417God Damn Religion


…Slithering Out of the Garden into the Quran


Satan’s Manifesto

How many populated places have We destroyed when Our terror and torment came upon them suddenly.
Quran 007.004

How many places have We destroyed?

You may be wondering why Muhammad based his religion on Babylonian Talmud stories, and why he found it necessary to alter them to fit his situation. Muslim scholars insist that the characters and events, at least up to the point of departure, are similar because a supposedly nameless deity and Allah are the same god. Unfortunately, that makes less sense than the sun falling out of a chariot and angelic wings blotting out the moon. Disparities exceed similarities a millionfold, and the intent of one is the opposite of the other.

If humanity is to believe that Allah is Yahowah, simply translate the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr into Arabic and be done with it. We have irrefutable proof through fulfilled prophecies that Yahowah’s restoring testimony was inspired and irrefutable evidence that it has been reliably maintained through the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, that would be the end of Islam and Allah, including the institutionalized suppression of women and the universal instigation of terrorism. To yada’ | know Yahowah is to disavow and reject Muhammad as a prophet and Allah as a god. It is to recognize that Allah is ha Satan | the Adversary and that the Quran | Recital is a false witness. It is to liberate Muslims from Islam | Submission.

418However, as we discovered in the previous chapter, Muhammad was allergic to truth. It didn’t serve his interests or mesh with his character. It’s hard to imagine a man lying more transparently, prolifically, or incredibly.

The realization that Muslims are wholly reliant upon the non-prophet’s universally false and contradictory rants for the entirety of their religion and the very existence of their “god,” puts them in a precarious position. Knowing that its creator was a psychotic liar already puts Islam on life support, and we have yet to move past the balderdash of Islamic creation myths.

Thus far, the Quran and Hadith have demonstrated that Muhammad wasn’t very smart and that his god wasn’t any help. That much should be evident by now. He not only proclaimed the dumbest creation theories recorded in any religion, but he couldn’t remember what he said one day to the next. Muhammad was constantly tripping on his tongue.

Lacking intelligence, a functional memory, rational thinking, an awareness of history and science, and of course, Divine inspiration, Muhammad turned to the plethora of rabbis in Yathrib for a lifeline. The Jews had been providing food, housing, and loans for Muhammad and his fledging assortment of malcontents from the moment they had scurried out of Petra following the debacle of the Satanic Verses and mythical Night’s Journey. Since they were already funding his existence, they might as well fortify his new religion.

Three of the four tribes in Yathrib were Jewish, and they had the two things Muhammad coveted – wealth and scripture. Unskilled in negotiation and averse to partnerships, the non-prophet would confiscate both, giving birth to Islam – Muhammad’s Terrorist Dogma. Sure, it would be bloody and gruesome, but fear compels submission and dead men tell no tales.

419But did I mention that Muhammad was not very smart? In his Sunnah and Quran, Muhammad and Allah actually admit to purchasing scripture recitals from the rabbis. Then they confessed that their versions were different because the rabbis allegedly changed theirs after selling them to them. But that allegation was nonsensical for numerous reasons. The Babylonian Talmud was a written document. It had been collected hundreds of years previously, and its stories not only did not change at this time, the rabbis in Yathrib would not have been able to alter a collection maintained in Baghdad. Even worse, they would have had no way whatsoever to change the Towrah.

While the rabbinical assessments of the Towrah’s stories and prophetic accounts were imaginative, the characters they described remained consistent with their historical context, unlike the Islamic variations. And now with the Dead Sea Scrolls, we have access to Towrah scrolls describing these individuals and events six to nine centuries before Islam’s existence. And they prove conclusively that it was Muhammad and Allah who altered everything to suit their unGodly agenda.

And, of course, by admitting that they were fighting over the right to repurpose the Talmud and Towrah recitals from the rabbis, the non-prophet and un-god were admitting that large swaths of their Quran were inspired by Jewish religious leaders rather than by Allah.

The Devil’s and his Advocate’s clumsy corruptions of these paid rabbinical recitals are so obvious it is often comical. However, when the rabbis mocked this sandbox psychopath for having done so, Muhammad silenced them by decapitating many hundreds of Jews. But in the manner of narcissists, he couldn’t hold his own tongue, so in the process of degrading Jews, the un-god’s non-prophet implicated himself – not just in mass murder, but in having fabricated his Quran through bastardized plagiarism.

420Muhammad’s character and confessions left indelible stains on the Quran and Sunnah, such that a rational reader will immediately recognize these as an admission of guilt. Everything that is Islam, from its “prophet,” “god,” “quran,” and “sunnah,” is contrived. They only appear “religious” because Muhammad didn’t just plunder Jews of their lives, property, and wealth; he stole their scriptures. Much of the Quran is derived from the most prolifically documented, best-known monotheistic religion at the time – Judaism – by way of the Babylonian Talmud. And it was all to make one man’s quest for perverted sex, stolen wealth, and a craving for sadistic cruelty, and his spirit’s determination to be worshipped as God seem religious.

For those who might take issue with the semantics between purchased and stolen relative to Muhammad’s scriptural supply chain with the rabbis of Yathrib – since he murdered them all, it is safe to say that there is an unpaid bill tucked beneath a rug somewhere in Medina.

So far, so bad. Team Islam usurped Jewish ideas, terms, names, characters, and events, even language and God. Muhammad penciled himself in as a fellow prophet – as the lead act on the marquee. He cast Allah in the role of Yahowah. He replaced Jews with Arabs and started telling tall tales. But being illiterate, stupid, and maniacal, he got them all fouled up.

The Jews laughed themselves silly. Rather than accepting the self-promoting prophet, they teased him for his errant portrayals of their history. But aspiring tyrants never admit to being wrong. Rather than correct his revisionist history, Muhammad claimed supremacy. He said, “If you reject my message, you will die.” Emboldened by the militants he came to command through bribery, he twisted the stories further in an effort to make his degenerate behavior look prophetic.

421Jewish history and its witness in the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr were contorted to the point they became nonsensical. The rabbis, in defense of their horrible decision to sell Muhammad recitals from their Babylonian Talmud, foolishly mocked Muhammad all the more. Enraged, Allah’s Messenger struck back, calling them demonic apes and pigs. He ordered his followers to “kill every Jew.” He’d show them who was right and who was wrong. He’d prove he was a prophet by decapitating Jewish men, raping Jewish women, and enslaving Jewish children.

When you view this continuing saga of Islam in that light, and from this perspective, even stories of a talking sun that wears clothing and goes to bed each night in a muddy spring surrounded by extraterrestrials become relevant. And if there’s a better excuse, I mean explanation, for this malarkey, I mean alternate view, I’d love to hear it. For if there is something in Islam that makes sense, something that is actually redeeming – we might use it to reach Muslims, reason with them, and keep them from killing us.

By way of confession, I came to accept the Towrah, Naby’, wa Mizmowr as the inspired word of Yahowah because of the prophecies it contained, its scientific and historical accuracy, and the merit of God’s message. I recognized that it was impossible for a 2,500- to 3,500-year-old collection of books to accurately foretell today’s events if it were not authored by a spirit who existed outside of the constraints of time. The more I studied, the deeper I dug, the more attractive the picture that Yahowah was presenting appeared, and the more generous and desirable His offer became. You do not have to share my conclusions, but you are encouraged to consider how I came to hold them by reading the books which comprise Yada Yahowah – of which God Damn Religion is one of many. They are available in their entirety at YadaYah.com and royalty-free in printed editions.

422I will continue to hold Muhammad accountable and prove the Quran and Sunnah fraudulent through the non-prophet’s and un-god’s words and deeds as they were recorded in their scriptures. However, without an appreciation of who Yahowah is and what He is offering and requesting, by contrast, a reader will never fully understand just how evil Islam is or comprehend why it is so deceitful, destructive, and deadly. One of the most disconcerting consequences of Islam is that something wonderful, enlightening and uplifting, emancipating and enriching was convoluted into an ignorant and degrading rant, robbing and enslaving every believer.

If we were to cut to the chase, Islam disproved itself by claiming that the Towrah was inspired by Allah and that the Quran confirms its message. Two “inspired” books from the same deity cannot be contradictory to the point of being opposites. Moreover, Yahowah’s name appears 7,000 times within His testimony and Allah’s never once.

More than this, to understand Allah’s motivation and Muhammad’s complicity, it is important to at least read what Yasha’yah | Isaiah foretold in the 14th chapter about the ascent of Satan, such that the Adversary achieved his ambition of being seen as Allahu Akbar – greater than the God of the Jews. You will find it accurately translated and explained in the 4th volume of Observations, entitled Teaching, and in all three volumes of Babel ~ Beast, Abominable, and Venomous. By reading this material, you will understand why Satan, disguised as Allah, claimed the Towrah for himself. You will also appreciate that the reason the un-god turned so violently against Yahuwdym is because they are Yahowah’s chosen people and prophets. This perspective is marvelously presented in the last two volumes of the Babel series on Ezekiel because he was the prototype for Allah’s non-prophet.

Muhammad’s wannabe god’s dependence on the Towrah and Prophets to fill out his Quran wasn’t simply 423that he lacked inspiration but also because he had an agenda. He would rise above Yahowah in the minds of Muslims by claiming to be God. But he’s not very good at it, so his true nature is always visible behind the veil.

Since the non-prophet and his un-god pilfered Yahowah’s testimony, and tread upon His credibility, doing an appalling injustice to both, at the very least, we must now compare the resulting Sunnah and Quran with the original. Had they been original and created their myths independently, we would judge Islam solely on its own merits. But now, comparison is required.

That said, this will not be an essay on comparative religions. Unlike Allah, I recognize that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all indefensible and highly objectionable to God. However, when the non-prophet says something stupid, such as the Quran confirming the Towrah and Gospels, I’m here to proclaim that this is not only inaccurate, it is impossible because the New Testament is in opposition to the Torah, and neither agrees with Allah.

You are, of course, free to object. You may view Muhammad’s demonic behavior and the motivation for his deceitful scriptures metaphorically. His demons can be seen as our primal nature, human depravity in full bloom. It doesn’t require a devil to seduce covetous men into deceiving others to gain power, sex, and money.

Now for another dose of reality. Any attempt to reorganize Islam chronologically is perilous. The religion begins with the false propositions that ‘Abraham had a religion instead of a relationship with Yahowah, that he built the Ka’aba and established Islamic rituals. But since ‘Abraham is known only through the Towrah, and the subsequent embellishments in the Talmud, the revisionist history isn’t credible. To pick a handful of details out of his 424life and change one hundred to suit another situation 2,500 years after the fact is ludicrous.

With the majority of the Quran’s content pilfered from the Torah by way of the Talmud, Muhammad professed that Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Moses, and David were Muslim prophets, setting the stage for Islam centuries before he was born. The longer Muhammad lived, the more he twisted their stories, making them his own.

Therefore, if we review the evidence in the order Muhammad actually made his assertions, we’d have to jump in and out of history. But if we use a historical timeline – the Islamic version of creation through the perversion of the patriarchs, the immorality of KaabaVille, ending with the violence of Arabia – we’ll have to review Quranic and Hadith verses that were revealed last, first.

Muhammad’s biographer, Ibn Ishaq, and Muslim historian, Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, used the same chronological approach we are going to consider. Therefore, every surah we reference early in this narrative was revealed late in Muhammad’s life. Adam and Satan dominate Islam’s genesis, yet none of the supporting Quranic verses discussing them are from the first score of surahs in order of their alleged revelation.

I share this to keep you from jumping to the conclusion that Muhammad was a well-schooled religious man, possessing a sufficient understanding of the Torah and Prophets to plagiarize it effectively at the outset of his career. In reality, he was no Paul. He would not come to know anything of the Torah until snippets were recited by rabbis. And he would not attempt to misconstrue the Gospels until he was on the cusp of terrorizing Byzantium.


425We pick up the story of Islam’s creation account where we left off, with Iblis, better known as Satan. I’m going to work the narrative through the Quran, beginning with the 7th surah, which is called, “The Heights – The Wall Between Heaven and Hell.”

This is an inauspicious beginning because nothing of the sort exists. Shamaym | Heaven is a spiritual realm. In or around such a place, a physical wall would serve no purpose. It’s not surprising, however, that Muhammad knew nothing of Heaven.

She’owl | Hell, as the place of separation, is akin to a black hole in space. Within it, gravity, not walls, ensures that nothing escapes. Also pertinent, unlike Muhammad’s absurd Night’s Journey on his flying donk-mule, one does not pass through Hell en route to Heaven. They are as far apart as the universe allows. And let’s be clear, while Muhammad may have been ignorant of She’owl during his life, he will get to know it intimately, since I have been given the right to condemn him to an eternity within it.

In the 7th surah, Allah, or perhaps Muhammad, corrupts one of the earliest Genesis stories. But he gets sidetracked with intolerance and terrorism before he dives into his version. Therefore, in deference to the Islamic apologists, I’ll keep the whole passage in context, starting at the beginning. But please be aware, in some translations, surahs now begin with a salutation to the gods of Islam which was not part of the original text, so I will dispense with odes to Rahman and Rahim.

Quran 007.001-2 “Alif Lam. A Book revealed to you. So, not be in your breast any uneasiness from it that you warn with it and a reminder for the believers.”

There is never an explanation as to why random Hebrew Letters appear at the outset of many surahs. The first statement, however, was not accurate. The Quran did not exist as a book at any time during Muhammad’s life. 426Based on the historical record, nothing would be committed to writing for another century.

The second statement is inappropriate. The sane approach is heralded by Yahowah. God began by conveying what He was offering and expecting in return. Warnings followed regarding the consequence of ignoring Him – none of which ever reached the level of a penalty. In God’s case, the presentation of His personal and conversant relationship with ‘Adam in the Gan ‘Eden | Garden of Great Joy was shared before we were told the reasons for the Flood – a subject we discussed relative to Hamas in the At War with Religion chapter. And even within the Garden, proper instruction preceded the consequence – which was expulsion. The way to live was offered long before death became apparent.

Next, Yahowah invites ‘Abraham to engage in the Beryth | Covenant. God shares its five benefits and five conditions – all of which are presented and explained in Bare’syth / Genesis. Then, He provides an admonition, demonstrating the consequence of being overtly religious in Mecca and Medina, I mean Sodom and Gomorrah.

By contrast, Allah does not desire anything from humanity other than to submit as slaves and worship him as if he were God. He wants to intimidate and frighten. But even then, why “warn” unbelievers if their fate is predestined to hell? The threat of impending punishments which cannot be averted smacks of an author who was either demented or a sadist.

Quran 007.003 “Follow what has been sent down unto you by your Lord, and follow not any partners or friends besides him. Little is what you remember.”

Yahowah wants to be known as our Father while Allah seeks to lord over humankind as a Master. Yahowah engaged and communicated through individuals like ‘Adam and Noach, ‘Abraham and Sarah, Yitschaq and 427Ya’aqob, Moseh and ‘Aharown, Shamuw’el and Dowd, Yasha’yah and Yirma’yah, even Yada, while Allah is without partners or friends.

While it is embarrassing, since Allah, in one manner or another, is supposedly speaking to Muhammad, and having said, “little do you remember,” he just confirmed what I stated previously. The non-prophet had a lousy memory and could not recall what he had said one day to the next.

Muhammad’s cruel and sadistic spirit said…

Quran 007.004 “How many cities and towns have We destroyed when Our terror and torment came upon them suddenly by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest?

Quran 007.005 No cry did they utter when Our terrorizing torment overtook them but this: ‘Lo! Verily, we are zalimun | polytheists and disbelievers.’”

From this, we may correctly conclude that Allah and Muhammad are bent on destruction. Given the chance, they not only target civilians, they are confessed terrorists. They brag about sneaking up on communities and ravaging them while blaming and shaming their victims.

Therefore, Muhammad and Allah sanctioned the Islamic monsters who did this very thing to Jewish farming communities on October 7th, 2023. They even did it to their own, gunning down and murdering women and children trying to flee the war zones in Gaza, leaving countless bloody bodies in their streets. These savages, indoctrinated by Muhammad and Allah, are a blight on the world, a deadly toxin for which there is no cure.

Should you be among the Muslims or Progressives demonstrating on behalf of these monsters and their diabolical religion, you deserve what they did to those who were simply trying to flee their inhuman influence. It is only fitting and fair.

428The Islamic god’s unsatiable hunger for terror is shocking. It’s hard to fathom scripture bragging, “How many towns have We destroyed?” or “Our anguishing terror came upon them while they were sleeping.” What would possess someone to claim this was Godly? And worst of all, in Islamic fashion, the terrorist demon and his narcissist non-prophet had the audacity to blame their victims. And yet, this verse from the Quran has been played out consistent with Allah’s and Muhammad’s instructions. Any failure to hold Islam accountable is ignorant, irrational, and immoral.

These jihadists, following their non-prophet’s and un-god’s example, raped little children, cut off their hands and feet, and then decapitated them. They raped the elderly, many after they had killed them. Their gang rapes of young girls were so violent they pulled their legs out of their sockets so that they could not be closed and then broke their pelvis to inflict the maximum pain. After torturing Jews by dismembering them, they shot them so many times in the face they were no longer recognizable.

Many of their victims were tied together with wire and then burned alive. During their suffering, these Muslims peed on them to mock their victims. In the case of the pregnant mother whose womb was sliced open to remove her baby, she was forced to watch these Muslims slice off her child’s head before they slit her throat and severed her head. Only Islam can corrupt a human to the point that the religious become diabolical psychopaths.

But it wasn’t all rape, pedophilia, and necrophilia – there was kidnapping. The Fakestinians who brought captives back to their religious enclave were offered free apartments in Gaza and a $10,000 reward for each – even for severed heads. I’ll recommend a cell in hell.

Before we move on, I want to bring your attention to the motivation behind this opening salvo. Muhammad wanted his detractors to know that his god would terrorize 429anyone who opposed them. It’s a warning: If you deny Muhammad, his followers will torture and murder you.

Quran 007.006 “Then it is true, We will interrogate those whom were sent to them. And lo, We will question the messengers.

Quran 007.007 Then assuredly, We will narrate to them with knowledge, for We were never absent (and saw what they did).”

Only in Islam is the victim of a terrorist attack blamed for their suffering. Although in the case of God’s people, this has long been the demented underbelly of all manner of conspiracies – blame the Jews.

In context, especially following verses 7:4 and 7:5, Quran passages 7:6 and 7:7 reveal that the now-deceased residents of the unsuspecting communities Muslims caught unaware and slaughtered are going to be interrogated by Allah. And while Allah is no more God than Satan, it would be senseless for anyone to question those who have already confessed, especially when he claims to be completely aware of everything they have said and done because he is omnipresent and omniscient.

Moreover, if God were everywhere and knew everything, then He and life would become meaningless. Allah’s position is the same as that superimposed on the god of Christianity, but two wrongs do not make a right.

For example, Yahowah does not know those who do not know Him. There is no reason for Him to be attuned to the religious or political. And even with His Covenant Family, Yahowah is deliberately unaware of our faults, which is part of the process of perfecting us. And if He allowed Himself to know our future, our relationship with Him wouldn’t be nearly as enjoyable.

Omnipresence is equally absurd. For example, Yahowah has to be of greater dimensions than our universe to have created it. And as such, it is impossible for Him to enter it. He can observe it and interact in it through words 430and implements, but all of God will not fit in 3D. Allah’s claim to have never been absent from any place at any time proves that he is too small to be God.

Let’s not, however, give Allah too much credit. Satan is all bluster and no bite. He has not actually done any of these things. It’s simply a matter of knowing that his threats induce fear and fear diminishes resistance. By claiming to have been a terrorist, Allah fools the unthinking into believing that he's capable of being a mass murderer. When in reality, the only way Satan can kill is to convince men that those who do will be rewarded for it.

To have exterminated entire cities, even generations, for disbelief would be psychotic and sadistic. But to have falsely bragged about having done so adds pathetic and delusional to the psychological evaluation.

The idea of weighing good and bad deeds on a scale is a religious notion that humans have postulated for millennia, and while it has no bearing with Yahowah, it is also a nonstarter for Islam due to predestination.

Quran 007.008 “The weighing on that day the true. So whose scale (is) heavy, then those, they the successful ones.

Quran 007.009 And those light his scales, so those the ones who lost their ownselves [sic] because they were unjust to Our signs.”

If this were actually from God, it would be appropriate to ask: What is true and false, heavy and light? When is this day? How does one lose oneself? And what signs have been treated unjustly?

Since Allah is capricious, not fair, since no amount of good deeds can outweigh predestination, and since scales would be inoperative in the weightless realm of Heaven or within the crushing gravity of Hell, this isn’t plausible. And the best “good deed,” according to Muhammad, is to die a jihadist terrorizing infidels. The worst is to be peaceful.

431Want proof? From Bukhari’s Book of Jihad, Chapter 1, number 1204: “A man came to Allah’s Messenger and said, ‘Guide me to such a deed as equals Jihad in reward. ‘He said, ‘I do not find such a deed.’”

Bukhari:V4B52N50 “The Prophet said, ‘A single endeavor of fighting in Allah's Cause is better than the world and whatever is in it.’” As we move into the Medina war surahs, I will share scores of these with you.

Returning to the 7th surah, we confront Allah’s version of creation and the Garden of ‘Eden. And yet, the un-god is miffed that men aren’t appreciative that he is a destructive terrorist and hanging judge.

Quran 007.010 “Lo, We have settled you on the earth, and appointed for you therein livelihood. Little thanks do you give!

Quran 007.011 And truthfully, We created you then we fashioned you. Then We ordered the angels to fall and prostrate to Adam. And they prostrated except Iblis (Satan). He refused to be of those who prostrate.”

This is an example of Muhammad or Allah beginning with something they heard the rabbis recite and then turning it to mush. The order of things is inverted. Here, mankind is settled, told to work, created, and then designed. There is no explanation of how, why, when, or where this occurred. Authority is given only to be immediately revoked by the un-god’s determination of livelihood. Then, the Islamic god complains that humankind is unappreciative. As such, it is all about him.

This is like telling a pet mouse that you created him to be free, only to put him in a cage with a sign saying, “Allahu Akbar | Mouse in Charge” to mock him. Then you order him to entertain you by running all day on the wheel you installed, expecting the little guy to squeak out appreciative platitudes all day long, all while threatening to have a hungry cat eat him.

432We are told nothing of why humankind was fashioned this way or how it relates to the supposed creator. In fact, man’s uniquely upright nature is immediately discounted by the insistence on prostrations. Then we are told that “angels” were ordered to “prostrate” themselves to Adam and that Iblis refused. There is no explanation as to why falling down would have been appropriate or even a hint as to why “angels” have become part of this discussion.

It is curious that the non-prophet chose to transliterate the Greek translation of mal’ak | spiritual messenger as “angel.” But it does explain how Muhammad contrived the name, “Iblis,” because it is a butchered transliteration of the Greek word, diabolos | devil. Iblis is otherwise without meaning in Arabic or Hebrew.

When Yahowah spoke of the conception of ‘Adam, He said that there were three components comprising his nature: a physical body derived from the minute particles of the earth, a nepesh | soul or consciousness, which gave him the ability to be observant and responsive, and a neshamah | conscience, which afforded ‘Adam the capacity to think and make sound decisions. The last of these, which provides our ability to reason and be moral, was said to reflect an important aspect of Yahowah’s nature.

Thereupon, ‘Adam was placed in the Garden of ‘Eden where God and man enjoyed long walks and meaningful conversations. Karuwbym were only present as protective spiritual beings. Comprised of light, they were stationed along the perimeter of the protective garden to keep the viciousness of non-neshamah man at bay. They do not bow down. Moreover, the only instructions are given to ‘Adam, not the karuwbym.

In a moment, I’ll explain the identity and intent of the karuwb known as ha Satan | the Adversary, who bears the name, Halal (or Heylel) ben Shachar. His story is told in 433the 14th chapter of Yasha’yah / Isaiah, which we will soon consider. To know him is to know Allah.

With the exception of the Islamic embellishment of prostration, what follows is implied in Genesis, Isaiah, and Ezekiel, but not overtly stated, so this is further evidence Muhammad and Allah were adlibbing on what they had heard recited from the Babylonian Talmud.

Quran 007.012 “Said, ‘What prevented you that you did not fall prostrate when I commanded you?’ Said: ‘I am better than him. You created me from fire and him you created from mud.’

Quran 007.013 Said. ‘Go down from it. It is not for you to be arrogant here. Go away, for you are degraded and disgraced.’”

Had this narration been presented a millennium later, it would have been called a Freudian slip. While Allah’s name was not mentioned here, nor his title, ha Satan | the Adversary, this was all very personal for the wannabe god. He dispensed with the plural “We” and transitioned without explanation to the singular “I.” And that was because this has nothing to do with humankind, for whom there were no instructions or commands, nor was it even for Muhammad, who was just a shill, but was instead for Satan to become Allah.

For the Devil to achieve his intent, which is Allahu Akbar, and be perceived as greater than Yahowah, he must jettison his ha Satan | Adversary nomenclature. So, by demeaning and demoting Iblis, and commanding that he bow to Allah’s intent and then be cast away into oblivion, Satan is doing precisely what Yasha’yah predicted of him.

After discarding his true identity as ha Satan, just as a snake sheds its skin, Allah was positioning himself as the one who was opposed to Satan. This was not Satan opposing himself but, instead, Satan ridding himself of the title that was sequestering his ambitions. So, while Allah is Satan, to be seen as God, this was his first order of business. 434Allah was casting his Satanic title aside, banishing it forever, while pretending to be God.

Since the repositioning of Satan as God was the purpose of Islam, I would like to share what Yahowah predicted 1,300 years before Allah played his part. This is from the hand of the third most important prophet in human history following only Moseh and Dowd…

“Foreigners from different cultural groups estranged from Yisra’el (wa ha ger) will be indentured to them (lawah ‘al hem) because (wa) they will be assigned to (saphach ‘al) the house (beyth) of Ya’aqob (Ya’aqob). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:1)

Then (wa) many within the family (‘am rab) will take them (laqach hem) and bring them (wa bow’ hem) to their region and (‘erets wa) to their dwelling places (‘el maqowm hem). The house (wa beyth) of Yisra’el (Yisra’el) will take possession of them (nachal hem) upon (‘al) Yahowah’s (Yahowah) earth (‘adamah) as (la) servants (‘ebed) and as (wa la) maids (shiphchah).

So it will come to be that (wa hayah) those who had been their captives (la shabah hem) will take them as prisoners (shabah), and (wa) they will rule over (radah) those who had oppressed them (nagas hem).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:2)

Muslims have robbed, demeaned, and enslaved Jews for 1,400 years – beginning with Muhammad in Yathrib and continuing through October 7th, 2023 in Israel, with over 1,200 murdered and 240 taken captive. And unlike Progressives, Yahowah knows what happens when those who deliberately abuse innocent people are not held accountable. Without recompense, there is no justice or morality. Therefore, ten years from this attack (on October 7th, 2033), Muslims will endure what they have wrought. Neither the religious nor political will torment them again.

435“It will come to pass (wa hayah), in that day (ba yowm), Yahowah (Yahowah) will restore you and provide a favorable, restful, spiritual alliance (nuwach). He will remove you from the pain and suffering associated with your anguishing works-oriented religious worship (la ‘atah min ‘otseb ‘atah) as well as from your turmoil and trepidation (wa min rogez ‘atah), especially from (wa min) the unyielding and cruel (ha qasheh) religious practices and required labor (‘abodah) in which (‘asher) they forced you to serve (‘abad ba ‘atah).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:3)

With the date set, the dividing lines drawn, and the outcome certain, we are afforded the means to be on the right side when all of this comes crashing down upon a world in turmoil.

“In that day (wa ba ha yowm), you should lift up (nasa’) this particular Mashal | Comparative Word Picture and Proverb which illustrates an ethical point to provide guidance and build character while equipping you to exercise good judgment (ha Mashal ha zeh) against (‘al) the one who reigned over and influenced (melek) Babel | the Confounding Confusion of Commingling in Babylon with the Lord (Babel).

You may ask (wa ‘amar) how it is in the midst of these extraordinary circumstances that (‘ek) the onslaught of the systematic and boisterous promotion of mistaken beliefs (madhebah) will subside and cease so as to observe the Shabat (shabat)? Yet in this way, even in the midst of this (‘ek), the exploitation, manipulation, corruption, and overt desire to control and tax (nagas), will be abated (shabat).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:4)

We can avert the onslaught of the religious corruption that has streamed out of Babylon over the years by considering Yahowah’s testimony, particularly by reading what Yasha’yah has written. This enables us to become 436properly guided and equipped to exercise good judgment about how Satan uses religion to promote mistaken beliefs.

Babel denotes being confused by the intermixing of truth and lies with the Lord’s blessing. It is expressed throughout institutionalized religion, where gods and kings became inseparable. It is from Babel that Yahowah asked ‘Abraham to leave before engaging in the Covenant, making this a prerequisite for being part of God’s Family. And it is from Babel that we are asked to withdraw before He returns – affirming that Jews are still hostage to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

“Yahowah (Yahowah) will break (shabar) the staff and club of religious and political oppression (mateh) – these proverbial citations and edicts used by rulers to control people and nations (shebet mashal) which are invalid and incorrect (rasha’). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:5)

He will strike down and destroy (nakah) these people (‘am) in righteous indignation (ba ‘ebrah) with unfailing (bilthy sarah) affliction and plagues (makah). As gentiles, they sought to subdue and control, ruling over by imposing their authority and trampling down freewill to dominate the nations (radah gowym), grievously (‘aph) and systematically depriving people of their rights while persecuting them (murdap) without restraint (bely).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:6)

Holding people accountable for the harm they have inflicted on others is the only way to be moral, just, and compassionate. Any other response would be unconscionable. So as a result of doing the right thing…

“The entire (kol) Earth (‘erets) will be at rest spiritually (nuwach), at peace and reconciled (shaqat), restored, liberated, and bursting forth (patsach) in song, shouting for joy (rinah).” (Yasha’yah 14:7)

437This is Sukah! For the first time since Yahowah and ‘Adam camped out in the Garden together six thousand years ago, God will call Earth home. We will explore the planet together, learn from one another, and sing uplifting songs, enjoying a thousand-year Shabat.

While Yahowah is calling His people to His Covenant Family, there will be those who are excluded, beginning with ha Satan | the Adversary…

She’owl | Hell and Sha’uwl | Paul (She’owl), as the least desirable and most depressing alternative (min tachath), are anxious in anticipation, indeed, excited (rogez) to summon and meet you, announcing your arrival (la ‘atah la qara’ bow’ ‘atah). They have been alerted and are aroused to crush (‘uwr la ‘atah) all of the departed souls (kol repha’ym) of those who have been leaders and rulers (‘atuwd) of the Earth (‘erets).

The leaders of every nation and institution, the most powerful and important individuals influencing every society religiously, militarily, and politically (kol melek) of the gentiles and nations (gowym) have established (quwm) their thrones and positions of power (min kise’ hem).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:9)

The souls of world leaders, whether they claimed religious, political, or military authority, are either currently incarcerated in She’owl or headed in that direction. And that makes this among the most polarizing statements presented by God.

This not only affirms that Sha’uwl | Paul lied when he wrote that all governments were established by God and should be obeyed in his overture to the Romans, it unravels the entire fabric of Islamic history. There is no getting around this, no reprieve for Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Church, or Islam.

438Those who tried to upend the natural order of things will not find their diminished status and accommodations to their liking. But given their preference for altering reality, perhaps they will redecorate Hell. The inmates were overheard chatting with one another regarding ha Satan’s arrival as Allah, Jesus, and HaShem…

“All of them (kol hem) will respond (‘anah) and say to you (wa ‘amar ‘el ‘atah), ‘Have you also become weak and afflicted, riddled with anxiety (gam ‘atah chalah), similar to us (ka ‘anachnuw ‘el ‘anachnuw), becoming like the proverb (mashal)?’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:10)

The inmates are questioning ha Satan in his guise as Allah, Jesus, and HaShem…

“Your arrogance, unwarranted status, and desire to rise above others, your lack of morality, propensity to blow smoke, and agitating self-glorification (ga’own ‘atah) have brought you down (yarad) to Hell (She’owl). And at the boisterous and disquieting sound (wa ha hemyah) of your disgraceful and foolish implements (nebel ‘atah), maggots (rimah) will be spread out as a bed (yatsa’) and (wa) worms (towle’ah) shall become your covers (makaseh ‘atah).” (Yasha’yah 14:11)

While an apt depiction of religious and political leaders, worms and maggots are metaphors for decomposition. So, the message here is that Satan is bringing a pack of loudmouthed demons along with him, in addition to a plethora of foulmouthed Muslims.

We have arrived at the place we had anticipated. Out of Heaven, through Babylon, and now among Gentiles, we are introduced to Halal / Hylel ben Shachar – more commonly known as Satan. He has been cast out of the spiritual realm for having estranged souls and spirits from God by lording over them such that they bow down in submission – elucidating the Quran’s narrative.

439Since every nuance of what was foretold thirteen centuries before Allah fulfilled this prophecy is vital to our understanding, I will provide an amplified translation henceforth. And as you read this, remember how fixated Allah was on having Iblis and his kind naphal | fall down, becoming prostrate…

“This is the extent and circumstances behind why (‘ek – this explains how) you have fallen and have been cast down, now prostrate (naphal – you have gone from a higher position to a lower one as a result of your contempt, have been allotted to the earth below, falling prostrate in worship for having failed, banished from association (qal perfect)) from (min) the spiritual realm of Heaven (ha shamaym) Halal ben Shachar | Flashy and Arrogant Spawn of Darkness (Hylel ben Shachar – Brightly Shining Son of Artifice, flashy, swarthy, and boastful dawn of a new age where the truth is concealed, an early light-bearing child of the east with overtly zealous desires, conjuring and shimmering son of blackness using ploys, trickery, and illusions, an ostentatious show predisposed to mislead and make others appear foolish as a descendant of a black and gloomy place predicated upon the rising sun, crescent moon, and morning star, more commonly known as ‘Lucifer;’ from halal | to shine, to be flashy, to boast, and to arrogantly seek praise, slanderous, insane, foolish, and furious, ben | son, child, and offspring, and shachar | early on to seek to cloud over and to obscure in darkness during the dawn of a different day, relying on trickery and magic, plots and illusions).

Having disassociated, you are cut down and cast away (gada’ – for having estranged many, you have been felled and have fallen, cut off for what has been done, ultimately silenced while subjected to enormous pressures, sent down (nifal perfect – having severed others from God over a finite period, Satan will suffer the effect of being cast down for a while then be entirely disassociated)) to the 440Earth (la ha ‘erets) for having conquered through religious and political prostrations, thereby lording (chalash – for having overcome, controlling by depriving many of the capacity to avoid dying, disabling the weakened who bow down) over (‘al – among, before, and in association with) people, and specifically Gentiles, their nations and institutions (gowym – foreign and estranged ethnic, religious, and geopolitical groups apart from Yisra’el, pagan peoples acting as if they were animals, the walking dead; from gawah – arrogantly exalting humans, especially their flesh and bones, while pridefully lifting up those who have turned their backs and are walking away, the corpse and carcass of the dead).” (Yasha’yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 14:12)

Yahowah is revealing the ‘ek | circumstances behind why ha Satan | the Adversary was cast out of Heaven and down to Earth. In the initial verb, we discover that the Devil was not only naphal | cast out and banished, but he was also naphal | diminished and put into an inferior position. His association with God is over. Allah, as Satan, having endured this, repurposed it to upend reality.

Mankind’s exposure to the Arrogant Son of Darkness was just beginning, as his name implies. Hylel is to be flashy and boastful, things God is not. It is to foolishly seek praise – something that God disdains and which lies at the heart of Satan’s problem – especially in Islam. In addition, halal is to be slanderous, insane, foolish, and furious – unbecoming traits even for the Adversary.

Yahowah never asks us to praise or worship Him because doing so would degrade God while foreclosing on the familial relationship He desires. A superior being who would create an inferior lifeform to worship him is narcissistic and pathetic. Bowing down to loved ones destroys the volition and reciprocity needed to develop a mutually enjoyable and beneficial relationship. To a significant degree, this is what differentiates Yahowah as 441Father from Allah as Lord. This is the disparity between relationship and religion.

Ben Shachar | the Spawn of Darkness is an unappealing moniker, which is why Satan’s preference is to be known as the Ba’al | Lord. In this name, we find the Adversary using trickery and magic, artifice and illusions, to conjure a false impression.

During this shachar | dawning of the new eras of Judaism, Christianity, and his Magnum opus, Islam, Satan will seek to conceal his jealous desires and ultimate destination – the darkness of a black hole. Shachar | has arisen out of the East, ascending from the Babylonian influences on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to plague the world. All the while, Allah will be worshiped under the guise of the crescent moon and morning star – symbols that permeate the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman religions, Astrology, Christianity, Judaism, and particularly, Islam. And Muslims will act like demons controlled by the Devil.

Halal ben Shachar is a Hellish name. By analyzing it, we know why ha Satan prefers to be called the Lord, God, HaShem, Jesus Christ, and Allah. As the Adversary, he isn’t going to fool anyone into worshiping him as God, which is why he goes to great lengths to disparage the Satanic title he despises – overtly doing so in the Quran.

In the nifal perfect stem and conjugation, gada’ reveals that, as a result of having severed others from God over a finite period of time, Satan will be cast down and then be disassociated in the place of eternal estrangement. In this regard, for credibility’s sake, Satan even babeled | commingled a true statement among his lies.

So, while Yahowah has a differentiated habitat, with Him residing in Shamaym | the Spiritual Realm of Heaven, Halal ben Shachar’s current abode is the ‘erets | Earth – 442although there is a timeshare arranged for him in She’owl. Allahu not so akbar.

Satan was predicted to do as he has done, chalash ‘al gowym | conquering through religious and political prostrations, thereby lording over people, particularly Gentiles, their nations and institutions. To chalash is to control others, depriving them of the capacity to live. The chalash are disabled and weakened as a result of bowing down in submission. Yahowah predicted Allah.

The Devil’s playground has been among the gowym | those foreign to Yisra’el and estranged ethnically, religiously, and geopolitically from Yahuwdym. As pagan people, they have acted as zombies, like the walking dead.

Recognizing that gowy is from gawah, we discover that these people tend to arrogantly exalt humans, especially the flesh and bones of the dearly departed. In gawah, we also find them pridefully lifting up those who have turned their backs on and are walking away from God. Other synonyms include corpse and carcass, which bode poorly against the desire to live forever. Gawah speaks to Allah’s preoccupation with bodily resurrection.

More than this, necrophilia was not only prevalent among the Muslim monsters who perpetrated the October 7th, 2023 massacre – there are Hadith explaining the proper way to rape the dead. The problem is so pervasive that in places like Pakistan, the coffins of dead women are protected by locked metal gates to keep fathers and sons from desecrating the dead bodies of their mothers and daughters. In Israel on October 7th, Muslim monsters decapitated a 22-year-old man, sodomized his dead body, then took his head to Gaza and put it up for sale online. The IDF found it in an ice cream freezer. Isn’t it what one would expect of Muslims, knowing that their god is Satan?

While this is bad news, it is about to get worse. Satan isn’t lurking in the shadows, maneuvering behind the 443scenes, or hanging out waiting for the next séance. Ha Satan has positioned himself as the god of religion and the lord of governance in Islamic, Christian, Jewish, and Progressive nations.

This is Allah, from self-aggrandizement to arrogance, from pretending to be the one and only God to lifting up his own throne, from making the stars submit to claiming Mount Moriah – it is all indicative of Islam’s god. We were warned a thousand years before the plague began.

“Because (wa – and) you (‘atah), yourself, said (‘amar – you claimed and declared, expressed in words and intended (qal perfect)) in your judgment and based upon your inclinations (ba lebab ‘atah – from your perspective and reflecting your ambitions, in your thinking you have taken to heart and are resolved and determined based upon your desires; from labab – to ravish, overwhelm, and overpower, even the intelligence to encourage an emotional response), ‘I will ascend, rise up, and be continuously exalted (‘alah – I will rise above and be lifted up, I will be presented as superior and worshiped, even seen as a deity (qal imperfect)) in the spiritual realm of heaven (ha shamaym – among the stars in the sky and the abode of God), over and above (min ma’al – ascending upward beyond, greater than, as the highest part of, and because of) the stars, the most luminous in the highest places, and the best and brightest (la kowkab – the heavenly powers and great luminaries which are worshiped) of God (‘el – of the Almighty).

I will lift up and exalt, increasing (ruwm – I will place on high, elevating and magnifying in defiance (hifil imperfect)) my throne (kise’ ‘any – my seat of power and honor, my place to influence and rule by expressing my authority; from kasah – to conceal one’s true identity, hiding the information needed to understand, covering over and clothing oneself in a way which is misleading).

444I will establish and inhabit a dwelling place (wa yashab – I will approach and settle upon, abiding and remaining, creating a place for people to meet (qal imperfect)) on the Mount of the Eternal Witness to the Restoring Appointments (ba har mow’ed – in conjunction with the mountains and ridgeline of the designated and authorized times to meet for the celebratory feasts and continuing testimony (Moriah), to gather together and observe the agreement; from mow – this pertains to and ‘ed – the eternal and restoring witness, everlasting testimony, and enduring evidence, and ya’ad – to appoint and designate, to set and fix, to gather for a betrothal ceremony) in association with (ba) the distant boundaries, from the depths below to the summit above (yarekah – the remote border and extent of the space, the furthest extremities; from yarek – base of generative and procreative power) to be concealed among that which is treasured in the north (tsaphown – the left-hand side; from tsaphan – to lurk and hide one’s actual merit from discovery). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:13)

I will ascend and be continuously exalted, presented as superior to and be worshiped (‘alah – I will rise above and be lifted up) above (‘al – over) the heights (bamah – elevated places of worship, the lofty shrines and cultic platforms of pagan religious devotion) of the clouds (‘ab – of obscuring phenomenon which conceals heavenly objects from view). I will on my own initiative make myself appear as if I were (damah – I will do whatever is necessary to be considered as, correspond to, and be the equivalent of, I will consistently resemble and be comparable to, such that on an ongoing basis I will be seen in the likeness of (hitpael imperfect – without support, assistance, or interference, on my own initiative and based solely on my ability and actions, I intend to tell a story such that I continually imply that I am)) the Most High (la ‘elyown – I am all things pertaining to the uppermost, the one true God, the supreme being, greater and higher than 445the Almighty, rising above even God; from ‘el – God, ‘alah – to rise above, ‘own – all things pertaining to, and ‘any – I am).’” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:14)

In other words, Allah is Satan pretending to be God. He is the only one who fits the profile, with a fixation on placing his throne in the clouds and then desecrating the Temple Mount with his trophies. He has even managed to use the black ooze under the feet of Muslims to facilitate his rise because the Europeans and Americans, Russians and Chinese to the north treasure it.

This candid declaration may be among the most revealing and relevant statements ever made. It explains how Satan operates and where we should expect to find him – which is impersonating God – and thus the object of religious devotion. He is the Rabbi Allah.

What we have just read is the opposite of what mankind has been led to believe, where instead of Satan looking and acting like the Devil, he has positioned himself to be seen and worshiped as if he were God. Churches, mosques, and synagogues have been erected in his honor and for his glorification. And in them, he gets to rail against the Satanic moniker he despises, further confusing his target audience.

The concluding pronouncement is among the least appreciated anywhere in the prophets. Satan has betrayed, lied, and terrorized, saying whatever was necessary to perpetrate the greatest fraud of all time. For most of humanity, Satan is their god. He has played humankind for fools – particularly Muslims. He has told his story, and the faithful believed him over God who inspired these words.

We know that Satan achieved his ambition because Yahowah has already passed judgment. He had a long run. It has been 6,000 years since deceiving Chawah into believing that she could be like God if she would defy God.

446And soon, on the first of ‘Abyb in 2030, Satan will make his final debut as if he were God during the Time of Yisra’el’s Troubles. He will be eliciting mankind’s devotion between years 5997 and 6000 Yah. But alas for the Evil One, upon Yahowah’s return, come Sukah, the 7th of October 2033, there will be no bit players. The role of false god will have been written out of the script.

“Surely (‘ak – indeed, as a matter of emphasis, immediately after the conclusion of an upcoming and subsequent period of time) to (‘el – in the direction of and into) Hell (She’owl – place of exile, abandonment, punishment, and questioning, the abode of no return, the void; from sha’al – to question and to be questioned, to beg and to be given what has been requested and is required, indistinguishable from Sha’uwl, the failed king Saul and false prophet Paul), you are being forced down (yarad – you are brought, compelled and having no say in the matter, descending not of your own accord (hofal imperfect – Hylel ben Shachar is being acted upon, is devoid of freewill, and is compelled by force to descend just as the object, She’owl, is obligated to receive him forevermore)) to (‘el – toward) the remote depths (yarekah – the distant border of space and time, to the far extremity and the innermost recesses) of the prison (bowr – of the dungeon of depression, the hole; from buwr – to make clear, explain, and to be given proof).” (Yasha’yah 14:15)

No one will have ever fallen so far. From the Heights of Heaven to the innermost recesses of Hell, he became the most popular, praised, and worshiped being in history. No one has amassed more devotees or followers.

Countless religious edifices have been erected in his honor. Thousands of armies have marched to his cadence. And hundreds of governments have sworn allegiance to him. His influence is unsurpassed. His scriptures have sculpted our world. And in the end, people have chosen him over Yahowah by a million or more to one.

447She’owl is a prison designed to incarcerate spiritual beings comprised of light. It is remote and depressing, a dark dungeon from which there will be no escape. The closest analog to She’owl is a Black Hole where light is trapped forever and never escapes.

Satan will be unmasked, and his luminosity will be dimmed, then extinguished. The spirit who sought to be God will be forever branded as the Adversary. She’owl will be his eternal home…

“Those who look at you (ra’ah ‘atah ‘el ‘atah – those who see you and are shown who you are) will stare (shagah – will look intently, observing closely so as to become better informed) in your direction (‘el ‘atah – at you), trying to understand (byn – seeking to make the connections needed to comprehend, apprehending the information to consider) how this individual (zeh ha ‘ysh) caused the Earth to tremble, astonished, agitated, and angry (ragaz ha ‘erets – shook up, provoked, and anguished the material realm, creating instability and turmoil, invoking fear (hifil participle)), by invoking fear within (ra’ash – by creating discord and rattling, commotion and chaos, thereby ruining and destroying) empires and governments (mamlakah – kingdoms and geopolitical realms, world leaders, those who claim the authority to rule). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:16)

How (ha – why) was the world (tebel – was the planet, the expanse of the Earth, the habitats of humankind) caused to be (ha sym – set to be and made (qal perfect participle)) a lifeless place without the word (midbar – a barren wasteland and uninhabited wilderness where the declaration and promises are not considered; a compound of mah – to seek answers by asking who, what, where, why, when, and how questions about dabar – the word)?

Its cities (‘iyr huw’ – its inhabitants, villages, and towns, its shrines and temples, its anguished and anxious 448male asses) he left in ruins (haras – he caused the downfall and demolished). His captives (‘asyr huw’ – those bound to him, his prisoners, those who are tied and obligated to him and who have sworn an oath to him as his slaves) he never released to go (lo’ pathach – he did not free, nor even respond by providing an opening to return) home (beyth).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:17)

Even equipped with God’s testimony, it is hard to imagine how Satan’s spirit possessing a man this obviously disingenuous and self-serving, this wrong, could take the world by storm and be so destructive. Even after bringing the planet to its knees – literally – the eyewitnesses will not apprehend what has happened to desolate the Earth.

Halal ben Shachar has become the kind of god people have become accustomed to believing, worshiping, and fearing. In the image of a man, is like Ba’al, ‘Asherah, and Tammuz, Zeus, Athena, and Dionysus, Jupiter, Venus, and Bacchus, Jesus, and Allah. Mix in a little Nero, Caligula, and Hadrian, some Akiba, Rashbi, and Maimonides, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, add a demonic dash of the Devil, and you will have your Towrahless One of the Last Days. He will create discord and chaos while claiming to be a unifier. But in the end, everything he touches will be left in ruins.

While this will be a worldwide phenomenon, the final Beast will set his sights on Israel, Judea, Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, Jews, and their God, Yahowah, His Towrah, Miqra’ey, and Beryth. His influence will be catastrophic. If not constrained by God, the planet would become lifeless – a barren and uninhabited wilderness.

For this to occur and be his responsibility, there must be a world war, one which ends in a nuclear holocaust. And we are getting closer every day in Ukraine and Iran – as demonstrated by the dress rehearsal of October 7th, 2023 – a stratagem that will be replayed with one hundred times more rockets and militants.

449Even though he will go down in flames and be exposed as the great deceiver, there will be no release for the spirits and souls who will have foolishly pledged their allegiance to Allah. There will be no going back, no begging for forgiveness, and no changing sides at the eleventh hour. As we near the end, everyone will be seen as a friend or foe, with Yahowah or against Him. That is why we are working diligently to encourage Yahuwdym to answer Yahowah’s final offer to return before it is too late.

“Each of (kol – all of) the rulers (melek – the leaders, the heads of government, the political, social, religious, and military authority figures) of the gentiles and their nations (gowym – of the ethnicities distinct and estranged from Yisra’el, the geopolitical associations of people who act on their animal and religious instincts), all of them (kol hem), have been laid to rest (shakab – are horizontal, laying down) glorified and honored (kabowd – attributed status and surrounded by their possessions), each individual (‘ysh) in his own household (ba beyth huw’ – within his own family lineage).” (Yasha’yah 14:18)

Nations have built elaborate tombs, erecting shrines for their fallen leaders. Mitsraym | Egypt set the standard for this rite of passage. But no matter the size of the memorial, even if it is as massive as a great pyramid, the king is dead. And that is the point.

Sadly, the most crazed today when it comes to venerating their deceased are none other than the masters of religious malfeasance. They orchestrate great pilgrimages each year to honor those who deceived them – and they parade their dead through the streets as fallen heroes. Stupid is as stupid does.

Addressing the god of religion, Halal ben Shachar, and those who leagued with him, Yahowah says…

“You (wa ‘atah), yourself, will be forcibly cast out (shalak – you will be thrown out in compulsory fashion, 450and with no say in the matter hurled away (hofal perfect – the rejection will be intense and obligatory at this moment)) from (min) your death and grave (qeber ‘atah – the specter of you passing away) like (ka – in the manner of) a loathed and rejected (ta’ab – an abhorred and despised, vile and repulsive, abominable and desecrated) offshoot (netser – secondary or tertiary branch, shoot, or scion), clothed, wearing (labuwsh – adorned and covered with) the slain and slaughtered (harag – those intentionally murdered and viciously killed), those pierced (ta’an – those struck and thrust through) by war, cut and severed by the sword (chereb), descending (yarad – bowing down prostrate while going down) to (‘el) the depressed prison (bowr – the hole, dungeon, shaft, and pit) akin to (ka – like) a corpse (peger – a carcass, a dead corporeal body or lifeless idol) which is rejected (buws – kicked out and forbidden).” (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 14:19)

Yahowah is reinforcing the fact that He is not going to forgive and forget what Muhammad, Allah, and Islam have done to His people. The Adversary and his religious, political, and military accomplices are seen as so vile, that even the Earth will reject them, and spew their bodies out of the ground. They will not be granted a reprieve in death as they will be sent off to an eternity in She’owl.

As we consider the prophet’s next pronouncement regarding Allah’s fate, and that of the multitudes of Muslims he beguiled, God is revealing that Halal ben Shachar will precede his followers to their demise. Therefore, Yahowah will quickly and personally dispense with Satan. Yes, they will all be headed to the same place, just not at the same time. Imagine the consternation among Muslims as they witness Allah being cast into Hell.

“You will not be joined at the same time (lo’ yachad – you will not be united immediately) by them (‘eth hem) in burial (ba qabuwrah – where the dead are interned) because (ky – for the reason that) you have corrupted and 451destroyed (shachath – you have perverted, sullied, spoiled, and ruined, confounded and devastated, turning it into a slime pit, a putrid swamp of decay, a cesspool for the decomposing) your world (‘erets ‘atah – your realm). Your compatriots and followers (‘am ‘atah – your people and nations, your countries and armies), you have intentionally slaughtered and viciously slain (hereg – you have murdered). The offspring (zera’ – descendants and progenies, children and posterity) of evil (ra’a – of deliberately misleading and harmful shepherds, of displeasing and noxious individuals, of the injurious and wrong) will never be invited or called out, remaining unwelcome (lo’ qara’ – will not be acknowledged or mentioned) for all eternity (la ‘owlam).” (Yasha’yah / Freedom is from Yah / Isaiah 14:20)

Not only does Satan stand convicted and condemned, the lone incarnation of the Adversary which meets every criterion of this prophecy is Allah – affirming our conclusions regarding him. And so, by the time this nightmarish scenario ends, billions of souls will have paid the ultimate price. The god Muslims believe will save them will condemn them.

Now we know why Allah was so insistent on casting Iblis aside. Nothing is more essential to his quest to be worshiped as if God.
