Inarticulate One, Yahowah didn’t create anything, but was instead created by the Serpent. Although, I don’t suppose God concurs with the notion that He is dead.
Bodily resurrection is not only impossible, it’s counterproductive. Our bodies decay and our corpses disintegrate. There is nothing of value at the conclusion of our mortal lives other than our souls – most of which cease to exist, damning al-Laha’s hair-brained scheme…
Quran 016.022-24 “Your god one god. But for those who believe not in the hereafter, their hearts deny, and they are arrogant. Undoubtedly, al-Laha knows what they hide and what they disclose. Lo! He does not like the arrogant ones. When it is said to them, ‘What is it your Lord sent down?’
They say, ‘Tales of the ancients, fables from long ago.’ So, they will bear their burdens undiminished on the Day of Resurrection, and also the burdens of those whom they misled without knowledge. Ah, evil, indeed, is that which they will bear.”
Thank God there is only one Islamic ilah. There is no denying that he is one too many. And yes, our God is One. You just don’t happen to be Him.
The reason evil entities like the Nazis and Soviets, and now Allah, deployed their Gestapo and KGB is to sequester anyone trying to expose their murderous malfeasance. And while the Rabbi’s approach to silencing critics cowers most people, it does not work on everyone.
In this case, I’d like to point out that al-Laha just gutted himself. By having the Jews say that their Towrah is 639comprised of “fables of the ancients long ago,” the Lord of Delusions has denounced the majority of his Quran because it has been based upon what he now calls “evil.” It is another proof – Allah is a self-incriminating Snake, which is rare among venomous reptiles. They don’t typically inseminate themselves.
Also, by saying that “burdens” are “undiminished” on the “Day of Resurrection,” Satan is denying Yahowah’s and Dowd’s provision through Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym, enabling Shabuw’ah and Taruw’ah while leading to Yowm Kipurym. Of this, we have knowledge and assurance.
This then brings us to the diabolical plot, where the tower of excrement lost its roof and Nimrod was punished by surprise…
Quran 016.026 “Lo! Those who before them plotted, but al-Lahu came at and struck at the foundation of their building, and then the roof fell down upon them, from above them, and the doom of tormenting punishment overtook them from somewhere they did not suspect.”
Without the context of the Hadith explaining that al-Lahu was mad at Nimrod for pooping in the tower and tore the roof down in protest, the Quran doesn’t make sense. But with the context, the only thing we know for sure is that Satan is no more God than the Serpent in the Garden.
There doesn’t appear to be a level beneath which al-Lahu won’t burrow. Undisclosed people, for an unknown reason in an unstated place, plotted some scheme, but al-Laha out plotted them and undermined the foundation of an unspecified building so that the roof collapsed, proving that he’s conniving and destructive. So why not turn gophers into gods and worship them?
Before we return to Babel, we should consider this imaginary conversation between the un-god and his demonic nature…
640Quran 016.027-29 “Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will disgrace them and will say, ‘Where are My partners, those whom you used to oppose with them?’ Those who have been given the knowledge will say, ‘Lo! Verily, disgrace this Day the disgrace is upon the disbelievers.’ Those who the angels take wronging themselves, they will offer submission. ‘We were not doing any evil.’
Nay! Lo! Al-Laha knows all what you used to do. So enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein forever. Woeful and dreadful a dwelling lodging the arrogant.”
Woeful and dreadful, indeed, but such is the Quran. Although, the Hadith is no better…
Tabari II:109 “Then it fell, and on that day the languages of mankind became confused from fright, and mankind came to speak seventy-three languages. Before that the only language had been Syriac. It was called Babel.”
In the midst of the stench, there are some pearls. The first written languages, Hebrew, Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, and Phoenician were closely related and created around 3000 BCE. Some 3,000 years later, Nabatean, Syriac, and Hebrew were blended in places like Petra to spread Christianity, so the confession is enlightening.
There were a number of events that coincided for this to occur. Within a few decades of Muhammad’s death, Islam became a house divided. The competing capitals of the barbarian empire were relocated out of arid and inhospitable Arabia to Petra and Damascus, both of which were then in Syria at the time the Roman Empire was disintegrating. With languages in flux, and away from a reliance on Latin toward a preference for Greek, with Hebrew giving way to Aramaic in the region following the Diaspora, and with the Nabatean, Judean, Phoenician, Egyptian, and Persian empires in ruins, and Islam on the rise, there was the need for a unifying language.
All the while, once Islamic jihadists conquered Persia, they were in position to create a written version of the oral traditions comprising the Quran in the languages most 641similar to the dialect spoken in Petra and Yathrib – blending Hebrew and Aramaic. There were lots of Jews just completing the Babylonian Talmud, literate in Aramaic and Hebrew, and they were familiar with the names and stories Muhammad had conveyed because they had recited them to him. And that is where, when, by whom, and how the first written versions of the Quran were scribed using the Hebrew alphabet.
As we move through this collection of Muhammadan Hadith, we are given another glimpse behind the veil of Islam. Tabari II:109 “‘We are only growing farther from heaven,’ Nimrod said. ‘Descend!’” Now you know which direction to look to find Allah.
Tabari II:109 “The unbelievers were Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar, while the believers were Solomon bin David and Alexander.” I’ll bet you didn’t know that the resolutely pagan Alexander the Great was a monotheistic Muslim or that the Yahuwd King Solomon, and his father, Dowd, who wrote 100 Psalms and Proverbs to Yahowah, were Islamic.
Tabari II:110 “In the same way, Nebuchadnezzar was warlord of the lands extending from Ahwaz to the land of the Byzantines lying west of the Tigris, before Luhrasb. He was bruised by fighting the Turks.”
An eighth-grade history class and a functional calendar may have helped the un-god and his non-prophet. Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon predated Byzantium by more than a thousand years. And the Turks came much later after the ultimate Mongolian despot, Tamerlane, used Islam to raid the known world, resulting in the Ottoman Empire.
Not even five percent of this has been credible. Frankly, both Scientology and Mormonism make more sense. We have been regaled with a steady stream of impossibilities, contradictions, and fairytales – albeit mostly nightmares. This has got to be the feeblest attempt at religion ever postulated by man.
642A crime has been committed. The evidence commands a verdict of guilty. There is a zero probability that these words were inspired by God. That means Muhammad lied: he was not a prophet, and Allah was not God.
But that’s good news, not bad. It frees us to explore the more important questions. We can now focus on how the scam was compiled, and more importantly, why. Once we understand how and why we will know what can be done to stop Islam before it kills more of them – and us.